#im home soon and have a couple things to do so ill answer more later 🤍
taegularities ¡ 8 months
I don’t like it, compared to Seven 3D was such a let down. Jack’s rapping style and the lyrics are mediocre at best, there’s no context, no substance. There’s a lot of discourse going around saying some lines are misogynistic and I hate I have to agree. BTS was called out on this before (when they were teens) and so this collab with Jack is like a step back.
Not judging people who do like it. It’s just me :)
no judging at all!! y'all, go ahead and give me your honest opinion, it's okay lmao
but yeah, i get you. i like the jk only version better and was a bit taken aback by jack's part. the whole thing didn't really make sense to me lol and suggesting he needs more than one girl to feel entertained was :/ not the vibe of a romantic like kook. am def a seven gal myself lol
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goldenempyrean ¡ 1 year
Empyrean’s Advent: Day 6
Prompt: “Should I pick up some tissues on the way home?”
Pairing: Sick Lizzie Olsen x Reader
Wordcount: 680
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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵︵  
You loved driving. It was one of the many things that brought you comfort, something about how the world flew by as you processed any thoughts whilst listening to music at any desirable volume brought you such enjoyment.
Especially when you were driving back home to see Lizzie, that was possibly one of your all time favourite feelings, you just couldn’t get enough of the warm excitement and anticipation it brought you.
You loved your job, however being an actor, it often meant working at less then desirable times of the year and filming the week leading up to Christmas was certainly less then ideal. Luckily you for you would be home the day of Christmas Eve, you’d even sweet talked you’ve director into letting you leave early that morning.So as you drove home at 8AM, the last thing you expected was a phone call from Lizzie.
“Goodmorning my love.” You pressed the small button on your steering wheel to answer and spoke in your usual cheery tone, “How’d you sleep baby?”
What came next was a symphony of sniffles and afew muffled sobs, “Hi baby.” Through the speakers cane the almost unrecognisable voice of your wife, her voice distorted by thick blatant congestion.
“Jesus Lizzie!” You exclaimed, the quality of her voice began to worry you, “Are you okay? You sound terrible.”
You heard the sound of Lizzie trying desperately to muffle of several sneezes on the other end of the line before she spoke, her voice was weaker this time, “How long till you get home?”
Looking down, you glanced at your GPS to check, “Just a couple of hours baby, I’ll be there soon.” You replied, trying your best to sound assuring but the following sound of wet sniffling only caused you to worry more, “Whats wrong sweetie?”
The following sounds of sobs made your heart break into pieces and you knew Lizzie had tears flowing down her cheeks, “Im really sick Y/N and everythings all woozy.” She began , the pace of her breathing rapidly increasing, “And tomorrows Christmas which means that if Im sick everythings going to be ruined and you’ve been working all week so you need to relax and you wont be able to do that and- and-“
“No.” You cut her off from her feverish rambles, the stern tone of your voice shocking her, “Baby, I need you to take some big deep breaths for me okay?”
You took big exaggerated inhales and exhales as you waited for Lizzie to do the same and eventually her cries grew quieter and quieter, “Good job sweetie, now listen here okay? Theres some NyQuil in the bathroom cupboard I think, can you get it for me sweetie?”
You sighed, she really did sound awful. Lizzie hardly got sick but when she did, it usually hit her pretty hard and you hated the fact that you weren’t there to be able to hold and comfort her, and judging by the sound of her voice alone it was obvious she’d been feeling ill long since before this morning.
The sound of shuffling echoed down the phone as you waited patiently, “I have it.” She eventually spoke before breaking off into a cough.
“Okay good, can you take some for me? I’ll be home as soon as I can, the medicine is gonna help you fall back asleep okay?
Lizzie sniffled, she set the phone down on the counter to pour herself a doze of the liquid. “I took it.” She answered a moment later, chasing the medicine down with some water.
“Good girl, now go and yourself back into bed, you’re in no condition to be up. I’ll be there for when you wake up.” You replied before asking, “Should I pick up some tissues on the way home too?”
Your wife mumbled something inaudible in response and you took it for meaning ‘yes’, you listened closely hearing the sounds of her climbing back into bed.
“You gonna be okay?”
“I’ll be okay, you’ll be here when I wake up?”
“Yes baby, I’ll be waiting for you when you wake up.”
✧*̥˚ Taglist! *̥˚✧ @somber-sapphic @lyak12 @natashamyl0ve @scrambled-brain-eggs @ceiestiaie @santana1437 @lovethewhumps @likefirenrain
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notcolleen ¡ 2 years
an exclusive tumblr update:
(an update on the update: as im writing this now it’s been like another hour and and im a lot more sober and eating the sushi i was waiting for lmao but im keeping everything i wrote bc it’s nice to look back on honest thoughts and reflect 🧚 so!
i am (was 😤) drunk off two lil drinks …im (was 🤸‍♂️) waiting for another sushi dinner bc i asked myself very seriously what i wanted to eat rn and that was the answer (that might always be the answer but im trying to listen to my body and my ~mind rn especially in these dumb beginning stages where i hyperfixate on certain foods and that food rn is salmon avocado rolls) (i promise ive had other things though lol) (i actually really ~challenged~ myself at breakfast but i’ll post abt that later) (bc believe it or not the sushi wasn’t the point of this post)
the point was, i just (well not just anymore, now it’s been like 2 hrs) asked my sister if she would be available to watch my cat for another week if i travel to texas (????) for work right after this oregon trip (literally home sunday, fly out monday? back friday, start work at my site probably a couple days after that)
and i am afraid that my sister actually really hates me and resents every single thing i ask so sending that text felt like i was asking a monumental thing that of course she would say no to, or just feel like she had to say yes to and then hate me for
and i just hate that i can’t tell if im actually really in-tune with ppls emotions/thoughts or just really good at projecting and can’t tell what’s real or not
bc when im with my sister i just feel like i can tell her thoughts under the surface so well, like i just sense the unspoken without even needing to ask, but what if im just entirely off? what if im off about my perception about everyone i know?
i did let her know i would fully pay her and i bought her so many things at the market i was just at as a thank you
and god im overcompensating so much and im also dumb bc i bought her freeze dried candy that i now have to be really careful not to crush on the plane ride home so hello added anxiety during my flight lol ďżź
and i got my mom a troll doll (if you follow my instagram u saw this already lol sorry) but here’s the thing: my mom has literally not checked in with me at all since ive gotten here, not even a hey how’s it going text, and i know im an adult and she doesn’t need to do anything like….legally as a mother anymore…. and that actually at this point it’s more my job to take care or her and i could be the bigger person and check in with her, but my last couple texts to her asking “how are you?” or “how are things going?” went completely unanswered and that hurts and the fact that i still saw that doll and immediately got it for makes me feel so so dumb 😌
also dropped my id while waiting for my uber back to the hotel (not drunk colleen, just dumb thinking i can hold my wallet on my wrist colleen) and luckily a very nice man found me and returned it, bc otherwise i would have been completely fucked 😌
anyway im sure ill write more soon but i am also watching the bachelor on my phone and still eating the sushi and need to sleep soon to wake up and do this whole recovery and work and life thing all again tomorrow so goodbye 🙅
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maria-akira ¡ 3 years
good girls don't get used: michael langdon x fem! reader
Tumblr media
summary: michael langdon, your ex, falls into a bet wherein he has to (fake) date you. if he falls in love again, he loses and doesn't get the prize.
warnings: private school au, fuckboy!michael, slight mention of sexual topics + i didnt proofread this mwahaha
this fic is inspired by the song 'good girls (don't get used)' by beach bunny.
i don't know if other private schools have bells, because mine doesn't :(
italicized bold words are direct lyrics from the song. but in this chapter, there are none since this is like an intro :)
"Dude, shut the fuck up."
"Are you kidding? She really said that?"
"You really think that's gonna happen?"
"Who's class do you have first?"
Voices of different students flooded the white and grey hallways of the school. Different friend groups and teachers can be seen roaming the halls, getting stuff from their respective lockers as they waited for the bell to ring.
"Y/N! Do you mind if I borrow your calculator? I forgot mine at home and Math is my next class." She said while panting.
"Sure, here it is. If you lose it, I'd probably drop kick your ass." Y/N let out a small laugh and grabbed the calculator from her locker, giving it to her friend.
"Gosh, Y/N. I'll never lose it! I'll give it back during recess. Thanks again!" She flashed Y/N a smile and waved bye, before returning to her locker.
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror she had on her locker, fixing the tie that always seemed to be out of place whenever she checked. Her hair was neat, complete with a white headband that complimented the color of her school's uniform.
A few seconds later, the bell rang and everybody started rushing. Different couples were seen kissing before they parted ways for the mean time.
Cringe. Y/N thought. She shrugged it off and held her books tightly to her chest, walking to her next class.
Walking straight into the classroom, she noticed a group of guys dart their eyes to her direction as she entered. They gave her weird smirks. In return, she stared back at them while she made her way to her seat and never broke eye contact. Eventually, she noticed a familiar face among the group.
Michael, her ex.
How the fuck is he in my English class? She thought, along with a whole hundred thoughts roaming around her head. Michael stared back at her, giving her a wink.
Y/N's face gave a hint of disgust, "The fuck do you want, Langdon?" She stood up from her seat and walked over to Michael, pushing his other friends. She heard his friends coo and tease Michael for his act towards her.
Michael put up his hands in defense, "Chill, is it bad to wink at a pretty girl like you?" He said with a smug look, while he grazed his hand over her arm.
"Shut the fuck up, Langdon. Don't you ever touch me." Y/N slapped his hand away, his friends taken aback from her actions. As she walked back to her seat, the teacher entered as well.
Y/N put her face in her hands. By now, a million thoughts were in her head. It's been 2 years since Michael and her broke up, and since then, she made a promise to herself that she would never fall in love with men like him. She was so tired of all the tears and sleepless nights that Michael gave her.
She let out a sigh and lifted her head from her hands. The soft light from the windows filled her eyes after the darkness formed by her hands, causing her to rub her eyes to adjust from the light.
The rest of the hour went smoothly for Y/N, after English class was recess, her most favorite time of the day— aside from going home, of course.
She glanced at her watch, 10:28 AM.
2 more minutes, and English will be over. She thought.
She averted her gaze back on the white board full of scribbles about some writing lesson she clearly did not listen to. She looked over to her classmates and friends, Well they aren't listening either. She laughed at the thought.
As soon at the bell rang, everyone started packing up their notebooks, textbooks, and whatever they had on their table. Every student was seen rushing out of every classroom in hopes of being the first ones in line for the cafeteria.
On the way there, Y/N bumped into her friend group. "Hey Y/N! We heard about happened in English class. Michael is really in your class?" A friend of hers mentioned, "Yea, and apparently that son of a bitch winked at me, such a disgusting ass motherfucker. he should keep his fuck boy ass to himself." Y/N spat out, earning a chorus of 'oh's' from her friends.
When they arrived at the cafeteria, the line was painfully long, all of them groaned in frustration and they had no choice but to wait for the line to move. But once it did, it was faster than usual. After Y/N and her friends received their food, they left the cafeteria to eat at their usual place.
The school rooftop.
A few students know that staying in the school rooftop is permitted, which was why Y/N and her friends loved eating there.
When they arrived at the rooftop, they saw the usual people that they always encounter while staying there. The view was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. The small garden in the rooftop gave a beautiful and elegant touch.
Though there were a few chairs and tables, Y/N and her friends always preferred to eat on the floor. So, they laid the linen cloth on the ground and sat on it. Y/N was wearing the skirt uniform, thus she removed her tux and placed it on her legs to prevent her skirt from lifting.
They shared a few giggles while they ate their meals, laughing about some life experiences, or whatever they wanted to talk about.
Y/N loved this. She loved how she and her friends would have little moments like these, it was like an escape from reality.
The rest of the day went smoothly for Y/N. She didn't fall asleep in any of her classes, which in this case was a very big accomplishment for her.
As soon as she arrived home, her little brother, Aaron, rushed towards her. "Y/N!! I missed you!" He chimed, Y/N kneeled down onto his level and gave him the tightest hug. "I missed you too, Aaron!" Her mom came into the room and smiled. Y/N stood up and gave her mom a hug as well.
"How was school?" Her mom asked, Y/N placed her tux on the coat hanger by the door. "It was fine, Mom. Where's Dad?" Y/N walked over to the fridge and poured herself a glass of milk, "He'll be home soon, he still has a meeting right now." She took a sip of her milk, "Oh, okay. I'll be upstairs doing school work." The glass of milk that was once full, now empty.
She took her things upstairs and plopped herself on the bed. Out of nowhere she felt a vibrating noise from her bag, she rummaged through her bag to find her phone and once she did, a message was see on her lockscreen.
Unknown Sender has sent you a message.
She unlocked her phone and went to her messages.
Unknown Sender: hey ;)
Her eyebrows furrowed. What the fuck?
(Y/N): hi? whos this?
read 2:29 pm
Unknown Sender: oh shit you deleted my number? damn.
"Huh? I don't recall deleting anyone's number..." She went to her recently deleted contacts and it showed nothing.
(Y/N): im sorry, i haven't deleted anyone's number recently, maybe you have the wrong number?
read 2:32 pm
Unknown Sender: im pretty sure you know me, Y/N.
They know my name. And her heart started pounding.
(Y/N): and im pretty sure i dont, so just reveal yourself before i report this number
read 2:35pm
Unknown Sender: ayo chill 😬 its me michael.
"Michael fucking Langdon? You've got to be fucking me right now." She felt rage fill her, slamming her keyboard.
(Y/N): langdon what the fuck do you want? i made it very clear that i dont want you talking to me.
read 2:40 pm
Before Michael could reply, she changed his contact name to 'Motherfucker'
You have changed Unknown Sender's contact name as 'Motherfucker'
Motherfucker: damn you still mad at me after 2 years? gosh (Y/N). whats with the nickname?
(Y/N): of course im still mad, asshole. ill never forget what you fucking did.
read 2:43 pm
Motherfucker: i thought you forgave me 🥺
(Y/N): FORGIVE YOU???? god langdon you're so fucking stupid, i will never forgive you. you didnt even say sorry in the first place!
Pissed off, Y/N blocked his number. "That fucking asshole." She mumbled to herself.
"Hey! Y/N!" A familar voice called out from the crowd. Y/N removed one earbud and turned around to find the voice that called her.
Once she saw the shiny blonde locks from that stood out in the crowd, she immediately ran in the opposite direction in hopes of avoiding him.
It was Michael, again.
"Y/N wait!" Michael called out again, chasing her
For some reason, Michael was able to catch her. He pulled Y/N into an empty science laboratory and they were both panting.
"What the fuck do you want this time, Langdon?" Y/N was catching her breath, fanning herself with her hand.
"Okay. First off, sorry for the sudden message. I know I pissed you off and that wasn't my intention at a—"
"What was your intention then?" She cut him off.
Michael panicked.
"Uh, you know? I just wanna talk to you again. Clear the bad air between us.."
Y/N let out a laugh, "Clear the bad air?? Oh gooood Langdon, you are really so stupid! You know what? You just made it worse." She pushed him off and walked out of the room,
"Whatever it is your planning, Langdon, I'm telling to stop it. I don't wanna talk to you or even go near you."
Michael was dumbfounded. She changed so much. He thought to himself.
2 years ago, Y/N was the sweetest, most innocent girl he knew. Playing with her feelings was Michael's biggest regret, and he's starting to feel it again.
Michael was about to leave the room until he felt a buzzing from his pocket, He pulls out his phone to see who was calling him.
Duncan, one of his bestfriends.
Michael answered the call, "Hello?"
"What's the update on your little girl?"
"She still doesn't trust me."
"That's sad man."
"I know. She changed alot. "
"What do you mean by 'changed'?" Duncan emphasized,
"I can't point it out, Dunc."
"Whatever you do, don't chicken out. I promise this bet is worth it."
"Fine, I trust you."
Call Ended.
Michael ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and left the room before the bell rang.
It was the last subject of the day. Most students were falling asleep or on their phones.
Y/N was scribbling weird things on the back of her notebook, when suddenly the bell rang. She packed up her stuff and stood up from her seat. Before she could leave the room, she saw a familiar face again.
Michael stood by the doorway of her classroom, the strap of his bag over one shoulder while he looked for Y/N among the other students.
Y/N ignored Michael and walked past him, but he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him.
"Langdon! What the fuck do you want?!" She screamed, all of the students averting their attention to her.
Michael put a finger on his lips, shushing her. "Let's go somewhere private, yea?"
Before she could object, Michael dragged her outside towards the parking lot.
"Okay this is actually something serious—"
"Woah‐woah! Easy now. I actually need your help, with school..."
Michael rubbed her shoulders, looking straight into her eyes. For once, Y/N believed him. His eyes were speaking the truth.
"Okay, fine. Shoot."
"I can't believe I'm saying this.."
"Don't waste my time, Langdon."
"Fine! I'm failing."
Y/N's mouth hung open. Michael was one of the top students in their batch and this was obviously a huge surprise for her.
"Oh, really? What am I gonna do about that?" She crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side.
"Can you please help me? Like, tutor me?" At this point, Michael was desperate.
"Um, no thanks. Just fuck some other girl's pussy for your grades." Y/N pushed him away, but Michael stopped her again.
"I'm serious, Y/N. I really need your help."
"Why me?"
Now that made Michael nervous.
"Because you happen to be the top of our batch right now?"
"Fine! Under one condition."
Michael was curious, "What?"
"If I do this tutor shit, we're doing it at my place. I can't tutor you in your messy ass room." Y/N said. She always remembered how messy Michael's room was when they were together. He would only clean when he was scolded by Y/N.
"That's fine by me."
"Okay then. 5pm, sharp."
She walked away, but Michael pulled her again.
"Let me go! What do you want now?" Y/N said, clearly annoyed.
"Unblock my number, silly." Michael chuckled,
"How are you supposed to know if I already arrived?"
"Theres a doorbell, dimwit. I'll be downstairs waiting for you."
"Bye, Michael. I'll see you later." Y/N flashed him a small smile and continued to walk away.
Once he saw Y/N reach the bus stop, he started walking to his car, until someone tapped him on his shoulder.
"Hey Michael, whats the update? I saw you talking to her." It was Duncan. His brown hair was lightly gelled back and the first two buttons of his white dress shirt were undone.
"I'm still trying to win her back, I lied to her that I was failing so she could tutor me. That way, it'll be easier."
Duncan smirked, "That's my boy! When will this tutor thing start?"
"Later, 5pm."
"Hmm, that's good. Remember, if you fall in love again, bet's over."
"I won't."
tags mwah: @kitwalker02 @sojournmichael @angelicmichael @deademobitch @iheartfrogs101 @tatestripedsweater @mrs-march-ahs
i hope you guys enjoyed this. i wrote this while doing schoolwork </3
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monsterenergysimp ¡ 4 years
corpse husband x fem!reader 
summary: you meet corpse on a stream and you’re surprised when he reaches out to you 
warnings: cursing, mentions of tattooing
word count: 1.9k
notes: This is proof read but could have missed some stuff. This is my first corpse fic and my first time writing fanfic since I posted that super cringey book on wattpad when I was like 12 or something. I’d appreciate feed back so please reach out to me :)
main blog @itsmysleepover
read part 2 here!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You were cleaning up your station so you can get home and stream. You loved your day job as a tattoo artist but you also really enjoyed streaming. It started as a way to promote yourself as an artist and the shop you worked at but it eventually became a really fun way to destress at the end of the week (or day if you were really itching to stream). “Hey Y/N was that your last client?” your boss, KC, asked as she walked to the front of the shop and put new flash drawings on the walls.
“Yes ma’am!” You said back excitedly. You finished cleaning your station and tossed your black gloves in the trash. “And you can’t trick me into staying and taking walk-ins,” you joked with her. She rolled her eyes and walked back into her office “It was one time,” she said as you slid on your jacket. As you walked out your phone buzzed in your pocket and you checked to see who had texted you. It was a message from Sean asking if you were free to play Among Us with him and some other streamers. You replied that you were on your way home right now and totally down. You were excited to see who was playing this time around since their Among Us streams are super entertaining and have gotten really popular.
