#im conflicted and dunno what to do
schrodingers-catgirl · 7 months
wondering whether i should like. talk about my situation at all? (okay i ended up rambling in the tags so here they are)
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i just want to say that im terrified. everyone i know, everyone i care about, could be dead right now. i have no way to know. its so scary. everything i know has been ripped away from me and im just. scared. i miss having a normal life and im sick of this. its been more than 3 weeks and i dont know when itll ever end. nowhere is safe and i dont know if my house is okay and i just want everything to be normal again
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jinjofitzo · 2 years
my life is on the flip flop. it’s like i made this account to post g/t shit but thne i feel really embarrassed and stupid for positing it… so i post memes and funnies and stuff. But then i feel like im not posting enough g/t stuff so i wanna draw somthing for it . and it’s like. GIRL you think ur an idiot or not?!
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29121996 · 10 days
#it is actually rlly funny how quickly brain has just gone . Nope at the idea of even talking to * again#n its mostly bc i have recently gotten back into contact w someone i used to likenin high school. n im curious abt it oops#n that is conflicting 4 me rn . bc . yea i dunno#i cannot think abt it . i literallt just have to go w it atp. hes an odd character im ngl . but what else is new#just my type apparently. anyway .#* not showinh up to my place of workvthe last week has rlly been helping . n i fear . this mau not last Much Longer.#like . H . my bets on sunday honestly.#anyway . this job is Great but i am not immune to the Overstimulation apparwntly#that last 1.5hrs is ROUGH i hate the 7pm shift.#no aonder my coworkers Pissed vy the end of it . its Awful.#i gotta . talk to my manager and see if i can do two hald n gours bc otherwise . this Wont work#if it happens again.#like i gotta work the next 2 nights too i am just.#the paycheck is gonna be Worth It . Trust . i also get to drink on tuesday :)#n rest on monday.#also suffering through another 2wks of no skincare just so i can get lush#deserved atp sorry.#i do still gotta get toner n tampons tho. so . i do have to visit a ahopping centre next week .#all my bills are paid n i still have $120 left btw. do u know gow wild that is to me .#its all in cash so its Def Treat money#aka alcohol mostly. cocktails for Sure :)#but still within mt alcohol intake bc i cannot embarrass myself . i still work there#i am regretting . not adding tampons to my grocery list n i literally cant bc i cannot afford them#theres no money IN my bank acc anymore . im acc negative oops ✌#its chill . its only $3. which is fine .#5 days n then it gets paid off :)
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cxsmicmyeon · 1 year
(cw // talk of infidelity in the tags) 
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goldensunset · 1 month
share ur theories abt khml pleaseeeee im dying over here
ok ok i’m thinking. i’m thinking ummmm
so as pointed out in this post it’s odd that master’s defender is on freya’s weird conspiracy board/wall. seems like she’s gathering and analyzing important things to try to figure something out, right? so what’s particularly and immediately relevant about the founder’s keyblade?
i’m feeling like master’s defender is either 1. missing (even stolen), like that post was talking about or 2. they know exactly where it is but there’s something weird going on with it lately. like is it really just a regular keyblade? surely not
basically i can easily see this item as being central to whatever the conflict of this game is about. it is The Missing Link™️. like it’s clearly culturally very important to the people of scala bc their founder wielded it and he’s been immortalized in a statue holding it, and we know its history (having come from brain, who got it from ava, who may or may not have gotten it from MoM bc of the insignia) is a plenty interesting one. so there’s a lot they can do with it here
we also know its future is clearly an interesting and relevant one because eraqus inherits it. we can be absolutely certain without a doubt it was a nepotism thing as opposed to merit bc it’s been pointed out that he’s a blueblood and also there’s no way that doofus earned it by his own right or whatever lol. so like… khml is surely gonna feature the themes of bloodlines and inheritance, right?
