#im so fucking tired dude
fucking calarts beanmouth 101 dalmations cartoon making the parents the classic 90s sitcom hugelarge sillywilly dad/uptight serious skinny widdle waif mom combo. fucking groundbreaking.
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ozymoron · 6 months
i need to fuck him in the cop outfit while hes covered in blood and of course he stole it from a dead cop (which he killed) and of course the outfits torn and and
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poorlittlevampire · 1 year
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is it really so hard for u to have compassion for people in ur own fucking community??? to understand not everyone has had the experiences you have had????? and that a word to u that has nothing but positive connotations was and is used as a slur and that might actually effect people???????
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panlyv · 9 months
#self harm tw#it's funny how much crueler i am with myself now than when i was younger#because ive been shing for hhh idk 8 9 years now#it started as me wanting to punish myself for all the guilty i felt inside#and it went on for a long long time because i just felt horrible and i needed to disappear so things would be alright#but i couldn't kill myself so i just hurt my body instead to try and make up for it#i was sad and scared and confused back then#but now? im just angry. im tired. im fed up of myself#the cuts are much deeper and longer and there's so many more of them#and i just keep doing it#i honestly dont think there's much rhyme or reason for it rn. i just wanna hurt myself bc i hate myself so much i want to fucking die#and yeah maybe ill attempt again but this time ill make damn sure it works#but i still never harm my wrists or anywhere visible#its always my waist/hips/thighs and i never wear shorts or anything above my ankles#like i cant tell u the last time i wore actual shorts or like proper beachwear (i live in the beach) bc my hips are just scars#prob been like 10 years since ive worn swimwear lmfao thanks gender dysphoria and self harm !#but yeah now i just want it to hurt and bleed and make me feel some goddamn thing that inst this fucking void#im so fucking tired dude#what's the point of anything#nothing feels meaningful or real or important enough#im an unlovable broken motherfucker and im fed up of never getting better#oh but u need to stop being so pessimistic then !! suck my dick ive tried pretending i wanted to live and be happy and it never worked#so again whats the fucking point#im done here#dawn.txt
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taterztots · 1 year
Today I posted a fic to AO3 and wrote TWO (2) whole sentences on a WIP. Are you proud of me Tumblr?!
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b4kuch1n · 8 months
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study of this masterwork
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ramons-elevator · 1 year
I know we joke about the LGBTQSMP and everything but as someone who is ace and trans/non-binary, I hold it so close to my heart
q!Cellbit saying he isn’t interested in sex and it only being treated with love and respect without hesitation. No need for an explanation or anything.
Leo getting upset that ppl werent using her name/pronouns and Foolish saying that he will correct them and if they dont use it, they can eat dirt.
Juanaflippa saying shes a girl and Charlie and Mariana being respectful and understanding, not questioning it.
Philza and Badboyhalo using they/them pronouns by default the eggs, especially Tilin. (idk if any other ccs have. These are the ones from the top of my head)
CCs making sure they are using the right pronouns for the eggs.
The fact there are multiple ace / ace spectrum characters (and CCs i believe) and they arent treated weirdly means the fucking world to me.
Yes this is a silly lil minecraft server with eggs but its representation is something i’ll never forget
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isa-ah · 6 months
here's what it is I think. it's so hard to just enjoy stupid shit anymore bc it's all so commercialized. commodified. we couldnt just enjoy frogs and mushrooms- I have to see 30 posts a day that are reblog bait for people's Etsy collections of pride colored mushroom themed frogs. we couldn't take away anything of weight from be gay do crime, instead I have to see it slapped onto every conceivable piece of merchandise in every font under the sun, for years on end. it's not fun anymore. it makes me hate things I used to enjoy.
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bigcatbulges · 9 months
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Source - syukapong
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wu-does-art · 9 months
If you’re doing requests maybe Jonathan reaction to Byler?? Supportive brother moment 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏 you’re awesome and your art rules btw :)
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this dude never gets a break. i wish upon him prozac and some fucking rest like he is NOT OKaY
credits to the original text post i could not find it
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decolonize-the-left · 18 days
Y'all remember that scene in Batman where joker is trying to prove how society is a cesspit of people willing to kill their neighbor just to save themselves by giving two separate ferries detonators that would bomb the other ferry? Remember how the Joker failed cuz neither ferry actually pushed the button? Not even the boat full of murderers was willing to push the detonator and kill people on the other ferry. So because neither pushed the button both ferries lived?
Liberals and white gays pushed it. And when they see our funerals and statistics they say they didn't have a choice. They had to kill someone else. They had to choose themselves. Or else it would've been them.
And I'm tired of pretending I understand the selfishness of it cuz it makes them feel better. Cuz I don't.
I don't get how you all can sleep at night after a day of defending votes that costs lives, war crimes, genocidal warmongers, and insisting that the lives of brown and black people overseas need to be traded so you don't have to take any actual action besides voting to stop the deep corruption you allowed to be sowed into your government that threats your livelihood if you don't (whether those black and brown people die or not btw).
You're cowards and truly the worst things breathing and I wanted to make this post so you don't die without knowing you'll never be more than that (to me or history).
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cacaocheri · 8 months
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little doodle i did for myself bc when i got home i was so fucking drained
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asgardswinter · 23 days
Begging people who join the cod fandom and want to write fanfics; to read the wiki pages of the characters and watch cutscenes of the campaigns (they r free to watch on youtube)
The characters dont have much to go on to begin with, but they still have personalities that are very different from one another thats important to capture in your stories.
Theres been so many times ive seen writers put in their author note that they havent watched any campaigns and they are just going off on other fanfics, like, its so annoying. I end up reading the fics and they are extremely OOC that at this point its just an OC with Simons face on it or something.
Its ok to not know much about them in the beginning and get things wrong, and its ok to have headcanons that might be a bit ooc, (i do too!) but still having the personality and depth there that i can recognize that this is Ghost and this is Gaz etc.
So if you’re gonna put in effort to write a 5k+ fanfic, then u have time to read their wikis instead of depending on a few tiktok edits lmao
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pigeonneaux · 4 months
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Let him have a fucking break or whatever
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just-null-cult · 8 months
brother @ me: why do you always draw bow man (noritoshi) with the most luscious lips? why do you make him look so beautiful??
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its bc he is beautiful. what the fuck i cannot stress to you enough how these two images are within the same 5 mins.
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petrow1tch · 2 months
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Rusians hit the fucking center of my city Dnipro, the train station with tram and bus turnaround where thousands of people go through every day, often completely filling in every possible open space. What the fuck. There are dead children
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