#imagine your brother dragging you back to your home without explaining anything and you're so worried it's because you were caught
crazyk-imagine · 7 months
Obsession lies Beneath
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Pairing: Dark!Benedict Bridgerton x Fem!reader
Characters: Dark!Benedict Bridgerton, Fem!reader, Anthony Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, Daphne Bridgerton, Eloise Bridgerton
Warnings: Slight dark fic content, obsession, possessiveness, manipulation, Benedict gas lighting reader, special tea use, Benedict getting high, reader is innocent, reader not your average dark fic reader, near the end of season 2, reader can be oblivious
Word Count: 2,016
Requested by: @flowercrowns-goodvibes probably something along the lines of him being obsessed with reader and wanting her to marry him, and basically trapping her with no other choice because he knows she’s the only one for him. maybe through arranged or forced marriage or kidnapping
A/N: This is my first dark fic so if it's kind of off or not a normal dark fic, yk why
After taking the drug infused tea, he got addicted and couldn't do anything else to calm himself other than create terrible art and then came you.
He had no idea what to do then, it felt like there was nothing he could do but then there you were, and he was hooked (in more ways than one).
It was the latest season for young, eligible ladies to do their best at finding a man to call husband and, from his dear sister, he hears you have no one to call your own.
Although it may be troubling for your family, it does leave room for happiness within him, in his hazy mind.
There’s no one eligible enough to marry you, not when he plans on having you for himself (even if you don’t know it yet).
He closes his eyes, imagining you in more ways than one should. No one knows about this, the way he thinks of you.
How could they? They’d think he was insane and lock him up or banish him into his room with nothing to entertain him with.
Either way, a life without being able to see you is not a way he could live- survive even.
The first time he started thinking of you in a mature way, was an accident but once was enough for him to become addicted, a habit he can't break.
His brother couldn't have known what would become of him when he first offered the tea to him, it's not his fault.
Benedict doesn't remember how he got it since his brother was traveling but, as he sips his tea once more and it flows through his veins, he doesn't care.
His mind slows down the more he drinks and the more he drinks, the more he creates. He sets the cup down, staring at the page and sighs. He groans loudly to himself, "why isn't it, right?"
You follow Eloise, who happily drags you along with her.
After her minor falling out with Penelope, she didn't explain much about what happened nor did you ask, feeling it wasn’t your place to do so. She needed a friend and found- or re-found you.
You knew the family when you were little but moved away because your father had gotten a business proposal to work out of town and now that your family is settled and has gained a profitable fortune, you decided to come back to the one place you felt... at home.
Daphne, Eloise, and Anthony were the ones you spoke to the most during your youth, not speaking to the others as much and felt you could build a bond with them but didn't want to make them uncomfortable.
Benedict though, he noticed you; he always did. It became a habit over time, another thing he couldn't break, a nasty habit he knows some would say.
She enters with ease, not minding the noises coming from her brother, who disagrees with the sound of someone entering.
With the tea fully sated in his stomach, he stares at you for a little too long; not that you noticed.
You almost never do, not that he minded, it fills his obsession, and he enjoys the fact that you're a little too oblivious to his antics. You wander around the room and his skin feels like it's on fire.
Have you gotten more beautiful since the last time he saw you (two days ago).
You stand beside him and the scent of your perfume wafts through his nose, he closes his eyes, memorizing the scent to memory.
His eyes open, pupils dilating but no one notices as he offers a small smile. "Has something caught your eye?"
You turn your head to face him, a shy smile tugging at the corner of your lips. "Sorry, I was curious about this one. You seem so," you pause and work on finding the right word. "Focused. I've always wanted to see an artist at work."
Could this be the sign he's been waiting for since you two grew into young adults? "Have you? Perhaps-"
"You've helped me enough, we're leaving now," Eloise pulls you alongside her. "We'll see you at dinner."
His chest heaves after he rolls his neck and turns to his left, reaching for his cup. This seems to be the only thing keeping him sated as he waits to see you again at dinner.
He enters and his eyes are on you, the seat beside you is open, giving him the opportunity to take it before anyone else can. His hands shake as he reaches for the utensils, freezing when your pinkies accidentally bump into one another.
He feels hot the longer he sits beside you. He makes small conversations when you initiate it but there's only so much, he can do without making him sound like a complete idiot.
God knows what would happen if he was to make a fool of himself in front of you, the person of his dreams.
His mind wanders and he's lost in thought with... you are laying on the couch beneath his window, showing just enough skin to make him lose his cool. He'd lean closer towards you and lean in, listening to every little noise that comes from you.
He would stare into your eyes until he's close enough to gather the courage and kiss your perfect lips. He wouldn't be able to bring himself to close his eyes at first, longing to see every twitch of your eyes, even though they're closed.
He'd study you every moment he could (and does). He owlishly blinks, finding you looking at him, a questioning look on your face. "I'm- I'm sorry?"
"Are you feeling alright?"
Oh, your caring nature, how his heart beats faster when it's directed at him. You're too kind to someone having such crude thoughts as he; fitting really.
He messes with the napkin in his lap. "I- I- I'm fine, believe me I am more than fine," he mutters the last part under his breath, not wanting you or anyone to overhear him share his thoughts.
He ponders the drawing, trying to figure out what's missing but can't and rips the page out of his sketchbook before crumpling it and tossing it across the room.
The ball of paper lands at your feet, you don't know what to do. "Is everything alright?" You ask.
His body tenses. "Are you spending the night?"
"Unexpectedly, the carriage broke, and repairs won't be able to start until tomorrow when there's more lighting." He nods, glancing down to find the cut on his hand from when- he discreetly wipes his hand before you can see it.
"Are you working on something else?" You step closer, inspecting it with intense interest, one Benedict could barely wrap his head around.
"Aren't I always?" He jokes.
You chuckle at the joke because it's true, lately he hasn't been able to focus, nor has he been able to continue with one project. "Are you drawing a model?" You tilt your head, trying to figure out the position you're seeing. "Is that- you draw nude models?"
He nods, "I do, it's one of the important ways an artist can capture the human body on paper." In his haze, he sees the way your eyes trail back to the page even as flustered as you are, you're human and seeing something like this, his art; it exhilarates him. "Would you want to be my model?"
Your head snaps over to him. "Me?" You stutter, "I don't- I don't think that'd be such a good idea. I'm not- I'm not the model type."
"Nonsense," he shakes his head. "You are the perfect model."
"I don't think this is an appropriate topic we should be discussing, Mr. Bridgerton-"
He grabs your wrist, preventing you from leaving. "It's a harmless conversation between adults, is it not?"
He takes in your figure, then your dress, and your hair; all of it, reminding him of a little lamb (one who's wandered into the wrong den). A little lamb away from its family, all alone and waiting for its hunter to snatch it up.
"I suppose but-"
"I mean, it's not as if you'd actually be willing to model for me. It's just a conversation about art." Said the lion to guide the prey into his trap, he thought to himself.
"That- that's true."
Are you truly thinking about offering to accept and be his model? Even when you know if someone were to find out, your reputation would be ruined?
"I want to do it."
"Do you?" A sly smile tugs at the corner of his lips. And the lion caught the lamb. "Why don't we start now?"
You hesitate, fiddling with the sides of your dress. "I don't know. I don't think now is the-"
"If we do it now, no one will know. Everyone in the house is asleep and if they aren't, they know better than to disturb me when I'm working."
"I," you gulp before nodding. "Okay."
Maybe he's right, now would be a more idle time to practice.
You give him a reassuring look.
He turns, the chesire cat like smile never fading even as he adjusts you to the position, he knows will come out perfectly.
You're nervous, letting him see you this way, so exposed, your heart beats at a mile a minute. You don't know whether to let him continue or leave while your morals are (barely) intact.
He glances up; the charcoal dancing across the paper brings you out of your thoughts. "Can I move? My arm is hurting."
"Not yet."
"I said, not yet!" He elevates his voice.
You gulp, not saying anything further, deciding it's best not to aggravate him further.
After a while and 2 candles later, a satisfied sigh escapes him.
Your shoulders feel lighter, knowing that he's happy with his latest creation.
"You," he starts off.
You open your eyes, turning your head to face him, seeing his proud expression.
"You are my best model, I- you are my new muse."
You start pushing yourself up.
The smile falls from his face, "what are you doing?"
You furrow your brows in confusion, "I'm getting up because we're done," you say even though it sounds more like a question the longer you stare at him and take it his expression.
"We have more to do," he sets his sketch book onto the table beside him. "You are the inspiration I have been looking for. You are the reason I will thrive in school, even if my brother paid for my seat."
He kneels beside you, "we will be well-known because of your beauty," he brushes a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "And my skills." He switches between looking into one eye and then the other. "But I can see tonight was a lot, you're tired and should get some sleep."
You don't say another word as you sit up, holding the blanket close to you.
He helps you with your corset, making you feel as though you did something wrong.
You shouldn't have done this.
He wraps his arms around your waist. "Get some rest, we'll get a head start tomorrow."
"I- I don't-"
"Don't tell me no, please. I can't do this without you," he spins you around to face him. "I wouldn’t survive without your help. You are the reason I can create again. Please don't leave me alone."
How can you say no when he stares at you like that?
You can't tell him no and then come to the house and pretend as if you didn't do this, pretend as if everything is okay.
"What if someone found out about you modeling for me tonight? What would happen to your family?"
You furrow your brows, suddenly your thoughts spiral back to the beginning of tonight and it's something you shouldn't have agreed to but it's too late to back out; you're too involved and he's the only one who can save you.
You no longer feel at home.
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thedragonagelesbian · 2 years
also maya agrupnin needs a comic series about exploring patia’s orb and trying to archive, document, and save the information therein
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blossom-tonic · 3 years
Don't leave me too~
-> Kaeya x GN!reader
Credit's for the pic: 優雨 on pixiv
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It was a warm sunny day in Mondstadt. The sun was brightly shining in the clear sky on the Plaza as the famous Calvery Captain of the knights of Favonius was through Mondstadt. His destination? Angel Share.
As usual Kaeya Alberich is going to his favorite and only one bar in Mondstadt on his free day. One of the reasons was to go and see his "dear" brother Diluc Ragenvindr and purposely annoy him but also he wanted to have taste of dandelion wine.
As he opens the door if the bar he expected to see Diluc, scrowling at the sight of him but instead he saw (y/n).
A very dear person to him.
But still it's unusual for them to be sitting in angel share in the middle of the day and especially with a wine glass in their hand. (y/n) was never a drinker they always accompany Kaeya and Rosaria to the bar but never has seen Kaeya the young traveller drinking.
This thought concerns him a little bit which made him go to the said person having his charming smile as he began talking
"what's the famous traveller from (your region) doing on a sunny day in angel share with a wine glass in hand?" He said with a smile putting his weight in his left hand as he put it in the table where (y/n) was sitting.
They heard the familiar voice if a good friend if theirs which put a major smile on their face
"well... original i wanted to go see Diluc and talk to him for the last time but unfortunately he was absent today so now I'm enjoying my first and last dandelion wine. Which i must say it's the only alcohol that actually is tasty in my opinion" they explained rather jokingly while giving the cryo vision Bearer their typical closed eyed smile which would lighten the Calvery Captains day anytime but the fact that (y/n) wanted to go see Diluc was itching him but it wasn't the main thing that's bothering him
"wait, what do you mean by "talking to Diluc the last time,, or "my first and last wine,,?" He asked while having a puzzled expression on his way, which was rare to be honest since all of the Mondstadt knows him as the "calm and charming Calvery Captains,,.
"oh so Master Jean didn't told you? I'm leaving Mondstadt for a little while. I want to go home and see how things are there... You could say i got a little homesick. I was planning on leaving tomorrow so i wanted to at least try the famous dandelion wine from dawn winery" they explained while slowly circulating her glass and looking at the red substance.
Kaeya didn't know which fact hurted more... The fact that (y/n) is gonna leave or the fact that they didn't even wanted to tell him in person but trusted the Acting Grand Master.
"but... you're coming back right?" He asked not letting his upset aura showing and hope they say yes
"well...to be honest, i don't know."
This answer made his heart stop. It was like one arrow was shot directly at his heart.
"i was planning on staying in (your region) for awhile but the maybe continue to travel" they explained while still looking at the wine glass. They weren't keen on leaving either especially since they already felt like home in Mondstadt but they wanted to see the family again to make sure they're alright.
The Calvery Captain was not a dumb man, he knew what his was feeling towards them was and he hated himself for getting this kind of connection towards somebody but still... (Y/n) made his life not seem dull anymore, and the fact that another Person is leaving him again is making him feel devastated.
"well... It was nice seeing you Kaeya but i have to go now. I need some money and the commissions aren't doing them by themselves" (y/n) said joyful as they put the glass on the table and was standing up to go out if the bar.
Instantly Kaeya wanted them to stop walking or making them stop, to convince them to stay here in Mondstadt, to stay with him but he held himself back. Deep down he knows that this is what is right for them, being in a close relationship with him was dangerous and he knows how family is important to them.
So he just let go, watching their frame getting closed by the door.
The sky was getting darker as the traveller was walking to their home while surpassing a yawn. They took a lot of commissions, each one harder then the lady but the amount of Mora was worth it.
As they opened their House door they immediately took off their shoes, and made their way to the bath to get some dirt of their body. As the water ran slowly into the tub, (y/n) took of their clothes and began slowing getting in the tub. They sigh in bliss as the warm water was in contact with their body.
As they relaxed in the tub, the conversation with Kaeya came into their mind. It was wrong for them not telling him in person and they knew that but honestly deep down (y/n) didn't want leave Mondstadt, they didn't want leave their new home, their knew friends and most importantly they don't want to leave Kaeya but even tho Mondstadt became their new home (y/n) could never abandoned their original home.
After some time, the traveller was out of the tub and already in their sleeping chambers, changing out if their dirty clothes to something comfortable as they heard a loud but damp knock. They immediately got of the room and made their way to the front door. With a puzzled expression on their face, since they weren't expecting anyone, they slowly open the door just to see Diluc infront of the door with a passed out Kaeya on his back.
"come in and lay him on the couch." (Y/n) just said calmly, thinking that Kaeya's just passed out bc he drunk a lot like always.
Diluc just nodded as thank you and made his way to the couch and put his brother on it while sighing
"i assume that he just drank a lot and passed out and because your such a good brother you decided to drag him to his dear friend so they can take care of him" (y/n) talked with some joking sarcasm in her tone if voice but Diluc could only sigh. He didn't show it but he was worried about Kaeya.
"he was mumbling some nonsense, while sulking around so...just take care if him please" he said without emotion what was typical but this time the hint if worry was heard in his voice but before (y/n) could ask what he meant he already got out of the house.
(y/n) was now more clueless then before, usually they saw Kaeya as joyful drunk, always laughing, enjoying his time and also shamelessly letting his charm out but to hear him sulking while being drunk was something the traveller couldn't imagine.
As they trying to think about what Diluc said, they were also filling a glass full of water to give for the cryo user. They put the glass down on the little table which was beside the couch and slowly shaking the Calvery Captain. The said man was slowly waking up, tiredly open the one eye that was visible slowly adjusting to the light. He was trying to get up but a soft hand was lightly pushing him down again while also spoking in a soft voice
"lay down. You need the rest." Said (y/n) while also handing him the glass of water which Kaeya gladly took and also began drinking it. The cold water that was slowly going down his throat was helping with burning sensation from the alcohol and made his head pain a little bit bearable.
"what am I doing here?" He asked after putting the glass down but he refused to look into (y/n) eyes
"well diluc said-" she couldn't continue her sentence as Kaeya sighed in annoyance
"Diluc should mind his own business."
"well you know that he doesn't like passed out costumers in his bar but that's not the point. He said you where "sulking around"...so what wrong? I kinda felt that you were off since our conversation in angels share..." The (your vision) user asked with worry. It was rare that they showed they worry about anything really but it's about Kaeya.
"it's nothing really, i shouldn't be hear in the first place. You need the rest so I'll just leave you be." He shortly explained already sitting up and standing up which leads to him wobbling a bit since he still feel the alcohol in his body.
(y/n), worried that he might hurt himself, wrapped one arm around his waist to steady hin and also taking one if his hands and sitting him down again.
"No. You're staying here for to night, i know that you are capable of walking but I don't trust your drunk self." They calmly explained still holding his hand but letting go of his waist.
Kaeya now looking at the their hands while turning his and and wrapping it around (y/n)'s while slowly stroking it with his thumb. It felt nice holding their hand. It made him feel warm and calm and made him forgot that this person who was bringing him happiness for change is gonna leave him soon.
"(y/n), it's maybe the drunk me talking right now but...can I ask you something?"
"of course. You can ask me anything." She answered truthfully, the fact that he sounds so vulnerable made them worry even more.
"Can you stay? I mean stay here in Mondstadt....stay with me...." He asked. Now was (y/n) sure that he was completely drunk. He didn't sound like the Kaeya they knew, he sounded like sad little boy who was in pain.
"Please don't leave..." he said and suddenly the traveler felt themselves being pulled into his chest. His arms wrapping around their frame pulling the close in fear that they would suddenly disappear.
"Please don't leave me too. My father left me, the person who took me in died and my brother hates my guts... you're the only who didn't abandoned me yet...so please don't let me loose another Person i love"
He whispered the words into the crook of their neck, (y/n) could now clearly smell the alcohol but this time she didn't mind it. The Kaeya they saw know was the real one. A broken boy who is afraid to loose again and doesn't know what to do about that.
(y/n) wrapped their arm around the man's body pulling him closer, it was the first time both of them was so close to each other.
"I'm not leaving Kaeya...at least not tonight. We can talk about it tomorrow if you want...let us just stay like this for the night ok?" They whispered, trying to calm the man while softly playing with his blue locks.
Kaeya just nodded closing his eyes and savoring this moment. He would clearly be embarrassed tomorrow of showing this side of him especially infront of you but that didn't matter now. He was just enjoying being closed to you and that's everything he could ask for.
Ok so kaeya could be a little ooc and the ending could be a bit rushed since once again i wrote this in the middle of night bc my sleep schedule is trash c:
Anyways i hope you guys like it and don't forget you can always leave request if you want me to write something :)
Have a good day/night :3
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cocobutnochanel · 4 years
Brother | 18+
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Genre: smut, slight fluff, discharged!Kyungsoo
Characters: Do Kyungsoo x Reader (oc: female)
Summary: Heartbreak makes you do crazy things like getting drunk with your friends and letting yourself loose. But with Do Kyungsoo back in town, letting yourself loose was a wrong move.
Warnings: alcohol intake, smoking, profanity, mature themes, sex scenes, one night stand
Kink List: drunk sex, unprotected sex, oral (male & female receiving), boob fetish, clothes destruction fetish, creampie, one night stand
Word Count: 2.5k+ words
Authors Note: Soo is finally discharged and this AU was inspired by it! 
"Fuck." You mutter a curse under your breath when you feel your lungs constrict and your vision blur. "Where the hell is Chanyeol?!" You hiss when another pang hits your head.
You were slightly drunk and you were at a stranger's house. Break-ups were never nice to you which was why you needed breaks like these. Chanyeol brought you to a classmate’s house who was having a large house party for the football team's victory. You were here with your cheer team too but this would've been more fun if you came along with Jongdae and Minseok.
As if on cue with your thoughts, you hear Dae's voice. "Y/N! Yeol said you'd be here!" You see him walk inside the crowded kitchen you were in.
"Daedae! Mini!" You slurred, making him and Minseok laugh. "You were having all the fun alone, huh?" Minseok teases you which you respond with a grimace. "He's here.." You were sick to the stomach at the thought of your ex again.
Junmyeon was a nice guy. He was the best boyfriend to you even. You had bo idea what went wrong that he suddenly broke up with you. But that was the thing with good boys, they will mess you up good because you never saw what you were getting in the first place. You'd think it's all rainbows and cuddles. It's not, Junmyeon proved you that.
Minseok gives you a red cup with booze inside as his way of comforting you. "Thanks." You wink at him and at his attempt of cheering you up.
"If I didn't know better, I'd be mad at Chanyeol for leaving you alone but I know he's probably making out with the house owner." Jongdae sighed, looking at you with pitiful eyes. "I'm okay, Dae. Y'all can hook up all you want but please drive me home after." You laugh at him.
"Who's the house owner?" You ask him, remembering what he just said. "You don't know? He was your lab partner in bio." Ah! Now, you remembered. It was Baekhyun, the golden boy. He was a guy like your ex, Junmyeon: straight As, student-athlete and school councilor. They were the kids your parents compared you to and you paled in comparison.
You couldn't imagine your friend, Chanyeol, being with a guy like that. He was perfect, Chanyeol fucked whoever he liked.  "Calm down. They're hooking up, not getting married." Minseok said before your drunken thoughts ran further in your head.
"God, why did I drink so much?" You ask them with a wince. Jongdae only sighed and looked at you with eyes full of pity once again.
"Stop with the pity, we came here to party." Minseok rolls his eyes at Jongdae and drags you two out of the kitchen and into the dancefloor.
The stench of beer and sweat clouded the air. The music was loud, making your head pang but your hips swing. Jongdae puts his arms around you and Minseok as you swam through the crowd with heads bobbing to the beat. It was a feeling you knew but longed for. The drunken euphoric feeling. It made you forget your ex was even here. 
"Wooh!" Minseok hoots while dancing to the music that was deafening yet comforting at the same time. You match his energy and let yourself loose. It has been a while since you've been this free.