but it’s super interesting bc (presumably) eraqus’s ancestor is brain, right? i mean he could possibly have dual lineage and also be related to ephemer at this point but like i feel like what they’ve been going for all along is that it’s brain. but then you consider how if master’s defender is associated with ephemer then surely his (main) bloodline would be the ones inheriting this keyblade right? assuming they don’t like have it in a museum being treated like a relic or whatever. (also assuming the one ephemer’s statue is holding isn’t literally the keyblade itself baked in there but that’s a thought tangent for another time)
my point being. it seems odd that eraqus would end up with it. that his ancestors would have it. and therefore i’m thinking possibly part of the plot of the game is that brain takes it for himself or something. i mean like it was his first and ephemer himself was like ‘ok i’ll take it but in my mind it still belongs to you’. would it really be in character for brain to steal like that? dunno. but there are a multitude of ways it might go down
like maybe it’s a national treasure-esque situation where he steals it to prevent someone else from stealing it. like he’s just holding onto it for safekeeping and ends up keeping it. alternatively he takes it bc there’s something weird happening with it and he wants to solve the mystery. basically this is how ‘brain gets arrested’ becomes real
much to think about
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plounce · 1 month
ive lost so much faith in argument as a method for changing someone's mind as opposed to entrenching them further. the result of a debate is more often the cementing of the last word's side in the minds of observers. how do people change their minds? not through direct argument, i don't think. the vast majority of people get defensive and dig their heels in and then seek comfort/reinforcement from likeminded others. usually by seeing someone they already agree with on many things talk about something else. might be ive also been off the 'zac for too long + im deeply conflict/demand avoidant due to personal backstory (+ admittedly a bit thin-skinned) but i dunno. when i disagree with someone for non-trivial/non-humorous reasons i often just sigh and evaluate if it's worth it. can i speak eloquently enough, have enough hard facts at my disposal to get the last word, to not look foolish and thus my argument foolish? most i can do most of the time is try to nudge someone a little in the direction i want. what does Being Right even do for me. Being Right does not change anything. what does pride do for me
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dejyn · 3 months
i hope you dont mind if i get emotional for a minute…
i just. really appreciate how you portray daddy jack.
i feel like a lot of people think hes flat-out horrible with relationships and treats his partner no differently from the baker’s dozen…
seeing you acknowledge his canon sociopathic traits and villainous ways while also being actually decent if someone catches his interest is really nice…
i mean. yes. i admit part of our relationship is me seeking out as much magic for him as i could. but i like to imagine he appreciates that im going about it on my own and that i stopped expecting payment in return very early on cuz of… how much i love him.
maybe its just me loving the concept of irredeemable monsters having a soft spot, combined with the fact i hate seeing stuff with my comfort characters treating self-inserts/ocs poorly… but yeah…
tl;dr i love your portrayal 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
Heheheh don’t worry I’m myself getting emotional bc of the dude all the time :’D mew
Well, I must say that I’m always trying(trrryyyyiiin) to stick to canon, but that doesn’t stop me from creating my many hcs based on my vision. And one of them is that Jack really has a soft spot, in fact I just feel so much softness in him no less than cruelty, that makes me think he’d give you such an interesting and various experience in relationships he-heh… It surely wouldn’t be the healthiest ones, but let’s leave them to reality lol I’m here to have fun with a fictional troublemaker <3
Tbh I think he can be caring and loving companion, he can be all nice and sweet to you but it’s better to keep in mind that he’s doing it mostly for his own profit/pleasure. I just cannot deny the main point of his character: he is a greedy egoist. A taker. You just have to accept it if you love him. That doesn’t exclude genuine care, though: I can easily imagine him emotionally attached to someone. But his sick obsession with magic stemming from his giant neurotic ego will prevail in the end. Sad but true. But hey, I think this is the point where we can learn how to value signs of affection from him more :> And enjoy by letting him just being himself bc we love him <3 as for the poor treatment I think you’re free to imagine what you prefer and follow your own vision, I don’t think it's such a necessary thing to experience pain of any kind from him. He’s not some maniac even with his sociopathy… He’s a troubled guy who needs help the most. I’m sure if not to irritate him or criticize or argue, he’d be ok, just love him, express your love as much as you can cuz love is about giving and enjoy^^(he’s such fluff material to me I swear lmao) I’m really really glad if my stuffs help you!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Thank you (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ (sorry if my english sucks)
(while I was thinking how to put my thoughts in short [MISSSION FAILED] I remembered this silly pic I drew some time ago, it shows my mixed and conflicting feelings abt this walking disaster, mb that's why he's so catchy to me i dunno...)
