#in this au I like to think that Jonathan’s a teacher and Nancy works for a newspaper
emily-mooon · 1 year
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Nothing to see here, just a 1960s Jancy sketch.
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Idk if you’ve mentioned it before but what is everyone in the Party’s jobs?? We already know Erica is a kickass politician and Lucas is the family embarrassment doctor but what does everyone else do besides bug Steve lol?
Also is Dustin still with Susie or did that ship sail away in the EMTTS?? <333
So, fun fact about me: I am not a big fan of future AUs. I don’t particularly like reading them and I’ve never written one prior to the Tiktok Saga. I think the problem I have with them is that it’s really hard to determine where a character should be thirty-odd years down the road. How or why a one-off post about Eddie being bad with technology turned into all this, I do not know.
I don’t have everybody’s job picked out because I don’t really think about it until it’s relevant to the story, but luckily, I do spend way too much time thinking about this AU so I have few that haven’t been mentioned.
The ones that have been mentioned: Steve is a teacher, Eddie’s a musician, Nancy’s a journalist, Jonathan’s a photographer, Lucas is a doctor, and Erica is a senator.
I think Argyle owns a very successful marijuana dispensary in California where him and Jonathan live and it gives him the freedom to travel with Jonathan when he goes out of town for business. Argyle just has the vibe that should not be working a nine-to-five. Also, I think that Argyle as an old man stoner with long completely gray hair is just so cool.
Robin is also a teacher, but she teaches at a university in the linguistics department. She spoke four languages when she joined the party, she now speaks nine. She’s written a book. She has a kickass rating on Rate My Professor. She’s likely the front runner to take over the department once the current dean retires next year.
I really like the idea of Max becoming a physical therapist. She had a long road to recovery after Venca and spent over a year in physical therapy just learning how to walk again. She knows what it’s like. She knows when and how hard to push her patients, and she’s good at the job. This also makes Max a doctor so Erica includes Max when she says that Lucas is the worst Sinclair.
I’m less defined on what kind of careers that Will, Mike, and El have. I just haven’t found a job that I’m like, yes, that makes perfect sense for that character. I do think that Will has a career where he can be creative and that he’s successful, I just haven’t narrowed it down to what exactly he does.
Mike and El, on the other hand, I have no idea. I mentioned before that Mike had a band that opened up for Eddie on CC’s first national tour and I imagine that he did one summer or during his gap year before college (if he went to college). El, I like to think, travels a lot and has got to see the world and be free of the responsibility of saving the world. But those two, I think, are tough to pin down to a specific career.
Now, for Dustin.
Dustin has had a very successful career as a researcher and his career has taken him all over the world. Now what exactly does he research? That’s up to you. This man is a scientist and that’s all Steve and Eddie can tell you about Dustin’s job because it’s just over of their heads. He loves it and that’s all they need to know.
Dustin and Suzie are currently not together. They have dated off and on since they’ve known each other and have always split on good terms. It has just always been the wrong time for them because when they’re together, they’re great. They hit it off and decide to start dating again, and then they just get busy. They’re both top of their field and work crazy long hours all over the world, and the cost of that is their relationship.
I think they both kinda know that one day, they’ll meet up at the right time, but for now, they’re good friends and they date other people. Steve thinks that they’re soulmates and he’ll randomly give Dustin an update that Suzie is single again. Dustin is always like, “How do you know that?”
“We’re friends on Facebook.”
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morganski-19 · 8 months
My Friend's AU fic
Just some quick info about the au and how it works.
Takes place in New York, like the friends show does. There is also a coffee shop/bar that they all hang out in.
Nancy is a journalist and lives in her grandmother's rent controlled apartment. She knew Eddie in highschool, met the rest while in college. She and Steve dated freshman year of college but then broke up, and then she dated Jonathan for a little bit as well. But it's all cool with no weird love triangles (because I hate those) She is also bisexual.
Eddie is a freelance artist and a tattoo artist. He moved to New York to live with his now ex, and ended up reconnecting with Nancy and now they live together. He has been out as gay since highschool.
Steve lives across the hall from Nancy with Robin. He is a first grade teacher at the local school. He is also notorious for his many hookups (because he's the Joey character) and bisexual.
Robin met Steve in college and has been joined at the hip since. She is a translator at a law firm and takes up some side work tutoring people in the languages she speaks. She has also been out as a lesbian since highschool.
Jonathan and Argyle were randomized roommates in college, and just never stopped being roommates. They live in the building across the street, but end up spending most of their time in Nancy's apartment. He is a freelance photographer that has a pretty decent following and does a lot of events.
Argyle works at a weed dispensary and part time at the local pizza place. He doesn't label his sexuality because he doesn't really like labels.
The fic itself it told like a sitcom would be shown, so not a lot of inner thoughts. Just pure schinanegans. There will also be a tag list, so let me know if you want to be added/taken off as always.
You can also throw a prompt that you think would be funny in my asks and if it inspires me, I'll write it.
There is no order to this, and all of the parts can be found under the following hastag, but otherwise will not be linked to anything. #morgan's friends au
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renegade-diamonds · 4 months
Thinking about the Monster-Hunter ABO Ronance AU again...
I know I have quite a few of these AUs, but I just love the idea of oblivious werewolf-Robin falling in love with secret monster-hunter Nancy, and being caught totally off-guard when she discovers her first girlfriend- her first kiss- her first partner- the person she thought was going to eventually become her mate, has actually been the very hunter tracking her for the last few months ever since Robin's family moved back to Hawkins after spending years traveling the country.
Robin was cursed with lycanthropy since birth. After her pregnant mother was bitten by what park rangers thought was an unusually aggressive wolf during a camping trip, Robin began shifting soon after her seventh birthday. To hide their daughter, the Buckley's went on an extended road trip- traveling to remote locations and doing odd jobs for cash until Robin managed to tame her 'wolfy' side.
After her 16th birthday, Robin convinces her parents that she's got it under control and they travel back to Hawkins. She starts school, joins band, and tries to make friends.
She fails miserably at the social aspect of high school. She's awkward and quiet, never mind the fact that she can't seem to stop putting her foot in her mouth. Things get worse when she presents as an omega, one of the few in their year, but the other students still seem weary of her.
She's not sure what to make of Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington. When she first started, they were dating. But romance apparently doesn't always work out, and they allegedly break up on Halloween after a blowout fight at some girl's party. Nancy starts dating Jonathan Byers for a bit afterwards, much to the student body's shock, but even that doesn't last more than a few months.
In May, they're paired together for a partner-project. The final for their creative-writing class. The teacher wants a fake newspaper story, a big one that's well thought out. If there's one thing Robin's good at, it's reading. Her bookshelves at home are filled with the numerous novels she's collected over the course of her family's travels, and it turns out that Nancy's pretty damn good at writing. They finish the assignment within a week, well before the due date, and decide to spend their remaining free time for the period in the library, talking quietly and getting to know each other.
Nancy's an alpha- a really attractive one too. Robin can't help the knot of affection that grows inside her- she can't help the crush that starts to develop. By mid-May, she's hopeless. Nancy Wheeler is all she can think of, and Robin's never felt this strongly about anyone before. It's scary and exciting- it's thrilling and terrifying. It's everything the teen flicks she's been watching said it would be.
