#im very stubborn but im very good at taking orders. i can be good i promise
soldier-poet-king · 1 month
I think if someone told me I was doing a good job, and I genuinely believed that they meant it, I would simply Pass Out
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alexa-fika · 5 months
Picky eaters, Tricky givers( Mihawk x gn!sick!child!reader)
A/N: Here is to the anon that requested a sick scenario with mihawk, but my brain farted massively and wasn’t able to understand the request, maybe I ‘ll have something in a bit for you to make up for it 👀 Yall did I or did I not COOK WITH THAT TITLE IM SO SMART AND COOL AND HYPE
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I hope you get well soon anon : ( and thank you for your kind words!
Dividers by @/saradika
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Mihawk enters his child’s room, ready to awaken them from their long slumber
“Reader, it is now noon; you should not be in bed at this time.”
A groan is all he receives as sniffles escape the bundle of blankets
Mihawk sighs and shakes his head as he starts pulling the mountain of blankets that laid on the bed.
“No matter how often I try, you are so difficult to awake...Come now; it is time to get up.” He said pulling the covers all the way
They groan at the loss of heat, sweat covering their body and face red, heavy breaths leaving the child
Mihawk sharp eyes were quick to notice the sweat covering the child’s body and his flushed red skin.
“You’re ill...” the swordsman states
“Im not…” they mumble, squeezing their eyes tighter before slightly opening them, eyes dazed
The child’s voice was barely audible to Mihawk; having to slightly lean closer to properly make out what they were saying.
Mihawk’s eyes furrow upon hearing his child’s reply and seeing their hazy and dazed eyes.
Even though they tried to deny being sick, it was clear that something was awry.
“That is highly unlikely given your current state,” Mihawk said, glancing at the small child, putting his hand over their forehead gingerly
“Im okay, look, im okay,” they drawled, pulling themselves up
Mihawk’s eyebrows furrowed as he watched his child attempt to get up, Sighing as he put biscuits hands on their shoulders to push them back into the bed
“Lay Down”
“You are clearly unwell; I can see your body temperature rising, and you are drenched in sweat... You are clearly unwell... Do not oppose me on this... I will not allow you to leave your bed until you are in full health,” Mihawk spoke sternly yet calmly.
The navy warlord’s eyes were fixated on his child as if trying to gauge the severity of their health.
“Is this regarding the medicine?”
They pout but don’t respond
Mihawk sighed
“I know you hate the medicine... But you must take it for your own good... ,” Mihawk told them carresing their head
“I don’t need it. Im not sick.”
Mihawk’s gentle caress comes to an abrupt pause when he hears his child’s words. He was clearly annoyed with the denial of the child’s sickness.
However, the child’s feverish responses were not matching with their words.
The child’s temperature was still rising, and they were getting increasingly sweaty.
“You need to hydrate yourself; you have lost too much water overnight, and the medicine.”
“It’s yucky.”
Mihawk lets out a light chuckle as he hears his child speak.
He continues to stroke the child’s hair as he replies, clearly amused by what they have to say.
“You can’t avoid things just because they are distasteful; you must accept things whether they are unpleasant or not... So drink the medicine; it will only take a few seconds.”
Mihawk sighed as they just shook their head, realizing this was not going to get him anywhere; only the same loop would repeat if he were to continue this approach.
“I will let the medicine be postponed for later in the day, but you must consume liquids in the meantime.”
They nod, happy with this development
“Apple juice!”
His child was, at times very stubborn about a lot of things, however their desires were quite simple.
“Very well,” he said, leaving them room and shortly returning with said drink.
Mihawk gently tilts his child’s head back, holding the cup filled with juice above their lips.
“Here, thread carefully, as I do not want you to choke,” Mihawk says with a soft but firm voice.
He awaits for the child to follow his orders.
They smiled, taking quickly, drinking the juice until they realized what they were drinking was not juice at all but the medicine that their father had strategically placed behind the juice, a straw in the cup of medicine rather than the juice.
They scrunch their eyes, moving backwards to spit the liquid out, stopped by their father's hand followed by his gentle touch trailing down his throat, stimulating their swallowing mechanism.
Mihawk chuckles as he watches the child realize that the “juice” was actually the medicine he’d been trying to give them.
Clearly, his methods of trying to get his child to consume the medicine were more effective than previously thought.
“ Perhaps next time you should just drink it the first time; I will make you drink it one way or the other,” Mihawk smirks.
“Meanie!” They exclaimed, digging themselves into their cocoons of blankets, leaving a chuckling Mihawk out of view
“I will leave your drink on the table. Be sure to stay hydrated, but do nor rush it.”
The only response he received was the child poking their head momentarily to stick their to tongue out at him
“I take it that you do not want the beverage? If that is the case, I will simply take it; I would rather not waste resources if you will not drink them.”
“No!” They exclaimed, shooting up, grabbing the drink, and gulping it down, glaring at their father as they did
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I get more worried each time I do this that Mihawk is so oc to the point that it doesn’t resemble Mihawk anymore 🙃 Is this still Mihawk? Of course I have to be kind to myself as Mihawk also Isn’t super paternal, maybe to a teen like Perona but maybe not a toddler 😂, what we thinking?
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tinykonig · 2 years
Ghost x reader headcannons
im so glad you guys are enjoying these??? i love making them and its helping me procrastinate finals :) as always these are written for afab, and sometimes include references feminine terms. if you like how i write for ghost, send me a lil request and i might turn it into something :)
NSFW indicated in post 🤍
Genuinely it takes fucking forever for Ghost to admit having feelings for you. He is in denial for soooo long
What finally makes him crack is getting critically injured on a mission and all he can think about is how he should have told you
He resolves to tell you once he comes to in the hospital. He figures it would be stupid to waste any more time
You come to see him and you think he doesn’t want you there because he can’t make eye contact with you and that’s rare for him
You just kind of awkwardly apologize for coming and turn to leave and he just barks out “Wait.”
When Ghost is getting something off his chest he gets it all out. So he’s just very bluntly telling you that you were all he could think about when he thought he was going to die and he doesn’t see the point in hiding how he feels any longer
At the end of his speech he looks at you and you are getting a little emotional and this motherfucker has the audacity to be like, “… why are you crying?”
Like you just spilled your heart out to me give me a break!!!
His entire body relaxes when you tell him you feel the same way. He didn’t even realize how tense he had been
You don’t leave his side until he’s recovered and able to fully function back to normal
He doesn’t say thank you with his words but rather his actions. His eyes tell you everything anyways
Sometimes he will glance around him to make sure no one else is watching and then just lift you into the most earth shatteringly wonderful hug
Puts you down after a few seconds and returns to whatever he was doing without a word. You grew used to this eventually
So protective. Like wont even let you walk on the side of the sidewalk thats closer to the road. Puts himself between you and any dangers
You will be his passenger princess. There is no way he lets you drive sorry thats his job, he looks damn good doing it so you dont mind
(holds your hand over the center console)
Big on acts of service. Does little domestic things for you like folds your laundry while you take a nap and offers to cook dinner every other day
Stares at you when you sleep. He thinks you look so angelic and peaceful and it makes him feel all warm inside but he’s definitely scared the shit out of you a few times
Not a fan of going out a lot. He’s a homebody when he’s not in the field
The best listener!!! He will offer advice when you ask for it or will just lend you sympathy when you don’t want advice
He does have his moments where he needs his space, and if you try to push him he can get mean
After he’s recharged and feeling back to normal he is touch. starved.
