#im just gonna block people because it's obnoxious
kavehayi · 4 months
kisses on space street • NEBULAE
aventurine x gn!reader • fluff (ongoing series)
chapter summary: pretty boy aventurine has completely taken over your college campus and everyone is warning you to stay away! however, (un)lucky for you, he's got his eyes on you.
author's note: finally doing this series😭 ive been meaning to and nothing ever came to mind to get rid of my writer's block but now im delivering the first chapter☝️
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August 23rd, 20XX.
first day of college. you had to try and find your way around the huge campus from the library to the food hall to the area where your actual major resided. the place was a little overwhelming and you had a bit of trouble making your way around.
however, someone came up to help you find your way around.
aventurine. the man with beautiful eyes, is talking to you, an average person. "heya, pretty, you look lost, where do ya need to go?" he cooed in that sweet, honey-like voice. you looked a little shocked he was actually talking to you of all people. guess he sensed that since he let out a lighter chuckle, "ya look shocked, you good?" he asked, now you just have to snap out of it.
you spoke up, "yeah yeah, im...uh, fine, just looking for where my professor's classroom is at" you spoke politely. you didn't wanna waste his time, especially because he definitely has better people to talk to. you showed him the classroom number and his face lit up, "hey i have to go there too! i found it earlier, follow me" he stated pretty enthusiastically. you followed him to the classroom and he opened his mouth again.
he does not know how to shut up, huh?
he spoke up, "so, pretty, you livin' on campus?" he asked. you didn't really wanna tell him this but you went ahead and did it anyways. "uhm, yeah, im living in a dorm with a roommate, don't know his name though, didn't bother looking at the sheet." you cant believe you said that. now hes gonna bother you about looking at the sheet. "oo! let me see for you, i know everyone here" he didnt even really ask to see it, he kinda just stole your papers and looked through. judging by how his face lit up.
he was your roommate.
he left you alone after he lead you to class and when lunchtime came, you went to the nearby cafe to speak to your friends. seems they had some warnings for you. "hey loser! over here!" they called you over and you sat down.
"yknow guys, i met the most obnoxious guy ever today" you started off, catching your friends' attention. your friends' names are robin, a music major. brother is sort of all over the place but he's nice. robin is also a travelling musician so there's some weeks where you never see her but she keeps contact. veritas ratio, prefers being called ratio. older than you and robin and is a junior in college. you guys only met because he accidentally threw chalk at your head when you were a junior in high school minding your business in math class.
"cant be as obnoxious as aventurine, i mean, he's literally loud and pretty so he gets away with it" robin stated and you went really quiet.
"so what if i said it was aventurine?" you questioned and robin dropped her sandwich on the table and ratio, sorta didn't show a reaction. kinda just glared. "stay away from him! he locks his eyes on someone and then ruins their life from what i heard!" robin stated with a scared expression and ratio just scoffed. "all you hear is rumors, miss robin. why dont you just get to know the guy for once, hm?" he asked her with a glare her way, robin just picked up her sandwich and ate it with a pout.
"always have a way of bullying the poor girl, huh, ratio?" you asked him, in which he just grunted and sipped his tea. "anyways, aventurine, i seriously cannot escape him, he's my roommate and in my class" you stated, robin just about imploded.
"no way! good luck dealing with him, dont be too interesting around him or else he'll target you" she said with a nervous sounding voice. you guys ended up finishing our lunch and parting ways, you and ratio going back to the campus while robin had some things to do back at her studio.
the entire day passed you by and it'd already been nine at night. you started heading back to your dorm, hoping that aventurine wasnt there. yet of course, nothing you wish for, actually happens.
"pretty! you're back, how was your first day?" he cooed, he had friends over and he didnt even bother considering how you'd feel about that. "it was fine, im going to my room, dont make too much noise" you stated before walking away. aventurine didnt think you'd be this prickly.
whatever, not like it mattered.
why should you care how he feels.
too bad for you though, he's interested in you now.
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ben-wisehart · 1 year
hi! do you ever feel like the bingqiu fandom is binghe biased? like a lot of the time its giving.. “wow binghe is our little precious bun who deserves the world and more! ..oh and stinky neet loser sqq is so blessed to have him lul” it feels unfair towards sqq :( it makes me sad hes no ones fave but thats okay like whatever right? but even when its bingqiu hes treated like an afterthought. like we have binghe fans criticising sqq for not doing more, sj fans are frankly delusional, sqh fans think hes “too mean” to their precious hamster, liushen fans only like him bc hes a good hole/dick for lqg (obligatory “not all men” lol) idk i only follow a handful of svsss twt accs because no one seems to like him, he feels either tolerated or treated as a gag character lol 🥹
i just dislike a lot of fanon bingqiu i think? i read all the books before hopping on twitter and i see some absolute rancid takes on there like the woobification of Shaun(tm) qinghua and jiumei.. which is easy enough to avoid tbf so whatever floats their boat idc. but when i follow bingqiu accs, it feels like OC x OC rather than ~bingqiu~ if that makes sense? like i LOVE the manipulative crybaby domtop x flustered thin face subby pillow princess they have going on!! and fanon bingqiu is just.. not it? and obv id never send hate or anything (i just block and keep it moving) but it makes it kinda sucky when the fandom is already teeny tiny and a large chunk of the fandom isnt what i envisioned/expected i guess which is so odd! when they essentially erase canon!! if it’s like some queerbaity ship or whatever, people can characterise them however they want but its like CANON how they act/are in bed/etc and its all taken away!!! idk im probably just whining sorry 😭
(i included all my thoughts here sorry for the spam!!)
hey, thanks for stopping by!! I definitely know what you mean with regards to SQQ, but I will assure you that there are very much still plenty of dedicated "sqq mains" out there. My sphere of influence on twitter is heavily biased toward people for whom sqq is their favourite character, so maybe I'm not getting a representative sample of the fandom overall, but he's definitely a very well loved character and has more than his fair share of people who do him justice in their writing and for whom he's their primary blorbo!! I remember posting this on reddit a while back and more than half of the responses (though admittedly a small sample size) had him as their fave. So, I don't think he's without appreciation!
But with that said, I do get where you’re coming from. I’m not gonna talk about readers who take his actions in bad faith and actively dislike him (HOW??), but as you’ve said, even among people who do like him, we don’t always understand him as well as we could. Most fans do get on some level that he’s an unreliable narrator, but it’s still very common for people to take him at face value and completely miss his depth. He’s a funny little guy with amusing narration, but he’s also kind and selfless, and he’s also smart and witty, and obnoxious and annoying, and frankly pretty insensitive, and deeply, deeply traumatised—and a million other things! He has layers.
I think all popular characters in fandom will inevitably start getting boiled down to a few key traits. And as somebody who’s been writing fic for 15 years, it’s really hard not to let your own biases colour your portrayal? I absolutely do it with SQQ!! I focus on his kinder, warmer aspects and downplay his flaws, I’ll readily admit that. We all get drawn to a favourite character for a certain trait, and that trait becomes the grit around which our interpretations form. If you’re somebody that likes silly characters, you’re going to write SQQ and dial his silliness up to eleven. If you like kind characters, you’ll write SQQ with emphasis on his kindness. None of these traits are OOC in and of themselves, but if you start to only read fanfic and don’t revisit the source material, you can get lost in what’s popular and forget all the depth that actually made them interesting in the first place. And once you’ve grown attached to a particular version of the characters in your head, it can be really hard to let go of it. I don’t really know where I’m going with this, but I'll add that I think protagonists are just particularly prone to this happening because they're usually the one the audience relates to most.
Idk if any of that really addresses the stuff you were talking about. You mentioned dom top Binghe/pillow princess sqq and to be honest I’m kind of reluctant to talk about this in depth because I’ve received negative comments in the past for supposedly being anti-bottom Binghe, when all I’ve ever said on this matter is that I think it’s a bit weird to insist that “I’m scared of hurting you so I might as well let you do it” is proof that Binghe is canonically a bottom. The fact that someone found that statement so threatening to their view of the characters that they would go to my ao3 page, click on the first fic they saw that happened to feature bottom SQQ and leave their holier-than-thou anonymous opinion there is just bizarre to me.
To be honest tho, it tends to be Binghe characterisation that puts me off moreso than Shen Qingqiu. The only SQQ characterisation that truly bothers me is when people write him as willing to hurt Binghe, or willing to do anything with underage Binghe, but there is a LOT of Binghe stuff that I’m sensitive too. Idk if you read this thread of mine but like, even my friends whom I love make “Binghe stalking/imprisoning/"atticwifing" SQQ” jokes and these bother me way more than any random stranger saying SQQ would get off on spanking Binghe.
And like, it’s kind of hard because objectively, Binghe is a very dark character, so it doesn't feel particularly OOC to say he would do those things, but it's about framing. It bothers me when the emphasis is on how fucked up he is and not how hard he's trying, because it implies a level of futility that I just don’t think is there in canon. To me the beauty of him is in how much doing right by SQQ doesn't come naturally to him, but he ultimately decides to do it anyway because he wants SQQ to be happy. (I feel it needs to be said that I don't mean this in a judgy "if you write dark Binghe you don't understand him and are a bad person" way. Just that I myself can't handle that, and I strongly disagree if you think it's where Bingqiu's relationship is headed).
but idk, I've found my corner and I'm very happy here. I actually don't read fic as often as you'd think, mostly because I am sooooo picky, so I totally get where you're coming from :) but the fandom is still decently sized and very diverse, so there are always going to be at least a few people who share your feelings, if you can find them!
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dennisboobs · 1 year
im gonna let you guys in on a little secret.
the more macden shippers shit on other pairings, the more multishippers like me will move towards their secondary and/or tertiary pairings. if i can't go into the charden tag without seeing a post intentionally tagged with multiple ships and trying to spark discourse between them by saying people who ship "rarepairs" are stupid and delusional, first of all, that's an instant fucking block, but like. I'm not going to feel like talking about macdennis when it feels like there's such an obnoxious pressure on you to fall into line and accept the widely preached and accepted fanon canon.
