#ill add the originals links as i find them
born-in-hell · 7 months
btw for all u 4haloers and eclipsedoers out there aparently forever's been signing ppls badges w a heart and telling them to ask bbh to sign his name near the heart
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heres one of them!!
another one!! this is for the 1st pic
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puphoods · 3 months
ive only seen bits and pieces of what happened to predesterone, i know they got deleted (at least twice) and the ceo is making defamatory statements about them, but im genuinely confused as to where I could find this all going down. if u dont wanna gather links or whatever i get it its just that everything popped up on my dash suddenly and i want to know whats happening but i dont know how to find out
theres obviously a lot of people posting rn but ill try to get some links together to sum it up as best i can find- keep in mind i never followed her myself and only distantly knew of her so there are people closer to the situation that probably have more stuff they can tell you though, and searching her url(s) has a lot of info
avery has i think two blogs deleted yeah, unsure about any older ones but predstrogen and avewy/predesterone were both deleted very recently
predstrogen (the first blog) was allegedly deleted for "sexually explicit material" despite any posts that may have been labelled as such being marked with a community label and her blog recently being manually approved as NOT containing adult content. she also talks in this post, as well as here, about how she has had a support ticket open for several months for harassment she was receiving that has not been dealt with
this is an example of the threats and harassment she has been receiving. ive seen a few different people get this ask copy pasted
the CEO of tumblr made a post wherin he publicly aired information regarding her deletion and threatened legal action against her , showing examples of the alleged death threats where no actual threats were made and telling people in the replies to just leave if they were unhappy with the moderation of the site
avery made a post about this and her new blog was again deleted within five minutes of her making it
multiple people who have made posts about the situation have said matt has DMed them and confronted them
this is word im hearing secondhand, so if i get any details wrong please correct me, but posts of hers such as her transition timeline are apparently ones that were flagged. i cant find any screenshots but many of her posts, including one that was a silly edit of a snow leapord wearing shoes, have been completely wiped from the site. if anyone has a screenshot or link to both the original post and it being deleted i can add it to this
again there are a lot of posts going around but these are i think what you really need to know whats going on...
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lilianasgrimoire · 30 days
Herbs & Correspondences A-F
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This is going to be a looonnnnnggg post, I have gotten all the herbs I can find/remember the correspondences of herbs in alphabetical order, so I might actually break it down into sections and link them on each post at the top.
Acorn - Good luck, personal power, protection and wisdom. Dried acorns are a natural amulet for youthfulness. Associated with Litha. Element water. 
Agrimony - Shielding and hex-breaking, aids sleep, brings luck towards you and is powerful in spell reversal.  Element Air. 
Alder - Helps you to face up to things you are avoiding, divination, teaching especially anything arty and weather magic. Element Fire. 
Alfalfa - Money, prosperity and a happy home, also anti-hunger. Generosity and luck.  Element Earth. 
Allspice - Draws money and business success.  Aids compassion, luck and healing. Element Fire.   
Angelica - Also called Archangel. It is a very powerful protection herb, healing, creates harmony and courage and helps in exorcisms.  Aids vision. Element Air. 
Apple - Garden magic, love, healing and wisdom, also vanity, marriage and beauty. Associated Mabon & Samhain. Element water. 
Ash - Spells relating to the sea, protection, and luck. Make your Yule log from ash and burn to bring prosperity. Yggdrasil was an Ash tree.  Element water. 
Basil - Also called witch's herb. Use in spells for Love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Associated with Imbolc. Aids astral projection. Element Fire. 
Bay Leaf - Protection, success, purification, strength, wisdom and healing, also increases psychic powers. Element Fire. 
Beech - Happiness, inspiration and divination. Represents the Green Man.  Element Air. 
Belladonna - Also Called: Deadly Nightshade. Toxic. Use for forgetting past loves. Protection, beauty and original flying ointments. Adds energy to rituals.   Element Water. 
Benzoin - Purification, prosperity, and helps to soothe tension by dispelling anger and lessening irritability, de stressing, helps depression, concentration and astral projection. Element Air.  
Bergamot - Money, prosperity and sleep.  Protects from both evil and illness. Good luck and wealth. Increases magical power.  Element Fire.  
Birch - Protection, exorcism and purification. Dispels lightning, infertility, and the evil eye. Associated with Yule. Element Water.  
Black Pepper - Banishing negativity, exorcism, and offers protection and help with inner strength.  Element Fire  
Blackthorn - Exorcisms, warding off negative spirits and general protection.  Associated with Samhain. Element Earth.  
Bladderwrack - Protection, sea and wind spells, attracts money, psychic powers, and customers to your business. Element Water. 
Blessed Thistle - or Holy Thistle. Purification, protection against negativity and evil, hex breaking and aids vitality.  Carry on you for strength and protection. Element Earth. 
Blueberry - Protection of children, keeps evil out, and strengthens the aura.  Associated with the Great Spirit. Element Water. 
Borage Flower - Self Courage, peace, calm, self-love and strength. Element Air. 
Burdock - Also called Beggar’s buttons. Used for cleansing magic and warding off negativity. Protection, healing and persistence spells.  Element Water.  
Calendula - Also called Marigold. It attracts success and justice in legal matters. Increases psychic/spiritual powers and aid prophetic dreams. Dispels negativity.  Element Fire.   
Cardamom - Lust, love, and fidelity. Sweetens the personality   Use in handfasting's. Element Water.  
Carnation - Protection, strength, healing, enhancing magical powers, and achieving balance.   Element Fire.  
Catnip - Also called Nepeta. Use when working with animals.  Draws love, luck and happiness, also used in beauty magic.  Associated with Bast. Element Water. 
Cedarwood - Luck, strength and power.  It helps increase money and protection. Also healing.    Associated with Mabon. Element Earth. 
Cedar Berries - Also Called: Juniper Berries.  Protective, cleansing and repels negativity very well. Used in healing rites.  Element Fire.  
Celandine - Cures depression, treats piles, improves circulation. Brings about Joy and happiness. Solar Magic.  Element Fire. 
Chamomile - Love, sleep, protection and purification, also reduce stress.  Use for meditation work and to attract money. Solar Magic. Element Water. 
Chervil - Helps healing, flatulence and superstition.  It is considered the herb for bringing in new life.  Element Water.  
Chickweed - Also called Witches Grass. Use in moon spells. Also good for animal magic, relationships, love and fertility. Element Water.  
Chili - Fidelity, love and passion.  Also hex breaking. Element Fire.  
Cinnamon - Also called Sweet Wood. Use for Solar magic.  Meditation and astral projection. Increases spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, luck, strength, and prosperity. Element Fire.  
Clover, Red - Also called Trefoil. used in any spells relating to marriage, love, lust and fidelity. Success is linked to money.  Element Air.  
Clove - Use to protect, banish negative forces, and divination.  It also helps with any teeth spells. Aids money and draws love.  Element Fire.  
Coltsfoot - Aids wealth.  Works with peace, tranquility, prosperity, and love. Associated with Brighid. Element Water. 
Comfrey - Also called Slippery Root.  Supports magic healing and safe travel. Use for money, endurance and stability spells. Element Water. 
Coriander - Love, lust and health.  Used as an aphrodisiac and to heal migraines. Brings peace & protection to the home. Element Fire.   
Cornflower - Used primarily as an Ink for your Book of Shadows. It is the patron herb of herbalists. Use in rituals to give honor to the mother of all nature, also connected to Rainbow and Crystal children.  Element Earth. 
Cumin - Fidelity, protection, and exorcism.  Also used in love spells and food which can also promote fidelity.  Element Earth   
Cypress - Associated with death and mourning; stimulates healing and helps overcome the pain of loss.  Other properties include self-esteem, protection, love and banishing nightmares. Element Earth. 
Damiana - Lust, sex magic and attracting love. It is thought to be an aphrodisiac. Use for astral projection and spirit quests.  Element Fire. 
Dandelion Leaf - Used to summon spirits, make wishes on, healing, purification and defeating negativity.  Element Air.  
Dandelion Root - Magical uses include divination, wishes and calling spirits. It also enhances dreams and works well in astral projection. Element Air. 
Dock Root- (Yellow). Used to release baggage no longer needed. Also, fertility, healing and money magic. Clears blockages and cuts bindings.  Solar Magic. Element Air. 