Likes to spoon, likes to watch movies with you in between his legs and laying on his chest, likes standing behind you while you are doing anything and just holding your hips
He always buries his face in your neck and just breathes deep. Could drown in your scent and be happy
It takes him awhile to remove his mask freely around you because its a feeling of vulnerability that just gnaws at him
He warms up to it over time and you see his face more and more often. Loves that you act the same either way
He has dimples (fist fight me if you disagree)
He can grow a killer beard, but trims it based on your preference because he doesn’t care either way
Very thoughtful with gifts and always remembers your birthday (sometimes forgets his own)
Knows your order for every restaurant and will make sure its correct and if its not he IS letting them know. How dare they
Literally mocks whatever accent you have constantly. Playfully but he’s brutal
If you are being stubborn he is not against just picking you up and slinging you across his shoulder
Sleeps like a rock this one
Likes to watch sports on tv and catches himself cheering his team on and then gets embarrassed (its so fucking cute)
If his mask is off and he sees any exposed part of your skin- he’s biting
And then going about his business like he didn’t just bite you???? So weird
The biting happens in the bedroom too, specifically when he cums. Your neck will have teeth marks
Switch, switch, switch
His bedroom eyes are soo severe , he just gives you a single half lidded stare and your clothes are coming off
He loves to degrade you, he doesn’t talk a lot but when he does he is telling you how pathetic you look crying on his cock
Loves to be degraded too :) Whines if you call him pussy drunk (because he is)
A little rough but king of aftercare
Loves watching you come undone on his fingers. Has a thing for wearing his gloves when he fingers you
Against the wall is a specialty of Simons
Grunts a lot, growls sometimes when he is close
You go down on him and he sometimes lets go and moans
Always returns the favor
Doesn’t do quickies or risky places
Will do about anything else
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bearw-me · 2 months
Post-extermination!Lute x fem reader? Where lute is trying to show that she's still good/strong enough for reader and she can still be independent. Along with reader comforting Lute about how she's still perfect for her. (Details and examples below bc i enjoy rambling sorry)
I imagine that after loosing her arm lute would be very showy about overcompensating for it. And that if reader even tried to treat her bit differently, like being more SLIGHTLY gentle/careful with her, lute would get offended tell her to knock it off.
Lute's a strong woman, pre-extermination her carried reader alllll the time. Post-extermination Lute would most certainly still try too (and surprisingly succeeds somehow) despite the reader's worries of being dropped or being too heavy for 1 arm.
This ranges from trying to hold all the groceries alone to trying to prove she's still good in the bedroom by not allowing the reader to help (like she'd literally tell reader to let her do it alone)
I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
dont apologize for requesting! i adore long requests! they have all the little details for the prompt included that make the story just- *chefs kiss*
𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐨 𝐈𝐭 — 𝐋𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𐐒 includes : post-extermination!lute x fem!reader 𐐒 cw : fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, mention of blood/stitches/wounds 𐐒 summary : lute's adjusting to life after extermination day, and as her girlfriend, you hope to make it easier on her 𐐒 note : i don't even know what to call my rambling anymore lol, love it
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like we all saw at the end of the season, lute is full or rage- and a little hurt
the loss of her arm, initially, didn't hurt as much as losing her best friend
it takes longer for her to heal and accept the sudden turn of events
she doesn't want it to stop her or hold her back, especially from her relationship with you (especially with the loss of adam) she'd want to hold on tight to you
(like in the ask) Lute isn't one to just be beaten down by this, its a challenge she's going to fking overcome-by herself
likes to do things for YOU instead of the other way around, like if you want a snack or something she won't even let you stand up (let alone THINK) about grabbing it yourself
definitely wouldn't tell you about how she feels unless its too much, but you can see it in her; the way she's sluggish or looking down more often.
(although im not sure atm) I assume Lute is right-handed; without the left, things can get a bit trivial at times
like when you watch her try to balance her long spear with one arm, the weight of the steel trembling between her fingers. the muscles in her arms not used to carrying the entire weight by itself
Lute carrying you with one arm: she tries like how she used to, by putting an arm under your arms to support your back-but stops when she realizes she cant pick you up bridal style
I think she could manage holding you that way, around your back if you also hold onto her by wrapping your arms around her shoulders
(on this note) you being so close to her face is the perfect opportunity for her to kiss you
Hugging her from the back is not happening- her wings and all. . .
If you tried to help her take care of her arm too; bandaging it or cleaning it; she'd refuse all help and lock herself in the bathroom until she's handled it herself
(you can hear a ton of mumbled swearing and things knocking around)
its not a you thing, its a her thing; she needs to prove to herself that she can do it
Lute would hate all the flowers the other exterminators would get her; to the point she wouldn't even acknowledge the roses you placed on her nightstand
she's too stubborn to ever say it, but she's thankful you're still with her: Lute giving you soft kisses when she thinks your asleep, whispering all the 'thank you's' she doesn't think she could ever say to you awake
The loss of her arm pushes her to work harder, especially on the arm she still has in order to compensate for what happened
Technically, the hell-spawn didn't take her arm, but they still took a lot from her- she doesn't want that to mean they could take you from her too
You bet your ass the day will come where she picks up that spear again, better than fucking ever
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desceros · 5 months
Hello! Hope you're having a good day. Is it OK if I ask you a question?
How is it you manage to maintain really great flow with your readers POV in your long fic? For example, you maintain really good consistency with their thoughts and how the story is meant to be perceived so nothing seems sudden or out of the blue.
Do you reread your previous chapters a lot before posting the next or is it your beta reader who tracks this for you? Thank you for your time!
hello hello!! yes of course; i love getting questions like this. as for beta readers, i’ve never been one to use them. i support the practice fully. i just don’t have the patience to wait for feedback, hahaha!
mostly, this effect is because of my writing style, mechanically speaking. my writing is like knitting. as opposed to quilt-style writers, who can take little pieces of a story and sew them together at the end, i am a knitting-style writer, and i like to start at the bottom and gradually climb to the top. i write from beginning to end, and i like things to flow from a to b to c to d with as few gaps as i can get away with while still keeping things interesting.
i used to have an internal rule that i didnt like time skips because that’s time in the character’s life that could be used to develop them. while i’ve matured out of that, i still prefer to keep skips short, and i refer back to things that happened during those skips to keep that development. (an example in symphony is how i say that leo sends you funny memes all the time. i don’t show it, i tell it; but sometimes, telling is an economical alternative and the showing isn’t necessary for Every Little Detail.)
i can count on one hand the number of times i’ve written a scene out of order. writing out of order is a really good recommendation if you’re feeling stuck on a scene (just skip it and go to the next one you don’t feel stuck on) but i’ve… never been one to take that advice, haha. my writing builds and builds on itself over the course of the story, so if i miss a step, it’s more annoying later to sew it in. i just plow through the current scene like a stubborn mule cutting through clay.
a side effect of this is that my writing has very good flow, as you say. it takes a lot longer to write this way, and i have to trudge through less interesting scenes before i get to what i Really wanna write, which can be demotivating if im not excited enough for the project as a whole, buuuut… for a reader, i personally think it’s a superior experience. and there are times when i Never get stuck on a scene, and things just flow out of my hands like water. what a magical feeling that is when it happens! that’s how you can get absurd feats like me writing euclidean line in three days.
for my longer works, eg symphony, when i sit down to write, i skim the previous chapter to recall events. then i deep-read the last scene of that chapter (eg talking with leo at the end of chap. 22) and then i’ll start writing the next chapter. this makes sure that there’s continuity from the end of the previous chapter to the beginning of the next; and then because of the aforementioned way i write knitting-style, the new chapter is cohesive internally with itself. as a result, there is one long, continuous stream of flow that could be read from beginning to end without being jarring to do so.
besides all this, it really helps to have a strong mental picture of everything. what i mean is… i know who viola-chan is. how she talks. how she thinks. how she reacts to things. i can keep her very consistent from one scene to the next because i understand her. i know the plot of the fic very well. i know where i am and where i’m going in the story. i know the world i’ve built. i can weave all of these things together organically (almost like yarn, one could say, hoho…). a lot of power the author has comes from the establishment of strong characters living in a strong world and interacting with it via a strong plot. when those three things harmonize consistently over time, it creates a solid experience for the reader that Oh. This Is A Real Person In A Real Place Doing Real Things. Yeah. and that right there is the thing i think that all authors strive to improve every day.
anyway! wow! long answer. but thank you for such a thoughtful question!!