I love macden too. and I would post about and enjoy it a lot more if y'all didn't make it feel like we had to pick a side. just because you prefer the big popular ship, that doesn't make you smarter, or more correct than anyone who ships charden or charmac, it just means you have different preferences. i think macden has the biggest chance of being an actual couple on the show, and obviously mac and dennis are both gay and queer respectively, but if i want to ship charden, why can't i do that too? fandom is supposed to be fun, and it's supposed to be enjoyable, i don't want to have to fight to prove that this ship that i personally see working and enjoy the dynamics of is a "valid ship" when i am fully aware that they're not going to be canon that's kind of the point, and why i prefer it. and for the love of god... if you hc a pairing as platonic, that is perfectly fine. that's how i see charmac myself, but that is your view and your problem, not the shippers'. just block the tag so you don't have to see it if it bothers you that much.
and i don't like several of the other common rarepairs, but have any of you ever seen me talking shit on charmac or chardee shippers? no. stay in your lane and let people live. i'm sick of seeing people acting superior over a fucking it's always sunny in philadelphia ship.
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lycanthian · 1 year
ao3 authors dont take bluntly worded messages personally (challenge level: IMPOSSIBLE!)
like youre mad someone showed enough interest in your work to ask if there would be more because, what, it was worded directly? not all people communicate the same way, neurodivergent people especially tend to have trouble communicating tone over text, and youre so mad someone you dont know didnt use the exact language you wanted them to when asking you a question that you blocked them and blamed them for losing your motivation to write??? how the fuck were they supposed to know that asking you a question would ruin your entire month? does somebody seriously need to write an mla cited 5 page essay wth mla citations praising your work to ask you if theres going to be more? is the desire in itself to see more not enough of an indication they like it????
hey! that wasnt my fucking post. i know exactly which one youre talking about. i dont know who you are but i dont know what youre getting out of directly sending me this considering im not even a big writer. and that aside, i agree with OP of said post youre referencing. as a neurodivergent person i struggle with task paralysis and executive dysfunction among other things and if someone were to go onto one of my work and make such a direct comment (regardless of if its a Demand or a Request) and ask for more, expecially if its something im doing just for fun, it would make it infinitely more difficult for me to get around to doing it now that it feels like an obligation rather than a hobby. besides the fact that we're talking about AO3 fics here, and writers dont owe you or anyone shit unless youre paying them adequately. you dont get to make a comment expecting a continuation of something from some who is not obligated to continue it.
argument aside, you dont get to respond to a post that i reblogged in my own asks and basically directly argue with me, and you dont get to be rude to people directly in my ask box. i dont fucking care who you are. i cant say im not mad, but like, cmon man. if youre gonna make such an obnoxious move, at least do it off of anon so as to be able to actually talk about it after this initial response. if youre some random person i dont know, what the fuck. if youre someone who follows me, or even someone who im friends with, im disappointed. i dont want anyone to unfollow or break mutuals or anything over this but like. if you even care beyond pissing me off just talk to me normally.
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ubike-official · 6 months
my dear friend ive been thinking of you talking about having self hatred blinders on with your trip and it really resonated with me like yeah thats exactly what im dealing with rn and trying to pry them off myself but still struggling with it even as im aware of it, i was wondering if u had any tips for moving forward and out of that kind of self hate and trauma fueled horse blinders mindset (aside from yknow. general healing and unpacking it all). no rush or pressure for replying i was just wanting to pick ur brain a little about it ily i hope ur day is going well
Hi Rey, my friend Rey! Thanks so much for being patient with my reply. I wanted to really sit down and give you a good proper answer here so I reviewed the Ancient Texts (my old journal entries). One thing that really helps for me dealing with the trauma self hatred blinders is the feeling that I owe it to myself to be confident. I think of sad little child me and how I know she wanted to be confident and accepted. And when I think of how others made me feel this hatred and that it's not a natural state. That my natural state was happy even if it was short lived, that i deserve to return back to that state.
Now thats easy said but very much not easily done. I still have moments where I realize after the fact i was isolating and falling into bad habits. Like when I was abroad i remember once the guy sitting next to me said hi to me outside of the school gate and was inviting me in to come talk with everyone and i literally ran away and tripped down a flight of stairs where no one saw me, cried, and dragged my bloody knee to a pharmacy to buy a bandaid and no one batted an eye. At that moment i felt like what just happened was proof that I was awful and no one cared about me. But in hindsight that wasn't true. Those people were inviting me in and i ran away. And i wasnt a bad person for that! i just had a lot of trauma and needed some grace and time to process it!
And it took me around 3 months to muster up the courage to try again. And I mustered it a couple of ways. One of my very bad traits that I'm working on is judging others. I remember there was this guy that took the same bus as me, that had such an obnoxious Australian accent and was so Caucasian and had the audacity to just talk to anyone. And I haaaated him. But like, one day it clicked while i was being a hater, this dude legit did not know or care who i was. he had friends and did so many things i wish i could've done. I stopped seeing him but soon a similar guy appeared that was of the same type of person, and one day I talked to him. And it didnt amount to much. But it helped me get over that block. Because if i was gonna spend all that time disliking him, i wanted him to at least know who the hell i was. at least once. Not for external validation, for me. And I feel like sometimes having that awkward, scary conversation can really help.
In terms of processing and healing I really love physical journaling. It doesn't need to be fancy or coherent, but writing it down, especially before bed helps me really process whatever things are weighing me down. I like to get it out right before bed so i can go to bed with a clear mind and not have the 3am lying in bed spiral. And def try to gauge what things you can unpack and resolve with a session otherwise it can leave you worse off.
One thing that helps for me that may not work for you or others given your health situation. I think a casual low intensity amount of drinking with friends or at a bar in a safe space helps. For me being just a little tipsy makes me put my guard down and connect with others and gain confidence from small, low commitment, one off interactions with strangers. This can also be replicated Non alcoholic/substancy in like a cafe, library patio, or community setting. If you're able to find somewhere accessible to you and be a regular and say hi, get some low level interaction. When I came back home from Taiwan I made it a habit to try and say hi to people when i went for walks and just get comfortable doing that. Or I'd make small talk with checkout clerks at the grocery store and juat add a comment in. Like sometimes I'd just rehearse saying something about the weather or the week or idk, anything. And just whip it out of your back pocket. Sometimes it'll land, sometimes it wont.
Hope this is at least somewhat helpful! you've got this, we're in this together^^
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kaitoushootingstar · 1 year
⭐️Good evening.
I never thought I'd make this, but I'm sick and tired of dealing with this shit. Yknow who you are [Maru] if that's even what you want to be called. How does it feel knowing you ruined me and my friends lives?? How does it feel that you harassed my friends and demonized my friends BPD?? Do you feel proud of yourself? Do you feel like you're the shit? Do you feel happy knowing you've made the entire KJ community a hell pit? Do you enjoy seeing people suffer and manipulating them?
You claim that we don't deserve harassment yet you continue to do so, your hypocrisy is painful, you claim you don't like certain things but you've done them before on your old private acc because I've witnessed it. Not to mention how petty you are when it comes to people shipping their ocs with canon characters, yet I've seen YOU do it before so what's wrong with me and others doing it? I noticed how you slightly hint at things that have to do with me and my friends, but what have I ever done to you? You harass people that simply talk to us, we tried to help you, but you wouldn't listen to a damn thing we would say. I also wanna say that I don't care how much you hate a certain character, no one cares, you aren't getting a gold medal for being a "number 1 hater" you're just being annoying as hell and a petty brat. Your strong hatred towards something or a character people like is so fucking weird, you act like they burned down your home or did something horrible to you, I don't have a problem with disliking a character but the way you act is so immature. I barely ever spoke to you and the fact that you don't like me simply because of me talking to my friends is so petty. You would always change the subject whenever we wanted to talk about things we liked, I'm so sick and tired of hearing pholue this and pholue that, let us speak for once about something that isn't about that stupid fire bird and pirate for once. You also seem to love bullying small children when they make their own fanfiction, children should be allowed to have fun and be creative when they make their writing, and ranting about "cute girl ocs in the kj fandom" there's nothing wrong with that, I know damn well that it was hinting at my main KJ oc, don't fucking deny that because I know you, you blocked my parody acc that was made simply for fun, no harm, only for fun. And it's very ironic considering she is one that is shipped with a canon character, so stupid how you get mad at people for having fun and doing things that are FUCKING NORMAL
You constantly pull the "IM A MINOR!2!1!1!" card, guess what? I am too, how do you think you're gonna get anywhere in life doing that shit? You aren't, your gonna grow up to be an adult and the hard life is gonna hit you like a fucking truck. This has been going on for a year now and you need to fucking get over it, we TRIED to help you but once again you wouldn't listen, we would try to poke jokes and have fun but you would get mad. We didn't do anything to hurt you, and the fact that you basically made us look like bad guys is fucking wrong and sickening, do you know how hard it is to try and talk to people now without them knowing that you spoon fed them lies about us??? You need to just get off the internet ENTIERLY, and go outside and get some fresh air and grass [it might help you] I just want to continue living my life with my friends and do my writing in peace without your noisy obnoxious ass.
You've made the KJ community a hell pit, you've upset my friends and myself, you've ruined everything for everyone. Everything was so peaceful until you decided to run your loud mouth to everyone. I'm so sick and tired of you and hope your sorry ass learns a lesson. I'm done trying to be calm and be nice. The world doesn't revolve around you, and telling lies isn't gonna get you anywhere, fuck off and leave me the HELL alone and my friends.
Grow the fuck up and leave me and my friends alone.
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nanjokei · 1 year
im gonna say something that potentially will be taken very wrong but people on this site are so obnoxious fr "well i dont find the clown incident funny because it probably gave people panic attacks" imagine being so deep into your pseudo moral posturing that you can't laugh at a situation far removed and from a third person point of view. it literally is not that deep people weren't subject to real life tragedy yes a clown was certainly a choice for an element that isn't immediately caught by ad block but at the same time it's like. a clown could have easily appeared on tumblr radar all the same. i don't see why it is such a big deal beyond going "yeah thats ill advised"
like. its already happened. not finding the incident absurd on the off chance it might have scared some people... as the post said. stuff like the hamilton fic situ were way more insane and upsetting yet people laugh at those with no issues. its fucking posturing yourself as some kind of busybody saint who cares about every person ever at best. none of anyone who found themselves bent out of shape for the sake of hypothetical others could have survived the time in 2016 where people were just sighting clowns everywhere randomly
you cant babyproof the internet to the extent where nothing upsets anyone ever or expect people not to find certain things funny just bc it may potentially hurt people. there are so many common phobias that operate similarly to clown phobia, are you gonna get mad at people for finding those things potentially funny just because those could potentially trigger someone
is this 2013. can we get real please. we're regressing back into "lame is a slur" slowly but surely
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Ryan Racism
The way yall don’t understand Ryan and actually are committed to misunderstanding her and mislabeling her motives is annoying. If she was yt I don’t think yall would be reaching this hard to paint her in such a negative light. And i’m speaking to everybody on this. Internalization runs deep. I’ve seen just as many Black folks not liking Ryan too. I think yall are really forcing it calling her emotionally manipulative, a user and abusive. I’ve been in emotionally abusive and manipulative relationships this is not that. First of all her and Sophie aren’t even really in a relationship right now as they are barely friends. Second, Ryan doesn’t have to be nice to Sophie. Sophie has acted like a typical Crow to Ryan in the past, and even said herself that Ryan had no future and was basically some thug. So I’m sorry if Ryan doesn’t kiss Sophie’s ass every time she sees her. Like can yall understand that Sophie just quit the Crows last week -_- don’t act like she’s been miss perfect this whole time. Also they both have “used’ each other to the others benefit. Sophie and Ryan’s “relationship/partnership” whatever you want to call it has pretty much been - Hey I can’t stand you but I need you right now. 
