#im so tired of being gay jesus christ
johnslittlespoon · 5 months
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i just drooled on myself put me the fuck down
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yellowballoondogs · 10 days
I should’ve kept tumblr deleted cause wtf is this.
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Okay rant time.
I will not name the blog this comes from, they’re obviously misinformed and need to reread the gospel.
I am Christian. I am currently in seminary school to be a pastor. I read the Bible cover to back through the course of a year, every year. My faith is an integral part of my life.
I’m also gay. That’s another part of me. One that will never change. And I am sick and tired of people who claim to be Christian claiming that being gay is a sin.
Im just gonna skim over how the “man shall not lay with boy” was a purposeful mistranslation to justify pedophilia because I wanna skip to the Xman part because I honestly can not deal with debating my brothers and sisters under Christ who deny His word and hate thy neighbor.
Nightcrawler is not canonically a demon, yeah chuck Austen did his shit but it was immediately retconned, he is still a Christian, still largely a man of god. The xmen have always done the “omg they got brainwashed and killed people” like every other issue, it’s not to attack his Christianity.
His mothers being lesbians has always been the intention by Claremont anyway. And he’s been gay since the early 2000s so I have no idea what is being said about 2017.
Nightcrawler is still an incredibly gentle, sweet, and god loving man. That is his character. It is because of that, that’s he officiates gay weddings and is, as was so eloquently put “politically correct”.
If you can’t fathom an xmen that is left leaning and makes politics commentary reflecting that, the you don’t know the xmen.
If you can’t fathom a loving kind and gentle nightcrawler that can love his family, friends, and Jesus, with all his heart regardless of sexuality- then you don’t know nightcrawler.
If you can’t fathom a Jesus that loves gay people then you’re not a fucking Christian and you don’t know Jesus.
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mediumgayitalian · 5 months
fic rec friday 10
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
something borrowed by @rosyredlipstick
In the Solace Wedding Planning agenda, on the fifth page into their summer schedule, there are carefully scrawled out notes reading this: Bride and Groom - Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang Best Man & Maid of Honor - Percy Jackson & Piper McLean Wedding Court - Annabeth Chase & Jason Grace Mellie & Gleeson Hedge Reyna Ramírez-Arellano & Leo Valdez Ring-bearer - Chuck Hedge Flower-boy - Nico di Angelo - Will plans wedding and now, apparently, Nico stars in one. Except...sometimes there's a bit more confusion on that last part. AKA the AU where Will plans weddings and thinks Hazel and Frank are going to have to cutest, gap-toothed ten year throwing flowers down the aisle, all while wondering why this 'Neeks' guy is always hanging around, and what business he has looking that good.
yes i am back on my rosyredlipstick (dude she's GOOD okay). however this one is my favourite i think. this is the kinda story you could use to explain to people what dramatic irony is bc LORD i wanted to SHAKE THEM 😭😭 will falling like deeply in love with nico and being intensely stressed about everything the whole time is so real and on brand. i love him and i love the fond exasperation that just bleeds from this fic its GREAT
2. Rental Love by @rosyredlipstick
*Read Terms & Conditions - Male/22/Long Island N.Y.C. Tired of showing up stag at holiday events? Want your family to stop thinking there’s something wrong with you? Just want some arm candy for a work event? Look no further. Your solution is here! I will attend holiday events with you as your paid date. Accepting all genders as applicants. Email [email protected] if interested. Interview & application will be set up there. - Nico di Angelo has been telling Hazel Levesque about his boyfriend for weeks. The bad part? Nico doesn’t have a boyfriend, the holidays are coming up, and not all of Jason’s ideas are horrible. They’re all a bit surprised about the last one.
THE LEVEL OF STUPID THAT THEY ARE...😭😭 kills me fr. like this whole fic is just a manifestation of truly one of the best tropes of all time…..like what if we took a hallmark movie and made it gay as all hell. iconique indeed
3. A Match in the Making by @coconutcranberries-blog
“You’re a morning person,” Nico muttered, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palms. He ran a hand through his black hair, which stuck up in disarray, the same way it did every morning. He was a mess, and Will Solace looked annoyingly put together, and Nico didn’t even care, really, he didn’t.
friendship is the core of romance!! it is!! every time!!! and it's such a core in this fic....which is fucking??? ten years old??? im just realising?? jesus christ??? anyways. "Nico had the sudden, warm feeling that Will Solace had never bought his act." i YELLED
4. Perception by scorchedtrees
In which everyone thinks Nico and Will are together.
i love this trope i love it SO BAD. both ways. when your love is so obvious that no one misses it.....love to see it truly. and will can have one second of beingn smooth and not a dweeby loser. as a treat
5. the world is brighter than the sun now that you're here by @finalizer
It was hard, Nico eventually concluded, to maintain one’s air of spooky otherworldly detachment with a blinding ray of sunshine trailing one step behind him every minute of every day.
grouchy nico my beloved truly. honestly hes such a bitch i love him like "Seriously, give the guy a perm and a few cats and he’d be that weird aunt that everybody avoided around the holiday season." why does he ALWAYS have something vile to say 😭😭 hes a mood fr
thank you for joining me this saturday friday!! happy reading!!
