#inigo montoya fanfiction
halfpricedpages · 2 months
so be honest who here wants to read my "The Princess Bride" Inigo Montoya fanfic that I wrote for class??? (that was literally the assignment we had to write a short story narrative about an event that could've happened to a character from the princess bride and I did Inigo looking for the six fingered man in London lmao)
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
Merlin x Arthur family tree test
Merlin Wylit [540 AD-]
x Arthur Pendragon
Domingo Montoya [566 AD]
x Australia
Inigo Montoya [584 AD]
x Fezzik
Bernadette Roberts [623, b.616 AD] {Buttercup/Westley}
x Caradoc Kippernook
Cuthbert Kippernook [634 AD – 687 AD]
Lavinia Kippernook [636 AD – 645 AD]
*explanation: Merlin was pregnant with Arthur's son when he died. Domingo is Inigo's dad; Inigo and Fezzik had a queerplatonic relationship and raised Buttercup and Westley's daughter when Buttercup died from a fatal disease and Westley was falsely executed. When Bernadette grew up, she married a man who would be King, and they had two children.
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I know it’s probably been said a thousand times before but I feel like TF2 content especially like fanworks work best operating like the princess bride: you have your silly and your have your goofy but if you’re gonna have your drama, both of those go a long way in building it (see TFC Heavy being kind of a B villain right up until killing the Medic vs Inigo Montoya’s monologue being repeated throughout the movie until it lands with a whole different tone on the last go around)
Idk I just feel like a lot of people will make TF2 stories super super dramatic (not to say that’s a bad thing AFAIK Emesis Blue is that but it does it well enough that everyone loves it) while also kind of forgoing that the world TF2 inhabits is. Stupid. Silly. There is an entire country full of people that are so juiced up on a funny rock that they ended up making a utopia of overbuff beer drinkers. Abraham Lincoln invented stairs. Shakespearicles
YEAH!!! I've definitely said this kind of thing before, you can definitely have there be drama and high stakes while maintaining a silly, absurdist tone! It's a hard balance for a lot of people to strike - if I can stereotype a little bit, dramatic fanfiction seems to exist as "overly edgy grimdark angst" and up until rather recently most "funny" fanfiction was like, Le Epic Shrek Memes with intentionally misspelled words bc that's funny I guess (kind of an Emesis Blue [which I still have not seen, I do not care and you can't make me] vs your standard gmod video dichotomy) Not to say I've never read/watched/etc anything that nails the tone, I definitely have, but it's not as common as I'd like to be. The Princess Bride is a GREAT example of a funny, entertaining, almost parodying story that manages to also have high dramatic stakes the the audience cares about. Sniper gets attacked by a Rodent of Unusal Size and dies send tweet
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Aaaaaaaand because I haven't been on Tumblr in two weeks..... here I am catching up on my old challenges :) Thank you, @valiantarcher!
1. Three non-romantic duos: Inigo Montoya and Fezzik (The Princess Bride, Diego de la Vega and Alejandro Murrieta (The Mask of Zorro), Indiana Jones and his father Henry Jones (Indiana Jones)
2. A ship that might surprise others: Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger from Harry Potter (I didn't know anything about the series when I read an amazing fanfiction about them, and by then it was too late hehe)
3. Last song: "Cé a Chuirfidh tú Liom" by Arcanadh
4. Last film: The Bishop's Wife (1947)
5. Currently reading: Tales from the Gas Station: Volume 4 by Jack Townsend
6. Currently watching: nothing at the moment, but I plan to start Monk soon
7. Currently consuming: trail mix (M&Ms, peanuts, and raisins)
8. Currently craving: crispy fried chicken, roasted potatoes, and crusty muffins
Anyone who sees this and would like to do it is more than welcome to do so :)
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“Let Me See” Inigo Montoya x Reader Drabble, The Princess Bride
Request Guidelines 
For: Febuwhump Day 5: “Let Me See”
Relationship: Unspecified
Warning: blood, injury
You clamp your eyes shut, chin down, arms crossed around your body protectively. If you just don’t move, maybe the pain will lessen. 