On your way back you tweeted and posted to your Instagram story that you’d be streaming soon and set up all your stuff once you made it home. After a few minutes, you had a couple of thousand people watching. You entered the discord chat and Sean spoke up. “Everyone this is Y/N she’s sensitive so be gentle.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you guys and I’m not gentle, I'm ruthless,” You say into your mic and notice the chat calling you a liar. Everyone was in the lobby waiting for the game to start. “You sound way too sweet to be ruthless,” Corpse said. The countdown started and you were imposter with Charlie.
“This should be fun,” you told the stream. Yout tried playing strategically but after such a long shift your brain was mush. You saw Poki in nav and killed her then vented into shields. Not long after the body was reported and you were sure you were going to get voted out or at least sussed.
“Where was the body?” Felix asked. “Nav and I didn’t see anyone near there so whoever is imposter must have vented,” Corpse responded. Felix spoke up again. “I think I saw Y/N walk that way and I haven’t seen her since.”
Shit, shit, shit shit. “I’m in shield right now so-” you said trying to defend yourself but Charlie spoke up. “I was doing tasks with her earlier and I saw her walk into shields so she’s safe but I’m still not sure about Rae.” Everyone discussed a bit more and some people, including Corpse, voted for you but Rae got the majority vote and was ejected. You released your breath and kept playing being extra careful.  
“Okay, guys that was super close. Corpse knows and is out to get me,” you said to the chat. You were eventually voted off but one round later victory was written across your screen with your ghost and Charlie’s avatar. “Good game guys,” Corpse said.
“I told you guys I was ruthless!”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You sat at your station doing nothing because a client had canceled a four-hour session. You were listening to music and sketching some stuff but you were bored out of your mind and you didn’t want to leave in case you got a walk-in. The music got quiet as you received a twitter notification saying someone had messaged you. You reached for your phone and saw you had gotten a dm from Corpse.
C: hey :)
You didn’t know what to respond. You were mostly confused as to why he decided to message you out of the blue. Did he want something? But what would he want?
Y: Hii! This is sudden
C: was i bothering you?
    shit sorry!
Y: Youre fine I wasn’t doing anything rn
C: how has your day been
    i dont usually do stuff like this
Y: Im glad you did im doing better now I was so bored
C: what were you doing that was so terrible
Y: NOTHING! thats the problem :(
C: im sure youll find something to do
You stared at his message. Unsure what to respond.
Y: Im gonna give myself a tattoo
C: what?
You tossed the needles you used for your tattoo into the sharps box. “Oh my god you didn’t,” KC said. She noticed the wrap on your calve from the tattoo you just gave yourself out of boredom. “It’s not my fault I didn’t have anything else to do!” You said trying to defend yourself. She sighed and just shook her head. “Just go home business is slow today.” It was raining so the shop probably wasn’t going to get a walk-in anyway and you didn’t have any more clients for the day. It was only 2 pm but you drove home and after making lunch for yourself decided to stream. You weren’t expecting too many people so it was bound to be super chill. Your leg felt sore reminding you of the tattoo. You snapped a quick pic of the fresh jack-o-lantern on the side of your calve and messaged it to Corpse.
Y: [image] it came out nice!
C: thats  super cool actually
    i was concerned why you would just give yourself a tattoo but i found your instagram and       youre super talented
Y: Thank you!
For some reason, it felt strange to just have that be the end of your response.
Y: Im about to start streaming if you wanted to watch
C: ill be watching ;)
What’s that supposed to mean?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You sat in your apartment watching tv, hand lost in a bag of Doritos, and scrolling through twitter. You had stopped paying attention to the anime playing on the screen since you’ve watched it a hundred times and knew you wouldn’t miss anything. It was Saturday and you usually take those days off. Take the time to do chores or meet up with some friends but today you felt like not doing any of those things. As you continue your endless scroll (not helping the twitter addiction you told yourself you’d try to get a handle on) you got a message from Corpse.
C: wanna talk?
You looked down at the message unsure of how to answer. It was a simple yes or no and the obvious answer was yes. You and Corpse had started talking more regularly. You still didn’t have each other’s phone numbers but it was fine. Your conversations weren’t too big-- just you sending him memes, tiktoks, and telling him how much you liked the songs he would drop. Or him complimenting a tattoo you did. Sometimes he’d message you during streams telling you funny stuff his fans would say in the chat and you’d do the same. You learned a bit about each other but nothing too deep or serious. Like how you two lived a few cities away and you both really liked Donnie Darko. When Sean first invited you to that game out of everyone else there you were most excited to meet Corpse. He’s just so sweet and funny. Of course, you’d love to talk to him but you were also itching to talk to him and the last thing you’d ever want to do was make him uncomfortable.
Y: Yeah id love to talk
Here goes nothing.
Y: Wanna facetime or something?
     No pressure or anything it could even be a regular call
     I think facetime is just my default lol
You sent those last two messages quickly after you had sent the first. You wished you could know what he was thinking. It was killing you to think you had turned him off from talking to you completely. You put your phone down on the couch and went to wash your hand of Dorito dust. When you got back from the kitchen you turned off the tv and tossed yourself onto the couch.
Still no message.
Why am I so fucking stupid?  
Just as you were standing up to stretch from sitting on the couch all day your phone buzzed. You reached for it fast and looked to see that it was him. You became super excited still not even knowing what the message said. It could have told you to never talk to him again for all you knew.
C: sure lets facetime
You had his phone number. You added him to your small but growing contact list and called. You sat on your couch waiting for a response when he finally picked up the screen was black. It didn’t upset you; you kind of expected it and didn’t care what he had to do to make himself more comfortable during this call.
“Hey,” he said. His voice was raspier than usual.
“Did you just wake up?” You asked and looked at the time. It was about a little past noon and you had only eaten Doritos all day. Shit, you should probably make a decent meal.
“Not that long ago but yeah,” he responded and giggled. That giggle.
“Well, I’ve eaten nothing but Doritos all day while rewatching Ouran High School Host Club, so you’re welcome to join me as I make myself something to eat.”
“Sounds like fun; what are we eating?”
“I don’t know yet,” You said as you stood up and made your way to the kitchen. You opened the pantry and looked. You noticed a can of diced tomatoes and reached for it then checked the expiration date. It was still good. On your counter were some onions and garlic. “How about some tomato soup?”
“Sounds delicious.” you smiled at Corpse and your phone screen not knowing if he was also looking at his screen or not. “You’re really pretty-- you know that?”
“Thanks, but you don’t have to--”
“I’ve already told you what an incredible artist you are so many times I bet you’re tired of hearing it, but you already know what a talented artist you are.”
“That is very kind of you Corpse,” you said to him bashfully as you chopped the onion and opened the can of tomatoes. “But once again you don’t have to reach so far to compliment me.”
“I’m not reaching you are talented and beautiful and--”
“I thought I was pretty.” You could hear him chuckle with a smile on his face. “You’re both,” he said. You could feel your face getting warm from blushing.
“Fuck you you’re making me blush. My face is all hot and stuff.”
He laughed at how flustered you got. “That’s the cutest thing ever.”
You didn’t know how to respond so you just put some olive oil in a pot and tossed in your onions. It became silent but it was a comfortable silence. You turned the stove on and watched the flame for a few seconds. “If it was dark we could pretend we were together and having a bonfire or something,” you said to the phone as you turned the camera to show him the flame (still not 100 percent sure if he was looking at you or not).
“I’ll put it on the list of things to do when you visit me someday.”
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amethyst-halo ¡ 2 years
tbc rewrite explanation thingy
wawawawawa ive been trying to word this post for ages here we go
tbh a lot of the purpose of the rewrite initially was to test out ideas that i thought would’ve been interesting instead of what the erins did so like. tbh a lot of this is up in the air atm as i start solidifying my ideas into an actual plot
i implemented my guild thing on this as a test and i liked it a lot better so there’s that; im gonna be referring to the groups as just their like. different names. “thunder”, “shadow”, “sky”, etc. im also gonna hand full names to kits and apprentices, remove any ceremonies, and take away the -star suffixes and extra lives from the leaders bc that’s how my guilds work
the beginning is just. things happening a lot quicker mostly bc i have a lot i wanna try to fit in. shadowsight gets struck by lightning, codebreaker vision, and cure for brambleclaw all in one go. he has to stay in thunder a couple days bc he, yknow, was struck by lightning, and while there rootspring falls in the lake so he’s also there and bristlefrost chills w them and that establishes the protag trio as friends!!!
right before shadowsight goes home, brambleclaw falls ill and shadowsight nervously explains his cure and gets a “uhh yeah no that’s a last resort” which he is 100% cool with and he goes home to chill
the whole “bramble gets worse, shadowsight tries to help and kills him and he revives but not really rootspring’s powers kick in” happens within a couple more days so it would NOT be the end of lost stars. lost stars would end later
brambleclaw is weird and really soon into that, the sickness he had seems to spread. first twigbranch gets it, then lionblaze... shadowsight notices the trend pretty quickly but is still hesitant to say his codebreaker vision. at some point in here puddleshine and alderheart have an argument about whether or not shadowsight was malicious in his attempt to help; alderheart has been listening to berrynose and bumblestripe basically and puddleshine’s not happy about it. cant remember why i put it in there i think i was just having a Night(tm) and never took it out so. anyway when the aforementioned cats “die” and “revive” and start acting strange, it scares him into finally blurting it to his parents and puddleshine.
literally RIGHT after that, in thunder, an argument between brambleclaw and alderheart ends with alderheart being full-on chased out. he winds up in shadow territory, where puddleshine finds him and brings him back to his guild. alderheart won’t(or can’t? i haven’t figured this part out all the way yet) say what happened he’s just there now. squirrelflight and sparkpelt come looking for him and, once they see he’s ok, ask them to keep him there, explaining they straight up don’t think it’s safe right then. tigerheart agrees.
i have this idea in my head that im considering where berrynose shows up in shadow suddenly and claims to be checking in on alderheart. when everyone’s backs are turned, berrynose straight up attempts to kill him. shadowsight tries to stop him (and cant bc he’s tiny) and kind of manages to slow him down enough that puddleshine and tigerheart come in. berrynose tries to claim shadowsight was trying to kill alderheart, but gets caught in his lie, and it’s implied that he was ordered to do it but won’t say by who. he’s taken back to thunder to answer to brambleclaw, who- completely unexpectedly to literally everyone- kills him on the spot. (my thought process on this was “if berrynose was like down to help ‘kill’ shadowsight i feel like brambleclaw could ask him to kill pretty much anyone” so. yeah. this is solely an idea i have in here through a mix of “i want some other stuff to happen” and “if ashfur’s gonna literally try to kill squilf’s kids then he would probably do it to all of them” and “i simply want alderheart to chill with puddleshine for a while”)
it’s not long after that that jayfeather falls ill. with no other clerics, brambleclaw goes to shadowsight. not tigerheart, shadowsight. since he cured brambleclaw, he argues that shadowsight- despite being an apprentice still- is capable of helping them. tigerheart is very hesitant to send his kid there, especially since brambleclaw killed berrynose, but shadowsight agrees to go. tigerheart is like “absolutely not” and puddleshine offers to go or to show one of the sky clerics how to do it so they can go but brambleclaw insists and shadowsight also insists because he’s kinda scared to say no
shadowsight goes to thunder, where bristlefrost is surprised that he agreed and tells him she won’t let anything happen as a sorta silly reassurance when he’s anxious about the whole thing. he gets to work and jayfeather dies and revives and acts mellowed and confused and doesnt seem to know anything healing related in the slightest. so shadowsight’s extra stuck there now
this is a weird lil fuzzy spot where idk what to do? i wanted to put shadowsight in thunder because i think ashfur would want to hold him close because at this point, shadowsight is trusted enough. his visions are trusted ESPECIALLY after it gets around that he Knew who would get sick (aka the codebreakers) so everyone kinda listens to him. so ashfur wants to keep him close to try and use that to his advantage and make sure shadowsight shares what he wants, and not share what he doesn’t. this leads to, eventually, shadowsight being attacked to keep him quiet, probably because he learns something he wasn’t supposed to (i.e. maybe he saw ashfur doing something that made it super obvious who he was or he overheard something he said idk yet).
during the fuzzy spot i DO want to establish that the rebels are forming by now. stemleaf and spotfur are in charge and have cloverfoot, blossomheart, whorlpelt, sneezecloud, finleap, frecklewish, rootspring, tree, and puddleshine kinda to start and more join in over time. i also want at some point for rootspring to finally admit to his family and friends that he can see the ghosts of the possessed cats, and also that the possessed bodies have like. idk. an aura. they’re colored over in red like a little scanner would do or something. he can tell if they’re possessed or not essentially
shadowsight is thrown into half-ghosty mostly dead time while bristlefrost is like “???where did shadowsight go” and starts investigating. but it isn’t long after that that squirrelflight and brambleclaw get into an argument, and squirrelflight is kicked out. bris takes her to shadow to ask them to protect her with alderheart. they agree. she keeps looking around for shadowsight and gets like her siblings to help but before long, brambleclaw implies if she doesn’t stop looking something might happen to her like what happened to shadowsight and she’s like “?!?!?!?!?!?!”
the illness seems to pick up along with brambleclaw heavily punishing any little rule break he can think of which involves exiles, attacks, and other heavy punishments. the weird thing is that if a cat is exiled, they usually return after a few days but are acting like the cats who got sick. spoiler alert, ashfur is getting them ✨possessed✨ in secret or something. 
during all this that thing w stemleaf attacking brambleclaw and dying as a result that still happens i just can’t remember exactly where it goes
shadowsight’s ghost is either hanging out with rootspring or investigating. he finds his way into the dark forest, and almost gets stuck there as he explores a little and nearly gets attacked by like. mapleshade, when juniperclaw rescues him. juniperclaw and snowtuft have teamed up and know about the guy that’s doing this. they ask what the hell shadowsight’s doing there and he explains, so they explain that the guy doing this came there trying to recruit df cats. most df cats agreed upon the promise of new bodies and revenge, but juniperclaw and snowtuft didn’t for various reasons. they show shadowsight the island where a bunch of dead and mostly dead cats are milling around, including berrynose, lionblaze, jayfeather, and more. he’s keeping tabs on all the ghosts of possessed cats and trying to get them to help him figure out a way to get their bodies back, but it quickly becomes apparent that something can control the ghosts. while shadowsight cannot be controlled, the same power really messes with him so he can’t do a whole lot about it. he sure tries though. he figures out that the cat possessing brambleclaw is the same cat that gave him the visions, and he is FURIOUS.
shadowsight’s body starts in sky as per usual but he takes long enough to wake up that tigerheart insists on moving him to shadow because they don’t know if he’ll wake up and he should be home or somethin. ghost shadowsight is like “yeah ok” bc he isn’t tied to his body to the same degree as he is in canon.
after shadowsight figures out that ashfur is both brambleclaw and his vision giver he gets rootspring to do the “show ghosts” thing at a rebel meeting, which involves way more cats by now with cats that got away from thunder river and wind as well as random shadow and sky cats, and explains his findings to them. squirrelflight realizes it's ashfur and they start debating what to do about it. someone suggests asking the sisters, who know a lot about ghosts. tigerheart doesn’t want to get them involved and they eventually are like “yeah im sure we can figure this out on our own”. bristlefrost rootspring and shadowsight all think this is bullshit and start plotting for bris and root to sneak off to find the sisters.
as they’re getting ready to leave, shadowsight starts to wake up so he’s hauled back to his body only to be knocked aside and someone ELSE is in his body and he’s like “HUH? WAIT A MINUTE. HUH???” and he goes BACK to rootspring and is like “WE HAVE A PROBLEM”
idk what they do about said problem but anyway rootspring bristlefrost needleclaw and spotfur go look for the sisters and they find them and bring them back and the sisters try to call ashfur out but it for some reason just makes him way stronger?? and essentially releases the dark forest onto the living world?? so now any possessed cat can make someone else possessed it's kind of an apocalypse scenario. anyways the guilds are all dangerous and everyone tries to get away but most cannot and are either possessed or trapped.
rootspring makes it away and finds the rebels, who have moved just outside of the territories to get away from the chaos that is the lake. squirrelflight, mothwing, crowfeather, alderheart, sparkpelt, finchsong, finleap, turtlecrawl, kitescratch, and nightsky are there and they’re scrambling around trying to figure out what to do, where to look for cats that aren’t possessed, trying to get a plan, etc. with rootspring there, they now kind of have like one of those computers that scans a guy and says if he’s like. sick or not or smth in the movies y’know? yeah he’s like that so that solves an issue.
bristlefrost is trapped in thunder with her mother and flipclaw, hunkered down in a makeshift den near the twoleg den that jayfeather had herbs by. they try to figure out what to do when fernsong and thriftear find them and join them and they’re all relieved because they answer like a question to prove it’s really them. they get to plotting how to get out of there.
ghost shadowsight is Avoiding Everyone and trying to figure out how to get his body back and stop ashfur. idk what he figures out there tbh. he runs into berrynose who’s really mad at him bc “he got me killed grr grr” or smth but some of the other ghosts, jayfeather notably, defend shadowsight from him and point out berrynose Didn’t Have To Attempt Murder. they then get separated bc ashfur shows up.
rootspring is helping the rebels as more cats arrive; spotfur, dappletuft, harelight, icewing, breezepelt, sedgewhisker… puddleshine and slatefur arrive together, injured, and violetshine is not far behind them with needleclaw. pouncestep and sunbeam arrive a day later. they’re still trying to gather as much info as they can on what might stop ashfur as more cats arrive but they don’t have much. also life in the rebel camp is it’s own sort of chaos; squirrelflight and crowfeather can’t agree on anything, mothwing wants nothing to do with it, and they have no leads. rootspring hasn’t seen any ghosts around and is worried about shadowsight.
bristlefrost and her family come up with a plan. idk what the plan is yet but it ends up working out that thriftear, bristlefrost, and fernsong get away but ivypool and flipclaw are nearly caught and are still stuck. in the commotion, bristlefrost manages to get back to ivypool and flipclaw, but thriftear and fernsong get separated from her. they are still stuck.
rootspring greets thriftear as she arrives and guides her to the rebel camp. she’s distressed and upset and dovewing tries to comfort her as she explains the rest of her family is missing. 
squirrelflight calls a meeting and is basically like “okay. what do we do.” and no one knows but they have ideas and they debate the ideas for a bit
shadowsight is still following his body around and he sees that it like. found bristlefrost and is about to attack her and he panics and lunges for himself and it's like he hits someone. and suddenly, he’s in his body.
bristlefrost is like “what are you doing??” and he tells her it’s Him and idk he convinces her it’s him for real and he’s in his body again and she’s like “sick ok we need to get to the rebels camp” and they start for it but something happens and bris gets separated from him and he ends up stumbling across the rebel camp and exhaustion from travel when he’s still healing plus exhaustion from getting his body back makes him just kinda collapse for a couple of days
he wakes up and finds puddleshine who explains what happened and he talks to rootspring a little and his sister and eventually goes to squirrelflight and crowfeather and explains both how he got his body back and also that bristlefrost is okay but he lost track of her. they decide to go and search for her and for others.
they find ivypool fernsong and flipclaw as well as tigerheart, tree, cloverfoot, a bunch of others that are okay and bring them back. they gather up everyone, especially whoever they have that was a dark forest trainee, and start debating what the best way to take down ashfur is. ivypool is hesitant because she’s pretty sure the only way for them to fight ashfur on remotely equal footing is to fight him in the dark forest. they decide to do that
i HAVE NOT FIGURED OUT AN ENDING YET SO THAT'S AS FAR AS I GO RN if i update it ill like reblog later and mention it
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fanfic-cave ¡ 3 years
The Reveal Pt. 1
Rating: SFW/PG-13
Word Count: 1.3k
Pairing: Hunter x Fem Jedi!OC
Warnings: Swearing (im too lazy to write the star wars swear words so its our kind of swears), trauma/fear situation, suspense build up, hints to romance
Summary: You've exposed yourself as a Jedi to the Bad Batch, and not intentionally. You're trying to avoid them on the Havoc Marauder, worried that they may be out for your blood, the same way the clones were when they executed the Jedi.
Authors note: I'd recommend reading a few other fics I posted that kinda help lay the ground work for this story/the OC. Ill link them below. This is kinda dramatic, but I had to write it out. Ill post part 2 pretty quickly itll be linked below as well. I have more fluff stuff coming I promiseeee
Injured Pt. 1, Pt 2.
