#im so hungry here and the worst part
GOOGLE! tell me how to get this my future mother in law to buy basic necessities like Bread! Milk! Eggs! and Meat!
fuming in tags btw
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I should have. Stayed home today. So frustrated that I can't ever realize if it's better if I'm at home for the day UNTIL I'm already at school and can't leave.
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hershelwidget · 3 months
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Gonna be thinking about “I’m kind of beautiful, in a terrible way.” forever and ever
#the ‘it is.’ always gets me when i reread it. it is. it is. it is.#man idk i been in a Weird Mood the whole week!!#i’m dehydrated and hungry all the time. im emotionally exhausted and my teeth are uncomfortable in my mouth#there’s a massive inexplicable bruise on my right knee and my fingers do not feel like they belong to my body#but hey. im here#i just have to work up the courage to drink water and brush my teeth and eat food that wont hurt me#i been getting back into jigsaw puzzles so ive. been doing those#im not sure why i showed these.#i think. just. maybe they will help someone.#encouragement#you know.#personal post#honestly had i shown more this would be considered a vent post#which issss a tiny bit funny. a wee bit. a bit funny and goofy#but. you know. about that second little part:#giving your physical features to your ocs and your favs..#i think it is one of the highest forms of self love.#the example i used was with human charley. i gave him my nose.#i have very complicated feelings towards my tongue. so i gave it to tapon#my babylike (according to witnesses) and asian face i’ve given to the sarl triplets.#i could give other characters my birthmarks#my moles. my scars.#i can give them the worst parts of my body#and i can give them the best parts of my body#i think. one day. i will have given every piece of me to someone or something else#and that is when i will truly know what its like to be Myself.#idk im rambling in the tags as usual#who reads these? who has clicked the ‘see more’ and read through all of my little words?#who out there are you to see into the side of myself i’m too scared to put in the main post?#i love you. whoever you are.
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marcsburnerphone · 1 year
Wish I never came
Captain john price x f!reader
Summary: being johns wife has been full of security and safety and you never thought he’d be the one to taint that.
Warnings: angst(why doesn’t anyone write about how scary price can be when hes angry peepaw is cra), hurt/comfort, 141 task force loves you, price is fucking scary.
Part 2 out now!
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Every first friday of the month you bring the boys and your husband a homemade meal to base. It’s been tradition for almost two years now since the first time you did it on a whim, John begged you for a good roast so you surprised him with some and since there was so much you’d brought the rest for his task.
Today you've perfected the dish gaz asked for, they decided rotations on requests now because it became unfair when soap requested meals only he liked 4 months in a row.
You packed all 4 meals in airtight thermal containers and put them in the car before heading towards base about 2 hours away. The military police men greeted you by first name when you arrived and buzzed you in.
“I've never been happier to see someone in my life.” soap rushes you and traps you in a hug while gaz takes the two bags from your hands.
“Good afternoon, wheres simon and john?” you greet both of them with smiles something that was relieving to see in a place like this. The common area was empty during this time of day so it was clear they weren't here.
Before they could answer simon came in, eyes looking more exhausted than usual. He gives a weak attempt at an ‘hello love’ a common and yet sweet name they’d picked up for you.
“I honestly wouldn't go into his office right now hes a little um on edge i’d say.” he grabs his thermal bowl from the bag its always the black one, this way they dont fight over which bowl has more.
“Nonsense simon he’s my husband, im just going to bring him this and be on my way.” simon shook his head turning a satisfied groan at the taste of real food in his mouth to a disapproving one at your persistence.
“love maybe listen he’s under a lot of pressure right now, its really not the time.” gaz interrupts simons beginning of a sentence.
Without another word you just grab his bowl and a fork setting off torwars his office which at this point you could get to blind.
“Are we just going to let her do that.” gaz looks to the two men.
“We warned and she’s right thats her husband i mean worst he’ll do is ignore her, loves her too much to hurt her.” ghost grumbles.
The air is tense on your way down the hall but you approach his door regardless as the familiar scent of a lit cigar fills your senses. You give two knocks before walking in.
“Hey just brought you some lunch.” you say quietly as you walk in observing the splay of files on the floor and desk.
He grunts and doesn't even spare you a look which yeah it stings but it was expected.
“Okay then can I leave it right here?” you point at a spot on a coffee table thats somewhat clear.
“Do whatever you want with it, mm not hungry.” he says lowly while taking another drag from his cigar letting the ash fall freely.
“So should i just leave it in the kitchen, i can just-.” you didn't know why you were rambling or nervous even john had only ever made you feel safe. 
“I fuckin said do what you please with it, I’m busy.” the tone made you shiver, and yes maybe you should've just left it and talked to him later but this wasn't a behavior from him you've ever experienced.
“John I-” 
“Jesus fucking christ take the food, leave the food I dont fucking care but get the fuck out of here as soon as you can thankyou!” His voice makes you flinch as he throws a stack of papers on the floor with an unneeded force, he yelled at you for the first time ever and you couldn't even process it. Was time bending or had the air become thin, you didn't know but you took a few weary steps back towards the door and left the food by the entrance on the floor finally closing it, once you were back in the hallway air found it’s way to your lungs as you took a deep breath.
“Hey its okay come on.” gaz was there gently caressing your arm along with the two others catching up behind him in the distance.
They never thought hed talk to you like that but right when they heard that deep threatening drawl boom from the common area gaz was the first one up and out. He was always overly protective of you.
You weren't crying, no but you wanted to. You just closed your eyes for what felt like ages and whispered an ‘I’m okay’ and left without another word.
Once you reached the comfort of your own car your heart caught up with the speed of your brain and tears poured, the last time you’d cried like this had been in childhood. Without another second you sped around the lot and out of the exiting gates wishing you'd never entered them in the first place.
You got a call not so long into your way home, maybe five minutes if you estimated correctly and you almost gagged at the picture of you and john that popped up as he rang you.
The boys were the ones to call next but you just dazed out on the long road ahead, disassociated from the outside world around you. You stopped at a cafe you particularly enjoyed in a town near your home needing to clear your thoughts. 
Price had waited and even started counting seconds to see if you'd pop up on the ring camera he installed to keep an eye on you, it brought him comfort especially when you'd make cute gestures at it or talk to him through it as you brought groceries inside. But now you should've been home an hour ago at most and still no sign of you.
He had not comprehended how loud he could get and he really only snapped out of it when soap appeared in his office with a very disapproving look. Then he finally noticed the look of fear in your eyes or how the sweet smile you always wore was a frown and then his gaze made it to the container he’d grown so familiar with by the door.
“FUCK!” he could cry grown man tears, he spoke to you how he sometimes speaks to his soldiers and the strings in his heart felt like they were on the verge of combusting.
“You fucked up captain.” soap added to the fuel before leaving his office.
Anyone feel that chest pain.
Re-blogs and feedback are appreciated 🫶
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vhstown · 1 year
ain't no love; pt. 1
"ain't no love in the heart of the city"
— miles g morales x gn!reader series
SUMMARY: Miles Morales is just a kid without a father; the Prowler is just a "rotten" vigilante. Both of them start coming into your life — one in the middle of the semester, and the other by total accident.
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chapter summary: [READER POV] The one day you decide to skip breakfast, your deskmate comes in. AP Calc has never been more unbearable — and interesting.
content/warnings: brief mentions of death, depictions of hunger, a little bullying </3
word count: 4.8k
a/n: first series idk what im doing BUT WE ROLL (criticisms accepted lmao) proofread courtesy of @qiuweyballs you're a real one
You were starving. In AP Calc, no less, with probably the least talkative bunch of students in the whole school, the period before lunch. Whoever made your schedule was a monster, and whoever put this class together was even more of a monster. Everyone was dead silent, which was usually fine, but not when your stomach was threatening to detonate a nuclear grumble. Maybe it’d even echo given how big the classroom was. It was too early in the year to have a mental breakdown, though — you’d save that for midterms.
Even the teacher found the silence awkward, muttering to himself as you walked into the dreary classroom. He was a bit of a pushover, Mr. Wellston — a newbie who really had no idea what he was doing besides fixing his unevenly cut hair every two seconds while everyone pretended to know what was going on. God bless AP Calculus; you didn’t even know how to do the starter activity on the board.
But your teacher’s ridiculous inadequacy didn’t matter right now. The most important decision you had to make was what poor soul you were going to look at sideways when everyone turned to the source of the growl. Being nice wasn’t exactly an option when you were 3 seconds away from dying of starvation.
Thankfully, you were at the back, and the only seat next to you was empty. It wasn’t so bad, you tried convincing yourself as other students started to fill up the seats in front of you. Maybe you'd even forget about how hungry you were if you engrossed yourself in "one of the most riveting fields of mathematics", as advertised by your freshman year math teacher. Just one hour. You could hold back your hunger for one hour.
"Attendance..." Wellston murmured, looking around the room without much attention. It was reasonable to assume was here as usual, except for one kid who'd been absent since the first week. "Morales" — you didn't know his first name, not like you had the chance to learn it.
Scribbling down whatever activity there was, a part of you was glad this kid wasn't here today. It was one less person to hear the result of your unfortunate choice to not have breakfast this morning. You'd never spoken to the kid, but everyone knew why he wasn’t here. The renowed "hero", PC Davis had passed away — his dad. It was all over the news: "PDNY OFFICER DIES SAVING A CHILD", around mid-freshman year. You couldn't guess what was going on with the kid almost 2 whole semesters into sophomore year, but you couldn’t exactly think too hard when your pen had barely touched the page, and your other hand was clawing into the side of your shirt.
You were sure your stomach was going to growl, and loud. And your teacher was looking at you. Pretty much every muscle in your face was straining. You probably looked insane, which you’d actually rather be right now. The worst he would make was a bad joke, but the sheer panic that rose in your chest when Mr. Wellston started to walk towards you made your heels dig into the ground, ready to bolt out the class. You were exhausted, anxious, praying to anything you could think of that your teacher would just turn around and stop looking at you and—
Creak... Everyone's eyes, including Mr. Wellston's, turned to the door. You could make out someone with a black jacket — teacher? They wouldn’t let you wear jackets inside. Not important. Water.
"Nice seeing you here, Morales," Wellston said, his expression as unamused as he could attempt. The pushover was feeling confident today.
You drank so much water that it got stuck in your throat for a moment, making you scrunch up your face. "I'd take off that jacket if I were you,” Wellston continued.
The boy obliged with an incoherent mumble, stepping into the classroom and slipping off his jacket. His eyes landed on the seat right next to you. Even if he wasn't looking at you, something about his gaze made you look away immediately. Great. 53 minutes until lunch. Why did he have to show up today? Why did you wake up late and skip breakfast? A part of you was telling you it’d be better to not blame it on this guy either — maybe it was your gut. Ha-ha. Maybe you were insane.
Screeech! The slap of a notebook next to you snapped you out of your mini-spiral. You were now all the more aware of the boy next to you. His attendance was so low that it competed with your will to live, so you couldn’t help but look. His hair was in two braids slipping just past his collar, but that’s all you dared to notice. They were kind of cool, you admitted to yourself. The muttering was quickly shut down by a grating "Focus!" from Wellston, and you tried to get back to your work.
Calculus, calculus... When was the last time you’d gotten a question right? All you could do was keep uselessly pressing the fraction button on your calculator, watching the empty boxes stack up. It felt like he was staring at you. Math, come on, you know math. What was the probability he was looking at you? What if he was just glancing at you? What was his eye colour? Black or dark brown, probably. You could check — if he was staring, of course. Not his eye colour. That'd be weird.
That tight feeling built up in your stomach like the foreshock of an earthquake. You pictured yourself slamming your head into the desk, far too vividly to be normal — like an insane person. No need to traumatise the “new” kid on his first day back.
"Alright class, considering we have a full house now," You stopped yourself from imagining Wellston’s head slammed into a desk. "I suggest you all try to solve this problem. It's the hardest question that's ever come up on Calc BC, and you're getting secret access to it."