And that's what scares her most of all. Because she's not a safe option for Nancy- she's not even a real option for Nancy. As far as Robin knows, Nancy's never shown interest in girls, not even omega girls. There were rumors about Barbara, Nancy's missing friend from last year, but that wasn't a topic Robin felt comfortable bringing up.
That's why it's such a shock when Nancy abruptly asks her to Prom next week during lunch, almost shyly handing Robin a small bouquet of flowers and a little stuffed teddy bear holding up a sign that says - Prom?
Robin can't believe it. For a horrible moment, she wonders if it's a prank- if Nancy's just messing with her like some other students have tried to, but that feeling is quickly chased away by the tenderness in Nancy's scent, by the adoration she sees in the shorter girl's eyes.
She says yes, blushing deeply when Nancy leans up and presses a kiss to her cheek in gratitude, before informing Robin that she'll be giving her a ride home today after school.
Later on, Robin skips into her house with giddiness running up her spine. She meets her parents with a wide grin, showing off the gifts she got from Nancy's prom proposal, and eagerly informing them that she really thinks Nancy truly likes her! She might finally have a girlfriend!
Meanwhile, Nancy watches Robin hop inside, staring after her with a expression that slowly goes blank. She drives back to her house, parking in the driveway and fishing out a worn leather journal from her bag. She flips through the pages and makes a quick notation under a page labeled Robin Buckley. The paper's doted with little facts and observations she's picked up on about the eccentric omega.
Then she reaches under her seat and retries the walkie, clicking it on and checking in with the group. She confirms that Robin accepted her offer, and that she doesn't seem to suspect anything suspicious. The kids all talk rapidly at her over the radio, and Nancy merely rolls her eyes and climbs out of the station wagon, telling them she'll be down in the basement soon and that they'll go over the details then.
Her eyes catch sight of a rumpled flannel hazardly cast into the back seat, recognizing the shirt as belonging to Robin. She'd worn it over a tee-shirt earlier in the day, before it got too warm for double layers.
Robin's scent, sweet and earthy, drifts into her nostrils. Her inner alpha purrs with contentment, something she hasn't felt in a long time, and the feeling of guilt and wrongness ease into her soul.
Nancy knows what she's doing is bad- she knows it's not fair to Robin. But if they're suspicions are true, it won't matter anyway.
Werewolves were monsters, and Nancy firmly believed that the only good monster was a dead one.
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qprstobin · 1 year
Different first meeting post-s1 Stobin AU (that sort of turned into Fruity Four) I was tossing around for myself to write but am going to put it out into the world because I’m not sure I’ll ever get to it.
It’s the Spring of 1984, and Nancy is looking for a way to help Steve pad his college application after seeing him struggle with his essay writing for the past few months. Somehow, this leads to her convincing him to join the Spring play, Romeo and Juliet. Not only will it look good on his application to add another extra curricular, but the English teacher always gives extra credit for drama participation, especially the annual Shakespeare play.
Steve, of course, ends up getting the lead role, much to his chagrin, and he turns out to be a pretty good actor. This should all be smooth sailing, a way for him to get an easy add on to his apps, if it wasn’t for who was playing Juliet.
Band Geek Buckley.
She isn’t the worst choice - they have pretty good stage chemistry, and she’s funny in a mean way (in a way he’s kind of missed now that he no longer is talking to Carol and Tommy) but she hates his guts. He honestly didn’t even really know who she was before this, but he could feel her glaring at the back of his head in first period every day.
Honestly, they would be fast friends if both of them weren’t trying their hardest to make sure the other knows no showmances will be happening between them. (Robin for obvious reasons, and Steve because he is very much in love with Nancy at this point and would not ever cheat on her.)
Steve at one point tells her that she isn’t his type (which actually, is kind of a lie but it doesn’t matter because it would never happen), and Robin is just, so fucking offended. She would never want to date him (he’s a man AND an asshole), but where does he get off saying shit like that?? Robin in turn, nearly outs herself at one point by claiming she’d rather kiss his girlfriend than him.
(Nancy on the other hand… spends the entire play very confused, because despite the disgust that both of them express during the (rather chaste) kiss scenes, Nancy thinks it’s kind of hot. She has a lot to think about.)
Even before they become actual, spill your secrets on the bathroom floor friends, they get into so much chaos together. Definitely the type to be bickering with each other but then team up to turn on someone else when they are being rude or creepy. Even though there are no Russian Spies to bond them together for life (yet), they probably go through some harrowing night together that leaves them with something of a headache.
Maybe they accidentally eat too many weed brownies together at a cast party, maybe they get locked in the prop closet for several hours, maybe they get stranded at a gas station outside of town when their director sent them on what was both a “you are going to work your shit out TONIGHT for the sake of the play” and “y’all are the only ones available” emergency prop run. Either way it ends in tears and laughter and bathroom (or closet) floor confessions and a rock solid friendship.
Nancy is happy that Steve has a friend that isn’t just her or Jonathan, and is happy to have a new friend herself, especially a female one.
Tammy Thompson is less happy that Steve’s attention is on Robin, which is unfortunate, as this is Robin’s peak Tammy Thompson era, and Tammy gets mean. Nancy definitely tries to fight her at some point for how rude she’s being to all of them (Tammy didn’t like Nancy much either, she just didn’t honestly care much about Tammy saying rude shit to her, but she isn’t gonna let someone be a bitch to her friend like that). Steve was just going to ruin her reputation, but honestly, he didn’t even need to with how hard Nancy went in on her.
(Nancy trying to fight Tammy is also how Robin moves on from her “god what a priss” mindset regarding her. A minor crush may also blossom. Steve is happy to commiserate over being clocked in the head emotionally by Nancy Wheeler, he made t-shirts.)
Their odd friend group gets rounded out to four (five if you include Jonathan, who does eat lunch with them everyday but who thinks that Stobin are a bit too loud for him in anything other than small doses) by another cast member - the drug dealer Eddie Munson.
This is Eddie’s first try at senior year but his prospects aren’t looking great. English isn’t the only class he’s doing poorly in, but it is one of the main ones, and his English teacher has offered him a boon - get a speaking role in the spring play and he’ll get enough extra credit to pass the class, as long as he makes an actual effort to turn in his work for the rest of the year. He thinks fuck it! Might as well, this is the only deal the hag is going to give me, and ends up landing the role for Mercutio.
His start with the group isn’t as tumultuous as the Stobin friendship starts out, though there definitely isn’t any love lost between them. Steve may have dropped Hagan and Perkins earlier in the year, but he’s still a jock, and his prissy, perfect girlfriend isn’t much better. Eddie doesn’t have any personal issues with Robin, but Robin definitely isn’t a fan of his, not with how loud the other man is.
There isn’t any real dramatic moment that adds him to the group, at least not as dramatic as what finally solidifies the Stobin bond, but spend enough time running lines together and he sort of realizes that maybe they aren’t as bad as all that.
(Really Eddie is just there to cause chaos, and try to pass Senior English. Falling into the weirdest friend group known to Hawkins High is just a bonus.)