You feel the alcohol get to you. You had the sudden urge to get out and breathe.
You eye Jongdae who was having a good time with Minseok. "I'll just get some air.." You point outside and they just nod.
You make your way through the dancing crowd and find the main door. You walk out and finally, you have the oxygen to inhale. "Ugh.." You groaned, cracking your neck.
Walking to the front porch, you see a number of partygoers here too. Just like you, they needed air too. You spot an unfamiliar man with a bottle of beer in his hand. You wouldn't have the courage to approach him if you were sober but you weren't. The booze Minseok brought have officialy kicked in and it's giving you confidence.
It was dark but it was obvious that he was handsome and buff. "Hey, I don't know you." You stupidly greeted him, making him laugh heartily. Doe eyes, heart-shaped lips, defined jaw, thick eyebrows. He wasn't just handsome, he was a lot of it!
"I feel the same." He jokingly answered you when you neared him. You mentally curse yourself at how dorkish you approached the good-looking guy. "What I meant was you're probably not from our school?" You tried to explain and he nodded.
"I'm long out of school, kid." You snicker at his nickname for you. It's not like you're a literal child! You were a senior and nineteen now. He talked like he was 70 too, when in fact, he looked barely 20.
He notices your sneer and he laughs again. He offers you his free hand and your eyes widen at that. "Kyungsoo." He says his name with a glint in his eyes. A naughty one, at that.
"Y/N." You shyly answered, taking his hand too. "Smoke?" He shows you a box of cigarettes and you shake your head at that. "I'm still buzzed." You smile at him and he nods, taking a stick to his lips.
He lights it singlehandedly and starts sucking some of it in between his lips. "What's a grown man doing at a high-school party?" You jokingly jeered at him, trying to get back at him with the 'kid' nickname.
"Picking up my brother." He chuckles in between puffs. "Isn't your brother a senior like me? Can't he go home himself?" You pry further. "Strict parents." He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.
You nod at what he said, running out of things to say. You really haven't seen him around despite your neighborhood being small. But you guessed it was because he was older and people around here left after high-school.
"Why are you out here?" He asked out of nowhere, cigarette still in his fingers. "Needed air." You breathe out and look at the empty sky above you.
"Wanna get out of here?" He says, tapping on his cigarette stick. You were surprised by his offer. It wasn't that you were unattractive but you didn't sleep around. You weren't the type to be asked to things like these.
He chuckles lightly at your shocked face. "What? You're gonna stare at my face the whole night?" He jokes, sucking his cigarette in for the fourth time. You didn't know what was taking over you but you knew you couldn't stop it. You were drunk and you were feeling a little hot. This handsome man wasn't helping either.
You inch towards him, the moment he breathes out smoke. You get on your tiptoes and kiss his perfectly plump lips, tasting nicotine and alcohol on them. Like him, it was addicting. The kiss was addicting.
You suckled on his bottom lip causing him to hold onto your neck. You hear him moan against your kiss and you smile at that. To tease him, you get back to your original height and stop kissing him.
"It's bad to tease a deprived man." He eyes you and the skimpy hot pink silky dress you were wearing. "Deprived?" You laugh at him. "I just got discharged." He smirks which surprised you. He was from the military? That explains why he's buff.
Unable to stop yourself, you get on your tiptoes to meet his lips once again. This time, he responds with much more fervor.
He throws away his cigarette stick and grabs your face in place with both hands. You groan against his touch as his fingers roam around the sides of your body. His touch drove you crazier and braver.
Without breaking the kiss, he guides you to his car and lets you inside. After a minute or two, he distances himself and starts walking to the driver side.
Your lips instantly felt the absence of his touch and it drove you nuts. You wanted him, all of him, now. The car roars to life as he started pulling out of Baekhyun's driveway.
"Weren't you supposed to pick your brother up?" You ask despite the growing hunger inside you. "He's a senior, he can go home himself." He smirks, mocking your question earlier.
You smile amusingly at how he's so charming. Well, he charmed his way into your pants in less than ten minutes. What did you expect?
The hunger inside you pushed you to be braver. You never did anything like this inside a car but you guessed there was always a first for everything. You bent down which surprised him.
You unzipped his pants and his 8-inch member sprung to life when you let it peek from his boxers. He was hard after one kiss? Well, he was right. He was indeed deprived. The reddish tip looked swollen as it twitched in your hands, begging you take it in.
Lust took over you and you let your tongue roll off its head. You hear Kyungsoo groan and it drives you crazier than you already were. You gather your hair and hold it yourself since he was driving. Your head bobbed up and down as your lips enveloped his cock.
"Holy shit." He speeds down the street as you let your tongue swirl around the erection. You smile as your tongue ran around it, making it harder for him to control.
His hips bucked as you taste his precum oozing. Salty, bitter but satisfying, you thought. He finally pulls up into a garage and the car stops humming.
He puts his pants back in place and drags you out of the car, his lips meeting yours as soon as you step out. "Jump." He growled. You obey him and interlace your thighs against his torso. He carries you inside the house and up to his room without breaking the kiss.
His hand rested on your bottom, alighting an unknown flame inside you. He throws you onto his bed and hovers above you after. You squirmed under his lustful eyes. You knew you wanted more. You wanted him.
You were on some unknown high the moment he tore your silk dress apart effortlessly. His eyes skimmed over your body like a beast eyeing his prey carefully and you, the prey desperate to be devoured.
You arch your back when his fingertips met your bra. His eyes were glued on your face and every reaction you made, his erection throbbed even more.
He ripped your underwear aggressively. You wanted to worry about what you will wear after this since your dress and undies were now ruined but lust clouded your judgment.
His hands roamed around your body and you whimpered like a cat in heat. "Fuck." He curses under his breath when his warm palms massaged your breasts. "Kyungs-soo." You stuttered while still squirming under his touch.
"What do you want, baby?" He growls, looking at you with dark eyes. "I-I want you.." You begged but he smirked. "Later.. I have to spoil this baby first." His teasing eyes left yours as he went down on you.
You feel his tongue flick your clit as if he was testing waters. You quivered at that contact while his hands still on your boobs.
His teeth grazed your wet pussy as you felt him smile against it. His hold on your chest even became tighter, making you moan and arch your back even more. "Sweet." He commented, licking his lips and making it touch your clit at the same time.
He ate you out while you squirmed under him, your fingers in his locks. You close your eyes when he starts pinching your nipples. "K-Kyungsoo!" You couldn't help but scream in pleasure as a wave of release washed over you. Your thighs trembled and your eyes roll back when you finally feel something come out of you.
"Kyungsoo, I want you. God." You breathe out as he starts teasing the tip of his dick against your throbbing pussy. He bows down to suck your nipples and you whimper for the nth time tonight.
He senses your need and desperation. Finally, he enters you which surprises you. Your eyes widened at the impact when he filled you up to the brim, making him grin mischievously. He starts thrusting slowly, feeling every inch of you inside.
He picks up his pace as he holds your thighs in place and his mouth still on your nipples. You moan repeatedly while he pounds you harder and harder. "Soo!" You scream when he started biting your hard peaks.
It doesn't take both of you long to come at the same time. He groans one last time as you feel his hot liquid fill you up.
He pulls out, juices dripping out of you making him smirk in satisfaction. He heads to his bathroom and take a shower as you unknowingly doze off in his bed, soreness and his scent enveloping your bare body.
Blinding sunlight woke you up. You flutter your eyes open and see an arm draped over your stomach. Kyungsoo, you remembered.
"Fuck.." You whisper when you spot your torn dress and underwear on the floor. You wondered what the hell you would wear now that Kyungsoo just destroyed everything.
Your soft voice woke him up. His face looked so much better under the sun that it did last night. If you didn't know better, you'd even think he was innocent and soft. Yet you knew how he rocked your world last night said otherwise.
He gets up, still in his boxers. "Good morning." His groggy voice was hot and you couldn't deny it made you feel something you felt last night.
"Good morning but first, what will I wear now?" You bite your lip nervously. He chuckles at your worried face. "Here." He gives you a black hoodie and grey sweatshorts from his closet.
"These are mine now?" You ask him while slipping them on. It was weird wearing clothes without anything underneath but you had no choice.
You open his door and get out of his room. "No, silly. It's an excuse to meet again." He growls in your ear which makes you giggle. He was flirting with you the next morning. This was more than just a one night stand, you thought.
"Have breakfast with me?" He brings your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles. You smile at how he can be so sweet. "You aren't a deprived man anymore. Why let me have breakfast here?" You teased, earning a smile from him.
He goes up to you and kisses your neck as he leads you to his kitchen. His lips started darting upwards to your jaw and you couldn’t help but let out tiny moans. You were about to meet his lips with your own but someone interrupted.
"Y/N?" A familiar voice thundered from his kitchen. You whip your head around yet Kyungsoo stays unbothered, his lips still suckling your sensitive jaw.
"What the hell are you doing with my brother?" Junmyeon glowers, a smirking Kyungsoo teasing him. "Jun?" You ask with so much disbelief in your voice. You knew he had a brother but you had no idea who it was or where he was.
"Didn't your dumbass break up with her already?" Kyungsoo smiles as he snakes an arm around your waist visibly, eyeing his brother mockingly. "Yeah but-" Your ex wasn't able to respond when he was cut off by his own brother.
"Your loss, bro." Kyungsoo chuckles.
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pars-ley · 3 years
Bare yourself (part three)
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Pairing: CEO Jimin x female reader
Summary: After a serious hack from your office building, fingers start being pointed but in which direction is the right one and where will that leave you and your boss, Jimin?
Genre: CEO au / smut / angst / series / workplace au / strangers to lovers au / boss/employee au
Rating: 18+ (NSFW)
Warnings: Phone sex / Masturbation m and f / Police interrogation / Explicit language / CEO Jimin
Word count: 3.5k
Beta: @erotikkook thank you!
Notes: Ok, so this took me a ridiculously long time to finish, life is manic but here's the next chapter. Thank you for being patient. Hope you all enjoy!
Taglist: @jungkooksbroski @unoriginal-username15432 @yoobikook @vonvi-blog @itsohhonney @kpopnoobsstuff @namyoongles @btsmosphere @autumnbear @ownthesunshine @btstista​
"Miss l/n, we know the hack came from inside the building. All I want to do is find out who's responsible. Which means I need your cooperation." Detective Kim Namjoon peers at you over the frames of his dark glasses. 
"And like I've said, you have my full cooperation. I cannot tell you anything more than I already have." You respond leaning forward on the table, desperate for him to believe you.
He slumps back in his seat and sighs. "Miss l/n, we can't keep doing this back and forth routine. I-"
"Sir, I love my job and I love this company," you interrupt. "I also think very highly of my boss, I. Would. Not. Do. This."
"How high?"
You freeze at his sudden change of questioning. "What?"
"How high?" He repeats. "Is something going on between you two?"
You straighten your back, looking at him through narrowed eyes, feeling the rock of a lie settle in your stomach and weigh you down. "Mr. Kim, I am a professional."
He puts both his hands up in surrender. "No offense intended ma'am. It's just that some of your other coworkers seem quite smitten with him."
You almost roll your eyes, knowing you were probably just as dreamy eyed as your co-workers but too proud to admit it.
"Oh, and they did mention the two of you cosying up at a recent work party."
You resist the urge to swallow as your heart pounds violently inside you, panic squeezing your pumping organ in a vice grip. You thought no one had noticed your exchange or your absence when you both left.  
"We were talking, yes. He offered me a promotion and wanted to discuss it."
He looks impressed. "Wow, what a good opportunity, he must trust you a lot."
"He did." 
"Until this?" He scrubs a hand over his smooth face and you nod.
"Um-hm. What would you say you could hack into?"
You frown, not understanding the question. "Sorry?"
"Could you hack just about anything?"
Thinking about it you shrug, "Most things I'd say."
"Even something as impenetrable as this program?"
You laugh. "Sir, I designed the security portion of this program, I wouldn't need to hack into it." You lean forward again. "Let me explain something to you, if I were to do something like this, I would have been in and out without anyone knowing. I would know how to cover my tracks without being detected."
You pause rubbing your temples, "If you ask me, this was done by someone with a limited knowledge of hacking and computers. Either that or this person is trying to frame someone in the company. They're your two options."
He smiles at you, two dimples forming an endearing crevice in his cheeks.
"They told me you were smart."
You rub your face ignoring his remark. "I have been here for hours. Am I free to go or are you going to charge me with something?"
"Just one more question. What were you doing last night?"
Your heart stutters before pounding guiltily against your ribcage, with every beat you're almost sure you can hear Jimin's name. Ji-min. Ji-min.
Folding your hands in your lap to disguise you pinching your wrist under the table, trying to do anything to keep your hectic mind calm as you know you have to lie.
"I was at home."
The smirk he gives you makes your stomach churn, as if he can see right through you and your lies, as if he can see everything that transpired last night flashing behind your eyes. 
"Yes." Your voice comes out raspy, a sudden dry patch in your throat makes you swallow involuntarily.
"Run me through your evening." He sinks lower into his seat, you're almost waiting for him to pull out a footstool and put his feet up.
"We set up the project, waited for it to go live-"
"Who's we?"
"My team, myself and Mr. Park."
He nods and gestures a hand for you to continue.
"Once it was live, we monitored it for a few hours, checked everything was in working order and most of my team went home for the night. It was pretty late by then."
He jots your account down on his laptop, the keys clicking furiously as you speak.
"What time is 'late'?"
"Around 10ish."
He raises his brows. "Is that a typical work day for you?"
You shake your head. "No, it was only because we wanted to make sure everything went ok with the go live, a few tweaks and adjustments had to be made, nothing major."
He nods, eyes focused on his screen. "Is that usual at the end of a project, tweaks and adjustments?" 
You shrug. "Sometimes yes, on big projects, sometimes you can't see certain errors until a go live."
"Ok, so it's 10 o'clock and your team have gone home, leaving you and Mr. Park. What happened next?"
You massage your temples. "We spoke in his office."
"About what?"
Your hand slams down on the table, an action you didn't intend. "Is that relevant?"
He looks up startled, then smiles. "Why? Have I touched a nerve?"
You resist the urge to lean across the table and pound your fist into his smug face and instead lean back in your seat with your arms folded, an attempt at shielding yourself. "We spoke about the project and the result. It seemed to be successful, at the time, so we had a celebratory night cap."
He shoves his laptop aside, leaning forward on his elbows, ears pricked and ready. "Let me get this straight. You and the - forgive me - handsome Mr. Park are alone in the building, in his office and having a night cap, late at night?"
"Yes." You reply bluntly, the arrogance of him, so sure he'll find your lie, flaming your veins with rage.
"Does Mr. Park regularly have his colleagues in his office for a night cap?"
"I wouldn't know sir, I'm not his secretary."
"Even if you were, she'd have gone home hours ago, according to you." He pauses watching you, his eyes so intense they feel smothering-suffocating. 
His stare eases, releasing you from its hold. "Ok continue, what happened after your night cap?" He relaxes and goes back to typing. 
You breathe a sigh of relief, air feeling light and free again.
"We talked, I finished my drink, then I went home."
"How did you get home?"
You pause. If you lie, they're bound to see the footage of you and Jimin leaving the building together, with you getting into his car. 
"Miss l/n? How did you get home?" 
Here he goes looking expectantly over the rim of his glasses again.
"Mr. Park gave me a ride home."
And there was that infuriating smirk again. "Is that so? Was his driver there or did Mr. Park do the driving?"
You feel the heat on the back of your neck as you're reminded of how Jimin's hands felt on your skin, hot and eager in the back of the car. "His driver took me."
"With Mr. Park."
You nod slowly. 
"And I suppose he just said goodnight and off you went?"
"You're correct, sir." 
"And Mr. Park will vouch for this story of yours?" He taps his bottom lip with the pen he just pulled out of his pocket.
You nod. "He will because it's the truth." You're both praying and hoping you'd have a chance to speak to Jimin before he got interviewed...if he hasn't been already. God, if they found out you were lying about this, it would make you look so guilty.
"Uh-huh. One other thing…"
Fighting the frustrated growl boiling up inside you, you give him a false smile.
"Do you have any idea why someone would want to hack this software?"
You mull it over briefly, "I would imagine, seeing as it's a security breach for information, that it's to steal. Most of our clients are..." you struggle to find the appropriate wording.
"Rich." He intejects.
You nod agreeing.
"Ummm." He adds watching you, before sitting up and closing his laptop abruptly. "Ok, miss l/n, you're free to go. But we'll be in touch, I assure you." 
He stands up and you quickly follow him out of the room. When he shows you the direction the exit is in he turns to face you and holds out a hand. 
"It's been a pleasure, miss l/n, I know you probably won't be able to say the same, nevertheless." He shakes your hand with a half smile causing the dimple to return, somehow completely softening his face.
You nod and leave as quickly as your tired body will let you.
The cool, night air hitting your face immediately calms your panicked mind. You need to speak to Jimin but it might not be safe to do so.
"Are you ok, y/n?" A deep voice sounds from beside you, silencing all your other chaotic thoughts.
You spin and see Taehyung leaning casually against the pillar of the building smoking.
You relax at the sight of a familiar face. Jimin's personal assistant has always been friendly and kind towards you. You weren't sure but rumours in your company suggested that the two of them were even brothers, although you doubted it as they didn't resemble each other in the slightest.
"Yeah, glad to be out of there though." You reply, massaging the back of your neck.
"I bet, you've been in there a long time. I saw you leave to go to the station with them hours ago."
You nod. "It's been a long and very trying day. Are you waiting to be interviewed?"
He nods, taking a long drag, you watch as the end illuminates orange. 
"Well, I hope they don't keep you in there too long."
"They shouldn't. I've been away, only got back last night. Don't see how much use I can be to them."
He flicks his cigarette into the road and closes the distance between you.
"Listen, if there's anything you need or if you just want to talk or rant, anything. Don't hesitate to give me a call." He hands you his card. "This is a tough situation for everyone, we all need someone every now and then."
His bright, boxy grin has your mouth upturning before you know it. You thank him and hail and cab. Glancing at him, you see him watching you as the car drives away, unsure as to whether he's flirting or you're reading too much into it and he's being his usual cheerful self.
You shrug it off. All you can think of is getting home, running a nice, hot bath and forgetting this day ever happened.
Back to reality as you sit with your silk robe wrapped around you, your laptop positioned neatly on your thighs, going through every possible way someone could have hacked into this, looking for how they got in. 
But nothing made sense, this was definitely not a hack done by someone with limited knowledge as you originally thought. 
There was no trace of anything left behind, no mark that anyone had even been in. Which only means, the hack had to be someone with inside knowledge of the project already, it definitely wasn't an outside hacker.
A more alarming finding was discovering the computer used for the hack was actually yours.
But why make it so obvious where the hack took place and which computer...unless...someone is trying to frame you. This wasn't something you had realistically considered. 
If you were honest, no one was even jumping out at you as a suspect. You trusted everyone in your team and everyone who helped on this project.
You sigh, massaging your temples as you try to clear your mind.
A harsh knock on the door makes you jump and you glance at your phone. 
Who on earth would be knocking at this hour?
You head over, opening the door slightly with the chain still pulled tight across, to see a man; hat pulled down covering his eyes, standing there handing you a small, brown package through the gap.
"It's from Jimin." He says quietly. You watch his mouth - the only part of his face you can see - stretch into a gummy smile, before turning and exiting the building. 
Bewildered, you close the door and rip open the box. Staring at its contents and searching for some kind of note explaining what on earth this is for. 
A phone. 
What are you supposed to do with it?
You take it out, examining it and noticing the mistletoe background. Just like the mistletoe you first kissed Jimin under.
You jump out of your skin, fear firing an ice bolt right through you as it lights up and starts ringing.
Hesitantly, you answer. "Hello?"
"Y/n," Jimin's breathy voice sounds in your ear and sends a scattering of goosebumps across your skin. "I'm sorry for the cloak and dagger but I'm unsure if I'm being watched."
"By the police?" You ask, worried at the urgency in his voice.
"Not just them. Listen," he starts before you can interject. "I want you to know that no matter how it seems or what I say in front of other people, I do believe that you had nothing to do with this hack."
The relief that floods you has your shoulders relaxing instantly, not even aware they were tense. "I am glad to hear you say that, thank you."
"I also want to apologise, I did not mean for your involvement with me to put you at risk of any trouble."
You frown, trying to make sense of his words. "I really don't see how the two are connected."
He sighs and the urge you have to comfort him, to wrap your arms around him until his stress is eased, almost has you putting on your shoes and coat. "It doesn't matter. Things are complicated with me and it wasn't fair for me to drag you into that."
"Hey, hey," you sit down on the edge of your bed. "You didn't drag me anywhere. I'm a big girl Jimin, I can make my own decisions, last night being one of them and I definitely do not have any regrets about that."
You're met with silence as you find yourself fiddling with the bedsheets, reminiscing his touch. 
"I most definitely do not regret it either." He finally says. You think you can hear a slight smile in his voice. "That was a moment I had wanted for longer than I care to admit."
His unexpected confession causes a furious blush to creep up your chest.
"I wish I could see you." The desperation in his voice makes you hot underneath your robe.
"Why don't you come over?" You ask, hesitantly biting your lower lip.
"I wish I could, lord knows I do, but I can't risk it, for your sake." 
You collapse back on the bed in frustration, his scent jumps up and captures you, pulling your mind into filthy places. "My bed sheets still smell like you." You say the words before thinking them through. 
