#im glad he died a hero
hecckyeah · 2 months
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sege-h · 1 month
I was already thinking about Shadow so much today before the animation news, because I watched a Sonic Battle playthru
And just
Do you ever think about Shadow in Sonic Battle? How he says several times that he won't let tragedy repeat. Meaning, his kind of tragedy. The kind where he knows hes made to be a weapon, but doesn't know where from or why, or what his purpose is. And how he does go through with helping Emerl avoid that type of tragedy. He helps him uncover why he was made, so he can know where he came from and then choose his own purpose.
And then tragedy befalls Emerl anyway. The kind where his original destructive purpose is forced on him, and then he dies. And literally his last words are 'Shadow...should I be glad I was born...?'
Because I do, I think about this sometime and im not ok
#Sege rants#Sonic stuffs#Battle is fucked up for coming out a few days before Heroes and having a different type of characterization for Shadow#Which doesnt make sense if you place it post Heroes either#To me it makes the most sense post Shadow 05#And that placement makes me feral too because then Shadow has JUST come out of#Nearly having an original purpose he didnt even know about forced on him#No wonder his first instinct is to destroy Emerl bc he thinks of him as just a weapon and not a person#Before Sonic goes and reminds him. Hey. You were in a similar boat not too long ago and you saved the world#Also Emerl is a person. Give him a chance#And Shadow does and Emerl is someone he helps and relates to#And then this gizoid he started out thinking of as just a weapon fucking dies asking him if he should be glad he was born#Because he related to him too. He knew Shadow was made as a weapon too but is now living his own life#So logically to Emerl. Shadow would know the answer to that. And Shadow almost died once. Was he glad he was born as he fell to Earth?#Im unwell im feral about this ok#People have drawn headcanons of Sonics reaction to Gemerl#This Thing taking the form of Emerl. Almost like a zombie of him that will also never Be Emerl#Because Eggman is evil and fucked up#But not enough people think about what Shadow would think of this at least not that ive seen#And i think itd be one of those things where the emotions breach his stoic surface and you see a visible reaction#Before the anger takes over#And im just. RAAAGGHHHHH WHY WASNT SHADOW IN ADVANCE 3 RAGHHHH#Do you Understand
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neo-nomatrix · 1 year
Rule No. 19
never fall in love with the same person twice, the second time you’ll be falling in love with the memories not the person.
Miguel O’hara x reader
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word count: 1056
synopsis: You were Miguel’s wife in another universe and he just can’t come to terms that you’re not his.
a/n: i know a lot of people are asking for part twos of my other stories but i just can’t think of anything 😭
Your death was a horrible day for Miguel. He easily blamed himself for what had happened to you. Shot twice by a random mugger off the side of the street. And he, Spiderman of all people, couldn't save you. How could he even call himself a hero after that? He held your lifeless body in his arms as he came to terms with the incident.
Miguel wouldn’t allow your killer to get away. Chasing him down the block, cornering him in an alley and slowly, almost torturing, beat the life out of him. Miguel tore at his skin with his claws, used all his strength to break his teeth, and practically ripped off the man’s hand from the wrist.
Miguel so desperately wanted him to feel pain he would do anything. But that wouldn’t bring you back, and he knew that.
Miguel had fallen in love with you for many reasons. You were beautiful, smart, funny, and the kindest person he had ever met. He knew that if you saw the person he was now you would not have fallen in love with him. When he looks at himself in the mirror he doesn’t see the man he once was, he doesn’t see the man you loved but a distorted ugly image of that man.
He knew he had changed for the worse but truthfully he didn’t care. If changing meant he got what he was after he didn’t care how it made him look.
The first time Miguel found you in another universe he was ecstatic. You had a family, a beautiful daughter and a life worth being a part of. “Your” Miguel had recently died and he thought he could replace him.
“Oh, I'm so glad you’re home. I was starting to get worried,” You kissed your husband as he walked through the door.
“Im here,” Miguel whispered as a response.
He didn’t know what to do. You were there, in front of him. Alive.
He pulled you in for the strongest kiss he had ever given you. You were slightly shocked but melted into the kiss with such love. Failing to see the tears building up in his eyes.
You were happy, so happy. Until the day it all came crashing down on him. Your world started to collapse within itself, Miguel felt like Atlas trying to hold up the universe on his shoulders. He didn’t know what to do, he was lost. Running from an inescapable situation with you and your daughter. You fell to your knees as you were running. You were glitching. Slowly, in the most painful way he could imagine both you and your daughter disappeared from his arms.
For the second time Miguel lost you, and it was his fault. From then on he vowed to only watch you from afar.
“She isn’t yours, Miguel,” Jess reminded him for what? the tenth time today?
“I know that Jess,” he practically rolled his eyes at her.
“Y’know it’s creepy. You’re basically stalking this girl who has no idea you exist. There are just some things you have to let go,” She offers her advice.
Miguel clenches his jaw at her words.
“I don’t need a therapist, alright? I’m fine dealing with this,” he says.
He’s had enough of Jess and her advice for today. Even though he won’t let himself interfere he can’t help but watch you from the rooftops. He agrees that it’s creepy but he can’t let anything else bad happen to you, he just can’t.
From everything telling him not to, he swings down to try and get closer to you. He enters the coffee shop you just went into. He doesn’t know why. He shouldn’t be here behind you in the long line. It’s not right. He’s about to turn before he’s greeted with your sweet voice. Your voice that sounds like honey and all the good things on this planet and the next.
“Hey, sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering what you usually order? I’ve never been here before and I'm sort of lost,” you giggle. God, he could melt on the spot.
He knows you're lying, of course. He’s seen you in here more times than he can count. And you always get the same exact thing, every single time. In fact, you refuse to get anything different. He wants to believe you’re asking him as a way to flirt but he can’t get attached, not again.
“Oh uhm, i usually get their vienna latte,” His eyes flick up to the first thing on their menu, never having gone to this shop himself.
“And then their bear claw,” if there’s one thing he noticed about you it’s that in every universe you love a bear claw with your drink.
“Great! I’ll get that then!” You smile happily as the barista asks for the next person in line.
He didn’t realize how in love with you he really was until he spoke to you all these years later.
“Do you maybe want to sit down together? I know a park nearby,” You approach him after both of you have gotten your drinks.
“I’d…” he trails off remembering Jess’ words. He can’t, he shouldn’t, no matter how much he wants to. “I don’t think I can. I’m really sorry,” he feels horrible after seeing the look on your face. He wants to crumble up into a million pieces seeing you disappointed like that.
“No worries then. It’s okay,” you smile kindly at him. A clear tinge of sadness in your voice.
You walk off leaving him there unsure of his choice. Would one conversation really do anything? Would it tear the world apart like last time? Was he willing to risk it just to talk to you again?
The truth was yes, he was absolutely willing to risk everything for the chance to have you fall in love with him again. But he couldn’t do that to you. He stands there, heartbroken for a third time.
Even though he loves you he’s well aware you’re not his, not really. He knows that if he were to fall in love with this version of you it would be compensation for what he had lost. He would simply be trying to recreate something he couldn’t have.
Miguel loves you, but he can’t have you.
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vhstown · 8 months
ain't no love; pt. 1
"ain't no love in the heart of the city"
— miles g morales x gn!reader series
SUMMARY: Miles Morales is just a kid without a father; the Prowler is just a "rotten" vigilante. Both of them start coming into your life — one in the middle of the semester, and the other by total accident.
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chapter summary: [READER POV] The one day you decide to skip breakfast, your deskmate comes in. AP Calc has never been more unbearable — and interesting.
content/warnings: brief mentions of death, depictions of hunger, a little bullying </3
word count: 4.8k
a/n: first series idk what im doing BUT WE ROLL (criticisms accepted lmao) proofread courtesy of @qiuweyballs you're a real one
You were starving. In AP Calc, no less, with probably the least talkative bunch of students in the whole school, the period before lunch. Whoever made your schedule was a monster, and whoever put this class together was even more of a monster. Everyone was dead silent, which was usually fine, but not when your stomach was threatening to detonate a nuclear grumble. Maybe it’d even echo given how big the classroom was. It was too early in the year to have a mental breakdown, though — you’d save that for midterms.
Even the teacher found the silence awkward, muttering to himself as you walked into the dreary classroom. He was a bit of a pushover, Mr. Wellston — a newbie who really had no idea what he was doing besides fixing his unevenly cut hair every two seconds while everyone pretended to know what was going on. God bless AP Calculus; you didn’t even know how to do the starter activity on the board.
But your teacher’s ridiculous inadequacy didn’t matter right now. The most important decision you had to make was what poor soul you were going to look at sideways when everyone turned to the source of the growl. Being nice wasn’t exactly an option when you were 3 seconds away from dying of starvation.
Thankfully, you were at the back, and the only seat next to you was empty. It wasn’t so bad, you tried convincing yourself as other students started to fill up the seats in front of you. Maybe you'd even forget about how hungry you were if you engrossed yourself in "one of the most riveting fields of mathematics", as advertised by your freshman year math teacher. Just one hour. You could hold back your hunger for one hour.
"Attendance..." Wellston murmured, looking around the room without much attention. It was reasonable to assume was here as usual, except for one kid who'd been absent since the first week. "Morales" — you didn't know his first name, not like you had the chance to learn it.
Scribbling down whatever activity there was, a part of you was glad this kid wasn't here today. It was one less person to hear the result of your unfortunate choice to not have breakfast this morning. You'd never spoken to the kid, but everyone knew why he wasn’t here. The renowed "hero", PC Davis had passed away — his dad. It was all over the news: "PDNY OFFICER DIES SAVING A CHILD", around mid-freshman year. You couldn't guess what was going on with the kid almost 2 whole semesters into sophomore year, but you couldn’t exactly think too hard when your pen had barely touched the page, and your other hand was clawing into the side of your shirt.
You were sure your stomach was going to growl, and loud. And your teacher was looking at you. Pretty much every muscle in your face was straining. You probably looked insane, which you’d actually rather be right now. The worst he would make was a bad joke, but the sheer panic that rose in your chest when Mr. Wellston started to walk towards you made your heels dig into the ground, ready to bolt out the class. You were exhausted, anxious, praying to anything you could think of that your teacher would just turn around and stop looking at you and—
Creak... Everyone's eyes, including Mr. Wellston's, turned to the door. You could make out someone with a black jacket — teacher? They wouldn’t let you wear jackets inside. Not important. Water.
"Nice seeing you here, Morales," Wellston said, his expression as unamused as he could attempt. The pushover was feeling confident today.
You drank so much water that it got stuck in your throat for a moment, making you scrunch up your face. "I'd take off that jacket if I were you,” Wellston continued.
The boy obliged with an incoherent mumble, stepping into the classroom and slipping off his jacket. His eyes landed on the seat right next to you. Even if he wasn't looking at you, something about his gaze made you look away immediately. Great. 53 minutes until lunch. Why did he have to show up today? Why did you wake up late and skip breakfast? A part of you was telling you it’d be better to not blame it on this guy either — maybe it was your gut. Ha-ha. Maybe you were insane.
Screeech! The slap of a notebook next to you snapped you out of your mini-spiral. You were now all the more aware of the boy next to you. His attendance was so low that it competed with your will to live, so you couldn’t help but look. His hair was in two braids slipping just past his collar, but that’s all you dared to notice. They were kind of cool, you admitted to yourself. The muttering was quickly shut down by a grating "Focus!" from Wellston, and you tried to get back to your work.
Calculus, calculus... When was the last time you’d gotten a question right? All you could do was keep uselessly pressing the fraction button on your calculator, watching the empty boxes stack up. It felt like he was staring at you. Math, come on, you know math. What was the probability he was looking at you? What if he was just glancing at you? What was his eye colour? Black or dark brown, probably. You could check — if he was staring, of course. Not his eye colour. That'd be weird.
That tight feeling built up in your stomach like the foreshock of an earthquake. You pictured yourself slamming your head into the desk, far too vividly to be normal — like an insane person. No need to traumatise the “new” kid on his first day back.
"Alright class, considering we have a full house now," You stopped yourself from imagining Wellston’s head slammed into a desk. "I suggest you all try to solve this problem. It's the hardest question that's ever come up on Calc BC, and you're getting secret access to it."
