#ignore my shitty camera work
danidoesathing · 3 months
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ham1lton · 2 months
kiss me thru the phone!
pairings - logan sargeant x law student!reader (no faceclaim).
warnings - nothing <3
summary - oscar has a new number. no problem! until logan realises he hasn’t been texting his friend his breakdown but rather some random girl. well… let’s hope you have some good advice at least.
— part four of my 500 followers celebration ♡ —
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liked by yourbffname, classmate2 and 237 others.
yourusername: coffee, studying and taking candids of my bestie. isn’t she so pretty when she’s in the midst of a academic breakdown?
yourbffname: fuck u!!! that picture is kinda cute tho. can’t even see my dark circles 😩
-> yourusername: you’re v gorgeous to me!!!
classmate2: those cookies look amazing 🤩 we need to go for some!!
-> yourusername: yess!!! we should. after tomorrow’s lecture okay for you?
-> classmate2: yes!! 🫶🏼
yourmum: keep up the good work honey!! proud of you!! make sure to drink water and take breaks :D
-> yourusername: ofc!!! can’t wait to come home and see you!
yourchildhoodfriend: can’t believe u got into harvard. rory gilmore wishes.
-> yourusername: you’ll always be the lane to my rory babe <33
-> yourchildhoodfriend: imy!! come home soon!!
-> yourusername: i will!! me and u and the arcade?
-> yourchildhoodfriend: it’s a date! 🥰
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liked by yourbffname, lilymhe and 348 others.
yourusername: england was great. shout out to auntie k! oh, i also met some dude. anyone recognise him?
logansargeant: he kinda fine 😩😝😜
-> yourusername: he is… too bad he’s mine 🙄
-> logansargeant: when she claims u in public 🤤 >>
oscarpiastri: never seen him before… he a little close to the camera though. if i was you, i’d run.
-> yourusername: good idea. i already got my nikes on.
-> logansargeant: 🙄🙄🙄😒😒😒👎🏻‼️
lilymhe: lovely meeting you babe!!
-> yourusername: yes u too!! need to hang out again soon <3
-> lilymhe: we can ditch our bfs again 🤩
-> alex_albon: ????? NO 😰
yourbffname: girl… did you get the goods?
-> yourusername: the lewis hamilton signed cap?? ofc. think of it as a thank u for motivating me to even do this. <333
-> yourbffname: omg i could kiss u on the mouth but i won’t bc logan might kill me. that last pic a lil scary…
author’s note: PLEASE ignore the shitty photoshop job on the text messages. the app is usually use to make these texts decided to stop working so i need to find a new one 🙄 also if u guys liked this… u should read my other logan fics — summer lovin’ and manifest it! 😜
taglist — @booksandflowrs @mxdi0 @luckyladycreator2 @alexmarie29 @cuteskz @purplephantomwolf @casperlikej @nichmeddar @decafmickey @moviecritc @wildflowermarns @lichterfee @d3kstar @f1kenzzz @ravisinghs-wife @blupblupfish @demvnsriot @ajvaix @au-ghosttype @thehistoryone @raevyng @colmathgames2 @iloveyou3000morgan @namgification @formulaal @firelily-mimi @lemon-lav @67-angelofthelordme-67 @snapeeballsack (let me know via ask if you’d like to be removed!)
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jaxon-exe · 1 year
Dp x dc prompt
So this starts with Danny becoming the ghost king on his 18th birthday and almost immediately every power-hungry ghost in existence starts proposing to him. At first he just ignores it but after the 10th time someone tries to kidnap him to marry him Greek god style, he’s fucking sick of it and goes to Clockwork for help.
He’s not much help. The only way for other people to stop trying to marry him is if he’s already married. What’s more, because he’s the king of the infinite realms, it has to be someone that’s considered a citizen of the Infinite Realms. (Like he can marry someone that’s still alive but they wouldn’t count and people will just keep trying to marry him) CW also warns him that people will try and kill anyone he marries if they can so a living person isn’t really ideal. The only bit of real helpfulness he does provide is a list of non-evil non-power-hungry citizens so he can have an easier time finding someone.
So Danny takes the list and starts crossing of names (like Johnny, even tho the guy won’t abuse the power of being the ghost princess, kitty would kill Danny for good this time) when he comes across the perfect candidate.
Jason Todd (Robin/Red Hood)
He’s been to Gotham before, knows the Robins all do good work and knows the Red Hood is already a good and fair ruler of his criminal underground. Plus the guy could definitely fight off any ghost trying to kill him even without the power boost and some helpful weapons Danny would give him if he agrees. Plus he has the perfect bargaining chip to get the guy to help by offering to fix the corrupted ectoplasm in him (not that he wasn’t gonna do that anyway when he had the time to but Hood didn’t need to know that)
So Danny hops over to Gotham and after quickly getting permission from Lady Gotham (she’s very protective of her Knights) heads over to crime ally and pitches the idea to Red Hood.
Which basically goes like-
Danny: so I give u, the title of prince, access to the Infinite Realms whenever u wish, a sweet private wing in my castle, any of the op ghost weapons in the castles armoury and a fix for ur rage problems and u marry me so I stop getting people trying to propose to me in increasingly more annoying ways :)
Jason, a literature geek with a secret desire to be the protagonist in a shitty YA romance: u had me at Prince
So the two of then jump over to the Infinite Realms to get married thinking it’ll take 30 minutes top only to learn that CW left out that a Royal wedding has to take at minimum a week otherwise no one will consider the Marriage valid. So the two, not backing out at this point, join in on the week of parties and celebrations without putting much more thought into it.
Meanwhile back in Gotham, after not having Red Hood check in after his patrol, Oracle searches CCTV and finds Jason having a conversation with a figure that is glitching out the camera to much to identify them, then the figure seemingly grabs Jason and drags him into a portal and the two of them disappear.
So obviously the Batfam comes to the conclusion that Jason was kidnapped by some sort of magical being and calls in John. He identify the magic as that of the ghost king’s and has been hearing that the king had been looking for a bride so comes to the conclusion that Jason has been kidnapped Persephone style to be be married and is under the (wrong) conclusion that it will mean Jason can’t leave the realm of the death after.
And so the Batfam + Constantine start planing to crash a wedding.
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libraryofgage · 11 months
Please write for 42. Maybe it could be something dealing with Steve overhearing something he shouldn't have,maybe something the kids say, or Eddie says to someone. Whatever it is it makes him feel like shit. He talks to Eddie, or Robin (or both!) about how much he's changed over the past few years and how he didn't end up being the person everyone thought he'd be, but after what hes overheard he's crying because even though he did all he could he feels lonelier than ever.
Anon, I love you
Prompt 42 for this prompt list!
“Who’s laughing now?”
“…Clearly not you. You’re crying, dear God.” 
I didn't use these quotes exactly, but I came close. It still fits them, though lmao
"I should be right back," Steve says, throwing open the van door before hopping out. The moment it closes, Eddie blasts the heavy metal he usually can't because of Steve's sensitive ears. Steve snorts with amusement and heads towards the diner, the smell of fried food and grilling beef overwhelming him the moment he opens the door.
Steve heads up to the counter, flashing a charming smile at Paula, a woman who's been working at the diner longer than Steve has been alive. "We got your usual almost ready, sugar," she tells him, returning the smile as she grabs a receipt from the turning rack and leads him over to the register.
It's a Friday night, which means the diner is bursting with teenagers hanging out in groups or trying to have a romantic date. Steve doesn't usually see anyone he feels like greeting when he picks up food, but a quick sweep this time reveals a table where Jonathan, Argyle, Nancy, Mike, and Will are sitting. Their table is close to the bar, but none of them seem to have noticed Steve because of their conversation, which is just fine with him.
If he gets dragged into a conversation, he might take too long and make Eddie worry. And if Eddie worries, he'll come bursting into the diner, and there are too many people in here that still blame him for...well, everything, for that to be safe.
"Your total is gonna be $12.93," Paula says, watching as Steve distractedly pulls a twenty from his wallet.
"Keep the change. I'll be waiting over there," he says, nodding to a bar stool somewhat close to where his friends are sitting. He then slides into said stool, leaning on the counter and trying to ignore how sticky it is.
He's close enough now to hear the tail-end of Argyle saying, "--eems like such a nice dude, though."
Mike snorts at him. "You didn't know Steve when he was dating Nancy," he points out.
Oh. They're...talking about him. Steve gets the feeling he should walk away, but he also feels stuck in the stool.
"He wasn't that bad," Nancy says. Silence follows her words, and Steve can imagine the looks she's getting. "Okay, yeah, he was an asshole."
"He smashed my camera," Jonathan says, and Steve wonders if he's imagining a trace of bitterness in his voice.
Here's the thing: Steve apologized for smashing the camera (though, he feels it was still justified) and got Jonathan a new one. A fancy, new one. But it doesn't sound like Jonathan is going to include that detail, too.
"He's a lot better now, though," Will says, and Steve wants to get him a new set of dice for trying to stick up for him.
He then wants to cry and maybe break something when he hears Jonathan and Mike snort and bark out a short laugh.
Steve feels himself grow tense as Nancy and Jonathan regale Argyle with how shitty he was in high school. He keeps waiting for one of the kids to refute or bring up how he's changed, but Mike only adds to it all while Will stays quiet, probably unwilling to get himself laughed at again (not that Steve blames him, honestly).
None of them actually point out how Steve's changed. They laugh at how much of a douchebag he was in high school, and Jonathan tells Argyle to "watch out for King Steve coming through" now that nothing is trying to kill them again.
And Steve feels sick to his stomach. Has...has he not actually changed? Is he really the same King Steve he was in high school? Is he still that asshole who didn't give a shit about others because he was just trying to survive himself, no matter who it hurt? Is this how everyone sees him?
"All right, sugar. Here's your cheeseburgers," Paula says, placing a bag in front of him and jerking him out of his thoughts. "One without tomato but with extra ketchup, and the other with grilled onions."
Steve blinks and smiles at Paula again. "Thanks. Same time next week?"
He waits to see Paula's amused smile and playfully dismissive wave before grabbing the bag and practically running out of the restaurant. He doesn't know if it's good or bad that nobody at the table seems to have noticed his presence or departure.
Steve jerks the door to the van open, not waiting for Eddie to turn the music down before hopping in and slamming it shut. He silently pulls on his seatbelt, holds the food in his lap, and stares at the glove compartment.
"Uh, you okay, Stevie?" Eddie asks, his hand lingering on the volume dial.
"I don't wanna talk about it here," Steve says. Because he's going to talk about it with Eddie, the only other person he trusts to be honest with him is Robin. But this is date night for him and Eddie, and even when he's drowning in self-doubt, Steve doesn't want anyone else to interrupt their date night.
Thankfully, Eddie just nods. "Okay, sweetheart," he says, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road.
Steve doesn't say a word the whole drive, too consumed by forcing himself to focus on Eddie's hand on his thigh. There's a warmth that he feels through the fabric, grounding him and keeping his brain from spiraling too far.
When they finally park (a secluded area close enough to the local make-out spot to still see the romantic stars in the sky without getting caught by anyone else) Eddie turns to Steve and softly asks, "Wanna move to the back, sweetheart?"
Steve grips the bag in his lap tighter, takes a deep breath, and looks at Eddie. He feels a little bad for ignoring the question, but he can't help his worries and fears bubbling out now that they've stopped driving. "I've changed, right? Since high school?"
Eddie blinks, caught off guard by the sudden question. But then he nods. "Yeah, Stevie, you've definitely changed."
"Jonathan and Nancy were in the diner with Argyle, Mike, and Will," Steve says, trying and failing to seem more nonchalant by unbuckling himself and moving to the couch that barely fits in the back of the van. Eddie follows, sitting closer than necessary to eat the burger Steve hands to him. "They were...talking about me. High school me. King Steve. And Jonathan told Argyle to be wary of me. Do they really think I'm the same person?"
Steve doesn't let Eddie get far. He's too wrapped up in what happened, too consumed by self-doubt and guilt and the wish that he'd said something to them. His chest feels tight, he feels like the world is going to cave in on him, and the only thing keeping him steady is the way Eddie puts down his burger and pulls Steve into his lap. "And the worst part is that they were laughing. Will tried saying that I was better now, and they fucking laughed. Like it was ridiculous. Like I could never change.
"And I just....I wish I'd said something. I could have ruined their night so fucking easily, Eds. I could have turned around and asked if they always talked shit behind the backs of people who saved them. I could have asked if Jonathan didn't like the replacement camera I got him, or if he still used it to sneak photos of Nancy."
"Is that why you broke his camera? Fuck, I don't blame you."
Steve manages a slight smile for Eddie. "Thanks. I...I don't know. For all I've changed, it would have been so easy to just turn around and be who they thought I still was. And then I would've torn them down to the size of ants. And...and...I wish I had but I don't but I do, so I could've ended it with who's laughing now?"
Steve's chest feels a little looser, and that's a fucking relief, but then he feels Eddie's hand cradling his cheek. "Well, it's definitely not you, sweetheart. Your crying."
Oh. Eddie is right. He is crying. Steve hastily wipes at the tears before just giving up and leaning into Eddie's touch. "Sorry," he mumbles.
"Don't apologize. I almost wish you had done it. And that I'd been there to see it."
"No, you don’t."
Eddie grins, pulling Steve closer so they're chest-to-chest, heart-to-heart. "Yeah, I do. I love when you get bitchy, sweetheart. Especially when it means we can be bitchy together."
Steve blinks, and he can't help laughing. The words were simple, but they still managed to erase all the doubt and some of the hurt. He still probably needs a few days before he can actually look at Jonathan or Nancy or Mike again, but he doesn't feel so immediately devastated.
"Somehow, that was the perfect thing to say," he tells Eddie, closing the distance between them to kiss his lips, getting a hint of ketchup on his tongue.
"Perfect enough to earn me some fun?" Eddie asks, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
Steve sighs dramatically, pretends to think about it as he actually laments that their burgers will get cold, and then pushes Eddie down on the couch.
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notafunkiller · 11 months
sweet nothing
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Summary: Bucky and you attend an awards show, but an interviewer makes sure to ruin your night before it even starts. The loss of your project makes you have a breakdown when you get home, and Bucky does his best to comfort you.
Pairing: director!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader
Warnings: 18+, age gap (r is 24, Bucky is 36), teasing, dirty talk, language, pet names, fingering, oral sex (the reader receiving), clit play, come eating, a little metal arm kink, daddy kink, no condom (but they are both clean and the reader is on birth control), no mention of y/n
Word Count: 4.2K
story masterlist
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: Bucky’s look is obviously inspired by Sebastian’s appearance at D23 Expo in 2022. Also, this happens a few months after the second part, in October.
An extra thank you to @marvelouslizzie and @lavenderhaze967​ for being my beta readers and for the endless support.
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
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You really can’t decide what to say. The remark came so unexpectedly, you were taken aback.
You don’t know how they knew about your vacation. The photos and some false info were spread all over the internet, and you found out only after you came back home.
You expected things to calm down from July until now, though, but they didn’t. They actually became worse and worse. But despite that, you didn’t even think you were going to get this type of comment tonight, especially since you announced you refuse to talk about your personal life. You should have known better… Bucky was right, you can never trust the press and you should never have expectations.
“Even though this has nothing to do with tonight and I said I won’t talk about anything related to my personal life multiple times...”
“I wasn’t-” The interviewer tries to interrupt you, surprised by your cold tone, but you don’t let her. If they want to speculate, then at least you can let it out now. They can do whatever they want after.
“To make things clear, Mr. Barnes is actually one of the most professional people I’ve ever worked with… one of the best: kind and supportive, and he always gives the best feedback.”
