#in other news i did stop doing the fun thing to do a boring responsible thing
pandaskywalker · 1 year
i dont know how to phrase this like a question basically but
when i have a special interest i get really excited about it and i immediately indulge in that special interest, as one does, but sometimes i get like, too excited? and like i wanna watch the thing but the thing is too good and i have to back off, like its so good its overwhelming? and so i have to put it down and do something else for a second and then i can come back to it. its like eating something really rich, like its super good but its almost nauseating how good it is, like chocolate truffles
i dont think i used to do this but then again i seem to forget the experience of having a hyperfixation (and i think they are more like hyperfixations bc theyre not super long lasting comparatively and when i lose it i dont lose fondness for it but i do lose interest, like with dr who and supernatural as examples (but also there are longer lasting overarching special interests (eg dolls and hello kitty) that i will indulge with concurrently to that special interest often time combining them)) every single time i have one
if i could hazard a guess why, i’d assume its sort of like a built in tolerance measure, so i dont get sick of it too quickly?
the point im asking is: does anyone else do this? i’d assume so, but maybe im just being anxious about enjoying something too much. and is that an adhd thing or an autism thing? the jury is still out as to what specifically is wrong with me
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no-144444 · 8 days
his disgraced pop princess- (o.piastri 81)
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summary: oscar is there for you through your first real GP weekend
pairing: oscar piastri (no.81) x singer! reader
warnings: cyberbullying ans slut shaming
Oscar Piastri was nervous. It had been two days since he first met you, and now it had been 4 hours since he last texted you. Beside him, Logan was scrolling on his own phone, still making fun of Oscar’s ‘awful puppy-love’, as he called it. It wasn’t awful, just slightly overboard. You two had been texting non-stop since the race, and he was enjoying it. You were funny, sweet, and probably just busy, right? 
Oscar: Doing anything else today? I’m stuck training all day. 
Oscar: Studio…? 
Oscar: I think the fans need new music (it’s me, I’m fans)
You were anxious. It had been two days since you met Oscar ‘perfect’ Piastri, and now he’d texted you multiple times while you were busy being on a plane. Beside you in the Uber, was Hallie, your best friend, texting her new mystery boy and laughing at your freak out over not texting him back. You two had been texting non-stop since the race, and you loved it. He was asking all the right questions, he was funny, he was so supportive of you going up against Charles, and evidently, a screenager. 
“I feel bad!” you groaned as you tried to type something out, but nothing seemed good enough. 
“You were on a plane, what was he expecting, a carrier pigeon?” she chuckled. “He’ll survive without texting you for 4 hours, calm down.”
“What do I say?”
She rolled her eyes. “Give me the damn phone.”
You: Sorry I was on a plane and their carrier pigeon network was down. Oops :)
“He is diabolical,” she laughed. “Immediate response, does he not have a life?”
You rolled your eyes and snatched back the phone. “Shut up!”
Oscar: Too bad, I was hoping you were busy making new music :(
You: Well, I’d need inspiration for that and that is the one thing I don’t have. Well, that and people that like me and want to listen to my music.
Oscar: :( 
Oscar: What are you doing today?
Y/n: Lawyers, seeing Charles, helping put the case together and finishing up the legal side of my split from the band. Aka boring as fuck :)
Oscar: Good luck seeing Charles again, I hope it isn’t too bad.
Oscar: Whenever we’re on the same continent again we should meet up for dinner :)
Y/n: Sounds like a plan, and thank you. Good luck with training today :)
“You two deserve each other. You’re equally as cheesy,” Hallie rolled her eyes. 
“It’s not cheesy to like someone,” you scoffed, getting out of the car. “You’re just alone.”
“Not anymore,” she chuckled. 
“Shut up!” you cheered. “Who?”
She smirked. “Tell you later.”
You rolled your eyes. “You suck.”
“I’ll see you later,” she called as she walked off. You were left standing alone. Before walking in, you took a deep breath and willed yourself not to burst into tears. 
“It’s defamation!” Charles shouted, making you jump. Everything he did was making you jump. You hadn’t realised how badly everything had affected you until today. You were jumpy, you felt sick, you weren’t sleeping, you weren’t there mentally. 
“No, you’ve defamed Ms. Y/l/n’s reputation,” your lawyer calmly pointed out. 
You wanted it to stop, you wanted everything to stop. You wanted to go back to Sunday and relive the race over and over again. You wanted to be with Lewis again, with Toto again, with Oscar again. You desperately wanted to feel safe. 
Your lawyer was good, and you knew you’d win the case against Charles no matter what, but cleaning up the band would be a big undertaking. You’d always been the one to sign documents for all of them, so that they could pull out at any time. That now meant that you were technically the owner of the name of the band, the licensing rights, the songs, and the money you’d all already made. You were hitting them where it hurts, and you were taking it all. If they wanted to push you out, you’d push them right back. 
“Y/n, come on. It’s all of our band, and we deserve our name, at least,” your brother, Alex, begged. Up to last week you would’ve done anything for him. Now, he was fucking dead to you. 
“You can keep one thing,” you answered, not even looking at them. They prematurely celebrated and thanked you, but you held up a hand to silence them. “You can keep your instruments. I’ll take everything else.”
The room erupted into shouting, from every member of the band. You just got up and walked away. The meeting was over. You had it all. 
The 22 year old singer, Y/n Y/l/n is fresh into the scene of being a solo artist after being dropped by her band ‘WINGS’. This weekend she was seen around the Silverstone paddock with long-time friend and possible boyfriend, Lewis Hamilton. Shockingly, the newly crowned ‘Queen of Homewrecking’ is also sticking her nose into another man, Australian driver Oscar Piastri. The pair were seen walking together in the paddock, looking quite close. We would advise him to steer clear of her mess if he was able… 
In another turn of events, Y/l/n decided to delete her entire Instagram page, as well as her Twitter, Tiktok, Threads, and all other social media accounts. While she has opted for a ‘social-media-break’, her close friends and family have not posted about her, but some more famous friends have, including Lewis Hamilton answering questions about her in an interview during the Media day of the British Gran Prix. When asked about his opinion on the band, he said this. 
“Y’know, half of the success of them (WINGS) was Y/n. She really pulled everything together and no one really sees that because she was so careful about showing people that. She never wanted anyone to feel like they (the rest of the band) weren’t 100% committed, because at that time, they were. It’s just sad how people turn on each other, especially after everything she’s done for them.”
And when asked about Charles O’Brien, he had this to say. 
“That pathetic piece of s**t can f**k off and get out of the paddock. There is no place for him here, on any stage, or anywhere in the world. He is a vile creature.”
In other news, she was seen exiting the Law firm, Cravath, Swaine & Moore this afternoon, and 40 minutes later, the rest of the ‘WINGS’ band was seen leaving, looking much more upset than her. 
Something tells us there might be more than meets the eye in this twisted tale…
“Hey Y/n,” Oscar’s voice was music to your ears as you sat in your hotel room with dried tears on your cheeks. 
“Hi,” you answered, voice hoarse, just happy to not be alone anymore. 
“How did it go?” He asked, his voice softening. 
You scoffed. “As badly as I thought it would,” you sighed, defeated. “I just wish it would all stop.” 
“I’m sorry you’re going through this,” he sighed. “Charles is a special breed of dickhead.”
“So is the media,” you added. “Did you see the stuff everyone is writing about me? It’s awful-”
“I don’t read about you. I don’t need it anymore. I have the real you now, and that’s the you I’m interested in.” 
Oscar ‘perfect’ Piastri strikes again. 
Your lips broke into a smile. “Thanks Oscar.”
“I mean it. I don’t give a shit about the media, like at all,” he was smiling, you could tell. 
“I’m glad. If you did I don’t think this friendship could’ve worked very well,” you chuckled. “You seriously don’t care that I’m a ‘homewrecking slut’, according to everyone else?”
He chuckled. “Wouldn’t want you any other way.”
Your heart swelled. 
It had been a few months, Oscar had gotten his first win, you’d wanted to personally kill Zak Brown, you’d gone through the beginnings of the court proceedings for the band things, and you’d finally filed a report against Charles. 
Now, you were in London on your way to Abbey Road Studios. New music for the first time in a few months. First time you’d sung in a few months. Oscar walked beside you, his head covered in a hat to remain inconspicuous. 
You stopped outside the door. Oscar took your hand and pushed the door open for you, then led you in. 
“You’re here for a reason,” he reminded you with a squeeze to the hand. 
The past few months had been emotional to say the least. Yet, Oscar had been there for you the entire time. He truly didn’t care about the press. He liked you. He liked you a lot. You liked him. You liked him a lot. But you two weren’t dating, right? You didn't really know. Friends didn't hold hands, or cuddle, and usually weren't there for you before you make the biggest leap of your life.
He stayed beside you as you walked through the building, getting the grand tour from an employee, only leaving you when you finally went in to record. 
“You’ve got this,” he whispered, holding you in a tight hug. Inside was your manager, Ursula, and your producer Axel. “I believe in you.”
And those 4 words gave you the courage to go in there and sing. 
You sat on the stool they had set up for you, headphones on as Axel droned on about something insignificant, and you brainstormed. You hadn’t even thought about writing for the past few months, despite Oscar trying to convince you that it would make you feel better. You couldn’t touch it. Though now, with no consequences, no one looking at you, no one interested, you reached for the guitar and strung a few cords. You thought about Charles, about the band, about Oscar. Then you thought about nothing.
“When I’m away from you, I’m happier than ever,” You sang, and then the words came flowing freely. 
Three hours later, you had an album on your hands. A good album. A great album. 
“You did it,” Oscar smiled as you stepped out of the studio. “Write anything?”
“I think I like you. Like, like like you,” you confessed. He smiled. 
“Good,” he answered. 
“Excuse me?” you scoffed. “I just said-”
He pressed his lips to yours softly, wrapping his arms around your waist. “I’ve like like-d you since the day we met. I’m glad we’re on the same page now.”
You stared at him in shock for a moment, then a smile spread across your face. “You’re such an asshole.”
He chuckled. “I didn’t want to rush you,” he shrugged. “Anyway, write anything?”
“Yeah,” you smiled, handing him a CD. “One of two in the world, don’t lose it.”
His eyes lit up, a big smile on his face. “Is this the perks of being Y/n Y/l/n’s boyfriend? Exclusive insight into new music?”
“Calling yourself my boyfriend?” you quirked an eyebrow, smiling. 
“Oh baby, I’ve called myself your boyfriend for the past 2 months, I’m not stopping now,” he smiled, and your heart could’ve melted.
You chuckled. "Always the charmer Piastri."
He smirked, then something behind his eyes changed, and he started blushing. He was about to ask you something important. “Come to Monza with me? Please?”
You rolled your eyes. “Only because you asked so nicely.”
You touched down in Italy in Max’s private jet. You’d spent the afternoon getting to know him, Kelly, and Penelope, who’d taken a significant liking to you. The flight had been great, you’d never been on a jet before and it was as luxurious and comfortable as you’d imagined. Another part of the journey that was comfortable was Oscar letting you lay on him the entire time. You two were new but it looked like you’d been together forever. It felt like it too. It felt like he saw you. The real you. And he wasn’t scared or disgusted, or anything else that your brain told you he’d be. He was just Oscar. 
You left the jet, the perks of flying in the middle of the night meant that no fans were waiting for you outside. You didn’t need to add more flames to the fire of his insane life. You wanted to keep your ‘scandals’ to yourself and to just let him race. 
He gave your hand a squeeze to pull you back into the moment. “You alright?”
You nodded. “I’m ok, just nervous about this weekend.”
“You don’t need to be nervous, you don’t even have to leave my driver’s room if you don’t want to. I just… I wanted you here.”
“I want to be here,” you pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I want to be around you.”
Even though it was dark, you could see the blush on his cheeks. 
Media day began as it always did, walking into the paddock with about a hundred cameras on him. Only this time, the hundred cameras were pointed at him and you, more specifically, you two holding hands. It wasn't even a conscious thing you did. You just took his hand to try and calm yourself down. You liked how he gently brushed his thumb against the back of your hand, you liked how he would squeeze your hand every now and then, and you liked how he led you through the sea of reporters with a simple smile, and a firm hold.