Yeah, like you cared. This man did not have a lesson plan, as usual. Now you had to fight the urge to look at the kind of cool kid next to you, fight your hunger like a famished Victorian child and fight the stupid calculations forming a jumbled mess in your brain. You were fighting a lot of things, and losing miserably. Just looking at the question made your brain hurt, and you could see it in the rest of your class too. All Calc BC nerds who were just now realising their mistake in taking this class with this particular teacher, probably. Visions was a scam.
"Does anyone have an answer?" It hadn't even been two minutes; it was like the man just wanted to feel smarter than everyone else. Something about him today was even more annoying than the pitiful jokes he usually came up with ― just because a "new" kid came in? Maybe this was to make up for the first day of class where he totally embarrassed himself mumbling all lesson, the bell ringing overtop of him.
The awkward silence and the slight cocky curl to the corner of Mr. Wellston's mouth made you question why they hired someone who was fresh out of college to teach you the classes that were supposed to get you into college. Your frustration only grew when you were going in circles with your attempt.
"No? Guys, you that you have a midterm soon." Helpful.
"This is more simple than you think." Explain it, then?
"Nobody? Really? Okay, you really should start paying attention, the―"
"Six." You almost forgot about the kid next to you until he spoke up. He put down his pen, giving Wellston an expectant look while the whole class was silent.
"…Six what?"
"Litres per hour."
The man quickly shuffled to his computer. Of course he didn't know the answer either.
"Six litres per hour," Wellston confirmed. No other kid had a chance to retort. Wellston seemed surprised for once. A part of you was surprised too at how simple the answer sounded when it came out of the "new" kid's mouth. You noticed that the boy didn't even have a calculator.
"Well, it looks like you all have something to learn from Morales here," he continued, something almost like contempt in his words. "Do you want to explain how you got that?"
The boy went about explaining it pretty simply, almost like he was reading off of a script. It was concise, different to what you'd learnt. Something about chain rule, which you truthfully had no idea how to actually use because someone didn't bother to go through it properly. Even if you were still somewhat unsure, it sounded easy enough.
"Interesting method..." Wellston murmured, trailing off for a moment. "Well, that settles it then. Do you guys understand how we got six?"
We? This guy... Aside from the fact that he was looking at you a little too much for comfort (probably because you were still clutching your stomach like you’d been shot) you had another reason to be annoyed by this teacher and his stupid hair. Everyone just returned his question with silent nods and mumbles, people taking opportunities to actually look at the calc-wiz.
You took a chance too, looking over at his seemingly unbothered face. You were almost right about the brown eyes. They were more coppery than anything, maybe even a little green. If he was staring before, you couldn't tell, his gaze trailing his desk with disinterest. Why did his eye colour even matter?
Forty minutes of class to go. You felt like you could eat your calculator at this point. The mystery kid didn't seem to need one anyway, and you weren’t getting much use out of it.
"The bell doesn't―" The screeching of chairs cut him off.
Like that would work this far into the semester. The Morales kid was already gone by the time you'd stood up. Letting out a drawn-out sigh, you debated between your tiredness and hunger. Would you try to fight to the death to get to the front of the lunch queue? All you wanted was food, maybe a nap afterwards, definitely no more calculus.
That couldn't happen, of course. For some reason, you were the only one left in class. You heard your name, wincing a little as you stopped in your journey out of the door.
"I just want to speak for a moment, spare me a few minutes?" You figured this was coming. It looked like he wanted to speak to you about something all class; his expressions weren’t exactly mysterious like that new kid. You wanted nothing more than to strangle him with his ugly patterned tie as you walked over to him.
Mr. Wellston leaned on his desk by his elbows, lowering his voice as if he was about to tell you something serious.
"You're not doing very well in this class." Okay… not that serious. "It’s the longer questions, I think. FRQs.”
Your grogginess made it impossible to focus on Wellston’s rant, but what you did pick up on was his weird accent. You guessed he wasn’t from Brooklyn, but the way he was talking right now let you pick up on the strange intonation in his voice you otherwise wouldn’t care to notice. Almost European-sounding. First that kid's eye colour and now your teacher's accent... what was it with you and random details today?
"So..." he continued, looking up at you with his head still low. "I'm going to start an extra class after school. I want you to come to it." Okay, this is worse. You couldn't have lunch, and now you couldn't even have after school.
"When is it?" It better not be some unreasonable time.
"Well, I've only got Friday afternoon free. You know how it is, meetings..." If he was trying to be apologetic, or convincing, he was failing at both. "I'll call you in later to discuss it further."
You just nodded, the grip on your backpack tightening. "Okay."
"It's important that you come!”
His voice was drowned out by the flood of students in the hall as you shut the door, turning on your heel to head to the cafeteria. The line was probably impossibly long by now. You couldn't care less about that extra Friday class. Forget college. You'd be a bum, or work at a WcDonalds. You'd probably make more money than Mr. Wellston there anyway. Forget Visions.
Forget that Morales kid who was standing outside the door all that time while you were too frustrated to notice.
You slumped down onto an empty table as you tried to rid your mind of him.
The probability that he'd show up to class with his cool braids and coppery-green eyes again was too low for you to care anyway.
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"Soy Miles. Miles Morales."
Calc-wiz, or Miles as you just found out, was also in your Spanish class, and was also sitting directly behind you. It seemed like he was coming into more classes than he had been all semester — good for him?
"Morales… ¿Eres hispano, Miles?" (Are you Hispanic, Miles?) Miles simply nodded while Mrs Hernández flicked through the worksheets, licking her finger to set them down on individual desks. Spanish was one of the classes you actually liked. Apart from your classmates, Mrs Hernández was funny, and a good teacher, even if she was a little strict.
She paused for a moment to look at Miles again, eyebrow raised. "¿Guatemala?"
"Puerto Rico." The woman's raised eyebrow fell along with the rest of her expression, eyes narrowing in disappointment. She was always talking about where she was from, Guatemala. You found it kind of endearing, though you weren't sure if she'd get any teaching done if there was another kid from there.
"All these years y nadie de Guatemala..." (and nobody from Guatemala...) She simply frowned, cracking her knuckles while making her way back to the front. Most of the people taking AP Spanish were Hispanic, just trying to get extra credits, but it seemed like Mrs. Hernández was out of luck when it came to finding her natural favourite. "Vale clase, quiero que miren este articulo sobre―" (Okay class, I want you to look at this article about―)
All that class you felt like Miles was staring at the back of your head, of course. If he wasn't uncomfortably silent, he was conversing with Mrs Hernández, and she came over more than once to talk to him behind you. As much as you wanted to overhear, they were talking too quietly and quickly — and in Spanish. What they were talking about wasn't your business — most likely about his absence. You had also no idea what this article was talking about. It was something about art, but most of the words you were reading were unfamiliar as your highlighter hovered uselessly over the paper.
It had almost been a week since Miles first came in. You constantly saw him get pulled out of class or talking to teachers — except in AP Calc; it seemed like he was doing just fine there. He could speak Spanish fine too, but was behind on everything else. Other than teachers, he never really talked to anyone. You occasionally saw him with his earbuds on in the hallways, but more often his jacket was what got him chased down by teachers; the kid didn’t really seem to care. Good for him. He was probably more ahead of you anyway given the way your studies were going.
“Oye, look a little alive!” You noticed Mrs Hernandéz standing over you, and that your highlighter bleeding through the paper from pressing too long. A half-hearted “lo siento” (sorry) is all you could offer. “Extraño (strange) — What's different today, chicos? Is it because you’ve got a new friend here?” She crossed her arms, eyeing everyone with her brows knitted together.
The atmosphere around Miles was strange. Not only was he known for being missing since freshman year, but also for his late father. It wasn’t a secret, as much as he didn’t talk about it. Everyone could tell from the way teachers whispered to him and how he disappeared to the counsellor’s office that he wasn’t treated like any other student here. In fact, he didn’t even live in the dorms according to what you’d heard. He was quiet, but the rumours were undeniably loud. You tried not to involve yourself — you hadn’t even spoken to him yourself, anyway.
“He’s not the only Puerto Rican. You gonna forget about us, Señora?” The voice made you hold back a sigh. When Rafael started speaking there was no stopping him. You figured it was time; no matter how far he was moved from his friends, he always found a way to talk to them from the other side of the classroom. He was also right next to you. You had a few reasons to want to drop this class, and each of them were all going “yeah” in agreement to what Rafael had to say.
“I think you’ve forgotten that you have an article in front of you, Rafa.” You couldn’t help but crack a smile at your teacher’s words, and nickname. To your dismay, Rafael noticed you immediately.
“You makin’ fun of me, bro?” He turned his head to stare at you.
“Rafael,” Hernandéz warned.
“Nah, Señora, you don’t get it, I should be sitting over there.”
She wasn’t amused by the way he was gesturing to his friends. “I’ll kick you out.”
“Come on man…” He just threw up his hands and sunk into his far too tiny chair. You prayed he wouldn't start rocking on it and make that god-awful creaking sound. Mrs. Hernández simply turned to ignore him and continue with class.
“Why’s he special anyway?” Rafael mumbled to himself. “Famous cause of his dad?”
Tension – it was so thick you could cut it. The only thing that was cutting through it, apart from your Spanish teacher’s rant, was Miles’ gaze. You could feel it burning right through you. It seemed like Rafael, the moron, for some twisted reason, wanted Miles to hear that.
If you had anything to say at all, it was too late to give Rafael a piece of your mind. Considering how quickly he'd shut you down, it would be useless to stick up for some kid you barely knew. Nobody else heard Rafael anyway; it'd just pit everyone against you. Still, a part of you felt bad. Even though you didn’t really know Miles, he was in a lot of your classes. You’d gotten used to his presence over the past week: moving out of the way so he could get to his seat, occasionally picking up each other’s fallen pens, giving unshared glances to see how the other was doing on the work.
He seemed nice enough despite the lack of words you'd exchanged, but when you turned a little to fix your chair, the expression you caught was anything but. It was almost scary, if you could make out anything from his darkened features. There was a strange sense of focus in his eyes, like he was calculating something – deliberating. You didn't try to guess what, keeping silent and trying to listen to Mrs. Hernández talk about the article while ignoring the deadly gaze simmering behind you.
If you were stronger, scarier, more influential, maybe you’d punch one through Rafael right now. Just looking at him was irritating, and it's not like you hadn't thought of it before. Maybe you wouldn’t have to, though, because it seemed like Miles was thinking the exact same thing. As much as you wanted to learn Spanish and not have a fight happen right next to you, it’d be nice if he was able to teach Rafael to shut up instead of the material he didn't seem to care about.
Miles didn’t look particularly strong — he was kind of scary-looking right now, but that didn’t mean he could take on a 6ft tall football player, no matter how pissed off said football player made him. You couldn't tell what he was thinking, but Miles stayed put for the rest of class; it felt like a sniper was right behind you.
The all-too-familiar creak of the chair made you automatically grit your teeth.
“Oy, mi pana, you got gum?” Rafael murmured to you in his worst friendly voice. It was 10 minutes till the end of class, and he was asking now? You still had no idea what pana meant since he moved next to you, but the way he said it always made you feel icky regardless.
You quickly shook your head, getting a sigh out of him. You hoped he’d give up, but he just leaned over to whisper to you. “What do you think of that dude, huh?
“Strange, yeah?”
“He’s okay.” Your defence was quiet, but it was the most you could do as you heard Miles scribbling right behind you.
“He’s drawing, dude.”
You looked at him almost incredulously. Rafael just rolled his eyes.
“Why do you care?” Your voice came out louder than you wanted.
“¡Silencio!” You gave Mrs. Fernandez, another one of your muffled “lo siento”s, shrinking into your seat as her eyes locked onto you. Snickering from Rafael’s friends only fuelled the embarrassment surging through your cheeks. Miles shuffled in his seat behind you, followed by the sound of paper being crumpled up. You wanted to crumple up the smug expression plastered on Rafael's face right now.
Class ended with another stack of homework in your backpack, and you were more than happy to leave. Free period — you could get a start on the homework. Or talk to Wellston about that extra class. The thought made you wince, but you didn’t exactly have a choice. You had to see him by the end of the day.
“Ay, Milo!” You turned to see Rafael and his little group approaching Miles’ desk. “What’s good?”