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teethsteakinc · 3 months
Im kinda new to tumblr I know im late lol, but I wanted to post my writing and one of my friends said tumblr was the place. So here’s one of my shameless introspective set in season three after episode six.
I didn’t want this to happen. I thought a sleepover would’ve been fun, progress, a way to get some alone time. A confirmation that he had liked me more than anyone else. A confirmation that I was more than a warm mouth; that somewhere along the way I had gotten through. And I think I genuinely did, I did break through and that’s what’s scariest for him, that he cares. But my breakthrough wasn’t the issue, the breaking down of the door as his father broke in, the drop of the needle, and the start of the storm, Terry’s loud voice.
He knew.
He had just walked in on his son getting fucked by another man. A fate unimaginable: Terry Milkovich was watching his son leave a dirty stain on the Milkovich name. The chaos was quick, though it felt like forever. A beat down, an attempted escape, and a gun being pulled to my head with a threat to sit down and watch. So I sat, blood running down my face, watching my almost-boyfriend avoid my gaze, as his dad called a Russian hooker to fuck the faggot out of him.
But it’s been a week now and I haven’t seen him. It’s not surprising, Mickey had always tended to run. He was always scared of me in a way, of what I represented. Because to love me, is to accept his sexuality and that just wasn’t a possibility. But the world doesn’t stop turning when you need a break, so I went to school and I went to work, and when the want got overwhelming I smoked to fill his absence. I smoked because smoking is his and I miss his flame. I smoke and think of how I want to crawl into bed with him, how I want his warmth, but it will only make it colder when he leaves, so I cry instead.
I smoke again when I overhear someone saying he’s getting married and having a baby with the same Russian whore from that night. I smoke knowing I was there when she got pregnant because it’s only been a week. I smoke because my world is ending, and I know he doesn’t want to see me because I know my image reminds him. But when the cigarette fizzles out, I need to see him, so I seek him out anyways. I find him at an abandoned building slumped and throwing empty beer bottles at decaying walls. He reeks of booze and spurn. He ignores the call of his name until I throw one of his bottles back at him.
“So your dad beats the shit out of us and you’re just gonna get married no conversation, no nothing?” I’m yelling because he won’t listen, because I’m tired of giving him his way, and because I’m tired of waiting patiently.
“Jesus Christ, calm down.” The tone feels degrading, as if I’m overreacting. As if he doesn’t care that he’s marrying a Russian skank, or that he’s been ignoring me. He gets up to leave like this conversation is over, but it’s barely even started.
“Which piece of trash are you screwing to pretend I don’t matter to you” I can’t hide the hurt in my voice, this has been building too long.
“Fuck you.”
“What? you need to fag bash to feel like a man?”
I mean it to be pushy, I want him to hit me. I want him to leave his mark and let his anger out on me. If he needs to be mean he can be mean to me. My skin is full of fragile bones waiting for him to get tired of throwing bottles against walls. He swings and knocks me down to the floor–he turns to leave but this isn’t over.
“You love me and you’re gay, admit it.” My words are sharp, I want him to turn around, I want to hear him acknowledge what we have. Just this once I wish he’d admit that he loved me. That this was real and that he cares. But I let him beat me up, I let him bash me and pretend he doesn't care.
“Does this make you feel better?” I spit out blood.
“I do now.” This time when he turns I don’t stop him, I watch from my spot in the dirt as he leaves.
Even though I know he’s lying, it hurts, and I can’t tell if the ache in my chest is real, if the punches are setting in, if I’m feeling the after-effects, or if I just need a smoke. But I don’t quit, I can’t quit him. I go to the wedding, and I meet him in the back room of the dingy place he rented. I look at him knowing his answer but hoping that maybe he’ll follow. I hope this isn’t goodbye but even if he got married I’d throw my shoe at the altar and object until they dragged me out kicking and screaming. I build up the courage to finally speak:
“Don’t do this.”
The silence is deafening.
“Do you think I have a choice; do you think I want to marry her? Get out of your own fucking head man I don’t have a choice.”
“Come with me, run away, we’ll make it–just come with me.” My voice breaks off in a whisper, I’m desperate. I’m pleading. What he doesn’t understand is that I need him, even without legs my world runs for him, without his arms the clock stops, without him my heart stops.
“Please–” I fear I’ve given too much of myself away, and he can hear it in my voice, but if I’m not his, what am I?
“Come on man, doesn’t mean we can’t still bang” he laughs even if it doesn’t reach his eyes, this is his desperate attempt to keep me here. But I can’t do this. I kiss him for the last time, raw and desperate because I love him, and I know he does too in the way he grips my hips desperately, but I can’t give in. There’s no pain like watching your love get married to another woman, watching unconditional love go to waste, and I’m not strong enough to bare it. Wasted unconditional love, I can’t just stand here anymore. I can’t watch him kiss the bride and kiss me goodbye. I’ve stood in the way of the door too long, and I need to go.
