#im allergic to cats
alwaysjustmina · 10 months
I never posted this story here and it's one my favorites. Raindrop with Kittens, what more could we want?? I love them. My spouse keeps asking me to do more in this series since it's the only thing I'll let him read I've written, maybe for Christmas.
The Perfect Surprise
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Artwork by the lovely @crooked-hourglass
Part 1
Dewdrop was going to kill him, he already knew it. Prepared for it. But he loved him, he wouldn't kill him, right? Right. Maybe. How was he to deny those cute faces?
Dew was going to kill him.
Dew was finishing practice later than everyone else today, he had been working on a new solo piece for the upcoming tour. He probably should have stopped hours ago but wanted to get it down. Because of this lack of judgment, he was stumbling half asleep into his room. Immediately, disappointed when he noticed Rain was missing from their bed. Odd. It snapped him out of his sleep deprived haze.
He missed him, he hadn't seen him all day apart from practice earlier and at that he couldn't really talk to him there. He had been looking forward to this part of the day the whole time he had been sequestered in solo practice hell, getting to snuggle into his cool body and bask in his sweet scent as he drifted to sleep.
No note was left, maybe he was in the commons? As he left to go check, he noticed Rain’s old room had a slight glow shining from under the door. Why would someone be in there? As he approached he heard Rain talking to someone, maybe one of the other ghouls was moving in there?
When he tried the door it was locked, he knocked and called out, "Rain?"
Immediate silence from the other side.
"Rain, I know you're in there." He said with a sigh.
He could hear shuffling and then Rain finally spoke, "Dew, hey what's up?"
"What are you doing? Why aren't you opening the door?"
"I, um, am cleaning some boxes out to get the rest of, um, my stuff out of here."
"Open the door, I miss you. I'll keep you company."
"NO!" Rain shouted all of a sudden.
"Babe? What's going on?" Rain was never like this, what was going on.
"Sorry, Dew, I will be in our room shortly. Give me a few." Dew sighed and shuffled back to their room.
Rain knew Dew was going to be curious what was going on but, he wasn't ready to show him yet. He quickly got everyone settled for the night and crept back to their shared room to climb into bed with Dew.
"Missed you," Dew mumbled as he curled his body to conform next to Rain’s, sighing at the feeling of his baby soft skin.
Rain placed a kiss on Dew’s shoulder and whispered, "I love you," as Dew's breathing evened out in sleep.
The next morning Dew awoke to an empty bed, Rain nowhere to be found. Again. He quickly showered and got dressed to go grab a coffee in the kitchen and texted Rain to see where he was.
Dew: you left me alone again 😞
Dew: I miss you, where are you
Dew: 🌧 ?
Rain: hey, can you meet me in our room in an hour? Wait outside until I answer the door? I have a surprise.
Dew: a surprise? I remember your last surprise, I liked it very much
Rain: 😉
Dew: yes I will see you then
Rain didn't know how Dew would react to his surprise, if he thought it was the same as last time, he was in for a huge disappointment.
So Rain readied their room, bringing all the supplies in and twisted his hands in nervous energy while waiting for the allotted time.
When he heard the knock on the door and the soft call of his name, he turned on his way to the door and whispered, "Wish me luck."
As he slipped into the corridor closing the door behind him, Rain pulled Dew into a quick kiss before leaning back.
Dew could tell instantly something was up, Rain wouldn't meet his eyes and kept fiddling with the rings on his fingers.
"What's wrong, what happened?" He pressed.
"Rain, I know you better than I know myself, I know when something is up, just tell me."
Rain swallowed past the lump in his throat, "Promise you won't get mad?"
"Promise! And promise to keep your voice down? Promise!" He finally met Dew’s eyes, imploring him to keep an open mind.
There was nothing, absolutely nothing Dew would deny Rain. He nodded, "Promise."
Rain pushed the door in and brought Dew into the room before quickly shutting the door again behind them.
Dew quickly scanned the room, nothing seemed out of pla-, wait. "Rain, what is that?" His voice elevating into a higher pitch.
"You promised!"
