#indiana jones x fem!reader
Family Of Three - Indiana Jones X Female (Wife) Reader (feat. Shorty)
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Title: Family Of Three
Indiana Jones X Female (Wife) Reader (feat. Shorty)
Additional Characters: Shorty, Indy's dad (Mentioned)
Requested by @doctoriletyougotogalaxy!
WC: 2,170
Warnings: Super cute, family fluff, fluff, Indy being a dad, flirting, slight suggestiveness, teasing, taunting, we love Shorty, references to other Indiana Jones movies, real life plot hole, happy tears, all the hugs for Shorty, and a slight bittersweet ending
"Hurry up, kid! Don't want to be late!" Indy called out as he placed his infamous hat on the top of his head. You made sure your pants were dust and grime free, brushing them and making sure your button-up was neatly tucked into your slacks before you glanced at Indy from the living room mirror, raising an eyebrow as you watched him put on his hat.
"Why are you wearing your hat, Indy?" You asked, turning to your husband, "You don't usually wear it when we go out." You mentioned and Indy shrugged.
"I feel like it," He spoke up, adjusting his tie and glasses.
You smiled softly, walking over to help him to fix his tie, making sure it was straight, "I don't understand the point of the hat after you spent half an hour combing your hair." You tilted your head slightly, as Indy's hands landed on your waist, his fingers looping through your belt loops, pulling you closer.
"Well, sweetheart," He began, leaning down to brush his nose against yours, making your cheeks and ears flush, "I just feel like it."
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you softly pushed away, turning towards the hall, "Shorty, honey, you about ready?" You called, only to hear the quick pitter-patter of feet and Shorty to reveal himself; running down the hall.
He skidded to a halt, dressed pretty sharply in new brown pants, a flannel, new shoes, and his New York Giants baseball cap. "How do I look, ritzy eh?" Shorty asked, feeling confident in himself as you smiled and nodded your head.
"Absolutely, Shorty. Very handsome. Little ladies will surely swoon upon seeing you." You stated only for Shorty to make a face, shaking his head.
"Ew, no. I have no time for ladies, Y/N/N. I am too busy taking care of you and Indy."
You couldn't help but let your smile widen, "Alright then, are you ready to go?" You asked and the little boy nodded as Indy grabbed his car keys and opened the front door. 
"Where are we going?" Shorty asked as he got into the back seat, leaning over the middle console to look at you and Indy, fidgeting with energy.
You turned slightly in your seat, glancing from Indy to Shorty, "Well, it's a surprise. We have a whole day planned out for you."
“And don’t try and bribe us into telling you, it won’t work.” Indy added making Shorty roll his eyes as he leaned back into his seat.
You and Shorty sang along to the radio, a bit obnoxiously, trying to get Indy to join you but with no luck as you drove to the National Museum. The trees passed in green blurs as you and Shorty sang to ‘Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy’. Indy couldn’t fight the amused smile on his face as you pretended to hold a microphone in your hand as you sang. 
Sooner than you thought, you all arrived at the museum. Hopping out of the car, Shorty stared at the large building with wide eyes, walking with you and Indy up the large stairs and entering the museum, he looked all around the giant room.
"Wow!" Shorty exclaimed, his eyes widened as they met the glass display cases that held various items from the museum; his jaw slackened. Indy chuckled softly, placing a hand on his shoulder and leading him around the room with you. "Did you find these, Indy?" He asked and Indy nodded.
"Some of them," He began, stopping in front of one glass case, "Here's the Holy Grail, I found it with my... Dad." Indy spoke and you smiled, watching the two bond as you loop your arm through Indy's free one. Looking at each and every artifact that Indy had recovered. "And this one..." Indy continued, going up to the next artifact, "Is the Headpiece to the Staff of Ra that I found during my time in Egypt. It's made out of very precious gems and gold."
Shorty looked up at Indy with wide eyes of awe and curiosity, "What's the most precious treasure you found, Indy?"
Indy grinned, staring at the artifact with a soft gaze before looking down at you, "I'd have to say Y/N."
You immediately looked up at him in shock and surprise, feeling your face warm, "What?" You chuckled awkwardly, unbelieving, "Don't be ridiculous." You said, giving a light slap to his arm.
Indy smirked down at you, "You don't believe me? I would show you if the kid wasn't here." At his words, you gasped lightly, narrowing your eyes and feeling your face flush.
"Indy!" You scolded, swatting at his chest as he laughed, dodging your attempt to hit him again. He grabbed your hand and pulled you forward, causing you to stumble into him.
Indy stared down at you, leaning down before pausing, his lips just brushing yours. Pulling away slightly, Indy covered Shorty's eyes earning a 'Hey!' from the boy as Indy leaned down to press to your lips, kissing you softly. The kiss ended much too soon for your liking, but was nonetheless sweet; you blinked back your surprise as Indy rested his forehead against yours.
"You done yet? I got artifacts to see." Shorty spoke up, pushing away Indy's hand with a huff, making you smile down at the kid.
"Yeah, honey, we're done. I want to see the Cross of Coronado. It's my favorite." You spoke, leaving Indy behind as you and Shorty headed off to see the cross.
Indy watched you and Shorty, a smile on his face before he joined you, taking his hat and placing it on your head; you chuckled as the hat covered your eyes slightly. You pushed the hat back so you could see as Indy wrapped his arm around your waist.
"Why is the cross your favorite?" Shorty asked and you sighed, remembering when Indy took you to see it for the first time.
"I guess it's because of Indy's past with it." You began, giving the boy a smile before looking back at the cross. "I love how Indy never stopped looking for it. Even after all those years, he kept searching. And the way it inspired him to become someone great." You finished quietly, feeling Indy hand on your waist tighten. "That dedication to seeking the impossible and unknown has always been one of Indy's strongest traits, ever since I met him."
"And I think Y/N's beautiful charm and passion to find the answers to all kinds of questions is something that I admire deeply," Indy commented and you smiled at him, squeezing his hand. “Half the reason why I married her.”
"Don't think you're going to get any brownie points for that." You teased, making Shorty look up at you both eagerly.
"Brownies? I want brownies!"
Indy continued to talk about everything from the cross to other treasures, pointing out places in the exhibit as you all walked down the halls. After a while at the museum, you both left and got back in the car, heading to one of Shorty's favorite diners, where he always got a chocolate milkshake and a slice of his favorite cherry pie.
He sipped on his milkshake before taking bites of his slice of cherry pie as you bit your lip, glancing out the window nervously. Indy took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers together, gaining your attention. He gave you a small smile, calming you significantly as you returned to eating your slice of pie. You were a bit worried and very anxious the entire week. A couple of days prior, you and Indy had gone to the adoption office, filling out a few forms and completing a few piles of paperwork to try and get confirmation that you could adopt Shorty. 
The paperwork arrived that morning, and it said you were both approved to adopt Shorty just as long as he wanted to be adopted. It was a relief to know that you could adopt the kid. You and Indy loved that kid as if he was your own. Shorty was such a sweet, caring, brave, and smart kid; you wanted nothing more than to give him a wonderful home and raise him with Indy. You cared so much for Shorty and wanted to make sure he had the best life that you could give him. You had the chance to give him the life he deserves, a life in which he could go to school, and learn about fantastic and interesting things; give him a chance to be a kid. Shorty deserved the world.
You all headed home with full stomachs, the three of you collapsing on the couch together with a laugh, Indy’s hat on top of Shorty’s head, covering his baseball cap. You sighed, feeling content as Indy turned to look at you, glancing at Shorty in your arms before he stood. You turned down to look at Shorty.
"Short, honey, we have something for you." You began softly, your heartbeat increasing as you thought of what might await you. You glanced up at Indy, who reentered the room with the envelope, a nervous grin plastered on his face.
"What is it?" Shorty asked, sitting up on the couch. You sat up as well, Indy sitting beside you and handing Shorty the envelope. Shorty took the envelope, looking at both you and Indy confused yet curious as you gave him the nod to open it. Shorty carefully ripped open the envelope, pulling out the paper from inside. He read it over, and you bit your lip and fidgeted with your fingers in anticipation.  
"What's this about?" Shorty asked, still reading the letter with a confused expression on his face.
You glanced at Indy before speaking, his arm wrapping around your shoulder, "Well," You began, swallowing, "We would like to adopt you, Shorty." You finished, smiling softly at the little boy who was staring at the paperwork in his hands.
"You serious? You really adopting me?" He asked, looking up at you with big eyes that seemed to grow larger.
You nodded, unable to contain your smile. "If you want us to. This is your decision." Indy spoke up, holding you closer to him.
"I do! Yes, yes yes!" Shorty exclaimed, jumping up from his seat and hugging the both of you tightly, tears welling up in his eyes. You chuckled softly, rubbing Shorty's back gently as you hugged him back, tears falling down your own cheeks at the sight. "Really?" He asked, as if you weren't serious, but Indy nodded.
"Yeah, kid. we really want to adopt you." He spoke and Shorty smiled.
"Thank you!" Shorty cried in complete joy. He pulled away and looked at you and Indy as you wiped away the tears that ran down his cheeks.
"Of course, honey. We love you very much. More than anything." You responded and Shorty smiled, throwing himself back into your arms.
"I love you too." Shorty muttered into your shirt, snuggling close as he held onto both of you. You felt Indy wrap his arms around the two of you, pulling you tighter against him as he laid his head on top of yours. 
You let out a shaky happy sigh, resting the top of your head on Shorty’s cap, before letting out a small laugh of pure joy. 
In the next couple of months, Shorty was enrolled in school, learning great lessons from science to astrology. He improved on his English and even joined a few school clubs. During breaks and Summer, Indy would take you and Shorty on trips around the world, Greece, Egypt, New York, and even Iceland. You spent birthdays at parks and arcades, playing pinball machines and eating ice cream. He even started calling you and Indy, mom and dad…
Then there came the point that Shorty was old enough to go to high school, where he made more friends and joined more clubs including joining the math decathlon and even an art club, to which he was both very successful at. During breaks and Summers, Shorty would participate in helping Indy find artifacts, finding Archaeology to be a real calling to him, just like his dad.
When he wasn’t finding gold and treasure with Indy, he was with you at home. He’d help you around the house, cooking and even taking up a few chores so you had less to do. He was going up to be such a sweet and kind gentleman. Yet, he never lost that bravery and curiosity that he had as a child. 
Before you knew it, he was off on his own. Traveling the world with Indy and recovering old artifacts. Though he was pretty busy, Shorty would never forget to write you letters home, retelling his amazing adventures and all that he discovered. You’d keep those letters close, rereading them often as you missed your son. You’d check off the days on the calendar, waiting patiently for your son to come home.
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hanasnx · 7 months
INDIANA JONES is effortlessly paternal. It’s most apparent when you’re at your worst. Fussy about being hungry means you give him a lot of attitude, but he knows how to get past it almost like he studied your mood swings in school.
“There’s nothing you have that I could possibly want.” you tell him, and he answers your sharp quip with an unconvinced, “Right.” Stepping away to flip a satin cover off a tray. His large hand dwarfs a green apple, taking one simple bite while you hound after him. He eyes you as you wrap your hands around his, guiding the fruit to your mouth as you stand on the tips of your toes to reach. Pliantly, he feeds it to you, watching you mouth on its flesh with pleasured moans of hunger satiated.
Juice drips down your chin as the crisp apple is audibly chewed, and he raises the tray into your view, revealing ripe grapes and a mango. Your eyes sparkle with gratitude, plucking the platter from his grasp and rounding him to retreat to your room. Now that you’re primed, he leisurely follows after you. You’ve got a harsh tongue when you haven’t eaten, so now that that��s quelled, he’s got an ulterior motive to execute.
A thick finger reaches to tap the generous and dazzling chain link of gems around your neck, “Always wear your jewels to bed, princess?” When he’d complimented your outfit earlier, he’d attributed you to royalty, and now he was calling on it again. It makes you smile, laying the tray onto your silk bed. You whirl around, feeling especially coy even though you haven’t caught on to how skillfully he manipulates you.
“Yeah,” You nod. “and nothing else.”
It doesn’t take any clearer an invitation, and Indiana invites himself into your bed. Ankles have a home on his broad shoulders, using those rough hands to pick your hips up, raising them into his bucks. The man’s colossal, slamming into you at reckless pace that you would’ve scolded him for if he were anyone else. You’ve always been treated delicately because you’ll bite the head off of anyone who can’t nurture you the way you insist on, but ol’ Indy’s found a way around it. Or more accurately, his way that plows right through it.
“Where’s the fire now, huh, princess? Miss it when you were feisty.” Smug and husky from effort, that cruel statement shoots lightning up your spine, arching your back off the mattress as you clutch onto the sheets.
“Oh, Indy.” you sigh, sloppy wet sounds filling the room as the biggest cock you’ve ever taken bullies your insides. “Didn’t mean to,” you plead, “I know I can be a lot to… ah! Handle.”
“I’ll say. All that pretty head is concerned with is herself, ain’t that right, honey?”
The twist in your face deepens as he straightens on his knees, taking you with him and his tip hits a new angle. Your legs stick straight up, an arm securing you around the thighs as he fucks your elevated hole. Squeals of pleasure rip from your throat.
“Never met a girl so self-centered. Don’t worry, sweetheart, you’re in good hands. Gonna screw that right outta you.”
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spider-bren · 1 year
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@shadesofkumquat gave this prompt so thank you!! And yes, you are right. There is nothing like enemies to lovers trope. Mads did look sooo good so I’m happy to write this. Hope you like it :)
Prompt: I’m desperately looking for a Jürgen Voller x Fem!Reader 👀 PLEASE 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Well maybe she’s been kidnapped or something like that kind of enemies to lovers (best ships God). You can even go very spicy, no limits there. Don’t know if that’s what you want to write as you specifically gave ideas, but i’m still taking my chance haha. Mads was so HANDSOME in this movie! (so yeah, I scream too)
Pairing: Jürgen Voller x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: Sexual Content, Kidnapping, Reader is Indiana’s student (but not really), Canonical Idealogy - Nazi, Enemies to Lovers 
Summary: You’ve been kidnapped by Voller’s goons and when Voller comes to you you both know you want each other 
You didn’t know where you were. Last thing you remembered was that you were on the street enjoying the festival and suddenly this large blonde American came out of nowhere and slipped a bag over your head, carrying you over his shoulder. Now that the bag was removed, you found yourself in a hotel room cuffed to the large made up bed. The cuffs hurt your thin wrists as you tried to yank yourself and slip free. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” said the blonde man who was sitting watching you on a chair with his feet propped up on the bed. He was wearing a suit which surprised you. 
Did kidnappers normally wear suits? Or were those just those movies where they were ski masks and stuff? 
“Voller wouldn’t like that,” he added with a click of his tongue. 
“Who is Voller?” you asked, wearily. 
“Voller is my boss. He asked me to bring you here. You know Doctor Jones, right?” 
“Yeah. I’m one of his students. What does this have to do with me?” 
“I don’t know really. All I know is that I have to keep you here until he comes back.” 
“Please, let me go. I don’t know anything I swear.” 
“Shut up.” 
The door opened and another man came in wearing a dark grey suit. 
“Thank you, Klaber,” the man in the glasses said to the blonde. Klaber exited the room leaving you two alone. 
“My name is Jürgen Voller." 
"What do you want from me?" You struggled against the binds again. 
Voller stalked towards you taking off his suit jacket and folding in on the chair Klaber was on. He neatly did up his sleeves before leaning over your small frame. His eyes were golden amber, flecks of green shone in them from behind the glasses. 
"I told Klaber to capture you because of Doctor Jones but really I wanted you for myself as soon as I saw you." He sniffed your hair and his lips grazed your ear. "You are very beautiful." 
He trailed his long fingers down your cheek. You shivered, trying to figure out what was going on. Your fight or flight response was dormant within you because some deep primal part of you liked this. Like being…captured. Being his prey. He was an extremely attractive man. High cheekbones and plush lips that now were kissing the juncture of your jaw and neckline. 
"You know who I am?" 
You shook your head at his question. Hands still strained in the chains, your body confused as a swift flush of heat settled in your stomach when he moved closer to you. 
"I'm the man that wants to do bad things. Bad things by societal standards, but good things for the world in the long run. I work for NASA. I helped put men in space. But this world needs more than men in little outfits dancing on the moon. It needs a leader. And I am one to do it. See, my dear, I want to kill Hitler. And take over…how does that make you feel?" 
Something in you stirred. Hatred. Disgust. This man was everything you had been taught to despise. You had no idea how the hell he was going to go back in time and kill Hitler but that didn't matter. He was evil. A bad, bad man. He wanted to better the world, but with his own force, his own power. His ideals didn't align with yours. Your conscience was rational, if anything. 
And yet…when his hands were on you that didn't matter. He was just a man. And you were just a woman. 
"Tell me, what do you think of it?" 
You gasped as his thumb and forefinger plucked at your hardened nipple. It was harsh. Rough. He didn't give you time to respond. 
"I bet it secretly turns you on. I bet you like it. It's wrong and you know it. Nothing wrong about sex. Nothing wrong about lust. You shouldn't be ashamed of your desires. I'm a scientist, I should know. It's natural to want things you know you shouldn't. That's what makes it even more alluring." 
His fingers edged towards your skirt and you mentally cursed yourself for deciding to wear it today. 
"You want me. Don't be shy now, little one. I will make it all better. When I first saw you, I wanted you. I knew that you'd resist me. You'd hate me. But that doesn't stop me. You want me like I want you. You can run. You can fight me. I will chase you across the world." 
"Jürgen," You cried as his fingers curled into your lace panties and found you soaked. 
"Klaber doesn't know. He doesn't know how long we've been playing this game. No one knows. How you don't work for Indiana. How we have been acting like we don't know each other for years. Two opposite sides. Different parts of the war. You stand to end me. Your job is to stop me. And you would even pretend to be in Indiana’s class just so I know where to find you. You never told me who you work for. CIA? Interpol? Some secret hate group towards me?" He smirked as he fucked you slowly and easy. 
You sighed and bit back moans at the remembrance of how good his fingers were. It had been too long. Voller was and had been your lover for some time now. And even though you were supposed to kill him, you loved him. All that mattered was his tongue stroking yours, his hands massaging your chest, and his fingers moving inside you making you shake and ache for him. 
"I guess I never need to know who you are. I already know you're mine."
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stephstars08 · 1 month
The Only Exception
River Phoenix x Reader
Warnings: Some Adult Language, Angst, Fluff, Mention of Messy Divorce, Mention of Fighting, Abandonment, Mention of Sexual Activities, Daddy Issues, and Possible Grammar Errors (Sorry if I Forgot Any!!)
Summary: Growing up Y/N’s mother always told her that there is no such thing as true love and for a long time Y/N believed her mother. Well, until she met a blonde haired boy named River Phoenix.
Song Inspiration: The Only Exception by Paramore
Word Count: 1,451
Author’s Note: This is my first River Phoenix story. I know there aren’t a lot of River Phoenix stories on here and some people wanted me to write for him so I finally did! I’ve been wanting to write a story based off this song forever since it’s been one of my favorite songs ever since I was a little girl so I definitely suggest listening to the song before reading! I hope you all enjoy!🩵
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Y/N is from a small town in Ohio but moved to California after she turned eighteen and has now lived there for almost two years. The reason why Y/N left Ohio was because of the bad memories that were made there. Y/N doesn’t just come from a single broken home, she comes from two broken homes.
When Y/N was just four years old her parents split up from a marriage that wasn’t filled with love. The only reason why her parents got married was because her mom got pregnant with her. Y/N would constantly hear her parents yell and scream at one another. Sometimes she would hear glass and furniture slamming against the walls and shattering.
When they finally divorced Y/N thought things would get better but they didn’t. In the beginning of the divorce Y/N lived with both of her parents separately. One week she would be living with her mom and then the next week with her dad but that didn’t last long. When she turned ten her father remarried and started another family. He wanted nothing to do with her or her mother. He just cared for his new wife and kids.
Y/N’s mother never remarried because of the heartbreak Y/N’s fathers caused not just her but Y/N as well. As Y/N grew up her mom would always tell to never fall in love because love doesn’t exist. All love does is crush you into a million pieces and most of Y/N’s life she believed what her mother said to her was true. There is no such thing as true love.
Well, she thought that until she met the one and only River Phoenix.
It was an early Friday morning and Y/N just started her shift at the 50’s style diner she works at. As she was cleaning off the counter she would glance up at the glass doors from time to time. “You on the look out for your boyfriend?” She heard a voice say. When Y/N looked over she saw her best friend/co worker Lori looking at her with a teasing look in her green eyes. “He’s not my boyfriend.” Y/N told her in a stern tone. “But you want him to be your boyfriend.” Lori said to her. Y/N just stayed silent.
Yes, what Lori just said was very true but Y/N doesn’t feel like she’s ready to admit it out loud.
“I’ll take your silence as a yes.” Lori told her and walked into the back where the kitchen is. Y/N let out a heavy sigh and went back to wiping down the counter.