Yeah, like you cared. This man did not have a lesson plan, as usual. Now you had to fight the urge to look at the kind of cool kid next to you, fight your hunger like a famished Victorian child and fight the stupid calculations forming a jumbled mess in your brain. You were fighting a lot of things, and losing miserably. Just looking at the question made your brain hurt, and you could see it in the rest of your class too. All Calc BC nerds who were just now realising their mistake in taking this class with this particular teacher, probably. Visions was a scam.
"Does anyone have an answer?" It hadn't even been two minutes; it was like the man just wanted to feel smarter than everyone else. Something about him today was even more annoying than the pitiful jokes he usually came up with ― just because a "new" kid came in? Maybe this was to make up for the first day of class where he totally embarrassed himself mumbling all lesson, the bell ringing overtop of him.
The awkward silence and the slight cocky curl to the corner of Mr. Wellston's mouth made you question why they hired someone who was fresh out of college to teach you the classes that were supposed to get you into college. Your frustration only grew when you were going in circles with your attempt.
"No? Guys, you that you have a midterm soon." Helpful.
"This is more simple than you think." Explain it, then?
"Nobody? Really? Okay, you really should start paying attention, the―"
"Six." You almost forgot about the kid next to you until he spoke up. He put down his pen, giving Wellston an expectant look while the whole class was silent.
"…Six what?"
"Litres per hour."
The man quickly shuffled to his computer. Of course he didn't know the answer either.
"Six litres per hour," Wellston confirmed. No other kid had a chance to retort. Wellston seemed surprised for once. A part of you was surprised too at how simple the answer sounded when it came out of the "new" kid's mouth. You noticed that the boy didn't even have a calculator.
"Well, it looks like you all have something to learn from Morales here," he continued, something almost like contempt in his words. "Do you want to explain how you got that?"
The boy went about explaining it pretty simply, almost like he was reading off of a script. It was concise, different to what you'd learnt. Something about chain rule, which you truthfully had no idea how to actually use because someone didn't bother to go through it properly. Even if you were still somewhat unsure, it sounded easy enough.
"Interesting method..." Wellston murmured, trailing off for a moment. "Well, that settles it then. Do you guys understand how we got six?"
We? This guy... Aside from the fact that he was looking at you a little too much for comfort (probably because you were still clutching your stomach like you’d been shot) you had another reason to be annoyed by this teacher and his stupid hair. Everyone just returned his question with silent nods and mumbles, people taking opportunities to actually look at the calc-wiz.
You took a chance too, looking over at his seemingly unbothered face. You were almost right about the brown eyes. They were more coppery than anything, maybe even a little green. If he was staring before, you couldn't tell, his gaze trailing his desk with disinterest. Why did his eye colour even matter?
Forty minutes of class to go. You felt like you could eat your calculator at this point. The mystery kid didn't seem to need one anyway, and you weren’t getting much use out of it.
"The bell doesn't―" The screeching of chairs cut him off.
Like that would work this far into the semester. The Morales kid was already gone by the time you'd stood up. Letting out a drawn-out sigh, you debated between your tiredness and hunger. Would you try to fight to the death to get to the front of the lunch queue? All you wanted was food, maybe a nap afterwards, definitely no more calculus.
That couldn't happen, of course. For some reason, you were the only one left in class. You heard your name, wincing a little as you stopped in your journey out of the door.
"I just want to speak for a moment, spare me a few minutes?" You figured this was coming. It looked like he wanted to speak to you about something all class; his expressions weren’t exactly mysterious like that new kid. You wanted nothing more than to strangle him with his ugly patterned tie as you walked over to him.
Mr. Wellston leaned on his desk by his elbows, lowering his voice as if he was about to tell you something serious.
"You're not doing very well in this class." Okay… not that serious. "It’s the longer questions, I think. FRQs.”
Your grogginess made it impossible to focus on Wellston’s rant, but what you did pick up on was his weird accent. You guessed he wasn’t from Brooklyn, but the way he was talking right now let you pick up on the strange intonation in his voice you otherwise wouldn’t care to notice. Almost European-sounding. First that kid's eye colour and now your teacher's accent... what was it with you and random details today?
"So..." he continued, looking up at you with his head still low. "I'm going to start an extra class after school. I want you to come to it." Okay, this is worse. You couldn't have lunch, and now you couldn't even have after school.
"When is it?" It better not be some unreasonable time.
"Well, I've only got Friday afternoon free. You know how it is, meetings..." If he was trying to be apologetic, or convincing, he was failing at both. "I'll call you in later to discuss it further."
You just nodded, the grip on your backpack tightening. "Okay."
"It's important that you come!”
His voice was drowned out by the flood of students in the hall as you shut the door, turning on your heel to head to the cafeteria. The line was probably impossibly long by now. You couldn't care less about that extra Friday class. Forget college. You'd be a bum, or work at a WcDonalds. You'd probably make more money than Mr. Wellston there anyway. Forget Visions.
Forget that Morales kid who was standing outside the door all that time while you were too frustrated to notice.
You slumped down onto an empty table as you tried to rid your mind of him.
The probability that he'd show up to class with his cool braids and coppery-green eyes again was too low for you to care anyway.
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"Soy Miles. Miles Morales."
Calc-wiz, or Miles as you just found out, was also in your Spanish class, and was also sitting directly behind you. It seemed like he was coming into more classes than he had been all semester — good for him?
"Morales… ¿Eres hispano, Miles?" (Are you Hispanic, Miles?) Miles simply nodded while Mrs Hernández flicked through the worksheets, licking her finger to set them down on individual desks. Spanish was one of the classes you actually liked. Apart from your classmates, Mrs Hernández was funny, and a good teacher, even if she was a little strict.
She paused for a moment to look at Miles again, eyebrow raised. "¿Guatemala?"
"Puerto Rico." The woman's raised eyebrow fell along with the rest of her expression, eyes narrowing in disappointment. She was always talking about where she was from, Guatemala. You found it kind of endearing, though you weren't sure if she'd get any teaching done if there was another kid from there.
"All these years y nadie de Guatemala..." (and nobody from Guatemala...) She simply frowned, cracking her knuckles while making her way back to the front. Most of the people taking AP Spanish were Hispanic, just trying to get extra credits, but it seemed like Mrs. Hernández was out of luck when it came to finding her natural favourite. "Vale clase, quiero que miren este articulo sobre―" (Okay class, I want you to look at this article about―)
All that class you felt like Miles was staring at the back of your head, of course. If he wasn't uncomfortably silent, he was conversing with Mrs Hernández, and she came over more than once to talk to him behind you. As much as you wanted to overhear, they were talking too quietly and quickly — and in Spanish. What they were talking about wasn't your business — most likely about his absence. You had also no idea what this article was talking about. It was something about art, but most of the words you were reading were unfamiliar as your highlighter hovered uselessly over the paper.
It had almost been a week since Miles first came in. You constantly saw him get pulled out of class or talking to teachers — except in AP Calc; it seemed like he was doing just fine there. He could speak Spanish fine too, but was behind on everything else. Other than teachers, he never really talked to anyone. You occasionally saw him with his earbuds on in the hallways, but more often his jacket was what got him chased down by teachers; the kid didn’t really seem to care. Good for him. He was probably more ahead of you anyway given the way your studies were going.
“Oye, look a little alive!” You noticed Mrs Hernandéz standing over you, and that your highlighter bleeding through the paper from pressing too long. A half-hearted “lo siento” (sorry) is all you could offer. “Extraño (strange) — What's different today, chicos? Is it because you’ve got a new friend here?” She crossed her arms, eyeing everyone with her brows knitted together.
The atmosphere around Miles was strange. Not only was he known for being missing since freshman year, but also for his late father. It wasn’t a secret, as much as he didn’t talk about it. Everyone could tell from the way teachers whispered to him and how he disappeared to the counsellor’s office that he wasn’t treated like any other student here. In fact, he didn’t even live in the dorms according to what you’d heard. He was quiet, but the rumours were undeniably loud. You tried not to involve yourself — you hadn’t even spoken to him yourself, anyway.
“He’s not the only Puerto Rican. You gonna forget about us, Señora?” The voice made you hold back a sigh. When Rafael started speaking there was no stopping him. You figured it was time; no matter how far he was moved from his friends, he always found a way to talk to them from the other side of the classroom. He was also right next to you. You had a few reasons to want to drop this class, and each of them were all going “yeah” in agreement to what Rafael had to say.
“I think you’ve forgotten that you have an article in front of you, Rafa.” You couldn’t help but crack a smile at your teacher’s words, and nickname. To your dismay, Rafael noticed you immediately.
“You makin’ fun of me, bro?” He turned his head to stare at you.
“Rafael,” Hernandéz warned.
“Nah, Señora, you don’t get it, I should be sitting over there.”
She wasn’t amused by the way he was gesturing to his friends. “I’ll kick you out.”
“Come on man…” He just threw up his hands and sunk into his far too tiny chair. You prayed he wouldn't start rocking on it and make that god-awful creaking sound. Mrs. Hernández simply turned to ignore him and continue with class.
“Why’s he special anyway?” Rafael mumbled to himself. “Famous cause of his dad?”
Tension – it was so thick you could cut it. The only thing that was cutting through it, apart from your Spanish teacher’s rant, was Miles’ gaze. You could feel it burning right through you. It seemed like Rafael, the moron, for some twisted reason, wanted Miles to hear that.
If you had anything to say at all, it was too late to give Rafael a piece of your mind. Considering how quickly he'd shut you down, it would be useless to stick up for some kid you barely knew. Nobody else heard Rafael anyway; it'd just pit everyone against you. Still, a part of you felt bad. Even though you didn’t really know Miles, he was in a lot of your classes. You’d gotten used to his presence over the past week: moving out of the way so he could get to his seat, occasionally picking up each other’s fallen pens, giving unshared glances to see how the other was doing on the work.
He seemed nice enough despite the lack of words you'd exchanged, but when you turned a little to fix your chair, the expression you caught was anything but. It was almost scary, if you could make out anything from his darkened features. There was a strange sense of focus in his eyes, like he was calculating something – deliberating. You didn't try to guess what, keeping silent and trying to listen to Mrs. Hernández talk about the article while ignoring the deadly gaze simmering behind you.
If you were stronger, scarier, more influential, maybe you’d punch one through Rafael right now. Just looking at him was irritating, and it's not like you hadn't thought of it before. Maybe you wouldn’t have to, though, because it seemed like Miles was thinking the exact same thing. As much as you wanted to learn Spanish and not have a fight happen right next to you, it’d be nice if he was able to teach Rafael to shut up instead of the material he didn't seem to care about.
Miles didn’t look particularly strong — he was kind of scary-looking right now, but that didn’t mean he could take on a 6ft tall football player, no matter how pissed off said football player made him. You couldn't tell what he was thinking, but Miles stayed put for the rest of class; it felt like a sniper was right behind you.
The all-too-familiar creak of the chair made you automatically grit your teeth.
“Oy, mi pana, you got gum?” Rafael murmured to you in his worst friendly voice. It was 10 minutes till the end of class, and he was asking now? You still had no idea what pana meant since he moved next to you, but the way he said it always made you feel icky regardless.
You quickly shook your head, getting a sigh out of him. You hoped he’d give up, but he just leaned over to whisper to you. “What do you think of that dude, huh?
“Strange, yeah?”
“He’s okay.” Your defence was quiet, but it was the most you could do as you heard Miles scribbling right behind you.
“He’s drawing, dude.”
You looked at him almost incredulously. Rafael just rolled his eyes.
“Why do you care?” Your voice came out louder than you wanted.
“¡Silencio!” You gave Mrs. Fernandez, another one of your muffled “lo siento”s, shrinking into your seat as her eyes locked onto you. Snickering from Rafael’s friends only fuelled the embarrassment surging through your cheeks. Miles shuffled in his seat behind you, followed by the sound of paper being crumpled up. You wanted to crumple up the smug expression plastered on Rafael's face right now.
Class ended with another stack of homework in your backpack, and you were more than happy to leave. Free period — you could get a start on the homework. Or talk to Wellston about that extra class. The thought made you wince, but you didn’t exactly have a choice. You had to see him by the end of the day.
“Ay, Milo!” You turned to see Rafael and his little group approaching Miles’ desk. “What’s good?”
“Nothing.” He kept his voice low, pushing his chair under the desk. The boys just laughed as he got up, a grating mix of malice and mirth.
“Right, right. Puerto Rican, eh?” It sounded like Rafael was just talking for the sake of talking. You were also standing for the sake of standing too, of course.
Miles let out a mumble as a confirmation of sorts. Heading for the door, he was blocked by Rafael.
