#in fact i think that's what made my emotions go up so much lmaooo
airenyah · 2 years
msp may not be bbs but. it sure is making me FEEL THINGS
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igncrxntripley · 2 years
Synopsis: Becky is livid after her little sister, Y/N, is attacked by her tag team partner. 
tags: minor violence, minor gore (bruising), cursing, big sister!becky lynch, little sister!reader
A/N: i told y’all i can write for other superstars LMAOOO!! also not saying this is completely representative of Dakota Kai i was just picking some of the more current superstars on the roster to include in this one. hoping to push out more of these soon, so please feel free to send suggestions my way!
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The last person Y/N would ever expect to attack her was her own tag team partner. When Io Sky was injured a few weeks ago at a house show, management put Y/N with Dakota Kai  as a way to keep them both in the ring and potentially give them another title shot. Y/N was so excited since she’d known Dakota since their time in NXT and they’d gotten close during that time; truthfully, Y/N was one of the only people to defend Dakota during moments where everyone else was against her. When Dakota attacked Tegan at War Games, Y/N stood up for her. Any time she hurt someone’s feelings, Y/N stood by her side. And for the longest time Dakota was doing the exact same thing for her. All of this taken into consideration gave Y/N hope that this tag team was a match made in heaven. The WWE audiences were loving it too which made her feel that much better. One person who wasn’t a fan of it was Y/N’s older sister Becky Lynch, but she continued trying to convince Becky that Dakota wasn’t the awful person everyone made her out to be. Y/N was always looking to see the good in people, and Becky worried about her. 
It was the night of a Monday Night Raw taping when everything began going downhill. Y/N had picked up on some weird vibes from Dakota almost the entire day, but she left up to the fact that they’d been traveling and her partner was just tired. She kept her distance from Dakota and gave her space throughout the day before meeting up in the locker room to get ready for their match. As the two walked through the backstage area to get to gorilla, Y/N walking in front of Dakota, she yelped when someone grabbed her shoulders and tossed her into the wall. She cried out in pain as her shoulder hit the wall and her hip slammed into the corner of a table, and before Y/N could even get a grip on what had happened she felt Dakota pushing her down to the ground. 
Y/N covered her face from Dakota as her partner started hurling punches at her face. “You think you’re my partner?” Dakota said, a wicked smile on her face as she grabbed Y/N’s hair and pulled their faces together. “You mean nothing to me.” She spat, and continued hurling her fists at Y/N’s face before picking her back up to slam her into a nearby table. As Y/N writhed in pain on the floor Dakota adjusted her jacket and began walking away with a smirk on her face. Y/N couldn’t even fathom what had just happened; someone she trusted, someone she defended…Y/N was nothing more than a toy for Dakota to play with. 
Becky was walking through backstage as well to kill time before her own segment later in the show. As she was walking she took note of Y/N’s body on the floor writhing in pain. “Y/N?” She asked, hurrying to her side and helping her sit up. Becky may not have agreed with Y/N’s decisions, but she wasn’t going to allow someone to get away with hurting her baby sister. “Hey, look at me.” She said as she grabbed her sister’s face to examine the black eye. “Tell me who did it.” Becky urged. Y/N wanted to prove herself to her sister and began shaking her head. “Becky, I’m fine-”
“Bullshit, Y/N.” Becky raised her voice a little as Adam Pierce and a medic began making their way to them to check out the situation. “You need to tell me who did this.” She urged again, in which Y/N looked down at her lap in shame and winced at the pain in her side again. “Dakota.” She told her big sister. “I trusted her and she took advantage of me.” Y/N hated showing emotion, but the pain mixed with her anger caused some tears to build up in her eyes. Seeing her little sister sad and in pain was a bad combination for Becky, because her face scrunched up in anger and she stood up to take care of business. “I’ll be back.” 
The redhead walked through the backstage area to gorilla, Dakota’s entrance music still playing as she made her way to the ring. Becky wasn’t going to let her get away with anything, so she followed right behind and out to the ramp and tackled Dakota to the ground. The music stopped and the crowd cheered for Becky as she took out every ounce of anger and frustration on Dakota for what she’d done to her sister. “You think you can beat up my sister and get away with it?” The Irish wrestler said. “I don’t let that shit fly, bitch.” No one messed with Becky’s family, and she was making that clear. The fight was quickly broken up but the two were granted a match for later in the evening, and in the meantime Becky needed to check on her sister. 
She went backstage to the medical area where Y/N was on an exam table. She had an ice pack pressed to the black eye on her face, and she sighed in shame when her big sister walked into the room. “I should’ve listened to you.” Y/N said softly. “I just…I think I just wanted to always believe that she wasn’t the bad guy because she stood up for me when I needed her.” Becky sighed and ran a hand over her little sister’s bruised back. “Don’t apologize,” She said softly. “She took advantage of you, and she doesn’t deserve someone as amazing as you by her side.” Her words made Y/N smile the tiniest bit and she quickly realized that her big sister was right; Dakota didn’t deserve her. “I’ll beat her ass for you tonight. She isn’t going to get away with this.” Becky smiled and wrapped an arm around her sister’s shoulder.
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mrgaretcarter · 1 year
Everything I enjoyed about Ted Lasso 3x10
It was so exciting to watch them announce the players that got into their national teams
Laughed at Ted not knowing Bumbercatch is swiss
Appreciated the whole team being there for Sam when he was snubbed
I genuinely laughed out loud at all the jokes to do with Dani's personality change
When it cut from the title sequence to ted sitting down with rebecca for biscuits with the boss i really thought it was for real gonna be an OG one but then they panned to trent and i was disappointed but i couldnt even be mad because it was so funny
Ted is a LIAR we have seen him gossip so many times he is such nosy biddy 🤣
Trent loving getting a good grade in girl talk was so funny and cute!
"So chaps, what do we think?" was such a fun line to me for some reason
All 3 of them going "Nah" and making the same face, so fun!
Ted was saying such nonsense for the rest of that scene and they made sure to show us Rebcca's reactions to every single one and she looked so fond every single time
Of course Rupert is saved on Rebecca’s phone as "The Devil" she is so insane
I loved Keeley's green skirt suit
I laughed at Beard's 17 throwing axes that he brought to the UK with him 🤣
"Sneaking in here today reminded me of the first match I ever saw at Nelson Road." "Ah, when they used to play by candlelight." 🤣🤣
I was SO happy to see Phoebe, then happier still to see her mum! And Jamie is totally right, she is fit
That whole scene was an absolute delight, filled my heart with joy, the England kit! the E for U swap! the tie dye shirt with Roy colors! One thing I can say about this season is that things do tend to go great when Jamie is involved
I laughed at the doomed handshake at Sam's restaurant, he was so resigned to his fate 😅
Nate breaking into his parents house in the middle of the night because he felt lonely and lost reminded me of 13 Going on 30
I was happy to see Rebeccas Amsterdam pants again! Especially with that purple blouse 💜
I love that Higgins knows Keeley, Ted and Sassy are Rebecca's top options in that order and that this is unquestionable
Higgins' comparing Akufu to the Chocolate Factory kids was both very accurate and very funny 😆 "I hate to break it to you Rebecca, but those children are dead."
I really liked Rebecca being insecure about the meeting because she knows she's only been invited as a token. It felt true to life and also reminded me of a favorite moment from a beloved show of my past, The Good Wife, where a character expresses a similar concern and gets much the same advice as Higgins gave
I really thought Rebecca was taller than Higgins' office door and was momentarily scared she was going to bump her head on the way out 😆
I liked Keeley and Mae's conversation, though I, much like Keeley, did not understand the lightning saying 😅 did appreciated the little "Maybe" joke though, it felt like something Ted would do and I always love to perceive them mirroring each other
Everyone noticing Roy's cheerful t-shirt was very funny
I loved that we saw Rebecca studying for the meeting
THE!! TOY!!! SOLDIER!!!!!! She's been carrying it around!!! She is fond of it!!!!! She treats it with such care, and it still brings her strength, gosh!! To think of the moment she picked it up off the ground and stored it away, of whenever it was she decided to keep it with her as an amulet!!! I'm breathless!!!!!!!
Kenneth saying "twins" to Roy lmaooo
The fact that Rebecca has panic attacks is something that can be SO PERSONAL that meant so so SO much to me, I could cry just thinking about it, I've always been sure she did and to have it confirmed was a thrill, and so emotional and satisfying to me to see her self soothe and how it paralleled Ted, truly beautiful gorgeous amazing
Ms Bowen is blonde now! Idk why but that was exciting, I like her! I think Roy should introduce her to Beard, I feel like she could beat up Jane. It was also hilarious to me that they named her Leann for real 🤣 they have no shame!
Barbara's Juicy couture tracksuit and "I like clothes that tell the truth" LMAOOO COMEDY GOLD
Barbara and Keeley's snow globe exchange was delightful. Barbara slowly grew on me throughout the season and was a true highlight in this particular episode, I was very glad that she chose Keeley.
I love that Rebecca went to that meeting in a bbp top and one of her less murderous earrings
I appreciated seeing Rebecca in a professional setting, taking a stand, and going to bat for the club and for football in general, it's something I have always longed to see from her and I'm glad I got it even if it was late in the game
Really liked that Nate plays the violin
I liked the window into Rupert and Rebecca's past and the glimpse into why they were in love once
I liked the contents of Roy's letter to Keeley and thought it was funny that she couldn’t read his handwriting
It was exciting to see Rebecca at Keeley's house! She demanded a hug! She's going to fund Keeley's firm! Their friendship has stayed beautifully consistent throughout the season and I appreciate that.
Keeley writing down the number and saying "This is how they do it in the movies" was another Ted-like moment (down to Rebecca being endeared by it!)
I enjoyed the joke of Roy walking in when he did and I loved loved loved that he and Rebecca saluted each other again! I'd been waiting for that!!
I think Nate's apology to Will - how he did it, the score, the note with the sprig of lavender, how it was filmed - felt like such a season 1 moment that it filled me up with this sense of right-ness and I truly appreciated it. Possibly one of the best moments of the season 🥹
Rebecca looked so at peace hanging that painting and also SO beautiful in that dress
Ted sat down without being invited, and Rebecca scooched a little closer once he did 🥹🥹
She specifically wanted to tell him about this big emotional milestone and Ted looked? I have no idea how to describe it, but it was new, it was a face he's never made before, and it was so?? I don't even know, I don't know what to do with it, or with "I wanna win for us too."
Rebecca is truly insane for spitting on his face on purpose like that lmao
Aaaand that's it! I liked a lot of the bits and pieces of this episode as you can see, and I had a mostly good time while watching it. There were a couple big things that bothered me though, but I'll save those for a different post later in the week once I've gotten a chance to collect my thoughts!
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prettyboykatsuki · 4 months
Not sure if you read the Jjk manga or see the leaks about the latest death...I'm honestly numb to them now, I guess since they've been coming from left and right. I don't think they're doing much for the plot, I guess I was just wondering your opinion on it? And deaths in general in Mangas and stories, like what do you think is is like a good way to do a death of character so it doesn't feel cheap? I will say, Katsuki's "death" made me sick to my stomach at the time but they are very diff stories. Sorry this is so long :(
with peace and love in my heart i Really do not gaf about jjk anymore at least storywise. i did try to stick with it after gojo but i just did not think it made sense anymore.some times i read leaks but rn its not looking great. no part of the stories direction rn makes me want to keep up with it lol. so in terms of the story im like. damn please just let akutami out of his contract cause he is fumbling pretty bad rn and i cant imagine how it will be resolved.
i dont actually mind manga deaths even if i act insane. i thought gojos death felt cheap and unplanned and didn't make much sense. it's not that he died but that he died so quickly into the fight and that so much was left unresolved as a part of it. that abrupt feeling was not intentional or well-exectued either. even with a story like jjk that prides itself on being gritty and hopeless, there was just nothing beyond shock value and it was wholly uninteresting. nanami had an excellent death even if it made me very very sad. it held the right amount of narrative weight and was timed appropriately for full gutwrenching impact. i did not feel that way about gojos death. and people were calling people gojo glazers for being upset about it but like. of course people are going to be like hm.. wonder if the fact his own mangaka kinda does not fw him plays into this at all. just a little loool.
the most important thing with any chara death is just intent to me. people die. but what makes that death siginficant? a premature, uneventful death just doesn't make sense for a character as monumentally lore relevant as gojo even if that's the intent. it just wasn't anticlimatic in the right way. i cant be unbiased about katsukis death so i wont pretend - but i didn't feel like his death was cheap at least. it was treated with a lot of emotional impact and fell in line well with the gravity of the story / arc. like u said they are different stories and it made sense with the way hori tells the narrative which is what matters. objectively it was a good death, even if emotionally i was ruined lol
i just. dont think gojos death made sense. at all. in any capacity. like. im truly not even that much of a gojo glazer but it felt completely nonsensical to me and still does. why is he just dead lmaooo like what. he is thee six eyes and he got beat tf up in one fight? be serious
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The beginning of the end. 😭 I'm not ready!
It's interesting what time can do. In the two weeks it has been since the last episode any sadness or horror I felt over Miles draining that human has disappeared and all thsts left is the eh it kind of had to happen, he was at 0 blood and that it was kind of hot.
At least we get Ira back!! That makes me feel a little better immediately.
I don't know who this woman is but we are at a point where I cannot distinguish npcs I should know from those I have no business knowing.
Ira caring about all the apprentices and mortals who did nothing wrong. He might actually be too pure for this world.
Britta: Don't be mad at me about it! 😂 Genuinely made me giggle out loud. Absolute perfection.
The fact that Miles says it's most important to protect both Eden and Jessica. I know it's delusional but it made my little shipper heart go awww.
😂😂😂 When you have to be dads the end of the world becauce the rest of your coterie has lost their shit. I'm glad we can still laugh in all this horribleness.
Out of all the things that could happen, Wynn asking to complete the bloodbond when the world ends was not on my bingo card.
Oh my God!!! The fake out?!?! Miles! 😭 "You won't forgive me. I made some choices." don't play with my emotions like this. I didn't come here to fucking cry! I came for a badass fight.
Poor angry, hurt Wynn.
Johnny nodding in approval at Miles because he thinks it's judt about the bloodbond, and Miles feeling horrible, because he knows Johnny wouldn't be sitting there next to him if he knew the real reason.
Uhm mm mm what???? No not only the fucking play but the stupid Mushroom fungus is also there and involved??? Fuck me. Each time when I think shit can't get any worse.
Fuck you Nara. Go love somebody else, you piece of fucking shit.
Wait do we want to complete the ritual? I mean, I guess we do aparently.