A couple of hours passed when River finally walked through the glass doors with the same couple of friends he always comes in with. Y/N was waiting on a couple and their three children at the counter so she didn’t notice River had showed up. When she walked over to the cash register to put the money the customers gave her was when her Y/E/C eyes met River’s memorizing ones.
Y/N just shook it off and opened the cash register to put the money in it. As she waited for the receipt to print she could feel River’s strong gaze on her. That strong gaze he has always makes her feel like her heart is going to beat out of her fucking chest. That’s the effect River has on her.
“Here comes your boyfriend.” She heard Lori whisper into her ear as she walked behind her to the coffee machine. Before Y/N could say anything back at Lori she heard River say her name. There he is. The man that is making her doubt what her mother always told her.
“Sorry to bother you while you’re working but I need to talk to you about something.” River told her. “It’s okay. You could never bother me.” Y/N told him in a reassuring tone in her voice. “What do you need to talk about?” Y/N asked him with curious in her voice. “Are you and Lori doing anything tonight?” River asked her. Y/N answered his question with a shake of the head. “My guys and I are having a party on the beach tonight and we would love it for you two to come.” River told her. Before Y/N could say anything Lori appeared behind Y/N. “We’ll be there!” Lori told River with an exciting smile on her face. “Cool, party starts at seven.” River said as his lips curved into a smirk. “See you tonight.” River added and turned back around to walk back to the table where is friends are sitting.
“Lori! What the fuck was that?” Y/N said with a hiss as she looked at her with a glare in her eyes. “What? What did I do?” Lori asked with confusion in her tone. “You know how I feel about parties.” Y/N reminded her with frustration in her voice. “Y/N, this is your chance with River.” Lori told her. “I know you two are crazy about one another. Sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone to get with the boy you like.” Lori explained to her.
Y/N knew that Lori again was one hundred percent right. “Okay.” Y/N told her with a nod. “That’s my girl.” Lori said giving her a pat on the shoulder. Lori walked away back over to the coffee maker. Y/N let out a sigh as she grabbed the receipt out of the printer of the cash register.
Y/N glanced over at River. He was laughing at something on of his friends said. Y/N couldn’t help but put on a soft smile. She looked away and walked over to the family she was waiting on.
When Y/N arrived at the party with Lori she could feel her nerves start to pace. There is a lot more people at the party than she thought. As the night went on, Y/N would mingle around with Lori but once she started to talking to this one guy, she forgot all about Y/N.
Y/N decided to go sit down in the sand by herself a little bit away from the loud crowd of people. As she sat there she watched the waves crash on the shore line in front of her. “Hey.” She heard a familiar voice say to her. When she looked up she saw that the voice belonged to River. “Hi.” Y/N said in a soft voice. “Can I sit with you?” River asked her in a curious tone. After Y/N answered his question with a nod he bent down and sat right down next to her. Y/N could feel the butterflies in her stomach go into a frenzy.
“Where did Lori go?” River asked her. “Probably fucking with the random guy she ditched me for.” Y/N told him with annoyance as she stared out at the ocean. “Does she always ditch you to go fuck with a random guy?” River asked her which made her let out a sigh in frustration. “Pretty much. That’s why I don’t like coming to parties.” Y/N told him.
A comforting silence fell between the two as they both looked out at the beautiful blue water.
“What are you hiding from me?” River asked her breaking the silence. That question took Y/N by surprise. “What?” Y/N asked with confusion looking over at him. “I don’t know about you but I can feel something between us but when I go to make a move I feel like you shut your feelings away from me.” River explained to her looking at her with softness in his eyes. “When it comes to love, I caution myself.” Y/N told him. “May I ask why?” River asked her.
Y/N looked back out at the water. This will be the first time she’s told someone about her childhood. “Growing up, my mom always told me that love doesn’t exist and it’s just a shit show that breaks you down.” Y/N told him. “But?” River said sensing that there is more. “I recently made one exception.” Y/N told him still not looking at his strong gaze.
River used one of his hands to her chin to move her head towards him so that they were looking at each other in the eyes. “What is that exception?” River asked as his eyes locked onto hers. “You.” Y/N answered in a soft tone.
River moved his hand from her chin to one of her cheeks. Y/N leaned into his touch as his thumb gently stroked her cheek. River leaned in and connected his lips with her’s. As Y/N kissed him back she felt like she was on cloud nine.
Thanks to a boy named River, she believes that there is such a thing called true love.
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bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
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itsharleystuff · 1 year
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Read part one here.
— 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dbf!Joel Miller x afab!fem reader (no outbreak au).
— 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 10.6k (once again, I’m sorry)
— 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: after your steamy encounter with Joel during your homecoming party, things between you have been stagnant. Although, fate seems to be on your side when both Sarah and your dad have to leave town for a short while.
— 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬/𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: 18+ content (minors dni!), sex, p in v sex, Joel hits it from behind, blowjobs, some teasing, a bit of spanking, pet names (darling, sweetheart, honey), unprotected sex (pls do not attempt), cum eating, taking nsfw photos, Joel tries to be dom but fails, age gap (reader is twenty four, Joel is late forties), reader is kind of a brat, fluff and feelings (yes, this is a warning), alcohol consumption, brief mention of family death. Barely edited, sorryyy. No use of y/n.
—A/N: this can be read as a stand-alone but I suggest reading the previous part for a better understanding. Btw, there’s a couple of Easter eggs from the game in this! Also— I tried making a moodboard and I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’ll probably stick to gifs in the future, lol.
“I like Indiana Jones," you babble, taking a sip from your coffee without looking at anyone in specific. "I was twelve and in love with Harrison Ford..."
"Okay, so that's one movie we're definitely not going to watch." Sarah chimes in, lazily chewing on her scrambled eggs. "How do you feel about Robert Pattinson?"
"That depends," you reply, moving your head side to side in a contemplative manner, "are we talking twilight or Harry Potter?"
You hear your dad snort on the other side of the table and see Joel chuckling beside him. Sarah crosses both arms over her chest and raises a brow at them. “What's so funny?"
"Nothing," your dad clears his throat and side-eyes his friend. "Just thought you two were a bit old for those crappy vampire movies. Maybe watch-"
"Forgive me, but I don't think it's a good idea to take recommendations from either of you," you cut him off, leaning back on your chair. "You're both obsessed with die hard, think The Godfather is incredibly complex and in your spare time watch construction programs. We'll be fine on our own."
It's been three weeks since your homecoming party, and ever since then it has become a habit to have breakfast together every weekend. Today, Saturday, it was the Miller's turn to cook, which consequently had you and your father sitting at their table. As of now, you and Sarah were discussing your movie night, which had to be postponed due to her road-trip to San Antonio— apparently, she and her friend Ellie were going to visit some college campuses there.
It's also been three weeks since that little, hot encounter you and Joel had in your kitchen. And, contrary to your better judgement, both of you were more than eager to spend some extra time alone. Things since then had been uneasy, specially when being surrounded by others; always worried that someone might notice those stolen looks you'd share or sense the palpable tension that rose when you would stand too close to each other.
You try not to think about it. Except when you do. A swirl of memories would come flooding your mind in the most inappropriate moments, creating that heat that made you remember exactly how his fingers felt inside you, his tongue between your folds, the sloppy kisses and that feral, hungry look in his eyes while eating you out, touching you like you were the most precious thing on earth.
"How about pride and prejudice?" the girl wonders, standing up to clean her dishes and snapping you back to reality.
"Shit, I love period dramas!" your dad shoots you a reproachful glare at your language, but you chose to ignore it. "As a matter of fact, most of my designs are inspired by the Victorian and regency eras."
"Oh, yeah," Sarah recalls, "I remember I read about it in one of your blogs. Dad showed it to me, by the way..." Joel clears his throat loudly, making her giggle.
Although she had mentioned it before, it was still kind of weird that he acknowledged your work. At first you thought it was merely because he wanted to connect with you somehow, but lately he'd been asking if he could see your new sketches and would let you borrow some old magazines he had around the house. Your best friend, Sophie, mentioned he might've been trying to show his interest in you subconsciously. And she was that one psychic friend who believed in zodiac signs and angel numbers, so you decided to believe her.
In that moment, your dad receives an incoming call on his cellphone; he excuses himself and heads to the living room. Your eyes lock with Joel's, and the fact that he was uninhibitedly staring back at you drew a smug smile on your face.
"Are you interested in fashion, Mr. Miller?" he sulks out a dry 'no', but you could see him fidget with his watch nervously. "Pity. I thought maybe you could model some of my male designs."
Sarah genuinely cracks up at your comment, slapping one hand on the table. "You want dad to pose for you? Seriously?"
"Why not? I brought my Polaroid camera, I can get some very nice shots." You were partially joking, but deep down you just wanted to see how he'd react.
"I mean, I know dad's got his charm with women, or so they keep saying-"
"No way anyone says that," he rambles.
"But the idea of him modeling is probably the funniest thing I've ever heard."
The fact was that you didn't want to take pictures of him so anyone else could see them. You wanted them exclusively for yourself. A couple of naughty Polaroids to keep around for whenever you were aching for him —which has been nearly every fucking night since your arrival—.
"It was a silly idea," you finally agree, shrugging. Joel stands to take his things to the sink. "Do you really have to leave for the weekend? You're like, my only friend here."
"Uh, about that..." she leans in towards you and you can practically smell a scheme on her. "Would you be mad if I gave your number to someone?"
You can quite literally feel the man standing behind you tense up. "Huh?"
"Yeah, like... To a guy." She moves in her place, but there's still no answer from you. "He's my English teacher. His name is Will and he's super smart, young, really funny and very handsome, I might add. I believe he can be your new male model." Sarah adds that last bit with a grin.
When you turn your head to see Joel, there was a deep scowl etching on his face, his body remaining still as a stone.
"I don't know... As friends, maybe." You weren't sure why, but the idea of meeting anyone new didn't really sound appealing.
She opened her mouth to say something but before she could actually do so, your dad walked in again. He appeared upset, gesturing nonsense and muttering impassively.
"What's wrong?" your tone comes out concerned.
"I have a meeting in Boston," he sighed, resting a hand on your shoulder apologetically. "Apparently it's urgent and I have to catch the next flight if I want to be there by nightfall."
"Oh, don't worry," you smile at him warmly. "I understand. Besides, I'm an adult. I can manage a weekend by myself."
He nods, still seemingly aloof. "I know but- I just wanted to spend some more time with you."
And of course you wanted that too, but saying it out loud could literally bring him to quit his job. He was always very extreme when it came down to you.
"What time d’you leave?" his friend asks him.
"Half past four. Why?"
"I can drop Sarah off at Ellie's and then drive you to the airport, if you'd like." Such a caring friend, Joel Miller. So selfless. Helping your dad out, attending his daughter's every special need...
"Yeah, thanks a lot, man. Take care of my little girl while I'm away."
You see his eyes gleam with a mix of unknown emotions, "Will do."
The last few days had been no less than torment for Joel. Each moment that went by in which he didn't get a chance to be near you had him losing his mind. Badly. And it wasn't necessarily a physical thing— not always, at least.
Every morning, he would wake up and go to work, knowing for certain that when he comes back home he'll find you hanging around with Sarah or sitting out on your porch with a sketching notebook on your lap.
He liked to guess what you'd be doing.
Would you be playing board games with his daughter? Watching a movie or baking desserts? Maybe you were thrift shopping with your dad or simply going to the mall. And later on, when he finally gets to see you again, you'd tell him all about it.
Joel also liked to imagine what kind of clothes you'd be wearing. One thing he noticed is that you never stick to one particular style or aesthetic. One day you could be wearing pastel sundresses with ribbons in your hair; the next one could be long, black skirts paired with basic tank tops and multiple necklaces, or even something more extravagant, depending on your mood.
Seeing you was an experience— one that he could never get tired of. It's like every time he sets his eyes on you there's a certain color palette that changes constantly, or the feeling of gathering all your favorite songs into one playlist and then hitting the shuffle button. He never knows what to expect. Hence why he had given up on trying to relate you to the silly things around; like seasons, animals, artists or foods. Instead, he started associating you with feelings.
You were creative, unique and incredibly fearless. In a way, you made him feel uneasy, excited, thrilled, confident and many more emotions at the same time. If he had to describe you in one word, he'd say evoking.
Oh, how you pestered his brain.
He hated how much he thought about you, and how little guilt he felt from it.
Right now he was sitting on the drivers seat of his truck, waiting at the airport's parking lot. You asked him if you could walk your dad to his corresponding gate and he agreed. The downside: it had started to rain, probably not too bad for your dad's flight to be delayed but enough for your clothes to get soaked on your way back.
"Shit, I'm sorry," you muttered, shutting the passenger's door behind you. “The seats are gonna get all wet..."
"Here," Joel takes off his jacket to place it over your shoulders.
It feels warm and it smells like him, "Thanks."
He starts the car without saying anything else, keeping his eyes glued to the road. You, on the other hand, could not stop staring at him. Now that no one else was around, there was no shame in admiring his side profile, the way his muscles flexed and his hands grasped the wheel. There was something inherently attractive about men driving, but- Jesus... This image had your mind roaming around dark places.
Suddenly, realization sinks in— you're alone.
Alone with him.
"I, uh..." he taps the wheel with his thumb, still avoiding your gaze. "I wanted to take you out for dinner. The weather kinda ruined it."
The corners of your mouth hitch up in a silly smile. "Too bad. I really didn't want to be alone tonight."
Joel hums, appearing somewhat distraught. In reality, he was fighting for his life. The clothes you chose to wear today were not fitted for the rain; denim mini-skirt, high pair of boots and a white top that complimented your upper body. He tried not to look at the raindrops rolling down your thighs or note how transparent your shirt has become, forcing himself to stare at your hands and the many rings that decorated your fingers, seeing there the one he gifted you.
"How about you come over to my place?" you suggest, trying to catch his attention. "I'll need a shower and a change of clothes but... Maybe we can do something afterwards."
His tongue darts out to lick his lips, still avoiding your gaze, "Like what?"
This time your voice goes lower, a smirk spreads across your face and something in your eyes flickers; a darker, sensual spark.
"Oh, you know..." your hand carefully comes to rest on his knee. His thigh tenses but he doesn't say or do anything to push you away. "Whatever you want."
He swallows hard, feeling the pads of your fingers run circles on his leg, your nails mildly scratching over the jeans in a way that raises goosebumps on his skin and eases his nerves.
"I've got a better idea," he says, keeping his tone calm —barely—. "Why don't you come to my house instead?"
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Sure, but- what about my clothes?"
And then he smiles cockily, as if this had been his plan all along, "Wear mine."
Well, there was absolutely no way you were going to turn him down. With a bit more boldness, you slide your hand a few inches up his inner thigh, still rubbing soothing patterns. His jaw clenched, but remained silent and apparently unbothered.
"Joel?" his name rolled off your tongue sweetly, in a way only you knew how to. He uttered a 'hm?' in retort. "Did you miss me?"
"I've seen you nearly every day," he answers playfully.
You laugh, stopping your movements and simply resting your palm there. "So... No?"
"Didn't say that, darlin'." The truck suddenly stops at a red light as he exhales heavily, giving in to you at last. "But I'll let you guess."
A push and pull game, like a cat chasing a mouse. Your smirk widens. "I don't think so. Not as much as I have."
His eyes scan your body from head to toe, the way you sit with your legs slightly parted, back laying flat against the seat and face turned towards him with heated cheeks and low gaze. Unexpectedly, your hand draws back from his lap as you start looking through your purse and a frown forms on his face, baffled by the loss of contact.
"Which is why..." you take the Polaroid camera out and see a whole shift in his eyes, like he's about to burst in laughter. "I brought this."
"No," despite his categorical denial, you still held the object up.
"You have a green light," he curses under his breath and you hold back a chuckle. "Just let me have one, please."
He sighs in defeat, "Why'd you want that?"
The rain had started to settle down but the air was still pretty cold, all that could be heard besides your own voices being the drops that crashed against the car.
"Cause you're handsome," he rolls his eyes sarcastically. "And I like you."
Hell, you were always so straightforward. It made his heart jump inside his chest, wondering if it was gonna burst out.
"You won't like me as much once you meet that Will dude," Joel prattles through gritted teeth, remembering his daughter's suggestion from earlier.
"The guy Sarah mentioned?" your brows furrow subtly. "Why? What's up with him?"
He yanks his head to the side, glancing over at you for a second, "Nothin'. Just thinkin' out loud." In spite of your puzzled expression, he decides to grant your wish. "I'll let ya' take it. But only if I get one in return."
Your lips purse in a smile, "As many as you like, Miller."
He doesn't say anything in response, but his grin doesn’t fade either and you managed to capture it on paper. The image slowly started to become visible and your first thought was how well it captured the whole 'Joel Miller' essence. It was a simple photo of him driving with one hand on the wheel and the other arm thrown lazily over the backseat. That denim shirt hugged his arms exquisitely, the rolled-up sleeves adding to his appeal. He was looking at you when it was taken, so you could see more than half his face— and the way he was grinning, you couldn't help but think he appeared so much younger when he did that. The entire thing felt so much like him: snuggly, blue, genuine and you absolutely loved it.
"There," you show it to him as he started to pull over. "Isn't it nice?"
"Just keep it to yourself, aight?" the man grumbles.
"F'course," with a spark of joy, you slide the photo inside your wallet. "Wouldn't want anyone else peeking at that gorgeous smile of yours. That's a treasure of my own."
"Shut up-" he rumbled, turning his face the other way and opening the door, seemingly flustered. And out of all the amazing things you've accomplished in your life, making this rugged looking man blush was probably your greatest pride.
When he helps you out of the car, holding your hand firmly and cleaving to your waist; you wanted nothing more than to kiss him under the pouring rain, wildly and unhinged, just like last time. But this particular spot possibly had too many curious eyes of which you were unaware of. He obviously doesn't need to guide you through his house, since you already know nearly every corner of it, except for one. His bedroom. And apparently, that's the precise location he's taking you to.
"Please excuse the mess," he says, placing one hand on the door handle, "I haven't had a woman in here for ages, so I'm afraid I probably won't live up to your expectations."
"Joel," you snort, "it's been a decade and a half since you last dated anyone. Trust me, my expectations are pretty low."
He scowls, squinting both eyes. "You didn't have to say it like that..."
It's honestly better than you thought. His bed is nicely done, brown bedsheets striking as warm and welcoming; the walls were painted a pretty, light shade of blue that matched the grayish curtains on the left. The drawers in front of his windows had a bunch of stuff scattered on top of them: a CD player along with a few music discs, some papers, a cap and a pair of reading glasses, batteries, one screwdriver and a framed picture of him and Sarah at the beach. Meanwhile, the nightstand simply had one lamp and an alarm-clock on it. Over the bed's headboard were one poster of a music festival, the image of a landscape and an advert of what you guessed must've been a club, that read 'tacos and beer" on it. The door to the bathroom was on the right.
Messy, yet tidy at the same time. Very Joel-like.
"No way..." you murmur, eyeing the guitar beside his bed. "All this time I thought it was a myth."
"What?" he asks from behind you.
"Dad told me you used to serenade girls back in college and that you wanted to become a singer." A giggle escapes your lips, unable to contain it. "I remember saying he was surely making it up, but..."
"I didn't- I mean..." he clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck and feeling his chest swell with your laughter. "Oh, shut up!"
"Make me." The lingering, mischievous smile on your face made his heart pound and blood rush. "Come on, Miller. Shut me up, I dare you."
His eyes darken, but you don't falter for a second. He doesn't move a muscle, solely watching as you took off his jacket and threw it to the bed.
"You dare me?" his voice goes drops an octave, following your every move closely. "That's rather bold of you, sweetheart."
"Mhm," without breaking eye contact, you start taking off your boots. "And yet you're doing nothing about it."
Joel starts walking towards you slowly, holding your gaze intently. Your hair was damp and your clothes were still wet; it didn't really matter that the air was chilly cause you still felt warm all over. He soon invades your space, cupping your chin in his big hand and lifting your head upwards.
"Well, you're awfully quiet now, aren't ya'?" his hot breath fanned across your cheeks, the gap between your faces being basically invisible.
"I'm just waiting for you to start singing some random song by Alabama or Johnny Cash," you scoff. "Like a good ol' Texan ma-"
He doesn't let you finish the sentence, abruptly crashing his lips into your own. Joel isn't delicate about it and the fervor with which he kisses you makes your body stumble a few steps backwards. Your shoulders hit the wall and he pins you against it as your mouths find a way to mold perfectly, at a much nicer pace than last time. You throw your hands around his neck and let your fingers tangle in the curls around his nape, tasting the fresh mint on his lips. His hands rest on your hips, chests pressed together as the temperature kept rising with each second that went on.
You part your lips in order to grant him deeper access, feeling his tongue slide past your teeth and meeting your own in an ardent, heated way. It was perfect, until he broke apart, looking down at you with an asserted confidence.
"You really know nothing 'bout country music," he says in between shaky breaths, beaming. "S'that what you wanted?"
"Yes," you manage to say.
"Then say 'thank you'," Joel indicates petulantly, stroking your bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. "Go on, don't be such a brat."
