#im surrounded by mess and its overwhelming
whateveriscatchy · 7 months
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tortademaracuya · 1 year
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soobiary · 10 months
a/n; hii this is the first thing i have published 🙏 also im planning on making this a series, its a hyunsu x reader 🫶 please comment and reblog if you enjoyed it, tell me if it sucks not and if u want the next part, okay?
bewitched - cha hyunsu x reader ☆
it was cold.
goosebumps spread throughout your body as you jolts awake, wincing at the cold stone pressed upon your body. your mind was a blur, how did you get here? you bring your hands into your sight as you look at them wide eyed.
is this real life?
cuts were littered onto your body, how and when did they get there? you have no idea.
"what are you doing?! get up!"
a male voice yelled out to you. you put your hands by your side, finally taking in your surroundings. there was rubble everywhere, and it was like a building had collapsed. a sign that read "green home mansion apartments" stood there, covered in weeds and moss.
wait. green home apartments..?
"hey! can you hear me? are you trying to die?"
the man runs up to you, grabbing your arm and pulling you up. your mind seemed absent, and you felt like you were missing something but you didn't know what.
you let out a gasp as you are pulled away by the tall man. you eyed his army green uniform, a soldier?
"miss! can you hear me? how long have you been here for? we need to get you some help."
the soldier placed you down into a truck, shaking your shoulders slightly as he spoke.
"n-no...i don't remember."
you shake your head slightly, trying to clear your confusion.
"who are you? whats happening?"
you feel overwhelmed and confused, and the fog in your mind is making it difficult to process what's going on. you look over at the soldier, hoping that he can provide some answers to your questions.
the soldier glances over at you, his expression empathetic.
"look miss, we need to get you to help. you're hurt and you seem dazed from what happened back there."
you look away and furrow your brows, as if you are thinking very hard to answer his question.
"do you have any idea of who you are or how you ended up in this mess? did you lose your memory?"
you look away, not wanting to face his questions. you feel overwhelmed and confused, and you sense that he is growing impatient with your silence.
you look back, examining his appearance. hes wearing a army green uniform, and he has a name tag on his chest that reads;
park chan-young.
"we can talk about this later then, when your mind clears up. for now, stay in the back seat. dont do anything crazy, alright?"
you nod in agreement, wanting to respect the soldiers authority. you take a seat in the back of the truck. you keep your gaze out the window as the ride progresses. the enviroment looks darker and colder than what you remember, which is unusual.
"excuse me sir. im sorry if i sound dumb by asking this..but whats going on..? where is everyone?"
you turn your gaze to the soldier sitting in the front seat. he glances in the mirror to look at you.
"you really don't know? the powers out, and theres monsters everywhere. no one knows who or what caused it."
"monsters... are you serious?"
your mind feels even more cloudier and confused as you try to process this new information. you began to consider whether the soldier might be making some kind of joke, or if he actually believes that there are monsters outside. you look out the window again, still noticing how dark it is outside.
"you're not making this up, are you?"
you ask slowly, still hoping the soldier will confirm your suspicions that he's not being serious.
The soldier looks back at you with an exasperated expression.
"miss, trust me, I wish I was making this up, but it's real. we don't have time to waste, we need to keep you and everyone else out of danger."
as he speaks, you feel a sinking feeling in your stomach, as it dawns on you that the soldier might be telling the truth. but you're still not sure how to believe the words coming out of his mouth.
"if there really are monsters out there... what do they look like?" you ask cautiously him.
the soldier takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.
"they come in all shapes and sizes, we can't really pin it down," he says with a grim expression.
"some are animal-like, some are human-like, and some are straight out of nightmares. you've got to trust me when I say you don't want to find out what they look like."
you are about to respond when suddenly a loud bang is heard from outside of the truck. the soldier glances out the windshield, a look of concern on his face.
"miss, i need you to stay quiet" he whispers urgently.
you sit in stillness, holding your breath, and you can hear the soldier pull out his weapon and cock it.
"get ready," he mouths silently.
you feel the truck come to a sudden stop, and as you look out the windshield, you notice that a group of monsters are surrounding the vehicle. the soldier raises his gun and fires at the monsters, as they start to lunge towards the truck.
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Fic Prompts: Meddling Mar Monday
(From a bit later in the story)
The waters surrounding the coastal desert were cool and green, and so undisturbed within the cove that beyond the breakers everything took on a breathtaking clarity. Colorful fish darted back and forth after food, while poisonous eels floated serenely in place beneath the dock, enjoying the shade. Deeper down, the light that filtered through the waves colored the world a watery blue, disguising brighter colors.
Jak kicked his feet and spiraled down to the edge of a slightly sickly coral reef. It seemed to span the entire mouth of the cove, turning it into more of a lagoon. Just beyond, the depth dropped sharply. Jak stared down into an abrupt expanse of dark water and couldn't shake the feeling that something was staring back. He would have expected that to frighten him, or at least unsettle him. But somehow, Jak wasn't afraid. He swam backwards a foot or so, and eagerly scanned the depths for a glimpse of larger animals. He knew he'd seen something from Damas’s tower. Was it watching him now? Was it bigger than even the various species of Lurker Sharks?
Jak had glimpsed the Colossal Shark Brutter kept at the fish cannery once. He'd been overwhelmed by the sheer size of the fish. The idea that creatures so powerful and vast still swam in their waters in spite of everything was really sort of humbling. Brutter kept it in captivity simply because he could think of no way to safely release it without mass casualties. Jak wasn't even sure how he'd caught the thing in the first place.
An orange jellyfish drifted along behind Jak, and its tentacles briefly grazed his shoulder. A jolt of pain, not unlike electricity, shot down his arm. Annoyed, Jak shook the limb out, sending the oblivious jelly tumbling away. Well, they couldn't all be harmless, he supposed. Shrugging off the pain as he always did, Jak made a leisurely climb to the surface to suck in another lungful of air, then dove below again to immerse himself in the jewel colored world beneath the water. A glint of metal caught his eye, yards away, and he grinned. There we go.
When he was a kid in Sandover, there were always orbs washing up on the shore from sunken Precursor cities and research stations. Surely, the Wastelanders couldn't have found all of them.
While nowhere near the tens of orbs he and Daxter used to scoop out of the shallows, the orb Jak found encrusted with barnacles was worth perhaps thrice as much as it had been when he was Mar’s age. Satisfaction filled his chest as he examined the sand-scoured weight. This would at least give them a start on buying enough food and water to last the week. Jak carefully slid the orb into the pouch he'd made out of his scarf, taking care not to damage the two small conch shells and three cone shells he'd already picked up. An orb wouldn't do him much good if it smashed his rent payment, now would it.
Though he was reluctant to leave the lagoon, Jak knew his supply of air was finite. In his dark form, he could've stayed under for far longer. But he was not ready to let these people know about that part of his life. Even if the ocean did seem like a safe place to release dark eco buildup.
When Jak waded out of the surf, his fingers were wrinkled and his hair was a mess, but he couldn't have cared less. It was as if months of tension had uncoiled and drifted away in the lagoon, leaving him lighter for it. Humming cheerfully, Jak wrung seawater out of his tunic and bent down to pick up his boots. A glance upward made him pause.
Mar was still with the six kids who had been playing with catapults on the shore, but now they were all clustered together, staring at him.
"What?" Jak asked self-consciously. His mood was beginning to deflate.
The oldest child there, roughly twelve or thirteen, pointed at the water.
"You went to the edge of the reef!"
Confused, Jak looked to the one-armed teacher for explanation. She looked as startled as her charges, but also a little impressed.
"You've got guts, I'll give you that," she said after a second, "But then, Seek here says you're new to Spargus, so I guess no one told you about the reef."
Jak laced up his boots and stood, brushing off sand. "Oh. Well, I didn't touch it, if that's what you're worried about. It doesn't look that healthy."
The teacher -- Korah, Daxter would later tell him -- grimaced.
"Yeah, that's our fault. Last generation didn't understand the damage yellow eco residue can do to coral. Took a couple years to pinpoint the shells ejected from the turret as the problem."
She shrugged.
"It's healing at its own pace. But that's not what the kids are concerned about. They thought you were going to go over the reef."
Jak actually laughed, surprising himself.
"Into dark water before I've had a chance to get a headlamp? Right. I'd want to be able to see what's down there."
A boy about Mar's age grimaced comically. "That's not allowed! You'll get eaten!"
"No I won't."
"Yeah you will!"
Jak boldly tousled the kid’s already messy black hair.
"I'm not afraid of sharks."
Korah cleared her throat.
"It's not sharks you have to watch for."
She pointed out towards the small island Jak had spotted past the reef. "That's Mother and Child Island. We don't swim there, and we don't take motorized boats there. The sounds attract the Scylla."
Daxter left off playing some kind of marble game with a little girl and cringed. "Uh...you mean the beastie on the edge of old maps? The "here there be monsters" Scylla?"
"I thought those were made up!" Jak looked just a little too eager.
"Nope." Korah shook her shaved head. "She's real, alright. Don't know how many of her kind there are out there, but she likes this coast for the smaller squid that hang around, and the occasional swimmer."
Daxter's fur puffed out. "Jak, if you try to take me past that reef, I'm gonna unionize."
Jak shaded his eyes and stared at the water as if he could see the colossal squid.
"So has anybody fought her or chased her off before?"
Korah's tone turned sharp. "Don't even think about it, newbie. Not only is that a fool's errand, it would unbalance the ecosystem."
Another one of the two older kids nodded. "The Scylla eats the squid and smaller sharks so they don't come bother us. If there's no Scylla, something bigger will move in."
Intrigued, Mar asked, "Bigger like what?"
The girl bent slightly to look him in the eye. "Ever seen the Colossal Blue shark?"
"No," answered Mar, and at the same time Jak and Daxter answered, "Yes!" With wildly different levels of enthusiasm.
"Yeah." The girl tossed auburn hair over her shoulder and straightened. "The Scylla keeps the Colossal Blues out of the area. Teacher says we give her her space, and she gives us ours as long as we don't swim past the reef."
Reluctantly, Jak agreed that the rule made sense in context. But now he really wanted to see the giant scylla.
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queenpiranhadon · 8 months
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A/N: UGHH IM SO SORRY I'VE BEEN SO CAUGHT UP WITH EXAMS I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO POSTTT. Anyways here's chapter nine :D. This chapter is written by the lovely Nyota (@labaguetteisdabest). You can find the masterlist here
Warning(s): Apex gets panic attacks (kinda), mentions of death
Pairing(s): Kaepex
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Three Days Later... 
I snack on an apple I discovered I had, at some point, packed in my bag, and flip the pages of one of my favorite books. 
But the excitement flowing through my veins keeps me from focusing all the way. 
