#influencer su youtube
ilbloggaro · 2 years
Come Raggiungere 1000 Iscritti su YouTube
Come Raggiungere 1000 Iscritti su YouTube? Ti svelerò i 5 punti chiave per raggiungere i 1000 iscritti ed iniziare a Monetizzare su YouTube!
Come Raggiungere 1000 Iscritti su YouTube? Come Raggiungere 1000 Iscritti su YouTube – i 5 Punti Chiave! Per raggiungere i 1000 iscritti su YouTube, ci sono alcune cose che puoi fare per aumentare la tua visibilità e attirare l’attenzione dei tuoi potenziali spettatori. Ecco alcuni consigli: Scegli un argomento che ti appassiona e che sai bene: se ti piace parlare di un determinato argomento e…
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balkanradfem · 6 months
I'm reading the 'Age of Surveillance Capitalism' book by Shoshana Zuboff, and it is haunting me, making me feel uncomfortable and making me want to move offline.
We've all been aware that google, facebook, and all other digital tech companies are taking our data and selling it to advertisers, but according to the book, that is not the end goal.
The book goes into the rise of google, and how it made itself better by constantly studying the searches people were inputting, and learning how to offer better information faster. Then, they were able to develop ways to target adverts, without even selling the data, but by making their own decisions of what adds should be targeted at what audience. But they kept collecting more and more data, and basically studying human behaviour the way scientists study animals, without their knowledge or consent. Then they bought youtube, precisely because youtube had such vast amounts of human behaviour that could be stored and studied.
But they're not only using that data to target adds at us. They've been collecting data in ways that feel unexpected and startling to me. And whenever they're challenged or confronted with it, they pretend it was a mistake, or unintentional, and it's scary how far they've been able to get away with it.
For example, during their street-view data collecting, the google car had been connecting to every wifi available and taking encrypted, personal data from households. When they got found out, they've explained it was not intentional, and a fault of a lone researcher who had gone rouge, and they evaded getting sued or being held accountable for it at all. Countries have created new laws and regulations and google kept evading it and in the end they claimed 'you know if you keep trying to regulate us, we'll just do things secretly'. Which is a wild thing to say and expect to get away with!
Another thing that struck me was that governments, which at first wanted to restrict data collection, later asked tech companies to monitor and prevent content connected to terrorism, and the companies didn't like the idea of being a tool of the government, so they claimed the terrorism data is being banned for 'being against their policy'. Which makes me believe they didn't want to remove that content at all, after all, they could have done it beforehand, they didn't feel any natural incentives to do so.
The entire story is filled with researchers who don't seem to experience the human population as other human beings. They don't believe we deserve privacy, or dignity, or any say in what is being collected or done to us. Hearing their quotes and how they describe the people they're researching shows clearly they consider us all stupid, and our desires for privacy, self-harming. They insist we'd be better off if we just accepted their authority and gave them any data they wanted without complaining or being upset it's being collected without our knowledge.
Even though companies claim at all times that the data is non-identifiable, the book explains just how data is handled and how easy it is to identify anyone whose private conversations are recorded; people say their names, their addresses, places they're going, friends they're meeting, they say names of their family members, their devices record their location and their habits, it is extremely easy to identify anyone whose information has been collected. It can be identified and sold to information agencies.
I believed when it was explained to me that most of the data collection was just for add targeting, and that it would be used only for advertisement purposes, but they're not only collecting data anymore, they're deciding what data is being fed to us, and recording our reactions, learning how they can affect and manipulate our behaviour. We know all algorithms feed us controversial, enraging and highly-emotional content in order to drive engagement, but it's more than that. They've discovered how they can influence more or less people to vote. The mere idea of that makes me go cold, but they talk about it like it's just another thing they can do, so why not? Companies who have experimented and learned so much about influencing human behaviour give themselves the right to influence it as they see fit, because why wouldn't they? Since they have the power to do it, and all lawsuits and regulations can't stop them, why wouldn't they make a game out of it?
I can't imagine how many experiments they did before feeling so confident and blase about this and casually influencing the elections, again, seemingly just for the sake of an experiment.
The book compares this type of behaviour manipulation to totalitarianism and surveillance state, and it shows how the population is slowly losing parts of their freedoms without realizing it is even happening. Human behaviour has changed due to online influence, and it keeps changing rapidly, with every new popular website that is influencing human behaviour. They've learned that humans are influenced mostly by behaviour of other humans, and they can decide what kind of content or influence to send our way to get desired results.
I love how the author of the book talks about humanity. She uses the term 'human future', as something we all have the right to, as opposed to future controlled by companies and influences. She describes how regular people were affected by the data collected against their will, and how they fought for their 'right to be forgotten', when google kept displaying their past struggles, damaging their dignity. She also explains the questions people should ask about how society is led: First question is, who knows? Second question, who decides? Third question, who decides who decides? She goes in detail about how the answers are held away from us, and what it does to us. She also touches very deeply on the idea of human freedom!
I recommend this book, even though it will make you feel far less secure and carefree to be online, and using anything google, facebook, twitter or any of their owned services. They are not free, and it's also incorrect to say that we're the product of them, but we are the source of the raw materials they collect in order to gain results.
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justalittlesolarpunk · 8 months
hi! i love your blog :D do you have any advice to implement low waste and solarpunk aspects into everyday life with a tight budget? keep doing what you do!
Thanks for asking - I’ve had this question before and it’s definitely a real problem. Organic, plastic free food is expensive. So is handmade durable clothing, and train fares these days. It can feel like only the rich can be solarpunks, which is pretty counterintuitive given its anticapitalist ideology. But! I’m here to tell you there’s lots you can do to bring solarpunk into your life in a cost-effective way.