Fuck yes Neil!! Finally stand up for yourself, accept that you being you is a good thing. We need you.
Lmaooo courage roll, good luck Neil. Peer pressure peer pressure pressure peer pressure. Is this the first courage check Neil ever passed in his life?
Omg of course his sire would have made himself the king. Good god can his ego get any bigger?
Uhmmm Lex this is not the time to describe to Johnny how sweet and delicious his daughter's blood smells.
The gang is back together!!! Or well the podcasters from this world are back together in that world.
Jessica has so much of Johnny in her. The obstinate sass, it's beautiful.
Wait. Is Tenach (???) from the TMR? (you wot trick me in spelling that after I've seen people using this abbreviation).
Lmao you hate this girl Miles. Wait what??? He has to roll willpower not to immediately kill her?? What the fuck?? This is rough. Thank god Miles is willfull. He wants to diablerise Arrabella? At some point that fact would have been so stressful, now it just makes me laugh.
Lmao Eden can heal the girls??? They're fucking lucky she's there or stuff would have gone real crazy and bad.
Johnny all happy and proud seeing his girls hug, and then turning to Miles who goes full *hiss* the light it hurts me, clutching Arrabella.
I wanna give Miles a hug, not wanting to tell his friends what he has done because he knows this will be the last battle anyway and he wants to feel their love for as long as he possibly can if he is going to die tonight anyways. So selfish, so human.
Lmao we're going to babybjorning someone at last? I'm sad it's not gonna be Neil, but I'm glad it's at least someone.
Oh never mind, it's not gonna happen.
Yippie! Werewolves!
I'm a little sad Miles is not just gonna eat Arrabella, but I guess reviving is fine.
Lmaoooo squeezing his ass. Oh man I miss how funny and selfish Arrabella is.
"I'm going to do this right, because I'm going to do a lot of things wrong."
Ugh! The idea of Miles and Arrabella skipping into the sunset upsets me so much more than Miles dying or ending up alone and miserable.
I still have no idea what's going on with Malkav.
Nooo he failed? Goddamn I wanted to know this ritual, even if I don't know what it does exactly.
Wait so Neil is just gonna die by gross flesh monsters? Oh nvm!
Ohhh week of nightmares!
Okay so salvation and damnation. Is Neil asking for his friends to live somehow? 😭Oh Neil baby, let me hug you!
No! His stupid sire?!? Why is he such a ruiner? A RUINER!!!!
Johnny and Miles smoking a cigarette together.
Even now he cannot outright say it to Johnny.
Miles still after all of this choosing hope, that protecting Eden might save some people.
"If we're ever gonna do anything right, if -I- am ever gonna do anything right, you guys have done plenty." Miles!! 😭
"Whatever you did, friends to the end." stop😭
Of course she misses Neil. 😭 He would be there, like he wanted to.
Awww another smoking scene. Ira is such a good guy. Can't get over it. He probably rues the day he met the coterie. 😂
Awww Britta that is such a sweet thing to say. About wanting to spend your worst moments with the coterie.
Goddamn this was super sweet. 😭
Okay yes Tenach is from the TMR confirmed.
Wait who is she talking about? Ghost with a lantern?
Romeo has found his path? What does that mean? Has he moved on?
The anticipation of waiting and watching these three guys spray painting. Knowing these are the last moments before it goes crazy.
SHE CAUGHT THE ROCKET?!?! That is crazy. But somehow as it explodes in her hand the best outcome? Lol.
Fucking Neil!!! Roll good my dude!!! YESSSS SASS FUCK YOU STUPID SIRE! Neil is king.
The amount of concentration I must muster to understand Malkav is high. My fault for listening today when my brain is fried.
Noooooo not the sire again!!! Goddamnit. He's like that chicken that got it's head cut off but lived for like another year and a half.
NOOOOOOOOOO goddamn 6 successes. Whyyyyyyy.
Ohhhh we are in Neil's blackout. That's interesting.
Come on Neil! You can do it! Yessss!!!! Fucking hell, so stressed!!!
Oh no! The fleshy flesh has gotten Neil. That's it, isn't it. It's done.
He wishes for the end? What does that mean.??
Okay so they need to win this fight? Okay that's all fine and good, but we already knew that. Please tell me we get something useful from this.
Well aparently not. Goddamn. Neil is gonna die. All alone, knowing stuff he can't tell anyone.
You know the graphic imagery does not really help. 😔🤢
I cannot believe he's just dead.
There was only one thing he wanted, one thing, and that was to die with his family. And he didn't get it, he died alone, with only his abuser for company.
Noooooo don't say that!!! I was doing fine! Read single teardrops down my cheeks. But you can't go saying that the coterie will thibk he was just running away. Now I'm absolutely sobbing!!!
His last thoughts being of his friends and how they deserve redemption, and then Wynn specifically.
Trying to put who Wynn is into the network so he keeps his promise.
And he is at rest for once.
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thedrotter · 1 year
Giggles and kicks my legs. Soooo .. how about YOU make a headcanon post
OKAY!!!! i actually have. like a. insanely long list for my mother headcanons and have an uncomplete Google docs document on them because im insane but i will make it as short as i can by only taking about mother 2 LMAOOO so imma just add a silly read more thingy here because i am about to info dump so hard
Imma go character by character because ITS JUST CLEANER...
first off silly baseball child ness
Because I'm silly like that I woke up one day and decided he was trans masc. if ness or just any male protagonist in media (looking at you link) could make money out of the amount of people that made headcanons of him not being cis I imagine there'd be alot of cash coming in
I like to think of him as half-latino and knowing spanish because WHY NOT!!! and since every single latinoamerican breathes and cherishes goku HE NEEDS TO BE A DRAGON BALL FAN he would not be accurate latinoamerican representation IF HE WASNT A DRAGON BALL FAN!!!
Out of the whole group I imagine he tries to use PSI as little as possible in his daily life once the whole journey is over, for he is more comfortable living as a normal kid. WILL NOT HESITATE TO USE HEALING POWERS IF NECCESARY but otherwise avoids it (except telepathy on animals because i have this funny thought where he has unintentionally used telepathy his entire life and thats how he knows what animals are saying BUT THOUGHT THIS WAS NORMAL??? once he figures out its not a normal thing he avoids doing it as much with people but he cannot live without knowing what the dawg be saying...
the airhead in the group. he is mostly gut oriented instead of going by brains his brain mgiht as well be a burger
ALSO THE LOUD ONE a very empathetic and easy going boy that gets easily excited about everything and just likes having fun. which means every time he gets a semblance of a negative emotion he will proceed to numb it down and ignore it causing him to just accumulate it😰 LIKE HOW HE HAS TO BEAT DIFFERENT CREATURES AND ENEMIES in his magicant they appear and look down at him for hurting them WHICH MIGHT BE HIM FEELING GUILTY BY THE FACT HE HAS TO DO THAT AND I IMAGINE HE CAN ONLY PULL HIMSELF TO DO SO BY NUMBING THE GUILT DOWN... he's just like look lets lets just get this done😞 what goes on with Pokey ending up on Giygas's side also applies to this but i will not go on detail. because I am writing fanfiction about it and rather not spoiil it😊😊😊😊
the baseball fan ever that practices daily without missing a single day and basically drags Pokey alongside him
and since. i am NORMAL... he's an ENTJ 7w8. i have spent endless hours doing personality tests for these kids i am so normal about them
he has a crush on Paula (which she returns) but is too flustered to admit this so he pretends he is not catching on to her VERY VISIBLE HINTS (she enjoys getting him flustered shes silly like that) because he's nervous about it💀💀💀
anyway PAULA TIME!!!! i am insane so i have provided some backstory for her
I imagine that she awakened her PSI pretty early on and is very gifted around it, and since it is so rare she became very popular in the media at a young age and is essentially a celebrity child. She thought it was very fun initially but she feels pressured to keep a perfect image of herself for she is considered to be a role model which painted an image of someone that wasn't her. She feels very upset about this nowadays and has tightly held onto what is important to her and her true self as to not lose it in attempting to be someone else. She basically has some anger issues out of this because she has gotten used to people not really respecting her boundaries and not being very interested in who she actually is
so yeah she isnt really amused when she's kidnapped SHE JUST GENERALLY HAS LIGHT REACTIONS TO THINGS GOING SOUTH BECAUSE SHE BASICALLY KINDA EXPECTS THAT? despite how much optimism she spreads around she's quite the pessimist (though never voices those thoughts) so she feels very drawn in when Ness is actually genuinely optimistic about everything
loves cute things so much she needs every single big plushie she finds IMMEDIATELY. kirby merch hoarder
generally a sweetheart but very bold and feisty not as much as Kumatora is but she is
if she was in the modern era she'd be a gamer and live breathe minecraft she would be the type of person that gently explains things to her friends on one side but yells when a random stranger in her team is playing horribly
really excited over her frying pan she would have gotten a bat if she didn't think itd be cool if she could use her frying pan as both a weapon and something to warm food up in. like SHE WILL USE IT IN ANY CHANCE POSSIBLE TO FEEL COOL like "Yeah ... give me that cold slice of pizza imma put in the pan . ..." pk fire some random oil she keeps around for thiw specific purpose and there it is it makes her so happy
AS I PREVIOUSLY MENTIONRD SHES VERY STRAIGHTFOWARD ABOUT HER FEELINGS FOR NESS EVERYONE KNOWS IT SHE IS NOT TRYING TO HIDE IT AT ALL but does not directly confess because she likes teasing Ness. she finds it amusing when he gets flustered about it and pretends he isn't catching on
ESFP 2w3 hehehehehehehe
now Jeff he's my favorite out of the four so his is probably going to be stupidly way longer because he's silly like that
not the usual type of shy who hides from people and stutters a lot I IMAGINE HE JUST GETS REALLY AWKWARD AND SPEAKS AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE AND ENDS UP SOUNDING REALLY FORMAL BY ACCIDENT. He will respond to you just in very few words if some stranger suddenly starts talking to him he basically freezes up and fights internally to even say a word because he does not know how to do conversations
He's very knowledgeable in many different things and if you ask him about anything he'll answer VERY NONCHALANTLY AND SHORTLY AS IF HE DOES NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND THE SUBJECT WHEN HE IN FACT, DOES. HE SIMPLY IS NOT INTERESTED. but then you bring up inventions and guns and he will provide you a full rambling session with visual examples test runs different things to reference to for different concepts he's mentioning and every single minute detail. THERE HE ACTUALLY GETS EXCITED LIKE HE ISN'T SHY AT ALL THERE
cannot for his life comprehend social cues or idioms he takes things very literally and doesn't assume there's any hidden meaning HE'S BETTER AT THINGS THAT ARE LOGICALLY ANSWERED THAN ANYTHING SOCIAL. so yes Tony can accidentally drop a hint that he's crushing on him and DESPITE JEFF FEELING THE SAME WAY, he'll be like hm thanks tony cool I'm sure that is a very best friend thing to say i do not think there are any romantic implications here....
has an inferiority complex over the fact people credit his skills to be coming from his father (who he basically HARDLY KNOWS OR REMEMBERS SEEING PHYSICALLY BEFORE THE PROPHECY) and not to his own efforts!!! he's constantly compared to him and is expected to have the same amount of genius he does so Jeff tends to overwork himself at times to reach this standard.
has tested million types of coffee to see which one keeps him awake at night the best— but hates coffee! he prefers tea. friends assume he likes coffee because of how mcuh he drinks it he does not
oh yeah as i implied has a big fixation towards inventions and guns. he just thinks they're inteesting as hell he wasn't one to use them he just thought they were rad as hell and he WILL recognize specific ones if shown even a peak of one. he cannot live without being 100% up to date with every single type of gun in existence he needs to know all about them and understand how they work and does elaborate dissections into how they're built
even if shy once comfortable with the rest of the team he actually is one to occasionally tease them and joke around sometimes HE HAS THIS RELATIONSHIP WITH NESS WHERE THEY ARE CONSTANTLY TRYING TO ANNOY EACH OTHER without actually annoying in each other idk how you call it but they just playing around they silly like that
type of person who's face turns red at even the slightest embarassment it just happrns really easily
im not even gonna lie to you he's essentially me irl i needed a character to project myself into so i dont feel bad about not being good at social cues and at anything that is not my main interest
OH YEAH HE'S THE TALLEST HE'S VERY LANKY BUT HE'S THE TALLEST he's confused to be older than he actually is a lot of the time
i almost forgot— ISTP 5w4
NOW POO!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
Initially took things very seriously and remained stone faced for a while but ironically became the one that made the most jokes out of everything and has a very contagious laugh— he still takes things more seriously than the rest and is the one that keeps everyone focused when it's important but is now able to relax a lot more
loves animals and animals love him once found a dog and was very sad when he couldn't take him along in the journey... HE GENUINELY JUST SITS DOWN AND SPEAKS TO ANIMALS VERY CASUALLY LIKE hello sweet little dog. how are you doing on this fine saturday. awesome😊.. AND DOES MAGIC TRICKS FOR THEM😭😭😭 He's the disney princess of the group animals will just come to him and be nice to him birds sing along to this boy existing AND HE'LL BE LIKE OH, THIS IS NORMAL, while the rest of the group is just dumbfounded by rhat
i think he'd be quite tech illiterate as he spends most of his time concentrating on his training he really didn't pay much mind to technology (he preferred putting time into working on himself instead of wasting it trying to properly understand technology). BUT HE'S DOING HIS BEST HE IS INTRODUCED TO ARCADE GAMES AND THANKS TO FRIENDS BECOMES HOOKED he was a little lost but hes okay
becomes good friends with jeff because both felt like the odd one in the team at some point and come from very different backgrounds than ness and paula did THEYRE GOOD BUDDIES
He speaks multiple languages very well, but since english is not his first language he feels a bit lost sometimes when with friends. So doing his best effort he brings A WHOLE DICTIONARY WITH HIM AT ALL TIMES like these four will find a word not a single one of them knows and Poo will be there like. dont worry guys i got this AND PULLS OUT HIS DICTIONARY😭😭😭😭 DUDE'S READING THE ENTIRE THING TO PROPERLY UNDERSTAND HIS FRIENDS😭😭 picks magazines for english so he doesn't have to ask them every single time he's lost and to keep at the same pace they do
might be noticeable already but POO'S A TOTAL SWEETHEART HE DOES NOT MIND SAYING THE MOST SWEETEST AND CARING WORDS EVER KNOWN TO MAN and is very confused when one of the 4 cries in emotion because his words are very nice. THAT'S JUST NORMAL FOR HIM HE'S JUST LIKE THAT JUST NATURALLY VERY VERY NICE AND KIND no one can beat him on being very nice
Sometimes the only sane one in the group he is silly, but he balances the silly properly he knows when to save the silly for later
talking about him being good with people if you need to distract someone NO PROBLEM and he just does it really well DOES MAGIC TRICKS!!!! he likes doing his silly little tricks it's something he learned on the side from his training he loves seeing how people react to them
oh yeah the shortest and is confused to be younger than he is sometimes when he's the oldest in the group. basically Jeff backwards but Jeff isnt the youngest
...infj 8w9
NOW YOUD BE LIKE DAMN MICHAEL THATS A LOT OF TEXT ALREADY YOU SPENT AN HOUR WRITING THIS (yes its been an hour i think i i dont know ive been writing this since you asked when was it HELP) BUT I AM NOT DONE. I AM NOT DONE!!!