Echinacea - Adds a boost to clairvoyant and psychic abilities. Adds powerful strength to spells used in money drawing magic, fertility and abundance and provides the user with protective power. Element Earth. 
Elder Tree - Sleep, releasing enchantments, protection against negativity, banishing. 
Elderflower & Berry - Peace, protection, and healing, plus aids in exorcisms.  Element Water.  
Elm - Energizes the mind and balances the heart. Aids love spells and offer protection from lightning. Element Water. 
Evening Primrose - Ideal for moon magic. Also use in love charms and to attract fae.  Element Water.  
Eyebright - Increases mental power, psychic ability and inner vision.  Element Air.  
Fennel Seed - Helps with meditation.  Healing, purifying and protection.  Also linked with new motherhood and offers inner strength. Element Air.  
Feverfew - Aids poor health.  Protection against accidents when travelling and protection when working with spirit.  Carry on you for inner strength. Element Water. 
Flax Seed - Also called Linseed. Used for money spells and healing rituals. It helps with beautiful spells and offers protection.  Element Fire. 
Fleawort - Healing, Cleansing, strength and power. The Goddess' herbs. Element Earth. 
Frankincense Resin - Use in solar magic. Associated with Beltane, Lammas, and Yule. Use in rituals and magic associated with self-control, spirituality and protection.  Also regulates emotions and helps depression. Element Earth  
Fumitory - Associated with the underworld and used at Samhain. Linked to spells for monetary gain, consecration and protection. Element Earth.  
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Help for when you’re having a rough time
(If you're looking for my old pinned post with my whump masterlists, you can find it here.)
In light of some deeply sad news in the whump community today, I’m thinking about how many of us here struggle with mental health, sometimes including physical or mental self-harm and suicidality. Since I know lots of folks might be having a hard time right now, I wanted to share some resources that have helped me in rough moments. Please feel free to add on to this post (or make your own, if you want!) with the resources that have worked for you. 
First, a note:
Trauma, shame, and suicidality all tend to isolate - they make us feel like we’re all alone in the world, like no one else would understand us, and like the only solutions we have available to us are ones we can think of all by ourselves. In my experience, the antidote to that is connection. If you’re feeling scared or alone, you can hop into my asks or DMs if you want. I’m sure there are other folks in this community who would offer that, too. Many of us have grappled with mental health struggles, including suicidal ideation, and sometimes we can offer each other the care that can be hard to offer ourselves. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you need support.
A quick note about location: I live in the US, but about half the resources in this post are written guides you can access from anywhere. The hotlines and warmlines linked below are US-based. One or two are accessible in Canada or have an online chat or moderated forum that could be accessed anywhere. If you have good local resources from another place, please reblog and add them! (Thank you, @straight-to-the-pain, for flagging this in the notes!)
That said, here’s my absolute first recommendation if you’re feeling generally awful and don’t know what to do:
1. You Feel Like Shit (also available at its original site here)
If you’ve read a lot of ~self care tips~ in your life (and if you’re a bit of a salty bitch like me), you might be sick of being told to eat something and take a nap. (I don’t think we can hydrate our way out of long-term trauma and late-stage capitalistic hell, but thanks.) That said, I’ve found this site REALLY helpful. Personally, I have ADHD and CPTSD, a combination that makes it ROUGH for me to know how to take care of myself sometimes. This site speaks to you calmly, like a non-judgemental friend, and walks you through steps that you might struggle with if you have a hard time with executive function in general, or if you’re ill, grieving, overwhelmed, or otherwise just off your game. I pretty much always walk away feeling at least a little better, even if I don’t complete every step.
There are more suggestions and resources below the cut. Wishing everyone in this community love and care. <3
2. The 15-Minute Rule (info available in many places; after a quick google, I really like this site as a place to start)
One key principle to understanding the resources I’ve put together here is the 15-minute rule. If you’re feeling an urge towards physical or mental self-harm or suicide, studies show that the urge is unlikely to last more than about 15 minutes at its peak intensity. (Sorry I don’t have data on this off the bat - anecdotally, I can tell you that this rule also tracks with my own personal experience.) This means that, if you’re presently feeling overwhelmed by grief or pain that’s turning inwards on you, if you can stay afloat through the next few minutes, the tide of it is likely to ebb. The site I linked above has information about this concept and some great harm-reduction ideas, too. (Another resource on this that I liked in my quick search is here.)
3. Read This First (a compassionate distraction from feelings of self-harm)
I’m gonna be honest; this resource is aimed at folks having urges towards physical self-harm, but it looks like something I would find helpful with urges towards emotional self-harm, too. (It also looks like it could be handy for body-focused repetitive behaviors - BFRBs - like dermatillomania/skin-picking or trichotillomania/hair-pulling).
4. Resources from Pete Walker, psychotherapist and author of Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving
Obviously not everyone reading this will have complex PTSD (also called C-PTSD), but if you’re a person who, in general, tends to beat yourself up a lot, I’d highly recommend checking Pete Walker’s work out. If some of it doesn’t apply to you, that’s okay - take what you need, and leave the rest. This site (and the book it references most heavily) assumes you may have had parents who were emotionally or physically abusive or neglectful. If that doesn’t ring true for you, but other parts of the resources seem helpful, use them anyway! A handy place to start maybe this page on Shrinking the Inner Critic in Complex PTSD (that is, reducing the volume of the voice that screeches unpleasantness at you when you feel ashamed or scared).
As a note: this website looks VERY mid-2000s (which I kind of love). Most of the resources you want will be in the right-hand column full of links. Some of those links will open new pages, and some will automatically try to download a PDF of the article you want to read. 
5. Warmlines:
This is something I just learned today - if you’re feeling really lonely and sad, but you’re not in immediate crisis, there are warmlines you can contact! These seem to be numbers where you can call (or sometimes text) to talk with a counselor or trained peer when you need support and connection. I can’t vouch for any of these numbers personally, but as someone who has definitely thought, “It’s not bad enough to REALLY need help,” I think this is a fabulous idea. Here’s a list of warmlines you can check out in the US.
6. Specialized hotlines: 
There are lots of good crisis hotlines out there, but some may be better for your needs than others. For one thing, if you’re feeling seriously suicidal, it’s good to know the policies of the hotline you’re calling. In my opinion, everyone deserves bodily autonomy and the right to refuse care; for that reason, I think it’s important to know the policy of the hotline you’re calling as to whether or not they’ll call emergency services without your consent. Everyone has to make their own judgment call on this one, and I’m a little too (lightly!) triggered to go deep into my analysis on this right now, but I wanted to flag that it’s something to be aware of - if you’re going to call a hotline, you can try to look up their policy on calling emergency services before you contact them. You could probably even ask them in the beginning of the call. (A script: “Before we start, can you tell me what your policy is about contacting emergency services on behalf of callers?” If this is true, you can add: “I’m having some feelings of [suicidality/self-harm], but I’m safe and am not in danger of hurting myself or others.”)
With that in mind, here are some hotlines that seem promising to me, in no particular order:
A. For queer and trans folks in general:
Trans LifeLine
Available in the US (1-877-565-8860) and Canada (1-877-330-6366)
Available in English and Spanish
Will NOT call emergency services without your consent (you can read more about this policy on their website, including here)
Peer to peer support for transgender and questioning folks; also, microgrants (small amounts of money) for trans-related needs!
Does not offer text/chat-based support
I’ve never used Trans LifeLine myself, but I’ve heard excellent things about it from peers who have.
The Trevor Project:
Support from trained counselors for queer, trans, and questioning folks
Definitely available in the US; I’m not sure where else.
Offers support via phone (1-866-488-7386), text message (678-678), and online chat (link here - scroll down to Start Chat)
Also offers an online peer support space, TrevorSpace, for folks ages 13-24
Their site says, “In very specific instances of abuse or a clear concern of an in-progress or imminent suicide, Trevor counselors may need to contact a child welfare agency or emergency service.” When you click Learn More, it takes you to their Terms of Service (informative, but in legalese that might be hard to parse if you’re in crisis).
Again, not a service I’ve used myself, but I’ve heard good things!
B. For BIPOC folks (Black folks, Indigenous folks, and people of color more broadly), especially those who also hold LQBTQI identities:
Call Blackline:
Available via phone or text (both at 1-800-604-5841)
Available for people in crisis. Call Blackline can also help connect you with local community organizers and officials if you need to report a negative, inappropriate, or physical interaction with police, other law enforcement, or vigilantes.
