#inarticulate ramblings
articulately-composed · 4 months
Thoughts on the ATLA live action
I may not post about it a ton, but ATLA was what brought me into fandom culture over a decade ago, so as you may assume, I have some Thoughts about the live action netflix series. Now, I'm gonna preface this by saying I didn't hate it. Surprisingly enough. I came into it thinking the whole series was gonna be a hate watch, but they actually did some interesting stuff with it.
Let's start with the positives.
Sokka - When I heard that they were removing Sokka's sexism, I thought his character was doomed. That's so much of his season 1 arc, I had no idea what was gonna be left. Turns out, they didn't take away his preoccupation with being a manly warrior, they just made it less overt, and honestly, that brand of "girls suck!" sexism that exists to get refuted in early 2000s kids tv probably would have sounded out of place and preachy in a 2024 show geared towards adults. In the end, Sokka felt like one of the most fleshed out characters. His original arc was left in tact, with the bonus of him being a simpy bottom for Suki in a way that kinda fits.
Zuko - I really liked that they added some extra backstory between Zuko and Iroh sooner. The bit with the funeral was honestly really nice. I saw some critiques saying that zuko was made out to be sympathetic far too soon, but honestly, I think it worked. The show is so well known that I don't know if gaining sympathy for zuko later on would have the same effect as it did 20 years ago. I thought the Zuko and Iroh moments really helped solidify their bond on Zuko's part, and tbh, that's gonna make his season 2 betrayal that much stronger (if they pull it off well). I also like the stuff they added with Zuko's journal. Of course he's a fuckin nerd who takes detailed notes with sketches about the stuff he's researching. If Zuko existed irl he'd have a bullet journal youtube channel.
The structure - I hate that no tv series gets more than 8 episodes anymore. it's ruined so much when it comes to pacing in literally everything. That being said, I like what they did when it comes to combining plots. It really made the show feel like it's own thing and not a 1-to-1 adaptation. They stuck Jet and the Mechanist in Omashu, and it worked. Roku's temple and The Blue Spirit were the same episode. Obviously, there was a lot of picking and choosing when it came to what plot points they kept and what they scrapped, and it did do a number on some of the characters' development, but the episodes they chose to keep were important ones, and they managed to weave them together surprisingly well.
And now, the negatives...
Episode 1 - The setup is dreadful. The show starts with a solid 20 minutes of backstory. Before you even meet Sokka and Katara, you know literally all the details about the air nomad genocide. And because they show you the entire genocide on screen before Aang is released from the iceberg, you don't get the experience of having it revealed to you as Aang is experiencing learning about it. His avatar state reaction to seeing Monk Gyatso's corpse just doesn't feel warranted when there's not that slow buildup to finding out about the war and Aang's denial of the whole thing. Episode 1 in general felt messy, rushed, and missing a whole lot of vital character growth.
Aang - Honestly, Aang's character in general felt flat. He gives me ipad kid vibes. He feels like a prodigy kid who just doesn't care, instead of a fun-loving goofball who 's scared of responsibility. He makes so many quips about not paying attention to the monks or falling asleep during meditations, and while it's not like he was super studious in the original, the thing he's doing to avoid studying is goofing around. Playing pranks with Monk Gyatso instead of paying attention to the monks. goofing off in a river with Sokka instead of learning waterbending. He's so un-silly in the live action and it's to his detriment. I guess this is just a part of the 8-episode curse, but because those filler moments have to be erased, you really lose out on all of Aang's stupid kid shenanigans.
Katara - Katara fell so damn flat, which is such a tragedy. I saw someone else on here talking about how the lack of Aang helping her be a kid again in episode 1 took away a lot from her, and they are totally right! Specifically, it took a ton away from the bond the two of them have. Really, there's no reason why Katara should have traveled with Aang in the first place. She didn't bond with him over riding animals, or help him understand what happened in the last hundred years (Gran Gran takes care of all that exposition...), and they don't even head towards the northern water tribe to find a waterbending master until after Kyoshi Island, so that's not why she chose to come either. Katara is also missing her whole "had to become the mom after her mom died" schtick. Not that she should be reduced to group mom, but that's still a part of her original character. She got plenty of backstory regarding her mom, but it was mostly grief. There was a little sprinkling of her sense of justice in there, but that's another one of those "victim of the 8-episode curse" things. So much of her character got lost when the filler was cut that there's not that much left over.