Clip clop. 
Clip clop. 
Clip clop. 
The rhythmic clopping of the horses’ hooves had become reassuring by now. It tells me that we’re on track and that everything is fine. 
Totally fine. 
But there’s still something nagging at me. It feels... weird that there’s no other carriages traveling this route. This one isn’t the most popular, but it’s commonly used. 
So, then, why is there no one here? 
The carriage begins slowing down. I peek out the window, delighted to see the lush gardens and pristine pathways that surround the palace I call home. 
Burgunjax Palace. 
The carriage stops moving, and I hear Avior jump down to open the door for me. I grab my bag, sling it over my shoulder, and adjust the red vest I’m wearing. 
Once the blond knight opens the door, I hop down, my black boots thumping against the cobblestone. 
I look ahead and I feel a smile spread across my face. 
Home, I think. Finally. 
The palace looks just like when I left. The same white bricks, the same colorful mosaic window on the largest tower that shows the Pyracent crest (a golden crown with a flame in the center; simple, I know), the same red-roofed towers... 
But it’s eerily quiet. 
Too quiet for a wild 11-year-old boy who’s probably overly excited to receive his Reya. 
What shocks me the most is that the drawbridge is open. … My parents would never leave it open. 
Something’s not right. 
Avior says something I don’t hear and walks off. I begin to walk towards the palace. 
Something rustles in the bushes behind me. I whip my head towards the noise, but there isn’t anything there. 
I step in the palace warily. 
“Hello?” I call, uncertainty lacing my voice. 
My footsteps echo through the halls as I make my way to the throne room. 
No one. 
The kitchen? 
No one. 
The maids’ quarters? 
No one. 
The stables? 
No one. 
I rush up the stairs, worry flooding my veins, my heart racing. 
“Is anyone up here?” I try to disguise the shakiness of my voice, but it doesn’t work too well. My voice is still noticeably shaky. 
Covyn’s room? 
No one. 
It's messy, as if someone trashed it and bolted away so they weren’t caught in the act. 
And while the Covyn I knew was young, I feel like he would never mess up his room this badly. 
Daxton’s room? 
It's a long shot, but maybe he came back for a visit while I was gone? 
No one. 
My parents’ room? 
No one. 
“Where is everyone?” I ask aloud. My eyes begin to water. 
It feels like I’ve been abandoned. 
They all knew I was returning soon. 
The letters I exchanged with my parents and Covyn said that he was counting down the days. 
So why is no one here? 
Is this a cruel joke? 
I hate feeling like I've been abandoned, thanks to my older brother, Dax. 
I rub at my eyes gently, careful not to irritate my burn. 
But the emotions overwhelm me, take control of me, and I fall to my knees, trying my best not to cry. 
A sudden crash comes from outside. 
I jump, startled, and leap to check out the window. 
I clap my hands over my mouth in horror. 
A reddish-brown wild animal – but not an animal, somehow? - had jumped at the carriage. It tears the wood apart, splintering each piece and throwing them around. Then it stops, suddenly. It sniffs the air and turns in the direction of the palace, so I can finally see what animal it is. 
It's a bear – but at the same time, it isn’t. It has the body of an espyn, but bear attributes are all over its body. Reddish-brown fur, sharp claws and teeth, fuzzy ears. ...  
Its eyes. 
Its eyes are teal. 
The same shade as my father’s. 
The same shade as Daxton’s. 
And when I look closer, it’s clear that the bear-espyn-thing is Dax. I don’t know how I can tell – the behavior of the creature that used to be my brother, maybe? 
The creature that used to be my brother. 
Those are the words that throw me over the edge. My body is racked with quiet sobs and hot tears stream down my face. 
Someone screams from outside, and I hear a loud snarl. 
I whip my head towards the sound. 
The bear-creature had attacked Avior. 
“No!” I shout, disregarding my own safety. 
I want to run down there, to save Avior, but I’m frozen in place. 
I watch the animal slash its sharp claws at my friend, deep red lines appearing in their stead. 
“No, no, no, no, no,” I mutter under my breath. 
My eyes continue to widen to levels I didn’t even know were possible as I watch the scene play out below me. 
Avior shrieks in pain when the bear-espyn-thing knocks him off his feet. 
The animal pins Avior down. 
And slices at his face. 
The tears only keep streaming from my eyes as I switch to thermodynamic vision and watch the heat gradually fade out of my friend. 
The bear-espyn-thing – whatever it is – clambers off into the gardens farther away from the palace, sensing that its job is done. 
I want to run down and... save Avior? I don’t know. 
But what I do know is that it’s not safe yet. And I don’t know if it ever will be. 
My stomach growls and I realize that I desperately need to find food. 
There's no way I’m surviving off a singular apple. 
I've scoured the entire palace – and for the record, this place is huge. And I haven’t found a single scrap. 
So, either my family escaped and took everything, or my newly-turned-bear-brother ate everything before I arrived. 
The latter seems more likely, considering I have no idea how long Dax has been here. 
Panic begins to pulse through my body. 
I have no food, for one. 
Two, my brother is half bear. 
Three, I don’t know why he’s half bear. 
And four, I have no way of communicating with other survivors – namely Cari and, ugh, Kaeda. 
Even worse: Kaeda’s my best bet on surviving. She lives closest to Asraxvale and is probably having the same thoughts as me. 
Now, I hate Little Miss Flawless with my whole soul, but if she’s my only way of survival, I must accept my fate, right? 
Or she’s already been attacked by some other wild animal and is unfortunately (read: fortunately) bleeding to her death. 
I don’t know which I prefer. 
But my preference on whether Kaeda survives or not shouldn’t be my greatest concern right now. 
I should be worrying about my survival. 
As I walk back to the immaculate staircase, I hear a low growl come from far behind me. 
I freeze, then slowly turn my head. 
The Daxton-bear-espyn-thing is in the entryway. 
Crap, I think. 
Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap. 
I need to run. 
I sprint up the stairs, two or three steps at a time, and run into the first room I see. 
It’s Covyn’s room. 
Where can I hide here? I think. Panic clouds my mind and I can barely think straight (not that I could in the first place). 
I scan the room frantically, then realize: 
The closet. 
I dash across the room, dodging the disarray on the floor. Hopping into the dark closet, I gently shut the door behind me. 
Then it hits me. 
Oh, how cliche. 
I quiet my breathing so that, if my brother comes in here, I don’t get caught. 
One minute passes. 
Then two. 
Then three. 
Heavy footsteps come from the hallway, and I bite my lip so I don’t shriek. 
Just don’t die, Adrienne. 
Just don’t die. 
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specksizedgoddess · 9 months
You're in a tiny jar and see three colossal women above you. You gaze (dis)respectfully as their boobs squish together as they make out. From your vantage you marvel at their masses, wondering how large they are compared to you. You soon get your answer as a rank drop of sweat falls from above into the jar with you. The massive droplet firmly sets the scale, each woman towering above you would be like its own planet. beings existing at scales so far beyond your comprehension and they'd chosen you. How did they even notice you let alone move you without destroying you. More sweat fell and the air became so thick and vile you could only hack your breath. They drew closer and above three towers pressed against each other. Minutes later you were flooded with a horrible liquid. Soon after another wave then another. You were drowning in this mix of sweat and cum and piss as the one who came first lifted up the jar and tilted it. You had only a moment to breathe and you and your surroundings fell into her gaping maw, fell through her throat, and wound up in her stomach. You thrashed and squirmed but to no avail. The others brought a stethoscope to the loser's belly and listened. Beings you couldn't comprehend had chosen you, yes, chosen you for a game. At least they took the time to listen to your final moments as you digested in this mess---though they were listening for amusement and not compassion.
These beings, so massive, so utterly collosal im comparison...... scampering back in my prison, blushing as my own member grows... only twitching more when I understand just how vast the scale is- the scent of sweat so overwhelming, clouding my mind like a pheromone, desperately touching myself... soon drowning in sweat, only to be drenched in cum- utterly helpless as I squirm to get out, before its joined by a tidal wave of urine... trying tdesperately to stay afloat in this ocean, barey able to focus on their giggles as its all lifted up~ to the lips of one of the girls....
And swallowed.
She had lost the game, cumming first and all... she swallowed the liquid, letting out a moan as she felt the horrid mixture (and the speck inside) dissapear~
Between the churning of her stomach, the sloshing of the liquid, and her booking heartbeat, the other girls might be able to make out the sound of their tiny fourth wheel climaxing, moaning in ecstacy.... most likely to a chorus of giggles and laughter at just how pathetic I was....
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hello! for the prompt thing, can you please do kuroo + number 19? also was wondering is it ok if i reblog your prompt list and use it for writing inspo? i’ll def give you credit for the prompt
19: Hurrying down a wet street after the skies have opened up in a biting rain omg im so sorry this took a bit but yes ofc u can reblog!!! i made it its own post for that reason lmfao ♥️ hope u enjoy!! happy kuroo day 🥺
You run into Kuroo on the way to a study group together.
Actually, he scares the living daylights out of you by calling your name from the other side of the street. You’re on alert until you catch sight of him; it’s harder to recognize him with a knit hat covering his trademark messy hairstyle, and he’s all bundled up in a big woolen coat while you’re far more used to seeing him in t-shirts and thin sweaters that drape appealingly over the wide shoulders and sharp lines of his athlete’s body.
He jogs over, jaywalking entirely but beaming all the way as he catches up to you.
“You’re headed to the library, right? For that exam?”
You nod, and he grins even wider, and just like that you have a companion. A very tall, very lanky companion who quickly takes over carrying your backpack for you and fusses over your lack of hat until you acquiesce to him removing his own and shoving it on your head. You decide not to comment on the way his ears slowly begin to turn red; if he’s insisting on putting his clothes on you then you’re not about to complain.
The first raindrop hits you right at the back of your neck, and you gasp in surprise and displeasure—it’s cold and fat, enough so that you can feel it slide down beneath your collar, and accompanied by more and more until you’re lifting the bag in your hand up to cover yourself. You’re so distracted by the rain that Kuroo’s hand finding the small of your back takes you by surprise, and you’re a little startled until it registers that he’s leading you over to an awning to stand out of the downpour.
He stands pressed up close enough that he almost seems to be shielding you from the world beyond, hands tucked into his pockets but arm all but brushing against your back. You pull out your phone to check the weather.
“Rain won’t let up for another hour,” you say, and then sigh sharply. “Honestly, we’re better off going back to our dorms.”
“Damn.” He lifts his free hand to rub at his hair, somehow managing to mess it up even further. “I kinda needed the help for this exam.”
You stifle a laugh. “Well, you can still go, just be aware you might get turned away at the door for looking like a wet cat.”
