#illumi x chubby reader
admrlthundrbolt · 9 months
Do It All The Time (Hisoka x Chubby Reader x Illumi)
When Hisoka and Illumi realize that they both want to catch your eye. How far will they take the competition for your affection.
Hi guys, I'm back at it again. Bringing the throuple energy, but with a gender neutral reader this time. I really think that these guys would just date who they're interested in, regardless of gender. Any who, hope you enjoy.
Also sorry for the late post. I'm getting over being sick. So with that and the holidays, I honestly forgot what day it was.
He was watching you again. Letting his gaze slowly rake over your plush form. Imagining how pliable and soft you would be under his fingers. He shuddered at the mere thought of how you would feel.
“You know, you could get your work done faster if you paid attention.” You would never understand how Hisoka got any work done. He always seemed to be in his own world.
Turning to you, with a smug look on his face, he reveled in the attention you have him. Only for his expression to sour when he noticed an interuption.
Illumi placed a hand on your shoulder as he stepped behind you. “Yes, I have to agree with (Y/N). You would be a better employee if you kept your mind on the set task.” His gazes attempted to pin the other man in place.
He didn't enjoy the obvious challenge, or the fact that he still had a hand on you. “Maybe i’m just talented enough to focus on more than one thing at a time.” He placed on a false smile and placed his hand on yours.
Sliding yourself out of both of their grasps, you faced the duo. “Be that as it may, efficiency is a likeable quality in any coworker.” Heading towards the door, you glanced over your shoulder and raised an eyebrow. “Plus not pissing off the boss is even better.”
It was on their walk home that Hisoka decided to retaliate. “Agreeing with them isn’t going to make them view you as more attractive.” He cut his sharp gaze over to his roommate. Only to see that his expression was as blank as ever.
Without even a look at the other man, he kept a steady pace towards their apartment. “Being an agreeable partner is always a sought after quality. It also doesn’t matter, because they were right. You do lose sight of what’s important, if there is a more entertaining option.”
While he wanted to argue, he knew they were both right. But that didn't mean that he couldn't get a little petty revenge, as pay back that is. A smirk slid over his face at the idea. “Perhaps I should ask them about what they looks for in a partner. Yes, over lunch would be a good option.”
His visage never shifted, however his hands balled into tight fist. “That might be a good idea. I could make a pasta dish.” Illumi held back his annoyance, he wanted to be the one to invite you over.
His eyes crinkled in amusement. This was better than the previous thought. Originally he wanted to ask you out in front of his roommate, but to bring you over to their place. Well that would be an entertaining gambit indeed.
Happy that it was the end of your work week, you took your time with the final task for the day. It was better to hold off on finishing early, than getting over loaded at the last minute.
This made the unexpected visit from Hisoka a pleasant surprise. “What a nice coincidence. I could use a break.”
His brows rose at the statement. Then a teasing smirk came across his face. “Weren’t you just reprimanding me on taking work more seriously?”
Rolling your eyes, you pointed at a near by clock. “I still feel that way, but when it’s this close to the weekend. I tend to make an exception.”
Leaning his hip against your desk, he leans towards you. “I see.” Then he flick two fingers forward and producing a piece of paper from thin air. “We want you to come over for dinner tomorrow. I want to spend some time with you.” He had to hold back a giggle. Imagining the face Illumi would make if he heard the conversation. They had agreed to say the pair wanted you to come, but that didn't mean that he couldn’t pull you in his direction.
Thinking it over for a moment, you realized it would be nice to get to know them better. At work it felt like every time you weren't busy, was spent with them. “Ok, sounds fun. What can I bring?”
Bringing his face closer to your own, he said. “Your beautiful body.” Walking off, his smirk widened. He couldn't wait to tell Illumi how it went.
Though they wouldn't admit it out loud, the pair was nervous for your arrival. Hisoka had put more effort into tidying the place than ever before. While Illumi cooked a simple, but none the less delicious pasta dish. All that was left to be done now was fidget as they waited for you. It wasn’t a silent wait though.
“Did I tell you the whole conversation we had?” The smug expression on his face was one of his most antagonistic.
“Yes, you have. Several times in fact.” The same passive look as always, all the while he was seething inside.
Before the ‘discussion' could become physical, a knock came from the front door. The men shot a look at each other, then scrambled to be the first to greet you. Trying to trip or shove one another, it took longer than necessary to get there.
Illumi was the first one there, due to a well aimed jab. As he opened the door, he couldn't help but drink in your luscious figure. The way your outfit was a complimentary drape over a goddess such as yourself. If only you would give him the chance to worship you.
“Hi, I hope you don’t mind if I brought dessert.” You held up a white box with a twine tied around it. “I know Hisoka said to not being anything, but there is a great bakery near my place. I stop by there when I get a chance and it's nice to share it with others.”
Without missing a beat he said. “That must be what makes you so sweet.” He enjoyed the amused look you had.
“I should be saying that about you guys. It was so nice of you to invite me over.” You stepped into the apartment and placed your hand on his arm. “Seriously, I don’t get out much. So it was a pleasant change to get an invite.”
Your genuine smile shook him to his core.
Dinner was delightful. Hisoka brought out a bottle of red wine, while Illumi dished up pasta with a red sauce. Everything was filling and immaculate. The issue started after the plates were taken away.
“Darling, I told you to only bring that luscious body of yours. You didn't need to trouble yourself with dessert.” He laided a hand on your own and gave it a gentle squeeze.
Shaking your head you smiled. “Nonsense. I had to pay you both back for the lovely invitation. It’s the least I could do.” You looked over to the other man. “Especially after your excellent cooking. Do you think you could give me the recipe?“
Illumi was beaming from your attention. And Hisoka could tell. The man was seething. How could you give your affection to anyone but him.
A gentle smile settled on his face. “It's a recipe my father made for my mother. It was one of her favorites. Though he always undercooked the pasta, but that didn't matter to her.”
You were surprised that he was sharing such intimate information. It was rare to hear him mention anything about his family. “That’s so sweet. And for you to carry on with someone you care about. I’m honored to have had the chance to try it.”
He was going to tell you that he was happy that he could continue the tradition with you. Until Hisoka decided it was time to move on.
“Why don’t we adjourn to the living room for a movie.” He pulled you from your chair and guided you to the couch. Shooting a glare behind you at his romantic rival.
The man raised a brow and followed the both of you.
The movie picked was a stereotypical action movie. Basic save the world plot, but with enough fire fights to hold your attention. That would be if you weren’t sandwiched between two men. They seemed to be in a battle to see who could cuddle you harder. The red head had pulled you against him and wrapped an arm around you. While the other leaned into you and played with your fingers. You saw this as them becoming more comfortable with you. They saw it as an opportunity to war for your physical affection.
Every shift that happened, caused the cuddling to become more intimate. Hisoka would run his nails along your neck and scalp. Illumi traced random patterns in your palm.
Suddenly the nails left your head and he said from behind you. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment.” He went in a direction of the apartment you hadn’t been to yet.
Sitting up a bit more, noticing the displeased grunt from the man in top of you. “Do you want us to pause it?”
Smiling at your concern, he shook his head. “No, we’ve seen this before.”
Settling back down, your eyes went back to the screen. This meant you didn’t see the warning look that he sent the man lounging on you. Not one to step down from a challenge, he circled both arms around your waist. Scoffing, Hisoka continued to the bathroom.
Now that he had a few moments alone with you, he was going to take advantage of it. Looking at your face, he couldn't help but admire you. It was like your features were made just to make his heart race.
You glanced at him, to gauge what he thought about the sudden plot twist. Only to discover that he was watching you rather than the screen. “What’s on your mind, Lumi?”
He held back a shiver at the nickname. The first time you called him it, he felt his heart skip a beat. “About how lucky I am to have you in my life.”
You say up full at that statement. “Oh. I feel the same way.“ Pulling him into a hug, you were glowing with happiness. To think, before you started working in the same office as these two you were a wall flower. They really helped you blossom.
As the two of you pulled apart, he thought this would be the perfect time to confess. He leaned forward and captured your lips with his own.
You settled into the kiss and laided a hand on his chest. Until you regain your wits and pushed him back. “What are you doing?”
Then a voice came from across the room. “He’s being an impudent little brat is what.” He casually strode back to the couch. “I can’t believe the second I leave the room, you pounce on them. That's something I would do.” He smirk down at the two if you.
Illumi gave him a raised eyebrow and said. “I was just seizing an opportunity. As you stated you would have done the same.”
You scrambled off the couch and took a step back. Looking between the duo confused. “What is going on here? Shouldn't you be pissed?” Gesturing to Hisoka, you stood there befuddled at his reaction.
Brows knitting together, he frowned in bewilderment. “Why would I be? It was only a kiss, I should still have a chance at courting you.”
Running your fingers through your hair, you shook your head. “Wait I don't understand. Your not upset that you just caught your partner cheating? “
What happened next built onto the oddity of the situation. Both men started laughing. Hisoka gave a belly shaking cackle and Illumi quietly chortled.
The red head was the first to compose himself. Taking a deep breathe, he held a hand to his chest. “Darling, were best friends and roommates only. Sure we’ve tried dating in the past, but it always felt as if something was missing.”
Illumi nodded. “When we met you, we became enamored. Most people wrote us off as odd, but you welcomed us with open arms.” Glancing between you and his friend, he said. “We realized that we both wanted to be with you romantically. So we competed for your attention.”
As you stared at the pair of men, you couldn't help but feel a pit in your stomach. “I like you both, a lot. I didn't know it until now, but I think i’ve subconsciously been harboring feelings for each of you. I just didn't want to come between you. Even now knowing that you aren’t dating. It still seems like i’m straining your relationship.”
Both men stepped forward and without a word to each other, they embrace you.
“Darling, you could never be a bad thing for us.” Giving a look to the other man over your shoulder, he took a step back. Seeing that his roommate had yet to let you go. He knew this would be a good suggestion. “Why don’t we try a relationship together?“ He saw you go to protest and held up a finger. “Not you and I only, the three of us.”
Illumi perked up at the statement. “Yes, I would find that most favorable.” Then he looked up at you with a puppy like expression.
Looking between the two, you realized just how much you liked them. Grabbing Hisoka's arm, you brought him back into the hug. “I guess I wouldn't be against that.”
Hearing an explosion from the TV, you noticed that the movie was still playing. Dropping on the couch, you pulled the pair on top of you. They immediately wrapped themselves around you and settled in.
The noise of the movie and all of your breathing filled the room. Until the dark haired male decided to gloat. “I kissed them first.”
Smirking over at him, Hisoka said. “There are a lot of first to come.”
Tapping both of their arms, you felt your face flush. “Hush, both of you.” Wiggling further into the cuddle pile.
All of you thinking of what this blossoming relationship could become.
30 notes · View notes
bwabys-scenarios · 10 months
He likes to look up at you while he eats you out with those pretty eyes full of lust… “look at me, angel. look at how good I’m making you feel.”
He loves holding your hand, and if you look away he’ll hold your bud between his teeth lightly as a warning…
He usually doesn’t like to see you cry, but your eyes are so pretty when you’re crying from all the pleasure he’s given you.
He likes to tongue fuck you too but man… he loves sucking on your clit.
He likes to hear you whimper and whine, and loves when you tug on his hair or give him a little guidance
He can’t deny he gets really hard when you gently push his head towards your entrance, wanting some attention there too!!
The sounds…
He’s squeezing your thighs as he sucks, nibbles, licks… you’d think he was starving for pussy
He really just wants to make you feel good, but honestly he eats you out because he really really enjoys it.
He would do it regardless but… it does help that he loves it!
Trying to do anything around the house after he’s gotten a taste of pussy is hard. And god sitting on this man’s face?? He would go to cloud 9…
13K notes · View notes
bimbosandbubbles · 9 months
Four Square
Starring Yandere Hisoka,Chrollo,and Illumi aka the adult trio x healer chubby reader
Warnings-manipulation,lying,coercion,hinted stalking,breaking and entering, Hisoka being Hisoka,ass slapping,foursome,dirty talking,breeding kink(no creampies tho), dry humping,pussyjob, thigh riding,fingering,praise, a dash of degradation, unhealthy behavior,obsession,possessive behavior,YANDERE,hairy pussy,hairy legs(Body hair is normal and I’m totally pushing the agenda with my fics),spitting,odd scent kink?,blow jobs,hand jobs,pussy eating,omg finally protected sex in one of my fics. Honestly not so many tbh(compared to my other fics)not really proofread! Sorry!
Wc-13.6k(ya’ll I got rid of 7k more words)
Taglist- @shaisuki @lilyalone @999-ang3l @queenmimis @agnl2000 @thewickedofrizz @kelly-fushiguro345
"Illumi,you will not wed to a woman that does not carry the same blood as us. She's nothing but a mere commoner." A high posh voice protests.
Black,empty eyes star deadly daggers at the person who spoke those words with such confidence. "I will not hesitate to cut off your tongue if you speak one more ill word about my soon to be wife,mother." The woman gasps,"Illumi! You don't speak to me in such a way!" A monotone voice counters,"I can and will. You mean nothing to me compared to her."