“Don’t do this man, don’t leave.”
I can hear the hurt in his voice, this is goodbye. He won’t follow me but I can’t keep following him; I can’t keep filling this hole in my chest with smoke, waiting to feel whole. I can’t keep trying to remedy withdrawals with cheap tabaco. I’m tired of wanting more.
The love of my life just told me goodbye.
There’s nothing for me in this town, but in every crack, in every turn, I'm reminded. I see you in everything, the breeze whispers your name in my ear, the sky has your same blue, the mountains have the same slope as your nose and the clouds hide your face. I watch as my three-year relationship crumbles. Despite his denial, even if he never accepted his truth, the past three years were real to me. He can deny but I remember soft kisses and lingering touches, late-night meetups with the promise to see each other soon, and quiet exchanges with favors gone unsaid. I know that every I hate you was a hidden I love you and that his love was loud and disruptive but also sacred and quiet. He was angry but oh so soft because if nothing else he loved me. So even if he never let me hear it or call him my boyfriend this is the worst breakup I’ve ever had. So, for the last time I smoked, before I quit.
That’s the end of it any critique or commentary is welcome also any help on how to properly tag if I’m doing it wrong.
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redlollygag · 3 months
so im gonna be autistic in your inbox 😁😁😁 < face of someone mentally unwell
SO the biggest appeal of dabihawks is ofc the enemies to lovers trope, first lets look at canon:
theyre enemies plain and simple, they hate each other, its a beautiful show to watch of them absolutely disgusted by the other but forced to interact [ IF ONLY THEY GOT MORE FUCKING SCREENTIME TOGETHER JESUS CHRIST ] anyways its the angst potential, hawks dirtying his hands just to get into the league only to then betray the entire league </3 hawks dirtying his hands just for the sake of the mission for the sake of dabi letting him in because that WAS his only contact so hes the one hes "closest too" dabi the evil motherfuck toying with hawks, making him do all the things he hates and knowing what hawks is truely doing. they hate each other in canon plain and simple they dont care if neither one dies or not. hawks even STILL views endeavor as an equal even after all hes done (whether or not you think its valid is up to you i think that hawks needs a LITTLE MORE TIME AND SPACE to rethink the whole "yeah no enjis cool now hes alright :D" shtick.... personally i hate it i just want him to be a little more..... EYES OPEN to how fucked up endeavor did things even if hes trying to do better now like ?????) canon tropes that could fit are like their divorce, unhealthy co dependency, there was only one bed, acciental first kiss, drunk sex, fuck buddies, rarepair, the whole hero vs villain thing, height difference, flirty and the flustered, oh fuck theyre BOTH messed up, loud and quiet ETC ETC
now heres where the dots connect though through fandom genius. now when dabis first introduced hes blue and emo and firey and dramatic (theatre kid) mentally unwell, tired yet manic, daddy issues supreme, body horror circus party, the whole palooza. we ALL been known, his daddys a top hero who made him a top villain. and now hawks, who was an enigma at first, man too fast for his own good, red, arrogant, laidback, yet serious and calculating, heart of gold underneath all of that dirty work with a like for trashy preppy outfits. at first it was just the enemies to lovers, dabi hates endeavor and heroes, hawks admires him to the sun and is one of the best heros... AND THEN WE GET HAWKS BACK STORY. hawks. hero. raised by a villain. if the red and blue, sun and moon, emo/goth and jock, FLAME AND FEATHERS, if those parallels werent enough the father issues sure will! dabi, hero father made him a villain, hawks, villain father made him a hero. the amount of parallels these two have was fuel for the growing fire.