From their website:
Call BlackLine® provides a space for peer support, counseling, reporting of mistreatment, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences for folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens.Call BlackLine® prioritizes BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color). By us for us.
Here’s what I found regarding their policy on emergency services:
You do not have to provide any personal information to use the service. All calls remain private and will never be shared with law enforcement or state agencies of any kind.
Of course, a BIPOC person can contact any hotline for support, but for people dealing with racism, anti-Blackness, and other specific bigotries, I can very much see the importance of talking to someone who shares or understands that experience.
C. For folks processing bad psychedelic trips:
Fireside Project:
This one is something I didn’t even know existed! They do call- or text-based support (1-623-473-7433, or 1-62-FIRESIDE) for people processing psychedelic drug experiences, available 11am to 11pm Pacific time. I don’t have a ton more info, but their site seems really interesting and like they’re serving a unique need.
7. A soothing distraction:
One of the glories of the internet is the fact that it enables us to conjure up images of kittens at a moment’s notice. In that vein, I want to offer up a VERY cute distraction: Peptoc is a hotline (1-707-873-7862, or 1-707-8PEPTOC) where you can hear encouraging messages in English or Spanish from kindergarteners. How sweet is that? (Thanks to the wonderful @newbornwhumperfly for this suggestion!)
Beloved whump community, I want to know about things that help you when you’re struggling. Please feel free to share them if you want.
And, Moya - we’ll miss you so, so much, even those of us (like me) who didn’t know you well. May your memory be an absolute blessing. <3
(I was going to put this in the tags, but oops, it’s going up here - I really hope this post will be helpful to someone, but it was also helpful to me to build. I feel better in a crisis when I can find a way to help - it’s how I soothe myself when I’m sad or scared. I really hope this doesn’t seem preachy or self-aggrandizing - it’s really just me processing-processing-processing. <3)
One more note: if this post makes you think you might want to follow my blog, you're totally welcome, but you should check out my note here first. This is not a DNI list; it's just a heads-up about my content, which could be inappropriate or triggering for some people.
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sims3ski · 11 months
sims 3 hair mesh + retexture + conversions + cc finds masterlist
if this gets reblogged, when youre using it be sure to check the original post for new websites. i just like to have this handy for cc hunting. you can also check my #hair tag for things ive reblogged. if youre looking for cruella hairs, hair with chunky highlights, ombres, alternative and anime styles check my #alt+hair tag.
the sims resource links are labeled with red if you want to avoid them. you are more than welcome to rb or reply if you are a cc hair creator or retex-er (is that a word?) and ill add you to this list!
click the first link to go directly to their hair page/tag (if they have one) dont forget to follow, like/reblog these creators, and if you really love someone donate! ive included their donation pages if i could find one :) but all cc here is free, no paywalls!
[tsr] | *m | sclub / donate tumblr | *rc *a | chazybazzy (my personal favorite) / donate tumblr | *rc | buckleysims tumblr | *rc | angelid tumblr | *rc | imamiii / donate self hosted: | *m | kijiko tumblr: | *rc | faerielandsims tumblr: | *m | nadegata-blueskystyle tumblr: | *rc *f | sweetdevil-sims (they have multiple hair tags, ive included their adult hair tag) tumblr: | *b *a | darkccfinds tumblr: | *rc *f | inkwisteria tumblr: | *rc | csitaly tumblr: | *b *rc | shokoninio tumblr: | *rc | nemiga-sims-archive tumblr: | *rc *a | ifcasims tumblr: | *rc *a | rg-veda tumblr: | *m | bad-egg-pixel tumblr: | *rc *a | rheysimstuff tumblr: | *rc | bellakenobi tumblr: | *rc | carversims / donate tumblr: | *rc *h | joojconverts / donate tumblr: | *rc *a | criisolatex tumblr: | *rc | vmsims23 tumblr: | *rc | simerelligiftshoppe tumblr: | *rc | sim-songs tumblr: | *rc | rollo-rolls / donate tumblr: | *rc *a | nightospheresims / donate tumblr: | *rc *a | xxbomixx
[tsr] | *m | shimydimsims [tsr] | *m | wingssims [tsr] | *m | TsminhSims [tsr] | *m *a | VivianDang [tsr] | *m | Ade_Darma [tsr] | *m | Cazy [tsr] | *m | Anto [tsr] | *m *a | Nightcrawler Sims [tsr] | *m *a | SintikliaSims [tsr] | *m | vanturk818 [tsr] | *m | NewSea
guide to abbreviations under the cut
*m = mesh creators *rc = retextures and conversions *b = cc finds blogs *a = alternative styles *h = historical *f = child/toddler
151 notes · View notes
honestly i just wanted to make a confessions blog. i have no clue if this is an original or even acceptable idea (im sorry if its not. thats why im not linking this to my main haha)
AHEM. do you love @mcytblrconfessions (unaffiliated)? do you get sad when they turn their asks off because theyve got a fucktonne of them (which is very valid, this is not me being upset at them for doing so)? do you wish that said blog was run by one (1) unstable dsmp fan who definitely doesnt write hermitcraft rpf? well too bad for you about that last one.
THIS IS THE BLOG WHERE ALL OF THAT IS REAL! why is this evil? i dont fucking know; it just is. send in all of your confessions (vaguely) related to mcyt! honestly if you send in something completely unrelated but i find it funny ill still post it bcs idk why not
i am fully expecting to just fucking die within a week. tumblrs already ruined my mental health; lets go for round 2 WOOOO
im your host cedar (pronounced like cheddar) and welcome to making bad decisions with me !
actually important stuff (im gonna pin this post):
- we do polls now apparently. add the 🗳️ emoji to your ask and yeah a poll will appear
- i will be stealing parts of mcytblrconfessions tagging system. PARTS.
- this blogs asks will be open WHENEVER mcytblrconfessions asks are closed. no matter how many asks i have in the inbox. theyll be thrown in queue and answered whenever.
- this blog is only evil because its funny ! please do not be a deplorable person! do not send in things such as: discourse-related, nsfw, drama/ragebaiting, being a fucking weirdo. just. yeah, use common sense please <3 there is non-zero chance that i will just block you <3
- yes thats a squishmallow in the pfp; hir name is éloïse.
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ravenromanova · 9 months
Winter Widow Masterlist
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Hello my loves❤️🖤 welcome to the materlist for my story The Winter Widow! This story was originally going to be put on wattpad and have like 50 chapters. BUT i decided to do around 20 chapters and just make those longer on here. I will try to post two chapters a time when i do upload but don’t hold me to that lmao. But here you’ll find all the chapters linked down below to make it easier to find. I hope you enjoy the story and love it as much as i do.
Summary: Lilith Rose was taken by The Red Room when she was 9 years old. She was given to them by her parents who were in debt to Dreykov. Given the serum she was 15 Lilith was trained to be the best female assassin in the world. She was eventually trained by no other than The Winter Solider. Her and The solider got close until he left one day fro a mission and she never saw him again. What happens when she wakes up? will Lilith ever see the solider again
Warning’s for this series: Heavy violence (blood, beatings, alluding to sexual assault, use of guns and knives) Lots of angst, Mentions of the red room (slight mentions of mental and physical abuse and experimentation along with brainwashing) Lilith suffers from a plethora of mental illnesses (Ptsd, Depression, Anxiety And BPD) SMUT! 18+!!!! (Later chapters) Ill add more when they come.
Mood Boards
Where it all started
Gotta be good enough
Hello solider
Party time
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
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prestonmonterey · 3 months
!! plz dont send me chain asks !!