To start with, lots of solarpunk spaces are free or cheap. Get a library card and you can borrow as many books and DVDs and other resources as you like. Look up to see if there’s a library of things in your neighbourhood, and join a buy nothing or stuff for free group online. Download TooGoodToGo, which lets you access food from local cafes and restaurants which would otherwise go to waste. See if there’s a repair cafe that operates near you - I managed to get a pair of trousers mended at one of these for free, and I had been thinking I would need to pay a tailor (which is fine if you can afford it! Skilled labour deserves fair wages!). In some places plant-based food is cheaper, so when it is, choose it. But in others it will cost more than animal products so you have to decide on a case by case basis whether saving money or a particular diet is more important to you.
There’s lots else you can do for minimal spending or that actually saves you money. Walking to work or school avoids the expenditure in the petrol for a drive or a bus fare. If you’re within walking distance and able to do so, I’d recommend it. Joining your local chapter of Extinction Rebellion, Friends of The Earth, Greenpeace, The A22 network or any other active climate group in your area is almost always free and just involves a small weekly time commitment. This will introduce you to activists and inform you about protests and public meetings you can attend.
If you have the time in your week and the physical ability, which I acknowledge many people don’t, you can also join some sort of volunteer group looking after a nature reserve or tending a community garden (which might also give you access to free or discounted food). Learning to forage is also a good skill as that really is free food!
Depending on where you are, a green electricity tariff *can* also be less expensive. If this is the case and you have control over your provider, it’s worth switching to it. Buying books and clothes secondhand will also be better for the environment and your bank balance. Teaching yourself about the climate and the natural world with podcasts, YouTube, online free articles and other resources is also free and the knowledge will help you keep solarpunk at the front of your mind. Read good news stories online whenever you can, to remind you that good things are happening already.
If you’re employed, you can also try to influence green policy at your workplace or in your trade union. If you’re at school or university, joining (or setting up!) the environmental society and/or lobbying for change at the SU are both good ideas and shouldn’t necessarily cost you anything. If you can - and I know this is inaccessible for a big swathe of the population - put a very small amount of money aside whenever possible, because the more you save the more you can afford to buy better products, donate to causes, help out the needy in your community, travel in a greener way, and other more expensive choices. It’s all about that dual power.
Hope this helps get you started!
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genericpuff · 5 months
ok so i just saw you making a post referencing this so i would love to hear your onion on the whole “rachel smythe presents” thing
like my first issue is that it feels like a word for word copy of “rick riordan presents” intention and all? and secondly it just feels icky and i can’t put my finger on it
yeeeah I'm also a lil' sus on the whole thing for a ton of reasons, but I think my biggest "ick" towards it that might align with the vibe you're having is just the fact that like... Rachel is a one-hit wonder creator, not a seasoned veteran in webcomics in the slightest. Rick Riordan Presents didn't launch until 2018, after he had published 15+ books spanning several different series. Lore Olympus, meanwhile, is the only long-form comic Rachel's ever seen through to the end, and even then that doesn't seem like a brag because it's now soured its own reputation after dragging on way too long and if anything, it only went on this long because of potential corporate meddling from WT (and the fact that it's been Rachel's lifeline in terms of being her career).
I've used this comparison tons of times before, but it always reminds me of the SuperEyepatchWolf video about online "influencers", how so many Youtubers and social media influencers try to sell their audience on those "how to become big on social media" courses that don't actually guarantee any form of success because their own success was contingent on luck and being in the right place at the right time.
Who would you rather overseeing and guiding your work in the publishing world? A seasoned creator with several works under their belt and loads of experience working with different publishers, imprints, and people within the industry - or a creator who made one super popular thing 6 years ago which has been circling the drain for the last 3 and has nothing else to show for their career and experience beyond that one project?
And that's not even to say Rachel hasn't created other things outside of Lore Olympus, but she never talks about them. A lot of people are regularly surprised to learn that she illustrated and wrote a Wonder Woman one-shot for DC, or that she had been awarded for her past works such as The Maiden. She's not even really doing anything to hype up Rachel Smythe Presents or the actual finale of the comic she's been working on for the past 6 years, so really all it means is that once LO is over, her staying power as a creator in the webcomic industry will vanish. She hasn't done anything to build a stronger foundation outside of relying entirely on her one-hit wonder - and therefore, her trying to launch some prestigious imprint based around her one project feels way too early and unearned.
and that's my onion
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
04/04/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys/Rosie/Theo; Kristian Nairn; Nathan Foad; Jes Tom; Samba Schutte; Dominic Burgess; Watch parties; Glaad Awards Reminder; SaveOFMDCrew's Final Charity Donations; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; Big Gay Energy Podcast; OFMD Sightings; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
Hey all! Sorry for the late recap again, as a heads up I'm doing late night work for my day job (sometimes 8pm - 1 am) and also still trying to get my taxes done by the 15th, so the recaps may be delayed til the following morning depending on how late I have to work.
= Rhys & Rosie =
Rhys and Rosie's bday happened in AoNZ and some friends snapped some cute pics and videos!
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Src: H.Miller's IG
Sneaky Rhys arm today! The Darby Family Influencer Era seems to be in full swing!
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Edit: I felt kinda weird plastering Theo's face up so I left in Rhys' arm since people keep asking for it, lol
Src: Rosie's IG Stories
= Nathan Foad =
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Src: Kennett Tanner's IG Nathan was also interviewed by British Comedy Guide!
