#im going to commit heinous acts
alilbitlesbian · 5 months
Okay, have I not updated my fic in super long?
Do I have a bunch of very good excuses, the last of which being that I got super sick and am still sick?
.....Have I been writing for another fic instead of goddamn monsterfuckers?
Sorry not sorry, might take a lil longer than expected on the new chap.
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undead-discourse · 5 months
genuinely have to wonder what these people who are so staunchly anti non-offending paraphiles want to happen to said paraphiles. like... what, do you want them to be killed for their thoughts they cant control? you think they deserve to die because theyre mentally ill? do people with homocidal intrusive thoughts deserve to die too, for an act they have not and likely will never commit? i hate to break it to you, but paraphilias are way more common than you think, and the people who have them are humans just like you. some of them seemingly come from nowhere, but a lot of them stem from trauma, which yall dont like to think about because it reminds you that if things just went a little differently, you couldve ended up like the inhuman, irredeemable monsters you advocate for the murder of. either way, its literally not something that the paraphile can control. fundamentally its unlikely any of them will ever be able to shirk their attractions. they can, however, just like you, control their actions. they are people with mental illnesses so stigmatized that its socially acceptable to publicly call for their slaughter. if you fancy yourself someone who thinks that people can be reformed and rehabilitated, someone who identifies as a prison abolishionist or an anarchist, you cannot also advocate for the involuntary killing of people with mental disorders. and you cannot perpetuate this culture of shame and fear and hostility, because all it does is push paraphiles who desperately need help further into isolation, away from the help that they need, and closer to actually offending. if someone is outed as a paraphile, their entire life is ruined. all of their connections are severed. theyre met with constant active hostility for something they never asked for and something they cannot control. so why, then, would a paraphile ever feel comfortable asking for help? how could they ever feel like they can reach out to a professional or even just to their friends and family when the risk is so high? when theyre told that theyre going to hurt people no matter what anyway?
full disclosure, im a paraphile. i wont specify anything beyond that. but for the longest time i really did feel like an irredeemable monster who was doomed to hurt others, that it was only a matter of time. that mindset, unsurprisingly, is not very conducive to recovery. it was only when i found other paraphiles online, learned i wasnt alone, that i didnt have to feel like the only option was death, that i finally felt like i could take control of myself. the isolation was the biggest hindrance to that. feeling like i was entirely alone in the world aside from people who had committed heinous acts, because the paraphiles who havent obviously cant talk about it. except they do, in small corners of the internet, where they still face incredible harassment and shame. still, knowing i was in the company of good people and knowing that my attraction wasnt some conscious choice on my part that made me into an inherent monster helped majorly. i didnt choose to grow up in the environment that i did. i didnt choose what i was exposed to as a kid. i didnt choose how any of that would affect me. i didnt choose to be a paraphile. but i am choosing to be a good person despite it, and im choosing to let other paraphiles know that they can do the same. i know there are some reading this. youre not alone, you can get help, and you can choose to be a fantastic person. youre not doomed. you dont have to die to keep others safe.
to summarize: paraphiles are human beings with mental illnesses just like many of you. and just like you, they need help and support, but its incredibly difficult to get that when the public opinion on them is generally "you deserve to die no matter what." we are incredibly common. you probably know a paraphile. and if that deeply upsets you on a moral level, i hope you know thats the reason why paraphiles hide it and just get worse and worse.
paraphiles are always going to be here no matter how hard you wish they were all dead. thats just a fact. so you can keep making graphic threats against mentally ill people, literally only causing further harm to them and to others, or you can show compassion and a genuine desire to see things get better by at the very least not perpetuating obvious anti-recovery, pro capital punishment, pro thought crime propaganda.
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corviiids · 9 months
I saw your post about Achilles and Patroclus (the one for the ask game) and it was really interesting, I like the points you made and I enjoyed reading it, but I have a question about Achilles' bloodlust before Patroclus' death: what about what he did to Troilus? This happens before Patroclus' death in most accounts, so Achilles is very brutal with it for someone, who says he prefers to ransom the Trojans rather than kill them.
Yes, Troilus had to die, if the Achaeans wanted to win the war, but his death didn't have to be so brutal. Furthermore, Achilles kills him in a sanctuary (Apollo's temple) with no regard for the consequences, and then throws the kid's head to Hector and a few other of his brothers (there are also even more severe versions about what Achilles did to this kid before and/or after killing him)
And then there's Polyxena, who usually is accompanying Troilus and gets kidnapped (and most likely r*ped) by Achilles after he kills her brother. In some versions she was partially the cause of Achilles' death, setting up his ambush by her brothers in Apollo's temple (which in my opinion seems like her way of avenging Troilus' death).
And then the ghost of Achilles demands her sacrifice (either as revenge to her revenge or because he still wants to have her, or both, 'm not sure), otherwise the Achaeans wouldn't be able to leave Troy.
I'm really curious about your thoughts on what Achilles did to these two.
