#in that sense it's really rare and as I said way better suited for the desert
sweetimpurity · 13 days
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Sometimes I have ideas for fics but not enough will-power to write the whole thing out all the way. This is one condensed haha ⬇️
not proofread 🥴
You're out to dinner with your bf Miguel. It's been such a nice night and you've been together so long. You think tonight is the night. He's gonna propose. His job as Spiderman does take him away from you a lot of the time. You tend to spend a lot of time missing him. Wishing he'd make more time for you. Make you his priority. That's the only doubt you'd have when it comes to spending your life with the man but other than that, you know you want it.
He took you for a walk on the beach, then to your favorite restaurant to end the night. You've just ordered your food when his comm watch get's a notification. A red alert emergency. Green Goblin in downtown Manhattan tearing up half a city block and blowing things up. Scaring civilians, injuring many.
"Babe... I'm so sorry... I think I have to go." He says, a growing sense of dread washing over him. And then he looks up to see that look of disappointment in your eyes. The heartbreak.
"You... are you sure, really?" Your voice breaks his heart. He sighs, looking down at the alerts coming in from Lyla. One after the other.
"I'm so sorry... I promise I'll be back as soon as I can..." He says, getting up from the table and kneeling in front of you, taking your hands into his. It breaks your heart even more watching him do that. Seeing him kneel. Except he's not proposing, he's leaving.
"You'll be my number one babe... when I get back I promise..." He says. But the words just make you feel so empty. "I promise... I love you. Wait up for me." He says, letting your hands go and stepping back. Sending an alert to Lyla that he's on the case and he's coming. "I love you babe..." He says again, stepping back and watching you. Wanting to hear you say it back. But you don't. You just watch him go. Heartbroken. Feeling so small, so unimportant. Unwanted.
He eventually has to just let it go and turn to leave. Passing by some people in the restaurant and leaving the restaurant. Trying his best to just keep going. To get this done and then he can be with you. But this has become a pattern as of late.
He gets outside the restaurant, getting to an alleyway and scaling the building, climbing to the top and pressing on the pod to make his suit expand and cover his body. Nanotech glowing up to his jawline and eventually closing over his face in fire red and dark blue.
He swings off to tend to the issue. To stop whatever's going on. Save the city. Again.
You wait for him for an hour. Sitting there like an idiot. Like a fool. Before deciding you deserve better than this. You ask the waiter to pack up the food and pay the bill. Three years you've been with this man. And this sort of thing just happens?
You grab your stuff, getting up to leave. Figuring you'll just go home and eat that ice cream in the freezer. Maybe call your mom or your best friend and get some reassurance or cry. Passing by people leaving the restaurant, you leave the building, walking down the sidewalk a few yards before-
"Baby!" He calls. The familiar sounds of a portal opening accompanying his voice. You look over and there's Miguel walking up to you from the alleyway next to the restaurant. Oh. You think. Here he is? "Hey-"
"You have to come with me. Right now baby. The anomaly, it's worse than we thought. We have to go, this dimension is gonna go!" He explains frantically, his voice slightly muffled by the mask you recognize so well on his face. He comes over, instantly taking both of your hands in his. The cool feeling of his suit on your warm skin. Really? You have to leave now? He said this sort of thing could happen at some point. But the chance was rare because he's always do everything he could before letting the dimension collapse. He's been gone for an hour and now the dimension is suddenly collapsing?
But if he says so, then you'd trust him. "Come on baby. We'll be safe you just have to come with me." He starts walking backwards towards the portal, holding onto your hands. It's not your first time going through a portal with him. It's a weird sort of tingly feeling.
"Okay okay" You nod, shocked by this sudden turn of events; walking with him and looking back on the world you know. The dimension you've lived in all your life. The place you've both shared a life in too. But if he'll be with you then everything should be fine.
He leads you through the portal, his big hand on the small of your back as he helps you through to the other side. The portal closing with a flash of glitching light. The alleyway falls silent. Not a sound.
An hour passes. The restaurant closes, everyone goes home. Your boyfriend swings back to the restaurant. Feeling like such a dick for leaving you like that. Leaving you when he too knew that this was supposed to be a special night. He gets to the restaurant. Finding it closed. "Damn it." He sighs. Pacing back and forth. "Lyla, is y/n back at the apartment?" He says. Walking down the sidewalk a bit.
"I can't track her phone right now. She either lost signal or turned the tracker off herself." She says.
"Damn it." He huffs again. Sighing and staring out at the street. His brow furrowing at what's before him. It's the car. His car. The one you both took to the restaurant tonight. Why is it still here if you're not?
"Lyla. What was her last recorded location?" He asks, staring at the car parked on the street. His mind flooded with possibilities. "Right here. Literally right where you're standing." She says, looking over the data.
He looks around. This doesn't make sense. "Track her again." He says.
"I can't-"
"Try again! Try something else! Street cameras! Surveillance footage! Something!" He yells in frustration and anger. Scowling and look around. Lyla sighs, pulling up the footage from the cameras on this street after hacking into their systems. Scrubbing through the footage.
"Let me see." He demands, looking at the holographic screen as Lyla displays it. There you are, leaving the restaurant. He winces, watching you leaving the place in defeat. Knowing this is his fault. But then he watches you stop, looking down the alleyway next to the restaurant. A flash of glitching light and then it looks like you're talking to someone.
You're definitely talking to someone. He check the time on the footage. It was about an hour ago. An hour ago you started talking to someone in the alley and then-
"What is she doing?" He mumbles, eyes widening when he sees you join hands with someone. The person that's taking up all your attention. "Zoom in Lyla." He demands.
The footage isn't super clear, it never is on these cheap street cameras. But he can see it. When the figure turns around, leading you down the alleyway. It's him. Himself? He can see the red and blue marking of his own suit. He's watching a video of himself leading you down an alleyway into what he can only assume is a portal. A portal to lord knows where. With a version of himself that's pretending to be the one you' know.
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mysteryshoptls · 5 months
SR Azul Ashengrotto - Luxe Couture Vignette
"Please come this way"
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[Fairest City – Crystal Galleria]
Azul: …Now, now, don't say that!
Azul: I would be honored if you would come by the Mostro Lounge to come see my photo with Eric-san.
Vil: I'm staggered. You would not only use my father, but also myself to increase your reputation?
Grim: Oh hey, if it ain't Vil and Azul. What're you guys talkin' about?
Azul: We just happened to come across each other over here, so we were merely chatting about plans once we return to campus. Have the two of you been shopping?
1. I bought some clothes for myself.
Azul: You bought clothing at the Crystal Galleria? You must be a better shopper than I thought.
2. I bought some gifts for everyone back home.
Azul: A wonderful sentiment. Keeping people in your debt is very valuable.
Azul: I myself just finished purchasing some cosmetics. After this, I plan on perusing some tableware.
Grim: Huh, tableware? Don't really matter what gets used, to me.
Grim: The food 'n drinks're waaay more important than the plates 'n cups.
Azul: I fully believed that would be your response, Grim-san.
Vil: I absolutely adore that sort of dedication. The more opulent the tableware, the more sophisticated the mealtime becomes.
Vil: Weren't the plates, cups, and cutlery at the restaurant we dined at yesterday utterly sublime?
Grim: I don't remember a thing about 'em.
Vil: ...Right, I was a fool for even asking that in the first place.
Azul: The golden rimmed white porcelain plates at that restaurant was indeed spectacular.
Azul: Decorated in both matte and glossy gold, these surely were high-quality wares. A rare sight, indeed.
Vil: Well, now. You're well informed, Azul.
Vil: It may be interesting to shop for tableware with someone who actually knows a thing or two. I'll join you.
Azul: Why, certainly. Would you like to join us, [Yuu]-san?
1. I'd like to. 2. I'm definitely interested.
Grim: 'Kay, then I'll tag along too, then. But anyway, do they even sell stuff like that here?
Vil: Of course. Fine ceramic wares are yet another major product of the Fairest City. There are also many antique shops.
Grim: Uh-huh. So it's not just make-up 'n clothes 'n food, huh.
Azul: It is said that there were 3 primary factors that led to the development of those fine ceramic wares in the Fairest City.
Azul: The first factor was due to the nearby mines.
Azul: The neighboring mountain range had an abundance of high-quality clay, for which artisans from all over began to come for.
Azul: The second factor is the development of pharmaceuticals thanks to knowledge passed down from the Fairest Queen.
Vil: That pharmaceutical science was then used to develop a diverse array of pigments, and that allowed for the field of colors to become what it is today.
Azul: Indeed. It's just as you say.
Azul: And the final factor is the sense of beauty that every Fairest Queen-loving inhabitant of the Fairest City carries.
Azul: Thus, the potters and sculptors who were raised with a heightened awareness of beauty themselves brought their ceramics to an entirely new level when it comes to works of art.
Vil: Only the residents of the Fairest City would find ways to elevate beauty in fields other than fashion and makeup.
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Azul: We've arrived. I hear this shop carries a rather large collection of antique tableware for sale.
Vil: Have you already done prior research?
Azul: Yes, indeed. I must admit I have been looking forward to purchasing new tableware.
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Grim: Woah! There's a ton of sparkly dishes and stuff!
Vil: What sort of tableware are you planning on purchasing, Azul?
Azul: I believe I'd like to find teacups, saucers, and a matching teapot.
1. What about this golden tea set?
Grim: Yeah! The shiny gold color is so cool! Azul: I see they allowed gold to oxidize and used that to create a pattern for the design. I must admit it is extravagant and definitely draws an eye. Vil: An opulent design. However, I feel it may not suit the Mostro Lounge.
2. Look at this pink tea set!
Azul: I see it is a set of teacups with a frill molding. The flower pattern along the rim is so wonderfully subtle. Vil: A rather cute design. However, I feel it may not suit the Mostro Lounge.
Azul: Fufu, I agree completely. Perhaps now we can look at the wares that had caught my eye?
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[Fairest City – Crystal Galleria]
Azul: This is the one I am looking to purchase here.
Grim: This one, huh? It's just a borin' looking white cup with a tiny bit of blue stuff on it.
Azul: That dainty and subtle touch is intended to be its charm point… It seems you fail to comprehend that, Grim-san.
Azul: This bright white porcelain shows not a hint of translucency… Does it not seem to be the pinnacle of class?
Vil: It certainly does have a refined beauty about it.
Azul: The elegant design carved out of the rim of the teacup is called a "scalloped rim."
Azul: And consider this wave-like handle curled along the side… Even the minute details are so stunning.
Grim: A handle? What, you gonna steer somethin' with this cup, then?
Vil: Obviously the handle is where you hold the cup.
Vil: But, Azul. These cups and teapot are a vintage set.
Vil: Is there any need for you to use such an extravagant tea set in a café that caters to students?
Azul: Indeed. I consider this a necessary investment.
Azul: Just because my customers are students does not mean that I intend on compromising my standards.
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[Fairest City – Queen's Palace]
[camera shutters clicking and screaming]
Reporter: If I can run an article on Vil Schoenheit, then there's no doubt that both magazine sales and website traffic are gonna go through the roof!
Reporter: Alright, now I just gotta hop this barrier so I can cover Vil Schoenheit up close…
Azul: Oh, my, it is dangerous to attempt to climb the barrier. Please take all photographs from the designated area.
Reporter: You little brat, don't get in my way! [Azul starts pushing] Urgh, what strength! He's pushing the whole barrier back towards me…!
Azul: If those instructions cannot be followed properly, I may have to take appropriate countermeasures…
Azul: For example, I may be inclined to ring up your place of employment and file a complaint at the highest levels.
Reporter: Okay, fine, just get out of my way, then! I can't even take a picture with you like this!
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Azul: How wonderful that we've reached an understanding. Vil-san, please come this way.
Vil: Thank you… You were awfully efficient in handling that.
Azul: When you've made as many deals as I have, it's not uncommon to encounter troubled clients in need of extra firm handling.
Azul: I'm just glad I was able to put the mediation skills I've accumulated to good use.
Vil: Not only are you handling the press well… But you are doing a fantastic job as my escort.
Azul: Well, it also is not uncommon for me to host prospective business contacts personally, either.
Azul: Ah, we are almost at the staircase.
Azul: Right this way. If you wish, my hand is yours to take.
Vil: Well, then. I shall accept it.
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―A few days later
[Mostro Lounge]
Octavinelle Student: Welcome!
Azul: Oh my… If it isn't Vil-san! You've come, as promised! I'm so elated.
Vil: Excuse you. I don't recall ever promising you anything. However…
Vil: I was merely thinking back to how you handled yourself previously. I do expect exceptional service today as well.
Vil: Business seems to be going well… Are you using that tea set you purchased back then?
Azul: I am. Right now… The guests at that table are enjoying the tea served in it.
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Deuce/Epel: AHAHAHA!
Vil: …There is no way those two even remotely understand the worth of those cups.
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Vil: Neither would the rest of these customers. Do you still think that it was worth selecting that specific set?
Azul: Absolutely. I vow to serve drinks and meals on quality dishes that I have personally selected.
Azul: That is something that I will never compromise as the proprietor of the Mostro Lounge.
Azul: You yourself would never touch clothes or cosmetics that don't suit your design or aesthetic taste, yes?
Vil: So, just as I carefully concoct my personal brand by being particular on how I fashion myself…
Vil: You look to enhance the Mostro Lounge by careful consideration of the tableware and table linen.
Vil: I think that fastidious approach of yours is just as spectacular. Perhaps I have judged you a tad harshly.
Azul: Why, thank you. I fully believed that you of all people would understand, Vil-san.
Azul: However… I cannot deny that at times I would like to share that appreciation of the tableware's elegance with someone who actually understands their worth.
Azul: That being said, Vil-san, allow me to prepare your order on my absolute finest plates.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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directdogman · 7 months
Hey there's someone trying to say you said you were pro Israel on discord? They're anonymous and say you blocked them before they could get screenshots so I don't really believe them, but still :[
Mhm. Nice bit of news to wake up to, this.
Yeah, so this person's a troll and they're more than likely lying on purpose in order to try to me look bad because I blocked them on Twitter for being unpleasant, something I rarely even do and they're still seething about it. The block had nothing to do with Gaza, the person was just being annoying and I thought it'd be healthier to block and move on. I'd really prefer not to have to give this person energy, but if there's a rumor going around, I'd like to nip it in the bud, since it's very easy to disprove in this case.
To explain what this person's blathering about: Earlier this week, on a Phonegingi plush advert, this random user that doesn't follow me (and actually instructs fans of mine not to interact with them in their bio) made a dramatic QRT decrying me for posting a DT advert during a strike week, which I honestly had no clue it was, especially since my own timeline was (and still is) full of accounts posting normally.
Given that the person seemingly encountered one of my posts in the wild and ended up seething because of it + likely didn't want anything to do with me on their timeline (as their bio indicated), after thinking it over briefly, I did the healthy thing and just blocked the person + moved on. Makes sense, right? I'll admit: Even if the way the person approached me was regrettable, if I'd known it was a strike week, I'd have participated (as I'd participated in the last one), so I stopped posting teasers for the week anyway, only resuming again yesterday.
I'll also say: I checked my own timeline btw and looked at the accounts posting, and nobody else had anyone acting like this in their replies, even the much larger accounts. Nor did anyone else contact/reply to me in any way stating any disapproval.
Given that I've only blocked one account recently that isn't a replybot (and ofc, given the subject matter of that tweet), I'd have to assume that this is the anonymous person spreading stuff.
I'd understand where this person was coming from if maybe I'd stayed completely silent about Gaza, (which a lot of accounts I follow have) but I haven't. I had a Palestinian aid post pinned on my Twitter for weeks, I've talked about Gaza's child population and my support for South Africa's Hague suit in my discord server, I've engaged in the boycotts, wound down posting during strikes, donated a pretty substantial amount of Dialtown revenue towards sending money/esims... I have 4 bucks in my bank account right now and when my next DT check comes in, you'd better believe I'll be giving more. That's my right as a private citizen and one I'll continue to exercise.
I feel pretty uncomfortable having to put this stuff in front of me to 'prove' myself, even if some of it is public anyway. Charity should be something you do because you CARE and if it wasn't for this person, I'd have been far happier keeping a lower profile and not explicitly calling attention to my own aid, but given this ask, I feel it'd be stupid not to nip this in the bud. The majority of this information could be easily found with the tiniest amount of digging, btw, so it's not like the user couldn't have known any of this. This is the part of having a fandom that creators seldom talk about. You block one person for being a lil annoying, next thing you know, there's rumors that you support genocides! Fun.
So yeah, I'd like you to tell this person to just move on like a normal person (send them this post if you have to) and to stop spreading incorrect rumors about me out of spite. If they insist, I'm happy to pull up receipts to prove everything I've said. If they actually thought I was pro-Israel, they wouldn't be spreading it anonymously, they'd be writing another public post about the subject matter. Also if you see anyone repeating the rumor, please correct them. Thanks.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
The Lost Queen - II
— summary: You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn’t understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren’t safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won’t let you go so easily.