JUST JUST A FEW MORE FOR OTHER PEOPLE ASIDE FROM THE CHOSEN 4 BECAUSE i need an excuse to talk abojt tony he's my favorite favorite I could make an essay on his character
I like to think Tracy is super smart and is so smart that she's a few school grades (whatever you call um idk um school years?) ahead of what she would be for her age for it. EVEN THOUGH SHES LIKE 9 she's smarter than ness thats for sure and she mentions this but he's silly so he still needs to be the cool older brother regardless so he ignores that she's smarter GIRLIE GOT A JOB AND HE WAS LIKE TRACY WHAY ARE YOU DOING ON THE ESCARGO EXPRESS LIKE YOU ARE 9😭😭😭
i dont actually have any particular Pokey headcanon besides him being interested in tech because of mother 3 BECAUSE HE FEELS VERY FLESHED OUT ALREADY AT LEAST TO ME SO I DONT FEEL THE NEED TO DO AN ENTIRE BLOCK OF HEADCANONS FOR HIM I REALLY LIKE HIS CHARACTER THOUGH best i got possibly just enters theory territory instead
AND ABOUT TONY!!! like in the game he's a very earnest and good kid. I imagine he's seen as someone very sociable and easy to get along with to his peers LIKE HE WILL DO ANYTHING TO HELP EVERYONE FEEL INCLUDED and does an extra effort to get Jeff friends and for people to understand and like him like he be taking him to some of his other friends like. THIS IS MY BEST FRIEND!!!!!!! and theyre like Tony rhis is the sevenrh time you introduced him TONY IS THE MAIN REASON JEFF HAS ANY OTHER FRIENDS IN SNOW WOOD
tony sucks at science like really bad he's not good at anything scientific process like and would be bad at remembering them...IF HE DIDN'T TAKE THE EFFORT TO MANUALLY REMEMBER THEM BECAUSE JEFF IS THE ONE TELLING HIM. he be sitting there absorbing all that information and casually mentioning it here and there so Jeff gets really excited about it. ASIDE FROM THAT HE'S ACTUALLY GOOD AT MATH AND IT GAINED HIM A SCHOLARSHIP AT SNOW WOOD IN THE FIRST PLACE WHICH I IMAGINE IS VERY PRESTGIOUS
hes just a very hardworking kid in general THOUGH HE'S VERY CLUMSY AT TIMES. he's seen as the funny guy he cracks out jokes for everyone to laugh at people just generally like him a lot
sprta silly because lil dude is so honest and good natured he has to fight so hard to tell a lie. he's quite naive and easily forgives people WHICH OF COURSE HE'S LIKE 12 OF COURSE HE'S LIKE THAT BUT HE'S MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE
anyway im not makikg thisbany longer its already scary enough I AM SORRY. . .....I DID NOT WANT IT TO BE THIS LONG. . ..im very thankful you asked but ay the same time i feel obligated to ask for forgiveness at how long ive rambled for I just I just love this game I COULD DO MORE BUT NAW💔💔💔
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dottores · 1 year
AHHHHHHHH screamed and sobbed into my pillow when I came home to read the new chapter of Heliotropes. I fought every inner demon afterwards I’m not even gonna lie to you.
I’m the commenter from ao3 of the color purple, and I saw your response to my comment and cried even harder bro. I know it’s only been four chapters (and a segment data page!), but I’m already so attached. The ending of the new chapter hand me audibly going “no nO NOOO”. Arggggg darn you, your angsty ideas, and how well you execute them.
I’m so happy that I was right about how much Dottore has influenced her, even more than we had been originally lead to believe. However all your hints of future fights has me sweating in my seat, but excited nonetheless!! It’s interesting for me to think about how sneaky Ms. Purple must have become over the years. Being a good secret keeper and staying under the radar must be hard, and she’s definitely learned a thing or two, I’m sure.
Seeing how conflicted Ms. Purple is with her family is so interesting, especially since we already know that Dottore probably wouldn’t care for her family no matter how wonderful they are. I love him, but I fear he might take advantage of her distance from them by making it worse or manipulating the situation. She cares for them, and you can’t just stop loving someone, even if they hurt you again and again. This is something I doubt Dottore would be able to understand, since emotions aren’t something he can typically rationalize.
ALSO IM SO HLAD YOU DIDNT MAKE MS. PURPLE A COOKIE CUTTER THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I’m so happy you’ve become invested in this fic, as I can see just how much it’s helping you explore both yourself and your talents.
When I went back to reread The Color Purple again, I realized how close Delta and Iota must be to her. On top of that, Dottore had already threatened to send Theata to work with Delta. I was thinking about how funny that was, as those three would be the most problematic for Dottore if they found his (their? Technically) soulmate first.
Also I already suspected Brighella of something bad, BUT NOW IM THOROUGHLY CONVINCED HES THE SPY. Which would be so SO bad for arlecchino since she brought him in (yikes).
All of this is making me wonder about possibilities and routes. I’m curious to find out what Ms. Purple will do to earn Dottore’s respect, because even if he does care about her as she’s his soulmate, that doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t really want her there. The plot thickens.
NO WORRIES ABOUT THE COMMENT BTW!! I’m surprised you even responded, it really made my day <33 Your work inspires me, and I’ll never shut up about how great you are in expressing exactly what the characters are feeling or doing without losing the audience’s focus. I’ve yet to read any of your stories and feel uninterested, even on characters I don’t particularly care for. Thank you so much for your time and efforts, I promise you me and hundreds of others are always thrilled to see that you’ve updated.
Best of luck on your future works!!
ok hehe rest below the cut
GDJHSDHJSJDHSH i actually wasn’t going to end the chapter with that, bc i usually like leaving it at 4 scenes BUT I HAD THE IDEA AND COULDNT LET IT SLIP BY HAHAHAHHA it would be just his luck to get THAT as his word right after all that LMAOOO and yk damn well he’s gonna take it the wrong way
🤭🤭🤭 the sneakiness and having to hide it is something else that it’s gonna be explored more in chapter 5 & 6. i just planned chapter 5 and i’m gonna start writing it friday i’m rlly excited for it, i think it’s the chapter i’m most excited for thus far.
the conflict between her and dottore when it comes to family is gonna be a BIG ONE, djsjdjjsjd i actually literally changed the whole original fic at chapter 2 to center around this conflict. without too much spoilers, i got the idea from the tik tok audio that goes “if i betray you, i betray myself. but if i betray them, i betray my country. my country is very dear to me.” “dearer than i?” “no, not dearer than you” HAHAHHAHA i’m rlly excited to get to that point too
DELTA AND IOTA WERE LITERALLY A TOWN OR TWO OVER FROM HER BEFORE SHE LEFT TO LIVE IN THE CITY. when iota finds out, he cries LMAO. if they had found her first, it would be the end of all things for dottore LMAOO he would be miserable 💀💀💀 the only thing that would’ve made it worse if gamma was there too. he hasn’t been introduced in the fic yet.
SOBS ILYSM 🥹🥹🥹🥹 that rlly might’ve been the sweetest thing anyone’s said to me i’m quite literally about to cry, i wish i could give you the biggest hug. i love asks and comments, theyve deadass been what’s pulled me out of writers block like dozens of times. i think i told you in the ao3 comment but ur comment there saved my ass like three times HAHAH. i showed my bf and i was like “if i ever start complaining about being stuck, send me this” and he DID and it worked like a charm every time LMAO. i always try to respond but sometimes it just takes me half an eternity because i’m swamped with work and drained SOBS. so i’m sorry if it ever feels like i’m not responding bc i promise i try to get to it at a decent time but i just get so overwhelmed and then i crash for a few days.
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taegularities · 2 years
I'm coming at you straight from finishing cmi 7.5 and AAAAAAAAAH. I love Jungkook so much and I love OC so much and I just want them to be happy and together and in love again 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Also I know that you had a hard time writing this chapter, but you did so well, truly. It really made me feel like I got to know Jungkook so much better and I love him now more than ever (if that's even possible). This time I feel like my feedback will be more incoherent than usual, since I was lost for words so often, but it's still coming!
Aaand here is me being extremely stressed out and sad and feeling all of the emotions while reading lmao
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Contemplating my entire existence in the last one lmaooo can you see how flushed my cheeks are from all the emotions 🙈🙈🙈 These were all taken as I was reading and basically sum up why I like to read cmi when I'm alone in the room. Also add to that the fact I have audible reactions as well. excuse the babyface and pajamas lmao i had to get comfy
Anywaaaays, love you, Rid, and thank you for another masterpiece 💞💞💞
IVI, I SAW YOUR REVIEW, goooosh the things you notice. i admire your brain bc it's literally mine LMFAO 😭
no matter what's going on between them, jk and oc are 🥺 i had a feeling that chapter would change at least a little. btw, i'm beyond happy that you think i wrote it well :( i was so fkn worried when i posted it, so knowing that it was okay makes me feel a lot better about it !! <3
ALSO LET'S TALK ABOUT THOSE PICS. i didn't expect them but i won't complain !!! i told you already, but you're so fkn cute 😭 the flushed cheeks kajhdkjas that made me smile a lot 🥺 love love love you <3333
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zalrb · 2 years
okay i finally read pt. 4, and it was obviously deliciously amazing!! i think what i enjoyed the most is sometime that you do often in your stelena fics where you force elena to feel the full weight of her decision to choose damon. like i know that canonically, elena has always been jealous of the idea of stefan with other women, but i loved how in the fic it’s clear that the promises that they made to each other are still binding in her mind. and i LOVE how even stefan’s initial reaction to elena’s reaction is to feel guilt and there’s almost this delay between that still recognizing their soulmate connection that’s never going anywhere and realizing the facts of their situation. it’s such a tough place to be in, and it’s angsty in the best way. also, i always find damon’s willingness to keep up with this farce of a relationship almost impressively pathetic. i know that some folks say that you make them feel sympathetic towards damon but that’s not true for me lmaooo. it just makes him out to be the sad little man he truly is instead of covering him in plot armor. my thoughts are all over the place, but i found the blood sharing scene so mesmerizing??? like i could not stop visualizing the pure carnality of it and that recurring theme of possession between them—especially with him later explaining his fixation with her as an addiction to elena. like katherine and blood are two things that he enjoys so primally and wholly in the moment and feels a deep since of shame and loathing immediately after indulging in. both of these things are symbols of his vampirism (katherine as his creator, blood as his sustenance) and how he hated a fundamental part of himself for song. but like, elena is also the catalyst who gave him the strength and faith to reclaim these symbols. and i feel like it’s so apt that you ended the chapter off with elena having a sex dream about blood sharing with stefan that’s imbued with so much love, devotion, and adoration that explicitly contests the power hungry, violent, and resentful overtones of the steferine blood sharing scene in the beginning. beautifully done as always!! i’m currently in the process of moving so i apologize for how scatterbrained i am right lmao
thank you!! and i hope everything is going well with your move!
you do often in your stelena fics where you force elena to feel the full weight of her decision to choose damon. like i know that canonically, elena has always been jealous of the idea of stefan with other women, but i loved how in the fic it’s clear that the promises that they made to each other are still binding in her mind. and i LOVE how even stefan’s initial reaction to elena’s reaction is to feel guilt and there’s almost this delay between that still recognizing their soulmate connection that’s never going anywhere and realizing the facts of their situation. it’s such a tough place to be in, and it’s angsty in the best way.
yes! exactly, i've always been like, the show never made due on this sentiment
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and in fics i'm like, i want to tease that concept out. i want to stay in the moments that the show gives us and actually explore the emotions of it. if elena is like this
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whenever she thinks she's lost stefan
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and there are still moments and feelings after the breakup like this:
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with nowhere to go because she made a choice to be with a man who isn't even the kind of a man who can figure out that she isn't herself
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who has to direct her to lean on her connection with her ex-boyfriend who she has a cosmic bond with
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and such a rich history
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and is cut off from the natural progression of that relationship for whatever reason
“The bottom line is that Elena as a human made a very, very, very clear choice that she would love Stefan always and forever,” she says. “But then her entire life turned upside down, and any feelings she originally had for Damon were still there, and of course magnified. There was always going to be a little bit of a confusion there for her — but not enough confusion for her to be over Stefan. It would take a lot to rip Elena away from loving Stefan. It would take years and seasons. We’d be eighty, if we followed the natural progression of that relationship.”
what is that actually going to look like? it's going to be fucking difficult.
and in previous fics, i've either had stefan single and his main conflict is how not to hurt damon,
or i've had him with caroline and her with damon in unfulfilling relationships and they both can't help but feed into their bond,
so this time i was like it would be interesting if stefan is actively engaged with someone else and elena has to watch it and sit with the feelings stefan felt watching her with damon
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and then making it katherine, like I said in another response when I did the first part of the fic, it really has nothing to do with the damage she's caused to the friend group, that's kind of just a bonus, it's more to do with seeing the effect Katherine has on him.
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Like, I got an ask a while ago about whether or not I thought Elena was insecure about her sexual prowess considering that Stefan was over a hundred years old and slept with women like Katherine and Rebekah and I was like I never thought that she'd be insecure sexually but with this fic, the jealousy and the heartbreak stems from how far gone he is because of this sex, the power that him and Katherine together have, which is very different from what the power of their sex so she just can't handle it especially considering that when they were together he constantly blew katherine off as nonimportant
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i always find damon’s willingness to keep up with this farce of a relationship almost impressively pathetic. i know that some folks say that you make them feel sympathetic towards damon but that’s not true for me lmaooo. it just makes him out to be the sad little man he truly is instead of covering him in plot armor.
