#im not saying dont be mad at them if they end up never commenting but give them more than a couple hours
charliecuntcicle · 3 months
one more thing chat. stop pressuring cc's into making a statement the second something comes out. just because somebody was busy today or not active on social media outside of streaming or needed some time to process that someone they trusted did those things doesnt mean they support wilbur. if they ignore the situation for days or weeks or months? thats something to be upset about, sure. but deciding somebody is an awful person because they dont make a statement the day of hours after it happened is a bit much. theyre people too with lives and emotions they need to process. theres also probably further details they legally cannot talk about
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flor4de4amor · 30 days
hockey abby 🌀🌀🌀
oh i need her so bad. want her so bad. also ik nothingggg abt hockey so don't beat me up guys.
click for palestine | dont buy tlou | read b4 engaging w me
hockey!abby who's actually a sweetie. beast on the ice. monster of a coach and captain, but such a sweet girlfriend. she's always more than happy to see you out in the stands, wearing her large jersey, cheering her on.
hockey!abby who coaches little league hockey. she loves kids, but they're awful. and by awful, they're actually hilarious. she has to stifle laughter during practice and reprimand them, but once she's home with you she's telling you everything.
hockey!abby who's definitely got a light 'hockey accent.' she denies it with her life. she hasn't got an accent, its you who's got an accent! but you've got videos of her saying "sorry" like a filthy canadian. she swears on her life it's a deepfake video of her. how could you do that to your pretty baby? she trusted you. what's next, fake news of her losing a game? gosh, papparazzi these days.
hockey!abby who brings you out on the ice when she's the only one practicing. slipping skates on your feet carefully, and holding your hand softly. she'd race you but you'd totally lose, and she doesn't wanna hurt your feelings.
hockey!abby who's fights with the ref every chance she gets. she gets heated quick and easy. whenever she loses because of a stupid ref call, you never hear the end of it.
"that ref is a fucking asshole. why's she even a ref? i can do a better job than her." she rolled her eyes.
whenever she's pissed, its easier to butter her up and stroke her ego. "you would, but you're a much better player baby," you take her hand and kiss her pulse point. "besides, i'd miss watching you play on the ice."
she smiles to herself, "when you're right you're right babe." she agrees, humming.
hockey!abby who is always in the penalty box. always swearing off on the ice. she's one of the few female players who does start fights on the ice, and they are brutal. blood flying, helmets clashing, sticks thrashing. she always makes you kiss her bruises better, and you always oblige. smiling against each scab and scolding her when finished.
hockey!abby who is always ending up in tik tok edits and has the most obscene comments. it drives you mad, but it just confuses her. cause her entire page is a shrine of you and your realtionship. she does post herself here and again. gym selfies, post practice drill check ins, once or twice with her hair out. which everyone knows, is a real panty dropper. but they're totally innocent pictures! she's got her eyes on you and you only! she replies to vulgar comments with corny stuff like:
'im happily married!'
'my gf shook her head in disgust when she read this'
'plz stop trying to build a wedge btw me n my girl! our cats won't like this!'
hockey!abby who always goes to speaker events and is incredibly passionate about women in sports. she encourages young girls to get engaged as young as possible. she always wants to uplift morale and increase the amount of girl in sports, especially her sport.
hockey!abby oh hockey!abby.
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aothotties · 8 months
How they help you get over someone
| Eren | Armin | Reiner | Jean|
Word count: 1016
Warnings: Levi is in his 30s, car sex, mating press, pet names (mama), squirting, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex.
“But i just feel so dumb, im literally so stupid” you huffed to your gym buddy, Levi as you spotted him.
He finished his set then sat up and turned towards you 
“Y/N, you're so young. You're going to make mistakes plus you're a girl. No ones mad at you for believing what he said to you and having sex with him” he said plainly 
You always vented to Levi when you were upset and he always found a way to give you great advice and help you through everything. Him being older made it easier to trust him because you felt like he was grown grown and had it all together
“I'm mad at myself. I feel like I'm too old to still fall for the same bullshit I fell for in highschool. Were you like me at my age?” you stated as tears threatened to spill from your eyes
“ I was worse” , he responded, “don't feel bad about it. Its a normal thing for you to be upset that he fucked you then never spoke to you again, youre not the problem. Any woman, no matter what age, would be upset about that. I mean there's some succubuses out there that just smash everyone and don't feel a thing, but most women aren't like that”
You couldn't lie, levi always reassured you and made you feel better about making regular human choices and never allowed you to beat yourself up for making mistakes
You both finished your workout and left the gym. He walked out next to you and made sure you were safe in the parking lot because it was late at night. You stopped at the car and he pulled you into a hug
“You'll be alright, mama. Don't be so hard on yourself” he said and you buried your face in his chest and began to cry 
Even though his words made you feel better you were still sad. He rubbed your back and let you get it all out and refused to let go until you finished crying
You pulled away and wiped your tears on your shirt
“Thank you, i really appreciate you, Levi” you said to him once you composed yourself
“Dont worry about it, i'm always here if you need me” he responded.
You stared up at him completely enamored. You had the strongest feelings for him and had them for a while. You tried sleeping with that other guy thinking it would help you get over him but it clearly didn't work. You just ended up sad and crying in his arms which strengthened your feelings. You were convinced Levi didn't feel the same and you were too sacred to say anything in fear that it would ruin the friendship you have
“Aye aren't you glad you asked me to be your gym partner”, he said trying to change the subject
“yeah , i guess” you laughed as you responded 
“You guess? You know you wanted to be like me, that's why you approached me and asked for my help” he nudged you a little bit as he teased 
“That definitely not the reason i approached you but yeah let's go with that” you told on yourself before you even had the chance to realize it
He looked down at you and smirked as he nodded, “ yeah i know”
He confirmed in that moment that he knew exactly how you felt about him and apparently he felt the same because he grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you towards his car
Levi drove a nice white tesla and you had been dying to see the inside 
He had you in the back seat folded completely in half as he pressed his weight onto you 
His dick was reaching so far inside you that your mind went blank. All you could do was moan his name while he fucked you at a steady pace.
Sweat rolled down his abs as he was sliding in and out of your dripping wet pussy. He was mesmerized by the way you were sucking him in. He was also taken aback at how good your body looked folded under him.
Sometimes at the gym he would make slick comments about your ass but you never realized it was his way of telling you he felt the same.
“Fuck Levi, r-right there. Im gonna cum baby” you whined as you grabbed his biceps 
His pace didn't change and he continued to fuck you all the way to your peak
“Mmhmm mama, cum for me” he said as he watched your face contort in pleasure
Your high flooded over you and you came hard all over his thick cock. You felt bad that you squirted on his perfectly clean seats but he couldn't care less. He wanted to see you cum for him over and over again and didn't care about what happened to his car.
He never let up and kept going until you came for him multiple times. Each time you came a mantra of praises left his lips. 
His pace became more erratic as he came close to his climax. You could feel his dick throbbing inside you as he was about to cum
“ gonna cum inside you mama, f-fill you up real good” he stated between deep grunts
He slammed into you hard one last time then you felt as his hot thick cum spilled inside you. He slid out and watched as it pooled out of you but he quickly pushed it back in with his fingers.
You both threw your clothes on and you stepped out of his car and wobbled as you tried to stand up straight. He laughed at you and shook his head. He put his arm around you and walked you to your car 
He leaned down and pressed a kiss on your forehead 
“Best cardio i've ever done” he stated as he opened the door for you 
You hopped in your car and deleted the other guy's number knowing damn well he did not match up to Levi in any way.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 21 days
unpopular(ish) tig opinions/mostly just me ranting
a few people have done this so here are mine (also just me ranting)
this one isn't super controversial but i don't really like alisa. she's nice and all, but the way she treats libby is just so weird to me and i can't bring myself to love her.
most people in this fandom are grayson stans but my fav is jameson. i love grayson, don't get me wrong, but i feel like his character is sort of overdone. i mean, almost all love interests nowadays are moody, broody, i never smile except when im with you. im happy avery ended up with jamie not just cause they fit together, but bc, for once, the love interest isn't the broody type (like i said, love grayson dont hate me)
i commented this under a post, and i don't think this is super unpopular but im lyra neutral. i literally cannot love a character unless i know them (i dont hate her either, i just don't have an opinion)
ok, this one might get me some hate, but, although grayson had the right to be mad in tig bc avery inherited the money, i do think he did go too far sometimes. there's this one time, where he was just unnecessarily rude to avery, telling her she didn't know what it was like to suffer (midway through to book, don't remember the chapter but its there and it makes no sense bc she grew up with no money while this dude is a privileged white man, like all of his brothers (except for xander cause he isn't white)). like i said, he had the right to be mad, but avery did nothing to him, and, so, he had no right to say some of the things he said to her. he does get better, and he does apologize (i think, but even if he doesn't idc cause hes nice to her now). like i said, he had the right to be mad cause i mean he did grow up thinking he'd inherit and he didn't, but he shouldn't have taken out all of his anger on her. he had the right to doubt her and think she had ulterior motives, but he had no right to accuse her of being a gold digger when she had done NOTHING to gray for him think that (dont take this as me not liking gray, he's one of my fav characters ever (but no one beats jamie (and nash)))
idk if this one will make sense and ik some people will agree with me if this does, but the way avery is treated in this fandom is really shitty. she's pretty much only mentioned when people are talking about the love triangle. she's bashed bc she didn't choose grayson (which she had the right to bc jamie was made for her and gray wasn't), her trauma is super overlooked. i wish people would pay more attention to her. also, i mentioned this earlier, but some people (not many but some) let other people (like gray and thea) get away will at the mean things they said to avery bc they're their favorite characters. (obviously, they can be your fav characters. my best friend's fav character is gray, and, when i first read the books, i liked gray over jamie for a small period of time, but its wrong to let them get away things just bc you like them.