“Nothing.” He kept his voice low, pushing his chair under the desk. The boys just laughed as he got up, a grating mix of malice and mirth.
“Right, right. Puerto Rican, eh?” It sounded like Rafael was just talking for the sake of talking. You were also standing for the sake of standing too, of course.
Miles let out a mumble as a confirmation of sorts. Heading for the door, he was blocked by Rafael.
“Ay, where you goin’? Let’s talk, huh? Got a free period?” You could see Miles’ eyes narrow, a flash of impatience in his demeanour before he let out a breath. Rafael was trying to get a kick out of this. A kick out of some kid with a dead dad.
“Someone’s waiting for me.”
“Huh? What’d you say? You got friends?” The start of more laughs were already forming around Miles.
You didn’t know what came over you. Maybe it was the regret of not saying anything earlier, or the strange intrigue you’d felt since a week ago. Peeking your head through the door, you took a step back into the classroom. “Miles, c’mon.”
The gnawing feeling only intensified as you felt four sets of eyes on you at the same time. You’d rather it be hunger than the anxiety coursing through you at that moment.
“Comin',” he murmured, shoving past the three boys towards the door.
The two of you left the classroom, hearing a faint “what the hell man?” as the door fell shut. Miles lingered behind you as you approached the next turn in the hallway.
“What’s your name?” He’d already stepped in front of you.
No thanks or anything? Well, he didn't really owe you anything. It was "the right thing to do", like the many anti-bullying posters around the school encouraged you to do. God damn Visions.
“You uh… know my name.”
“Wanna hear it from you.” His voice had a little twinge of an accent that you hadn’t noticed before. You tried not to think too hard on it. Too many details for too little of an interaction.
“You’ve gotta introduce yourself first — pretty sure that’s how it works,” you tried to joke, something like embarrassment replacing the lingering anxiety in your stomach.
“I did — in class.” Miles’ face was unreadable, but there was something like amusement in his voice.
“Not to me specifically, though.”
The two of you stood in the hallway as people ushered past you. A freshman almost hit you running past, making the two of you retreat to stand beside some lockers. Damn freshmen. You were a freshman only last year, but shoving past them in the cafeteria wasn’t exactly fun. Miles seemed unbothered, as he usually did.
“You seriously don’t know my name?” you continued, almost frowning a little.
“Let’s say I don’t.” He leaned back against the cold blue metal of the lockers, tilting his head at you. The tiny mannerism only made your embarrassment grow. “What’s your name, pana?”
“…I still don’t know what that means.” The frustrated sigh you let out made the corner of his mouth curl up.
“And I still don’t know your name, pana.” No wonder you didn’t bother to talk to anyone. It seemed like you never had the upper hand, first with Rafael and now with Miles. Truthfully, though, you knew which you’d rather talk to.
“Sounds like a food,” you continued, shrugging.
“Could be,” he pretended to muse. And to think you thought he was nice. You hadn’t decided to be annoyed yet, though.
“You know my name, Miles.” You must’ve looked funny the way you crossed your arms and furrowed your eyebrows, because that got an entertained breath out of him.
“Who’s Miles? Haven’t introduced myself yet.” His smirk wrote guilty all over his face.
“Milo, then?” It was a bit harsh, but his cockiness made you say it without much thought. The apology was written on your face already, and you unfolded your arms, deciding you couldn’t have Mrs. Hernandéz’s sass today.
“You wanna be called pana forever?” He slipped an earbud into one of his ears, the blue light flickering into life. At least you didn’t tick him off.
“Not like I care,” you murmured, trying to take a step away.
“Seems like you do.”
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” you asked, trying to keep your tone in check as you glanced down the hallway.
“Do you?” You felt like you were talking into a mirror, one that reflected back a person that got all the more mysterious and annoying when you did.
“Yeah, actually.” Mr. Wellston’s class. The thought made your eyes narrow, probably in exhaustion, most likely in irritation. “Need to speak to a teacher.”
His brow raised in mild interest. “You in trouble?”
“I wish. It’s about some extra class I have to take.”
“Calc?” You turned to look at him again, and his expression was more knowing than curious now.
“How’d you guess…?” It sounded more like a statement, your tone more disappointed than surprised. Were you really that bad at Calculus? Maybe you did need this class, especially if calc-wiz thought so.
“…You have lunch today?” he thought to ask instead. For a moment, you were confused, until you remembered calc last week.
“Shut up.” Your cheeks burned, hand balling up the fabric of your uniform. God. Damn it. All.
“Aight, sorry.”
More silence. You should’ve blamed the growling on him.
“Why the class though? You failing?”
“I’m not failing… Just need some help, I guess” Your shrug wasn’t very reassuring.
“Anyone else goin’?” The longer he kept inquiring, the more you figured Mr. Wellston’s attitude was building up.
“No clue. Bet everyone else is gonna join, though. He’ll probably tell everyone anyway.” The people in your class were quiet, but desperate to out-do each other. Maybe the problem wasn’t you, but the fact that everyone else was trying so hard.
“He didn’t ask me.” The corner of his mouth dimpled into his cheek in thought.
“You’re good at calc anyway.”
“Haven’t been here a while, so I gotta catch up, right? Lemme come with.”
You tried to think of what to say as your hand found the back of your neck, but he was already walking past you. Miles looked back at you to see if you were following.
If he had somewhere to be, it didn’t seem to matter. You noted the slight rhythm to his step, wondering what he was listening to, and if his eyes were green or brown. Ripping away your gaze from him before you could chase that thought, you tried to dodge all the freshmen running around as the bell went for next period.
You had more questions than answers so far — both in your backpack to do this period and in your mind. Aside from Miles, you wondered what that extra class would be like, and what Wellston would say. A part of you hoped that Miles would be in that class with you, despite your less than favourable introduction. Maybe you’d figure out why the answer was six litres an hour. Maybe you could be friends.
What was the probability of that? Some questions couldn’t be solved with a calculator. But Miles didn’t need one, after all.
thank you for reading. im so tired of looking at this but its okay part 1 !!! hooray !!! next chapter is miles pov .... need more Substances in my Bloodstream before i post that though LMAO
reblogs appreciated!!!! go back to the series masterlist here or to my atsv masterlist here :)
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targaryenluvs · 9 months
Holy shittt that capitol girl blurb??? That was something else 😵 can you pls make a part 2 of it but like a oneshot of it where he gets jealous of one of those lowly capitol people takling to us and he takes us to his room and then smutty smut happens??? Your dark!finn fics make me feral😩
oooh, i like your brain, captiol girl reader is a fav of mine! but ngl this gives off coryo vibes too.
i was listening to ride…
love you best,, coriolanus snow/finnick odair
can be read as either!!! no specifics i think
tw: kind angry sex, jealousy, choking, possessiveness, semi-public, implied short reader, size kink, humiliation, kinda guilt-tripping, degradation, mirror, flashback punishments, mentions of purposeful starvation, spanking, overstimulation, toys 👀 double pen, im so sorry i don’t know what possessed me
if there was one thing you knew about your partner it was his short temper when it came to you. obviously he didn’t show it all that often but you were one of the few people who could tell. whether it be by his grip on the champagne flute, the rigid posture, or, his unsettling smile. but it was obviously normal to everyone else, all they could think of was the fact that the legend himself was smiling their way.
he hated them in all honesty, but he wasn’t an idiot so he tolerated them.
but eventually every man breaks, and this time it was because of you.
an ugly, loud, grimy businessman had taken interest in you, his girl. he flashed his pearly whites your way every chance he got, brushing his hand by your waist in order to grab a drink, even has the audacity to actually touch you, bring the strap of your dress back up.
“sweetheart,” your partner beckoned you from up the stairs, your saving grace from the man. “come along now.” his grin was sinister and mischievous and you could only guess at what he was thinking of. excusing yourself from his side you made your way up the stairs, his eyes lingering on your behind. that man was lucky your boyfriend didn’t jam his fist in his face.
and before you knew it, the two of you were far from the party, on the third or fourth floor. “what are we doing here?” your voice was quiet, too focused on your surroundings rather than the man behind you, and how hungry he looked. turning to view him you were met with a hand around your throat. “what do you think you’re doing?” his one hand practically encircling your neck, your two hands pawed at his wrist to no avail.
“n—nothing.” you croaked out, watery eyes meeting his own dark irises, they seemed to be consumed with fire, and you knew your were bound to be burned. “are you trying to fuck with me? everyone here knows who you are here with but you’re acting like a whore, do you even know that man’s name?” you shook your head as a smirk made its way to his face, his voice was hot in your ear, “i think you need to be taught a lesson.”
he made you feel small in every way possible, whether it be guiding you through a crowd, or a hand on your hips moving you to the side. or, cornering you when you decided to be a brat, especially during the start of your ‘relationship.’
one of the most prominent examples being when you’d once refused to eat, besides a snack here and there and some water. the servants didn’t know what to do and your boyfriend hadn’t returned, busy with work. so when he did return and learned of your temper tantrum, he tied you down, taking orgasm after orgasm, one for each day you hadn’t eaten. it was the worst and best night of your life, your own ass was bruised and bloodied.
he’d struck you for every hour you refused.
he had his head between your legs, lips on your clit, licking it whilst two fingers pushed in and out, grazing just the right spot, making you arch your back and claw at the mirror. removing his fingers, his tongue traced your folds, saliva mixing in as he moved to your slit, and the inside of your walls. but it was never easy with your boyfriend, and he hated the fact that you looked so pretty. moans sweet as ever, hands pulling at his hair softly.
no, he liked you best at your worst.
so instead of letting you catch your breathe, he took off his tie and bound your wrists behind your back, your circulation practically cut off. you had nothing to grab, to hold, to ground yourself with, all you could do was sit and cry as he sucked your clit harshly, fingernails digging into your thighs as a warning.
stop moving.
again, horrible listener, so you thrashed around, lifting yourself up from against the mirror before being pushed back by him. your eyes were screwed shut as you heaved, “please, please i didn’t do anything!” his eyes shot up to look at your face in disbelief. “you did nothing?” he sneered, rising from in between your legs before his hand clutched your hair as you yelped.
“you want attention, that’s all you ever want. you have legs you could’ve walked away and come to me but you stood there, laughing at his jokes.” his fingers smooshed your face, he loved you best like this. messy hair, mascara smudged and lipstick smeared. for once you were unable to read him, you couldn’t tell if he was joking, mad or teasing. he got down on his knees, tapping your foot as you raised it, your panties removed as he stored it away in his pant pocket. your thighs were painted with arousal, sticky when you moved.
the click of the door opening sobered you up straight away, “what? why are you—” he shoved you infront of him, not even bothering to check if the coast was clear, he assumed there wouldn’t be anyone, you were floors above the party and the only people that would be around these disgustingly sensual rooms would be there for the reason he was. crimson red walls, plush velvet walls, a monstrosity in terms of a fashionable home, but comfortable.
you ended up in a random bedroom, also red. he shoved you onto the bed, shuffling through the drawers with intent. “where would it be?” he muttered to himself as he surveyed the room, his eyes landed on a closet door, promptly moving towards it.
you laid on the bed with your hands underneath you, at least the ceiling was white you thought. the heat between your legs was unbearable, but not left unattended for too long. he had a box in his hands, not too large but not small. “what is that?” you craned your neck to look, but he pulled out a blindfold.
“i want you to only cum when i tell you to, do you understand?” you groaned loudly, “oh come on are you kidding me? why the hell do i have to do that? so annoying—” the dildo penetrated your dripping pussy as you moaned out, finally.
he couldn’t do everything he would have wanted to whilst still at the event but he could at least satisfy himself. he slid in and out with ease, unrelenting pace as you cried out, “don't stop, please don't stop!" he loved you best like this, crying on his fat cock splitting you open.
“you like that? yeah you do.” he grinned as you clutched the sheets underneath you, he pushed it deeper, before taking it out. “please, don’t stop!” you screamed out, the anticipation of what he’d do was exciting, unable to see him. his finger simultaneously traced around your ass, using your slick he smeared it around.
