#iggy responds
iggysmice · 1 year
Autism Food Opinion Report:
Pls give me your Opinions(tm) in the tags.
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gingernut1314 · 3 months
Call Me Baby
SDC x SDC!GN!Reader
Summary: The Stardust Crusaders need to know why you called them by their name.
Warnings: Takes place in JJBA part 3, Jotaro's kinda of goes past part 3 cause I wanted to lolol, established relationships, slight misuse of a Star Platinum??? (I say it's the only right way to use a stand buuuuuttt......), I'm pretending like Suzi Q was never in the picture (love you queen, but your husband is hot so you can travel with Lisa-Lisa) but yall are free to do as you do, the slightest mention of spice, Iggy is a PET/DOG only
Word Count: 760+, 680+, 560+, 700+ , 760+, 450+, Total: 3.9K
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Taglist: @cinnbar-bun @lostfirefly
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Jotaro Kujo 😒🐬
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Jotaro will never admit it, but he loves that you call me baby/babe
At first, he grumbles and tells you to stop but the more you do it, the more it grows on him and the less he’ll complain
When the other Crusaders get on him for it, he’ll tell them to shut the hell up as he simply grabs your upper arm and drags you further along and away from them as they cackle like utter fools.
He’s been through all the teasing and continues to let you call him that silly-ass pet name even when he utterly dislikes it (Errrrrrr--fake. He lies to himself)
So when you call him by his name on a random Tuesday afternoon he doesn’t know what to make of it
What the hell were you doing calling him by his name?
He won't respond and continues to read his book in the living room of your shared home
You’ll call for him again, thinking he didn’t hear you the first time
but this time he’ll turn his sharp, green eyes up to look at you from underneath the visor of his hat
“Who the hell are you calling for?” He asks, letting his irritation get the best of him. You just blink because what is he talking about? It’s only the two of you here. Who else would you be calling for?
“Your name is Jotaro, isn’t it? I’m calling for you so get your ass up and come help me with this. I can’t reach--”
“No.” He simply says, returning his eyes to his book. You grit your teeth and stare daggers into him, trying to think of what the hell he was going on in his mind--what the hell he was playing at
“Jotaro.” No response. “This isn’t funny.” A flip of the page in his book. 
You march over to him with a huff of annoyed air, the book he’s trained his eyes on snapped shut with a simple movement of your hand. You leaned down, placing a hand on the armrest next to him so that you could look upon the entirety of his flawless face under his hat.
“Remember what we’ve gone over together about telling each other our feelings because some of us would prefer to bottle it up and storm around all grumpy?” Those green eyes snapped up to look at you again.
“You’re starting to piss me off now.” You give him an all too bright smile, bringing your other hand up to pat his cheek in a way you knew would only piss him off further.
“Aww see, Jotaro. That’s not so hard.” You tease only for his hand to grab hold of your wrist faster than lighting, yanking you closer so that you see his displeasure up close and personal. 
“You’ll stop calling me that right now.” You blink in utter confusion at his gritted-out words.
“Then what am I supposed to--” It clicked then what he’s so worked up about. Why he keeps insisting you not to use his name. It makes your heart flutter to think that he might actually like being called by that pet name. “Oh--oh you sweet thing.” You purr in teasingly, only making those eyes of his hardened further. His grip on your wrist tightened. “You just want me to call you my baby, right?” 
Jotaro lets you go then, going for the closed book in his lap in his own unique way to end the conversation there. Oh, but you are fully invested. You weren’t going to just drop it as you might usually do. No. Not when he’s put on such a show for you. 
“Baby,” You say, lowly, stopping the books to travel upward. You watched his shoulders relax at the pet name. Such a small release of tension you hadn’t even noticed added before. “Can you please grab the tupperware from the top cabinet for me? The one with the red lid? I need it down so I can pack some goodies for your mother when we go to visit her tonight.” 
“Fine.” He said, going to stand from his seat, but you kept him caged in. You couldn’t help the smile that bloomed over your face as you looked over his features, which he always tried to keep oh so emotionless. 
You leaned in, placing a quick peck to his feather-soft lips. 
“Thank you, babe.” You said, moving away so that he could stand. 
“Good grief.” He grumbled, sounding and looking all so annoyed, but he couldn’t control Star Platinum from popping an arm out to give your hand a quick squeeze.
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Joseph Joestar 🏃‍♂️🛬
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He’s calling you babe/baby
You’re calling him babe/baby
He hasn’t given you a choice in the matter and neither have you
It’s second nature
It’s his and yours second name
So when you call him by his first name, it can only mean one of three things
1) You’re in his arms moaning it for all to hear and making his already too-big ego even bigger
2) he’s dying/in danger and you're screaming at him to not be as such
Or 3) you’re completely and utterly furious with him and are about to murder him
But, as he’s joining the other Crusaders all gathered in the hallway of the hotel room they had picked out and hears his name growled out like it had come from the lips of some great bloodthirsty beast, he knows he’s about to get completely wiped from the face of the earth by your hand 
“OH MY GOD!” Joseph shouts, heart coming to a full stop in his chest. “Hide me! Hide me now.” He all but begs to the group.
“What? Trouble in paradise?” Polnareff teases as Joseph grabs for his arm.
“What the hell did you do now, old man?” Jotaro asks, shoving his hands into his pockets. 
“I don’t know!” Joseph just managed to get out before the door to your hotel room swung open with a bang. He gives a shout in fright as he pulls Polnareff in front of him in an attempt to hide himself. 
“Joseph Joestar.” You fume, marching down the hall towards the group. 
“Last name too. Huh.” Kakyoin observes from where he stood next to Jotaro. 
“Get your ass over here. Right. Now.” You hiss, shoving Polnareff out of your way. The Frenchman began to laugh hysterically, unable to keep it down any longer.
“What? You’re gonna have to speak up, my sweet honey bunch, sugar pie, love of my life. My hearing isn’t how it once was.” Joseph panicked, reaching for Avdol’s arm only for the fortuneteller to move out of the way. 
“Forgive me, friend. This is your battle alone.”
“But--but--” A hand grabbing hold of his shirt froze him in his place. “B-baby…hey. Mornin’.” He said, slowly turning around to face your wrath. “Have I told you how beautiful you look today? No?” He gently unraveled your fingers from his shirt to hold it, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your knuckles. “Just--look at you. You take my damn breath--”
“Joseph.” The man gave a sharp gulp at his name spoken in such a threatening way.
“Yes, sweetness?” He said, trying to soften your anger one last time with pet names and caresses against the skin of your hand.
“What is the one thing I have asked you to stop doing time and time again?” Joseph’s brown eyes flickered towards his grandson as he thought. Jotaro only pulled his hat further down his head to keep himself out of it. 
“Uh--not to use your hairbrush?” You shook your head. “Not to…eat your snacks?” Yet another shake of your head. 
“Nope. Want to take one more guess?”
“I--Do I want to?” Joseph said with a nervous laugh. 
“Next you’ll say: Sorry, babe. I was in such a rush this morning I completely forgot to not use your hair products because my hair could never be as beautiful and luscious as yours.” You said all too sweetly in the face of such anger you had been presenting.
“Heh, heh…babe, you know that's my lin--OH NO!” Joseph shouted, as you yanked him down, knocked his hat off his head, and gave his hair a good ruffle to mess up all the work he had done using your products. 
“Don’t do it again, Joestar.” You hissed, in his face, now sporting a too-cute pout. It made your anger bank the slightest. You could never resist that face, even when he drove you utterly crazy. “Find us a good breakfast place baby, and I’ll forgive you.” Joseph’s face instantly brightened and he placed a big, old smooch on your cheek. 
“You’re in luck, baby because I know just the place.”
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Muhammad Avdol 🔥🦅
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He’s not going to be the biggest when it comes to calling you baby/babe
But please go ahead and call him baby/babe
He loves it
He loves it so much he finds himself doing more and more romantic things for you just to keep pulling the pet name from your lips
He’ll shower you in flowers and small gifts and forehead kisses and praises all to have you call him baby
When he’s feeling more goofy or happy, you’ll find him calling you baby/babe right back
So on the rare occasion you call him by name, he can’t help but feel disappointed
“Have I done something to upset you?” He’ll ask softly, brows furrowed as he focused his whole attention onto you. 
“What? No. Why would I be upset with you?” You asked, turning to face him fully, your own concern etched onto your face. “I was just asking for you to pass me another napkin.” 
“Oh.” Avdol mutters in a small voice you hardly ever heard him speak in. He hadn’t even heard your question, just the utter lack of the pet name. You watched him carefully as he grabbed a napkin from the small pile the waiter had brought the group. “Here you go.” 
“Thank you.” You said, taking the napkin from his warm fingers. He turned back to the food on his plate, taking his fork back into his hand but making no move to begin eating. 
Had you done something to upset him? 
You couldn’t think of a single thing that might have done that, but something was clearly wrong. You reached a hand out to brush your knuckles over his cheek, gaining the attention of those bright brown eyes of his. He leaned into your touch, giving you an all too pinched smile. 
“What’s up?” You asked, moving you knuckles over his cheek once more. 
“Nothing. Truly. How are you liking--” “Hey--stop. Tell me what I did, okay.” You watched him pause, eyes taking in yours before his hand came up to keep yours against his cheek.
“It’s silly.” He said and you could see the slight embarrassment rising in his features. 
“I doubt it. You can tell me.” He gave you a lovely smile, squeezing your hand gently. 
“You said my name. I told you, it’s very silly.” You knew what you’d done instantly. 
“Oh baby, I’m sorry.” That smile of his only grew at the pet name. “I--you’re name is just so beautiful I just want to use it here and there.” You felt the skin of his cheek grow even warmer at your words. 
“Geez--can you two get a room.” Polnareff huffed from where you sat beside Avdol, arms crossed and a deep pout on his lips.
“Jealous?” Avdol teased the Frenchmen with a rumbling chuckle. “I don’t have any doubt you’ll find someone to call baby soon.” You couldn’t help the smile that pulled to your lips at the flutter of happiness in your chest. 
“Me? Jealous? Never.” Polnareff contiuned as you moved to take Avdol’s hand within your own. You brought it to your lips, pressing a soft kiss his skin. Those brilliantly bright eyes turned back to find you once more at the touch. 
“I love you, baby.” You murmured against his skin. 
“I love you too…baby.” He said a small smirk on his lips that had a small laugh pull at your throat.
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Noriaki Kakyoin 🍒💚
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He’s not used to the whole relationship thing
So don’t expect him to instantly be calling you baby/babe 
He might not even say it all, feeling too--strange saying it
But go ahead a call him baby/babe
He likes it
No--no he loves it
He especially loves it when you call him baby/babe when excited
The spark in your eyes as you jump and giggle and call for him using that pet name to show him whatever had gotten you this excited is addicting to him
It's especially addicting when you take his hand in your excitement 
So when you call for him using his name, he’s frozen in his spot looking towards Mr. Joestar, Polnareff, and Avdol for help
Because they might have more insight into the situation than he ever would hope to have
“Oooo--you’re in trouble now.” Polnareff teases, making Kakyoin’s anxiety spike in his chest as the Frenchmen elbows Advol playfully, though the fortune teller made no move to help or laugh. 
“T-trouble? What did I do?” Kakyoin asked, racking his brain for anything he could have done to upset you. 
