rubyuji · 5 months
Restless (Lee Chan) ౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ ☕️
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“OK enough, as far as I know, you know way more about me than I do about you. So, tell me about yourself?” 𓂃 ࣪˖
Genre: Fluff (this is just the sweetest thing ever, I can’t)
AU: Nonidol!au, College!au
Pairing: Dino x afab!reader
Warnings: none
Synopsis: After a week of traveling for school, Chan was ready to get home and crash onto his bed for the weekend. The problem? He was locked out for the night as his parents and younger brother had gone to visit their relatives on short notice, so he turned to his only option, you.
Note: Another recycled fic from my drafts that I never really finished ;; I’m popping out fics left and right atp but this one has a lack of proofreading and editing. Happy reading again guys, don’t forget to like + reblog!
Word Count: 2.8k
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“Bye Ms Kim! Bye, everyone! It was so nice to be with you all in Japan, until our next competition. You all did well” Chan bowed toward his teachers and fellow students as he left the bus, bag slung over his shoulder.
Once he was on the pavement, Chan sighed and hastily walked into his building, ready to pass out on his bed. He clicks the elevator button to the floor he lives on while fidgeting with the new keychain he had bought as a souvenir. The ride was taking longer than usual for some reason.
When the elevator dinged, indicating that he had arrived, Chan eagerly stepped out and headed for the door of his family’s apartment. Instead of him being able to open it easily with the password, the lock buzzes and the sound causes Chan to frown in confusion. Did his family decide to change the house code while he was away?
As Chan was about to try one more time, his brother had texted him about how they had gone to see family and forgot he would arrive that day, adding that wouldn’t be back until the next morning.
Seeing this, Chan runs a hand through his hair and huffs. He was so ready to get the rest he badly needed until an idea came to mind.
Chan turns towards the apartment next to his family’s and grins, you were probably home, right? A girl who was his age, living independently next to his family, probably wouldn’t have many places to be, so he tried the last bit of his luck.
You hear your doorbell ring and wonder who would be at your door late into the evening. As per your paranoid self, you bring a knife to the door, being a girl and living alone with her cat wasn’t exactly the ideal situation to be in, especially at this hour.
You hesitantly peek into your peephole and your jaw falls slack as you struggle to open the door. What the hell was Chan doing at your doorstep? You thought his family would be at home like usual, the Lee family never really went anywhere and would often invite you over so this came as a surprise.
“Chan? That’s new, what brings you here?” You squint at the boy and he chuckles awkwardly, a hand scratching his cheek.
He had his backpack still on his back and a small stroller next to him, he looked like he had just come back from the airport. ‘Oh, I forgot he flew to Japan last week for a dance competition,’ you thought to yourself.
“My family forgot about me arriving today and left to go see my relatives without me, so uh, I had no other option? Unless you’re uncomfortable with me staying for a night, I can just call up one of my friends to let me crash at theirs” Chan cringed at his own words.
Seungkwan lived an hour outside the main city and Vernon lived in a one-bedroom apartment that barely had anything but a bed and a place for his pet iguana. Mingyu was at his sister’s place, and Soonyoung had gone with his family, the house already cramped enough with two grown kids and their parents. He genuinely had no other option.
“What? No, it’s fine. I’ve known you and your family since the day I moved in, it’s the least I can do since you guys have been nice to me. Now come in,” You moved aside so Chan could shuffle in, and in his head, he made a mental note to thank you later when he wasn’t as tired from the jet lag.
You helped him move his things into the guest room before getting him settled. He looked exhausted, and as much as your crush on the boy had started to take in how adorable he was, you couldn’t afford to scare him off when he seemed like he had no other place to go.
“You can use the shower, I have extra products for guests in the second drawer so you’re free to use that as you like. I was making dinner so you’re also welcome to join me in case you haven’t eaten yet. Make yourself at home,” You offered Chan a shy smile and the boy felt his heart skip a beat. Have you always been that pretty?
Chan snapped himself out of his daze and nodded before smiling back at you. “Thanks, I seriously owe you a lot for letting me stay the night. I’m sorry for coming up on short notice,” he says bashfully. You were very kind and the fact that you even offered him dinner was crazy enough as it is.
“Hey, it’s no biggie. I don’t have guests over that often so it’s nice to have someone around now and then. Call this our first unofficial sleepover if you will,” You laugh and Chan can’t help but feel flustered around you. You were so calm despite everything, it was almost impressive to him.
You put your hands together and excuse yourself, making Chan stand up and smile at you once more before you leave the room.
“Towels are in that cabinet under the desk, I think you already have the password here since it’s just my cat’s name in lowercase letters,” Chan once again nods as he watches your figure disappear into the rest of the apartment.
The silence welcomes Chan as he turns to observe every inch of the room. It was very minimal with a simple white desk, a few pictures on display, and two candles off to the side. A white double-door closet stood at the opposite end of the bed, a plant in a gray pot right next to it.
A part of the wall had postcards from places he assumed you had gone to, as well as some awards from your school. It was nice how the room still had a few elements of you in it despite it being a guest room, he would’ve never known that you had topped your class or that you had been to France.
Grabbing a towel from the cabinet and some clothes from his bag, Chan then made his way over to your bathroom. As he was passing the kitchen, he saw your back and got a whiff of whatever you were making for dinner. It smelled like meat and ramyeon, something he had missed dearly during his entire trip to Japan.
Chan enters the bathroom quietly to avoid distracting you and looks at how organized everything is, noting that the room itself is also well-lit.
‘Maybe I should take a selfie in here later,’ he thought while checking himself in the mirror, only to grimace at his appearance shortly after. He looked beat despite the flight only being three hours.
You hear the shower turn on from the outside and continue to finish up plating the food, your cat rubbing herself against you as you bend down to pet her.
“It’s a bit weird, but you don’t mind having him around right?” Luna meows as if saying ‘Not at all’ and you chuckle.
“Well Luna, you already know how much I talk about him and it’s no surprise,” you tell your cat in a whisper. The shower halts and you bring the food to the coffee table in front of your TV, turning Netflix on while waiting for Chan.
“Oh, no way! Ramyeon and meat? You made this for me?” You hear Chan say dramatically as he clutches his chest. The reaction causes you to laugh as the boy plops himself on the couch beside you.
Seeing Chan in your peripheral almost made you choke on your bowl because of how good he looked. He was wearing a white shirt and grey sweats, so simple yet he looked godly.
“Not for you but I made extra ok! Wash the dishes with me at least since you still are technically a guest,” you joke.
Chan hums without another word and that was when you choked on your food. Wow, it was that easy? You thought you were going crazy. He looks at you oddly and raises an eyebrow at you.
“Sorry, I was shocked at how you agreed so quickly,” Chan laughed at your words before taking in the last bit of food on his plate, collecting all the dishes once you leaned back on the couch and sighed in contentment.
“Y/n, you said you’d do the dishes with me!” Chan whined from the kitchen. After opening your eyes and huffing, you then make your way into the kitchen and see Chan’s back in front of the sink.
“I have a dishwasher by the way, we can just rinse these off and put them in,” you say as a matter of fact.
Chan turns toward you with a huff and watches you open the space beside him, seeing you put in the rest of the dishes and turning them on.
“Remind me never to do dishes over here ever again” Chan frowns, a pout set on his lips as you wipe your hands dry.
“I’m honestly way too bored to watch something right now, do you mind just chatting for a bit? I’m too full,” the two of you walk into the living room once again before the boy hums with a smile. You sit on the couch and throw a blanket over the two of you.
Chan shifts to make himself more comfortable, suddenly noticing a very obvious lump under the blanket that slowly starts making its way toward you. “Luna, what did I say about hiding under the blanket? You’re so naughty.”