You ignore her once again, raising your hand to stop her. “He is blunt, honest, and hasn’t been anything but professional the whole time. He made a massive contribution to the film industry and he’s been in the public eye for so long...  If you had done your research, you’d have known how everyone, especially the women he worked with, talked and talk about him.” You take a deep breath, trying to keep your composure before you look straight at the camera. “Also, no, I did not sleep with him or anyone else to get any kind of role. Thank you!”
You don’t realize how much you’re shaking or how many tears you were holding back until you reach the bathroom. You’re thankful Bucky is inside already. He doesn’t deserve this shitty attitude, and you know he would have made a scene and stopped this on the spot if he’d witnessed it.
So you don’t tell Bucky about it, not wanting to give him bad vibes, especially since you know how he already feels about going to events in general. Your table is full when you get there: a part of the cast and the crew along with Bucky’s manager. Natasha couldn’t come this time, but you know everyone, so it’s better than you expected.
“Wine?” Bucky asks you softly, leaning in so only you can hear him.
“Later, please. I have a small headache.”
“Oh, no, baby.” He kisses your forehead as soon as you finish talking. “Do you need a pill?”
You love how he never hides or tries to keep his distance when you go out together. Maybe it’s nothing much after all, but you know how discreet he is, how much he values privacy, and it makes you truly feel a part of his life.
“Don’t worry, it will go away.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes, yes.” You brush it off with a smile, and he nods, unsure, getting back in his chair properly.
You can’t let your emotions eat you alive, anger or nervousness... you just can’t. But it’s easier said than done because time passes so slowly until your categories are announced. Not even joking around with Bucky’s manager helps. She has such amazing vibes usually, but you are too deep in your thoughts to fully embrace them.
By the time the nominees in your category are announced, Bucky gets you all ice cream, making sure they put two spoons for you: one with chocolate and another with biscuits. It’s so delicious, but you instantly stop eating when the small video with a few of your scenes is projected. People around you clap loudly, but you can’t look around much, your cheeks so flushed when the camera stops on you again. Bucky even whistles using the index and middle fingers of his flash hand, which makes you giggle. He’s so cute!
“And the winner for Best Actress in a Drama is...”
It’s like the world stops for a second: the tension, the lack of air, the ringing in your ear... you can’t hear anything. But you can read body language and see everyone’s shoulders falling. You don’t dare to look at Bucky, only smiling in joy for whoever won and trying to hold back tears. Every woman on that list deserves it. They are all fantastic. You aren’t upset because someone else won. You just feel like a failure because you lost. It’s like you disappointed the people who care about you, who took a shot with you. Bucky... who saw something in you and risked it. You know how silly it is because he isn’t the type of person who would even think that, but you can’t just control the train of thoughts that keeps overwhelming you.
“I’m so sorry, baby.”
You still can’t look at your sweet, comforting Bucky. Fuck, such a crybaby... You just nod and take your spoon with your right hand so you can have more ice cream.
He better wins!
The movie loses shortly after you, and it’s your turn to comfort him. You don’t pay attention to the camera focusing on you or Lucas tapping on his arm in a consolation gesture when you turn your face toward him and kiss his cheek. “I’m sorry, bubba.”
He melts instantly under your touch. “Don’t be.”
But how can you not be? It makes your insides burn. This man you know so well professionally and personally deserves every fucking award this industry has. He is fantastic! The movie was fantastic, too.
The urge to cry takes over you the moment the winner of the best director category is announced, but it’s not Bucky. And you think he senses it because he squeezes your thigh gently to assure you. You…
You cannot believe this.
You have a bitter taste in your mouth for the rest of the night there, which is short since Bucky suggests leaving earlier. You hate awards ceremonies officially, too.
The car ride is no better. You find it harder and harder to hold back your tears, and the last thing you want is Bucky to see. He asked you if you were hungry, and asked you to stay over at his place. How could you say no? No, Bucky, I want to go home and cry angry and disappointed. You spend most of your nights at his house anyway, so it would make him worry. Especially since the distance to your apartment is longer.
You let a deep breath out when he closes the door, turning on the lights as you start to take off your shoes.
“Home sweet home.” He gives you a tired smile.
“Ihm. Finally.” You don’t trust your voice to say more than that and you let your bag and phone on the small table before going straight to the kitchen.
“Next time we’re invited, we ditch to watch a movie or something and make love.”
His words are enough to send you over the edge somehow. When you hear his footsteps closer, you instantly turn around to face the sink, grabbing the kitchen counter in an attempt to hold back the tears. But it’s so hard…
Fuck, he’s so close.
And that’s all you need to burst into tears. But you’re not just crying, you are fully sobbing when you feel his arms wrapping around you.
“Bubba, breathe, please.” He rests his head on your shoulder, and you feel so naked, so bare in a way... Something you feared for so long. You are vulnerable in a way you only let your family see you, not even them maybe. It’s like you’re giving him access to your inner child. And it’s terrifying.
“I-I’m ss-sorry.” You are gasping for air between words, and this makes you feel even worse. You sound so pathetic.
“What are you sorry for, bubba? Focus on breathing, please.” Bucky’s voice is so calm and soothing, you almost let yourself fall into his arms. You can’t believe this safe sensation you feel. It’s shocking to you. You trust him to hold you and comfort you even when you look this deplorable.
“In and out.” You breathe in and out every time he says the words and it slowly becomes easier; the air doesn’t feel like it burns your lungs anymore.
You feel his kisses on the back of your head. “Good girl, perfect. Just like that.”
You open your eyes as soon as your body stops trembling and turn to him instantly. You probably look like a wet raccoon, but you don’t care. You hug him so tight you wonder if he can even breathe. But you can’t let go.
Bucky’s glad he took off his jacket since the zipper would have hurt your face.
“I’m right here, not going anywhere.”
“I’m ss-sorry,” you say weakly, taking a step back. “It’s just so unfair!”
His whole face softens even more. He understands... your first nominee and your first loss. This is never easy, especially for someone ambitious and talented.
“I know it hurts, but I promise you more will come, and they will finally give you the awards you deserve. You were amazing.” He takes your hands into his and brings them to his mouth.
“It’s not about me!”
“You deserved to win!” You can’t control the anger in your voice. “This movie, the whole concept, the team... Maybe it’s because of the way I-”
“Stop right there! You have nothing to blame yourself for. And you don’t have to feel bad for me, okay, bubba?” His mouth finds your forehead. “Of course, it bothers me a little, but these awards come and go. Sure, some bring more opportunities, but I don’t give a fuck about it. You were a fantastic lead. You are fantastic! But I promise you, you will get more awards because you deserve them. I was mad for you. Don’t worry about me, alright?”
“But you deserve it!”
“It’s just an award, baby. I am proud of this project and of everyone who was a part of it, especially you. It wasn’t easy and it was emotionally draining.”
He wipes your face, and you curse. You should have worn waterproof mascara.
“I just don’t...”
“Don’t ever blame yourself again.” He pauses. “Actually, you will because you can’t control that, it’s not a switch. What I mean is don’t try to hide from me, don’t let the thoughts overwhelm you before talking to me. Or someone... anyone: your sister, your mom, Natasha. I just want you to know I am here for you.” He kisses your lips shortly. “I got you, and you got me.”
He barely has time to finish his sentence before you grab his face and kiss him, your tongue immediately licking his bottom lip. It’s something about the way he reacted, about his permanent attitude and the way he looks that makes you dizzy. So dizzy that you easily switch from feeling anger and fear to sexual desire.
You keep kissing him until you two can’t breathe anymore. He’s so sweet, so good. You can’t help it...
“I want to suck your cock.”
He opens his eyes instantly.
“Want to take you inside my mouth. Now.” You repeat with such urgency that his shock is increasing.
“Wait, you don’t have to-”
But his words die as your hands are already on his belt, taking it off in seconds. When it loudly hits the floor, you unzip the pants, dragging them down along with his boxers with force. So much force he gasps.
“Please, daddy.”
You drop to your knees in seconds, making sure to properly grab the base before leaning in to kiss his wet head.
He has to grab the kitchen counter behind you to stand still.
“Just me.” You smirk a little and take more of his cock inside your mouth. He’s getting harder little by little. When you start to move your hand , though? He finally gets in his usual horny mood, understanding you really want this.
“Fuck, look at you! On your knees just for me. So needy!”
You moan, bringing your left hand to his balls as you start to bob your head. You just want him to come.
“Baby, please. Fuck me!” He groans, and you suddenly feel your hair getting pulled hard as if he’s trying to get you away from his cock. You stop sucking just to snap:
“Why are you taking my cock from me?”
“Because it wants to be inside my pussy.”
You snort.
He helps you stand up and kisses you without any worry. You moan when you feel his hands on your breasts, then to your sides, and before you can even say anything, you hear the sound of the material ripping.
“Hurry up!” You complain, waiting for him to finish undressing you as you keep kissing his neck.
Your bra and underwear are next and you can’t believe how free you feel.
“You are so fucking beautiful!”
“Need you, please...”
He nods, immediately lifting you in his arms, and you don’t stop kissing him until your back hits the bed.
“How do you want me?” You ask, and he frowns.
“What do you mean?”
“Position, Bucky.” You try to clean your face with the back of your hand as you wait for his answer.
“We can start like this.” He gets between your legs and lifts them on his shoulders. His hair is messy, all over his forehead, and you giggle, brushing it away from his eyes.
You’re so wet he gets inside you in one movement, and you both moan. The fullness is so good, you arch your back. Sex with Bucky will never get boring, you are sure of it. He’s a perfect combination between caring, desperate, and curious.
“Yes, bubba, I’m here.” He kisses you as he starts to thrust. “I’m right here.”
Your legs are wrapped around his ass, pushing him inside you harder every time he pulls almost completely out.
“God, I love your cock so much!”
“Just that?” He pouts, making you laugh. He’s a baby and a daddy at the same time.
“I love you, bubba, you know that.”
“And I” thrust “want” thrust “to hear” thrust “it again and again.”
“Fuck.” You close your eyes, turning your face to the side without realizing.
“Eyes on me, doll. Eyes on daddy.”
“It’s hard...” you cry out, even more turned on by him calling himself your daddy. It fits him so much!
“Fine.” He uses his metal arm to turn you around on your tummy.
“Bucky!” You scream because of the sudden movement and the empty feeling since he pulled out.
“Hands and knees since you don’t want to look at me.”
You shake your head, amused, but you get in the position, raising your ass as much as you can. You love when he fucks you like this. Everything feels deeper, and there’s no distance despite the fact you can’t properly see him or kiss him. “So dramatic of you.”
You flinch without realizing when you feel his palm connecting with your ass cheeks.
“Does it hurt?”
“No, no.” You quickly assure him, looking up when you hear his worried tone. He never spanks you too hard, and the amount of strength he uses makes you enjoy it. It always makes you wet. “Just didn’t expect it.”
“Good.” He kisses your forehead. “Ready?”
He quickly gets inside you as soon as you finish speaking, and you gasp. It takes your breath away, but you can’t help but wiggle your ass. His hands grab your hips and he finally starts to literally pound you just the way you both enjoy it. His cold metal fingers feel so good.
“Do you love it, baby?” You hear him, but you don’t understand how he expects you to answer. You can’t even breathe properly.
“Fuck, you’re so wet around me. I love you so much.”
You try to tell him you love him back, but the words are so distorted you give up.
You’re close already.
“Are you gonna come for me? Are you gonna be a good girl and let go? Make daddy prouder?”
And just like that, you come. You don’t hear anything anymore: you can’t distinguish the words, only his voice. You feel so good, so light, that you don’t realize the wave of tears that hits you.
Bucky smiles, knowing these are from so much pleasure, and doesn’t continue to thrust much until he comes inside you. You moan again, encouraging him to fill you. To give you as much come as he has.
“Yes, yes. Please, need your come.” And you know he loses his mind every time you do that. “Please, daddy.”
A few seconds later, you feel him move his hands.
“Fuck me, baby, this was incredible.”
You nod, trying to find your words again.
“Yes, it... it was.” He helps you turn around after he gets out of you and groans.
“You look so fucking good! Perfect to eat right now.”
He makes you laugh before you slowly kiss him, moaning when your tongues find each other. There is something unique about the way he uses that mouth.
“I mean it. Gonna eat you now, ok?”
It’s the only warning you get before your head drops to the bed again and his is between your legs. His shoulders are broad enough to keep your legs extra spread, and you try to keep your eyes open just to enjoy the sight.
But it’s hard. His tongue on your clit then at your entrance, licking and eating his own come combined with yours makes you so weak you have to grab his hair to have a focus point other than his mouth.
Your hips move uncontrolled toward his mouth as soon as you feel him slowing down. He tries to keep your back on the bed by pushing your tummy down with his metal arm, but it’s impossible. The coldness on your skin makes you cry even more.
“Fuck, fuck, Bucky, please...”
You can’t believe how close you are again, but his tongue is always great. You don’t remember a single time he didn’t make you come like this.
You gasp when he moves his tongue up to your clit quickly, which you did not expect. Even though you should have... you should have expected him to bring two metal fingers to your mouth and command you to suck them, then to push them inside you at once as he sucks on your clit. And sucks. And sucks. And when he takes it between his teeth, grazing it just enough, you come.
You don’t even realize you are screaming, the pleasure so overwhelming you can’t think even for a second. And he doesn’t stop, he keeps using his tongue and fingers until you have to beg him to.
You’re trembling, absolutely consumed when he moves up to kiss you.
“Fuck, we taste so good, doll.”
You kiss him again, making sure to lick his lips before he opens his mouth. You taste amazing together, indeed.
“Good. Are you feeling better now?”
“I can’t feel my body,” you say before laughing.
“Are you sore?”
You touch his face. “I feel well fucked, daddy, don’t worry.”
His face is priceless every time you call him that. It’s funny how a big man like him gets red so easily. You never get over this.
“You and that… name.”
You pinch his chin immediately, stroking his hair. “As if you don’t enjoy it.”
“I do. Look what you did to me!” He shakes his head in a disapproving way, and you feel happy. He makes everything lighter... easier for you. He learned when and how to push you, and it helps that you have a similar sense of humor.
“I’m better now, thank you. It’s just so unfair because you are a wonderful director.”
“Just director?”
You giggle, seeing his pouty mouth. “And writer.”
“And?” You raise your eyebrow.
“What else?”
“I don’t-” You burst into laughter when you feel his hands tickling you. “Stop! Stop! F-fine! Best... best boyfriend.”
“What? Didn’t hear you.”
You roll your eyes. He’s so predictable sometimes.
“B-best boyfriend in the world. Now stop! You’re so unfair!”
“Alright.” He gives you a boyish grin, which makes him look so young. His smile never changed from what you saw. His childhood pictures, his college ones... he kept it and it makes him so adorable.
“I love you, old man.”
“Not this again.” He fake puffs before kissing you. “I love you, too.”
You wake up with a few notifications and a message from Bucky telling you he’s gone to do some grocery shopping. You were wondering why the house was silent. Even when he wakes up earlier than you and tries to be silent, there is a low sound from the TV or his music player.
What you don’t expect is to have thousands of DMS and following requests as soon as you open your Instagram.
You don’t understand at first, still sleepy and hungry, until you scroll through your feed and see Bucky’s post. You almost drop your phone.
There are two photos. The first is only with you, but you don’t remember when he took it. You’re not looking at the camera, staring at the sunset, so it’s clear he took it without you knowing. He’s had this for months... and he never showed it to you. God, you miss Italy!
When you swipe to the next pic, one with both of you as he’s biting your cheek, you laugh. You were being so silly that day. Your fourth date... He was ready to eat your whole face and he didn’t want to take no for an answer, so you started to bite and suck his chin in return. It was the first time you spent the night at his house. It feels like years ago...
Then your eyes finally drop to the description and you start crying a little.
I already won the best award that exists a few months ago❤️ Thank you for your support!
You notice he turned off the comments, but many common friends liked the post.
Fuck, that means you are officially together everywhere. Wow.