(The argument about the Iliad characters is never ending and there are tons of different takes and opinions. I'm not trying to pick up an argument, I just want to hear you take on this, maybe what versions of these myths you prefer, why do you think Achilles acted the way he did and how does it fit in his characteristic you wrote previously?)
hellooo yeah so first and foremost obviously due to the nature of mythology it's always going to be kind of impossible to have, like, one unified "version" of a character that brings together every depiction of them throughout history, as you said. i think every storyteller is going to add something to a figure that doesn't necessarily mesh with every other depiction. it's like spiderman. it's for that reason that in that post (i had to go read it again lol i forgot exactly what i said but im pretty sure) i only talked about events that happened in or were referred to in the iliad. i.. clearly.. dont have a very good memory so i could very much be wrong about this but i dont think polyxena is mentioned in the iliad and troilus is only mentioned by name, i don't thiiiiiink the story of his death is relayed? i could be wrong! but yeah all of which is to say if my characterisation of achilles seems inconsistent with other myths, it sometimes might just be because it simply is. i dont try to account for every myth bc i would explode into a shower of snails
that said though i think in this instance we can find a compatibility. my point in that post wasn't that achilles isn't ever bloodthirsty or brutal, only that he shouldn't be defined by his bloodlust. quoting my own post bc again i had to go reread it
it's not that he isn't violent or hasn't killed or that he has reservations about taking lives
it's uncontroversial that he committed a lot of pretty heinous acts and clearly has the capacity for great cruelty and does not really weigh kindness or compassion or charity as a major factor in his decision-making. from my post again
he doesn't fight to kill, he fights to win. that's not hugely different in terms of the outcome, given it is in a war context where defeat and death tend to mean the same thing, but it IS different from a personality and character perspective, because it tells us achilles is at worst indifferent to human life rather than actually being driven by a desire to take it. better? worse? doesn't matter, not my point - just different.
achilles is more than happy to commit atrocities. it doesn't bother him to do so, morally. indifference to human life is sometimes indistinguishable from being outright driven by a desire to kill first and foremost. sometimes it's worse. achilles kind of does what he wants - he enjoys excelling at things - he excels at killing. so, stands to reason he might take a particularly brutal or bloodthirsty action if he feels like it. im putting the rest of this under a cut because it got long again
achilles choosing to ransom lycaon isn't proof that he is a merciful soul. it's just that he isn't at war for the love of making war and ending lives in and of itself. he absolutely does not give a shit about lycaon at all as an individual. if someone doesnt have to die, he might decide to let them go (vs someone who's in this because they love killing and therefore would just kill anyway). or he might kill them. if someone DOES have to die, achilles wouldn't go out of his way to make it a kind end. he might if he feels like it. but he might not. the bottom line is he can be bloodthirsty, but that's not his core driving trait. he's not in this to kill, he's in this to win and to be remembered for it. the killing is incidental (if he wins enough then it doesn't matter if his victims survive or not), so it'll happen or it won't and it doesn't really matter to him. so yeah, a plea for mercy might work on him better than it might work on someone who really actively wants to kill people because maybe he has no particular stake in killing them, which is why ive said he isn't fundamentally driven by bloodlust. but like if achilles thinks it might be fun to kill someone in a brutal way, no voice in his head is gonna be like Whoa there champ! How about not doing that? bc his reasons for not killing aren't ethical concerns, it's just a byproduct of what drives him. this is a fine distinction i know but i think it's important. again im not arguing (and wont ever) that achilles is a good moral figure, it's more just about understanding who he is. the killing isn't his goal hence why hes willing to ransom trojan soldiers moreso than the other greeks but if he DOES kill he's probably also going to do it more brutally than others again because his reasons were never rooted in morality to begin with
basically in terms of how im able to marry my view of achilles not being driven by bloodlust with the fact that he does objectively violent and brutal acts, i think those things are compatible with each other bc he can be bloodthirsty without that being the core driving force of his character and the thing that makeshim what he is. does that make sense? the issue i was railing against specifically w that post was that he tends to be depicted as a guy who just wants to fight kill bite kill blood blood blood and i think he DOES act like that guy but that's not the be all and end all of him. killing is incidental to winning, but he can take it or leave it - what i refer to as the breakdown of achilles' character following patroclus' death is the transition in achilles from "i want to win, and i'll kill to make that happen" to "i want to kill for the sake of killing" it stops being about glory and starts being about destruction and pain
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spitdrunken · 6 months
not gonna make any more promises about activity because Life LMAO (full time student + part time job + attempted social life = hell) but man a couple of months ago my girlfriend made me watch spiderman 1 & 2 (original ones) and i have been a changed person ever since. sent so many rambles to her about these two men. anyway. have a bit of a fic im working on.
notes: mermaid(? dunno what else to call it) au
Oh, how many times have you wished to be hatched from a different egg…!
But, no, fate had decided that you must be born as a shrimp, among so many others. Why couldn’t you have been one of the predators, large, and able to navigate the coral reefs you call home without fear? You wish for it, and yet it’s a mode of existence so far away from yours that you can hardly imagine it.