FIRE IN WHICH IT WAS FANON. fanon dabihawks is BEAUTIFUL. the best and probably only light dabihawks will ever shine in 😀😀😀 < gripping horikoshis neck even thought nothing will happen but angst for these two. slightly shifted canon compliant with some queer writing and spicing up the characters a SMIDGE, making them more fit to how they ACTAULLY ARE (in my very (not) humble opinion horikoshi you dont know your own characters like we do) all of that is the mountain of fanfic tropes. we already have enemies to lovers but add a little bit of that battle for dominance play and sexual tension, heavy flirting and fuck buddies OOO BOY. they play and they bite and hawks is number one pretty boy and charms his way past dabi "probably hasnt been flirted with in his life," OR dabi being the brat and attention seeker he is and pushing hawks buttons before dabi gets put in his place. hawks turned genuine lov member because then thats where he sees the TRUTH. or hawks still killing jin but REGRETS IT TO THE MAX and dabi finds him a little after and hawks begging for forgiveness. the league was his only true family but hes been a hero under the commission for so long that killing him was second nature until he realizes. rehabilitation after the war and dabi being captured and hawks still visiting him wherever dabis being held. if you make them even a LITTLE BIT GAY it literally makes things more tragic than just "lets hate each other even though we're walking parallels"
one very popular and loved aspect is red tailed hawks avian hawks and not just his fierce wings. THIS ADDS TO THE MOUNTAIN. youve got a multitude of bird facts like torpor, nesting, cloacas if youre into that, preening, MATING HABITS. hawks being a spy to the league only to see how open they are to their members quirks. spinner and his lizardness needing warmth and insects and shedding and togas fascination and need for blood ( not quirk reasons shes mentally ill but there are healthy ways to get blood so) hawks seeing the league being accepting open AND welcoming to when we dont see ANY OF THAT in his hero work??? especially with dabis inside knowledge of how shit the hero system is with quirk discrimination??? youve got so much to work with here JUST from the aspect of making hawks a hawk mutant. he likes how shiny dabi is with his staples and piercings, he loves the natural warmth coming from him (even if dabis skin is cold), hawks lowkey loving the smell of blood from dabis scars (bird of prey) dabi helping hawks be open to the more avian side of him, he imprints on him and dabi becomes mate in hawks mind, IN TURN hawks showing dabi that even the most shittiest of origins, you can still do good, hawks knowing full well that quirks sucks (molting season, talon clipping, wing care, the overstimulation of senses like sounds hawks has become numb to) and he coaxs that little burning fire thats still in dabi, that he can still do good (dabi said that killing innocent people drove him mad in a negative way so he doesnt enjoy it) two broken souls from quirk discrimination finding solace even with all the shit hero AND villain society treat them. this leads to, along with those above, hurt comfort, slow burn, mutual healing, mutual pining, sunshine x grump, girlboss and malewife, overly affectionate x touch adverse, old married couple, sacrifices too much x sacrifices too little, romantic virgin x romantic confident, annoyed x annoying, gets into fights x patches them up, OBLIVIOUSNESS TO THE MAX, idiots in love, domestic husbands ETC ETC (and the more kinky spicy aspects when it comes to bird genes and a fire quirk)
what makes them even JUCIER is if you make the commission EVIL. EXACTLY WHAT DABI HATES AND DESPISES. another common trope is to make hawks be lowkey abused by the commission hence the whole child soldier thing but hawks has been living with then his whole life so its like, fine for him. dabi being his savior, dabi showing him the league can be his true family, dabi, a villain, being hawkss hero. hawks, who would get his hands dirty just for the sake of justice, shows dabi true heroes are still alive. hawks being an avian mutant adds to the juice because if it was just hawks with fierce wings well you could paint it as just the child soldier BUT WITH THE HETEROMORPH youve got commission being absolute JERKS and forcing hawks to mask his avian-ness, forced to endure people touching his wings left and right, forced to not perch, forced to have them preen his feathers in the way that society views as "perfect," clipping his talons, making him live in a boring ass apartment because "hawks heroes dont care about sentiments, you have to be presentable and collecting 'shiny things' isnt herolike," the league being the EPITOME of quirk freedom, hawks finding solace in the league because hes actually able to be himself and being a heteromorph isnt SHOULDNT be bad, dabi being able to polish his old big brother instincts and take care of hawks nurse him back to help and free him from his bird cage.
SPEAKING OF BIRD CAGES, another beautiful fanon interpretation is DABI HIMSELF BEING A PART OF THE LEAGUE BEFORE HIS REBIRTH. OW. youve got friends to lovers and all the fluff that comes with it (as much as it is being in the commission) dabi and hawks growing up together in the commission only for endeavor to pull dabi out and hawks loses his one true best friend :[ dabi and hawks not knowing how to socialize with other kids but between dabis temper yet caringness and hawks being shy yet a determined bastard, they click LOVINGLY. they bond over shitty fathers (hawks not knowing the extent to his idol OR you can change it up and have hawks despise endeavor secretly but the commission knows hes adored endeavor so he has to suck up the urge to MAIM and KILL the flaming bag of shit because at the time endeavor aint "changing" and he acts EXACTLY like hawkss birth father.) hawks imprinting on dabi his first real friend, taking care of each other through the commissions pains and abuse, sacrificing themselves in order for the other to not be punished. MAJOR ANGST WHEN IT COMES TO DABIS DEATH and hawks loses his spark and throws himself into training to distract the howling pain of his bird side and instincts as he lost a flock member (and potential mate), ONLY TO FIND DABI ALIVE YEARS LATER. the angst of reconciliation to see your love turn yo the darkest sides (dabi being a villain and hawks being a hero both of who they respectively hate) the angst of dabi knowing that without him the commission successfully brainwashed hawks to the point of betrayal on their side and hawks knowing his old beloved is now on the side in which he has to take down and kill (his old beloved truely did die if this is the path dabi went to) THE FRIENDS TO LOVERS TO STRANGERS TO ENEMIES AND BACK TO LOVERS. IM GONE O-(-( ORZ. youve successfully wounded me.