"Do they?" His voice is suddenly husky and full of want. "And what is going through that impressive mind of yours?" 
"You are. Your touch, your taste, how I wish to feel your perfect lips on me again." Your hand makes its way down to open your robe, cool air hitting your skin and puckering your nipples.
"Hmm-mm, and what are you doing while you're thinking about me?" He asks.
"What do you want me to do, Jimin?" You accentuate his name, knowing how much he loves it when you say it.
"Touch yourself." He whispers.
You waste no time in obeying, as your fingers travel quickly down to your throbbing clitorous. The feel of your fingertips massaging your sweet bud makes you moan.
"Oh god, this makes me want to see you even more." He groans. 
You use the phone to snap a quick photo of your actions and send it to the number you're on the line too. "Incoming message, sir." You say teasingly.
"Oh, fuck," he says in the distance and instantly followed by the sound of his trouser zipper being undone. "You make me crazy." His voice is right back at your ear.
"Jimin, I wish it was my mouth around your rock hard cock." 
"Me too, angel. God, what I wouldn't give to feel you around me. Tell me, what would you want me to do to you?" He grunts, the sound of him pleasuring himself causes a gush of arousal to spill from your eager hole and you spread it over yourself.
"I'd want your mouth on me...everywhere, tasting just how wet I am for you." You pant.
"Just for me?" 
"Yes, all for you." You lightly trace circles over your swollen sweet spot, toes curling when he breathes your name down the phone.
"I want to be inside you, again." 
"Anytime, anywhere, just tell me." You whisper, that undeniable build up already at peak point. "I'm going to cum." 
"That's it angel, cum with me." 
You unravel, back arching off the bed and burying your face into the sheets, relishing his scent. You hear him orgasm, repeating your name continuously. It makes you smile inside and it makes you feel powerful knowing how much he wants you.
"I have to say," he says, after you both get your breath back. "That was not the reason for me sending the phone."
You can't help but laugh at that. "What was the reason?"
He sighs again. "Mostly, to apologise and to have a way to speak to you that I know is safe. We have to be careful, now."
"Why, what are you so worried about?"
A long pause. "I can't," you can almost hear his inner turmoil, the fight with himself. "I'm just trying to protect you. You don't need to be involved."
You're about to argue but something inside you stills. If you push someone like Jimin too much, he'll only clam up further, he'll open up when he's ready...you hope.
"Keep this phone on, ok?" He pleads.
"More late night phone sex?" You tease, chewing your lip.
"I wouldn't say no," he laughs. "I do, however, just want to be able to talk to you, if that's ok?" 
You nod and realise he can't see that. "Of course, anytime."
"I wouldn't say that, you'll never get me off the phone." 
You feel yourself smiling like a cheshire cat, feeling like a lovesick school girl again. What has this man reduced you to?
"Goodnight y/n. Sleep well, angel." He hangs up the phone, leaving your heart stuttering and your stomach flipping with excitement. The prospect of something new on the horizon, even with all the current problems you're facing, something still seeming positive might come out of this. All you can do is hope.
Getting ready for work the next morning you felt conflicted, part of you was on cloud nine, drifting blissfully along on nothing but hope and dreams. The other part was dreading the work day and what it could bring, plus you still had your own discreet investigating to do.
A harsh, yet cheerful rap on your door, startled you. 
Rushing to the door to see who it is, a small part clinging onto a chance it could be Jimin, only to be disappointed when you open the door and find detective Kim Namjoon staring back at you.
"Ah Miss l/n, I'm so glad I caught you before work, could I come in?" The same smug smile stretching his full lips as he leans casually against your door frame, his laptop hooked under his arm.
"Really? Right now, I'll be late for work." You reply, feeling a bit like a deer caught in headlights.
"That's ok, I've already informed your boss of your late arrival." He assures you cockily. "So, can I …?"
You grit your teeth and step out of the way, gesturing for him to enter. 
You watch as he studies every inch of your living area, peering into your bedroom.
"What is it I can help you with, detective?"
He turns to you, "Ah, yes of course." 
Setting his laptop down on your dining room table, hitting a few keys and spinning it round towards you. "You might want to sit down for this." He says, as he hits the play button.
You ignore him and watch. 
Video footage of your office building, of you walking to your office partition specifically. You watch yourself sit in the empty building, at your computer and leave again. You look up at the detective, confusion marring your brow and he simply taps the screen where the date and time stamp are.
You follow it, and re-read it at least three times, eyes open wider than ever, as if that'll somehow help you see different numbers.
The frown creases deeper into your forehead as your brain catches up with the fact that the video shows you, alone in the building, at the exact time and date of the hack. 
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sondepoch · 4 years
All Trades (Barbatos x Reader)
When things go south at one of Diavolo's parties, you end up lost in his castle, lonely and crying. Barbatos, ever the loyal butler, quickly finds and soothes you, turning your tearstained cheeks rosy with laughter. But after an hour passes and you’ve gotten to know the demon better, the reason for your pink cheeks has shifted to more intimate reasons. And it seems that Barbatos feels the same way.
You're not upset.
You're not.
You brush tears away from your cheeks, keeping your head low as you exit the party hall before anyone notices you, still hellbent on convincing yourself of that fact: You're not upset.
You're not!
Against your will, you hear Satan's insensitive words play out in your head. "Humans are so weak—it's quite surprising that they've managed to survive so many centuries without perishing."
Well, coming from Satan, the words aren't really that inconsiderate. They're more reflective of his natural curiosity and his eternal search for knowledge, and how he's always analyzing patterns he sees.
That's probably why, at the time, you'd continued walking toward the demon brothers, only a light grimace present on your face at the words. But if Satan's comment wasn't insensitive, Mammon's certainly was: "No wonder they're the lesser beings of the three realms! For all their talk, humans really aren't much, huh?"
What's worse is that nearly all the remaining demon brothers nodded their heads in agreement.
That had stopped you in your tracks.
You'd thought that these past four months in the Devildom had taught them how strong humans actually are: as a species, your value lies not in individual strength but your mutual ability to find strength in each other. In fact, of the three realms, humans are the only entities that actively seek to change and better themselves—given that the Devildom is still stuck in a monarchy, and the Celestial Realm has eternally divided its angels into the holy hierarchy, which is really just a caste system determined by birth.
Mammon's words replay again in your head: the lesser beings.
Is that how they see you? Lesser? At the very least, you'd hoped that they'd all come to recognize you, individually, as an equal. Despite your physical weaknesses, you've proven time and time again that your mental tenacity is nothing to be trifled with, and your sheer human resilience has pulled you rough situations countless times.
Though it seems that the brothers haven't recognized any of that.
You feel your lip quiver, tears blurring your vision, as you continue to haphazardly make your way through Diavolo's castle. You only allow yourself to stop when you're far enough that you can't even hear the sound of party chatter.
You're lost, you know. But you don't even care. You just don't want to be around other people right now.
You pause when you reach an extravagantly decorated room, no doors obstructing your path. Cautiously entering, your eyes instantly dart over the far end where there lies a stunning alcove, just deep enough to allow for a sitting space directly in front of a large window.
You approach.
It's beautiful.
Not just the ornamental designs on the alcove, or the embroidered silk drapes on the side, or even the lovely thickness of the window that allows moonlight to stream in so brilliantly. No, what's truly beautiful is the view.
You wipe your tears from your face, memories of Satan's and Mammon's words fading from your mind as your eyes take in the stunning sight before you. Quietly, you enter the alcove, pulling the curtains closed behind you. With the thick fabric acting as a door that grants you privacy, you allow yourself to relax. The silk is white with gold designs, and it seems to reflect the moonlight that streams through the window back out, filling the entire annex to the brim with the moon's lovely glow.
Moving forward, you smooth out your dress before sitting down, a soft gasp leaving your lips once you're even closer to the loveliness that is this view.
You don't recall climbing any stairs, but you know you must be near the very top of Diavolo's castle right now. The entire Devildom is laid out in front of you, little lights twinkling on and off as various demons party and drink and laugh and dance the night away.
A small smile crosses your face at the thought.
You see a few demons directly in front of Diavolo's castle, stumbling as they attempt to lift off the ground with their wings. Probably drunk, you think, turning your gaze to the sky. On such a clear night, it's easy for you to see the various delivery-demons and late-night partygoers making their final trips home as they soar through the sky, dark wings darting faster than anyone has a right to. Another smile crosses your face.
You see a light in the distance, a specific house, turning on and off. It almost looks almost like what people would do in the human world with haunted houses, attempting to scare guests with flickering lights. I should drag Mammon to a Haunted House, you think absentmindedly. The very thought is enough to bring an amused smile to your face, imagining how the demon would react to such a situation before your expression turns sour once more.
Your lip quivers once more, and you suddenly remember Mammon's prior comment.
The lesser beings.
You turn your eyes back upon the Devildom, gazing back at all it has to show you, desperate for it to steal your thoughts away once more.
The next half hour passes like that: you trying to forget what you overheard at the party, attempting to convince yourself that you're overreacting, holding back (and failing) your tears, and then turning to look for another set of distractions out the window before the process repeats all over again.
When a familiar voice rings out in the room, you're almost relieved that someone has come to fetch you from the prison of your mind. At this point, you feel even more awful than when you left the party, so drained that you can't even bring yourself to wipe the tears away from your face.
"Excuse me?" A familiar voice repeats. You didn't recognize the demon in his first call, but there's no mistaking the confident yet calm tone. "Whoever is behind that curtain, please come out. Your absence at the party will soon be noted."
You freeze. If you act like you're not here, will the demon butler humor you and play along? The sound of his approaching footsteps tells you otherwise.
You flinch when you see the Barbatos pull open the drapes that had previously hidden you away, averting your eyes so that he can't see your tearstained face. How are you to know that the moonlight makes the wet streaks on your skin glisten as brightly as your earrings?
Barbatos's eyes widen at the sight of you, though you don't see it. He was expecting to find a demon—it certainly wouldn't be the first time someone has gotten drunk and decided to go exploring—but to see you here? Crying, no less? You don't notice the way Barbatos's jaw momentarily clenches at the sight as he internally files the memory away to later reprimand Lucifer for failing at his duty of keeping you happy.
"Well, this is surprising," He greets you after a moment of silence.
You instinctively meet Barbatos's eyes, a slight frown present on your lips. You try to think of a snarky comment to retort back, but before you can say anything, the butler is speaking again. "Do you wish for me to summon one of the brothers to comfort you? Lord Diavolo wishes for all the members of your house to enjoy themselves to the fullest at this celebration."
You scowl.
Can't Barbatos even pretend to care about you? All these demons are so insensitive, you think, your lip quivering. Deep down inside, though, you know that the only reason you're so disturbed by Barbatos's nonchalance is because of all the demons, he's one of the few that you want to care.
From the very first day, he was the one helping you and explaining the situation you were in. And while other demons may be oblivious to a person's more subtle bodily cues, from the day of your arrival, you swore that you could see beyond the facade he maintains, into the quiet and almost generous personality.
But maybe you were wrong?
"Those stupid brothers are the reason I'm here right now." The words are bitter as they leave your tongue, and you drop your gaze once more.
"I see," Barbatos responds. He's quiet for a moment. "Do you intend to return to the party at all? I can arrange for your transportation back to the House of Lamentation."
"No, they'll get worried. And I don't want to have to have a whole talk with them. I'll go back, I promise. Just…"
"Just later?" Barbatos finishes your sentence, his usual uptight smile tinted with an undertone of sympathy.
You nod.
"Do you truly believe you'll be able to find your way back?" He asks. Your inability to respond to his question is an answer in itself, and he chuckles. You catch his gaze, and realize that he, too, is staring out the window. "I'll remain until you wish to return. You may want to fix your makeup. Do you have the required materials, or should I fetch them for you?"
Shit! You curse inwardly, remembering how Asmo had spent hours perfecting your face, applying eyeshadow and blush and lipstick, and you didn't even recognize some of the other devices he was using on your skin. You can somewhat do regular human makeup, but demon makeup? Oh god.
"I can't..." A light blush creeps onto your face. You avoid Barbatos's gaze and pray that he'll understand your meaning without you having to spell it out for him.
"Pardon?" His confusion is evident, and the pink on your cheeks only grows stronger.
"Ican'tdoitbymyself" You manage to say, the words coming out in a low tumble as you try to explain your issue as quickly as possible. How embarrassing, you can't help but think. But, once more, Barbatos's confusion only further heightens your flustered state.
"You can't what, MC? Please speak slower. I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you're saying."
You sigh, taking a deep breath.
Is Barbatos playing with you? Or is he truly this dense?
A single look into his clear olive eyes confirms the latter.
"I can't dress myself for demon parties yet," You finally muster up the courage to say. "Asmo did all my makeup for me."
You're quiet for a moment, understanding the predicament you're in. You swallow nervously when you realize what you'll have to ask Barbatos to do. "Can you…?" You stare at the butler's feet, biting your lip.
If only you could notice the spark of desire that flashes through Barbatos's eyes as he gazes down at you, seated so delicately while biting your lip and staring at the ground in meek submission. He's so used to being ordered around, commanded, and as one of the only humans in the exchange program, it's certainly within your right to do so. But here you are, asking him for help. Trusting him to give it. Your glistening cheeks and your utterly wrecked makeup only add to the charm of ruin that you're presenting to him oh-so-deliciously, and he has to remind himself to stay calm at the realization that, of all demons, you're trusting him to help you in this state.
"Of course, my lady." He smiles when he notices your frown turning into a light giggle, the phrase never failing to make you laugh at how preposterous it is that you—a mere human from such an ordinary background—can ever be considered a "lady" in the palace of a demon overlord.
You smile at Barbatos, finally standing up. Your eyes meet for barely a second before he's leading you out of the room, down a flight of stairs (when did you ever come up?) and into an extravagant dressing room. Within minutes, you're seated in front of a mirror.
And it's only then that you realize just how awful you look.
"Oh my god," You mumble, staring at your eyes. "I look like a raccoon!"
Barbatos chuckles, gathering in his hands what you imagine to be makeup remover. "A colorful raccoon. Asmodeus chose a rather wide color palette to use on your face."
It relieves you when Barbatos begins wiping the makeup off—having to pull a fresh makeup wipe nearly every three seconds because of the sheer volume of substance on your face—and you begin to see your natural skin peek through.
"It's entirely feasible for you to choose to return to the party without any makeup at all," Barbatos comments while brushing your hair out of the way with his hand. His words hold truth: since the very first day of your arrival in the Devildom, you'd noticed that your skin has never looked better. Whether it's your body's response to the natural magic flowing through the land or the sudden lack of stress is something you're not quite sure of, but it's ended up with you looking closer and closer to your personal definition of 'perfection' with each passing day.
Alas, Asmodeus would notice if you returned with a bare face, lovely as you would look.
"I can't. If Asmo sees, he'll know that I…"
"Right," Barbatos comments, wiping down the final remnants of your makeup. He stands behind you as he works, allowing you both to stare into the mirror as he trashes the final makeup wipe, his gloved thumbs rubbing circles into your cheekbones.
You stare at him in the mirror.
He seems mesmerized, the way his chartreuse eyes don't even blink as he watches you. And if you're being completely honest, you can't deny that you're just as spellbound by the gaze on his face. He must have forgotten that you can see him, too, through the mirror, because for once, you can tell that he isn't masking his emotions.
A light smile plays on your lips when you realize that it's you Barbatos is so entranced by.
That helps your mood quite a bit, even after he finally recovers with a cough and begins working on whatever the demon equivalent of eyeliner is.
You smile.
"So do you intend on informing me what drove you to run from the party in such a hysterical state?" Barbatos asks while he works. Before, you might have mistaken his words to be cruel, seeking information for the simple purpose of knowing. But now, you can tell that it's a genuine attempt to make conversation. His next words are almost teasing. "Or have you already made plans to keep me in the dark for the rest of the night?"
You sigh, wishing that you didn't have to close your eyes for Barbatos to do your eyeshadow. You really want to see his facial expression as you explain what happened, just to get a sense of what he's thinking, but by the time you're done with your telling, he seems surprisingly willing to let you know his thoughts.
"I don't think Mammon intended to imply that humans are lesser beings in that regard. Of all the brothers in the House of Lamentation, I'm sure you understand that he's the most swayed by you. Despite his words, he does indeed see you as an equal."
"So why would he call humans 'lesser beings?'"
"I think he was simply restating a fact. Of the three higher entities: humans are objectively the lowest. As a species, you are physically the weakest, incapable of flight, generally lack magical capabilities, are typically ignorant of the other realms, and you live the shortest."
You bite your lip at Barbatos's words, hating that they're true.
"Therefore, from a biological standpoint, there's no question that humans are lesser beings when compared to demons and angels. That was perhaps Mammon's point. If you'd stayed to listen to their conversation, I'm sure the brothers would have continued to discuss how humans overcome that with their other evolutionary strengths. Wasn't that Satan's point in the first place? How impressive it is that humans have succeeded in survival?"
"Oh," You mumble, suddenly feeling foolish. When the feathery brushes on your face stops, you open your eyes, pleasantly surprised to find that they look just as striking as when Asmo did them. "I didn't...I didn't think about it from that angle."
"There's no fault in that," Barbatos continues, applying a strange liquid to your cheeks. You suspect it's a base for blush. "Mammon isn't the best with words. His brothers likely only understood his meaning because they've been with him for thousands of years."
You nod, thankful for Barbatos's insights. His words. His comfort. Who would have thought that this butler would be so good at easing the tears of a crying human? Another smile breaks out onto your face at the thought, and you allow your eyes to wander back up to the butler's face.
He doesn't seem to notice you staring at him. That, or he doesn't mind.
Again, he seems entirely entranced as he continues to transform your face. His breathing is even, but there's no mistaking the tiny hitch in his throat when you lick your still-uncolored lips, causing a subtle smirk to form on your face.
Have his emotions always been this easy to read? Or is it just now, in private, that he allows the mask to slip? And is he even aware that you're gazing at him so intently, willingly giving you access to the feelings he hides around others? Or is that, too, subconscious?
You watch his gloved thumbs, now spotted with the color of your eye shadow, as they slowly allow color to spread on your cheeks. The tone he uses is paler than the one Asmodeus selected, but you can barely tell because your cheeks are already so naturally rosy from the intensity of his gaze.
"You're quite skilled with makeup," You remark casually. "In the human world, stylists wouldn't even be able to do makeup from this angle. Through a mirror, I mean."
"Butlers are well-versed in all trades," Barbatos comments with a sly smile. "Would you prefer it if I continued the human way? Without the mirror?"
He walks forward before you can respond, angling the mirror away so that all you can see is him as he continues making final touches to your makeup. Unfortunately, he keeps his facial expressions controlled as you stare at him, unable to look elsewhere. A pity.
But even without the mirror, when he leans back to study your face, you can tell there's something missing.
"Lipstick…?" You say with a questioning tone while he continues staring at you, one hand still underneath your chin to angle your face upward at him, into the light.
"Not yet." But despite his words, Barbatos doesn't make any motion to do anything else. He studies your face with a controlled expression, likely noting how your cheeks are growing pinker with each passing second.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity of just staring into each other's eyes, he breaks the silence with a question.
"Do you consciously tempt me?"
You blink.
And then it hits you. That must have been what he's been thinking this whole night, staring at you so intensely through the mirror. A bashful smile crosses your face. He means the words as a compliment.
"Are you tempted?" You manage to ask. You're surprised by your own boldness, but with Barbatos being so rarely honest with you, it's hard not to respond in the same way.
"Very," He murmurs, his eyes trailing down from your eyes to your lips, still untouched by makeup. The hand under your chin shifts, and soon the butler has his thumb tracing your bottom lip, experimentally pressing down to feel the softness.
"Then do something about it," You mumble, unable to hold back any longer. And it seems that Barbatos was just at his own limit, too, because in the few seconds it takes for you to stand up and press your body against his, he immediately responds, spinning you around such that he's now sitting on the chair, pulling you into his lap.
You let out a sound of disbelief when you realize how quickly he's moved, somehow managing to get you to literally straddle his lap in a manner of seconds. "H-how—" Your words come out short and confused, never having seen the full scope of his demonic strength and agility. And even now, you can tell that Barbatos is holding back.
"Why should I do something?" Barbatos asks playfully, his usual knowing smirk back on his face as he grips your waist. "I must say, I'd much rather prefer to see my lady as she takes what she wants."
Barbatos leans forward, staring possessively at you as you sit on his lap, both hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. Suddenly, you realize that it's not Diavolo's butler sitting beneath you right now. No, that state of being the 'loyal and serving butler' is the very mask itself, meant to hide the raw power that comprises the demon within.
The true Barbatos is the one staring hungrily into your eyes, smug confidence radiating off his body as he waits for you to make the first move, knowing full well that after this past evening, you're too enamored by him not to. You let yourself stare at the demon in shock, wondering how you'd never noticed this side to him.
You lean your head forward, wrapping your arms around the demon's neck, hesitantly locking his lips in a kiss that turns passionate in seconds. It's hot. Almost too hot, feeling his gloved fingers tense around your waist every time your lips move against his, bodies molding through the clothing in a lustful mix of tongue, movement, and desire. You let out a gasp when the demon bites down on your lip, stronger than anything you're used to but pleasing all the same, and you can't help but wonder how Barbatos keeps this side of him locked in.