Just the mentioning of his sweet savior in the third person arouses cherished memories,memories that he's saved and replayed ever since he's left your care. He remembers your gentle caresses,the calm tone you spoke to him as you nursed his intense wounds. How you uttered his name with such affection the longer you took care of him.
He longs to see you again,longs to feel your touch,longs to hear your honeyed voice rant and ramble about your day to him. He misses oh so very much,his bride who's so far away from him now. He wonders what you're doing—he should call.
A ghost of a smile draws onto his face at the thought. Should he video call you or no? He wants to see your bright smile as you say his name so happily. He's pulled away from his thoughts by his father's deep voice. "If you really feel this way for such a low woman why didn't you just take her away?"
This question peaks Illumi's interest—why didn't he take you back home with him? His family would've grown to love and be fond of you quite easily. Was is because he thinks you'd be angered with him? He couldn't bare to feel you being cross with him—resenting him for stealing away your free will. No,he just needs you to treat him as you do,with such care and love that he'll never get enough of. But apart of him wishes he took you with him,wishes you were here now—lounging with him and touching him in the he way he's grown to love. And this causes Illumi confused,an emotion he often feels when it comes to you,not used to the foreign feelings you give him.
The confusion leaves Illumi without a answer to his fathers question. But that doesn't stop Illumi from replying,"That is besides the point,mother is fighting me on claiming what surely belongs to me. I deserve my (Reader),I deserve to have her as my wife and as the mother of the future Zoldyck bloodline." His parents are baffled by their quiet and normally unfeeling son who seems to be throwing a tantrum at the ripe age of 26.  Silva's cool yet bright blue eyes stare into his son's black ones,thoughtfully thinking about a way to go about this.
Finally he sighs,"Take her then. Wed her and bed her. But know they're are others who want her just as badly as you do." Illumi squints his eyes at that—what others would possibly have the guts to take you from him,one of the most  deadly assassins there is. "And those others will be killed  by my hand mercilessly."He coldly states. Silva huffs with humor,"Not when you find out who those others are." 
Illumi hands clench into fists,"How do you know such information and I don't?" It angered Illumi that his father dare know more about you than he does. Especially because Illumi keeps a watchful eye on you through others,hiring many spies to report to him about you whereabouts. So how does his father know this? 
"You think my son being interested in a woman for the first time in his life isn't business to me? Me and your mother know much more than we lead on about your little healer woman." Illumi speaks with tight lips,"Who.is.it." Silva smiles,"She's your woman,find out yourself."
Illumi manifests a needle out of thin air,"You will tell me exactly what I want to know." Silva chuckles heartily,"Threatening me? Wow you must really love this common woman,huh? Tell me Illumi when was the last time we fought?" Illumi frowns deeply at his father's amusement—irked with his enjoyment of playing with his newfound emotions.
"Don't toy with me father. I'm no longer a little boy." He spits with venom. "That you are not,my son. I suppose I will give you a small hint since you are a smart man. Two men you've allied yourself with in the past want are the ones who wish to have her. "
Illumi looks as shocked as his face will allow him to be. It couldn't be who he thought it was....right?
"Oh Hisoka,don't buy me that!" You demand. "Nonsense,my dove. You'll look so pretty for me in this little dress."  You shiver due to the proximity of his plush lips to your skin. "So,you only want to buy me something cause you'll like it? And here I thought you were being nice to me 'Soka."
The male wraps his lanky arms around your wide waist,not forgetting to grip the pudge of your stomach through the material of your wool turtle neck. He bends down to your ear,whispering lowly—the tone so seductive you get chills going down your spine. "You know I'll always be nice to you...unless you don't want to me which I can gladly do as well." 
You clear your throat, flustered by his actions,"I'll keep that in mind 'Soka." He hums,his sharp nails digging into the pliable flesh of your plentiful stomach. "So,my dove will you allow me to get you this dress or will you be stubborn with me?" 
"You already know the answer." You say teasingly. "Your stubbornness is so cute—but you must know either way I always get what I want." Your brow raises,"And what do you want this time?" Hisoka leers at you with his cat like eyes,licking his lips before his answer,"I want you to stop denying me when I wish to spoil you. I owe you after all."
You laugh sarcastically,"You owe me? Last time I checked you saved me even if you didn't mean to." You recall the night so vividly as you mentioned. You were calmly walking in the night,just getting home from a long day and your tired body became slowly unaware to the world around you. You became so numb,so unaware in fact you didn't hear the running steps of someone behind you. Before you knew it a man covered in bruises and wounds head to toe had grabbed you,pushing you to shield him in some way.
Then you felt a cool blade pressed against the plushness of your neck. You remember fighting and struggling against the male's overpowering strength. He shouted across your shoulder,muttering about something along the lines of "I'll kill her if you take one step closer." In the midst of that though you finally meet the eyes of the bloodied clown.
Hisoka had easily disposed of the man,shaming him for putting someone as weak as you are in a fight you're useless in. After that you chased him down,begging him for a chance to thank him properly. He was disinterested in you from the start and it wasn't until you offered to heal his wounds that he even entertained you.
From then on Hisoka would pop up when he got injured and you'd loyally heal him as thanks for saving your life. Eventually the two of became actual friends? You don't know what you're relationship is with him due to how he does things such as this.
"Oh noooo my dove,I only killed that man because he was hurting your pretty little neck." You roll your eyes,"Okay then,what about after,huh? You said people like me were pathetic and wastes of space." Hisoka leans his head on your shoulder,his tall body looking deformed from how far he's bending,"Hush,I was only being so mean to you cause I didn't realize how useful these hands of yours are."
At his words you're reminded what type of man Hisoka really is. A man who sees only the strong and never the weak,a man who's full of intense bloodlust that simply gets turned on in promise of a good fight. So it makes you ponder why he hasn't gotten rid of you yet? Sure,you're a healer but there's many others who better at it. You're not even a healer who uses nen,only herbs and traditional medicine being practiced by you. And still you remain alive,untouched and unharmed by a killers hand.
It seems Hisoka has made you feel too important,too valuable to him,that you've grown to feel comfortable—safe from his bloodlust. "So I'm only alive because of my healing ability?" You try to conceal the hurt in your voice but Hisoka still picks up on it. Immediately he turns to comfort you,"Oh my dove—no,no, you mean so much more to me than that. I just worded it wrongly."
"Yeah,right. So how long do I have until my hands have no use for you Hisoka?? I can't believe for a second I thought—" Your rant is cut off when a pale hand loosely wraps around your throat. The grip is painless,barely noticeable honestly but it's the fact you know that Hisoka could easily kill you with just a tightening of his grip. "Hush,do you think so low of me as to murder you? How dare you. Honestly,you need to give me some credit." He practically purrs out.
"I care for you my dear (Reader), a concerning amount might I add. So when I say something"—he leans down closer to your face,his lips gently kissing the chubby skin of your cheeks,"I mean it. Do not ever accuse me of just simply using you again,you understand,my dove?"
But Hisoka is using you in a sense,just not that one you were implying. He's not using you for the learned skill you possess—no no,it's much more. You've given something to Hisoka that rivals even his bloodlust,you've laid bare to him the feeling of obsession. A feeling that drives him deliriously mad in sick pleasure—like a drug he can never get enough of. He doesn't know what it is but only you can give him such a feeling. A feeling that leads to him feeling...in love with you.
"I understand Hisoka." You nervously say. He lets go of his grip on you,patting your cheek gently in approval as he does so. "Good,my smart girl knows just what to say. Anyways,shall we get this dress for you?" He phrases it like a question but you know Hisoka will buy it anyway. "Let's buy it." You mutter with an uneasy smile,still not recovered from feeling Hisoka's hand on your throat.
"Right answer again! You're on a roll aren't you,my dove?" Hisoka praises you excitedly. "Yeah—" you're once more interrupted by the crude ringing of a cell phone. You dig in your pocket and see just who's calling you. On the screen it reads no caller id and you know exactly who it is.
"Oops,sorry Soka I gotta answer this." You wiggle your way out of his hold. This leaves Hisoka pouty,"Can't it wait? I wanted to buy food for you after this too." You chuckle,"No it can't,it only take a few minutes. And I'll be right outside." Hisoka rolls his eyes,"Alright but stay right there."
You nod and rush out the doors of the store. As soon as you feel the cool winter air on your skin your thumb presses the accept button. "You took a little long,didn't you?" The smooth voice says. "Oh give me a break, I was doing something." You playfully bite back. "Yeah,like what little spider? Were you watching those silly movies again and almost missed my call?" His tone seems playful but what lies beneath it is an annoyed man. But no,he can show his spider how upset he gets when you don't answer right away—no no such a gentle thing like you doesn't deserve to see him like that.
"Noo,for your information Chrollo, I'm actually Christmas shopping right now. I even got you a little something but I'm not sure if I should give it to you if you're gonna tease me." Chrollo chuckles,"Mmm,well I guess I have to stop for a little then. Who are you with by the way?" Your brow raises at that,"Umm what makes you think I'm with someone?"
"Don't consider me a fool (Reader), I just have a hunch." You roll your eyes at Chrollo's need to always seem mysterious in front of you. "Alright, I am with someone." You admit. "Who?" He asks,more like demands. "A friend. And does it really matter anyways?" Chrollo wishes to tell you that yes,it does really matter. Because every waking second that you don't spend with him drives him crazy. Not a single person deserves to be close to you the way he is. He wants to say all that but he settles for,"Yes because I want to see you tonight. I don't another person to hinder our time together."
"Oh no are you hurt again?" Chrollo chuckles at how concerned you sound,finding it cute. "Must I be hurt to see you,little spider?" You hum,"Mmm,yes cause those are the only times you visit me. Ya know it's not nice to do that—coming to me when you're all battered and then leaving so soon,it's so mean Chrollo cause I'm left worrying and missing you for how long God knows." Chrollo's heart beats at that,you miss him just like he does you. But there's also ache at the fact his little spider is left worried about him,that you're hurting cause of him.
But you have to understand he can only speak to you sometimes—if he did it too much you'd be hunted. And until Chrollo has you his he can't allow that. But at his core Chrollo is a truly selfish being and his selfishness is starting to show more and more. He's been indulging more frequently in his needs to see you,to smell you,to touch your velvety skin—like now.
"I'm sorry (Reader),but I'm a dangerous man I can't show up whenever I want. It's so you don't get hurt." He says. "Yeah,yeah I get that. But it still leaves me worried ya know? Anywaysss can we meet up a different day?" Chrollo sighs,"It's too late. I'm already in your house."
You nearly drop your phone in shock,"YOURE WHAT? YOU CANT JUST BREAK IN MY HOUSE!!" Chrollo hushes you,"Sshhh my spider, I just wanted to see you so bad and I knew if I waited any longer I would go mad." His soft voice eases you from your anger a little,"I get that I guess,but it's so not okay to break in my house Chrollo!" Chrollo makes small comforting noises through the phone,"I know,I know but don't be mad at me,little spider. I only longed to see you and I will confess that has caused me to act...a bit rash."
This damn sweet talker. You had to admit you had a soft spot for him since the night  you met him and that paired with his soothing words were a weapon against you. "Alright,I'll be there in a hour. Don't rush me either." You say,caving into him. "Mmm,you listen so well (Reader). Always so good to me. I'll see you,okay?"
"Okay. See ya,Chrollo." With that Chrollo hangs up and you sigh,the cool air making your breath look like fog. You turn back around and open the door only to feel the hard abdomen of someone. "So,Chrollo,huh?" The purring voice taunts.
"Hisoka! What're you doing out here?" He hums,"Well you were taking a little long for a quick phone call and wanted to make sure you weren't hurt." That was a lie Hisoka was listening from the very beginning you went outside and only now has he made himself known.
"Oh well it's not nice to easedrop,you silly clown!" You embarrassingly scold. "I wasn't easedropping,I just heard you say his name right before you hung up." He lies. His lengthy fingers reach down to grab your chin,"I was checking up on you,my dove. It's late and a cute thing like you shouldn't be outside at night for too long." His index finger and his thumb caress your chin gently,softening your suspicion of him.
Your left without a reply to that,simply settling to hum in acknowledgment. "I'm assuming you have business with him then,so that means we're not getting food?" Hisoka asks. You look at Hisoka and then remember how excited he was to take you out and for the most part you had a lot of fun minus the almost choking incident. You smile at him,"No,let's get some food 'Soka." You did say to Chrollo that you'd be an hour...so it's not a big deal,right?
Hisoka smiles brightly,"Good,I'm starving." The two of you venture off to a small burger place that you recommended to go to. Your orders come quickly and you scold Hisoka for simply getting a strawberry milkshake while you have a whole combo meal. "Hisoka you said were starving and you order a strawberry milkshake...."'