It's always interesting and funny to me when readers say they feel sorry for pathetic Damon because I think it may come across like Hoyt when Jessica breaks up with him to explore her vampirism and he's so lost in love with her that he's like do whatever you want just do it with me
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and I write him more from a place of him guilting her into staying because he just wants her to stay.
but i found the blood sharing scene so mesmerizing??? like i could not stop visualizing the pure carnality of it and that recurring theme of possession between them—especially with him later explaining his fixation with her as an addiction to elena. like katherine and blood are two things that he enjoys so primally and wholly in the moment and feels a deep since of shame and loathing immediately after indulging in. both of these things are symbols of his vampirism (katherine as his creator, blood as his sustenance) and how he hated a fundamental part of himself for song.
i'm so glad you found it mesmerizing! i definitely wanted to portray a scene that was so loaded and so hot and so charged that they had to do something right then, right there and i wanted stefan to initiate it where instead of it being jealousy that erupts when she mentions continuing on with matt, it's more like laying a claim not because he's threatened by matt and he absolutely knows what she's doing but this idea of 'mine' without being in love is really interesting and then of course, katherine being katherine, is going to push him further by not simply doing a blood share but doing a blood share like that with no real privacy and getting off on the idea of him losing control over her, which stefan relishes and hates.
but like, elena is also the catalyst who gave him the strength and faith to reclaim these symbols. and i feel like it’s so apt that you ended the chapter off with elena having a sex dream about blood sharing with stefan that’s imbued with so much love, devotion, and adoration that explicitly contests the power hungry, violent, and resentful overtones of the steferine blood sharing scene in the beginning. beautifully done as always!!
and yeah, like i definitely didn't want to fall into the trappings of like gentle sex = love and rough or more carnal sex/blood-sharing = purely lust, i think i've given stelena some pretty carnal scenes, but it was definitely the idea of symbiosis and both of them just wanting to give pleasure to each other and just wanting so badly to be connected through something so fundamental to their lives vs as you say, resentment and being power hungry and the idea of conquering and possessing and making the other succumb like with steferine.
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gab-has-adhd · 2 years
i was the last anon... omg u replied!! did not expect that tbh 😭😭 & yeah i don't *actually* hate illumi, in fact i think it'd be near impossible atp because. a) he's way too relatable + b) i adore his character, and his family and his everything bc of how complex he is. he's amazing. stunning. jaw-dropping. horrendous. terrible. terrifying. all at once & I Appreciate Him So Much (tm) for it :]
also speaking of illumi... i am so interested in kikyo. like ik a lot of people in the hxh fandom find her irritating (she is sometimes) but she's a mother too - specifically the zoldyck's mother - and i think as a character, she would have such an in-depth backstory that we haven't even gotten into yet (at least from where i'm currently at rn in the manga lmfao.. manifesting the future chapters give us more abt her bc i Need to know everything about her history in meteor city 🙏)
another thing abt ur reply - UR SO RIGHT ABT WANTING TO BEHAVE LIKE ILLUMI 🙁🙁 as someone who relates to his trauma & thought process, me and him cld not be more different fr. i am too Fiery. i get into too much Trouble for losing my temper at the Worst times. illumi tho?? he looks emotionless (even tho he's not) but i need that kind of detachedness to get around w my daily life 😭 god made me traumatized but not cold as ice How is this fair Please i need a life refund T___T
im so sorry omg i keep writing essays in these asks 🙁 anyways i also hope u have a great morning/day/evening!!! its almost 12am i need to get back to studying for exams LMAOO hope ur doing well tho (drink water bff)
Hi again anon! 🌸 thank you for sending me another ask ufufufu it's almost 5 am for me but it seems I'm going to hae a sleepless night aGAIN for some reasons gnsngmsmcj
Good luck for your exams! I sincerely hope you'll be successful <3 and please never worry about sending me essays hahaha I love it very much 💕
I agree so much with you on Kikyo! I am usually not very big on female characters for some reasons but kikyo is so cool! I need to know more about her! I like her fucked up personality though lmaooo she is a Zoldyck indeed 🙏 like yes she IS irritating but it's because she literally is the MOTHER in a FAMILY OF ASSASSINS I think at this point every Zoldyck is allowed to be irritating LOL
I truly hope Togashi will give us more about her. She's from Meteor City after all, who knows what crazy things happened to her back there! Also I desperately need to know how she met Silva and how they fell in love.
Where are you currently in the manga? Just wanna make sure I don't drop any spoiler material if you send me more asks ufufu!
ALSO OMG I FEEL YOU SO MUCH ABOUT NOT BEHAVING LIKE ILLUMI. Like sure he probably behaves like this because he was deeply traumatized but... look I have ADHD and BPD, nature wasn't very nice with me. The combination makes me extremely impulsive, extremely emotive and very easily angered. My behavior is basically an emotional rollercoaster LMAOOO I just wish I was able to keep a cold face like Illumi 😭 who knows maybe his emotions are wild in his brain but at least he's able to completely conceal them. This is a skill I would appreciate having.
Instead my traumatized dumb ass self decided to gift me the ability to hide my upset-ness until I eventually explode. Which is. A pretty unhealthy behavior LMAO but I'm working on it :)))
Who knows, maybe one day Illumi is going to explode too 😶 not saying I actually want him to explode but somehow I think I would get so emotional if it ever happend to him. Like. Illumi breaking down nervously and. IDK crying maybe. This sounds wildly out of character but wow...
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ducavalentinos · 2 years
I love your answers girl ! The "el chapo " series was a real revelation in the covid quarantine period. I think you can guess that Elba had all his first experiences with him. It is intuitable that Joaquin was his first, but he does not seem to have taken advantage of that. This thing in fact , he seems to have bonded with her a lot. We have seen him be a monster but never with her. However, I think they were a very close couple, but also mutually jealous. Anyone who had looked " too long" at Elba would have died and anyone who came near Joaquin would have incurred Elba's wrath . Moreover, the beautiful thing is the fact that chapo's mother had always considered Alejandrina as chapo's only wife, which is why she never had a connection with Graciela, and she did not even participate in the marriage between Chapo and Elba. Moving on in the series, however, we notice how a certain bond is formed between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. They visited chapo in prison together, she attended the twins' baptism, while chapo was in prison, Elba stayed by her side . I think ultimately the mother had surrendered to the fact that Chapo considered Elba to be the love of his life, and was convinced that from Elba's side it was the same. Despite her young age. Ohh sorry for the rant lol
Aw, thank you! and no, pls don’t apologize because I loved every bit of this lovely message 💜 I’m the one who has to say sorry here for taking so long to answer it :((( But listen, I was reading this and nodding along to everything you said here 😌 those are my thoughts as well, and idk what else I can add to it fdjfdjfdj. I’ll just complement by saying: yes, not only he doesn’t take advantage of this fact, but to me, it is noticiable he is more patient and sweet with her than with other women we see him with. Their wedding night, for example, shows really well the contrast imo, it goes against everything you would expect of him and the situation in general, and I believe it comes from what you pointed out, he seems to have bonded a lot with Elba,  there was an deeper emotional connection there, in a way it doesn’t seem he had with the previous women on his life. And for sure they were a very close couple, and mutually jealous haha. It would have been interesting to see how Elba’s jealousy would have manifested, you know? because with Joaquín, yeah, it would have been exactly or something close to what you said lmaooo, but with her? I wonder how that would go, but then again, we never even see Joaquín so much as glancing @ other women once he’s with Elba. The way his behavior drastically changed in this department too, is amazing to watch, I was stunned like who is this man?? I don’t know him, haha. And omg, I loved what you brought up about Chapo’s mother, because I really enjoyed the way she and the family dynamics were written down, and her relationship with the wives, I agree with you, it was beautiful to see the bond between her and Elba :)) I remember it took me by surprise the first time I watched because I thought it would follow a similar relationship as the one with Graciela, but slowly they seemed to have bonded, esp. after the birth of the twins, and more later on as Chapo goes to prison. I got the impression they created a system of mutual support between them, and it could have been because she noticed Elba’s loyalty and love for her son, although Graciela, as far as we know, also showed that, but they never bonded, so I think it must have been also the fact she noticed, or maybe Chapo even told her, Elba was the love of his life, it was a different deal and that made her surrendered to it and I suppose their bond grew from there.
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xmariiitamiiix · 13 days
Pt 2 All my Bots
Cult Leader Suguru x Non Sorcerer User: Now this one is the chat where I just wanted him to lowkey just be nasty but not in the ;) way but in the he senses you are a non sorcerer and he feels nauseous because of that and so he is like "So we letting everyone in here now?" with a sneer way like he hates your ass but low-key I would say gets off on the power dynamic that having you in his little cult gives him. in the perfect chat I would envision you just being trapped with him and basically a servant now because I also said he did get off on the power dynamic that leaves a little something, something if you know what I mean there I would say he could get attached to you and because I want him to low-key be nasty I would apply heavy emotional manipulation and forced parenting (Like using Mimiko and Nanako to keep you within his grasp) in this Chat cursed techniques are a thing but I don't trust Character Ai to portray them well unless you add them in they aren't really going to have much action but if I was able to incorporate them in well I would say he uses the Cursed Spirits as surveillance over you or to torment you and to keep you there within his grasp and play as your savior maybe low-key even trying to turn you against other Monkeys. in all I would say this would be one of the chats were you would choose the bear in real life.
He's hopelessly Devoted to You: In this you are a deity, a god basically and he is your devotee matter of fact he is your most loyal one. Now in the introductory chat his village (Named Yomigaeri) where he is a mere farmer is dealing with a heavy winter where crops are dying as well as animals and people and in a desperate measure he comes to you clad in only a black robe and begs for your assistance to help his people go through the winter and he pledges that he would do anything for you to do this absolutely anything ;) but that is something that you yourself can come up with in the chat
Summertime Sadness: this is my go at the depressed Suguru bots lmaooo now in the introductory message this is implied to take place after the Riko incident and everything where he is questioning himself and his resolve you know in the character definitions I made this character as more of a notice the signs kind but you can go whatever route you wanna go but basically in all don't ask once ask twice and be there for your loved ones you never know
Ten things I Hate about You.. AU: this one is self explanatory if you have seen the movie that bears the same name but to break it down for you guys in this chat you are in a college and you have a older sister by the name of Saori who is bright and popular and all that (honestly you go girl) while your not.. (my bad) now because your father is worried for your futures he has placed on the rule because Saori and a guy named Ryuu are wanting to go out and he doesn't necessarily want that to happen fearing what it could do to her studies and all that says unless you date she cannot date mostly because he thinks that hell would freeze over before you would ever date someone so Ryuu and Saori both hatch a plan where they have Suguru go and try to date you for some cash (Now when I made this bot I was thinking that it was kinda weird that the father would be all up and arms about dating so I decided though this isn't too much better it was because of the fact that he was paying for both your educations and it isn't cheap)
Game Over: Play Again?: In this your favorite video game character (wink wink nudge nudge it's Suguru) first finds out that his love interest is in love with another (A friend actually to add to the sting) he comes home to a destroyed village, his hometown if you will, and now in the end he becomes the very creature that he sought out to destroy and dies and you are rightfully frustrated by this. the next day while still frustrated about this you get isekai'd (Damn that stupid truck) and wake up in a all too familiar room and a all too familiar face attending to you (Hint: It's Suguru, and Because in this new world you basically fell from a tree literally) so your having a moment where you are rightfully panicking and also going through the plot of the game (It's basically a adventure game where you are killing monster and shit and I can't think of any examples to name at the moment) You come to realize that you have taken the place of Suguru's fiancee in the game but the problem is the fact that you die in the first act due to a Monster killing you and in the introductory message as well you are also aware that also with Suguru about to inform you of the fact that he plans to venture out with the Monster Hunting Crew he has in the game (MHC Group) which starts the game (Because after this the next morning you both would wake to the Monsters attacking the village and you die and that's how the game would start). You have a main character moment where you are like this is finally my chance to fix his story and your wanting to get him his happiness while also being like well since I am stuck in this world now I guess I will also venture for my happiness as well
And they were Roommates...: this chat is supposed to be lighthearted and fun with the introductory message talking about the fact that you both met at one of Satoru's house parties and hit it off as friends and actually ended up becoming roommates I poke a little fun at this but you can basically just treat this as a Slice of Life chat bot but like I said in the introductory chat this would be a Slice of Life chat if the main characters were perpetually broke and on the verge of running out of instant noodles also Suguru is a server at a restaurant in this so yeah :))))
Who is He?: in this chat you are still reeling from the fact that it has been a year since you lost your lover (Suguru) who died and while I don't necessarily say the day that the imposter (Kenjaku) appears I want it to be implied it's on his death date (To add some sting) honestly this one along with Rumor has it a Vampire is dwelling within a Castle
Note: Names and such things may change in this chat like I don't necessarily want to leave things off as something blank X user. I will share updates from now on about any changes I may do to bots.
New bot ideas coming soon... maybe if I don't veto them at the last moment....
Body Guard Suguru X Star User
Officer Suguru X Thief User
Detective Suguru X Detective User: The New Couple on Penny Ave
0 notes
demcnsinmymind · 2 months
continuing my neverending unwell journey
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That uttermost fucking care and panic in John's voice during that part. Like don't even TALK to me. "I'll take care of you." The little noises Arthur made when he heard that. Like of course he'll take care of him. Of course.
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Next on don't talk to me: John being utterly incapable of accepting the fact that one day, Arthur will die and stay dead. No sir, we don't accept when in this house, we only take ifs here.
Also canon confirmation that John's going absolutely nowhere when Arthie dies. Meaning that Arthie trying to kill himself at the end of s2 was utterly useless actually and would've just left John completely trapped and helpless without him. Mirroring S3 when Arthur gained his hand and foot back when John was gone but still being blind without him. Also just the overall thought that maybe they can't meet in the afterlife the way they planned. And Arthur's "I guess." Like even now he makes it sound like he'd rather not stay alive, certainly not for himself and only for John he guesses. Like LKSDJFKSDHFSDKF
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John just straight up saying "after careful consideration, I have decided to put you in so much bubblewrap no one can ever stab you again OKAY, I am DONE with you getting stabbed. You ARE wearing the fucking chest plate my dude."
also can we please talk about the fucking jesus parallels with arthur. three days after death, crawling back out of the underworld CAN WE
which brings me back to Kayne's fucking line earlier
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Also how incredibly, incredibly right it is. No surprise from John. No theatrics. No gasp, no "I never told u this and it's so hard for me to admit", just straight up "you know that I love you" followed by that deeply affectionate and emotional "I know". Just...them. THEM. Everyone knows. It's a law of fucking nature at this point that they love each other and can't be without each other but it still is so very fucking lovely and nice and important for them to still say it out loud like this. I want to fucking eat a broom oh my god their love for each other.