“Ay, where you goin’? Let’s talk, huh? Got a free period?” You could see Miles’ eyes narrow, a flash of impatience in his demeanour before he let out a breath. Rafael was trying to get a kick out of this. A kick out of some kid with a dead dad.
“Someone’s waiting for me.”
“Huh? What’d you say? You got friends?” The start of more laughs were already forming around Miles.
You didn’t know what came over you. Maybe it was the regret of not saying anything earlier, or the strange intrigue you’d felt since a week ago. Peeking your head through the door, you took a step back into the classroom. “Miles, c’mon.”
The gnawing feeling only intensified as you felt four sets of eyes on you at the same time. You’d rather it be hunger than the anxiety coursing through you at that moment.
“Comin',” he murmured, shoving past the three boys towards the door.
The two of you left the classroom, hearing a faint “what the hell man?” as the door fell shut. Miles lingered behind you as you approached the next turn in the hallway.
“What’s your name?” He’d already stepped in front of you.
No thanks or anything? Well, he didn't really owe you anything. It was "the right thing to do", like the many anti-bullying posters around the school encouraged you to do. God damn Visions.
“You uh… know my name.”
“Wanna hear it from you.” His voice had a little twinge of an accent that you hadn’t noticed before. You tried not to think too hard on it. Too many details for too little of an interaction.
“You’ve gotta introduce yourself first — pretty sure that’s how it works,” you tried to joke, something like embarrassment replacing the lingering anxiety in your stomach.
“I did — in class.” Miles’ face was unreadable, but there was something like amusement in his voice.
“Not to me specifically, though.”
The two of you stood in the hallway as people ushered past you. A freshman almost hit you running past, making the two of you retreat to stand beside some lockers. Damn freshmen. You were a freshman only last year, but shoving past them in the cafeteria wasn’t exactly fun. Miles seemed unbothered, as he usually did.
“You seriously don’t know my name?” you continued, almost frowning a little.
“Let’s say I don’t.” He leaned back against the cold blue metal of the lockers, tilting his head at you. The tiny mannerism only made your embarrassment grow. “What’s your name, pana?”
“…I still don’t know what that means.” The frustrated sigh you let out made the corner of his mouth curl up.
“And I still don’t know your name, pana.” No wonder you didn’t bother to talk to anyone. It seemed like you never had the upper hand, first with Rafael and now with Miles. Truthfully, though, you knew which you’d rather talk to.
“Sounds like a food,” you continued, shrugging.
“Could be,” he pretended to muse. And to think you thought he was nice. You hadn’t decided to be annoyed yet, though.
“You know my name, Miles.” You must’ve looked funny the way you crossed your arms and furrowed your eyebrows, because that got an entertained breath out of him.
“Who’s Miles? Haven’t introduced myself yet.” His smirk wrote guilty all over his face.
“Milo, then?” It was a bit harsh, but his cockiness made you say it without much thought. The apology was written on your face already, and you unfolded your arms, deciding you couldn’t have Mrs. Hernandéz’s sass today.
“You wanna be called pana forever?” He slipped an earbud into one of his ears, the blue light flickering into life. At least you didn’t tick him off.
“Not like I care,” you murmured, trying to take a step away.
“Seems like you do.”
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” you asked, trying to keep your tone in check as you glanced down the hallway.
“Do you?” You felt like you were talking into a mirror, one that reflected back a person that got all the more mysterious and annoying when you did.
“Yeah, actually.” Mr. Wellston’s class. The thought made your eyes narrow, probably in exhaustion, most likely in irritation. “Need to speak to a teacher.”
His brow raised in mild interest. “You in trouble?”
“I wish. It’s about some extra class I have to take.”
“Calc?” You turned to look at him again, and his expression was more knowing than curious now.
“How’d you guess…?” It sounded more like a statement, your tone more disappointed than surprised. Were you really that bad at Calculus? Maybe you did need this class, especially if calc-wiz thought so.
“…You have lunch today?” he thought to ask instead. For a moment, you were confused, until you remembered calc last week.
“Shut up.” Your cheeks burned, hand balling up the fabric of your uniform. God. Damn it. All.
“Aight, sorry.”
More silence. You should’ve blamed the growling on him.
“Why the class though? You failing?”
“I’m not failing… Just need some help, I guess” Your shrug wasn’t very reassuring.
“Anyone else goin’?” The longer he kept inquiring, the more you figured Mr. Wellston’s attitude was building up.
“No clue. Bet everyone else is gonna join, though. He’ll probably tell everyone anyway.” The people in your class were quiet, but desperate to out-do each other. Maybe the problem wasn’t you, but the fact that everyone else was trying so hard.
“He didn’t ask me.” The corner of his mouth dimpled into his cheek in thought.
“You’re good at calc anyway.”
“Haven’t been here a while, so I gotta catch up, right? Lemme come with.”
You tried to think of what to say as your hand found the back of your neck, but he was already walking past you. Miles looked back at you to see if you were following.
If he had somewhere to be, it didn’t seem to matter. You noted the slight rhythm to his step, wondering what he was listening to, and if his eyes were green or brown. Ripping away your gaze from him before you could chase that thought, you tried to dodge all the freshmen running around as the bell went for next period.
You had more questions than answers so far — both in your backpack to do this period and in your mind. Aside from Miles, you wondered what that extra class would be like, and what Wellston would say. A part of you hoped that Miles would be in that class with you, despite your less than favourable introduction. Maybe you’d figure out why the answer was six litres an hour. Maybe you could be friends.
What was the probability of that? Some questions couldn’t be solved with a calculator. But Miles didn’t need one, after all.
thank you for reading. im so tired of looking at this but its okay part 1 !!! hooray !!! next chapter is miles pov .... need more Substances in my Bloodstream before i post that though LMAO
reblogs appreciated!!!! go back to the series masterlist here or to my atsv masterlist here :)
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menuliso · 8 months
i actually think i have some sort of brain damage from chapter 403 because now ive taken my bkdk obsession to a whole new degree. like, i was insane before, but now i feel as if i should be genuinely put into an asylum.
ive gone through a full on awakening.
before this chapter i refused to believe that bkdk would become canon/hinted bc like its wishful thinking. but now? ive fallen into the fucking deep end. i am of full belief that bkdk will become canon or at least be hinted bc horikoshi is cooking something and im so glad im not the only one to see it.
there is no way that man doesnt know what hes doing. bkdks entire arc has been fucking perfect and this man just keeps BUILDING UP. like all this talk about feelings, and how bkdk have never really spoken about them to eachother before??? this is like, building up to a fucking love confession i swear, because katsuki DIED for izuku, and izuku cant control his heart when it comes to katsuki, and like… what other explaination is there? atp i consider it canon that theyre in love with each other.
and the other most likely ship that i thought was gonna be canon, izuocha, just is not feasible. its not like i dislike the ship, no hate to it at all, but making it canon would be so fucking harmful to izuku and ochakos characters and we dont talk about that enough. it would a dissapointing, flat conclusion with barely any build up and itd be the bland, predictable formula. like, ochako has already basically wrapped up her thing with izuku with that entire fight with toga. shes admitted herself that her crush on izuku was more admiration than anything of massive substance. and dont even get me started on izuku. barring some fluster and embarrassed blushing in the early seasons, this boy has NOT reciprocated AT ALL. its actually ridiculous. izuku has been focused on like, two things only: hero work, and kacchan. izuku does not show ANY romantic feeling to ochako whatsoever.
surely, surely if horikoshi were to make this canon, he’d put in a little more effort? add some more chemistry, more development, more than just ‘boy meets girl. blush and get shy. little crush. get married. the end’?
that is bad storytelling, and horikoshi is anything but a bad storyteller. this guy adds foreshadowing YEARS before the chapter. horikoshi is INSANE when it comes to character + relationship + plot development. if horikoshi throws all that out the way, and makes izuocha canon, id be extremely, extremely disappointed. not because i hate the ship, but because itd be out of nowhere, disregard practically ALL development, and be nauseatingly dissatisfying.
talking of which, for the entire day ive been thinking about the foreshadowing for bkdk.
there. is. so. fucking. much. it feels like everytime i read like a new section of the manga, their relationship is described in the most frutti tutti rainbow gay way. im sorry, shigafo, did you just say that katsuki is closer to izuku than ANYONE else? excuse me, aizawa, did you just describe them as pair, a pair that the class revolves around? dont even mention the shit that izuku and katsuki say referring to each other. i cant even choose one to add in here, but every out of context bkdk quote has like these SEVERE more-than-platonic undertones, especially when you consider their past and their development. i feel like horikoshi has been doing some fucking insane foreshadowing for something MORE.
yk, i keep on thinking about how in the double spread in 403, the words ‘the beginning’ are displayed right over bkdk, as they find each other. call me delusional, but that has to be on purpose. i also keep on thinking about izukus green and orange gloves in so many official arts, and the light in both their eyes when they see each other, and the way theyre both always observing the other, never speaking about how they feel directly.
their relationship is just so, so……. and i feel like the only next step is for them to talk. just. fucking. talk. its been hinted at for so long, and horikoshi is doing SOMETHING.
them simply being together would be the most satisfying, developed, beautiful ending.
if they arent canon, i will die. ill say it now. bkdk canon. there is too much proof. as a writer, i know for a fact that i write everything for a REASON. why would horikoshi write this, if he wasn’t going to do anything with it?
bkdk will be canon. i dont care if i sound insane, or get proved entirely wrong. i now fully believe that the last page of the manga will be bkdk at a theme park eating crepes.
thank you chapter 403 for driving me off the rails.
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cosmetichorror · 1 year
Pssst, hey, imagine this:
When the hero’s die, instead of moving on their spirits get sucked inside the mastersword, (don’t question how those who don’t use the mastersword get sucked in there) and they’re left to be a guide for the next hero to use them. Fi is there too btw.
Anyways as each person gains the mastersword, they also gain a handful of guides who can either be super helpful or super annoying.
POV Wild:
Legend: well well well! Look who finally decided to pick us up again.
Time: Ledge, don’t be rude, he died. He’s allowed to take a while
Hyrule: im just glad to see him back!
Sky: how are you, Link? Are you well? Are you okay now? That was quite the scare you gave us! How is your face? Do your scars hurt? Can we help?
Wild: Who the fuck are you?????
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bunny-yan · 1 year
thank you for all the amazing writing you do! i have been binging your posts and just can’t seem to close this app!~ - ꨄ
thank you so much honestly!! i was really surprised with how quickly y’all appeared and i’m glad you enjoy the content i create. as thanks i wanted to do a sharing is caring<3 series and create posts for each 100 followers i gained and although im a little behind, i plan on getting them out as quickly as i can. thanks again!!
yandere hero x gn reader x yandere king
tw: mentions death, descriptions of death, slight gore, victim-blaming, infantilization, NO minors
There wasn’t much to pack.
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d seen the bags you planned on taking with you when you planned to leave that dreary village of yours, but you were sure Tasman had gotten rid of them to destroy any hopes you had of leaving him.
You supposed he assumed you’d be less likely to escape if you had nothing to your name, but the longer he treated you as a helpless child who could do nothing without him, the more you considered how little you really needed to start a new life somewhere different, somewhere devoid of false heroes and tyrannical kings. It would have to remain a distant dream as long as he watched you like you could disappear any moment. You couldn’t blame him. It was all you talked about these days. Which only justified his rough treatment of you this morning.
His party had received a mission. A beast of unknown origins was decimating lands that were getting dangerously close to the villages on the border and the king needed the hero to go and save the people.
A real hero would’ve seen it as an honorable duty. He would give nothing to make sure the citizens of the kingdom were safe, but Tasman had a bad habit of defying the ideas of what a real hero should be.
When he received the summons, you felt the air around you get heavy. You didn’t have to guess what it was about as the king seemed to send more and more these days and you wanted to shrink under his heated gaze.
Crumpling the paper in his fist, he walked towards you, placing a gentle hand on your cheek.
“Lover, I hate to leave you but we’re being sent to the border to handle a crisis.”
These words would usually fill you with immense joy. With Tasman gone, your mind flooded with possibilities of starting a new life somewhere. You’d find a witch and hide your presence, change your appearance, dye your hair. You would happily give up your current identity if it meant successfully running away from him. You didn’t think you could handle his attention or his affections if he caught you after another failed attempt.
But it was useless to hope.