You’re right, in part, but the throbbing never stops, pulsating throughout your ribcage. Blood dribbles down from the wound. 
You ignore it, focusing on your breathing. In…and out. In…
“Y/N, Are you all right?”
You look up to see your captain, the newest Dread Pirate Roberts (you had served under his predecessor, a young blond man with the cunning of a wolf). You force a smile. “Just a little weary.”
The spaniard clearly does not believe you, though whether that is from your poor attempt at lying or the obvious growing blood stains, you can’t be sure. He quickly kneels down, placing a hand upon your shoulder. “Let me see,” he prods gently, and you acquiesce, vision blurring into darkness. 
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grilledpasta · 3 years
I'm not sorry
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friendly reminder that instead of leaving an AO3 comment going “guess you’re never gonna finish this huh :/” and no kudos, you should go and find out whether that author does commissions and then pay them to write something for you; or buy them a ko-fi and leave a note that just says, “really loved X fic, thank you for writing it!” as active encouragement, especially if they’re marginalised
if you’re not willing to do that, then it’s not so much about that story or that person’s writing, and more about your own personal gratification, innit? and if your response is, “I don’t owe you anything,” then remember that writers don’t owe you shit, either.
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Hello fellow fanatics of all kind! I’m new to writing on Tumblr, I usually write on Wattpad but I thought If you guys sent in requests I’d write some for you, so any imagines you want that an account your following hasn’t got to your request I’m here for you.
Fandoms I do !
Luficer Series
Star Wars Series
The 100
Pirates of the Carribean/Jack Sparrow
The Princess Bride(which is actually a big hit on Wattpad atm)
The Walking Dead
Marvel !!!
So if any of you would like an imagine from a character out of any of these television and movie series please please please Inbox me and give me a follow! Tell your friends ! Happy reading ! Not my GIF!
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Inuyasha: The Princess Bride
A retelling of the classic The Princess Bride in the Inuyasha universe. 
Inuyasha: The Princess Bride Part One: The Bride
<First Chapter>  <Next Chapter> 
____________________________________________________ The Bride Chapter 1
The Sengoku Jidai was a period marked by social upheaval, political intrigue, and near-constant military conflict. Battles between warlords commonplace. Every daimyo was looking for a way to get the upper hand, by whatever means possible. This often included the use of demons, mercenaries, monks, and just about anyone that could lift a weapon. But perhaps the most sought after being was the miko. Capable of fighting but also of healing. Of winning wars by armistice or force if necessary. 
The year Kagome was born the most powerful miko was Midoriko. Midoriko refused to work for any particular daimyo, instead always fighting for the greater good. She had helped many villages free themselves from merciless Lords, stopped many wars from even occurring, and trained multiple young women to follow in her example. While she was still powerful, she was growing old.
The year Kagome turned ten the title of most powerful miko belonged to Tsukiyomi. Trained by Midriko she was a gifted miko, but also a powerful Samurai. She distinguished herself from her mentor by hunting and exterminating rogue demons alongside her duties. She fought in many wars, oftentimes the deciding factor. In the end, it was love that would be her undoing. In order to save the man she loved, she used up all of her powers and in turn, gave up her life. 
The year Kagome turned fifteen there were two powerful miko that shared the title, Kikyo and Tsubaki. Both were trained by the same master and both dangerous in their own right. There was always a “friendly” rivalry between the two, but Tsubaki grew to resent Kikyo. Wanting to be the most valued miko she set out to curse the young Kikyo; should Kikyo fall in love she would die a most violent death. Kikyo, being of tremendous power, while unable to stop the curse completely was able to turn a portion of the curse back against Tsubaki. This curse gravely injured Tsubaki, and in order to remain among the living, she made a pact with a demon. Having become a half-demon, she traded the title of miko for kuro miko. As for Kikyo, she fell in love with a half-demon. Because of this love when a daimyo asked her to destroy all the demons in his domain she refused. Kikyo was beheaded for treason. 