the amount of aus/canon divergent situations you can put these two from those three things TOGETHER or SEPARATE/SOLO, soulmates, quirk accident, princess carry, found family, exes to lovers, role reversal, fantasy au, royal au, cyberpunk au, dystopian, apocalypse, sickfic, honeypot turned non sexual intimacy, highschool au, civilians au, quirk swap, body swap, arranged marriage, actual genuine married couple, kindergarten au, amnesia fics, time travel, time travel fix it fics, space au, star wars au, pirates and mermaids, and the wonderful beautiful amount of crack/crack treated seriously is UDGODLY. hawks pranking endeavor, the lov and hawks playing video games, trophy wife dabi, watching disney movies, coming out at the worse times, "HAWKS/DABI WDYM YOUR FUCKING A VILLAIN/HERO," one or more of the todorokis (minus endeavor) being in the league and dabi hating it but hawks loves it (adores shouto, loves and is terrified of fuyumi, gets along w natsuo, DABI YOUR MOM IS A FALLEN ANGEL), dabis mom being in the league and is a better mom in canon and dabis like what the shit or this is my mom fuckers touch her and your burnt and hawks is like but what about affectionate touching (hugs, headbumps etc), hawks learning to build a pillow fort and experience actual good childhoos activities, dabi walking in on hawks (and maybe spinner and toga) indulging in his avian-ness for the first time, dabi cooking for hawks, hawkss nesting habits, gift giving
am i autistic about dabihawks or am i AUTISTIC about DABIHAWKS
if you read this hold this (jesus /AFFECTIONATE I WROTE A LOT.) thank you and hoping to convert you :D
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ANON you fucking FEASTED WITH THIS ONE OH MY GOD!!!! You delivered on your promise and brought over the whole damn MEAL!!
(I love the essay thank you so so much for taking time to pour out your thoughts on this ship!!! Ngl I don’t give Dabi enough credit as a character and maybe this ship is one way to kinda explore that and dammit if I am not more intrigued by them than anything else)
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munamania · 11 months
oh my god you know what i AM so glad im not attracted to men thank god im sick and tired holy shit. this was going to just be a stupid reactionary post on my silly little tumblr blog bc ive seen stupid posts like ':( maybe in another life i like men' and like we are NEVER getting out of here! and now i need to be like oh oop hangon everyone i for sure dont mean every man and also by the way i promise i am not trans exclusionary and also i really do promise i can wrap my brain around intersectionality in case you got a wild sense of ignorance from me saying im SICK AND FUCKING TIRED of everything being about men. you cant not think about them. ever. girls around you are going to base their entire personalities and identities and sense of self around attention and attraction to men and youre going to be made to feel rude if you dont go along with that being so #slay #girlboss #feminism. and honestly if we're fucking talking about it maybe i am glad not to deal with people who are socialized to think it's gay to care about hygiene and so dont wipe their asses or wash their hands maybe im simply so relieved to not have to deal with that and to have a partner that doesnt have to be taught to like and care about me and/or babied and mothered etc. jesus fucking christ holy shit. i want that for every woman but this is abt me rn and really many people whether they realize it or not ARE hostile to dykes!!!!!! and it sucks so incredibly hard to be around you!!!!! you people dont make a single effort to not talk about men or center every conversation around them, at best, and at worst, youre constantly fucking making lesbianism sound MISERABLE. it's not! it's really not. except well it is because everybody just cannot fucking exist without making it about a man or how they feel about not liking men or whatever goddamn tragedy idefk. this is clearly going to be nonsensical by the time i post it but holy fuck! shut the fuck up! the state of feminism rn is in genuine shambles ashes dust in the wind never coming back to save us.
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ryan-selucreh · 7 months
that came out wrong.
i actually fucked it so badly jesus christ
if your the person to likes to tell gary, you dont need to go past here <3
why did i think talking to him when its late and im tired was smart??? i now look like more of a fucking idiot and its so stupid. hes like just being nice probably or trying to tease me or whatever. whatever it is its so stupid that i fucking tried. its fucking gay as hell and i just. why. god damn it i suck at this.
i took the fucking test, ive been trying to do better, is it worth it?? why would i even bother. i- does he care?? im too fucking dense. im always too fucking dense to get it.
how could i even guess hes gay for me if i dont even know if im gay for him. why the fuck would he. ive just picked on and teased him. its right for him to do it back. i shouldnt fucking catch feelings from it. its wrong and i dont deserve it.
im not a person he deserves to face on court, do i deserve to be his friend. do i deserve to be a person. why. aster was too scared to tell me she needed help finding biwi and called that dweeb (thats mean. sorry romeo). im not at all the smartest of people. am i people at this point, or just something in a skin coat trying hard to believe i am.
i want to talk to people. i do. so why cant i??? why cant i not be a fucking freak? god damn it I FREAKED OUT OVER BEING INSULTED WITH THE WORD PRETTY. IM SOME FUCKING DESEPRATE PRICK. i dont even deserve the insult compliments. i dont deserve anything.
how do you say sorry to a guy who youve hated your whole life. did you hate him or did everyone else hate him. does he know that you like him as a friend. why would he care. your just some asshole lowlife who has no plans after college because for once he cant just get by bending to the will of others.
your just ryan selucreh.