Honestly, I came up with this idea because I just wanted more Stobin dif first meetings, and thought the idea of Stobin having to play romantic leads opposite each other in a play was hilarious. It ended up becoming Fruity Four just because Stancy is still happening here, and Eddie was perfect for the role of Mercutio. I didn’t even have set ideas on how I want this to end shipping wise. Just wanted to get it out of my misc WIP document <3
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afewproblems · 2 years
Here is a Ballet Dancer!Steve/Fruity Four Dancer AU - courtesy of @magpiemuseum and this post! Thank you for sending this! I adore this idea!!
I’ll diverge from it slightly and suggest that Steve and Nancy met through ballet.
They dance together, are often partnered with one another in productions, they work well with one another and start dating fairly quickly, it works. Steve loves Nancy, and she seems to care about him deeply as well. But after Will and Barb go missing and only Will comes home, well…
Nancy just doesn’t have the heart to stick with it after that.
So she moves into jazz to express some of that anger and grief. Karen is disappointed in her daughter, that she didn't stick with it the way Karen did but she isn't going to be like her own mother, not again, so she agrees. Nancy has a knack for it, picking up the movements and techniques quickly, just like everything she does, it's with fiery, furious determination.
Steve keeps going with ballet, he's only allowed to because his teachers insist he's good enough to get a free ride to any school once he graduates. His father begrudgingly agrees but never attends another production after Steve turns 15. They don't talk about it.
The multiple concussions over the years eventually begin to affect his performance, the fight with Jonathan, the plate with Billy, the one lift another dancer in their company attempted as a joke during break that ended with Steve having to go to urgent care for stitches. Just his luck.
Now, he can't even handle one rotation in a pirouette without having to sit down until the spots in his vision go away.
He keeps at it, practicing, avoiding spins as much as possible, but since this won't enable him to get into college and his grades are slipping with the absenses and lack of interest, his father finally has the opportunity to tell him its over.
Steve starts at Scoops the day after graduation.
He meets Robin, it's not an immediate spark which is fine by Steve, he's still mourning the loss of his company and all the friends he had made along the way, the wonderful instructors he met over the years. Robin ignores him for the most part until she catches him in the back room one day, humming along to a Madonna song on the mall speaker system as he easily jumps through a pas de chat across the small space.
She interrogates him about this, but it's not as though he ever hid his ability, it's just not something he ever did through school. He had swimming for that.
She studies him for a moment before launching into a quick tap solo as Tiffany's, I Think We're Alone Now, plays softly in the background.
Steve claps with the biggest grin on his face as Robin shyly explains how she's been taking tap for years, in between band practice and the drama club, she hopes it will help her get to Julliard eventually.
It's better after that.
And after the Russians and the awful truth-serum makes its way out of their system, they sit in the bathroom stalls of Star Court. Steve tells her he's never felt like this with almost anyone else, and Robin closes her eyes.
She tells him about Tammy Thompson, and about Nancy Wheeler who she's seen in passing after tap, aggressively dancing in the small studio in Indianapolis her mother takes her to. She tells him that she'd always been jealous of how they'd look at him, how they would never look at her that way, and how it crushed her.
And Steve gets it. He slides under the stall to sit with her, and his heart hurts as he sees her tense up in front of him, he can't have that.
Steve bites his lip as he softly tells her about the guy in their company, the one who had tried the lift with him, you know, as a joke. The one Steve had tried to kiss the day before, not as a joke.
Danny had insisted it was fine, he wasn't interested in Steve like that, but they could still be friends and it didn't have to be weird.
And then he dropped him the next day. You know, accidentally, as a joke.
Robin grabs his hand at this and squeezes it tightly.
He tells her Tammy Thompson sounds like a Muppet so maybe they both have terrible taste.
They don't talk about Nancy. Not quite yet.
After Star Court burns down they are inseparable, two halves of the same heart, platonic soulmates Robin will say in the same breath as she calls him dingus.
He loves it.
They start at Family Video together, complain about Keith and his aggressive annoyance with Steve, but the job is easy enough and actually pays a dollar above minimum wage so Steve tries not to complain too too much. They dance in the break-room, Robin tries to show him some simple tap sequences while Steve corrects her positions. It's harder for Steve to nail down the foot rhythm, but the movements are easy enough. Robin is a little stiff, but she manages to eventually mimic the positions enough to satisfy Steve.
But if course it couldn't last.
Vecna nearly tears apart the world, he succeeds with tearing apart Hawkins and the Upside Down monstes rear their ugly flower faces once again. They meet Eddie, Hopper comes back from the dead, they close the gates, and Steve carries Eddie out of the depths of hell without bleeding out.
Max dies, or nearly dies, the explanation goes over his head as they sit in the waiting room of the hospital after Steve is finally stitched and bandaged up.
They all make it.
It's a long road to recovery, especially for Max with the extensive damage to her eyes and legs, but eventually she walks again, now with a cane which she uses to catch Mike in the ankles every chance she gets, so it helps.
Mike has no idea how she always knows it's him, it's baffling.
It's harder for Steve to move now with the build-up of scar tissue on his sides, it isn't until he cries out in pain after trying a simple jete that he grieves yet another loss.
He stops dancing after that.
Steve tries to be happy for Robin and Nancy, who finally, finally, start dating. Jonathan seems to understand, but his grief has always been quiet. Argyle helps, the two of them are seen together more often than not in the wake of Jon and Nancy's breakup. Steve knows exactly how it feels not to have someone to lean on in the aftermath of Nancy Wheeler. He's happy for them, or he tries to be.
He wishes he had that.
Steve still see's Robin, they are soulmates after all, but it isnt quite the same anymore. Nancy seems to have taken up the mantel of the other half of Robin's heart, and Steve?
It's fine. He's fine.
He starts spending a lot of time with Eddie. They commiserate about the kids and their attitude, Steve tells Eddie more about the Upside Down and how he  got roped into it all.
The topic of dance comes up as an accident.
Eddie makes a comment about college and the future which prompts Steve to snort. It isn't as though he has any options anymore, he can't continue with ballet, he barely had the grades to graduate, he's going nowhere fast.
Eddie looks at him, his face surprised at first, whether by the information or by the dejected tone of Steve's voice.
He tells him about his own experience with dance, how after his uncle took him in that he found channeling his frenetic and nervous energy into contemporary dance.
Pouring his breath and emotions into the movements, it's always helped to slow his brain down from the constant mile-a-minute thoughts that used to over take him.
He tells Steve that despite the new scars that littler his torso, he's managed to keep up with the movements, that the practice seems to even help with the pain.
Steve is enraptured by the description, a small flicker of hope burns in his chest as he asks to see in a small voice.
Steve is immediately blinded by the 1000 watt smile Eddie gives him.
And oh.
Oh he's in trouble.
Eddie is beautiful when he dances, it's a fascinating departure from the precision of ballet and even the fast pace of tap that Robin has shown him. Eddie left his hair down so the curls sweep around him as he moves.
This is all storytelling and emotion, it's deliberate but free, and Steve can hardly breathe as Eddie finishes.