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sorry i have to brainfart this somewhere but mersault chuuya wearing almost damn near similar clothing to his youth got me thinking about dazai and chuuya's fashion choices.
dazai, in all the eras where he was in the mafia....never changes his outfit. it fitting, given his character and such.....so his ada outfit makes him look like a rainbow. dark blue vest, blue gem(?) bolo tie, striped shirt and a tan coat similar to oda's. i think it's cool, to show the stark contrast between his pm days and how he's faring now, aswell to show how much effect oda had on him.
chuuya.....is the complete opposite. boy changes his clothes all the time. but it's so interesting.
his fifteen outfit is very "him" in a sense. street kid, street kid style- red shirt, grey hoodie, green leather jacket, bright blue sheep armband. he fits right in with the rest of the sheep, and hes so...colorful here. almost similar to ada dazai's outfit. and then theres the outfit he wears in the mafia- the first one we saw back in the manga where he seems to be wearing like a..."beta" version of his current outift- but the way it was drawn (disregarding the anime for a second) it looks like its almost ill fitting for him. the vest is too big, the coat looks so heavy, the tie isnt properly tucked, and his pants are baggy. like hes struggling to "fit in".
then theres sb outfit- hes wearing the standard mafia outfit like higuchi, but with his own touches- rolled up sleeves, glasses tucked in his breastpocket, choker, gloves. its not much, but even higuchi doesnt do anything to hers. we kinda see him "getting into" the mafia work, and theres no pop of color here. the dragon head conflict outift is different though- hes wearing clothes that are "his style" again. simple shirt, jacket, choker, gloves. he also has his red petticoat (i think thats what it is? whatever that long cloth underneath his jacket) that, once again, gives him some color. i dunno what spured the outfit change, but i honestly think the red color is his own touch- his own "color"
and then current chuuya. no color at all, maybe safe from the ribbon on his hat. he wears his coat on his shoulders, similar to pm dazai. (also, slight off tangent here- he always loses his coat whenever hes dealing with dazai?? i think?? which is. interesting. given with how glued pm dazai's coat is to his own shoulders. like he actively takes it off/gets it taken off and i SWEAR this only even happens when hes with dazai. idk. ever since asagiri said beast dazai wearing his coat fully to signify him accepting his role as the pm boss ive been. thinking about it. a lot.)
where was i going with this?? oh yeah. why is mersault chuuya wearing his old clothes?? specifically fifteen clothes? like was it his off day or something. bc if you look at chuuyas various outfit as his progression towards the mafia then him wearing his old non mafia clothes either means two things : 1. this is to signify chuuya, under vampire influnce, is well. obviously not loyal to the mafia atm. or 2. something might happen in the future that makes him swear allegiance to someone else which i dont find possible but??? who knows. im overthinking this
Oh my god I opened my asks to find this monster in here and scrolled through it like ?????????
Please feel free to do this anytime this was an absolute joy to read hahaha
"dazai, in all the eras where he was in the mafia....never changes his outfit." His outfit stays pretty similar, you're right, though he does actually change it once during his mafia days. The left image is the outfit he wears in Fifteen and Stormbringer, while the right is what he wears in DHC and Dark Era.
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The difference is the blazer jacket he adds under his coat. It's a minimal change but I think it's significant. I mentioned in this post how I believe the change might be related to his change in pronoun from boku to watashi, but really it's more the added layer of distance that makes this significant. Dazai just looks a little... odd, in the first outfit. The coat hangs off him loosely, his shirt is a little baggy. He looks very boyish, and that makes his deceptive tendencies and deeply concerning outlook all the more disturbing to others.
The second outfit makes one change but his clothes now look like they fit him (still with the exception of the coat, which never fit and never will... in this universe anyways. You mentioned Beast so... you know already hehe). In the case of the second outfit, he looks more mature and formal, which lends itself to a person who withdrew further and further away from people (with the exception of the other two at Bar Lupin); who became a terrifying executive in other's eyes, moving away from the "creepy intelligent child" image he had earlier - even though he is still very much a kid. No one knows Dazai - I think the added image of formality and authority here is just one of the many barriers he constructed to keep people from getting too close.
"so his ada outfit makes him look like a rainbow. dark blue vest, blue gem(?) bolo tie, striped shirt and a tan coat similar to oda's."
hjdfvbdjf rainbow - entering his no longer closeted gay era (sorry lol i couldn't resist)
No but you're right about the coat looking a bit like Oda's. He cared for and respected that man like no other and I think when Dazai thinks of "a good person" Oda is the first person who comes to mind. His shirt in the manga is also stripy like Oda's, a little detail that got lost in the anime. :')
"his fifteen outfit is very "him" in a sense. street kid, street kid style- red shirt, grey hoodie, green leather jacket, bright blue sheep armband. he fits right in with the rest of the sheep, and hes so...colorful here."