You'd known it before, but you understand it now: Barbatos is truly one of the most powerful demons to exist in the entire Devildom. His powers are beyond the scope of anything demons are familiar with, the man literally strong enough to make time itself his bitch.
You moan into his mouth when his hands begin to roam your body, disheveling the clothing you'd spent half an hour ironing. But at the moment, you can't bring yourself to care. It's too hot. Too passionate. Too intense.
But the sound of your moan prompts Barbatos to pull back, his usual smirk even more confident after seeing you respond so enthusiastically.
You let out a quiet whine when he pulls away, both breathless from the intensity of the moment.
"You're good at kissing," You mumble, embarrassed despite the situation.
"Of course," He murmurs teasingly. There's a mischievous glint in his eye. "A butler is well-versed in all trades."
The words were innocent enough when he said them the first time, but they take on an entirely new meaning now, as Barbatos allows his hand to slide lower until his thumb is stroking your inner thigh, dangerously close to what lies between your legs.
You feel the breath catch in your throat.
"Enough of that, isn't it?" He teases, withdrawing his hand. He pulls a metal cylinder from the table and opens it, revealing the pigmented stick inside. "Let's get this lipstick on you, and then you can head back to the party."
You let out an uncharacteristic growl and snatch the tube from the Barbatos's hands, fed up with his teasing. The man has been planning this—not applying your lipstick was clearly a calculated decision, and he knows exactly what he's doing to you. His smirk never fades, not even when you toss the tube to the far side of the room, hearing it land on a carpet with a soft thump.
"So feisty," He mumbles passively, putting up no fight when you mold your lips against him once more. "What will the brothers say when they notice your absence?"
"Doesn't matter," You mumble into the demon's lips, savoring the way his hand has moved up to your hair, pressing your head down and closer to him. You smirk when you hear a low groan leave his lips, instinctively moving your hips against his as you sit on his lap.
The quiet hiss that leaves his mouth is more telling than his attempts to hide his pleasure.
"There's no going back after this," He murmurs, hands suddenly on your waist again as he grinds your body against his. "They'll be able to smell me on you. All of them. They'll know."
You shiver at the tone of his voice, and you can tell that the prospect of making you his excites him. You lean your head forward to whisper into Barbatos's ear, savoring the way his body shivers under you when you lick it. "Don't hold back."
With those words, the last of his restraint vanishes. He mumbles for you to wrap your legs around him, a command that you instantly obey. Without an ounce of hesitation, he grips your thighs and hastily pulls you into his room—which you note is conveniently close, almost as if the demon has been planning this since he brought you here.
Upon entry, he all but slams you into the wall, already undoing your clothing as he tosses it to the ground with effortless confidence. You wonder, momentarily, if he plans to take you then and there, against the wall, or if he'll end up pulling you into his bed.
But does it really matter?
From the way he's sucking on your neck, possessively marking you in lieu of mere kisses, there's no questioning it: he'll ensure that your night with him is beyond worth it. You certainly trust him on that front.
And, in truth, who wouldn't? He is, indeed, well-versed in all trades.
It seems that pleasure will be no exception.
Word count: 4.3k
Notes: If I'm 100% honest, my top 3 favorites from Obey Me! are Solomon, Simeon, and Barbatos~ After writing Paramour, I've been DYING to get some Barbatos content out and if the response to this is positive, then i'll DEFINITELY continue writing our favorite demon butler~ i mean, how can you not love him? (or any of the boys, for that matter)
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Thank you for reading <3
I do not own the rights to Obey Me! or any of the characters within it.
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unmanageable-day · 4 years
Come to me: EPILOGUE
Pairing : Joshua x fem reader
Genre/contain(s) : fluff, slightly suggestive (maybe?) / soft makeout sesh (and kinda failed lmao) (lmao poor boy joshy)
a/n: Automatic by Chancellor is my personal preference haha
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masterlist of Come to Me
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"Why are you listening to a song without lyrics?" Your boyfriend asked as he came back from the toilet.
"Oh, it's instrumental from Chancellor. I binge listen to him these days." You pressed next on your music player.
"Is that Jay Park?" he asked when the song was played in the first minute.
"It is! Then followed by Lee Hi," you excitedly rambled. "This one is titled Automatic and it features various artists."
As the song went on, you bobbed your head to the rhythm while washing the plates and pans after eating. Joshua was watching you with a fond smile, which eventually grew wider and mischievous.
"Why are you smiling like that? It kinda creeps me up." You noticed the way he looked at you, how the corner of his lips was always lifted when he smiles without showing his teeth.
"I didn't know you're into this kinda song," he commented.
You chuckled, although you still looked puzzled because that disturbing smile on his face hadn't disappeared yet. "I listen to a wide range of genre," you explained yourself.
"Hmm, yeah. But this one, is... kinky." He slightly squinted his eyes, looking at you with a teasing smile.
A dramatic quiet gasp slipped off your lips before you chuckled nervously, quickly looking away, avoiding his eyes. Never had you imagined that Joshua Hong would say something like this. You did realize what the whole song was about. It was just never expected he would point out something about it. The song kept playing in the background, spitting neverending suggestive lyrics. You were in dilemma as you wanted to press next again but the 15-minute song hadn't reached your favorite part from Ocean from the Blue.
"Okay but don't look at me like that!" You could feel your face heating up from the sharp look on the big bambi eyes of Joshua. Before you knew it, he was already standing by your side. You vigorously washed your hands and wiped it before landing a playful smack on his arm.
"Like what?" He cornered you with both his arms on your side, hands resting on the island table.
"Hong, it's not funny."
He maintained his big grin at you. "Well, no one makes a joke. Of course there is nothing funny."
"You know what? Sofia just adopted a turtle and I think it's time to feed the turtle, I need—"
"Mm-mm." He brought himself closer, slowly shaking his head and reducing the distance between your bodies. "You see, we've been going out, like, what.. one year? Two years?" he trailed off, his hands brushing your hair before cupping your face so you had no choice but facing him directly. You flashed him a nervous smile. You were sure he could easily read your panic expression yet he still continued to tease you as he leaned in closer, whispering to your ear. "Don't you think we're ready for the next step?"
Your fingers gripped the table behind you tightly. Blinking twice, you gave him a big question mark with your eyes, starting to wonder in panic what he meant by 'the next step'.
"Hm? What do you say? Will you come to me?" he whispered oh so sweetly as he fixated his eyes on yours again. One of his hands began to sneak to your waist, pulling your body even closer against him.
You couldn't find a word to respond, so you kept faking an awkward chuckle. At this rate, your heart could explode anytime. And finally your heart skipped a beat as he planted a kiss gently on your lips. Your shut your eyes, hoping it could help your racing heart go slower. Or at least, maybe, make yourself less awkward.
It was not your first time, but especially today felt like it was. Well, mostly the kisses you shared were cute little pecks. This time, the innocent kiss was escalating quickly as he tilted his head deepening the kiss, his tongue asking permission to part your lips.
Gasping quietly, you jolted as you felt his toungue graze your lips. Your hands formed into a fist resting on both of his shoulders. Instead of giving in, you nervously gritted your teeth, preventing him to explore further. Joshua caught that signal from you. Grinning without breaking the kiss, now he placed both his hands on your hips.
"Do you want to take a break?" he whispered against your lips, slightly panting. You nodded, slowly opening your eyes as you also tried to catch a breath. He flashed you a happy, innocent smile before he changed his target to your neck. Even you wearing a turtleneck today didn't stop him to find a spot under your ears he had never been to.
"Jisoo!" you squealed quietly, feeling ticklish as you squirmed in your place. In less than one minute, both you and the dear boyfriend failed to notice the door opened and...
Not only jumpy, your first reflex was literally shoving your man away as the three shocked voices of Seokmin, Vernon, and Sofia suddenly interrupted your session with Joshua. Your boyfriend gave you a disapproving looks, as if he didn't deserve to be pushed away that far.
You were embarrassed to death that you can't see the others in the eyes. Meanwhile Joshua coolly waved at them, as if nothing happened. The room was filled with utter silence for a few seconds. Probably you were holding your breath as you stood frozen in your place, hoping the heat on your flushed cheeks would rapidly disappear.
"Oppa, you know, I think I left something in mom's house." Sofia was the first to break the silence. But soon she dragged her older brother with her even before he could say anything. "Unnie, I'll be home before 10!" she shouted before she closed the door, leaving Seokmin alone in the awkward tension.
"Right. Jeonghan hyung just called me. He needs help with his lego." Seokmin and his monologue. Then he made his way out without saying anything to you and Joshua either.
You silently groaned in embarrassment. Never had you wanted to bury yourself. From behind, Joshua sneaked his arms around your waist. He already had his goofy grin back on his face. For the second time, you slapped his arms and didn't say anything as you were gritting your teeth.
"Babe, this is why I asked you to move in with me. I still don't get it why you chose to get an apartment with Sofia instead. Your mom literally asked me to take care of you." His back hug was tightened. Smirking, he slowly made his way to lightly nibble your ear. "But you heard Sof, we have time until around 9."
You squirmed in his embrace, grunting your nose because his lips tickled your ears. "Hong, can you please not?!"
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Daughter of the Sea - Chapter 6
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(Y/n)'s POV
Once I get over the fact that my brother's Latin teacher was half horse, we have a nice tour.
We pass by the volleyball pit. Several of the campers nudge each other. One points to the Minotaur horn Percy is carrying. Another says, "It's them."
Most of the campers are older than me. Their satyr friends are bigger than Grover, all of them trotting around in orange CAMP HALF-BLOOD t-shirts, with nothing else to cover their bare shaggy hindquarters. I'm not normally shy, but the way they are staring at me and Percy makes me uncomfortable. I feel as though they want us to do a flip or something.
I look back at the farmhouse. It's bigger than I'd realized - four stories tall, sky blue with white trim, like an upscale seaside resort. I'm checking out the brass eagle weather vane on top when something catches my eyes, a shadow in the uppermost window of the attic gable. Something had moved the curtain, just for a second, and I get a distinct impression that I'm being watched.
"What's up there?" I ask Chiron.
He looks to where I'm pointing and his smile fades, "Just the attic."
"Somebody lives there?" Percy asks.
"No," he says with finality. "Not a single living thing."
I get the feeling that he's being truthful, but I am also sure something had moved that curtain.
As we get closer, I realize how huge the forest is. It takes up at least a quarter of the valley, with trees so tall and thick, you could imagine nobody had been in there since the Native Americans.
Chiron says, "The woods are stocked if you care to try your luck, but go armed."
"Stocked with what?" Percy asks. "Armed with what?"
"You'll see. Capture the flag is Friday night. Do you have your own swords and shields?"
"My own - ?" Percy is cut off.
"No," Chiron interupts. "I don't suppose you do. I think a size five will do for you, Percy, and a size three for you, (Y/n). I'll visit the armory later."
Finally, Chiron shows us the cabins. There are twelve of them, nestled in the woods by the lake. They are arranged in a U, with two at the base and five in a row on each side. And they are, without a doubt the most bizarre number above the door.
Except for the fact that each has a large brass number above the door (odds on the left side, evens on the right), they lock absolutely nothing alike. Number Nine has smokestacks, like a tiny factory. Number Four has tomato vines on the walls and a roof made out of real grass. Seven seems to be made of solid gold, which gleams so much in the sunlight it was almost impossible to look at. They all face a commons area about the size of a soccer field, dotted with Greek statues, fountains, flower beds, and a couple of basketball hoops (which were more my speed).
In the center of the field is a huge stone-lined firepit. Even though it is a warm afternoon, the hearth smolders. A girl, maybe nine years old is tending the flames, poking the coals with a stick. I wave at the girl and she looks surprised, as though no one acknowledged her often, and waves back with a smile.
The pair of cabins at the head of the field, numbers one and two, look like his-and-hers mausoleums, big white marble boxes with heavy columns in front. Cabin One is the biggest and bulkiest of the twelve. Its polished bronze doors shimmer like a hologram, so that from different angles lightning bolts seem to streak across them. Cabin Two is more graceful somehow, with slimmer columns garlanded with pomegranates and flowers. The walls are covered with images of peacocks.
"Zeus and Hera?" Percy guesses.
"Correct," Chiron says.
"Their cabins look empty."
"Several of the cabins are. That's true. No one ever stays in one or two."
I stop in front of the first cabin on the left, cabin three.
It isn't high and mighty like Cabin One, but low and solid. The outer walls are of rough gray stone studded with pieces of seashells and coral as if the slabs had been hewn straight from the bottom of the ocean floor. I peek inside the open doorway and Chiron says, "Oh, I wouldn't do that!"
Before he can pull me back, I catch the salty scent of the interior, like the wind on the shore at Montauk. The interior walls glow like abalone. There are six empty bunks with silk sheets turned down, but there is no sign anyone had ever slept there. The place feels so sad and lonely, I am glad when Chiron puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "Come along, (Y/n)."
Most of the other cabins were crowded with campers.
Number five was bright red—a real nasty paint job as if the color had been splashed on with buckets and fists. The roof was lined with barbed wire. A stuffed wild boar's head hung over the doorway, and its eyes seemed to follow me. Inside I could see a bunch of mean-looking kids, both girls and boys, arm wrestling and arguing with each other while rock music blared. The loudest was a girl maybe thirteen or fourteen. She wore a size XXXL CAMP HALF-BLOOD T-shirt under a camouflage jacket. She zeroed in on Percy and gives him an evil sneer.
"Oh, look," Chiron says as we approach Cabin Eleven. "Annabeth is waiting for us."
The blond girl I'd met at the Big House is reading a book in front of the last cabin on the left, number eleven. When we reach her, she looks me over critically, like she was still thinking about how much I drool.
I try to see what she was reading, but I can't make out the title. Then I realize the title isn't even English. The letters look Greek to me. I mean, literally Greek. There are pictures of temples and statues and different kinds of columns, like those in an architecture book.
"Annabeth," Chiron says, "I have Masters' Archery class at noon. Would you take Percy and (Y/n) from here?"
"Yes, sir."
"Cabin Eleven," Chiron tells us, gesturing towards the doorway. "Make yourself at home."
Out of all the cabins, Eleven looks the most like a regular old summer camp cabin, with the emphasis on old. the threshold is worn down, the brown paint peeling. Over the doorway is a caduceus.
Inside, it is packed with people, both boys and girls, way more than the number of bunk beds. Sleeping bags are spread all over the floor. It looks like a gym where the Red Cross had set up an evacuation center.
Chiron doesn't go in. The door is too low for him. But when the campers see him, they all stand and bow respectfully.
"Well, then," Chiron says. "Good luck, Percy, (Y/n). I'll see the two of you at dinner."
He gallops away towards the archery range.
Percy's POV
We stand in the doorway, looking at the kids. They aren't bowing anymore. They are staring at us, sizing us up. I know this routine. I'd gone through it at enough schools.
"Well?" Annabeth prompts. "Go on."
So naturally, I trip coming in the door, and (Y/n) grabs my upper arm, straightening me up. There are some snickers from the campers, but none of them say anything.
Annabeth announces, "Percy and (Y/n) Jackson, meet Cabin Eleven."
"Regular or undetermined?" somebody asks.
I don't know what to say, but Annabeth says, "Undetermined."
Everyone groans.
A guy who is a little older than the rest comes forward. "Now, now, campers. That's what we're here for. Welcome, Percy, (Y/n). You can have those two spots on the floor, right over there."
The guy was about nineteen, and he looks pretty cool. He's tall and muscular, with short-cropped sandy hair and a friendly smile. He wears an orange tank top, cutoffs, sandals, and a leather necklace with five different colored clay beads. The only thing unsettling about his appearance is a thick white scar that runs from just beneath his right eye to his jaw, like an old knife slash.
"This is Luke," Annabeth says, and her voice sounds different somehow. I glance over and swear she's blushing, but after a moment she sees me looking, and her expression hardens again. "He's your counselor for now."
"For now?" (Y/n) asks, looking rather curious.
"You're undetermined," Luke explains. "They don't know what cabin to put you in, so you're here. Cabin eleven takes all newcomers, all visitors. Naturally, we would. Hermes, our patron, is the god of travelers."
I look around at the campers' faces, some sullen and suspicious, some grinning stupidly, some eyeing me as if they are waiting for a chance to pick my pockets.
"How long will I be here?" I ask.
"Good question," Luke replies. "Until you're determined."
"How long will that take?"
The campers all laugh and (Y/n) facepalms.
"Come on," Annabeth tells us. "I'll show you the volleyball court."
"We've already seen it."
"Come on."
Annabeth grabs my wrist and drags me outside. I can hear the kids of Cabin Eleven laughing behind me and (Y/n) waves good-bye shyly.
When we are a few feet away, Annabeth says, "Jackson, you have to do better than that?"
She rolls her eyes and mumbles under her breath, "I can't believe I thought you two were the ones."
"What's your problem?" I'm getting angry now, (Y/n) watching us cautiously. "All I know is, we kill some bull guy -"
"Don't talk like that!" Annabeth tells me. "You know how many kids at this camp wish they'd had your chance?"
"To get killed?"
"To fight the Minotaur! What do you think we train for?"
I shake my head. "Look, if the thing we fought is really the Minotaur, the same one in the stories . . ."
"Then there's only one."
"And he died, like, a gajillion years ago, right? Theseus killed him in the labyrinth. So..."
"Monsters don't die, Percy. They can be killed. But they don't die."
"Oh, thanks. That clears it up."
"Percy," (Y/n) says calmly. "I think what Annabeth is saying, is that monsters eventually reform."
Annabeth nods and I think about Mrs. Dodds. "You mean if I killed one, accidentally, with a sword—"
"The Fur...I mean, your math teacher. That's right. She's still out there. You just made her very, very mad."
"How did you know about Mrs. Dodds?"
"You talk in your sleep," Annabeth answers and (Y/n) suppresses a laugh.
"You almost called her something. A Fury? They're Hades' torturers, right?"
Annabeth glances nervously at the ground as if she expects it to open up and swallow her. "You shouldn't call them by name, even here. We call them the Kindly Ones if we have to speak of them at all."
"Look, is there anything we can say without it thundering?" I sound whiny, even to myself, but right then I don't care. "Why do we have to stay in Cabin Eleven, anyway? Why is everybody so crowded together? There are plenty of empty bunks right over there."
I point to the first few cabins, and Annabeth turns pale. "You don't just choose a cabin, Percy. It depends on who your parents are. Or...your parent."
She stares at me, waiting for me to get it.
"Our mother is Sally Jackson," (Y/n) says softly. "She works at the candy store in Grand Central Station. At least, she used to."
"I'm sorry about your mom, (Y/n). But that's not what I mean. I'm talking about your other parent. Your dad."
"He's dead," I say simply. "We never knew him."
Annabeth sighs. Clearly, she'd had this conversation before with other kids. "Your father's not dead."
"How can you say that? You know him?"
"No, of course not."
"Then how can you say -"
"Because I know the two of you. You wouldn't be here if you weren't one of us."
"You don't know anything about us.
"No?" She raises an eyebrow. "I bet you moved around from school to school. I bet you were kicked out of a lot of them."
"How -"
"Diagnosed with dyslexia. Probably ADHD, too."
I try to swallow my embarrassment. "What does that have to do with anything?"
(Y/n)'s POV
"Taken together, it's almost a sure sign. The letters float off the page when you read, right? That's because your mind is hardwired for ancient Greek. And the ADHD—you're impulsive, can't sit still in the classroom. That's your battlefield reflexes. In a real fight, they'd keep you alive. As for the attention problems, that's because you see too much, Percy, not too little. Your senses are better than a regular mortal's. Of course, the teachers want you medicated. Most of them are monsters. They don't want you seeing them for what they are."
"You sound like...you went through the same thing?"
"Most of the kids here did. If you weren't like us, you couldn't have survived the Minotaur, much less the ambrosia and nectar."
"Ambrosia and nectar."
"The food and drink we were giving you to make you better. That stuff would've killed a normal kid. It would've turned your blood to fire and your bones to sand and you'd be dead. Face it. You're both half-bloods."
A half-blood.
I am reeling with so many questions I don't know where to start.
Then a husky voice yells, "Well! Two newbies!"
I look over. The big girl from the ugly red cabin is sauntering towards us. She has three other girls behind her, all big and ugly and mean-looking like her, all wearing camo jackets.
"Clarisse," Annabeth sighs. "Why don't you go polish your spear or something?"
"Sure, Miss Princess," the big girl says. "So I can run you through with it Friday night."
"Erre es korakas!" Annabeth says, which I somehow understand is Greek for 'Go to the crows!' though I have a feeling it was a worse curse than it sounds. "You don't stand a chance."
"We'll pulverize you," Clarisse says, but her eye twitches. Perhaps she isn't so sure she can follow through on ht threat. She turns towards me, then she looks at Percy. "Who are these's runts?"
"Percy and (Y/n) Jackson," Annabeth says, "meet Clarisse, Daughter of Aries."
Percy blinks. "Like . . . the war god?"
Clarisse sneers. "You got a problem with that?"
"No," Percy says, seemingly recovering his 'wits'. "It explains the bad smell."
Long story short, Percy made the toilets explode.
Yeah, I said it. He made the toilets explode . . .