I also love how if Ryan shows Sophie any kindness for helping her or being on her side yall are like WOAH WOAH WAIT I THOUGHT SHE HATED SOPHIE NOW SHE JUST LOVES HER BECAUSE SOPHIE IS DOING WHAT SHE WANTS HOW ABUSIVE!! Like Jezusss let the girl have emotions. I already explained this in another post but Ryan has mixed feelings when it comes to Sophie and the Crows. So if and when Sophie does helps Ryan out GOOD but also when she’s not helping it’s like ok fuk you Crowphie why are you in my house (and honestly why are we acting like this was said with so much malice, she was literally almost teasing at this point and just being a little shit. if this was a yt girl yall would eat it up). What people fail to mention tho is that Sophie also has the same mixed emotions for Ryan. Because not too long ago she was throwing Ryan in jail and profiling her. They both have mixed emotions about each other and it comes out at different times. Ryan has stronger emotions about it because she was the one being locked up and profiled- BY SOPHIE (something yall casually fail to mention). 2.15 also SHOWS us why Ryan is so pissed, and why she has her guard up with Sophie (actually nearly every episode shows us why the Crows are trash). Yes Sophie has come through for Ryan but she’s still a Crow. And Sophie was actively choosing to be a Crow DESPITE everything. It had to take all of this for Sophie to come to her senses. I’d be irritated with her too and I’d make it known. *NOW* if after this episode, Ryan is still taking shots at Sophie or if she blames her for what happened to Luke THEN I would be upset with her. But right now she’s not done anything to warrant the hate. Also let me not mention how yall love Alice and she can do no wrong but you hate Ryan. And please don’t say it’s because she is the villain. It’s because she’s white and yall allow it. Next.
I hate how people think that if Ryan doesn’t kiss Sophie’s ass every time she sees her that she’s an angry moody aggressive manipulative Black girl. Ryan is allowed to harp on the fact that Sophie was working with the fuked up white supremacist Crows. Ryan is allowed to not want Sophie in her place. Also let’s stop acting like Ryan was cussing Sophie out and degrading Sophie and trashing her and making her cry every second. Sophie is grown. If she didn’t like Ryan or didn’t like how Ryan treated her she would have left the hang out, she would have not helped Ryan, she wouldn’t keep hanging out and having drinks with her. Yall actin like Ryan is a bully and like Sophie is some poor helpless little lamb is weird. 
Darker skin Black girls and women are misunderstood, misrepresented, and often hated. If we speak our minds we have attitudes, if we argue or we’re sassy or we just don’t take people’s shit then we’re mean and nasty, aggressive, hostile, and abusive. We don’t have to look any farther than Makhia Bryant to know that internalization runs deep and it’s often other Black women. I had to make this post because I’m noticing far too many people in this fandom hate Ryan simply because of her tone. She’s not an easy pill to swallow and she talks back and speaks her mind.She holds grudges and she’s a sass master and yall hate it. I feel like once again if Ryan was yt, more people would be calling her behavior towards Sophie, flirting, or you’d be coming up with reasons as to why she was acting the way she was. But instead, Ryan gets no grace or empathy. People just look for ways to crucify her and I can’t help but think it’s because she is a darker skinned Black woman and she is not docile. 
One last thing: I’m thinking about when Sophie says her and Ryan aren’t happening, “not even an enemies to lovers maybe” SHE CALLED RYAN HER ENEMY. Like pls stop acting like Ryan is just some big bully and oh poor Sophie. These two take the piss out of each other and give each other shit. Don’t make it into some “abusive” thing. 🙄
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hey! I have a really loud and particular laugh that seems to carry quite literally throughout my house and there have been many times people have bought it up with me (I can’t help it my laugh is just loud & contagious!!). Could I request the bros reaction to MC who quite literally is unable to laugh quietly and ends up being heard through the whole of the house? Thank you!🥰
This is so sweet, geez imma get cavities. I also have a very loud laugh and I startle people a lot when I start laughing so I get what you mean!
These HCs are probably written a lot better because suddenly I’m full energy and motivation-
The Brothers with an MC who has a loud and particular laugh:
-He’ll never admit it but whenever you start laughing or even smiling, he can’t really stop himself from doing it too
-Like, he looks at you as you start cackling about a funny meme Levi just showed you and he’s holding back a smile-
-Because, even though you have such a loud and some would say ‘obnoxious’ laugh, he thinks you just sound so precious
-He really struggles to show that he’s not affected by you as much as he actually is
-Even if you start laughing at an inappropriate time, he’d likely not even tell you off properly
- Would never say anything of the sort to your face, but he low-key admires you
-He thinks it’s amazing that a simple human like you that has experienced so many horrible things every since they arrived in literal hell, can have the ability to laugh so heartily even now
-If you’re in public and start doing your boisterous laugh, he will keep a stoic expression on his face
-There’s a hint of a blush on his cheeks if you look close enough, though I doubt anyone is crazy enough to point it out
-In private though? Appreciate these moments y’all, because it’s one of the few rare times you’ll see him laugh freely
-Even when he’s around his brothers and trying to keep a straight face, you can see his lips threatening to curve upwards
-Basically, he thinks you’re baby and your laugh makes him feel at ease
-I head canon that he also has a very particular laugh because he gives off those kind of vibes
-He probably doesn’t even notice how loud you are when you start wheezing
-Normally, he’d join in and start laughing with you as the rest of the brothers take out their sound blocking ear muffs for the third time that day
-You two are loud ok?
-Poor Lucifer who not only has insomnia and is a workaholic, he also has two idiots giggling to themselves in the middle of the night
-When I said Mammon is trying to get a laugh out of you any hour of the day
-I mean any hour
-He will wake you up to just hear your voice and then proceed to run out as you start yelling at him
-Even if he were to notice it, the worst reaction you’re gonna get out of him is a bit of teasing
-“Ya sound like you’re dyin’ over there human. You alright?”
-When in reality, he’s even more smitten with you because your laugh is just another one of your amazing qualities
-Mammon does the stupidest shit in front of you to make you and hear you laugh because it warms his heart
-Even if he wouldn’t admit it, to you or to himself
-The only time he ‘doesn’t like’ it when you laugh is if you’re poking fun at him with his brothers
-That gets him all huffy puffy and sad
-For a minute, before he’s thrown himself onto you again
-Greedy for money and greedy for affection of course
-Catch him rambling about it for five minutes straight
-Before stopping abruptly, flushing from head to toe and starting to stutter like he forgot how to speak
-This usually has you laughing again, in a more sympathetic and encouraging way and he just...dies
-He doesn’t like his laugh, at all
-He thinks it sounds really awkward and tense
-So he’s low-key jealous about your rather impulsive laugh because it’s so sweet??? And amazing and cute??? Just like you???
-But at the same time, it’s hard for him to be jealous of it when he loves it so much
-Why do you think he keeps coming to you whenever he finds funny memes or compilations online???
-“I don’t expect a normie like you to understand but look at this.”
-He gets a stupidly cute kick out of knowing that he is the one making you laugh
-I suggest trying not to laugh too much while he’s playing video games because your laugh distracts him so much
-And he will throw his headset at you
-Affectionately of course
-He doesn’t give much of a reaction besides a quirked eyebrow and a quiet ‘Oh?’
-Sure, he doesn’t really like it when his brothers are being noisy either because they’re laughing too loudly or because they are fighting gladiator style outside his room
-But you’re the exception
-The only person in that household that could get away with interrupting his reading/work is you
-May come as a surprise to some, but sometimes Satan does get worried for you
-If he hasn’t seen you in a while he might start thinking that something is wrong
-But then he’d hear you laughing from downstairs and he’d smile and think “Eh they’re alright.”
-He thinks your laugh sounds so much more endearing than his own psychotic laugh 🥰🥰🥰
-Will throw one of his precious books at any of his brothers if they make fun of the way you laugh
-Basically, he has the biggest heart eyes for you but he’s too good at hiding it
-Laugh with him whenever something embarrassing happens to Lucifer and he will be so pleased and happy for the rest of the day
-“MC my dear, has anyone mentioned what a wonderfully charming laugh you have? And that says something coming from me.”
-Asmo also has a very noticeable laugh
-Not exactly loud but it could be considered obnoxious (to his brothers) and he giggles all the time when he’s very excited
-Having Asmodeous as your partner is basically the same thing as dating your best friend
-Despite being the Avatar of Lust, your relationship with him is super healthy and even he takes comfort in that
-You’d both be chuckling to yourselves in Majolish or something because this bïtch is hilarious if he wants to be
-“Oh my Lord Diavolo! MC, look! I found the perfect outfit for Mammon!!”
-And it’s a Disney princess dress the size of a fuckn toddler
-You guys laughed so hard you got kicked out >:(
-But you ended up buying that dress for Mammon anyway lmaoo
-Spending too much time with Asmo is similar to the whole “I’m trying to be quiet in class but me and my friend keep laughing every time we look at each other”
-The way both of you have to strain yourselves from full on cackling when Lucifer has a go at either of you 😌
-Except you seriously can’t laugh because you will be ✨murdered✨
-That’s the kind of hype he gives you all day every day
-The first time he properly heard you laugh was when you started making puns and you were laughing like crazy at your own jokes (samesies)
-And he just loves seeing you this happy because he gets happy and then he doesn’t even want to eat anymore, he just wants to hug you
-“I like your laugh. Do it again for me?”
