#in another life he’s the dad who brings his kid a snack after a fight instead of apologizing ya know
I feel like I had more thoughts on this when I was at work in the direct middle of doing tasks but something something Joel’s love language and way he shows he cares through acts of service is so so so true to him as a dad, like giving Ellie his jacket, his food, cleaning Tess up after she got jumped, his overall protectiveness to “cargo” hits so hard
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teewritessmth · 6 months
Beta squad as dads
Warnings : None
Niko Omilana -
⇒ QOTD, Niko as a boy dad.
⇒ Sheds an ocean of tears when his son was born, still swears to this day that he didn't cry. (George has it on cameras from 3 different angles)
⇒ Niko isn't the type to nap very often, but when he does it's always with his son on his chest. Whenever the baby is feeling ill or needs someone, his dad is always there.
⇒ As your baby grows into his toddler phase, the boys have playful fights to see who gets to sleep in the middle. With Niko winning (no surprise in that) but having to give up his place for a very cute, pouting baby. (100% has your face and adorable smile.)
⇒ Niko almost jumped over the moon when his son made a dad joke. He was following in his dad's footsteps after all.
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Sharky -
⇒ The first thing i can think about is Sharky making tiktoks with your twins as soon as they learn to make any kind of movement. He would then add his own steps and post it for everyone else to see.
⇒ Would put his kids on the couch and start talking to them. The boys are still so young, but there's nothing else they love than yapping with their amazing dad. (Even if he doesn't understand al that baby blabber.)
⇒ As they (VERY QUICKLY) reach their toddler phase, they guard Sharky. Not a joke, like GUARD him 24/7. They wouldn't let you go anywhere near him or let you scold him. The grin on his face when all of this happens is unbearable (but you love your family so much)
⇒ Not to worry tho, the babies eventually turn around and make you their favourite parent. A very wild day in your household (according to Sharky)
⇒ 100% gets his sons the same kit he wears while playing football. Boots too if possible. Your dreams of being a football mom and a football wife do come true after all :))
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Aj Shabeel -
⇒ His daughter is his twin. She STOLE thoses gorgeous, curly locks from Aj.
⇒ Maybe this was fate (Cruelty according to Aj) but Niko is her favourite uncle. (Understandable, Same.) Thus naturally, she spends a lot of time with Niko's son.
⇒ Often punches Niko on the arm due to the occasional jokes he makes about getting their children married to one other so he can be related to Aj.
⇒ BEST.GIRL.DAD. He lets his daughter do any makeover she wants on him. Be it braiding his hair, painting his nails, playing dollhouse or throwing a tea party. Aj is always your daughter's number one supporter.
⇒ Having 2 Ajs in the house can be crazy at times, but you wouldn't change it for the world.
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Chunkz -
⇒ Another Girl Dad. (Girl Dads forever)
⇒Both of them love singing together. Carpool karaoke, singing while doing ousework, singing while outside. The father - daughter duo manage to do it all.
⇒ Chunkz is SUPER proud of his kid. She wins prizes in the most random things scaling from sports to trivia. Who wouldn't be proud to father a young prodigy.
⇒ Loves baking with his baby girl. They make all sorts of pastries and desserts. Every single birthday you've had so far definitely had a contribution from one of their baking projects.
⇒ Top 10 moments in your life.
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Kenny -
⇒ Has one son. Surprisingly a very energetic kid compared to his dad who is more laidback and chill.
⇒They do pushups together, Kenny tries explaining the importance of physical health quite early on to his child. (Pretends to not see his son using his knees as support during pushups. cmon he's 6 :(( )
⇒ Super proud dad when his son whisks you away from any man trying to make convo with you, let alone hit on you. If you didn't know this was Kenny's son at this point, you would've now. Both of them are very overprotective of you.
⇒ Your son brings you snacks, rubs your shoulders when you're tired, pulls your chair for you and fills your water bottles. You get worried sometimes that he might be doing too much as a kid, but your son won't have it any other way.
⇒ At the end of the day, your boys love you and spoil you to death. Two gentlemen residing with a lovely lady in the Ojuederie household.
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I don’t know how single mothers with zero support systems do it. I really don’t. I cannot do it alone. Or, maybe I can, but I just haven’t figure out how yet, and it’s not even the being along part. I fucking hate being alone. I’m scared of my goddamn shadow, and I think someone’s going to break in and murder me at night, and it sucks, but legitimately I just can’t afford it. My rent is $2400 a month. I have car insurance, and utilities (which are somehow through the roof despite my every effort to save), and my son’s school and his dance classes and food and gas and everything else, and I need to make $1200 a week AFTER TAXES which is 80k a year just to get by. That’s not saving. That’s not vacations. or emergencies. And that’s not including childcare. I have yet to find a day job that pays 80k, and I can work two bartending jobs or a full time management job and maybe make that much in a year, but then I require a babysitter at least 5 nights a week, and I can’t afford a babysitter because night time rates are like $15 an hour, and my options for free babysitters are my dad) who steals from me, and I have to worry about him getting high around my son, and who argues with him like he’s arguing with an adult and smokes cigarettes around him or Chase) who is always high/drunk, has zero patience, will give him all the snacks in the world & never make him brush his teeth and it’s a 50/50 shot on if he’s going to play with him all day and be dad of the year or if he’s going to ignore him to play WOW all day and make him watch TV or my mom) who frequently says she can’t watch him because she’s “got things to do”, even though she never leaves the house & says she’s going to get a job soon so I can’t rely on her and complains any time I actually ask her to watch him. And I don’t want to rely on Chase. I don’t want to speak to Chase. I don’t want him to be a part of mine or Kai’s life. And my dad was living here so I was letting him watch him so he was in his own house, but I just got into a fight with my sister because my sister causally mentioned that one time he smoked crack the day he watched kai, and after some very livid words for me, she said it was hours prior in the day, and crack wears off in like ten minutes, but I don’t care. I told him if he was going to smoke he could do it during the week away from the house but if he was actually committed to watching Kai then I asked him to stay sober for 3 days. LIKE I’M TEELLING YOU, YOU CAN SMOKE CRACK JUST STAY SOBER FOR THE WEEKEND TO WATCH MY KID, is that fucking unreasonable. You live with me for free, I buy your cigarettes and even your drugs half the time, and you steal form me and all I ask is that you stay sober and help babysit on the weekends, and I told him he was welcome to go anytime if that was unreasonable like i get it he wants to live his life, but he tells me daily he wants to help but never does. and. I don’t care if it wears off. If he does it once during the day he’s more likely to want to do it again. More likely to be tired and need to take a nap. And I’m livid that she casually brings this up and did not tell me when it happened however the fuck long ago. So now, I’m not talking to my sister. And I messaged my dad who’s out of town on work, and I told him I don’t want him coming back here either because it’s always another lie, always another $20 missing, always something, and I just can’t deal with it. I can’t deal with the worry and the uncertainty whether he’s staying sober or not, it’s too much. I’m not strong enough for this. And Chase. Fucking Chase. who was staying in the spare bedroom of the house because my own mother told me I couldn’t pay her to let me and Kai sleep on her couch, and I made too much money for low income housing but not enough money to qualify for regular priced housing, and I was a day away from sleeping with Kai in a homeless shelter if I didn’t get someone else’s income on the leas with me, and he was two months sober, so I’m like how bad can it be. he’ll stay in the guest bedroom, he works full time, he’s literally talking to other girls, he’s got his own life, are income is split, he works doubles six days a week, I’ll never see him BUT NO. It’s bad. Of course it’s fucking bad because there has to be something wrong with me. because his sobriety did not last. he drinks and smokes all day, he gives up half his shifts and barely gives me enough for me to get by. I’ve blasted through tens of thousands of dollars in savings trying to afford to live on my income when he’s not paying his share. and does he clean? cook? spend time with Kai? no. He’s every bit of awful as he ever was, and now he’s half living in his car because I told him he had till the end of the week to get out, and I don’t care anymore. I don’t care. I don’t care that I have no fucking clue how I”m going to afford to live. I dont’ care if he skips town to live with his mom in hawaii and never sees kai or sends me a dime. I’d rather Chase and my dad both go because I think living in a shelter is honestly better than the trauma I’ve had to endure and I’m done. I have six months on this lease. If I can get a second job or convince my mom to babysit or find a roommate or something to get by, then great. If I have to live in a shelter when this is up, I’ll do it and save for an RV to live out of or something, I don’t know. I’m tired of looking for help from toxic people. I’m tired of thinking that one more month or one more week of enduring it is worht it becaue then I’ll have a better job, then I’ll have more money to do it on my own. It’s never going to be enough. I’ll never catch up. and People do this. People do this every fucking day on their own. They raise children. They escape toxic situations. So why can’t i? What the fuck is wrong with me? I’ll come out of this the villain in every one elses story, and that bothers me. It bothers me more than it should but I’d rather be the villain than be dead. and I don’t care if I”m alone anymore. I don’t care if I lose every single family member I have. I don’t have the energy to care.  I am trying. I make mistake after mistake, and I don’t even believe myself half the time anymore, but I am fucking trying my best. I just want peace. I’ll figure it out. I have to. 
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crystalcow · 3 years
𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑//𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝 𝑝𝑡 3
Masterlist // part one // part two
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Sapnap x reader !p !child reader
Pronouns used: none specified!
Warnings: swearing, death, betrayal
Being sapnaps child will include..
𝐏𝗼𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐥
Apparently the castle got attacked
George was killed by the one and only technoblade
You haven’t personally met the man but you respected him
After all he is a legend
But he killed George
So you were dragged with sapnap when he got pinged on his coms
Dream and George were arguing on the prime path
The sight somewhat terrified you
They were supposed to be best friends?
Dream is the strongest person on the server
George was supposed to be the most unproblematic and protected person
For some reason Quackity was also there
Hiding in the corner of Tommy’s house
“You don’t give a shit about us”
Those words brought some hurt to you as they left sapnaps mouth
“Of course I care about you! I just want to keep him safe.”
The three most important men in your life
The dream team, and ultimate trio the friendship that could never crack! The ones who raised you to be who you are
They were falling apart
“George is no longer king!”
Quackity was just eating all of the drama
Damn duck
“I’ve done so much for you, I hope you don’t forget.”
“Like what?” “I helped you raise a child Sap, a damn child.”
That pissed the both of you off
As if you didn’t just recently spend a whole day with him
None the less your whole life
Being drawn into wars, multiple actually
Practically being drawn to death
“Don’t you bring them into this Dream.”
“Eret is now king again, he can actually rule this place.”
“I was the best king this server ever had!”
So there it happened
The crown was snatched off of George’s head and you were dragged along with it
“Don’t worry, we can start our own place!”
“El rapids it is”
𝐄𝐥 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐬
You were 100% skeptical about all of this
You didn’t trust that this would be good
I mean how could you
Everything that someone starts on the server
Dies, explodes, nukes, or straight up fails
So instead you went down to Lmanburg for the day!
You went to Nikkis bakery to get something to eat
She was glad to give you a couple snacks for the road
So while you were walking around the new area you spotted dream
“Where you heading off to?”
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
You both eyed each other weirdly
“Aren’t you supposed to hate me?”
You just laughed
Ofcourse you were upset
But you were also bored
“And?” “Come on let’s go see tommy”
So you agreed and carelessly followed the green man
You missed Tommy, after not having seen him for a bit
Fucking hell you needed friends
But when you got there
“Why the fuck is everything gone!”
You ran around the now blown up area
The tents were destroyed and signs were thrown around
Then you noticed the large pillar
You instantly ran to dream, begging him to give you a pearl
He was upset himself he lost his leech
So you threw the pearl up thankfully landing on the pillar
Looking around to see if there was any way he could’ve survived
But you accidentally tripped
And lost your first life
𝐘/𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝗼𝗼 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 ♡︎♥︎♥︎
You woke up screaming in your bed
The three lines on your wrist now faded into two
Sapnap came rushing in holding you lose to him
You tried not to but you cried a little
This was your first time loosing a life..
And you didn’t even mean too!
“Your never fucking leaving me again.”
Karl came in with Quackity following after
Karl just like snatched you away from sapnap and just held you
That man was ready to go back in time and reverse that from ever happening
Trust me he will if you ever loose another life
So after that everyone kept a close eye on you
That was until one day you were with your dad
You both were at your old house just chilling around
Before he handed you two velvet boxes
You were in awe of the two rings that sat in them
Who the fuck paid for these??
“I’m going to purpose.”
You almost dropped the boxes
Sapnap just kept smiling
“You really like em huh” “Yeah flame, I love them.”
So you just hugged him
Internally freaking the fuck out
What would this mean???
Three dads? What if they wanted another child! Oh hell no
So you all stood in el rapids
Candles were spread around the top of the grassy hill
There were flowers blooming from every direction and lanterns set afloat
It looked mystical
You watched as sapnap got down on one knee
Karl was in shock, tears streaming down his eyes
Quackity looked love struck, looking into sapnaps eyes with total adoration
So when they said yes your dad called you and the other two just hugged you
“I’m guessing they said yes” you laughed
“Yeah they did!”
You couldn’t help but be happy
Your dad finally found some happiness
Even tho life was going to shit
If you won’t be there
He’ll have them
𝐋𝗺𝐚𝐧𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝗺
Oh wait shit did someone spot tommy?
There was supposed to be a festival today
So you went to go check it out
Maybe throw a ball at the furry
“Go fetch!” You shouted at fundy
Yeah he was not happy and just threw you the finger
“Hey N/n is Dream coming?”
You were excited that Tubbo was actually talking to you again
“Huh? Oh yeah I think” “Great thanks”
And back to the disappointment
So you walked over to get a pretzel or some shit
And then heard everyone making a commotion
There he was, Dream walking in (angry) with full netherite armor
Damn dude respect some tradition
“Tommy blew up the fucking community house”
Did someone say tommy?
Oh you were ready to kill that bastard
Hell if Dream didn’t you most definitely will
So you followed everyone to the community house
Yeah you were ready to fucking cry
One of your homes, the place you’d always confide in since you were little
Where dream and George both helped raise you
Now blown to shreds
“What the fuck”
They were talking about Tubbo giving up the discs
Oh we are not going through that shit all over again
And this time the odds are most definitely not in your favor
Then tommy appeared half invisible
You litterly stabbed him, having to be held back by Quackity
“Alright hot shot, lets let them have their argument”
Tommy sent you an apologetic look already on the verge of tears
“Tubbo your not seriously considering this”
Then it hit everyone
“The discs were worth more then you ever were!”
Oh yeah we’re you already pissed off at tommy?
And he just made it worse
Yeah you didn’t take pretending to be dead very lightly
Oh shit why was techno there
never mind, Lmanburg will be gone by tomorrow
No point killing tommy yet
Whos side were you on?
Neither. You litterly went into that battle feild and killed some shit
That was until multiple pieces of tnt landed ontop of your head
And that’s where you lost your second life
𝐘/𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐰 𝐮𝐩 ♡︎♡︎♥︎ ⚠︎︎ᴏɴᴇ ʟɪғᴇ ʀᴇᴍᴀɪɴɪɴɢ
This time when you won’t up it didn’t feel as bad
But you still screamed
A rush of a heartburn and scars employed on your body
The second line now faded into one
You were only 16-17 and on one life??
Die young the better
You waited out in your bed until the end of the fight
Death alerts and messages drowning out your communicator
But you had no energy what so ever
Until it all went quiet
You tried your damn best to get out of bed and walked to the damaged Lmanburg
There were people crying
Others were severely hurt
Then there were those who were perfectly fine
The whole place was a crater
Lmanburg.. the place of agony and depths of your pain
Now it’s finally gone
What the hell are you gonna do now?
Quackity spotted you calling out for Sapnap
You felt like you were gonna be crushed under their hold
“I’m gonna fucking kill dream.” You heard Quackity mutter
Sapnap felt like a bad father
Who lets their kids die twice?
(Cough cough Wilbur and dream)
Then suddenly things switched around
You were walking around with a bloodied nose and black eyed Tommy
Yeah you did a number on him
But it’s okay since he was your best friend
And there was a sign inside his house
“Wednesday you and Tubbo. Bring no one or anything, lets settle this once and for all”
The final disc war
“Tommy you can’t go” “I’m going N/n, he has my discs.”
So you like cried a little bit lined up on the prime path
Giving the two probably the last hugs they’ll ever get
Prime you really didn’t want to loose them
So you ran straight to church prime
Litterly begging Master Oolong that they won’t die
“Please please please spare them. Pogchamp.”
(Please this is all jokes and old references don’t cancel me)
You got a blast message from punz on your comms with cords
“Come here. bring your best armor”
So you did so running to the nearest ender chest
If walking means saving tommy and Tubbo, it’s somewhat worth it
Sapnap made sure you didn’t leave his side as you traveled around the nether
even tho you could literally swim in the lava
So just to piss him off
You jumped in
The sigh of relief this man
Yeah he’s gotten a little more paranoid for you
But it’s okay since it’s in love
You looked around the weird black stone room
There were two giant photos of the discs
And everything was made out of the same material
No design what so ever
Tommy and Tubbo ran to you like you were gonna protect them
“Dream why” you asked as he was incased in the blocks
Down on his last life
Just like you
‘I’m sorry’ he mouthed to you
Why was he apologizing to you?
Hasn’t he hurt everyone here
You looked around the different items
Tracing the outline of the item frames
Gasping in shock as you a cage with your name on it next to badboyhalo
“Tell em what you told me! How you blew up the community house!”
Your neck spun around faster then an owl doing that 360 thing
You picked up your ace seriously read to slash his head off
“Wait wait! Lets put him in the prison.”