= Dominic Burgess =
Our Jeffrey Fettering was interviewed by Variety! Check it out here! Src: Dominic's Twitter
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= Kristian Nairn =
Kristian sent us some love notes!
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"Looking forward to all the work / travel / meeting you guys stuff coming up this year. Have a good day y’all !!" SRC: Kristian's IG
= Samba Schutte =
Samba being a goofball Src: Samba's IG Stories
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= Jes Tom =
Some sightings of Jes Tom! On their instagram! SRC: Jes Tom's IG Stories
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== Watch Parties ==
Taskmaster NZ Series 1 Watch Party with @saveofmdcrewmates! When: April 3-12 (W,F, Su - 2 eps each) Time: 11 am PT/ 2pm ET/ 7pm BST Where to watch: YouTube, TVNZ, Channel 4
Twitter Hashtags:
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== GLAAD Awards ==
Apparently you can vote multiple times with the same email on the GLAAD awards! To vote: https://t.co/dEfZMncBfO Src: @adoptourcrew Twitter
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== Save OFMD Crew Final Charity Donation Results ==
$1000 GBP to @Mermaids_Gender (UK) mermaidsuk.org.uk
$2,028 NZD to RainbowYouth (AoNZ) ry.org.nz
$1216 USD to Point Foundation (US) pointfoundation.org
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Our dear @melvisik spotlighted King George I today! Angus Sampson did such an excellent job making the kind unhinged! Check him out in his other work!
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= Big Gay Energy Podcast =
New reaction video to Calypso's Birthday!
== Other ==
Thank you @oluwandesorange on twitter for pointing out the the OFMD billboards are STILL UP
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== Articles ==
“I’m Scared”: Why It’s a Brutal Time to Be a TV Writer
Coyote versus Warner Bros: The fight to get a movie released
Hulu Just Canceled Another Show After One Season, And I'm Getting Really Tired Of It
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies! The week is almost over! Was it busy for you? Have you been hanging in there? I do want to know! I think about you all every day, even when I'm busy with work.
I know you've heard it all before, but please take some time to practice some self care today. It's been a long week for a lot of folks and you've been through the ringer from various life events. Please drink some water, grab a snack, stick your nose out the window (weather permitting) and take a deep breath of fresh air.
The weekend is coming, and the more self care you practice, the easier things will be. Ebbs and Flows babe, everything ebbs and flows, and sometimes we get longer ebbs, and longer flows -- but we can brave them better if we take care of ourselves.
You deserve to be taken care of. You deserve a break.
Love you crew, reach out if you wanna talk ok?
Pic Src: @gladyourehereco on IG
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== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Today's theme is these two goofballs expressive eyebrows.
Daily Darby: Courtesy of @ thunderwingdoomslayer
Today's Taika: Courtesy of @neverswungonswingingstars
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writingsbyzuzu · 3 months
could i get uhhhh first date with jarvis? he’s so cutie patootie.
yes MY LOVE, i've been waiting for this one!!!
i was kind of inspired by 'begin again' by taylor swift for this one
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Either way the night went tonight, this was going to be your last dating app date. You had installed Raya (referred by your model friend) when you first moved to LA, and every single date you had been on for the past two years has been an absolute disaster.
Tonight, you had determined, was going to be your last date before you deleted the app once and for all. Luckily, the guy you had agreed to meet tonight seemed different.
Jarvis, whose profile only said "online personality" in terms of occupation, (you prayed he wasn't some sort of like, tiktok dance influencer, or worse, an Andrew Tate manosphere guy), had been talking to you for a week now, and seemed like the sweetest guy.
So you're hoping this date will change your luck. You exited your apartment and drove over to the festival you had agreed to meet at. As you park in the allotted parking lot, you can see a guy who looked like the profile picture near the ticket booths. You exit your car and approach him.
"Jarvis?" you ask. He confirms your name while giving a nod, and then the two of you sit in the classic first date awkward silence.
"Shall we go in?" you cheerfully ask. He smiles and agrees. The two of you approach the ticket booth, where he insists on paying for both. You try to fight him on it, but he flashes a smile at you with an 'I insist," and you're sold. You tell him that you'll pay for drinks and food later though. "We'll see," he laughs.
The two of you enter the festival side by side, looking at all the various art booths. "What do you do for work? It didn't say on your profile."
"I'm a paralegal," you explain, putting your hands in your pocket. "So you can help me when I inevitably get sued by a manosphere guy I made fun of on my channel," he grins at you, and you throw your head back laughing. "Absolutely, I'll convince my boss to help you pro bono, that is a worthy cause," you smile back at him. "So you're a YouTuber?"
He nods. "I'm surprised you didn't look me up, a lot of people I've been out with do."
"You seemed nice enough to where I blindly hoped you hadn't murdered someone- part of the reason why we met in a public place." You look through the racks of vintage clothes at one booth. He laughs again, and you think it's one of the nicest things you had ever seen.
You spend turns asking each other questions, and he seems genuinely interested in your job and interests, a refreshing pace from the previous people you had gone out with, and you found his life so interesting. It also didn't help that he was one of the prettiest people you had ever met.
As the two of you sat at one of the festival picnic tables two hours, eating the food you had managed somehow to pay for (even though he tried to get away with paying once again), he asks you some hardball questions. "How uh, how many people have you been out with since you've been in LA?"
You think for a moment. "Hard to say, not a lot, and they were kind of forgettable. You're not, though, Best date I've been on in a while."
He grins one of those smiles you've really grown to like in the past few hours, before asking his last hardball question. "Would you want to go out again?"