“you want more? you want my cock in you too?” you nodded vehemently, “oh god yes! yes!” he pulled it out before flipping you over and propping you on all fours. he was nice enough to be sweet, cooing and praising you for how good you were being. “you’ll be good for me won’t you? i’ll take your bind off.” thank god, “yes, i’ll be so good, promise.” it felt so good to move them around again. the thing about your boyfriend was that he never made anything easy when it came to sex.
“i want you to fuck yourself.”
his hand on your hips and your own pressed against the headboard. “that's it, fucking take it!" he grunted as he thrust into you, “yeah, you wanna scream? confirm what they know?” you could barely keep your own eyes open let alone respond but of course he would never let that be. you’d never experienced something so euphoric yet punishing. you felt as if you’d explode. he’d gotten tired of how slow you were being with your pussy so he was kind enough to multitask.
but listening wasn’t exactly your strong suit and it didn’t matter how harsh he gripped your hips or how he slammed into both holes, you’d still try and get away. “s’too much, please.” your head rested on the bed, you were exhausted.
“fuck, i’m so close!”
“you’re lucky i’m letting you after the shit you— you pulled.” his words didn’t hurt, your pussy only clenched further, “i can feel you, in both holes.” your forehead pressed against his, a gentle gesture, a reminder of your relationship. he grunted into your ear, thrusts slowing down, messier, closer.
he pulled it out of your ass as you moaned at the loss of contact, “messy girl, need two cocks in you? my little slut needs more?” you shook your head, “just you. just you.” you babbled, you felt so good. oversensitive and tired, which again he loved. he pulled almost all the way out, pressing the fake cock to your lips, “suck it, you’re too noisy baby, you want someone to find you like this? i didn’t lock the door.”
his smirk made you dizzy, he made you dizzy. he took a second to admire you, splayed out on the bed now, sucking both of your juices off it. he slammed back in making you whimper and teary-eyed. soon enough reaching his high as well as your own as you clutched onto his shoulders for dear life, “mmm!” he grunted, “fuck, you’re too good, take it the whole way baby, if you’re— if you’re gonna suck it then take it all.” he found his release with you, his hot cum spurting into your womb.
“next time, you stay by me. or don’t, i’ll fuck you even harder next time.”
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sourrpatched · 2 months
14. mark’s villain origin story (500 wrdc)
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I’m here.
The message on your phone had read. You gave yourself a second to make sure everything looked fine. The worst thing that could happen was having a friend over only for them to see some random pile of laundry on the floor. Once you made sure everything was decent you made your way to the door.
As you opened it you eyed the man in front of you. He was dressed casually with a black t-shirt andsome semi ripped pants. And as weird as it probably seemed to smell someone, you couldn’t help but take notice of how he happened to have a clean yet expensive scent.
“Uh, Can I come in?”
You had snapped out of your own thoughts, moving to the side in order to let the man in. He had bags in both hands which you guessed made sense as to why he hadn’t knocked more than once.
“You can leave your shoes there and use the slippers on the side, those are usually what Chenle uses so they should be about your size.” He took off his shoes bags still in hand.
“Oh and let me help you with that.” You said before grabbing one of them out of his hands and taking it into your kitchen. Jaemin followed behind.
“What’s all of this?”
“Oh right, I thought since the movies are pretty long that I should bring some snacks and some take out. You like sushi right? I had Minjeong ask Jimin just in case but I just want to make sure.” He said all with a smile on his face.
Wow. If he’s this thoughtful for his friends he’d make a perfect future husband.
“I love sushi, thank you.” He looked relieved at that. “We’re going to watch the movies there in the living room so let’s bring everything over there.” He nodded and followed your lead into the living room.
“I’ll bring some drinks, do you want a soda or something?” You stood up as he started setting the food up. “Yeah that’s fine, thank you.” He smiled again.
Part of you went into the kitchen just to compose yourself, the other half was cause you did really need to get drinks.
It’s okay it won’t be awkward. We’re gonna watch the movies and hang out and have a great time. You hoped.
You made your way back to the living room. Thank god this man had brought food cause now that the nervousness was wearing away you realized just how hungry you actually felt.
“Thank you so much for the food and everything really all I had made was popcorn and that’s about it.”
“Really it’s no problem, it’s the least I could do after you invited me over in the first place.” Once again he had given you his signature smile.
“Still, thank you.” You had reached for the remote only to find that he had already put the movie on the TV. “You ready to cry?” You said teasingly before putting play.
“Cry? That’s not happening.” He said almost too confidently.
“Guess we’ll have to see.” You shrugged, before pressing play on the movie.
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Can I pretty please request Jax Teller for prompt #14!?
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Thank you!!!!!
Contains: Very mild angst, fluff.
1.2K words
“My eyelids are heavy, but my thoughts are heavier.” - Unknown
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You couldn't begin to express how grateful the late nights were less late now that the club was out of guns and drugs. The only downside was that Jax and the rest of the Sons were now just mechanics, they had cars to fix and taxes to file, not meeting deadlines meant parts didn't get bought and paychecks weren't written.
Anxiety still lingered when Jax was away at night, a hold off from the worry that the next phone call would deliver the worst news one could get. Tonight was one of those nights, even though you knew Jax was safe, your brain wouldn't quiet.
The sound of a door opening drew you from your thoughts, "What are you still doing up? It's almost one."
You shrugged, "The usual. I can't sleep when your side of the bed is cold. Your dinner is in the microwave."
Jax gave you a soft smile, "Lucky me because I'm starving. Sit with me while I eat?"
You nodded, "That's my plan." Jax hurried to the kitchen and warmed his dinner before sitting next to you at the dining table, "Did you get all your work done?" 
"You bet, and I've got the whole weekend off so we can sleep in." You could smell the faint hint of oil on his clothes. 
"That's great news, you know how much I love our lazy mornings." If you were lucky, Abel would be there too, between you and Jax. 
"You and me both darlin. How was work?" He must have been hungry, half the food was already gone. 
"The usual." You yawned and Jax reached across the table to hold your hand, "I'm sorry, I guess I was just waiting for you to get home." 
Jax shook his head, "I'm almost done here. I'll hop into the shower then I'll be all yours." 
You sighed, "That sounds perfect." 
"How did Abel go at daycare today?" Jax loved all the pictures Abel drew for him, his locker, his office and his workstation were full of them. 
You smiled, "He had lots of fun today, they got a new water table and he went wild. I had to throw his tiny little shoes in the wash, that's how much fun he had." 
Jax chuckled, "I'll pick him up on Monday, I can't have you having all the fun darlin." 
"Sure, he loves it when you go and get him." You went to take Jax's empty plate from him, but he yanked it away. 
"I'll do that darlin." He rushed it to the sink before drying it and putting it away. Once that was done and he had wiped over the kitchen one last time, he walked back over to you and stretched out his hand, "Shall we?" 
You nodded and took his hand, "We shall." 
The trip to the bedroom was quick, and then Jax was stripping off and hopping into the shower, "You wanna get ready for bed darlin?"
You sighed, "I guess I better try and keep a routine, brushing my teeth and washing my face again won't hurt." 
Steam filled the room as Jax washed the day away and smirked when he caught you staring at him through the shower glass, "See something you like darlin?" 
You nodded, "You know I do Teller." 
The shower flicked off and he stepped out, wrapping the towel around his waist before stopping by the kiss you on the cheek on his way to the bedroom to get dressed. 
With his comfortable grey sweatpants on, he headed to the bed and flicked the heated blanket on your side before fluffing your pillow and peeling back the covers, "Hop in darlin." 
You took your robe off and placed it on the chair, leaving you in just one of Jax's T-Shirts and a pair of panties, then climbed into bed with a sigh, "It's so much better with you here. Maybe we should get a cat so when you're not here, I'm not alone in bed." 
Jax smiled, "I like that idea, we've got the room and it will be good for Abel to have a pet." 
You reached over to the bedside table and picked up the bottle of the lavender lotion but before you could do anything, Jax took it from you, "Let me?" 
You nodded, "I'd like that." 
He started with your arms, rubbing the smooth cream in with broad, firm strokes, "What do we need for a cat? Food, water fountains, a few litter trays and toys. Hell, with Happy's help, we can have one by Monday." 
He pinched your shirt and you pulled it over your head so he could do your shoulders next, "We need a bit more time than that. The kitty should have a catio, that will keep you busy over a few weekends and once that's build and the cat can enjoy the outdoors without killing anything we can get the kitty." 
The corner of Jax's mouth ticked up as he moved to your chest and a thought came over him, "We can tell Abel can't we? He'll want to help." 
Your eye grew heavy as you spun and his hands moved over your back, "Sure we can tell Abel. He'll want to name the kitten and he should come when we pick. Not that it means anything, the cat will pick us." 
You returned to facing him and Jax moved to your legs, rubbing the ache out of your claves, "You've already said you'll let the cat on the bed so I only have one rule, he or she has to stay away from my kutte." 
You chuckled, "You and I both know that's not going to happen, cats do what cats want." 
Jax sighed and placed the bottle back in its spot before picking your book up, "I guess so. How are you feeling now darlin?" 
You smiled, "Great, I'm ready to call it a night." You slid all the way into bed and placed your head on the pillow, "Will you read to me, I love the sound of your voice." 
Jax looked over you fondly, "Of course, darlin, that was my plan when I picked up your book." You had been reading it to him for days, a sweet tale of a little robot in search of life on Mars who made friends with an alien. 
"Rusty lifted his little arm and ticked as he handed the apple slice to his friend, 'Apples are one of human's favourite fruits, you should try some.' The alien took the slice from him with a squeak and ate it in one bite, then gave another squeak of approval at the sweet taste." 
You snuggled closer to Jax and he wrapped his arm around your body, "The Alien squeaked again, then waved its arms before pointing to itself and then to Rusty. The series of squeaks that followed sounded like the robot's name and then another which must have been its own." 
Your eyes felt so heavy as Jax continued, "It made sense when Rusty heard it for a second time, 'Your name is Eldredth? Tell me Eldredth, have you ever had chocolate? It is the best of the human's treats." 
Jax smiled as he felt your chest rise and fall softly under his arm. He put the book and laid down next to you, pressing a kiss to your forehead and pulling the blanket up to your neck, "Good night Darlin, I love you." 
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letters-from-dekarios · 5 months
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midnight tears
summary: stricken with grief, anxiety, and the shadow of his former, prouder, self, gale takes to seeking comfort in the swift end he dreamt up many moons ago. tav finds him before it’s too late.
or: gale considers exploding and tav stops him
word count: 2.1k
tags: PLEASE READ BEFORE CONTINUING: this story contains themes of self-harm/suicide. it is not my intention to trigger or harm anyone who comes across this story, but, rather, to share a side of a fictional character I’ve taken a liking to. please do NOT read if these themes, discussed in a reasonable concept of detail, could potentially harm your mental state.
other tags include; gn!tav, act 1 storyline, major gale angst, im still a part of the mystra hate club
He had it all planned out. Written down. He had a failsafe in case things went wrong. Timed it down to the letter, against all the knowledge he had on the orb within him. If worse came to worst, Gods he hoped it wouldn’t, he knew precisely how he wanted to go.
When he first gathered the understanding of the Netherese orb within him, its desperate need to consume the Weave, he was confused. Which was a rare occurrence for him. He was always so knowledgeable that confusion rarely ever happened. He’d question things and soon find an answer, but with this.. no, this was different.
In his quest to prove his love, he only proved his egotism. Something he had tried to stay away from and here he was, indulging in it. How proud was he that he could be able to love the Goddess and Mother of all magic and still be unhappy? Still try to attain more power, more love? How dare he, a mortal man, try and capture the Weave for himself?
Was it really out of love, or was the idea of power and the concept of Godhood too tempting to be toyed with? How did he get this far? How did he manage to do it in the first place, if not by his handling of the Weave itself? He had all the power he could hold and still wanted more.
He was the epitome of a power-hungry, egotistical, jackass.
He deserved the consequences he now had to suffer. He could blame no one other than himself for Mystra’s decision to make him live with it. She could have, very well, killed him right there. But she, by her merciful graces (or what the larger part of Gale perceived as merciful), allowed him to live. He would sacrifice himself to right the wrongs he had created.