Grabbing your cat from under the covers, you then put her on top of your lap, her blue eyes staring straight into Chan’s soul. “Does she always stare? Her eyes are very, blue. It’s like she’s staring straight through me” he says, and takes a closer look at your cat.
“Sorry about her, I haven’t had anyone over in weeks so Luna’s fascinated by a new presence at the house” You giggle while petting her. Chan feels his heart do flips, seeing you in your most natural state made him fall for you just a tad bit more if that was even possible.
“Anyway, where have you been? Your parents told me you were in Japan or something. How was it there?” You grin.
You had been to Japan quite a few times, from what Chan could tell. If he could vaguely remember, one of the postcards in your room said Osaka and Kyoto, even Kobe.
“Ah yeah, we had our most recent competition there, it was great. A lot of sightseeing and whatnot for the most, I wish I went outside of Tokyo but we couldn’t leave so I had to settle with just exploring the city,” Chan breathes out, recalling the memories he made with his friends Yeonjun and Changbin.
“That sounds so cool! I’ve been to Tokyo loads of times and honestly, city life is way too busy for me. I think visiting the more provincial areas is great if you want the feeling of peace.” Chan noticed a bit of a distant look in your eyes and wondered if you were thinking about your memories in Japan as well.
Luna suddenly meows and jumps onto Chan’s lap, causing the two of you to jolt up out of surprise. “Huh, she’s usually weary of everyone. This is a first for her,” you say with a soft smile.
Chan pets Luna with a soft smile on his face, the image making your heart flutter. It was impossible to contain your crush on the male any longer after everything that happened, hell, even your cat liked him as much as you did.
“Well, hi there Luna. You’re adorable and look just like your owner. Y/n, you legitimately like your cat, she’s like a mini clone of yours.” Your cheeks heat up at Chan’s stare, the male looking between you and the cat as his eyes linger a bit too long on you.
“OK enough, as far as I know, you know way more about me than I do about you. So, tell me about yourself?” Chan says after a minute of silence.
You jolt at his voice and look at him with an awkward smile. There wasn’t much to say about yourself if you were being honest, you couldn’t gauge anything interesting enough to tell the boy.
“I can’t think of anything, I’m a pretty boring person,” Chan frowns at your words. Boring? That didn’t seem right to him, there was probably more to you than you think, he just had to get it out of you somehow.
“Are you sure? Y/n, you’ve gone to Japan and a lot of other countries, judging from your guest bedroom alone, and I think that’s interesting enough as it is.” You blush at Chan’s words, this was the first time someone had ever asked about you, and you felt grateful towards him.
“Thank you, Chan, that’s honestly super sweet of you to say. I just traveled a lot from a young age since I was offered the opportunity to, but for now, I’m just taking a break from it all. Moving to different places in such a fast-paced environment becomes exhausting once you get older,” You play with your hands and recall every single place you’ve been to.
Traveling and moving was all you had ever known since early childhood, due to your parents moving around a lot because of their jobs and because they were always just super busy people in general. One day, you just got so used to all of it that settling down for the first time in college felt foreign to you.
“That’s honestly really cool, I’ve only ever known the practice room and the music so dancing is like my version of that. Now that I was offered the opportunity to travel, I didn’t realize it would be so overwhelming, especially as a first-timer.” Chan smiles comfortingly.
He truly admired you a lot. After getting a feel of what your life was like, before settling down into one place, he was intrigued by your way of life. How things worked after you had gotten used to it all, and how you coped with the amount of change you were faced with.
“I guess we still do have quite a lot to learn from each other then. You have a lot to tell me, and I think that’s very clear based on our current ordeal.” Chan laughs.
You shrug your shoulders and throw him a sheepish smile. No one had ever been curious about you, or how you lived your life, unlike how Chan did. It felt refreshing to be able to share your life experiences and what you had gone through with someone who listened.
Sure, you did have your friends who were also curious about you, and that's how your friendships even came to be, but Chan was different.
You always thought you’d only have a few chance encounters with the boy next door, but you never thought you’d have him sitting beside you on your couch as you go over your life with him.
“I never really got the chance to talk about my life as much, but you were willing to listen to me like it was nothing. If I continue yapping though, we’d take forever and I don’t want to keep you up any longer since you are still tired from your flight,” You say, and look at Chan beside you.
A pout stays on his face, but he had totally forgotten about the jet lag and how badly he wanted to just pass out after spending time with you.
Chan truly couldn’t get enough of you, and he starts to feel a crush blooming in his chest, not like he had one already, he just never acted on his feelings towards you.
“Don’t be like that, I live next door so you’re technically welcome to come over anytime. Now go on, I’ll let you rest up. I’ll be in my room if you need me ok? Goodnight Chan,” You tilt your head a bit as you greet him goodnight, and Chan swears he felt his heart melt right at that very moment. It didn't help that your adorable cat was rubbed up against your leg too.
“I will, thanks again for letting me stay Y/n. Goodnight, sleep well,” Chan breathes out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. You grin and turn in the direction of your room, Luna following closely behind you.
Chan was restless when he came but with your presence alone, it seems like he could stay up for a whole week if he could.
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© rubyuji 2024’ -. no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any manner without the permission from the publisher.
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beanieman · 10 months
what pets do you think the yttd cast would have?
Sara Chidouin - A Hamster
Joe Tazuna - A Big Dog (Like a golden retriever or a Germán shepherd.)
Gin Ibushi - Mew-chan Is Implied To Be Sentient, So A Sentient Pillow I Guess
Keiji Shinogi - A Goldfish
Alice Yabusame - A Parrot
Reko Yabusame - A Ferret
More Undercut
Nao Egokoro - A Hedgehog
Kazumi Mishima - An Iguana
Q-taro Burgerberg - A Pig
Kai Satou - A Guinea Pig
Kanna Kizuchi - A Rabbit
Shin Tsukimi - A Cat
Ranmaru Kageyama - A Mouse
Naomichi Kurumada - A Bearded Dragon
Anzu Kinashi - A Sugar Glider
Mai Tsurugi - A Small Dog (Like a dachshund or a yorkie.)
Shunsuke Hayasaka - A Chinchilla
Hinako Mishuku - A Snake
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amezure · 8 months
Hello. Feel free to say that this is a Patreon question. Where is Oikawa and Iwaizumi in the zoo!verse?
since they don't represent any specific animal, I like to think Oikawa like a manager/owner or something ("rule the court"/"king" 😂😂 silly i know) but with a veterinarian degree so he can go and annoy Iwa-chan who is the zoo keeper in the reptilian zone, because he would love those godzilla looking iguanas sksjkd😂 and Oikawa would be all upset that those things are getting all his attention
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Some Steve Harrington headcanons
Because I remain baffled and confused by the fandoms insistence that he’s a poor Dickensian orphan and “the best mom ever”. And as such. Be prepared for some highly unpopular opinions from yours truly just like always. Everybody got that? Good. Then let’s begin.
He’s heterosexual.
His full name is Steven John Paul George Ringo Harrington. Named for his father Steven Harrington II. And the Beatles because his mother is a massive fan.
He was born on his parent’s first wedding anniversary. He was two weeks late.
The Wheelers have been to his house for dinner when he was still with Nancy. Mike got cornered by his grandmother and was forced to look at countless family albums. It wasn’t a total loss though because now Mike knows the EXACT age that Steve will go bald. And by god does he lord that information over Steve.
He’s got an incredibly durable skull.
Mike, Jane and Will don’t like him. They don’t need him. They’ve got Jonathan.
His parents were in Jim and Joyce’s class at school. His dad was a greaser and vaguely resembles John Travolta. His mother resembles Stockard Channing.
Deep down he knows Nancy never really loved him. And he’s okay with that.
He will never let Max drive his car again. His parents let her use their pool as a skate park in the winter though.