Word Count: 2455 words
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Hank ‘Tranq’ Loza x Reader
Anon asked: Hi! I hope your doing okay💜 I was wondering if you could write an imagine where the reader is an old lady (you can write this for any member of the Mayans, I didn't think of anyone specifically) and she seems like this cozy housewife but one day she kicks the shit out a burglar and she explains to her family that she is the daughter of a crime boss and she was taught how to fight by him and other members of her family. I hope you have a great day / night and thank you💜💜💜💜
Word Count: 1.3k
Author comments: What about a second part? This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan @lady-pswrld @minnicelli @marquelapage @bigcreatorwombatdreamer ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Shit, baby, wait!”
Tranq stops his bike, like Bishop and Taza does. You were about to have dinner at the ranch, when you noticed that your phone isn't inside your pocket.
“Just one second, caballeros!”
The front yard of the clubhouse is empty, with the lights turned off, so taking off the helmet from your hair you lead your steps towards the porch. Coming in and illuminating the living room, you have one quickly look to the poker table, finding your phone there. Grabbing it, you turn around hearing some steps walking closer.
“I foun— ¿Quién chingados eres tú?” (Who the hell are you?)
A man wearing a spooky mask is in front of you, pointing you with a gun and making a gesture with his free hand for you to close the door. But even if the logic would ask for help, it's the first time in seven years that someone threatens you like that and your body reacts before your brain. The guy is close enough to be hitten by your right leg, going straight to his forearm to make the gun fall down, getting shot in the meantime. The bullet impacts in the virgin, alerting the Mayans.
The man tries to hit you back, but you use the helmet to punch him on the face, unbalancing him to the left, before squatting to move your leg from his right ankle to his heels; making him fall to the floor. Everything happens in less than three seconds, when your husband and the other two mexicans appear.
“Are you okay?” Tranq runs towards you, cupping your cheeks in his hands, while you nod somewhat nervously.
Bishop takes off the mask from the man, but they look at you two, before looking at Taza. No one knows him.
“Who has sent you?”
“Lobo Sonora”. He replies between some painful growls. “Her father”.
“What?” Your husband looks confused, taking some steps away from you. And you can't blame him. You never told him who you really are.
“Madre de los Mayas” that's how the whole Cali knows you by. The perfect wife, the perfect mother, the perfect friend. But you're far away to be perfect, you don't even want to be it. You just take care of your chosen family, like your blood family never did. You ran away from Sonora when your father tried to make you marry someone you didn't love. Someone that used to denigrate you in several ways. And maybe Santo Padre was too close from your hometown, Hermosillo, but you didn't care about it. Your father knows pretty well where you are, but for a damn time he respected your decision. Now, you would like to know what the hell he wants, after almost eight years without crossing the border.
But first, you have to answer some questions that you never thought you would have to answer.
The three men are sitting in their respective chairs, while you had a seat on the other front of the main table inside the Templo. It's been a couple hours since you caught the mexican your father sent to have contact with you, without using phones. Tranq looks disappointed, bemused and furious. All in one. All because of you and your half truths.
“I love you”. You say when Bishop is about to talk. “I really do, Hank”.
“I don't trust you anymore. I don't know who you are… And all I care about, right now, is my club”.
“Brother, let her explain himself”. Taza says raising a hand to calm your husband.
“I don't want”. He simply replies, before getting up from his chair.
“Hank, listen…”
“Don't fucking dare to talk to me”. He points you with a forefinger, when you try to face him before leaving the Templo.
Sitting down again, you nail your elbows on the table starting to cry, sinking your face into your palms. It hurts the other men too. They know you're not a liar. They know you're not a traitor. So they wait in silence for you, to explain yourself.
“I ju—just ran away from Sonora… I didn't wa—want to follow his orders”. You say after some minutes, between sobs and deep breaths.
“What orders, querida?”
“My father… My father wanted me to ma—marry a Vato”.
“One of El Palo's men?” Che leans over the table, shaking his head slightly.
You nod.
“You, better than anybody in the Mayans, knows what it means”.
“And that's it…?”
“Beatings, rapes, scapegoats…” The Apache turns to the mexican, making him lying on his chair snorting and rubbing his face. “That's what they do to their wives, hermano. That's for what they use them”.
“I ha—have information about my father… that could burn down his empire. I wi—will give it to you, if you want it”.
“I believe you, (Y/N). You don't have to prove us a shit, okay?” Bishop highlights then, letting you breathe for a second. Turning to the vice, he has a drag from his cigar. “Find out why they sent that pendejo for. I'll talk with Tranq”.
“Bish…” You call him, while they get up from their chairs. “I'm sorry… I'm really sorry for not telling you about it. I tho—thought my father just… gave up on me”.
“Mamá Maya, estás salvo aquí”. (You're safe here) He replies caressing your left cheek with the back of his fingers. “Wait here”.
As soon as they leave you alone, closing the glass door, you break into pieces. You really appreciate that they trust in you, but if your husband doesn't, you're lost. You love him more than anything. You've been together for the last seven years and your love turned into a beautiful warrior called Alma. You can't imagine a day without waking up by his side, while your daughter jumps on the mattress. You can't imagine a night without watching your husband reading a story to your baby, before going to sleep together, telling him how much you love him in the intimacy of your room. You were living in hell for twenty years, until you found Tranq. He saved you.
When the door gets opened again, you're unable to turn around, recognizing his smell flooding the empty room. Closing it, he walks towards you, sitting on the next chair and resting his forearms against the edge of the table. His look is lost in the middle of nowhere, organizing his ideas inside his head, keeping silence and making you feel scared.
“Why did you leave Sonora?”
“My father wa—wanted me to marry Pablo Santos”.
You know that you don't need to say anything else, when he turns his face and his attention towards you.
“Does your father know about me, about Alma?” You nod slowly. “Did you tell him?”
“The last time I talked with him wa—was eight years ago”. Shaking your head and cleaning the tears, you curl a leg against your chest above the chair. “But he is ‘Lobo Sonora’, he knows everything”.
“You should go home”. Tranq just says, getting up with a heavy snort.
“Hank, please”. Quickly, you hold his hand standing up. “Please… don't leave me. I beg you”.
“I'll stay here to know what your father wants”.
“I will wait for you, then. Alma is… with Leti till tomorrow”.
Your husband cups your face into his huge hands, leaning forward to kiss your forehead and all that you can feel is your legs about to falter. He catches your lips between his in a dearly kiss, caressing your cheeks with both thumbs. So warm, so gentle, like he usually is with you.
“Go to my room, try to sleep. I'll be there in a few”.
“I love you”. You just say, letting a tear run away from your left eye.
“I know it, vida mía. I know it”.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Howdy! It's me again, haha. I feel so needy with these requests but you're writings like the lamp that draws the moth. If I can trouble you for a Yandere Temari with a fem s/o again and the prompt 53. “It is funny that you think you can actually leave me. And now to bury my head into the dirt and not come back for awhile.
🥰. Such a nice way to describe how you feel about my writing. You can come back whenever you want too, you’re welcome.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, threatening, blackmailing
Prompt 53: “It is funny that you think you can actually leave me.”
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“Temari! Let me out of here! Please! You can’t just lock me up in here!” You angrily banged with your fist against the door, trying desperately to break out of the room. You heard her scoffing from the other side, obviously not impressed by your useless attempts to get out. “I’ll let you out as soon as you’re in your right mind again. What were you even thinking when you made that stupid decision to move away from Sunagakure?” You bit your bottom lip. Perhaps you should have moved away first and then inform her about your new home. But you hadn’t even told her that before. But her brother had. It was truly an advantage for her to be the older sister of the Kazekage of the Sand Village. And that had led her to knocking wildly on your door and as soon as you had opened the door, drunk on sleep because it had been late at night, she had instantly pushed you inside, dragging you into your bedroom and throwing you inside before slamming the door closed and locking you up. In your own room. It was somewhat very ironic. And she had then just stood in front of your door like some sort of guard dog who’s duty it was to not let you escape. You had never expected that kind of behavior from her. You had expected her to be annoyed or even angry. But not this. What had gotten into her?
“This isn’t like you! What the hell is wrong with you? I thought you from all people would respect my wishes the most. I of course expected some lecturing from your side! But this was out of my imagination! Care to explain it to me?” It became somewhat quiet. Was she ignoring you? Temari didn’t like talking about her feelings that much. You knew that much about her. That had made your friendship with her a bit complicated, but the both of you had still managed to make it work. You waited for a response from her, but nothing came. You sighed. “Step away from the door or I’ll blow it away.” Another scoff from her side and you could basically see how she was rolling her eyes right now. “Yeah,yeah. Sure you would rampage your own house and risk to hurt me. Don’t joke like this. I know you would never do that.” Her tone was matter-of-factly and sadly she was right. It had been nothing, but an empty threat. You would never risk to hurt your friend, especially not if the brother of your friend was the Kage of this village. “Fine then. Continue acting like this. Have it your way.”, you mumbled and huffed, sitting down on the bed and giving her the silent treatment as well.
“Why would you even want to leave the village?” Your brow raised at this. Now that you had stopped talking to her she suddenly started talking to you? Was she serious? “I thought everything was fine. You have friends in here and there aren’t any other problems in your life. At least not any from which I know. I just don’t get it.” She sounded almost a bit hurt, making you feel the tiniest bit bad. “If I tell you that you’ll get pissed. That’s why I won’t tell you. I don’t need to hear your scolding and lecturing. I can gladly do without that.” “You think the reason would be so bad that I would do that?”, she asked you. “I don’t think that. I know that.”, you just replied. It became for a few seconds quiet and you could somehow sense that Temari was right now thinking about what you had said. “Just tell me. I want to know. I won’t get mad.” You laughed a bit. “I don’t believe that. You have a bad temper Temari. But whatever, I’ll tell you if you want to know that. I’m used to your small outbursts.” You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for whatever would come next. “I wanted to move away because I hoped that by doing that I could start new. After my brother died in the Fifth Shinobi War I lost the last family member I had. You know that my parents died when I was young. My brother was pretty much the only reason I stayed in here. I hoped that by moving away I could start a new life and live somewhere peaceful where I won’t have to witness people dying. I-I just want to leave the past behind.”
Temari answered nothing, only silence being heard in the room. You suspected that she was either speechless or that this was the calm before the storm. You watched the door for a few more moments, waiting for a reply, but nothing came. You shook your head and decided that you could just as good continue to pack your things together. Your room was filled with boxes in which you had started to pack everything in what you wanted to take with you. “...Are you kidding me?!” You weren’t surprised by her reaction, having expected this. And in the next moment you heard a clicking sound and the door was slammed open. You were welcomed with the view of a completely livid Temari. You hadn’t expected some soft spoken words from her and just turned around to her, ready to endure her cursing and yelling. “Do you think you’re the only one who lost people in this war?! No! I lost some respected comrades as well! Everyone did! Living somewhere peaceful? Bullshit! Do you think you’ll ever find a place like this?! There will always be some catastrophes everywhere! Even if you would travel to the end of this world! You’re just a coward by wanting to turn your back onto all of this! Are you really that weak that you want to run away from conflicts and violence? Wake up! This is how this world functions! You can’t just try to run away like a damn shirker! Everyone needs to deal with this and learn from it! I thought you had more bones than this! You only stayed because of your brother?! What is with your friends?! What-What is with me?!”
When she yelled the last question she sounded almost hurt. You knew that she was. Yelling like this was her way of showing someone that she cared. In a strange way, but she cared. After her screaming session she panted slightly, needing to catch some air. She glared pissed off at you and all the boxes which were piled up in your room. “I told you that you would be mad. I understand that this is very egotistical from me, but I just feel like it’s the right thing to do. Leaving everything behind and beginning new. That doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate the time spent with you. I’ll continue to cherish those memories and we can stay in contact. But I need some change, some fresh air. Until I can finally breathe again. Probably traveling around a bit before settling somewhere down, seeing things I never saw before. Letting everything go. I don’t expect you to understand that. You’ve always been too dutiful, but as your friend I ask you to respect my choice.” Temari just stared at you with an unreadable expression on her face, only her eyes telling you that she had a inner conflict right now. You hoped she would somehow understand you or at least let you go without putting up too much of a drama. You sighed and bent down, grabbing the box you had recently finished filling up and were just about to put it to the other boxes when Temari suddenly said in a serious voice:”Put it down. You won’t need that since you won’t leave Suna.”
“Temari...-“ “I said put it down!” In the next moment she was standing in front of you, ripping the box out of your hand and throwing it angrily down. You were for a few seconds just frozen, blinking shocked at her. “And start unpacking all the other stuff in here! You won’t move away! I won’t let you! You hear me?” You were left quite speechless, not getting what had gotten into her. You had expected the yelling, the cursing, the confusion. But not this. You huffed slightly angry. “Excuse you? What do you think have you to say about whether I leave or not? It’s my life and I can do what I want with it. I don’t know what has gotten into you so suddenly, but it’s not funny. Stop it!” She did. She stopped what she had been doing currently, her back facing you so that you couldn’t read her expression. She slowly put the box down. “You’re right. This isn’t funny. You know what’s funny?” You stepped unconsciously back, not liking the strange undertone in her voice. “It is funny that you think you can actually leave me.” She slowly turned around, giving you a...weird look. You weren’t able to decipher the emotions in her eyes, but you somehow got a bad vibe, slowly stepping further and further away from her.
“We will discuss this out. You will realize that you just didn’t think rationally. You will stay in here. Understood?” Her gaze, despite you still not knowing what to call the feelings inside of them was for sure one thing. Intense. Your whole skin crawled with uneasiness and you found yourself unable to do anything. Temari stepped closer. “Understood?” Your throat suddenly tightened, feeling like someone was strangling you. You couldn’t bring any kind of noise out, instead just slowly nodding. “Good.” Her facial expression turned to it’s normal ‘Miss-Though-Guy’ back and she stared shortly at all the boxes in your room. “We’ll unpack them all tomorrow. I’ll help you with that.” “B-but I...I don’t want-“ One sharp glare made you shut up once again. “(y/n),”, her voice sounded still very firm, but you were also sure that you heard...an almost pleading undertone in it. She let out an exhausted sigh. “Don’t make me do something that you and I might regret later, okay?” She was threatening you. You couldn’t believe that Temari was threatening you. You kept quiet, just gazing at her. What now? “Okay?”
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thebladeblaster · 3 years
Pokémon: the Dark Circuit (aka Vanguard Descends season 2)
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Chapter 9 Prelude To The Circuit Part 2
Aichi’s current team
Level 81 Wingal (Lycanroc (dusk)) rock
Stealth rock
Stone edge
Play rough
Level 79 Llew (Golisopod) water/bug
Sucker punch
First impression
Level 80 Gancelot (Lucario) fighting/steel
Focus blast
Stone edge
Meteor mash
Dragon pulse
Level 86 Soul Saver (Haxorus) dragon
Iron tail
Dragon dance
Scale shot
Level 100 Alfred (Aegislash) ghost/steel
Sacred sword
King’s shield
Iron head
Shadow Claw
“Well...I guess I can’t convince you at least not now. So, I’m returning to Kakusa for now...I’ll find a way to show you that we don’t have to be enemies, Olivier.”, Aichi said.
“We at least agree on that.”, Olivier replied.
“Is something wrong Yugi?”, Anzu asked.
Yugi blinked looking very confused. He didn’t know why that sudden image came to his mind. Perhaps he was daydreaming? Imagining a possible what if?
“What’s the messiah?”, Yugi thought.
“I...don’t know.”, Yami replied awkwardly, looking as confused as Yugi.
“Well...I didn’t exactly expect you too.”, Yugi replied, sweat dropping.
They then finally started to set off from Galar. Aichi took one last sad look at the region he was born in before turning away. Those with flying Pokémon threw out theirs and they took off to the regions they were at before minus Aichi who was finally returning to Kakusa.
Aichi went his separate ways from the others as they reached the shore of Sanctuary town. Aichi was a bit nervous as he stood before his home’s door for a solid minute. He noticed Elaine wasn’t watering the garden today he was thankful for that considering he didn’t want to get shot. Aichi shuffled nervously as the back of his fist hovered over the door.
“Oh!!!!!! What am I going to say?!?! I’m not even going to make it to the Circuit if mom kills me!!!”, Aichi mentally screamed.
“I just gotta do it! She’s probably been worried sick about me!”, Aichi thought, before finally knocking.
Aichi waited for a few seconds nervously before the door opened revealing Emi.
“Aichi?!”, Emi gasped in shock.
“H-hey…”, Aichi replied awkwardly, looking around behind Emi.
“Where have you been we’ve all been worried sick about you?!”, Emi questioned, as Aichi frantically waved his arms at her volume.
“I-it’s a l-long story…”, Aichi muttered, sounding very nervous.
Aichi paled as Shizuka came into view from behind Emi. Her eyes were shadowed and Aichi imagined menacing kanji floating around her in his panic.
“It's been a whole week…”, Shizuka started with noticeable restrained anger in her voice.
“I can explain!!!!”, Aichi replied in a very high pitched and panicked tone.
“You better!”, Shizuka threatened in a low tone and Aichi paled and nervously backed up.
Aichi flinched as Shizuka put her hand on his shoulder before he could scurry away.
“Where are you going son? Come in and explain.”, Shizuka said in a low tone and even Emi sweated a bit nervously knowing her brother was in for a bad time.
Aichi gulped nervously hearing her and started stuttering. His heart beat even faster when he was practically dragged into his house by his mother. Emi sweat dropped looking at her poor brother’s panicked face as he was dragging in silently glad it was not her.
“E-Emi!!! H-help me!!!”, Aichi begged practically squealed as Shuka, who was inside the house, sweat dropped.
She wasn’t sure if she was hallucinating, but she could hear horror movie-like music as Aichi was dragged away.
“It is so hard to believe he’s even the same entity as the other Aichi.”, Shuka thought.
Emi nervously followed slowly after the two joined by Shuka. Aichi sat in the living room sweating rivers of sweat as Shizuka’s gaze bore into him. They sat there as Aichi tried to tell them what happened while stuttering nervously. The two girls looked over to Shizuka nervously who’s eyes were still shadowed. An intense fiery aura of anger radiated around her which made Aichi panic more. Emi was 100% sure her mother was about to murder her brother in cold blood especially over the Circuit. Aichi only grew more anxious over the long silence. Aichi flinched as his mother made his way over to him.
He was completely shocked and taken aback when she wrapped her arms around him and embraced him in a tight hug. A faint blush appeared on Aichi’s cheeks who looked towards his mother in confusion. Emi looked completely stunned, absolutely sure her brother was about to get murdered.
“Aichi...I can tell you're scared. Never forget your that feeling. Your emotions. What makes you human. Fear, Happiness, sadness, love, excitement they’re all important.”, Shizuka finally said, only further confusing her son.
“Mom? I thought you were mad at me?”, Aichi questioned.
“Of course I’m mad. I’m furious! But, I know that no matter how much I try to keep you away from Team Asteroid they came back for you regardless. Not, even Kakusa is sacred to them; the only thing that is to them is their cursed dogma.”, Shizuka continued.
She tightened her grip on Aichi holding him close to her chest like when they first met all those years ago. She found it amusing and ironic that Aichi still got scared of her. By all accounts she holds no real power over him. If he wanted to he could level the whole region and she nor anyone else could stop him. That is what truly made Aichi different from the other Psyqualia users.
“That’s what truly makes you different from ‘them’. You have kept all the emotions that make you human. As well as your individuality rather than being a part of the collective of Team Asteroid.”, Shizuka continued.
“You think so?”, Aichi questioned, looking down remembering the times where he has lost such things where he just became their weapon.
“Mom...I met...D...Gin.”, Aichi replied, feeling uncomfortable calling Gin his dad.
“What was it like?”, Shizuka asked.
“I don’t understand myself. But, it's like he feels like a stranger yet at the same time I feel like I’ve known him my whole life.”, Aichi replied.
“... I suppose he feels like a stranger to me now as well. I used to know him so well too…I don’t want to lose you too. For you to become someone else. Some sort of stranger.”, Shizuka said sadly, hanging her head.
“It’s alright mom. I’m going to end all of this without forgetting myself.”, Aichi replied, grabbing a napkin and bringing it up to his mother as he noticed tears forming in her eyes.
“Be careful alright. Promise me you’ll come back.”, Shizuka replied.
“It will be fine Mom I promise. This time I know it will be the last battle with Team Asteroid.”, Aichi assured.
“Hey, Shuka, you know how Emi had a weird feeling like she met you before. I had a similar feeling with someone I met today. Actually it was more than just her...”, Aichi told her.
“Who was it?”, Shuka asked.
“A Quatre Knight, Rati Curti. For some reason I felt like I could trust her despite the fact that we’ve never met. I felt a feeling of familiarity around them for some reason. I understand Oliver but I don’t understand why I felt it towards the others.”, Aichi explained.
Aichi looked worried at Shuka’s nervous and pale expression.
“Is something wrong Shuka?”, Aichi asked.
“...Back in my world they were your personal team.”, Shuka replied, looking down and Aichi sweated nervously.
“You mean wait….?! Why would I get a sense of deja vu from them if we’ve never met before?”, Aichi questioned.
“I have a theory...I’m not sure if it’s right but I don’t think this is a different universe from the world I knew. If that was the case you and Emi wouldn’t get these deja vu feelings.”, Shuka replied.
“But, how is that possible? You said events were completely different in your world. How can they be one in the same?”, Aichi questioned.
“I believe that the world or timeline that I was originally from was overwritten by this one. Before I arrived in this world we were pursuing Jirachi, the wish granting Pokémon.”, Shuka explained, causing Aichi to gasp in shock.
“What wish did you guys make?”, Aichi asked.
