#im not mad exactly for that reason im just like. we knew all this already
beatcroc · 2 years
ok well. i think the ending of the nge series is very neat Conceptually but goddamn the execution felt like a huge waste of time
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rikiislvr · 2 months
💜party - nishimura riki
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pairing: nishimura riki x afab!reader
summary: the two of you happened to be forced to a party by the convincing of your friends, just to have found each other ditching the party. only problem is, you hate him.
warnings: cursing
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“dudeee! you suck.” your friend pouted her lip, “karina..” you groan as you two stood outside the party house where you could hear the mumbled music and the talkings of others.
“pleaseee? we don’t even have to stay for longgg!” she whined and shook your arm, you sighed, you hated parties. you’d just rather do or be somewhere else.
“you’re lucky i love you.” you pointed at her, she giggled and squealed and pulled you towards the house, and as you two were entering, another two were arriving.
“hell no.” niki shook his head and jake turned to him with a confused expression, “bro? cmon why not?” he crossed his arms, “you know i don’t.. like stuff like this.” niki stared at him.
“just one time yeah? besides— what basketball player doesn’t come to parties?! it’ll be fun i promise.” jake put his arm around niki and guided him into the house after niki let out a long groan.
“i already hate this!” you shout over the music to your friend who was dancing with a cup in her hand, you furrowed your eyebrows at the cup and snatched it away making her turn to you confused.
you smelled the liquid, “water.” you giggled, she smiled and shushed you, “i don’t drink silly.” she says and grabbed the cup back, “oh! i see him!” she gasped eyes glued on a specific person.
“go on!” you nudge her, she turned to you and frowned, “you’ll be okay?”
you giggled, “i’m fine karina, go on, i’ll.. go somewhere else but just text me if you need me.” you nudge her again, she smiled softly at you and kissed your cheek before walking away,
you sighed and looked around for anywhere that looked more quiet.. you decided to go upstairs to the rooms, checking room after room, seeing couples hooking up or doing some game of truth or dare.
you winced your eyes as the music began to hurt your head.
not only was it hurting yours, it was hurting nikis as well.
he rubbed his temples, “im gonna go look for someone.” he says to jake just to excuse himself away, jake nods and niki took off to the stairs, he needed to find somewhere quiet before his head exploded.
every room he went into was filled, except one..
it was a bathroom where no one was in, he walked in and shut the door behind him, the music muffling into some type of better silence than before.
he took a deep breathe as he felt his headache fading off,
“what are you doing?” you cross your arms as you sat on the counter beside him, he jumped slightly and turned to you,
“what are YOU doing? why are you in here?” he sighed, he was really wishing to be alone, but he wasn’t really mad at that.
he was mad that he got caught skipping a party by a pretty girl. especially with his popularity— you’d expect him to be out there with everyone else.
“why aren’t you partying? number 10?” you giggled, “seems like someone remembers my jersey number— number 7.” he shot back to you, damnit.. you forgot you do soccer.
“fine.” you sat up and crossed your legs, “so why are you here?“ you ask, niki sighed and leaned against the wall across from you, “too loud.” he chuckled staring at the ground.
“pfft. all you are is loud, walking through the hallways screaming as if you have no sense niki.” you shake your head, “okay? and why are you here?“ he crossed his arms.
“same reason.” you say, “exactly so you cant blame me.” he shrugged. you just stared at him.
you never realized how handsome he was, the owner of this house changed the bathroom light bulbs to purple, so the purple reflected beautifully on his features.
“i guess we’re both losers, skipping a party.” you giggled, “i guess so.” he nods. you guys shared a quiet tension, but it was comforting.
“you know i hate you right?” you tell him, “not the first.” he shrugged again, you knew him. he was such an idiot and was so full of himself, treated everyone in his way like shit.
he says it’s just jokes, but you honestly think it’s because of the people he surrounds himself with.
before you could say anything the door swung open, a girl ran in and straight to the toilet, throwing up immediately. you shut your eyes before slowly opening them,
she was basically falling apart in the toilet, niki looked up at you in panic, you widened your eyes and tilt your head her way, basically saying to help her.
niki sighed and walked over to her, and since he has sisters, and pretty long hair, he knew how to do ponytails, since it’s what he does to his hair for basketball.
so he had hair ties on his wrist, he leaned down and pulled her hair back into a ponytail as she continue to throw up.
“th-thanks im fine.. just p- privacy please..” she waved her arms back, you sighed and jumped off the counter, placing down a water bottle you held with you beside the toilet, you and niki left the bathroom and the music filled your ears again, making you wince.
niki noticed this, he didn’t like it either, he grabbed your hand and pulled you through the hall and down the stairs, confused on where he was bringing you, you let him do it.
he then shoved past people and to the back door of the house, where people were in the pool but he walked past them and around the house to the front, the music finally leaving your ears.
“where are we going?” you ask him, “we’re ditching. text your friends if you came with anyone.” he says as you two walked down the street,
you pulled out your phone to text karina but she has already texted you.
rina <3: i seen u leave!! with niki??! he’s cute, have fun b safe & txt me when ure home :)
you giggled at the message and put your phone back into your back pocket.
“so, where are we ditching too exactly?” you ask, “pancakes.” he simply says, you raised an eyebrow, “i didn’t bring any-
“my treat, since you hate me so much hopefully this’ll change your mind.” he turned to you as you walked side by side, you turned away and smiled to yourself.
cute. you BOTH thought.
he thought your smile cute, and you thought his action was cute.
maybe you could get used to this?
a/n: getting my new phones tmr!! so maybe i’ll be more active , lmk if i should do a part 2 to this :)
tl : @certified-ni-ki-lover @noblub-4ulolz @yourmyst4r @vixialuvs @ni-ki-ismyluv @judeduartewannabe @soobs-things @en-chantedtomeetyou @definitelynotherr @heyniki @wntersm @geniejunn @pkjay @baevsxii
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ticklehigh-allthetime · 4 months
Losers Together
A/n: Hey guys! I haven’t wrote a tk fic in so long so bear with me please! Huskerdust has my soul literally.)
It had been a normal day in the hotel for everyone,except for Husk.
He had been standing behind the counter long in thought staring into space.
Everyone in the hotel knew about Husks deal with Alastor. They knew not to bring it up to either of them because it would make husk mad and grumpier than he already was.
The only person who could ask questions was Angel. Husk trusted Angel with everything, perhaps it was from the close bond they had with each other….. I mean to be fair Angel was the first person in hell to ever seen him cry which is reasonable because they were now dating.Husk was trying to avoid thinking about what happened to him with Alastor a while ago but he couldn’t help himself. The more he thought about it the angrier he got. For the first time in a while he started thinking and reflecting on his actions and how fucked up he was mentally. He felt tears in his eyes but blinked them away laying his head on the counter. He started to think about Angel. He couldn’t wrap his finger around why Angel liked him or even…..noticed him? He was a grumpy old cat after all, why would someone as cool as Angel want him? He sunk into to counter eventually falling asleep.
Angel eventually got home from work, today was a good day for him because Val didn’t go too far in the studio and he got off work earlier than usual. Angel was excited to see his grumpy cat lover so they could hang out, usually they never have time to hang out in the day because of Angels work schedule but thankfully today was different.
He walked up to the bar noticing Husk purring as he slept with his head on the counter.
Angel moved next to him and rubbed his ears, most of the time when Husk sleeps at the bar he’s had a bad day so Angel knew something was up.
He stayed there until Husk eventually woke up to Angel softly petting his head. “What the…..Angel? You’re back already?” His voice was raspy and deep from just waking up.
Angel smiled at him but noticed the fur by his eyelids were a bit damp hinting he was crying a bit. “Hey Husky how about we go to my room so you can get some sleep, okay?”
Husk smiled at the offer but wasn’t super tired anymore.
“I’m not that tired anymore but we can still go to your room if you want”He took a sip from his drink then throws away the bottle.
They get to Angels room and decided to watch a movie.
Angel was laying on Husk’s chest as they watched on of Angels favorite comedy movies. He looks up to Husk seeing a sour expression on his face. He pauses the movie and looks up to him. “Hey we can change the movie if you don’t like it baby, I don’t mind” Angel smiles at him softly “are you ok?” He kisses Husk’s cheek looking at him with admiration. Husk looks down at him still wondering how he got such an amazing soul in this dipshit called hell. “Yes Angel I’m fine” He mumbles softly still not acting like he was enjoying their time together.
Angel frowned, “Is it Alastor again?”
Husk ashamedly looked down. “I mean kinda? I dunno I’m just-“ He sighs looking an angel holding his chin. “I just don’t know why you stick with me all the time….im not a good person and I’m not worth your time”
Angel basically gasped. It felt like Angels heart just exploded in millions of peices. If anything Husk doesn’t deserve him. He sat up and looked at Husks solemn expression.
“Babe honestly what the fuck are you talking about?”
Husk was caught off guard and stared at him with confusion “I mean-“ Angel covered his mouth and hugged him. “You deserve the world, if I could give that to you I would.”
Husk hugged him back. He still wasn’t used to getting all that affection and admiration but he didn’t exactly hate it.
They cuddled while Angel continued spilling compliments to Husk u til he was a blushing mess.
“We’re both losers together remember?” Angel smiled at husk as he nodded. Angel was messing with Husk fur eventually brushing up against his sides.
Husk jolted and made a weird expression, he hoped Angel hadn’t noticed but it was too late. Angel smiled at him. “Dang I forgot you were so ticklish that even a tiny brush against your side makes you squirm~”
Husk blushes and grabbed Angels hand tiredly. “Don’t even think about it”
“Too late~ ‘sides you need a good laugh after today”
Soon enough Angel grabbed Husk paws and places them above his head gently tracing his fingers on his sides waiting for a reaction.
Husk didn’t was to succumb so easily and was fighting back the urge to laugh. To be honest Husk never hated when Angel would tickle him but he would never admit that to ANYONE even himself..
“Babyyyyy come onnnn it would be sooo much easier and fun if you would just let loose!” Angel giggled as he watched husk struggling not to laugh as his body twitched with every move angels fingers made.
Husk eventually let go and started laughing, his laugh started with minor chuckles but eventually got louder.
“There’s my smiley baby~” Angels fingers started getting faster and softer as he went to Husk’s ribs and soon enough his wings opened up from all the adrenaline. Angel gave husk a mischievous look.
Husk looked at him panicking while he was laughing still from the tingly sensations
Angel the stared tracing on his wings while leaving a set of hands on his sides still tickling.
