#in terms of her ultimate despair investigation
aparticularbandit · 5 months
Also. Unrelated. To my previous post.
I've been thinking a lot about the past stuff Kyoko doesn't know about because here's the thing - even if she doesn't know, Junko should - and trying to find the root of this whole knight thing and, uh.
Yeah, at least in backstory terms, this is probably definitely a past ship. Just in terms of this makes sense from what I'm gathering, this is the general scenario I'm seeing.
But it doesn't necessarily need to be that way?
(And I still don't know if Junko was even remotely being legit or if she was just...being Junko. Because like. Matsuda was still very much a thing. I'm definitely already implying that Mikan was a thing. And that's a really quick cycle from one to the other to a third there, especially if Mikan should have been simultaneous to probably both to some extent (and if I remember correctly, DR3 makes that SUPER abusive on Junko's end, and actually coming out of everything with Matsuda, I could see how she ended up there, but that's another theory to think about after I've actually seen DR3). Like there's some layers specifically just to the Junko side of this that I. still want to think through.)
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themattress · 2 months
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Kodaka's back, y'all.
Between this and the anime Akudama Drive, it's clear that Kazutaka Kodaka has learned from where he went wrong in Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls and Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. For the former, Akudama Drive took the grim, dark, dystopian city action thriller and actually made it consistently fun by not bringing in extremely uncomfortable subjects that he's clearly way out of his depth in covering and then failing to even follow them through to their logical fatal conclusion. And now in this, what I hope is the first installment in a new series, he revitalizes the Danganronpa style mystery game in a way that balances light and dark tones perfectly, washing out the bad taste that V3 left behind.
For one thing, Kanai Ward is an excellent setting. While narratively it's isolated from the rest of the world, as a player you don't feel any isolation given how huge it is, which differentiates it from the enclosed spaces the Danganronpa games were set in...except for Ultra Despair Girls, but this time the city's a real city, full of people and activity and culture, not just a bunch of mostly vacant arenas to shoot enemies in. The perpetual rain, as well as the musical score, gives it so much atmosphere which is equally parts haunting and comforting.
In addition, going fully 3D rather than stick to the more standard visual novel format helps give the game its own identity, and with full animation the slower pace feels way more justified than in V3. Said pace is also helped by the addition of optional side quests to break up the monotony of the chapter-by-chapter formula, and by the blessing of the R button's fast-forward feature. The only times things feel like they're dragging on is in the Mystery Labyrinths, and even then they're so unpredictable that they held my interest the whole way.
The story and characters are fantastic. Many of them are reminiscent of Danganronpa characters, but have just enough unique qualities to make them distinct, with the standout of course being Shinigami who is like Junko Enoshima / Monokuma if s/he were an anti-hero instead of a villain. She steals the show with her antics and quips, with wonderfully energetic voice-acting by Anjali Kunapaneni. I won't be forgetting the term "boom-kill" anytime soon! However, I think that besides her the characters that left the biggest impression on me, causing me to think about them long after having witnessed their last moments on screen, were Chief Yakou Furio, Director Yomi Hellsmile, and CEO Makoto Kagutsuchi. Long story short, they're twisted as fuck, although each in varying ways: Yakou leaning toward the light, Yomi toward the dark, and Makoto as a solid True Neutral. They always held my attention.
Lastly I need to mention some of the plot points that were executed a lot better than in past Danganronpa games. The first chapter featured a huge subversion of expectations related to the game's characters, but unlike in V3 it didn't overreach to the main character in a way that felt mean-spirited and sapped away my enthusiasm for playing the rest of the game. In the second chapter, we finally got an instance of separate culprits rather than a single culprit or accomplices, which V3 had once looked like it was setting up to do before totally backtracking on it. In the third chapter, we had a murder happen while investigating a different murder done to much greater effect than in V3 where it was expected and ultimately underwhelming. In the fourth chapter, which is the third case in Kanai Ward, we get the return of Case 3 Syndrome where an intriguing and terrifying set-up ends up with a disappointingly mundane revelation fueled by some outlandish criminal motivation, but this is the first time since the original Danganronpa where I was willing to buy it since it fit the characters and situation involved from how they were established. In the fifth chapter, let's just say there's a certain character voiced by a certain VA who is killed due to the machinations of a hateful villain, and it is handled much more tactfully and meaningfully. And in the final chapter, we get kind of a repeat of the Hajime-Izuru situation from Danganronpa 2, but while I liked that just fine I actually found this to be better executed since it had way more narrative build-up in-game.
All in all, a great game. Mystery lovers everywhere should check it out.
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juniperhillpatient · 8 months
How’s it going @juniperhillpatient ?
I know that you’re a huge canon of the horror genre. But what are your opinions on cosmic horror. Of the Lovecraft variety and the like. How humans deal with the ideas of ancient demon gods that control reality, and falling into madness or worship, or hostilities.
How would you consider cosmic horror in terms of Azutara? If indeed, you do find Cosmic horror to be interesting.
Say Azula and Katara are both tormented by their own brands of cosmic monstrosities. Let’s say Tui (basically an ATLA version of Cthulhu) targets Katara at her village in the SWT (or conversely somewhere in New England) and assaults the community. Perhaps indirectly or through a cult of sorts. In typical Lovecraft fashion. Minus the Racism!
I know that Azula usually ends up taking the role of a detective or PI in your stories. Which is one career I can absolutely see Azula doing (and enjoying) by the by.
Anyway, Hakoda perhaps calls up the Police of his state or county. Asking (perhaps even pleading?) for assistance. They refuse. But one kind souls directs Hakoda to an up and coming Private Investigator. One who’s has penachant for solving crimes, and also has a not totally undeserved crackpot reputation. Especially, considering she deals with horrible truths of the world others don’t want to accept. That PI is of course Azula.
Azula herself is also tormented by Cosmic horrors. In her case by the draconian demon god Agni. It also doesn’t help that her father Ozai is the head priest of the deity’s…cult. Which haunts her very shadows.
Azula and Katara then meet for the first time and have to deal with two differing cosmic horror deities, their warring cults, human sacrifice, murder, and a whole host of crime sand evils. And also their budding… desires for each other. and the story goes on from there. Oh and Azula and Katara are about 23-25 years old at the start of the AU.
So what do you think?
Also how do you think either Azula or Katara deal would deal with the realization on the “reality on unreality” . To enumerate, take how in the Cthulhu Mythos the deity called the “blind idiot God” is also known as “the great dreamer”. Why? Because everything that exist is dream. This one bbeings dream specifically. Everyone and everything and every experience (no matter positive or negative) is but an expression of a thought. A dream coming from an unconscious non-personal deity. Even Cthulhu and the other gods are mere instances of this dream. An individual is but the mirror image of a foreign intelligence. A person is not themselves. And if that creature ever wakes up, “reality” blinks out of existence. Everything gone faster than a snap.
That whole idea in probably (inspired by) something that Lovecraft got from the Vedas (probably the “Hymn of Creation”?) or the Hindu philosopher Shankara. It also gives me a massive migraine just to think about. But for the sake another Azutara Au idea, we must press on!
Everything is (in a word) a simulation, a dream. Including the “gods”, including individual persons, including Azula and Katara. How would they [Azula and Katara] deal with this existential question? Would succumb to despair and perhaps fall to madness. Or perhaps the two would rely on each other and come to embrace Descartes philosophy “I think therefore I am”. Leading Azutara to conclude that they do exist in spite of the machinations of Tui and Agni (who are demon gods tormenting them in this au) in trying destroy their sanity and attack their (Azula and Katara’s) very sense of self.
How would all these struggles bring them [Azula and Katara] closer? Or would it see the two fall apart. Or fall apart temporarily , but ultimately help each other in staying sane. Which is a big part of the “Call of Cthulhu” RPG.
Sorry if the ask was a little long.
—745 Voice of the People
Hi there! I enjoy Lovecraftian horror - I’m not hugely educated on it but conceptually I like it & I had a lot of fun with the ‘Call of Cthulu’ game I played a while back. My brother & I were just talking about my character & our old campaign earlier tonight!
Your idea seems like a really interesting fic that could truly dive into some existential dread & terror in a fascinating way. And the concept for the plot with Hakoda reaching out to Azula, who solves mysterious issues & is almost considered a crockpot but actually knows what goes on in the world because Ozai is the head of this cult?? Yeah that’s Super interesting!
I love the idea of Azula & Katara navigating this existential terror & decline in their sanity while also facing feelings for each other. This seems like a really fascinating fic concept!
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startrekplotnthemes · 9 months
Season 4 Episode 22 Half a Life
Lwaxana Troi visits the Enterprise once again, only to this time she comes at the same time as Dr. Timicin a resident of Kaelon II. He is conducting research with the aid of the Federation in an attempt to restart the sun of his home world using the Enterprise's photon torpedoes as a jump start. Normally played off as a nuisance, Lwaxana's advances are slow but well received as the two build a rapport with each other. This all changes when Timicin's theory is put to the test and temporarily causes its intended effect before the star explodes from the torpedoes.
Rather than try again with the research he has, Timicin elects to head back to his home planet. Investigation from Lwaxana reveals the custom on the planet known as "Resolution" where Kaelonians voluntarily kill themselves when they reach the age of 60. She is furious at this, doing everything she can to try and stop it. Returning to Timicin she makes a passionate argument and manages to convince him through love and research that he should persist. His asylum aboard the Enterprise is met with hostility from Kaelon II, causing them to send warships to the Enterprise to encourage the doctor's release. When his own daughter shows up and appeals to him to carry out the "Resolution" Timicin folds underneath the pressure, deciding he cannot be the one to break the custom. Realizing she cannot convince him otherwise, Lwaxana instead decides to participate in his "Resolution" as one of his loved ones.
This episode has a somber ending having a lot to say about acts done because of tradition. It is easy to get angry and upset and take Lwaxana's side in the argument. She makes two compelling cases bringing up her own people's old tradition where women kept small animals in wigs they wore and then also questions whether the star he is trying to revive should also not die because it naturally comes to an end. Timicin is placed under a lot of stress needing to also face his own daughter despairing for him not ending his days with her and her family. Even if I may not fully agree with Timicin's ultimate choice I can understand why he made it under the pressure.
It is black and white when we talk about things in terms of death, of course Timicin had the vitality and wherewithal to keep going, and there are many flaws in the argument of 60 as a cutoff. But it is why Picard does not intercede when Lwaxana insists. It is in the Prime Directive, making the choice for other species becomes the actions of a group interested in interference and making moral decisions for large planets and people. On the other hand, Lwaxana in her passions has a point. Should Timicin have just offed himself when he could have contributed more. What was he to do when all of his research and further studies was being rejected because of his refusal to adhere to Kaelon II's customs?
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Let’s watch!
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*clicks a button* Now... time to begin the presentation...
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(Here it goes...)
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'Welcome new employees, to Future Foundation - an organization that is to defeat the Ultimate Despair and undo the damage their actions had brought upon the world...'
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'Future Foundation has 15 Division and Heads that you can choose to work under, here we are to introduce our leaders of each organization!'
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'The Leader of Future Foundation and head of the 1st Division; Kazuo Tengan, he was Hope's Peak Former Headmaster which his duty is to provide overall directions and leadership of Future Foundation and help lead Future Foundation to prosper but sadly as of recent, he's going to be going into retirement due to medical reasons, however fear not - soon another will take his place...'
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'The Vice-Chairmen of Future Foundation and head of the 2nd Division is Kyosuke Munakata; Now while he isn't leader yet, he will lead soon and we can see why as his Division manage day-to-day operations of the Future Foundation, construction of facility; expansion of organization; military and peacekeeping force!'
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'Head of the 3rd Division; Koichi Kizakira who help in the creation of the training video also helps with Human resources, include scouting for potential members and personnel assignments. He often will go out and find those that would join our foundation which he likely presented this video to you - he is very likely the most hard-working of all the foundation head!'
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'Seiko Kimura, she is the head of the 4th Division which is in charge of Research and develop medical techniques, often her clinics and medications will assist those in need and provide aid if there is no room at hospitals, come to Seiko's clinic for all your needs!'
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'Kyoko Kirigiri which she's the head of the 5th Division which helps with Intelligence, Inquiry, and Counter-Espionage. Given her actions in the killing school life and how she assisted with taking down Junko Enoshima, it was agree upon that she would become a Future Foundation Head, so who better then Kyoko to help with cases!'
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'Juzo Sakakura who is in charge of Policing, including riot suppression and investigate special crimes; often leading the charge investigation after the 5th Division has gather information while the 6th Division handles those cases so you can rely on Juzo as well.'
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'Miaya Gekkogahara who's the head of the 7th Division which she helps with Information System security and administration along with Research and develop therapy to cure Despair. She even helped created the Neo World Program - a software that is to be made public to help people worldwide! Truly an amazing programmer!'
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'In charge of the whole 8th Division, young Otoha Yasuda which helps with Long-term stable food procurement. Even creating shelters and orphanages for those that need a roof over their head so if you want to help people in need, work in the 8th Division.'
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'Hideyoshi Tamon, he's in charge of the 9th Division which helps with Armament R&D, Production, and distribution. Offering weapons to other Division to help combat despairs so if you want to help with weapon productions do work here.'
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'In charge of assistance in reviving education, culture and religion; Mio Yonaga is the 10th Division Head which helps to restore history, culture and world heritage sites which she has become quite the figurehead for all Future Foundation - even many referring to her as 'Mother Mio' which she plans to bring back education and history.'
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'Daisaku Bandai, Head of the 11th Division which often helps with assistance in restoring agriculture in disaster area. He is working on ways to assist with the pollution. He is often working with the 8th Division to provide food for them - they are a very strong duo.'
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'Head of the 12th Division; Gozu helps with assisting in restoring infrastructure; such as transportation, communication, and public facilities which he's even restore entire cities and towns phone-line and even can fight as well!'
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'Head of the 13th Division; Ernesto Gomez who is in charge of restoring Law and the Jurisdiction; while he doesn't come around as often he is quite busy restoring law and even is in contact with other Division so if you wish to help with that; join this Division.'
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'???? Is the head of the 14th Division - they are in charge of Public Relations; spreading news of Future Foundation's activities to the public. They also travel around the world and work on restoring relations and putting an end to riots!'
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'And finally, the head of the 15th Division, Biju Hakoda which he leads to restoring Economics, Money, Banking and Commercialism which even during the tragedy; he was able to house many of those that suffer from the tragedy leading to him being a Future Foundation head!'
'As say, working at Future Foundation leads to you help people and leading to a hopeful future, so if you want to join - join today and work towards a bright and shining future for the sake of Hope.'
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*stands up* Now that you know Future Foundation, you can ask any questions you want and I'll tell you to the best of my abilities!
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goshdangronpa · 9 months
In my previous post about "I DISAGREE: An Ibuki Mioda SDR2 Protag Swap AU," I gave a timeline of the first two-and-change days. That write-up went beat by beat from Ibuki’s ill-fated arrival at Hope’s Peak to the onset of Despair Disease. This time, we’re looking less at events and more at specific characters’ reactions to them - especially the five people who volunteer to care for the infected. This’ll be important.
Every Single Symptom Brings Us Closer: Group Bonding in the Time of Despair Disease
The answer seems obvious: Nagito, Kazuichi, Chiaki, and Peko are cracking under the stress of their new situation. With so many upheavals to their lives in such a short time, it’s not unusual for them to react with paranoia, recklessness, combativeness, and giving up. But as Fuyuhiko and Hajime carry Peko into the Hotel Mirai’s restaurant, they note that she seems weirdly warm. With just a touch to the other three’s foreheads, Mikan can confirm just from her nursing experience that they all have high fevers.
That’s when Monokuma pops up with the truth: they’re sick, alright, and he’s the reason. The only cure is sacrifice. Someone must commit a murder, or the infected will only get worse. One life for four sounds like a fair trade … but then, the goal is for the murderer to get away with their crime and condemn everyone else to death. As for why everyone’s acting out in such different ways, on top of being physically ill? “For a bunch of smarties, you sure want a lot of hand-holding.” The bear leaves it to the others to figure things out.