You can’t believe what you woke up to. You two never kept your relationship a secret, but you preferred being discreet. You are aware of how this looks from the outside, both of you do, but does it matter? At the end of the day, the people you care about know the truth, you work hard to get jobs, and that’s enough.
You immediately open your gallery and choose a couple of photos with you and him, then just with him: hugging, Bucky kissing your cheek, him making dance moves, his face up close... some random pics you love.
You choose to use only a red heart as your caption at first, but before you publish, you add a few words because it doesn’t feel enough and even tag him on your boobs.
What a view: @jbuckybarnes #photosdump
Happily, you let the comments on and look for a certain short video you absolutely adore from your vacation: he has his head on your lap, napping soundlessly while you run your hand through his hair. His face might not be visible, but it’s clear it’s him. His shoulders, his moles, and his hair...
You remember how he groaned and whined every time you stopped touching his curls, bringing your hand back to his head.
“Bubba, more...”
Smiling, you tag him in a small font, choosing a color to fit the yacht floor, and post it.
The next fifteen minutes you spend in the bathroom, taking a shower, doing your routine, and changing into some clothes you left here the last time.
“Baby?” You jump when you hear Bucky in the bedroom all of a sudden, but you don’t let the shock hold you back from jumping on him.
He catches you, thankfully, and holds you by the ass as you kiss him all over his face and neck before stopping on his lips. Your tongue finds his and you moan in his mouth shortly after, making him groan, too.
“Good morning!”
“I love you,” you whisper, resting your head on his chest.
“I love you, too. Didn’t want to leave before you woke up, but we needed breakfast.”
“Can’t believe you did that.”
“What?” He asks genuinely confused.
“You know what!” You say, words muffled by the material of his T-shirt. You are surprised how this small normal thing made you so happy you can burst.
“Ah.” He realizes, leaning in a bit to kiss your hair. “I should have done it ages ago.”
You really hate how he tends to take the full blame when it’s not the case. “We then... but now it’s the perfect timing.”
“Yes, the perfect timing.” He carries you around until you are both back in bed.
The breakfast can wait, so can you to see his reaction when he finds your posts.
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destructionray · 1 year
Hobie Brown/Spiderpunk Relationship HC's
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spider-punk relationship hc's?? This is the first time I've shared my work so sorry if it's bad i genuinely don't know how to write stuff </3 also i tried to keep the reader gender-neutral but i might be a little biased because im transmasc (fuck fem!readers i actually hate yall/j) i also tried to keep it spoiler-free
1.3k words
warnings: none (okay maybe a tiny bit of curse words)
ALWAYS sharing earbuds. there's not a single time this man will let you sit next to him without listening to some of his jams
hes usually the type to only give half-hugs, having just an arm around your shoulder or waist when you're just chilling
but when you ask for a real hug?? It'll literally be the most comforting thing.
pulling you in to his chest and wrapping his arms around you tightly, one hand around your shoulder and the other on your back, pressing his body up against yours tightly
and he kisses the top of ur head!!
BUT hes a little pissed that he has to take off his jacket every time because of how spiky it is
he can't count the amount of times you've tried to rest your head on his shoulder but ended up getting poked by the spikes on his jacket.
he LOVES hugging you from behind
he's not super touchy, but when he's around a lot of people he'll always be touching you in some way.
having his hand in your back pocket, having a hand on your hip, holding eachothers pinkies
i swear he has a a thing for hips or waists/j
ESPECIALLY touchy in front of authorities, he'll make out with you in front of them just to piss them off.
the hand placement when he kisses yoy oh my godddd
either a hand on your cheek and/or around your waist, or when you're making out he has his hand on the back of your head, pushing you closer to him
neck kisses <3333
there's almost no way you could be taller than him, my guy is 6'3 AND wears platforms.
prepare to be used as an armrest for him.
you like his piercings? He'll do one for you.
that man has never paid for a single piercing in his LIFE.
insisted on doing piercings for you, especially if you had never had any done before.
he'll do stick n pokes for you aswell if you're interested in getting a tattoo.
if you're an artist, he'll let you do some on him aswell.
BEGGED you to get matching tattoos and/or piercings
he's so cute, how could you say no?
calls you "love" ALL THE TIME. You're not entirely sure if it's because he loves you or if it's just a weird thing brits do
your dates are mostly going to strange or abandoned places and hanging/having a picnic/listening to music/mildly illegal stuff, or sneaking into a movie theater to watch stuff without paying.
if you're a Spider-person too, you guys definetily have had a romantic moment on top of skyscraper before.
if you're afraid of heights, he'll hold you in his arms the entire time he takes you to a place high up. he'll never let you go
he noticed that you miss him a lot, so made you your own watch to travel to his dimension or the Spider-society at any time
he totally has a ton of pictures with you in his room, printed by some cheap shitty polariod camera
When he gets injured, he immideately resorts to you instead of going to a hospital or proper medic
He doesn't like seeing you get worried about him, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't love the extra attention and care you gave him, and the time you spend together patching him up.
Shows his love instead of telling you
Only says "i love you" in special moments (which sometimes could just be spending time cuddling & relaxing together after a bad day)
Literally all over you when he's tired or after a day of being Spider-Punk
Has 100% yelled at or completely ignored Miguel for calling him on a mission while he's with you.
You play an instrument? He'll practice with you every single day.
If you don't have any motivation to, he'll be your motivation. He loves hearing you play.
If you were interested in playing guitar, he totally sat for hours and teached you chords.
Holding your hand to make it press down on the strings, and saying "good job" or other little praises whenever you got it right.
You're interested in playing drums? He asked Gwen to come over and practice with you, and he was you two's hypeman.
He loves seeing you get along well with his best friends.
If you tell him your favorite song(s), he secretly learns it on his guitar until he's perfected it and then plays it for you.
Your reactions are always so amusing to him, and he loves it.
Makes you playlists with both his and your favorite songs so you can listen to them together
Spotify playlists? Nope, he dowloaded all the music (probably illegally) and burned them on CD's.
He gave you a portable CD player so you could listen to his playlists at any time.
At his gigs, he always makes sure you're as close to the stage as possible so he can keep an eye on you
You're always invited to his shows, no matter what, and he'll always play better and show off more when he sees you in the crowd
Brings you backstage just to give you a kiss between songs
most likely wrote you a few songs (or more cough cough)
Gave you one of his studded bracelets and said it looks good on you, even if it totally clashes with your style.
He loves seeing you wear it, and it's like you're being constantly reminded of him whenever you wear it.
Ever try his stuff on? It's yours now.
Clothes? no doubt. Jewlery? Yours. Literally anything else? You can have it.
He even gives you guitar picks from his shows, even if you have no use for them
He'll totally nick some of your sweaters or accessories once in a while though.
On the topic of gifts, he always steals small things he sees you looking at for a suspiciously long time in store
He's like a crow, always stealing shiny things (jewlery)
Yeah, he's definetily a bit of a kleptomaniac.
His criminal record must be insane just bc of his stealing habit
He totally makes you custom pins or patches with your favorite bands logos
Hes a very "DIY" kind of guy
He doesn't wanna spend money on things that are overpriced simply because it's popular, so a lot of the gifts he gives you are handmade
VERY skilled at making things though
That man does EVERYTHING.
Crochet, sewing, knitting, drawing, painting, handicraft, sculpting, you name it.
He's also surprisingly good at cooking/baking. (But sadly he doesn't believe in expiration dates/j)
he usually colors his nails in with black sharpie, but he'll 100% let you paint his nails with actual nail polish
Pulling up at your place when he's drunk isn't an uncommon occurence.
He's a very affectionate drunk.
Especially if he's tired.
He'll tell you how much he loves you, joke around, and always has at least one arm slung around your shoulder
Never uses the front door to your house/apartment.
Always climbing through your windows, because he insists it's easier than knocking on a door.
Plus, if you still live with your parents, it'll make sneaking in at night WAY easier.
He doesn't believe in marriage. Says it's a way for the government to control your relationship and a waste of money
He loves stuff like promise rings though
His accent is so thick, so you're like a translator for him whenever someone doesn't understand him/j
Not related to Hobie, but Pavitr ships you two HARD. He NEVER let you hear the end of it when he first saw you guys kiss.
Pav's always making stupid cute and petty little remarks about your relationship, but he finds you two absolutely adorable.
feel free to give advice or anything in the comments because i genuinely dont know if this is good or nah,,
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moonstruckme · 2 months
feels odd being a marauder fan asking for tasm Peter content but i couldnt help myself <//3 if ur still taking requests id love to see ur take on Peter and the art students meet cute (or not so cute meeting) I always wondered how two vastly different people would even meet lol
Thanks for requesting gorgeous!
cw: mention of animal cruelty (not present in the story)
tasm!Peter Parker x artist!reader ♡ 831 words
Peter wonders if he should put on his mask. 
He’s not really sure what the protocol is for non-mutant criminal activity that makes its way into his daily life. But he’d only been trying to lock up the lab for the night, and there you are, spray painting all over the glass panes dividing the workspaces. 
“Hey!” He decides to forgo the mask when you direct your can scary close to a container of samples. “Don’t do that, you’ll ruin them.” 
You turn slowly, tense all over. It’s a look Peter’s not unfamiliar with; fight and flight are warring in your nervous system. You’ve been caught. 
“No one’s still supposed to be here,” you say, voice muffled slightly by the painter’s mask covering your nose and mouth. 
A laugh bubbles out of him. “Oh, my bad. Sorry—actually, since I’m clearly the one breaking the rules, I’ll just go.” 
You remain frozen in place, seemingly waiting to see if he’s actually joking or not. Peter’s not sure what to do. He can’t just…let you continue to destroy the lab, but calling the cops has never been his MO. He crosses his arms and leans back against a table, doing his best to look in control. 
“What are you even doing?” he asks. 
“It’s…” You look around you as if you’d forgotten, to the glass now dripping gorily with red paint. “It’s about animal cruelty. It’s a protest. Do you have any idea,” you say, your voice picking up conviction as you speak, “how many animals die in these labs every day?” 
Peter blinks. “Not really.” It feels shitty to say, but it’s not like he’s around for every class and project that happens here every day; something like that would be impossible to keep track of. 
Your eyes flash. “Too many.”
“So, what?” He looks around, at the red dribbling down the glass panes—blood, that’s what it is—and your paint-spritzed overalls. “You make some maintenance worker have to clean this up tomorrow morning, and then the science department will decide to stop?” 
Your eyebrows bunch. You hadn’t thought of that. “I just want to bring attention to it,” you say. “I’ll come back and clean up if I need to, but I just—I think it’s important that people see it. That they can’t just keep ignoring it.” 
Peter frowns, bending to pick up one of the paint canisters stacked neatly by a backpack. He gives it a little shake, and this one’s still full, the pile it came from larger than the matching one of used-up cans by your feet. Your eyes track his movements, too smart to try and take it from him but attentive nonetheless. You’re watching him with this flaming intensity. There’s something quietly passionate about you, like you’re burning with an energy that would be almost frightening if it didn’t seem so heartfelt. 
“You realize there’s cameras all over this place, right?” he asks. “You could get kicked out of school. This is vandalism.” 
You don’t flinch. “It’s uncommissioned public art.” 
“You think they’ll see it that way?” 
You sigh heavily, and Peter wishes he could see what was going on behind that mask so he’d know what you were thinking. Thankfully for him, your eyes are expressive enough. They narrow as you cross your arms, jutting out a hip. 
“So what, are you going to go and tell someone?” 
Peter sizes you up. He can relate to feeling like you need to work outside of the system to get something done. To being sick of going to the proper authorities after being told too many times that while they really do care, they won’t do anything about it.
“How about this,” he says. “You let me stay here and make sure you don’t damage any of the equipment, and I won’t rat you out.” He might even scrub the camera footage once you go. But he’s still figuring you out, so he doesn’t want to make promises. 
“Deal,” you say immediately. If you’re surprised at his bargain, you don’t show it, only shaking the paint canister in your hand and starting to spray another layer of paint onto the glass. Your brows pinch slightly as you work, evidence of an assiduous concentration Peter is familiar with. 
He makes himself comfy in a rolling chair, sitting back to watch you work. “We actually do some really important stuff here, you know.” 
“I’m sure you do,” you say without pausing. “It’s not like I blame everyone you personally. I get that the research helps people, but, I mean, at what cost?” 
Peter shrugs. It’s a good point. “True. It’s a lot worse for animals in the big labs. We’re small-scale because we’re funded by the school, and we’re also responsible for reporting to the higher-ups.” 
“I know.” Your eyes flit to him, less wary than before. “But I don’t have access to one of the big labs. Change has to start somewhere, right?” 
You can certainly agree on that. 
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princesssmars · 1 year
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an ellabs x black!streamer!reader
some times your viewers expect you're in a relationship, and one time you spell it out clearly for them.
wc : 1.860
contains : reader is feminine ! the picture is more lightskin but all shades can read <333 ltlvc reference
a/n : coming up with chat usernames is so hard what the fawk??? but yeah while i ignore trolls the ones under these tags were pissing me off so i wrote this for my fellow black girlies <333 i hope u enjoy :)
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lets get one thing out of the way, you loved being a streamer. now that you had a good following of a few thousand regular watchers, you were more than financially stable, got to do something you enjoyed as a job, and even made a few new streaming friends.
but when it came to those friends, every content creator knew simple friendships could stir up drama. you had heard of many cases of friendships being strained or ruined because of this job. more specifically because of the fans.
which is why you took an oath to leave finer details like relationships out of your work. if you did tell a story about that time you and your friends nearly got kicked out of a local mall's journey's, you would keep descriptions of friends brief and blank, even resorting to calling people "friend number one, friend number two..."
luckily most of your fans were more than understanding that you wanted to keep some of your life private.
most of them.
case one : the first p.o. box
it was another po box opening stream you decided to start early in the day, wanting to show and appreciate chat with the things they got for you.
lululemonsz : babe i hope its a new keyboard urs is on a iv drip !
wariolover96 : open it open the box OPEN IT
shelovedantee : damn is there a bomb in it hurry up
you laughed looking at all the people in chat begging you to open the current package in your hand.
"everybody chill out. look, im gonna open the first one now."
you quickly got a pair of scissors to cut off the packing tape on both ends, hurrying to pull the cardboard from its place.
the chat started speeding up when your mouth fell open in shock, slowly reaching in and pulling out the keyboard. it was sleek, mechanical, and your favorite color.
biiiigpoo : omg isnt that thing like $250?
lululemonsz : this as the first gift is CRAZY
ilovestardewmc1237 : one of your viewers is in love with you
you couldn't even respond, turning the keyboard over and back again to admire the details of it. out of the corner of your eye you spot a little yellow sticky note at the bottom, bringing it up to read it without letting the camera see. once you got to the end, your eyes widened and you quickly moved on to the next gifts.
but the light reflecting from your window and monitor was enough for chat to see a few letters on the note. after that, your fandom quickly began talking of a person named "A" who had not only the money to get you crazy expensive keyboards, but was also able to fluster you with a small note.
case two : the search history.
every so often, your mods would host little events on your stream. these could include giveaways, shitty chat therapy, and little games for everyone to play. today it was a challenege : the more bits people donated, the crazier stuff you had to do for them. it was all pretty tame, and the end goal was one you didnt think you'd manage to hit.
never doubt the power of charisma and a pretty face, because after only three hours you manged to reach that two thousand dollar mark, and chat was raving at what you'd have to reveal next : your search history.
ariagatorr : damn this lowkey invasive 💀
devonchcgo22 : and we dont give a fuck
plantsnparsnip : right open that shit up
"i hate yall, do you know that? like genuinely." you groaned, slowly movied your mouse to open your chrome history.
there wasn't much for chat to bully you about thankfully, just some light teasing about how much you use pinterest and asking what it was you bought on etsy. and just when you thought you were done, someone had to open their big damn mouth.
pian0picass0 : wait a minute why did you open ellies stream THREE times ????
chat started moving faster as they read the comment, everyone asking you to open the stream and show them what was going on. sucking your teeth and denying them as you had shown them what they wanted!
after quickly wrapping up the stream and giving your thanks and goodbyes, a portion of viewers went on a manhunt for any ellie who was streaming at the moment.
once clicking on the stream, they found it was just a casual stream with ellie. she was obviously pretty, but was super laid-back in her jeans and converse as she strummed some songs on her guitar.