Angel thought Husk laugh couldn’t get louder, lord he was wrong.
Husk was laughing really hard but he was also purring in between laughter. Angels whole face lit up
“Oh my god! You’re enjoying this!”
Husk blushes really hard and eventually his laughter becomes wheezes. Angels took that as a sign to stop, he let go of his paw and sat down smiling at him.
Husk was still in a fit of giggles on the floor laughing at the funny situation he got himself in.
“Sooooo you like being tickled husky?”
Husk looked at Angel still out of breath with a faint blush.
“Fuahak off….”
Angel looked at him with a grin “it’s okay I don’t judge baby” Angle rubbed Husks belly removing the ghost tickles. He started kissing husks face all over and hugging him.
“Losers together?” Angel smiles and lets go of the hug.
“Loser together” Husk pulled Angel into a kiss, afterwards they decided to head to sleep ending the evening with cuddles and a few slight tickles from Angel to Husk every few minutes. He didn’t mind though, he loved Angel so so much.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 months
Hi, I'm wondering if you would be okay doing a Hobie x Miguel's afro-latina daughter. If not that's totes okay and I also adoreeeee your writing 💋🤍🤍
I would love to!!
Coast clear?
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You smiled and laughed as Hobie dragged you along, you both sat in the photobooth now. He put his money in, and selected two strips.
“Alright, smile!” You both did so, and Hobie pulled you closer to him.
“Do a funny face!” The machine said as it counted down, you had an idea, grabbing his hands and making him hold your mouth up, so your fangs were visible, he gave a shocked and scared face.
You both laughed for a little.
“Something cute!”
You both kissed.
“Do your best pose!”
You both looked at each other, not knowing what to do, and you both just laughed as the camera took the picture.
“Oh man. Those turned out shitty.” He laughed as they showed on the screen, and asked if you wanted to print them now.
You both walked out the machine and waited for the strips to print, he had an arm around you as you both waited, talking and talking.
You laughed and soon the photos printed, you both quickly grabbed one.
“I look bad.” You shook your head and laughed.
“What you talkin’ bout’? You look fuckin’ sexy. And what have I said about-“
“The beauty standard is made for white woman and we shouldn’t believe in it because it is oppressive to everyone who isn’t seen as a white, blonde, blue eyed man or woman.”
“Exactly. That’s my girl.” He said, giving you a quick kiss and looking at the photos again.
“Im gonna frame it and put it on my wall. It’s beautiful.” He said, smiling proudly as you both continued to walk through the mall. (The mall that Hobie came to to steal and support the few small family businesses around)
(Idk bout malls where you guys r but the ones near me have tons of small businesses in them so)
“Alright, ready to go? You stayin’ tonight or nah?” He asked you, once you both had left.
“I would stay but my dads already suspicious of my so called friend. He started asking for phone numbers… so I can’t.”
“Nah, I get it. Your dads a real pain in the ass though.”
“I know.” You rested your head on his shoulder, you both sitting down on a bench. He wrapped his arm around you.
“Well, I guess you should be goin’ then?” He said after a while of silence, he checked the time.
“Yeah. I guess. I’ll see you tomorrow hopefully?” You asked, standing up. He nodded and stood up and you both walked to an empty alley.
You opened up a portal and looked at Hobie again. You kissed him for a while, and then turned back.
“I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you” you said, with a small smile, he smiled back.
“See you, love you.”
You went into the portal and suddenly you were in your room. You smiled to yourself and you took out the photo strip in your pocket.
“Y/n.” Miguel said, from the dark corners of your room. He emerged out of the shadows.
You jumped, yelling and dropping the photo.
“Pap��! I wasn’t expecting you to be home so soon…” you said, nervously as he came closer.
“Where were you?” He crossed his arms.
“I was… out.”
“Where were you?” He asked again.
“I was out… I went out.” You shrugged, and picked up the photo, sitting on the bed.
“With Hobie?” He grabbed the photo that you were trying to hide, and pointed at the one of you kissing.
You sighed and held your head down.
“Quería decirte. I knew you would be mad-“
“You’re damn right I’m mad?! Why are you universe hopping for no reason, you know how dangerous that is. He pointed to you. “And you didn’t tell me about Hobie?!”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” You mumbled, he sighed and sat down next to you. He put the photo down.
“Hobies just a pain in my ass is all. I just think that he’s… a bad influence.”
“He’s not a bad influence. He’s nice, and he’s sweet when you get to know him. Promise. And I’m sorry about the universe hopping.”
“Its- you know why I’m mad, don’t you?”
You shrugged.
“Because I love you. I care about you.” He said, looking at you.
“You look so much like your mom you know?” He laughed quietly and so did you. “Your hair and eyes..” he shook his head, standing up.
“Goodnight. I love you.” He said, leaving the room.
Then, when you closed your eyes, and laid down, a portal opened up next to you.
“I was waiting for you.” You said when he laid down next to you.
“Aren’t you always?”
“No. Don’t be so cocky. My dads here too, and he knows-“
“Oh fuck, seriously? He’s gonna make my life a livin’ hell-“
“I swear to god, Y/N O’HARA!” You heard him yell, you pushed hobie down to go under the bed, which he did.
You yawned and stretched.
“What’s up dad? You woke me up-“
He narrowed his eyes, looking around the room. He huffed and quickly went back to his room.
“Coast clear?”
“Yeah…” you said, and helped him back up into your bed.
“That was close.” You both laughed.
Tag list:
Hobie- @enviinotes @rayis-psychotic @korizzybee @animechick555 @stupid-ninja @rreasonablydumbb @xxqueen-of-horrorrxx @spidypunkk @criodzasn
@techta @1eonk @chipstermation6 @whosace16 @ @l-pandamatic-l
@spider-phoenix @zebralover @my-melo-gf @wiz-te-ria @tzuyuzzs @luvsaluv @mxkn
@deputy-videogamer @666kpopfan @jared-oranges @likelilac @jjkclub
@kitty-kei @blaxk-widow @hoesindifferentshows @lavsluvsu @lampylamperson @artsykerfuffleplus @notbluees @sp0kyzz @arlipooh @freeingrebels @ken-zah @blustalker @cursedbitchboy @romanoffswoman
@chaoticevilbakugo @hobiebrainrot @anonima-2
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tuatism · 9 months
finally posting something here that isnt a repost from main.
five's character is so utterly tragic. we already knew that, of course, so let's focus on his relationship with his family.
from his perspective, his family is everything to him. he may act like he doesn't care too deeply for them but he does. they're the sole reason he kept living for 45 years in an apocalyptic hellscape and a horrificly traumatizing work environment (granted he was already desensitized to some of the violence thanks to his training as a kid). he is constantly looking out for his sibling's safety and spends all his time once he gets back trying to save them.
but that's just it, he spends all his time trying to save them. trying to save people who don't care about him as much as he cares about them. sure, they love him, but nowhere near as much as he loves them.
In their eyes he is almost a tool to stop the apocalypse. many of his siblings disregard him when he isn't being actively useful or necessary.
(havent rewatched in a bit running off autistic memory with this one) remember that scene in s3(?) where five didn't immediately know what was happening/how to stop it and one of the siblings (im thinking allison, but im not sure) got mad at him for it? or maybe not mad, but definitely upset. That's exactly it. he will always just be a means to stop the apocalypse to them, nothing more. their compassion for him ends with his usefulness.
and the worst part? for as long as they're together as a family the apocalypse will happen. all those years he spent alone and all that he's endured was all for naught. he can never truly stop the apocalypse and be with his family, it's simply impossible.
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80pairsofcrocs · 1 year
baby scarab || 62
shimmy shimmy anon - How about this, if Marc and y/n were to get into a fight, and Marc takes away her phone, y/n has an attitude, and Marc has had enough of it and snaps, idk mean like lashing out on her, I mean like raising his hands in the air and being all extra n shit, and when he raises his hands to go off and rant, y/n flights pretty bad, and before he goes off on a rant, he looks at her, and thinks about his mom, immediately stops, walks over to her, and asks if she's okay, y/n gets mad at him with tears running down her cheeks, ranting about how hard she's been trying to be a good daughter and saying Marc is not so different than her, and that he has no reason to be so upset, and storms off to her room, and about an hour later y/n is gone, they thought she ran off, but oh no..oh no they have NO IDEA what's about to happen. (Yiu don't have to write any of this btw)
-Love shimmer anon!🤗
A/N : :/
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : THERE IS NO MORE SCHEDULE, IM SORRY also thank you all sm for the support and requests :)))
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader, layla el faouly x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, violence, language, angst, very rushed and hard to read, mention of doctors, needles, mention of child abuse, mention of scars, mention of sex, bad words used at you (by you), allusions to SA (please do not read if it triggers you), cops, yelling, let me know if i missed anything.
you heard muffled voices.
you didn't know whose, and you couldn't tell what they were saying.
your eyes were closed, and you didn't have the strength to open them.
"..because she knows my name- how did she know?" one of the voices says, and you somehow manages to peel your eyes open.
your hands were behind you, and it felt like they were bound together by webs.
you would know from experience.
the man from before who knocked your lights out looked down at you on the floor, seeing that you were awake.
he didn't have the mask on, and if you weren't loyal to casper you would definitely hit that.
what can you say? he's cute.
"oh my god what do we do? she's awake-"
"i can hear you" you interrupt his whispering.
now you notice the other person in the room, same suit and older face.
what the fuck was going on.
"okay- um hi? i'm- i'm peter. you already knew that" the younger one scolds himself, and you just blink.
"where am i?" you bluntly ask, seeing as the two weren't exactly a threat.
"uhhhh we can't tell you that..?" the younger of the two poses more of a question than a direct answer.
you simply blink up at them. "okay, so why am i here then?" you ask and the older one takes a breath.
"okay, not to freak you out- but we aren't.. from this universe" he starts and you make a face.
"this happened before, but we don't know why it happened again" he sighs.
you just close your eyes for a second and purse your lips."can i just go home?" you ask.
"i'm grounded and my dads are going to give me shit if i get back too late" you try to reason, and the older one nods, while the other shakes his head frantically.
"what? don't let her go! she could attack us!" he exclaims and you scoff.
"no. i won't" you send a fake smile to him while the older spider guy crouches down next to you to rip the webs from your wrists.
you bring them back in front of you, and stand up, the man next to you doing the same.
you just nod to yourself and look around, seeing a window so you head towards it.
you turn around, seeing the younger of the two coming towards you.
you stand your ground and just breathe in sharply.