"I said I was hungry,not for what." With that his large hand makes a move to grip your plush thigh licking his full lips as he does so. "Don't make me regret sitting next to you 'Soka." You say warily. "I don't think you'd dislike what'd I'd do to you (Reader). " He purrs. "Oh yeah? What makes you think that?" You say challengingly. He leans close to your ear,preparing to whisper,"You know I could easily unbutton those little jeans you got on  and put my hand on that pussy. You wouldn't fight me either,huh? You'd probably like being fingered in public,right? You dirty girl,of course you would. "
Hot heat rushes in your veins,shocked by the filthy words of your companion. " 'Soka!" You whisper shout in embarrassment. "Hmm?~" He replies,lips now trailing the shell of your ear. "S-Shut up and drink your shake." You command. Hisoka pulls away,chuckling,"You're such a innocent little thing,aren't you?" 
"Hush and drink." You say. Hisoka surrenders  and does as you say. It's silent and that allows you to think for a little bit. Your brain and body finally catch up to how Hisoka's words made you feel. As he uttered each filthy syllable you couldn't deny how your thighs slightly clenched close,how your breath hitched in hesitant arousal.. It made you feel perverted for feeling such a way because Hisoka didn't mean what he was saying,right? He's overtly sexual all the time so why'd it feel so...intimate? It's as if he really meant it.
"My dove,you're hardly touching your food. Here let me fix that." Hisoka brings a slight cold fry to your lips. "Say ahhh.." He says playfully. " 'Soka 'm not a baby..." You announce begrudgingly. You say that but your lips still part open for the fry and then you do the same for another and another and another. It goes on so long that Hisoka just starts causally hand feeding you in public. "Do you want a bite of your burger,my dove?" You nod and he easily complies,holding the burger to your mouth as you take a good size bite.
You chew and chew,missing the way Hisoka observes you. His yellows eyes light up in pure enjoyment as you let him do as he pleases to you. He revels in the way you barely even resisted him feeding you finding it so cute how you just gave into. He enjoys how much you've grown to trust him even from the beginning—following him around like a little kicked puppy,desperate to thank it's savior. He wonders if you know the effect you have on him—how he softens up around you,how he constantly spends money on you despite his motto of saving money,how he can't keep his hands off your supple body.
Not to mention how he feels when he imagines someone else treating you in such a way it makes him disgusted. How lowly of said imaginary person to believe they could actually make you happy? No,no, only Hisoka can. Only he can get you to smile that one specific way,to get you to laugh until you feel like you have to pee.
"Can I have another bite?" You ask expectantly at the man. "Yes buttt you have to say the magic word." Hisoka teases. "Please 'Soka." You plead. Hisoka gets chills running down his back,the kind he gets in a really good fight but instead of blood,he craves you. You asked so very sweet that he can't help but imagine if that's how'd you ask for his cock—soft and kind with a begging glare in your eyes.
"Of course my dove,anything you want." You smile at him as you take another bite.  Hisoka continues to feed you bite of the burger or transitioning  to the even cut fries.  Occasionally his poised fingers stop feeding you to clean off crumbs or sauce that lands on your cheeks,always licking his fingers once he wipes it off.
Finally you take your last bite,eating in grateful content. "Was that good?" Hisoka asks pleasantly. "Mhm,it was." Despite how good you said it was you sound bothered...bothered by the fact that you let Hisoka feed you,without a fight. Was it a haze of blinded trust or perhaps something else? You try not to think of it too much,deciding to change the topic.
" 'Soka I just remembered about the shopping bags. What happened to them?" Hisoka waves you off good naturally,"I stuck them in my car,no need to worry your pretty little head about it." You smile happily,a wave of alleviation crashing against you. "Good,we should get going then!"
Hisoka obliges,his tall frame standing up right and a well toned arm slinks itself around the plushness of your middle. "Let's go." He walks you over to the door and you stop abruptly to bid a goodnight to the kind employees of the establishment.
The two of you saunter off into the night,the obnoxious neon lights of the restaurant being nothing but a mere trail. Hisoka's arm tightens around your waist,pulling you even closer toward him. You can feel the heat radiate off of him,easing the cold biting air just a bit. You lean into his touch,sighing contently. An action Hisoka notices with excitement—a fox grin curling at his lips.
"You know (Reader),how I've always said that you never owe me when I buy you something?" He says. "Yes...why are you bringing this up?" You attempt to keep your tone steady but all you can think is "Oh my god,he's finally done with me! I have no use to him anymore! He's going to kill me!"  Hisoka stops walking therefore stopping you as well and at that moment you could feel yourself swallow rocks. He leans down,leering down at you menacingly—his playful grin gone and replaced with a straight expression.
"I'd like to kiss you. I promise it'll be worth your while." As soon as he mutters those words his mischievous mask paints back on. "Kiss me?" You say breathlessly,deeply confused as to why the killer clown would want to do that. "Yes,I don't usually like to repeat myself either,(Reader).You might push me too far.~" Your eyes look at his,searching for some playful game or plot in them. There's nothing but pure excitement though,the kind of excitement you've seen his eyes light up with when he's recalling a gruesome fight to you when you patch him up. He's sincere.
Without hesitation because you know anymore thought would muddle your confused brain even more—your lips open to form the first syllable of yes but are interrupted by Hisoka's mouth. He takes advantage of your already open mouth and sticks his large tongue in ,the pink muscle doing something oddly pleasurable inside. You can't help but whimper quietly as he uses your mouth so passionately. Your dull nails dig into Hisoka's forearms,causing a lewd moan to fall out of the man's mouth.
The clown takes advantage of his arm already wrapped around your waist—a skilled hand gripping the love handles with a teasing force that makes your knees weak. He pulls you closer to his own body—relishing in the fact that you're so close to him,loving the heat your soft body exudes.  He finally pulls away staring down at you—lust glazing over his bright yellow eyes.
It's silent between the two of you and you expect Hisoka to say the first word but instead he pulls you into him,enveloping you into his hard chest. " 'S-Soka?" Your voice unintentionally shakes,the shock from the kiss still overriding your brain.  "You taste so good,you little minx. I'd take you right here on this sidewalk if you weren't so pure. It's okay though,I'll wait and mold you into the perfect cocksleeve. My sweet good girl who'll take my cock so well...I just know you have the prettiest pussy. So so pretty,just like your face."
Hot red heat flushes throughout your blood system—the cold weather no longer being a bother. Was he ranting? Could he not control the filthy words flowing out of his mouth? This reminds who about how he rants and rambles when he's facing a strong opponent,yet all you've done to get him so riled up is kiss him. Your mind muddles itself to a all too thoughtful puddle—too shocked to even understand what's going on.
You thought you and Hisoka were friends,a friend to him that he'd flirt with and touch constantly—but that's just Hisoka,right? Hisoka who comes to your small home in the middle of the night,injured yet excited. Hisoka who's now patched up,that convinces you to let him stay in your bed with you. Hisoka that sometimes cuddles with you for a few hours before he disappears for another months time. Hisoka who'll call you or leave playing cards around for you to know he's still alive and well. You may not be the smartest cookie in the batch but you know Hisoka hasn't and probably never do that for anyone else. His selfish nature being a unforgettable attribute he possesses.
Hisoka who's pressed tautly against you—his hard bulge grazing against your squishy belly. You're breathless and left wordless—your body being the only  thing left to communicate with. You feel hot,so hot that you can feel how burning your hands are against Hisoka's muscular forearms. He stares down at you,his predator like eyes practically eating up your reaction of his action. He could see your body turn rigid yet you're still frame is like puddy in his experienced hands. You liked it,he knows you did. Otherwise you'd be resisting him—telling him you don't want him to touch you in such a way—to not spew such dirty things at you.
This makes Hisoka wonder how far can he go? Can he go as far putting his hand down your pants? Would you allow him to curl his extremities up into your warm hole as the two of you stand onto the calm sidewalk? Would you let him kiss the nape of your neck while he's hushing you to be mindful of people as you moan crazily on his fingers? Would you let him hump your plump jean clad ass as he gets you off on his hand?
Hisoka doesn't get to find out anything though because you've seem to finally be able to speak a sentence. "I-I have to go home 'Soka." The killer clown knows why you're saying that,knows who's waiting patiently for your promised arrival. He feels a sense of jealousy, a feeling he's never really bothered to feel before and that irks him to his core. Why? Because you were leaving him for Chrollo. He wonders if he should go with you and already begin the fight he's long been craving with the leader of the troupe. He can just see the vision of him basking in the blood of his own body and his dead's opponent,he'd beckon you over and seduce you gently,coaxing you into letting him fuck you in the pool of blood. Chrollo's dead body ominously watching as he ruts and thrusts into your body.
The fantasy alone makes Hisoka's hardened dick throb in his loosely fitted pants. But he pushes away his own lusts,smiling as he pulls away from your body. "Okay then let's go." He says cooly. You look at him with puzzlement though you drop the expression—after all you're on a time limit. He uses his arm that's connected to your waist to start the monument he stopped only a few minutes ago.
The walk to the car is quiet and awkward mostly for you. You can't shake off how that kiss made you feel...it makes you want to ask what you truly are to Hisoka. You know he does not see you as an equal—a fair opponent he wishes to fight to the death with. So like your thoughts earlier you're lead to believe you give Hisoka something he cannot go without—at least for now,til one dreaded day he's tired of you. You like to think though that you mean more to him than you really know—a comforting thought to have instead of impending death.
You wonder if Hisoka just sees you as something he wants to fuck. No—if he did than from the beginning he wouldn't have been so aloof to you. Why'd he have to be so confusing? You curse the man you've grown to weirdly cherish.
Hisoka opens the car door for you and you settle in,buckling your seat belt and fixing your clothes slightly. Before you know it he smoothly starts driving ,taking you home—the home Chrollo is patiently(impatiently) waiting for you at.
Charcoal black eyes peer from the window of a cozy home. They watch as a obnoxiously bright car pulls up into the little drive through. Two people get out of the car,a shorter one and a much taller figure. The eyes recognize the shorter one as you—looking soft and pliable as you usually do. A bright smile plastered on your face as you hug the taller figure.
But the soft gaze the eyes held when they were staring at you is gone once they figure out just who exactly you're hugging. Chrollo wonders how this damn clown knows you—is this a ploy to get him to fight him faster? To use something he holds so incredibly dear against him? He wouldn't put it beneath Hisoka to do,nor himself though. He knows he's not all that much better compared to him.
But this is simply impossible,no one knows about you. No one even knows a shred of Chrollo's feelings for you...so maybe,just maybe this clown knows you for different reasons. Chrollo tells himself Hisoka doesn't even know your connection with him.
The man becomes so lost in thought he doesn't notice you've already made your way inside,bags in hands. His head snaps as he takes you in up close—walking over to you and reaching for the bags. "Woah,now I know I said I had a gift for you but you can't just take my bags Chrollo." You joke. Chrollo scoffs,amused,"My apologies,I must've gotten too excited."
"I guess I can let it slide since your visits are always a special occasion." You say with a bright smile,similar to the one you showed Hisoka. This irks Chrollo slightly but he just smiles back,happy to be in your warm presence once more. Chrollo sets the bags onto the table in your kitchen,knowing exactly what you're about to do.
He predicts you correctly because he feels your pillow like arms wrap around his shirtless middle. He could feel the affection you radiate for him—feeling it soak and burn itself into his body. It's the feeling of authenticity—real,not fake like Chrollo's learned emotions. That's why he liked being with you so much,you invoke a mystery feeling for him—a feeling he must learn to keep and nurture.
Your chubby face leans against the furriness of his warm jacket—the burning feeling of your cheek resting on his back. "I missed you." You croak out weakly. Were you crying for his long awaited absence? Chrollo smiles,wiggling his fingers to intertwine with yours that are securely wrapped around his torso. "I know you have my needy little spider. Tell me what you've been up to during my absence?"
Chrollo knew what you have been up to,always. But he wanted to see if you'd divulge in instances like Hisoka,an instance he had no clue about til now. How'd that slip past him? Would his little spider lie to him? He can't wait to see. He turns to face you,finding that yes,you were crying. Your eyelashes are wet and slightly more clumped together and your expression is frumpy—a small frown gently tugging at your lips. Chrollo hates and loves you're crying over him. He hates that you're sad and not crying because he's fucked you to the deepest edge of pleasure,those being the only tears you should be shedding with him. And he loves it because you're feeding into him so well,you're so receptive and even more affectionate than Chrollo himself. Perfect.
This is all going in fruition,all according to Chrollo's well thought out scheme. From your first ever encounter Chrollo found you intriguing and by the second one he knew he wanted you as strictly his. So the leader knows how gentle he has to be with you,knows he needs to slowly lead you into his obsessive hold. But tonight changed everything,Hisoka was involved with you. And that meant one thing to Chrollo—competition.
Chrollo doesn't know why the clown is interested in you but he knows for a fact that he's hanging around you for a specific reason. He's obsessed with something about you or worse obsessed with you as a whole. With Hisoka in the way,Chrollo can't smoothly lead you into his web and trap you. No,instead he has to deal with another greedy predator before he can get you.
