#in a cold sweat and even now i still feel his heartbeat against my palm
buttfrovski · 4 months
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thought of creek
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dira333 · 25 days
One Taro Bubble Tea, no Toppings - Akaashi x Reader
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"One Taro Bubble Tea, no Toppings please," you ask and the cashier, a teenage girl, nods her head excitedly. She's probably new to the job, you think, and let your eyes wander while she works.
The store is small and there's a bell that twinkles whenever someone steps inside - like right now. You turn on instinct and can't help but gasp. Messy dark hair, dark blue eyes behind glasses, well-dressed even for a late Sunday morning, Akaashi looks like someone just cut him out of a fashion magazine. You turn back around before he can notice you staring, his eyes still pretty much glued to his phone.
Ever since you've sat next to him in the library you can't get him out of your head.
Not his looks and, more importantly, how you embarrassed yourself.
Thankfully, your drink is ready. The girl's already typing in the price and you move to fish your wallet out of your bag - only to come up empty-handed. Cold sweat breaks out along your spine. No. Nonono No.
"Everything okay?" A smooth voice asks behind you. Of course. Of course, Akaashi has to witness this too.
"Just peachy," You cough, "I just... uh, I forgot my wallet, could you... I'll be back in a minute, I just-"
"It's on me," Akaashi leans forward, his chest pressing into your back. There's the telltale beep of the card reader and the whirring of the printer but your mind's still caught in a frenzy, your body locked in between a state of frozen and burning.
Are you imagining things or can you feel Akaashi's heartbeat through the thin shirt he's wearing?
"You okay?" He asks, his breath ghosting over the shell of your ear as he talks.
"Oh yeah, thanks, yeah!" You babble, grabbing your drink and booking it out of there. In hindsight, probably not the best idea. He's going to think you're rude and a Klutz.
"One Taro Bubble Tea, no Toppings," You look up on instinct, too tuned into this voice to ignore it. Akaashi's at the front of the line, his back to you. If you book it right now, you could avoid him for another day. Just as you move to grab your bag, the door opens and another flood of customers enters the shop. You know you should have gone to the smaller one that's closer to College but you can't go back there before they've all forgotten your face.
Maybe, you think, Akaashi didn't even notice you. After all, you're a nobody to him. An embarrassing, forgetful, clumsy nobody.
"Here," a drink settles in front of you, the plastic sweating. "Your drink's empty."
You look up at only to see Akaashi smiling down at you, the curl of his lips making your stomach fizzle in a way you didn't know was possible.
"I-" You start but he puts another drink down and turns to the table next to you, taking their chair after a short conversation. "I'm Akaashi."
"I know," you squeak before you can stop yourself. If only you could sink into the floor and disappear.
"Oh," he looks a little taken aback. "I don't... I didn't catch your name."
A nobody. Like you said.
You mutter your name in embarrassment, your palms sweaty where they're holding onto pen and paper.
"I don't want to be too forward," he stops and you notice how he swallows, a little nervously. You might not have noticed if not for the fact that his neck is slim and pale and extremely nice to look at and your eyes are looking for something that's not his eyes. Maybe, you think, he's also nervous?
Not that he has a reason to be. He's Akaashi, after all, the hottest guy on Campus.
"I'm sorry I saw your sketches," he whispers, voice low, "If anyone saw my doodles I'd probably freak out too. But I wanted... I think..." He's blushing now, red dusting over his face as you stare, unable to look away. Is he-? No way, that can't be-
"Could we have a drink together?" He asks, pushing your bubble tea toward you, "And get to know each other?"
Before you can stop yourself your hand moves and you clink your cup against his as if toasting him.
His lips pull into a wide smile.
"One Taro Bubble Tea, no Toppings," Keiji sets the Cup in front of you with a smile, leaning down to press a kiss to your temple, "Don't stay up too late."
"Yes, Dad." You joke, squeaking when he pinches your hip.
"Bokuto? They had this Fruity Blast Special today. That okay for you?"
"Oh yeah, I want to fruity blast myself away!" Bokuto almost throws you off your chair in his haste to get his drink, awkwardly shuffling his hand through your hair when you both caught your balance.
"Uh, it's tasty," he dances back to his seat, sits down and leans forward, squinting to read the small text.
"Wait, what did you say again? What do I have to do here?"
You turn to look at Keiji, but he's sending you a wink and a smile before disappearing into the kitchen. You know what that means. He's got kitchen duty so you can explain Bokuto's Homework to well, Bokuto.
"Read the Question out loud, Bokuto," you ask him, "You already know it."
"Oh yeah, sure," he laughs easily, "Sorry."
"No need," you take a sip of your drink. "I'm sure Keiji's up for some Volleyball later when you feel restless again."
"One Taro Bubble Tea, no Toppings," you order, grinning from one ear to the other.
Keiji rolls his eyes at you. "This is not helping our savings account."
"What? I'm keeping you in business."
"By going bankrupt?"
You push your lip out in a pout and he leans forward to bite it.
"Harassment," you tease him, "I'll call the police."
"Who's going to serve you your Bubble Tea then, huh?"
You snort and he winks, turning around to prepare your drink.
You pull out your phone, take a picture from his behind - that uniform really is doing him a favor - and open your messenger app.
"Bokuto's coming over later."
"Yeah, we're going over the stuff for next week's exam. By the way, I have this friend who'd be very cute with Bokuto-"
"Don't set him up," Keiji turns around, "You're going to regret it."
"Excuse me, Ji? She's really sweet, he'd like her."
"Oh, I'm sure you're right. But it's so much sweeter if he does it by himself, you know."
"Like you did?" You ask and if you hadn't already been in love before, his shy smile would have you swooning now.
"Fine," you huff, moving to grab your wallet, "I'm just going to invite her over for our next movie night, okay? We can invite some more friends, make it a small party, see where they take it themselves."
"Drink is on the house," Keiji insists, putting a hand on your wallet. "But you can buy some groceries on the way home. It's Asparagus season."
"Ew, healthy." You get on your tiptoes to kiss him. "So responsible. Makes me want to corrupt you."
"You already did," he jokes, "Why do you think I've started drinking Bubble Tea too?"
"What's your order?" You ask, already smiling.
"One Taro Bubble Tea, no Toppings."
Haikyuu taglist: @lees-chaotic-brain
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 5 months
P&C | Ch. 17: Ruin Our Friendship
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➪ Playlist (Spotify) l Series Masterlist
With my breath hitched in my throat, my body is restless, turning under the soft covers as faint whimpers escape my parted lips. Eyes closed, I can see Jungkook’s silhouette standing by the fireplace as his body tenses upon hearing my footsteps get closer. Reaching for his shoulder, his skin is cold, ice cold. Something's off. 
“Koo?” I whisper, gentle with my touch. 
“Peaches,” his voice is soft, eyes sparkling with yellow hues from the fire as our bodies melt into each other's embrace. 
“Where were you? I waited,” he says, gliding my hands up to his chest, pressing them against the pounding of his heart beating. 
“Waited? I was right here the whole time,” I whisper with a stutter as my voice shakes from the confusion. 
“No love, I was here, you were gone,” he smiles faintly, looking deep into my teary eyes before caressing my cheek with the back of his hand. 
“Jungkook, I don't get it. What's going on?” I cry out, eyebrows furrowed as my stomach ties into a knot. 
“I miss you more than I can bear Mira, but we had our time together. I have to let you go now,” he says dearly, resting his forehead on mine before focusing his gaze on my lips. 
“Koo stop it, you're scaring me. Please, just tell me what's going on?” I scream, tightening my grasp around his torso as I pull us closer. Unable to hold back the tears any longer I feel them roll down my face as I rest my head on his chest, it's warm, really warm, but this time, I feel no heartbeat. 
Gasping for air my chest heaves up as I scream out of my dream before looking around to check for Jungkook’s presence. His curtains block any light coming into the bedroom, fueling the panic rushing through my body from each empty space my hands touch until I can finally feel him. 
“Shh Miraya, baby, what's wrong?” he inches closer, pulling my shaking body into his arms. Wiping the sweat off of my forehead he places a few strands of my hair behind my ear, eyes searching mine. I was a mess. But, the mere realization that it was all a dream made me feel more at ease, and as my breathing slowed down my focus was now on his concerned expression.
“Koo, please don't leave me,” I whisper, cuddling into his chest as his hands tighten around my waist. Looking up at his soft gaze, my eyes swell with tears thinking about the way I almost lost him. Confused by the words coming out of my mouth he leans his head closer to meet my eyes once again. 
“Peaches, I’m right here, what’s wrong?”
“I had a dream. You said you had to let me go now and that you waited for me while I was gone?” I shake my head trying to recall the details from that scene, as the aching feeling in my heart intensifies. 
“Baby, please try to calm down now. It was just a nightmare, I promise,” Jungkook says softly, hands still caressing my pale skin. Cupping my face in his palms, he rests his forehead on mine before pressing a deep kiss on my trembling lips. 
“Let’s go shower, ok?” 
Rinsing the soap off of me, Jungkook is gentle with his touch, leaving a trail of kisses on every inch of my body. Turning towards him, I glide my arms up his defined chest before intertwining my hands in his soft curls. Looking at his soft gaze, my heart is at ease. I’ve said this before, but when we’re together everything just makes sense. Nothing feels forced or rushed, but rather natural. It’s funny because, three months ago, neither of us knew of the other’s existence. Now, Jungkook’s presence in my life is the closest thing I have to a home. 
If everything is so perfect, why does my heart's aching feeling hurt so bad? Even when we are inches apart, I fear the distance between us. Have I gone mad? Maybe. I was never good with commitment, feared being tied down, but also, craved the need to belong to someone. Not as an object but as someone whose whole world fits into someone else's. Meeting Jungkook was a step closer to that desire as our souls moulded into one. So, for now, I will cherish the moments we have together, suppressing the haunting voices in my head that feed off the anticipation of our ending. 
Placing a kiss on my forehead, Jungkook unbuckles my seatbelt before opening the passenger door. While my back pressed onto the glass, his hands rested on either side of me, leaning in closer as the smell of his cologne filled the small space between us. Searching my eyes, his gaze softened. 
“Me and you, baby,” he whispers into my ear, nibbling on the soft skin as I feel the flush rise up my cheeks. Watching my flustered state, a grin forms on his face. 
“Stop babying me,” I try to say with a straight face, before bursting into a soft smile. I can’t even hide it, as he truly does have an effect on me. Whether I like it or not, Jungkook has become my weakness. 
“Try to stop me,” he grins with a wink before leaning into a deep kiss. Connected again, my breathing is slow, hands now resting on his leather jacket. 
“I have to go, Koo,” I manage to let out in between the kiss as his eyes stay focused on my lips. 
“Just a little longer,” he whispers, gliding his hand down to my waist as my breath hitches in my throat. Enjoying the moment, Jungkook smiles into the kiss, thinking about how he got me exactly where he wanted. Close to him. 
Jungkook’s POV
It’s been hours since I dropped Mira off at her dormitory, and since then I can’t stop thinking about her whimpering body in my arms as she begged me to stay. Nightmare or not, something in her mind has fueled this deep-rooted fear, but why? I’ve never been good at showing my affection, which is why my past relationships were short-lived and I take full responsibility for it. But with Mira, it seems that my heart is working overtime to make up for the lost possibilities. I should be the one begging her to stay because if she leaves I fear that I might actually have to consider adopting five dogs and settling down in the middle of nowhere. Mira has become my favorite feeling and she doesn’t even know it.  
Turning in my bed, the thoughts in my head are louder than bombs. Everything reminds me of her as the smell of her perfume stains the soft sheets. This place has become as much of a home for her as it has been for me. So, as I check the time and notice the clock hit 10 pm, I’m saddened by the fact that I can’t even see her because she has her clinical today with Tae. Lucky bastard. Seeing no point in laying in this empty bed staring at the ceiling, I decide to go out for a late-night drive to clear my head. 
Feeling the wind on my face, I speed towards the one place I can always find peace in, my safe escape. As moonlight shines down the road across the bridge, I remember the first time I brought Mira here. She didn’t have to, but she kept me company. Deep inside, that’s all I’ve ever wanted, someone to share the sunset with. 
Reaching for my wallet, I pull out the snapshots we took at the photobooth as my eyes focus on her flushed cheeks. I never noticed, but her left eye squints a bit more when she smiles. My sweet Peaches, I think to myself as my eyes swell with tears. Caressing the film, I can feel my throat suddenly tighten making it harder to breathe. Unclasping my helmet for a moment, I gasp for air as my vision gets blurry, prompting me to slowly lose control of the handlebars. And just like that, the last thing I remember was seeing the flashing headlights ahead. 
My body aches as I head towards the water fountain. God, today has drained me and I wish for nothing more than to be in Jungkook’s warm arms right about now. Day after day, the idea that nursing is an excruciating major is solidified in my head. I know that God gives the toughest battles to his strongest soldiers, but please, believe me, this battle is one more irritating patient away from being not mine. Nonetheless, my so-called break is short-lived as I feel my pager ring, ushering everyone in my cohort to head toward the emergency unit. 
“Male, possibly in his early 20s, suffered an injury to his head following a motorbike accident west of the Oceana beach,” one of the paramedics states, rolling in a person from the ambulance as I squeeze past the crowd of nursing students and staff. 
As my eyes scan the motionless body, my heart sinks to my feet upon the realization. It’s Jungkook. No, no, no, no, please God, no. Letting out a series of cries, I rush towards him, fighting back the hands pulling me from his side. 
“Miss, please stay back, we need to check his vitals,” one of the doctors says, searching my scattered eyes as tears roll down my face. 
“No, no, no, please, I can’t leave him alone, please,” I beg, falling to my knees as my cohort supervisor rushes to calm me down. 
“Honey, everything will be fine. They’ll call you once visitors are allowed, ok?” she says softly, caressing my palms as we slowly walk towards the nearest bench beside Jungkook’s room. 
It’s been about an hour, but it feels like time and my life has stopped since I saw Jungkook’s pale face. His head was bleeding, there was actual blood running down his face. God, why are you doing this? Staring at his room number, 9223, I can’t help but smile thinking about how that was the first day I met Jungkook. On the 2nd of September, at Jimin’s welcome party, as our paths crossed my life was changed forever. Reminiscing those memories, my mind went blank, muting the outside world as I failed to notice the nurse calling out for me. 
“Miss? He is all ready now,” she says with a soft smile, before opening the door for me. Taking in a deep breath, I thank her before finally stepping inside. 
“Peaches,” Jungkook lets out, his voice softer than ever. His form looks small and vulnerable under the hospital sheets as I run towards his arms, melting into the embrace. Pressing my head onto his warm chest, I feel the tears rolling down my face, as he caresses my hair. 
“Miraya, baby, please don’t cry,” 
“Don’t tell me not to cry when I saw you lifeless an hour ago,” I snap, gasping for air as my heart begins to ache again. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, lowering his head, eyes focused on my trembling hands. 
“Koo, what happened?” I cry out, moving closer before searching his eyes, which have swelled with tears. 
“I don’t know, it happened so quickly. But, the doctor said that it shouldn’t be anything more than a mild concussion. However, they’re still waiting on my CT scans,” he explains, hands fidgeting with the IV tubes. Softening my gaze, I place a soft kiss on his forehead before meeting his eyes once again. 
“You got me worried sick, Koo,” I whisper before our moment is interrupted by a group of doctors in charge of Jungkook’s case. Walking in, one goes straight to check the vital machines and another puts in a new IV bag, as the last one focuses her gaze on me. 
“Miss, what is your relationship to Mr. Jeon?” she asks, her tone is strict and to the point. 
