#in the story he appears as a knight in shining armor at an important moment... albeit reluctantly
twiceasmanysunbeams · 2 years
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The world is filled with idealists who believe in truth, justice and all that stuff and devote their lives to fighting for it. And then the world keeps letting them down. For them, Being Good Sucks. But rather than giving up on their goals, they replace their shiny armor with a full plate of pure cynicism. These characters realize they live in a dark, cruel and brutal world and choose to fight not because they believe they will truly make a difference, but because it's the right thing to do. And they hate themselves for it.
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subwaysurf45 · 2 years
The Time of the Prey (5)
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Summary: The younger sister of the most talked about princess in the kingdoms really can’t do much except smile and nod. When Natasha, your sister, finally goes to moves all of you to Shieldshire to marry her beloved Prince Steve you are left with your art, all alone. But one Knight took it upon himself to keep you company, and that company was all you needed to get through wedding season. Will that company last or will it be ripped away from the both of you? A war is starting and it seems targets are being made. 
Pairing: Knight!Bucky x Princess!Reader
Words: 3k
Warning: angst, kidnapping, being tied up, reference to rape (very little though), yelling, swearing
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When your consciousness came back to you it was far too late, the carriage was jostling around and hitting many stones. As a royal you knew this meant you were entering a kingdom with their own gravel grounds that caused the horse to move a little more skittishly. You were far away from a main road; your stomach began to turn. 
One man’s foot was pressed to your back, you laid on your stomach with your corset undone but nothing exposed, you had no idea if anyone had gone too far. You didn’t want them to know you were awake because you wanted to go as uninjured as possible. 
Growing up you had heard many stories about knights in shining armor saving their princesses and marrying them, Princes will save their wives and brothers will save their sisters to bring back to their father. Every story you were taught to sit and wait for someone, a man, to come find you. It may be because you are a little too hard headed, or maybe because you wanted to prove your late father wrong. 
But you were going to get out of there yourself, even if it meant losing an arm or your life in the process. 
When the carriage stopped you moved your head to the side, looking up at the man who had his foot on your back. He smirked at you and moved to get out of the cart, dragging you by your foot out as well. Your head smashed into the ground and caused a moment of spinning, stars appeared in your vision as another man hauled you over his shoulder. 
It seemed no one was around as they walked with you towards descending stairs, not many castles had dungeons these days, torutre and hostages weren’t common. But there was a war beginning now and everyone retreated back to their primary mind, needing to take what they could and keep it for as long as possible. 
When the man went down the stairs he held you over his shoulder, smashing his feet onto the ground so your ribs dug into the bone every step. It was a long staircase, never ending pain in your stomach, you let out a few groans but didn’t want any more attention to yourself, you couldn’t seem weak. 
“Here you go, Princess,” the man who was carrying you threw you onto the ground, causing you to groan in pain. The men were quick to tie you up against a few makeshift poles, the rope burned against your skin. “I’m surprised you haven’t said anything.” 
“The last time I attempted to speak you threatened to slit my throat,” you spoke to one out of three men, “so forgive me for being too quiet.” 
All of them laughed, “I like her,” said one with a bright orange beard. 
“Leave us,” a man with black hair that fell to his waist waved off his accomplices, staring you down in the process. He had many scars on his face, one of them caused his eyelid to be permanently pulled back. 
“You’re the ringleader, huh?” you asked. 
“You bet your ass I am,” he smirked and kneeled down to your level, “you’re the Princess, huh?” 
“I mean, not the important one,” you smiled at him, “I’m dead meat in most people's eyes, something they’d completely look past. My sister on the other hand…” you tried off and looked over to the side. 
“Your sister is a good prize but one that is almost impossible to earn,” the man’s voice was gravely and harsh, “taking her would have caused Sheildshire and South Lands to already be knocking down your drawbridge, and we needed a little more time so we chose you.” 
“I’m just curious because it seems like we’re being open here,” you saw the way he flashed a genuine grin, “why not my mother?” 
He scoffed and looked back to the door, “we’re spies,” he stood and kicked some dirt into your face, “we’re not monsters,” his feet took him to the door, “you’ll learn tomorrow how much we already know.” 
The door closed and you were left in the darkness, the air was still and it smelled of death. From the number of times you had been thrown around you couldn’t tell what that blurry image of white was in the corner, you hoped it wasn’t a skull. 
It was late in the afternoon, you could tell from the sun’s position and the moon already visible in the sky. There was a window with bars running vertically, you could see a small part of the sky but it was enough to know the time of day. 
A chill continuously ran up and down your back, you shook your entire body to try and stay warm but there was no use. There were dying embers in a fire pit, the smallest glow came from the centre, the heat was not not strong enough to get to you. 
The restraints were ropes tied tightly around your wrists and ankles, you were on your knees and got some relief when you rested back on your calves. The ropes were attached to hooks that were attached to wooden pillars, holding you taught. Your arms were slightly behind you and stretched out wide, causing stress to your elbow and shoulders, sitting back on your calves did only little to soothe the pain of ripping muscles. The ropes around your ankles were tied in such a way that made your ankles cross, causing pins and needles to flow up your right foot. 
“Ugh,” you pulled your right arm but only caused the pain to shoot further in your body, you looked over your shoulder to see what the contraption did when you pulled on it, seeing the way the wooden beam slightly moved. You did it again and the rope on the hook moved as well. 
After a few more pulls your limbs were screaming at you so you stopped, looking out the window and seeing the faint moon in the daylight. Maybe James was looking at it as well, you closed your eyes and saw him in front of you, smiling like he did when he came to see you paint. 
Your stomach twisted and your heart felt like it was going to explode at the thought that you might die with him thinking you were still cross with him. The painting was the best thing you had ever done but there’s no point in what you’ve done if you’re not there to make more of it. 
James was probably on his way now, trying to rescue you. That was sweet, and maybe someone else would want a knight in shining armour to help out. 
But you were about to break out of here alone. 
James waited patiently outside the queen-to-be’s door, anxiously gripping the hilt of his dagger with one hand and his sword’s hilt with the other. Though he wore full silver armour now he had yet to put on his black gloves, they got way too hot and made his hands sweat. Through the door he could hear the wallows of Princess Natasha, Lady Melina, and Prince Steve was also in there as well, trying their best to calm her down but nothing worked. 
“Sorry to intrude…” James waited for a moment, thinking a small moment of silence was the best time to knock, “may I enter?” 
“You may,” Lady Melina spoke clearly. 
James opened the door to see Princess Natasha sitting on the edge of her bed, still in her dressing gown as she cried heavily into Prince Steve’s chest, covering most of her face with her hands. 
“As you may know,” James cleared his throat, “the war has begun, we are leaving before nightfall,” his eyes looked at Lady Melina’s, “I take full blame and responsibility for what happened to your daughter.” 
Lady Melina stood and flattened out her dark dress, “she told me that she fancied you,” a smile crept onto both of their faces, though both eyes stayed sad, “she told me other things as well…” 
“When I see her I’ll tell her I failed her,” James gulped, waiting to see her reaction. 
“Son,” Lady Melina reached out and cupped James’ cheek, “this is our life as women, I was a hostage before marrying their father,” she shook her head, “you didn’t fail anyone.” 
“But he did,” a voice came from James’ left, Natasha stood up with tears streaking down her face, “you were supposed to protect her, take care of her, make sure she wasn’t taken!” she screamed, Prince Steve quickly grabbed the Princess’ arms at her elbows, holding her back. 
“She might die if you don’t get her, I don’t understand why you haven’t left now!” she jolted forward and broke out of the Prince’s grasp, “too busy with your preparations and yet you’re still behind-”
“I swear to the Gods the moment she comes back I’ll send her to find a real husband, a real man who will actually make sure she stays safe for the rest of her life,” her finger poked hard on James' armour. He couldn’t feel a thing. “You failed her, and you will always fail her.” 
James placed both hands out in surrender, “you must understand-”
“I understand perfectly!” she screamed, “you are the one who has failed to comprehend the danger you’ve put her in,” more tears gathered into her eyes, the rage and anger not completely taking over the sadness. 
“No,” James said slowly, “you must understand that your sister has been nothing but the second choice her entire life, you must understand that if I don’t get her back she will never know she will always be my first choice,” he paused and looked at Lady Melina, “I have failed her, yes. But you must know in my mind and heart she was always my first choice but it was executed terribly wrong.” then James looked at Natasha, “and I know you hate me, you might always hate me and I understand but never think-” tears welled in his eyes, “never think for a second I would leave her alone in a dungeon, I will go get her, and I will make sure she is safe.” 
“You will never see her,” Natasha spat, “if I learn that you’ve even looked at her I will have your head,” her tone was venomous and quiet. 
“NATASHA!” Lady Melina threw her daughter to the ground, “who do you think you are?” 
James took a step back, “it seems I should go…” 
“You should,” Natasha stood right in front of James, “I hope you have learned duty is the death of love.” 
James bowed in front of Natasha, “and you will soon learn love is the death of duty.” 
Before James could fully leave her room Lady Melina looked at James one more time, “go get my daughter, please.” her hand reached out and grabbed his, squeezing it tightly. 
“I will.” James nodded and left the room quickly, holding back his own tears as he walked to where most men were gathered. 
Men passed James in a blurr, James would nod and simply keep walking. He was not the highest regarded Knight in the kingdom but he was still one to be feared, everyone knew him because of how close he was to the Prince. 
“Ser,” a man had passed him, stopped, then called out his name, “may I ask where you’re going?” James didn’t respond, looking at him confused, “I do not mean to intrude if you have other duties but…the horses are nearly ready, I’d say you’re close to being left behind.” 
James nodded and looked over his shoulder, “I left my bag in my chamber, I will be there soon enough,” James forced a smile as the younger Knight quickly walked away. 
The moment he closed his door he pushed his back against it with force, a hand coming to his mouth to cover the sobs he wanted to let out. He hoped and prayed no one was standing outside of his door, waiting to knock and come in because James knew you can hear almost everything through the cracks in the wood. 
His breaths were short, his hand moving to his neck where the lump resided. In his mind you were there, standing before him with a sad look on your face. The one, of many, things he loved about you was your empathy, you could feel and internalize the feelings coming from another person and in this moment he missed the feeling. 
In his mind you stood in your favourite dress, bare feet, a sad smile. Your hands were reaching out slowly, making sure he knew you were about to touch him. As he wiped away his own tears he imagined you doing for him, “it’s okay,” he whispered to himself, changing his own voice in his head to match yours, “you’re okay.”
When his breathing came back James rolled his shoulders back, standing tall and keeping his chin up. His mind was shutting off, rage and anger were guiding him to his horse. His armour and metal clinked together as his feet pounded against the floor, he pulled on his gloves with a few quick tugs. 
His eyes were dead straight, not looking away for anything or anyone asking him questions. James found his caramel coloured horse, Ryder, and jumped on without hesitation. 
“Ser,” a squire came beside him, “we don’t have your bag-”
“Doesn’t matter,” James grumbled with his eyes forward, “they’ll all be dead by sunrise.” the squire backed away and James whipped his reigns, “Men,” he called, “onward!”
The castle slowly disappeared behind James’ shoulder, his eyes were set forward and his mind had one single thought. 
Bring her home. 
If not for him, then for Lady Melina. 
He knew he didn’t deserve you, not after what he had done. He had kept you locked up in your room, lonely in a kingdom that was not yours. Not to mention James ruining your painting, he could have easily gone to get it himself, but he didn’t want to miss the meeting. He had let the war take over when in reality all he wanted to think about was you, he didn’t remember the last time he spent real time with you; and now he’d have to pay. 
Lady Natasha had real power, though she wasn’t from his kingdom she could still make changes as if she owned it. She had all the power to banish James and make him never see you again, she could send her sister away to anywhere her heart desires, making her far away from James. 
The entire group was in a steady pace, James rode alone on the dirt path while everyone else doubled up. His eyes never budged whenever someone would call his name, he was near the front because of his status but there were men in front of him to answer the questions. James growled at a few men who decided to pull their horses up beside him, after an hour it was known that James wanted nothing to do with these men; just you. 
James wanted to be there by nightfall but that was next to impossible, though he thought he could make it there if his horse was full sprint the entire time but he knew that wasn’t fair to the horse so he stuck with the trotting group. The deeper into the forest the harder it was to tell the time. There were sections where the high trees completely covered the sky, leaving a very dark path in front of them. Men much smarter than James would know when to stop, they would be able to tell the time with the smallest crack of sun shining through the leaves. 
On the forefront of his mind was you. 
Your smile and your laugh, the way you hugged him. James could almost feel your head against his chest, the way you nuzzled into him after a few seconds, almost letting him know your guard was down and he could also relax like you. As much as he wanted to save you and bring you home he knew the inevitable was waiting for him, he could run away with you but that would look like the same situation you were in now: a man taking you away. But James wasn’t just a man to you, he could tell from the way you looked at him you fancied him, the only way he knew was because you looked at him the same way he looked at you. 
“We’re stopping here!” a man called from the front of the line, “no tents, we’re up early tomorrow, find a tree or a stump and make sure your horse doesn’t run away,” everyone shouted back a verbal confirmation. 
James slightly pulled off to the side, not getting in anyone's way. “Here we go Ryder,” James groaned as he dismounted off the horse, “let me get you some food,” he always had a habit of talking to Ryder, he’d grown up with the war horse. 
“Can I get three apples?” James asked the man with all the food. 
“Three?” he sighed, “you don’t need three.” 
“For my horse,” James crossed his arm, “two are for my horse.” 
“Two and a half is all you’re getting, Ser,” the man split one apple down the middle and passed them to James. Other men grabbed their food and headed back to their spot, James found Ryder again and fed him the apples, leaving the half to himself. 
His back slid against the tree, using his pocket knife to cut up slices for himself while he tried to make himself comfortable. Through the tall trees there was a pocket of sky, it was deep in the night. A chill ran down his spine, causing him to snag the blanket off the pack on his horse. His eyes made their way to the sky again, finding one star visible in the small crack. 
It twinkled and winked at him, the way your eyes do. A smile graced his lips as winked back, it was almost like looking into one of your eyes. 
Taglist: tag list: @maybeimart @imtherain @jackiehollanderr @redneckstrash @tylard-blog1 @readingbooksanddrinkingtea-blog​ @linzc-reader @honeybunchesofbucky​ @sky0405 @striving4averagegirl @seybox @yaszx@happyt0exist @honeybunchesofbucky@munsonette @searchf0rtheskyline @ayafay@emi11ie@prettywhenicry4 @theluvcafe @whatsmylaneagain @sparkletash@learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @namelesssav @daydreaminglightly @desertfern @wbyss @crazy4sebchris​ @death-sonata​
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dreatine · 3 years
Title: Naked Rescue
Author: dreatine
Rating: NC-17
Pairing : Spencer/Fem Reader
Disclaimer: I own nada…
@cmbingo Square Fulfilled : S13
Summary: Luke and Penelope believe something happened to the Reader, just not what they expected.
Notes: This is my first Reader insert story. Hopefully, I was able to put the inserts in properly. And a decade, I think of writing anything resembling smut.
Word Count: 500+ ( I stopped handcounting after 500)
“ Spencer?”
"Yes, Y/N?" he replied, his nose in a book.
There was a strong chance that a new case might pop up soon and Y/N and Spencer were spending their free time catching up on some leisurely reasing before the inevitable call to work would come.
She stood and stretched. "Let's take a book break." she raised her arms over her head. "I feel like a pretzel."
Spencer looked up, a sly smile appearing on his face. He silently watched her stretch, admiring the way her body moved. Sleek and sensual, she was as graceful as a panther and as aggressive as one too.'Especially in bed' he mused, his body warming up. An idea formed into his head and he smiled rakishly.
Standing up, he crossed to her, wrapping his strong arms around her waist. She jumped a bit, surprised
but elated. "Spencer?" she asked softly, leaning into his embrace.
"Sshh..." he muttered, nuzzling her neck. His experienced tongue darted out licking the silky flesh.
He gently nibbled her neck, his teeth grazing over her pulse. "I thought you wanted to take a break."
She nodded wordlessly, his machinations making her unable her to speak. She could feel him smiling against her skin as he continued his tender assault. She tilted her head back allowing him even better access to her.
"Shall we take this into the bedroom?" he asked enticingly, blowing into her ear for emphasis.
"Yes." she whispered huskily, her mind and body lost in his ecstasy.
Wordlessly, he scooped her up into his strong arms pulling her close to his body. She wrapped her arms
around his neck, loving the feel of being in his arms.Every time he did this, she always felt like a fairy
princess and he, her knight in shining armor.
As she leaned in to plant a kiss on him, the phone rang. "RRRRRRRRRRRRIIINNNNNNGGG!!!!!!!!!"
The ringing startled them both causing her arms to tighten even more as Spencer almost dropped
her."Ignore it." he replied, heading for the room.
"It might be important."
"More important than this?" he uttered before kissing her passionately but briefly. Releasing her, he arched
his eyebrow. "Well?"
Breathlessly, she said. "Normally no but...."
"It might be a case." he sighed dramatically.
She nodded as he carried them back to the sofa. Plopping down, he cradled her in his lap as she
reached over to pickup her phone. "Hello?" she answered as he began to kiss her neck.
Covering the phone, she hissed. "Spencer."
"Hmm?" he mumbled as he placed wet kisses along her neck and all the way down to her collarbone.
Sighing helplessly, she asked. "Hello?"
"Luke? What's up?"
"We need help with some paperwork."
"Hmmm?" she said distractedly as Spencer began to unbutton her blouse. Halfway undone, he reached in and
unclasped her bra, pulling the material away from her silky skin. He captured one of her nipples between his
thumb and forefinger rolling it gently while placing his kisses farther down her neck.
She closed her eyes, allowing herself the briefest moment to lose herself in the exquisite torture he was
"Y/N? Hello? !" Luke asked. "Are you there?"
Luke screamed into the phone."What's wrong?"
While Spencer's hand was busing itself with her upper body, the other was exploring her lower body. His experienced hand slid under her skirt, running up her firm thigh to the edge of her underwear. He moved his long fingers closer to her moist heat, the tips of his fingers teasing her gently. She shifted forward trying to force him to press harder but he resisted.
She moaned." No..don't.."
"Y/N!" Luke yelled."What's happening?"
Reid whispered laschivously into her ear."What's wrong, love?"
She turned and gave him a reproachful look. A look that promised retribution later. Spencer just smiled
wickedly at her frustration. She leaned back more against him, the receiver cradling her ear. She turned her head and lightly nipped his earlobe.
"Ohh.." Spencer groaned, loud enough for Luke to hear.
"What the hell was that?" Luke shouted. "Y/N!! Who's there?"
Penelope, standing next to Luke, tugged on his sleeve. "What's going on? What's up with Y/N?"
Luke turned to face her."I don't know. I just keep hearing moaning."
"Moaning?" Penelope asked confused. "Is she hurt?"
"I don't know." Luke continued. "Y/N?"
She smiled shyly at spencer's reaction. It served him right for teasing her like that."Like that?" she squirmed on his lap, feeling his burgeoning erection against her. "Oh, you did."
Reid looked at her and saw her smug smile. 'I'll show you, love.' he thought right before he moved his fingers under the elastic of her underwear and plunged two of his fingers into her welcoming heat.
"AAAHH!" she screamed right before she dropped the receiver on the ground.
Both Luke and Penelope heard her screams."Y/N!! "they yelled at once.
She grabbed Spencer's head and kissed him ferociously. She dug her fingers into his hair, scratching and pulling at the scalp. He opened his mouth and she darted her tongue in, tangling it fiercely with his own. Soon, they battled, tongue and teeth, trying to dominate. So caught up in their kiss they forgot all about the phone call and lost themselves in their shared passion.
"Y/N!!!" They screamed again, fear creeping up at her inability to answer them. "Y/N!"
Hearing nothing but faint groans and moans, they hung up the phone and left.
"We have to do something." Luke yelled frantically. He pointed at Penelope. "You're the tech queen, do something!"
"From here?" Penelope shouted back." I am not Bewitched here. I can't just 'poof' and hightail it to someone's home."
He nodded his assent. "I know. But, we have to do something." he snapped his fingers. " Trace her phone."
"Good idea." Penelope replied determinedly. "Emily won't mind. We're going to save Y/N from whoever or whatever is attacking her."
"Right." Luke said as he led them down the street."By the way, where is Reid? Those two are connected to the hip."
"He's probably not with her" she explained. "Besides, do you think Boy Genius would just stand there and let Y/N be attacked?"
He nodded. "You're right. Cell block Reid would come out and play if he saw Y/N in trouble."
"Yes, he would." Garcia said. "Now, quit talking we need to save Y/N."
The calvary was on its way!
15 minutes later at Y/N's apartment....
Penelope and Luke ran up the last flight of stairs, huffing and puffing.
"Wait." Garcia coughed." I need to catch my breath."
"Damn, Y/N's apartmet has some steep steps." Luke said as he raced to Y/n's door. They could hear some faint sounds, ones of an animalistic quality.
"Open the door!"
"It's locked." Luke said as he tugged on it. An idea popped into his head and he ran away from the door.
Penelope looked at him strangely. "What are.." she started to ask as he launched herself at the door. "..you doing?"
Luke, leapt into the air, his right leg extended straight out in front. It connected solidly with the oak door, his strength almost ripping the hinges off the door. The door slammed open, banging against the apartment wall.
"What the hell?" Y/n exclaimed, popping up from behind the couch when she heard the door open.
Luke quickly rushed in screaming. "Y/n, we're..." he stopped when he saw her naked form peek out from the back of the couch."..here.." ‘Damn, Y/N’s gorgeous’
"Sweet Pea, are you.." Penelope asked, stopping dead in her tracks as soon as she saw Y/n." ...all right?"
"Yes." she replied angrily. "What the hell are youguys doing here?" She wrapped her arms around herself in an effort to cover up. as she saw Luke staring at her. She glared at the two intruders pointedly, waiting for them to saysomething. "Answer me, you two."
"Well, we're here to rescue you." Penelope offered in explanation.
"Rescue? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." Y/N shouted.
"It certainly is." a voice under Y/N said. He grasped her hips and lifted her off of him and set her
down on the couch. Forgetting his nakedness, Reid stood up and faced them. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Well..."Luke said openmouthed. He couldn't help looking at Reid naked. 'Damn, he's
"We're rescuing you." Penelope pointed at Y/N."from the tall, dark and naked man."
Reid finally realized he'd stood up naked and quickly retrieved a pillow from the floor, where they had hurriedly tossed them to the ground minutes before. He'd been so angry at the intruders for interrupting his alone time with his girl. Between their jobs, they rarely had time to be alone together. And so they took as much advantage as they could.
Now, it was ruined.
Reid eyed them darkly, a glint in his eye. Both intruders swallowed at Spencer's sneer and unconsciously moved back a few paces.
" Garcia, Alvez." he turned to Luke, who was still staring at him.. "Luke?"
He shook his head. "Sorry. I was just...wow."
"Luke stop looking at Y/N." Reid said, as Y/N replied."Luke, stop looking at Spencer."
Penelope smiled sheepishly at Luke. They were still in awe, first at seeing them together in a more than
friend kind of way and second, naked. Not that the thought hadn't crossed either of their minds, a fact
they would never admit but to see first hand Spencer and Y/N like this still shocked them to their core.
"Okay, no more looking." Luke offered.
"But," he continued. "We want to know. Why are you two..together?" he gestured with his hand.
"Yeah. And for how long?" Penelope piped up.
Reid looked at Y/n and a silent communication passed between them. They had been dating secretly for
months, but had opted not to say anything. They knew that the two of them as a couple might not go over so
well. Case in point.
"Well..." Y/n started as Spencer grabbed her hand for support. "A few months ago."
"Few months?" Luke and Penelope exclaimed at the same time.
She nodded as Spencer continued. "Yes. I won't go into specifics of how we came together because it's none of your business. " he said pointedly at them. "But, it's been the happiest months of my life." he grinned happily at Y/N.
"Mine too." she kissed his hand.