"I'm too tired to talk about all that 'Ollo." You mutter. He knows he can't push you too far so he drops it for now. "Mmm,I knew you looked a little tired. Do you want to rest on me?" He offers gently. He sees you nod so he elegantly grips your hand pulling you with him as he sits down on one of your dining chairs.
"Chrollo I didn't think you meant on your lap!" You spew in a flustered manner. You wiggle in his grasp only making him wrap two strong arms around your fleshy middle. "Don't fight me,you'll never win. Just sit here with me." He says soothingly. You peer back at him—your body getting hotter as you get to see his handsome face in person once more. You note his cross tattoo on his forehead that sits in harmony with the rest of his handsome face,the nice slicked back comb over that shows off his pale and clear features. But nothing compares to the few times you seen Chrollo with his hair in his face—the style framing his facial structure in such a flattering way.
"Chrollo can I....?" There's a pause,the rest of the vowels and syllables unsure if they should continue. "Hmm?" He asks. "Can I play with your hair?" It comes out shy,too shy and it causes the man you're sitting on to burst out in laughter. "Whattt?" You whine. "Nothing,it's just how hesitant you were. It's cute,don't worry about it. But to answer,yes,you may."
He likes how you grin up at him for the agreement of your affection. But he finds it silly that you don't know how much he craves your touch. It's gentle and kind,much like you. Do you not notice how he always slightly hums when you rub him or even fiddle with his fingers? Do you not notice how he shuts his eyes contentment? It's amazing that you don't know what effect you have on him.
Your chubby hand reaches up and starts playing with the strands,occasionally going up further to calmingly rub at his scalp. It's silent,like it often is when you have Chrollo as company. You guys do talk but most of the time that is spent with Chrollo is tranquil—void of anything but quietness.
"Chrollo?" You call out again. "Hmm?" His eyes are shut,enjoying the treatment of having his hair played with. You don't know what compels you to ask this but after the events with Hisoka touching you in such a intimate way...you really can't help it. "How do you feel about me?"
The air is thick,coated with tension that the sharpest knife couldn't even cut. It feels like hours before he answers and honestly you felt like crying just out of the pure embarrassment you felt. Chrollo's grip on your middle runs down to your abundant hips—gripping possessively at them. "I feel happy around you...genuinely happy, in a way I haven't felt since I was a little kid in Meteor City. I feel real around you, like I don't have to reel you in with any charm or tricks because you simply like me. I like that simplicity of that,how you actually like me and I can't help but keep coming back for more of you. The way I feel about you (Reader)..." he grips even tighter on your pliant hips,"is something I never felt before."
Chrollo barely scrapped the tip of the iceberg of how he feels about you. He wouldn't dare tell you that he's deeply obsessed with your existence. Wouldn't even dare speak of the grotesque acts he's ordered down on others for the sake of the relationship he wants to build with you. That would ruin his slow conditioning he's enforced since day one.
"C-Chrollo I don't know what to say..." you slump in his lap,staring back at him in uncertainty. His warm lips lean down to grace the little exposed skin of your neck,"Then don't think..just feel how I want to you to feel for the rest of your time with me." Your brows crinkle at that,what could that possibly mean? But then you feel it...the feeling of Chrollo's talented hands explore the expanse of your body.
It feels like whiplash having this happen twice,especially so close in time. It almost makes you feel dirty—ashamed for allowing not one but two men to touch you in such a way. The only thing stopping you from pulling you away from Chrollo is how good his hands felt on your clothed body.
They wander,touching your covered chest—squeezing the fatty flesh in a vice grip. "You're...so soft." Chrollo murmurs,almost in a trance. "Mmf t-thank you!" You hurriedly spit out. His hand goes to your tummy—his slippery fingers creep underneath your thick turtleneck,the cool contact of his skin making you gasp lewdly. "You sound so good too." He hums.
Underneath you,you couldn't ignore the hard bulge pressing against your ass. You could feel the imprint of it,even the bent shaft that's partly stuffed into the side of his pocket. It's big—really big,at least it feels like it. Hands that lay beneath your shirt—touching and caressing the rolls that adorn the sides of your torso—the fingertips touch you so gently causing the illusion of soft kisses riddling your tummy. "You're such a sweet thing, everything about you is malleable,so moldable. You're perfect,so perfect." Chrollo whispers in your ear,the tone full of affection and lust.
"Don't say that...'M not perfect." You deny. "No but you are to me. You're everything I could ever want." He kisses your ear,a loving action. Ironic for a thief to say—to admit he's fulfilled with you yet he and his troupe still take from the weak.  "I want to do something,is that okay with you,my spider?" You look up at him,glazing trust in your eyes that makes Chrollo melt. "Okay." You say breathlessly.
"Turn to face me,I want you to sit on one of my thighs,okay?" You look at him curiously but you still find your legs straddling his thigh. "Good,good." He places his hands back on your hips,the warmth making you feel even hotter than you initially were. "I want you to move now. You can do that right,(Reader)?"
"M-Move?" You repeat. Chrollo could see the worry paint your pretty features—he wants to laugh but he holds it in. "Don't think,my darling. Just do as I say. You'll feel good,I promise." His honeyed voice oozes dominance despite the leveled tone he speaks with. "Move." He says.
It's like there's some type of drug in his voice—something that compels you to follow his orders. You start moving very slowly on his thigh,barely feeling any friction. But the small moments you do your posture shoots up straight like an arrow and small pleasures gasps tumble off your tongue.
Chrollo watches you as he normally does—drinking in your reaction. This was rash—Chrollo wasn't planning to introduce something so sexual to you yet,he was going to wait to establish his feelings for you and organically build what he wanted with you—slowly grooming you for his obsessive and possessive ways to the point you wouldn't question him. But something in him snapped,perhaps it was the questioning of how he felt or the realization of Hisoka's unexpected company.
Chrollo's possessive and he supposes he wants leave a mark on you. He figures you hadn't let Hisoka get away with something this far and he'd be the first and only. "Take off your pants for me." You look up at him,anxiety coating your glazed pupils,"C-Chrollo no one's ever seen me like that before ..." His expression softens,the lust in his eyes practically fading away.
Perfect! Perfect! No one has touched or seen you in such a way,this was amazing news for the man vexed with you. He could have you fully to himself if he played his cards right—he has the urge to be greedy right now and completely strip you away from your virginity. But he decides against it,his little spider would take baby steps to him just like he planned. Plus he's already pushing the limits by initiating something so sexual.
"Oh my love,no need to be shy with me. I love how you look regardless,just trying to make you feel good,that's all. But I can't do that if you keep your pants and panties on." His tone is babying,talking down to you like a learning a child. "Would you please take them off for me, hmm?" He makes it sound like a suggestion but you get the feeling it's not—just a gentler method of getting what he wants from you. 
You slide off his thigh,standing upright and leisurely unbuttoning your pants. It's slow,shy and accidentally seductive to the man before you.  You could feel his eyes burn into you,making you even more insecure than you'd like to be. Chrollo usually makes you feel safe despite his dangerous status,yet something's different within him now. This is the first time you've ever felt smaller to Chrollo—powerless and forced to a meek little thing that obeys him. Chrollo feels carnal—lacking his gentleness he usually exudes,reduced to nothing more than a predator succumbing to his hunger.
Your pants pool to your ankles and you're regretfully reminded of the poor choice of underwear for this moment. They're dingy and old,comfort panties—not a really hot guy wants me to get half naked for him panties. It embarrasses you to no end so you find yourself quickly pulling them down—a stark contrast to the pace of your pants.  But once you pull them down you feel another embarrassment,a more permanent one.
Hair litters your mound,blocking any view of the inner beauty that's in between the fat lips. At this point you wouldn't even like to indulge in anything with the man you find so attractive. Your hands go to cover your private area,ashamed of the hair that basically hides your pussy. "Don't—Don't hide for me. I want to see everything." He says.
"But I haven't shaved or anything and it doesn't even look good and and—" You're cut off—two strong arms wrap around your wrist to pull you in and once your are you're met with a hot kiss that quickly gets broken. "Nonsense,it's just as pretty as it would be bare. Don't shame what I want to call mine—saying it doesn't look good is an insult to me. Especially cause I'm so hard for you—look," he pauses to pull your hand to his throbbing length,"you feel that,that's for you,my shy girl." Your finger's carefully trace the shape,causing the man to wince a little in unreleased pleasure.
"As much as I'd like to feel you touch me...this isn't about me. Get on the edge of the table and spread your legs for me."  You obey,awaiting the man's actions with opened legs. He hums appreciatively,eyeing the wet slit he gets to see now—he eats up how the the moisture slightly sticks to the pubes,finding it incredibly erotic knowing he made you that wet. His hands slide you even more forward to the point you'll fall front ways if he wasn't nestled in between your thighs.
He places his thigh to the height of your cunt,pulling you closer by your ass cheeks. You gasp as his fingers dig into the self made holes of cellulite that riddle your ass. Another gasp falls from you as he now fully sits you on his thigh. You wonder if it'll give out soon due to your not so light weight but you don't voice this,knowing Chrollo would wave the notion away.
"Now you can move." Chrollo states. It's a few seconds before you think to move but Chrollo gives a warning slap on your ass to obey him. Your shaking hands grip onto his muscular shoulders—your pelvis making an effort to move back and forth onto the expanse of his thigh.
Small mewls and whimpers of pleasure tumble out your o shaped lips. But that's not good enough for Chrollo—no he needs to hear you moan for him.  He abuses his grip on your ass by forcing you to move faster—harder onto his leg. "Just like that...just like that. You're doing so good...I could feel your slick go through my pants,so cute how wet you are for me."
He leans into you,kissing your face affectionately in a loving manner instead of a lustful one. His lips set sights on the little skin of your neck that's exposed from the turtle neck and they latch on—sucking and biting his claim onto you. He pulls away to look at his work,admiring how the mark is a slight darker complexion compared to your skin color.  His eyes watch at your expression—engrossed in your ajar mouth that moans for him  and your shut eyes that are closed so tight the skin around your eyes wrinkle.
He feels his cock throb at the sight—the sight of your hips stuttering occasionally against him,the sight of your hairy pussy spread apart by his thigh—it's not only the view that leaves him throbbing it's feeling of your oozing wetness seeping into his pants,coating his pale skin underneath.
"Chrollo!" You whine,the grip of his shoulders tightening immediately. "You're gonna cum soon,aren't you?" You furiously nod. His hands once again move you faster against him,his grip onto your ass being unbreakable. "That's right...cum for me,yes that's a good girl. So good,so good!"
He feels your hurried breaths against him,the desperate whines that flee your parted lips—dull fingers dig into the warmth of his usual coat. You begin to feel like a weak tree flailing in the wind,loosing control of your own stimulated body. Your ministrations come to an halt,leaving Chrollo confused,he hasn't felt you cum so why'd you stop?  "Why'd you stop?" The way he says it is calm yet you could hear the annoyance slightly oozing out. "Just need a break,'m not used to feeling so much." You reason breathlessly.
"Did I tell you to stop?" He asks. "No but—" He silences you with a sentence,"No,that's right. I didn't so that means don't stop."  He slaps your ass roughly—a consequence,no a reminder he's the one who's in control. "I'm sorry Chrollo, I didn't mean it like that!" The man hushes you,rubbing your head gently,"I know,I know,you're not used to something like this but you just need obedient which I know such a smart girl like you can be. But instead of one orgasm,you're gonna have to give me as many as I would like,okay?"
You nod warily,not wanting to disappoint Chrollo  once more. "Good girl. Now,start again." The minute you pick up momentum it's a never ending attack of orgasms against your cunt.  You begin to lose hold of your conscious,only becoming a slobbering mess on top of Chrollo.
Babbles upon babbles escape you to the point you don't care what you say. You have no room to think—no room to even breath,the sex filled air snuffing your senses. And throughout each earth shattering orgasm Chrollo's there to talk you through it. Soft hymns of praises direct your eardrums to keep moving,to keep grinding your cunt on his thigh.
But you can't take it anymore,your abdomen aches from thrusting so hard,your heart is beating so rapidly,and not to mention the dull feeling that throbs uncomfortably between your dripping thighs. You slump forward into the shirtless man, unable to even hold your body up anymore,your back is met with Chrollo rubbing soft circles on it,kissing the side of your temple as he does so.
"Good,that's enough now. Let's take you to bed." You huff against him tiredly,furthering your position to lean on him more. He easily lifts you up,grabbing the underside of your thighs with his hand to keep your body snug against him. He walks you over to your bedroom,gently setting you down onto the fluffy mattress once he arrives.
He walks around your room,somehow knowing just which drawer you keep your panties in and he grabs a comfortable pair that he cautiously slides up your meaty legs. "Don't leave mee 'Ollo. Please,won't get to see you again." You sleepily call out. Chrollo smiles amusedly,"I won't leave. Don't worry. I'll take care of your while you sleep." He reassures,although it's a lie.
He would be leaving as soon as you shut your eyes but not because he wants to. Because has to. He knows you'll be upset about it in the morning,hurt and conflicted by his disappearance. You wouldn't have to suffer that any longer though,soon you'd always be by his side. He 'd have you in his web,soon,maybe sooner considering the complication of Hisoka.