As he lay in his tent, one uneventful night, staring at the stars, he pondered the plan he had in his back pocket. He had it figured out for years now, so it wasn’t a question, but he questioned the actual statistics of it. He pulled out a little vial from his bag and turned it over in his hands, reading the neat handwriting over and over again. Midnight tears. A poison whose consequences would only take effect at midnight exactly. If he consumed it in the early morning, traveled far into the Underdark and waited, he would avoid injuring any innocents in the process.
It was a desirable end to his misery, he concluded. If he woke before Tav and the rest of the group, he could be gone before they arose. He doubted they would notice he was missing.
He knew Tav had accepted him for his faults, his lies, and everything else with him. They had encouraged him to stay traveling with them, but he didn’t feel as though he deserved to.
He wondered what the poison would feel like, how it would taste. The seller who gave it to him was vague on the details, and Gale didn’t know if he preferred that or the horrid truth of receiving every component.
He set the poison to the side and conjured a dagger in his hands. He twisted it between his palms, considering the other option to poison. It wasn’t the preferred way to go, but it was his failsafe in case the poison went bad. All he had to do was plunge the magic knife into his chest, and off he would go.
It wouldn’t be the prettiest, he knew that, but it would be better than nothing. His blood pooling out onto the ground, pained cries filling the air- he’d apologize again and again to Mystra, his goddess, his first love, telling her how sorry he was for the stupid mistakes he’d made.
His mouth would taste like copper, eventually, and by then he’d begin slipping away. His body would go numb, he figured, and then his hands would drop. He would fall onto his back, staring up into the vast sky of Faerún, before everything disappeared.
He had a letter written already for his soul to pass on to Tav and the others. He’d apologize to them, too, for letting them down. For not becoming the man they hoped and wished he was. For everything. There wasn’t enough time in all the realms where he could be forgiven for his mistakes.
The longer he sat there, with his thoughts, the more he twisted the knife between his hands. The more he sunk into himself, the harder he pushed it in his palms.
He didn’t even realize he was bleeding until he felt his hands become oddly slippery. He sat up and looked down, his eyes going wide as he saw the blood trickling down his fingers. His heart began to race, his chest becoming tight. He couldn’t live with himself if he died now and took out all his companions with him. Though, maybe he was just being dramatic.
The knife in his hands disappeared and he looked clearer at the cuts on his hands, cursing himself under his breath. He grabbed a nearby carafe of water and poured it over his hands, hissing in pain while they stung.
“Goddess forgive me..” he sighed under his breath, looking around for some cloth he could use to cover his wounds. Then, during one of their battles, he could play it off as an injury received. Why did he do this?
Why was he like this?
He could never know the answer to those questions. The questions that pulled at his heart and broke down in his mind- they had no real answers, they never were able to be answered to begin with. In all his years living as some high, extraordinary Chosen of Mystra, he never found the courage to become insightful of himself. He never understood why he was never enough, or why he couldn’t do things right. Why did he feel the need to lie to cover his imperfections? Why was he so scared that if he messed up, he would never be exonerated?
Mystra had planted the seed in his head that he was not worthy of forgiveness, that death would be the only thing to balance his scale. It got to him. Terribly so, Gale began to believe that she was right. After all, how could one commit such a sin against a God and not be considered unworthy of their forgiveness? He had tried to usurp her authority, whether for love or pride, and had to deal with her wrath. She had every right to not pardon him. She had every right to make him feel how he did.
Though he was rather calm in these situations, no matter what was happening around him, right now he was panicking. His breath picked up, his chest rising and falling faster by the second. Why couldn’t he find a damn cloth?
“Gale?” Tav’s sweet voice broke him from his thoughts. Was he crying, too? He couldn’t tell anymore. He was a whole mess and a half.
“What happened?” The way they spoke, so much concern in their voice, he couldn’t help but be ashamed of what he had become. How could he sit here, hurting, and hurt others around him? The look Tav gave him was enough to break a thousand realms over again, and he felt awful for making them deal with him.
“I- I don’t know…” he replied, the panic in his eyes as evident as ever.
Tav disappeared for a moment but quickly returned with more water and some towels. They sat down beside him, sighing softly as they took his hands in their own.
He winced, pulling back for a moment before Tav eased him, gently cleaning the wounds.
“Gale..” they started again, and he looked away, ignoring the wounds on his hands. Gods, he was so stupid.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened,” he replied, taking a breath as Tav made sure his hands were okay.
“Gale,” they repeated, glancing down suspiciously at the poison beside him.
He looked to his side, sighed, and then opened his mouth to speak. How could he even begin?
“You promised me,” Tav sighed, waving their hands and muttering a small healing spell. Soon enough, the wounds closed, and his hands were clean again.
“I wasn’t going to-“
“Gale-“ they sighed again, running a hand over their face. “Why do you even have it? We discussed this. It won’t come down to that.”
“We don’t know that.”
Tav looked at him with those sad, puppy-dog eyes. Hurt laced their words, how could Gale be so cruel to himself?
“It’s for safety.”
“Safety of who, Gale? What happens if you accidentally drink it instead of a healing potion? What happens if it ends up in your food?” They asked, eyebrows furrowed together.
“I wouldn’t do that-“
“Oh, come on. We’ve all done it. These damn bottles look so alike! I hardly know the difference between a feather fall and an angelic sleep spell, Gale. It could happen to any of us.” Tav replied, their words rather sharp. Gale flinched, looking down at his fully restored hands.
“I cannot live on if I do not have a clear source of escape should things turn the wrong way,” Gale replied, honest-hearted words clashing with the things he was actually thinking. Yes, he felt that way, but did he think that way? Hardly.
Truth be told, Gale was angry with Mystra. At least, a small part of him was. He had done everything to love her, to prove his love, going so far as bestowing this upon himself, and instead of helping, she cast him aside. If she truly loved him as she claimed to, would he even be here? Why had she left him like this- surely death would have been much kinder. This was just plain cruel.
“I don’t want you to think like that, Gale. I want you with me, with our party, for as long as you can be. You’re supposed to stay by our side, not have a plan to leave us,” Tav took his hands in their own again, looking him in the eye. “Please, Gale. I want you to live. I need you to live. Planning your demise does no one any good, especially not yourself.”
“Enough about Mystra!” Tav dropped his hands, frustrated now. “We know. I know. Why are you so devoted to her when all she’s done is bring you pain? It makes no sense to me that you would continue to suffer in her name. You need to be free, Gale. Netherese orb or not, and whether you like it or not, you’re in this tadpole journey with us. I don’t give two damns what Mystra thinks or feels. This is about you, not her.”
Those words struck him. Yes, that tiny part of him agreed, Mystra was harsh for leaving him like this. She was rather harsh to toss him aside after doting on him and his abilities for so many years. But the larger part of him outweighed that piece, and he could only help but feel guilty for thinking such things about her.
“No buts, Gale. You’re going to stop this stupid ‘I’m going to blow myself up for Mystra’ nonsense. I know it’s a part of who you are, we all have things we have to deal with, but please. For me, for all of us, you can’t go on with this weight on your back.” Tav sighed, taking his face gently in their hands and wiping away his tears.
“I’ll try to do better, I promise,” Gale replied, letting his face rest in their soothing hands. Why did he always hurt those that he loved? He couldn’t answer that. He never could.
“The next time you start contemplating your death, please, Gale, talk to me. Talk to any of us! We all want to be here for you, and I know I would be so incredibly miserable if we lost you,” They looked into his eyes and pulled his head against their own. Their foreheads touched, Gale’s eyes shut, and for a brief moment, he felt at peace. No matter what happened he knew he had friends to rely on. And for that, he was thankful.
Tav made sure he was alright before returning to the campfire to rest. He tucked the poison into the furthest part of his bag, laid himself to rest, and let his mind slip away into the night.
He would keep the poison and the letter handy, just in case, and it would take quite some time for him to be fully able to talk to the others when he was feeling like exploding, but it would happen. Eventually, he would be okay. Eventually, he would find peace.
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Love?Love. (part 4)
Andy Barber x Reader
warnings-kind of a slow, filler chapter, nothing much happens but its important to thee plot ig WHATEVER.
Y/n was paralyzed in her place.
"Hello? Please move out of the way," Laurie pushes her way through her, "who even are you?" She grimaces.
Unable to answer the woman with the mountain-sized lump in her throat and the squeezing of her heart, y/n runs out of the house.
Girl grief is ugly. There is no smoking-out-the-balcony-in-just-her-panties or the sexy-dancing-in-her-bedroom-while-planning-revenge. No, the movies had gotten it all wrong.
Girl grief consists of puffy eyes, a bloated face, runny nose, ugly thoughts and very unkind assumptions about one's own self.
you're so stupid, so so so so so stupid!
look at yourself, she cries in front of her bathroom mirror, you're so ugly.
she pinches the extra mass on her stomach, how did you even assume you meant something to him?
She excuses herself from dinner, "im not hungry,mom!" while clutching her chest and sobbing into the pillow.
he had a wife the entire time. Of course he did! He would never ever go for me! Laurie is so skinny, she's porcelain, so perfect. I don't compare! I can't compare to her! she's her and I'm ME.
she lies in her bed awake the entire night, playing those moments with Andy over and over again, trying to find solace in the warm memories.
Back at The Barber's residence
"Laurie?" Andy's eyes widen in surprise and concern for y/n, "What are you doing here? Where's y/n?"
"y/n huh? Is that the name of the girl you were plannin on fucking tonight?" Laurie's voice is filled with malice and contempt.
Andy's fists clench at the way his ex describes y/n, "One,that's none of your business and two, she's not just some girl who I wanted to fuck."
"Jesus, Andrew," Laurie gives him a vicious smile, "You're going to fight with your wife over some dumb piece of ass?"
This fucking did it for Andy, As he lurches forward and grabs her wrist "I dare you, fucking say that again."
Laurie snatches her hand from his tight grasp, "Whatever," she rubs her wrist, "i don't give a fuck about her, I'm here to see my son."
"He's in his fucking room," Andy gives her a sarcastic smile, "and by all means, do not make yourself comfortable in my home." With that he leaves the house, and calls y/n.
His relationship with Laurie was um……….. as diplomatic as it could be, for the sake of their son. He could barely tolerate her presence, especially after she constantly treated him like her own personal trash can, putting him through the worst, over and over again throughout the rough course of their marriage.
And still she just wouldn't go away!
fuck y/n pick up,angel
18 missed calls and 23 (unopened)text messages later, Andy decides he can't risk losing her.
He finds a girl who despite all the horrors of life, shines like a ray of motherfucking sunshine,the only woman Andrew Barber would embarrass himself for. No way he was going to lose her, not without a fight.
So there he is. At her doorstep as he rings the doorbell.
"Yes?" A woman, Y/n's mother, he guesses, opens the door, "Mr. Barber! Welcome, welcome," she extends a warm invitation.
So this is who y/n gets her sweet soul from
"Another time, Mrs. y/l/n," Andy returns a small smile, "is y/n here?"
"Yes, yes, she's up in her room, did you need anything?"
"Yeah….uh….." Think, Andy, think, "yeah I needed her help with uhhh…. she told me that I could borrow this book from her….. it's about uhh….historic politics."
historic politics? that's the best i could come up with? HOW AM I EVEN A LAWYER
Her mother disappears upstairs for a moment, and then returns with a tight lipped and disappointed smile, "I'm sorry but she's feeling a little sick right now, maybe you could come back tomorrow?"
With droopy shoulders,Andy gets into his car, because going to his house was not an option,not until Laurie was out of there.
The next morning, Y/n goes to unbelievable lengths to avoid running into Andy. Although she does receive a bouquet of sunflowers, sent anonymously, with a small handwritten letter attached to it:
"Angel, please give me a chance to explain, I promise it's not what it looks like."
that's literally the classic phrase of a cheating man, I'm not falling for it
"Come on,y/n, we both know you deserve better than being someone's mistress,"her best friend had said, "flowers will never change the fact that he has a wife."
y/n even goes as far as to tutor Jacob at her house.