Part 2 of The Reveal here
The environment on the Havoc Marauder had been tense the whole ride. You had decided to try and avoid everyone as much as possible, and you’ve been on the far side of the ship in the small medical supply closet since the journey began.
You had slipped up. You prayed to the force that they didn’t notice, but who were you kidding. Hunter had enhanced sense, Tech was enough of a genius to put two and two together. They saw you make a 40ft jump.
You and the ship were under heavy fire. They were trying to bring the ship closer, but they weren’t making progress quickly enough. You had to jump, or take blaster shots to the face. Now you exposed yourself by making an impossible jump.
Maybe they’ve never seen a Jedi before…
You shook your head. Idiot. Of course they’ve seen Jedi, they were in the Grand Army of the Republic, the same army that had thousands of Jedi as commanders and generals.
You used to be a part of that same army. You fought the war.
And you ran away before it was even over. The battle on Umbara… you shivered from the thought of it. That was your last fight.
That’s when I stopped being a Jedi.
You dispelled the thought, just for another unpleasant one to come. What if they know I am- or was, a Jedi? What if they try to kill me like the other clones did to the Jedi? You squeezed your eyes tight. Their faces flashed through your mind. Memories too- challenging wrecker to a drinking contest, teaching Tech the proper pronunciations in Togruti, spending time with Echo in the cockpit on a night of shared insomnia, cutting Crosshairs toothpick while still in his mouth on a day where he was giving you too much sass, and Hunter.
Hunter. You sucked in a deep breath, a swell of emotions filling in your chest. You always wondered about him. His relationship with you was different from everyone else. You could call the boys your friend, but you weren't sure if friend was the right word for him. You noticed how he would keep his eyes on you, how he kept close to you when things got dangerous. You remembered moments when you tended to each other's wounds, or walked past each other on the ship. The longing glances, lingering touches. You could almost feel the electricity you had felt just from being beside him, for some reason craving to reach out to him. You trusted him, you had vulnerable moments with him.
And now he might try to kill me. And I might kill him.
The galaxy really knew how to be cruel, and it looked like you were being given the cruelest fate it could think of.
The door opened and you saw a small figure slip in. Omega. You sighed. She liked you, maybe too much, now that the shit was about to hit the fan. Or you would run and hide as soon as you could, and never see them again.
“Sera! I was looking for you!” She smiled and turned on the lights. She seemed happy to have found you.
“Hey kid.” You looked down at her, and you couldn’t help smiling. Omega was your first friend after a long time of solitude. She wandered over to your home a lot, which led to your eventual friendship with the bad batch.
“Do you mind if I sit in here with you? Or maybe you can come out with me?”
You felt your stomach sink. You weren’t going to enjoy letting her down.
“Omega… maybe it’s best you go stay near the boys. They’re probably wondering where you are right now.”
“I don’t think so, they know I’m on the ship.” She brushed off your concerns quickly. “Tell me about one of the planets you’ve visited! Or-”
“Omega, Sera, we’re about to land, strap in.” You heard Hunters voice down the hall. You felt knots twist in your stomach. You used the force to sense your lightsaber. Still hidden in your bag, a secret pocket you made to effectively hide it. You didn’t make any movements.
“Sera? You coming?”
You looked to see Omega waiting expectantly, concern showing on her face. “Sera…” an expression you couldn’t quite understand crossed her face as she stared at you. Was it worry? Understanding? “You’re safe here.” She reached out to touch your arm. “I promise, you’re safe.” She squeezed your arm and smiled.
If only you knew.
You won’t kill them. You’ll do whatever you can to disarm, and run. You decided this with confidence now. You couldn’t hurt Omega like that, kill the only family she knows. And if it comes down to it… you’ll take the knife in the back, the blaster shot, the beating, whatever happens.
“Thanks Omega.” You smiled, but it was fake, and you were sure it probably looked wrong. “You head up now. I’ll be fine back here.”
She looked unsure and you nodded your head, urging her on. She exited and you released a breath you held. You closed the door and shut off the light.
You heard footsteps, your name being called, but you stayed hidden. Eventually you felt the ship jolt around a bit, and you could tell you’d just exited hyper space and were flying through the atmosphere. Another couple minutes later, a soft thud confirming that you’d landed. You felt adrenaline start pulsing through your body, your fingertips felt like they were being zapped with electricity.
Here we go.
You slipped your mask on, a memento of the clone wars you fought in. You used to always wear it, that was until you befriended the misfit clones. You felt protected when you wore it though, and you needed as much protection as you could get right now.
You shook your head a few times. Maybe they don’t know. Maybe they don’t know. Maybe they don’t know. You kept repeating it in your head. Almost like a mantra. You grabbed your bag and exited the room.
“Sera! There you are!” Wreckers loud voice boomed down the hall. You flinched a little. He didn’t charge at you. He smiled his big goofy grin, swaggering down the hall. He didn’t look like he was going to pummel you. You waited expectantly. “Here I am…” you forced a laugh.
“Where were you?” Hunter spoke and emerged from behind Wrecker. His eyes tried to meet yours, but you avoided direct contact. You didn’t walk up to approach either of them. You watched Hunter now. He didn’t look like he wanted to hurt you either.
This could be a trick. The clones killed the Jedi by tricking them, it had to be the only way. You stayed on guard. You answered Hunter, “Just around. Felt like being alone.”
“Okay then...” His eyebrows knit together, and his arms folded across his chest. You couldn’t tell if he believed you. Hunter was always difficult to read. The boys knew you coveted alone time, so you thought your excuse was believable. Technically it was partially true.
“Well I’m here, we’re back, and we can get off the ship now, right Tech? Echo?” You hollered down the hall. Hunter had an eyebrow raised, analyzing your behavior. You tried to ignore him.
“Yes, we’re opening the doors now.” You heard Tech reply. Right on queue, the ship's exit ramp opened.
You rushed out quickly, managing to get past Wrecker. You breathed the fresh air in. Almost out of this. Then it’s time to disappear. You still had your old Jedi cruiser hidden. Now it was time to put it to use, hopefully you didn’t get gunned down by an Imperial ship.
“Sera, wait up!” You heard Wrecker barrel down. You held your breath, hairs standing up. “How did you make that jump earlier? It was so far!” His hands made a motion to exaggerate it. “Did something explode??” He said excitedly. You didn’t think about how that logic made no sense. You only stood frozen.
“Explosives couldn’t have done that Wrecker.” Tech chimed in. “And isn’t it obvious?” He was standing at the exit door of the Havoc, looking at his data pad. “Sera is a Jedi.”
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timothy-chamlet ¡ 4 years
the afterparty - t.c. fanfic
pair: timmy x female reader
warnings: unprotected sex, general smut
word count: 2.6k (2640)
a//n: ok er ive never written for timmy before so im nervous snsvsj but if you read it tell me what u think !! <3
people often thought the two of you were dating. paparazzi tended to make it look that way through press. despite all the candid photos of you and timothÊe plastered in magazine spreads and floating around on blogs, he would tell people you weren't together. interviewers would ask, and time again he would put an end to the rumor by saying you weren't dating, you were just friends. 
to be fair, you honestly couldn't even be mad at him. it was a good marketing tactic, at least. if all the girls knew he was single they'd still be invested in the persona of a young, attractive starlet that - despite his more than desirable qualities - is still single. genius. meanwhile you were being his best friend and his trophy for award shows. 
it was growing on you though. you enjoyed walking red carpet events and going to extravagant parties and meeting big names in the industry. it was really a win-win for both of you. 
another one of those win-win situations was tonight. the past three days had been crazy. hair appointments, nail appointments, dress fittings, photoshoots, brunches, and dinners. running each new day on an hour of sleep - maybe two if you were lucky. fueled by energy drinks and the promise of rest after the event. showing up to an awards ceremony on nothing more than a 20 minute nap and a double shot espresso. being timothÊe's showpiece was exhausting. but it was good for you. 
you had just finished your last consultation for dress fittings and were on your way to your styling appointment. the dress would arrive shortly after you so everything was ready to go. things were set for timothÊe to meet you there in an hour or so, after his own styling. 
currently you're getting your makeup done. a swarm of professionals all around you, handing products, giving directions, telling you how gorgeous you look, at least three hands on you at all times. after almost an hour all the disembodied hands move from your face to reveal the *almost* finished product. you still need your hair done, but your face was flawless. your skin was insanely smooth; not a pore in sight, your lids were a bronze shade, and your lips were a perfect nude. 
a hair stylist soon steps into view, also admiring your makeup before diving into your hair. it was simple. a slicked back ponytail is all, careful not to draw away from your face and your dress. 
the strong aroma of hairspray clouds you as you maneuver to step into your dress. stripped of your previous clothes, you step into your dress and a couple people help you pull it up. the woman attending to the supper in the back steps away for a moment, seeming to answer a question. 
"what's his name?" she asks into her ear piece. "uh yes. she's in here with me. send him in."  
she returns behind you and does up the zipper to your dress. to your surprise, you see timothÊe waltz in the room. dressed in a charcoal gray suit with a light lavender button up underneath. "y/n," he exhales, walking towards you. "you look breathtaking, ma chÊrie." 
"you don't look too bad yourself, timmy," you say, stepping down from your pedestal to be almost eye level with him.
"is she done here?" he asks everyone around without taking his eyes off you. 
one of the women there swoops in with a pair of shoes and says, "slip in to these and you're ready to go, darling." 
you step into your shoes and link arms with timothÊe. "carriage awaits," he says as the two of you get escorted to the limo. 
once inside you let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding. "you okay?" he asks from beside you. 
"yeah, just.. tired." 
he chuckles and drops his head. "absolutely exhausted." you two had similarly scheduled days so he knows exactly how you feel. "don't worry, mon amour, i'll have you home in about 8 hours." 
"i thought the awards show was only 4-" 
"there's always the afterparty.." 
you audibly groan and drop your head as timothÊe places a reassuring hand on your knee. 
"we're here," he says with fake enthusiasm as the limo pulls up to the event. the past 45 minutes felt like hours as your head began to pound from the lack of sleep. yet, lucky you, 45 minutes in l.a. traffic was a miracle. 
the two of you step out into the scene. flashing lights from camera flickers, the general buzz of the crowd, people you knew trying to get your attention, people timothÊe knew trying to get his attention. being the kind person he is, he doesn't shy away from fans calling his name. he walks over to give high fives, say hi, sign things, and really interact with the people that are so invested in his career. you look at him with a fond smile on your face as he greets  people.  
"timothÊeeee," you both hear and turn around to match the loud booming voice to a face. 
"armieee!!" he yells in response, hurrying over to hug his co-star. 
you stand idly by as the two hug and catch up. fiddling with your ponytail and the skirt of your dress. until that same voice catches your attention. 
"bring it in hot stuff!" 
"hey, armie! how've you been, handsome?" you two had only met a handful of times, but it's like your souls clicked instantly. he had kept in touch since the first time you met and you guys had been pretty close ever since. 
"oh i’m doing great. really. just excited for this evening. can't wait to see how many awards lil' tim brings in," armie ends with a light laugh before timothée chimes in. 
"oh god no-" 
a cheery voice interrupts the conversation. 
"helloooo," armie's wife says in a sing-song voice and joins his side. "nice to see you again, y/n. and congrats timmy on your nominations." 
you and timothÊe nod in response and utter small, nervous 'thank you's' before armie excuses the two of them, promising to catch up later. 
"well, well, well- this is it, timmy." you say from your seat next to him. the host reads the nominees for best breakthrough of the year, and timothÊe's name is mixed in with so many other talented actors. he nervously puts his hand over yours. "you are absolutely amazing. everyone knows that. you're gonna get it." he looks at you and you pass him a reassuring smile. 
"and the award for best breakthrough goes to… timothée chalamet!" 
his head shoots up in shock. cameras pan around him and his baffled expression appears on huge screens behind the stage. he slowly stands from his seat and makes his way to the stage. making a beautiful speech, thanking almost everyone he's ever known. giving gratitude to everyone he's ever worked with, his parents, and his best friends. he comes off the stage and returns to his seat beside you. a year runs down his cheek, and you move to wipe it away, but he grabs your hand away from his cheek only to press his lips to your knuckles. "thank you for always believing in me." 
"you're an amazing actor and an even better friend. 
the night was nearing an end. people were saying their goodbyes and their 'see-you-soon's and going their separate ways. you and timothĂŠe walk out of the event, arms linked, with his hands tightly gripping his award. the smile never leaves his face. "i can't fucking believe that, y/n."
"you did it, timmy! all you and your hard work. lemme pick a nice spot on your shelf for it yeah?" 
"i was thinking about sitting it on my dresser right above the drawer full of your shit you keep leaving at my house," he says with a barely visible smirk. 
"oh, well if it's such a problem," you begin "i guess I'll just have to come get my 'shit' then?" you finish sarcastically. 
"oh! how dare you?" he begins to shout, going on a tirade similar to that of hamlet; overly dramatic and mostly nonsensical. "leave them be! small, small remnants; reminders of thee." he trails off softly, dropping his head to your shoulder and bringing his other hand up to trail his fingertips down the side of your face. 
you can't help but chuckle at this. "bravo timothÊe! amazing performance." 
he straightens up before taking a bow and returning to his previous position on your shoulder. "do you wanna skip the afterparty?" 
"and do what, tim? i thought you were gonna catch up with armie?" 
"i dunno- go to my place?" 
you nod your head, and timothÊe let's the driver know to just go to his house. 
you get out of the car in front of his apartment, quickly thank the driver, and dash inside; excited to remove the day. "can i shower?" you ask quickly already making your way upstairs.
"oui, mon trèsor, make yourself at home. ill be up in a while." it was almost as if he had it scripted. a routine more or less. you'd ask to shower - despite him telling you almost each time you never had to ask - and go up stairs to do so; him trailing along about an hour later behind you. 
you finish your shower earlier than planned so you decide to lay on his bed until he comes up. you let your freshly washed body relish in the textures of the cotton t-shirt and shorts you're wearing and the damp-cool feel of the comforter on his bed. 
you're not left alone for long before he darts up the stairs and into his room, catching your attention. you watch as he walks around, dropping various articles of his clothing haphazardly on his floor. left in only his boxers. 
"timmy?" you ask in a drawn out voice. 
"hm?" he asks lowly in response; his eyes trained on you. you don't respond to his muffled question and instead watch as he comes to lean over the foot of the bed, by your legs. "i've been thinking," he continues, "a lot recently. about us.." 
"about what the media thinks we are. what the people say. the blog posts, the tweets. i read it all… what do you think about it, y/n?" he ends with a light sigh, making drawing light swirls on your leg. 
"i dunno really. i've never thought much about it," you say sitting up. 
he moves up from his place in front of the bed, crawling up to sit to the right of your legs. knees drawn up to his chest, eyes meeting yours. he raises his hand so his fingertips ghost the curve of your cheek. "you never think about.. the possibility of us?" he pauses as his eyes drift from yours. hands falling to his lap as he scoots even closer to you. you sit stunned, not knowing how to answer as if it was some rhetoric instead of a simple question. filling the silence, he continues. "i think about how different things would be if we were together. what it would be like to hold you and kiss you and- can i kiss you?" 
his voice wavers as his eyes meet yours yet again. with quick movements, he moves to straddle your legs, both hands resting lightly on either side of your face. 
"can i kiss you?" he asks again, his face millimeters from yours. 
you shake your head yes as your eyes fluttering closed, your lips brushing against his as you move. 
he plants his lips firmly on yours. innocent at first, but the kiss quickly gets deeper. more desperate, his hands moving from the sides of your face to tangle in your hair, pulling your head back giving him access to your neck. his lips dance around the skin of your neck, being careful not to leave any marks. “is this okay?” he whispers, dragging his hands from your hair to the hem of your shirt. 
you nod your head vigorously and he pulls your shirt up and over your head, throwing it to the floor with his clothes. you lean back and give timothee free reign of your chest and stomach. he makes his way from your neck down and across your chest. your hands rush to knot in his hair as he takes a nipple in his mouth, carefully flicking his tongue across the hardening bud before doing the same to the other. 
"timmy.." you breathe out as he leaves your chest and explores lower. his eyes meet yours as his teeth come into contact with the flimsy waistband of your sleep shorts. "please," you whisper. 
he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your shorts and pulls them down your legs; eyes going wide when he sees you have nothing underneath. 
"so pretty," he whispers almost to himself as he throws your shorts in his floor with the rest of your guys' clothes. he runs his finger along your slit, collecting some of your wetness, tasting it. laying back down with your legs over his shoulders, he hooks his arms around your thighs to keep you in place. he runs his tongue along your folds and you arch your back in response. he sucks on your clit making you squirm and tangle your fingers tighter in his hair, pushing against his face, eager for more. 
"tim-... timmy," you beg.
timothÊe kisses his way back up your body. "hm?" he hums softly beside your ear only for you to utter another weak 'please' in response. 
"please… please what, mon amour?" 
"baise moi.." you didn't know much french. you had picked up on a few of timothÊe's most used phrases, but this you hadn't learned from him, so it caught him off-guard. stuck in a moment of shock. hearing you say something so dirty in french felt so strangely intimate; you didn't have to ask him twice. 
he slips his boxers, finally accompanying you in nakedness, and slips into you, moaning at the feeling of you around him. 
"fuck.. timmy-" you groan as he picks up his pace. he coos sweet nothings into your ear while drilling into your core. 
his head drops to your chest and the soft, sweet praises slowly turn into obscenities. "merde," he groans, picking up his pace even more. holding himself at arms length above you, he throws his head back; lips parted in pure bliss. 
you lift one of your hands to trail down timothée's torso. you lazily drag your fingertips across his chest and down to his stomach. the pleasure building inside you, your hand finds its way to your clit. “timmy... fuck! ple- please don’t stop. fuuuuuck!” 
“défaire pour moi, y/n.” you didn’t think french could ever drive you to orgasm, but when it came from timothé anything was possible. you convulse around him as your wave of pleasure washes over you. timothée reaching his own peak soon after, pulling out and emptying on your stomach. he quickly finds something to clean you up with before plopping down on the bed beside you. many silent moments pass - nothing but heavy breaths leaving either of you - before he speaks up. “you know,” he begins in a soft whisper, “i felt bad- like i was using you. just to go to events with me. i know you don’t really like them but-” 
you cut him off and turn to face him. “i might hate going to those award shows, but they’re a little less bad with you around.” 
he breaks into a wide smile and pulls you closer, putting his head on your stomach. "mon amour, je t'ai toujours aimÊ." you reach down to play with his curls and begin to drift off on your way to sleep. 
1K notes ¡ View notes
oikawaplssteponme ¡ 4 years
The Apartment: part 9/epilogue
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for parts 1-8, click here
pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x fem! reader
rating/warnings: swearing
synopsis: You knew that living with your three best friends, Kuroo, Oikawa, and Bokuto, would be a wild ride. It’s never a dull moment with those three. Let’s just hope you can keep your huge crush on Kuroo a secret when he is only a room away.
a/n: hi friends! so this fic has finally come to an end. 😔💕i had so much fun writing this and i hope you all enjoyed reading it too! i will be taking a mini break from posting before introducing my new project so if im a little inactive, that’s why :) but don’t worry, ill show you guys what i have in store soon😉 i can’t thank you all enough for all the support, it means so so much💕(also i changed my mind about making the end sad...you’re welcome) anyway, enjoy xx🌸
nine: see you later
“Hey Y/N can you grab this last box?” asked Bokuto. You nodded, grabbing the box labeled ‘kitchen’ to take down to Bokuto’s car. Today was move-out day from your first off campus apartment. You would be moving to a smaller apartment with your boyfriend Kuroo. Your best friends Oikawa would be living with his boyfriend Iwaizumi, and Bokuto with Akaashi.
“Hey Oikawa,” called Kuroo, “mind if I keep this?” Kuroo held in his hand the Brittany Spears poster that him and Oikawa fought over on the first day. Oikawa smiled and pulled Kuroo towards him for a hug.
“Treat her well my friend,” he whispered. Kuroo chuckled.
“Ready to start heading down?” asked Bokuto. You shook your head.