When you got to the McLaren motorhome, you and Oscar parted ways with a quick kiss and a promise of lunch together. You decided to join Alex Dunne, one of McLaren's development drivers and a current F3 driver for a track walk and interview. You two chatted and laughed, getting on really well. The weather was sweltering, so you went back inside to meet Lando and Oscar for lunch.
"Y/n!" Lando smiled, running up to you.
"Hey Lan," you greeted, hugging him back as he engulfed you in one of his bear-hugs.
"How are you?" he asked, pulling back.
"All good thanks, you?"
"Fine," he shrugged, then turned his attention to Oscar and you. He smirked. "Has he asked you out yet?"
You chuckled, nodding. "He has."
"My ship has sailed!" He cheered.
"What? You have a boat?" Oscar questioned, as you and Lando laughed.
The rest of the day went well, only being bombarded with cameras every now and then, and somehow, whenever they found you, Oscar came right along to take you away. You appreciated the concern from him, and it definitely took the edge off some of the comments people made, especially the internet. Who knew you and Oscar would be such big news? Big news that hadn't even been confirmed, at that.
After lunch, Oscar was forced into more press, this time, they decided to ask about you. You watched on from the McLaren hospitality as the interviewer said some choice words about you.
"So, you were seen earlier entering the paddock with Y/n Y/l/n, yes?"
"Yes," Oscar replied.
"You two were holding hands," she pointed out.
"There was a swarm of reporters, I didn't want to leave her behind," he shrugged. You quickly realised that you hadn't talked about whether or not you wanted to tell the media bout your budding relationship.
"So you aren't dating Y/n 'home-wrecker' Y/l/n?"
Oscar's face fell into a frown. "Her middle name is Y/m/n, not home-wrecker, and yes, I'm her boyfriend."
With that he moved on, leaving the interviewer shocked and defeated.
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navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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vivwritesfics · 1 month
Marry Me?
She needs a wedding date, someone to fake being her boyfriend, and he's happy to help.
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"I need your help."
Daniel Ricciardo loved his best friend. He would have done anything for her. So when she came to him, asking him to pretend to be her date for her sisters wedding, he said yes.
Drinking and dancing with his best friend, he couldn't imagine anything better.
He nodded his head in agreement and opened his arms for her and she fell into them, sigh content. "You're the best, Honey badger," she mumbled as she laid her head against his chest.
"Have you gotten a dress yet?"
Daniel knew before he'd even agreed to go with her that their outfits were going to be matching. His tie, bow tie, whatever he ended up wearing, was gonna match her dress, he knew. His little surprise for the wedding.
Daniel was there a few days later, when her mother called. He turned down the radio in her car and kept quiet as she spike to her mother.
"Hi mum," he heard as he continued to drive. In any other setting, Daniel would have been able to hear her mother's responses. But the low hum of the engine and the sound of the air conditioning kept him from that. Not that he would have been trying to listen in, of course.
"Yeah I got my date sorted," he heard her say, rather exasperated. "Yes, he's really nice. Trust me, you're all going to love him."
There was a pause, her mother speaking as her eyes went wide. "Boyfriend?!" She cried, and her mother continued. "But-" Her mother kept speaking, stopping her from cutting in. "Wait-" And then the line went dead.
Dropping her phone into her lap, she turned her attention back to Daniel. "I might need a bigger favour than you just being my plus one."
No matter how many times Daniel told her, she wasn't going to get it through her head that he would do anything for her. He was standing in a Chapel, tie the same shade of green as her dress, for crying out loud! Pretending to be her boyfriend was no big deal.
He'd made a big show of it in the morning, driving her to where her sister was staying. He held her hand, pulled her back into him when she tried to walk through the door. All of her sisters friends cooed when he kissed the top of her head before letting go.
He held her hand through the ceremony. It really was a lovely ceremony, a little cheesy, filled the clichés, but still beautiful. Admittedly, it got a little boring, but that was where Daniel came in.
They thumb wrestled, played rock paper scissors, and other things you'd expect bored kids to do. It didn't matter that they were grown adults, they were having fun.
Daniel held her hand as they headed to the reception. His hand was warm in hers and she thought she could feel a different between his tattooed skin and the skin that didn't have any ink (in reality, she just knew his body that well that she knew exactly where to find his tattoos).
They sat through the speeches. Did it hurt that her sister hadn't asked her to write one? Yeah, it did. But she sat there, Daniel's hand so distracting on her knee.
And then the dancing started. Her sister and her new husband took to the dance floor. It was slow, their entire families watching them. But then more people joined in.
Standing up, Daniel held out his hand.
"We don't have to dance," she said as she sipped her drink.
Daniel took her drink from her hands and put it down. "It'll be fun," he said with his usual charming grin and pulled her to her feet.
One hand holding hers, the other on her waist, Daniel began moving her across the dance floor. "I think your parents were about to ask me my intentions," he said, holding her body against his.
"Your intentions, huh?" He grinned, and looked at her parents over his shoulder. "And what are your intentions, Mr Ricciardo?"
He couldn't hide his grin as he looked at her. "Marriage, kids, side by side coffins, baby!"
Her laugh echoed around the hall. Several family members were looking at the both of them, probably whispering to each other about how cute they were. And they were, his suit matching her tie, the two of them standing too close to be friends.
They just needed to realise it themselves.
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readychilledwine · 10 days
The First Hunt
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Eris Week - Day 4 - Hounds And Traditions
Summary - Open season in Autumn always creates a fun game for you and your husband
Warnings - fingering, dirty talk, praise, signs of dumbification and pet play, signs of predator prey play, hunting.
A/n - Slowly reworking through @erisweekofficial things and getting them reformatted 🫠 Happy late day 4! Day 5 should be up this evening. 💕
🍂Eris Week Masterlist🍂Eris Masterlist🍂Master Masterlist🍂
Dividers by @tsunami-of-tears
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You sighed as you walked through the fallen leaves and branches behind your husband's path. Autumn had fully fallen throughout Prythian. Leaves were changing in the solar courts, and coffee shops began to request goods from your home.
But none of that matter to Eris right now. What mattered to Eris is Prythian welcoming Autumn along all their borders meant one thing.
Open Hunting Season.
Every court had different laws regarding when hunting certain game was appropriate. With Mabon having past, Beron had opened deer and elk season. Your husband's favorite time of the year.
He spent weeks training the hounds for this, and they were as ready as their handler.
“Eris, this isn’t-”
“Now, now, my pretty bunny. Silence is the most important part of the hunt. The hounds can't find their prey if you sit here huffing.” Amber eyes stared at you, a pleased smirk on his face as you crossed your arms. “I warned you, little wife. I said this would bore you.”
“I wanted to come to the cabin, spend time with you,” you huffed again. The hounds were deep into searching. Their sensitive noses buried in the ground. They were stealthy, silent. It was as if they knew exactly what leaves and branches to avoid.
The smokehounds were one of your favorite things about Eris. It was a preview to how he'll treat your future children, a sign of the amount of love he truly had just waiting to emerge, and his patience. One of the hounds, Cyprus, came and brushed his hand before walking another direction, the others following him.
He wordlessly motioned for you to follow, bow strapped to wide shoulders again as he moved. Eris was such a graceful being. Even in his most lethal moments, Eris carried the signs of his love of dance.
You followed them, deeper into the woods, deeper into thick brush. There were no villages nearby. No fae for you to decide to leave and speak with.
You all finally stopped in a field, a cleared area in the woods with only a single ancient oak tree.
It would be the only witness to what he was about to do to you. Your back met soft ground before you could even respond and he stood above you, bent at the waist and smirking, “Little wife, on your back for me already?” His bow was carried away by Willow, weapons now long gone as the hounds began to surround the clearing, sitting in the grass to stay guard.
You pushed up to your elbows, “Huband, help me back up.” You held a hand out to him, only for him to remove his shirt. Inches of new skin was revealed before he ultimately got on top of you, caging you to the ground below, “This isn't hunting?”
“Oh but it is, sweet bunny. I ensnared you right where I wanted.”
“Did you now?”
A soft kiss found your lips, “I did.”
“What if it is I who ensnared you?”
Eris only chuckled in response, “Then maybe we are both getting what we want.” His lips found yours again, more heated and needy as he forced you to lay back again. Your own shirt was pulled of moments later before he moved to pull down the travel pants you had been allowed to wear.
His hands began to explore then, his eyes soft as he looked over your smooth skin. “This is is much better than sitting lonely and waiting for the hounds to find something,” he squeezed the plush skin of your thighs, groaning as he did.
Eris loved every inch of you. He loved the curves you carried. He loved the strong muscles of your legs. “You're already wet for me, I can smell it.”
“Eris, I'm always ready for you.”
He lifted his head at you words before glancing to where Oak had stood, “It appears we only have about 10 minutes. They've found something to chase.”
Your remaining clothing became heated, burning off to ash before a hand came to rest on the most sensitive part of you. Fingers danced through your folds, a sigh leaving your lips as you laid back. “That isn't long enough,” you whined as a nimble finger found your clit, circling it.
“Not for everything I'd like to do, no, but long enough for me to get you to finish on my hand, yes.” Eris slid a finger in while holding your eyes. “Did you really think I would not find the rabbit foot treats you hid?”
You could hardly respond as barely brushed your spot, teasing you, giving you a taste of what you craved without fulfilling the hunger.
“Did you think I wouldn't notice my hounds munching on their favorite snacks during their prehunt routine? Little wife, how silly of you to think I didn't know you were trying to get fucked against a tree.”
He began working his finger in and out, curling it just below where you needed him to touch. You continued to hold eye contact, soft moans coming from your lips as you slightly raised your hips for him.
“Gods, you're beautiful like this,” he murmured. “So responsive and soft. Who's my dumb little bunny?”
“Me,” your voice broke with pleasure. “I'm you're dumb bunny.” Eris smirked, adding a second finger and stretching you out more. His thumb grazed your clit with every movement of his hand.
Your mind shut off with every word whispered into your ear. Praising you, degrading you, the dirtiest things about how warm and wet you were, how greedy your pretty pussy was as it took his fingers so easily.
Eris began to focus on chasing your high as the hounds broke into a sprint, his fingers moving fast as the build of barking began to intimate their prey. His second hand grabbed yours, placing it on your bundle of nerves so he could focus on finding the exact angle he needed.
His free hand began to squeeze your breasts, pinching your nipples hardened from the chilly Autumn morning.
Your cries as you felt the wave approaching were drowned out to all but him. The barking now louder and insistent, indicating the hounds were closer to you and Eris, leading the prey straight to you both.
“Need you to come, bunny. Need you to a the best girl for me,” his voice had dropped, deeper as his own arousal began to grow. He kept working you, fingers pulling like a magnet and pushing you towards the sea of pleasure you wanted to bathe yourself in. “Come, bunny,” he commanded.
His spare hand forced you into a kiss, swallowing the scream of his name falling from your lips as your body found what he was working for. He kissed you through the high until he couldn't, grabbing a single bow and arrow and turning while you laid shaking on the ground to shoot whatever finally came into the clearing.
“Not bad,” he muttered as he looked between his trembling wife and the large stag. He handed you your clothing, helping you put it back on, before standing and offering all 12 hounds their individual praise.
You shook your head as Eris smiled at his first game for the season, “Good first hunt?”
“Better than the game we played last year?”
Eris seemed to pause at that question, “Well, considering you picked the most obvious choice in distraction for the hounds this year, I would say the game of cat and mouse we played during the hunt last year was better.” Your mate, blunt and honest to a fault, looked you over. “Though, I do think you look incredibly sexy with leaves in your hair.”
Eris bent down, lifting the deer with ease, “Besides, you, my bunny, only made it 20 feet from the cabin.”
Your jaw dropped as your eyes grew wide, his laughter rang through the clearing, hounds turning in circles of excitement with him. “I swear I tried.”
He moved, kissing your forehead, “Try again later.” The invitation was soft as he whistled, rounding up 12 smokehounds. “Let's go take care of this and then I can fulfill your wishes.”
He turned and walked away, muttering to himself again, “Not bad at all.”
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp @itsswritten @milswrites @littlest-w01f
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The Call Up - Leah Williamson HIWTHI
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Steph Catley x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Universe Masterlist! (Home Is Where The Heart Is)
Summary: You start to question your next season and what club you will continue your career at, your fellow Aussie teammates help you out. But the discussion isn't long when you get a call.
Warnings: None!
Authors Note: Hey guys! This is short but I haven't posted in a while so here you go!