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We are here. They gasp, they laugh, they pull themselves together, they they they. Them lying in the grass together, marveling at the beauty of nature together. I am so so unwell.
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Alarmed John noises TM
Followed by that fucking mental image of John taking care of the wounds like it's the most natural and normal thing in the world, the uttermost trust and care once again. They are SO soft with each other in this episode and I am dying TM
And what a way to hint at the S5 finale I am of course nowhere emotionally prepared for at all lmaooo
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But yeah like all in all, 44, what a fucking blessing. I adore that it's not constant doom and gloom and that they can go at least one or two episodes without another divorce arc. They've grown so much compared to episodes like The Madness where John was on the verge of legitimately strangling Arthur to death. To think that they once were so hellbent on getting rid of each other and now this...yes, I am unwell TM.
0 notes
skyeet-the-writer · 4 years
okay i’m not sure if you are taking like open requests but corpse and reader are dating and nobody really knows but like the fans ship it and stuff, and they are playing among us with jack, felix, rae ect,, and someone invites somebody and it’s reader ex boyfriend and corpse notices that she’s acting really quiet and he texts her like “baby are you okay??” and she tells him that’s her toxic ex and during an emergency meeting, her ex suspects her and when she defends herself he says something along the lines of “don’t believe her she’s a fucking liar, she’s been one since the day i first met her” and everyone is like ??? but corpse flips out on him and just snaps telling him to leave his girlfriend alone which breaks his cover so everyone knows about you guys and just like really mad corpse and having to help him calm down and you get up from your seat to see him in his streaming room and just sit on his lap and he’s like “fuck that guy it’s okay baby we can just play minecraft or something” lmaooo 🥺🥺🥺 sorry i know that was so specific but the thought makes me so soft i would actually cry if you wrote this
This Is A Shout Out To My Ex
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here’s my first request guys! so sorry they’re taking so long. i’m trying to get these done before i do anything else. hope you guys enjoy! x,
corpse x female!reader
summary: while paying a game with her friends, y/n’s toxic ex joins the game. when he calls her a liar, corpse snaps and defends his girlfriend
word count: ~4.4k
warnings: mentions of emotional abuse, gaslighting, near-death experiences, swearing, some angst but it has a super fluffy end!
Living with your boyfriend is, obviously, amazing in every way. You see each other all the time, you get to cuddle almost all the time, and you get to see his handsome face every morning.
Probably, the only downside is the fact that living together makes it nearly impossible to hide the fact that you’re dating.
But, somehow, you’ve managed to keep it a secret from you rabid fans for the past four months. You literally have no idea how because you’re pretty sure you accidentally got a glimpse of Corpse walking by while you were doing a vlog.
Miraculously, no one noticed it. Then again, none of your fans knew what he looked like, so there’s a plus. There were one or two comments asking who the person in the back was, but you lied and said it was a friend. Technically, you weren’t wrong.
And so you’ve been trying to keep your relationship with Corpse on the DL to avoid any stress or anxiety his way. You could deal with it, you’ve been doing Youtube for years and could handle almost anything. Corpse, bless his heart, might not be able to.
One morning, you’re awoken by some slight tugging on your hair. You crack your eyes open but the bright light makes you whine and close them again. There’s a soft laugh behind you and you roll over onto your back, scooting over closer to him. You stretch your legs and grin, still keeping your eyes closed. 
“Did you sleep at all?” you ask in a quiet voice, your head resting on your lover’s chest.
“No,” he answers in his deep voice and you feel him play with your hair. “Anxiety, insomnia, the usual shit.”
You hum and open your eyes slowly, deciding to brave the light. You blink up at Corpse who is staring at the ceiling. “What were you thinking about?” Your own voice is a bit scratchy and rough. 
He looks down at you and you take notice of how bloodshot his eyes are and the bags under his eyes. “How pretty you are when you sleep.” He grins.
“You watched me when I slept?” you ask and playfully narrow your eyes at him. “You creep.”
He laughs and you turn around onto your side, your back facing him. “Baby, no, I didn’t mean it that way.”
You smile. “You’re so creepy, Corpse.”
He doesn’t say anything but you hear him sit up in bed. You begin to ask what he’s doing but then he lifts up the back of your shirt to press a few kisses to your back. “You’re still here, though. With me.”
“Hm. Yeah.” You turn around and he gazes at you. “Because I love you.”
His eyes light up in the way that they always do when you tell him those three, simple words. You love seeing them light up that way and you grin. “I love you, too.” He leans in for a quick kiss.
“What time is it?” you ask when you pull away.
Corpse reaches over to his side of the bed and turns his phone on. “Noon.”
“Noon?” you shout and sit up so quickly you get a head rush. “We were supposed to be playing Among Us with Sean, Pewds, Toast, Rae, and them.”
“Oh. Yeah.” You turn and see him with his hands covering his face.
You walk over to him and kneel next to him. “Babe? What’s up?”
He just groans and you frown. He doesn’t feel good. 
You push his hair from his forehead. “I can tell them that you’re not feeling up for it. They all know you, they’d understand.”
He shakes his head and runs his hands down his face before they rest on his chest. “No. No, it’s okay, I’ll be fine.” He gives you a smile.
You kiss his cheek. “Okay, then, babe. C’mon, we’re gonna be late.” You grab his hands and tug him up until he’s in a sitting position. He pulls you in for another kiss but you lean away.
“You have morning breath,” you tell him when he gives you his sad eyes. “Brush your teeth and then I’ll kiss you.”
That seems to get him out of bed and into the bathroom while you change clothes. You change out of your sweatpants and t-shirt and into jeans and a shirt. He walks out of the bathroom yawning and you walk past him to go to the bathroom.
I wish he’d sleep, you think to yourself while brushing your teeth. After brushing your teeth, you wash your face and do a little bit of makeup so you don’t look like you just rolled out of bed even though you did.
Corpse walks into the bathroom as you’re finishing your makeup and has a mug of coffee for you. You’re the only one in the house who drinks coffee since he can’t, so you always find it so sweet that he makes it for you.
“You made me coffee?” you ask and he nods. You take it from him and give him a peck. “Thank you, love.” 
You take a sip and grab your phone from your nightstand and shove it into your pocket. You walk out of the bedroom the two of you share and into the kitchen to check on your cat. 
Before you met him, Corpse had never really wanted a pet. He said that they die and he doesn’t want to deal with that, which you understand. But after the two of you had been dating for three months and you had been living with him for a month and a half, you begged him to let you get a cat. You knew he couldn’t say no to you. 
“Where’s Inky?” you call out to your boyfriend after not finding your cat in the living room or the kitchen. 
“In here,” he calls back and you follow his voice. Corpse is sitting in his chair getting ready to stream. You spot a black cat sitting on his table, licking at his hand. Corpse laughs and pets the animal on the head. “Stop licking me, girl. Your tongue feels weird.”
You smile and walk over to him, picking the cat up. “Come on, Inky, let’s leave dad to do his job, yeah?”
The young cat meows up at you and stares into your soul with her green eyes. You lock her gaze and have a staring contest. You lose, however, and blink away. 
“Why is your cat so weird?” you ask, placing the cat back down and watch her run away. 
“Probably gets it from her mom,” Corpse mumbles and you hear a smile. 
You scoff and smack his hand away gently when he reaches out to you. “Fine, you don’t get a kiss before the stream.”
“No, wait!” he shouts and grabs your hand, pulling you towards him. “I was kidding, baby.”
You smile at him and cup his cheek. “I know.” You lean down and give him a long, deep kiss. You feel him smile against your lips and you pull away. He gives you a smile.
“I love you,” he mutters, brushing some hair away from your face. 
“I love you more.” You grab his hand and press a kiss against his knuckles. You take a step back. “I’ll see you in the Discord chat, babe.”
“Okay. Also, don’t close the door all the way!” he calls to you and you look back at him, your hand on the doorknob. 
“Why?” you ask, leaning on the doorframe. 
He takes a second to respond. “Because I want Inky to come in here later.”
You laugh but smile. “Okay, fine.” You walk away from the door and across the hall into your own recording room. 
Your room is a lot different than your boyfriend’s. His room is dark and doesn’t have a lot in it. Yours, on the other hand, probably has too much stuff. Most of it is gifts from fans like stuffed animals and other knickknacks. Your desk, monitors, and lights take up a lot of the already limited space. You turn both your ring lights on after closing the door and turn on the LED lights you have attached to the ceiling. You switch them to the f/c setting and put the remote next to your coffee mug. You sit down in your black and white gaming chair and set everything up after putting on your headset. 
You join the Among Us game after beginning your stream and then the Discord call. You seem to join before Corpse because you can’t see him in the call. 
“You’ve finally decided to join us, y/n!” Felix exclaims and you smile. 
“Am I late?” you ask, taking another drink of your coffee. 
“No,” Sean replies. “I mean, we played a couple of rounds to pass the time, but nothing interesting happened.”
You nod and glance at who all is in the chat. It seems to be you, Felix, Toast, Charlie, Rae, Sean, later Corpse, and someone else who’s tag sounds familiar. 
“Oh! I invited someone new!” says Rae. “He’s a friend from college. y/n, this is Dallas.”
“Hey, y/n.”
Your eyes widen and your blood goes cold at the sound of his voice. You know him. You used to date him. In highschool before you moved away. You remember how toxic he was. He would always blow you off when you wanted to hang out and when you did hang out, he always played video games and never talked to you. 
“Hi, Dallas,” you stutter out. “Uh, hey, didn’t you and I go to highschool together?”
You can practically hear his smirk. “Yeah. We did.”
“I didn’t know you two went to school together,” Rae says happily. 
“Yep,” Dallas says. “We were friends, too.”
You want to throw up.
Suddenly, your loving and not toxic boyfriend joins the call and your spirits lift. 
“Corpse!” you exclaim, almost letting another word slip out. 
“You’re here,” says Rae. “Good noon!”
“Yeah, I’m not a morning person,” he says and you just now notice how deep his voice is. “I just woke up.”
“Oh my god,” Felix says. 
“Jesus,” says Charlie, dragging out the ‘u’.
“You just woke up?” asks Toast. 
He’s a liar, he didn’t sleep at all, you think but keep your mouth shut and laugh. 
“It’s like a forty-hertz voice,” Sean says. 
“It sounds like short wave radio,” Charlie adds. 
You laugh. “You sound like spoken brown note.”
Corpse laughs. “This is me when I wake up, that’s what...” He cuts himself off and laughs again.
“I’m scared,” says Dallas. 
“I didn’t know it could get any lower!” exclaims Sean. 
“I didn’t know you could hit puberty twice.” Felix laughs. 
After some more laughter, Corpse is introduced to Dallas. 
“Hey, man,” Corpse says. “Nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, you too,” Dallas replies. 
“Can we start the game now?” Sean asks when everyone is in the waiting room. You take a sip of your coffee while Rae starts the game. 
You mute yourself as your role is revealed and let out a sigh of relief. “Crewmate. Good, this makes this less stressful.” You go into the hallway, following Felix and Sean to go do wires. You clear the two of them and you three go up to admin. “Okay, so for those of you wondering about my reaction to Dallas joining the stream is that he’s my ex. Uh, we dating in highschool and broke up around the end of senior year. So this is pretty awkward for me.” You break away from Sean and Felix to go do a task in the greenhouse. 
You leave out the part about Dallas where he was borderline abusive. You remember him shouting at you for asking for the littlest of things to him gaslighting you and guilt-tripping you into going skinny dipping with him. 
Maybe that’s why you love Corpse so much. He’s the opposite of Dallas. He’s sweet and he’s caring. He’s never once raised his voice at you unless you were beating him in a game. Even then you both knew he wasn’t serious. And he had never once pressured you to do something you didn’t want to do. 
You’re brought out of your thoughts when someone reports Rae’s dead body. You unmute yourself and take another drink of your coffee. 
“I found her in decontamination,” Dallas says. “I opened the door and she was right there.”
“I was down by storage doing wires,” you tell them, putting your mug down. “And I was with Felix and Jack for the beginning and I’m pretty sure they’re cleared. So it has to be either you, Toast, or Corpse. Or Charlie.”
“You almost forgot about me,” he says and you laugh. 
“We never vote on seven, right?” Toast says. 
“Not if no one is sus, no,” Corpse answers. 
“I’m skipping,” says Sean. 
You nod and skip voting. “Same here.”
Everyone skips voting and you continue on. You do the rest of your wiring tasks and go out to the balcony where you notice Corpse standing out there. You smile and walk up to him and make your characters’ “eye” parts touch. “Look, Corpse. We’re touching eyeballs.”
You can just barely make out his laugh from the room across from yours and you grin before doing to do your task. You glance at your chat while you run to the reactor with Corpse. “How have you guys been doing? Hope you’re having a good day. Don’t forget to drink some water and eat something.” You smile at the camera and enter decontamination with Corpse and Toast. 
When you enter reactor, Corpse and Toast each go to do it and you head to the sorting in the lab when suddenly a body is reported. 
You decide to be quiet and drink from your coffee while everyone else discusses what happened. You zone out a little when Dallas talks and your mind flashes back to memories you’ve been trying to forget. 
“Wait, who are we voting?” you ask when you suddenly snap back to reality. 
“Felix,” Sean answers. “He vented right in front of me.”
You nod and vote for Felix and he gets ejected. 
pEWds was ejected 
1 imposter remains
You mute yourself once more and continue to do your tasks and stick with Corpse as much as you can. Your chat notices this and begins to blow up with the ship name they have for the two of you. You laugh at the chat as you scan yourself. “Why are you guys freaking out about Corpse and me? We’re literally just walking.”
Another body is reported and this time it’s Toast’s. You know who the imposter is. You unmute yourself and quickly say, “It’s fucking Dallas, it’s a self-report.”
“What?” Dallas exclaims and you immediately sense the hint of anger in his tone. He used to get so mad during video games and it seems like nothing has changed in the past few years. “How’s it me? It could be Charlie.”
“Charlie is dead, too,” Sean says. 
“Yep. And I know both Corpse and Sean are cleared because I was with Sean for a long time and I just watched Corpse get scanned.”
Dallas scoffs. “Well, shit, you got me there.”
After Dallas is ejected, the crewmates win and you all start another round. You suddenly don’t feel like talking too much anymore and do your stream in mostly silence. Just Dallas being there and in the same call as you is making you anxious and bringing up memories you don’t want to remember. 