“I’m just his frie…” I stutter before hearing Jungkook’s voice bud in. 
“Girlfriend. She’s my girlfriend,” he says confidently, caressing my palms with a smile.
“Alright then, well, it seems that Mr. Jeon will have to stay overnight as we are still waiting on a few more test results. Until then, please rest and feel free to call the nurses whenever you need anything,” she says looking at the both of us before ushering the staff out of the room. 
“Peaches, it’s late, you don’t have to stay,” Jungkook lets out, gaze focused on my lips. 
“I’m not leaving you, Koo. Clearly, you can’t live without me,” I giggle, even harder upon seeing his bunny teeth. 
“You’re right, I need you,” he whispers, pulling me in closer before placing a soft kiss.
“You know, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something, and I guess now is as good of a time as any,” he says softly, taking in a deep breath before looking back at my eyes. 
“The funny thing is that I wasn’t even looking when I found you. Truthfully, I had no intention of getting involved with someone romantically again, or at least not for a little while. But, once I met you, I knew exactly what I wanted,” Jungkook explains, laying my hands on his chest. 
“I guess, what I’m trying to say is that I love you, Mira. I’ve been loving you this whole time,” 
Feeling my throat tighten, my breathing slows as my chest begins to heave up. Noticing the flush rise up my cheeks, Jungkook searches my scattering eyes, which are now unable to keep contact with his.       
“You don’t have to say anything, I just need you to know,” he whispers softly, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand before letting out a soft grin. 
“I ... I’m gonna go get you some water,” I manage to let out with a faint smile, before rushing out of the room, escaping the suffocating feeling. God, Mira, what is wrong with you? Why can’t you just confess your feelings to him? It’s not like you’re lying, of course, you love Jungkook. Then, why is it so hard to say it? Shaking my head, I make my way towards the cafeteria before my thoughts are interrupted by a familiar voice. 
“Mira? Mira, how are you?” Hanbin says, waving me over to the empty table. 
“Oh, hi Hanbin,” I say quietly, mind still not completely present in the moment. 
“Jeez, Jungkook really got you worried sick, huh?” he chuckles, analyzing the dried tear stains on my face and scrubs. 
“Yeah …” I let out a small laugh, before attempting to get back up as he does the same, offering to walk me down the hallway back towards Jungkook’s room. Before I could reply, his hand rested on my back, helping me get back on my shaky feet. Noticing the change on my face, Hanbin is quick to retrieve his hand as a grin forms on his face. 
“You do love him, don’t you?” he shakes his head.
“Sorry?” I say, my tone more serious and deep now. 
“Jungkook, you love him, don’t you?” he asks again, and although my initial reaction was to tell him to mind his own business, at that moment, it finally hit me that I've never loved anyone as much as I loved Jungkook. 
My moment of epiphany, however, was yet again interrupted by none other than Jungkook himself, as he stood by the entrance of the cafeteria. Holding onto the IV drip bar, his grip tightens upon seeing Hanbin next to me. Looking back at my form, the poor fella excused himself before giving Jungkook a teasing smirk.
Stoned face, Jungkook made his way towards my timid body before sitting on the bench next to me. As I tried to do the same, his grip around my waist tightened, pulling my form onto his thighs. Ignoring my helpless yelps of protest, his gaze was heavy, eyes focused on my lips. 
“Peaches, can’t we just ruin our friendship?” he pouts, letting out a deep sigh. 
“Haven’t we already? I don’t know many friends who occasionally sleep with each other,” I tease, leaning closer as our lips remain inches apart. 
“That’s true, but … ouch,” Jungkook whimpers, breaking our eye contact as his hands hold onto his aching head. 
“Mira, it hurts,” he screams in pain, before falling onto the ground. 
“Koo! What’s wrong? Someone help! Please help!” I yell out in panic, eyes searching for staff as Junkook’s doctor and her team rush through the entrance. 
“Miss, please move back, we need to get him back into his room immediately,” one of them tells me, as they place his weak body onto the hospital stroller. 
“What? Where am I? Who are you?” I could hear Jungkook’s voice shout at the staff, his voice trembling with fear as if he was unable to recognize the familiar faces. 
“What’s going on? Please, just tell me,” I beg, trying to catch up to Jungkook as one of the nurses stops me at his room. 
“Mr. Jeon’s CT scans came back. The head injury turned out to be more serious than we initially thought, and it is now affecting his memory,” she explained, as the entrance shuts closed. Feeling my stomach tie into a not, my heartbeat raises as I bang on the door, demanding to be let in. But, it was too late, and as my eyes met Jungkook's for the last time, they swelled with tears. Everything I was afraid of happening, happened. And just like that, I lost him before ever saying how much I loved him back.
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Eris x Reader | Warming You
type: fluff warning(s): non-sexual nudity word count: 1,5k words summary: after returning from the Winter Court, Eris helps you warm up again
- all rights reserved -
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Eris’ heart is rapidly beating in his chest. He is pacing in his study, his gaze straying to the window behind his desk, frost spiderwebbed across it. It is cold, a very cold autumn day, but not nearly as cold as it gets in the Winter Court. The Winter Court, the coldest place in all of Prythian and the place where you currently are. The place you should have left hours ago, but you haven’t returned. Still haven’t come home to your mate. To say he is nervous would be an understatement. His heartbeat increases, his palms turning clammy from the sweat that comes with the rising fear. Where the hell are you?
Eris does not want to over-react, does not want to freak out, but when it comes to his mate, to his High Lady, that alarm bells start ringing much earlier than any other time. He is a nervous wreck whenever you are gone for too long, because, even though he still feels you through the bond, danger is lurking around every corner, just getting read to strike. It is this uncertainty, this unpredictability about what could maybe happen when you go on a mission for him, that makes him lose his mind. Eris nervously taps his index finger against his thigh, inhaling a deep breath. His hand comes up, he brushes it through his hair, removing the leather strap, and untangles his silken strands. Then he brushes his hand through his hair once again and releases a low groan of frustration. He is only going to wait a little longer and then he will leave…leave for the Winter Court, or he might flip. 
Eris walks up to the window, his hands braced on the cold window sill. The wind is howling outside, blowing leaves in all the colours of autumn around in the air and scattering them across the floor. He can hardly make out the colours and shades of orange, red and yellow because the sun has nearly fully set and darkness and night start to fall over the land. It is becoming night not only in the Autumn Court — in every court by now. And being outside, a this time, in the Winter Court is lethal. You are dressed well, but your body not made for the low temperature. Eris does not let himself think further about that, he closes his eyes for a brief moment, inhales a breath and slowly blinks his eyes open again. He squints, his gaze narrowing in on movement in the distance. 
Luckily it is then that the gates on the east side of the estate start to open and once glimpse at the figure staggering into the court yard is enough to calm his heart a little. He swiftly turns on his heels, dashing out of his study, heading for the foyer to wait for you there. Almost like winnowing he runs to the big entrance doors, hoping to arrive there before you.
You are shuddering, your fingers numb from the biting cold, when you push open the big oak doors and stumble inside. Eris is already there to catch you, having rushed down the hallway and the broad staircase to get to you in time. “My darling,” he says, his own rapid heartbeat matching yours. His strong arms sling around your middle and he pulls you to him, the warmth his skin radiates making the slightest bit of cold already disappear from your body. Eris holds you close to his body, idly stroking your back and your side. He leans in, his cheek pressing against the side of your head. “I was worried,” he breathes into your hair. You curl your own arms tighter around him, holding him tightly and letting his warmth seep into you. “I am sorry, I got hold up. Then it started to get dark, a snow storm started  and the journey took longer than expected.”
Eris gives you a tight squeeze and breathes in deeply, drawing in your scent. “Don’t apologise. It is all good now.” He kisses the side of your head, leaning back the slightest bit to catch a glimpse of your face. “Shall we take a bath, my darling?”
You incline your head a little, your chin brushing Eris’ chest. A small smile appears on his lips, simultaneously on yours and in the next moment his arm moves under your knees and he picks you up, carefully carrying you upstairs to the large bathroom. It is all brown marble, even the bathtub in the middle of the room which is magically already filled with water. A few candles are burning, otherwise the room is dim. Eris has prepared this for you. 
He places your down on the floor, turning you so you face him again and he can start to undress you. Eris skillfully makes work of the button of your jacket, helping you slip out of it. Your thick sweater, the warm trousers as well as shoes and socks follow. The High Lord of Autumn takes his time helping you get rid of your undergarments and neatly folds everything on a stool next to the sink. You are still cold, shivering a little but the bathroom is warm, is heated. 
Standing nude in front of him for probably the 500 time, he still looks at you like he sees you for the very first time. Eris is ogling your body in a sensual way, there is nothing unpleasant or uncomfortable about it. No male has ever made you feel as seen and respected as Eris does. His gaze leaves warmth in every place it touches and a bright smile spreads over his face. “Even shaking like a leave in the wind you are the most breathtaking female I have ever seen.” The High Lord pulls his lower lip between his teeth, opening his own shirt. He strips out of his clothes and then extends his hand to you. You take it and he brings your body close to his, kissing you softly when your lips finally connect, your chest pressed against his. His solid body is warm, the fine dusting of red hair tingling your skin the tiniest bit. You revel into the kiss, in the feel of his body against yours. 
Eris leads you to the bath, carefully getting in first and helping you step over the edge. The hot liquid feels like balm to your soul and a soft moan slips through lips which has Eris’ blood rushing to one specific body part. He groans a little when he sits down, helping you down as well and lets you fit in between his legs, your back against his chest. You perfectly fit, leaning onto him, the bubbles surrounding you. The scent of honey, cinnamon and forest surrounds and you let your eye lids fall close, relishing in the warmth that slowly seeps into every fiber of your body. Eris’ fingers dance over your arms, idly stroking up and down, barely even touching you, but it feels incredibly. You sigh audibly, your hand falling to Eris’ thigh, you draw small circles to his skin. 
“How was your day, my love?” you whisper into the silence of the room. Blinking your eyes open, you watch the shadows of the flames dance on the wall opposite of you. “Very calm,” Eris answers and you know he is lying. Since becoming a High Lord he hasn’t had one single calm day. There is always a lot to do. 
“And now an honest answer?” you softly pinch the skin on his inner thigh and a little yelp leaves him. “You cruel thing.” Eris chuckles a little and you feel him shift behind you. He kisses your head and then sinks into the water again. “It was quite stressful. I had many talks with lords, they were alright, but you know how this males are.”
You give his knee a gentle squeeze and turn your head a little so you can look up at him. “I am sorry to hear this,” you say and add, “did they take you serious this time or to I have to punch someone really hard?”
Eris chest rumbles with laughter, brushing against your back. “My lovely and violent mate.” He grins brightly and lets his hand travel to yours, holding it firmly in his. “It was really alright and they also took me serious. We had interesting talks, it was just exhausting. I didn’t really have a break.” Eris lifts your arm, bringing your hand to his mouth and he kisses your knuckles, smiling against your skin. “How was the Winter Court?”
You tell him about the talks you had with Viviane and Kallias, about the trades and treaties you talked about and also about the situation in Prythian.” Eris listens to every word you say, bound to your lips. He loves when you do diplomacy, loves listening to you when you talk about. 
Using his magic Eris warms the water from time to time so you can stay in as long as you want, finally enjoying some peaceful rest and calm after a very exhausting day. 
tags: @sunshinebingo@tarataraaaa@brekkershadowsinger@azriels-mate123 @mandziaaa@cosmic-whispers @mali22@elsie-bells@imma-too-many-fandoms@kuraikei@ginnyweasley06@bubnix@powerfulpantera @a-frog-with-a-laptop
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formulacherry · 6 months
Little drabble about Lando coming out to Tom Daley.
“Thanks for that, mate! You were great.” Tom says and Lando smiles.
He’s always liked Tom. Admired his bravery and his dedication to his sport. He was sort of a role model for Lando growing up as a gay, British athlete. If there’s one person who he feels he can confide in, it’s Tom.
“Hey, can I— uh. Can I talk to you about something?”
Tom pauses from where he’s packing up his things and nods, very seriously, then leads them away from the few lingering press representatives.
“So, you’re gay.” Lando says flatly.
Tom’s eyebrows raise slightly. “I am, yeah.”
God, fuck. Lando’s sweating like he’s just done 50 laps in Qatar. His heartbeat going a million miles an hour. He doesn’t really know how to go about this. Fuck it, just bite the bullet and all that.
“I— uh, I guess, like, same?” Eloquent, as always.
“That’s, wow. That’s wonderful, Lando. I appreciate you trusting me with this.” He drops a hand onto Lando’s shoulder and squeezes it in what is quite possibly one of the most comforting gestures Lando has ever received.
He feels like a weight has been lifted for some reason. It’s not like him and Tom are especially close, he’d barely call them friends to be honest, but he still feels like he can open up to him.
“My boyfriend and I, we really admire you. And Dustin. Just think you guys are really brave with everything you’ve done. Especially you because like, athlete stuff.”
It feels stupid coming out of his mouth but Tom’s smile turns soft and Lando wonders if he’s thinking about his husband.
“You’ve got a boyfriend, that’s great!”
“Yeah, he’s— not like, out. Like, neither am I, but at least all the important people in my life know. He’s not out to anyone except his manager and trainer.”
Tom seems to ponder something for a moment and Lando waits, rubbing his sweaty palms on his jeans.
“Lando, forgive me if I overstep. But, is your boyfriend Carlos?”
Lando’s blood runs cold. He knows he can’t deny it now, that his expression and reaction have definitely given it away. He silently curses the fact that he’s never been good at hiding his emotions.
“How did you know?” It comes out as almost a whisper.
Tom’s smile grows even softer, if that’s possible. “You can see it in the way you talk about him, Lando.”
Lando’s phone starts frantically buzzing in his hand and he internally curses Zak as he looks down and sees his stupid smiling face staring up at him.
“Sorry, I— fuck sake, it’s my boss.”
“All good, mate. I have to get going anyway. It was great catching up.” He pulls Lando into a one armed hug that Lando falls into willingly. “Also, I have an exceptional gaydar. Carlos is very obviously, not straight. Great DSL’s too, if that’s not too forward.”
Lando barks out a laugh. He’s not wrong. Definitely not wrong.
“Thanks, Tom. For everything.” Lando says and Tom nods at him before he leaves.
His phone starts vibrating again and Lando considers throwing it against a wall but when he looks down this time it’s not Zak, it’s Carlos.
“Hey!” He says brightly and smiles when he hears Carlos’ voice on the other line.
“Hola. How did it go?”
“Yeah, it was good. He’s really nice. Easy to talk to.”
There’s a short pause before Carlos asks; “did you tell him?”
They’d discussed it the previous evening, lying in bed together. Lando had been restless with the need for someone else to know about their relationship. They decided Tom was as good a person as any.
“I did, yeah. He— he asked if we were together.”
Carlos hums. “Mmm, and you said yes?”
“Yeah, don’t reckon I could’ve hidden it very well if I tried to lie. Is that— okay?”
“Of course. If you trust him, then I do too. I am very proud of you.”
Lando lets out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding.
“Thank you. I have to go, but I’ll see you when I get home, yeah?” He considers just packing up all his things and heading home now, spending the rest of the day curled up with Carlos in their flat, but figures Zak probably wouldn’t be on board with it.
“Yes, I will be here. Have a good rest of your day. I love you.”
Lando smiles. “I love you too. Always.”
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abibliophobiaa · 1 year
Hello!!! Happy 1K celebration that's amazing ❤️
I was wondering if I could send in a little request!!