In your peripheral, you can see him frown slightly, then begin to glance around. Before you can ask, he’s raising his hand and pointing across the street “There.”
“Huh?” You follow his finger to find a cafe tucked into the corner.
“Let’s go there. Closer than our dorms or the library, yeah?” He nudges you with his shoulder. “You’re the one I really wanted to study with, anyway.”
Your face warms at the admission, and you bite back a smile. “We can try it. At the very least it’s better than waiting for it to let up under here.”
“Good enough for me.”
His hand finds yours, large and warm as he laces your fingers together, and it tightens as he leads you quickly down the sidewalk, stopping briefly to wait at the crosswalk, hovering close to you until the indicator changes and he all but sprints across, dragging you behind him.
You’re both soaked by the time you make it to your destination, but you’re giggling under your breath as you take in the surroundings. It’s quaint, homely and warm with a healthy but not overwhelming din; you like it, you decide, and you like it even more when your attention falls on Kuroo to find that he’s staring at you with a dopey little smile on his face.
Shoving him playfully with your elbow snaps him out of it, but it’s only to your detriment as he leans in closer, face turned into you; it’s like the two of you are the only people in the room, and you’re not quite sure if that’s because of how much space he takes up physically or because of how much you’re drawn to him, but it makes you feel a little floaty either way.
His voice is low in your ear as he says, “Let’s stay, yeah? Wait out the storm together.”
You nod, hoping quietly that it won’t clear up any time soon. He still hasn’t let go of your hand.
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amyreads · 1 year
hi amy! What would you say your ideal writing environment is like? Like what playlists do you have going on the background, what energy drink is next to you, what scented candles do you have on, etc etc. im starting a creative writing minor in a few weeks so i’m kinda just looking for some inspiration on what environments can stimulate my ~creative side~
oooh what an interesting question! I'm pretty particular about my ~writing environment~ and if the vibes are off then I can't write hahah
my ideal one would be alone, in an office, lights off/at night, with candles on just for the atmosphere. like im in a victorian lair or something lol one thing about me is that I can't just can't write with mess around me or if it's noisy. my brain can't focus and I happen to get overwhelmed really really easy. I also have pretty bad attention issues like I can't focus if there's too much going on around me so the quietest and darkest it is the better
right now, my writing environment is on my bed hahaha. I always have a Red Bull next to me and I listen to the character playlists of the certain character that im writing. I have this weird habit of changing my computer background to a picture that matches the vibe of what im writing idk why I like surrounding myself with whatever im writing
when it comes to music, I HAVE to listen to a song that matches the mood/tone im going for a scene. so when I was reading the bus scene, I listened to a lot of ballads.
when the bands are performing, though, I try to listen to music that matches what they would sound like.
I have a very visual brain and I really approach all my scenes with a cinematic eye. thats the only way I can write. so every scene has its own soundtrack, and I like imagine the angles of the camera and everything lmao im a very visual person (I wish I could draw </3)
I prefer writing at night when its dark and no one is around </3 I don't like the light lolol
good luck on your endeavors!
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dearmagenta · 1 year
the idea of worldwide smp is good if its not under dream's hand but im genuenly scared for qsmp if they are going to throw a bunch of random cc's it would be bad. It also wouldnt be good if there's would be a lot of languages. Like. Personally im trying to learn spanish to keep up on things for now and im even not a good kind of english guy, i just can understand a lot since ive been around english community um. 7 years? Imagine how overwhelming would be literally all the plot around? Did i saw japan in the list wait? What if some of the kyrillic languages would be there? I know some of you would fire up already on that. Guys- guys. Worldwide its all good but lets be clear it could actually be burn off the land since a lot of people would try to learn all the laguages and then go away because its impossible or really hard to learn meltiple languages at the same time. I guess the usmp was the actual reason the shit got boiled but its becoming too much. I want to start watching some of the spanish cc to understand things, if theres would be also -for example- french cc's it would be another language i have to learn to understand things and a bunch of other cc's i would want to understand but would be unable. I would have to choose between two languages and choose spanish of course because rn i know it kinda little bit better than french but the fact that i would try to learn a little bit more to understand there's also something else i should also learn to understand things actually makes me sad. Moreso we need to understand that translators are not always correct and some languages are hard to translate. It Would Be A Mess. The worldwide server good for the idea of worldwide server, a place where players are actual anons\people who wants to meet new people around the world and vibe, not public smp who watches over million people out of their homes and tries to learn at least one language for the start time with an actual plot. Do you want to see the duck surrounded by those subs as that girl from meme on couch???? In other words: too much languages for smp overwhelming. I think they should stop at Brazilian and then stop for now. Maybe they could crush smp on seasons? Like for now its english-spanish-brazil but after season one its english-french-german?
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mr-payjay · 4 months
What do you think of marsh and oj
i actually like marshmallow and oj as a ship! :D gay man x lesbian in an unironic way. but im just going to talk about the general dynamic here.
marshmallow and oj get along well enough. they usually seem to be friendly with each other in s1. oj does get mad at her for calling everyone idiots (hypocrite, he literally says much worse to closer friends), but he defends her from apple too. he seems to have a sense of "fairness" even if it does not make sense. buuut either way. they don't interact much. however they're both kind of cynical and fed up with everything, marshmallow having this attitude in s1 while oj gets it more when he becomes a hotel owner. i think at that point he would've matured more, enough to talk to marshmallow (who's always been Tired of everyone) since she would understand how it feels. they're both kind of bitchy lol
also, marshmallow and oj were/are both trapped in a situation that is hurting them. oj is the owner of hotel oj and its consuming and ruining his life, while marshmallow was stuck in a competition she hated surrounded by people who were constantly tense and upset. marshmallow ran away to purgatory mansion and (supposedly) got her happy ending. oj is still stuck in the hotel. they're similar people at times. ive actually been meaning to analyze marshmallow soon.
marshjay running away together makes me happy :) i can see oj having a moment of clarity that the hotel is messing everything up and immediately wanting to run away out of shock and fear and overwhelm. but i usually think about that in a payjay aspect. because of course i do
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solarwoniii · 1 year
i love u guys thank you for all the kind messages :(( my inbox has been flooded with so much positivity and its been so amazingly overwhelming, i appreciate all of you like crazy <33
i promise i'm okay !!! for the people who were asking, no this has nothing to do with uni boy LMFAOOO 😭 hes been here and helping me with everything, along with my best friend/roommate, so ive been doing a lot better than i was at the start of this mess :)) its a lot more of a private matter so i cant really talk about my problems on here like i usually do, but please know that im okay and that im surrounded by people who love and look after me! ill be back soon, and i've been working on a fic for u guys for when im ready to return :D:D:D
thank u all for being so sweet and so patient. I LOVE U MWAH MWAH MWHA WMWHHWWMAAMWH
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bb-eilish · 2 years
Transfer Student
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pairing: George Weasley x reader
warnings: size kink, nipple play, pain kink(slapping), breeding kink, degradation, pet names, rough sex, pining, female masturbation, oral( F receiving), spit kink, Dom!george & sub!reader
summary: You transfer from ilvermorny to hogwarts, a certain red head catches your eye and you cannot get him out of your head.
A/N: minors please do not interact<3
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“Sweetheart you’re starting another year of school, aren’t you excited?” Your mother sounded more excited than you if you’re being honest. The truth is, you actually are excited, yes you left behind your friends and family but you were thrilled to experience what the best wizarding school had to offer.
“Thrilled” you said monotonously looking out the window as your mother drove you to kings cross station. You spot a few owls in cages as she finds a parking spot.
It’s slightly drizzling so when you get out of the vehicle you’re slightly squinting, she gathers your things and gives you it to push. But before you can even get your hands on the bar to push it you’re basically tackled into a hug by her. “Please write me y/n, i’ll be writing to you as well” You can see tears starting to form in her eyes.
“I will mother, i’ll write every week” She cups your face and admires you. “I love you and i’ll miss you y/n” You try to not get teary eyed as well as she gets back in the car, waving to you as you walk into the station. You’ll miss her dearly but you’re excited to see what lies ahead.
The station is of course packed, you make your way to platform 9. Being knowledgeable of the wizarding world you know what wall to run through. As you get closer your eyes lock onto a family of red heads, “how sweet” you thought. You wish you had a family like that, you smile at them as you get closer. There’s 5 boys and a girl, all loaded with suitcases and animals. There’s one with black hair, you assume he’s just a friend of the family. You basically wait in line as they run to the train one by one.
The two tall red heads keeps messing with each other, tripping the other one or shoving. When it’s their turn they face their mother(you assumed), you catch sight of their faces. Talking about something you couldn’t hear. Hmm their twins, you were friends with twins at ilvermorny. You’re glad not much is different here, you try to get a good look as they turn towards your direction.
A sly smirk makes its way to your slightly damp face as you see one of them, the boys long red hair shapes his face and you can’t help but to stare. Back at your old school hot, tall red heads werent a thing. You literally can’t take your eyes off of him, his smile suddenly very interesting to you.
He turns towards the wall and you make a mental note to try and sit with him.
It’s your turn and their mother turns towards you, “Aw im sorry, dear. Didn’t mean to hold you up” she smiles genuinely.”No worries, i enjoyed listening to your sons bicker” You chuckled, she laughs and says “They’re pretty good at that aren’t they? Anywho it’s your turn”. You get into position and you exchange goodbyes.
Even though you’re not new to this you’re always a bit nervous about running straight into a wall. You start jogging and slowly get into a run. In less than a second you’re surrounded by robes and a giant red train. The excitement is making you kinda shaky but you don’t mind. You find the place to put your luggage and animal. You sit down on a bench for a second to calm your nerves.
You stand with a little jump and smile brightly as you enter the train. Looking for the red head, a smirk once again gracing your face as you think about him. You lock your hands behind your back as you peer into each compartment. Your hair framing your face making you feel infinitely attractive, there’s about 5 compartments left that you haven’t checked. Giddy as you know he has to be in one of them.
Before you start looking into them you take a deep breath, so many emotions at once and it’s a little overwhelming. Your heeled shoes clacking against the floor, as you’re looking into one cabin you suddenly make contact with a chest. Annoyed you look up and the sly smirk makes a comeback.
“Merlin, im sorry. Didn’t you see there-“ He says but his voice dies on him as he sees your face.
“Well, hello there. I’m George, are you new?” He eyes you and it brings out a giggle from you. You bite your lip and say “Yes actually, im y/n” The smirk still very present in your face.
“The names George, if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask, darling” He winks while the corner of his mouth quirks up and it suddenly makes you shy. You’ve never been shy because of a boy before.
You shyly giggle and look down “i’ll definitely remember that. It was nice meeting you George”. You bat your eyes as walk past him. Finding the cabin across from his and asking the girls in there if you could join. They thankfully said yes, now you have a view of george.