You had many siblings, once. Now, few of them remain, scattered amongst the vast expanse of the reefs. A part of you is glad that you haven’t been able to track them. If you can’t find them, that means others can’t, either. As for the ones you do know the location off, it’s better not to go and see them, either. You have no desire to risk your life to the predator they’ve bonded with. The most you catch is whispers from well-connected prey, to whom new bonds are one of the greatest sources of gossip. Down here, information is key to survival, and misinformation can get you killed.
If there is anyone who has much misinformation drifting around about him, it would be a particularly vicious octopus nicknamed Octavius. Or supposed to be vicious, at least. There is no way to know for certain. The incidents that continue to be spoken of happened many a shrimp’s lifetime ago though, compared with other creatures, that is no time at all. That is not to mention that octopi are notoriously solitary, and no one has seen this Octavius himself in forever. Still, the crime he has supposedly committed—the act of killing prey for one’s own enjoyment, rather than survival—is heinous enough that you can’t write it all off either. It must contain some pearl of truth, covered in muck as it may be. All the same, Octavius is exactly the one you want to seek out. You certainly wouldn’t blame anyone for accusing you of having a death wish. You may have one, considering being alive is so utterly exhausting. All it consists of is being in a constant state of fear, and scrambling to find your next meal. Your antennae twitch thinking about those lucky cleaner shrimp, who no longer have a care in the world. Whereas trying to bond with any predator is normally a risk, you’ve developed a plan.
So many horrific stories about Octavius regularly make the rounds, that you, for once, can be certain no one has bonded with him. No one else has been stupid enough to try. If you die, at least you tried.
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ddaycarecenter · 2 years
yandere! dark! bob velseb x reader
warnings: kidnapping, forced relationship, gruesome murder describing, forced cannibalism, cannibalism, manipulation, murder, it’s bob y’all know
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.
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when you first met bob he gave you a lot of laughter and joy. he was always the kind of boss that also felt like your best friend. you should’ve known something was wrong. bob was knowing things before you even told him. you always caught him “zoning out” while staring at you. you always felt watched for weeks leading up to the moment bob took you.
one weekend you decided to pay a visit to your family, only to walk into a home with a sight that broke you. your family brutally murdered. the once navy blue carpet you grew to love, soaked and tethered with body parts.
no longer having control of your body, you felt your legs move forward shakily, waiting for the moment your family would jump up and scare you. pretending it was all a joke. you choked and dropped to your knees.
the daylight coming from the front door behind you clouded and you didn’t even need to turn around to see a monstrous, devilish shadow loom over you. it felt fitting at the moment, realizing no man nor woman would ever commit to something so heinous. slowly turning around, the last thing you saw was the devil himself smiling. you blacked out.
life was never the same after that day. you work up one day in an old home that reeked of a metallic smell and rotting meat. your kidnapper introduced himself as your true love and your boss. bob professed his love to you, excited for the life you were going to have with him and he told you he was never going to stop loving you.
he was sweet at first. like a spoilt child throwing tantrums to get what they want, he relished you like a toy. he was always touching you, face pressed against yours. he whispered sweet nothings to you all day. he praised your beauty and your body. of course you had no access to technology or the outside world so you relied on bob for social interaction.
it’d been two years since you were taken. at first you fought hard against bob. anger filled your heart. screaming at him for killing your family and destroying your mind. you had absolutely nothing. days were spent spitting whatever you could at bob. you felt like a bomb, itching to explode. you no longer had control over your emotions, or your life. at first bob gave you the benefit of the doubt. he was sympathetic to your situation, or at least acted like it. he was patient and did nothing whenever you grew angry. however bob grew impatient and uncaring of how you felt. he didn’t want an unruly pet. what annoyed him was your loud tone and your resistance to his touch. he threatened you with murdering your other co workers and random civilians. every time he was angry that you were an ungrateful pet he told you he could get up and slice open throats whenever he wanted. “darlin’ im getting real sick of your attitude. i love you so much and it hurts me to hurt you. but you need to learn your damn place. shut your damn mouth, before i kill off your other friends. you wouldn’t want that on your conscience, would you?”
being kidnapped meant bob was the only one allowed to go out. meaning he provided for both of you. he demanded that you had to eat whatever he gave you. you grew stressed because bob loved to make you think you were eating your friends or family? “how do you like your friend? i felt he had a smokey taste like your brother” bob found your misery hilarious and laughed hysterically to himself when he saw you get sick over the thought of eating a person.
one day bob grew bored of his routine with you. smirking to himself he came up a game that’d really break you. breaking you was his top priority. he didn’t want you fighting, no he wanted you to love him so bad. at the cost of everything. one evening he got up and excused himself saying he needed to go get food. being with bob meant you knew exactly what that meant. however when bob left you noticed he didn’t lock the door. in shock you couldn’t believe bob made a mistake after spending years trying to stay hidden. bob was a careful man. but you knew his weakness was his desperation for victims. his hunger. it sometimes distracts him from his safety and security, causing him to be irrational at times. deciding to stop overthinking, you swung the door open after waiting a couple of minutes to see if bob was really gone and ran. you didn’t know where you were going but you knew anywhere was better than hell.