Character - Eddie x reader
Type - Comfort fic
Trope - Reader has a nightmare and needs comforting
Dialogue - "c'mere you"
There is no rush, I'm sure you have loads of requests coming in!!!
Thank you so much 💓
sorry for the delay, but more to come soon. hope you enjoy! (700 words of fluff; f!reader). || part of #Lunas1kfollowercelebration🌙
It starts like all the other dreams that come before it. That murky, dark sky—blood red and glinting like rubies, the flash of lightning that slashes across the sky in a giant arc, the sound of screeching bat wings. Constant beating, a thunderous metronome. Your feet carry you hastily beside Dustin, the sound of sobbing hitting your ears. You always forget it's yours. An anguished sound that tears from you…robs you of breath as your eyes behold the sight of Eddie’s mangled body on the cold, hard ground. After that it’s all the goodbyes you shared. The whispers of love against bloody lips, a promise that not even death would put an end to what he feels for you. 
He closes his eyes, like he does every other time, and you scream into the void endlessly. Until your vocal chords are raw and your eyes burn from the sting of tears. Until your voice cracks from the strain. Until you can’t scream anymore. Until Robin eventually has to pull you away from his broken form, running her fingers through your hair, telling you he’s fine. 
Because Nancy heard a heartbeat and felt it too, because he’s not gone, he’s still got life within him, it doesn’t end now…
You jump with a start, chest heaving as you blink up at your bedroom ceiling. The room is still dark, the alarm clock to your left alerting you it’s only three in the morning. Eddie has to be up in two hours for his job at the local automobile repair shop. Eddie, who sleeps beside you every night; Eddie who has slept beside you every night for the past year. It’s 1987, Vecna is gone, Eddie is alive. Eddie, with his breath that puffs against your collar bone, a hand curling low around your hip, drawing up your borrowed Hellfire shirt about your hips. Eddie, who had kissed you the night before and reached over your head to tug the chain on your bedside lamp, before settling down with you pulled close to his form. 
Eddie, who slowly rouses beside you, dark eyes popping open to take in your face. His reaction is immediate. He lets out a sympathetic hum as he whispers, “C’mere you,” and you press your face into the curve of his chest, right over where his heart thrums loud and familiar in your ears. Your fingers slide up to rest beside your cheek, relishing in the slow rise and fall of his torso, the reminder of life within the boy who holds your heart in his hands. “Did you have another nightmare?”
“Yeah,” you murmur, sliding your free arm up and around his side, drifting along the skin beneath his tattered tee stretched taut over his shoulders. He’s warm beneath your fingertips, a tether for your weary soul. “I’ll be fine. You can go back to bed. You have to be up soon anyway.” 
“Can’t sleep when my favorite girl can’t sleep. Wanna go for another walk?” 
Minutes later, after you’ve pulled on a pair of sweats and Eddie’s done the same, the two of you trudge along the streets near your apartment, fingers brushing under pale moonlight while the rest of Hawkins sleeps. You’ve walked these roads countless times now, both on the nights when you’ve woken gasping for air, and the ones where Eddie shoots up ramrod straight beside you, pleading with anyone who might hear for the pain to stop. The brush of chilly winter air dances along your cheeks as you push closer to Eddie’s side, glancing up at his side profile, his palm curling tighter around your own. 
“You know I’ll never leave you, right?” It’s his vow everyday, but a gentle reminder every time either of you has one of these nights. You squeeze his palm tighter, relishing in the warmth of his chest, the solidity of his form. 
“And you know I love you, right?” It’s yours back, a whisper in the night, punctuated by the softest brush of your lips against his cheek. 
He shifts his face enough to kiss you. 
Slow, soft, warm—an assurance of the soul. 
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cxlxrx · 10 months
so I started a körangi ff a few months ago and idk I liked it but I also didn't continue it. Anyways I wanted to post a piece because it would be sad to just let the abandoned wip rot in my google docs. Enjoy 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
Horangi was an untouchable coolness. He was wearing his sunglasses and mask with such a coolness only a model could do. Probably Horangi had been once a model before he came to KorTac? König didn't know but on the other hand he know nearly nothing about the other man. Horangi barley spoke and if he spoke it was for the sake of the mission. He was always quiet and distant, melted in a dark corner while meetings. König wished he could do the same. Just vanishing in the dark but that was impossible with his 6'10. Instead he tried to make himself as small as possible. It only caused him back pain and tensions between his shoulder blades.
Horangi was only 5'10 and a living invisible man. He already made Ghost concurrence, he just appear out of nowhere beside people and especially König nearly got a heart attack every fucking time Horangi did this.
Also this time. He sat in the last corner of the dining room, head down and shoulder slumped forward. König sat like a little (big) shrimp, his back already screaming in displeasure. He had pulled his masked down and tried to eat something. His stomach felt like it was closed and he had to force down the food. Normally he would eat in his room. Alone. But he tried to fight more against his social anxiety. Eating in front of people were the worst. Soap had offer to sit with him while eating, but König had just shook his head and had stared on the floor. If Soap sat with him he wouldn't be able to eat anything. Doesn't matter if Soap and he were good teammates (maybe friends even?).
Now he sat in the most hidden corner and tried to force down the food. At least his finger didn't tremble. Social anxiety sucked. He wanted to sit with his team mates. Wanted to make jokes with them, talk to them. But everytime he tried to speak with them outside of a mission a sharp spike of anxiety shot through his body. Let him unable to speak and then he got red all over his face. There was a reason why he always wore a casual face mask every time he was among people. A poor attempt to hide his red face, especially his cheeks.
"That's my seat", rumbled someone behind him and König flinched so hard that he dropped the fork. His heartbeat spiked up to an unhealthy rate. Horangi surrounded the table and placed his tray across from König, sitting down with the elegance of a tiger, didn't make a sound when he sat down. He wore his sunglasses and also a face mask. König felt like someone would choke him, his throat impossible tight. Heart hammering in his chest. His face instantly heated up. On top of all that he realized that he didn't had his mask on, still pulled down for eating. Immediately he pulled his face masked up with shakey hands.
"Didn't expect you here", Horangi said and pulled his sunglasses from his nose. He folded them carefully and laid them next to his tray, exactly between himself and König. König had already saw Horangis eyes but still everytime his eyes were stunning. His left eye sparked in a grey blue while his right eye shone in dark brown. With one smooth motion Horangi pulled down his mask, grabbing the fork with slim fingers (nothing in compare to König's clumsy big hands) and skewered a vegetable. Horangi had an extraordinary face, Heterochromia and a big scar on the left side of the corner of his mouth. Skin had been ripped away, only leaving a few visible molars. Imperfect perfection. Without looking up from the table he said, "You're staring." König froze and immediately lowered his eyes. Embarrassed washed over him in a cold wave, his hands started to sweat and he instantly feel exposed. "I-I'm s-sorry", he choked out and started to fiddle with his hands, rubbing little circles in his left hand palm with his right thumb. He pressed with such a forced it started to hurt a bit. König just wanted to vanish, be swallowed entirely by a black hole.
Horangi just shrugged and shoved a fork full of rice and vegtables in his mouth. "It's okay. Don't worry, I know how I look", he said quietly after swallowing. His voice deep and smooth. König suddenly felt sick, he didn't mean to make Horangi uncomfortable, to let the other man think he had been staring because he thought Horangi was ugly. He desperately wanted to explain himself but he didn't had the breath to form words. He hated himself so much. He just wanted to stand up and leave but if he stood up now Horangi would think that König would leave because he couldn't stand his face. Cold sweat spread across his neck. He was captured.
"Relax", Horangi said quietly, not looking at him, "It's okay. I'm not mad." König said nothing just stared at his plate. It was still full of food. He wasn't hungry anymore. Horangi looked up, fork loosely hanging in his left hand while he propped his chin on his right hand. "You still have a lot of food left", he said, "Why don't you eat?" Horangi made a soft noise, closely to a laugh, "Or does my look make you lose your appetite?" A new hot spike of anxiety shot up and König's stomach twisted hard.
He desperately wanted to say something, he felt dizzy and sick. He just wanted to leave. Horangi laughed quietly, "That was a joke, König." The pronunciation of his name was always oddly accurate, Horangi was the only one who could pronounce his name right in the KorTac Team.
König still rubbed little circles with brutal force in his hand palm. A Joke? He wanted to laugh showing that he had understand the social clue, instead his face twisted, still burning hot. "E-ein Witz?", he asked, his voice barely a whisper. Horangi tilted his head, an invisible question mark over his head. Shit, Fuck had he said it in German? His heart pounded so fast he was scared it would jump out of his chest, "Joke?", he chocked out. "Ah", Horangi said and smiled, a little tug on his right corner of the mouth, "Yes, it was a joke." König took a deep breath trying to calm himself, Horangi wasn't mad. König didn't do anything wrong. Everything was okay. He couldn't eat anymore, but Horangi wasn't mad. "Please eat something", Horangi said and pointed at König's plate. Still full of food. "I'm not hungry", König said quietly, his heart rate still unhealthy high and his hands uncomfortable sweaty. Horangi narrow his eyes, he knew König was lying.
"I-I've", König stuttered and made a lose gesture to the entrance of the dining room, "I've to go." He stood up with wobble knees, anxiety still high in his body. Horangi had his eyes fixed on him and that didn't help to lower his anxious mind carousel. "It was nice... talking to y-you", König said, voice barely audible. He picked up his tray, staring hardly on the floor. "Yeah, I've enjoyed our little conversation as well", Horangi said and chuckled. A new sharp pain of anxiety washed over König. Did Horangi laughed at him? He desperately tried to keep it together, his legs like pudding and hands shaking, an upcoming pressure behind his eyes. Scheiße. Abruptly he turned around and literally fled out of the canteen.
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thevelria · 1 year
Consigliere (LevixReader) Chapter 1
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Author's note: Guys I think I did something... I just started the story yesterday on wattpad...but I'm already in love with the idea of Levi being in the mafia as a consigliere. Like omg... I do hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing this!
summary: 2532words; Levi Ackerman is the consigliere of the Jaeger family. Y/N has the same job at the Reiss family. It's a slow burning enemies to lovers story. Speaking of the mafia it's going to contain a lot of mature contant.
When the wind softly brushes his silky, raven hair against his face, he fixes it with ease right away. His Adam's apple bobs slightly as he glues his stare at Bastien. -So? -he pokes his tongue against his inner cheek.
Bastien can't hold his gaze and chooses to look rather away from the man, who seemingly gets impatient second by second.
Levi Ackerman is known for being able to persuade people, to convince them at all cost. The easier or the harder way, it doesn't matter. Is he cold? Maybe. Emotionless? Probably. Ruthless? Definitely. But there is one more thing, which describes him more than anything...loyalty. Loyal to the Jaeger family.
Grisha chose him as his Consigliere years before and Levi never made him regret it. Not even once. And it's not going to be different today either.
Levi knows his conversation partner is getting nervous. A slight line of sweat covers his forehead, his knees can't stop jumping up and down under the table. He finds it kind of funny. After all Bastien is the head of a mafia family and still anytime they meet the man looks...terrified.
The glass of wine on the table shakes as Levi slams his palm against it. -Bastien, focus! -his gaze burns a hole into the man's skull, his cold voice makes him shiver. -I'm going to ask one more time -Levi clears his throat, while grabbing the glass from the table and slightly spilling the wine around. -Please, sign the document.
Bastien loosens the tie around his neck and bites his lower. -Levi -he pulls a fake, nervous smile- You know as well as I do that I cannot do this. And now please leave my house!
-Hmm... -Levi hums as he closes his eyes and lets the fresh spring air enter his lungs. Deep breath, filling his insides, before he shuts his eyes wide open once again. -Alright -he pushes the chair back, slowly standing up, gathering the folder and the documents from the table.
-Yeah, Ackerman. You heard him -one of Bastien's people feels the urge to show off- Better be going right now, otherwise you might not be able to leave anymore.
Instantaneously Bastien pushes his chair back as well, clenching his jaw, staring with a vicious glare. The act of a weak, nervous niemand disappeared in a heartbeat. -That's your last call? -Levi stands straight before the man. -Just fuck off for God's shake! -Bastien feels the gut to yell.
Levi clicks his tongue. The hard way it is then. -he thinks to himself as walking out of the balcony, following the path through the garden, which leads to the gate of the mansion. The wind keeps blowing, moving the branches of the trees with elegance. The second the voice of the airplane hits his ear a tiny smirk appears in the corner of his mouth. He slightly bites his bottom lip, speeding up his steps.
-What the fuck does this airplane? -Bastien turns to his people, but no one can answer his question. The mansion is surrounded with a huge grape plantation, thousands and thousands of plants until the sun sets down. -It shouldn't fertilize until next week -he frowns. And as the plan flies high above the mansion, still realizing the stinky fluid, Bastien gets uneasy. -Boss? -one of the men asks confused- Is it...is it petrol?
-Fucking hell! -Bastien gasps- Ackerman! -he yells from the top of his lungs.
Levi pulls a satisfied smirk as he hears them scream in fear. He's searching through his pocket...for a lighter. As soon as he grabs and clicks it he keeps walking forward. He doesn't even look back, when he drops the lighter behind his shoulder to the ground. The flames rushes through the grass without mercy, eating everything and everyone between.
The gate opens automatically and he drives his car through. He feels quite tired despite the fact he already knows he won't be able to sleep too much anyway. After he parks the vehicle, walks in the house.
-Where is he? -Levi asks the maid with a bored tone.
-In his office room, sir -she bows deep immediately.
Eren sits behind an enormous desk loaded with tons of folders, documents and things he doesn't really care about. Holding an ice cold beer in his hand, daydreaming about being free. Free of everything he has to deal with since his father, Grisha passed away. Surprisingly it was a natural cause, which is pretty rare considering the way of life they all live. A slight knock on the door snaps him back to reality. -Come in -he sighs frustrated, but eases the second he realizes it's Levi standing there.
-How was it? -he yawns big, turning around in his chair.
-It's done, boss -he says, clenching his jaw. Levi has been loyal since the day the Jaeger family took him in and gave him the opportunity to prove his place. And even if he hates the fact Grisha is no more, he knows he has to protect the reckless boy in the chair. Eren isn't the oldest son of Grisha, but Zeke is just not capable of controlling a family business like that. Zeke and his world savior theories.
The night before his former boss passed he made Levi vow of protecting his sons, his family. And he might be a heartless murderer, but he is true to his words that's for sure.
-Boss -Levi sighs deeply, taking a seat across Eren- Bastien is not a threat anymore, but we need to be focused. Since your father passed away the other families see us as a weakend, wounded dog, which could be killed easily. We need to be prepared!
-Yeah, yeah. I know -Eren waved- But you can control this shit, can't you? -he raises one of his eyebrows.
-I can -he presses out the words from his mouth and tries his best not to slap the boy in front of him. He has seemingly no idea how important it is to keep things in hand. They could be easily wiped out and it seems he doesn't even care about it. Or probably he's just too stupid to see it. But even if he would love to walk up to Eren, grab his head and smash it into the desk he sighs deeply and leaves his office.
-I miss you, old man -he murmurs under his nose as he closes the door behind him.
People in white, long coats are walking around in a room. As the door shuts open almost all of them jump in fear. They already know what's going to happen. Control, reckoning, threatening.
-How's it going? - Reiner asks impatiently.
-It's going fine, sir -one of the men answers with a shaking voice- But we need some more time. It is...it is not entirely finished yet.
-Excuses, excuses all the fucking time -Reiner hums, while circling around in the room- What if I say you don't have any more time, huh? -he grabs one of the men randomly, pressing the lands of the rifle against his temple.