"So what's the verdict big boy?" Eddie pants as he pushes his wild curls out of his flushed face.
Fuck, and that image alone has Steve blushing as well.
Steve swallows roughly, "Think you could show me a thing or two Eds," he murmurs softly as Eddie laughs.
They spend the rest of the afternoon with Eddie correcting Steve's posture and positions, slowly directly his movement, and letting his hands linger on Steve.
He's still physically sore by the end of it, and he wants nothing more that a couple of tylenol and a long warm bath once he heads home for the night, but Eddie's smile and the memory of his hands and gentle patience leave Steve feeling warm and hopeful for the first time in a long time.
He doesn't have to give up something that had been such a large part of himself for so long.
He can still dance.
It feels like he can breath again.
Steve goes to sleep that night and dreams of dancing with Eddie.
And in this one, he doesn't drop him, not once.
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
Your headcanons on college era jancy?
(Also casually sliding a slip of paper saying ‘Jonathan’s wnyu show?’ Under your door. Can be for either spidey au or canon show timeline. It can even be both if you like.)
Hi Emily! Also College aged Jancy my beloved
(also he's def part of WNYU in the Spidey AU but it's only mentioned briefly in the first chapter)
TRAGICALLY (because the duffers hate me) I have resigned that Jonathan's going to NYU and Nancy's going to Emerson (originally I was a big fan of the NYU/Sarah Lawrence variant but also NYU has a journalism degree not like I'm mad or anything anyways)
Jonathan takes to college like a duck to water, like it doesn't take him very long to find friends at Tisch at all and he loves exploring the city in his free time
Nancy, my beloved, has a tougher time with the transition only because she doesn't really get along with her in-room roommate but she gets along with her suite mates and she doesn't give up just complains to Jonathan a lot
Jonathan, of course, takes photos of everything to send off to Nancy and she writes him like five page letters (he keeps them all in a shoe box)
I think they call each other twice a week but they're short phone calls because they can't really afford them
They alternate weekend visits at least once a month
Nancy definitely makes him participate in some weird sweater exchange like she'll take them and then when they don't smell like him anymore she'll send them back and he'll send a new one
Nancy obviously joins the paper and accidentally ends up usurping the editor and taking over
Jonathan joins WNYU and it's like the most eclectic hour of music on campus but no one kicks him off
Jonathan working at a bar is real to me
Jonathan is also a wedding photographer
Nancy works as a teacher's assistant after a TERRIBLE first day as a barista
Jonathan becomes an RA sophomore year but he ends up hating it because it's so much responsibility and Nancy ends up having to see him more than he does down to see her so he quits
Nancy definitely studies abroad at some point (London or Rome maybe) Jonathan suffers greatly
Related, Jonathan gets really into baking while she's away
Nancy has a hobby graveyard because she can't settle on anything
Until she FINALLY gives in and does ballet again (Jonathan is a big fan of the leotard she makes fun of him for this)
I think like junior year Nancy freaks out because he's never dated anyone else and tries to break up with him and he's like you're the love of my life so respectfully no and she's like I'm the love of your life 🥺
They scheme their way out of going home for Thanksgiving early and spend that week on like cheap vacations with each other
Argyle randomly decides to move to NYC and basically funds Jonathan's apt junior & senior year (rich kid Argyle)
Will ends up going to NYU and Mike goes to Princeton so for a hot minute there the Cali Crew rides again, Argyle loves this, Jonathan & Nancy less so
In my head they settle in NYC but I am partial to the brief idea of them living in London or a Paris for a minute
Oh and Jonathan proposes before senior year because he can't hold it in anymore she of course says yes and they get married the fall after graduating
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remnostrum · 2 years
some of my favorite things to see in steddie fics (or headcanons i personally have):
note: they don't all exist in the same universe
Steve being really good at one thing that nobody expects him to be good at.
Hard of hearing Steve
Eddie delving deeper into his artsy side, may it be drawing more specific portraits, doodling, painting D&D minis, or even tattooing.
Eddie having a hate boner for Steve Harrington pre-season 4, and proceeding to have a hate crush on him for the duration of Steve's time in high school.
Steve being close to Holly Wheeler because he's probably the most affectionate person in the Wheeler household every time he visits besides Karen.
In relation to the previous bullet, Steve generally being more affectionate (read: touch starved) with others because he grew up with barely any affection at all.
(not popular but something i want to see:) Eddie probably entertains some of the kids in the trailer park with stories because it's something he would've wanted as a kid.
Confident Steve flirting with Eddie, post-bisexual awakening. Additionally, Eddie being a flustered mess and not knowing what to do. Also known as, Eddie flirting up a storm and when Steve flirts back, he proceeds to stutter and trip over himself.
Eddie making time to learn about Steve's interests because Steve tries hard to learn his.
Hairdresser or Baker/Cook Steve! I think it's just neat to see him be good at something.
Eddie not being a music snob. Like, yes, he's a huge metalhead and he will always have strong opinions about what he thinks is the best, but he doesn't shun any other opinions because why should he? To each their own.
Eddie realizing that what he did to Lucas was a shitty thing when his basketball game and Hellfire Night landed on the same day and making it up to him.
Anytime Steve tries to play Dungeons & Dragons is my favorite.
Steve knowing he's bisexual long ago but never telling anyone until they find out on their own.
FAKE DATING AUs !! Also anything tagged with Idiots to Lovers.
Domestic steddie slow dancing in the kitchen, listening to love songs on the radio. Existing and not thinking too much.
Steve and Eddie getting high
Steve helping Eddie study for his finals. No, he's not as smart as Nancy Wheeler, but he tries to learn other ways for Eddie to remember what he needs to study.
Teacher Steve x Rockstar Eddie AUs are amazing. But besides the usual "I didn't know you were married to a rockstar, Mr. Harrington!" trope, I like the idea of the entire world finding out famous musician Eddie Munson bends to the will of a man who wears sweater vests to work unironically.
The fics where Steve is either a professor/teacher, a guidance counselor, or a child psychologist are all what I want in life.
Steve hanging out with Max and Dustin (specifically, but not limited to). The Party becoming overprotective of him because he's sacrificed too much for them.
STEVE AND JONATHAN FRIENDSHIP. I always see people talk about Jonathan and Eddie being weed buddies, but you guys need to see the purity of Steve and Jonathan finally being friends. I'd like to see them get over their differences and hang out unironically.
If it isn't obvious yet, I'm a sucker for any tropes that means everyone will be freaked out by Steve in any shape or form (his hobbies, his friends, etc.)
Eddie "dating" someone to make Steve jealous. (It is up to you whether or not Steve does something about it. For whump material, I like torturing myself by thinking that Steve would get jealous but doesn't do anything about it because he thinks he's not the better choice.)
FOR ANGST: any fic where Steve sacrificed too much of himself and Eddie being angry at the world yet waiting on Steve. Whether it be a coma fic or some other one where he gets a major injury, it's all good.
Time loop fics where Steve falls in love little by little but Eddie has been in love with him all throughout. Those moments where he shouldn't know that Steve is reliving the same day over and over, but with one look, Eddie can notice how different he still is despite wearing the same clothes as before.