You can see him sit back down as the train sounds and you start moving. He’s talking to the boy who looks just like him and suddenly jerks his head in your direction. You presume he’s talking about you and you look away to talk with the other girls.
About 15 minutes into the ride you hear “anything from the trolley, dears?” getting closer and closer. And then your cabin door is swung open, along with the twins’ door.
“Anything from the trolley, dears?“ The old woman asks, the trolley full of desserts definitely catches your eye. You have a giant sweet tooth, you get up and start looking over everything. There’s jelly beans, licorice ropes, bakery goods and more. The one thing your eye instantly locks onto is the chocolate frogs. Your favorite candy, you pick a couple and go to dig in your pocket. At the same time you see a shadow and look up, George is there looking at the trolley as well. You continue digging in your pockets as you see him pay.
“Looks like i don’t have enough…” You mutter sadly, going to put back the animal shaped chocolate. You set them down and drag your feet back to your seat.
The other girls giving you sympathetic smiles, you see the trolley leaving in your peripheral and look out the window. A pout settles on your lips as the train continues on the track.
You resort to talking to the girls until the conductor says something about 5 minutes left. You forget about the candy and you’re excited once more as you see the hogwarts station in view.
The boat ride was magical, shocker. Ilvermorny was nothing like this and you thank the gods your mother was relocated at work.
You’re exhausted as you make your way to the gryffindor common room, being told the password and all beforehand. You take a seat on the floor in front of the fire while everyone goes to their dorms, you’re a night owl so you’re not going to bed for awhile.
You take in being at hogwarts, you hope nobody makes fun of your accent since you’re from America. You don’t worry to much about it though as someone makes their way out of their dorm. You don’t look at who it is, you just sit on floor in front of the fire and enjoy life.
“well look who it is, nice to see you again y/n” You look behind you to see George, a blush instantly appearing on your face. “It’s pretty late, aren’t you supposed to be sleeping” you tease softly, looking back at the fire again.
“i wanted to find you, i actually have something for you” he mutters as he crouches next to you.
“here, think of it as a welcome gift. Open your hand” you do as he says and he takes his fist and leaves a plastic package on your palm.When he pulls back you open your hand and see the chocolate frog you wanted to buy. A gasp leaves your lips and the blush gets so much worse.
You stare at the chocolate and back to him, your heart beating much faster. “I know you wanted one from the trolley and you didn’t have enough. So i bought you one. I would’ve gave it to you on the train but i wanted to give it to you in private”
Before you even know what’s happening your giving him a bear hug. He starts making fake choking noises and you laugh while easing up the hug. “Thanks for that but i also enjoy breathing” he laughs hugging you back.
“Sorry, George. I’m so thankful for this, this was so sweet. I definitely owe you” You can see him smirk while he stands up.
“Well i’m going to bed then, i’ll catch you tomorrow morning” he winks and leaves. You turn back to the fire and hold the frog in your hand, the smile never leaving your face.
You wake up to your dorm mates shaking you, something about breakfast. You were groggy and didn’t hear much else. Nonetheless you get your uniform on, foregoing the robe. You admire the uniform on you, much cuter than ilvermorny’s. Grabbing the correct books you make your way to breakfast alone.
Entering the great hall and making your way to the correct table was a bit tricky, not sure where you should sit. You spot your dorm mates and head to that table, although you sit away from them. You enjoy being alone, you fill your plate while your mind drifts to last night. Your blood pumping much faster as you look for the red head. He’s in the middle between his twin and one of his brothers. You’re not sure of his name yet.
You also tune into the fact that George is so much taller than you, you think that’s the hottest thing. The fact that he towers over you makes you rub your thighs together. While you’re staring at him with a needy look on your face he stares back, mouth slightly agape as he knows the look adorning your features.
Your eyes widen as you look back at your plate, you’re usually confident but he makes your breathing heavier and your legs shaky. Breakfast was filled with the dirtiest thoughts of George your brain could think of, him manhandling you and being able to move you around like you’re nothing.
Your first class, potions, just as boring as you thought it would be. You expected all the classes to be boring, but there’s one that is now etched into your brain. Charms.
It was going okay until you were all instructed to get books from the closet in the classroom, you waited until the crowd got theirs so you weren’t fighting for a book. That means the last ones available were on the top shelf, you were on your tippy toes and even jumping a bit. But it was in vain, you were an inch too short, about to go ask for some help you stopped in your tracks. A hand appears on your waist as someone’s front presses to your back and you were trapped between the shelf and a hard chest.
You were about to curse someone out as you looked up and behind you, the words not coming out when you noticed it’s George. He easily reaches the book and presses you more into the shelf, a whimper leaving your lips so softly you thought he didn’t hear. You were hoping he didn’t hear, he freezes with the book in his stretched out arm. The hand on your waist getting tighter. His chest rumbles as he laughs lowly.
You bite your lip in embarrassment and lust. “You okay little girl?” he mutters into your ear. A moan almost slipping, you slap a hand over your mouth and he chuckles again. He leaves and you realize you still need a book, you leave the closet to ask the teacher for help until you see the giant book sitting at your spot. You don’t take a look at George out of embarrassment, you can hear whispers around you. Probably about the book.
You were the last to leave, George still stealing your thoughts.
A week passed since you arrived and George has snuck in touches and lingering stares everyday. But when you talk to him directly it’s like he’s a different person.
You were beginning to become frustrated, since you had room mates and couldn’t touch yourself at all. One night you were finally alone, your roommates having quidditch practice and homework to do. You sat on your bed staring at nothing in particular. Your mind wandered to George once more and you didn’t waste a second in dipping your hand under your skirt. First you traced yourself over your underwear, you absolutely loved being teased. Biting your lip as your hand went under your panties and gently prodded your clit. Biting your lip harder in hopes of not making a sound.
Just then a knock sounded at your door, an annoyed groan left your lips while you begrudgingly slid your hand out of your underwear.
Fixing your skirt you grumpily made your way to the door you opened it and your demeanor instantly changed. George stood there leaning against the frame. “Good evening gorgeous, i heard you needed some company” He smiled at you and went to sit at the desk next to your bed.
“Aw I did need company, my room mates have other things going on. It’s just me” You went over to your bed, while getting on it you heard the pencil on your nightstand fall under your bed as you accidentally hit it with your foot.
“Fuck” you whined as you got on your knees and bent over looking under your bed. Forgetting that you were wearing a skirt and were really horny.
George chuckled and peered over at you and looked back at the desk, his gaze widened and instantly shot back at your form. His mouth falling open as he stares at your behind. Your panties had a wet spot on them, he could feel his pants getting tighter by the second.
Forcing a groan down, he eyes you as you get up and put the pencil back, once you sit down you feel how cold your underwear is and realized you just bent over with a skirt and with wet underwear. There’s no way he saw though, you think. You change your mind as you glance at George. He’s eyeing you like a piece of meat and your eyes widen.
“S-something wrong George?” you say while looking away.
He gets up and stands in front of you, the way he towers over you making you both hot and bothered.
He tilts your chin up with his thumb and forefinger, his lip caught between his teeth. You can’t rip your eyes off of it. He leans in closer and closer and you’re kissing.
Your hand ends up on his shoulders and his fingers end up at your jaw, you can feel yourself getting wetter.
You let out a moan as he bites your lip. He pulls away and tells you to stand up, his voice an octave lower. It makes your legs feel like jelly. But you do it anyway, he sits down where you were and pulls you in his lap, your wet underwear pressing against his jean clad crotch.
You can tell he’s already hard and you bite your lip” what were you doing before i came in? Hm?” He holds your jaw so you don’t look away. “I wasn’t doing anything, Georgie” You look into his eyes with your big doe ones.
“None of that y/l/n. Was my baby touching herself?” He mock pouts at you, his eyes make there way down and up your body.
“Y-yes, I can’t stop thinking about you” you whine, he grins at your confession and goes to take his shirt off.
“You’re such a good girl for my y/n. Can i take this off?” He asks for consent as he messes with the hem of your shirt. You nod eagerly and he laughs, he pulls the cotton over your head.
“You’re gorgeous, all for me right?” He doesn’t take his eyes away from your bra clad chest. Black lace is his favorite he finds out.
You’re getting whinier by the second and grind yourself against him, he groans and you swear you can cum right from the sound of it. Grabbing him by the neck you connect your lips again and reach around yourself to unclasp your bra. Pulling it off and flinging it somewhere in the room.
He doesn’t break the kiss as his hands move up your waist and sides, he makes contact with your boobs and doesn’t let go. He pulls away in favor of trailing kisses and the occasional hickey down your neck and over your collarbones. Finally making his way to your chest, he blows on one of your nipples as his right hand plays with your other one.
You know you can’t moan too loud so you bite your lip. Before his mouth connects to your mound you hear him mutter a silencing spell, a moan instantly ripping from your throat. He grins as his mouth finds your nipple, sucking on it and eventually using his teeth to pull. Your hands lost in his hair, your hips grinding on him just right. You can feel and hear him groan, the vibrations making you clench around nothing. He lets go of your nipple with a pop and pushes you on your bed.
He’s decided his new favorite sight is you under him, his hand travels down to his cock that is starting to leak. He palms himself while staring at you, the sight before him better than any porno he’s ever seen.
You push him to sit straight up and unbutton his pants, he kicks them off along with his boxers. You go to take off your skirt but he stops you. Grabbing him by the shoulders you go in for a kiss once more. It’s all tongue and teeth, it’s so hot you have dig your nails into his shoulders.
“Georgie, fuck-“ He runs his cock through your folds and you suddenly forget english.
“I know baby, you’re gonna take every inch of me right?” You nod softly.
“Oh wait, almost forgot” He slyly grins, you look at him questionably until he drags you by the ankles to the edge of the bed and kneels between your thighs. You can’t help but to clench at knowing what’s gonna happen and the way his hands felt dragging you.
“George you don’t have to do this…” You trail off as he kisses closer and closer to where you desperately need him. He doesn’t answer as he licks a stripe up your cunt and his fingers dig into your pillowy thighs more. The pain making your head spin, the way he manhandled you still fresh in your head as his tongue finds your clit. Your moans only egging him on, you notice that every so often he grinds into the bed and it brings you closer to the edge. The way his orange hair is messy and some strands sticking to his head from sweat makes you clench. He sticks his tongue inside you while his thumb abuses your clit, that’s all it took before you clamped your eyes shut in pure ecstasy as you cum around his tongue. Your hands playing with your pebbled nipples and the look on your face makes him groan into you.
You’re absolutely gone when he’s done, you can tell his demeanor changed too. He grips your hips and then suddenly you’re on your stomach. He pulls your ass higher, hands massaging your ass and waist as he flips up your skirt.