He looks back down at his food, trying not to smile so hard. "Me too."
You delete the app when you get home, after ensuring you had saved Jarvis's number. You were right - it was your last first date on Raya after all.
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oddvanilla · 3 months
AAAA I love people who ask me open ended questions,, you're basically allowing me to yap 🫶🫶🫶
It all starts with Gen Z, you could say. The thing with Gen Z is that we're so sarcastic it's CRAZY. I mean, we got lots of terms that millennials can barely wrap their head around. It's like only we can understand this dumb humour. Like obviously, we say "rizz" (short for charisma: a charm) and "GYATT" (usually popular in African-American environments, short for goddamn),, but the thing is, we say that stuff ironically (in a sarcastic manner).
But there's Gen Alpha, basically people who are born after 2010 (until 2025, starts gen beta). And these kids are like brainrotted to the EXTREME. Keep in mind, brainrot usually means people who are too chronically online and sometimes can only speak in internet slang...weird. Gen Alpha is responsible for creating or popularizing some terms. These include a LONG list, I'll try to explain as much as I can here...
Sigma: the equivalent of alpha, an individual who's viewed as dominant.
Skibidi: short for Skibidi Toilet, a series made up of short videos created by DaFuq!?Boom! On YouTube.
Cap: a lie. Usually used in phrases like "No cap!" (No lie) Or "That's cap!" (That's a lie)
Slay: Something done impressively or greatly. Usually used between females but it's NOT restricted to that. used In phrases like "you slayed that/you ate that!"
Sus: Suspicious, unsettling
GOAT: abbreviation for "greatest of all time". Like in "Ronaldo/Messi is the GOAT"
Clout: popularity. Example— "I did that for clout"
Flex: to show off
Bop: Bae of plenty, someone who is seen as a player
Cancel: Cancel culture is pretty much getting celebrities banned off social media platforms. For example, many people want to cancel Andrew Tate.
Noob: newbie, someone who is a rookie. Either new to a game or bad at a game.
Drip: how cool your outfit looks. Like seeing a kid with a hoodie and saying "Damn, that kid got drip!"
Dope: The equivalent of Rad, something that's cool.
Dupe: yes, there's a difference. Dupe is like a knock off or a fake.
Lit: the same meaning as dope. usually something fire, as in it's awesome.
Stan: to be a huge fan of someone. Others can interpret it as a stalker fan, but the first definition is more popular.
Fanum tax: popular streamer Kai Cenat is friends with another streamer known as Fanum. Fanum often appears in Kai's streams to steal food from Kai. Fanum tax has become a popular term between fans indicating someone is stealing your food. Sometimes used in percentages. For example, my best friend casually fanum taxes 85% of my lunch every other afternoon.
Mewing: a technique used to sharpen your jawline, where you put your tongue at the roof of your mouth—often not allowing you to speak.
Edging/gooning/surfing: (Sorry asexuals..) a sexual practice involving controlling your 0rgasm.
Glazing: to over-hype something or give something so much compliments and attention it has gotten cringe worthy.
Tweaking/tripping: to act energetically or even unintelligently under the influence of crack/drugs, used sarcastically.
Aura: an imaginary calculation method of how much power or reputation you have. For example, falling In front of a group of teens means you have lost aura, or power. You can say that's -500 aura (points). Or maybe helping a homeless man. That's +5000 aura. Memes go around like "the golden dog", a card that makes you immune to losing aura.
Of course there is MUCH more. and Gen Alpha creates new terms every other weekend that it's starting to get tiring keeping up with these trends. Unless you're on the internet 24/7/365, then you'd surely know all of these and spontaneously use them. But I don't, so there's a lot I missed here, at least i believe so😭😭
The problem is, gen alpha uses all these different words and terms UNIRONICALLY. Meaning that they're actually serious. And oh, trust me they will look at you weird when you use an outdated word like "lol", "yas", or "YOLO".
So... Who can we blame for this ridiculous behaviour? Obviously, no other than millennial and generation Z parents. In my personal belief, Gen Alpha being on the internet from such a young age is seriously a bad idea. I mean, I have not one, but TWO (2) gen alpha siblings. You can imagine how hard it is from me... My 5 year old cousin goes to kindergarten and he says that he "rizzed" a girl at his class, which got him +10000 aura. Yeah, even I can't believe what this world has come to.
But from another perspective, we can do nothing about it. Maybe it's a good thing to let gen alpha on the internet? After all, we can't keep taking steps back, saying we need to quit phones and cellular devices in general. All we can do, really, is just let the future unfold. A few decades away from now, Generation Gamma or Delta or whatever, is gonna be laughing at gen alpha saying they're as old as time, probably holding a portable toilet in their hands. we never know what the future brings us🤷‍♀️
So that's it, sorry for answering your silly little question with a whole essay 🙏 thank you all for coming to my ted talk.
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akalikai · 4 months
CELIA HOLDING ALICE HOLY SHIT MAN THE SAMALICELIA POLYCULE IS GOING SOMEWHERE I also think this might be Celia's instinct to comfort from being a mother maybe??? BUT ALICELIA FEELS. My God their ship name could be a palindrome. Insane.
Tape recorder is gone??? And yeah I suspected that the woman had been dead the whole time. Something was using her as a mouth piece, maybe something relates to ep 11 with the deep??
I think Celia and Sam saying they believe Alice is gonna bring them closer. I know people are sus of Celia so it could be a ploy to get closer to the OIAR employees, but I don't know, with her disliking Lady Mowbray, I'm more inclined to trust her.