So they took him off
And it pained you to see it
You trusted that man for a very long time
Nothing stays the same on the Dream Smp
TUMBLR WOULDNT LET ME WRITE MORE KMS. So yes I’m sorry but there will have to be a part FOUR. I just wanted to finish this-
As always! Ask or request anything and ask if you want to be on a tag list :))
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anne-i-write · 4 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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yourmcu · 4 years
Emotional Support Mode
Pairings: Tony Stark x daughter!reader
in which the reader is the loner, antisocial daughter of Tony Stark and the other Avengers including her father never acknowledge her presence (they thought some sort of interaction made you uncomfortable) so she becomes friends with Friday instead - Tony probs finds out and it’s gonna be all cute n fluffie once he realizes -
Word count: 2,243
a/n: hi just wanted to write fluffy tony :)) also I used they/them for friday’s pronouns
Warnings: angst n fluff, friday’s a bit more advanced (not like they aren’t already but) bc they could almost act like a literal human here.
read it on ao3!
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You arrive back at the Avengers facility, shoulders slumped and just tired in general since you have a lot of homework and projects to do from school, most of them due by the end of the week. You also have exams later in the week.
“Hey, Fri,” you huff as you make your way to the elevator.
“Welcome home, Y/N. Where do you want to go?”
Yes, you're very close with the A.I that they started calling you by your first name. “To my room - and uh, will you remind me to read two chapters in my history book after I’m done with all my homework? I also have this project, I just need some measurements later, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure thing.”
“Thank you.”
It’s going to be a long night, you sigh heavily just thinking about it. Now you’re probably wondering, ‘you live with the Avengers! Why don’t you ask Tony and Bruce for help? Maybe Steve and Bucky for your History test?’
Yeah, well... you barely talk to any real person you live with. Maybe it’s you, you always thought you're making the team uncomfortable. You don’t even talk to your own father often which is kind of depressing on your part.
You love them, they’re like your extended family, but it just isn’t working out. Maybe they just don’t like you. Up to this day you still wonder why Tony took you in when you were just a baby (you were a mistake from one of his one night stands) - he had the choice not to.
“I’m assuming you zoned out again. You have arrived to your room five minutes ago.” Friday announces.
“Y-yeah sorry,” you shuffle out of the elevator and swiftly head to your bedroom, closing the door behind you.
“I also asked if I should inform Mr. Stark that you have arrived home.”
“No, no thanks. He’s busy and... probably wouldn’t care anyway,” You mutter the last part as you pile the books you need on your desk. “Can you put my study playlist on, please?”
“What time is it, Friday?”
“7PM. I was about to remind you to take a break.”
You get up from your chair and stretch, halfway through the last of your homework which is a two page essay. “You’re too kind, thanks pal,” when you walk out your room to head to the kitchen and grab a snack, the lounge is empty, kitchen empty,
“The team’s on a mission? I thought they had the whole week off,” you say before gulping down a water bottle.
“I checked the security footage: they left about an hour ago. Captain Rogers was talking about getting dinner.”
You put the bottle down. “Oh,” you try to mask your disappointment. This isn’t your first time being alone, they always left you here when they had a mission of course but... well, it’s not like they want you around them. “I’ll - I’ll just make myself something later, then. Not a big deal. I have to study anyway.”
Another hour later, the Avengers are back. They're all conversing happily as they pile in the lounge. Peter's rambling about upgrades for the Spiderman suit while Tony's typing away in his phone, nodding at everything he says. Everyone else is arguing about the TV channels and talking about the new restaurant they ate at.
Rhodey shifts, looking around. “Why do I feel like we forgot something?”
Natasha looks at him, waiting for him to go on.
“I assure you, I brought Mjolnir with me this time.” Thor butts in.
“No not that, what time does Y/N get home from school?” No one answers. It’s not like any of them know. It's natural that Rhodey would be worried about his goddaughter (even if they rarely talk). He turns his head to his best friend who’s now walking away with Peter, an arm around his shoulder. “Tony, where’s Y/N?”
He doesn’t hear since he has his full attention on his protégé.
“I’ll start making this tomorrow, I guess. I still have to buy materials.” You mumble to yourself, but you hope Friday's listening to everything you say just to make you feel less lonely. You swipe the hologram of the blueprint away and place the thick books in front of you.
“I would like to recommend a suitable study plan.” they state.
You rub your eyes, sighing, “I’m already halfway, I would’ve considered it earlier though.”
“This is only a recommendation, feel free to ignore it.”
You push yourself away from the desk and mutter a “go on,”, fiddling with your pen.
“Asking Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes would give you more details for your History examination, since the pair were originally from that time period. The same goes for Mr. Banner for your Science examination, I believe he has seven Ph.D’s, you may also approach Vision for the same topic. Mr. Stark has all the necessary materials for your project in his lab. Would you like me to-”
If only it were that easy. It should be easy, the thought alone makes you really nervous. “No, I - I appreciate the recommendation, Friday, but - I think I can do this on my own.”
“But you’re tired and it is almost midnight. I would help you myself but you specifically told me not to.”
They’re not wrong. Your eyes are starting to droop and you barely understand anything you're reading. You're also fighting back tears - why is talking to your family so hard?
“I can sense sadness. Would you like me to activate emotional support mode?”
“Yeah, okay. That sounds great right about now.”
“Crap. Guess we lost track of time again, kid,” Tony wipes his hands with a rag while he looks at the time on his computer. “You better get home. I’ll send May a text for keeping you this late.”
“Okay, thank you Mr. Stark. I’m just gonna use my suit-”
“No. Happy will drive you.”
Peter knew better than to argue and insist so he just nods and smiles sheepishly. A minute later Happy came ‘round to take him home.
Tony turns back around. “Friday, make a new project for me please, I’m adding minor upgrades to the Spiderman suit.”
“Not now, boss.”
Oh. He did not expect that. “Excuse me?”
“Y/N is currently opening up. I would like to give her my full, undivided attention. Please come back after fifteen minutes or so.”
Tony doesn’t exactly know how to feel about that. He never sees her outside her room anymore that he kinda forgot she existed tonight - oh fuck, they didn’t bring her to dinner with them.
“Well,” he exhales. “What is she saying?”
“That would be an invasion of privacy.”
“I’m her father-”
“Are you, sir?” Friday’s clever remark makes him stop abruptly.
It’s pretty clear that he’s been a shit father. Not only does he ignore you all the time but he treats Peter way better than his own flesh and blood. The Avengers on the other hand, they were nice people, but just didn’t understand so they try their best to get out of your way.
You were afraid of rejection, afraid to interact, because you had no idea what everyone thought of you. Did they like you? Did you make them uncomfortable? Did they want you around? What about Tony, did he really want a daughter in his life? Because you noticed he’d be better off with a son, yeah, like Peter goddamn Parker.
Tony sighs, walking out of his lab and heads to the mini bar to grab a drink. He needs to think: there's absolutely nothing wrong about you, he just didn’t do his job right, you thought he didn’t care, you thought nobody did. Even Friday is turning against him, doing a better job of comforting and being there for you.
“God, I’m such an asshole,” he mutters to himself, rubbing his forehead. He drinks his last shot and heads to the kitchen. “She still awake?” He calls out.
“She is.” Friday has a bitter tone.
He's hesitant to ask again, feeling really bad for not knowing this simple question - “what’s her favorite beverage?”
“How do you feel?”
You sniffle. “Well y’know, better than before. I should probably go to sleep. Thanks, Fri.”
“You’re welcome. Also, Mr. Stark is outside your door.”
“W-what?” You put away your books and straighten up, rubbing your damp eyes. “You’re serious? Okay, uh, let him in?” It's more of a question.
You turn to face your desk as Tony enters the room, holding two steaming mugs. He sits at the end of your bed, just right next to the chair you're sitting on. “Hi,” he gives you a small smile and hands you a mug.
What’s the occasion?
“What’s this?” You ask quietly before taking the mug from his hands. Tony's being gentle and soft, it's odd but you’re not complaining.
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“Green tea with honey. I... I thought I saw you make that stuff once.” He says, not mentioning the fact that Friday told him that.
“Oh, well, yeah,” you take a small sip. He added a bit too much honey but other than that it was good. “I thought you preferred coffee, though,”
Tony shrugs, his eyes glistening when he looks at you. “Wouldn’t hurt to try something new.”
“Did - did you want something, Dad?” You always found yourself awkward, couldn’t even make conversation with someone for long, always wanted to get straight to the point so it could be over with.
He looks like he wants to say something but he just averts his gaze to you, his hands, the floor, then suddenly he leans in and hugs you. Your feel your heart swell and body warm up, it’s a new sensation for you after all, you rarely get hugs from people. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “For everything. I’m such a bad dad, I don’t deserve you. I even forgot you when we went out to dinner.”
“You don’t have to be sorry for anything. I had loads of stuff to do earlier anyway, so, but yeah I was just - I just overreact, I’m sensitive. I don’t blame you and the others for not liking me, I know there’s nothing like-able about me, I’m not like Peter-” You ramble, tears now leaving your eyes again.
“Sweetheart, don’t say that,” Tony says as he pulls you closer to him, head resting against his chest while he rubs your back comfortably. “Y/N Stark, you are smart, brilliant - I was just an ass for not acknowledging that.”
“I know you’re just saying that to-”
“Oh, but I’m not,” he now places his hands on your shoulders, getting you to look at him. “Tell me who built their first engine when they were eight?”
You blush, “Dad-”
“No, come on, I wanna hear it.”
“I did.”
“Yes you did. And who made a completely functioning robot at their middle school science fair that blew all the teacher’s minds?”
You’re trying to hide a smile, recalling the memory,  “I did.”
“And who,” Tony gets up and walks to the bulky looking thing that you covered with a sheet, pulling it off, “is currently building a computer from scratch?”
“Dad! That’s still a work in progress,” he messily places the sheet back and chuckles.
“My point is, you’re a clever and talented girl, Y/N. Don’t bring yourself down. And you don’t have to be shy around your family, those idiots have been dying to get to know you but since you don’t talk much... they don’t want to force it. We love you,” he says. “I hope you forgive me ‘cause I really wanna make it up to you. I’m not calling Peter in for a few weeks.” Tony sits down beside you again.
You couldn’t believe he’d do that for you. “You don’t have to, if you need him for something then-”
“-then you could help me instead, if you’re up for it.”
“I’m really sorry for being such a lonely freak,” you yawn, getting back into Tony’s open arms. “I love you.”
Tony tucks you in and lies down beside you, “I love you tons, kiddo.”
You snuggle into his chest, feeling his steady breathing while he rests his chin above your head.
It's morning. The Avengers are gathered at your open bedroom door.
“Are you getting all of this, Friday?”
“Yes, Ms. Romanoff.”
“Steve turn that shuttering sound down!” Natasha hisses at the super soldier who's doing his task, taking pictures.
Steve almost drops the phone and has Bruce fix the volume for him.
They’re all watching you and Tony cuddle together, still fast asleep.
“Do we have to stay here until they wake up?”
“Unless you have a great way of waking them up, yes. Now shut up.”
“If you think about it we definitely look creepy right now.” Sam comments.
“It’s their fault for having the door wide open all night!” Clint says.
Tony's actually awake the whole time, listening to them bickering. “You have three seconds to get the hell out of here before I make all of you polish my suits.” With that, the team races down the hall, pushing each other to get away first like literal children.
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weeb-writor · 4 years
MHA boys react to your Pro Hero father finding out you’re dating them
Heyo! So today I just have something cute and crack-y! I’ve been reading wayyy to much angst as of late! Reader is neutral and I am running out of things to write so send me some requests I do have a few rules but I pretty much write everything! I hope you all enjoy!
Amajiki Tamaki x Reader  Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Your Pro Hero dad finds out your dating (All might and Fat Gum)
Words: 1928
So you are not sure how to explain this situation, really. Of course you knew about your fathers no dating rules and you were, are a great kid who follow his rules. However, the first time you laid eyes on him you were taken. Then when you saw him fight and the way he spoke their was no hope for you. You had fallen head over heels in love with him. So when he asked you out the words ‘no’ and ‘I can't’ were no longer in your vocabulary. So here you were on a date with Bakugou. You two were at all mall just walking around, shopping when you wanted but mainly just enjoying your time together.
“Would you stop looking like that! Just tell me what the hell it is!” Bakugou yelled at you, you blinked at him not really realizing you were staring.
“I… the claw game for the big game has a rabbit in it.” You said with your head down. Bakugou only sighed and drug you over to the game.
“Now I’ll get you the bunny on one condition,... come meet my parents next weekend.” He mumbled completely red.
“You’ve got a deal.” You said with a smile.
“AND I wanna meet yours.” He added starting to play the game you stilled visibly at his words.
“Uh i'm sure you don't, it might be another situation like you had at dinner with the Todoroki’s!” You rushed out to him. He didn't respond but moved the claw toward the ugliest stuffed animal you had ever seen.
“OMG you're such a dramatic man, fine fine.” You huffed at him, he chuckled evilly and a moment later you were holding the huge bunny. 
“What would you do without me, huh? I'm perfect for you, y’know. No one else could have done that for you the first try, like I did.” He said as you guys started your walk up again.
“Huh, well personally I think Izuku probably could. You know he has all those limited addition all might figures and plushies, a lot of them come from claw games.” You said nonchalantly knowing it would piss off Bakugou. He stopped talking and grabbed your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with him.
“Your so full of shit, your trying to get a rise out of me but you wont.” He said with an eyebrow raise.
“Is that why you’re twitching?” You asked as you pulled forward some more, your lips almost touching. Before you guys could tease each other any further a voice interrupted you.
“Bakugou?” You both froze as All might’s voice echoed in your ears. You jumped away from Bakugou as he gave you a confused look.
“Yeah?” He said, still glancing at you, not sure what to make of your strange behavior.
“What are you two doing here and what are you doing so close together?” He asked with a smile, you could tell it was fake.
“Oh were on a-” he tried to get out but you cut him off.
“A snack run! Us and the rest of the class are doing a movie night.” You said shakily.
“I didn't know a snack run required such closeness.” He said with an eyebrow raise.
“It doesn't.” Aizawa said. You didn't even notice he was there and now you were screwed. Aizawa had agreed to keep you and Bakugou’s relationship a secret in exchange for coffee every Monday and Wednesday but last Wednesday you forgot. The grin on his face says he is getting even. 
“What? were not doing that! I'm not watching a movie with those extras on our date night.” Bakugou pouted at you, your mouth hung open at him. Now did you tell Bakugou All might was your father and he forbid you to date, no, no you didn't; but he is one of the smartest people you know. He is in the top 5 of your class in smarts for god sakes, he should have known you were trying to keep this on the downlow.
“YOUR WHAT!” your father said in his boisterous voice.
“Uhh, well you see um he is… What are you two doing here, huh?” You said trying to change the subject. Aizawa started to chuckle next to your father.
“Y/N I said no boys, no girls, no theys!!! Bakugou is clearly a boy!!” He said, starting to pace around. “Hold on, Aizawa, did you know about this?” He asked, turning toward the teacher who immediately stopped laughing.
“I learned about it very recently and I told them to tell you or I would. Very childish and unheroic.” He said, trying not to bust out laughing.
“Bakugou we should run..” You whispered to him as your father paced around.
“Why didn't you tell me your dad was All might and that we are a secret!!” He whispered yelled to you.
“We can talk about this later but right now babe, we gotta run before he calls Gran Torino.” You said inching away from the scene in front of you. Bakugou did the same as but your world stopped when your eyes met Aizawa’s. He shook his head but mouthed “Coffee Monday” then shut his eyes. With that you and Bakugou were off, ignoring your father who was calling for you.
“Dumbass you know they are going to the same place we are, right?” He said laughing.
“I know but i would rather be shunned in my room than in the public, gotta keep our image up.” You said giving him a thumbs up. You both laughed all the way to the dorms and were still in high spirits when your father came and found you guys lounging in the commons.
Now you and Tamaki relationship is… strange to most people. You were not like Mirio or Nejire, you were more like Tamaki but just not as anxious. No one even knew how you two got together after years of pining but both being too shy to ask each other out. It did happen nonetheless and it was oddly perfect. You both loved to stay in and eat takeout, you would take turns calling the takeout spot, or sometimes even play rock, paper, scissors to decide. Festivals were also a love you guys shared, of course you went early before fireworks when it wasn't too busy. But this, this was by far your favorite. The beach in the middle of the night, you and Tamaki would sometimes sneak out when you both needed a breather in the dead of the night when there was nothing but the two of you, the waves, and the stars.
“Did you bring it?” You asked Tamaki as you walked along the shore.
“Of course I did, do you wanna do it?” He asked fidgeting a little.
“Mhhmm.” You hummed taking the stick from him. You and him found it on your first beach date, it was a stick that Tamaki sterilized, afraid it would give you some sort of disease. You thought for a second before writing in the sand.
“Laugh in the silence, dance in rain, and sing with the birds. There will come a day when all things will change and you’ll be left with only the memories of yesterday, so enjoy them. Sincerely the silent.” He said reading what you wrote in the sand. 
“I made it far from the tide so someone will actually see it this time.” You said as you drew heart and butterflies around it.
“Where'd you get it from?” He said as he sat laid down on the sand to watch the stars. You laid down placing your head on his chest.
“My dad, he and I are very different and he learned very early on that when he taught me his ‘life lessons’ in loud ways I didn't get it and that I was pretty timid so I wouldn't learn them through experience. My class was going on a 3 week end of the year vacation to the U.S and I decided I didn't wanna go, I'd never been, my dad couldn't come, I listed every reason why I couldn't and at some point I was just making up random excuses when really I did wanna go. So my dad made me climb this mountain and carried me when I complained it was too much. When we finally got to the top I was so angry that there was just a bunch of snow but then he made me look to my left and there were dozens of flowers peeking through the snow. It was amazing. Then he told me that saying and I was never the same. I went on the trip for a week instead of 3 weeks and I loved it. If I can help someone like us step out of their comfort zone just a little so they can see beautiful flowers and enjoy all that they can, I'll be happy.” You said as your eyes fluttered shut a little.
“We can do it together, step out of our comfort zones, I mean.” He mumbled to you. You hummed at him in agreement.
“PUT YOUR HANDS UP OR I’LL SHOOT!” A loud voice called out to you, you and Tamaki immediately stood up and put your hands up.
“Okay now dance! I'm thinking the Macarena..” The guy trailed off. Tamaki mumbled to himself and turned around putting his hands down, you were about to yell at him but he turned and smiled at you then began to speak.