You blink twice, your brain still buzzing with the sensation of mouth on you, barely capable of processing anything else. "But I want more..."
"You'll take what I give you."
Shit, when he said it like that- "Thank you."
"That's my girl," he straightened his back, opening the door next to you. "Now, get your pretty ass in the shower before you catch a cold, 'kay?" You roll your eyes and hear him chuckle. "There's clean towers under the sink. You can take some clothes from my drawers, or Sarah's if you feel like it. I don't think she'll mind."
"Understood." He can tell you're annoyed, which he finds funny.
"Don't be mad at me, angel." Joel tugs a strand of hair behind your ear. "Promise I'll make it up to you."
You nod distractedly, lost in the cocky spark on his eyes. "I'm not mad. Just hoping you fuck me real good if you're making me wait for it."
Your words almost make him choke on his own saliva. "Sweetheart, you're making it real hard for me to be a gentleman."
It makes your ego boost, in a sense. "I'll be quick. Can you get something for dinner, though? I'm starving."
"Shit, darlin', pick a struggle," he mocks as you enter the bathroom, "are you horny or hungry?"
"Oh, you jerk!"
6:15 pm.
You take a quick glance at Joel's alarm clock once you come out of the shower. It's been little more than an hour since your dad's plane took off. You hope the rain hadn’t made his flight any difficult, cause the weather turned out to be quite a blessing for you.
The cozy feeling of a nice, warm shower after being soaked under the rain was starting to settle in your bones, making your limbs relax. Then you realize, you smell like Joel. The scent of his soap, his shampoo, even his laundry detergent, is all over you. It's intoxicating in the most fantastic way possible, making your insides burn with a thrill of excitement. You took one on his flannels, —dark green with red stripes— and decided to wear it without anything besides your underwear. It was pretty big anyway, and covered just the necessary areas.
You slid your socks back on when all of the sudden you hear the faint sound of music from the floor beneath. Curious, you walk towards the noise, finding out Joel was in the kitchen, crouched down in front of the opened fridge. The CD player that you saw earlier on his room was now on the table, playing a melody that you recognized almost immediately.
"I like this song," you say, leaning against the wall. "That's Billy Idol, isn't it?"
"Yeah," he recalls, taking out a medium sized plastic box from the fridge. "Tommy made that mix. There's plenty of hits from past decades. I think you'll enjoy it."
The man finally turns around to face you and his face fails to hide his surprise. The way his prying eyes sweep your body in detail, taking his time particularly on your bare thighs, almost made you feel self-conscious if it weren't for that shadow of desire that crossed his eyes and the way his nostrils flared from a contained breath.
"How is he, by the way?" you ask, still on the subject. "Haven't seen him in a while."
"Who?" he clearly forgot what he had just said.
"Your brother," you call to mind, "how is he?"
Joel sets the box down on the table and drifts his gaze back to your face. "Fine, I guess. Last time we spoke he said he'd go to Dallas." He takes two glasses from the pantry and what it looks like a bottle of wine. "I-uh... There isn't any real food in here besides those strawberries and chocolates that this guy brought for Sarah. Should I order something?"
You shake your head and walk over to him, "This will do. Won't she get mad if we eat them, though?"
"Don't think so," he replies, pouring the red liquid into the glasses. "I'll blame you if she does."
"Oh, okay-" you cock an eyebrow at him and hold back a giggle. "Thought you didn't like wine."
"It's a fancy drink," he explains, "s'only for special occasions."
"Oh?" you take a sip from it, eyes boring into his. "And what's tonight's?"
Joel smiles conceitedly, jutting his chin out. "I've got you all to myself."
You snort, feeling the heat soar across your cheeks. He takes the snack box and with a sly gesture asks you to follow him into the living room, the melodic sound of the eighties tune turning to background noise as you do. The only lights on are the ones in the kitchen and the lamps beside the couch, shining a perfect light on his features.
"Come here," he calls, the leather squealing under his weight when he sat down. You set the glass down on the coffee table in front of the tv, going to sit next to him. "No, sweetheart," he grabs your waist and pulls you closer to him. "I meant here."
His legs part slightly, making room for you to sit on his lap. Your smile broadened toward a soft chuckle, settling yourself on his thigh. Joel immediately gets his hands on you, one on your lower back and the other merely resting on your upper leg.
"So, who's this mystery man that's been giving gifts to your darling daughter?" he scoffs in response, reaching for a chocolate from the box.
"Honestly? No fuckin' clue." You hum in surprise, drinking from your wine. "She never involves with them, thank god, and once they meet me they never come by again."
"I see,” you muse, “you're the overprotective type," you bite on a strawberry next.
"I wouldn't say it like that..." he sees the sarcastic glimpse on your expression and holds back laughter. "It's a dad reflex, I can't control it."
"Right, sounds convincing."
You stretch your arm behind the couch, setting your elbow and laying the side of your face on your palm. His face is very close to yours but all you do is simply stare at each other; Joel's big brown eyes glimmer with infatuation. “Can I ask you a question, sweetheart?" he asks lowly. "Somethin' more serious."
You wince in confusion, but still nod, "Sure."
He inhales sharply, taking a couple of seconds to actually say what he meant to. “Why are you here?" your frown deepens at his words. "I mean- Texas. I know you said you wanted to make up for the lost time with your old man, but... I feel like there's something else you're not saying."
It takes a minute for you to really sink in on his question. You nearly gulp down the alcohol before setting the glass down, avoiding his ardent gaze.
"Honestly?" you sigh, "There's so much to unpack that I don't even know where to start."
"Try." Although he didn't sound harsh, the effort he was asking you to put in wasn't something of your liking.
"Well, first of all," you meditate, clearing your throat, "the city didn't feel like home since my mom passed. It made me realize how much I missed here." He nods comprehensively, caressing the exposed skin of your thigh in a reassuring manner. "And then there's this- fear. Yeah, I guess it is fear... I've managed to accomplish so much in such short time that it actually fucking scares me to go any further and see that-" you stop, sighing and shaking your head. "That I've reached my limit."
For a moment, there's just silence floating between you, all that could be heard were the rain and a song by tears for fears.
"Darlin', look at me," he asks softly but you can't bring yourself to do it, embarrassed by your confession. "Please, let me see those pretty eyes of yours."
And it's practically impossible for you to deny him anything. Specially when he asks so nicely, when his hand grabs the side of your face so gently— you give in, just like that.
"You're afraid to succeed because you don't know what to do with yourself afterwards. Is that it?" You nod faintly. "Can I speak frankly?"
"I have a feeling you will anyway-"
"Yeah. A bit of tough love, but you need’a hear it." Joel strokes your cheek sweetly and you get shivers from the affection in the action. "Sweetheart, I know what you're going through. Shit feels like it's either moving too fast or not moving at all. And I know how scary that is. Trust me, there's still plenty of time for you."
You square your eyes to his, "Sure, bet you were frightened when you were twenty four."
"Terrified," he spoke truthfully. "Everyone I knew was getting married, moving out or working their asses off."
"And you?" he grunts, taking a strawberry from the box. "What were you doing?" Joel eats the fruit patiently, simply staring at you silently. "Come ooon, don't play hard to get."
"Gotta promise you won't laugh."
It's a tricky business for someone who makes fun of everything, and yet you simply reply: "I swear."
"Fine," he rasps out in fake annoyance. "I used to make my own guitars and- sell 'em sometimes. I'd also teach guitar lessons and horseback riding."
Your eyes widen in surprise and something flutters in your stomach. "Shit, that's actually pretty cool!"
He groans, rolling his eyes at the same time, "I told you not to make fun of me."
"No, no- I mean it." You shuffle on his lap, resting a hand on his chest. "And you sound passionate about it... Why'd you stop?"
The man shrugs his shoulders, tightening his grip on your waist. "It went well for a couple years but I eventually had to get something more solid. More so after Sarah was born." He takes a deep breath in, the smell of his own shampoo on your hair hitting his nostrils and catching him off-guard.
"You should teach me," you suggest with a smug grin. "I always wanted to learn."
"What, guitar or horseback riding?" he wonders, suddenly nuzzling his face on the crook of your neck.
"Guitar. I'm pretty good at riding, if you must know." You feel him chuckle against your body, his facial hair scratching your sensitive skin.
"We'll see 'bout that," his voice comes out husky as he starts kissing along your jawline.
Joel's common sense jumped out the window long ago, but the string of self control that kept him sane all this time couldn't bear the weight of you wriggling on top of him, semi-naked and with his scent all over you. Something primal took over him, a glimpse of possessiveness that he didn't believe himself capable of feeling towards you specifically. He wanted you to wear that flannel around town so people would look at you and know who it belonged to; whose bed you've been visiting. He wanted you to smell of his cologne so other men would know that you weren't free for them.
Your fingers run through his soft curls, messing his hair while he grabs the back of your thighs and manhandles you onto straddling his lap. He nips and licks over all your vulnerable areas, making your breathing start to labour. How could he possibly know this well the easiest ways to have you so desperate this quick? Leaning into his touch, yearning for him even with the smallest action? He wasn't aware of the answer himself, he just knew.
Joel instinctively throws his head back when you tug at his hair and seize the opportunity to duck down and lay a sweet kiss on his forehead. His hands coast up your thighs, splaying his fingers on your ass to squeeze the flesh. You hold back a giggle, kissing the curve of his nose before catching his soft, soft lips on yours.
He slides an arm around your waist, pressing his palm between your shoulder blades to keep you as close as possible. You feel your nipples harden when his tongue ran along your bottom lip— tauntingly slow, until you allowed him full access to your mouth, letting him taste the sweet mixture of wine and strawberries on your tongue. But his vehemence didn't make you any less eager, kissing him back with just as much passion and vigor, sinking your teeth into his bottom lip and mildly pulling at it with minor strength.
The action ignites a fire within him, seeing you on top, feeling your fingers roam around his cheekbones and along his jawline like you knew just how much fucking power you had over him... It was a new sensation, a new kind of desire he didn't recognize at first.
Joel's lips were swollen and his own excitement was starting to feel evident underneath you, which created a blunt ache between your legs. He usually appeared so big and mean, with those broad shoulders and permanent scowl on his face. Now, though... He seemed like he'd let you do just about anything with him, to him— it didn't really matter as long as you kept staring at him like that; through heavy lids, eyes sparkling with a profound, desperate need that spoke without words, saying 'only you get to see this side of me'.
You start grinding your hips against his, rubbing your clothed core above his growing boner in small, calculated circles as you shore yourself up with a hand to his chest. He merely admired you from his position, letting you have your way with him; all the while his gaze reflected patience, like he could take over the situation any second but enjoyed watching you lead.
"Joel," you call his name, leaning forward to kiss his chin, moving your lips all the way down his throat and feeling the nice scratch of his beard. Your hands grab the collar of his shirt as you come up to whisper in his ear: "Stay still."
Panting, he narrows his eyes in confusion, "What?" Though you don't give him enough time to figure out your words, getting back on your feet and parting his legs further with a light thump of your knee.
He observes your every move quietly, amused by your confidence and determination when you drop to your knees in front of him. Joel's cocky expression doesn't sway, not even when you drag your nails across his inner thigh, inching closer towards his very visible hard on. However, his body betrays him, selling a whole different story. His muscles tense, his jaw clenches and his Adam's apple bobbed up and down.
"Stop being such a fucking tease," he hissed, refusing to place his hands on you.
"Or what?" you drawl, coming to rest your palm on his crotch. A simple, feathery touch that made his pulse accelerate.
"You'll regret it," he warns grimly.
"S'that so?" you start to unbuckle his belt, way too slow for his liking, tugging down the zipper of his jeans. "I think I can handle it."
He smirked, his hand slithers to the back of your scalp and forces you to lock eyes with him. "Don't test your luck, sweetheart."
You pout mockingly, doing exactly the opposite of what he was saying while dragging down the fabric just enough to free his cock. Your new found courage falters for a second, finally seeing him in all his size and girth. He was, by all means, a big one, the amount of precome oozing on the tip telling you just how much he loved being teased, despite whatever words came out of his mouth. The mere sight of it sent a new heated wave of slick between your thighs.
Joel mimicked your expression scornfully, brushing his thumb across your cheekbone, "Too big for ya'?"
"None of that," you wrap your hand around the base, not really applying any pressure; though the sole warmth of your touch was enough to give him goosebumps, "we'll make it fit."
"That's my girl."
With a chuckle, you lower your head to kiss the inside of his thigh, the pads of your fingers softly grazing the veins on his length. His whole body shudders, leaking onto your hand and letting out a subtle gasp as you spread kisses all along his shaft. Your eyes peer into his soul when you gently place your lips to the slit, tasting the salty precome as he calls your name in what resembles a desperate plea. In a swift move, you finally take the tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and deciding to put an end to his suffering. He mutters a gruff 'fuck' when you attempt to take him farther, pumping what you couldn't yet fit and snaking your free hand under the hem of his denim shirt to caress the soft skin of his belly.
"Shit, darlin'-" you feel the heaviness of his palm simply resting on the back of your head, not pushing or forcing you in any way, but allowing you to adapt to his size. "The only way to get ya' to stop talking is with a mouth full of cock, ain't it?"
You hum in response and the sensation is completely enrapturing for Joel, his callused fingers tangle in your hair to ground him as he releases a shaky breath. It's a huge challenge to focus on anything else but him; your mind whirring with a familiar dizziness while you bob your head up and down his shaft, intoxicated by the taste of him, the smell of him and every sound that escapes his lips, making your clit throb with need and your arousal pool in your panties, uncomfortably sticking to your skin.
For Joel, it's overwhelming.
He's never really been the noisy type during sex but heck— you were doing it for him. He's a panting mess above you, his hips buck ever so slightly in tandem with your mouth, trying not to lose it entirely. Your spit drools down his dick and the way your dark, dilated pupils sparkle with lust as you hollow your cheeks around him pulls a groan deep from his throat.
"That's it, you can take it," he coaxes when your nose nudges his pubic bone, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat. "Good fuckin' girl, just like that..."
Enticed with the praise, you keep repeating the motion, sliding one hand to hold his hipbone for support and feeling his burning skin under your touch whilst the other plays with his balls to aid his pleasure. The obscene slick sounds mix in the air with his hoarse cursing, the rain and the faint music of kings of leon, sex on fire.
He looks so good from this angle, chest rising and falling with heavy, irregular breaths, head thrown back and both hands on you, keeping you angled for his cock. Drops of precum roll on your tongue as you keep changing the pace at which your head moves, tears welling in your eyes and jaw going slack. Shit, you're aching for him so bad that the only thing you can think of to relieve the need is squeeze your thighs together in order to create some friction. And it works, the action eliciting a moan from you that makes him fucking whimper your name.
"Bet your cunt's drippin' just from sucking my dick," he muffles a laugh that turns halfway into a sigh when you pay special attention to the ruddy, sensitive tip. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum-"
You can tell he is by the way his cock twitches in your mouth; his spine straightens at the heat gathering between his legs and he tries to pull you off against your will, uttering a warning that you chose to ignore. Joel's lips part in a throaty groan when he reaches his high, feeling the outline of your fingers digging harshly on his hip, your hand rubbing his length and your tongue lapping at his slit, taking in every single drop of his release until he's spent, right before pressing a soft kiss to it that makes him shiver. And hell— contrary to others, he tasted good; warm and thick, coating your senses.
His heart beats aggressively against his ribs and he loosens his grip on your hair, allowing you to get back on your feet while resting your hands on his waist. Although his eyes are barely open, he can quite literally feel your smile when you chastely kiss his lips. He chuckles breathlessly as you sit beside him, tugging himself back in his pants.
"We're not done yet," he says, grabbing the back of your knee and promptly engulfing your leg around his waist, maneuvering your body so that your back rests against the couch and he's crouched down, caged in the middle of your thighs. "I said I'd make it up to you and I will."
"Well, you've certainly got some stamina in you, old man," you poke fun at him, raising a hand to move those rebellious curls away from his eyes.
Joel smiles, caressing your cheek affectionately. "Always got somethin' to say, don't ya'?"
"Oh, Mr. Miller," you coo, enveloping your arms around his neck, "we both know just how much you love to hear me talk."
"Mhm," he leans down to kiss the corner of your mouth, "yes, I reckon you're right."
His big hand covers nearly half of your face as he holds you still, crashing your lips together. He kisses you deeply, vigorously, in a way that makes you wonder if you could possibly drown in a person's essence. His other palm slides between your bodies to start undoing the buttons of the flannel —his flannel— you were wearing. You can't help but whine when he draws back, watching you from above.
"Joel-" blood rushes through your ears and can feel your cheeks warm up as he takes in the sight of you, his fingers coasting down your throat and to the valley of your breasts, licking his lips when he sees your hardened nipples.
"You're fuckin' beautiful," he speaks freely, without holding back emotion, and it makes your heart skip a beat. "Such a sweet, sweet girl I can't get enough of."
"Then take a picture," you purr, "it'll last longer."
He stares at you through a measuring squint, a lighthearted smile forming on his face. "Since you insist." It takes a moment for you to realize what he means, until you finally recall that there's actually a camera inside your purse; one that he reaches for. "If I remember correctly... You said I could take as many as I like."
You lightly squeeze his waist with your thighs, feeling your whole body burn with anticipation. "I did say that..."
"Let's just pray your dad won't find these hanging around," he ponders, turning your face slightly to the side. "He'll have my head."
"And that would be terrible..."
He takes the Polaroid with one hand, the other coming to grope your breast as he backs off for a better angle, ultimately deciding to wrap his fingers loosely around your neck instead, purely holding you there. You glance at the lens, making your best "fuck me" eyes added to a cheeky smile, hearing him curse under his breath prior to snapping the picture.
"You've got the prettiest fucking tits I've even seen, sweetheart," he snarls, laying a palm flat over your lower abdomen while he waited for the photo.
"Has anyone ever told you you've got such a marvelous way with words?" he suppressed a laugh, safeguarding the picture on the back pocket of his jeans.
"Just a few women." Before you can even begin to act annoyed, he sets the camera aside and leans down to kiss your collarbones, the pad of his thumb kneading circles around your sensitive nipple. "Look at you, honey," he murmurs, "you're so easy to please... Or is it just because of me?"
You're panting, your back arching in response to his constant ministrations, every inch of your skin blushing under his attention. "I think it's-" you're cut off by the sudden need to swallow when he sucks a mark on the vulnerable skin between your breasts, "you."
His body vibrates with a laugh and you feel his hand palm your clothed sex, dragging his tongue over your delicate nipple, gently nibbling at it. You screw your eyes shut and let a single, fluttery moan slide past your lips when his thumb nudges your clit.
"So wet just from giving head?" Joel shakes his head in fake disapproval. "Who knew you were such a horny little thing?"
You are holding onto his bicep for dear life, fearing you might collapse into oblivion if you part from his body. His index glides across your slit over the drenched cotton fabric, making you squirm beneath him.
"You- you tasted good," you babble, mind all over the place. 
"Yeah?" his chest swells with pride, "you should taste yourself, angel," his mouth travels across your abdomen, "sweetest thing I've ever had."
It's pointless trying to conjure a response, you're simply too far gone by now. He hooks your legs over his shoulders and buries his head between your thighs, flattening his tongue against the bundle of nerves. You whimper, running your fingers through his locks and bucking your hips to meet his face.
"Please," you blurt out, "Joel, please..."
"What, sweetheart?" he asks, moving the underwear aside to directly touch your clit, fondling it as he watched your slick coat his fingers. "What do you want?" But you can't conceive an answer, all that could come out of your mouth were those pathetic, desperate moans. "Use your words."
With his free hand he plays with your nipple, grabbing your breast with his entire hand. "I want you."
He tauntingly moves his fingers around your seam, refusing to go any further. "Say it again."
"I want you, Joel."
Cocky bastard.
He licks his fingers clean and starts getting off the couch, leaving you with a confused, dumbfounded expression that nearly makes him crack up.
"You didn't really believe I'd be fucking you on the couch, did ya'?" he teases, but all you can muster up is a barely audible 'oh'. "Come on, let's take this to my room. And don't forget to bring that camera of yours."
Mind still dazing, you obey his instructions, following him silently upstairs as he undoes the buttons of his shirt. For a second, he glances back at you, gifting a soft, reassuring grin before extending his arm to grab your fingers, holding your hand in a pure, intimate touch.
And just for that moment, you forget that he's actually your dad's oldest friend, that he's Sarah's father or any other thought of the sort. He's just Joel. Joel Miller, the only man that has managed to make you feel butterflies in the pit of your stomach, or that made you blush with merely a few compliments.
"Ask me to kiss you," he urges, taking the camera from your hands and carefully placing it on his bedside table, his eyesight fixed on you.
"Kiss me," you don't ask, you downright beg.
He does, though it's not like the previous times. He's tender, almost languid about it. His hands are on your bare hips while yours cup his cheeks; Joel's fingers reach to remove the flannel from your shoulders and moves his lips to the newly exposed skin, murmuring constant admirations. You feel your lungs clench and a tingly sensation on your lower belly.