“Beats us bud.” Mr. Joestar added, his own snickers adding to Kakyoin’s stress. “I’m sure you’ll find out.”
“But--I didn’t do--” You call his name again, cutting off Kakyoin’s frantic rush to figure out what might be wrong off. He snapped around to find you all but bouncing down the street towards the group, Joatro following behind in his typical unhurried state. Kakyoin tried to catch Jotaro’s eye, to try to keep figuring out why you might possibly be using his name, but his friend kept the visor of his hat down. 
“Y-yes?” He asked as you came to a stop before him, a bright smile on your lips. 
You didn’t seem upset. You looked all too happy to be upset…but maybe it was a trap of some sort? Maybe you were trying to get him to drop his guard so you could better shout your anger at him. 
You paused in what you were about to say, brows furrowing as you took in his panicked and stressed state. 
“Something wrong?” You asked, only making the snickering from Polnareff and Mr. Joestar harder. You took in this and then his state and felt anger begin to build in your chest.
Had they said something to him? If they had, oh were you more than ready to give them hell. 
“Kakyoin, what happened?” He seemed to sink into himself, eyes winching as he scanned over your features, which were growing more and more pissed by the second. 
“I-I don’t know. I think--did I do something wrong? Did I upset you?”
“Do something wrong? Why would you think you did something wrong?” You asked, placing a hand on his arm in comfort. 
“I don’t know. You just said my name and I don’t know--” He gave a deep sigh, looking away from you as embarrassment began to creep into his eyes. 
“Wait--You’re name? That’s why you think something’s wrong? Because I said your name?” Kakyoin glanced back at you, a small shrug on his shoulders. 
“You only ever call me baby.” Your heart hurt a bit when he finally expressed what was truly bugging him. 
“I’m--no I’m not upset at you. I like your name. I like calling you baby. I like both so I just--switched. I’m sorry sweetheart.” You said, rubbing his arm to try and soothe him. Kakyoin seemed to relax, a smile pulling at his thin lips. 
“O-oh…I feel a bit silly now.” You pulled a bright smile to your lips as you shook your head.
“No. Baby, I don’t think so at all.” That stress continued to ease within Kakyoin and it only made you even happier. “Especially when you have those two idiots whispering in your ear no doubt.” You said, shooting them a daggered glare that had their snickers turned into their own panic. 
“Come on, I found this little tea shop that’s selling a cherry tea you need to try. It’s to die for!” You said, moving your hand down his arm to interlock your fingers within his. Kakyoin was more than happy to take it and follow you.
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Jean Pierre Polnareff 💔🗡️
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Deep inhale…
He needs you to call him every last pet name in the world and then some
And he’ll do it back
He’ll do it back SO MUCH LIKE
It’s in his DNA. He can’t help it. It needs to be said right alongside every other pet name and praise he can think up 
He’s bursting at the seams every morning to wake up and whisper a “good morning, baby.” against your lips 
And he’s just as excited to whisper a “good night, baby.” before you two drift asleep wrapped in each other's arms
He melts into a puddle every time you call him baby/babe
Like--just puddy in your hand
So when you say his name--not even his first name--he’s completely coming apart at the seams panicked.
“Mon coeur, what have I done to deserve such harsh treatment?” He cried, tears brimming in his gray eyes as he grabbed your hands up in his own. His lips peppered each with kisses, flipping them over so he could do the same thing to your palms and inner wrists. It was a flurry of kisses that had your slight annoyance ebbing in your chest even when you fought so hard to keep it. 
“You didn’t take me with you to grab supplies.” You played up your anger with a humph, turning your face away from his utterly forlorned one. 
“Forgive me, please. You were sleeping so peacefully. Like an angel. Mon Ange.” His kisses continued to travel up your arm. It made your skin tingle and your heart begin to beat rapidly in your chest. 
“When have I ever cared about you waking me up, Polnareff?” You said his name only to pull a mournful cry from his lips. “What if something had happened to you? What if you had gotten hurt? Hum? What then? That would kill me.” Polnareff’s lips left your skin only so that he could pull you into his arms, trying his best to find your gaze but you continued to look away. To turn him into a near whiny mess as you crossed your arms, preventing him from pulling you flush against his chest. 
You were serious about him going off on his own. He should never go off on his own while on this journey. Not when he had been attacked while all on his lonesome one too many times for your liking.
“Je suis désolé. Please forgive me.” You peeked a glance his way, keeping your features and eyes stern compared to his pleading, pouting face that nearly had you breaking down and forgetting about the whole thing.
“Promise me you’ll never do it again.” Polnareff nodded, pulling a hand away from you only so he could stick a pinky finger up. 
“I pinky promise, mon amour.” You eyed his pinky, then his big old puppy eyes and gave a soft sigh. Your pinky found its way around his and he gave it a gentle squeeze, which you gave right back. 
“I’m serious. I don’t know what I would do if you got--really hurt.” You said, feeling your heart twist painfully at the thought of your best friend and the love of your life getting more than hurt. Polnareff’s soft, needy features shifted suddenly into that of complete and utter seriousness as he leaned in closer to you. 
“I will try my best to keep myself safe, but I will do everything in my power to keep you safe above all else.” You watched him for a long moment. Watched him and just felt your love for him grow with each passing second. 
You gave in fully then, pulling your hand away from his so that you could gently cup his cheeks. You stood on your tippy toes to press a soft, tender kiss to those warm lips of his. Lips that had stars bursting behind your eyes and making you feel like you were standing on top of the world. He sighed into your kiss, holding you tighter against him and never once threatening to let go.
“Amour?” He questioned, keeping his forehead pressed to yours. You opened your eyes to find that soft, needy look had returned. 
“Please call me baby. I cannot take it any longer.” He begged, a deep blush crawling over his cheeks and neck. You chuckled, rubbing circles into his pink-dusted cheeks. 
“Baby,” A bright smile pulled at his lips, his grip pulling you ever closer. “I love you.”
“Je t’amie.” He whispered before claiming your lips all over again.
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Iggy 🐕💨
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Give him some coffee-flavored gum while you do and you’ve got yourself a loyal companion for life
Will only let you pick him up, pet him, and scratch his belly once you’ve gained his trust
He’ll grow so loyal he’ll start getting a bit possessive of you if any other the Crasuders make you upset or threaten to even touch you
Their hair
Their lungs
Invaded with the foul smell of a ripe fart
Call him a baby while he falls asleep in your lap 
Please call him a good, sweet baby
He’s ugly and a bit of a menace but he just needs someone to be gentle and sweet to him
“Whose the best baby boy in the world? Hum? Who is?” You ask as you pepper kiss upon kiss to his ugly little face. Iggy's little tail is waggling so much it's moving his whole body in his excitement. “The most handsome baby boy in the whole world.” 
“The most handsome? Hardly.” Polnareff huffs from where he sits next to you on the ground, arms crossed and eyes staring daggers up at the dog. “Have you seen me? I’m a cute baby boy too.” He huffs, making Iggy pause in his excitement. 
“Polnareff, you are fighting with a dog.” Polnareff growls. 
“That is no mere dog. No. That’s a devil. A foul beast come straight from hell itself to torment my innocent soul.” Polnareff hisses making you roll your eyes. 
“So mean to the itty bitty baby.” You said, voice turning back into that of a coo, placing another smooching kiss on Iggy’s stubby muzzle. Though, Iggy had now set his buggish blue eyes on Polnareff. 
“What’s he looking at?” Polnareff asked, panic rising in his voice.  
“What? This baby? He’s just looking at you. Probably wants a pet.” Polnareff’s eyes fly wide as he rushes to his feet, trying to create as much distance as he can between him and the dog. 
“Keep the demon away from me and my hair. I just fixed it.” He all but whined as Iggy began to wiggle in your grip, a growl on his lips. 
“He hardly did any damage. He’s just a good baby.” You said, loosening your grip on the short-haired dog. 
“Hardly any damage!” Polnareff shouted, taking on a defensive stance. “He tore it out!” You huffed, patting Iggy’s round belly as he continued to pull himself from your grip. 
“It wasn’t that--” Iggy shot from your arms and latched onto Polnareff’s face, becoming a storm of teeth and farts and growls that had you wincing in pity for the Frenchman, who shouted and screamed away. “…bad.”
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ovrour · 3 months
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“Be around people that are good for your soul.”
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pair: Nicolas Sturniolo x Platonic!reader, Nicolas x bsf!reade
genre; fluff with a little angst
cw;mentions of suicide and drug use.
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It had been years since you’d talked about your situation when you first moved to miami.
it wasn’t something that you liked talking about often.
Those first few years of moving to Miami were hell.
you had no money, no family, no home. you didn’t have anything.
you were miserable having to find every possible just to eat and live.
That was until you met nick.
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When you met Nick, you were miserable. you’d looked disheveled, and dirty. but, even then he still took you in. And now, he was your family, like your brother. He had 2 other brothers, you were surprised to say the least when you found out they were triplets. But, you weren’t bothered by it.
They gave you a home. A place you’d needed for so long. God blesses you by sending them to you.
It’s been 7 years since then. you were now 23 living a healthy, and happy life. you were drug free, you were no longer the miserable girl you used to be. You were happy with who you were, no longer feeling like you didn’t have a will to live. But, now you did.
Now, you were sitting on the end of the table, getting ready to record a podcast episode. “Y/n, are sure you’re okay with talking about this on our podcast?” Nick asked you, making sure that you were okay with it. “Yeah, I'll be okay. I figured if there were people out there that could know my story. it would be your fanbase.” You nodded. What you said was true. You felt like you could tell them your story. to let them know that, who they see on social media isn’t always picture perfect.
“Alright, is everyone ready?” Matt asked, moving the camera to face nick. Everyone looked at him nodding in his direction as he went to sit down. you were very nervous to say the least. you felt hot, and sweaty a little nauseous. “Take a deep breath y/n.” Chris noticed. You listened, taking a deep breath. preparing yourself for the next conversation you were about to have.
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“Good morning campers, Welcome back to the cut the camera’s podcast. I’m Nicolas sturniolo.”
“I'm matt.”
“I'm Chris, or Chrizzy.”
“and I'm y/n.”
“ahh, wait, I'm so excited to have you here!!” Nick squealed, chuckling. You smiled, and thanked him. “This is our cut the camera’s podcast, and today we’re going to talk about How life was before social media, and how fake someone's life can look behind camera.” Nick spokr, his hand wrapped around the microphone.
“For sure, I don't think this topic is talked about enough because everyone wants to seem so perfect. Social media is just a picture, to hide what really goes on or happens in your life behind closed doors.” Chris Commented.
“mhm, I hope everyone out there knows that social media isn't real. it never has been, and never will be. There will be hateful comments, and death threats that come with fame. It’s just the truth of it.” Matt added. He was speaking from experience, the triplets got hate somewhat of the time. It wasn’t usual, but it wasn't often either.
“So, we have y/n here to tell you guys, her story.” Nick Responded. You took a deep breath and cleared your throat. preparing yourself for what you were about to tell millions of people out there. you were nervous, but ready.
“What everyone is saying is true. Social media is fake, everything you see on the internet is. You can never believe anything you see online.”
“Before, I continue with my story. Viewer discretion is advised, there will be mentions of suicide and drugs. If you don't like that I advise you to click off this video, or simply skip this part.” You explained, hoping that anyone who didn't like that kind of stuff would understand. You didn't want anyone to get offended by anything that you were going to say. Nor did you want them to get offended about mentioning things that happened in your life before social media.