He’d gotten smarter after your last attempt and he’d found another caretaker that was just as bad if not as worse as he was.
From the miserable look in his eyes, you knew he’d prefer not to have to do it either, but he couldn’t trust anyone else to keep watch over you.
He leaned in closer, tipping up your chin as he kissed you softly. You were used to his affection, If anything you were grateful that he wouldn’t demand more considering how long he would have to leave you and who he was leaving you with, but he seemed distracted.
“I wish I could take you with me.”
The words instilled fear in your body the moment they left from his parted lips, but you had to remind yourself that he wouldn’t.
He’d tried to defy the king’s order to hand you over and brought you along to one of his expeditions. He reasoned that he could protect you a lot better if you remained at his side and he was proven wrong.
He was the hero. He wasn’t god.
He couldn’t get to you fast enough as your body was ripped apart by the dog-like monster that ambushed the party one night during one the last expeditions he decided to bring you on. Teeth sunk into your leg and you felt excruciating pain as you became intimately familiar with what your bones looked like. It shook its large head, shaking you like a rag doll and you’d begged to die in that moment.
It didn’t happen.
Tasman reached you, but not as soon as you would’ve liked. The monster was dead the moment he’d landed a blow, but he was horrified as he looked at your mangled body. Holding you carefully in his arms, he cried, muttering apologies for the duration of the healing process.
It hurt. It was excruciating. You could feel your bones reattach and muscle expand and grow in a matter of minutes as he made it as if it never happened in the first place. Being put back together almost hurt as bad as being ripped apart and after witnessing the haunted look in your eyes that didn’t even fade with time, he swore he’d never bring you on another mission. You would be somewhere safe. Somewhere he wouldn’t have to worry over your safety. It was a somewhere that wouldn’t exist for as long as he refused to let you go.
He’d tried to leave you with a party member, but as loyal as they were to him, you were an eyesore. You took advantage of the poor hero’s love for you and twisted his mind, tempted him in ways that morphed his kind and gentle nature into something that was cold and harsh.
You didn’t mind their blind adoration. You didn’t mind the awful words or angry jabs. As long as they were stupid enough to not recognize the monster he was, you saw it as an opportunity to abscond his watchful eye.
They were too willing to let you go. Or at least, the first member of his party had been.
When Tasman ultimately found you and dragged you back, you were horrified to find their entrails hanging from the large hole he’d put in the wall. It was a gruesome sight, one that you wouldn’t forget as long as you lived.
No matter how nasty they acted towards you, you never wanted to be responsible for someone’s death. His party members only got worse after that incident.
It wasn’t the noble Tasman’s fault for killing his own party member in cold blood, no.
You led him to make that decision. If you would’ve stayed put and did as you were told their party member would still be alive.
You could only blame yourself. Especially for your current predicament.
Tasman brought you to the palace, hoping to get approval from the king for the imprisonment of anyone who chose to hide you.
The king sat lazily on his throne, clearly at odds with the hero.
He questioned why was it so hard for the hero to keep an eye on one person when he was blessed with the Mother’s gifts. With a sigh, he asked who it was that was able to capture the standoffish hero’s heart and when you lifted your head to meet the king’s gaze your heart dropped at the look of keen interest in his eyes. It was all too familiar and Tasman seemed to notice it too.
He looked back and forth, gritting his teeth before he broke eye contact between the two of you by grabbing your hand and dragging you out the door.
There was only so long that he was able to avoid the king’s summons. He was the hero, but the king was the head of the nation and if he wanted to operate freely he’d acquiesce to the king’s gracious offer.
There wasn’t much normal knights could do against the hero, but if he wanted to maintain his honorable facade he’d have to give in.
The first time you were left in the king’s care, it passed without any issues. You were granted a fancy guest room and there were maids waiting on your hand and foot. You’d pass by the king on your walks through the garden but other than the standard greeting, he did nothing. You thought maybe you were overreacting.
Tasman grilled you about the time spent in the palace and after you told him that nothing of note happened, he seemed distrustful but he was relieved he found you in one piece.
The next time you were dropped off to your glorified babysitter, you’d thought you’d get a chance to escape but when you attempted to leave the palace you were stopped by the palace guards. They told you that you weren’t allowed to leave without express permission from the king.
Later that day, you were summoned to the king’s chambers. His excuse was that he was finished with his work for the day and he didn’t mind hosting you in his sitting area.
It made you apprehensive and it only worsened your fears as you sat across from him, avoiding his heated gaze. He didn’t seem to mind being dressed only in a bathrobe and if he could tell that you were uncomfortable he didn’t show it.
“My butler tells me you tried to go outside?”
Smiling nervously, you nodded your head. “Yes, your highness.”
“Are you displeased with the service in the castle? I’ll have the maids punished if they’re neglecting you.”
You were frozen in fear. You didn’t want someone else to get in trouble because of you.
“No, your highness! Everyone’s been taking really good care of me.”
“Then why?” he asked, arms spread as he cocked his head to the side. He was watching you carefully and asked so abruptly you couldn’t help but feel that you wouldn’t be able to lie to him.
“Is it the hero?”
Your head shot up before you could stop yourself and you didn’t like the smug expression on his face.
“I know you want to leave from his side, but you should be a little less obvious about it doll.”
You felt your face get hot in embarrassment, not expecting to be talked down upon.
“If you need refuge, I would be more than happy to offer assistance.”
Assistance, sure.
This was coming from the same man that gave Tasman permission to imprison you. You weren’t foolish enough to believe in the king’s “kind” offer. Nothing came without a price and you weren’t willing to leave one prison just to enter another.
“I apologize if my behavior has been misleading your highness, but I’d like to respectfully decline your offer. I’m happy with Tasman.”
His expression didn’t change. He watched you for an unbearably long time before he dismissed you. You couldn’t be sure but you thought you hear him whisper about you being smarter than you looked.
Of course it wasn’t enough to turn away his interest. He’d send you flowers and desserts when he didn’t send for you personally to take walks in the garden.
You’d spend time talking about random things, mostly life in the palace and how good you could have it if you decided to come over to his side but you tried to ignore it for the most part.
You felt true fear when he embraced you in a private part of the garden, claiming his love and adoration for you. You tried your best to turn him down but he only held you tighter, threatening you in horrible ways if you tried to say no.
He only let you go when your body began to shake.
You couldn’t handle this.
Tasman was bad enough but now the king wanted to claim you too?
He apologized, caressing your face as his uncaring eyes watched you. Kissing your hand, he left you to regain your bearings.
You went to your room as quickly as you could. Launching yourself into your bed, for the first time you wishes that Tasman was by your side.
He knew something had happened when he came to pick you up.
His eyes were tired and you could tell he was bracing himself after you’d been upset to see him return.
You could tell you surprised him when his eyes widened, almost awkward as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Lover?” he began, his voice soft and strange as it’d been a while since he felt he could be soft with you.
“Take me home.” you said. “Please.”
He didn’t argue, making a mental note to ask you about it later, he whisked you away.
He wouldn’t destroy the country or take the king’s head as you feared he would. Tasman simply held you close and promised that he would always keep you safe and as much as he hated it, it meant you would continue to be dropped off to the king’s waiting arms.
As long as you remained desperate to return to his side, he could convince himself that it was for your good.
You saw it in the way his eyes lit up at your devastated expression that only became more afraid each time he picked you up.
The king cornered you in places you didn’t even think to go and it was to the point where you weren’t comfortable leaving your room anymore.
Tasman asked you each and every time if the king had done something to you, but he hadn’t.
Threats that weren’t really threats, affection that would’ve been seen as simply being kind to anyone else’s prying eyes. Even if he had forced you in some way, you sensed there was some unspoken agreement between the two of them as Tasman dropped you off.
It was ugly and twisted but there was no leaving. Either one of them.
You were stuck as always with no peace in sight.
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abilouwrites · 26 days
I. Midoriya
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I’ve loved him my entire life, from the day we met to the day I die I’ll love him. I loved him even when he confessed he was quirkless. I loved him when we both somehow became hero’s. When he confided that he’d taken All Mights’s quirk. That he would become the last user of it.
I believe he loved me, loved me when I went to his dorm door at two in the morning. Crying through the nightmares, he’d hold me in his arms and rock me back and forth until he felt me relax in his arms. Collapsing into him, “are they back?” He references the nightmares I’ve been plagued with. The ones that keep me from sleep. The ones that make me shoot up and pace.
A feeble nod is all he needs before we lay next to each other. Holding hands as we talk about life. Where we want to intern or work for. Who we want to be.
Im not surprised I ended up here. Laying in his arms. Back against his legs as he holds my hands. Applying pressure against my wounds. Careful at every hiss and wheeze I emit from my cracked and split lips. Looking at the metal rod sticking through my stomach. His eyes are wide, tears messily stick to his cheek and eyelashes. Soft hiccups make me wince as I cry too.
“Just hold on. Just stay with me” he pleads silently as I look up at him, “we have so much to do. So much to live for” he cries out. Hunching over me. Wiping wet tears from my cheeks, “comon.. don’t you wanna work with me one day?”
I smile weakly at him, my body hurts. Pain hasn’t ever felt so raw before. Nothings hurt like this, nothings hurt like being fucking stabbed by a metal pipe. I cough a little as he shakes my head, “comon.. comonnn. Remember what you said when we were little? ‘Birds of a feather? We’re sticking together? No matter what?’ Something like that?” He’s a little frantic trying to remember what I used to talk about.
“Do you love me?” The question spurs, hiding in the back of my mind until it sprouts to my lips. I watch his eyes soften. Green hues that look back into mine. He smiles weakly and my heart lurches.
“Of course I do. How could I not love you?” He says that like it would be stupid of me to think he didn’t, “you’re the love of my life. You have to stay alive for me. Because I want to marry you one day. And grow old with you” he starts talking but I can’t hear him anymore.
All I see is a mouth moving but I can’t hear anything. Just a faint ringing. Like a ping pong ball bouncing off my earlobes. I don’t know what dying feels like. I’ve been surrounded by death my entire life and somehow I don’t know what it feels like.
Maybe it’s different for everyone, “I’m sorry” I apologize, I don’t know if he can hear me. If anyone can. But I feel him. I feel him shift underneath me to support my body, to tug me more into his arms as he rocks me. Slow and gentle. I creep a hand up to his face, feeling at the freckles on his face as light creeps from my eyes.
I’m glad that when I am dying, it’s his face I see. The one I love to look at. The one I’d be happy waking up to in the mornings. Surrounded by our kids. By happiness.
I didn’t want to die like this, but at least im dying in his arms.
I muse a weak smile as he bends down. A soft kiss on my lips as the world leaves me. At least I kept true to my words. I loved him till the day I died.
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glux2 · 7 months
Musing: Emotional connection
Recently a very close person to me suggested i binge watch "Angel Hare", before that day my only exposure to that project was a fan game that had a very funny punchline in lampooning the "cursed videogame" genre.
So i watched the whole thing and it was great.
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This scene right here made me feel more feelings than most of the media i have watched/played/read in like the last 5 years or so.
So it made my mind wonder, like, "hold on, when was the last time i felt this strongly about a piece of entertainment?"
Sure, if you know me, i felt strongly about the ongoing plotline for Noelle on Deltarune, so one would think "2021 when chapter two came out", right? but no, i got very invested but it wasn't it.
The last time i felt so strongly about a piece of media was actually Deltarune's predecesor, Undertale in 2015.
I finished Undertale in tears, i got in a very bad funk when i found out about the genocide ending, it truly made me feel emotions.
So i began to ponder, just what really moves me?
Full disclosure: I don't cry at movies. This is not a "look at me i am a badass who is not beheld by feelings" statement, no, i kinda just dont connect emotionally with movies as easily as other people.
I have talked about this, many times actually, Toy Story 3 did not make me cry, it always bothers me how people at the time were like "if TS3 didn't make you cry, you have no soul" and shit like that, so let me repeat something i have said many times before:
Toy Story 3 was a movie i went to see the day doctors had informed me my mother had entered terminal phase of cancer.
My friends took me to see TS3 when i felt the greatest sadness i have ever felt in my entire life. And im glad TS3 was a pretty funny movie that managed to distract me from what i was going through. TS3 uplifted me when i had a very real reason to cry.
So what im getting at is, i rarely connect emotionally with what conventionally makes people emotionally connected, not that i havent felt strong emotions from movies, but as we'll get to later, it's just not the stuff you would expect, when we get back to movies you'll be thinking, "what the fuck, Toy story 3 did not make you emotional but THIS THING DID?!"