The spirit world - I know I just said I liked what they did combining episodes together, but honestly I think they tried to do too much with the spirit world episode. They use the Hei Bai episode to get into the spirit world, but the whole burned forest plot from the original is pretty much scrapped for a Koh plot, which combines the original Koh plot with the fog of lost souls from Korra, and the mother of faces from the sequel comics? The spirit world episode ties to Roku, like in the original, but Roku barely does anything outside of info only important to that episode. Out of all the avatars Aang contacts, Roku is the least relevant. Kuruk is more relevant than Roku. The bit with Monk Gyatso was sweet, but it did feel like one more thing on top of an already cluttered episode. Also, I don't love that Yue was a fox in the spirit world, it felt kinda out of left field. I didn't love what they did with Yue and Sokka in general, their whole vibe felt rushed.
Final thoughts, obviously it wasn't incredible. It's a show that doesn't really need or want to exist. They stuffed the first season of a cartoon with notoriously thorough writing into 8 episodes. But I didn't hate it. Honestly, I was pretty entertained. I fully intend on seeing season 2. I want to see what they're gonna do with Azula moving forward, how they're gonna handle Toph, and what the fuck they meant by "there actually is no war in ba sing se" bc clearly there was a fucking war in ba sing se, Iroh nearly gets crushed by a boulder by a vengeful soldier over it. I came into this with rock bottom expectations, and I was pleasantly surprised
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andillwriteyouatragedy · 11 months
"not trans enough" is the stupidest myth i've ever heard. if you're trans, you're trans enough. and also i am giving you a big kiss on the forehead. hope this helps
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Hello people returning to tumblr! People who haven’t made their way back on my dash since 2018!
Do you remember me? Do you want to remember me? Well, this blog has been abandoned since 2019 and I’m now @articulately-composed (yes, there’s barely any difference, even down to the theme I’ve kept since 2013...)
I still do voice acting-focused youtube videos, primarily Hiveswap/Homestuck, but I’ve been branching out into other fan content too, and I still write musicals (original ones this time!), but tbh, most of what goes on on my new tumblr is just fucking around and reblogging things I like. Come stop by if you want!
As always, I always follow back, as long as you look like a real person :)
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bi-buckrights · 13 days
Brb thinking of repressed Tommy growing up with a misogynistic, racist, homophobic father who only makes Tommy hate who he is, until he’s hidden all the good parts, even from himself.
And then the Army, which obviously isn’t known for its progressive culture, but at least he’s away from his father, and he maybe has a chance to start to discover those parts of himself he had kept locked away for so long.
But then there’s Gerard at the 118. And suddenly he’s a kid again, burying all the beautiful parts of himself and locking it away to protect himself from his father, reshaping himself to fit the image of what he was taught a man should be, the man he had to be so he can survive at work, until he doesn’t even know who he is.
But then Chimney comes along, and then Hen. And he starts to question everything that has been so deeply ingrained in him until one day, after he’s left the 118, he allows himself to start peeling back the defenses he built around himself, and he finally sees a glimpse of hope
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blorboselfshipping · 11 months
This one goes out to the self shippers who try their best to make gush posts but they think about their f/o for a single millisecond and go
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Instead and forget to make the post
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lockandkeyhyena · 5 months
(I REALLY HOPE tumblr doesnt cut this off early... its pretty long!) Hello!! Your posts containing that recent story idea of yours has popped on my feed. To be completely honest what I have read so far has left me ... uncomfortable, but I want to be open-minded enough to give it a chance. So I hope you don't mind me using anon to ask some questions about it!
First and foremost, you have expressed what the narrative asks of it's audience, but what is the message? What is the story trying to say? I'm not necessarily against a story that asks it's viewers to sympathize with horrible people (BoJack, for example, is one of my fave shows ever), but I feel like, at least personally, you can't be too vague or open-ended with topics like these. BoJack (again, example) allows you to understand and sympathize with horrible people, but the message is also very clearly "actions have consequences, and you must own up to / live with them". I'm curious what your message is?