(pronouns page is linked on there but also here if you dont wanna look for it:)
ok so uhh basically the gist of it
im preston
uhh for names call me preston or pres or squid or orion or jaxon or actually just whatever you want i dont mind (more on my prounouns page) (if we're friends/moots feel free to gimme a nickname if ya want)
pronouns are it/he/they (the order of preference changes from time to time also neos are alright just anything other than she/her)
fandoms im most active in: varian and the seven kingdoms/tangled the series, camp here and there (will wood too!!), adamandi, the art of pleasing princes, starkid, spies are forever and percy jackson (mostly the musical bc im in a production of it :)
you can always interact with me! apparently im intimidating but i swear im really nice (i think) and id be really happy if you sent an ask at any time :3 i promise i wont get annoyed even if you think youre being annoying i just really like interacting with cool people :3
you can tag me in anything and everything! i promise ill look at it :3 and i try my best to do tag games and stuff (lmk if you dont want me to tag ya) but if i dont uhh, just assume i was like, really tired that day, or ive been tagged by another moot in that game before and im too lazy to dig it up :P sry
uhh im a minor too so like nsfw/18+ blogs dni
i try my best to use tone tags but if i forget and you need them please let me know!! (i also find tone tags helpful for myself) :3
theres more info on my card about like other stuff too
tag key:
#marble musings = original posts
#marble monologues = long posts/reblogs usually about chnt or just like existentialism idk
#marble draws = art/fanart/crafts/cosplay type thing
#marble games = i make games on google forms! hoping to learn to code or get an actual game engine to make full games past like choose your own adventures
#marble music = song covers :3 (yes i have all the filtered instrumentals i used for adamandi, lmk if you want them i can send em over discord or something)
#marble asks = answering stuff in my ask box
i think thats all of them :3 might add more eventually, and sometimes i forget to tag properly so sorry about that :(
i have some sideblogs if you wanna check em out (not super active on them but ill still try to respond if you shoot me an ask)
hatchetfield rp sideblogs: @thelilcloverpatch @fading-angelic-starlight @marble-man @honey-sparrow @ivy-wreathed-arches and @hatchetfield-bone-thief (not sure why that one isnt properly linking but i swear its there you can search if you want)
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talgra · 8 months
I know the debate is hot around the tentatively discussed Red Dead Redemption 3, and where I find a lot of the arguments are over WHO it’s going to be, (which are viable pretty much the whole time - so far the RDR series has arguably followed John Marston and his family (secretly I believe the RDR series so far is about Jack Marston’s story, which gets a bit heated when trying to guess if it’ll be about him)
But I think a great discussion needs to be held over WHERE and WHEN it’s going to be, more importantly what aspect of the cowboy western that it’s going to follow
Because so far the RDR series follows the mythology of cowboys in both America and Mexico (which is HUGELY important because Mexican ranchers and cowboys made up a huge majority of what the preconceived notion of what a cowboy WAS in that time period)
We’ve got the American West and Northern Mexico in Red Dead 1 and the American West, arguably South, and East in Red Dead 2 (and ps. shoutout to Red Dead Revolver, which was I believe set in the prime of the American West)
Then of course, what time period it’s going to be in.
Red Dead 1 followed the last wisps of the dying outlaw age (which historians did IRL place around 1911-1912, which is when we last play as Jack Marston)
Red Dead 2 follows the last age of gangs and by proxy, cowboys in the Old West - with the a real life event of the last recorded stagecoach robbery that was mirrored for the date of the Blackwater robbery (around May of 1899, which has now been confirmed! Thank you pineapple-boy :-)
Which again, does NOT leave a lot of room for the third installment of the series.
If we have to throw our hats into the ring to guess what age it’ll be set in and who arguably will be the character, I’m guessing wholeheartedly that it’ll be set around 1870, which was the original time period for Red Dead Revolver. As for who it’s going to follow, I think that a lot of people are considering that it’ll be a story linked directly to the Van der Linde gang, like both RDR and RDR2 are. But that would be too easy for R*.
I’m putting my hat in for it happening around 1870, for a new character that is loosely based around the Van der Linde gang and that somehow enhances the stories of the first two games, which has been done in the past. (Rdr2 grows on John Marston’s story, so what, or who, will Rdr3 enhance?)
I also would like to add that since I’m guessing 1870, it’ll be set in the American West, as the prime concentration of gangs and “cowboy” activity reflected in real life happened around the plains and west of America.
(ps. i know it’s long. the argument that it’ll be about charles smith completely undermines what the story about red dead redemption is as a whole. Ik that I believe pinky has mentioned it before (go follow them they’re wicked great at deciphering rdr and has some of the best insight into the depths of characters!!!!) but to say that charles smith will be the protagonist ignores that rdr is about REDEMPTION. charles has nothing to redeem!! the last we see of him he’s gone straight, gone to canada to start a family and settle down just like john marston had. we gotta get creative and not just hope its about charles because we miss him 😿) anyway ill give somebody $20 if rdr3 comes out and its about charles
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astheswarmitcalls · 4 months
This is the first part of my 4-part analysis of MCR5, the Masterpost for which can be found here. Link to next part found at the bottom of the post. If there's something I missed, or you'd like to add your own spin/elaborate on something I brushed over, by all means I'd love to hear it!!
Although The Foundations of Decay was released as a single, I still believe it has heavy ties to MCR5 or has the potential to be re-released as part of the album. I’m going to go line-by-line through the song and dissect the language that links to the narrative and themes of MCR5:
“See the man who stands upon the hill
He dreams of all the battles won”
‘The man’ is referring to a leader, perhaps a general or the President. The hill he is standing on isn’t likely to be an actual hill, but maybe a stage, or a ‘hill’ of bodies, innocents killed in the fallout of war or bodies left behind in the wake of his power. He dreams of winning battles as either a political move to crush his enemies, or he hopes that the battles he wins will grant peace for his nation. OR ‘the man’ is a survivor, standing on the hill of bodies of those not as fortunate as him. He dreams of battles won so he may have peace. I’m thinking now it may be the latter because of the subsequent lyrics.
“But fate had left its scars upon his face
With all the damage they had done”
This may be referring to physical injury that he has suffered, or the fact having suffered war, his trauma reflects on his facial expression. He has been weighed down by the acts he has witnessed or has committed himself. As either a political figure or a survivor, these lines can also be linked to 9/11, which is referenced later in this song.
“And so tired with age, he turns the page
Let the flesh submit itself to gravity”
This man is old and grows tired of the conflict, and in turning the page he tries to move on. I can see these lyrics also mirroring the band’s journey; MCR formed over 20 years ago, and they’re ready to turn the page to a new era. ‘Let the flesh submit itself to gravity’ can refer to letting people fall/die as he cannot find it in himself to save them/take action OR again, linking with 9/11, he is stuck in the towers as they collapse and he, like many others, seeks escape by jumping out.
The opening verse ties into the events in which the album will reference heavily/explore the fallout of. This makes sense for a concept explored post-MCR reunion; they’re revisiting their origins, recontextualising the events but exploring the themes of anti-war in a contemporary manner. They’re walking the line between iconography and narrative that feels familiar, close enough to form, but still modern in its ethos. The attacks on the World Trade Centre, happened over 20 years ago but war and terrorism does not let up. If anything, we have been seeing much more war in the past few years, overseas and political war in our streets.
“Let our bodies lay, mark our hearts with shame
Let our blood in vain, you find God in pain”
‘Let our bodies lay’ may refer to letting rest one you are refusing to let go. This is a plead, a request, from MCR to let its old self lay to rest to make room for this new era of creation. People will hold onto that nostalgia, that desire for a return to what’s familiar, but what’s comfortable for the psyche might not always be what is healthy for the individual. ‘Mark our hearts with shame’ likely rings true to all the people demanding for the ‘Old MCR.’ The shame may also refer to survivors’ guilt, survivors of war or terrorism etc. ‘Let our blood in vain, you find God in pain’ War generates corpses, martyrs, and in times of hardship, when so many are dying needlessly, people often turn to religion. ‘Let our blood’ also brings forth imagery of bloodletting, the medical technique of age old where patients were drained of a large body of their blood, and it was believed it would purge them of illness. Obviously, this practice is done in vain, because bloodletting does nothing to aid in healing.
Allusions to religion/Catholicism are not new to MCR. ‘Thank You for the Venom’ and ‘House of Wolves’ both refence religious settings in their lyrics. With reference to God and use of ‘shame’, ‘canonized’, ‘saint’ and ‘altar’, we’re getting subtle nods to Catholicism. I am not Catholic and don’t have experience with a Catholic upbringing, but for what I can infer there’s a lot to be said about Catholic guilt, the belief we’re all born sinners, that if we suffer it’s God’s will. Gerard Way has said that being raised Catholic is ‘some scary shit,’ and I don’t believe they’re Catholic anymore. Here’s what they had to say in 2013 via Twitter:
“I was raised Catholic, which turned me off from religion because I had a very bad experience. Then, as a young adult, a death in the family resulted in a lot of anger and an even greater distance between me and faith, though I had always acknowledged I received my artistic gifts from God.”