"I'll take care of you, darlin'." You let the shirt slide down your arms and fall to the floor. "Gonna show you what you've been missin' out on by fooling around with those stupid boys." His words go straight to your core as he takes a step back to sit on the edge of his bed. "Take them off," he gestures to the last piece of clothing on your body.
You compel to his wish, stripping under his prying eyes while he lazily gets rid of his boots. His lips twitch in a smile when he sees the glistening mess he's made of you, promptly dragging you on top of him. Your hands lay flat on his exposed chest shortly before he switches positions, readjusting you on the middle of the bed.
"Joel, please just-" you whine when he keeps playing with your entrance, stretching you with his fingers. Your skin scorches with desire, knees weak from the growing heat on your lower body.
"Stop nagging, sweetheart," he grits through his own lust, his gaze impossibly dark. "I wouldn't want to hurt you."
"Joel, I'm too worked up, I-" you gasp when he curls his fingers inside you, hitting that particular spot that made your toes curl. "Fuck..."
"Come on, baby." He ducks down to kiss the skin behind your ear and his beard tickles nicely. "It's just the two of us now, feel free to be as loud as you need to."
His pants are undone and hanging loosely on his hips, the image being so blatantly erotic that only managed to get you more aroused as you fumble to get rid of his shirt. He chuckles at your eagerness, shrugging it out of the way and haphazardly kicking off his jeans and underwear altogether, discarding them on the floor with the rest of the clothes.
You take a second to revel on his naked figure, his tanned skin, broad shoulders and sturdy chest, the marked collarbones and every noticeable mole. His hair is messy from your fingers, a thin layer of sweat sticks some curls to his temples as his wild, hungry eyes bask in the view of your sopping pussy when he parts your shaky legs further. But the moment of appreciation is brief, both of you being edged and spurred on.
He maneuvers a hand to your lower back and aligns your hips with his, watching the way your hole drips for him, wetting his bedsheets. You're a panting mess beneath him, lightly scratching his shoulder-blades and biting on your bottom lip, looking up at him doe-eyed and all splayed out for him to take. Joel wants to tell you just how badly he's longed for this— how he's been yearning to have you so achingly bad. But right now, feelings overrun his thoughts, especially after hearing his name spilling from your lips, begging for him to take you.
"Relax, darlin'." Joel teases your slit with the head of his cock, rubbing it along your sex and coating it with your slick. Your head tilts backwards, dipping on his pillows, small whines keep spilling from your mouth. "I won't go easy on you."
"Great, cause I don't want you to-" your slurred words get muffled by the sudden feeling of intrusion as he finally buries himself in your cunt, letting out a filthy, guttural groan.
You close your eyes, feeling lightheaded and staggered from the way he was filling you up so nicely, the stretch being a tad painful at first, but the kind of pain that could only ever feel good. Then your whole body quivers from head to toe.
"That's it, you can take it," he mutters, peppering kisses to your chin and collarbones as he bottoms out. "Fuck, you feel divine-" The tight, warm grip you welcome him with resembles nothing he's ever had before. This is new, this is you.
You bear down on his cock, enveloping your legs around his waist and lifting your hips to encourage him. He holds you down with a firm grip around your neck, starting to set a pace with his hips as he draws out and then back in slowly, roughly, making your back arch. Your erect nipples brush against his strong chest and create a delightful friction that has you moaning louder than you could've expected. You're amazed by the way he thrusts into you, somehow mindful to hit every right spot inside you —needless to say that it was something that others could hardly manage before—, his pubic hair tickles the skin below your belly button, sending shivers down your spine that prompt you to drag your nails down his back.
"Look," he indicates, despite your inability to even think straight. "Look," he repeats harshly, using the hand that was on your hips to tilt your head downwards, forcing you to stare at where your bodies connected. It was obscene, the wet noises of your pussy and skin clapping against skin sounding purely pornographic. "Look at the mess you're making."
"Joel, I-" you can't form sentences properly, all your attention being focused on how good he's making you feel. "I'm so close, for god's sake..."
"Lemme help with that," he speaks breathlessly, pining your leg over the crook of his elbow to make his thrusts deeper, more precise. You cry out in bliss, feeling the heat expanding from your stomach to your legs. "Yeah, you're close, I can fuckin' feel it- fuck..."
Your walls flutter around him, squeezing his dick just right. He knows he's in too deep when you call out his name like it's the only word you can remember, when he wallows in the glorious view of your pretty face contorted in pleasure. He looses the grip on your neck and strokes your lower lip with his thumb, prodding you to keep eye contact as your orgasm washes over you. It's electrifying, a feverish kind of sensation that gratifies every nerve on your body.
He rests his forehead on your shoulder, overcame by the intense feeling of euphoria that your body was providing. You realize in that moment that the reason why Joel could fill that void so easily was because he kept prioritizing you above him. Your pleasure was his, too.
"Jesus Christ, Joel-" you mewl when he abruptly pulls out, “… Worth the wait.”
He laughs shakily, kissing your lips shortly. "Turn around, sweetheart. I want to fuck you from behind."
With a buzzing dizziness, you follow his instruction. God, right now you'd do just about anything if he asked you to. You notice movement from his part and patiently wait with your butt up in the air for him to stuff you again; instead, you hear the familiar clicking sound of the Polaroid camera.
"You fucker," you chuckle, "did you just take a picture of my ass?"
"Couldn't help myself," he groans, caressing the soft flesh before lightly slapping it. "You look too damn gorgeous." The hit on your skin burns nicely and you can't hold back the gasp that escapes your lips.
"Shit- do that again..."
You can practically hear his smile when he talks, "You into that?" he repeats the action with a little more force and the pain sends a shock of pure pleasure between your legs, your own fluids dripping down your thighs. "F'course you are, I should've guessed with that attitude of yours."
He plays with your swollen pussy, enjoying your tiny moans and the way your legs tremble as you fist the sheets underneath you, burying your face on his pillow when he spanks you again— this time so hard that it probably left a mark. But before the sting washes away he takes the opportunity to enter you in one swift move, holding your hips steady and trailing his fingers along your spine.
"That's my sweet girl," he praises a midst, starting to grind his cock inside you. "Taking me like you were made for it."
This is way more intense, the angle allowing him to hit deeper, harsher. His gruff moans become more frequent as he speeds up his pace, letting you know just how good you were making him feel. The sensation was purely fantastic, melting every thought away and just leaving Joel Miller to fill you in every sense of the word. His hands are never still, roaming your responsive areas, caressing the most sensitive and always taking care of your aching clit.
You might cry from the overwhelming ecstasy— the way his tip constantly hits the depths of your cunt with each relentless thrust has you seeing stars. Joel gets a thrill from the way you can't seem to get enough of him either, throwing your hips back to meet his unwavering pace, clawing at the pillows and moaning helplessly, pushing him close to his climax.
"Joel, it's too much..." you mumble. "Please, I can't-"
He hunches over you, kissing your nape to ease the overpowering sensations, "Yes, you can. You're a big girl, you can take it." And then your vision goes blurry, all you're able to hear being his disjointed, lewd moans; all you can feel is his hard, hot body flushed to yours, his cock twitching inside you and the wetness of your own body. "That's it, give me another one, baby- fuuuck..."
The buildup is so strong you nearly collapse, feeling yourself tremble as he chases his orgasm, fucking you through yours. His fingers reach your bundle of nerves and apply barely any pressure, which has you coming undone in seconds, absolutely soaking his dick and the sheets beneath you, chanting his name like a prayer. A string of curses falls from his lips as he pulls out and quickly manhandles your fucked out self to lay on your back. He exhales sharply through his nose, spilling his load all over your stomach without even touching himself.
You both stay there for a while, catching your breath and looking intently at each other’s eyes before he rolls over, going limp beside you. You stare blankly at de ceiling, suddenly feeling aggressively aware of your sticky skin covered in sweat and cum, the numbness on your lower body that will surely feel sore in the morning and all the marks he's left dispersed on you. You feel satisfied, fulfilled even. Joy bubbles up your chest and comes out in form of a giggle, one you're unable to hold back.
"What?" he asks, turning his face towards you with a half-smile.
"I don't know, I just..." you shake your head, still laughing. "I don't know."
He chortles in disbelief, holding out a hand to take some tissues from the bedside drawer and going to swipe his mess off your tummy and inner thighs. "Shit, I think I might’ve just fucked the sense out of ya'."
Joel sets himself between your parted legs, laying the weight of his upper body on top of you, resting his chin on your chest, eyes boring into yours. He looks so young like this, despite the greying hair and the small wrinkles, his beautiful brown orbs sparkle ever so brightly under your attentive gaze.
"What will your dad say when he returns and finds out his only daughter has completely lost her mind?" he jokes, cradling you in his big arms.
"Come on," you roll your eyes playfully, "we both know that if I had been in my right mind since the beginning, I probably wouldn't be in your bed right now." He doesn't reply, but his smile doesn't fade either. Joel nuzzles his face on the crook of your neck, kissing your pulse zone briefly before closing his eyes. You run your fingers through his hair, softly massaging his scalp in utter silence.
The wind was howling outside, rustling the tree branches, but at least it wasn't raining anymore. You can feel Joel's heart beating against your ribs, his deep breaths fanning across your shoulder and his unique scent all around you, on you. In spite of the cold air, your naked bodies are warm enough to stay comfortably in this position, at least for a while— however, there's something deep inside you that doesn't want this moment to end.
"Hey," you call him lowly and he hums in response, "can we order pizza?"
He nods faintly, "Anything you want, honey."
If only.
"I'll call," you say. "Any specific requests?"
"As long as there isn't any pineapple on it, we're fine." You glance down at him, almost appalled.
"You don't like pineapple on pizza?"
"No. That's disgusting, come on."
"Oh, grow up!" he opens his mouth to retort, but when he sees your dismayed expression he can merely bark a laugh that you get infected with.
"Order whatever you want," he whispers in your ear. "But you'll have to promise something."
"What's that?" you raise an eyebrow, intrigued.
"Say you'll stay," he murmurs, slightly hesitant. "Stay here and spend the night with me."
The proposal takes you by surprise, so much that you actually stopped breathing. You ponder wether if you could or you should; because, at the end, what would a night really mean? What could possibly change?
Nothing, right?
Besides, no one had to know.
A few moments later you're downstairs looking for your phone, wearing nothing other than his green flannel. Joel decided to take a shower while you ordered the food and you chose to walk around the house, paying attention to the little details you hadn't quite noticed before.
Now that you see it, there are plenty of horse images here and there. Very Texan of Joel, you can't deny. Lots of pictures of Sarah growing up, some of him and Tommy and a good deal with your dad. None of his ex-wife. In fact, there's no proof that she even existed. You decide not too think too hard about it, since it was none of your business after all.
You pour yourself a glass of water and wander your eyes across the amount of pills he usually takes. Anxiety pills, painkillers, vitamins. What could possibly be troubling this middle-aged man so bad? Again, you decide to turn a blind eye and simply pick up the phone, expecting a message from your dad to tell you he arrived in Boston well and safe. Instead, you find that your direct messages in social media have new requests. Curious, you open them to see what the fuzz was about.
This is Will
I don't know if Sarah mentioned me...
I'm her English teacher, haha
I hope you don't find this creepy, your profile popped up in my 'people you may know' section and since Sarah said she wanted to introduce us, I thought I might just say hi 😉
Honestly, with everything that went down you had nearly forgotten about Sarah's 'you should hang out with people your age' speech. And now that you were stalking his profile, he appeared to be maybe a couple years older than you— handsome in a boyish, intelectual way, if that made sense. Apparently, he studied in New York too, and lived in Queens.
Yeah, I reckon she did
What's up, Queens? :)
You don't really expect a reply, not giving much thought to anything in the moment. Though, an involuntary smile twitches your lips when there's a quick message that reads "Not much, Brooklyn" and the writing bubble underneath.
After all, having a friend in Austin wouldn't hurt.
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givemea-dam-break · 8 months
daughters of the evening
⭒⭒⭒⭒ in which luke’s descent from good may be found.
pairing: luke castellan x (fem) reader
a/n: hey guys!! first fic in a while and i know, i know, pjo book readers are disappointed in me… but i’m just a girl! i’m literally just a girl! please enjoy my brain baby i love her :) i love writing quests so much, so this was really nice to write for my first fic back on tumblr. i hope you guys enjoy! if anybody wants to be added to my pjo taglist, let me know!
warnings: canon typical violence, book spoilers, blood/injury description, rusty writing
words: 5.8K ⭒⭒⭒⭒
(y/n) couldn’t remember when the change in Luke became permanent.
She could remember the hints of something at the corners of his eyes, something that bit at the happiness that filled them, eating away at it like rot on wood. She could remember the slow decline in his respect for his father, respect that had barely been there for years, though was now bridging on outright disrespect.
She could remember the crux of it all, the very moment in which all of the little things began to coalesce into something ugly. A flash of claws, the deep scarlet of mortal blood followed by shimmering gold ichor. The horrible sound of screaming. Gleaming fruits of gold. Gorgeous, blooming green trees towering above them that concealed the violence below.
It was after the quest that Luke, her Luke, was never the same.
“I don’t remember San Francisco looking like this.”
Luke’s lips curled into a smile. “You’ve never been to San Francisco.”
(y/n) rolled her eyes. “I’ve seen it in movies through which I have lived vicariously. It’s in one of the Indiana Jones’s, right? Looks different.”
“Those movies are from the eighties,” Luke said. “So, yeah, it’s going to look different.”
Charles Beckendorf, their questmate, heaved a sigh. “Do you guys ever stop?”
“Stop what?” (y/n) asked.
“Being annoying? Flirting? Whatever you want to call it.”
Her face felt awfully hot and she found herself unable to even look in Luke’s general direction. It was a comment that had been made many times in the past, one she was sure Luke was sick to death of, but she found herself yearning for comments like it. They meant that maybe she wasn’t dreaming up something between them.
Either way, she didn’t acknowledge it, rather stuffing her hand into her unzipped backpack and scrounging around until finally she found what she wanted. With a dramatic flair, she revealed three paper maps, each embellished with their names written in colourful pen at the top.
A moment of silence, then Luke said, “Why do we need a map each? Can’t we just share? And where did you even get those?”
“I got them back in Salt Lake City, before we happened upon that massive crab, you remember the one? All blue and slimy.” She pressed the maps into their hands. “There are multiple because knowing you both, you’ll lose them and I’m not buying any more. But, look! They’re colour-coded. Green for me because, duh, Demeter. Orange for Beckendorf, red for you. We can at least make this quest for some stupid apples interesting.”
Beckendorf raised a brow, giving her a strange look. “With glittery gel pen?”
“Glittery gel pen makes everything better,” she insisted. “I’m glad you acknowledge that. Now, come on. With all this talking you two have been doing, we don’t have much time to spare. You’re like a pair of gossiping grannies.”
The two shared a look over her head, one they thought she didn’t see, but it only made her hold back a laugh. They were a relatively upbeat group as it was, but she prided herself on keeping the mood light, especially when danger was looming. With the might of glittery gel pens, a travel-size game of Monopoly, and a cheesy puns book they had picked up off the side of the road, they would be unstoppable should their enemies need a good laugh.
It wasn’t that they weren’t capable of what was ahead of them that she felt the need to joke around, it was just her regular nerves. The three of them were experienced and powerful demigods, skilled fighters and strategists, the best of the best. Luke had his immense skill with a sword and the mind of a trickster; Beckendorf had the brains and strength of a blacksmith, and could sense a trap a mile away and disarm it in moments; (y/n) herself was a powerful daughter of Demeter and, though not to the standard of Luke, was also skilled with a sword.
They hadn’t faced much trouble before. They were a tried-and-tested trio, having been on multiple quests together in the past and finding themselves working well together. 
This time, it seemed like a match made by the Fates. A quest ordained by Hermes, Luke’s father, to retrieve the Apples of Immortality from the Garden of the Hesperides - gardens and plants being the domain of Demeter and, by extension, (y/n). And, no doubt, there would be many traps or the need for a strong mind, hence Beckendorf. He was a year or two younger than she and Luke, but had proved himself upon countless occasions. She trusted him with her life.
Almost a week now they’d been on this quest, and still she felt like a giddy child. Almost seventeen and, at her big age, she was holding back smiles and giggles befitting of a schoolgirl with a crush. Part of it was gratefulness that a demigod such as Luke had chosen her to join him on this quest, even after being friends for years and having gone on numerous quests together already. Part of it was simply that she was madly in love with the boy.
She glanced at him from the corner of her eye, then, watching the way the afternoon sun gleamed on his face, setting his dark eyes alight with flame. There was a curious smile on his lips, one that concealed mischief and intelligence; one she had loved for as long as she could remember. His hair was messy after days of travelling and not bothering to fuss with it - she dreaded to think of what her own looked like, the only mirror she had being her sword - but there was something so extremely endearing about it. Wild curls that gave his lightly-freckled face even more life.
Their maps didn’t help their hunt for the Garden an awful lot. For what had to have been at least two hours, they stumbled around the city, turning this way and that, earning odd looks from strangers. 
“For being the son of the god of travellers,” (y/n) said, “you are horrendous at reading a map.”
Luke gave her a nudge with his elbow as he scanned the map. He was grinning. Her stomach was doing cartwheels. “Maps make sense enough, but I think these ones are out of date.”
“Maps don’t go out of date, stupid.”
Beckendorf was holding back a smile. “I think he’s right. I think our maps are too old.”
(y/n) glowered at them, plucking their maps from their hands. Fine. They didn’t deserve to hold maps graced with her glittery gel pens anyways.
“Well,” she said. “Unless either of you have any ideas, we’re going to be stuck wandering for hours. Come on, Luke. Use your magicky journey powers. They got us this far.”
His eyes shone, and her knees felt a little weak. She loved it when he looked at her like that, when she had said something funny. It was as though the heavens themselves had descended and flooded his face with light and beauty. She couldn’t look away.
“It’s a big garden,” he retorted. “Find the big garden, daughter of the mighty Demeter!”
She knew he meant it as a joke - the sarcasm was practically dripping from his voice - but there was something in his tone that she couldn’t identify. Something deeper than a simple sarcastic comment. This had been a pity quest, of sorts, she knew. Luke had been getting restless and his father had wanted to satiate him, but it wasn’t enough. He was displeased with the gods, to say the least.
But he kept a good lock on his expressions, on his words. She wouldn’t have suspected a thing had she not known him as well as she knew the feeling of grass beneath her feet.
Eventually, combining their powers and the single brain cell that seemed to be taken by Beckendorf, they found their way to the Mount Tamalpais State Park, which was not open to visitors now that the sun was setting.
They stared up at the distant mountain, the sloping greenland and towering trees that led towards it, and heaved a synonymous groan. Quests could never be even slightly easy, it seemed. Why would the gods let them head to a random park in the city when they could have them trespassing in a state park at night, lives in the hands of the monsters and animals alike that roamed the woods? The gods would rather have them arrested than have something be easy.
“You’re kidding, right?” Beckendorf said. “We don’t have to walk all that way?”
(y/n) frowned. She wished more than anything that they could just turn around and leave, a feeling she did not often get on quests. But something didn’t feel right. There was a twist in her gut, a deep intuition that told her something was going to go wrong.
But her gut was also pulling her towards the mountain. There was a power there, unlike any she had felt before, and she wanted to know what it was. 
“We’ll be fine,” she insisted, though she didn’t feel entirely sure herself.
She was the first to make the step towards their darkening fates. If she had known the outcome, she would have turned and fled immediately.
The three of them trudged up the path, flicking on torches when the sky grew darker and the ground in front of them too hard to see. It gave them an eerie glow, entirely unlike the warm glow of their weapons. All of their features were in stark contrast to the dark surroundings; Luke’s cheekbones, Beckendorf’s eyes, her brownbone. It was disconcerting, and it felt all too much like they were the lead characters in a ghost story.
She was considering turning back about halfway there. The tug in her gut was becoming stronger, almost unbearable, and her head was pounding, filled with the worry of the possible incidents that had not happened yet. 
The only thing that kept her going was Luke’s pinky finger wrapped around hers.
Maybe he felt her nerves, so acute that she feared her sinews and tendons and bones could snap at any moment. But Luke knew her. He had known her since they were barely teenagers. He knew her better than she knew herself: every habit she had; every face she made; every hint of a feeling before she knew it was coming. He had some deep understanding of her, one that would have made her feel vulnerable in any other situation with any other person. Luke was not any other person.
His pinky was wrapped around hers tightly, warmer than the rest of her body put together. It curled around hers just so, acknowledging her worry. His jacket sleeve brushed hers.
It wasn’t until they reached the Garden at the foot of the mountain that his hand wrapped around hers fully, encasing it entirely in warmth and comfort. His palms were calloused, fingers ribbed with light scars, but she could not imagine it any other way.
The Garden of the Hesperides was easily the most beautiful place she had ever seen and was likely the most beautiful place she would ever see. Stars hung above them in the night sky, glittering so brightly it was as though they could reach out and touch them with their outstretched fingers. Lush green grass coated the ground beneath their feet and beyond, speckled with flowers so bright they almost glowed in the dark. It was bristling with life, so full of it that (y/n) could feel it all deep in her bones.