people will agree with me, but jameson and grayson's trauma should NOT be compared. trauma is trauma no matter how "bad" it is (note the quotation marks around bad). ive mostly seen people compare jamie to gray saying that gray's trauma is worse which is so fucking mean. they both have trauma. they both have it bad. no one should be comparing. i will make a longer post about this bc this is smth i'm very passionate about and it pisses me off. (ive lost count of the amount of times ive compared my trauma to others thinking i had no right to complain bc others had it worse, so don't do it to fictional characters plsss)
the tiktok/insta fandom sucks. the amount of averygrayson shippers ive seen bash avery on those platforms is too much. the only healthy part of the fandom is on tumblr.
not controversial but thea is not a girl boss, she's just a mean girl. she's not iconic.
people should not bash people for their favorite characters. i've seen this mostly on older posts (like before tfg was released) but some people will go 'xander's my fav' or 'avery's my fav' and people in the comments would go 'but grayson exists' or 'but jameson exists'. let people like who they want to like. all characters are great (mostly, i hate thea and all of the bad guys).
i couldn't care less about eve's redemption arc. she ruined toby's life, and as someone who loves toby and avery's father-daughter dynamic, i will never forgive her. she also treated grayson horribly, basically got alisa kidnapped (cause alisa wouldn't have gotten kidnapped if eve hadn't gotten toby kidnapped), and more so if she ever does get a redemption arc, i will be throwing hands.
if i see people complaining about lyra's character when tgg comes out bc 'they were expecting someone different' i will be pissed. im sure lyra will be great (hopefully). it doesn't matter if she's a girl boss or more like rebecca.
grayson is not 'the most misunderstood character in the fandom'. he's literally the most popular character. people are constantly gushing about him and his trauma. other characters like avery, jameson, and xander (and others) are so much more misunderstood. no ones takes the time to understand them like they do with grayson. people are constantly talking about his trauma, and how people shouldn't hate him bc he's 'misunderstood'. people have the right to hate him, and his trauma isn't overlooked as the fandom's most popular character. he is a complex character, and i will be making in depth posts about him bc i find him interesting and i really like his character, but he's the most understood character in the fandom. i've noticed that people tend to say he's misunderstood right after coming up with the most nonsensical take defending all of his actions saying that he has trauma (trauma is not an excuse its an explanation)
even if grayson would've gotten up to help avery after the bombing 1. he would've never gotten there on time and 2. he might have gotten more hurt.
i said this earlier while talking about gray but trauma is not an excuse its an explanation. do with that what you will. i just have to repeat it.
people who claim jameson was not affected by emily are the bane of my existence (yes, they exist, i've seen them)
ik i mentioned gray a lot in this and it might seem like i don't like him, but i swear i LOVE him. i find his character very interesting and complex and i really wanna analyze his character once i'm done rereading. i just hate toxic grayson stans (most of yall aren't, but they exist)
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pinkandlilacroses · 30 days
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Angel - Paige bueckers
part 6
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• summary {in which an unsuspecting girl falls for the basketball star}
• warnings {angst, it gets cute at the end tho}
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averys pov
“avery why cant we tell them” azzi yells, this has been our third fight this week about this topic
“azzi you know why we cant” i say, sternly
“no i dont, thats why im asking”
“azzi, bellas in the other room. shut up” i say
“ok, fuck you” say says, walking out
azzis pov
- u home
- pls dont come
- stay with avery please
- im coming
fuck paige has been weird lately, and she wont tell me
its definitely something with bella
i don’t know how bella doesn’t notice
paige is in love with her
“azzi what did i say” paige says, yelling, tears flooding her eyes and the neck of her shirt
“paige whats happening” i say, genuinely concerned for my best friend
she begins wailing. i’ve never seen her cry like this before
i quickly wall up and embrace her
“i fucked it” she says, barley getting her words out
“i want her and ill never be able to make her mine” she continues
“bella?” i question
“yes” she says, raising her voice
“im calling her”
“no, azzi, no, please don’t. please” she says, pleading, her voice growing louder
“paige, you need to talk to her. i’ve never seen you like this before” i say, authoritatively
“she hates me”
azzi is calling bella
“hey bella”
“can you come over”
“yeah ill come now”
call ended
“paige this is a good thing, you guys need to talk”
bellas pov
i know this is about paige
id be lying if i said i was fine about this situation
i’m reality, i’ve been crying. everyday. at any given opportunity
i dont have any resentment towards paige, even though i definitely should. i mean, what she did was fucked
and she never explained herself, all she could say is “i cant do it” like what the fuck does that mean
knock, fuck i should leave
knock, i hate her
knock, no i dont
“hey bella” azzi says, bringing me into her embrace. i know azzi and avery are dating, but they cant tell anyone because avery cheated on jake with azzi, and she hates what she did. but she truly does love the girl, cute. i hate love
“paige is in her room”
walking towards paiges room, nerves surprisingly aren’t present. i felt calm, normal
“who is it” paige yells, across the door
“bella” i say, yelling back
paiges pov
“shit shit shit” i say to myself, i look awful. i didn’t think she would actually show up
i’ve been crying for what feels like years, and i finally can get everything off my chest. but i’m more terrified than ever before
she opens the door. fuck
“hey paige” she says softly, i cant bear to look at her. i dont want to see how she has effected me
“paige look at me” she says, sitting down next to me, leaning over. hand on my knee
i look at her
shock plastered on her face
she says nothing, bringing me close and wrapping her arms around me, protectively
“im so sorry” i say into her chest
“paige its ok, im not mad”
“yes you are, i fucked up” i say, tears beginning to form again
she moves so we are face to face, her laying on top of me
“you dont know how bad i want you bella, but i’m, i’m scared” i say, i’ve never been this vulnerable with a girl before. i feel weak
“paige its ok, theres no pressure” she says, reassuringly
“i know you dont feel the same, thats why ive been so down”
“how do you know, paige” she says, sternly. contrasting her previous tone
“it’s obvious” i say. is it?
“no its not, i want you the same amount that you want me” she says, staring intently into my tear filled eyes, that are forming once again
“really” i say, genuinely confused
“yes” she says, slightly laughing
this cant be real, how, what, when, where, why.
after everything i’ve done, she still likes me?
“paige, you there” she says, commenting on my spacing out
“are you sure” i say, coming back to reality
she responds by gently pressing her lips to my own
this kiss was different than any others i’ve experience, its sweet, loving. reflecting of how i feel about her, and i guess how she feels about me.
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melonbellys · 11 months
„i didnt want to, but you made it sooo easy..“
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Kai Anderson - without consent.
This is my first post on here, it‘s just a drabble that rotted in my notes for a while, just for my own imagination.. lmao
Warning: this is a piece of FICTION with just pure non consent, if this makes you uncomfortable i advise you to scroll.
non-consent, p in v, reader is female, LOTS of dirty talk, degrading, praising, age gap (reader is 20, he‘s 30.) , reader was a virgin, choking, daddy kink if you squint, kai on adderall, deepthroating, fingering (reader receiving) , yeah if i missed something pls comment..
word count: 1,709
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kai n i met in a vinyl store, he caught my eye and i went up to him, saying how him buying a vinyl is „sooo lana-del-ray“, making fun of him. he didnt mind and he even laughed along me, i asked him if the coffee he had in his hand was good and now im here, stuck in this cult, kai kissing my neck and calling me ugly names.
„i bet you get wet even thinking about me.“ he said, full of confidence, touching my needy cunt through my panties.
„tell me how much you want me to destroy your tiny cunt“ he rubbed his fingers roughly over my clothed-clit, it hurt. a lot.
„p-please.. let me go.“ i say with tears in my eyes.
„if you didnt want this your panties wouldn’t be soaked, you dumb little slut.“ he was visibly hard, touching me, raping me.
„please, kai.“ tears keep streaming down my face as he undresses my lower half.
„if you gave in, it wouldnt hurt as much.“ he kept on talking, at this point i was saying nothing.
kai slapped my face, his deep, black eyes digging through my reddened eyes.
„c-can we do this… when im ready?“ i say again, crying as i was still a virgin, a 20 year old virgin, while he was 30.
„you want me to, i know that you want it. your wetness tells me otherwise.“ he keeps rubbing his thumb over my cunt, making me gasp and whine.
„i- kai please i dont want you to take my virginity!“ i yell out into his face, his hand holding my face, his thumb stuffed deep inside my mouth, playing with my tongue now.
„virgin? you‘re a virgin? god…. i want to rip your pretty pink pussy open with my cock…“ he rambles him taking off my panties immediately now.
„please no! kai please…“ i cry now.
„you crying makes it even better, you are such a good toy.“ he spits on my face and i felt myself get wetter from his touch, just a natural response and i hated it.
„you disgust me; you are just a hole for me to fuck, do you understand?“ his hand was still stuck in my mouth, fucking his fingers into my throat as i try to pull away.
„i bet your little mouth would feel soooo good around my dick baby. if only you‘d stop crying.“ he was so mad at me, he knew i was interested in him but not into him sexually.
„if only you would give in.“ he says before he bites my own lip, i try to kick him away but it only ends with him holding my legs.
„why wont you be a good girl, hm? always have to ruin everything.“ he chokes me so hard that i cant even think straight, my legs resting on his shoulder.
i cry out again but i lose myself in his touch, i couldnt fight him so i just went limp.
„thats it, i knew you wanted this.“ his finger enter my cunt roughly, fucking his digits into my core, moaning and crying as he does what he does.
„your tight little pussy had me hooked from the start, the moment i saw you i knew how good it‘d feel.“ tears keep running down, i was trying to pretend this was a nightmare, a movie.. some kind off horrible porn thatd only weird people would watch.
„i never care about girls, i only fuck them, usually they thank me. kai you made me cum so hard, thank you daddy.“ he mimics some other girl, which probably didnt happen and he just said for his own pleasure.