You began to walk around your now empty apartment. You looked in your old bedroom, where you and Oikawa spilled endless amounts of gossip. You looked at the living room, where you and Bokuto would watch crappy Hallmark movies and arm wrestle, in which he would always let you win but never admit. You looked at the kitchen, where you and Kuroo would practice cooking for each other as if you had been married for years. You looked at every square inch of your beloved apartment, saying farewell to each spot. The memories seemed to flood in all at once. Without this little apartment, you might not have found all these hidden blessings.
“Don’t go and get soft on me now Y/N,” joked Oikawa. You looked over your shoulder at him, Bokuto, and Kuroo.
“Me? Soft? Never,” you smiled. You went over to them, pulling them into a hug.
“Well, I guess this is it,” whispered Bokuto. You sighed.
“I’m gonna miss this apartment.”
“We all are,” said Kuroo. You looked up at your friends.
“I love you guys,” you smiled.
“We love you more.”
“Have everything?” You asked. Oikawa nodded, placing his last bag into the back of Iwaizumi’s car.
“Yeah. Do you?” You nodded.
“Should we say goodbyes or is that too much?” said Bokuto. You laughed.
“No such thing as goodbyes with you 3. Always just see you later,” you smiled.
“Yeah see you later,” sniffled Oikawa.
“See you later.”
“See you later.”
“I’ll see you guys later,” you said. Kuroo opened his arms for you, but instead all 3 of you joined in what could be your last group hug for a little while.
“And most of all, see you later.” You looked up at the apartment building and smiled.
“Ready to go?” Kuroo asked. You nodded. You said your last ‘see you laters’ and hopped into Kuroo’s car.
“You know we are grabbing dinner with them tomorrow, right?” chuckled Kuroo. You nodded.
“Yeah, I know. I’ll just miss them anyway, but hey, I’ve got you,” you smiled. Kuroo kissed your hand.
“You’ve always got me.”
Your new apartment with Kuroo was smaller than the last one, but just as perfect. The two of you spent time together redecorating to your liking. You felt like a real couple now that it was just the two of you.
After a few hours, your new home looked like home. You and Kuroo were cuddled up in your bed.
“It looks perfect,” you smiled. Kuroo kissed your forehead.
“It’s perfect because you’re here,” he said. Kuroo held you a little tighter, keeping you close to him.
“It’s gonna be weird being just the two of us,” you said. He nodded.
“Yeah but I think it’ll be a good thing. We can start prepping for our future.” Your eyes widened.
“Of course ’our’. It took me more than 10 years to snatch you, no way I’m letting you go now,” he explained. Your face grew warm. You moved to sit on Kuroo’s lap, pulling him into a hug.
“I love you so much Tetsurou,” you whispered. Kuroo cupped your cheek to look at him.
“I love you too.”
Kuroo leaned in, giving you a soft kiss. His gentle hands held you close to him. You wrapped your arms around him, running your fingers through his messy hair. You never got tired of kissing Kuroo.
All your life you loved this boy but not once did you think he would be all yours, and now he was. After countless amounts of sleepless nights, mixed messages, slight misunderstandings, and a childhood crush that grew into something more, Kuroo Tetsurou was yours and yours alone. His caring nature, his intelligence, the way he could always make you smile, that was yours. Your heart, your being, your everything, that was his. Being able to love someone like Kuroo wasn’t like anything else. He was made for you. You always knew he was the one for you, and he knew that too. It was only that neither of you knew the other felt the same. Now that you did, the possibilities were endless for you and Kuroo.
“Hey…” Kuroo broke away from your kiss.
Kuroo brought up his hand, pointing out his pinky.
“Me and you right?” Your face went warm, a bright smile appearing.
“I wouldn’t want it any other way.” You connected the pinky promise, each of you kissing your thumbs to lock it in.
“Well, you, me, plus dumb and dumber,” joked Kuroo. You laughed.
“I guess they can tag along too.”
One year later
“Oikawa no peace signs in the picture!” yelled Iwaizumi. Kuroo smacked Oikawa’s hand down.
“DAMN I GET IT!” he pouted. It was graduation day. You, Kuroo, Oikawa, and Bokuto just got out of your ceremony and now we’re attempting to take some pictures.
“Bokuto you look so stupid with that cap,” laughed Oikawa.
“You look great Bokuto-san,” smiled Akaashi.
“This is just like high school graduation…” you mumbled. Kuroo laughed, kissing your cheek.
“Some things never change do they?”
“Okay okay, move closer together!” ordered Iwaizumi. The four of you squished together for the picture, arms around each other. You were sandwiched between Kuroo and Bokuto, Oikawa on the other side of Kuroo.
“Okay, say cheese, ...1...2...3!”
Iwaizumi looked at the camera, a small smile creeping on his face.
“How does it look?” You asked.
“You tell me,” said Iwa, showing you the picture. The sun was setting behind you all, but your smiles were brighter. Bokuto had his arm raised in triumph, his smile couldn’t be more genuine. Oikawa snuck in his little peace sign but you let it slide. You were halfway through a laugh when the picture was taken, giving a perfect candid. Kuroo’s smile was soft, but his eyes weren’t on the camera. They were on you. He was most proud of you.
“Guys it’s beautiful!” gushed Oikawa.
“Iwa, do you mind taking one of me and Y/N?” asked Kuroo. Iwaizumi nodded. Kuroo took your hand, leading you back to take the picture. Kuroo put his hands on your waist, yours around his neck.
“I love you so much and I can’t wait for what the future holds for us,” smiled Kuroo. Your face felt warm and you tried to hold back your huge smile, failing of course.
“I love you too, and I know that it’s gonna be great, because I’ve got you by my side.”
Kuroo leaned in to kiss you, pressing you closely against him.
“Wait, you took the picture?” You asked. Iwaizumi smiled.
“I think you guys are gonna like this one.” Iwaizumi walked over to you, showing you the camera.
He captured the exact moment that you and Kuroo kissed. The wind blowing your cap and gowns. The sky a pretty purple and yellow tint. And most importantly, he got Oikawa and Bokuto behind you two. Bokuto had picked up Oikawa. Oikawa was making a heart shape with his hands. Both of them were smiling brightly.
“Well I can safely say that this is definitely an upgrade from our high school picture,” you joked. Kuroo smiled.
“Yeah this time I got the girl.”
“You two are gross…” chimed in Oikawa. You rolled your eyes.
“Not like you and Iwa are any better,” you clapped back. Iwa laughed.
“She’s right though,” said Iwa, putting his arm around Oikawa. You laughed and looked up at Kuroo. Bokuto was hugging Akaashi too.
“Well friends, ready to go?” You said. The boys looked at you and smiled.
“GROUP HUG!” yelled Bokuto. You laughed and joined in a big hug.
“You too Iwa and Akaashi,” laughed Kuroo. They joined in the hug, all of you holding each other tightly.
“I love you idiots,” you smiled.
“We love you too.”
[taglist: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @lilnuances @tetsoleil @cloudswritings @foxyyychan @tamaguchi @jessie9008 @bitandbytes @yeehawnana @166cm @bigchaosenergy @tumbledor3 @captain-janeway @answer-the-sirens @simpletype @ysatrap @stinkybitch1919 @starry-magicshop @graykageyama @keomoon @freyafolkvangr @myherotrashbin @anejuuuuoy @amgoldena @aisawa-reo @moonlightaangel @cremeandstrawberries @itzgabz22 @bokutory ]
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willddheartt ¡ 3 years
30 Days | Wilbur Soot
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30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right?
It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense. 
You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…
Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot. 
Word Count: 1892
Masterlist Series Masterlist 30 Days The beginning
You sighed, staring at the black screen of your PC waiting for it to light up. After last night, you didn’t even want to log on, but you knew if you avoided it now, it would just cause more hassle in the long run.
The monitors light up with your bright coloured backgrounds and the PC itself emitted many colours of the rainbow.  Opening Discord, you started a message with Wilbur.
Did you hear? You type, clicking through a few channels as you awaited his response. 
Yeah, how’d this come about? his message read 
Your head shook as you typed and you ran a hand through your hair, pushing it back and out of your face, I don’t know. Hop in a VC and we can discuss better? 
You pulled on your headset, waiting for the call to come through, what you weren’t expecting was for Wilbur to video call you. You had just got out of bed before logging on and didn’t even have any makeup on and you were still in your cropped top and sleep bottoms. Quickly pulling the fuzzy blanket you kept on the back of your chair around your shoulders you answered the call. 
“Hey,” You answered with a sigh, setting your head in your hand.  “Hi,” He said, monotone.  “What’s he got on you?” You asked  “My home address and credit card information, stuff like that. And you?”  You sighed, knowing if you told the truth he might think even lower of you than he already did. “Same thing and like some stupid stuff I did in high school,”  Wilburs expression changed from annoyed to something you couldn’t read, “What did you do?”  “Relax,” You sighed, “It’s nothing like terrible, terrible.” “Do you not want to tell me?” He sat back in his chair  “I’d rather not,” You mumbled, “I don’t need you thinking lower of me than you already do.”  “Fine,” Wilbur sighed, “Do you want to talk about how we’re going to do this or not?” You nodded 
“What do you think the best approach would be?” You asked, sitting up and pulling your leg up.  “Well obviously, I think we should outline what the rules are.”  “Okay,” You nodded pulling up a note, “So we’re supposed to be dating right?” You asked, Wilbur, nodded. “So we should act like a couple,” You said as you typed out  “What about how we act on and off camera?” Wil asked  “What about it?” You asked, “On camera, we act so madly in love the fans won’t even question it, off-camera we can not speak or whatever we do now.”  Wil shook his head, “I think to get the best performance we’d have to truly play into this and act on and off camera.”  You threw your head back, “Really?” You asked  “Do you truly hate me that much, Y/N?” 
“Well no, it’s just I’d rather not.”  “Too bad, it’s already written.”  You sighed, “Fine.”  “Do you think we should tell our friends about the whole situation or just leave it as we’re a couple?” You asked  “Leave them out of the blackmail part, they could slip up.” You nod agreeing. 
After twenty minutes of back and forth, you devised a list of rules doe the month. 
They were as follows:
Must act like a couple on and off camera 
Must act like a couple at all times 
Every week doing things that couples would do (i.e. dates, movie nights, going out to dinner) 
Must post announcing you’re together, on Twitter Instagram or in a stream. 
Can only tell friends about you being together 
And you must see each other regularly. 
If either of you failed to do one of these things you immediately owe the other person $50
Wilbur was still on call with you after the list was created, you ended up talking about how you think the blackmailer got your information. Both of you were in the dark. 
Your roommate came in, interrupting your conversation, “Hey, Y/N, Wanna come with me to pick up food?” She asked stopping dead in her tracks when she saw Wilbur on your monitor.  You nodded, “Just give me a second here,” She waved as she exited the room.  “Sorry about that, Wil,” You said turning back to the camera. “Seems I’ve got to go, but we can talk more about this when I get back if you’d like.”  Wilbur nodded, “It was nice talking to you, love.” 
The pet name caught you off guard, you looked at Wilbur, who had the most shit-eating grin on his face you’d ever seen. “What?” He asked, tilting his head, “We have to start somewhere, thought now would be a good time.”  You sighed, “ill talk to you later Wilbur.” 
You ended the call and let your head fall into your hands. 
Man, this was going to be a long month. 
“Sorry about earlier.” Your roommate said once you walked out of your room  You shook your head, “Don’t worry about it, it was only Wilbur,”  “Wilbur?” She asked, “Don’t you, like, hate him?” “Hate is a strong word,” You sighed. “I think I’ve had a change of heart about him.” 
You got home to messages from Wilbur asking if you wanted to stream with him tonight to make your announcement, you grabbed a drink and something to eat and got ready to stream. This time you were able to get ready to be on camera. You did your makeup, simple winged eyeliner nothing too extravagant, and you put on a cute top, but kept on your pyjama bottoms. 
Are you setting up stream? You messaged Wilbur 
Yeah, are you ready? He replied within seconds
Ready as I’ll ever be. 
This time you called Wilbur, he picked up within seconds.  “I know this is only fake but im nervous,” You blurted out.  Wilbur nodded, “Me too,”  “How do you think the fans will react?” You asked  “Honestly?” You nodded, “I think the overall reaction will be good.”  “What about the ones that aren’t?” You were picking at your fingers, a nervous habit, “I don’t want to get death threats and that kind of thing,” You frowned.  “I’ll take care of it,” Wil said, his words brought you a sense of peace, and you waited for him to start streaming. 
As he welcomed everyone to the stream, you weren’t on screen yet. You had a few moments to take in his appearance. He was wearing a nice white button-down, and it looked like he tried to do something with his hard but failed and just let it slump in its natural half curly-half wavy state on his forehead. You smiled at him as he kept trying to shake the hair out of his eyes but it refused to move. 
“Well, chat,” He started, “There is someone very important to me that I’d like to introduce you to.” As he spoke you could feel the knots in your stomach, nervous for him to finally show your face cam on stream. “Now, you probably already know them but,” He paused, working things out to be able to show your cam on stream, “Y/N and I would like to tell you something,” He said, and your face popped up on his stream, you waved to the chat.  “Y/N, would you like to do the honours?” He asked with a smirk “I guess so,” You put on the biggest smile you could muster before it looked fake and forced, “Chat,” You said. “Wil and I are dating!” You announced and he cheered.  The chat exploded with hearts and Pogs, of course, there were the normal hate comments, but those were almost drowned out by all the emotes. 
“Okay now, I don’t want to see anybody hating on Y/N, Okay?” Wilbur said in a stern voice, looking directly at the camera, “Mods if you can, keep it out of the chat. And chat, keep it off the social media, Okay?” He waited for responses in the chat to roll through before continuing, “If you haven't got anything nice to say, let’s not say it alright?”  You nodded along with him, secretly admiring how adamant he was about keeping the hate away, you knew Wilbur was the type of gut to do that but you didn't think he'd do it for you, especially where the two of you weren't even truly together.
“Okay, so Y/N and I here, didn’t really talk about what we were going to do on here, we just wanted to announce the news, but I guess we’ll stick around and answer a few questions for about an hour, hows that sound?”  You nodded, “That sounds good to me. Chat if you have any questions to ask us, about our relationship or just personally send them in the chat or whatever you’d like to do. 
You and Wilbur sat on stream for close to an hour talking to the chat and receiving many donations asking questions and answering the chat, they seemed to love that the two of you were ‘together’. You read a few things saying “Enemies to lovers? POG” in the chat that made you laugh to yourself, telling Wil you’d tell him later when he asked what was so funny. 
Truthfully, you didn’t hate Wilbur as much as you’ve convinced yourself you have. Sometimes the acting and just messing around on the SMP got blurry in your mind, a lot of the things you found revolting about him were things his character had done for the sake of plot development. 
Wilbur finally ended the stream, you both said bye to chat and he went off.  “That went well, don't you think?” He asked, sighing as soon as the stream was over. “I think it was good, their reaction seemed to be positive.” You sat back in your chair.  “What did you find so funny in the chat?” He asked, throwing an arm behind his head as he leaned back in his chair. You giggled as you thought about it again, “I saw some people saying ‘enemies to lovers? Pog’ in the chat and I thought it was really funny.” “I mean, they're technically not wrong.” You rolled your eyes, looking down at the time in the corner of your monitor. 
It was late. Almost three am. 
“Hey, I’ll talk to you tomorrow Wil, alright? I should go to bed soon.”  Wil nodded, “Talk to you tomorrow, Y/N, sleep well.” He smiled as he hit the end call button. 
You sat in your dimly lit room in complete silence, other than the noise of the fans in your PC. You couldn’t believe you had to do this for a month. You truly wondered how you could do this, it was only day one and you wanted to crawl out of your skin and wash off the feeling that he gave you. In your act you could see how you might be able to fall for him, but once the call ended and you were snapped back to reality, you wished to take the hottest and longest shower in the word and wash the feeling of him away, watch the dirt slide down the drain and out of your mind. 
“You can do this. It's only a month,” You whispered to yourself.
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sunsinrinn ¡ 4 years
Secrets Part 3.
Bakugo x reader, Bakugo x Uraraka, Kirishima x Reader
Fluff- ish, language, angst
Word count: 2,076
Idea: Y/n has a secret to share with bakugo not expecting a secret from him. She leaves heart broken and attempts to move on. But how will she move on if her secret can no longer be hidden? She fakes a relationship hoping its enough to not expose the true origin of the secret. (This is a terrible summary but I cant say much without spoiling future parts. 🙃)
“I have a plan that could probably fool everyone” he says slowly waiting for a sign from you to continue. You speak up, “Go on..”
He takes a deep breath before speaking again, “We could fake date.” As you open your mouth to speak he speaks up again, “I mean think about it. We would have to lie about how far along you are but it would fool everyone. I think. We can say we fell in love with each other but we are taking our time until one day I accidentally get you pregnant...” He looks at you while you think about his idea. He chews his lip waiting anxiously for your response.
“Let’s do it” You finally say and smile at home. He smiles brightly and says, “Hopefully it works.”
“How does it feel, Kiri, to be a dad?” You say jokingly. He freezes and realizes, “Oh snap you’re right- IMMA BE A WHOLE DAD- this is the happiest day of my life-“
You look at him in admiration. Come to think of it... he willingly accepted to raise a kid who wasn’t his and he never hesitated even if it was fake. You see his face beam with joy. ‘That joy doesn’t seem fake...’
You spend the rest of the day thinking of the story you’d have to tell others when you suddenly realize “KIRISHIMA-“ he looks at you frightened thinking something happened, “YOU MISSED YOUR PATROL-“
He looks at you for a while and laughs, “Oh yeaah- I forgot to mention I took the day off to stay with you”
You look at him with a wild look, “Why did you do that?”
“Like I said, so I could spend time with you and because I wanted to help you unpack. But you were done when me and Izuku came over.” He gives you a loopy grin.
You feel butterflies at his smile but ignore the feeling pretending its you appreciating his kindness. There is no way you’re falling again so soon right?
You get up and hug him, “Thank you so much Kirishima for being here for me. Thank you in advance for putting up with me when I get bigger and more annoying”
He hides his blush in the crook of your shoulder. And hold you near. “I promise to protect you and this baby, even if the baby isn’t mine.” He says softly. ‘I promise to protect you both because I love you more than life itself. And I know i will love you’re baby as my own.’ Kirishima knew this was the only way he could show his love for you and not worry about you rejecting him. He knew you didn’t love him like he did you but he settled for that.
As it nears dinner time you walk to the kitchen and begin preparing dinner. Kirishima wanders after you and watches as you seem content and thinks of what it would have been if he did live a life like this with you. Before he knew it dinner was ready and you serve him a plate and place it in front of him snapping him out of his daydream. He thanks you and waits for you to sit and eat with him.
After dinner he insists on washing the dishes and for you to relax because you’re pregnant. You almost argue that you were fully capable but as soon as you open your mouth he sweeps you off your feet and settles you on the couch as he runs off to do the dishes.
When he swept you off your feet your heart began to race furiously. You tried to push down the feeling but couldn’t help to think of why you felt that way. The only thing you could come up with was love but no that can’t be.
After Kirishima comes back he sits beside you and you both continue to talk about how your plan is going to work.
You spend the rest of your time off with Kirishima and Izuku whichever is off or has time. Other times you spend it alone or shopping for your baby because in your mind, it was never to early to start shopping. Heck, even Kirishima would come over after work and have something for the baby. He was as excited as you were. You notice how he took the role of being a dad seriously even if it wasn’t his child.
You finally return to work but after a couple of month of returning to work again, your pregnancy belly began to show causing you talk to your agency about having an indefinite leave from hero work until after your baby was born. They understand and let you go on maternity leave.
So again you find yourself at home. Tired of sitting around you decide to take a walk. You put on a loose dress that does a great job at hiding your belly and head out. As you take a stroll, you bump into someone and you mutter an apology as you look up and freeze. ‘Shit’ You dont know what to do or say so you stay quiet hoping he leaves you alone. “Y/N?” You hear him say and curse quietly, “Hey bakugo...”
He looks relieved and speaks again, “I’ve been trying to contact you and explain... but it says your number isn’t available. I also tried looking for you but I dont know where you live...”