— genre: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: time travel, obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, angst, fluffy (very rarely), dub-con, possibly smut.
— pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, yandere!generals x female!reader
— word count: +1,820.
— tag list: @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom, @hadesnewpersephone, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 , @kadu-5607
— the lost queen series masterlist.
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Chapter 2
You were afraid.
In fact, you felt mixed emotions. Fear, dread, horror, terror.
You didn't know why the hell you were in an old military camp, let alone why you were facing one of the greatest conquerors in history. Nothing that was happening made sense and your mind tried to look for logical answers, but it was in vain.
Because nothing that was in front of you was logical.
Maybe it was a really bizarre dream, maybe you were high or drunk, but you knew better. It was real and very real.
Nothing made sense and you felt like crying and going to your mother's lap for comfort but you couldn't do that. Not while you were being held by a scarred man and the others were staring at you with curiosity and... disdain? You couldn't tell.
How did you end up there? It was your first question. Your last memory was of you in your room, reading a book about the conqueror and falling asleep. Was that book cursed? No, that was not possible. But it will be? It seemed like the only acceptable option considering the fact that you were over 2,000 years in the past.
You took a deep breath, trying at all costs to avoid the urge to scream and cry. That wouldn't be acceptable to do now, you needed to stay calm and try to find a solution.
''Can you speak greek?'' You blinked in surprise when one of the men addressed you. It was the one who was next to Alexander. You glanced at him lightly, why he looked familiar?
''Hephaestion, I don't think she's fine or that she even understands what we're talking about.'' One of the slightly tall men spoke up. You shifted your gaze to him when you heard him say the name.
Oh, oh.
''It doesn't hurt to ask, Ptolemy.'' Another man said. You looked at him and blushed a little. He was handsome, maybe not by 21st century beauty standards, but he was attractive. Blonde hair and dark blue eyes.
And Ptolemy? Like in Ptolemy I Soter of the Ptolemaic Dynasty?
''She could be a spy sent by the persians. I mean, just look at the way she's dressed.'' The man with dark brown hair and green eyes said, looking you up and down with disdain.
You glared at him, daring him to say one more thing about your pajamas. Yes, it wasn't the kind of clothes they wore but it suited you it was comfortable and the print had kittens!
But the man held your gaze and you shuddered slightly as you noted their intensity.
''Look at the way she's dressed, friends. She clearly is a whore.'' One of the men said, looking at your breasts shamelessly.
If you weren't trapped in another man's arms, you would have kicked ass.
''Whore is my hand in your face if you say another word!'' The words came out before you could stop yourself and everyone looked at you in shock and you felt like slapping yourself.
You could have feigned madness, claimed amnesia or that you couldn't speak greek and, you really didn't, but apparently the ''magic'' that brought you to this place decided not to screw you around so much.
''She has spirit!'' The man holding you laughed and you glared at him.
Finally, Alexander decided to say something.
''Bring her to my tent. I want you all there.'' Were his only words and he turned his back on you without another word, with Hephaestion following, but not before giving you one last look.
You gasped as you began to be dragged towards what appeared to be the King's tent. Several people in the camp watched you curiously as you were led away and followed by the other generals.
You were so fucked up and not the way you liked it.
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Alexander didn't know what to do with himself at that moment. He didn't understand what was going on and he hated it.
There were so many questions in the King's mind and none of them were answered. But the most puzzling of them was why he felt awkward around you.
Alexander felt an unknown feeling and what it attracted to you. How a stallion was attracted to a mare in heat. Not that he was thinking about sleeping with you, no, it wasn't that but he felt weird.
It was like he already knew you and that bothered him a lot. You had never seen each other, he was sure of that, but then why did he feel that way?
He needed answers and fast. He looked at his best friend who was looking at him with concern.
''Are you alright, Alexander?'' Hephaestion's soft and warm voice rang out and the friend touched his shoulder to try to calm him down.
''I'm fine, just tired.'' He lied quickly and something told him that Hephaestion didn't believe his words.
But there was no time for questions, not when the mystery woman was led into his tent, surrounded by the curious generals. Alexander frowned, but held the pose.
He looked right at her and his mind filled with disturbing thoughts.
She was the strangest woman he had ever met in his life. She was beautiful, albeit in a different way, but what really drew him to her was the fear in her eyes, the kind of genuine dread he had only ever seen in the eyes of his enemies. And the way she was dressed… He had never seen such clothes, even in Persia.
And that attracted him.
Alexander cleared his throat before asking the question that had been on her mind since he met her, ''Who are you and what are you doing in my camp?'' The King's voice was serious and authoritative and he could have sworn he saw her shudder.
The young woman opened her mouth to speak, but stopped and closed it again, avoiding Alexander's piercing gaze. It made him uncomfortable, but he could not and would not show weakness in front of anyone, let alone in front of his generals and a complete stranger.
He watched her for a few seconds and realized what made her sulk, the fact that she was still being held by Cleitus the Black.
''Let her go.'' It was a simple command but the general obeyed instantly. Alexander smiled a little when he noticed that the woman's posture visibly relaxed when she was released.
''I'll ask you one more time.'' Alexander said and moved a little closer to the woman, ''And I suggest you answer.''
She just stared at him as if she was seeing a god in front of her. Well, maybe he was a god.
''Who are you and what are you doing in my camp?''
''I'm (Y/N) and I don't know how I came to be in your camp.'' She finally said it in a low voice but he could hear it loud and clear.
Alexander was stunned. (Y/N)... A name he had never heard in his life and yet it seemed to suit this woman. And when he was finally able to hear her voice again, the King found himself wishing he could hear her speak more often. She was so strange yet so endearing and Alexander found himself wanting to know everything about her and he would.
He was the King, after all, and he always got what he wanted.
"It's an unusual name. What it means?''
She shrugged, ''I don't know. I never tried to find out.''
She was so insolent and disrespectful. Did she not know who she was talking to?
A laugh was heard and Alexander glared at Nearchus, who stopped laughing at the same moment.
''Where are you from?'' Alexander asked, looking at her curiously. He had decided that she wasn't a threat, she seemed too stupid to be a threat anyway.
She thought for a moment and smiled. Alexander felt his heart skip a beat when she smiled at him.
''Uh…I come from a very, it's... a distant place.'' She said between pauses.
Alexander scoffed. She was a terrible liar, and he felt like laughing when she looked insulted when he scoffed.
''And where is this place so far away?'' He insisted.
(Y/N) glared at him.
''As far away as you could tell.''
''The name?''
If she looked angry before, she looked furious now.
''You would not understand. It's not your language.''
''Really?'' Alexander thought, ''And how come you speak my language so well?''
She paled, but recovered very quickly.
''I studied.''
Alexander hummed and decided to stop questioning her. For now. She looked tired and scared, from what he could read from her body language and something inside him told him not to disturb her anymore.
''Call the servants. Give her a tent, clothes and food.''
All of her generals looked perplexed, even Hephaestion.
Even the woman, (Y/N), looked confused.
In fact, he didn't even know why he was doing this, but he needed to make sure she was going to be alright.
It was a need that screamed inside him. The need to protect her and he didn't know why.
He needed to find out about her. Who was she, where did she come from, everything.
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You were taken to a tent away from the camp and left alone.
You looked around curiously. It was a small tent but it had a small bed, which you recognized as a cot, and some candles. It was just that.
You wondered if you could freak out now, but it wasn't feasible. No, everyone could hear it and it would get you in more trouble than you already were.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You started to feel the tears in your eyes. You wanted to cry and scream and cry some more. But you couldn't. Not when you were in such a vulnerable position and you were scared.
So scared.
You were scared of everything. Fear of being tortured, dying and being abused. You noticed some soldiers looking at you with lust and it scared you so much. What would stop them from making you a booty? A toy?
And it was so desperate.
You sat down on the small cot and finally allowed yourself to cry, the hot tears running down your face, as you sobbed and contained your screams of frustration.
You didn't even notice the servant entering your tent and placing a plate of food beside you or the clothes that were brought for you. You didn't notice because you were so desperate and you were sinking in your fear and despair.
You needed to go. You needed to go back to the 21st century.
And you had no idea how to do it.
And just that thought made you cry even harder.
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— lady l: I was going to post it tomorrow but I got some time and I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer so finally chapter 2 is here. I hope you enjoyed it, what did you think of Y/n's first interaction with Alexander and some generals? Feel free to give me your opinion. I love you all and until the next chapter!! ❤️
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slashyrogue · 1 month
It takes a ridiculously long time for Wade to realize he's pregnant.
Like, super fucking ridiculously.
Truth be told, he didn't know that getting pregnant was in the cards for him but when he did it was so anticlimactic that really understanding the gravity of the situation seemed like an afterthought.
Rewind a bit.
He should've known that getting kidnapped by the government would result in more than just waking up sore when Logan saved him only two days in but really he just wanted to be out of there.
The exhaustion - something that he rarely had with the regeneration and all that - made it easy to fall asleep on Wolvie's shoulder during the ride home but when he woke up all he did was want to be in Logan's pocket.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Wade just nuzzled his beard - which was just as fluffy as you'd think it was - and sighed. "Just wanna cuddle with my favorite kitty cat."
"Pretty please?" he faked a cough, "I was tortured, Wolvie. Peanut, they cut things OUT I saw them."
Logan growled and the claws that had come out slid right back in. "Fine."
And so began Wade's "Week of Cuddles" which was AMAZING to say the least. Logan was NICE to him, and practically babied him better than anyone EVER had. It was like Christmas and Halloween AND his Birthday fucked and had a million babies.
100/10 would recommend.
The ice creams and chimichangas were never ending; the cuddles were abundant, and he even got to fall asleep on Logan's shoulder.
He secretly loved that one the best by the way but pretended he liked the ice cream the most.
The "Week of Cuddles" was followed by "The Week of Sleepovers" and he began "The Week of Chocolate" which was, in retrospect, a big mistake.
The minute Logan brought home the Choco-Tacos (after scouring for HOURS he found one lone store that had a back inventory that was....questionable) and he devoured it in seconds a new week began.
"The Week of Is Wade Dying Again?"
It was a terrible fucking week, mostly with vomiting but also horrible stomach pains, like something was clawing his insides and not in a fun way like the Honda Odyssey.
Logan kept telling him to "go to the damn doctor already" while increasingly seeming agitated and snarly which was cute because Wade pretended it meant he was worried about him.
He knew it was because he hated the smell of vomit with his kitty cat senses.
Althea finally called the X-Men because she was "sick of hearing him puke."
How did she know their number?
Apparently Colossus and here were friends or something he didn't know but when they showed up and Logan dragged him off he was toast.
And he puked twice more on the ride.
Beast then gave him the news.
"Wade, I....it seems you're pregnant."
Wade started to laugh, falling back on the hospital bed, and when no one joined him he was given the results.
Those government fuckers had somehow knocked him up.
Well, it seemed that his body could adapt to anything, even a reproductive system that he shouldn't have.
Logan made Beast take the tests again, and even try to pinpoint who's kid they put inside him.
And....ding ding.
"Logan, I...." Beast said, his voice shaking, "I do believe it's yours."
Wade started laughing then, unable to stop, and Logan left the room.
What a fucking joke.
He grinned at Beast as tears filled his eyes. "Isn't anyone going to throw me a baby shower? I'm sure I'm gonna need some mittens to handle this one, am I right?"
No one laughed.
And Wade got up, still wearing just his heart shaped boxers, and went to put on his suit.
"You....Wade, you have options."
He paused, holding his suit in hand, and put a hand to his belly.
Did he?
It was goddamn selfish to see this through, he knew that, but the thought of NOT seeing it through made him immensely sad.
A once in a lifetime opportunity.
He was an incubator for potentially the next Marvel Jesus. "No," he said, shaking his head, "I don't." The team tried to talk him into staying but he didn't listen and walked outside to find Logan waiting on a motorcycle. "Did you bring that here for little ol' me, Peanut?"
Logan sighed. "Get on."
Wade did just that, holding him tight, and they took off toward fuck knew where.
All he knew was that he was carrying what might be his only offspring that was going to the most wanted mutant in the world once it was born.
Whatever government had done this would come back at the finish line.
But he had scary dog privilege who was currently driving him to his nest or whatever.
They might've thought it was a funny idea to see what would happen if they scrambled the offspring of two immortals and give them something to fight for.
Joke was on them.
There was no way that if there was a baby at the end of this mess that either of them wouldn't fight like hell.
Wade could hardly wait.
And hey, maybe this would turn out to be like one of those 90s sappy rom-coms where grumpy and the baby mama fell in love.
Wouldn't that be something?
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lightwing-s · 10 months
15 and 18 with Jason?
It was one of those rare nights when the Red Hood didn’t come out, and in his place, boyfriend!Jason would take over.
Tonight, he had planned a whole date at a fancy restaurant, much to your surprise, as you rarely went on those, preferring much more a chill family thing to an over expensive, overcrowded and overrated four to five stars option.
Dressed to the nines, Jason almost gave up his plan entirely when you opened your apartment door to greet him, the high slit on the skirt of your black chiffon an invitation to dirtier, unholy thoughts. He kissed the back of your hand, treating you like a proper lady. Opening doors and holding them until you passed, helping you down the stairs, and overall being the perfect gentlemen.
Until traffic decided to ruin everything.
A once in a lifetime thing, Jason chose car over bike, and now you sat on the road, nearing the second hour in a dragged out traffic jam. Tapping the steering wheel incessantly, your boyfriend checked his designer watch, an accessory you’d never seen him wear before, for what seemed to be the hundredth time.
“... in Gotham City, home to rich history, an exciting art scene, excellent education…” chimed the lady on the radio.
“Oh yeah. Nothing to complain here.” your boyfriend mumbled, the gold ring on his pinky finger becoming a stress relief toy between his teeth.
“Oh, babe,” you sang, taking his other hand and intertwining your fingers. “Don’t worry about it, we can still have fun.”
“But I-I had this all planned out, for months. This restaurant has this really long waiting list and I’ve been trying to get reserv…”
You cut his frustrated rambling, placing a chaste kiss on his plump pouty lips. Opening your eyes slowly, you met his, eyebrows low in a clear look of apology. “Don’t worry about it, Jay.”
After a long sigh, a smile finally returned to his face, a bit forced, the anger at the universe for ruining your date not gone from his head, but anything to make you happy.
“What about we just order pizza and eat in the car?” you offered, getting him grinning in amusement. “What? It’s a great idea.”
“I’m not saying anything.” he threw his hand up in defense. “A motorcycle would’ve clearly made it to that restaurant in less than an hour.”
Slapping his shoulder at his complaint, you giggle at his pouty self, kissing all over his face to make him feel better.
“Move on, you son of a bitch!” a man screamed from outside, followed by a honk and another curse, your heads turning to the side to catch the source of such foul words.
“Someone is impatient.” Jason stated, earning from you a raised eyebrow at his hypocrisy.
Continuous honking and swearing cursed the next couple of minutes in that car, causing both you and Jason to lose your patience. But it was one curse, one rotten, mean spirited sentence, that had your blood boiling, hand flying to open the car door and slap some sense into this man.
"Mark my words, this will not end cute." You said, one leg already halfway out the door.
In a quick, solid movement, one only a well trained vigilante could perform, Jason pulled you back in, closing the door on the way, the sound of lock swiftly following along. Seeing your angry face, he let off a laugh, holding your face between his hands and filling your face with kisses.
“Look who’s the grumpy one now.” he laughed, pinching your cheeks.
“He’s the one who’s being an asshole.” you complained, crossed your arms on your chest, something that only amused Jason even more, another breathy laugh slipping out of him.
“You're so cute.” he cooed, pecking the tip of your nose. 
Fumbling around with his suit pocket, he takes out his phone, handing it to you still locked. “Here, call the pizza place. We ain’t leaving here any time soon.”
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thevagueambition · 9 months
A lot of the writing advice I received or read online as a child and teenager ended up really hindering my writing because it made me so worried that I wasn't "doing things right" that I couldn't really write anything. I'd keep stopping to edit to make it more like how people said it should be or getting frustrated trying to write in a way I didn't enjoy
Sensory writing is for sure one of those and it's probably the advice I care least about at this point. I get the intent of the whole "including all the senses" idea but that's not how i move through the world, it's not how I think and so it's not how I write
To me, if a character takes notice of how a place smells or sounds, that's because that smell or sound is disruptive, out of the ordinary and relevant to the mental state of the character. Ie it makes sense to describe all the sounds that's stressing someone out on a busy street
I understand that the point of doing sensory descriptions even outside that context is to better immerse the reader in the story and the places within it, but I just.... don't care about that stuff lol. I rarely find it interesting as a reader and i don't like writing it. If that means I'm doing things "wrong" so be it. But if I don't care about it I'm sure I'm not alone in that lol
Anyway it's probably ultimately just one of those pieces of advice that get over generalised, like eg "show don't tell". And imo it's also one of those things that are aimed at producing a kind of fiction that suits certain contemporary tastes and standards rather than actually being any sort of universal
There is of course also something to be said for knowing the rules so you're able to break them, but idk that all the writing I might have done as a teen if I'd worried less about all the advice floating around wouldn't have made up for that
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bibibbon · 2 months
So, All Might can get a mecha suit, copying all his students quirks, provided to him in under a year (really a couple weeks max). However, Izuku needs to wait eight years to get a prototype and work to provide more data.