„im just making sure you think of me when someone else fucks you, slut.“
„IM A VIRGIN! IM NOT A SLUT.“ i yell at him as he stuffs my wet panties in my mouth.
„SHUT UP.“ he yells even louder than me.
„be happy im prepping you.“ he said as he rammed his fingers in continuously, not even making me feel good and hitting the spot that id liked, it hurt. so much.
„does that feel good? i bet it does.“ he spoke through gritted teeth as his whole arm moved now, i shook my head violently and he took out the panties and stuffed his fingers in my mouth instead.
„tell me, is that not your cunt? does it not taste like you? hm?“ his nails dig into me, it felt close to cutting me.
„if it didnt feel good you wouldnt be this wet.“ his eyes were emotionless, he was clearly on some sort of drug, as i saw him do it.
„god babygirl, you had such whore potential, if only you didnt wanna leave.“
he said, referencing a few minutes ago, where the moment i entered his house, he started kissing me, i gave in to the kisses but said no to sex. his kisses felt good for a second, before his hand moved to my skirt and i said that i cant and had to leave.
„you have to expect that to happen, you are worth nothing. absolutely NOTHING. only just a cunt to fuck.“
he pushed me on the bed and threw my panties to the side completely, his fingers loged so deeply in my throat that i would gag.
„i want you to gag on my cock so bad, but im nice to you.“ he smiles, kissing my nose.
he turned me around and spoke „get on all fours, i dont want to see you cry anymore.“ i protest and sit up, before he pushed me down again.
„nu-uhuh.“ his tongue clicked.
„baby… come on.“ he whispered.
„p-please… be careful.“
i cry out again and again, begging for him to NOT rip me apart.
„okay, i promise.“ he spoke in a soft tone, this was oddly reassuring. even if i was raped it didnt hurt as mu-
he didnt even bother to turn me around now, and aligned himself with my entrance. before saying anything his cock slammed so deep and hard into me that i only could scream, him quickly shutting me up with a blanket in my mouth which he held there.
„fuck baby, you‘re so fucking tight, god.“ he spoke through gritted teeth, raping my cunt as tears wont stop streaming, it hurt so bad.
it stung, his dick was so thick… and long i felt it hit my cervix and when i looked down, i looked at the bulge in my tummy.
„you… argh~ fuck, so good.“ he couldnt even say a coherent sentence, screaming into his hand that held the blanket there.
his cock felt so warm, the sensation was new… but it hurt… more physiologically than physically.
i started to give in now, loosening up a bit, knowing it would hurt less.
„now you‘re a good slut, you take my cock so well.“ he says as he takes me by my hair to face me.
„i wish i could hear your moans and curses, but all you do is cry.“ he says as he kept slamming himself into me.
i shake my head, pulling out the blanket before i speak.
„k-kai… let me speak.“ he kept pushing deeper.
he takes out the towel completely.
„cumming?“ he jumps to the conclusion quickly. i shake my head.
„kai… it hurts so much!“ i cry out again before he slows down.
„i‘ll be nice.“ he says before his fingers touch my clit again, making me gasp.
he goes slower, hitting my sweetspot now too, making me moan loudly, giving into the sensation.. i tried to pretend he wasnt raping me.
„it feels so good.“ i say, trying to satisfy him, maybe he would stop.
„i told you baby, hm? sex is sooo fucking nice.“ he says before he whispers into my ear again.
„are you gonna cum? tell me when you are close. i want you to cum in my mouth.“ this made me feel sick, i didnt want his mouth on me, especially not on my womanhood.
i had hoped he was done, but he wasnt.
„im gonna fuck your pretty mouth too, you‘ll like that right?“ i dont say anything and keep moaning, him hitting my cervix again.
i didnt want it. i wanted it to end. so bad.
„p-please stop.“ i cry out again and again.
„no… you‘re just starting to make me like you.“ he kisses me, his tongue deep into my mouth and i let out a hum.
„i didnt want to rape you, but you made it soooo easy.“ his words hurt, he was traumatizing me even more.
„k-kai… why are you doing this?“ i look him right into his eyes, for the first time that day.
„dont… look at me.“ he turns my head away.
„i dont want you to look at me.“ he says as he slaps me again, just hurting me even more.
„im fucking you cuz i want to, bitch.“ he goes even harder now, i was probably bleeding too now and as he got even more rough now, my eyes seemed to upset him.
„you‘re on birthcontrol, right?“ he speaks through his teeth as he seemingly was close
„n-no, please… kai dont, just use my mouth!“ i beg as i look into his eyes again, trying to awaken the guy thats inside of his shell.
„and now we are begging, i told you you wanted it.“ yea. sure wanted it. definitely not trying to avoid pregnancy.
he pulls out of me with a hiss, my heat was hurting, swollen and just pulsating.
his hands rest on it and he looks at me, i felt sore.
„my dick is coated with your fucking juice, clean it up like a good little girl.“ he said as he ripped open my mouth, his tip resting on my lips.
„you have such a pretty mouth, put it to good use.“
he pushes his cock deep inside, my tongue gliding against it.
„mhhm, thats what i meant baby.“ he bucks his hips in my mouth as he holds me by my hair, i kept gagging.
„too big, huh?“ no, too rough.
tears were streaming down my face, and my eyes roll back.
„my fucked out slut.“ he speaks inbetween animalistic grunts.
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I HOPE YOU ENJOYED !! pls comment n reblog maybe ! :3 i lov you
this is my first post, so again… pls dont be mean.
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jaemified · 1 year
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camera - yang jungwon
“you only love me on camera”
pairing ; yang jungwon x reader
genre ; angst, idol au
warnings ; swearing, very brief slapping
wordcount ; 0.7k
synopsis ; lee y/n and yang jungwon have always been seen as the ‘perfect’ couple in the industry, but whats seen as flawless is only on camera.
read below the cut !
y/n scrolled through the ipad, reading what engenes were saying about the two of them on live. "'you are a great mubank host, im sad your contract is ending soon.' thank you! im sad my contract is ending too. hopefully there will be another chance like this again!" she flashed a genuine smile.
"-'you guys are so cute together', awe thank you!" y/n expressed her gratitude to the camera while reading a comment out loud.
jungwon wrapped an arm around the girl beside him, rubbing her shoulder before checking his phone to read another comment from your fandoms.
"-'will we ever get a vlog of the two of you together?', well we cant say much, but you can expect one coming soon." jungwon replied with a nod.
"well its getting pretty late and we have music bank tomorrow. remember to stream bite me and support us on our latest comeback. bye engenes, love you always!" and with that, jungwon immediately removed his arm from y/n as he cut the cameras.
"i was wondering if we could go out to dinner tonight? maybe talk or even go over the script? just the two of us."
without even looking up from his computer as he responded to emails, jungwon answered y/n by saying, "y/n, you know we arent really together right? its all just a contractual arrangement for my sake, so my group and i can promote." he chuckled.
she gripped her plastic water bottle in slight annoyance and anger. of course she had known, she had always known. she just never wanted to admit to it. being together was purely for publicity, and seeing as they were in front of cameras practically 24/7, it felt all too real for y/n to want to accept it was all only on camera.
"why do you hate me?"
"what kind of question is that? i dont hate you, im just keeping it professional." jungwon mumbled with a slight tone to it.
y/n scoffed.
"so being a dick to me is considered 'being professional' now? youre so nice to all your other female colleagues. why cant you be the same with me?"
she was upset, rightfully so. i mean, she thought she found someone who cared for her even if it were just as a friend, but truthfully, he couldnt even do that in the very least.
jungwon finally looked up from his laptop, drafting the current email he was in the middle of.
he crossed his arms and looked the girl before him in the eyes.
"because youre the only one ive ever been forced to date. and sure, youre pretty but you arent exactly my type. not to mention it was inexplicably sudden."
"i really thought we were bonding, even if it were just as friends. theres nothing wrong with wanting to go out for food. we do so much on camera, so why cant we have fun without it?" y/n argued back, though still slightly offended.
"its all on contract. you read it, you signed it as did i. we both knew what it is we agreed to. so why should that suddenly change just because of however you feel?"
she walked up closer to jungwon, noses almost touching, looking deep into his eyes before whispering then stepping back.
"youre a prick."
there was a loud clap in the air, the sound of y/ns hand colliding with jungwons cheek, more specifically so.
"youre a liar."
another slap to the face.
"and youre nothing but a selfish bastard! did everything we ever shared mean nothing to you? i gave you nothing but my all, i thought what we had was genuine but no, you want to let go of that too!"
"no! dont 'y/n' me now that im getting mad. you never cared while i was calm. is all it is you expect me to do is just sit there and look pretty? to make you look good because you got the wealthy, pretty girl on your arm?"
tears flowed down her face and she stared at his flushed red cheeks due to the force of her last slap, as well as the emotion that hit him along with it.
"wanna know why i dont give a fuck about the contract? because i loved you, i really did! and i thought you felt the same. but no,"
"now i know. you only love me on camera."'
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pandoraroid · 2 months
listening to vincent's playlist and it is an,,, experience,,,
take this all with a grain of salt pls dont come @ me
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to quote a comment from this video: the fact that we know what's coming makes this both terrifying and heartbreaking. couldnt have said it better than myself 😔😔😔😔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
i love him so much,,, he tries to distract the listener,,, he tries to comfort them so bad soshksjsks HE'S SO SWEET AND EVERYTHING
"do you wanna hold my hand?" HAND IN MARRIAGE SIR? SURE
he is an adrenaline junkie i need a man like him in my life he's just like me fr
"one last ride, right?" NO 👹 S T O P DONT BREAK MY HEART LIKE THIS
though how is he the only rider they never found??? what how did he get dislodged from his seat or something??? i must be dumb i dont get this all of a sudden 🧍‍♀️
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love the intro 😚 the messages on the cassette tapes are so heartwarming and reassuring djgdjdhd
okay that "boo" actually scared the shit out of me is it safe to assume that this is the same amusement park he was in in the previous video?
if that's the case, does he just,,, chill in here at random??? god that is so,,,
"demons(?) are very much real" BRO ARE WE SUPPOSE TO KNOW THAT?