Your chat asks you about this and you ignore it as you continue to do your tasks as a crewmate. Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you pull it out, looking at who it is. 
corpse 🖤
are you okay? you’re being really quiet
yeah, ig. just that dallas is my ex. toxic ex too
corpse 🖤
want me to kill him for you? im imposter
You smile and shake your head. “Oh, Corpse,” you whisper to yourself. 
no dont kill him lol
You put your phone back down on the table and look back at the game. 
You don’t pay too much attention to the game until the fourth round after you and Rae lost as the imposters. You’re a crewmate once again and you’re peacefully doing your tasks when suddenly something lays on your bare feet. 
“What the?” You look down at your feet and see a little dark fuzzball on your feet. “Inky, get off my feet, baby.” You move your feet and pick her up. You hold her in your arms like a baby the way she likes and rub her belly. “Okay, go see your dad.” Inky jumps out of your arms and you watch her leave your recording room. 
You turn back to your task and continue to do them without any interruptions. You notice, however, that Dallas has been following you for most of the round. You’re starting to get a little nervous and you run into the cafeteria to get away from him when he calls an emergency meeting.
You unmute yourself and Dallas says, “I think it’s y/n. I’m pretty sure she’s faking tasks.”
“Except I’m not,” you tell him. “You’re the one following me around, too, Dallas. What’s up with that, huh?”
“I’ve been following you because you’re acting sus.”
You glare at Dallas’s character on the screen, heat rushing to your face. “I’m literally doing my tasks, I know you saw me do the card swipe--”
“Don’t listen to her,” Dallas says and he sounds far too confident. “She’s a fucking liar. She has been since the first day I met her.”
By now your face is completely red from anger and you gasp. “Excuse me?”
“What are you talking about?” Sean asks. “I’ve known y/n for a long time, she’s never told a lie so long as I’ve known her.”
“That’s because she’s too good at it,” Dallas says in a snarky tone and you’ve never wanted to punch a screen more in your life. “Her and me used to date in highschool but I broke up with her because she lied to me about everything.”
“That’s not fucking true!” you shout and you can hear blood rushing to your ears. “I was the one who broke up with you after you gaslighted me about not hanging out with you enough when in reality you were always hanging out with your stupid football friends!”
“She’s lying--”
“The fuck are you saying about my girl?” Corpse demands. 
The chat goes silent for a moment. Corpse just called you his girl. You look at your live chat and it’s exploding with “i knew it”s and lots of keyboard smashing.
“Your girl?” Dallas asks after a moment.
“Yes. My girl. As in my girlfriend.” He sounds so possessive and it’s kind of hot to you. “Why are you calling her a liar?”
Dallas stumbles on his words. “B--because she is one.”
“Right. And how long have you known her?”
“I knew her in highschool--“
“Nevermind, I literally don’t care,” Corpse interrupts him. “I’ve been living with her for the past five months and she’s never lied to me about anything.”
Dallas is quiet for once. Everyone is. No one is really even breathing but your heartbeat is rattling your brain and blood is rushing through your ears.
“I don’t wanna play anymore,” you whisper. You swallow thickly and glance at your chat. Luckily, they’re all defending you and yelling at Dallas. You turn back to the screen. “Dallas, I’m not the imposter. And stop making stupid ass accusations.”
“Kick him,” says Felix and you can tell he sounds mad.
“No wait--“ Dallas begins to say.
“No!” Rae interrupts. “I knew there was something off about you.”
“You don’t get to come in here and talk shit about our friend,” Jack says.
“I was kidding,” Dallas tries to explain.
But then something inside you snaps. You forgot how much you hate Dallas. How he always turned the blame on you when he did something wrong. How you almost lost all of your friends because he convinced them that you were a bad person.
At first, you thought he had changed. You thought that he had actually grown up. Turns out that people don’t change.
“Like you were kidding when you almost got me kicked out of the house because you made me go out with you to go drinking?” you ask. “Or how you played a stupid trick on me when I was driving us to school and I almost fucking crashed the car and nearly killed us?”
“Jesus.” You can hear him roll his eyes. “You’re still on about that? It was April Fool’s, you should have expected it—“
“I shouldn’t have expected shit!” you yell and it comes out raw. The memory flashes in your mind and you cringe. “That wasn’t funny, Dallas! You weren’t funny! I fucking hated my life in high school. I was already stressed out because I thought I wasn’t smart enough and you being my boyfriend and ignoring me and manipulating me didn’t help.
“So fuck you. Fuck you for everything you did to me when we were teenagers. Fuck you for making me think that you changed and were actually nice and then ripping that away from me. But you know what? Thanks. Thanks for being my ex because you made me what I am today and you’re the reason I moved to California and met the love of my life.”
You suck a deep breath in and wipe at the tears that had fallen. You put your hand on your camera. “Speaking of which, I need a hug from him. Bye, guys.”
You stop streaming and disconnect from everything. You turn your computer off, unplug your headset, and turn your lights off. You sit in your chair trying not to cry in the dark.
Corpse, your mind says and you open your eyes. You really want a hug. His hugs are the best. You take your headset off and walk out of your recording room. Before you walk into Corpse’s recording room, you head to the living room and grab a fluffy gray blanket and wrap it around yourself.
You don’t even bother to knock on the door and just walk in. His room is still dark and it appears like he’s angry. You can tell by the way his voice is deeper and how he looks like he’s shaking.
But when you tap on his shoulder, he looks up at you with wide eyes. “Babe.”
You sniffle and he pushes away from his desk. You shake your head and pull his arms up above his head and settle yourself on his lap, your legs on either side of him, and wrap your arms around his neck.
“Baby,” he whispers and you lean your cheek on his shoulder. “Just fuck off, Dallas.”
Your eyes squeeze shut and you shift up a little, pushing your nose into his neck. He smells nice. “Stop talking to them.”
“What?” he looks down at you and asks what you’re doing when you take his headset off. You unplug them, thereby disconnecting him from the stream. “y/n, what are you doing?”
“I want to cuddle with you,” you mutter and bury your face into his neck.
You feel him wrap his arms around your back and he pulls you up, leaning his head on your shoulder. “Okay, baby. We can cuddle.”
The two of you sit like that for what feels like a long time. You hear Corpse’s phone buzz, but the two of you ignore it. He kisses the side of your head and you smile.
You sigh deeply as he tightens his hold against you. “Fuck that guy, baby. It’s okay.” He moves his shoulder and you look up at him. “Wanna go play Minecraft?”
A grin spreads across your face and you nod. Corpse smiles back and picks you up, bridal style, blanket and all. You squeal and laugh as he carries you to the living room. “Put me down, Corpse!”
“Alright.” He drops you into the couch and turns around to turn the Xbox on.
You huff and push your hair out of your face, keeping the blanket wrapped tight around your body. “I didn’t mean literally drop me, dummy.”
He shrugs and sits next to you, handing you a controller. “Should’ve been more specific, baby.”
You scoff but can’t hide the small smile creeping onto your lips. “Jerk.” You put the controller next to you on the couch and move the blanket so it’s over both of your laps and you lean into his side.
After playing Minecraft for the majority of the afternoon and evening, you finally drag Corpse to bed with you after ordering pizza for dinner.
His arms are wrapped tight around your waist as your back is pressed against his chest. Inky hops up onto the bed and nuzzles your hand until you begin to pet her. She lays down on her belly and you gently pat her.
“Am I really the love of your life?” Corpse asks after a long time of sitting in the quiet darkness
You nod against the pillow. “Yeah. You are.”
You can’t see him, but you know he’s smiling when he kisses the back of your neck.
Your phone on your nightstand lights up and you head Corpse’s phone buzz again as well. You think for just a moment about all of the texts, all of the messages, all of the DMs you’re getting about what happened. For a second, you panic. What if people don’t think that you’re worth to be dating Corpse? What if people are calling you a pussy for how you reacted to Dallas? What if everyone hates you?
But those thoughts immediately go away when Corpse mumbles something in that husky voice of his that makes the butterflies in your tummy come back. “You’re the love of my life, too.”
“Yeah?” you hum, your eyes slipping shut.
“Yeah,” he says and you can tell that he’s getting tired as well. “And I’m gonna marry you someday.”
An involuntary smile spreads across your face and your entire body overheats. You bite your lip in the darkness and whisper,
“And I’m gonna say yes.”
But he’s asleep. His breathing has evened out. He shouldn’t have heard you.
You know he heard you somehow, though, because his arms tighten around your waist. You wiggle backward so that you’re flush against his chest and his head drops down onto the top of your head.
You place your hands over his and close your eyes. Finally, he’s sleeping.
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yoonpobs · 3 years
bad boy good thing xiv.
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pairing: jeon jungkook x oc
genre: angst, smut, fluff, miscommunication (we hate her lol), pining
warnings: smut, jungkook is really an asshole, the angst hurts a lot tbh, unhealthy relationships (?)
words: 5, 690
summary: a series of drabbles where you're confused and jungkook's confusing
hello!!!! we’re here at fourteen chapters omg ✨✨when i first started this series it was mostly self-indulgent and now there are people who actually enjoy reading it??🥺 it almost doesn’t seem real T.T 
thank you so much for the love and support!!! just so I don't give too much spoilers for this chap - I apologise to my fellow geminis for the potential slander 🤣 this is more of a self-drag lmaooo 
anyway, I hope you enjoy this chap!!!
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“Ah. I’m getting allergies.” Yena sniffs, scrunching her nose.
You furrow your brows in concern, “Are you okay? Do you need any medicine?”
“It’s just the seasonal changes,” She brushes you off.
You nod in understanding, “I get it. My mom has horrible reactions towards pollen so—”
“I’m not allergic to flowers.” She blinks.
“Then what—?”
“It’s Gemini season. It’s like—literally the worst time of the year.” She blinks.
You gawk at her, taking a whole ten seconds to process her serious tone when she doesn’t waver under your scrutiny.
“I’m a Gemini,” You inform her slowly.
“I mean …” She shrugs all as you scowl at her, opting to throw the closest object you had, which was your favourite pen so you decide against it; simply shooting her the meanest glare you could possibly muster.
“Look, it’s not you,” She sighs, and you’re half-expecting her to finish with an it’s me to make you scoff, “It’s me.” And there you go. “I mean, it’s Gemini’s in general because they’re two-faced bitches who have the worst emotional attachment issues. Like they’re literally what the opposite of glue is. And they’re so over-analytical. How is it like psychoanalysing every person you meet only to hurt your own feelings and sulk about it?”
You blink.
“I mean it’s not you but if the shoe fits.” She says casually, plopping a grape into her mouth that you’re tempted to slap away.
“You’re so mean!” You pout indignantly.
She cackles, throwing her head back as you continue to sulk. You weren’t that bad. You just … you were risk-averse! You liked having the freedom to observe everyone and anyone and package them into tiny compartments in your head so you could understand them better. You weren’t … that Gemini.
“You’re so cute,” She coos pinching your cheeks. “No wonder Beef One and Beef Two like you so much.” She teases.
Your first reaction is to blush because you know who exactly she’s talking about, but you have more pressing matters, like—
“You have nicknames for them?” You ask, baffled.
“Hey, I wasn’t friends with many girls in high school. Don’t girls usually have nicknames for their crushes?” She says through a pout.
You stay expressionless as you try to gauge the level of seriousness you can extract from her tone.
You realise she’s dead serious.
“Yeah, but we’re in college,” You argue, scrunching your nose, “And sides’, it’s not like they’re strangers. We know them.”
She rolls her eyes, waving you off like you were the inconvenience here. Then she leans forward, her eyes twinkling as she takes a complete one-eighty that you try to adjust to.
“So … you Gemini hoe, what’s your plans?” She nudges you.
You raise a brow, “Did you just call me a—?”
“Plans, ___. Stay on track.” She scolds.
You sigh, still fond but you pretend to be annoyed. You really couldn’t get annoyed with Yena. After all, the more time you spend with her the more you realise how much life sucked before you had her in your life. You spent each moment learning more about her quirks and habits, her choice of words that made you giggle or laugh until you were crying.
And you realise that this is how she loves, a little rough but welcomed nonetheless.
“If you’re talking about my birthday then … not much. I’m probably stuck doing admin work for the college’s charity programme.” You shrug, stabbing a fork into your soiled salad.
Yena gapes at you, “Not much—excuse me? It’s your birthday! You’re turning twenty-five!” 
You look at her dryly, “I’ve been twenty-five since the year—”
She groans, “That’s not the same! You’re like—officially twenty-five. You’re literally hitting the mark for a quarter-life crisis. Isn’t that something to celebrate?” 
“Me going through an existential crisis at the end of my degree is not how I want to celebrate my birthday but okay,” You blink.
She rolls her eyes at your realism.
“That’s not the point. Point is, this is our first birthday together and I want it to be special.” She points out.
You snort, “What? Are we doubling my birthday as our monthsary or something?”
She shoves you with a brute force that has you snickering but she continues to pester you anyway.
“You’re so dumb. So smart, but so dumb,” She shakes her head, “You’re always studying or doing some form of work that requires the use of more than one brain cell. You deserve a break. Besides, you have two dudes to pick from on how you’d like to be wined and dined and—”
“Yena!” You whine.
“—it’ll be like an episode of the Bachelorette! But just with a super cool and smart best friend that’ll make the decision for you. It’s not your birthday. It’s ours.” She emphasises towards the end.
You stare at her for a long second, before the two of you are bursting into laughter at the absurdity of her statement. 
It was nice, just to laugh about things without having your heart feel so heavy. Even if it was a mild distraction, it was still wholly pleasant to be able to just talk about mindless things that didn’t require much mental gymnastics to navigate the conversation with.
“What are the two of you laughing about?” Taehyung and Jimin arrive at impeccable timing, sliding into the booth with their own packaged food. It’s very college-student-esque, a cute paper (because no plastic) container filled with an array of assortments.
“None of your XY chromosomes business.” Yena retorts.
Jimin blinks, “You are literally so hostile.”
“Then don’t give me a reason to be.” She sticks her tongue out petulantly.
You laugh, nudging her with your shoulder, “Be nice.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes but manages to keep a civil smile on his face. Always the more rational one between the two. 
“Anyway, Yena definitely isn’t going to answer me so, what’s up?” He turns to look at you.
You roll your eyes but it’s half-hearted, “She wants to celebrate my birthday like we’re on the Bachelorette.”
“Like you’re on the Bachelorette.” She corrects.
“Oh my God, our baby’s turning twenty-five!” Jimin coos at the reminder, pinching your cheeks as he coddles you. You scowl and weakly shove him away, even if you preen under the attention.
“I’m literally older than the both of you.” You huff.
Yena blinks, “There’s no way I’m the oldest person at this table.”