A.N wrote this at 5AM, didn’t get to proof
sorry if spellings a bit bad :(((
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vitalconviction · 5 months
Sephiroth, for that ask thing
Sexuality Headcanon:
Gay in the way that any person they would enter a relationship with would be a queer relationship, that's just how they work
Gender Headcanon:
biology wise I have Seph always as intersex in some regard and genderwise it depends on how much thought he's spared himself--overall I think he's nonbinary in the most overarching definition and if given the chance to exist outside shinra he would gravitate towards femininity and eventually land on only feminine pronouns for herself! as it stands canonically i think she transcends gender in the corrupted ascenion to godhood seph has, but overall has left the aspect of his gender unassessed
A ship I have with said character:
tsengseph! genseph! I like smashing the obvious yin and yang counterparts together and also the red guy with the almost-sort-of-blue guy
One day I'll answer this on a more eloquent level HAHA
A BROTP I have with said character:
aeriseph but I do also ship them sometimes--i just cannot get over the thematic resonance of the child of the calamity and a child victim of the calamity essentially unionizing. This would be peak full circle, cue the cycle breaking, cue the chrysalis to butterfly, all that jazz
A NOTP I have with said character:
angealseph/sephgeal-- i personally find angeal unbearable. he really annoys the fuck out of me im sorry angeal fans but he's not my man... I think that his hardheadedness/stubbornness in his idea of honour would grate on sephiroth, but the reason sephiroth likes him is because of his care otherwise. It's just not something I can see sephiroth pursuing romantically though Lol so in that vein I also don't really like AGS or any angeal ot3 😔
A random headcanon:
niche weirdest hc i have is the eyeball nipple ALSO applies to seph, he has that eyeball nipple guys.
Less insane hc is that he is a sugar fiend, desserts are his favourite food and his drinks could all be classified as syrup. also despite not being the biggest fan of citrus he really really likes yuzu! I tend to flit between him being vegetarian and not as well, mostly because he would be tripping over himself to try new things because he's excited over the prospects of new sensory stimulas that isnt, say, Pain in a new flavour
General Opinion over said character:
WAAAAUUUGH! i love this blorbo. I wish he had a chance to live and not die everything he was always going to be. It was really self fufilling and in the end he died as what Hojo wanted of him--never breaking free, dying under the abuse, becoming the abuse that made him. Fucking kills me! I want a world where he breaks the cycle, where he becomes the future. That's a reason I love the transformative aspect of fandom here, I couldn't love ff7 the way I do without all the AU's, there is just far too much here to mess with, to reshape.
Totally tangentially, but I don't agree with people speaking of him being irredeemable or deserving of punishment, these are fundamentally reductive ideas and don't even line with the politics of ff7 itself LOL Atonement and redemption does not mean everyone suddenly forgives and forgets, but it does mean everyone is afforded another chance. Everyone is deserving of that. Even people who've committed heinous acts, because foundationally they're still people. It all depends on whether or not they double down on their damage and believe in it till the end, if they're apathetic and even jubilant at their violence. If he came back uncaring, apathetic, and fundamentally unchanged from the blind bitter hate filled attitude he had before, then yes he is unredeemable because he is refusing it. But were he to acknowledge the wrongs and try to right them, try to move on and apologize then yes he could work for atonement. Sorry for the random anti-punishment rant LOL I've just been thinking abt this for a while, check out philosophytubes video on capital punishment (its on youtube!) for further challenges on this idea :D
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lockandkeyhyena · 5 months
Is violence against Alvin allowed
i’m going to very tentatively say that i genuinely don’t know where i stand on this.
the story is, in practice, very anti retributive justice (i just rewatched contrapoints’ video on it and i have been thinking about it a lot) and fundamentally about a horrible person becoming better. i’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently on my point of view on violence as a form of revenge (as opposed to a tool of the oppressed, where the riot is the language of the unheard) and i suppose the idea of an eye for an eye appeals to me less and less as i examine the humanity that resides in every individual, no matter how heinous.
the question i suppose i am left with is- is it productive? to sit down and examine it, the crime has already been committed, we gain nothing but sadistic pleasure from the act, and while by no means does it make us as bad as them (that’s a silly argument) it’s all… pointless?
i guess my final stance is that violence is never productive unless utilised as a response to immediate harm, and while it offers a short-term release, it’s simply not worth it to enact that harm upon another person.
i’m definitely open to discussing this however! im kind of rushed writing this before dinner and cant put all my thoughts down
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irishyuri · 1 year
im going to commit such heinous acts of irish on irish violence against colinm organ. why is he this hard to draw.
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sovietsquiddo · 17 days
im gonna make a blog post for divine chronicles and just start infodumping to get shit out there that maybe someone reads a little bit of.
I guess I'll need to do a bit of a summary of things to start going into detail on the different aspects of everything.
Divine Chronicles is a novel I have been actively writing for something like 10 years at this point, it is not the only story I have been working on but it is by far the most in depth and far along one.