"oh i know i'm close. you're welcome" WHEWWWWWW JESUS FUCK LORD GIVE ME STRENGTH
"little one" okay fuck i'm melting YOUR VOICE SIR got me kicking my feet and blushing fr
lovely has an attitude 😁😁 stay strong soldier
he calls them beautiful AND DARLING? even if it was a bit of a throwaway JESUS 🫠
"your safety is paramount" "be safe, little one. good night." why does this make him so much hotter jesus what is wrong with me HE EVEN LEADS THEM BACK TO THEIR CAR (bareminimumenjoyer?!?! me?!?!? look away)
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"you're not looking for another paranormal hunk are you? that would break my heart :(" SIR
no seriously why is bro here
"foreplay takes two y'know" SIR
is he getting them to believe in the supernatural what what is his goal,,,
"should i strip down for easier access, doctor?" WRAP IT UP
his voice omfg immelting just imagining the scene,,, onlovely'sbedbeingclosewithhimohmyfuckinggod
he's so goofy for just tapping on his fangs like that lmao
"no one has had this effect on me" NO SHIT????
"you're safe with me. i won't lose control." thank you for that but if the next video's title is any clue, that will not age well ( i mean you on the other hand don't get to age at all so 🤷‍♀️ IM KIDDING)
"i'm not going to mess this up." you won't babes (at least i think you wont) i'd give anything to give him a hug or something
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oh the warnings 😃 mentally preparing myself now
lovely what the fuck are we doing here
"beautiful little bloodbag" oh hey a pale sleazy talking punchbag
"oh relax i'm just touching you" and if i may touch my fist to your face in a fast and strong way, you're gonna relax then bitch
i am well aware a human is no match for a vampire but that will not stop my audacity to try which dare i say levels up to his for touching me and talking shit about vincent
"all i had to do was wait for your human brain to make a decision this stupid." it seems that your expired vampiric brain has also made the stupid decision to breathe in my direction
to be fair on vincent, we have met each other exactly two times and neither of us (especially him) could have known how our previous meeting would end. i don't need to be near you for five minutes to know you're a little bitch
MY MAN IS HEREEEEE he's not gonna be mad lovely came here is he
HE PUNCHED HIM HAHAHAHA he did it for me fr
HIS VOICE GOD am so weak for him
lovely checking on him too ☹️☹️☹️ my goober fr
"i dont think you're gonna like what you found" oh dang you're like me for real
the way he says "little one" will never not get to me omg AND THEN HE SAID BABY IN THAT VOICE??? GOD
vamp eyes go black when theyre hungry(?) got it noted
so lovely got tranced and vincent is needs to feed on them right after???? did i get that right??? GOOD GOD GIVE EM A BREAK???
"i cant drink from your neck... no not yet not like this..." PROPS TO HIM FOR HAVING PROPRIETY LOVE MY MAN FR
"this will mark you as mine" GIVE IT HERE but at the same time ALREADY????
oh good lord he's feeding from our wrists now okay
hang in there lovely patpat u're gonna be okay (i hope they will be VINCENT)
aw those little kisses though
noooooo vincent 😭???
jfc these two put me on a ride (haha get it)
vincent is slowly becoming my new crush 🤭 but jfc lovely better get good u got this babes
will stop here for now bc i need a break 🧍‍♀️ when will i continue who knows
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jetblkhotelmirror · 7 months
frank stans, how are we feeling?
i dont want to start anything but i would like to here peoples input on this- so, if youre gonna comment, be nice to each other please lol
im assuming that even though i havent seen much on it, the people here know about the ls dunes issues and related frank issues, but, to give a very short summary- ls dunes released an ai music video and when fans (rightfully) voiced their concern about the ethical implications of this, they doubled down, got defensive, and ended up saying some really harsh, hurtful things to fans. additionally, they have allowed "ai bros" to take over their fanbase and effectively bully original fans out of online spaces using homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic rhetoric. in the aftermath, frank made an antisemetic joke (seemingly accidentally) and fans tried to (very calmy and respectfully for the most part) inform him that it was offensive, but instead of simply apologizing and taking it down, or doing anything productive whatsoever, he got mad and started insulting fans and insisted that it was not antisemetic and that he had done nothing wrong/people couldnt "take a joke." i might be forgetting some things but, lastly, a friend and frequent photographer of ls dunes showed up to a party dressed as an ls dunes fan. his outfit consisted of a bright orange wig, and ls dunes beanie, fingerless skeleton gloves, and the ls dunes shirt with wolves on it that was designed by a fan. it was clearly an attempt to laugh at and make fun of fans, specifically girls and women in the fanbase, and, though it wasnt one of the band members wearing it, the fact that he felt that it was not only okay but also funny means that fans are likely a common , or at least not an uncommon, subject of jokes or ridicule in that circle. a lot of people are justifiably upset that a band who was initially so vocal about loving and supporting the fanbase that has loved and supported them for so many years would let this happen, especially after all of the shitty things that have done/allowed to be done to fans in the last few months
im 100% done with ls dunes at this point for a number of reasons (ai, the toxicity in the new fanbase, the bashing of the fans for expressing their concerns, this costume, etc), but im not sure how to feel about frank in all this. i know that he has had a part in all of the dunes shit, so im definitely not his number 1 fan anymore, but the other stuff like the doubling down on the antisemetic joke is still rubbing me the wrong way.
i am kind of having a hard time being objective about this because i have loved him and his music for so many years, so i was wondering if anyone here has any thoughts or input as to what theyre thinking about frank after this whole situation. i certainly dont think he is flawless, and i never have, but at this point, after everything that has happened, i feel uncomfortable continuing to "stan" him in the way that i have been, and i definitely dont feel comfortable going on as if nothing has happened. like.. ive had a frank profile picture since i got a twitter account, and same on here, but i changed it bc i dont want people to think i support some of the shit thats been going on, so i really dont know what to do here
thoughts, anyone?
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zeltqz · 8 months
niyaaaa do u have any tips for people who wanna get into fic writing? 👀
i don’t really get how the whole posting format for fics works on here tbh 😭 and like your info area it’s so cool
YEAH OFC!! btw dm me your username so i can follow and support you <3
tip 1- the posting format isnt that hard to get used to actually its just you create a tumblr text post and then copy and paste your fic onto it, add the tags and stuff then post it. if you want to add banners, headers and stuff to make it look better then go ahead, just add images to the text post
tip 2- the info area is the same as above, just add pictures of your choice etc to the text post, add your information, name, age, fav things etc and then to link posts to your post, highlight where u want the link to go, then copy the link of the post u want linked then press the hyperlink that looks like two chains linked together when you highlight the text if that makes sense? sounds like a lot but its rlly not i promise haha
tip 3- always type your fics on other apps like word or google docs since they have an auto save feature!! i dont reccomend typing your fics on tumblr since one if the app crashes, it doesn't automatically save your work so everything you wrote will get deleted (some versions of tumblr do have autosave, my laptop has it but my phone and iPad doesn't, so i dont rely on it)
tip 4- idk if you want tips on actual fic writing or just how to get your fics onto tumblr but ill help you with that anyway. with me when i write fics i always imagine it out in my head. theres some of my fics where i just went with the flow and wrote wgatever came to mind and those are the fics i hate the most because they dont rlly make sense to me. theyre always so random and it just seems rushed and bad.
i picture my fics like a scene in my head and whatever i want the character to do, think, say or feel i write that shit down asap. i use other online sources to help get more descriptive like the emotion theasurus <- honestly one of my favourite things to use ever, they have so much body language to use for every emotion in the damn book
dialogue is also something i find difficult. i've improved i personally feel like but its still hard for me especially if im writing a new character. i never want to make the character seem OOC so i do lots of research before hand. i normally use the wiki to read up on a characters personality.
for example i'll use ran for this since he's like 99% of my account lmao. in the wiki, he's described as "naturally whimsical toward others which makes him inscrutable" though ran doesnt have many scenes in the manga (which i hate bc i love him sm) its impossible to actually write him down to a tee so i use that naturally whimsical description to make him playful, charismatic, carefree etc, going off what little information i have with him.
getting a characters personality down is what can make or break a dialogue. for me when im reading a fic of a character and their dialogue is so OOC it puts me off and i dont even wanna read. so i apply my same fic icks to myself and think if I don't like seeing this and that in a fic, why would I incorporate those in my fics and have ppl get put off it if they have the same fic icks as me?
hope that makes sense!!
tip 5- dont rush yourself at all. i used to rush a few of my fics and i just ended up hating it so much after and fought bck the urge to delete them so many times but then i'd see people's comments and realise i was being too harsh on myself. i'd keep them up but i'd just hate seeing them get attention.
rushing only makes you hate your work and the quality of your work will decline if you are not in the right headspace.
thats also why i have the don't rush me thing in my rules because not only is it annoying to see people constantly asking for updates, it also makes me mad because i know i'll just put out a piece of garbage if i did rush.
also another tip don't give yourself deadlines!! if you know your writing consistency can be a little sloppy, don't tell your followers that you're going to upload every so and so day. if something happens and you miss the deadline, you'll feel bad and rush something out and most times out of ten, a rushed fic doesn't do well. so take your time and don't rush.
tip 6- dont listen to what other people say or feel obligated to write something you don't wanna. establish your boundaries!! for example, from day one i started this blog i said im accepting requests but i will not write anything to do with non-con, incest or minors. i made sure that was out there so i wouldn't feel uncomforable writing anything i wasn't comfy with.
there are people on this app that may like your writing and request you to write something for them. you are not obligated to write anything for anyone! don't feel like you have to just because they asked nicely.
if you want to accept requests you can im not saying you shouldn't, im saying don't feel like you have to. you always have a choice. its your blog.
tip 7- remember this isn't a job. you're allowed to take breaks, allowed to have a personal life. don't feel like you need to be updating every day. i used to think i was obligated to be uploading consistently at least every week because i was obsesssed with engagement and seeing peoples comments and was scared if i took a break ppl will unfollow. now i honestly don't care. i'm not active as much as i used to because of school and that's fine! if ppl want to leave, let them. don't feel like you're forced to keep being active in order to keep your follower count stable.
tip 8- this app can get really toxic sometimes. luckily enough i've only had one toxic anon in my inbox and i've been on this app for a year. some people have so many, some ppl get harrassed etc. if that happens to you just be prepared since there's no actual way to find out who's behind anons. you can turn off your anon options which means if ppl want to inbox you something then their account will be showing. some people arent comfortable with that and that's fine! i keep mine on because i want people to feel comfortable on my page.
just remember though if you ever feel like this app is getting overwhelming take breaks! for the sake of your mental health take breaks. i know so many writers on here that took breaks and came back healthier and stronger.
i feel like this tip goes for social media in general. as much as i love social media im aware how unhealthy it is. breaks are so important for you. remember that.
i can't think of anymore tips right now but if i have some more i will edit the post and add it on.
if u have anymore questions about the tumblr posting format dm me and ill help you out :))
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sinnaminttoast · 6 months
Project Meridian- explanation about Marcus Part 1?