Seriously, what's the process of Izuku's mecha suit? Not every villain is gonna be the "demon lord," he could've gotten something simpler way before his second year.
You bring up a good point anon!!
Assuming that all might put in the request for that mecha suit after he retired then it would only be 6 months or less at most for that suit to be created and made. Also, while it was stated that the suit wasn't steady it was very much strong enough to tank multiple of AFO's hits and it had the ability for 30+ quirks which is insanely strong and powerful.
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Also can we talk about how insanely better all mights mecha suit looks compared to izuku's?!!!! Iam not sure why but honestly I love all mights suit it looks so much better and is overall much more better than Izuku's one that took eight years to make.
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Like you said it's rare for villains as strong as AFO to come around so izuku didn't need an unstoppable suit and also it's a shame we don't see izuku being involved in the process of making the suit especially because we do get a tiny glimpse of him and Melissa interacting in the last chapter during Izuku's second or third year at ua.
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Lastly, I want to bring up the fact that all mights suit was probably inspired from David's own discovery and his quirk amplification device which helped Melissa create the all might mech suit (she is so underrated for that) and then she worked with mei to create Izuku's suit but they should of technically gotten it at a much more earlier time unless it was the financial aspect they were worried about. However, that doesn't make sense because all might managed to buy and afford his suit by himself but Izuku's took all might and all of 1A? (How is Izuku's suit different to all might in anyway?)
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clangenrising · 7 months
Month 12 - Leafbare
The sun was warm and strong over Smokyrose’s fur. Laid out on the stone of the warriors’ den, belly full, with her kits splayed out with their heads resting on her side, she felt like those sunbeams were filled with pure joy. It was so rare that she got to spend time with the girls like this, meaning Fogkit wasn’t running around and asking a million questions. As much as she adored her daughter’s curiosity and energy, she wasn’t a young queen anymore and she was much better suited to activities like this.
Purring, she rolled over to let her belly get some sun. Fogkit and Slatekit readjusted. Fogkit yawned and stretched her legs out, shrimp-like. Slatekit mewled softly and pulled herself closer, burrowing her face firmly into her mother’s fur. Smiling, Smokyrose reached over with a paw to help tuck Slatekit against her side. 
After a moment, Slatekit spoke. “Hey… Mama?” Smokyrose opened one eye and twisted her head enough to look at her daughter who was staring at her with big, golden eyes. 
“Yes, my darling?” she purred in reply.
“Um…” Slatekit tucked her chin shyly, hesitating on the words, then asked, “Is daddy evil?” Smokyrose’s purr died in her chest. That was not the question she had been anticipating. 
“Uh, no. No, honey, he’s not evil.” She said, voice unsteady. 
“But um,” Slatekit chewed her lip. “I heard Sparrowpaw say that he had to fight him. Don’t warriors only fight bad guys?” 
“I see,” Smokyrose said sadly. She sat up, curling her tail over Slatekit to reassure her. She supposed this conversation was inevitable, as much as she had hoped never to have it. “It’s… complicated, but I’ll try to explain it, okay?” 
Slatekit nodded mutely and Smokyrose continued. “Warriors fight to protect their Clan, right?” Slatekit nodded again. “So sometimes they fight foxes or badgers but sometimes they also fight the other Clans.” 
“Really?” asked Slatekit.
“Mhm,” Nodded Smokyrose. “And the other Clans aren’t made up of bad guys, are they?” 
“No,” Slatekit shook her head. 
“That’s right.” 
Slatekit shifted, lips pursed in confusion. “But, so… why do they fight them then? Isn’t that bad?” 
Smokyrose sighed a little, a smile on her face. “Sadly, not everything is good or bad. Sometimes it's neither or a little bit of both. Sometimes warriors fight the other Clans because they need food or because they’re scared or because they get angry.”
“But you’re not supposed to do fights when you’re angry,” Slatekit’s brows furrowed deeper. She seemed on the verge of tears. “You’re supposed to go take some breathing time and then talk about it!” 
“That’s right,” Smokyrose smiled, proud of her little girl, “but people don’t always do what they’re supposed to do. As a mediator, it’s my job to try and help them remember to talk about things instead of fighting but that doesn’t always work. Sometimes one side wants to talk but the other side is too angry and just wants to fight and so we have to fight them.” 
“Is that what happened with daddy?” 
Smokyrose swallowed and took a moment to collect her thoughts. “Not exactly. See…” She paused. How did she explain to her perfect, precious daughter that some cats didn’t care if they hurt other people? That most cruelty was born from indifference? That some of the rogues likely didn’t have a choice to fight or not?
“The city cats who are in charge don’t want to talk about things with us, but that doesn’t mean that all of the cats feel that way. The Code says that warriors have to listen to their leader, right?”
“Yeah,” said Slatekit.
“Well, it's the same for the city cats,” Smokyrose said. “Their leader wants to fight so they have to fight us. Your father is just following the rules of where he’s from. That doesn’t mean that what he does is okay, but it does explain it, just like how Fogkit being hungry doesn’t mean it's okay for her to be snippy but it explains why she feels that way. Does that make sense?” 
“I guess…” Slatekit frowned and turned her gaze into Smokyrose’s fur. 
“It’s okay if it doesn’t,” she said. “Sometimes cats do things that are confusing. Your father was really, really nice to me and then he just stopped talking to me. It made me feel really confused but he probably has reasons for why he did those things.” 
“But that’s mean,” Slatekit pouted. “Doesn’t he love you?” 
Smokyrose swallowed thickly. “I don’t know, sweetheart.” 
“Have you asked him?” Slatekit tilted her gaze up again. 
“No, I haven’t had the chance.” 
“You should ask him!” Slatekit squeaked. “You’re always saying that you have to talk about things instead of keeping them all quiet inside! Maybe if you talked to him he would come and stay with us.” 
Smokyrose felt her chest squeeze tightly. “Oh, Slatekit,” she sighed, giving her daughter a few licks over the ears. “It’s not that simple.” 
“Why not?!” Slatekit squeaked, starting to cry. 
Fogkit stirred and sat up with a worried frown. “What’s wrong?” she asked, getting up to wrap Slatekit in a hug. “Slatekit, don’t be sad!”
“It’s okay, Fogkit,” Smokyrose gave her a few licks as well. “Remember, it's okay for people to be sad. We need to respect what Slatekit is feeling and support her.” 
Slatekit was weeping openly now, her little body racked with tiny sniffles and sobs. Fogkit gave her a tighter hug but she screamed and started to struggle. 
Smokyrose leaned down and picked Fogkit up by the scruff, pulling her away. “Hey, let’s give her some space, okay?” Slatekit buried her face in Smokyrose’s side and let out a long, keening wail, the kind that you gave when you wanted everyone to hear how miserable you were. 
Fogkit pouted worriedly. “I’m just trying to help!” 
“I know,” Smokyrose said, “but she needs space right now. We have to remember to respect her boundaries.” 
“Okay,” Fogkit frowned. 
Relieved that that was settled, Smokyrose turned her attention back to Slatekit. “I’m sorry you’re feeling so sad, honey,” she said gently. “Do you want anything to make you feel better or do you just need to cry?” 
Slatekit sniffled pitifully and said, “Maybe just you to hold me gentle?” 
“I can do that, sweetheart,” Smokyrose said, curling into a ball around her daughter with a comforting purr. Fogkit nuzzled into her mother’s side so that she could watch Slatekit’s face, tail twitching anxiously. Smokyrose sighed and closed her eyes. She wanted nothing more than to put Slatekit at ease, to bring Ghost back and have him be a model father to her girls. She wished that things were simple. 
But I haven’t talked to him about it at all, she thought. What if there’s something I don’t understand? If he’s as important as they say, maybe I could get him to listen! Maybe we could put an end to the fighting!
A tenuous strand of hope started to tug at her excitedly. With the kits, she had been out of work during the critical start of their interactions with the city cats. Would things have been different if she had put her mediator skills to the test? Could an open conversation possibly resolve the conflict without further bloodshed? A kittypet was dead. That definitely made her job more difficult, but at the very least, maybe they could agree on terms for the fighting to cease. 
She turned the thoughts over in her mind, tried to remember everything she could about the conflict’s details, and tried to make a plan for negotiations as she held her daughter close until she had cried all of her tears.
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years
No One Goes Hungry in this Mansion
Request from anon: Rossi x Daughter!Reader where she has been overworking herself and basically forgot to eat so she almost passes out and he cooks for her?🤍
David Rossi x daughter!reader
Summary: It's rare that anyone living in the Rossi household is hungry, but sometimes work gets in the way. When it does, your dad knows exactly how to fix it.
A/N: I have far too much fun writing rossi!daughter... even the slightly angsty ones are so nice and fluffy and sarcastic and I love it so much. I hope you love it too!
CW: reader forgets to eat, not a lot of Italian in this one (sorry), rossi being the best dad
You sat on the floor of your bedroom with your papers spread out in front of you. Next week there were final exams and to say that you were stressed was an understatement. You had only taken two classes this semester, but you were a TA for a professor that taught three classes and that was far more work. For weeks, you had been running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to keep up with studying and working at the same time.
“Mio passerotta!” You were so focused on organizing and planning the upcoming week that you hadn’t even heard the sound of the door as your dad enter the house. “I’m home!”
“Ciao, papa!” You called, continuing to work on organizing your notes for a study session you were hosting.
Rossi knocked on your door before entering. He looked around the room. “Why does it look like a tree was murdered?”
You rolled your eyes. “Well you can look around for a weapon or a signature but you won’t find one unless printer ink and pencil count.” You put aside the packet of requirements for the study guide you had to make and shoved another stack of notes- this one for your math final- in a different binder.
“Okay, well it’s already past midnight. You should really be asleep.”
With a furrowed brow you looked up at the clock on your wall- you hadn’t noticed how much time had passed.
“Why did you come home so late? Don’t you guys get off at six on Fridays?” You asked your dad.
“Aaron and I went out after work, just to have fun,” Rossi said.
“Let me guess, you went to a single-dads-in-suits meeting?” You smirked.
Rossi rolled his eyes dramatically. “Actually we were at the country club for their bi-annual whisky tasting night.”
“Ah, so an old and rich single-dads-in-suits meeting.”
Your dad sighed. He couldn’t say anything about your sense of humor- you got it from him after all. “Anyway, I just came to say goodnight.” He placed a gentle kiss on top of your head. “Buona notte.”
“Buona notte, papa,” you replied. He closed the door behind him as he left, allowing you to finish your work in silence.
You sighed and looked at all the things you still had to go through. Rossi was right- you did need sleep. But you also had to get this finished. “After I get this done I will go to bed,” you promised yourself. You also knew it wasn’t going to happen.
You woke up to a text from your dad: the team had a case and it looked like they would be gone for a few days. Normally you would be disappointed, seeing as Saturday morning frittata making wouldn’t be happening, but it meant that the mansion would be entirely quiet for 24 hours at the very least which gave you the perfect study environment.
After getting ready for the day, you set your materials up in the living room and got to work. You set off to work through your list one by one in order of priority. Hours into working you managed to put a dent in the tasks you had to do thanks to your dad’s premium coffee maker. You even thought about rewarding yourself with a break after finishing the next chapter in your textbook when you got a call from your friend.
She was in tears, unable to get through one of the problems on the study guide. It was nearly ten o’clock at night, but you agreed to meet her at the library anyway. By the time you left the library your friend was doing far better, though you were exhausted. You grabbed a water bottle and a candy bar from the vending machines, not bothering to look at your phone until you got to your car. It was almost 2 AM. Having put your phone on silent so you didn’t get yelled at by an angry old librarian, you’d missed a midnight text from your dad letting you know the case was going to keep them for at least another day. You sent him a quick text back, telling him to be safe, before driving home.
Not having the energy to walk up the stairs, you made yourself comfortable on the couch for the night. You had one more day of quiet before the week started and things got even more busy, so you decided to allow yourself to sleep a little later than planned- till 8 AM instead of 6 AM. As soon as your alarm was set you were out like a light.
The case didn’t close until Wednesday morning and due to the weather the jet didn’t land until it was dark outside. It had been a rough one- particularly for the parents on the team- and there was nothing more that David Rossi wanted than to hug his daughter. He was thankful to see your car in the driveway when he arrived home.
“(Y/N)!” he called out when he entered the foyer, dropping his go-bag on the floor.
“In here!” you called back.
“Where’s ‘here’?” He imagined you rolling your eyes at his response, but he knew your voice was coming from the dining room.
You were sitting at the head of the mahogany table, switching between writing something on paper and then going back to your laptop. There were textbooks and binders and papers scattered on the table. It was truly a mess.
“Hi, papa,” you greeted him. After what he’d been through the last five days, he was sure that he would look worse than you, but the bags under your eyes were clear evidence that you hadn’t gotten much sleep and the papers told him you were working far too hard. He didn’t need to be a profiler to determine that. “Sorry for the mess. How was the case?”
“I’m glad it’s over.” He put a hand on your shoulder and pressed a kiss to your temple. “Your finals should be over too. Weren’t they both on Monday?”
You sighed heavily. “Yes. I did well on both of them. The students in the class I TA for decided to leave all their questions until the last minute and a few people have questions about the classes I took last semester so I’m still working.”
Rossi looked at your weary eyes and pale complexion, then at the table. There wasn’t an empty glass or crumb-covered plate in sight. “Mio passerotta, when was the last time you ate something?”
“I’m not sure,” you admitted. “A few hours ago?” It was more of a question than an answer.
“Why don’t you take a break?” Rossi said. “I was really looking forward to trying a new recipe for our Sunday frittatas.”
You sighed. “Sounds good.” You rose to your feet, feeling dizzy and unsteady. Your face blanched and your dad caught you before you fell.
“Let’s go lay down,” he said quietly. He guided you to the living room and helped you lay down on the couch. “I’ll be right back. Don’t try to get up.”
All you could do was nod and mumble an “Okay” in response. He came back with a bottle of water and helped you take a sip. After a few minutes you were able to down about half the bottle and sit up, but you continued to rest your head against the couch cushions, still feeling ill.
“Are you okay if I go do something?” Rossi asked you.
“Yeah,” you replied, taking a heavy breath.
“I’ll just be in the kitchen. Just yell if you start to feel worse.”
You nodded and your dad left. You could hear him in the kitchen behind you, his shoes against the flooring as he moved around, the refrigerator door opening and closing, the sizzle of something hitting a hot pan on the stove.
You closed your eyes in an effort to get your head to stop spinning, taking a sip of water when you could manage it.
“Okay.” Your dad came back and sat on the edge of the couch, a plate in his hand. “It’s the new recipe, so I don’t know how good it will be.” He set the plate down on your lap. On it was a perfect frittata, complete with leafy greens and vegetables.
You took a small bite of the dish. Like everything your dad cooked, it tasted like something straight out of a five star restaurant in Italy. You sighed happily and took another bite.
“Good?” Rossi asked.
“So good,” you replied. Your dad began eating his own meal, reminding you to take a sip of water every once in a while.
You finished your dish. The color had come back to your face and you were more aware than before.
“Thanks, papa,” you said.
“Of course.” He smiled at you. “You need to stop working so hard.”
You smiled back at him. “I wonder where I got my work ethic from.”
Rossi sighed. “Well, you need to remember to eat something next time. There should be no such thing as hungry in this house.”
"I thought it was a mansion," you said.
"Then no one goes hungry in this mansion."
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d1ana-m0nd · 1 year
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╭─► ❝The Servant: Umbrella Academy's Servant❞
Five Hargreeves × Female! Reader || Written by Diana (d1ana-m0nd)
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➢ Description : It's a well known fact that Sir. Reginald Hargreeves adopted 7 children to save the world from it's impending doom. Though, the number of children will change from 7 to 8 once a close friend of his, Rita Rossweisse was on her death bed and requested him to take in her child, who fortunately was born on October 1st 1989.
➢ Word Count : 8,098
➢ Links : Masterlist && Character Profile
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Chapter 2: Run Boy Run
Today was a day like any other, you were double checking the number of plates, meals, and utensils on the table, in case Miss Grace missed something. Though that rarely happens since she is a robot and all. Although she never said it out loud, you knew that she gave you this task to give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. After all, you couldn’t really help around the house because you were too small - you could easily be mistaken as an eight year old thanks to your height - so you could not help around the house as much as you would like to, the only way you could help around the house was through little things.
As you were busy prepping the table and double checking, Grace carefully placed a vinyl CD on a record player. It whirred and spun the disc for a few seconds till the narrator began voicing a detailed guide on how one must carefully trek a mountain.