Right before leaving, Monokuma adds, “Oh, did I forget to mention it’s contagious?” That’s what really changes everything. Communal breakfast ends before it can become routine. The group itself splits: the infected and their caregivers move into rooms within the Hotel Mirai building for quarantine, while the rest keep their cottages and free rein over the islands. Curiously, some divisions are resolved: Hiyoko Saionji, who’d started bullying Mikan practically since they met, is now more than willing to follow and carry out the nurse’s orders due to a potent nosophobia.
Mikan doesn’t accept Monokuma’s fatal terms. The Ultimate Nurse will prove her worth and take care of everyone. However, treating four distinct sets of symptoms and investigating their cause isn’t something she can do alone. She’ll need volunteers. It’s a big ask, but she gets some:
Teruteru Hanamura volunteers, but somehow isn’t trusted around prone and defenseless patients. Besides, access to the restaurant, where meals are mysteriously prepared before anyone arrives, is now severely restricted. The uninfected must count on Teruteru to whip up meals out of supermarket goods. That can be his opportunity to show his more nurturing side.
On that note, Fuyuhiko immediately signs up. Just yesterday, he was shirking all company and boasting about his capacity for killing: “I could do it, ya know.” Now, his demeanor’s changed so drastically that Mikan also checks him for symptoms. Mikan and the rest accept him largely because, as Hiyoko observes, he’s already made close contact with one of the infected this morning. Not wanting to spend his quarantine idle, he insists on helping. It’s his idea, for example, to barricade the doors with chairs from the lobby so the patients can’t exit freely.
However, Mikan and the other volunteers trust him around vulnerable people just as much as Teruteru. The head nurse assigns Hajime to monitor him. He’s in quarantine as well, having helped Fuyuhiko with Peko, and he lacks any medical skills. His initial reluctance with the assignment gives way to a fast friendship, as Fuyuhiko has no choice but to open up with his supervisor. Hajime soon attests to the gangster’s good character and unconditional dedication.
While the first two volunteers are conscripted, Byakuya is the first to volunteer by choice. He swore that none would die on his watch. That means splitting his leadership role with the reluctant Sonia Nevermind, who’ll watch over the uninfected (Mahiru: “You don’t have to do anything. No one asked for a leader anyway …”), and keeping watch over the disease’s victims. For all his upper-class pretense, he proves down-to-earth and genuine in his protectiveness. Despite his self-appointed power, he’s not above performing the most menial tasks.
Ibuki is the protagonist, so she has to be here, right? She has her reasons: a sense of control over the situation, being near Byakuya and Mikan, and general altruism. The levity she brings to the grim situation proves welcome. Once the patients are asleep, Ibuki invites the rest of the staff to her room for games and chitchat. Their boredom from the long hours overcomes their weariness, and this nightly ritual buoys their spirits and brings them all closer. (She only wishes they could unwind at the hotel’s swimming pool too, but that’s off-limits for them.)
She especially grows closer with Mikan. She was already fond of her after hanging out so much on the killing game’s first day, trying to make her laugh with the goal of lowering her guard. Then the Ultimate Nurse’s timidity takes a backseat in this crisis as she taps into reservoirs of strength and empathy, and that fondness becomes a serious admiration. They bond: Ibuki bolsters Mikan’s confidence as they traverse uncharted medical territory, and Mikan helps to make Ibuki feel like a useful member of the team. They share secrets. They share scream therapy sessions (for some reason, the hotel rooms are all soundproof). On the third morning of quarantine, they find (to everyone’s chagrin and discomfort) that they even unconsciously shared a bed.
Unfortunately, this isn’t all fun and games and me being tsumioda shipper trash. The Despair Disease is dangerous after all. More on that, plus the first victim of the killing game, in the next installment.
PREV: The AU Narrative's Chaotic First Three Mornings
NEXT: The Killing Game's First Victim
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mbti-notes · 3 years
Anon wrote: Hey. I'm INFJ. I want to ask about relationship problems. The relationship in question is between my ESTJ mother and I. Generally, I would describe our relationship as close and loving, but there is a conflict, and that came from our opposite ideology and political beliefs.
I want to say before continuing that we are neither American or European, so our ideology and politics shouldn't be understood from the "western" side of things, though to simplify by comparison, my views could be described as leftist and my mother's as conservative. I should also add that I used to hold her worldview when I was younger, but changed once I was old enough to form an opinion of my own. This caused my mother to imply many times in our discussions that I am "brainwashed" and dismiss me as "too young" and "too ideological". I should add that the latter (ideological) is a valid criticism. Still working on that.
Otherwise, I often tried to persuade, then later find middle ground with her, to no avail. We ended up arguing many times, until we decided to not talk politics with each other anymore. So, what's the problem, you might ask.
Recently, the political climate in my country got intense. Heated, even. I won't go into details, but there are protests again the government by young liberals/leftists-equivalent of my country. Many of my good acquaintances joined the protest. The government used police force against them, and it got violent. There are young unarmed protestors who were teargassed, beaten, and shot with rubber bullets and high velocity water jets. Some protestors were heavily injured. Some protestors were arrested and incarcerated in horrible conditions. My mother and I agreed to not speak about politics, so I said nothing.
Until my mother, right infront of me, with another family member, openly mocked the protestors, made judgments about them based on the goverment's propaganda, called them a nuisance, and implied that they "deserved it". It's not about her discussing it, but it's about how unempathetic she was when she said those things, towards those young people my age, with similar ideology to me, and how apathetic she was when she said that "nothing's going to change anyway". It was the first time that I saw my mother in that angle, the complete lack of humanity in her words. It still haunts me until now.
So my question to you is, how does one deal with that? I love my mother, I think I always will. I also know that she loves me, or at least the part of me that's still her child. But for a moment, I loved her less, and that frightened me. I began to wonder, what would happen one day if we have to actually take sides, because things are getting worse in my country, not better. This adds to other issues I have in my life and made me more depressed. A part of me tells me that I should tell her about how I feel, but how do you tell someone you love that they're one of the reasons for your sadness?
I'm sorry if this is stupid. I'm sure that this feeling I have is one-sided, and I wonder if I'm being selfish or ungrateful. Maybe it's because I'm too sensitive these days, so I thought if I have an outside neutral opinion, it will help illuminate my clouded mind. Thank you. I hope you had a good summer break!
The sentence that sticks out at me the most is: "It was the first time that I saw my mother in that angle, the complete lack of humanity in her words." I would argue that the problem doesn't lie with her. In fact, nothing about your mother had changed. She was still the same woman as before she uttered those words. The issue arises from your perception of her and the standards by which you evaluate her.
I follow world affairs very closely, so I think I know which region you are speaking of. One of the biggest problems in the manner that people think and talk about politics is the tendency to stereotype. Stereotyping is basically a form of cognitive oversimplification. It makes your thinking ability fast but also very dull and blunt, unable to understand situations with the nuance and sophistication that is required for good judgment and decision making.
It doesn't matter which country/culture you are from, there is always some variation of "right versus left". Why? Because in every society, there will always exist an underlying tension between those who don't want change and those who do. You may label these two opposing forces as right vs left, conservative vs liberal, regressive vs progressive, etc, but the fact of the matter is that these labels are gross oversimplifications of people's political belief systems.
When you divide people along an oversimplified dichotomy, it's too easy to stereotype them, in terms of believing that all people on each "side" hold all the same beliefs and values. Stereotyping goes along with the natural tendency of humans to be tribal. You start to view those on your side as being intellectually and morally superior to those on the other side. This leads to dehumanization and even demonization of the other side. In essence, you lose the ability to empathize with people, as long as you believe that they aren't on your side or the "right" side.
It seems that your political thinking has become too stark due to how extreme the situation has become. You have the feeling of fighting for your life because of the way that the situation has been handled by authorities, as they are indeed putting people's lives in danger. Your feelings about the situation are completely valid. But you fail to recognize that your mom's feelings about the situation are also valid. Certainly, there are hard-core fundamentalists and extremists out there that you can never reach because their beliefs and values are not based in any form of reason. However, I don't think your mom fits into that category, does she?
Do you know what it means to have no humanity? You are accusing her of something like psychopathy. Is that really true of her? I don't think so. She said: "nothing's going to change anyway". I don't consider this an expression of "apathy", as you assume. This is an expression of hopelessness. In that sentence, there is a real possibility that your mom is sympathetic at heart, but she disagrees that the chaotic actions of the protestors (i.e. the method) will lead to any meaningful change... and she may be absolutely right about that.
You haven't grasped the nuances of your mom's beliefs and values because your mindset has been so hardened by the extreme nature of the political conflict. This means that, when you engage in political discussion with her, you are unable to: 1) acknowledge how she feels, 2) acknowledge that there is some reason/merit/validity behind her beliefs, and 3) be open-minded enough to meet her halfway.
Put another way: If you met someone who wouldn't acknowledge your feelings as valid, dismissed all of your beliefs and values as completely wrong without proper investigation, and only sought to "convert" you, would you want to communicate with them? Probably not. This is the unproductive attitude that you now both bring to the table. This is the divisive attitude that arises when a conflict becomes too polarized and everyone is forced to "choose a side".
Unless one of you learns to listen and communicate more effectively, what will change? You say that you have tried to find middle ground with her but always end up arguing. Not finding middle ground is one thing, but getting caught up in interpersonal drama is a whole other thing. The option to amicably agree to disagree is always available. If you genuinely respect someone and respect their freedom to form their own beliefs, it shouldn't be hard to agree to disagree. Why do you find it so difficult to let her be her? Ultimately, you're not really interested in "middle ground"? You just want her agreement? Getting caught up in arguments all the time, especially on a recurring basis, indicates poor communication skills that stem from a troubling lack of objectivity. The more you argue with the intent to shame/change the other person, the more you push them away from your side, and the more myopic you get in your own beliefs.
You seem to have fallen into the trap of categorizing her into the tribe that you view as the enemy of your tribe, namely, the authorities that are cracking down on you young protestors. You've started to view her as the enemy, now you can't empathize with her, and even accuse her of having no humanity. You now consider yourself morally superior to her. If there is any possibility that she could be your ally, you've slammed the door on it.
You describe a very dire and desperate political situation that affects everyone, BUT, it doesn't affect everyone the same way. Different people have very different ways of dealing with intense emotions like fear, insecurity, grief, despair, helplessness, etc. Due to inferior Fi, ESTJs have extremely low tolerance for intense and uncontrollable emotions. Remember that one's ability to utilize the inferior function is not much better than a young child. If ESTJs can't neutralize or deflect their sense of powerlessness quickly, the burden of the emotions will quickly destroy them. I don't think you've really understood the thought process behind your mom's words and what is really motivating her "apathy".
Just because someone doesn't agree with your methods, doesn't mean that they don't have anything in common with you. Politics isn't just about good vs evil, as in, if you don't stand up for good, then you are evil. Everyone has their own way of looking at the situation because everyone has their own interests to take care of first and foremost, and everyone has their own ideas about the best methods to pursue. This is true for both you and your mom. It is possible to agree on beliefs but disagree on methods. For example, I'm assuming that you care about this cause so deeply because you care about your future. Sure, your ideas about the future differ from hers. But, certainly, you are both interested in securing your future, aren't you?
History has shown us that young people are always more willing to fight for causes because: 1) they would suffer less immediate material loss than the elder generation, 2) they have fewer life responsibilities, obligations, and commitments to take into consideration, and 3) their lack of life experience sometimes makes their thinking too simplistic when visualizing future implications.
Your interests aren't fully aligned with your mom's in this situation, perhaps because you are from different generations. However, this doesn't mean that your interests don't align in other important ways. At the end of the day, your mom is probably deathly afraid of seeing YOU on the news being beaten to a pulp and disappeared by the police, right? And it may be the case that she's passing harsh judgment on the protestors because she's trying to discourage you from meeting their horrible fate? That's hardly lack of humanity.
To be a good critical thinker, you need to learn to be more objective. Objectivity means understanding all aspects of the situation, or as many as you can manage. Objectivity and empathy often go hand-in-hand. You won't be able to empathize well unless you acknowledge that there might be some aspects of the situation that you're not seeing or understanding. When you take more time to get to the bottom of someone's thought process and why they really feel the way they do, you will discover all sorts of openings to influence their political beliefs in a friendly way. But when you can't even acknowledge that the other side might have an important point to be made, because you are so hardened in your stance, you've created a dead end for yourself.
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hibiscuswolverine · 2 years
I so tired of the makoto slander in the fucking tags THERE IS A REASON WHY KYOKO *ISNT* THE PROTAGONIST AND MAKOTO IS.
She is smart everyone knows that. She is very smart so smart infact that she basically knows who did it alright before Makoto can began to piece it together, so cool wow. Right, but did ever stop to think how just boring from a gameplay standpoint that would be? She knows all the answers and essentially whodunnit if the trial would be over fast, what kind of game play is that?! But your like ‘hibi shuichi is the ultimate detective too!’ Your right he is! But he also actively works with everyone he goes around and hears everyone side of the case, he interacts with everyone.
Interacting? Pffft Kyoko kirigiri does not interact with rarely anyone, she got other shit to do like explore bitch! The only person she really interacts with during investigation time is Makoto, he does the interaction for her in term she also give information and he confirms, they’re a team and they operate well together including in trial.
But let’s stop talking about the trial and let’s focus on the heart of the story you know the part where your supposed to connect with everyone? If we were playing as Kyoko we would be gone doing god knows where and not interacting with characters who may or may not die and when they eventually do it would have less of an impact because you never interacted with any of them. Makoto is an easy going simple guy yeah but it because of this nature he’s the perfect candidate to get to know more about these characters, they open up to you because he is so easy going. With Kyoko’s more icy personality it might be more short convos than more depth ones.
Finally, Kyoko the ultimate hope???? Don’t make me laugh that just really don’t mix. You can’t always be logical when it comes to hope, you have to trust it, blindly too sometimes when all you see is despair. But you also need the enthusiasm to keep going and trusting that hope and the optimism to keep that faith in hope that everything will be better after the storm. You’ll never guess who fits that bill!The answer might just surprise you!!
There is a reason why Kyoko is a supporting character and goddamn is she a good one! But just because she is a good supporting character it doesn’t mean she’ll make a good protagonist. Shuichi works while he too is a detective he’s a detective was just born Kinda?? Like you know he goes from a weak detective to a strong one but he also lacks her trust issues and icy personality.
I’m not going to lie though I would like to know her thought process behind the betrayal of the 5th trial and like why she didn’t bother to warn Makoto about the mask person or like that whole thing with the dream-real masked junko sequence. Like I feel as though, knowing and seeing her thought process behind some of these moments are more interesting (to me) tbh
Kk rant over <3
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mnemo-li · 3 years
Calebros: A Rant About My Favorite VTM NPC
I do love the newer Vampire: the Masquerade content, but sometimes the writing leaves a lot to be desired. A prominent example is - what in my opinion is - the butchery of Calebros’ character in Beckett's Jyhad Diary.
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While I do love seeing the more brusque side of Calebros’ personality, I don’t think I’ve ever recalled him being this vulgar in the original Clan Novels. He was definitely not dropping the f-bombs left and right, and even his gruff manner had more to do with dry humor, sarcasm, and keeping up the dignified image fit for a clan leader. I do realize that this series of chat is set much after his whole ordeal as Prince of New York is over, so maybe the experience really changed him. However, the in-universe explanation of his drastic shift in personality is lacking– it is most likely the result of a change in writers which led to inconsistent writing and characterization.
Here are some examples of scenes that presents his characterization in a more nuanced light.