“What are you doing here, Mr. Fat Gum.” Tamaki said with a sigh. You froze at this and thought about disappearing into the water but it was a cold night you would die. Maybe if you didn't turn around he wouldn't know it was you.
“Well when I got a call saying my kid snuck out the first few times I was cool about it, they never do anything wrong so y’know its good to be a little wild BUT WHEN I HEARD THEY WERE WITH A BOY I CAME TO FIND THEM!! But seeing it’s you i'm a little less worried but when I said find some new people to hang with and expand your horizons I definitely didn't mean my kid who I forbade to date, mind you!” You dad said, grabbing Tamaki by the shoulders and shaking him a little. Your boyfriend looked between the two of you and then began to mutter incoherent things.
“Dad stop you gonna give him a heart attack.” You said trying to get your boyfriend back from your overprotective dad.
“Nahh that would be too kind and too quick.” And with that your boyfriend fainted, your dad laughed and threw him over his shoulders. 
“You didn't have to do that.” You said as you both began the walk home.
“What kind of father would I be if I didn't instill fear into the hearts of those who could break your heart beyond repair.” He smiled at you
“You scare him everyday when he works with you!! I’ve heard all the stories from Tamaki, you put him into uncomfortable situations sometimes.” You huffed at him
“Sure but never more than he can handle. ‘Laugh in the silence, dance in rain, and sing with the birds. There will come a day when all things will change and you’ll be left with only the memories of yesterday, so enjoy them.’ He always learns something new or at least gets a kick out of it.” He said as he put his fist out for you to bump. You bump it and smile at him.
“You are still in trouble though.” He said with a laugh, you sighed at his words. Maybe you should have taken your chance in the freezing water.
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solara-bean · 4 years
 Grimmjow Headcanons Plus a Few x S/O ones 
( pretty sure I read some of these somewhere but I forgot so here's a self indulgent list :)
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He died in his early twenties so he's still pretty young mentally but physically as a hollow he's old as hell
He's European
He takes a lot of naps in random places such as the roof of Las Noches
In fact he does a lot of cat like stuff and doesn’t realize it
He can purr but rarely and it’s mostly in his sleep 
When he became an arrancar he had long hair similar to his release form. It kept getting in the way so he cut it
he doesn’t like wearing clothes
Him and his fraccion use to sleep close together in case they were ambushed by other adjuchas and still did even after they became arrancars
They didn’t think much of it. Except Di Roy. He’d say it was weird and ‘un-masculine’ to which Grim would tell him to shut up and go to sleep after laying an arm or a leg over his face. 
Di Roy would also occasionally guilt trip him
Grimmjow: You’re too weak to fight with us.
Di Roy: I wouldn’t be if someone didn’t bite my face off. 
Grimm:..........fine! do whatever you want. See if I care. 
He was actually much closer to them than he let on
Most of the epsada knew it. Especially after Syazel threatened to experiment on them since they were ‘expendable.’ He did his best to avoid Grimmjow after that.
He only really got to grieve of their deaths when the war against Aizen ended
As much as he genuinely enjoyed fighting Ichigo it was also a distraction from all the pain he tried to burry
Harribel and Nelliel helped him with his grief
They became sort of friends afterwards tho he still tries to fight them both on a weekly basis 
Refers to Pantera with female pronouns 
One perk of most of Los Noches’ inhabitants being defeated is the nearly infant amount of space. So he was able to choose his own room
He keeps it surprisingly tidy aside from the nicknacks he’s hoarded from wandering around Hueco Mundo
His bed is full of pillows as a substitute of having a pack to sleep with
When asked he’ll say its for comfort
Nelliel: Have you seen my pillow? 
Grimmjow: * sitting on it in his pillow pile* No.
He steals everyone’s stuff now and then but mostly Nel’s cuz he likes to mess with her ( insert low key sibling energy )
He talks to animals like people
Grimmjow: I told you to stop crossing the street at the red light idiot!
Cat: Meow
Grimm: Don’t talk back to me you little shit!!
Hangs out at Urahara’s place when he’s in the living world and not trying to fight Ichigo
Likes human food. Especially meat.
Grimmjow: *eating bacon for the first time* hmm tastes like hollows but better
Ichigo:.....I’m sorry what??!!
Was dared that he couldn’t beat Yoruichi at twister. He won five crates of snacks to bring back to Hueco Mundo ( may or may not have shared them cuz “ they gave me too much so take it or I’ll throw it out” )
Says things around the characters in the living world about his terrible experience under Aizen’s rule like it’s normal
Grimmjow: *having another rematch with Ichigo* Damn that almost hurt as much as Tousen slicing my arm off
Ichigo: *pauses the fight* Tousen did WHAT?!!
Becomes friends with Ichigo but won’t admit it.
Somewhat apologizes to Orihime and Rukia for what he did. But not Ichigo cuz he’ll do it all again but with less deadly intent.
Learns how to cook
Likes just about any kind of movie/show. He isn’t picky 
Would get his 6 tattoo edited to something else if it bothered him
Would freakin die for Kazui!!! 
Here are the S/O ones:
Is pansexual so gender isn’t an issue
Prefers someone who can beat him up but is ok with a human if he feels a very strong connection to them
Doesn’t really have a physical type honestly 
Will admire things about their appearance cuz he likes it on them and not in general
Will be in complete denial about his feelings at first 
Like “hollows aren’t meant to love” and all that ish 
Makes up excuses to hangout with them but it’s mostly for his own benefit
“ I don’t like them. They just have a nice movie collection.” “ I don’t like them. They’re just nice to spar with.” “ I don’t like them. They’re just nice to talk to.” “I don’t like them. They just make me feel safe when I sleep next to them.” 
Gives them random things he’s found when wondering around Hueco Undo’s desserts like gems and cool sharp bones
Let's them hold and even use Pantera
Starts to unconsciously turn off his hierro when he’s with them. It causes a lot of fliching and embarrassing gasps when they touch him since he’s not use to feeling so much
Did I mention he’s touch starved?
Like a lot.
Holding his hand for too long would literally kill him
Once he’s gotten use to feeling something other than pain from another person he starts to let them touch him more. Like hugs. Lots of hugs. 
He even lets them rub his release form’s cat ears
Then here come the purrs. Louder than they’ve ever been before! It startles them both. He denied it but the blush gave him away.
He’ll do his best to purr more often since his s/o likes it so much. Such as when they’re cuddled up for a nap. Though he doesn’t really have to try.
Is confused as to why they like to squish his toe beans but lets them do it anyway
Wraps his tail around them in his release form
Will let them braid his long hair
Will also let them paint his claws as well as put makeup on him
He’s a total pushover ( insert the ‘please for me’ meme )
Is very protective of them
“ Why are you sad? Do I need to kill someone?”
If asked will follow his s/o when they’re out at night so they feel safe. Potential muggers? Thrown by an unknown force. Stalker? Punched by an unknown force. Cat callers in a car? Car gets flipped over by an unknown force.
Eventually no one bothers them at all cuz word goes around that they’re protected by a ghost or something else supernatural.
They’re of the few that can call him by a nickname and survive. Grimm, Grimmy, Grimmykins, Grimmy-kun, Kitty, Kitten, Catboy, Stinky cat, Baby boy, Baby boi, Big guy, Tough guy, My Arancar, My love, My one and only, Handsome, Blueberry. Literally anything is fine with him.
But call him My King and he’s done for. Dead. A second time. Deceased all over again. His heart will reform just to burst out of existence. 
Takes them to Hueco Mundo a few times 
Makes a pillow fort with them with his hoard of pillows 
Will be skeptical as to why they like him and won’t be surprised if they get tired of him and break up
But oh no! They’re in it for the long run! You’re stuck with them Grimmykins:)
Would most likely say I love you without even realizing it till later
Grimm: *blushes* F*CK!!
Harribel: *pauses the meeting* Is there something wrong?
Grimm: I told Y/n that I love them before I left without realizing it! *puts his face in his hands and groans* I’m so screwed.
Nel: Well it’s about damn time!
Harribel: Congrats Grimmjow
Grimm: *groans and blushes some more*
If he really loves them he’ll find a way to weaken his immortality so they can grow old together ( yes it’ sappy but he figures he’ll get bored after they long gone )
Might go to Mayuri for help and becomes his lab rat in return. Won’t tell his s/o till it’s done so they won’t try to stop him.
It’s not fun. Like at all ( insert angsty fit energy here ). But it works and as an added bonus him and his s/o can have kids if they’d like
A great dad. Incredibly supportive and loving. Mess with them and you’re dead. Or at least scarred for life. No one messes with his cubs.  
Grimm: Isn’t it weird that our kids are best friends?
Ichigo: No. We’re friends.
Grimm: I tried to kill you.
Ichigo: Who hasn’t?
Grimm: I’ll drink to that.
Ichigo: That’s a juice box.
Grimm: Have you seen my kids? The last time I wasn’t sober they ceroed the roof off and beat up a hollow. There’s no way I’m missing that again.
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Break me + brettsey
A/N: To the anons who requested for this, I tried my best 🥲 Also, you know I love fluff so wow, this was really emotional to write but I do love a challenge so er, grab some tissues maybe.
Warnings: character death
Throughout the years, Sylvie has learned that life isn’t always fair.
No matter how hard she studied for the 2nd grade spelling bee, someone studied harder and got that big, shiny trophy. She had her first kiss at seventeen with a boy she thought she’d love forever but he ended up being a manipulative jerk, just the first of many who turned out to be frogs instead of princes. Her birth mom sought her out and just as they found their footing, she died at child birth.
But this one, it really takes the cake, Sylvie thinks.
She pleaded with Matt to get his cough checked out weeks ago, asking him politely when she noticed it getting more and more frequent. It crept in especially late at night in bed when they were supposed to be sleeping, instead, she would hear him try to stifle it so as not to wake her. He shrugged it off and told her not to worry, which is classic Matt. She should have known. Even after all these years, her husband is still so stubborn.
One night, when the coughing won’t stop, she manages to get through to him and he agrees to go to the ED. Sylvie grabs the car keys and leads him out the door.
They greet the new charge nurse, who brings them into a treatment room. Sylvie doesn’t think much of it as Ethan comes in and they make small talk and catch up with the ED chief, who at 70 seems to show no signs of retiring. He orders a few standard tests. They wheel Matt off to get an x ray while Sylvie goes to grab a snack from the vending machine.
When Ethan finds her forty minutes later, his face is grim. Her heart drops to the pit of her stomach and she knows it’s not just an ordinary cough.
Stage 4 lung cancer.
Matt Casey, retired CFD battalion chief has stage 4 lung cancer.
It’s like a cruel joke. Matt’s never smoked a single cigarette in his life but his career as a firefighter has finally caught up with him - all the fumes, the smoke, the dust have made their way into his lungs. Sylvie doesn’t cry while the oncologist takes them through their options. She’d gladly sit through a hundred rounds of chemo with Matt if needed.
Except he doesn’t want that.
They argue about it for several weeks. Matt says he wants to spend the rest of his days at home, maybe they can rent a cabin in the woods in Michigan where the air is fresh, the sky is blue and they can just be, waiting for the inevitable.
“Matt,” she starts to say, an edge in her tone. They've been going around in circles and Sylvie is ready to put her foot down.
Matt shakes his head, taking her hand and gently telling her what he's been repeating since that day they found out, “I’ve lived a full life. We have these great kids and grandkids. I can’t ask for anything more.”
Sylvie yanks her hand out of his grasp. She's had enough.
“What would you do if it were the other way around?” She yells, her voice trembling slightly. She doesn’t think she’s every screamed at him this loudly in all their years together but she doesn’t want to give up. She needs him to understand.
Matt sighs, running a hand through his now grey hair. After a beat, he looks her in the eye. She knows he can't lie and say he'll take it lying down if she were to tell him what he's been parroting.
“I’d be begging you to get the treatment because I couldn’t bear to live a day without you,” he admits quietly.
They hold each other’s gazes, neither willing to concede.
“Please, Matt,” Sylvie whispers as she feels the tears threatening to fall. She grabs hold of his arm, squeezing it. She needs him to fight, if not for himself then for her because she doesn't think she can handle life without him, not quite yet.
He finally relents, “okay, okay, we’ll get the chemo.”
He wraps his arms around her and pulls her close. Sylvie burrows deeper into his embrace, sobbing. She cries for the first time since they found out about the cancer and Matt rubs his hand over her back, comforting her.
Sylvie drives Matt to the hospital for his rounds of chemo while he jokes about shaving off his hair. One night, she wakes up to find his side of the bed empty and the light in the bathroom on. She peers in and sees him kneeling in front of the toilet, vomiting. She takes a seat beside him and quietly helps him, remembering their wedding vows.
In sickness and in health.
On the side, she starts to volunteer for the CFD’s firefighters cancer network, trying to raise more awareness on the dangers of such a noble job. She cheers with Matt one Spring morning when Gallo, Violet and Ritter decide to run the half marathon in full firefighter gear, in support of the cause. She’s glad that even if they’ve both retired, 51 still remains to be a part of their family.
Six months in, the doctor tells them that the chemo isn’t working as well as he hoped and the prognosis isn’t good. Sylvie still wants to continue but Matt sits her down one night after dinner.
“I think it’s time we just wait this out, Syl.” He tells her gently, interlacing his fingers in hers.
Sylvie wants to say no because this can’t be how it ends for him, someone spent his life saving people is about to succumb to a deadly, incurable disease. It really, truly is unfair.
But at the same time, she understands his request. He doesn’t want to put their family through another roller coaster ride of emotions, of uncertainty, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He’s saying he wants to take the reins and do it his way.
It reminds Sylvie of that quote from Harry Potter she read when she was younger.
To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.
She didn't understand it at all at thirteen but she does now, glancing over at Matt and seeing the steely resolve in his eyes.
They’ve been together for over 30 years. They’ve built a home filled with love and kindness, full of laughter and running blonde children who all grew up to be exceptional adults with thriving careers. They have two wonderful, adorable grandchildren. She remembers what Matt told her, how he’s lived a full life.
She feels a tear slide down her cheek and Matt’s other hand brushes it away. She knows the next word coming out of her mouth will break her heart but she says it anyway because it's what's right.
There’s something in the air, Sylvie thinks and her soul begins to fill with dread. Today, it seems, is the day. Matt’s been in bed for the last three days, not really able to move or eat much. Without the chemo, the doctor told them he had about three months to live and with each day that passed after that, Sylvie started to feel hope that maybe he had more to give.
It’s been a little over a year since the diagnosis. Sylvie’s trying to read a book while Matt is taking a nap. She’s distracted by her thoughts but hears him whisper.
“I think it’s time.”
She nods, her lower lip quivering. She approaches him and kisses the top of his head before making her way out of the room to make a few phone calls.
The house starts to fill with family and friends arriving to say their last good byes. Their kids are here, surrounding their dad and telling stories about how Matt always put them first no matter what. The remaining members of their second shift at 51 start to trickle in one by one. Sylvie told them it was going to be a celebration of Matt’s life, how she didn’t want them to mope around because it isn’t what he would want so they laugh and jest until late in the evening.
Matt kisses his grandkids one last time before they leave and Sylvie climbs into bed with him. He rests his head on her shoulder as she holds his hand and watches his eyes flutter close and his breathing gradually stop.
Sylvie recollects their many years together - growing from friends to something deeper, the first time Matt swung like Tarzan from the aerial after they got together and Sylvie telling him never to do it again and of course he did many more time and she never really stopped worrying, buying a house, their wedding day, the birth of their children, sending off each kid to preschool up until watching them graduate from college, meeting their grandchildren for the first time, celebrating personal and professional milestones together, cheering each other on.
She looks at her husband’s still form thinking yes, it has been a full life.
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beetlewritesthings · 2 years
First Days
Here is a short story about a student as they watch their class fill out the get to know you sheet by the new teacher in a small town. TW for tr^nsph0bia and related things.
Today was the first day at school. New teachers smile at my class. They’ve probably heard about us from our other teachers, but they don’t say if they have. It wasn’t until last period did I know for sure. Ms. Amber was new to the school. Her face didn’t have the same worn look like the other teachers. I knew that it wouldn’t last long. But Ms. Amber was different in other ways than just her face. She had talked to her coworkers. She knew about my class. But she wasn’t rude about it. She didn’t have us fill out the same get to know you sheets that the other teachers give out every year.
For the parents section she had replaced it with “Legal guardian(s) of the student” instead of the normal “Mother’s name” and “Father’s name”. She comforted Sarah with not having to face the father section after he had died last year. Everyone knew that Max’s mom had run off when he was twelve, but still every year he had to put n/a in that section. The kids who come and go or come and stay at the Anderson’s never know if they should put their bio parents, their case worker, or their adoptive parents. Ms. Ambers avoided bringing up bitter memories for my friends with the change of a few words.
After that was the food section. Normally we are just given a place to list our allergies and another to circle one of three candies for the teacher to buy. Now we had to list all of our allergies along with how severe and what we need for them. Sophia smiled as she wrote down her deathly peanut allergy that almost took her life when in second grade she was given a Reese's Cup at a school halloween event. The year before Theo had been made fun of by our geometry teacher for having so many little allergies and intolerance. For the other classes he only put three of his allergies, afraid of the teachers acting like that one teacher. He visibly relaxed for the first time today when he saw this new section. And I glanced towards Grace when I saw that the multiple choice of candies had been changed to just recommend any snack. She does a good job of hiding her eating disorder from all the adults, but her face lit up when she didn’t have to fight her demons just to pick a type of candy. Ms. Ambers smiled a little when she saw.
Turning the page led to the disability and accessibility section. But none of this section had been on the other sheet. Anna let out a gasp of surprise when she saw that Ms. Ambers was willing to rearrange the classroom to help her move around, unlike the other teachers who would force her to move as though she wasn’t dependent on a walker or cane to walk. Zoe and Mark both started to happy stim when they saw she was willing to talk about their ADHD and Autism and not ignore it like everyone else. Our class had a myriad of different disorders that no one else would acknowledge unless it was to gossip. Ms. Ambers didn’t gossip, she made it so we could be happy in her class.