Yeah. He looks every bit the street kid and blends with the Sheep near perfectly - more than fitting in though, I think it's more than implied that he wants to fit in and changes his look to do so. Chuuya goes to great lengths to give the appearance of fitting in - because he never felt like he truly did (and certainly the Sheep did not treat him like an equal or a friend).
"and then theres the outfit he wears in the mafia- the first one we saw back in the manga where he seems to be wearing like a..."beta" version of his current outfit- but the way it was drawn (disregarding the anime for a second) it looks like its almost ill fitting for him. the vest is too big, the coat looks so heavy, the tie isnt properly tucked, and his pants are baggy. like hes struggling to "fit in"."
YES you get it!! And adding onto that, Chuuya doesn't really have a lot of reason to want to fit in yet. He hasn't found his personal groove yet, because he has little personal attachment to the mafia at this point in time.
Yeah in Stormbringer he's got a few personal touches but is still pretty non-descript (though you're right, it's much more than Higuchi... something to think about for her character too, and how it seems the mafia may be more of a job than an investment to her). By Dead Apple though, Chuuya's outfit is... well, back to his punk vibes, just a little more mafia-classy, I guess. (I don't know fashion I'm sorry, please don't kill me)
"but i honestly think the red color is his own touch- his own "color""
Red makes a lot of sense as a colour for Chuuya. It's energetic, emotional, fierce and aggressive. It's also considered protective, so yeah it suits him for sure. Red clothes, red ability... red camellias...
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"and then current chuuya. no color at all, maybe safe from the ribbon on his hat." Ooo ok. So in the anime, this is true but in the manga, I believe his vest is actually a pale red.
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Well. Brown with red undertones. Your point still stands though because the colour is very muted. It's not like Fifteen or DHC Chuuya for sure.
"(also, slight off tangent here- he always loses his coat whenever hes dealing with dazai?? i think?? which is. interesting. given with how glued pm dazai's coat is to his own shoulders. like he actively takes it off/gets it taken off and i SWEAR this only even happens when hes with dazai. idk. ever since asagiri said beast dazai wearing his coat fully to signify him accepting his role as the pm boss ive been. thinking about it. a lot.)"
Oh. Thinking on this. Um. Embarrassed to say - I don't think I noticed that actually. Like obviously he loses the coat a lot and that was already something to think on but... only around Dazai, is that right? Hold on, I'm gonna check.
Ok so my check wasn't super thorough (read: I am too tired and drained to go through each and every panel he appears in) but...
By god, I think you're right.
That's. Hm. I'm going to join you on thinking about that for awhile.
I see the coat as a representation of his role and responsibility he takes on, really, so it's interesting that the formality and symbolism of his service to the mafia gets quite literally discarded in the scenes with his foil and equal. Fascinating.
He's also not wearing it in any of these now infamous panels from Chapter 101:
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Huh. Well. Thank you anon. You've just given me a whole new thing to whir about.
"why is mersault chuuya wearing his old clothes?? specifically fifteen clothes?"
Honestly, I'm still waiting to figure this out too.
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Because of the purplish hue over this piece of new art, I find it hard to tell what the actual colours of his outfit are but it does look awfully similar to his Fifteen outfit. It could just be his "day-off" outfit but I think there's got to be more to it than that. It could have to do with allegiance, like you suggested. May I also suggest the return to a sense of inhumanity?
These are also the clothes he wore when his journey to find answers on himself began. Might he be entering a new arc where he has to "find" himself again?
I still feel we don't have enough information to make a solid judgement. As the meursault pov continues, I think we'll have a better reason as to why he's dressed like this.
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albaqae · 10 months
Soooooo I watched it a bit ago and OH MY GOD???????
The way they gave nimona a more pear shaped body as a kid really meant a lot to me, u don’t see that many kids like that in media, and as a child it felt like because I wasn’t like kids on tv i took up more space than I was supposed to (the good old “why do my thighs look like that when I sit” and “why are my shoulders wider” and ofc! The “why isn’t my face as thin as them?”) IDK I HAVENT SEEN LOTS OF PPL POINT IT OUT BUT IT MEANT THE WORLD TO ME??????