“When I was 16 years old, I was kicked out of my own home for getting into drugs in the middle of my sophomore year of highschool. I didn’t have a place to go, or stay. so, I lived in the streets most of the time, or crashed at friends houses’ when I could. I had no money, or family. so I really just depended on what I had. That’s when I met Nick, who took me in even when I was just a stranger. He took me in at my worst ti…” you stammered, tears began to spill down your cheeks.
“aww, y/n it’s okay. take a deep breath baby.” Chris Whispered, taking a deep breath.
you did the same, wiping your tears off your face. you sniffled, “Nick took me in at my worst time when i was on the verge of commiting suicide. I'm so glad he took me in when he did because otherwise, I wouldn't be here without him.”
“Here I am 7 years later at 23. I’m single, sober, and living the life I couldn't.” You spoke, smiling. You were so grateful for everything that’s happened in the last 7 years. You were sober, and hadn’t had such thoughts in so long. you were healthy as ever. You had everything you’d ever wanted, everything you’d missed out on, and you wouldn't want it any other way.
“God, listening to that start makes my heart break everytime. We don’t talk about life before social media enough, and I feel like we definitely should. It’s just so touching to see how far you’ve come y/n.” Chris Commented, smiling at you proudly.
“I agree, we’re all so proud of you.”
“So proud.”
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These were your friends, ones you needed in your worst moments. God sent them to you when you needed them the most, and you were so thankful. They were your god given solace.
The rest of the podcast, all four of you chatted about anything really. It was moments like these where you wish you could stay forever. But, there were so many more memories to make with your boys.
“alright, y/n before we end this episode what do you have to say to the campers?” Matt asked you.
“Be around people that are good for your soul.”
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a/n: Hi amigas. sorry this is so short, it’s super rushed bc i was having massive writers block, and i need something to post to fill in while i’m busy packing for vacay. either way, i hope you enjoy it.
with lots of love, alondra💋.
taglist: @sturnthepot @sturniolosarethebest @24kmar @bernardsbendystraws @flouvela @chrisgetsmewet @luvs4matt @flwrs4sturniolo @soupuurr (if i forgot you pls lmkkk!!)
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ariseur · 4 months
hi!! could i request ignis with a reader who's super flirty? i just think iggy is so attractive and want to know how you think he'd react to being told that lol
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the crickets around you chirped in tune with the inner melody playing in your head, a soft song muttered under your breath and a tap of your fingers left you satisfied while you watched ignis work. his back was facing you; his sleek, dark grey button-up hugging on him while he made another dish. after the day you guys had, he couldn’t help but make some more food per your request— especially since gladio and you had gathered some herbs nearby. observing the man in front of you some more, you stared at him with no shame. after all, it wasn’t everyday that ignis didn’t gel his hair.
the brown color of his hair now parted with an acacia orange as it accentuated even the tiniest strands of hair. pieces of it covered the back of his neck and what you presumed was the front of his face. silently, you prayed for some water to come his way so you’d see more of this side of him. he looked so content, ignis always did when he was cooking.
you couldn’t stop the next words tumbling from your mouth. “have i ever told you how pretty you look with your hair like that?” even through the distant crackling of the camp fire and the chattering of gladio and prompto talking about only astrals know what, your voice cleared its own pathway throughout the faint noises and wiggled its way into ignis’ head, hoping his soon heating cheeks would be covered with an excuse of the fire.
he still faced away from you, hand languidly stirring the pot in which contained a stew from whatever ingredients were able to be gathered in the seas surrounding the galdin quay, provided to you guys by noctis’ skilled fishing. ignis cleared his throat, swallowing thickly before responding, “thank you, although i wouldn’t have thought that ‘pretty’ was the right word to describe a man such as myself.”
getting up to help him clean up, you watched him out of the corner of your eye; his glasses glinting with the warm glow of the nearby fire. you hummed mindlessly, almost dismissing his claim. “nonsense, anybody can be labeled as pretty.” and to that, he chuckled—brushing off his pink ears. “i suppose.”
letting out a giggle, you made ignis’ heart flutter once more. his head turned towards you, an amused smile resting on his face. he admired the way the auburn flames lit up your face as it highlighted your features; he sunk in the way your eyes crinkled when you beamed, along with the way your shoulders shook with your soft laughter. looking back at him, you pointed at his face. you paused a bit, turning your attention back to cleaning the cutting boards and cutlery which had been used by the brute of food known as noctis. always such a messy eater, you recalled. even gladio ate cleaner than noct did.
blinking up at him, you huffed again, “c’mon iggy, you know it. you’re even heating up— at the truth, might i add.”
and if ignis wasn’t dead already, he was now. hearing the familiar nickname laced with your sweet tone of voice fall from your lips made his heart beat a little louder— ( even if he’s heard it plenty of times before from his friends, hearing it from you felt different. almost strange. )
he scoffed amusedly. “it’s quite hot out here if you haven’t noticed. not to mention i’m stirring a pot of stew as we speak.” blaming his pink cheeks on the vennaugh haven you lot had made yourself comfortable in, he brushed off your comments as you rolled your eyes at him with a mumbled, “whatever you say, iggy.”
“don’t start with that now.”
“what? what’d i do this time?” you grinned, tilted your head at him with a tone intertwined with feigned coyness. he sighed, shaking his head. “oh,” you said, dragging out the vowel perhaps longer than you needed to, “you just don’t wanna give into my super charming character. i get it.” putting your hands up in a defensive manner, you pushed more. he groaned, eyes still focused on the pot. “yes, quite the charmer.”
you scoffed dramatically, “why did that sound sarcastic?” he hummed in denial, shaking his head at your silly questions. “admit it,” you said, “you’re just salty i made you blush.”
“i did not.”
“you did, too.”
and before you could keep going on with this foolish game of who’ll crack first, a voice cleared their throat behind you. the two of you turned your heads only to see noctis with a hand on his hip and cocked head. ignis and you exchanged a glance as you both paused your movements. noctis grinned lazily as he teased, “what’re you guys talking about?”
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cocoa-rococo · 4 months
Koopaling Headcanons: Iggy
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Larry | Morton | Wendy | Iggy | Roy | Lemmy | Ludwig
The wild child, the mad lad, the resident scientist himself! I think about him a regular amount.
His powers are more plant-based, and he's very good at controlling them, but inventing is a big hobby of his that plays into how he attacks. To put it in other terms, he's got Artificer software running on Druid hardware.
His eye color is a rare mutation of his draconic koopa biology, though it does give him some issues with his vision, hence the glasses.
He's definitely wacky, but he's not actually ‘demented’ or ‘insane’ like most think he is. That being said, he likes to play up the whole ‘mad scientist' act around other people because he enjoys their reactions. Maybe a little too much…
April Fool's is a banned celebration in the castle because of him. Not that it stops him from pulling pranks on any other day of the year.
His favorite fruits are more tropical things; kiwis, pineapples, and starfruit.
Prefers Chain Chomps and other animals to people, as he's not great with conversation nor predicting people. Rumor has it that he can actually speak with them, but whether it's true remains to be seen.
He occasionally gets nonverbal when an experiment goes awry, or when he’s so upset he can’t find the words for it. His siblings check in on him every once in a while, and he does end up speaking again after a few hours / a day.
His hair naturally falls into a mohawk like in his earlier depictions; he just likes styling it back to differentiate himself from Lemmy.
Doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, but he's a big fan of savory things. That said, he does have a fondness for carrot cake.
He actually made his glasses when he realized his eyes didn’t see well with traditional lenses… and because he needed something that was fireproof, blast-proof, and freeze-proof, just to name a few. When he realized he could market it on a professional basis, Iggy’s Glass was created.
He's a big fan of his veggies! He's not a strict vegetarian, nor is he opposed to meat whatsoever, he just likes his greens more. Like I said, Druid hardware.
Speaking of food, if he's craving something, he often decides what to have not by flavor, but by texture. He looooves crunchy stuff or things he can rip into, like sandwiches with hard bread or jerky sticks.
He helps Wendy with her baking hobby! Baking is just another form of chemistry, after all, and he likes having something to do with his hands. He doesn't like cooking much, though. Too much guesswork.
He makes so many things for his siblings for holidays and birthdays, and is always touchingly surprised if they get him something personal or practical (not that he shows it).
He got Morton a camera for his tenth birthday to support his scrapbooking hobby, and is secretly very pleased that Morton takes such good care of it. He also denies crying when Morton showed him the page he made of the two of them with the photos he took.
His handwriting is the worst out of the seven. Given how fast he needs to write to keep up with his experiments, and his habit of using short phrases that only he understands, it's really legible to just him.
He genuinely is pretty funny. His humor is skewed towards shitposter memes thanks to Roy and Larry, but his sense of comedic timing to drop a bomb or punchline is perfect.
Will respond to highly cursed memes and images along the lines of "Oh, that's AWFUL. I LOVE IT."
His currency is amusement. You wanna get on his good side or impress him, making him laugh. This is harder then it sounds; if he can tell you’re trying too hard, he’ll just blast you with sarcasm.
Ludwig is teaching him how to play the accordion. It’s just as chaotic as it sounds.
He's a big fan of bad B-movie horrors, making fun of them while also unironically enjoying how terrible they are. He's got a few posters of them in his room.
He was the dog version of a warrior cats kid. I'm sorry, but it's true.
He likes to collect bugs! It's not a very big collection, seeing as the Darklands is uninhabitable by a majority of insects, but he likes learning and talking about them to anyone interested.
One of the most terrifying generals out of the Koopalings to the troops; not because he’s especially mean or strict or anything, but because you’ll have no idea how he’ll react to something. He is, however, perhaps also one of the the least military-inclined out of his siblings, much preferring his lab to a war room.
Will wear the UGLIEST shirts with zero concerns. Will also wear socks and sandals. Wendy loathes him.
Doesn't like coffee; the taste makes him nauseous. He's more of a soda guy, anyway.
He and Larry are huge sci-fi nerds, and enjoy bonding over comics and mecha anime and going to cons together. Also a big fan of horror; the more gore, the better.
Cannot draw people for shit. Animals and plants he can do okay at, but more in an anatomical kind of way then any artistic sort of style. Blueprints, however, are a different story.
Genuinely likes pistachio ice cream. None of his siblings know why, nor do they want to know.
Like Lemmy, he's very much a fan of pulling a prank and doing the "ohhhh I'm just a little guy, and it's my birthday, I'm a lil birthday boooy" routine. Unlike Lemmy, this rarely works for him.
His lab is his safe haven; it may be a mess in some places, but it's his mess. If you touch something you shouldn't, be prepared to get whacked.
Can and will pick up bugs and eat them. Bonus if they’re dipped in chocolate.
He doesn’t have any particular favorite flowers, but he's got a side hobby of cross-breeding and mutating plants for both science and in the sense of, in his own terms, “fucking around and finding out.”
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
27 asks! :00 Thanks ya'll!! :} 💖💖💖
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Nope! Sorry, I don't take direct drawing requests or suggestions. <:/
Now I hear a few people saying; "But you've taken requests before" Now I do draw things in response to asks sometimes. But its rarely a direct request that I'm responding to. Usually its someone complimenting me on "something" and I feel so flattered and inspired that I draw that "something" again for them..