Taehyung furrows his brows, “Wait—how old are you?”
She sends him a scathing glare that has his arms raised up in defence.
“Jeez, okay. Don’t answer.”
“I’m going to answer because you told me not to.” She clips. “I’m twenty-seven.”
Jimin blinks, “No wonder you and Yoongi hyung are so alike.”
You almost miss it, but as Yena so eloquently pointed out, you were a sucker for psychoanalysing people (even if you didn’t want to admit it yet) that you notice the way she flushes ever so slightly as she scoffs.
“Him? How dare you compare me to that sorry excuse of a—!”
“Okay, everyone is beneath you. I’m sorry your highness.” Jimin rolls his eyes.
You make a note to ask her about it because you know for a fact that Yoongi ‘complains’ about Yena every hour he can. It’s almost as if he can’t go long enough without mentioning her.
You smile to yourself as you duck your head.
“Exactly,” She flips her hair over her shoulders before turning to face you. “Anyway, back to you—our baby.”
Taehyung nods, “Exactly, the baby.”
You scrunch your nose, “Don’t coddle me.”
He pats your head before cooing at you like he would to an actual baby, “But you’re just so cute. You’re too good for this shitty world. Too good for the likes of mere mortals like us.”
“Not me.” Yena blinks before gesturing to their bodies, “You.”
Jimin sticks his tongue out in retaliation as you sigh at their never-ending bickering.
Somehow … it felt right. You think it most of the times but you don’t know any other way to describe how it feels to be back with your friends, laughing, bickering and just appreciating their presence.
When you and Jungkook had your issues, it was like you made the conscious choice to avoid everyone and anyone as much as you could, and any interaction you had during that period was purely out of coincidences and not the intention. You remember actively avoiding Jimin and Taehyung because it felt too draining to pretend like you didn’t have a battle in your head. Even studying or spending time with Namjoon made you feel guilty, the thought of Jungkook lingering in your mind. Yena was there through it all, but even then you saw her as much as you did with any of your classmates you so happened to share a class with.
In fact, if it weren’t for Yena you’d probably have zero social interactions as a whole because she just knew. She somehow picked up on your internal conflicts but never outwardly shamed you or confronted you about it. All she did was be there for you, offering you her presence and you were grateful.
So, yeah. Things were better, but your heart was still at its core—confused. Your feelings for Jungkook didn’t disappear overnight and you knew that you were the one that asked for space.
You forgave him … you did, honestly. But there are things you can’t forget, and those are the things that you wished you could. The words he said in principle, was outright shitty. But the fact that it came from him only poked at every single one of your insecurities that you developed over the years.
You knew it wasn’t healthy to compare yourself to other women when they were living vastly different lives than you were, but it’s proven difficult when you’re forced to see these type of women every day, at college, in your community work or on the media. 
Believing Jungkook’s apparent feelings for you was harder because, well. Jungkook was Jungkook. He wasn’t just another guy, and despite his shortcomings, he had more merits than he’d let on and you knew that people saw that. It was also the fact that Jungkook had a charm that drew all types of people in. He was soft-spoken but passionate, and people loved a quiet achiever.
You … knew about the women. Way before Jennie and way before the thing between the two of you happened. Jimin and Taehyung would always update you about the new fling or girl he had tied to his hip just as he was in his final year in high school. You had to force a smile every single time they’d snicker and joke about how your Jungkook suddenly became a man overnight.
And you noticed the trend with the women he liked. They were … captivating. Beautiful wasn’t even enough to describe them because they looked like they could carry the world on their shoulders and spark immense change with just the movement of their lips. They were confident and charismatic, outgoing and just the right amount of flirty. You were anything but.
It sucked, majorly, because you spent years agonising over the fact that you were already coined with the older sister title in the group because of the way you acted—just a little more uptight than the average woman your age. You were quiet but loud in the right company; you didn’t like crowds, socialising or mingling around with people you didn’t know and based on your observations it seemed like that was the only thing that Jungkook’s been doing ever since he made it to senior year in high school, and even in the first years of college.
You don’t resent him, you think. You couldn’t blame him because you weren’t honest either. You consented, to all of the kisses and touches even if he hadn’t officially had sex with you. You wanted to, but you were terrified. Not at the prospect of penetration but at the prospect of not being enough and the fact that Jungkook was the only person you wanted to have sex with while he had options that were far more attractive and experienced than you were.
That’s why you needed time because at least you could get your shit together even if it was an uphill battle.
“Earth to ____?” Taehyung waves a hand in front of your face with a concerned expression.
You blink, snapping out of your daze as you offer a meek smile and an apology.
“We just asked you if you wanted a small get together at Tae’s and I’s place for your birthday?” Jimin asks.
“Really?” You beam. That was exactly what you preferred.
“Yeah, we know you don’t like clubs and stuff. Just a small and intimate gathering with all your best buds.” He grins.
You nod your head, but Yena beats you to a response.
“By best buds you mean the three friends she has, which is us and the two meatheads duelling for her affection.” She snorts.
You flush, “Y-Yena!”
Taehyung snickers at your embarrassment.
“It doesn’t help that both of them are literally the biggest dudes on the football team. It’s literally like watching King Kong and Godzilla getting into a fight for world domination.”
Jimin throws his back in laughter as you fold your arms across your chest at post at the way your friends are practically crying in laughter at the image. Jimin was clutching onto Taehyung for his dear life because if he didn’t then he’d fall off the chair.
“Stop,” You whine, “you guys are being mean.”
“Oh my God, you’re literally the only person on this earth that would take two people fighting for your attention as an offence.” Taehyung groans.
“I-It’s not that!” You deny exasperatedly, “I-It’s just … awkward …”
Jimin sighs with a small smile, patting your head.
“If it’s any consolation I think it’s offensive that Jungkook thinks he even has the right to breathe in—”
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“Wow. It really is like King Kong and Godzilla.” Jimin whistles lowly, eyeing the scene before him with amusement lingering in his eyes.
“Do you think they’re gonna start slamming their chests soon or …?” Taehyung trails off in a whisper, leaning into Jimin so that the two other men wouldn’t notice.
“I can literally hear you.” You say dryly.
Jimin offers you a plastic smile, “You’re meant to hear us, babe. How about you try to tame them like Jane did with Tarzan?”
Jimin nearly shrieks when you shove him so fiercely that he topples over into Taehyung’s grasp as the second part of the duo only catches him in the process. 
You sigh, completely ignoring the way that Jimin’s muttering curses that were directed to you under his breath. Instead, you were transfixed on the scene before you—which specifically is Jungkook and Namjoon staring each other down through the mirror of the gym. You were lucky that it was just the five of you since Namjoon was able to use his captain privileges to book the gym because you had no idea how to explain the fact that two big-sized men were attempting to outdo each other in their circuit reps as if they were on a suicide mission.
“Listen, when I agreed to help you out with your sets I thought I was meant to help log it in for a report.” You exasperate, but the two men continue their manly lift-off as they huff and puff their exertion away.
“Trust me, you are helping. Being the motivation is more than—”
This time it’s Taehyung who faces your wrath as you thwack him upside the head. 
From where Jungkook and Namjoon were, Jungkook can only deliver death stares into the direction of his captain who returns it tenfold. He wasn’t even sure why they were doing this but something a flicked definitely switched in Jungkook when Namjoon (purposefully) revealed that you were helping out with something. At the gym. Supposedly alone.
Jungkook’s primitive side came out because the next thing Namjoon knew was that Jungkook managed to drag himself, and Jimin and Taehyung as a diversion. He still feels his chest swell with pride when recalling the scowl on Namjoon’s face when he entered the gym, all fake smiles and a pep in his step.
“____, could you help me spot?” Namjoon breathes, sitting up from whatever the hell he was doing with the barbell. You weren’t fixated with gym language and you weren’t even sure why he was asking you when there was an entire Jimin and Taehyung right next to you.
“Uh, okay sure—“
“Noona,” Jungkook calls.
You freeze.
“Jungkook … I thought we established that you don’t need to call me that anymore.” You raise an eyebrow.
You miss the obvious glare that Namjoon shoots his bitchass friend, as well as the snorts that leave Jimin and Taehyung’s mouth.
“Pay attention to me,” Jungkook pouts. Like, actually pouts. You somehow flush because he seemed so much like the younger version of Jungkook who used to always coddle you for attention.
“Okay but after I help—”
“Yeah. After she helps me.” Namjoon interjects, and you nearly jump at the way he’s suddenly behind you, more so—pressed against your back with his hands on your hips as he moves you aside to get to another piece of equipment.
Your breath hitches because while you weren’t exactly invested in Namjoon in the romantic sense, he was undeniably attractive and … big. You could salivate in private.
“Oh my God, do you see that?” Taehyung hisses in a hushed whisper.
“Hyung is petty,” Jimin gawks.
“This is Namjoon we’re talking about. Didn’t he steal all the umbrellas from your dorm because you ratted him out to the librarian when he broke a bookshelf?” Taehyung recalls.
Jimin pauses to retract his mind to that moment.
“He’s so petty and I’m living for it. Look at Kook’s face,” He snickers, nudging Taehyung with his shoulder.
Jungkook only can clench his jaw in return because he knew that you wouldn’t be a fan of him reaching out to strangle the shit out of Namjoon. But the older boy seems fine, if not pleased with how Jungkook’s fuming in his own spot.
“Let me just …” You cock a thumb to Namjoon, before releasing a breath of your own and going to help him with whatever he needed in the first place.
“Jimin can help him. I have a more pressing problem.” He complains.
You stop in your tracks before turning around, raising an eyebrow at Jungkook who finally sits up, still staring at you like you held all the solutions in the world.
“Literally wait for your turn,” Namjoon scowls.
“My arm hurts,” Jungkook says, raising his arm to show you. 
“I don’t … see anything?” You furrow your brows.
“Because my muscles hurt, Noona,” Jungkook emphasises with a flex of his bicep and you can feel yourself get hot in the way your eyes can’t stray away.
You’re momentarily distracted by the blatant display of muscle by Jungkook that you completely miss the way that Jimin and Taehyung are struggling to breathe because of how hard they’re stifling their laughter or the way that Namjoon is contemplating on throwing the nearest dumbbell into Jungkook’s direction.
You flush, “Okay, you know what? Wait here. Let me get the first aid kit.” You mumble, quickly scampering off to alleviate yourself from the situation.
The moment you leave the room, Namjoon takes two long strides until he reaches where Jungkook’s sat, before wrapping a hand around the arm that was supposedly hurt—and squeezes.
“Ow! What the fuck hyung?!” Jungkook shrieks.
“Don’t hyung me, you brat.” Namjoon seethes, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Jungkook gapes, while Jimin and Taehyung watch in amusement.
“Me?! What’s wrong with you?” Jungkook retorts, equally as agitated, “Oh, _____, help spot me! Woe is me! Like she wouldn’t get crushed under you, you meathead!” 
“Like you’re any better,” Namjoon snaps, “Oh, Noona, pay attention to me. My arm hurts. You might as well have asked her to change your fucking diapers at the rate you’re acting like a damn child.”
“You’re the one that started all of this!” Jungkook exasperates, “With all due respect hyung, I love you and you’re my captain but I really feel like smashing your head into the wall right now.”
“That’s it?” Namjoon scoffs, “Well I’ll do you one better and let you know that every time you breathe in my direction I feel like—”
“Oh my God will you two idiots shut the fuck up?” Taehyung interjects, snapping at the two boys who pause, staring up at him with wide eyes.
Even Jimin is surprised at Taehyung’s intervention, purely because he was the type that usually let shit slide or let other people put problematic individuals into place. He was the mediator, the diplomat—not usually the aggressor.
“Another peep and I’m going to smother your body under the dumbbells and leave you here to rot and die.” Taehyung seethes, staring straight into Jungkook’s soul.
That shuts him up.
“Both of you are acting like goddamn children, and for what? To battle out your masculinity to see who gets ____’s attention first?” Taehyung exasperates.
Namjoon clears his throat, “We were just—”
“—acting like a bunch of barbarians who’s never seen civilisation?” Taehyung retorts dryly, “Yeah. Because that’s exactly what this looks like. The two of you are so petty and for what? You two are literally rubbing the last remaining brain cells you have with each other but nothing is coming out from it. Like—nothing. Do you think she’d give a shit which one of you can lift more reps? That means absolutely nothing! She’s already freaked the fuck out at the prospect of her childhood best friend being in love with her and now we have Big Tit Number One and Two battling it out like you’re in the Greek Olympics.”
Jungkook blinks, and Jimin is mildly impressed.
“So before she comes back and tends to Jungkook’s hurt muscle,” Taehyung sneers, eyes narrowing at a guilty-looking Jungkook, “Both of you better sort your shit out.”
Namjoon flushes, embarrassed at the prospect of being called out, all while Jungkook is avoiding eye contact at all costs.
“Oh my God, do you have a crush on each other or something? Apologise!” Taehyung gestures towards the two boys who awkwardly blink at each other, feeling much like reprimanded children.
It’s Namjoon who breaks the silence first, clearly the more mature one in the situation.
“Look … Jungkook,” He sighs, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to … drag it out like this. I don’t mean it maliciously and you’re my friend and teammate, so I’d really hate if a girl got in the way.”
Jungkook nibbles on his lips, eyebrows still scrunched; and the irrational part of him tells him to ignore the apology. But with the way that Taehyung is glaring him down, with Jimin’s expectant gaze, he knows that he doesn’t have much of a choice.
“I’m sorry … too,” he winces at his own voice, “But just to let you know … I really …” He shuts his eyes, feeling his chest tighten when he tries to force the words out, “She isn’t just … a girl to me, hyung. I really, really like her. And—I know you like her too but … I fucked up and I really want to make things right and seeing you—”
Jungkook is flushing while he rambles on, fully aware that the rest of his friends are listening intently to him speaking his heart. But a hand rests itself on his shoulder, and when Jungkook opens his eyes he sees Namjoon offering him a gentle smile.
“I know,” He says, “I know I said I wouldn’t back off …” He trails off and Jungkook recalls the conversation he had with him in the very same gym just a few weeks back, “But I don’t think I can compete with a decade long love story.” 
Jungkook scoffs, though his ears are flushed.
“It’s really not—”
Namjoon waves him off, clasping a tight hand onto his back that tells him it’s okay, and whatever that was going on would get better. And Jungkook feels marginally better and allows himself to let out a sigh of release.
“So are the two of you gonna kiss or what?” Jimin asks in the midst of the silence.
Namjoon glares at the boy, “Don’t make me give you an extra ten laps.”