I don’t believe for this song to be a critique on Catholicism, but more so alluding to those beliefs in a way that ties into the ethos of the album. First, with rebirth, like redemption. Redemption in the eye of God, repentance? Second, the whole ideology around suffering. We are not born sinners, and we don’t have to suffer to be granted a spot in heaven; likewise, you don’t have to be all fucked in the head to create good art. Gerard Way spoke of this, of having to feel depressed to make good music, which isn’t true in the slightest. You don’t have to torture yourself to create meaningful art. You deserve healing, and to pick yourself up from that debris and continue to create with a newfound perspective. Suffering and worthiness are not inextricable, people deserve to heal.
“Now, if your convictions were a passing phase
May your ashes feed the river in the morning rays
And as the vermin crawls, we lay in the foundations of decay”
Hope for those who betrayed their values/promises (political leaders) to burn and have their destruction create a foundation for progress and healing. WE ARE THE VERMIN!!! We swarm and infest and refuse to die. We eat rockstars alive. We feed off the decay in which our very same are trying to rise from. The Foundations of Decay is about rising from the rot, reanimation, using your own discarded remains to rebuild and grow from. This ties so beautifully with the ethos of MCR’s return, as well as the narrative surrounding the businesswoman, which I’ll get into later. Gerard Way you insane motherfucker I love you.
“He was there the day the towers fell
And so he wandered down the road”
Pretty simple here; Gerard Way witnessed 9/11, and that prompted them to start MCR and make positive change in a world that had been uprooted by terrorism.
“And we would all build towers of our own
Only to watch the roots corrode”
I believe this to be a direct reference to My Chem’s journey and eventual breakup. Initially, they were this scrappy, punk rock band from New Jersey with one goal in mind: to spread their message that it’s okay to be a little fucked-up. The commercial success that would follow each album was unheard of from a band of their background. These ‘towers’ refer to the name they had built for themselves at the height of their career, but those corroding roots wouldn’t be able to support them. A multitude of factors were at play in My Chem’s breakup, and ultimately the break would be vital for the health of the band.
“But it's much too late, you're in the race
So we'll press and press 'til you can't take it anymore”
Clear statement of resistance; ‘you’ve brought this upon yourself, we are unhappy, and we will make sure you know it.’ ‘We’ll press and press’ brings imagery of crowds, masses,,,, some may even say,,,, swarms. I’ll say it again, we are the vermin! We are the swarm! We are the infestation that runs rampant over the decay.
“Let our bodies lay, mark our hearts with shame
Let our blood in vain, you find God in pain”
Same as before.
“And if, by his own hand, his spirit flies
Take his body as a relic to be canonized
Now, and so he gets to die a saint
But she will always be a whore”
A political/military leader has died as a fallout of the conflict. A corrupt man dies and the nation mourns. Maybe not even a prominent figure, just a man. ‘By his own hand’ may refer to his martyrdom, dying by his own hand as he had fuelled the conflict that would kill him. Canonization is the act of declaring a dead person a saint. This man is held in high regard in his death, but the woman? Here we have these little inklings of character that tease the potential for MCR5. I’m going to revisit this character, this woman, a little later (a good 10,000 or so words to be exact), but she isn’t held in the same regard as the man because she’s a woman. She may be a survivor, but ultimately, she is just another tragic woman to be objectified and mythologised. He is a saint, but she is a whore, she is impure and unfaithful.
(Would like to add here we hear the line ‘You look stressed out!’ I think this is directed towards the woman, probably from a coworker or her partner. More will be revealed in due time.)
“Against faith (cage all the animals)
Against all odds ('cause the message must be pure)
Against change (you can wander through the ruins)
We are free (but the poison is the cure)”
We’ve got two opposing viewpoints; the hopeful resistance and the oppressors, the symbol of war.
The resistance fight back against the odds, against faith and against change. They fight back against control and war. Are we the resistance? The rats and vermin and swarm? The swarm runs rampant, in a sense we may have the most freedom. Also what Gerard said on tour “That may be true (that they’re unhinged/crazy with the new outfits), but I am free”. The lyrics in parenthesis are the words of the oppressors. ‘Cage all the animals ‘cause the message must be pure.’ WE ARE THE ANIMALS!! THE VERMIN SWARM!!! We are polluting the message, the belief we need war, with our resistance. We carry disease, probably. ‘You can wander through the ruins but the poison is the cure.’ They’re telling us we can try to rebuild from our own decay, but we’ll find solace in what has hurt us. We don’t need war! Poison and cure also tie to the theme of healing. Anti-venom may be used to treat exposure to venom, that much is true, but it’s not the same. Poison will not cure you if you have been poisoned. An antidote might, but ingesting more poison on top of poison will just kill you faster. This ties into Gerard’s psychology in the early days of MCR, that you have to torture yourself to create art. I’ll explore this more in the next part.
“You must fix your heart
And you must build an altar where it swells”
This prechorus goes so insanely hard. Fixing your heart, healing yourself and giving yourself the space to care about other people alongside yourself, and building an altar referring to protecting/cherishing that connection. Honour your emotions, honour your empathy, honour your capacity for love. All this ties back into overarching themes of rebirth and healing.
I’ve got more to add to this; I just started reading the MCR biography Not The Life It Seems, and I’ve found an excerpt that really strikes me:
“In order for us to make something great, we have to give up normality,’ he said. ‘I certainly feel you have to suffer for your art. I feel that if we don’t suffer, then it’s not going to be sincere and honest. If we don’t suffer then the songs don’t come from a real place. The songs are always about extremely dark things; we can’t fake that. I guess the chaos that comes at us and surrounds us and occasionally tries to tear us apart is maybe self-created. So I guess there is a little masochistic side to us but it is the willingness to suffer for our art that’s more important. We don’t feel like we’ve made true art unless we’ve suffered a great deal. Only people who have suffered a great deal have something to say.”
There’re multiple instances of Gerard voicing these thoughts, the belief that you need to be suffering to create something worthwhile. ‘You must fix your heart’ I believe is a direct response to that. You don’t need to tear yourself open to create good music, you should cherish yourself first and foremost. The themes of healing are intrinsically tied to the fabric of the band’s return. Instead of ripping themselves apart to write music, they’re writing music that is cathartic and healing. I cannot stress enough that this era of MCR is my favourite. Their previous albums have had so much cultural impact and have saved lives, but in my mind the health of the band comes before the music. I’m so glad they’ve returned now and that they’re not slicing themselves open to create art.
“When the storm, it gains and the sky, it rains
Let it flood, let it flood, let it wash away”
May be reaching a little bit, but this seems too overt to not be a Noah’s Ark reference. With so much reference of decay, destruction, war, rebirth etc. this can’t not be a nod to Noah’s Ark. In the story, Noah is instructed by God to build a massive boat as he means to flood the entire earth, purging it of evil before starting again and it’s his mission to save all his followers and the animals. We are instructed to let the flood come, let all the evil in the world be washed away and revel in their destruction. We’re heading much more into rebirth territory, and is this song, the reunion, not a form of rebirth for the band? Gerard also said to ‘embrace the plague, embrace the unfair, embrace the absurd.’ Embrace the storm, embrace the change.
“And as you stumble through your last crusade
Will you welcome your extinction in the morning rays?
And as the swarm it calls, we lay in the foundations”
These lines are directed towards the oppressors. The crusade is another biblical/religious reference, men who, on a request to reclaim holy land (that wasn’t theirs for thousands of years either), left destruction in their wake in the name of their God. Welcoming extinction in the morning rays being metaphor for the new age, a new world that is anti-government, anti-war, anti-capitalism. ‘We’re entering a new era, are you ready to say goodbye now that you’re unneeded?’
“Yes, it comforts me much more
Yes, it comforts me much more
To lay in the foundations of decay
Get up, coward”
This outro lies on just the right side of unorthodox, but I love it. It’s comfortable to concede, to lay in your decay, it’s ultimately the easier and safer option. ‘Get up coward!’ Is a call to action, likely to the song’s narrator themselves (I’m guessing the Businesswoman but I’ll get into that later). ‘I’m sure it’s comforting to lie in your own rot but we have shit to do!’ Again, marrying into those themes of rebirth, a plea to come forth from the decay and build something from those foundations.