I got to the last section as some of the popular kids were laughing and whispering. My class is surrounded by rumors. Almost every kid has a story that is only discussed behind closed doors, but I was the most discussed topic. The slurs could be heard from open windows in the summer and the blood froze to my face as I walked to school in the winter. I was the freakshow of the town. Everyone knew it, including Ms. Ambers. The last page asked about preferred names and pronouns. Everyone in the town calls me Emily. They look the other way as my dad tries to beat the trans out of me. All of them call me things I cannot repeat. And in the midst of all of the hate, Ms. Ambers takes my get to know me sheet and reads it as if I matter to her. As the bell rings she says goodbye to everyone, and in the sea of names I hear something I haven’t said spoken by a friendly voice before. Over the bell and people getting their supplies together. Over the talking and half assed thank yous. I hear, “Goodbye, Oscar.”
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goodlucktai · 3 years
when the bones are good
@natsumeweek 2021 day 4; sweet/sour
read on ao3
(previous part)
Yousuke Takuma looks like he regrets inviting the Natori brothers into his house. They tend to have that effect on people.
“I shouldn’t be reading these,” he says in a very calm tone. “These are the sacred property of your clan. They shouldn’t even have left your property.”
“It’s not like anyone is going to miss them,” Shuuichi replies plainly. “My grandfather still thinks I can’t get past the locks on the storehouse door. Even Takashi can get past those, and he’s eight.”
“Sometimes I just ask Urihime to get me the keys,” Takashi admits. “She doesn’t get along with grandfather so she likes having an excuse to take stuff from him.”
It’s a nice way of saying ‘she fucking hates him’ but Takashi is a nice person. 
The kid is chronically honest. Always has been. He’ll strive to frame it kindly, but the truth is all you’re getting from him. It can be annoying, but mostly it’s pretty funny, and at the end of the day Shuuichi is glad that Takashi doesn’t feel the need to lie or make up stories. Even about the really unbelievable things. He just says what he’s thinking, because he knows it’s the truth, and his big brother will back him up if anyone gives him any trouble.
Shuuichi doesn’t have a lot in his life to be proud of, but he’s proud of that. 
The right people don’t care if a little kid tells ghost stories, anyway. Hinata thinks they’re great. She keeps threatening to write them all down and adapt them into her first screenplay.
Takuma puts his face in his hands. Across the room, Tsukiko giggles, clearly not as focused on her homework as she would like for the rest of them to believe she is. Ginro sets a tray of tea down on the table and gives Shuuichi a stern look for having the audacity to stress her master out so soon after his injury. Chastened, Shuuichi lifts his hands in apology. 
“If you really don’t want to look at them, I’ll put them away,” he says. “But I trust you not to—run off with them and patent them under your name, or whatever it is you think I should think you’re going to do.”
That works a huff of wry laughter out of the man, and he looks up at Shuuichi with a warm expression. It’s the way Shuuichi thinks his dad might have looked at him if he’d been born a proper son.
“Lunch first,” Takuma says, “then we’ll take a look at this paper magic of yours. Though if a couple of little geniuses like yourselves can’t figure it out, I don’t know what you think this old man will be able to do.” 
He adds the last bit with a smile for Takashi, who beams up at him from where he’s been not-so-subtly sneaking Jinbe rice crackers. Jinbe is the most unsettling of Takuma’s three familiars, but he’s also—to Shuuichi’s resignation—Takashi’s complete favorite. It appears to be mutual.
“You’ve kept your promise, haven’t you?” Takuma asks after a moment. “About staying away from those meetings?” 
Shuuichi sighs performatively. “Of course I have. It’s not like I could bring my brother with me, and he’d hardly just stay home. He’s very disobedient.”
Takashi scoffs. “Hinata-neesan says I’m your most redeeming quality.”
“Nowhere in there does she mention ‘obedient,’” Shuuichi replies without missing a beat, and grins when Takashi makes a face at him. 
“Alright, alright,” Takuma says, laughing properly now. “As long as you’re keeping your word, I don’t care about why.” He pushes himself up to his feet, moving a little stiffly, and smiles at his daughter when Tsukiko hurries over to take his arm. “There should be some margherita pizzas in the chest freezer. I bought them on a whim the last time I was at the supermarket. Should we try them?”
Of course they should. Takashi scoops the last of the cookies off the table and piles them neatly in Jinbe’s greedy hands, even though Takuma sighs and makes noises about spoiled shiki. Tsukiko gives the disappearing treats a bit of an odd look, but she seems more fascinated to be in the company of spirits than unnerved.
Shuuichi is beginning to think that his relatives are just bad people. 
“By the way, have you made any progress on,” Takuma starts, and finishes with a nod towards Shuuichi’s arm. 
The lizard is scurrying around in busy little circles, as if it’s feeling restless. Shuuichi covers it with his hand, something that sometimes works in calming it down, like putting a blanket over a bird cage. In this case, it crawls onto his hand instead and resumes scurrying there. Weird little thing.
“I still have no idea what it is,” Shuuichi says ruefully, “but Takashi is trying to teach it tricks.”
Takuma stares at him, and then at his brother. Takashi offers, “It knows ‘roll over’!”
“Go,” Shuuichi’s mentor says firmly, pointing them down the hall. “Kitchen. Lunch. We’ll discuss this later.”
A knock on the door interrupts their noisy exodus, and Takuma frowns. Clearly, he isn’t expecting company. The amiable man’s posture tenses as he gestures for Tsukiko, Shuuichi and Takashi to stay put. Ginro and Benihimo flank him on his way to the front door. 
Exorcists tend to be a paranoid bunch.
But with a dangerous ayakashi on the loose, Shuuichi thinks, with a prickle of unease all his own, maybe it’s better safe than sorry. 
“Urihime, go collect all our scrolls and put them in my bag,” Shuuichi says swiftly. “Sasago, stay right here.”
His shiki both nod, and Urihime disappears. 
Tsukiko is picking up on the atmosphere, even if her eyes aren’t the same as theirs. Even normal humans have a sixth-sense sense for certain things and it’s not to be taken lightly. She shifts nervously, and something in Shuuichi’s chest goes warm when he realizes she’s put her arm around Takashi’s shoulders protectively. 
“Seiji?” Takuma asks. His voice is raised in surprise, carrying from the genkan. “What on earth are you doing here?” 
Relief and dread fight each other in the pit of Shuuichi’s stomach. Dread wins. He’s only encountered Matoba Seiji twice, once at the summit he inadvertently followed Amasaki to, and then again in passing for a few minutes in the woods, but those brief meetings were enough. 
Even normal humans have a sixth-sense for certain things. Usually danger. 
“Tsukiko,” he says casually, “can you and Takashi go get lunch started?” 
To Tsukiko’s eternal credit, she doesn’t hesitate. “Of course. Takashi, will you help me? Dad buys so much weird stuff when he goes shopping that it might be hard to find the pizzas.”
Takashi gives Shuuichi a look that says, very clearly, that he knows when he’s being fobbed off. Shuuichi ruffles his hair in a way that ruins the careful work Sumi-san (the only member of the Natori house staff who will still talk to either of them) put in that morning with half a dozen bobby pins. Now it flops into Takashi’s eyes and he makes an outraged sound, reaching up to shove Shuuichi’s hand away. 
“I’ll fill you in later,” Shuuichi says. “Promise.”
That’s enough for Takashi. Mollified, he trails after Tsukiko without argument, and with only one curious look over his shoulder. Jinbe drifts after them watchfully, and probably only partly in hopes of more snacks. Sasago remains at Shuuichi’s side, a stalwart presence that he’s come to depend on. 
It’s Shuuichi’s job to keep the monsters away. Whatever form they might take. 
Takuma looks irritated as he leads Seiji into the sitting room. With a nod of his head, he invites Shuuichi inside, too. The tea tray from before has vanished, a new one sitting in its stead, and Shuuichi notes with some inward amusement that Ginro didn’t lay out any snacks this time. 
“Well, what do you know,” Seiji says, as enigmatic as ever. “Shuuichi-san, I never would have expected to find you here.”
It’s impossible to tell what this guy is actually thinking. 
“Did you come by to check on Takuma-san, too?” Shuuichi asks. He has to work to keep his tone from biting, but he manages it.
“In a sense,” Seiji replies politely. “I was hoping to find out more about the ayakashi that attacked him. Going after it before it hurts anyone else is an exorcist’s job, don’t you think?” 
It’s bait, as clear and obvious as a cricket dangling from some fishing line. If he were still the bitter brat he used to be, maybe Shuuichi would have risen to it fiercely, like a tide, surging and crashing against Seiji’s unchanging stone facade. He would have said, ‘You don’t care about helping people. You called Takuma-san weak. You’re just looking for someone to use.’
Which is all perfectly true, and perfectly justifiable reasons to not want to drink tea with this guy and discuss the differences in their conventions, but it’s not like calling Seiji out would do any good. It probably wouldn’t even be satisfying. He would just gaze at Shuuichi with that stupid cat-that-caught-the-canary expression and make him feel like an idiot for existing.
He gets enough of that at home, thanks. 
“You’re right,” Shuuichi says mildly, with a smile of his own, “that is an exorcist’s job.”
Takuma eventually tells Seiji what he wants to know, clearly having given up on keeping the teenager away from exorcist summits and dangerous ayakashi, but he does afterword his information with warnings to be careful. 
Urihime sets Shuuichi’s bookbag beside him and he nods his thanks. Seiji clocks the two-second interaction with sharp eyes. 
“Look at that! You have a servant?” His eyes follow her when she moves to stand next to Sasago, next to both of Takuma’s shiki along the side of the room, and he whistles. “Two servants. Pretending to be an exorcist on the sly, are we, Shuuichi-san?”
More bait. Another cricket. Shuuichi sips from his teacup. “They belong to my family. I don’t know why they follow me around. They must be bored.”
All of which is true, technically. Takuma’s eyebrows shoot up toward his hairline, but he doesn’t comment. Sasago turns her head very slowly, and her eyes, hidden beneath their blindfold, seem to bore into the side of his head. Urihime is less subtle and outright hisses at him. 
“Hmm, jury seems to be out on that,” Seiji says, and laughs. 
The sitting room door rattles open and Tsukiko peers through. Shuuichi’s fists clench in his lap, because sure enough, Takashi is right behind her, his brown eyes peeking curiously into the room. 
“Sorry, papa, but is your guest staying for lunch, too? Only, I don’t know how many pizzas to put in.”
“No, no, I couldn’t impose,” Seiji says. “I’ll get going and leave you guys to enjoy the rest of your afternoon. It looks as though you were having a pleasant time before I barged in.”
We were, Shuuichi thinks, but he keeps it to himself. He and Takuma stand up to see Seiji out. Seiji pauses when he spots Takashi behind Tsukiko, and his amicable expression takes on an edge that Shuuichi can’t define. He looks more engaged now than he did during the entire conversation with Takuma. 
“Hello again,” Seiji says in a pleasant tone. 
“Excuse me?” Shuuichi interjects loudly. “‘Again’?”
“Hi,” Takashi replies at length. His gaze is fixed on Seiji’s face as though there’s something interesting happening there. Jinbe drifts like a shark behind him, mask pointed towards Seiji suspiciously.
“As I thought, you have good eyes,” Seiji remarks, whatever that’s supposed to mean. He looks across the room at Urihime and Sasago, down at the bag by Shuuichi’s feet, at the lizard mark curled up on his arm, and then finally up at Shuuichi himself. Smiling widely, he adds, “I look forward to seeing what becomes of the Natori clan.”
Takuma escorts him out properly, and Tsukiko goes back to deal with the pizzas. Alone save for a scattering of trusted ayakashi, Shuuichi kneels and beckons his brother over. 
“C’mere, squirt.”
Takashi crosses the room to him. Standing in front of Shuuichi like this, they’re almost eye-to-eye. 
“Have you met that guy before?” Shuuichi asks. 
“Only once. It was when you had classroom duties and Hinata-neesan took me to the 7-Eleven to get chicken nuggets,” Takashi explains. “We met Matoba-san while we were walking. He said he was your friend.”
“I don’t have any friends.” 
Takashi nods very seriously.
“That’s what Hinata-neesan said. She took out her pepper spray and waved it at him. I think Matoba-san thought that was funny, but he said he didn’t mean to upset her, and he left. It was the right thing to do, probably, because he didn’t have any spirits with him, and Urihime was getting annoyed that he was talking to me.”
Shuuichi feels like he’s aged thirty years in the past three minutes. He digs the heels of his hands into his eyes hard enough that there are spots in his vision when he looks up again. 
“Takashi, listen,” he says, “stay away from him. If he ever approaches you for any reason, tell me about it, okay? Promise?”
He holds out his pinky. Takashi rolls his eyes, much too grown up at eight years old for things like this, but he hooks his finger around Shuuichi’s gamely. 
“Whoever lies has to swallow a thousand needles,” they recite together, and then Shuuichi ruffles Takashi’s hair again just to make him squawk. 
“Sorry about that, boys,” Takuma says when he comes back. 
He pauses in the doorway and his bandaged face creases in a smile to see them rough-housing playfully, Takashi struggling to free himself from Shuuichi’s headlock, the tense atmosphere from before banished like an errant spirit.
“Bring those scrolls with you to the kitchen,” Takuma says warmly, “and I’ll help however I can.”
Seiji can think whatever he wants about Takuma, but the man is clever. By the time Shuuichi and Takashi are ready to leave, packed up with a leftover pizza and some cookies for the road, they’ve puzzled out the array that they were stuck on and Shuuichi managed to make a paperman fly. 
Takuma had looked over the notes he’d taken ruefully. He couldn’t help but absorb some of the practices for himself as he helped the boys study them, and clearly he felt guilty about that. Shuuichi leaned forward across the table and caught his eye. 
I trust you, he wanted to say. You’re the closest thing I’ve ever had to a father. But there was absolutely no way Shuuichi could say something like that. Not out loud, with his mouth, where someone might hear him. 
“Clan trade or not, if you’re ever in danger and any of this paper magic could help you, I want you to use it,” he said instead. “No secret is worth keeping if it means you get hurt. Right, Takashi?” 
“Right,” Takashi piped up, his little voice clear and bright in that sunny kitchen. He was watching intently as his paperman wobbled precariously across the table, trying to carry a note to a delighted Tsukiko, and didn’t bother looking up even as he added, “It’s just paper, ojisan.”
“Yeah, ojisan,” Shuuichi teased laughingly. 
Takuma rolled his eyes, but gave in with a smile, as if he couldn’t help but be charmed by their noisy, obtrusive presence in his home. For a second, even though he was clearly the one who had gone out of his way to help them—wasting an entire day working with them on magic he didn’t fully approve of them studying in the first place, an entire day he should have spent recuperating—Takuma looked as though they were the ones who had done him a favor, just by being there. 
“What did Seiji mean when he said you had good eyes?” Shuuichi will remember to ask his brother a little later, when they’re walking home. 
“Oh, I guess because I noticed the weird mark on his face,” Takashi says. 
“Weird mark? What did it look like?”
Takashi hums thoughtfully, glancing around. He trots off the road a little bit to pick up a stick, then crouches in the dirt and starts drawing a strange, crooked symbol. Shuuichi leans over him to watch.
It’s not a symbol he’s ever seen before. Yokai writing, if he had to guess. 
“What does it mean?” he asks the shiki. 
Sasago drifts over and inspects the drawing, her face giving nothing away. 
“‘Something owed,’” she translates after a moment. “I think the closest human word would be ‘debt’.”
“Huh,” Shuuichi says. He offers Takashi a hand and hauls the kid back upright, frowning thoughtfully. “And you said it was on his face?” 
“Yup, above his right eye. Didn’t you see it?” A thread of anxiety works its way into Takashi’s voice that Shuuichi is quick to smother. 
“I didn’t have my glasses on,” he says smoothly, “so I must have missed it. You know your eyes are better than mine.”
Takashi grins up at him, appeased, and they spend the rest of the walk playing with bits of talisman paper. It’s habit by now to keep their pockets stuffed full of scraps. Shuuichi manages to make a couple of them fly, and Takashi claps his hands together in glee every time.
To anyone who might be watching, it probably looks like the wind is catching the scraps and lifting them out of their hands instead of the shaky first steps of magic it really is. There won’t be anything to question about the sight of two brothers, taking their time getting home to a place where no one is waiting for them, laughing and jumping as they try to catch those floating pieces of paper.
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
Things You Do Together
My dad is currently making me sit through the Jefferey Epstein documentary so I’m struggling a bit but I FINALLY got this out ;-;
You had always adored taking nighttime strolls through the city, but you’d always gone alone. Now that you had Naruto you were hoping that could change. You were a bit nervous at first, your boyfriend always seemed exhausted when he got home and you didn’t want him to lose sleep he so desperately needed.
When you did eventually ask, he thought the idea was great, in fact, he wanted to go out that very night. You were thrilled, to say the least. The one you loved was walking with you under the stars. Plus, there was something about the way he was softer and quieter on these nights, letting you see a new part of him.
He really did love their midnight walks, every time he saw your happiness, your wide smiles under the gleam of the moon… he couldn’t help but fall more in love with you each time. These were both of your favorite times, you guys got to see each other, and the city, in a different light, figuratively and literally.
Everyone who knew about you and Sasuke’s relationship assumed you guys bonded over training exercises and had sparring dates. That much was true when you first met and when your relationship was new, but now you guys had a completely different activity that brought you closer.
You thought your habit was kind of geeky at first; sometimes you’d tap out your thoughts in morse code on whatever surface was closest. It hadn’t taken long for Sasuke to realize that the tapping wasn’t just a random pattern, and he needed to know.
Needless to say, you guys had a lot of fun tapping out conversations and then gasping like “WHAT?!” while your friends assumed you two had finally lost it. Eventually, morse code didn’t challenge either you enough (not that your unique habit stopped) and you guys began to study and learn codes together. Not only was it fun, but it was helpful for missions.