I've done extensive private worldbuilding on this story and completely torn down and rewritten it multiple times, I'm currently working on the first draft of the first book in the series, so I want to hopefully engage people with my story and maybe attract questions that help me further flesh things out.
The placeholder name I've been using for the world is Terra Grostin.
Terra Grostin is a world where magic is within everything. As far back as mortal history has recorded, every single being on the planet was imbued with magical energy that it could learn to harness and use. Many different intelligent species emerged over time from this, allowing for a myriad of diverse cultures to explode. These cultures unite under the banner of 'mortals'.
The first recorded history begins after an event known as The First Cataclysm. Very little is known about the event itself aside from the fact that it was devastating, wiping out the majority of mortals and driving many mortal species extinct.
There is evidence of civilized society prior to the first calamity, but a majority of it has been destroyed along with most writings and artifacts from that timeframe.
There are massive blank spots from there on in mortal history, chunks of hundreds to even thousands of years that have not a single scrap of information available about them.
The one organization that has stood despite all of this since before the first cataclysm is The Mages College, the body of learning in charge of both educating others in magic and enforcing boundaries to prevent those who would delve too deep from doing so.
Mortals did not rise to prominence alone however.
Also inhabiting this world are gods, who, in exchange for loyalty and favorable actions, grant various incredible boons and assistance to their charges.
There are more gods than stars in the sky, each one representing a unique concept.
Some people devote their entire lives to their gods, mutilating their bodies, or committing heinous or heroic acts in tribute.
Others arrive at a pact of convenience, only providing their service when it's mutually beneficial.
Likewise a god is free to withhold their blessings, or outright ignore acts in their favor should they wish.
A gods power is corollary to several factors including the concept it represents, the followers it has garnered, and the meaning and intention behind the act of faith exchanged.
Popular gods include: the goddess of sacrifice, the god of agriculture, the goddess of fate, and the god of combat.
Alright infodump over for now I'll reblog this with more eventually. If you have questions feel free to shoot me an ask.
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alilbitlesbian · 6 months
finally wrote another chapter of monsterfuckers in what is probably the sexiest move of my career.
anyway read it on ao3, titled Goddamn Monsterfuckers, im abb to lose my marbles
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housewifebuck · 10 months
the touches 🥺 I blame covid for them never giving us a buddie hug after s3 but they reaally need to stop it up with the touching again
No excuses they need to give us clingy touchy buddie in s7 or im going to commit heinous acts of violence
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cascaria · 9 months
im actually going to go insane and commit heinous acts if i do not meet and at least become friends if not more with another tranny dyke soon i mean it im going to hit the fucking pentagon
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
update/rant post:
look ik i said i wasn't going to write smut or anything explicit anymore but idk okay. essentially i got outed as a smut/fanfic writer and now my parents know and i just don't know what to do anymore and i can't even open my stupid google doc that i use to write all my fics without feeling like im being monitored and im gonna get in even more trouble. but i want my series to have smut so bad not because im horny or smthing but because that's the emotional climax and that's the peak of vulnerability and that's where the character development goes but right now i don't even feel safe opening tumblr or my stupid doc bc im so scared that my parents are going to see this and i just don't know what to do and im so mad because i was finally getting comfortable with my sexuality and all of this and it's all been ruined in a day and i feel like i can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore and i feel like im wearing a stupid scarlet letter and im just scared and i don't want people to know me as this i wanted this to be private but i was too stupid and now it's not and i just want to go back to when things were private and secret and nobody knew. and it sucks because i love writing so much but it just feels like it's been tainted because my mom literally made me show her everything i wrote and i don't even know anymore and i just want to be able to write without feeling like im looking over my shoulder and i can't and i can barely even look at myself in the mirror anymore and i have stupid tests that i need to study for tomorrow and instead im crying and writing this and i don't even know what to do i just wish this could've stayed a secret forever. and it sucks to hear my mom diminish this and act like ive committed the most heinous act ever and i just feel so crushed and so annoyed and so paranoid because none of my safe spaces feel safe anymore and im so terrified that somehow my mom's gonna find this post even though she said she doesn't know my username i feel like i can't trust her anymore and idec if my sister reads this anymore bc i just want someone real that i know to talk to me about this and this sucks and i can't do this anymore. and i feel like such a disappointment to all of you guys if i just suddenly stop putting smut in the series because it's not even like me wanting to put it in there for pornography reasons it's there for the story and i don't know if i can do that and i just feel like im not doing my story justice but im so scared to do because i don't want to get in even more trouble and i just wish none of this happened. i just want my safe spaces to feel safe again because writing was so therapeutic for me it was so fun to just methodically create a word and know that i had taken a blank page and actually created something and that was my coping mechanism that was what i did and before my doc used to bring me so much pride and now i can't even look at it without being terrified.