-Stop it! -Paul, the leader of the researchers shouts- Stop this madness for fuck's shake!
-Look at him! -Reiner grins, pushing the man in his grip to the ground, walking slowly up to Paul- Did you hear that Bertolt? He thinks he has the right to yell at me. AT ME?! Do you have any idea who I am, you piece of shit?
-We...we need more time. It's not finished yet. If you realize it in this state, it will kill innocent people. I can't ...I can't let it happen -he straightens himself up.
Reiner smirks, clicking his tongue, because he knows he's going to kill this man no matter what. But first he wants to tease him just a tiny bit.
-So, what do you say how much time you need? -Reiner bites his lower lip.
-Well, maybe 2-3 wee...-Paul gets cut in mid sentence by a loud bang. Reiner looks entertained as he watches the man collapsing dead to the ground.
You are asked to the office room. Rod Reiss wants to see you, as one of the servants informs you. Thoughts rushing through your mind, trying to figure out what's the case. He doesn't really ask for you in the late hours of the night, like this.
-Did you want to see me, boss? -you fix your clothes, stepping into the room.
-Y/N, please sit down -he offers a seat in front of him.
-What's wrong? -you frown, finding his act suspicious.
-It's about your father -he sighs deeply- I was informed he suffered a deadly accident in the labor today.
-WHAT? -you yell, eyes widening in disbelief.
-I'm sorry, dear. I don't know what went wrong. Reiner came back and filled me with this information. But believe me, I'm going to find out! -lies dripping from his mouth. Reiner told him exactly everything about the evening, he was more than aware of the situation, but decided to lie to you.
A week later:
You can't accept the fact everyone tells you about that accident. No one can actually confirm what happened that evening, not even his coworkers. All of them look terrified and it makes your blood boil even more.
The night of the funeral you walk back and forth in your living room, then suddenly grab your jacket and rush out of the house. Speeding to one of his friends, who worked with your father for years. You don't care what you have to do...but you will get the truth out of him. The harder or the easier way, it's totally up to the man.
-Y/N, please -he's begging, blood running down his jaw as he watches you pointing the gun exactly to the temple of his wife.
-Tell me the truth, Steve -you hiss- Or swear to God she's going to sleep with the fishes.
-Stop! -he screams- Let her go for fuck's sake.
-You have 10 seconds to answer me...-you clench your jaw- 9...8...7- you start to count down.
The man looks desperate, making a decision, which he knows is going to be his death warrant. But he's ready to die, if he can save the life of his wife.
-It was Reiner -he finally gives in.
-What? -you turn your face to him, fire burning in your eyes.
-He killed your father, because -he stops for a second- Paul didn't want to let them sell the medicine yet. It is not finished, it's poisonous and probably will kill thousands of people once it gets to the market.
-What about Rod? -you clench your jaw- Does he know what happened to my father?
-Yes -he whispers.
There's a blank moment. You freeze in your action, slowly lowering the gun, closing your eyes. Rod betrayed you after everything you've done for him, for the family. Being his consigliere was never an easy job to do, but you were always loyal. Always...and what do you get in return? Lies...You feel as you lose your mind, cannot think straight anymore. Steve isn't brave enough to move, he knows...he knows you would be able to kill both of them in a blink of an eye. But you don't care about these two people anymore. Only one thing flashes in your mind. You are going to kill Rod Reiss, the head of the richest mafia family in the town.
As you step outside of the house it starts to rain without mercy. You drive your car in silence, gripping the steering wheel, staring strictly forward. When you slow down in front of the gate you take a deep breath before stretching your neck left and right.
You hear the click through the device on the wall.
-I want to talk with Mr. Jaeger -you say with an ice cold tone.
-Who are you? - the voice asks impatiently.
-Y/N L/N -you stop for a moment- Consigliere of the Reiss family.
There's no answer for long minutes before you see the gate slowly open and you drive through. Several men in gear are waiting for you in front of the house. You slide out of the car, holding your hands up, showing them you are unarmed.
-Move! -one of the men steps behind you, pushing you forward and you let him. Walking through a long corridor you feel your heart pounding in your throat. Suddenly feeling weak and nauseous, but you don't have the luxury of falling apart at this moment.
The second you make eye contact with the boss you feel uneasy. The fact you've never met him before makes everything even more uncomfortable. A tall, well-built, young man with a quiet handsome face and fiery emerald green eyes. At first you don't even recognise the another man in the room, a shorter one with raven hair sitting in a corner, legs crossed. His eyes could kill you without hesitation. Levi -you imaginary rolling your eyes. You hate that rat from the bottom of your heart.
-So -Eren clears his throat- I happened to hear you have something to tell me, Ms. L/N.
-I'm here to bargain -you force the words out of your mouth.
-Please enlighten me! -Eren pokes his tongue against his inner cheek.
-Do you want to take down the Reiss family? -you ask with so much ease in your voice as it would be the most natural thing to ask in the middle of the night.
-What's the trick? -Eren hums suspiciously- You are his consigliere, aren't you?
-Not anymore.
-Since when? -Levi looks at you with pierced eyes.
-Since he betrayed me and killed my father -you tilt your head slightly.
Long minutes pass in silence, Eren eying you up and down, frowning his brows in disbelief. Levi doesn't say anything either, once rolling his eyes in annoyance and that's it. He acts like you are not even in the room anymore.
-And you expect me to believe you?
-Ask me anything to prove I'm not lying -you straighten up confident.
-Give me something, because I'm sorry, but your words mean nothing to me -Eren yawns big.
-In district Maria there's a building...Under that building there's a secret room with a high class safe, which contains a lot of compromising dates about the Reiss family.
-And how do you know about it? -Eren keeps being skeptical.
-With all due respect, sir. Don't you trust your consigliere with every secret you have? -you pull a slight smirk in the corner of your mouth.
Eren turns to Levi immediately and that one move tells more than thousands words could.
-Alright -he nods- Bring me those files, everything and then I'll help you wipe that family out.
-Thank you, sir -you sigh in relief.
-But only with one condition -Eren holds up his index finger- Levi -he turns to the man in the corner- you have to go with her.
-Boss... -Levi growls.
-I said what I said, and now get the fuck out of my office.
Levi would love to punch Eren in the face really hard...with a fucking chair. But he can't do that. As he slowly stands up he's aware not to look at you at all. On purpose he walks too close to you, bumping his shoulder into yours. He hates you and the feeling is mutual that's for sure. 
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thebrokenroads · 11 months
The Archer and the Prey
Arthur knew immediately that something was wrong. 
Her touches were fleeting, soft brushes of her palm against his arm or chest. She hardly looked at him, either. Usually, they shared secret glances during their meetings and court events. She went to bed early, and she was asleep by the time he retired for the night. She let him hold her, but did not hold him back. 
When he fell asleep that night, his chest felt tight. The feeling usually went away when he saw the raven hair splayed across the pristine white sheets, but that was no longer the case. Still, exhausted from the day, he fell into a troubled sleep. 
His dreams were disjointed, twisted things like age old tree roots crawling over a trail in the forest. He saw flashes. Mordred coughing up blood, holding his own throat while the thick red substance trickled between his stumpy fingers. You failed me, he said. Morgan’s face, a face that once brought him such joy, morphed into a furious, angry expression before she struck a young Mordred across the face. Merlin’s disappointed, cold stare. Genny in a battlefield. Unarmed, wearing the pristine white dress she wore the night they wed. His legs won’t move, he can’t get to her. She screamed for him. Arthur. Arthur. 
He sat up with a gasp, drenched in sweat. Genny hovered over him with a frightened look. “It’s all right,” she said, her tone comforting as if she was speaking to an upset child. He gently moved her aside so he could sit over the side of the bed, his legs over the edge. He caught his breath, his palm resting over his chest as he did so. 
The sheets rustled. He prepared and willed himself not to wince before she wrapped herself around him, arms wrapping around his neck from behind. She pressed a long kiss to the top of his damp hair, her breath hitching. “Arthur,” she said, and he heard the tears in her voice. 
“I’m okay,” he said, but even to his own ears, it sounded unconvincing and weak. He cleared his throat. “I’m fine,” he took one of her hands. He still couldn’t face her, not yet.
“Look at me, please,” she said. She spoke softly, cupping his jaw in effort to turn his head.
“No,” he said roughly, and it was perhaps the first time he said that word to her. His wife’s hand froze on his face. 
“Arthur,” she tried again, and she attempted to get into his lap so he would have to look at her. 
He stood instantly. “I’m going to take a walk,” he said, his voice a strangled noise he hardly recognized. 
“I’ll go with you,” she said, and Arthur imagined the way she scrambled to her feet.
The thought of her overwhelming presence as he tried to calm his racing heartbeat. 
“Stay here,” he barked, already halfway to the door. He slammed it so hard behind him that the wood paneling shook.  
It took ages to get outside. He purposefully asked that the Queen’s corridors be prepared towards the top of the castle, back then because it was the furthest he could place her when the prospect of marriage frightened him. Now, he simply felt grateful that it would take the intruders the longest to find her. 
Once he was outside, he gasped for air. He hunched over on his knees for a moment, attempting to fill his lungs with the fresh air. 
It was clean, not filled with the slightly lavender, floral scent of his wife. His wife. He loved her, god he loved her. He couldn’t bear it if anything happened to her. 
“Your majesty?”
Arthur stood up rigidly. “Who goes there?” 
Henry, the stable boy, stepped into the dim light of the courtyard that was lit by a few torches. 
He softened, his trembling hand wiping away his tears quickly. “Henry. What are you doing?”
The little boy looked at him skeptically. “My job, sir.”
Arthur then noticed the sun barely rising in the sky. 
“It’s not even— they have you rising this early?”
“I help the kitchen, sir. I collect the eggs,” he held up the empty basket in his hands. 
Arthur knew that. The kitchen maid had asked permission to uptake the little boy’s salary. “Right,” he said, and he cleared his throat. He could breathe again. “The knights rise too early, I suppose.”
Henry’s skeptic gaze continued. “Are you all right, sir?”
“I’m fine,” he lied.
Henry stiffened and bowed rather quickly, and Arthur turned to see his Queen rushing down the steps. She wore her trousers and one of his shirts, cloak hung around her arm. 
“Genny,” he said, and he swallowed his anger at the prospect of her leaving before dawn without telling a soul. She was going after him, he reminded himself. 
She halted quickly, and her face dropped in relief. “I thought you’d left,” she said, her hands moving to his chest. His hands moved naturally to her waist, forgetting they were in the presence of a child. “Never run out on me like that again,” she scolded before she noticed Henry. 
“Hello,” she said, and the royal couple dropped their hands. 
Henry smiled, a nervous smile that was reserved for a young boy with a desperate crush on a pretty woman, and he started back on his way. Arthur couldn’t help but chuckle, but Henry stopped on his path. He faced his King and Queen. “I get them, too,” he said solemnly, looking at Arthur. 
Arthur felt like someone had just thrown him into a cold bath. He swallowed. “Best be on your way,” he said, taking Genny’s hand in his, already pulling her back towards the doors to the castle. 
“What did that mean?” She demanded as soon as they were inside. 
He dropped her hand. “I don’t know.”
“Hey,” she stopped in her tracks at the bottom of the stairs. Arthur looked to her warily. She took both of his hands. “You’ve never spoken to me like that before.”
He softened. “I apologize, I didn’t mean—”
“Do not do that. Do not push me away,” she said again urgently. “If I did that to you, you’d never forgive me.”
He dropped one of her hands, using the other to pull her up the stairs. “It’s different. I’m supposed to take care of you.”
“We’re supposed to take care of each other,” she pulled her hand from his grip. “Please tell me you understand that by now.”
Frustration built in his chest. “You’ve barely looked at me for weeks, Genny. I don’t know the last time we’ve spoken alone— “
“There’s been no time. You come upstairs late, and you are gone by the time I wake. And need I remind you, the time you did sleep in, you were quite happy with the way I woke you—”
“Guenevere,” he hissed, grabbing her wrist to pull her along again. 
She scoffed. “Please grow up, Arthur, no one around us thinks that we’re celibate,” she grumbled but she followed up on their trek up the stairs. 
“I hope that no one thinks about our lives in that regard. Why would they?”
“We are a married couple.”
“That means nothing in an arrangement.”
“I’m sorry,” she said, and the severity in her voice caused him to pause and look at her. She looked close to tears. “I didn’t mean to make you feel alone. The last thing I want you to feel is alone in this. I’m just… frightened.”
His heart ached. This thing in him frightened her. “I’m sorry I frightened you.”
“No, Arthur, it’s not that,” she quickly corrected him. “It’s not you. It’s Mordred, it is… I hate how this threat is hanging over our heads.”
His chest tightened again. “He will not harm you, I promise.”
“He has already harmed you,” Genny said. “That is what I’m concerned about.”
Arthur couldn’t lie to her. He knew that. “When we first met, when he was ten. He… he came to me, and he had been beaten. He told me that his mother hit him,” he said, his heart heavy in his chest as he spoke about his and Mordred’s first meeting. “I don’t know if that’s true, if it was Morgan, or if it was— “
“It wasn’t.”
He sighed. “How do you know that?”
“What parent would harm their children?”
“My father did,” he said. He never spoke about Uther Pendragon. 
Genny stared at him, and the familiar pool of pity flooded her eyes. He patted her hand.
“It’s all right. I was a boy, then. It has been…I can’t even recall the last time I saw him.”
“That’s why you feel so guilty about Mordred,” she realized. “You didn’t save your son from what you endured.”
Arthur couldn’t have put it into words so perfectly. That’s exactly what Genny did for him since the beginning of their relationship. The creation of the round table, the next steps that seemed so hopelessly lost after Merlyn’s sudden death. Everything he accomplished in this brief period of peace, it was all because of her. He loved her, he loved her. He couldn’t lose her. He loved her. 
He cleared his throat. “Yes,” he said. “He’s an imbecile. I know that. I just can’t help but wonder if he would have turned out differently if I—” 
“If you what, Arthur?” Genny stepped forward so she was closer to him, her hands came to rest on his chest. “You didn’t know. You tried to take care of him when you knew. It’s not your fault that Morgan never attempted to contact you, or anything else. You did the best you could. You have nothing to feel guilty about.” 
Arthur stared at her pleading eyes. She wanted him to be okay. He wanted to be okay. He wanted to believe her, but there was just something there that hounded him. He should have checked on Morgan. He should have written to her much earlier. He should have, should have, should have. 
His hands on Genny’s hips gently pushed her away. “I need to dress for the day. I have a meeting with Dinadan.” 
He climbed the remainder of the stairs and pretended he didn’t feel her burning gaze.
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bvccy · 3 years
Please, can you write a fic about Winter Soldier having a breeding kink, and being very possessive? And he will make love in his sexy black suit 😭👉👈
FUCK 😭😭😭 My dear, I wrote a thing 😔
I wanted to keep this short, but of course, I didn't manage. This is a very cursed request though, still, I hope you like it!
— Pairing: Winter Soldier x F!Reader
— Contents: noncon, some crying, wet and messy, prone, breeding kink, possessive WS and him being a teasing bastard, hints of Bucky being very much against this beastly act but unable to do anything about it
— Word count: 1.2k
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He knew what he was in her eyes, could see it in every unguarded look and hear it in her screams: a monster. Part of him didn't care — the larger part, in fact — but the Winter Soldier knew there was someone inside who was hurt by seeing her so scared.
"Let me go! Let go!"