Jacob is a little confused as to why y/n brought him here. " So, what happened with you and dad-"
"Nuh-uh,the only questions i will entertain are about nomenclature."
As the night falls, y/n can't help but get a little curious about Andy.
is he doing okay? who am i kidding,he's probably unaffected.
how could he be so okay?
tears well in her eyes once again.
how could he be so okay while i can't even digest half of a toast without throwing it up!
As curiosity gets the best of her, y/n slowly peeks through the curtains in her room,getting the full view of Andy's bedroom through his unshielded window.
Damn! doesn't this man have a sense of privacy?well,shit, what else could you expect from a two timer, rich,white man.
Suddenly, Andy appears into her view, he's wearing nothing but a towel, lowly hanging from his pelvis.
His hair looked wet, framing his forehead gracefully.
His arms flexed as he took another towel and started drying his hair off.
Fuck you, Andy, you're making it really really hard for my self respect!
Over the course of the next five days, y/n continues with her little routine of trying everything in her power to avoid Andy while more and more bouquets pile up in her room with different notes attached every day:
"take your time angel, you know I'll be waiting for you."
"i loved the way your lips felt on mine."
"angel, You're driving me crazy."
and so on.
"Why does she have to be so stubborn?"Andy grimaces as he settles down on the sofa with a beer in his hands.
"Look at you! Andrew Barber, finally at the mercy of romance." Sam, his best friend quips from beside Andy.
A few beers in, Sam's mind sparks with an idea,"I'll throw a party at my house this weekend!"
Andy rolls his eyes, "My love life is literally in the burning pits of hell and you want a party?"
"No, dumbass, I'll invite Y/n too!"
Andy sits up straight,an eager smile on his face, "YES! A party it fucking is then!"
See you soon, angel
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matthewswifeee · 28 days
Truth or Dare
When a game of truth or dare turns into round two for you and Matt...
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It was a typical night here in Boston for you and your group of friends which consisted of the five of you getting food, watching movies, playing games and having fun silly conversations. Tonight you guys picked some random movie that just came out on Netflix and it was really not good at all.
"This shit is so boring" Chris states and we all agree. "Lets watch something else" Nick suggests picking up the TV remote. "No" Matt says grabbing the remote from Nick and causing a mini argument. "How about we play a game or something" Nate says trying to get the two of them to stop.
"What do yall wanna play" Nick asks looking at Chris, Nate and myself. Chris and I both turn our heads to Nathan since he's the one who suggested we play a game in the first place. "Mmm... truth or dare" Nate says and we all agree. We have a box of truth or dare cards since every time we play we tend to ask each other the same things over and over.
"Nick you start" I say placing the two decks of cards in front of the five of us who are circled around the table. "Truth" he says and Chris picks up the card and reads it. "What is you biggest regret" Chris reads and we all kinds laugh given that that's the first question. "Probably being a triplet" he states jokingly making Matt and Chris bot roll their eyes as Nate and I laugh with Nick. "You're an idiot" Matt says shaking his head at Nick.
"(Y/n) truth or dare" Nate asks. "Dare". "Ok um- oh" Nate says not reading the card aloud. "What" Matt says taking the card out of his hand the he chuckles and reads the card. "Share a spicy photo with the group" Matt reads showing the rest of us the card. I shrug my shoulders and pull out my phone looking for a photo that wasn't to much to show them. I show them a picture of me in a pink lace set then we move on with our game, I mean what's the big deal they see me in a bikini all the time.
We play for a while with some pretty crazy questions coming out of the truth deck with some questionable dares as well.
"Ok ok I pick truth this time" I say trying to get the boys to stop complaining about the fact that I've picked dare this entire time and haven't answered any questions. "What was the best and worst part about losing your virginity" Nick reads off the card, I was a little hesitant at first since the guy I lost it to is sitting directly across the table from me. "Hello" Chris says as I just sit there blank faced.
"Hmm best part was that he made me feel like safe and as comfortable as I could've been.... and worst probably the sex in general but it was also his first time too" I answer and my eyes quickly dart across the table to Matt whos face is a bit red, probably because I just answered that about him. Nate knew about Matt and I hooking up but Chris and Nick had no clue.
We eventually stopped playing truth or dare and all went up into Chris' room to play fortnite. We all were taking turns playing the game with each other and Matt slips out without any of the other boys noticing. I decide that its best if I go and check on him just to make sure he isn't mad about earlier.
"Hey are you ok" I ask stepping into the open door way across the hall from Chris' room. "All good" Matt responds with a light smile. "Can I sit down" I ask and he nods his head so I shut the door and sit down on his bed. "You ok" Matt asks looking up from his phone. "Yea...yea im good, I just um.. I wanted to make sure you weren't upset about what I said earlier" I say trying my best not to make things weird. "Its fine, I know I could make you scream now" He say nonchalantly making my eyes go wide, shocked at the words that just came out of his mouth. "What" he says turning off his phone and tossing it on the bed somewhere as he places his hands on my thighs.
We both lean in and share a long hungry kiss, "Well lets see" I say as Matt pushes me back on to his bed. He quickly gets up and locks the door before hovering over me and reconnecting our lips. He slowly starts to trail rough kisses down my neck to my boobs. He starts lightly sucking on one of my breasts while holding down my hips with his hands and my hands find their way to his dark messy hair.
"M-matt" I moan slightly and feel him smirk against me and start sucking a little harder. "Let's get this off" Matt says before pulling the tight black tank top over my head and tossing it somewhere but keeping my bra on. He hooks his fingers into the waistband of my blue fresh love sweatpants and slides them down then starts rubbing me through my panties.
"Look at you soaked already and I didn't even do anything" he huffs while looking down at me. I look up at him and see nothing but lust in his big blue eyes. He kisses me one more time before moving back between my legs. "I cant wait to taste you again" Matt says as he takes me underwear off and throws the somewhere. He spreads my legs far enough apart to shove his face between them and start licking my pussy. He shakes his head in an attempt to get further in between my legs which makes me arch my back pushing myself closer to him. Unlike the last time Matt ate me out he is so confident in his movements and knows exactly what he doing making me a moaning mess. I continue to moan loudly until Matt pulls away.
"You have to be a good girl and stay quiet unless you want everyone to hear you" he says looking up at me, I try my best to keep quiet but I literally can not I've never felt this good before. "That's it" Matt says as he pulls away away from my heat. "Get up" he says helping me stand before pushing me on to the edge of the bed on all fours. "Since you cant shut the fuck up" Matt says grabbing a pillow and putting in beneath my head. "Ass up" he says making me arch my back and he pushes my face into the pillow as he slowly slides into me.
He begins to slowly thrust into me with his hands gripping my waist. With every thrust and starts going faster and faster hitting my g-spot every single time causing me to moan in extreme pleasure. He grabs a handful of my hair pulling me toward him so that now my back is almost resting on the front of his body, he then wraps his other arm around me and starts rubbing my clit. "Fuck Matt" I continue to moan loudly. "I-I'm I'm gonna cum" I yell barely getting out the words. "Not yet baby" Matt grunts in my ear.
He then flips me over and pushes me onto the bed on my back before lining himself up at my entrance and quickly thrusting back into me feeling even better then before. "Fuck (y/n) you feel so good" he moans in my ear making me want to cum even more. "Look at me" Matt says pressing his forehead against mine and looking into my eyes as I continue to almost scream underneath of him. "Cum all over my dick" he says giving me permission. "OHHH MATT" I moan loudly. "Come on baby cum for me" he says pressing down on my lower stomach making me finish feeling different then I ever have before. He thrusts a few more times making my entire body shake from how overstimulated I am. He continues to stare into my eyes before I hear him let out a loud moan and I feel him fill me up with his cum.
"Well you definitely weren't screaming my name last time" He says out of breath. "And you definitely didn't sound like that last time" I say covering myself with the blanket on his unmade bed. "Didn't know you were a squirter.. that wat hot" he says pulling my leg over top of his naked torso as I feel my cheeks heat up." You were so good (y/n)" Matt says as I lay my head on his chest.
Next Morning**
I wake up still naked in Matt's bed cuddled up with him, I grab my phone to look at the time and see that its almost 2pm. "Matt wake up" I say shaking him a bit before I see his eyes open. "Its the middle of the day" I say as he rubs his eyes. I get up and find all the my clothes then I get dressed and wait for Matt to get dressed before going downstairs with him.
"Yall really couldn't shut the fuck up last night" Chris says and I feel nothing but embarrassment knowing that they all heard me literally screaming Matt's name. "Had to redeem myself" Matt says shrugging his shoulders and opening the refrigerator.
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vampyuii · 1 year
Punished well -------------------------------
Koby x pirate!reader
porn w plot ... light bdsm, teasing, hair pulling, possessive koby (if you squint) afab!reader, ripping of clothing, implied over stimulation, thigh riding + koby is trans
gained pirate reader as inspo from @tinfairies , im just juicing out an anon i sent to them but please please pleeease check them out, luv dem sm
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you are responsible for the media you consume ( `-3-)
sneaking into a navy base was never hard, but trying not to wake Koby as you entered his room was the worst, watching as he slept, glasses on the side of his pillow leaving to show his pretty lashes, wearing a baggy white t-shirt ever so slightly rolled up so you can see his v-line, his thin blanket covering his lower body as he laid under it with only his boxers hiding away his most private and delicate parts. drool filled your mouth by just thinking of pouncing on him and giving him the attention he so so needed, but that would ruin his surprise... wouldn't it?
beautiful baby pink laced panties hugged you, a small bow sitting at the front of them bringing out your curves so nicely. you knew Koby would love them, maybe he'd get to keep them with the other pairs you've hidden in his pockets on your encounters, but only if he behaved. Greedy boys don't get rewarded, Koby knew that full well.
slipping off your shorts you slowly crawled over his stature, slowly wiggling your way under his sheet. You watched his facial expressions as you placed small pepper kisses all over his stomach, moving up to his neck and then his jaw. Slowly his eyes lightened and let him see, reaching for his glasses as he felt a pair of familiar lips grace him all over.
"mmnh..? oh..? OH! Y/N you're here oh my.. oh my god i missed you so much you have no idea-" cutting himself off by giving the love he missed the most a deep kiss "I said I'd be back.." a once simple kiss getting heated in the moment, but I mean who can blame you both. Finally touching his skin without worry of waking him, your hands roamed every curve and dip in his body. Koby couldn't help but moan at your touch, feeling him grind his thighs together from under you make you hungry. lifting yourself up off of his lap you showed off your pretty laced panties. His eyes widened, cheeks becoming flushed and his lip goes to get trapped between his teeth. "baby.. i missed you so much ya' know that r-right?" snaking his hands around your hips pulling you up to his face.
Pepper kisses were bombed over your thighs, sucking and nibbling on your plush skin made the space between his thigh soak with his own slick. Not trying to waste anymore time his pace quickened as he rolled you over to your back, fingers slipping under the thin cloth blocking him from your sweet honey covered cunt. "m' sorry.. i just- i need you."
The panties you wore made it difficult to touch you, poor baby had no other choice... could you really blame him for ripping the baby pink undies off of you? Koby groaned at the sight of you, dipping his head between your thighs before being stopped so quickly.
"koby, my sweet baby."
"whatcha do that for my love?" he could tell he fucked himself over. the look in your eyes now harsh compared to the dripping of your plush pussy.
"i.. i ju- im sorry i just couldn't.. i needed to-"
"you didn't need to do anything, you got too greedy 'oby." pulling him to meet you face to face by his hair, his glasses fogged up from him panting like a stupid dog. giving him a small peck on the lips before getting up from your spot, and taking out his worn down laces from his shoes. Koby looked so lost, poor baby just wanted to make his love feel good, he just wanted to make his pirate feel amazing.
crawling back over him, you harshly grabbed his wrists and began tying them to the frame of his twin sized bed. eyes darting all over the place Koby was worried... what did he do wrong? why was he being punished? slipping off his boxers you watching a line of his own slick stick to his cloth, his poor cunt was just begging for you, it was drooling over you.