"Have you double checked everything Y/N?" The robot asked with a smile, which you reciprocated with both a nod and a smile.
"Yes, Ms. Grace, everything is in order."
"Alright, I'll be calling the others over for breakfast, don't hesitate to join them if you are hungry." She offered whilst she gestured to the vacant seats on the front row seats, enough seats for you and Pogo.
"It's alright Ms. Grace, I already had my fill earlier." You politely declined, as you silently shivered at the idea of sitting besides Mr. Hargreeves; you would most likely lose your appetite before you could open your mouth.
Grace acknowledged your words with a nod and proceeded to ring the bell. In a hurry, you rush to the right side of Mr. Hargreeves’ chair to set it in place before he sits down. On cue, the numbers came flooding into the dining room, they all stood behind their assigned chairs awaiting for the head of the household's orders.
As the Monocle showed up followed suit by his unnerving presence, though everyone was used to it at this point. He then stood before the table, barely glancing at his children nor uttering a greeting instead his lips uttered a command, "Sit."
In synchrony, they sat down then chowed down on their breakfast. However, the others were busy with other things besides eating like: how Allison and Luther were making googly eyes at each other, Diego carving something on his chair's armrest, Klaus secretly making a blunt, Ben reading a book as he ate, and then there was Five who looking at his father, voicelessly requesting his attention - this mere action alone caused you to raise a brow, it was odd - though you knew one thing, you and Vanya knew that something was about to go down.
In your attempt to intercept, you were about to go to Five’s side to ask what was wrong but before you could take another step, he stabbed the table followed by the sound of ceramics and utensils jumping in surprise, catching the attention of the other numbers and the head of the household himself.
"Number Five?"
"I have a question." He stated with a smile, that smile always brought trouble and everyone knew that. In spite of everyone knowing that look, the others continued on with whatever they were doing, as though Five's concern was merely a leaf among the piles of leaves bound to be blown away by the wind.
“If you have a question… wouldn’t it be better you ask the Monocle after breakfast? He will only increase the punishment and training you have to endure if you don’t obey the rules.” You mused to yourself.
"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules," Reginald gestures for you to reiterate the rules for the numbers - especially for Five - but, as you were about to open your mouth, Five talked over you. Albeit, it is annoying that he acts as though you didn’t exist but you already knew that was bound to happen… You just didn’t understand why he didn’t like you.
"I want to time travel."
“Ah, that makes more sense.” You internally groaned as the puzzles began to fall into place, he’s always been the impatient type. Of course he would ask for guidance in the most inconvenient times…
"No." The eccentric billionaire firmly declined as he went on with his meal.
"But, I'm ready. I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said," Five abruptly stands up then teleports to his father's side. "See?"
"A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn." The head of the household spoke in riddles but anyone who liked metaphors or riddles knew what he meant, you can never know the other side of the unknown.
“I’d be damned if he didn’t understand this.” You rolled your eyes at the thought of the brown-haired boy with how openly arrogant he is in everything he does.
Five looks away momentarily trying to process his words but his shoulders dropped indicating he gave up. "Well, I don't get it."
"Hence the reason you're not ready." This remark made the younger male’s face scrunched up in fury. Why was the old man so against time traveling? Was it because no one knew what would happen? Is it because no one was brave enough to face the future we set ourselves up with?
You notice from the corner of your eye that Vanya is shaking her head. Although you did not have telepathy, you can base from her facial expressions and body language that she was begging Five to not do anything reckless. The angry boy in school shorts saw his sister’s attempt but disregarded it.
"I'm not afraid." The boy stood his ground, his way of showing that he was not going to falter to his father’s wishes.
"Fear isn't the issue." The Monocle stated as he paused himself from eating, "The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable."
Five scoffs silently in response to his father’s words. The boy hated how he was right but he’s not going to listen to him anymore, he’s not going to be a puppet like everyone else here in this family.
"Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore." The old man said as he resumed eating his meal.
From Vanya’s seat, she looks at Five desperately, as if silently begging him to follow through with his father’s orders but he walks away instead. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing because they were shocked, unsure of how to react, they had never thought or acted upon the idea of opposing their father’s wishes.
"Number Five!"
"You haven't been excused!"
"Number Zero I order you to go after him, make sure to remind him that the punishments he will be facing for his misdemeanor will be severe." You nodded and bowed to the head of the household, then ran after Five.
You ran for the door before it could fully close and hastily opened the gate. The person you were after was a few steps away from you, ready to experiment with his powers. Before the boy could activate his powers, you grabbed onto the sleeve of his blazer, which stopped him from whatever he was doing.
"Master Five, your father is requesting for you to finish your breakfast. Now isn't the time for you to experiment with your abilities. You will have more time to explore them after the meal." You repeated the head of Hargreeves household's words, though they weren't the exact wording since you paraphrased it, because you believed his original phrasing was harsh.
The boy in school shorts slowly turned to you with a familiar scowl on his face, almost mirroring his father's signature look. "You infuriate me."
He took slow steps towards your direction, his eyes not leaving your figure. It felt like you were a deer in headlights willingly awaiting for your death to come. Oddly enough, you kept your composure, externally unbothered but internally dreading what will happen next.
"All you ever do is follow that old man like a puppet, you can't even think for yourself and you speak as though you are following a script." He spat, his words seething with anger but for what?
"I have no use for you, so go back to your box." Five ended with a glare and walked away as though he was satisfied with the damage he had done to you.
Tears lurked the corner of your eyes, every time he opens his mouth you always find yourself crying. Were you the problem? You didn't understand why he was so mean to you and why Vanya cared for him so much. However, you knew you couldn't cry, you didn’t deserve to cry. Plus, you'd give him the satisfaction of hurting you, so it was best to keep it all in. Bottling it up is the only way...
Reluctantly, you came back to the house empty handed.
Unbeknownst to you as you walked away, the satisfaction Five would have in hurting you would be short-lived. Five took huge steps to time travel, with each time he used his powers, the atmosphere and environment of the street he walked upon changed with every step of the way.
"Not ready my ass." Five sneered as he walked away from the mess of a household he used to live in.
For once, he felt like he was free from the shackles his father placed onto him, just because he had finally proven the old man wrong and he could live life how he wanted it to be. The old man was only preventing him from reaching his full potential. He can only hope that from this point on that he continues to prove him wrong.
However, the third time he traveled to the future, he was presented with a different future he had in mind. Everything he once knew lay in ruins, a wasteland of rubble and debris. Remnants of what was once a home or a business are what was left of the city. A once-great civilization now reduced to nothingness.
Five stood amongst the rubble devastated by what the future had become. It was now a world of despair, a place where hope had been lost and the future was uncertain. Out of desperation, Five ran to where he once came but all he saw was rubble, no sign of salvation within sight.
"Y/N!" No one responded.
"VANYA!" Silence.
"BEN!" Not a word was uttered.
"DAD!" Quiet, except for the sounds of fire crackling.
"ANYONE!" The deafening silence was making the child mentally mad, the sound of his own heart beating in his ears and erratic breathing made it difficult to focus.
Frenzied by the future he encountered, he tried to use his powers to undo his mistake, "Come on!"
The boy's powers fizzled as blue energy spilled out of his hands but it didn't work, he was still stuck, "Shit."
He didn't understand why, but the brown-haired boy immediately lost hope. The realization of him being stuck in this future caused his knees to buckle. Five watched the house as he grew up in flames, as the voice of his father saying "I told you so," echoed in his head.
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"I survived on scraps, canned food, cockroaches, and anything I could find." Five chuckles at the thought of his hardships while you on the other hand couldn't imagine living life like that. You don't even think the others would have what it takes to survive that kind of environment.
"You know that rumor that Twinkies have an endless shelf life? Well, it's total bullshit." He added.
Vanya frowned, "I can't even imagine."
"You do whatever it takes to survive, or you die." The boy said, you could even hear a smidge of sadness in his tone, "So, we adapted. Whatever the world is, we found a way to overcome it."
"We?" You and Vanya questioned at the same time.
Every time Five brought up the apocalypse, he always made it a point that no one survived. So who was this other person? If he says that no one survived then why would there be another survivor? Was he experiencing the effects of time travel or was he that desperate to be sane that he had to project a human onto something?
The brown-haired boy brought the mug up to his lips, but he looked displeased by the lack of taste. "You got anything stronger?"
"Why is Five avoiding mentioning the other person? " You hummed to yourself as you downed the drink. It didn't make sense why he'd hide the other person's identity unless they are detrimental to him in some way, but how?
Obediently, Vanya refills the drink with Vodka and Five effortlessly downs it in one go. From one glance, he already knew what was going on inside your heads.
"You both think I'm crazy." He accused you guys, which caught you off guard and stopped your line of thinking.
"No," Vanya stammered as more words came out of her mouth. "It's just… it's a lot to take in."
"Quantum physics is difficult to understand especially if it hasn't been put into study so it would be understandable we would still be digesting this information…" You tried to reason with Five, which he somehow deemed as reasonable.
Frustrated, Five's nostrils flared as he inhaled plenty of air. "Exactly what don't you understand?"
"Why didn't you just time travel back?" The violinist repeated the question others used earlier.
Five scoffs then sighs, "Gee, wish I'd thought of that. Time travel is a crapshoot. I went into the ice and never acorn-ed."
"You think I didn't try everything to get back to my family?" Everyone in the room went silent, especially you.
You felt guilty for assuming he didn't want to go back home. After all, everyone in the household had no problem saying they would leave the house and it would be a dream come true if they did. You presumed that Five felt the same way, like he had attained freedom the moment he shook you off his trail but, apparently he didn't… Maybe if you had been persistent in pursuing him, then he wouldn't be suffering right now. By any chance, did he secretly wish you had stopped him from time traveling to the apocalypse?
"If you grew old there, you know, in the apocalypse, how come you still look like a kid?" The petite girl reiterated one of the questions that was asked earlier.
The boy in school shorts scoffs, "I told you already…" He sighs then begins to refill the mug with more alcohol. "I must have got the equations wrong."
"I mean, Dad always used to say that time travel could mess up your mind. Well, maybe that's what's happening?"
Your eyes widened at Vanya's words; the fact she was ballsy enough to say that Five had gone mad right to his face was something you didn't hear everyday nor even witness. From the looks of it as well, the boy himself was offended by his sister's statement but tried to hide it from her.
"This was a mistake, you're too young." He walks away from both you and Vanya, "Too naive."
Before he could walk out the door, the violinist grabbed his wrist, coincidentally recreating a past memory you had with Five, "No, Five… Five, wait!"
The boy in school shorts stopped by the door as he slowly turned his attention to his sister. On the other hand, you felt like a leftover, something that's meant to be given attention later, what the hell were you supposed to do?
"I haven't seen you in a long time, and I don't want to lose you again." The petite girl pleaded, her grip on his small wrist tightened, "That's all."
"And you know what, it's getting late, and I have lessons early and I need sleep, and I'm sure you do, too." She excused but you all knew no one was buying it.
Vanya then began to prep the couch for you guys, whilst helping her gather pillows and blankets for you and Five. Though you doubt that you would be able to stand sharing a couch to sleep on with Five.
"We'll talk in the morning again. Okay? I promise." Vanya pleaded before she began heading to her room. "Night."
"Night." Five reciprocated her greeting, his eyes following Vanya as she headed to her room.
You did not know what to do… After you had just digested the information he gave, you had the sudden urge to hug Five but; you knew that you couldn't because he would probably find it awkward and you were not his sibling; you were not obligated to comfort him if he practically deems you as a stranger. Though at the back of your mind, something was nagging you to comfort him somehow.
As your thoughts of comforting the boy were internally eating you away, in the midst of your panic you incidentally saw that one of his hands rested beside his thigh as he restlessly drummed his fingers against the couch. Out of instinct, you placed a hand on top of his, his muscles became tensed at the gesture.
"What are you doing?" Five looked you in the eye, trying to figure out what you were up to.
You gulped then avoided his gaze, "I'm sorry…"
"For what?"
"For not stopping you."
His once tensed muscles relaxed at your words followed by his signature scoff, "That's one way of driving yourself crazy."
"I should have been there to stop you like your father told me but the moment you told me I was just a puppet… I- I stopped thinking and let you go instead. If I had continued acting like one, none of this would have ever happened… you wouldn't be suffering right now."
"I used to do that." Five said with a sad smile as he looked out the window, "I used to blame myself for not listening to the old man or for not letting you drag me back into the house but, then I reminded myself that I made that choice. It's a learning experience now, it's not something I can undo. The only thing I can do now is prevent the apocalypse."
Your clammy hands found themselves playing with the frills of your dress, unsure what to do with them. You didn't expect - actually, never expected - him to comfort you nor for him to accept the past. It felt so weird hearing something mature come out of Five's mouth, especially knowing how arrogant he is.
Out of nowhere, the boy took out an object wrapped in cloth from his pocket, he carefully unraveled the cloth and revealed a glass eye. He rotated it to the back to show the serial code, the batch number and the company it came from.
"I'm guessing that this eye belongs to the person responsible for the apocalypse?" You quipped more at ease after you opened up your feelings.
"Possibly, it's the only lead to the mastermind." He said, stood up then quickly shoved the eye back into his pocket.
"You're leaving? What about Vanya?" You asked, not wanting to leave her hanging by a thread, unaware of you and Five's departure.
The boy in school shorts merely rolled his eyes at your words; Vanya was the only thing that you could think of even after he told you the apocalypse was nearing. Back then, he would have found this habit of yours annoying, considering how you always doted on the violinist but, after what he went through, it felt like your doting felt refreshing and nostalgic for him.
"We'd only be wasting our time here. Unless you want to stay behind?"
In the end, you guys end up leaving Vanya's apartment through the front door this time. After asking around, purchasing a map, splitting up numerous times and almost getting lost, you guys finally managed to find the company where the glass eyeball came from. From the outside, it looked like a sleek corporation office. Whilst from the inside, the building follows the same vibe as the exterior. It was mostly white, and the walls were made of glass, nothing out of the ordinary, it's what most people considered “modern'' in this day and age.
You stood by the boy in school shorts who was holding onto the glass eye like it is his lifeline; To be fair, it is humanity’s lifeline. If you guys do not identify what caused the apocalypse nor end it then it is the end for everyone. So you could not blame him for carrying it with utmost care. While at it, Five is taking paces back and forth as his eyes wander around the lobby until a doctor that was passing by finally took notice of you guys’ presence.
"Uh, can I help you?"
Five smiled then showed the eyeball to the older man, "I need to know who this belongs to."
"Where did you get that?" The doctor’s eyebrows furrowed as his tone changed. Which took you by surprise, “Why’d he lose his composure all of a sudden? ”
"Why do you care?" The boy shot back, which made you internally slap yourself because you knew his response just arose suspicion from the doctor. You had to make an excuse quickly!
"He… I mean, we found it at a playground, actually." You said with a sheepish smile, but the doctor didn’t seem to buy it.
"Uh, it must have just…" Five clicks his tongue, "Popped out." He ended with a smile. To everyone, that smile seemed harmless but you knew that smile was anything but harmless.
"We want to return it to its rightful owner." You added with a smile, but it became more sheepish instead. You can only pray that the doctor and the receptionist just thought you were the awkward one.
"Aw… You kids are so thoughtful." The receptionist wore a small smile.
"Yeah, look up the name for me, will ya?" The boy dismissed the compliment, wanting to get to the point immediately.
"Uh, I'm sorry, but patient records are strictly confidential. That means I can't tell you-"
"Yeah, I know what it means." Five butted in as his eyes narrowed at the doctor.
"But, I'll tell you what I can do. I will take the eye off your hands and return it to the owner. I'm sure the owner of the eye will be very grateful, so if I can just -" The doctor's hand is out in the open, ready for Five to place the eye on but, the boy beside you merely glared at the hand.
"Yeah, you're not touching this eye." He threatened, his eyes hinting the peak of his anger was on the verge of pouring out.
"No, you listen here, young man-" Before the doctor could finish speaking, Five grabbed him by the collar which made him grunt, his eyes widening at the “young” man’s actions, "No! You listen to me, asshole. I've come a long way for this. Through some shit your pea brain couldn't even comprehend, so just give me the information I need, and I'll be on my merry way."
Before the older man could speak, Five interrupted him, "And if you call me 'young man' one more time, I'm gonna put your head through that damn' wall."
"Oh, dear." Both you and the receptionist mutter, though you more or less expected this from Five.
Despite the fear coursing through the doctor’s veins, he softly requests for the receptionist to call security to which she complies to.
Not wanting to cause anymore trouble, you approached Five and patted his shoulder and whispered, "We should get going…"
Five reluctantly let the man go then leave the building with you in tow. You both head back to the Umbrella Academy to try and find another way to get information on the lead. Leaving behind a confused receptionist and a doctor terrified of the 'younger' generation.