Scene 1: The Nictuku Accusation
“They would have eaten me, I tell you!” “I believe you, Jeremiah,” Calebros said in a forced, calm tone. He was tired of nodding politely, of reassuring his clanmate. Jeremiah could be a difficult person to like at times. This was rapidly becoming one of those times. “Don’t you humor me!” Jeremiah snapped. “I’ve been coming to you about this for weeks now.” Seems more like years, Calebros thought. “And still you’ve done nothing. Nothing!” Jeremiah paced around, gesticulating wildly. There was no second chair by Calebros’s desk, and for this very reason. He mostly didn’t like guests, didn’t want guests, didn’t want to encourage them to sit down, to take a load off and stay for a while. Most anyone who had reason or inclination to visit Calebros was irate, complaining, or tiresome. Jeremiah happened to be all three presently. “That is not true,” Calebros assured him. Jeremiah snorted in disgusted. “What, then? Tell me. What have you done?” “I have considered quite carefully your report.” “Ha! Like I said, nothing. ���Considered my report…’” Jeremiah repeated contemptuously. “This is what I think of you and your reports—” he said, grabbing a handful of papers from the nearest stack on Calebros’s desk. Jeremiah made to fling them into the air— Instantly, Calebros’s hand shot out and latched around his visitor’s wrist. Talons pricked undead flesh ever so slightly. “Believe me,” said Calebros evenly. “You do not want to do that.” They faced each other for a moment, one monstrous creature restraining the hand of another. Jeremiah’s fingers, biting into the papers, were long and grotesquely thin, little more than needles of bone. His entire body was thin and hard and covered with knots, bulging masses of hardened tissue, like an old, gnarled swamp tree. Finally he stopped resisting Calebros and returned the reports to the desk. “I’m sorry,” Jeremiah said and resumed his pacing, just as intently if less frenetically.
This is from the Nosferatu clan novel. Here, Jeremiah is trying to get Calebros to believe that there truly are Nictukus dwelling in the sewers. Calebros is, frankly, tired of hearing the folk tale especially when he has other pressing matters to deal with. Yet, even with his patience paper thin, he does not lash out at his broodmate. He is shown to be deeply introverted, anti-social perhaps, but he does not let his own nature affect his duties. As the Nosferatu primogen - as the leader of the clan - he has to listen to the concerns of his family, no matter how absurd. He knows when to express his authority, and he never abuses it. Again, no f-bombs dropped.
Scene 2: The Salt Lake
“Geez, what am I, your mother?” Emmett asked. “No,” Calebros said. “You are my brother, my broodmate.” “Brood, litter, whatever. We were both chosen to suck the old blood tit, so who am I to ask questions?” Calebros sighed. Blood tit, indeed. “That’s not how you remember it.” Now it was Emmett’s turn to sigh. “Don’t do this. Don’t get all… You always do this, get all touchy-feely we’re-all-brothers-in-the-blood, when you soak your head, blah, blah, blah…” “Make light of it if you will—” “I will. Thank you very much. Got enough salt here?” Emmett flicked some at Calebros.
This is from the Nosferatu clan novel. Here, Calebros has just came up from his meditation within the mud hole / salt lake. He is shown to be introspective and even sentimental. In terms of character voice, his more poised speaking style and inner monologue is contrasted against Emmett’s rough, colloquial style.
Other Sources
In the Calebros graphic novel, a similar scene is shown where Calebros is depicted to be trying and failing to remember his past before he became a vampire, losing his mind as he mixes up imagination with false memories. His inner dialogue in the graphic novel shows him saying:
“Do I tell him that his prince, his... compatriot?, is losing his mind? Never.”
This very much reflects his true nature. In Vampire: the Masquerade, there is a system of nature vs demeanor. According to his character sheet, his demeanor is that of a “director” while his nature is a “martyr (penitent)”.
Director: To the Director, nothing is worse than chaos and disorder. The Director seeks to be in charge, adopting a "my way or the highway" attitude on matters of decision-making. The Director is more concerned with bringing order out of strife, however, and need not be truly "in control" of a group to guide it. Coaches, teachers, and many political figures exemplify the Director Archetype.
Martyr: The Martyr suffers for his cause, enduring his trials out of the belief that his discomfort will ultimately improve others' lot. Some Martyr simply want the attention or sympathy their ordeals engender, while others are sincere in their cause, greeting their opposition with unfaltering faith in their own beliefs. Many Inquisitors, staunch idealists, and outcasts are Martyr Archetypes.
Penitent: The Penitent exists to atone for the grave sin she commits simply by being who she is. Penitents have either low self-esteem or legitimate, traumatic past experiences, and feel compelled to "make up" for inflicting themselves upon the world. Penitent Archetypes aren't always religious in outlook; some truly want to scourge the world of the grief they bring to it. Repentant sinners, persons with low self-esteem, and remorseful criminals are examples of the Penitent Archetype.
All of these quotes, if feel, matches very much with the Calebros I knew from the clan novel saga. Below are also a set quotes detailing Calebros’ inner dialogue in his graphic novel.
“As prince, only I can save them, only I can keep them from looking where they shouldn’t. A force exists underneath this city, sleeping, and it must remain so, lest we all perish.
“Augustin, my sire, left us to investigate the Nictuku, and came back to me with this information. Could this be Gehenna? The Final Nights? When the Ancients awake to devour their errant children? Can it be stopped? Should it be stopped? Everything that is done is a hope of staving off the inevitable. Why?”
“My embrace into this world was a foregone conclusion, made for me by Augustin. It is no different for anyone else. Why then do we not welcome the coming Armageddon? Exchange one world for another. It sounds almost painless, except I would never accept such a course, neither would my fellow Nosferatu. Neither would my fellow Kindred, for that matter.”
He is incredibly contemplative, and determined too, willing to fight against the inevitable apocalypse of the vampires. As long as his clan and the Kindred as a whole does not give up, does not give in the the despair of Gehenna, he too will be willing to fight for the survival of others.
Scene 3: Against a Master Manipulator
The character of Hesha is... complex. I see him as sort of a sweet-talking, cunning, charismatic cult leader. Here is a dialogue between him and Calebros.
“No harm was done,” Hesha said softly, his voice still the slightest bit scratchy from the ordeal he’d undergone. “As you say,” said Calebros, not looking up and continuing to write furiously. “You concede without agreeing.” Hesha laughed quietly. Calebros’s head whipped up. Angry words were ready on his lips, but the Egyptian’s smile was not mocking. The Setite obviously realized the weakness of his position, physically and strategically, as well as the fragility of their alliance. “Candor is important between friends,” Hesha said. “Otherwise, perceived insults take hold and fester.” “I am quite accustomed to festering,” Calebros said curtly. “I fear that I’m growing so as well,” Hesha said, squeezing one of the boils that stood raised about one of his many open wounds until the canker popped, and frothy pus ran down his arm. He laughed quietly again. Calebros punctuated a written sentence with a particularly violent period. “Your woman willfully disobeyed her instructions.” “She exercised discretion,” Hesha countered. “She blatantly disregarded the safety of my people.” “If anything had gone wrong,” Hesha said, “it would be Pauline lying torn on the ground. Your people would have faded into the night, none the worse for wear.” Calebros fumed. Probably Hesha was correct—but the Nosferatu was not about to admit as much. “I will speak with her,” Hesha said reasonably. “She has not encountered those of your clan before. She’s not aware of how strongly your predilection for…” “Cowardice?” Calebros suggested accusingly. “Prudence, I was going to say. She’s not aware of how strongly your predilection for prudence runs.” Good choice of words, Calebros thought. But, then, Hesha always chose his words carefully, always seemed to know just the right thing to say. It was discomforting in a way, how easily the Setite could alleviate tension with just a few words. Go ahead, Eve. Take a bite of the apple. Adam might like some too. But it seemed that they needed one another—and that outweighed their natural and mutual tendencies to distrust one another. Just barely.
Hesha’s actions managed to get under Calebros’ nerves, as seen in his curt speech, his furious writing, his accusatory reply to Hesha. He is angry for the safety of his clan (which, as seen from all the other sources, is something very dear to him). He is even shown to be stubborn, refusing to admit that Hesha was correct. Even still, he keeps his head rather than loose his cool completely. He also realises Hesha’s smooth words for what they are- manipulation. He is willing to compromise and form a sort of alliance with Hesha too, despite of his distrust and personal feelings.
Calebros and Ramona
I found the strange friendship Calebros had with the Gangrel Ramona to be incredibly touching, and tragic due to the turns it took towards the end (which I won’t spoil). Below are some excerpts from the Nosferatu clan novel showing Ramona’s initial meeting with Calebros and his later assessments of her character.
Neither Pauline nor the other girl, Ramona, had been subjected to the full brunt of facing a Nosferatu. Not until now, that is, when they were brought into Calebros’s presence. He did not hide his true appearance from them. And he could read the dismay, the fear and disgust, on their faces. Of the two, Pauline made the worthier attempt, attempt, to maintain her demeanor of professional detachment—perhaps Ruhadze had taught her well. The Gangrel, unsurprisingly, was not so couth. She gawked, both at Calebros and at Hesha in his current condition, and she hid her revulsion quite poorly, if she tried at all. […] Ramona looked at Calebros again, a more measured look this time, trying to see through the deformities. Good girl, Calebros thought. Young and brash, but not stupid.
Ramona reached for a calendar on Calebros’s desk, but tossed it back when she realized it was from 1972. “That’s still a whole month, and nobody knows where Leopold was that whole time. He could have gone back to the cave.” Smart girl, Calebros thought. He was leading her along the same path of reconstructing events that he had followed.
He compliments her intelligence again and again, and seems genuinely fond of her. Which I believe is why, after he became Prince of New York, he allows her a private audience with him to which he offered her a safe passage out of town which she rejects, viewing his actions as a betrayal. Below is an excerpt from what I think is the Clan Brujah novel.
The hunched form stepped forward, leaning heavily against the seatbacks as he came. Ramona kept straining to pick out the sound of broken gasps that must accompany such labored progress, but the air did not stir. "You had requested an audience, my dear. A private audience. I have gone to some pains to secure a place where we might be alone. Privacy is such an indulgence here. All too often, I find myself unable to justify the expense of importing it. And there is always someone else jealous of such decadence. But you have not come to hear of my distractions. Sit here, next to me, and tell me why you have come.”
“Calebros chuckled low, a sound like an engine turning. "No, I don't imagine you would. I will miss your straightforward style, Ramona. I find it refreshing. But already you know that there is no longer any place for you here. In the midst of battle—against the Sabbat and later, against Leopold and the Eye—we could afford certain marriages of convenience. But these partnerships will not survive the challenges of peacetime. Your associates, Mr. Ruhadze and Mr. Ravana, they found themselves in much the same position. Each has already left New York.”
“Calebros was silent for a time, letting her wind down. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you with the Eye, Ramona. And I'm sorry you will have to leave us. Believe me, I would like nothing better than to find a place for you here. I will have sore need of people who can be relied upon in the nights ahead. But you know what you would be up against if you remained here— the posturing, the none-too-subtle snubbing, the outright backstabbing. You are a rarity among our kind, Ramona. But because you are different, you will be hated and eventually destroyed if you stay among the society of the damned. Know that I will remember our time together fondly. If I can be of any assistance to you in relocating..." "No, I understand. It's 'thanks for your help; here's your bus ticket.' Well, I don't need any of your favors. I don't like the strings attached to them. And I resent the fact that you think I'm so stupid that I'll let you screw me over and then thank you for it." "Ramona...”
Again, even during his tenure as Prince of New York he is so damn eloquent, I definitely can’t fathom the word fuck ever slipping out of his mouth. He is compassionate, helping Ramona perhaps for future gains too, but mainly I believe he genuinely wants to do something right, give her the happy ending she deserves for once.
Moreover, I have a soft spot for this quote of Calebros pondering about Ramona’s nature, why she’s always so angry at the world, why every word out of her mouth sounds like an accusation. It showcases well his world-weariness, a cynical attitude that hides his concerns for others.
What have you seen that makes you so angry, so bitter, little one? Calebros wondered. Family killed? Have you been betrayed? How many times, I wonder. You’d best get over it, if you hope to survive.
So... yeah. I’d pay money to see an accurate portrayal of Calebros in a newer media otherwise I might have to write my own fanfic pairing my OC with him
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nierly-amazing · 4 years
NieR: Theatrical Orchestra 12020--Automata dramatic reading transcript
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Art and transcript provided by @shirl_geem on twitter! Follow her, her art’s great!
NieR:Theatrical Orchestra 12020
Investigative Operation Overview
New machine-lifeform signatures detected in a previously neutralized enemy base. Said base is a large-scale facility located in the Pacific Ocean.
Communication from the squad stationed there was ceased, making the situation impossible to ascertain. Satellite photography is also impossible due to the base's location on the sea floor.
The Council of Humanity is making preparations to retake the base, but understands it may be a trap created with a new type of enemy weapon.
For this reason, the Council of Humanity has decided to send a small team as an advance scout force.
The task of investigating the base and ascertaining the safety of its personnel has been assigned to YoRHa units 2B and 9S.
--Operation Name: Uranus
Advance Force Registered:
YoRHa units 2B and 9S
Modified flight units (underwater-use)
Close-combat assault armor
Type-3 swords, pressure-resistant suits, anti-icing coating
12 modified canaries, salvageable backup memory storage, reactive barriers
--Escort Unit Details:
Lead escort duties to be carried out by Hunter units K1 and K2
K1 unit overview: 8 flight units, 1 transport unit
K2 unit overview: 4 flight units, 1 Hummingbird aircraft carrier
Defensive radius: From 8,000 meters above the objective to the ocean's surface.
--Status of the Target Area:
Depth: 1,200 meters
Water temperature: 3 degrees centigrade
Machine lifeform energy: 3,200 units
Estimated machine lifeform count: 32 individuals
Communication status: Unknown
--Supplementary Information:
Target is 32 km north of the hostile submerged facility that was destroyed on August 13th. According to the deep-sea patrol unit, there is no relation between that facility and the target.
However, as there remains the possibility of attack by escaped machine lifeforms or rogue androids, all information pertaining to Operation Atlantis is to be disclosed beforehand.
Time to Arrival at Objective: *10 second timer appears on the screen*
This operation has been placed under direct control of the Council of Humanity. Any recording or other archival action is strictly forbidden.
2B: So this is the machine lifeforms' advance base...
9S (narrating): The base we infiltrated was an expansive underground space with countless, intertwining support pillars.
2B: Temperatures are low... Pod, scan the periphery.
Pod 042: No machine lifeforms detected. No signals found on sensors or canary system.
2B: Is that... a dead android? Pod!
Pod 042: Affiliation unknown. Possibly a member of the unit stationed here. Fusion reactor non-functional. Heat analysis indicates it was destroyed more than 48 hours ago. No external wounding detected.
2B: No external wounding? Could it have been an EMP blast?
Pod 042: Negative. No characteristics of EMP damage detected in circuits.
9S (narrating): As we looked around, we found more androids strewn across the room like a child's forgotten toys.
2B: What on earth happened here...?
9S (narrating): The machine lifeforms that supposedly destroyed these units were nowhere to be found. All that remained was a chill, an eerie silence, and an android mass grave.
2B: Access the Bunker database.
Pod 042: Negative. Bunker communication is not possible.
2B: Keep scanning the periphery and let me know if you find any irregularities.
Pod 042: Affirmative.
9S (narrating): It was a gloomy place, untouched by the sun. The ceiling was a mass of cables tangled around interlocking steel. It was like being inside some kind of massive creature...
Record Archivist: Pod 153
Analysis: Stationed friendly squad consisted of 36 individuals. Only eight individuals were confirmed in the target area.
Hypotheses for the other 28 individuals: Abduction. Predation. Desertion. Rebellion.
Proposal: Commence preparations for close combat.
Record Archivist: Pod 153
Analysis: Target base consists of four strata
Current location: First stratum
Area: 32,000 square meters
Temperature: 2 degrees centigrade
Humidity: 88%
Scans indicate a high probability that this area is a hangar for machine lifeforms.
Record Archivist: Pod 153
Alert: Examination of target's first stratum complete. Cause of androids' cease in function remains unclear. There is a high probability that neglecting to investigate this factor may cause impediments to the main force that follows us.
Proposal: Investigate the target's second stratum.
Alert: Target's second stratum reached.
Alert: Android bodily fluids detected on nearby wall. The residual shape appears to form sequences of letters.
Hypothesis: They are warning messages left by androids while still alive.