The Foundations of Decay tells the story of MCR’s own conception and rebirth, but also carries such explicit themes of anti-war sentiment. There are the explicit ties to 9/11 and the subsequent conflicts scattered throughout the verses, which tie into MCR’s origin but also gives us background on some of the characters that may be introduced in the concept album. The allusions to biblical stories further build upon these reoccurring themes of rebirth and purification. Us, the resistance, against the poisonous pro-war rhetoric, are the swarm that infests the decay and refuses to die.
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thesquirrelqueer · 9 months
okay so originally I was just gonna add this onto another post but this definitely warrants a post of its own. this is about the “two river be more chill bootleg” and it's a long one
there has been someone on here that has been trying to find the supposed “two river full bootleg” and has “proven” their findings with screenshots and videos from said bootleg
(i am not tagging them in this but you know who they are, this is not a callout post this is a debunking post, i have no ill will towards the original poster)
i thought something seemed off about a lot of the stuff they were posting so I did a little bit of research into it. And I found that everything they posted is from the two river theatre instagram. The photos have just been cropped, either by the person who posted them on here or by whoever they got the photos from, in order to make them look like they were taken from a landscape video. Most of them were all taken on May 28, 2015 from a tech rehearsal. Here are screenshots of some of the full photos as well as links to each of them.
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michael in the bathroom x x x
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the play x x x
there’s a ton more but tumblr only allows so many photos, so here’s a screenshot of a bunch of them on the instagram
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another thing is the videos. there’s been 2 videos supposedly “found” when they’re also on the instagram (and there’s a second bow video) x x x
here are the rest of the links to the photos
michael in the bathroom x
the pitiful children x x x x
the hospital scene x
the squip enters x
voices in my head x x x x
the smartphone hour x x
this one isn't a scene it's warm ups x
guy that i'd kinda be into x x
do you wanna ride? x
i love play rehearsal x
two player game x
more than survive x
be more chill x
michael makes an entrance x
the pants song x
do you wanna hang? x
not sure when this is but it's taken from the wings x
in conclusion: if there is a full two river video bootleg, these “screenshots” are not part of it
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merlincersei · 9 months
Merlin BBC UK TV Show - Opinion Piece Part 10 - Horoscope Compatibility Between Bradley James and Colin Morgan
Apparently there are online software tools, that you can use to find the astrological compatibility between 2 people based on their birth dates.
I decided to make a more light hearted post here to explore the compatibility between Bradley James and Colin Morgan using this free website tool :
Bradley James:
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Date Of Birth: October 11, 1983
Sun Sign: Libra
Colin Morgan:
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Date Of Birth: January 01, 1986
Sun Sign: Capricorn
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Inter-planetary aspects
The following aspects between planets concern the possible relationships between two charts, especially the emotional and romantic relationship, but also aspects on social, intellectual, and spiritual levels.
The values next to the orbs in the chart above are part of a rating system. Keep in mind that these figures serve only as a possible guideline to reveal which aspects may be considered easy or challenging. Analysis of a relationship is, of course, very complex. While some aspects can be considered, on their own, difficult for most people, some will have an easier time with them, and the same is true of easy aspects. As well, all relationships will--and should-- have a mix of easy and challenging aspects.
When analyzing compatibility, always use your own logic and intuition to put these influences together. This is the case for anything you read in the report, on the site, on other sites, and in books. These are guidelines and possibilities only, and are not meant to pass judgment on a relationship. Read more about these combinations on Cafe Astrology (Synastry/Relationship Astrology category), on other astrology sites, and in astrology books.
-148 Square Mercury - Venus
Challenging aspect: Their relationship can sometimes be agreeable, sometimes disturbed. They tend to like to share their ideas that are not always to the other's taste, so that they may have interminable discussions in order to convince each other of their mistakes, lack of judgement, or lack of taste. It's best to be aware of this bickering tendency to overcome it, as it can slowly eat away at a relationship.
+123 Trine Sun - Jupiter
Positive aspect: Here is a couple you like to be with. They are charming, agreeable and know how to entertain their friends generously and warmly. They go well together, and love each other in a discrete and sincere way, and appreciate the joys of life together.
-117 Square Mercury - Neptune
Challenging aspect: This relationship can somehow encourage illusions and the disappointments that follow. These two people can have a hard time understanding each other and if they insist on living together, the little deceptions or lies can add up and undermine the relationship. It's important to be clear and to clear up misconceptions.
-114 Square Venus - Saturn
Challenging aspect: This can bring difficulties to the union. Although difficult, it's an aspect that is often found in long term couples. Over the long term, it can be very difficult for Venus to feel natural and comfortable in Saturn's presence, as Saturn may at times appear too austere, cold, or distant, and can put Venus ill at ease.
+93 Trine Venus - Mars
Positive aspect: This is a union that is particularly based on physical understanding, passionate love. There is a lot of affection between them, and they need to express it physically. Plenty of attraction here.
+93 Conjunction Saturn - Uranus
Positive aspect: Favorable union, linking invention and originality with common sense and thoughtfulness. They might do great things together.
+91 Conjunction Mercury - Neptune
Positive aspect: Good spiritual understanding. This is the kind of relationship in which they finish one another's sentences. The connection encourages imagination.
-89 Square Mars - Saturn
Challenging aspect: It can be challenging for such a union to run smoothly, and if it progresses, it could easily become unbearable! Both parties must be committed to happiness in order for this to work. It is important not to frequently stop, thwart, or restrict one another.
+83 Conjunction Jupiter - Saturn
Positive/Supportive aspect: This is not a defining element of compatibility, but it is supportive. A favorable union, a joyful family life. Thanks to Saturn, this couple rarely enters any adventure lightly and instead tends to work out and think things through. Many plans may be made together.
+75 Sextile Mercury - Saturn
Positive aspect: If Mercury is looking for a mother or father in the spouse, then this aspect is very favorable. Saturn will give a lot on the intellectual level and in life in general.
+75 Conjunction Saturn - Pluto
Positive aspect: Favorable union. They help one another to achieve their ambitions and goals.
+70 Trine Venus - Neptune
Positive aspect: Favorable union, there can be shared artistic tastes and common sensibilities. There can be a focus on fantasy, gentleness, and romance or compassion and acceptance.
+69 Trine Venus - Venus
Positive aspect: Complete respect for each other's romantic style. They don't easily offend each other and instinctively understand what makes the other person happy. Conflicts arise, but they are generally smoothed over with ease, as there is good will between them. Very good aspect for a successful union. Love, gaiety, understanding.
+59 Sextile Sun - Uranus
Positive aspect: The Sun person will be enriched by this relationship with Uranus, which will lead to the discovery of a new world, original and full of change. They will go well together, but the Uranus person may resist marriage, at least on a formal level. In some cases, the relationship works better when the bond is not formalized, simply for the sake of the Uranus person's sense of freedom.
+59 Sextile Mars - Pluto
Positive aspect: Enormous physical passion. The sexual attraction is intense and insistent. They want to be around each other as much as possible. Their sexual relationship evolves with time, instead of dissolves.
+54 Sextile Venus - Saturn
Positive aspect: This union could be favorable and lasting, if Venus is really looking for a mature person to be with. There can be a certain level of self-consciousness together that is always present, no matter how long they are together. There is a lot of loyalty between them, and a feeling of responsibility for one another.
+54 Trine Mars - Lunar node
Positive aspect: This is one indicator that suggests the relationship will endure. The union or love, passion, grows and lasts.
+46 Trine Jupiter - Lunar node
Positive aspect: They are made for each other. They go well together, have intellectual understanding and confidence in each other, a harmonious couple.
+41 Sextile Saturn - Neptune
Positive aspect: Favorable union. Neptune brings dreams to Saturn if they're lacking, and Saturn brings common sense to Neptune when they're lacking.