Altho Merida rlly helped me out w that but kids are still rude!
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Bal also put out so many questions, like why do we feel we need to prove ourselves to other people? And why does it tend to take up a bigger seat than our morale? And the way it started to erode off his character was so realistic I feel also because they were so throughout with it, they didn’t just show the viewer “love urself” they actually DEMONSTRATED how that position FEELS
It felt like it was happening to YOU
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And I really love they made a character gay without making it a CONFLICT, it feels like whenever people try to make movies about queerness, they can get lost in the homophobia and conflicting gay identity, and it can sometimes overshadow over the characters themselves (their intentions, feelings, etc replaced by labels and social customs so much that the character is just lost), and in the end of it, it leaves me super unsatisfied because I never KNEW who this was even about!!!
But here yes it was a plot point, but the characters felt real, like they actually loved each other, it made this conflict between feeling like one has to choose just a million times more important
I CARED about what happened to these characters
I feel that a part of that is how they made goldenloin the screentime of him regretting what he was going to bal, like u saw the raw, unresolved conflicts in his eyes every time he cornered him and ofc the “im fine, commander” scene REALLY just completes it all
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If this movie was around when I was a child, I think it would’ve saved me a lot of heartache and maybe would’ve made me feel a bit better about being “too much”
And a lot more if I saw it when I didn’t know what my identity was (fun fact- I still dunno!)
Ima just say- I’ve never seen characters melt onto each other that well, and even LESS in 3D ANIMATION??????
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Also nimona’s unapologetic feral energy and how it both brings her up and throws her down- I just discovered a lot of myself in her and idk i guess I’m trying to be kinder to myself and ruder to those who aren’t kind to me (??)
I’m still figuring it out lol
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istherewifiinhell · 2 months
HM for the bingo: matoba, um um um. your least favorite oppie. your most favorite starscreamer. ummmmm. Abyssal Black Flame Dragon
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shitty id in alt. WELL THATS URRRR GUY. thats the guy thats nat.sume is about. pretty sure <- took me like a year to figure out this is not the case. he is silly. ive seen it in the gag manga. hessss a pretty loser goth in and out of drag what is not to like. im just assuming ur the most right about him i dunno if that means other ppl are wrong tho
joelle joelleity joelletwo is trying to get my ass murdered on tumblr dot gov. EDITED AND UPDATED. need to reflect that my constant with this one is i get why megs got like that
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[alt]. ohhh buddy...... you asked. 1. no personality. 2. hate his whole vibe (aesthetics/affect) 3. BETRAYED THE REVOLUTION. 4. not a very good conflicted pasicfist if thats what they were gonna go for. 5. tee fee pee special. u know show dont tell. this is tell, then forget to bring up ever again. simply. simply. listen if the girlies in the tag have to make him interesting for their fanfic and fuck nasty shit (honourary) go with god. i have read good fic of him. but thats compliments to the fans. me personally. i would simply use any other iteration. i suppose u cant beat how DIVORCED this guy is. im not opposed any of his specific characteristics really. its the holistic sum thats my enemy.
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[ALT] actually can i edit this again lets do a bingo for bullying. he got bullied possible the most anyone has but ill bully him some more 😏🤨😳. now ur some ppl might think oh u like this screamer so much to u inversely not like this megs for beating him up. well not u tho. thats gotta be one of my favourite 2 minutes in all of tf kajdgbjfdhb. hes not real so hes fine with that i asked him myself. ANYWAY WHAT IF U WERE BACKED INTO A CORNER BY UR OWN VIOLENT IMPULSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF UR OWN ACTIONS and also millennia of unending war so u just decide to go full nihilist about it. and this literally saves your world and people. well not the ones u killed but most of em. and u keep winning <3 and ur pettiness and self severing survival instincts also saved the universe. btw. idk if i have HC so much as. i can see my reading of the text not being universal but also im right <3. billybob thompson one of 2 fav non latta screamers. prettiest modern screamer design
out of LEFT field but i LOVE IT
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[alt] wait how did u land on a orbeez side character i would at remember the vibes of enough to get double bingo. was it dragon sooyoung? kfjjdf. DO U KNOW. how often i watch something and think. this character would be improved if they were an edgy anime fourteen year old. WELL HERE IT IS. the most important thing u can be in the world is a shitty emo teen with a deviant art dragon fursona. i dont remember anything else im literally just like. thats perfect. what a shit head. the best character in the book now im saying so.