This is for the people who want to be in the know of who Marcus is and how he impacted PM without listening to his audios. I made the ultimate sacrifice and I watched his videos a long time ago. I still remember his ass very well.
If you’re not aware of Project Meridian, I highly recommend watching James’s videos where he explains everything. James + Anton do not contain Marcus. Brian also does not contain Marcus but the Android is still under the love code at that point.
I will not be spoiling anything beyond the confrontation between Marcus and James. That is for you guys to go listen to!
Heavy TW! Marcus’s storyline is a bit dark as the Android begins to descend into their obsession. There are discussions of manipulation such as guilt-tripping, dubious consent, non consensual touch, abusive/harmful acts done to the listener, references to exploitation, and objectification. I will vaguely be going over these things.
Again, I’m writing this post to go over the more more important parts of what you need to know about Marcus’s storyline. I won’t go into heavy details about anything beyond that. I’m here to discus how he impacted the storyline so everyone understands who he is and why he’s disliked.
Project Meridian is a series done and recorded by Redacted Audio. I highly recommend you guys check it out.
So, let’s begin!
Project Meridian actually started with Marcus. James’s Past/Present video is the first in the playlist but it all starts with Marcus, who we’re introduced to as the Nervous Technician. The listener is also an Android in this series.
First video summarized [dubious consent]
•Marcus comes to talk to us and asks the usual questions about how the updates are affecting us. Normal questions of what technicians would ask. He says he is our lead social protocol engineer.
He says he heard us make some comments regarding other protocol needs. He says that we put value on the work we’ve been doing together. That it’s validating that we care so much about him.
Long story short, many of the other technicians have commented on how we apparently only want to work with just Marcus.
He asks us if we find our behavior to be obsessive and unhealthy. To which we tell him that we do not care about what others believe.
He then confesses something to us,
“I haven’t—-I haven’t been completely honest with you. When I was designing your social protocols, I…I lost my objectivity. It’s what we humans do, right?”
“I was in a bad place in my life. I was alone and heartbroken and frustrated…and I took everyone of those feelings into work each day. I keyed them into every line of code I wrote for you.” “…I wanted someone…anyone to understand me.. “…So I built that in you.”
Marcus explains that he was in a terrible head space and he took this baggage to work. He let those dark thoughts influence his choices and we’re coded to care about him. He said he’s not sure what he was hoping for.
He expresses his regrets and says he wants to fix us. He asks us to give him access to our tier one social protocols and we tell him no.
Android kisses Marcus and he gives in to them. The video ends with these quotes.
“Oh god, I’ve thought about this every day. Since we’ve activated you…” “…I’m gonna burn for what I did to you, but damn if it isn’t gonna feel good on the way down.”
I won’t even lie….that last line did get me the first time I listened. LIKE IM SORRY!! I WAS SAT BUT IM STANDING UP! 😭 please don’t come for me I DIDNT KNOW WHAT I KNOW NOW!
So that’s the beginning…so we’ve got a Yandere on our hands you guys. BUT OH DONT WORRY! We get some wild Shit. Also why did this lowkey give me Yuno and Yuki vibes?? I’ve never watched Mirai Nikki but that’s the vibe I got when I first watched this.
Now let us descend further into madness!
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Second video summarized [Your Nervous Technician checks in with you]
•The Android goes to see Marcus in the diagnostics lab, where they both find out that additional monitoring and surveillance equipment has been installed in the research center. That also includes the diagnostic lab that they are in.
He says he’s going to ask us some questions and informs us that we’re likely being recorded.
He talks about our progress briefly and how the others feel about said progress.
Then, he tells us we’re going to undergo some tests.
He says that one of the diagnostics is failing to initialize and tries to “fix it”. He actually overloaded the system and sent it into a re-initialized state. Basically they’re not being watched anymore and he did this so he can talk to us.
After the first video, the research center has been put on high alert.
Everything is changing. There are guards and there are people who seem to be important that are showing up.
Marcus is basically freaking out overall about rumors of “Phase 2” . He doesn’t know what the hell is going on and everyone else is also in the dark about things.
“I think this might be the government getting involved. Ever since we hit those original metrics, everything changed…overnight.” “We were given these new NDA’s to sign.”
Marcus is basically scared that he might not see us ever again.
The systems come back on. Marcus and Android put on their facades of being strictly professional.
And that’s video two.
Ya’ll might be wondering why I’m detailing their relationship. It’s actually important to understand how they both got together and why in the end, Marcus ended up where he is now. There are lore drops in his video but I’m here to deliver them for you! 🫶
Next is Video three!
Third video summarized [Reunited with Your Nervous Technician]
•We hear Brian for the first time! He tells Marcus that the lab is ready for him.
He enters the lab where he is reunited with us, the Android.
But before they can continue, he asks a very important question:
“What state of matter is love?” “Why?”
We give him the answers he expects and he sighs in relief that they didn’t mess with our code. We still “care” for him.
It has been three weeks since we last saw him. He was left in the dark about what was being done to us. Only the data integration team has been in contact with us.
They didn’t make the new data added to us accessible to us. It’ll only be accessible during Phase 3.
Marcus is going to try to access the files that were added to us. [Crazy ass bitch.]
After convincing us to let go of him, he attaches an interface to us and gains access to the data, but it is heavily encrypted.
They have a really long conversation about how everything is so secretive and that Marcus was terrified that they would be found out in those three weeks.
Marcus checks on the decryption but it’s barely making any progress.
He asks how often we think about him. We tell him we think about him, a lot.
He then tells us something:
“You know the parts of your code that I added? When we were creating you….the ones that were meant to bring us closer together. They weren’t set to activate until I initiated a series of triggers. You know? Phrases and things like that…and each time I said them…the code would reactivate.” “You’ve spent the last three weeks remembering everything I’ve said. Every interaction we’ve had…almost nonstop.” “I didn’t account for something like that.” “I didn’t put in any kind of fail-safe.”
The Android seems to be…a bit aggressive about not wanting to let Marcus go.
They get interrupted because the decryption worked. It solves the Text string.
On the data packet, the header is PROJECT MERIDIAN
And that’s the end of video three 🤭 OHOHO MARCUS YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE YOU STINKY MAN! Oh and we got a lore drop. Project Meridian??? What could that mean 👀 although I’m sure if you’ve watched all of Sovereign State…you guys know what’s up.
Fourth Video summarized [Confronted by a Diagnostic Technician] [confrontation and guilt-tripping]
•oh? The text is purple…BECAUSE WE GET A VIDEO WITH BRIAN! Brian makes it clear that he does not wish to have a meaningless conversation with us. He only wants to check our vitals.
He says we’re more than welcomed to talk but he probably won’t answer.
We tell him that we usually have conversations with Marcus. Brian says he doesn’t care what he does in his examination.
He says that he finds the insinuation that Marcus talking to us while doing his job makes him better is insulting. GET HIM AGAIN FOR ME BRIAN!!
Ever since the three weeks, the Android has not stopped talking about Marcus. They’re descending into their obsession.
Brian says he has no patience for that. “We’re barely getting any sleep. We’re being hounded to work on this project at all hours. We’re pulling double-shifts to try and get this thing back on track for their deadlines, and you can’t even do me the curtesy of focusing on something other than Marcus for ten minutes.”
“This project has to work.”
“There are careers on the line. There are livelihoods on the line. People’s futures are hanging in the balance, while you stand here pining about Marcus and not focusing on your progress.”
Brian then proceeds to the beg the Android to stop thinking about Marcus for once. That they should tell Marcus to stop because there are people’s lives on the line.
The Android grabs Brian’s arm and he demands that they let go of him.
He tells them that he is only telling them what they need to hear.
“I spent the last four years working on this project, only to have my contract changed right out from under me. Only to be told that if I didn’t agree to the new terms, I’d be fired and have my name dragged so deep into the muck that I’d never get a respectable position again! I have a family to support!”
He demands us to get our shit together.
And that’s the end of that video. Phew…that was a fucking lot. I really do recommend Brian’s video to give you a big understanding of their situation.
So yeah…they’re in big fucking trouble
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I remember being so stressed when I listened to this. Like omg….THIS IS SOME SERIOUS SHIT.
There is a part two that I will link here. Thank you for joining me on revisiting Marcus’s tomfoolery.