His dad works for Mr Sinclair.
His dad’s mother and his mom’s father lives with them. His grandmother does all the cooking. Mike was absolutely horrified at how good her cooking was. Especially since Lucas’s mother is a professional chef at a 5 star restaurant.
He had a crush on Gloria Stivic when he was growing up.
He’s absolutely CRAP at video games
Has no interest in dungeons and dragons. And Mike would NEVER let him play even if he did.
Animals HATE him. Except for that one iguana he had when he was four. But then his grandfather sat on her. And that was the end of that.
Readily admits that Robin is probably his only friend at this point. Robin is ever so slightly more reluctant to do the same. But does so eventually.
Can’t cook. At all. In fact. His grandmother had banned him from the kitchen for life.
He gets his “charming personality” from his grandfather. Who’s paying alimony to four ex wives and five other children. In two different states.
It took him five tries to pass his driver’s exam.
And last but by certainly no means least. Maths used to be his best subject. Until the multiple concussions of course. Now it’s lunch.
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vixvaporub · 2 years
November 28th to December 4th Read and Watched List:
Currently Reading:
Berserk - chapters 183 to 187
Fruits basket - chapter 82
Chainsaw man - chapter 23 and 27
Noragami - chapter 51 to 59
Pandora hearts - chapters 11 to 18
Life - chapters 1 to 61
The beast tamed my the villianess - chapter 39
Mieruko-chan - chapter 47
Blood on the tracks - chapter 133
Juujika no rokunin - chapters 106 to 108
Call of the night - chapter 150
Blood on the tracks - chapter 134
Witch hat atelier - chapter 64
Completed/Caught Up:
Those Without Eyes (oneshot) by the same creator of girl from the other side and I loved it
Sleepy horned witch Romi - chapters 7 to 15 (caught up) This one grew on me, the story was starting to get interesting
Suicide club - 6 chapters (completed) rec from @ghostdata an interesting psychological horror but man it's fucked up (tw suicide, self harm, sexual abuse)
Our dining table - 7 chapters (completed) Super cute bl about food and it has a cute little brother
Her special seat (one shot) Cute story about a mysterious patron at a restaurant
Killer parent (oneshot) its decent and the title is self explanatory
Iguana girl (onehsot) oddly liked it and the message it had
Endou-kun no kansatsu Nikki - 5 chapters (completed) a decent and cute bl
Look Back (one shot) - a great oneshot but the same creator of chainsaw man
Raven of the inner palace - episode 8
Chainsaw man - episode 8
Nakanai hibari - age gap
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gidmeksika · 2 years
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Los Remeros de Tikal Este hueso fue encontrado en la tumba 116 de Tikal en Guatemala, correspondiente al posible entierro del gobernante Jasaw Chan K'awiil. El mismo retrata al dios del maíz transportado en una canoa hacia las profundidades del inframundo por los dioses remeros, donde la embarcación termina por precipitarse. Acompañan igualmente al dios del maíz en su lamento otros personajes míticos, como ser una iguana, un mono araña y una guacamaya. Fuente: L. Schele and M. Miller, The Blood of Kings: Dynasty and Ritual in Maya Art 1986:270, Fig. VII.1 D. Freidel, L. Schele and J. Parker, Maya Cosmos: Three Thousand Years on the Shaman's Path, 1993:90, Fig. 2:25; 245, Fig. 5:6c Fotografía y dibujo: Andy Seufer (at Tikal National Park, Peten, Guatemala) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClNUkmRA_1T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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incorrectskzquotes · 3 years
Jisung: Sold my mattress on eBay a couple nights back so I had some money to buy a pet.
Jisung: My back? Stiff.
Jisung: Chan? Mad.
Jisung: My iguana? Sick as fuck.
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watermelinoe · 3 years
have u read any of moto hagio’s manga ?
also, any shoujo/josei manga recs ? <3
i haven't! i'm not super familiar with classic shoujo tbh but i love that art style, and i have iguana no musume on my list to read!
ok ooooh ok i'll try to organize my recs a bit
for f/f pairings, i prefer josei, and omg i can't believe i only read this recently but kakeochi, girl blew my mind 😭
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the art style is so cute, the love story is heart wrenching and triumphant, i just loved it. it's about two women who dated as girls, but now one of them is an adult and getting married to a man (derogatory)
ok for a real short one volume yuri that no one talks abt, ebisu-san to hotei-san is a comfort manga for me. its only flaw is a scene where one woman touches her love interest's breast while she's asleep which >:/// otherwise such a fluffy wholesome little manga, but that might be a deal breaker so i always give that disclaimer. it's about two women who work together but don't get along until one finds out the other's secret and they see each other in a new light
another real short yuri is pietà, but it is pretty dark, the triggers are self-harm and suicide attempts. it isn't a tragedy though, it's a lovely story. the plot is.... not super important, but the two classmates realize they have a connection to each other and become inseparable. they slowly uncover what that connection is.
one i'm currently reading, it's complete but not fully scanlated, is 2dk, g pen, mezamashi tokei. published in comic yuri hime but i can't find info abt the demographic, so this might not be shoujo/josei for sure. it's about two women who're roommates but total opposites; one is an aspiring mangaka and the other a businesswoman. the cast is all women and so far they're getting fleshed out as well.
ok this next one is a doujin but hear me out, it makes me melt. hebi-onna to kumotsu-chan.
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despite being offered as a human sacrifice, the snake queen doesn't seem interested in eating her. at least... not like that 😳
listen alright if you're not reading otome game no hametsu flag you are missing out on bakarina, dumbass extraordinaire, who has no idea she's in a harem manga bc she only thinks abt gardening and destruction flags. yes it's an isekai (shut up i like them) but it's so funny, and yes the other girls all want her, too. it even has an anime
so for Hettery, i'm pr sure all the weebs already know kimi ni todoke which is one of my fav manga of all time bc i love my girls, it's such a good coming of age story. also akatsuki no yona which deserves a season two already, featuring a princess who gets progressively more badass and mature as she works from behind the scenes to protect her kingdom after being forced to flee her home. i know it looks like a harem, but it isn't
so if you like fantasy/historical romance, hi hello please talk to me bc i'm so alone surrounded by shounen lmaoo here we go
for some really cute fluffy shit, i'm reading fukushuu wo chikatta shironeko wa ryuuou no hiza no jou de damin wo musaboru. it's another isekai fight me anyway the heroine gets transported to another world and finds out the spirits fuckin love her, so she ends up living w in the imperial castle for her own protection except..... everyone thinks she's a cat. and at this point it's too awkward to clear things up 🐈
the one i'm Obsessed with rn is colette wa shinu koto ni shita. overwhelmed with patients, the doctor colette decides to jump in a well and end it all. except she doesn't die, and instead ends up in the underworld, where she finds out the lord hades has a mysterious illness and becomes his doctor. now she goes back and forth, treating patients on the surface and also getting closer with everyone in the underworld. but what about her short lifespan, how are they gonna make it work.. . i have theories alright
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i love shoujo art styles i'm gonna die. look at cerberus.... three of them......
and if you wanna know the real self-indulgent trashy shit i read so i can project onto the male love interest, i have an anilist 😔✌️
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
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42 - You've grown as a person. Congrats!
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A/N: Communication, CommuniCATION, COMMUNICATION! Healthy communication is KEY to any relationship - friendship, work peers, partnership. You HAVE to communicate, state intentions, explain feelings/emotions and clear any bad air. Atsumu's learned the hard way what happens when you DON'T do that!!!
But we FINALLY have some resolution, but it's not all sunshine and daisies. Y/N wants to forgive but she can't yet - and that's fine! Even if she decides to never forgive him, that's fine! Even if she forgave him instantly, that's fine! She doesn't have to justify her decision, as long as it is the healthiest decision for her!