"oh hey, welcome to the stream i guess. any requests? i was gonna practice some radiohead because my friend asked for it."
pian0picass0 : hey ellie! do you know who (y/u) is by any chance?
"'sup casso. uhhhh no i dont think i do. did she send yall over here? maybe ill check her channel out."
case three : the enhanced dm's
"everybody shut the fuck up and lets start this stupid thing."
this was it, one of your biggest streams of the year. and also the most fun. and most aggravating.
the gist was simple. you and 5 other streamers were thrown into a discord call and whoever lasted the longest through the sleep deprivation and challenges won a heap of cash.
what the hell was it with you getting screwed over by challenges?
it didn't seem that bad. the host, a close friend of yours, told you to share your screen so everyone could decide something to tweet from your twitter.
now, your friends in the call didn't notice what was on your screen when you shared it, and if they did they didn't say anything. but never doubt the perseverance of your crazy ass viewers, because one took the liberty to see exactly what you were saying in that split second they could see your dm's, because they swore they knew that profile picture...
abby : don't worry you'll do fine
abby : you're not gonna get embarrassed by any of the challenges
abby : i hope
y/n : seriously
abby : come onn you know i'm rooting for you &lt;3
y/n : aww thanks bee
abby : yup. for the whole event i'm gonna be your personal cheerleader ^3^
y/n : oooo you gonna put on a uniform for me?
abby : don't push it.
case four : the voice chat slip up
at this point, there was no point in acting like you didn't know the two streamers.
the first was abby. mostly posted fitness, health, and lifestyle videos on youtube, but would occasionally go live on twitch to talk with her fans or stream herself working out at the gym.
(you may or may not have admitted live that you found her by watching a few of her workout streams. whoops.)
and then there was ellie, a gaming streamer who was known for being chill and quiet when playing music but as loud as a plane engine when playing cs:go. don't even get her started on cod.
but luckily you'd manage to convince her to play some games with you on your latest stream! some stardew, maybe some overcooked. even if she kept burning all of the damn food.
leave it to ellie williams to always surprise you, though.
when you hear the du-dum of the discord join noise, your face lights up and your mouth opens to greet ellie before she beats you to it.
"ok, babe, which game we playin first?"
to make a long story shot, your chat went ballistic and you gave a stern talking to the red head after the stream ended.
case five : the instagram post
most of the time you leave most of your notifications off to avoid your phone sounding like a constant alarm. but you're guessing your recent endeavor of babysitting your cute but horrifically grabby nephew screwed you over, because before you know it the sound of dozens on instagram notifications are waking you up and pushing your bonnet from where it slipped down your eyes before unlocking your phone.
at first it seems like a normal picture abby posted, standing in front of a mirror in her living room , flexing her arm and covered in a thin sheen of sweat after an apparent workout session. ever the show off.
but when you zoomed into a blip of color in the background, your eyes almost pop out of your head when you see it.
its you and ellie, you sitting in her lap while she showed you some stupid meme on her phone she said reminded her of you.
the post was only thirty minutes old but already had a few thousand comments, the previes of 'OMG?????' and "no fucking way" giving you a hint to what people were thinking.
you turned off your phone, tossed it back on the nightstand and went back to sleep.
case six : the joint stream
y/nsstan69 : not an unscheduled stream ??? is it judgement day ???
onlycuntz : "ft surprise guest" girl we aren't stupid
you had to hide the smile from appearing on your face as you read through the comments of your chat. you knew some of them were probably smart enough to know what was going on. the three of you hadn't really been discrete in the days following abby's slip up post, and viewers jumped at the chance to point you out in the background of some of her workout videos. and to point out how you were staring at her.
so, here you sat in the comfort of your cute gaming chair ready to tell chat the big news with your special guest.
"so, i bet some of you are wondering why im streaming off schedule, but i had something big in my personal life that i wanted to tell you guys! in a few minutes my gest should be here..."
your voice trailed off as you kept your eye on chat, seeing a bunch of comments that you werent expecting from this big announcement.
motionpickers : lmaooooo are they serious
lululemonsz : she's gonna be so pissed
you begin to turn around in your chair when two pairs of lips press a kiss to each of your cheeks.
"you guys are so unserious."
"and you are so bad at hiding things." ellie pulls up and extra chair and rolls it up to yours so her knees touch yours. she tugs your hand into hers to sit on her lap, ignoring when you pinch her with your nails.
"ignore her. we could tell what you were doing and figured we should all do it together," abby is on your other side, resting her hip on the arm of your chair. "so, go ahead. it's pretty obvious already."
"wow, thanks for the support you guys."
"anytime, hun."
uhuhstasia : i literally cant tell whos luckier
ilovestardewmc1237 : is it appropiate to say i called this
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anundyingfidelity · 3 months
I'M A RUIN — Soldier Boy/Ben (Part VI)
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Series summary: After the events of the Seven Tower, you present Grace Mallory a new secret project you're working on already to develop a cure to Compound V. The only problem? You need Soldier Boy for that.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x female reader.
Word count: 2.5k.
Warnings for series: set after S3 (spoilers), some OOC!Ben, some depressed!Ben, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, slow-burn, language, PTSD, reader has Compound V (she's no Vought supe tho), Soldier Boy being an usual asshole, reader is a fucking liar.
Warnings on this chapter: some suicide thoughts, very suggestive stuff, nudity, sexual tension barely starting, misogyny coming from you know who lol.
Notes: i was eager to drop this so here it is. hope i can make justice to the slow burn/slow sexual tension. aaaa as always thanks for reading!! ily all!
this fic tags: @k-slla @syrma-sensei @mostlymarvelgirl @cheynovak @drasticemotions @soldirboy @deans-spinster-witch
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Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | | Part VIII
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Part VI: Don't Lay Your Red Hand On Me
“Where the fuck are we going?” Ben asked, checking the picture outside the windshield.
The sun was already setting down, and there have been hours since you started driving. At least he had been able to see the damn sunset again after being caged for so long.
Despite his questioning look and not trusting you completely, both made it to your car in the middle of the mess of blood and headless corpses around the building, with him naked under the effects of your invisibility powers. Somehow, you still managed to reassure Soldier Boy it was to protect him. In fact, as you guided both out of the place, you were scared of your abilities not working properly to have him covered. The last thing you wanted was the cameras to have a look at him, escaping with your help.
Now, with Soldier Boy dressed in his clothes and you still wiping some of the dry blood from your skin, you drove without a destiny in mind. Just somewhere you could take him far away from Homelander and Vought. He was, in fact, your top priority and needed to be protected, even if you knew you were nothing compared to his strength and abilities, you still had the urgency of him trusting you, to feel like you really cared. And you did care, but for the wrong reasons and those, he didn’t have to know.
“Far away,” you responded, picking up your phone with one hand as you drove through the highway.
“That doesn’t tell me anything,” he insisted, looking at you switching your attention between the device in your hands and the road.
You dialed Grace, ignoring his voice. She didn’t answer immediately. You cursed under your breath and dialed again. No answer anew, just the ring and the automatic voicemail message. Well, fuck. You had to play with what you had.
“Hey, it’s me,” you began the message. “Please call me when you can, I have to inform you of something. It’s urgent, please call me back.”
Ben rolled his eyes, annoyed as fuck for your silence towards his demands. “You’re gonna tell me now what the fuck is going on? You’re a fucking supe and everyone is dead back there! And not ‘cause of me.”
“First, nothing to fear from me. Okay? You’re the one who’d kill me in a blink. Second, I don’t know!” you yelled as a response, clearly irritated. “I don’t know shit! I know we need to run and that’s all. So just shut up and let me drive.”
“Christ on a cross, you women are fucking irritating,” Ben fumed. He saw a cheap motel by the road and he would’ve guessed you were going there because you slowed down and pulled up in the parking lot. He sighed. “Home, shitty home.”
“Got any ideas? Because I’m all ears,” you stopped the engine and got down the car, taking the sports bag with you. The supe rolled his eyes and before he went out, you came right to his half open door. “Stay here, I'll check in.”
Ben shut his eyes, watching you closing the car door with a loud thud, and you left to get a room. He felt the need to storm behind and shout out what he really thought of your stupid ass bossing him around. If it wasn’t because he wasn’t really half the way out of the fucking car, he should have been arguing and insisting for some real answers. But for some reason he stayed back. When you came back after a short time he followed you to a double bed room you’d be using just for the night.
Once you entered, you decided a shower was first thing on the list, and then you had to communicate with Grace as soon as fucking possible. Checking around, you were thankful to find a couple of towels in the bathroom, while Ben settled on his own space, lying down on one of the beds.
He observed you thoroughly as you studied yourself in the dirty mirror hanging on the wall. The disgusting grimace you made told him you were looking for more blood to wipe off. And before he could speak again you turned to see him.
“I'm gonna take a shower,” you announced.
He raised a brow. “Mind some company, sweetheart?”
You rolled your eyes as you started to unbutton your blouse, his eyes checking shamelessly the little exposed skin didn’t go unnoticed by you. “Don't even think about it.”
And with that, you just disappeared inside the bathroom. The noise of water running compensated both of you for the silence. He turned on the cheap TV to have some noise for himself too, deciding he’d go for a shower after you. Probably if he was in a different mood would have just tried to get in your pants. Ben was getting so damn stressed out. First you took out his weed, then you announced he would have medication for his fucking stress disorder or some shit, and later, agents and employees of the facility just started to die violently without reason. He thought if any of you would be next while you walked him out.
It was too much to handle right now. He needed something to take it all out. Something, anything, somebody. Just to release it the only way he knew: with sexual pleasure. He didn't understand yet what the fuck was happening. Did you really care about him? You could just have left him there to handle everything by himself and run away. Yet, you took him out of the facility and he, once again, had a glimpse of your courage. Maybe a little. And he started to like that. Suddenly, he heard the shower being turned off and minutes later you came out of the bathroom sooner than he expected, dressed in the same clothing, drying the droplets on your face and wet hair.
“I’m gonna get some dinner, stay here” you announced, taking your phone and the room and car keys. “The door will be locked, don’t do anything stupid.”
Ben scoffed, standing up before making his way to take a shower himself. He faced you directly, just a couple of inches separating both of you. Your gaze challenged him to step closer. “I’m not a fucking animal.”
You hummed, without looking away from his eyes. “Sometimes I doubt you.”
“Locking the fucking door won’t do shit, why you keep doing this?” Ben asked, visible confusion on his features. He really looked tired as hell. Tired of your bullshit.
“It’s not because of you. I perfectly understand that, just wait for me here.”
With that, you turned on your heels and left the room. From the other side, you locked the door. Ben let out a deep breath. He knew it was easy to tear it apart, and again, run after you to have damn answers for once. But instead, he decided to calm himself a little and get rid of his clothes. Inside the shower, he let the warm water take care of the burdens he was carrying, without knowing, on his back. He wondered if he’d been better dead by now, if sleeping in a chamber was a greater choice than this, just running along with you, a woman, who just seemed to fuck him up even more instead of playing real like you had promised. If he knew how to kill himself, probably would’ve done it already. He was getting sick of hiding, of being a fucking experiment, to be under someone’s else’s orders… The worst part of it all is that he never had the right to choose on his own faith. Not even his own death.
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Out of the room, you were a few feet away from the door you left behind when your phone started to ring softly. An unknown number appeared on the screen and cautiously you answered, making your way to the car, getting inside on the co-pilot seat.
“Hello?” a voice you knew too well started to speak after some seconds of silence.
The woman on the other line breathed out. “Yeah, it’s me. Uhm, couldn’t attend earlier, sorry…”
“It’s okay,” you shook your head, as if she could see you face to face. “We’ve been compromised. My lab assistants, the nurses, scientists, guards… Everyone is dead.”
“Fuck,” Grace hissed. She sounded exhausted. “Where is Soldier Boy?”
“I took him out, checked us in at a motel. Can’t go back to my old place. Not yet.”
“You have the copies of the project, right?”
For a moment you felt she was doubting you, but you answered anyway, surprised she would even ask that. “I do.”
There was a little silence coming from her. You continued. “I don’t think I told you yet, but… Fuck, I received a visit from Homelander a couple of days ago. He crashed into my apartment… He knows.”
Grace cursed under her breath. “Y/N, we’re playing with fire here.”
You swallowed thickly, feeling your heartbeat raising. “What’s going on with you? Something happened back there?”
“Victoria Neuman came, saying she wanted to talk to me. She kinda threatened my life, and I’m on the run… Now I can make the puzzle.”
“You think they might be working together?”
“Probably. Senator Bishop was found dead, and guess who is running now with Robert Singer for vice president.”
You chuckled. The whole situation was so ironically clear. “Victoria, that stupid, smart bitch.”
“I’m gonna get some information on her, I know some people who’d know more than I do. I’ll call once I find something.”
“Okay, I’ll wait for that. Do you need me to do anything?”
“Just keep Soldier Boy busy. Work on that injection as soon as you can,” she ordered.
You nodded to yourself, taking a look around the empty lot. “Yes, ma’am.”
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After a somewhat long time, Ben saw you entering the room and locking the door. You left a paper bag and water on the nightstand by his bed, where he laid down like he was having a nice day on the beach with only a towel around his hips. He noticed you looked down at him a little longer than usual, but he wasn’t going to let that slip. A sleazy smirk formed on his lips.
“My eyes are up here, sugar.”
You turned away your gaze for a moment before looking back up at him again, confident this time as you locked up your eyes with his half-lidded ones.
“Stop the pet names, Soldier Boy.”
Ben stood up on his feet slowly under your eyes following his moves. His muscular frame towering over your figure as the towel fell to the floor, revealing his bare figure to you. He was growing fond of the way you didn’t step back, ever, from him.
“Well, you never complained back there. Speaking of,” he took the bottle of water between his hands and took a sip from it before his green orbs focused on you anew. “I think you owe me an explanation.”
“I already told you. I don’t know shit.”
“Fucking lies,” the supe hissed. “Tell me now.”
You shrugged and crossed your arms on your chest, tired of him. “I have nothing.”
“Sweetheart, you never shut your piehole during our sessions. Don’t back up now,” he dared, stepping closer to you, eyelids narrowing.
Neither Ben or you dared to look away. You had to act like it, for your good. What if Soldier Boy found out that probably Homelander was behind all of it? It was going to be the end of him, his son; the fucking abusive experiment would be gone with a blast. But Vought was still around. It wasn’t just about Homelander or personal payback. It was more than that.
Homelander was barely the tip of the iceberg. And you were afraid Ben would never understand the mission. Would he say yes to use his blood to create even more experiments after all he went through, even if you explained everything? You knew his answer. The next step was getting it from him and it was going to be the hardest thing ever. But you could think of that later. There was nothing that a small cut accident couldn’t do.
“I’m not talking because I have nothing to tell you, Ben,” you lied, looking at him with your brows knitting together. “I wish I knew, but I’m just as scared as you might be.”
“I’m not scared,” he replied a little too fast. “I want to know why you took me out.”
“Why not?” you insisted. ��You deserve another chance.”
And I need you alive to find a cure to this curse.