You guys even managed to get the basics for sign language and often used that as well. You both were competitive and eager learners, so it really suited you both.
The stoic mask that Neji wore in public, was non-existent when he was with you. Things that no one imagined him doing had actually become his hobby, thanks to you.
No one really questioned how Neji’s skin stayed flawless. Not a single pimple, zit, or blemish of any kind. You’d been begging him to tell you his skincare routine because there was no way that was natural.
But as you spent more time with him, you’d realized his skin wasn’t as perfect as you thought; he was prone to dry skin. Oh, you had a field day when he walked into your home, horrified at the sheer amount of face masks you had in your living room.
After a few times, Neji started to see the results of the masks and other treatments. His skin was the healthiest it’d ever been. The two of you did a lot of research on skincare, and it became an official thing for your guys. At least two days a week you’d get together and have your ‘self-care day’.
Because seriously? There’s nothing cuter than Neji with his hair in a messy bun and a green mask on his face.
As lazy as Shika was, he tried his best to put effort into spending time with you. Even though the two of you had initially connected over being lazy, you guys had come a long way and had found other ways to entertain yourself.
It was his idea really, he had always had a fascination with baking but had never taken it up because all the work was a drag. You were thrilled when he asked you about it, though. Cooking was one of your strong suits and you two spent the whole day in the kitchen. He didn’t mind in the slightest, however, you were so excited to be spending time with him, plus you were a great cook.
His favorite part was definitely eating the treats with you, you both felt so accomplished after a good day and you had taken to donating fresh goods to those in need. His friends were surprised, to be honest, they’d never expect him to go out of his way to work out and do such things.
What could he say? You were changing him slowly for the better.
Contrary to popular knowledge, Kiba didn’t take Akamaru everywhere. The two of you had made it a regular thing to go swimming, just you and Kiba, lazing around in the water under the bright sun.
Just like a dog, if it involved water, Kiba was down. The two of you would spend hours swimming and playing around in the water together. At first, it was spontaneous and neither of you did much preparation, but it quickly became a Thing™. You packed snacks, water guns, toys, you name it, you had it.
You knew the best fishing spots, the times that the lake/beach/river would be empty or packed… the two of you went all out for this hobby. It was a workout, but it was also fun and playful, as well as romantic, in its own way. (Akamaru tries not to be jealous)
Before you say gardening- (WRONG) Gaara loves stargazing. When he was a child, he was always alone and he would watch the stars and constellations because they were the only things that stayed with him. *sob* However, when he watches them with you, it’s different. He used to wish on the stars, wish that he’d have his own personal star in his life.
In short, stargazing with you means a lot because he wished on those stars for you. You’re his star, his sun, his life, and he wants you to know it. The two of you will usually lay on the roof of your home or the Kazekage building, whichever is more convenient.
Gaara has the habit of talking to the stars the way some people do to people’s gravestones, but only after you fall asleep. Due to his insomnia, he might not sleep until a while after you, if at all so he contents himself with holding you and keeping you safe.
Okay if you’ve seen Kakashi’s Tragic Back Story™ you know he was cooking himself gourmet meals before we were out of our chicken nugget and fries for every meal stage. So he’s definitely the Bobby Flay of Konoha and he still loves to cook.
It’s become a thing for you two to hold regular cooking competitions. (Pakkun judges) Although it’s a lot of fun, you two take it seriously. A three-course meal, you have to have all your supplies prepared before the competition and no outside help.
It’s a great way to keep a playful element in your relationship and also to be sure you always have food (cause Kakashi can’t take care of himself). Sometimes, on your more competitive nights, the competition ends up being a food fight that he always seems to win.
Nagato, when he was younger and was first was on his own, met a dog he named Chibi and was very fond of him. The dog ended up killed not long after and that was another tragedy that pushed him to closer to the edge.
However, animals, dogs especially, remind him of happier times. So, whenever he wasn’t too busy, he would take you to Amegakure and go to various animal shelters to visit the pets.
Both of you knew the animals would never go back with you (Hidan liked to sacrifice animals, Kakuzu would throw a fit, and Sasori would fight the decision) but it was nice and calming to be around the cute pets. Pein was oftentimes softer and more open during these visits and he was looser with his speech and mannerisms.
By the time you left, you always felt more connected to him. It was always a great day when the two of you went.
It’s easy to forget since he was forced to grow up so fast as he was recruited to the Akatsuki from anywhere to 11-15. Something I believe he would enjoy due to his childish personality is building forts.
He has a creative streak a mile wide and he would pull all the stops to make a fort palace. Kakzuzu nearly has a heart attack when he sees how much was spent on blankets and pillows.
The two of you spend hours changing the living room into a massive fort with a minibar, an art nook, and many other mini rooms. You and Deidara will spend the night in there just doing teen things, all the things you were missing out on.
At first, Hidan and Kisame had no qualms about messing up your creation but they quickly learned to hold your hobby as sacred as you did when their room was destroyed.
In short, the two of you are able to be kids together and bring the inner child out of you to two.
718 notes · View notes
Bring your Daughter to Court Day and Dad Friends
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Summary: Rafael tries to multitask, miscommunicating the date he direly needs a sitter to Lucia, which means Catalina has to accompany him to court last minute. He manages to maintain his serious demeanor as well as he can, rewarding the well behaved little one with ice cream and a trip to the park. Suddenly, Rafael realizes he doesn’t have dad friends, and the opportunity arises to gain one. 
Pairings: Rafael Barba x OC
First Part - Second Part -Third Part - Fourth Part - Fifth Part - Sixth Part
A/N: This installation also partially based off of @teamsladsandgents​ ask a couple weeks ago that Down A Sitter was based on.
How had his mother forgotten she was supposed to babysit? Apparently, it was because Rafael Barba sent March 18 instead of 8, probably while he was making Catalina’s lunch and thinking that was the time for an email. Now, his mother was in Florida with Enrique, and he was without a sitter because Rebecca, Al, and Rodney were on the trip together. He could probably take her to Olivia’s, have Lucy watch her, but there wasn’t time to do that and make it to the courthouse. Lucia lived too far away. That left him with one option, and it was one he wasn’t sure he liked.
It was another defense case, a pillar of the community who killed his daughter’s abuser. It was all heat of the moment; the bastard had shown up on his step looking for Brendon’s daughter, the one he’d raped and left nearly dead. The other women? The ones he hadn’t dated? They hadn’t been lucky enough for the nearly. In minutes, he’d shot him, calling the police on himself. Olivia had convinced him to take it. And now it looked like he’d have company.
“Mija, how good can you be if papi brings you to work?” Her eyes lit up as she looked up at him.
“I can be so good, papi! I’ll help.”
“I’d just need you to be very, very quiet. That’ll be the best.”
“But I want to help.”
“You have to protect papi’s briefcase,” he fibbed, thankful selective defense work meant he just needed the file within it.
“I can,” she nodded seriously. He fastened her into her car seat, kissing her forehead and getting to the courthouse. He was grateful he could transition the necessities to a less full suitcase, leaving behind spare pens and pads of paper and only taking the file, a couple of pens, snacks, a bottle, the ipad, and her coloring book and box of crayons. Consolidating made him feel less messy. Most people at the courthouse didn’t know the dad side of him, and even as he relaxed, he hadn’t quite shaken the reputation he earned as a prosecutor. Now, he was clad in one of his dark three piece suits with a bright tie and suspenders, just like everyone was used to, the same briefcase in his hand. What they weren’t used to was the little girl with his eyes settled on his hip, clad in bright pink leggings and a white sweater with her arms wrapped tight around her father’s shoulders.
“Can I help you with something?” he asked, brow raised as he shifted Catalina to walk through the metal detector. Her blanket was clutched in her hand from the car still, and she held it from the floor, carefully walking through.
“Cute kid,” the guard asked. This was one who’d been here forever, and he seemed surprised. 
“Thank you.” He picked Catalina up again, briefcase by his side. He’d developed more muscle definition in his arms than he’d ever had since Rebecca went back to work. Catalina refused to walk, and he enjoyed fatherhood too much to make her. 
“If you’re good until we leave, we’ll get the biggest sundae you’ve ever had, mija,” he reminded her during an empty stretch of hallway. Catalina nodded seriously up at him, and he smiled more fondly than he intended, nodding to his client. He’d sent a text of warning, but the older man just gave him a grin.
“Taylor was a daddy’s girl too. Thank you, Mr. Barba. I know you could have tried to continue this.”
“I don’t want to draw this out for you anymore, I assure you. If it means unorthodox company, so be it. We may be waiting for a while.” 
He settled the coloring book on his briefcase, and Catalina sat on the bench beside it, using it like a makeshift desk. He entrusted Brandon to watch her while he stepped to the clerk.
“How long is the wait running for The People vs Aerie?” he asked, and he remembered why he didn’t like this one.
“Who’s the cutie?” she asked, popping her gum as she slowly looked at the docket.
“I asked a question,” he said impatiently. He didn’t want this day to be about his child. He wasn’t even sure he liked sharing her with work. The divide, save the friendships he’d made, was too deep. Fin, Amanda, Liv, and Carisi were one thing. Everyone else? He was fine without them. 
“Geeze, I’m just wondering if she’s your niece or somethin’. It’s hot seeing a man with a kid.”
“She’s my daughter. Her mother is out of town and there was miscommunication with the sitter.”
“I didn’t know you were married, counsellor.”
“Please just give me an estimate.”
“Couple hours. I’ll bump you as far up as I can.”
“Thank you.”
He turned to see Catalina chatting happily to Brandon, and he thought it might be a blessing she was here. Brandon hadn’t been handling things well. Sure, he was handling things better than Rafael had; he let his wife and daughter be there for him. But he was also treating himself as less worthy now, grappling with the reality that he’d ended a life even if he didn’t regret doing it. He’d confided in Rafael as they prepped that he worried he was never going to be good again. That’s when Rafael did something that confirmed the change in him: he was vulnerable with him. They talked about something not many people had in common. Ending a life changes you, and though they did it for different reasons, both felt they’d done what they needed. 
“She’s smart as hell,” Brandon chuckled, watching Catalina color. “And looks exactly like you.”
“I’m very fortunate. Her, not so much,” he joked, hand resting on her back as he sat back down so she was between the pair of them. 
“Cute co-counsel,” Carisi said, stopping by. 
“Mr. Sonny!” Catalina grinned, and Rafael almost grinned. Carisi, while Rafael would always give him hell, attended their church, was overall a good guy and attorney, and had become one of Catalina’s chosen few during playdates with Jessie and Billie Rollins. He’d even been babysitter one Saturday night to give Rebecca and Rafael a night off, so he was developing soft spot for the young ADA. 
“Cat!” he grinned, leaning down and hugging her. Catalina didn’t let go, and Sonny put his briefcase down to hold her for a minute. “What are you doing here?”
“Protecting papi’s briefcase!” Catalina spoke well for her age, but he was going to miss the staccato of her toddler chatter. Carisi and the abuelitas and the squad could all understand her easily. They all had enough experience with kids. There had always been a delay between her words and his replies at first. Words would break up or run together, and he’d have to process things. Now it didn’t matter how she strung the noises together; he got it as easily as Rebecca.
“Wow, big responsibilities, kiddo. I gotta go to court. I’ll see you soon, okay?” he grinned, ruffling Catalina’s hair before she climbed back to the bench and leaned against Rafael. He was proud that his daughter hurried to his side when she wanted protection from the strange place and people around them. It made him feel like he was doing something right. The clerk, as annoying as she was, did get them moved up, and Rafael carried Catalina in, setting her on the bench directly behind his seat. After a few moments, she got nervous, standing and leaning against the bannister as everyone got settled. Rafael quietly urged her to sit as everyone settled in, looking over the file before him. She didn’t, looking around at the busy courtroom, and he set his mouth in a line, picking her up and fighting the urge to smile as her arms wrapped around his shoulders and her head came to rest on his shoulder.
“Do you need a continuance, Mr. Barba?” the judge asked. He’d been in front of this judge before. Last time, it was as a prosecutor in the Martha Hobbs case. He supposed that was why there was a tone of amusement in his voice. There goes whatever reputation he had left, but it didn’t bother him like he expected. 
“Not at all,” he said breezily. Suddenly, he realized he’d perfected that parental stance. The one where fingers laced around the toddler on his hip, but he could still take back a hand to turn pages and write notes. He’d always thought it was some kind of magic when Liv did it with Noah. “Shall we move ahead with Mr. Aerie’s arraignment?”
“Of course. Nothing unusual here.” Rafael fought the urge to roll his eyes, cutting his eyes to the ADA for this case covering a laugh. He was just glad it wasn’t Carisi this time.
“He’s weird,” Catalina whispered, well aware of how to keep her voice quiet enough only her father could hear her. He squeezed her gently, the corner of his mouth tugging up. Soon enough, Brandon was being escorted to pay bail, and Catalina had commented on the whole affair. She’d done much better than he’d expected, so he knew he’d be taking her for ice cream. His biggest worry had been the courtroom with it’s crowded benches, but she’d settled in just fine on his hip. 
It was still strange to him the way he could be a source of comfort for her, and he felt the weight of responsibility in the best way. She trusted him implicitly, looked for him when she needed comfort. Sure, she’d leave his side for a friend, but she’d always want to come back and climb onto his lap. It struck him again how unimaginable his father’s behavior was. In fact, he’d thought about it a lot as he took care of Catalina, especially the past few days with Rebecca gone. His first instinct with her was never anger. Occasional frustration with a tantrum, but she was learning to understand the world and needed him to make some part of it safe and consistent, not scary and volatile.
“Bye Mr. Aerie,” she said softly as they parted ways, Brandon’s wife ecstatic to get him home. Taylor was still in the hospital, and they’d be spending the night by her side. This case made him wish he could keep Catalina with him forever, safe from the kind of people he’d seen in his tenure at SVU. She wrapped around his knees on the steps of the courthouse as he answered questions. Media moved on, and they didn’t want to examine him anymore. They just wanted the statement and to follow Brandon into the waiting car. He would’ve held his daughter close, but he didn’t want her face plastered on the news. Rafael didn’t leave the Aeries until the SUV’s door closed, Catalina’s hand held in his. Once they were gone, he scooped her up and started towards the ice cream parlor he knew was only a couple of blocks away.
“You were very good today, mija,” he smiled gently, kissing the top of her head. “I think we ought to go for a walk and get you some ice cream.”
“Really?” she asked, and her smile was wide enough he could not say no if he wanted.
“Really,” he nodded, laughing as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Gracias, papi!”
A long time ago, he would have tried to maintain the composure and seriousness from inside the courthouse until he was far from where anyone could see him this relaxed. Now he was adjusting his briefcase, as his daughter told him all about what she wanted on her ice cream. She wouldn’t take a nap that afternoon after the amount of sugar he was about to give her, but he had a feeling the grin he’d get, her face covered in melted chocolate and ice cream, would be worth it.
“Ms. Olivia!” Catalina’s voice made him follow her gaze, seeing Liv making her way to the courthouse. 
“So that’s how you got Brandon moved up the docket.”
“I added a one to the date when I texted mami to babysit while Becs is gone,” he said, mouth set in a line again. He didn’t like the fact this story was both unavoidable and going to be told forever.
“So Cat got to come to court?”
“Al and Rodney are with Becs. Mami is in Florida.”
“I was so good,” Catalina said proudly. “And Mr. Brandon got bailed.”
“Recognizance didn’t work?” she asked.
“He has the means to flee. But the bail is minimal. We’re going to get ice cream.”
“Because I was so good,” Catalina added, face serious as she nodded.
“You were, mija. Say bye to Oliva.” 
Soon, they were sitting at a table in the ice cream shop, and there was far more ice cream in front of Catalina than Rebecca would ever approve of. He’d originally said one scoop, any toppings, but then she asked with wide eyes if she could get three flavors. Normally, he’d try to say no, but not today. She’d been good at the courthouse, plus he was the one she inherited her sweet tooth from. They’d gotten four scoops and every topping she wanted with an agreement she’d share with papi. He’d almost teared up when she said I always share with papi. Almost. But now he was taking a picture of them together, trying to decide how much he hated that he took selfies now. But, he only took selfies like this, of him sitting in a low booth with Catalina beside him and the massive sundae between them. Surely, that didn’t count? He sent it to Rebecca anyway.
Guess who was an angel in court. We miss you, mami.
Certainly not the hot one. Proud of her. I miss you both terribly.
What time do you get home tonight?
Eleven. The boys are dropping me off. And I’m guessing that sugar means you’ll both be up.
I’ll be up either way. Te amo, hermosa. I hope the trip has been good to you.
I love you, handsome. It has been, but I miss my family.
“Should we video call mami when we get home?” he asked when sticky hands had been cleaned as they walked back to the car. He saw familiar faces passing them by, giving nods as they approached the courthouse they’d parked near. 
“Yeah!” she nodded eagerly, and Rafael could see the energy hitting her. 
“Or maybe we call her from the park? Then you can play! Run around and swing and slide.” He was humming each activity, pressing kisses to the top of her head. He hadn’t taken her to Central Park yet, and he’d been to the Billy Johnson Playground on the east side with Olivia and Noah when she’d needed a friend. It looked like an old part of the nature around it, making him think of the stories Catalina was so fond of. She liked gnomes and cottages in the woods lately, and the little park fit right in. Plus, the focus was more on what she could run on and climb, but still with the swing he could push her on when she got tired. When she did get tired, he could rest with her at the little gazebo and feel secluded and out of the city.
Maybe they needed a vacation.
“Yes!” she giggled, hugging his neck. He smiled, stopping at the car to order an Uber. To and from court was all the driving he intended to do. He traded his briefcase for the diaper bag, leaving his vest and blazer now that the day had warmed up and tucked one of the blankets Rebecca insisted was in case of emergency in the diaper bag. 
“We’re going to a really special park.”
“Why’s it special?”
“You know the pretty one the zoo is at?”
“Papi knows a cool playground there. It looks like gnomes live there.”