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Living in Australia was amazing. Being so close to home all the time was even better. You never left Australia, your home country, to play for another team.
Playing for Melbourne was life changing. It was like being playing on a team, but the entire team was your close friends and family. You never really thought about going anywhere else, when the time came for your contract to be up, another one was made and you stayed.
But lately you were getting a little bored at Melbourne, it was fun and all but it was just the same thing over and over again. You where thinking about a change of scenery, or a change of teams?
You started talking about it when you were on camp with the Matildas, in the hotel room with Steph, Kyra, harper, and Mini. You were laying on the bed on your side, watching Kyra and Steph make a stupid tiktok while mini was playing with Harper.
"Guys I think I want to leave Melbourne." You blurt out loudly, staring at the women in the room for a response.
They all turn towards you, both Steph and Kyra stopping their dance at the same time and turning their heads to you.
Mini and was also looking at you while harper was pulling at her hair.
"Why? Has something happened?" Mini asks with concern in her voice, both Steph and Kyra walk over to the bed you are siting on.
"No, I mean, I don't know. I just kinda want a change in my daily life." Mini nods at that, wincing as Harper pulled her hair a little too hard.
"Where do you want to go? You know Arsenal is a great club-" Kyra starts talking but is cut off my Mini.
"So is West Ham." She adds causing both Kyra, Steph, and Mini to start arguing about their clubs.
Rolling their eyes you speak up to end the fight.
"Arsenal sent me a email saying they want me, I just don't know if its the right choice." Steph and Kyra give each other high fives at the sound of arsenal, stopping mid way when you finish your sentence.
"I feel like you should take some time and think about it, its a big change and you should make the decision when you know that 100% what you want." Katrinas words make you start to think about it, maybe you didn't want to leave is what you told yourself. But you knew deep down you did want to leave, you just couldn't bring yourself to accept it.
Melbourne practically raised you. Spending your childhood on the youth team and young adult hood on the pro level.
Leaving would result in leaving that all behind, the friends and memories would stay on that field, but not you.
You were working out with the Matildas, in the training room with Caitlin and Steph at your sides as you three do weights.
Laughing and talking about the upcoming season made the questioning of a new club arise once more.
"Have you decided?' Steph asked as she put down a 20 pound dumbbell.
"No, well I have been thinking about arsenal, but I haven't got a call yet." You saw spark in both of their eyes at the mention of their club, and the thought of you going and joining them.
"You should soon, your a great player and they have asked for you before." Caitlin says as she goes to grab a weight.
You nod and go back to thinking about the call.
Yeah they called for you before, but will they want you again?
It was 10:24 am exactly when you got a call from an unknown number.
You were sitting in the lobby of the hotel eating breakfast with Kyra, Steph, Caitlin, and Alanna. Laughing at Steph and Kyra using funny snapchat filters of each other.
"Oh hang on guys someone is calling me." You don't look at them while you speak, staring at the phone wondering who this could be.
"Hello?" You answer the phone and a man responds back.
"Hey is this Y/n Y/L/N?" Your heart drops, what in the world is going on, how does this person know your name?
"Umm yes it is why, has something happened." Everyone at the table looked up at you with confusion on their face.
"Well we called from the Arsenal and we have looked at your stats and your season history at Melbourne and we would like for you to sign with us." You start smiling and look up at Kyra and Steph.
They continue to look at you in concern and you whisper, "Its arsenal" and they start yelling and cheering, causing weird looks from your teammates.
"Shhhhh" You hush them and go back to the phone. "Yes! Yes I would love to."
"Great news! We will meet you in a month when the new season starts up! Can't wait to have you!"
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brbzonedout · 3 months
Dear Lover,
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It’s only been a month since you’ve last seen your girlfriend. Fall season had just began and the summer session at camp halfblood had just ended. Regardless of the fact you missed each other dearly after three months straight of practically living together, seeing each other every day, and having all of your meals together being states away was utter torture.
On top of that as a demi-god your access to technology is heavily limited since those stupid monsters found a way to track you through cellular data. Now those late night calls you so desperately wish for are limited to a goodnight text and a heart emoji on the side.
Fortunately one recognizably dull day in the beginning of July the mail was dropped off your house as it does routinely. Although this time something unexpected came. A red envelope with a small hand drawn shield on the front was left in the box and it was addressed to you.
Dear Y/N,
Hey Y/N, I’m writing this i’m the morning so good morning. I know it hasn’t been that long since we’ve seen each other in person but being away from you for this feels unnatural and talking to you through text and dm’s isn’t enough for me. I was talking to one of the year rounders at Aphrodite cabin and he gave me the idea to do this, it feels a lot more intimate than texting and it’s like journaling which reminds me of you. I’ve been missing you a lot during this week, we’re preparing for capture the flag and it’ll be weird being on the field without you regardless of what team you’re on. Speaking of battle field I finally got my spear fixed so that should be fun to have back. I also talked to Chiron about getting in contact with my mortal family like you said and we were able to find my grandparents! They still live in Arizona and said I could visit and stay for as long as I wanted. They thought I was missing this entire time, insane right? With that I was hoping before I went over there I could stop in D.C. and see you for a few days. If your people say no that’s alright but I still wanted to ask just to see. Going back to the Journaling thing I’m still doing it and you’re right it does really help with my temper I haven’t had a write up since the last time we saw each other. That’s still not entirely my fault though it was your idea to go swimming after curfew. You know it’s funny you’re such a good and bad influence on me at the same time. This is my first time writing a real letter to anyone so I hope you like it, you don’t have to write back if you don’t want to or feel like it I just wanted to try something new. I wanted to just call through Iris but you know she’s busy during the other seasons, just in case she’s not I put a few drachmas in the envelope. I love you and I miss you just get back to me some way, any way baby.
Clarisse La Rue ⚔︎
P.S.- If this is boring to read i’m sorry I didn’t really know what to say. I love you have a good day ♥
After reading the full letter tears began to well up in your eyes. This was truly unexpected of her. Some time into your friendship one of her cabin mates told you about the the letters she’d write to her mother when you found one hanging out of the drawer. But since she didn’t really want to be found the ones that she did send out never got a response, she never added a return address. Once she grew up and did start adding it let’s just say her mother still wasn’t able to write back. To have received one from her is something you never thought would happen no one was ever meant to know about this side of her. The only reason the single bunk mate knew is because she was caught writing once and the only reason she told you is because she knew Clarisse had a crush on you. She did lie about never having written one but you understood.
Suddenly while wiping the tears from your eyes the raindrops on your window and the sun shining in created a small rainbow that cast itself into your bedroom. Without hesitation you carefully reached into the envelope as not to rip it and pulled out a drachma.
“Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering. Clarisse La Rue Camp Halfblood”.
With a kiss to the coin you threw it into the rainbow and in disappeared into thin air. Suddenly in the blink of an eye a tall girl with long curly brown hair appeared in the rainbow with her back turned.
“Hi..” You said smiling.
Startled she turned around abruptly, noticing who it was she smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. “So you got it huh?”
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jay-m3 · 6 months
*Warning: Minipulation, Toxic relationship, depression, stalking, power imbalance, abuse, dead dove, toxic, obsessive reader, delulu reader, I'll add tags that you guys think I should add.
Read at your own risk. Male reader! This is how I imagine Alastor gets a partner
A bit of time with Rosie for some gossip did wonders for Alastor, especially since he's been gone awhile.
Can you imagine his curiosity of a sinner called (M/n) is quickly climbing up the social ladder? A new Overlord seems to be quite famous from what he has heard.
When he finally meets you in the Overlord meeting room, his eyes seems to stay on you.
The sinner who is dressed so... cheap. This is your first impression? He has to call you out on it of course.
The insults from him irrated you so much over the past few months that you decided to change your wardrobe. He wants style? Fine.
The next time you see each other, Alastor can't help but smile wide in victory. This he could get used to.
With that, the more he interacted with you, the more desire you felt for him. The familiar feelings of your human self is returning, that feeling of sweaty palms, heart thumping, and scenarios inside your head play wonderful interactions with him.
That glance he gave you? He was totally checking you out!
Oh! He's questioning about the extermination? You need to jump in and support your man!
Alastor has noticed the change immediately of your bored hollow self to this Vox like persona. No, worse than Vox.
Sure Vox has cameras around to keep an eye on him but you... you were basically crawling at his feet with a tail wagging behind you.
Like a mutt, eager to please even if he says something out of pocket towards you. It seems he can't get you off his back unless he kills you.
But that will be unproductive. You are an Overlord no matter if you were new to the scene. You must be powerful and he doesn't have history with you unlike Vox.
This is a chance for him he can't miss out on so he'll play along a little.
He'll give out compliments as rewards for you when you comply his orders like a treat to a puppy.
Slash at you when you step out of line, for example trying to hold his hand. You pout up at him, not getting up from the ground, wallowing in sorrow. You disappointed him.
Next time you're around him, you don't touch but stay close. Almost purring when he pats your head with a 'Good boy. You're a fast learner.'
That was it. That is what you wanted to hear. The snap inside your head connected that you're his as much as he's yours.
No matter how much you flinch when he initiate physical contact, your mind tricking you as excitement of affection from the man.
But sometimes, you return to that hollow person. The one that stares off to space. The one Alastor seems to get the most entertained from.
This switch is something he can't predict but its always fun to watch.
That glaze in your eyes as you talk to someone. Imitating aura oozing out as you seem to get more aggravated towards everyone around you.
The way you display your powers sends tingles down his spine, especially when he's the only one that can snap you out of that trance, looking up at him like some sort of god.
And you do. Which is the reason why you sold your soul to him.
But not so fast, you are an Overlord for a reason though. The contract was thoroughly read and rewritten which was unfortunate for Alastor.
It seems like this contract was more of a...relationship term. Alastor had a decision to make and if he didn't like it, nothing can stop him from leaving.
'Alastor, the owner of the soul, can dictate expectations, boundaries, and responsibilities within the relationship. (M/n), the seller of said soul, must obey and follow the guidelines and maintaining it.'
What a waist of power if Alastor doesn't agree.
It's a good thing he does though.
Cause you'll be lost once again to that hollowness if he doesn't.
A blast of green and (f/c) crashes around them both. A thick silver chain around your neck connects to the other side of the chain which Alastor holds on to, the handle rusty heart shaped.
'Now let the fun begin'
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koishiro · 1 year
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : after meeting megumi’s dad, you’ll experience a night at the lake you’ll never forget
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 : dilf!toji x non-virgin!reader
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : short smut with the tiniest plot ever
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 : cumming inside (readers on bc), oral (male receiving), cheating (toji’s married)
=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐋 : this is in a different universe where toji isn’t a complete dick to megumi and is a responsible parent (shocking I know) but still doesn’t completely get along with megs
Part 1 | 2 | 3
masterlist | jjk masterlist | anon masterlist
He was the first guy to ever get his cock to that place in the back of my mouth where it can slip into my throat.
It was an exhilarating discovery, learning there's a whole new thing out there to try and do. I was surprised no one had tried this with me before, from what I can gather after the fact it seems very popular with men, but they're too intimidated to try it in real life, or at least initiate it.
My friend, Nobara, had a lake house (which was really open to anyone, giving access to fishermen and, like us, a spot for hookups) about an hour away from our school. We'd go there a few times through the years with our group of friends which usually revolved around myself, Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, and whatever guys we were dating/crushing on at that time and spend the weekend playing drinking games and daring each other to go skinny dipping. It was every students dream.
I'd met Megumi’s dad a few times since I'd known him. I met him the same day I met ‘Gumi, walking past his dorm I saw his dad lugging heavy furniture into his dorm, sweaty and attractive — in a rugged, masculine way. I had found out later that his name was Toji.
"Has anyone ever told you your dad is really hot?" I asked Megumi when we were both sat crossed-legged on his bed that night, figuring a little salacious question asking would bond us, "Ha ha, are you one of those girls? I don't get the whole "hot dad" thing. They're just old.”
Figuring I had hit a sore spot, It was the last conversation we had about him, but it definitely wasn't the last time I thought about him. I always made sure to dress my best when I knew he was stopping by. Little dresses only a freshman would wear, low cut tank tops and once — when I was especially bored — a sheer white t-shirt with no bra underneath because, "whoops" I had just rolled out of bed.