The fact that Alice says "paid my horror dues" makes me think she knows more about said horrors and is working at the OIAR specifically to avoid it. Were her parents killed by The Horror?
"I think there's plenty of it go around at the moment" Yeah she's talking about Lady Mowbray. Seriously, I have respect for Celia, she really stood her ground last episode.
Man the fact that we were like "omg what if Alice's phone call ends up being a statement!!" In a serious way meanwhile Alice is like "yeah no Freddie will probably spit out in a few days so nothing to be concerned about". What if. Tho. Gwen ends up hearing the phone call. That would be interesting. Speaking of, where is our corporate girlfailure.
Sam you awkward little bean I love you. I'm sure Celia and Alice just gave him the fondest, "You're such a dumbass" look.
I'm sorry I now understand what Alex meant when he said this episode was social-cringe-horror. The misuse of AAVE is actually so accurate please help my I'm on the floor screaming this should not be this funny-
Damn so does Ink5oul tattoo....pain or something? I don't have a tattoo myself (yet. I'm gonna get one. As soon as I stop being squeamish about needles. Oh. Needles.) But I don't think they're meant to hurt THAT much???
...I genuinely SHOULD NOT like Ink5oul this much. Please. You cannot do this to me I cannot have a Michael Part 2.
Also let me add all the video sound effects are taking me out I LITERALLY cannot do this PLEASE-
"Hell no i ain't gonna call it in" girl by making the video you are basically calling it in what the fuck
So...Does Ink5oul have the ability to make people feel pain through the tattoos they do? It's seeming like that's the case.
"The views are cutting me" HUH???? THATS. LIKE. THE EDGES ARE CUTTING ME??? WHAT IS HAPPENING??? HELLO?????
Okay wait now that Sam has let go of his "be professional" bullshit I'm back on his track SAMALICELIA LETS GOOO
Ohhhh Lena. Oh boy. I can understand her tbh, Gwen has no idea what's happening and she's just doing her own thing. Whether she's evil or not, Lena still knows better what's going on and can avoid unnecessary risks. Especially since Lena does seem to care if other employees get hurt.
Okay so the Externals are like. A Thing here. Kind of like avatars? I'm not saying in the sense of fears, I mean they're beings that are not human anymore and possibly dangerous.
Wait but I understand Gwen though "You can't take this away just because I did something you never bothered to tell me not to do" this happens to me so much Gwen my babygirl you are So Autistic.
I saw someone say that Gwen needs to be dommed. I cannot say I disagree, especially when Lena tells her to sit down. Anyway we're gonna move away from that thought.
I am not joking. I paused a total of 17 times throughout this episode because I started laughing too hard. I think I have a new favorite episode.
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fengshenjunlang · 3 months
Saw the Xiao Zhan and AO3 case being discussed on YouTube again, and can't believe how could people still fail to understand the reality?
It's not about BL ruining an actor's career, or puritist fans ruining his career,
It's all about their Government taking advantage of this situation to worsen it into a big matter and purge all of America's site influence in China.
It's so, extremely, clear. Yet the fans in the comment section were still talking about the fans who sued Xiao Zhan, arguing whether Xiao Zhan landing his role as WWX was what made him popular in the first place or not, everything was argued, but not the government's obvious involvement! I found it so bewildering.
Didn't you know that in China there's a party called Water Army or Paid Netizens who specialized to direct and guide the discussion online? I wouldn't be surprised that the fan who first sued the fanfic and the hyped after were all under the control of their government. Who would know? Nowadays people can be paid as a witness in the court, let alone just pretending to be a fan and causing trouble.
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imaginespazzi · 6 months
Ok bestie, anon who followed up on Amoore reporting back as requested ha. I should say we are on a similar page, her & Kitley are very tough to get a read on. And a lot of the online chatter agrees its hard to judge and goes back and forth on whether theres something more going on. For those interested, I suggest watching their youtube ch series for a general sense of them interacting. Entertaining and light vids, not overly long. Really just little things between them here & there that add up. And of course a person can review their socials..
Now onto the tea I came across online. Imperfectly summarized the best I can below. (Allow me to stipulate that I have no way of verifying any of this, so please understand Im not at all sharing any of this to be presented as true or false. Take it as simply passing along the posting of others for conversations sake here in a safe space. Comments/feedback/corrections welcome)
Its described as on/off thing, first beginning summer 2020. A VT insider says people are aware that Amoore hasnt been committed, to put it delicately/nicely. Leading most recently to a break of sorts last Dec-mid Jan. (Added pretty sure they are together rn though. And another person did point out if Liz was getting cheated on why would Georgia seem to maintain a good relationship with the Kitley family, which is a fair Q to pose). But notably, a strangely long break in their podcast took place over that period and for the first time in 3 years they didn’t spend XMas together or hang around each other over the holiday and when podcast recording returned they just said “we had Xmas” and didn’t talk about it. It was also pointed out that sometime in winter, Liz had tickets to see an NHL game and went w Cayla King despite her and Georgia talking about how they wanted to go together before. Only sus bc it happened to coincide w the time where Georgia was speculated to have gotten close to Kate Martin. Then suddenly they K & G werent interacting anymore and L & G seem back to being “besties”.
Liz’s "2020 love playlist"… apparently someone has screenshots that it used to be titled Georgia. Includes some fav bands/songs of Amoores. And a tune called Australia Street lol. Lots of love songs predictably, but some breakup songs were added to it at one point (the comment seems to insinuate during the time they were going through issues)
They're friends with a married lesbian couple (Youtubers/influencers? The Bellaires) who they once visited alone.