"we are pretty far from where i-"
"from where you kidnapped me?" you ask with not a single emotion present on your face.
"yeah, sorry about that- anyways, do you need us to escort you back?" he asks and you scoff, hiding a smile.
"stop laughing"
"i'm not laughing"
"peter 2, tell her to stop laughing" he whines to the older man, who puts his hands up.
"and i thought my peter was annoying" you roll your eyes nodding your head to the window.
"just lead me there please" you decide, so the two go in front of you to exit first.
"hope you can keep up" the older of the two teases, climbing out the window and swinging away, leaving you and the other one to follow.
"this is it, right across the street there" old peter points to your apartment building from the roof you were all currently standing on.
it was maybe around the middle of the night now, and you were still suspended for the next three days.
"thank you. even though you kidnapped me" you chuckle, turning to the two.
"it's wierd knowing there's more peters in other universes"  you start. "it sucks that you have to go back"
"yeah, but how are you here with baby peter?" the younger asks.
"oh i'm not a peter. i'm a y/n" you clarify, and they both nod.
"good luck getting to new york then" you sigh.
"go home safe, okay?" the younger says. "we're always watching our fellow spider-peoples backs" he smiles, and naturally you do to.
"hey, can you remember something for me?" the older asks, and you nod.
"just.. with great power there must also come great responsibility" you blink a few times, remembering when you peter said the same thing.
"thank you" you smile at the two before they turn and swing off.
you sigh and look up at the bright moon. a waxing crescent as of tonight.
you then peer down at your apartment building and turn around in the opposite direction on the roof.
okay, this may seem like a terrible plan, but you are sure that it would teach your dads a lesson.
you were on your way to casper's house, and you were going to stay the night, walk him to school, and then return home in the morning.
easy as pie.
it took you almost no time to swing over to casper's, to land on his fire escape by his window.
the curtains were closed, which meant you didn't even know if he was in the room.
you weigh your options and decide to leave three light knocks on the window, and that's when you hear rushed footsteps before the curtains are pulled away.
and there was your boyfriend, rubbing sleep from his eyes and looking relieved to see that it was just you.
he opened the window quietly to let you climb in.
"what the hell are you doing here? are you okay?" he asks, leading you to sit down on his bed while he looked over your face for any injuries.
"casper, i'm not hurt" you gently push his hands away from you. "just grounded"
"then why did marc call me to ask if i've seen you? they are worried, you just went missing" he argues.
you sigh and look towards the still open window and close it with a shoot of your webs and a slight tug.
there was a breeze, which made you both shiver.
"but steven saw what happened, a peter from a different universe kidnapped me" you explain and casper scoffs.
"okay, well i'm calling marc-"
"no you're not, i'm going back in the morning"
"i promised i'd call if i heard from you-"
"i don't care they deserve it"
"nobody deserves that feeling, y/n"
you stop talking right then and there. casper was right.
"can i see your phone?"
"only if you promise to give ur back" casper hands you his phone after you nod in agreement to his terms.
you immediately dialed your dads number even though it was saved in the phone.
it only rings twice before he answered.
"hey- it's marc, we haven't found her yet but we are still looking-"
"well stop and go home because i'm fine" you cut in, making marc freeze from the other side of the phone.
"..kid?!" his voice cracks in the middle of the word. "oh my- are you okay?!" he asks in a shouting voice.
you feel a pit of guilt form in your stomach at the reaction of him just simply hearing your voice.
"yeah. i'm okay"
"what happened? steven refuses to talk to us"
now you felt really awful. steven clearly saw you get kidnapped and now he's refusing to talk to the people he shares a body with.
and it's all your fault.
"i.. there were two peters from different universes and one of them freaked out when i knew his name" you explain shortly in a solemn tone.
"y/n i'm coming to get you-"
"well good luck dragging me out of casper's house because i'm not leaving" you interrupted just to hear a scoff.
"you expect me to just let you stay? you're still grounded and he has school tomorrow" marc argues, but then jake decides to butt in.
"well i think one night wouldn't be too bad.."
marc sighs tiredly and stammers over his words before he gets it all out.
"fine. whatever. but we are having a long talk once we get you home" he says as if he was being forced to.
"yeah, we are" you agree, leaving marc to only say a few more words.
"i love you, y/n. all of us do. please stay safe or i swear i'm grounding you forever"
"promise. i love you guys too"
he hangs up after that, and you give your phone back to casper.
"so.. that was obviously an under reaction" casper purses his lips after speaking.
you sigh and look up at the ceiling. "yeah but i'm glad it was" you start. "he would have to drag me out of this house because i am not leaving"
"i have school tomorrow"
"i know. i'm sorry"
casper just moves closer to you so that you were sitting side by side, legs hanging off the bed.
"don't be sorry-"
"i don't just mean this" you look over to him, and see a look of pity in his eyes.
"y/n, we already talked about this" he begins and you just stare down at the floor. "you didn't do anything wrong. you never have"
"how do you know that?" you ask, stressful tears gathering in your eyes, though you try to blink them away.
"because i know you, and i know you've made mistakes but we've fixed them. together" he sends you a half smile when you look up.
you just sniff and lean your head on his shoulder, to which he puts and arm around you and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
"you guys will be okay" he assures you, referring to your dads.
"yeah. thanks" you pick your head up and look him in the eyes, and let a smirk raise on your lips when you see his eyes dart down to them.
you take it upon your self to lean in quickly and bring a hand to the back of his head, so that he meets you half way.
he lets out a noise of surprise when your lips first meet his but relaxes into the kiss and lays a hand on your cheek, rubbing circles into it with his thumb.
your lips moved against each other for another couple seconds before you moved one of your hands to his chest, grasping at his shirt while the other pulled him impossibly closer to you.
he quietly groaned at the switch and moved both of his hands to your face, holding you close to him.
you poke your tongue out at his lips, to which he opens his mouth so you could lick up into it, causing a shiver to go down his spine.
not a moment later you detach yourself from casper's mouth and move onto his neck, leaving a trail of light kisses until you reach a spot your most fond of.
casper moves his hands to clutch onto the back of your shirt, like how yours were on the front of his.
"-y/n.." he whispers into your hair before taking in a shaky breath through his mouth.
you bite down on the sensitive part of his neck before sucking on it.
after that, it seemed like you blacked out.
the next thing you knew was casper was pulling you off of him and moving your hands away from the waist of his sweatpants.
"wait wha-" you take in a sharp breath before your blood runs cold.
casper looked a mess, and not in a good way at the moment.
he had a dark forming bruise on his neck, where there were two small spots with a bit of blood.
his hair was messed up and sticking in every direction, clothes disheveled and sweatpants down on his hips with the strings untied.
"i'm so sorry" you whisper, thinking the worst.
you couldn't remember what had happened that past couple minutes.
"hey, it's okay, please look at me" casper requests and you do so with tears in your eyes.
"come on, let's just get some sleep. you're tired and we can talk in the morning" he reasons and you just stare at the wall with tears in your eyes as casper brought you down towards his pillows.
he lays you down next to him, and makes sure to hold your hand as he uses the other to make sure you're fully covered with his blankets.
you didn't care if he was asleep or not, you moved to cling onto him and cry yourself to sleep in a matter of minutes.
casper though, couldn't.
he was awake thinking of what had just happened in the last five minutes.
you'd both been lost in each other, lips on lips, and hands on other areas when you had bit down just a bit too hard.
and when casper winced, you slurred out a quick apology and moved your lips to a different spot, unaware of casper's unease.
but it wasn't him that didn't want it, it was you.
he sensed something wasn't right, you always made sure he was okay and vise versa, but nothing else came out of your mouth.
when he tried to pull you away, you talked as if someone was controlling you.
"i need it"
"please, hit me"
"i want to feel it"
"i need to feel the pain"
is what you said to him, and that wasn't like you at all.
he pushed you farther away, trying to set your mind straight.
"are you okay?"
"stop, you don't want this"
"i'm not letting you make this mistake"
"i'm never going to hit you, and you don't need to feel pain"
"are you feeling alright?"
the truth of the matter is that he wanted it. he wanted it so badly, but was completely turned off by the fact that is wasn't consensual both ways.
you wouldn't give him a clear answer, just slurring your words together and almost forcing yourself onto him.
he swore to himself that he wouldn't never in his life no matter what disrespect a woman's wishes, and here he was fulfilling the promise.
casper knew you didn't want it. only wanted something to take your mind off of everything that's happened.
so he had to stop you from doing something you'd regret, and he's thankful you came back to your senses when you did. before it got too far.
he did eventually fall asleep, after lovingly staring at your sleeping form, head on his chest while he gently wiped away drying tears from your cheeks.
and unlucky for you, since you were dead asleep you didn't hear him tell you that he loves you.
you woke up somewhat peacefully.
casper was still asleep, with both arms wrapped around your waist with his face buried in your hair.
you gently moved his hands off of you and guided his head back to his pillow, and moved back a bit to just admire.
you hate admitting how much you actually loved him considering everything you'd both already been through.
you believed he should be with someone better.
someone who didn't nearly get him killed.
torn away from his family, while it would be all your fault.
but yet here he is, laying in front of you. perfectly healthy.
you brought a hand up hesitantly to his face, gently brushing your knuckles against his cheek.
he took in a quick breath and his eyebrows furrowed before his eyes fluttered open, landing on you almost right away.
he just tiredly grins at you, so you take continue, moving your hand to rake your nails through his hair.
"hey" he greets, with a slight rasp in his voice.
"hi" you whisper back, letting a smile take over your features.
"do you feel okay? sleep well?" casper asks you and you nod against the pillow you were laying against.
"i'm feeling a little better, thank you" you answer, letting casper pull away to sit up against the headboard.
you shifted to stare up at him while he picked up his phone from the nightstand to check the time.
"it's already 6" he starts and you shove your face in the pillow. "i have to get ready, and you have to go home. your dads are worried about you" he says, making you pick your head up to look at him.
"i know. i just.. i want to stay" you frown, and sit up as well to be eye level with casper.
"i want you to stay too but once you aren't grounded then i'll take you out, okay?" he brings a smile to your face at his plan.
"deal" you lean forward to press a kiss to his cheek before shoving the blankets off of you to stand up and search around for your shoes.
casper got up as well, shuffling through his drawers while you tied your shoes.
"hey, it looks pretty cold out" he opens the curtain to his window, seeing light snow falling.
you groan quietly and rub your temples. "just my luck" you mumble.
casper clears his throat, making you turn to him while standing back up from tying your shoes.