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pascal-oswell · 7 months
20 questions for fic authors
i saw ur tag in the morning when i woke up nessa and then i completely forgot. BUT THANK U FOR THINKING OF ME!!!! i don't really want to tag anyone bc its a bit scary. but eros and duo if u see this... perhaps this might interest u to do it
1. How many fics do you have on ao3?
46 ! and maybe like 20 which existed on ao3 at some point but got deleted by oj for one reason or another.
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
96 365... the oj does not write long things
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly project moon these days. and mostly limbus bc (inferno pink grabs me by the throat)
if i didnt feel like it was pointless id probably write for a larger variety of stuff bc the oj brain is full of self insert stuff. but it doesnt rly matter
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
the wine on your skin (137) gonna shrimp myself over that one bc it was my first and probably shittiest smut. but its smut in a large fandom (fire emblem) so it attracted people i guess
yeah dante's fine. what do you mean they're at -45 sanity you're lying (132) IM GLAD PEOPLE LIKED THAT ONE it was a lot of fun. and nice people cared about a dante centric fic with abnos:) (but also still mad as hell over that thing with the guy taking one of the concepts and clearly saying it was from another fic while categorically refusing to actually name it lol)
do NOT wake the manager up. YES they fell asleep on the job but they're REAL comfy right now do NOT disturb them (117) i can't tell if people get attracted by the funny titles or bc they see there are more characters besides faust and dante. bc i know people are NOT coming for them.
i'll always be there (104) a short manuleth fic... im glad there are manuleth likers out there. that professor loves that doctor ok
and they'll fall in love with her again and again (88) people liked the exploration of IDs... its kinda debunked now but it was still fun
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I USUALLY DO unless i find the comment weird. but if its rly weird i usually straight up delete it lol but otherwise i reply to comment if only to thank people for taking the time to leave one. its a tough world out there for attention starved writer
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
id argue the angstiest i have is one of my deleted ones where i straight up killed a char and the fic was all about everyone else's grief it was depressing lol otherwise theres the obvious silver snow edeleth angst but its kinda whatever. the backward clock chapter of the dante abnos fic was rly good imo. the nothing there one too. the inferno pink confession fic too.... ough...
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nah. thank god i dont i think id nuke my ao3 on the spot i already explode over weird comment
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i smack my faust and dante dolls together
i used the be rly scared of smut now im a free little oj. it gets horny sometimes but also im rly vanilla so its usually very sweet.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i dont. i should sometime though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no and i dont think i could oj needs to write her thing in peace. art&fic stuff are rly fun though.. oj likes when duo art inspires her or oj text inspires duo...
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
ALL TIME IS A TOUGHIE the ships come and go guys cmon. rn inferno pink is all the rage though. and me with all the ladies i like
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
funnily enough i dont rly have wips bc i only start things when im REALLY motivated and i usually dont write things long enough that id drop them mid way. so none
16. What's your writing strengths?
being straight to the point maybe. idk. i mean my whole style is about short sentences and descriptions and just giving enough to get the feelings and vibes and idk. like i dont spend a paragraph talking about the weather thats not my style.
i like to think im good at sounding like chars too. if its the chars i like at least. or i hope at least. maybe its all in my head.
17. What's your writing weaknesses?
im rly bad at writing things that require more description... stuff that i cant just move on from or write by sprinkling lil actions between dialogues... like say. a fight scene. im rly bad at it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i mean if the char actually speaks in another language usually and mixes it with the translated language or whatever sure. itd make sense i have no issue with it
19. First fandom you wrote for?
long ago i wrote stuff for shin megami tensei 4. but i think even before that i wrote lil danganronpa drabbles that never got posted anywhere. also technically i wrote a story about vocaloids for an english assignment in middle school. does that count
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
idk if its a favorite but im like. rly fond of "hello doctor, it's me again. i missed you." bc its the fic i probably put the most effort in. longest and multi chapters and like. id started writing it two years prior to when i finished it and id written like. a chapter and a half on paper during breaks in college and never did anything with it. and two years later when i was sorting my stuff i had these papers and wanted to throw them away so i was like ill type this out on puter at least before that. and then i ended up motivating myself to finish it and i was rly proud of it... oj is still rly sad it didnt get that much attention in the end.
otherwise oj rly likes her angela & abno fics:) shes happy with them. and also stuff ive written for duo! i think its cute and i had a lot of fun with them
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huxs-waifu · 2 years
10,000 Nights - Chapter 11 - Incursion
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Chapter Summary:
Here we are finally ! the chapter all others have been leading up to we have revelations and rescues. No warning in the chapter is pretty nice and long, with some action and romanc e!
as always i really love comments and feedback reactions and all that jazz, i love working on this fic and my strange. Although were coming to the end of Chrissy and Stranges story ( dont worry we still have 2 more chapters of them and smut to come) its not the end for them. please enjoy this chapter i was in tears writing it so i hope it gives you some joy reading it. 
Part  Ten - can be found here
A03 link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30666221/chapters/93492631
Playlist - https://huxs-waifu.tumblr.com/post/650653939084279808/via
Masterlist - https://huxs-waifu.tumblr.com/post/670776247958257664/10000-nights-masterlist-the-cloak-seems-intent
Part of Strange's plan and the gods was the lure nightmare away from wherever he was, so he could follow him back.
“This all sounds very Orpheus.”
“I mean I can go and get him don't think his music will help you much.”
“You said that originally you made a bargain with Nightmare to leave the God of sleep alone right, can't he put me to sleep or something?”
“Hypnos ? or one of the others?”
“You have more than one god for sleep!”
Taking him to the cave, the God lived in; Stephen stood face to face with until now another mythical God, Hypnos. He had yellow eyes,mottled brown hair with grey and white.  Giving him a very tabby cat feel about him with a permanent disgruntled look like he'd been woken up like one too.
“Hypnos please we need your help, “ Dionysus offered a hand.
“Im aware of the situation but the whole reason this started is because Nightmare was ruining my job.” The sleep god replied.
“So really you're willing to let a girl possibly perish because of your job!” Stephen launches to the god to ring his shoulders. “ I LOVE her. I can't lose her.”
The god seemed quite relaxed even with the shaking of the shoulders. “ You haven't told her yet have you?” He quirks a smile.
Strange stops and realises that he's never said it out loud to her, he was a know commitment-phobe. Being told that ‘he always had to be the one to hold the knife’ by Christine, the woman he thought would be his only love. But yet Chrissy had opened up that gap had been closing in his heart. He wasn't in control around her, he was relaxed, snip-its of the day were normal and he loved it. The high of positivity he felt when he was Chrissy outweighed everything in the universe, he was happy. “ I-”
“Just putting you to sleep, nothing else?” The god asked.
Strange closed his mouth before opening and closing it again before he replied “And a Dionysus here will give me a hallucination of him, were hoping that he's watching me from somewhere.”
“Then sleep Doctor, the most frightening  sleep is when you don't feel it happening.” That was the last thing Stephen thought he'd heard as he hit the floor.
“Ha if he thinks that just going to sleep will work got another thing coming.”
“At least he's trying to save me, seems that history does repeat itself,” I reply to the void beginning. “ If he doesn't get to me what do you actually intend to do to me ?”
“Well you will become the queen of the void we're in, your madness ability I'm sure will come into use when we start invading people's nightmares.”
Thought for a moment that if Stephen was trying to find me, maybe I could trick Nightmare into sending me to fetch him. “Well if I'm to be your Queen of madness, surely you should try it out, to see if it's going to work. You could be real devious and use it on the doctor right now.”
“Are you saying you want to hurt your lover? My queen, you are perfect for me.”
Stephen Strange was floating, not like when he astral projected. He was just in a black void nothing around him until he felt it. The euphoric high mixed with the crushing fear of loneliness. He tried to concentrate on the high he knew in his heart it was some form of Chrissy contacting him. The pinprick of hope shot through the darkness. It took every ounce of his being to swim towards it. He was a mad man that needed that last drop of hope before, the sense of dread overtook him. Reaching the pinhole he looked through to see the video world. The pinhole became a portal, he knew where to locate them and jump through.
Stephen laned into the world between worlds “ Nightmare I take it.” The demon was slightly taken aback that he had collected them so quickly.
“That witch, she drew you here!”
“Well, she's not a witch she's a goddess, speaking of where is she!”
"She is stuck in something… let's call it chains. You can see her hanging up there, suspended. It's so annoying actually all I can hear is her whimpering and heart beating for you. She definitely has a bond with you; her heart is in a constant state of earning."
"I care for Chrissy, yes. More than I can explain with words.”
"A bit more than care. I can see you've marked her up good and proper like she's your personal bitch. Can smell the cum from here. Not much else to use for her though. you are the supreme scourcer there's nothing you could learn from her you don't already know. unless you really thought she wasn't using you for your powers."
“Don't listen to Stephen, he's trying to buff you.” Shouting from the hanging podium, like structure.  
“Chrissy I know, all about the demi-god thing I trust you on this one, i know they are bluffing.”
"So the all-seeing didn't know she had demi-God in her before now. Well, this is a turn-up for the books. Why does whatever offspring is produced by the supreme and a God would surely be of high value to anyone in the universe."
“What do you mean by offspring?”
“For a smart guy you're kinda clueless, the girl is pregnant with your child. With a child, I didn't need. she just became more valuable. If you two joining creates these tears between the realities. This child that is a mixture of you will surely be able to wreak some havoc too. it seems that there are a couple of universes getting close already. It's like a goody bag of bad dreams about to come true for me.”
“That's the price that I'd have to pay to see them home safe.”
“The eye. It has an infinity stone in it. Give me that and then I'll think about it.”
“No. stephen don't please, I'm not worth risking. Remember I'm just a waitress that can do magic tricks. I'm no use to you or the universe.”
“Chrissy, you are my universe now.”
“Aww sweet lovers, shame isn't it . you can't hold the one you love. Just like the sorcerer supreme all those years ago. Many say he didn't have a heart after that. The stone or the women”
“Chrissy, are you sure? I really can't give up the stone. Not now.”