Dew inhaled a deep breath ready to assure him he was calm, and then he saw a second one. "Rain??? Two? What?"
Rain pushed him back into the door, trying to block his view, but it wasn't helping as Dew continued to poke his head around Rain’s body. His eyes traveling to the floor and back up to Rain’s face and back again.
Rain did the one thing that would distract him, and dove into Dew's mouth with his tongue, pressing his body hard up against the door. Dew let out a small moan of protest, before finally giving into Rain’s ministrations. He reached his hands up to rest on Rain’s perfect hips and squeezed as he rutted slightly against him.
As he saw he had Dew’s full attention, he broke the kiss, without pulling his body away from him and moved down from his lips to his neck, sucking the delicate skin into his mouth as he began to whisper quietly.
"You remember how we talked about wanting more the other day?" His tongue laved at the flickering pulse point in Dew's neck.
"Well, I saw these two and thought, more."
"Mmhmm. And?"
"Well they needed a home or they would have to go to a shelter and I just couldn't, didn't you see their cute, little faces?"
"Mmhmm." Dew could barely think as Rain nipped his ear lobe and slid his tongue in, his warm breath flowing down the side of his neck causing little pockets of pleasure every time it hit him.
"And you wouldn't want that right?"
"Mmhmm." What was he even saying?
"And you love me right?" Dew nodded.
"Can we keep them then?"
Rain squeezed his arms around Dew, nipped at his neck once more and stepped back to sit in the middle of the floor.
Dew barely knew what just transpired. "Where you goi- wait, what?"
He came to his senses very quickly.
"You did that on purpose!" He was secretly pleased with Rain’s manipulation skills, but had no clue what he was in for.
Rain just held his hand out to Dew for him to sit on the floor with him. He couldn't deny him as he sank to the floor and seated himself across from Rain.
Rain scooped the two furry balls up and placed them in Dew’s lap.
"Ok babies, say hi to Daddy Dew."
Dew quirked his brow at Rain, "Daddy Dew?"
"Well they certainly can't call you Dew!" He said matter of factly.
"Rain, babe, they can't say anything, they’re kittens. "
Rain just looked at him in exacerbation.
"Ok, Daddy Dew it is. What's your name? Mommy?" He laughed.
"Of course not, I'm Daddy Rain," wondering how Dew even thought that.
The kittens looked up at Daddy Dew expectantly, they were actually quite cute. One was an orange and white tabby with the biggest blue/gray eyes. As it looked at Dew it fell backwards against his crossed legs and landed on its back, snuggling into him he pulled his tail to his mouth and started sleepily playing with it while watching him. Dew watched for a few moments, noting his belly and chest were all white, while his back had speckled orange mixed with white. Dew melted, dammit Rain.
The other kitten, a gray and black tiger stripe tiny thing, prowled around the space between his legs, pouncing every so often at something only he could see. Dew picked him up to get a better look, he was able to cup him in one hand as he brought him closer to his face. This kitten, also, rolled on its back, yawned and stretched, bringing its paws to cover its eyes. Dew chuckled, "Aren’t you a cute thing," he whispered. He pried its paws away from its eyes to see what secrets they held. The kitten quite obviously was pouting that the start of his comfy cat nap was interrupted and growl/purred, not sure of the sounds it could make yet. Dew just grinned, this kitten had the bluest eyes, whereas the other was almost more of soft gray, this one held the depths of the deepest oceans in its gaze.
He set it back down beside the other, they quickly wrapped their tails around each other molding their little bodies together, he could feel and hear the little purrs they made as they drifted to sleep. He stroked their little bodies with the barest touch of his finger and again smiled as they snuggled into him closer.
Dew looked up at Rain, his eyes glassy as he looked at his mate. Rain had the biggest smile on his face as he looked back at him. Dew curled a finger at him and pointed to his other knee. Rain laid his head there and stretched his long legs out beside him. While Dew continued to pet the kittens with his one hand, his other stroked through Rain’s hair, pushing his soft curls behind his ear every time it sprang free, which happened a lot.
"I knew you'd love them."
"I love you."
"Not mad?"