"Okay. Enough lovey-dovey." Penelope motioned to their joined hands. "But, why didn't you tell us right
Spencer shrugged. "We just wanted something that's just for us. Not for the entire team to know."
Y/N nodded. " You know, how everyone wants to know everyone elses personal lives 24/7." she answered, staring pointedly at Penelope.
"Hey!" Garcia sputtered, as Luke pulled her arm.
"Well, we should be going " Luke replied as he dragged Garcia halfway out the door. "I'm still slightly surprised seeing you guys naked right now." Reid and Y/n realized they were still naked and scrunched behind the couch. "Besides, one ofus.."he gestured to Garcia." has to be the mature one."
"But.." Garcia yelped. "they're..naked.."
Luke wrapped an arm around Penelope. "Yes, I see. Now, we'll leave them alone. "he waved to the two of them. "Bye, guys."
She closed the door behind her as she went out, Spencer and reader could hear the two outside bickering.
Y/n turned to Spencer who looked just as stupified as she. "Well, they took it well."
Spencer nodded in agreement. "I think Penelope was more shocked at us being naked than us being together." he pulled her into his lap and began to nuzzle her neck. "Besides, who cares? They're gone, aren't they?"he kissed his way to her mouth. "Now, where were we?"
the End
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tothemeadow · 3 years
Ok, it wasn't me who requested but I would like to know if you are still willing to do a scenario where the reader is helping Douma to take a bath 👀 ((feel free to ignore it))
I can’t find the original post so I can’t remember how I wrote it before, so here we goooooo
‘into the water’ / Douma x Reader
warnings: kinda lewd?
words: 1,314
(a/n): I haven’t written for Douma in a while so hopefully this isn’t too rusty >.>
Sweet. Fresh. Overpowering.
It almost hangs in a cloudy haze, the warmth radiating from the water beckoning you closer; you almost feel delirious, drifting through a luxurious cloud, having just the slightest taste of what the wealthy experience. There’s a slight murmur in the room as servants draw the bath, light sticks of incense, set of the fluffiest towels you’ve ever seen.
You, however, busy yourself with scrubbing your hands raw. Amongst the numerous followers of the Eternal Paradise, you’re the one who gets to lay your hands on the lord. It’s a blessing in itself, really; you’ve heard of stories of others having their hands chopped off for touching the lord without permission. Whether they’re true or not, you don’t know, but the sheer power you’ve been granted is astronomical. You can clearly see it in the others’ eyes, the lingering jealousy that they’re not permitted to touch such a perfect specimen.
The chamber is its own separate world, set in the eastern wing on the manor. Since the stars rise from the east, so shall the Eternal Paradise’s lord. You can’t argue against that logic, especially not when you’ve seen Douma with your own two eyes. A deep, fountain-like bath sits in the middle of room, rimmed by marble and a smooth stone floor. The stone is cool to the touch, bare feet slapping quietly as the servants scurry around, finishing up the preparations. An iron wrought hanger dangles from the ceiling, fat, waxy candles tucked away in the pits, casting a brilliant golden sheen over the room.
The very aura emanating from the room itself is romantic – it reminds you of the scandalous novels your mother had tucked away, the ones your curious eyes have read at a young age. It feels like a lavender-scented dream; you, the awaiting liege, waiting for your knight in shining armor to arrive.
And, as if on cue, the servants fall into a unanimous silence as the heavy wooden doors swing open. Your breath catches in your throat as your eyes land on Douma; standing tall, he appears absolutely regal. Unmarred skin wrapped in a simple white robe, a tantalizing shoulder and sharp collar bone exposed by the fallen silk, it’s just so… perfect. Perhaps it’s the angle of his jaw, the brilliance of his irises, the soft, tussled hair draping down his back…
It’s ridiculous how gorgeous he is. How a simple human can appear so godly is beyond you, yet you’re compelled to throw yourself at his feet and kiss them silly.
He almost seems to drift through the air as he crosses to the bath. All eyes follow his every movement, stuck to his perfect physique and otherworldly features. With a single flick of the wrist, everyone bows before taking their departure, leaving only you and him behind.
“Do you mind giving me a hand, child?” Douma speaks, his voice bouncing off the chamber’s walls. Willing your legs to move, you walk over to where he stands. He towers over you, ivory skin even better up close, the natural musk of his scent instantly flooding your nostrils. You gingerly reach out to him, slipping the knot of his robe loose and pulling it down his defined arms. Your face feels unbelievably warm under the weight of his gaze. You dare not let your eyes drift down the length of his torso – especially not that precious place between his strong legs (though you’re dying to know if he’s as beautiful as you’ve painted in your mind).
The sound of rippling water fills the chamber as he steps into the bath and eases down into the beckoning warmth. Only the top of his chest onwards sticks out, his reflection bobbing with the water’s ripples. You unceremoniously drop to your knees, desperate to run your fingers through his hair, to trace invisible shapes into the expanse of exposed flesh.
“You’re hesitating,” he says, a teasing lilt to his words.
Quickly, you snap away from your reverie. “My apologies, my lord,” you mutter. To the side of the bath sits a sturdy wooden tray, lined with bottles of oils and imported soaps. Snatching up a mug, you dunk it into the warm water and carefully pour its contents over Douma’s head. “Is the water to your liking?”
Douma hums.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, then, with you continuing to dampen his hair. It’s only when you’ve began to cleanse it with soap that he finally releases a sound – a deep, rumbling groan, the kind people only let out when they’re fully relaxed. For a moment, you hesitate, your heart thundering in your chest. Perhaps you enjoyed that little noise a bit too much.
“What are you doing?” Douma drawls, head pushing itself back into your touch. “Keep going.”
Doing as told, you work the soap in his hair into a lather, massaging his scalp all the while. Precious noises continue to spill from your lord’s lips, mixing with the lavender haze clogging the chamber. It can’t feel that good, could it? Still, you want to commit these sounds to memory, let them visit you in the late hours of the night when you can’t sleep.
It’s almost with great pain that you rinse the soap away from his hair, dragging your fingers through the long strands as you do. An abrupt moan bursts from Douma’s throat as your fingers get caught, accidentally tugging on the hair in question – again, you pause, the heat swirling in your lower abdomen making itself more and more present.
Nearly tearing your hands away, you tell yourself to get a grip. Now is not the time to be getting carried away by such silly things, even if you can’t deny the fact that you’re horribly attracted to your lord. This time, as you reach for the tray, you pick up a simple washcloth. Dipping it into the water, you watch as Douma turns to you, his eyes flicking from your hands to your flustered expression. “You should come in here with me,” he says, completely catching you by surprise.
Practically choking on your own shock, your grip on the washcloth loosens. Again, it dips below the surface before bobbing off. “My lord,” you frantically say, trying to get a grasp on reality, “I don’t understand-“ You’re then cut off by a slight whimper as Douma suddenly grabs you by the wrist, a mischievous glint in his otherworldly eyes.
“Join me.”
It’s as though your voice has completely left you at this point. Taking your silence as a yes, Douma pulls you into the bath with him, cradling your body as he eases you into the water. Immediately, your yukata is soaked as the water’s warmth permeates your being.
“That wasn’t so bad, now, was it?” Douma continues, his voice dropping to an even lower pitch. With his mouth right up against your ear, you shiver. An amused huff fans over the side of your face. “Though I do believe I ruined your clothes. Allow me-“ long fingers begin to tug your attire loose, “-to take them off.” A pleased hum meets your ears as you remain completely still, your eyelashes fluttering in disbelief. Never in a million years you would’ve thought something like this would happen to you. Still, his hands feel nice as they skim over your now exposed skin, tapping away one-by-one at your ribs. “That’s better…”
“Douma-sama,” you murmur. Your breath catches in your throat as his lips land on your neck, gently peppering the skin with delicate kisses. “My lord… wait, wait… let me finish washing you-“
“In time, child,” he says, a giggle following his words. The water laps at the side of the bath as he shifts away from his spot, slinking in between your legs instead. “But for now… Let me warm up my meat before I eat it.”
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saeyoungchoismaid · 4 years
His Angel
Pairing: Mammon x gn!reader Genre: zombie apocalypse au, fluff, angst Warnings: oH bOi. Mention of zombie blood?, shooting the undead, and hm I feel like I’m forgetting something...oh yeah! ✨Character death✨ Summary: Mammon's birthday started out bad, then became one of the best birthdays he’s ever had, before going to the worst one ever Word Count: 4.3k (aka the longest fic I’ve ever done on this account...I think) A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMMON!! Big huge giant thanks to @tooruluv​ for helping me come up with this plot!! A/N at the end. Lmao y’all are going to ✨hate me✨
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You look down from your post on the wall to a certain white-haired male that you’ve been staring on and off at the entire time you’ve been on duty. You can’t help it though. He’s been acting strange all day and something just isn’t settling right with you. 
“You might as well go check on him if you’re going to continue to be useless.” You look away from the quiet man to your partner for this shift, a pout coming to your lips. 
“Check on who? I’m not useless,” you defend quickly. Maybe a little too quickly. He snorts a bit, keeping his gaze on the trees surrounding your camp. 
“Yeah, right,” Lucifer responds sarcastically. “Just go before I get annoyed,” he says and lightly shoves at your shoulder. You scoff and go to argue when you realize there’s no point. He is right, after all. 
Not that you would tell him that. 
“I’m going to go get some grub. Want any?” you reply as you start to crawl down the ladder towards the ground. You see him shake his head, not even sparing you a glance. You always wondered what he was like before all of this happened. 
You skip the last two steps and jump onto the ground, your hand resting against the gun in your holster out of habit as you walk towards the fire. “Mind if I sit here?” you ask Mammon, already taking your seat beside him before he can answer. He spares you a glance before looking back to the fire that is starting to slowly die. 
“Go for it, angel.” Ever since that day at the barn when you first met, he always calls you that. 
“You should probably add more wood to that,” you advise, looking away from the crackling fire to his face. The fire made his bronze skin glow with golden hues. Bronze? Is that the right color to describe his perfect skin? How does he even keep it like that? He barely has any dirt or marks on his flawless face. 
“It can go out. I don’t care,” he replies gruffly. That pulls you from your thoughts to focus back on him, and not just his handsome face. 
“Would you like to share what’s got you in such a foul mood? You’ve been really quiet all day,” you say softly. When he doesn’t immediately reply, you decide to add on, “I missed your lame jokes and cheesy pick-up lines. Where’s my Mammon at?” You think for a moment you see a blush but then you realize it’s probably just from him sitting so close to the fire. 
“It’s my birthday today,” he breathes out, sullen eyes still staring the fire down. Your own eyes widen at that. 
“What? Really? Why didn’t you tell anyone?” you ask exasperatedly. You’re surprised that he didn’t go blabbing on about it the past week. He doesn’t seem like the type who wouldn’t want to celebrate. 
“It didn’t seem important. I mean, what with the trying to survive thing and all,” he grumbles out, picking up a stick to poke at the fire. You frown at this, slowly scooching closer to him on the log. 
“Of course it’s important. Things like birthdays should always be celebrated, especially now. They give people hope,” you reply softly, bringing your hand to soothingly rub at his back. He tenses at first before slowly relaxing against your touch. 
“I didn’t think of it like that,” he admits as he finally turns to face you. You smile brightly at him and watch as a small smile comes to his face. “Thanks. I feel better now. I’ve survived almost a whole year of this madness. I should be celebrating,” he agrees with a nod of his head. 
You hum and nod your head right back at him, feeling your own smile grow. “Exactly!” You remove your hand from his back and then look to the fire, a random flashback coming to mind. “Do you remember how we met?” you ask in a quiet voice. You hear him hum and go back to poking at the fire. 
“How could I forget?” he half-jokes, a hushed laugh escaping him. 
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Mammon is barely getting air into his lungs with how fast and long he’s been running. Where did the herd even come from? Okay, so maybe, just maybe, he dozed off for a bit but that’s not a crime! He was exhausted! 
It was clearly a mistake though. 
He almost runs into a tree when he hears a scream nearby. He looks to his side and finds that someone has been caught by a faster part of the herd. He debates on what to do, knowing he should just run. His group will be worried about him. 
Just go. Don’t look back. 
And that’s when you decide to make eye contact with him and he knows then that he has to help you. He’d be consumed with guilt if he just ran like a coward and left you to fend for yourself. 
He hashes and slashes through zombies to reach you, cutting one zombie’s arm clean off when it reaches out for you. As soon as he has the ones closest to you down, he grabs your arm and takes off once again. He can tell you’re barely keeping up but he can’t slow down, not with how close the herd is. 
All too soon though, you two are losing stamina and are getting cramps. And almost as if God is real, which Mammon knows by now he’s not, a building appears in the distance. “Just a little further!” he wheezes out, practically dragging you to it. Upon getting closer, he discovers that it’s a barn. 
That’ll work. 
He lets go of your hand and grabs the barn door, quickly sliding it open. “In, in!” he swiftly ushers, sliding the door behind the two of you. You two climb the ladder to the top of the barn after checking out the bottom, confirming that there was no one, dead or alive. The second story of the barn is the same way. 
Once you both find this out, you collapse onto a pile of hay on the second story. You make sure to remain quiet when you hear the grunts and groans of zombies shuffling by the barn. “Wow, we make a great team,” the stranger says softly with a small smile, bringing Mammon’s eyes to you. He stares a little longer than he should but he’s just now noticing how attractive you are. 
Maybe God is real?
“What’s your name?” he whispers. Your eyes move to his, your brow raising a bit. 
“You first,” you reply just as quietly. Ah, so you’re the suspicious type. 
“The name’s Mammon but you can call me your knight in shining armor,” he jokes softly, sending you a wink. He smiles when he sees you snort in response and your body relaxes a bit. Good, you’re not as on edge anymore. Man, he is good. 
“Wow, I didn’t think a sense of humor could live through this,” you reply just as playfully. He chuckles in response and brings his gaze out the second-story window of the barn. 
“Oh, no, no. My humor is my only good trait. Well, that and my sarcasm. And my jokes. And my puns. And my pick-up lines. Oh, and can’t forget my good looks. Also-” he stops when he hears you laugh quietly beside him, his eyes moving back to you. 
And he’s never been happier that he’s still alive than at this moment. 
The setting sun has rays of yellow and red shining into the barn, making your skin glow. You have pieces of hay sticking out of your hair and poking through the holes in your clothes. You have dirt and, what he’s assuming is, zombie blood all over you. 
He’s never seen anyone more beautiful though. 
“I see you’re very humble too,” you tease, bringing him back to reality. What did he say? He can’t remember. 
“Oh, but of course,” he replies, playing along and just adding to the joke since he literally can’t remember what he said. You hum and go up on your elbow, facing him as you stick out a hand to him. 
“(Y/n),” you say softly, your eyes suddenly leaving his to stare off somewhere else. He beams brighter than the setting sun as he gently clasps your hand in his and shakes it.
“Sorry, I think you’re mispronouncing your name,” he replies, feigning concern. 
“It’s pronounced ‘angel’,” he explains, smirking as he sends you another wink. You snort and start laughing as you lightly hit his chest. 
“God, could you be any worse?” you joke, laying back on your back once more. You two laugh a little longer and it almost feels like a dream to Mammon. He hasn’t genuinely laughed in months. 
You two talk until early morning, falling asleep mid-conversation. When you both awake in the morning, you’re pressed into Mammon’s chest, his arm draped over your hip, and your legs tangled together. You two get flustered and move away from each other but he decides then to invite you to join his group, to which you agreed. 
Maybe you really are an angel. You might even be his guardian angel. 
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“It seems like a lifetime ago,” he whispers, fondly remembering your first encounter. You hum and place your head onto his shoulder. 
“Yeah, yeah it does,” you whisper back. You two fall into a comfortable silence after that, his head eventually falling on top of yours. You two remain like that for a while, long enough for the fire to die, before you slowly pull back. 
“I’ll be right back,” you whisper, noticing that some people were heading to bed. He looks up at you and you could swear at that moment he looked nothing more than a needy kid who just wanted to stay by your side. 
“Okay,” he mumbles, trying not to pout but failing miserably. You flash him a smile before quickly walking away from him and the fire pit. Within minutes, you’re back with a shining smile and something in your hands. 
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mammon, happy birthday to you,” you sing softly as you retake your seat beside him. His eyes move from yours to the candle in your hands. He then starts cracking up when he sees that the candle is stuck inside a can of ravioli. 
His heart grows a size as he watches you sing to him, his chest feeling warm and fuzzy. “Make a wish,” you whisper when you’re done singing. He stares into your eyes for a moment, incredibly happy that he decided to relight the fire while you were gone. You almost look the way you did in the hay with the setting sun on you. 
But now, you have a glowing candle in a can of ravioli for him with fireflies glowing behind you. The ‘L’ word suddenly pops into his mind but he makes sure to keep his mouth sealed shut. 
He thinks about what he wants to wish for, wanting it to be meaningful instead of something stupid he would normally wish for on his previous birthdays. 
“I wish-”
“No! You can’t say it out loud or it won’t come true!” you quickly interrupt, being a tad bit louder than you needed to be. Your voice draws the attention of the group, their annoyed, agitated, or curious looks diminishing when they see the scene in front of them. He laughs at your words, quickly covering his mouth. 
You’re just so cute. You’ll kill him before any zombies do. 
“Okay, angel, okay,” he relents, bringing his gaze back to the candle. You watch him make his wish, assuming he wishes for there to be a cure or to live for another year to see his next birthday. 
He doesn’t though. 
He wishes for you to live and prosper, to stay alive and see the end of the apocalypse or at least die of old age. He wishes for you to return his feelings so he can finally kiss you and hold you in his arms. He wishes he would’ve met you under different circumstances. Like you bumping into him in a coffee shop and making him spill coffee all over himself, or at school where he works up the nerve to ask you to prom. 
Anything but the nightmare you two live. 
You make this nightmare bearable though. 
He doesn’t know what he’d do if you weren’t by his side and looking out for him. 
He smiles at his wish and then blows at the candle, opening his eyes again when you softly cheer. He watches you take the candle out but before you can hand him the can, the sound of a revving car brings his attention away from you. 
He turns his head to Lucifer on the wall, watching his body grow tense as he raises his gun. He starts firing at whatever, or whoever, it is. The rest of the camp instantly grabs and loads their guns, ready to fight. You two just stand from the log when a car forces its way through the wall, leaving a gaping hole behind. It didn’t take you long to see who is inside of the car. Valerius and his gang. They like to call themselves The Red Beetles. Why? None of you have the slightest idea. It’d pretty dumb in your opinion and you’ve made your point of view very obvious to them. 
“Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in,” your enemy announces, referring to himself. You roll your eyes, your gun still very much pointed at him. Diavolo, as your leader, doesn’t allow you to kill another human being—one that’s alive, that is—unless they attack first. Valerius may have just broken the wall but he has not made a serious threat to your lives yet. 
When you all remain silent and just continue to stare at him, Valerius sighs and rolls his eyes. “Well, you’re no fun. Have it your way.” He didn’t even try stalling or making any more small talk; he just slams on his horn as he reverses out of the hole in the wall he created. 
This is when it dawns on all of you. 
“He’s bringing Rotters here!”
“We have to leave before Biters get in!”
Everyone started shouting while grabbing their go bags, running towards the gates you normally keep locked up tight. 
It didn’t matter though. 
The zombies already have you surrounded and were filtering in through the hole. “Get to the ladder and get on top of the wall!” Diavolo orders. You all clamber to the two ladders you have, one of them being dangerously close to the hole. There’s thirteen of you, so you all knew it’d be faster if some of you went to the ladder closer to the zombies. 
You quickly grab Luke’s hand, starting to drag him towards the horde. “(Y/n)! What are you doing? You’re going to get us killed! I don’t want to die!” Luke shouts at you. He knows better than to struggle to get away, knowing it would waste time and that you have a plan. You didn’t have to look at him to know he’s crying.
He sees you as his parent after all, other than Simeon, of course. He trusts you with his life. 
You shoot at the zombies closest to the ladder, getting them all in the middle of the foreheads. “Climb!” you shout as you shove him towards the ladder. You didn’t mean to be so rough but you don’t have time to be gentle or worry about it. The others who decided to go to this ladder let him go before them, knowing it’d be wrong and selfish to climb the ladder before a kid who barely knows how to shoot. 
The bunch of you at the base keep shooting at the zombies, each of you slowly moving away to climb the ladder. You being you, you let the others go before you. You’ve never been the one to be selfish. How could you be when these people brought you into their group without even knowing you? They’re your family and if need be, you’ll die protecting them. 
“(Y/n)! Come on!” you hear a familiar voice scream, instantly recognizing it as Mammon’s voice. It came from above you, meaning he’s already on top of the wall. You glance over at Diavolo who is still on the ground with you. 
“Go! They need their leader!” you shout at him, starting to back up towards the ladder. He brings his panicked eyes to you and gives you a quick nod before running to the ladder. You cover him from the ground, seeing zombies fall that you didn’t shoot. Good, the guys on the wall are helping out. 
It seemed to be doing nothing though. There are just so many of them and you all only have so many bullets. 
“(Y/n)! He’s halfway up! C’mon already!” Mammon screams. By the volume of his voice, you can tell he’s scared, terrified even. You curse when you run out of bullets, shoving your gun back into your holster. You then run back to the ladder, climbing it faster than you ever have before. 
Fire suddenly comes from your ankles, making you cry out in pain. You look down to see zombies have swarmed around the ladder, their hands reaching up to scratch at your legs. You kick their hands away, bringing your hands up to the next step before hauling yourself up and away from them. 
You pant as you climb, adrenaline making your limb shake. You feel the ladder shake, looking down again to see that they’re all bumping against it, ramming their bodies into it and getting their limbs stuck between the steps with how many of them there are. You quicken your pace, ignoring the ache in your ankles where they scratched you. 
“Hurry up, angel! You’re almost there!” Mammon screeches, holding out a hand to help you up. Your reach for his hand, finding that his hand is shaking just as much as yours. 
His hand is suddenly getting farther and farther away, wind billowing through your clothes. You see his mouth open but you don’t hear anything. Your back makes a loud crack as you land on the hard ground, making a scream rip from your throat. You can’t move as they all start to move away from the bottom of the ladder and towards where you landed, attention all on you now. 
All you hear for a moment is ringing before it clears and you hear Mammon’s voice screaming at the top of his lungs. “No! Stop! Over here! Look! Come this way! Please!” You move your head to see blurry figures shuffling towards you. You blink a couple of times and then bring your eyes to the screaming voices, watching as tears roll down Mammon’s face as he tries to break free from Lucifer’s and Diavolo’s grasp to jump down the wall. Apparently, the zombies took down the other ladder too.
All you can do is smile at him despite your situation. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened to you. You’re just glad it was you and not someone else. 
“I love you,” you try to say but it comes out as a whisper. You think he read your lips though because he’s suddenly collapsing to his knees atop of the wall, his whole body shaking. 
“Please get up! Run!” he shrieks. Your form is blurred by the tears but he’s grateful that he can’t watch clearly as zombies swarm you and start to claw and bite at your flesh. He can, however, hear your agonizing, excruciating screams that rattle his very bones. 
He’ll never be able to forget that sound. 
He’ll never forget the way you looked as you lied there staring up at him. 
He’ll never forget the candle and ravioli. 
He’ll never forget the flirting. The jokes. The puns. The pick-up lines. 
He’ll never forget meeting you, laying next to you in the hay, and watching the sunset together. 
He won’t forget any of it and that’s what hurts the most. 
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Mammon screams himself awake, his body covered in a cold sweat and shaking violently. He can barely breathe with how heavy and tight his chest feels, his lungs feeling constricted and squeezed to force their air out. 
He flinches when his lights flick on, his eyes moving to the switch to find you in your pajamas, completely frazzled. “Mammon! What happened? Are you okay?” you ask as you scurry into his room and over to him, quickly pulling him into a hug. He stays limp in your hold for a moment before squeezing you to him and starting to sob. 