“I don’t know for sure. At the time the wish was made I was separated from Emi. She was facing you...and she may have panicked making a wish that altered the timeline causing the old one to be overwritten.”, Shuka explained.
“That’s...crazy…wait I was facing Emi?!”, Aichi questioned.
“Yeah...about that. As you know in my world you were...kind of a bad guy. You were trying to stop us from freeing the world from Team Asteroid...uh...so ahem anyway I think you are getting these feelings of deja vu because of lingerings of the original timeline. The timeline was overwritten but traces of it still exist. Not physically but uh...I’m not sure how to explain it without big complicated words but it’s like memories and feelings of the previous world linger. Dormant within people before something triggers them.”, Shuka explained.
“I’m not sure I completely understand...but…”, Aichi trailed off, looking down.
So, that world where he was took over the world still lingers. He even faced off against Emi?! Seriously?!? His own sister?!
“All of that is in the past or I guess no longer in the past...uh...anyway you shouldn’t worry about it! You should worry about the present! After all you gotta beat 002f after all!”, Shuka said.
“About 002f is there anything you can tell me about him? As you know I still don’t remember most things before Kakusa. I didn’t even know I had a signature move…”, Aichi asked.
“Not specifically, I didn’t encounter him much in my timeline. But, if you want to know more about the Psyqualia users I guess...do you know about limit break?”, Shuka questioned.
“Not much...I saw 004a use it when he did he looked like a Pokémon for some reason.”, Aichi answered.
“That’s because when you guys use limit break your Pokémon genes become more dominant causing your appearance to change into something more like a Pokémon. After creating 001q the guys making you realized how much of a strain your psychic powers put on your bodies. As you know physically you're mostly human although you can upgrade your defense with your powers. Limit break was implemented after 001q to overcome that problem. Your Pokémon genes make your bodies sturdier to withstand the strain, more stamina and from what I’ve seen it seems like you get new abilities too.”, Shuka explained.
“Yeah, that certainly is an issue. Psyqualia always saps me like crazy whenever I use it.”, Aichi replied.
“It’s more for the higher levels of usage. I mean when your power starts physically hurting you body.”, Shuka replied.
“W-what?! That’s never happened to me or Ren before?”, Aichi questioned.
“That’s because neither of you probably used that much. How much of your power can you use safely now?”, Shuka asked
“...10% at max…”, Aichi replied, looking down as Shuka sweat dropped gaping.
“You kicked my butt with only 10% or less jeez! You Psyqualia users are really ridiculous.”, Shuka replied exasperatedly.
“How much did I use against you in your timeline?”, Aichi asked.
“I have no clue honestly. You were always holding back so it was never enough for you to become strained. Heck, we never even saw you limit break! I don’t even know what you could do in that state.”, Shuka replied.
“You never saw it?! Seriously? Wow umm...Takuto did say I had a lot of power...I never had any idea of how much…”, Aichi replied stunned.
“Yeah...I know. Trust me I know I’ve fought you multiple times...”, Shuka replied, sweat dropping.
“Sorry about that...Uh...Do you think I’ll need limit break to beat 002f?”, Aichi asked.
“Definitely. I felt his power when he came here. Considering he was trained properly to use his power he definitely can use limit break too and will be more skilled. If you two fought now you’d lose.”, Shuka replied.
“I see…”, Aichi replied, feeling a bit of 093v’s frustration building up inside him which he tried to conceal.
“Me and my Pokémon are going to have to train hard to defeat him...I refuse to lose to him again!!!”, Aichi thought, feeling exasperated at the end part.
Honestly, he’s had it up to here with his “other self’s” pride. Especially with such thoughts intruded into his mind and after he fought Groudon like a maniac.
“Just be quiet I have things to do.”, he thought to himself, addressing 003v.
Aichi walked out of his house after gathering his Pokémon.
“Well, looks like it’s time for the training. I’ll have you know I’ll be pushing you guys far harder than before. Aichi, you should know I won’t be satisfied till you are at least ready to have me battling as your Pokémon and not as your sword.”, Alfred said and Aichi nodded in response.
“I understand Alfred.”, Aichi replied.
“Golisopod! Golisopod! Golisopod! (Ah jeez this is gonna be intense!)”, Llew said.
“Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. (We’ll have to wither it if we want a chance of getting Ahmes back.)”, Gancelot replied.
“Haxorus! Haxorus! Haxorus! (Oooh this is gonna be so fun!!!)”, Soul Saver said.
“Lycanroc…(Yeah, fun sure…)”, Wingal replied.
Aichi flinched as he felt a familiar presence near them. He turned to see Tatsunagi Takuto.
“Takuto?! What are you doing here?”, Aichi questioned.
“Well to help you out with the training of course and I noticed you're missing a sixth Pokémon.”, Takuto replied and Aichi looked down at the last part.
“No Pokémon can replace Ahmes.”, Aichi replied.
“Not replace. I was thinking more as a substitute…”, Takuto said, before revealing a master ball causing them all to gasp in shock.
“W-what a master ball?! Just what are you trying to give me, Takuto?”, Aichi questioned.
“As a temporary substitute for Ahmes I plan to join your party as Solgealeo. I am your guardian after all and this battle will likely be the toughest you’ll ever face. 002f is the greatest rival you have among the Psyqualia users for being the strongest.”, Takuto revealed, causing more surprised gasps.
“I understand but...are you sure you can do that Takuto? What about your corporation? Or Kakusa?”, Aichi questioned.
“This battle is much more important and Kakusa will be guarded in your absence. The Tatsunagi corporation will also be glad to provide you with anything you need for training. Even top quality training partners. How about Kai?”, Takuto replied.
Aichi’s breath hitched at the mention of Kai and his eyes lit up. Noticeably as he did Soul Saver started wagging her tail. Aichi’s other Pokémon sweat dropped.
“Lycanroc? Lycanroc? Lycanroc? (He’s a real fanboy ain’t he?)”, Wingal whispered to Aichi’s other Pokémon.
“I get to train with Kai!?!?!”, Aichi questioned with more excitement in his voice than they’ve ever heard before.
“Well yes. Kai has actually decided to return to Kakusa to train. After all the Circuit could be your guys chance to end this war once and for all.”, Takuto replied, sweat dropping a bit not expecting Aichi’s reaction.
In Kanto…
Yugi faced off against Jonouchi in a battle. Yugi had out his Grimmsnarl and Jonouchi had his Charizard. Anzu and Honda watched on as the two battles in the clearing.
“We’re definitely gonna beat those Asteroid losers! Gimme your worst Yug!” Jonouchi said.
“Always Jonouchi. Let’s go Mahad!”, Yugi replied and his Grimmsnarl growled.
“Need some more draining smarters?”, Kamui asked appearing much to the shock of the others.
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James & Ava
James: I can't see you today Ava: Oh Ava: Well, that's a shame James: it is Ava: What are you up to? James: my dad wants me in the office Ava: Ahh, okay Ava: Well no worries, Monday then James: I won't let anything stop me Ava: I understand Ava: It's cool James: if I can find time to call you later, hearing your voice would make me feel better about a lot of things Ava: That'd be nice Ava: really nice James: missing you is the nicest cliche I think I've experienced James: for a long time Ava: I can't stop thinking about you Ava: so it's good to know you've thought about me too James: of course I have James: I am James: it's what's going to get me through today Ava: Oh James Ava: I'm going to talk to you all day, in my head James: I was going to take you to [insert a cute date location that wouldn't take very long to get to because he wouldn't have had long] so make sure you tell me what you think Ava: Would it be entirely too tragic for me to go alone and pretend you're with me? James: no more tragic than if I ask you to take enough pictures for me to be able to pretend that I'm there Ava: Of course Ava: I owe you for my picture of you 🥰 James: you don't owe me anything James: I'd give you so much more if I could Ava: Me too, I wish I could take pictures just for you Ava: Have to get old school and get a P.O. box James: or keep them on your phone & show me when you can Ava: That I can do James: but will you? Ava: If you tell me how much you want it James: the only thing I want more is to see you in person Ava: I really, really miss you Ava: It, I can feel it James: I'm really sorry, darling Ava: It's not your fault Ava: and it reminds me it's real James: It's my fault James: I could stand up to my dad & say I don't want to work there Ava: If it were that simple, you would've Ava: it's security for your family Ava: you can't just do it without a backup plan in place Ava: least of all for me James: I should have a backup plan James: it's bullshit that I don't Ava: You can make one Ava: you'll have a degree and experience now Ava: you can at least apply to other places with that, get out from under your dad, then think about what you want longterm after that James: Oh Ava Ava: You can, and you will Ava: You're like just finished with Uni now Ava: who knows what they're doing before then, you only have to front you do because children James: I want you to be right Ava: I am Ava: You're smart and driven and good James: how do you know? Ava: Because I said, you can't live like this forever Ava: and you won't Ava: what's the alternative? James: that actually she's right James: everything she says & thinks about me Ava: She's not Ava: She's not right about anything and she knows it Ava: that's why she has to go so hard James: you're right because you said I need you & I do Ava: I'm right because it's true Ava: you're worthy of good things, James James: I'm not a good person, Ava James: I'm barely a person at all Ava: But you are, James Ava: You're a person Ava: whether she wants that or not James: Jay can start boarding school in a year, I've already made that plan Ava: Is that what you want? James: it's what she needs Ava: Okay, so that's a start then James: I don't want to send her away but I don't want her to stay here Ava: Once you've sorted the rest, you can bring her back Ava: She's young, kids are so resilient James: It was so much easier when she was too young to understand what was being said or done Ava: Yeah Ava: I see that, with my family Ava: it's all okay until it needs to be explained Ava: because it can't be explained, or isn't James: exactly James: what words am I ever going to be able to find to make it okay? there aren't any Ava: Actions count Ava: and you love them Ava: that counts for so much James: will it count for enough? James: my actions certainly aren't good enough Ava: Almost definitely Ava: I can't say 100% but a good 99% James: you don't have to say anything James: I'm in my wet clothes today, that's all Ava: You don't have to excuse yourself, ever James: don't I? Ava: Not with me James: that wipes out well over half of my current vocabulary, just so you're aware James: it won't be an excuse that I'm speechless around you Ava: We'll work it out together Ava: I don't mind not talking for a while and just James: I'm going to be here until it's very late but if you can get away, I'll say I'm staying even later Ava: Yes Ava: I can make it happen Ava: People are here but I can get out James: me too then Ava: I don't care if it's five minutes Ava: well, I do Ava: but I'll take it James: I definitely do James: but it won't be James: the girls will be asleep before I'm done, I'm not rushing home for her Ava: Then rush to see me James: I promise James: I know you don't want me to, but I do Ava: As far as promises go Ava: that's a pretty good one Ava: they're like cliches James: I'll work through lunch for the possibility you'll be awake by the time I'm allowed to leave Ava: I can catnap if necessary James: oh, well now that's a mental picture I wish I had Ava: Sadly I can't take photos of myself sleeping Ava: and I don't think I can promise I'll waste any time with you napping Ava: 🤔 James: I'm so very conflicted James: what a dilemma James: but we'll be able to solve it when my dad decides I can be trusted on business trips Ava: 🤤🤤🤤 Ava: Please come through for me J I James: knowing him it'll take a while but I'll come through so he'll have no choice but to do the same Ava: All the faith Ava: and Monday when you come over you can have a preview of what to expect Ava: for motivation James: in order for you to keep it & for him to begin to harbour any, I should go James: but I feel very motivated at the thought, so thank you Ava: You've got this Ava: Later, love James: [let's skip then chicken, come at me drunkenly lol] Ava: You probably can't reply Ava: but I wish you were here James: [a dramatically long pause because imagine how extra weekends would be] James: but you're having fun? Ava: Hey ☺️ James: hi Ava: It's alright Ava: everyone's going a bit hard James: I'm sure your brother would happily throw them all out for you Ava: That may be Ava: but he is not invited James: that wouldn't stop him if he's still anything like I remember Ava: 2 kids and a wife might Ava: ha James: from being a protective older brother? I don't think so James: you either are or you're not Ava: yeah but my cousin is here Ava: so no need for the 'adult' supervision Ava: it's cool James: I'm happy to hear it James: there's no opportunity for me to drag Teddy home if he's there & he wouldn't thank me for it Ava: that's a bummer Ava: though I've already sacrificed him once tonight so rude of me James: to who? Ava: said cousin Ava: he isn't actually who I had in mind but you know Ava: be weird if I ❌ James: it sounds very romantic, I have no doubt he'll be thrilled Ava: Yeah it's like Paris in here tonight James: it's like Venice here, by which I mean flooded Ava: ??? James: 🛁 Ava: ahh Ava: awh Ava: 🐥🧼🧽💙 James: so yes, I'd say I wish you were here too, but I can't Ava: that's fair Ava: someone is in my bath alas James: theirs was meant to be hours ago so the chaos is somewhat relatable Ava: uh-oh Ava: I did think it was more like 💤🛌🌃 James: it's actually really far past that time too Ava: yeah Ava: you must be knackered James: if only I could join you in a drink Ava: There's still plenty 🍾🍾 Ava: I'll leave a full one out on the step Ava: for the milkman, like James: 😂 thank you, Ava Ava: my curtsy is so real James: that reminds me, I like your outfit Ava: 🥰 Ava: you're always nice Ava: are you wet? James: drenched, of course James: but actually not in the metaphorical sense Ava: Yay Ava: I'm happy James: are you smiling? Ava: cheeeeeese James: 📷 Ava: I'll take a real one for you Ava: but not right now James: [the longest pause ever like is he gone or what? but no he's just trying to sort the chaos out of course] James: later is an undeniably tempting prospect Ava: all dry Ava: what are you doing now Ava: a story James: well guessed James: would you like to pick it for us? Ava: You have to make one up Ava: a happy ending, naturally James: & there has to be a dog involved or Jay will be very angry indeed Ava: Frank! James: Oh right, I forgot you have one Ava: He's very angry indeed Ava: 😡 James: about the party? Ava: No Ava: about being forgotten Ava: he isn't actually here he's been dogknapped James: he'll forgive you Ava: me! James: yes Ava: you forgot him Ava: he's devastated James: you haven't taken enough selfies with him Ava: are you questioning my love James: I'm not but he could be, that's what I'm saying Ava: this is a sad story James: I'll do a re-write Ava: good idea Ava: he's on holiday James: working on his tan James: you two are very competitive about it Ava: well we've gotta be summer ready Ava: his diet is going awfully though James: he's lucky he doesn't need to go on one James: it was purely hypothetical Ava: he likes baked beans with the lil sausages in James: what do you like? I can't picture him happily sharing Ava: 🤔 Ava: that's a big question Ava: chinese food James: [when you know he's gonna send her some tomorrow for the hangover bye] James: can you use chopsticks? Ava: yes Ava: v dexterous Ava: shame that's not a sexy skill Ava: like cherry stems James: it could be James: you doing it Ava: 🥢 grab your tongue with that boy Ava: 🤭 James: it could work to shut me up James: but it's only making me laugh right now Ava: I like when you talk Ava: and laugh James: I used to be able to do that cherry stem party trick Ava: you'll have to show me Ava: we'll get some, see if you can do it James: It's been years, I probably can't Ava: you don't lose skills like that James: it's not a real skill, it's a boast Ava: yeah Ava: an implication of other skills, I know James: we all tried it out to mock the girls over how 'easy' it was but only a few of us could do it actually Ava: wink wink nudge nudge is how boys do Ava: 'course Ava: don't always have to back up a boast James: especially when it's one you made in another life Ava: nah Ava: i'll judge you and be so disappointed James: Ava! that's outrageous Ava: that's me James: you're supposed to not even be hypothetically disappointed by me Ava: I'm also not meant to lie to you James: okay, I'm backed into a corner, now what? Ava: what I would do to you if I had you in a dark corner right now is not suitable bedtime story-telling Ava: unless you wanna be up all night James: some stories demand to be told regardless James: & I wouldn't be upset about being kept up for as long as this one takes to be told Ava: You're the storyteller Ava: I'm a journalist, I like to report what happens James: [writes her a very sexy essay right here and right now about the life they should be living in the dark corner, like soz Jimothy you've been usurped as the writer & poet in residence] James: well then, you can tell me what's happening to you Ava: I don't know if I can describe that Ava: how you make me feel Ava: like you're here Ava: the only person here James: I think you've described it perfectly Ava: you are perfect James: no Ava: yes James: Ava Ava: James James: you're not meant to lie to me Ava: I'm not James: it's not true, it can't be Ava: opinion can't be wrong Ava: you can say i'm not well-informed if you wanna Ava: but i'll still think it James: I'm not at your party, I won't ever be able to be there Ava: you don't have to be at my party James: but you wish I was James: that's compromise, it can't be perfection Ava: only 'cos I'd rather be with you Ava: because you're so perfect James: if I don't give you what you want, I'm not perfect Ava: i want you Ava: as you Ava: i can miss you and i can wait Ava: i don't need anything else from you James: I don't know who I am Ava: i see who you are Ava: who you could be James: but I could become someone else James: like my dad wants James: like my wife wants Ava: you can't change who you are Ava: even when you try really hard James: you can lose who you are though James: & I have Ava: I'm telling you, I can see you Ava: even if you can't James: when you stop looking at me, it's going to be really hard Ava: I'll only stop if you tell me to Ava: no other reason James: if I tell you to it'll only be because I have to James: for your own sake Ava: you don't have to worry about me James: it's not the 1st time I've done this or had to stop doing it James: I know I have to worry about you Ava: i don't think i'm special Ava: but i know you like me too James: I think you're very special Ava: but i don't care if you can't be with me Ava: well, i do Ava: but i mean i'll be your friend no matter what Ava: you need me and no one can stop me Ava: not your wife or my brother or anyone James: the problem isn't who my wife is or who your brother is, the problem is that I don't care James: that's dangerous Ava: i said i wouldn't cause trouble Ava: and i won't let you get into any either Ava: not 'til you're ready to face it James: I've never met anyone like you before James: it's the most ridiculous cliche Ava: i know Ava: and I've never felt like this before Ava: so there we go two for two James: it's none of my business & you're under no obligation to answer me, but is that because you've not dated a lot of people before or in spite of everyone that you have dated? Ava: you're so cute Ava: I've dated plenty of people Ava: I liked a lot of them, some of them I thought I loved but then it was easy to be friends with them so I don't know, I think it was just that Ava: this is different, whatever it is and whatever they were James: understood Ava: did you date much James: I wasn't looking for that when I was in school & I'm not allowed to seek it out now James: I had a lot of sex before I got married & after but it's far from the same thing Ava: sure Ava: you weren't getting to know them as well as Ava: that's how lots of people operate James: I didn't intend to get to know you, Ava James: I don't know how it happened Ava: I'm not going to apologize for it James: please don't Ava: can i ask you something though James: of course Ava: did you just wanna sleep with me 'cos you thought i was cute or was it anything to do with who my brother is James: why would it be anything to do with him? Ava: i don't know Ava: 'cept i know him and i know there's history there James: I don't hold any grudges against him, we were all liars & fakes then James: all I cared about was my expensive drug habit & sleeping with as many girls as possible Ava: okay, i just had to ask Ava: things can be confusing enough without worrying about shit that ain't even real James: there's history for you too, it's not about any of that, is it? Ava: no Ava: it isn't James: my wife & your sister have so much history James: honestly more than me & her have Ava: i know Ava: but i'm not gonna exact revenge on her behalf via you James: I doubt she'd want that, she's not Chloé James: I don't believe there's anyone capable of holding onto something for as long & as tightly as she can Ava: I don't know Ava: I'm sure her therapist would tell her grudges are pointless but I don't reckon she can live that truth James: at least she has a therapist Ava: hooray for her James: I should probably get one, instead of talking to you like you are Ava: its what you should do Ava: talk to people Ava: work it out together Ava: nancy can't talk to anyone James: all my adult conversations are carefully overseen & orchestrated, it's only her laziness and the inescapable necessity of my parenting that has stopped the way I talk to my children from being put under the same restrictions James: what she did to Nancy was James: & that's only what I can remember Ava: its fucked James: it's already started with Jay James: if I can't find a way to stop it Ava: you have to James: I know Ava: you know its abuse don't you James: It doesn't matter what I know if nobody else knows it James: believes it Ava: how can they not, everyone knows what a total insane bitch she is Ava: sorry James: you don't need to apologise for telling the truth Ava: i'm not trying to make getting out sound easy though when it so clearly isn't James: it wouldn't be that hard for me to get out Ava: with the kids, or access to, though James: she says Jay's not mine whenever I criticise anything she says or does regarding her James: maybe she isn't James: her sex life was as active & varied as mine was Ava: wait Ava: what James: it's what she says if my bags are packed & nothing else has worked James: because I'd never see her again if she's not biologically my daughter James: but she can't say it about Matty, the dates line up too well Ava: are you on Jay's birth certificate? James: yes Ava: then you either are, and you have rights, or she knowingly lied on an official document but also, gave you full parental rights in the process Ava: if she really is lying then she has to incriminate herself and there's more than a case in your favour James: I don't know Ava: she got you to marry her under false pretenses, she stole years of your life James: it'll just be more of her bullshit James: of course she's my kid Ava: she'd do that? Ava: jesus James: she'll say & do anything to stop me from leaving James: in other circumstances it'd be flattering Ava: does she love you James: does it sound like love? Ava: no think she loves you then James: she thinks she's come this far James: not many of my friends would have agreed to marry her if they'd been put in the same situation James: if any, from the ones I had at the time Ava: i just wanna know what she gets from it Ava: she doesn't work or go to school, right? Ava: you