"you can take this is you want.. i don't want you to get sick" he says, handing you a thick sweatshirt of his.
it was one he wore often too, making your heart feel particularly full at the moment.
you smile and slip it on, deciding to just lean forward to wrap your arms around his neck.
casper reciprocated the hug quickly, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"thank you"
"it's no problem, it's just a sweater-"
"no. for everything" you pull back to press a quick kiss to his lips, then heading for the window, opening it and cringing at the gust of cold wind that came in.
you lifted yourself on the windowsill, only to be stopped before you jumped down onto the fire escape.
"y/n- wait" casper rushes over, taking your hand in his.
"i love you" he looks into your eyes, and you smile down at him from where you sat on the window.
"i love you too" you respond, then squeeze his hand before leaving, making sure you heard the windows lock click after casper closed it.
it was a very quick trip home.
you couldn't even knock on the door, marc just opened it and yanked you inside by your forearm.
it startled you at first, never feeling marc grab you like that before intentionally.
"go sit down" he points to the kitchen table, where you see a small bowl of fruit and a glass of water.
you assumed that seat was for you.
you slid off your shoes and followed marc's instruction, and just sat staring down at your lap while he came over and sat across from you.
"i hope you had fun probably having sex with your boyfriend, because now you're grounded for longer" marc tensely says to you while you look up to glare at him.
"i was kidnapped last night and the first thing you're going to do is yell at me?" you mutter angrily.
marc scoffs. "i'm not yelling" he raises his voice a little, just proving your point.
"why didn't you come home?" he asks, still tense and seemingly mad at you.
"because i didn't want to be around you. i still don't" you look down and pick at your fingers.
"no, you look at me. we are having a conversation" you just look back up with a tired sigh and furrowed brows.
"and for the record, we looked for you. for hours. while steven was gone- and by the way he still is" he starts, shocking you at the last part. "he refuses to talk or even show himself i-" marc takes in a sharp breath.
"well i'm sorry i'm such an idiot. sorry that i wanted to be a slut and not come home" you feel your eyes full with tears. "tell steven that i'm sorry. for being a bitch-"
"enough of that! don't you dare call yourself those things!" jake yells from wherever he was listening, and marc shushes him.
"i can call myself what i want. besides, marc just assumes everything so-"
"i don't assume-"
"then why was your first thought about me and casper having sex?!" you exclaim. "because we didn't!"
marc runs a hand down his face and grits his teeth before speaking.
"we want to protect you-"
"enough with that bullshit! i'm sick of it! you know i don't need protecting!" you stand up from your seat.
"sit back down, right now" marc says lowly, and you just tilt your head at him from where you stood.
"why? are you scared?"
"wha- what are you talking about?" marc asks, genuinely confused.
"you know, i try to hard to be a good daughter" you let a single tear fall before wiping it away. "sometimes i feel like you only adopted me to make sure i didn't destroy the world" you laugh bitterly to yourself.
"it runs in the family, does it not?" you ask rhetorically.
marc stands up so that he can walk around the table to be right in front of you.
"don't talk like that. that man is not your father" marc defends.
"yeah? he's not?" you smile up at him while a couple more tears fall. "then what's this?" you lift up your sleeve, showing marc the scarred letters.
he looks at them for a moment before looking into your eyes, bringing a hand up slowly, his intention to wipe your tears before you pushed it away.
"don't touch me" you grit out, moving quickly away from him.
you shove your sleeve down and just stare into marc's eyes, while he contemplates trying to get you to sit back down.
"no" you shake your head at him. "i can tell you're holding back so just do it" you wipe at your nose, and then sniff.
"..if you think i'm going to hit you then you're wrong-"
"why? i deserve it. i was kidnapped and i didn't even come home" you breath in sharply. "because i wanted to be a stupid whore-"
"STOP! DONT TALK ABOUT YOURSELF LIKE THAT!" marc yells, making you freeze where you stood, eyes widening.
"WHY CANT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU DONT DESERVE TO BE HURT?!" he begins, throwing his hands in the air, coming closer to you.
"YOU THINK YOURE INVINCIBLE- YOU WERE PRACTICALLY BEGGING ME TO HIT YOU!" he lets out a bitter laugh, quieting down a bit.
"you.. you don't get it honey. you are my life.. i can't-" marc gets cut off by a knock at the door.
you were still staring up at him with blurry eyes, while he looked towards the door with furrowed brows.
"are you expecting someone..?" marc asks in a whisper and you shake your head quickly, not wanting to upset marc.
he rushes to the door and opens it, leaving the chain attached so that whoever it was couldn't get in.
you sat down on the floor, behind the counter while you listened to the voices by the door.
"oh- is there a problem officer?" marc asks politely to the police who were at the door.
your eyes widened and you peek around the counter to see three policemen gathered on the other side of the door, marc tense as ever.
"we got a call, complaints of yelling. we also have a warrant to have a look around" the man says and marc clenches his jaw.
"yeah.. there was shouting. and why do you have a warrant to search my home?" marc asks skeptically.
the policeman speaks in a hushed voice, as if you still couldn't hear him anyways.
"we heard from a girls doctor, y/n spector, that there were numerous scars all over her and we also have permission to take her into custody if we have to" he says, making you turn back around so that you were hidden.
"if you think i'm hitting my daughter, you're wrong. there's nothing to hide here so have a good day-" marc tries to close the door, which results in the cops breaking the chain and shoving marc back.
"no- you can't take her!" marc shoves back just to be held still by two of the cops.
you stayed hidden behind the counter, but your breathing quickened when you hear footsteps getting closer.
marc was still fighting against the two cops, but only a few words make him freeze.
"sir, if you don't calm down then we could have you arrested"
marc didn't want to get arrested. it would ruin everyone's lives.
you'd be heartbroken and living with layla, who would be the same.
steven would lose his online class and jake would lose his small taxi business.
"she's over here!" the man yells, looking down at you as your shuffled backwards away from him.
he put a hand out and bent down to your level. "hey, you have to come with us, okay?"
"no- you can arrest my dad he didn't do anything wrong!" you shout at him, while he sighed and came closer to you, taking your arms in his hands and pulling you up so that you were standing.
"no- let- LET ME GO!" you scream at the man as he basically dragged you to the door.
"y/n! NO, LET HER GO!" marc fights against the other officers.
you kicked and punched against the man that held your arms and guided you through the door, and the last thing you saw of your home was marc, cheeks wet with tears, standing disheveled by the door.
you were glad he didn't escalate it, you would feel terrible if he got arrested.
but you?
oh. you.
as soon as the elevator doors closed the man held you still while one of the other officers took a needle out of a pouch on their belt.
"this is just to calm you" they said.
"it'll all be okay when you wake up" they said.
they stuck that needle in your arm and before you knew it you were out again.
heading to not even khonshu knows where.
actually that's a lie. khonshu followed you. he needed to know where these people were taking you.
like any good grandpa would.
nobody knew of the confusing nightmare ahead.
you had just gotten home, just gotten into a critical argument with marc, when the police had come to take you away from them.
with an actual reason too.
you had a feeling your doctor would snitch.
but nothing really mattered. not right now. you just had to focus on getting home.
with your dads.
where you belong, and always will.
A/N : sorry this took forever, just super busy :)) hope you liked this cliffhanger, and stay tuned for baby scarab chapter 63 hopefully by february 1st. ily all
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@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee @certainchildmentality @yikesitskennawrites @alexisabirdie @zlatolait-writes @thursdaywritings @izzzzy-the-amazing @angrykitsune01
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thedisasterracers · 9 months
*gives all the racers a flag of every country in the world, refuses to elaborate, leaves*
Vanellope: Oooooo flags imma put them up in my walls! Especially this one *The Israel flag* this one speaks to me. I think this one will be put up on my bedroom.
Candlehead acting overwhelmed: There’s soooo manyyyyy flagggsss. Maybe I should tell taffyta.
She turns.
Candlehead: OH TAFFYTA!
Taffyta: Yes.
Candlehead: What flag stands out to you for me? :3
Taffyta: Hmmmmm French. Because you can never shut up.
Candlehead: Thanks bestie westie ^-^
Taffyta: I think Dominican Republic has a lot of flair to me.
Rancis: What makes you say that?
Taffyta: Have you’ve seen a Dominican baddie? They just like me.
Candlehead: Not to forget that they play loud music!
Taffyta: Exactly. I play loud music outside of vanellope’s castle from time to time.
Vanellope seeming passive aggressive: And you caused me to wake up several times, early in the morning from those said ‘time to time.’ So what I’m trying to say is yes, Dominican very much suits you as a whole.
Taffyta: Gracias Cabrón.
Vanellope, gives a stare: I sense something you said that was very rude but I’m not going to conform it.
Vanny and taffyta have a bit of a starring contest. The glitchy president manage to poke taffytas nose before getting chased by her.
Swizzle: Damn There’s so many. But come on i at least gotta show love to my Filipino bros and sisters out there.
Jubileena: I also wanna show love to my Mexican people out there. Wooo hoo! Right sis?
Citrusella trying to listen to music: Chinga tu madre.
The two sisters argue like to two orange tabby cats.
Rancis: Are you going to do anything???
Swizzle: It’s a cat fight between two twin sisters. I can’t do anything! Don’t you know this by now?
Rancis: Im not good at information like that.
Swizzle: Hmm ok. Well your too white to understand anything.
Rancis: That was rude.
Swizzle: Ok ok. Your too British to understand anything is that any better?
Rancis does a dramatic gasp then he starts explaining about the United Kingdom and how I’m not going to write about this cuz it’s rancis. Meanwhile Swizzle knew what he was up for because he knows he’s right.
Crumbelina: Wow so many fighting here today. I think the only flag that matters to me is the Italian flag. I mean i am based of the country’s dessert and how I have this lovely accent.
MintyZ: You have an accent?
Crumbelina: I do. The only reason why you can’t hear it cuz this person running this blog has to voice me in an animatic or whatever in order to show how I sound like.
MintyZ: Ain’t that the truth. Besides you always had a good sense of fashion and words that proves you are Italian.
Crumbelina sounding a bit mad: Guessed you missed the part about my kart.
MintyZ: Why would I focus on the kart? When all I wanna do is focus on you?
Crumbs just seemed to put her hand in her face trying to hide away the blush she just received from her girlfriend’s compliment.