“Look at you, bunny. At my mercy, you want it so bad don’t you? You fucking need my cock” He growled into the warm air around you. He grinds himself into your cunt one more time and you whine as you push back into him.
“You’re such a needy little bunny aren’t you?” You nod and whine as he finds your entrance once again, this time he doesn’t pull away. His girth stretching you out more and more each second. You moan loudly at the way it burns so deliciously. He grabs your hips and sets a pace. You wish you could see his face, you know he probably looks like he belongs in porn.
“You love my fucking cock don’t you, bunny? Tell me” he commands. “I love your cock georgie, fuck you’re so big inside of me” You can feel hot tears well in your eyes and then you’re sobbing. He seems to be turned on even more by it as he grabs you once again and puts you on your back. One hand holding both of yours above your head.
“I could do anything to you right now and you’d just to have to take it. God you take me so fucking well. Your little cunt is fucking dripping, who made you this wet?” He picked up the pace and you could only babble.
Smack.“What was that whore? Didn’t catch that” he moans as he sees you start to cry, the pain feels amazing when he’s inside of you. “Y-you did georgie, you feel so good inside of me” You sob more as his free hand grabs your throat just right.
“You’re such a good little whore for me-fuck-mouth open and tongue out ” He eyes you, you open your mouth eagerly and stick your tongue out “that’s a good bunny” as he spits in your mouth. You swallow and stick out your tongue again to show how much of a good girl you are for him. “My pretty bunny, fuck, you just got so tight” He moans out, “are you close bunny? gonna cum for Georgie?” You let out a strangled moan and clench even more. “y-yes Georgie, i’m so close for you” Just then he stops thrusting and smirks at you, “that’s just too bad isn’t it, bunny?”
You whine in protest, “b-but, Georgie i’ve been such a good girl for you”. Your crying continuing.
“I know baby, i know” He starts thrusting again once he knew your orgasm was gone.
“Beg to cum and i won’t edge you again” he growls into your ear. “Georgie please make me cum-fuck-i’m so ready for you. Want you to come inside me” you end your beg with a broken sob and he closes his eyes and a low groan escapes his throat.
“You want me to cum inside you, bunny? Fuck, give you every drop of my fucking cum. You wanna be stuffed full?” His hand leaves your neck in favor of grabbing your face in a way that makes you pucker your lips. You desperately nod, wanting nothing more.
“Merlin im gonna fucking breed you, i’m so close, bunny” His thrusts start getting sloppy, you can feel his head hitting the part inside you that makes you writhe under him.
“Me too georgie, gonna be a good bunny and cum for you” you’re so close you grind into him mid thrust and he lets out the hottest moan you’ve ever heard.
“Fuck bunny im so close” he rubs furiously at your clit and you’re teetering on the edge. Your hips buck into him over and over as you cum. Hands gripping nothing.
“Fuck, georgie” you whimper as your body starts shaking. He starts whining, his thrusts get slower and harder, his face when he cums makes you moan out. His grip gets tighter temporarily until he’s done thrusting all together. He looks down at you and kisses you sweetly, you giggle into it.
He pulls away to catch his breath, slipping out of you. He can see his cum dripping out of your used hole and he lets out a gravely “fuck”.
“Fuck, bunny. You did amazing” His praise bringing a smile to your flushed and sweaty face. “Right then, put your clothes back on we’re going to the bathroom to clean you up” He grabs yours and his clothes off the ground and makes sure nothing is inside out.
“Alright Georgie” you say softly, smiling. You try and clench the entire way there so nothing falls out of you.
When you both entered the bathroom and started stripping again you took off your panties. They were covered in your wetness and his cum, you stared at them with your mouth open. His gaze eventually following yours.
“Now isn’t that a sight” He mutters and smirks at you as he drags you into the water with him.
He places you on his lap as he cradles you, like you were a whiny baby. It was so soothing and relaxing that you were fighting sleep. You had no idea hogwarts was going to be this good.
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indigoh4ze · 3 years
party || rafe cameron
warning- SMUT // vaginal fingering, eating out, vaginal penetration, mentions of intoxication
rafe cameron x fem!reader
a/n- so this is my first time writing for outer banks, im terrible at writing actual interactions so im sorry its so bad at first lmao. also disclaimer: rafe in this fic is nothing like he is canon, so his characterization is off. enjoy :)
also feel free to request for any outer banks characters i write for
turn on notifs here - @slvt4fakerealities-library - to be notified when i post a new fic
join taglist (add yourself to the outer banks section)
the lights were blazing, different colors zapping throughout the room as you made your way over to the couch. your head was slightly fuzzy from the intoxication, but you managed.
since the couch was empty, you took the chance to sprawl your whole body out on it, head on one arm and feet dangling off the other. you watched as everyone danced and made out and filled their bodies with even more toxins. soon, you found yourself just dazing up at the ceiling, lips opening and closing slightly as you lip-synced in a whispering tone to the loud music.
after what felt like hours, but could’ve only been a few minutes, you felt something nudge your thigh. without moving your neck, you let your eyes flash down to find the source of the movement.
hovering over you was rafe cameron. his dirty blonde hair framed his face messily, a single cross earring dangling from his left ear, a red solo cup in his hand as his free hand poked at your thigh.
“what?” you slurred, now moving up on your elbows and blinking back the haziness.
“i wanna sit,” he said, taking a sip from the cup. even in this state it wasn’t hard to notice how good the boy looked, tilting his head back and gulping down the liquid, eyes never leaving your own.
you groaned, pulling your knees to your chest and allowing rafe to throw himself onto the cushion. you were now facing his side, as his hands gripped your legs and pulled them back to their original position, except now they laid over his leg. giving him a curious look, you laid the side of your face on the back cushion and fidgeted with the bracelet around your wrist.
“shouldn’t you be like- getting shit faced or something.” rafe snickered at your words, sending you a glare before looking back down to his cup, which he was also mindlessly playing with.
“sorry, did i interrupt your little..nap?” he teased with a hint of amusement, referring to the previous state you were in, and you scoffed in return, mind clearing a bit more and making room for annoyance.
“whatever.” and then, you were pulling your legs off him and standing up, albeit wobbly as you almost fell to the side, caught by rafe’s firm grip around your arm.
“you good?”
“‘m fine,” you dismissed the boy, confused as to why he was even talking to you in the first place.
the truth was, you never liked him, he was rude and careless and selfish and way too much to put up with. but you couldn’t deny the attraction you felt towards the boy, and the tension that was always evident when the two of you were together.
but you always just pushed those thoughts aside, because even the thought of anything happening made your mind whirl with a plethora of emotions, not good ones by any means.
but then, you also couldn’t deny the recurring fantasies of things that could happen. could but wont, because he’s rafe cameron, and not even you’re desperate enough to be one of his bitches.
“hey?” a light tug of your arm pulled you back to the present, and you turned to see rafe at your side, cup forgotten as one of his hands molded around your waist and the other wrapped around your bicep to steady you.
“i’m really fine-.” you pulled away from him, and right as you did so, you felt someone back up on you, pushing you towards rafe and into his chest as a cold liquid spread from the lower half of your head and down your back.
you gasped in surprise, suddenly awake and alert as you sharply turned to see a boy standing there, cup tilted and empty as all its contents spilt on your back. he mumbled a quick apology, then took off laughing with his friends about something they said that probably wasn’t even funny.
“you sure about that?” rafe inquired, eyebrow raised in amusement as you stepped away from him, this time more cautiously. “c’mon, we’ll clean you up.”
although you wanted to say no and tell him to fuck off because you could handle it yourself, you were too exhausted from the long night to put up much protest other than a dramatic groan. then, you nodded, and rafe led you away from the crowd of people with a tug of your wrist.
now, you found yourself in a bedroom, rafes bedroom, waiting expectantly as you stood in front of the boy.
“what now?” you ask, palming your eyes and yawning, looking back at rafe with glossy eyes now, which were sending waves of tingles through the boys stomach.
“take a shower,” he implied, as if it was obvious. you scrunched your brows as he pointed to the bathroom on the other side of the room.
“i don’t have any spare clothes.”
“i’ll find you something to wear,” rafe shrugged, “go on,” he urged you to the bathroom, and you followed obediently, not having it in you to put up any sort of fight or ask questions.
“i’ll be right back,” rafe said from the room as you closed the bathroom door, only to hear the door to the bedroom close as well, meaning rafe left.
your mind was filled with the thought that he just ditched you, which was a possibility, but you ignored that thought and slipped your shirt over your head. once all the articles of clothing were thrown onto the cold tile floor, along with your shoes which sat messily in the corner, you lift a foot into the tub, stepping in.
immediately, you played with the oddly fancy knobs and managed to turn them on, warm water rushing through the shower head as your tilted your head back into it. the odd colored drink washed away from your hair, falling onto the floor of the tub and down the drain smoothly. you searched for soap, quickly cleaning up and scrubbing your hair twice for good measure. the smell of the soap reminded you of rafe, not surprising considering it was literally his own soap, you told yourself, annoyed by your current thoughts.
the feeling of the slightly cold water hitting your skin was enough to wake you up fully, but you were too lost in the blissful feeling of the water to pay much attention to your surroundings.
that was until you heard the door to the bathroom open, and you peaked your head through the curtain to find rafe, setting a towel on the counter, along with a shirt and a pair of shorts.
“who’s are those?” you questioned, making rafe jump as he realized you were watching him.
“sarah, i just took some from her,” he shrugged, and now you were even more confused.
first, he started talking to you randomly. then he’s helping you stand. then he’s taking you to his room..so you can shower. then he’s getting clothes for you to wear? how much did you have to drink? you started to ask yourself, questioning if this was all you just being wasted.
but it wasn’t, you felt pretty much fine. so there had to be something you were missing.
“just hurry up and change, i’ll be in the other room.” without another glance towards you, rafe left the bathroom, leaving you standing there, wet hair dripping forward from the way you had tilted your head to peek through. you went back to getting the soap out of your hair, rushing a bit more now.
meanwhile, rafe was in his room, just outside the bathroom, sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. what the fuck am i doing? was his only thought.
he was honestly just confused as you were. it started when he saw you laying on the couch, mouth agape as your eyes sketched shapes on the ceiling. you just being there was tempting enough, but after that he just had to make his way over to you.
the two of you hadn’t had many conversations in the past, at least no genuine ones. most were just bickering, to be honest. but, just as you thought, the tension was undeniable. the feelings weren’t one sided, that was for sure.
when he caught you from falling over, you had leaned into his warmth and something almost turned in his stomach, which was quite nauseating on his side. it was annoying how fucking worked up he got around you. his mind would spin with options of what to do with you. did he want to just kiss you, fuck you or annoy you to death? he had no idea, but it was overwhelming, to say the least.
so when he invited you to his room to clean up, he wasn’t really thinking about it, because everything was happening at once. he even searched his sisters room for goddamn clothes for you.
interrupting his inner monologue, a door opened and out came your figure, except you weren’t wearing the clothes he had given you. no, you were just in your towel, actually. your skin looked slightly damp still, but your hair had been fluffed out and dried a bit from the towel.