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heynowisavedyouright · 11 months
ask you what? you have words for me? bestow your wisdom ig
the $ame thing you a$ked tumblr u$er totallynotrico anon . $ad $igh my legacy of being a deranged $wagdoon$ main i$ being forgotten . one day ill write that 16k out$ider$ a$h au and then youll know ( <- denial )
$pecifically thi$ thing ->
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there . arent that many Video$ per $e related to them out$ide of the $eaclean video i Would have to redirect you to the zombie ap one a$ rico did , correct . id al$o have to add that early $3 video where they lead oppo$ing team$ and the late $3 video where a$h get$ red into team chao$ and then accidentally betray$ him ( And the boo$fer video on phobia$ + red$ pov of it )
if youre not repul$ed by the $heer idea of watching vod$ and vod clip$ then youre in luck bc mo$t of their deal i$ in vod$ ( yawn ) which i$ more red on their $3 dynamic 1/2 , their early $4 thing ( you could probably find $ome $tuff in poafa$ ... third ? $tream of $4 where a$h get$ $pawnkilled for a while and red pick$ him up but i never got around to that )
then obviou$ly their earthbound deal which . the Plot they have covered in their video$ 1/2/3 but for any actual interaction$ youd have to look up the trial vod and their war again$t bofa finale vod nod nod
theyre al$o canonically divorced of $ort$
and ending off with the la$t part of $4 which neither of them will have made into video$ for another hundred year$ or $o there$ the blurch vod where they hang out for an hour . the fight for the crown that ha$ a prime $wagdoon$ moment ( time$tamped ) . the Entirety of thi$ vod . ju$t click thirty minute$ in and watch no context . the main pov doe$nt have any either youll enjoy it . then thi$ $hort thing
im $kipping on a bunch of clip$- oh right blockwar$ . al$o blockwar$ . but tho$e are a whole nother thing from what i think you a$ked for originally ? a couple of the$e link$ are clip$ anyway lmao
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scrappedup · 2 months
✿°•.Welcome to Scrapped Up.•°✿
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This is a Jujutsu Kaisen centric blog!
Here you can find my about me, master list , rules and info!
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˙✧˖°About me ๋༘ ࣭ ⭑
Hi! Im Yerry! Im 18 i like things like jjk, dead plate, fairy tail, stardew valley and Undead Unluck. Im an artist and a writer. Im working through school right now but i'll post as frequently as possible. Im obsessed with music! My favorite characters to write currently are Toji and Nanamin!!! Thanks for coming to my blog, have a look around and like a couple posts!
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˚₊‧꒰აInformation ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Tag list is open to anyone who wants to be tagged if you wish to only be tagged in certain posts for certain characters please specify and ill add a note to your name!!
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1: lets not be toxic okay [dont hate on characters or other people]
2: request!!! i love them! nothing too wild, but im usually open to alot of things.
3: Don't compare me to other creators. and dont compare other creators to me. [ Everyones work is their own and its awesome]
4: Don't take dividers directly from my posts [ especially others, if you like the dividers use the links t otheir original posts ] mine are off limits.
5: DO NOT STEAL MY WORK. im figuring things out regarding copyright and such, however my work is still mine, do NOT steal it.
im grateful if you read any of my works, i hope you enjoy!
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All Divider: Made by me
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Monthly Rec Lists In 2024: New Year's Day
For the last four or five years my New Year's resolution has been to get fit but I keep not doing that so this year my resolution is one I know can complete: making rec lists! So for the first rec list of the year I'm reccing some fics I read for the first time in 2023! I've tagged the authors' Tumblr if I could find one, otherwise I've just linked their Ao3.
Regularly Scheduled Miracles by TheSingingHoneybee (@starshinemaiden)
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The thing about soulmates when you are a royal is that you don't get to keep them. Wu's mother's was shipped to the Outer Ring. His father's, never spoken of. His great aunt's was imprisoned if you believe the rumors. Wu believes the rumors. And when Wu becomes Prince Wu, heir to the Earth Throne, over night, his chances of finding and keeping his soulmate drop to zero. But despite that, when a soulmark appears on his arm the very evening of meeting his new, hot, firebending bodyguard, Wu can't feel anything but joy. The thing about soulmarks when you have a job that frequently leaves you bruised to hell and back is that sometimes you don't notice them until days later and now you don't know who caused them to appear. And the thing about being Prince Wu's newest bodyguard is that Mako has met so many people in the last week that his soulmate could be half of Republic City. The other thing about being Prince Wu's newest bodyguard is that half of Mako doesn't want to think too hard about his soulmate might be because there is no way someone like him would get so lucky as to have the next Earth Monarch as a soulmate no matter how lofty Mako's taste in people runs.
Cruising for a Bruising by kalechipbuoy
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Crozier makes Fitzjames cry and cry and cry. Eventually, they reach something like an understanding.
Warm Sun, Fine Jade by DummyDipl0d0cus
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Lan Xichen’s hair is up in a simple bun, careless. It’s a change from his half-tied hair. It uncovers his shoulders and neck, and Wen Ning gets a sinking feeling that they look more delicate now than ever. “Please stay warm, and eat well,” Wen Ning adds softly. Lan Xichen doesn’t say anything, just bows his head. Wen Ning turns to leave after a few long moments, as much as he doesn’t want to. Then hears the quietest request. “It’s raining. Please stay until it’s over?” - How Wen Ning helps Lan Xichen heal, and how Lan Xichen does the same for Wen Ning.
The Severing of Webs by chlodobird (@chlodobird-creations)
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After Jon kills the world, he travels back in time. Once there, he gets ready to change the future, to save his Assistants, and to watch as everyone learns to hate him again. Unfortunately, the tapes wrap around him like a fly caught in a Web—he can't move. He's trapped reliving the original timeline, stuck acting out his past actions like an actor rehearsing his lines. Sasha will die. Tim will die. Martin— (Jon screams inside his mind, and someone hears him. Fate is not as immutable as he fears.)
Chameleonic by recrudescence (@re-crudescence)
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When River finally takes a fall, the result of an ill-conceived equation and a screwdriver on the cargo bay floor, Mal gives her a knowing look and totes her to the infirmary.
7 rings by butterflywings6
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random people watching kanej be rich and in love <3
Look into the Mirror (Tell Me What You See) by Drag0nSt0rm (@sweetteaanddragons)
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His best guess for what had happened was some kind of head injury, given that he recognized almost nothing and had no idea what was going on. With few clues to work with, he was either going to have to confess the truth or bluff frantically. Gil-Galad had never in his life decided to confess anything.
A Little Mishap by Asidian (@asidian)
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When the dust clears – and it is a frightful amount of dust, all told – Astarion is marginally surprised to see that no one has been left a bloody smear on the cave floor. Really, he can't be blamed for assuming the worst. The boulder is the size of the tunnel, nearly, the sort of impending doom that ranks with gale-force winds and approaching dragons on the list of things that might inspire a man to pray to any gods kind enough to lend an ear. Astarion isn't that sort – any god who might have granted him a boon has had centuries of prayers they might have chosen to answer before this, after all – and yet here they stand, miraculously intact, as though some deity just so happened to have glanced their way at just this moment. Perhaps Wyll is a religious man.
Underwater by euromagpie
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About him, the world swam in dizzying degrees, pulsated with the throb of the veins at his temples. Beneath him, his legs, protesting against the movement like a couple of libertines, had gone frustratingly jelly like, and Hodgson stumbled, a landsman at sea, and crashed into the wall opposite. The wood was so cool, and he sank his burning forehead against it gratefully, for once gladly accepting of the biting freeze that prowled the desolate landscape. Booted feet clomped past his door and he jerked his eyes open, not having realised he'd closed them. Christ alive, but he wanted to stay there - in fact, he'd love simply to crumble and wait out the end of his days in a tidy pile of gormless flesh and lazy bones right in this place. Above them, Terror's bell rang in the turn of the watch, and Hodgson realised his plans of embracing mortality would have to wait. He had things to do.
That's 'Cause I Got People With Me by Castlewood_Bard (@r1ver-6)
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Mal has to be sure he knows his crew
Beyond the Reaches of a Long-lost Life by elvntari
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Feanor is reembodied at long last and Elrond attempts to reconcile the image that he has of him in his mind with the image of the man standing before him.
Fever Dreaming by dramatispersonae
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Gerry encounters a plot by a nascent avatar of the Corruption. It should be straightforward enough to deal with, especially considering his apparently ongoing… "alliance" with Michael. But when have things in his life actually been as simple as they appear?
The World Was Young by Drag0nst0rm (@sweetteaanddragons)
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This was not what Maglor had expected when he retreated to his brother's stronghold.
A Taste of Home by Twice2Ennien
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"It's good, right?" Koveyook grinned all the way to his eyes, watching John's matching expression. This was the feeling that had drawn his family to restaurants: the warmth, the radiating comfort of a good meal, shared. John made a satisfied sound in the back of his throat, nodding. He covered his mouth as though tempted to speak but thought better of it. Still chewing, he took hold of Koveyook's right wrist and squeezed his thanks instead.