-Your heart went doki doki
-It’s common for Beel to make you all flustered without meaning to and then you nervously start laughing again because you feel so awkward
-BUT your face brightens up so much when you start laughing or even smiling and he can’t help himself from complimenting you
-Your joyous and loud chuckles always cheer him up
-To the point where he completely forgets how hungry he is
-Took you a while to figure this one out but his mood sort of changes with yours??
-If you’re visibly sadder than usual, he his morale is also surprisingly low and he starts eating more than usual
-In comparison to when you’re all bubbly and doing that beautiful laugh of yours and he gets like these butterflies in his stomach instead of the usual pangs of pain and hunger
-So now he just wants to hear your voice in general on repeat for the rest of eternity
-Im not crying you are
-“You’re too loud dumbass, I’m tryin’ to nap here.”
-Will deadass throw a pillow at your face if you wake him up
-Like hes so rude and for what?
-He loves you and your annoying as fuck laugh, he really does I promise
-It’s a special, unique part of you and all that sappy crap
-But keep it up and you will have a very cranky boyfriend to deal with for the rest of the month
-He can be such an ass at times if he’s in a bad mood
-“I should tape your mouth shut.”
-“Shut up.”
-But as much as he hates being woken up by somebody else, he would much prefer waking up to your voice rather anyone else’s
-You usually wake him up in the mornings to get ready for RAD and you start giggling every time he pulls a face at you and complains that he doesn’t wanna
-“What are you? An alarm clock?”
-And then he just sort of pulls you to him and goes with a completely straight face:
-“You’re annoying but you can be my alarm clock if you want to.”
-He’s either flirting or is so sleepy he’s being unusually soft hELP
Thank you for reading! And for all the reblogs and follows. You guys don’t even know how much I appreciate your support. Especially at times when I’m not as motivated to write and now that the fandom has fizzled out a bit.
Also imma have to make a master list soon or something
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smutsonian · 4 years
Ma'am I had this idea. Outrageous but I did😂😂. Dark! Colin Shea. Can u imagine. Him acting all friendly but his intentions r not so good. So I can't sleep now. Yay😂😂
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Heyy! So another movie I haven’t seen 🤭 But it’s basically like a Neighbor AU situation, right?
I’m going to try something, I guess 😂
safe hands
colin shea x reader
warnings: smut! dark fic! noncon! drunk reader, innocent reader, stalking, obsession, loss of virginity, dark!colin, not proofread  
wc: 1606
a/n: not me writing for characters i dont even know... @jack-skellingtons-stuff hope ur sleepin well now sdkskskkd
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So Colin...
Probably a boy next door
Like literally. You just moved and he’s your next-door neighbor.
So, imagine you... A young pretty little thing that’s fresh out of college and is looking for a job but you’re just this awkward little ball of sunshine that keeps messing everything up.
You never even go out of your apartment unless it’s for an interview, even then, you so dread those stuff.
“You’re a freaking adult now! Why can’t you just act normal and do adult... stuff?!” You would chide yourself in front of a mirror, groaning in desperation at your lack of... experience? Like workwise.
Hey, there are people working from home. Maybe you can do that?
And you did. And you actually found one which is great for your adulthood but not great for you because you never go out of your apartment anymore. At all.
That’s when Colin comes in.
He was there when you moved in, expecting you to greet him like every girl who sees him. He really gets em easily. I mean... look at him.
So he watched you as you brought boxes in which there was not much. There were like 3 boxes, maybe 5 but not more. He watched you with amusement as you were too busy grunting at the boxes, missing his nude form by his door, only a small towel to cover himself.
He takes a bite of his apple, obnoxiously chewing to catch your reaction but he was met with a slam of your door.
Since then, he has become fond of you.
He’d watch you as you went in and out of your apartment in those cute little skirts and wonderful blouses and every time, it’s a sight for him.
He eventually found out that you’re going to job interviews and he found himself following you and witnessing some of those awkward interviews and he finds himself growing more fond of you. Even got himself thinking that he might actually like you... Is that even possible? He’s Colin Shea. He doesn’t settle down.
But for you, he might.
He saw how you would block everything out and he listened to your late-night talks with yourself and he can’t help but think about how adorable you are. How helpless you are. Something ignited in him and all he wants to do now is be there for you. Protect you. Take care of you.
Imagine his reaction when you’re no longer getting out of your apartment.
So he finally decides to meet you. Or for you to meet him. He knows so much about you already but he won’t say that to you.
A knock forces you away from your laptop. You open the door to find a man staring down at you with a friendly smile.
“Umm, hi? D-did I, Was I making any noise or something?” Your stuttering would make Colin’s heart leap out of his chest and the way you're dressed down with shorts and a huge sweater only made his heart swell even more.
“Uh hi! I’m Colin! I’m your neighbor! I uh... Was going to ask a favor, if that’s alright?” He smiles shyly at you.
“Um, yeah! What’s up?” You smile awkwardly, silently praying for him to leave already. Not that he was annoying. You were just not used to this... And besides, you’re doing work.
“I locked myself out of my apartment and I tried talking to the office but I guess they’re already out. I mean it’s pretty late.” He looks down at his wristwatch before looking at you with a hopeful smile making your heart beat faster. Not because of his boyish cute smile but because the idea of a stranger being with you just doesn’t sit right.
But it would be more awkward to deny him now, would it?
“It’ll be as if I wasn’t here. I promise. Just need somewhere to spend the night. I mean I can sleep by my door but that would be--” 
“Y-yeah, I guess you can stay for a while.” You give him a small smile which Colin found extremely adorable which then made him grin. A grin that soon fell when he took a look around your apartment.
He watches as you make your way back to your laptop, quickly getting back into your zone. His heart falls at the sight. Is that what you’ve been doing the whole day?
“Have you eaten?” He finds himself asking, not being able to resist.
He watches your face contort into confusion and he would’ve awed at the sight but your reply made him somewhat angry.
“I guess not... Did you want anything?” You pull yourself away from your laptop once more and Colin didn’t know if he liked the idea of you preparing his food but nothing for yourself. 
What a sweet girl...
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll order take-out!” Colin cheered before pulling out his phone, wiggling his eyebrows at your shocked expression.
That’s how you find yourself eating pizza while watching some show on the telly.
Then those nights became a thing.
Colin would often visit you, making sure that you eat and take a break from work because he said that you tend to overwork yourself.
“You’re not my mom!” You’d playfully slap his chest.
“Well, I might as well be!” He’ll take your wrist before dragging you towards your bed and forcing you to watch another batch of comedy shows.
He’d be laughing at the show so much that you find yourself laughing as well. 
You would no longer feel so stressed.
But then things went badly. 
The company you were working for decided to let some employees go and unfortunately, those who work from home weren’t as important as those who work in the office.
You cried in Colin’s arms that night.
Colin did feel sorry for you. But maybe it’s for the best. Even the universe thinks you shouldn’t be working like that. He’s there to take care of you. You would no longer have to stress yourself out to live.
He’ll make sure to take good care of you.
Then the drinks came up.
One bottle of beer. Then two. Then three.
Honestly, you lost count.
Colin didn’t. He didn’t drink any.
He’d watch you with a smile as you’re sad and brooding aura turned into a giggly one.
“I’m sleepy...” You would mutter, head falling down Colin’s shoulder and he would embrace you happily, stroking the side of your face gently.
He’ll smile at the way you would squeal when he carries you to your bed.
“You enjoy being relaxed, babe?” He asks, taking your socks off. Then your shorts and shirt that went unnoticed by you.
“Too hot!” You’d fan yourself with your hand which Colin would take. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.” He’ll press a kiss on your forehead that’ll make you giggle.
Colin would watch your naked body, touch your warm skin with patience.
“So beautiful... And all for me, right?” He presses a kiss on your lips and you nod at whatever it is he’s saying.
He’ll easily play your body, making you and himself feel good. His fingers would play with your clit while his mouth laps on your nipples, taking turns from left and right.
He’d bask at the sound of your moans and whimpers that went straight to his hardening cock.
He’ll only stop when you’re drunkenly begging for more which he happily gives.
His hard cock would be poking your entrance and as he pushes in slowly, your eyes would widen, suddenly not so drunk anymore.
“Colin?” Your frightened voice alerts Colin and he would shush you with a kiss.
“Don’t worry about it, baby. I got you... I got you...” He whispers before pushing in, swallowing your cries with lustful kisses.
“God!” He moans when he’s fully seethed in, your walls hugging his cock. He stays there for a while, listening to your heavy breathing and slightly feeling guilty at your cries.
“Ahh...” You cry out when he slowly pulls out. He’d kiss your tears away before slowly pushing back in, pulling your body closer to his in a hug, whispering promises about feeling better soon.
And you did.
Your cries turned into moans which motivated Colin to thrust faster yet still careful to not hurt you. He didn’t even have to ask because when he looked down at his cock, he saw little blood, and his jaw clenched, feeling some sort of remorse.
“You’re doing good, You’re so good to me.” He whispers before resuming his thrusts. He’d dwell at the sound of your pleasured moans and his hand would find its way down your clit, fingers playing with the nub until your body was shaking violently underneath him.
“You gonna cum? Cum for me, baby... You’re good. You’re safe...” He grunts at how your walls are tightening around him. You whimper before curling against his body, unknowingly pulling his body closer to yours. 
He shivers before cumming as well, his seeds filling your hole, making you drip with his cum. He places a loving kiss on your forehead before pulling out.
The mixture of blood and his cum makes him get a cloth before gently cleaning you up, being extra careful when he wiped at your core.
He cleans himself up before lying back beside you. He presses a kiss on the side of your head, your nose, and then your lips.
“I’ll take care of you. You don’t have to worry about anything anymore...” He places a hand on your stomach before smiling and pulling the covers over the both of you.