But the source of the power lay further afield.
A tree, much taller than the rest, stood at the centre of the garden, boasting more golden apples than (y/n) could count. Its branches swayed in the faint breeze in mesmerising swoops, and the scent of fresh fruit laced with something that could only be described as addictive brushed over them. A faint mist swirled around the trunk of the tree, glittering slightly in the moonlight.
“Holy Hephaestus,” Beckendorf murmured, slack-jawed.
“That’s one big tree,” Luke said. 
“You certainly have a way with words,” (y/n) said.
His hand only squeezed hers in response. She could feel his heartbeat in his wrist. How was it so steady?
There was a shift in the wind, then, and a soft bite came into the air. Goosebumps prickled the skin of their arms, raising the hair there. She wasn’t sure if she was imagining it, but she swore she could hear the faintest lull of singing voices and could feel the weight of some large presence in the air. Nothing could be seen but the beautiful garden and the decadent tree in the centre.
“Luke Castellan,” said a soft voice. Luke visibly tensed, eyes narrowing at the usage of his surname. “(y/n) (l/n). Charles Beckendorf. We have been expecting you in our Garden for quite some time now.”
The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once. But, finally, after a few moments, the speaker emerged from the fine mist.
She didn’t look like much, appearing to be barely older than (y/n), but there was something about her surrounding aura that suggested she was much, much older. Dark, inky hair tumbled over narrow tawny shoulders, framing even darker eyes that shone with unknown magic. The woman seemed to blink slowly, as if bored or tired, and it looked as though she were merely floating over the ground rather than walking. It was hard to tell. Her Greek chiton covered her feet.
“We are the Hesperides,” she said, voice ever gentle, as four more women appeared, each almost identical in appearance. “Daughters of the Evening. Nymphs of the Sunset. Protectors of this Garden. What is your business here?”
There was a cockiness to Luke’s smile then, one that had (y/n) on edge. “If you’ve been expecting us, then surely you know our business.”
The lead Hesperide drew nearer, stopping a few feet away from their trio. Her sisters gathered at her sides, dark eyes sparkling with stars and cold curiosity and something overtly bitter. The demigods were clearly unwelcome here, but they intended to make a game of their quest.
(y/n)’s hand squeezed Luke’s in warning. He spared her a glance, her heart drawing still when his warm eyes met hers. His chin dipped slightly in a nod, and he gave her hand a squeeze before turning his attention back to the Hesperides.
“We’ve been sent here on a quest by my father Hermes,” Luke announced. His voice held more confidence than she felt. “We’re here to retrieve a golden apple.”
It was strange watching the Hesperides’ heads tilt in unison as if they were each an extension of the other. Voices lulled around them, soft and gentle, and the worry seeped from her very bones. Her hand fell from Luke’s. Something felt strangely at ease in her stomach despite their circumstances.
“You may try,” said the lead Hesperide. Her skin glimmered like marble in the moonlight. “Our dearest Ladon protects this tree with his life. He does not sleep. Every second of every day, he guards our gift from Gaea, the goddess Hera���s wedding gift. Do not think it will be easy to pass him.”
The Hesperides seemed to fade into the mist, then, their bodies becoming light and transparent as they slowly backed away until nothing was left but the faint singing swirling around them. The voices gave (y/n) a strange feeling, as though pulling her towards the tree.
“Who’s Ladon?” Beckendorf asked.
The three of them stood for a moment, watching the swirling mist.
“A dragon,” (y/n) said. “A big dragon.”
She could feel his presence, she realised. The heavy weight that had settled over them upon entering the Garden, it couldn’t be anything else. Even still, she could feel him through the ground, like an impending sense of death and doom. She’d had similar feelings before, an innate knowledge that the strawberry fields were close to wilting one year. Campers had called her crazy, but she knew. The earth knew.
And it knew now. She was horribly aware of the heaviness in her gut that surrounded the bright power of the apple tree. It could be nothing but Ladon.
“Any ideas, Luke?” she asked. “You’re our idea guy.”
He scoffed. “Since when? You’ve been dragging us around by our ears this entire quest.”
But he could see the nerves that she felt. He knew how strange this was for her, to feel so deeply worried about a quest. He knew something was wrong.
“I’ll get the apple,” he said, and his shoulders rose with confidence. His hand, the one that had held (y/n)’s moments ago, twitched just so. “I’m the fastest out of the three of us. You two, keep our friend distracted.”
There was a deep grumble at that moment, as if Ladon were making himself known. It shook the ground and the boughs of the tree trembled. Sweet-smelling apples tumbled into the mist.
“Wouldn’t it make more sense for me to get the apples?” (y/n) asked. “You brought along a daughter of Demeter for a reason.”
He smiled softly at her. “That’s not the reason I brought you along.”
And, before either she or Beckendorf could protest his stupidity or question his statement, Luke’s glowing sword materialised in his hand and he was running into the mist.
The mist spread apart as his feet made contact, and (y/n)’s heart dropped. Beckendorf, one of the bravest demigods she had ever met despite his age, had a tremor in his hands as he pulled free his sword.
Within the mist was the largest monster (y/n) had ever seen. It was wrapped around the tree in a serpentine-like way, scales glimmering in the moonlight like molten copper and bronze. Massive claws sunk into the dirt surrounding the tree, at least the length of her forearm and as wide as Beckendorf’s. Every breath it released shook the branches of the tree as though caught in a gale.
The most horrifying part: the dragon had a hundred heads.
She had read about Ladon, had familiarised herself with the myths surrounding the Hesperides. Days before the quest, she and Luke had sat down at the canoe lake, poring over old history books that told the tale of Heracles and his Twelve Labours, one of which was the very quest they were being made to repeat. Luke had made a joke of it back then, unhappy with the quest he had been given and disbelieving that what they faced would be much of a threat.
But Ladon was no joke. It was an entirely different thing seeing drawings of the dragon and seeing him in real life. His hundred heads slithered through the air like snakes on the water, luminous yellow eyes watching the demigods with piqued interest. 
Even Luke faltered.
A deep breath came from all two hundred of the dragon’s nostrils, washing over them in a hot, acidic wave. The smell alone was horrendous, like an old, decrepit sewer filled with rotting rats, and it had the hairs on her arms standing and her eyes burning. 
She was worried that she may never be able to move again, frozen in place by the sheer might of Ladon, but when Luke turned to look at her, blood flooded into her veins again. He was counting on her. She wouldn’t let him down.
Ladon expected a frontal assault. He was waiting for Luke to attack, watching like a predator on prey, but he did not expect the very tree he protected to act against him.
With a heave of energy, (y/n) stretched out her arm and watched as the tree’s trunk began to swell as if filling with liquid. Ladon’s serpentine body writhed around it, twisting as he moved to accommodate the growing tree. The branches above him shook, dipping towards the ground slowly. Too slowly.
The dragon seemed to realise what, or who, was causing the change, and snarled ferociously. It was at that moment that Beckendorf grabbed a ball of Celestial bronze from his belt and, with a strong arm and remarkably good aim, threw it at the beast.
An explosion of green ignited before them as the ball slammed into Ladon’s thick hide. The dragon roared, whether in pain or fury, and set its bright gaze on (y/n) and Beckendorf.
Fear coursed through her body. She could hardly breathe. The branches wavered, pausing the pursuit to the ground. Beckendorf launched another one of his Celestial bronze bombs.
A pity quest, that’s what this had been. But, maybe, it was more than that. Maybe this was Hermes’ punishment for Luke wanting more from his life. Maybe this was (y/n)’s consequence for falling so irrevocably in love with Luke - for feeling the way she did, she would have to follow him to impossible circumstances.
But none of them deserved it.
It was at that moment that Luke took his leap.
With speed befitting a child of Hermes, he leapt onto Ladon’s mighty body, feet finding purchase on his rough scales, and launched himself upwards towards the descending branches.
For a moment, there was hope. Even Heracles had not retrieved the apples by facing Ladon, but maybe Luke would. Perhaps Luke would succeed where Heracles had not. Pride swelled in her heart, coated her tongue like warm honey, and she almost smiled.
Copper-coloured claws flashed in the moonlight. A chorus of soft, harmonising voices swirled around them like mist.
Mistake, they sang. The boy has made a mistake.
There was a cry of pain so guttural that (y/n) felt it in her soul. Her feet were moving before she could truly comprehend what was happening. The grass tried to reach for her ankles, tried to stop her in her mission, but nothing could. Had a god stood before her, she would have found her way past them. Nothing could stop her, not even this dragon that caused such fear in her bones.
She reached Luke as Ladon wound around the tree tightly, snarling protectively. Something in the beast’s demeanour hinted at pain beneath the danger, and when she saw the gold blood pooling just a few feet away, she knew why.
A claw, one of Ladon’s, severed from the knuckle down lay strewn in the grass. The dragon hissed as Beckendorf snatched it up, hefting his sword as (y/n) pulled Luke away.
He was bleeding badly. A deep gash ran from the tip of his brow down to the corner of his  mouth, somehow missing his eye but cutting just above and below. His skin was already becoming dangerously pale. Her hands were covered in blood. His blood. She was going to be sick.
“Hey,” she murmured, gently laying his head on her lap. Her hands trembled as she reached into her bag. “You’re okay. You’re okay.”
Luke shuddered, eyes half-lidded and struggling to find something to focus on. “Are you -?”
“I’m fine,” she said. After a terrible moment, one that took far too long, she pulled free a small vial of nectar, wrapped tightly in old face-cloths to keep it from smashing in her bag. Her hands couldn’t stop shaking as she tried to unwrap it.
Beckendorf knelt beside her, claw at his side, and took the vial from her hands. She didn’t know how his hands could be so steady. She could hardly breathe. Not with Luke so injured, not with Ladon eyeing them hungrily.
He handed the vial back, and she propped Luke’s head up slightly. With a hiss of pain, she managed to open his mouth just enough to pour the small amount of nectar in. He swallowed with a struggle.
There was no telling how long it would take the nectar to work, but they couldn’t stay there under the watchful glare of Ladon, who looked ready to attack again. (y/n) took a trembling breath.
“Beckendorf,” she said, “are you able to carry him? At least until we can get out of this place. I can try - I can clean the wound when we’re safe.”
He nodded and hoisted Luke up into his arms, careful not to jostle his head too much.
She didn’t realise she had been crying until they stopped.
Beckendorf set Luke down on a soft patch of grass beyond the Garden, and (y/n) tucked her jacket underneath his head. The nectar seemed to be working, albeit slowly. Some colour was returning to his skin, but it was hard to see under all of the blood.
“You’re okay,” she murmured again, but she wasn’t sure who she was telling. She wiped her tears with the back of her hands.
She grabbed one of the face-cloths the vial of nectar had been wrapped in, soaking it in water from her water bottle, and slowly brought it to Luke’s face.
His eyes seemed to have some ability to focus now, watching her beneath a glaze of pain. It tore her soul in half to see him in pain, wincing as she gently dabbed the blood from his cheek. Her fingers were stained. His cheek was, too.
“I’m going to keep watch,” said Beckendorf. “Those Hesperides gave me a bad feeling.”
(y/n) nodded, watching for a moment as he trudged a few feet away, just out of earshot, but her focus soon returned to Luke. She tried not to think too much about how his hand was gripping her knee as she cleaned the rest of the blood.
“Is the nectar working?” she asked when she saw his eyes drooping. “What does it taste like?”
His gaze found hers, warm and cloudy. A pained smile fought its way onto his lips despite the slowly-healing scar on his cheek. She could see the skin trying to sew itself back together with the aid of the nectar.
“That smoothie you made a few months back with the - with the camp’s strawberries,” he uttered. “And whatever those green leaves were.”
She found herself smiling despite the red coating her hands. “Mint. And it was that good, huh? Last I checked, nectar for you tasted like that weird concoction of Coke and Sprite you liked so much.”
For a moment, his eyes grew distant before refocusing on her face. They flickered over her features as if seeing them for the first time. His hand felt awfully warm on her knee.
“Anything you make is better,” he said. 
“Is that so?” She brushed his hair back from his face softly, cleaning the last bits of blood.
His skin was still stitching itself back together, but the nectar seemed to have stopped the bleeding. Second by second, blood flooded back into his face, giving him the colour that seemed to have been leached from his skin.
He nodded, his smile seeming as though it pained him less. His hand slipped from her knee, coming up to wrap itself around hers. The cloth fell from her fingers and onto the grass. Her fingers were still wet, though in the dim light she couldn’t tell if it was from water or lingering blood. She didn’t have the stomach to find out.
“You said you didn’t bring me on this quest because of my mother,” she said cautiously. Her heart was pounding in her chest. “So why did you?”
A soft squeeze of her hand. “This wasn’t a quest I wanted to do without you,” he said. “I like having you by my side. You give me strength.”
She was sure he could feel her pulse beating rapidly in her fingers, but he didn’t say anything about it. He didn’t need to. It was entirely likely that he was able to read her mind, he knew her so well. And she was okay with that.
“You’re stupid, you know,” she said, but her voice wavered.
“Stupidly brave?” he suggested. “Stupidly handsome? Stupidly charming?”
“I’m supposed to be supporting you right now,” she grumbled. “Not the other way around.”
His cocky grin was back and her heart fluttered. “Which one is it?”
“Which what?”
“Stupidly brave, handsome, or charming?”
All three, she thought. All three and so much more.
“Stupidly stupid,” she decided. 
Her thumb grazed his cheekbone, the one without the scar, and a shiver ran through his body. His hand tightened on hers and his smile softened into something more personal. It was the kind of smile she would have leapt into Tartarus to ensure its permanence on his lips. Soft and kind and reserved just for her. If she'd been standing, her knees would have buckled.
“You give me strength, too,” she murmured.
A sliver of hair slipped in front of her eyes, and moments later, Luke’s free hand was there, gently brushing it away. His eyes sparkled. They seemed clearer now, less agonised.
The events of the last hour - gods, it had felt like much longer - came crashing back onto her at his touch, asphyxiating and terrifying. Overwhelming guilt filled her veins and arteries with terrible speed, sapping all the strength from her bones. Her fingers trembled once more.
“I’m sorry,” she said. Her throat felt suddenly raw. “If I’d done a better job distracting Ladon, maybe you wouldn’t be hurt.”
Luke’s eyes were dark for a moment, swirling with something she couldn’t identify, but they softened seconds later. His hand rested on her cheek, warm and comforting, but she couldn’t bring herself to look at his eyes now.
“This is not your fault,” he said, and his voice was remarkably strong. “This is the gods’ fault. It’s my father’s fault. But it is not your fault.”
She tried to believe him, truly she did, but looking at the fresh scar on his face, even having been almost entirely healed with nectar, had her heart heavy in her chest. 
He knew this. Gods, he knew her every thought. His hand slipped from hers, cupping her other cheek and tilting her head so that she would look at him properly. There was a flush to his cheeks now - good, it meant he was getting better. 
“My father did this,” he insisted. “You hear me? This was not you. And, gods, believe me when I say that I’m glad it was me that went for the apples and not you. I couldn’t live with myself if you got injured.”
But you did, she wanted to say - no, scream. How do I live with that?
“I’m okay,” he said softly, cautiously, as if talking to a child who had just woken from a nightmare. “I’m okay.”
His hand fell from her face, taking hers in its grip once more, and placed her fingers on the newly formed scar.
She jerked back, terrified that the sensation would cause him more pain, but he just gave her that smile again, the one that made her knees feel like jelly, and pressed her fingers to it once more. Already, the skin was raised and slightly twisted, accommodating for the injury. She could faintly feel his pulse beneath his skin, slow and infuriatingly steady.
“It doesn't hurt,” he promised. His voice was so reassuring that she could feel it in her bones, and she was half-convinced he was secretly a child of Aphrodite, blessed with charmspeak. “I’m okay because of you.”
Her throat was achy. “And Beckendorf.”
He gave a small laugh. “And Beckendorf. But mainly you. You’ve given me strength.”
It was then that the world itself seemed to stop. He was leaning upwards, bringing her face close to his, and his lips brushed hers so softly that she feared she may have been dreaming the entire encounter.
She could taste the faint remnants of metallic blood, though it was easily brushed aside. Luke’s lips were slightly wind-chapped but she found herself uncaring when they slotted perfectly against hers.
This kiss was something she had been waiting years for, and it was better than she could have ever dreamed. The feeling of his hands on her, his lips against hers, it was something that could not be replicated in a dream, like flying for the first time and feeling the clouds beneath your fingers.
It was addictive, more so than the stupid apples that had caused Luke such pain, and she found herself wanting more. It was an effort to pull away from him, but eventually, she did. Beckendorf was only a few feet away and she didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. It would make for an awkward journey home.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that,” Luke murmured.
Finally, there was a smile tugging on her lips again. “You’ve no idea how long I’ve been waiting.”
It took another hour or so before Luke was well enough to get moving. The dark trails gave all of them a bad feeling, and (y/n) wasn’t able to shake the almost hypnotic choral voices of the Hesperides until they were out of the State Park. Luke was shaky on his feet for a little while but his strength was returning.
And with it came anger.
Not anger at (y/n) or Beckendorf, no. He still smiled at them as usual, fingers entwined with (y/n)’s so tightly it was as though he was afraid she would slip away. Jokes still slipped past his lips despite the events of the evening.
But he was filled with fiery rage. It was hidden, but (y/n) could read him like a book. She had seen the inklings of it throughout the previous days of their quest, had seen it more clearly while she was cleaning the blood from his face - this anger, though, was pure. Harder to mask.
He had already been furious with his quest, a detail he had tried to keep hidden from her. He hated the idea of repeating history and the fact that this quest was simply made to satiate him, to prevent him from growing restless at camp and questioning the authority of the gods.
This was a breaking point.
It became clearer the more time passed. As the days and weeks went by, he would hold her hand like a lifeline and kiss her so softly it felt as though she was dreaming, but the anger never left. It ate away at him, dimming his smiles and reducing any respect he had left for the gods until there was nothing left but a shadow of what had once been there.
The scar never faded. It became a reminder of what he believed to be the gods’ failure. His failure.
He was still her Luke. The Luke she had known and loved since she was thirteen. She was just terrified of what he might become.
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Hello! May I please request Indiana Jones x fem!Reader and the comfort prompt 13. Getting or giving a long hug when one of you walks through the door?
Sure thing!
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You're expecting to come home to an empty house, so when you hear the clink of a glass in the kitchen, you freeze in the doorway. Your stomach twists with panic. Has someone broken in? Did you leave your window open and did a racoon or a squirrel get in?
You cautiously lower your bag to the floor, and your keys to the side table by the front door before quietly pushing the door shut behind you. You glance around nervously. What the hell can you do? There's an umbrella in the stand, but that's not going to make much of an impact; there's a large, heavy vase by the stairs, but it's too awkward to lift and carry. If it is a burglar, the vase won't exactly get one over on them.
Shit, what the hell could you do? Indy had kept a gun in the bedside table when he stayed over, but he'd taken it with him on his latest excursion to Guatemala. Hell, what on Earth are you going to—?
"Are you just going to stand there, sweetheart?"
Your heart leaps into your throat at the sound of his voice. You charge down the hall, throwing your arms around Indiana Jones. His chuckle grows louder as he wraps his arms around your in turn.
"Missed me?" He adds.
"More than you could possibly imagine...But you scared the hell out of me," You scold, leaning back and socking him in the shoulder. It doesn't dim his mirth. He just reaches out, cupping your jaw and tipping your head toward his.
"I missed you, too."
"Did you?"
"Course I did," He nudges the tip of his nose against yours. Your eyelids flutter as his lips brush yours. And then—
"Didn't have anyone down there to help me with my laundry."
You scoff, reeling away from Indiana and making to turn away. You don't get far before Indiana is drawing you back in for a warm kiss. You hook your hands in his collar, lips pulling into a smile as he curls you into his chest.
"You're an ass, Jones," You mumble.
"You wouldn't have me any other way."
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inknopewetrust · 5 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 [𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮] [𝒔𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌]
summary: the colors of life change with time, but the music that narrates it lives on forever in one, standstill moment of the 1990s where success and passion came tumbling down. Years later, the story is declassified.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: minors dni (18+), this is based off of fleetwood mac/daisy jones and the six so imagine mid-80s and 90s rock scene, language, lil bit a spice, a whole lotta angst, enemies to lovers to enemies to…
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In a world where words meant so much, it was difficult to find them at a time where they were needed.
The cool wire weaved against your skin. Its path crawling like a snake of retrospection from the bottom of your chair to your chest. There was a pebble of sweat threatening to spill from the top of your hairline in the hot California sun which made you think:
"Why the fuck did I ever move out of Indiana?"
But if you closed your eyes, you could recall why. A sickening, thunderous roar of the crowd–you could still hear it now. Somewhere, thumping in the back of your mind as their chants filled a space that breathed a new life within you as the another was dying.
An echo chamber of the taste of metal against lips; the white knuckle grip that still threatened to slip from your grasp.