In your eyes, what exactly is the line between "Horrible person the audience can sympathize with" and "Horrible person the audience must pity, feel bad for, excuse actions of"? I feel like it is a line that can very easily (and often, unknowingly) be crossed, so I'd like to see your view on it
"redemption" is a word I see frequently on your posts. What is redemption to you? Is it a simple change in heart / behavior, or something more? I'm not against a horrible character like yours being 'redeemed', as in recognizing the true nature of his actions / behavior and striving to be 'better'. However to some people, 'redemption' can easily mean 'deserving of forgiveness' or 'unable to be judged / held responsible for previous actions' (which is why that kind of arc is so frequently controversial lol). All things considered, I personally don't think the latter would be wise to approach considering the characters crimes. But i'm sure you know that already.
This also begs the question - what is forgiveness to you, especially in media? In one of your posts is the line 'where do we draw the line in the sand for what crimes are deemed unforgivable even when faced with eternity, and why?', which made me curious enough to ask this anon in the first place. What is an unforgivable crime to you? How does your story plan to handle themes of forgiveness? Are you planning to write elements of forgiveness between victim / abuser? (mostly asking because, if that is the case, I don't think this could be a story I'd enjoy unfortunately)
How do you plan to have the audience feel sympathy / empathy for your character? Do you plan to go the 'he has a sad backstory' route or do you have something more planned? I also feel like it is important to acknowledge the difference between 'sympathize' and 'empathize' here. To want an audience to feel sympathy for a horrible character is something I can understand, as it calls for simple understanding. But empathy is something that is a lot more intimate imo (as it stems from a feeling of "your pain is my own, I have been in your shoes"). Which I don't think you could really ask of those who have been the victim of those things at least.
I definitely feel like it is important to acknowledge the humanity of horrible people, but I also feel like it is important to acknowledge that some people out there genuinely are just awful -- not every criminal has an unfortunate upbringing or bad life experiences, and not every criminal shares an ounce of care or regret or sympathy, as unfortunate as that may sound. With that said, I think it is perfectly healthy for the average person to maintain distance between themselves and those who cause others significant harm / traumas. At the end of the day, it is an abusers responsibility to see the harm they inflict and own up to their own actions. No innocent person should be expected to 'fix them' or tolerate their behaviors or forgive the hurt they have caused, even after redemption. Not even a simple 'you're hurting others' is owed, really. Nobody wants to put themselves in the shoes of someone who abuses children in that manner, because that is not really something you can do as a mistake, or accidentally, or without realizing, or in the heat of the moment. Sexual abuse in general is a crime done without good reason, which is why it is such a touchy subject -- and when you bring grooming into the mix, it becomes a crime that is now premeditated. But of course I say this from an outside perspective, I wouldn't know what it is like to harm children in that way …
Sorry for the ramble, anyways. All in all I'm willing to give your story a shot and I'm curious to see how you tackle these ideas (and, I will definitely be around to give you advice / my thoughts, for as long as you welcome them).
hey!! thanks so much for your input, it’s really appreciated. this’ll be a long one so strap in folks.
1. good question!! the message i’m trying to go for is something similar to bojack horseman. your behaviour shouldn’t damn you to an eternity of pain and suffering, but you still have to live with your actions and acknowledge that you’ve hurt people- and, most importantly, you can’t move forward without *acknowledging* you’ve done something wrong. basically, ‘anyone can become a better person, but you have to be willing to put the effort in and acknowledge that your past actions won’t go away.’
2. i don’t think there should ever be a character that the audience excuses the actions of, i think that while you can sympathise with and pity a character, you also necessarily have to acknowledge and analyse the bad they did.
3. OH OH THIS IS A GOOD ONE!! i think about this ALOT, especially in regards to forgiveness. i don’t personally think that if you become a better person, your past crimes should be forgiven/forgotten about. i think the most appealing thing about redemption narratively is your character constantly being reminded of their past and choosing to continue being a good person in spite of it.
redemption, to me, means recognising the horrible nature of your past actions and acknowledging that you did bad things, while simultaneously working to better yourself and be an overall good and kind person.