You’re in safe hands.
a/n: see i dont think i should write for these guys (from movies i haven’t watched/too lazy to watch) because im probs messing up a lot skskks anyway hope y’all think this one is alright! also im a sucker for innocent reader jcnavn
General: @readermia @unlikelygalaxygiver @xoxabs88xox @anncutamarica @chaoticfiretaconerd @i-love-superhero @caffiend-queen @coconutqueen21 @jtargaryen18 @jennmurawski13 @mushyjellybeans @ninjabucky @evnscvll @buckstaybucky @donutloverxo @rebloggingeverything @adriannajackson @la-cey @awaywithtime @gotnofucks @empath-bunny @belovedcherry @white-wolf1940 @the-soulofdevil @mianorth @littlegasps
Anything Chris: @patzammit @princess-evans-addict @shadowcatsworld @notyourtypicalrose @onetwo3000 @bluemusickid @heyiamthatbitch @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @slytherinandoutasgard
Chris and seb: @harrysthiccthighss
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sageinacage · 3 years
Hellooo I saw you were taking requests again!! :D Would you be alright doing a bit of a hurt/comfort ish playful fic like Tommy asking techno to help train him. Techno notices that tommy starts to completely overwork himself and comforts him about like not feeling good enough to be techno's brother and techno playfully tickling him to force him to take a break? I'm sorry if this was a long prompt, it's 4am lol... Thank you so much!! :D
summary: tommy wants to be as strong as his brother techno, but doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to a/n: sorry i haven’t been active this weekend :[ im on the last 3 weeks of school and they’re piling so much stuff WAAAH warnings: swearing, self consciousness, self doubt (this is a hurt/comfort fic!) w/c: 1.6k
“Techno, how did you get to be so… strong?”
“Hard work, Tommy. A lotta’ hard work.”
Tommy huffed, crossing his arms. That was definitely not the answer he wanted, because the boy wanted to be a force to be reckoned with now. “Well… what kind of hard work?” He egged on, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
“Well, experience is a big one- I’ve done a lot of fighting and gained a lot of perspective from that… uhhhh… I study books with ancient techniques? I uhhh, let me put some thought into this, kid,”
Techno continued to think, putting a hand to his chin in thought. None of these Tommy liked, as they both took much time, perseverance, and he was just too young to have had as much experience as his brother. “Oh, I’ve trained a lot-”
“Aha! Training! How do I train?” Tommy cheered, almost leaping with how excited he got. The boy assumed he would be able to be unstoppable after one training session, but his older brother didn’t know how to convey that it wasn’t possible- but also didn’t want to crush his spirits at the same time.
“Tommy,” Techno started, then let out a long sigh, “..it’s not that easy. I’d be willing to help but-”
“Let’s go now then, big man!” The blonde exclaimed triumphantly, marching towards the entrance to their house’s backyard. Techno watched him stomp out the room towards the back exit, shaking his head and following the boy.
When he arrived outside, Tommy was already in a set of armor with his sword out, grinning madly at Techno. With an amused huff, the piglin picked up his sword and stood a good distance from in front of him.
“Alright, the first thing is stance. Make sure you’re standing so you’ll be able to block on any side of you.” Techno placed his sword down, heading to Tommy. He gently moved his arms and shoulders to be in a preferred position. The boy stood there, completely stiff like a statue.
“Y’know you gotta loosen up, you need to be able to block and dodge attacks and can’t do that when you’re stone.”
“I gotta be like stone, so I can’t be knocked down!”
Techno shook his head, pushing his hand into Tommy’s side, making him fall on the grass. “That wasn’t fair!” Tommy whined, getting up and brushing the dirt off of his light armor. “All is fair in fights, kid. You never know what your opponent will do.” The piglin explained, pushing up his glasses.
Tommy muttered something under his breath, getting into the fighting stance his brother showed him. “I’m ready!” He announced, Tech sighing. “Tommy, you need to know the basics before going into battle.” He frowned, crossing his arms. “There are no basics in war!” Tommy rebuttals, using the phrase Techno used earlier against him.
“Actually there is-”
“I didn’t ask!” Tommy ran at Techno, falling onto the dirt as the man stepped to the side. “You don’t just run at someone and expect to get a hit on them, smartass.” He playfully flicked his brother’s head, who grumbled and got up, trying to get more hits on Techno.
The piglin continued to step out of the way, eventually sighing and easily disarming him from his blunt training sword.
“I can’t do it! How can I even be your brother?! I can barely even hold the sword, it's so heavy! I’m done with this, I’ll never be as strong as you!” Tommy fumed, throwing his armor off and stomping inside the house to go up to his room. Techno put his training sword away, sighing softly. ‘The kid has potential, he just gets ahead of himself.’ Techno thought, then heading inside to go upstairs to check up on his little brother.
“Can I come in?” He knocked on the door, hearing a small ‘no’ from inside. Techno huffed. “Please? I want to talk to you, Toms.” He asked again, then hearing nothing. “Fine.” Tommy gave him permission to come in, which Techno gladly took.
“Hey,” His brother sat at the foot of his bed, looking at him. “You’re just so cool. You’re Technoblade, everyone knows you as strong and scary. And… and I’m just Tommy. The little brother, the obnoxious one.” He ranted, sniffling softly as he curled his knees in and hiding his face.
“I wouldn’t say that, Tommy. I’ve heard people talk about how brave you are, which I’m gonna have to agree with. Also, you’re not obnoxious, I wouldn’t want to hang out with you if you were.” Techno showed him a small smile, opening his arms. Tommy leaped into them, wrapping his arms around his brother and holding his cape with an iron grip.
“Really? People think that?”
“I wouldn’t lie to you about that, kid.”
“I am pretty brave and cool, I gotta say,” Tommy chuckled softly at himself, his giggles slowly growing as Techno sighed at him. “Oh, I’ll give you something to laugh about!” He exclaimed playfully, his dull claws shifting around his waist.
“TEHehehechno!” Tommy made the poor mistake of shifting onto his back, so now he was just sprawled across his brother’s lap, stuck in his tickly grasp. “Tommy!” Techno playfully mocked, snickering at Tommy’s small growl in defiance.
“You’re really brave to try to rebuttal my attack, ain'tcha?” He spoke lowly, slipping one of his hands under Tommy’s loose shirt to lightly scratch at the sensitive skin around his belly. “Yohou suhUHUCK!” He complained, kicking his legs out in front of him. “What did you just say to me? You really are fearless.”
The boy was about to smile triumphantly until a blunt claw gently scritched over the bundle of nerves over his hip bone. “SHIHIHIT- Nohot thahahat!” Tommy complained. “Sohomewhehere else!”
“Y’know Tommy, when I tickle Ranboo right here he’d dip out right away. You must be tough if you can withstand this!” Techno praised, a fond smile washing over his face. Tommy continued to shake his head, the ticklish sensations making him tingle all over.
“Hmmm, let’s see if I could make you break. Highly doubt it for how well you’re taking it though, kid.” He chortled before laying Tommy down and skittering both his fingers up his sides. “IT’S SOHO BAHAHAD!” He arched his back, a wheeze escaping him. The claws continued to explore up his sides, dragging back down before stopping at his upper ribs to scribble over the ticklish skin there.
“WHIHIHIYYY?!” Tommy whined, slamming his arms down. “Because!” Techno smirked, drilling his fingers as they were trapped and he couldn’t wiggle them anymore. “THAHAHAT’S WOHOHORSE!” He screeched, the piglin just laughing. “Then free me, smarty!” His fingers continued to drill and prod as much as they could, shifting up to reach his underarms.
“NOHOHO! IT’LL BEHE EVEN WOHOHORSE!” Tommy grumbled, kicking his legs. “Good observation, Tommy! Never let your enemy get an advantage!” His brother praised again, smiling down at him. The grumpiness in the boy’s tone turned more gleeful, the pinkette grunting in success.
“But what if the enemy planned a surprise attack?!” Techno exclaimed, leaning his head down to blow a raspberry over the upper part of his tummy, repeating the action but on his navel next time. “I WIHILL SUHUHURVIVE!” Tommy retorted, trying to push at his head. “I’d like to see you try.” He challenged, lifting his shirt a small bit before leaning down to place nibbles along his lower belly and around his hips.
“FUHUHUCK! TEHEHECHNOHO!” He threw his head back, still holding onto Techno’s hair but not really pushing him away. Techno was genuinely surprised- usually, his nibbles can kill anyone and make them plead for mercy. “Wow Tommy, you can withstand my nibbles? You must really be a champ, huh kid?” He complimented, smiling at Tommy’s giddy squeal.
Techno knew how much Tommy needed this, he needed to hear how actually brave and tough he was, because the truth was the kid was strong, just needed to hear it to believe it. “You were able to survive that, but can you survive this?” He devilishly smiled, moving his claws over to scritch at his lower tummy as he nibbled up his sides.
“YOHOHOU’RE HOHORRIBLE!” Tommy shrieked, kicking his legs and arching his back, but still wasn’t begging for mercy like Techno thought he would. “Able to survive again? This is like the hardest time I’ve had tiring someone out, Toms.” Techno admitted, Tommy giggling and happily chortling in response. He was genuinely proud of himself, feeling stronger than ever.
“Alright. I give up.” Techno chuckled, pulling his brother in for a hug while he calmed down. “I wohohon!” Tommy announced excitedly, hugging him back. “Yeah yeah, whatever.” The piglin sighed contently, pulling away.
“You know Tommy, being strong is more than just physical strength. You gotta have the right mindset, and you’ve definitely got it. I’ve never met someone as strong-willed, enthusiastic, and brave as you.” Techno explained, rubbing his stomach and side area, trying to help with the after-tickles.
“Yeah, really.” Techno chuckled, getting up. “How about I teach you a lesson in some historic techniques in fighting, I think you’ll find it interesting.”
“Books are so boring- ugh, fine.” Tommy crossed his arms, standing up and stretching, before following his brother out of the room. “What were you boys doing?! I thought Tommy was being attacked for a hot minute.” Phil laughed from the kitchen, seeing them walk by. “I beat Techno in a tickle fight, that’s what happened!” Tommy laughed, nudging his brother.
“Yep. He beat me. Strong kid, I tell ‘ya.”
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t0shii · 4 years
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how they comfort you in a crowded place
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including bokuto kotaro, aran ojiro, miya atsumu, oikawa toru, suna rintaro x gn!r
!warnings! mentions of anxiety & large crowds, slight panic attack, mentions of flashing lights & cameras, lightly proofread.
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it might take him a minutes to realize you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed and as soon as he does realize he's asking you what he needs to do to help you. never lets go of your hand!