seem to do most of the parenting James: isn't that the answer then? she gets a lifestyle that started out easy financially thanks to my parents & has been made easy by me in every other aspect James: I told you, it's my fault Ava: okay, granted but like she's happy to settle for not being crazy in love, just tolerating her kids and having no ambition of her own? at 22, 23? its not as if her parents would let her starve, Christ.. it'd be sad if she weren't evil and happy to take down you and the kids with her James: as I also told you, I've given up trying to figure her out Ava: sorry James: no, I am James: you don't need to worry about this Ava: yeah i do James: no James: you're a 17 year old at a party, Ava James: you shouldn't be worrying about anything Ava: don't patronize me James: that's not how I mean it James: I like you & she'll take you down too if you aren't careful James: I don't want that Ava: no she won't James: if you think that we shouldn't do this Ava: do what James: see each other as much as we are Ava: why not Ava: because i'm not duly afraid of chloe James: because you don't understand the risks Ava: again, don't patronize me James: do you want to end up like your sister? Ava: that won't happen James: it could happen James: & I'm not worth it Ava: it won't Ava: if you don't want to see me then that's your choice Ava: i think you're making a mistake but you're entitled James: I do want to see you James: I so badly want to Ava: then don't put a stop to us James: just please be careful Ava: I'm not afraid to like you James: Ava Ava: I'm just not, okay Ava: and even if i were, i couldn't stop myself and i won't so there James: you're really gonna age me horrifically, aren't you? James: 👴 Ava: well i do only like you 'cos you're older, obviously James: well, the back cover of the book can be all my worry lines Ava: 😂 Ava: sexy James: I can't make everything I do sexy like you do, darling Ava: don't joke i'm trying so hard to seduce you here 😏 James: I'm not joking James: you are & everything you do is Ava: Monday needs to be here now James: will you dance with me when it is, because we can't now Ava: only if you hold me really close and even tighter James: that I can do Ava: come on Ava: say you will James: of course I will Ava: James James: yes? Ava: I wish I could call you James: I'll go outside to smoke, wait a minute Ava: me too Ava: can't hear myself in here James: [another dramatic pause] James: okay Ava: the perks of being one of the only smokers Ava: and its warm out still Ava: i love summer James: it's a bad habit, but I've had worse James: & I still like winter the most somehow Ava: sorry it looks sexy and I've got a rep to maintain Ava: when were you born are you a winter baby James: January Ava: knew it Ava: awh its not your birthday for ages James: & you only like me because I'm older, I remember James: you must be truly devastated Ava: mhmm Ava: hurry up and hit 30 so we can really make it a moment James: you'll have me looking 30 soon enough James: all these smoke breaks Ava: not if you get to talking please and thank you James: you're supposed to be calling me James: as you wished it Ava: oh Ava: wanna facetime Ava: assuming 🥴 this is not my face James: you could still 'make a moment' I'm sure James: & I probably look better blurry Ava: shut up Ava: you're beautiful James: so you don't want to talk to me, you want to look at me? James: understood Ava: I wanna listen to you talk Ava: [ring him bitch] James: [telling her a story of everything he wants to do on Monday & it's hot & cute & funny & a mood] Ava: you're so so lovely Ava: stick around please James: you're quite drunk Ava: if I was drunk I'd say lots more James: you are so you can James: I'm listening Ava: no Ava: 🙈 James: you're not afraid of my scary wife but you're afraid of me? Ava: no Ava: but I'm scared of feeling crazy, being Ava: a little madness is key but James: I don't think genuinely crazy people are that self-aware typically Ava: maybe James: You're not crazy, Ava Ava: thank you Ava: probably not curtsy worthy but still James: you've devastated me, but I'll hide it expertly Ava: 😞 nooooooo James: I'll dedicate a suitable amount of book pages to it James: but otherwise, be utterly unaffected Ava: as long as that's the only conflict you're planning Ava: know it propels plot but I'll be very sad James: you'll get your happy ending, that means more to me Ava: you too James: that'll require a very long re-write Ava: maybe Ava: the middle can be shit though Ava: think that's writing 101 James: 😂 Ava: come on Ava: reluctant hero is a great trope James: I'm more of an anti-hero James: it's less about reluctance & more that I lack the necessity attributes, like courage or a trustworthy nature Ava: there's plenty different ways to be a hero Ava: there's plenty different ways to be heroes Ava: it isn't all capes and a misplaced sense of authority and vigilante justice James: I'm aware of that, but isn't the advice to write what you know? I'm hardly surrounded by viable examples James: you can't play every role, darling Ava: or write for the life you wanna have, the person you wanna be Ava: usually advice reserved for making you buy shit suits but I think it applies James: that explains why I've never heard it, in that case Ava: 😏 you were born in a tailored three-piece right James: if my parents were authoring the story, absolutely Ava: as much as parents love me Ava: probably not result in my happy ending James: or mine Ava: no Ava: we'll save that meet-cute James: thank you James: though it's unlikely I'll curtsy either Ava: shame James: I can add it to Monday's to-do list if your heart is set Ava: Your Monday sounds very busy as is Ava: I wanna help you relax and feel good not run yourself into the ground with curtsies etc James: you're sweet Ava: come taste me James: your party guests are bound to notice me Ava: I know Ava: I'd make them all leave if you could though Ava: but you can't James: no, I can't Ava: it's not long to wait Ava: just feels it James: it'll go faster for you, half of it spent in bed Ava: ha Ava: actually will have to entertain children too, worst of all my brother Ava: he's as annoying as he is protective etc and will definitely make me spend time with him before he leaves so we can have Monday James: it's a shame a playdate is out of the question Ava: even if I stole his Ava: can imagine your wife's joy to bump into us at the park James: she'll be far too busy shopping or having brunch with her friends Ava: then tell me it's still not feasible before I think it actually is James: it's a bad idea James: isn't it? Ava: it must be Ava: it's too good James: your brother wants to see you, he'd probably invite himself anyway, right? Ava: Probably Ava: but what if I show up really early and annoy him all day Ava: hype the kids up too James: 😈 Ava: there is one problem James: is there? Ava: my cousin will probably wanna come Ava: idk how I'm telling her no James: you said you'd already sacrificed my brother to her once James: how did that go? Ava: I've not been 👀 on 'em Ava: but I see 😈 what you're saying James: if get Jay to insist that he brings himself & a jumper for goalposts, he might Ava: oh Ava: no we can't James: you don't think it'll work? Ava: I told her some stuff Ava: not about you specifically Ava: but she can't meet you, obviously, she's not daft James: why would you do that, Ava? Ava: I didn't tell her anything James: that's obviously not true Ava: well she has no idea who you are James: you can't tell anyone about us James: I shouldn't even have to be saying that Ava: I haven't Ava: I told her about a boy Ava: I'm sorry but it's not going to affect anything Ava: she's not from here, she's not gonna say anything and she's got nothing to say anyway James: if you've told her enough that she could figure out who I am from seeing me at the park, you've told her too much Ava: I'm saying if your brother is there, it's just obvious Ava: I'm trying to be careful James: it doesn't matter, I'll see you Monday as previously arranged Ava: Well it does Ava: I'm sorry Ava: I'm just saying I don't think I can pretend you're just Teddy's brother, there's no point James: I agree Ava: I can tell her it fizzled out soon okay James: like you said, it won't affect anything Ava: you're still angry James: it's a frustrating situation Ava: yes James: I'm not angry at you James: I shouldn't have done this Ava: Be angry at me Ava: it was stupid but I'm not Ava: I won't tell anyone anything James: I know you're not, how smart you are is one of the 1st things I noticed James: but I obviously need to be smarter Ava: You don't want to do this James: I think we should slow down, you won't have to lie to your cousin & I won't get so carried away Ava: okay James: it's for the best Ava: alright, so what does that look like James: I don't know Ava: just let me know then James: I'll call you Ava: 👍 James: okay Ava: later then
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keyboard-smashed · 5 years
The Storm That's Brewing
Summary: they're... not in the alleyway anymore?? whoop
Warnings: kind of not really an argument?
Chapter 8- Let's Go To The Beach
Slowly, he opened his eyes and saw sand. Sand. Sand. Sand. And water. The beach? How were they at the beach? And it was light... Morning? What was going on? And where was Roman? Had he hit him?
"You shoot lightning?" Roman exclaimed from behind him.
Virgil sat up and turned to Roman, who was still standing,
"You can teleport?" He retorted.
"Yeah!" Roman shouted.
"Yeah!" Virgil shouted back.
"Fine!" They shouted in unison.
Virgil looked around at the beach again. Luckily there was nobody around, "Anyway, where even are we? And what happened?"
Roman deflated, and sunk to he floor next to Virgil, "I don't know and I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know? You brought us here! And you covered my eyes so I don't know what happened back there!"
Roman looked around, "Okay I think I know where we are but you will not like my answer."
"How do you know I won't like it? Where are we?" Virgil demanded.
"I know you won't like it because you don't like anything, Incredible Sulk and," He ran a hand through his hair, "We're in Spain."
Virgil scrambled to his feet like he was stood in lava, "Spain? As in Spain Spain?"
"Like Europe's Spain?"
Spain. Virgil collapsed back onto the sand, "So you can teleport."
"So you can teleport us anywhere-- say, for example, our apartment-- and you choose Spain."
"Well I didn't really choose Spain," He said cautiously, "I just kind of panicked. But there are worse places we could be?"
Spain. Europe. Virgil had always wanted to go. Maybe a nice holiday in a few years. Not like this.
Virgil ran his hand through the sand, "Mhm."
"I should be able to return us home in the morning, once I have regained my energy."
Virgil squinted up at the sun, hanging low in the morning sky.
Roman clarified, "Our timezone's morning."
Virgil nodded slowly.
A cold breeze whipped across the beach. A harsh reminder that winter was coming.
"You're shivering," Roman yawned, "We should get inside."
Virgil lifted his hand to confirm that he was, in fact, shivering; although he wasn't sure if it was caused by the cold, shock or just anxiety, "Inside where?"
Cautiously, Roman stood, swaying slightly. He attempted to gather his bearings. In the distance he saw the spire of the town's chapel, meaning there should be a beach house only a minute or so away. His teleportation accuracy wasn't too bad. Not great but not too bad.
"There's a beach house like one minute away; we can stay there."
"Okay," Virgil said, making no attempt to stand.
Roman stood awkwardly for a few seconds. Cautiously, he offered Virgil a hand up.
Virgil accepted the offer without a thought and followed Roman as they began to walk down the beach.
Virgil stared at his feet throughout the short walk, dragging them slightly through the sand. Roman and he walked close, occasionally bumping into one another, but they walked in silence. Virgil didn't know whether the silence was comfortable or uncomfortable; he sure felt uncomfortable but when didn't he?
Roman broke the silence first, "It was much closer than I had expected. My navigational skills truly are sublime."
"Yeah so great that we're in Spain." Virgil mumbled.
Roman huffed, but didn't argue. Out of his pocket, he produced a key which he used to unlock the door to a large, wooden beach house with wide windows. Virgil couldn't see inside the house as the curtains were drawn, but he could tell just from the exterior that the place was expensive. Was it Roman's? Did he carry that key in his pocket all the time? Did they have WiFi? Stupid question, of course they had WiFi. Still, that didn't calm his nerves.
Roman pushed open the door and stumbled in, his usual grace replaced with obvious fatigue.
Roman gestured lazily around the house as he walked through, "Living room- TV is in Spanish. Kitchen- help yourself. Bathroom." Virgil barely had time to take it all in at the pace Roman was going. He gestured to the final two doors in a corridor they'd entered, "My room. Your room. WiFi password is 'Pinnochio'. Help yourself to whatever, seriously. Goodnight." Roman disappeared into his room.
Virgil heard as Roman immediately flopped onto his bed. He opened his own door and ventured into 'his' room. It was clearly a guest room- minimalistic and decorated with very simple blues and grays. Virgil carefully removed his shoes and lay on the bed. He reached into his pocket for his phone. It wasn't there.
Virgil jolted up into a sitting position, "Shit." He checked again. And again. The checked all his other pockets, twice. It definitely wasn't there. Of course it wasn't, he thought, there were so many opportunities he could've lost it. It could be halfway across the world, or buried in sand. Virgil knew his breathing was becoming erratic and looked around frantically for anything with a steady beat to count with. Aha! There was a clock on the wall.
Virgil closed his eyes and listened for the sounds of ticking. They were faint, but present. In for seven ticks. Hold for six ticks. Out for four ticks.
After many ticks, probably several minutes, Virgil's logical thinking came back well enough for him to think productively.
He had a few options: he could go to sleep, because that panick attack had really tired him out, and deal with everything later; he could go search for his phone in an unfamiliar country with no sure way to contact anyone if something went wrong, or risk getting locked out of the house, or he could go wake up Roman.
Virgil was leaning heavily towards the 'go to sleep' option until he thought of his brother. It had been a passing 'what would Patton want me to do?' thought, but it had spurred on a whole string of tangled, non-sensical thoughts. At first he'd been mad that he hadn't thought about messaging his brother straight away. If he'd not arrived at home without saying anything, Patton would be worried sick. That was the last thing Virgil wanted. The thoughts spiralled further from there. He imagined scenarios of Patton in the morning, stressed out of his mind, running frantically around town, getting injured, getting lost... He was wasting time. The clock told him he'd been there an hour. It had only felt like twenty (hell-ish) minutes. Did he blame his anxiety or ADHD for that time jump? Both liked to speed up time and making him feel like he'd missed time. Together they made hell of time management.
Either way, the longer he waited, the higher the chance Patton would worry. That thought prompted him to get off of the bed and leave his room. But where was he going?
Virgil stood in the hallway. Opposite him was Roman's room. He could knock, wake Roman up and borrow his phone. Of course, he'd be disturbing him. And he had been so tired after teleporting them across the globe- God, Virgil still hadn't let that fully sink in- and it felt wrong waking him up after that. Surely he'd be mad. But what was the alternative? Search the beach alone? If it was easy to spot, it surely would've been stolen by now, and if it was buried under the sand who know if Virgil could find it or if it even still worked. Which direction had they even come from?
What would Patton want him to do? What would Patton want him to do?
He closed his eyes and knocked quietly on Roman's door. No response.
He knocked again, louder. This time, Roman sleepily called out, "Yeah?" and then, when Virgil said nothing, added "Come in." Virgil obliged.
Roman's room had the same basic layout as Virgil's, but bore bright reds and accents of gold, rather than the muted colours. Light streamed through a window, showing carefully placed Disney and musical posters plastered the wall above Roman's bed, occasionally accompanied with polaroids, though they were scarce. Not many other personal items seemed to live in the room, other than a couple of books on a mainly empty bookshelf. Logan wouldn't approve.
Roman still lay, mostly asleep, on his back despite Virgil being in the room. Virgil briefly wondered whether he'd imagined Roman telling him to come in, until Roman rolled onto his side and asked, "What's up?"
Virgil shuffled closer towards the bed. "Uh, well, I lost my phone at some point and I, I should really text Patton so he doesn't get worried about me. Could I borrow your phone please?"
Roman remained silent for a few seconds. He may have fallen back asleep, or his mind may be taking a little longer than usual to process everything Virgil had sputtered out, but he eventually held his hand out and... The air grew cold. Virgil's phone appeared in Roman's hand.
Virgil took a step back. He was sure the phone had appeared out of nothing. "How did you-"
"I'll explain later." Roman promised. Very tired."
"Right. Sorry." Virgil said, shifting towards the door. "Goodnight."
Roman yawned, "Phone." and waved his hand around a bit. Virgil mentally slapped himself. His forgetfulness and idiocy was genuinely impressive.
He took the phone from Roman and whispered "Thank you."
Roman grasped his hand as he pulled away. His grip was gentle, but Virgil still flinched at the unexpected contact.
Roman propped himself up lazily with his spare arm and squinted up at Virgil. "Try get some sleep. You look dead. Wear my spare pajamas. Top drawer next to the door."
"It's fine I-"
"Just do it, Barry Grouch, you'll look adorable. And could you close the curtains please?"
Virgil didn't argue. He only just managed to splutter out a quiet "Sure." as he drew the heavy Res curtains shut. He awkwardly grabbed a gray shirt and some black pajama pants from Roman's drawer and finally left the room.
" 'Night." Roman quietly shouted to Virgil after he closed the door. Virgil leaned against the hallway wall and whispered "Goodnight." back. His cheeks burned and his head spun. What had just happened?
He traipsed thoughtlessly back into his room and messaged a quick excuse to Patton, explaining how they'd run into one of Virgil's work friends and crashed at his place, and that Patton didn't need to worry. The phone was low battery, but he didn't care enough to look around for a charger, so Virgil simply texted Patton again saying that he should text Roman if he needed to talk to one of them. Then he switched it off and placed it on the nightstand.
Feeling rather rattled and out of place, but predominantly tired, the small adult changed into his borrowed pajamas. He smelt a faint fragrance of Roman's spray, and those rose candles he always burned. The soft clothes hung off of his slim figure. They weren't actually too much bigger than Virgil's usual pajamas, but his were a size too big anyway. He liked loose fitting clothes more than anything else.
Virgil drew his own curtains shut and slipped under the covers of the bed. Unlike any other night that month, he fell quickly into dreamless sleep.
Taglist- Imagine
Chapter 1:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 9:
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happyminyards · 6 years
Hey there. I'm one of those folks reposting your break-up-wait-why-did-we-break-up posts. Because they are SO GREAT! Part of what draws me in is how this/your Andrew finds another way to respect Neil's boundaries + agency. You said you're primarily writing academic work now. Well, IF you are so inclined/have time to make room, would you consider writing more in this vein? Maybe what happens next when they *are* calling + visiting? Maybe they try sexting? Don't care WHAT, but I do care for MORE❤
arrives seven months late with whatever this is, part 1 here but not really needed, this is just long distance shmoop and feelings
hello yes one order of long-distance communication coming up. thank you SO MUCH for your kind words!! 
“You know Aaron actually send me a meme yesterday, you think he’s forgiven me?” Neil asked, curled up at the end of the couch, his laptop on the coffee table showing Andrew’s somewhat pixellated face. 
“Aaron said he’d steal my knives and stab you himself if you, and I quote, ‘mess this shit up again’,” Andrew replied, leaning back against his pillow, “I told him that I called dibs on that five years ago.” he shifted again, probably trying to get the blanket wrapped around his feet like he refused to admit he liked, and Neil ached to brush his fingers over the skin behind his knees
“I’m still putting memes down as progress, and according to Robin it was a good one at that.”
“There’s a ranking?”
“Don’t ask me, I’m just a lowly exy captain with no taste in internet humour, apparently” Neil smirked when he hears Andrew huff a laugh, but looked down, swallowing to build up the courage to ask “Hey, Drew?” 
“Can I keep the phone on again tonight? Just. It’s been a weird week.”
Maybe Neil imagined it, but the corners of Andrew’s eyes seemed to soften the tiniest bit, “Yes, you can. I don’t mind.”
Neil had left Andrew’s place with a new stolen jersey, two worn soft hoodies that he didn’t plan to put into the wash, and his emotions in a swirling mess 
They had spent the weekend talking, slowly rekindling themselves, Neil doing his best to skirt around the issue of basically no sleep and trying to keep the rest of the Foxes from figuring out his slow collapse. But Andrew could still see through his smoke and mirrors, could draw out a sigh and an honest answer with the touch of his thumb to Neil's cheekbone
So they talked about the future, where they’d go from here. 
“It’s simple. every time you thought about telling me something, sending me a message or a picture, you do that. You don’t ignore it, you just send me a picture of that stupid sign at the coffee shop.” Andrew had summed it up, the way he stared at his cup for a few seconds before the only indicator of his unease with the open talk. He had gotten better at it over the years, but Neil suspected that the break hadn’t exactly helped in healing old wounds.
“I just don’t want to annoy you. Or distract you.”
“Neil. as much as you annoy me sometimes, I much prefer that over not knowing whether you’re about to keel over from sleep deprivation.”
Neil blew out a huffed breath “That’s not what I want it to be about. We’re not doing this because I apparently function better with you around. If I send you something or call you I want it to be because we both enjoy it.” he shifted uneasily, keeping his toes tucked under Andrew's thighs, trying to ignore the way Andrew kept drawing small circles on his ankle almost unconsciously, “I don’t want you back just so I can sleep. I could have figured that out. I want you back because having you there makes everything easier, yes, but it also makes everything better. I love having you around, I want to talk to you just because it’s you and you’re, well, you’re my favourite person.” 
He knew his head must have been fire engine red at this point, and his eyes kept flickering over to the book on the shelf, the cat dish by the door, the picture of the twins at graduation day on the wall 
(He remembered Nicky beaming at finally getting a picture of the two of them, how he kept calling out obscene things to try and get them to smile until Aaron finally cracked and started laughing, leading to Andrew throwing his brother a look that could be called slightly bemused, the corners of his mouth twitching. He also knew Nicky had his own copy of the picture at his house in Germany, and according to Erik kept showing it off as “My cousins, the doctor-to-be and the exy star”) 
Andrew looked at him, his hand closing around his ankle, biting his lip before letting out a slow breath: “I have pictures on my phone. Of the cat, and some random Exy magazine with Boyd’s badly photoshopped face on it that I wanted to send to you. It could fill a whole wing at the damn MOMA at this point. I told you yesterday that I would have driven down to see you. I’m not here to be your sleeping pill, and I’m not doing anything I don’t want to do.”