“That is cool,” she said, her excitement apparent. He loaded them into the car, ever grateful to not have to drive, and tipped generously when the driver was kind enough to drop them off away from the zoo. As soon as they were in the park, Catalina wanted down, her hand in his as they walked along the path.  When they got to the little gazebo, he stopped, and Catalina looked up at him quizzically.
“Want to call mami from here?” She lit up, pulling herself to stand on the bench he sat on. Rebecca was packing up, he knew, so he wasn’t surprised when she answered quickly, blowing her hair from her face. When she fully registered it was them, she grinned. 
Rebecca was relieved to see the day really must be going well. Catalina was giddy, blue from what Rebecca guessed was cotton candy ice cream staining the cuff of her sweater as she pushed her hair back. Rafael was smiling, the one that showed his teeth and crinkled his eyes. They still hadn’t been home, but the image of Rafael in the dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, his tie and suspenders featuring the same shade of pink as their daughters pants was perfection. She wasn’t sure he realized how often he did it, but she didn’t want him to stop matching their daughter so she’d never tell. 
“You guys seem like you’re having fun! Maybe it’s good papi can’t type.” This time Rafael laughed because he was kind of thankful for his snafu. This weekend was only his third or fourth time out and about with Catalina for more than a trip to the park or run to the grocery store. This weekend, they’d gone to a museum and church on their own, and now they were having another daddy daughter day. He liked it. 
“Papi and I had...lunch....that wasn’t ice cream. And now we’re at a special playground!”
“The Billy Johnson Playground at Central Park. I’ll take pictures for you, mami.”
“You two will have fun. You’ll have to show it to me one day.”
“Secret park!” Catalina said seriously and his smile grew broader, arm around her middle. 
“Maybe we can show mami this part before?”
“Deal.” They said their goodbyes soon enough, Rebecca heading to the airport. He watched as Catalina walked just a couple of steps ahead, looking back over her shoulder to be sure he was there. Her eyes lit up when she saw the park, and Rafael was glad to see there were other kids her age there. They hadn’t quite found her a group of friends her own age; Fin’s grandson, Jaden, was one of only a couple, and Rafael didn’t know the other two well. He stayed close to her as she hurried to the climbing set, taking pictures and sending them on to Rebecca. Mostly, moms and nannies were there, and he felt slightly out of place. When he was in groups of parents, he always found himself wondering who knew. Shifting awkwardly, he nodded towards them and went back to watching his daughter with a fond smile.
She’d found two sisters, one her age and one who looked to be about five. The older girl was helping the younger two navigate the playset, leading them to slides and climbing nets easily. Each time Catalina looked unsteady on her feet, which was often given her age, he wanted to scoop her up, but apparently it was important to let her take a tumble or two. Rafael didn’t like that idea or the fact that they had to keep bandages in the diaper bag. Luckily, the time she did fall, landing on her rear with her legs out, the older of her new friends laughed and helped her up. 
“I’m guessing white sweater is yours?” a man asked, and he chuckled. 
“Her new friends are mine. Flower pants and leopard dress.”
“They made friends fast.”
“Is she into princesses and fairy tales?”
“Yeah. Especially gnomes right now?”
“Sarah is my eldest. She’s obsessed with Fairies.”
“Makes sense. Catalina like fairies too.”
“She and Megan look the same age?”
“Two and a half?”
“Right on,” he chuckled. “I’m Hank.”
“Rafael. I think we’re the only dads here today.”
“Yeah. It’s normally just me during the day when we’re here. I’m a writer, so I can stay home while my wife’s at work. You’re all dressed up though. I’m guessing this isn’t your normal day?”
“I’m an attorney, but I work from home.”
“How does that work?” 
“I work with the Innocence Project. Meetings with defendants are Mondays. I can do the paperwork and brief writing from home. Then court when needed. I take defense work on occasion, like today. Sitter fell through so Cat had to come. My girlfriend is a teacher, and she snuck off with her friends for a long weekend.”
“My wife’s a school librarian. We picked those educators, huh?”
“Apparently.” It felt so normal to be talking to him, and Rafael thought to himself maybe he could have a dad friend now. His friends from Harvard and the DA’s office and SVU had kids, but they’d always have been work colleagues first. There was no erasing what they’d seen together, the tension over cases, the Householder case. Hank seemed nice enough, and they had similar lives. At least they could team up on park trips since it turned out their usual stomping grounds overlapped. 
God, Hank looked like a writer though. He had on a thick flannel over a t-shirt, and tattoos peaked out of the rolled up sleeves. Slim fit jeans and black sneakers, the cool kind not the functional kind, just rounded it out. He was tall and lanky and younger than him, and Rafael suddenly felt he could be Catalina, Megan and Sarah’s grandfather. Hell, he technically could. Still, he was new to this, and he supposed most men in their fifties weren’t settling down with a partner for the first time and raising their first child. Besides, Hank was probably still a little older than Rebecca.
“Megan scraped her knee,” Sarah said, running over to the two men, followed by Catalina holding the hand of teary Megan. 
“Dad, that’s a bad word.”
“Shoot,” Hank corrected. “I forgot the bag.”
“I’ve got bandages. Princess ones,” Rafael said, digging the box from the diaper bag. “There’s neosporin in there too.”
Catalina climbed on Rafael’s lap, and he could tell by how she laid back against him that he had succeeded; she was tired out. Rafael didn’t want to go yet, able to hear Hank saying they’d head home once Megan was patched up. Was making friends as an adult always so much like asking for a girl’s number was when he was younger? He hadn’t been a dad for long, only a few months. Maybe having someone other than Rebecca he could call during tantrums and long days would be good?
“Hey, before everyone heads out, maybe we can all meet at the park again sometime? The girls seemed to really get along.”
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Hank said, digging out his phone and handing it to Rafael. “Put your number in. I haven’t made many dad friends who aren’t also writers or don’t have traditional office jobs. We’re both basically house husbands.”
“Yeah. And it’s hard.”
“Easier than it was two years ago though, right? Five’s even easier.”
“I actually only found out I was a dad in December. It’s a long story. But it’s easier now than in January.”
“We’ll delve into that at the park later this week?”
“Perfect. Do you take insurance?”
“As long as you’ve hit your deductible. Send me the pictures of the girls, okay?”
“Will do,” he nodded as they walked towards the sidewalk. He’d ordered an Uber to take he and Catalina back to his car. Soon enough, he was cooking her dinner, watching her dance around the kitchen to the soft jazz he was playing, and Rafael was grateful for the break from Disney. Not having Rebecca’s return each evening made him appreciate even more how much she’d had to do to keep their daughter happy and healthy and safe for the last two years. He needed the time he’d had to heal, but he often wished he could go back and be here to help sooner. It was his own fault. Instead of pressing the guilt down like he used to, he let himself acknowledge it, tucking it to the side instead as he settled a bowl of macaroni in front of Catalina. Once she was tucked in, he put his feet on the coffee table, working on his laptop and only pausing to send Hank the pictures he’d snapped of the girls playing. He heard Rebecca at the door at eleven, just like she’d estimated, and he hurried to meet her. 
“Heya, handsome,” she grinned, and Rafael could feel the stupid grin split his face.
“Welcome home, hermosa,” he beamed, pulling her in and kissing her deeply. 
“Missed me?” she teased as she smoothed his hair.
“Terribly,” he nodded. “I’ve been spoiled to see you every day.”
“It seems like you and Cat had a good time though?”
“Yeah. We went to the Children’s Museum Saturday. Then Sunday was mass and lazy movies. Today was hectic, but good.”
“Yeah? You two seemed happy at the park. And ice cream for lunch.”
“We had a lot of fun at the park. She made friends with two girls, Sarah and Megan. They have a playdate Thursday.”
“Oh yeah?” she chuckled. “You finally click with the playground moms?”
“Hank. He’s a writer, and his wife is a school librarian. His girls are two and five. He’s home with them most of the time.” Rebecca couldn’t help but grin at how he tried to pretend it was just convenient. 
“That’s cool. I bet it could be nice talking to non-police or court affiliated people, hm? Maybe you two could grab a beer sometime.”
“We’ll see. He’s surprisingly nice to talk to. Sarah and Megan have the same tantrums.”
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nastybuckybarnes · 4 years
More Hearts Than Mine
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Pairing: Bucky X Reader AU
Summary: Your car breaks down during a road trip, which results in Bucky finally meeting your parents, and finding out the reason why you've been so opposed to him meeting them for the past year.
Warnings: Fluff, tiny bit of angst, More Fluff
Word Count: 5.4K
A/N: Based off of the song More Hearts Than Mine by Ingrid Andress! This is just cute a fluffy with a tiny tiny bit of angst.
The spluttering of the engine makes your stomach drop.
“Aw shit,” your boyfriend mutters, pulling off to the side of the highway with his hazards on. You look around nervously as he gets out, hoping to God it’s something that a quick smack can fix.
“Looks like we’re gonna need a new part,” he says after nearly ten minutes beneath the hood, a frown on his face. You groan and put your face in your hands, more upset about where you are than the possibility of paying for a new part.
He climbs into the car beside you, keeping his door open to let the warm wind blow the stale air out your window.
So much for your romantic road trip across the country.
“C’mon. There’s gotta be a shop around here that can tow us.” You stop him as he reaches for his phone, sighing heavily.
“My uh... my folks live right around here. My dad’s a mechanic, truck and everything, he can probably come tow us out. Give us a place to stay for the night.” He raises his eyebrows at this.
He’s never met your parents.
Not because he hasn’t wanted to or hasn’t tried to, but you shoot down every attempt he makes to get closer to your family. You make excuses for holidays and birthdays, and you always seem to make plans with them on days when he’s out of town.
Funny how that works.
“Hey, stranger!” You sigh heavily and fight a smile.
“Hey, dad! I uh... I’m with James right now, he and I were just driving through the area but we’re having some car problems. He says we’re gonna need another part before it’s drivable. So I figured, since we’re on our way through town anyway, maybe he and I could come crash with you and ma for a night or two?”
The other line is silent before you hear the sound of his old truck roaring to life.
“Your mother’s already getting started on a blueberry pie for dessert. Where are you? I’ll come tow you to the shop then give you a lift home. I’m sure your mother will wanna ask you a million questions.” You sigh in relief, having missed your parents tremendously.
“Yeah, that sounds good. James and I are on the shoulder, just past Jamie’s. We were gonna stop for lunch but then our car decided to take its last breath.” Your dad laughs and you hear the beeping as he backs out of the garage.
“Alrighty kiddo. I’ll be over in a jiffy.” He hangs up and you sigh, leaning your head back against the seat for a moment before popping your eyes open and looking at your boyfriend.
“Y-you don’t mind, do you? I just... I know dad’ll give us a good deal, and ma’s been dying to meet you.” He grabs your hand and you stop talking, watching as he kisses your knuckles.
“I’ve been wanting to meet your folks for so long, Darlin’. I’m just wishing I could’ve been dressed better.” You shake your head, chuckling at him.
“You’re fine, James. Besides, my dad’s a mechanic so you’re already golden in his books. Ma’s too. She’s always been on me about being with a man who knows his way around things. And may I say that you, James Barnes, are quite the handyman.” He blushes, shaking his head at you.
The loud rumble of your father’s truck gets you out of the car, and you smile as your dad pulls up onto the side of the road in front of you, hopping out of his truck with a huge smile on his face.
“Hey Kiddo!” he shouts, throwing his arms open while walking towards you. You grin and hug him tightly.
“Hi, Dad. I’ve missed you.” He squeezes you to his chest for a moment longer before letting you go and looking at your boyfriend.
“So you must be James,” your father says, looking him up and down.
“Yes sir.” Your father purses his lips, eyeing the way your boyfriend reaches out to shake his hand.
“Nah, none of that. Come here, son.” He pulls him into a tight bear hug and you giggle at the sight.
“You've taken good care of my daughter over the past year, so we don’t need any of those formalities. We’re all family, here.” James smiles brightly at your dad and you watch the exchange with lovestruck eyes.
The two of them head over to the car and, after a couple of minutes of looking, your dad nods.
“Your boy knows what he’s talking about, kid. You two hop in the truck while I get her hooked on. I’ll drop you both off at home then take your car to the shop. Sound good?” You nod, looking up when Bucky shrugs.
“I could help you, if you’d like.” Your dad purses his lips then nods.
“Sure. Besides, I’m sure your mother has only a thousand things to ask you before she meets the newest addition to our family.” You smile tightly and nod, climbing into the truck with Bucky hot on your heels. Your dad rummages around, hooking the car up, and Bucky takes your hand gently in his.
“You okay?” He asks, noticing your discomfort. You take a deep breath then nod, smiling gently at him.
“We’ll talk about it later,” you promise, kissing his cheek gently then pulling away when your dad climbs into the truck.
“Alright, hang on. The seatbelts aren’t the best and she doesn’t run as smoothly as she used to.” The truck thunders to life and then your dad is zooming down the highway and into the small town where you grew up.
Memories fill you as you see familiar faces and places, and you feel Bucky hold your hand a little tighter.
When you rumble to a stop in front of your childhood home, you smile excitedly, happy to see your mother again.
“Alright. Tell your ma that we’ll be home before dinner.” You nod, smiling when Bucky climbs out of the truck to help you down, even though you both know you could do it by yourself with ease.
You walk up the steps and push the blue front door open, the loud squeak reminding you of running into the house late countless times.
“Ma? It’s me,” you call, kicking your shoes off and shutting the door tightly behind yourself.
You head down the short hallway to the kitchen, smiling when you see your mom scurrying around the kitchen.
“Oh Goodness! (Y/n)! Is he here?! How’s my hair?!” You giggle and shake your head, pulling her into a hug.
“James went to the shop with dad, they figure they can get the car up and running faster with the both of them working on it.” She nods, pulling away and looking you up and down.
“Oh, you look so beautiful. I’ve missed you.” Tears prick at your eyes and you nod, breathing deeply. “I’ve missed you too, Ma. Now, how about I help you make dinner?” She eyes you skeptically before nodding.
“Your apron is where it always is. Now go wash up. You can work on the pie while I get the chicken ready.” You smile, walking down the hallway to the laundry room, your apron hanging behind the door. You slip it on and immediately feel at home.
You didn’t realize how much you missed being here, doing these things.
You wash your hands then head back to the kitchen, the familiar task of blueberry pie keeping your hands busy while your mom starts grilling you.
“So why haven’t you brought James around before?” She asks. You sigh and shake your head.
“Because, Ma, you know how attached you get to them. I don’t want to hurt any more people than I’d have to if things don’t work out between the two of us.” She nods, lips pursed as if she wants to argue.
“Where were the two of you headed?” She asks, changing the subject.
“He wanted to go on a little road trip. We were gonna stop at Jamie’s for a snack, but then the car broke down before we even got to town. I figured I’d give you guys a call.” She nods, looking over at you.
“If your car hadn’t broken down, would you have called to tell us that you’re in town?” She asks. You don’t answer, hating yourself for hurting her feelings.
She puts the chicken in the oven and you turn to her, pie finished and waiting to be baked.
“Ma, it’s not that I’m ashamed, ‘cause I’m not. I just... I saw how hard it hit you guys when Brock and I didn’t work out. I don’t wanna hurt you guys like that again.”
She looks at you with glossy eyes and shakes her head, pulling you into a tight hug.
“You didn’t hurt us, sweetie. We hated to see how he hurt you. Because you deserve so much better than him. I understand you needing time, but you need to be vulnerable, and you need to trust us. And from the way you talk about him, I can already tell that James is nothing like Brock.” You sniffle, a new stray tears slipping down your cheeks. The front door opens and you quickly pull away from her, hurrying out of the kitchen and up the stairs just as your father and boyfriend enter the house.
“(Y/n)?” Bucky calls, looking up worriedly when you close a door at the top of the stairs.
He exchanges confused glances with your father before taking his shoes off and following the older man to the kitchen.
“Smells delicious, sweetheart,” your father says, pressing a kiss to your mother’s cheek. She smiles and looks at James, taking him in. From his dirty khakis, to his tight black shirt, to his tousled hair.
“You must be James. Our (Y/n) has told us all about you,” she says, pulling him into a hug. He hugs her back and smiles.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Mrs. (Y/l/n).” She giggles and shakes her head. “None of that formal stuff here, James. You’re family to us. You’ve taken good care of our (Y/n). From what I’ve heard, you’re the best thing to ever happen to her.” He feels his eyes sting at the compliments and he sighs, pulling away from the hug to look your parents in the eye.
“Your daughter has made me into the man I am today. She brings out the very best parts of me, and I’d be absolutely lost without her.” Your mother holds her hand to her chest and sniffles.
“She’s in the upstairs bathroom. We were having a little... heart-to-heart before you guys came home.” Bucky nods, excusing himself and hurrying up the stairs to find you.
He knocks on the door, his heart cracking when he hears you sniffle.
“I’ll be out in a minute.”
“(Y/n)? Doll? It’s me. Can I come in?” The door opens and he hurries inside, hugging you tightly to his chest.
“What’s wrong, pretty girl? Why the tears?” You sniffle and shake your head, clinging tightly to him.
“I just... I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed being home. I’ve missed my family, my parents.” He nods, kissing the top of your head.
“I know, doll. I know. But we’re here now. Dinner’s in the oven and I think your parents are breaking out the photo albums. So let’s head down there. I’ll be right here, okay?” You nod, wiping the tears off of your cheeks and checking your appearance in the mirror.
Bucky kisses your temple.
“You look perfect, sweetheart.” You chuckle weakly and shake your head before leaving the bathroom with him, taking a couple of deep breaths as the two of you get to the bottom of the staircase.
Your parents are sitting in the living room, photo albums all over the coffee table.
“Oh God, I thought you were kidding!” You exclaim, already embarrassed. Your parents laugh and you're quick to sit next to them, smiling when James wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you tight to his body.
You spend a good hour looking through photos, laughing and sharing memories with your boyfriend. Your parents take every chance to embarrass you, but it’s all worth it when you see James tip his head back and laugh from deep in his gut.
“Alright, everyone. Dinner’s ready.” You pull James to the table and he sits across from you while your parents each sit at one of the heads.