You hold him as he cries, your heart aching for the crying man in your arms. You want to know what happened to make him like this but his wellbeing comes first. You soothingly shush him and whisper sweet nothings in his ear, one hand rubbing his back while the other combs through his hair. 
He shakes even when he’s done crying, his eyes feeling heavy from all the crying. “Mammon...do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” you whisper, gently pulling back to look at him. Your heart breaks when you see his red and swollen eyes. He sniffles, or tries to since he’s too stopped up, and then rubs his runny nose with his sleeve. You decide not to point this out, knowing he doesn’t care at the moment. 
“I just had a bad dream, angel. (Y/n). Don’t worry about it,” he mumbles before slowly laying back down. You probably would’ve been flustered at the sound of the pet name, if it didn’t seem to be an accident. “You should go back to sleep. It’s late. I’m sorry I woke you up and worried you,” he mutters, brushing his problems off like they don’t matter. 
You frown as you stand up from his bed, walking towards the door. His eyes start to water again when you actually get up and leave, his whole body feeling heavy and cold. He wipes at his nose again and holds in any sounds when you turn off the lights. 
You leave him in a nightmare and you’re leaving him now. 
He nearly jumps out of his skin when you get onto the other side of his bed, his body dipping when you climb onto his mattress. He can barely see you in the dark but he can see your shadow’s outline. He silently watches you pull the covers back and slide your legs in, laying on your side so you’re facing him. 
“You matter, Mammon. Your troubles are my troubles,” you reassure, slowly reaching your hand out and clasping his hand in yours. He can’t help but smile a bit at your soft and sweet words. That’s just like you to stay with him and make him feel better. He shouldn’t have doubted you. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” you ask again when he doesn’t respond to your previous words. He stays quiet for a minute but you feel his grip tighten on your hand. 
“I, um, don’t want to go into too much detail, but...all of us were in the zombie apocalypse and...you died,” he whispers. You scoot closer to him and bring your free hand to gently cup his face. 
“Hey, it’s okay. Everyone has nightmares. It wasn’t real though. I’m safe, with you, right here,” you reassure softly, scooting closer and closer to him until you’re pressed to his chest. He buries his face into your neck, his body still shaking a bit. 
“I know. It just felt so real, and I-” Your brows furrow when he stops, trying to pull back to look at him but he holds you tightly against him. 
“Mammon?” you call against his chest, your hands rubbing his back and chest. 
“I love you,” he blurts. You both go as still as statues, both of your hearts pounding now. Mammon tries to keep you against his chest but you manage to pull away to stare up at him. 
“What?” you blurt, your brain still trying to process those three words. 
“Ah, sorry. I just, um, didn’t get to tell you in my dream—nightmare. I just...I wanted to be able to tell you before it was too late again,” he says so softly that you would’ve missed it if your faces weren’t inches away from each other. His eyes widen when he sees you smile, his face starting to heat up. 
“Well-” he starts.
He doesn’t even get a chance to take it back, to reassure you that you don’t have to say it back, to come up with a lie as to why he said it or that he didn’t mean it. He couldn’t say anything with the way your lips are passionately pressed against his. 
He lets out a whimper as he returns it, squeezing you tightly as he kisses you like it’ll be the last time he gets to. His tongue is quick to slide against your lips and slip into your mouth, a happy hum escaping him. You two stay like that for a while, sharing a heated kiss until you are forced to pull away to get air into your desperate lungs. 
You two pant for air as you stare into each other’s eyes, there being just enough light in the room to do so. “I love you too, birthday boy,” you say between pants. He grins from ear to ear before crushing you to his chest for a hug. 
“I love you, angel. I’m so in love with you. I love you with everything I am, that I will be,” he rushes out, wanting to get it out before he chickens out and gets too embarrassed. You giggle as you place kisses along his chest and work up his neck to his jaw before finding his lips. 
“Okay. I love you too. No more playing zombie games with Levi before bed though.”
A/N: Yes I made a The Arcana reference. It’s so funny because I wanted to do an apocalypse au because where I live there have been a lot of forest/field/etc fires so the sky has been yellow and smokey all day every day and then in his birthday event he said that he and Levi played a zombie game and I was like OH MY GOSH WOAH. Lmao I hope you enjoyed and you don’t hate me because ily
More with Mammon
Tag List: @mexicanmagick, @animefreak-247, @jungialo, @fanfictwarrior, @ohbbobeyme, @zeldan7, @otome-otakuwu, @fandomsarepainful, @azcela​, @niphredil-14, @gamelovers-posts, @virtualmemmecollector, @collarjessie, @officialdevorak, @katelynwithpaint, & @buzzybeebee​ ✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask :)
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Till The Sun Is in the Sky Fanfic
Title: Till The Sun is in the Sky Fanfic
Summary: Roman is a genie who has granted wishes for over a millennia. The only reason he’d be eager to serve his next master is for a chance to briefly escape the lamp’s darkness. Not for a chance at freedom--for that’s just wishful thinking and he knows what that all entails.
Or at least that’s his assumption until he meets Patton, the newest master of his lamp.
Pairing: platonic royality
Word-Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Crying, Fear, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending
This set in the same ‘verse as When the Blazing Sun Is Gone but you don’t need to read that fic to understand this one. @delimeful requested seeing Roman’s/Logan’s role in the AU as part of my follower milestone celebration and so I went with Roman. Also huge thanks to @stillebesat who beta-read two different drafts of this fic and offered valuable input, I appreciate it! <3
He didn't know how long it had been since his last Master had thrown the lamp into the sea. It didn't matter really. Minutes, years, centuries...it didn't. Because he knew his next master would be the same as the last six hundred. Selfish, full of empty promises of freedom that never came to pass. 
No, the only reason why he would ever be eager to come out of the lamp to serve his six hundredth and one master would be for those precious moments to get out of the darkness.
Some of his more inquisitive masters would ask him what it felt like to have one’s soul crammed into a lamp.
He always laughed it off and made a joke about how it made for a great napping place.
But the truth was far from it. He knew it was silly, but he feared the darkness. He feared its loneliness, feared no one would ever find his lamp again and he’d be stuck there forever. 
He never told them how many times he uselessly fought against the magic barriers, hoping beyond hope to find a defect in the spell that bound him there. He didn’t tell them how much he feared them being the last master he ever had—not because they freed him but because his lamp never found another master to serve. Worse yet, his lamp shattering.
His soul was bound to the lamp and if it broke--then his soul would split into a thousand pieces along with it. Suffice to say, it was not a happy fate and not something happy to dwell on.
So he sang instead. His voice filling up the lamp, bouncing all around him. He could pretend someone was with him, that way, singing alongside him. He sang the few songs he knew and then some. He made up songs, even, about anything his mind could dwell on. He was halfway through singing about a gallant knight when a pair of hands made contact with the lamp.
 A new master; both relief and trepidation hit him at once. Relief that he’d be free from the darkness once more. Trepidation in knowing that it was only a fleeting temporary respite from it.
That was quite alright. After all, his new master was probably someone in great need of his assistance—they always were. The lamp magic sought out those who were plagued by horrible life circumstances. He would be the knight in shining armor to them, like he’d been to many others before.
For that was his true purpose in life and not freedom. That was just wishful thinking—and he knew all of what that entailed.
With a shroud of red mist, he rose up in front of his new master. All of which was entirely for the sheer dramatics of it. He enjoyed putting on a good show and the adrenaline that came along with it.
“Greetings!” He boomed, waving his arms around in a grand gesture, “I am a great and powerful genie—and I am here to make all your dreams come true!”
The human gawked at him, slack-jawed. His brown eyes bulged from behind his glasses, much like a cartoon character. There was a crack in one of the glasses’ lenses and upon closer look, the glasses appeared to be practically held together by tape. 
The man’s clothing appeared to be in a similar disheveled state—unraveling hems, holes in his shoes, scuff marks. The cardigan tied around his neck looked hardly wearable. Lying at the man’s feet was a blue backpack that the genie wouldn’t doubt contained all of his worldly belongings.
The lamp sought out the unfortunate and if there was one constant in any century, it was poverty.
“You’re…really a genie?” The human asked, pressing his eyebrows together.
“In the flesh.” The Genie winked.
He was well aware of what a fine specimen he was to behold. Flowing locks of russet hair, eyes that glimmered like emeralds, a voluptuous figure. Clothed in only the finest cloth that the eleventh century had to offer. Centuries of existence in the lamp had not diminished his beauty in the slightest.
If there was one thing he could take pleasure in, it was the awe humans gave him before they decided demanding for wishes. It usually lasted for only about five seconds. But during those five seconds, he could pretend that they were actually ecstatic to see him.
“What’s your name?”
He startled at those words.
“Pardon?” He asked, tilting his head backwards.
The last thing the Genie had been expecting, was those words to come out of his mouth. No one ever bothered to ask for his name. It was as though they assumed their wish-granting cosmic vending machine had no name. Or was indeed a living being with thoughts and feelings for that matter. They always started demanding rules and stipulations for their wishes as fast as they could.
“I’m sorry!” The human cried, wringing his hands together, “that was rude of me to ask without introducing myself first.”
He held out a hand, beaming, “I’m Patton! What’s your name?”
“I…” He stared down at the man’s hand, “My name?”
“Oh,” Patton’s eyes widened, “do you not have a name?”
The Genie looked away. He did once have a name, long ago before he inhabited the lamp. He couldn’t remember it. A strained, lilted laugh broke from his lips, not assuaging Patton’s concerns in the slightest.
How could he forget his own name? Names were important—special. Names had power. Names were a person’s identity. How could he let that damn lamp take something so precious away from him? It’d already taken everything else away—what more could it take? 
“I can’t seem to recall it,” He shook his head, before desperately trying to change the subject, “But enough about my fabulous self! I’m here to grant you not one, not two, but three! Three wishes of immeasurable power! Say the magic word, and I’ll spin your dreams into reality.”
He expected Patton to forget the name nonsense entirely at the mention of wishes. Surely, the man had unfulfilled desires—everyone always possessed those. Instead, the man slowly shook his head.
“I can help you find a new name, if you’d like.” He offered, a smile softly framing his face.
The Genie blinked, “You wish to give me a new name?”
He could not make heads nor tails of this strange human. He scarcely knew Patton for a single minute, but his aura oozed nothing but positivity. Still, it was an odd waste of a wish, if you asked him. He’d hate to see someone so good and in need of his cosmic help squander a wish like that.
“No,” Patton said, laughing, “I want to help you find a new name.”
Patton sat down on the beach, the lamp by his side. The human looked up at him and patted the space next to him. Reluctantly, the Genie joined him.
“How does the name Daniel sound to you?” Patton asked.
Daniel. One of his more unpleasant masters went by that name. The genie made a face before shaking his head.
“That’s okay! What about Philip then?”
“Phiiiilip…” He drew out the consonants, testing how they felt against the roof of his mouth, “What do you think, dear Patton? Do I look like a Philip to you?”
“Well, you’re very princely-looking, and I’d say Philip is a very princely name!” The man giggled, “but as long as you love it—I’ll love it as well!”
The Genie hesitated. As much as he liked the name—it didn’t quite scream him. It didn’t encompass his whole being. Philip felt as tight and constraining as his lamp. The genie could lie and tell Patton he liked it just to move on from this whole naming business. His purpose here was supposed to be focused on the wish-bearer and not him, the wish-granter.
However, as he looked upon Patton’s earnest gaze he found himself unable to lie to him.
“I am afraid that I’m not entirely in love with the idea of Philip.” He admittedly with a great sigh.
“That’s alright! We just gotta keep trying then!” Patton declared, undeterred.
He continued listing off names, but none of them seemed to satisfy the Genie. The latter of whom grew despondent that they’d never find the perfect name. There were millions of names in the world, yet none of them appealed to him. He voiced this to Patton, who refused to give up hope that easily and urged him to keep trying.
“Hmm…oh! What about Roman?” Patton asked, “I knew a guy back in high school named Roman. He did theatre.”
Something sparked within the hollow cavity of the Genie’s chest.
“Theatre? As in acting out a story in front of an audience?” The Genie asked, his eyes lit bright with wonder.
He’d never seen a play before. His masters never bothered taking him to events like that. Instead he’d remain in their household, his lamp sitting on a shelf or hidden in a cabinet. Like a jar of quarters to use on a rainy day. He could only manifest within twenty-five yards around his lamp, leaving him unable to sneak off and enjoy something like a theatre show.
But what little he heard of them reminded him greatly of the bards of his time. They used to travel all over, singing sweetly in poetic verse of great heroes and terrifying monsters. He’d always loved watching a bard perform. He almost ran off and became a bard himself before he ended up stuck inside the lamp.
“Yup! He played Lumiere in our production of Beauty and the Beast.”
The names of the character and story were unfamiliar to him. But the Genie could tell by Patton’s phrasing that it had been an important role.
“Roo-man,” He tried, liking how it sounded on his lips, “Roman, Roman, Romaaaaaaaaaaan!”
Patton giggled as the Genie held out the name for as long as he could.
Roman. It was bold, it was brash, it was perfect. Not too snug, not too loose—it fit him just right.
“Well then,” He said, clearing his throat, “I’d be honored to go by the name of such a great bard!”
“I’m happy to hear that!” Patton beamed, “We should go celebrate!”
The human stood up, stuffing the lamp into his backpack in the process. He offered a hand towards the Genie—or rather Roman.
“Celebrate?” Roman questioned, as he accepted Patton’s hand, “Don’t you want your three wishes—"
“That can wait for later,” Patton said as he pulled Roman onto his feet with ease, “what’s important right now is celebrating your new name—with ice cream! I know just the place!”
“Forgive me for asking, but what is ice cream?”
“You don’t know what ice cream is?” Patton gasped, a determined look settling onto his features, “we’ll definitely have to fix that!”
He took hold of Roman’s hand—and marched towards the direction of the ice cream stand. Roman, bemused by the human, laughed as he allowed himself to be tugged along by Patton. He didn’t know why Patton was so concerned about his wellbeing but he found it a nice change from the norm.
Patton chattered along the way, mainly about ice cream and puns relating to the icy dessert and to other things.
“What did the popsicle say to his sonsicle in a crowd?” Patton asked, already snickering at his own joke.
“He said, stick with me kid!” Patton burst into a fit of giggles, and Roman followed suit. Admittedly a lot of the contextual humor of Patton’s puns were lost on him but there was something contagious about Patton’s cheery disposition. You couldn’t help but want to laugh along and feel about a bit of that happiness glow in your lungs. 
For those brief seconds of laughter, Roman felt human again. He’d have to treasure this feeling--coveting it once he inevitably ended up in the darkness of the lamp once more.
The sun set in the horizon as they reached their destination; a brilliant splash of crimson red with streaks of golden orange and lilac purple. There were a few customers already in line at the ice cream stand. Cheery music blared. Where, Roman had no clue. He could not see a band nearby. Perhaps it was magic?
“Hey um,” Patton said, ducking his head a bit, “mind if we split a bowl? I’ll let you pick out the flavor. You should go with vanilla—it’s a classic! But, uh you can get whatever you’d like!”
“Patton…” Roman frowned, “I could wish into existence a whole ice cream shop of your own if you truly wanted it. You don’t have to waste money on me.”
“No, I don’t have to,” Patton said with a determined glint in his eyes, “But I want to.”
Roman gawked at him, stunned. What was this human? People normally expected genies to do things for them, not the other way around! When it came time to order, Roman merely pointed to the vanilla as Patton had suggested.
There were tables set up next to the ice cream stand where customers could consume their ice cream. But Patton shook his head, telling Roman he knew a much better place.
“It’s a place my friend Virgil and I like to visit,” Patton said, “It’s nice and quiet, unlike most of the city. The noise can be too much sometimes, y’know?”
This peaceful location happened to be a bench in the middle of a park. Trees gracefully arched over it, dressed in the beginnings of autumn colors. Orange, yellow, red. A warm glowing yellow light emanated from the lamppost beside the bench. 
“You can have the first taste of the ice cream,” Patton told him as they settled onto the bench. Roman obliged him, dipping his spoon a little in the white substance and bringing it to his mouth. He blinked. It was colder than he expected. But not unpleasantly so. It was a smooth, sweet texture.
“What do you think?” Patton asked, practically bouncing in his seat.
“It’s--it’s absolutely divine!” Roman exclaimed, his eyes flickered down to the ice cream, “May I…?”
“Of course!” Patton grinned. Roman took another spoonful, savoring the taste longer this time. They took turns finishing it off as they continued to converse.
Roman wasn’t used to talking. Sure, he talked plenty over the centuries, but his conversations with his masters revolved strictly around wish-granting. Mundane conversations about the weather were anything but mundane to the genie. 
“What’s your favorite animal?” Patton asked, swinging his legs back and forth in a careless manner.
“Dogs—they are lovable, loyal creatures and mankind is undeserving of their affections.” Roman declared.
“Dogs are my favorite too!” Patton giggled, “Oh! And so are cats, horses, lizards, lions and tigers and bears—oh my! Elephants, giraffes, hippos—”
“So all of them are your favorite, I take it?”
“I guess you could say that,” Patton sheepishly grinned, “I wanted to be a veterinarian be—before—”
The human inhaled shakily, the smile slipping off his face. Instead of continuing, he stared down into the mostly empty plastic ice cream bowl. Something obviously happened in Patton’s past that upset him. It wasn’t Roman’s place to pry—but it didn’t mean he couldn’t help in the only way he knew best; magic. In all his centuries as a genie, he’s never met anyone deserving of it than Patton.
The man had been the first in a long while to treat Roman like his thoughts and feelings actually mattered. Like the genie was actually...human. 
“You could still be a veterinarian, if you so badly wished,” Roman spoke softly, “Your every wish is my command.”
Patton flinched, looking more distressed than comforted by Roman’s words.
“Roman please, I can’t do that—”
“Why not?” Roman said, “you are my master—you can make any wish you’ve ever desired.”
“Roman, I’m not your master.” Patton choked.
“Of course you are,” Roman tilted his head, “you are the keeper of my lamp. What else would you be?”
“A friend?” Patton suggested, “Roman, please I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to do.”
“This is different,” Roman said fervently, grasping hold of Patton’s hands, “this I offer to you freely for you are the most worthy keeper of my lamp. You must have unfulfilled desires, something, anything I can grant.”
Patton stared at Roman, his face void of expression. Several times he opened his mouth before abruptly closing it. As if thinking better of what he was about to say. 
“Please.” Roman pressed further.
His heart rattled against his chest, wanting badly to escape its cage as he did with his lamp. Like the latter, it was a pointless venture. As long as his lamp remained intact so would his soul. Unless of course it shattered, and with it his soul into a thousand pieces. His psyche splintered and fractured, too broken to put back together again. Like Humpty Dumpty except worse for it was a living death, one inescapable. Yet it was a fate that was inevitable and also something he shouldn’t be dwelling on at the moment.
“There is…” Patton hesitated, “one desire I have.” 
“Say it,” Roman said as he bowed his head, not daring to look at the human, “Speak it into existence and it shall be yours.”
It was going to hurt, he knew this. The genie wasn’t the true wish-granter, all the magic they possessed came from the lamp itself. The magic only used his form as a mere conduit. Because that was all a genie was—a damn puppet to his masters’ wills.
Roman brought this curse upon himself—he wanted immeasurable power and he attained it. Except, it was never his will to wield such power. Nay, only his masters possessed it. Only their wishes and not his would be granted. It’d be this way forever and ever, because everyone always cared about their happy endings and not his own.
Even Patton, once he saw the immeasurable power that surged forth from even the simplest of wishes. Roman wouldn’t blame him for it. The human has already given him more than what he’s ever deserved. 
Patton squeezed Roman’s hands. It took every ounce of Roman’s willpower not to sneak a glance up at him. He had to remain strong for whatever wish Patton threw at him. In the short time he’d spent with Patton, he didn’t get off the vibe of a frivolous wisher. He dealt with plenty of those over the years. Ones who used the wishes in willy-nilly ways, without any forethought behind them. 
No, he’d probably be practical. He’d wish for money, or perhaps a mistake in the past to be reversed. Those were always tricky ones. They didn’t always end in the way humans believed they would.
“Roman,” Patton began, “I wish to free you, the genie, from your lamp.”
The genie leapt off the bench as if electrocuted, hands clumsily detangling themselves from Patton’s own. The lamp’s magic roared in his ears, swelling inside him like a great storm. He gaped at the human, his heart bursting out of his chest and into his throat.
“P-patton, mind repeating that?” He gasped.
“I wish to free you the genie from your lamp.” Patton said once more, his voice firm and unbreaking.
This time he couldn’t hold off the wish. A bright red light enveloped him like a supernova explosion. Magic consumed him, rippling through every fiber of his being. A warmth fell across him, one that he hadn’t felt in a long, long while. A great shattering noise occurred. The light died down as he looked to see the lamp had spilled out of Patton’s pack, glittering underneath the lamppost, in pieces. 
Breath heaving, he fell to his knees, touching the pieces. The lamp had broken and he was still here, whole and complete and free.
“Why?” He stared down at the broken lamp, quivering, “I--I don’t understand. You had three wishes. You could’ve had so much—all the wealth and fame you could ever desire!”
“But I didn’t want that,” Patton protested, resting a hand on Roman’s shoulder, “not if it came from a wish you were involuntarily bound to serve no matter what. That isn’t fair. Everyone deserves the freedom of choice. Including you.”
Roman laughed. Except it wasn’t quite a laugh. More of a strangled, gargled croak than anything else. He pressed his hands into his face, shutting his eyes as he tried to block out the dizzying nausea sweeping through him.
After six-hundred masters and a millennia inside the lamp, Roman knew a lot about the freedom of choice. His masters employed it with how they chose to use his wishes. Flaunting it so arrogantly in his face. The wishes were self-serving for most. Sometimes they used it to better others’ situations. But never his own, despite many promising to free him. Because at the end of that third wish, they’d walk away while he’d once more get trapped inside the lamp.
Over and over again, they chose to not free him. Except Patton. He chose to free Roman on his very first wish. For as long as he’d dreamt of this moment, of being free from the lamp, he never expected it to actually happen. It was just a foolish fantasy, too abstract to become reality. Not to mention in this manner. He had imagined a master would free him after he’d proven himself worthy with a great feat of magic. How could Patton think he was deserving of this gift?
He laughed weirdly again. This time it hurt his vocal chords.
“Roman?” Patton asked.
He responded with a noise, halfway resembling a hiccup and a shriek. A gentle set of arms enveloped him, pulling him closer until his forehead rested against a warm chest. A hug? Was Patton hugging him? 
“It’s okay, kiddo,” Patton murmured, ruffling a hand through his hair, “let it all out.”
Kiddo. Roman wanted to snort. He was a millennia older than Patton, he wasn’t exactly a child. Except at those words, he bawled like one as he realized that those were sobs from before. Not laughter. Roman couldn’t remember the last time he cried. Just like he couldn’t remember a time before being a genie.
Who was he, without the lamp? For as much as he hated it, it’d been a part of him. It defined him and the purpose of his existence. Now he was free of it, free to be his own person, with his own wishes and desires. But he didn’t know the first step of what that looked like.
 It was like he was thrown into a raging ocean of confusion and turmoil. Treading aimlessly, desperately hoping for a piece of driftwood to grab a hold on. Something that could anchor him, keep him afloat. 
“P-patton--” He whispers, voice hoarse from crying, “can I--can I choose to be your friend?”
The human had suggested it earlier. Surely, he meant it still? It was quiet for a few seconds. Enough to cause Roman to doubt himself. But then the man who unbelievably granted him his freedom hugged him tighter.
“Of course, Roman,” Patton told him, “I’d be honored.”
With a sniffle, Roman’s hands fell from his face as he threw his arms around Patton to fiercely return the embrace. A few more ugly sobs wracked his throat. How was it that Patton was the one honored to be his friend when it was the opposite? 
Roman hardly knew what being free looked like. But he did know he’d do anything to protect Patton, to preserve this kind, selfless spark that rested in the human’s soul.