It was a fun game to play but I didn't think he ever noticed, or at least he never really acknowledged me until one of those debaucherous weekends when ‘Gumi and his dad got their messages crossed and we all ended up at the lake house together. At first it was uncomfortable when we arrived and saw the trucks, Toji was there accompanied by some other men. They had planned a weekend for drinking. But, Toji gave us a wink and told us to stay on the lower level and he'd stay out of our way. Everyone felt relieved and told ‘Gumi how lucky he was to have a "cool" dad. But I felt something else when Toji winked at us.
That night, after many, many drinks I found myself wandering out to the dock. Everyone else had passed out, but I was wide awake. I saw Toji approaching me from the windy path down the hill from the cabin, two bottled beers in one hand. He handed one to me wordlessly, searching my eyes for something — the reason I was awake and alone maybe.
We stood there silently until he stepped forward and brushed my hair off my face, "You're a beautiful girl, (name), don't think that goes unnoticed" I blushed, could he tell I was harboring a crush on him? Did he notice the way I jerked slightly at his touch, nervous about my body's powerful response to it?
"Thanks Toji," I said, taking a swig of my beer and looking at the moonlight reflecting over the waves. When I dared to make eye contact with him again I realized he hadn't moved, he was still watching me intently. Did this mean — before I could finish my thought, he was on me, one hand placed very firmly on my lower back the other in my hair as he kissed me. His tongue was in my mouth before I knew what was happening, tracing mine. I had the urge to wrap my legs around him, but there was nowhere to balance on this dock.
"Come up to my bedroom" It was a request, but it was also a statement, he was sure of my answer.
I giggled when we crossed the threshold and closed the door behind us. It wasn't just that when he grinned and you could see the wrinkles around his eyes, it wasn't just the physical attraction. It was his demeanor, it was that he was a real live man, not a flimsy college boy. This was going to be a different kind of hook-up.
"You're married," I reminded him, not particularly pleased about remembering this detail myself.
"I can keep a secret," he said, closing his mouth on mine again, and backing us to the bed.
He removed all my clothing fairly quickly and laid on top of me, fully clothed. The rough textures rubbing against my bare skin felt incredible. "I’ve wanted this for so long," he rasped out. "I've waited for a very long time”
I wanted to prove that I was worth it, all this risk. So I reached up and felt him through his pants, staring longingly into his eyes. He pulled his shirt over his head as I unbuckled, unzipped, and released a very healthy looking cock.
I slid off the bed and onto the floor to get a better angle and he stood over me, gathering my hair behind my head as I started blowing him. I looked up at him and was rewarded with a face that was most definitely in ecstasy as I took him in my mouth.
He held my head down on his cock while I took him in deeply. This was a move widely hated by every woman I knew, but it was usually performed by dumb frat-type boys. But Toji was no boy, he knew what he was doing, he was looking out for me and making the experience short — just long enough to add a bit of excitement. When he pulled out of me he gave me his all too cocky grin and leaned down to kiss me, “I knew you'd be good at this”
He pulled me up and walked me over to a dresser placed underneath a large window. I could still see the moonlight on the lake as he bent me over it. Was it really just a few moments ago we were nearly strangers on that dock together? I was brought back to reality by Toji spreading my legs further apart and pushing my upper back down until my bare breasts were pressed against its cool surface and I felt him enter me.
"Oh my god..." I couldn’t help but moan as he thrusted into me. He shushed me by placing his hand over my mouth for a moment as he picked up speed. My moan was apparently too loud but he was willing to risk the loud sound it made as he slapped my ass over and over, groaning and filling me with his cock. I couldn't believe how turned on this was making me. I was no virgin but I'd never experienced sex like this — it wasn't awkward or embarrassing or rushed. I was very aware that I was getting fucked by a Man, not "fooling around" with a boy.
"Are you on birth control?" He asked and when I answered yes he cooed, "good girl, my good girl" The sound of that phrase coming out of his mouth sent me over the edge and I felt myself spasming around his cock as I released myself into my orgasm, even enjoying the sensation of a bit of extra liquid rolling down my thigh.
He was still thrusting into me rhythmically, alternating between kneading my breasts and grabbing — and slapping — my ass. I hadn't had sex last this long before and I loved being able to savor the feeling. "I'm getting close," he groaned and I tensed my body up, holding my place more firmly so that he could get deeper inside me as he unloaded his semen into me.
"You're so good at this, but I can tell you're just a beginner," He began as we laid on his bed to rest. I laughed, it was true. I had this fantasy about being a girl who gave amazing head and being really good at all the sex stuff, like some kind of femme fatale men couldn't resist. "I can sense you want to learn though” I nodded in agreement. I could play out this crush and learn what would drive my next actual boyfriend wild — who wouldn't want to kill those two birds with one stone?
And so, I began a year-long affair with Toji. We'd sneak away for a weekend when I said I was visiting my parents and meet at the lake house for lessons — how to stimulate differently for a long or a slow blow job, which positions let him get in the deepest while still providing some kind of external stimulation for me, how to prepare for and receive anal, how to lie with my head falling off the edge of the bed and allow him to push his cock into my throat (without choking). Occasionally I just gave him head while he drove me around, careful not to drive anywhere too well-lit or populated.
Now, how was I to tell Megumi?
Part 1 | 2 | 3
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runningfrom2am · 18 days
requiem // part six
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summary: according to coriolanus snow, his best friend had the most beautiful voice in all of panem. she had been training her whole life constantly to get where she was; being up for a residency at the most elite opera house in all of panem. singing was her passion. her true love; and when that got stripped from her in a second, his world became a whole lot quieter. he loathed every minute of it.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.6k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: opera singer!mentor!reader (blink and you'll miss it), she's kind of a prodigy!! p cool imo, mute!reader, bestfriend!coryo, friends to lovers trope ooo, mentions of graphic violence early on (particularly the prologue) but after that it's pretty safe, depictions of ptsd/trauma, mental illness and minor suicidal ideation but at least she's not entirely alone, descriptions of minor medical treatments and use of medication.
a/n: omg hi i am finally back with a new part for this series!! kind of a filler but idk i still think it's cute :) enjoy!
also, reminder to follow @runningfrom2am-library and turn on my notifications there to join my taglist for this series!!
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist // pinterest board
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two years earlier
"So, I'm thinking balloons over the whole ceiling of the foyer, gold and red- thoughts?" Your mother asks as you enter the threshold of your family's lake house.
"You say that like you haven't already ordered everything." You giggle in response, footsteps echoing across the tile as you step off the carpet of the grand entryway.
It was less of a "house" and more of a mansion, in Coriolanus' opinion.
He had been here countless times throughout the years and sporadically would spend the weekends here with you and your parents when you didn't want to be "bored" and "lonely" on the large lakefront property. Poor you, he always thought sarcastically, but would never voice it.
Regardless, he loved getting to come out here with you in the summers and occasionally for a day or two over the holidays when you could skate on the frozen lake. You had taught him how yourself, holding onto his hands at nine years old and skating backward in front of him while he channeled the look of a baby deer taking its first steps. Your little laugh and small words of encouragement were the only thing that kept him upright- most of the time.
But this time, it was summer, and he had been looking forward to this weekend for weeks. Not because he was all that excited about seeing your classmates who he had needed just as much of a break from as his studies, but more so because it was your birthday. Or, close enough to it.
Your sixteenth birthday, more specifically, and your parents were pulling out all the stops. Thus the balloons and your family's staff running around like their lives depended on it to get everything ready for the early afternoon when all the other guests would be arriving to stay for the night and the following morning.
"Okay, well, yes, I did, but I knew you would like it so it's fine." Your mother insists and you look over at Coryo, rolling your eyes behind her back. She was right, you didn't mind the red and gold, but it was no surprise you didn't have any say in the planning of your own birthday party. It was more for your parents than it was for you, anyway. More for the reputation of your family name, although, you didn't doubt that it would be fun.
"Come on." You whisper to your best friend, gently tugging on his shirt to pull him upstairs.
"Mom, we're going upstairs until the others get here!" You call over your shoulder, already running up the staircase.
"Yes, yes, I'll send someone for you when everything's ready. Just shout if you get hungry." She agrees mindlessly, already putting down bags of last-minute snacks you had picked up on the way.
"Thank you!" Coryo adds in as well as you pull him along.
She laughs softly and shakes her head. "Of course, Coriolanus. You kids have fun. Oh, and go ahead and leave your overnight stuff just in the sitting room upstairs!"
When your other classmates who were able to make the hour-long trip finally all made it out to the beach house, it quickly became bustling with life. The large floor-to-roof windows that spanned both stories of the home were pulled open completely, opening it out to the porch, the pool, and the lakefront. The music was loud, and your parents had set up every screen and projector on the property, inside and out, playing home videos of you when you were growing up. Most featured your performances, and you loved those, but your favourites were of you and your friends.
Coriolanus was a star in your home videos, undeniably. Some of the girls from your class were sitting on the back porch with virgin cocktails your parents' staff had made, pointing out themselves in clips from school events and previous birthday parties and laughing at their younger selves.
Laying on the dock next to Coryo and Clemmie, you were laughing at the boys at the other end of the dock trying to shove each other off when your father's boat pulled back up next to you and he cut the engine.
"You want to go next, bird?" He calls to you as Festus and Pup stumble out of the boat, drenched from head to toe and dripping all over you and your towels.
You look over at Coryo, smiling hopefully at him and he nods, getting up quickly while you make the same effort to get Clemmie to come with you. "Clemmie, come on. The tube fits three people well enough." You tell her as you get up, pulling at your bathing suit to make sure it is still fitting right.
"No, no. I'm good. My parents say that's a death trap, and I believe it." She chuckles, waving her hand dismissively. "I'll be here. You two have fun."
"Suit yourself." You shrug, taking your father's hand as he helps you onto the boat, and Sejanus Plinth, who was already onboard and apparently decided to just stay, hands you a life jacket which you quietly thank him for.
"Clemensia, it's perfectly safe. I'll even go slow for you." Your father offers her as you zip yours up, watching Coryo do the same. Weirdly enough, you can't help but notice it looks good on him. Just about anything does, though.
"No thank you, I'm just fine right here. I'm not the best swimmer as it is." Your friend replies gratefully. "I prefer land."
"Alright, then, but we'll be doing trips all afternoon if you change your mind." He tells her, going back to the helm of the small speed boat reserved specifically for your tubing and wakeboarding and starting the engine up again.
The boat starts moving and you go over to the ship's radio, clicking it on again and turning it up to hear the music better over the sounds of rushing water as he takes you out deeper on the lake.
Once you're satisfied with the volume and the song, you climb up to the front of the boat to sit next to the two boys who are waiting. You weren't sure what they were talking about, making small talk most likely, knowing the both of them, but regardless it stopped when you sat down.
You enjoy the music and the spray of fresh water on your skin for a couple of minutes until you're far enough from the shores to stop.
You and Coryo both get up with a fair bit of excitement, having always loved going tubing with your father behind the wheel of the boat every summer.
"Sejanus, are you coming?" You ask hopefully as you and your friend throw the large inflatable off the back of the boat and into the water, pulling the rope back so it's close enough to climb on.
He looks to your father, who nods encouragingly at him. He'd been on the boat for almost all of the afternoon but hadn't once actually got on the tube. It wasn't much of a secret that he wasn't very well-liked by other kids, but his parents had insisted that he attend your birthday, so he just decided to stay close to one of your parents.
"Um, okay. Sure." He replies quietly with a nervous nod.
Out of all of your classmates, he was the most comfortable with the two of you- being among some of the only kids who hadn't been mean to him in the past.
"Hold on tight." Your father tells him as you and Coryo get situated, laying on your stomachs next to each other and holding onto the handles by your heads and leaving enough room for Sejanus on your other side. "These two are professionals, I don't hold back like with the other kids." He says teasingly, giving you a knowing look.
He climbs on next to you while you hold onto the back of the boat for him, trying to keep it as steady as possible.
"Don't worry, it's gonna be fun." You say to him when you hear the motor start up again and you give your dad a thumbs up to start going.
"It does look like fun." Sejanus agrees quietly, and you can hardly hear him over the waves as the boat moves slowly away from you and the rope starts to unravel.
You turn to look at Coryo again, giving him a smile. "Here, let's switch handles." You suggest, letting go of one of yours and nudging his hand away from his to trade so your arms would overlap on the somewhat rough material that was known to give you both rug burns in the past. "That way we can keep each other on."