He watches you collapse into slumber,leering over you like a overbearing shadow. His apparent bulge standing even more upright,he now wishes he had let your warm supple hand wrap around his cock while you pleasured yourself. He sighs,annoyed with himself. He supposes he could use your still moist cum and slick as lube when he gets back to his "home."  That would be fine,his imagination could the rest of work just alright.
He gives you one last loving look before bending down and placing a soft kiss to your lips. With that Chrollo leaves you in the night,resting,knowing you'd be searching for him in the morning.
It's been two whole weeks since you've seen both Chrollo and Hisoka. You've called and texted Hisoka,only to be met with voicemails and unread texts. You would've done the same with Chrollo but it would've been futile because the man always has new numbers due to his chosen profession.
Your heart burns and your brain won't stop scolding yourself for being so easy. You've gone all your life being untouched in such a way yet these two man in the same night made it seem like easy work. Maybe you were too trusting...putting too much faith in evil men. You wonder what you've done wrong...were you feeding in too much? Or were you too shy?
Tears sting your vision,blinding you as you attempt to stay attentive to the cheesy romcom you've put on for some comfort. You want to slap yourself and get a grip but you can't.  Your booming heart hurts,the feeling of being used aches so deeply it's unforgettable. You begin to tell yourself that's all they possibly wanted from you anyway,you were just something entertaining,not anything of value.
Your mind goes back to the moments you've shared with them both,happy and memorable times that help aid the heaviness you feel weigh at you. What if you fought back their advances? What if you said you wanted to keep things strictly platonic despite the strong attraction to them both? What if? What if? What if? What if? Dozens of scenarios flash through your mind of what could be now if you just said no...
Your wallowing session is cut short though due to a sharp knock on the front door. You arise from your couch for the first time in hours and waddle over to the door. And once you open it you wish you weren't dressed like a hobo right now. The saggy oversized shirt and underwear combo not being a good look in front of the handsome man on the doorstep.
"Illumi!" You shout embarrassingly. You try to seem put together but you know it's useless. Your eyes are dark and baggy,your usual warm looking face is cold and sad. And that's without including the tear stains on your pudgy cheeks. You want to run and hide from Illumi's watchful gaze but you wouldn't even be able to run from him.
You can't help the urge to scrunch into yourself,to disappear into a hole and be swallowed completely for the shame that runs hot in your system.  "Who made you cry?" He asks darkly. "Oh n-no one Lumi. I'm just real emotional lately because of hormones.."
The lie doesn't seem to work because Illumi because he only asks again only more irritated. Normally you wouldn't dare to tell Illumi about someone that hurt,knowing the man would murder the person who upset you. But you're so vulnerable,so hurt,so sensitive and needy for any sense of comfort. That neediness leads you crashing into the leanly muscled chest of Illumi as you sob and tell him what transpired two weeks prior,regrettably  leaving out no details.
Needless to say the man who came over here to ask(demand) for your hand in marriage is furious. Of course,they got to you first. Of course,they already exposed you to the carnal urges that Illumi's been barely able to hold back in your presence. The pale man attempts to not take his anger out on you but he can't help it. The loose grasp he held on you,now tightening uncomfortably so. You attempt to pull away from him but his strength keeps you towards his chest.
"Lumi,you're hurting me!!" You don't sound upset,only panicked. You know the man isn't used to his strength,similar to a baby who just learned to walk. That snaps him out of it and he loosens his hold,blinking coyly as does so. "Apologies." He says. "It's okay just be gentle with me,I'm not like you. I can't take such force casually."
He nods thoughtfully,staring down at you with his empty doll like eyes. "Umm would you like to come inside? I'll make us some tea and then I'll even play with your hair too if you'd likeee." You say singsong. You didn't have to bribe Illumi with playing with his hair he would've came inside regardless—finding you and your home comforting. That's not even putting in account how much Illumi missed you.
"Okay." He agrees plainly. "Good!" You say happily,pulling him in.  The pair of you walk into your home,Illumi shutting and locking the door behind him. "Sorry for the mess...I've been a little sad since you know..." It angers Illumi that you missed them so much,that they made you hurt,that they had your attention. And what about him? Had you forgotten him since you weren't nursing him back to health anymore?
Illumi couldn't have you caring more about anyone besides him. Jealousy floods through his veins,that's he's far too angry to communicate. "You could sit down 'Lumi! I'll be in just a minute." You turn to walk to the kitchen only to be stopped by a strong grasp. You look down at Illumi's clasped hand around your wrist. "Lumi?" You voice,confused.
"Stay. I want you to sit with me." His request is void of emotion,sounding like a reading of a poor script but you know better than that. You know he's missed you but can't express it in the proper way. "Okay,whatever you want Illumi." You smile at him,kind and in the gummy way he often thinks about.
The stoic man ends up sitting in between your thighs,the position being decided on the offer of playing with his hair which you're happily doing. You hum as you do so,fingers running in the silky follicles. Your talk mostly about what you've been up to,deciding to leave Hisoka and Chrollo out of it after you dumped that information to the assassin earlier. Illumi only talks when you ask him a question about his life and it's always met with something vague that you don't mind at all.
Your meaty fingers start to work on a small braid  in his hair but your fingers stutter when Illumi asks a odd question. "Did you enjoy it when Chrollo and Hisoka touched you like that?" The silence is deafening and you swear you could feel yourself swallow your lax tongue. " Lumi why would you want to know that?"
"Answer." He demands. You sigh,feeling ashamed of your answer,"Yes." At this point your hands have let go of the man's hair,finding refuge in your lap where they twiddle with other fingers. "Would you enjoy it if I touched you like that?" The question sounds innocent but the implication of what he's asking sinks into you.
"Illumi I don't think you know what you're saying..." You mutter shyly. "I do,I know of sexual intercourse and I know that's something I'd like to do with only you." Heat rushes up your body,his blunt words absorbing in your mind.  "Illumi...I don't know what to say."
"Say you'd like to have sex with me too. I plan to make you my betrothed,to make you the mother of future heirs. I'd take care of you and bed you every night."  One thing you missed about Illumi was his curt honesty but his multiple confessions were too much to handle right now. "Lumi are you okay? This is all so sud—"
Your breath catches in your throat when Illumi turns back out his dull eyes starring into yours and at this moment you realize how grave this situation is. Illumi's not one for sarcasm or for doing things without cause. You know he means every word he said.
"I am fine,I just want to make you mine and breed you already. Marry me (Reader)." Your eyes go wide and your mouth flacks open. This is just too much too process! Only thirty minutes ago you were wallowing in sadness and desperation and presently you just got offered a marriage proposal. 
"Illumi I can't just give an answer right now...I do care for you a lot and—" Illumi asks a pointed question,"Do you love me?" Do you love Illumi? You think of him often,you call him all the time,you connect with him. He has a special place in your heart as the quiet man you saved so long ago..so yes,you do love Illumi.
"Yes I do but I can't just marry you so soon.You haven't even asked to be my boyfriend yet,let alone a husband." You say gently. Illumi looks confused,"Why not? Do you need convincing?" Your brows raise in curiosity,what type of convincing could change your mind about out of the blue engagement?
Illumi answer that question the moment he pounces on your dry lips,his desperate tongue moistening the skin as he begs for entrance inside. Due to shock you accidentally give him an opening and he takes it instantly. You feel bad for your stinky breath that most likely tastes like junk food but Illumi doesn't seem to care as he grips your chubby face in his hands.
He pulls away and searches your eyes for an answer, a clue on how you feel about his actions."I want to fuck you. I want to claim you so no other man like Chrollo and Hisoka can ever say they've been inside you. I want you now. Let me take you please."
Maybe the hungry kiss drove your brain to mush? Maybe the need for comfort kicked in at it's ultimate form? Or maybe it was the pool of slick that built up in your plain cotton panties—that convinced you to say yes.  The second the man gets your agreement,you're forced to lay flat on your back,legs spread and your t-shirt raised to your braless chest.
Illumi slots himself in between your thighs,his cool and slender hands running up and your textured legs. Your brain scolds yourself for not shaving the limbs,you feel the need to apologize for being so hairy but you're stopped by Illumi's vague praise. "So soft. You feel good."
Illumi's hands travel higher to your inner thigh gripping the excess fat that adorns it. His grasp is bruising and stings in a way but it feels pleasant at the same time. Black eyes stare straight at your mound,locked in on the wet spot produced by slick. He moves with quickness to slide off his loosely fitting pants leaving him in his briefs that are fighting to constrain his hard length.
Pale hands pull your form closer to him—his bulge now flush with your cunt. Your legs rest on his shoulders while he experimentally thrusts his hips. He languidly moves back and forth against the warmth of your cunt. You begin to unsteadily breath as the tip of dick makes contact with your clit, a faint keen fleeing from your mouth. Squeaks here and there come from you,on the other hand your counterpart is being completely silent.
The only way you could tell Illumi is finding the friction pleasurable is his oozing tip dripping pre-cum. It feels slightly embarrassing to you that you're the only one crying out from stimulation especially because that's one of the few sounds you can hear besides the sounds of chaffing fabric. You want to hear Illumi feeling good too—the solo of your sexual noises not being good enough any longer.
Your hands gently reach for the roots of his hair and ever so slightly tug—the man groans quietly but you could still hear it. But similar to the silence of the room—rubbing crotches isn't enough anymore. "Closer 'Lumi,wanna feel you." The man wordlessly curves you body into a U shape,your hips being arched and your lower body resting on his muscular chest. He slides off your panties and places you down on your back.
"Spread." He directs.  You obey and spread your legs hesitantly,still shy of being unshaven. Illumi seems irritated of the slow pace and just grabs your inners thighs flat onto the couch. You gasp,finally feeling the cool air on your spread slit.  You could feel his hold on your thighs bring the beginning throbbing of bruises staring to form—the sharp pain making your brain dizzy.
"Not so rough 'Lumi..." you warn. He seems to pay you no mind and instead you could feel the grasp tighten. Something hazes his usual empty eyes—lust dominating him and distracting him. Illumi pulls out his bobbing cock—resting his pants underneath his full balls to keep them from interfering.
You're left scared for a few minutes...wondering if this is the very scary second you'll lose your virginity. But instead you're shocked when Illumi's smart fingers squish your fat lips together and slowly so very slowly place his cock in between the moist lips.
The man in between thrusts with a animalistic groan the comes from deep in his covered chest. His cock is warm and it gets even warmer the more frequent his thrusts rub against you cunt. The tip of his cock gently prods and pokes at your clit,making you arch up and whine airily.
" Lumi...!!" You moan. The man looks down at you as he pistons his hips between the fleshy folds—his doll like eyes staring straight into your soul. "You feel,"a low grunt cuts him off,"so good." His thin brows knit together as he admires the sight of his cock sliding in and out of your lips—he groans heartily,enjoying the sight.
There's a crude ring that loudly can be heard throughout the room. Illumi stops his sharp thrusting and glares down at the device interrupting the moment he's been longing for such a long time. He reaches for the phone in his back pocket,answering with a hint of anger in his voice.
However after only a few seconds that anger seemingly melts away. You watch curiously as he seems very interested in whatever the other person on the line has to say. After a few more moments he hangs up and looks at you,"I'll be back,I have something to take care of." He leans down to place a kiss on your forehead—sliding your panties back up onto your spread legs.
"Wait! You can't just leave Illumi! What's so important you have to leave me?" You sound desperate and pouty—unintentionally making you cringe. There's silence before Illumi calmly says,"I have a match to the death." You can practically feel any color of your skin flee your body,"What?! Illumi no! Stay with me please! You can't leave me." It's silly to stop someone who practices in death to not do such a thing—you know that but desperation claws at your heart.
"Please Illumi,stay with me! We can get married and do whatever you'd like but please don't...you might die." Illumi raises a thin brow,"I won't. I'm doing this so I can stay with you. So one else can take your attention away from me." You look at a Illumi with pleading eyes—fat tears threatening to spill,"What do you mean 'Lumi?"
"Chrollo and Hisoka,they're trying to take you away from me. I have to fight them to have you." If the news of him wasn't heart wrenching enough—the information of his opponents being two other men you also hold dear to felt organ failing. You're silent and empty of any feeling for a good minute,your brain and heart so confused on what to feel—to do.
"You can't! Illumi you can't! Please,I'll only belong to you! Just don't go!" You grab onto his lax hand,bringing it to your shaking chest. "I have to. They'll take you away from me if I don't."
You peer at him,glassy eyes staring determinedly to come up with a way for all of them to live.
There had to be something—a solution to ease the pain of losing two of the men who's charmed their way into your life. It finally hits you—they could all share you! They could compromise something,a deal that would leave them satisfied and alive.
"You don't have to that Illumi. You could all share me...I'd still belong to you, just differently." Illumi frees his hand from your touch,"No. I don't want to share you. You belong to me."