So, if traditional "emotional things" rarely have moved me i began to think to myself, "what are things that have made me feel this strongly?"
I realized it's the damn weirdest things.
I'll try to list things that i can remember making me feel this emotional.
Now i'll be upfront, im not a very cultured person, so you'll notice most of this is...not very high brow.
Also, obviously spoilers for all this stuff im about to talk about.
Before we begin: Honorable mention goes to me finding out i had repressed memories of being traumatized as a kid by being show an animated adaptation of "Pilgrim's progress" by an aunt, which disturbed me greatly towards the end as the main character dies and before it the souls of two people he met are condemned to eternal damnation from making MISTAKES, not sins, not evil, but THE FUCKING MISTAKE of exploring alternate routes before them.
-Yoshi's Island, 1994 When i was a wee one Yoshi was one of my fave videogame characters, so of course i was beyond hype when a game where you play as yoshi came out, the ending is one of the greatest moments in videogame history, the beautiful music, the journey of the stork, and finally the classic Mario fan fare playing as baby mario and baby luigi being held by their parents with the words "Heroes are born", it's such a powerful moment. To this day i still cannot listen to that credits music without tearing up.
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-The bicentennial man, 1999 The bicentennial man is one of the biggest examples of a movie being fucking mischaracterized in the marketing, this movie is based on Isaac Asimov's short story and later novel, it stars Robin Williams, so all marketing was presenting the movie as Robin Williams comedy movie, IT. IS. NOT. The bicentennial man is a scifi drama about the existential search for meaning and the nature of what truly is to be alive. You get invested on the quest of this robot trying to find humanity for 200 years, and the punchline to this movie is, in his quest for humanity he forgoes the immortality being a machine provides him as he had developed the way to turn himself biological, still artificial but biological, and he dies peacefully on his sleep before he can be told that humanity had declared him, legally, a human being. To me it was such a powerful moment, he found true meaning to his life, became human, yet died before knowing so.
-Courage the cowardly dog, "The Mask", 2002 This is a legendary episode of an already great show that has a lot of very good emotional moments, some may cite episodes like "the giving tree" or "the last star maker", but for me it's this one. For those who have never experienced this episode, it revolves around a cat girl named Kitty who one day shows up at Courage's farm and she's wearing an upsetting mask, she abuses courage because she believes all dogs are bad. The mask serves 2 purposes, one is metaphorical, "her inability to face reality", the second is to hide her identity as she believes she is in danger. The thing is, she is on the run because her lover best friend Bunny is trapped in an abusive relationship with a gangster dog who threatened to kill her if she was seen near Bunny ever again, the episode coats the whole situation with a ton of goofiness, but it's actually very fucking dark: A young lesbian is trapped against her will on an abusive relationship with a toxic, violent man who threatened to kill her girlfriend if she refused to date him. Courage, being a good little dog ventures to save Bunny and have her reunite with Kitty because, despite how bad Kitty was to him, he recognizes that Kitty is a victim and she and Bunny deserve better, leading to Courage letting them escape away together, to live happy and free. I don't think it's just me, but the final image of Kitty and Bunny hugging as the train takes them to freedom felt so powerful to me.
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-Twisted Metal Head-on, 2002 This is one of the weirdest things i have ever gotten emotionally invested, but honestly? i love when some shitposting franchise suddenly manages to pull this off, specially given the set up for this whole thing im going to describe starts in an early game as a fucking joke. So to contextualize this, the first two Twisted metal games were helmed by the og creators of the franchise, TM 3, 4 and small brawl were made by different developers when the creators lost the rights, but during the PS2 era when the og developers came back and created TM: Black, and TM: Head-on, Black was a reboot, Head-on was a retcon sequel to TM 2 that eliminated TM3 from the timeline, but not TM 4. Still with me? Okay so TM2 had this character, Krista Sparks, who was the revealed to be the daughter of the main antagonist of the game, Calypso, but hold on? wasn't Calypso's backstory that his family died in a tragic accident which lead him to become evil? So turns out, the FBI retrieved his daughter's corpse, turned it into a robot with a bomb with the intend to make her get close to Calypso and blow him up. The ending ends comically with a message reading "The FBI wishes to thank you for putting an end to Twisted metal". Stil Still with me?!?!?! ok! so Head on! In this game Krista is back, as a ghost, her ending consists on her confronting her dad, who has now brought up so much pain, misery and death to the world, Calypso tries to explain that the nature of his powers mean he has to do this otherwise he cannot use his powers, and his plan was for Krista to win so he could bring her back and her mom to life, but Krista is so horrified with what has happened that she refuses and blurts "I wish the accident that killed me and mom never happened" the intention being impeding Calypso from becoming this evil super natural villian, but as per all endings, it's always a monkey paw affair and Calypso knows it, looking saddened he grants the wish because he has no option, his powers force him to. Briefly Krista has a vision of her childhood with her dad before he became evil as they share a sweet moment playing on a swing set. HARD CUT TO A HOSPITAL, Krista is on a bed in coma, Calypso is there and whispers to her something along the lines of "Sleep tight my dear, may you finally find peace", as Calypso is leaving the hospital you can hear 2 doctors talking, mentioning that Krista had been in coma for more than a decade and apparently Calypso just had found out. Excuse me Twisted Metal, but WHAT THE FUCK? You are a dumb fucking edgy car combat game, how dare you make me feel these things?
-Mother 3, 2006 (translation on 2008) Mother 3 hopefully needs no introduction, or maybe it does, because many people have reduced it to a joke due to how nintendo stubbornly refuses to give us an official release, but also many of you must know this franchise is the spark that ignited the flame of the absolute Juggernaut Undertale would become, as well as many other games influenced by it. The Mother/Earthbound games were known for being quirky and deviating from the standard conventions of the game, notably for the modern day setting and unorthodox choices of how you deal with the villians, they were always billed as emotional, but i feel they did not live up to that...until 3. The general narrative to Mother 3 is about how greed is destroying the world, the main villian corrupting what we see of the world (a paradise little town where everybody is nice) by introducing luxury, money and status....and also stomping everything with his fascist army and cyborg mutants. Mother 3 is a game about how the worst traits of humanity are destroying the world and upsetting nature. Mother 3 is also the story of 2 twin brothers who suffer tragedy after tragedy after tragedy that ultimately pits them one against the other with the fate of the world at stake. Mother 3 punches you almost immediately by killing the mother character (which i might mention you're encouraged to name after your own mother) at the end of the first chapter and how this affects her surviving family. one of the Twins, Claus, is so disturbed that he decides to on on his own to try to kill the monster that took his mom, while the other, Lucas, was too afraid and weak to stop his brother, resulting on Claus dying as well...but the badguys take his corpse and reanimate it into a cold, emotionless cyborg who follow's the big bad's order and is using him to try to cause the end of the world. In the climax of the story Lucas is force to confront Claus, clause is a brain washed cyborg, his master is out of the picture and all he can do is fight, you can't reason with him...and then.... Lucas and Claus begin to hear a voice, a familiar voice, it's their mother, reaching for them from beyond the grave, pleading for them to stop fighting, suddenly Lucas and Claus both have a flash back to when they were babies, overhearing their parents talk about the hopes they have for them, the many things they will be able to achieve together, this makes Clause snap out of his brain washing, removing the helmet that had been hiding his face since he was resurrected, Lucas and him have a moment as they are finally reunited, Claus realizes all the bad things he has done while under control of the bad guy and realizes he must atone for his crimes, he prepares a lightning attack he knows cannot hurt Lucas and cause HIM to die. "Im sorry for all the problems i caused" he says as he is dying on his dad's arm, "I must go to where mom is now", as he passes away he can hear his mother calling for him, "You just be so tired" she says. Now i know it will sound insane for people to hear a videogame of all things can make one so emotional, but damn, just recollecting these scenes for this dumb post has made me start to cry, the emotional punch of this scene is very strong, it demolished me when i played the game back in the day, but now? After my own mother passed away? I have been scared of playing this game again. I mot sure if im emotionally prepare to go though that again, even 10+ years later. That's how powerful this scene was to me.
-Elite Beat Agents, 2007 If you have played this game, you know were im going, for those who dont, EBA is a silly rhythm game about secret agent cheer leaders that are dispatched around the world to help people in need by raising their spirit and allow them to overcome adversity, the game is insanely wacky and have scenarios like helping a ninja car salesman prevent a company from stealing his company's secrets, helping a washed up baseball star fight a lava spitting golem rampaging on an amusement park and traveling back in time to help davinci paint the mona lisa. EBA is also the second game in the Ouendan series, and there is something you need to know about this series: They all include tearjerker levels to contrast with all the goofiness. "A christmas Wish" is a christmas themed level set to Chicago's "You are the inspiration" and the story to this level is positively DEVASTATING: A few months before christmas a business man tells his daughter and wife he has to go on a business trip but he promises he'll be back just in time for christmas, the girl asks him to bring back a "girlfriend" for her teddy bear. The father dies on a plane crash. When the mother breaks the news to the little girl she gets angry, crying to the skies that her dad promised he would be back for christmas. The backdrop of the stage is set the girl and the mom doing things to remember the dad, like looking through a photo album and baking a cake for his birthday, it's very sweet, but...this is EBA, if you're doing poorly you see the "bad" versions of these scenes, and in this one, one is very devastating, the little girl is having a dream where she's chasing the spirit of her dad, if you're doing well she calls for him and for a brief moment the dad stops and starts turning towards her, if you're doing bad the spirit fades away and the girl wakes up in tears. Dear goodness. But of course, if you beat the level you get this sequence of the ghost of the dad showing up on chrismas morning to fullfil his promise, giving the little girl the teddy bear he promised and having the chance to say good bye to his family.
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This punches you really fucking hard in the gut. I am incapable of doing this level without ending in tears. For a time i could not even listen to this song without tearing up until, i shit you now, the deadpool movie used it on a comedy scene.
-Punch out!!, 2009 This one is one i know got me because of personal nostalgia, when i was a wee one the og NES punch out was a big part of my childhood, Punch Out!! on the wii was a masterfully crafted tribute to the franchise. To not dwell too much time on this, this game has an interesting quirk, the ending is a downer ending and it's the only ending you can get. After you beat the last opponent there is a sequence where Mac and Doc seemingly are having a disagreement, where Mac seemingly has decided that if he loses 3 times, he'll retire from boxing completely. After this you face randomly opponents from the game, the first time you lose in this mode you lose your champion title, after three loses, it's game over and the story mode becomes locked for that save file. The final cutscene is Doc walking through what seems to be a gallery with boxing memorabilia, and untold number of years later, he is alone, he spots his old bike on this gallery and rings the bell, he looks up and speak to an absent Mac, "Good job son, good job", as he leaves the camera pans to reveal he was looking at a framed photo of him and Mac on one of their training sessions. The music on this sequence is so perfect, and it was aimed at people like me, people who grew up with the franchise, the idea was making it feel like Doc was reminiscing of YOUR time with punch out when you were a kid, and to make you think about how far YOU have come since the first time you played the games in an arcade, or your nes, or snes. It's actually pretty effective and it got me.
-Regular Show, "Trucker Hall of Fame", 2012 What makes this one different from others instances of me making me emotional, it's, much like the "Angel Hare" example at the top, this one is all about WARM HAPPY FEELINGS, so for those who did not watch this episode, let me summarize it for you: One day Muscleman gets word that his dad, who was his personal hero, has passed away, and he's tasked with carrying his final wish, spread his [hat's] ashes in a place called "Trucker hall of fame", you see, Muscleman was lead to believe his dad was a legendary trucker and that earned him his admiration, but during the episode Muscleman finds out he was lied to, his dad was a forklift driver that the truckers belittled, altho feeling cheated for having been lied to he carries on with his father's wishes. Now because this is regular show, when they arrive at the trucker's hall of fame they are immediately attacked by ghost trucker for "desecrating the hall of fame" as they spread the ashes something happens: The ghost of Muscleman's dad manifests himself and saves his son, taking the chance to apologize to his son and having the chance to say his final good bye personally. Despite the inherent silliness of the show's premise, i think this episode really did a good job on expressing that sense of catharsis of making peace with the passing of a love one.