“And I intend to keep it that way too, Bakugo” You walk off and feel him reach out and as he is about to grasp your arm you yank it back and you feel yourself fall and twist your ankle. Bakugo pales when he sees you fall and twist your ankle. “SHIT SHIT- IM SORRY Y/N- LET ME TAKE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL-“
“No-“ you try to stand but cant so you relent, “Fine, but please call kirishima for me”
His face scrunches up and wonders why you want to call kirishima. As he sits you in his car he dials Kirishima’s number and when he picks up you calmly begin to speak, “Hey kiri, Bakugo is taking me to the hospital... I twisted my ankle”
“Y/N? WHAT HAPPENED- HOLD ON I HAVE TO FINISH MY PATROL AND ILL BE THERE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE DONT GO ANYWHERE” and he hangs up. You sigh, ‘where the hell am I supposed to go with a twisted ankle’ and set the phone down and see that you’ve arrived to the hospital. You see bakugo head inside and comes out a couple of seconds later with a nurse pushing a wheel chair. You wait as they sit you on the wheel chair and roll you inside.
After an hour the doctor comes back, Bakugo who insisted to stay mutters out, “Finally.”
“Well Miss. l/n, its a good thing that its only a sprain. And Also, did you know you’re pregnant-“
You pale and watch as Bakugo stiffens. You softly respond “Yeah, is the baby okay?”
“Yes! The baby is okay perfectly healthy, the fall did not harm them.”
You sigh in relief and before you answer you hear a familiar but out of breath voice say, “Oh crap I’m sorry I’m late but its a good thing the baby is healthy.” You smile at Kirishima but that smile doesn’t last when you look over at Bakugo who is so furious it looks like he’s about to let out some explosions.
“Can we have some alone time doctor?” Bakugo asks coldly and the doctor nods and walks out not wanting to be stuck in that drama.
“What the hell does he mean by your pregnant?” He growls out.
Both you and Kirishima pale and look at each other. ‘Well shit.’ None of you say anything so Bakugo speaks again,
“Is it mine? Is the baby mine?” He says almost hoping its true. Hoping that it will be a way to win you back.
You hesitate before answering, “No, that baby is Kirishima’s”
You grow angry but before you can say anything, Kirishima speaks for you.
“Dont you dare accuse y/n of being a whore. She is the most loyal person I have ever met. We did not mean to fall in love with each other but we did and now we are expecting.” He says it so calmly almost like he isn’t mad but oh boy he is furious. But unlike Bakugo, he knows it isn’t manly to loose his temper.
You stare in shock as you watch Kirishima defend you and as Bakugo sadden at Kirishima’s words. Did you really fall in love with Kirishima he asks himself.
“Please leave Bakugo,” Kirishima demands, “You’re stressing Y/N out and she doesn’t need that stress right now.”
Your heart beats uncontrollably as you watch him worry about you and the baby.
The doctor walks in after Bakugo storms out and says you can be released after you sign some papers. After signing them you are about to getup but before you even touch the ground you’re being picked up by a pair of strong arms making you blush. Kirishima notices your blush and blushes as well. He takes you to his car that not even gonna lie is parked terribly in his attempt to rush in to see you. He sits you down and buckles you in, “I can still buckle myself in Kiri” You say giggling slightly, “I know, but I still like to do it for you, princess” he shuts the door and runs to the other side. He buckles in and sets of home. When you arrive he insist on carrying you in all the way into your apartment. You thank him and before he leaves he makes you promise you’ll call him if you need anything. You laugh and promise.
After a week of being cared for by Kirishima you finally convince him to let you go shopping for baby things. He reluctantly agrees but only if he goes too. You sigh and agree. As you finish getting ready you stand in the mirror and look at your belly. ‘You’re getting bigger and bigger everyday, my love’ you think as you rub your belly. Kirishima walks in to see if you were done and sees you looking at your belly. He smiles and approaches you wrapping his arms around your stomach.
“Do you think I will be a good mother?” You ask him.
He is taken aback by the question but answers truthfully,
“I think you’ll be the best mom this little blessing could ever hope for.”
You smile and respond, “and you’ll be an amazing dad as well”
He smiles at that and says, “Y/n... I need to get something off of my chest...”
You look at him scared fearing the worst and answer, “What is it?”
“I think I’m in love with you...” He removes his arms from around you and looks at you waiting for rejection but it never comes, instead you say,
“I think I’m in love with you too” He smiles at that and gives you a small kiss on your lips. He feels so happy he could burst.
“I was so scared of telling you but I knew I couldn’t hide it anymore.”
“I’m glad you told me Kiri, I was scared to admit I had feelings for you because I was scared of being broken again but I know you’re not like that” You smile and speak again, “Now lets go because I want to go shopping for our baby” You pull him along and you leave your room and apartment.
You both decide to walk to the mall and enjoy each other’s company as you walk even with your twisted ankle you dont mind it because you have kirishima that was distracting you. As you arrive you head straight to the maternity stores not seeing a certain pink haired girl walk near you. Kirishima speeds up trailing after you not wanting to be apart from you.
As you browse the clothing you hear a familiar voice behind you,
“Y/N?! Is that you??? What are you doing in the maternity store-“ she trails off when you turn around to face her. She stares at your stomach, then at kirishima, and then at you and then back at the stomach.
“Holy shit- YOURE HUGE”
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A/N: this chapter is wack- sorry about that also sorry for it being so long I didnt realize it 🤧 also can you believe I wrote a chapter that was filled with very little angst? < I wrote that before I wrote the falling scene- Whew, anyways, if you’d like to be tagged you can send a dm, ask, or comment <3
Secrets taglist: @hero-ink-pillar , @silentw-lkr , @ushiwakatrash , @purple-rabanito
141 notes ¡ View notes
spidersfanfics ¡ 3 years
Let’s Make the Most of the Night
Eridan x Karkat | Valentine’s Day | Angst
Happy Valentine's Day! I'm a monster so I wrote some angst :D Eridan goes on a date with Karkat for their anniversary. That's all :)
"Happy anniversary, Kar." Eridan said softly, handing over a bouquet of red roses. "I got you some flowers. And before you ask, no it's not a jab at your blood color. They're red for flushed feelings," he chuckled.
The sun shined down brightly as birds overhead chirped cheerfully. Eridan's stomach growled and he laughed sheepishly, "Let's eat why don't we?" He reached over and grabbed the picnic basket that had been prepared for the occasion.
Eager to get started, Eridan dug into the basket, pulling out sandwiches, salad and a bottle of wine. "Yes, wine," Eridan said with a playful smile, "I know sandwiches aren't exactly gourmet but it's a special occasion. Alright? We go over this every year."
A pause.
"And every year I win, don't I Kar." Eridan laughed as he poured out the wine. "Yeah, that's what I thought."
As he dug into his food and sipped on his drink, he began to fall deep into thought. A look of reminiscing painted across his face as he relaxed.
"Do you remember our first date?" He asked, breaking the silence that had briefly fallen. He smirked and shook his head, "No come on, let me tell it. I know I do this every time but that's only because it's cute every time."
He set down his wine glass and leaned back. His eyes grew distant as he cast his mind back. "Alright, let's see."
~ ~ ~
It was nearing the end of winter. No, not quite spring yet. That first date didn't count for the anniversary day, they'd agreed on that ages ago.
Eridan was handling the cold just fine as a seadweller, but Karkat's mutant blooded self always found the season miserable.
"GOG IM FREEZING MY FUCKING GLOBES OFF OUT HERE", Karkat texted Eridan. He'd just gotten off of work that day and was waiting for the bus to take him home.
Eridan texted back a moment later, "Wwe could go get some coffee together if you'd like. Might help to wwarm you up."
Karkat hesitated only a second before agreeing, "FUCK IT, WHY NOT. YOU KNOW WHERE I AM."
"Great, I'll pick you up in a minute. Don't freeze to death wwaiting for me."
True to his word, Eridan was there not long after and the two of them drove over to a nearby coffee shop. They ordered their drinks and were just about to pay when Eridan stopped Karkat.
"Wait, let me pay for the both of us."
Karkat raised an eyebrow at him but let it slide and the pair brought their drinks to an empty table, tucked away in a quiet corner. Karkat took a slow sip of the drink and winced at the sudden temperature change.
After a long moment, he spoke up. "So, tell me Ampora. Is this a date?"
Eridan nearly choked on his drink. His face flushed a violent violet and he spluttered, "I mean. I was kind of hoping, that is I was going to ask at the end if. Well, do you want it to be one?"
Karkat stared forward evenly for a long while before rolling his eyes, "Yeah whatever. Why ruin a good thing right? This is our first date."
"Ah," Eridan said weakly, still coughing slightly. "Lovely," He gave Karkat a wary smile. When Karkat returned it without a trace of mockery, his fins fluttered excitedly and he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
Soon, they had both finished their drinks, as well as the slices of cake Eridan had insisted on buying for the two of them. "Well, I'd better head home for real now." Karkat said, gathering up their trash and sweeping it into a nearby garbage can.
"Yeah, do you need me to drive you?"
He shook his head and glanced at his watch, "There's a bus coming soon. I'll be fine." He paused then pulled Eridan into a hug, "Thanks for the food and drinks, Ampora. This was fun. Maybe we should do this again sometime."
When he pulled away, Eridan was blushing once more. "Yeah, we should," he agreed with a chuckle. He pulled his car keys out of his pocket and twirled them around his finger, "I'll see you around. Text me when you get home?"
"Sure," Karkat laughed and the two parted ways.
~ ~ ~
Eridan finished his reminiscing and his sandwiches at around the same time and he smiled lovingly. "The first of many lovely dates to come," he said.
He reached back towards the picnic basket and opened it up again. After some quick rummaging, he pulled out a couple of cupcakes. "They didn't have cake slices when I went this time but these are from that same coffee shop." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Is that too cheesy? I thought it would be a nice surprise."
He unwrapped one and took a bite before thinking once more of another story to tell. "Oh, well of course if we're going to talk about our past, we should talk about the day you asked me out." He laughed, "Still can't believe you beat me to it. That's why I insisted on being the one to propose you know. Oh but that's a whole other story."
As if fearing the silence, Eridan launched into yet another story.
~ ~ ~
Eridan smiled at yet another text from a familiar number.  "Of course wwe are," he texted back, "Same thing I told you the last thousand times you asked. In fact, I'm gettin' ready right noww. Evverythin alright?"
"As if I evver do," Eridan shot back with a laugh as he fixed his hair, "You wwound me." Despite his words, he still smiled warmly at his phone. They'd been going on regular dates for some time now and he'd already decided he'd ask Karkat to be his matesprite properly soon. He couldn't wait.
A few minutes later, the ringing of the doorbell alerted him to Karkat's arrival. He ran eagerly to the door and opened it with a wide smile. "How's that for quick, Kar," he teased.
Karkat scoffed but still handed Eridan white rose, "Here, gift for you."
"Charming," Eridan laughed as he slipped it into a vase he kept by the door for this very reason. "Now let's get going. We don't want to be late for our reservation."
The two drove over to a fancy restaurant where Eridan had booked a table for them to enjoy. And after a delicious dinner, they decided to go for a stroll through a nearby park.
As the night drew to a close, Karkat stopped Eridan before they could start heading back to his car. "Hey Ampora," he said, taking both of Eridan's hands.
"What's up Kar? You've gone all stiff."
Karkat cleared his throat awkwardly. "I've got something important to tell you," he said, "So shut the fuck up and don't ruin it."
Eridan raised an eyebrow but stayed silent as he was told and nodded at Karkat to continue.
"We've been going on these dates for some time now," Karkat said, speaking quickly as if to stop himself from chickening out. "And I was wondering if you'd want to be my matesprite. Properly and officially."
"You're kidding," Eridan said his jaw dropping. He scrambled to keep talking before Karkat could snap at him for the less than optimal answer. "No wait, yes, yes. I would love to be your matesprite," he laughed, "It's just that I was thinking of asking you out soon and here you are doing it first instead."
Karkat tried for an annoyed look but ended up laughing along anyway, "Yeah well, guess I'm just better than you like that."
~ ~ ~
Eridan sighed, leaning back on his hands. "You should have seen your face when you thought I was about to reject you," he laughed, wiping away a tear.  "As if I would ever be that stupid."
He shook his head, "No. Never. And so many good days came out of that one yes, didn't it? God remember moving in together? And our wedding?"
Taking just a second to catch his breath, Eridan started talking again. Telling story, after story, after story. Before long, evening had fallen. The food he'd brought was long gone and in fact it was nearly time for dinner.
"Well," Eridan said softly. He gathered up various wrappers and tupperware to throw back into the basket before standing up with a grunt. "Should probably head home now."
His voice wobbled as he lifted his hand to his mouth and blew a kiss at the grave before him. "I miss you," he said. Tears flowed freely now, trailing violet down his face. "I'm doing alright though," he managed. "Kanaya told me to say hi. Feferi too."
With a heavy sigh, Eridan picked up his things and turned to leave. "Until next year," he said, glancing back one last time.
A pity lowbloods always die so young.
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thebluenoteblog ¡ 4 years
Give me That Title
Summary: You have been hooking up with Colton for months and though you have feeling for him you’ve known since the beginning what your relationship with him is. You’re okay with it. You’re also okay with being perpetually single. That is until you meet someone that makes you want to date for the first time in a while. Though Colton’s reaction to hearing about your date... well that’s more surprising than the fact that you decided to go on a date in the first place.
Player: Colton Parayko
Word Count: 5.1k
*Inspired by Meghan Trainor’s Title*
I know girls ain’t hard to find
If you think you want to try
Than consider this an invitation
To kiss my ass goodbye
You were on the floor in front of your floor length mirror, with makeup spread out on the floor all around you when your phone buzzed. You paused with the mascara wand next to your eye, finished what you were doing, reinserted the wand into the tube, screwed on the cap and then picked up your phone already having a pretty good idea of who it was.
Colton had just gotten back in town from his road trip earlier that day and odds were he wasn’t in the mood to go out partying tonight. He wanted someone to come to him. The most recent notification on your phone, right above a few from the NHL app was indeed a text message from Colton. You had been his most regular hook up for the past seven months and at some point, in that time he had given you his phone number when he got tired of dealing with snapchat.
If you were being fair, the two of you did a lot of talking to. If someone were to scroll through your text messages they would never know that you were just some twenty-one-year-old girl who had gotten caught up in a lifestyle that you had no business in. They would probably think that you and Colton were friends. Friends who just hung out a lot late at night.
You unlocked your phone, opened the text and scanned the message. You busy?
You glanced up into the mirror, at your half-done makeup. Yes.
His response was fast, like he’d been waiting for it. No, really. Do you want to come over?
Okay, if you were being fair, it was a very rare occasion that you passed him up on an offer to come over. You always responded to his messages and you were basically at his beck and call. Your only serious obligation was your college courses. Your work hours were pretty much ‘come and go as you please’ and so you did. Whenever Colton asked. He knew when you were in class and he knew it wasn’t now.
Being tied to a man who had no intention of ever committing to you wasn’t a huge issue for you. Committing your time to him wasn’t either because he was gone so much and spent so many nights out with the team that you could still have friends and a life of your own. Besides, you would be lying if you said you hadn’t hooked up with a few other people in the beginning just as he had. You assumed he still did, but you didn’t bother anymore, the sex didn’t compare.
Then two weeks ago, you met Chase. You were sitting at a coffee shop on Main Street, enjoying your tea when he had walked in. He’d sat down on the couch beside you as he drank his coffee. He turned to you, stared at your Blues t-shit for a moment and then said, “Can you believe how badly the Blues got it handed to them last night?”
You’d spent two hours talking after that, about anything and everything. He’d asked you out. You’d given him your number. Now you sat in front of your mirror getting ready for the first real date you’d been on in over a year since you had broken off your engagement and sitting there, on that couch next to Chase, in his faded St. Charles County Firefighter t-shirt, you’d realized something.
This thing with Colton wasn’t enough anymore. You wanted a real relationship. Someone you could imagine a future with and not roll your eyes at yourself for being ridiculous. Someone who would really love you and not just love getting you naked. Someone who saw in you whatever it was that Chase saw that made his eyes light up when he talked to you that day.
You wanted someone who would someday ask you to marry them. You would buy a house together. Make one of those salt plaster ornaments with your first house key to put on the tree that you would decorate together every year. Build a fence in the backyard for your dog and your kids to run around.
Maybe that would be Chase, maybe it would be the next guy you went out with, or the next. Maybe you would find him a year from now. But you knew one thing for sure. No matter how much you wanted him to be, no matter how much you loved Colt, he was never going to be that guy.
He would never commit to a girl who looked like you.
Hell, you didn’t think he was ready to commit at all, despite how nice of a guy he was and his picture-perfect image. He enjoyed living it up, he enjoyed his parties, he enjoyed his bunnies. A girlfriend would cramp his style.
You glanced down at your phone and saw that ten minutes had passed, you needed to hurry up and get your makeup done and you still had Colton to deal with. I can’t. I’m going out tonight.
Again, he responded before you could pick up your mascara to finish your other eye, so he must not have been doing anything. He was probably laying on the couch watching TV. Oh. Are you going out with (Y/F/N)?
You didn’t really think about what you were typing before you just hit send, you just did it and then dropped your phone before going back to your makeup. This time you finished all of your eye makeup and were on to your lips when your phone eventually buzzed.
It wasn’t until you picked it up that you read what you had sent him and actually felt a little bad. You knew you both saw other people. You knew you weren’t a couple and you were both free to do whatever you wanted, but neither of you ever made a point of talking about it. You only knew about it his exploits from the girls who bragged about it online and occasionally posted pictures of them together to corroborate their stories. No, (Y/F/N) is out of town. I have a date tonight.
He’d responded five minutes later with. You have a date?
You glanced at the message, not sure how to respond at first then decided on simply, Yeah, he’s really nice.
The dots appeared and then disappeared about five times before they stayed long enough for him to type out his response. You never go on dates.
You rolled your eyes. Leave it to a guy in the NHL to think he had a girl locked down because she didn’t go on other dates for a little while even though he was still fucking other people. I decided that I want something real. Is that so bad?
You finished your makeup and made it out to your car before he responded. I guess not.
If it ain’t no thing
Then I won’t be hangin around
But don’t be blowin up my shit at three am
Sayin how you need me now
You had now been out on two dates with Chase and Colton had coincidently texted asking you to come over as you were walking out the door to get into Chase’s truck the night you went out with him for the second time. He’d taken your rejection slightly less… diplomatically this time which was uncharacteristic for him. You’d only turned him down a handful of times, but you could never remember him being upset. He’d always continued to talk to you until one of you got too busy to hold up the conversation. This time though, he was clearly upset.
Can you come over? I have food that I shouldn’t be eating that you would love.
You smiled when you read the message, because it almost sounded like he was inviting you over for a date even though you knew that wasn’t what it was. You could still dream. Then you remembered that outside your apartment complex, Chase was waiting for you.
I’m sorry, I’d love to but I’m busy tonight. Raincheck?
He’d responded quickly like he didn’t even think about what he was saying before he said it, Big date tonight?
You narrowed your eyes at the phone. What’s that supposed to mean?
You waited for his response before you walked outside into the bitter February air. Nothing. I just wanted you to come over.
Now it was three in the morning and you were lying in bed, trying to fall asleep. Still thinking about how uncharacteristically spiteful Colton had been that night. Then your phone went off for the first time. You ignored it, because, well, it was three in the morning. But then ten minutes later it went off again. And five minutes after that it went off again. Not five minutes passed before there was another. Then soon after another alert. Finally, you sat up in a huff, grabbing the phone off your bedside table and unlocking it to see the notifications.
All messages from Colton and he appeared to be drunk. Very drunk.
(Y/N) r u home
i miss u
u should com over
r u still with him
u should be here instead
You squeezed your eyes shut then opened them to make sure you were reading the messages correctly. Is that why he had been so spiteful that night? Was Colt… jealous? You couldn’t go over to his house now, because regardless of what you suspected, nothing had changed. He wasn’t going to commit to you. He wasn’t going to give you that house together or the Christmas tree with the first key ornaments or the kids running around in the backyard. It just wasn’t in the cards for them. Besides, he was drunk off his ass right now. He would never, in a million years send u or r in place or you or are if he wasn’t well past the legal limit.
Colton, go to sleep. You’re drunk, you don’t know what you’re saying.
