#imagine the bats or the loas response to this though?
Danny had always wanted a brother...but not like this! And not so many either!
It had started when he was fighting Desiree. Everything was normal-well, as normal as fighting an undead genie could get-and then a kid fell out of a portal onto the rooftop next to them.
They both looked over at the kid as he picked himself up. Danny glared at the genie and she held her hands up in a placating gesture, "I swear it wasn't me this time." Judging by how she seemed just as baffled by the situation as him, he believed her.
The kid stared at them through the white outs of his mask. Danny stared down at him and yep. That was a superhero outfit. Complete with mask and cape. He quickly souped Desiree before she could pull anything and floated down to the kid, "Hey buddy-" he yelped and jumped out of the way of the kids sword.
Why does he have a sword?!
The kid didn't seem responsive to anything Danny was saying and Danny spent the next few minutes just dodging sword swipes until he managed to restrain him with one of his parents inventions and brought him home to FentonWorks and changed back into a human (away from the kids line of sight of course)
His friends were a bit shocked that he came home with a living person and he had to explain what happened while Stabby tried to wiggle out of his bonds.
That was when his parents walked in.
Danny had to retell them an altered version of the story from before and they began examining him. The kid was practically feral before his dad exclaimed, "I know!" And ran to the fridge and pulled out some of the Fenton Fudge.
He ran back over and popped it into the kids mouth before anyone could stop him. Everyone just stared as the kid calmed down, looking at them with confusion and wonder as the fudge melted in his mouth.
Aka Danny keeps getting Damian clones via portal delivery and his family keeps taming them with Fenton Fudge and adopting them. The League of Assassins have no idea where all thier clones are disappearing to...
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rolling-in-guano · 1 year
31DOD Day 23
Hear me out. So we've all seen the Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic
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But Dick Grayson has never been too involved with these events. Some of you may even know who Karai is, and I'm not talking about 2012 Karai who was Splinter's long lost daughter kidnapped by the foot or 2018 Karai who was a sweet grandma. I'm talking about the IDW 2011 comic book Karai.
Imagine this, Dick Grayson as Batman with his Robin the prickly Damian we know and love. Now, we know that Damian's grandfather, Ra's al Ghul, is an immortal leader of an assassin clan that bathes in mountain dew to maintain his flesh or whatever. And then Damian is searching for a nobler way through working with Dick!bats to make up for his past mistakes with the LOA.
Now enter Karai, the granddaughter of Oroku Saki, AKA the Shredder, who in the IDW version was the leader of the Foot Clan in feudal Japan. Shredder was then pickled in some sort of demonic juice until modern day where he was brought back to life so he could take over New York and have sex with his sexy immortal fox girlfriend. Sound familiar?
Here's Karai using her blood to bring back her pickled grandpappy in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret History of the Foot Clan #4
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Batman (1940) #243
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I'm mean look at this loser getting it on in his mountain dew.
Anyway, so Dick is Batman and Damian is Robin and Karai ends up in in their universe somehow. Now Dick is dealing with two grandchildren who were raised to be assassins. I just think it would be real funny.
In Batman Unlimited, Damian ends up taking over the League of an Assassins. Karai ends up taking over the foot clan. I think they would get along in the strangest passive aggressive but also polite way. Then Dick is there being the responsible one keeping them from committing crazy murder. He would probably end up fighting Ra's again which I always enjoy:
Nightwing (1996) #152
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I want more of Dick kicking this crusty dudes ass.
I think this would give him a chance to eldest daughter syndrome it up with Leo as well as trauma bond over the fact that there are crazy assassin psychos out there obsessed with controlling their brains.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #29
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Lookit my poor baby who can barely recognize his own brother after trying to murder him. Ring any bells with Dick Grayson?
The IDW TMNT comics are pretty darn violent. Not for kids my friends.
Unrelated, sort of, but people are always trying to compare the robins with the four turtles. They always say that 3/4 is good enough but I think they are missing the obvious solution here. Stephanie Brown is a Michaelangelo. I think they would be fast friends! Stephanie is a robin too so she should get to hang with the turtles.
I think Damian would get along with Jennika though :)
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They are both sweethearts.
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roobylavender · 2 years
(i apologize in advance this is probs gonna be long) okay i’m still making my way through dc canon so i apologize if any of this is nonsensical or ooc, but i can’t stop thinking about the alternate introduction idea u have for damian where he’s given up for adoption, and then his adoptive parents are killed and he’s with the loa for whatever time. idk i just think, if by some rule dick & damian had to develop a close bond as characters, it would have been interesting to see how that could be interwoven with au!damian’s story while still being cognizant of Talia & Bruce and the fact that neither would be as intentionally callous and shitty as they are in modern canon. I think it would’ve been neat to sort of set it up so Talia & Bruce are off together investigating the murder of Damian’s parents after a discussion turned argument where they (including Damian) tried to figure out what their son’s role in the investigation should be if any. Talia believes he should be involved if he wants to, that he has a right to justice for his family, it’s not like he has no training, and it gives him a way to work through his emotions on the matter, isn’t that what Bruce is doing? Bruce sees this side (obv, the robins exist) but having learned from his experience with Jason, and knowing there’s a lot of details of Damian’s time with the league after the death of his adoptive parents that he is not yet privy to, he is unsure if it is best to throw Damian into a battlefield after he was just freed from one. Ethical conflict between divorcees, who knows maybe they get intimate about it! Meanwhile, lets say Dick would have been called by Bruce, wanting to leave Damian in the care of someone who a) has the capacity to keep him in check if need be (as in a situation where Damian would be a danger to himself etc), b) can sympathize at least to an extent with Damian’s trauma, and c) someone who could be a positive influence on Damian through that relatability (& prob also dick being a bit closer to damian’s age than bruce is). And like, I think in this hypothetical Damian would really appreciate Dick because not only is Dick someone who has insight into his parent’s relationship to each other and why they may have given him up, but I also think he’d be really upfront in answering Damian’s questions and paint a pretty fair picture of who Talia & Bruce are as people. there could be that sort of sense of okay this is who damian feels at least somewhat comfortable to latch on to without any bs. I also think it would be sort of interesting to use Dick being put in the position of a temporary caregiver of someone who has a million questions about the man who raised him as a way to explore his current feelings about bruce and how their dynamic has shifted through the years, particularly irt to how he feels about being asked for this out of what may be the blue, and whether he’s glad to have been asked by bruce or not. internal man vs self vs father type stuff yk (& maybe whether he wants to take on that sort of responsibility in his own life, who knows) . i think it would help subvert the “golden bio kid” stuff to have bruce’s experiences with some of the other bats explicitly influence his decision making irt trying to parent damian, and though i didn’t give talia’s reasoning as well as i could have i think it would be interesting to explore how deeply her personal philosophy would influence her itr. and also i like the running theme of exploration of familial structures through both damian’s adoptive and bio parents. sorry for how insanely long this ask is, i just had to share that ur idea has made me a wee bit insane. hope you have a good day/night.
(the au posts being referred to) anon how have you managed in one condensed ask to chart a better path for damian and talia and bruce and dick as an interconnected collective than morrison or tomasi or whoever else could even hope to imagine. where is your publication deal with dc. when are you storming their offices and making the pitch and winning the hundred issue run guarantee with the best pencillers and inkers at your disposal like i am so serious right now this is insane i'm obsessed i can't get enough of it
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