You look at him pleadingly gripping his hand,"Please,'Lumi,I'll never be the same if all of you can't be in my life..please." Illumi liked you as you are—kind,gentle,loving and affectionate,so the promise of you not being the same woman he met almost a year ago disheartens him.
He remembers how you welcomed him into your home,constantly being at his side and treating him with so much worry. He couldn't bare to imagine to only have you as a shell of a woman he used to know—the thought being unbearable.
His doll eyes stare into your teary ones deciding that's it better to have a part of you than to have just a shell of what you used to be. "Okay." He hesitantly agrees.
He doesn't miss how you immediately brighten up—smiling widely and tackling him to the floor in a rejoicing hug. He wraps his arms around your round middle, hoping he didn't make the wrong choice.
"Look at how many marks they left on you...I thought we would take your first time together but they're just barbaric with you,my dove." The voice purrs out. Long nails trail up your neck that's littered with different and shapes of marks.
"Oh shut up Hisoka, don't act like you don't mark her up." Chrollo hisses. "I'm not saying that but I'm lot more efficient than you. Look—,"Pale hands make work to lift up your pant less leg,showcasing the heart like mark the clown has made,"Isn't it just so much prettier than what you two have left on her?" 
"It doesn't matter the marks,she doesn't complain when my fingers are inside h—" You slap your hand over the assassins mouth," Illumi! You can't say things like that!" Thin brows furrow,"Why not?" You huff and sigh," Never mind 'Lumi."
"Illumi's right (Reader),you shouldn't be so shy about thing like that, at least with us. After all tonight's the night." Chrollo says.
That's right,this is the day that was agreed upon,the night the all fuck you,the night they strip you away of your virginity. A few months ago before this night happened it was equally agreed upon they'd all be present during first time and from then on they could fuck all they want when they have their turn with you. This was the only thing the loose binding holding the arrangement of sharing you,the only thing keeping them from getting rid of one another. You'd been so lost with the constant courting from the three men and the jealousy that's constantly paired with obsession that this agreed date had completely slipped your mind. Suddenly you could feel all the anxiety hit you like a ton of bricks.
The most intuitive of the three men seems to notice you visibly stiffening up. "Oh my love,don't be so scared. You'll just have to worry about being on your cocks and that's all you'll have to worry about,okay?" Chrollo comforts. "See? I'm gonna get you all ready and nice and wet for me—I mean us and then you'll be feeling too good to even care." Almost to cement his words Chrollo begins to suckle at your already bruised neck,making other marks. You whine and grip at him,already whimpering pathetically at the simple touch.
"I can't let you just hog her." Hisoka makes a move to slither himself in between your legs,forcing your sitting position to become a laying one. He easily slides of your panties to which you notice he puts in the pocket of his pants. He pulls you away from the Chrollo by grounding your lower half closer to his face. He practically smooches his face and your pussy against each other. You could and hear how he inhales your scent,how his fingers part the fat hairy lips to get a better whiff. He inhales the musky scent—moaning loudly when he can catch the natural musk of the wet organ.
"You smell so good,my dove! But I bet you taste even better.." As soon as said those words his tongue dives into the tight canal—a keen of shocked pleasure coming from you. "Mmm,you feel good,spider?" You nod but that's not the answer the man on top of you wants. He taps the fat of your hips and gives a firm grasp,"Use your words. You have such a pretty voice to answer me with."
"I feel good!" You say—already breathless with the stimulation. "Yeah,who's making you feel good?" You grips his shoulders tighter,"You are!" A hard slap comes to your cellulite ridden thigh,a reminder of the man that's so faithfully fucking your hole with his tongue,"And S-Soka!" The man in between with your thighs rewards you for your answer by moving up to suck your clit,replacing his tongue for fingers instead now.
Chrollo would've preferred you stuck with him only but he doesn't voice that,too distracted by the pebbling nipples underneath the ragged shirt. His hand moves to lift up the shirt and once he does he can't help but eat up the beauty before him. There you are,breasts slightly drooping,the natural weight of them hanging them lower and your hard nipples that are begging to be sucked on. But he can't forget the most supple part of you—your tummy that's constantly moving up due to your heavy breathing,that looks so grippable and plump—and oh my god the soft rolls between the layers of skin makes him want to just sink his fingers into the flesh while he's carefully thrusting into you.
"You're so beautiful,so pretty..." He runs his fingers across your skin,igniting goosebumps to flare up. He bends down to suckle on your breast,you could feel the slight bites and pulls he does with his mouth which has you arching and begging for more. Suddenly another grip is felt and you turn to see an all too focused Illumi,massaging and groping the fat. You almost forgot about his presence due to his lack of talking and action.
He leans down to bring your lips into a feverish kiss. With each lick of Hisoka's tongue,with Chrollo's comforting sucking on breast and Illumi's hungry touch and kiss you find yourself jerking away from their touch. Jumping and flinching away from any affection,the feeling of an orgasm being too strong to handle. But three strong men hands stop you from moving away from the pleasure,forcing you to feel every wave and earthquake that comes crashing down onto your body.
You stay panting open mouthed into Illumi's, body shaking and trying to recover. Chrollo finally pops off your boob,a small smile painting his dark features. "You did so good. So,so,so good." Hisoka arises from your thighs,"Mmh and you tastes so good too." He rubs your unshaven legs,squeezing and gripping the flesh harshly as he does so. He licks the sheeny slick off your lips,making your turn away from the lewd sight.
"Do you think one orgasm has helped you eased up a little?" Chrollo asks. You're about to nod but you remember his words a few minutes and instead opt for verbally answering,"Yes,I can handle everything now."
Chrollo and Hisoka stare at Illumi,warningly. "We're letting you be in her first because you're a virgin too but if you can't control yourself we won't hesitate to hurt you." Chrollo spits out with venom. "And here," Hisoka tosses a colorful green condom his way,"put this on before you fuck her. You won't be breeding her anytime soon." Illumi catches the colorful item and looks at it in disdain,much preferring to fill you with his kids instead. He doesn't resist though and snuggly slides on the protection. You find it intimidating how you're the only one really showing the most skin,Illumi just having his cock out of his pants and Chrollo and Hisoka still relatively clothed as well.
The male walks to your spread legs,his cool hands making sure to spread them even farther for better access. He slots himself between them and places his upper half to partly lean against yours, chest flush with yours. He cradles your face in his single hand and very slowly begins to slide into you.
Your moans and his slight gasps pair together before he's fully in. You felt your self shape and stretch to accommodate the length inserted. "Oh...'Lumi." Your meaty hands reach for his back,slotting the fingers into the muscles on it. He begins an unsure thrust,still trying to get used to the warmth and wetness he could still feel even with the condom. But once he gets the momentum he's practically ramming into,forcing you to call and moan for him,the hands on his back scratching at it.
The motions of the hands stop though because Chrollo reaches for it,bringing it low to touch his now free and throbbing cock. He looks at you expectantly,hunger and desire eating up his charcoal eyes. You wrap an unsure hand around the length,going up and down at a even pace. "Fuck...just like that (Reader). Doing so good." He praises.
You're met with another hungry man,begging for much needed attention. Hisoka's hand turns your face towards your him, a throbbing pink tip being only near millimeters away from your lips. "Say ahh~" You expect him to place his cock in your mouth but instead a long line of saliva falls flat on your tongue. "Swallow it." You do and that's met with astounding praise,"Good girl! Now you deserve my dick." Hisoka slowly slides the the expanse of his dick inside your mouth.
You struggle to move your head but the man aids you by moving your head for you,a large hand bobbing your head up and down. “Mmf! You’re doing so good! Taking me so well!”
You feel yourself melting into the pleasure you’re receiving and giving. You feel comfortably void of any thought—the body taking over any type of consciousness. You don’t know how long you feel Illumi thrust into,making you see stars when he’s particularly rough—you know though that you cum with a muffled moan that vibrates against Hisoka’s cock.
It’s a domino effect it seems—Illumi cums soon after then Chrollo who spurts his cum on your hand and face,finally Hisoka cums in your throat—a slender hand rubbing against the pudge of your cheek,rewarding you for the hard work.
You slump against the bed,feeling like you can actually focus and breath again. “ ‘m tired.” You mumble against Hisoka’s smooth thigh. “No no,that just won’t do. You’re not done yet.” Hisoka purrs. You sit up,”What do you mean?” Chrollo wipes off his cum that’s partially splattered on your forehead and other cheek,bringing his hand to your lips to clean him up. You do while he says something that makes your tired body prepared again,”We want more. We want to feel you more.”
Illumi shows how serious those words are by his flaccid cock getting hard inside again. “It’s my turn to be in her Illumi,don’t be greedy.” Hisoka says. “I get to have her mouth.” Chrollo says happily,already caressing your puffy lips.
For the rest of the night they use you as a unit—abusing every hole they can get their greedy cock in. Working as a group for their own selfish reason—you.
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hopesangelsprite · 11 months
♡ Mine ♡
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Illumi x black!chubby!reader
Summary: Illumi's tired of worrying about losing you... so he decides it's time to change that forever.
Warnings: language, lighthearted murder threats; other than those it's pretty domestic.
"We should get married."
Any traces of fatigue in your body vanished after those words fell upon your previously resting ears. You stayed still, waiting for any indication that what you'd heard was a mistake on your part. There was nothing but silence and the barely audible sound of your lover's breathing. Then that silence was broken once again.
"What do you think?", Illumi questioned from his spot draped across your stomach. What'd you think... what did you think? Well, you were wondering what had brought such a question about and how random its utterance was. Before he'd spoken, the two of you had been cuddling for about 3 hours prior. Technically, Illumi had come in unannounced and sprawled across you unceremoniously before shimmying down so that his head could rest on your abdomen. Occasionally he'd poke or pinch you out of boredom, now and then he'd nibble at you just because he could, and you wouldn't do anything about it.
The atmosphere had been comfortable. Nothing in the air alluded to the impromptu proposal that had just been made. "I'm just wondering where that question came from honestly.", you finally spoke while sitting up to peer down at Illumi. He simply hummed at repositioned himself so that he was practically sitting in your lap, which you'd be sure to tease him about later. "We've been seeing each other for about a year now, and my parents somewhat approve of you. It's time we make it official that you're mine.", he stated matter-of-factly. You blinked at him, and he blinked back.
He wasn't wrong. Your one-year anniversary would be coming up in a month and neither of you had any intentions of leaving each other whether it be in the near future or otherwise. It was true that Silva and Kikyo liked you enough not to kill you, it'd taken Killua a while to warm up to you but once he had he considered you as his older sister. He'd even gone as far as to warn Illumi never to hurt you "or else", which you both found adorable. The thought of marrying Illumi didn't sound bad at all, in fact, it filled your heart with that warm fuzzy feeling people sang about in love songs. Still, you were in a silly goofy mood and felt like pulling his chain.
"And what if I said no?", you questioned. Illumi stopped separating your curls to glare at you softly. "I'd kill someone.", he answered after a beat of silence. You smirked and rested your hands on his waist before tilting your head. It was a vague answer yet one you'd expected. "Who?", you pressed further prompting him to think for a moment. "One of those idol singers you like so much, maybe (insert fave idol name).", he replied while fluffing up your hair like a pillow. You scoffed, offended at his words as well as his blatant attack on one of your favorite humans.
"You wouldn't."
"Fuck around and find out."
Illumi rolled his eyes and released your hair to lean back on his palms. His change in posture offered you a wonderful view of his abdomen, toned muscles littered with barely visible scars and lipstick stains from earlier. "Where's all this attitude coming from, mister?", you inquired earning another eye roll. "Don't play with me. It's so not worth it, bro.", he warned. You gawked, thoroughly shocked at his use of your favorite phrases against you. He was in a silly goofy mood too it seemed. A chuckle escaped you as you shook your head. This was going to be a very long and entertaining marriage. "I'm gagged.", you muttered under your breath forgetting how heightened Illumi's sense of hearing was.
"Not as much as you should be... but that's fixable.", he sighed painting another shocked expression across your face. You shook your head vehemently while throwing yourself back onto your pillows. "Nope, I'm done. No way I'm marrying a man sassier than I am, there's simply no way.", you huffed out. Before you could say anything else, Illumi caged you in with his arms now straddling you properly. His hair fell around you two to create a dark, silky veil. "How about now?", he asked while gesturing to his left hand. You tilted your head to see an open ring box.
The ring inside it pushed all thoughts of where he could've been hiding the box from your head. Bands of expertly crafted and delicate silver had been woven to encircle the biggest emerald diamond you'd ever seen. It was a thing of true beauty, nothing like you'd ever seen or would ever see again anywhere else in the world. "I've changed my mind, when's the wedding date, pretty boy!", you cooed while wrapping your arms around your future husband's neck.
Illumi dealt you another eye-roll before pressing a kiss to your lips. You smiled into his cool lips and tucked some of his hair behind his ears while reciprocating the kiss. The kiss broke after a few breathless moments and Illumi rolled off of you to cuddle into your side. Gently, he took your hand and slipped the ring onto your awaiting finger. It fit perfectly.