The woman who sat across from you had a plastic smile on her lips. For her, it was nothing more than a job. An exploitive adventure where you'd be sticking headlines and messages across platforms for weeks to come because of this tell-all documentary.
"When did you know?"
Against cynicism the inevitable hardness of the culture you had immersed yourself in at one time had risen again and the attitude that rose promised a truthful reflection of your experience.
On the floor beside the mics battery pack, a half smoked carton of cigarettes met a glazed palm and the woman watched as a perfectly rolled stick land between two mauve lips. As the flame sparked, your eyes darted to hers.
"Know what?" you muttered between the smoke.
“When it was finally over?”
You could feel the breath being sucked out of your soul. The shudder radiating like a shutter letting rain inside of the home in the canyon; kissing the very center of a heartbeat that stopped at the sight of a pair of eyes, shoes peaking through a doorway.
The cigarette burned between your fingers. Ticking away like a bomb with scorching red embers fighting its casing.
“The Album was the best and worst thing to ever happen to any of us… that sounds ridiculous,” you scoffed, shaking your head and the woman quirked her head.
“It sounds ridiculous that something so magical, something so brilliant, can make those who built it feel small. It put us in a fishbowl and it took every last drop from our cup before it dried up and cracked under the heat… that's when I knew it was over."
She shifted in her seat, readjusting the papers to organize her thoughts. You imagined there was no sounder way of stating it. It was the truth, frank, and to the point but something the rest of them negated to realize or speak into words.
But she shook her head. “Yes, the band… but what of the relationships?”
“None of us had known about Steve and Nancy, Robin and Vickie had barely interacted until their writing began and by the end… well you can read plenty of articles about the end of it all.”
You drew from the cigarette again. Smoke filling the air around you like a mist; the woman kept digging.
“And Eddie and yourself?”
That heart-skipping beat never left. Laurel Canyon was so far away, the studio was a memory, and the stage was a phantom piece of your imagination yet the simple mention of a name so far removed was enough to make time stand still.
Somewhere, a young woman frozen and left wondering the "what if" of a life not shrouded by fanatics and the thrumming of a guitar. Somewhere, lost in the violence of a summer and the shattered glass of a heart left on a stoop, that girl remained inside.
“It was always complicated.”
“So,” she shrugged at you as if the conversation was nothing more than such. It wasn’t as though she was here to get all the details of every part of a life that had already played out in public if people had only been paying attention.
It wasn’t as though she was cracking open a mountain full of jeweled memories that had crystalized themselves in the past.
“When did it all go wrong?”
Feeling the sting of the camera focus on your face, there were two responses to this question that many had already answered before you:
"When did it all go wrong?" You lamented to yourself.
When did you know it was over? When did it all go wrong?
The woman's eyes glistened in excitement. Her story was unraveling before her. You took a drag again.
Fuck. You thought to yourself.
And the film began to play.
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A/n: I'm excited to get back in the writing game - especially with Eddie. Let me know your early thoughts! Yay, nay, slay?
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Hello it's me again hehe
And here to throw you another Indy fic request, catch it!
What about, Indy and reader (his wife) taking Shorty to USA, and living some cute family moments?
Here you go!!! I am super excited about this bad boi! I hope you enjoy it!!! <333 Thank you for requesting, come back anytime!
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hanasnx · 6 months
INDIANA JONES holds you closer to him than you've ever been, your hand enveloped in his as he leads you in a casual dance. His tasteful white tux looks good on him, and the cut of his jawline entrances you as he scouts the area. You lean in before you know it, but his sudden eye contact makes you remember yourself, halting rigid in place as he begins to relay to you his observations. Low, rumbling voice lists his surroundings and the loose structure of his plan but it might as well have been a sonnet. Your lashes flutter, and you sigh like a lovesick schoolgirl.
"Are you listening to me?" he questions, an air of incredulity to it at the notion your lack of attention span could get the both of you in trouble. Not to mention he does not like being ignored. You stand up a straighter.
"Mhm, sorry." you reply, rubbing the creamy red lipstick between your lips, feeling small.
"Alright, you ready?"
The confirmation sets off an alarm, and you backtrack on your lie. "Wait, Indy? Can you tell me, real quick, what I'm supposed to do again?" you sheepishly plead, collapsing within yourself as you suffer the wrath of his judgmental stare.
"I swear, you don't listen to a word I say if I don't spoon-feed it to ya." his harsh words make you flinch but he's right. Not to mention the smell of him is getting to you, his natural musk mixed with his classy cologne goes straight to your head. As if you aren't air-headed enough you've never been closer than arms-length with him. Now he's got a hand on your waist while he's directing your every move, soft music filling your ears and lulling you into complacency. You've never even seen him dance before, he holds you like he's done it a thousand times before. Not a shred of hesitance within his being. How can you not be attracted to him in every way?
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spider-bren · 1 year
I 100% support your klaber simping. PLEASE anything that has klaber x reader (idk about gender maybe slight fem preference). It is such a shame that there are like no stories about him. im VERY uncreative so i can only think of a few basic prompt ideas: dating headcanon when on the same side vs siding with indy or maybe some angst about fighting with him when trying to convince him to settle down with you somewhere instead continuing to work for Voller
i REALLY dont care i just NEED stories with him
I'm so glad I'm not the only one. Some people are still sleeping on the greatness that is Boyd Holbrook. I am very glad to be doing my first ask for Klaber! So thank you for this. Feel free to give me more or if you just wanna scream about Klaber/Boyd. I LOVE how you said you don't care you just need stories with him. Honestly: Mood.
So here you go. I hope you enjoy. EXTREMELY happy to do more. Give me 5 more prompts (or maybe 10) I need him and I need to write him.
I do also ask that you please reblog my work when I do post so that we can get more people to post stories or give prompts. Klaber deserves the love :)
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Pairing: Klaber x Fem!Reader (can also be read as GN!Reader)
Prompt: maybe some angst about fighting with him when trying to convince him to settle down with you somewhere instead continuing to work for Voller
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Canon Characterization - Nazi, Love Confessions, Mention of Size Difference
Summary: He didn't want to leave you. But he was a part of something greater than himself. You ask him to stay.
Dawn broke through the curtains of your apartment window. You were still half asleep when you felt the bed shift next to you. Klaber was moving to get up. The warm rays of light caught his golden head of hair that made it look almost white. His blue eyes fixed on yours as he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
"I have to go," he whispered, moving to get dressed.
You watched as he slipped on his grey suit pants and fastened the buttons of his crumpled white shirt. You rolled out of the bed before he left for the door. Blocking his path, he eyed you up and down in your underwear with a smile thinking you wanted one more kiss before he left.
"Eli, can we talk?"
"I only have a few minutes or else I'm gonna be late to meet my boss." He checked his watch impatiently.
But then seeing how seeing how serious you looked, he placed his hands on your shoulders. He was taller than you, bigger, broader. You liked that about him. You liked how he could tower over you and press you against walls. He wasn't threatening or ever violent.
You know what he did for work though. Henchman to Jürgen Voller. Lapdog for a Nazi.
You didn't care who he was. Only that he loved you and made you feel like you were special. He made time for you even in his busy schedule  when your other boyfriends never did.
"What's wrong, baby? I can see you're stressed out. I can be a little late. Tell me what's wrong."
You crossed your arms over your chest. "I don't want you to fly so much anymore. I miss you."
He sighed and rubbed your shoulders and arms. "Sweetheart, wherever he asks me to do, wherever he wants me to go, I have to do it."
"But you don't. You can stay with me. Can't you? You could choose me. You could settle down. We can move in together. No more back and forth and hotels. We can be together like a real couple."
"We are a real couple." He frowned.
"You know what I mean! I know this job is important to you. You want to belong to something. He helped you find yourself, find your place in this world and I don't ever judge you for it. I would never hate you for that. I want you to be happy and I want you to feel like you're at home and yourself. But...I want it to be with me. I want you to fight for me like you fight for him. I want you to run where I run, go where I go. Is that too much to ask for? If it is, then what are we doing? What future do we have?"
Klaber fixed his eyes on the floor. His shoulders lifted making him looker bigger as he let out a heavy breath. He let go of you and rubbed his thumb on his forehead before pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I owe everything I am to Voller. He gave me this life. I would be nowhere without him. I am who I am today because of him."
"I know you feel you're indebted to him, but what about me? I'm not just someone you fuck occasionally."
"No, you're not. Jesus, you're not. What am I supposed to do? Huh? I can't just---" He shook his head, tongue dragging angrily across his bottom lip.
There was a silence that caused a fissure inside your chest. He could walk out that door and you'd never see him again. He could choose a damn Nazi over you. You watched as his body settled and relaxed. His breathing evened out and his gaze was back on you.
"You're right, baby. I can't expect you to wait for me all the time. It's dangerous work, I know, and you're probably worried about me every day. Look, I will talk to Voller. I will make this work. I want us to work. You make me happy. Okay? Not this job. I got into this when I was nineteen and yes, it has it perks at best and at worst it's just a pain in the ass. But now, I found you, I want to be with you. I do want to live with you."
"You do? You mean it?" You pressed up against him, lifting yourself on your tiptoes to stretch up and lock your hands around his neck.
His large hands landed on your waist and pulled you in to his body.
"I do. I love you, y/n. Nothing can stop that. Not even Voller."
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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All works are 18+ minors and blank blogs will be blocked!!
The Pull - Steddie x Succubus!Reader masterlist (complete)
You’ve been alone for as long as you can remember, floating around for decades and moving from place to place, never letting anyone close. But that all changes when you decide to move to Hawkins Indiana. You were expecting a quiet life in a small town, but that all changed when you arrived and immediately sensed them.
All You Have To Do Is Ask - Steddie x Reader
Ever since your boyfriend Steve found out that you lost your virginity to your friend Eddie he can’t stop thinking about the two of you together, the fantasies of you and Eddie tangled together running through his mind on repeat. It starts off with just the two of you but when the fantasies start to evolve and Eddie is touching him too, he doesn’t know how much longer he can take it.
Steve Harrington:
American Idiot - King!Steve x GothFem!Reader
Steve Harrington had it all. Money, popularity, the perfect girlfriend. He had his whole life planned and laid out for him, and he accepted that. Working for his dad and marrying his collage sweetheart wouldn’t be so bad, right? That’s what he thought at least, until he got paired to do a project with you and you turned his world upside down.
Jones and Leia - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
You agree to match Steve’s Indiana Jones costume, but it’s definitely not what he was expecting.
Opposites Attract Masterlist - y2k!Steve Harrington x MallGoth!Reader (ongoing)
This is a series of one shots/blurbs about Steve and his goth girlfriend in the early 00s. This AU is a collaboration with @reidsbtch you can find the masterlist for her y2k!Eddie x Girli!Reader Here.
Spider Lilly (part 1) - Steve Harrington x Goth!Fem!Reader
You can’t stand Steve Harrington, you didn’t like him in highschool during his “King Steve” days and you don’t like him now. But even though you deny it, even to yourself, there’s always been something about him that made your heart beat speed up. When you’re stuck closing with him one night at Family Video… things finally boil over. (Soulmate AU)
Eddie Munson:
See You Again - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Fem!OC
Your girlfriend surprises you with tickets to see your favorite band, Corroded Coffin for your birthday. You and her spent one magical night with the lead singer over a year ago before they made it big. Will he remember you? (He definitely will.)
Beer and Bunny’s - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Eddie can’t seem to get himself to make a move on the new bartender at the hideout he has a crush on, but one night you decide to take matters into your own hands and he sees something that he just can’t resist.
Being Weird Is Cool Masterlist - SingleDad!Eddie x SingleMom!Reader (Ongoing)
When your late aunt leaves you her house in Hawkins you see it as a chance at fresh start and move there with your son. You didn’t expect to meet a caring metal head with kind eyes and his spitfire daughter. You didn’t expect to fall in love. You didn’t expect to find a family.
Cat and Mouse - Perv!Eddie x Perv!FemReader
Eddie thinks you are innocent and oblivious to all the pervy things he does behind your back, but what he doesn’t know is that you’re fully aware. Not only that, but you like it, and you just might be a bit of a perv yourself.
You’ll Never Be A Burden - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
When you can’t get out of bed, answer your phone, or shake the feeling of hopelessness your boyfriend is there to reassure you that he will always be there for you no matter what.
Best Mates - FuckBoy!Alpha!Eddie Munson x Bestfriend!Omega!Reader
You’ve always been in love with your bestfriend, you never thought anything would ever come of it until you present as an omega and he spends your heat with you.
Licking his boots (blurb)
Halloween moodboard masterlist
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justmeinadaze · 11 months
We're a Family Part 20 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings: Dad Steddie X Mom Fem Reader, SMUT, slight role-play, dirty talk, FLUFF, this little family loves each other and Steddie love being dads <3, AGNST, while trick of treating they run into someone they know, Dylan has feelings and so does the reader.
Word Count: 4325
“Dada. Da da.”, James cooed as his little hands lightly tap on Steve’s face.
You smile from your place on the floor as you continue doing Aurora’s hair. Tonight was his first Halloween and he seemed very excited for a baby who had no idea it was even an holiday. To be fair, he could have just been amused at his father’s attire who was currently dressed like Indiana Jones. 
 “Yes, sir. I’m dada. Now, let dada finish getting your costume on.”
“How are we doing in here?”, Eddie asked as he sauntered in dressed as Slash followed by Dylan in his Newt Scamander costume. 
“Mommy’s almost done wit my hair.”, Ro announces. 
“And this little troublemaker is finally ready.”, Steve exhales as he lifts James from the bed to display him in his little bat costume complete with little ears at the top. 
“Aw. I should have gone as Ozzy this year!”, the metalhead playfully sighs.
“You are not biting my son’s head off.”, you scold.
“Jesus, sweetheart. Scared the hell out of me. I didn’t see you there. I thought there was actually a witch in our house.”
“A ha ha, Eddie Munson. Alright, my love. You’re ready.”
Aurora turns around to show everyone her Princess Leia costume from the new show her and Steve had been watching on Disney plus. 
“You look beautiful, honey.”
“Yeah and you’re a pain in the butt like her to.” She scrunches her nose as she hits Eddie’s hip with her little fist.
“Ok, my hat is downstairs. Once we grab that we will be ready!”
“Dad, if…if James is still a baby…why does he get candy?”, Ro asks as the six of you head to the next house. 
“Because you and your father are eating all the snacks we buy so any chance we can get for free food we take.”
His answer makes you cackle as Eddie sticks out his tongue at his husband. While heading up the stone steps of another home, you’re all blocked by a familiar face that gave you pause. 
“Oh, wow, um, hey Y/N.”
“Hi Vivian.” Your eyes quickly scan her over before landing on the smiling toddler in her arms dressed like a lion making you smile as well. “Who is this?”
“This is my son, Brody. Can you say hi? Say hi, baby.” He answers with a tiny roar that makes you laugh and James clap his hands. She beams at everyone before he eyes finally land on Dylan. “Oh my god. Dylan? Look…look how big you’ve gotten. Can I—”
She doesn’t even get to finish her sentence as he wraps his arms around her, pulling her in for a hug.
“We’ll, uh, take them up to get candy.”, Steve nodded as Eddie lifted Aurora in his arms. 
Your eyes meet your eldest’s and you asked the question he was too afraid to ask. 
“How’s Charlie been doing? Is he with you two?”
“Oh, um, Charlie and I…we’re separated. I…I didn’t…he told me about signing over his rights and that just broke my heart. Things never got better after that.”, she whispered. “I caught him coming home late smelling like perfume…karma I deserved I guess.”
“Vivian, I—”
“No. No reason to apologize or…anything like that. I should have known, ya know?” Standing up straighter, she reaches out to hug Dylan again. “I still live in the same place if ever you want to come over and talk or hang out with this pain in the butt. Of course, if it’s ok with your mom and your dads.”
You son nods as she gives him one final smile and passes you both to head to the next house. 
“Are you okay?”, you ask as he watches her leave. 
“Yeah. I feel bad for Brody. Maybe…maybe he’ll get lucky to get an Eddie and Steve of his own one day.”
As if on cue, both men come back and Ro runs up to Dylan handing him a candy bar. 
“I got this for you!”, she announces as he grins down at her. 
You softly smile from your spot on the couch as you watch the kids (and Eddie) dump all their candy out on the floor and begin sifting through it. 
“Ah, ah, little man.”, Steve scolds as he quickly scoops up the baby. “No candy for you yet till you get some teeth.”
“Mama!” Your smile grows as your son reaches for you and his father swishes him around in a circle like he’s flying till he lands in your arms. “Ma ma ma ma.”
“Go ahead. Suck up to her but she won’t give you candy either.”
James rubs his eyes before falling against your shoulder. 
“Oh, oh wait, my love. Let me get you bottle before you pass out.” As you stand and head for the kitchen, two set of eyes follow you worriedly as they hear the subtle crack in your voice.
Eddie gets up and cuts you off, preparing the bottle for you as he watches you hug James tighter to your body. Tapping your bicep, he hands you what you need and the baby takes it from you eagerly as his beautiful honey colored iris look up at you with love. 
A tear falls down your cheek and the metalhead wipes it away as he pulls your head to his chest.
“I love you.”, you mumble smothered by his shirt.
“I love you to, sweetheart. Do you want me to take him?”
“No but if you could put Princess Leia to sleep—”
“Mommy! I’m not sleepy!”, Aurora whines. 
“That’s so weird because it didn’t sound like to me she was asking.”, Eddie teases as he places his top hat on her head and she giggles as it slides over her eyes. Taking the opportunity, he picks her up and throws the toddler over his shoulder as he carries her up to her room. 
“I’m going to put this one down to.”, you smile carefully scooting towards his room so your movement don’t wake James as he continues to eat with his eyes closed.
The sound of rustling and Dylan’s voice gives you pause as you linger in the doorway of the baby’s room. 
“Do you want any of this candy, dad?”
“Is there anything sour in there?” Your son grins as he tosses something to Steve who thanks him as he tears it open. “Eddie always goes for those first so I imagine they will be gone by tomorrow afternoon.”, he chuckles as his eyes scan over Dylan. 
“Are you alright, kid?”
“Yeah, I’m just thinking…”
“Brody, Vivian’s son.”
“Your brother?” The boy’s eyes guiltily look away and you hear Steve pat the space on the couch next to him. “Dylan even though we’re your dad, we get that biologically Charlie was also your father. He helped create you and Brody. Just because you don’t think of him that way anymore doesn’t mean that that little boy isn’t a part of your family. Just like Ro and James, he’s a part of you and if you want him and even Vivi in your life, that’s ok. We all would have to talk about it but I’m sure Eddie and Y/N would be fine with it.”
“And you?”
“Yeah of course.”
“You always seemed so upset before…”
“Not at you though, kid. I hope you know that. I just…love you. I always have; since I met you and got to know you. Even before you started calling me dad. I hated seeing you get hurt.”, he sighs. “But remember what we said, no matter what you’re our son to even if you miss him or decide you want to see him again—”
“I don’t think Charlie ever wants to see me again. I don’t want Brody to feel that. I want to be there for him like you guys were with me and mom.”
Steve wraps his arm around the young boy’s shoulders and yanks him to his side. 
“I love you, dad.”
“I love you to, Dylan.”
Footsteps echo from the stairs as Eddie enters the living room. 
“Aw! Are we hugging?” The metalhead falls beside his son and dramatically pulls them both into an awkward embrace that has Dylan laughing. “Oh, this is nice. Steven, Princess Leia wants you to read her a story.”
“Of course she does.” The man rises to his feet and playfully pushes Eddie’s arm as he places his Indiana Jones hat on his head. 
“Everything ok? Do you need me to read you a story to?”
“Not tonight no.”, he giggles. “Do you think Brody would like D & D?”
“Oh my god.”, the man sighs as he theatrically grabs his chest. “The fact that MY child wants to spread the wisdom that is Dungeons and Dragons to the younger generation just…ah…it makes my heart melt.”
“Wow, you are such a nerd.”, you jest as you head to put the now empty bottle in the sink after finally putting James in his crib. 
“Takes one to know one, babe. Yeah, man. I think he will. Maybe you can start off by reading him some of those campaign books since he’s too little right now to actually play.”
“Cool. So…”, he lowers his voice so only his father would hear. “…you would be ok with me, maybe, spending time with Vivian’s son?”
“Dude…”, Eddie responds in an equally low register. “As long as your happy, I don’t care. You know we need to all talk about it but…”, the man lowers his voice even more as he points to his son’s chest. “I agree with Steve. Just like our other two demons, Brody is a part of you. If you want to spend time with them, that’s ok. I’ll still love you, weirdo. Alright?”
Dylan hugs him again and you smile from your place in the kitchen as you watch Eddie squeeze him tighter as he kisses the top of his head. 
“I love you to, dad.”
“Alright, everyone except for the teenager is asleep but he’s in his room.”, Steve announces as he tosses you your favorite candy before shutting the bedroom door and climbing on to the mattress sitting across from you and Eddie. “What’s running through your mind, baby.”
“Oh, so you just normally cry when you give our son a bottle?”