4. continuing on from the last question, i adore thinking about forgiveness in depth, i believe i made a post on it a year ago and still have an ask waiting in my askbox about what i personally define forgiveness as.
basically, no, i don’t plan to write any elements of forgiveness from the victim into the story, and that’s something i want alvin to have to deal with. think end of season one bojack horseman with ‘i don’t forgive you.’ i want him to be faced with that, acknowledge that nothing he can do can fix what happened, and strive to be a better person regardless.
personally, to me, while i would never *forgive* alvin for his crimes, i wouldn’t begrudge him the opportunity to better himself. an interesting contradiction in my worldview is that while i will never personally forgive child abusers, i don’t believe in being ‘beyond redemption’. i believe that if someone is given enough time, no matter how heinous the crime, give them a thousand, million, billion years of time, i believe they can see their wrongs and work towards being better people. i also believe it’s an endless task. there’s never going to be a ‘you are better now’ stopping point, and that’s something that has to be dealt with.
5. ah, simple misunderstanding of words here, i don’t really see a difference between sympathising and empathising and i use them both to mean ‘feel bad for’ or ‘understand someone’s point of view without necessarily agreeing’ while i plan for him to have a sad backstory, that’s not the avenue i plan to garner sympathy from the audience with. that’s the avenue that *he* initially wants you to take pity on him for.
i want people to sympathise with him due to his… normalness for lack of a better word. i want people to see him as a human outside of his terrible actions. i want him to have quirks, favourite movies and dislikes.
anyway, i think your insights are extremely valuable and i agree with all of them! the heinousness of the crime is sort of the point- can someone who knowingly and prolonged-ly(?) committed a vile act, become a better person? the answer i want to come out of this story with is yes, but it’s something that has to be done selflessly and with no expectation of reward.
thank you so much for taking time out of your day to write up these questions for me! any further input would be much appreciated- you’ve been very articulate and helpful with me putting my own thoughts into words.
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magdaclaire · 10 months
listen you have to have to have to realize how important zines are to the cultural zeitgeist. zines, pamphlets, even fucking brochures have been so essential to nearly every cultural liberation of the past several centuries. are you listening. is this thing on
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himehikoshrine · 8 months
might delete this later because im at two hours of sleep levels of inarticulate but now i'm thinking about The Seagull and Neji and the Constantine - Trigorin tension of it all.
But like I am also thinking about what would happen if Neji gave Chui that script from the beginning I think that script from the beginning could work as a bizarre modern dance/butoh amber performance actually, and in the summer novel and in rehearsals (though rudely, not in the performance) we get snippets of how Neji uses abstraction in dance (in Mary Jane, the "Lonely Darkness" and in Extermination in the Arata Forest the dancers play all of nature, including specifically, the wind). I wonder if that's the Amber in him, because Amber seems to be using dance in ways far beyond character dance numbers. Like it's even set on a lake! With the moon! I wanna see it.
Inarticulate and spoilery thoughts with Agendas for both Neji route and also The Seagull, I guess.
But like, compared to what we see Neji do in Amber, he's shifted pretty substantially with Quartz - he's the "Entertainer" (like Tsuki) to Chui (and Fumi)'s artist, but he's coming from (going by his own recreation of it) some serious Angura vibes, and his first two plays are very different than any of the ones we see him do for Quartz. But even the plays he writes for Quartz have varying levels experimentation to them, by vibe (shoves weekend lesson off the table and pretends its not there, messing with the patterns) even if nothing quite like his Amber days.
It's like he says to Chui - working with imperfect people means he can't just create whatever is in his head - things like what we see in puppet - and has to pull things down to a different register. It's... the same thing Neji tells Fumi, actually -- the game uses the idea of someone ripping their wings off to be able to stand on stage with others for both of them, actually.
Constantine, writing lofty "experimental" plays (what Neji is accused of and takes as a compliment in Puppet) vs Trigorin and his notebook and inability to stop writing or pulling inspiration from other people. Both of them kind of miserable, one more dramatically than the other. Both kind of assholes. Both, lets be honest, terrible to women in their own ways.
Interestingly, both of their interactions with Nina reflect far more the realization he has later in his route rather than his starting assumptions. I doubt he just misses this. But I think Neji is running from things he already knows, trying to hold up flimsy stories to himself about himself that he doesn't really believe. Neji, reading the Seagull: I see, I see if I simply do not interact with women, I can be both and neither. I've solved it. This is a joke.