The same applies to all of you BEAUTFIUL readers. Thank you so so much for joining me on this story!!! Next chapter is the LAST ONE (😪😪😪) and there will be a time skip!
Taglist urls in bold cannot be tagged! :( I don't know why: @thechaosoflonging @shookykookie30 @ivana-an-iguana @itoshibaby @kamalymaly @fantasycantasy @tanakasimpcorner @strawberry-icecream @toge-chan-out @internethome @putmeinyourdeathnote @kovjiro @everytimeswift @random-fandom-girl-24 @tia827 @psycho-nightrose @airheadpillar @fandomsgotmefucked @ara-mitsue @joonie-centric @bongofrito @aaniyahz @liv-laugh-die @purplxlarkspur @camcam1617 @kiraroosevelt @moremilkforkags @toobsessedsstuff @starvingartistturtle @croyantenmoi
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obeymebutcursed · 3 years
Cursed Edit/Art Masterlist
How it works:
Each cursed or not cursed edit/art that you lovelies create, will be reblogged or posted (if it's an ask or submission) on this blog.
In order to preserve the link with the work, just in case a user decides to change their username at a later date, everything on this masterlist will be linked to my blog's reblog/post. This will ensure that the link remains available, and no work is lost.
Please enjoy!
Biblically Accurate Lucifer with Ice Cream
Mammon's Incredibly Cursed Feet
Upside-down Sleepy Barbatos
Lucifer Failing at Riding a Bike
Puppy Cerberus
Fluffy/Unfluffy Birb Mammon
Birb Mammon
Birb Lucifer Squishing Baby Satan
Baby Satan With Pool Noodle Horns
Baby Satan Wants a Kitty
The Wall of HoL
Full Demon Form Boyos
Birb Lucifer Ear Scritches
Bioluminescent MerLeviathan
Minion Obsessed Facebook Momifer
Feral Gremlin Baby Satan (2 in 1)
Protective Dad Levi ft Eggies
Panther Diavolo Awkward Stretch
Happy Dad Levi ft Tiny Snabies
Gremlin Satan on a Roomba
Non-Emo Cute Flower Belphie
Barbatos With Fancy Watermelon
Prep Solomon x Emo Asmodeus
Satan Throwing Lucifer
Levi With Wheels
Bros as Undertale Characters Sketch
Buff Sheepie
Biblically Accurate Lucifer
Marine Iguana Levi Wants Ruri-Chan
Emo Luke (Part 1)
Emo Luke (Part 2)
Baby Satan With a Cone
Mammon on Devilgram
Lucifer and Barb with Gremlin Satan (HC + Edit)
Biblically Accurate Luke Angel Form
Biblically Accurate Luke Angel Form w/ Pickles
Luke With a Frog Hat
Solomon With Bright Pink Hair
Levi With Different Sharp Teef
Microsoft/Android Lucifer
Emo Asmodeus
Toys R Us Giraffe Levi
Emo Beelzebub/Satan
Emo Lucifer/Leviathan/Simeon
Emo Luke (Part 3) Ft. More Emo Belphie
Solomon is just weird
Diavolo with thicc eyebrows
Diavolo’s jean crocs
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kurama-is-love · 4 years
An unusual proposal (Oneshot)
It's been a while since I wrote in english, so please bear with me if this is not perfect. English is not my first language ;-;
Oh and this time it's a female Half!Demon/Human Reader x Kurama. Just to let you know! Again as warning, much much fluff between you and Kurama.
The Dark Tournament was looking forward to its grand finale.
Team Toguro faced Team Urameshi, consisting of Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama. Their fifth member, Mask, or rather Genkai, was 'killed' in battle by the younger Toguro brother the night before. Although you and your friends mourned about your deceased comrade, the others were not allowed to give in to their feelings now. One single mistake could result in the next death, everyone knew that.
You hadn't left your friend's side since the beginning of the Tournament and you were even allowed to stay at their side near the battle field. Though now you were concerned about the last battle.   You had asked to stand in for Mask as the fifth participant, but before you were able to speak to the competition officials, you were prevented from doing so by your friends, mostly Yusuke and especially Kurama. It was a lengthy and exhausting discussion that followed with the two of them. Yusuke was anything but calm and tried to dissuade you from your idea with irrelevant threats for "beating the shit out of you if you continue to try to participate". Of course he would never lay a finger on a friend, especially not if he were to draw the wrath of a certain fox on him ..
Speaking of the fox. It was Kurama's empathetic and factually convincing words that finally led you to abandon your idea and not take part in the fight. As much as you hated not being able to stand by your friends, it was clear to you aswell that you would not survive 2 minutes in the ring against a member of this diabolical team from Toguro .. It was just maddening ..
Before the fight started, you cleared your throat to attract the attention of your friends.
"Before you fight, I want to get rid of something .." you began and looked at the ground slightly.
"Spit it out, [Y/n]-chan." Kuwabara tried with a calm and understanding tone of voice to reassure you that none of them were mad at you for your earlier discussions. He thought that, because you were trembling all over and he could also tell that you were fighting back tears.
"I want you .. to be extra careful this time .. Your opponents are of a completely different caliber than all your opponents before .. And if ..Uh.. when you notice that you .. can't do it .. that you. . " you stopped, the thought of what should follow your sentence stung your heart. "... you will die if you keep going .. I beg you to give up .. just give up and end the fight .. Fuck this stupid tournament, your lives are way too precious ..!" you spoke a little louder and more determined as you looked at your four friends.
Hiei's expression was disinterested as always. Kuwabara looked away, slightly embarrassed, while Kurama had put on an illegible expression. Yusuke crossed his arms before briefly closing his eyes.
"Sorry, but we can't promise that." he said then.
"W-What ..?"
When you looked up, startled, you felt a hand on your shoulder. It was Yusuke's.
"If we give up, everything was in vain. Our training, the preliminary fights. And ... also the death of that old witch ... The least we owe her is to try to defeat her killer." He continued serious, but his face showed no sign of annoyance or anger towards you. He showed you .. friendliness and a small smile. "Anyway, thank you for taking care of us all. With that knowledge, we can do our best," he added.
"B-But .." your quiet objections were stopped again when Kurama took Yusuke's place and put both hands on your shoulders. A slightly worried smile graced his pale lips.
"Yusuke is right. If we give up here, everything we have been through so far will be wasted. Besides .." he continued and his expression darkened slightly as he looked at his opponents, especially at Karasu. "..we can't allow these .. monsters to continue their mischief to continue their murders in the world of spirits, demons and humans. If we don't stop them, who should do it?" he asked you.
You didn't know the answer and looked to the side. Kurama smiled sadly and put his hand on your cheek to turn your face back to him.
"Just trust us, okay?" He said softly and lovingly before placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
"Kurama .. I trust you. But I'm still scared okay ..?"
"That's perfectly okay." The redhead whispered and you sighed softly.
"I'm serious. I don't want to go through the same fear that I did during your fight against Bakken ..."
"Mhm .."
The battle against the members of Team Masho had reached worrying proportions after Kurama lost consciousness while standing shortly after he was named as the victor in the battle against the ice demon Touya by Koto. The rules of this match were like an endless battle. As long as a member could fight, he fought against any opponent. This is exactly how he had defeated Gama at first and was able to win against Touya with the last of his strength. But now the luck of the kitsune seemed to have run out when he stood bleeding and unconscious on the battlefield and Koto checked whether he was still alive.
"That's enough now! I'll take over for Kurama!" Yusuke called to the judge when the third opponent, a tall, dark-skinned man with short black hair, stepped out.
"Not so fast. That guy is still there, so I'm his opponent now." The shinobi grinned maliciously and was already flexing his fists.