"you know i dont like greedy boys Koby.." blowing a bit of cool air over his soaked pussy, making him shudder under you. "please i- what.. im sorry just, no just let me go pleas- please baby.." grinding his hips into nothing, you backed away to the other side of the bed, slipping your finger between your folds making SURE Koby was watching your every move.
“Please I’m- I won’t do it again I promise, just ple-please let me go..” he can’t stand watching your fingers dip in and out of yourself, he needs it to be his fingers. But greedy boys don’t get what they want. and he’s gotta learn that the hard way..
you tried touching yourself the way your baby boy did, even though it didn't feel as euphoric as it did with him, you made sure he knew he fucked up. Punishing Koby was your least favorite thing, not only were you punishing him but yourself as well.. you could never reach the spot his perfect slim fingers did, the way his thumb would trace over your clit in between the kisses and sucks he'd give it.
“why should I koby?” spoken in a groan, your clit was aching for Koby, you both knew that. But he can’t get what he wants.. no, what he needs, because he doesn’t deserve it right now. Good boys learn how to behave. Even if it meant playing with yourself in front of him.
“mommy please.. I'll make you feel so good, you- fuck... you can use me however you want.. just- untie me.” he didn’t mean to rip off your new pretty panties, he didn’t know they were his gift from you , he was just so so hungry for you, but you knew that.. right? Rubbing his thighs together trying to get some sort of relief off of his enlarged clit, pretty baby was so wet, and all for you.. “Need you so bad baby please”
Moaning out his name you just couldn't take it anymore. Koby would have to fully learn his lesson another time, right now you needed him. finally giving in you hurried back over to him, quickly dragging your soaked cunt across his thigh while smashing your lips against his. Your warm breasts sat comfortably against his chest. Humping and grinding on his thighs as he let the most erotic whines and moans into your throat.
Bouncing his thigh to the rhythm of your hips you could feel the hot knot twist and turn in your tummy "k-kobyy... cant oh- my god" both of your tongues making messes of each other while the knot in your stomach unfolded, shaking heavily you came undone. Koby slowed the bounce of his thigh he watched you go through your first orgasm.
hands slowly moving from his hips you removed the laces around his wrists, Koby didn’t waste any time, gently moving you on your back while his soft slender hands roamed your body as his mouth find its way to your pussy.
"Missed you so much mommy..." He didn’t care how drenched he was anymore "fuck... I missed this pussy so much.." he needed you.
As his tongue touched your gooey flesh, you knew tonight wasn't gonna be over quickly..
Your baby was gonna make sure you ended tonight content and happy. He was gonna make sure you ended tonight covered in his markings. Koby was gonna make sure you felt just as good as the firsts.
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pagodazz · 8 months
Ethan you should do Patrick anderson headcanons
Here we go.
he's sososososo special to me and he's so . real and relatable I love him.
DIVERSITY WIN!!! the entity connected to your brother is GAY!!!
Just had to get that one out of the way, and now I can continue.
To me Patrick is someone who is so so UNBELIEVABLY convinced he's a being made for only hate and evil, when in reality he's capable of something more.
I find him to be one of the most interesting slenderverse characters, I mean, he genuinely goes from being feral to remembering every life he's lived and he's just so defeated. he's so alone. He's not human but he's not an absolute monster y'know? and I think being so attached to Michael definitely taught him love.
Patrick is a being full of so much sorrow, he keeps a smile on his face while he knows he'll never get that happy ending he dreams of.
He's SO human for something that is NOT human at all. and HABIT was right for saying that.
he THRIVED in the 70s, that's when he was his best. And I firmly believe that's when he realized that humanity could actually be worth something.
Patrick is FULL of funk. I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone, but it does to me. He's genuinely the type of guy to have a victim tied up and he's just dancing to disco music right in front them with the weapon of his choosing and they have no choice but to sit and watch this wannabe theater kid go crazy.
He's so obnoxious but I think it's absolutely amazing. I bet he absolutely KILLED IT in the clubs back in the day.
Despite popular belief, Patrick genuinely loves Shaun. Shaun is Patricks everything next to Michael. I think that if he wasn't so afraid of rushing Shaun's death, they would've been alot closer.
They're not siblings in every iteration, but I like to think most of the time they are. I like to think that there was a time that Patrick got to actually love Shaun, but he realized that no matter what he does, he's just going to lose them anyways, so what even is the point?
Although, I genuinely don't think he expected HABIT to cut Shaun up, that REALLY fucking killed Patrick.
Vinnie and HABIT really fucked with the timeline and i mean, that's what Patrick wanted. That's WHY he warned Vinnie back in the 80s.
So I think he blames himself entirely for the loss of both stormy and Shaun. And I mean he's not exactly wrong which is the worst part for him. it quite literally is his fault this keeps happening.
Hes a sick selfish parasite who does nothing but spread diseases to those he cares about.
Patrick can play many instruments I know that for sure, and I think he can sing.
He's always had just the heart of a performer in him. Like if he had his choice, or his freedom, he would take the first opportunity to climb onto a stage and show off his talents as if to say; "LOOK AT ME!!! IM WORTH SOMETHING!! I HAVE SOMETHING TO GIVE!!"
Because I think no matter what Patrick is always going to remain hungry for attention, and to be loved by many. He wants his chance in the spotlight, he wants his time to shine, and he's gonna do anything he can to get that moment. he KNOWS there's no escaping and no stopping what goes on, but he might as well make himself WORTH something.
I believe that Patrick has known a previous iteration of the emh guys, (this IS canon, but I think they were friends, and VERY close) But I think that Patrick and Vinnie were the closest.
there's just something about the way he talks to Vinnie in the Princeton tapes, it's as if he's known him his whole life. like he knows exactly what makes Vinnie tick and how he acts and how he'd answer him.
And sure you could say that it was the collective giving that kind of information out, but I would have to DISAGREE!!!!!!!!
Patrick feels solidarity with Vinnies situation and I really like the way they contrast each other.
Vinnie is just a guy who's more like a monster and Patrick is a monster who is more like a guy.
I like them. alot.
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ray935sworld · 1 month
Stupid Pecco (bezquez)????
pls i need more im so hungry 😿
Marc was close to ruining everything. He didn't care anymore. Not now. He was so angry that he felt himself slowly lose control. All he wanted to do was be angry and scream and protect the one he loved the most.
Fuck it, he thought. And if he was to comfort his boyfriend in public, what would they do?
He wanted to. But he couldn't. He knew he wouldn't want that. He knew he'd be embarrassed, probably even angry. It would make everything worst even if right now it seemed to be the only logical thing.
All he wanted to do, was take his hand and drag him away. He wanted to lock them in a room together, far away from all this to make sure the drama wouldn't even start.
After the season, he was quite familiar with how things went and he was angry that his beautiful, kind, wonderful, lovely boyfriend would have to experience it. "It's a tradition" he had said.
Stupid Pecco.
Marc had understood that it was the tradition in the academy. Having his own traditions with Alex, he respected that and even encouraged it. But now this tradition was hurting him. Secretly, he wasn't sure how many more academy dinners with Pecco as a winner or a podium rider and Marco with a DNF or another first action result he would be able to handle.
Their nights on a race day always went the same. After they finished their meetings, Marco would go to the Academy boys. He would have dinner with them and laugh and joke and talk about the weekend. They would discuss the next race or their plans for the week - see if they could meet at the ranch.
Then, sooner or later, they would end up at the Sunday race. Luca would complain about the Honda or be happy that their had been small improvements. Franco would praise the bike, still hopeful about his potential after his difficult season start. Migno would simply joke about them. Cele would make his comment. Pecco would mostly be happy with his results. After all, he often won or stood on the podium. At the same time, Marco would sulk im his misery.
Marc cursed them all for putting him through this. Cause he was the one who had been putting up the pieces. He had been the one to really comfort Marco since the P14 in Qatar had started his horrible season. He was the one that sneaked in Bez motorhome or have Bez sneak in his.
More often than not his eyes had been bright red from crying. At night, at a circuit, a place he was supposed to love so much, after a bad race, his emotions were worst than usual. It was worst. He knew today wouldn't be an exception and he was ready to hold his lover as close as he could to make sure that he would get through this.
Stupid Pecco with his wins. Marco was the one who deserved them. His Marco.
I'm far from ready with that one actually (tbf I could stop here but I still want to write the actual fluff part) but it's basically Marc being angry that he has to see Bez be sad :)
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neverchecking · 8 months
Can you please make a part 2, maybe even a part 3 for your recent post?
Your ‘Does it count as a marriage if only one of them is aware?’
Like the chains reaction to there being another Link married and asking Sage how it happened and who the lucky girl is.
Maybe them meeting the girl and how she really is and her telling the story in a quick version of the long version on how they got married. Maybe she plays a trick/prank on them before revealing herself as Sage’s Wife?
Just some ideas I thought could go well after reading the post that I love a lot!
Yes i ABSOLUTELY can. Im not gonna say when, but I DID start it. I saw this a while back and got so excited because i write Aaliyah yeah but i never actually expect people to like her bc i barely like her ngvigbng Thats a lie i love that bastard.
Here I'll give some spitballed ideas for now.
So, Aaliyah has never met the chain. Period. Like even right now? Never. I think even in constellations she's only met a few in passing and in the smut shots they were simply there. but in her Canon timeline? Has not met them.
Sage wants to keep it this way. I've mentioned it to Bailey, but Sage, even if he whores out, is a loyal bitch. He picks his person and that's his person until they die. And he'll do anything to keep it that way. However, because of his personality they have to be...special? I guess? Like it can't just be someone who rolls over and expects every one to just love them bc oh look at me! Im a helpless lil doll <3 UwU /Ref (Thats a very niche ref guys dw i love you all and your lil ocs <3)
Which is kind of why Aaliyah is the way she is? Sage needs someone whose gonna challenge him. Not necessarily bow down, or someone who will demand him to do this or that, but someone who takes what he says, challenges his ideals and will fight to prove theirs are better. Like Aaliyah will fight him, but if Sage can prove he's right, she'll fall in line. Unlike some dragons princess'.
Sorry sorry anyway, that being said, Sage doesn't share. He doesn't play well with others either. Neither does Aaliyah and Sage knows that.
So obviously the chain is SHOCKED bc how tf? Did Sage get married? BEFORE THEM???
Either way, a few of them are pretty invested, bc lets be honest. Traveling that long, with men? Not entertaining. they have zero tea. At all. So this is new and exciting to them. They want to KNOW okay? they are all secretly tea hungry housewives.
He refuses to tell them anything tho. Absolutely anything. Well okay thats a lie. He'll tell stories but only the WORST ones.
"She blew me up once. I think that's when i fell in love."
"Fuck no."
"Thank Hy-"
"I knew i was in love with her when she stabbed me and left me in the desert. Petty bitch. Just because I forgot dinner that night."
They're in love i swear
My point earlier with Aaliyah never meeting the chain is just to say that i have total freedom here. I can do this however I want.
And my all time favorite way of doing it? in my head with my lil tiktoks that I use to maladaptive daydream?
The Hunters being Hunted.
Aaliyah would find them long before they found her. She'd watch them and stake them out.
She's stay out of sight for a while, but eventually she'd do something small that would let Sage know she was there.
Probably drops a bomb flower in the middle of camp <3
it's the thought that counts <3
The others think their under attack but Sage knows. He's cackling and throwing his head back going "You crazy son of a bitch!" because that's his girl.
and you're probably going, "Aaliyah appears after that right?"
She fucks around with them until she grows bored then probably even then only sits in a tree until one night Sage goes "Isn't that right, cupcake? You're a fucking barrel of sunshine."
And she nearly decks him. "Oh a ray of absolute shits and giggles."
Scares the piss out of Sky for sure,
I just nvogng
I need the chain to meet one of the wives and then being terrified of them. Not even in a 'damn am i attracted to this?' way. No no no, I need them to be terrified for their lives <3
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nightfall-kachiniko · 2 years
AOT girls (+hange) with s/o who has an ED
tw: ed talk of eating disorders, anorexic reader, body dysmorphia, various eating disorders, vomit, blood, descriptive mentions of suffering with an ed.
cw: mikasa, annie, pieck, hange, hitch, sasha, ymir, historia, gn!anorexic!reader
a/n: writing this bc of relapse, thought if I needed it someone else out there needed some comfort too. Youre not alone.