At least the way I read the Seagull - Love (and the play cuts it across gendered lines in the ensemble) isn't the cause or solution, its just the justification. It certainly doesn't create or fix the issues the two writers in the play deal with, and I don't think Neji could even lie to himself that it does, even if its easier - and its certainly easier than looking at both of the characters and their actual faults and ways they reflect himself.
Mr. takes you to suicide beach on his third event and literally cannot stop thinking about the next story or let go of his notebook for a minute, so frantically that other people notice it. In the fic I will probably never finish -- Kisa is many things, but she is also a mirror, as both Neji and Chui call her -- one Neji is finally transfixed enough with to look into long enough to see himself. And look where that leads him.
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prosebushpatch · 3 months
one of my favorite authors just happened to be part of an event at le local barnes and noble that i had no idea was happening and i got to meet her but i was so tongue-tied all i could do was repeat "God, you're a genius" while forgetting every other word in the English dictionary
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dysphoresque · 2 years
Girls who are good listeners, girls who always know the right words to comfort someone, girls who always know when or when not to talk if someone's sharing a story, girls who are there but don't really exist, girls who are always there in a conversation but you realize (or you don't) that you don't really hear them talk about anything personal, girls who are good at making you feel comfortable, girls who are bad at talking about themselves, girls who want to be heard but always gets talked over, girls who don't even try to talk about themselves anymore, girls who laugh at all your jokes, girls who wait for you when you tie your shoelaces, girls who ask 'what were you saying?' when someone talked over you, so you could finish what you were saying, girls who always ask if something's wrong because no one does that for them. No one does any of that for them.
Girls who know the coldness of the world but radiate the warmth they never received. I love you with all my heart.
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articulately-composed · 5 months
I got tagged in an ask game by @sinfulauthor! It’s been ages since I did one of these, why the hell not!
1. Were you named after anyone?
Yes! Anna comes from my grandmother Annabelle, who died before I was born. It’s Jewish tradition to name kids after deceased loved ones, so both I and my sister got a little something for our names from one of our grandmothers :)
2. When was the last time you cried?
A couple weeks ago, out of frustration from my chronic insomnia I believe. Falling asleep at 6am when you don’t want to isn’t fun lol
3. Do you have kids?
Not yet, I’m most definitely not in a financial or physical health place to be a parent yet. Ask me again in 5-10 years though, I do want kids one day.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I used to figure skate! I never competed or anything, but I could do some simple spins and jumps
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Sometimes! Not a ton though
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their voices. I’m a very audio-focused person, so a person’s voice is always what stands out to me most.
7. What’s your eye color?
The government says it’s hazel, but it’s that flavor of hazel that’s like 4 different colors layered together. I’ve had people tell me my eyes look like olives.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I don’t dislike horror, but I definitely lean towards comedy as a genre, so I guess happy endings? What I really like is a satisfying, full circle ending. That can be happy, bittersweet, tragic, as long as it’s satisfying.
9. Any talents?
I could say music, but that feels wrong when I’m in the music industry. Is it a talent if it’s your career?
If we’re talking weird and silly talents, I know a psychological method to win any game of Rock Paper Scissors, as long as I’ve played a game against you before :)
10. Where were you born?
Upstate NY (though I’m not saying where, I see you fishing for common security questions! Do you want me to tell you the name of my first pet and where I went to elementary school too?)
11. What are your hobbies?
Primarily voice acting, though I don’t know if it counts as a hobby anymore since I’ve been paid to do it quite a few times…
I also like to sew! I’ve been working on a hand quilt that I chip away at when I play ttrpgs :)
12. Do you have any pets?
No :( one day I’ll get a kitten, but for now I’ll live vicariously through my girlfriend’s cats and my roommate’s cats
13. How tall are you?
5’5.” The exact average height for women lol
14. Favorite subject in school?
God, it’s been ages since I was in public school. Probably band, I was a band kid through and through
15. Dream job?
I want to contribute music to something that ends up having a powerful and creative fanbase. That could mean I write a musical that forms a fandom, it could be I contribute songs to a tv show or write a soundtrack for a game with a powerful fandom, I just want my music to be something that encourages others to create themselves.