He nods, chuckling to himself as he complies, looping his hand under your handle and gripping on tight. "Yeah, we can definitely try."
You knew it wouldn't make much of a difference, but you liked the way his arm felt over yours; warm from the heat of the sun but somehow chilling you down to your bones.
The tube jerks to the right to catch up with the rope as your father's boat gets far enough away and begins to pull you, and you can feel Sejanus tense up beside you as you start to pick up speed.
"You gotta relax!" You call out to him over the rushing water, and he just looks at you with wide eyes as you continue straight for the time being. "Lean into it and you'll stay on easier!"
Sejanus didn't really listen. That much is clear when within a matter of minutes, hitting a corner and bouncing over the waves created by the boat, he tumbles right off the side.
You glance back over your shoulder to see that he's okay, but with the speed you're already moving and the turn your father makes to go back for him, that was a clear mistake.
You weren't paying attention when you hit the corner hard, swinging out behind the boat with the now uneven weight distribution, and before you know it the tube is flipping completely and rolling fast over the surface of the water.
Coryo hears you scream as you suddenly disappear from his side, which only makes it flip faster. He somehow holds on, but not without a blinding pain in his hand and up his arm as it gets caught in the handle that wasn't his, and then he's quickly surrounded by the blue of the lake as well.
You're giggling when your father circles back to you after helping Sejanus out of the water, and you can still see Coryo a ways away. You never realized how fast you were going until you both got thrown off, and you were usually very far away in the water.
Climbing up onto the boat and dripping wet, you pull the tube back up to the boat and hold on to the rope while your father steers you over to your friend, his blonde curls soaked and clinging to his forehead, almost completely covering his eyes.
"Coryo!" You call out as you get closer, laughing through your words. You get closer to the back ladder, prepared to help pull him out. He doesn't respond, though he's looking at you, and you realize quickly that he's ghostly pale- more so than usual, and he's clutching his hand to his chest. "Hey, you okay?" You ask, your smile fading quickly as you lean over the edge to reach for him.
He nods stiffly, and when he reaches out to take your hand, you notice that he's trembling.
"Are you hurt? What's wrong?" You ask, and you quickly hear your father's steps behind you.
"I- um..." You can tell as you try and help him up that he's embarrassed to admit that something's wrong- though he doesn't need to be.
"Dad?" You begin to ask for help, worry seeping into your tone, but he's already there. He gently nudges you out of the way and reaches into the water to pull Coryo out, which, is decently easy for him to do. He was always a skinny kid, and right now you were grateful for that.
"You okay, son? Let me see that." Your father says once Coryo gets his footing, still holding his hand close to his chest.
"You hurt your hand?" You ask when he doesn't move, just staring between you and your father with shock plastered all over his face.
He nods slightly, teeth chattering, and you hear that Sejanus must have turned down the music.
Your father gestures for him to show him his injured hand again, holding his own to take at it and look. "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to take a look."
Coryo looks at you for a split second before looking away again, carefully holding his hand out for your father to look at.
Your father decided after that that maybe that wasn't the best activity to take other people's kids on while they were under his supervision. Secretly, it's a relief that Coryo was the one who got injured from it- he was closer with your family than anyone else, and there likely wouldn't be someone showing up at your door within the week to press charges over a broken thumb. You were still worried, though.
You made quick work upon returning to dry land of hurrying upstairs to your room with him, arm wrapped around his waist as your father tied up the boat. It was only his hand that was injured, but you had never in your life seen someone so pale- Coryo looked like he could collapse at any minute. 
"Someone's grabbing ice for it, just sit down on the bed and I'll get you some water." You say as you guide him to sit on your bed that sat against the corner of the large room, only mildly aware of the shake in your voice and the panic you were quickly descending into.
"I-I'm okay, it's really not that big of a deal..." Coryo mutters and you shake your head, about to leave when your mother walks in in a hurry.
"I brought some ice, darling." She says as she brushes past you to sit next to him and you stand clear out of the way. You needed to give her the space to be a mother and help- you knew that much.
You look around for Coryo's overnight bag while she helps hold the ice pack wrapped in a dish towel to his hand, but you can't find it anywhere. "Mom, we left Coryo's stuff in here this morning, did any of the staff touch it?" You ask, hoping to find him a shirt to cover his shivering skin. The shock, the air conditioning of the house while still dripping wet, and the ice pack were not a friendly combination.
"Oh, I had it moved to the sitting room." She points to the door and your brow furrows slightly.
All your friends who were spending the night were sleeping in the sitting room, and there were beds and a projector screen set up in there with snacks for movies and everything, but you and Coryo were supposed to stay in here when it was time to actually go to sleep. "What? Why? We're sleeping in here."
Your mother shrugs. "I don't know, honey, I just feel that it's time that you both have some of your own space."
What she means is 'I don't think it's appropriate for the two of you to share a bed anymore.'
You and Coryo look at each other, only briefly, and it's only safe to assume that you're both feeling the same thing.
You had never been in less of a rush to grow up, and to be forced to grow apart.
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no taglist this time around!! my fics usually get over a hundred requests to be added to the taglist so instead i made a library! follow me over on @runningfrom2am-library and turn on notifs to get updates when i post new parts!!
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californiaboytoybilly · 2 months
Eddie Munson would like to think that years of hunting monsters had taught him to be incredibly aware of his surroundings.
Over those years, lots of things- both of the human and creepy-crawly variety- had tried to get the jump on him and they always either ended up unconscious, or dead.
However, he must have missed something this time.
Pointed fingertips dig into his throat as his back hit the wall hard, enough to feel the aftershock rattle through his bones. The breath was punched out of him in one smooth whoosh.
His eyes shot to his attacker as he tried to rapidly calculate how to get loose.
“Got you.” The man purred. For the briefest moment, he almost could have passed as human with his golden skin and blue eyes, impossibly big and gleaming in the dim alleyway.
Gleaming like a cat’s eyes.
Not human. Vampire. Fuck.
“I will rip your head from your fucking neck—“ Eddie snarled, kicking out with his loose leg. He might as well have kicked a bag of flour for all the good it did him.
“Oh, I’d really rather you didn’t. I’m pretty fond of his head, especially attached.” A second voice chimed in from the other side of the alleyway, earning a snort from the creature who had him trapped.
“You’d just miss my tongue, sweetheart.” He said without hesitating, lips curling into a grin. His sharp teeth glinted. Eddie felt his panic spike as the other figure started to come into focus. He tried to suck in a breath, the hand on his neck a little too tight.
After everything he’d survived— everything he’d done and learned— he was going to be some vampire couples fuckin’ Happy Meal while they flirted over his cooling corpse.
“Mm, maybe. Now come on, Bils. Stop playing with your food, I want to go home.” The other creature stepped free of the shadows at last, studying his nails like a bored trust fund baby.
No, not nails. Claws.
He was tall, athletic in build and covered in lean bands of muscle. A trail of thick, dark hair disappeared into cut off denim shorts, which in literally any situation where his life wasn’t at stake he might’ve been distracted by. His amber eyes were lazily trained on Eddie and the vampire ‘Bils’ and there was a dog collar- with tags- around his throat.
A werewolf? Eddie’s baffled eyes darted between the two. He’d never seen a vampire and a werewolf in the same space unless they were trying to rip each other into tiny, bloody shreds.
What the fuck?
At least he got to see something new as a send off. Very little surprised him in general anymore.
“But he’s feisty. That’s half the fun, Stevie.” The bloodsucker honest to god pouted as he looked back over his shoulder at his partner, who just sighed.
“I’ll do that thing you li-“ Wolfy started, raising an eyebrow.
“Done. Deal.” That only earned him a bark of laughter in response.
Eddie, who’d been slowly getting his arm closer to the sharp dagger hidden in the holster on his belt, suddenly had the vampire’s full attention back on him.
“It’s a waste though. He’s kind of pretty.” He said, venom-sweet breath washing over Eddie’s face as he leaned in. The other one crossed to where they stood. Eddie flinched as a warm hand skimmed over his shoulder and into his hair, claws leaving a tingling trail in their wake.
“He is…” Stevie agreed, starting to sound a little foggy. Eddie felt the tension drain from his body, against his will. As he felt the sharp scratch of fangs on his throat, he sent a quiet apology to Wayne. Those razor sharp teeth cut his skin like butter, making him yelp out in pain. As ripples of euphoria began to spread from his throat to the rest of his body, he heard one last thing come from the werewolves' mouth. "Maybe we can keep him, if you don't make a complete mess of him anyway." Eddie Munson- from hunter to prized show poodle, he thought sardonically as his brain started to swim. And that's when he lost the battle against unconsciousness.
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
swap au: the boy across the street is Baxter, the boy who lives far away but is still your friend is Cove, and the boy who comes for but one summer is Derek.
When I tell you the powerful and immediate urge I had to rewrite the entire dang game with this ... this is so much fun, thank you!!!
You could hear the new neighbors moving in at your spot behind your house. You'd thought about taking a peek to see what kind of people they were like, but decided to stay out of the way, watching clouds on the poppy hill instead. With how nosy your moms had been after the "for sale" sign disappeared, you'd be learning about them soon enough.
After a while, the clouds stopped holding your attention and you stood, looking for a new activity. Before you knew it, you were making your way to the shore -- there was always something to do there.
When you arrived, the typically empty beach wasn't quite as empty as it usually was. Up near the path, away from the water but still on the sand, was a boy. He looked to be your age, maybe a little older. He hadn't heard you approach, and was instead staring straight ahead at the ocean.
"Hi," you said, and you quickly broke whatever spell he was under. "I haven't seen you around before."
"That would be because I just moved here," he said. He pulled on the hem of his shirt, then smiled at you, extending a hand. "My name is Baxter Ward."
At the time, you thought it was weirdly formal, something grown-ups did to greet each other, not kids. But over time, as you got to know him and all his quirks, you looked back at the moment fondly.
That summer, he became your best friend.
You took to each other immediately, and if you had it your way you would've have spent every waking minute together. Sometimes Baxter couldn't hang out though -- he didn't talk about it much, but he seemed sad sometimes when he talked about his parents, and the few times you spoke with them you got the feeling they didn't like you very much.
But Baxter, as oddly formal as he was, wasn't afraid to break rules. And after a meeting between his parents and yours that didn't seem to go so well, your moms were quick to welcome him whenever he wanted to come over. You were able to get close.
By the time the summer was over, you could hardly remember what life was like before he came into it.
Five years later, you were 13, and Baxter was still your best friend. He went to a private school while you went to the public one, and from what little he told you about it, he didn't really have friends there. It was a boring place to be, he told you, and he'd much rather be spending time with you than with those spoiled rich kids.
He never bothered noting that he was also a spoiled rich kid.
One day, the two of you were in your bedroom, wasting away a day together. He was lying comfortably on your bed and you were sitting at the foot of it, leaned against the window he regularly used for secret visits -- when he didn't want to hear his parents complain about him spending so much time with you, he found it easier to just slip away unnoticed.
"There's a boy coming over today," he mentioned, ending a comfortable silence. "I think you'll find him interesting."
"If you think he's interesting, then I'm officially scared," you teased.
He smirked in response. He was proud.
Over the past few months, Baxter had started getting more experimental with his fashion. He'd always dressed a bit preppy, and that hadn't changed much, but now he was moving towards clothes that were only black and white. He'd shown you a few more alternative pieces he'd ordered, things that matched the color scheme but were a little more out there, but he hadn't had the nerve to wear them out yet.
"He's the son of a business partner of my father's," he explained of the mystery boy. "I've met him a few times before, he's very shy."
"Then why do you think I'll think he's interesting?" you asked.
"He's also very cute."
You blushed, and he laughed.
You'd had a crush on him for a while, and you couldn't tell if he knew, or if he might like you back, but it was certainly clear that he enjoyed teasing you about anything even remotely related to dating. It always flustered you, but he enjoyed that, too.
He opened his mouth to say anything else, but before he could, the door to your room opened and Liz popped her head in.
"Some kid is at the door asking for you," she told Baxter. "I didn't realize you'd officially moved in."
"Thank you for the warm welcome, sis," he said easily, then stood and looked at you.
"Let's go," he said. "That would be the boy of the hour."
He held out a hand to help you off the bed, and, blushing again, you took it. There was that smirk again, but this time he chose to let it go.