Your mother insists on serving everyone, and you don’t have the heart to argue with her.
The first few bites are quiet before your father starts asking about where James grew up.
“I’m from Brooklyn. Born and raised. But I’ve always wanted something like this.” He looks around wistfully and you find yourself surprised.
“Really?” Your mother asks. He nods, smiling at her.
“My dad was never around when I was growing up and my ma was always busy with work, so it was up to me to make dinner and make sure my sisters did their homework and stuff. But this? God, I love it. Your home is beautiful. And the energy here... the dynamic you have... it’s everything I wish I could’ve had. Everything I want for (Y/n) and I when we’re ready to start our own family.”
The way he says it so effortlessly makes your heart flutter and you smile softly at him.
Your mother doesn’t miss the exchange, and her heart warms at the fact that the two of you are so in love with each other.
The rest of dinner goes by with little conversations that don’t feel forced, but flow naturally, as if this is a regular occurrence and not the first time your boyfriend is meeting your parents.
You and James clean up after dinner and dessert, him washing dishes while you dry and put away.
When the last plate is put in its place, you lean against the counter and watch him dry his hands.
His eyes meet yours and he wiggles his brows. You giggle and shake your head, smacking him with the dishtowel. He grabs it and tugs, forcing you to move closer to him. He steps closer to you and tilts your chin up with two fingers before pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
“I love you,” he whispers, smiling at the way your eyes soften.
“I love you too.” You kiss him once more then hug him tightly, closing your eyes and relaxing in his hold. Your parents stand in the doorway with proud smiles on their faces.
They leave to give you guys some privacy, but you break apart a few moments later. You walk into the living room hand-in-hand, and your mother smiles.
"Your father was just talking about getting a bonfire going. How does that sound?" You smile and look up at Bucky with hopeful eyes. He gazes down at you as if you're the only thing in the world.
"That sounds perfect," you whisper, looking back at your parents with a lovesick grin on your face.
The four of you head outside to sit around the fire pit, and Bucky is quick to get up and help your dad get the fire going.
"I see the way you look at him," your mother whispers. You glance over at her, brows furrowed in confusion.
"It's the same way I look at your father. You're in love with that boy. Absolutely smitten. And he looks at you the same way. Hell, the way he looks at you, you'd think you hung the moon and all the stars in the sky." You giggle, embarrassment making you look down.
"You deserve him, (Y/n). He's a good guy, that much I can tell already. And he cares about you so dearly. The way he talks about having a future... a family... with you. It's like it's a normal thing for him, something he wouldn't even think twice about. You deserve each other, and I know that the two of you make each other happy." You nod, watching as he walks back over to you, wiping some woodchips off of his hands and onto his pants. He plops himself down on the old, worn-down couch right next to you, his arm instinctively going around your shoulders.
You lean your head against his shoulder, thinking about everything your ma said while he talks to your father about something.
You must doze off at some point because when you open your eyes the fire is dying and you're being scooped up into your boyfriend's arms. You curl up against his chest and he chuckles, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
"You guys will be staying in the guest bedroom. It's the second door on the right," your mother whispers, opening the back door for James. He brings you upstairs and gently lays you down on the bed. You relax and let him help you out of your clothes, digging through the bags that he brought back with your father until he finds one of your favourite shirts. It's a simple black shirt, but his scent clings to it no matter how many times you wash it.
He helps you change into it then strips down to his boxers and a t-shirt, climbing into bed beside you.
You immediately cuddle up against him, pressing your forehead against his chest.
"You okay, doll? You seemed upset earlier." You nod, taking a deep breath of the scent that is so purely Bucky.
"I was nervous, that's all. My folks... they get attached quick. Hell, my ma falls in love faster than I do. And the last time I brought a boy home... When I thought him and I were gonna be together forever... he hurt me. And he hurt my parents. They'd grown so attached that they missed him as much as I did. I didn't want to put anyone through added heartache... in case you and I didn't work out," you mumble.
He kisses the top of your head and sighs. "I understand why you did it doll. Hell, seeing your parents... I would wanna keep them safe too. But I'm not gonna hurt you. I know that Brock fucked you up, but I'm not like him. I care about you, and I care about your family, too. They accepted me so quick... I've never had a family like that."
You push yourself onto your elbow and watch as he takes a deep breath.
"My pa...  he was a drunk. Always drinkin' every hour of the day. One day my ma kicked him out and we never heard from him again. She had to pick up extra shifts at the hospital to pay the bills, so I took over raising my sisters. Hell, when I was old enough I got a job and helped her with the bills so she could relax a bit." Your heart cracks as he tells you the tragic tale of his childhood again.
"Now 'm not sayin' this to make you feel bad. 'Cause I don't regret a single thing that happened in my childhood. I wouldn't trade it for the world. It made me the man I am today and it made me so that when I come into your house... when you parents welcome me with open arms... I don't take that lightly." He sniffles then clears his throat, blinking back tears.
"James, my parents love you. They adore you. You'll always be welcome here and you'll always have a place here." He hugs you tightly and you feel wet tears drop against your head.
"I love you, James. So much. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"I love you, (Y/n). I... I honestly don't know where I'd be without you."
The two of you fall asleep holding each other in your childhood bedroom, the memories in the room going deep than the wallpaper.
It's a few days later when the two of you are finally back on the road, heading out with a trunk full of leftovers and knickknacks that your mother insisted you two take.
He has your hand tight in his the whole drive, windows down while the radio plays the top hits from the 90s.  You sing along, hair blowing in the wind as you vibe, the love of your life driving down the highway, thanking his lucky stars that he found you and that you chose him.
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gretelsfifthcousin · 2 years
Demonic Devastation
(Transcribed directly from the game, errors included.)
Far off in the remotest reaches of the ocean stands an archipelago that has fallen into the hands of wretched Hypogeans. Seirus, on his oceanic patrol, heard word of this place and decided to call in his old friend, Gorvo, to join him in investigating the matter. If the rumor happens to be true, then his trusty weapon will ensure the Hypogeans meet a fitting end.
Seirus: My friend, it’s time to wake up. Don’t forget, there are important things awaiting us today.
Gorvo: I know I know. But Seirus, you best be glad you’re my friend. If anyone else woke me from such a good dream, they’d be thrown into the sea.
Seirus: Hahaha, sure sure, that face of yours could frighten the life out of people. Still, our priority right now is helping our companions. We must eradicate or drive the Hypogeans from our waters.
Gorvo: You mean… Sorry, I think I’m still a little sleep-addled. You me
an this new companion who is joining us, or… do you mean this group of local folks is planning on taking the Hypogeans down themselves?
Seirus: Looks like you’re finally awake enough to have realized we do have one more among our number! And to answer your question, yes to both!
Another small squad is setting out to deal with the Hypogeans today.
We will be among them.
Memorial Stele: The bodies of those who have been killed by the Hypogeans may disappear with the passage of time, but their souls will be with us eternally. Option: Place flowers
Resident: Most of the townsfolk live here. It’s a hard life, they take each day as it comes, working hard for a brighter tomorrow.
Resident: There have been many brave souls who tried to destroy the Hypogeans, but none have ever made it.
May Dura protect you.
Small Town Shop: This is the only shop in town that is still operating.
Small-time Merchant: Are you the great heroes that are gonna wipe the Hypogeans off the face of the planet!? Whatever you need, just ask! Don’t worry about money either, mom will make sure you get what you need!
Seirus: Ahahaha! The hero is whoever defeats the Hypogean! We’re just plain old normal folk, like you.
Small-time Merchant: Mom said anyone that goes out to destroy the Hypogeans is a hero, just like my dad was! He went to fight a long time ago, wanting to end this awful situation we’re in.
That was… the last time I ever saw him… I’m sorry! I shouldn’t be bringing that up. 
Gorvo: No harm done, kid. If we hear of any news about your dad, we’ll be sure to fill you in when we’re back.
Small-time Merchant: Really? If we had some good news, perhaps mom would stop crying every day… Thank you, great heroes! May Dura grant you protection!
Home: The hut has always been kept clean and tidy, with the faint scent of meals wafting out of it. It is a place where you can always feel warm and safe.
Mother: You plan on departing so soon? ...In that case, let me quickly make you some snacks.
Seirus: Madam, you needn’t trouble yourself like this. We’d rather know more about the Hypogean, if there’s anything you can tell us.
Mother: I don’t know if there’s anything more I can add… In the early days of the First Hypogean War, our forefathers left their hometowns, fleeing the war to settle here. They lived on these seven islands peacefully.
They originally intended to return home after the war, but not long after all that, a powerful Hypogean came out to sea and settled its very own island nearby. The awful beast’s minions would make sport of the local folk, just like those our forebears fled from.
The settlers of the seven islands quickly constructed cannons, acting with all haste to avoid detection by the Hypogeans, planning to work together to overcome the evil creatures. But it wasn’t long before the Hypogeans soon found us, and began to assail our seven islands.
Unfortunately, not only were those seven cannons destroyed, but countless people were killed and injured. After everything that transpired, the few of us left alive came here, far from the Hypogean’s grasp.
Despite that, evidence of Hypogean activity began appearing on the shore. Squad after squad of warriors were sent out to sea, aiming to crush the Hypogean, but none of them were ever seen again.
Gorvo: Hmm that’s… Seirus, what’s your take?
Seirus: Oh, that’s a truly heart-rendering tale.
Mother: I never expected my own child to be one of the brave ones embarking on this task… I know I ought to be gushing with pride, but, forgive me. As a mother, I can’t be happy about this.
I’ve readied your boat, it’s on the beach. My only hope is that you effortlessly bring down those wretched Hypogeans. Look after each other. My child is depending on you…
Gorvo: Please don’t fret, madam. With us here, the Hypogeans are already as good as gone.
(If you interact with the Home once again)
Mother: Once, those that embarked on this path were truly committed, yet, they all…
Fisherman's Home: A fisherman lives here. Strangely, there's no food or day-to-day living tools around. There's just a fishing rod.
(If you attempt to disembark from the beach)
Your boat isn't ready for you yet.
Gorvo: Who could've foreseen the first step would falter.
Seirus: Still, there are plenty of ways around this, such as making use of the tidal power here. But don't forget, we need to take care of non-waterborne buddy.
Seirus: There's been evidence to suggest Hypogean activity around the shore recently, but it's not certain whether the Hypogean is to blame.
Coastal Resident: Hey! What do you think you're doing, sneaking around here?
Gorvo: Hah, speaking of which, here comes someone now.
Seirus: I wouldn't say it's a coincidence that we start talking and get noticed by someone, but if this is a trap, then we might've already fallen for it
Gorvo: Enough of that sort of talk, Seirus! Worst case scenario, we get the fighting over with quickly. It's not like we haven't seen plenty of Hypogeans in our time.
Seirus: Hahaha, you never change!
Seirus: Please listen to what I have to say! You see, it was our plan to sail out to sea with our friend here and help you with your Hypogean problem! It's just that the boat which was supposed to be here waiting for us is gone, have you seen it?
Coastal Resident: So your this round's dead men walking... That is to say, you're this round's brave warriors sent out to destroy the Hypogeans?
Sure enough, not so long ago Hypogeans were hanging around here, fresh out the sea. We lost a lot of good men trying to drive them back. I reckon the boat got wrecked right then, it's probably on the seabed now.
Since you're brave warriors chasing after deadly Hypogeans, I suppose handling their minions would be short work for you. They just pillaged a lot of our most important supplies. We might be able to help you organize another boat, if you lend us a hand.
Log: Defeat the lurking Hypogeans, prove your strength, and retrieve the important supplies that have been pillaged.
Treasure: Important supplies that were pillaged by invading Hypogeans.
Fisherman: A fisherman who sits here all year round catching everything but fish.
Fisherman: You're scaring away all my fish!
(If you interact with the Fisherman again)
Fisherman: Leave me alone, would you? Let me fish in peace.
(If you interact with the Fisherman again)
Fisherman: Hypogeans nearby? How would I know? I'm just a fisherman.
(If you interact with the Fisherman again)
Fisherman: Are you quite done!? Your stairway to heaven will be a very short one!
(A Chief Enemies camp with the title Fisherman will spawn. After you defeat it)
Gorvo: Hahaha! Bull's eye! Hit the nail on the head, Seirus! This guy really was a Hypogean informant, but I never suspected he was actually a Hypogean himself!
Seirus: This is likely the reason that the Hypogean soldiers were able to invade the island.
Gorvo: Thankfully the issue is now resolved. Things should be rather safer here for the foreseeable future. We can leave without concern.
(After acquiring the Treasure and defeating all enemies at the shore)
Gorvo: Would you look at that? Simple as can be.
Coastal Resident: You handled those Hypogean soldiers with such ease! No wonder you're our bravest warriors! We can't thank you enough!
We got the boat you needed all ready to go, you can set out whenever you want.
Seirus: All sorts of things can go awry at sea, we need to employ the utmost of caution.
Log: New boat acquired.
(When arriving before the small island just north of the beach)
Gorvo: Hey! Look over there! There's a person alive on that tiny island, you don't think it's a Hypogean scout, do you?
Seirus: Time to practice what you preach... "Worst case scenario, we get the fighting over with quickly." Alright, as long as we're well-prepared.
Mysterious Shop: A mysterious shop that stands on this island, even the owner of the shop is a peculiar fellow.
Island Merchant: Ah! A visitor! Goodness, how long has it been? I never expected to see another living soul!
Gorvo: Not exactly. It's more like we weren't expecting to see anyone running a store in Hypogean infested waters? Hah, just saying it out loud sounds (missing screenshot)
Island Merchant: Since you're passing through here, allowing me the luck of seeing another living soul for possibly the last time in my life, that must be mean you came from over there. By 'over there', I mean the only island with anyone left on it that isn't a Hypogean.
Seirus: Correct. Although things aren't looking good right now, there's been signs of Hypogean activity there.
Island Merchant: Then you are…
Seirus: Helping out. We're here to support the island's warriors, who are preparing to take down the Hypogeans.
Island Merchant: ...l see.
In that case, I'll share what I can.
I'm sure you already know about the seven cannons built by islanders in the past? Those cannons were destroyed, and the islands were overrun by a tough Hypogean and its powerful minions.
There was another party of crusaders that went before you, all from different armies. They figured out pretty quickly the cannons were vital since the Hypogean went to such lengths to get rid of them, so they decided to secretly repair all seven of them.
Sadly, the islands were swarming with evil things, left to the Hypogean's underlings. Using those vile things, the minions quickly tracked down the warriors, leaving them no way to retreat in one piece.
Gorvo: Good grief, what of them now?
Island Merchant: ...They're still there.
If you can take down those Hypogean lackeys and give me the evil things that have been hidden on the islands, I can give you cannon munitions. With that, you can decimate the Hypogeans' island.
Seirus: You've got a good idea there, but I'm a little confused. You seem to know a lot about this situation, and you clearly hate the Hypogeans, so why not just give us the munitions for free? We can defeat the Hypogeans right away.
Island Merchant: Because l'm a business man.
What kind of business man does business at a profit loss?
Log: Collect all the 'Evil Hypogean Things' from the seven islands and bring them to the Island Merchant to trade for Ammunition.
(Island 1)
(This island has one Mehira on every enemy team. Using the cannon on this island will destroy the Hypogean General Chief Enemy camp with five Mehiras)
Ruined Residence: There are signs this was once lived in, but it's long since been abandoned.
Evil Hypogean Thing: A Hypogean symbol full of evil intentions, it has a strong, ominous aura emanating from it.
(First time you pick up an Evil Hypogean Thing)
Gorvo: Is this the 'evil thing' the merchant mentioned? It doesn't look like much, but it definitely has a grim Hypogean aura about it. It's making me feel nauseous.
Seirus: At this speed, we'll crush them like an unblockable tide!
(One Hypogean Evil Thing can be found at each island, and will have the same description every time. In bag each will have a number corresponding to the island it was found at)
(Island 2)
(This island has one Khazard on every enemy team. Using the cannon on this island will destroy the Hypogean General Chief Enemy camp with five Khazards)
Ruined Residence: A book lays on the table, it looks like a diary. Sadly, the writing is no longer legible.
(Island 3)
(This island has one Zikis on every enemy team. Using the cannon on this island will destroy the Hypogean General Chief Enemy camp with five Zikis)
Ruined Residence: It's clear this house was once spotlessly clean, but it's now covered with dust again.
(Island 4)
(This island has one Leofric on every enemy team. Using the cannon on this island will destroy the Hypogean General Chief Enemy camp with five Leofrics)
Ruined Residence: There are a number of tools and weapons left lying around, but they're heavily rusted. Trying to polish them now would be a waste of time and effort.
(Island 5)
(This island has one Framton on every enemy team. Using the cannon on this island will destroy the Hypogean General Chief Enemy camp with five Framtons)
Ruined Residence: A collapsed roof beam has crashed into the bed, smashing it. Wilted flower petals are strewn about the floor, lifeless.
(Island 6)
(This island has one Mezoth on every enemy team. Using the cannon on this island will destroy the Hypogean General Chief Enemy camp with five Mezoths)
Ruined Residence: A few books with yellowing pages are scattered about the floor. It seems the owner left in a rush. 
(Island 7)
(This island has one Lucretia on every enemy team. Using the cannon on this island will destroy the Hypogean General Chief Enemy camp with five Lucretias)
Ruined Residence: A crudely made teddy bear sits alone in the corner, with fluffy wadding sticking out of its torn ears.
(Once you have collected all Hypogean Evil Things)
Log: All the 'Evil Hypogean Things' have been collected! Take them to the lsland Merchant.
Island Merchant: Let me guess. Would you perchance like me to "loan' you some items? Or do you think this task is beyond your capabilities? Do you want to throw in the towel and go home?
Gorvo: What can be used without expense?
Island Merchant: Nothing, obviously.
Seirus: Hahaha, don't worry. We've done as you've asked, in the way you wanted. Only the final step remains.
Gorvo: The Hypogeans plaguing these islands will be wiped out!
Island Merchant: You guys really are... true heroes.