The dots appeared right away but it took him awhile to type the message.
i no wht im saying i miss u com over ur with him arnt u
It took you a moment to decipher the message but when you did, you sighed and responded carefully. Colt, I’ve been home since 10:00. I can’t come over, its already three in the morning and you’re so drunk you’ll be passed out by the time I get there. You won’t even be able to let me in.
He didn’t like that answer. ill take a shower to sober up before u get here
fine goodnight
You sighed again, Goodnight Colt.
Don’t call me boo
Like your some kind of ghost
If you don’t want me seeing other guys,
Then here’s what you need to know
Come stay tonight.
It was just those three words. The team was leaving for a road trip and they had the next day off. You had always in the past cleared your schedule on those days for him if he asked you to. The two of you would stay in bed all day, you would cook for him when you got hungry and he would leave for the roadie the next day relaxed and happy. This had started off as an occasional arrangement but had become a routine and now almost every time he had a day off in town, this was the plan.
You cleared your schedule.
When you got to his house with your overnight bag, you had just knocked on the door when it opened. He was standing there looking perfect as ever in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, but his hair wasn’t styled like usual. It was tousled and limp like he’d been running his fingers through it enough to destroy whatever effect the gel had previously had on it.
He stepped to the side to let you in and closed the door behind you as soon as you were out of the way. He turned to face you, “I’m sorry… about the other night.”
You shrugged, not meeting his eyes, continuing to face the living room. You didn’t want to talk about this. You knew your time together was limited. This may very well be the last time they spent a night together before you had a boyfriend and you had to end… whatever this was. you didn’t want to spend it talking about what he’d said two nights ago and how he hadn’t meant it. How he was just drunk. “It isn’t a big deal.”
You slipped off your shoes, leaving them by the door. You always felt weird wearing shoes in his house, everything was so much more expensive than what you were used to. You walked away from him before he could say anything else, placing your bag on the couch and then leaning against the back of it and turning to watch him. He was frozen in place, staring at the spot you had previously been standing. After a minute he shifted his eyes to you and made his way into the living area.
He stood directly in front of you, with his hands in his pockets. He looked unsure for the first time since you’d met him, and you couldn’t quite figure out why. “I made dinner.” He said. “It’s almost ready.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, “You made us dinner?” You asked. “I always make dinner.”
“I know…” He said, he shifted, looking over her head at something in the distance, “I just thought… I don’t know. It was an early game and I got home at seven… I don’t mind cooking, so why not?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t know, I guess I just figured I would be cooking for you tonight.”
He looked down at you, meeting your eyes and smiling softly, “You don’t always have to do stuff like that. You can just come over and relax with me.”
Something was off. Colton was a nice guy. He was an amazing guy. But this was so far out of left field for your relationship that you didn’t know what you were dealing with. Then again, that’s how everything with him had been since the day you told him you were going on a date. He’d make sure to mark you up with hickeys everywhere when you hooked up the couple of times it had happened since. He was usually rough, but he never was one to leave dozens of hickeys all over you. Maybe one or two, nothing like that. His sideways remarks. Drunk texts. Now this?
You were in love with him. You had been for a long time and you knew it. Hell, you’d known when you let this start that you would fall in love with him. He was just the kind of guy you couldn’t help falling in love with. That’s why he had girls falling at his feet. He was a twenty-six-year-old professional hockey player, rich, attractive, with a great personality and he could have any girl he wanted. You never had any illusions that you would be the one to lock him down. Hell, at the time you weren’t even looking for a relationship. You were running from one.
But when he looked at you and said things like that, things like you can just come here to relax with me, it made you angry. Because you were in love with him. And when he said things like that and sent you a string of drunk texts at three in the morning, it gave you this irrational hope that he cared about more than just your pussy.
There was no way though.
And even if he did, did you want that life?
Constantly worrying about whether or not your boyfriend was with some other girl because he could have whoever he wanted? Always feeling like you weren’t good enough for him? Never being able to contribute equally to the household? Would he ever actually marry you even if he did date you? No. Probably not. You weren’t NHL wife material. Not pretty enough or classy enough.
But you smiled at him and pretended this battle wasn’t going on in your head and said, “Why don’t I help you finish cooking? I’m starving.”
After you ate, an amazing meal as it turned out Colton was actually quite the cook, when you made to help him with the dishes he turned around and set you on the island behind him, effectively banishing you from the soap. “I always help.” You protested.
“I’ve got it, (Y/N).” He said, his back muscles working as he washed a pot. “Just sit there and look pretty.”
You rolled your eyes, “As if that’s possible.” He turned to look at you over his shoulder, narrowed eyes and you bit your lip before responding, “Sorry, did I say that out loud?”
“Yeah. Don’t say it in your head either.” Then he went back to the dishes.
After the dishes were clean you expected to end up in the bedroom, but instead he guided you to the couch and handed you the remote, “What do you want to watch?”
You stared at the remote for a moment, then looked back at him. “I don’t know. I only watch movies in the theaters and I don’t think you’d like any of the shows that I watch.”
He frowned, “You only watch movies in theaters?”
“I don’t have the attention span to watch them unless I’m forced.” You said, “I’ll do anything to get out of it. Write, sleep, read, sex. Anything except watch the movie unless it’s a favorite and I’m in the mood to watch it. Which I’m not.”
“Okay, you like the Flames, right?” He asked. You nodded, “They’re playing now. Want to watch that?”
You smiled up at him, “That sounds awesome.”
By the time the game ended, you were curled into his side with his arm wrapped around you and you were ranting about every missed call while going on about Tkachuk’s game winning overtime goal. “Are you like this when you watch us play?” Colton asked, with a look in his eyes that you couldn’t identify and a smile on his face.
“Oh, I’m worse.” You said laughing and shaking your head, “When I lived with my sister she used to get so mad at me on nights you played late games because I would wake her up yelling at the TV.”
Colton placed a hand on your cheek and moved in. He pressed his lips to yours the same why he had so many times before, but this time if felt different. The kiss was long and slow and there were no hands pulling at clothes. One of his remained spanning your cheek and neck and the other rested on your waist, holding you in place.  Your hands, after the initial shock of the randomness of the kiss wore off, went up to his shoulders. He pulled you closer like he was afraid you were about to push him away, but you didn’t. You wouldn’t. You didn’t know if you knew how.
Especially not after the way this kiss made you feel.
You were the one to separate your lips, resting your foreheads together. Neither of you spoke for a stretch of time and the only sound filling the room was the Flames postgame in the background. Eventually he broke the silence. “I don’t like you dating other people.”
“Colton…” You said, squeezing your eyes shut. You didn’t want to hear this. You didn’t want him to tell you how he didn’t like seeing you with other people, but you could never be his. It wasn’t something you wanted to hear and if he said it… well if he said it you were going to have to get up and leave. You were going to have to end this.
“Please listen to me,” He said, his voice barely above a whisper but their faces were so close that you had no trouble picking up his words. “It hurts thinking about you dating someone else. It hurts thinking that I’m so close to losing you and if you don’t want me to stop you then there isn’t anything I can do about it.”
You pulled your forehead away from his and leaned back a little, looking at his hardwood floors, “Colton I can’t just be some girl that you call when you want to screw for the rest of my life.” You said it softly, but the words were harsh and he cast his eyes at the floor along with you, “I want something real. I want someone who is going to take me out on dates. We buy each other birthday presents. Set up a Christmas tree together every year. Have dreams of a future with each other in it. Someday I want a house with a backyard full of kids and a husband playing with them. I can’t have that if all I am is another girl who you mess around with but never want anything more from.”
When you were done he looked up at you and your eyes met. Before you could look away, he said, “But what if I want all of those things with you? What if I want something real too?”
Tears sprung to your eyes. Why was he doing this? Why couldn’t he just let you walk away when it was easier because you thought he would never love you. “Colt I don’t know if I’m cut out for that life. I’m just some girl who got caught up in a lifestyle she had no business being part of.”
“What’s so bad about it?” He asked, looking a little panicked. Like he hadn’t actually accepted the possibility of you walking away tonight for good. “Why couldn’t you date me?”
You shook your head, “I’ve been around your friends. They party. They drink. And athletes… they cheat. I know it’s a stereotype, but I would always be worried about it. Especially since the entire time we’ve known each other you’ve had the ability to just… do whatever you want. Besides the fact that I’m not pretty enough to ever be seen in public with you.”
Colton looked genuinely offended, “I don’t cheat. I never have, and I never will. I was raised better than that.” He placed a hand on your chin and forced you to look into his eyes, “And you are beautiful. I would take you everywhere. You would be all over my Instagram even.”
You blushed, “Colt…”
“(Y/N), give me a chance.” He said. “I messed up. I didn’t realize I was in love with you until someone else was already doing a better job at what should have been my job than I was. Please, let me fix it.”
You studied his face, trying to decide if he was serious. Trying to decide if you should give up what you saw in Chase for what you knew was there in Colton. There were obstacles, many of them, but if he was that determined to make it work then you would give it a try too.
“Okay, we can give it a real shot.”
I’m lovin’ what you got
But I’m hating what you doing
You gotta show me off, off
If you embarrassed,
Then thats the case I’m long gone
You’d been officially dating for four months now and things were going great. He knew how you felt about him going out drinking with the guys, so when he went, he invited you along. There were no more bunnies bragging about their conquest with him online, in fact they were beginning to suspect that he had settled down with someone. You were at every home game wearing his jersey with the other wives and girlfriend and even flown out to one of the away games. Pictures of the two of you together started appearing online, especially on websites that people used to track the habits of players and the speculation started.
Did Colton Parayko have a girlfriend?
The thing was, he wouldn’t confirm anything. People would tweet him, asking him about it. Nothing. People would message him on Instagram asking him about it? He ignored them. He posted a picture of himself with your dog on his Instagram and the comments were filled with the same question.
Do you have a girlfriend?
Is that your girlfriends’ dog?
Did your girlfriend take that picture?
Still he didn’t respond to any of them. You were beginning to wonder if it was because he was regretting his decision to enter a relationship with you. Was that what the issue was? Was he embarrassed of you? He’d promised that you would be all over his Instagram, but he hadn’t even let you tag them in a picture together. Did he wish he’d found someone more conventionally beautiful?
You were scrolling through a speculation post when he sat down beside you on the couch. “What are you reading?” He asked, looking over your shoulder.
You quickly locked your phone and dropped it into your lap, “Nothing. It doesn’t matter.”
He narrowed his eyes at you playfully, “I know your password and my arms are longer than yours.”
You sighed, “Why haven’t you gone public with our relationship?” You asked.
He looked caught off guard, “What do you mean?”
“You haven’t posted any pictures of us. You haven’t answered when anyone asks about us.” You looked away from him and down at the phone you were twisting in your hands. “If you’re embarrassed of me just tell me. We can end this.”
“No!” He said it before the words had even died on your tongue, “Of course I’m not embarrassed of you.”
You still didn’t meet his eyes, because honestly, you didn’t believe him. “Colton…”
“(Y/N),” He said, “I’ll post pictures of you right now. I’ll tweet out a response to the next person who asks me. I’m not embarrassed, why would I be? I didn’t know it was that big of a deal to you or I never would have kept it a secret. I just don’t like my private life to be all over the internet.” He grabbed your hand and pulled your phone away, setting it aside before taking your hand in his. “Please believe me.”
You looked up into his eyes and all you saw was love. He looked so genuine. How could you not believe him? “Okay,” you said. “I believe you.”
“We don’t have to keep it a secret,” He said, “I love you. I don’t care if people know.”
You smiled up at him, “I would like that.”
Give me that title, title
Come on give me that title, title
Better give me that title, title
Better give me that title, title, yeah
They’d been together for two years now and they had come a long way from the day that Colton had sworn she was going to walk out his front door and end up in the arms of another man. As she sat on her towel with her toes dug into the sand next to him, glass of wine in her hand, staring at the sun setting over the ocean, he couldn’t believe that he’d ever come close to letting that happen.
The words she spoke that day stuck in his mind every single day since she said them. Someday I want a house with a backyard full of kids and a husband playing with them. They already bought each other birthday presents and set up a Christmas tree together every year. They talked about their future together every day. But that was something that he hadn’t given her yet.
She was so distracted by the sunset that she didn’t notice him set his wine glass on the small table between them, low to the sand, before reaching into the beach bag, into the zippered back pocket that she never would have had a reason to open and pulling out the small velvet box. He settled back onto his towel with the box in his hand, but kept his eyes focused on her.
He’d had the whole moment planned out, but now that they were here, and he was holding the ring and she was sitting next to him, it was like he had never planned a thing.
He shifted to his knees so that he was facing her, and that action was enough to pull her away from the sunset. She turned to him with a smile on her face so genuine that it made his heart swell. “What’s that look for?” She asked, “You should be watching the sky, it’s beautiful.”
“I’d rather watch you.” He said, and her cheeks flushed. Whether it was from the tropical heat or his words he didn’t know. He kept the box hidden under his hand as he said, “(Y/N), the day we decided to be together, you said something. You said that someday you wanted a husband and kids and an entire life with someone.” He looked down at his hand which still hid the ring, then back up at the most important person in his life who was looking at him with wide eyes, like she wanted to believe what was happening but didn’t quite want to get her hopes up. He lifted the hand that wasn’t concealing the ring and used it to guide her into standing up. She rose to her feet, burying them in the sand.
He rose to one knee and finally reveled the box, snapping it open, “I want that to be me. I want that life with you. I’m ready for it. If you say yes, I promise that we’ll have a house with a huge backyard and a fence and a swing set for our kids to play on. We’ll be the family that you always wanted to have. So, (Y/N), will you marry me?”
She was completely in shock, staring at him like she couldn’t believe a single word he had just said had actually come out of his mouth. But it had, and as soon as she realized that, she answered him. “Of course, I will!”
He slid the ring on her finger, tossed the box on the towel beside them and then was up and twirling her in the air in a second. Yes, they had come a long way in the past two years. And god was he glad they had.
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oh-for-fic-sake ¡ 4 years
Pastry Negotiations
Decided to do a few cute funny oneshots for the witcher i wanted to do a modern reader x geralt collection somehow its become geralt x yennefer x modern reader this is just so i can take small a break from Trophy. Next imagine in series is Here
Warnings: maybe implied smut? Swearing
Your and Jaskier’s spat end in a hostage situation
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Pastry Negotiations
'Tho its eased up a bit now' you thought as you rummaged threw the small satchel that yennefer had given you full of a few clothes she had lent you and somewhere in here there should be a small pastry that you had squirreld away ,you growled as it wasnt at the top where you left it ripping the garments out of the bag frustrated. It wasn't there you rolled up the clothes throwing them back in. Geralt noticed your little tantrum 
It was early evening when the five of you settled in camp geralt sat leaning against a large tree a few feet away from the fire, watching over his small 'pack' as you called it. You'd been here just over two weeks now, no closer to finding a way home but you were slowly adapting. You got along with ciri like a house on fire she seemed to enjoy teaching you things and listening to stories of your home land;Even if you did cop out and just recited your favourite films to her.Jaskier had become more of a brother  ,you both loved irritating one another leading to squabbles and name calling which in all honesty put you at ease as he did remind you of your brothers at home.
The love birds? now that was becoming awkward because of your crush on them, you couldnt help it they were both beautiful and dominant. you were still unsure of them tho, yes they have been accommodating but they constantly watched you, always had one or both staring at you especially when you were around ciri but there was also somthing in their eyes as they swept over you that made you want to blush.
They had been keeping their distance only helping you when nesscasary or stepping in putting a stop to your and jaskiers banter that is until three of four days ago they became more attentive striking up small conversations with you asking about the things in the stories you told ciri. Yennefer had insisted that you sleep with her and geralt for your own safety, which you didn't understand as you'd been fine lying along side ciri and jaskier.
Nevertheless once geralt agreed you'd found yourself dragged between them a few nights ago and that was the end of it. It was a bit uncomfortable as during the night they 'accidentally' tangle themelves around you. The past two mornings waking up snuggled between the two.It would have been nice if one it didn't embarrass you and two if geralt could loosen up a bit ,your arms keep going numb.Apart from that new development the one thing you just had enough of was pain you couldn't stand it. your days used to consist of sitting at a desk all day proof reading, now you were expected to walk miles in already worn trainers.
Your feet and legs screamed with every step and you fell behind refusing to ride on roach ,until finally geralt had enough of stopping for you to catch up and sat you on roach, you had been all but hysterical as he had carried you towards her only then did he realise that you'd had avoided the horse at all costs because you were scared of her ,to your five foot fuck all she was huge.Ciri bless her, had climbed up behind you helping you to relax showing you where to hold on as geralt took the reigns and began walking again. Jaskier had poked fun about the ordeal until you'd explained at home you don't use horses to travel people only have them as pets and you'd never actually been this close to one before so didn't know how big theyd be. All four of them were stumped.
It was only a few hours later you realised that a horse was no better as yes it took the pressure off your feet but put it on your ass and thighs.It was painfull as geralt and yennefer comicaly pulled you off that night and you have since walked bow legged. 
"What have you lost Y/N?" You stomped over to the fire sitting down on a small blanket beside ciri capturing the attention of yennefer you huffed crossing your arms hangry.
"The pastry that yenn gave me is gone i put it in my bag so i could have it tonight and its grown legs and walked off apparently." You pouted staring daggers at the flames.
"Are your sure you put it away?" Yennefer answered him befor you
"Yes she did i was the one who told her to" geralt sighed 
"It could have fallen out, you have a habit of not doing up your bag" 
"It cOuLd HaVe FaLlEn OuT"you mocked scowling. you caught jaskiers gaze he freigned ignorance and nervously looked away
"Jaskier?" he breathed out a nervous laugh
"Have you seen it?"
"No of course not"
"Really you look shifty"
"you dont honestly think id take your pastry do you?" He said as you crawled towards his bag he snatched it quickly.
"I wouldnt put it past you show me" you said sitting infront of the now cornered sputtering bard
"Y/N id never even dream of-"
"Cut the crap and open it" you interupted befor he could come up with an excuse you pounced on him wrestling for the bag. Untill 
"AHA! You did pinch it you little sneak theif" you announced as he quickly pulled the snack from his bag holding it out of reach. He shook his head shuffleing back making distance between you.
"no no i found it on the floor earlier so i took it" you squinted at him
"give it back" 
"No finders keepers" 
"But its mine" you whined petulantly
"No" you growled at him turning to the left
"H-HEY put that down no what are you?" You faced him again his precious lute in one hand and a small blade you'd swiped off geralt yesterday ignoring geralts
"Is that my knife when did you get that?"
"Not now geralt , Jaskier Drop the pastry or the lute gets it" you threatend sliding the blade flat under a few strings he jumped forward catching himself as you tilted away twisting the blade untill two strings rested taught on it.
"Ok ok lets not do anything rash how about we split it" he offered.no dice.
"How about i cut these" you countered tilting your head at him watching him squirm
"Ok ok i get it you pass me the lute and ill give this back" he concluded
"How do i know you will give it back when you have your lute?"
"You have my word" 
"Words are cheap"
"I promise"
" you give me the pastry and then ill release the hostage unharmed"
"No i dont trust you to do that"
"Then it appears we are at an impass" you said tilting th knife unbeknownst to you the witcher of the group was already on the move quickly stalking up behind you before things could get ugly with out either of you haveing time to react geralt had snatched the pastry off of jaskier Growling out
"If you cant behave neither of you have it" then he turned you struggled as he took the lute and knife off of you throwing the lute towards the small pile of bags near the tent pointing a threatening finger at jaskier.leave it. Geralt took a few steps around you muttering somthing along the lines of 'couple of fucking children'  causing the girls to giggle he gave ciri the treat who happily began munching it.You pouted at his back when he made his way back to his tree trying to locate where you'd stolen the knife from. 
"Thats not fair he'll get his lute back tomorrow and i cant have my snack" you sulked as jaskier laughed behind you.
"It will act as a reminder to do up your fucking bag im tired of reminding you" was the reply from geralt you heard Yennefer pipe up in agreement your face soured as you crawled back beside ciri who had finished your pastry. Smileing impishly you sighed then looked at the resident smug couple.