He clenched his jaw and answered by holding her wrists tighter, stretching them in front of her to stop the frantic squirming. One knee was on her lower back and he managed his weight with the other booted foot braced beside her. The black suit was stifling and his skin itched to feel her, to get closer to her… after all this waiting.
"I don't want to die," she whimpered. "I don't want to die…"
Keeping his hands around her wrists but stretching now his legs on either side, the Soldier leaned down until his chest was flush against her back, breath fanning against the side of the girl's face as he took in the sweet scent of her hair.
"I would never let you die," he said before he even realised.
Rather than calming her down, hearing it just made the girl more panicked. There wasn't any reassurance in the way he said it, just a ravenous hunger. When she felt a hard and dexterous movement at her waist and realised it was his hand, undressing her, she began to squirm again in a desperate, useless way. His metal arm was pulling at her clothes in a way that left her feeling cut and bruised.
It only took a heartbeat to feel the difference between the cold lifeless hand and another smooth, warm length between her legs. She tried to tighten them on instinct, but it only made him angry. The Soldier pressed the metal palm beside her head but she could still feel him pushing down on her, could feel the shape of him through her sweat-soaked shirt, the belts and buckles and cold slippery leather that rubbed against her skin all the way down her back — until it suddenly stopped and she could feel his flesh: warm, sweaty, and rough with hair.
The Soldier rested his chin on her shoulder and sighed, eyes fighting to stay open as he pressed himself inside. He could feel her soft thighs tightening, but his manhood had already pierced her.
"Ever since I laid my eyes on you…" he whispered, "knew you'd be mine…"
She tried to argue, but every time her mouth parted, only high moans came out, so she just shook her head instead.
"No?" he teased, grinning as he looked at the blushing side of her face beneath the curtain of ruffled hair. His locks fell over hers, messy manes mingling in sweet shades.
The Soldier flexed his hips, legs tensing with the action, and pressed in deeper. He struggled to make it fit, but kept his motions slow, precise, conquering her only a little before stopping, then going further in… Sweat ran down his upper thighs, he could feel it cooling from the air of the room. It dripped down, tickling his skin like little dews of fire until it reached his groin and caressed the swollen sac there, going all the way down that throbbing surface to lick its way onto her mound.
"You don't think you're mine now?" he asked with a lazy smirk. The Soldier brought his face close enough to nuzzle her cheek with the tip of his nose, desperate to be close to her in every way. "You will be, soon. I'll make you mine…"
He heard as well as felt her wincing, trembling like a purr all through her body. The girl tried to bury her face into the ground, eyes closed and jaw set firm and not sparing him even a look from the corner of her eye. The closer he got to her — taking her, digging his way thrust by thrust up to her core — the more she tried to get away from him. Against her protestations, he leaned in and placed a hard and lasting kiss against her cheek while, with another sharp angling of his hips, the Soldier pushed past the little distance that remained and settled into her all the way down to the root.
He rested there a moment, feeling her chest going up and down in panicked gasps, legs trembling as she tried to accept him… He moaned as he felt her core shivering around him, throbbing all over his manhood as if it was a choking mouth before, slowly, it adjusted and relaxed, cupping him inside of her warm, wet channel.
"I'll make you mine," he said lowly as he began to thrust — gently, carefully, held back by that part of him that didn't want to hurt her. Even saying it gave him a thrill, it made real the dream of having something of his own, someone.
A shiver ran down her spine and settled in her legs, growing into a tension that was bound to snap as he thrust harder, deeper, pushing past the pulsing of her core.
"I'm not… " she tried to say, each attempt interrupted by another vicious shove. "Please, don't… Why are you —"
"You will, you're going to be mine," he growled, lips curling back over his teeth right at her cheek, threatening to bite. He pushed his length in deeper and stayed there, making her body swallow him while he let himself lay even harder against her, to hold her still, and make her listen. "I'll get you pregnant, and you'll be mine forever."
He heard her give a long and angry whine at that, but if she struggled with a bit more force, he didn't notice. His hips were moving with the frantic urgency of taking her apart, making her feel the heat he felt. The girl's legs tried to tighten as if to push him out, but it was useless — if anything, it only made her clamp deliciously around him.
His knees braced on the ground as he put more force into his thrusts, aiming for her tender walls until he heard the girl crying out in pleasure — slow, hard, deep and steady thrusts that made a wave of shivers run all through her body and settle in her womb. He held back until he felt her still and give a low, long whine, her tight channel strangling his member more than he thought possible. Rich dollops of wetness trickled out past the thickness that plugged her.
With her body made lazy by its own surrender, the Soldier began to chase his pleasure. His eyes closed dreamily while his face rested in her hair, now that all the fight was wrung right out of her. It only took a few more cantings of his hips before he felt a shiver growing, echoing across his flesh. He pushed as far in as he could, as deep as she could take him, and released his heavy load inside her. A growl rumbled from his chest with each pulse, until it ended.
He'd never felt more sated or more satisfied, and although he finally felt like he had her, he was hungrier for her than ever.
"You're mine now," he sighed, whispering against her tear-stained cheek. A heavy hand came up to pet her head in an oddly caring and soft motion. "My good girl… I'll take care of you." Of both of you, he wished to say. "You're mine now, I'll take care of you, you'll see…"
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to-star-lake · 3 years
one & only
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sanzu haruchiyo x f!reader { you're sanzu's one and only. }
18+ minors dni | murder, drug use, dark themes, rough sex, choking, toxic relationship, character death, bonten sanzu
a/n: sanzu's name { 三途 } is written the same as 三途の川 { sanzu-no-kawa, “river of three crossings” or “sanzu river” } which is the japanese buddhist version of the river styx.
sanzu doesn't call you his girlfriend. he'd never use such pedestrian language to describe what you are to him. soulmate is closer. but still, to take everything he felt about you and edit it down to a single word? it wouldn't be possible.
the best he could describe it is perhaps that you were made for him.
the day mikey introduced you to the other executives as bonten's newest advisor, sanzu stood in the back of the room, unconsciously biting his lip as he stared at your clean and crisp white tee shirt, tucked neatly into a pair of black slacks. your perfect skin. your shiny hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. your delicate hands. and the sharp glisten of your eyes. you looked so sincere.
a top scholar and graduate of the national university. your parents had been foreign diplomats. you spoke five languages. all this brilliance packaged neatly behind such a pretty face. oh, you were so perfect. so pristine. i'll make you regret playing with monsters, little princess. sanzu thought he couldn't wait to break you.
it didn't take him long to realize how wrong he was.
he'd stare at your hands, the ones he thought were so delicate, as they beat mercilessly into the skull of a traitor that lay limp beneath you. being a bonten advisor meant you never needed to get your hands dirty. but you didn't mind. and sanzu felt a trickling heat of excitement shimmy up his spine watching the blood splatter across your perfect skin, staining your clean shirt.
he'd listen in awe in the war room as your fingertips traced gracefully over blueprints of the city, and you'd describe plans for a new building downtown. a new shell business to run money through. a merger with a smaller, weaker gang simply as a means to procure disposable foot soldiers for mikey.
on one particular night, he'd sat back and watched you, transfixed, as he pulled the car up beside a dark tinted suv at a stoplight on a deserted street on the outskirts of shinjuku. you'd pointed your gun out the open window, so fast and precise on the trigger, taking out all the passengers in the car. he would've missed the shots with a single blink.
he couldn't recall all the details of the rest of that night. but he woke to find you in his bed the next morning, your naked body tucked comfortably under his sheets beside him.
his head pounded and he tried to remember what happened but all that he could recall were a series of blurred images. of the two of you leaving the war room together after receiving orders from mikey to take out the heads of a rival gang. a vision of your bare thighs, exposed under a short, plaid skirt as you sat in his passenger seat, and the quiet rattle as you attached a silencer to the end of your gun.
he remembered the sound of indistinct chatter and an image of you sitting across from him in a dimly lit restaurant. a vague recollection of a bottle of scotch, of him staring at himself in the restaurant's bathroom mirror as he wiped some white residue from his upper lip. of you, bent over the sink with a straw in your nose. a blurred reel of your legs wrapped around his waist, of him pushing you up against the mirror so hard the glass cracked and you moaned into his open mouth. you sounded as sweet as you tasted.
in the grey winter light here in his bed, he looked at the blotches of blue and purple bruises that lined your neck and chest. at the edge of your perfect lips, a little swollen and the skin a little cracked. at the indentation of teeth marks on your shoulder, red with coagulated blood under the surface.
your eyes fluttered open and for a moment he was afraid. afraid that the cold light of day would be too harsh for you. afraid that all that was mystifying and beautiful in the night would be destroyed by the light. afraid you would leave.
but you'd looked into his eyes for a moment, and your lashes fell closed and you'd snuggled into his side, languidly dragging your arm across his chest.
let's sleep a little more, my head hurts and we still have at least another hour before we have to go meet the others.
oh, your voice sounded so sweet, still raspy with sleep, a lullaby to his ears.
as bonten leaders, he knew a relationship with you was strictly forbidden. he knew what mikey would do if he or any of the others ever found out. and he knew you knew too.
but you simply shrugged your shoulders as you picked up your clothes that were scattered across the floor of his bedroom. like you knew what he was thinking, and said i'm not afraid of them. are you?
he'd laughed at himself then. just who was corrupting who? he wondered.
the time he had with you began to envelope his heart. and the love he felt for you; small, crackling embers at first, had grown into a fire so bright and wild and twisted it could not be extinguished.
you were his partner; his chosen one. he loved the way your knuckles looked when they were bruised and red; such a beautiful contrast against your delicate and soft skin. he loved the way your fingers graced the handle of your gun, the dead calm of your eyes when you pulled the trigger. he was intoxicated with the knowledge that you were watching every time he carried out his duty as executioner.
his infatuation with you burned in his chest when he'd glance up at you, standing in the distance, eyes fixed on him and you'd slowly drag the palm of your hand up your thigh; testing his willpower to not pin you to the ground and tear you apart right then and there in front of his men.
under the cover of darkness, the two of you came alive. going on sprees, speeding through the bright streets of tokyo, the lights around you a blurred spectral of color to your bloodshot, medicated eyes.
in the midnight hours, your bodies would be intertwined, and in your arms he found a sanctuary. your body was the most addicting drug of all. you made all the pain disappear.
the quiet hours of the early morning, when time teetered on the edge of night and day, he'd lay on your chest, and for just a little while, his world would fall quiet. the air around him felt still. he would be coming down from his high, and he could feel everything. but he didn't mind. these small hours of lucidity shone brilliantly in his mind. when he could hear your breathing. feel your heartbeat so vividly beneath your bones. smell the lingering and sweet scent of your skin on his.
he'd become so possessed by you, so possessive of you that one night when he had you laid out beneath him, your legs spread wide for him, and he thought you looked so beautiful like this. so perfect like this for him. your skin, slick with a layer of sweat, luminescent in the moonlight. your lips, parted and choking out shaky pleas for him, begging him not to stop.
he buried himself so deep inside you, nails clawing into your skin, so desperate to be one with you. and he thought no one, no one else would have you like this. he was so intoxicated by the medley of pills in his system, completely unhinged in the euphoria of being inside you, he'd reached for his gun on the nightstand and held it to your forehead, point blank between your eyes.
you didn't even flinch. he watched you knock the gun from his hands, and slide your fingers up his wrists, and pulled his hands to your neck, letting him wrap them around your throat. if you're gonna kill me, do it with your own hands, you'd said.
god, he loved you so much. he wanted you so much, he needed you so much. he'd closed his hands around your neck with the gentlest force and watched your eyes roll back.
say my name, he'd command. and when you did, he closed his hands more forcefully around your delicate neck so he could feel the vibration in your throat as you choked out his name over and over. you'd clenched down so tight around him and he came harder than he ever had, collapsing into you.
he'd slowly let go of you, chest heaving, and gently caress at the skin of your neck, red and starting to bruise.
y/n...if i died, would you die with me? he'd whisper into your skin.
mmh, yeah. you'd whisper back.
i don't want anyone else to have you. i want you to be mine forever. he'd kiss the corner of your lips.
he'd feel your fingers laced up into his hair, your legs wrapped around his hips, pulling him close.
what am i going to do with you...i might really kill you one of these days.
he'd lift his head to look at you. and your expression didn't change a bit. your eyes held the same resolve they always did, and you said, then i'll wait for you by the sanzu river.
this was what flashed through his mind when he walked into one of bonten's warehouses late one evening for a meeting of the executives, and he saw all of them standing in a circle around you, bound and tied, blood streaming from your hairline, your bruised body limp on the concrete.
he fell to his knees then, watching mikey shove the end of his gun against your temple.
did you think i wouldn't find out? mikey's thumb clicked down on the hammer.
he saw your eyes flutter open and find his. you smiled.
the muzzle flash was bright, and the shot rang through the dark, open space.
he stared at the blood pooling from the side of your head into the dust. he felt a single tear roll down his cheek. shit, am i really crying right now? he laughed at himself.
WHO ARE YOU LOYAL TO, SANZU?! mikey demanded.
i'll wait for you by the sanzu river. your words echoed in his mind.
mikey may have been his king. but you were the redeemer, his messiah, his salvation.
the choice was simple.
he pulled his own gun from its holster and held it up to his temple.
i'm on my way, love.
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nelapanela94 · 2 years
tw: none
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This was the last time, definitely the last time you’d do Hange the favor of taking reports and documents to Levi’s office. Why couldn’t they ask Nifa or Moblit? It was always you because, according to them, there was too much work to do in the lab and their subordinates were engrossed in other tasks at the moment. And what a coincidence that every time you stopped by the lab, they had reports to deliver to that idiot midget. Besides, it was no secret to anyone that you and Levi were like oil and water.
Your bickering was the bread and butter of the day, and some bet that if you didn’t end up killing each other, you would probably end up getting married one day.
An insufferable, reckless brat. That was Levi’s concept of you. And not to mention how inconsiderate you were to his wounded soul. His heart twisted in his chest every time you exposed yourself to danger trying to play the hero in each expedition.
You can’t save them all.
His words echoed in your head as you walked to his office with the folders in your hands. You would not forgive him after making you feel small in front of the squad, barking and shouting how foolish you were for not following his instructions. He even threatened you. One more mistake and he would kick you off the squad.
You growled, and without knocking, you opened his door. Levi was filling reports, engaged in his work that he didn’t even bother to say hi nor raise his gaze towards you. You rolled the eyes and stomped irritated towards his desk.
“Hange sends these,” you unabashedly said and dropped the pile by the end of the table. “Have fun”
He simply hummed in response.
“What did you say?” He lifted a brow, glancing in your direction.
“That you’re the coolest captain in the legion” You looked at him defiantly, crossing your arms over your chest.
Levi frowned. He would not tolerate any kind of disrespect from any of his subordinates, much less from you. He was still angry for putting yourself in jeopardize without thinking about the consequences of your actions.
Would he be that agitated for any other member of the scouts? or even of his squad?
Probably not.
“I’m taking my leave now” you turned around and began walking towards the door.
“I haven’t dismissed you yet” Levi stood up and followed you. You swirled on your feet again to face him and shrugged. “It’s my day off, and you’re ruining it with your crabby face”
Levi was fuming. It was written on his face. His tightened jaw and his fists clenched at his sides were enough to make you swallowed hard. You tried to keep your composure, though his intimidating gaze sent shivers down your spine. A cold bead of sweat rolled down your temple as he approached.
For each step he took forward, you moved two backwards until the stony wall got in your way.
“I… should… Hange is wai…” your voice trembled. Levi was standing in front of you, so close you could hear his heartbeat. Your eyes darted around; a road to escape seemed impossible.