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cannoliparty · 3 months
hi !! can i ask for an analysis of the thief of doom? it happens to be my assigned classpect and i want to understand it more slash get outside perspectives. Thanks!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
first of all, its been almost a month since my last classpect analysis!! i got into this period of huge demotivation for writing and im trying to get back into it, sorry ^_^;
but a thief of doom seems soo cool.... doom is a fun aspect to look at in general!
the thief
"the active stealing class, thieves are the players that “steal their aspect/steal through their aspect for their own benefit”. they often feel the need to hoard parts of their aspect and be very proficient with it, and this makes their challenge learning to share their aspect with others. they are often selfish, impulsive people, but thieves are usually witty enough to use this to their own benefit with their aggressive power. more emphasis on the sharing, this would lead to the thief learning to further trust others in the areas of their aspect!"
a good example of a thief is vriska, thief of light. light elements include luck, knowledge, and sometimes the spotlight. throughout the comic, vriska "steals" luck from various sources to use herself! not to mention how shes literally inserted herself into every major plot point in the comic as much as she can, in order to secure the spotlight and be as relevant as possible!
her imperial condescension is also a thief of life! this is shown in the way she dictates alternia as a violent society, that in turn "takes/steals" life. most of alternia in itself is centered around the condesce, and she herself is very selfish. she also knows how to share life with others when needed, shown when she lengthens the psiioniic's lifespan so he may power her ship for longer. this hoarding of life is also represented through her extremely lengthy lifespan!
note: none of these thieves really got to complete their class-centered challenge of learning to share their aspect... but thats alright, as speculation really isnt anything new in classpecting!
doom is a lot of literal but figurative things! such as decay, inevitability, rules, caution, etc. doom players often take easy comfort in the inevitable, whether its bad or not. theyll leave the end to fate! as said in the extended zodiac, heroes of doom are more like comforters of your problems than problem-solvers. they might be very cautious, rule-abiding, and/or mentally/physically dreadful.
a tragic example is sollux, mage of doom. mages know the ins and outs of their aspect, having lived with and through it for a good deal of time! sollux, as a mage, lives through and knows the doom of psiioniic powers and mood swings, at times being either uncontrollable or very stubborn/clear-cut. he also knew a lot about sgrub, a game that would later be the "doom" of the trolls! he acted on his knowledge of doom, helping his friends getting into the game. but later, after being KOd, sollux became very passive and simply accepted the decay of doom, later using a "h0ll0wed 0ut" typing quirk and not caring for much of reality. i believe this passiveness was his failure, as sollux gave up on the mage's challenge of becoming in control of their aspect with their knowledge.
then there is mituna, heir of doom. heirs completely embody their aspect, basically "inheriting" it. this is obvious in the instance where he sacrifices himself to keep his friends and their universe intact! the outcome is mituna in a decayed/frayed state, physically and mentally embodying doom.
the thief of doom
a thief of doom is interesting to think of! in my opinion, they would steal doom-related elements such as caution, decay, etc.
to the thief, caution and knowledge of the inevitable is comforting, no matter what happens in the end. this thief dislikes uncertainty, and with uncertainty is unpredictability. thats why they also steal the caution from the people around them! this leads to the thief's allies to be left with a bigger sense of risk-taking and unpredictability. their session becomes more unstable and people start to take more rash decisions! meanwhile the thief sits in their private corner, hoarding their comfort.
but there are, of course, pros to the extreme!! think of a thief of doom stealing your bad ending, like taking a hit for you in battle, or taking away your negative feelings through careful comfort. this thief can be hard on themselves sometimes, especially inadvertently. thats why its especially important they have good friends to help ease their feelings of decay!
but a thief should also share their great deal of their aspect when they want/need to! think of the thief planting bad consequences in enemy lines, or giving an ally doom, but conveniently on their god-tiering bed! the thief of doom absolutely shouldnt be afraid to get creative!
thieves are great! they correlate with their aspect in such an intense but deep way, like its something impossible to separate them from.
overall, i hope this is a reasonable blog post!! i always love talking about classpects but im never sure how others find it as a source of info.. as always, appreciate the feedback, and tysm <3!!!
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valeriianz · 7 months
10 fandoms / 10 characters / 10 tags
tagged by @virgo-dream and @seiya-starsniper, thank you! this took me a while... the way my hyperfixations work is, i'll completely devote myself to a piece of media for a time... then once i find something else i move on almost entirely lol. i of course still have a very soft spot for the shows/video games listed here (as well as my blorbos, such as they are) but the only fandom im currently active in is, of course, Sandman.
1: Levi Ackerman - Attack on Titan
I am in a love/hate relationship with AoT lmao (and some day i WILL finish the final season) but nothing, not even fandom war, will ever change my love for Levi. I'm obsessed with his backstory, how he came into the Survey Corps, and how it all sheds light on the decisions he makes and the tragedies he suffered through. I was fascinated by him since S1 and after the No Regrets manga came out, I was done for. He has been through so much and despite how cruel and unforgiving he seems, he actually has the biggest heart and-- guh I just love him. He deserves the world ;^;
2: Zuko - Avatar the Last Airbender
Truly was torn between Zuko or Katara... but I have always had mad respect for Zuko's redemption arc and how brilliantly it was written. I love how it takes a full season and a half for him to have this war within himself, that he makes the right decision but then regresses... before literally becoming sick with indecision and change. And then he finally proves his worth and becomes the most loyal friend and a perfect leader to rebuild a broken society. I'm a sucker for good character stories, and Zuko's arc in ATLA is my hands down favorite ever.
3: Roxas - Kingdom Hearts
God I just love tragic male characters, huh? lmao. This one is a no brainer to me. Roxas is the OG blorbo. I fell in love with him at the tender age of 17 and have never looked back. He is kind and loyal but also a feral gremlin. He is so goofy but sad and god dammit, I love his voice and his baby blue eyes. Also this line, "This could have been the other way around." *shakes fist* MY BOY!
4: Faye Valentine - Cowboy Bebop
We love complex characters in this house! Faye has all the traits of a character I usually wouldn't vibe with: she's arrogant (without much to back it up lol), lazy, and is susceptible to addictions. But oooh do I love a character who uses negative traits to hide how emotionally vulnerable they are. Faye appears strong, mean, and confident to a fault, but inside she craves companionship and is incredibly lonely (despite her lone wolf tendencies). Rewatching the show as an adult, I found Faye and I have a lot in common lol. She needs a hug.
5: Hob Gadling - The Sandman
Do I really need to say anything? lol I love that Hob is the fandom's plaything; molding and shaping him and writing him in all sorts of different ways... but I do adore his canon character. He is brash, stubborn, at times cruel and violent... but then immeasurably kind, loyal, and forgiving. He takes on immortality in unexpected ways. he thrives, he suffers, he works, he regresses, he makes mistakes, he learns from them, he changes... he is THE human experience.
6: Daenerys Targaryen - Game of Thrones
Robbed. Robbed. Absolutely robbed. The writers did Daenerys so dirty, I refuse to accept the final 3 seasons of GOT as canon lmao. (and here's another thing: I would totally accept her spiral into "madness" if it had been handled seriously. If the writers didn't just pull this out of their ass and instead thoughtfully worked in justifiable reasoning for her to go crazy). I'm 100% a stan and there's actually nothing you can say that will change my mind :)
7: Cal Kestis - Star Wars, Jedi: Fallen Order
My SON. My BOY! I have the adoption papers ready.
8: Tifa Lockhart - Final Fantasy VII
Another OG blorbo lmao. She's been with me since I was a teenager (also I always shipped her with Cloud, not Aerith. I do however ship Aerith and Zack... the latter whom almost made this list. Anyway-). Tifa is the badass motherfucker with a heart of gold. She is insanely loyal and truly the wisest of the bunch.
9: Mickey Milkovich - Shameless
ANOTHER BROKEN CHARACTER WHO GOES THROUGH EXTREME DEVELOPMENT? Can anyone sense a pattern?? This motherfuckerrrr *shakes Mikey and slaps him in the face and sobs* God I love it when a seemingly irredeemable character goes THROUGH IT and comes out shining a new, yet somehow the same old, sarcastic bitch.
(Also please note that Lip Gallagher almost made this list. Another shining example of the writers doing his character the WORST injustice just to keep him on the show. He should have stayed in college. He almost GOT OUT. He almost broke the chain. What he did was not in line with his character and I will stay mad about it).