Ben scrutinized your face. This time, he couldn’t read through you. What did he know though, was that he was tired. A burning ache was forming inside him once again and he needed to release it. He was used to sensing your heartbeats, the blood running on your veins, and still now there was no glimpse of you reacting to his teasing. Any other woman would have thrown herself at him, he was used to it. Now, there wasn’t anyone. Just you, paying no attention to his perfectly sculpted body and his cock between his legs. It had to be the fact that you were a supe. Not as powerful, but still. A clear advantage in the cursed world you all lived in. He took in your body, thinking into luring you to give in and imagining how it would be to have you crying under him, moaning his name exactly like numerous women have. Just for the night.
“Don’t think about it, Soldier Boy,” you voiced out, like if you read his nasty mind. “I’m not gonna do that.”
His eyes went back to your face. “Y’know, I used to have lines of women like you during my days. Countless lines of rich whores, waiting to have a good fuck with me. Pretty ladies whose husbands would leave unattended, cute little secretaries, bombshell Hollywood actresses… All of them, just wet holes ready for me. I’d take them all.”
You chuckled at his pathetic little speech. If that was his way of getting you to bed, it wasn’t working. Not now, not never.
“I’m not just any rich whore, Ben. I don’t want to fuck you, you can use the bathroom to take care of your little problem down there.”
You saw how his jaw clenched as he held his eyes with yours.
He smirked. “Maybe not today, pretty thing. But you’ll see.”
“Be my guest.”
Ben turned around, giving you a clear view of his ass as he locked himself inside the bathroom. The sound of the shower running was not enough to cover his moans and grunts as he jerked himself off. You just decided to sleep. There was a long drive waiting for you in the morning.
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motheatenscarf · 7 months
Amidst all the James Somerton fallout, I think it's important to remember not to moralize whether or not you or others fell for his grift.
Obviously, if you were rallied into being one of his attack dogs on social media when he put some pretty heinous hits out on people, uh. You might have other problems and should probably evaluate how you spend your time online and how you treat other people before you start caring about the rest of the points I'm about to make. Priorities, etc.
But for the rest of us, it's surprisingly easy to miss just how awful a creator can be.
If you only watched his videos that caught your interest, if you don't really follow creators on social media, if you skip livestreams because watching Some Guy talk unfiltered into a bad camera angle with shitty lighting for hours on end sounds like a fucking nightmare to you, you're not really gonna catch most of this shit. At least, you're not gonna catch most of it from any perspective but the one he tries to spin.
This is a reminder to be skeptical and to trust your gut and check sources if something sounds wrong, but also. Uh. That's still the creator's responsibility not to plagiarize and to fact check their work. You're not morally obligated to be as thorough in curating your experience as someone who is making sure they take every ethical precaution before absolutely destroying a "creator's" credibility in a video like H-Bomb's or Todd in the Shadows'. You're literally just some guy. Most people, myself included, watch these videos as background noise while doing at minimum one other task, you're not gonna google every damn thing he says, especially not on media analysis, where the POINT is to have one's own opinion. THEY'RE the ones trying to be "influencers," or, laughably, "creators." The standards are on them.
And for the isms, phobias, and misogyny, well. Frankly, for my own perspective, I gaslight myself all the damn time when I see red flags. Good Allyship™ has been telling me for years to ignore my own discomfort when someone criticizes a privileged group, especially one I'm a part of. I'm a cis asexual white-passing and probably neuroatypical woman, I am constantly trying to be aware of my own relative privilege while simultaneously doubting my own reaction to things. Despite this, I'd still liked to think I'm a skeptical person, but nobody's immune to everything. Everybody has weak spots.
If you got duped or fell for James' scam, that sucks. I feel ya. I fell for it too, I've seen probably 40% of his catalog over the last couple years and really liked what I'd seen. I recommended his channel and videos to people even if I didn't always agree with every point he made, but it felt important to at least consider what to me seemed like a unique perspective that had value or added to a conversation. There are red flags within his content, his analysis, his rate of publishing, his weird diatribes, that in retrospect, really all added up into things I should have known better than to ignore. But, for reasons I'm interrogating and am adding to my list of things to be aware of about myself, I didn't ignore them, and got grifted. I donated to his patreon a few times, probably gave him like $20 grand total over the years, about as much as I've given H Bomb. The important take away here isn't to be ashamed of the fact that you were fooled, it's to remember that you're fallible.
And it's good to recognize that about yourself. Everyone is, and the ones who say they aren't are lying. They're either gonna be the next person to feel really stupid and foolish when they fall for a scam, or are themselves the grifter.
No one is immune.
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celabi · 1 year
a smut dedicated 2 u 🔥🔥🔥 tw for my bad english though english is not my first language and to make it worse its not proofread
note: noncon elements, voyeurism, stalking, reader has no privacy, afab reader
one word to describe scummy scara's room is that it's decorated akin to a shrine, one dedicated for you.
There's all sorts of pictures in his room. His favorite picture is when you were feeding a neighborhood cat before a large influx of felines started to come towards you. You looked so panicked and confused, but overall gleaming with delight. It was just so, so cute... The picture is slightly blurry because of how hard his hands were shaking when he took it. This picture is framed and hung right beside his bed, so when he wakes up, the first thing he sees is your smile and shiny eyes (God, when will you look at him like that?). In a way this is his form of manifesting that he'll actually have you in his bed, one day. and he'll wake up to your smiling face everyday.
Another one of his favorite pictures is the one he took when you fell asleep in class. it was a boring lecture and you had just silently dozed off. He remembers how at first, you were slowly nodding off before your friend poked you by the ribcage (he immediately glared daggers at her) and you were wide awake for the next 15 minutes until you dozed off again.... Adorable. He thinks it's just adorable how you just slept like that! He wishes that it was him who had sat next to you, and not your stupid shitty friend. Back then he was seething with jealousy, how your friend couldve probably heard your little snores, maybe you mumble in your sleep, too. It should've been him hearing that, not her!
But he would soon find that there's no need for jealousy.
Fine, your friend may be able to eat beside you and share food together. And he tries to ignore the fact that she sometimes spoons you her food, with the same spoon that was just from her mouth. Fine she might be able to hug you all the time and smell your sweet heavenly scent, and she doesn't need to steal your perfume for that... And she certainly doesn't have to sneak around and steal pictures of you like this, because from what he's known from stalking you 24/7 seen, you send a lot of selfies to her...
Ahem, but has she ever, ever seen you in this state?
That was the day where he had immediately maxed out the memory on his camera in a mere few hours.
You were sprawled on your bed after a tiring influx of exams. There's a lot of emotions pent up for you. You were stressed out, and he knows you've spent a lot of time being angry at yourself or crying. He had sent a few packages of food for you at that time, but you hadn't eaten any of them because of how busy and immersed in work you were.
So you had spent the day resting to let go of that stress. But there are other ways to alleviate stress, faster ones too.
So you began touching yourself.
You started off slow and unsure. Rubbing yourself over the cloth of your panties. You already started to look so red by the cheeks here, he didn't think you'd be that sensitive. Then you slid your panties down, and heavens, you started heavily breathing, gasping as your fingers made contact to your clit.
At that rate, scara found his pants were damp.
Rubbing, rubbing, rubbing... and occasionally a finger inside, but every time you do, you hesitate to put it deeper. soon enough, you stood up and started searching for something in your room. and whenever you bent down there was a feverish frenzy of clicks.
oh no, are you done? but you haven't even came. were you too scared to go further?
oh how he wished that he was wifh you, he wouldve been able to take care of you so so well. He wonders what kind of expressions you'd make, you already gave a snippet of it earlier. He imagines you looking down on him, cheeks flushed, and a glint of mischief in your eyes as you open your legs right in front of him and order him to suck. he'd be on his knees, lapping at your pussy, sucking on your clit, drowning himself in your folds. he'd suck on anything his tongue makes contact with.
it took every ounce of life in him to not make himself seen and drop on his knees to beg you to let him eat you out and shout i promise i can make you cum like crazy! if I don't you can punish me!
when you drop back on your bed, theres something in your hands. A pencil? Why... Did you suddenly have the urge to do your homework? Weird, he doesnt remember you receiving any new work. Plus even if you did, you should be rest- Oh. Oh.... Oh.
You're putting the pencil inside you.
At this point he's palming his lower region to try and alleviate the sudden feeling of his boxers suffocating his cock.
You wince at first, but eventually, you start pulling the pencil in and out of you. Your other hand toys around with your clit.
In and out, in and out, slowly slowly. The motion puts him in a trance, it took him a second before pressing down on the button of his camera, sending another frenzy of pictures down the SD card. The sounds of your moans and gasps are something akin to a church's beautiful choir in his head, singing a lovely song that he can only describe as divine.
You cum relatively fast, but you show no signs of slowing down with neither of your hands. Instead, your hands start making fast work of toying with your clit while plunging the pencil inside in a hereatic manner. You take off your bra, and this time, you play with your nipples too.
Again, it takes every ounce in him to not interrupt your session and instead plunge his cock into you. he's better than that measly pencil! though he doesn't adorn as much muscles on his figure as the jocks in campus, nor does he even look anywhere as healthy as they do. though he's rather slender, his cock isn't. the length of his cock is enough to hit all of the great places in you! and the girth of it is great too, its going to make you feel so, so full of him.
You cum again, and this time you look spent. Another great frenzy of clicks.
With sweat gleaming down your heaving chest, flushed cheeks, red puffy eyes and lips... scara doesn't realize how there are pools of cum already dripping down the floor, seeping through his pants.
The best part is when you take the pencil out of you, he could see the strings of your juices are intact with the pencil.
and when you fell asleep, he made his move.
he silently removed himself from his hiding spot, and slowly pushed the door away big enough to let him in.
you seemed really spent back there, you won't be up anytime soon.
first, he takes a good lick of your damp panties. he thought of bringing it home, but realizes you'd definitely find it weird that your panties had just dissappeared out of nowhere. then he takes a whiff of your scent... you always smell so sweet, he always walks past you in the halls just to get a scent of you although he had practically stolen your perfume anyway.
then finally, he licks and sucks on the pencil you had used. i'm cleaning it for you, see? he wants to bend down and lick your pussy, too, but again decides that it's too risky.
he takes more pictures too, here. he takes pictures of your face, then closeups of your pussy, closeups of your boobs, your legs, your neck, hell even your collarbones.
weird. he's still not sated. he feels guilty for being so greedy... his goddess had just given him the show of his life! but he still wants more.
"ahh... i'm sorry, it feels wrong touching you like this. but i can't hold myself anymore."
so he bends down and steals a kiss on your lips. a soft and tender one. he has to remind himself not to have a whole make out session with you, though.
an idea pops up in his head. he's had a lot of pictures of you, but he's never had a picture of the two of you in one frame before!
he bends down for another kiss, his hand gently caressing your gace, while the other holds his camera high. his heart is beating so fast, he can feel it reverberating throuch his ribcage, and up to his skull. he had watched you pleasure yourself, and he had pleasured himself in the process too... is that not just another form of making love? he made love to you, and you made love to him!
and now he's touching you! he's never been this close before. Haha! He's closer to you than any of your friends will be! And he'll make sure that he'll be the only one to ever get this close to you.
he takes another peck on your lips.
"i love you."
his hand is shaking so much, it takes him awhile to finally take a picture.
"memory full"
He’s so delusional and thinks that you both touching yourself at the same time is making love 🥺 (even when you’re unaware that he’s there).
i love this so much omfg, when I get better, I’d like to write something about this if you don’t mind ❤️
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hobisstar · 9 months
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hobisstar presents
y!= yandere themed
• possessive!jk
•One and done
•blue. |y!taehyungxreader
Summary: Breaking up over a difficult reason was always tuff to handle. Everyone had their different ways with dealing with them. Taehyung wasn’t everyone and he’d be damned if the love of his life thought it was okay to say such a thing.
•Still with you |y!jungkookxreader
Summary: being the most famous and popular YouTuber and singer has its kicks. great fans, terrible fans, weird fans, yn has seen and had them all… but this fan, she wish she never had…
•mine for eternity |y!jiminxreader
Summary: y/n is a dance student in Jimins ballet class. They’ve had this friends with benefits thing going on and it was stopped when yn decided it was good for them, jimin so happens to disagree.
•Holdin on |hoseokxreader
Summary: yn and hoseok have a falling out, but you need to return his belongs on a stormy night.
•Dance for us |y!ot7xreader
Summary: Being the choreographer for the biggest group of the 21st century seems to be a dream come true. YN has been with BTS since debut, they’ve been close since then. of course with love there comes the protect…right?
•Autumn leaves |y!jiminxreader
Summary: if autumn is so beautiful, how come love seems to end in autumn? Jimin is scared to loose the love of his life in autumn. The only thing is, they aren’t even dating.
•Toxic Attraction |y!jungkookxreader
Summary: Jungkook doesn’t know when his love for her grew, doesn’t even recall ever not loving her. to him since the day she moved in next door, she’s always been his. He would do anything for her, even kill. Of course she wouldn’t leave him, right?
•Loving you |y!hoseokxreader
Summary: Hoseok has a confession. He fears living without his doctor. His obsession for her was what landed him in the asylum anyway or maybe it was his shitty family.
•3 D |jkxplussize!reader
Summary: Yn caught Jungkooks eye since freshman year in college, The only problem is Yn is his professor but he needs her bad.
•Fly to my room |ot7xreader [still in works]
Summary: Vacation, gotta love me! Working day and night with no break, this is something they all desire. the guys invite their best friend, YN To The In The Soop Vacation. Of course, they told their camera crew to not record her. She’s fine! But, she’s conflicted with sexual tension from each of the seven men. I II III IV V
•What are you hiding from love |y!jungkookxreader [coming soon..]
Summary: Being in a relationship with Jungkook you’ve always noticed the signs, the red flags if you will. Being so in love with him you ignored them, until the people you loved dearly started disappearing one by one. I II III IV V Complete
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Electric Love - Full Chapters
Want early chapters? Read on Ao3!
Chapter 1: Not What I Expected
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Notes: Support me by reading on Ao3! Kudos and comments help motivate me to see multi-chapter fics through to the end! I'll be posting announcements for the updates here. Chapters will come out on Ao3 BEFORE tumblr.
Some shit in this will probably be really OOC, but it's fanfiction so who cares? Enjoy!
Word Count: 6090
It was a day in hell like any other. Flashing cameras, idiots who came to Vox with questions below his caliber, the whole works. The overlord was half tempted to cancel any appointments he had after the current debut he was waiting to go on stage for. The only thing he wanted was to go home and eat an obscene amount of junk food while he zoned out to reruns of one of the shitty soap operas that ran on one of his channels.
He could hear the crowd of anxious paparazzi and ass-kissers just past the stage as he pocketed his phone with a deep sigh. Ignoring the concerned crewman who signaled it was time for him to go on stage, Vox grit his teeth and stepped onto the stage, immediately adopting an entirely different persona with a practiced smile. 
Cameras flashed and the crowd got louder as people cheered, shoved each other out of the way and paparazzi rapidly fired questions at him with microphones pointed his way. Vox resisted the urge to roll his eyes. You’d think that any experienced reporter with half a brain cell would know the chances of getting a response to such behavior was zero to none, and yet he was so familiar with the approach that it was boring.
Despite his disdain, Vox waved and grinned proudly as he stepped up to a podium in front of a large screen. "Hello my loyal audience and fans,” he speaks with a clear and confident tone. “Today we at VoxTech have quite the exciting announcement to make. For too long, we have been limited to regular television and radio media, well no more! Introducing VoxTube, the new innovative way to stream content and enjoy it at any time.." the crowd cheered and whistled louder at the sound of the word 'streaming' and then they all gasped at once during the reveal.
Vox paused to dramatically look away from the crowd for a moment, his eyebrows arching and the corner of his mouth curling up slightly, before looking back towards the crowd again with a smug grin on his face. "And now.. for the moment you've all been waiting for... the grand reveal!" Vox said as the crowd grew even louder with excitement.