Also, fyi, Kate Martin is apparently recently back w her last ex, whoever that is - per talk re social media activity
You're my new favorite person omg because this is my kinda tea fr! Can y'all tell I love some good gossip?
I'm ngl, I was never the most invested in V-Tech or the girls on the team, so I don't really follow them. And I was pretty convinced Liz was straight so I just assumed her and Georgia really were just really close besties.
But this checks out with what I've heard/read too, that they were in that "undefined" kinda place, mainly because of Georgia and eventually Liz got tired of it. I definitely didn't know about the Christmas or the NHL stuff but that makes sense. Also from what I heard, they were probably done for good now with Liz going to the draft? But still being together also makes sense. I'm so invested in this now omg.
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cerebrodigital · 11 months
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El youtuber y empresario estadounidense, MrBeast, ha construido 100 pozos de agua potable en África, lo cual cambiará la vida de miles de personas en esta región tan azotada por sequías. Una demostración de lo que significa ser un verdadero "influencer". Conoce toda la noticia de esta loable labor en:
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improbablecarny · 1 year
once you spend an hour or more down the rabbit hole of zillennial christian influencer culture it becomes undeniably obvious that the hand-wringing about “not like the other girls” (women who the critic deems masculine in any way) is code for “the genderists are attacking our sacred gender roles”. these people have gone to great lengths to rebrand their particular flavour of patriarchy as being empowering to women, where woman are encouraged to girlboss it up all they want as long as that aligns with the idea of being a homemaker (which is, in of itself, supposed to be an act of serving god through her service to her husband). the idea that women who do not conform to that ideal are “attempting to be men” comes up frequently, verbatim, in these circles. this is a big part of the ecosystem inhabited by religious multilevel marketing companies and “gender critical feminists” that buddy up with christofascists.
i deleted the post this was in reference to since there was some sus terf shit happening in the notes but i’m talking about this (in case you see the post I’m referring to - I’m not familiar with this youtuber and she might not be acting deliberately malevolently but I’ve seen eight million thumbnails just like this that all led to dark places)
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unpoorno · 10 months
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Shaiden Rogue,
( 30 marzo 2001 in Germania ) è una pornostar e influencer di origine tedesca e ora residente a Malta.
Nel 2018 ha conosciuto il suo allora fidanzato e poi partner nei video, con il quale ha avuto una relazione aperta. Hanno iniziato insieme nel 2019 con streaming e video su portali erotici. Lì raggiunse rapidamente una grande popolarità e raggiunse la vetta delle classifiche delle attrici più famose. A causa della sua rapida ascesa e della sua fama internazionale, molti pensavano che Shaiden Rogue fosse americana.
In una data sconosciuta, ma probabilmente nella seconda metà del 2021, Shaiden si separò dal suo allora fidanzato.
Attraverso numerose apparizioni su YouTube e Twitch con diverse creazioni e formati, è riuscita ad aumentare enormemente la sua portata al di fuori dei portali dedicati all' intrattenimento per adulti. È apparsa come ospite in Rezo, World Wide Living Room, Tim Gabel, Hyperbole. 
A Shaiden piace ascoltare R'n'B e hip-hop. Il colore dei suoi occhi è verde. Secondo la sua stessa dichiarazione, sa cucinare molto bene.
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inimitablereel · 9 months
2023 Fic+Vid recs
A variety of things I liked this year, made this year. Once again, this got long, so fic recs and fandom-specific recs for dmbj are below the cut. But first a few miscellaneous vids
[vid] Cockroach Motherfuckers by eruthros, thingswithwings multifandom Immortal queer characters multi-vid! This is exactly as much fun and hopeful as it sounds. I've seen maybe 2 of the sources so you know, you don't have to have seen them all.
(We) Didn't Just Come Here to Dance [Fanvid] by FairestCat fandom: Newsies I haven't actually seen newsies, but I really liked this vid. Taking the (very dramatic) musical theater dancing and putting it to a Carly Rae Jepsen song works SUPER well, visually very fun time. Also, unions!
[Vid] Oceanographer's Choice by absternr fandom: Heroes (cdrama 2022) Bai Choufei, Su Mengzhen, and Lei Chun's fucked up relationship(s)/falling apart bad times. This vid is deeply upsetting, just a real exploration of sometimes caring a lot about each other makes everything worse. For maximum sad times, this goes well with absternr's other heroes vid, hey, I just met you, which is the meet-cutes that led to this whole mess.
[AMV] The Draw by Lovely Goblin fandom: Revolutionary Girl Utena Black Rose Arc! I've watched this vid so many times really good weird and creepy black rose arc vibes really good parallels between all the different duelists
Also blanket rec that if you've seen Everything Everywhere All at Once, consider looking for vids for it. There's a bunch on ao3 (which can be easier to navigate than youtube, though there are definitely more total vids on youtube) and they're pretty much all spectacular? I was going to include one or two in this rec post and couldn't decide
The wild phonemes of 40 Eridani Keid by astronicht Fandom: Star Trek (aos/tos mashup canon) relationship: Spirk ~10k words rated E You know if you'd told me a year ago I'd be reccing a spirk fic in 2023 I would have been a bit surprised. This is not particularly my fandom wheelhouse. But you know, they're always good, and this fic is really great. This is almost an episode-fic except that nothing really happens plot-wise. But instead of a plot we get a lot of musing about geology and diplomacy and clever references to current events as history in that very trek kind of way and Spock being bitchy just for fun.
fuori dal mondo by bladedweaponsandswishycoats fandom: Qi Ye relationship: Beiyuan/Wu Xi, Beiyuan/Zhou Zishu (more plot than ship focused) ~60k words rated E This is a retelling of Qi Ye except Beiyuan is... some kind of eldritch horror, part-time. It pretty much goes beat for beat through canon (which I appreciate, I loved that book and do not like any of the current tls enough to reread) but with the added layer of whatever is going on with this eldritch thing, which is very cool and tied into canon so don't let me spoil it for you.