And lastly, Steve obsessing over one specific detail about Eddie. (His lips, how he plays with his hair, his rings, maybe even something nsfw lmao, etc.) With how affectionate and clingy he really is as a boyfriend, I can only imagine he's the type of guy who latches onto one specific thing that he thinks is extremely cute (or a turn on) and can't get it out of his mind. Whenever he does something about it, Eddie is confused but lets him. It's like they have their own telepathic communication that understands what the other wants.
I'll probably add more to this list to keep track. But here's some of the things I absolutely love to see in steddie fics. Some of them are personal ideas and headcanons. I'm a sucker for self-sacrifice.
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
I hate future fics where everyone is at the top level for their jobs except Steve.
Like Eddie will be a world famous rockstar, Nancy will be editor in chief of a big paper like the New York Times or the Washington Post, Jonathan will be the top photographer for the same paper, Robin will have a high level job in international relations as a translator, Will becomes a world famous artist, Lucas plays for one of the top basketball teams, Dustin becomes a top scientist, Erica becomes President or a high ranking lawyer (I do love the idea of President Erica though.)
And Steve is just a teacher or a paramedic or a hairdresser or is still working in retail, and everyone else he knows can't believe or understand how he knows so many incredible and brilliant people when he is "Just Steve". (Paramedic/EMT is my favourite future job for Steve. I could see him doing it so well.)
Why can't everyone else have normal versions of the jobs? Eddie works a day job and plays local gigs at the weekend. Nancy working for a local or state paper or going freelance. Jonathan working freelance photography. Robin doing something like working in the languages department at a uni. Will being a known artist enough to make a living, but not world famous. Lucas being a basketball coach or a part time player on a smaller local team, I could also see him working with projects for breaking down barriers and ending stigma and stereotypes. Dustin doing something with science or tech, but a smaller less famous job. Erica goes into local or state politics or becomes a partner at a local law firm .
Let everyone else have duller jobs not just Steve.
oh my god, yes. the way everyone is world renown… except steve. and everyone is so shocked that these important and influential people care about boring old steve.
i think it’s fun in au’s when steve is also well known, but when steve’s the only regular one out of all of them, it just kinda pisses me off lmao.
(it’s also kinda insanely unrealistic, because i feel like unless you’re in those fields, you wouldn’t know any of them, but somehow everyone in the world knows some random photographer?)
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
Dead on Your Feet
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@whumptober day 4 / @whumptober-archive
Fandom: Stranger Things, Lifeguard AU
Summary: Steve is a lifeguard and tries to work through a nasty ear infection (the usual Himbo Steve stuff lol)
CW: mentions of nausea, no actual v*miting
Word Count: 850
Steve has been a water baby for as long as he can remember. Swim team since he was 7 years old, competitive swimmer in college, and a swim teacher in the summers. Now with his job as a lifeguard on Venice Beach, he’s even more involved than he ever was before.
An unfortunate side effect of being in and out of chlorine and salt water, however, was that Steve has always been super prone to ear infections.
The one he’s dealing with now is particularly bad - he hasn’t had one this bad since his senior year of high school, in fact. His ear hurts like hell and is ringing, his head pounding, and every now and again he’ll get a bout of vertigo.
He would have called out of today’s shift to give the antibiotics a day to kick in, but Jonathan was on vacation and it was all hands on deck.
He was sitting in the buggy on the south side of the beach, rubbing at his ear and scanning the waterline. Robin was further up shore and Nancy was in the tower keeping watch over everything.
Through the timing in his ear, his radio crackled to life.
“Central to Steve, copy Steve?”
He picked it up and answered.
“Yeah Nance, go for Steve.”
“I don’t think you can see from your position, but there’s a little girl going down about 30 feet past the bank.”
“On it!”
He sent out the fast response, tore off his shirt, and jumped into action. He unhooked the rescue board from the side of the buggy and ran out into the water.
Once it got up to his thighs, he jumped forward onto the board, paddling quickly on his stomach. He swiftly and methodically would shift to his knees and use his weight to stabilize and speed up the board as he rode over oncoming waves.
He wasn’t sure how long he actually took, because everything was moving so fast and so slow at the same time, but by the time he’d reached the subject, she was in a bad way.
The girl - no more than 12 - had gone past the bank where the drop off was and couldn’t make her way back to shore. She had her head tilted back as she tried to gasp for air, the water already coming up to her chin.
Steve grabbed the girl by the crook under her arm and pulled her up. She reached for the board, laying on her stomach facing forward.
“Thank you, thank you!!” She coughed as Steve, relieved, paddled her back into shore.
As they arrived, a woman who he could only assume was the girls mother, was waiting.
“Oh my gosh Emily I told you not to go out that far!”
“I know mommy, I’m sorry, I was following a fish and then I couldn’t get back!”
The mom scolded her one more time and turned to Steve, taking his hand, “Thank you SO much for saving her!”
The little girl, now at her mom’s side with goggles on her head, tan forward and hugged his side.
“Thank you!!”
“You’re welcome,” Steve said, “Try and be more aware of your surroundings next time okay?”
The girl nodded as she and her mom walked back up the beach towards the parking lot. Robin had made her way over from the North side just in case he’d needed backup.
“Great save! Looks like you got there just in time-” She started, but Steve wasn’t listening. His eyes were squeezed shut as he held his ear which was shooting with pain.
The ringing kept getting louder, and all of a sudden the world turned on its side as he got hit with a wave of nausea.
His knees had buckled and he was on all fours on the sand, kneeling as he gagged. Nothing came up, but he sat there still.
“Holy shit are you okay?” Robin tan forward and put a hand on his back, leaning over to try and get a look at his face.
“Are you sick? What’s going on?”
“Hnnng… ear infection… acting up…” he groaned.
Realization washed over her face. She remembered he did mention it when he came in.
“Jesus Steve, you really scared me. Can you stand?”
He took a shake breath in before nodding. Robin cupped under his elbow as he got to his feet.
“I think you need to take a break. And probably some Asprin. I’ll take you to the tower.”
She helped Steve sit in the passenger seat of the buggy and loaded up the rescue board back on. Hopping into the driver seat, she flicked on the ignition and made the short drive up the sand.
“You go take a break with Nancy. I’m taking the buggy so I can try and cover North and South side.”
“Thanks Robin.” He said, slowly making his way up the tower stairs. “I should be back out in like 20 minutes. Give the Asprin some time to kick in…”
“Take your time, Stevie. I got this!”