“Why don’t you ever listen to me?” His minty breath brushed lightly against your lips. “You always do whatever you want, always determined to get on my nerves.” His thin brows knitted together, rage pulsing through his veins.
“I would never abandon my comrades!” You placed your palms on his chest in an attempt to push him away from you. “Besides, I can take care of myself! I don’t need your concern.” You looked down and bit your lip, thinking about what to say next. “I wouldn’t be the first or the last one to—”
“That’s the problem, y/n.” He grabbed your wrists and pinned them against the wall by either side of your head. You squeezed your eyes shut; your heart hammered in your chest as you held your breath waiting for him to speak. “I can’t stop worrying about you”
Before you knew it, his lips crashed against yours as if he was reclaiming what belonged to him. Your eyes opened wide as you tugged against his forceful grip, whining; but the rush of helplessness soon subsided, and you finally gave into his ravenous kiss.
His insistent mouth parted your shivering lips, and demanding, his tongue slipped inside your mouth. He didn’t bother to ask for permission. He kissed you harder, deeper and with a fervent need, as a starving man, evoking sensations that you’d never imagine you were capable of feeling.
You were kissing urgently, like your lives depended on it. The weight of his body pressing against yours felt extraordinary; he was so close that every inch of your body was melting with his. The smell of his shampoo and that extra scent-just him-were intoxicating. You breathed him, savored him, drank him.
It was what you wanted all this time, to have him…
Closer, closer, closer.
You grasped for air as soon as he pulled apart. He was panting, too. His face flushed red, and his lips swollen; his drooping eyes staring down at yours. He looked heavenly.
Levi let go of your hands and your fingers traced your bruised lips to make sure it was all real.
“Did… did you really mean that kiss?”
Levi remained silent for a while. Why was it so hard to accept it?
Say yes, say yes, say yes.
“What if I did?” he bit his lower lip, regretting the harsh tone he pulled out.
You sighed. “Well, it would be a relief my feelings are reciprocated”
He froze, staring at you with wide eyes and raised brows, and suddenly, the weight of the world faded away from his chest.
A small smile drew on his lips as he pressed his forehead against yours. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply and wondering when or how it happened. Maybe his heart was always right, and his stubborn head refused to listen trying to convince him that you were a nuisance, yet his eyes followed you every time you stepped into his visual field; his hands refrained from going further when he helped you put your straps on; and his nose couldn’t help but to delight with your smell whenever you walked beside him.
He was reluctant to accept his feelings because he was afraid of getting too attached and lose you; because his bruised heart might not be able to endure another stab.
Levi hugged you tight, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. He didn’t want you to see his silly face while saying those words you longed to hear.
“I like you, too. I like everything that makes you annoyingly you”
201 notes · View notes
sinner-as-saint · 3 years
Crawling Back To You.
Bucky Barnes x Reader 
Run-through: Bucky Barnes had a lot on his plate at the moment. Regrets, fears, nightmares and desperately trying to do the right things to make up for his past as the Winter Soldier. Amongst those things, barely anything made him truly happy, or safe or loved. None did actually - except for you. He met you at a bar once and since then, you’ve been his sanctuary. You both knew he wasn’t quite ready to be in a relationship, yet you were always there with open arms whenever he needed a friend, a shoulder to lean on, or someone to help him take his mind off things. Be it a nightmare, or memories from the past coming to haunt him, or any major or minor inconvenience, the super soldier would find himself turning to you for help. 
Themes: angst, fluff, smut
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He woke up on the floor, covered in cold sweat. 
The flashbacks of the nightmares kept resurfacing until it finally faded again. Faded, not truly gone because he knew they’d be back tomorrow again - his past coming to haunt him. He sighed and squinted at the screen in front of him. 
The T.V was on, playing reruns of a show he did not care about. He simply needed the noise to help him fall asleep. The quiet and silence was his own personal hell, so he always needed some sort of background noise to help him out. 
Bucky tried getting some sleep again; tossing and turning on the wooden flooring but he couldn’t fall back asleep. His mind was racing, too many thoughts at once. He checked the time, the clock read 1 a.m. He could go on a run, but he didn’t really feel like it. He could go to the gym, but he didn’t feel like working out either. 
He needed something. An escape, a friend. You, he needed you. 
Bucky reached for his phone, and a few taps later he was calling you. He knew it was late but you somehow always picked up his calls no matter what the time was. The rings later, he heard your voice speak up from the other end. 
“Buck?” You sounded sleepy, but not like he had woken you up, you sounded like you were about to fall asleep. 
He closed his eyes and sighed at the sound of your voice. He could picture you, all tucked in your comfy bed, surrounded by pillows and your soft blankets. Perhaps you had lost track of time because of a good book, or perhaps you were up late responding to emails for work. 
“Hey doll. Did I wake you up?” he asked, leaning back against the wall of his living room, his legs sprawled out on the floor in front of him. Only sometimes did he feel like he was taking advantage of your kindness, but then again he could be selfish when it came to you. You were his, and that’s that. 
You let out a little laugh. “Of course not, Bucky. I was just finishing up some work.” He could hear your sheets shuffling, “Are you okay? Did you have another nightmare?” you asked, softly. 
Bucky told you he did. Then he went on to tell you exactly what he had dreamt of. Sometimes he felt like he was opening up more to you than his shrink. But truth is, you made him feel like he was more than just a broken soldier, or a problem who needed to be remedied or fixed. You made him feel like he was human after all. 
“I… I’m trying to fall back asleep but…” his voice trailed off. He didn’t have to say it, you understood perfectly. He knew you did. 
Then he heard his favorite words coming from you, “Come over Buck, I’m waiting.” 
He wasted no time in getting up from the floor and getting dressed. Dark jeans, shirt, jacket and not to forget his gloves. Sometimes he wondered why he felt so giddy when you asked him to come over, which was almost every night. He wondered what it would be like to come home to you every night instead, had it been a perfect world. He always felt like he was clinging to you too much, for everything. But then you always told him that you didn’t mind. You told him you loved his company. 
He grabbed his helmet before stepping out of his apartment. There was a light drizzle outside but he didn’t care, he just needed to be with you. He got down the stairs and then rushed to start his mean bike and then rushed to your apartment building. You lived in a much nicer part of the city than he did, and he often wondered why you were putting up with someone like him when you could have a man who would give you a life you’ve always dreamt of. He often asked you that, but you always just smiled at him, you never answered. 
On his way up to your floor, he couldn’t help but feel all warm in the elevator. He counted down the seconds till he could see you. He often slept over at your place, he loved it. Cuddling, making love, followed by lazy mornings, him trying to get you to not go to work and spend the day with him instead. He loved how you made him feel. 
He knocked on your door, already taking off his gloves because he needed to feel your skin against his. Your body heat made him feel so much better. He heard you unlocking the door from the other side and not even a second later, he saw your pretty face smiling at him. Dressed in silk PJ shorts and a t-shirt, you looked breathtakingly beautiful even at one thirty in the morning. 
“Hello there,” you greeted him, smirking. “That was fast.” You teased, opening the door wider to let him in. 
He smiled and stepped inside, closing the door behind him and pulling you in for a hug immediately. You felt his slightly damp and cold jacket press against you but you hugged him back tightly anyways. 
“I needed to see you.” He mumbled, pressing his face into your neck. 
“I know.” 
You and Bucky ended up in your bed, cuddling under the blankets. He loved the dimmed night light you always had on, knowing that he hated being in complete darkness. He loved how cozy your room was, how spacious and airy but also warm and comfortable. 
The large window by your bed showed a lovely view of the city lights, which were right now blurred by the foggy glass, thanks to the light drizzle earlier. He could tell that the air was cold outside, but in here with you everything was just right. 
He had stripped down to just his boxers and he laid his head on your chest, his face facing away from yours, while you played with his hair and occasionally ran your hand down his back, scratching his skin lightly. His cold metal arm lazily ran up and down your thighs and he noticed the goosebumps on your skin that he was causing. 
He could hear your steady heartbeats and that was his favorite sound in the entire world. It calmed him down. 
You looked down, smiling softly at the sight of the muscular soldier using you as a human pillow. You could hear him let out quiet moans as you gently scratched his scalp. You still remembered the first time you two met, at a bar. 
It was late on a winter night, and the nearby bar was rather empty; just a few people here and there. And a certain muscular man in a dark leather jacket caught your eye. He was sitting at the counter, and you were in one of the booths. Eventually, you got up and decided to go talk to him. 
You recognized him immediately. Ex-Winter Soldier, Captain America’s best friend, James Buchanan Barnes.
Small talks turned into a couple more rounds of beers. He was a little off and awkward at first but he loosened up eventually. He even walked you back to your car, not wanting you to be alone in the dark, foggy and empty parking lot. 
That was the first time he kissed you, right before he opened the door of your car for you. 
“Will I see you again?” He asked, high off the adrenaline which coursed through his veins ever since you kissed him back. 
“Of course you will. Good night, James.” You kissed his cheek before getting into your car and driving off. 
A smile formed on your face as you thought of that night. “Do you remember the first time we met?” You asked softly. 
Bucky turned his face to you, placing his head back on your chest. He was so close that all you needed to do was to lean in a little to kiss his soft, pink lips. 
He smiled. “Yeah, why?” 
“No reason, I just wanted you to remember it.” 
Bucky chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss on your skin, right above your breasts. “You’ve been awfully quiet. What is it?” 
You just smiled at him, “Nothing. You’ve been awfully quiet too.” And judging by the look in his eyes, you could already tell there was something else to his silence. “What is it?” 
He was quiet. 
Sighing, you flipped the two of you around; straddling his waist while he laid comfortably against your multiple pillows. 
“Buck, tell me.” You pressed your palms against his chest to hold yourself up. 
“Sam needs my help with something. Another bad guy, another mission, another fight. Same old.” He sounded indifferent. 
You couldn’t blame him. He had been fighting for decades, non-stop. He had lost so much while doing so, but he also didn’t know how to deal with the calm, and silence and the quiet. There was so much he needed to figure out about himself still. 
“Do you not wanna go?” 
He smiled faintly as he lazily rubbed up and down your exposed thighs. “It’s my job, I have to. Innocent people will be hurt if I don’t. I want to help them.” 
“Then what’s the issue?” 
“I’ll have to leave you behind for a little while.” He didn’t want to. He didn’t know how to be away from you anymore because he hadn’t been for months now. The thought of not being able to hold you close at night and having your heartbeats lull him to sleep was scary.
You smiled down at him. “I’ll be here when you come back, Bucky.” 
He reached out and cupped your face with his metal hand. “And what if you find someone better while I’m gone?” 
You frowned down at him. “Where does that come from?” 
He gently stroked your cheek. “I’m just saying. You deserve someone a little more… normal.” 
You rolled your eyes at him. “Normal is boring, you seem perfectly fine to me.” 
He chuckled. “Why do you put up with me, doll?” It was a rhetorical question, he didn’t expect an answer because he had asked you this countless number of times but you never gave him a reply before. 
However, you did this time. “Because I’m in love with you, James Buchanan Barnes.” You had been meaning to tell him this for a while now. “You don’t have to say it back, I just needed you to know that no one’s ever gonna replace you. I love you.” 
He was a little surprised, his heart raced as he processed everything. How could someone as gentle, kind and beautiful like you fall for someone as broken as him? “Doll… I…” 
You leaned down to kiss his forehead. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” You giggled, then pulled away to look at him. “You deserve all the good things in this world, Buck. You deserve to be loved, and cared for. And if you’d let me, I’d love to show you that.” 
You carefully pressed your lips to his, kissing him with all the love you had. His metal hand held you at the back of your neck and the other wrapped around your waist. He tilted his head and deepened the kiss; turning your mind into a foggy mess for a little while before he pulled away and stared deep into your eyes. 
You reached out and gently caressed his face, Bucky leaned into your touch. “I’m gonna miss you.” He mumbled. 
“When do you leave?” You asked. 
“Tomorrow, perhaps.” 
You leaned in for a kiss again, accidentally brushing your crotch against his erection; making him smirk through the kiss as he pulled you even closer. You purposely moved against him while you kissed him again deeply. 
Bucky soon flipped the two of you back around and settled in between your legs, kissing down your neck. “I’m gonna miss making love to you almost every night.” He whispered against your skin. His voice alone sent chills down your back, and made you feel all sorts of warm and tingly feelings inside. 
Bucky movements were gentle and slow as he took your clothes off, making sure you were both under the warm covers still; kissing you occasionally as he undressed you, and caressed your body as you squirmed under him. 
He kissed his way down your body, until his face was right in between your legs. You moaned as he parted your legs and placed a kiss on your inner thigh, pulling your underwear down your legs and kissing his way back to your wet folds. You threw your head back, and bit your lip; whining when you felt his tongue teasing you gently. The warmth of his mouth was driving you insane. 
His tongue gently teased your clit while his fingers slipped inside of you; stroking you gently while you arched your back off the surface of your bed as the pleasure became slightly overwhelming. You whimpered and squirmed under him as his tongue moved perfectly against you.
He had you coming undone all over his tongue and his fingers in no time, and he licked you clean when he was done. Kissing his way up your body again. “I’m gonna miss your taste.” He was shameless enough to whisper it in your ear; making you blush. 
His hands roamed around your body, touching you wherever he could, until he finally cupped your core and rubbed the sensitive skin around your swollen clit – making you shudder under him. You whined as he slipped his metal fingers past your entrance yet again. His head dipped into your neck and he licked and bit around your skin until he found your sweet spot. “And I’m gonna miss your warmth.” 
“Buck…” You moaned quietly as he replaced his fingers with his cock. 
He placed his mouth on top of yours again, to swallow your whimpers and moans as he pushed his cock into you. His breathing got shallow again as he pushed himself fully into you. He lifted his head and watched you grimace in pleasure and pain as his cock stretched you to your maximum. He watched you in awe as your lips parted and you moaned his name once he filled you up nicely. 
You whined as he slowly slipped out of you completely, before slamming back into you with a slightly bigger force. 
He groaned at the feel of your walls wrapped around him, squeezing and clenching around him. You heard him swear and felt him bite down on your lip as he sped up into you. He tugged on your lips and he started moving his hips; rocking into you slowly, then gradually increasing his speed. Your back arched off the surface of the bed again and your chest pressed to his.  
“I’m gonna miss watching you squirm under me…” he whispered, “as I pleasure you like no one ever will.” He moaned into your ear. “You’re mine.” 
You were a moaning mess under him in no time. There was something about the way he kissed you, deeply and passionately; as though he was scared you might just get away from him.
He worshipped your body. He mumbled how good you felt in your ear, groaning as you bucked your hips to meet each one of his thrusts as well. He kissed you roughly as he pounded into you; his metal fingers wrapped around your throat. He fucked you raw and relentlessly, watching how your face morphed into frowns of pleasure. 
He pressed his forehead on yours; looking down to where your bodies connected so intimately. Then he pulled away to look into your eyes with that animalistic, primal and fiery look in his eyes. His lips parted as he panted while he fucked you like he owned you.
“You’re gonna miss me too aren’t you, doll?” 
You nodded, whining in pleasure. He smirked. His hand left your neck and slid in between your connected bodies and furiously rubbed your clit, earning a loud moan out of you. “Say it, baby. Tell me how much you’re gonna miss my cock buried deep inside you…” 
You couldn’t talk as the pressure in between your legs became too much to handle, and you craved for release. He noticed and slipped his tongue back into your mouth one last time and took your bottom lip between his teeth again.
“Come on, cum for me… doll,” he swore as he felt you clench around him perfectly. You came hard around him, moaning and whimpering under him as he finished right after you; kissing your swollen lips deeply as he came.