10: Cesare Borgia - The Borgias
THIS. GUY! AURGH!! Arrogant, violent, sexy bastard. You piece of shit. Cesare actually did everything wrong, he doesn't want to be redeemed. But he is so fucking charismatic and I love that he uses it to his advantage. He's so fucking smart and quick on his feet. He's SUCH an asset on the battlefield. And he LOVES his family! He will kill a bitch with his bare hands if they dare insult his mother or sister. I love that he grumbles when given advice from literally anyone that isn't his most trusted friend, bodyguard, and assassin, Micheletto. Doesn't even flinch when he discovers Micheletto is gay, actually teases him for being a momma's boy, and genuinely grieves for his loss when he flees. He says out loud how he misses him and actually begins to doubt himself without Micheletto there to counsel him. Cesare is everything to me, actually.
tagging, no pressure!: @rainy-days-and-nights @the-cloudy-dreamer @kemurai6-dominion-of-dust @ferelden-loser @teejaystumbles @tj-dragonblade @hardly-an-escape @sutoribenda @quillingwords @mathomhouse-e
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finniestoncrane · 10 months
Here for a blind date!
Im 18, going on 19, asexual. I have some sensory issues and social anxiety. I'm generally very well organized, neat freak, I'll constantly tidy up my space, organize thing, even when its already clean. I like to do things at my own pace, namely in small bursts. Its easier to manage. As I easily get overwhelmed. I write, draw, sow, namely embroidery and pacthes, and dabble in some video game programming when I can! I tend to keep to my own corner, I try to be cordial, a good listner, and provide a safe space for others. I'm admittedly also very independent and stubborn to a fault.
I also own a pet Chinchilla named Wallace!
💜 blind date 💜 the kitchen is now closed! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: next time you come, bring the chinchilla. i want to see him💚
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"Hi, and welcome to the Vill-Inn! Just signal if you need to be saved at any point. Your guest has already... what's a polite term? Lectured? He's already lectured us all, so we will understand."
When you get closer to the table, your date looks up at you, studying you for a moment before he introduces himself.
"Edward Nygma. I'll find out your name later if I'm still interested. Please, sit down."
He's quick to explain to you what he was complaining about earlier, something about the order in which they were tending to guests, and how it would be more efficient if they followed his way, and also they really should strive to lay the cutlery out differently because it makes no sense. You're not really sure what he's saying, you're too busy staring at him with little love hearts in your eyes. A man after your own heart. And when you explain to him that you are also very organised, and a bit of a neat freak, he returns the look.
"Hm... interesting. What did you say your name was?"
You've got him hooked. He's even beginning to get interested in you, beyond subjects that he himself has a passing interest in. Truly a sign that he's keen. Although, while he is polite and listens as you talk about your more artistic hobbies, you do find it hard to shut him up when you broach the subject of video game programming.
"Please, tell me more. But only after I've finished speaking on the matter, as I believe I might be a bit more skilled than you. Than anyone, really!"
You're a polite person, so you let him go on. it feels like you're doing him a favour, giving him a space to just be himself and talk about the things he likes to a sympathetic ear, rather than someone who is rolling their eyes and waiting to tell him to shut up.
"I appreciate this. I can admit I have a tendency to... wax lyrically. So thank you for listening."
You assure him that the feeling is mutual, you're thankful that he listened to you, but you're grateful to hear his takes and for him to impart his wisdom. A fact that fills him with so much joy, a feeling of being appreciated, finally, that he can't help but ask for another date.
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Hey, you can call me Brook! I was wondering if I could get a match up for a couple fandoms?
I’d like Haikyuu, My Hero, Demon Slayer, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, and Obey me!
If these are too many, feel free to just pick a few out of them! I would really like one of them to be haikyuu though.
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pan/Demi
Zodiac: Aquarius
Appearance: 5’9”, chubby thighs and belly, hazel eyes, shoulder length brown hair (with blonde streaks), glasses
Personality: I’m pretty quiet. I am however very sarcastic and even witty. I keep to myself normally. I tend to stay out of people's business, and people stay out of mine (i prefer to observe). I’m a true neutral on just about everything. I like things to be calm most times, but a bit of chaos is definitely needed. I get bored quickly and need something happening around me constantly, just simple things like a show or music in the background. I don’t listen to most people, i like to do things my own way. i’m very stubborn. i’m very cold to people i don’t really know or like, once i open up though you discover my sense of humour and my general clinginess to the people i actually like (which is very few people).
Likes: Volleyball, badminton, sketching, anime, video games, the color purple, heated blankets, sweet foods and salty foods (never together), cats, the smell of vanilla, cold weather, the nighttime, napping in the day, when you go to bed for the night, music, candles, mangas, baking, the stars, space, snow days, science classes
Dislikes: Spicy foods, being told what to do, super hot weather, being woken up, homework, having to actually do things, cooking
Extras: Resting Bitch Face. looks like they could kill you, is a cinnamon roll. my love languages are quality time and words of affection. im a picky eater. i love to complain.
If you aren't taking matchups right now, thats fine! Just ignore this!
Hi Brook! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. This is more than I usually do but I don't have a limit to how many matchups you can request so you're all good! I hope you like your matchups!
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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Nishinoya loves your quietly sarcastic personality. You make a good balance of loud and quiet but people know not to do anything that gets the two of you to gang up on them. You’re both equally sassy.
He appreciates that you’re there for him. He doesn’t really talk about important things a lot but when he feels the need, he’s glad you��re there for him, even if you're not a good listner.
Please play volleyball with him! He would love getting to share his biggest passion with the person he cares about.
Also loves sharing naps with you. I see Nishinoya as someone who has short naps through the day when he gets a quiet moment. It’s how he gets his seemingly unending energy. And he always sleeps best when you’re with him.
Star gazing dates! He doesn’t know much about the stars but he’s willing to learn. He knows a few good spots around town that have a nice view of the sky.
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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Oh, the quiet, sarcastic duo you and Shinsou would be. No one stands a chance against you two.
Nap buddies! Some of Shinsou’s favourite moments are when the two of you are laying together, both on the verge of sleep and he gets to look over at your relaxed face. He feels honoured that you’re so comfortable around him.
I see his love language as quality time as well so you can be sure you’ll spend a lot of time together. Sometimes that time comes in the form of talking or doing things together. Other times, it’s just enjoying the silence together.
Please take him to a cat cafe. You’ll both have the time of your lives and become regulars there. The staff know your orders off by heart at this point.
I think Shinsou would be surprisingly good at cooking so he doesn't mind taking on that role in your relationship. He knows you don’t like things too spicy and will tailor any dishes to your tastes.
In Demon Slayer, I match you with...
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Another quiet one. Giyu is so glad you’re in his life. He already has to deal with the other Hashira and the kids. He doesn’t need another loud person.
Enjoys spending quality time with you. He doesn’t get a lot of free time with his work but when he does get a day off, he wants to spend it with you.
Giyu does find your stubborn streak annoying at times. He’s got to know that telling you what to do doesn’t work so instead, he’ll suggest things when he thinks he needs to. Otherwise, he lets you do what you want. You’re capable of being responsible for yourself and he recognises that.
As strange as this is going to sound, he likes that you like the same smells. I see Giyu as someone who likes gentle scents like vanilla so he wouldn’t mind getting some incense sticks to place around the house.
Please bake things for him, especially if he’s going away on a mission for a while. He’d smile to see your cooking wrapped up in his bag for him to enjoy.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Another nap buddy! Layla’s sleeping habits only get worse when encouraged by your napping.
Appreciates that you stay out of people's business. She’s not a super nosey person herself so she’s glad you’re the same in that regard.
Layla enjoys watching your sketch things, she finds it relaxing watching the drawing unfold before her eyes.
If you ever draw her or give her one of your drawings, she’s going to pin it up on her wall so she can see it every day. It gives her motivation. You worked hard to make that, she can work hard as well.
With her cryo powers, you won’t have to worry about hot weather. If it’s getting too warm, she’ll just drop the temperature around you for some respite.
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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March is without a doubt the most outgoing person in this list. She’s the one to draw you out of your shell and bring out the best in you.
Really good with words of affection and quality time. She just somehow always knows what to say and will always make time for you.