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
i'm about to go so out of order because i also have some asks from last night i need to still answer, but i want to get the thoughts that prompted all of this out of the way first so *cracks knuckles*
mike struggles with his firebending. i think i've talked a bit about that in some of my other ramblings about this au, but a major part of his story arc over this series that may or may not become a series someday is the fact that mike lowkey kinda sucks at bending. he's just. mediocre. especially when you compare him to nancy, who's a bit of a prodigy.
and it's not for lack of trying either. mike's being going to classes since he was younger—at his parents' insistence but also because he's so damn determined to get better. maybe if he gets better his parents will be proud of him and will notice him and will love him as much as they love nancy. maybe he won't feel as awful about himself if he could just be a better firebender. maybe he could protect his friends from bullies—and later from people like henry—if he could just be a better firebender.
mike struggles with his firebending. he tries everything, and he's impatient and frustrated through all his classes. the teachers try to show him the proper forms, but nothing? ever really clicks? he still can't produce powerful bending. he still keeps falling behind. the way that things should be done just doesn't seem to work for mike. instead, things blow up in his face. his fire is uncontrollable at times, then weak at other times. he can't rein it in, and he's awful at fighting with it.
but then, around when mike is 16, and el has gone off to try and regain her bending, and will has gone with her because like hell he's going to let his sister go off on her own (even if she is the avatar), mike ends up going on the Road Trip Of The Century with the byers-hopper family to track down the missing twins. and somewhere out in the middle of the desert, his breakthrough begins to happen.
it starts off with a conversation, because even though mike is getting on his goddamn nerves, jonathan has known this kid since he was 5. he might as well be jonathan's little brother too, and spirits help him, jonathan gets aggravated at mike sometimes, but he's a good kid. he's will's best friend for a reason, and jonathan knows something's up with mike.
so the two of them get to talking, and jonathan never does quite get mike to come outright and talk about what he's angry over... but jonathan's perceptive. he knows mike fairly well, and he's heard will talk about mike's struggles, and he's also dating nancy. so, he knows what's going on here.
and jonathan takes the opportunity to talk to mike about the beauty that there is in all bending forms—how important it is not to let your bending be limited by rigidity and technique. how that's a trap that most people fall into. they get stuck in their worldviews, in their ways of bending, in the "right" way to do things. and they fail to see the big picture. they fail to learn from others. we get to have an uncle iroh/zuko moment where jonathan and mike talk about the strengths of each of the different elements, and... for mike, it starts to click.
he's seen the different strengths of the four elements—and of nonbenders too—because he's seen those qualities in his friends. the versatility of being a nonbender. how you have to be quick on your feet and adapt to anything and learn how to operate in the world, even if you are a bit of an underdog, and still teach yourself to thrive, just like dustin has. the grounded nature of earthbending and how earthbenders like max don't waver, no matter what is thrown at them. the fluidty and the ever-changing nature of waterbending. how lucas adapts to the situations he finds himself in and how waterbenders can turn their opponent's own bending and energy against their opponents. the freedom and flexibility and ease of airbending and how will is always watching, learning, and changing. how airbenders learn their opponents and anticipate their next moves, so they never have to strike first, and can operate on the defensive instead.
it finally begins to click for mike, and he begins to watch his friends more—how they spar, how they act around each other, how they see the world. and slowly, mike begins to incorporate the other elements' techniques into his bending—in the same way that we actually see zuko do in the last agni kai battle with azula (1:55 - not flinching or moving, much like an earthbender would do; 2:30 - circular movement very reminiscent of airbending technique; and of course 3:12 - his... sort of redirecting the lightning).
once mike stops trying to be someone he isn't and trying to force himself to firebend just like his sister or just like how everyone tells him to do it, he begins to love his bending. maybe his technique isn't perfect. but his fire is more powerful now, and he can hold his own in a fight. and most of all, his firebending is his. it's something that he has done for himself—something that he has learned from the people he loves the most. his firebending becomes a reflection of his friendships with the party, and how fitting is that for mike, who is their leader and the heart?
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heavencasteel420 · 2 years
Speaking of an OC who's Nancy's lousy husband, I do have an AU idea (fairly low down the list of things I will actually write, although I have a paragraph or two written somewhere) where it's set during S1, but all the older teen characters are in their mid-to-late-twenties instead. This was inspired by a joke post pointing out how all the older teens look/act like they're well into their twenties by the time you get to S4, but I decided to make it drama:
Nancy is a recently divorced single mother; her ex-husband Bradley (whom she started dating in high school and went to IU with) was good on paper and not malicious, but he was ultimately unsupportive of her career ambitions and disinterested after the birth of their daughter despite being the one who wanted kids. (In this universe, Holly is Nancy's daughter with her ex and Mike is the late-in-the-game baby of Karen and Ted.) She works at the Hawkins Post for now and gets tons of shit for being a single mom.
Jonathan also works at the paper (a victory after years of menial jobs and night school) and is a single parent (of twelve-year-old Will, thanks to a series of harrowing events when he was in his teens). He and Nancy are work friends who become real friends who become...?
Steve works at his father's insurance company and is considered one of the biggest catches in Hawkins, but people are starting to talk because he hasn't settled down, and he's not really happy in his work. He didn't date Nancy in high school--they ran in different circles--but now he's smitten with her.
Barb is Nancy's BFF, as in canon. She's a nurse now and she lives in the same duplex as Nancy. She's also a lesbian and quietly dating another aged-up older-teen girl, but I'm not sure who yet. I'm leaning towards Robin (quirky music teacher whom everyone thinks is dating Steve, for a more light-hearted romance), Heather (prickly, troubled daughter of the Editor-in-Chief, for the moderate drama), or Chrissy (unhappily married to Jason, for the angst and high drama).
Tommy and Carol are married, quite happily, and refrain from bullying because they're adults. However, they do have a Company thing going with Steve ("Stevie...you know...no one wants you happy more than we do...no one...but isn't she a little bit, well...you know...?").
Generally everybody behaves a little better, because they're not literal teenagers.
I'm not sure where I'd go with it: no Upside Down, or there's just a 1980s-Polly-Platt-ghost-directed romantic dramedy that turns into a horror movie? That's one of the difficulties. Another is that it would change the Byers family dynamic considerably.
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perexcri · 1 year
twice the fool PLEASE and also idk which one is vampire byler but THAT ONE please 🤲🧎‍♀️i would like to know what ur most excited about in those ones & also if you would mayhaps like to share a line/snippet~
HI LARK thank you so much for stopping by :D 💜
twice the fool (stonathan): this is my stonathan btvs au for the upcoming stonathan week!!
i'm very excited for it because i'm taking one of my favorite btvs episode plots and applying it to stonathan! if anybody can guess which buffy episode it's from i'll give you a gold star and dedicate my next cat to you~
i'm also excited to work with the older teens from st for once, and i think it's been really nice to creatively switch things up for me this way. i've loved getting to apply some of the buffy character archetypes to st characters: Robin is basically Buffy, i've made Nancy a mixture of Willow and Faith, Hopper is Giles (💀), and Steve is kind of the Xander figure
here's a snippet because i am very excited for Chrissy's role in this fic :)
Chrissy Cunningham – The Spelling Bee! – Serving all your Hawkins High magic needs – knock three times on the table in the woods behind the football field – walk-ins only! The teachers had been mercilessly scraping her fliers off the hallways’ corkboards, and Steve had grown so used to them that he hadn’t bothered to really consider them anymore. Since the hellmouth had been opened last year thanks to Will’s disappearance, all kinds of weird shit had been attracted to Hawkins, and Hawkins’ citizens had, in turn, become more attracted to some of their town’s oddities as well. Namely, a lot of the Hawkins High students had become interested in magic, Chrissy being the most interested of them all. She’d transformed from a total popular cheerleader type to the girl who sat in class and played with crystals or read people’s palms. She was still popular as hell and had the top cheerleader spot of course, but everyone had agreed she’d grown a little…odd. But Hawkins has always been weird, just grown a bit weirder, and odd is exactly what Steve needs right now.  Magic is what Steve needs right now. He knows Jonathan still feels something–he saw it in Jonathan’s eyes, in the way his fists had shook against his crossed arms. It wasn’t Jonathan’s heart that had made that decision, but his head, that infernal logic that’s been trained by years of abuse from a deadbeat father that said it was better to cut and run before you end up with a fist against your teeth.