As he dwelt encircled by Patton’s loving arms, the last slivers of the sun’s glow faded at last, dousing them in darkness. But for once, he didn’t find himself afraid of it.
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Word Count : (1735) Characters: Merlin; Gwen; Will; Lancelot Summary: A series of autumns in Merlin's life Warnings: angst A/N: Fill for a5 "campfires" for @merlinbingo AO3 link
“Come ooon,” a brown haired boy shuffled his feet as he stood outside his best friend’s home, resisting the temptation to go in and drag him out.
“I’m coming, I’m coming, I just need - hah!” a boy with black hair tumbled out of the hut with all of his usual grace and enthusiasm, which is to say, none and, in the first boy’s opinion, an unhealthy amount.
“What did you almost forget this time?”
“Doesn’t matter,” the shorter boy grinned, “I remembered it, and that’s what’s important.”
His friend rolled his eyes, “I swear you’d lose your head if it wasn’t attached to you,” he knocked his knuckles against his friend’s head.
“Oi, rude,” he stuck his tongue out in retaliation.
The brown haired boy just snickered.
The fallen leaves crunched underfoot as they made their way into the forest. The black haired boy kicked some at his companion who retaliated by throwing a hastily snatched handful back at him. Squirrels gathering last nuts into their hoards retreated to the safety of the trees as the boys rushed by stirring up the leaves. From above, the birds watched the forest floor spring to life in their wake. Leaves leaped and reached for the trees from where they had fallen, the mingling colours mimicking a fire like the one they sat near now.
The black haired boy’s eyes were wide, the light of their campfire making them appear a deep blue.
“... they’ll take your soul, the very warmth from your bones.” The brown haired boy paused, “ They say all that’s left is an icy corpse. Freaky, right?”
An icy wind cut through the otherwise still night and both boys start before moving closer to the fire.
“That’s creepy as heck, why’d anyone want t’go and do that for?”
“Dunno, don’t recon there’s anyone who would though, even if it could happen,” the taller boy shrugged.
“I thought campfires meant fun stories, not Samhain come early.”
“We ain’t little kids anymore, ‘sides you liked it,” he stuck his tongue out, recalling his friend’s childish tendency.
The boy just rolls his eyes before grinning and rummaging through his satchel, “Speaking of not being kids anymore - Happy birthday, Will!”
He holds out something carefully wrapped in a plain cloth.
“Merlin, I told you not to -”
“If you don’t accept it, ma’s gonna be upset,” Merlin cuts him off with a grin, “‘sides, you’re really gonna like it.”
“Insufferable, you are,” Will fakes a grimace before accepting the offering.
“Ooooh, big word there, maybe with age does come intelligence,” Merlin fakes wiping a tear away, “and here I had almost given up hope.”
Will ignores the comment, staring at the delicately shaped pendant in his hand. “Merlin, I,” his voice is thick, the words slow to come, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” his smile softens for a moment, “I told you you’d like it,”
“And the moment’s gone,” Will rolls his eyes even as he slips the cord over his head and tucks the pendant into his shirt, “just for that you get first watch.”
“No fair, i just gave you the best present ever, you should take first watch,” Merlin protests, completely forgetting the fact that they have never kept watch while camping.
“It’s my birthday though,” Will shrugs, biting back a laugh at the look on his best friend’s face.
“In hindsight, maybe I should have kept watch, when we got up the next morning the squirrels had gotten into our food,” Merlin grins, recalling the walk back to the village with Will chasing after every squirrel he found.
Lancelot laughed, “So, what I’m hearing is that we definitely should keep watch.”
“Can you imagine what Gauis would say if we went back without what he needs,” Merlin shuddered, “And I’d have to tell him what happened, too. I need to maintain some dignity, please.”
Lancelot only laughs harder and both men shift closer to their campfire as a cold wind cuts through the night. The flames flickered causing the shadows of the half bared tree limbs to shift eerily and the fallen leaves rustle softly welcoming their freshly fallen comrades.
Noticing his friend’s nervous scanning of the area, Lancelot nudges him gently, “You worried the blue ghosts are gonna pop up?”
Despite the teasing tone, Merlin can sense his concern and he shakes his head, “It’s fine, ‘s a bit stupid, but that story always freaked me out.”
Lancelot frowned as he draped his blanket over Merlin's boney shoulders, "It's not stupid. It is kinda freaky, but I don’t think they’re anywhere near this mortal plane, and even if they did somehow appear” he smiled reassuringly as Merlin glanced at him, “I’d fight them off.”
Merlin looks at him for a moment before a smile replaces the frown, “Really living up to the chivalrous code, aren’t you,” he lets out a small laugh, “gonna keep being my knight in shining armor?”
Lancelot grins at him, “Yes, and as such, I’ll even take first watch.”
“It’s fine,” Merlin protests, extracting himself from the blanket, “I can take it.”
“Seriously, Lance, you don’t have to - you’ve been training non-stop and I know how Arthur can be -”
“Merlin, go sleep, I’m taking first watch,” Lancelot rolls his eyes, “I’m used to this, and you deserve a break.”
“Merlin! The filling is for the pie not you,” Gwen laughs as she smacks his hand away from the bowl.
“I know that,” Merlin sniffs exaggeratedly, “ I am merely testing it, gotta make sure it’s safe for everyone to eat. And, you know,” he carefully snatches the bowl off the counter, “I really don’t think it is, I should prevent a disaster and eat it myself, spare everyone else.”
“How selfless of you, Merlin,” Gwen snickers, “But, I think everyone will be just fine, as long as you put that into the crust now.”
“Don’t say I didn’t try,” he sighs, complying with Gwen’s order.
The sky was clear and the campfire crackled softly, sending up translucent streams of smoke that curled into the pale tree branches.
“This is amazing, Gwen”, Morgana’s soft voice tugged Merlin out of the brief reverie he had slipped into, “Next time, you should let me help you?”
Merlin could hear the smile in his friend’s voice, “I’m going to be making another one tomorrow, you’re more than welcome to come,” she giggled softly, “I’m sure today’s assistant could stand to learn some things from you.”
“I am a perfectly lovely assistant, thank you very much.”
“Of course you are, Merlin,” Gwen patted his arm consolingly, still giggling.
Merlin’s reply was cut off by the sudden sound of clattering armor.
Morgana stiffened, then sighed, “I guess that’s my cue to return before I’m missed.” She stood, smoothing out her dress, royal mask sliding back into place, “Thank you for a lovely evening, I’ll see you tomorrow, Gwen. Goodnight, Merlin.”
“Goodnight, Morgana.”
As she slipped into the crisp autumn night, Merlin stared into the familiar flames, absently running his fingers over a pendant rubbed bright by continuous wear, reflecting the amber glow..
Gwen watched him for a moment before gently placing her hand on his shoulder. Turning slightly, Merlin rested his head against her shoulder, taking her smaller hand in his own.
A little ways off, at the end of a faint path a woodmouse happens upon a feast. Two slices of pie and two cups of apple cider, laid out side by side under a willow tree.
Lancelot feeds another log to the fire and the flames seem to burn a bit brighter for a moment. Their light makes the pendants hanging from Merlin’s neck glow, and the rings from Gwen’s glitter. The red of the fire makes the red of his cloak, draped over their shoulders, a deeper, warmer shade.
A wreath of Aster and Sedum lie under the willow tree with the woodmouse’s feast.
It’s not a campfire, not really, but it is a fire and it’s autumn and Lancelot recalls uttering these same words under similar, yet vastly different circumstances.
“Merlin, go sleep, I’m taking first watch,” Lancelot cannot mask the worry in his voice, “I’m used to this, and you deserve a break.”
Over the blanket Merlin has wrapped himself in, Lancelot has draped his cloak, but Merlin is too on edge to find his usual comfort in the gesture.
There is one bed in the little house they entered, and it is occupied by the frozen remains of its former owner. But the fire is warm, casting its protective glow to the corners of the room.
They are jerked out of a light sleep by the shrieking of a dorocha, Merlin immediately bringing the fire back to full flame before they run out of the house.
The dragon is a shock to Lancelot, but he takes it in stride, or at least he hopes he does.
After the immediate danger has passed, they feel lightheaded and Merlin starts to laugh.
Sensing Lancelot’s confused look, he manages to blurt out, “Will really was right after all.”
Confusion gives way to laughter, “On both counts, too. Should have kept a better watch.”
If had Kilgarrah cared to listen, he would have heard the hysteria laced through the sound.
For the first time in years, Merlin lights the campfire completely alone.
Gwen is safe in Ealdor and although he knows she probably has done it for herself, he still sets out her gifts under the willow tree.
The wind cuts through his thin clothes and Merlin shivers. He’d forgotten to bring a blanket and could not bear to touch Lancelot’s cloak. He cannot stop the tears that escape as he lays down the Sedum and Aster flowers he has gathered.
Tonight, the sound of happy harvesters cuts him more than the cold wind and he feels as lost as the yellow leaves it flings around.
The fire is warm, and a blue eyed man adjusts the camping kettle hanging over it. There is a soft clinking sound as he moves and for a moment something shines brightly as it reflects the flames, before it is covered again by his red scarf.
There is a container on the ground next to him with a slice of pie in it. On top of the container rests a heap of aster and sedum, which he is slowly braiding into a wreath and around him red and yellow leaves fall.
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WARNING: Although this particular chapter does not depict violence or cursing, future installments will. As this story is based on an adult parody of MLP called The Mentally Advanced Series. I would encourage that if you had not watched it to do so to get a grasp of the world in which this takes place. Many of the jokes, lore, and otherwise are in reference to MAS, not just simply My Little Pony. I have also made a supercut that includes every reference and appearance of Celestia in the series. In case watching the entire MAS series maybe too time consuming. If you find Celestia, or other canon characters, used in crude and unpleasant depictions offensive, this is your warning. However, I would appreciate that you take a look anyway with an open mind.
Celestia Supercut Link
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  “And here’s your armor and weapons. You should be able to start working tomorrow, but take it easy when you can. Magic works wonders, but if you’re not careful you’ll black out from exhaustion.” The front desk nurse recommended sliding over Valiance her belongings.
  “I will. Thank you, ma’am. It feels great to stretch my legs after being in bed all week.” Valiance chuckled as she quickly put her body armor on, hooking her helmet and weapon onto her side.
  “I could only imagine.” the nurse smiled, “There’s a soldier waiting for you in the lobby. I’m sure it’s important, so I wish you luck.”
  Just as the nurse had instructed, a soldier in royal guard uniform awaited for Valiance at the medical bay’s entrance.
  “Valiance Ascalon?” he gruffly asked.
  “Yes, sir.”
  “Well come on, soldier. I’m here to take you to your quarters.” the soldier informed as he began leading away with Valiance in tow.
  The walk was mostly quiet, but in time, Valiance noticed the regality of her surroundings. Banners and painted glass of the sisters’ various achievements adorned the halls with very little modesty. As they continued, one photo in particular caught Valiance’s attention enough to stop in her tracks. The photo contained Celestia wearing a suit with a leather overcoat hanging from her shoulders.
   Valiance raised a brow dumbfoundedly. ‘Huh. Not the kind of attire I’d expect her to wear… but not bad at all.’ she thought to herself while gazing into the picture.
   “Come on, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the scenery on your days off. Don’t fall behind!” the soldier called from further down the hall.
   Snapping out of her trance, Valiance trotted back up to the soldier as they continued. Although, the scenery did spark some questions in her mind. After a moment, she finally decided to ask, “What does an acolyte do anyways?”
   “That’s just a fancy name for a personal assistant. Though, judging by your particular skills, my guess would be being a personal bodyguard and just generally following her whim.” the soldier pondered as they approached a door and unlocked it.
   Stepping into the room, Valiance softly muttered, “Wow, this is… lovely.” It was spacious with a large bed resting at its center, accompanied by a nightstand on each side. To the far left was a personal restroom along with a panoramic window with a beautiful view of Canterlot. To the right side of the bedroom rested her wardrobe and a bookshelf.
   “I’d say I’m jealous of you, but in reality I can’t.” the soldier commented while handing the keys over.
   “Why do you say that?”
   “Acolyte’s are hard to come by. The last one that worked here was before I was old enough to get a job. Let’s just say he didn’t have the heart for it.”
   Valiance was perplexed by the soldier’s warning. However, she knew that no matter the task, it would be done in Celestia’s name.
  Back at the medical bay, a small pink pony with a satchel and large tight curled hair briskly made her way to the front desk. In a soft spoken voice the little mare asks the front desk clerk, “Hello, Nurse Flatline.”
  “Hello, Mentee. Can I help you with something?”
   “Um, do you know of a large pale mare who was committed here recently after the attack? She wore a purple and gold set of armor, not like the castle guards.”
  “I'm sorry to say that the patient you're looking for was released earlier today.” The clerk replied, looking the pink horse up and down.
  “Oh, well, can you tell me where she is then?”
  “No Mentee, you know I’m not at liberty to release that information.”
  Mentee groaned, “Pleeease, I really have to talk to her. She saved my life during the changeling attack, can’t you just give me a hint where she might be?”
  The clerk pony pondered momentarily, letting out a deep sigh, before firmly answering, “If I give you a hint, you didn’t get it from me, is that clear?”
  Mentee eagerly nodded with a small smile as she leaned in closer.
  “She’s a castle employee as well, if you ask around you could probably find her.” Flatline whispered.
  Mentee gasped and shouted, “Thank you so much, Flatline!” Only to be shushed and shooed away.
  After asking around, Mentee had finally made her way to Valiance’s room. Her body began to rattle as she grew ever closer to the door. Closing her eyes to compose herself, she finally mustered up the courage to knock on the door… nothing. Maybe she just hadn’t heard the knock on the door. Mentee tried again, this time louder… still nothing. She pressed her ear up against the door only to find absolutely no noise on the other side.
  “No one is in there, miss. She left for a walk.” a disapproving voice slated.
  Mentee flinched and quickly spun around to see a blue coated maid sneering at her. Rather than attempt to explain herself, Mentee panicked and bolted.
  Sweat gathered on Mentee’s brow as she came to rest in an empty corridor. Running a cloven hoof through her bangs she uttered to herself, “This is ridiculous, I just wanted to thank her for saving me.” She glanced down to the satchel dejectedly, “Maybe I can find her tomorrow once my shift is over… I need to get some air.”
  The cool evening air was a blessing that gently kissed Mentee’s face. She had made her way to the castle courtyard and basked in its soft serenity. Plopping on a nearby bench next to a batch of daffodils, she gingerly took off her satchel to lean back and relax. Their light aroma invited Mentee into picking one and absentmindedly twirling it around. Taking a light whiff, she smiled and placed the flower in her hair. Stars twinkled in the strawberry sunset while a few ponies walked the courtyard to head home.
  ‘Oh well, there’s always tomorrow.’ Mentee thought, as she scanned her surroundings. Suddenly, a glint caught her eye. When she focused, she could swear her eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. Before her was her knight in shining armor, casually walking around the courtyard smelling flowers.
   Valiance took comfort in the beauty of the flowered and marbled plaza, having spent the entire day getting to know the castle’s layout better and what would be her new home. The giant fountain gently ran in the center, soothing all who heard it. Giant hedge sculptures, vivid red roses, and yellow daffodils were all perfectly nurtured to be a sight for even the sorest eyes.
   “E-excuse me.” a small yet eager voice called from behind. Valiance turned and was greeted by a small pink pony, with thick ringlets for hair, and spectacles. The mare shuffled slightly closer and gently continued, “Uh, h-hello. I don’t mean to disturb but… um, well, you probably don’t remember me but-”
   “Oh! You’re the mare that was almost carried off during the attack!” Valiance blurted out with a smile.
   The little unicorn blushed, surprised that Valiance had even remembered her at all, “Yes, that was me. M-my name is Mentee, Mentee Prim.”
   Valiance’s face softened further, “It's a pleasure to meet you, Mentee. My name’s Valiance Ascalon.”
   Valiance and Mentee were not alone, the God Princess, Celestia, too had wished to enjoy a stroll to revel over her recent success. True to her word, the Princess oversaw the remainder of the changeling hive eradicated and their maggots turned to fertilizer. With that, and the acquisition of a new acolyte, Celestia had almost considered relieving her favorite student of her friendship studies for the day. Almost.
   Voices had tickled at Celestia’s ear from the courtyard. Since the sun had set, most ponies would have gone on their way to the dining halls, barracks, or home at that point so she had a small interest to inquire the purpose of the conversation.
   It didn’t take long for Celestia to find the source of the whispers. She easily spotted her new acolyte talking to one of the castle’s library assistants, Mentee Prim. The conversation itself was harmless, with small talk abound and a few thanks sprinkled in. However, when Mentee pulled her gift out of her satchel, Celestia’s cold stare stabbed at Mentee’s glimmering eyes. Celestia scrutinized deep into Mentee’s heart, seeing through her feeble façade. This was no mere thanks, the pink mare’s soul pounded with infatuation. The way she kicked the dust and tugged at her hair all the while coyly glancing at Valiance left no doubt in the Princess’ mind; and it filled her with vile intrigue.
   “I, uh, wanted to let you know how thankful I am for saving me. I really thought that I was gonna be a goner until you came along.” Mentee said, rubbing her neck. She tapped her hooves together in thought then reached for her satchel, “This isn’t much, b-but I hope you still enjoy it well enough.” Encased in periwinkle blue magic, Mentee unlatched her satchel to reveal a small pink box tied in a red laced ribbon.
   “Oh! Well thank you, Mentee. You really didn’t have to do that.” Valiance assured, gently taking the gift.
   “You know, I’ve been working at the castle for a while now. There've been plenty of acquaintances I’ve made… but no one to really call my friend. I was just wondering… if you would… maybe…” Mentee sheepishly stalled.
   Valiance chuckled heartily, “Of course we can be friends. It’d be nice to have company with someone who knows their way around here, not to mention someone so sweet.”
   Mentee’s stomach twisted into a knot, her already flushed face was now blistering red. In an act of feverish joy, Mentee sputtered, “T-t-thank y-you! Y-you too!” With nothing holding her back she sprinted away, nearly tripping over herself as she spun around a corner and out of sight.
  Perplexity gripped Valiance’s thoughts, ‘I wonder where she ran off to, I hope I didn’t say anything stupid. That would be embarrassing.’  Turning her attention to the box, Valiance pulled the ribbon and peered inside. Her benign smile graced her lips again. Inside, were cookies in the shapes of flowers, hearts, and bunnies. Each one was carefully decorated in a shiny pastel colored frosting, some were adorned with cute smiles to top it off.
  As Valiance innocently popped one in her mouth, a sudden chill ran up her spine when she felt the looming presence of some wicked soul behind her. “And what have we here?”
  Valiance twisted around to see the owner staring down at her through biting amethyst eyes. The moon’s rays illuminated the roses in the garden, bathing Celestia in the color red. Although initially shocked, relief washed over Valiance as she sighed, “Oh, Princess Celestia, it’s you. This is just a little thank you gift from a friend I saved.” Valiance passed the gift box to her majesty to see personally.
  The Princess shook the box slightly with a sneer, and with her magic, pulled out a heart shaped cookie. “How sweet.” she hummed as she jaggedly pulled the cookie in half. Without giving Valiance time to think, Celestia jammed one of the halves into her acolyte’s mouth before turning and walking away.
  Bewildered by Celestia’s actions, Valiance chewed her half and absentmindedly reached for another cookie, but was only met with air. It was then that she snapped back to her senses, realizing that Celestia had taken the entire box for herself. Conflicted, Valiance chose to keep her mouth shut. It was Celestia’s will, after all. But that doesn’t mean that I’m happy about it.’ Valiance huffed to herself, having really wanted to enjoy her gift. “Forget it.” Valiance groaned, throwing her hooves into the air, “I’m just gonna go to bed.”
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hannya-writes · 4 years
Hihihi! I know it's kinda crazy and I just found your acc but I was LITERALLY thinking about a Marvel-SVU crossover and found yoooooou. I mean... The algorithm lead me to you. It's ✨ Destiny ✨ haha So I was wondering if you could write something Marvel-SVU kinda with Carisi x reader (i don't know if you watch agents of shield) where reader has to go UC for Shield and falls in love with him and he finds out she's Shield etc. I don't know if I'm making any sense rn I'm just really happy I found you. And now I sound creepy but it's already too late and I'm sending this.
Dear @lapaquerette : I do not watch Agents of shield, but I did my best! I swear I did! 😭 you totally made sense! But I feel like there's part of this story that are not so good, anyways~ let's get to the story!!
Title: Don't Tell anyone
Fandom: MCU and Law and order SVU
Pairing: Sonny Caruso x Reader
Other characters: no, I think no
Category: romance
Warnings: this doesn't have a happy ending bc I'm bad writing those! This is long I think.
Author's note: for a moment I thought of making this a serie, but my head couldn't stand it! I don't feel like I can picture Carisi in the right way so probably he's going to be very OOC. Also I'm not supper proud of this because I literally did what I wanted with the time line, Captain America: Winter Soldier happens in 2016 however Caruso es ADA in 2020 if I'm not wrong but in this case the events of winter soldier happen in 2020. Also there's like 2 years of difference btw WS and Civil War, and I tried my best! To make everything fit, but you know, you can kick my ass in comments.
• • •
The mission was supposed to last just a couple of days. Y/n had to pose as an assistant to the Junior ADA's why did they need assistance she didn't know, but when Nick fury assigned her there she just didn't dared to ask.
"Find out what's going on there" he had said as if it was a life or dead situation.
Pepto. That's what happened. High expectations was the other thing happening. The Junior ADA's where being pressed, running towards death case by case.
It was boring, the first two days Y/n had played "who's the jerk of the room?" She had found more than one, stress made that to people. Who cares about cordiality when they had to put people in jail? The answer was Dominic "Sonny" Carisi.
Sonny never yelled or snapped at people, he always asked nicely about papers, he said "Good Morning" and "thank you". He was a gentleman, a knight in a shiny armor. He made funny jokes even when he was struggling with a case.
Y/n had felt a weird desire to help him after just one encounter. The puppy eyes, she reasoned. After that day when he was in court she appeared there, sat and suddenly the people being cross-examined poured the truth without control or bursted in fit of rage confessing everything. She wasn't making something bad, she was helping, which she was supposed to do. No one was going to link her to those incidents. No one knew what she could do.
— copies, now — one of ADA's order her and she almost pushed the asshole and told him to do it himself, it was only a copy machine, he only had to push a button! However, Y/n was a trained spy, she had control over every muscle in her face to not make a disgusted expression at the tall and skinny man. 63 ways to kill him appeared in her head in a second.
— Sure thing — she said in a gently tone, entertaining her mind in the more horrible ways to deal with Tommy.
Tommy Parish, a bully in and out of court, linked to the Irish Mafia. He thought he was a big fish, prepotent but surprisingly brilliant. He was like a weasel. He wasn't that important. Shield wasn't interested by his night activities. They thought there was something else, something more important. Y/n didn't think so. The more interesting thing there was...
— Oh, Sorry didn't meant to...— Sonny said as he almost hit Y/n with the door.
— my fault, I was standing here like a creep — she took the guilt with a sheepish smile.
— A penny for your thoughts — he said as he walked outside and Y/n instinctively followed, as she usually followed after director Nick Fury,
— I think I'm being punished — she said while walking aimlessly, if Sonny had walked in the male restroom she would have probably followed him blindly.
— punish? For what? Did Tommy said something mean to you again? — the blond man sounded concerned and for Y/n it was refreshing, people around her tended to be more defensive around her than being worried about her well being.
— no! I think Tommy is warming up to me — Y/n said proudly — it's my umm... Dad, he send me to live here and I think is because he is mad at me —
There was a small silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
— why would he be mad? You are amazing! — Sonny sounded so positive and brilliant, he always seemed to have that aura around him, even in the worst cases. Y/n noticed it, and worried her when he started to lose his shine.
— in my last job, I made a mistake and people got hurt — the confession was sincere. She wasn't lying, she was omitting that those people didn't just "got hurt", they died. She had killed them.