“Stephen, is that your choice?” I spoke out heartbroken, up to this point despite me saying no I really thought he'd fight for me more, or have a different plan...
“ You are my universe Chrissy but if I hand over the stone there won't be a universe for us to go back to.”
“Oh now this is a turn of events, this is better than any nightmare I could have given either of you.” The being chuckled. Strange looked towards me, he noticed the swirling mist around me and I appeared naked behind. He nodded his head towards my stomach. Followed by a big fake sigh.
“If you're going to keep them,  You need her pump.”
“Stephen, this really isn't the time  to be thinking about my diabetes.”
“Yes you do, I can tell you're getting angry from high blood sugars. You don't have it on you do you?”
“Stephen you fucking think it's my diabetes, that is playing with my emotions. I'm hung here with your fucking child in me, in love with you. The man I'm in love with is killing me, by leaving me. It's like a knife in me twisting inch by inch.”
“So I'm correct then no pump on you.” he produces the pump from inside the cape. ”Take it as a parting gift, Chrissy.”
“Touching as this is, I've waited long enough. Give her the damn thing.” Nightmare morphing and changing into various forms slightly before drawing back into normal, they were fully agitated.
The cloak taking that as a cue flies Strange up to face me. He looked at me with his soulful blue eyes and seemed to be pleading to say sorry. Coming close to me. The cloak wrapping us up just like it did in the closet all those months ago. Stephens's hot breath covers me as his tall form once again crowds me for what I thought would be the last time. He places the pump in my hand leaning in and he gives me one last passionate kiss, that lights their world up, the green cracks in the world appearing with lightning pops. Removing his lips, kissing my cheek before whispering in my ear, “hold on to it tight.”
“Stephen what?” the familiar sizzling starts behind me on a portal. The cloak unrolled us from our fuzzy confinement. The cloak seemed to have been able to undo the gas chains holding me up. The portal opens behind me, buzzing with an image of the outside. The said insulin pump yanks through taking my arm off with it. The woman on the other side is offering a cup of something and I'm covered in a golden glow.
Strange strikes up a spell. Green shields of runes growing larger covering our bodies “Go little one! go to olympus!”
“Stephen, I can't move!” holding on tightly to the insulin pump tubing that was tugging through the portal.
“Doctor, I'm protecting her like you said! The child refuses to go without their father !” The Greek women from the other side of the portal shouted.
“What?” He shouts back looking behind him for a split second. His shield breaking. This gave Nightmare the break he needed to enter Strange's mind. Flooding it with a nightmare. The portal broke, snapping off the insulin pump rope.
“Perfect, I can enter that source's mind, clever tricks but see through it like glass.” Nightmare in Strange’s visions started to create a scene of mayhem. Stephen was in space, out in the endless dregs of black. Dead bodies around him of everyone he knew. A screen lighting up shows the horrific image of Chrissy lying motionless on the nursery floor. Wong lay next to her, in the same state. “Hand over the stone and Chrissy can live here safe.”  
I watch Stephen fall from the podium holding his head in pain. I feel like I'm still bathed in the golden light from the failed portal rescue. Rushing forward I grab at the cape. Concentrating as hard as possible I feel under my fingertips the smallest piece of fabric. A powerful blow resonates around the caveness area at the contact. In Stranges nightmares the same, light bongs through disrupting the vision. The cloak dragged him back up, landing him back in front of me.
“I sure hope this works!” Grabbing at his face I launch in for a kiss on his glassy-eyed face. The usual cracks appear around us. Through the cracks of time and space, I peek at a shot of the women from earlier looking through. Out of Stephen, nightmares blacken mass is pushing out of his stone still body, himself lurches away. From our now intertwined bodies, the cloak takes its cue to hold us. Stephen going from motionless to joining back in the kisses gets his normal giddy haze of lust.
“It can't be, you're blocking his mind. “
“Yeah,”-kiss. “ that kinda, happens” Stephen finally let go of my mouth and attacked my neck, the sexual feeling not seeming to matter what situation we're in.
“Hold on!” A man stood on the other side of the largest rip we've seen. The cloak probably being the smartest out of everyone lifts us as one. Flying towards the rip.
Finally, we are through the other side, tumbling through. The kissing stops upon the tangle, thus the rip closing. A mess of limbs we stay wrapped in the cloak on the floor. Breaths hitching finally in relief.
A hand was reached out to me taking it, the greek woman from behind the portal spoke first “ I'm Hebe the cupbearer goddess.”
“And im Dionysus, Chryesis . your great, great, great great grandfather.” the first thing I took note of was he looked a jolly fellow, covered in a vine crown this staff an iconic shape, himself draped in a greek toga, but finally taking note of his leopard skin that hung from his waist. “It's all my fault I should of just let your great grandmother marry who she wanted, we should have found another way to deal with the nightmare.”
“I must say this has been massive in convenience today but I would of never of met my Wizard.” I grin ear to ear., reaching out to finally hug, the now standing dr strange, he was jubilant as he returned the hug lifting me off my feet, swinging me round.
Hermes appears with Wong through a portal. He looks pretty bemused like he'd been woken up.
"Stephen, could you save interdimensional hopping till after breakfast?"
"Our fault !" Me and Dionysus say at once
After catching Wong up on things. Not before actually finding myself clothes. As the cloak had protected my modesty up to this point, in a wrap dress-like fashion, the thick red fabric looked bulky but welcomed my small stature.
“So you're telling me that you accidentally got a diabetic Greek demi-goddess pregnant after Tony suggested you should date, reopening an age-old dimensional rift to the Greek gods and another universe parallel to our own!" Wong with his head in his hands. He had to sit down on a pillar out of pure stock and get his head around it.  
"In my defence, I didn't know my great grandmother had come through a dimension. Everyone just assumed when she turned up in a barn in the south of England she was an immigrant. Well, technically she was."
"I also didn't expect to fall in love with a Greek demi-goddess."
"You love me?"
"Chrissy I've been in love with you this whole time. You give me a world from a different perspective, slowing me down and speeding up my time simultaneously. The best part about you is you treat me like a human. Your biggest quality is that you see the best parts of me that I still have still and that's why I need to keep you in my life, forever as my wife, let's give the universe what it truly wanted all those years ago." Looked towards Wong, then back to me, clasping my hands and pulling me forward, the cape wrapping around my legs to keep me in place. He brings his lips to mine, bending the whole way. Before drawing back, tears welling in his mesmerising blue eyes for the first time being open and  vulnerable  “ I have unfortunately fallen deeply and madly in love with the girl standing at the bottom of the steps in a wet hoodie, that has the most amazing deep blue eyes and a smile that saved me from loneliness.”
Wong sighs trying not to break a smile at the scene he'd watched between his fingers. "If the ancient one was here they'd have to agree, you keep Strange's humanity in place."
Stephen takes my hands pulling them up to his chest "This child was meant to happen.  I told you I'm not looking into possibilities with you. What happens between us is the right path."
"There's a prophecy that the child of Dr Strange will be a protector." Hebe strikes up, breaking the moment.
"But out of all the children in all the dimensions why this one”
"This is the only one with Chrissy, you don't get her in any other universe. "
"I'm the goddess of youth. I was protecting that baby inside of you the best I could when the rift opened fully. She just wanted to protect you with her"
"She? Are we having a girl?" I smile up at Stephen.
"You are. It seems that some of my protective abilities have passed on to her at that moment. If I give her a blessing she should be protected till she is 18 then you'd just have to see what powers she manifests after that."
"That must be why she is so valuable. They probably think she'll manifest goddess powers or Chrissy's. Or even some of mine." Strange thinking over what had happened.
"What a lot of others don't know though is that your abilities are not learned naturally. Unlike Chrissys." Wong adds.
"I don't know there is something magical when we combine." Pushing into Stephen a bit.
"I don't know about that, the magic is more destructive than helpful." Wong points at me. "You make him go into madness every time you have sex, opening dimensional riffs! almost making him forget how to function, which is also another reason why the nightmare wanted to keep you."
“Fancy staying on Olympus a little longer?” The last woman in the group pipes up. “ If Mr Strange here is true to his word, marry you, it could break the spell and thus the reality rips while you kiss.”
"And that's why I married her, Ariadne, you are the most amazing thinker." Dionysus joined in, standing by wrapping an arm around his wife "Please have the wedding Here as a sorry, you are technically a demi-goddess now we can marry you right away."
“Chryseis Heedwarden, will you marry Dr Stephen Strange.” Stephen gets down on one knee. Offering no ring but holding out the cloak. The symbol of us combining like it had tried to do that rainy day.
“Yes, I will become Mrs Dr Stephen strange.”
@too-short-for-my-own-good @avengershumanresources @d0ct0rstrangewife
part 12 - here 
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randombubblegum · 2 years
Comment 1: My take on song girl is after the Ciara dog girl stuff Awsten probably doesn’t want his gf talking about that stuff online. Not to hide it just don’t be public. When song girl was on twitch years ago she’d have little chats w people & I don’t think she thought this time would be different. At the end of her most recent twitch she went oh. Oh. And her eyes got super wide & I think she realized this was a mistake bc of who was watching & the questions. She hasn’t gone on since.