“He’s just so cute. I can’t help it.” They both sigh at your deflection and your head hangs slightly. “I saw myself in her…when she was holding her son. I was thrust back to when I first moved into those apartments and how alone I felt. Before we started spending time together, of course.”
“I can understand that. Y/N, its ok for you to empathize with her even with your past history. It’s not like you two are going to become best friends or something.”
“I know… it’s… ugh you two are going to tease me!”, you laugh as you fall into Eddie’s chest beside you.
“Probably especially if it’s cute.”, he laughs. “But why don’t you tell us anyway.”
“After she left, Dylan told me he hopes that Vivian and Brody find an Eddie and Steve like we did. Hearing him say that reminded me of how heartbroken he was even before when Charlie and I were still married. James and Aurora even as babies have always been so bright and expressive. I never saw Dylan light up that way until he knocked on your door. I’m just really grateful you’re mine.”
When you started to cry, Steve laid beside you as both boys hugged you tightly to them. 
When you came home from work the follow afternoon, the house was eerily quiet. Steve had texted you saying your sister wanted to spend some time with the kids so she offered to pick them up but you didn’t realize she was taking them out entirely. 
As you placed your bag on the countertop, you noticed a folded piece of paper next to a pair of your blue jean shorts and tank top. 
The kids are with Kierra for tonight so the ‘apartment’ is ours. Put these clothes on out here and knock on the bedroom door when you’re ready.
-Your neighbors Eddie and Steve”
Your eyebrows scrunched together as you tried to decipher their note. Apartment, your neighbors…even the clothes they laid out, you realized, were similar to the ones you were wearing the first time you three were together. 
What could they be up to?
After doing what they asked, you slowly shuffled towards the bedroom door and cautiously knocked. 
A few moments later it swung open and your jaw dropped as your eyes drunk in Steve who was currently dressed in jeans, a polo, and his Family Video vest complete with name tag and everything. 
“Hey there neighbor. Took you long enough. I guess it all worked out though. I just got off myself.”
“Yes because staking videos is a lengthy task. Hey sweetheart.”, Eddie beamed as you scanned him over. His jeans hung low on his hips as his bare chest displayed his tattoos. He looked exactly like he did when Dylan knocked on their door minus the new ink over the years on his ribs of all three of the kid’s names. 
“I…I…what’s going on?”
“We thought you could use a break, remember? That’s why we got little man and the other heathens a sitter and invited you over to our place.”
Steve gestured into the room and as you walked in you noticed the pizza on the bed with the beer on the end table. There was music playing on Eddie’s phone and beside it that little black lunch box that you hadn’t seen in a very long time. 
“I made sure to keep the music down.”, the metalhead winked.
“What do you think?”, Steve asked as they both looked at you eagerly with anticipation. 
“I think…”, you smile as you jump on to the bed and open the food container. “…I’m going to tell my kids you called them heathens. My daughter is going to pitch a fit.”
It had been so long since you saw this side of them, the carefree relaxed guys. Steve was always in protective mode making sure everything got done and everyone was where they should be where Eddie was always making sure everyone was happy and comfortable. 
The three of you passed the joint Eddie rolled amongst yourselves as you laid your head on his lap and Steve did the same with your tummy while you absently ran your fingers through his hair. 
“How are you feeling, honey? Better?”
“Much.”, you giggle. “I wasn’t exactly sad. I just had a lot of feelings. I’m a mom. It happens.”
“Hm. It’s ok to feel them, ya know? And, of course, you can talk to us about anything.”
“I remember, after he met you, Dylan told everyone about our new neighbors and ‘they like loud music.’”, you mimic his voice making them chuckle. “I was so happy just to hear him giggle and be excited but I was terrified of him getting his hopes up to have them broken again. Then you two came over and made us both laugh…” You feel yourself drift into the memory, shaking your head as you bring yourself back to your current moment.
“To bad we’re only neighbors and not living together.”, you over exaggeratedly sigh as you continue with their charade. “Can you imagine?!”
“I can.”, Steve cooed. “The first time I shook your hand I knew I’d never let you go.”
“Same. I told Harrington when I listened to your ex be a dick to you on those steps, I wanted to drive down there and beat his ass. I immediately felt protective over you and Dylan.”
“I have a question. More than anything I need my memory refreshed because this weed I guess is making me forget.”, you smile as you feel your body getting antsy as they continue to talk. “Have we been intimate yet or is this our first time?”
There’s something specific in this roleplay you’re trying to lead them to. Both men especially Steve were a bit more intimidating when you first entered their apartment. It had been so long since you felt that energy from them mostly because you got comfortable with them pretty early on. 
“Oh, sweetheart. If we had fucked you already, you’d remember.”
Steve felt your breathing stutter at Eddie’s comment causing his cock to press almost painfully against the denim of his jeans. Rolling onto his knees, he hovers over you as his palm caresses your cheek. 
“What do you think, honey? Do you think we should go easy on you?”
Craning your neck, you crash your lips to his, passionately kissing him with everything you had.
“Not this time.”, you whisper making Steve practically growl as he kisses you again, manhandling you till your head was resting on the pillows allowing Eddie the freedom to slide down and suck on your neck.
You whimpered softly as their hands roamed your body, lifting off your shirt and tossing it to the floor. The metalhead’s tongue drifted down the valley of your breasts, groaning as it found its way to your nipple as he flicked and sucked the sensitive skin while Steve glided down between your legs, pressing his lips along your thighs. 
Your mouth fell open as his long tongue licked a long stripe up your folds while his fingers held you open completely on display for him. 
“Fuck, baby. You taste so fucking good.”
Eddie’s lips found your own and he groaned as your own tongue caressed his. Moaning, you tilted your head away from him slightly as Steve devoured your pussy.
“Fuck that feels—”
“Feels good, sweetheart?”
You eagerly nod as the man wraps his mouth around your clit, sucking and flicking the nub noisily making you clench at the sound.
“Eddie? D-Did—mmm—Did you want him then to?”
The metalhead understood what you were asking as his finger ran gently moved your hair out of the way. 
“Baby, this is about you.”, he whispers.
“Do you think I would h-have stopped you two that night if you had kissed him? If he had sucked your cock or even—fuck—fucked you in front of me?”
Your eyes roll back and flutter closed as Eddie heavily exhales against your lips.
“Yes, I wanted him then. I wanted him since the day I met him.” Threading his palm into Steve’s hair behind his head, he presses his face further into your cunt, and your head lulls back. “Now I have you both. I remember watching him pound into you on that sofa. Got me hard all over again. You both were so beautiful.”
Your back arched as you came, shouting Steve’s name, and thankful it was just you three in the house. 
Climbing up your body, he reached out and roughly yanked Eddie’s lips to his; both men groaning at the taste of you. 
“I wanted you to.”, he murmured. “I didn’t know how…or what to say…” Steve sighs in pleasure when he feels you lean up and softly kiss the skin along his stomach. “I love you both so fucking much.”
Unbuttoning his pants, you yank them down enough to free his cock and eagerly wrap your mouth around him. As he groans, Eddie helps him remove his shirt before climbing off his bed to undo his own jeans. 
“Fuck, honey, that feels amazing.”
Grabbing your ankles, you giggle as Eddie brings you lower down the bed so your back was flat on the mattress. Steve chuckles at his earnestness, adjusting his body so both his knees were beside you as he guided his length back into your awaiting mouth. 
The man watches with his hooded eyes, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth as Eddie takes hold of your hips and glides his cock easily into your dripping core.
“Shit. She’s so wet. You really got her going, Steve.”
He blushes at his husband’s compliment making you smile as you look up at him. 
“You like when Eddie says nice things about you?”, you tease. Tenderly petting your head, he beams as he nods. “Oh, Eddie. Steve likes being praised.”
“W-Who doesn’t, pretty girl?”
The metalhead crawls forward on his hands slightly, making sure your legs are circled tightly around him as he turns to look at Steve. 
“Aw, sweetheart. You like when I compliment you? Telling you how much of a good boy you are?” Eddie’s plush lips kiss along his stomach and Steve whimpers when he feels you take him to the back of your throat. “Because you are… making Y/N cum hard with your tongue. Making her all nice and tight for me. E-Even now—mmm—every time she gags on your thick cock she clenches around mine.”
Both men thrust into you at a faster pace and you moan as you watch their lips mingle together. 
Steve abruptly pulls back, chuckling to himself as he gets to his feet.
“Sorry. You both are going to make me cum and I want to cum inside you, Y/N.”
Eddie’s eyes roll back as he falls fully top of you, you two clinging to each other as his hips smack into yours. Whimpering his name, you and he cum at the same time, his pants warming your ear as you run your fingers through his hair. 
Still holding you to him, the metalhead rolls onto his back and shifts his body further down the mattress. 
“Come here, princess.”
You let him maneuver you till you were straddling his face with your back facing the headboard. Steve already seemed to know what to do as he climbed up behind you, taking hold of your waist as you leaned your chest against the other man’s stomach. 
“Goddamn it.”, he mewled as his cock slid into your cunt. 
“Don’t worry about me, baby. Focus on you and him, okay? I got you.”, Eddie purred before his lips attached to your swollen clit. 
“Fuck me.”
“He’s right. You’re so fucking wet and warm, Y/N. Fuck.”
Both men groaned as you rolled your hips, grinding on Eddie’s face as you pushed back against Steve. The man behind you grabbed your shoulder and brought you up to his chest, wrapping his arms around you as he kissed and sucked on your neck. 
“Yes. Just like that, Steve.”
“Like that? This what you need, honey?”
As he slammed into you harder, Eddie’s tongue flicked faster against your nub driving you wild as your moans once again turned to screams. 
Your body trembled as you came, all energy leaving your body as you started to fall forward. 
“I gotcha’, baby. You did so good.”, Steve praised gently as he held you to him. 
His jaw went slack as his rhythm stuttered and after a few more thrusts painted your walls with his release. As you began to cry, Eddie moved out from under you as the other boy pulled himself out of your sore cunt and both of them guided you gently to the pillows as they held you. 
“Are these good tears or bad tears?”, Steve asked making you smile. 
“G-G-Good tears. You both just felt so good. I love you so much.”
“You both know I’m not good with words but thank you.”, Steve whispers as he runs his thumb under your eyes. “Because of you…this is our life. I know you went through a lot with your douchebag ex but we have you now and each other.”, he gestures towards Eddie. 
“And you gave us those three weirdos. It’s still so surreal that these little things are calling us dad. But it was the same when we met you. ‘Damn, this beautiful woman is calling us boyfriend and telling us she loves us.’ Now I can’t picture my life without any of you.”
Tilting towards him, you kiss Eddie before turning around to do the same with Steve. 
“Oh, hey Y/N. What’s going on?”, Vivian inquires with wide confused eyes. 
“Dylan wanted to come hang out with you and Brody if that’s ok.”
“Yeah, oh my god. Of course, he’s watching tv.” She gestures inside and he hugs her before heading that way. 
“I’m ok with this…we all are. As long as Charlie isn’t here to. Dylan still doesn’t want to talk to him at the moment.”
“No. I completely understand. I promise you, he’s safe with me.” When her eyes meet yours you know she’s telling the truth. “Thank you guys. I missed him so much. I tell Brody about his brother all the time.”
You nod as you turn to away from her to head back to the van.
“You alright?”, Eddie asks as he brushes some hair behind your ear. 
“Why would mommy not be okay? Wha you do, daddy!?”
“Oh my god, nothing. I wasn’t asking you.”, he jokes. “Now hush or I’m going to eat all you’re candy when we get home.”
“Don’t worry, honey. I won’t let him.” Aurora smiles when Steve winks at her. 
“Yeah, I’m ok. Thank you. I’m glad the whole gang came with me.” 
James claps as he giggles and points towards you in the front seat. 
“We’re an intimidating bunch, sweetheart. We can kick butt if we need to. Right, princess?”
“Yeah!”, she grins as she waves her hand pretending to use the force. 
“We need to teach James to kick ass to.”
“Eddie!”, you and Steve shout at the same time making the man cackle as Ro covers her mouth at the curse word, giggling just like Dylan had all those years ago. 
“I guess it’s time to bring out the swear jar again, huh baby?”, Steve purposes as he reaches around to rub your shoulders. 
“Oh good. I make enough money now, I can swear all the time.”
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @nailbatanddungeon
@dad-steddie @manda-panda-monium @alligator-person
@decadentwombatmiracle @katie-tibo @marsupiooo
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@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri
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misguidedasgardian · 21 days
Wildcats (Part XXVI)
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XXVI. If that's a Savior...
Summary: Everything you know on survival is put to the test as you find yourself in a leader-less, unstable, enemy territory
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Zombie apocalypse AU, living dead, zombies, guts, blood, guns, THIS IS HEAVY, THIS CHAPTER WILL INCLUDE, torture, cursing, threats, several beatings, branding with iron, dark themes, will feature the Sanctuary, so, everything dark that comes with it, branding with hot iron, might miss some important warnings, but you know what this is about
Notes: Reader has the mouth of a sailor, just like me muahaha. 
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You came to your senses when someone grabbed your limp body from what you guessed was the back of the truck, you felt cold, and… they handled you poorly as they dragged your feet in the air while they grabbed you by your arms. 
You felt the moaning of walkers, feet walking on cement, big metal doors opening, but when you thought you opened your eyes you still couldn’t see anything, they had placed some sort of potato sack over your head.
“Who the hell is that?”
“We want to talk to the boss”, said one of your captors. 
“Negan is not here”
“We are all Negan asshole”
“Hey gents!”, said a fourth person, “I’m Negan, what’s up?’
“We bought a guest that we thought Negan would like to meet”
“Are you an idiot? you never bring people back here!”, you heard an annoyed voice, and then, the hood they placed over your head was removed, “well shit! unless they look like that!”. a man was standing right in front of you, he was lean and tall, wearing an indiana jones kinda outfit and a horseshoe kinda mustache, he was… middle aged?, you were guessing early fifties. He was very creepy looking
“My oh my!”, he said, in a very exaggerated way, “and who this might be?”
“We found her in sector 8”, said one of those clowns trying to be professional, “wouldn’t tell us where her people is”
“Is that right sweetheart?”, he asked
“I tried to tell Thing One and Thing Two that I’m alone, but they decided to clog me and bring me here”, you said, annoyed, he looked back at you, theatrically pretending to think about this “dilemma”
“Oh I see”, he said, “so I guess you didn’t tell them”
“I did”, you said with a fake smile. Trying to act as you were not scared to death. You were in some sort of factory, this thing was huge. They led you in, to what would be the operation floor of the factory, and oh Gods… This was a huge operation, and barely an hour out from Alexandria, well, the town, so maybe two hours or so, you lost consciousness, but it was still early on the day. The thing was fill to the brim with people, and some of them were armed to the teeth, and this main dude looked like a maniac
You could not break
You couldn’t tell them what you knew, where you came from, where you were.
“I’m alone”, you said softly, “I scavenge for a living, never stay put in one place”, you said with certainty. 
You couldn’t help but hug yourself, as a shiver ran down through you when you realized…
You couldn’t see a way out of this one
He analyzed you, looked down at you with piercing dark eyes, seeing every reaction, every movement of your face, he seemed like he could see your very thoughts. He passed one of his skinny arms over your shoulders. 
“Well, I have to say… those guys…”, he hissed theatrically, “not the brightest bulbs in the box”, he whispered to your ear, “sorry about that…”, he placed his finger strategically where a bruise had formed in the side of your head. You hissed in pain, trying to release yourself from his hold. “Well!”, he said, so suddenly it made you jump, releasing you, “if you are alone in the world, we can remedy that! right?”, he asked those who were near, “we are The Saviors for a reason!”
No, no, no, no, the more you’ll see, the less are the chances of them letting you leave with the information you were going to collect
“Let me give you a nice little tour”, he offered, you shook your head
“I’d really like to get going”, you said, seeing as you were barely on the entrance
“Nonsense”, he said quickly
“Yes it will get dark and I need to get my things and find shelter”, you said, you took a step back, but immediately felt a thick presence behind you. There was a tall, big guy
Now you were scared, you took shaky breaths, you felt your heart beating 
“Now darling do you really expect me to believe you are out there alone?”, he asked mockingly, “you don’t strike me as the type who would survive out there”, you were getting tired of hearing that, “and your clothes are all cleaned up…”, he leaned in, sniffing your shoulder, “is that freakin’ Tide?”, he asked. This guy did not know personal space, and that scared the crap out of you.
“I got lucky”, you mumbled, “in my last raid”, you said, but he chuckled darkly
“You don’t have to be afraid sweetheart”, he said, he leaned in, he was really creepy, “tell me where it is, the place you called home”, you shook your head slowly.
“Such a place doesn’t exist”, you mumbled, “I’m alone, wandering, my people are dead, we got overrun, months ago”, you said quickly.
“Well!”, he said, making you jump, “if that’s the case….”, he spread his arms as you pointed at the whole factory, “you can join us!”, he said quickly. You looked back nervously
“Is not like you are giving me much of a choice”, you said
“Fat Joey, leave the lady alone, don’t you see you are making her uncomfortable?”, he said simply, the big man only chuckled and backed away a few steps. “Let me show you around”, he said with a crazy smile, he grabbed you by your injured shoulder, it didn’t hurt anymore so long you didn’t… You hissed and that made him stop, so he grabbed the neck of your shirt and opened it until he saw the wound. 
He laughed again, the very sound made you tremble
“And who might have patch you up, uh? if you are all alone?”, he asked
“I did”, you said firmly
“Front… and back?”, he kept going, he grabbed you and made you walk… each step you took, each room you saw, each person you watched walk by with a gun, you were getting more and more scared… oh gods, this place was a menace.
“We are dedicated to the protection of communities all over the state”, he said, against trying to sound professional, “As nobody told you before, this place, is the Sanctuary, we, are the saviors”
“That’s just misleading propaganda”, you said, “you save shit”, he laughed at your humorless joke.
“We saved you darling!”, he said. You got to one of the top floors, to some very luxurious apartments, until you reached a big room, with couches, fancy furniture, a bar even, and existing in it, where there were beautiful ladies.
“This… are Negan’s wives”, he said
“Wives? like… plural…?”, you asked, disgusted, they didn’t even look at you, they kept doing what they were doing, there was one crying in the corner.
“Look I usually don’t do this, and I’m in no position to offer for you to become one of Negan’s wives, or… you could be one of mine”, it was your turn to laugh. 
“You don’t even know me”, you said
“Well, you have been out there, alone, carrying some cool ass weapon, you are a looker for sure”, you winced, this guy was really creepy. but your face of disgust was clearly noticeable, so he hissed and kept going, you humiliated him, thankfully in private. Well, not in private, a woman and the man that was nicknamed Fat Joey were walking behind you closely.
“Be a soldier then”, he said, as he kept walking to the inferior levels. “You will live like a freakin’ Queen, respected, anything you want will be yours”
“And what does being a soldier entails?”, you asked him, now, you were learning
“You go and do as Negan commands”, he said simply, “Or…”
“Door number three?”, you asked him, “I wonder behind which door you let me go on my merry way”, you mocked
“If you have a special skill you will become a worker and work for points!”, he said.
“Points?”, you asked him back, not impressed
“But you can clearly be a soldier”, he said. You did not like this at all, this man seemed determined, he was not this Negan person but he was high in the chain of command, if not the second in command, and he wanted to climb up, giving you these creepy proposals. To you, a stranger. 
You walk back to the inferior levels as he kept yapping about the orders of things and they believed in. And you had dictated in your head, that they were a terrible threat, if they came across Alexandria you stood no chance against them. 
You came back to the main floor, where the heat of things was. 
“You didn't tell me your name darling”, he asked, and you calculated that you could not possibly push him down the stairs with a kick and not suffer the consequences. 
“You didn’t tell me yours”, you said back, frowning
“I’m Negan”, he said simply, you frowned when you looked at him. You stood on some sort of balcony. 
“You are not Negan”, you said, “you are just some type of henchmen”, you admitted, you had ears and you were not an idiot. He deadass laughed in your face, but his eyes were like crazy eyes, you had seen a lot of those since the world collapsed.
“Hey!”, he screamed, the factory floor stopped and looked at you both, “WHO ARE YOU!?”, he asked out loud. 
“Negan!”, they all said at the same time. He turned back to you, smiling
“Nice cult you got here”, you said with a exaggerated smile, “now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get a ride back into town”, you mocked, “and out of here”
“After seeing all this you don’t wanna’ stay?”, he asked, he leaned in even more, you could feel his minty breath on your face, “You know what that tells me?”, he asked all dandy, “You have a camp, don’t you? a nice one at that”, you cursed yourself for having such a “readable” face
“I’m better off on my own”, you said quickly
“No, you see, I don’t think that’s it”, he said, always exaggerating with his body language, “you are eager to leave, that tells me someone is waiting for you, maybe a Mr? Or Mrs”, he said with his hands in the air, “I don’t judge”, he smiled creepily at you, “where’s your camp?”, you looked at him dead in the eye
“I don’t have one”, you weren’t lying, it wasn’t a camp
“Damn you’re good”, he exclaimed. “Look, I don’t wanna hurt you”, he said dangerously, “I can get my men to squeeze it out of you, I don’t want to do that… now… show me the place you call home”, he said, dangerously slow. Your hair in the back of your head stood up, goosebumps down your arms. You shook your head
Who the fuck do he thinks he is?