When you went downstairs and to the door, you saw the boy had retreated back towards the street, looking uncomfortable. He was tall and gangly with bright green hair and glasses, and Baxter had been right -- he was cute.
"Cove!" your friend called out brightly, leading you over for an introduction. The boy, Cove, held up his hand in a slight wave. He was nervous.
But as awkward as Cove was, he managed to work his way into your cozy little friend group of two, turning it into a trio.
At one point during the summer, you and Cove had exchanged phone numbers. His father -- his parents were divorced and he lived in another neighborhood with his dad -- was much more easygoing than Baxter's parents, so you were able to visit him quite a bit.
You were even invited over for a sleepover, which Baxter had been surprised about. He'd reacted strangely when you told him about it, it seemed -- you weren't sure if he was upset that his parents had never let you stay over, or if it was something about you getting close to Cove. But in the end, he'd put on his old friendly smile and told you to have fun.
When your moms dropped you off at Cove's house, he greeted you at the door and invited you in, as awkward as the day you had met.
"It was my dad's idea, to ask you to stay over," he explained as you made your way to his room to hang out. "Not that I don't want you to stay over! It was just his idea is all."
"Why would he want me to stay over?" you asked.
He turned to face you as you came to a stop in his bedroom, but he kept his eyes down. He started rubbing his arm, a nervous tick you'd picked up on pretty quickly.
"I don't ... I mean, I don't really have many friends, I guess," he said. "My dad wants me to have more. I think he worries about it."
"Why didn't you ask Baxter?"
"My dad doesn't like his dad," he said.
That made sense to you. You didn't like Baxter's dad either.
Cove didn't live in your neighborhood, but he still lived near a beach. You walked there together and spent most of the evening there, and when you went back, his dad had cooked you dinner.
Throughout the day, he had loosened up, but when it was time for bed, he started getting shy again. His father had laid out two sleeping bags side by side on the living room floor, and after you both got into them, he didn't say a word.
"Cove?" you asked.
He didn't say anything. You turned to face him, sure he hadn't been able to fall asleep that quickly. In the faint light coming in from the kitchen, you saw his eyes wide open, and maybe a tiny bit of color on his cheeks.
"Are you all right?"
He turned his head toward you slightly, not enough to make eye contact, and said, "Yeah."
It wasn't very convincing.
It was your turn to stay quiet -- you weren't sure what to say. Then, without further prompting, he turned to face you too. He met your eyes.
"I get nervous around you," he said plainly. "More than other people. That's why I don't say stuff sometimes."
"Oh," you replied. Then, "Why?"
He shrugged, a decidedly non-romantic gesture, but it still tugged at your heartstrings.
He ended up changing the subject, and you laid there together for a long time, whispering about what you'd done that day and what you wanted to do tomorrow, what you wanted to do with your lives. It was nice, and when you finally fell asleep, you thought maybe you could see Cove being in your life for a long time.
Five more years went by, and more big changes came with them.
Baxter was your best friend and still your neighbor -- for the time being. You'd graduated high school and were now adults, and you knew he was desperate to get out of his parents' home.
Cove was still important to you, though you'd been seeing him less and less. His father had cut professional ties with Baxter's, and there was a bit of bad blood there. He'd also decided he wanted to go to college to study marine biology, which was no big surprise, but it did mean that a lot of his free time went to studying.
You weren't sure what exactly you wanted to do, but at the beginning of the summer, an opportunity for a quick adventure before diving into real adulthood presented itself, almost literally on your doorstep.
Gossip spread easily in Sunset Bird, and your moms had heard that the newly vacant condo next door to Baxter's house had been rented. They were eager to see who was coming into the neighborhood, but because they had to leave for work before anything happened, they asked you and Baxter, who was almost always over, to keep an eye out.
Baxter agreed before you could say anything. He'd always done anything your moms asked. You thought it was because he was thankful that they'd unofficially adopted him as their third child.
The two of you settled outside on your front step, waiting and chatting idly about some nonsense he'd made up about who the new neighbor would be. He was really getting into the details when a cab pulled up across the street, and a guy who looked to be about your age stepped out.
"This is not what I expected," Baxter whispered to you before letting his mouth hang open.
You watched as the newest resident of your tiny town moved to the back of the car, opening the trunk and easily pulling out a suitcase. He was all muscles and tan skin and had such a big smile as he tipped the driver. The cab left, and the stranger must have felt your eyes on him, because he turned to you then and smiled even wider.
"Hey, neighbors!" he called out, sounding as friendly as he looked. He started making his way over, and you saw bright green eyes twinkling at you.
Baxter stood, sticking his hand out to help you up. You took it, and he used his other hand to smooth his black and white hair.
"My name's Derek," the guy said holding out a hand to you the same way Baxter had when you first met him ten years before. You shook it, and he smiled directly at you before moving to shake your friend's hand as well.
You and Baxter introduced yourselves, then Baxter asked, "So, Derek, what brings you into our tiny neck of the woods?"
"I'm on vacation," he answered. "Well, kind of. I play college soccer, and there's a coach in the city that's really good, I'm going to work with him this summer. My parents wanted me to have an actual vacation too though, so ..."
He finished his thought by gesturing to his condo.
"I see," Baxter said, and you could hear it in his voice already -- he was turning the charm on. "Well, you know what they say about all work and no play. If you ever feel the need to play, don't hesitate to find us."
Ten years of friendship, and Baxter could still make you blush. If Derek was taken aback by his forwardness, he didn't show it -- instead, he laughed openly.
"I'll keep that in mind," he said. You thought you saw him sneak a glance at you as his smile turned smaller, but you weren't sure.
You learned quickly that Derek was serious about his work. He left for long stretches to go into the city for his private training, and you frequently saw him out for runs around the neighborhood.
But he also, it seemed, had taken a liking to you.
One evening, he knocked on your door. You were home alone, so naturally you were the one to answer, and he was there, as always, with a big grin on his face.
"Hey!" he said. "I totally get if you have plans, but if not I thought I'd come check to see if you wanted to hang out?"
"I'm free," you told him.
"Cool. Do you wanna come over?"
When you paused, he quickly continued, telling you, "Oh no, I'm not ... I'm not trying to ... do you like video games?"
A few minutes later, you were sitting next to Derek on his couch, starting up a game of MarioKart.
His composure regained, he said, "I hope you know I'm not going to take it easy on you."
"Why would I think you'd take it easy on me?" you laughed, looking at the tv to choose your character.
"Pretty people always think they can get their way."
That stopped you in your tracks. You glanced over at him, and he was smiling at you.
"You would know," you replied, trying to return the compliment.
As you played, you both found little ways to get closer to each other. Once he scooted over to show you which button to press to do a certain move, and soon after you'd done the same, pretending like you'd forgotten.
After a particularly intense race, it happened -- you finally beat Derek. He'd stayed true to his word and hadn't taken it easy on you, beating you time after time, but now, you'd bested him.
You stood up enthusiastically, cheering for yourself, and ever the gentleman, he stood up as well to cheer along with you.
The next thing you knew, he had his strong arms around your waist, and yours had gone up around his neck. He leaned in a bit, then paused.
"I like you," he said softly, "and I think it would be nice to kiss you. But I'm going back to college in a couple of months, and --"
"A couple of months is enough for me," you told him.
He smiled again, then kissed you. It was gentle and sweet, and over far too soon.
"I'm thinking I should probably make a little bit more time this summer for playing," he said, giving you a smirk that could almost rival Baxter's.
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boinurmom13 · 3 months
Zom x Lament fic i wrote at 3am after months of not writing
i wouldve added indents but im on ipad and dunno how to do that on mobile docs
The sound of a rifle goes off, and is then shortly accompanied by thrilling and lively chase music. Black, gray, and white pixels dance on a screen, each coordinated perfectly in their own digital way. They come together to form a movie, one showcasing a twisted tale of men being hunted for sport. Despite sounding thrilling and entertaining at the time the two viewers picked it up, it turns out the movie itself is pretty boring. Zom, currently leaning on the arm he has sitting on the arm chair, has read the short story the movie is based off of. It was an important part of many literature classes he had growing up on the surface. The other person watching it, Lament, who’s currently laying on the opposite side of the couch with his feet propped up on Zom’s lap, hadn’t read the story. Not many books fell into the underground, anyway, and those that did were destroyed by water damage.
“This movie sucks,” Lament mumbles, peeling his eyelight from the screen to look up at the ceiling. “The book’s gotta be better, right?” Zom shrugs in response, letting out a slow yawn.
“Eh. It was just as boring. Quicker read, though.” He picks up the remote to shut it off, but gets nudged instead. Frowning, he sends a mean glare at his friend, clearly annoyed. “Dude, your socks stink, don’t do that.”
The opposing skeleton’s mangled mouth twists into a crooked smile, snorting at his response. “You have month old take out boxes littering your room. That’s nasty.”
Zom mutters something angrily as a response. Or, lack of response. Lament snorts again, having his fun with picking on Zom. He’s the only one enjoying it, though, considering Zom gets up shortly after.
Watching as his pal walks away, Lament sits up fully after laying down for a majority of the movie. He huffs in annoyance as he grabs the remote to turn down the movie, upset that the only person he can poke fun at has disappeared into another room. Whatever he’s doing, Lament’s unsure of, but it’s not like it’s a weird thing for Zom to get up without saying anything. He’s done it a thousand times, and he’s not expected to stop now. About five minutes later, Zom walks out, in a brand new shirt. He sits down on the couch and places a decorative pillow (courtesy of Alphys wanting to make their new home feel like one after years of a nomadic lifestyle) between him and Lament.
“Don’t touch me. That kid’ll kill me if I run out of clean shirts to wear out to eat later today,” Zom, very rudely commands.
Lament takes it as a challenge.
First, he tries verbally inching his way to get to him. Hoping Zom will set aside the pillow so they can return to the position they were previously in, Lament starts.
“It’s not like you can’t do laundry before you have to go. Besides, it’s just socks.” Admittedly, he sounded a little defensive. Not on purpose or anything, but because he knows that Zom eventually gives in during an argument. His ass is too lazy to find a compromise, so instead he just gives in with obvious displeasure.
And arguing with Zom is never boring, so why wouldn’t Lament start one?
“Out of detergent. And your socks reek of dirt, mold, and cheese. Your socks are rank, no thanks,” Zom responds. He shoots Lament a disgusted look at the mention of how bad that guy’s socks actually smell. Lament shrugs it off, not fazed by his comment.
“Now you’re just being hurtful.”
“Shut up.”
The bait wasn’t taken, unfortunately. Lament squints his eyes at him, trying to think of another plan. Sneak attacks? Maybe, but Zom’s been shown to be pretty good at deflecting those when on guard. The guy never talks about his AU, but it’s pretty obvious he’s dealt with sneak attacks, jumpscares… a lot, actually. Convincing isn’t working, and usually never works. The guy’s as stubborn as a mule when agitated.
Maybe slowly inching there until Zom forgets or gets comfortable might be the best approach… And the most boring. Damn.
A while later after putting up with the (excruciating (not really)) barrier between him and Zom, Lament lets out a sigh of relief after the movie ends. He hopes Zom put up the barrier for only the movie, because keeping this bit up this long is childish.
Zom just so happens to be incredibly childish because the pillow still hasn’t moved. Not an inch.
Leaning back to stretch, Lament puts his arms up on the couch. Despite his hand being inches from Zom, he doesn’t move.
He doesn’t move?
Either he doesn’t care, or he’s too caught up trying to pick another movie from this shitty free movie app. This might be good. Either way, there’s a chance Lament could get away with scooting closer.
Another moment passes, and Lament scoots closer. Then closer. And again. closer. By this point, the pillow is nearly fully behind him, and his arm could comfortably wrap around Zom’s shoulder. Still, he’s unsure if Zom is incredibly focused, or just doesn’t care. Testing that theory, Lament brings his hand down, but before he can make contact, Zom shoots a nasty glare.
“I said don’t touch me.”
Lament frowns and gives him a bored look. “You can wash the shirt.”
“Too lazy,” is the response he’s met with as Zom turns to continue scrolling on the TV. Lament rolls his eyes, annoyed, and puts his hand on Zom’s shoulder anyway.
Zom turns to look at him, but is quickly stopped as both arms are wrapped around him, and a.. surprisingly heavy weight knocks him down to lay back against the armrest of the couch. Within a matter of minutes, the two are in a cuddling position on the couch. As soon as everything settles and what just happened catches up to Zom. he begins to retaliate, pushing against Lament to get him off.