Just as the screen behind him shifted to reveal the new platform, the screen flickered before showing a logo that was very much not his. In fact, it was the logo of the damned rival company that had been a thorn in his side for the past few months. “Oh for fucks, sake, not this again,” he muttered as he looked to the side to see his production crew scrambling behind the scenes to shut down the takeover.
The large screen was supposed to be demoing the “new” platform that was really just a rehashed regurgitation of an older platform. This was supposed to be just a quick cash grab, but now it was just a problem. Vox glared at the stupid halo logo as an unfamiliar, but jovial voice seeped through his speakers like a virus.
"Tired of being controlled? Tired of not being about to tell if your information is being leaked or if VoxTech is brainwashing you?" The voice asked as it revealed distasteful footage of mindless sinners in front of VoxTech products. "Then try Eternal Entertainment. Your anti-Vox streaming and video platform, completely free of VoxTech networks. Take back control of your experience!"
The crowd was silent as the screen played a jingle before going dark. It took all the self-restraint Vox had not to glitch out on the stage when he knew the cameras were still rolling. Immediately, the crowd had their phones out, downloading the new app. Reporter cameras were flashing as sinners got as close to the stage as they could. Microphones were shoved in Vox's direction as a dozen voices asked him about the new competition.
"Ah-ah-ah... Now, let's not be so hasty, hmm?” Vox turned to the crowd with a strained grin. “This so-called 'Eternal Entertainment' is merely slander propaganda! There’s no history, nor a face to the name of this company. There’s nothing to trust! At VoxTech, we care about users' safety and provide hell-wide coverage that this ‘competition’ simply can’t beat." Vox said, trying to convince the crowd that it was a mistake to download the rival platform.
"What about the rumors of Vox programs being coded with hypnotic influence?” A reporter asked as they shoved down another. “This new rival platform promises protection from the threat of corporate dating mining and influence. What do you have to say about that?" A reporter asked.
"Hypnosis? No no, no.. that’s ridiculous!" Vox scoffed, shaking his head as he tried to sound convincing. "It’s already been proven that any rumors about such malware were nothing more than scandalous lies created to discriminate against the powers of tech demons like myself,” Vox said, theatrically shaking his head as he played the card his PR team had him prepared for at all times. 
“Look, you know you can trust and rely on the wonderful VoxTech. We have been nothing but honest and transparent... unlike those frauds at 'Eternal... uhh..'," Vox tried to remember the name of the rival platform.
"Eternal Entertainment!" Someone from the crowd yelled. "It already has 300,000 downloads!"
"See? That’s nothing!” Vox laughed with a strained smile. It was something. Low numbers for a platform overall, sure. But to already have that many downloads mere minutes after the hijacked debut? Yeah no, Vox was freaking the fuck out. 
The crowd continued to get louder, and Vox felt anxious electricity thrumming through his veins. Everything was getting overwhelming and he only had so much bullshit he could come up with on the spot before he started contradicting himself. He continued to smile as his magic pulsed through the nearby cables of the stage as he searched for anything he could use as an escape. He found a security camera in an alleyway a few blocks over and put on a professional grin. He just needed a closing statement, and he'd get out of there. Easy.
"Well then," Vox cleared his throat and put on his best, most charismatic smile. "I promise you all, this so-called “Eternal Entertainment”, is nothing but a passing fad! It's just a desperate attempt by the competition to try and take you away from the best hell has to offer. The very best streaming and media..." Vox's eyes narrowed as he looked around at the crowd and his smile slowly faded. "Me."
The chaotic crowd suddenly fell silent as his screen flooded their vision with red and black spirals. The sound of a pin dropping would be deafening compared to the frantic clamoring that had filled the space only moments ago as Vox flooded the crowd’s minds with VoxTech propaganda and affirmations. Once he was content, Vox used the camera to teleport to the alleyway while the crowd was left temporarily mindless.
“F̸̛̫̝̉u̴͑͜c̵̮̀ḱ̷̩̆î̴̩͘n̴̯̬͐g̷̮͌̚ piece of shit m̷̨͙͗o̴̲͎͐t̸͉̜͒h̷̙̃e̶͎̦͋r̵̟͘f̷̱̄͒û̸̥ć̵̙ͅḱ̶̡́ę̷͎̄ŕ̵̠̳ś̶̝͗,” Vox swore as his screen glitched hard the moment he was out of sight. He continued to swear and vent out his frustrations as he kicked an empty paint can on the ground next to a dumpster. Fortunately, there weren’t any sinners passing by to witness his tantrum. He wasn’t in the mood to drop another fucker until they were brain-dead.
Once Vox got the rest of his frustrations out of his system, he collected himself and sighed. He pulled out his phone and opened the app store, cringing as he saw the rival app rising in the trending downloads. He closed his eyes and focused his abilities as his power surged through the network and hunted down the source engine running the app. With so many devices accessing the network, he was able to narrow down the location quickly.
"Perfect,” Vox said with a sinister grin. “Now to take care of this problem once and for all."
Any time he’d tried to hunt down Eternal before, Vox had run into dead end after dead end. He couldn’t track down the sinners running the rival software, nor could he track down any of their host servers. The hubris of his newfound enemy would be their undoing. Anyone in the entertainment industry worth their salt knew how easily things could be exposed upon release. By loudly announcing their debut when they hijacked Vox’s presentation, the company had left themselves wide open for him to latch onto the smallest flaws and hunt them down properly. 
Vox wanted to destroy the place and make sure that their platform never gained any kind of popularity or power in Hell ever again. He finally pinpointed the location where the platform was being hosted and was pleased to find it wasn't anything impressive. There was no polish. The building didn’t even look like it was any sort of office or official business. If anything, it looked uninhabited. He pulled up the address on his screen to see what he could find out about the location’s history. 
The building was a rundown observatory run by some random sinner he couldn’t care less about before one of the biggest exterminations of the past century. The neighborhood the building was near had been so thoroughly gutted by the angels that the entire area was abandoned due to superstition. Well… as abandoned as any corner of the overcrowded ring of hell could be. It was the perfect place for unsavory types to hide in the shadows. 
Vox scanned the exterior and his smirk only grew as he took note of the lack of any sort of security. "This will be easy..." Vox said to himself as he locked on to a computer screen he sensed inside of the building. Wanting to get the drop on his cocky competition, he teleported his way inside the old, abandoned observatory. Vox was expecting a potential fight. Maybe guns. Probably a lab full of desk jockeys. What Vox didn’t expect was for his feet to barely touch the ground before he found himself suddenly in agonizing pain. His vision was clouded over with purple smoke and he heard the sound of glass shattering as his entire body short-circuited hard from the overwhelming pain.
Vox screamed, dropping to his knees as his systems malfunctioned from the icy-hot burning sensation shooting across his skin. His face bluescreened and his vision went dark. The last thing he heard as he lost consciousness was the sound of someone swearing and footsteps rapidly approaching him as he passed out.
Vox gasped as he felt his systems finally reboot. He ran an internal diagnostic as he sat up to look around, dazed and disoriented. The burning sensation had faded, but his head was pounding. His vision slowly cleared as he took in his surroundings. It looked like he was in some sort of office.There was a large, overflowing bookshelf by an open window and a desk with an impressive computer set-up on it. Vials filled with purple, sparkling mist were scattered around the entire room, all with different labels on them. The space was messy, yet somehow… cozy. At least, it felt more comfortable than the majority of the sleek areas of hell he was more familiar with. 
Vox looked down and quirky an eyebrow as he held up the soft blanket draped over his lap. He tried not to think of what sort of diseases could be lurking in the old couch he was lying on as he processed the situation.
"W... what..? Where am I… How did I get here...?" Vox said as he blinked a couple of times, trying to remember what had happened before he lost consciousness. "What the fuck is this place?"
"Oh shit, you're awake!" A voice startled Vox and he tossed the blanket off of him as the door to the office pushed open. He hadn’t noticed that it had been cracked open, nor had he noticed you waiting for him to wake up out in the hallway.You’d been leaning against the doorframe and scrolling through social media as you waited for him to regain consciousness.
 You stepped into the room, smiling sheepishly as you pocketed your phone, “Sorry, I didn’t want you to wake up alone and be confused, but it also felt weird to just sit in here. How are you feeling?”
Vox didn't know what to expect when it came to his new rival, but he couldn't have imagined you. Hell was full of sinners of all shapes and sizes. Vox had seen some crazy shit, but he’d never seen someone as… soft as you. You weren’t dressed to the nines or in some wild costume like most. Instead, you were just wearing sweatpants and an oversized hoodie with your hair pulled back in a messy bun. You looked like a burnt-out college student rather than a sinner trapped in hell.
“You know,” you smirk. “I may not have been the one running the campaign against you, but you may have wanted to take that whole anti-Vox thing a bit more seriously before just barging in here.”
"You're... the owner of the rival platform..?" Vox said as his eyebrows furrowed.
"Yes and no," you cringe. "Normally, I’d be chasing you out of here with a broomstick, but I might have royally fucked up and have no idea what I’m doing," you admit.
“What?” Vox asked flatly. He had been expecting tech bro assholes who would monologue at him in an attempt to piss him off. He’d been expecting the run-of-the-mill hellish power-hungry welcome he’d come to love tearing to shreds any time someone was stupid enough to try to overthrow him. He expected literally anything else but this.
“It… would probably be easier to just show you,” You sigh as you walk over to your computer and wake up the idle screen.
Vox stood from the couch and crossed the small office to look at the screen.  It revealed that millions of sinners had already made accounts on Eternal Entertainment’s new platform, and a decent amount of accounts had already started uploading content. To say it was successful would be an understatement.
"Millions..." Vox muttered under his breath, feeling more and more threatened by the platform as he saw the success it was already having. "How the hell did you manage to pull this off?"
You chuckle, rubbing the back of your head nervously. "Yeah, uh, about that... I don't... know."
"You don't k̴n̷o̵w̵?̴" Vox flipped on you with a spark. His eye twitched as he tried to pick apart your game. Were you bragging? Were you about to threaten him? Were you a fucking idiot?
"Excuse, the fuck, me?” Vox growled as he grabbed your hoodie and pulled you forward. “Do you mean to tell me this was just some fucking pet project or some shit?"
"Yes and no?," you cringed as Vox made it clear how fed up he was getting with that answer.
Normally, you wouldn’t let anyone yank you around, but you’d dug yourself into some pretty deep shit. The guilt that came with that kept you complicit for the time being, but you still pushed his hand off of you. 
"The truth is, I… made the platform,” you admit sheepishly. You’re quick to defend yourself as you see Vox’s expression fill with rage. “But I’m not the one who released it and I don’t work for Eternal. I swear!”
“You realize how fucking fake that sounds, right?” Vox growled as he felt his claws itch with the desire to rip you apart.
“Yup,” you swallow. “I understand the shit sandwich I landed myself in very much, Mr. Big Scary Evil Overlord Sir.”
“But,” you say as you pull back your desk chair and pull up your browser. “I have proof. If you don’t believe me after you look at it, you can kick my ass to your heart’s content. But I think you’ll quickly realize I do not know what the fuck I’m doing and I couldn’t have made this shit the way you’re thinking I did, even if I tried.”
Vox squinted at you with distrust as he looked between you and the chair. He grabbed the back of the offending furniture far tighter than was necessary and yanked it out of your hand as he sat down with a grumble.
He started scrolling through the history of your browser and clicked through the tabs you’d left open for him. It looked like you had signed up for some sort of coding workshop and had no idea what you had signed up for. What was poorly disguised as a hands-on tutorial for beginner video game coders to learn how to make mock platforms for marketing was a trap to lure in people to do Eternal’s dirty work. It was the sort of thing that would never pop up on Vox’s radar. It was obviously a scam to the trained eye and a weak attempt at throwing suckers like you under the bus.
“You’ve got to be fucking joking,” he said as he looked up at you incredulously.
Your face flushed and you looked away from him with an embarrassed frown as you crossed your arms. “Oh fuck off,” you grumble. “I’m broke as hell and it was a free course in an area I need to learn to make my games. It sounded too good to be true.”
“Because it was, dumbass,” Vox snorted as he shook his head and kept digging. He followed the data trail of the domain the workshop was hosted on and pulled up a few unrelated tabs that you hadn’t already pulled up from him so he could figure out how you’d discovered the suspicious content in the first place.
“Hey!” you gasp as you try to stop him.
“If you don’t want to end up an electrified shish kabob on the floor, you’ll let me work,” Vox said, not taking his eyes off the screen for a second as he installed some of his searching software to run in the background of your system.
You huff, watching him continue to dig through your computer before you turn on your heel and walk out. “Just don’t move or delete anything.”
Vox rolled his eyes as he continued his search. He quickly understood where your worries stemmed from. He hadn’t paid too much attention to your mention of it earlier, but it was obvious you were some sort of video game developer. There were folders filled with concept designs, dialogue chains, and amateur attempts at programming. It seemed while you thrived in the creator side of things, your tech knowledge was severely lacking. A quick invasive peek at your bank account showed that your funds were as well. You had big visions for someone with only yourself as a resource.
He paused as he opened a folder in your files that was filled with what appeared to be pictures of you and what he assumed were your friends. His eyes widened as he recognized several faces smiling innocently compared to the lewd expressions he’d seen them make in Valentino’s films. What caught his attention even more was the multiple pictures of you with Angel Dust and his little cyclops friend who had a knack for explosives.
Before he could dig any further into your personal life, several windows popped up to let him know the diagnostics had finished running the background.
Vox’s leg started to bounce with anxious energy as the reports from the programs he’d run earlier started to flood in. He immediately followed the trail of information and found several other websites connecting to Eternal that eventually led him to a secluded forum with all sorts of shady shit. He opened several threads that related to himself and the other Vees and inhaled sharply as he started to read through everything.
"Anti-VoxTech underground network…?" Vox whispered aloud. An anxious thrum of energy ran through him as he tried not to freak out. What if this person used the platform to spread propaganda against him or to leak information from his networks? What if this person was trying to destroy him from the inside out? His paranoia began to intensify and he felt small sparks licking at his skin when suddenly, a coffee mug was thrust in front of his face.
He looks up at you as you hold out one of two mugs to him. He takes it slowly from your hand as you look at him unimpressed, yet expectantly. “Thanks…?” He says slowly as he is once again thrown off by how much you didn’t match his expectations. He looks down at the liquid in his hand before looking back up at you distrustfully. For all he knew, your weirdly casual demeanor could have all been a trick. Poisoning him in the afterlife wouldn’t kill him, it’d just be a major inconvenience. Even so, he hesitated.
“Oh for fucks sake,” you roll your eyes as you realize why he was hesitating. You stick your pinky in his cup and pop it in your mouth to show him it was safe. “It’s just hot chocolate,” you huff before you take a sip from your own mug. “I was going to make one before you just zapped your ass in here and it felt rude to only make one for myself.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked the bewildered overlord over. “Shit, but your face… Can you even…? Wait no, that’s also rude. Fuck.”
Vox burst out laughing as you verbally tripped over yourself. Yeah no. There was no evil ploy here. You were just a weirdly endearing dumbass.
“I can drink,” Vox grinned as he finally lifted the cup to his lips. His eyes widened as he took in the unexpected taste. While he could eat and drink, he unfortunately had lost his sense of smell with his afterlife form. He wasn’t expecting the slightly sour tinge of raspberry syrup that mixed with the more standard flavor of the drink.
You watch him curiously and his eyes lock onto yours in an instant. Your face flushes and you turn away as you try to not-so-smoothly play over the fact that you had been trying to see how his mouth worked. “S-So, did you find anything?”
Vox sighed and set his mug down as he turned his attention back to your computer. “Yes, actually. Surprisingly enough, I’ve found more on your very shitty and outdated computer than my team has in the past six months.”
He ignores your offended protests about the quality of your setup as he looks through one of the forums. He ignores the way you lean into his personal space as you look over his shoulder and read the comments yourself.
“I just don’t get why there’s this large of an interest in working around my products,” Vox grumbled as the two of you read through the conversations.