"Nope, you were right." He bent his head forward to place a kiss on Rain’s temple as he laid there.
"Did you name them, daddy?" He chuckled quietly at that name.
"No, I thought we'd do it together." He reached up and grabbed Dew’s hand as it brushed through his hair and brought it to his lips to kiss. He rolled onto his back and his beautiful blue eyes looked at Dew through his luscious, long eyelashes.
Dew couldn't think as Rain stared up at him, how did he get so lucky? He was so beautiful and he was his, his thoughts thinking, mine. He must have said it out loud.
Little did Dew know but Rain was thinking the same thing, "Yes, yours, you are mine too."
They stared at each other for a while, getting lost in the other until the kittens started to stir again.
The gray one first, standing up on all fours and promptly pouncing off of Dew’s lap to the floor and seeing Rain’s tail tapping on the floor proceeded to sneak closer to him. The orange one stood and promptly tumbled off of Dew’s lap to the floor, not too steady on his paws it seemed. Rain and Dew both laughed.
"You better watch your tail, he is going to get you." Dew warned Rain.
"He is fine, besides how much could his little baby teeth hurt if he does?" His chortle quickly turned to a gasp as the kitten did exactly what Dew warned of.
Rain quickly sat up and pried said culprit from his tail, "That wasn't very nice little one," he warned as the kitten squirmed to get out of his hold.
Rain stood putting the kitten back on the ground and went to lay on the bed with his tail out of the grasp of those tiny pinpricks of death.
"Leaving me to be mauled?" Dew asked with a smirk.
"Come lay with me, they can explore," he implored stubbornly.
Dew quickly rose from the floor and laid down beside Rain, with their heads watching the little brothers play together on the floor, pouncing at each other's tails and getting scared when they actually caught one. Rain held Dew close to him, his chin laying in the perfect spot carved into Dew's neck. Their hands entwined at their side.
Dew noticed all the changes to their room as they laid there, Rain was definitely prepared. There was a litter box in the corner with little pee pads all around it, toys scattered everywhere. A cat bed beside theirs on the floor. Little bowls for food and water by the door. He could see on the table in the "living room" two cat collars, one fiery red, the other a deep blue.
"You have any thoughts of what we may call these two?" Dew asked Rain softly as the orange one made its way over to them and started pushing its head into the hand Dew had draped over the side of the bed to the floor. He quickly started petting him, and with a loud purr the orange kitten sat on its hind legs content for the attention it was receiving. The gray one seeing that the orange one was getting attention did the same thing to Rain, but instead of being content with pets it would occasionally paw at Rain’s fingers in play. This brought a smirk to Dew’s face, "You realize that one is me, right? Always wanting your attention."
Rain laughed and leaned over to whisper in Dew's ear, "And that one is me, always content to just have you touch me." There was definitely a salacious edge to his tone as he licked Dew's ear lobe.
"Rainnnnn, not in front of the children."
They both laughed, what did they get themselves into?
"I have an idea, I'll name little you, you name little me?"
Dew reached down and picked up the orange cat, who probably resembled more of himself, but whose nature was definitely Rain. From his demeanor to his lack of coordination as he walked on his little legs. Bambi. No he couldn't name him that, he didn't want Rain to know that word lived in his head as a description for him. The orange kitten just stared at Dew adoringly, his tongue darting out of its little mouth as he slobbered around Dew's finger as he nipped at him. "Puddle. This one is Puddle!"
"Yes, he has left a little puddle on my hand of his slobber, and puddle describes water, and you are water, perfect!" Dew was quite pleased with himself.
"Ok, Puddle, I like it." Rain brought a finger to Puddle's little face and pet him, "Hello Puddle, I'm Daddy Rain, and this is Daddy Dew, you will be so loved by both of us."
Dew smiled at Rain, and placed Puddle on his chest as he leaned over and kissed Rain lovingly. Trying to not burn too brightly from how much he loved him, in this moment and all the moments.