We're Leaving Our Shadows Behind Us by lady_ragnell fandom: Tortall - Protector of the Small relationship: Kel/Neal/Yuki ~70k words rated T Canon retelling of Squire and Lady Knight but from Neal's POV. This fic really digs into Neal as a character and the details of the worldbuilding of Tortall, especially the chamber of the ordeal. Also somewhere along the way it sold me on this ship, which I wasn't exactly rooting for when I read the books the first time.
The Untamed/MDZS
a harmony between qin and se by Alaceron relationship: Wangxian ~60k words rated E This is a gender-bent (to make it a het romance) no magic historical drama au where Wei Wuxian is a woman who's arranged to marry Lan Wangji. Honestly this is pretty far from the untamed, especially in terms of themes, though some plot elements will be familiar, but mostly it's just a really great compellingly written historical drama, that happens to have main characters with some familiar characteristics.
Like a Game of Chess by countingcr0ws relationship: Wangxian ~40k words rated T Modern au: influencer Wei Wuxian runs into Lan Wangji on a trip to Taiwan and they travel around together. I love all the little details of their trip - it's like getting to see a new place without going anywhere. Also sometimes I forget that wangxian are very cute? They're a good ship brant
The Epic Highs and Lows of High School Zine Production by el_em_en_oh_pee relationship: Jin Ling & Jiang Cheng, Jin Ling & the mdzs juniors ~7k words rated G Modern au: High schooler Jin Ling has big feelings about a lot of things, including zines, gender, and family. One of those juniors-centric fics that makes me say oh they are Teens huh.
A Little Hole in the Wall by MountainRose gen, Liu Sang centric ~8k words rated G Honestly I would rec this fic even to people who know nothing about tomb shows. One thing that really draws me to a book is descriptions of food (I have read multiple food memoirs this year), and this restaurant au has AMAZING food (and food prep) in it. Not too plotty, mostly just descriptions of delicious things and characterization via cooking.
green with an attitude by ilgaksu relationship: heihua ~8k words rated T If you are in the English language dmbj fandom and you care at all about heihua you probably have already checked out ilgaksu's fic, which has basically defined heihua for the English language fandom. My favorite heihua moments are when other people show up and give you that foil to realize how weird they are, and this fic has that both via Xiuxiu and Wu Xie. Also, a fic about dancing!
making anything last, keeping anything safe by A (mumblemutter) relationship: Wu Xie/Xiao Bai (background pingxie) ~8k words rated M Post canon Xiao Bai takes Wu Xie to explore a tomb that should be perfectly safe... (They set off a sex pollen trap.) I don't particularly ship this, but this fic was extremely well done and kind of sold me on the ship. Fun tomb, really fun characterization for everyone involved.
A World Made Over, Fresh and New by Thimblerig gen, iron triangle, Wu Xie & Li Cu ~1k words rated G If you've ever gotten specific dmbj fic recs from me, it's probably included something by Thimblerig, they're amazing at pulling in very specific canon snippets in under 5k words and I'd generally recommend going through their work by tags if you're looking for fic with underloved side characters or fic set during a part of canon that isn't UN or post-canon, which are generally easier to find. That said, this particular fic is in fact the fandom staple of post-reboot let's go look at a tomb and pulling in a big ensemble cast including some reboot folks. But it's a staple because it's a good vibe, and this is a really well done sliver of friendship and relationship building and perhaps even a tomb trap?
[Vid] Still Into You by absternr iron triangle ot3 This vid is a bop! Multi-tomb show iron triangle being in love, through the years! I've got this bookmark tagged as "joyful"
[vid] When He Died by teyla Wu Sanxing-centric This vid really leans into the weird tomb nonsense and conspiracies and builds to something quite odd, meant in the best possible way. A concentrated version of what tomb shows want to be at their best, from a horror/strange spooky things perspective. Mind the tags.
[Vid] Before I Do by absternr Xiuxiu character study A vid all about Xiuxiu being a badass - she's so clever and cunning and she will figure out and surpass her family history.
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Ilana Berger at MMFA:
Even after demonetizing the YouTube channel of climate-denial think tank The Heartland Institute in June, other large channels still contain climate-denial content that seemingly violates the platform's policies. 