You loved that your boyfriend kotaro had so many supporters but sometimes it was a bit overwhelming. for example, right now you both were arriving at the gym for the match his volleyball team was playing that night. fans basically swarmed your car and even the security guards were having a hard time holding them back.
you could feel yourself start to panic as they inched closer and closer, squeezing your eyes shut as you hooked your arm around your boyfriend's. at first he thought nothing of it, until he looked back at you and saw your eyes closed, face looking a little pale, sweat forming on your forehead. he took your hand immediately and pulled you securely under his arm, leaning down to your ear, "we're almost to the gym baby, just a little bit longer. im so sorry." he said to you, kissing the top of your head right after which only seemed to make the fans go even more wild.
he hugged you real tight as soon as you both got into the gym and apologized repeatedly, didn't let you leave his sight until you were feeling better but gave you space whenever you asked for it.
knows you can get anxious in a large crowd so he tries his very best to avoid large crowds of fans or reporters. is really protective of you and WILL give anyone who tries to get too close the dirtiest look you didnt even know he was capable of.
Unfortunately, the gym his game was taking place it, was surrounded by fans. "i thought i specifically asked for a blocked area?" he complained to the driver. "i think theres just too many fans to control" the driver responded, looking for the drop off spot. "i'm so sorry angel, i told them to have a blocked off area for us" he explained, grabbing your hand and squeezing it tightly. you reassured him it was fine and there as nothing he could've done about the situation and that you should be fine because the gym wasn't so far away.
as soon as you two stepped out of the car it was absolute chaos. fans screaming for aran, reporters cameras flashing repeatedly yelling questions at him, trying their very best to get close to him. the secure guards were doing there best to hold them off though. all you could do was close your eyes and let your boyfriend lead the way, he never once let go of your hand the whole way there.
as soon as you got into the gym he checked to make sure you were okay, asking if you needed anything. "i'm fine ojiro, really, i'm okay." you assured him, kissing his cheek. he embraced you in a big hug. "i'm so proud of you angel." said with a smile into the crook of your neck.
oh lord... we all know how he feels about obnoxious fans LMAO. good luck to them if they make you uncomfortable in any way ESPECIALLY if they get too close. tsumu knows you hate crowds and he tries so hard to avoid them at any cost possible.
"What the fuck is this?" he mumbled at he saw the crowd forming by the drop off area, "i'm not sure sir but there really isnt time to wait, the rest of the team's' cars are behind us." the driver responded earning a groan from your boyfriend. "'m sorry, baby" he whined looking at you with glossy eyes. "no no, it's okay 'tsum. it's not your fault. the gym's not too far anyways, i think i'll make it." you joke intertwining your hands. he nods in response and both exit the car.
seconds later fans rushed toward the two of you, screaming for 'tsumu and flashing their camera. honestly you were fine until you looked over and a teenage girl was right beside you all in your personal space, atsumu never noticing because he was so focused on getting to the gym as soon as possible. "tsumu-", he turned his head towards you as soon as he heard you say his name. he immediately s aw the girl trying to get his attention was all over you so he pulled you away from her, put you infront of him and ignored her the rest of the way to gym. it was really like a scene from a movie
as soon as the two of you stepped in the gym he was making sure you were okay and asking if you needed anything. he hugged you really tight and apologized for all the people. "'m so sorry that girl baby i dont know what her deal was, she was all over you, not cool at all. should i make sure they don't let her in the gym? i don't want her anywhere near you." you chuckled at his question, "no 'tsum, she probably didn't even realize what she was doing. i'm okay now, really." he nodded his head at your response, "as long as you're okay." he said nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
he loves the attention he gets from his fans but he will always always put your safety before their attention & dont let anyone else tell you otherwise. hates when his fans gets too close to you and when they crowd around the both of you, he didn't mind it before the two of you got together but when you told him you didn't like crowds he always does his best to avoid them.
"looks like there's a crowd toru." you say with a pout. "whaaat?" he groaned looking up from his phone. why did they have to follow the two of you to the airport? he thought to himself. he just wanted to get on the plane in peace. "oh no." he sighed looked at all the fans who had lined up to send the two of you off, luckily it the crowed wasn't too big considering it was 4 in the morning.
"i'm so sorry angel, i didn't think they'd follow us here this early," he explained with a frown."no no toru, it's not your fault at all! don't apologize" you assure him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "let me step out and tell them to keep their distance." you nodded and he stepped oit
you giggled as you hear him ask his fans to stay away from you when you exit the car he. stays out and chats with the fans for a few minutes before it was time to go into the airport. fortunately his fans were super understanding and chill when you stepped out of the car, saying hi to you and wishing you both a safe flight. he still made sure you were okay even though the fans kept their distance like they promised and pampered your face im kisses filled with love and a whispered, "im so proud of you angel."
god he hates crowds himself so he completely understands you. he doesnt like when fans crowd him and especially when they crowd around you since he knows it makes you anxious.
"just stay close okay?" your boyfriend mumbled in your ear as he took your hand and helped out of the car. you responded with a quiet "mhm". i hate these people, he thought to himself. not only did he already hate crowds, he hated when there was a crowd around you. honestly, you couldn't even see straight because of all the flashing cameras and it didn't help that all the fans around were pushing in closer and closer, the two of you could barely even move as it was. all you could do was squeez your eyes shut and pray you got to the gym faster than the fans could trample over you to get a an autograph or a picture from your boyfriend.
rintaro was squeezing your hand so tightly by the time you both stepped into the gym you thought your hand was gonna fall off and you could barely even control your breathing, he immediately pulled you into an embrace, not too tight though, kissing the crown of your head and rubbing your back soothingly, "im so sorry baby, you did so well." was all he said over and over again, trying his best to ease you while his teammates stumbled in behind the two of you complaining about the crowd.
after your breathing had calmed down he gave you space whenever you wanted it making sure to check up on you periodically. "im okay now rin, you can go practice now." you reassure him, with a kiss on the cheek of course. he agreed after a while but was still worried about you the whole practice and for most of the game after that.
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a/n omg i rlly like writing for aran AHH ok ummmm thanks for reading p.s. oikawa would be so chill with his fans after highschool UGH everyone says theyre rude but i hc the opposite 😌😤
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amazingphilza · 3 years
snapchat :: c!tommy x reader
fluff / angst , platonic , gender neutral ! first request whoop whoop :D [check pinned for more info on requests]
synopsis: ‘what’s so bad about adding every person on snapchat?’ tommy thought. unknowingly, with all the other people he begins talking to during exile, one ends up being you; tubbo’s younger sibling. that is until you both visit tommy in logstedshire.
cw: i purposely misspell a few words for the texting part, i hope it’s still readable for y’all! and i haven’t actually used snapchat in years so let’s pretend i know what i’m doing :)
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tommy smiled at his brand new phone
first thing he does? install snapchat and reddit
if he couldn’t talk to his best friends face to face anymore, at least he had people online to talk to, right?
tommy hoped from all his possessions dream would destroy, he could at least keep a phone
without much thought, tommy opened snapchat and began adding every account and messaging them the same obnoxious message
most people chose ignore tommy, not having a clue why he was messaging them
but as for you, when you had the notification that someone added you on snapchat and started aggressively messaging you, it made you curious
you read their user
“wife haver”?? huh???
instead of immediately blocking the person, you replied back
not even less than a second later you get a reply back
without context, you were more than confused
genuinely dying is very alarming but you shouldn’t text a random stranger your last words
plwase helo
where did tou go
Ohm hgod
you laughed at the person’s desperation and ignored the messages
if the stranger wasn’t going introduce themselves, you wouldn’t either
however, after a while you realized you had over 100 snapchat notifications within an hour of trying to ignore the person
however it was just jumbled up words and useless spam, nothing important
as if the stranger would said anything important to your concern anyway
do you ever shut up??
fuck you
a normal person wouldve taken offense by these messages but you found them quite amusing
it wasn’t like you had anything else better to do
and this acceptance was the start of your odd friendship with the stranger
you were still on edge because you had no idea who they were and their intentions but the anonymity was mutual nonetheless
if the desperate spamming “wife haver” isn’t going to formally tell you who they actually were, you weren’t going to risk exposing yourself first
but in the past few weeks, you and the person had normal conversations apart from the first day they messaged you
well as normal as you could’ve expected from someone named “wife haver”
they were the first to send an actual snap as well
that was when you found out the “wife haver” was an obnoxious boy that looked around your age, maybe a slightly older
he had sent you a photo of him holding a thumbs up and trying to smile when he was clearly upset
just got all my stuff exploded again, feeling good
you noticed his messy blonde hair and tattered clothes
what the hell happened to this guy?
part of you was confused, and the other was concerned
u good bro??
i don’t have anymore tools and materials if that’s anything
so no
this is shit
lmao it was probably deserved
im kidding that’s sad
but like do u actually need stuff?
you contemplated sending your next message and thought of the consequences
but in the end, you were probably better off than him so if he did try to do something suspicious, you could easily just leave with your trident or defend yourself
i can bring some things over if you’d like
please oh my god it’s so boring here
where the hell do you even live???
it finally hit that you would be visiting this mysterious person
you never really had much to do during the day and he had nothing against your enchanted netherite armor when compared to his worn-out clothes
you were surprised that he was quick to be comfortable with you visiting him so continued to message the boy
if you live nearby i can just stop over and bring some spare diamond tools and armor if you’d like or smth
DIAMOND !,?’/:@!?:/-',(
ya sure lol
his shock and excitement made you smile
maybe this wasn’t a bad idea
before replying, you quickly ran to your storage room you gather your spare items
instead of normally texting, you decided to take a picture of all the enchanted tools and armor and send back a snap
i’m down for tomorrow, turn on your snapmaps so i can come by ;D
he quickly replied back with handfuls of ‘holy shits’ and ‘YEAHS’
you couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear which caught the attention of your older brother who had just walked in to get blocks from the wall of chests
“ew why are you smiling at your phone like that?”
“oh shut up, tubbo”
“it’s weird”
you roll your eyes at him in a playful matter
“whatever! i’m gonna be out tomorrow to visit a friend, okay?”
“you have friends? wow, sounds like a first”
“you’re such a dick!!” you yell at him whilst trying to hold in your laughter
“oh yeah? go on, tell me about this friend of yours then. meeting strangers online, hm?”
“if you’re so concerned, you can come with if you’re not busy with whatever a president does. i promise they’re not some weirdo like you”
tubbo’s tone was sarcastic but he agreed then left you to your own thoughts
you were excited for tomorrow that you were restless in your bed when nighttime had came
somehow you managed to fall asleep from tiredness in the middle of the night
soon enough it was morning
before doing anything, you checked your phone and went through all your notifications
you then checked snapchat, browsing snapmaps and realized how far you had to travel
despite the long travel, you brought yourself up from your bed and gathered all the items you were going to bring
you stuffed a full set of enchanted diamond armor, tools, and over a stack of golden carrots all in your inventory
after finishing all your preparations, you searched for your older brother
with just a loud yell of his name he appeared almost instantly
“you ready to go, tubbo?”