If there’s something in your meal you don’t like, March is more than happy to eat it instead. She’s not picky about her food so she’ll eat pretty much anything you don’t want to.
There are definitely going to be stargazing dates with March. The Astral Express is one of the best places to see the stars but she likes looking at the sky on each new planet with you as well.
Definitely not someone to tell you what to do. March usually does her own thing as well, so even if she did want to tell you to do something, she’d feel like a hypocrite doing it.
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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The ultimate nap buddy. You thought Shinsou and Layla were the perfect companions for a nap? Nope, Belphie takes that title.
You’re going to bond mainly over napping and your shared love of going to bed. But you have other similarities as well.
People know not to get on either of your bad sides. You’re very observant and they know what a power couple you are when you gang up on a shared enemy.
Dates in the observatory, looking at the stars. Belphie spends a lot of time there so he knows a bit about the sky. He’ll also keep track of meteor showers so he can take you to a lookout to watch them together.
He’s not great with words of affection but he’s good with quality time. Even if you’re both asleep, Belphie feels your presence and the warmth of being with someone he cares about.
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daywalkers-fic · 10 months
my plans to keep up with this month's prompts in chronological order have gone out the window so here I am once again, I'm torn into pieces. I offer a short story about meeting a “tall, handsome, stranger” that not only smacks you in the head, but might also be trying to rob you too.
Im a fan of interactive fiction - the community on tumblr is amazing!! writing Daywalkers as one did cross my mind early on—a fun thought I might entertain again someday. here’s my shot at writing in the second person. not proofread, pls pardon me.
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yeehawgust day 7: tall, handsome, stranger
The sun beat down mercilessly overhead as your train pulled into town. You had undone your neckerchief and the first top buttons of your shirt, loosening the fabric to better fan yourself with it. Sensibilities be damned—the only thing on your mind was a bath and a good night’s rest.
“Excuse me,” you said, approaching the nearest station attendant, “How might I get to Charlie Quigg's bar from here?”
“Ser,” he greeted you with a polite nod, “You're looking for Sally's Singin' Spittoon Saloon?”
You couldn't recall the exact name of your uncle’s bar, but you remembered that it was something long with an odd rhyme—Sally's Singin' Spittoon Saloon was close enough. “Yes, thank you.”
“It's a short-way’s walk south of here,” he pointed to the road in front of the station, “Head down towards the post office. Make a left, and the saloon’ll be right across from Ferne's Inn.”
Relieved to hear that your destination wasn't too far from where you were, you thanked him and hurried on your way. You should be at your uncle's in no time.
—Or, so you thought.
Thirty minutes later, you were still melting under the summer sun, still with all your luggage, and still, not yet at your uncle's. Ferne's Inn was easy enough find, there was a painted sign that read “FERNE’S INN”. It was your uncle’s bar that was nowhere to be found. Across the inn was a boarded-up barn. Unless Uncle Charlie sold his business without the family knowing, you were in the wrong place. You went back to the station twice and back to retrace your steps—to no avail. There was no sign of Sally or her Singin' Spittoon Saloon anywhere.
Defeated, you headed to the inn in a dizzying trance. The heat fatigue was really getting to you.
“Hi,” the woman at the front desk chirped, “Welcome to Ferne's Inn.”
“One room and bath, please,” you replied hoarsely.
“We have a few vacancies. Do you have any particulars? Size? View? We have a room ready on our first floor, but many of our guests stay and enjoy the cozy—”
Bless this woman. She was doing a very good job to ensure that your room was to your liking, but you were becoming irritably restless. “I’ll take the first floor.”
“Room 1C it is then! You can go on ahead and get settled in. I’ll come fetch you when the bath room is ready.”
You’re not you when you’re overheating—is anyone? You body was built for the cooler seasons back home. Newbarrow summers were more dry than humid, but it was still too hot for you. Could you last the summer here?
After a wash and quick meal, you felt much better. Alert and refreshed, the change of clean clothes was also very comforting. You were on your way out to speak with front desk again when the door to your room opened. Unfortunately, you were too distracted to notice, fiddling with a stubborn button on your sleeve, and walked right into it. There was a concerning smack! as your face hit the wood.
“Shit!” you hissed, cradling your head.
“Christ alive!” a voice yelped.
A hammering pain shot to your forehead, and the hit to your nose made your eyes water terribly. Your fingers immediately brushed over the tender areas, checking for blood. You'll definitely be waking up tomorrow with bruises, but you were at least glad to feel that nothing was broken or bleeding. Through your tearing eyes, you looked up at the stranger in your doorway.
They stood at least a head and a hat taller than you. You blinked to clear your vision and get a better look at them. As their features came into focus, your breath faltered.
This was not good.
Before your trip, you had read about a string of crimes in the area. A gang of “devishly good looking” crooks were wanted for robbery and assault—their victims were often single, lone travelers.
Here you were, an unaccompanied newcomer that should have been more cautious, and they, a handsome stranger, was almost towering over you in your room.
You retreated backwards, head throbbing and heart racing. To your horror, the stranger stepped in further after you.
“Careful, are you alright?” “I don’t have any money!”
They blinked. “You think I’m here to rob you…?”
You looked away, refusing to participate in whatever mind games they were trying to play. There was no need to stare at your attractive assailant for any longer, either—you had seen enough to identify them later on. Never mind their hair, their rolled up sleeves, their deep brown eyes that complimented their skin and framed their face nicely—
No. Should you die today, you will not go down without a fight. You used your body weight to push them out into the hall and lock the door.
Of course their arms would catch your door before it closed. “I’m not here to rob you.”
“That’s exactly what a robber would say!” you grunted, fighting to close the door on them.
“Hey! I—ok, that might be true. But I’m not here to hurt you!”
“Get away from me!”
“Why are you so strong?”
“I'm fast, too. I'll be at the police station faster than you can even follow!”
“If anyone here is a criminal, it's you!”
Fine, you'll bite. “What do you mean?”
“You were behind the door all small and sneaky. You were waiting to ambush me!”
“What is that supposed to—!” “Will you just—!”
In the moment of confusion, your force on the door faltered and it swung open. You stumbled backwards and they fell forward towards you. They were able to catch themselves on the door frame, and managed to also catch you before you could fall, too. Their hands were firm on your arm, enough to steady you, but gentle enough so as not to hurt you. Wide eyes and heavy breaths met yours, the two of you stayed like this for a few still seconds. You could feel warmth bloom from under your skin, spreading up across your entire face—sore forehead and nose, cheeks and all. You were the first to look away, and they were the first so speak again.
“What are you doing in my room?” they asked slowly, releasing your arm.
Now you were feeling doubtful. You looked at the plated letter on the front door. “No, this is my room.”
They opened their mouth to say something, but immediately pressed their lips shut after looking at the the room number.
“…this is not Room 1E.”
You remained where you were, unsure if this was a part of their schtick or if they truly did mistake your room for theirs. You watched their face ease from confusion to worry, and then shock.
“I am so sorry,” they groaned, their face now in their hands. “My friend got me a room here last night. I was so tired, the only thing I could remember was it being down the right hall”—they dropped their hands with another groan—“I should’ve checked when I went out this morning. I apologize for startling you.”
You were inching back further into your room and moving slowly behind the door again, putting some distance between you. You’ll check their alibi with the front desk later. For now, you just wanted this person to leave.
“Exhausted delirium,” you nodded politely, “I get it.”
“Yeah,” they smiled at you sheepishly.
You couldn’t stand them looking at you like that.
“I, uh”— why were you getting flustered? They were the one in the wrong.
“Right. I’ll leave you to your day, then.” They took off their hat to run a nervous hand through their hair before putting it back on to nod at you.
“Take care,” you forced a small smile before quickly closing the door with the lock.
Shaken, you slumped down against the door. It hadn’t even been a full day yet and you managed to lose your family, almost get murdered, and awkwardly meet a tall, handsome, stranger. Was this worth writing to your friends back home about?
From the other side, you heard their voice trail down the hall, muttering. “The last time damn time Nicky takes me to the Spittoon…I swear I’ll…”
You shot up and scrambled for the door, poking your head out to call after them. “Hey! Wait!”