"You can't be serious! You can see that he is not able to fight!" You said and looked angry at Bakken.
"You stay out of it, you brat. I say: He can fight." With these words he turned to Koto, who looked back and forth between the two parties, perplexed.
"Well .. Well .. I also think that Kurama is incapacitated. We have to wait for the decision of the competition committee before an exchange takes place .." the cat demon spoke uncertainly.
All attention was then turned to the speakers when the committee announced its decision. They disagreed with the exchange and declared Kurama's ability to fight.
Yusuke and you had to watch in shock when Bakken started hit the unconscious Kurama again and again and injured him so badly that it was a miracle if he could survive this ordeal for long. When Bakken pulled Kurama up by his top and beat him again, the fabric on the top tore and Kurama fell to the ground. Blood ran down his forehead.
While you could only watch in shock, the stadium echoed under the calls of the demonic audience, who very unanimously demanded only one thing.
"Kill him!"
"Kill him, Bakken!"
"Yes, kill this traitor !!!"
You clenched your fists in anger before turning to the bleachers.
"SHUT UP YOUR DAMN MOUTHS ALREADY!" you shouted so loudly that the stadium fell silent and Yusuke and the others looked at you too. "I CAN'T STAND YOUR HATE TIRADS ANYMORE! The next one who says anything about 'kill this bastard' will get a free ticket to hell from me. WAS THAT CLEAR?"
Your friends had seldom seen you so loud and serious. The girls, Botan, Shizuru, Keiko and Yukino were very shocked by your exclamation.
Suddenly one of the demons jumped down from the stands and stood next to you.
"Pretty loose mouth for such a shitty, weak half-breed, darling."the green-colored beast grinned and licked its lips with its iguana-like tongue. "You are nothing but a shabby one demon, who has human blood in them. It doesn't surprise me that you are on the traitors side. But don't open your mouth like that if you know what's good for you. " He threatened you.
Your eyebrow twitched menacingly as the demon extended its claws and tried to slit your stomach. You reached for your weapons,  chakrams, and a reddish-orange aura flooded the metal, your Reiki, mixed with Yoki. The audience held their breath when they could only hear lightning-fast cuts and white clouds of energy sliced the demon that was attacking you until the attacker fell dead to the ground.
"Anyone else has something to say to a " failed half-breed "? you asked the ranks, but the audience fell silent before you could finally devote yourself to the fighting again.
"T-That's enough! Kurama is on the ground and can no longer fight! I think a countdown is also unnecessary .." Koto interrupted the scene now when she saw the battered Kurama.
Bakken seemed to disagree and lifted Kurama up in the air again by his top.
"Now he's standing again. That means the fight goes on."the black-haired man smirked and wanted to make the final punch that should blow out Kurama's life light forever.
"Stop. That's enough, Bakken." a masked figure behind Bakken, another member of Team Mascho, spoke up.
"Why are you stopping me, Risho? I was just about to finish it." Bakken grumbled while Risho pointed to the opposite side of the arena.
"If you had landed this punch, that would have been your death." Risho spoke only dryly, while Bakken blinked and looked in the direction in which Risho was pointing.
Yusuke and you stood there, both of you in your strongest attacking postures. Yusuke was ready to use his "Rei-Gun" while your chakrams had turned into icy-tessen (Metal fans), the tips of their spikes were reinforced with your Reiki and turned into razor-sharp blades that could be shot individually. You were both ready to kill Bakken if he made any move.
"Tch. Fine. Well, you can have him back." Bakken sighed and threw Kurama carelessly out of the ring. Yusuke and you immediately rushed to the passed out Kitsune and Yusuke carried him to the edge of the ring. You were right behind him. After Yusuke dropped him off, you kneeled down at Kurama's side and looked up your human best friend.
"Yusuke." You spoke in a serious tone. Yusuke turned to you. questioningly. "... Beat the shit out of him. Hit that asshole really hard with a greeting from me." You muttered with bared teeth. Yusuke grinned and gave you a thumbs-up.
"Rely on me, [Y/n]. I will make sure that he gets a proper rubdown. And greetings from you. Just take care of our Kurama." Yusuke answered with a wink.
You nodded gently and put your hands on Kurama's damaged chest to let your Reiki flow into his body. That should give him enough energy to activate his own self-healing powers. At least that was how it prevented him from having too little energy.
He almost died ..
When Kurama woke up a little later, he promised you to never again risk his life so lightly.
[End of flashback]
"Remember your promise." you said softly and took Kurama's hand in yours to give it an affectionate squeeze. The fox just looked at you apologetically, but he was weighing whether he could really tell you that he couldn't keep this promise.
"I'm sorry. This may be my first promise, which I can't keep, as much as I would like to. But ..." he began before you could sigh in frustration. Kurama smiled and put a strand of hair behind your ear. "I'll give you a new promise for that." He said and made you blink in curiousity.
"One that you will keep?" you asked.
Kurama smiled and pulled you close for a moment.
"Yes. I promise you, if I survive my fight against Karasu .." he almost sounded as if he didn't believe in it himself, which only unsettled you even more. "... I will take you as my wife as soon as my human body is 18 years old."
Your eyes widened, speechless, at these words. Kurama, who had sworn off love and certainly did not want to settle down in the human world, had just given you the promise of marriage if he should emerge victorious from the battle ..
"K-Kurama .." you started, touched, when the Kitsune put his index and middle fingers on your lips and gently shook his head.
"I have to go into the ring now." He said, because the referee Juri had to call his name again.
Kurama broke away from you and went to the battlefield, where Karasu was already waiting for him. You held your breath as the fight began. It was going to be the hardest fight of all time for him, you were sure of it.
The fight was clearly dominated by Karasu for a long time, who seemed to foresee every one of Kurama's steps. His rosewhip basically crumbled to dust before it could hit Karasu due to a miniature bomb that the black-haired man had already placed. Knowing that Kurama would resort to his signature attack.
Even the transformation into his Youko form only briefly gave Kurama the upper hand in this fight.
Karasu was strong, incredibly strong. Kurama was already bleeding profusely on his legs and arms from the bombs that hit his flesh. The transformation into his demon form had already reached its limits. Now everything seemed to be over for the redhead when he went down and his robe was already completely bathed in red blood.
It was a horrible sight, almost worse than Bakken's back then. Kurama stopped moving when Karasu tried to put an end to it.
With the very last of his strength, Kurama was able to mobilize his last reserves and thus also make his Reiki to zero when he conjured up a large, gray plant. Shortly afterwards he sagged dead and his friends, as well as you, cried out in agony.
Karasu stopped. Not because he thought his opponent was dead, but because something had pierced his chest. Everyone stared in disbelief at the three vines of the plant that Kurama had conjured up with his last strength. They seemed to suck out Karasus blood.
"What is happening?" Kuwabara asked in disbelief.
"The plant sucks out its blood. Like a vampire." You explained and looked a little more composed again. Apparently you knew this technique. Since dated Kurama, the others weren't surprised.
Before the crowd could properly process what had happened, Karasu fell to the ground. His skin was pale from massive blood loss and his eyes were blank and torn. He was dead.
But what about Kurama?
Kurama opened his eyes. The bleeding wounds had closed again as if by a miracle and he straightened up slightly wobbly. Did the vampire plant fed him with the blood of his victim to save his life? It was the only logical explanation.
Tears now ran down your cheeks. No tears of sadness, tears of infinite joy. He was alive. Kurama had kept his promise and survived this fight.
Without hesitation for a second, after Juri made him the winner, you ran onto the battlefield and threw Kurama to the ground in a stormy embrace. The Redhead was unprepared for the impact and lost balance when you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"Idiot. Idiot idiot idiot." You repeated several times, still sobbing slightly. This kitsune almost seemed to enjoy causing you so much grief by letting himself be beaten up in every fight.