— You are human, humans make mistakes — he said stopping in front of an embellished door. — talk later? — he asked and Y/n nodded with a smile.
After a month everything still was normal. No conspicuous action, no weird people. Y/n wondered why was she there? Was she really being punished by Fury? She had made a mistake, she had chose to save a person, she couldn't know that the objective was going to detonate the whole place. She couldn't read every single thought, her brain would melt if she even tried.
— Sorry, I need to... — said Sonny pointing at the copy machine, y/n blushed for being caught spacing out, again for the 4 time in a week
— I'm so sorry, allow me — y/n extended a hand offering to make the copy for Carisi.
— don't worry, I can push a button — he said making her smile and feel weird.
— please Mr. Carisi, let me be of help — she offered tilting her head a little bit, Sonny found that little action distracting and cute enough to give her the papers he needed to copy.
He saw her move, she was so elegant even just making copies.
— thank you — he told her sighing exhausted.
— don't worry Mr. Carisi, I'll do this, get it in a folder and get it back to you, why don't you go rest your eyes a bit? — she asked with a smile, noticing his tired demeanor
— I'll do it, if you start calling me Sonny — he negotiated and she laughed whole heartedly — come on, everytime you call me Mr. Carisi I feel like you are talking to my father —
— fine, you got yourself a deal — she offered her hand and he took her in his bigger one. Sonny felt asleep with the sound of the copy machine working.
— Sonny, Sonny — Y/n soft voice took him out of dreamland, he found out in that moment that his Nickname sounded awesome from Y/n lips.
From Sonny's eyes y/n was an amazing woman who was able to help everyone with their tasks, she made copies, keep archives ordered, got everything for everyone. She made time to know all of the junior's ADA's of "her room", she served coffee when needed, got them food, kept clean clothes for them just in case. She was like a mother. Sometimes she even helped them found the info they needed. She made all of that and made it with a polite smile. She had been there for like a year and their interactions where short, but he was head over heels for her.
Why? Because she got a great sense of humor, she was nice, smart, sassy when needed, had an excellent memory, she made the best black coffee he had ever tasted. She never got nervous no matter the circumstances. He didn't understand how or why was she assigned to be the "mother hen" of 7 ADA's, but he was thankful. Some days became better the moment she gave him a smile and he imagined that smile was just for him.
Sonny pinched the bridge of his nose in pain. It was past midnight and he was still in his office, working on papers. Practicing his opening statement.
— the truth... The truth....— he repeated trying to remember the next point of the speach. He grunted frustrated.
— Sonny? — the sudden voice made the attorney jump and Y/n laughed.
— Geez, doll! — he exclaimed surprised — You should use a bell — added more awake than before.
— doll? — Y/n questioned rising an eyebrow, Sonny turned red.
— Sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect you — he quickly apologized.
— you didn't, I actually like it — she admitted — I'll allow it — added in a solemn voice — with a condition councilor, only in private I don't need more gossips going around—
After saying those words, Y/n knew that she was digging her own grave. She liked Sonny.
Y/n looked at her phone horrified. Nick had send her and encrypted message. Which was resumed to: You are free of SHIELD, live the life of Y/n Veith. The life he had created for her, an identity that couldn't be connected to the Spy agency. Y/n Y/l/n had died in what they called something like the purge of Hydra. He didn't needed her. He had died. Captain america had basically destroyed the corrupted SHIELD. This was her life now. She was what? a secretary? An assistant?
She should had fail with SHIELD, she should had been there with Fury, protecting him. But she didn't. She pretended nothing happened and followed his last order to her: live like Y/n Veith.
She went with the flow. Acted like everything was just fine, made a routine, followed it to the last point. Untill one day out of the blue she broke down crying in Sonny's office. He was her friend.
— what happened? — he asked on the other side of the desk, surprised that in the middle of his speech, y/n started crying. The case was difficult, a father died to protect his daughter. The teenager girl had been raped and her father was killed by the rapist. It was way more complicated but, that were the facts.
— sorry, sorry — she said cleaning her face with her hands, Sonny approached and offered her a handkerchief that she took hesitantly. — I lost, I lost him — she stuttered.
Sonny kneeled by her side, took the handkerchief and cleaned her beautiful face.
— I'm so sorry, doll — he said even if he didn't understand, Y/n felt his consternation.
— my father died — she said with a soft voice — my house burned down — she added and Sonny understood, her father adopted her, he had saved her and then lost it all. The case had hit too close to her.
— Come on, we had enough of this case — he decided getting up, taking her hands to get her to stand — I'll take you home — he said and she smiled with sadness.
— I don't want to go to my department — she confessed getting up and Sonny gave her a soothing smile.
— We can go to my place — he offered without a second intention, she nodded and they walked away from the office, Sonny ordered an Uber.
Outside of One Hogan place with a heavy heart, y/n leaned against Sonny and he hugged her while waiting for their ride, and during the ride.
Y/n fell asleep without nightmares for the first time in the 6 months after the dead of Nick. Sonny by her side, over the covers and behind a "wall" of pillows fell asleep with the image of a peaceful Y/n.
Three months later, Y/n entered Sonny's little office, she said a "sorry to interrupt", the blond man stopped writing and turned to her eagerly, he tried to suppress his desire to look into her eyes but he wasn't that good at that.
He hadn't seen her in more than 14 days thanks to his overflow of cases and her being stole by homicides DA, who had discovered she was very good in investing.
She muttered a "what?" In mockery, as if the distance and time hadn't even happened and added a "I got you a donut!". A donut that he had craved since morning but wasn't able to get. He sighed a laugh, sometimes it was as if she could read his mind.
— you are life saver, doll— he sighed in relief taking the donut from her hand.
— Should I get you some coffee? — she asked with that caring tone that made him feel special.
— I would love that — he accepted as she merrily went to the coffee machine and poured him a cup and then a glass of water.
Sonny wondered about where did those pretty and elegant glasses came from, have they always been there? She left a bag in the table and walked back to him. He pretended to be working but it was hard to act when she was walking towards him with that dark red pencil skirt that hug perfectly the curb of her hips, the black blouse making contrast, hanging a bit loose over her torso.
— thanks doll — he said when she put the coffee and water in a corner of the desk, he looked at her with a smile — water? — he asked with a joking tone, y/n nodded
— yes, sir — she said in the same joking mood — I took an account of the caffeine you ingest by day, this could be dangerous for your health, so for every cup of caffeine, one of water — she explained with as much confidence as a lawyer making an opening statement.
— are you worried about me? — he was almost flirting, she blushed even if they sometimes flirted a bit.
— I worry about all of you — she pointed out and gave a mischievous smile that made Sonny blush.
— thank you, doll — he quipped with a smile, she smiled back and walked away to Parish desk, the man sat there looked down to his papers as Y/n put a bagel by his hand.
Sonny noticed how Tommy's ears got as read as a tomato and turned to look at her with adoration, the same look the other ADA's got everytime she was near. He had seen how things slowly changed with Y/n presence, at first they were rude, condescending, then they realized that she was excellent in her work. She had saved all of them more than once with little actions.
Y/n had a charming aura and some men in the office had asked her out, Tommy included, but she always turned them down, with an excellent excuse. "I'm seeing someone".
Carisi wondered who. Who was she dating?
— Coffee — she announced as she took a folder and put it carefully away.
Sonny smiled and suddenly thought of Y/n lie about she seeing someone. She had never tell him about her boyfriend, he thought of all of those slice of life moments they had, the banters they have, the many times she had helped him. The times she would stay in his apartment so she wouldn't be alone.
Was he the person she was seeing?
— do you have plans for tonight? — he asked abruptly and Y/n looked at him surprised.
— I got a date with my bed, but I can reschedule — she offered with a smile, she could rest later, she had to enjoy every moment with Sonny.
— do it, I'll take you to a wonderful place — He said with all of his confidence, she giggled — after work? — she nodded contently.
— It's a deal — she said before walking away with a big smile in her face.
Sonny felt stupidly happy. It was him. She was dating him unofficially.
That night Y/n tried to look as perfect as was possible in work clothes, she had refreshed herself, use a little more of make up. She was excited, she really liked Sonny and had wanted to go on a date with him, no work talk, no solving ways to state a question. She wanted to know him in a more personal way.
They sat in a table of a nice looking bar, a decent one. It wasn't pretentious, they actually served food and not just greasy fast food. She had told him distorted versions of stories with her "family and friends", (since she couldn't talk about her real life and training) like that time her father had taught her how to use a gun for her homework and she discovered she had weak fingers.
She heard about his time as a Police officer, a detective nonetheless! Sargent Benson seemed to be a very empathic person, Detective Tutuola was definitely a funny man, Amanda was for him like one more of his sisters. And Sonny discovered that she was adopted by a man called Nick, Nick Veith he guessed, since he thought that was her real last name.
She had two "adopted" sister and a brother: Maria, Natalie and Clinton. Maria was righteous, Nat was smart and sassy, Clint was funny and sometimes really annoying. Sonny thought he would get along easily with them.
They laughed between stories, they were getting fun untill Y/n felt there was something wrong. Something was about to happen. Something bad.
— Something wrong? — Y/n barely registered Sonny's voice before jumping over him yelling a "get down". A telekinetic wake made the other around people fall to the ground just in time as a rain of bullets came from the broken windows.
Sonny heard the glass breaking, people screaming in panic. Saw the bullets fly over him and the bottles in the bar breaking in slow motion. He had never experienced anything like that. The light weight of Y/n over him. And his monkey mind thought about how right that felt.
There was a "clank" from a gas' bomb, then a flash and a cloud of white smoke. People stood up and started running.
— Y/n — Sonny pulled her to see her face, he thought she would be scared, paralyzed from fear. However, when he saw her face there was no fear, she seemed confused, puzzled. — come on, we have to move —
Y/n was thinking the same, but she didn't know what was the right move: defend everyone there using her not-so-human powers? Run away and pretend to be a delicate woman, scared of the situation?
— doll? — Sonny sounded worried and in almost panic, a switch turned as boots hit the floor of the bar.
— Stay behind me — Y/n said with confidence getting up, feeling the presence of 8 people surrounding them, circling them. — and... — she looked at Sonny worried — don't get scared — she pleaded softly.
— Y/n Y/l/n surrender yourself — someone yelled and the woman felt her skin crawl, she hadn't hear her name in more than a year. It sounded good.
— is this about the accords? — She thought, aware of the Sokovia accords and what they proposed. She hadn't signed them. No one was supposed to know about her, her powers, she hadn't expected the government to notice her.
Nat? Clint? Maybe Maria had told them.
— That's right, put your hands in the air — the man ordered in a shout. Y/n closed her eyes and closed her hand in a thigh fist, making the fog disappear.
— Sorry, I can't do that— she confessed pushing the man with telekinesis. — I'm not a weapon you can use —
A new row of bullets flew towards Y/n and Sonny. A bright green light appeared in her eyes and all of the bullets stopped in the air, traces of the same light that made Y/n shine seemed to contain the little bullets like tendrills, the bullets turned in the air pointing at the squadron that was attacking her
— Y/n, no! — Sonny made her react, the tendrills disappeared and the bullets fell useless to the ground as the woman turned to see the Attorney.
— Sonny, sonny — she stuttered worried— no, no, no, no, I would never hurt them, I'm not a monster, I'm not! — she said almost in panic,not because of the attack but for the ideas Sonny could get.
Sonny saw the green and now red light form an eyes over Y/n, then monsters from nightmares formed from the light, monsters like dogs, with skulls covering the hideous animals with blood dripping from their snouts, bodies wet with a black substance. The animals roared and jumped to defend them.
Y/n saw fear in Sonny's eyes. She recognized it, a bright tendril started to form in the exact point of her heart, the fear taking form in her presence. Her hand squished the light over her chest, stopping something else to form.
He didn't know what to say. Carisi knew about the avengers, the new york incident had affected his work, he had saw everything about "ultron", he was informed about Tony Stark and the avengers every move. But he didn't know what was he supposed to say? "Sign the accords" was what he wanted to say. It was selfish for him to ask that, he couldn't do it.
— doll, you're not a monster— he finally found his own voice to say that. — but you have to go —
— Sonny, I... — the ADA put a strand of hair behind Y/n ear taking her by surprise.
— If you don't mind, I'll like to kiss you — he said making her blink in disbelief.
— yes please...— she said and Carisi smiled brightly, his large hand caressed her cheek and softly leave a tender kiss in her soft lips. It barely lasted more than a second. When Carisi opened up his eyes, everything was back to normal. Like a couple of minutes ago, right before the shooting.
In the table was a note: "Don't tell anyone" he recognized Y/n writing. He wondered if everything had been a dream, a hallucination. A part of him told him that no, that couldn't be his imagination. Y/n had left.
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Sorry for my last request, i somehow missed this was for only hubert related requests 😅
Anyway, i request the "get me" prompt for hubert and Bernadetta (or someone else if you don't like that ship)
Are you kidding I LOVE Hubernie I just don't get a ton of requests for them and it makes me :( hope you don’t mind the direction I took this though!
Leave a “Get Me” in my ask, and I will write a drabble about one character saving another.
Bernadetta swallowed down a shriek as she dodged another arrow fired her way, firing back with the ballista. She couldn’t falter, not for a second. She wasn’t supposed to show any weakness. She wasn’t that scared little girl that could barely leave her room anymore; she was a general now, an important part of Edelgard’s army.
(It didn’t feel like it though. Sometimes, all Bernadetta felt like was being that scared little girl - sometimes, Bernadetta wished that she could just lock herself in, and hide. Hide until everything was over. But she couldn’t do that.)
She fired off another arrow with the ballista, stifling a cry when she realized she missed. She began aiming another arrow, when suddenly she noticed that the soldiers that had been heading towards her position were suddenly running away. Not only that, but she could hear a crackling noise from beneath her feet. 
She gulped and looked around, shrieking in fear when she realized what was happening. 
The wooden hill she had been firing away from was now on fire. With her still on it.
She began frantically looking for a way to escape, some way to get out of the flames. 
She had nothing. 
She was stuck here, she was going to die here, surrounded by fire and choking on smoke as she burned.
Bernadetta whimpered, feeling tears appear in her eyes as she backed towards the center of the hill, watching as the flames slowly crawled their way towards her. Her body wouldn’t stop shaking, her arms slowly coming to wrap around herself. 
Please, someone, anyone, save me...! She prayed, she hoped, she wished, despite knowing no one was coming for her. 
After all, this wasn’t one of her stories. Her soon-to-be-forever-unfinished stories, though she tried to not think about that. There wouldn’t be a knight in shining armor coming to save her, no surprise hero - this was war, heroes like that didn’t exist. If they did, they definitely weren’t here.
All Bernadetta could do was squeeze her eyes shut, and brace herself for the fire as it got closer and closer and closer. Close her eyes and pray she’d die before she felt the flames burning her skin.
As she awaited her death, her mind wandered to Hubert. Hubert. The only reason she found herself following Edelgard - she and Hubert had been the only ones. Everyone else had defected. 
The only good thing to come out of this war, Bernadetta couldn’t help but think, was that she was able to get closer with Hubert. Enough that...maybe if circumstances had been better, they could’ve been in a relationship. Maybe they could’ve had something.
But no, this was war. And they weren’t able to have anything more than quiet moments together, and now Bernie was going to die and she was going to die a horrible painful death without even being able to say goodbye to Hubert-
Suddenly, arms wrapped around her, and she felt something shift. 
She couldn’t stop the yelp that escaped her mouth, and her eyes shot open. She found herself staring at the burning hill - a burning hill that was missing one Bernie. 
The arms that had grabbed her let go, and she turned around to find Hubert staring at her - a little more singed than she last saw him, but alive - and the one that saved her. 
“Bernadetta,” Hubert began, “are you-?”
Bernadetta wasn’t even able to let Hubert finish his question. She felt the tears that had been building her eyes start to overflow as she hugged him tightly. 
“Th-Thank you-! You - You saved me-!” Bernadetta managed to say through her tears, and she cried into Hubert’s chest.
After a moment, she felt Hubert’s arms wrap around her, hugging her back.
“...You need to go. Stay low.” Hubert’s voice was quiet as he spoke, practically talking into Bernadetta’s hair. “The enemy believes you to be dead - hopefully you will be able to live the peaceful life you truly deserve once this war is over.”
Before Bernadetta could say another word, Hubert warped away, leaving her with just the lingering warmth of his hug. 
(As Hubert lay dying on the streets of Enbarr, a young woman with purple hair snuck around, checking to make sure no one else was around before darting out from her hiding spot to go grab him and bring him to a safe area. 
When Hubert awoke, it was to Bernadetta asleep at his bedside, bandages wrapped tightly around him and several empty concoctions nearby. Despite everything, he couldn’t help the soft smile on his face at seeing that she did manage to stay safe. 
And when Bernadetta awoke herself, relieved to the point of tears at seeing him awake, Hubert can’t help but think.
Maybe living beyond the war wasn’t as bad as he had originally believed, if Bernadetta was to be at his side.)
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Request: I have this idea of the reader being a princess and having to marry fili cuz hes the heir and she likes him but she ends up falling for his brother? Maybe with some angst? You can choose the end 😆
Pairing: Fíli x Reader, eventually Kíli x Reader
Genre: mainly angst w/ fluffy moments
Requested by: @crispykittywitch
The heir's curse: ———
Permanent taglist: @queenofmankind @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: none atm, maybe some typos
A/N: Sorry for the delay I was having an existential crisis. I'm trying to put the story together, so this first part is merely introductive to the actual plot, that's why is short and kinda lacking of action OOF ANYWAY enjoy, and send me an ask if you wanna be tagged in this. Friendly reminder that the requests are open <3
Part II
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"She's beautiful." my brother Kíli, tilting his head to my side, muttered, his eyes never leaving the girl that walked towards us.
"She is, indeed." I replied, equally dumbfounded.
"This is Y/n, Princess of the kingdom of Belegost." Y/n bowed to us with a genuine smile on her face, and we did the same to her "My lady, these are prince Fíli, Heir of the throne of Erebor, and prince Kíli."
"At your service." we both spoke, right after I stepped to her to kiss her hand. "I've heard legends of your beauty, but none make you justice." And it was true.
Y/n, despite being a dwarf, descended directly from the elves of Caras Galadhon. She was an actual miracle of our time, and it had been said to me that possessed a beauty never seen in middle earth.
"You don't look so bad yourself." she smoothly replied. "As my father used to say, though, true beauty lays inside of oneself."
"My brother has a heart of gold." Kíli assured her. "I'm sure you'll get to see it sooner rather than later." I halfsmiled at my brother's words. "or maybe later rather than sooner, he's a little thick, and a little slow."
"Kíli." I called him, turning to throw daggers at him with my eyes.
"What?" he then grinned at Y/n, "It's only the truth." who was now chuckling, with a playful look on his gaze.
"My lord, I will now take the Princess to her stances."
"Do not," I ordered, taking a couple more steps to be before her. "I'll take her myself." I extended my hand for her to take.
"How chivalrous." She teased walking besides me. "are you trying to make a good impression?"
"Maybe." I tended her a hand the help her down the stairs. "Is it working?"
She took my hand with a grin and slightly pulled up her dress in order not to step on it. "Maybe."
As soon as they had walked away from the stance, my smile faded and an uneasy frown appeared in my face.
I had seen her at the gates. We ran into each other, but she was wearing a traveling cloak and I didn't connect the dots.
"Apologies m'lady." I quickly spoke, steadying her with both my hands so she wouldn't fall. "I was in a hurry."
"It's alright, I was distracted." it was only then, when she took off the hood, that I was left speechless. "Cat has got your tongue?" She teased with a grin as I let go her forearms.
"Your beauty took all words away from me." I replied as fast as I could.
"Not all, apparently." she responded. "Would you mind pointing me the direction to the place where I shall wait for the king?"
"Thorin's not here, but someone will receive you in the throne's hall— Ori!" I made a sign and my friend came to us. "I would take you there myself, but as I said, I am in a hurry."
"Thank you anyway."
I felt the smile growing in my face. "My pleasure."
'She's beautiful', I had said, but what meant was 'she's too beautiful'.
I knew I was damned the moment she smiled at me, I just didn't know how damned I was— not yet, at least.
"Ouch!" I flinched when the needle fixing the side of my dress stung my skin.
Having to stand on a velvet footstool with my arms over my head for over half an hour was already uncomfortable and exhausting enough, needless to say I wasn't in the mood for a stray needle to pierce my skin.
"Apologies, m'lady." the servant muttered, retrieving the needle and the thread and starting again.
"Just get over with it already." I groaned in desperation. "Is this even necessary?"
"Of course! you must look perfect tonight."
"I think she already looks perfect." both our heads turned to the door in order to see a fancy dressed Fíli standing there. "Cease tormenting the princess already."
The servant nodded and stopped whatever sewing had been attempting to do on the side of the dress. "my knight in shining armor." I offered him a relieved smile and he responded with a chuckle. "what are you doing here?"
"My garments needed a retouch." A seamstress chasing him prompted Fíli to move into the room and lift his arms, and so he did. "And I heard that beautiful voice of yours from the other side of the room, so I had to come."
"Smooth." I commented, receiving a proud shrug in exchange.
"I apologize for tonight." the frown in my face let him know he had to explain further. "You've just arrived from a long journey, I doubt you're in the mood for a party."
"I won't lie to you," I pursed my lips in a thin line and gave him an apologetic smile. "attending to a dwarvish celebration is the last thing I wish for."
"And what does the princess wish for?"
"Sleep?" we both chuckled. "And maybe some time alone with my intended. I'd like to get to know him."
He nodded with the ghost of a smile twitching the corners of his lips. "I'll make sure you can escape the party as soon as possible." he assured me, finally lowering his arms. "If I can, I'll walk you to your chambers. We can take the long way and chat for a while." his eyes were hopeful, and his half smile sincere.
"That'd make the party worth it." he nodded, the half smile mutating into a beam.
"Brother," Kíli rushed into the room, stalking straight to his brother. "Thorin is back, he requested—" due to his focus on the commended task, he almost missed me.
The corner of my eye first caught the glittering silver of her dress, which led my gaze to acknowledge her form.
There she stood, over the stool; her long gown majestically fell past her feet and gave her an even more divine aura.
I wouldn't have noticed that my jaw had dropped if not for my brother, digging his elbow in my ribs.
"Stop staring at my intended." he jokingly scolded me. "are you planning on stealing her from me?" he wiggled his brows at me and Y/n laughed.
"Pffft no!" Y/n snorted behind me and Fíli gave us a smug grin.
"Yeah, Thorin." I cleared my throat, fighting to tear my eyes away from her. "he wants to see you. It's important."
"Did he say what it was about?" I shook my head no and my brother sighed, signaling the servants to stop working on his regal clothing. "I must go now." he spoke to Y/n with apologetic eyes.
She nodded and my brother walked past me, making his way to where Thorin would be waiting for him.
"Heir duties?"
Y/n words caught me off hand, and at first I could only nod with my eyes way too open. "It seemed like it."
"Must be exhausting— would you lend me a hand?" One hand fisted her dress and lifted it up, the other was now extended towards me.
I eagerly nodded and stepped to her, "It must be," taking her hand in mine and holding her forearm in order to offer her some extra support. "though I wouldn't know."
"Me neither, thank Mahal." she carefully let the gown's end down on the floor and gave me brief, playful grin. "Being the younger sibling has its advantages, doesn't it?"
Of course, she was the youngest of Three siblings, how could I forget?
I looked away with a knowing chuckle, just for my eyes to return to her shortly after. "It certainly does, my lady."
"Don't call me 'my lady' as if I was above you."
"You kind of are." I replied with my eyebrows raised and one of the corners of my lips lifted.
"No I'm not!" her voice sounded outraged, but in a theatrical way.
"As you wish," I subtly bowed. "my lady."
She shook her head, letting out a soft laughter. "You're already insufferable."
"But I'm making you laugh." her eyes rolled, a smile pulling at her lips again. "You'll come to put up with me."