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I had no one particular in mind writing this :) just two random characters. Gender neutral encounter that also harkens to my aroace panik of meeting attractive people.
alternatively, I had a cursed a idea to write something about a group of three cowpoke friends nicknamed “tall”, “handsome”, and “strange”.
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shinobuscanonwife · 2 years
HII!!! Kikuo Anon is back!! With another request xD
Im still so embarrassed that I submitted that other request when i was still writing😭😭 im still super sorry about that! but anyways…!
Could i request The Hashiras with new demon slayer recruits/people that have Asuka Langley Soryu, Rei Ayanami, & Shinji Ikari personality’s
(I know this is a lot😭 but i thought if it as a great idea! you can find their personality’s right here!! But thank you for writing my requests😭 I couldn’t thank you enough & the new recruits pronouns will be she/her for the girls and just he/him for the boy)
Thank you!! And have a great day :D
All of these are platonic!! I hope that's okay D:
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(sorry if all of hers are kind of long I love and relate to Asuka sm)
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You were her knew tsuguko. She saw a lot of potential in you and that's why she chose you. Your proud personality is what makes you a good tsuguko and a determined demon slayer you both don't always get along due to how aggressive and opinionated you are but you and Mitsuri have a bond that none of the other tsuguko has with their trainers. You are still quite young. Around Tanjiro's age but she learned quite quickly you wanted to be viewed as an adult. And she treats you like one. And she tries to correct anyone who treats you like a child. "Excuse me.. but y/n doesn't like being referred to as a child please do not refer to her as such!! She is a very mature adult"
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You weren't Shinobu's Tsuguko. More like her secretary, you were a demon slayer but you help her make medicine most of the time. She noticed how opinionated you were on things almost as soon as you started working for her. She noticed almost immediately that you had been through a lot so she tries to be as patient as possible with you. She knows you hate being looked down upon so she tries not to order you around even if she is your boss "y/n could you please help me with this"
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You were Giyuu's new Tsuguko. Despite this, you and him had very different personalities. He saw potential in your aggressive personality and that's why he picked you. You and him handle situations differently and you both don't always agree on things but you still respect him and he still respects you. Honestly after a while of getting to know each other, you start seeing him as a big brother. He knows your personality is just to hide who you really are. So he tries to be patient with you.
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You were a close friend of Muichiro's whose breathing style was also mist breathing. Even if he was a lot stronger than you. You both sparred together a lot. He found your aggressive and stubborn personality useful. He doesn't ask you to be his Tsuguko but he tells you a lot that if you train enough you could become stronger than him one day. A lot of people don't like you because of how stubborn and honestly rude you can be Muichiro doesn't really mind though. It's just how you are.
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You were Hina's younger sister who had just become a demon slayer. Because of this Tengen wanted to take you under his wing and train you. He quickly noticed that you weren't like your sister at all. However, he quickly noticed that your personality is just to hide the fact that you are very vulnerable and insecure. He somewhat understands how you feel so he's patient with you. He thinks you have great potential.
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You had been training under Rengoku for a while. He knew how proud and stubborn you were and he didn't mind. He was more like a brother to you than a mentor. He thinks there's something special about how you act. He thinks it's good for demon slayers to take pride in who they are even if you do take it a bit far sometimes it's what makes you unique. At least that's how he views it.
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You both get along quite well. He had chosen you to become his Tsuguko pretty quickly. He liked your stubbornness and how much pride you took in being a demon slayer. You two both share a very similar mindset. And that's why you have so much respect for each other. The only thing you do that he doesn't really like is you complain a lot. "Y/n quit complaining. It's not that bad" But other than that you both get along well!!
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You had always admired Obanai. You'd never tell him this to his face but when he chose you to be his Tsuguko you were ecstatic!! You thought the reason he chose you was because of how smart you were. But no. It was because of the pride you took in your training. You were determined. You weren't weak like the other demon slayers. You were kind of difficult to train sometimes but he understands that you've been through a lot. And he knows if something happens to him he can count on you to take his place.
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She felt bad for you at first. Others saw you as cold and emotionless. Even you were convinced that you were emotionless. But as she trained you she saw how loyal you were to her. You and Mitsuri build a very strong bond. She knows deep down you're a sweet person who would do anything for the people you care about. Mitsuri gets really happy whenever you show any kind of emotion. It doesn't even have to be a positive emotion like one time you got frustrated during a training session and Mitsuri saw your frustration and she just ran over and hugged you.
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Kagaya and his wife found you when you were quite young they both raised you. And you wanted to repay them so you became a demon slayer a couple days after your 13th birthday. Shinobu offered to train you and Kagaya was thrilled that you were in such good hands. She already knew you didn't show much emotion which is why whenever you smiled or frowned or got frustrated during training she would get really happy. She was training you to be a demon slayer sure but she also wanted you to understand your emotions more. You and Kanao get along well to sometimes Kanao helps train you as well.
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You and him get along very well. He understands your struggles with emotions he chose you to be his Tsuguko a little while after you became a demon slayer you hadn't been training long so you still had a lot to learn from Giyuu but you did more than just learn about fighting and slaying demons. With your time with Giyuu you learned a lot more about people in general. You and Giyuu have a strong bond that cannot be broken.
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Believe it or not, He chose you to be his Tsuguko because of how bland you are. He had never seen you smile before and he wanted to train you to be the flashiest trainer ever!!! His wives love you omg. They all think you're so cute!! He has a hard time understanding you at first but slowly as you both get to know each other more he starts to understand you.
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He had chosen you to be his Tsuguko almost as soon as he became a Hashira. His main goal was to obviously train you but his other main goal is to make you smile. He had never seen you show any emotion before and he wanted to change that. He wasn't very successful in the beginning of our training but as you got closer you would occasionally smile at him and laugh at some of the stupid stuff he does.
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You looked up to him and you hope that one day you can be a Hashira like him. But for now, you were just his Tsuguko. Obanai didn't even notice that your personality was considered out of the ordinary to the other Hashira. It was only when Sanemi pointed it out to Obanai. "Hey, Obanai. Does that Tsuguko of yours ever smile? She looks pissed off all the time" He doesn't really see a problem with the way you are though. He really wants to make you smile but he doesn't tell anyone about that of course.
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Thinks your personality is something that makes you strong. He doesn't comment on it at all because he'd rather have his Tsuguko not be attached to anyone and get upset when they die than his Tsuguko crying all the time over some weak demon slayer. He picked you because of how distant you are from all the other demon slayers. His original plan is to train you to be a slayer as strong as him if not stronger but you and him end up forming a very strong bond and you start seeing him as an older brother.
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You and him were childhood friends who became demon slayers at the same time. You and him were very similar which is why he didn't really notice anything different about you. He actually loves your personality. He finds it very relaxing and he loves talking to you.
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She's literally a mother figure to you. She knows you try your absolute best with your training so she always makes sure to tell you how proud of you she is. She notices how fragile your emotional state is so she's always there to comfort you no matter what. You seem to shut out everyone in the world but Mitsuri. She doesn't mind that but she tries to introduce you to the other Hashira.
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Again. A literal mother figure to you. She understands the feeling of not wanting to let go of the past so you both relate to each other a lot. You are not a demon slayer Shinobu is training you to work in the hospital ward. You and Shinobu had a pretty strong bond and had a lot of respect for each other.
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You and Giyuu were both introverted so you had something to relate to each other about. He had recently chosen you to be his Tsuguko. He could tell that you had been through a lot and he tries to comfort you even if he's not the best at comforting you he really tries. You both build a very strong bond after a while of him training you. He really likes spending time with you. You remind him of his old friend Sabito in a way.
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You were a close friend of Suma's who had just become a demon slayer. Tengen wanted to get the chance to meet you and see your abilities. And when he finally got to meet you he was shocked to see how introverted you were. You didn't even say hi to him or anything you just went up to Suma and said hi to her and hugged her. However, he still offered to train you though and he started to understand you more. He understands not wanting to let go of the past as he trains you to be a slayer you and him start to become a little closer.