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maoam · 2 years
I would like to get something off my chest and you seem like one of the only mature people out of this fandom that can handle hearing it. I love sns to death, they’re my favorite ship and most likely always will be. But Jesus Christ, this debate with “top” and “bottom” is getting on my nerves. Like why the heck does it even matter??? I just don’t get it at all??? Why do people care about their sex life so much??? It’s so ooc, it’s disgusting. I’d say the people that are SUPER deep into that stuff are no better then the crazed sasuaku fans who only care about the sex as well. Like Christ people, they don’t freak each other in every alley way, every parking-lot, every doorway, every public restroom, or every crack on the sidewalk. I can’t go anywhere without being hit with Sasuke getting his back end tore out, or Naruto getting his back end ripped out like PLEASE give me a break. I would love to see a normal picture of them, on the beach, eating freaking ice cream, playing chess, maybe a light kiss, THATS ALL IM ASKING FOR. I’m so sick and tired of the dumb debates— “Omg, Sasukes such a twink!!!” Or same vice versa. It’s just all mind boggling and annoying.
Like please. Grow up. Sex is not the only thing in this world. It is so ooc and gross to fetishize them. It’s not them, they probably don’t even give a flying crap tard about sex in canon. Maybe once or twice a month, but even that’s a lot for that. Like please, appreciate them for what they are. Go find other characters that can actually match your fantasies. But then again, I’m just overacting, venting, I apologize. It isn’t anything I should get worked up about, it’s not even that serious. I’m sorry you had to see this, but please, share your thoughts.
Top/Bottom fixation exists most of the time because shippers are mostly women and they project heterosexual dynamic into a gay couple. It used to be Seme/Uke, now it's Top/Bottom but it's basically the same thing most of the time.
This wouldn't even be that bad if people didn't change characters personalities based on who they see as Top and who they see as Bottom. Which is why the IG baddie infantilized Naruto in fandom content exists. It's not about him being bottom, it's him being completely ooc. Kishimoto's Naruto is not like that. At all. Actually pretty much the opposite, rough around the edges, punkish, messy, rude, not girly by any chance. Yet people go to ridiculous lengths to "prove" Naruto is actually girly and feminine, even to say he created oiroke no jutsu as a kid because he wanted men (reminder, all the men he used the jutsu towards were his mentors, including his father figures lol) to desire him. They try to insist Naruto and Sasuke are actually two moons and not sun and moon because the idea of Naruto being a sun/yang (which is the masculine side) bothers them. They use some crack filler as proof Naruto would love to wear makeup and be Sasuke's thot girlfriend or whatever. All this mental gymnastics because they don't like how Kishimoto wrote Naruto. And it does happen to a lesser extent with Sasuke too. He's not frail either. Also a lot of shippers just slap the same dynamic and characterizations onto every m/m ship they like. It’s boring and doesn’t do justice to the characters.
I’m also tired of the constant jokes about Naruto’s hole and the constant obsession on the possible size of Sasuke’s dick. These women are straight (or maybe bi) and don’t even get that big dick doesn’t have the same advantage in gay sex as in hetero sex because surprise surprise butthole doesn’t work like a vagina, it is not as flexible. But like I said they operate from the perspective of a het relationship, because that’s what they relate to.
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v-anrouge · 1 year
you are so fucking based Jesus Christ do you not get tired of being right so often ??? like what do you do to be so correct all the time !!! im tired of your smart, clever ass spitting nothing but facts and truth on my dash 🤬🤬🤬 /pos
no but seriously your gender hcs are >>>>>>> sparking joy !!!
me when i look at your posts:
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HWYSUWUWUS THABK YOU VIIITTTT im really glad i manage to make some ppl happy by spilling what the voices in my head tell me to left and right in this hell of a blog
everyone in twst is queer and despite my jokes the only characters i GENUINELY cannot see as queer is vargas (he sucks + dead ass has gender role pushing vibes) and trein who is canonically straight (or maybe he is queer he could be bi but who knows until proven otherwise he a straight ally) there's a lot to criticize in twst and although i hate yana and her writing the way she created the twst characters (despite most being copy pastes) is very interesting and brain tickling and very fucking gay
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pixelatedbugs · 2 years
what do you mean theres no more “the scholar and the merchant” crossed path . i need more gay men
okay im going to ramble about the stories ive completed now spoilers! uh oh! for partitio, osvald, ochette, temenos, and hikari! (the last two, i havent completed their stories but i mention something spoilery)
i did partitio’s first since he was my first character and i needed to get him OUT of that first party slot . he’s free now . I loved the story though i was mildly disappointed in the ending (i wanted that old capitalist man to die) but tbh it wouldn’t have really fit the tone or partitio’s character to leave him for dead. plus partitio started the whole ass industrial revolution and created the concept of a department store so . that chapter was really fun by the way, i love how it actually had a permanent effect on the town and also alrond is fuckin great. the final boss was teetering on annoying for me but I think that was because i was a bit underleveled for it. overall i think it was creative, i mean it was a fucking train thats sick as hhell. but that cannon does SO much damage god.