“Dude! What the hell! I just— I told you I don’t want you touching me! Now I’ll have to wash everything, and take a shower!” His exclamations are ignored as Lament picks up the remote Zom dropped and puts on a random movie, not caring enough to read through the summary.
“Thank god you’ll finally take a shower.” He chuckles to himself, but is cut off by an instinctive ‘ow’ as he feels Zom lift a knee (with struggle) to (weakly) knee him.
okay thats all…. til next time chat
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atarathegreat · 6 months
Orange Cat Behavior Headcanons
ft: Kirishima, Sero, Todoroki, Hawks, Mirio, Shinso
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The floor is lava with Kirishima was eventful, at least. The both of you bouncing around the sitting quarters in the dorm as the other students walked around as if it wasn't happening, and Aizawa tried not to worry about it. If you fell and busted your face open then he would be responsible. You and Kirishima were careful enough that you kept each other from dive bombing the floor.
"Kiri! How long can we touch the floor?" You dove from the tv table to the coffee table. You wanted to move around more than the couches and two tables, and the kitchen wasn't that far. "Like, six seconds." Kirishima stared at you, then glanced at the dining table where you were looking. "Don't tell me..."
"I am." You stood on the back of the couch, "You count down the seconds for me, if I don't make it... we had a good run."
You made it halfway across the floor when he reached 1. You had burned up in the lava. "No!" You fell to your knees, then your back, pretending to be dead. Kirishima sacrificed himself, holding your limp body as he dramatically cried out.
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The last thing Sero expected was to find you on the roof of the dorm with what appeared to be around 70 feet of rope.
"What are you doing?" He stared from you to the edge of the roof, "And what's that?" You looked down, "Oh, this is my new shirt. Like it?"
"I meant the rope."
You grabbed the rope and tied it to the nearest, what was definitely not sturdy enough, anchor, "I'm going to see how long it takes me to scale the building with this rope. And you better not tell Aizawa what I'm doing. He already stopped me last week."
"Ten four."
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It wasn't his fault, but Todoroki had a bad habit of reminding you of a really, really dumb cat. He always looked confused or shocked or...well there surely wasn't thoughts behind his eyes. Today was no different. He just stared at everything, hardly said two words to anyone.
So, you hid in his dark room to scare him when he got back to the dorms. It wasn't the best idea, considering he could've turned you into a real nice fish fillet. But instead, it worked in your favor. You crawled out from under his bed like some bullshit from the Grudge and he ran screaming.
And it's only funny if you followed him down the dark halls and into the darker big open rooms. Which you did.
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With it being his day off, and you hadn't yet gotten up to make breakfast, Keigo was busy kissing your face. Slow, almost bored kisses.
"Can I go make breakfast yet?" You muttered, your stomach grumbling. You had woken up hours ago and was kept in the bed by soft feathers and promises of "Soon enough, dove."
But that's not who Keigo was. No, he wanted your attention and was going to keep you in the bed. Another slow and firm kiss was pressed to your nose before he even tried to speak. "In a moment, dove, let me have my time here."
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It was absolutely insane how fast Mirio was. Running around the dorm for his exercise since it was raining. You had tried to get him to go outside with a raincoat, but once you opened the door, he would step away and change his mind.
"I'm just fine in here, thanks, though." And he went back to zooming around the common room and knocking things over for his gains.
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Taking Shinso to a cat cafe was a nice choice for his birthday, except that he spent all his time on the floor with the cats. He wasn't worried about the coffee or tea or food, he was having fun with the cats. And you watched as he just laid on his back or his tummy, petting and cooing to the cats around him.
"Can we go again tomorrow?" Shinso asked as you both left, "Please, please, please? Did you see how cute they all were?"
"We can go tomorrow." You chuckled.
Shinso jumped around the empty sidewalk, grabbing your hands and just shaking with energy with how excited he was.
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bmbochangetales · 11 months
My wife was making fun of some woman. We were at a work party and my CEO’s latest arm candy was there. My wife and several others were at the table quietly laughing and making fun of her. Calling her a bimbo and making fun of the way she spoke. But the second I heard her mimic that voice, I wanted her to be a bimbo too.
I thought about it often the next few days. Hearing her talk in that voice. She would never go for that in bed. We had a plain boring nearly scheduled sex life. The boss’s new girlfriend stopped in the office one day and it just pushed me over the edge. I wished my wife was a bimbo like her.
As soon as I got home, I told the wife I needed to handle a few things. She mumbled some response as she continued cooking dinner, chatting away on the phone.
I pulled up a picture of my wife and the boss’s bimbo. I even found a video of her on her Instagram page. I imagined that silly high pitched voice coming from my wife. Adding in all the likes and cutting words short to her formerly pristine highly educated vocabulary. Big words becoming harder. She couldn’t remember the right sounds for her words. I began stroking my cock. It had been hard for so long. Up and down to that sound. I swear I could hear her down stairs on the phone.
“Oh my gawd, we had like this like big big party thingy for hubby’s work. And like soooooo many people were like there! It was like totes soooooooo fun”
She sounds so much better with that voice. Stroking harder. God I love bimbo voices. So dumb and silly. Women are just hotter when they talk like that. I imagine my wife talking like that forever. High bitch and breathy. No one will take her seriously, just like she and the others said at the party.
“Umm what do ya mean I like sound funny?” I heard her ask. I want her to talk like that more and more. She and all her friends should all talk like that. My cock gives a spurt of cum when she talks again.“Mmm I’m like totes sure I am like totes talkin normaler cuz like you talk same as me silly!”
I looked at the pictures. My wife was alright, maybe a bit plain. But my boss’s bimbo, she would stop traffic from space walking down the street. Especially her boobs. I wish my wife would have a big pair of tits like that.
“Uhm like ya! I totes luuuuuuvvvv having a big ol pair of double ds! My hubby soooo luvs them too!”
No, bigger. She would have a massive fake rack. All the wives and girlfriends would be whispering and mocking her just like she did at the party. No! They would all be bimbos too! But women on the street made fun of them all. They didn't understand it becvause they were too dumb to realize it.
“Yeah like H cup tiddies are so hawt and stuff! Everyone just stares at me cause I'm lik so cute and stuff”
She would wear sexy outfits like my boss's girlfriends. Bright and girly colors. Lots of pinks and neons. Her and her friends made fun of that, but it would be so hot to see them all like that dressing sexy for their men.
"So lik all my cloths are pink, and green and like orange and so pritty!!! omg gurl! we shuld go shopping! I need supa sexi stuff fir my man!"
I stroke erratically as i reached my climax. Cum was squirting everywhere. If only my wife was that type of bimbo. No wonder my boss was always so happy
I went down to dinner. And there on her knees was a much improved version of my wife. Even though I just came, I was hard again. Dinner was reheated hours later.
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faebaex · 2 years
Adventures of the Gargoyle Studies Club! Ⅰ
author's note: the first of three parts! this is the winner of the 200 follower poll! (o・ω・o) this part mostly sets the scene, so has an array of cameos from other characters, but the other parts will focus mainly on Malleus and reader, probably. this reader was interesting to write, and their personality just kinda grew itself as i wrote! plus i've never written a reader who is a Ramshackle dorm student, so that was also a fun new concept for me to try (ᵔ◡ᵔ) Prefect was also kept vague on purpose, so maybe you can imagine your OC or someone as the prefect too! hope you enjoy!
characters: Malleus Draconia x GN!Reader
background: you are a magicless student who stays at Ramshackle with prefect and Grim, all three of you form one 'student' (Grim with magic, prefect and you with non-magic/theory based classes/exams). You arrived at NRC at the same time as the prefect, but you didn't know each other previously.
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So boring.
You trudged behind the prefect and Grim as you headed back to Ramshackle dorm, your eyes dull and your lips pursed. At first, when you found yourself thrust into a new world, stumbling around some sort of weird ceremony, you were excited. This world has all sorts of things that were just fantasy in your world. Magic, talking monster cats, ghosts, even merfolk! You couldn't wait to see what this world had in store for you. But now...
Now you were attending school, living a fairly average student life. Not even alchemy lessons were enough to perk you up anymore. And the mysterious, magicless student reputation that you seemed to obtain was just annoying now. How did your exciting new life turn so dull so quickly?
The entrance to Ramshackle creaked open and you sighed, immediately making your way over to the beaten up couch and throwing yourself onto it, letting your textbooks fall out of your arms onto the dusty floor and throwing an arm over your eyes.
"Y/N, you okay?"
You cracked an eye to see the prefect peeking over the top of the couch at you, Grim having run straight to the kitchen to pilfer a can of tuna before anyone could stop him. You groaned, kicking your legs off of the couch as the prefect walked around and took a seat beside you.
"I'm just so bored," you complained bitterly, the prefect tilting their head as you pouted, a sheepish smile spreading across their lips at your words, "this world holds so many possibilities, and we're stuck at school."
"Don't let Crowley hear you talking like that, it would be just the excuse he needed to give us more work to do." The prefect joked, hoping to lighten your mood, but it only caused you to scowl. Jeez, how you loathed that joke of a Headmaster. Spiriting you away to this world and then trying to shirk responsibility at the first opportunity. And then making you do ridiculous tasks whilst holding your allowance over your heads? What a cockroach of a man.
"Maybe there is something you can do where you can channel some of your energy?" The prefect pondered, seeing your darkening expression and hoping to get your mind off the headmaster, "maybe try the library? Or maybe a part time job?"
You folded your arms behind your head and shot the prefect a look, your eyebrow raised, "reading about this place will only make me more miserable that I'm stuck at school. And the only one who'll benefit from me getting a job is Grim, I'm sure. He'll have spent it all on tuna before I even get paid."
The prefect conceded the point with a hum, and you both fell into silence. You stared at the ceiling, counting the cracks on the ceiling before the prefect suddenly exclaimed loudly, the sound making you jump slightly.
"I know! You should join a club!"
You were already pulling a face, but the prefect shushed you and continued on, "Hear me out! NRC has lots of interesting clubs, surely there has to be one that you click with. Plus, you can always quit if you don't enjoy it, and join a different one. Or none at all. But then at least you tried something, right?"
You rolled the idea around in your head, but you still weren't fully convinced. The prefect could see this, and continued to push, "c'mon! Just give it a try. You could visit some of the clubs after classes tomorrow. I'm sure Ace and Deuce won't mind showing you around theirs. There is no harm in it, right?"
You went back to staring at the ceiling, trying to ignore the prefect staring earnestly at you. Still, they didn't stop, and you eventually relented with a sigh. "Fiiine. I'll visit a few clubs tomorrow. But no promises."
The prefect shot you a sunny smile, and you could see why they were the most approachable resident of Ramshackle dorm's ragtag trio.
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You stared at the infobook in your hands listlessly, a directory of active clubs staring back at you. You'd already struck some of them from the list as a pre-cursor, namely all the sports clubs. That had near broke Deuce's heart, much to Ace's delight, as he tried in vain to convince you to at least take a look around. Unfortunately, you think this had only encouraged Ace, as you were now following him to take a tour of the basketball club, despite your immediate rejection.
"I have basketball back in my world, you know." You commented as you both made your way to the gym, Ace not missing a beat in his reply back.
"Yeah, but you didn't have basketball with me in your world." Ace grinned at you, and you squinted in return, "yeah, we really dodged a bullet there." Ace feigned hurt, a hand pressed to his chest as he slumped into the wall. You rolled your eyes, the small smile tugging at your lips ruining your irritated façade.
"This better be worth it, Trappola. You know how many clubs I have to visit today?" You warned as you neared the gym doors, and Ace waved his hand at you, "yeah yeah, it'll be great. Just trust me!" He came to a stop at the doors and held his hand out to stop you, his other hand grasping one of the handles. "Just gimme a sec..."
Ace cracked the gym door open just enough to pop his head through, and you were both silent as he peeked around the gym before pulling the door open. "Lucky. I guess Floyd isn't coming today."
"Whose that?"
"You don't want to know."
You both entered the gym, and you glanced around the gym at the few club members that were already milling around, stretching or doing basic ball exercises. Ace span with his arms out, gesturing to the gym, "so this is it!"
"... Okay, and?"
"What do you mean 'and'?! We get the whole gym to practice in! What more could you want?"
"... You would make a terrible salesman."