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𓏲·˚ ͙ mikasa
- the worst part of your day was always looking at yourself in the mirror, you’re eyes never failing to be filled with glimpse of hatred and disappointment. Its all you could ever do. No matter how fast you walked past your mirror, or how quickly your eyes glanced over at the little scale beneath your sink, you always had to give in. Food became numbers and no longer names. An apple renamed as ‘90’or 15 grapes being referred to as ‘50’. That voice ringing in the back of your head as you picked at your skin in your reflection. Little words beginning to spill out from the back of your mind and to your subconscious. It was never enough. No matter how far the numbers went down on the scale, all you could see was a blur in your mirror. That’s all you ever were.
- “you look beautiful,” a voice behind you softly said as you jumped, looking at your girlfriends reflection in the mirror, startling you. “Ah.. shit..” you muttered, “you scared me,” you chuckled out. She unfolded her arms as she came up behind you. Her hands wrapped comfortingly around your waist, as she buried her head into the back crook of your neck, placing a small kiss on your skin. “I wish you could see yourself the way I see you,” she spoke gently. The embarrassing feeling washed over you as you let out a small scoff, you’re eyes avoiding hers in the mirror. “You tear yourself to pieces, baby..just because you don’t like one little thing about you.” You could feel her orbs looking at yours as you looked to the opposite side. “You are so perfect y/n.” She said. “I just.. I don’t feel it..” you whispered, your eyes looking back at your body in the mirror. Disgust and disappointment in them. Mikasa softly kissed your skin, her arms tightening around you. “I have loved you since the day I met you.” She confessed. “All of you.” A soft smile appeared on your face, as you finally met her eyes. “I see the way you look at yourself.” You felt your girlfriends soft breath on your neck. “Your face filled with total disappointment and hatred.” She placed another kiss on your skin. “But to me, you’re perfect.” You sighed, looking down at the sink, inhaling and exhaling a deep, shaky breath. “You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” That feeling washed over you again. The one that is so indescribable it doesn’t have a word for it. “I wish you could see that.” Mikasa brought her hand up to your face, cupping it gently as you made you face her. You turned your body away from the mirror and to her eyes, inches away from her lips. “I love you, more than anything I can describe.” She kissed your cheek, “and no matter what you think of yourself, the way I have always seen you is so different from what you think.”
“You’re loved, y/n.”
𓏲·˚ ͙ annie
- your girlfriend placed a plate in front of you as you looked up at her, your face confused. “You’re eating.” The woman spoke, “that’s final.” You felt your chest drop as the words escaped her mouth. A feeling of anxiety coming over you as you looked back at the plate in front of you. “I..” you managed to get out, “I’m not-”
“Hungry?” Annie asked, “yes you are.” There was a pit in your stomach, but not the one from not eating. The one filled with fear, guilt. “I’ve heard that lame ass excuses too many damn times to count.” She said, “and if I have to sit here and spoon feed you like a child then I will,” Your leg shook as you fidgeted in anxiety. A shaky breath exhaled from your lips. “Im not gonna sit here and let you do this to yourself.” Annie’s words softened up from what she previously spoke. You locked eyes with her, the voice in the back of your head ringing like a fly next to your ear. ‘Is it really worth it?’ It said. “Annie, I can’t.” You spilled out. “Yes you can and you are,” your girlfriend said more sternly. “All it is is just more calories to burn,” you tried to explain. “Calories?” She scoffed, “you’re so fixated on calories that that’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you look at this.” You sighed. “Not even that its youre favorite food? Or that it’s what you had on our first date?” You looked back at the plate as you realized that what Annie said was true. Your mind just went straight to calories, nothing more than just calories. “Anne.. I’m sorry I didn’t even realize..” you said, guilt in your voice. “This whole ‘fitness’ thing,” she shook her head, “isn’t even fitness if all you’re doing is hurting yourself.” Her eyes laid on you like stone. “You..” she inhaled, trying to hold herself back. “You are gonna keep doing this until you finally kill yourself.” Those words. They couldn’t be true, no no this helps you this doesn’t hurt you. What’s with a little bit of hunger for something you’ve wanted to years? “I am not going to kill myself!” You pushed your chair back from the table as you stood up, exclaiming. “I am finally losing weight! This is helping me!” The woman stood up too, “This is killing you y/n how do you not realize it!” She yelled back. “I don’t know if you care or not but there are people that love and care about you.” Annie’s breath shook as her emotion changed from anger to a sadness. “I love you, and I can’t stand to see you do this to yourself.” She explained, as tears piled up in her eyes. “I don’t want you to die.” Her words echoed through your head as you felt a glimpse of guilt. “Annie. Im not going to die.” You whispered. She hugged you as you felt her body slightly shake. “Please y/n.. I can’t lose you.”
𓏲·˚ ͙ peick
- “honey? Are you going to eat?” Your eyes glanced up from your plate to your wife, seeing concern in her eyes. Your heart pounded with a gutting feeling as you replied with a “I’m just not hungry..” you said, starring back at the plate in front of you. You felt a hand touch yours as pieck held your hand from across the table. “Baby is there something you wanna tell me?” She asked, gently. You sat there and just sighed, wanting to sink deep into your seat and hopefully into a hole in the floor. “No I’m fine pieck.” You stated a bit more firmly as you sipped your water.
- Your wife admired your face as she studied all of its details. From your sunken in eyes to your cracked lips, your pale clammy face to the slight tremble you shook. She had just recently picked up on your habits and started to study you closely-watching from afar. But pieck couldn’t take it, she couldn’t bear to continue to watch you do this to yourself. “I know there’s something going on y/n..” she gently said, breaking the silence in the air. “and i wanna help you..” Your eyes avoided pieck’s as you looked to your plate. “I know you’re hurting yourself.. and I can’t stand here and let you hurt like this..” she said. “Y/n look at me..” you felt guilt pile up like a weight on ur back, the heavy hurt you wanted to tell, the silent words that screamed in your mind yet never came out. You finally lifted your eyes to meet hers, seeing the hesitance and plead in her orbs “I’m here, I’m right here.” She stated, giving out a small smile. And you knew she was.
𓏲·˚ ͙ hange
- The fullness. All you craved. All you ate. Its all you felt. All you regret. And now staring down into the pool of vomit in the toilet that laid in front of you, your body shaking as you tell yourself ‘one more time, just throw up one more time’ as the world became blurry in your vision. You told yourself last time was the last time you’d ever binge, yet here you are again, telling yourself the same lie. You couldn’t tell if the reason why tears streamed down your cheeks was because of the pounding fist you forced to the back of your throat, or the crippling sadness you felt lying inside your chest. It was like poking a sleeping bear, food was. Telling yourself that today would be the day you finally get back on track, where you actually stop the cycle of sleep, starve, binge. Though the second your mind wondered a bit too far, or your tongue missed the flavour of that longing food you resisted yourself from having all week , it was like yelling at the bear to wake up and devour you. And yes, the bear did. The impulsive second as you would grab whatever you could, whatever you wanted, whatever you deprived yourself of having, and eating it like it was your last meal on earth. Not caring if you hadn’t lost ten pounds, not caring if you had gained five. And in those seconds, in those moments where it all poured down your throat, you felt nothing. Not a single thing, just a relief. Thats until you walked past your reflection, or felt your stomach bulge in fullness. Feeling like a glutton, starring at empty wrappers and dirty dishes. Wondering to yourself, why did i do that, why did i do it again. No one got it. No one understood what your night time snacking really was. Your partner, Hange, glad that at least you did eat something today. But its not what you wanted. The feeling of fullness, a sin to you. So no one would notice when you turned the sink on to use the bathroom after eating. Why you’d barricade yourself inside those four walls, shoving your hand down your throat in an attempt to get rid of the mess you made. And even as your teeth start to brittle, or your knuckles start to break, all you wanted was to escape.
-And finally throwing up that last chunk of whatever you let yourself consume, you threw yourself back at wall, gasping for air as blood mixed with stomach acid and spit ran down both your fist and your mouth. “Y/n..” a soft knock was heard at the door as your eyes widened and body tensed, throwing yourself at the puke filled toilet to flush it. The door opened as your eyes laid in shock and fear, your partners eyes laying on you sitting on the floor, arm flushing the toilet. You quickly wiped your mouth, just to realize all you did was spread the vomited blood and spit more. Hange’s eyes filled with shock and terror as hers matched your own. You braced yourself with fear hidden deep within you, only to be met by a strong firm hug. Hange pressed you, covered in blood, spit, and vomit up close to her. Her hand stroked your hair as your eyes glistened with tears of sadness and relief. You were finally seen. You felt tears of her own stream down and drip onto you. “I’m.. im so sorry..” Your voice shook as well as your trembling body. “shh..” the brunette softly shushed you, giving you a kiss on the side of your head. “You don’t have to speak honey, I see you..”
𓏲·˚ ͙ hitch
- “Wow y/n! Going back for another run?” Your girlfriend looked at you as you headed out the door, your gym clothes on. “yep!” You said, “I still have 5,000 steps ‘till i reach my goal!” Hitch scoffed before saying, “Thats a bit intense, don’t you think?” She looked at you with one of her ‘hitch’ looks, a look where you just know what shes saying with her expression. “I mean.. three hour long runs in the same day..? Are you alright y/n?” You shrugged off her remark before saying “Yeah, just gotta burn off desert from yesterday, you know I had too much cake.” Hitch blew her hair out of her face with a sigh, “alright..” she rung out, “just dont over do it.” You smiled softly before heading out the door.
-“Is that all you’re having?” Marlo asked you, starring at the protein shake in your hand. “Yeah?” You questioned, “Why?” The conversation got Hitch’s attention, looking at you from the glasses she was pouring . “No way Y/n, go get some of the dinner I made.” You hesitated, quickly coming up with an excuse. “I’m on a liquid diet.” You said in response. Hitch’s eyes flicked over at you, concern in her eyes. Everyone continued talking, sharing stories from when you were all in the survey corps in you and hitch’s living room. The small get together was suppose to be a nice catch up event before your girlfriend somehow made it into a drinking party. The woman put down the champagne bottle and starred at you, quickly looking around the room before walking past you, nudging you to follow her. You did so, following her into your guy’s bedroom. She closed the door after you, motioning for you to sit down on te bed. “Y/n, whats been going on with you?” She said worried. “What?” You quickly shook off her concern before saying, “I’m fine-“ “No,” Your girlfriend resisted, “You’re not.” She sat down next to you, her hand placing over yours. “This whole.. fitness.. thing…this is more than just wanting to be healthy babe.” She explained, hitch careful with her words. You felt your heart sink, had it really been that obvious? You questioned yourself. “I- uh- i just want to better myself.” You stuttered until you came up with the right excuse. “Is this about losing weight?” She asked, her face more soft and monotoned. “No hitch its not.” You quickly brushed her off, standing up. “I’m fine, you’re over reacting-“ She scoffed hearing you dismissing her. “No I’m not Y/n, if anything this is seriously affecting you,” you felt irritated as you couldn’t stand hearing anymore of her worrying. “See! You get so easily mad at me because you’re not eating!” You honestly just wanted this conversation to be over. “So what if i want to lose a few pounds, thats my business not yours!” She shook her head in disbelief, “see, i told you its about losing weight! And all your doing by over exercising and not eating is damaging your body.” Hitch said, “I don’t want to see you like this, going through this.” Your girlfriend sighed, “I don’t want you thinking that you’re alone.” Your girlfriend placed her palm on the side of your face, “because y/n, you’re not.. i understand what you’re going through.. okay?” You practically melted into her touch, a feeling of relief coming over you as you did so. “I just don’t want you to think you’re alone baby.. because your not..” You saw the concern and love deepen in her eyes, as you realized all she cared about in that moment was being by your side. “I get it babe, I’ve been through it, it takes one to know one.” She scoffed a small laugh. “Hitch..” you softly whispered. “I love you okay? You’re my partner. I’ll always be by your side..” She said as she pecked a small kiss on the side of your cheek.
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