As you guys headed back home, Vanya woke up to find her apartment lacking you and Five’s presence, panic filled her then she began looking for you guys everywhere in her apartment building but found no one. Despite her uneasiness to return to the academy, it was the only place she could think of as to where you guys would return.
In the end, she sucked it up and went back, the violinist arrived at the academy, only to find it empty. She found it rather ironic because of how loud the decorations were compared to what she was hearing. The petite girl couldn't even hear Grace nor Pogo, where the hell was everyone?
Out of desperation, she heads upstairs whilst screaming. "Are you upstairs?"
"Five? Y/N?" The petite girl takes a turn to go to where their old bedrooms were located.
As she arrives at Five's room, she met a familiar face, relief washes over her. "Oh, thank God."
"I was worried sick about you guys." She admitted a hand ready to be placed on Five's shoulder but she noticed something odd. "Where's Y/N?"
"Sorry, we left without saying goodbye."
Vanya raised a brow at this, it was rare for Five to acknowledge Y/N's presence. Even when he talks, the boy usually goes out of his way to exempt her, it's usually the servant who bothers to use pronouns like 'we' or corrects him but this time, he acknowledged her presence. It was rather odd… perhaps they were getting closer?
"No, look, I'm the one that should be sorry." Vanya sighs a hand on her chest. "Yeah, I was dismissive, and…"
The boy in school shorts walks closer showing to his sister that he is willing to listen.
"I- I guess I didn't know how to process what you were saying like Y/N said. And I still can't, to be honest." She added, her gaze elsewhere most likely ashamed to show the regret in her eyes.
"Maybe you were right to be dismissive." Five exhales through his nose, "Maybe it wasn't real after all."
He turns and approaches his dresser to examine the decoration he had left behind years ago. "It felt real. Well… like you said, the old man did say time travel could contaminate the mind."
"Then maybe I'm not the right person for you to be talking to. Look, I used to see someone. A therapist. I could give you her information." Vanya suggested, as she rummaged through her sling bag ready to write down the number but she stopped midway through when Five gestured for her to not continue further.
"Thanks, but… I think I'm just gonna get some rest. It's been a long time since I got a good sleep." Five declined her offer.
"Okay." The violinist sighs as she retreats her hand from her sling bag then walks away.
The boy was about to follow her to check if she was going to leave the academy. Unfortunately, he was interrupted by items clattering, followed by you falling on your knees while Klaus comes out of the closet, take that as you will.
"Remind me again why I had to be shoved into a closet?" You muttered, wiping away the sweat that accumulated on your forehead. "Especially with Klaus."
"That's so… touching, all that stuff about family and Dad and time. Wow!" Klaus rejoiced with his hands up, though it was hard to tell if he was being sarcastic.
"Master Klaus, we just got Vanya off of our trail. I'd suggest lowering your voice if you don't want her coming back." You suggested but your suggestion only fell into deaf ears.
"I'm moist." The Seance declared, you guys were unsure if he was declaring that he was moist from sweat.
The arrogant boy took one look at Klaus' outfit, only for a displeased look to settle on his face. "I thought I told you to put on something professional."
"Unfortunately, that's the closest we can get to something professional with Master Klaus' closet." You sadly admitted, as you silently helped yourself up, since everyone seemed to be busy with themselves.
Five sighs then checks to the hallway to see if Vanya was still there. "We'll raid the old man's closet."
The curly haired male rolled his eyes, "Whatever, as long as I get paid."
"When the job is done, you'll get paid." You reassured him.
"Okay, but just so we're clear with the finer details, I just gotta go into this place and pretend to be your dear old dad, correct?"
"Yeah, something like that." Five confirmed about to make his way to Master Hargreeves room but Klaus' next question made everyone stop in their tracks.
"What's our cover story?"
"Master Klaus, I don't think a cover story is necessary for this scenario…" You muttered knowing full well your words would fall into deaf ears again.
"I mean, was I really young when I had you and Rosey? Like, 16? Like, young and… terribly misguided."
"Master Klaus, whatever roleplaying ideas you have is best to be kept behind closed doors for now because this is not the time for your shenanigans." You said firmly this time, but your words were not heeded.
"Your mother! That slut... Whoever she was, We met at the disco." Klaus chuckles, then he proudly looks at you both. "Okay? Remember that."
Five played along with Klaus' antics with a simple nod, though it was clear he wasn’t taking Klaus’ shit seriously. On the other hand, you felt like this was only the beginning of hell for you. Albeit you were more used to being surrounded by tamed people like Luther, Allison, Ben, Vanya and Five. Klaus was a different case… the walking contradiction of a man, who flew higher than the icarus yet he never reached the sun.
Suddenly, an idea popped into the seance’s head followed by him snapping his fingers. "Oh, my god, the sex was amazing."
"What a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain." The boy remarked with a revolted look on his face.
Klaus placed a hand on his chest, his face laced with an offended look. "Don't make me put you in time-out."
Once Klaus was finished with his shenanigans, you three headed to Reginald Hargreeves’ room and raided Reginald's closet - though it was mostly you and Five doing the work. You were the one responsible for looking for a decent outfit whilst Five was in charge of looking for the dress shoes. Klaus was mostly responsible for filling in the silence with his usual “outrageousness”, as Five would kindly put into words.
Out of nowhere, Five's heart raced as his mind began playing tricks on him, blending the boundaries between reality and illusion. In his perception, he observed the chaotic scene before him, the world had transformed into a desolate wasteland, reminiscent of the apocalypse. Amidst the devastation, he witnessed a familiar (H/C) young girl in a Victorian maid outfit, your body convulsing as you reached out desperately, attempting to grasp the sky itself.
Fear and urgency surged through the boy's veins as he rushed to your side. Ignoring the dangers that surrounded them, he knelt down beside your trembling form, his hands trembling as well. Out of desperation, he shook you gently, attempting to snap you out of whatever trance you seemed to be trapped within.
As you slowly turned your gaze towards him, your eyes filled with worry, the Five's heart sank. He could see the pain and confusion reflected in your eyes, mirroring his own inner turmoil. The sight of the steel piercing your abdomen only made his stomach twist.
Worried etched onto your facial features as your voice awakened Five from his hallucination. "Are you alright Five?"
The whole room went silent at your words. That was the first time you called him by his name without an honorific, even the usually head-in-the-clouds Klaus caught onto your slip up and started giggling like a little girl. On the other hand, the boy was shell shocked.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but we have better things to do! Which is me getting my 20 bucks." Klaus interjected but a wide smile engraved itself into his features, it's a common sight to see a smile on his face but, this time it felt like it was alluding to something you didn't like.
"There was no 'moment' I was going to ask Y/N about the villains the academy used to face while I was gone." Five excused but Klaus knew otherwise, the way his 'little' brother reacted just now was similar to how he reacted when he wasn't high: Scared, desperate, and depressed.
"Are you sure? You looked pretty startled." You placed both of your hands onto Five's shoulders, asking for his reassurance.
"You called me by my name without an honorific. Of course I would be startled." He lied whilst he redirected your attention to your slip up.
"I… I did?"
Klaus sat up straight then placed a hand on his chest, "I'm wounded and betrayed by you, Rosey! To think we've been together since childhood, I didn't even leave your side for the last 17 years yet, you called him -" The Seance points to Five. "- without an honorific first! Instead of me! Oh, the world is truly coming to an end."
"I don't think you should be joking about that after what Five told you…" You muttered but the boy beside you pats your shoulder as though to tell you it was alright.
"As I was saying," Five adjusted his clothes then sat on an armchair, acting as though he didn't experience an episode. "While I was gone, did a villain named White V show up? Or something along the lines of that?"
You tilted your head, this name didn't feel familiar whatsoever. "I don't recall a villain named White V… maybe they will show up soon?"
"Same here but I do remember most of the villains being different colors besides white." Klaus mused.
"You know I didn't mean it literally Klaus."
"Just thought it would help!"
Trying to change the subject, Five turned his head to you and then asked, "Did you find something decent for this lunatic brother of mine?"
Once you raised a thumbs up, it was everyone's go signal to get ready then head back to the doctor's office to pester him once again.
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At the moment, you three were back in the office. Klaus sitting down with a bored look on his face while you sat beside him patiently. Five, on the other hand, is standing impatiently pacing back and forth, whilst the doctor kept up a professional facade right in front of you three despite what occurred earlier.
"Like I said to your son, earlier. Any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent, I simply can't help you." The doctor reiterated.
"Well, we can't get the consent if you don't give us a name." Five tries to keep his cool by gritting his teeth to prevent any unsavory words from flowing out.
"Well, that's not my problem." The man in lab coat merely shrugged which irked Five even more to go through with his promise earlier.
"Sorry, Now, there's really nothing more I can do, so-"
From this point on, your attention is taken away because you heard your phone ring. You look down and read who the notification was from and immediately open your phone.
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Just as you finished chatting to Vanya, you heard the impact of a fist coming into contact with skin and Five grunting in pain. Without warning, Klaus tried kicking you in the stomach as well, but you narrowly dodged it but, in the process of trying to dodge it, you were sent rolling backwards. Whilst you two were busy groaning in pain, Klaus decided it would be a good idea to hit himself with a snow globe.
The curly haired male groaned then yelled, "God, that hurt!"
Doctor hastily grabs the telephone. "I'm calling security-" But the seance wrestled it out of his hand.
"What are you doing?"
Klaus gasps dramatically. "There's been an assault in Mr. Big's office, and we need security, now. Schnell!" The phone clatters as Klaus slams it carelessly back into place, his gaze now focused onto the doctor.
"Now, here's what's gonna happen, Grant."
"It's… Lance."
"In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and they're gonna see a whole lot of blood, and they're gonna wonder, 'What the hell happened?' and we're gonna tell them that you… beat the shit out of us." Klaus explains as he manipulates his voice and face to look as though he was appalled and scared of what Lance had 'done'.
You were oddly impressed and scared of Klaus acting skills, while Five seemed proud he chose the right person. Either way, it felt like things were going to turn out how Five wanted it to be but, it seemed like this was too easy for your opinion…
"You're gonna do great in prison, Grant. Trust me, I've been there. Little piece of chicken like you. Oh my God, you're gonna be passed around like a…" Klaus rotates his hips. "You're just- You're gonna do great. That's all I'm saying."
"Jesus, you are a real sick bastard." Lance grimaced at the curly haired man who claimed to be you and Five's Father.
"Thank you." He accepts the compliment as he spat out the glass that was in his mouth.
Once the whole mess was somehow covered up, the Doctor began skimming through the files to look for the glass eyeball. In the end, he couldn't find the glass eye including the information of the owner. He concluded the search by stating the glass eye isn't even manufactured yet, then asked how you guys managed to get the eye.
"I knew it was too good to be true…" You thought to yourself, as you all went back to square one… "Where to now? " Is what you'd ask Five but you doubt he knows what his next lead is since the glass eye was all he had.
"Well, this is not good." Five muttered, his disappointment becoming more prominent on his face.
"I was pretty good, though, right? Yeah. What about my consent, bitch?" Klaus chuckled proudly, you would have cheered on Klaus if it weren't for the fact that you knew now was not the time for that. Five would probably wring you and Klaus' necks just because he's in a bad mood.
"Klaus, it doesn't matter." The boy snapped, his hands stuffed into his school boy shorts.
"What? What? What's the big deal with this eye, anyway?"
"Master Klaus, we already told you, there is someone out there who's going to lose an eye in the next seven days." You reiterated as Five added. "They're gonna bring about the end of life on this Earth as we know it."
The boy in school shorts was about to walk away with you in tow to try and find another lead but, your strides to the different direction were put to a stop by Klaus' words.
"Yeah, can I get that 20 bucks, like, now or what?"
"Your 20 bucks? " Five repeated as he slowly turned to Klaus, his rage on the verge of exploding as more words came out of Klaus' mouth.
"KLAUS READ THE ROOM FOR ONE SECOND! " You internally screamed as you hastily went to Klaus' side ready to shield him from getting punched.
"Yeah, my 20 bucks."
"The apocalypse is coming, and all you can think about is getting high?" Five was seething while you were on the verge of slamming your face onto the pavement.
"Well, I'm also quite hungry. Tummy's a-rumblin'." Klaus imitates a stomach growling then smiles at Five but, the boy isn't too pleased about it.
"You're useless."
"You're all useless!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. You knew that he said it in the heat of the moment but, you were all trying your best to help him…
Klaus noticed your change of demeanor then tried to shift the subject. "Oh, come on. You need to lighten up, old man."
Five sits on the stairway in front of the prosthetics building. Trying to silently think of a plan B but, the seance just had to open his mouth. Five swore if he brought a stapler he would staple Klaus' lips closed.
"Hey, you know, I've just now realized why you're so uptight. You must be horny as hell!" He laughed then added, "All those years by yourself. It's gonna screw with your head being alone."
"If you want to let the stress out, why not ask Y/N for help?"
"Y/N seems like she'd be good in bed, if you're the type to have a corruption kink and all. I wouldn't be surprised if you have one because you seem the type-" Klaus snapped his finger, "And, andd~! She wouldn't get arrested for dating you."
You wanted to die on the spot as more words came out of Klaus' mouth. Even though talking about sex should be normalized, you weren't used to the exposure of it. Neither were you taught on how it works besides the basics.
"Well… I wasn't alone." Five admitted, a rare smile on his face becoming more visible as he reminisced about his significant other.
"Oh?" Klaus looks surprised as you, both numbers - you and Klaus - looked at Five in disbelief.
"Pray tell."
"Her name was Delores." Five looked longing into the distance, as he fidgeted with his ring finger. "We were together for over 30 years."
"Thirty years? Oh, wow!" The curly haired man chuckled. "God, the longest I've been with someone was… I don't know, three weeks. And that's only because I was so tired of looking for a place to sleep."
"We need to find Delores… She could be of help in figuring out what caused the apocalypse. But, is she even in this time period? How do we get in contact with her? " You pondered, your head was clouded with questions.
You didn't notice Five spontaneously grabbed your wrist then you guys are suddenly teleported inside a taxi. Surprised by the turn of events, you and the taxi driver gasp in unison.
"Don't stop, just keep going." Five commanded as he rolled down the taxi window and mockingly saluted Klaus.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! What about my money?!" Klaus screamed running after the taxi you guys were in.
Against Five's will, you threw a 10 dollar bill outside the window. "That should be enough for food! Don't waste it on drugs!"
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
You and Five stood right in front of Gimbel brothers whilst it rained. The droplets stain your clothes and make the clothing cling onto your skin. As you were about to pick the lock, Five stopped you midway through, to which you raised a brow at his actions.
"Are we going to use your powers? Shouldn't you be resting with how much you've used them?" You expressed your concern, only for your concern to be thrown out the window by the person who you expressed your concern for.
Five's brows were stitched together. "What do you mean we? I'm the only one going in."
"I… but why?"
"For starters, I already told you yesterday that I'd be the one dealing with the mess but you didn't listen to my orders. You could've been killed!"
You flinched at his words but tried to defend yourself. "You were about to be killed as well, that's why I intervened."
"Stay here. If anything else happens, call the police then go home by yourself, I don't need to lug around your weight." The boy stated as he teleported into the building before you could even interject.
Reluctantly, you wait for him from a nearby building whilst waiting, you witness two people enter the store. You were about to follow them as Five's back up when you heard gunshots but, you recalled Five's orders, and instead chose to rush to the nearest telephone booth to call the police. Once the police arrived, you wait for Five to exit the store and met up with him in the next corner then escorted him back home.
Unbeknownst to you guys, Allison and Luther were busy talking about Grace and Y/N until you guys show up and pass by them. They stop to see that Five looked beaten up whilst you carried the top half of a mannequin. Hopefully, they don't ask where you got it and what you intended to do with it.
"What the hell happened to you guys?" Allison voiced her concern as she went to your side to check if you had any bruises as well.
"Thank god, they aren't asking about the mannequin." You sighed in relief, grateful that they didn't question if you guys committed theft. To be fair, if you would have known Delores was a mannequin you would have just bought her or bought a look alike and dressed it up as her, rather than being chased by the police.
"Are you okay? Can we help?" Luther tries to put a hand on Five's shoulder but the boy caught Spaceboy's wrist midway.
"There's nothing you can do."
"There's nothing any of you can do."
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
As the boy in school shorts began investigating the remnants of the Umbrella Academy, he saw a gloved hand holding onto something round. He ran over to where the hand was poking out and grabbed it. It was a glass eyeball, freshly taken out of someone's eye socket. Five tried to remove some of the rubble to see if the person underneath it was someone he knew, and he was right. It was Luther.
Whilst trying to look for any more clues, Five stumbles upon other familiar faces, one by one he sees his dead siblings: Allison, Diego, and Klaus. Everyone he grew up with was dead, he had lost all hope for mankind. However, amidst the devastation, he witnessed a familiar (H/C) young girl in a Victorian maid outfit, your body convulsing as you reached out desperately, attempting to grasp the sky itself.