You raise an eyebrow and peer down at him. "You and the Vee's don't exactly have the best rep with lower-class sinners. It may be hard for a big powerful dude like you to comprehend, but believe it or not, some people like their privacy."
Vox frowned as he begrudgingly sipped on his drink. He would never admit out loud how much it was soothing his nerves. “We’re in hell,” he reasoned. “Surely dating mining which pornos the average sinner watches to increase ratings and production quality isn’t the top concern these idiots have.”
You roll your eyes and sigh as you sit on the edge of your desk. Your hips carelessly pushed some things back, but you paid it no mind. “It goes deeper than that and you know it. Hell, I know it and I think this entire experience has proven how much of this shit flies over my head.”
Vox’s eyes drift to the vial you bumped with your hip and he pauses as he considers just how harmless you really were. While it was clear you weren’t the most program-savvy, Vox hadn’t forgotten the abrupt welcome he’d gotten when he tried to sneak in. Whatever that mist he’d been enveloped in was bottled and stashed all over the place. He still had more digging to do.
Sensing the shift in Vox’s attitude, your eyes follow his gaze and you cringe as you tuck the vial out of sight.
“So you’re not a complete idiot then,” Vox said as he placed his empty mug on the table and stood over you.
“That’s different,” you mutter as you shrink in on yourself and avoid looking him in the eye.
“I’m not so sure about that,” Vox hummed as his eyes sharply searched your features like a shark drawn to blood in the water.
His clawed fingers wrap around your jaw and he slowly makes you turn towards him. His grip was firm and the sharp edges threatened to break skin, but he was also somewhat gentle, after all, you had gotten him this far. A looming threat if you suddenly decided to stop cooperating.
“You deleted your visits to those forums in your browser history before you let me access your computer,” Vox said slowly as he watched your every expression carefully. You were avoiding his eyes, which meant you knew what he was capable of. “Why?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you say slowly as you try to keep your breathing even. You couldn’t afford to panic. “I probably just accidentally cleared it when I was wiping my cache or something. Aren’t you supposed to do that every now and then, or something?”
Vox quirked an eyebrow, looking completely unimpressed. “You’re not a good liar.”
“Oh fuck off,” you frown as you look up at him without thinking. 
Vox grins and his eyes immediately spiral as he tries to pull you under his spell. You gasp and for a moment he thinks he has you… only for the spirals not to reflect back at him from your own eyes.
“What…?” Vox blinks as his grip on you loosens.
You smack his hand away and dive out from under him as you try to get away. Vox growls, whipping around and grabbing your arm before you can slip out of the office. You let out a startled yelp as he slams you against the wall and twists your arm behind your back.
“What the hell is going on? Who are you, really?” he interrogates as he twists your arm harder.
It didn’t make any sense. You were a walking contradiction. He genuinely didn’t sense any malice directed at him from you. Your search history barely skimmed anything relating to him. If anything, you had done more research on Velvette and Valentino, which he had to admit, in any other scenario may have bruised his ego a hair. You accidentally helped a rival company launch an attack against him and let him search your system without any hesitation, yet the second he locked in on those vials, you changed your tune completely.
Not only that, but you were somehow able to resist his hypnosis. He’d seen the faintest flash of connection in your eyes that told him you weren’t immune. Yet you had somehow managed to slip out of the hold he’d tried to cast over you within seconds.
“Let me go, asshole!” You shouted as you tried to slip out of his grasp. You hiss in pain as his sharp claws dig into your arm and draw blood.
“I don’t think so,” Vox growled as he tightened his grip and drew more blood. “What the hell is in those vials? And why were you on those forums in the first place? Tell me or I’ll rip your arm off.”
You bark out a laugh despite the fear, “With those fucking twigs? I’d like to see you tr-AH fuck! Alright alright!” You relent as he slams your head against the wall with his other hand.
Vox loosens his grip ever so slightly, but watches you like a hawk.
“Everything I’ve told you so far is true,” you start with a sigh. “I don’t know jack shit about most of your area in things, but I only found the workshop because I was on the forums.”
“And why would you be there?” Vox frowned. “You don’t have anything my company would care about on your systems. You’re a shit liar, but get any ideas of telling me it was for privacy out of your head.”
Your eyes dart and he can tell you’re trying to think of a way to weasel out of telling him the truth. Whatever it was, you really didn’t want him to know. Which meant he needed to know.
“Tell me,” Vox growled as he pressed you harder into the wall.
“V-Valentino,” you whimpered as the pain started to wear down your willpower. You weren’t exactly accustumed to this sort of experience despite your time in hell. You kept your head down as much as you could. You only dared to kick up dust for one reason and you’d done your best not to get caught for it up until now, but you had been careless.
“What?” Vox blinked as his grip relented.
“I,” you open your mouth, only to cringe. You really didn’t want to tell him, but if you double died without at least trying to pull something, it would only leave the very people you were trying to protect in deeper shit. Vox would figure it out after killing you anyways. Spilling the beans and trying to figure something out in the process was your only hope.
“The mist wasn’t mean to hurt you,” you say slowly. “I’ll talk, so fucking let go first.”
Vox watches you distrustfully, but releases your arm and steps back. He stands between you and the door, so he’s willing to play along if it means he’ll finally have the full picture.
“I don’t… pay much attention to hell’s politics,” you sigh. “I don’t care about power, I don’t care about overlords, but I do care about my friends.”
For the first time since Vox had gotten here, he saw something familiar flash in your eyes. The dark twisted bloodlust he’d seen in most sinners. “I don’t use my powers much,” you say as you walk over to your desk. “I’m not really trained to fight like most people down here. I’m cooped up in here most of the time, so it’s not like I’ve ever really had a reason to start shit.”
You pick up a vial and hold up your other hand as a small portal opens above your palm. “This is about all I can do,” you say. “I had a buddy who liked to research sinners abilities and I didn’t really care if he looked into mine.” 
You had to bite down the fond smile at the memory of Baxter’s pestering. “He discovered that at low enough levels of activation, magic could be collected like a liquid or a mist with all his fancy tech shit. Again, you know how much of that flies over my head.”
Vox looked between your hands and nodded silently, watching you carefully as he waited for you to put together the pieces for him.
“Using the residue of my abilities, he tried to replicate that love potion shit you guys sell. He wanted to see if he could recreate it and then make a repellent.”
Vox’s eyes widened as he looked at the vial and it finally clicked. “It’s a repellent against Valentino’s magic.”
You wave away the miniature portal above your hand and nod with a frown. You hated every part of this, but at least he hadn’t killed you yet. “Like I said earlier, there's a high demand for slipping out under the Vee's control."
“Is that how you resisted my hypnosis as well?” Vox asked carefully.
“No,” you shake your head. “That’s something else entirely. No schemes or any fancy shit like that involved there.”
“Then why did the mist hurt me?” Vox frowned.
“Well, for starters,” you smirk at the memory. It had freaked you out pretty bad in the moment, but after the shit Vox just put you through, you kinda loved that he’d gotten his ass handed to him. “The guy I told you about was here and was trying to make a new batch. You literally teleported in the middle of us making the shit and knocked over the batch we’d been producing so it was heavily concentrated.”
“Secondly, you’re around Valentino all the time. When is that guy not blowing his slut smoke all around you?” You cross your arms.
“That…” Vox thought back to how often Valentino smoked his pipe around him. How used to seeing the pink smoke around him he’d gotten. He didn’t have a sense of smell so he was entirely immune to the effects. So much so, he had no reason to notice how it was completely seeped into his clothing and probably coating his entire body in an unnoticeable residue.
"Yup," you sigh. "If I had to take a guess, then that’s why.”
"And the reason you’d help your friend make this…” Vox trailed off as he remembered the pictures he’d found on your computer. You were friends with a lot of Valentino’s sex workers, including Angel Dust. Vox was a business partner, a friend, and sometimes a lover of Valentino. Valentino was notorious for the abuse of his sex workers. An abuser of some of your closest friends.
You frown, turning away from Vox, your body language acknowledging him as a proper enemy for the first time since he's broke in. "You get it now.”
He knew about Valentino and his history of abuse towards sex workers. He had seen his behavior first hand and knew the moth’s behavior was vile and repulsive. But the worst of it was never directed at Vox himself. Some of it, yeah, but… Vox hadn't really cared about anyone else. He had better shit to think about.
"I see…,” Vox hummed as he picked up another vial off the floor and twirled it between his claws. You really could benefit from some basic cleaning around the office. “So you’re planning on beating him at his own game." Vox said, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you with a mix of suspicion and admiration. "Clever... very clever.."
You cross your arms, watching him sharply as you wait to see what he'll do about it.
"You got the information you wanted." You say flatly. He knew who was attacking him with your software now. The Eternity shit he’d found on your computer was a solid lead. However, he now knew of your efforts against Valentino. You weren’t a fighter, by any means, but you were prepared to protect yourself if you had to.
Vox's eyes narrowed as he looked at you in a new light. Your lack of personal interest in politics and the standard hell powergrabs had him intrigued. He wondered just what you’d be capable of if you did play the same game that everyone else did. It was clear you were resourceful and crafty, yet you directed those efforts towards something so… mundane.
"You’ve proved useful enough so far, and I thank you for that. Depending on your next answer, I may even let you keep your insides where they belong. So, let me ask you this..." Vox said, continuing to look at you with his eyes narrowing. "If those experiments are unrelated to my influence entirely, then how are you able to resist my hypnosis?"
Whether he meant to or not, Vox just handed you the key to your survival on a silver platter. Your eyes widen and you try to hide the excitement at the opportunity as you level your best poker face. “It’s pretty simple actually,” you say as you inspect your nails nonchalanetly. A bit too theatric, perhaps, but you were trying to play it cool. It didn’t matter that you weren’t actually succeeding. 
“Hypothetically, I may or may not have discovered how to counter your hypnosis,” you hum as Vox’s eye twitched. “Hypothetically, I could sell that information or simply just post it to the Eternal forums. I’m sure everyone would love to know how not to get sucked into your marketing schemes.”
"You want to make a deal," Vox realized, the corners of his mouth curling up slightly and dead pixels flickered to life under his lip. This just got so much more interesting for him.
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absent-o-minded · 3 months
Tiny YR S3 Analysis
Just wanted to compare the parallels between these two hand holds in 3x05 and 3x06:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(Please ignore the shitty screencaps, I tried my best)
In terms of composition, these shots are identical. A hand-hold centre to the frame, in a car with the camera placed in the middle. However, they're underpinned by different narrative contexts.
Here, the first shot from 3x05 is drenched in darkness. The actual lighting inside of the car is dim enough to obscure both of their suits, which almost blend them into the seats and so it becomes hard to distinguish between the two of them - The only focussed light is on their conjoined hands. Notably, the actual touch itself is tentative, almost like the bridging of an awkward divide on the way to the palace. Neither of them are sure what the touch actually means. Even their sleeves fall over their wrists and interfere with the actual act, so we only see the bottom half of their hands. Simon reaches out first and places his hand in the open sliver between the two seats before Wille accepts and laces their fingers together. It's an assured squeeze that reads as: "I'm not sure what will happen. I'm nervous." "I am too."
This scene has garnered a lot of analysis for its parallel to the Kristina x Wille car scene in S1 where people have commented on the reversal of blocking - Wille now assumes Kristina's position and Simon equally assumed Wille's. We now know that this arrives before the birthday explosion, and so it's also a touch that signifies confronting the inner workings of an oppressive environment (the palace). It's nerve-wracking and cautious and consolidating, but it's also doubtful. We, as spectators, pick up on visual and physical cues and so we begin to see the hand-hold as an visual indicator that the unity between the two characters is about to be disrupted.
However, the shot in 3x06 reads entirely differently. The first thing is that the shot is bathed in light. It's a bit like an embrace, contrasting the previous presentation of a cold backseat, Simon and Wille are literally basking in the sun. Most importantly, there is a light flashing on Wille as it seeps in from the windows, illuminating his spot as a person who is newly free. Simon sits to the left with the natural light (no abundance of light) because Simon has always strived to be free. He has never turned away from the light. As he said earlier in the episode: "I never gave up on us. I gave up on the royal court." For Simon, the issue was never the fear of being free, but the constraint of not being free. For Wille, fear hung over his shoulders just like a King's robe would. Being free was an aspiration, never a reality.
But that has all changed. The light is let in. It stands similar to a spot-light, where Wille finally lets the sun hit his body and not have it scorch him, but rather enlighten him.
The actual act of holding hands is no longer bridging an uncomfortable space; It's an assured togetherness. It is the two of them acknowledging everything that has happened and knowing that a future for the two of them is no longer a "possibility", but a truth. It's giddy and confident and safe.
It's also the final touch of the season, and so it had to speak louder than dialogue ever could - Which I think that it does. Throughout S1 and S2, we understood that physical touch was always done in private, or if not, it was done discreetly with the knowledge that it was fleeting. S3 saw the transition from private to public, but not without the fight to touch and not have it be seen as a revolution. To just let it be what it is. And THIS is what the show has been working towards for 3 years. It can all be summarised with this simple, final hand hold in a sunny car that's racing towards a future that finally, finally resembles their dreams. It's not overtly revolutionary, it's not a grand gesture; It's just theirs.
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dejwrites · 1 year
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❪ ♡ ❫ ─── ( synopsis ) after your casting partner grimmjow come down with the flu, director shunsui kyoraku steps in and takes his place.
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — reader discretion is advised: female reader, female anatomy described, written with black reader in mind, modern au, sw!reader, p*rn director!shunsui, very descriptive description of making out, implied oral (male receiving), mentions of pubes. (come on now we see how hairy this man is) doggystyle position, flat doggy positon, usage of spit, breeding kink, creampie, body worship, mentions of reader & grimmjow being roommates and filming buddies lol, he done made her fall in love after giving a smidget of him, this smut is just outright nasty...i need to be evaluated after writing this, word count: 3k
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YOUR FACE SCRUNCHED UP IN DISGUST HEARING THE SOUND OF YOUR ROOMMATE SLASH VERY LOYAL FILMING PARTNER AGGRESSIVELY COUGH. With your back leaned against his dresser, your arm crossed over your chest as you watched him peak from under the royal blue duvet, his eyes puffy, and frankly—he looked like shit. You knew he wouldn’t be able to film today considering how he looked, but you knew that he wouldn’t particularly let you help look after him and miss work. In your mind, you could miss one day. It wouldn’t make a big deal, considering how your bank account was looking. However, your roommate was insisting you just film without him. 
Grimmjow and yourself have known each for over two years now. The first year you two met after you desperately decided to do porn for cash. At first, you were timid—afraid your reputation could be tarnished as soon as Nympho Productions posted the video online. The direct deposit that hit your account had you eager to try more. According to the interactions on Grimmjow and your videos, they were prevalent. Many of them rave about the two of you having a lot of chemistry together. Weird right? Having on-camera chemistry in a porn video. So, you and Grimmjow entered a contract to do a video together three times a month under Nympho Productions. You two soon became roommates after realizing that you have seen everything of each other—some workers in the company even joked about the two of you dating. 
“They’re most likely going to pair you up with someone else,” Grimmjow lets out a cough as he finally pulls the covers off his head. His light blue colored hair was a mess on his face, and his eyes were as puffy as ever. “We’ll have to film four videos together next month.” He huffs. 
“The contract is between you and me. I don’t have to go in today.” You spoke out as you shrugged your shoulders. “Plus, you look like shit. I can’t just leave you in here all sick and gross looking.” 
Grimmjow stares at you and blinks. “Did you just say I look like shit and gross looking?” 
“That’s the only thing you heard me say?” You asked. “I don’t mind staying here and taking care of you. That’s what roommates and occasionally video partners do.” You smiled at him, and he simply rolled his eyes at your gesture and rolled over in bed so that he was no longer facing you. 