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Would you think less of me if I said I legitimately was? For what I think is a very valid reason? Hypothetically of course-
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:DD Oh hey!! Thanks!! Happy early Easter!! :}}} 💖🥚🥚🐺🥚💖
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Oh there's no need to worry Anon, my body is kind'a forcing me to take a break... 😅
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@yourstrulylightstar283 (In response to this post)
Thank you! And no worries, I'm sure I wont have to deal with all of this forever <:}
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Happy late reply Friday! <XDD
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Aww! Sweet widdol baby!! :DD
And thank you, I'm doing my best to take it easy.. <:}
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Woof. That is quite the sentence to say to someone who's grieving their late wife-
Its especially strange considering that my Bowser isn't in love with Peach at all and isn't interested in replacing his wife-
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I've heavily considered Louis having a crush on Ellie... 👀👀
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The biggest eater is probably Louis, followed by Seafoam. Now Seafoam is no glutton mind you, he just eats a ton because he's so big and tall. He's got a lot of muscle that needs to be fed and maintained. Louis however just loves food and loves to eat <XDD
The pickiest eaterr.... couuuld be Red. Kids am I right? <XD Or maybe Spidercrab. He's rather thin so I imagine there isn't much he likes to eat. <:/ Or maybe Spidercrab isn't picky, he just doesn't have much appetite--?? <:DD
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Aww! What a fun idea! :D I wonder if the game has anything like that.. and I wonder how a land animal like that would fare out on the ocean :0
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(In response to this post)
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Y-You realy mean all dat?.. Thank you.. 🥺😭💖
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XDD I am everywhere
(Also if you ever feel like getting those photos those would be hilarious to see XDD)
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YA- AWWWW... :(( sorry about the lost progress! I hope you catch back up to where you were pretty quick :( But YAY YOU HAVE IT BACK! XDD
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A marshmallow cookie and a S'mores cookie already exist in the game :( so I shan't make my own 😔
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I'm still working out the order of their ages.. So far I have decided that Ludwig is the oldest. And I'm leaning on Iggy being right below him, the second to oldest.
I'm solid on Bowser JR being the youngest, and Lemmy being right above him, the second to youngest. As for everyone else though..? I'm still trying to figure it out.
Thinking that Roy and Morton are on the older side, and Wendy and Larry are on the younger side. I just don't quite know what the order will be-
Hmm... I want Larry to be very different looking from Lemmy, maybe a bigger age gap would help. And I made Roy rather mature.. he could be older.. hmm...
Mayyybe.. in order from oldest to youngest, it goes,
Ludwig - Iggy - Roy - Morton - Larry - Wendy - Lemmy - JR..? I think I'll go with that for now <XDD
Now Bowser is complicated. Originally I wanted Bowser to be this ruthless monster. Both as a King and as a Dad.. But I made that Bowser around when the Movie trailers were all the hype. And boy, I hated how Bowser was shaping up to be. So my rotten Bowser was mostly just to make him more intimidating then the movie Bowser.
Since then I've settled down and thought that a purely evil Bowser is not that interesting.. or lore accurate. So I began to lean on him being a rather good dad, if not emotionally awkward.
....buuut then I saw the movie, and now I'm back on the Bowser hate train <XDD I guess right now its up in the air. He's not meant to be intentionally abusive or awful to his kids though. I'm thinking that maybe the gentle fatherly side of Bowser was usually brought out by his wife.. Since she's gone now.. well.. I guess he's a little emotionally absent at the least-
As strictly a King, I'm thinking that he's pretty rough. At least he's more ruthless than he may have been before. I guess a way to describe him as King would be.. The health and safety of his people are not his #1 concern. The strength of his kingdom and his position of power however, is. Though this Bowser is subject to change.. :/
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XD He'd probably look like this 👇
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I'm not sure if the Pizzaplex would have decorated the place for Easter or not.. In present day or in the past.
But if they did in the past, I imagine it didn't feel much different compared to any other time of the year..
And if the present day Pizzaplex celebrates it..? I imagine its hard for the animatronics to see all the bunny imagery everywhere.. 💔
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Google seems to suggest that there are no sirens in the games.. :( So Blue Beauty wouldn't be one, 😔
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Thank you!! I'm glad you do! :DD
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You mean my Refinedtale Toriel.?
Man.. I'm sure she does.. (Though heck if I know what their names would be or any of that stuff-- but I'm sure Toriel would know <XDD)
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Ooooo that's a good idea! :00 I haven't thought about it that way before..
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That sounds really fun actually! And normally I could see that happening.. though unfortunately, some of the structures I have set up in my AU make this scenario less likely..
For one, I intended for healing magic to be extremely complex and very difficult to master. And its intended to always leave a mark of some kind. A warning that Kamek gives to Lemmy and Iggy is something along the lines of "Whether you are healing, or destroying. Magic will always leave a scar." That's why Iggy's eyes look so strange and half of Lemmy's face and hair is discolored. The act of repairing their eyes left a mark on them..
What I mean by this, is that Kamek couldn't just turn around and heal them after every sparring session. Because it is very challenging to heal with magic and they would both be left with scars.. So they would both have to heal naturally over time after sparring. And considering that the Commander has a very important job, it would be wise to not tire him out or injure for the sake of some emotional relief.. :(
Although.. there could be a more mild version of this perhaps? Where the commander is involved in Bowser's training.? But not as his opponent. Perhaps he flies up high and chucks projectiles at Bowser for him to deflect. But not really getting involved on a way beyond that where he becomes overly exhausted or inured.
...Now for the Koopalings?? Dude, that's genius. Bowser is a hefty opponent and is sure to exhaust Commander and possibly even injure him.. But the Koopalings?? Commander would make a GREAT sparring partner for nearly all of them! :00
Specifically I can see him sparing with Morton, Roy, Ludwig and possibly Iggy. (The older Koopalings primarily) Whether its just muscle against muscle or being Iggy's target practice, I think he'd make a great sparring partner for the youngins :}}
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It started with being inspired by my band-aid covered hands (due to dry hands and cat scratches) and adding them into my sona
Nowadays its maintained by me having reaaaaally dry hands 💀 (I wash them way to often/harshly and don't rehydrate with lotion often enough-)
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You mean the factual fam? Aw, I'd like to think so. :}}}
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Bold of you to assume Jangles doesn't have hair
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<XD Yes, Bibi is around 2 years old-
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𝒲𝒽𝓎 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝑜?....
Jean- Pierre Polnareff x gn! Chubby reader
🎀 This is my first gn reader fic and I tried my best so if this doesn't meet your expectations for gn persons please let me know 🎀
All your life people avoided you. You didn't know why though, it's not like you're a bad person. Quite the opposite actually. Your room was decorated in the prettiest pinks of pink, plushies decorated your bed, etc, etc.
But continuing on... The group consisting of Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Kakyoin Noriaki, Muhammad Avdol, Iggy and Jean Pierre Polnareff.
You've noticed that one of his heart earrings fell on the sandy ground.
You've had a keen eye for this guy ever since you saw him and his group walking around the town in Egypt. The group was sitting down relaxing at a table.
'Okay okay okay what do I do?! I really don't want to like walk up there and just be like"Hey there random hot guy, I've been watching you out my window and I seen that your earring had fell on the ground haha." Y/n mocked themselves.
They finally mustered up the courage to walk up to the wacky man after a couple of self pep talks and some relaxing breathing.
You speed walked to them while your free hand was gripping on the bottom of your shorts. You were behind Polnareff and suddenly you saw that everyone at the table tensed up.
"Excuse me." Your presence was chilling as your finger poked at Polnareff's shoulder. His body tensed up. He quickly swallowed the last of his drink as he slowly turned around.
"Silver Chariot!" He shouted as he quickly stood up a couple feet in front of you. 'What the fuck was that?' you thought to yourself. "Are you an enemy stand user?" The silver haired male asked you.
"Um n-no I just seen you walking around and you dropped your earring." You slightly whisper the last part, holding out your palms.
Polnareff awkwardly walked up to you with embarrassment on his face. "Hey sorry about that. I've had quite the week." He said as he scratches the back of his neck.
Loud riffs of laughter could be heard behind Polnareff as his mouth was open.
"Oh I know." You respond , giving his belongings back. "Hey, if your free anytime, I was wondering if you could... Um nevermind." You stutter. Polnareff stared at you with his eyebrows raised.
"Wait lemme guess... You want to go on a date with the one and only great and powerful Jean Pierre Polnareff!" He proudly exclaimed with his muscles flexed.
Polnareff cooed at your pure adorableness. Quickly letting it fade as he covered your body away from his crew. Looking back he yelled: "My partner is way too cute for you guys to look at! Please advert your eyes away from them!" His big muscled arms covered your soft frame with slight tightness.
"Yare yare Polnareff. I promise you, we're not even gonna interact with them if that's what you want." Kakyoin chirped. Everyone hummed and agreed.
"So, let's meet up together at that fancy lookin' restaurant overrrrrr... There!" He hesitantly but quickly pointed to a nice looking restaurant at the corner.
“Okay give me the time and I’ll be there!” You winked at him. He sheepishly looked away with a red tint on his face. Of course you didn’t look at his expression because you had quickly turned to run away to get ready for your little “date”
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cygnusdoesthings · 2 months
Case File 081: The Unmasking of the Aussie Anon
(Catalogue by Det. C. DoesThings)
Case Description:
On July 12th, 2024, 0108 (AEST), CygnusDoesThings received a message from an anonymous asker, claiming that they were Australian. CygnusDoesThings then proceeded to try to figure out the identity of this Australian Anon- often shortened to Aussie Anon.
From there, multiple people have joined the case as we have investigated.
This is a long post. You have been warned. It may be a little overwhelming. I will reblog this post with status updates.
@cygnusdoesthings (Codename: Cyg or Cygnus) as Lead Detective
@igotthisaccountunderduress (Codename: Iggy or Rosie) as Assistant Detective
@quotidian-oblivion (Codename: Quo or Quotidian) as Lead Investigator, Organizer, and Catering
Involved Suspects and Identities being Interrogated;
@brb-on-a-quest (Codename: Birb) as scribe,
@walkthruthewords (Codename unknown) as Birb's Mutual (Adjacent Role: Lawyer)
@gracefulchristiangirl (Codename: Gracie) as informant.
Jury Members (If you wish to not be involved, feel free to message me and let me know!)
@auroraofthesun1 (Codename: Aurora)
@book-girl4eva (Codename: Bea)
@thomasstaples (Codename: Thomas)
@myfairkatiecat (Codename: Katie)
Suspects Ruled Out (or not): (unless proven guilty)
Katadastical (Australian, Cyg's Mutual) (i think i got a message from her or smth, not her)
dsabian (They/Them). Has been following along most posts. Just I think likes observing (tags).
MispeltNostoglia (Australian, Cyg's Mutual) (Lack of Activity)
Iggy (Being Canadian) (And this)
foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego (Evie) (Fitting Criteria)
ah0yh0y (Fitting Criteria) (Denial)
ko1e (Mutual, Australian) (Hasn't done Anything on Tumblr. Like. At All)
its-stairs-time (Stairs) (Aussie Quo Mutual) (Unlikely)
the-echos-error (Echo) (Aussie Quo Mutual) (Unlikely)
foineswoine (Pigeon) (Aussie Quo Mutual) (Unlikely)
godsenther (hasn't responded lmao)
brb-on-a-quest (Birb) (Still a Major Player) (but unlikely to be culprit)
gracefulchristiangirl (Gracie) (Still a major player)
periwinkle-the-11th (Codename: Peri). Has been following along, and has been online at the exact times of the anon asks. I have not yet pulled her into this investigation, but it is worth keeping an eye on her. (American.)