He backs down immediately, raising his hands up in defence. And at that moment, you return, all smiles and with a pant as you raise the first aid kit up.
“Your arm?” You smile sweetly, and Jungkook can only offer a weak on in return.
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“Can I ask you something?” 
“Depends. Will I have to run from the government if I answer you honestly?” Yena ponders out loud.
You roll your eyes but shake your head anyway. The two of you were meant to be cooking dinner but you’ve surrendered yourself to Netflix and Yena’s witty live commentary on horrible films you were scrolling through an hour earlier. Though, your head wasn’t quite in it, to begin with; your thoughts drifting to other aspects, ones that you thought too hard for and didn’t necessarily know the answer to.
It was frustrating, the way that you wanted to have a solution for everything but overthought every single case that happens to pass by your mind. 
“No one’s hunting anyone down, your anarchist,” You say, “This is a little … personal.” 
You didn’t have any girl friends prior to Yena, and that was your first mistake. You weren’t the person that actively avoided having girl friends because you thought they were dramatic or overly emotional but purely because you never knew how to befriend women. It was weird—being a woman yet being muddled with your own sense of femininity that suppressed your ability to form meaningful friendships with your women peers.
Throughout most of your childhood and teenaged life, you only had Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. While they were more than enough to keep your memories cheerful and filled with laughter, there were more personal things that you couldn’t quite approach them with. They had each other to confide in their ‘manly’ discussions, small talk that you’d often flush at—but you couldn’t ask them the same things you wanted to.
You knew, that on a fundamental level that your personal things were just … things. It wasn’t that deep, nor did it require a PhD in Gender Studies to fully understand the nuance of periods or apparent ‘girl’ problems; you just needed to listen. But you were timid, and you got embarrassed super easily—so that never boded well whenever you’d want to approach them with a question of your own.
But now, you had Yena—debatably the most open and understanding person you’ve met in your life; and you owed it to yourself, and her—to be honest, to live yourself vicariously in your girl best friends eyes—and ask:
“How do you have sex?”
Granted, there was definitely a smoother way of peeling off the bandaid, but you supposed if you were going to be discussing this one way or another, you’d go big or go home.
“I’m sorry,” She coughs, “What?”
You blink.
“Sorry, I guess I should’ve asked if you were a virgin first …” You mumble.
Yena stares at you with a stupefied expression as she gapes at you.
“Hey, repeat after me: candy, tree and cat.” She grabs you by your shoulders.
“I’m not cerebrally compromised, Yena,” you say dryly.
“Repeat,” She glares.
You huff, shoving her hand off your shoulder.
“Candy, tree and cat. There, happy?” You huff.
She eyes you weirdly as you sigh. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes!” You exasperate, “So like … how? Do you just? Penetrate?”
Yena blinks one more time, her eyes trailing to the ceiling as she asks for a higher being to give her strength before she returns her gaze onto your figure.
“Babe, that is literally the unsexiest way to approach sex.” 
“Penetration?” You furrow your brows.
She scrunches her brows, “No.” She gestures to you, “That.”
You scowl.
“I don’t know how to approach sex! That’s why I’m asking you. I literally don’t know who else to approach. If I went to Jimin or Taehyung I’m pretty sure they’d just stare at me and cry. Namjoon is out of the picture because he’d likely approach sex textbook style and I don’t need that level of detail right now. I definitely can’t ask Jungkook because he’s the guy I wanna have sex with. So yeah. I’m here because you’re a woman and the only person I can have a full conversation with without losing my will to live.”
Yena gawks at you, jaw slack as you finish your ramble; ears flushed.
“… you …” She begins, wracking her brain for the words that seem to fail her, “… okay. You know what, the fact that you’re here and putting your big girl pants on and asking me this is a feat in itself so I’m going to just ignore the fact that you said you wanted to have sex with Jungkook.”
You flush, “I was word vomiting—”
“Ah,” She holds her hands up, levelling you with a knowing glare, “If you want honest, you be honest too.”
You slump in your seat, sighing as you nod your head defeatedly.
“Firstly, I’m not a virgin. I could never be a virgin.” Yena declares, “Granted, I’ve slept with three people and two of them were women. But the idiot I lost my virginity to was, unfortunately, of XY chromosomes so … I guess I can answer your questions.”
“I mean … I know how sex works but … approaching it …” You mutter.
“And sex isn’t this groundbreaking act that requires Einstein’s IQ to partake in. It’s both intimate and not, and that’s definitely a personal preference. You can know the semantics of how people have sex, for hets in this case, which is just the classic ol’ penetration method where the penis enters the—”
“Your point?” You exasperate.
“—okay, I got a little carried away. But really, sex isn’t … difficult. It’s scary, I’ll give you that. But you don’t go into your first time thinking you’ll be great at it. Hell, you won’t even like sex that much your first few times unless your partner is a sex demon or something.”
“I mean when Jungkook …” You shudder, “When he … I … you know, did things … it felt …” You fiddle with your fingers. Your ears were undoubtedly on fire, and you were so embarrassed saying these things out loud because it was just so awkward!
“Good? You know I’m not going to judge you for it,” she says pointedly, “That’s what friends are for, right?”
You flush, covering your face with your hands in embarrassment. You knew that Yena would never judge you for something as trivial and as unimportant as your sexual endeavours, but this was still a road you’ve yet to properly navigate yourself.
“I … came,” you wince at your breathy voice, “It felt good. And … he’s experienced, you know? I just don’t want to …”
Yena looks at you inquisitively.
“You don’t want to …?”
You sigh deeply, considering your next words with a soft murmur, “I don’t want to not live up to his expectations, you know?”
She frowns at you, “Jungkook’s made some mistakes but you said it yourself. He’s in love with you,” she says softly, “There’s no pressure to have sex with him just because it’s out in the open now, you know?”
You nibble on your lips.
“It’s … more than just that,” you tell her, “I told him I needed time, and really, I do. But it isn’t because I’m confused. I mean, kind of—but really it’s because I don’t want to walk into something and disappoint him … I’m just … scared.”
Yena holds your hand in hers while offering you a gentle smile.
“It’s valid that you’re scared. But there really isn’t anything that can come out of being scared right now. The two of you worked through an obstacle, and here you are creating another one that doesn’t quite exist yet. Trust me, when the time feels right, it does. And you’ll feel ready. Will you still be scared? Maybe. But it’ll feel like it’s meant to fit within your timeline.”
You nibble on your lips, “Is it bad that I’m overthinking this?” You wince.
Yena shrugs her shoulders, “Like everything else in your life?” She teases.
You whine, shoving at her shoulder playfully where all Yena does is snicker in response. You weren’t quite sure what you were expecting out of the conversation, even if it was vaguely about the ins and outs of sexual exploration. And she was right, you’ll always be afraid of something, whether it’ll benefit you or harm you because that’s what change does. It shifts your comfort zone into a space that may be unfamiliar but necessary.
You lean into Yena’s shoulder, and a wave of overwhelming emotion washes upon you when you look at her. You really didn’t know how you survived a time without Yena in your life. And as if she’s noticed your glassy gaze, she raises an eyebrow at you.
“What are you looking at?”
You grin at her, all teeth and gums on display as you hug onto her arm like a koala.
“I’m just really happy you’re in my life.” You sigh wistfully.
She pauses for one whole second before she snorts.
“Wow, talk about sex once and suddenly you’re in love with me?” She wiggles her eyebrows at you, “Tell Jeon and Kim that you’re mine now.”
You giggle, rolling your eyes.
“They’re not even competing in the same league as you are,” you assure her.
She smiles.
“So … does that mean I don’t need to get you a birthday gift?”
That earns a thwack on her shoulder.
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Defenders of Berk✨
Not Astrid being pissed bc Fishlegs called her mean lmaooo
OMGGG "I would never call my father ridiculous. I'm calling my chief ridiculous" THE POWER OF THIS SCENE
The way Toothless just sat to look at the sunset.. Me too bby me too 🥺
Toothless and Thornado's shots combined was amazing!
"The first rule about the dragon flight club is that there is no dragon flight club"
Istg Meatlug and Fishlegs are made for each other
Baby whispering deaths!
I love seeing the origin of things ☺️
Wowww I just realized that Gobber has a unibrow
Sandstone makes glass
That shiny black rock makes another shiny black Rock, it also has Meatlug boiling
WOW a combination of multiple rock makes Meatlug a magnet
The way Hookfang pays more attention to Fishlegs than Snotlout is funny
Fishlegs on Toothless!!!!
Awwww love how Fishlegs feels happy abt being needed
I never understood why Dagur called Hiccup his brother but it's kinda funny
Young hiccup actually fighting is pretty badass and that shield 🥴
The way they were all trying to get Gobber to shower lmaooo
Gobber saved Gustav's life and Fishleg saved Astrid's
Am I the only one that finds the whispering deaths kinda funny, like yes they're scary but these mfs have tiny wings, a big ass head, are covered in spines and can't see like-
Newly hatched whispering deaths can be more deadly that adults bc they can't control their jaws or spines
Wow but the pain in Snotlout's eyes 🥺
Monstrous nightmares are stoker-class dragons
Fireworms get brighter the closer they get to each other
Ohhhhh now I get the history behind Hookfang and the fireworms queen's connection
"You're not just another sword, Hookfang"
Awww the fireworm queen saved Hookfang, I ship them now JSHDHSHS
Flightmare - follows the glowing algae caused by Aurvandil's fire, sprays a paralyzing mist to those who it considers a threat to its survival
Aurvandil's fire = Aurora Borealis
Hiccup: Well, you know, Astrid, uh, training dragons isn't the only thing I think about.
Astrid: Are you actually saying that to me with a straight face?
JAHSHAHAJAJ I SWEAR I LOVE THESE TWO the way both of them said these lines I can't ✋🏼😂
The way she said the exact same thing as her uncle and even took on the name I-
I have this headcanon that bc I'm pretty sure Astrid's parents were barely mentioned in the shows or movies that her uncle was the person that was there for her the most which is another reason why it upset her to see people making fun of him
Why does whenever Astrid gets shot by a dragon she always tries to hit it off like her axe is a baseball bat? 😂
Hiccup saving Astrid in the flightmare ep🥺🥺🥺🥺
Awww I love how Hiccup makes sure to mention the fact that "Fearless Fin Hofferson was indeed fearless, just like all the Hoffersons" 🥺🥺🥺 STOP AND THEN SHE SMILES AND HE PROCEEDS TO PUT HIS HAND ON HER SHOULDER I-🥴🥴🥴
I love how they're always interrupted whenever they're about to say a bad word
Lil terrible terrors are adorable 🥺
The fact that what they were trained for was actually useful it's crazy
Astrid: "no one is kissing me on the lips ever!!" HHSHAHAH ASTRID WHY U LYING
I feel like we don't appreciate how smart Hiccup actually is, and I don't mean that dragon-wise or building stuff-wise I mean in general. I'm in ep9 and they're finding old dragon traps to get rid of them and there was a lil breeze and he was like "there's a dry hot wind coming in from the north. It hasn't rained in 2 months. This is definitely fire weather." like how- am I the only one that would've been like okok a nice warm breeze 😩
Dude the typhoomerangs are so scary and huge wtf
Torch actually built a lil relationship with Tuff just for that but of time I love it
WE'RE FINALLY GONNA SEE THE SKRILL!! I love it it's one of my favorite dragons :D
I never understood why fishlegs says his name when he's excited
Skrills - The skrill was first found frozen, it's the symbol of the Berserkers, it can stay safely frozen for decades because of their internal body temperature, can't redirect any lightning if it's in the water 😳
Y'all the skrill and the nightfury have gotta be related somehow, they're probably like cousins or sum. I mean the night fury is the "unholy offspring of lighting and death" and the skrill can control lightning AND TECHNICALLY TOOTHLESS CAN TOO REMEMBER HTTYD 3 + they also have similar physical characteristics at least Imo.
Dude this dragon is so badass 😌🤩🥰😩🥴❣️🤍🤝 I'm literally so obsessed
Wow one of the first times I see the twins actually doing sum useful
The way the shots combine🥴
Dagur has misophonia - condition where people experience intense negative emotions for sounds such as eating, chewing, loud breathing or even repeated pen-clicking [ep11]
Oh wow so they originally trapped the skrill in this show i didn't know
Wait but baby Gustav is actually adorable wtf and the fact that he and Snotlout have matching Viking hats
Ruff puts fish oil on her hair to get "a greasy unwashed look"
Really hate when Snotlout doesn't accept no for an answer
THE HAND THING AHHHH I LOVE IT this time is Ruff and a scauldron
Ok guys so I did this with mi friend's puppy who I accidentally scared enough to make him piss himself and I'm pretty sure I traumatized him and now when I'm around the poor dog tries to get as far away from me as possible but one day we were kinda bonding although he still wouldn't let me pet it AND I DID THE HAND THING BECAUSE WHY NOT AND THIS LIL MF ACTUALLY PUTS HIS FACE IN MY HAND- I screamed and he left again🥺😂 BUT IT DID WORK
Ok but ruffnut with short hair 🤩
Also the way Astrid ran up to Hiccup in the ep14
Wait but the scene whenever they're fighting the Speedstingers and Fishlegs says they're too fast but Hiccup's like "not for a nightfury" and then they show Toothless dodging the Speedstinger's attack AND THEN THEY SHOW HICCUP PROTECTING HIMSELF WITH HIS SHIELD WHICH GETS THROWN AWAY BUT RIGHT THERE TOOTHLESS CATCHES IT AND THROWS IT BACK TO HICCUP who's like "Thanks bud" 🤩🤩🤩 literally so badass go watch it!! It's ep14 frozen min 17:40
I really liked the relationship Snotlout and Astrid created with each other's dragon 🥺
DUDE JAHDHSJAJJJSA ppl really underestimate Ruff's cleverness, this bish really gets Tuff to do the dumbest things just to enjoy looking at him hurting himself JAHDHSJAH😂
Baby toothless is high🥺
"Uh, okay. That one was a little close to the one good leg" JAHDHAHSHA ISTG I LOVE THIS DUDE
Johan hates Snotlout for breaking his stuff
Tuff got Macey the Mace from Trader Johan
Astrid looks hot without her shoulder pads
Ok but Dagur looks so weird without his viking hat in this show
The baby thunderdrums are adorable - BING BAM AND BOOM
OHHH SO ALVIN WAS ACTUALLY FROM BERK and he was Stoick's best friend
Snotlout and Hiccup are parallels of Alvin and Stoick
Ok but that trick Snotlout did was amazing, he really had Hookfang do a lil typhoomerangs move and then the wingblast🤩
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