“Stop being so nice as if you didn’t curse me out yesterday for eating that shitty flavored ice cream, you brought, Y/N. Don’t let me stop you from making money. Plus, you should get used to doing videos with other guys.” Grimmjow says.
“You ignored my sticky note on the ice cream that you said was nasty, you asshole.” You said. “I have chemistry with you; why would I want to do that?” 
He sits up in bed, giving you an annoyed look. “Actors have chemistry with multiple people. So do porn stars. Now go because you must be at the studio in like an hour. I’ll be okay.” 
Your lip gloss-covered lips part to argue against his words before admitting defeat. “Fine, I’ll keep you posted on who I’m filming with. Hopefully, it goes quickly.” 
“Let’s hope whatever lucky guy doesn’t cum too quickly.” 
“Just how you did our first time filming together.” You jokingly say as you shut the door before he can chuck his pillow at you. 
The journey to the studio wasn’t that long. As soon as you stepped into the office, many workers were already doing their job for the day. You didn’t know how this day would go considering that you had no clue who you were filming with. You feared that you would be paired with someone who cum too quickly, which dragged on filming. Or maybe you’ll be with someone you weren’t attracted to, and you couldn’t have sex with someone you weren’t attracted to. Granted, you were a porn star—it wasn’t like you were looking for prince charming. You just thought it would be better to stare at someone pretty. You also didn’t want the sex to be seen so forced; any director could point out when the two stars aren’t into it and just doing it to get over with. You were a woman of standards and had to make sure everything you did was of criteria, including sucking cock on camera. 
“Oh my God! You actually came to work,” One of the set assistants said as she approached you with a clipboard. “We heard about Grimmjow being sick and assumed you wouldn’t come in. That saves everyone's ass,” She links arms with you as she walks down the hall toward the makeup and hair department. 
On the long hallway towards the makeup and hair department location, posters of popular videos the company created were on the walls. You didn’t have a poster yet, considering that you only filmed with one person. 
“Don’t you have to find someone to replace Grimmjow?” You walked into the room and sat in the chair to get your makeup done. 
The majority of the makeup looks depends on the scenario. In essential blow job videos, the makeup artist sometimes used waterproof eyeliner, depending on who was directing the video. Some directors adored the pleasing aesthetic shot of a pretty person with eyeliner stains on their face after having a cock tap at the back of their throat—others didn’t, as they thought it was trashy. 
“Uh, yes.” The young woman said as she brought her clipboard closer to her chest. She glances down at her sneakers before speaking again, “It’s surely a first for Nympho Productions.” She forces a smile on her face, and your eyebrows are raised in curiosity. 
“Who am I filming with? I hope you guys didn’t just get some random guy.” You sighed. “If that’s what you’re referring to, this being a first.”
“No, it’s just you’ll be filming with uh—Director Kyoraku.” She says after she checks her clipboard. “We never had a director step in for a video, so this is a first, and everyone has been running around like a chicken without its head because of it.” 
Your mouth instantly dried up at the sound of that. You had worked with Director Shunsui Kyoraku a couple of times, considering he’s been the director for countless of you and Grimmjow’s videos. You have sat in the studio’s cafeteria and overheard many workers talk highly of him. He was charismatic without even trying. He was kind, very kind actually, and not in the creepy power dynamic kind that many directors in Hollywood give. You couldn’t deny how attractive he was. He has seen practically everything of you on camera—so why was the thought of recording a video with him having your stomach forming the most insane knots?
“You can refuse to do the video. He has stated that and wants you, his co-star, to be as comfortable as possible. He understands that Grimmjow is your usual partner—and recording with someone new can be extremely intimidating.” The set assistant explained. “We can start whenever you’re ready; the shoot can be as long or short. We need to get enough footage to release an exclusive video for premium subscribers for the site.” 
Your lips form a straight line before speaking, “It’s okay. I’m comfortable with that. Are there any specific positions he prefers for today?” 
“Once again, anything that you’re comfortable with.” The set assistant said. “You’re actually his first—on camera. So, he’s kinda going to be looking at you for guidance.” She chuckles lowly as she rocks on her heels nervously. Frankly, she was afraid that you’d back out last minute. 
Now it was you chuckling; you’d heard rumors about Director Kyoraku. From how big his cock was to how amazing he was in bed. Now here you were with the grand opportunity to see if the rumors were true. 
“Do you think we should go with waterproof eyeliner?” The makeup artist asked out loud.
Usually, when you were asked this question, you didn’t know what to say. Especially if you didn’t know who was directing the shoot during your scenes. Your lips rubbed together before parting to speak but soon were interrupted by the one man that had been running through your mind since you learned the news that you were going to be filming with him. 
“Regular liner would do.” 
Your eyes met with his, and you felt your body go through a heat rush. It felt like all the blood in your body rushed to your face. Your words that were tumbling around in your mind seemed to come to a stop. The makeup and hair department people around you seem to move slowly. Shunsui Kyoraku was leaning against the door frame of the room you were in. 
“Then you guys heard the director, regular liner it is.” You could hear the makeup artist chuckle at your words.
“He must have quite some interesting plans for filming with you today,” The artist commented as she grabbed the black eyeliner. 
Shunsui took the empty seat just a few inches away from you. He rested his head in the palm of his hand as he stared at you. Completely drinking in your looks as you were getting your makeup done. As the makeup artist turns to grab another makeup product—you catch a glimpse of him trailing his tongue across his lips before he rubs his hand across the stubble on his face. 
“I came to you before our shoot to talk.” He interrupts the silence that swirled around the room. 
“I already told the set assistant; I am comfortable with any position you want to try.” Your eyes met his.
“Right.” He clicks his tongue before speaking again, “I know this is awkward, but my main goal is to ensure you’re comfortable.” 
You crossed your legs across one another, the jean skirt you wore rising just a bit with your provocative action. You took note that Shunsui’s eyes glanced down at your thighs. He swallowed so hard you could see his adam apple bob because of his actions. Were you making him nervous? 
“I’m very much comfortable with filming you. I know I suppose to help guide you, but I’m sure you don’t need much guidance.” You stated. 
The makeup artist applied a coat of lip gloss on your plush lips before asking you to rub your lips together to finish the minimal makeup look. You rubbed your lips together before glancing at your reflection in the mirror. Your golden skin glistened in the bright light that was attached to the mirrors, and you couldn’t help but smile at your beauty. Pushing yourself out of your seat so you can change into something else, you look at Shunsui before your lips curve into a smile.
“Remember the words you told me when you first directed one of my videos? Just do it as if I’m not even there. So just do that, sir.” You let your hand place on his shoulder before leaving the room. 
“See you on set in about fifteen minutes.” You said out loud as you waltzed down the hall to change into something else. 
You went to your dressing room, which was usually shared with Grimmjow, to change into something more appealing to the eye. Your breasts sat up nicely in the shirt you wore, but you knew you wouldn’t even have it on in a matter of minutes. You spent the remaining time in your dressing room trying to figure out if you could give Grimmjow a heads-up on what was happening. He was going to see the video regardless—but you were sure his little ego would be bruised seeing who you would be filming with. As your fingers hovered over the message thread to send a quick message, a knock was heard at the door. The same set assistant that dropped the massive news would give you a sly smile, “We’re ready for you on set, Y/N.” She adds. 
“I’ll be right there.” You answered. 
You never were nervous about filming other than your first time on camera. You remembered how timid you were with so many sets of eyes on your bare body. Today you were so nervous that you could feel the knots twisting and turning in the pit of your stomach. However, you kept remembering how people talked highly about Shunsui on set. Not one person had something negative to say about the guy, so of course, he would take his time with you. Of course, when action was yelled, he would make you as comfortable as possible, considering that this was different from filming with Grimmjow. His large hands caress your body like a well-trained masseuse. Obviously, you got the idea clearly of him choosing for you to wear regular eyeliner just for when your pretty mouth was wrapped around him, gagging pornographically until tears stain your heated cheeks. Mascara stained your face as you were attempting to regain your breath from Shunsui’s cock being in your mouth.
Your heart thumped against your chest as you lay on your stomach, and when you felt the weight of Shunsui on you—you could feel your breath hitch. His lips linger, kissing behind your ear. You can feel the wetness of his tongue trace alongside the line of your ear before whispering, “If I’m being too rough, let me know.” 
His voice was so smooth that simply by saying that, you grew ever wetter from the time of his cock being in your mouth. You felt his lips drag a line of kisses down the spine of your back, and you could feel your skin littered with goosebumps in anticipation. Your mouth gasps apart to let out a whimper of desperation. Your pussy twitched in anticipation, feeling Shunsui’s cock resting upon your ass. The sigh of comfort you let out when you could feel him slide into you. His hand was placed on your waist as he was waiting for you to get used to the feeling of his cock stretching you out. The broken cries of pleasure you let out as soon as his hips begin to rock cause you to feel lightheaded. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but this felt different. 
You and Grimmjow scenes worked as partners. You tolerate each other because you would have filmed with each other rather than anyone else. Oddly, the two of you just became close friends within those years. The thought of filming with another guy never settled in your mind until you felt the satisfying feeling of Shunsui fucking you like a madman. The pornographic sound of heated skin slapping against each other was sure to be picked up on the shotgun microphone that was above Shunsui and yourself.
When Shunsui pulled himself entirely out of you—you felt so bare with his cock tapping at that spot that caused your dreamy eyes to lolly in the back of your head. Even barer than being naked in front of a whole production. You could feel the tip of his cock kissing your drooling entrance before the wet feeling of Shunsui using his spit as lube. Once again, he’s bottom down inside you, but time slowly—teasingly. It left you whining out for more, and with each whine, he rewarded you with what you wanted. The sound of the bed tapping at the wall was attempting to overpower your moans. The wet squelching noises of Shunsui’s spit plus your wetness that coated his cock with each push forward into the cushion of your ass. 
“Harder.” You gasped through your moans. 
He pushed your coils from the side, placing a soft kiss on your temple. “Harder, what?” His questions through a dragged-out pant. 
“Harder, please.” You whimpered out. 
He grants your wishes without a complaint. His large hands spread your cheeks apart just so his girthy cock could kiss that one spot that had you seeing stars and slurring out moans of his name. The fiery pit that was bubbling in your stomach pushed you closer to the edge. The hairs on your body rise in anticipation as your orgasm finally come upon you. Your pussy pulses around him as you hear Shunsui utter something before he cums. That didn’t stop the notorious director from stopping. It seemed like that motivated him to fuck you through your mind-blowing orgasm. 
Your skin was stained with his scent as the two of your bodies went limp at the feeling of playing tug-a-war with the intense orgasm. Your head plopped down on the pillow, and you could feel Shunsui slowly pull out. You couldn’t even imagine the mess that was in between your thighs just because of the mere moment of you urging him to cum in you. As soon as you heard the director yell that you guys were done, you finally were able to rest your mind that only could process Shunsui Kyoraku and only him. 
While tugging on the robe someone gave you, you let your fingers brush against your coils, trying to compose yourself from the events that transpired. Your stomach felt like it filled with butterflies, and you felt fuckin’ lovesick. Your feet hit the softness of the rug that was near the bed you just received one of the best fuckings of your life on. Your body plopped backward as you could hear many filming crew members completing their duties. You felt the space next to your sink downward, and Shunsui took the spot next to you, wearing a similar silk robe that you were wearing. On the back of it was an embroidery of the company’s name on the back. 
“We should do this again?” Shunsui eyes glance down at you. 
“Again?” Your eyebrows raised at him, and you could only hear him hum in agreement at his words. 
“Contact my assistant when you make a decision.” 
And with that, you watched him walk away from your view as his assistant approached him with a water bottle and his cell phone. You were left with the taste of Shunsui on your lips and your mind filled with just him. To think you were about to call out to take care of your roommate today. 
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TAGS — @maydayaisha @heartdevil @eiflawriting @neesiewrote @stunnababyyabyyy @sweet-sailor-saturn @hoetachi @ru-ma @takemichiluvr @mehgumiiso @syomi @suunmic @sirenh4ll @joy09 @po3ticb3auty @aisleofrandomshitilike @maxi8898 @sunnytalia3 @atesumu @dior-fawn @woahhajime @littleshamelesslayla @gojou-violin @joyfulmugweaselshoe @euixnaa @liliorsstuff-blog @4522-08 @sweet-sailor-saturn @ushiko @ywxio @kimorikuri @bubble4u @stunnababyyabyyy @pocketfulofposies @shamelesshoefairy @cherrykamado @rozentias @la-stuffs @444yeager
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moonshynecybin · 4 months
thinking about FCO Rosquez at their first PR-forced public dinner (like a week or two after the announcement, Wednesday or Thursday night) and how their conversation is supposed to go when Marc was dying to talk to Valentino all winter (still has a string of unanswered texts in his phone) but now he’s closed off and Valentino wants to make this work but can’t have them fight in public or be silent for an entire hour, do we think they find a middle ground or Vale just talk about random things on his own or they somehow ignore everything and are able to tell each other about their winter or subjects that have nothing to do with MotoGP or—
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court mandated date night nooooo poor marc :(
this is so nuts to think about... like even outside the insane emotional reality of getting outed and the violence of public scrutiny and like. marc having (once again !) his ability to control his own narrative ripped away from him by his association with valentino— which is his LEAST favorite thing (i do think he blames himself for the photos though... like maybe if i wasnt such a whore we wouldnt be in this mess :((( which. marc buddy naur.) on TOP of that he is having a romantic candellit dinner with his ex situationship that he is still in love with. one million points lightning damage. so everyone is extremely strung out at this shitty little date night table (michelin restaurant lbr) and marc has justtttt gone dark on his whatsapp thread with valentino. maybe he is trying to maybe exert some control over his life here in small ways... put up SOME walls in clumsy self protective fashion...
but VALE is like okay. so if this thing between us is public he doesnt want it or want me. interesting. okay im cool im fine im good np who cares i hate him anyway (girl.) and he's also um. kind of reeling from the abrupt reversal of the status quo here tbh. marc has never played hard to get ever ever not once in his entire life. no self preservation on that man 5ever. he's literally always been there giving vale flattering attention and being in love with him !!! so vale is kind of off-balance here being met with some version of the marc marquez freezeout, not sure how to react but missing marc's attention. and he chooses to compensate as he does with most roadblocks in his life: full charm offensive. (he also, in some selfless and tender corner in the back of his mind that he is trying to ignore, just really and truly knows marc is FREAKED and misses seeing him laugh. he wants the evil jajajas.... he will do anything for the evil jajajas....) so he is trying. SO hard to get him to crack a smile. lowkey causing a scene in the restaurant by being such a clown... but marc isnt really biting. is still responding, like they ARE having a conversation, but its nothing like it used to be. clearly he is just being polite. smiles twice ALL night—all wan and pale and beautiful and so clearly exhausted—and vale's mouth gets all dry and his ribcage feels like its going to implode. and of course in response to this he is like wow. my heartburn is going crazy. damn. [chugging wine].
like looking to real life, as awkward as rosquez have been in their years of estrangement, they have always had to share space. for 6 years in that paddock ! that's a lot of years of small talk ! they can have and will do it if necessary... so as the night drags i think marc talks about riding and the season to fill in the gaps... goes home and gives himself a list of regimented rules to stick to when interacting with valentino (i see him texting exclusively the PR thread more as his classically unpracticed self protection style than like. a deliberate fuck you to that end. i cant drunk booty call vale if karen from PR is also there type stuff). that being said, eventually i do think he makes elaborate excuses to BEND these rules bc he still wants valentino's attention. and also his tongue in his mouth. hes like okay! i am only kissing valentino in front of tv cameras if we both podium! and then they DONT share a podium and hes like. okay! it would be WEIRD if i didnt kiss vale after i podiumed even if he didnt! because thats what i would do if we were actually together! [starts jogging across the paddock like a dick-seeking missile.]
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