Analysis: The messages are as follows:
"The Bunker will fall"
"Destroy Command"
"They must be killed"
"Help" "Help" "Help"
Hypothesis: Thought circuitry of corresponding androids underwent some manner of attack.
Analysis: There exists a weapon in the base that can cause a logic infection.
Proposal: Hack the central cortex of the base.
Alert: Enemy thought center reached.
Analysis: Protection of YoRHa unit 9S is top priority.
Alert: Deploying virtual canary.
Proposal: Encrypt channels to long-term memory areas.
Proposal: Increase speed of thought-analysis region.
Alert: Central memory space located. 82 hostile defense layers and 1,343 attack-type security systems detected.
Alert: Virus employed by enemy defense layers. Executing sustained vaccine deployment.
Commencing Assault
Analysis: Defensive layers of central memory space infiltrated.
Data recovery and decoding complete.
Initializing visualization and extraction of records.
Visualization: 20%
Visualization: 40%
Visualization: 80%
Visualization complete.
Stratagem Information 111029E
Analysis of intercepted communications from the human army over a period of time has yielded the following data:
The majority of cargo bound for the human server on the moon consists of empty containers camouflaged as supplies.
Specific sequence patterns have been identified in video communications from the Council of Humanity.
Stratagem Information 111029E
Multiple models of supposition have been created based on the results of the above analysis.
Of these, the most probably conclusions are as follows:
The existence of the Council of Humanity is a pretense.
Humans are already extinct.
9S: The Council of Humanity on the moon... So mankind... doesn't exist? No, this is a trap. The enemy is trying to make us second-guess ourselves. Pod, use laser measuring to reveal the structure of the enemy base.
Pod 153: Affirmative.
9S: 2B, I think there's a good chance this base is some kind of tra... 2B? Huh? Where'd she go?
Pod 153: Analysis complete. Displaying base structure.
9S: First we should figure out where 2B... Wait, this base is weird. There's one massive core at the center with a network of pathways for energy conveyance. It's almost like it's one big machine lifeform...
Pod 153: Alert: High-frequency vibrations detected in lower levels.
9S: High fre-- Agh!
2B (narrating): As 9S's vision fades out, a mysterious sound grows around him. crunch... Crunch... CRUNCH... The sound gets louder every time.
9S turns toward the sound to see an android's corpse.
A dark shadow sits atop it, its hands clamped around the android's thin, white neck.
9S: No...
2B (narrating): The shadow is 9S, and the corpse he's strangling-- with its slender fingers, black eye covering, all-too-familiar dress, and white hair-- is none other than...
9S: 2B...
2B (narrating): The sight playing out before 9S was one of his own twisted desires.
9S's deepest desires are laid bare. He wanted to kill her. Destroy her. Mutilate her.
9S: No! That's not true! I don't want that at all! Wait, I get it... It's the infection. This is what the enemy's infection does.
2B (narrating): Using thoughts of denial as an opening, the curse spreads. He knew. He was aware she was trying to kill him. He concealed. He hid away his intimate, innermost desires. And there, in the never-ending spiral of massacre... filled with false hopes and prayers... was the pleasure of despair.
9S (screams and cries): Please stop... 2B, I... I...
Record Archivist: Pod 153 Alert: Vital signs declining for YoRHa unit 9S.
Alert: Reverse-hacking by enemy machine lifeform detected.
Alert: Defect detected in memory area.
Alert: Shifting to consciousness-protection mode.
Analysis: Increase in offensive enemy activity confirmed.
Analysis: Maintaining consciousness-defense form is impossible.
Due to the instability of YoRHa unit 9S's consciousness, executing the recommended counterattack is impossible.
Report: The decisions that follow constitute unauthorized support.
Declaration: Commencing rescue of YoRHa unit 9S.
"January 30, 11,942 (4:25 AM) YoRHa unit 9S enters service.
Analysis: This pod initiated recording of pre-determined monitoring subjects 9S and 2B.
Analysis: In the midst of collecting great volumes of data, this Pod ascertained that 9S is repeatedly destroyed by 2B.
Analysis: These acts were not delineated in any Project YoRHa implementation plans this Pod was informed of.
Analysis: Intervention in above acts is impossible for this Pod, as they are delineated processes for the core program of Project YoRHa.
However, this unit, in its continued recording of the activities of YoRHa unit 9S through a repeated cycle of combat and death, ultimately gained a sort of knowledge.
It is an internal command akin to emotion, far beyond any support assignment. The closest human analog would be the feeling called "maternity."
As such, reporting unit Pod 153 will abandon self-defense protocols and shift to launching an offensive against the enemy.
...I am glad to have met you, YoRHa unit 9S.
9S: Ugh... Okay... I set the trap in the central system, and the camouflage repair on the enemy barrier is complete.
Pod 153 (narrating): The remains of Pod 153-- its circuits thoroughly fried- lie at his feet.
9S: My pod... saved me, huh?
Pod 153 (narrating): 9S hears a sound. He looks up to see 2B standing before him with a calm expression.
9S: Oh, 2B! Glad you're safe. I was just putting a logic virus in the enemy's central--
Pod 153 (narrating): 9S realizes something.
2B: Say, 9S...
Pod 153 (narrating): Her eye covering is gone.
2B: It's cold here, so...
Pod 153 (narrating): She holds a weapon in her hand.
2B: I want you to warm me.
Pod 153 (narrating): And her eyes... are crimson.
9S: She's infected!?
Pod 153 (narrating): Her white blade crashes down on 9S with the swiftness of lightning. 9S blocks the blow with his scabbard.
9S: Damn it! How could this happen?
2B: YoRHa's existence in this world has no meaning.
9S: Requesting access to 2B's motor system! Administer emergency vaccine!
Pod 153 (narrating): His request is denied. 2B swings her sword again, continuing her frenzied dance.
2B: We must stop the tragedy that recurs without end in this meaningless world.
9S: 2B, stop!
2B: Tell me, 9S...
Pod 153 (narrating): With the smallest of openings, 2B's blade finds its mark.
2B: Wouldn't it be wonderful to fade away together?
Pod 153 (narrating): The blade cuts into 9S's armor. A bright red message appears in 9S's vision:
Proposal: Destroy YoRHa unit 2B.
9S: I could never do that!
Pod 153 (narrating): 2B's sword swiftly pierces through the left side of 9S's chest. 2B's blood-red eyes draw close to his face. With defeat so close, 9S plays his final gambit... He places his right hand on 2B's cheek.
9S: ...Commencing hack.
Analysis: Commencing salvage of 2B's consciousness data from the infected area.
"The memories I have left aren't all bad. Wind rolling through ruins. Light flickering on water. The sound of swaying trees. I cherish everything we saw together. This isn't a curse. I... decided to be with her. I made a choice."
2B's infection had spread to the deepest portions of her memory unit. It's a troublesome virus-- and an elegant trap.
For if the infected section is removed, the individual becomes unable to maintain a consciousness.
As 2B's consciousness grows more infected, 9S readies his final, desperate plan.
...It was the only way she could be saved.
9S: Hey, 2B? The time we spent together holds eternal value for me. Heh. I'm serious, you know. I'm swapping your infected area with my memory storage.
"In a sea of collapsing emotions, I saw 2B's light. Even if I've lost everything, I have no regrets. Because I chose to live... for her sake."
--Texts on the screen appear--
9S: You're 2B, right? 9S: My name's 9S. I'm here to provide support.
2B: 9S... the time I was able to spend with you... 2B: It was like memories of pure light... 2B: Thank you... Nine...s.
2B: ...Gya!
Pod 153: YoRHa unit 2B activation verified. Good morning, 2B.
2B: Pod... Where's 9S!?
9S: Nnngh...
2B: 9S! Are you all right?
9S: 2B... I'm glad you're okay.
2B: We're withdrawing. Pod, administer emergency maintenance to 9S and tell the Bunker--
9S: No. I can't go back. If the infection spreads, I may end up attacking you.
2B: Stop talking nonsense, 9S!
9S: Commencing... self-reformatting...
2B: Stop!
--2B and Pod 153 at the same time as their voices start fading away.--
2B: Please! Please don't die on me! I'm the one who should die! What's the point of my staying in this world? Please don't save me, 9S...
Pod 153: Alert: Infection critical in YoRHa unit 9S. Sensor signals lost. Black box defensive standby-mode activation failed. Temperature rising. Proposal: Cool body and cerebral unit immediately.
9S: Auditory sensors... down.
My temperature regulators are at their limit...
It's so quiet...
So this is how it all ends...
It's sad that I'll lose everything, but...
the curse of my sins will disappear as well...
The time I spent with 2B was precious to me.
There isn't a single detail I don't remember.
...Heh. I bet I sound so stupid right now.
You know... I'd really like to...
go back there with you again... 2B...
2B: Our prayers were never heard.
9S: Our future was closed off.
2B: Despite it all, the fact we'd fought together...
9S: ...was a miracle that shined brightly.
9S: You were always with me...
--9S and 2B at the same time.--
2B: Thank you, Nines.
9S: Thank you, 2B.
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Traitor Hajime au
I mentioned making one before so may as well do it now
Especially since I won’t be having WiFi for a while after today qwq
This au has Hajime befriend Class 77 and doesn’t join the Izuru Kamukura project and is Executed in Chiaki’s place as a result
OOC moments for Hajime and Chiaki because they sorta swap places here
Things to clarify
• Chiaki is still class rep but Hajime bonded with Class 77 similarly to Island mode
• One of the steering committee’s sons is the one to take Hajime’s place in the project
• Hajime is the first student in the classroom since he was programmed in and greets everyone as they enter
• When they arrive in the island, Hajime is much more relaxed than in canon and actually manages to chat with the group before they go their separate ways
• Unlike in canon, Hajime is perfectly okay with the fact he’s a reserve course student and tells everyone when introducing himself (no one really cares. Some were surprised and that’s that)
• Except one person named Nagito Komaeda
• His true colors are hinted at earlier this time due to him insulting Hajime about it (which lead to negative opinion from the group) but once again unlike in canon he doesn’t take it personally because he actually knows Nagito is a good person once you get through to his head
• When Monokuma shows up, he’s the most distressed because he’s full aware that the killing game is serious and when he’s cut across the face he takes it as a warning from Monokuma not to cross the line
Chapter 1
• Him and Chiaki are the only ones concerned over Usami/Monomi as the others dismiss her
• During the party, he offers to stay outside with Monomi both so everyone can bond and because he needs to talk to Monomi about the situation
• He actually suspects that Nagito might make the first move “for the sake of the class” like with how he bombed Hope’s peak to interrupt the exams “for the sake of the class”
• Monomi scolds him to trust the class more but his worries skyrocket when he hears the body discovery announcement
• When the investigation starts, Nagito isn’t as nice to Hajime as he was in canon but seems slightly nicer since him and Hajime can become stepping stones to hope
• Hajime fervently hopes that his suspicions of Nagito are wrong but the class trial proves them true much to his disappointment
• Later on when Hajime reveals Teruteru as the killer, Nagito is shocked that someone like Hajime can lead the class as he did and at one point outright tells Hajime to leave the class trial to the ultimates’ hope but Hajime tells him he will not let them die
• Hajime’s heart aches when Teruteru screams out for his mother being the only one among the group aware of the fact that his mother was dead, killed by his own hand
Chapter 2
• When it’s revealed to the group that Nagito is tied up, he expresses immediate concern because he knows Nagito is sickly but is forced into silence by his programming
• Hajime actually visits Nagito to have a chat with him (without telling the others)
• Nagito is way less welcoming to Hajime than in canon but still ends up having a free time event with him (“Because I don’t have a choice anyway” Nagito says but he did enjoy his time with Hajime)
• When Monokuma reveals the motive, he checks what the game is about with Monomi once everyone leaves and asks Monomi to watch Fuyuhiko, Peko and Mahiru to the best of her ability because he can tell this motive is centered around them
• Nagito is extremely condescending when asking Hajime to feed him but Hajime actually feeds him this time because he can’t let Nagito starve
• Hajime prays that Monomi can stop a murder from happening but when Mahiru’s body is discovered his hopes are crushed again as he goes to free Nagito for the investigation
• When Chiaki leads him to play the game but he actually reveals to her that he already played it and let’s her go through the game for evidence in the class trial
• When Peko is Executed with Fuyuhiko nearly getting killed as well, he’s so grateful that Monomi found a loophole
Chapter 3
• His reactions aren’t changed much in Chapter 3 at least until Mikan is revealed as the killer
(Yeah Hajime is still as dense as ever when Nagito has the liar disease and he wants Hajime to stay cause he genuinely enjoyed Hajime’s company when they hung out but even as the traitor and still smarter as an AI he’s dense it’s just in his nature)
• When Ibuki And Hiyoko are revealed as the victims of the case, he tells Monomi to get it together when she denies the possibility of killings happening (which is made as foreshadowing to their relationship because foreshadowing always happens)
• In this case, Hajime and Nagito actually seem to be in steady terms and when they go to the movie theater, Nagito wonders if Hajime has a talent and it was just never acknowledged
• During the trial he does get frustrated when Nagito tries to say he’s the killer but later on understands what he was going for
• When Mikan is revealed as the killer and goes psycho, his heart stops cause she’s her Ultimate Despair self
• His programming stops him from saying anything regarding Mikan’s beloved and the Future Foundation despite him screaming on the inside to reveal the truth to them because he had gotten attached to the group again and his programming actually warned him to be careful since that’s literally what got him killed as a person
Chapter 4
• His heart nearly jumps out of his chest when Nagito accuses him of being the traitor cause he’s right on the money and when Kazuichi doubts him his programming has him opposing it but in the inside he feels guilty about lying
• When it’s revealed that food will be the motive, Hajime actually tells Monomi a day in he might kill himself so they don’t have to starve to death since it’s his job to protect them but Monomi quickly stops him
• In the final dead room, the big reveal about Hajime to Nagito (since he already knows he’s a reserve course student) is the fact that he’s officially deceased which leads him to believe Hajime is the traitor but there’s no confirmation
• The trial stays relatively the same and Hajime is the only one who knows why Nagito changed behavior because Monomi told him about what happened in the final dead room
• After Gundham is executed, Nagito asks Hajime if he can talk with him in private
Chapter 5
• Nagito asks Hajime if he’s the traitor and Hajime of course denies it (under orders of his programming) and Nagito shows Hajime’s file labeling him as deceased
• Hajime says it’s just a coincidence and makes an excuse to leave and Nagito is not convinced
• When Hajime and Monomi were talking somewhere else, Nagito snuck into Monomi’s house and took the notebook which confirmed Hajime was the traitor because he documented the time he spent with Nagito
• After the bomb threat and everyone is in high guard, Nagito surprises Hajime in his cottage and reveals the notebook confirming Hajime to be the traitor
• He tells him he understand why he lied because why would he admit the truth and risk his life for criminals?