Assistants: N/A.
Anon Asks so Far
Original. The catalyst. If you want to see how this all happened, this is a good place to start.
Unrelated (Anon 2). Thank you for the well-wishes.
Mysterious Anon Maybe That I'm Just Realising Probably Was The Red Herring. Birb sent a reblog that outlined that we missed a red herring. My theory is that we missed this.
Anon Mentioning The Involvement of Gracie. This is... Incredibly suspicious. Gracie has inserted herself into this case (btw i totally do not mind, we have fun here), and has brought to our attention.. several other suspects.
Gracie In Disguise (Evidence: here)
Matching Fish Posting: Birb, Quo, Cyg, Walking. Fishy Anon is not innocent; but also not necessarily Aussie Anon. We need to find out who they are. (I'm pretty sure it's Gracie.)
Informant, possible code anon. Focusing on the capital letters. Code yet to be deciphered.
(right in front of you) (Binary Anon)
Series of asks, from an unknown (presumably) The Original Aussie.
Series of asks from the original Aussie Anon. Focusing on the capital letters. Code yet to be deciphered. Knows my status on discord. Possible leak.
1 (Do people lie on the internet?)
2 (A Fan of Fans)
3 (Well-Wishes from An Anon)
4 (Akabura Western Hats)
5 (Straight Shootin’)
6 (Are Hints the Norm?)
7 (a swing and a miss.)
15th July, 2024 asks:
1 (Along the Way)
2 (Still Figuring it Out?)
3 (Blind)
Binary Anon and Binary Anon Poem
Jury Anon
Birb. Sent by someone to give us a red herring. Who sent (i dont know what your pronouns are) Birb? They at least have possibly connections to whoever sent the message, and we would love to know who did, under what circumstances, and, most of all, how to contact them.
Update: Birb is the Red Herring Anon, and the Sending Information anon, but not the Aussie Anon. Evidence.
walkthruthewords. A mootal lawyer. Is kept in the loop, but seems.. suspicious. Met with cooperation, but passed the blame to Gracie.
Update: Involvement as an mooterny only.
Gracie. Possible ally. Will need to interrogate further regarding fishy anon asks and the ask about who she tagged. But.. very suspicious. Multiple people involved with the Innocence Ask have pointed to her, as well as the Fish Ask itself.
@godsenther. Has not yet responded. Aussie. Recently made a personal Tumblr account. Is in the server I posted updates to. Knows me on Discord. Can be cryptic as hell.
And one other.
Current Process of Investigation (outlined by Quotidian):
interrogating birb about the details of the red herring
investigating the mutuals who are most likely to find cyg's post
Go through the notes of each of the unmasking posts and see who interacted and interrogate them
Try and lure kindly convince the anon to send another ask to one of us
Beg the Aussie anon to give us a hint
Drop to our knees and surrender ourselves to the nimbleness and cleverness of the Aussie anon
Interrogation and Progresses
> Detective Thread 1: Process
> Detective Thread 2: Decoding
> Detective Thread 3: Anons and Identities
> Interrogation Room 1: Birb (With Walking as a mootual lawyer)
> Interrogation Room 2:
\The Final Confrontation:
Anon Identities
Aussie Anon
Red Herring (And Fishy#3) Anon - @brb-on-a-quest
Advice Anon @mayamohini
Fishy Anon- @gracefulchristiangirl
Fishy Anon #2 (Possibly also the Jury Anon) -
Last Updated: 15th of July, 2024, 6:55pm AEST, by Det. C. DoesThings.
(Thanks for joining the fun. If you want to clarify things, I'm CygnusDoesThings on most platforms, but Discord is the easiest way to reach me.)
> One: Suspicions of my Teammates. (~1pm, July 14th, 2024 AEST)
> Two: Clear of Suspicions & A New Suspect. (~5pm, July 14th, 2024 AEST)
> Three: Thought Process and Private Journal (6:40pm, July 15th, 2024 AEST)
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
Birthday scream (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! *Alexa, play 22 by Taylor Swift (Taylor's Version)*
P.S.: I had to search Skeet's house for this, it's so cool where he lives
I will have a Q&A for my birthday so you can leave your messages for me so you can get to know me better (actually is always open, so you can ask me anything whenever you want)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @aonungsgirlfriend @ethanlandryluver @wenvierismycomfort @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo
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Since you were born, your birthdays were special, it didn't matter if it was only the five members of your family or a small party with your classmates, you enjoyed it
When you started to go to the Riverdale set, they usually throw you a theme party acording to the season they were filming at the time (seasons three, four and five were weird parties), and in the weekends your entire family will spend a day together
Also, there was also the tradition that someone will be standing up by your bed with the ghostface costume at the moment you wake up, and the person was different every year
Things change because of COVID, making the celebrations family-exclusive, but due to the fact that the virus was slowing down, a big party was a good option
So, while you were still sleeping in your room, on the first floor there was comotion to prepare everything with your friends from Scream and Avatar (due to the filming of the last season, the Riverdale guys wouldn't be there)
"If someone, pet or human goes to the cultives garden, please be careful with the plantings", Skeet exclaimed making the breakfast with Matthew's help
"And if they want to go potty?", Mason asked helping with decorations
"They have a space for that in the garden", Naiia assured
"It's okay if I record most of the party?", Jamie asked with his camera on hand, "And uploading it on my channel?"
"For my part is a yes", Georgina, your mother, answered making a cake with Anna's help, "But Y/N is the birthday girl, so she has the ultimate answer"
"Should we inflate more balloons?", Bailey asked with Liana and Duane by her side surrounded with a lot of balloons
"I think we should fill the trampoline with some of them", Jack suggested, "It will be fun"
"Kids, we have enough with the castle jumper in the backyard", Skeet interrupted, "And I still don't know how she convinced me to get one for the entire day"
"Because she is the baby of the family", Melissa joked organazing some helium balloons
"I actually suggested her the idea", Trinity said whit a proud smile
"You are my new favorite kid", Jasmine said towards the pre-teen
"Wait, don't you have the tradition of using the ghostface costume?", Devyn asked suddenly
"Yeah, who's turn is this year?", Filip continued
Realising that they didn't remember who's turn this year was, the four looked at each other with panic
"What if we add a surprise factor this year?", Jakob suggested turning towards the living room where everyone was, "Who wants to wear the costume?"
"Do you have more than one?", Jenna asked, "Because more than one would be cool"
"Or someone she won't expect", Duane said
"Just so everyone knows", Liana talked, "It's difficult to breath under the mask"
"True!", Matthew exclaimed
"Wait, has anyone seen Iggy?", Amenah, Mason's girlfriend talked, "I haven't seen him in a while"
"Wasn't he sleeping in the couch with the other pets?", Mason asked
"I think I saw Butters and Izzy going upstairs, along with Alaska, Rambo and Zeus", Xavier, Melissa's husband responded
"Jakob", Skeet said causing his son to look at him with a little fear, "When you went to see if your sister was still asleep, did you close the door after checking?"
"Not completely", Jakob laughed nerviously, "I mean, I didn't want to wake her up, so I didn't close the door"
Upstairs, you were already awake thanks to Butters who jumped into your bed to start licking your face, and noticing the other five dogs, you reach out to let them snuggle in your bed
And being wake up with your door barely open, you heard everything downstairs making you smile with fun
"If they knew I'm awake and listening to everything", you laugh to the pets
Hearing someone coming to your room, you decided to pretend you were still sleeping covering completely with your bed sheets, leaving the pets uncovered
After disscussing who would wear the costume, they choose the one who you never expect, and that was Bailey, who was walking slowly towards your room trying to make zero noise, with Jamie following with his camera to film
When they arrived at the room, Jamie stood in the door filming while Bailey started walking towards your bed noticing the pets laying at the feet of the bed
The moment you felt someone next to your bed, you were quick to jump and scare the person behind the costume, earning a girl-ish scream which you recognized
"Oh my God! Bailey?", you exclaimed in surprise kneeling in your bed
"Happy birthday", Bailey said taking the mask off, "Liana was right, it's hard to breathe in this"
"I didn't expected this", you laughed while she sat in your bed
"Yeah, last time I'm going to use this", Bailey said, "Jamie is filming also"
"Hi, happy birthday Y/N", Jamie spoke still from the door
"Thanks", you smiled, "Wait, who is here?"
"Almost everyone", Bailey responded, "Come on, breakfast is ready"
Without caring that you were still in you pajamas that consisted in a tank top and sweatpants. you went downstairs with Bailey and Jamie, seeing the first floor full
"Happy birthday!", everyone exclaimed the moment they saw you
Squealing of happinnes, you were quick to hug everyone in the place, watching all the decorations that adorned the first floor
"Did you like the way to wake up this year?", your mom asked while hugging you
"Actually, I was awake before Bailey entered", you revealed surprising everyone, "I heard almost everything"
"I'm sorry in advance for leaving the door open!", Jakob exclaimed
"I knew you were the one who leave it open", you laughed, "You always leave it open"
"Welcome to the club, man", Mason spoke, "I'm also the sibling who leaves the door open"
That comment made everyone laugh before getting to the kitchen to serve all the breakfast foods that was made, and sitting in the living room while the pets lay besides their owners
"So, what's the itinerary for today?", you asked sitting between Jack and Trinity
"We rented a castle jumper", Skeet answered, "Is in the pool backyard"
"No way!", you yelled with surprise, "Are you serious?"
"It arrived early in the morning", your mom responded, "And it's ready to use"
"We also bring a piñata", Melissa said, "We'll put it next to the garage"
"And we also bring three bags of candy to fill it", Xavier continued
"This day is going to be so fun", you smiled
"After breakfast, we'll spend time outside, then we will have lunch and you'll open your gifts", your mom continued, "And the cake will be the dinner, what do you think?"
"It's the perfect day", you smiled
After everyone ended up breakfast, you went to your room to change your sleeping clothes for a over-sized shirt and comfy shorts
"Baby, are you ready?", Jack asked entering your room, "The castle jumper is waiting for you"
"Totally ready", you smiled aproaching to him
Before both of you could leave the room, Jack was quick to softly hold your cheeks and share a small kiss
"Happy birthday", Jack said leaving a kiss in your forehead, "I love you"
"I love you", you responded with a love smile
Carrying you in his back, you and Jack went downstairs in direction to the pool backyard were everyone was already in the castle jumper
"Before everyone start to jump, we decided to make a rule!", Georgina exclaimed, "Everyone who is filmimg, promoting or working on projects be careful and don't do anything dangerous like backflips or jumping into the pool!"
"Please, is for your own safety", Anna continued
"If you don't follow the rules I will eat the two cakes that we have!", Matthew yelled, "I'm serious about that!"