-The Final Girls, 2015 A friend suggested we watched this movie, and much like Twisted metal up there, i absolutely did not expect for this incredibly stupid comedy horror movie to hit me with any sort of emotional connection, and yet... The Final Girls opens with the main character in a car with her mom, who is an struggling C-tier actress whose biggest achievement ever was appearing on a Friday the 13th knock off movie, during this sequence they get in an accident where the mom dies and even after it's been some time since the accident the main character has not properly moved on from the passing of her mom. Her friends and some people at the college she attends are preparing this horror movie festival where the main event is they are going to play the movies from the franchise her mom was on, and they suggest she should come. Then some bullshit happens and they all end up somehow trapped in the world of the movie. A quick rundown of the rules of horror movies is explained to them, the monster cannot be defeated by fighting it, it's only the final girl who can defeat the killer, and unfortunately for them they accidentally killed the character that, in the canon of the movie, is the final girl, so they believe one of them has to become the final girl and end the movie to hopefully get out of it. The problem is, the main character is experimenting shock from interacting with her mom's character, she is not taking well to seeing her mom on the flesh and she dedicates the entire movie to "save her mom", in the climax of the movie the mom character begins to understand that she is a fictional character and the nature of her attachment to the main character, understanding that they cannot be both the final girl and if then main character wants to make it back to the real world she has to learn "To let go", choosing to sacrifice herself so there is only one final girl. It's kinda weird, that of all possible premises, this managed to make a "You need to move on" message that somehow managed to resonate with me, you might have figured out by now a running theme here, but, i was really hard for me to deal with my mother's passing even if it's been years since it happened, so it's kinda funny for me to think these are the places i have found comfort from.
-Undertale, 2015 Okay this is tumblr, i already talked about Undertale on the prologue to, whatever the fuck im doing here, you know what undertale is, you know how effective it is, Undertale is really well designed for you to grow emotionally attached to these characters, so being able to see all these characters you know have grown attached to have their happy ending on the pacifist ending does fill one with a very satisfactory warm happy feeling that can move you to tears. ...Or you can be bummed out by being a little greedy gaming bitch and taking a look at the bad ending. Because you just couldn't help yourself, could you?
-Onward, 2020 This movie did not hit me as hard as the most emotional entries on this, but it still got me, because in the end of the day the main motivation of the characters on this movie is experiencing closure, catharsis over the death of their father, for Ian it's the fact that he died before he was born so he never met him and is driven by this desire to finally see the father who he shares such a connection with on the stories everybody who knew him in life have told him, and then there is Barley, the elder brother, who did know his dad in life, but is tortured by how, as a kid, he did not properly say good bye to him because he was terrified of death and avoided being there for him in his final days. The ending for this movie is very powerful, Ian choosing to sacrifice being able to meet his dad in the flesh, even for a few minutes, in order to give Barley the chance to being able to properly make peace with his dad and properly say good bye to him. Ian doesn't even get to SEE this, he does not get to see his dad even tho it was what he wanted most of all, but he understood bringing closure to Barley was more important than his selfish desire to see his dad, someone he never knew in life.
So what have i learned from whatever the hell this trainwreck of a post is...i guess that what really gets to me, what really moves me, is when a character, maybe not even someone i can realistically relate to, gets to experience closure, catharsis and be in peace with the people who are missing on their life. The majority of these things in here, even the Angel Hare example, relate to a character being able to experience catharsis by being able to properly make pace or otherwise contact someone they lost, or their ability to move on from this world, so to speak, knowing that their affairs and in order and that their loved ones will be okay.
Things can always look dark, the world may be trying to keep you down, maybe losing someone has been specially hard for you, but it's not the end of the world, you are loved and things can get better, it always hurts and we'll never stop missing what we have lost, but the memories of happier times are there to remind us, we can be happy again, and we can move on, use those memories as your motivation, you can lead yourself to a future filled with light.
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xkaidaxxxx · 1 month
Villain's Love
Dabi x reader
mentions: Contacting Dabi, friends reveal, the truth, Menstrual, New place.
1.8k words read part 1 ( Masterlist)
No proofread.
You attached the letter onto your bird and said, “ You know where to go.  Love you Niki.” He went flying away quickly. Mirio pushed open your door. “ You’re here!!” Neijire yelled, attacking you with a hug. You weren’t in the mood for a visit but they’re your best friend so who cares? She let go of you since you were so tensed up. “ Did the villain you were with threatened you?  How did it go?Did principal Nezu get angry and yell at you? They’re not expelling you right?” she asked. You looked angry. “ You told them I was speaking to a Villain?” you asked. She nodded. “ He was probably going to hurt you! But then I saw him leave so I thought he was telling you to warn the heroes about war or something?” she replied. “ ARE YOU STUPID!? WAR STARTED EVER SINCE THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS 1ST SHOWED UP AT UA!! YOU SHOULD’VE KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT,BUT YOU CAN’T YOU LOUD MOUTH!!” You yelled wanting to slap her in the process but you held back. Neijire frowned. “ Why? He could’ve hurt you y/n. I care about you.” she replied. Tamaki closed the door and locked it. “ She had to tell the principal. It’s crucial.” Tamaki said. “ Since when do you ever comment about my decisions?” you asked. Defensively. “ What’s your problem? We want to make sure you’re doing alright. What’s going on with you? You leave the city early in the morning and come back late at night? What the hell have you been doing? Oh then suddenly you’re stuck at the hospital for 2 weeks and there’s no fucking visitors allowed?” Mirio asked. “We care about you," Neijire said with tears in her eyes. “ I’ve been great, actually Neijire ruined everything! I was tortured for god knows how many fucking hours!” you replied kicking a soccer ball you have. “ How is that my fault? I didn’t do anything bad.” she replied. “ That villain you caught me with is my boyfriend. Dabi.” you replied. The three of them were shocked as fuck. “ w-what since-what the fuck?” Tamaki said. “ We've been together for 6 months. Won’t tell you the details on how we met..it will make me relive the trauma. All I can say is he saved me from something horrible.” you replied. “You’re in love with a criminal. Y/n I think you took “ Criminal”by Britney Spears seriously.” Mirio said concerned as hell. “ Okay hold the fuck up. He treats me correctly, if he didn’t he would’ve been dead by now. I know my worth. Don’t play with me. I’m powerful, smart, kind and I have killer instincts. Our love is rational..beside the fact im a hero's daughter, hero in training and he’s a villain.” you replied. “  Cause,he’s a bad boy with a tainted heart and even I know this aint smart,but mama I'm in love with a criminal.” Neijire sang, You smacked her head. “Don’t try to be funny. I’m still mad at you. What they did to me 2 weeks ago..was painful. I could’ve died at any moment with my body being overworked. Being in excruciating pain.” you replied sitting down on your chair. “I’m sorry I ruined things. You really love him.” Neijire said. “ We won’t tell anyone just between the Big 4.” Tamaki said, smiling. “ Big 4.” You replied smiling. 
Dear Haru,
I’ve been missing you. Seeing Niki land on the fence in front of me made me feel joy and relief. I love you. I love you. I love you. I’ve been desperate to meet with you or even receive a letter. I got you a phone. It's for us to text..if anyone else touches it, it will self-destruct along with everything in it, so take great care of it. If it does happen I can get you another one as many times as I need. 
I’ve had love of fire within me. I won’t forget it. It’s burning brighter.
I’m upset that you had to experience that. Thanks for letting me know. I want and need to make sure you’re okay. I’m glad you’re doing better. The next time we meet I’m holding you closer than ever before. I love you my flame, more than anything. I’d do anything for my girl.
I’m doing well. Nothing has come up my flame. I’m safe. I have no kind of sickness, silly girl. I’m so honored you love and care about me, my queen. ;) I love you very much. My friends know to not mess with me. You know I’ll defend myself from those idiots. 
Hey…I know you want to know more about my past. I’m ready to tell you. It’s better to meet up. I need to do it face to face. I know you’ll understand. I’ve come to reason that there shouldn't be anything hidden between us. It’s about time isn’t it. Haha.
Also The show you told me to watch, I’m mid way into it and it's still boring, but as promised I’ll watch the entire thing! The main character is whiney as fuck. He needs a rude awakening. Does he really think he can get by that easily? He’ll be one stupid King. I swear if the ending is shitty I’m spanking you when we meet again. 
I love you baby.
Love, Dabi
“ I’m sorry…for dragging you into this..If anything happens you guys know nothing. “ You said. “ We have each other's back no matter what Y/n.” Mirio said. “ Does anything seem out of place here?” you asked. They examined the room. Every corner. “ No. It’s all clear. Why do you have some stuff of his in here?” Tamaki asked. “ You guys need to be more observant. That's totally her boyfriend's hoodie. The beanie too. Holy shit did he get you the album set?” Neijire asked. Mirio checked out the hoodie. “He’s into emo music?” he asked. “ Yeah mostly but he listens to other genres as well. I got him to listen to Taylor Swift. Cool right?” you responded smiling . “Ugh I’m dying for a boyfriend who listens to Taylor.” Neijire said, flopping onto your bed. “ You guys in all seriousness..I really am in love with him. I never thought I’d ever fall in love.” You said putting on his hoodie. “ Do you love him that much y/n?” Neijire asked, holding your hand. “ Yes. We learned so much from each other it's insane. He made me a bit of a rebel. I won't deny that. He’s maken me feel free. He made me realize I do have more choices than the ones given to me. That it’s alright to feel good after doing something bad. I felt great kicking that rude ass, annoying, asshole of a 1st year. I know fighting with him wasn’t allowed but it felt so good, ya,know. Yes, he ended up with recovery girl but it felt good. He disrespected my and I” you replied, hugging your pillow. “ You really didn’t have to go too far.” Tamaki said. “Mhm all heroes in training need to behave but someone like him needs a rude awakening.” you replied. “ We support you if you love him that badly.” Mirio said. Tamaki agreed. Neijire smiled and nodded yes. They said their goodbyes and left. About an hour later Niki came back. You opened the window allowing him in. “Good boy. Thank you.” you closed and locked your window. As you read the letter you felt relieved that he got the memo for the LOV to relocate. You cherished all the I love yous and how he was safe. You smiled throughout the entire thing. You grabbed the phone attached to Niki and Immediately called him. 
Phone call 
He heard his phone ring and pulled it out. Answering. You both were nervous for some god apparent reason. 
Y/n: “ D-Dabi?”
Dabi: Hi my flame. I’m glad to hear your voice. I thought you'd respond in 3 days. 
Y/n: Yeah fuck that. Also don’t tease me. 
Dabi: I love you.
Y/n: I love you too. 
You started crying. Happy to hear his voice knowing he’s okay. He started silently crying. 
Dabi: Y-you okay? Wh-y are you crying?
Y/n: I’m happy to hear from you. . Why are you cr-crying?
Dabi: Same reason as you. I’m happy to hear from you. You have no Idea how worried I was about you. I couldn’t even do my job right when Shigaraki sent me out. He eventually made me stay with him at the hideout. We’re getting ready to leave. He told me to tell you he says Thank you once we got in contact. Are you really okay now? Your body doesn’t feel drained or differently?
Y/n: I’m good, okay. I’m just pissed I got my period an hour ago. It totally sucks. I know my cramps will come soon. I still have tea to help.
Dabi: Damn that does suck. If the tea doesn’t work, take Midol. Do you have some?
Y/n: I think so, If I don't, I’ll ask the girls. I need them. My breasts are swollen and it hurts a bit and back pain sucks. I don’t get fatigued so that's good.
Dabi: Yes, flame, that's good. Please get some Midol. I wish I were there. I could be your personal heating pad. Hey, do you have one of my hoodies? I can’t find one. 
Y/n: Yes I do and a beanie. Hehe sorry. 
Dabi: Sneaky girl. How did you do it?
Y/n: You made me sneaky, babe
Dabi: Mhmm yes I did. Good girl. 
Y/n: That’s me! Don’t hang up, I need to use the bathroom real quick. 
You put yourself on mute. Doing your business. He stayed on the line waiting for you. After 5 minutes you were back unmuting yourself
Y/n: I’m back. First two days are  always heavy. 
Dabi: I’m highly aware those days you’d stay over with me. You’d get up like 3 times in the middle of the night to change. We’d both ended up restless. 
Y/n: I know Hehe but you loved having me over regardless. 
Dabi: Obviously maybe soon you’ll be able to sleepover with me.
Y/n: We can sleepover at my vacation home. It’s about 3 hours away. You have to agree this time okay.
Dabi: Okay let's do it. Anything for you. 
You got into bed turning on the heating pad to help with the cramps. 