Kurama smiled gently and caressed your back soothingly.
"Ssh. Everything is fine.", He whispered and heard only briefly loud sobs before you pulled away from him and stared at him.
"DO. THAT. NEVER. AGAIN." You warned and if Kurama wasn't grinning at you so sweetly, your anger would also come across convincingly. Instead, you just sighed softly and patted him gently on the shoulder. "But you also have to keep your promise," you added.
"Don't worry, I will." Kurama chuckled and turned to Yusuke with a hand sign. You blinked perplexed when Yusuke grinned and threw a small velvet box to him. Out of the corner of your eye you could see that it was a box with a beautifully decorated rose on the lid.
"Kurama .."
Kurama got on one knee and took your hand in his.
"I should do this formally and properly, don't you think?" He laughed and you suddenly realized something.
"... You already planned everything in advance, right ...?" You wanted to know.
Kurama gave a small laugh and kissed your palm lovingly before looking intensely into your eyes.
"Quite possible. No, but .. I've never met a woman like you in my life - and that applies to my human and demonic life - and I never expected to lose my heart to someone who makes me as happy as you. "
"Kurama .."
Kurama smirked when you didn't let him finish and cleared his throat to continue.
"Originally I wanted to stay in the human world because my mother and my friends were so close to my heart. But now there is another reason why I don't want to leave this world anymore. I want you by my side until the end of my days and ... start a family with you. In the human world. That is why I ask you, here and now, [First Name] [Last Name], do you want to be my wife and eternal mate? ", He asked and opened the box. Inside it was the most beautiful diamond ring you ever saw. Its sides were adorned with two beautiful jewels, a shiny [gem with your eye color] and a shimmering emerald. It was more than obvious that these jewels symbolized the eye colors of the both of you.
"Yes .. Yes, I want Kurama. Of course I want that!" You said overjoyed and let a smiling Kurama put the ring on your finger before he pulled you to him and kissed you passionately.
"U-Unbelievable! A marriage proposal during the final of the Dark Tournament! I've never seen anything like it!"Koto announced, she sat in the crowd as the second announcer and looked dreamily at the engaged couple.
You smiled and looked at the ring.
"So beautiful. But something's missing," you mumbled.
"Huh?", Kurama asked and you turned to him and grinned slightly.
"A topaz." You answered with a smile.
Now Kurama was the one whose eyes widened and he even blushed a little.
A topaz as golden as Youko Kurama's eyes. His demon form.
Now he was more certain than ever. He would never let you go again. He swore to himself.
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seungnm · 4 years
jisung: sold my mattress on ebay a couple nights back so i had some money to buy a pet
jisung: my back? stiff
jisung: chan? mad
jisung: my iguana? sick as fuck
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
housemates with shiratorizawa
helloo!! new headcanon series here hehe. i hope you like this very long set of headcanons!
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how you ended up in a house with these guys:
they're such a tight-knit bunch considering the fact that they've been living in a dormitory throughout high school
it was probs semi or kawanishi who suggested getting an extra roommate to help with the rent (tendou and goshiki are accident prone they need someone to help pay for repairs)
so ushijima made and put up an ad for an extra housemate. although he didn't disclose the fact that you'd be rooming with 7 other dudes
you were kind of desperate for some housing at this point so you just went with it
the person who greets you at the door is shirabu. but its more like he saw you, your bag, and went back inside the house leaving the door open
you stood there for a whole ten minutes before kawanishi came up to invite you inside
you're instantly greeted by goshiki and semi cleaning the house like crazy. semi was punching a couch cushion so that it looked an extra soft pillow
tbh the only normal you see are ushijima and reon. they're probs the ones who interviewed you to see if you were a good fit as their housemate
despite how weird your first impressions of some of your housemates were, you were still keen to move in
and then that's when tendou decided to come home from the pet shop with an iguana
living there:
you're roommate ends up being shirabu because no one else wanted to room with him (jk they all drew straws and he was lucky)
he's a pretty good roommate: clean, keeps to himself, doesn't play music too loudly
the bathroom might as well just be his because it's FULL of beauty products. also shirabu takes a million years to get ready that at this point, everyone uses the downstairs bathroom
lmao y'all get your revenge tho by using some of shirabu's products when he's gone
its particularly you, semi, tendo, and kawanishi who like to do that
kawanishi: *walks past shirabu*
shirabu: bitch, did you use my fucking Splash of Pomegranate with Exfoliating Sesame Seeds: Rainforest of the Sun Bath and Body Works shower gel?
semi and reon are both roommates and are probably the most normal people in the house which is saying something
also idk why i feel like they both have a thing for scented candles but they're too shy to tell anyone
like,,, they have a closet full of scented candles and everything
reon: hey, want me to light up Spring Lake or Summer's Kiss?
semi: Summer's Kiss all the way
that's why they always keep their door locked and whenever someone knocks, they quickly snuff out the candle and fan the smoke out of the windows
you: whoa, why does it smell so nice here?
semi: ...air freshener
is kawanishi the only sane, normal person in the house? yeah, probably
he's the one who remembers to get groceries and buy toilet paper and shit and he's so happy he has you to help him out
the thing is though, he's a NOTORIOUS prankster. like, nobody suspects him because they assume its tendou who put packets of ketchup under the toilet seat but no, it was kawanishi
but his favorite person to mess with is his roommate: goshiki
okay goshiki is a Heavy Sleeper and one night you and kawanishi decided to draw criss-cross stocking marks on his legs with permanent marker
goshiki is an alright housemate. he's polite, does his assigned chores, rarely gets into your privacy
but oh my god every morning at 5 am he wakes up the entire house BY BLENDING PROTEIN SHAKES
you and shirabu considered soundproofing your room or chaining goshiki to his bed
ONE OF THE HOUSE'S GREATEST MYSTERIES: how does goshiki cut his hair?
tendou knows you've been dying to know why so one day he's all 'do you really wanna know?' and you're like 'HECC YEAH' and he takes your arm and brings you to goshiki's room
in there you find him with a bowl on his head and cutting along the rim with his scissors
shirabu is also with him but he has a ruler for his bangs
its the only time they ever get along
tendou and ushijima has hands-down the most chaotic room set-up
for one, half of it, ushijima's half, looks like a traditional japanese house
you know that scene in BNHA where todoroki was showing off his room? yes that one
y'all are like 'how was he able to bring tatami mats in his room?'
and then tendou's half looks like a weird-ass storage room complete with an iguana tank (yes he kept it)
tendou probs has those color-changing lights too
and the funny part about it is that both ushijima and tendou are completely okay with the set-up
also tendou has the most irregular schedule ever. like,,, circadian rhythms just wasn't installed in the being that is Tendou Satori
like,, he'll be making mac and cheese at 3 am and just enter your room asking if you want anything
shirabu, who's still awake because he's a med student: i'll have some
ushijima on the other hand has such a set schedule and daily routine. he's the definition of 'working like clockwork'
you guys even use him as your clock because why not?
you: guys what time is it?
reon: ushijima just left for his morning run so probably 7am
the only thing is that ushijima,,, generally doesn't cook??