“I’m alone”, you said shakily. He closed his eyes, like asking someone else to give him patience.
“Arat!”, he called and a woman showed up, “this is our new guest, show her to her suite”, he demanded. If he thought than a tiny woman was going to make you do anything, he was sorely mistaken, with a kick you made her fall on her ass on the metal stairs, you turned to him quickly, kicking him in the shin, when he folded in pain, you grabbed his head and smacked it against the metal railing
Sounded like a freakin’ bong
“LEAVE ME ALONE!”, you demanded, but now you had like 6 assault rifles pointing at you , Fat Joey grabbing you and pulling backwards. 
“ARAT!”, he screamed, like he was in a tantrum. You looked to your right and the same woman punched you in the face with the butt of a gun. This time, you didn’t lose consciousness, but fuck it hurt, she and Joey grabbed you and dragged you through the hallways
“Leave me alone!”, you demanded.
She opened a door and they threw you in there like you were a sack of potatoes, and closed the door behind them. This was some sort of broom closet, no windows, only one door, 2x2mtrs.
Oh now you were truly fucked. 
Someone came pounding on the door.
“FUCK YOU!”, you screamed, “Why don’t you open the door so I can ring your bell a couple of more times, uh!? [YOU MELANCHOLIC CLOWN]!”, you let out a string of ugly curses in your native language, as you tried to kick the door down.
Simon heard you from the outside of the door, so enraged he wanted to strangle you
“She is just a child, having a tantrum”, said Gavin, who had witnessed the whole thing, “the best thing you can do, is… let her scream her rage out of her, in a couple of hours, she will be exhausted, ready for a bit more of… convincing”, he said, and left the scene, already stressed and bored of it.
Oh gods, you started to panic, quickly, telling him where Alexandria is was out of the question, and you started to wonder if Daryl had already knew you were gone, and what he would do… in some other lights you wonder if they were going to come looking for you, and a part of you, a big part, wished they didn’t, because they were never gonna be able to do it without losing people, oh gods, where they even going to know where to look?
Carol saw everything went down, was she going to tell Daryl? Yeah, I mean she didn't like you but she didn’t want you ‘dead’, right?. Oh gods what was Daryl going to do? you hoped he didn’t “lose it” much. 
Oh Daryl
What if you never see him again?
You didn’t want this to be the way your story was going to end, you wanted to see him again, see where your story goes, you loved him, you pictured a future, in this crappy world where every new day you got to walk the earth was a mix between luck, skill and fate or something like that. Even then, you imagined a future with him. it involved a nice small house, with a single open space for living room, dining room and kitchen, and one room, maybe two, you imagined you’d have a dog, even though you were more of a cat person, and… big windows, and a big garage where Daryl can work on his bike and…
A single tear rolled down your cheek
Oh gods you were scared
Sometimes, even though you didn’t admit it to yourself… in the corner of your imaginary room you’d put a little crib, although you could never picture anything beyond that, it was silly… you had been together together for merely weeks… but since the very first moment you saw him, that night where your lives were endangered… you were done for, an unbreakable bond was formed between you two. 
He was the one for you
Two days ago you were having baby-making sex and now… you were hold hostage by a freakin’ cult
After testing all the possibilities of getting out, that being through the only door, and failing miserably, you had dropped, tired, hungry… and angrier…
But eventually as the hours passed, your anger passed, and left you literally cold in there, the sweat in your skin that had gathered there because of your efforts cooled you in a negative way, and now you were shaking on the floor
And those bastards left you there for the rest of what you guessed… was a day. 
You still got a bit of light from around the frame of the door and a dirty little window that wouldn’t allow you to see the exterior, but eventually that shut down as well… that’s how you know it was “night”, you could say that you weren’t afraid of the dark, you had grown accustomed to the monsters that hid in it, but this dark… This empty darkness was something else entirely. 
Eventually you fell asleep
You were woken up by the door opening, and because of the fear that enveloped you, you remembered the knives you had hidden in your boots, you could still feel them, so you stood still. 
Fat Joey came in the door, he had a paper plate with a “sandwich on it”, he offered it to you, and only because of the smell you knew exactly what it was… You only looked at his entertained face with a frown.
“Wow!”, said Simon, when he saw Fat Joey entering the meeting room, “what the hell happened to you?”, he laughed, as he had a footprint occupying the half of his face, because of the kick you had happily given him.
“Our guest did not liked her breakfast”, he said 
“Is that so?”, he asked, with a mix of entertainment and rage
“When is Negan coming back?”, asked Gavin
“I’m Negan”, said Simon, his counterpart just rolled his eyes.
“The real one”
“He is playing his game, he will come, soon”, he looked at Arat, “it’s time we start our own games”
You were not making yourself any favors by punching every person that happened to enter your space, it wasn’t going to last, you were starving and you didn’t have much strength 
So you were not prepared for when the next group of people came. It was the same woman A rat? Was he calling her a rat? Whatever, with another guy, you got a couple of good licks in, you didn’t kill them, or stabbed them of gravity, but you scratched them good, you managed to advance a couple of feet beyond your entrapment, and then, they pushed you back in.
The trio that came to “see you” next, were armed to the teeth, and they… beat you up
“Tell me where your camp is, bitch!”, and others were exchanged.
Now you were laying on the floor, your body hurt so much you couldn’t move it, and they had taken… most of your clothes, your boots, your jacket, your hoodie, leaving you with a plain loose t shirt and your pants. No boots, no socks
Then A-rat came back
“i didn’t want to do this”, oh but she stood back and watched, smiling, as they kicked your ass
“You are enjoying this”, they didn’t punch you in the face, they didn't want to ruin it for Negan they said. 
“Yeah I gotta say… I enjoy seeing how they beat up a stuck up bitch”, you chuckled humorlessly, “tell me where your stuck up camp is”, she said. 
“I can tell you were to fuck off to”, you offered, and you could tell she was keeping herself from beating you up some more. 
“Tell me where it is, so you can go back to it”, she said, “we’ll leave you alone”
“If you want to go all the way to Atlanta to a run down camp, be my guest”, you muttered. “I’ve been alone since then, months”, you muttered, “I thought DC was the answer”, you whispered
“I don’t believe you”, she said, “you look, well… looked all fancy and clean”, she said through gritted teeth
“It’s not my fault I can put 2 and 2 together and raid a house properly”
“Well then”, she said simply, “Let’s say I believe you, then join us”
“So far I’m not very convinced about my welcome package”, you mumbled, “what the fuck do I have to do for you to release me, dammit! I didn’t do anything to you”, you said angrily. 
“Ah there it is”, she said with a sick smile, “I’ll leave you another day so you can think about what’s been offered to you”, you only grunted as she left you in the darkness again.
And the next time they left you a bottle of water and a dog food sandwich
You ate it
You don’t remember when you woke up, you don’t remember when you started crying, you don’t remember when you started to lose it. 
You had tried to keep it together but you couldn’t, your body was in pain, and your mind was gripped tightly by fear
But you had eaten a sandwich and slept a lot, and drank water, so the next time they came, you wore a smile on your face and a “fuck you” in your eyes.
“There she is, miss stuck up bitch”, she said
“Oh, a rat”, you said back
“think about what you are going to answer me?”, she said
“There is something you can answer me”, you said, because if you were not going to give them Alexandria, you could give them something else, “that Toyota Tacoma, with the M2 on the back, where did you get it?”, you asked, she seemed surprised by your question, but then she hid that
“I don’t answer SHIT to you”, you said, but could barely hide her excitement
“How boring”, you muttered, she grabbed you by your face then
“Answer me”, she said, “where’s your people? I bet they are all fancy, like you”, you chuckled
“You have no idea”, you said, she released you, making you hit your head against the cement wall, “where’s Negan?”, you asked, “I gotta say, I’m curious”
“I’m the one asking the questions”, she said
“Watch me, where did you get the Tacoma?”, you asked her again
“Shut up!”, she said, she raised from the floor, and left you without another word.
If you had to guess, they gave you a sandwich a day, so they gave you two more, and a pill you identified as paracetamol for the pain. So three days or so since they took you. 
On the fourth day, the door opened again, and when you looked up, you managed to exhale all the air in your lungs.
“You”, you mumbled. 
“Hell on earth, it’s you”, he said with a grave voice, and a dumb smirk on his face
“Son of a bitch”, you cursed
“It’s you alright”, he laughed, “I came all the way from my outpost once I heard”
“These bastards don’t know who I am”, you said
“Oh but you asked about our truck”, he said. You exchanged looks, he was amused, you were fucking angry, this rapacious rat bastard 
“You left Pope”, you accused, after a while, “you abandoned him”
“Really? haven’t seen each other in over a year and your first thing you recriminate me for is that big whiny bastard?”, he chuckled,
“The only whiny bastard in the squad was you”, you said, looking up at him, he really hadn't change a thing, “found him turned in the bathroom”, you said
“Wasn’t even strong enough to end himself”, he said, you frowned
“Why’d you leave him?”, you asked. You never rehearsed what you were gonna say when you met him again, because never in a thousand years you’d thought you’d see him again
“You know? I don’t feel like answering your shitty questions right now”, he said mockingly, “but you can answer mine”
“Same shit different flies then”, you mumbled
“Where’s your group?”, he asked
“Where’s your balls?”, you asked him back with a smile, “I have been alone since we split”, you said, "I walked all the way here…”
“I don’t believe you”, he said, crouching until he was on your height, “you always needed a big man to protect you, since day one”
“Fuck you”, you said back, “why did you left Pope?”, you asked him
“Where’s your people?”
“WHY DID YOU LEFT POPE?”, you asked him back, he laughed. You breathed heavily, even if it pained you, your ribs were bruised
“Wherever they are…”, he said, “whoever they are…”, he kept going, “they cannot take us down, rather they work for us or we kill them, that’s how it works”, he said
“Yep, this group sounds like your speed”, you said, “you ever only cared about yourself”, he only laughed at you
“Look around, at the end of the day, there’s only yourself to live for…”
“I feel sorry for you”, you accused, he looked down at you and laughed
“You are so predictable”, he said, “you can’t be alone, that’s why, you have a camp filled with people don’t you?”, he was mocking you now, “i bet you are a family…”, he said with a mocking voice, pouting at the end
“No”, you said back, looking straight at him
“You are gonna like being a savior then”, he said, with a smile, “I always saw the excited look on your face when you took fuckers hundreads at a time”, he said, “it gets you off”. he said smiling, “you can do it here… with better machinery, oh, we have all the toys”, he said
“You are never going to believe that I’m alone”, you said, “so what, i’m supposed to join you?”
“Oh well, Negan is going to be thrilled with you”, he said, “I know he will, he will have you on your knees”
“Riddle me this, who out of the both of us needs a man to protect him then?”, you asked him, wiping his smirk off of his face, “it seems to me that the only one who’s gonna be kneeling here is you”, you laughed. He grabbed you by the neck.
“You'll join us or you will fucking die”, he said, he raised you from the ground, having you grabbed by the neck. “You abandoned our group”, he said, as he dragged you out of your cell, “you never get married to anyone, or anything, do you? always with scaping plans in your mind? well, not this time”
“Fuck you!”, you cursed, he dragged you back to the main floor, everybody was gathered around a huge oven, you didn't even know what it was called. Even the wives of Negan were there, they loved a show , didn't they?
This wasn’t about your community anymore. These were sadist sons of bitches, and they wanted to dominate you and communities alike. 
The rat was waiting for you, with a sickening smile on her face. Baer put you on a chair in front of the oven, the heat making your skin prickle. 
“This is happening because this woman doesn’t want to tell us where her people are, so we can save them!”, said that creepy guy, “she abandoned our beloved Baer in Atlanta, and… well, she beat Fat Joey, Nick, Arat and MIckey up and we just cannot allow that!”, you laughed when you saw the bruise you left on his face, this was just bananas.
Arat came for you and grabbed you by the back of your head.
“You think you're better than us?”, she asked, clawing at you, her nails digging on your skin, your scalp was burning at this point
“Oh I know I am”, you spitted out 
“Let’s see about that”, she said, the hate, the disdain in her voice, a week ago you had never seen this woman in your entire life. You had never done anything to her, “thinking yourself too good to be a wife of our leader? our savior?”
“Oh this IS a cult”, you groaned 
“... or being a soldier?”
“Fuck you!”, you said quickly, she pulled your head backwards making you grunt in desperation, “I’m not a soldier, I’m a friend, a sister, a daughter, a fucking designer”, you said, “...I’m a lover, I’m a fucking survivor”, you winked at her. Baer appeared in your sights again, he came to her, with a sick smile on his face and a hot iron on his hands
You squirmed, moved desperately trying to release yourself. It was a brand, you could see two letters shining bright orange because of the temperature
“No, no, no”, you grunted, but another set of hands came to grab you and keep you still, “NO! NO!”, you screamed at the top of your lungs as Arat uncovered your left arm, she grabbed your hand and pulled, making you show her your forearm, “I swear I’ll fucking put my ax trough your fucking skull”, you threatened, “of all of you!”
“For you to never forget who you belong to”, and she pressed the hot Iron into your skin.
You had never felt a pain as strong as this one, she burned you with a fucking brand like you would cattle. 
Your scream of pain resounded all over the factory. 
They dropped you back in that cell, you were so exhausted, your body so traumatized that you felt like it had numbed itself not to feel anymore. 
And while you were laying there, you looked at your arm, where two initials were now branded on your skin
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PCN: Thing 1 and Thing 2 hahaha I want to let you know that everything that Simon said, was suposed to be Negan, I had written this before anything else on this story... SO, it was going to be Negan but I played it both ways with having him infiltrate Alexandria, so it had to be Simon, funny enough... didn't feel the need to change anything... he wants to be Negan so bad its sad
@crazyunsexycool @capricxnt
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aj1dordinary · 11 months
chat is this real???
platonic!Johnny Cage x platonic!gen-z!reader
lowkey crack???
im crossed asf and while viewing a MK1 tiktok w/ Johnny and ‘International Love’, couldn’t help but think of how cool it would be to be Johnny Cage’s assistant… like he has the same energy as a Gen Z-er. We’d be besties fr.
just so u know, im black and fem so !reader is gonna be interpreted as black and fem xox
“johnny baby~” you trilled as you step out of the Uber to meet him at his house. as his social media manager, it was your job to record all the content across all social media platforms. with his new movie coming out paying homage to the ‘Indiana Jones’ franchice, you thought it would be good for promo if you recorded you both doing a trendy Tiktok dance.
fans of Johnny Cage knew you nearly as a duo. when people conduct interviews on a set or on the red carpet, people could always count on you ready to capture that night’s funniest quote or moment that would circulate like crazy. you’d also frequently appear in them, physically forcing johnny to keep up with the latests trends as a nearing 40 year old man. The comments would always be filled with remarks like “i fear for your well-being if you EVER get rid of y/n” or “y/n’s mind neverrr misses”. safe to say, your career is secured.
you nearly skip to his door when you notice the door was wide open, obvious signs of a break-in occurring. “oh my god,” you inhaled deeply, the tone coming from a mix of your head and your belly. “mr. cage!” you then screech, you hide in the nearest shrubs while fishing through your purse to find your phone then your taser. when the two items occupy your grasp, you look up to sky, take a deep breath, then let out a war screech. simultaneously, you start the instagram live while holding down the button of your taser, the electric crackles breaking up the audio of you screaming. 
you run in through his foyer before stumbling upon a scene between some japanese guy strapped to a chair, a man with glowing fucking eyes, and two hot guys. ok, maybe one hot guy, the other guy had literal frost coming from his hand… still hot tho.
“Oh damn y’all.. i just caught the behind-the scenes of johnny’s gay porn. my fault og’s.” you said before abruptly ending the livestream.
you barging in phone-first with the need to catch johnny cage’s demise on camera being the first thing you think of before your wellbeing (the taser) had johnny chuckling a bit. if anything, had it actually been his demise, at least you would’ve got his good side. he liked that you were committed to the job as he was committed to cinema. suddenly, a lightbulb idea hit him. 
“oh~” he chuckled. “i hope you don’t mind if i bring my assistant.” he patted the shoulder of the glowing-eye man, before tipping his sunglasses at you . “I’m afraid i won’t be at my 100% otherwise.”
“nuh-uh” you raise your eyebrows, appalled that he was gonna offer your service on behalf.
“uhhh yuh-huh.” johnny mocked you now turning toward you. the party that you’ve yet to address just look between the two of you riff off one another. johnny (supposedly one of Earthrealm’s defenders) and a young women (maybe the source of his strength/energy)? the two hot ones look at each other through a side eye before shrugging.
“nuh-uh johnny, that wasn’t in the contract. i told you that if you had any body other than me as your assistant right now, you would’ve been got your ass lit up in fucking court. i cant stand your ass sometimes, y’know?” johnny speed walked (sped walk?) over to you as you kept going off on his ass, before grabbing your elbow and dragging you to some corner.
“y/n~” he whined almost on the verge of throwing a tantrum. Meanwhile, you stand firm, tapping your feet as though you were impatient. “you’re embarrassing me in front of a literal god right now. and i mean LITERALLY god.” you scrunched your face up and roll your eyes. “no, believe me I thought the same thing at first, but he literally shoots fireballs out his hand and summons dragons. other two remind me of that show you watch, y’know the intro that goes ‘then everything changed when the fire nation attacked’” he nearly pouted, trying to think of a way to get you to believe him.
You raise an eyebrow, rolling your eyes at the near puppy-dog eyes johnny gives you through the dark lens of his shades, his lips nearly quivering. 
“oklahoma?” you state, both of you binging had been binging ‘Ted Lasso” and thought it’d be funny (for yourselves and his audience) to start implementing it.
“oklahoma.” he returns with bated breath.
You try to see if you can gauge any other emotion before sighing and withdrawing your tense stance.
“i need you to record everything we encounter in this “Outerrealm”. for when i’m busy improvisin’ and kickin’ ass. all of it.” He paced both hands on your shoulder.
“24/7?” you question.
“sounds like an unpaid business trip. what’s in it for me?” You respond almost before he could finish the word. 
“$1 million pension and I’ll let you have 50% of the rights on the new movie i make about this shit.” He responded just as fast.
“done. nice doing business with you old man.” you shake his hand.
almost as quickly as he pulled you away, you fix your appearance before heading back out to the living room to address the crowd of supernatural men.
“alright boys. you heard him, the name’s y/n and i need to be with johnny 24/7. if i can’t go, he can’t go. We have a very tight schedule to run and demands must be met before we let you squeeze in your alleged plans to save the world.” you cross your arms in front of you and look up at the three sweaty and built (damn. damn. damn. d-) men.
“my name is lui kang, champion and protector of Earthrealm. as much as i'd hate to have a civilian on the front line, i anticipate that your liveliness is secure. regardless, if that would make johnny more than comfortable, then i gladly accept your presence.” the  supposed god said. 
“glad we could make this work” you stuck out your hand to shake all three. the god returned the gesture - his hands warm and rough. you offer the gesture to the rest of the entourage, the man permeating the frost didn’t dare look at your outstretched hand, refusing to return the gesture. but he spoke a rough “bi han” that you took as his name. the other grasped your hand and shook it, more amused at your obvious lack of knowledge of who you were dealing with. he was broken out of his thoughts when you look at your hand in near amazement. “kuai liang” he spoke.
“sir, i think you’ve just cured my anemia” your eyes widen in admiration. johnny just rolled his eyes as he cut what you assumed to be the intruder out of the chair. you address him next.
“and sorry for johnny’s affinity for ropes, he’s got a thing for BDSM.” 
“do not..” he mumbles, you throw him a knowing glance.
“kenshi” he merely grunted, wiping broken glass off his suit.
“well,” you start. “looks like shit in here, but i’m sure we can write it off somewhere. what’s next on the schedule kangaroo?”
lui kang looks a bit taken aback at the nickname you chose for him, but he clears his throat to recalibrate.
“we must travel to wu shi academy to prepare for a tournament where Earthrealm’s fate lies in the hands of warriors i have hand picked.”
“and this guy is one of them?” you interrupt. the guy deemed kenshi chuckled.
lui kang smiled and nodded his head.
“well,” you check your watch. “let’s get on with it. we have a tiktok due at 7 PM and a set to be on within a week.” 
lui kang turns and begins swirling his hands before a literal portal appears in johnny’s living room.
“holy-“ you start already pulling your phone out to record like johnny requested. he nudged your side as to say ‘i told you so’.
so thus, your journey begins as johnny’s personal cheerleader and assistant as he sets off to kick some serious ass and not care about the names.
!please!let!me!know!what1you!think! i feel like a suck at writing, but i do maladaptive daydream a lot so i have plenty more ideas i’d like to write about. otherwise, xoxo go piss girl
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