• Hajime tells him it isn’t like that and he couldn’t talk despite him desperately wanting to and they leave it at that
• When the handbook scanned is revealed to be a red herring, Hajime is 100% frustrated that he expected it to be able to end like that
• After Nagito’s body is discovered, Hajime can already feel it has something to do with him
• That feeling turns out to be correct and Hajime has Chiaki out him and like in canon, Monomi and Sonia defend Hajime with all their might but are struck down
• Hajime tells Chiaki to look to the future with everyone else before he’s executed alongside Monomi
Chapter 6
• Hajime saves the group from despair specifically after it’s revealed Chiaki was the one who uploaded Junko into the program out of pure devotion to her
In Hope arc, it is Nagito who contemplates about Hajime since they were actually closer to Hajime than Chiaki and later on Kazuichi actually has him chat again with his AI before he dies from his brain diseases
This was fun to make : )
Though might not be very good since I’m rushing to get this out
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aparticularbandit · 4 months
thinking about like.
chisa and sakakura were investigating hope's peak during dr3, right. and like, i'm including chisa and munakata in oafc. in theory, this means sakakura should be there, too, but i'm honestly not sure that he is.
because see, here's the thing. junko only escapes getting caught in dr3 because she manipulates sakakura and brainwashes (and lobotomizes) chisa.
but i'm not having chisa brainwashed/lobotomized in the fic.
and i'm playing with her a bit in terms of how she interacts with junko and the whole situation. these three have been disillusioned by hpa even before finding out about the izuru kamakura project. they still believe in what hpa can be, but are convinced of corruption from within - corruption that chisa specifically finds. because i'm taking away the remnants' brainwashing and instead having junko step in and do things that hpa should be doing but isn't, chisa as a result has a higher opinion of junko - to the point that she would be a character witness of the sort who would say that's not the junko i know, junko would never do that. (and then finding out that junko is, well, junko would just. that's a spike of despair on top of believing that she'd failed her kids because they were dead (assumed) and then because junko corrupted them and drew them into ultimate despair when she finds out they were alive. like. there are layers of despair to chisa that i'm playing with that i like!
but sakakura wouldn't have any such reason to believe that junko was better than what he sees, and his and munakata's research should pull up the same as it was before. and, sure, junko could pull the same strings she does in dr3, but like.
wouldn't it be more effective for him to be dead.
like - dead before munakata even asks him to go talk to junko (because if he got killed while trying to look into her, that would be bad, and she's not that dumb). like junko assesses the threat before it even gets to that point. and just. he needs to be gone.
there's an entire group of rioting students. there's an entire mob. maybe someone just. lets the mob in. maybe mukuro just. hides in the mob. or peko, at fuyuhiko's request, because junko says this guy is a threat to her and she's scared of him and fuyuhiko's not going to see another sister of his die because he didn't act.
and then sakakura is out of the way.
and munakata will listen to chisa.
and then that's another layer of despair for chisa later, when she realizes that one of hers is the reason her other best friend is dead. (especially if going with the peko and fuyuhiko route.)
and then that's another layer of reasoning for munakata to want junko dead, because she's the reason that his other best friend is dead. (which leads to greater conflict with makoto and more reason for kyoko to just not tell anyone anything about what she's learning because she doesn't trust any of them.)
adds conflict. adds layers. makes things more personal to the characters getting added in.
also means i don't have to write sakakura. ;D
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Okay but so technically, Jason beginning his rise to power as the crime boss the Red Hood happened in the comics AT THE EXACT SAME TIME....as Dick was working undercover as an enforcer for the mob.
Dick literally even ‘auditioned’ for Black Mask????
So what if....dun dun dun....their paths crossed here? Before Jason even did most of the stuff that made him most infamous as the Red Hood and strained his homecoming with his family to the point of near impossibility? And Jason’s like....umm wtf??? But he’s pretty sure Dick’s just undercover and faking all this, but like....he’s a way better actor than Jason ever gave him credit for. (Because of course Dick is justifiably emo as hell at the time).
So he’s about ready to call off his little investigation and get back to his own plans, he’s let Dick distract him long enough....when things ramp up. And suddenly, Dick’s working for fucking Deathstroke and calling himself Renegade, and again, Jason would just like to know....umm wtf??? And Dick’s infiltrating the Secret Society of Supervillains or whatever they call themselves, WHICH Talia is a member of, and so in this AU, Talia’s like wait what is Nightwing up to here, AND because she’s Talia and is funding Jason/keeping tabs on him, she’s aware he’s been looking into what Dick’s doing...and so SHE cashes in some chips with Jason and says he owes her, and thus pulls him into the Society to act as her own enforcer, which puts him and Renegade in frequent contact and even running missions together, and Dick still has no idea that the Red Hood is Jason, because nobody but Talia knows at this point. 
And like....Jason finds himself bonding with this version of his brother more than he expected and he DOES NOT LIKE IT because it just feels WRONG, having certain things in common with him while they’re both working for freaking supervillains, and its like looking in a mirror and not at all liking what you see, and eventually of course Dick clues in because he’s depressed, he’s not all of a sudden a dumbass, and because family is the magic word with Dick all of a sudden its like “Must....claw....self...out...of...pit of despair...and drag little brother kicking and screaming along with me ugh he’s such a drama queen why” (lol Dick you lovable hypocrite. I mean, dont get me wrong, both Dick and Jason have EARNED their drama queen status, they worked HARD for that crown, but doesn’t mean they both don’t wear it with gusto).
And so it becomes a who’s saving who here, really, kinda thing, only they’re both kinda saving each other because that’s really the only way it works, and its the way it SHOULD work with that family anyway. And it definitely clears a path for Jason to be reunified with the family on MUCH better terms and like, actually a part of it, but don’t get me wrong, Jason’s still Jason and he still believes what he believes. He and Bruce still are gonna have to clash like that in a big way, but Jason’s less invested in like, proving it AT his family’s expense here, and he’s got more support from the sibs here due to not like....trying to kill half of them at some point, so I picture him ending up in like a Red Hood and the Outlaws kinda team ultimately, but where he’s on good terms with most of his family except for tense but okay-ish terms with Bruce, and he’ll kill when he has to but doesn’t go LOOKING for opportunities to do it just to make a point, and Bruce is super not happy about that but in this AU we stan a democratic Batfamily not a dictatorship so the rest of the fam is like boo hoo, you big baby, get over it, you’re outvoted and we’re not letting you kick our brother out of the family, who even does that.
And they all live dysfunctionally ever after. I mean its comics, so they die a lot too, but they always come back, bc plot armor is fucking amazing like that. Highly recommend.
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gold-pavilion · 4 years
Red’s Complete Guide to the SDR2 Stage Play
The following is a sort of walkthrough/summary of the SDR2 stage play, mostly focusing on what’s different in this shorter but also highly expressive version of the story than the game, and what extra content is in it. 
It’s mostly aimed to help non japanese speaker friends (or not fully fluent ones) enjoy this amazing play even without english subtitles available; in general terms, just having good memory of the game’s events will allow you to watch and follow it just fine, but anything else you could be missing, this guide will point out for ya! That being said, you can either read this all on its own, or keep at hand to check as you watch. I’m dividing it in parts according to what would be the game’s chapters, so you can easily find your place. Hope it’s useful!!
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The beginning is quite the same as the game: Nagito waking Hajime up on the beach, memory gaps, no one knows why they’re there when they should’ve just been at their entrance ceremony, etc. The minor differences would be that they’ve already separated and had a look around, thus cutting out the island exploration from the main POV. They’ve all warmed up pretty fast to the place too. The setting of it being a fun class trip is established and everyone’s excited to go to the beach, minus Hajime of course. 
More small changes: as you’ll notice, Hiyoko being unable to tie her own kimono sash, getting help offered by Mahiru and getting attached to her happens at this point (‘cause of the swimsuits they want to put on) instead of in chapter 2, so their relationship gets established this early. Also, Teruteru and Kazuichi are caught trying to sneak in to where the girls are changing, ahem.
As in the game, Hajime’s hesitating a lot about just relaxing like that. We get a cute little new moment where he sees that even “Byakuya”, though claiming it’s to “research the way to leave this island” is prepared to go play at the sea, and with some prodding from the boys overall, he gets convinced to join in and have fun too. All super sweet, before Monokuma hijacks the scene. The killing school trip begins!
The opening and character introduction sequence is absolutely amazing and stunning, but since the intros and the comments Hajime and Nagito exchange as they go from character to character together are pretty much the same as in the game, there’s nothing to note from me. Just how amazingly it was put together! 
After that, along with the basic intro to the killing game, there is an added rule for the students to see: the one/s who earn/s the right to leave the island will be given back the stolen memories of the last 2 school years. So, the amnesia period is immediately established, and Hinata’s own amnesia about his talent is taken as proof that it could be true. Teruteru is openly agitated about the possibility of having that two-year blank, more than anyone else, and while revealing there’s a restaurant waiting for him on land he tries to get reassurance from the others. He’s much more transparent here.
Monokuma gets the group under control with a different method than his monobeasts: he makes lightning shoot at them. Real lightning, no tricks, as Byakuya says. Here, he reveals he can control the weather so that’s what he uses to keep the students intimidated. Different, but easier for stage representation than robots and achieving the same purpose. After all is done and Byakuya has sent everyone to rest for the night, there’s a small added scene of Hajime and Nagito staying behind, and having the following exchange that I thought best to translate directly:
Nagito: “So it turned into this kind of despairing situation…”
Hajime: “Why would that Monokuma guy do something like this?!”
Nagito: “It’s unforgivable, right?! That killing game…! It’s absolutely...!
That’s it… we… we have to join our forces and stand against this despair!”
Hajime: “I’m glad that the first one to call out to me here was you, Komaeda.”
Nagito: “Yeah... me too, I’m glad to have [met] you, Hinata-kun.”
The next day, Byakuya announces the party and the group accepts his proposal without suspicion. The old building is suggested as the place, cleaning duty is required, the straw game comes out and Nagito ends up chosen to do it. So far, no news. But on the party scene, we do have several differences:
From how they explain it, the old building consists of just the dining hall and the great kitchen. With this simplified setup, everyone is closer together, so there’s no messy deposit room, no office to guard, no fire door to take into account and Byakuya isn’t checking anyone for dangerous objects. Also, no guard outside and no Monomi, since she’s been locked up by Monokuma. The scene with Hajime speaking to Byakuya privately is preserved (though it doesn’t take place in the kitchen and he wasn’t dragged off to it, but rather, approached Byakuya himself to raise his suspicion that the party was planned for everyone’s wellbeing) and his mysterious dialogues are the same.
When the blackout occurs, they’re able to find the breaker and turn electricity back on their own. Only when the body is discovered do they get told there’ll be a trial, and how it will work. Investigation time!
When everyone scatters, they’re mostly talking about having things they want to check out or thought were weird, with a very active attitude about it. The times when the sound effect rings and the spotlight is focused on Hajime, is when he’s established a key clue, a class trial bullet, so he’s naming/explaining them out loud. Not much else to note, but isn’t the whole investigation scene SO dynamic and enjoyable? Such brilliant staging!! For the trial too!!
Not much is different in the trial until its very end, in fact it goes faster than in the game with all the complication factors that were skipped, so it reaches Nagito’s breakdown quickly. As I’m sure many people will want to know what the dialogue is in the famous getting-touchy-touchy-on-Hajime scene, I’ll note that it’s Hajime saying “is that your true nature?! Have you been deceiving us all this time?!” to which Nagito replies “that’s… wrong.” Quite sure the writing is the same as in the game, it’s just the acting that carries it differently.
After that, in the end, the way they figure out the culprit is from the existence of a passage to get under the floor that they’ve concluded the killer used: since it’s clearly not in the dining hall, it must exist in the only other room of the building, which is the kitchen, where only Teruteru was. Case closed in a much more brief, yet complete manner.
During the reconstruction of how it happened, the conversation Nagito and Teruteru had in the dining hall is very different from the game. Instead of the monologue focusing on his love for the ultimates and how he wanted to see them display a bigger hope, his words are much more manipulative. He asks Teruteru: “hey, Hanamura-kun… could it be true... we’re missing 2 years worth of memories? 2 years is a long time… if it were true… what then?” and insistently “Don’t you want to know? Don’t you want to go back home?”, playing from the worries he was displaying earlier. He is also more straightforward in remarking that Teruteru wasn’t his victim nor acting in everyone’s defense, that he could’ve said something when he realized he had killed Byakuya instead of him, but kept quiet to save himself (a dialogue that, in the game, is said by Monokuma instead). He also claims to love that hope Teruteru had of going home, a hope so strong that Byakuya and everyone else could’ve died for it.
You’ll see that the execution is also very different, as almost all of them will be (personally, I love them even better than in the game). As Teruteru dies, his last words are: “momma… I’m sorry”.
Post trials comes another surprise: the group gets a freebie for their effort, which is a new piece of info. They’re told there is a traitor among them. Of course they suspect Nagito, but then, as they’re confronting him, we get this:
Hajime: It’s your fault! That Hanamura… and Togami...
Nagito: Ah, right, about that… that wasn’t Togami-kun.
Gundham: What are you saying?
Nagito: During the investigation, I found this.
Hajime: Togami’s e-handbook?
The name’s… different.
Ultimate… imposter.
Ibuki: Daaaaang! That Byakuya-chan wasn’t Byakuya-chan, then?!
Nagito: But what an amazing talent! Because, out of all of us, no one even thought it wasn’t Togami-kun! He sure got us! 
But… since he’s dead now, it’s not worth caring about, is it…
Akane: I’ll beat ya up, you bastard!
Hajime: Not worth caring about? 
The fact that he was a wonderful leader, who protected us with all he had, didn’t change.
That he’d tried to protect us till the very end… and not allow the killing game to happen… he was a proud, worthy leader.
Chiaki: Yes… that’s true.
With that very early revelation, the chapter closes.
Shortening matters, through the night Monokuma already gave to everyone a piece of their past: the envelope containing the pictures of the girls in their Hope’s Peak uniforms and of Fuyuhiko’s sister’s body. They all have seen it by morning, but naturally don’t know what it could all be and don’t discuss it. As in the game, Nagito is being kept away, tied up, though here Akane helped as well; she intended to beat him up while she was at it, but Nekomaru stopped her claiming the strength of her muscles wasn’t meant for stuff like that.
It seems Peko is getting a few more added interactions with Fuyuhiko as well, mostly since she can be closer and take more physical actions in this medium. As she tries to stop him from breaking away from the group, she tells him “if we’re together, it’s certain you’ll be safer”, with this same nuance in English where she could mean together with the group, or together with her. Neat stuff.
Moving on: everyone knows Nagito’s situation. Mahiru suggests taking breakfast to him in front of everyone in this version instead of privately to Hinata, to which everyone reacts complimenting her kindness. No one actually goes to give Nagito food tho (ouch), since everyone starts taking off to the beach and to mess around, doing their own things. Also, Sonia’s interest in Gundham is already made noticeable. A fun little addition:
Hajime (to Gundham): Sonia wants to invite you though, so… will you come to the beach too?
Kazuichi: Hinata…
Hajime: What do you say, Tanaka?
Kazuichi: HEY…
Of course, everyone agrees and will be meeting at the beach house in 1 hour. So it’s not a girls-only meeting in this version, but for everyone who didn’t have other plans. Under Hajime’s advice they’ll try to stay together as much as possible to be safer.
The stage skips to what’s happening at the beach house not long after. We proceed to the murder, conveniently obscured, and body discovery.
As for differences in how the case unfolds, during the investigation, it’s Gundham and Sonia who notice the beach house has another exit: the small window set pretty high up. Then, as Komaeda joins in, he takes special interest in checking whether Hajime’s remembered his talent yet or not. He finds it pretty amazing that even without that, he’s out there solving cases, and expresses looking forward to Hajime remembering. He remarks that he’ll always be on the side of hope to clarify his position.
This class trial is also cleanly shortened without sacrificing anything important. As you’ll notice from the proof collected, the whole thing with the fake Sparkling Justice doesn’t happen. After concluding it couldn’t have been Hiyoko and the killer set her up, the point is made that the killer actually used the window to leave, which only one person could’ve possibly done: Peko. So that’s that.
Once again, it’s rather the reconstruction of the incident that changes. Hiyoko and Mahiru are talking about their friendship, how they’ll continue to be friends even after regaining their old memories, or might’ve even been friends before, when Peko knocks Hiyoko unconscious. The discussion continues. 
On the 2nd part of the case reconstruction, Fuyuhiko openly threatens to kill Hiyoko right there to get Mahiru to talk about the pictures and his sister’s death. You’ll notice the image on the screen is the other one, of Sato’s body, but since it was the only picture of a live actor, they used that one as though it were the sister (please be understanding)! Plus, the story about bullying and how they were both killed doesn’t come up, so there’s nothing to be confused over in this version. All we know on the play is that Mahiru took the picture, because Monokuma said so, so Fuyuhiko believes she did the killing too. Mahiru argues that she must’ve taken it as proof. “Us photographers… can tell the meaning of a picture we took ourselves”, she says, but it’s too late.
The debacle of whether Peko is the killer or Fuyuhiko counts as it for using her as tool is, of course, maintained. Enjoy the actors’ amazing representation and another great execution scene!