He pushed his face into the crook of your neck as he caught his breath. And you cradled his head; panting as well. Your fingers gently massaged his scalp as he calmed his racing heart. A few moments later, he shifted all his weight right on top of you making you laugh as you tried to scoot out from under him. 
He groaned and pulled you closer. “Come here.” He pressed you against his body and wrapped his arms around. “I love you too, doll. So much.” 
You buried your face into his chest, inhaling his scent. “I’m gonna miss you. All of you.” You lifted your head up to look at him smiling down at you. “Come back fast.” 
He chuckled. “You know I will. No matter where I go, I’ll always come crawling back to you.”
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starlessea · 3 years
"Don’t Cry”
A/N This started off as a drabble, but I got carried away and it turned into a one-shot. I’m really happy with how this one turned out! Based on number #39 from this prompt list for @phoenixblack89​
Summary: Daryl hates seeing your tears. He’d much rather see you smiling, instead.
Buy Me A Coffee
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Atlanta High School.
You’d graduated a long while back — so long ago now that you’d forgotten the feeling of walking its halls, and having your shoes squeak against the cheap wooden planks.
You could see the rows of lockers you’d chatted by daily, and the one in particular where you’d shared your first kiss with a boy whose name you couldn’t remember. The doors of the classrooms seemed familiar, as did the posters on the walls which were the same as they’d been when you attended — something about washing your hands and remembering to vote for class president.
It was as though time stood still.
And, in this very moment, there was nothing you wished for more.
Daryl’s hand was warm on your cheek, and his thumb gentle as he drew faint circles over your skin. You leaned into his touch, the same way you’d done with that boy against your locker — not even a few feet away.
But this was different.
This was Daryl.
Your lips quivered, trembling like a leaf stuck in the wind. Your hands felt numb as they pressed against him, so hard that you thought they would bruise. But all you could hear were those damn lockers — their doors slamming open and closed as they caught in the draft.
Like a sarcastic fucking applause.
Daryl tilted your head up, gently guiding your gaze from his collar to his face, where your eyes caught his. And your breath died in your throat, before bubbling into a sob that rang out in the air like the Atlanta High School bell.
He was smiling.
“Don’t cry,” he said — in the most calm, accepting tone you’d ever heard a person speak. It lacked all of his usual bite, the gruffness you’d come to know and associate with the man.
It sounded foreign.
Maybe that was why, despite his words, the tears poured over anyway, and settled on your cheeks where he swiped them away with a flick of his thumb.
“I wan’-” he started, but paused for a second to grimace from the pain. “I wanna remember ya smilin’.”
You choked on another watery cry, shaking your head away from his gentle hold, as you returned your focus to his wound.
The bite on his collarbone was deep, gushing blood quicker than you could soak it up with the tattered remnants of your jacket. His skin was a stark, vermillion red, as were your hands, as was the floor, as were those fucking lockers where you’d smeared his blood as you tried to carry him to safety.
Everything was red, red, red.
You pressed more firmly, soaking it up with fluttering hands that burnt from the sheer heat of his skin. He felt like a match having been set alight — burning brilliantly beneath your palms as you tried your best to quell the flames.
Daryl rested his hand over yours, engulfing it. “Listen to me, ” he rasped — and you panicked at how much more weak his voice was sounding — “there’s flares in my rucksack.”
He glanced over your shoulder, at the abandoned bag sitting near your feet. It was stuffed with supplies from the school — all of which were now completely useless, and nowhere near worth his goddamn life.
Sweat beaded on his skin, and collected in the dips of his collar — like little pools of salt water.
He squeezed your hand. “Ya gotta get to the roof an’ flag down Rick,” he told you, his smile dropping from his face as he became much more serious. “He’ll come for ya.”
Your hands stilled over the wound for a second, easing their pressure as you took in the man’s words. Then he flashed those eyes at you, which begged for you not to argue.
But you did.
You kicked out your leg behind you, sending that backpack sliding across those cheap wooden planks, and making it thud against a locker. You didn’t need the flares.
You just needed Daryl.
“I can’t-” you yelled, but your voice split, and the man quickly hushed you before it got too loud. After all, the dead had you surrounded. “I’m not leaving you behind,” you spluttered.
Your tone was frantic, panicked, desperate.
You could feel his heartbeat pounding underneath your palms, where you pressed down against it. It was as though you held his heart in your hands — and he’d probably argue that you always had.
Daryl shook his head smally, careful not to disturb the bite further. “An’ ya can’t take me with ya,” he replied.
No, you thought, you would carry him out if it killed you, you would fight your way through, and get him to the infirmary, and you could-
“I ain’t gonna make it, baby girl,” he whispered, “‘m sorry.”
And you broke.
Suddenly, you were aware of the flickering overhead lights that made his skin look so clammy, so sickly. You were conscious of the blood smear trail he’d left behind — that vibrant scarlet which reminded you of a burning sunset — and the pounding at the doors, and the feet squeaking on those floorboards like the lunchtime rush between classes.
“You will!” you yelled, not at all caring about how loud you’d gotten. “You have to, Daryl,” you cried, pleadingly.
His hand felt so warm that it made yours seem cold. It felt like you were the one dying — your heart shattering each time he took a wheezed breath, or flinched in pain.
“How am I-” you asked, but by now your voice had tapered off to a mere whisper. You shook your head. There was no question about it. “I can’t go on without you,” you told him.
You could hear the blood rushing to your ears as your breaths got away from you — too shallow and too sparse. Daryl looked worse each passing minute, his olive skin now a translucent grey.
He took both of your hands in his, making you drop your jacket, as blood seeped through the material of his shirt. You tried to fight against him, eyeing the trail of red as it ran along his collar like a stream, but he kept a hold of your wrists firmly — with the little strength he had left.
“Ya can,” he growled — the grit to his voice causing you to instantly still — “an’ ya will.”
And he flashed those eyes at you again, but this time they had his usual spark behind them.
“Yer the damn strongest woman I e’er met,” he went on, letting his grip loosen on your wrists ever so slightly, “‘m jus’ happy a dumb ol’ redneck like me got to spend a couple good years with ya.”
Then, he smiled.
“It was fun.”
He let your hands drop out of his, no longer having any fight left. But instead, you used them to clamber onto his lap, wrapping them around his torso as you buried your head deep into his chest — his warm, red chest.
“Please don’t talk like that!” you cried, your words muffled by his clothes and lost to his skin.“I’m not going anywhere! I want to stay with you-”
“Nah, that ain’t happenin’,” he snapped — but his hand remained light on your head, gently stroking your hair in his attempts to calm you. “I swear to god, I’ll haunt yer ass if ya dare pull somethin’ tha’ stupid.”
But you grabbed onto his shirt until your knuckles flashed white, bunching up the material in your fists like you couldn’t bear to part with it. It smelt like him — underneath the coppery scent of fresh blood.
Slowly, he tried to coax you out, but you could feel the way his hands shook, and it only made everything worse. Those hands had always been strong — had always been the ones to pick you up and set you back on your feet every time you fell.
“Look a’ me,” he pleaded, his voice croaky. He tilted your chin up again, in the same way he did every time he went to kiss you — and it made your heart hurt, because no kiss followed. “C’mon now, don’ cry,” he whispered, his breath much too hot against your skin, “‘m here.”
“But you won’t be,” you wailed, the words startling you as they crept out from your mouth.
You hadn’t wanted to admit them.
“But I am now,” Daryl replied, just as quick. “So please jus’ smile for me, would ya?”
His hand fell down to your waist, before rubbing small circles in the small of your back — just how he did every morning to wake you up.
You couldn’t do it, but you needed to do it.
For Daryl.
You uncurled yourself from his chest, and wiped away the fresh tears with your shirt, blinking away the rest. You moved in his lap until you were face to face, trying not to catch a glimpse of his wound which continued to pour red.
Then, you finally smiled back at him.
It was wobbly, and forced, but it was wide — and full of love.
“Atta girl,” he choked back, his voice breaking for the first time.
You couldn’t tell whether his glassy eyes were from the fever, or the pain, or from you, but you bit your lip either way.
Don’t cry, you told yourself, and watched as he did.
“Yer so goddamn beautiful,” he mumbled, raising his thumb to the corner of your lips. It was as callous as always, but at this moment it only felt soft. “I was one lucky son o’ a bitch,” he declared, with a warm smile.
You raised your hands in return, cupping his face and feeling his beard tickle over your palms — thinking back to the times you complained at how unkempt it was. His forehead dropped down onto yours, and the heat from his skin radiated outwards, setting you ablaze as you touched.
“I love you, Dixon,” you confessed, as though it were the first time and not the last. “Now and always.”
The overhead lights hummed as they flickered like camera flashes, and the pounding at the door became more incessant.
So, you drowned everything out with a press of your lips to his — as Daryl tilted your head up in the way he always did, and gave you one final kiss which tasted like seasalt and copper. It was underneath the locker where you’d had your first kiss, but now it marked your last one with the man you loved most in this world.
“Me too,” Daryl whispered, as you broke apart. He glanced over your shoulder once again, at the discarded backpack across the hall. “Now get outta here before they break through.”
You stumbled to your feet violently, needing a strong, stark shock to actually be enough to pull you away from the man for good.
And you didn’t look back.
You couldn’t. If you so much as caught a glimpse of those angel wings or heard as little as a breath escape his mouth, you wouldn’t have left.
And that would’ve killed Daryl in more ways than one.
So, you retrieved the backpack, and opened the fire escape door a few feet away, before slipping behind it, and sliding down to your knees.
The concrete cut your skin open, and once again you were confronted with red.
A cry escaped you, which morphed into a wail as you clutched your chest and tried to fix the bleeding happening inside it — the red that you couldn’t see.
But a shout startled you, and ceased your sobs as soon as they sounded.
“Don’ cry!” Daryl’s voice yelled, muffled by the metal door but still strong, and guttural, and fierce. “I can hear ya!”
So, you picked yourself back up, and set yourself on your feet in the same way he’d taught you how — and you ran for the roof, flare in hand.
Atlanta High School always had the best rooftop view.
The sunset stretched out in the distance, one of brilliant vermillion, and warm, copper orange. The balcony was the same as you remembered, with high metal railings to keep students from jumping, or getting too close to that view.
This roof had been the place where you’d yelled about hating this place, this town, this state — and had cried out to the sky about wishing to anywhere but here.
But now you didn’t want to leave.
Because your everything was right here.
You held the flare in your hand, wondering what colours it would burst and illuminate the sky — whilst praying it would be anything other than red.
You let off the flare, and a single gunshot followed.
Feedback is always welcomed; I love hearing what you all think - so feel free to comment, send in an ask, or just message me if you want to chat!
Also, if you enjoy my writing, you might want to buy me a coffee or commission me - tips are always appreciated. Thank you for reading!
A/N Blame Jess and Shannon for the increase in angst.
But I’m glad to be getting more comfortable with writing it!
How did you guys find this one? I actually think it’s one of my personal faves? Please let me know :)
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moririki · 3 years
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you decide to see how far you can push your boyfriend before he snaps
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CONTAINS -> SMUT!!!!!, bratty reader i GUESS, uhm my second smut ever so quality won't be amazing, fingering, oral (giving), unprotected sex, , tsukki teasing you <3, but hes also soft at the end brrr
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> WOOOWOOOO 100 FOLLOWERS EVENT IS A GO!!! sry about the quality dipping halfway through i did not write this in one sitting ✌️
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YOU KNEW THAT YOU WERE COMING OVER TO YOUR BOYFRIEND'S DORM TO STUDY, but when he greeted you with a searing kiss that was enough to have you trying to catch your breath, you realised that he may or may not be wanting to play dirty. he had a history project, you had an essay to finish, the two of you were fairly busy. luckily working together in a comfortable silence worked surprisingly well for the both of you. most of the time, anyway.
but you were still reeling from his kiss and your thoughts were straying far from the subject material needed to finish your paper. only ten minutes in to your study session, you were ready to call it a night and spend some quality time with tsukishima. currently, the two of you were lying side by side on his bed, trying not to slip off the edge due to how narrow it was. while your pen had stilled on its page, tsukishima was rapidly typing away on his laptop with slightly furrowed brows.
even with his facial features scrunched up, you still found yourself admiring your boyfriend's face as he concentrated on his project. the reflection of the laptop on his glasses only added to the look, and you almost found yourself sighing dreamily at how handsome he looked.
"quit staring, idiot," tsukishima mumbled without glancing up from his work. when you didn't make a single movement to follow his suggestion, his eyes flicked towards you with an unimpressed expression adorning his face. he raised a hand from the jeyboard to flick your forehead lightly, just enough to make you huff and return to your notebook. though yiu already had gotten the structure and general points already planned out, the actual construction of your essay was yet to happen. instead, you twirled your pen before raising it to your lips. you bit your lip in mock thought on just how to start writing your essay, though a more satisfying result occured when you heard a sharp intake of breath from beside you.
you tried not to look too smug as you turned to look at your boyfriend in amusement.
"look who's staring now, kei," you smiled up at him and he glowered at you.
"bite your lip once more, i dare you." you only giggled at his threat, seeing as he was playing directly into your hand.
but now you had to play a waiting game, so you went back to your essay. you even managed to complete an opening paragraph before deciding to ramp things up a notch.
you faked a yawn, arching your back as you stretched before rolling over, closer to tsukishima. you ended up on your back, practically underneath him, with his golden eyes watching you carefully. they remained trained on your face as you batted your eyelashes at him, before trailing down to your mouth again as you oh-so-carefully tugged your bottom lip between your teeth.
you barely had time to blink before you found yourself really lying underneath him, one of his hands resting against your face, his thumb coaxing your bottom lip back out from your teeth. the other had collected your hands, pinning them above your head by the wrist with ease.
"i thought i told you not to do that again, hm?" despite his tone, kei's eyes had some glint of mischief in them, enough to make you squirm under his grasp.
"oops." the way the smile never dropped from your face did little to convince kei that you were sincere, but he knew you were looking for some sort of reaction when you held his gaze as you parted your lips, softly biting the tip of his thumb.
you watched the way his eyes darkened from above and his grip on your wrists tightened. kei surged forwards, pressing his lips to yours roughly and you grinned as you kissed him back with as much vigour. the hand that had been on your jaw now travelled downwards before reaching your bare thigh.
kei gripped it harshly, hiking it up roughly to latch around his waist. you hummed into the kiss at the sensation, digging your heel into his back to feel some friction from his crotch rubbing against your thigh. kei groaned at the sensation, breaking the kiss to glare at you.
"you're such a brat."
"yeah, but you love me." you grinned up at him, face flushed and body practically buzzing from his touch.
kei muttered a "whatever" before kissing you again, harder than before. his hips rolled against yours, making your breath hitch in your throat. you tried to free your wrists to wrap your arms around his shoulders, anything to get him closer to you, but it was futile. kei snickered at your attempt to overpower him, though he had some mercy when he pulled away again to slip off your shorts with his free hand. you clamped your thighs together when you were left in just your underwear and under the scrutiny of your boyfriend.
"don't go shy on me now, pretty," kei teased you, rubbing soft circles into the plush of your thighs with his thumb. you flustered at the pet name, but let him part your legs and hook a finger along the waistband of your panties and drag them down your legs ever so slowly.
the cold air of the room made you clench slightly, but kei blowing on your pussy made you gasp and squirm in his hold. kei smirked at your reaction, trailing a single pretty finger of his around your entrance, humming at how wet you already were.