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micamicster · 1 year
Don’t read The Abortion by Richard Brautigan! I loved the concept of the library but everything else sucked. This book attempts to make a statement about the wrongness of objectifying women’s bodies and completely misses the mark. The comment on an 11- or 12-year-olds breasts really should have been the red flag for me to stop. Also the chapter titles “my first/second/third abortion” from the cis man’s perspective of being in the room next door when people were getting *their* abortions. Yeah the writing style was good, the story interesting I guess and is definitely a product of it’s time but like. We no longer need a story of an abortion told by a cis man who continues to comment on the sexuality of his 19-year-old girlfriend’s body when the first thing she ever told him was that she hated how people view her body. Also he’s 31 soooo also pervy on that level. The narrator is one of those supposed nice guys who don’t commit heinous acts against women but definitely still view women as existing for his pleasure. Not worth the time or effort!! (Some of Brautigan’s works of poetry resonate though; he’s a good writer it’s just how he represents man/woman relationships & interactions)
yelllll thank you for sharing this rant with me <3 luckily this book wass never on my radar so im just going to nod and agree and go forward into the future not reading it haha
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helunar1 · 2 years
Writing this here before I forget.
Really wanting some dark klaus and five fics and ended up dreaming of an AU where Five, working for commission and having a undercover mission to protect a major drug/crime lord somewhere in the early 2010s. The man is meant to play a major role in the timeline, and despite the abhorrent crimes he commits, he must stay alive.
Of these crimes involves sex trafficking/pimping out addicts from the streets.
Five believing this mission would be a quick, easy task. Routine. He's seen and protected horrible people, and he's also killed innocent people. All for the timeline. All to get back home and back to the family.
Unfortunately, while working undercover, he comes across some of the victims. Amongst them was a boy, young - maybe early 20s, he assumes. His skinny lanky frame making him seem small and fragile despite his tall frame. It takes a minute, maybe more, to see the the familiar green eyes, mop of curls that he remembers could never be tamed and the flash of his wrist exposing a tattoo identical to his own.
For a second, Five feels his breath stop along with his heart stop. His eyes wide, and normally quick mind screeching to a halt.
It couldn't be - it - the Handler wouldn't send him somewhere...but oh, she would. She would, and he knows this is some sort of cruel test. Because right there, crouched in the corner, with glazed, red rimmed eyes and marked, bruised skin is his brother.
AU where Five has to make a hard desicion
Spoiler stuff if i ever write this. None of this is edited, im genuinely just dumping ideas on my phone and storing it somewhere I do not forget
Some notes to remember (spoilers??? If i ever write this out)
youngKlaus (early 20s?)
Older Five, fic maybe in all or mostly thru his POV
Five must work undercover to protect the crime lord, acting as a right hand man for the man and needing to uncover who may kill the drug lord. Truly heinous shit involving drugs and sex trafficking.
Five has learnt to compartmentalize, keeping his emotions down despite the cruelty shown before him. Really dark stuff involving the events he witnesses.
Deciding where he wants to find Klaus as theres a bunch of options tho leaning towards being shown thru photos or thru a showcase where he's being sold.
Five knows that this is the Handler's sadistic way of testing his loyalty. He knows it.
He knows he shouldn't meddle. He needs to keep away.
But 45+ years of without his siblings has made the yearning strong. The need to protect. He knows Klaus will be there at the end for whe Five will return. He knows from burying an older version under hot rubble and dirt.
He knows.
But at what cost.
Against better judgement, he ends up talking to him, singling him out while undercover. His yearning to protect becomes stronger, and he knows this is dangerous, that he needs to focus only on the mission, to protect a man he so desperately wants to kill.
He needs to focus.
But he also needs to save his brother.
More stuff i think id want to add:
Five first thinking that Klaus is hallucinating but ends up discovering Ben
Klaus not recognizing Five at first due to the latter being 45+ years old (klaus later making a quip about Five needing a better skin care regime - and yes klaus is still a shit despite everything). Its only until much later that Klaus sees signs and Ben finding out and reporting back to Klaus - this makes things worse for Five when Klaus begs him to help him
Five having to witness the shit being done knowing that his younger brother has gone thru and will go thru the same unless he intervenes. But he cannot without getting on the Commissions radar
Vanyas book not yet written - in the original timeline, klaus escapes a year or so later as he dies (tho unaware) from an overdose and is body discarded as he was presumed dead. The book comes out after. Five doesn't mention the book.
ETA: may write a scene in a sequel of Klaus finding the book in Five's things - and despite the messy equations and writing littering the pages and the general state of the book, goes down a spiral. Five having to comfort Klaus, but unsure how as the book was (is) important for figuring out how the stop the apocolypse, his loyalty to Vanya but also because the book is biased and unfair towards klaus and the other siblings
Scene where Klaus ends up getting killed early due to being assumed as a spy. Lots of guilt and angst as Five blames himself
Spoilers for the end
Five ends up killing the drug lord. Finds Klaus alive - discovering immortality
Commission not happy - more trouble
Five can no longer bear to leave his brother - too much has happened and every part of Five yearns to protect his brother from the world.
Handler intervenes and, despite her taunts and cruelty, tells Five that the Commission will allow Klaus to come back to work alongside Five due to the unforeseen potential in his immortality
Five knows, though he doesnt say, that the Commission now has found a tangible weakness that could be use to manipulate Five. Despite this, he turns to Klaus and grips his hand, unwilling to let go.