The rewards for winning the trial this time: 1. The info that the traitor definitely came to the island with them. 2 The traitor belongs to a world-destroying organization called Future Foundation. (Which, in a fun dialogue I believe is new, Nagito calls a pretty hopeful name for something like that.) 3. Those who have talents will be given a present related to their talent. Nagito leaves to check that out, and with Hajime musing “will I be able to… remember my talent?”, the chapter closes.
From here on, the stage play’s scripts starts to differ from the game more and more.
The gift Nagito received for his talent was the gun. Upon finding that it’s loaded with only one bullet, he understands it’s for playing russian roulette, a test for his luck aside from a present. I have to say, I find it insanely cool that he goes for 5 out of 6 shots instead of the 1 shot he did in the game, like holy shit??? But anyway, his reward for the game is the binder with the info on Hope’s Peak and the students.
As for the others, the gift Ibuki got is an electric guitar, Chiaki got a game system, Kazuichi got the communication/camera set that he would make at this point in the game, the one that plays an important role in the 3rd case, and so on; everyone got something related to their talent, except for Hajime. He already suspects it might be that he has no talent, after all, but the others comfort him, doubting that’s the reason.
Enter the despair disease. In this version, Nagito doesn’t get the disease; only Akane and Ibuki do, plus Mikan, who catches it from the start as well unbeknownst to the rest. The set up is like this: Mikan will be caring for the sick at the island’s hospital facility, Hajime volunteers to be there with her, and Kazuichi provides his comm set to link the hospital with the hotel lobby to stay in touch without spreading the illness. 
From his position at the hospital, Hajime sees the transmission which he supposes is taking place at the hotel, so he runs over there. But from the hotel, when checking the comm system, the transmission comes on again so everyone thinks it has to be taking place at the hospital now. On the road from hotel to hospital is where they run into Mikan and Akane. Once at the hospital, the bodies of Ibuki and Hiyoko are there.
This investigation process differs A LOT from the game’s. For starters, everyone is far too discouraged by now from so many of their friends being gone and Kazuichi doesn’t even want to investigate anymore. To top things off, when Nagito arrives...
Hajime: Komaeda… where have you been?!
Kazuichi: Mioda and Saionji died! Do you get it?! Both of them at once!
Nagito: Who kills, who gets killed… I don’t care about that anymore.
Hajime: What did you say?
Akane: You asshole… if you say that, I’ll kill ya!
Sonia: Owari-san!
Nagito: Hey, Hinata-kun… did you remember your talent? Did you get any present from Monokuma?
Hajime: … no…
Nagito: Then, this is true…
Hajime: What does that mean?
Nagito: Hush! A reserve course level guy like you… could you not talk to me like we’re equals?!
Hajime: Reserve course?
Nagito: I got this from Monokuma… documents from within Hope’s Peak. You… have no talent, you were a reserve course student!
After explaining what the reserve course is, leaving Hajime destroyed, Nagito steps away to do his own thing.
With Hajime totally out of commission from shock, it’s the other characters who do the investigating on their own this time, without the protagonist’s lead we’re used to. Pretty painful to witness, honestly, but a very clever, impacting and well-handled modification. Everyone lets him have his time. In fact, when Fuyuhiko asks what’s wrong with Hajime, Gundham replies “Do not ask… it is a trivial matter.” for him, and when Chiaki talks to him, it’s only to ask case-related questions, no personal prodding. They only get to go over the causes of death, how the monitors worked (the hotel one showing a feed of the hospital, the hospital one showing a feed of the hotel) and as soon as Fuyuhiko finds a bit of the pillar-wallpaper-thing, investigation time’s over with no more evidence pieces than that. On to the trial.
Like it would happen in chapter 4 in the game, Nagito’s undermining Hajime in the trial, but no one else minds that he’s from the reserve course. Hence the physical attitude you’ll see him taking throughout. Understandably, though, from how the set up was, Hajime looks very suspicious, so the first part of the trial is on the possibility of him having committed the crime. Once that’s cleared and they’ve got it down that Hiyoko’s body was already there when he woke up, hidden under wallpaper, it’s concluded that the transmission was a trick from the killer, who had to be female and at the hospital at the time: Mikan.
Her breakdown follows pretty much the same script as in the game, as well as how she finally gives herself away by mentioning specifically the camera angle. As for the reconstruction of the case, it shows that Ibuki was already healed at the time, that Mikan used some sort of injection to kill her. As for Hiyoko, all the same, except… well, you’ll see. “I’m sorry for being a disgusting, pervert woman…” is what she says, which kinda... adds a layer of to consider in their behavior to each other.
Just as in the game, Mikan reveals what the despair disease did to her, talks about her past and her old lover before she’s executed. No additions or changes on any of that.
… well, kinda. Chapter 4 of the game pretty much doesn’t happen in the stage play. Instead, we get the scene we can see immediately after the execution:
Angry and at her limit from everything that’s happened, Akane challenges Monokuma, like she would go off on her own to do in the game. With everyone being right there in this version, Nekomaru, Fuyuhiko and Gundham are quick to back her up, while Hajime and Kazuichi keep the more physically frail members of the group safe, and Nagito simply stands aside from everything, commenting how awesome everyone is. Do note that he takes a spear from the Monokuma army for his own purposes.
While the whole Funhouse ordeal doesn’t happen, the main points and the weight of the game’s chapter 4 are preserved, with the self-sacrificing role Nekomaru and Gundham take during the fight. All the information we get from the game chapter has already been given in the previous parts of the play, the tensions and relationships between characters were also already set up, and the victim and culprit roles kept a last-effort, self-sacrifice spirit; it’s true that it’s less morally complex and takes exposition away from Gundham, but everything is still basically covered. Even the message to “not give up on life”. So, with their noble deaths, this chapter closes.
Here the play realigns more faithfully to the game’s order of events.
Now knowing they’re Ultimate Despair, Nagito no longer has sympathy for the group or their dead friends. Since the binder he got has info about everything except the traitor, his aim is to uncover them through his bomb threat now. Here he’s immediately revealing his aspiration to wipe out despair from the island and become the Ultimate Hope, and as Hinata asks him to stop before he kills someone, Nagito tells him: “Hey, Hinata-kun… I believe… in my Ultimate Luck!” Words that will be very important.
Here, Fuyuhiko steps up to establish what to do with the situation: Hajime and Chiaki will be staying behind to go through the documents Nagito gave, while he and everyone else will go search for the bombs. “It’s got nothing to do with talent. I’m doing it because I trust in you… so leave that up to me,” is more or less what he says, like the cool heckin bro he is. Very neat modifications. What Hajime and Chiaki have on their hands, then, is the info about the deaths of the student council, Kamukura Izuru, the most despair-inducing incident in the history of mankind, Junko, the group that constitutes Ultimate Despair… pretty much what we’d be getting during the chapter 6 exploration of virtual Hope’s Peak.
Continuing, Nagito has been spotted going into a building, which would be the factory warehouse, so the group get all back together and chases after. The discovery of his body plays out just as in the game, the case itself has the same elements too, from the stuck door to the fire to the bottles. Enjoy the amazing and chilling staging!
In regards to the investigation, even the group recognizes it was too short this time around and that they have no leads. Chiaki already recognizes that “this might not be a trial to find the culprit”.   
Once again, the trial is more agile and short. Given that everyone was together most of the time and no one went in or out of the warehouse after Nagito, Hajime proposes it was suicide very quickly. A trick pulled to throw them off… and get them all executed? Although most of the others are ready to accept that as the conclusion, Hajime himself is quick to pause things and question it. Because Nagito said that he would expose the traitor, not kill everyone, so that shouldn’t be what he’d try to do. The trial goes on.
Hajime’s effort to understand the reasons behind Nagito’s actions is comes in the form of a truly fantastic change here, a new scene annexed to the case reconstruction. I’ll translate that conversation between the deceased Nagito and him:
Nagito: Hi there, Hinata-kun.
I really didn’t think you from the reserve course, of all people, would be the one to finally reach the truth.
Hajime: It wasn’t just me… it’s because everyone worked together!
Nagito: Hey, did you find the traitor?
Hajime: ...
Nagito: You haven’t found them, then. I’m glad.
Hajime: You, who obsessed over hope... 
Why would you go this far to get us killed?
Nagito: To make despair into a stepping stone for hope. That’s all it is.
If I were able to overcome this despair, then I’d surely become the true hope. The Ultimate Hope!
Hajime: So what… if you die it’s meaningless, isn’t it?
Nagito: Oh, no. [The next line, I’m unable to translate at my level, due to how fast the actor is speaking I can’t make it out properly. There is an “isn’t it natural” there, but that’s all I can catch. Apologies.]
Hajime: I… 
I was happy you’d called out to me at the start… when you were telling me I’d remember my talent someday… I was happy... 
I… with you…!
Nagito: That’s… that’s wrong, Hinata-kun.
You the reserve course student, and me with the Ultimate Hope…! You, as someone without talent, have no reason to be talking with me, do you?
Hajime: Komaeda!!
Nagito: I’m hope… I oppose despair! And hope… moves forward. 
Through this scene, Hajime has realized Nagito’s intention to save the traitor and kill the rest.
Now, quite similarly to how it goes in the game, Chiaki confesses and the nature of Future Foundation as the good guys is revealed through her. Plus, Monokuma delivers the reason Nagito wanted to save someone from that organization, the revelation that everyone else is Ultimate Despair. Why they were taken on the island is established. 
It is with all that already on their plate that Chiaki asks them to execute her. Trusting both Nagito’s talent and Chiaki’s bravery, Hajime makes the call to vote for her as blackened.
Chiaki’s goodbyes are the same as in the game, but damn, does it deliver differently on stage… 
As soon as the execution is over, the graduation for the remaining students begins. It’s very confusing for me to pick apart the fine detail of what’s just like the game and what’s different, since it’s all small things all over the place, so I’ll just be thorough in summing up this whole part.
The survivors are immediately presented with the first choice, which is what appears on their e-handbooks and the stage screen: graduate and leave the game world, or don’t and stay in it. This is the first time anything about the island being a simulation comes up, so the explanations for that are due. Junko’s presence is revealed.
She explains that the group wouldn’t be allowed to graduate until a point where the Future Foundation member was dead. Now, they can. And if they graduate and wake up, their friends who died through the killing game will also go back to life (except Chiaki, of course). Hajime is unsure, so to convince everyone, Junko brings the simulation of the others back, who also pressure Hajime to choose to graduate. But he denies it, because that’s clearly not their friends. How does he know? Because Nagito just said to graduate too, and he’d never share that opinion, he wouldn’t agree in any way with the designs of Junko, who is despair. Therefore, it’s all an illusion!
The truth of that choice is explained: they WOULD all come back to life, but all of them would have Junko’s mind. So uh, yeah, that’s why they act and pose as you’ll see, and MAAAAN how I dig those once again incredible performances!! 
When Monomi appears, it is to reveal the other option: the emergency shutdown command, which will take the survivors out of the program without Junko (and of course without the others). No, Naegi, Kirigiri and Togami do not appear in this version, so she is giving that information on her own and without the 11307 code. But, the Junkofied classmates explain that would also cancel everyone’s progress in the program and return them to how they were before entering it, as Ultimate Despairs.
The two options are summed up: the “hope” option that Nagito is signaling is the emergency shutdown that sacrifices the survivors back to despair but doesn’t let Junko out into the world, and the “despair” option that Imposter is signaling would be the graduation that allows the survivors to wake up with their memories from the program, but also lets Junko out occupying the mind of each of their dead friends. 
On top of that, as everyone is physically restrained to pressure them into the final choice, when Hajime’s trying to talk back to Junko, she reveals he’s the one who brought her to the program to begin with. Since he has no memory of it, she goes ahead and tells him that he’s the legendary Ultimate Hope, Kamukura Izuru. “You are Kamukura Izuru,” she makes everyone chant repeatedly, to get it through his head. So, the shutdown option that reverts everyone to their despaired state, would also make Hajime return to being Izuru. And his current self? The chant is then “disappear”, which gives him the answer to that.
Just as in the game, Hajime is paralyzed. Retreating within his mind, he monologues about how he can no longer choose between hope and despair, themselves or the world, just can’t choose a future. And in much the same conversation, Chiaki hears him out and reminds him that he is himself, that he’s acted undeniably as himself within the simulation and, most importantly, that life isn’t like a game where the 2 options given are all there is; that he can create any other options he wants, create his own path. “You’re not doing it for anyone, but for yourself,” she says, before giving him a hope fragment.
It’s with that mentality, that decision to create his own future, that Hinata returns and convinces the others to do the emergency shutdown. Trusting each other and what should be a new beginning instead of their end, they press both buttons together which begins the process.
The final scene is a perfect replica of the game’s, as far as I can tell. With the digital world falling apart around them, everyone prepares for what may come after, hoping they won’t forget each other and what they went through, a bit scared, but happy to be together and determined to carve out their future. 
With that, the stage play ends. Enjoy the outro!
I hope you’re able to have as much of a great time as I did watching the play. The actors truly awed me with how much life they breathed into their characters, and I strongly recommend watching the play more than once through, ‘cause you can always notice new details, other characters doing their own things in the background when the main spotlight wasn’t on them, characters slipping into poses that are so much like the game sprites, etc. The modifications were also brilliantly done to make things shorter without messing anything up, keeping the plot perfectly together; something admirable and, in my opinion, the work of a very skilled writer. The stage work was just unbelievably amazing to me too. Wanting to show all this, so that other people could appreciate how well done it was, is a large part of why I made this long-ass thing.
Have a cool time reliving the fantastic story that SDR2 was!
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makoto-naegi555 · 3 years
Dragonronpa chapter 16
And so makoto and siramay where continuing to wait for escape to be at hand growing weary.
Makoto: how much longer
Siramay: wait and hope makoto wait and hope.
Before makoto could think too much he heard the strum of an instrument as he saw siramay playing
[SIRAMAY] Makoto's luck was really out His spirit and his fortune low Alone he sat, alone he thought Of happy times he used to know [HUSKS] Hey dreamer, don't be so upset Hey Makoto, you're not beaten yet [ALL] Go go go Makoto you know what they say Hang on now Makoto you'll make it someday Don't give up Makoto fight till you drop We’ve played the game and you come out on top.
Makoto: what does that mean?
Siramay: well think about it makoto, I come from the multiverse where anything’s possible yah? so if you think about it, it only makes sense there’s a universe where your story is a video game for all to play.
Makoto: really?
Siramay: yes! And you’re the protagonist in fact that’s how I saw you the first time from that screen you where great! Sure some chumps think you’re boring but there wrong!
Makoto: I’m probably not the best protagonist though.
Siramay: nonsense! we’ve all saw you strive and conquer in that game and while this universe will branch away from cannon we still believe in you makoto! We know you can rise and beat the mastermind when no one else could! So there’s only one thing left for you to do.
Then he started chanting
[SIRAMAY, ENSEMBLE] Go ma-ko-to Go ma-ko-to Go ma-ko-to! GO MA-KO-TO!!! Go, go, go Makoto you know what they say Hang on now Makoto you'll make it someday Sha la la Makoto you're doing fine You and your great hopes ahead of your time Go, go, go Makoto you know what they say Hang on now Makoto you'll make it someday Sha la la Makoto you're doing fine You and your great hopes ahead of your time GO MA-KO-TO
Then siramay got up and started dancing all over
Makoto: what are you doing?
Siramay: whats it look like? I’m dancing the despair away! come on makoto dance your despair away to!
And with that makoto got up also wiggling around trying to dance the despair away
Siramay: yeah! You go makoto!
And so makoto and siramay both joined together in a grand weird dance to fend of despair.
GO MA-KO-TO GO MA-KO-TO GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, GO! Makoto you know what they say Hang on now Makoto you'll make it someday Sha la la Makoto you're doing fine You and your great hopes ahead of your time Go, go, go, go, go, go, go Makoto you know what they say Hang on now Makoto you'll make it someday Sha la la Makoto you're doing fine You and your great hopes ahead of your time
[SIRAMAY] Ahead of your time [MAKOTO] Ahead of my time [SIRAMAY] Ahead of your time [MAKOTO] Ahead of my time [SIRAMAY] Ahead of your time [MAKOTO] Ahead of my time [SIRAMAY] Ahead of your time [BOTH] Ahead of my time [SIRAMAY] Ahead of your time [MAKOTO] Ahead of my time [SIRAMAY] Ahead of your time [ALL] Ahead of your/my
But then suddenly they heard a loud rumble as they all looked up to see something fall from the sky.