"you're really making my job a lot easier, pretty," he muttered, pressing a quick kiss to your lips as he slowly slipped a single finger inside you. you sucked in a shaky breath as he curled it inside you, feeling him reach the spongy spot which had you tensing and moaning softly.
his palm rested against your clit, the slight roughness of it proving to be enough stimulation. you found your hips raising, desperate for more friction, but kei's hand stilled as you whined from underneath him.
"come on, what happened to being patient?" he teased. you managed to glare back at him, before kei dipped his head again and decorated the column of your neck with deliberate kisses that had your head tilted back with pleasure. kei's finger started moving again, leaving your body blistering with sensations that were quickly building up to your release.
kei soon added another finger, with you moaning at the additional stretch. he scissored them inside you, stretching your walls out and leaving your toes curling. with his lips never stopping from administering hickeys all across your collarbones, you felt the heady buzz of an orgasm start to wash over you. you felt your lower stomach tighten in anticipation, only for it all to be ripped away from you at the last minute as kei removed his fingers from your hole, now sopping wet with your slick.
"what do you say that we put your mouth to good use, huh?" you could only nod at tsukishima's suggestion as your chest rose and fell rapidly, head still spinning from being taken so close to the edge. you just about registered tsukishima raising his hand and bringing his souled fingers to your mouth.
without a single word from him, your lips parted and you welcomed his two fingers into your mouth, sucking on them softly to clean them and tasting yourself on him. kei groaned at how compliant you were, pulling his fingers free before connecting your lips with his once again. he could taste the faintest trace of you on your tongue, and this dragged a soft moan from him that went through you like a shock if electricity.
with that, tsukishima finally released your wrists, leaning back before getting off of the bed. he grabbed hold of your ankles, dragging you until you were seated at the edge of the bed right in front of him, staring up at him expectantly with your heartbeat running wild. kei almost cooed at the lovestruck expression in your eyes, but he chose to lean back, eyes appraising your figure in a leisurely manner.
"strip for me." you almost took a double take at his words, though the tone showed just hiw serious he was being. his eyes were hungry as they zeroed in on your fingers curling around the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head fluidly so that your top half matched your bottom. "aww, aren't you eager," kei crooned, his hand cradling your face. if you weren't blushing profusely from his remark you might have asked him about his own flushed cheeks.
instead, you diverted your attention to his own shirt, tugging at it softly to prompt him to do the same as you had seconds ago. kei caught on quickly, tugging the material over his head along with your help, your hands smoothing over his toned skin as soon as it was revealed. with your wrists finally freed, you could touch him just as much as you wanted, and you did. your fingers trailed down his sides and back up again, tracing patterns into his skin. you decoded to be brave, hooking your fingers into his waistband and pulling his body closer to you, to which kei gladly complied.
then your mouth was on him, leaving open mouthed kisses that trailed dangerously lower down his v-line. you came back up, making sure to suck a hickey into the skin just above his hip where a rare mole rested. you heard another shaky intake of breath from your lover, and felt a small jab of satisfaction at the sound. you felt fingers thread theough your hair, before pulling on it and forcing your head back until you were locking eyes with tsukishima.
"i think your mouth can do something else now, hm?" you nodded as best as you could, pulling your lip between your teeth as you focused on the rather visible bulge under your boyfriend's sweatpants. you curled fingers underneath his waistband once more, pulling both his sweats and boxers down in one go.
kei's dick, now freed, slapped against his stomach, already leaking precum that had inevitably soaked the material of his boxers. you pumped his length with your hand a few times, able to slide it up and down easily due to his precum, before taking him into your mouth.
no matter how many times you've done this, you still struggled to fully swallow his length. you still managed a great amount, and the rest was handled with your hand. you bobbed your head, setting your own pace and resisting the urge to gag when you felt his tip hit the back of your throat.
you settled into a rhythm, relaxing your jaw and placing a hand on his thigh to brace yourself. you coukd hear his groans from above you and it spurred you on, even thiugh your lungs were starting to burn from a lack of breathing.
before the sensation got unbearable, kei laced his fingers in your hair and pulled you away from his dick. when you looked up at his face you couldn't help but admire how pretty your boyfriend was all over again. while last time he had been focusing on a history project, his cheeks were flushed and he was out of breath, even going ahead and biting his own lip now. you thought the urge to be sarcastic about it.
"fuck, pretty, i can't wait," kei groaned, his fingers finding purchase on your hips and helping you lift them. in one swift motions, you hd been turned so that now you were on your hands and knees, feet hanging off the edge of the bed. you felt a hand smooth over the small of your back before kei leaned over you, his body radiating warmth as he pressed a quick kiss to your shoulder- a nonverbal question as to whether you were ok. when you looked back at his face and nodded, your boyfriend grinned before turning his attention to his dick.
he used a hand to position it, just barely parting your folds. you whined at the contact and how kei was teasing you, running the tip between your folds as you squirmed.
"kei, please," you pleaded breathily, and the hand that he rested on your back stilled.
"that's all you had to say, pretty," he mumbled, before pushing into you.
you moaned at the sensation, enjoying the stretch of him filling you up as he bottomed out. after a few moments of him staying still, you reached behind you to squeeze his hand and remind him that yes, he could in fact move.
at your confirmation kei placed his hands on your hips, keeping them still as he pulled out then thrusted back in, eliciting a soft moan from you. kei groaned in unison, the timbre of his voice making you clench around him. his hips never stilled, picking up a pace that had you moaning unashamedly and fisting kei's bedsheets as his dick hit the spot inside you which had you seeing stars.
a particularly hard thrust had you falling to your elbows as your arms gave out. the new angle only helped kei hit deeper and you practically screamed into the sheets at the stimulation.
"kei, fuck!" you barely sounded coherent, and the sound of your fucked-out voice just spurred kei on with his brutal pace. his thrusts were starting to lose their rhythm, though, and kei could tell that you were close too from the erratic spasms of your walls.
you couldn't even warn him that you were going to cum when kei brought a hand down to your clit, providing just that extra amount of friction to send you over the edge with a cry. that didn't stop kei from thrusting into you, helping you ride out your high as he let out a groan from the feeling of you clamping down around him.
he indulged in a few more thrusts before pulling out, pumping his length to finish before cumming on the shallow dip of your lower back. he then rather unceremoniously flopped down onto the bed next to you, joining you in the breathless afterglow of both of your orgasms.
after a few minutes, he rolled over to pepper kisses along your shoulderblade and run a hand down your back, careful to avoid the mess that he made.
"you feel like finishing that essay now, brat?" you giggled at his question, curling your hand around his as your spent body regained still regained strength.
"mm, maybe tomorrow," you hummed. kei kissed your shoulder one last time before getting up, padding off to the bathroom to clean himself up. you heard the distant sound of a tap running for a few seconds before kei came back to you, wet towel in hand. you felt the warmth of it against your back as kei cleaned you up, before handing it to you to clean the rest of yourself as he pulled on his sweatpants.
after you finished, he then handed you his sweatshirt, helping your tired arms to pull it over your head so that you were swaddled in the cloth.
the two of you lay down in tsukishima's bed, your back to his chest as you shared the same pillow. with the average hours of sleep that you both got as university students, this rest was needed. one of kei's hands came up
to tilt your face to look at his before he captured your lips in a kiss, albeit softer than the others he had given you earlier.
"goodnight, brat," he whispered to you.
"love you too, tsukki," you mumbled, already feeling the embrace of sleep tugging you towards unconsciousness. your boyfriend tugged you closer as well, pressing his face into your shoulder and making you grin in the dark.
that smile only widened when you heard the quietest love you too escape his lips minutes later, when he thought you had fallen asleep.
"i heard that, you know." kei only grumbled, squeezing you tighter.
"no you didn't, go to sleep."
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hannahhasnofriends · 3 years
two people one bed | dream
summary: famous bed sharing trope!
pairing: dream x reader
warnings: swearing, fluff :)
word count: 1.7k
a/n: this fic was weird to write bc i normally write that the character calls him clay but with the setting it didn't seem right lmao – also psa, i have very little knowledge about constellations but i thought it was cute so i left it in lol
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many members from the dsmp decided to take a road trip together (yes they clowned on dream the whole time)
it was a week long trip and it was finally the last day! you'd went cross country, stopping at a few different airbnbs along the way
and at this point, you were kind of over it😐don't get me wrong, it'd been an amazing trip, but you'd had little to no alone time in a week and you were just relieved to be going home after this
until you saw the last house, where someone had to share a bed.... and you and dream had just happened to pull out the two shortest straws…
‘Damn it.’ You mentally rolled your eyes, of course you’d end up the one to share a bed on the last day. You’d been driving all day and considering it was only one night, you had no mental energy to argue over sharing. Dream didn’t even seem phased at the fact, honestly you almost felt bad about how annoyed you were with everyone with how nice he’d been about it all. But he was always like this, he was always kind to you.
That was until you rolled over for the hundredth time that night. The space between the pillow wall you'd built and the edge of the bed was seeming to get smaller and smaller as the night went on. Even though the air was thick in the room, your feet were cold from Dream hogging the blanket and the bed would shake every few minutes from his constant movement. You could tell he was awake even though he was staying silent, and you tried your hardest not to let out an annoyed huff.
Finally, he shifted to peer over the pillow wall. In the dark you could still make out his green eyes and fluffy hair.
"You awake?" He whispered. You groaned internally, literally why does this man want to have a conversation now?
"Oh come on now, you can't say that and be asleep. I cant't sleep. We should do something." He shifted again so his forearms were leaning against the wall, basically destroying it.
"We are doing something. It's called trying to sleep so we can wake up at a good hour and go home." You sighed, screwing your eyes shut.
"It's only like 1 in the morning, we have plenty of time to sleep. Come on.. please, it'll be fun." Whatever, fine, maybe he'll actually calm the fuck down after this.
"Fine. What the hell can we even do right now." You opened your eyes up again, staring at the ceiling.
"We can go for a drive?" You can hear the smile in his voice. This man's love for driving was absurd.
"Uh how about no? We've literally been in the car all day and I'd rather not go back until we have to." You finally turned to face him, he wore a lopsided grin and a crooked pajama shirt. Cute.
"Fine, fine. How about we just go for a walk, yeah?" You grumbled, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed and grabbing the hoodie you left on the floor. No way in hell were you changing for this, it was bad enough you were even indulging in it.
“Alright,” He grinned in your direction, slipping a pair of shoes on. “We can walk to that clearing with the little pond we saw on our way here, it's not far."
"That's fine but can we please not be out forever? I'm serious about getting sleep." You recalled the place he was talking about, it was pretty over there. Plus, you were pretty sure you could see the stars tonight.
Dream hummed, "Yeah, yeah grumpy. Let's go and be quiet, I don't want to wake anyone."
"Didn't seem to mind waking me up." You rolled your eyes, the audacity.
"Not my fault you got stuck sharing with me." He elbowed your side lightly.
You decided to keep quiet after that, slipping out of the airbnb. It wasn't cold, but there was enough chill to make goosebumps rise on your skin.
The walk there was silent, both of you just taking in the scenery. Your mind was replaying all your favorite moments from the past week, sure you were tired and ready to sleep in your own bed, but you were grateful for the people around you and how happy you'd been the past 6 days. Dream had invited you to come along almost last minute compared to everyone else. He had messaged you one night and told you he was paying for everything and would be happy if you came, and who could say no to that?
"What? What is it?" Dream had his eyes on you as you came to a stop, reaching your destination. "What's with the smile, I thought you were grumpy."
"Shut up. I'm just thinking about the past week. I had a really good time, I'm really glad I came, thank you for inviting me." You rolled your eyes, but the smile stayed put.
Dream hummed, "Me too. Honestly I thought you were gonna say no when I asked you." He chuckled as his arm raised to the back of neck, scratching slightly.
"Really? What makes you say that?" Your nose scrunched slightly, you guys had always had a good relationship, you always enjoyed hanging out with him.
"I don't know! I guess I thought you wouldn't want to spend that much time with me." He was smiling, but you could tell he was being serious.
You frowned, "I'd never say no to something like this. I know I'm 'grumpy' or whatever but I seriously like spending time with you, all of you."
"Thanks, I like spending time with you too." He turned to face you, but you tilted your head up, getting a good look at the stars. Your heart softened at his words, he really was a good man.
There was a moment of silence before you spoke up again, "Do you know any constellations?"
"Uh, I can find Leo probably." His head tilted up to match yours and you snorted.
"Of course you can." You smiled and shook your head, typical Leos.
"Oh, there it is, here look." His finger pointed up at the sky, your eyes following where it led.
"There?" You asked, raising your own finger. Dream shifted behind you, close enough to feel his breath on your neck. He hooked his hand on yours and moved your finger up slightly, "Here." He murmured. His skin was soft against yours, you felt his heartbeat on your back and you could smell his aroma.
Neither of you moved, you could feel him turn his head to look at you. Your cheeks heated and you slowly lowered both your hands. You tilted your head to meet his eyes, your noses were barely touching. The beating in your chest grew faster and your mind whirled as you saw him lean in, just so slightly.
You pulled away and turned around quickly, "We should get back." You cleared your throat. Your palms were still sweating, but for a second your thoughts went blank.
"Um, yeah sure." He shoved his hands in his pockets and started his way back to the airbnb. You stood there for a moment before following after him.
What the actual fuck just happened. You were going to kiss him? Or was he going to kiss you? None of that even matters since you'd just rejected him. You cursed yourself as you kept trudging on.
This whole thing was a hot mess, it wasn't like you didn't like him, it was just you'd never thought about it before. Sure, you'd flirt with him in call or make dumb suggestive jokes, but you'd always assure yourself there was nothing underlying there. They were just jokes.
But now you couldn't stop thinking about it, his soft skin against yours, his heartbeat, the way his eyes looked so intensely into your own. Your brain kept repeating it over and over again, it made you sick.
By the time you reached the airbnb again, you began to hate how you yearned to be touched by him again. That, ok fine, you did want him to kiss you but you chickened out. He didn't help by holding the door open for you when sneaking back inside. You mumbled a thanks, not daring to look at him. You could still feel him behind you as you tiptoed back to your room, which you just conveniently forgot you had to share.
You got situated as fast as you could, climbing back into the bed, holding your breath as you went. You waited to feel the dip in the bed signally him coming to lay next to you. When it didn't come, you peeked at his side, he stood there gathering a pillow and his phone before turning to leave. Your heartbeat sped up again.
"Clay," You sat up before you could stop yourself. "Wait, can- can you stay. Please." Your voice wobbled, but the moments back at the clearing kept playing again and you couldn't just sit there anymore.
He turned around shifting his feet, "Yeah, yeah sure." His eyes seemed to soften at the expression on your face.
Your hand swiped at the pillow wall, this time completely dismantling it and you lied back down. You felt the weight shift as he settled next to you, your breath was still shaky. He lied down facing you, eyes searching your face.
"Hi." You whisper, nerves come rushing back now that he's here again.
"Hi." He chuckles and smiles softly. His eyes are still searching your face, he looks uncertain.
"I– Well I–"
"Listen, don't worry about it. I was dumb I don't even know what I was thinking. We can just forget it." He interrupts you, his eyes darting down and cheeks flushing.
"That's not what I was gonna say." You faltered. He stares quizzically, silently asking you to continue. "Well I-I first wanted to apologize, I was a dick back there. And um.."
The words taper off, lost. You feel his gaze bore into your face, he tentatively raised his arm from inside the covers, hooking your chin with a finger.
"It's ok." He whispers affirmatively. The consequences are instant, your nerves slow and you can only focus on how close he is. His eyes find yours, and he no longer seems uncertain. "Can I kiss you?"
You can only nod, so sure of your decision.
And he does.
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