Crumbelina: How are you good at this…
MintyZ just shows the Japanese flag without leaving her charming gaze on her girlfriend.
Crumbelina: This explains so much about you.
MintyZ: Guess it does.
Sticky, Torvald, and Sakura don’t say anything cuz their sister already did the job for them and left to go get some take out for dinner.
MintyZ: Before you girls leave can you get me uh…
Sticky, Torvald, and Sakura: WE KNOW.
*Door shuts*
Crumbelina looks at her gf: I guess that also explains about yourself too.
Adorabeezle: Speaking of sisters, Nougetsia. Have you found the Mongolia flag yet.
Nougetsia: I’m trying to find by color coding it right know.
She starts to panic.
Nougetsia: Why is there so much red!!!
She panics more.
Adorabeezle: Take a cool down, sis. It’s flag color is taken up by blue in the middle, right? So look at the blue section and not the red one. Its because seriously 70% of flags are taken up by red. So just keep that in mind.
Nougetsia seeming overwhelmed: Okiiii.
Adorabeezle: I’m going to bathroom and I’ll be back you got this under control isn’t that right?
Nougetsia: Uh..
Adorabeezle leaves without hearing her sisters response.
Snowanna: At least I found mind. Shout out to all my South African people out there. Hehe.
Nougetsia sounding whiny: I can’t find it ohhh….
Snowanna: Don’t worry, Sia. I can help you. I already found what I needed but you seem like your going to pop. Like a Shake soda can.
Nougetsia: Thank you Snow, I’m not really good at finding things. I just really wanna represent my ethnicity.
Snowanna: Who hasn’t been there. And your not doing a bad job at representing your ethic group. If anything your as good as you think you are doing.
The two just start to have a lovely chat, Gloyd seems to only say this about his flag.
Gloyd: It’s kind of ironic how people think of South Koreans as reserved and well mannered when I’m literally just here, but no matter.
He puts the flag behind his back and starts running.
Gloyd: AHHH!!
The prankster slipped on a flag and it was actually the Mongolia flag that Nougetsia was trying to find. When this happened, his shoes flung off and hit Jubi and Cit when they were fighting.
Nougetsia: Oh my mod Gloyd! You found the flag I was looking for!
Gloyd on his back in the floor: Oh yeah I totally did. *cracks his head* OW.
Nougetsia picks up the flag and said: I love Mongolia and it’s people. Especially my sister. :)
Snowanna: Awww.
Adorabeezle: What did I miss?
Snowanna: You missed out on your sisters speech.
Then the twin sisters, Jubi and Citrus pulled up and asked.
Everyone pointed at Gloyd, he was seen in the floor, not even moving or bothering to get up. Only for him to get picked up by the twin sisters and get yelled at in Spanish. Like a mother scolding her son, it doesn’t go so easy.
Candlehead whispering to Vanellope: What are going to do with all of these flags?
Vanellope whispering back: My best bet is that we can place them in the center of our neighborhood, or probably in some big business buildings or even give them to the townsfolk.
Candlehead whispering: These ideas sound good!
Vanellope whispering: Yep I won’t let these flags go to waste, they belong in a home. Not to forget its free. So any one can get any flag of their choosing. This will do great for the community and can be a fun way to spend the rest of my week.
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anti-endo-haven · 2 months
sorry, uhm, vent incoming; its a pretty big one too, im sorry again; tws for, abuse(mentioned, no detail), trauma ments(also no detail), and toxic 'friend' stuff with minor detail, and it's gonna be a longer rant/vent, i am so sorry for that again.('mentioned, no details' means just the word is said, and there is no details as to what it could mean)
I hate when I like a blog, and I find them funny, and was following them, to only find out that they're an endo or they support endos or both. It's genuinely just like. Why does this disorder that's consumed everything and made me lose myself and everyone else in our lives ever, get to be some sort of play-pretend, and roleplay thing for people? Why do they get to take what my brain and the body did to survive due to the abuse and other traumas we've went through and make it 'fun'? and WHY on earth do people think it's okay to lie about abuse or trauma? i dunno what to honestly think anymore; i'm just so tired of trying to find a safe space for it to be taken over by people who don't(or do) know how badly they're hurting us by lying and spreading misinformation. I'm also so done with our ex 'friend' who lied to us for 2 years about all the trauma and abuse they went through, and lied to us about all the mental disorders they had. They still consider us to be friends! We are not! They were horribly toxic! I finally had the courage once to tell them about us, and the system, and tried my best to explain things to them, and what everything that I just said meant. I still remember this because I just am so dumbfounded by this; shortly after I finished explaining the difference between genuine traumagenic systems and endos, and explaining what those terms mean, and what DID and OSDD mean, they suddenly said in a snobbish tone of voice, as if they were MOCKING us, "Oh. I think I have that."..I still feel the same dumbfoundedness to this day when I think about it. They claimed that they have DID and are a system...without doing research, or asking anymore details, or being professionally diagnosed. They were also the type of person who would lie and say, "No, you can't get mad at me for that! An alter did that! It wasn't me!" in order for no one to be able to call them out on their behavior...I'm just so tired.
Yeah… endos and their supporters keep taking a lot of things away and then want to claim that “we don’t need a safe space” and harass systems for not following what they believe and then start crying wolf and claiming they “need a safe space.” Like, no. You’re taking away resources and places where genuine systems can be and literally stealing trauma stories because you constantly force people to tell them to you because you want to use them for sympathy.
It’s hard to know what you can believe anymore.
We had a friend like that. Two of them. One of them was fairly young and it was just upsetting because she would constantly mock and act exactly like us, she even went so far as to saying she was trans and bi when the body identified as such and even started using the same sign offs we had as a means of “being similar.” This same girl was wanting us to leave our partner and saying they were going to harm them for no good reason.
The second friend we had, we had felt comfortable enough to open up to them and they went behind our back. On top of that, they had multiple people confirm that they’re a pathological liar. We had told them about being a system and had told them the basics, which they had instantly responded with them being the same, trauma dumped with no spoiler or trigger warning, and then said they knew how to work a lot of things because of role playing (everything was already set up and the way they had done everything I.e the dumping just put us so far away from them).
I wish more people would understand the harm of doing this to people. Yes, you could feel finally able to get out that you’re also a system, but not like that.
I know a lot of people might come after me for it, but just because a different alter did something doesn’t mean that it isn’t also on you. Yes, it’s hard to be like “so and so was the one that said it” but it’s still a part of you and it doesn’t excuse anything. Even with our parts that have hurt someone and someone else comes back to it, it’s still on us (all of us) to fix it and make it better. You can’t just walk away from it. It brings a lot of things down and no one will believe you after that.
Hugs for you, Anon. 🫂
Have a cookie for your troubles.
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rianafying · 5 months
had a rlly rough start to today. was up by 9:30 which is a decent time to wake up, considering my sleep schedule has been as over the place this week. i woke up to a text from someone i worked with recently pointing out a mistake i had made, and as awful as it initially made me feel, i gathered myself, apologised and explained the situation etc. i felt terrible, like i do when even the slightest thing goes wrong. i’m always anticipating failure anyway, and besides i knew about the mistake, it just that it’s mostly beyond my control. i have very limited resources. anyway, yeah they responded by saying this doesn’t affect us working together and that he’s more than interested in continuing to work with me, just that he thought it was important to discuss so we could have it in mind moving forward, which i really appreciate. but the part in me that loves to be anxious and think the worst of myself, is trying to take this opportunity to make me sink back into a spiral, but i know it’s not that deep, people make mistakes, and it has already been resolved. i don’t need to worry about it. worry is my worst enemy. even things that shouldn’t cause concern make me sweat from concern. i can’t take it easy i can’t sit back and relax, i live inside a personal hell. there is no rest from this madness. i need a fucking break. i’m exhausted. from the moment i wake up to crying myself to sleep and even in sleep i have nightmares everyday, i wake up exhausted from being anxious in my sleep all night. for the past few years i have been exhausted, i have been feeling like i’m going crazy. i am going crazy. oh god there’s so much stuff. i feel as if i will never see success in my career, i will never be independent, i will never recover from my past, i will never see peace and safety, i feel like i will spend my whole life worrying and grieving and suffering, even in my deathbed, i’ll be plagued with anxiety. and im so lonely, not in a i don’t have friends way, i do have amazing friends, but im lonely in the way that everyone is lonely sometimes. in the way that in this world we have ourselves. lonely in the way that nobody will know exactly what it’s like to live how i live, feel what i feel, or what i’m thinking. nobody will understand me the way i do, and i have to use my words to communicate it, to try to bridge the gap between language and reality, between the outside and my insides. and yet in a way, everything is the same, everyone who has ever lived has had feelings. i’m doing the best i can. everyone is. i guess. in their own twisted way. it’s too early to call anyone and i find that im very dishonest about my feelings via text as opposed to how vulnerable i am when im speaking over a call. i pretend to be happy and fine, for two reasons, 1) i try to fake it till i make it, 2) not to cause unnecessary trouble or concern.
i just got offered a gig on the 22nd, but it’ll be 42 degrees that day, i’ll actually die of a heatstroke because that studio doesn’t have air conditioning. i don’t know what to do. i know ill have a flare up but i hate not being able to go or having to turn down gigs.
okay wtf look at what the costar app just sent me:
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that is so insane. co star is crazy for this fr. they always send me something so related to my day. jesus. almost makes you think astrology is real.
anyway yeah, so i have a lot to do but ill probably end up watching tv and buying unnecessary groceries today. which is honestly a perfectly normal thing to do when on holiday. i’ll try not to feel guilty about it.
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lunarsun12 · 4 months
Taehyun Secret Exposed
Next Part
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Soobin and Yeonjun has somehow found out, Taehyun secret. Mainly Yeonjun, he just wanted to prove to Soobin that Taehyun isn’t the golden child. As well getting him to shut up about Taehyun. Every time he sees a living human.
However Taehyun has a misunderstanding, he though Beomgyu snitched on them. He blames Beomgyu for the reason he got caught. Lead to him taking revenge, until he found the truth.
Will find the truth in time, before Taehyun seeks revenge on Beomgyu?
Back at TXT Family Chat
Today 22:00
Taehyun🐯: BEOMGYU! WHY DID YOU SNITCH ON ME!! My plan is ruined!!
Beomgyu🐻: Huh? I didn’t expose anything. The only I expose you stole Kai plush
Heuningkai🐧: What? Taehyun stole my plush?
Beomgyu🐻: Bro, I made a pact with you. Secret is safe, I was joking last time!