I’m not gonna tag anyone, I don’t wanna put anyone on the spot who doesn’t want to be, but if any of you want to do the ask game, consider yourself tagged :)
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xx-vergil-xx · 2 years
so not to fish for spoilers for the next 20 (?!) chapters of hounds, but uh. will the archive warning change? cause at the moment it's set to "no archive warnings apply" but your posts are making me Very Concerned and i want a small hint on how emotionally prepared i have to make myself
uuuh i mean okay so i will most definitely be updating the archive warnings when we get there bc i too don’t wanna spoil things — but there are Several chapters to go before anything gets Wild and Crazy like that. so for now i’d say dw abt it? i just spent two hours today writing an aggressive treatise on like the inherent adoration of knowing the names of bones like they’re in love your honor and that shit is gonna be the focus for a bit here.
i’m rlly tryna find a way to talk around it without giving it away but also i mean it’s not like the major point of the plot (it’s a major plot point but it’s not like The Point™️ man i’m sorry this is inarticulate) but okay alright i will say that i’m obeying a few of the major comics canon elements (i feel like u can guess which ones) but in a sense those events won’t be the whole deal?? uuuh fuckin this is decidedly useless my b <3
tl;dr yes i’ll be updating the archive warnings but like not until we get there. and i will say it’s arguable the ending is happy
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capseycartwright · 2 years
Topic: Is physical (okay, sexual) attraction important to make a relationship work??
i mean surely it’s entirely subjective, no? for me, personally yes, it’s important: because i experience sexual attraction and it’s something i enjoy, personally. but it’s not a one size fits all situ, because there’s no obligation to experience sexual attraction either? like, if sex isn’t important to you or you don’t necessarily experience or enjoy sexual attraction, then it’s obviously not as aspect of your relationship that you’re gonna focus on as much?
i can’t speak to asexuality because i am not personally asexual: but surely on a basic level everyone has different priorities and wants out of a relationship regardless of their own desires and preferences? i mean. all my relationships have felt and been different. that’s sort of just. life
and this is an inarticulate way of saying well, uh. no? not necessarily? depends on the person?
send me a topic + ☕️ emoji and i’ll tell my honest opinion about it!
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excusemeaminute · 1 year
I feel weird talking about the way nonirish people mocking irish people makes me feel cause its probably like number 40000 on the list of things that matter but idk it does lowkey highkey suck
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azulcrescent · 21 days
HI i'm like super inarticulate so this is going to sound like a mess but i read the entire "i want to be a cute anime girl" series that is up so far and i REALLY REALLY ENJOYED IT and had a lot of visceral positive emotional reactions to many of the panels that have renewed the confidence that has been briefly stolen from me by parental transphobia but IT WAS A REALLY FUN READ and i read all 349 pages + the extras in like 3 hours lmao because i am an insane little transfem.
ch. 228 i like that [i want to be a cute anime girl] is the metaphor for transfemininity for her. not just bc it's silly but because like, this is genuinely the way it happens for some people. she's not ready to call herself trans yet so she's just using what she knows, it's cool
ch. 262 transmasc vine boom
sorry for the egregiously long post but this comic made me very very happy and i am very happy it exists LMAO
Henlo, your ask was a joy to read with all the reactions to the different pages, so plz don't worry about being inarticulate! I'm really glad you like the comic, and thanks for sharing it in such an expressive and fun way to read! I wanted to portray the joy that comes with the trans experience so it makes me glad that i have been successful in that regard, thank you! Good luck with your journey!
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spacelunatics · 5 months
[...]⠀⠀⠀❝ she was never just a constellation, she was a whole galaxy.❞
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𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀⠀⠀❛ 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙿𝙰𝙲𝙴 𝙱𝙰𝙱𝙴 ❜⠀⠀𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐄⠀⠀⠀⋆⠀⠀ as the heiress to one of the most well known and infuentual families in the states, she is considered american royalty. also known as the twenty — three year old alien devotee, who posts inarticulate ramblings online and is obsessed with all things cosmic, magic and odd.
independent portrayal of luna hale from the like us series by krista and becca ritchie. ²¹⁺ rp account. minors dni, if you do you'll get blocked. open for plotting. ger/eng. triggerwarnings: this blog contains mentions of alcoholism & other addictions, adult content and strong language.
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