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syntaxaero · 1 month
oh sorry there's more but dont worry! once i slumber i will awake tomorrow with bountiful beast posting! anyways
ideally whoever i end up with isn't remotely judgemental about my kinks! i should've realized WAY sooner that my kinks were gonna be 1 of the friction points in a relationship!!
really. if im completely honest. i really don't think i can even maintain a relationship unless someone shares my kinks i guess? it seems like an integral part of me/what i do- which idunno is that something i should be ashamed of?
obviously i can shut that part out for whenever it's not appropriate. but . for someone you plan to live with. chat to every day with. tease around and . just have feelings for in general-- Maybe It's For The Best That There's A Common Ground With The Sexual Stuff Too. at the VERY LEAST- a TOLERANCE FOR IT would do. which.
wasn't the case
but yeah! dunno! it makes me feel unlovable.
and please don't say he's in the wrong for not liking what im into. obviously it's fine to have preference for things and discomfort for other things but. clearly it was just a point of conflict for us i think. and honestly there were other simpler reasons it didn't work out but.
i suppose i wish he just told me i wasn't his type before we started dating.
i could still thank him for all the other things i would've never gotten to experience without him but it sort of makes it hurt more too. i'm afraid i might not be able to do those sorts of things again for a long long time
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aceofvernons · 2 months
eh. negative thoughts inbound
i'm more than willing to take part in the boycott against the major companies but i hate that their actions have changed how i view the groups i like so much because they won't stop hurting others for profit
txt is coming back tomorrow and there's supposed to be a tour soon? ok.
seventeen's announcing a comeback soon? sure.
stray kids is potentially having one again and there's supposed to be a tour this year? alright then.
honestly my way of approaching what i buy and stuff has changed after being more mindful of who supports what and i'm glad to keep doing that but it leaves a sick feeling in my stomach to know that so many people are willing to eradicate other people to line their pockets
and i think the consumerist nature of kpop has hit a fever pitch when people refuse to see what these companies are doing just to get the things they want. maybe it's been like this for a while, it probably has. but conflicts like this only serve to show how big the problem is, im more ways than one
i dunno. i doubt anyone's reading this. just need to get my thoughts out somewhere
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taptrial2 · 1 month
danny is trying so hard to be a good noodle but hes also a little brat, kind of a shithead, and a casual misogynist. but he is indeed trying to be a good noodle and he loves his family and values his friendships and the safety of his community. he still hasn't wrapped his head around what it means to be alive OR dead, he's too busy getting sorted out in the high school pecking order and doing some pecking himself. he has a narrow perspective and a lack of worldly experience because he is. a child. i dunno where im going with this but i do think hes interesting and the point hes at development-wise leads to a lot of interesting story choices and conflicts 👍
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I am an enjoyer of headcanons and WILL and HAVE headcanoned the straw hats and other characters with different/conflicting headcanons bc you wanna know why?? I can make different universes and versions of them bc DAMN a lot of these headcanons are hella good
Though I will say, as an enjoyer of headcanons, I am in a drought of transmasc Sanji stuff <\3 I DUNNO IF IM LOOKING IN THE WRONG PLACES OR NOT qwq
+before anyone says, I adore transfem Sanji w all my heart and I am glad she gets the representation bc WOW a lot of people are clever w the stuff they come up will, I really do love it and a lot of you even think of things I would’ve never thought about !! ^o^ jus a little bummed out there’s not as much transmasc Sanji content bc as soon as I saw him on screen I was like “the radar is going off”
ps if you read this far, transmasc Sanji headcanons (hear me out, most likely ooc) (also zosan)
I have been thinking about them SOOO MUCH tbh.. Sanji doesn’t feel 100% while cooking because of cramps?? You bet Zoro will notice and try and help out best he can in the kitchen despite how many times he would get kicked and/or yelled at..
sparring?? Sanji feel miserable and always thinks Zoro is going easy on him so he accidentally blurts it out one time while they are going at it and Zoro is just like “No lmao??” And might reveal smth about Kuina.. and then Sanji cries about it because even in smth like sparring he’s seen as equal to him
I think during WCI (I have not.. watched it yet teehee) while Sanji sees his brothers + sister again they’re all like “what the fuck happened to you” and Sanji is all high guarded about it but says he’s trans and he’s a guy now and they’re all like “oh ok, anyway-“ and it goes on like normal but they respect him (please pleaseeee)
Sanji while he’s with Zeff,, ofc Zeff is like “well now I got an 8-9 year old daughter to take care of” and Sanji doesn’t mind at first because he doesn’t exactly know what he’s feeling but he knows that being called “daughter” doesn’t feel right. I feel like he would discover later on what being trans meant from a frequent customer and he’s all happy because!! Wow he found out!! What best describes him!! And the next time he talks to Zeff he’s all like “so you know that regular we get through the door?” And then tells Zeff and Zeff is all like “well then, I’m happy either way for you, do you want your hair cut or different clothes?”