“what are you- where are the clothes i gave you?” rafe asked, standing hesitatingly.
“dunno, wasn’t my style i guess,” you shrugged, looking around his room casually, taking in the very rafe feel it gave.
rafe just scoffed, messing his hair up and stepping closer. “well, you can’t really go out in a towel now, can you?”
this reminded you that there was still a party going on, although it was muffled and a bit quieter as people began to call it a night.
“then i won’t go out.” you stepped closer, looking up at rafe with an expression of uncertainty, trying to identify the look behind his eyes, figure out what the fuck he was up to. but you saw nothing. if anything, there were just a bit of nervousness hidden there.
“and what exactly do you plan on doing, then? since your obviously so wise.” now his guarded demeanor was back up, though he had taken a step closer so your heavy breaths were hitting each other perfectly, hands close to grazing one another’s.
“i don’t know.” then, another reminder flashed in your mind, and you looked back at rafe, “wait, why are you even here? isn’t this like- your party?”
“well, technically topper wanted a party, i wanted to go to bed and sleep for a year.” you chucked at this, figuring he had already gotten fucked up today and didn’t feel like another party. then, taking a risk, you leaned in just a bit, and rafe didn’t pull back. actually, he pushed forward, bringing his large hands to wheel around your waist, setting fire through your veins.
it was as if both of you snapped at the same time, first eyeing each others lips, then pushing forward and taking said lips between your own. the kiss was hungry and long waited, immense relief flushing through you, which took you both by surprise.
not even a few minutes of this passed by before rafe was tugging at the towel, still clinging around your naked body, droplets of water probably wetting his floor.
before letting the fabric reveal your body, rafe looked at you, pulling away for a moment and looking over your features, silently asking permission. a quick nod was all it took for the material to be ripped off and throw to the side, rafe spinning you both around until the backs of your knees hit the bed and you fell back onto the mattress.
rafe looked over you with a smirk, eyes skimming over each and every detail of your body as if savoring it. a lick of his lips was all it took for your thighs to rub together, anticipation becoming too much as you waited for him.
this obviously pissed him off, because now his hands were tearing your legs apart, exposing your bare cunt inch by inch. “don’t even try to cover this up, got it?”
his voice was demanding, and luring, enough to make you nod, eyes softening in obedience, resulting in a snicker from rafe.
he leaned back in, delving down to leave kisses along your collar bone and suck on the flesh until bruises built against your skin, making you whimper and grab his dirty blond tressed with your fingers.
the sound of your whimpers made rafe go crazy, but he tamed the need inside him long enough to work his way down your stomach, placing teasing kisses down your inner thighs, but not once touching the spot you needed the most attention in.
“please, rafe,” you pleaded, not sure where it came from but gong with it once you saw the way he looked up at you, lust blown eyes and parted lips, waiting to be against your cunt.
“please what, hm? tell me what you want me to do, baby,” rafe cooed, fingers clenching around the inside of your thighs so he could push them apart and kiss your inner thighs, resulting in your back arching and hips begging upwards.
“n-need your mouth.” your face blushed with embarrassment of having to speak the words, but rafe just tsked, one hand moving upwards as he used his thumb to draw circles around your cunt, only passing your folds, earning a cry from you.
“i need more than that, doll.”
“fuck! please, j-just need your mouth on me, rafe, need to feel your mouth on my pussy, please!”
it seems that was acceptable for rafe, his thumb pausing just above your clit, then dragging down, finally grazing over the sensitive bud and stimulating it perfectly. your hips jerked at the sensation, but you grew accustomed to the feeling once he began working in small circles.
soon, his mouth was on your cunt, tracing paths over your folds and rubbing at the nub with a flat tongue, constantly sending shivers through you as you moaned with pleasure. his hands stayed at your side, ring clad finger’s cold against your flesh as his tongue dug inside you and began fucking your hole with no remorse.
the shapes and letters his warm tongue carved into you were almost too much, and when you reached down to rake your fingers through his hair, you fought the urge to push his head down and allow him to bury himself completely between your thighs.
“f-fuck! rafe, oh god, feels so good,” you sobbed, voice becoming louder as he hummed into you, a smirk on his lips, no doubt, from seeing you fall apart for him.
rafe pulled away within a second, licking his lip and keeping his eyes on your cunt, calculating his next move. you watched as he did so, suddenly feeling exposed as he raked his eyes over the slick coating your folds and your clit throbbing painfully through them. you squirmed at the emptiness, about to squeeze your thighs together, but you were too late as rafe brought a hand up, middle and forefinger pushing through your folds and embedding themselves within your walls.
a loud gasp escaped your lips as he did so, and you bit down painfully on the cushion of them as his fingers pumped in and out of you with nonstop speed. rafe looked up at you, his own lips parted beautifully as he watched moans flow easily out of your mouth.
“you like that, baby?” came his husky voice, only intensifying your already great pleasure that ran through your body. you nodded at his inquiry, not able to form coherent thoughts under his gaze. and that was when his fingers made a hook and pressed against your most sensitive part, making you squirm.
his smirk became bigger, and his fingers fucked you harder, a desperate attempt to ruin you right there. then he was leaning down, still pumping his fingers, and began to lick your clit with fervor, flicking the bud and sucking without resistance until your thighs were clenching around his head and you were a complete moaning mess.
“oh fuck- i’m g-gonna come rafe, pleaseplease,” you begged pathetically, having no time to be embarrassed as he hummed, nodding his head while still sucking on your clit, and permitted you to let go.
the orgasm took over in a huge wave, which came surprisingly fast, and the only thing on your mind was the bubbling in your stomach that was finally freed. moans and gasps fell from your lips as you wet his tongue and fingers, and rafe didn’t let a drop go to waste as he lapped up your slick, helping to prolong your orgasm.
hands reaching for his hair in dazed motions, eyes closed and lips parted, you mumbled, “t-too much, rafe,” which was the boys que to give you a final kiss on your clit, then remove his head and fingers from your cunt.
now, rafe stared up at you, swiping a ring clad thumb over his bottom lip, which was glistening with your arousal. his thumb then moved to enter your mouth, and you dutifully took in the digit, sucking with starry eyes, and whimpering when he removed it from your grasp.
rafe rose to his full height, still in his shirt and pants, which were no doubt keeping his hard dick from standing tall. suddenly, you felt that flush arise to your cheeks from your being nude, and you bit your lip and reached a hand out to grapple at his shirt. he took this as a sign to pull the material over his head, then going in for his buckle as well. the sound of the metal clinking as he loosened it from its straps was enough to send you into a spiral of anticipation, eyeing his clothed prick impatiently.
rafe had that smirk plastered to his face still, throwing his belt aside and then his pants, making sure not to go too fast as he tormented you.
you let out a whine as he hooked his fingers around his boxers, not pulling them down fully but revealing his v line. “rafe,” you pouted, and he decided to be nice and let them fall down, now unclothed as he kicked off his shoes and settled ontop of you, marking your chest and neck immediately.
sighing with content, you held him close and let his lips suck on your flesh, until the arousal was too much and he began to grind against you, slowly. your cunt was already becoming slick again as he rubbed against your thigh.
rafe lift himself up to his knees, pumping his cock, the point of his tongue poking out from the side of his mouth in concentration. the image of your breasts on display for him, and your lips parted and chest thumping was enough to make the boy cum on the spot.
he raised a brow at you, making sure you were still okay, and once getting a quick nod, he pressed the head of his cock against your folds. in the next second, he was thrusting into you, earning a loud gasp from you, which he covered with a hand on your mouth.
“shh, ‘m gonna fuck you good, okay? just lay there and look pretty,” he teased, but you nodded, wanting nothing more than to do as he said.
the thrusts started out mild, but soon quickened tempo, hips stuttering against yours as he wrapped a hand around your leg and pulled it over his shoulder. this allowed a better angle, and you moaned with him as he repeatedly pounded into your already sensitive cunt.
you slid a hand down your bouncing breasts and stomach, then to your throbbing clit, soothing it with your gentle fingers before rafe slapped them away, as if saying “mine.”
his own hand went around your propped up leg to thumb at your clit, whilst the other made a path over your hips and breasts, fondling with the mound of flesh and pinching your nipple.
the overstimulation was rushing through you violently, his thrusts becoming sloppy, orgasm at the brink. you watched his head fly back, eyes rolling and mouth a gape, hypnotized by how pretty he looked even when he was fucking you.
“rafe,” you repeatedly mumbled, forming no other words in your clouded mind.
“hm? does it feel good? d’you like the way i fuck you, pretty girl?”
“y-yeah, so good,” you hummed, your own head rolling back onto the pillow, hips thrusting up to meet his and satisfy the hunger that once again boiled in your core.
“i’m gonna cum on your tits, are you gonna be good for me?” he said just as your orgasm was about to wash you away, and you nodded fast, once again wanting to be the best you could for him.
then, you came, waves of pleasure splashing through you before he pulled out, still thumbing your sensitive bundle of nerves, using his free hand to fist his cock which hovered over your breasts.
you held your tits in two shaky hands, squeezing them together and massaging them while rafe came, painting your breasts and stomach until he had milked out every last drop he could. he mumbled yes’s and fuck’s, along with your name until his high died down.
breathing harshly, you set ur sight to the ceiling, deep intakes of air causing the ends of rafe’s lips to turn upwards slightly. he leaned down to place one last kiss on your flushed cheek before letting himself fall onto the mattress beside you.
“let’s clean you up,” rafe said, turning to look at you, “the party’s not over yet.”
uhhhh yeah idk how i feel ab this i hope it wasn't terrible ig. reblogs appreciated :)
@o-rion-sta-r @saggyb1lls @rylynn-m @dobbysockcollection @arcaneslut @arianagreyy @el-imaskingforyourlefthand
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blackstar95 · 4 years
The Brothers reaction when MC slaps their ass
As usual, Lucifer listened to some classical music and poured himself a glass of wine to relax a bit.
Once he was done, he brought the glass to his lips and took a sip, savoring the taste.
"Mhm," he hummed to the sound of the melody and blissfully closed his eyes, enjoying the quiet moment he was having.
Much to his dismay, you entered his office without making yourself noticable.
Now dont get me wrong, he loves enjoys your company.
But not when your main goal is to tease him.