Fear and urgency surged through the boy's veins as he rushed to your side. Ignoring the dangers that surrounded them, he knelt down beside your trembling form, his hands trembling as well. Out of desperation, he shook you gently, attempting to snap you out of whatever trance you seemed to be trapped within.
As you slowly turned your gaze towards him, your eyes filled with worry, the boy's heart sank. He could see the pain and confusion reflected in your eyes, mirroring his own inner turmoil. The sight of the steel piercing your abdomen only made his stomach twist.
He hurriedly and carefully removes you from the steel that pierced you. When your eyes landed on him, you wore a small smile.
"Five… Huh, I must be dreaming." You said chuckling though, it turned into a coughing fit instead.
"No, this is the real me, I'm not dead." The boy reassured you by touching your cheek, which led you to cry. The warmth of seeing someone in your last moments made you want to be greedy and hold onto life just a little longer but, you knew you didn't have the strength to do so.
"What happened? Who did this to you?" Five wanted answers quickly, he wanted to save his family somehow, knowing who did this might relinquish the pain he feels right now.
"White V…" Those were the last words that trailed off your lips. In the end, the pain he felt was going to last for 46 years in isolation.
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➢ Taglist : @igotanidea @incapableofanything @kumioon @buuhsworld @stray-npc @sunsunhe @instabull @theredvelvetbitch @yoashh @keowthedino @danis-stuff-is-here @sol3chu
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You know what I rarely see? In the show after wooing Alec, Magnus is not shown as overly invested and it always appears as Alec reaching/apologizing/moving the pair along. Which was definitely a writing/directing choice. But what I’d like to prompt if it suits you, is Magnus being the one to apologize or to reassure Alec that he is important and not temporary-I’m team immortal but this convo certainly should happen. I liked the way you had Alec be angry in that prompt fill about his birthday and Magnus had to own up to that. If this isn’t your thing no big deal! Hope the weather is nice where you are and nightshade has enough pets and treats for the day!
i believe in 'no partner is perfect' and while i don't tend to write the angstier couple stuff 'i like my malec happy' i don't mind occasionally dipping my toes into partner angst (with an immortal happy ending)
this particular fic isn't about about immortality but it's about haing two people who have fundamentally different lifestyles having a miscommunication that devolves and while the argument is based on the show scene, it doesn't follow it perfectly. nor is the actual argument written. just the aftermath.
my thoughts are that magnus tries to spoil alec in season two still but it's more intimate and offscreen and he sort of in season 3a but magnus relies heavily n his magic to spoil alec and he kind of is spiraling all of season 3 tbh. they just really were sprinkling angst on malec like it was salt and they realized the show was bland.
all they did was get oversalted content which got salty fans, since they forgot to add actual herbs and spices.
it's a bloody hot day okay. i love the sun as much -nevermind apparently this is a lie-
so i don't hate the sun okay. i enjoy sunshine in specific environments. the sun is not a tyrant devoid of compassion.
anyways i live in a desert because its whats best for the people i love but give me mist and foggy days and give me winters of waist deep snow i can fall in. oceans so cold your lips go blue and rivers so deep and clear and still cold with melting ice.
if people are going to send me 8-10 feet to the bottom of the lake because they lost their electronics. it better be cold and clear. not warm and murky. (this has only happened 3 times but i have a preference).
So I made Say breakfast and nightshade breakfast and then I made @saeths breakfast a few hours later so i made an extra egg for nightshade to tempt him to eat another bowl of kibble.
so i fed nightshade twice and forgot to make any eggs for myself ^_^ so he is plenty spoiled (don't worry his egg was made without cheese and salt).
also the reason i'm awake is because he needed snuggles and after that he wanted to play in the pool and then i was too awake to bother
but that's our wednesday so far and i'm getting my work out of the way so i can focus on writing and house things.
<3 lumine
Magnus is ready with another quick retort when Alec’s face goes blank for a moment.
The argument fades from Magnus’ mind in an instant, because while this is the perfect moment to land another barb, the words die and his sentence stops, ending with a snide comment he doesn’t really mean.
“That’s fine Magnus.” Alec says and he’s not angry, which is worse. He sounds tired and yet professional. His manner restrained and placating in the way he does when he no longer has any fight left and he just wants to retreat and lick his wounds.
Wounds that Magnus caused.
“Alexander—” Magnus starts, because he didn’t intend to get so upset but Alexander just shakes his head.
“You’ve said your piece, Magnus. I get it.” Alexander sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he shuffles. “I messed up, again.”
Magnus winces, because he’s begun to feel more like a scolding mentor than a partner.
“I need to get to the Institute—” which makes sense, the argument started as they both got ready for their days. “I’ll—” and Alec hesitates and then shrugs, “I’ll see you tonight.”
Magnus waits until it’s dinner time and then portals to the Institute, already preparing words to once again explain that it’s not Alexander, it’s just not time yet.
He opens the door to the office without knocking and steps in.
“Alexander—” Magnus starts and then he hesitates.
Because for once, Alexander’s eyes don’t soften when they meet his. They remain cold, devoid of the warm ardor they normally contain but once again, without anger. Only an empty tiredness that Magnus longs to chase away.
“Do you have an appointment today, Magnus?” Alexander asks, setting down his pen and turning off his tablet with a sigh. Even upset Alexander will still give him his full attention and Magnus steps closer to the desk when Alexander continues, “because I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for a meal, or a conversation if it’s not official. So, if you don’t have an appointment, it needs to wait until I’m off.”
Alexander doesn’t mention coming home like he normally does, and Magnus suddenly misses it, with a deep lonely ache.
It also reminds Magnus that despite how often Alexander drops everything to join him, his boy is being worked to the ground and also driving himself to his limits in his pursuit of building a better Institute. Alexander is struggling to create ties between an Institute and local downworld leaders that would be revolutionary, with a sincerity that is unmatched by anything Magnus has ever seen.
Of course, he’s exhausted, and Magnus feels hollow now, remembering their fight all over again with a new clarity.
“No darling, it’s nothing official. I’ll see you tonight—” Magnus pauses, wanting to offer to summon Alec something to eat or drink, but it feels too much like an emotional bribe with how shuttered his boy is. Alexander nods and gives him the same perfunctory, polite smile he gives his siblings when he’s too exhausted to deal with them and doesn’t know what else to do.
It cuts Magnus to the heart to have that same expression directed at him, when he’s supposed to be safe for Alexander.
Magnus can’t handle the idea of reaching out only to be shied away from, so he runs from the possibility and instead summons a tiny flower to land by Alexander’s pen when the door shuts.
No one in the Institute seems to notice anything is wrong. Magnus gets a few strange looks, but he quickly realizes that it’s because everyone expected Alexander to be leaving with him, like his boy usually does.
Magnus feels cold and it’s with determination that he sends out an emergency message.
“I became stagnant in my old, single age.” Magnus bemoans, “I spent so long on my heartbreak that now, with a man I adore over every living being, I keep pushing him away.”
“Truth potion?” Catarina offers but Magnus shakes his head. Alexander deserves Magnus explaining this without the aid of something to help his thoughts form, even if it’s a trick Magnus has used continually and without remorse on himself.
This is different though because Magnus wants to become aware of what is wrong, not rely on a potion to figure it out.
“He wants to move in.” Magnus starts, about to launch into it when Cat laughs, interrupting him.
“What do you mean he wants to, he already has. Or did you just move him in on the sly and forget to ask him if he wanted to?”
“Cat—” Magnus says hesitantly, “he’s never moved in. He’s the one who brought it up. I told him no.”
Catarina pauses and then she sighs, and she summons her favorite, light summer beer and pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Start from the beginning, Magnus. I need details.”
Magnus does, realizing things that he missed as he’s explaining so many details that he just assumed and took for granted.
“I did wonder that the Loft hasn’t changed much. It seems more like Alec’s an addition to your things rather than his own person.”
It’s that comment that drives Magnus into a frenzy the moment he’s home.
Magnus doesn’t go overboard; Alexander wouldn’t want him to. Also springing this on his boy after the prior rejection will be too much like whiplash.
So, Magnus starts very small.
He finally creates the foyer he promised himself and Alexander he would make.
Alexander’s never pushed but Magnus remembers the tightening of his shoulders and the way Alexander will be too tired for anything but cuddles — rarely even hungry — after barrages of people through the loft.
The kitchen he only summons when Alexander asks, which is rare, so he makes it a permanent fixture and makes sure to hang an apron with little angel wings up. It’s with a pained smile that he sighs and wonders when he got so old that he forgot to enjoy life, and instead spent all his time focused on the past, just like Ragnor always warned him about.
Magnus doesn’t want to regret any time with Alexander, and he finds that he already does.
Not the time spent with his boy, but the time he could have focused on him more.
Magnus has spent so long protecting himself from losing Alexander, that he hasn’t noticed that he’s pushing him away, stopping him from coming too close.
Except Magnus has also bound him tightly.
Alexander sleeps more often in Magnus’ bed than his own. He’s rerouted his own schedule so he can take the last patrol before shift change, come to Magnus’ loft, write his report there and send it in, and be in bed for Magnus to return to.
Except for work, Alexander spends the majority of his daily life either in the loft, or with Magnus.
There are signs of him, all over the loft, but Magnus can’t look at a single piece and think, “Alexander picked that out.”
It aches in way that is almost visceral, because now that Alexander isn’t here, it’s only more obvious.
Magnus is chest deep in a drawer when he becomes aware of his boy stepping slowly into the bedroom.
“Is this a bad time?” Alexander’s tired voice asks. “I noticed there was a new door and tried to knock but the door just opened.”
Magnus wants to say something except he’s furious with himself and everything and the idea that Alexander saw a new door and knocked instead of walking right in, tears something in him.
They stare at each other for a moment, Magnus with his hands still wrist deep in the dimensional dresser, sure he’ll eventually find more than the sparse offering of Alexander’s clothes that he has.
“Where are all the clothes that you leave here?” Magnus asks instead of answering because he genuinely doesn’t know, “I was cleaning, and I couldn’t find them.”
Alexander sighs and Magnus just knows that he’s gearing himself up to — once again — explain to Magnus that it’s not about the clothes, before his boy visibly gets too tired. Instead, he just shrugs and potions to the paltry pile that Magnus has found.
“You have more than that!” Magnus exclaims, frustrated because he knows Alexander does. “That green shirt I got you that you loved. And those pants, the black ones with the umber stitching. The cream sweater I adore you in! That suit I had tailored for you in Milan and the other one in Hong Kong.”
Alexander sighs and he rubs a hand over his face, the stubble he normally shaves away in Magnus— in their bathroom, shadowing his face.
“Magnus, those don’t exist anymore.” Alexander doesn’t seem upset, if anything his face softens into an almost reluctant fondness, “you tend to vanish all the clothing you get me, some way or another. Mostly before fucking me. I tried to ask you one time where they went and you waved a hand and said, ‘another dimension, nothing to worry about’.”
“Surely that’s not all I said.” Magnus protests weakly.
“Well, you proceeded to fuck me unconscious so no, it wasn’t the last thing you said. But it was the last thing you said abut clothes.”
Magnus gives a flat chuckle and then sighs, snapping his fingers to clean up the mess.
“Have you eaten?”
“I figured I could grab something from the cafeteria when I head back. It’s fine.”
It most certainly is not fine, but Magnus doesn’t think coaxing Alexander into eating is going to work this time, which means that Magnus has accidentally undone weeks of effort.
Magnus doesn’t press, doesn’t remind Alexander that he can here. Or that, if by normal standards Alexander stays until he usually leaves Magnus, it would be the early evening of the next day.
“So, you were cleaning.”
Alexander is looking around, voice faltering but face devoid of actual emotions.
“I realized some things, after this afternoon.” Magnus admits slowly, “you’re the first person I opened my heart to, Alexander. In a very long time, I’ve told you that before.”
Normally, explaining things is easier but all Magnus can think is he’s not explaining it correctly.
“I know. But Magnus, you’re the first person I’ve ever opened my heart to.” Alexander interjects and he sounds raw and broken, like he’s been torn apart. “Doesn’t that get to mean anything too, to you? Because I don’t know what I’m doing, and you told me that there was nothing wrong with that. That I had nothing to feel ashamed about but now, it doesn’t feel like that.
"It feels like I can’t do anything right and I thought, I hoped something was coming together with us but now—” Alexander gives a heavy sigh and shrugs. “Now I don’t even know what I am to you anymore. Where do I belong, in your life Magnus? If you tell me where to fit, I’ll make it work.”
And that breaks Magnus’ heart, because Alexander was never meant to feel like he had to cut off pieces of himself to ensure Magnus loves him, that he has a place in Magnus’ life.
“Oh darling, beloved.” He murmurs and Alexander flinches, like it was a knife to his side. “You belong. The entirety of you. You belong in my bed because it’s no longer just my bed. How can I say it’s my bed when I lay in it without you and can’t sleep? When I reach for you in the night and can’t find you?” Magnus moves across the room with slow, purposeful steps and then reaches out to carefully — only because Alexander allows it — cups his face.
“Alexander, I have no excuses. My heart is old, and it is scarred and it is a wonder that you love me with all the cracks you’ve seen exposed. I don’t fear men or demons or angels, Alexander. I fear my heart being torn from my body and leaving me alive, an empty hollow cavern where it should be in the shape of you.
“I’ve always been too much, Alexander. I put my own fears on you, not that you deserved any of it, sweetheart. You’re right. I am your first relationship, and you grew up and live in a shadowhunter society. The relationships you've witnessed aren't similar to ours at all.
"You trust me to guide our relationship but I’m always encouraging you to ask me for things and you rarely do. I’m sorry, that you finally trusted me enough to ask me for something and that I broke that trust.”
And Alexander breaks, his eyes filling with tears and he coughs, scrubbing over his eyes because he hates being emotional during talks like these. As if Magnus will use the crystal sorrow streaking his face against him.
“I don’t understand.” Alexander murmurs against Magnus’ shoulder, “I thought this was already my home, here with you. I don’t know what I did wrong, I’m sorry Magnus.”
“Oh sayang.” Magnus whispers, eyes stinging because his heart is lanced every time Alexander apologizes. “You did nothing wrong. My heart was too scared to admit that you already were home for us, I pushed you away because I panicked. I’m sorry, my darling.”
Magnus is as tender and sincere as he can be, because he doesn’t want Alexander internalizing anything over this. Especially not when he realized that for Alexander, the loft already was home and he just wanted permission, for it to be official.
It’s endearing and sweet and Magnus presses a kiss to Alexander’s temple, softly and then harder when Alexander pushes into the caress.
"This is already your home. Where ever I am, will be your home." Magnus promises, "that will never change, my love. This is our space, for us to grow together and live together in.
Instead, Alexander tackles him to the bed and just lays there, pinning Magnus to the comforter as he snuggles into Magnus.
There is no answer, just a soft, exhausted snuffle and Magnus wonders how upset Alexander's been, thinking he was deprived of the home Magnus gave him.
He uses magic to change their clothing. More conversations and decisions can be made after rest and well, Alexander certainly isn't going anywhere and neither is Magnus.
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awhalesrider · 2 months
Where Did You Sleep Last Night
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A translation to my old fanfic on AO3. Apologies in advance for some clumsy wording and bugs in timeline.
Pairing: Johnny Silverhand/Female V (Valerie)
Chapter Summary: V had a bad birthday, and Johnny offered some sleep aid.
Additional tags: During canon, Pre Pistis-sophia, Soft Johnny
Getting a room is usually for a wild night.
That's true.
They rarely slept outside because it wasn't worth it - he spent too little time understanding a merc's lifestyle in the 70s. V was kicking around like a puppy. With those few eddies earned, she could barely afford a full meal and throw a few chromes on her body. It's kinda dumb for a merc worrying about the next meal and the next day to pay for someone else's bed. According to V, she’d rather get a good fuck. The only reason why they spent money on this shabby hotel for the first time was because of the thunderstorm, heavy as shit.
Johnny Silverhand stepped on V's wet footprints and stood behind her. He looked inside. The birthday suite was just as bad as he imagined. A sour smell mixed with the moisture of rain rolled out as soon as the door was opened. The air rushed straight to their head. There are generally only two possibilities for this situation - either time has rotted inside like a corpse, or there really was a corpse. Either way, it's all fucked up.
V stood at the door for a long time. "'kay..." She grabbed her half-wet hair, trying not to show her disgust too obviously. But Johnny could easily sense the resistance from the instinctive reaction of her throat and nose. She took a long breath: "Not that bad, right?"
Not that bad, you serious? Johnny had to admit that V got talents in self-persuasion. But they would have to continue to fight against her senses. Preem for both of them.
Unfortunately he's not the one in charge.
"C'mon, Johnny." She said, more like trying to convince herself than trying to convince him. The high frequency of self-talking always seemed to make her feel better.
"Let's see what we have here."