Taehyun🐯: Wellll, it gotta be you! Kai doesn’t know what’s going on half of the time
Heuningkai🐧: THAT’S NOT TRUE
Taehyun🐯: What did you eat at dinner?
Heuningkai🐧: Ermm maybe rice or pizza…
Taehyun🐯: My point exactly! Btw you ate is bulgogi and had fight with Appa about the last piece of meat
Beomgyu🐻: It could be you…might be slip of the tongue
Taehyun🐯: I’m not that stupid enough, to speak gibberish! That’s your job!!
The next day…
Soobin🍞: The air is chillier then usual…
Yeonjun🐯: Tell me about it…
Heuningkai🐧: Taehyun is mad as Beomgyu told you about him pretending to study…
Soobin🍞: But it wasn’t Beomgyu who told me…
Soobin🍞: It was…
Yeonjun😎: It was me! I was the one who told! I knew something fishy about Taehyun
Soobin🍞: Get Taehyun and Beomgyu online. I will explain
Soobin started to explain, how Yeonjun found out.
2 days ago…
Yeonjun was pacing around the living room, when he heard laugh at 1am. He knows that no one laughs whilist studying, more like tears and quietness. He also heard some Japanese coming Taehyun room. He always claims that he is learning Japanese.
Yeonjun: Okay, be cool about it. Slip in his room pretending to check up on his study and put the camera there. This will provide a solid proof that Taehyun has been lying all along. Finally Soobin, will stop bragging about him whenever he talks to someone!
Yeonjun knocks on Taehyun door, he had some shuffling and as well the sound been turned off.
Taehyun: Come in!
Yeonjun walk in the room and placed his arm on Taehyun bookshelf (mainly to plant his camera, without Taehyun being suspicious).
Yeonjun:*smiles* you still studying get some sleep! Don’t want your little brain to explode
Taehyun: Appa, I have to study to make you all proud!! I promise to sleep after I finish with this page
Yeonjun: Alright son, don’t stay up too late!!
After Yeonjun left Taehyun room, he gave a snicker and said ‘that teaches you to ever lie me’
It is the next morning, Yeonjun stealthily retrieved the camera from Taehyun room. Getting ready to show Soobin, the truth!
Later on in the afternoon…
Soobin once again, won’t stop bragging about Taehyun achievements. Yeonjun had enough and decided to show Soobin the video.
After watching the video…
Soobin: He has been playing us all this long!!
Yeonjun: How about we punish him, I can do it my way
Soobin: NO I mean no, you already traumatised one of our kids no need for two more
Soobin: But his grade didn’t actually fall though….
Yeonjun: You have a point…
Soobin: Shall we pretend, we didn’t know and let him continue
Yeonjun gave the are you serious look, the trouble he went through. To catch Taehyun. Right on cue, the smiling Taehyun came back home with smile after another successful school day.
Yeonjun saw Taehyun and immediately beckon him over.
Taehyun: Yes Appa? I need to go study now-
Yeonjun: To study or to watch anime? Which one you need to be specific?
Taehyun: Of course studying, what else? I don’t do anime
Yeonjun gave the biggest laugh ever and rolled on the couch laughing. With a very confused soobin at his side.
Taehyun: Did I say something funny?
Yeonjun: Even lying through you teeth!!
Taehyun: I don’t tell lies!
Soobin: Stop being childish Yeonjun! We saw something and how could you lie to us
Soobin showed Taehyun the video, which Yeonjun took. Taehyun face went pale
Taehyun: I can explain, please don’t punish me
Before any of the parents could answer, Taehyun ran to his room. He immediately knew who it is and determined to get his revenge
End of flashback….
Soobin🍞: This what really happened! I don’t know why your Appa wants to prove Taehyun hasn’t studied
Heuningkai🐧: Wait what? It wasn’t beomgyu but Appa???
Soobin🍞: Yes, your appa just want to prove a point…
Soobin🍞: Honestly Taehyun grades are exceptional. I’m still gonna brag about him
Taehyun🐯: So Beomgyu is innocent?
Taehyun🐯: So I am not in trouble?
Soobin🍞: Nope, next tell the truth!! Your Appa was being childish
Taehyun🐯: You could have told me earlier!! I don’t have destroy beomgyu most prized possession
Taehyun🐯: Heh heh, do you know how much I love you Beomgyu
Beomgyu🐻: Sleep with one eye open! Welcome to hell
Soobin🍞: Yeonjun look what you have done!!
Next Part
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It’s CMA-
I’m already planning to yell at you and I haven’t even started the chapter yet. in preparation: DREAM WHAT THE FUCK. Okay now that that’s out of the way, im going to go read it.
Ugh I hate her dad so much.
Aw sister bonding! And their aunt and uncle being protective; you love to see it.
I don’t love the idea that Josie thinks that part of the reason clover got married is to protect herself from their parents because I’m worried she’ll say that to Benedict and crush him. I mean he already thinks that she’s only with him to avoid angering the ton but still.
Going from holding her own wrist out of fear to squeezing his for reassurance (for his or hers, I couldn’t really say). I love the thought that instead of squeezing hands or whatever they squeeze each other’s wrists. The entire concept is so poetic I just-
(I am hoping and praying that she has more of the seeds somewhere but I am so scared. This is going to crush Ben and her when she realizes what she’s done)
I wonder if instead of a party, it was a nice dinner for the two of them because he noticed she was sad….
Fuckkkk Ben didn’t come home?????? This is so devastating dream fuck no. I’m not even done reading and I’m already screaming for the next chapter
Shit she’s tearing him apart. Holy fuck clover I get that you’re stressed but for the love of god shut the fuck up.
Look I love to commend you for your ability to write drama and emotional scenes without making it a soap opera which is still definitely the case, but this is so much worse than a soap opera. This feels like being personally stabbed in the gut over and over and over again.
This is painful and raw and personal and emotional and tragic. My heart is absolutely aching for them right now. And the absolute whiplash that Ben went through………. He’s going to be a wreck
I actually think that contrary to what clover thinks that he will actually stop creating art because he’ll be too upset, which I think would be a really interesting twist. Instead of the pain she causes being the reason for her art, she’ll have to realize that it’s because of the joy she brings to his life.
And it’s true that by any measure he’s had an easier life than her, but to say that his pain and suffering isn’t just as valid is so cruel and invalidating; suffering is not a competition.
Also Ben has been through a lot. Besides the obvious part of his dad dying, he’s constantly being told how he’s the spare, how he’s second string and not as important.
He’s being told that how he loves his life doesn’t really matter compared to Anthony. He’s like the personification of the ‘nothing matters (/pos) vs nothing matters (/neg)’. I’m sure he’s struggled with the latter at some points as well. Even when he’s come to terms with it, there are still moments like when Anthony went to the duel where he has a crisis of faith.
Ugh idk why you said we might be mad at Ben…. Maybe in future chapters but def not this one. I can exactly blame clover but I’m kind of going to blame clover….
CMA hi darliiiing! ❤️
Lolll oh I knew you would be yelling at me for sure 😂
Josie and Clover will always be there for each other❤️ So will their aunt and uncle ❤️
Oh I don't think Josie thinks that or will tell Benedict that, no worries🥰 She thinks Clover married for love, but still thinks it's also an advantage that she married especially now that her parents can't drag her back to their home 😏
Squeezing wrist thing yeeees! ❤️ It's their way of holding hands and it'll be adorable 🥰
I think she planted all the seeds in the vase actually 😏 Buuut will the gardener throw the vase away? 😏 Or will he keep it?😁
Nopeeee, he was too busy partying so he didn't come home 😈
Clover did NOT hold back 💔
Omg darliiiing this is so sweet of you! ❤️ I really enjoy angst and it's wonderful to hear that I could reflect those emotions ❤️😍
That would definitely be an interesting twist and it would shock Clover! 😱
And it’s true that by any measure he’s had an easier life than her, but to say that his pain and suffering isn’t just as valid is so cruel and invalidating; suffering is not a competition. This is so true!
But Clover thinks it is 😏 That's what she told Benedict about her and Josie's childhood, how Josie had it worse than her 💔 So I think she made herself believe it, and now that she snapped, she ended up saying all that to Benedict 💔
And that's another thing Clover needs to realize, that Benedict's life wasn't "perfect" even if it looked like it was ❤️
They will both be so so heartbroken in the next chapter 😏😈
Thank you so so much for this! ❤️❤️❤️
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anakinskywalkerog · 10 months
omg no way tumblr never bothered to tell me you replied. plus why is nothing showing up in my following feed??? a bone to pick for next time ig
ahaha i missed this too you're so good with advice! ❤ and thank you hehe i have been informed the new pfp it a character calld lust from an anime called fullmetal alchemist, but i just like the aesthetic
it really is and thank youuuuu! im sure it will! *sends ✨good luck✨*
hmm i dont wanna obsess over han at all, because first of all, ELI! that would be unfair. and han is sort of crazy, anyways. i am listening to i can see you from speak now tv but i shouldnt because it reminds me of han. it also reminds me of anakin. very anakincore track. i cant help it though, i can see you is so good, although it gives more of a reputation vibe than speak now tbh. still love it anyways and thank mother taylor for it. are you enjoying speak now tv? what's your favourite track? i think im enjoying mine, mean and back to december, but everything is ofc v nice! wish we had a mine pop mix tv and some more beat to enchanted, but its perfect as it is!
yess "there will be plenty more guys 😂 trust me." that's exactly what i thought, too! like, he's here now, but someday there's going to be someone else EXACTLY like that. although it might not be so bad if i did make a decision influenced by him because he and i have a similar objective - physics/engineering degree at oxford/cambridge so its a win-win no matter which way i go ig. plus we're academic rivals. competition is the norm for us. but about intrigue with han...
"oh? whos your friend? (i asked han to pose for one of my snaps hehe) is this friend good-looking?"