You beamed brightly and tucked your face into the crook of his neck. "Crazy that I had to show you a diamond to convince you to marry me.", he spoke into your hair earning a lighthearted smack to his arm. "Shut up, you already knew I would marry you because I love you. Unlike you who's marrying me for my good looks and backside.", you teased. Silence followed your statement, yet you could practically hear the smirk on his face.
"Language, my love."
Yeah, agreeing to marry this idiot would probably be the greatest mistake of your life, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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mugeesworld · 2 years
Who do you want chubby partner head cannons for next??♥︎
Female y/n by the way. But I can always do a gender fluid/male one!
Feel free to comment a character or request one!!
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kiame-sama · 3 months
The Zoldyck's Omega (Yandere!Zoldyck Family x Omega!Chubby!Reader) Yandere ABO AU
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Warnings, yandere, yandere behavior, yandere relationship, multiple yandere, Yandere Zeno, yandere Silva, yandere Kikyo, yandere Illumi, platonic yandere Netero, My abo au, caste system, fem reader, nsfw, protective behavior, harem style relationship, chubby reader,
pt 2 NSFW warning
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0asisbliss · 7 months
Illumi Relationship headcannons
Warnings: None.
Pairings: Illumi x Chubby fem! Reader
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•Will use your shampoo. He likes the way it smells when he's away on missions he'll use because he thinks it smells like you.
•You will be married to him when it's all said, and done.
•He's another one that his feelings for you started off as a slight obsession. He saw you on one of his missions, and found you alluring.
•If you’re not a nen user, or fighter it’ll be easier for him to “navigate” you where he wants you to be at all times.
•Don’t even think about leaving. He’ll always find you no matter what literally.
•After deciding that Killua’s not coming home anytime soon his family decided it’s up to him.
•Would keep you inside the Zoldyck estate 100%
•If your a hunter or something he wouldn’t mind. Unless you get hurt.
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burned-out-match · 1 year
shiggy being in love
dabi and shigaraki’s ideal types lol
hawks, shiggy with a short s/o
hawks, shiggy, aizawa with an insecure s/o
hawk’s and aizawa’s ideal types
domestic! hawks
hawks mating for life??
aizawa and hawks as dads!
shiggy with a mentally ill s/o
if shigaraki had a different childhood...
shigaraki redemption arc?
endeavor thoughts
bakugou, shiggy, shoto being jealous
shiggy, aizawa, hawks with a flirtatious s/o
bakugou and todoroki hearing you gush over them
toga, shinsou, tamaki with an s/o who has a shrinking quirk
shinsou, bakugou, kiri with an s/o who snaps
hawks with an oblivious s/o
kiri, bakugou, izuku with a chubby s/o!!
shinsou, ms. joke, toga with a stuttering s/o
bakugou with a pregnant partner
shinsou, aizawa, monoma with an avid reader! s/o
toga, shinsou, denki with an s/o with glasses
momo and ochako with an s/o with an opposite quirk
aizawa meeting a motherly s/o
bakugou, kiri, shoto with a twin sister
hawks after an argument and breakup
present mic, aizawa, midnight with an s/o with long hair
dabi, shinsou, miruko with an s/o who loves the rain
shinsou, denki, tamaki genderbent
shinsou, bakugou, tsu with a mega quirk s/o
toga, bakugou, dabi when u fart
shigaraki, bakugou, shoto when you ask for a kith
shinsou with a lying s/o
hawks, aizawa, shinsou with a writer s/o
tsu, shinsou, uraraka holding hands
tsu on a swimming date
mina and jirou with a singer
kiri, iida, all might as boyfrens
hawks in a relationship
hawks with an owl quirk s/o
bubble tea date with denki, shinsou, mina
hawks, bakugou, dabi when their s/o opens up
monoma with a pained s/o
shinsou, monoma, kuroiro with a shadow quirk s/o
all might fluff
midnight and mic with a villain s/o
bakugou, denki, shinsou when their s/o visits from the future
more hawks relationship fluff
hawks breakup angst
shigaraki and hawks with a singer
aizawa, shinsou, jirou with a cat-quirk s/o
kinoko komori appreciation
momo, izuku, neijire with an s/o who possesses people
shigaraki and his gamer
aizawa, izuku, bakugou with a quirkless s/o
shiggy x reader fluff fic
random class 1a hcs
bakugou angst, tw:abuse
kurapika with a short s/o
can illumi love??
yandere illumi
can hisoka love??
kurapika and leorio as boyfrens
leorio, hisoka, kurapika with a tall s/o
kite, illumi, chrollo with a pregnant s/o
hisoka’s type
hisoka hcs
illumi brainrot
Genshin Impact!!
childe x reader sample fic??
thoughts about sampo
hsr shitpost number 1
hsr shitpost number 2
hsr shitpost number 3
hsr shitpost number 4
791 notes · View notes
creampie-capital · 2 years
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「ᴀꜰʟ」 𝟏𝟖+ 「ᴘᴡᴘ」 ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ ꜰ*ᴄᴋɪɴɢ ʟᴇᴍᴏɴꜱ 「ᴘ*ʀɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴘʟᴏᴛ」
𝘝𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Warning! This is explicit content 18+, so you must refrain from mentioning your age, especially if you are underage. 
I originally started this series back in 2017, so most of these are old. However, I've moved all of the Punani-moistening, tear-jerking good stories to the front. They will have ✦ by their names to indicate my best works. 
If you want some really good refreshing stories that are memorable, check out my book about f*cking monsters, The Devil May Lick me, and or the other one-shot books and yandere books.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
🍋Current Completed Oneshots🍋
↳✦「Katsuki Bakugo x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║17,325
↳✦「A Christmas GangBang (JJK)」✦  ━━━➤ Word Count║12,259
↳✦「Connor (RK800) x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║13,323
↳✦「Husband! Illumi Zoldck x Chubby! Wife! Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║19,867
↳✦「Kiba Inuzuka x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║11,815
↳✦「Jealous! Shikamaru Nara x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║7,317
↳✦「Killer x Marine! Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║18,011
↳✦「Raihan x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║14,040
↳✦「Joker x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║21,730
↳✦「Asmodeus x Demon! Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║7,694
↳✦「Dabi x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║27,345
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
🍋Older, Unedited Cringey Oneshots🍋
↳「Hisoka Morrow x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║12,538
↳「Hisoka Morrow x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║9,692
↳「Kisame Hoshigaki x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║10,237
↳「Kisame Hoshigaki x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║4,280
↳「Adult! Death The Kid x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║11,417
↳「Adult! Death The Kid x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║8,848
↳「Adult! Ciel Phantomhive x Demon! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║4,890
↳「Adult! Ciel Phantomhive x Demon! Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║7,818
↳「Katsuki Bakugo x Tattoo Artist! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║5,492
↳「Katsuki Bakugo x Tattoo Artist! Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║6,444
↳「Reiji Sakamaki x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║5,577
↳「Reiji Sakamaki x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║8,286
↳「Donquixote Doflamingo x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║8,522
↳「Donquixote Doflamingo x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║6,717
↳「Donquixote Doflamingo x Reader Pt.3」━━━➤ Word Count║12,003
↳「Zenitsu Agatsuma x Demon! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║5,756
↳「Zenitsu Agatsuma x Demon! Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║6,902
↳「Hidan x Reader x Deidara」━━━➤ Word Count║8,300
↳「Zabuza Momochi x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║20,294
↳「Yandere! Yukio Okumura x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║7,511
↳「Rin Okumura x Demon! Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║6,063
↳「Laxus Dreyar x Chubby! Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║7,297
↳「Sting Eucliffe x Reader Rogue Cheney」━━━➤ Word Count║7,548
↳「Leviathan x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║4,242
↳「Beelzebub x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║6,123
↳「Diavolo x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║6,000
↳「Tobio Kageyama x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║6,340
↳「Shouta Aizawa x Nurse! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║6,234
↳「Karma Akabane x reader」━━━➤ Word Count║2,432
↳「Sunna no Gaara x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║2,493
↳「Jay Jo x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║3,200
↳「Vinny Hong x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║3,506
↳「Yu Takeyama x GN! Hero! Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║3,366
↳「Yandere! Madara Uchiha x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║7,396
↳「Illumi Zoldyck x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║4,240
↳「Illumi Zoldyck x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║5,206
↳「Illumi Zoldyck x Reader Pt.3」━━━➤ Word Count║9,042
↳「Yujiro Hanma x Shy! Innocent Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║7,522
↳「Zero Kiriyu x Reader x Kaname Kuran Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║3,354
↳「Zero Kiriyu x Reader x Kaname Kuran Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║3, 867
↳「Kaoru Hanayama x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║4,950
↳「Kaoru Hanayama x Powerful! Boss! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║3,542
↳「Kaoru Hanayama x Powerful! Boss! Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║2,705
↳「Kaoru Hanayama x Powerful! Boss! Reader Pt.3」━━━➤ Word Count║3,804
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
🍋𝐋𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬🍋
↳「Akitaru Obi x Reader」
↳「Shouta Aizawa x Nurse! Reader Pt.2」
↳「The Ships Sl*t (One Piece)」
↳「Estarossa x Reader」
↳「Raihan x Reader Pt.2」
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
378 notes · View notes
admrlthundrbolt · 8 months
Stranger Things
Straight Through The Heart (Eddie Munson x Chubby Reader)
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World (Okuyasu x Chubby Reader)
One Way Or Another (Selkie N'Doul x Chubby Reader
Voices In My Head (Secco x Chubby Reader)
How Did You Love (Polnareff x Chubby Reader)
Heal The Pain (Dragon Wamuu x Chubby Reader)
Black Magic Woman (Werewolf Santana x Chubby Reader)
Evil Walks (Poltergeist Esidisi x Chubby Reader)
Just What I Needed (Gorgon Kars x Chubby Reader)
Resident Alien
Warm Heart Pastry (Harry x Chubby Reader)
One-Punch Man
Love is a Battlefield (Garou x Chubby Reader)
Holding Out For A Hero (Mumen Rider x Chubby Reader)
Elevate (King x Chubby Reader)
Bullet Train
Apple Blossom (Lemon x Chubby Reader x Tangerine)
Stayin' Alive (Ladybug x Chubby Reader
Resident Evil
Your Love Could Start a War (Lady Dimitrescu x Cubby Reader)
Dance Macabre (Bruno x Chubby Reader)
Harley Quinn
Have Faith In Me (Bane x Chubby Reader)
You Dropped A Bomb On Me (Junkrat x Chubby Reader)
The Road to El Dorado
I Put A Spell On You (Tzekel-Kan x Chubby Reader)
Camp Camp
Perfect World (David x Cubby Reader)
Ashes (Norman Osborn x Chubby Reader)
Emperor's New Clothes (Doc Ock x Chubby Reader)
Wait A Minute My Girl (Jayne x Chubby Reader)
You Spin Me Round (Billy x Chubby Reader x Stu)
Sweet Tooth (Iruka x Chubby Reader)
Leather and Lace (Killer Croc x Chubby Reader)
Friday the 13th
Die To Live (Jason Vorhees x Chubby Reader)
Hunter X Hunter
Do It All The Time (Hisoka x Chubby Reader x Illumi)
Drag Me Down(Minotaur Uvogin x Chubby Reader)
Guardians of the Galaxy
Edge Of Midnight (Nebula x Chubby Reader)
What We Do in the Shadows
Under The Graveyard (Petyr x Chubby Reader)
Alone Together (Nandor the Relentless x Chubby Reader)
Inglorious Bastards
Some Nights (Hugo Stiglitz x Chubby Reader)
Popular Monster (Demon Michael Myers x Chubby Reader)
Electric Love (Guzma x Chubby Reader)
Reckless Paradise (Silco x Chubby Reader)
One Of Those Days (Sarah Conner x Chubby Reader)
Mad Max
Radioactive (Furiosa x Chubby Reader)
Mario Bros
Love From The Other Side (Bowser x Chubby Reader)
Jeepers Creepers
Centuries (Jeepers Creepers x Chubby Reader)
Tongue Tied (Luke x Chubby Reader)
Run Run Run (Eddie x Chubby Reader x Venom)
Stardew Valley
Therapy (Harvey x Chubby Reader)
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bwabys-scenarios · 5 months
He enjoyed the little gasp you would let out when his hand slipped under your skirt while eating dinner with an acquaintance. Your cheeks would grow hot with embarrassment when they would ask you what was wrong, and you were forced to say it was nothing while his thumb rubbed circles into your clit.
You grasped the table cloth, biting your lip when he began fingering you. It was unfair how calm he looked while his fingers were knuckle deep inside of your cunt, curling up to hit that special spot that had you cumming all over his hand.
“P-please excuse me…”
You shyly stood, hoping that your slick was visible as it ran down your legs, speed walking to the bathroom to clean yourself up.
As you pouted and splashed your face to help lesson the heat taking over you body, you didn’t notice him sneaking into the bathroom until he was bending you over and pushing your panties to the side.
“I hate how they look at you…” he muttered, rubbing his cock against your needy cunt. “They need to know who you belong to.”