Refiner's Fire by JediRobertHogan
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The men knew Hogan looked after them—more than was typical of a commander and his crew. It was in the little things, the details of everyday life, yet sometimes it struck them in undeniable ways. They saw Colonel Hogan as more than a commanding officer, and knew, somehow, that he saw them differently too. - or - Four times Colonel Hogan took care of his men, and one time they took care of him.
Wanted: Dead and Alive by Astereae (@astereaes)
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“Hey, I do I... Do I know you?” Danny asks, a hand coming up to brush something off Tim’s cheek. “No,” Tim says. “We haven’t met.” “Oh, no, I do.” Danny says, and he smiles, teeth white and sharp. “You’re that guy who rearranged my guts!” Rearranged his- Tim glances at the knotted scars on the boy’s abdomen. He can see the shine and shadow of haphazard stitches that weren’t meant to hold forever, that tore and healed over. His- This- “WHAT!?” Nightwing shouts, equal parts confused and delighted. Tim’s fucked. OR Danny Fenton's been in GIW captivity for 4 months. Tim Drake gets kidnapped by the GIW one Tuesday evening in May. Considering how many of the Bats and the Birds have died and come back to life, it was only a matter of time for some people interested in the afterlife to come poking around. The detectives can't seem to uncover any information about the mysterious white vans, however. And they keep losing the mysterious boy who seems to be the one person in Gotham to know anything at all.
Like Melting Ice by pointyshades (@oughtnots)
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Francis Crozier dies. Turns out he can't even do that right.
You missed a spot by Lookingkindofdumb (@lookingkindofdumb)
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It is just like Dean, Sam thinks, to befriend the man who has chased them across the US in hopes of bringing them home in cuffs. AU where Victor survives and decides to become a hunter. He doesn’t stick around with them for long but they bump into him on occasion.
A Shot's Distance by Blue_Sparkle (@asparklethatisblue)
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After digging the bullet out of James Fitzjames’ ribs, Dr Stanley kept it as a memento. A man needs something to hold on to while quietly pining after a friend after all.
we know nothing (so we hope) by TolkienGirl (@thelonelybrilliance)
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Sometimes, Neal wonders if Kate loves him. (Mostly, not in so many words.)
A Pavlovian Approach to Honesty by Stratisphyre
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“Are you feeling compelled to tell us anything?” Lan Xichen asked. “Not precisely. It does feel nice. I hadn’t associated honesty with anything pleasant before now.” “I don’t think you’ll appreciate this in the morning,” Nie Mingjue muttered. “Do you want us to leave you be? Or gag you?” “I’m finding this entire affair curiously enjoyable, actually,” Meng Yao stated.
Now Sure As the Sun Will Cross the Sky by providing_leverage (@providing-leverage)
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Dean Winchester wakes up in his car quietly, heart racing. He reaches for his stomach where the metal bar or pipe or whatever it was had been but there’s nothing but flannel and leather. Leather he’d long ago lost. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and digs a phone from one of the pockets of his Dad’s jacket. Flips it open to check the date. “Well shit.”
Zapped by unholygrass (orphaned)
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Gavin Reed used to think androids couldn't feel pain. He's proven wrong. He may hate Connor's fucking guts, but he wouldn't wish this on anyone.
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troonwolf · 1 year
Do you have any legit reason for calling it a cult? Or do you just dislike them
Here I've basically answered this before but I do have a lot more to say so buckle in because you literally asked for it.
First, excerpts from private essays alters in here have written -
"Many cults and fringe spiritual communities have sprouted from Western religious fundamentalism, based on the idea that symptoms of mental illness aren’t really mental illness, that medicine and psychology can’t be trusted, and that what mentally ill people need is to somehow ascend passed their illness.
We see this in Scientology for instance, which when you look at it, actually holds similar ideas to endogenic spirituality: symptoms of mental illness are attributed to alien ghosts plaguing the body, psychiatry is completely rejected, and the only way to treat mental illness is to ascend to higher consciousness.
Obviously, Scientology isn’t the only cult that believes such things, just the most recognisable. If you look through the history of Western cults and fundamentalism, you’ll find an on-going theme of rejecting psychiatry, rejecting medicine, and telling people their mental illness is either a gift from god or a curse they have to overcome. 
Endogenics hold the exact same position: symptoms of a mental health issue (dissociation, identity disturbance, internal voices) aren’t symptoms of a mental health issue. They’re a natural part of you- in fact they make you a better person than if you were singlet. They treat “pluralty” as if it’s a higher state of being, and many of them come from faith backgrounds which most now reject, but have replaced by spiritualising mental health."
"+ Link to a whole article denying DID systems personhood. They’re telling mentally ill people that to be considered worthy of personhood, they have to assimilate into this belief system. I also know many systems who have had this done to them when they were in “mixed origin” spaces, and have experienced this for myself. It’s even worse in private spaces, where they can’t be held accountable for their actions."
Also to break this down / add to it:
They have a niche belief system that rejects our known understanding of the world while placing all their faith on an ideology with no proof behind it and no support from respected institutions, either spiritual or scientific.
They actively target mentally ill and vulnerable people to assimilate into their belief system and instil a fear in them towards seeking treatment or of being seen as mentally ill, as well as an overall distrust in the field of psychiatry as a whole. (Not just criticism towards the institution for its many disgraces during its development, but an outright rejection of it as an idea.)
They go as far as to spread guides on how you can force dissociation or hallucinations- this is literally cult programming.
They further other forms of cult programming, such as system hopping which is inherently a tactic of abuse and control.
Anyone who denounces the cult is othered using language that would be incomprehensible to someone not in the cult - traumascum, sysmed, etc.
They treat their ideology and "plurality" as a higher state of being and use that as a method of recruiting others, telling singlets it's just better to be plural, and constantly challenging DID systems that they may be endogenic.
Their ideology causes the same harm towards mentally ill and vulnerable people that other similar cults do. People deny themselves treatment and worsen their symptoms, either purposely or through that denial.
We used to be pro endo. We were surrounded by endogenic systems. The things we saw them say in private spaces are even worse than what they get away with in public. Alters with loose grasps on reality were told they can't be a real person because they're just a symptom, and that if they felt like they were a "real person", then they HAD to be a "endogenic headmate" or a "soulbond".
Anyway as you can probably guess, this led to a denial of trauma, a denial there was anything wrong with them, an increase in dissociation and I remember one of them insisted he was "actually tethered to the body, not inside it". Bizarrely enough it even led to a complete denial of the system in some instances. (???? boy was smoking that snoop dogg shit ig)
Obviously the consequences of all this to the system as a whole were not good even if I'm able to joke about it now.
It's almost as if I dislike endos because I've seen the ramifications of their belief system first hand or something. Weird.
And before someone goes "WELL YOU SHOULDN'T BE COMPARING IT TO A CULT ANYWAY BECAUSE YOU'RE INVALIDATING CULT SURVIVORS BY-" I'm a cult survivor. I was raised in a cult. The whole reason some alters were susceptible towards the endogenic thing was because they were already pre-programmed to be influenced by those things. Over the years all these experiences have led to us being good at recognising cult programming. Also shut up.
Actually actually- on a side note-note. I think a problem some people have with this is they can't comprehend that a cult can exist on the internet, but you just have to look around you. Q-Anon started on the internet. Anti-vaxx and Alex Jones were popularised by the internet. There's other lesser known cults that started on Facebook or internet forums. This isn't new.
And additionslly, another reason endos aren't seen as a cult is because they align themselves with the left and the LGBT+ community. Since we're misunderstood communities who are used to being invalidated, we don't like the idea of invalidating others. It's easy to convince a queer person that their MAGA-hat wearing drunken Q-Anon uncle is a member of a cult and obviously shouldn't be validated. It's a lot harder to convince them that their fellow queer or disabled person who is overall well-meaning towards people, could also fall victim to a cult and also shouldn't be validated.
But again if you look at how cults actually operate, this isn't new. They often latch onto already misunderstood communities because they're less scrutinised there. It's not even a conscious plan on their part, it's just "well these people also have beliefs and ideas that aren't accepted by normie society, so I'll hang out with them."
And finally for more examples of endos being culty you can look at my tag: endo cult, because I call things what they are.
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