“yep! you know where you’re going right?”
you scoffed at the question
“of course!”
and with that, the two of you traveled on foot until you reached the ocean
you had brought 2 boats with you knowing that you couldn’t imagine being in the same boat as your brother; it would’ve ended up in endless bickering
after a while of being at sea, tubbo started to become impatient
“what the hell! how far does this person live, y/n??”
“i dunno!”
you knew the general direction you were supposed to be going to after studying your snapmaps all morning but you couldn’t check how much farther it would take to get there; there was obviously no signal in the middle of the ocean
it felt like forever before you saw land in the horizon
suddenly you regained all the energy you have lost from rowing
“there!! that place with the white tent, i can barely see it”
with the burst of energy, you got to land in no time
the moment you got off your boat, the blonde spotted the two of you and ran in your direction
once appearing nearly feet apart, he stared at your brother who also had the shocked expression
your brother had more of a confused expression whilst the other boy seemed a bit mad
maybe he was always mad considering the endless conversations you had with him ranting about some ‘green bastard’
but tubbo quickly got defensive, stepping in front of you
you didn’t understand how they knew each other beforehand, but at the same time you never caught up with tubbo’s friends either
you needed answers
“what’s going on?”
“y/n! you were messaging tommy this whole time? why didn’t you tell me?”
tubbo was clearly frustrated and a feeling of guilt washed over you
it didn’t click that you never exchanged names and admitting it did not seem believable
tubbo was in complete shock, trying to process everything that was happening
you mumbled out your words
“a few weeks, i can’t remember”
“uh, yeah sorry” tommy had confirmed your statements. “i didn’t even know you had a sibling, tubbo! i actually didn’t know their name until now as well..”
“but if i knew i was messaging a tub-ling, i wouldn’t have in the first place!”
“what the fuck tommy!!!”
“no, but how do you even know each other?” you had interrupt the two
tubbo had chosen his words carefully
“we’re... friends”
tommy had seemed upset at this
“no, don’t talk to me, tommy. you were exiled for a reason. y/n? give him the stuff you wanted to him and let’s go, this was a waste of time”
you were saddened but obliged, you didn’t want to anger your brother even more
“fuck you, tubbo! can’t believe this was how you visit me for the first time, i don’t even want your pity shit”
before you could react, tubbo led you to the back of his boat
he got in the front and quickly rowed away from the land you barely stayed on, leaving your boat behind on the shores
you looked back at tommy who already had left back to his tent
the boat ride was silent and full of sorrow until you arrived back at l’manburg
once you got home you immediately opened snapchat to message tommy
hey tommy i’m really sorry about today. i had no idea,,,
you thought he would’ve ignored your message but instead replied right after
but your heart sank at reading the message
it’s fine
i think it’s best we stop talking y/n
you didn’t want to lose a friend so quickly but after all the tension from today, you didn’t know how to come back from it
so instead of arguing you agreed, even if it wasn’t honest
yeah, me too
and that was the last message you sent to tommy
even though the whole situation was confusing from the start, it didn’t mean you didn’t enjoy the random conversations you had
the bizarre encounter was unforgettable
it made you even sadder when you realized the first time you two used each other’s names through text would also be the last
a/n: ngl, i didn’t think i would finish this on a kinda angsty ending but here we are! and grrr it’s 4am and i just wanted to finish this,, let’s hope there aren’t that many grammar mistakes LMAO anyway i hope y’all enjoyed <3
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
thank you @chiptrillino for tagging me in a wip game!
not quite sure what the rules are but based off of your AMAZING POST OF ART WIPS (check it out here yall chip is so talented) ive decided to just share some parts of my writing wips that i rlly like because i cannot draw whatsoever lmao
enjoy some lil snippets hehe
from heart don't stand a chance:
"Zuko couldn’t get over her eyes. She was looking past the camera towards the man who took it. Zuko could see clear as day the love she held for Sokka in her gaze.
It was a perfect moment that Sokka had captured. No wonder held it with him at all times. If someone had looked at Zuko like that, he’d never want to see anything again.
As he took in the photograph, Sokka sat next to him in silence. His hand was clutching the ring around his neck again in his fist, pressing it close to his mouth as he peered over Zuko’s shoulder to look. Zuko turned to him to compliment the picture and saw a sad fondness lingering in his eyes."
this is a scene i wrote a while ago thats gonna appear in a much later chapter. but yeah. more yue angst for you guys im so sorry.
from i love you (and that's all i really know):
"Mister Sokka," a little voice wishpered in his ear as he felt tiny pokes on his cheek, "Wake up Mister Sokka."
"Good morning to you too Izumi," Sokka responded wearily as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked towards the little girl who was standing on her tippy toes to see over the edge of the bed and poke his face until he rose.
She smiled at him once she realized he was awake.
"Can we have pancakes?" She asked shyly, hiding her mouth just below the edge of the bed as she looked up at him with hopeful eyes.
That look was going to be dangerous for him later on, he could aready tell.
"Sure thing, Izumi, just let me sleep for five more minutes, mkay?" He asked as he shut his eyes again. He was exhausted from last nights events, and the sun had barely risen. How did Zuko do this?"
this is a scene from the next chapter of this fic. so much sokka and izumi bonding you guys are gonna explode hehehe.
from cherry (the mailee fic i wont shut up about that is now a whopping 19 pages):
"Mai never had to guess with Ty Lee. She always knew when Ty Lee was happy about something because she would use an obnoxious amount of exclamation points. She would send gifs of people or cartoons making outlandish expressions whenever she wanted to react to Mai’s text with a specific facial expression. Sometimes Ty Lee would even send voice memos whenever her thoughts became too long, or she got too excited about a story that her fingers couldn’t type as fast as she could speak."
hehe i love mailee.
from yours (the mailee sorority fic that i promise i did not forget about):
"Mai lifted her head off the pillow again and met Zuko’s eyes. She studied his impassive expression, trying to figure out if he was joking or not. He did seem like he missed Mai and Azula, so maybe he did really just want to catch up with them.
But Mai wasn’t going to give up a golden opportunity like this.
“Tell us everything about the boy toy as well and you’ve got yourself a deal,” Mai said.
Zuko rolled his eyes and sighed, “Ugh, fine. And his name is Sokka by the way.”
“Nuance. You also have to wake up Azula.”
“No chance in hell,” Zuko scoffed, “You’re the roommate and her fellow ‘pong princess,’ wake-up duty is all yours.”
“If she murders me, it’s your fault. She’s a bitch when she’s hungover.”
“Whatever you say, Mai,” Zuko grinned before returning back to his phone."
i have decided that zuko is a little shit for this fic and no one can stop me.
from Where'd All the Time Go? (the yuekka fic that i have severe writers block with that i also promis i have not forgotten about):
"“Sokka I really think you need to take a moment and-”
“I am fine Aang, I don’t have time for a feelings talk right now. Right now I need to find the fucking chief of this damn place.” His words came out harsher than he meant, but he didn’t have the time to dwell on that.
Before Sokka could run off again to continue his search, a hand grabbed his arm. One of Arnook’s advisors, Malina, had started dragging him towards the podium.
“Do you not realize how late you are for this Sokka? The ceremony was supposed to begin with your speech nearly an hour ago-” she hissed at him as she pulled him along through the crowd.
“Malina I’m sorry but I really need to speak with Arnook it is urgent-”
“This damn speech of yours is what’s urgent right now Sokka, you can speak with Arnook later but the guests are getting antsy so you need to give your speech right. Now.”
Maline shoved Sokka towards the podium and suddenly all eyes were on him. Every guest in attendance had their focus solely on Sokka."
homeboy is stressed in this scene. things are slowly going to shit in this chapter. i promise i will update this before the end of the year. i swear. im so sorry.
from a currently untitled jetko/sukka boiling rock fic:
"“Oh good, you survived after all,” She said in a mocking tone.
Jet didn’t answer. He knew anything he said would be used against him. He didn’t know where he was. He didn’t know what was happening. But he would be damned if he showed that weakness in front of the fire nation.
“I was told you were more talkative than this,” the girl mused. There was something familiar about her, “my informants were very detailed when discussing your little teashop romance.”
I knew it. Jet snarled in his mind, That bastard betrayed me."
i want this fic to be a little darker but idk how good i am at writing darker fics because i love fluff and humor too much. this could be good angst practice for me.
from a toph and sokka fic that i wrote a while back to help me cope w some shit that i dont know if ill ever post:
"“Sokka? Are you still there?” Toph asked, the slightest hint of concern began to slip into their voice
“Tell me a story,” he was trembling. Despite all of his efforts to sound calm, he knew his voice came out trembling and scratchy and pathetic-
“Is everything okay? You don’t sound too hot,” Toph said through the phone.
Breathe, Sokka, breathe. You don’t want them to be worried, you just need to calm down.
“Please, Toph, I just,” he said through shaky breaths that weren’t nearly deep enough for him to be getting enough oxygen, “I just need a distraction. I just need to hear your voice okay?”"
nonbinary toph anyone?
from a 10 things i hate about you kataang and zukka au:
"“What? Something on my face?” the guy asked deadpanned. He rubbed at his scar as if he were wiping off a smudge of mustard, and Aang’s face went pale.
“Stop scaring the sophomores Zuko, this one’s new. He won’t get your… humor… just yet,” Ms. Wu said as she waved Aang off again.
“I’m hurt that you’d imply I’m not funny, Wu. I’m hilarious,” the senior, Zuko, said as he walked past Aang.
Aang let out a sigh of relief knowing that this Zuko guy didn’t seem all that offended by his awkwardness, and darted out of the room."
zuko is a little shit part 2. the amount of sarcasm i have dripping off of heath ledger zuko is glorious. let zuko be a little shit. i havent added to this in months but when i finish some of my other wips i cant wait to get back to this.
i have more wips and drafts saved but none of them have anything juicy or funny or interesting yet because all of them are like less than three pages so far
but yeah, heres a good chunk of sneaky peakys from my wips!