Makoto: what was that!?
After that makoto went to investigate the trash to find out its kyoko! She came to save him and even brought food how sweet… oh I guess that makes my food redundant eh he still needs breakfast a days past anyway, then makoto scarfed it down then they talked kyoko apologized for setting up makoto cause kyoko herself was set up, course makotos a sweety and forgave her as they talk about how the mastermind stole her memory.
Kyoko: That being said, there was a limit to what I could do by myself. Which is why I asked you to help me.
Makoto: But...why me?
Kyoko: Because among everyone, you were least likely to be the mastermind. That was just intuition, but...
Makoto: I-I see... Your intuition was right, though. There's no way an ordinary kid like me could've been the mastermind.
Siramay: now if only you where the mastermind so you could spite her.
Makoto: why!?
Siramay: I like spiting people.
So makoto continued to talk to kyoko and she finally remembered her talent the ultimate detective bum bum buuuuum and the headmasters her father, bum bum buuuuuu, so kyoko investigated a lot said the point of the trial was to kill her.
kyoko: The mastermind is adamant about following the rules, and with that rule in place, they couldn't step in. Since they couldn't kill me themselves, they tried to use the class trial to do it.
The mastermind couldn’t step in because of the rules? That makes it sound like...the mastermind themselves is somehow bound by the school regulations.
Siramay: id use the term “bound” loosely makoto they did try to kill you Afterall, there as bond to the rules as a story genie you know because genies are all like “I shall give you whatever you want” and so you are like “I wish I was hot” so they set you on fire because you said you wanted to be hot so technically they granted your wish but they are trying.
So they went on about how makoto could have died.
Kyoko: I can hear them, you know. The footsteps of the god of death.
Makoto: What...?
Kyoko: I can hear the god of death as he moves. That ability naturally draws me into cases, just like this.
Siramay starts tap dancing.
Kyoko: ???
Siramay: hahaha I should stop kidding around, let her continue to talk.
So basically she talks about the whole fiasco and the other ultimate despair, well the true ultimate despair but they don’t know that.
Kyoko: ...what happened a year ago--the biggest, most awful, most tragic event in human history.
Siramay: no no! its the biggest… most awful most tragic event! IN HUMAN HISTORY!!! jazz hands
Kyoko: They're the root of all the evil that has forced us to go through this. *That* is the Ultimate Despair. And that is our real enemy.
And then there where 6
Witch brings us to chapter 6!
he Ultimate Despair... A group of people who caused The Tragedy one year ago... Those same people put together this killing game and began broadcasting it around the world. The most desperately awful group of people ever... *That* is the mastermind's true identity. Our enemy has finally been revealed... But right now...
you gotta get out of the trash! and take a bath boy you smell.
so then they went to the door and began climbing A LADDER not me though because I can do this little thing called flying siramay said floating right next to makoto who was gradually climbing the ladder
And so makoto and kyoko began talking about everything really as they talked about kyokos life story.
Siramay: talk about daddy issues, like man like wow.
Makoto: yeah…
Siramay: so, nearing the end aren’t you?
Makoto: that’s what you say.
Siramay: so I guess we should talk since it could be the last time we do personally talk.
Makoto: huh?
Siramay: yeah after you beat zetsu and get out of here I have to leave on my own path who knows when we could see eachother I think it be a few years.
Makoto: a few years!?
Siramay: yeah being a king of villains is a busy job even with being all powerful and immortal so much work, but that’s ok cause the work keeps me stimulated and fulfilled, and that’s like an important factor in life right?
Makoto: I guess, so what do you wanna talk about
Siramay: well that’s the thing I have so many things I want to say to you, but my memory is bad, so I kept on forgetting to tell you because we just got distracted by something else so uh just let me try to grab them …. So hope and despair ay?
Makoto: is it ok to say despair.
Siramay: we’re in the trash shoot he can’t hear us! …she cant hear us? They cant hear us? Hear us? eh but it’s beside the point you know I just think it’s weird.
Makoto: whats weird
Siramay: your worlds twisted definitions on hope and despair that’s what! like I mean look at your definition of hope its like, to keep moving forward and to face adversity head on right? … honestly, that’s noble and if everyone else liked that definition I guess I’d be ok with it but that’s what you think hope is right?
Makoto: right?
Siramay: so what do you think despair is? You think its bad stuff right? You think its all gross nasty evil like zetsu.
Makoto: well….
Siramay: WELL YOU’RE WRONG! All this bad stuff zetsu does aint despair its depravity though the depression is despair because let me tell you the truth of the matter is makoto hope means: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. and despair means: the complete loss or absence of hope.
That is all nothing more nothing less, but your universe corrupted those ideals you ruined the balance of hope and despair I mean not you personally but your people! The people
Makoto: what? How? Why?
Siramay: well yes they may have those meanings of hope wanting something to happen and despair being no want, but they also have their other halves as most see hope as good and despair as bad but by their other names you’d see fear as bad and love as good, maybe but hope is fear and despair is love in a way.
Makoto: that makes no sense.
Siramay: yes it does makoto you just need to use your mind and think after all there are many articles about said subject and how hope and fear are just two emotions on the same face… metaphorically not literally after all the Greeks stated it themselves did they not?... did they not? But yes they are two faces of the same emotion it really just depends on the… the whats the term, influences I’d say it depends on what influences your mind whether the desire s that of hope or that of fear. Do you see what I get at?
Makoto: I guess but in a way love is desire but there’s no desire in despair so how they would work.
Siramay: well that’s where your wrong they fit quite well when you think about it after all when you are of true love you stop wanting because you have after all witch is no desire since you have what you desire and now just experience having it but that’s not what I’m talking about this whole topic came from a dream.
Makoto: a dream?
Siramay: yes I was gonna tell you the dream but with all the stuff happening it slipped my mind as so many things do but it was one of my many odd dreams where many things happen with no explanation, water parks, malls strangers who say there my friends and most importantly a testing facility using people as guinne pigs I recall sneaking in and being caught after in witch they sent me in a simulation though I can’t recall what happened in the situation but it was tragedy with a happy ending I recall cause I remember floating with someone I cared about on wood with hope we’d have a better life after the fiasco we just did, whatever it was, you see cause after that the head set was ripped of my head as I saw a mad scientist, both figuratively and literally hahaha he went off on me on a bunch of stuff I wasn’t paying attention to but he said something very important he said to me “you cant have an ending of hope and love those are conflicting ideal!” the rest of the dream went on but that line did make me think when I woke up you know? Hope and love conflicting ideals? How odd a statement cause Afterall if anything hope, and despair are the conflicting ideals unless what he was saying was love is despair? Or would It be despair is love? But thinking about it that actually made a lot of sense but I’m afraid I can’t go on about this tangent, but I will say one thing once you meet the mastermind you’ll understand exactly what I meant when I said love and despair are the same  you can’t have one without the other there like twins or lovers or twin lovers!
Makoto: no
Siramay: ok not the last one but lovers definitely
ah yes hope and despair, fear and love the two angels that balanced the universe before everything went wrong.
Makoto: what?
Siramay: well makoto you know that stuff about you being an angel? Well as I am an ALL-POWERFUL BEING WHO CAN BEND THE FABRIC OF THE UNIVERES and make it a lovely sweater for you to wear I think I found some of your worlds history to back up that clam. you see once upon a time in the beginning of the universe the great creator had two beings, angels some say but I digress their names where nozumo and zetsu.
Makoto: but isn’t that-
Siramay: EXSACTLY I had a reason after all, and they helped create the universe and bring it to balance, and oh how they loved eachother… but zetsu felt unappreciated by the world so he fell to darkness and the balance of hope and despair where corrupted to what they are now as zetsu was banished for his crimes and never got to see nozumo again but they still loved eachother greatly its stated in prophecy that their souls are constantly being reborn till the day they can be reunited again, don’t you see makoto all that talk about you being a angel maybe its not just a comparison of your purity maybe you are the reincarnation of the great angel nozumo!
Makoto: what! No that has to be impossible.
Siramay: well I don’t think so I mean after all I’m a king of villains, but there’s a reason I care about you despite that tittle and its your purity, man heroes have a sense of upright self-righteousness, but they never really hold out and it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and a fire in my hands at their hypocrisy! They are filled with sin that I must punish! But you are different, I look at you and you are so genuinely pure you are truly one of the golden ones.
Makoto: golden ones?
Siramay: eh it’s a name I made up but despite your rarity I have met another man like you he was a handsome fellow he was with wonderful black hair his name was soot and his heart shared your purity, sure he is considerably different more rambunctious and lively but I could still feel that same purity in him, all loving, forgiving and willing to care for all even if others won’t, oh how I loved him… sadly it didn’t work out but he was so pure and his universe shared a level of pureness that despite my villainess I respected the lack of corruption in that world and would hate if others corrupted it so I vow to protect his universe for his sake and I feel that same need with you! Just looking into your eyes I have this sense of not wanting to be evil and if everyone was like you I probably wouldn’t, but sadly many people aren’t like you there are many cruel people and suffering people. And I must bring an end to that. But yes you are so pure, kind and compassionate I care about you greatly and I feel a great pain in my soul if something bad where to happen to you, you make me see how the world could be in spite of the way that it is! now makoto I just want to make one thing clear when I say I care about you. If someone ever hurts you or causes you to suffer… I will make sure that person regrets ever being brought into this universe because you don’t deserve to suffer, and I’d hate to see that.
This scared makoto a bit wondering what siramay would do to said person.
Makoto: p-please don’t cause anyone to suffer on my behalf.
Siramay: ah don’t worry buddy as long as they don’t hurt you I won’t hurt them, after all I find all that despair, depravity, suffering whatever to be quite… dull.
Makoto: you do? But aren’t you evil?
Siramay: makoto just cause I’m evil dosent mean I’m a jerk, personally I’m quite honorable with these things… I think, but yes I don’t enjoy the pain and suffering stuff its just delaying the inevitable really and it makes me uncomfortable especially the ones out of my control after all I am an almighty all-powerful being who’s traveled the multiverse so I’ve seen lots of suffering and I can safely say… siramay was trying to force a word out of himself and stayed silent for a bit.
Makoto: ah!
This startled makoto who almost fell but siramay summoned another hand to push him back.
Siramay: I MEAN ITS ALL THE SAME MAKOTO, YOU HURT SOMEONE THEY SUFFER THEY GET SAD OR MAD OR BOTH AND IF YOU CONTIUE THE PROCESS THEY WILL DIE ITS ALL THE SAME ITS ALL THE SAME! WHATS THE POINT OF WATCHING SOMEONE SUFFER LIKE THAT its exhausting I already know they will suffer so whats the point like I don’t care what she said about “despair being unpredictable” SHES A BIG FAT LIAR if you can’t get 2 from 1+1 and learn if you cause someone to suffer they will be sad then I think you might be lying about being ultimate smart cause that’s just really stupid if that’s what you enjoy! if anything I do find the hope more interesting sure I know everything will work out in the end, but peoples hopes to have different emotional flavors makoto! Just seeing someone at the lowest of low when all hope seems lost and your like “oh whats gonna happen how they gonna make it out” and you see that determined look in their eye like OOOOOOUUU see that’s the problem with today’s heroes there getting more depressed like look at how depressed and edgy they are if you’re that depressed please lose so the villain can at least get there happy ending I know they won’t waste that! Or worse! The hero starts out optimistic but then because of the story they get depressed I feel betrayed! What happened to the hero that believed the best could happen, you dirty liar you betray my heart?
But your special makoto! You look death in the eyes and still smile in the name of hope makoto can I tell you something about your future.
Makoto: …..what?
Siramay: you go through some sad things that’s a fact but, even though everything you face, even with all that’s happened and how much you’ve grown and changed by the end of everything you are still you you are still makoto naegi the hopeful boy that walked through the gates of hopes peak from the start and the fact you can still stay strong like that…it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
Makoto: ….really?
Siramay: yes makoto so though I know you are a humble man don’t forget you’re a great guy.
….you know all this talk reminds me of zetsu… the mastermind zetsu not the fallen angel one.
Makoto: what about them?
Siramay: well like I said I believe their whole reason for loving despair to be a bold face lie especially with all they’ve done in their evil plan I mean look at all the bad stuff that’s happened and I knew would happen just shows despairs predictability! But uh that’s not what I mean you see you saw yourself zetsu left many openings and holes in their plan, and while I as a villain find it foolish I know why they do it they said themselves they want to see if you can win make it a fair battle since there super smart, they could have rigged it to be impossible, but they didn’t.
Makoto: wait so we only got this far because she let us?
Siramay: no! well kinda, but don’t disqualify yourself makoto you not dying was completely unpredicted, along with many other things you did but ask yourself makoto, why would they do that and limit themselves.
Makoto: because you said they wanted it to be fair.
Siramay: well yes but actually no cause the way I see it a rigged game is more despair than a fair one just to think it’s all for nothing, oh the tragedy. But they made it fair cause they wanna see if you can win now think about it what would they gain from you winning? nothing! Sure from what I know about them if you asked they’d spout some dumb stuff about “despair of losing” but… call me a fool but I think shes actually hoping you’ll beat her.
Makoto: what? But why would they want that?
Siramay: they feel despair from this to makoto, if you beat them they won’t have to make anyone suffer anymore. No one was able to beat them but maybe you can.
Makoto: but if they don’t want to do it they why don’t they just stop.
Siramay: do you ask an alcoholic why they don’t stop drinking? Or a smoker to stop smoking? or a drug addict why they don’t stop taking drugs?
Makoto: …
Siramay: exactly There is neither happiness nor misery in the world only the comparison of ones state with another nothing more Without hope despair wouldn’t exist because it's very being is measured by hope sure it's the absence but if it were to not exist at all then who's to say despair exists it's like knowing you’re not evil but if evil didn’t exist I can’t call yah good like hope to what I mean to say is Without night who's to say the light is bright?
Oh but look at the time where at the top welp time to make your grad reveal makoto! Oh and one more thing when you do face off against zetsu ask questions but don’t ask if you want an answer ask questions for what she will answer cause there’s no evidence she will say the truth or even anything that makes sense but if you just stop and think about it they actually do say a lot about her even if it’s not what you were asking.
And so makoto finally reached the surface world in the trash room and then kyoko tell makoto to reveal his presence to monokuma talking on how the mastermind is ensnared and so they planned to go to the gym.
Siramay: ok makoto you gotta be strong and intimidate the mastermind show they you know no fear you have seen the face of death and survived.
Makoto: how am I soused to show that.
Siramay: hmmmm……. OH I KNOOOWWW
And so siramay told makoto his plan as makoto went to the gym.
Makoto: whats up guys? I’m back.
Monokuma: what the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. I literally saw you die!
Makoto: death is a social construct.
And so monokuma and kyoko where debating makotos life and what it meant if he was killed again and accused monokuma of killing mukuro (the truth) and kyoko went on a bluff about hope and despair and peoples viewpoints witch I guess is a way to look at it I supposes as they were prepared for a final showdown and monokuma excepted of course but it was not just for the mystery of mukuros killer no it was also to find out all the mysteries of the school as we knew it!
Kyoko: When we've uncovered every last truth, how will the Ultimate Desberry reveal their own desrose...?
Makoto: do we really have to do that?
Siramay: I’m not giving monokuma the victory of me saying it one more time.
Monokuma: how dare you try and stifle my metaphorical robotic bear erection!
Makoto: I honestly can't believe how this has all turned out...
And then kyoko asked once more on the rules but while they beat around the bush I shall write in ink their statements if the mastermind is to get caught and in turn lose this trial, like every other failed blacked of the past trials they will die and just because they have status of being the big bad does not change their fate if they are to lose cause there a student to and other hidden things said but I won’t say those.
Monokuma: I'm done talking! I got nothin' left to say to you! So get lost, would ya!?