Laughing for that threat, everyone that was in the castle started to jump and play while having fun and listening to the music that was on the speakers
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After everyone was tired of jumping and the lunch was over, it was time for the next part of the party: the piñata and the gifts
"Okay, here´s how this works", Melissa said before starting, "Everyone will hit it three times to try to break it, if it doesn't break when everyone passed, anyone can hit it, of course, the birthday girl is first"
"And what do we do when the piñata is broken?", Filip asked
"Fight for your life for the candys", Xavier answered holding the rope from which the piñata hung on the thick branch of a three
"This sounds fun", Jakob commented
"Now, fictional half sister", Melissa spoke again handing the wood stick, "Let's start with this"
Smiling with excitement, you walk towards she was and took the wood stick to aproach to the white and pink flower piñata
"This looks so cute", you said refering to the piñata before hitting it hard surprising everyone
"Mini Ulrich has a strong arm", Jasmine commented
After hitting it three times, you passed the wood stick to the next person who was Naiia
For the next minutes, everyone took their turns to hit the piñata getting to break it slowly due to the hits, until it was Matthew's turn when he mannaged to break it, which caused that the young adults and teenagers throw themselves to catch the more amount of candies that were previously inside the piñata
That scene made all the adults laugh and take pictures of the fight for the candies
"Where are all the chocolates?", Devyn asked
"I saw Mason put them in his bag", Trinity responded
"Are you serious?", Mason exclaimed, "This are Amenah's favourite"
"Dude, just give us some", Duane said
"But you have to give us some of the strawberry lollipops", you yelled
"I don't have them", Duane answered with indignation
"Yes you have them", Liana argued, "I saw you took them"
After a little argument about the candies and everyone having all types, the group went back to the living room for the next part of the party
"Well, since we are the people who gave you life, it's fair we are first", your mom said
"Happy birthday tornado", Skeet continued leaving a big box in front of you
"Thanks mom, thanks dad", you thanked both of them before opening the box revealing materials for VFX make up, "Oh my God, thank you so much, this is awesome"
"Yeah, ours is better", Naiia spoke while Jakob gave you a medium box
A little nervous because you didn't know what to expect from them, you open the box laughing at the moment you saw the content
"What is it?", Jenna asked with curiosity
In response you lifted the white shirt with the phrase "child of divorce" which made everyone laugh
"We also get ones to ourselves", Jakob laughed
"I can't wait to wear this outside", you joked
"I'm next", Jack anounced giving you a big box, "Happy birthday gorgeous"
"Thanks babe", you smiled opening the box revealing a set of LEGO flowers, "I love them!"
During the next hour and a half you spend it opening the gifts that included more supplies for VFX make up from Matthew, a polaroid camera from Jamie, jewelry from Bailey, the 'email's I can't send' vinyl album from Trinity, a Thom Brown backpack from Jenna, books from Filip and Duane, aromatic candles from Jasmine, two pair of sneakers from Mason and Amenah, clothes from Liana, phone cases and accesories from Devyn, skin care products from Melissa and Xavier, and a sketchbook with supplies from Anna
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yn.ulrich, jackchampion, masonthegooding and 128, 805 more
skeetulrich this is how my living room looks after Y/N birthday, because a whole day together wasn't enough
tagged: yn.ulrich, naiia, julrich21, jackchampion, melissabarreram, xavierzazuetaoficial, jasminsavoy, masonthegooding, amenahsoares, baileybass, lianaliberato, misstrinitybliss, jamieflatters, duane.evans_, devyn_nekoda
yn.ulrich this was one of my best birthdays ever!!
baileybass I can't believe I almost get hit by a piñata
› jasminsavoy I already apologized a hundred times
› kjapa did you have a piñata?!
› jackchampion yeah, it was a flower one, Melissa brought it
user497 I want to be friends with all of them
matthewlilard good luck with the kids, I'm already taking my flight
› yn.ulrich uncle Matthew, you know I love your gift, but you know what will be awesome as a present?
› yn.ulrich to know if Stu is alive
› matthewlilard okay, I'm going to block you, happy birthday
› julrich21 HAHAHAHAHAHA
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atthedugouts · 4 months
Mandy has been working at this little thrift store for a few months now. It’s so much better than pouring creepy jackasses their coffee at 1:00 in the morning. Her favorite part is that she gets a pretty good discount so for the first time she can actually experiment with her fashion instead of wearing hand-me-downs from her brothers. She also enjoys her co-workers and for the first time feels like she’s forming solid female friendships.
She is folding some graphic t-shirts at a table when a familiar face walks into the store. Except Iggy was not looking like his normal grungy self. It appears he’s taken a shower and brush his hair.
“Yo, Mandy,” Iggy greets as he approaches his sister.
“What are you up to?” Mandy asks, pausing her folding. She tries not to sound angry as she doesn’t want to cause a scene at work.
“You got anything to help with this?” Iggy says pointing to the hole in his shirt revealing the skin of his right shoulder. There’s dried blood outlining the hole. “I got to meet my fucking pig of a PO in 20 minutes.”
“And you’re wearing that shirt?” Mandy says in disbelief.
“It’s my lucky shirt!”
“You were fucking shot in it.”
“Yeah, and I fucking survived.” Iggy responds, rolling his eyes.
Mandy walks over to a rack of men’s jackets and find a blazer in her brother’s size.
“Here,” she hands him the blazer and he puts it on covering the bullet hole in the shirt. “Return it when you’re done with your meeting.”
“Thanks sis!” Iggy says as he ruffles her hair. Causing it to frizz up on top. Mandy tries to retaliate by punching his side but he dodges her and walks out the door.
Mandy’s co-worker Becky appears by her side. “Who was that?”
“Oh that was just one of my shithead brothers, Iggy,” Mandy responds. Mandy notices a dreamlike stare in Becky as she watches the door Iggy just left out of. “He doesn’t normally look like that.”
“You think he’ll be visiting you at work often?” Becky asks.
“Not if I can help it,” Mandy mumbles under her breath walking away from her co-worker. She’s wondering if making friends is worth it if they all just end up banging her idiot brothers.
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hikiclawd · 5 months
📌 HELLO EVERYPONY — ! I've had this account for 2(?) years at this point and I've never made an intro . . .
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My name is . . . Ghost! I'm a black transmasc artist who uses no pronouns ! (Just use my name :3)
I post whatever comes to mind and like to draw things and characters from my special interests ! The current topic on my brain is MYSIMS !! I'm always happy to talk about it! My art tag is #my art ! My yapping tag is #ghost.txt ! My asks are always open! As well as my DMs, though I may respond slowly! My special interests are : Mysims , MLP , and X-men (Toad)
I may make a small carrd containing all my general interests and deeper info but this should suffice for now methinks . . . ? THANK YOU FOR READING! ENJOY YOURSELF!
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Look under for a surprise.... ↷
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He wishes you SO many years of good fortune and good food! BYE BYE!!!!
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matttgirlies · 5 months
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Matt & Me🎀
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - suicide attempt,, arguing
y/nn = your nickname for any confusion🩷
Chapter 15
By the mid-sixties he was holding Bible readings in the den of our Bel Air home. I sat next to him one evening as he read passages with great force. Facing us were several of his young female admirers wearing the lowest-cut blouses and the shortest miniskirts. They all listened attentively, disciples enraptured in the presence of “their” lord. The sermon stretched to hours, followed by a question-and-answer period during which they vied for his attention.
Sitting at his feet was an attractive, wellendowed young girl wearing a blouse unbuttoned to her navel. Leaning over seductively, she asked in honeyed tones, “Matt, do you think the woman at the well was a virgin?” With me right beside him, he avoided taking in the fleshy spectacle obviously exposed for his benefit.
“Well, honey,” he said, “that’s somethin’ you’ll have to come to a conclusion on yourself. As for me, I personally think Jesus was attracted to her, but that’s my opinion. I’m not sayin’ it’s fact.”
I watched Matt and the girl talking, feeling undermined and angry. How stupid, I thought. Can’t he see what she’s doing? It’s so obvious.
He drew in a deep breath and said, “I like your perfume, honey. What’s it called?”
“Chanel Number Five,” she answered.
Chanel Number Five? That’s what I was wearing! Why didn’t he notice it on me? I slowly rose and walked into my dressing room adjacent to the den. Determined to snare his attention, I changed into his favorite outfit—a tight-fitting black sheath he had picked out himself.
Returning a few minutes later, I took my place beside him, but he was wrapped up in preaching to his devotees and had totally overlooked my absence. To make matters worse, he didn’t even notice my change of costume. I managed to conceal my distress behind a fake smile and an attentive gaze, but I couldn’t help noticing that he was responding to them with an occasional wink or smile.
I asked questions like they did, but my heart wasn’t in it; I knew they all wanted to take my place. “That’s it,” I thought. “If I’m not appreciated, loved, or wanted, I’ll end it. That will make it easier for everyone.”
I got up and went back to our room. Picking up a half-full bottle of Placidyls, I devised a plan to create a dramatic effect that, in my mind, would win his attention. I stared at them, thinking, What if I choke to death? I decided to take two pills to start. That way I could take a quick shower, redo my makeup, put on my prettiest camisole, and still have time to position myself dramatically on the bed before I consumed the rest of the bottle.
I swallowed the pills and started to prepare myself for the end. In tears, I thought of leaving him a note, writing down everything I’d never been able to say. I’d tell him how I wished that it could have been just the two of us again, as it had been during the long hours we’d spent together in his room in Germany. I’d confess that I was jealous of any woman who caught his attention and that I hated the times when there was only silence between us, even though he’d said he had things on his mind. I’d tell him how I feared his violent temper, which robbed me of my freedom of expression; and how I wished that he’d have tried to understand me as I’d desperately tried to understand him.
Maybe he’s missed me by now, I thought. I ran to the door and pressed my ear against it. I heard him laughing. He was having a great time. They all were. I found that I was disgusted with all of it. I wouldn’t go in there now if he begged me, I told myself. I was too tired anyway.
But I wasn’t too tired to remember how I wanted to be found. I lay down on the bed with my long jet black hair spread over the white pillows, my lips moist with gloss. In my naive fantasy he’d take my listless body in his arms and tell me how much he loved me, kissing me passionately back to life.
I forced down one more pill, lay perfectly still in the position I wanted to be discovered, and waited for what seemed like hours for sleep to overtake me. But the longer I lay there, the less sleepy I became. The more I heard Matt’s laughter, the angrier I got. My adrenaline-charged fury was overriding the effect of the pills. Soon I began to feel foolish.
Then I heard Matt say good night to everyone as he approached the room. I grabbed the nearest book and lay it at my side, as though I’d been reading and had fallen asleep. I heard him come in, quietly walk over to the bed, and pick up the book. He whispered the title, The Listener. I could imagine him smiling, pleased as always when I read philosophical books. He stood over me for a second, probably thinking how sweet I looked and how tired I must have been to retire so early.
Then he covered me snugly with blankets and bent down to kiss my carefully-parted lips. All my anger and jealously vanished. I realized how even a little of his attention could make me happy.
In April of 1964, Larry Geller was hired to replace Matt’s barber, Sal Orfice. Little did we know that their relationship would not only cause a drastic change in Matt, but it would create tension, jealousy, and fear within the group.
I was in Boston when he first met Larry, but I learned all about him through our nightly phone conversations. Matt’s enthusiasm over his newfound friend was infectious.
“You’re not going to believe this guy, Sattnin,” he said. “Larry knows more about the spiritual world than all the preachers and Catholic priests and religious fanatics put together. We have discussions that last hours, just talkin’ and talkin’ about the great masters and my purpose for being here. I’m invitin’ him to Graceland. He’ll enlighten your spiritual development.”