I hope you liked them!
anyone who wants to do this can totally go for it. imma tag @ambykinns @lumities and @flowers-inthepieshop (only if you all want too!!) because this was fun :)
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sorikkung · 2 years
23, 40, and 71 for the fanfic writer asks!! 🤍
hiii rain! <3 sorry i rambled a lot in these oml
23. how do you deal with writers block?
i dont.
that seems like a smartass answer but i literally just do not SDKFJHKSDF if i get writers block i simply do not write. i will go for months at a time without writing due to writers block it just be like that. its only within the past month or so that ive been tryna really get myself to write more often or at least more often than like, once a month, but ive been riding a motivation kick and havent really hit writers block since so i suppose i will deal with that as it comes? if i hit a block on one wip i just switch to another. sprinting on a writing discord server with some friends is another way to get me off my ass and writing!! (shoutout to the skz writing server im in, yall are incredible.)
40. best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
oh man i treasure all feedback i get but i will never not be thinking about a friend of mine (hiiii elizabeth <3) saying she found a home in my story. the story in question is my series what goes on in neverland and it is a story that is just so, so personal to me bc its blatant wish fulfillment and that in itself is so exposing? because by writing an mc thats a blatant self-insert rather than a one-size-fits-all reader insert its like... i am baring myself and all my dreams for everyone to see. and its so different from other fics in so many ways from the transmasc rowdy and obnoxious mc to the complex relationship w all the characters from multiple fandoms so its like... its so niche and tailored specifically for Me that i was surprised anyone else would enjoy it let alone enjoy it so much that they could find a home in it, something so personal like the safety and understanding that comes with finding home in something, it was just so moving and i think abt it a lot. being able to make a home for someone through writing is just so special and im gonna keep writing and hope that more people can find something like that in it too.
71. how do you balance writing and life? do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of writing you have to do?
i do not. SDFKJHSDFKHKs once again i am just.. hardly a functioning person my dude i write when i write and i life when i life but those two things do not often work cohesively with each other. im not overwhelmed by the amount of writing i Have to do bc i dont Have to write shit i just Want to write so much that yeah, it can get a little overwhelming but its less the writing itself thats overwhelming and more just my adhd making every small task overwhelming like writing 3000 words in one sitting is easier than doing all the dishes in my sink rn. i havent showered in days and havent done my washing in weeks so im wearing dirty clothes to work and my acne And eczema are horrendous because i keep forgetting or not having time to apply creams and i sometimes get so intimidated by something as simple as making instant pasta that i simply do not eat. i aint balancing SHIT my dude i am just rolling with the punches and trying not to die with varying degrees of success.
writer ask game!
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sugako · 4 years
pairing: college!kuroo x gn!reader synopsis: you realize your feelings for kuroo after he takes you to a party and you have to look after him  warnings: alcohol use, lots of hand holding and some cuddling a/n: uhh did i make the reader a little too much like kenma...probably..this is really mostly just a bunch of fluffy mutual pining and bad writing
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you couldn't believe he had dragged you here. well, dragged was a strong word. you had willingly agreed to come to this party because his normal party friends were busy and he thought it would be fun. the loud shitty music, swarm of sweaty bodies, and intermittent yelling was not for you though.
it wasn't all bad. it was kind of fun to watch kuroo in his element. he could chat with almost anyone and he seemed to know most people here. you admired how easily he could weave through the crowd. how at ease he looked in this unfamiliar apartment. you almost wished you could be more like that.
on the other hand, you were getting tired of the people and the noise. about three hours in, you got separated from your human security blanket. a little defeated and not nearly as drunk as everyone around you, you slumped against a corner and waited. and waited. it wasn't like he was hard to miss with his messy bed head that towered above most everyone. still, you hadn't spotted him once in nearly twenty minutes.
you really didn't want to be a drag, but you were tired and drained from all the energy around you.
to 🐔kuroo: hey i think im gonna head out im pretty tired
as soon as you shoved your phone into your back pocket it buzzed.
from 🐔kuroo: wait up meet u by the door!!1!
you typed with one hand as you slipped through the crowd. when you heard his rowdy cackle you knew he wasn't far away.
to 🐔kuroo: you don't have to leave now if you don't wanna im good to go home
from 🐔kuroo: nahh I'm already there anywayy I'm ready to go
you smiled lightly at your screen. while you hadn't been paying attention you feelings of admiration for the man had slowly morphed into infatuation. it crept up on you slowly. you hadn't realized all at once, but it was starting to make more sense now as you stared at the little screen.
"hey!!" he called over the heads of a group blocking the door.
you peeped up and waved, pushing your phone back into a pocket. he grabbed you by the elbow and practically threw you out the door. when you stumbled, he caught your hand and tutted obnoxiously.
"you are not 'good to go' alone. how much did you drink when i lost you?"
heat, not from the alcohol, seeped into your cheeks. you tried to pull your hand out of his iron grip, but it was impossible. not that you actually minded.
"only one," you huffed, "i think you're the one that needs help." you watched his roaming feet as you both shuffled down the street toward the bus stop.
"hmm, nah. i was worried for a bit when i lost you, were you okay?"
his fingers squeezed around yours. "i-uh, yeah, i was fine. i didn't really talk to anyone, but it wasn't bad. i know i'm kinda bad at parties, but did you have a good time?"
kuroo giggled and swung your arm with his as he leaned heavily against the bus station sign. in the middle of the night on this empty street, it felt almost like it could be an intimate moment between the two of you... if he wasn't sauced.
"a great time, only i wish i hadn't accidentally abandoned you like that. i know you didn't really want to go."
"no, no!" you said a little too fast. "well, i didn't mind it, i'm just not used to big crowds like that. or the music." you trailed off. "i had a pretty good time though. maybe except for babysitting you." you joked, lightly nudging him as the bus pulled up.
he kept his hand in yours even as you sat down in the empty space. it seemed like he was processing what you said and answered just a little too late.
"i am not the baby that needs to be babysat, baby."
"you're very drunk, tetsuro."
"maybe so..." he breathed out, leaning heavily against you.
your eyes fluttered from exhaustion, alcohol, and the heavy heating pack slumped against you. two stops later the bus had arrived at his place, but his hand was firmly laced with yours.
kuroo had been watching you closely as your eyes drooped. he looked down at where your warm hands were intertwined with his and he couldn't help the giddy feeling that courses through his body. maybe you were just being nice because he was drunk, he thought. still, it felt nice to just exist with you like this.
"hey," he jostled you a little rougher than intended. you startled out of your half sleep. "wanna spend the night?"
"mhmm..." you murmured, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as he dragged you off the bus. around the corner you stopped at a tiny convenience store for a few overnight toiletries like toothpaste and deodorant. it wasn’t the first time you had spent the night, but you were feeling a little flustered under his gaze tonight. 
when his hand left yours, you felt colder and a little incomplete. 
you were still half asleep, but you listened as best you could as kuroo blathered on about his favorite tea. when you made your way up to the counter, he dumped a pile of snacks along with your things.
as he was attempting to slur out something along the lines of an argument for him to pay, you were already handing the sleepy cashier your cash. thanking the worker, you moved with him to the exit and he slipped his hand back into yours.
you couldn't help the dumb smile plastered on your face even as he sloppily keyed into his place. this time it didn't feel so bad when his hand left yours. in a flash, he had thrown out some sweatpants and an old t-shirt for you to wear to bed.
you quickly changed and headed for the couch where kuroo was already sprawled out, rifling through the snacks. 
“hey, movie?” he asked, glancing over at you as you settled in beside him. when your thighs brushed against one another neither of you made and move to part. you nodded and hummed, a little less tired now. while he clicked through dozens of titles, you reached for a small bag of chips on the low coffee table. “got those for you.” he mumbled before you could ask if you could have them. “you like those right?” 
“yeah...uh, yeah, i do.” you bit the inside of your cheek.
“this look good?” 
you looked up at the title card of some film you had heard good reviews on. truly, it didn’t really matter to you either way. “yeah, play it.” 
only about ten minutes in your eyes were getting heavy again. when your head knocked into something sturdy and warm you didn’t even stir.
kuroo sat back, trying to be as steady as he could as he leaned back on the couch, guiding you to lie on his chest. he knew if you kept your head cocked against his shoulder like it had been you would wake up with a cramp. although his knees were starting to get numb from the awkward half-laying, half-sitting position he was in, he didn’t dare to move. 
after a particularly loud noise from the movie, you stirred. you let out a small grunt as you tried to sit up. kuroo’s eyes were closed beneath you, but you weren’t convinced he was asleep. his arms were still wound tightly around your shoulders.
“kuroo?” you choked out hoarsely. his eyes blinked open and he flushed under your stare. “what are you doing?” 
“you fell asleep.” he muttered, sheepishly. you didn’t say anything back, but you didn’t make a move and neither did he. “hey, what was your first impression of me?” 
you chuckled, clearing the sleep from your voice. “you looked really cool and mysterious, but then you opened your mouth and i realized that you’re a dork.” he scoffed and ran his fingers soothingly up and down your back. 
“i can be cool.” he pouted. 
“you are cool,” you rolled your eyes, “you’re just also kinda a dork. you have a good balance.” you brought your hands up to more comfortable rest around his shoulders and shifted so your legs were on the couch. “what did you think about me at first?” 
“that you’re smart and quiet. you looked like you knew me. i also thought you looked really good in that sweater.”
you snorted, remembering the awfully cold night you had met kuroo through some mutual friends when the group of you went out to a bar. it had been so frigid you hadn’t bothered to dress nice even though you were going out, you put on the fuzziest, warmest sweater you owned. 
“hey.” he whispered. 
“do you like me?” 
your heart was pounding so hard you knew he had to be able to feel it against his chest. “are you still drunk?”
“only a little.” he answered honestly. “you let me hold your hand for a long time earlier and you seem pretty comfortable right now.” 
glad that you were tucked below his chin, you couldn’t help it that your face was heating up. “yeah, yeah i think i do like you.” 
“cool, you weren’t really trying to hide it.” you rolled your eyes at the smirk in his tone. your heart was still reverberating behind your ribcage. “oh, yeah, i like you too.” 
he groaned like an old man as he shifted under you to lay his legs out flat on the couch.
“did you...did you plan this?” 
“hmm, maybe.” he mused. “when you didn’t pull your hand away and dozed off on me on the bus i knew that i could tell you. didn’t expect you to snuggle up on me so fast though, buy me something to drink first.” 
finally, you completely relaxed into his hold. with your head nearly buried into his neck now you could faintly smell his woody soap. he tapped little rhythms into your shoulder blades with his fingertips, drawing small circles with his thumbs. 
“i bought you tea and junk food.” 
he laughed quietly, not wanting to shake you too much. “this is a pretty good sleepover, huh?” 
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