Rain pulled away before the kiss could deepen and picked up the gray kitten, who yowled and growled lowly at being manhandled, and then quickly settled down on Rain’s chest as soon as he knew he wasn't going far from the one he craved attention from. Rain laughed, "And this little one, is Ember, he is a little spit fire, just like you."
Rain greeted Ember the same way he had Puddle. The kittens being kittens again slid between their two bodies and entwined themselves around each other and quickly fell into slumber.
Rain and Dew continued to gaze at each other, their tails wrapped around the others and were quickly pulled into sleep by the lulling purrs of the kittens, adding their own to the cacophony of sounds.
Rain and Dew both smiled in their sleep, again thinking the same thoughts. They had a little family.
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ruinikaido · 7 months
I could not sleep but when I did i dreamed of the same couple of things over and over again dont particularly feel like describing all of them but the one that stood out to me is one where i adopted a cat from the animal shelter, it was very long and fluffy and a solid cream color, maine coon maybe, i think the cat was directly from a tiktok i saw. i had other cats but i abandoned them for this one because it was the most docile or i thought it was but then it kept getting into freak accidents (got out of them uninjured though) and also scratched me and talked shit about me so i grew frustrated with it. the dream ended with me in the hospital and it running away into the city (toronto). ?
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setewbro · 1 year
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sorairoknife · 11 months
there's a cat in front of you. what is it called?
*cough cough* it's called uhhhhh *cough cough* it's a black cat and it's called *cough cough* it's called Chito *cough cough*
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ssalballoon · 10 months
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rot and ruin
this was heavily inspired by thatkorka's lovely fic! please check it out, it's such a good take on Gale's arc :')
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pewpop · 2 months
erm sorry for the lack of content have catboy zoro that i doodled next to a strawberry caipiroska recipe
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[yes i looked up their time skip designs bc i saw zoro without a shirt moving on]
this doodle came to be bc i was sketching zoro as a cat and luffy as a dog, then i decided to draw zoro with cat ears, then i decided that zoro would actually be a dog (Pharaoh Hound to be exact) but it was already too late. I already started sketching catboy zoro
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blackicek1lls · 17 days
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please consider: snow leopards being Morro's favorite animal
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bonefall · 1 year
Question: Since the mutation that makes sphynx cats nakey (their hair is fragile and sucks) can just happen at random. How would a Clan treat a nakey cat born among them? Could they make them a coat?
I think, at first, there would be concern that it's some kind of sign. Hairlessness looks like mange, a very serious and contagious condition. This could be a terrible omen-- that mange will be brought down to us.
But it would become apparent the kitten isn't a fader, it isn't a StarClan warrior who came down to deliver the others, or a mere sign. It's pink and wrinkled, like a newborn rodent, but moves as the other kits do. Did StarClan... forget its fur?
There's another feared creature without any fur-- humans. It looks human.
I think the poor thing would have a lot of problems with the other cats its age and maybe the more superstitious members of the Clan, but a warrior of the Clan is a warrior of the Clan. Life would be harder for them, but there would still be love that exists.
They'd be capable of making them a coat, and they WOULD need it, but I can see that cat trying to go without it for fear of being made fun of. That's another thing humans do-- wear pelts all over themselves because they have no fur of their own.
Unfortunately they'd also be prone to a ton of really bad health problems. This poor guy would be in the Cleric's den a lot, and may need to retire early or focus on campbound activities.
Health problems;
Pelt is a LOT weaker; injuries from battle or even training would be a lot more severe, Cleric may recommend them not taking part in fights.
Skin becomes filthy, and needs special cleaning. There is no fur to absorb the oil that the skin naturally makes to keep the coat healthy, causing buildup.
Even with proper cleaning, the skin is super prone to rashes, lesions, and constant irritation. Wash TOO MUCH and the skin will become dry and chapped.
SUNBURN. Especially in WindClan, where the warrior might spend a lot of time on the open moor in daylight, and RiverClan, where light reflecting off the water could cause an intense burn. It would be recommended the warrior take night shifts, but this could be an issue because night is cold. (BB!Cats are crepuscular).
Additionally; such severe, uniquely-placed sunburns are something Clerics wouldn't see very often. Lack of medical experience with these sorts of injuries could prove dangerous.