and by that he likes to eat raw vegetables. no seasoning, no nothing
and he always offers to make people snacks and he does it so sincerely that you can't help but accept his snacks
*insert scene of you eating raw carrots at 11 pm while studying*
house incident: everyone being a closeted fan of Naruto
everyone in shiratorizawa is a closeted naruto fan (except for a few but we’ll be discussing) and no i don’t accept criticism on this
goshiki MAY have rock lee’s signature bowl cut and sometimes walks around the house in leg weights but he doesn’t say who he copies them from outright
you started having your suspicions when you walked into semi and reon’s room looking for a pencil and found semi sitting in bed with a pile of tissues around him and his laptop on his lap
you guys stare at each other for a while and semi just quickly yells “I WAS WATCHING PORN”
my boy semi was actually crying to that part in naruto when zabuza and haku died
his roommate reon on the other hand has a secret tattoo
it’s a sharingan tattoo and its on his back, just between his shoulder blades, which is why he doesn’t go around shirtless (his favorite character is itachi don’t @ me)
reon probably owns an akatsuki cloak too
kawanishi has an ENTIRE playlist of the naruto opening and ending tracks that he got from youtube and converted into mp3 format on youtube mp3 converter which he then downloaded and organized into a playlist with the album art when he was thirteen
sometimes you’ll hear him whistling Ikimono Gakari and everyone in the house is all 👂👂👂
tendou is the only one not lowkey about it but he’s not lowkey about anything he likes
and then one day you and tendou are in the kitchen and ushijima decides to watch tv while eating breakfast
while flipping through the channels he comes across the rock lee vs. gaara fight and he just decides to watch while eating
tendou’s like ‘wakatoshi? do you,,, like naruto?’
ushijima: is this naruto? it looks pretty cool
while you’re busy ranting about it, semi, goshiki, and reon, who recognize the unmistakable Sounds of Naruto, creep downstairs
semi: oh, cool. it’s naruto
reon: yeah, used to watch it when i was a kid
goshiki: hmm, seems like an alright show
‘hey, you remind me of that guy’
reon and semi end up sitting on the couch, trying to hold in their middle-school selves while watching 
and then kawanishi comes in and he’s just like OH MY GOD NARUTO!!
now almost everyone in the house is watching. at that part when rock lee drops his weights reon and semi jump off the couch and cheer
they can’t hold themselves back anymore
last but not the least, shirabu, who came back from class, walks into the living room to find all of his housemates cheering and crying in front of the TV that’s playing naruto
shirabu: omg u guys are lame
and then he runs up to his room before coming down with THE FULL BLU-RAY DISC SET OF NARUTO ALL THE WAY UNTIL SHIPPUDEN
basically you guys end up watching naruto all day and semi finally admitted that he wasn’t watching porn the day you came into his room
taglist (still open to anyone who wants in!): @montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart@akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan@therainroguefanfiction@atetiffdoesart@stephdaninja@oikaw-ugh@charliefredb@dramaqueenweeb1469@tremblinghearts@applepienation@doodleniella
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thestayway90 · 4 years
Unexpected Attachment: Chapter 1 - Stray Kids Imagine
Author: thestayway90
WC: 2385
Warnings: None
Characters: Stray Kids OT8, OFC/Reader, OFC/Reader’s Older Brother
Summary: Setting up the story, introducing the characters. OFC/Reader meets some of the Kids... if you can get through this chapter it’ll be a lot more exciting in the next one I promise!!!
Author’s Note: Hello all! This is my first attempt at a Stray Kids Fic so I hope you all enjoy...
Not 100% sure where this is going (I have a plan but we’ll see) but it will eventually be a OFC/Reader x Felix Relationship (coz I am whipped for that boy).
I would love any and all feedback including criticisms and ways you think I can improve!!!
Enjoy lovelies <3
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You certainly didn’t expect to wake up with an iguana staring you in the face. But after two months of living with your brother, it really shouldn’t be a surprise you anymore.
You glared at the unfamiliar creature digging in its tiny nails but its only response was to blink lazily back at you, unfazed by your thunderous expression.
“Joshua!” you yelled, startling Tink from underneath the bed, the white ferret streaking for freedom as Josh appeared in the doorway.
“Oh, whoops, sorry,” Josh said as he quickly plucked the green reptile off of the bedspread. “I was wondering where Dewey had got too.” He smiled widely, stroking the placid Iguana on the head.
You sighed and sat up, stretching slightly, questioning, “Dewey? Another rescue?”
Josh glanced up guiltily. “You should have seen how they were keeping him?” He replied, placing the reptile on the floor where the green creature started making his slow way down the hallway, Tink following it curiously. “Made me pay them an arm and a leg, though.” Josh commented ruefully as you hopped out of bed.
“Well luckily you just got promoted then. More money to rescue all the poor neglected animals of Seoul,” you told him cheerfully, patting his cheek as you walked past on your way to the bathroom.
You immediately cursed, tripping over an orange streak that suddenly darted towards your legs, swiping at your ankles before disappearing in a blur of motion. “Toast!” you hollered, hopping on one leg, rubbing the injured ankle. “I’m going to cook you in the fryer, cat!” you threatened the empty air, stomping towards your original destination.
“180 degrees for 20 minutes should do it,” you muttered under my breath, closing the bathroom door behind you. “Just enough for nice crispy Toast.”
It wasn’t until you had already sat down on the toilet that the feeling of being watched prickled the back of your neck. You looked up and in the gloom between the top of the medicine cabinet and the ceiling were two glowing eyes.
You gave a small shriek of surprise and then giggled at your stupidity. “Hey Meatball,” you said, as the large fluff ball ignored your greeting, curling up and turning his back to you until he was barely visible.
Shaking your head and muttering about pedantic animals, you made your way down to the kitchen.
“Honestly Josh,” you said as you plopped down on one of the stools, grabbing the cup of coffee he offered gratefully. “We should start selling tickets. Come and see the miraculous menagerie squished into a tiny apartment in the middle of downtown Seoul.”
Josh raised his eyebrows at your tone and then smiled wickedly. “Toast get you again?”
“Seriously that cat is the devil itself,” you moaned, reaching down to rub your poorly abused ankle.
Josh burst out laughing, no sympathy in your feud with the tiny orange tabby. “Whats that 3 to 1? You need to work on your ninja skills.”
“Talking of ninja skills, don’t you have to go?” you pointed to the time displayed on the microwave clock, making Josh swear and quickly grab his jacket, a piece of toast still hanging halfway out of his mouth.
“Can you put Dewey in the tank for me,” Josh shouted over his shoulder as he grabbed his bag and raced out the front door.
“Yep. Have a good day at work,” you yelled after him and received a muffled, ‘Love You’, as the door shut behind him.
It took you fifteen minutes to find the elusive reptile, leaving only five minutes for you to quickly throw on some clothes and get half way presentable before your online class.
An hour later you leant back in your chair, rubbing your temples, glad that there wasn’t another class until later in the afternoon.
You were just contemplating whether to start on one of your many assignments or not when a familiar ring echoed through the kitchen. You searched confused until you located Josh’s phone that had somehow got wedged underneath a bag of cat food.
The number flashing on the screen was labeled ‘Work’ and guessing who it was you picked up, bringing the device up to your ear.
“Why, hello!” you answered, smiling as a familiar voice echoed through the speaker.
“I forgot my phone...” Josh’s wail made your smile widen.
“Uh huh, I noticed,” you responded unhelpfully, digging Tink out from a cupboard he’d worked his way into.
“Can you bring it to me, please please pretty please!” Josh begged. “I can’t leave right now and I really need it!”
You made him suffer just a little, staying silent while placing Tink in his escape-proof enclosure.
Finally you agreed, “Of course. I’ll be there in ten.”
“Thank you, thank you Nugget,” Josh sighed in relief, using your childhood nickname in his gratitude.
“Okay, see you soon.” You hung up and grabbed your shoes and keys, making sure all the gremlins were safely locked away, before exiting the apartment.
You walked the ten minutes to Josh’s work, enjoying the blue skies and stunning weather while strolling briskly.
You arrived at your destination and tilted your neck backwards to read the large JYP displayed prominently on the side of the towering skyscraper that Josh worked in.
You entered through the lobby, approaching the receptionist while Security Guards eyed you with mistrust, alert for any suspicious behaviour.