"You will be at the party, I hope?" I nodded, a bit taken aback by her question. "Great, because I feel like your brother will have more Heir duties to attend, and I don't wanna be alone."
"I'll keep your company." I involuntarily winked at her, triggering her eyes to part from me for a second, a timid smile making its way to her gaze. "May I tell my brother to pick you up tonight?"
"That would be nice, yes."
"Then you must excuse me." she gave me a quick nod and bowed to me. I mimicked her actions and left to go and tell my brother.
I think I secretly wished for him to tell me he could not pick her up, but I would never admit it out loud.
Nor would Y/n, who, to my ignorance, deep down, wished for it too.
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 14
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Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Just a reiteration, none of the government officials are based off a specific real person. They are all old privileged men. I do not want to date this fic in that way. I am trying to base their political standings off of the majority of their country's beliefs. They are not progressive, but they are harshly conservative.
Also, I may be later in posting the next few days or may not be able to post, my Tumblr @bexterbex will have a post on whether or not I can post that day. My sister is getting ready to have baby #3 and I am with her assisting with her other 2 and cleaning house. Sorry for any future inconvenience.
Chapter 14: Dirty Politics
Entering the war room once again, everyone shifted uncomfortably as you two entered. Kylo’s demeanor shifted into one of strength and power, with underlying tones of anger. You took your seats once more ready to begin. Kylo now held your hand above the table as a silent way to dare anyone in the room to disrespect you. 
“Shall we begin,” asked Hux. 
Kylo nodded in response.
“The Finalizer will arrive late tonight, early tomorrow morning to help with the demands of registration and the health regime. Currently, we need to help evaluate an addition to the education system to increase overall hygiene here on the surface,” said Hux.
With this Prime Minister of Australia scoffed, “our people are not unclean, I think the First Order is overstepping its bounds with telling people how to clean themselves.”
“Currently over 700 million people are living in extreme poverty. 8.9 percent of your population are defecating in non-hygienic places, unvaccinated children are on the rise in your first world countries, are just but a few issues the Earth has with health,” said a male first order officer. “Does this not concern you that almost one-seventh of the world's population is without almost any health care? That disease may spread overnight?” 
“Sub Saharan Africa and the poor areas of Asia are not my concern,” said the Australian Prime Minister.
“Were you not asked to help represent all of the governments of your world,” asked General Hux, daring the prime minister to defy him. 
“Yes, the prime minister did agree to that,” said the Chancellor of Germany. 
“The U.S. government’s own Center for Disease Control reported that 35 percent of women and 69 percent of men do not wash their hands after using the restroom. A basic hygiene principle that is shared across the galaxy. Obviously, Earth does need education on hygiene as it would help stop any of these outbreaks that you have been known to have,” said another female officer.
The Prime Minister of Russia scoffed, “we are not unclean.”
“I don’t believe they were suggesting you were unclean, but that the majority of Earth was unclean,” you replied.
“There is also the discussion of reproductive health, all First Order planets have adequate birth control and access to feminine hygiene products. Which we can see from the data, your planet seems to be lacking in all these areas and will need to be justified,” said the female officer.
“Birth control and feminine hygiene product? Now this is ridiculous,” said the U.S. President. “There will be no need for the First Order being involved in that. Besides periods are not an important medical issue.”
This made you a bit angry, but fortunately enough for the President, it was General Hux who spoke first, “The First Order merely wants those who would like these products to be able to receive them.”  
“Yes, and I suppose you want our women to become common First Order whores with this access to birth control,” asked the almost now enraged Russian Prime Minister. Staring directly at you.
This conversation made your blood boil. He was now insinuating exactly what he was thinking earlier about you. Kylo’s grip on your hand tightened. You could hear him snort through the vocoder, “Certainly your wife will be of no use to us, but a healthy self-controlled population is necessary. After all, I believe it is also common here on Earth that you are born from women, and I believe you have not advanced enough for the use of clones.”
With this statement, the Russian Prime Minister stood up enraged. “What you do with your ha-“ he wasn’t able to complete his sentence before he was grabbing at an invisible hand around his neck, choking the air out of him. All eyes on him. 
General Hux next to you turned to Kylo pleaded, “Supreme Leader, I might suggest that you release him. It would not look good to the Russian people if you killed their prime minister and they are not a country we can afford not to be cooperative.”
You turned to Kylo, desperate to find his eyes through his mask as he turns to you. “Release him.” In an instant, the prime minister dropped to the floor gasping for air. The U.S. President and Australian Prime Minister helping him back into his seat. All of the government officials in the room looked terrified.
You had no idea what just happened. You didn’t really know how Kylo did what he did, but that didn’t matter right now. What mattered was that he did it in the first place. Before you could speak, Kylo addressed the room. 
“You and your people will follow the will of the First Order, my will as Supreme Leader. I will leave health decisions to a committee that I have designated. They will bring forward their proposals and I will either approve or disapprove them from there. This discussion and meeting are over. See to it during tomorrow's meetings that you all control yourselves or there will be consequences for your people,” and with that, he stood and he leads you to stand as well. He guided you out the door without another word. You did not stop at the red sitting room again, instead, he lead you out of the White House and into his command shuttle. 
You sat down and before you could even start to buckle yourself he was doing it for you. You could feel the silent pent up anger radiating off of him. He barked a harsh order to the pilot to take you back to the Steadfast. 
The ride up was in total silence, but he took you hand in his once more. Once you docked, he was quick to unbuckle you both. Quickly guiding you both through the hangar and the halls, not stopping for the official salute. You quickly found him leading you not to his chambers but to the room that he had shown you. The door quickly opened and you two rushed in. Before the door could completely shut, his helmet was off and tossed to the side making a loud thud against the durasteel. 
Kylo’s back was against the star side windows—sitting. His face in one hand and the other holding itself out to you. His breathing was labored again, you feared what was behind his eyes. 
You took his hand and he pulled you down into him. His face buried in your neck, his arms wrapped tightly around you—he was holding back a sob. Your hand found its way into his hair as the other to his lower back. You began to rub circles trying to calm him.
“Kylo,” you said softly.
He was looking at you now, “I am a monster, don’t you see? You shouldn’t stay with me, or you will get hurt too.”
“What was it that you said before? The Force brought me to you, why would I leave if it chose me for you?” This time you tucked yourself into his chest, refusing to move. 
After a few minutes, his breathing calmed and he wound a gloved hand in your hair, holding you to him. “I’m sorry.”
You tilted you head up to meet his eyes. “Whoever hurt you before doesn’t matter. I am here let me help you. Whether it’s to keep your temper in check, helping with work, or anything else that is why I am here.” You place a hand over his heart and one of his joins yours. 
“I had to protect you. I have to protect you, do you understand? Without you, I will self destruct. Taking everyone with me,” said Kylo while placing a hand under your chin. His thumb ghosting over your cheek.
“I know, but thoughts can’t harm me, only actions can. Defend me against actions. I like that you are trying to be a knight in shining armor but I am also a big girl who can handle herself. Especially against gross old men. When their thoughts turn into actions, then you can swoop in and save me.” You tucked yourself back into his chest, you both just sat there while time seemed to stop. 
“I need you by my side helping me with Earth. The politicians are stubborn and archaic. It's a large planet with a big population. The biggest the First Order has conquered yet, but your people are unhealthy and uneducated,” said Kylo finally. 
“Why don’t we go and try to figure out some of this together. I know you said you were going to appoint a committee, why don’t we try to do that now. Get it out of the way, and relieve some stress,” you suggested. 
Kylo simply nodded. You stood up, and so did he. He pulled you back to his chest once more and buried his face in your hair. You stood like that for several moments before he separated from you. He retrieved his helmet and once again you were off into the winding halls of the Steadfast. 
You reach a room you have never been to, once inside it was a large empty conference room. Kylo walked over to one of the computer panels on the wall and started typing in commands. 
“We will wait for the generals and officers to come back, in the meantime you and I will eat lunch.”
A droid appeared with plates of food and you and Kylo ate lunch in the conference room. One finished the droid took everything back. 
A junior officer entered the room and informed you that the generals and officers would be here shortly as their shuttle had just arrived. Moments later they filed through the door, quickly taking seats and seemingly ready for a bomb to go off. 
“We are going to discuss the health regime committee first and then I believe we should discuss other areas of education. The earth is a mess with citizen on citizen violence that will be stopped,” said Kylo.
“Well, the hygiene committee will be something easy to tackle. Mostly it should be filled with First Order medical staff, someone from the CDC and the WHO. Unlike the politicians I believe that average citizens and the Earth’s medical professionals will agree with a better health campaign,” you said.
“When the Finalizer docks tonight I can ask their chief medical officer to put together a group of nurses and doctors from both ships to start the committee,” said General Hux.
“Inform them that a visual campaign will help, videos and posters. Literally everywhere. Children will be the easiest to influence, adults will be harder,” you said. 
The officers were noting your comments. “This CDC and WHO are reputable,” asked General Pryde. 
“Yes, unfortunately, most of the time people only listen to them when there is an Ecoli outbreak in lettuce and not when it comes to washing hands and receiving vaccines. But I digress at the ignorance that is my own people,” you replied.
“So they will understand the need that we have for making this planet healthy? That the citizens must be healthy,” asked another officer.
“Yes, as far as I am aware, doctors on my planet take oaths to health and the safety of patients and potential patients. They also will believe in the science behind it, when given facts and studies. I have yet to meet a doctor that doesn’t want their patients to bathe regularly, to receive vaccinations, to have regular checkups. That is something doctors want,” you said. 
“General Hux will inform the chief medical officer of the Finalizer of what is to happen. Tomorrow the committee will be formed before 10:00 hours and will by the end of the day have a start to a more solid campaign,” said Kylo.
He then turned to you and asked, “Will you help with the health committee?”
“Yes,” you respond.
“Supreme Leader, we must also be aware that there must be an education started once all registration is completed. As of now we have currently completed the registration of 27% of the population has been registered to date and 98% of the registered have started their education process,” said general Hux.
“Yes, behavioral education along with the standard education must be important. We should hold off for two or three days to see where the health education committee is, that can always be put as a main focus to then share a behavioral one,” said Kylo.
The mention of behavioral training piqued your interest. What need was there for behavior training? And what would it involve? Public health was something you were comfortable sharing but if Kylo could read minds what would happen in this behavioral training. You silently hoped you would be able to shape or sway this. If you learned anything from movies, an overpowered government did not allow freedom, and freedom of thought was the most important thing you could think of. 
“But I would like General Pryde to investigate what already might be available for behavioral training education at the main library in the U.S.-“ Kylo turned to you to help answer.
“The Library of Congress,” you supplied. 
“Yes, the Library of Congress. There should be something there worth our time.” With that Kylo dismissed the officers before you were left alone General Hux approached you. 
“Here is your dog tags my lady. They will grant you access all over any First Order ship and if you happen to be separated from the Supreme Leader it will grant him the ability to find you,” and with that he handed you a set of angular looking dog tags that had a visible tracker chip and circuitry on the back. He soon left. You were now alone again with Kylo.
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theredhairedmonkey · 4 years
Callum—A Hero’s Journey
Some of you may be familiar with the concept of the “monomyth,” also called the Hero’s Journey. In comparative literature and mythology, the Hero’s Journey is a common template for a wide variety of tales that involve a hero who goes on a decisive quest, triumphs over their foe, and finally returns home changed or transformed. The concept of the Hero’s Journey was popularized by Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces, so much of what I will quote below comes from this work.
The Hero’s Journey is seen everywhere in pop culture—the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, ATLA…and also in the Dragon Prince.
But often in these stories, only a privileged few become heroes. Often they are born to a royal bloodline (like Ezran), have innate special powers (like Rayla), or become a knight in shining armor (like Soren). Their journeys are imbued with cosmic purpose; they follow a hero’s journey because they were destined to.
Very rarely are these stories about someone like Callum, an ordinary person with few talents, who has no bloodline, no destiny to speak of, and no assigned place in the grand scheme of things. Yet his storyline, up through the end of Season 3, has followed the “monomyth” precisely. This could mean that Callum is actually the true hero of our story.
Let’s break down the steps of the Hero’s Journey and apply them to Callum’s arc:
The Ordinary World
Every hero's story begins in the ordinary world. Without this introduction to the hero's life before the adventure begins, there would be no character arc that shows how the hero has changed by the end. During this stage, we find our hero in a state of rest, home in their safe place. They are oblivious to any adventures to come. In this stage, we learn details about our hero, their outlook on life, their true nature and capabilities. We see our hero as human, relatable to ourselves. Identifying with our hero in this stage allows us to empathize with them later.
After a short prologue, the Dragon Prince opens with Callum, the step-child of King Harrow. We are introduced to Callum as a sheltered and bookish prince. He’s fairly awkward, and apart from art, he is shown to be terrible at most other tasks he tries. Nonetheless, he lives a normal life before the Moonshadow assassins arrived. We learn of his love of sketching. We learn that he is, for the most part, good-hearted. We learn that he is just a child, like we all once were.
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The Call to Adventure
As Campbell writes, the hero is called to venture “forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder.” Here, this “call” comes as Rayla chases him across the castle, followed by Ezran showing his discovery—the egg of the Dragon Prince.
The revelation that the egg survived is the call to adventure.
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Rayla: This changes everything…I can’t believe it. If the egg lives…
Callum: Maybe it could stop the war.
The egg must be brought back to Xadia, a region of supernatural wonder. Callum is being called to this world, reminiscent of what Campbell describes as “…a fateful region of both treasure and danger.” 
Crossing the First Threshold
This is the point at which the hero decides to embark on the adventure and cross over into the unknown, leaving their ordinary world behind. And in spite of having the option to go back for his father with Rayla, Callum decides saving the Dragon Prince is what matters most:
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Callum: “It’s up to us now. We have to return this egg. We have to keep it safe and carry it to Xadia.”
However, here the “crossing of the threshold” takes place very gradually; Team Zym spends most of the first two seasons in the Human Kingdoms, and it’s only in 2x09 that Callum and Rayla finally make it to Xadia. But from the moment that Callum leaves Katolis Castle, he has left his ordinary world behind and entered into the adventure beyond.
Supernatural Aid/Meeting the Mentor
Once the hero has committed to the quest, help arrives either in the form of an artifact…
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…or help arrives in the form of a person who may present the hero with gifts or important advice. This person has been to the unknown and understands what the hero is up against.
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The Road of Trials
The Road of Trials is a series of tests the hero must face to begin the transformation. Here, Callum is tested when:
He must choose whether to sacrifice his newfound power (and sense of self-worth) so that Zym could be born.
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He must decide whether to reject the temptation of Dark Magic, and that his life is bound to any destiny.
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He must choose whether to take Ibis’ advice to leave the Storm Spire.
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And he must choose whether to take the leap and try to save Rayla’s life, knowing he himself could very well die too.
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In addition, there are several smaller tests as well, including, among others: Whether Callum should tell Amaya the truth about Rayla; whether he should trust Rayla with the egg; executing a plan for the journey up the Cursed Caldera; the hardship of learning his stepfather had died and deciding whether to continue the mission; journeying through Xadia, the Midnight Desert, and up the Storm Spire; and using his magic and emotional openess to help Rayla find closure with her parents.
But in the process, the hero will fail many of these tests.
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Refusal of the Call
Even though it’s more common in modern stories for the hero to jump at the chance for adventure, traditionally they refuse to continue, or even begin, the quest. The hero has fears that need overcoming, second thoughts, or perhaps deep personal doubts as to whether or not they are up to the challenge. When first called a mage by Rayla, Callum’s first reaction is doubt and skepticism (“Who, me? No, I’m...I’m not really anything”).
Later, Callum has a moment when, due to his feeling inadequate, he flatly rejects his place in the story. Fear and self-doubt prevent him from continuing his journey.
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The Woman as Temptress
This is the stage in which the hero faces temptation that will distract them from the ultimate quest. The temptation doesn't have to come in the form of a woman. It can be anything material that distracts the hero from what they have set out to accomplish. And here, Callum faces the same temptation that every human mage has had to face:
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Atonement with the Hero’s Father
As with the metaphor of being tempted by a woman, this step also represents a metaphor of facing the one who holds power over the hero. In some stories, this could be a literal father (such as with Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader), but in many cases, the person who holds the most power over the hero…is the hero himself. 
The hero confronts that which holds power over them and defeats it. Here, Callum confronts his darker self and takes aim at the idea that his “destiny is already written.”
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The Belly of the Whale
At this point on the Hero's Journey, the hero, “instead of conquering or conciliating the power of the threshold, is swallowed into the unknown and would appear to have died.” 
After resolving to be the author of his own destiny, Callum continues his fever dream, voyaging into his “own heart and mind” on a ship where he is the sail. Eventually, instead of being able to brace the storm in his own subconscious, his ship is smashed to pieces and Callum sinks below the waves and begins to drown.
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Meeting with the Goddess
This stage doesn't have to have a goddess, per se, but rather a significant power that gives unconditional love and strength to the hero. Here, on the verge of suffocating, there’s one person that Callum turns to for love and strength.
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The meeting with the goddess “is the final test of the talent of the hero to win the boon of love, which is life itself enjoyed as the encasement of eternity.” And it is here, in the presence of his mother, that Callum finally learns the secret of the Sky Primal.
Callum: I just have to breathe?
Sarai: To know something truly and deeply, you must know it with your head, hand, and heart. Mind, body, and spirit.
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This is the point of realization in which a greater understanding is achieved. Armed with this new knowledge and perception, the hero is resolved and ready for the more difficult part of the adventure.
And it is at this point that Callum, awakened and enlightened, becomes the first human in countless lifetimes to make a connection to a Primal Source.
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The Ultimate Boon
This is the final  stage of the Hero's Journey in which the hero achieves their goal. Here, Callum finally masters Sky Magic, represented by the one ability which we most associate with dominion over the sky:
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Everything that happened prior to this was to test and purify the hero to get him to this place. And just as Callum completes his transformation into a powerful mage, the Dragon Prince is finally returned to his mother, greeted by a group of humans and elves, in a gesture that signals the end of the millennia-long conflict.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: Looking For Romance? Check Out These Top Anime Meet-Cutes
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  Part of what defines a good romance is the build-up to the big confession and the character's journeys to get there. Along that journey, you may find yourself stressing over all those near kiss moments and love triangles. Maybe you find yourself coming to appreciate the couple's support for each other, their playful banter, and even their opposite personalities. All of this is great, but you know what no one really talks about? The meet-cute! You know, the moment two characters meet for the first time, sparking the development of their epic love story. It's one of the most important aspects of the relationship, because, without it, there wouldn't be a couple to ship or a romance to pursue! Whether they were short and sweet, or dramatic and electric, the meet-cute is the significant moment where we are introduced to our leading love interests and shows us what we can look forward to. Here are some of the best meet-cutes in romance anime!
  Mitsuha and Taki
Your Name is a remarkable film for many reasons. One of them being how its protagonists Mitsuha and Taki's paths continuously cross in various ways, resulting in the ultimate meet-cute! The first time Mitsuha and Taki "meet," it's not exactly face-to-face. The two come to learn about each other when, for reasons unknown to them at the time, they were switching bodies. The two have no way to communicate with each other other than to leave reports on their phones about the day's events so the other isn't completely oblivious to what happened. Because there's not much Mitsuha or Taki can do about the switching, the two decide to do their best navigating the situation and this whole encounter becomes very entertaining to watch.
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  Image via FUNimation
Wanting answers to this strange phenomenon, Mitsuha and Taki's search leads them to an unexpected run-in and our second meet-cute. This meet-cute is equal parts romantic with Mitsuha and Taki breaking the boundaries of time to see one another and gut-wrenching as we've learned the truth behind Mitsuha's fate. Because of all the switching, Mitsuha and Taki became well acquainted with each other, and that's apparent in the teaseful banter between the two as they take in the fact they finally found each other. With its accompanying music and animation, this scene is beautiful and all the missed opportunities throughout the film don't even matter anymore.
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  Image via FUNimation
After the events of the climax of the movie, it seems that Mitsuha and Taki's memories have faded, and they're living their lives normally. As adults, Mitsuha and Taki spot each other on a train one day and despite not remembering the journey they shared, it's clear to each other that all this time they knew they were searching for someone. Motivated by that feeling, Mitsuha and Taki immediately look for each other, and in that one final moment by the stairs, that last meet cute, they'll finally remember their names.
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  Image via FUNimation
  Rika and Yuta
  I could write novels about how amazingly adorable Love Chunibyo & Other Delusions is as a series, and the relationship between Rika and Yuta is just too cute for words … but here I go! 
Yuta is hungry for a fresh start at a new school where no one knows about his past and his embarrassing chunibyo (a term in the Japanese language used to describe a person who manifests delusional behavior, particularly thinking that one has special powers that no other person has) ways, but then he has a chance encounter with his upstairs neighbor, a girl with a wicked eye. Yuta is moving some boxes onto his balcony when he sees a girl scaling down the side of the building. She’s having some trouble finding her footing, so Yuta helps to catch her feet. The foot catching actually becomes a really cute aspect of their relationship later on in the series. 
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    Rika and Yuta’s very first encounter is short and sweet, but then comes the first day of school and their official introduction becomes comically chaotic. At first, Yuta is impressed seeing Rika “open” the automatic train doors with one swish of her hand, but that intriguing first impression turns to fear and some playful taunting when Rika expresses to Yuta she knows about his past chunibyo delusions. From here on out, Rika and Yuta often find themselves together, growing closer as the series goes on, partly because they’re neighbors and classmates, but also because whether Yuta wants to admit it or not, once a chunibyo, always a chunibyo!
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    Kaori and Kousei
Your Lie in April is an emotional series, but it does a great job of blending its sincerity with comedy, and that's abundantly clear when Kaori and Kousei meet for the first time. Kousei agrees to accompany his friend Tsubaki who is setting up their mutual friend Watori with a classmate, Kaori Miyazono. When Kousei arrives early at the meet-up spot, he meets Kaori who's putting on a performance. Although he attempts to take a picture capturing the musical moment, Kaori thinks he's trying to sneak a sexy pic and Kousei soon becomes well-versed in Kaori's dueling personalities. One minute she's beating up on Kousei and the next she is loving up on Watari. At first, Kousei just assumes Kaori is this free spirit, but then he hears her play the violin. Much of Kousei and Kaori's first introduction centers around Kaori's music, and it's the music that makes their first meeting more than just cute and comical, it also makes it influential. Kousei was captivated by Koari's unstructured style of music, a style in which he had no experience. Their first day was precious and the characters are precious in how they inspire each other.
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    Nagisa and Tomoya
Ah yes ... Clannad! Anyone who has seen Clannad knows exactly what I mean when I say how ridiculously cute and heartbreakingly sad this anime is a big part of that has to do with Nagisa and Tomoya, whose first encounter is genuine, encouraging and wastes no time introducing the lovable relationship between the two. Tomoya has a pessimistic attitude about the way his life is going, but it's sweet how on the way to school, Tomoya shares some motivating words to Nagisa, a girl he just met. Tomoya ends up offering some good advice about an issue that's bothering her. This moment immediately sets up the sweet dynamic between the two, and while this instance appears simple on the surface, knowing what I know now from watching the entire series, this moment is powerful. It truly gives insight into their relationship, supporting and uplifting one another throughout their journeys.
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  Image via VRV  
Rinko and Takeo
My Love Story!! is a unique series that is caring, tender, and overall filled with sweetness, and the relationship that blossoms between Rinko Yamato and Takeo Gouda are just too pure for this world! Unlike some of the other meet-cutes where the first encounter may be awkward, comical, or playful in demeanor, Takeo literally swoops in like a knight in shining armor the first time he sees Rinko. While riding the train, Rinko is being bothered by a scummy individual. Takeo notices the despicable behavior and immediately intervenes. Rinko is not only grateful for Takeo intervening but for also not allowing the perpetrator to talk ill of her. Takeo is someone who is introduced as having no luck with girls, and although the event leading up to how Rinko and Takeo meet is awful, what's special about their first encounter is that for the first time, someone appreciates and respects Takeo's kind heart instead of just taking advantage of his caring personality. As I said, Rinko and Takeo's relationship is pure and innocent and their first meeting is all about heart and compassion.