... dude? like, WHAT? that sounds like pretty blatant flirting to me.
but lets not forget that once we were in the corridor and bro leaned in super close (keep in mind this was months ago and this was in the middle of like 15 other people anyways) and i leaned away out of reflex 😂 i think he looked at me later with a very patronizingly disappointed
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kinda expression. i think that was a test, and i failed miserably but thats fine 💀
eli really is we even have loads of similar interests!
yw and sameee! it is hehe she even send me memes and is a pedro pascal stan (as she should. pedro pascal is an icon. love him) ! very happy with that
oh no, is everything okay? can i do anything to help? if it helps, my life is only peaceful because i am in isolation from all friends, hehe i need time to regenerate. i am an ambivert at heart. my extrovert meter needs to recharge lmaooo
also, a part of me wonders if cranberry is mad at me? basically, he aksed me to write a steamy story abt him and han (thyre best friends) and didnt want his gf to find out incase she thought he was weird (bro she already does. shes ur gf. she knows what weird she signed up for smh)
anyways i made a small oopsie. i asked some people to critique it for me, and one of those poeple may have been the girl from my diary, whos friends with cranberry's gf, and who previously told machete i liked him when i wanted it to be a scret and explicitly told her so, and the one who i knew cannot be trusted with secrets because she will tell someone and lie about it 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
anyways cranberry was annoyed (and understandably so.) he said his gf was mad at him (impossible - if she was, shed be mad at ME first cos thats how women are. better than revenge is living proof. but she isnt! ) and i get it, but then people stop being mad, right? i mean, ive been really mad at him too, for a variety of reasons. i forgave him though and he didnt even apologize like i did! but he seemed normal at prom perhaps a bit icy? a guy friend told me im overthinkinngit and while he may have been annoyed it doesnt mean hd stop being friends with me or anything, and that he definitely wouldnt stay mad because its not a big deal.
but i texted him cranberry with a pretty obvious joke and he didnt even find it funny??? like thats HIS sort of joke??? how does he ot find that funny??? my friend says he must be mad then, but says theres the chance he just didnt find it funny?
like, i get it, but i want to make amends! and i wont even see cranberry in person so i can never tell. but if he was mad, he wouldve blocked me, or left me on delivered, or just opened. but he even sees my stories n stuff!
plus his friends would be mad if something happened. like guys are super gangy like that. but his friends are not mad at all, like han and this other guy are totally normal and no one sad that. even when han brought it up the day after the whole thing, he didnt imply it was serious and just dropped it after joking around abt it.
my friend did say if i was friends with cranberrys friends, it doesnt mean they have to be mad, but what if cranberry and his gf broke up over something as stupid as a joke???? and it was my fault??? i would feel awful and i cant even tell or say sorry.
nor can i ask han over text cos then hed tell cranberry and itd be weird. and i cant ask eli cos i dont want to set a bad rep.
he texted about it and i delved into a tiny argument he said its fine but "just think more next time". i think he and han both know i didnt mean for this to happen and that it was a genuine accident, but people gte hurt over things even if they know it wasnt meant to hurt them. shoulve said no is proof of this.
but they did send me a video of them reading the story together [cranberry and his friends, it was han who filmed (i did ask them to film their reaction)] and cranberry was cracking up as he read it! if he was mad he wouldve abandoned it. but they sill seemed to love it. surely if cranberry was mad at me, then that wouldnt have happened?
jesus christ, thats LONG. i apologize for troubling you, i didnt think itd get this long! its just been on my mind :( ironically it happened yesterday just after i was so happy. ugh. boys are awful
yes haha thank youuu :) if you're okay with my constant somewhat accidental drama dumps, i definitely will :D
love you and stay safe x
hi sythe so sorry it took me so long to respond to this!
I hope all is well with Eli. but GIRL have I been listening to “I Can See You” sooooo much it’s literally the delulu girl anthem! I love it. having a little crush on Han just adds some spice!! there’s nothing wrong with a little seasoning to an otherwise boring existence 😂
I am okay 🩵 just really been struggling with my OCD lately. I hope it gets better soon.
no fuckinf WAY cranberry asked you to write a steamy story!!? girl that is NOT platonic. what are these men doing out here 😂😂😂😂 but I agree, very unlikely that he is mad at you
I love the drama dumps, I wish we could vent together for real because I have been ALL over the place with my drama lately 😅 but it’s fine, it adds the comedy. i’m watching my own life like a work of absurdism. I would absolutely recommend that strategy.
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shoutmonishere · 2 years
Im a mad man for writing this in a night.
World 11-6 spoilers under the cut
Amory slowly stepped closer to the portal until they stood beneath it. After staring at the swirling gate for a moment, they turned their attention back to the crowd gathered below.
"...Did you make up your mind?" FP finally spoke up, looking in anticipation of the Knight's answer.
The Guardian nodded. "I'm going back, Princess." They reply solemnly. "As much as it pains me to do this... I can't just stay if i could do something to prevent all of this."
The princess hummed in reply before sighing. "I knew you'd say that." It sounded more like an affirmation than an accusation.
"With everyone that is waiting for you, i think you are making the right decision." She muttered before looking down on the floor.
"The right decision..." She repeated shakily, clenching her fists as she tried to swallow the lump in her throat, holding back the wetness pricking her eyes.
She had to stay strong.
And yet, hiccups and sobs broke out throughout Heavenhold's top floor.
For the first time in 10 years.
For the first time since her knight vanished, she couldn't stop crying.
"You're making the right..." But to no avail, her own self reassurances only made the tears flow even harder.
"Why..." FP croaked, voice muffled by her own hands that covered her own face. "Why am i like this...?"
"I've prepared myself. I promised myself that i wont let you see me like this..."
"Princess-" Amory reached out, taking a step forward.
"Don't...!" She quickly interfered before they could go any farther. "I promised... I promised that i'll get stronger..." She shook her head before falling into silence.
"Amory... You have been always there," she began, letting her hands fall to her side. "Even at the most perilous of moments. And this time you just ran through 10 years of time."
"If you go back to the past right now and... If we are never to meet again. Will i be okay by myself...?" She hiccuped. "Will i be, one day, saying with a smile on my face that 'Amory... I did well, right?'. That i didn't let you down..."
"Dont be ridiculous." The Guardian chuckled weakly, shaking their head. "I'm already so proud of you, Erin. How could i not be after everything you've went through?"
It's been so long since she's heard her own name.
A name she thought had been lost to time along with everything else.
"Goddamnit," FP mumbled, running up the stairs. "Dont make me cry when im trying my best not to." She then threw herself onto Amory, letting herself embrace the knight for the first and last time.
After a moment that felt as though it was decades, they both seperated.
"... Thank you." She sniffled as she wiped her tears away. "Now go, Mory." She muttered, meeting their gaze with renewed vigor. "On the other side of the portal... There's someone waiting for you."
"I know." The Warden nodded, letting the portal's energy slowly pull them into it.
As the others shouted their goodbyes, FP stared up at the swirling blue light that swallowed the guardian's figure and smiled.
"Farewell, Amory."
"Say hello... to me from the past."
"Look she's getting all worked up again!"
"That's exactly the reason why your knight left you!"
"Haha, she's crying!"
The Princess took a deep breath, stifling her tears. She can't let those bullies get to her.
"It's only been three weeks, Mory's usually been out for longer than that." She tried to convince herself, sitting back down on the porch of the empty house in the clearing, the gems she's collected scattered about the porch's stairs.
With a sigh, she buried her head into her knees. Waiting for them once more.
But suddenly, a large rumble shook the entire clearing. Jerking up from her position looking around, she saw a dark figure sprawled on the ground.
Getting up from the grass she realized, it was them, her knight. The guardian that went missing weeks prior, Amory
Once the Warden locked eyes with her, the Princess ran to them, the tears she suppressed finally bursting out.
The little girl threw herself to hug them, burying her face into their chest as they slowly rubbed her back.
They're back.
And that was all that mattered now.
Admin's note:
• no, Erin is not actually the Princess's name. I kinda just picked it out since i cant bring myself to forever refer both LP and FP as "the Princess". And if her real name were to be revealed, i can just move that as her middle name.
• on a side note, one of the name meanings for Erin is peace so- *jazz hands*
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thoughtslikeocean · 3 months
March 3, 2024 5:07 PM
Back to vent. I know all of this won't be a big deal in the long run. But as we know all emtions need to be felt, vented and worked through as they say...
WHHYYYY did my mom go and call my dad and ask him for money to help with the repairs of the house. It really made me mad for multiple reasons.. 1. If and when I need it, I know how to ask myself. 2. This wasn't exactly the best timing to be asking my dad for money. 3. I already knew how he was going to feel about giving me lump sums of money without be having a secure income. 4. This is a project that my mom and I decided on. So to make decisions and expect someone else to financially pitched in when they had nothing to do with it is kind of insane.
I'm not mad at my dad for anything he said, im mad that the conversation even had to be had. It was unnecessary. Soooooo nowwww, I have to play damage control once again.
Starting with, I'll allow dad to help me pay for the engineer report but in that same conversation , I'm gonna let him know that any money I am in dire need of, I will let him know. If you get any requests from my mother, just say "okay, I'll talk to Kailey about it". My focus at this time isn't this house, it's getting licensed nationally so I can start working in my field. Once that happens, I can transition back to thinking about the home.
I don't think i'm going to tell my mom anything because I just don't think she'll have the depth to understand. She'll still low-key on a revenge plot over the years she's raised me and "all the money she put in". She still feels slighted. Hasn't let go. And in situations like these, this is where it tends to show it's head. It's not my job to help her through that. Just like it's really not my job to manage the expectations between the both of them. I'm however doing it in this case to make sure the relationships I have with them remain intact. I'm saving myself. Right now, that means letting dad know that what she call and says or asks for (as it relates to me), need to have conversation with me about it. It'll give me peace of my mind on his end.
As for her, I'm going to get the engineering report. And once it comes back with all the million things that need to be fixed. I will be letting her know that I can't do anything with the actual house until RE is up and running/I have better income than currently. If she decides that she wants to move forward, then she can continue to make all the decisions for the house.
So what's my next steps now that I've gotten that off my chest? One foot in front of the other. Crossing bridges when I get there.
Well for one. I'm gonna finish smoking this blunt.
-I'm going to put on some worship music and pray
-I'm going to lock up next door
-Then I'm going to go inside and clean my room and bathroom, and unload that box (Maybe throw in a load of laundry)
-Make some tea and plan your meals for this week (This might include you going to the grocery store tonight, just push through if so)
-Prepare for gym in the morning.
You got this Kailey. This is just a minor setback and you're in need of redirection. You know what's important. Set your eyes back on that.
Now lets get to it!
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aspiringroleplays · 6 months
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OH! FRIEND! I totally forgot to tell you (and I’m posting it so I don’t have to bombard you with messages):
So I was figuring that Sora heard about the war/darkness/evil reign from all the townsfolk as he tried to learn about the world, and started sticking around for a while. I sort of mentally moved his convo with Sheik to guards and random folk when you decided not to have him as a muse because I figured the story came out eventually LOL. Or at least part of it. The only thing he doesn’t know obviously is how Zelda managed to hide for seven years or her direct involvement with Ganondorf getting access to the triforce. (Or EXACTLY how Link was involved because all he heard about were the exploits of when he was an adult.)