Running with ideas,, Sanji would probably be scared of taking testosterone/one piece equivalent because of the needles if they didn’t have a gel form. Which is why awhile after chopper joins he asks the little reindeer about it..
I also have a feeling Sanji would be afraid of surgery?? He wants to get top surgery but the idea is SO scary to him,, so he ops for binding,,
Mainly Zoro but also the crew has to remind him to not bind for too long since he can get caught up in cooking, Zoro will ALWAYS ask him to take whatever he binds with off before they spar/fight not wanting to let the cook hurt himself
this is it this is the post (I’m so mentally I’ll)
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gudrunbrangwen · 9 months
hi! what do you make of ai art? im conflicted cause i see how its great for disabled people in many ways, but then i look back at the work people put into becoming artists and mastering the craft and feel many things lol i wish i could look at it similarly like i look at producers for example, where you have a vision and tools and you know how to use it well so you dont need the musical training background to be creative, but i cant help but feel like its more complicated with visual art? that theres a whole other side besides having a vision and good understanding of a shortcut tool. im very very torn and also sorry for all that on your succession blog but knowing youre a fantastic artist whos recently been dealing with this sort of impossibility to make art i wonder if you have some insight in this area.
sending love!
i appreciate u wanting to know my opinion on a Hot Topic such as this! i dunno man i have an aversion to any definition of art of any kind that requires effort or skill as essential features that make the art “real”. i think a lot of what is happening with AI discourse is that people are appropriately appalled by the way capitalism mangles creative output and even what kind of relationships artists can have with their work and with the rest of the world. i do not have a problem with a machine that digests and reconfigures information — a machine is just a machine. if one copied the way i make texture with colored pencil and produced an approximation of a new original work by me, i would be fascinated by what reactions i might have to it. would i feel threatened by it? would i be flattered? what might it open up for me, to see my work broken into a particular machine’s data? this is just a dream, though. i see many artists understandably frightened by what the exploiter class may choose to do with their new toys (and what they are already doing to us with them). it just sucks to see that very plain class antagonism passed over with arguments about the “purity” of human-made art, how it is somehow apparent to any observer when a work is truly endowed with a “soul” (if these arguments sound eerily like fascist aesthetic principles, it’s because they are fascistic).
and then to see people cheering for their own doom with this thing of mr. game of thrones & co suing chatGPT, complete with condescending explanations of how it’s not going to hurt fanfic writers because the problem these multimillionaires have is actually with people monetizing their work, and the true humble Fan would ne’er ask a but penny. do people really not see how this is making the divide between the “artist” and the “common person” greater? it is so goddamn expensive to survive right now, and the wealthy are using fear of technology as a tool to prevent you from making money, and yes, making art at all. only those with enough capital to protect their intellectual property with the force of the law are allowed to express themselves through art. yes, i think it should be well within your rights to bind and sell (for money, yes, money) your game of thrones fanfiction. so many of us are living in poverty right now, bombarded by entertainment but prevented from ever chewing it up or spitting it out. ed roth’s rat fink character had it right. fuck mickey mouse. like, we’re actually back to saying “fuck mickey mouse” being really cool. put him in a blender full of data, have it put him into a beach scene with BBW anime versions of lara croft and princess peach. intellectual property is a historically recent phenomenon. it is a tool to make the rich richer and get you well and squarely fucked. theoretically, yeah, it sounds good to have your work and livelihood honored and protected, but just like they’re trying to replace artists and actors and writers with AI, every single tool becomes a weapon in the hands of the rich. the hell people are worried they need more punishing copyright law to fix is already here. the woman who designed care bears & strawberry shortcake never saw a penny from it. AI art is only a threat in the hands of the corporations that happily do these things in the first place.