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You and him had always been friends. He knew how introverted you were and when he became a Hashira he tried to introduce you to some of the others at first even if you tell him it's fine and you don't mind him being your only friend. "Kocho, this is my friend y/n I think you two would get along.." He said bringing you up to the insect Hashira. "Mui it's fine.." you insisted
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He feels bad for you :( you were so young and you had been through so much. You were very determined to become a Hashira so he chose you as his Tsuguko. You looked up to him and wanted to become as strong as him if not stronger one day. He lets you vent to him about anything that's bothering you if you want. He introduces you to his younger brother in hopes that you can become friends. And you do!! Rengoku brings you with him when he goes to his childhood home a lot so you can see Senjuro.
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You and him instantly get along you both relate to each other a lot because you both are not able to let go of the past. He chose you as his Tsuguko because he saw potential in you. You and him slowly become pretty close friends he notices how emotionally unstable you are and even if he isn't really good with comforting people he tries. He sees you as a little brother and he wants to make sure you are alright so even if he isn't good at comforting people he's trying.
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You weren't his Tsuguko you were just a slayer that he had taken interest in and wanted to help train. He enjoys talking to you because of how laid back you can be. He has someone of the best conversations with you. He really does think that you can become a Hashira one day.
Thank you for your request!! This took forever I'm really sorry this was a really long request!! have a nice day/night!
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thedragonagelesbian · 5 months
I’m thinking about battle couples, and does Cyrus (or you) ever think about how different (or similar?) it feels to be in battle by Wyll’s side rather than Meredith? ❤️
ooooooh this is such a good question, tytytyty so much for asking!!
i don't think it's something cyrus is conscious of at first because he feels like a total fish out of water trying to fight again. he can't fulfill the dexterous stealthy ranger archetype, but he also has to relearn how to be a warrior, and there are so many growing pains in that, among them that stubborn self-sufficiency of like. i have to be good at fighting on my own. because if im not that means i was only ever good at following her orders. so he feels the absence of not fighting at meredith's side but clings to that absence and doesn't consider how it could be different with wyll
(or even lae'zel as, you know, a tactically minded greatsword wielder... i've never taken commander's strike bc it's never seemed worth all the resources it burns, but i could do something painful with it & the memories it would bring up for cyrus of being compelled by meredith's voice of authority................)
things change when cyrus dies during the nere fight-- being revived by wyll is a very different experience than being revived by meredith, and cyrus takes his first fighter level afterward, indicative of how he's had to become tougher and harder and more like his old self, at least in combat, to survive the gauntlet of getting this damned tadpole out of his brain.
progressing into act 2 with the 'killing' of the dream visitor, cyrus is extremely conscious of the possibility of reverting to who he once was, culminating in the 'i will be the shield but you must be the sword' line/emperor reveal/becoming a champion fighter. it makes him trepidatious, for example, about using the warding bond rings with wyll. it is so achingly familiar to throw his body on the sacrificial pyre for the one he loves, and if there's anything unnerving about being battle couples with wyll, it's not so much sharing wyll's burden as it is the fact that sharing it feels right. that part of himself that is so eager and desperate to sanctify and make meaning out of his suffering wants to find real moral purpose through this bond, the same way he found purpose by taking blows on meredith's behalf, and he struggles with that impulse a lot
but cyrus is also keenly aware of how different it is to fight with wyll, above all else because wyll would never ask such sacrifices of him the way meredith did. wyll supports and inspires, his healing magic isn't attached to a divine mandate, it feels like he fights alongside cyrus instead of commanding him.
when wyll took his oath of devotion, cyrus was worried that it would feel more similar, but the differences only became more pronounced. even just having the protection fighting style is an enormous change, and the first time cyrus steps into wyll's auras of protection and devotion, he feels so safe. meredith's auras were, i think, bitterly possessive-- a fiercely wilful kind of protection that refused to let its subjects go, and an uneasy tremor from the aura of conquest creeping down his spine even without the frightened condition that would trigger the aura's effects. but wyll's auras feels like rest. like a warm bed in a cold room, like a hot shower, like warm soup and drinks, like comfort and care.
another difference between fighting with wyll and fighting with meredith is just the flexibility. when meredith would fight with him instead of just directing him, she'd prefer to fight in melee side-by-side. and wyll and cyrus do fight next to each other a lot too, but they have so many more options afforded to them. cyrus has more mobility as a ranger than he did as a paladin thanks to dread ambusher, longstrider, misty step, and (soon) the mobile feat, so he can zip around the battlefield while wyll snipes with eldritch blast (thank you magic initiate feat). or wyll can cast hypnotic pattern first to neutralize the field while cyrus takes people out with (potentially) 5 attacks in the first round of combat. he hasn't had someone he trusts watching his back in 50 years. it's new. it's nice.
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leorawright · 9 months
oh my gosh how did i miss that u have overwatch matchups available???(it's a very easy answer. i am never on tumblr)
If you would be so kind as to do romantic one for me:
I am a genderfluid afab person and the only thing shorter than me is my patience. I am demisexual/demiromantic, poly, and like all genders.
I get angry really easily but hate showing it so i just end up going around in a bad mood acting like everything is ok
i have pretty bad anxiety and appreciate having someone confident enough around to help me with simple tasks(ex ordering food or speaking on the phone) but who won't make fun of me. I can also send myself into a spiral by thinking of things that stress me out. So someone who is a steady presence i always appreciate.
I enjoy all things creative. I mostly write and draw but am willing to try new things all the time.
I look at things in a very logical way. I don't like using my emotions to make decisions and i enjoy learning new things all the time. I am a naturally curious person who is always looking to expand my knowledge.
I have a mix of so many things wrong with my brain. ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression. I work really hard on them but sometimes i have days where i just struggle.
Mixed and can speak a lil bit of spanish. It isn't perfect but i can struggle my way thru most conversations.
I really like someone who is open with what i do wrong. Just tell me what i need to fix and don't make it into a whole thing. Open communication is very important to me. I don't want to feel like im walking on eggshells around them if they are too sensitive
I am a VERY determined person, once i set my mind on something i won't give up easily. I can almost be stubborn in my pursuit of goals.
I enjoy gaming, reading, watching anime/cartoons(i don't rlly like live action shows), drawing, and learning new things.
I LOVE cooking. Giving food to others and sharing a meal/snacks is a way of showing love to me. I honestly take it a bit like an insult if someone i care about isn't willing to give me a bite of food off their plate. I know it's silly so i never say anything about it or hold it against them. But to me sharing food and wanting others to experience the same good food as you is the same as saying "i love you" a million times.
I like toys and stuffed animals and cartoons and other stereotypically "childish" things. I'm not ashamed of it.. (well... usually...)
I love joking around and a good pun can get me wheezing from laughter.
I'm not much of a social person, and prefer to spend my time indoors and alone with only one or two other people. I enjoy parallel play and comfortable silences.
I hope this wasn't too much... i just can be really wordy and ramble a lot.. sorry!
I've picked out....
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Definitely the calm presence you need and never ever considers making fun of you for your social anxiety.
He enjoys seeing the things you write and draw and offers genuine compliments about everything
He also encourages having direct conversations and if he ever needs to talk to you he'll get straight to the point
He thinks your determination is admirable. Just make sure you eat and drink and take breaks or else he'll get super concerned
He can't really eat any of the food you make but he wishes he could (if only to see you smile)
Expect to receive a couple stuffed animals that he saw and got because he thought of you
If you enjoy a bit of sarcastic or sassy humor then Zenyatta will definitely make you laugh (he still doesn't really understand normal jokes tho...)
Zenyatta also enjoys comfortable silence especially if he's meditating you're just doing your usual things
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piviani · 10 months
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runextgg members prediction [1/3]
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( disclaimer: please do remember to take my readings with a grain of salt. i am in no way a professional tarot reader and all of this are alleged and is for entertainment purposes only. )
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first member of the group
temperance rx - 6oC - the magician
for this pull, what really hooked me was the lots of cups shown in the cards pulled, so this member could be a water sign: cancer, pisces or scorpio—any of the above. or if we take what the cards set of zodiac sign are assigned for themselves choices would be like this, in order: sagittarius, a water sign, or a mercurial sign (virgo/gemini) this specific member really has a lot on their plate in a sense that they have different sides and different qualities they can show off infront of many people. they’re very creative and talented that anything is okay for them. the magician card is associated with a lot of power, willingness, and desire. it could be that she connects with participants as well. however we should take note for that temperance reverse, this upcoming member of runext gg could also as well be hasty and makes reckless decisions. she is not really in a great place right now emotionally therefore shes having or could be experiencing anxiety these days. very self indulgent that even though she understands her fellow participants sometimes, they still clashes. for 6oC however she’s sentimental. or is she perhaps young? childhood experiences are showing up here—it could mean shes missing the old times or for my own interpretation, she’s young. she may be seeking off comfort right now but it seems for her own perspective, its hard. anyway, the show may not be as hard as it seems for her?