When Larry and his wife, Stevie Geller, joined us, I was surprised to find them both young and attractive. He was kind and mellow. She was sweet and quiet and kept to herself.
However, many in the group, myself included, were suspicious of them. We were all threatened by Matt’s involvement with Larry. It was keeping him from us. It seemed as if Matt was always off alone reading esoteric books or deep in discussion with Larry about God’s master plan for the universe.
Matt discovered there were many great masters besides Jesus. There were Buddha, Muhammad, Moses, and others, each “chosen by God to serve a purpose.” What I was now witnessing in Matt was the emergence of that part of his nature that was thirsting for answers to all the fundamental questions of life.
He asked Larry why, out of all the people in the universe, he had been chosen to influence so many millions of souls. Granted this unique position, how could he contribute to save a world burdened with hunger, disease, and poverty? Why was there so much human suffering in the first place? And why wasn’t he happy, when he had more than anyone could want? He felt he was missing something in life. Through Larry’s insight, he hoped to find the path that would lead him to the answers.
He was eager for all of us—especially me—to absorb all the knowledge he was consuming. Happy to share everything, just as he had with his Bible discussions in L.A., he read to us for hours and handed out books he thought would interest us. He announced that in order for us to be perfect soul mates, I’d have to join him in his search for the answers to the universe. To help me, he gave me several large books, including Vera Stanley Adler’s The Initiation of the World.
He suggested I attend the lectures of the metaphysical philosopher and author Manley P. Hall. I did. I found the lectures difficult to understand and painful to endure, but I managed to survive with the hope that “this too shall pass.”
Then he became interested in Cheiro’s Book of Numbers, which defined people’s personality traits and characteristics according to the day of the month on which they were born. To find out who was compatible with whom, Matt added up the numbers in the birthdays of everyone within the group. I waited in terror, praying that my number would be a six, seven, or eight, so I would be compatible with Matt, who was an eight. Fortunately, my number linked with his.
Although I was striving to be his soul mate and subtly becoming more aware of myself as a spiritual being, my heart longed for the very temptations he was fighting to conquer.
While I patiently waited at home at Graceland for his returns, planning romantic interludes, he was attempting to overcome worldly temptations and believed he was going through a cleansing period, physically and spiritually. Any sexual temptations were against everything he was striving for, and he did not wish to betray me, the girl waiting for him at home who was preparing to be his wife.
He felt guilty and confused about his natural reaction to female advances and I believe that this was his greatest fear when it came to marriage. He loved me and deeply wanted to be faithful to me but never felt certain that he could resist temptation. It was a persistent battle, and it even got to the point where he felt he had to resist me.
“y/nn,” he said one night before we went to bed, “you’re going to have to be pretty understanding these next few weeks, or however long it takes. I feel that I have to withdraw myself from the temptations of sex.”
“But why? And why with me?”
He was quite solemn. “We have to control our desires so they don’t control us. If we can control sex, then we can master all other desires.”
When we were in bed, he took his usual dose of sleeping pills, handed me mine, and then, fighting off drowsiness from the pills, pored over his metaphysical books.
As his soul mate I was expected to search for answers as fervently as he did, but I just couldn’t bear reading the ponderous tracts that surrounded us in bed every night. Usually within five minutes of opening one, I’d be sound asleep. Annoyed at my obvious disinterest, he woke me to share an insightful passage. If I voiced the slightest protest, he’d say, “Things will never work out between us, y/nn, because you don’t show any interest in me or my philosophies.” Then, pointedly: “There are a lot of women out there who would share these things with me.”
Faced with this threat, I forced myself to sit up and try to read the passage. The print swam before my eyes in one big blur.
I wanted to share romantic, not religious, inspirations with him. I tried to cuddle as close to him as I could, feeling the warmth of his body. He told me to sit up and listen, and he read yet another passage, repeating it several times to make sure I grasped its significance. I could bear it no longer. I lost control and started screaming.
“I can’t stand it! I don’t want to hear any more! I’m sick and tired of your voice going on and on! It’s—driving—me—crazy!” I was hysterical, pulling at my hair like a wild woman.
“What do you see?” I demanded. “Tell me, what do you see?”
He stared up at me, his eyes half-closed. “A madwoman, a goddamn raving madwoman,” he answered, slurring his words because of the sleeping pills.
I fell on my knees beside him, crying, “No, Matt, not a madwoman, a woman who needs to make love to and to feel desired by her man. Matt, you can have your books and me too. Please don’t make me beg,” I cried. “I really need you and want you.”
By the time I’d finished my tirade, all I could hear was the faint sound of religious music playing on the radio. I looked up at him. He had fallen into a deep sleep.
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd. This material may be protected by copyright.
a/n - i feel like you guys are going to want to kill me when i get to the last chapter..🎀
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lunareel · 10 months
What are the dynamics between Luigi and each of the Koopalings?
Luigi acts as their nanny/guardian so overall he is pretty close to them and they view him as a second parent (although he doesn't realize this). He is going to be very insecure in his relationship with the koopalings, because he was trained in many things and parenting was not one of them.
The breakdown for each koopaling will be below the Keep Reading as it gets a bit long.
Ludwig: He and Luigi used to be very close when Ludwig was younger. Luigi is the main reason he looks towards negotiating with his enemies before fighting. During the comic however, their relationship is going to be very strained. Ludwig is frustrated that Luigi keeps treating him as a child when he wants to get more involved in fighting and running the kingdom. Due to how Luigi grew up he refuses to let any child (or teen) get involved in bigger issues, he wants them to enjoy their childhood and not feel like they have to solve problems adults have created. This obviously creates quite a bit of arguments between the two, with neither willing to budge.
Morton: Also affectionately known as "Little Guy" by Luigi. These two have the most simplistic relationship. Luigi feels a lot of kinship with Morton as he's also a very emotional and sensitive person. Luigi is one of the few who knows that Morton can be quite cunning, but he worries that people will use his big heart against him. Due to this he unintentionally spoils/babies Morton the most. Morton also likes to help Luigi with his gardening.
Roy and Wendy: I'm including these two together, because from what I recall these two were typically conspiring together (especially in Inside Story). These three are thick as thieves, and often times these two will assist Luigi in some of his ploys. Luigi will often confide in these two if things are going wrong, and they need to prepare as he knows they will keep a level head.
For Roy, Luigi will often have to remind Roy that his younger siblings (especially Junior) aren't trying to annoy him on purpose. They're just young, and to appreciate the time he has with them as they could be gone sooner than expected. The two do butt heads on how to respond to situations as Roy just wants to brute force his way while Luigi wants to find a route of least resistance whether this is through negotiating or stealth.
For Wendy, they both share a love/appreciation for fashion and the dramatics. When Luigi is traveling he will often collect jewels to give to Wendy (of course he will get other gifts for the koopalings if he sees anything he thinks they will like). Wendy is the one he asks to watch over the rest of the koopalings when he knows both he and Bowser are going to be out of the picture for a while.
Iggy: Luigi will never understand Iggy's humor, but he does understand Iggy's machines. Luigi is very impressed by his inventions and planning. Although they both share this interest, Luigi struggles to connect with Iggy overall as he often doesn't understand what he is saying or his jokes, but Luigi will always support him unconditionally and tries his best to do just that. Oftentimes Iggy will join Luigi when he is visiting E. Gadd. Originally, Luigi was hesitant about letting Iggy join in his visits as E. Gadd can sometimes be more focused on testing his inventions than the safety of said testers. But once he realized Iggy would sneak along no matter what he figured better supervised than unsupervised.
Larry: Larry really likes to play against Luigi in different sports and competitions and it is very much a struggle for Luigi. Larry doesn't know just how competitive Luigi can get when playing games. Luigi really has to focus on trying to just have fun and relax instead of solely trying to win. They also enjoy cooking together, although a majority of the time it is just Larry burning down the kitchen while Luigi frantically tries to put out the flames. He is very much a troublemaker, but he is Luigi's trouble maker so he can get away with quite a bit.
Lemmy: Lemmy regularly gives Luigi heart attacks with his magic stunts. He is probably the most mischievous out of the group and enjoys playing pranks on Luigi. Luigi enjoys going to Lemmy's circus shows although when a volunteer is needed he will often suggest someone else take the place of the magician's assistant. There have been many times when Bowser, Kamek, or Kammy suddenly finds themselves signed up for Lemmy's circus act instead of Luigi. He loves watching the shows, but not participating as his heart can only take so much.
Junior: Junior is the other koopaling whose relationship with Luigi will also become quite strained during the comic. The other koopalings know Luigi is just their guardian and that one day he won't be there and as much as they don't like it they're old enough to know that is just how it is. Junior on the other hand very much sees Luigi as his second parent and doesn't understand why he can't stay with them. It causes a lot of friction between the two as Luigi knows that he owes it to his family in Brooklyn to go back, but Junior doesn't understand why he can't leave them in the past. In this, Junior is going to be against Bowser's plan to marry Peach as it means if she becomes his mom, then in his eyes Luigi will finally be able to leave them and that is the last thing he wants. In contrast, Luigi wants Junior to have a different parent other than him, not because he doesn't like Junior, or any of the koopalings, he is just worried that he isn't the best for them and he wants to ensure that they get the best even if that means he isn't in the picture.
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1ovede1uxe · 6 months
11. i like you┊ ┊⋆ beyond the stars
kakyoin noriaki x reader
synopsis - you've been sent to join the joestar crew on their mission to defeat dio by... dio? y/n is an undercover stand user who joins the sdc to report back to dio their findings and notes about their stands, up until a few moral dilemmas get in the way of your original mission.
ch. synopsis - guilt tears you up at the hospital and you have a long talk with a certain love interest
buckle up, we've got another long one! just a reminder italicized words are your thoughts.
Mr. Joestar parked the car in front of the hospital. Avdol began to regain his consciousness and was placed in a wheelchair promptly before being wheeled into a room for a blood transfusion and proper treatment of his neck's gash. Kakyoin, still unconscious, was hoisted onto a gurney and taken for inspection. The remaining four of you (only God knows where Iggy went) waited in the waiting room.
Mr. Joestar and Polnareff conversed about what the plan would be, Jotaro walked outside to take a smoke, and you paced, headphones blasting something to calm you down. As you spin around on the ball of your foot, you were stopped in your tracks. A strong hand remained on your shoulder.
"Hey, they're going to be fine, he's going to be fine." His words, though simple, carried a weight of comfort, grounding you in the midst of the turmoil. Not only were you fearful for Kakyoin and Avdol's condition, you felt guilt. How was a blind man going to find you in the desert without some kind of tracking? Intel from the man in charge. Intel you provided.
The kind soul Avdol who welcomed you, Kakyoin who you had grown to care for so deeply. It's my fault.
This mission proved to be more emotionally taxing than you had originally thought.
Do it for Mom. Do it for Mom. You shouldn't have to choose a crush and his friends and family or your Mom. It's natural to push on for the woman who raised me. I don't want to devastate Dad or your extended family. There's no guarantee that they wont make it out alive. If I abandon mission, then only God knows what Dio will do to Mom.
How could you stand there, accepting this kindness and support, when you were the very root of the pain and suffering that now plagued your friends? Your eyes watered. Polnareff took you into a hug, as you had done for him. Mr. Joestar walks over with a doctor, presumably to share results. Polnareff, over your shoulder mouthed something to Mr. Joestar, who responded with a gruff nod, and walked with the doctor to inform Jotaro.