osvald. holy shit massive mood change . like i already had a big mood whiplash when i got osvald after agnea but damn. anyway harvey is actually fucked up, way more than I already thought he was. if he wanted to steal osvald’s research and kidnap his wife and kid for their special magic blood he should’ve just killed osvald. that would’ve been the smart decision, but he’s so envious, so angry that they’re equal and he’s not better, that he decides to frame osvald for killing his wife and daughter, leaving him stuck in a really shitty maximum security prison for 5 years, then use his wife’s blood to make a chimera (okay shou tucker), lies to osvald saying it’s actually her. and it does have her voice, and i presume a bit of her mind, considering that once it begins to run out of health it starts to crumble and cry, and its tears heal osvald…its still not her though. she’s dead because harvey saw no more use in her. but hey, osvald’s daughter is still alive! and her minds been fucking manipulated so she thinks harvey is her father. jesus christ chapter 4 fucked me up. anyway the final boss battle was great. Osvald finally finding the answer through wanted to protect Elena was fucking awesome. the power of love is based and its also a giant fuck-off laser beam that transcends the elements to all foes, and reduces their shield points regardless of their weak points that costs 75 SP.
ochette’s was so good! the final boss being the companion I didn’t pick (in my case, the lājackal) almost made me cry. it was so sad, it didn’t deserve that, and im really excited to see my mom play her story because she picked the lājackal and I wanna know what Mahina could’ve been…also, the boss fight was hard as fucking hell, and extremely creative. The fact that it gets different attributes based on who you’re using??? thats fucking sick?? why did i have to be using castti so it got infinite heals every turn?? i still beat it first try but god it was hard. i still don’t like the human chief but at least she’s trying. I was really worried we were going to come back to the beastling village being overrun ON TOP of the night of the scarlet moon. oh yeah, who the fuck was the dark hunter? probably will find that out later..
also starting to see where these stories connect. The Shadow and D’arqest have been a running theme, at least in ochette’s, osvald’s, temenos’, and it’ll probably show up in hikari’s as well. plus there’s that purple fog with the creepy music that shows up sometimes (it was the same music during the part with all the corrupted people during osvald chapter 5…)
anyway im going to take a break now. i wanted to do castti’s so i could train up my lower characters but i am tired because i played for like 10 hours straight . hyperfixations suck ass sometimes i cannot stop thinking about the fuckin game and i need to fuckin sleep. holy shit i wrote a lot sorry.
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trickarrows-bishop · 1 year
again, get ready for this to be iNSANE xoxo
woah maddox you cant just appear on my screen and expect me to be ok like HOLD ON NOW-
no one told rina oh ur JOKING-
this'll be like. the worst. especially for ricky oh fuck.
miss jenn's mother's problematic twitter account??? did you mean miss jenn's mother's problematic X account ???
"bigger things" GIRL. miss jenn. no one. and i mean. NO ONE. puts on a show like you queen. stfu (respectfully ily)
"I WAS PLACING A VERY CONFUSING PHONE CALL" so true. i too am confused tbh
wait why wasn't jet there. huh.
maddox stop hiding it and go kiss her i am TIRED.
BENJAMIN??? love that for him fr
"hahahah... oh u weren't kidding D:" i LOVE MADDOX TOO MUCH SHE BETTER NOT FUCK ASH OVER FFS
anyways she kinda spoke facts. although. im still scared of spiders. nothing can get rid of that fear
all the kourt x ashlyn shippers are about to make this scene their personality and i understand why tbh
maddox stop being gay and just KISS ashlyn im so OVER this yearning (i literally do this.)
go on benjamin SHOW EMOTIONS !!!
"i am jennifer !! you are?" "unsettled." i LOVE HIM LIKE A SON
nah that boyband faze for jet makes sense tbh like i can see that
can we pls get a new plot because we did in fact save the musical in season one within an episode. like. i KNOW i can probably skip this episode and not miss much
SEB ????
"give him a chance carlos" MOTHER FR
now why are the whole ass drama class on this what the fuck LMAO
this is so out of character like bro no ?? that's not making sense
so real of richard bowen he said GAY RIGHTS !!!
the longest lasting relationship being seblos is so SO funny to me
cant wait to cry to this song jesus christ
stop they're so in LOVE I CANT DO THIS
now why am i not seeing seblos kiss HUH
"oh so she thinks im a leader?" GIRL STOP IT LMAO
rina scene before they even canonically met alr ???
NINI MENTION !!!!!!!!!!!!
"good luck skater boy" hmmmmmmmmmmmm anyways
okay now give me a maddox flashblack
FR IT IS MURDER SHE WROTE SO REAL ???? I LOVE MURDER SHE WROTE !! (im an old person at heart)
not the story of the girl at frozen puking again LMAO
"i always thought mrs darbus deserved a power ballad" REAL I LOVE HER
"i just got here tho :(" maddox ur so funny but NOT NOW
how r we gonna move on from this cuz i-
why am i not crying but was crying over the caswen scenes ffs
emmy ???
EMMY !!!!
my daughter fr
11 mins left oh maybe i'll watch it all tonight HEHEHEH
maddox dont look at ash like that cuz ill run w it.
maddox IS the stage management
show's still gay? YUPPERS seblos? YUPPERS maddlyn? ...hopefully yuppers???