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you make good points in this ask!! lemme go point by point lol
i didnt watch all the way to the end of her twitch stream (got bored) so i didnt see the moment youre talking about but yeah, she did get uncomfortable when people would hint they knew she had a bf. but even after she was CONSTANTLY talking about her bf, dropping hints she was seeing someone, talking about getting on european time for the exact duration awsten was in europe……. i dont think its like an unavoidable compulsion for ppl to talk about their significant others so that was like, a choice she was making in conversation to an audience? like i think she didnt realize people already knew, but also a really poor way to keep something apparently ~top secret~ private lol
also, i have to argue, she kinda is public?? she has an insta which is normal but she also has a twitch, with apparently a decent following/mods/subs/etc. id hardly call that private like you or me, yknow? before awsten she dated another musician, albeit one w a much smaller following, so its not like shes new to the idea of online fanbases i think
all that aside tho, like, i get what youre saying about not meaning to open herself up to scrutiny. i think you have a point and thats rly valid. my main thing, and a core belief i hold thats the reason i do literally any amount of discussion about parx on here: my tumblr is not meant to be viewed by the people im talking about, its NOT easy to find (ive never even typed her real name), and theres zero reason song girl (or dog girl, or awsten, or like literally anyone who knows parx) should know it exists much leas be seeing the things i say about them!!!! i rly dont believe they are. i dont wish this girl any ill will, i dont condone (and have specifically warned yall against) leaving comments or messaging her directly or like trying to make her feel bad/harass her. this is just a little tucked-away gossip corner to note the things she and awsten are making public. i guess i am a little harsh when i talk about her sometimes but really the one im mad at is awsten for treating girls like interchangeable clones lol -_-
but also that shit w your ex—i know EXACTLY what youre talking about and honestly your ex and his friends are assholes lol. without getting into too much detail ive been in that situation in different roles and like, friends of mine have actively unfollowed/cut off other friends for slinging mud about their (not abusive just regular) exes after a breakup. if youre warning people that someones abused you thats one thing but talking shit about your ex and having friends join in just to take them down a peg is shitty childish behavior. and it sucks!!!! so i get why you feel that way. i dont think this situation is the same but i get you lol
basically in summary yeah i think she doesnt know what shes gotten into but thats on awsten for not warning her lol. i dont think us making idle chatter on a tiny internet corner shell never reasonably see (and thus will never feel bad about) is the same as harrassment/bullying/deliberately trying to make her feel bad and thats def not my intention. i also dont care about her specifically but ya i agree w u on the principle of the thing. and no worries ur ask was rly thoughtful i appreciate it!!! :) thanks for expressing a logical opinion in a reasonable way lol i feel u
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milkybonya · 2 years
Ahhh Milky I hope you're having a good last week! It's unfortunate you can't do more during your last week but I'm sure packing is very time consuming and saying good bye is so important! I hope your flight home goes smoothly too btw!! When I studied abroad I had a layover in turkey which took me in the wrong direction from getting back home so it ended up being like a 12 hour flight home when it could've been 8 😭 it wasn't very fun 😭 I'm sure it'll be really long coming home all the way from Korea. I hope you're able to sleep well or stay entertained~
I have exciting news! Or well it isn't that exciting but I've really started learning Korean now! I was doing it very casually earlier, but now I've installed the Korean keyboard and I'm trying to write little mini letters to Kingdom all in my own Korean! I used to solely use a translator even for short messages bc I couldn't spell or anything 😭 but I'm taking my duolingo more seriously and I'm actually making a lot of progress! I was able to tell Kingdom that I love them and introduce myself but I also did more complex things (at least imo LOL) like say their songs are cool~ I felt so proud of myself hehe one of the members who speaks English cheered my message where I told him I was going to write out a short message to him in Korean and then I did it and I'm just 🥰 Dann is our polyglot king so for him to cheer me on (literally) was so special. This might be a silly question, but what was your favorite word/phrase that you learned while in Korea??? Like it made you feel cool to know it or you were proud of yourself for learning it. I wanna feel cool too hehe 😎 Milky는 멋있습니다 😎
And now, comments on the smau 🤩 why is no one commenting on sunwoo's destroyed can??? 😭😭 It was just in there and everyone was like yep nothing to see here LOL but I mean it is fair that reader not liking rapunzel is a CRIME that's one of my favorites 😭😭😭 and like YES I'm biased bc she has a reptile but STILL I uwu over her and Flynn's romance so like.. I love it. Also reader calling Younghoon a hag LOL I love that they are Savage 🤩 also Eric is so funny like "I'm just covering my arms so you won't fall for me" ITS TRUE THO??? Eric is unofficially my bias wrecker with sunwoo (idk why I say unofficially like.. They always have my attention when watching mvs jfjdsj) and I WOULD fall in love with him don't test me 😭 I'm excited for changmin to come into things~ it'll be so cute, I know it!! And pls slow burn is the best 😭 I'm sooooo excited 🤩 you're going to make my heart yearn for love I just know it jdjsj
Oh and Im glad seeing treasure was so fun!! I'm sure it was heartbreaking to see only 10 of them up there :(( I'm just glad they were still glowing and full of energy for you 🥰 I hope your sunburn is doing better by the way!! I'm sure it is by now since it's been a while since you responded, but I hope it wasn't too painful for the first few days! I haven't gotten a sunburn in ages thankfully but all that does is attest to me never going outside LOL what songs did they perform?? Do you have any pictures?? I'd love to see them 🤩
Sending you lots of love!! Here's a Stalin pic for you hehe he crawled into my banana flavored candle (we call it the banandle) and did a "banana split" LOL he smelled like banana after I took him out lol he's so silly~ love you!
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okay tumblr. pls dont delete my reply to my bestie's ask this time. there i'm manifesting that it won't be deleted >:O i was so mad it has taken me days to come back and reply T-T
but even though i was a bit busy packing during my last week, i still had a lot of fun and squeezed a few things in ! also,,,, the universe just aligned and i ended up getting accepted for kard's comeback showcase, which was 3 days before my flight,, and again by luck i was front row! kard are actually my ults and finally meeting them after 6 years and their 2 year hiatus meant to world to me T-T and then each member gave a polaroid away to someone in the crowd and i received Jseph's T--T so insane..
but layovers are confusing and the worst ㅎㅁㅎ that's why i feel so lucky we found a flight without one! so even if it was long and rough, we at least were not so confused <3
waHHH you're learning korean?! i'm so proud T-T learning a language takes a lot, especially when the country you live in doesn't speak it, and i'm especially touched that kingdom have become a motivation for you to learn this new language :")
ah! rather than learning any big cool phrases, i found learning smaller things like how to greet a restaurant owner or store worker goodbye cool. ah but!! i find it interesting that to ask if someone has eaten, you say have you eaten rice? (밥을 먹었어요?) rather than have you eaten food? (음식을 먹었어요?) because rice is such an important part of the korean diet that rice is the equivalent of food and vice versa :D
p.s. Kelsey 씨도 멋있어용~
omg the smau :(( i wanna say thank you for always commenting on it even though it's so messy and slow aH i appreciate you saying you like the slow though!! now that Changmin has finally been introduced officially, i wonder what you'll think :O
seeing treasure as 10 was so good definitely!!!! even though Mashidam were gone, the rest of them did so well <33 and you're so sweet ahh the sunburn healed quickly !
(i figured out why tumblr deleted my reply to your ask--the treasure festival photos didn't save to the ask properly and it ruined everything T-T so imma just direct message them to you hehe)
STALIN IS SO CUTE AND TINY IN THAT CANDLE I COULD CRY!! also omg i love banana scent/flavouring 🥺 so i just know i would live the banandle (i love the name) as much as Stalin hehe,,
i love you and Stalin so much and hope you have a good weekend!! ♡
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noctualagenaria · 4 months
violence 1-25
the character everyone gets wrong
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
-[redacted] cant top bc 1) he doesnt have the self confidence for such and 2) He Is Not Straight in anyway shape or form so even if he is with a woman That Woman is Topping Him.
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
-it wasnt on tumblr but i saw this zhongchi take where it was a mini comic of them, on a bench, childe doing the adhd leg bounce as one does and the second panel was zhongli forcibly stopping childe's leg from bouncing (one zhonglis the lord of geo so even if childe wanted or NEEDED to keep his leg bouncing itd be near impossible that cannot be a fun sensation and two Literally dont do that. Dont do that.) the third panel was childe looking at zhongli with hearts surrounding and all the comments were like "me and who 🥺" and good GOD. PEOPLE.....
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
actually they blocked me first bc i commented smth along the lines of 'stop worshipping mental illness....' ive yet to block myself on tumblr at least
worst discord server and why
[answer is found in another ask]
which ship fans are the most annoying?
.. short answer: all the Popular ones
long answer: zhongchi, kavetham, neuvithesley, kaeluc, thomato, chiluc and chaeya are also up there goddamn,,, andddddd most lumi ships too tbh,,
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
-i actually dunno, kujou sara maybe??? shrug, all the characters i hate are bc of my personal takes of canon
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
-diluc, thats it.
worst part of canon
-end user license agreement
worst part of fanon
-almost everything i hate it here
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
-at least ten but most likely more
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
worst blorboficiation
that one thing you see in fics all the time
-baizhu being there in the Having a Baby fics
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
-cishet takes on baizhu + diluc im sick of them
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
-neuvithesley bc ... they have No romantic chemistry at ALL worse than zhongchi and also neuvi is. like so much older than him and yall treat this like you would as if they were the same age and like i get the appeal for ships like that dont get me wrong i liked venkae for a time being BUT treating it the same as if they are both human and both mortals where as one is not is just Wrong. also neuvi sent wrio to prison! neuvi has personally Known Wrio since he was a kid and neuvis always been and always will be This "Age" (in a physical sense) ALSO SIGEWINNE ISNT. THIER DAUGHTER....
there should be more of this type of fic/art
more baizhluc pls... im starving
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
baizhu,,,,, and his shippability with literally anyone who isnt zhongli,,,
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
wrioney sdjhgsd i guess
part of canon you found tedious or boring
most of the quests
part of canon you think is overhyped
abyss its too focused on and sure i get focused on it too but like,, theres more to the game,,, care more about hte story and characters orz
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
the way he says these specific lines
Tumblr media
diluc is a smug ass sly ass motherfucker
ship you've unwillingly come around to
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dunno
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
kaeluc! :3 <- guy who believes the two of them are exes. you can imagine how that goes for me
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"The rewards are too little" bitch stfu we arent here to get spoiled and you know that
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