Makoto: Why so mad!?
Kyoko: He seems...emotionally unstable.
Siramay: NO KIDDING!?
And so makoto was free and they left so makoto thanked kyoko then they talked about how monokuma said this was displayed on the airwaves and how that proves he wants to prove something basically kyokos hypnotists on the mastermind but as its different from my own I will omit it and while this is a case of confirmation bias I as the king of villains do not care for this ethical dilemma and so they planned to meet the others, so they went to the dining hall and saw monokuma.
Monokuma: Skrgh@yaGfew, anji&\krakAW;! fzzlbRff#[]
Makoto: You again...
Monokuma: Hrskzzzz_dat.; EgspllER103.2.1.255
Makoto: Is he...broken?
Siramay: HAHAHAH their mad, you should see the look on their face! There all like
Siramay then pulls out a keyboard and starts smashing their face on it.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Hhhahahahahahahahah oh I love it!
Kyoko: I suppose his emotional instability reached its limit.
Siramay: oh sweet innocent naive kyoko, THERE STABILITY IS GONNA GET MUCH WORSE HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH quite the downward spiral.
Monokuma: aG^3. 4sum=(SEN|akt~____ 61!
Then monokuma left
Makoto: Jeez... What the heck?
Course all emotion began to rise with the reuniting of the survivor gang all glad to see makoto alive! though sadly they all backed away cause makoto was stinky from the trash.
Siramay: but you should shower makoto who wants to beat the mastermind all stinky like that.
So they all talked and reunited and then they went to important matters on how it was almost the final showdown to defeat the mastermind once and for all, so it was there job to search and find to discover the  secrets that lay barren or die trying though makoto was hopeful, but kyoko less so because they suspected one of them was the mastermind (though not true), but I digress then monokuma unlocked every room for the gang to investigate and then people started splitting up.
Siramay: don’t worry makoto you got me to help yah solve the mysteries of the school! And I got your back!
And so it was time for the final investigation bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu it’s the final investigation!
So makoto had to go explore the locked rooms to learn the new lore so first things first he went to the second floor of the dorm room which looked quite like death,
Siramay: mmmmmmm
Makoto: what?
Siramay: with how destroyed these rooms are and with the fact there are 16 students and only 15 rooms I can’t help but have the awful thought in my head that she and mukuro slept together nooooooooo.
Makoto: oh
 there were also lockers but at the moment makoto was unable to open them then we finally got to the headmasters room where kyoko was in there trying to open a secret passage, but she couldn’t unlock the password then they talk about little info about the ultimate despair.
makoto: do you know anything about the ultimate despair?
Siramay: besides the fact their tragic jerks and I feel their name should be instead the ultimate depravity? no at least not anything useful at the moment.
So makoto was thinking on what the password for the computer could be and brought up kyokos name though kyoko did not believe this possibility when makoto tried it, it worked which intensified kyokos daddy issues, so they went in the secret room and while there where other things that looked interesting we had to look at the present in the center of the room witch kyoko warned him about it and when makoto opened it he saw THE BONEY REMAINS OF KYOKOS FATHER
Siramay: talk about an awkward “meet the parents situation” this is probably the weirdest one I’ve seen… well actually… nah nah not now you’ll understand later.
Needless to say this was all crazy but then he saw the tragic photo which made kyoko emotional.
Kyoko: *is angsty in daddy issues*
Siramay: you know zetsu had daddy issues too.
Makoto: really?
Siramay: yeah every person they ever called daddy died by their hands.
Makoto: I don’t like the way you worded that.
Siramay: I don’t like the way I worded that either.
So makoto continued to look for other things he even found an emergency handbook that could open everything. Then kyoko asked nicely if makoto could leave so she could be alone
So makoto left and kyoko was alone ;) to ponder her feelings for her dad.
[KYOKO] You were a sub-standard dad. But the only one I had I grew up hearing. Your evil scheming down the hall But when I look at this thing It makes me wanna sing. Maybe You're not so bad a dad, after all. At my first ever swim meet You stepped on the other teams' feet. At my recital You clapped louder than you should.
But this piece of plastic in my hand Makes me finally understand. Maybe you're not so bad a dad. Not so bad a dad after all
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HPHM Profile - Luca Fawley
This template was posted by  @Hogwartsmysterystory and it looks pretty awesome. I might just go ahead and use it for the whole damn Fawley family. But let’s start with Luca. I’ll try to stay true to canon while still respecting the “Remembrance” timeline’s ideas.
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(That eye color edit looks so bad omg) 
Name: Luca Jude Fawley
Gender: A-Gendered.
Age: 17 as of Year 6.
Birth Date: December 26th, 1972
Species: (Human, Lycanthrope, Metamorphmagus, Vampire, etc) Human, Wizard. 
Blood Status: Pureblood.
Sexuality: Panromantic, Asexual.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Ethnicity: Biracial, half Scottish and half Iranian.
Nationality: British. 
Residence: The Black Sand Apothecary, in a place called Dulcimer Beach.
Myer Briggs Personality Type: INFP. 
The Mage
1st Wand:Hazel and Unicorn Hair, 10 1/4 Inches, Swishy. This wand was owned by Nina, Luca’s mother. It was given to them after Jacob’s disappearance rendered Nina unable to use her magic anymore. It was just before Luca went to Hogwarts, where they used Nina’s wand until it was broken by Rakepick. 
2nd Wand:Cedar and Unicorn Hair, 11 3/4 Inches, Pliant. This wand was fashioned by Rowan before they came to Hogwarts, but it never “chose” them. It did choose Luca though, in fifth year, just in time for Luca to need another. Rowan could not be happier at this turn of events, and Luca feels as though it’s an honor they don’t deserve. 
Animagus: Black Cat.
Misc Magical Abilities: (Legilimen, Seer, Parselmouth, Obscurial, etc) Luca has extreme proficiency in all types of mental magic - Legilimency, Occlumency, Memory Charms, etc - due to a Dark Curse they inherited. A Curse that has plagued the Fawley family for generations. They also have a magical eye, similar to Moody’s, that replaced their left eye at age thirteen. 
Boggart Form: For Years 1-5 it was Jacob, embodying all of Luca’s subconscious uncertainties about him. Post-Portrait Vault, it became Merula getting tortured. 
Riddikulus Form: Usually nothing. Luca struggles to find humor in their anxieties, and they don’t stand much chance facing a Boggart alone.
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Luca’s hair has a distinctly cinnamon-like scent, so probably that. 
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) Cat fur, Pine Trees, and Cloves. 
Patronus: Cat. Specifically, it takes the form of Luca’s cat, Mitten.
Patronus Memory: Either the Celestial Ball, or the time they reconciled with Rowan after a feud about Ben, and cuddled them in cat-form. 
Mirror of Erised: After Chapter 18, I’ll give you one guess. They want their best friend back. They want to take back what happened in the forest. 
Specialized/Favorite Spells:The Patronus Charm, the Tickling Charm, and the shrinking Charm. 
Faceclaim: Keanu Reeves. 
Game Appearance:
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This is pretty much their mood half the time. 
Height: 5′8.
Weight:141 lbs.
Physique: Very skinny and small, overall scrawny. 
Eye Colour: Naturally dark brown, but their left eye is a bright blue prosthetic.
Hair Colour: Dark brown. 
Skin Tone: Olive skin.
Body Modifications: The Magical Eye replace their left eye, and their right hand has a birthmark of a black star, known as the Mark of Despair. A byproduct of the curse placed on the Fawleys. 
Scarring: They still have a few faint pockmark scars on their neck and shoulders from when The Fawleys all caught dragon pox in Luca’s childhood. But these can only be seen under the light.
Inventory: (what do they carry on them?) Luca has a tendency to travel light, but they’re also an emotional sap. They carry their wand, the clothes on their back, and “Beatrice Jr.” the puffskein that Beatrice made for them. After the events of the forbidden forest, they also start carrying Rowan’s cracked glasses. 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff.
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie.
Affiliations/Organizations: Hufflepuff Quidditch Team, Curse-Breaking Apprentices, The Circle of Khanna
Professions: I see Luca eventually becoming a teacher at Hogwarts, as the permanent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Can also see Talbott and Penny working alongside them in Transfiguration and Potions, respectively. 
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies: (OWL Grade or ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆)
Astronomy: Poor.
Charms: Outstanding.
DADA: Exceeds Expectations.
Flying:(N/A. I refuse to accept that Flying has an O.W.L exam.) 
Herbology: Poor.
History of Magic: Acceptable. 
Potions: Acceptable.
Care of Magical Creatures: Outstanding.
Ancient Runes: Acceptable.
Quidditch: Chaser. 
Extra Curricular: Luca tutored students in Charms, and spent a lot of time doing volunteer work in the Creature Reserve.
Favourite Professors: Flitwick, Mcgonagall, and at one point, Rakepick.
Least Favourite Professors: Dumbledore, Snape, Sprout
Brother: Jacob. Luca’s favorite person in the entire world. As Luca grew up, Jacob’s disappearance and the subsequent investigation of his actions led to a serious re-evaluation of their relationship. But ultimately, Jacob was always fighting to protect his sibling.
Misc Siblings: Gail, Luca’s twin sister. Depending on which AU we’re talking about, a lot of different things could have happened to her. She could be still-born. She could be raised apart from Luca. She could grow up beside them. She could take their place as the HPHM protagonist. Take heed, anyone writing twin OCS...all these different paths are going to confuse the hell out of you.
Father: Eric Fawley, who died of a Dragon Pox fever when Luca was seven. Though they were still very young when they lost him, Luca and their father had a positive relationship and Eric’s temperament is probably the closest to Luca’s out of anyone else in the family.
Mother: Nina Fawley, formerly Nina Greengrass. She and Luca always had a positive relationship as they were growing up. For the most part, Nina usually appeared to be a pleasant person. However, she also had skeletons in her closet, and as the years went by her mask began to slip. 
Love Interest: Canonically? It’s very likely going to wind up being Merula. She hasn’t been cut from the dating quests yet and I’m an absolute sucker for their dynamic. Merula is lashing out because she’s in pain, but Luca is Healer...otherwise, I really like Luca/Tulip, as well as a poly-ship between those three characters called the Trouble Trio. A small sliver of my heart has also started shipping Luca with Skye as well. Basically, I’m an indecisive bean - but since I’m keeping this as close to canon as possible, let’s say Merula.
Best Friends: By the end of their first Hogwarts term, Luca had formed a true squad with Rowan, Penny, Chiara, and Tonks. The four of them teamed up to trade off sleeping beside Luca each night, to help soothe Luca’s night terrors and insomnia. Luca also saw Ben as a little brother from a young age.
Rival: Ironically enough, it wasn’t Merula. Their rivalry with her was always one-sided. Luca saw far too much of Jacob in Merula, to ever have in them to sincerely dislike her. The only person Luca felt a legitimate rivalry with growing up was Diego. Their personalities just did not click well, and it wasn’t until the N.E.W.T. years that they were able to get past it and find common ground.
Enemy: R of course, has become the deadly enemy that Luca does not understand, but knows they must be defeated. If you were to ask though, Luca’s immediate answer would be Rakepick. There was a time when Luca saw her as a mother figure. But now...after everything she’s done...she needs to die. 
Dorm-mates: (Who’s in your MC’s dorm with them?) Rowan, Murphy, Diego. Though Luca also frequently sleeps in the Girl’s Dormitory with Penny, Skye, Tonks, and Chiara. 
Pets:Mitten the snowy cat. Merula also has a black cat of her own called Bitten. 
Closest Canon Friends: Rowan, Penny, Tonks, Chiara, Ben, Jae. 
Closest MC Friends: This one always makes me shy, because I don’t want to be presumptuous, but some of my favorite MC’s that I’ve seen that I bet Luca would get along with are @missnight0wl​ @thewasp1995​ @back-on-my-tulula-shiz​ @dat-silvers-girl​  @salaofthenight​ and @weirdcursedvaultkid​
Luca was the child of two Healers that met at St. Mungo’s before starting an Apothecary together. Luca saw a lot of their grandparents on Eric’s side, but never met Nina’s family as she was estranged from them. 
Luca knew Jae when they were very young - Jae was friends with Jacob prior to his disappearance. Jacob and Jae would combine their efforts to make mischief, and Luca would never approve. They had a falling out with Jae not long before Jacob vanished, and they maintained an uneasy distance until fifth year, where the kitchen detentions saw a reconciliation between the two of them. 
The Fawley family was notoriously unlucky, and known for madness. Alice Fawley, Luca’s aunt, went insane after she was tortured by Bellatrix. In the last two years of his life, Eric had a breakdown and cut off his own hand in an attempt to remove the curse. But the Mark of Despair simply reappeared on his remaining hand. 
After Jacob disappeared, Luca had a mental breakdown and for years, they could not recall the day that their brother vanished. In the years to come, Flitwick would give them a Pensieve to help them sift through all the turmoil in their head. Luca would eventually learn that their inability to recall the day Jacob disappeared was due to a memory charm placed on them by an unknown entity, perhaps Jacob himself. 
In some ways, Luca is healthier than most people because they are quite emotionally open and not afraid to express their feelings, but know how to do so in an appropriate fashion. They’re also empathetic and able to show kindness and listen when another person needs to express feelings.
In other ways, Luca is a mess. They’re extremely depressed and this interferes with their productivity and relationships. They’re prone to having breakdowns of crying at any emotional shift. They have low self-esteem and tend to believe that they are worthless or a burden. 
That said, they appreciate their friends and loved ones more than they can ever convey. To a fault, even. Not only is Luca loyal, but they are highly forgiving of a person’s flaws if it is someone they care about. One could call it enabling, as they are rarely bothered by offenses that such people commit against them. 
Luca also has a very merciful attitude. Day one, even though they knew it was Merula who blew up their cauldron, they said nothing and simply took the fall, apologizing to Snape. However, once Luca has been pushed to a breaking point, they can show a surprising amount of backbone. It just takes a lot to get this out of them. 
Luca has a nurturing nature and a tendency to reach out to underdogs, to care for those in need. This is what drew them to Ben, Merula, Orion, and Beatrice. Though Luca never holds anger in their heart, the quickest way to see them get angry is to hurt or abuse one of these outcasts that Luca cares for. Part of the reason they become so disillusioned with Dumbledore is because he is in a position of educational power, and the longer Luca attends Hogwarts, the less it seems to them that Dumbledore has any interest in doing his job with integrity. 
Not going to get too much into Fawley family head-canons, since I’ll save that for a different post. But I think Luca was raised Jewish. 
They’re lactose intolerant. 
Their favorite flower is the chamomille, which is the type of tea they prefer.
They’ve always been Pro-Muggle, though they don’t know the first thing about muggle culture. 
Luca never truly wanted to be a Curse-Breaker. It just seemed like a necessary skill-set to learn to find Jacob, and break the Fawley curse.
They’ve known they were trans for as long as they could remember. 
They have exceptional abysmal unique skills at naming. Examples include “Barnaby Jr” the Bowtruckle and “Penny Jr” the Abraxan. 
They are ambidextrous. 
Despite being a mellow person, Luca is oddly drawn to people who are trouble. If a person is problematic, chaos-aligned, or just an overall disaster of a human being, there’s a greater chance that Luca will find them attractive. 
They suspected Rowan of being R for a while, much to their own guilt. It led to a feud, but they made up and were closer than ever.
On the other hand, they never suspected Ben, not even when he was unmasked as the Red Cloak. Luca just had a gut feeling that it was too easy, that it was a setup. But Rakepick saving their life cemented her as an ally in Luca’s eyes...that did not end well. 
Luca never wanted to be a Prefect, but Rowan and Flitwick talked them into it. 
They vastly prefer Wizard’s Chess to Gobstones, something they have in common with Murphy. 
They have an unfortunate tendency to unconsciously project familial roles onto people. Bill and Orion were substitutes for Jacob,  Flitwick was a substitute father figure, and for a time, Rakepick substituted for Luca’s absentee mother. 
Did I miss anything? Hope you guys like it! Should I post others for the Fawley family? 
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