"Fuck you both" you muttered with out missing a beat yennefer replied 
"We would but we assumed your still sore after your ride on roach" silence fell over the camp as you stuttered speechless a deep blush crept up your chest and neck jaskier gaped at the three of you geralt smirked as he and yennefer shared a knowing look.Jaskiers hearty laugh echoed in the camp.
Wow i realy enjoyed that watch out for more of these in the next few days see ya soon xx
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livesincerely ¡ 4 years
it’s so easy (too easy) to love you, ch. 1
Also on Ao3
Davey’s just gotten out of class—literally just walked out the door—when his phone starts ringing.
“Davey,” Tony says the moment he answers, not even giving Davey time to say hello, “can you swing by the apartment real quick?”
Davey sighs. “Are you locked out of the house again?”
There’s a guilty silence. Then, “Or maybe I just wanna see you, huh? You don’t know.”
“Charlie’s the one that lost the spare,” Tony capitulates immediately, there’s an indignant “Hey!” somewhere in the background, “and I left my keys in my locker ‘cause I thought Charlie had his—”
There’s a scuffle of noise, then Charlie’s voice breaks in, “—don’t listen to him Davey, I asked him before we even got on the subway if he had his keys and he said he did but he didn’t even check—”
“—well, I thought you had yours, didn’t I?—”
“—and he was twenty minutes late picking me up from band practice because he was too busy making out with Spot Conlon to come help me carry my stuff—”
“—that was supposed to be a secret you little shit!”
“—you started it!”
Davey pulls the phone away from his ear as the other side of the line descends into a mess of indistinct yelling. He thinks about trying to get their attention, but he decides to just start heading towards the apartment, muting his side of the call while he waits them out—they’ll remember him eventually.
In the meantime, Davey sends a quick text:
Tony and Charlie locked themselves out of the house again
He’s not expecting a response, but Jack must be in-between projects because he gets one almost immediately.
jc again?
And you’re going to have to get a new spare made
fuck okay i’ll take care of it. are you heading over?
I’m walking there now
ur the light of my life dave
Davey can’t help but smile at this, a soft feeling fluttering in his chest. Before he can write back, Jack sends another text:
how did ur midterm go?
I feel good about it! Def did better than I thought it would!
duh youve been living in the library all week ofc ur gonna do great. ill swing by the grocery omw home and pick up some ice cream to celebrate. do we need anything else while im there?
Get a bell pepper and some tomato paste, I’m going to make spaghetti for dinner. And we need more laundry detergent.
fuck yes im starving! can we do garlic bread too?
Come home on time and we’ll see.
u drive a hard bargain. kerian owes me a favor so he can stay late tonight lol
“Davey?” The sound of Charlie’s voice, tinny and muffled, prompts Davey to lift his phone back to his ear; it seems like he might’ve been calling Davey’s name for a while. “Are you still there?”
“I’m still here,” Davey confirms.
“So are ya comin’ or what?” Tony cuts in, ever impatient. “I’m roasting out here!”
“Well, I was thinking about leaving you to ruminate on your poor life choices,” Davey responds dryly, “but I guess I can come let you in, since you asked so nicely.”
“Thanks, Davey,” Charlie says.
“I’ll be there soon,” Davey confirms.
“Hurry, will ya? Much longer and I’m gonna get heatstroke and die,” Tony declares.
Davey rolls his eyes. “Goodbye, Tony.”
When he arrives at Jack’s building some twenty minutes later, Davey finds Tony and Charlie right where he expects them: crowded together in the little bit of shade the roof’s overhang offers, wearing identical grumpy expressions that brighten immediately when they spot him approaching.
"Finally!" Tony exclaims, shooting to his feet. "What took you so long?"
“Stop losing your keys and you won’t have to wait for me,” Davey counters, slotting his key into the deadbolt and hefting open the heavy exterior door. He props it open with his hip and lets Tony and Charlie scurry past him into the AC. “You couldn’t get anyone to buzz you in?”
“Old Man Davis hasn’t gotten his hearing aid replaced yet,” Charlie explains as they climb the stairs up to the second floor, “and Mrs. Ikeda isn’t home.”
“She joined a new book club,” Tony adds. “She won’t be back till late.”
“Oh, I’ll have to ask her about it when I see her next,” Davey muses.
He gets the apartment door unlocked and the boys pile inside, tossing their backpacks down with dramatic groans of relief.  Charlie makes a beeline for his bedroom; Davey expects Tony to do the same but he takes a seat at the kitchen table instead, booting up his laptop with a couple of keystrokes.
“I’ve got a paper due in English tomorrow,” Tony explains. “Can you look it over once it’s finished? Maybe later this evening”
“Of course,” Davey replies. “What’s it on?”
“Lord of the Flies.”
Davey’s nose wrinkles up. “Oh, I hated that one. What’s the essay prompt?”
“Identify Golding’s argument about human nature as proposed in Lord of the Flies,” Tony reads off the top of the assignment outline. “Then make an argument agreeing or disagreeing with his assessment, using evidence from the text.”
Davey rolls his eyes. “Good to see that high school literature classes haven’t changed much in the last few years,” he says with a sigh. “How much have you written so far?”
“Oh, I haven’t even started it yet,” Tony casually rebuts.
“Is everything going okay?” Davey asks, frowning slightly. “If things are getting worse we can make an appointment—”
But Tony waives his concerns aside. “Nah, this is regular old procrastination, not ADHD procrastination. Like ya said, Lord of the Flies sucks ass, so I just didn’t want to write it.”
“Well, let one of us know if you start having trouble,” Davey says.
"Okay, mom,” Tony agrees, somewhat distracted. He’s already got a blank document pulled up on his laptop, a battered and thoroughly dog-eared copy of the book laying open beside him.
Davey looks at him for another moment, then he shrugs and continues making his way into the kitchen—he figures there’s no need to worry unless Racer starts actually missing assignments. And he’s right: Lord of the Flies does suck ass.
By the time Jack gets home they’re each fully entrenched in different activities: Davey’s washed a sink full of dishes and is working on drying the last few pieces of silverware, Tony is still posted up at the kitchen table, carefully hammering out a draft of his paper, and there are the familiar sounds of Charlie working through different musical scales on his oboe in the back bedroom.
“Honey, I’m home!” Jack calls jokingly as he enters. There’s a rustle of plastic and soft thunk of the front door closing behind him, then he comes around the corner into the dining room with an armful of groceries.
“Hey, Jack,” Davey greets absently. He starts rifling through the bags almost before Jack can finish putting them down. “Did you get the tomato—?”
“I got the tomato paste,” Jack says, kicking off his shoes and leaving them in the entryway with all the others, “and I picked up some more of that fancy coffee you like from the place around the corner, even though it’s expensive as all hell.”
“Don’t judge me,” Davey replies, gathering up an armful of vegetables and carrying them further into the kitchen. “You spend a semester grading 'Intro to Shakespeare' homework and tell me how much caffeine you consume.”
“I’m just saying, the rest of us schmucks drink regular coffee and do just fine,” Jack continues. “You can feed your crippling caffeine addiction just as well with Folgers and it’ll cut down on the grocery bill.”
“Watch it, Kelly,” Davey says, pointing a finger teasingly in Jack’s direction. “Smartasses don’t get dinner.”
“‘s that so?” Jack asks with a grin. “Then why the hell are we still feeding Tony?”
“I heard that,” Tony grumbles from the kitchen table.
“Yeah, you were supposed to,” Jack says, moving over to Tony and slinging an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a side hug. Tony bats at Jack’s hand but makes no real attempt to get away. Then Jack says, “So, I hear you and your brother lost another set of keys.”
Tony throws Davey a look of the deepest betrayal. “You told Jack?”
“Of course he did,” Jack says. “Someone’s gonna have to get new ones made, and it sure ain’t gonna be either half of the dynamic duo.”
“Charlie lost the spare,” Tony says, mercilessly throwing Charlie under the bus while he’s not in the room to defend himself. “And I didn’t lose my keys, I just left them in my locker.”
“Uh huh, save it for the judge,” Jack responds, ruffling Tony’s hair. “Just know if I end up having to change the deadbolt, it’s coming outta your subway money.”
“Jackie, leave Tony alone,” Davey comments mildly over Tony’s spluttering protests. “He needs to work on that paper and you’re distracting him.”
“Yeah, Jack,” Tony repeats, a little smug. “You’re distracting me.”
Davey turns to look at him, one eyebrow raised. Tony quickly busies himself with his homework.
Davey makes quick work of washing a green pepper and peeling an onion, then starts dicing both into small, neat pieces. He feels more than hears Jack sidle up behind him: the familiar weight of his gaze, the solid presence at his back. He stands there quietly, leaning against the counter-top and just watching Davey cook; unbothered, Davey leaves him be for the moment and moves to the stove, scraping the chopped vegetables off the cutting board and into a pan to start softening.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Davey glances over his shoulder at Jack and says, “Are you just going to stand there or are you going to help me with this? You know there’s no loitering in my kitchen.”
“Well, I’m nothin’ if not a law abidin’ citizen,” Jack drawls in answer, the corner of his mouth quirking up. He rolls up his shirt sleeves, exposing the long, muscular line of his forearms, and washes his hands in the kitchen sink. “Where do you want me?”
Davey licks his lips. “Think you can handle browning the hamburger?”
“I’m sure I can manage,” Jack responds with a smirk.
Davey steps out of the way, letting Jack take his place in front of the sauce pan while he gets a pot of water set up on a different burner, salting it so it boils faster. They settle into their familiar dinner-routine, moving around and past each other with ease as they work on getting everything ready, chattering idly all the while.
“I’ve gotta head back out this evening,” Jack says at one point, as he sets the tray of garlic bread in the oven to toast. “Johnson’s got me working a night shoot and I have to be downtown by 9.”
“How long is the session?” Davey asks. “Here, will you open this?”
“We’re scheduled for five hours, but we might get to wrap it up early if everything goes well.” Jack’s hand brushes against the small of Davey’s back and they trade places again, Davey stepping back up to the stove-top and Jack rifling around in one of the drawers for a can opener.
“Are ya spendin’ the night or are ya headin’ back to campus?”
“Depends on how much help Tony needs with his paper,” Davey replies, shaking his head. He takes the can when Jack hands it back to him and empties it into the saucepan, then gives the whole thing a good stir. “We might be at it a while.”
Jack huffs out a laugh. “Well, if you do spend the night, go ahead and take the bed. The extra blankets are in the usual place.”
Davey sets down the spoon he’s holding, crossing his arms across his chest. “Jack,” he says warningly.
“Davey,” Jack echoes back in the exact same tone of voice. In the background there’s the faint sound of Tony muttering, “Jesus, not this again.”
“Jack, I’m not gonna kick you out of your bed,” Davey says, rehashing the same old argument for what feels like the millionth time. “I’m perfectly fine taking the couch.”
“Or you could do the smart thing and just take the bed,” Jack counters as he always does. “I’m not even gonna be here to use it.”
“You’ll want an actual mattress when you get home, especially if you’re out late.” Davey argues. “I don’t even have class tomorrow, it’ll be fine.”
“If you don’t take the bed I’ll just carry you in there once I get back,” Jack says, as if that's a perfectly reasonable course of action. “So you might as well save me the trouble.”
Davey sputters. “That’s not— You can’t just— That only happened a couple of times!” he finally gets out.
"Well, actually, it's been more like four or five times," Jack says with a smirk. "But hey, who's counting?"
"That trick won't keep working," Davey grumbles, feeling the back of his neck start to heat up.
“You sleep like a fucking rock, Dave,” Jack says, rolling his eyes. “Why wouldn’t it keep working?”
“No, see, that’s exactly why I should take the couch,” Davey insists. “It’s not like the sound of you coming in will wake me up—”
Jack turns to face him. Davey cuts off, slightly startled—he hadn’t realized they were standing so close to each other.
“Just take the bed, Davey,” Jack all but orders, and those dark eyes with that low voice are a heady combination. “Please?”
Davey bites at his lower lip, suddenly flustered. “Fine,” he reluctantly concedes, hoping Jack will attribute his flushed face to the heat of the kitchen. “Just this once.”
"Thank you," Jack says with a dramatic heave of his chest, looking much too pleased with himself. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"
"You're letting the garlic bread burn," Davey answers tartly.
"Oh shit—!"
Later that evening, after they’ve all finished eating and have cleaned up, Davey, Tony, and Charlie are still gathered around the table, working on various assignments.
Davey is finishing the readings for his Monday lecture in between helping Tony finalize the exact wording of his essay. Charlie sits opposite him, working through his geometry homework and every so often there’s a huff of breath and the rubbery scratch of an eraser—Davey makes a mental note to swipe some more pencils and notebook paper from the grad lounge when he’s there next.
Davey notices the time and frowns. “Jack,” he calls out, “it’s already 7:30. If you don’t leave soon you’re gonna be late for work.”
There’s a clamor of noise from down the hall, then Jack appears, freshly showered and fumbling to put on his socks and button up a clean shirt at the same time.
“Fuck, Johnson is gonna kill me,” Jack grumbles. He pats down his pockets, then groans. “Christ, has anyone seen my—”
“Your wallet and keys are on the counter by the microwave,” Davey says, pointing. “And take a jacket, it’s supposed to rain later.”
“Great, I’m sure the models will love that,” Jack says with a groan. “Hopefully we’ll be able to get through everything without getting rained out.”
He meanders his way over to the table, peering at Charlie’s homework from over his shoulder. “If Tony is still busy and ya get stuck, text me,” Jack tells him. “I probably won't be able to answer right away, but if ya send me a picture of the problem I can probably talk ya through it between shots.”
Charlie hums his acknowledgment, still scribbling furiously. Jack turns to Tony.
“Listen to whatever Davey tells you about your paper,” he advises. “The only reason I got through undergraduate writing was ‘cause Davey proofread all my shit before I turned it in.”
“I thought I was s’pposed to always listen to Davey,” Tony says distractedly, tongue poking out between his teeth as he types.
Jack pauses, considering. “Yeah, just do that.”
“Oh, and Dave cooked, so you shitheads better do the dishes, get me?”
“Jack, you’re gonna be late,” Davey cuts in firmly, holding out Jack’s jacket for him.
“Alright, I’m going,” Jack says, shrugging it on, and he finally starts making moves towards the door.
He gives Charlie one last pat on the shoulder and cuffs Tony lightly across the back of the head in a slightly rougher, but no less affectionate goodbye, which is per usual. Then he turns to Davey, tips his chin up, and kisses him right on the mouth, short and sweet.
“Lock the door behind me and don’t forget to—” Jack stops mid-sentence, then turns bright red.
“Um,” says Charlie.
“Holy shit,” says Tony.
Jack’s mouth opens and closes soundlessly. Finally, he stammers out, “I u-uh— I-I d-didn’t mean—“
Davey doesn’t respond. He couldn’t, even if he wanted to—he’s frozen in place, his mind a sudden wash of static. For a moment, they just stare at each other. Then Jack blurts, “gottagoseeyoulaterbye,” and bolts out the front door.
Davey’s not sure how long he stands there, staring blankly into space, utterly dumbfounded.
“Davey?” Charlie asks hesitantly. “Are you okay?”
There’s a strangled, choking noise. A split second later, Davey realizes it’s coming from him.
"...What just happened?"
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siserary933043 ¡ 3 years
Caravan of love
God I need a cigarette! I gasped as I collapsed, exhausted, at the top of the small mountain my team had just hiked up in the Lake District.
Youre supposed to be setting us a good example. Khalid laughed as he flopped down next to me quickly followed by his two schoolmates.
Fu…To Hell with that! I laughed, I deserve one after a walk like that.
Still laughing at me puffing and panting the boys whispered something, then Khalid turned to me and asked nervously; Do you really want a smoke?
I was supposed to have given up…but…yes… at this minute I would absolutely love one. I replied.
Jonny, he turned to his friend, give her one.
Id love to; but will a fag do? The good looking teenager giggled.
When the penny dropped that Khalid had made an innuendo the laughter got even louder.
You boys will get me the sack! I chided them as I took the cigarette from the packet. Jonny knelt beside me as he lit it in his best James Bond manner.
Youre leaving anyway, the other boy, Fletcher, corrected me.
He was correct; this was my last day as a teacher in the UK and I was only doing this course as a favour to the Headmaster.
Im Nina and Im a 25yr old supply teacher in the North of England. Because I was sick of not knowing which school Id be at from one week to the next I was catching a train home to Bishop Stortford the next afternoon after Id safely put my three teenage charges on the coach home to Newcastle. Id been at this school 7 times in the last three years and had developed a good reputation among the pupils and staff, but knew that there was no chance that Id ever get a full-time job.
Every year twelve schools from the Newcastle area take part in an outward bound competition in the Lake District spread over four days. The Headmaster at Ponteland Comprehensive, where Id been teaching since January, was desperate for his school to do well for once; but Mr. Winnet who was meant to be in charge of a team of four had hurt his back so I was corralled into spending four days climbing hills, canoeing, orienteering and walking through rivers with three hormonally challenged 15 year olds while getting paid for it!
I already knew the three boys in the team from my time as their stand-in Maths teacher and hadnt had any real problems with them; even though they were all from the notorious Darras Hall Estate. These three were regarded as ‘saveable by the Headmaster and the course was their reward for 100% attendance and working hard.
Im a naturally sporty type of girl; so with my help and leadership we had been ‘neck and neck with Scotswood Grammar School and climbing this hill in the fastest time meant that we were the Champions!
Youd better finish that quick, miss! Jonny shouted, Walker Academy is nearly here.
Khalid and I took a last puff from our cigarettes and made a drama out of stubbing them out and wafting away the tell-tale smell of smoke, although there was a gale nearly blowing us away.
I grinned and shook my head when I read the sticker on the boys caravan door – ‘If the caravans a-rockin; dont come aknockin! Hardly appropriate for a group of schoolboys; I thought.
Whats going on here? I asked as I suspiciously sniffed the air in their caravan when I went to collect them to go to the evening meal and presentation.
Nothing, Miss. They all chimed in unison.
If thats what I think it is, you really will get me sacked. I tried not to grin as I definitely smelt dope in the air.
The boys didnt admit to anything and we made our way across the muddy field to the main building. It was quite a distance as we had been allocated two caravans at the far end of a large field; the other schools had large tents closer to the main building and toilet block.
You look nice miss. Khalid told me as we walked past the other schools tents.
Thank you, I smiled in appreciation, a girl never knows what her luck will be like in a place like this.
I did actually; even though I was wearing a nice short denim skirt and a fitted zip-up hooded top there was absolutely no way I was going to pull on my last night as an English school teacher. The best looking guy was obviously gay and the other teachers and the instructors all looked down their noses at my team as they were from a rough council estate that didnt fit into their ‘elite club.
After dinner and the short ceremony we tried to mingle with some of the other teams but when I had to stop Jonny from hitting a taller boy from Scotswood I thought that a tactical retreat was called for.
Have you got any of that stuff left that I didnt smell earlier? I asked Khalid as I pinned Jonny to the wall as a teacher from Jesmond led a whimpering boy away claiming that Jonny was ‘going to kill him.
He nervously looked at Jonny who was their natural leader; then nodded nervously, Why Miss?
I think that this young man needs to relax and, if memory serves me right, that should do the trick!
Youre cool, Miss, Fletcher told me, with a lop-sided grin, for a teacher!
I asked what he meant by that and the boys all told me why they liked me above all of the other teachers as we wandered back to their caravan.
The boys were being trusted not to wreck the van as they should have been chaperoned by Mr Winnet but he had got the train home earlier in the day.
As Khalid unlocked the door he turned and grinned, Weve got some booze too!
Why am I not surprised? I chuckled as I took a seat in the middle of the bay window.
Khalid brought his large rucksack in from the bedroom as Jonny produced a tin with 5 spliffs in it from his.
I shook my head in mild disbelief as they poured large measures of vodka into tumblers and topped it up with coke from the ceremony.
Where did this come from? I asked as I put the glass to my lips, I know you didnt bring it with you; we checked your bags.
This morning; when you were putting Winnet on the train, he grinned mischievously, I robbed two bottles and some cider out of the shop over the road.
The boys let out a cheer as I shook my head in mock disbelief.
Jonny opened his tin and offered me one of the spliffs.
Id rather have a ciggie if someone has one. I shrugged my shoulders, Ill have one of those later!