in throes of increasing wonder: an interview with the vampire au i haven't touched in a hot second but never say never amiright lol
working on this one has been most exciting for me because it's set in New Orleans, a city i have spent a lot of time in!! i haven't really seen any byler fics where they're in the south (which like,,,i understand bc the south is The South,,,,,,but also there is some cool stuff here, and not everyone is horrible, right?). so when i have worked on it, it's been fun to incorporate my own knowledge and experiences with the city into my writing. i also will die on the hill that most US cities are largely the same and don't have much variance, but i do think New Orleans stands apart from the rest and has its own really unique vibe/culture. i know every major city will say but like,,,do they have Mardi Gras? do they have king cakes and jambalaya and beignets and a city that sits below sea level? no. they do not.
here's a snippet!
He approaches the mirror, and he examines the damage. Spots speckle all up and down his throat; when he tugs at his collar, they continue down his clavicles and shoulders. His lips are swollen and his hair is a mess, but what draws him in most is the bite. That’s all it can be–what it has to be. Teeth marks, sharp and punctuated against his skin, blood crusted around where the openings have swollen shut. He presses at them, flinches at the throbs of pain they send like shockwaves up to his head, which spins with dizzying delight. More dried blood flakes off and falls like crimson snow against his shirt, which he dutifully swipes away with a half-hearted hand. 
It’s not the strangest thing, especially in a place like New Orleans. He’s seen plenty of people in the wake of a passionate night out with all sorts of discombobulation: torn clothes, patches of hair missing, teeth fillings scraped out and matching tattoos scrawled into each other’s skin. It just means he has to wait for it to heal, to cover his neck like he’d have to anyway. Damn the October warmth; the least he could’ve done is have the foresight to do this in January or February, where he could at least put on a scarf.
thanks again Lark!! i'm wishing you all the best and sending you the best of vibes for writing fantasy au pt 2 :] 💜💜💜
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tibby · 3 years
can i bother u for more stonathan (preferably modern day stonathan. modern day teenagers or 50 yr old gay dads is fine <3)
of COURSE i am ALWAYS willing to be bothered about stonathan, even if i don't really post much about them anymore. as always i have no idea what i've previously shared on this blog but here is a collection of random thoughts:
steve wearing glasses is a very important hc to me and i will cling to it until the day i die. he wears contacts for years but then gets together with jonathan and jonathan thinks he's even sexier with glasses on so steve is like. okay wearing these for the rest of my life! he tends to misplace them a lot as if he hasn't been wearing them for decades and jonathan will sigh and put them back on steve, all faux annoyance and reminders of you're supposed to wear them, honey, as if he isn't blushing like mad as steve looks at him over the top of his frames.
steve IS one of those people that makes their significant other his phone background. meanwhile jonathan somehow has a nokia brick in 2022 regardless of how old he is.
steve is, also, the kind of married gay dad who makes his wedding photos his profile pictures and posts facebook statuses like a middle aged wine mom. thankfully jonathan is not on facebook and therefore doesn't have to contemplate divorce because his husband insists on posting stuff like "nobody likes a small....glass of wine!"
instagram (and letterboxd) are really the only social medias that jonathan has and he only uses instagram for photography. this gives modern au teenage steve something to cyberstalk, even if jonathan is never actually in the photos. however one time he likes something that jonathan posted two years earlier and throws his phone across the room in shame, almost hitting robin in the head with it.
post s1 steve and jonathan texting in a modern au:
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i think at the big ~family reunions~ that the gang have, everyone gets together and smokes weed, even though they're all like fifty and their kids are around. (the kids are also getting high it's just a separate thing. stonathan's son will get all paranoid high and think he'll be in trouble and dustin's daughter has to be like. dude. your dads are BAKED in the next room.) also one year steve got wayyyy too wine drunk and started crying over how he was mean to jonathan in high school and jonathan has to be like that was forty years ago. steve. we are gay married.
not Modern Modern as it would've taken place in 2010 but at steve's 25 year high school reunion (during which he and jonathan absolutely sneak off so steve can give him a blowjob in a bathroom stall), tommy h makes some snarky comment about steve being with a man and jonathan punches him in the face. something something circle of life.
steve is a middle school english teacher (he found out he had dyslexia after a conversation with joyce and once he learned how to cope with it he discovered that he actually enjoys reading and writing and he loves working with kids so like. no brainer) and he's truly The popular teacher at their school which just increases tenfold when his students find out he has a husband, because this is 2022 and youths are like that.
jonathan continues to make steve mixtapes the old fashioned way regardless of what year they're in. modern au teen jonathan gives steve a cd of songs and steve is like what the fuck is this.
not explicitly stonathan but childless married lesbians robin and nancy live like five minutes away from them because steve and robin are annoying and codependent and also so ronance can help out with stonathan's kids without ever having any of their own. they are all annoying middle aged gay best friends. jonathan and nancy will go to art shows and wine tours together, steve and robin will indulge in the chaos their spouses don't care for together, steve and nancy will go on spa trips together, and jonathan and robin will go to arthouse films and indie concerts together and continue to pretend they're only hanging out for the sake of steve and nancy.
in a modern world where they're actually able to openly date in high school, jonathan DOES wear steve's letterman jacket. he pretends it's just out of convenience because steve left it in his car and jonathan was really cold one day but that's a LIE he loves having an obnoxious jock boyfriend and he WILL show off about it.
steve is always inviting the other families on their block to join them for dinner and is like "my husband and i would LOVE to have you over!", knowing full well that jonathan would rather die than have near strangers in his house while he's forced to cook for them and make small talk.
they have a pinboard in their kitchen/dining room where they stick up all these reminders and important notices but it's also filled with like, photobooth pictures from when they were kids in love in the 1980s next to invitations referring to them as mr and mr byers.