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    Tsukasa and Nasa
I'll admit, Tsukasa and Nasa's actual first meeting is incredibly wacky, seeing as the first time they acknowledge each other's existence in TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You, was by Tsukasa lessening the blow Nasa took when getting hit by a car and then Nasa running on pure adrenaline to find Tsukasa even though he was on the edge of passing out from blood loss. Yeah, it's pretty kooky but oddly adorable? Okay, it's just all kooky but what IS adorable is when Tsukasa and Nasa meet again a few years later and Nasa tries his best to make his new wife happy.
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  Nasa's never had a girl over to his apartment, let alone a girl who is now his wife. The first night they spend together, Nasa follows Tsukasa's lead, doing what he can to make the new nuptials and living arrangement more welcoming and comfortable for his adoring wife. Nasa also has no problems expressing his emotions and his feelings toward Tsukasa, and even the smallest gesture like holding hands sends him "over the moon." Tsukasa and Nasa's relationship moves pretty quickly, but it's charming to watch them fully embrace the relationship.
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    Usagi and Mamoru
Usagi and Mamoru have one of the most iconic relationships among romance anime. While the two fight side by side for love and justice in Sailor Moon, they didn't always see eye to eye, and their first meet up is the perfect example of that playful, teasing relationship we come to see and adore. Usagi is pretty down in the dumps after performing poorly on an exam and tosses the disappointing test to the side. Instead of hitting the ground, it hits this oh so charming guy in the head. Depending on which version of the series you watch, you'll witness their love-at-first-sight, butterflies-in-your-stomach moment, or Usagi taking shots at Mamoru's iconic purple pleated pants, and of course the birth of the meatball head/bunhead nickname!
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  Image via Hulu
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Image via Hulu  
What are some of your favorite anime meet-cutes? Let us know in the comments!
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      Pro hero Veronica Valencia is an anime-loving hot sauce enthusiast! You can follow more of her work as a host, writer, and producer on Twitter and Instagram.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
By: Veronica Valencia
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Ladyhawke: The Characters
The problem with putting a fairytale on screen is that the characters are usually the least interesting part of the story.
In most legends, the focus of the story isn’t really on the characters.  It’s on the plot, and what the characters do.  When you come right down to it, the point of most fairytales isn’t really about character growth, it’s about good vs. evil, heroic deeds against acts of villainy.  The characters tend to be archetypes, with the side of good led by the Hero, the Champion, the Dragonslayer, and the side of evil led by the Ruler, or the Classic Villain.  There are damsels in distress, mentor figures, and sometimes sidekicks along the way, but when it comes to fairy tales, there isn’t a huge amount of variety or development in the people involved.  The characters exist to champion a side, to move the plot forward, to give us someone to root for.
In a story so reminiscent of a fairy-tale, Ladyhawke could be forgiven for using these archetypes as a way to advance its plot.  The thing is, it doesn’t.  
Instead of marching out the clichés of standard sword and sorcery characters, Ladyhawke does something different: it plays on subversions of simple archetypes, developing them in different ways that adds to the distinctive style of the film.  Today, we’re going to be taking a closer look at these characters and the unique way they are used, beginning, of course, with our protagonist. (Spoilers below!)
As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, the most interesting thing about our main character is that he really has no business in this story.
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In any other fantasy story, Phillipe Gaston would be a smaller character, perhaps a comedic sidekick or a helpful rogue, taking up his own part of the narrative without changing too much or growing as a character.  He is an Action Survivor, a shrewd thief that possesses both boyish charm and wry cynicism.  He’s smart, but impulsive, lies often, but is honest about himself.  He avoids battle at all costs, and wavers back and forth between arrogance and apprehension depending on the scenario at hand.  In short: Phillipe is by no means a fantasy hero, and really doesn’t belong at the forefront of this conflict.  Even more interestingly, he knows it.
Again, as I’ve mentioned earlier, Phillipe seems very disconnected with events around him.  He is only involved in the plot simply because he is the only person who has ever escaped from the place Navarre is trying to get into.  He is involved because of his skills, not his importance to the plot.  Phillipe has no connection with anyone, not Navarre, Isabeau, the monk Imperius, or even the villain, the Bishop. With no connection, he has no investment in the characters, no reason to help.  On top of that, he doesn’t really have any of the traits befitting traditional fantasy heroes.  
Putting it like that, Phillipe really seems like a terrible choice for a protagonist.
Now for our next question.
Does Phillipe as a main character work anyway?
Actually, yeah.
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Now, wait a minute, you might say.  You just told me why he doesn’t work as a main character, and now you decide that, going against all good characterization of main leads, it works anyway?  Isn’t that going against the laws of film critiquing?
Here’s the thing.
Sometimes, characters who seem like bad ideas in theory turn out to be good ones in practice.  In my opinion, Phillipe Gaston is one of those characters.
In my last film review, I talked about what made Dorothy Gale such a good protagonist for The Wizard of Oz, and one thing that I mentioned was that every protagonist needs a problem, particularly a problem pertaining to the plot.  At first, it seems like this is fuel for the argument that Navarre should have been the protagonist and not Phillipe, a closer look perhaps proves otherwise.
At the beginning of the story, Phillipe’s problem would appear to be not only simple, but being taken care of: he’s in prison.  More specifically, when the story picks up, he’s escaping prison, trying to stay ahead of the Bishop’s guards.  He doesn’t want anything except to get away. Nothing drives him.  He has no goal except that of escaping pursuit, which, while not being a traditional fantasy hero’s goal, is extremely understandable, and relatable to the audience.
I want to draw your attention to that fact, because that’s extremely important to both Phillipe’s character, and his role within the story.
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Throughout the entire film, Phillipe responds to everything in a reasonably realistic manner, one that is relatable to the audience.  He learns things at the same rate that we do, and as a result, Phillipe ends up being the audience surrogate, hence his aforementioned ‘outsider’ viewpoint on the story.  As mentioned in the ‘story’ segment earlier, it is an inversion of the ‘Hero’s Journey’: an unheroic hero being forcibly drug along on a quest that is not his own.
This is part of what makes the character of Phillipe work so well for the first half of the film, and here is where things get tricky.
You see, if Phillipe had remained this type of character throughout the entire film, he really wouldn’t have worked as a protagonist at all.  For a main character to work, they have to change, and in the case of characters whose goals don’t fit with the story, the goals have to change as well.
In Phillipe’s case, it’s moving from a selfish goal to a selfless one.
Like I said, Phillipe’s objective at the beginning of the story is to escape. His concern is for his own skin, as it remains even after being hauled along into Navarre’s quest.  However, something happens during the story that affects a change in his plans, and in the process, his character.
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After Isabeau’s injury, while Imperius is explaining the curse and the history of the lovers to Phillipe, his focus shifts from himself to Navarre and Isabeau.  Due to growing friendship with the couple (Notably Navarre), Phillipe decides to do the right thing and help them, to the point where he is attempting to convince Navarre of the way to end the curse.
That change is where the magic (forgive the pun) happens.  Phillipe’s introduction into the grander scale of what’s going on is the realization that jolts him into being a more active part of the story, putting him firmly in the actual main conflict.  The second half of the story is where the ‘protagonist’ part of his character comes in: when his goals begin to match up with the story. He is the catalyst, the thing that prevents the other characters from total despair, and it is because of him that the curse is broken.  It is Phillipe that causes the other characters to regain their hope, and as a result, reach their own happy endings.
If that’s so, you might say.  If Phillipe grows into being the main hero, then why isn’t he a bigger part of the climax?  Where’s his ‘hero’ moment?
That’s a fair question.  With character arcs, we like to see them end, satisfactorily.  How does his arc cumulate?
Like Dorothy, Phillipe’s ‘hero’ moment isn’t a dragon slaying moment, and unlike Dorothy, his hour of bravery isn’t even at the climax.  It comes earlier.
As I pointed out in the ‘story’ segment, Phillipe’s ‘hero’ moment arrives when Navarre, in wolf form, is falling through the ice over the water.  This is the scene where, for the first time, Phillipe puts himself in harm’s way for someone else.   Going in after Navarre allows him to fully switch from selfishness to selflessness, or, in other words, from petty thief to hero.
In short?  Phillipe Gaston, while seemingly out of place in both personality and role, somehow manages to be a compelling, if unusual, supporting protagonist.
But of course, the main draw of a fantasy movie is the Knight in Shining Armor, right?
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At first glance, Etienne Navarre seems like the perfect fantasy hero.  He is stern, quiet, an expert swordsman and great warrior.  He’s decked out in black armor, possesses an ancestral sword, a horse, and, of course, the secret of his curse.  Navarre is the one with the quest for this story, and as a result, has a connection with every other character in the movie. He is an active character, driving the plot with his own goal.  
Remember what I said earlier about the character subversions?
It is Navarre’s goal that receives the subversive treatment.
In many fantasy stories, the hero’s quest is a great moral battle, a good and evil, right vs. wrong.  Luke Skywalker wants to overthrow the Empire.  Harry Potter wants to stop Voldermort.  Frodo Baggins wants to destroy the Ring of Power to stop Sauron.  These are all larger-than-life stories about defeating an evil for the good of the world.  
Following this pattern, you’d think Navarre’s quest would be to break the curse and overthrow the Bishop for his tyrannical rule, whether by consulting a wizard or raising a rebellion, or going on a great journey to find a way, but it’s not.  Navarre is cursed, and he knows it, and in a world with magic so infrequently used, his mission is that of revenge.
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Navarre wants nothing else but to kill the Bishop at the start of the film, and that is where we get our subversion.
This decision is not to indicate that Navarre is a bad person, or an antihero in any way.  Like I said earlier, the characters in this film respond to things with startling amounts of realism.  Most of us wouldn’t search for a magical cure, most of us would immediately think to the ‘realistic’ way of dealing with it: revenge.
So it is with calm, cold precision that Navarre waits for two years for a sign to attack, and the sign comes in the form of the escape of Phillipe Gaston from the Bishop’s prison, causing their paths to cross.  Navarre’s plan is smart and simple: use Phillipe to get in, and murder the Bishop with the sword of his ancestors, completing his mission.
What’s interesting about Navarre is that he too experiences a goal change, albeit a little later than Phillipe does.
See, at the point where the film begins, Navarre (and Isabeau) have lost hope, if they had any to begin with.  They are worn down with the effect of the curse, and Navarre’s anger at the situation comes out in this revenge plot.  It is to the point that, when Phillipe experiences his own goal change, realizing he wants to help the couple, Navarre refuses to believe in a way to break the curse, and commands Phillipe not to tell Isabeau.
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At first, this seems kind of selfish on his part; it almost seems like he’s putting his revenge plan over an actual way to save them both, and he doesn’t even give Isabeau a say in the matter.  The thing is, once again, it’s a realistic answer.  Not believing in the miraculous would seem like a good way to not be let down easily.  On top of that, the curse breaking isn’t plainly worded, and seemingly impossible to fulfill.  For both their sakes, Navarre refuses to believe in what he sees as a foolish hope.
What changed?
It is his change of character, his dive into the water after Navarre, and the following day’s realization that Phillipe had rescued him at personal risk, (with the scars to prove it) that makes Navarre decide to give the breaking curse a chance.  By the same token, he does remain practical, and changes his plans back to revenge when there seems to be no sign of a ‘day without a night’.
In the end, of course, Imperius and Phillipe are right, and the curse is broken, reuniting Navarre and Isabeau, giving them their happy ending. And in the end, Navarre is also changed, becoming a more hopeful person after the proof that sometimes, miracles do happen.
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But what of the other half of the couple?
Let’s talk about the titular Ladyhawke: Isabeau d'Anjou.
The interesting thing about Isabeau is, once again, tied to her utter practicality and realism.  Neither a helpless damsel nor a great warrior, Isabeau is a subversion of most female fantasy archetypes, being very simply a woman with a problem.  It’s just that the problem is a little more fantastic than most.
We don’t really know a lot about Isabeau’s character, since she doesn’t appear a lot within the movie itself.  Human by night, she carries with her an air of sadness and mystery, gentle and warm, but with a heart of steel underneath.  Isabeau is an incredibly strong person, living out her days by night, never seeing the man she loves except for at twilight and dawn, and having to fend for herself each night for survival.  Time and time again, she displays incredible strength of character, rushing out into the wolf-trap-littered woods to save Navarre, and, during the curse-breaking, takes the hawk jesses and coldly throws them at the Bishop’s feet in her own show of victory.
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By the time of the story’s opening, Isabeau too has lost hope. After two years of living like this, separated from all she knows, she is despondent, with no discernable way out.
Once again, it’s Phillipe to the rescue.
It is his intervention on the couple’s lives that brings them to the point of hope.  Without him, there is no catalyst for the plot, there is no knowledge of a way to break the curse.  And at the end, when Isabeau stands with Navarre, fully human, she is finally joyful, full of hope for the future.
But there would have been no curse-breaking if not for the monk, Imperius.
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Imperius is an ex-priest, living as a monk as penance for his accidental betrayal of the couple.  Being the one person confided in about the relationship, Imperius, while drunk, accidently informs the Bishop of it, leading to the curse in the first place.
Horrified and distraught, Imperius becomes a monk, desperately seeking the answer to this curse to seek redemption.  His growth comes in that redemption.
Rejected by Navarre, he is encouraged to follow them by Phillipe, proving his worth as he assists them in both the rescue of Navarre and the breaking of the curse.  It is this man’s desire to make things right that allows the happy ending in the first place, giving him peace and granting him forgiveness from what he inadvertently caused.
Although, let’s not lay excess blame at his door.  After all, the Bishop is our big baddie here.
The Bishop (no name given) serves as the main villain of this film, and once again, is a subversion of the traditional fantasy villains.  He’s not an emperor, a warlord, a king, or a leader of a band of orcs or goblins.  He is a selfish, controlling, old man who is driven by his lust and jealousy.  (Think a version of Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.)
The curse, as mentioned previously, is his fault.  After his pursuit of Isabeau is rejected, his anger causes him to lash out at both her, and the person she is in love with.  This curse, an unnatural thing called up with considerable effort from a darker realm beyond ours, causes the animal transformations that prevent the couple from ever being together.  What’s notable about this is that the curse does not only affect Navarre, but intentionally Isabeau too.  The Bishop’s line of thinking is even said out loud: “If I can’t have her, no man shall.”
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The Bishop is not extremely powerful in a traditional sense.  He is the leader of the church, which gives him power over the people there in an influential way, and uses this power unjustly. He has no armies other than a band of guards (which Navarre dispatches) and himself is no match for the fury of a trained warrior.  In fact, it is because of this that the curse needs to be broken the way that it is.
The curse is not broken by killing him.
In many fantasy films, all curses are undone by killing the curser. Not so here.  Against a villain with no physical power, what better way to pose a problem for the protagonists by making the answer one of non-violence?
To break the curse, Navarre and Isabeau must confront him together, as humans, demonstrating that he has no power over them.  The curse is broken in a way that demonstrates direct defiance of his jealous and lustful nature, the couple reunited and human, despite his best efforts.  Sure, he dies anyway, but the principle of it is that show of boldness against him.
Another interesting thing about him is how he relates to the realm of villains in general.  In many cases, villains have personal ties with the main hero, or a symbolic connection, something in common or in contrast with the main character that draws some kind of connection.
Harking back to what I said earlier, the Bishop has no ties with Phillipe whatsoever besides being the one whose jail he escaped from.  The main conflict in this story is between the Bishop and Navarre, again, nailing home that final point of what I’ve mentioned earlier: Phillipe is an audience surrogate character slowly turned into a protagonist, not a heroic fantasy character. The Bishop is Navarre and Isabeau’s enemy, not Phillipe’s.
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So how does this make him work as a villain?
Surprisingly well.
He has elements that very much make him seem like a real-world villain. He has no magical abilities of his own, he has no armies, no physical abilities.  He is a man placed in power who chooses to abuse it.  He is selfish, controlling, jealous and hateful, like any rejected suitor who tries to use his power for his own gain.  His curse is not of his own, but the result of much searching to intentionally make the couple’s lives utterly miserable because of his denial. Once again, the key to his characterization is the utter realism in which his motivation and execution is rooted.
He is thoroughly believable, and thus, the audience rejoices over his defeat and death.
The beauty of all of these characters is the total reality in which they are grounded.  These are very real people, stuck in fantastic circumstances, dealing with it the best they know how.  The characters are relatable to the audience, whether it’s the cold anger of Navarre, the sad sincerity of Isabeau, or the bewildered but witty reactions of Phillipe.  You feel their emotions, and you understand where every character is coming from because of the realistic way they are portrayed, and the lifelike ways in which they react to the events around them.  No one is superhuman, nor unrealistically incapable, they exist as people that we can easily see existing.
Ladyhawke’s characters work as subversions of traditional ‘fairy-tale’ stories because it plays the ‘fairy-tale’ aspect straight, while playing around with the character archetypes.  There is a romance, a curse, and true love conquers all, but the way in which it is done, and the way in which characters go about acting out the fairy-tale turns it from a bright children’s story to a familiar-feeling, simple, but emotional story about people the audience, no matter what age, can relate to.
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As with The Wizard of Oz, these characters are not overly complex, but in this case, they are not simple, either.  They serve their purpose, which is to relate to each other and make us care about what happens to them, and this film definitely succeeds in that.  In a film much more grounded than contemporaries such as Labyrinth, the characters and their struggles hit that much closer to home, and we feel the sincerity of what’s going on.  Even in the unbelievable aspects, such as the effects of the curse, Isabeau and Navarre’s pain is tangible, and the audience isn’t immune to that.
The characters in Ladyhawke leave a strong, unique impact in an equally unique film, a film that really does deserve a higher place in the history of fantasy films, if for nothing else it’s courage to combine the tried-and-true and the innovative ways of conveying story and characterization.  These people make the plot compelling, and they make us care about them, and in the end, that’s the point of characters.  With that in mind, Ladyhawke certainly does its job, memorably so.
Thank you guys so much for reading!  If you enjoyed it, stick around for more, since we’re not done talking about the elements that make up Ladyhawke. If you have something you’d like to add or say, don’t forget that the ask box is always open!  I hope to see you all in the next article.
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ohemgeeitscoley · 4 years
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Signed, Sealed, Delivered (3/6)
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Rey/Ben Solo (Reylo)
Note: I am truly hoping that if you are reading this, you are enjoying this. I have had so much fun writing this story. 
Read below or on AO3
The next morning Ben is surprised when he sees Snoke walking across the lobby and he looks… almost happy? His steps are less heavy than usual and there's an almost air of satisfaction that is coming off of him that is contagious. 
"Good morning, sir," Ben says while he stands from his desk. "Your three o'clock got pushed back to four, so I was able to get you into the massage place you mentioned at 2."
Snoke smiles. An honest to God smile. Ben tries to keep his face from showing his shock as he tries to figure out if he's ever seen Snoke smile before. It's a little off putting. 
"That's great." Snoke responds. The smile is gone from his face, but he almost sounds appreciative. "You should sit in on the four. We are covering some materials that'll be important for you to have a concept of once you move on."
Ben stares at him, and despite his best efforts he's not sure that his mouth doesn't open just a little bit at what Snoke is offering. This is everything Ben has been waiting for. A step toward the light at the end of the tunnel. 
"Of course." Ben gives a quick nod at the end of his sentence.
"Would you mind running down the street and grabbing me some lunch and some coffee?" Snoke walks past Ben's desk, pausing just before he goes into his office and adds, "Please."
Ben turns around to look at Snoke, blinking a few times before answering. "Of course, sir. I'll go now."
Ben smiles to himself as he heads toward the elevator. He hesitates with his finger hovering just over the down button, before he moves his hand up to press the up button instead. 
He almost hates the smug smile on Rey's face he can perfectly imagine when he tells her that her plan worked.
Rey hums along with the song playing softly in the background. Amilyn's calendar is surprisingly blank, besides an early morning meeting that she has already finished. Rey's already placed an order for her lunch to be delivered at 11:45 am exactly. Amilyn smiled at Rey when Rey let her know. 
Amilyn brought up Snoke and went on and on about him when she first got to work. It is amazing. The way Amilyn can't stop smiling. Her happiness appears to be giving her an energetic boost as she goes from office to office and checking on everyone's projects.
Rey is working on a layout for a proposal for an environment company. It's easy enough work and much better than taking notes during a meeting, or running around trying to keep up with Amilyn's fitness instructor's new goals. She's even had time to read through a few articles that a few old friends from college had sent her over the last few months.
It was nice. Even if it reminds Rey that she hasn't written anything since college.
"I was right," Ben's voice surprises Rey as she looks over at him from her computer.
Ben looks far too smug and happy, placing his elbows down against her desk as he bends down. 
"You were right about what?" Rey asks, turning her head to the side and taking him in. "The decision to wear that tie with that jacket? Cause," Rey makes a tsking sound, "I'm not so sure about that."
She's lying. The black suit Ben is wearing looks pretty amazing with the dark navy tie. It's a little unfair actually, how good Ben manages to look every time she sees him. 
His eyes narrow and the glare with the small pout is utterly endearing and adorable. Maybe Kaydel has a point. Maybe there's more than a chance she has feelings for him.
Not that she needs to be thinking about that now. Or ever.
"Tell me what you were right about? I can't imagine that happens often," Rey teases, saving the document she's working on before closing out of it. "Did the lemon electricity science project get first place?"
"The science fair isn't for another few weeks. I actually still need to start the poster boards for it," Ben shakes his head. "This conversation is not going how I planned."
Rey grins. "You planned the conversation?"
"Did you get an extra ounce of feisty in your coffee this morning?" Ben's lips twist up in half a smile. "Or do you just enjoy messing with me?"
"Maybe a little bit of both." Rey shrugs. "So, tell me what you were right about."
"The plan worked." Ben stands back up, stretching his arms over his head. "Snoke asked me to go get him coffee. And he said please, Rey. Please. I didn't know Snoke was aware that the word please even existed."
"That's so great, Ben." Rey grins. "However, I'm a little unclear on how you were right in this situation. If I remember correctly, you had a bad feeling about this. So I think the words you are looking for might be more along the lines of 'you were right, Rey, and I'll never doubt your supreme intelligence ever again.'"
Ben rolls his eyes, chuckling. "Want to take a break and go get the coffee with me? I'd love the company."
Rey nods, standing from her chair. "That sounds perfect. I stayed up way too late with Kay last night looking at venues for her engagement party."
They start walking toward the elevator, Rey smiles at the receptionist by the front entrance to the office and lets her know that she is taking a quick break, but to call her if Amilyn needs anything.
Not that Rey thinks she will. She can see Amilyn leaning over one of the graphic designer's shoulders, staring intently on whatever is on the screen. 
Rey could get used to days like this.
The sun is bright and high in the sky. Rey stills for a moment, tilting her head up and letting the warmth settle over her. There's a light breeze, but it feels nice. 
Rey feels Ben's hand brush against hers, pulling her out of her haze. She opens her eyes and looks at him, a blush spreading over her face as he toys with her fingers with his. Finally, he grabs onto her hand. 
“C’mon,” Ben says, tugging on her hand. “Snoke’s going to wonder what is taking me so long if we don’t get going.”
“Right,” Rey laughs nervously, falling into step behind him. “Don’t want to ruin the first good mood you’ve ever seen.”
They spend the rest of the walk in relative silence. Ben doesn’t let go of Rey’s hand. Rey doesn’t try to pull away either. His hand is warm and she enjoys the way the warmth seeps into her skin. 
He still doesn't let go of her hand when they walk into the coffee shop. Or when they are standing in line. Ben rattles off Snoke's order and his own with ease.  He squeezes her hand when he adds her own tea order at the end. 
Something inside of her flutters as she listens to him order her favorite drink. She's not sure if it's because they've been spending so much time together trying to come up with a plan that would work, or if it's because he is paying attention to her.  But she likes the way it makes her feel. 