Luckily you recognised the receptionist from the few times you had accompanied Josh to work, flashing her a wide smile as you came to a stop in front of her.
“Hello again, love,” she greeted you in heavily accented English. “Are you here to see Joshua?”
You held up your brothers phone with a rueful smile. “He forgot this and asked if I could bring it to him.”
“He’s probably only the fifth floor,” she said helpfully, signalling to Security to let you through.
“Thank you,” you told her gratefully, walking through the security turnstile that the Guard pushed open.
You crossed to the elevator and pressed the button, happy when one opened immediately. Once inside, you pushed the button for the fifth floor, watching the numbers tick over until the doors chimed loudly.
Stepping out into the hallway, you stood awkwardly for a few minutes, trying to decide where to look first.
A door opened to your right, raucous noise echoing into the corridor as a guy backed into the hallway, talking loudly and making faces at those still inside.
He turned and jumped when he saw you standing behind him, clearly startled, hands flying up under his chin, arms hugging close to his body as his eyes went impossibly round.
“Ah, hi... sorry,” you said apologetically, feeling the need to explain your presence. “I’m looking for Josh, Joshua. Do you know where he is by any chance?” You asked hopefully.
The guy immediately relaxed and smiled widely, cheeks dimpling adorably. “You must be his sister!” He exclaimed happily in a slight American accent, beckoning you towards him. “He’s in here actually.” He turned back to the room he had exited, holding the door open for you to pass by.
You slipped through the doorway and was greeted by three pairs of eyes, startled by an intruder into their space.
Josh’s expression quickly turned from surprise to glee as he jumped from his seat to wrap his arms around you in a tight hug. You held his phone out towards him, staring around at the room surrounding you.
It was a music studio, electrical equipment made up of a complicated mess of knobs, dials and switches covering a huge desk to one side under a window looking into a recording booth. The walls were clad in some type of soundproofing material and there was a large comfy looking couch accompanied by two office chairs.
“You’re a life saver,” Josh said gratefully, pocketing the precious device, as you switched your attention to the other occupants of the room. Noticing your gaze Josh quickly gave out introductions.
“This is Han.” He pointed to the kind boy who had shown you where to go.
“Chan.” The boy with the shock of red hair smiled lopsidedly and nodded his head amicably your way.
“And Changbin.” The last boy looked serious until he gave a very wide smile, lighting up his entire face, making you unconsciously smile in return.
“Guys, this is my sister.” Josh finished, his tone brimming with pride, as he squeezed your arm lightly.
“Nice to meet you,” Chan said his familiar Aussie accent immediately putting you at ease. “We’ve heard a lot about you from Josh.”
A blush immediately started staining your cheeks, wondering exactly how much your brother had told them in the short weeks he had been working with the k-pop boy group.
“I was just about to get some coffees. Do you want one?” Han was still hovering in the doorway, with an expectant expression.
You immediately started shaking your head. “You guys look busy. I should get going!” You took one step towards the door before Han blocked you, hands waving in the air.
“We’re not busy. We’re actually taking a break. Do you like milk? Sugar?”
You smiled ruefully at the persistent man. “I’ll take it black with two sugars please.”
His face lit up with genuine joy and he ducked out the door, humming as he went.
You turned back to the remaining occupants of the room. Chan patted the empty seat beside him, presumably Hans one he had abandoned in search of caffeine.
You sat, twisting side to side in the spinning office chair, as Josh took his place on the couch on the opposite side to Changbin.
“So....” Chan drew out the syllable, his intense eyes focused on you. “We heard you’re studying to become a Social Worker? How is that going?”
“Uh, not too bad. It’s all online which is good coz I don’t have to get out of my pyjamas most days but it’s also terrible coz I have no self-motivation or control so usually end up scrambling to finish my assignments thirty minutes before it’s due!” All three boys laughed and you smiled at the welcome sound.
“Is the course through a Korean University?” Changbin questioned curiously, his English thickly accented.
You shook my head. “No, it’s through a Uni back home in Australia, thank goodness.”
All three boys eyebrows raised at the last sentiment, questioning your relief.
You quickly held up your hands, trying to wave off the misunderstanding. “No, I don’t mean that a Korean course wouldn’t be just as good or better, just that my Korean is so terrible that I would struggle even more than I am now!” You tried to explain emphatically.
Understanding dawned on their expressions and Changbin gave a small chuckle.
“You’re Korean’s that bad huh?”
You grimaced and then said, “Eotteohge saeng-gaghaseyo?”
Chan and Josh both burst out laughing, and Changbin tried to hide a smirk but failed miserably.
“It’s not the worst I’ve ever heard,” the kind rapper commented, trying to save your feelings.
“She’s been working hard on it,” Josh felt the need to interject. “She’s only been learning for two months since she came to live with me.”
The two k-pop idols turned their gaze towards you, expressions now impressed.
“Very good,” Chan complimented encouragingly.
The door opened and Han struggled through, balancing two cup holders full of cups.
Josh immediately jumped up and grabbed one off of him, the younger guy smiling at him gratefully. “Thank you, Maenijeo.”
“I’m still not used to that,” Josh admitted, as Han quickly distributed the coffees to their rightful owners.
“You deserve it,” Chan told him, as Josh and Han sat back down on the couch, squishing together a little next to Changbin. “We were over the moon when they told us you’d be our new Manager. I was just glad for the extra help with producing.”
Josh blushed a little at the praise from the Leader, twisting his fingers round the cup in his hand. You beamed with pride at him, knowing how hard he had worked to get where he was.
Aware that Josh was probably getting a little uncomfortable being the centre of attention you turned to Chan, asking, “What are you working on?” And then belatedly realising, “Although you probably can’t tell me, I guess.”
“Actually Josh was just telling us about some ideas he has for our new music.” Chan nodded his head towards your brother, making him blush even further, undermining your attempt to change the subject.
The boys started chatting about music, most of the technical stuff going over your head, but you enjoyed watching the four boys talk so animatedly about something they were clearly all passionate about.
Eventually you sighed, checking your watch and groaning as you noticed the time.
“I have to go,” you told the others regretfully. “I have an assignment to start before my next class.”
The three boys protested but Josh pointed out that they too had work that needed to be done.
You said your goodbyes, promising to return and visit the three boys you’d somehow become friends with.
Josh gave you a tight hug and offered to walk you out but you immediately declined, knowing how busy he and the boys were.
You gave them one last wave and then let the door shut behind you, crossing over to the elevator and pressing the button, waiting patiently for it to arrive.
Once inside you pulled out your phone, double checking the time for the next class, balancing your still warm coffee in your other hand.
Noticing a message regarding one of your upcoming assignments, you were too engrossed in the device in your hand to look up when the doors pinged open.
You automatically started walking but somehow managed to catch your foot on the metal grating on the floor, pitching forwards with no free hands to stop yourself
Luckily, or unluckily depending on your point of view, your fall was stopped by a solid form, as strong arms caught at your waist to stop your hectic descent.
Unfortunately for the owner of the hands, although they managed to stop your fall they didn’t manage to stop your coffee’s, the caffeinated beverage covering you both in lukewarm liquid.
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Jisung: Sold my mattress on eBay a couple nights back so I had some money to buy a pet.
Jisung: My back? Stiff.
Jisung: My leader Chan? Mad.
Jisung: My iguana? Sick as fuck.
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natticusthegomamon · 7 years
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Fandramon: The very awesome @iguana-chan (Also known as Iguky on DA), sacrificed time, effort and sleep to run a charity stream for Mexico disaster relief; $115 was raised! Awesome! Of course I had to get the Gomamon Pod drawn up, look how cute they are! And the funds went to a good cause~
Natticus: Hey it’s me being adorable :3 There’s Zack bein’ a grumpy tail as usual. Wonder what game Milus is playin’?
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