And Neil had inched forwards, dropping his head on Andrew’s shoulder and pressing a kiss against the hinge of his jaw. “It’ll work this time, right?”, he whispered against Andrew’s skin, slightly timid in the face of his own vulnerability. 
“We want it to,” Andrew replied, pushing his nose into Neil’s hair, “We’ll make it work.”
[n] - “i hate this.”
“i’ll be home in ten, i’ll call you.”
[n] - “no, don’t. it’s fine. i’m fine. i just.”
[n] - “i miss you so goddamn much.”
[n] - “i just want to see you. no pixels no phone no anything. just see you”
[n] - “sometimes i wake up and i think you’re there because the blankets you left when you moved out are all bunched up behind me and i can feel them at my back and i go to touch you and there’s nothing.”
[n] - “and it just hurts.” [n] - “but it’s almost worth it because for that split second i think you’re there. i dream about you and then i wake up and for a second you’re actually here.”
[n] - “but you’re not.”
[n] - “i’m sorry. i know you’re busy and this isn’t the right place. and it isn’t your fault. this is all just screwed up.”
“i miss you too”
[n] - “andrew”
“i’ll call you, okay? i’m almost home.” 
“I can’t believe you actually send me a care package.” Andrew drawled, but Neil could hear the undercurrent of amusement and found himself squishing the phone closer to his ear
“I have half your closet in my drawer at this point. Figured it was time to even the score a bit,” he replied, lazily stirring his pasta around and watching the bubbles break at the surface.
“That explains the jersey and the hoodie, but not the rest.”
“Don’t tell me you haven’t been missing those bars, the café basically went bankrupt without you buying up their stock.”
 Andrew had gotten weirdly obsessed with the chocolate oat bars the small coffee shop just off campus sold in his fourth year, and Neil blamed Renee entirely. She had dragged him there the first time, after all. Neil still found the occasional crumb in some of his jackets from Andrew smuggling those things, “And the book looked like something you’d be interested in, that’s all.” 
“It is,” Andrew answered after a small pause, and Neil considered how he could manoeuvre around draining his pasta one-handed before he decided to just drag it off the heat. Let it be soggy. The speaker on his phone was rubbish anyway.
Neil leaned back against the counter, absentmindedly rubbing at a stain with his thumb. “Do you like it? Not just the book, the whole thing. I just thought it’s one of those things, right?. I wanted to send you some of my clothes. And I wanted you to have those bars and the book. Just like the pictures.”
Andrew huffed a small breath, his voice quiet, and Neil wanted so badly to just see his face, “Yeah Neil, I liked it.”
They stayed silent. Neil in his shoddy dorm kitchen, his pasta slowly turning cold and mushy, his roommates discarded plate in the sink. He could imagine Andrew in his house, on the couch or just out the back door, twirling a cigarette between his fingers. He had given up smoking before graduating, but his hands still needed something to hold on sometimes. Or maybe he was in his bedroom, the unpacked contents of the package around him. Neil wanted to be there, regardless. 
“The cat toy was unneeded though.” 
“That cat needs something to play with, even I know that.”
“She’s not my cat, Josten.”
“You sent me a picture of her sleeping on your chest literally a week ago.”
“That was confidential.”
“That was adorable, Andrew. I made it my home screen. She’s your cat. Take the damn toy.”
Neil woke up with a start, only realizing his phone vibrating on the bedside table had woken him up after a second of startled panic, picking it up and squinting at the brightness of the screen
[andrew] - “can i call you?”
He hit call on Andrew’s number before he could even think about it, dread rising back up at the back of his throat. 
“Neil.” Andrew’s voice was low, and it took Neil a moment to place the forced calm in it. 
“Hey,” he replied softly, scooting out of bed quietly and making his way to the couch in the living room. There was a blanket on there that Nicky had left behind when he went back to Germany that always reminded Neil of him, and he wrapped his legs in it now, “Hey, I’m here.”
There was nothing on the line apart from Andrew’s shallow, fast breathing, so familiar to Neil after years of sleeping in the same bed and waking up to nightmares creeping at the edge of the window. 
“D’you want me to talk?”, he asked, voice soft and quiet both for the sake of his roommates and Andrew.
Neil could hear Andrew shifting, the almost-not-there sound of his feet on the wooden floor of his bedroom as he went over to the window, the slight creak in the handle as he turned it to let some air in. 
“Yeah. Talk.”
“Dan stopped by today, she was on her way to a conference,” Neil knew this game from too much practice, knew the exact sort of topics and tone to use, “Some of the freshmen wanted to pin her down and force her to be our new coach, but I guess that’s what happens if you don’t know her drills” 
He could hear Andrew huffing and felt himself relax the tiniest bit. Reactions were good, and he didn’t know if he could live with himself if his voice wasn’t enough tonight. 
So he kept talking, about Dan’s commentary on the team’s form, about her ruffling his hair when she hugged him goodbye, about the pictures Allison had sent him from her trip to Portugal. 
Nothing too complicated, nothing too emotional. Nothing about how he’d had a nagging worry at the back of his head all day when Andrew didn’t reply to his messages, or the fact that he had once again found himself staring at the prices for last minute plane tickets, toying with the idea, the team and school be damned. Neil could see the clock in the corner lazily shifting from 2 to 3 am, and settled in deeper into the couch cushions. 
“Oh, and Dan brought me something, actually,” he found himself saying, the end of the sentence trailing off into the darkness of the room.
“What did she bring you?” Andrew asked, his voice rough but had lost the tension that was all over it just 15 minutes ago. 
“Some pictures, of your graduation party.” Neil could basically feel the slight hitch on Andrew’s next breath and leaned his forehead on his drawn up knees. He hadn’t wanted to bring it up, but the night apparently made him lose his head just a little bit. “She hadn’t sorted through them yet when she was here the last time, but she found a few she thought we might want. She’ll send the rest to Nicky and Aaron.” 
Dan had mentioned the rest of the pictures, of Nicky in his sparkly graduation cap chugging a bottle of champagne at 3am and Aaron falling asleep on the couch next to his twin, snuggling an oversized plush toy bear dressed as a doctor that the cheerleaders had gifted him. But Neil had only nodded, staring at the pieces off glossy photo picture she had stuffed into his hands. 
“There’s a few of us,” he started, clearing his throat slightly, “On the armchair. I don’t really remember it, it must have been late.”
“During the karaoke.” Neil could basically see him, the faint light from the streetlights spilling on his hair, the cowlick near his ear that always appeared after sleeping, the crinkles in his old faintly blue sleep shirt and he closed his eyes, willing to keep the longing at bay. 
“Probably,” he replied, shifting his head on his knees so he wouldn’t muffle the phone, “they’re not perfect, some of them are out of focus and the colours are all weird from the lights the girls dragged in but,” he cut himself off, pressing his mouth closed. This had never been supposed to be so hard. 
He could hear Andrew breathing out again before his voice came through the phone, “You were in my lap, sideways. You had been wound up all day, but you were relaxed then. Laughing at Boyd murdering Holding Out For A Hero. There was glitter in your hair from all the horrid party hats. Your shirt kept slipping off your shoulder because you mixed them up and put on the bigger one that morning.”
“You kissed me,” Neil whispered, not wanting to interrupt Andrew but the words slipping out anyway, “When Nicky and Katelyn were doing Summer Nights. Dan got it in the background. Everyone’s looking at the two of them, but we’re just. There. Together. Your hands are under my shirt”
“I didn’t want to leave,” Andrew said, and the words seemed to crackle in hundreds of miles between them. 
“I didn’t want you to leave either,” Neil replied, feeling his heart clench, “I thought about that night a lot, you know. When we were,” he paused, biting his lower lip, “Not us.”
“Me too.” There was a pause before Andrew spoke again, his voice just a bit less vulnerable than a minute ago. Neil admired his ability to try and dredge them up from below, “Give some of them to me, when I’m coming down.”
“Two weeks,” Neil smiled slightly, half bitter half happy, at the mention of Andrew’s nearing visit. There was a countdown on his phone, but hearing it made it seem more real. 
“Two weeks.” 
Neil sat up, trying to blow the hair off his forehead. It was almost 3:30 am, but he knew he couldn’t just go back to sleep now, and he knew Andrew would be feeling the same way. 
“Hey, you wanna watch a movie?” he asked, already pushing the blanket off his legs, “I just need to get my laptop.”
Andrew huffed, “Yeah, I do. My choice, though. I’m not watching another Mission Impossible.”
“Admit it, you like them,” Neil said, a smile playing around the corners of his mouth while he got up and padded to the desk to retrieve his laptop. 
“Lies and slander,” 
A few minutes later Neil was curled up again, his laptop on his legs and the phone on speaker on his shoulder, the world not looking quite as blurry with the shine of the laptop screen and the sound of Andrew navigating the Netflix menu through the speaker. 
“Hey, Neil?”
“We’re trying. We’re making it work.”
“I know. And just two more weeks. I don’t think I’ll let you leave the room.”
“And what if I want to say hello to our darling coach?”
“I think you’ll be quite happy here, with me.”
There was a pause before Andrew’s reply came back, sending a river of molten sunshine through Neil’s core, “Yeah, I guess I will be.”
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Does Confidence = Consequence?
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Just last Tuesday, I was asking myself the same question when some geezer opened the door for me on my way into the dollar store. His comment was "Nice horns", sad enough it didn't end there. I had almost finished my shopping when he stepped in the same aisle as me making every petty, fake excuse to inch his way closer to me. He even used lines like "Whoops, passed the socks." and "Do I know you from some dating site?" Even in line, he kept trying to harass me, and then our idea popped into my mind. I looked him dead in the eye and said with a smile; "You do know I'm gay right?" I may receive a lot of hate for this escape routine, but it did manage to fend him off for a spell, that is until the lady in front of me said "Good job, I'll use that one!" He spun his head around and kept trying to make a move on me. Thankfully lady and her boyfriend in line behind me were generous enough to help. He stood blocking the aisle to ensure the man didn't lay a finger on me. I thanked them after we exited the store and hurried to my car. I know it's a bit of a topic to bring on an argument, but when your brain is in panic mode the craziest things slide into your brain and out of your mouth. I am enrolled in Aikido for self-defense purposes, but only one month of the class doesn't qualify me for defending myself just yet. Sensei says I'm too tense, but with time that'll fade. Honestly, I could've defended myself had it come down to it, but I indeed froze, and explaining that to him was a bit of a pill. He did however encourage me to work harder and remember how scared. He says that way I'll perform better in class and in real life. I guess I didn't help the situation any with my dress being short. I, like many, am not completely confident in my whole figure. I feel that my torso could use some work but the rest of me is great particularly my legs. This dress did show a lot of legs and made me feel confident until that point in the day where grandpa showed up. It covered my torso, and butt pretty well, but my legs looked especially good in it with a pair of low heels. I'm positively certain that hetero women like myself struggle with this issue, but I wonder if my people from all genders feel this way. Did you also use a really bad escape in a fight or flight incident?
Alexis: "I used a period excuse to get out of a bad date. Does that count?"
Michael: "A guy kept following me as I went shopping and I told him my boyfriend was waiting outside for me and pointed at a random guy. I'm asexual."
Jessie: "Sometimes, faking you have to go to the bathroom works. Just make sure it's one with people in it."
Kesley: "At bars, I get harassed a lot, I always order an 'angel shot'. That's a secret code that tips off the bartender and lets them know someone is bothering you."
Travis: "I've been harassed by girls before and it wasn't fun. She's a coworker of mine that doesn't take 'no' lightly. I told her I already had a date."
How sad is it that the things that make us feel confident can instantly turn into a bitter situation with the wrong people? All I showed were my legs, and that situation made me want to burn that dress to ash. Does being confident really come at a cost? Tuesday did show me that in some cases, it definitely does. The woman in front of me, who blew my cover, was a senior citizen. Her praising comment didn't aid me in any way but brought to my attention that people of her generation still get the same kind of treatment, which I'm sure is no different for younger generations either. On various social media platforms besides this one, I've noticed a challenge where someone says; "What would you do if all the men went away?" I've noticed lots of people classifying as female said similar things like going for a walk alone, wearing whatever they wanted, eating as much as they wanted without judgment, etc. They make many men sound like animals, and I'm starting to think they're not half wrong. This whole week I've noticed wandering eyes from various places outside the dollar store. The grocery store, restaurants, church, the pharmacy, the mall, even just strolling through the park. It feels like people are undressing me with their eyes. Nowhere is safe! Men are the carnivorous beasts and we are the main course. Just when I was starting to feel unsafe everywhere, I remembered the sole man aside from my father that didn't look at me that way, my best friend.
Now I know what you're thinking, having a male best friend means he's gay, or he secretly likes me. The answer is no. Most teen dramas or movies want you to think that a man and woman who are best friends are the two answers above or friends with benefits. We do go back since junior year of high school, where everyone called him gay and I was the sad emo chic. He asked me out to see the homecoming game since he was late to too many band practices, at the time no one wanted to date me and my older brother put him up to it. He did kind of like me at the time, I didn't know him aside from drama, so I gave him a chance. We had fun but decided we didn't see each other that way and have been friends since. All the other people we knew from school sort of left the two of us and since then we've grown protective of one another and have been in separate relationships when we can find them. In public, I call him my brother in front of pretty girls, so no one thinks we're a couple. In all my years I'd never imagined my best friend being a straight man. We take good care of the other and encourage them to get out and do things. Most of the time, he drags me on terrifying rollercoasters and I try to get him to eat new foods. What is it with men and eating nothing but meat and soda? We're out of town working a convention this weekend. Perhaps I should've slipped broccoli in his lunch so he'd never know.
That doesn't bother me nearly as much as seeing how lonely he is. He's never done anything to me and we have the movie marathons to prove it. But his last relationship went up in smoke when his girlfriend broke it off saying she didn't love him as much as she thought. She wanted to take a break from dating or something but started dating this other guy right away. After a few months, they were engaged and the wedding has been on hold since the fiasco of 2020. They're still friends and they hang out in a group nearly once a month, but every time he goes home he looks distraught. Why is it that the sweetest of people are given the least amount of love when the earlier mentioned jerks are getting all the action? In our case, we both decided we didn't see each other that way, but unless men are a bit of an asshole women don't want them. I don't know about you, but I'd like a man to open a door for me out of courtesy without comments like "Nice horns". Looking at my friend day-to-day reminded me that not all men are bad, but perhaps the hetero women aren't the best either. Maybe they're just as big of jerks as men are at times. It makes me wonder if men get uncomfortable with any comments from women? If confidence equals consequence on both sides, then everyone loses. If that was the case, perhaps we're all a little sheepish making us no different from anybody else, and that's pretty crazy. Much Love Your Way Darlings!
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theatricalwriter · 7 years
You're An Idiot: 2012 Leo X Reader
Requested: Anonymous asked: Hey! Could you please write something with 2012 Leo? Anything about being his bestfriend? Thank!☺️
Prompt: You and Leo are best friends, but after the big battle in New York City, you start to spiral into sadness due to his coma and many injuries. You spend day and night watching over him until Donnie tells you that you finally need to rest.
Word Count: 1,366
Warnings: Somewhat angst-y?
Author’s Note: I just want to say thank you for being my first request! That means a lot to me! Also, I feel this could’ve been done better
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You remembered meeting Leo when he and his brothers accidentally crashed through your parents’ shop at four in the morning. You didn’t exactly remember what you were doing down there so late at night, but you did recall your parents saying they got a fresh shipment of your favorite candy the day before. You remember screaming your lungs out before Leo clamped a hand over your mouth in sheer panic. The gigantic dog-like creature they were fighting heard you and used your as leverage to get to the turtles. After that, it was all a blur, but you remembered waking up in Donatello’s lab and the turtles and Splinter having to explain everything to you. When you went home, Leo came to check up on you after that to make sure you were okay.
After that point, you two started hanging out more and became best friends. And as of now, you were biting back your quiet sobs as it was late at night and the others were sleeping. But you? You were too nervous to even close your eyes for more than two seconds.
You had stayed up late every night without letting the others notice your impending fatigue, making sure Leo was alright. Raph was right there with you, but he fell asleep a lot easier than you did. In the dead of night, you would tend to his wounds and contemplate how life had ended up this way now that you, April, Casey, and the turtles were all living on the outskirts of New York in April’s old summer home. It frightened you to think of what became of everyone you loved back home. You had a family, human friends, and a life back there. Now… now it was all left behind.
“Y/N?” You heard a soft, tired voice call from the hallway.
Your head turned towards the sound of the voice and you noticed Donatello standing in the doorway with a confused and sleepy look on his face. You knew what he was going to say, so you just looked down at your hands to avoid his gaze.
“It’s almost 2:30 in the morning. What are you doing up so late?” Donnie asked.
“I couldn’t sleep,” You replied. “Too busy thinking about things.”
“Y/N, I know what you’re doing. And if Leo was awake he’d-”
“But that’s the thing,” You said, cutting him off, finally looking up at him. “He’s not. And I can’t sleep knowing he’s like this.”
“Listen, I’m going to go off on a limb and say this isn’t the first time you’ve done this. Am I right?” You remained silent. “That’s what I thought. Your health is just as important as his, Y/N. You’ve barely even eaten lately and you need rest, especially after everything that happened in New York. Leo would say the same, and you know that.”’
You knew he was right, but you were too stubborn to tell him so. Instead, you stood from your seat next to Leo’s bed and slowly walked out of the room toward the one April told you that you could occupy. You didn’t bother getting changed, you just let your body fall onto the duty, unused bed, hoping that sleep would come to you soon. It took a while, but you eventually were able to clear your thoughts- something you learned from the occasional meditation session with Leo- and finally find peace in slumber.
You woke up the next morning hearing sounds of rejoice and celebration in another room. You peeled back your eyelids in confusion, only to receive a face full of sunlight coming through the open window beside your bed. You squinted for a moment, rubbed your eyes, and turned over so your back was facing the window. When the light wasn't in view, you tuned in on the conversation. It was a bit hard to hear since everyone’s voices were overtopping of one another, so you went out to look for yourself.
You noticed everyone crowded in the room Leo was sleeping in. And then you heard his voice… Leo’s voice… But it was different, lower, rougher.
Before you even stepped through the threshold you felt the tears form in your eyes. You stared in awe and shock as you noticed Leo leaning upward, talking to his brothers while April and Casey watched happily from the back.
“And Y/N, is she…?”
“I’m fine.” You said, barely above a whisper.
Everyone’s heads snapped towards you. You tilted your head down, shadows from your hair covering your face like a curtain to hide your eyes. Five out of the six who were already in the room could sense your lingering sadness at the sight of Leo, but only one was oblivious to your true feelings at that moment, and I’m sure everyone can figure out who it was.
“Y/N! Look, Leo’s awake!” Mikey shouted happily, bounding over to your side giddily, completely unaware of the tears you were struggling to hide. “Y/N?”
“Uh, Mikey, let’s go outside for a minute.” April offered, putting her hand on his shoulder in order to get him out of the room.
“What? Why?”
“Let’s just go, Mikey.” Raph said, dragging his younger brother outside of the room.
When you heard the door close, Leo finally spoke up. “Y/N, I-”
“Do you know how much I worried?” Your voice was soft and shaky as if you were struggling to pull out the words. “When they found you… and I saw your limp body… I-I felt like hope was lost. I felt as though I had not only lost my city and my family… but that I lost my best friend. Do you have any idea how awful that feels?!”
Leo flinched when he heard how loud your voice had gotten. You got angry sometimes, sure, but never with him. Not like that. He had fought creatures and villains big and small, but seeing you in such despair almost frightened him. Seeing his best friend that way was something he never, ever wanted to see; but there you were, tears running down your face, leaving behind streaks of glistening saltwater in their path.
“I’m sorry.” Leo looked down at his bruised hands, so he didn’t have to look at you.
“Did you hope you could just play the hero card then? Did-Did you hope that going off on your own would make you invincible? Because guess what Leo? You’re not! I’m not invincible! Your brothers aren’t invincible! No one is! And you’re an idiot if you think that!”
He was silent, knowing that your words were only full of truth.
“Gosh, do you know what I’d do if I lost you?” You ran your finger through your hair as best you could with your trembling fingers. He finally looked back at you, his eyes wide with wonder. “I’d go insane. The one person who actually wants to listen to me and listens to what I have to say would be gone from my life. Could you imagine that? Because I don’t want to.”
“Neither do I.” Leo spoke.
“So promise me something.” You sat at the edge of Leo’s bed and looked him in the eye. “P-Promise me you won’t try to be the leader without your brothers. If you had gotten… well, you know… Point is, your friends need you. Your family needs you! Heck, I need you!”
“Y/N…” Leo was too awestruck to say anything. “I-I…”
“Promise.” You demanded.
“I promise.”
“Good.” You sighed.
“What happens now?” He asked.
“You heal and rest. Donnie told me before that you have a lot of severe injuries that'll take awhile to heal. So don’t leave this bed, okay? I mean it.” You said strictly.
“What did I do to get a best friend like you?”
“You crashed through the window of my parents’ shop, remember?” You laughed.
Just on the other side of the door, April and Raphael stood, listening intently through the wicker door with stupid grins on their faces.
“How long before they confess their feelings for each other?” April wondered. “I give it a month.”
“I give it two weeks.” Raph smirked.
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