The longer she holds his hand, the more she smiles. It's getting harder for her to deny that maybe Kaydel is right. Which is not great. 
Kaydel is the most insufferable when she is right.
Ben lets go of her hand to go grab the drinks from the counter after his name is called. He holds out her cup when he walks back over for her to take. Rey takes a small sip, savoring the taste and the warmth of the drink. 
Rey tries not to think about how much she misses the feeling of his hand on the way back. 
It’s just past five and Ben is already at his apartment, looking through the cabinets to see what seasoning he has available to him. He isn’t sure the last time he was home early enough to actually make dinner. It feels nice, moving around the kitchen and seasoning chicken and making something.
The door opens and Poe walks in, he stares at Ben, his mouth opening and closing a few times. Poe tilts his head to the side, and walks back out the door, closing it behind him. Ben blinks, wondering what the fuck Poe is doing when the door opens back up, and Poe walks back in.
“You realize that it isn’t even six and you are home right?” Poe asks, closing the door. 
“Yes, I am aware of that.” Ben laughs, sprinkling some thyme over the chicken on the stove. “Snoke left the office early, so I took off.”
“Snoke left early?” Poe asks in disbelief. “Again? What is going on?”
Ben flips the chicken, seasoning the other side. “Rey and I may have come up with a plan to guarantee some extra free time. And it appears to be working.”
“Rey?” Poe walks into the kitchen, leaning against the counter behind Ben. “The girl whose dinner you stole?”
Ben rolls his eyes. “I didn’t steal her dinner. I paid for the dinner. I was like a knight in shining armor if you really think about it.”
“No,” Poe responds, shaking his head. “You were definitely not the good guy in that story. You literally asked her to pay you back with interest. I’m surprised she ever talked to you again.”
“Yeah,” Ben concedes. “I am too.”
Ben puts a lid over the pan with the chicken and walks to the refrigerator to pull out the broccoli to start steaming it. “Anyways,” he says as he starts to season the vegetable, “She came up with this plan to get our bosses together. We figured if they were busy with each other, we’d be able to have more time out of the office.”
“Wait,” Poe stops him, holding his hand up in the air. “You guys set your bosses up?”
“Wow,” Poe blinks a few times, dropping his hand back down. “I guess I didn’t see that coming. Okay. Continue.”
“I mean, there isn’t much more to the story. The first attempt… was bad. The second one worked. And so far it has led to me having time to go out for drinks with Rey, spend some time with my parents, and make my roommate dinner.”
Ben shrugs, tossing the broccoli into the steamer. “Not so bad, really.”
“You are the worst story teller,” Poe complains. “I feel like you are leaving out some juicy details with that four second retelling.”
“There’s not much to tell. We got them to kiss on the kiss cam at a Yankees’ game and they hit it off.”
“You went out for drinks with Rey?” Poe asks, raising his eyebrows. “When’s the last time you went out for drinks with a girl?”
Ben ignores Poe’s question. “Rey thinks we probably need to keep tabs on Snoke and Amilyn, her boss, to make sure things stay good between them. That seems weird to me though? I mean, we got them talking, shouldn’t we let them take it over from here?”
“Absolutely not,” Poe quickly answers. “Listen to Rey. She sounds much, much smarter than you. Speaking of which, tell me more about how you went out for drinks with her and explain why you keep blushing whenever I say her name.”
Ben sighs. “You’re worse than my mom, Poe, and that is really saying something.”
“You know I take being in the company of Leia Organa-Solo to be a compliment,” Poe reminds Ben. “Now tell me about Rey before I call your mom to get the details from her.”
Ben goes back to cooking, flipping the chicken around and checking the temperature. “Dinner’s almost done.”
“Great,” Poe moves toward the fridge and grabs two beers before walking over to the small dining room table that barely fits in the apartment. “You can tell me all about Rey while we eat.”
Ben shakes his head, turning the burner off. “There’s nothing to tell.”
“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?” Poe asks, moving around Ben to grab plates and silverware. “You’re pretty dense when it comes to these things.”
“Why am I friends with you?”
Poe laughs, slapping Ben on his shoulder. “Because I put up with your bullshit and bad attitude.”
“Ah,” Ben answers, with a quick nod. “That is probably true.” 
They don’t say anything for a few minutes, while Ben finishes the food and piles it onto the plates that Poe left on the counter for him. 
Ben waits for Poe to ask more questions, or really to say anything as they start eating. Poe, however, is frustratingly silent as he just looks at Ben and waits for him to start talking. 
“Rey is…” Ben finally begins, pausing as he tries to think of the words to describe Rey. “She’s great. Actually. She’s smart and fun. She has this whole personality that is just… I don’t know. I like her.”
“Yeah, no shit,” Poe laughs, his smile wide as he looks at Ben. “Does she know that?”
“Maybe?” Ben answers with a shrug. “It’s a weird situation. We are working together to get our bosses to let us have more free time. Neither of us really have time for anything more. You know that’s why I don’t date. I need to focus on being a good assistant so Snoke will recommend me for a higher position.”
“I hate when you do that,” Poe scoffs. “Act like Snoke is the be all and end all to you going somewhere in your life. You know that’s not the case. I know that’s not the case. So don’t even go there with me.”
Ben uses his fork to move some broccoli around on his plate. He does know exactly how Poe feels about him refusing to use his family and their connections in his work life. It’s been a fairly sore spot in their friendship. 
It’s definitely not an argument he wants to have now, not when this is the first time he’s had time to hang out with Poe that wasn’t at 2 am when they both should be sleeping.
“What about you?” Ben asks, changing the subject. “How’s your dating life lately? I feel like I’ve seen the same guy sneaking out of here a few times in the last few weeks.”
“Finn.” Poe says, a small smile on his face. “His name is Finn. We’ve been seeing each other a little while now.”
“How long is a little while?”
“Two months,” Poe answers, looking down at his plate. “We’ve been seeing each other for two months.”
“That’s like… a record for you?” Ben teases, enjoying the way Poe blushes and rolls his eyes in response. “You must really like him.”
“I do.” Poe’s smile grows as he shakes his head. “I really do.”
“You should have him over,” Ben says. “At a normal time. I’d love to meet him.”
“Sure,” Poe agrees. “Let me know when Rey is free. We can have them both over.”
Ben glares at Poe. “I hate you.”
Poe lifts his hands up to hold over his heart, his face twisting in fake hurt. “That stings, Ben, it really does.”
“Shut up,” Ben tosses a napkin at Poe, laughing as it bounces off of him.
“I’m serious though,” Poe says after a moment. “Bring Rey around. I’d like to meet her.”
“Mom wants me to bring her to her birthday lunch.”
“I think that’s a terrific idea.”
“Of course you do,” Ben stands up, grabbing his plate and Poe’s and takes them over to the sink. “I’ll think about it.
“Rey!” Amilyn yells from her desk.
Rey looks up from her computer to see Amilyn slamming her office phone back down onto the receiver. “My phone isn’t working.”
Rey squints, picking up her phone and pressing the button for Amilyn’s extension. She can hear the beep in Amilyn’s office as it connects them. 
“The phone seems to be working fine, Ami--”
“It isn’t working, Rey.” Amilyn interrupts her, and Rey can see how irritated she is when she stands up from her desk and starts pacing around her desk. 
“Right,” Rey answers, trying to figure out what is going on. “I’ll figure it out.”
“You better,” Amilyn responds, throwing her hands up. “I’m going to my meeting, I want my phone working by the time I get back.”
Rey watches as Amilyn leaves her office and heads to the elevator. Rey waits a moment before getting up from her desk and going into Amilyn’s office. She lifts up the phone and, sure enough, there is a dial tone and everything seems to be fine.
Rey isn’t sure why Amilyn is freaking out about her phone… unless.
Of course.
It’s been about three days since the game. Amilyn hasn’t said anything else about Snoke. She’s waiting for him to call her. And he hasn’t.
This is exactly why Rey had told Ben that they couldn’t leave it up to Amilyn and Snoke to do things by themselves. They needed assistance. If they were good at nurturing relationships and taking the time away from work to do so, neither she or Ben would likely be in the positions they are in. 
Rey goes back to her desk, grabs her cell phone and calls Ben. 
“Houston, we have a problem,” Rey says when Ben answers his phone. “Snoke hasn’t called Amilyn and she is losing her shit.”
“Why doesn’t she just call him?” Ben asks.
Rey rolls her eyes, impatiently tapping her fingers against her desk.
“Because she’s busy running one of the best media firms in all of New York?” Rey answers, cringing slightly at how defensive she sounds. 
“You say that as if Snoke isn’t just as busy with his company?” Ben responds. “Just have Amilyn call him.”
“He needs to call her,” Rey starts to explain. “As old school as it may be, I think Amilyn wants him to call her first. To be the one reaching out first and expressing his continued interest in her.”
“Okay,” Ben sighs, and Rey can perfectly envision the way he would look as he tries to come up with a plan. “We can make this work. Just, I’ll get Snoke on hold, and you get Amilyn on hold, and we can just make them think that the other one initiated the call.” 
“That’s… that’s a good plan actually,” Rey smiles to herself. “About time you contribute something more than negativity to this situation.”
“When works for Amilyn for the call?” Ben asks. 
Rey pulls up her schedule. “She’s just going into a meeting. But she could do a call at 2, or at 4. Maybe 7, but I’d like to get a call in earlier than later.”
“Snoke can do 2. I’ll place the call to you then.”
“Perfect,” Rey claps her hands together. “And send flowers. Make it seem like Snoke is really putting in some effort here. Amilyn loves gardenias. Nothing too showy.”
“Fine,” Ben answers. “Anything else?” 
“Yeah,” Rey says quickly and with a little bit more sarcasm than she intends. “Next time I say something really smart like let’s not leave the next steps up to our bosses, maybe listen to me.”
Ben huffs and Rey grins at the sound. Teasing Ben is a little too fun.
The phone call works great. Ben’s actually a little more than just pleased with how well his plan works. Snoke got a much needed ego boost by thinking that Amilyn reached out first and, according to Rey, Amilyn loved the flowers and the fact that Snoke called her first.
Rey was right, not that Ben is planning on letting her know that, they are going to have to continue intervening and making sure that Amilyn and Snoke stay on the same page. 
The phone call works well enough that Snoke and Amilyn agree to dinner. Rey offers to make reservations at Amilyn’s favorite restaurant. Ben tells Snoke the name so he can suggest it to Amilyn as the place to go. It’s an easy process to follow and Ben can easily picture how it’s going to work in the future. As long as he and Rey keep talking and making the plans for them, it’s hard to imagine that they’ll run into too many hiccups. Besides, any issues that do arise, they’ll be the first to hear about them and will be able to course correct and get things on the right path again.
There’s also the added benefit that for all of this to work, Ben is going to have to keep seeing and talking to Rey. 
Snoke tells Ben that he can head out for the night when he leaves for dinner. Ben texts Rey, rolling his eyes as she responds with a bunch of emojis and he can’t quite decipher what exactly they are all supposed to indicate. He understands enough to believe that she is also off of work.
He debates calling her, asking her if she wants to go out. So that they can plan how things should proceed from here.  Rey beats him to it though, stepping out of the elevator just before he is about to call.
“I know this was all my idea,” Rey starts, her voice loud, as she walks over to her desk, “But I’m not going to lie, I’m a little surprised at how well this is working.”
“I’m a little surprised that you are admitting that,” Ben teases, standing up and meeting Rey in the middle of the room. “Doesn’t quite fit the always right persona of yours.”
“You hardly know me, Ben Solo,” Rey shrugs. There’s a small smile on her face and her eyes are bright and Ben is trying not to be distracted by how pretty she looks. “I am very capable of admitting when I’m wrong. It just doesn’t happen very often.”
Ben laughs, shaking his head. “I was thinking we should grab dinner?”
It sounds like he’s asking her out on a date, he realizes after he asks the question. Rey’s eyes widen a bit, and Ben can’t quite tell if they widen in a good way or a bad way. And he probably shouldn’t have stopped talking after asking her, and gone on to explain that he thinks it’d be a good idea for them to come up with a game plan for the next few weeks and what the plan is going to look like between them to keep things going smoothly between Snoke and Amilyn.
He can feel the words on the tip of his tongue about to spill out in an embarrassing fashion to cover up the original intent of his question, when finally, Rey answers.
 “Yeah,” Rey nods, smiling at him. “I’d love to get dinner with you.”
It is almost unsettling to Rey how easy she finds being around Ben and opening up to him. It’s nice, eating dinner with him and teasing him as he opens up about his family and how he teases her about the stress of planning Kaydel’s engagement party. 
She tells him about her childhood and what it was like in foster care and how she spent most of college in the library trying to keep her grades up for her scholarship, or at her different jobs to pay for what her scholarship didn’t cover. 
She likes the way he listens, he doesn’t interrupt and he asks just the right amount of questions to keep her talking and the conversation somehow doesn’t lag between them at all. But even when they are silent, when they are more focused on eating, it’s comfortable. Rey doesn’t feel like she needs to fill the silence to keep him interested in her.
She thinks that maybe this is a date. 
She likes the idea of it being a date.
“So Kaydel’s engagement party is the same day as my mom’s birthday lunch,” Ben says as he pushes his plate to the side of the table. “Which means we are going to need to guarantee an entire Saturday free from work.”
“And part of Sunday.” Rey adds. “At least for me. I can’t go into work at 8 am on a Sunday with the hangover I know I am going to have that morning.”
Ben laughs. “Okay, so an entire Saturday and half off Sunday. How are we going to do that?”
Rey stirs her drink, tilting her head as she tries to come up with a plan. “There’s no way that both of them will stay away from the office for a whole weekend unless they aren’t actually in the city.’
“So we need to get them out of the city for the weekend.”
Rey nods. “A romantic trip away. We have six weeks before the parties, that’s plenty of time to get them to a romantic trip stage.”
“What are we going to do in the meantime?” Ben wonders. “I was thinking maybe we take turns setting up their dates? And if there are any problems, we should be able to do what we did today again. Just coordinate and figure out the best way to get them back on the same page.”
“Exactly,” Rey agrees, gathering the last bit of food on her plate before setting the empty plate on top of Ben’s. “I think that as long as we keep coordinating what they do, and where they go, and keeping our ears open for any complaints, this is going to work perfectly.”
“Dessert?” The waiter asks as he walks over to their table, holding up a smaller menu. He sets the menu down in front of Rey. 
“Always,” Rey answers, grabbing the menu and reading through the options. 
“I’ll give you guys a few minutes to look over the options.” He grabs the plates from the edge of the table and walks away.
“What do you think Ben?” Rey asks, as she reads the menu. “Cheesecake? Chocolate mousse cake? Fried ice cream with caramel?”
Ben scrunches his nose. “All of those options sound like more sugar than I have in a week.”
Rey rolls her eyes. “C’mon, live a little with me here. We’ll split something. Then it’s only half the sugar. Besides, maybe a little extra sugar will sweeten you up.”
Ben tilts his head down and Rey can tell that he is trying to hide the blush that is spreading over his face. It pushes his hair away from his ears though, and Rey grins as she can see them redden. 
Rey hands him the menu. “I’ll eat pretty much anything. So you pick.”
Ben studies the menu. Rey isn’t shy about watching Ben as he decides what to order. He’s cute when he concentrates, she decides. The way his eyebrows knit together in concentration, as if deciding what dessert to order is actually a big decision that warrants such efforts. 
“I’m thinking cheesecake,” Ben finally says, setting the menu down in front of him. “Unless there was something else you really wanted?”
“I like cheesecake,” Rey answers. 
“I think it’s sweet that you’re so close to your parents,” Rey says after they order the dessert. “They really seem to care about you.”
“They drive me crazy,” Ben says, shaking his head. “I told them about how we went out the other day after the game, and my mom started playing 20 questions to get more information about you.”
“Kaydel did the same thing with you when we were walking home that night,” Rey laughs. “I’m pretty sure she has probably found out everything about you that is available on the internet since I wasn’t answering her questions thoroughly enough according to her.”
“My mom has probably already called Poe and asked him to do the internet stalking for her,” Ben admits. “Poe had a lot of questions about you too. He already wants to meet you.”
Rey debates telling him about how Kaydel wants her to invite him to the engagement party. It’s six weeks away, asking him now seems like a big step. Especially when she’s still not completely sure what is going on between them. 
But he told his parents about her. And his roommate. He holds her hand when they are walking. And she hasn’t been able to get that kiss from the game out of her head. 
She decides that it’s worth the risk to at least bring it up.
“Kaydel wants me to bring you to the engagement party,” Rey says, taking a drink as she waits for Ben to respond.
He chuckles. 
Which isn’t exactly the reaction Rey was hoping for, if she’s being honest with herself. 
She tries to keep the disappointment off of her face.
“Don’t worry,” Rey starts, quickly trying to get gloss over the conversation. “I told her you’d probably be too busy, since it’s your mom’s birthday and everything.”
It annoys Rey how Ben seems to pick up on her discomfort, he places his hand over hers on the table.
“I’m only laughing because my mom wants you to go to go with me to her lunch,” Ben smiles reassuringly at her. “I’m pretty sure if Poe did a good enough job on his internet stalking that you’ll probably get your own invitation email soon. My mom really doesn’t understand boundaries. Almost ever.”
“I’d love to go,” Rey says hopefully. “If you’d like me to that is?”
“I would.” Ben’s grin is large and contagious. Rey holds his stare and her smile grows the longer they look at each other. “I’d love to go with you to Kaydel’s engagement party too. As long as you want me to?”
“I do,” Rey bites her bottom lip and finally looks away from Ben for a second. “It’s a date.”
The next few weeks pass quickly. Ben meets Rey every morning for coffee and they go over how things are going with Amilyn and Snoke. They decide early on to alternate who plans their next date, that way they are both contributing and making sure that they are choosing things that will make both Amilyn and Snoke happy.
It’s easily the best five weeks Ben has experienced in the time he has worked for Snoke. He gets off most days at a reasonable time. Snoke yells less and is just, in general, less of an asshole. 
Then there’s the fact that he sees Rey every day. They get coffee. Ben brings Rey lunch when she mentions that Amilyn has her working lunch meetings for a week. She tells him about the different things she and Kaydel have planned for the engagement party, and how Kaydel has already sent Rey dresses to look at for the wedding.
Rey sends some of them to Ben. Rey complains about a few, and how she’s pretty sure Kaydel is joking and sending her some of the ugliest dresses possible. Ben tells her that he has a hard time believing she could look bad in anything.
Ben tries to keep his hope down that maybe Rey will ask if he wants to go to the wedding with her. He hopes she does. 
At some point, Ben knows that he needs to ask Rey what exactly they are doing. Neither of them bring it up. But Ben knows that they are working toward something and that they probably should talk about what it is exactly.
He’s thinking about doing it today. He and Rey are supposed to go to dinner since they scheduled Amilyn and Snoke to go to a play last week.
Then they have a few days that are going to consist of long hours and hard work because Snoke and Amilyn are going to be gone from Friday to Monday. Ben still can’t fully believe that it is really happening. It’s the longest amount of time either of them have had off. 
Ben isn’t prepared for the mess that he walks into when he gets to the office. He can see the receptionist packing her things into a box, tears streaming down her face. Ben is about to ask her what happened when he can hear Snoke yelling across the office, he can’t quite make out the words, but it is clear that he is not happy. Ben hurries to Snoke’s office, he pauses by his desk when he sees Snoke’s son’s science project in pieces and scattered across the floor.
Ben doesn’t knock on the door, he knows that Snoke wouldn’t be able to hear him over his own voice. 
Ben tries not to flinch at the sound of a chair hitting the window. 
“Where the fuck have you been,” Snoke asks, turning from the window to glare at Ben. “I’ve been here for over an hour and you’ve just been what, taking a leisurely stroll through the city?”
Ben debates pointing out that Snoke had said last night that he wouldn’t be in until at least ten, and that it’s only eight now, but then Snoke picks the chair up and tosses it at the window again. 
He decides to start by apologizing instead.
“I’m sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.” Ben knows he needs to figure out what is going on so he can try to problem solve how to get Snoke to calm down. “I had you scheduled out since you had dinner with Amilyn--”
“Yeah,” Snoke interrupts with a huff. “I had dinner with Amilyn last night and she tried to make a complete fool out of me.”
Ben tries to keep from panicking. This cannot happen. Amilyn and Snoke’s relationship cannot implode three days before the weekend he and Rey need off. 
The universe can’t be that cruel.
“I’m sure she didn’t mean--”
“Are you trying to tell me I am wrong?” Snoke’s stare is hard and cold and Ben wishes he could be anywhere but here. 
“Of course not.” Ben answers without missing a beat. “I would never do that.”
“Damn straight,” Snoke mutters under his breath. “This is probably for the best anyway. I’ve been spending too much time away from work. It’ll be good to get refocused. I’m going to start making some calls. You’ll need to come in this weekend.”
“Absolutely,” Ben says, rubbing his lips together. “I’ll let everyone else know.”
Ben walks out of Snoke’s office, carefully shutting the door before quickly making his way to his desk and calling Rey.
“Code red,” Ben says in a panic as soon as Rey answers her phone, not bothering with any greeting, hoping that she understands the urgency from the tone of his voice. “Code red. Code shit.”
Rey pulls her phone away from her ear as Ben keeps yelling out the same two words, a variation of either code red or code shit. She’s not sure what is going on, but it clearly is not good. She presses her phone back to her ear and tilts her head to hold it against her shoulder as she picks up the pile of mail that is in the mail room and walks to the elevator.
“What are you talking about, Ben?” She asks while pressing the button to call the elevator a few times. “What happened?”
“I got to work and Snoke was already here.” Ben sounds a little breathless in his response. “He threw his chair at the window twice, Rey. He said Amilyn made a fool out of him last night. What happened?”
Rey steps into the elevator and her stomach flutters with nerves. “I don’t know. I haven't been in the office yet, I’m on my way up now.”
Bem doesn’t say anything else and the silence does nothing to quell Rey’s growing anxiety as the elevator slowly goes up. There’s a small ding when the elevator gets to her floor.
“He cancelled this weekend,” Ben blurts out when Rey steps off the elevator. Rey falters, her closing for just a second. She drops the mail off at the front desk and gives the man behind the desk a small smile before walking away.
“What do you mean he cancelled the weekend?” Rey panics. “He cannot cancel this weekend.”
“We have to figure out what happened last night and fix it.” Ben says, ignoring Rey’s question. 
“Where did they go?” Rey sets her coffee down on her desk and turns on her computer. “It was your turn to set up the date.”
“No it wasn’t,” Ben argues, his tone defensive and grating. “It was yours.”
Rey sits down, tilting her head back against her chair as she shuts her eyes. Ben didn’t plan the date. Which means that Snoke or Amilyn made the plans by themselves.
“It was absolutely your turn, Ben,” Rey sighs, rubbing her finger into her temple. “I did sushi on Tuesday. I can’t believe you forgot.”
“Fuck,” Ben mutters apologetically, “I forgot.”
Rey can hear Snoke yelling in the background and she winces. This is not good. This is absolutely not good. 
“How are we going to fix--”
“Rey!” Amilyn’s voice is clear and deadly as it sounds across the office.
Rey sits up straight, opening her eyes and watching as Amilyn storms across the hall over to her desk.
She hangs up on Ben, placing her phone down on her desk and quickly standing up.
“Change in plans,” Amilyn barks out when she gets closer to Rey, she doesn’t bother stopping, but Rey follows her toward her office. “I won’t be leaving town this weekend. I think it’s the perfect time to pull together the layout and design for Empire’s new website. You’ll need to start figuring out the scheduling. I want it all sorted by the time I get back from yoga.”
“Absolutely,” Rey nods, hovering in the doorway of Amilyn’s office. “Did something happen? I know you were really looking forward to this weekend.”
The glare Amilyn gives Rey sends chills down Rey’s spine.
“I am not talking about this with you,” Amilyn says coldly. “Now go do your job.”
Rey sucks in a sharp breath while taking a step back and letting the door close as she turns around.
They are completely and totally fucked. 
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