An thats exactly what you were doing.
You grinned mischievously as you slowly crept up to him, his back turned to you.
Since he was in his own state of mind, he didn't noticed anything.
That was until you reached your hand out.
In that milisecond, Lucifer's senses were tingling and his eyes shot open, turning around as fast as lightning.
But it was too late.
He only watched as your right hand colided with his left buttcheek, giving it a good squeeze afterwards.
Lucifer jumped and just stared at you in shock, processing what just happend.
And you just stood there with an empty expression, your eyes starring at your palm.
"Wow, your butt is actuallly softer than I thought".
Lucifer furrowed his brows in anger and shook his head.
"Yeah?" You asked, looking up at him innocently.
Lucifer had that closed eyed smile with an dark aura surrounding him.
"Now, what made you think this was an good idea, MC?".
You shrugged and slowly walked backwards, shivering nervously "I dont know.. I was just curious?"
"Curious?" He met up with your steps and tilted his head to the side, his smile never leaving
He became dangerously close, making you more nervous than you already are.
You felt your back hitting the wall and your eyes widened.
Oh lord...
Lucifer slammed his palm beside your head, caging you.
You flinched and looked to the ground, feeling suddenly so tiny under him.
Lucifer cupped your cheek and made you look back up at him, a sadistic smile on his lips.
"Such inappropriate behavior should be punished, MC"
I leave the rest up to your imagination.
Mammon was walking beside you as always, being practically attached to your hip (nothing new).
You guys were at R.A.D on your way to the cafeteria, since it was break time.
The greedy demon beside you rambled about that new scheme to make money, and you once again had to talk him out of it.
"Ya! It aint a dumb idea!" He protested.
"It is Mammon. Just think about Lucifers reaction and the consequences," you shook your head "Want to hang from the ceiling that bad?".
Mammon only scuffed, turning his head to the side.
You glanced over to him and noticed a visible pout on his lips, making him look like a child.
"Hey, Mammon".
"Hm?" He looked over at you "What's up?".
You raised your hand and reached over for his bottom, smiling sweetly at him.
"Cheer up".
He was about to question you, but before he could even start his sentence, you cutted him off with a real loud smack on his ass.
Mammons stopped dead in his tracks and his eyes widened in shock "W-what?".
Once realisation kicked in, his face flushed in an intsant.
"O-oi, human! Whats the big deal slappin' my butt like that?!". He yelled at you, looking like a fricking tomato.
You couldnt help but let out a few chuckles, highly amused by his reaction.
"Ya! It aint funny!"
Thanks to his loud voice, the whole hallway now knew what just had happened.
Leviathan walked down the stairs to the dining room.
He was really excited because he finally got his hands on the new Ruri-chan merchandise that came out.
"Woaah! I cant believe I got that limited edition figurine!, its SO rare and the new outfit- its just soo angelic-"
Levi being caught in his own ramblings didnt noticed that you were walking beside him.
"And that new hairstyle! I cant believe Ruri-chan could get even more cuter than she already is-"
"Say Levi, to who'm are you talking to?"
"WAh!", Levi jumped slightly at the sound of your voice and almost tripped over his own foot.
"Wha- MC!? How long have you been here!?"
You smiled at him and grabbed his shoulder for support, preventing him from falling down the stairs.
"There there, calm down. I didnt heard much".
Levi let out an sigh of relief and turned to you.
"Yeah right, I mean who would want to listen to an yucky otaku like me?".
You facepalmed in your mind and sighed, he really needs more confidence.
Leviathan kept walking and pitying himself, mumbling random stuff.
He has such a negative mindset.
You walked up behind him not thinking much.
But then you stared at his head and then his back,
Eventually your eyes landed on his bottom.
You smirked to yourself as you just ran past him, giving his butt a hard and loud smack.
Levi yelped in surprise and stood still, overwhelmed with what just had happened.
His hand grabbed his right buttcheek and rubbed it, being too shocked to react.
You turned around and waved at him. "Damn Levi, you really got an nice butt there! Im soo jealous!"
You then disapperaed in the dining room.
Levis brain needed a whole minute to process what just had happened.
And then he became a stuttering mess.
"M-M-MC! W-what was that now?!, h-hey wait!" He hid his flushed face behind the back of his hand as he stumbled after you.
Ngl he was kinda happy you touched him.
Satan was on kitchen duty, cooking his curry.
He invited you to join and help, so you guys could spend some time together.
And theres no way you would ignore that chance.
So here you were beside him, giving him the ingredients he asks for and making some small talk.
"Did you know that Beel almost ate my hair in his sleep?" You sighed "Im lucky im not bald".
Satan glimpsed at you and raised his eyebrow, shaking his head, "His hunger really doesnt know its limits".
He looked up, "Well speaking of sleep, I had an unpleasant dream last night."
You handed him the spoon and nodded "What was it about?"
Satan sighed, "Beel ate too much and grew to be a giant. He then ate the House of Lamentation, leaving the rest of us homeless".
You laughed, "Why do I have a feeling that could actually happen?"
Satan frowned "He already eats plates, its only a matter of time until he starts eating the walls".
You chuckled, intending to jokingly slap his arm.
But since you werent focused on what you were doing, you didnt notice how your slap landed right on his butt.
Satan dropped the spoon he was holding and looked at you with wide eyes.
"What are you doing?"
You turned to him with an confused expression "Did I do something wrong?"
Satan cocked an eyebrow and leaned his head to the side "You just slapped my butt".
Now its your turn to look at him with wide eyes. "I did what now?".
Satan didnt knew if you were joking or not, and it was kinda ticking him off.
"My butt. You slapped it".
"No I only slapped your arm- ohh wait..." you chuckled.
"What is so funny?" He asked you with furrowed brows.
"Sorry Satan, I wasnt focusing on what I was doing and accidently slapped your butt instead of your arm," You shrugged "My bad".
Satan nodded and turned back to what he was doing "Next time be more careful, or I will return the gesture".
You smirked and leaned over to him "I wouldnt mind that".
He will remember that.
Asmo was having a mid-life crisis.
He was on one of his diets, because his waist gained 1 millicentimeter.
You assured him that a little more weight always looks good and healthy but he wont listen.
So here you were infront of him, eating one of his favorite Cupcakes.
"MC darling, why do you have to torture me like that?"
He whined "Its not faair!"
You just shrugged "I have another cupcake left for you, but since you're on your little 'diet' I will give it to Beel."
He sighed and dropped his head on the table "Does my pain bring you pleasure?".
You frowned "I-"
Asmo gasps and sat back up straight. "Dont tell me your into that stuff?, Wow!"
He smiled and wiggled in his chair.
You sighed and shook you head "Asmodeus, stop".
He pouted "You're no fun..".
After some time you finally finished the cupcake and Asmodeus had reached his limit.
He watched as you stood up and walk towards to the kitchen.
"Wait, what are you doing?" He also stood up and followed you.
"I will bring the cupcake to Beel-"
"No, wait!" he grabbed your wrist and stared at you.
You looked back at him "What is it, Asmodeus?".
He glimpsed to the side "I dont want him to eat my cupcake.."
You clicked your tounge and pulled him towards you, making him stumble to the side
"What are you doi- AH!" He moaned yelped in surprise as you slapped his ass.
"Just eat that damn Cupcake. Its not like you will gain 10kg from it".
He blushed "Oooooh MC! That really made me excited! How harsh you pulled my wrist-"
You just let go of him and left the room.
"MC where are you going?, you cant just leave me here!"
Beelzebub asked you to keep him company while working out.
And of course you said yes.
So now you sat there, on the bench with a towel in hand, enjoying the view infront of you.
Beelzebubs biceps flexed as he lifted weights, and his white tanktop was drenched in sweat, making it transparent.
His abs showed through the fabric and you blushed.
How can this man be so big and muscular?
You blinked when he stopped his workout and laid the weights back down.
He grabbed his bottle from the floor and drank from it, taking big gulps.
You decided to stand up and walked over to him.
"Hey, Beel"
Beel lowered the bottle from his mouth and smiled at you "Hey, MC!"
You smiled back, and held the towel in your hand out to him, "Here take this".
"Thanks" He nodded at you and grabbed it, wiping the sweat on his face away.
"So, how is the workout going so far?" You asked couriously.
"Im still warming up" he replied.
You blinked, Still at warming up, huh?.. impressive.
"But im starting to feel hungry..." Beel pouted.
You laughed "You can do it Beelzebub, I believe in you".
He blushed and smiled at you "Thanks, MC!"
So cute.
You nodded and patted his shoulder "Sure".
Beel proceeded to start his warm up again, starting with some sit-ups.
But you had other plans.
"Beel wait!" You ran up to him.
He stopped what he was doing and looked over at you "What is it, MC?"
Before he could fully turn his body to you, he felt a stinging sensitation on his butt.
He looked at you startled, now realising you slapped it.
"Wow Beel, your buttcheeks are pretty hard.. are they made of iron or something?" You hold your hand up to your face.
Beel blushed slightly, not knowing what to do or say.
You just shrugged and turned around, marching towards the bench you were sitting on.
But suddenly, you felt a light clap on your own butt.
You gasped, "What-, Beel?!" You looked behind you and saw him standing there, smiling.
"Your butt feels really soft and nice, MC". he chuckled, "Is that a human thing to do?"
"Beel no-"
Belphegor was taking a nap in the attic, skipping the student council meeting.
And since you were coming late to the meeting due to some complications, Lucifer ordered you to search for Belphie and bring him there along with you.
And thats how you ended up infront of the attic, clearly annoyed.
"Belphegor," you spoke as you opened the door "I know you're in here".
The youngest brother laid on the bed, snoring and cuddling into his cow pillow.
You walked over to him and shook him "Hey Belphegor! Wake up!"
He stirred in his sleep and furrowed his brows.
Eventually he opened one eye and glimpsed at you. "What is it?"
"Lucifer wants me to bring you to the council meeting" you explained.
"Too bad, I wont go" he closed his eyes again. "Why dont you join me?"
"No," you shook your head, "Please, stand up".
He groaned "No, I dont want to go".
Thats it
You grabbed Belphegor by his arms, and turned him on his stomach.
His eyes shot open "Dah! W-what, hey-"
You raised your hand and slapped his ass, the sound of it echoing through the room.
Belphegor jumped and sat up straight, looking at you in disbelief.
"What was that for?!" He blushed
"You should stand up," you crossed your arm over your chest "I asked you nicely but you wont listen".
"Alright..," He closed his eyes "I will go"
You nodded "good"
But before you could turn around, Belphegor grabbed your wrist and laid you over his lap, his hand resting on your butt.
You blushed when you realised what he was doing,
You tried to escape, but his grip on you was too tight.
"Heheh," he chuckled "Time for payback".