Klaus agrees, albeit because he knows he has little choice.
Potential promise from the Commission for help with Klaus' powers
Maybe a prequel cuz i would love to write some bits of missions the two must go on and potentially apocolypse week
Older brother five and younger brother klaus- Would be funny to see, i think, this dynamic when they return back to the timeline with now five physically younger. May make klaus his age that his body was last in or also have the equations mess up and he is also little
Maybe its own one shot fic, maybe in the apocolypse fic -
After the death of the crime lord, many of the victims are set free with the police alerted. The undercover fbi/police that were taking the drug lord down (that Five was meant to protect him from) take down part of the ring and discover the major drug shipment. Along with this, the pictures of the victims that were used to sell them were uncovered through files/dark web
Diego, working on the force at the time, training under a detective to help uncover allies and connection to the ring and locate missing victims and/or where the bodies are being dumped, though the detective notes that most of these victims are addicts and/or prostitutes, easy victims who won't be missed
Diego looking through the files of the victims, locations and of the identified bodies. It's where he discovers pictures of Klaus (similar pictures to the one Five has seen in the first part). He is amongst the unidentified victims.
Cue angst. Klaus has been under the ring for over a year and has left with Five only weeks ago. Diego searching for his brother, only to come up short. Klaus is presumed dead or taken somewhere else. Diego is unsure which is worse
His vigilantism gets worse - he attempts to contact the others but it doesnt work.
At this point, Vanya publishes her book the following year. This leads to Diego to further spiral, dropping out of the police Academy
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agentcable · 6 months
Taxi Driver 2 Ep. 12
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After being kicked out of Black Sun and beaten up, Do-Ki is arrested by the police instead of them intervening. Despite Young-Min's help in bailing him out, Do-Ki now realizes that the police are working with Black Sun. Rainbow Transport infiltrates the club to bring them to justice for the crimes they are committing.
Season 2 Episode 12 "I Need To Get Back Inside"
The series is based on real-life heinous crimes committed in Korea and has received praise from viewers for its performances and storylines.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Episode 12 "I Need To Get Back Inside"
In Episode 12 of Taxi Driver Season 2, Do-Ki is taken into police custody on Guard Jang's orders. Go-Eun, Kyung-Koo, and Jin-Eon witness Do-Ki being taken away, while the mother of the minor arrives in an ambulance to take her son and his friend away. The woman berates Guard Jang for allowing her son in, and Jang blames his subordinate for letting something like this happen. Jang discovers that the children gained entry to the club through Windy. Jang requests that Windy's schedule be erased, which prompts the escort. She locates Jang in the VIP room and slaps him for causing her financial harm. Jang informs Windy that the club can handle situations such as rape or assault, but allowing minors inside is unacceptable. Windy attacked the chief guard by hitting im with her heel and breaking a glass bottle over his head as revenge. Yoo Moon-Hyun, the chief in charge of Black Sun, walked in and separated the two.
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Meanwhile, Detective Jang Jin-Ho called Guard Jang to inform him about Do-Ki's arrest. During Do-Ki's interrogation by Senior Officer Jo Min-Geon, Detective Jang claimed that Do-Ki was being arrested on charges of molestation. Do-Ki was locked up and left in shock. Meanwhile, Go-Eun attempted to gather information to assist Do-Ki. She spotted the journalist from earlier that night entering the police station. Kim Young-Min, the journalist, managed to help release Do-Ki from lockup. During a meal and drinks, Young-Min and Do-Ki bonded, and the journalist shared how he saved Do-Ki using CCTV footage. Do-Ki praised Young-Min for his bravery in being beaten up by the guards at Black Sun to expose them. Young-Min advises Do-Ki to steer clear of Black Sun and requests that he refrain from interfering. At Rainbow Taxi headquarters, the sun group speculates about the events at Black Sun. Go-Eun discloses that the club had six owners, none of whom were the true owners, but rather individuals posing as such. To investigate the club, Do-Ki decides to use a method other than attending as a guest.
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In one of the VIP rooms, Park Hyun-Jo, the chief of police and one of the club's owners, is with Victor. The idol thanks the cop for saving him from a DUI. Hyun-Jo signs the revenue chart for the month, which shows that Black Sun's monthly business is 5.64 million dollars. Hyun-Jo is invited by the idol to his comeback party, which will be held at a private resort with women that Hyun-Jo likes. Hyun-Jo informs Victor that the club is making a profit every month. Kyung-Koo and Jin-Eon successfully take down one drunk guard outside the club while Do-Ki abducts two others in his taxi. Moon-Hyun is frustrated that Guard Jang is unable to handle the other guards and contacts someone to get replacements from the gym.