The door slid shut behind her. V found the switch with a few coughs. The light, however, only made the abstract badness a little more realistic. Prolly this is the characteristic of a roadside love hotel - kinda arrogant frugality: tattered curtains, dirty carpets, old toys, and super dream equipment on the table as if the cleaners quit after washing the sheets without taking those leftover gifts (mainly used syringes and condoms) in the corner for the next guests.
"Gonk's gettin five-star service. " Johnny decided to remind her of another option at the right time, "Another lesson for our merc."
V sighed, "Know what? Whatever you gotta say – say it."
"Never heard the old saying? East or west, home is the best."
"No, no...Johnny. It's raining like shit outside. And didn't I tell you cops are locking down Watson? Maxtac is prolly having a party there too." V gave a bunch of good reasons, though she was obviously frustrated about it, and she should be,'cause no one would get themselves in a stinky room on a night like this - well, maybe he would fifty years back. But she's not him, and she didn't want to be him.
"Well, then, got two lucky misters spending the night with ya." He pointed to the two dildos on the table that were performing a fencing match.
"Haha, very funny." V laughed dryly and took them away. She flipped him a finger and Johnny returned it back. She ignored him and opened the window.It was raining just right. V threw the two outside onto the awning to shower.
Johnny smiled. She was always very creative when it came to little revenge on nobody. The rain soaked into their palms. V turned around, taking a moment to wash away those flowers of blood, and she began kicking the garbage into a corner where she couldn't see it.
Poor girl, being angry for only two seconds, was now busy cleaning up the mess without getting paid. Should've spent the time roasting some brains of NCPD who blocked her way.
Johnny leaned against the wall.
Never thought brain-dead made mercs rush for biz at a loss.
Johnny came up with some jokes at this moment, like "somebody deserved a wanted poster hanging on her neck with what she's done, and now she's trying to be a law-abiding citizen". But V was a little too quiet as she walked around the room, not even commenting on the endless complaints in her head and yelling "Johnny you are not helping".
He got a bad feeling.
V kept the window open, making the smell in the room less unpleasant, but the strong wind, thunder, and wetness made them feel as if they had just moved to a different place to get caught in the rain. V tried to pretend that she did this on purpose, but their sensory pathways were exposing the truth: She had a loss of sensation in her lower limbs for a while, and she could not manage to stand up on her own.
This is no good. Johnny thought. The biochip was taking advantage of her injury, forcing her to retreat. But he could do nothing about it except watch the effect of the combat stimulant fade in her body.
V took off her jacket, and then the coat with blood spots. She put them on the bed sheet, and then the smell of blood temporarily covered the smell of old bedding. She sniffed, put her gun next to the pillow, and slowly lay down. Merc fumbled in her waist bag for a bottle, impatiently letting the alcohol pour rudely into her torn wound. Johnny saw the dark sweat marks on her close-fitting vest blurred into large patches, and the pain was vividly soaking her again. And V just lay there quietly, holding her arms tightly, waiting for this torture.
She was too tired to sustain any confrontational behavior, which was not good in any sense. Johnny dropped his previous attitude.
"V." He sat in the chair next to her, staring at her tense shoulders, "Can't sleep like this."
"Shut the fuck up, old man." She turned towards him. The words from her mouth seemed damp, wearily sticking in the air. Johnny noticed that the bullet pendant was sliding down her wet chest. V didn't look at him, as if she couldn't lift her eyelids at all. She was just clenching her teeth, insisting on digesting the painful groan. She shrank to the corner of the bed, with her shoulders trembling in the cold air, avoiding the radiation of the "flash bomb" that enveloped the entire city.
"Just… Stop talkin' for now, okay?" She tried to steady herself by holding the pendant, with her voice barely audible in the rain. "Need to meet the VDBs in Pacifica tomorrow... and I'm really tired."
Alright. Johnny stood up and walked away a little, hoping that she was not tired of living.
The windowpanes were clanging in the wind, and he watched V close her eyes in the noise and pray to get accepted in dreams. Fate is not such a cruel bitch if V could get what she wanted. Unfortunately, life is always hard, and most people in this city can't afford the ticket to a sweet dream. Only death has a kind heart not to turn people away.
Her eyelids twitched. The intense pain began to peel away from her body, getting replaced by waves of neuralgia, which was not life-threatening but still a continuous torture. The disrupted cognitive system made her fall into a trance similar to a hangover. Merc was still far from her dreams, but she was already having nightmares. Some noise was running wild in her blood. The strong wind blew into her brain, blowing into a mess of thoughts, some of which came from his memory fragments, but more of them were the bloody parts of her own story.
Fuck. The sting in his chest grew stronger, but he wasn't sure if it was her feeling it.
V suddenly opened her eyes, with her forehead covered with sweat. Her wet red hair was stuck to her temples.
"... Johnny." She spoke in a low voice.
 See? Here's who shut his mouth just now.
"Johnny?" But she called him again, as if she hadn't heard his thoughts, or felt in need of more response. Kinda disturbing, that, like a string of trills hanging alone on a music sheet.
"What? Need a napkin to draw unicorns, Matilda?"
"Kiss my ass." Said V, searching him with her eyes. Preem, at least she had regained the energy to curse. He met her gaze and felt a little ease of the dull and heavy pain in her chest.
"By the way, I'm Leon when it comes to professionalism."
Johnny raised an eyebrow with a little surprise. The film was half a century older than she was, but she knew what he was talking about. Maybe she was good at appreciating antiques.
"What now?" He asked, as a reward, "Our cold-blooded killer needs a bedtime story?"
He expected V to say something more, but she didn't.
"…Yeah, I guess." She just nodded and turned over, as if she's tapped out after trying to maneuver on the tattered sheets.
"Let's talk." She looked at him and continued to persuade him, "Do me a favor. Today's my birthday. It's now or never."
They both sadly realized that the joke was likely to become a reality, but she was still like any girl in 2020 who's a little off her rocker, except not that empty and fanatical, but still treating him as a confession window in the church. People would fill the desperate indifference with burning fuel.
Maybe she should really join the Animals if they would still like a rain-soaked puppy after seeing her sober self.
"Fine." Johnny compromised too quickly, and as he sat close to her, he began to strongly suspect that this was some scam created by the mental link between them. "'bout what?"
He felt strange after a second. Dumb questions. They were inseparable for 24 hours every day, and their brains were so small that their souls would collide with each other at any time, just like when he knocked her to the ground when they first met, she pointed at his nose and called him a dickwipe the next day. People always have noise in their heads. They should have talked a long time ago. In fact, they did: about Arasaka, Mikoshi, Soulkiller, and how to save her life.
"Anything. Just...don't be quiet." V narrowed her eyes. The lightning left a bleak white mark on her face, and she spoke again amid the chaotic thunder.
"...I...dunno, Johnny. I'm scared… for a little. " She smiled. The curve of her lips turned into a heavy expression. But it's unlike the kind she was good at expressing or he was used to dealing with. The smile was almost unattractive, but he suddenly felt that he had encountered a huge problem.
Johnny fell into a rare moment of silence.
"Of what?" He sat down and asked in a low voice, "Thunder?"
"Ugh, fuck off."
The joke was inappropriate, but it worked, obviously making her a little happier. "Think I'm a baby girl crying for her mother?"
Johnny snorted, "Whatever you say."
How old was she? Not even thirty. Many people in Night City didn't live to that age. He didn't deny that if anyone told his story, thirty might be considered his "old age". But she was still a girl, a stupid little thief who hadn't seen much of the world. Not old enough to die anyway.
"Okay." V ended the topic resignedly with a strange expression on her face, as if not knowing whether to cry or laugh with the fact in their head.
The rain made a series of sounds on the iron sheet outside the window, and she immediately wanted to break away from the silence in the room.
"…Wanna guess why I can't sleep?"
Johnny looked up at V's pale face, still unsure whether he should be her doctor.
"Too busy in your head?"
"Didn't even think about it seriously, did you?" she questioned like she was complaining, but her voice seemed to have reached the edge of blurred consciousness, with sleep or death on the other side.
"Same at first." She took a breath and finished her sentence. "Y'know, seeing your past all the time... Not the 'fuckin' something up' part. I mean, sex, gigs, radio-hacking..."
"Havin' fun, huh?"
"Hah, it's a mess. Bright light, loud music...gets me all dizzy, and... When I opened my eyes, cops were chasing me for blocks. My brains were 'bout to be shaken out." She released the hand that was tucked in front of her chest from the pendant and stretched it towards the direction where he was sitting. "But it's not bad... It's crazy but... alive. So... not exactly what kills my sleep."
Johnny sat near her without a word, waiting for her to explain.
"Don't wanna fall asleep," she said slowly, "cuz I'm afraid that...I won't wake up again."
V raised her eyelids and stared at his chair in a daze, then looked at him again. The scene of rain and fog outside the window appeared in her eyes.
Okay, merc's really going to give him a hard time. Her face and her thoughts got him amused but worried. Johnny found that V always confused him, even though he knew her thoughts better than anyone else. What? You are worried about your life every day, and you have been busy for a long time just to get rid of this fucking chip in your head. And now you are treating the time bomb as your guardian angel?
"Feel like dyin' when I fall asleep, Johnny." Her fingertips drew helpless swirls on the bed sheet, obviously not sober enough to answer his question, "A few days ago... I mean when I could still get some sleep, I thought I wasn't afraid of this... and anything. When Dex DeShawn asked me if I wanted to die at the age of thirty or get old in bed, I thought it was only about where to close my eyes. But I ..."
V closed his eyes again.
Building. Thunderstorm. Fall. Delamain. Smell of blood. Sad eyes. Bullet in the skull.
The dream screamed past his eyes. Johnny heard her spirit trembling as if she would collapse at any time due to info overload, which was a hundred times more painful than lying on the operating table without anesthesia.
"...Always dream about that day in the car... Every time I thought Jackie's just... falling asleep... Dunno how he felt at that time. Is it the same as I am... or you were...?" Her whole body was tense, and her breathing became disordered. "Pain, cold, nausea, like a nightmare, right?"
"So I was wondering... I was wondering why can't I just go flatline?"
The thunder almost shattered her words.
Johnny looked down to the floor, wondering if V noticed that she sounded like sobbing, though she wasn't. That's so not V, 'cause she was the kind of tough, sharp, brave, and capable person who was liked by everyone - of course they liked her. And she was the kind of fool that fixers favored, the kind of friend that edge runners loved, a kind of brave coward who forgot how seriously she took death. She's willing to eat the blood on the tip of a knife as long as she is given enough eddies or a true heart.
"…It's not that simple." He had no choice but to say this first, but he still didn't have much of a clue.
"Been dead for fifty years, 'course I know more."
"But now I'm the one with only a few days left。" She pointed out.
The pain then hit him, much more severe than he expected. It was spreading to her limbs and organs and almost everywhere. Johnny couldn't even tell which part he was responsible for. He didn't like it, and he didn't like her saying so, because it reminded him that it was him killing her for all times, even today.
Johnny walked to the window, lit a cigarette, and heard the countdown ticking in her mind. Prolly this was why she didn't want him quiet. It was rare that they didn't break out into an argument, but still, they fell into silence with confrontation.
V had every reason to want an end. After all, she had come this far.
But she has survived until now. He always thought she was the type who liked to risk her life, taking jobs without careful consideration, and going through fire and water for everyone who regarded her as a friend. And now she wanted to dig a grave for herself in advance? This is not V.
Or maybe this is her?
Johnny let out a long exhale. The smoke and rain slowly mixed together, and he tried to calm himself down.
"…Emptiness." He told her.
"Feeling of death." He turned around, putting the sentences together in the severe pain flowing through him, "Thought it was a stupid BD playin' for 24 hours? That's too fucking silly. You'll understand when you've been dead for a while... No sound, no perception, nowhere to rest for your consciousness. Last bit of existence's been taken away, like a fuckin broken plastic bag flying everywhere, and no one will give a fuck to ya."
V's eyes rested on him quietly: "…What are you tryin' to tell me?"
"I'm telling you getting some fuckin' sleep is never the same as dying."
The chair legs made a sharp sound on the floor, and he sat down in front of her again.
"... and stop thinkin' 'bout putting that bullet back in your brain. It's not any better than you are now."
Johnny leaned back in his chair and realized what he just said was a pure mistake, as if he was comforting a frightened child from a nightmare. Sounded like something that would be filmed in an animation half a century ago, the kind of unrealistic fairytale. But he was completely involved in her feelings and emotions. Nicotine was not enough to relieve his anxiety. Johnny continued to be annoyed that he had no right to accuse her of a bunch of depressing words, and he couldn't help wanting to finish what he said.
"Listen, V." He pinched her chin with his hand, forcing her to look at him more closely, but it seemed more like he was trying to pull her out of the suffocating fear. "Havin' your nightmares means you are still alive. We have a chance to think about how to be buried in the future. You hear me?"
V also stared at him, holding his wrist tightly and breathing rapidly. Her lips tightly pursed: "Sounds more like telling me not to be afraid of dying?"
"I'm telling you not to be afraid to live, V." Johnny let go of his hand and stood up, feeling his thumb brushed by warm rain.
"…and then get some ideas of makin' your days less fucked up next year."
He threw the cigarette on the ground and extinguished it, and the spark jumped into her eyes. V looked at him, and her cheeks finally turned red again because of her attempt to disengage herself. After a long silence, she finally smiled, but also really shed tears.
The sound of rain outside the window gradually weakened. It took a long time for V to speak this time.
"…Without you." She said with her voice hoarse.
It seemed that she finally remembered the solution they had agreed on at the beginning. Johnny was not sure whether he heard more certainty or more regret, but weaving a dead person into the story was a good sign for a dream anyway. This was exactly her current symptom.
Her breath was no longer so heavy, and Johnny could feel that the tingling in her nerves was gradually leaving. The dark water stains on her chest had not yet dried up, and were illuminated by the dazzling white light into a shining river, flowing slowly with her breathing.
Are you asleep, V?  He asked, never needing to speak but intending to reach out anyway.
Thunder exploded again not far from them, but this time V was not awakened. She lay quietly, holding the bullet in her chest with her fingers, and seemed to fall into an eternal sleep.
He had to admit that he was a little scared now.
As if by magic, his fingers reached behind her ear.
Her pulse beat beneath her warm skin. He breathed a sigh of relief.
"…G' night, Johnny." V said, exhausted, but alive. She smiled for the first time today. Her red hair fell down in a relaxed manner, like a cluster of flames pouring down on him in the whistling wind, and his chrome hand that had felt the heat of countless explosions was withdrawn as if it was burned. Johnny heard her sigh softly, like blowing out a candle.
The electronic projection of him dissipated, like a light smoke.
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thefrontofmymind · 1 year
Proof Postitve 1
WARNINGS: smut minors dni!! alcohol consumption, smoking
series masterlist
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There was a sense of pride running through your veins. Seeing the band that you’d known and supported for years sweep the BRIT awards, winning all of their nominated categories. You’d been working as office support at Dirty Hit since their first album was released, you’d been with them through just about everything, every gig you helped organise, all the singles you did the logistics on, and you’d become a good friend of all of them.
There was one, though, a certain bassist that you were closest to. You and Ross had always had a sort of special relationship. There was rarely a conversation between the two of you that didn’t involve at least a base level of simple flirting; you asking him if all the things they say about bassist are true, him teasing by saying you should find out for yourself. It’d never gone all that far though, there was a boundary there that neither of you were willing to cross. And you thought that’s just how it’d be forever.
The pub Dirty Hit had rented out for the afterparty spared no expense, you made sure of that. Music was pumping, there were dozens of fluorescents illuminating the space, and the drinks were flowing–very much.
Of course, the band of the hour was everyone’s attention–you’d gotten in a quick ‘congratulations’ before they were totally smothered by the countless guests who wanted to do the same thing. Even being just on the outside of it all, it was suffocating to watch the four of them bounce around the room, never being left alone. 
You needed some air, so slinking towards the front door to take a break outside the front of the booming club–as best you could with the amount of shots you’d taken. It was still cold–not out of the ordinary for London in late February–and you wish you brought your coat with you. You breathed in and out shakily, hoping your fingers wouldn’t go numb as you scrolled through various social medias, seeing the fans’ reactions was always your favourite part of any endeavour the guys did. You were only a little acquainted with the fans, you’d mostly stayed behind the curtain, only the really deep fans knew of your existence, the ones that investigated all your socials when they put the dots together and discovered almost everyone involved with the band followed you, and you’d posted photos with them a couple times over the years. The general opinion of you was neutral, and you liked it that way, you didn’t have to worry.
In your peripheral, you saw a figure stand next to you, a veil of cigarette smoke around them. You turned your head as was met with the sight of your favourite bassist. He looked exceptionally dashing tonight with his suit and bow tie–you told him he looked like a sexy Fred Astaire, which he blushed and laughed at.
You gave him a nod to say hello, he returned it and took another drag.
“You alright? Saw you come out, thought you were leaving…��� He said.
“Leave without saying goodbye? To you of all people?” You joked.
“I’d hope not, thought I’d trained you better than that!” He quipped. 