Without warning he thrusted into you, groaning into your ear as his hips rutted against yours. He was jealous and a bit possessive over you, his princess. He couldn’t stand when people stared at you for too long with their lustful gazes. Didn’t they know you were his?
Your makeup ran down your face, tears of pleasure falling down your cheeks as he turned your head so he could capture your lips in a sloppy kiss.
“Mine, all mine, got that?”
You nodded and let out a mewl when he hit that special spot, and he continued to fuck into you until he painted your walls white, leaving you a panting mess, covered in sweat and cum.
He was nice enough to carry you home without anyone seeing the fucked out state you were in, and made sure to spoil you with kisses, snuggles, and snacks once you were alone.
He loved you after all, and would make sure his pretty princess was well taken care of! 💗
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bimbosandbubbles · 9 months
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Little sneak peeks of the fic!! Almost done ya’ll!🤭
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hopesangelsprite · 5 months
Too Sweet 🍭(Illumi x Reader)
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Summary: Illumi never really liked sweet things... until he met you, of course.
Pairing: Illumi x Chubby!reader
Warnings: manipulation (duh-), violence, mentions of blood and murder, obsession, etc. (let me know if I missed any)
Note: Best read while listening to "Too Sweet" by Hozier ;).
It can't be said I'm an early bird It's ten o'clock before I say a word Baby, I can never tell How do you sleep so well?
Illumi had become accustomed to certain kinds of diets throughout his years. He knew how to eat like royalty as well as how not to eat at all for days on end. That was simply how he was raised. This diet of his not only applied to food but to people as well. He'd acquired a taste for the strong, bitter types; the ones almost as barbarous as he was. If there was one thing he almost never had a taste for, it would be sweets.
You keep telling me to live right To go to bed before the daylight But then you wake up for the sunrise You know you don't gotta pretend, baby, now and then
He'd noticed how out of place you were instantly. The club he frequented was a haven for assassins, thieves, crime bosses, and other unsavory types of the lowest lows. Most people here didn't want to be seen and made an effort not to be, clothes dark and eyes darker. Yet there you stood behind the bar, hues of soft blue and yellow brightening your work attire, eyes brighter and purer than stars. His eyes followed you as you made your rounds across the club, eyes focused on your plush thighs and wide hips. It made him sick how soft and weak you looked. Most of him wanted to brush of your existence, to him you were an anomaly and nothing more. The other more sinister parts of him wanted to break you, to watch that innocence in your eyes fade into nothingness.
Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake? Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze? If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great But while in this world
I think I'll take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three You're too sweet for me You're too sweet for me
Against his ingrained desires, he let you be. There was no use in him breaking you, in his eyes it wouldn't be long before someone else would anyway. So, Illumi carried on with life and ignored the small craving he was developing for you. It only grew deeper with each visit he made to the club. It wasn't often he was there either, his missions carried him all over the world for extended periods of time, but you never failed to be working each time he took his seat in the far corner of the building.
Illumi tried to drown out the yearning with whatever he could: bloodshed, money, women, etc. Still, he found himself watching night after night, taking note of the things that made you smile and the things you didn't smile as much at. Your interests became delicacies he dined on whenever he could. It wasn't long before he found himself wondering if your palate could handle the depth of his own flavor.
I aim low, I aim true and the ground's where I go I work late where I'm free from the phone And the job gets done But you worry some, I know
But who wants to live forever, babe? You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate The rest of you like you're the TSA I wish that I could go along, babe, don't get me wrong
The first time he approached you, he was unassuming. he took a seat at the bar far enough to watch but not close enough to get caught. He nursed the whiskey he'd order earlier in the night, not particularly interested in the taste of it anymore. It seemed you were a little more confident tonight, meeting the eyes of other patrons unlike your shifts prior. You offered polite smiles and gentle chuckles as you carried on conversing with a man Illumi knew to be violent murderer no doubt priming you for the kill.
A whisper in the back of his subconscious told him to follow the brown-haired male out tonight, ensure he'd never get the chance to savor in your sweetness. He washed away the thought with the last of the amber liquid in his cup deciding he'd use him to his advantage instead.
Illumi wrapped his knuckles against the dark oak of the bar drawing your ears and eyes toward him. Another warm smile replaced the questioning look you'd donned upon the interruption after noticing his empty glass. You pulled his favorite brand of whiskey from the shelves before making your way over to refill it. He watched your movements, keenly taking note of your body language. Once the glass was filled, he nodded in appreciation. You nodded back, preparing to resume your previous conversation, only to pause upon noticing the ring on his finger.
"That's a pretty piece you've got there, sir.", you chirped over the loud music, "Must've cost you a fortune!". So, you had a thing for jewelry, huh? Illumi took a mental note before shaking his head. "It cost me nothing if you don't count my life as currency.", he mused while looking over his family's crest at the center of a jeweled band, "It's an heirloom, a part of my birthright.". You hummed in understanding while taking his hand in yours to get a closer look. A shiver ran down Illumi's spine at the softness of your skin against his. For a second, he wanted nothing more than to kill everyone in the building and have you all to himself.
You gently placed his hand down before displaying another one of your million-dollar smiles. "Well, I guess that makes you the priceless one then.", you spoke smoothly before leaving him for the murderer. From that moment forward, the seed had been planted and obsession had taken root within Illumi's dark heart.
You know, you're bright as the morning, as soft as the rain Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape If you can sit in a barrel, maybe I'll wait Until that day
I'd rather take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three You're too sweet for me You're too sweet for me
Two months passed before he decided it was time to carry out the rest of his plan. He'd spent the past few months at the very end of the bar making small talk with you and keeping you company when the nights got slow. He learned many new things from talking to you; how you were only a few years younger than him, your favorite foods and alcohols, the apartment complex you lived in. You seemed to be the most open with him when there was no one else around. He made you feel safe.
He'd also built rapport with you, taking out time to keep other criminals off your back and walking you out of the bar every night. Tonight, however, would be different. Instead of waiting with you for your taxi arrival, he ducked back into the bar with the excuse that he'd forgotten something of his. He crept his way to the back of the club eventually finding the stairwell to the roof. Illumi perched himself on the balcony and watched a shadow approach you from a rancid looking alley. He'd known the serial killer you been so kind to at the beginning of your job here would be waiting for you to be left alone just like any other night.
He listened to closely as the brunette rounded the corner and struck up a conversation. Not to his surprise, you kept it going smoothly in spite of the growing discomfort altering your tone. A beat and a half passed before your muffled screams fell upon Illumi's ears. He looked on patiently as the dark-haired man ambushed you and drug you into the alley he'd emerged from.
He followed closely behind from the rooftops, listening to the sounds of your struggling and crying. He fought hard to keep himself from intervening too soon and waited until the two of you stopped progressing into the maze of dark, damp passages. You'd been dragged into a dead end and unceremoniously shoved onto a pile of rotting trash. Illumi made note to have a bath drawn for you as your attacker drew closer with a long blade in hand. He waited for it to be raised above you before dropping down far away enough not to be noticed. Before any more harm could befall you, Illumi swiftly took control of the situation he'd manufactured and killed your would-be murderer.
I take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three You're too sweet for me You're too sweet for me
Illumi disposed of the bloodied blade before turning to face you. He braced himself just quick enough to catch your sobbing figure falling into his arms unbothered by the blood covering them. He sank to the ground with you in tow and held you close while whispering the promise that you were safe into your shaking frame. He tucked your head into the crook of his neck before gently rising to carry you to the safety he promised. As he cast a final glance toward the body of your dead stalker, he smiled.
All of you belonged to him, now.
He could indulge in your sweetness forever.
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iggysolosgoku · 8 months
Get to know me
Name: Johnny
Age: 19
Requests are open!
TikTok: Hxhandjjbafan
Favorite animes: Hunter x Hunter, Jojo's bizarre adventure, jujutsu kaisen,demon slayer and sailor moon
Favorite movies: Scott pilgrim vs the world, repo the genetic opera, scream, the whole Chucky franchise, five nights at Freddy's, the whole trolls franchise, nightmare before Christmas, and Edward scissorhands
Stuff I will write: Fluff, found family, platonic stuff, nsfw, sfw, LGBTQ, yandere, autistic reader, chubby reader,any character reader (ex: mitsuri reader), and poly
Stuff I won't write: incest, angst, age gap,any trolls character x reader cause that's just weird, and animal x reader
Animes and movies I write for: Hunter x Hunter, Jojo's bizarre adventure, Jujutsu kaisen, demon slayer, and Scott pilgrim vs the world
Characters from hunter x hunter I write for: Gon freeces (platonic ONLY), Killua Zoldyck (platonic ONLY), kurapika, leorio, Bisky, wing, illumi Zoldyck, the whole phantom troupe (minus bonolenov, kortopi, and Franklin I like them but not like that), Kite, and Knuckle bine
Characters from Scott pilgrim vs the world I write for: Scott pilgrim, Ramona Flowers, Kim Pine, Stephen Stills, Young Neil, Knives Chau (platonic ONLY), Julie Powers, Stacey Pilgrim, Lucas Lee, Roxie Richter, Gideon Graves, Katayangi Twins, Matthew Patel, Envy Adams, Todd Ingram, and Wallace wells (platonic for girls)
Characters from Jjba part 1 I write for: Jonathan Joestar, Robert E.O Speedwagon, Erina Pendolton, and Dio Brando
Characters from Jjba part 2 I write for: Joseph Joestar, Caesar Zeppeli, Lisa Lisa, Suzi Q, Kars, Wammu, Esidisi, And Santanna
Characters from Jjba part 3 I write for: Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Muhammad Avdol, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Joseph Joestar (platonic ONLY), Holly Kujo and Dio Brando
Characters from Jjba part 4 I write for: Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu nijimura, koichi hirose, Rohan kishibe, yukako yamagishi, toshikazu hazamada (I don't support his actions), Tonio trussaradi, Yoshikage Kira, Reimi Sugimoto, and Mikitaka hazekura
Characters from Jjba part 5 I write for: Giorno Giovanna, bruno bucciarati, Leone abbachio, Trish una, narancia ghirga, mista Guido, panncotta fugo, risotto Nero, melone, formaggio, illuso, prosciutto, pesci (platonic ONLY), diavolo, doppio vinegar, squala, tiziano, cioccolata, sorbet, gelato, and ghiaccio
Characters from Jjba part 6 I write for: Jolyne Kujo, ermes Costello, narsico anasui, weather report, foo fighters, and Enrico pucci
Characters from Jjba part 7 I write for: Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, hot pants, Diego Brando, and Lucy steel (platonic ONLY)
Characters for jjba part 8 I write for: I have not read part 8 yet
Characters from demon slayer I write for: Tanjiro Kamado, zenitsu agastuma, inosuke hashibira, nezuko Kamado (platonic ONLY), genya, and all the hashira
Characters from jujutsu kaisen I write for: Yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, maki zenin, toge inumaki, satoru gojo, nanami kento, kamo choso, and geto suguru
I will NOT write for: Hisoka Morrow
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kiame-sama · 6 months
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Bunny Links (Yandere!Adult-trio)
These are just the fics, not the many head-cannons I have done. Entire list is +18
Pt 1: NSFW
Pt 2: NSFW
Pt 3: (f->m) NSFW
Monster Special: NSFW
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0asisbliss · 3 months
Could you make Illumi x Chubby reader too ? 🥹
Parings: Illumi x Chubby!Reader
A/N: I’ve been wanting to make an Illumi fic this gave me inspiration thank you!🤍 Sorry for any spelling errors.
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In your opinion Illumi was terrifyingly handsome. He had those big bug eyes that you could stare at all day. And in his eyes you were the embodiment of perfection. Those squishy thighs, and plush hips, you felt like soft dough. He enjoyed squeezing, and pinching your soft flesh.
When Illumi got back from missions you were his favorite thing to come back too. He thought about the things he could do with you in this moment you were together. He could spend the rest of his afternoon in between your plump thighs, or he could simply cuddle up beside you and place his face in your chest whilst you rub small circles on his back.
You were hot and sweaty. It was pretty hot outside while you were picking berries on the Zoldyck estate Garden. You needed to shower once you got back inside.
The strawberries were fresh and had a nice shape to them. It was one of the things you enjoyed while being here. That and the little moments you have with Illumi when he’s not busy.
After picking a couple more berries you get back inside and set them on a counter. Shortly after a butler comes by and takes them up for washing.
You go and take your sweat filled clothes off turning around Illumi is standing behind you. To your surprise he’s holding tea, and some cute little tea cups.
“O-Oh! Illumi you startled me. Those tea cups are beautiful.” You stared at the roses they were plump and the petals were full of color.
“They’re actually for you.” He looked at you with a neutral expression.
“I noticed you were about to get in the shower mat I join you?” He asked with a neutral expression
“Of course Illumi.” You took his hand and lead him to the bathroom.
You both got undressed and got into the shower. Illumi started to wash your back, and placed small kisses on your neck.
The water was warm a very comforting Illumi added to that comfort as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
You two got out for the shower and shortly went to sleep. You were lucky to have Illumi, and he was very lucky to have you.
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