Y/n: Babe… can you stay on the line until I fall asleep. Please. I don’t want to be alone tonight. 
Dabi: Anything for you my flame.
That night you guys talked for hours. They reached the hideout and eventually everyone went their separate ways within the building. He heard your snores, even then he didn’t hang up. He slept comfortably hearing you. It’s like you were there with him.
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when i saw ur ff dabi x zoldyck!reader i literally died like- i thought im the only one who mixed this two universes (hxh x bnha) so i want request dabi x zoldyck!reader 🛐 idc the plot just need zoldyck reader😭 also i love ur fics Have a nice day 💗 -🌹
Once Upon A Dream {Dabi}
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A/n: I'm glad at least one other person likes this crossover because this is the only au I am willing to write. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for requesting.
Pairing: Dabi x fem!zoldyck!reader
Trigger warnings: mentions of scars, mental abuse, me hating Illumi 🥰, mentions of killing and all that,
Obviously there will be spoilers about Dabi's identity so if any of you aren't caught up with the anime or manga, come back later
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There are times, late at night when Dabi comes to the shithole he calls home, extremely tired. He will just lay in bed, not even bothering to take off his clothes, not caring about any potential injuries or whether his staples are out of place. To him, those kind of nights are a living hell.
It is almost inevitable, how he will close his eyes, take a deep breath and then let his mind wander. And his mind never wanders around happy places.
But on the rare occassion it does, your face will pop up. It's a strange thing actually because he hasn't seen you in years and only knows how you currently look like because sometimes Shigaraki will bring up your family during future plans.
He was still living in the Todoroki household when he first met you. Back then his name was Touya.
His father had considered it necessary for the entire family to come with him to this... meeting -it couldn't have been further from the 'ge together' he had mentioned it would be. It only seemed natural back then, he had heard stories about your family and none of them was pleasant but somehow his father had managed to arrange a meeting with your father so they could discuss a possible treaty of some sorts.
He didn't want to admit it but he was scared. Whatever picture he had managed to see during searching through Endeavour's files contained nothing but sorrow.
Not that his family photos were any different.
You, Illumi and Milluki were lined up like soldiers and Killua was still a newborn, much like Shoto.
No one was smiling. Just like in his family photos.
When he stepped foot in the Zoldyck estate, he wanted to do nothing but run away but the only thing that kept him back was the thought that heroes didn't run away. Next to him Natsuo was mumbling about making new friends but Natsuo had refused to listen to him when he kept telling him that you were trained assassins. There was no room for friendships. A few minutes later Illumi made it very clear when your parents sent you to a different room so they could discuss alone.
Touya's hopes of someone understanding him were crushed.
Until he saw you sitting alone in the corner of the room. It was of no surprise that Fuyumi hadn't made a single movement to approach you. The aura around you was almost like bloodlust.
It took him minutes to make the first step but when he did, he couldn't stop himself until he finally sat next to you.
In the following months, Endeavour and Silva met with each other a lot and while the former refused to bring any of his kids to the meetings, Silva didn't mind taking you. Touya hadn't understood why but Dabi...
Dabi knows because you and him are the same: both treated as nothing more than an experiment but both being the strongest of your families.
At nights like this, Dabi wishes Touya had done things differently. He had the chance when he saw his father wasn't planning on coming the day the fire broke. For a split second the thought of running away had occupied his mind and there was no way he wasn't taking you with him.
He surely had huge plans for fourteen year old.
Maybe back then he didn't do it but if he ever were to see you again... maybe he would let Dabi go for a second and let Touya come forth and hug you tightly with those tainted hands that only you shared.
The only comfort he has left is the fact that you would agree to his plan because back when he had talked to you for the last time you had mentioned you wanted to do something similar.
And if Shigaraki's words were true, if you indeed were to attend the final battle then Touya would put up his best performance to take revenge for the both of you.
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halevren · 3 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 9
i got a new job and I felt sick last night so. I'm watching this very late. it has been tough avoiding spoilers but I Have Done So
hiiii one and all!!! hii intrepid heroes!!!!
i have been told stuff happens this episode. I'm so excited
"You're mad we're not doing drugs."
"I think this might be gorgug's worst day of his life."
so much happened last episode
totally healthy adult activity.
I love the projections
I think Brennan is loving being the vulture king
"One answer and it's Riz."
"I'm so glad I died on that battlefield."
A crisp 500 dollar bill
I love this so much
This is so silly
"Hey, I'll kill you, you fucker." "kiss him!"
"Can you bring his parents up here—" "NO."
"Feels like five"
"You wanna be in our crew?"
Kristen is really trying to get her friends to romance the vultures.
"Are you a God of some kind?" "I don't mind man."
This season is just Brennan breaking the PCs
oh good god
"Summons 1d4 vultures, they are not under your command."
no bring us back to the vulture dimension im obsessed with it
18 damage 😭😭😭
"I'm going to think about that for days."
"get out of my yard."
(Brennan rolling too many dice.)
the little fireball that could!
Concentration lost 🔥🔥🔥
is Ruben only able to give bardic
what are we making dex saves for.
"I'm dead from shame."
So many dice for Fabian
"Don't worry I got the ones out guys" Emily 😭😭😭
"I'm actually a huge fan."
so now that grix is destroyed does that mean there's no principal?
Ruben's frantically calling for Wanda
"I'm real right?"
"What happened? I was taking a shit."
"Do you have a warrant? Do you have a fucking warrant?"
Adaine is still dead on the ground
grix is untampered with
I miss ayda
29 investigation 🔥
24 points glowing red
Rage connection!!
"Can we get some hot sauce before we leave?"
"Found another glass of water"
Fabian finally getting his kisses in.
Nat 20 history rat check
"You know thats triggering for me!"
Rat stores
"There's not a rat world under the school."
Rat World!!!
oh god fig gave Fabian a bardic
sexuality inclusivity for cassandra!
aww..... fabian took bardic from fig earlier...
"You are. Cursed."
RIZ NAT 20!!!!
Force damage...
Three hours????
ah yes another use of the identity spell!
"You could multi class into wizard!" "Yeah, add it to the fuckin' pile."
There's something under the tree?? glyth???
I think Fig's bad luck is genuinely effecting Emily too with all these bad rolls 😭😭😭😭
Did.... Did the rat grinders kill Lucy???????
let adaine use the diamonds. finders keepers
divine intervention........
Kristen will have to work so hard to get cassandra back
spies tongue curse???
"Call an adult?"
"You were such a good teacher, I'm sorry I just got a C..." 😭😭
level of exhaustion :(
elmville police departments always on fire
did he just take the dirt like a line of drugs?
one becomes a 10 which becomes a 19
*head in hands* "is it okay if I ask you about your case, mom?"
"So I'm unbelievably wealthy. And me and my friends just discovered the site of a double homicide. So....."
Group IV time, or group shock therapy.
Gorgug putting barbarian first
"We need a word."
Gorgug talking to Porter is so funny
ok. wait this is actually kinda sweet between Porter and Gorgug
"I feel lucky to have you in my class." 😭😭😭😭
The Last Stand exam?
oh god. 4 stress tokens
I wonder if the intrepid heroes are aware of the 5 stress token
"I'm in a lot of school."
Gorgug looking into building a time machine real as hell
Oh my god gorgug is still on the owlbears
"Okay I think I have to lie down."
I'm going to fight the wizard teacher
"I love my life. Everything is perfect."
10 CATS??
aelwyn and adaine bonding 😭😭
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pianokantzart · 4 months
so the good news is in the original show, neither hongo nor ruriko die! ruriko just... goes to europe and doesn't come back in the way old shows used to do to write characters out. and hongo and ichimonji were heroes together! hongo actually shows up in a lot of later kamen rider series, i think my favorite cameo is when he meets fourze... anyways! im glad you liked the movie!
What do you mean they weren't killed in their original canon!? YOU MEAN THEY WENT AND DIED FOR NO GOOD REASON.
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Unfaithful adaptation!
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cacaobean760 · 7 months
Leander Characteristics
So for the past posts about Leander I have been talking about the lines that stood out to me but now I am going to be talking about his character design. I am also not sure how into theories I am going to be going into with Leander because there are a lot out there but I think I am just gonna be talking about the main things or facts that I think are heavily implied.
So lets first talk about Leanders name because I think that is the biggest hint we have for his background.
So I am just gonna throw a bunch of screenshots talking about Leander the Greek Mythology and also the flower and then I will talk about it after
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OK, so we know from this Greek Mythology that Hero and Leander were in love and that Leander would swim over to meet with Hero. We also know that Hero is a priestess of Aphrodite. And what is Aphrodite the Goddess of?? That is right, Sexual Love and Beauty, Which Leander shows throughout the games demo soooo, take that as you will. Also I might bring up the virgin point later but for now im just gonna leave it here. Also in the third pic, Leander is describes as using charm(which again, Leander uses a lot though out the demo) and that, Hero being a virgin, is not something that Aphrodite would want being the goddess of love and sex. So once they become a....Situationship????? Leander keeps visiting Hero every night, but one night he gets drowned. Now as of right now, I don't think the torch or light thing is super important because I don't think there is anything in the game that mentions it so im not gonna talk about it right now either. But we then find out that Hero finds Leander's body dead on the shore but he is holding flowers in his hand....Remind me again what the first thing Leander gives to us is hmmmmmm*sideways glance* So then Hero starts wailing "O Lender" over and over, and so that is how the flower, Oleander, Got it's name. And guess what, Oleander just happens to be super toxic. Uhhhhh does this imply something for Leander's character, I'll let you decide. And even though this is known to be a super toxic flower it is still used for landscape because it is considered pretty or attractive, beautiful even. And we all know by now what Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of. I also don't know if it will become a big thing later in the game with the fact that Hero then also joins Leander in death but again, as of right now, ill just leave this here. So then you may be asking, If Leander died then how would he be alive in the game?? Well I am glad you asked.
Through out Leander's character, there are multipule instances of the idea of youth, or rebirth. Again if we go back to the flowers Leander gives us, they are noted to be white Lilles, now what do white lilies symbolize???
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Ok so if Leander did die, he somehow came back to life so yes, rebirth.
While looking for Leander at first we are looking out for his dagger shaped earing, but what is this dagger going through exactly? Well, I think it is the Ouroboros symbol. And what does that mean exactly?
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We can see this design on Leander's earring like I said
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Actually without closely looking at this, it just looked like a normal circle but up close, it is a snake eating itself. Again with the theme of rebirth.
Now when we go to look at the symbol on Leander's belt, the whole entire structure of the belt looks like the symbol that represents the mother, maiden and the crone.
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So the main point for this symbol is youthfulness or in a way, rebirth
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Now when looking at the middle of the belt the symbol looks like the symbol for Aphrodite which Leander's lover, Hero, was a priestess too, they look....pretty similar right? Also just another note that doves and sparrows are also a symbol for Aphrodite andddddd what does Ais call Mhin and the MC for their nickname hmmmmmm???
okokok, so there are a lot of symbols for rebirth on Leander but what else. By now one can assume that Leander died and had been revived or rebirthed. But is there something that also leads to this conclusion without it being a symbol, why yes there is. In fact, we can see that a core color of Leander's character is green and we all know that green is related to growth or growing or rebirth??? Thus the green color leading us to talk about Leander's eyes. So lets actually talk about Leanders eye color
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I actually saw a post about this so this is not my discovery but his eye color is Paris Green and guess what a fun little fact about this paint is. Yep! you guessed it, it is indeed, toxic.
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So that is so slay for Leander. In fact, it's not even used now because of how toxic it is
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So, so far we have a toxic flower AND a toxic Paint that goes with Leanders character.
But I want to stay on Leander's eyes for just another sec because there is also something more interesting going on in them then just the color. When we first see Leander in the CG Leander is using magic and so along with all the other sparks around him that are happening while doing his magic, there is also a "spark" or a glint sort to speak in his eye
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Now, this is not super unusual because in other games or novels, the characters eyes or hair have been describe to "light up" when using magic but.....This glint never goes away
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Now I can understand while using magic there would be a glint but when he is not doing anything? Unless...he is using magic constantly. I mean if he was dead, and he did get rebirthed or revived, who says it was a one time thing. What if he constantly has to use magic to keep him alive or something along the lines of that.