(and one of my all encompassing hcs is that steve DOES take jonathan's name, because jonathan and joyce and will feel more like a family to him than his own parents ever did and also they want to make the name theirs, erase lonnie from the books).
they leave post it notes with declarations of love and compliments EVERYWHERE for each other to find and their kids hate it. their daughter is just trying to pour herself a bowl of lucky charms why the fuck is she being subjected to a note saying did you know geese mate for life? you're my goose! stuck to the box. jonathan doesn't even EAT lucky charms what is steve doing.
jonathan has photos of steve hanging up in his lil office at the photography studio and sometimes clients will be like "oh wow what a handsome model :))))" and jonathan will be like Haha That's My Husband. cue the shock at this rat man (affectionate) somehow managing to score the ultimate dilf.
modern au jonathan takes a photo of their intertwined hands and posts it on instagram and it ends up going viral and being put on interest and being used in a million gay love aesthetic posts/fanmix covers/etc etc.
steve has a CRISIS the day he discovers his first grey hair and jonathan has to sit there like babe. babe. please. you're still hot. your hair is fine. you are still very sexy. thankfully steve eventually embraces the silver fox look otherwise jonathan might have lost his mind.
modern au steve logs on twitter and is like "MY boyfriend got into nyu because of his photography skills...what is YOUR flop boyfriend doing" and it gets three likes. one of which is his own.
modern au steve in his stupid plastic prom king crown slow dancing with his lame boyfriend who came to prom just because he knew it would make steve happy. that is all.
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lionsgane · 2 years
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I've seen these photos before, but I never realized there was text on his shirt. And therefore, never knew that it says, "I'm never gonna fuck you." Joe Keery, you are a KING.
So learning this sparked a modern high school AU in my head.
"I'm never gonna fuck you." Steve wears the shirt to school.
Carol and Tommy: (hollering and praising their King) Barb: Ugh. As if anyone would ever want that. Nancy: Haha, yeah. (blushing, but also thinking his boldness is kinda cool) Jonathan: Kind of pretentious, no? (Has a wet dream about Steve that night. Can't look Steve in the eyes for days.) Barb: It's an inappropriate shirt and doesn't abide by our dress code. (Goes and finds a teacher who lets Steve off with a verbal reprimand. Steve wears a Post-It note over the text for the rest of the day, sending finger guns to Barb, Nancy, and Jonathan whenever they see each other. Barb is not impressed, Nancy laughs, and Jonathan shakes his head or looks away.)
Steve keeps the shirt on regular rotation in his wardrobe.
Robin: Oh my god! Seriously, this guy just thinks everyone is obsessed with him! He's not all that! Like we're thirsty for him! Billy: (Frequent, dirty flirting. Steve shoots him down every time, plays coy, or just rolls his eyes.)
Robin: (Okay, interesting, he's not put off by guys hitting on him - but still! Is actually obsessed with Steve for reasons. Ranting and raving about how Steve thinks he's hot shit, to Steve's face.) Steve: (Lets her babble for a long time - just stands there staring at her, amazed at her brashness and equally fascinated by Robin.) Robin: Uh...
Robin and Steve's friendship starts. It's amazing. They quickly become besties, and Robin comes out to Steve.
Billy: (Still flirting. C'mon, baby.) Steve: (Still denying. No, baby.)
Steve meets Eddie in an official capacity via Robin. It's a small town, everyone knows everyone, but Steve and Eddie had never hung out. They hit it off, and their duo is now often a trio.
Barb: He's wearing that shirt again! (Tells their teacher who says he has to take it off.) Steve: (Strips right in class to immense whooping and clapping. Swaps it for a clean gym shirt. Gets detention, but becomes even more of a goddamn legend.) Robin: (Cheers the loudest.) Eddie: Good sir! (Catcalling while blushing.) Nancy: Oh my god! (Dies laughing. She and Steve have become friends.) Barb: (Scoffs.)
Eddie and Robin stick around after school while Steve's in detention, ready to praise his ballsiness again. They go out to eat. Robin eyes the boys knowingly.
Some days later, Steve skips class or has a free period and hangs out with the band kids before class/rehearsal starts. He's wearing the shirt again.
Eddie: So, still not fucking anyone, then? (Playful.) Steve: (Leaning over Eddie, lazing over his music stand, right in his face.) No, you're gonna fuck me. Robin: (Cackling very loudly. Overcome with glee.) Band members: (Cheering, ooohing, there's an "Oh, snap!" and a "Get some!" There's a legit cymbal crash, trombone, and clarinet squeaking to a halt. God bless bandos.) Eddie: (Brain has stopped working. Staring. Blinking.)
The band teacher finally comes in and is nonchalantly like, okay, Harrington, out you go. Steve's halfway across the room, consumed by pride, before Eddie finally pops up after Robin's incessant poking and just cries out "YES" or something.
So, the pair starts #goingsteddie, and their relationship is awesome. And yes, Eddie does get to fuck Steve. They do all sorts of coupley shit, but on them, it's insufferably cute, not nauseating. Eddie wears Steve's letterman jacket, and Steve wears Eddie's denim vest/leather jacket. Steve plays D&D and listens to metal music. Eddie listens to Steve's pop music and co-parents Steve's kids. Their love is the envy of the school. They're the "It Couple," but neither of them cares; they just love each other and their friends. They date through the rest of high school, and everyone can tell they'll make it after graduation.
So, anyway, adding this to my endless list of WIPs cause now I love this idea.
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hersterical · 2 years
Hear me out on this, Stranger Things How I Met Your Mother au where:
Robin (Buckley)=Barney
Nancy=Robin (Scherbatsky)
I’m undecided who would be Marshall and Lily. Some of the options I came up with were Jonathan and Argyle, Eddie and Chrissy (sorry steddie shippers), or Max and Lucas/El. I’m kind of leaning towards Jonathan and Argyle with Argyle being Lily and Jonathan being Marshall though.
I’ll put my reasoning under the break.
One of my all time favorite hc’s is Robin and Steve moving to a big city together after everything’s calmed down in Hawkins where people are more open minded and they can go to gay bars and stuff together. Based on where he’s at in season 4, Steve would be looking for “the one” who would love nothing more than to raise six little nuggets with him. Robin on the other hand would be able to openly flirt for the first time in her whole life and quickly realizes that she is very good at it. The more confidence she has the more women would flock to her and she spends at least a year in a player phase. All the while Steve and Robin would, of course, be the most ride-or-die wingmen for each other.
That’s when it clicked. Steve and Robin in the big city are (mostly) non-douchey versions of Ted and Barney.
Once that connection was made, the similarities between Nancy and HIMYM Robin were almost stupidly obvious. They’re both career driven, girlboss reporters who are good with guns and aren’t crazy about the whole white picket fence and 2.5 children American Dream thing that is their (ex)boyfriends entire purpose in life. (I also wouldn’t put it past Nancy to have been a pop star as a teenager and has been desperately trying to bury any mention of that time of her life ever since)
As for Marshall and Lily, I couldn’t find a perfect match for them so I just put the most solid ST couples that weren’t Jopper. I love them, Jopper just doesn’t match the vibes. Also, as soon as I thought it I haven’t been able to get the idea of kindergarten teacher Argyle out my head because that’s objectively hilarious. (He’d call all of his students his little dudes or something like that. And can you imagine parent-teacher conferences!?)
Obviously in this au swarkles/ronance don’t break up and The Mother (Eddie? Someone we’ve never met before? Tammy Thompson?)(that last one was a joke)(but what a plot twist, right?) doesn’t die. Because that ending is one of the all time worst endings ever. I also don’t think it matters if this is modern au or not. Just depends on how open you want them to be about their relationships and if you want them to be able to text or listen to Taylor Swift and other modern stuff or not.
Let me know what you think. Or don’t. Whatever works for you
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