"Now, are you going to be okay to come with us? We want someone to stay back just in case. If you want that to be you, that's fine by the rest of us."
"Yeah, that sounds good." You said with a sniff.
You regrouped with the two Joestar men and the doctor and caught wind of what was happening. Avdol would be okay, he just needed rest. Kakyoin however, would need a bit more care. You were glad they were alright, but you were anxious for what would be to come.
After the group departed, leaving you alone with the news, you found yourself restless, unsure of what to do next. With the other three off exploring Aswan, you were left with a sense of aimlessness, your thoughts consumed by worry for your friends.
You peeked into the chilly hospital room, finding Avdol seated upright, his gaze fixed on his phone screen. "Um... Hey, Avdol," you ventured softly, feeling a mix of relief and concern at the sight of him.
Avdol looked up, his expression brightening as he spotted you. "Ah, (y/n), please, come in," he welcomed warmly, gesturing to the chair beside his bed. "It's good to see another familiar face."
"It's good to see you too," you replied with a small smile, crossing the room to take a seat. "Especially being up and about, well kinda."
As you settled into the chair facing him, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for his recovery. "So, how are you feeling? What's going on?" you asked, eager to hear his perspective.
"Just a blood transfusion and some stitches," Avdol reassured you, his tone calm and steady. "No real damage was done."
A sigh of relief escaped your lips. "That's good to hear," you murmured, feeling a weight lift from your shoulders.
As the two of you delved into conversation, you found solace in Avdol's presence. His words offered a sense of comfort, like a reassuring embrace in the midst of uncertainty. You shared stories of your experiences in his absence, and he reciprocated, filling you in on his own journey. In that moment, you realized that you had found a true friend in Avdol, someone reliable.
Leaving him to relax a little more, you walked slowly to the next room over. Taking soft steps, you attempted to have the door creak open silently, yet failed miserably. Despite the guttural noise, Kakyoin lay there unconsciously, bandages over his eyes, accompanied by the metronomic beep indicating his steady pulse. "Kakyoin?" You asked, only for no response, just his consistent breath.
He's still unconscious.
"Oh, Kakyoin." You say softly to yourself, pulling up a chair next to his bed. You gently take his hand, making sure not to disturb the IV connected to him.
"I'm so sorry. I know I should tell you all about my past, about who I really am, but I'm scared. Scared of what you'd think of me, scared of losing the well- whatever it is we've built together. I wish I could tell you everything and how sorry I am. I wouldn't have to hide anything from you. I could ask for your forgiveness. But I know I won't be getting it."
"Uugh" Kakyoin stirred. You quickly pulled your hand back. "(y/n), is that you? I can't exactly see, but I think that's your voice." He says in a groggy voice.
Aw, morning voice, wait, Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
"Hey." You say softly, trying to remain calm. "I hope you didn't hear me talking to myself." You say flustered. Your heart is pounding. If he heard what you said at the beginning, you'd have to confess what you were really doing with the crusaders.
"I think I heard just enough."
"And how much is that?"
Sweat forms on your forehead, your hands shake.
"Something about your past and everything afterwards."
"Listen, I know it sounds really bad but-"
"Calm down. You don't have to explain yourself to me. I trust you, (y/n). " His words of affirmation soothed you.
He probably wouldn’t trust me if he actually knew
"You can share if and when you want. In fact, there's something I'd like to share."
Your heart rate spiked. "What's that?" You try to say casually, though your mind races with worries and questions.
Does he already know my past? Does he know I have feelings for him? I mean its certainly obvious but like what do we do? What if he shuts this all down? I would hope not considering how he acts. What if the rest of this trip is awkward? What if-
Your mind races at the speed of light.
“(y/n), I like you.” Kakyoin confesses finally.
You're momentarily speechless, your thoughts freezing and your face turning red. “Yeah, I like you too! You’re one of my best friends!” You quickly respond, unsure how to handle the moral dilemma in front of you.
“No, stop, you know what I meant. I’m pretty sure you like me too.” Kakyoin reiterates firmly, confident in his response. You stand there silent, unsure what to make of all this.
“. . .Polnareff might've tipped me off to make sure I wasn't losing it, he also helped me figure out I liked you too.” Kakyoin adds.
“Ah, damnit Pol.”
You both giggle over your friend getting in the drama. “I wish I could see your smile, is it bad I can practically see it in my mind?” You blush and softly laugh at this nervously. Everything seems more relaxed.
"Oh.. shush..." You both sit in the comfortable silence for a moment.
"So... did you, uh, want to be in a relationship?" Kakyoin began tentatively.
“Well, um, maybe we should hold off on that for now, if you're fine with it. I just sort of assumed-"
"Why's that? I mean, I get it. I just want to understand," he interjected, his tone gentle and understanding.
“Well, you know, any, uh, public displays of affection beyond what we've already done might make the others a bit uncomfortable," you explain nervously, it was only partially true. You didn't want to lead him on so hard and then totally shatter him if he inevitably found out you were working for Dio.
He nods in agreement. “Yeah, that makes sense. Plus, let's not dive into anything too serious when we're still dealing with the stress of, you know, staying alive," he tries to lighten the mood with a bit of humor.
You manage a small awkward laugh. "Too soon?"
"A bit, yeah," you admit, feeling the weight of the conversation settling in.
Kakyoin reaches around blindly for your hand, and you gently intertwine your fingers with his. “Let’s not mess with what we've got too much just yet. But, just so you know, there's a lot more to what I feel for you than meets the eye. I promise you, when we make it out of this, we can really be together.” he says with a firm smile.
"You're really sweet, y'know," you try to say casually, but you feel the heat creeping back into your cheeks and your palms starting to sweat. Did I say that softer than usual?
“And so is that blush on your face I’m picturing,” he teases, a hint of playfulness in his voice.
“Smooth and psychic? Must be tough to being so talented,” you quip back with a grin, trying to lighten the mood.
You hear the voices of the other men coming down the hallway. Polnareff, Jotaro, and Mr. Joestar must be back.
“Just one more thing.”
"Call me Noriaki from now on, okay?" he says, wearing the happiest smile you've ever seen. It's contagious, and you find yourself grinning just as broadly.
"I'd be happy to, Noriaki."
Polnareff, Jotaro, and Mr. Joestar enter the room.
“Ayy! Kakyoin is up!”
Kakyoin chuckles at Polnareff's excitement, his smile widening.
Jotaro approaches with a nod of acknowledgment. "Good to see you're feeling better, Kakyoin," he says in his usual stoic manner.
Mr. Joestar follows suit, offering a warm smile. "Agreed, it's a relief to see you up and about," he adds, relief in his voice.
previous chapter // next chapter // masterlist
i think moto moto likes you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) anyways the confession is out of the way! special guest next chapter. I did not realize how much y'all like hol horse yee fuckin haw thanks for all the love and requests and for the love on my 4taro one shot :D it's hard to believe how far this series has come :")
taglist: @kerto-p, @pancakesyrupthief, @kakyoinslastcherry @marvelmayo, @kitchenscissorbangs 
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The Koopalings Are Not Bowser's Children
So I realize I have not made a post addressing the Koopalings and their status, only ever referring to it in passing. So as we know the Koopalings in the manuals were called Bowser's Kids, and that this led to external media such as the Super Mario Adventures comic and Super Mario Bros. 3 show depicting him as his kids.
While this was the original intention this was retconned and the Koopalings went from being Bowser's kids to his commanders. Note: There might have never been a retcon to begin with, however they still aren't his kids. I made another post going into detail on why this is. In a Gameinfomer titled Mario's Creators Answer Burning Questions About The Series interview when asked "In Super Mario Bros. 3, the Koopalings were supposed to be Bowser's children. But there's also Bowser Jr. Are they all his kids, and are they all from different mothers? Is Bowser Jr. a Koopaling?" Miyamoto responded with the following "Our current story is that the seven Koopalings are not Bowser's children. Bowser's only child is Bowser Jr., and we do not know who the mother is."
While many people have come to the conclusion that they are still his kids and they are just adopted, this isn't accurate. First off the intent is that they aren't his kids anymore, and you are still someone's kid if you are adopted.
The next part is the simple fact that they are never called his kids in any newer media. On the official website for NSMBWD they are only referred to as "leaders of Bowser's Troops." In cards they aren't called his children either.
The Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia outside of lifted text from old manuals which the Encyclopedia even notes, the Koopalings are never called his kids.
There is also the fact in game they are never called his kids, nor any implication they are adopted.
There is also the fact that they are too old to be his kids, and could even be as old as Bowser if not close to his age. In Color Splash Roy talks about attending night school or in other words he's in college. "I guess I'll just have to hope Lord Bowser can defeat you…" "Yeah, I know what irony is. BOOM. Knowledge is power, so I started going to night school."
There is the fact that the Koopalings only ever refer to Bowser by titles such as Lord Bowser and never father or stepdad, and they do the same for BJ calling him Lord Junior. They never talk about Jr being their brother, they talk about how he will be their boss one day, and they are even called his friends. "That punk will eventually be our boss!" "All right, Lord Junior.. We'll be facing off against Shy Guys in this next battle." "Well, he is Bowser's kid. There were bound to be some speed bumps." "They say that helicopter parenting doesn't work anyway. Just let 'em run wild!"
When Bowser asks them to watch over Junior they don't watch over him like older siblings, and even refer to it as being a form of parenting. They even directly refer to him as Bowser's Kid. There is also the fact Bowser beat up Iggy after making fun of Junior in front of Bowser. With all that being said, the Koopalings are not Bowser's kids but rather his underlings.
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xxoxobree · 1 year
Imagine Miles having a gf who listen to trash music 😭 like they vibin listening to music and she put on some iggy azaelia
🤣 I like some of Iggys music ngl.
Another Miles G blurb 🥰🥰
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As the Saturday evening sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow through the window, you found yourself snuggled up with Miles in his twin bed. After a long day of running errands for his mom, it was the perfect moment to unwind and enjoy each other.
Your head rested on his shoulder and your leg thrown over his body, the two of you mindlessly scrolled through your phones. Music played from Miles's speaker.
The melodic tunes of Future “Thought it was a drought." filled the room
“I just fucked yo bitch in some Gucci flip flops. Miles sang out, making you sit up and look at him rasing an eyebrow.
"You be fucking bitches huh?"
"Mama, it's a song," he said, throwing his hands up in defense.
"Yeah, it better be," you replied, snuggling back up under him. As you settled in, a thought crossed your mind, and you called out to Miles.
"Miles," you said, looking up at him. He glanced briefly from his phone, still occupied in the screen.
"Yeah?" he responded, his attention divided.
"Can we listen to some Taylor Swift?" you asked, a hopeful smile playing on your lips.
Miles instantly stopped what he was doing on his phone, his eyes widening with disbelief. He side-eyed you.
"What? I like her music," you defended yourself, feeling a touch of embarrassment creeping in.
"Y/n, you serious right now?" Miles sat up, his gaze fixed on you, his face serious.
"Yeah, Miles. '22' is so good. I don't know abou—" you began, but before you could finish, Miles swiftly cut you off by snatching your lips with his hands.
"Nah... you're gonna listen to some Future and Gunna and like it," he said. "Your taste is horrible. We need to change that."
You let out a defeated sigh, throwing your head back. "Whatever," you muttered
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