anyways. lol. i’m not very technologically minded in my own art practice — i’m not naturally drawn to new technology as a part of my work, and find many of the results i’ve seen from current AI art tech to be kind of aesthetically unpleasant. artwork contains unpleasantness, though. i’m not really interested in arguments over what artwork “should” contain, only what it does. i think the best AI art i’ve seen (ie: the stuff i’ve enjoyed the most) has been from alan resnick:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
it is so terrifically disquieting. it leans into what makes AI-generated BBW lara croft kind of difficult to actually jack off to. the overlapping lines of bodies, the nonsense text. but then, if this work has merit, is that because alan resnick is uniquely special, thus proving the point that the technology is only valid in the hands of a “real artist”? can mr. resnick be said to be the “artist” of these images at all, because he trained a program to his own style and input interesting ides? does he deserve lots of money for his work creating iconic adult swim shorts like this house has people in it? well sure
or would this art only have value if somebody put a tremendous amount of labor into it? you know. my mother used to tell me, “hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work”. she said she should nail the phrase to my forehead, like martin luther at the church doors. having very recently become disabled & chronically ill, i don’t believe it anymore. i believe we should be able to use technology to make ourselves more free. we should not be so financially insecure that we are threatened by anyone expressing themselves with something we made. the ultra-wealthy are threatened by infringement because they need everybody else to stay poor, and the poor are threatened because they do not want to be poor any longer. it’s got nothing to do with strange scrambled pictures. if i could take pictures of every work of art i’ve ever loved and put it into a machine that mixes it up and turns it into a monster, i would do it just for a bittersweet laugh at it.
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abracazabka · 3 months
what are your thoughts on amanda/kim and johnny/tommy 👀
HI IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO GET TO THIS I've been sick and wanted to ponder upon this with a Clear Mind
Answers below:
So, Amanda/Kim.
Ohohoho, Amanda/Kim!!! Yk, I never really felt strongly about Amanda ships because I feel like she just gets thrown at people as an afterthought (I have. Complex Feelings about Carmanda but That's Not What We're Talking About!) BUT AMANDA/KIM?!?!
Honestly now you say this, I'm genuinely shocked and in awe of myself that *I* never thought of this. It's got everything I want!
Are the women fierce and take no shit, and could actually possibly get into homoerotic lesbian fistfights? Check. Do the women have pasts chock full of conflict and "atypical" behaviors for women? Check. Do the women each have a connection to the Miyagi-Do V. Cobra Kai legacy of conflict, in especially intriguing ways, seeing as they aren't quite at the forefront but they are so so very wrapped up in it and cannot exist at this point without having an identity based around their experiences with this legacy? Check. Are they hot as hell? Check and I'm sorry women.
I cannot conceive of a way they'd fall in with each other, but the chemistry and potential they'd have if they did??? Ohoho. You're the first person I've heard talk of this, so if you know of any fan content...lmk ;)
So, Tommy/Johnny.
Admittedly another pairing I'd never thought of! But now that you mention it, I can see the places it would work.
I think Tommy is so fun and yeah, he can be a bit crazy, but I honestly think Johnny is crazier than Tommy even with how loud and hyper Tommy is. I love LawRusso because Daniel is a cheery charismatic loudmouth to Johnny's quieter asshole pretender. I think Tommy and Johnny could have a similar dynamic that I love.
Tommy has so much energy and agency which I think is good in a partner for Johnny. I also get this sense that Tommy is just really kind and sensitive, maybe one of the most out of the group. He yells over what he feels maybe, haha. And of course if you want to play a more somber card, I can see how Tommy's death in Cobra Kai could be presented in a Tommy/Johnny vein.
I dunno, this is all to say, I can see how it can be done, and I do like the type of person Tommy is with the type of person Johnny is, more so after leaving Cobra Kai and as they heal. Cuz otherwise I'm afraid they'd just be a couple rabid dogs who kiss sometimes. (Which I'm sure some people like lol, but I'm sentimental <3)
I do like it more than some other cobra/cobra ships, but at the end of the day I'm a LawRusso girly (teehee) and Tommy/Dutch girly (I lied, I am Some People and I Like Rabid Dogs Who Kiss Sometimes, But Only if There's Full Commitment to the Rabidness - which is possible with my babygirl Dutch, the most batshit of them all <3)
Thank you for the ask and sorry for the delay and also for typing so much ajfjejf!!
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