"B-belphegor-" you were interrupted by his hand squeezing your left cheek slightly, making you shiver.
Belphegor raised his hand and striked an direct slap on your butt.
He expected you to squeak cutely, but instead a loud moan left your lips.
You quickly sat up and covered your mouth, an massive blush on your face.
Belphegor stared at you with wide eyes,
But after a few seconds he smirked.
"Didnt knew you're into that stuff," he teased you "Im not complaining though".
You just hid your face in his shoulder, too embarassed to look up "Dont tell anyone about this..".
Belphegor chuckled and patted your head "I wont, that would ruin the fun".
He will still tease you about it tho, but just when you guys are alone.
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hollowempire · 3 years
Support || 4th Doctor x Reader
Request: “hi i was wondering if i could request a fourth doctor one were the reader has bad mental health im not sure if you ok with writing things like at and its ok if not but if you do could you juat make it have fluff at the end other than that you have freedom of what the plot is :) thank you” from @tree0frog
Summary: Reader isn’t doing very well, so they seek out The Doctor.
Word Count: About 800
A/N: It’s been a while, I know, and I’m very sorry. So here’s my first fic in a while, I hope it’s alright. I’m also not sure if I’ve written the doctor well at all, as I’m not super into the show anymore.
Y/n tried their best to focus on… well, anything really. Anything that could keep them from thinking about what was currently on their mind. Just pure sadness and pain. Sometimes the quiet of the TARDIS could be nice, a good environment to relax in (when The Doctor wasn’t getting up to what The Doctor usually was), but at that moment it wasn’t any of those things.
That silence allowed for y/n to be alone with their thoughts, which usually wasn’t a good thing. Especially now. After several days of travel and exciting events that barely gave them a moment to breathe, this moment without anything to keep them and their mind occupied was leading them to spiral into an intense state of misery rather quickly. It’s not that those feelings weren’t there all along, but being so busy trying to save people and planets and things on an even larger scale than that had distracted them from those thoughts.
Sitting there on their bed y/n began to cry. Staring blankly at the ground, knees pulled tight into their chest one moment, sobbing the next. Every negative thought they’d ever had suddenly came flooding back into their mind, all of it so overwhelming. The self loathing, worries for the future, the feeling that no one cared about them, an overall terrible mindset about everything. Their whole body hurt. They had no physical injuries, but the mental pain was enough to be felt everywhere, especially in their head and chest.
Eventually they looked up, and finding that the wall wasn’t any less bleak than the floor, they stood up and left the room. They made sure to pull a blanket out with them, just needing something comforting. Perhaps the bedroom they had back at home wouldn’t be as miserable, the surrounding more familiar and well decorated, but the one in the TARDIS had nothing. No personal items, just a bed and a table. It added to how lonely they were feeling.
Y/n walked through the corridors of the TARDIS, still in tears. Everything was just as plain as the bedroom. This definitely wasn’t the best place to be in this state of mind, but they didn’t exactly have a choice.
It took several minutes of wandering for y/n to realize that they had another option and consider it. Rather than walking aimlessly like, they finally set off towards the control room. They knew they’d find The Doctor there.
When y/n approached the opening that led to where he was, they hesitated for a moment. Could they really let him see them like this?
But before they could fully think over the question The Doctor called out to them.
“I know you’re there, what are you waiting for? Come in.”
They didn’t think to wipe their tears before entering, so the sight that met The Doctor was a bit of a mess.
“Oh dear, what happened?” He stepped away from whatever he was doing and walked over to them, placing a hand on each of their arms.
Y/n tried to speak, but nothing came out when they opened their mouth. Instead their lip trembled and the tears intensified. In response, The Doctor pulled y/n into a hug. He didn’t say anything either, but unlike earlier, this silence was nice. They wrapped their arms around him in return and just stayed there for a while. The feeling of his scarf against their face. Surprisingly the yarn wasn’t as rough as it looked, which would make sense no matter how it was manufactured considering how often he wears it. And the smell. It provided them comfort, reminding them of the fact there was this man who cared. It didn’t solve everything, because honestly what could, but it did make them feel a little better.
He’s the first one to break the silence, moving back slightly so they can both see each other’s faces. “You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong, but I am here to listen. I can be quite a serious fellow, you know,” He gives them that big grin that they had come to know so well, and they manage to give him the tiniest one in return. It’s a start.
“Thank you.”
“So,” he said, still smiling. As he continued on he stuck his hat on their head then walked over to the controls. Y/n laughed quietly at the mess his hair was left in by pulling his hat off. Maybe that was his goal. “Want to go on a relaxing trip? No danger this time, just time for you.”
Y/n shook their head. Not as a way of declining his offer, they did it at the comment he made after his question. No danger. They scoffed internally. Nearly impossible with The Doctor. Come on, it’s him.
“Of course I do.”
And they were off.
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oboevallis · 3 years
christmas in the big apple
OMG ITS BEEN SO LONG!!! not my best but im glad im getting back into it! see y’all soon 😎
“You’ve really never been to New York?” Amelia asked Kai as the pair walked out of JFK.
“Never. As I’ve told you, I’m married to that lab.”Smirking, as they lingered behind Amelia. They were slightly overwhelmed by the amount of people surrounding them, this was something out of their ordinary, but with Amelia there it was worth it.
“Well we came at the best time, Christmas in New York is amazing.”
“You know we have actual work we need to do.” Kai reminded as they settled down into the taxi.
“I know, but as much as I love brains, Christmas in New York is something I believe needs to be experienced by everyone. Even if that means we spend a little time away from brains.” Amelia smiled, allowing her dimple to appear, making Kai’s heart race. With anyone else they would’ve been irritated to be taken away from the lab, but something was different. They almost wanted to blow off the lab to do all the magical Christmas in New York things.
“Okay, but when Hamilton gets pissed at us it’s on you.”
“Deal.” Amelia held her hand out to shake on it, but ended up interlocked their hands together. Making Kai roll their eyes at the cheesiness of the situation, but secretly loving it.
“I don’t know why people like this, it’s so cold.” Kai complained as they trudged beside
“You literally live in Minnesota.”
“It’s different. The people here are rude, it’s adding to the cold ambiance.”
“Come on just survive until we get to the cafe.”
“Why can’t we just take a taxi?”
“It’s not the same!” Amelia exclaimed, faking a hurt expression.
“Alright but if I get hypothermia it’s on you.”
“Well maybe if you stopped your complaining you’d realize we’re here.” Kai stopped walking, rolled their eyes,and looked at the building before opening the door for Amelia.
“You find a seat and I’ll go get us some coffee.” Kai nodded in agreement and found a half booth, and found themselves looking out the window at the ice skaters. As a kid they played a lot of hockey, and found themself actually wanting to skate with Amelia. Something that threw them for a curve, romance and the things couples did wasn’t something they ever thought about. But now with Amelia, they found themselves wanting to do it all, and pretend they were in a Hallmark Christmas special.
“Cheesecake?” Kai asked as Amelia came back to the table. “I thought we were getting coffee to warm up.”
“We can, but you need to try this. It’s the best cheesecake you’ll ever have in your entire life.”
“My entire life?” Kai asked as they picked up the form they were handed.
“Your entire life.” Amelia nodded, encouraging them to try it.
“Mkay it not terrible.” Kai admitted.
“Oh shut up, you know it’s the best.”
“Alright it’s definitely up there.” Kai smiled before taking another bite. “Do you think we can do that?” They pointed out the window to the ice skaters.
“Really? You want to do ice skating?”
“Yeah why not, I’m not great but if you’re there to help me I’ll be fine.” Kai internally laughed, knowing they’d probably out skate Amelia.
“I don’t know how much he’ll I’ll be.” Amelia beamed. “The last time I went ice skating I sprained my ankle, so if that happens you’ll be stuck with that mess.”
“How’d you sprain it the last time?”
“I took Meredith’s kids, and her youngest fell and the oldest almost ran over her fingers. So I maneuvered myself to prevent that, no fingers were cut but I couldn’t walk for a week.”
“That god complex isn’t just in the OR huh?” Kai joked.
“Hey! That wasn’t a god complex move that was me preventing my niece from having no fingers.”
“I was just messing with you.” Kai smiled, relaxing a bit. They loved when Amelia got flustered.
“All right, I’ll try to help you skate, but I’m not great myself.”
Amelia admired as Kai maneuvered a syringe into an artificial brain. No matter what lab they were in, Kai always beamed this was their happy place. Amelia had pretty much only dated surgeons or other people in medicine, but no one had ever matched her passion for it as Kai did.
“Are you gonna keep staring at me or actually help?” Kai playfully asked, as the extracted the needle.
“Why don’t we go ice skating now?” Amelia suggested.
“You are always itching to be in the lab, why are you so desperate to get out.”
“Because it’s Christmas time and we’re in New York freaking city, the place where Christmas was intended to be.”
“It’s cute seeing you like this you know. But seriously after ice skating we’ve got to actually get a substantial amount of work done.”
“I hate you.” Amelia glared as she gripped onto the side of the wall, as she watched them twirl around. “How do you know how to skate so well?”
“15 years of hockey.”
“You are the worst!” Amelia exclaimed as she pushed herself off the wall, Kai then catching her and helping her maneuver over the ice.
“My dad said that when I first started skating at 4 I was already crossing while skating.”
“Oh shut up!”
“I thought you were gonna be the one helping me.” Kai joked, a comfortable silence enveloping them as Kai support Amelia as the pair skated.
“How many times have you even skated.” Kai asked breaking the silence.
“Tons of times, I grew up around here.”
“Yeah, it was always a tradition to go skating. That’s the only reason I do it, my brother loved traditions. They were real important to him, I like to keep him alive that way.”
“Oh wow I’m so sorry I didn’t realize he had passed.”
“You just keep winning points with me.” Amelia smirked in a morbid way, she loved not just being stuck as Derek’s little sister.
“I know we’re not sharing a milkshake in a sterile lab.”
“This isn’t sterile.” Amelia snorted.
“We’ll it’s not a place intended for milkshakes. And this is not the season intended for milkshakes.”
“You know you try to have this Debby Downer façade but I see right through it. You love all this.”
“You know I do. This is the first Christmas season in a loooong time I haven’t been in a lab, and though I love my work, it’s good to spend the season differently.”
“Thanks for letting me subject you to it.” Amelia smiled swaying side to side in the rolling chair. “You know if you dint have any plans my sisters and I usually host this big Christmas dinner if you want to come, I know it’s kinda out of your way from Minnesota to Seattle but it’s available if you want to.”
“I’d love too.” Kai answered, quicker than they normally would have.
“Sounds like a plan.” Amelia smiled trying to conceal her blush.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Kai echoed.
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