Do-Ki is a gym-goer who was selected to work at Moon-Hyun's club due to his aggression, which he demonstrated by beating two other gym-goers. Guard Jang is surprised to see Do-Ki as one of the new guards, but Do-Ki lies and says he acted on instinct that day to avoid an argument. Moon-Hyun appreciates Do-Ki's attitude and asks him to report any minors seen in the club directly to him. Guard Jang has narrated a set of rules for the bouncers. The rules state that only men and women who meet certain appearance standards are allowed inside the club. The club only allows VIP males during peak hours at 12am. VIP women who meet certain appearances standards are also granted access after 12am. Windy and Jang bicker in front of the junior guards. Do-Ki is assigned as Guard #9 on the main dance floor and instructed not to intervene in any fights.
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CEO Yang recognizes Do-Ki as the guard and appears pleased to see him. During his break, Do-Ki chats with the other members of the revenge crew. However, Guard Jang spots him there. To face Jang, Do-Ki puts on a scene and kicks Jin-Eon and Kyung-Koo out of the club's premises. Jang is shocked to learn that CEO Kang wants to meet Do-Ki and invites him inside. Jang informs Do-Ki that he will now be working with the VIPs. Like the other guards, Do-Ki must protect the alcohol bottle with his employee number (#9). If the bottle shatters, breaks or is stolen, Do-Ki will be responsible for it. He follows the VIP who was holding the bottle #9 and enters the VIP room. Do-Ki observes that the VIP clients are middle-aged women who are being entertained by male escorts. Fortunately, CEO Kang is also present in the same room and is conversing with Ha-Joon who is on his way inside the club.
A superior guard coincidentally calls Do-Ki out and swaps his employee ID with him. As a result, Do-Ki becomes guard #2 and is instructed to wait outside. Ha-Joon notices Do-Ki leaving the VIP area, but doesn't think much of it. Do-Ki witnesses two guards dragging a drunk VIP client into a car and is then asked to drive the woman home. In her VIP room, CEO Kang becomes suspicious when she finds someone else wearing the #9 badge. She ends up breaking a bottle, which frightens the guards and other guests even more. During a discussion about the bishop's arrival, Ha-Joon intervenes and puts on a show to entertain the guards. He fights three of them alone and manages to beat them all. The VIPs are entertained by the guards being beaten up. CEO Kang agrees to fulfil Ha-Joon's wish as per their deal.
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Meanwhile, Do-Ki is concerened about the client who is passed out in his car but notices that another car is following him. he whispers to Go-Eun, asking her to run a check on the number plates. She discovers that the car belongs to journalist Kim Young-Min. Do-Ki attempts to escape from Young-Min, but the journalist crashes into his vehicle. Young-Min is recognized by the other guards in the car. The journalist rams into Do-Ki's vehicle in an attempt to stop him. Young-Min loses his balance and is about to be hit by a truck. However, Do-Ki uses his vehicle to save the journalist. He beats up the guards who come to check on him after using pepper spray. Do-Ki tells the journalist that they need to take the girl to the hospital as soon as possible. Young-Min informs Do-Ki at the hospital that the girl was drugged and at risk of sexual assault. The doctor confirms that the girl had drugs in her system and had reported it to the police. The woman is arrested by female officers while Detective Jang Jin-Ho reads her rights while she is still sedated.
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Do-Ki and Young-Min observe as the girl is taken away, and the journalist appears angry. He returns to the car where the guards have just regained consciousness. Do-Ki pretends to be unconscious too, as the guards are concerned about losing the drugged girl. Later, after finishing his shift, Do-Ki meets with Young-Min at his house to discuss the case he was working on. Do-Ki discovers that Young-Min had been working to expose the Black Sun for a while. After Do-Ki insists, Young-Min admits that he was seeking revenge for the death of his friend, Choi Seung-Eun. Seung-Eun was killed after attempting to expose the Black Sun. The incident was reported as a suicide, but Young-Nim knows it was staged.
Young-Min holds himself responsible for the incident because he drove Seung-Eun to the Black Sun nichtglub where drugs worth millions were being sold. Seung-Eun had called Young-Nim for help, but reportedly killed himself before they could meet. The police showed Young-Min footage of Seung-Eun, who allegedly died by suicide due to loans and debt. Young-Min believes Seung-Eun saw something he shouldn't have at the nightclub and vowed to uncover the truth about his death. Young-Min inspected the tapes and noticed that Seung-Eun did not have the spy cam pen he was given. Additionally, Young-Min observed that Seung-Eun's demeanor had changed after leaving Black Sun. Furthermore, Black Sun framed Young-Min, resulting in his termination from his job. The journalist filmed himself on the rooftop hoping that Black Sun guards would kill him. This would draw public attention to the nightclub's wrongdoings. Do-Ki left Rainbow Taxi's contact information for Young-Nim before returning to headquarters.
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Go-Eun and the others believe that fighting Black Sun is beyond their capabilities. However, Do-Ki is certain that Young-Min was also after the same target they were. Sung-Chul remains neutral on the situation and suggests that the nightclub, Black Sun, may have the answers to their questions. He recommends taking the case on. Meanwhile, Do-Ki reassures Go-Eun that everything will be okay. Later that night, Do-Ki drops off Young-Min after taking on his case. The group resumes using the taxi M5283, and the episode concludes.
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