So, in short: he knows the townsfolk are rebuilding from a state of ruin, and that Zelda lost her family, and why she’s the reigning princess. Also that she’s, you know, “sealing” the demon king away and is apparently part goddess, but he’s too scared to ask to figure out what they mean HAHAHAHA.
I basically just did it so we wouldn’t have to waste time going over exposition or backstory, but then I realized…. Um… SORA’S home was lost to a state of ruin… and he lost HIS family so... obviously he’s going to empathize with her :’).
In this AU he was directly involved with the relief effort and rebuilding for a while, he actually has a good idea of what the damage probably looked like even though he didn’t see it directly (even if it’s just castle town). And also, because he and Kairi are best friends he knows the mayor personally, and even calls her by her last name, instead of just “Ms. Mayor.” He saw the stress and pain she was under as she tried to manage everything and help with the rebuilding efforts- ON TOP of her daughter being in a critical situation. So while he doesn’t know HOW everything works, he knows it’s very, very stressful.
So all that to say: Sora has a very personal understanding of what Zelda and the townsfolk went through, and while he was just crushing on her at first because she was pretty and really nice, he really started to feel for her and feel sorry for her, because he knew that pain personally.
So all in all, he’s EXTREMELY impressed that she’s running a whole kingdom, AND rebuilding from a horrible event that lasted seven years AT THE AGE OF 17-19 (seriously he's just like "how tf???"). The only thing he’s glad about is that it was a couple years ago and that they’re clearly making headway in the recovery efforts, so at least everything is in a much better state now.
… so I tell you all this to say that this may or may not have turned into a semi-parasocial relationship on his end. OTL IM SORRY IT WASN’T MY INTENTION.
He doesn’t realize it fully yet but he’s already started to feel very protective of her feelings- he knows she’s strong, but he knows everyone feels pain, so that’s why he was so mad about that merchant, moreso than the other princes. Because the dude was openly stating he didn’t actually care about Zelda so Sora is just like “ExCUSE she has gone through SO MUCH the LEAST you can do is be NICE to her! >:(((“ He’s already in this mindset of “she deserves to be happy after everything she’s gone through”, so… yeah he’ll snap if anyone is rude or cruel to her. Even if she CAN take care of herself XD.
...Granted this is also extremely personal for him since he, ya know… also lost his home and family laksjdkalsjdakldj like in a weird way he feels like he already "knows" her, and forgot she didnt tell him all this herself hahaha.
The last thing is I need to clarify the dance scene: it wasn’t that he was actually falling in love with her from the dance, those were just endorphins XD It’s a real phenomenon that can come from doing exciting activities with another person, or having close contact. For whatever reason dancing can sometimes trigger this, and since Sora was already crushing on her and gets ridiculously happy being near her, well, it was kind of a given it would happen lol. But Sora doesn’t know much about science or how the human body works, just the basics of his own, so he wouldn’t realize this. I tried my best to write out that it was just circumstances, but unless you actually know this phenomenon it can still be confusing. Hence why I figured I should tell you XD
ALL THIS TO SAY: I really hope you don’t feel like I’m trying to rush a ship or anything, or that I’m trying to make Sora come on too strong. I really did intend for it to be a slowburn romance, but then when I started remembering backstory and everything… yeah XD I figure Zelda is probably used to “strangers” clamoring for her attention and whatnot, and people feeling strongly about her even when she doesn’t know them personally, but if Sora ever says or does something that seems strange or out of place or too strong, she’s perfectly welcome to call him out or ask about it. Since I imagined their first two convos were actually fairly casual and didn't mention history, and Sora wouldn’t have told her about his past yet, so she wouldn’t know why he’s so emotional so “quickly”.
….though now that I think about it I guess it IS still weird from her point of view because he’s a foreigner so he wouldn’t feel personally invested in her and this country HAHAHAHA.
Anyway, yeah, now I hope we’re on the same page since I forgot to mention it before :’D
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monpalace · 11 months
Whenever Songbird calls Twi’s name he’s definitely about to get his as beat because she always calls him ‘babe’, ‘honey’ or ‘hon’ hell even in danger when she does say his name there’s a very distinct pitch she goes to almost like a dog whistle also he would pull a Miguel and just start running on all fours. For some reason that’s how I imagine him chasing their adopted kids to round them up for dinner 😭
Atalanta’s call has more bass to her voice when she calls to him and wild freezes before weighing out the pros and cons of running because he knows he’s fucked up. When in trouble i don’t even think she gets his name out before he’s just rushing in.
Athena never calls Time Link unless Malon told her that Time’s in trouble it’s either dumbass (affectionate) or dumbass (non affectionate.) but he definitely has a big brother sense of “where did she go?” Before he has to go to her house in which bumps into Percival on the way because he was about to ask if he knew where his wife went?
Wild and Twi definitely call them Gerudo Nubian goddesses and coco butter queens when they know their upset because it makes them laugh and forget how angry they are with them
Also tell me your Wars thoughts I wanna hear -🧚🏽‍♀️
AND THEM USING IT AS A TACTIC TO GET OUT OF TROUBLE WITH THE GIRLS??? the kids/flora hear songbird/atalanta busting a lung and as soon as soon as they're all getting ready for bed they bring it up and now all of a sudden twi/wild are in the doghouse
"but i thought you loved me )):" "yeah alr snowbunny. get away from me. i know your lies and deceit."
twi's running around collecting the kids for dinner/family trip and all of a sudden they hear miguel's theme. they look around trying to figure having a "why do i hear boss music" moment and all of a sudden they get jumped by a furry before getting hauled back to the house like a sack of flour
("baby, why are the kids all banged up?" "why was a grown man running on--" "dw abt it babygirl. we were just havin a lil fun (:" and twi's just sending them a look)
time pulls percival into panicking over athena as soon as they run into each other. they have a moment of "she told me she was going to x" "well she told me she was going to y" and now theyre just stuck asking around 🗿 whole time malon knew exactly where she was bc why would she let her baby daddy (athena) go anywhere without telling her first?
wild having to go through literally his entire life to figure out what he did wrong when atalanta's voice has a little to much bass in it is crazy 😭 he shoots flora a quick text on the sheikah/purah pad thats like "whatd i do this time ):" "Honestly, if you can't figure it out yourself I don't know what to tell you." "PROPER GRAMMAR?????" and now both his girls are mad at him bc its def a shared co-parenting experience with him
wild def gave atalanta and flora a lifealert bracelet that senses when they're around enemies or smth 😭😭 he burst into purah's when one of them came back with one two many scratches (it was a single scratch. from a normal keese.) goin on abt some "i just dont think my heart can take it if they go out without me and they run into trouble. robbers or monsters or otherwise"
warriors and his s/o under the cut bc idk how long im gonna talk abt it
im calling wars s/o aphrodite to keep the greek mythology thing going, but it def fits bc not only is she really fucking hot/pretty/the beauty standard/everybody wants her, but bc she's the aphrodite to warriors' ares/hephaestus (probs both. def without the cheating)
shes typically seen as armcandy to wars and is almost always seen in like,, bodycon fits or fits that show off skin bc shes a bad bitch and wars knows how to dissuade ppl from makin moves (not thru fighting. he's in enough trouble with the powers that be bc of her already)
idk what their relationship was before they got together (probably smth like aphrodite taking a look at wars, going like "i like you. youre mine now", and him just being okay with it), but even if she doesnt make it obvious that theyre in a relationship, he makes it known well enough for the both of them with the way he pays for her shopping sprees, carries all her bags from said shopping sprees, always has a hand (usually both) on her, pressing kisses wherever he can whenever he can (gomez and morticia frfr), etc etc (aka clingy boyfriend behavior)
idk why but i imagine aphrodite hanging around wars' quarters/room in the castle more often than anywhere else (if not evident by the way her items-- more specifically, her clothes-- take up most of his closet and drawer space) (thats not even half of it). she usually hangs around it bc not only is it filled with him/his aura/his presence even when hes gone, but bc when she does go out in public/around the castle, shes always bombarded with nonsense (also, she just doesnt vibe with castle life at all)
(imagining wars' place is like, a cottage a little ways away from the castle with the stablehands or smth, or his own wing in the castle thats more like a house or smth? its small, but not enough for everything to be in one room. its big, but not enough for someone to get lost and mistake it for a manor)
(also entirely unrelated but, bc shes gerudo (on my dead things 🤝🏽 gerudo 🤝🏽 magic bs again yes), she's wellversed with magic, right? she usually floats, draping herself around wars shoulders like a cat or smth, around adding to her ethereal/magic/faery/fairy aesthetic)
because of her homebody nature, i imagine she's more of a homemaker like songbird, but she still has a fuck around and find out attitude like athena. she cares for wars when he gets back from the field or meetings, making sure to keep his (their) little house comfortable, but she also openly talks shit abt any generals or nobles when theyre in the room bc theyre giving her man a little to much grief abt smth he had no control over
("the general (not impa) said i had to host the celebratory dinner this time" "tell him i said piss off." "baby." "im not letting another 100 year old elf into my house. im pretty sure the last one pissed in our chair." "you threw it away, right?" "why d'you think i went out to buy a whole new table set?")
(alternatively, its not uncommon to walk in and see them positioned to where wars' head is laying on aphrodite's tits while she cards her fingers through his hair and scratches his scalp, gassing him up and saying other loving words)
shes def the first person the army see when wars has to join them on wtv battle. hes def the first soldier to leave whenever he is. he has to skip whatever debriefing is to be had (and isnt seen for at least a week or two) bc aphrodite is to busy healing him, smothering him, and making him eat actual food bc she knows the food they serve on the field is shit
when he gets taken away to be with the chain, aphrodite realizes he's missing after not even 5mins of him being gone (he was prob coming back to his quarters and was late. hes never late) and tracks him down to somebody else's hyrule like "wtf are you doing here." "howd you get here?? we're 300yrs in the past apparently??" "idk what made you think time travel could take you from me"
during the adventures she def comes up with a way to keep them in touch via call or video or apparition or smth. they have to fall asleep on a call, she pops up mid-fight scaring him but that's okay bc she just took care of the engine while she was as it, or he just calls her and she's mid bath or wtv
idk i like the idea of aphrodite and warriors
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