He slipped off his blazer and put it around your shoulders. You were immediately engulfed in the scent of his cologne, your goosebumps returned back into your skin and you felt more at ease than you have all night.
“I…I just…” You started. Ross looked over at you, big eyes and a smile–god, he was handsome. “I know it doesn’t mean much coming from me, but I’m really proud of you…Getting to where you are now, I’m so honoured that I’ve gotten to see it.”
“Thanks.” He gave you a sincere smile. “And it does mean a lot coming from you, you’re one of the only people around us that actually tells us the truth.”
You jokingly flipped your hair and laughed. “Well, I try…”
A gust of wind blew through the street, chilling you to the bone. Ross noticed your slight shivering, and he put an arm around you, trying to give you as much warmth as possible, even with his jacket on, the cold was coming through. Ross chuckled at the sound of your teeth chattering. Something with the chill made you giggly, with the sudden inability to speak, the best you could do was laugh with him. 
Suddenly he had a hand on your chin, lightly directing you to face him. He slightly raised his eyebrows, asking your permission. Instead of answering, you just went for it.
You gently placed a kiss against his lips, and before you could pull away too far, his hand that was still on your jaw pulled you back in, this time with much more ferocity.
One of your favourite movies of all time was The Princess Diaries, though one part that always confused you was the legendary ‘foot pop’, but now, with Ross’ mouth on yours, you finally understood.
Within minutes, he had you pushed up against the wall of the club, his tongue exploring your mouth, while his hands did the same elsewhere. It felt like all the years you’d spent in a game of oscillating cat and mouse had finally led up to this night, the time was now.
You lightened the kiss, then pulled away. “How about I go and get my coat and you order an Uber?”
“Your place or mine?” He asked between kisses to your neck.
“Dealer’s choice.” 
You patted his chest a couple times before he let go of you and you handed him his blazer, and you made your way back inside. It was getting quite late, everyone inside had begun to spiral into one big drunken mess. You quickly grabbed your coat and purse from the small corner you’d hid them in.
You were almost out the door, before you heard a yell of your name.
“Don’t tell me you’re leaving already!” Matty yelled, stringing an arm around your shoulder, mostly to keep himself stable.
“I am, unfortunately some of us have to work tomorrow, Healy!”
He blew a raspberry at your comment before kissing your cheek and bidding you goodbye. You all but ran out the entrance. You were met with the sight of Ross standing on the curb with the door of an unusually sleek looking Uber. You didn’t notice before, but your lipstick was smeared halfway across his face, the sight only made you more endeared.
“Shall we?” He asked, opening the door more to let you climb in.
After a polite introduction to the driver and a confirmation on the address–Ross’ place, which you preferred, you hadn’t quite tidied in a while so your flat wasn’t exactly in the right state for guests–you were off. His hand was placed firmly on your thigh, you swear you could feel electricity through his fingertips. You shuffled closer to him, and again, and again. By the end of the trip, you were practically on his lap and his hand only slid further and further up. You were worked up, to say the least.
He couldn’t open his front door fast enough, scrambling for the keys from his pocket as best he could while he was spending most of his concentration on keeping himself stood upright.
As soon as his door was open, it was shut just as fast, this time with you being held up against the inside of it. You barely had time to panic about it before he was grabbing the backs of your thighs and lifting you so you were face-to-face. You kissed a line from the top of his collar to the bottom of his ear. 
“So do you want me on my knees or you?” You whispered, lightly nipping at his earlobe.
You heard him sigh in response and his grip on your thighs only got tighter. 
“First I think you should have a little less clothes on?” He chuckled.
He dropped you back to your feet and in a flurry of clothes and stumbling between heated kisses, you were soon on his bed, in your underwear–thank God you had the gut instinct to wear your sexy underwear, all matching, black and lacey.
You lounged on Ross’ bed, watching as he hastily took off his shirt and trousers. You could see he was hard through his boxers. The sight of him made you salivate.
Without another thought, his mouth was back on yours and you were once again lost in his touch.
Wet, sloppy kisses were trailed down your neck, and chest, and stomach, and then peppered along the waistband of your underwear. He looked up to your face, cheeky grin on his.
“You don’t have to…” You trailed off. You’d heard the stories of women having amazing, mind-blowing orgasms when a guy would go down on them, but that hadn’t really been the case for you. More often than not, he would just get lacklustre in the middle and you’d get bored and fake it so he could be satisfied. You knew tonight was a special situation, you wanted Ross to just be as happy as possible.
“I already won tonight…” He toyed with your waistband, running the soft lace over his calloused fingertips. “Wanna make you feel like a winner too.”
You matched his smile and nodded. And he just dove right in.
He placed a light kiss to your clit over your underwear, and your body was immediately engulfed in warmth. Before long, he pulled your panties off, down your legs and discarded to some corner of his bedroom. He licked a long, wide strip up your pussy, collecting your arousal in a pool on his tongue. A wave of euphoria hit you as he sucked on your clit. Your hands immediately went to his hair, messing up his hair (that you know took close to an hour to perfect, you were there for the entire process).
You got closer and closer to the edge while he continued a cycle of suckling and licking at your clit, what you did not expect was for him to add 2 fingers into the mix. You let out a choked moan as his fingers got to work, slowly pumping in and out, in and out. You heard a small chuckle from him in reaction. Your muscles felt like they were on fire, you were so close.
“Ross…pl-please…” You got out between whines. “A-almost.”
His tongue was quickly replaced by his thumb and his face was soon by your ear. “Cum, baby…” He whispered.
At that, you did–like your body was somehow set up to answer any request from Ross, not that you were complaining. For at least a couple minutes–it could have been longer, you really had no way of telling–you were practically paralysed, just riding out the high of the orgasm Ross gave you, spurred on by a slew of “good girl”s in your ear.
Once you’d caught your breath and come back down to Earth–all under the watchful eye of Ross laying at your side–you could finally think about what just happened. One of your closest friends–a coworker–just went down on you and gave you one of the strongest orgasms of your life. There was no going back now.
You quickly moved to straddle Ross, and kissed him–taking him by surprise. You could feel his erection against your lower abdomen as you deepened the kiss. Without separating, you undid the clasp of your bra behind your back and took it off, throwing it to the side somewhere–to join the rest of your discarded clothes on the lush, carpeted floor. One of Ross’ hands instantly went to your breast, gently cupping it before circling your nipple. You couldn’t help but let out a small moan that was almost entirely muffled by his mouth on yours.
One of your hands left the side of his neck, trailing over his chest. You had to admit, you always loved his physique, big and strong but not like he tries too hard–not overly toned. Like a bear. Your fingers found his waistband and you could feel a slight grin in his kiss.
“You want this?” You asked, tentatively. You just wanted to make sure.
“Darling, I’ve never wanted something more,” he answered between chaste kisses to your jawline. “Been fantasising about this for…forever.”
That answer was all you needed for a go-ahead. Your hand dipped below his waistband. He was pretty much already completely hard, just a few pumps from you and you knew he was ready.
You both shuffled to get more comfortable, Ross shimmied out of his boxers with you still in his lap. He leaned over to his nightstand, opening the top draw and retrieved a metallic plastic square. Ross was nothing if not prepared. He slipped the condom on and you positioned yourself above him. In a smooth motion, his cock slid inside you. 
You couldn’t lie, he was bigger than you were expecting. More than pain, it just felt like an immense pressure on your pelvic floor. Ross patiently waited as you adjusted to him, listening to your deep breaths for only around half a minute. Once the pressure subsided, you were practically itching to actually fuck him properly.
You started slow, short movements; up and down, up and down, giving your leg muscles a small warm up before the workout of a lifetime. As you started, Ross closed his eyes, sighing in ecstasy. You began to pick up the pace a little, watching as Ross’ face contorted with pleasure.
Within minutes you felt like you were going full-hilt, but it just wasn’t enough. You were whining and whimpering, just on the edge but not getting any closer. Ross got the hint, thrusting up into you and meeting you in the middle of your bounces, this was it.
Ross began to circle your clot with his thumb and it pushed you into your second orgasm of the evening. You were sure his neighbours would complain with how loud you were moaning his name. Ross followed not long after in a slue of “fuck”s and gutteral moans.
You gently rolled off of him, feeling the soft, cotton bedsheets below you, stars clouding your vision. Ross discarded the condom before returning back to you. You readjusted to curl into his side, his skin was cold but covered in a thin layer of sweat–much like yours.
“So…” You started.
He chuckled. “Yeah…”
“Thanks…for that…” You said.
“Are you going home now?” He asked, anxiety in his voice.
“Do you want me to?”
“No! No…stay, please.”
And so you did. You raided Ross’ cupboards with him, looking for any snacks to replenish your spent energy. And you slept soundly cuddled into him–in one of his favourite graphic tees he let you borrow, no less.
You don’t think you’ve ever had a more peaceful sleep in your life.
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throwing-in-the-towel · 3 months
Hi, hello! First of all, thank you very much for answering all of our questions on here, I really appreciate getting to learn more about the show! I live in Ireland and more then likely won't get to see the show (at least in this run) so thanks for telling us as much as you have about it!
Anyways, how many understudy/swing performances have you seen in person, and a slight add on question, did any of them take a different route in how they perform the character compared to their principal performer?
Have a good morning/afternoon/evening :D
i hope you get to see the show eventually! fingers crossed for an international tour in the future!!!
i have seen both ponyboy understudies (josh strobl & trevor wayne), 1 johnny understudy (josh strobl) and 1 dally understudy (wonza johnson)....all were absolutely phenomenal! i feel this is the rare show where the understudies could easily be leads themselves LOL they're that good. i have also seen a few swings for ensemble roles, but the principals are the ones that stick in my memory.
josh as ponyboy was probably my fav out of all the covers i have seen! he definitely takes a slightly different approach from brody, he seems more reserved and quiet in a different way from how brody's ponyboy is "quiet." he definitely played some stuff less emotional though, which was interesting to see! josh is also a great U/S for johnny! that being said, i think his voice is better suited to ponyboy's material. he still was so so so good as johnny, definitely plays it very similar to sky in the sense that they both make the audience feel how johnny feels.
trevor was great as ponyboy too! i preferred josh's over his, but that's not to take away from his performance at all. trevor definitely played it more like a true fourteen year old, suuuupper angsty and really captured the essence of the character imo.
wonza was such a great dally. i had him as dally for my first show after the show officially opened, and he did not disappoint! he nailed the songs and was so emotional in all his line delivery, but his presence did feel slightly less grand than joshua boone's....i think that literally might just be because josh is taller than him LOL
i always say that this is a show that i think people should see with understudies,,,at least once! they are so fantastic and i love seeing people go out of their way to support them when they're on. understudies and swings are the backbones of theater!
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mommopurinn · 7 months
"The red of setting sun", Akira x Shoutarou SS
“I feel like the time has stopped. Like I’ll always be here with you, never ageing.”
“So I don’t mind if this sunset continues forever.”
“I wouldn’t mind it either. It’d be nice if the time has really stopped.”
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Railway crossings with the lowered gates, the backs of tired people, the persimmon trees in someone’s garden were all passing by the train window, basking in the orange light.
I was looking at it standing by the door. Autumn was slowly taking its toll; it made me feel strangely relieved, and I let out a quiet sigh.
Akira-kun was standing right next to the Soshigaya station ticket gate.
His hair was even more ruffled than usual, and he was wearing round glasses, which didn’t suit him at all.
According to his words, all influential mangakas wore glasses, so he felt more motivated when wearing them.
This all meant that he had a deadline coming.
Of course, these glasses were fake and didn’t have lenses in them.
He pulled his hands out of the haramaki and opened them towards me.
“Welcome back, Shou-chan~!”
…But why did he sound like he was on the verge of tears?
When I slowly approached him, he hugged me tightly and started patting my head and shoulders.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“I came to pick you up!”
“Aren’t you busy drawing your manga?”
“I was so worried about you, I couldn’t do anything else…”
“You’re too anxious. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Nothing to be scared about.”
“That’s good to hear.”
But even when Akira-kun finished checking if I was okay, he still looked upset.
If I smile at him, he'll smile back.
With a forced and bitter smile, as radiant as the setting sun.
“Let’s go home together.”
We walked at a distance too small for friends, too big for lovers, but just enough for a family.
Actually, the world has been coloured by the sunset for two days already.
For some reason, the night hadn’t come after the evening yesterday, and, of course, without the night, the morning didn’t come either.
The hands of the clocks struck 12 or 7, but the landscape remained just as it was at sunset.
When I say ‘world’, I mean just the small place where I live. But for everyone else, it only happened in the Setagaya district.
“Can we stop by the greengrocer shop?”
“Sure. What d’you wanna buy?”
“I thought that yesterday’s curry would taste better with eggplants.”
“Shou-chan, you’re a genius.”
I didn’t understand why the sun wasn’t setting or why we were led to think so.
Strange events like this happened quite often and usually resolved by themselves without any explanation.
And that’s why people on the streets seemed to continue living by the clock with the usual expressions on their faces.
It was half past seven.
Hearing the trumpet of the ramen shop made me feel strange.
As if I were dozing off, and everything surrounding me has been a dream.
“I heard that nights when the sun doesn’t set are called white nights. Seems like they happen often near the South Pole.”
We bought a big autumn eggplant and were heading home when I started telling Akira-kun what I learnt today.
“They said so on the radio in the cafeteria where I went for lunch.”
“Nah, no way we’re gettin’ those in Tokyo.”
He hunched over more than usual, his chin dropped, and walked a bit uncomfortably.
He was the only one in the town who seemed to be nervous.
“It’s too creepy that the sun’s not goin’ down…”
“If you leave Setagaya and go to Shinjuku or Machida, the sky will go back to normal. And when you return to Setagaya, it’ll be sunset again.”
“It makes no sense, really~...”
“What if we’re seeing a rare natural occurrence now?”
“No way it’s natural…”
Not holding any worries like Akira-kun, I blinked slowly, looking at the strange sunset.
He became even more anxious, seeing how low my sense of danger was.
“Well, at least it’s not that troublesome that the night doesn’t come. You can just wrap yourself in the futon when sleeping, and the sun won’t bother you. And it feels good to wake up when it’s bright outside.”
“You’re too quick to adapt…”
“Do you really hate it that much?”
“‘Course I do… Night’s good because it’s night; mornin’s good because it’s mornin’.”
“And what’s good about the night?”
“At this season, the bell crickets are creaking. And the moon looks pretty. Yesterday, we couldn’t see it at all because of this sunset.”
“Sunset’s also good, but I don’t wanna miss other beautiful things ‘cause of it.”
“You sound just like a writer today.”
“Mangakas are writers too, y’know?! Our sensitivity is what sells our works!”
After that, Akira-kun scowled at the sunset.
But I still couldn’t see it as anything but dazzling and beautiful.
“Akira-kun, do you ever feel suffocated when looking at the setting sun? Sometimes I get scared by it. …But not today.”
“I finally understood why my chest hurts so much at sunset. The sinking sun and the day ending turn into loneliness, sorrow, and sentimentality, and it makes me feel miserable.”
But now I’m calm.
The never-ending sunset made me feel safe.
“I feel like the time has stopped. Like I’ll always be here with you, never ageing.”
“So I don’t mind if this sunset continues forever.”
“I wouldn’t mind it either. It’d be nice if the time has really stopped.”
“But it’s not like that, right? I still have my deadline tomorrow, and the trains still run on time.”
…He’s right.
I flipped the calendar, and the curry I ate in the morning tasted better than yesterday, having sat overnight.
“It’s boring to see the same scenery every day. I hope everything comes back to normal soon, so I can see different landscapes with you~”
“Even when the night comes and the morning comes after that, we’ll always be together. And, ‘course, even when we become old geezers.”
Akira-kun held my right hand.
His hand was hot after being warmed in the haramaki.
And his smile was soft—not bitter at all.
I thought that his vermilion-coloured cheeks were way more beautiful than the sunset.
Suddenly, the feeling of anxiety overcame me, and I dropped my head.
“...Usually things like this end quickly. Why does this one go on for two days already?”
“Well, maybe the guy who usually deals with all this got into some trouble?”
“That would be bad…”
“Or maybe they’re daydreaming like you just now.
“But they better come to their senses soon and do something about it!”
He raised his eyebrows and showed me a thin and comical smile, fitting for someone playing a supporting role.
I couldn’t help but smile in return.
“How’s your audition today?”
“Thought so. So I bought you a ‘get-better-pudding’.”
“I’m glad. Genuinely.”
“And if it went well, it would be a ‘celebration pudding’.”
“How convenient.”
“I also got a 'request pudding’... Can you help me put on solid colours when we get home…?”
“I’d do that even without the pudding.”
When we got closer to our house, the sun suddenly went down.
First Venus twinkled in the sky, then the bell crickets started creaking.
Curry was even better than in the morning; just as I thought, the sweetness of the roasted eggplant made the taste stand out.
Nothing happened—nothing at all. Just another day went down as usual.
Please, tell me if there are any mistakes or places that sound weird
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