As we sipped the vodka and coke the boys bombarded me with questions: ‘Did I have a boyfriend? ‘Why was I leaving? ‘What was my home town like? ‘What was university like? ‘Had I ever taken drugs? ‘Did I have any tattoos or piercings?
It was fun talking to them and I tried to be as honest as possible as they genuinely wanted to know what life was like away from their town. I admitted to smoking dope and occasionally dropping a couple of Es and I had three tattoos; showing them the Angel on my shoulder and the Celtic design on my lower back but letting them guess where the other one was.
When Id finished my large glass of vodka and coke we all lit up the spliffs…WOW…Id forgotten how good that stuff could be and how powerful.
My head was spinning when Fletcher handed me a second large glass of vodka.
My legs were now curled underneath and I began asking about their lives. It wasnt long before they started talking about girls.
As the drink and dope began to take effect we were all in a giggly mood and the boys became braver as they talked about the girls and other female teachers in very personal terms.
I began by admitting to being quite wild at University but not actually telling them exactly what Id done – just letting them guess; which was fun.
The boys quickly became excited when I didnt blush or rein them in so their questions soon became very sexy and personal.
‘Did I play with myself? ‘Did I use sex toys? ‘Had I ever been with another girl? ‘Had I ever seen a porn film? ‘Do you suck cock, Miss?
Without hesitating I replied, Yes or of course, to just about everything.
The boys were all grinning and had twinkles in their eyes as they continued asking me about my sex life and confessed to all sorts of things that theyd been getting up to with the girls at school who Id previously thought relatively innocent! How wrong I was!
Jonny told me that Nadia gave the best blow-jobs because her tongue was pierced but Carly would let them cum on her face.
Apparently at least five girls in 5c, including both Thompson twins, had shaved their pubes off! I couldnt remember if I even had pubes at that age!
Their dirty language and descriptions were now making me very, very horny and I was beginning to think I should leave them as I really needed to frig myself.
What do girls think about when they play with themselves? Fletcher asked.
All sorts, I guess. I answered then took a draw on the last spliff that Khalid had passed to me.
Like fantasies? he continued.
Yes, I raised my eyebrows in mock amazement, girls have sexy fantasies just like guys.
All three looked genuinely amazed and it was only then that I remembered how young and immature they really were.
So what are your fantasies Miss? Jonny asked me.
Ooh, I couldnt possibly say. I said as coyly as possible.
I nearly gave the game away when Khalid immediately started talking about him and his elder brother roasting a girl as her 15th birthday present.
By this time I was permanently squirming in my seat and I was sure that Jonny and Khalid were looking up my skirt and could see my red panties. They certainly made no attempt to hide their bulges that where poking through their jogging pants as they moved into the corner of the sofa for a clearer look.
Im going to have to go for a wank now! Jonny snorted as he thrust his hands inside his pants and finally adjusted his hard dick. I uncurled my legs to make myself more comfortable; making sure that they got an unobstructed flash of my soaking knickers and hopefully some of my gash as I knew my pussy would be sucking the gusset in.
Would you like me to do that for you? I smiled.
The poor kid didnt know what to do or say.
Im serious, I beamed, as I took another slurp of vodka, do you want me to wank you off?
The boys nervously looked at each other, unable to comprehend what Id just said.
I manoeuvred until I was kneeling on the sofa and facing the 15 year old schoolboys.
Oh come on guys, I pleaded as I slowly unzipped my top, youve got to know how horny youve made me.
The boys were still silent but now grinning madly.
Ill show you mine if youll show me yours. I giggled as I took my top off then seductively cupped and stroked my tits through my pale blue lacy Wonderbra.
Ive always had nice tits…no thats not quite right…I have fucking lovely tits…everyone says so! They are medium sized (32b), firm and pliable clay and my nipples poke up to the sky. They have passed ‘the pencil test several times!
Jonny shrugged his shoulders and pulled the waistband of his pants down with one hand and waved his prick at me with the other.
Mmmm, that looks nice. I purred as I unhooked my bra and let it fall to the caravan floor. Do you like my tits?
The boys nervously nodded. Jonny and Khalid were still in front of me but Fletcher was sitting slightly behind getting a good view of my arse as well as a side view of my tits.
Get your cocks out and Ill show you my tattoo! I teased as I unbuttoned the side of my skirt.
Khalid quickly whipped his out closely followed by Fletcher. Their cocks looked gorgeous; Khalids was about 6 inches long and quite thick and a lot darker than his olive skin – I couldnt wait to suck it! Jonnys was about the same length but not as fat and Fletchers was short and fat – just like him.
I could feel the sweat running down my back as I stood up and let my skirt fall to the floor. The boys couldnt take their eyes off me as I slowly pulled the front of my knickers down so that they could see my hairy pie and my little red devil tattoo but not quite everything.
I dropped my chin onto my chest, fluttered my eyelashes as innocently as possible and told them, Well, Ive seen yours…would you like to see mine?
Fuck yes! Fletcher gasped as he stroked his cock. Actually they were all slowly masturbating in a well practiced manner. Thats another thing about me…I love watching guys play with themselves…as long as there is some left for me.
It took a tug to prize my knickers out of my sticky pussy but Khalids jaw nearly hit the floor when he saw the long string of juice that was stuck to the gusset!
I slowly looked around the caravan at my three students. They were like putty in my hands as they devoured my naked body with their eyes – they were going to be my sexual play-things for the rest of the night.
Do you still want me to …wank you off? I suggestively licked my lips and met Jonnys gaze, or would you like me suck it?
Ooh, Miss…suck me off…PLEASE MISS! Jonny pleaded.
I rested my knee on the seat and leant forward, jiggling my tits for him when I gently wrapped my fingers around his hot pink shaft. Perhaps it was stage-fright but it wasnt as hard now as when he had first flashed it at me; but I would soon put that right.
Does that feel good? I asked. The boy grinned and nodded. Lets see if the Teachers better at sucking cocks than her pupils?
Ahughaghaghooohhh. He groaned when I covered his swollen plum and kept on pushing until his squishy cock filled my mouth and my chin touched his hairy bollocks.
God his young cock tasted lovely…all hot and sweaty just how I like them. Years of practice came in useful as I began fucking his cock with my mouth as I breathed through my nose. Just as I hoped it instantly began to stiffen and filled my mouth so I had to eventually let most of it glide out so I could suck him comfortably and stroke his shaft and balls.
My head was spinning as I put on a show for his friends; slurping and sucking his dick like a porn actress.
Squeeze my tits! I whispered in between slurps.
Jonny slid his hand around my neck and began caressing my breast; making me gasp when he touched the nipple.
Squeeze them harder! I pleaded, Dig your fingers into my tits!
Oh fuck! he gasped but obeyed, digging his nails into my flesh and shaking my puppies like a kitten with a ball of wool.
When I felt his balls tighten and his breathing became shallower I tightly gripped the base of his shaft and making sure my breath engulfed his knob I looked up into his glazed eyes.
Miss! Im cumming! He warned me, MISS! My balls are aching…Im cumming!
Do you want to cum on the Teachers face? I teased Youd like that wouldnt you? Spunking all over her face!
Yes, yes, yes! He winced and manically nodded his head as I flicked my tongue across his japs-eye.
Go on then, I whispered as I furiously rubbed his shaft and aimed his piss-hole at my face.
I too was now squealing with delight as he tried to pull my nipple out of its roots when the first jet of hot teenage spunk splashed across my face, then another and the third landed in my eye.
Oh God! Oh fucking God…Miss! He gasped as I sucked the last dregs of salty spunk out of his cock.
Delirious with desire I raised myself up onto my feet. As his spunk dripped down my face I asked, Who wants to be next?
Me Miss! Me Miss! Fletcher shouted as he raised his arm in the air for attention, forgetting that he wasnt in class.
I picked my knickers off the floor and wiped the excess cum off my face then lay down next to him with my face in his lap.
His short stubby cock looked lovely as I licked some bitter pre-cum out of his tip.
As I stroked his cock I turned to the other two, I need one of you to lick my cunt.
They both looked shocked that Id used the C word. It hadnt dawned on me that the boys and I had probably used every other word in the dictionary during our sexy chat but at this moment in time it wasnt a vagina or a pussy between my legs it was a CUNT a hot and horny CUNT that needed a good tonguing.
Jonny instantly knelt on the floor and pulled my legs apart; staring at my hot pink gash.
Ive never done this before, Miss. What do I do? He looked at me excitedly.
Just lick it like its an ice cream then, I told him as I pulled the sticky flaps apart to expose my clitoris which was sticking out like a third nipple, then flick your tongue like crazy over that.
Ill try my best miss. He said in a soft voice. Even the boys calling me ‘Miss was becoming such a fucking turn-on!
Oooooohhhhh yeesssss! I moaned when he made his tongue glide up my groove.
He was a fucking natural; his untrained tongue lapped up my love juices and he sucked on my labia as his fingers stroked and caressed the inside of my thighs and the crack of my arse.
After a minute or so I bent over to greedily eat Fletchers fat prick. We moaned and groaned in unison as his cock fit perfectly into my mouth and Jonnys tongue fit perfectly into my sopping cunt.
Yeh….yeh…yeh…yeh! Fletcher kept gasping as he twirled my around his fingers as my mouth created a vacuum around his dick.
Without using words I made him spread his legs so I could get a tight grip on his hairless sack while I bobbed my head and swirled my tongue around the purple knob.
Oohya! I yelped when Jonnys tongue suddenly touched my clit making me jump and I let the cock slip out of my mouth.
YES….YES…YES! I cried out, Finger me! Finger me!
Jonny dutifully poked my twat with a long middle finger giving me a little bit of relief as I returned to my oral administrations on his fat friend.
Fletcher grabbed two handfuls of hair and began bouncing in his seat as he fucked my mouth. I met each thrust with a bob of my head as Jonny did wonderful things to my cunt and clit with his fingers and tongue.
My whole body seemed to convulse as I gave and received oral at both ends.
Aaaaaggghhh! Fletcher gasped as he neared orgasm.
More fingers! I shouted to Jonny as my own fingers furiously wanked the fat cock until it showered my face with thick lumpy spunk.
He inserted a second then a third finger and viciously licked my throbbing clit until I panted for air then WOW!!!! A mind blowing orgasm flooded my body. I didnt scream or cry out like I usually do…I just grinned myself silly as the sweetest feeling in the world engulfed my whole being as Fletcher covered my lips with solid globules of sticky cum.
My orgasm left me shattered so I flopped back against the cushions and gently stroked my tingling cunt for their amusement.
Khalid was now standing naked in the middle of the floor stroking a stiffy that looked like it was going to burst.
Come here baby, I whispered and patted the cushion nearest my head, and Teacher will take care of that ache for you!
He didnt need telling twice and was soon waving his dark uncut cock in front of my face. I couldnt wait either and immediately filled my mouth with my third rock hard teenage cock.
My tits…my tits! I moaned, Do what Jonny did and squeeze Teachers titties for her…nice and hard…hurt me!
His hairy olive fingers were soon mauling my mounds as I sucked his dark pipe for him.
Oh yes…thats good! I grunted with a mouth full of cock as he stretched my pink rosebud nipples as far as they would go, making me suck the life out of his young dong.
As the third boy to get his cock sucked I knew that he wouldnt last as long as the others and I was right. Khalid soon grabbed my head and forced his long thin dick past my tonsils and came straight into the back of my throat and down my neck.
I was now insatiable and judging by the three hard cocks that were in front of me so were they!
Now… fuck me! I called to Jonny as I lay flat on my back and spread my legs for my young lover, curling one ankle over the back cushion so that my hairy cunt was on show to the whole world.
With a huge grin on his face he knelt between my splayed legs and eagerly guided his six inches of throbbing cock into my willing hole.
Ooohhh yes baby! I panted as his cock filled me up, does that feel good fucking your teacher?
Yes Miss it does, he chuckled as he began thrusting his hips and forcing his cock into my belly, Its fucking…fucking amazing!
My head was shaking from side to side and I was playing with my over sensitive tits as Jonny proved to me that he hadnt been lying about fucking lots of girls at his tender age…he was quite a swordsman.
Fuck her mouth, Jonny told the others, one of you fuck her mouth…lets roast her!
The smile on my face would have lit up London when Khalid suddenly appeared next to my face and forced his cock past my lips for a second time.
I was in raptures as Jonny forced my legs back until my knees touched my tits making his long thick cock tickle the inside of my belly and the darker boy grasped two large handfuls of my mousey brown hair as he wildly fucked my mouth and throat. All I had to do was lie back and enjoy it as they now treat me as their sexual plaything for nearly fifteen minutes.
Jonny hadnt cum and sweat was pouring from his face when Fletcher begged him ‘for a go!
Okay, he panted, but Im not finished with her.He had hardly pulled his cock out when Fletcher lunged forward.
Wait! I gasped as I pushed Khalid away from my face, let me get on top…I want to cum again.
I positioned Fletcher so he was sitting on the sofa and I straddled him. His thick cock felt wonderful as it stretched my aching cunt. I quickly accustomed myself to his girth and rocked backwards and forward rubbing my clit against his pubic bone as I squashed my tits against his face.
The other two wandered off and opened the bottle of cider as I fucked their fat friend within an inch of his life!
No matter what I did to him; I couldnt cum. I bounced on his cock, I ground down hard, I twisted and rotated, I fucked him fast and I fucked him slow – nothing! I kept getting close but nothing.
I was becoming desperate when I spotted Jonny and Khalid whispering conspiratorially; then giggling like the teenagers that they were.
Jonny stood on the sofa and edged towards me waving his flaccid cock in front of my face. I didnt need asking twice and hungrily gobbled his young meat as I bounced on the fat cock in my cunt.
Id been with two guys at University once and had dreamt of doing it again; never dreaming that it would be with school kids; but tonight it seemed so much sexier and dirtier than in my fantasies; especially because they called it ‘spit-roasting.
If fucking and sucking two cocks was exciting Khalid soon moved the action up a gear!
As I ground my pussy down onto Fletchers cock Khalid began shaking my tits with one hand and stroking and nipping my arse with his other.
Go on. Jonny urged him as he held my head while I sucked and licked his rock hard shaft.
Khalid nervously ran a finger between my arse cheeks and hovered a finger tip over my anus as he rolled my nipple between his fingers then tugged on it just the way I liked.
Go on! Jonny was becoming agitated, Shes not stopping you, is she?
Without any warning he jabbed a bony finger past my sphincter and about in inch or more slid inside my arse making me gasp…with pleasure!
Ugh…ugh…good. I gurgled.
I fucking told you she would like it! Jonny admonished his young friend. Khalid soon realised that I was enjoying having his finger up my arse while the other two ‘roasted me he soon began twisting my nipples and finger fucking my arse with two fingers.
Fletcher broke off from suckling my tit to ask; have you ever been water-tight Miss?
What? I asked as Jonny sat on the top of the cushion watching the action.
Airtight you dozy cunt! The good looking boy laughed, Airtight!
I shook my head and raised my eyebrows to let him know I still didnt know what he meant.
There was a look of surprise then delight on his face as he told me; you take three cocks at once…one in each hole.
Id never heard of such a thing but the crazy grin on my face must have told him that I wanted to try it…NOW!
Right…get up bollocks face, Jonny said as he slapped Fletcher on the shoulder, lets change places.
We took a moment or two to decide who was going where and which would be the most comfortable way to perform this lewd sexual act.
As I gulped down a belly full of cool cider, we agreed that I would fuck Jonny, suck Fletcher and because he had the thinnest cock; Khalid would be the first to fuck my arse!
I was shaking with excitement as I fed Jonnys 6 inches into my well fucked cunt. When I was comfortable Khalid lined the tip of his dick against my puckered anus and spit a gobful of saliva between my cheeks as lubrication. I clung onto Jonny as Khalid slowly worked his cock into my virgin arse-hole.
Agh…ugh…ooh! I grunted through gritted teeth as my arse felt as if it was being torn in two.
Oh shit! The boys gasped in unison.
I can feel your fucking dick touching mine! Jonny giggled as only a thin membrane separated to hard cocks inside my body.
After making sure that the boys wouldnt budge I slowly rotated my hips and gently moved my arse so that their cocks moved a little bit as I became acclimatised to the feeling of being full beyond belief.
Okay, I nervously told them, but be gentle with me.
Thankfully Jonnys position meant that he couldnt be as forceful as he would have liked to be and my arsehole was too tight for Khalid to fuck too fast so I was soon nearly hallucinating with sexual elation.
After a couple of minutes I began to relax and the three of us began moving with a bit more freedom making me groan and moan and gasp and giggle with gratification.
Now…now! I gasped and nodded to Fletcher, Im ready…make me airtight!
Fletcher shuffled along the sofa and placed his purple knob on my bottom lip. I nodded my head and his fat cock stretched my mouth and jaw.
I snorted and gagged but I wasnt going to stop now! I could feel my poop-chute stretch and loosen up with every thrust from Khalid and the more relaxed I became the harder Jonny banged his cock into my cunt from down below.
Fireworks were soon going off in my head and clitoris as I began spontaneously orgasming. Little ones, big ones, short ones long ones…one after another untilI was just hanging on to the boys…like a limp rag.
Yes…yes…YES! Khalid wheezed as he rammed his dick into my arse like a fucking piston then suddenly stopped as he filled my shit-hole with his cream. His cock came out of my arse a lot easier than it went in!
Get off me! Jonny demanded as soon as the other boy stepped away. I want to fuck
your arse.
He virtually pushed me away in his haste to bugger me. As soon as he was standing behind me he forced me back onto my knees and spread my cheeks to view his friends handiwork.
Oh man, he exhaled noisily, that looks so fucking sweet…look… your spunks still coming out!
I was now trembling with anticipation as Jonny tentatively nudged his fat cockhead against my tingling anus. Khalid had stretched my poop-chute but Jonnys cock was definitely fatter and it still wasnt that easy for him to get his knob past my sphincter.
Aaaaahhhgggggg! I howled as he finally plunged his dick into my arse. As soon as the knob entered the rest just slid in like greased lightening. AaaaaaAAAGGGGHHHHHH you bastard! I screamed again when he began fucking my arse as hard as he had my cunt, but it didnt stop him.
I was biting my lip and had my face buried into a cushion to stifle the pain as he pummelled my arse with his thick six inches. The pain was becoming unbearable and electrifying so I didnt want him to stop.
Oh Jonny, Jonny, Jonny!I cried with tears of joy running down my face, Harder baby…harder…fuck my arse…fuck the teachers arse!
The teenager was now grunting like a wild animal as he revelled in the discomfort he was causing me.
Thats it…yes…yes…yes! he groaned as he speeded up just before he too filled my anal cavity with lovely teenage spunk.
When he withdrew his cock I could feel my hole gaping open and the overflowing spunk running down my thighs.
Its your turn now. Jonny wheezed and pushed Fletcher with the extra wide cock forward.
My arse was already stinging from the two buggerings Id just had but when Fletch pushed his fat mushroom in I gasped and felt like Id died and gone to Heaven. This boy was in no hurry and fucked my arse very slowly – each stroke nearly turning it inside out.
Oh baby, baby, I whined, that feels so fucking good. Youre making Teachers arse very, very sore and I fucking love it!
As the other two boys sat in front of me taking it in turns to feed their cocks into my mouth I panted, Thats it…faster…faster…fill my arse with your hot spunk…go on do it!
Hearing my husky voice sent him over the top and I felt my arse get warmer as he filled it with hot spunk.
Over the next hour or so the boys fucked me in every combination imaginable.
When I eventually collapsed, exhausted on the floor, my arse had been fucked ragged and my cunt was nearly worn out and my jaw was aching so much I could hardly speak; but I didnt care…this was the fucking of a fucking lifetime.
Id heard about the staying power of young boys but…shit… these boys were out of this fucking world.
I could hardly move the next morning when I woke up in a sleeping bag next to Jonny. I pulled on my top and skirt and hobbled to the shower block like John Wayne after a 200 mile horse ride.
I stood shivering with aches and pains under the hot shower; hardly able to wash myself as I relived the previous evenings events over and over and over again in my head.Pangs of guilt struck me as I got dressed in my tiny caravan but I reminded myself that the boys had promised to keep what we did a secret (hardly likely – I know) and after all in five days I would be on the other side of the world starting a new life in New Zealand.
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