Channels run by Tony Heller, PragerU, John Stossel, and Jordan Peterson are still being monetized while seemingly violating YouTube’s misinformation policies
Tony Heller
Like the Heartland Institute,Tony Heller regularly posts YouTube videos that attempt to delegitimize scientific consensus on climate change. In January 2024, the Center for Countering Digital Hate published a report that highlighted Tony Heller as one figure still promoting the false narrative that Arctic sea ice isn’t melting. Since CCDH published its report, which analyzed videos from January 1, 2018, to September 30, 2023, Heller has posted well over 100 videos, many of which promote the idea that the warming we are currently experiencing is not being driven primarily by burning greenhouse gases. For example, Heller posted the documentary Climate: The Movie, which promoted “more than 2 dozen long-debunked myths” according to Skeptical Science, a blog that was launched by academic and disinformation expert John Cook. One such myth is that climate change is caused by the sun; in fact, the sun’s energy has decreased while the Earth warms. Heller also relies on an outdated theory suggesting that a warming period that occurred around 6,000 years ago debunks the idea of man-made climate change. [Skeptical Science, 3/23/24; YouTube, 3/21/25, 6/5/24, accessed 7/25/24; Center for Countering Digital Hate, 1/16/24; NOAA, 10/21]  
PragerU videos receive millions of views, and the channel has a history of posting videos that feature climate change denial. Media Matters recently identified six videos on PragerU’s website that dismiss the scientific consensus that the changes we are currently experiencing are primarily being driven by burning fossil fuels. These videos can also be found on PragerU’s YouTube channel, and they have over 14.7 million views combined. [Media Matters, 4/16/24; YouTube, 4/15/24, 10/25/21, 2/5/18, 4/18/16, 7/27/15, 7/27/15]
Jordan Peterson
While Peterson does not post videos about climate change denial as often as other influencers or organizations devoted entirely to the topic, his videos have a much larger reach than Heartland’s, amplifying their impact. After the Center for Countering Digital Hate released a report about YouTube climate deniers, Peterson uploaded an interview with climate denier Dr. Patrick Moore, who falsely claims to be a co-founder of Greenpeace. The April 11 video is titled Climate Lies, referring to Moore’s views on the scientific consensus on climate change. The video has over 253,000 views, far more than the 10 most recent videos from the Heartland Institute combined. [Greenpeace, 7/6/10; YouTube, 4/11/24, accessed 7/25/24]
John Stossel
Former Fox Business host John Stossel sued Meta after it said that two of his videos about climate change were missing context. In 2021, Stossel sued Meta (then Facebook), claiming the company defamed him by adding a fact-checking label to these videos. The lawsuit was ultimately dismissed and the court found that Facebook’s labels were protected under California’s anti-Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) statute. One of the videos included excerpts from an event Stossel moderated at the Heartland Institute. This video can also be found on YouTube. In it, one climate denier on the panel claimed that climate change is not causing sea level rise because “water has been rising for approximately 20,000 years and probably will continue.” He also claimed that hurricanes are not becoming more intense. [E&E News, 9/28/21; Courthouse News, 10/13/22; Climate Change Litigation Databases, 10/11/22; YouTube, 11/19/19]
Google demonetized climate change denier outlet The Heartland Institute.
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In nome dei followers Manuel avrà 5 anni per sempre.
Non ho mai espresso giudizi su fatti e persone, ma stavolta no.
Non se ne può più.
Questa tragedia ha come colpevoli tante persone, in realtà tutti.
La famiglia in primis.
I Genitori classe 1970.
Quaranta e cinquantenni che non han saputo nemmeno inculcare nella testa di questi giovani scollati dalla realtà il senso del pericolo, l’etica, la morale.
Genitori giunti sul posto della tragedia hanno esclamato “tutto si aggiusta basta che non vi siate fatti nulla”.
Poi c’è la società, quella finta democratica perbenista.
Quelli che han permesso che vivere la vita e vivere nel meta verso fosse la
stessa cosa.
D’altronde cosa vuoi che sia tenere incollati bambini a schermi per 5/8 ore al giorno, altrimenti “non posso far niente” no?.
Altrimenti al ristorante non puoi mangiare in pace no?
Una società che a furia di inutili lassismi ideologici ha abdicato figure e ruoli come educatore - genitore, insegnante, prete al nulla di influencer, YouTuber, tiktoker…
L’unico Dio, soldi e potere.
Uno degli assassini ha dichiarato “gli daremo un pacco di soldi ai genitori e tutto torna a posto”.
Il merito della mia generazione è quello di ritrovarsi figli che vivono in una bolla di dissociazione cognitiva dove tutto è possibile.
Dove guidare un mostro da 650 cavalli per 50 ore drogati fa parte delle sfide della vita.
Com era la storia “legalizziamola?”..ecco qui la prova, si muore anche con le canne.
Avete mai guidato un auto che raggiunge i 100 orari in 3 secondi?
Mocciosi che passano dalle auto 50 a mostri solo per il gusto di poterlo fare, di poterselo permettere, diventano roulette russe solo perché possono.
Tutto è concesso in nome di followers, questo è il nostro fallimento, questo abbiamo permesso.
Tutto è acquistabile, tutto, vita inclusa è parametrabile ai soldi.
Hai la Smart? Sei un poveraccio…
Lavori? Studi? Sei uno sfigato…
Ammazziamo un bambino? Si continua a filmare, vuoi perderti la disperazione di una vittima?
“Tutto si aggiusta”.
Beh certo, in questo paese che corre ai ripari solo quando ci sono i morti, che tutela carnefici, che promuove l’ignoranza sacrificando la meritocrazia, in questo paese videogame, tutto si aggiusta.
Basta mettere il gettone giusto come in una sala giochi e tutto ritorna come prima.
Spero con tutto il cuore che non vedano più la luce del sole questi miserabili e tutti quelli che han permesso che questa tragedia accadesse, compreso i followers.
Svegliatevi e recuperate l’educazione dei vostri figli, ne va del vostro e del loro futuro.
Se questi elementi per i bambini diventano esempi da seguire il problema è molto molto serio.
Svegliatevi prima che sia troppo tardi.
Pensate non vi riguardi?
Facciamo un esperimento:
Prendete il telefono dei vostri figli, andate in IMPOSTAZIONI E POI TEMPO DI UTILIZZO e li vi renderete conto di quanto vostro figlio sia lontano dalla vita reale.
Luigi Leonardi
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