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coochiecowgirl · 2 years
I remember seeing Freedom Writers in theaters with my mom, who is a teacher, and all I really remember is that it was the first time I saw a movie with a mostly black cast and I was too young to question how problematic it was that a white teacher went to a “ghetto” school and taught these kids to love learning or whatever. And my mom was too racist and dumb to think critically either. It literally hit me just right now. I know that I didn’t have access to a lot of tv or movies growing up, but the shit I did watch was always white or at least made the white people look good. If I ever have kids and we watch a certain movie I’m gonna make damn sure we talk about the issues present in it. Like the fact that my mom wasn’t able to shed light on how racist and stupid that movie was means that I also continued to have racist thoughts. I want to break the cycle. Too bad I don’t want kids. But if I did have kids that cycle would fucking stop with me.
Also this was basically a modernization of the movie To Sir, With Love which has exactly the same premise except it’s an all white cast, but the teacher is black.
Why couldn’t they have made a movie about a black teacher in a black ghetto teaching kids to love school and not join gangs or whatever. It’s not like the white teachers really understand anyways.
I’m just so tired of the blatant or micro racisms that keep appearing in films and shows. And I’m a white person so how the fuck do non white people think of it Jesus Christ. How hard is it to change.
With new movies I feel like there’s this fake wokeness going on, where it’s uncool to bully people if they’re gay or something, but certain tropes still remain. And just because they promote anti-gay bullying doesn’t mean that normal stories about gay people are being widely produced. And can we get a movie or show where the main character is trans, but the whole show doesn’t revolve around that??? No, because we still suck and presenting gay and lesbian and bi characters as regular people too.
Im just sick of media lol. Im wine drunk and wanna yell at people.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Like who am I to complain about representation in tv and movies. When real laws are being put in place that discriminate against trans and gay people. And literally all laws discriminate against black people. It literally never ends. I can’t think about it too much because I get sucked into a pit of despair.
If I had the money I’d be donating to so many causes. But I’m broke and screaming into the void because I’m upset and don’t know what else to do.
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space-prophet · 2 years
Rant in tags do not clown
#boom- gay#ok. ill say it. steddie doesnt have any chemistry at all. i legit can not see it. it feels like the newest mash too hot guys together ship.#if you like it thats cool and i hope you have fun with it but what???? they have like q handful of conversations and none of them seem like#'flirting' like everyone in the tag is saying. stg we have to take the word queer bating away from u people bc youll use it anytime a ship#isnt canon that you like. sherlock? queer bating for sure. stranger things??? u have robin but shes wlw so no one cares much beyond#complesionist shipping ronance. the top ships in this fandom (aside from byler which isnt queer bating its queercoding will jesus christ)#are like steveXbilly and steveXeddie aka the hot guys everyone wants to fck for thier own weird gratification. what if it was murry and hop#huh?? two middle aged traditionally unattractive men who had arcs abt being gay? what if it was lucas who came ojt and realized he loved#like idk some random kid at school it kinda feels like the love for solangelo but worse bc stedi not even together and have satisfying arcs#im just tired of shipping culture and the wierd gaze fans have towards hot white boys who they can put in mlm ships. i want ugly gays. i#want a well crafted story like wills where its obvious he's figuring himself out. i dont want steve and eddie to out of nowhere in a time#and place where theyve never even taken time to think over or adress thier sexuality to like make out in a situation#wherw thier main focus is to look after thier very-young-child-friends. it would not be a well crafted or#compelling narritive for anyone. i hate#i hate straight ppl writing in queer ships for fetishistic gazes. you want well written queer rep in stranger things#we have robin and will- will whos arc this season was abt tackling his feelings for mike through body acting and subtlety- smthng#yall cant handle i guess#and robins queerness is adressed this season as well very very openly multiple times. stranger things is not abt queer life but it tries to#be respectfully inclusive. not every show can faithfully and respectfully be heartstopper or ofmd and st has never had that intention.#in fact it needs more diversity in other areas first i think.#anyways if ypu like stedi fr fun thats fine but some ppl have been so fuckin insane abt it that its made u lose your minds!!! i get it i#ship byler and elmax (potential ellumax) but im not expecting them to beome canon bc the show is truing to explore other things at the mome#nt. that is not queer baiting and the duffers are not evil for having a different plan for thier show#idk i only got q few hours of sleep cut me some slack for being ungraceful.#tldr: have fun shipping but dont be like thatTM when you know that youre blowing things out of proportion#sending the duffer brothers fucking threats for queer baiting will make them not want to be inclusive for fear of the tumblrrnas sherlockin#shit up#personal
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killbaned · 3 years
commentary youtuber: i don’t use kiwi farms myself, but i did use them to collect info on this subject because sadly it was the only place the info was it
me: hmmm
same youtuber on twitter: i love k*le ritt*nh*use so much im crying
me: [looks directly into the camera]
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mwagneto · 4 years
anyway it's fucking 2020 can we please just accept that Freddie Mercury was a gay man I'm so fucking tired
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There is a long rant in the tags that is unfiltered because I just need to get this out please proceed with caution :/
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