Ace scoffed at your words, swinging his gym bag off of his shoulder and tossing against the wall. He picked up a stray basketball and began throwing it between his hands, "let me show you how good I am, and then you'll be begging to join the team! I can get this in the hoop from here."
You glanced up. You weren't that far from the hoop, but you decided to humour him regardless, "go on then, I'm watching." Ace shot you a cocky grin, turning towards the hoop and taking his aim. He eventually took his shot, sending the ball sailing through the air... Only for it to his the basketball hoop's rim and ricochet off, landing and bouncing sadly on the floor.
"... Wow." You bit your lip in order to suppress your laughter, Ace's ears turning red in embarrassment. "I meant to do that," he reasoned.
"Wait, can you do that again? That would look great on my Magicam." You pulled your phone out of your pocket as you spoke, aiming it towards Ace as he scolded in retaliation.
"Shut up."
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You found yourself yet again staring listlessly at the directory of clubs. You took your leave of the basketball club shortly after their activities began, slipping out before Ace could try and rope you into some sort of activity with him.
With all the sports clubs already crossed off, it left you with few alternatives. And they all sounded rather... Average. The pop music club was clearly just the school band, so that was out. The board game club was out, you could just play board games at Ramshackle with Grim and the prefect if you really wanted to. The film studies club apparently required an audition before you could join, what was that about? Either way, that was out too. Science club was also out. As much as you liked Professor Crewel, there already wasn't much you could do in alchemy class so you imagined it would be the same there.
There was one that seemed to be slightly promising. The mountain lover club... What an odd name. Apparently, club activities included hiking and exploring mountains and it's var. Maybe this could work, maybe there is a chance you explore mountains all over this world and that could be your chance to explore new places? To join, apparently you needed to contact some guy from the Octavinelle dorm...
You sighed as you flipped through the infobook, mostly out of frustration more than any desire for more information. But then something caught your eye. On a forgotten page towards the back of the book seemed to be a listing for another club. The... Gargoyle studies club? You skimmed the club description, and you felt your eyes begin to light up.
Visiting gargoyles... Appreciating architecture... Exploring ruins?! Like real, magical ruins? Where there could be all sort of treasures and artifacts?! For the first time in weeks, you felt your cheeks flush in excitement. This sounded exactly what you were looking for. Your eyes searched the bottom of the page, trying to find who to contact... A student from the Diasomnia dorm, huh?
You slammed the infobook shut and took off towards the Hall of Mirrors, a skip in your step. You had to go find this student immediately. You resisted the urge to run through the halls, lest Trein appear out of nowhere and scold you. He seemed to have a knack for appearing whenever Grim was up to no good, that much was for certain.
You reached the Hall of Mirrors in no time. From your experiences of visiting Heartslabyul, you knew it was as easy as approaching the dorms mirror and simply walking through. After a cautionary inspection, you found the Diasomnia dorm mirror and didn't hesitate to step through.
... Wow, did all the dorms here need to look so intimidating? Plus, they made Ramshackle look like a ruin in comparison. You stared up at the imposing castle that was supposed to be a school dorm building, wondering how much of the school's budget went into this. They even had a drawbridge, was that really necessary? Cool though, you supposed. Oh well, you could ponder over this place another time, you had a club president to find!
You marched over the drawbridge with determination, and pushed open the dorm's entrance door, slipping inside. Jeez, it was so dark in here. Did they not have any electricity? You supposed it fit in with the castle theme but... Wasn't that inconvenient?
You wandered the corridors, not really sure where to start. There must be a lounge around here somewhere, right? You slightly regretted not flagging down a Diasomnia student on your way here, and you hadn't seen anyone since you'd walked through the front door. You let out a sigh, and almost jumped out of your skin when a loud shout rumbled through the corridor.
"HUMAN! What do you think you are doing here?!"
You looked up in surprise and squinted towards the figure at the other end of the corridor, a green haired figure with his hands on his hips as he glared down at you. Actually, he looked kind of familiar...
"Hey, I know you. You're that student who laughed at Grim's test score." You stated, making your way over to him. His expression did not soften, and he continued to glare at you as if you'd personally offended him somehow. Or maybe Grim did, always a possibility.
"You... You are one of the magicless students from Ramshackle dorm," the green haired figure stated, eyeing you suspiciously, "what business do you have here? If you are here to disturb my liege, I will remove you without hesitation!"
... What a strange guy. His liege? And did he have to shout every sentence? But with the look on his face, it seemed like he was about to throw you over his shoulder and toss you out of the dorm if you didn't answer quickly, so you pushed on. "I'm looking for a Diasomnia student, you can help with that, right?"
He scoffed at you. "Of course I can't. I must hurry back and guard my liege!"
Maybe this guy was participating in Live Action Roleplay or something, you wondered, trying not to get distracted by his odd demeanor. "You can guard your liege later. C'mon, I need your help!"
That seemed to be the right thing to say, because his hard expression suddenly turned smug, and he folded his arms across his chest. "You need my help? Of course you do, silly human. I suppose I can spare you a few moments, it would be very noble of me... Who are you searching for, human?"
A smile grew on your face and you flicked through the infobook quickly, trying to find the name before he changed his mind and rescinded his offer to help. "I'm looking for... Malleus... Draconia? Malleus Draconia." You looked up from your info book and to your surprise, the green haired student looked like you had just slapped him across the face. Before you knew it, he was grabbing your arm and dragging you down the hall.
"I knew you were suspicious!" He boomed, his grip tight and unforgiving, not budging no matter how much you tried to pull away or dig you feet into the carpet. "Let go of me, you brute! What is your problem?!"
"I can't believe a spy would be so brazen as to walk directly into our dorm! Master Lilia will know exactly what to do with you!" He spat, continuing to drag you along the corridor as if you weren't resisting at all. Was he seriously trying to drag you into his roleplay experience? Was he for real?
You eventually ended up getting led further into the dorm before the green haired brute of a student dragged you through some doors with him. Ah, well at least you found the lounge, one way or another. As you were pulled through the doors, you noticed two students standing together further in, both turning to look towards you as you were dragged towards them. One was the short boy with pink highlights that you vaguely remembered meeting in the cafeteria on one of your first days at NRC. Next to him stood an incredibly tall man, you felt your neck craning just to get a good look at him. And were those... Horns?! Oh great... You truly had stumbled upon some sort of roleplay group, just your luck...
"Who do you have there, Sebek?" Asked the pink highlighted student, amusement clear from the shine in his eyes and the tilt of his lips. You shook your arm futilely in Sebek's grip, a scowl beginning to paint your face.
"Master Lilia, I have caught an intruder! A spy!" Sebek bellowed, his back straightening as he presented you, grip still tight on your arm. You huffed in exasperation and glared up at him, "get off of me. What kind of spy would walk in here and tell you why they are here! Are you stupid?"
Sebek gasped, seemingly taken aback by your rant, "H-human! How dare you?!" Before you two could continue arguing, 'master' Lilia stepped forward, "now, now Sebek, I've told you about inside voices before, haven't I? And accosting a guest is hardly the manners I've taught you, hm?"
Sebek flushed, from his neck to the tip of his ears, his grip waning on your arm enough for you to rip your limb away from him with a disgruntled pout. "B-but Master Lilia, this human is clearly suspicious..."
Sebek continued to stutter out excuses, his hand travelling up to grip his hair nervously as he tried to justify his actions. You rubbed at your arm, promising yourself that if it ended up bruising, you'd stick Grim behind him during History of Magic class and bribe him with tuna to be as annoying as possible.
"Hey..." You addressed Lilia, who promptly turned his attention, "do you know where Malleus Draconia is?" Lilia tilted his head at your question, and you could feel the gaze of the tall man boring into you.
"What is it you require of our Housewarden, dear?" Lilia enquired, the curious glint in his eyes not hidden by his calm smile. Housewarden? Is that why Sebek was making such a big deal about you coming here? Still, wasn't it a bit much?
"I have a request for him." You stated, and you watched Lilia put his hand to his chin as his curiosity grew. "A request?" He repeated, and you only nodded in response. Silence fell between you all, before a deep laugh shattered it, mirthful in its tone. You looked up, curious of the source, only to discover it to be the tall man with horns.
"I see. To think a simple magicless human would be so brave to approach me in my own abode. In commendation of your efforts, I, Malleus Draconia, will allow you to speak your request." The tall man spoke, a rich, smug smile tugging his lips up as his bright green eyes continued to bore into you.
"... Y-your Malleus Draconia? Then..." You took a deep breath, taking a step forward. Sebek's hand shot out to stop you, only to hang in mid air as he received a sharp look from Lilia. Your eyes shone with excitement and you clenched your hands into fists, holding them up toward your chest in enthusiasm. You looked Malleus dead in the eye, and spoke your request with all the sincerity in your heart.
"Please, let me join the Gargoyle Studies Club!!"
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bleedinqdove · 6 months
Hi! Can I request headcanons for how Rocky would go about his feelings for a reader that's the niece of Sedgewick?
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Rocky Rickaby with a reader who’s the niece of Wick.
A/n: I got a bit carried away with this request as you see…but I hope you enjoy anon cause I had so much fun writing this!
(Couldn’t stop myself from adding a song)
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-First of all, I want to say this gives off major lady and the tramp vibes.
-Since Wick himself is rich and influential, no doubt your family is too.
-And then there’s Rocky a rum runner and a fellow who does odd jobs for the Lackadaisy Speakeasy
-You two met at the Little Daisy Cafe when you were with your Uncle Wick.
You quickly got bored as your Uncle was busy talking with some pretty lady named Mitzi. You rolled your eyes as you turned your head to look at something more interesting…and less disturbing than your Uncle’s flirting.
And you do find something that catches your eye! Looking over your seat you spot a grey tabby pouring a rather alarming amount of syrup on his pancakes. Your eyebrows raise in intrigue as a smile crosses your lips. You look over into his booth, tilting your head slightly.
“Well, ain’t that interesting…I’ve never seen anyone who liked syrup this much.” You said with a light-hearted chuckle.
The grey tabby raises his head to look up at you before he flashes a sharp smile a proud look on his face. “You’d be hardpressed to find a gentleman who likes pancakes n’ syrup more than me!”
You giggled at his response before shaking your head a smirk playing on your lips. “Do you have a name, Mister? Or would Sir-Pours-A-Lot suffice?”
“Rocky, Rocky Rickaby…and you? Miss…?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
“Sable. Y/n Sable.”
-And the two of you continued to chat after that, which didn’t escape Ivy’s attention. Right before you left, Ivy slipped a small black pin of a clover into your hands and whispered something in your ear.
-Which kickstarted a whole new life for you.
-Almost every other night you snuck out to the speakeasy…excited to see a particular pancake-loving cat.
-At first, when Rocky met you he was quite intrigued by your curious behavior, and not to mention those witty comebacks of yours.
-You two just played off each other so well…so it wasn’t surprising he found himself falling rather hard.
-He’d look forward to those nights you did come to visit the speakeasy, talking to you about his exciting rum running adventures.
-It’s almost like he was trying to impress you…and he was! The way you looked at him with such awe and intrigue every time he told you a story stroked his ego just a tiny bit…
-You, being the sheltered thing you are, found the stories very interesting, even wishing you were there.
-Yet despite all these feelings of admiration and elation, Rocky couldn’t help but feel insecure…and a little jealous.
-Your wealth and status were apparent, you were Wick’s niece after all!
-If you two were ever to be in a relationship, your parents would most definitely never approve.
-Not to mention he’s already plagued with thoughts that you’ll leave him for a better, richer man…and he couldn’t blame you…but the thought makes him feel sick with jealousy and sadness.
-But every time he was caught in his doubtful thinking you’d flash him that pretty smile of yours and he’d find himself falling head over heels all over again.
-What can I say? he’s a fool for you!
-And being so he can’t himself getting closer and closer to you.
-Neither can you.
-Despite knowing this relationship was probably doomed you couldn’t help but fall further as well, you were young, dumb, and in love after all. The recipe for a perfect beautiful disaster.
Sitting against a tree with your head resting against his shoulder you closed your eyes and sighed, feeling the cold chill of the night air. You slowly opened your eyes and looked up at Rocky, parting your lips to speak.
“You think we can actually do this?”
He’s silent for a moment before he looks down and places his hand over yours, that signature sharp-toothed smile on his face.
“Well, I made it this far, Haven’t I?”
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