Apologies, here's what was promised. Make sure you don't ignite it before loading it into the cannon's barrel!
With that done, it's time for me to return home.
Gorvo: Hey, buddy, do you want us to escort you back? Most of the Hypogean are gone, but there may be a few stragglers still in the water.
Island Merchant: No need!I can handle the small fries by myself. It's your time now, heroes.
Seirus: Something about you feels so familiar. You know so much about the previous squad that fought the Hypogeans, could it be you're…
Island Merchant: Hahaha, l'm just a regular guy.
Ammunition (in bag): It can be fired after being loaded into the cannon.
Cannon: The cannons once built by former islanders were destroyed, but have since been repaired by unknown people. To fire the cannon, all you need to do is load the barrel. 
This cannon is inactivate.
(If you attempt to use it before obtaining the Ammunition)
Cannot use right now.
(After you fire a Cannon)
Broken Cannon: This cannon has already been fired. Despite being repaired, years of wind erosion have worn it down, so it is now broken again.
(When you arrive before the island with the Hypogean Chief Enemies, after finishing your quest for the Island Merchant)
Seirus: And so, our final stop on the road to Hypogean decimation.
Gorvo: Enough of the sentimental nonsense, Seirus. Let's get to it!
Seirus: It's time to cleanse the ocean of their vile presence for once and for all!
(Once you have defeated the Chief Enemy Hypogeans)
(When interacting with the Resident)
Resident: Many brave warriors once went out to sea to quell the Hypogeans. Some of them laid down their lives for justice. Others fled, desperate to stay alive.
You are the only ones to have returned with good news.
While not every squad that went to destroy the Hypogean menace was as pure of heart as you, those that paid with their lives are still heroes. 
(When interacting with the Home)
Mother: Goddess above... I can't believe my eyes.
My child! You've fulfilled your promise and returned safely.
There's a bite to eat in the kitchen, I'll go bring it out!
(When interacting with the Small Town Shop)
Small-time Merchant: Mighty heroes! Thank you, thank you so much for bringing dad home!
Gorvo: Your father? I mean, we don't actually have any news about him…
Island Merchant: Hahaha, why hello again! I didn't expect you to get back so soon!
Thank you for your service to us, and to the islands.
My companions stayed behind, all so that I could get away from the Hypogeans' clutches.
I was consumed by the desire for revenge, every waking moment was spent thinking about how to be rid of the Hypogeans. But then, seeing all those folks from this town making their way out there, brimming with confidence, so sure they would be able to annihilate it... Ultimately, they left their families, left their homes, only to be defeated and flee in desperation. Even now, I've no clue where those folks are.
Perhaps this is a curse that's followed our people since we fled our ancestral lands? A kind of retribution.
I was slowly running out of ammo. To be completely honest, I gave you the last of my munitions. It's a good thing you pulled it off.
Small-time Merchant: My mom can finally stop crying! I'm so grateful! Thank you so much, heroes!
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redhairedfeistynerd · 4 years
A Very Bucky Thanksgiving
Bucky Barnes x reader, singledad!Bucky, Riley and Piper Barnes, Steve Rogers
Summary: This is the first year Bucky has invited someone special to join in on their Thanksgiving dinner.Will everything go smoothly?
Warnings: some swearing, some sly sexual conversation, teasing, some humour
Word Count: 3K +
A/N: I originally wrote this piece for Canadian Thanksgiving but here we are!  I hope you enjoy another moment with the Barnes family.
For as long as his girls have been in this world, Bucky has been passionate about baking. He figures this came to fruition when his ex-wife started spending more time out of the house and preferred being away on business trips than building a life with him and their young girls. As their relationship slowly deteriorated, Bucky found solace in pastries, cookies, and breads. Navigating his way through forums and how-to videos online, searching for recipes like he once hunted for his latest mission.
His girls had requested their favourites for this last-minute weekend celebration. Pumpkin pie with maple cream, pumpkin walnut scones, and a new treat he was testing out today, pumpkin spiced doughnuts with maple salted glaze, and for his sweet lady friend; a pecan pie.
Bucky could smell the doughnuts before the time reached zero. The soft smell of cinnamon and sugar wafted through his two-story house, reaching him while he tidied up the bathroom from the girls attack on it early that same morning. Wiping down the counter, he flicked off the light, bounding down the stairs to the kitchen as the last seconds wound down on the timer. Oven mitt on, doughnuts pulled out of the oven (he was trying out a baked version this time) he had about an hour before the girls would burst in the front door after a day of shopping the holiday sales.
The weekend plans had changed at the last minute, his ex (Jackie) had cancelled on the girls again. The girls were to fly up to their mothers' cabin in Whistler, B.C. for a Canadian Thanksgiving but a last-minute job had come up and she chose that over her kids.
Bucky was not impressed by her choice. Riley rolled her eyes at the news and muttered “big surprise” when Bucky relayed the message to his youngest daughter.
Jackie always chose work before their daughters. Her new husband had more importance to her these days.
Her influencer status has skyrocketed after she left Bucky, leaving him high and dry to raise the girls. He didn't see it as an issue though, he loved his girls and if he had to do this on his own, then that's what he would set out to do. His Avengers status pushed away a few years before, he found that he was calling Steve a bit more during those earlier years. Sometimes he needs a break, to sit in a quiet room where Riley wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs, which would have Piper in tears. There was something magical about Uncle Steve though, maybe it was his rich voice, whispering sweet words to Riley to ease the screams to a low whimper. Maybe it was the way he sang the sweet songs of the 40s to stop the tears flowing from Piper's bright blue eyes. Whatever it was that Steve had, Bucky was extremely thankful for.  
One of their first Thanksgivings without Jackie, had both girls sick with the stomach flu. He'd never seen anything as disgusting as what his young girls were dishing out.  
Blood, wounds, and other violent memories had nothing on this. Who knew little people could cause THAT much mess?
Bucky was exhausted. Riley had finally fallen asleep on the couch and Piper was sprawled out in the master bedroom on his bed, resembling a starfish.
With one last swipe of the kitchen counter, Bucky tossed the rag in the laundry basket and released a sigh of completion. Turning on the hood fan, he turned off the track lights and walked towards his daughter who was now snoring lightly on the couch, when a soft knocking came from his front door. Puzzled, he turned away from his sleeping daughter and made his way to the entryway. He opened the door to Steve's smiling face.
"What are you..."
"Nat phoned and gave me the heads up that you were literally drowning in shit."
"Language," grumbled Bucky as he opened the door wider to let Steve in.
Steve chuckled and took a good look at Bucky. "Man, you're looking a little rough around the edges."
"You would too if you were knee deep in dirty laundry and had two goblins that were puking so much, they make that scene in the Exorcist look tame.
Steve scrunched his nose and tried to shake the memory of that scene out of his head. The previous year, Bucky had invited his old team over for a horror movie night while the girls were spending the night with their mom. Steve still hadn't forgiven Bucky for subjecting him to that movie. "Absolutely disgusting."
Bucky grunted and shut the door, Steve following him from the entryway and up the stairs to the kitchen.
"Here, Nat made some soup for you and the girls, if they are feeling up to eating it,” Steve said holding out the package.
“Oh ya, thanks. I’m sure the girls will appreciate their Aunty Nat making her famous soup,” he nods his head in thanks before muttering “hopefully it's not pea soup,” and walks across the kitchen.
Steve watches as Bucky tucks the soup away in the fridge, noticing how stringy his hair has become and when he looks his way, the dark circles are around his eyes. “Hey Buck, why don’t you leave the tidying up to me and you go take a shower, relax a bit.”
Bucky shuts the fridge door and looks at Steve. “Are you sure you want to clean up this cesspool?” He asks as his arms waving to point out the mess around the kitchen.
“Yes, I’m here to help you out, all right?” Bucky nods and pats Steve on the shoulder on his way up to the bathroom.
Steve manages to tidy up the first floor of the house, shift Riley from the couch to her bed, and fold a load of laundry. He’s pouring hot water into a mug when Bucky walks back in, looking like the shower did its job. “You want a cup of tea?” He asks Bucky when he sit down at the kitchen table.
“Please, a cup of something black so I can keep my eyes open for a bit longer. You feel like watching a funny movie? I feel like I need a good laugh after what this week has been like.”  
“Sounds good, how about you go on down and put something on, I’ll bring the tea and some snacks for us,” Steve replies and pours a second mug full of water.  
The men settle in and watch a classic comedy, quiet laughter sailing out of both of their mouths, trying to be quiet while the girls sleep. Steve decides on a second movie and they watch until they fall asleep on the couches.  
Bucky wakes up, his stomach twisting, and the pain, THE PAIN. "You've got to be fucking kidding.” He lurches off the sectional and runs to the bathroom by the laundry room.
Steve wakes from the sounds of his friend slamming the bathroom door, the unmentionable sounds have Steve pulling his pillow over his head. When he moves it away several minutes later, all he hears is silence. Steve gets up from the couch and makes his way to the bathroom, gently knocking on the door. "Bucky? Are you alive in there?"
"Fucking kill me, please,” he begs and Steve hears his best friend heave again.
Steve camps out at the Barnes household during that Thanksgiving weekend. There is no turkey, no pumpkin pie, or a dysfunctional family fight. Everything is quiet as Bucky careens himself in his bedroom while Steve manages the rest of the household. He keeps the girls busy and out of Bucky’s hair for several days; visits to the ice cream shop and to the park near their home, keeps them smiling and giggling while their dad is at home, miserable in bed.
Steve sits back on the park bench and admires the colours changing all around him; the leaves sway from left to right, falling gently down to the ground. Piles of brown and yellow sit before him, raked into tidy piles. He gets and idea, something to cheer Bucky up the last few days of having the stomach flu. He calls the girls over and tells them his plan to make their dad smile. He makes a video of them, jumping in the leaves and throwing them around, their laughter warming his heart. When the girls have finished frolicking in the mounds of colourful leaves, he takes each other their hands in his and begins the walk back to the house. He’ll send the little video to Bucky in the morning when he heads out and back to work.  
Bucky still smiles at the memory of that little video. He can now smile about his treacherous first Thanksgiving as a single dad but he made it up every year that followed; this year, he has to make up for what his ex has left behind. Riley is pressuring him to make her mom's famous stuffing (he laughs at this because this is a recipe that she took from a cookbook he had from his mom) Piper has decided that Bucky is THE WORST because he is going to kill an innocent turkey and all she wants is for him to save one (and yes, he does donate to a local farm that saves turkeys later in the week) and have it live the rest of its life, in their backyard. He notes that she will have a plate of vegetables tonight and he has no idea if that is sufficient enough for a teenage girl who that is 15.  
“Cranberries sauce”
“Water chestnuts.”
“Wait, what the heck are water chestnuts for, Pop?”
Bucky is sitting on the kitchen floor sorting through the pantry and about to answer when he sees you creeping into the kitchen, hiding behind his oldest, about to scare her. Her arms wrap around Piper and she squeezes her tightly expelling a high-pitched squeak.  
He will never get over how beautiful her smile is when her eyes meet his. His heart beats so fast that he’s afraid she will be able to see it pounding in his chest.  
The flowers she is holding scream fall – oranges, yellows, and reds – the cute Chinese lanterns that she adores, wobble back and forth as she walks towards him. She reaches for him with her free hand and pulls him into a tight hug, whispering “you look extra handsome today, soldier.”
“He got his hair trimmed for you,” Riley shouts from the top of the stairs and watches as her father’s face turns as red as the Gerbera's in the bouquet. She snorts as she walks down the stairs at Bucky’s embarrassment and hops down the last few steps to pull y/n into a hug.
“Hi sweetness, I missed your smiling face,” Y/N says into Riley’s strawberry blond curls.
“Missed you too. Are you ready for your first Barnes Annual Canadian Thanksgiving?” Riley asks while rocking on her feet.
Y/N looks at her, “Is it any different from the other Thanksgiving I would be having?
“Well duh, this one if full of maple syrup, poutine, and never-ending skits by Bob and Doug Mackenzie!
Bucky bursts out laughing and poor Y/N is looking between the two of them, lost when it came to the last item. “Okay, okay, Ri, leave the poor woman alone. Here love, let me take those flowers and put them in a vase.” Bucky squeezes her waist gently, taking the colourful bouquet from her hands. She follows him to the cabinet housing the vase and sniffs the air.
“What’s is that smell? It’s so-
“Delicious?” Riley adds as she passes by Y/N and hops up onto a bar stool? “Your taste buds are in for an incredible treat. Dad is the best baker this city has!”
“Pretty sure I’m not hun, but thank you for boosting me up a bit.” Bucky’s cheeks changing in colour, somewhat embarrassed by his daughter's compliment.
“Oh, come on dad, that’s why all the moms are always swooning when you join the bake sales,” Piper chirps in.
“The moms swoon over your dad? I’m pretty sure that has more to do with his-” she’s cut off by Bucky shoving a Snickerdoodle in her mouth. Squinted her eyes at him and waving her finger as if she’s promising to get him back later. He can’t help but smirk and squeeze her side.
“Shhh, my sweet. Don’t be telling my girls how irresistible I am,” he whispers into her ear and kisses it.
Riley makes gagging sounds from behind her dad and Piper’s face turns red from the affection their father is showing Y/N. This is the not the first time they have seen their father with a woman but this specific woman has done something to their father. He’s smiling, he whistles while he bakes, and he’s happy.  
Y/N turns to face Riley, “Oh kid, are we embarrassing you? Making you feel a little queasy inside?” She walks over to Bucky as he arranges the flowers in the vase and loudly kisses his cheek and laughs. “How about that Ri?”
“You’re the worst,” Riley chuckles and grabs the serving spoons to put on the table.  
Bucky pulls Y/N into a hug and kisses her lightly on the lips. He can taste the Snickerdoodle and it makes him wish he could fully indulge but he restrains, knowing that tonight they’ll have time alone once the girls head to their rooms for the night. He brings his lips to her forehead before taking the flowers to the table and placing them in the centre.  
“All right ladies, let’s get this show on the road!”  
“Don’t you mean Barnes’, Assemble!” Piper asks with a smirk on her face. Bucky just shook his head, a big smile across his face.
“Tell me where you want me, Barnes,” Y/N said as she looked at Bucky, his smirk telling her that where he wanted her was not in the kitchen.
“Turkey is in the oven, that weird Tofurky thing is in there too, I need to add the water chestnuts to the beans, the pot of potatoes needs to boil, and in a bit, we can get the rest of the veggies going too. Who’s good with making gravy?”
“I hope you made stuffing for me that isn’t in that bird, dad,” Piper said, giving her dad one of her teenage looks.
Bucky slides a bowl across the counter to his oldest so she can see the stuffing he made; animal free. “It’s vegan sweetie, I hope you like it,” Bucky responds. “I found this recipe online, some popular blog.” He watches as she scoops a bit of the warm food in her mouth, and can’t help but chuckle when a groan of satisfaction spills out.  
Y/N can’t help but take a scoop for herself, a squeal of delight escaping her mouth. “Shit, Barnsey, you’ve been holding back! Where have you been all my life?” She laughs and walks back over to him, wrapping her arms around him and going in for a quick kiss. “Let’s get this show on the road! All pots on boil!” She shouts and turns the last pot on.
The Barnes family and their first-time guest are indulging in their feast within an hour. Nothing but chewing and soft music can be heard at the table. It always amazes Bucky that it takes hours upon hours of work for this one evening and within minutes the food is gone. He’s thankful though; for his girls, for the life he now has, and for you. He wouldn’t change anything. One last scoop of mashed potatoes goes into his mouth and he places his fork down. “So, do you three want dessert now or do you want to digest a bit first?” Riley stands up from her seat and throws her hands in the air. “Roll out the cart of desserts for us to feast upon, father!”  
All Bucky can do is laugh, she’s always been the dramatic one and he lives for these moments. “Riley, I haven’t said what I’m thankful for yet this evening but one of those things I’m thankful for the humour you provide in this family.”
“Aww Pops, I appreciate that but can you please just bring out the good stuff?” Riley’s blue eyes sparkle and Bucky pushes his chair in and heads back to the counter where he has the pies and other sugary treats. He brings the doughnuts and pumpkin pie with maple cream out first, leaving the girls to help themselves as he returns to the kitchen to cut Y/N a slice of pecan pie. He places a dollop of fresh whipped cream beside it and carries it to her, his face turns red when he places it before her stating, “I made this especially for you.” A look crosses her face and its one he has only recently seen. He thinks its adoration? Or could it be...love? He’s not sure if it’s either but whatever it is, he hopes she continues looking at him that way. He sits back down across from her and watches as she takes the first bite of pie. Her eyes close and he can see the sparkle in her eyeshadow as the light above bounces off of it. It feels like forever before he hears a sound of approval from her.  
“Wow Barnes. I’m going to say this is almost as good as s-
“Well now, girls, how about you start cleaning up what you can and let Y/N finish up her pie.” He tries to pull back Piper’s chair and is met with resistance.
“No WAY, Pops. I want to hear all about how good this pie of yours is. Right, Riley?” Piper looks to her sister, eyebrow raised in hopes that her sister will join in on the teasing.”
“Hell no, I don’t want to hear about the crap these two get up to. Nu uh, NOPE,” she shouts and she grabs a few dishes from the table and heads to the sink to rinse them off.  
Dishes away and the leftovers wrapped up, Bucky takes Y/N’s hand and walks with her to his room. Door closed and locked behind him, Bucky finally pulls his sweet lady as close to him as possible. “Happy Thanksgiving, baby.”
“Happy Thanksgiving, Buck.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulls him into a kiss. “Come on Barnsey, there’s one thing you haven’t warmed up yet this evening.”
“Oh, did I forget to warm up your pie because I can head back-
She quiets him with another kiss, deeper than the last. “You know damn well that’s not what I meant. Now, be good a good man and get ready for the real dessert.”
Bucky can’t help but curl up and laugh loudly. His girl knows all the ways to make him laugh and smile, tonight is no exception. With one pull, she is on top of him, where he wants her this evening; where he can be warm within and thankful for everything his life has brought him.
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