Ear infections. Cats naturally have hair in their ears, which their earwax production accounts for.
Both heatstroke AND frostbite. Very bad temperature regulation leading to severe ailments. Fur helps stabilize body temperature.
So in conclusion...
Life would be very difficult for this individual. Fur isn't just full-body hair; it's almost as fundamental as a top layer of skin. This would be a serious disability for a Clan cat to have, and it may invoke the image of detested humans leading to social stigmatization.
But because they're clanborn, they are unambiguously a member of the Clan. It's likely that the Clan would make clothing for this warrior out of fur pelts, but in their struggle with internalized ableism, they might have conflicted feelings about wearing it.
The Cleric would recommend campbound activities, night shifts, and WEARING YOUR PELT, DAMN IT. They would need to take full baths every few days, not too much and not too little, plus frequent ear cleanings.
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xenomorphicdna · 11 months
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Vision robes 2
Not a redesign but I just think he'd totally have different outfits
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t4t-dazai · 1 year
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светлую весть разнесите пошире / с вырванным сердцем, холодный, как лёд / в золоте по обречённому миру / русский христос идёт! русский христос идёт!
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skyblueartt · 3 months
Mike 🐾
🐾: draw a character with their favorite animal
I'm sleepy so this is a very quick one, but UGH what a cute prompt! I feel like Mike would be a cat person :') (Art prompt game)
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witchkittymeow · 9 months
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"Nooo dont turn me into a caaat"
*cat ray*
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moeblob · 4 months
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I'm on an OC kick and also super indecisive so I spun a wheel (thank you for choosing for me, RNG).
Ricardo is a body guard and is bffs with Marlo. Ricardo's current job is watching after a celebrity's daughter who the public doesn't know even exists. She's just a teenage girl vibing with her mom and getting texts and calls from her dad (who loves her a whole lot and keeps her out of the spotlight very purposefully) and has this bodyguard and his weird friend. Marlo is just vibing with his best friend.
(Also Marlo would absolutely laugh if he heard Ricardo say "someone called me eye candy and it wasn't you and now I think you should call me that")
#my characters#i have an ask in my inbox that has me obsessively thinking about drawing fanart#but i just dont have the energy for what i want to draw for it#its been a rough day guys im dying (allergies and lacking sleep)#(why are allergies so bad today i ask after shoving my face into a cat while knowing im allergic to cats)#there are some prices i will always suffer and pay in life and the cat allergy is one of them you cant keep me away from a cat#im shoving my face in their fur and you CANT STOP ME FROM IT and also they kept bothering me#anyway i got to bed at like 6am after a lot of zoomies and restless legs and then#woke up with both cats in the guest bed with me and man i will not know peace for a few days#worth it tho bc i love them and i will take suffering if it means cattention#i dont really have much to say about the ocs tbh theyre just buddies being guys and then theres a teenage girl sometimes#and people suspect ricardo is her dad and she cant really say no my dads (celebrity) since thats the entire point of rico#so she makes sure its not troublesome for him to have people assume things like that and hes just#idc im in love with my best friend and hes not giving me any kids so not like anyone will start drama if im not with your mom#but he is also ! friends with the celebrity and his wife so he does just go on Family Outings with the wife and daughter#and sometimes marlo because the wife knows of him and invites him sometimes but she treats#rico and marlo like sons instead which is a bit weird to the daughter but she likes her weird fake brothers slash dad and question mark#marlo dyes his hair pink if that matters and has been doing so for a v long time
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theygender · 13 days
Finding out that "cat scratch fever" is a real thing and not just a metaphor in a song while googling why I've got muscle/joint pain radiating from my shoulder to my fingers after getting scratched and bit a lot by my new kitten and then realizing that my lymph node is swollen
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garnetdawn · 2 years
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Es got a cat now <3 her name is chicken and she is wonderfully round
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airamfku · 6 months
Me: heavily allergic to dust and particles in general
Also me when my cat just came inside the house after rolling around in the dirt like a chinchilla:
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I love this creature so much
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have this creachure
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