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second member of the group
the magician - three of cups - the emperor
same with the former, this particular member has a lot to show off from their plate. they’re talented and creative that anything is okay for them. they may take risks but instead of causing for a failure— they’re able to pull it off. unlike with the first, this member could be unreasonably strict and are really set with her beliefs. while we could say the first member may have power, authority, and control. this one has as well and it seems like its far more greater too? she’s very set with her stone of path and are able to see whats her future vision while being emotional open and are able to create friendships, too. positive future :) she could be imagining her future as an idol already. very sure with herself. this member could have the leadership title. very rational to be honest she might think with her head than her heart. might have a big ego and is stubborn as well, whether its in a good way, whether its for herself, for the others or not. though she can actually manage being emotional open and having the ability to pull off her logical charasteristics at the same time! she knows how to set aside her emotions and be logical. vice versa. (though from my perspective she may often put her logical behavior from the top than her emotions) especially since shes at a survival show right now. its hard not to be competitive. signs possible: this member is either mutable or cardinal.
note: and Thats it for now! its hard interpretating, especially for my part where im determined to show every details i have noticed 😭 i’ll do it slowly one by one, so please bear with me until the end!
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[ reading done in Aug 9, 2023 ]
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imjustabeanie · 3 months
yo its seras ... i decided to send one in for fun. id like a relationship matchup for someone from jjba + genshin if you could please.
any prns, cancer, intj, aro bi (im in romantic relationships so idm it. i just dont prioritize romantic gestures as they make me uncomfortable), true neutral, i have bpd + autism + bipolar + chronic pain so woo
im like 5'2, shorter hair like dirty blonde almost brown, pale also bc i dont leave the house except to go to work lol, freckles, blue eyes but they look more gray. i dont emote much at all really. i have a hard time talking about feelings / emotions / much of anything. i only talk passionately when it comes to my interests and things i really like. im very stubborn and overwork myself often. it takes me a long time to warm up to people and be trusting. i dont like touch unless ive been around you a Long time. i like people who make me feel looked out for and who won't be afraid to essentially force me to calm down / take breaks. not super pushy but like. kind pushy if that makes sense? i dont want to be smothered and need my space and would rather like parallel play. i like watching / playing games together and just enjoying time together. i also deal a lot with extreme emotions and hiding them, hence the bpd... my mood swings are a lot of the reason ppl can't handle or deal with me so someone who won't mind them so much would be nice? or someone who can rationalize and help me through emotions and things. i also need a lot of attention but not in an overwhelming suffocating way. im also hypersexual and it has a big part in my relationships and i need someone to keep up with that too. i have tendencies of being a bit manipulative but i dont. like that about myself. i dont like to go out a lot and would much rather stay at home. i dont mind going out to quieter places or just doing mundane things! i also do like going out for food + for conventions or events related to my interests. amusement parks also rock. i have special interests in animals (marine animals, cats, dogs), mythological creatures, the paranormal, cryptids, cosplay, animanga, video games (especially rpgs + visual novels + dating sims + rhythm games), old web, character analysis, horror media, and psychology.
hopefully thats enough? tysm
Your genshin match is Wriothesley!
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He's patient, funny, a great judge of character and respectful. What more could you ask for? Once you two break the ice you hit it off rather well. He's very caring as a lover without being overbearing. He's always here when you're in trouble and always looks out for you in his own way.
Wrio is definitely someone who can deal with you, he's patient after all. Especially with his lover. He knows when you're reaching your limit and he has a space in his office just for you to rest. But at the same time he's ready for you to innitiate more activities together. The most important is that you know he loves you. He shows his love through small acts and gifts. He always gives you his time and learned to convey his feelings with little gifts through the day.You always receive flowers, chocolates and a good lunch from him.
When he can, he'd love to go assist events at the surface! When he really can't he'll just order/make the foods he wants you to try. He also always gets a bunch of movies so the two of you can watch them together. As much as he enjoys physical affection, he'll always wait for you to initiate first. Once you give him the go he becomes another man.
Overall, it's a very nice relationship where you don't publicly show your love but people still know it's there. Wriothesley is patient and will always wait for you to come around. And he still gives you gentle pushes to encourage your goals.
Your JJBA match is...Kakyoin!
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Not gonna lie, Bruno was a close second but Kakyoin is way more playfull and chill. Both know how to guve you space but Kakyoin knows how to have fun.
Kakyoin shows his love through acts and quality time. He likes going on dates with you to explore new places yet also takes care of you and does his best to make you more comfortable. He's not that big on physical touch either so you don't really have to worry about this. When you engages he'll just happily welcomes it.
He absolutely loves playing video games with you! The two of you spend hours at arcades and the scores are often a tie! He also loves horror movies. One of the most common things you two do is just...sit in a pleasant place and discuss a recent movie/video game you two did. He's also quite cultivated in mythology so he has nice book recommendations. Food isn't much his things so he'd rather follow your recommendations.
Overall, you two are the average high school sweethearts but on the more timid side. People just know that you're soulmates by the way he looks at you.
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Darling/ Yandere Says Prompts
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Dialogue prompts for drabbles with either the yandere saying it or the darling.
If you want to request one of the prompts you can put the number or the prompt itself, the character and if the yandere is saying it or the darling is if the request doesn't say who is saying it then it will be writer's choice.  (It doesn't have to be in this order  but those 3 things will help with the request. Example: 14 yandere character name or 4 darling with character name.)   I'll be adding more if I come up with new ones.
If you have any questions let me know.
I love you
I hate you!
I never loved you
I missed you
Don't you love me anymore?
What the hell did you do?!
Don't leave me
I just want to go home
What do you want from me?!
I hope you rot in hell!
I will never love you!
Im sorry but i don't feel the same way
You need help
Please just let me go
Let's get married.
I'll never forgive you for what you've done.
Wouldn't you do it… for me?
How are you feeling
We'll never be apart again
I'm not them…
all I wanted was you
Is there a problem here, gentlemen?
Are you ok?
How did you find me?
There’s no point in running
How are you feeling today? A little better, hmm?
I’m your biggest fan!
I’ll take that as a compliment
I’m going to give you five seconds to take that back.
Hey. Look at me.
Was It all just a sick game to you!
Why would you want to hurt me like this?
Will you at least tell me why?
I can't get you out of my head.
Came lay with me
I know what you did
How long have you been standing there?
Are you threatening me?"
How many people have you killed? How many?
Tell me it's not true. Please.
I know you better than you think.
I already made my decision, you're not going to change that.
I don't care what they say about me.
What? No witty remark? Nothing clever to say?
But it's dangerous to be out so late!
I don't feel so good.
I never noticed your eyes were this pretty.
I think I have a bit more experience with this thing than you do.
You can't leave me here alone!
I wish I could hate you.
You were going to leave without saying goodbye?
You scared me
I won't let them hurt you.
You're just messing with me.
Two years later and you haven't changed.
Some risks are worth taking.
I would never lie to you.
You... don't like me very much, do you?
You've lost a lot of blood.
Why are you being so stubborn?
Well, don't stand there in the rain. Come on.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Why does it always have to be a fight with you?
Why can't you tell me what's wrong?
What if I never see you again?
Was it you? Did you do all this?
Don't look at me like that.
Is this what you wanted?
Death is a part of life. I accepted that a long time ago.
Let me out of here! Let me go!
I didn't realize you were in so much pain.
How can I possibly trust you? After all you've done.
Do you believe in soul mates?
What is marriage to you?
You'll always have a home with me.
Why are you obsessed with me?
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