So if Leander did get revived or has been rebirthed but has kept all his knowledge it would explain some of the lines that stuck out to me when interacting with Leander. I mean if he is not actually in his 30's like people think he is but he is actually much older, old enough to have Greek Mythology about him, it would explain why he is so powerful or such a good mage. Like I said, I have talked about this in my previous posts about Leander and the lines that were weird to me but there are quite a few lines or situations that tell us that Leander is very strong. So lets look at a few of these situations...
First when Leander initially summons the flowers, if you choose the Alchemist background, you note that he did not need a spell circle, he just straight up summoned the flowers. And from further dialogue we can come to the conclusion that this is not normal and Leander must be a "very gifted mage"
Second when we tell Leander we are cursed and then he seems very curious and asks us if it is "ancestral or more recent". We know that Leander did not go to study at the Senobium soooooo how would he know about curses. I can kinda understand the "more recent" curses. But ancestral.....How would he even know about it and why is he so interested in it?? I mean if he really is the Leander from the Greek Myth then, Leander would be pretty old, old enough to learn about curses and even more so for ancestral curses.
Then when we talk to Leander about picking fights with Ais and trying to kill him, he just brushes it off completely and he is not the least bit worried. I mean I feel like any normal mage would be worried even if they were very good at what they do. Soooo I feel like you would have to be around a pretty long time to not be the least bit scared or nervous about messing with a monster.
And this will finally be my last point about Leander's character. It is his motto on the Bloodhound poster which is, "as above, so below". At first glance it does not seem that significant. I mean the Bloodhounds are all about helping the lower class so it is more equal to the upper class so that is probably what the motto means. This is also reinforced when you learn the fact that Leander is the son of an old Hightown Family and then runs away and joins in with the Lowtown so ya, they are trying to bridge the wage gap. But maybe, just maybe, If Leander is the Leander that died in the Greek Myth, it actually stands from something like...Heaven and Earth? Two different planes where one is above and the other is below??
Anyways that it all but let me know if you guys liked this and if you have something to add on!
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writer1queenjaysblog · 6 months
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Taking chances are high risks.
(stepbro Mark Grayson x stepsis oc. Mark not only reveal his identity to his step sister but a secret as well.)
(Mark 22 oc 21. Warning: stepcest, cream pie,mention of pregnancy, risk getting caught.)
Mark just revealed himself as Invincible the hero to the one he loves. Jada. She looked at him shock trying to piece together what she was just told.
Jada: So wait a damn minute YOU are Invincible?
Mark chuckles: Yes my love I am. And before you say it yes mom knows and dad does too, after he taught.
Jada was mad she was kept in the dark and was the only one but then she understood why.
Jada: I see. Well I'm proud of you Mark.
He smiled as he wrap his arms around her he lift off the ground floating before kissing her lips deeply moaning as his hands felt up and down her curvy body.
Mark: Fuck princess.
He pin her against the wall floating higher as he began to take her clothes off.
Mark: You make me feel so good I know that we've known each other since our early teens but man if I'd made you mine back then we wouldn't have had to wait this long, but I'm glad we did.
Jada: Me too baby Mark..I want to feel your cock in me.
That's all it took for him to unravel. He started lifting her skirt higher and ripped her panties off she moans as he flew to the bed taking his suit off now he was naked, his 9 inch cock throbbing begging to go in.
Mark: Fuck princess I'm going fuckin crazy over here.
Jada: Here bro.
She opens her legs she was wet and twitching she wanted his thick cock to be buried inside her.
Mark groans : Fuck yeah baby.
He thrust deep in her he was now pounding her pussy moaning loudly losing his mind like a wild savage animal in heat moaning.
Mark: AHH! Fuck princess Fuck! The only fucking thing I'm breaking is this pussy, it's mine to conquer no one else.
He said stern he pulled her close as took off her shirt and bra the only thing left was her short ruffle black skirt he wrap her legs around him floating off the bed.
He thrusts fast
Mark: Ahh..ooh yes Jada oh my god I'm fuckin losing it. I'm going crazy because of this pussy! Fuck pretty girl you're so wet just for me~.
The front door was heard opening it was Nolan and Debbie coming back from work.
Mark: Shit mom and dad are home.
He thrust faster
Jada moans covering her mouth
Jada: Mark stop- ah~ fucking stop brother.
Mark grunts: Hell no, I don't care if we get caught I'm fuckin you til I - oh fuck cum.
Footsteps were getting closer
Jada: Mark please.
She whispered he scoff floating to the ceiling his back pressed against the ceiling Nolan came in but didn't see them.
Nolan: Hm that's weird. Maybe their out with friends.
He closes the door
Mark looks at Jada dead in the eye thrusting
Mark: Don't you fuckin scream til he's gone.
He said as Nolan's footsteps faded from earshot.
Mark float down this time on the bed Jada was hovering over the bed as he pounded her growling and moaning
Mark: I'm cumming I can't..hold it for too long..shit. Fuck I'm close I'm cumming inside you baby which is what I'm gonna fill ya up with carry my babies babe please?
Jada: No..no please Mark don't do this think about our parents, friends, Amber.
He didn't care about his parents, friends, or Amber his feelings for her died long ago.
Mark stopped before looking at Jada in her eyes: Fuck them it's you and me against the world princess.
He kisses her lips as he pounded her pussy faster and faster wet sounds coming from her pussy as she moans while mark's tongue explored her tongue and mouth.
Mark: Oh God I'm about to cum! I don't care if they hear me I'm gonna knock you up and we're going to be a happy family! Jada oh god I'm so close now I'm - ah fuck Im at my peak!
Ohh Jada Jada I Love you!
He cums deep inside her womb before collapsing on the bed panting heavily sweating. He groans in pleasure coming off his high
Mark: Fuck..ooh~ fuck princess Fuck princess you took it outta me tonight. I can't wait to fuck this pussy when your pregnant and swollen with my baby.
Jada: Damn..oh Mark your my hero and soulmate I love you.
Mark kissed her lips smiling: I love you too princess.
(That's all folks 🌺 🌸 follow me for me!🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸)
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kookie-doughs · 8 months
Maybe Hero
Hawks / Keigo Takami X Reader
-Y/N L/N a UA’s 1st year Department of Support was mistaken by the No. 2 hero as a hero.
Chapter 2: Ms. Newbie
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The number of times you've been mistaken as a newbie hero was a lot. Considering you have no plans of being a hero.
You're just walking around in your new suit to advertise.
After Izuku had finished classes, he rushed to the lab to test on your suit. When it worked with a resounding success, you only need market. Making the suit would be impossible for Mei with rhe number of micro properties that needs to be perfected and no tools needed so you are needed in making. You both are also lacking in materials with just the materials racking around 70 million yen, thanks to those other equipments you've sold you got the money.
Now, this extremely expensive suit needs to be sold. What better way to get the attention other than to showcase it.
You fly relatively high to see a bigger area, but low enough to catch people's attention. Scouring for trouble, no hero was deployed in the area to scout so it shouldn't be a hard time finding a villain.
Not that you were manifesting or glad, but you managed to find one after an explosion occurred. You were excited to show off your new robot... until you saw the number of people going down one after the other.
Ah right. You were still a 15 year old with no heroic experiences, you had completely forgotten.
It wasn't a huge threat but a threat nonetheless. Maybe would require a help of 2 heroes of low rank or 1 mid ranked hero.
You were scared.
But your fear was overpowered. When you saw a familiar face.
"Holy shit is that the vice of Honkai Industries?!" The smell of investment.
When the villain was running to attack the man, you swoop in and grabbed him.
"Who are you?!" The man was scared. You settle him down to an open area.
"Your next business partner."
You pull out your sword from your side and ignited it.
The villain was a transformation type. His limbs extended and stretched as if it was from a cartoon.
He uses no equipment you can mess with.
You charged forward, swinging your sword in a calculated arc. The man swiftly dodged and weaved, his body contorting and stretching to evade each precise strike. With a fierce grin on his face, he retaliated, launching himself into the air and delivering a barrage of rapid punches, his fists slamming into the robot's metallic exterior. You raise your arms to prevent the attack on your exposed head...
Undeterred, you countered with a sweep of a sword. The man, stretched his limbs, propelling himself out of harm's way just in time. As he landed, a spark of determination flickered in his eyes and a sickening smirk.
"You're pathetically weak for a hero."
He lunged forward, delivering a series of lightning-fast attacks, each blow connecting with precision. You try your best to keep up with his attacks. Upon successfully keeping up with it due to the material used for the robot, you endured the onslaught, your sword swining blindly trying to land a hit on him.
But in a climatic moment the man's fist grew larger, one could compare the size to a giant's. You can't escape that...
As the fist slowly descended. Hawks swiftly intervened, swooping in to save you from possibly dying. With his wings spread wide, Hawks shielded you from the man's attack, effectively redirecting the course of the battle.
"That was close. Help the civilians, I'll handle the rest!" Hawks ordered.
But you were still shaken from the fact you almost died.
"Miss!" He shakes you, snapping you back. You looked at him fearfully. He sighs knowing you are incapacitated for now. "Can you stay somewhere safe hmm?"
With tears pooling, you reluctantly nodded. He gave you a smile and you got away from his hold.
The vice from Honkai Industries had long left the scene, and you checked to see if there were any civilians you come across whilst running.
Getting somewhere you think was safe enough you got off your suit. There were numerous of damages, it didn't seem like so as you were in contact. The material used was totally worth it as it kept you safe. You activate your quirk restoring the suit.
The number of damages it took was quite a lot as you never really dodged any attacks so you sat next to your suit as it repaired itself.
Luckily your sword had no damages.
You curled yourself, tucking your knees in as you softly cry alone. You never wanted to be a hero. What were you thinking.
"I could've died." You sobbed quietly.
Shaking in fear, fighting really wasn't your strong suit. Kendo classes as a kid being the only source of your knowledge.
Your pity party was interrupted when you gelt something tickle you. You raise your head, your snot, tear and sweat covered face, to see the hero who had saved you kneeling in front of you. You bite your lip to prevent your sobs.
"You did great you know..." He pulls you in, rubbing soothing circles on your back. "You held out and kept the civilians safe. And you're safe too. All is well."
You cling on his coat taking deep ragged breaths to calm yourself down.
"Ms. Newbie, you can't let every fight break you down. You're a hero, you have to stand your ground. Are you going to cry like this everytime you fight a villain?"
You composing yourself raised your head once again. He gave you a smile that was infectious.
"Ahh, look at what you did, you made a mess on my coat. SMH."
You laughed, "Did you seriously just say SMH?"
Your gaze swept over the hero's features, you couldn't help but be captivated by his unique charm. His piercing, keen eyes drawing her in with their intensity. The slight curve of his lips, hinting at a playful yet confident demeanor, caused a flutter in your heart.
You flushed realizing you've been staring. The hero clears his throat, and takes his coat off.
"You know, you made a mess out of that its only fair you get it cleaned. Maybe give it back on i don't know, whenever neither of us have patrol? Over coffee or lunch?"
Your heart skipped at the suggestion. Holy shit was he really asking you on a date. You looked at him in shock.
Your eyes traced the lines of his face, noting the subtle imperfections that only added to his allure. The rugged edges of his jawline, held a magnetic appeal. And the way his wind-tousled hair framed his face, sparked a growing fascination within. You wondered if this will get you anywhere.
"So? Ms. Newbie, are you free?"
"I-" You couldn't bring yourself to correct him about something that is probably important. You know the moment you do, you'll lose his attention. "I-I'm free next weekend..."
The hero smirked, "So can I get your name and number?" He hands you his phone.
You couldn't give him your name. What if he looks you up?
"W-well I dont know yours. I dont think it's fair for only one of us to know..." You laughed nervously as you input your number.
"Well you, cutie, can call me Hawks." He smiled. "I on the other hand, have nothing to call you."
Your suit dinged indicating that the repair was done. You got up to get on.
"Y-You can just call me uhm... whatever you want." you flushed.
He chuckled, "A woman secrets. Not even a hero name?"
"I'm not known for a reason."
"Robot Samurai."
"I'm trying to think of a hero name. Robo Kenshi? Optimus Prime?"
"Optimus Prime?" You giggled.
"He has a sword." He shrugged. "What about Cyberblade? I like Cyberblade."
You shake your head, "Call me whatever. Its not like I'll use it."
"WOW, That is so rude. I'm using all my amazing naming skills."
"You named yourself Hawks, because you're a bird."
"Robot Samurai wins then?"
"I'll see you next weekend." You smile to yourself and fly away.
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @applepie-macaroon @nykie-love-anime @qardasngan
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