Of course, at fifteen, Kagome knew none of this. And that is how her parents would like to keep it. But had Kagome known of it she would have found it all rather perplexing. Kagome was aware of her spiritual powers but didn’t care much for them. So why should she care if she were the most powerful miko in the world? What difference did it make if she were the third? Or even the sixth? (Kagome was barely in the top twenty and that was primarily based on her potential. Kagome did little to hone her skills. She hated mediation, she thought praying was a bore, and fighting was for heathens. The way she saw it, the more powerful one was the more others would seek to use them.)  Instead, Kagome enjoyed playing outside, studying, learning how to shoot her bow, playing with her cat, and irritating the new help her father had hired for the farm. 
Having a brother and now a farmhand Kagome wasn’t expected to help with the farm but it was something she found joy in. She woke up early every morning to tend to the animals. Kagome had developed a bond with all of them, from the cute baby chicks that played in the flowers to the intelligent swine that lounged in the mud. She took her time with each one: feeding them, grooming them, and showering them with affection. She knew each animal had its purpose and they all deserved to be treated with love. 
Kagome had always felt a little guilty because more than any other farm animal she loved the cat. Buyo was the cat that her father had intended to keep as a barn cat. Instead what he got was a cat that Kagome continued to sneak into the house, feed table scraps, and cuddle with. These actions turned what was supposed to be a mighty hunter into a fat furball that was good for nothing more than being loved, lazing about the house, and acting as a distraction so Kagome could procrastinate her reiryoku training. The mice population went unchecked and Kagome’s love for the cat was the only reason her father kept it around.  
The farmhand was new to the area. Where he had come from and how he had come to work for her father, Kagome did not know. What she did know, however, was that he was very different from anyone that Kagome had met before, both in looks and attitude. He appeared to be a boy of fifteen, with long silver hair, a bright red robe, and most peculiar yet were the little dog ears atop his head. Yet his appearance didn’t bother Kagome, there was something about being around him that was calming and warm. (This was before Kagome had learned of auras and feeling the auras of others.) His attitude, however, was the most jarring thing about him, especially when juxtaposed to the calm he radiated. He was gruff, if not rude. But he was a hard worker, so his attitude didn’t seem to bother her father and as such, she refused to let it bother her. More so, she liked to poke at him, because getting a reaction out of him was far easier than getting him to converse. 
Should Kagome try to converse with him, his only response was “Keh.”  
At first, Kagome tried to learn about the new half-demon. She asked him questions and offered to help him with his daily tasks. Initially, he ignored her. But if she was anything, Kagome was persistent so she continued with her daily barrage of questions. 
“Where are you from?" 
“Do you have a family?”
"Why do you always wear that when it’s hot?" 
He continued to ignore her, only occasionally grunting or “kehing” in her direction. That was until the third day when he snapped. Quite literally, he snapped his fangs at her and in a low growl he finally responded with words. 
"I don’t need help, especially that of a weak human such as yourself!" 
From then on Kagome would just watch the half-demon while she played with the animals. A glance here, a stare there. When he caught her staring his ears would lower and he would growl. It startled her at first, but it also made her more curious. This very action also brought her attention to his ears. They were very reactive to his surroundings. If anything nearby moved, his ears would follow the sound. The half-demon didn’t even have to turn his head. 
She took to test out the extent of this, she’d call for him from different distances to see just how he would react. If she were close enough his ears wouldn’t even twitch. But at a farther distance, they would move. And if she was particularly far, he would turn his whole head. She could tell these little games she played annoyed him and often time if he wasn’t growling at her he was yelling at her, “Damn it, woman, CUT IT OUT!”  He always responded to her though, even if it was just an ear twitch. She initially felt a little contrition but deep down Kagome felt the half-demon needed interaction with more than just animals. She had noticed the way he would occasionally get lost in his own thoughts while staring off in the distance when he thought no one was looking. He always looked a little lonely when that happened. She didn’t much like the look and decided that she should try to reach out to him again. 
“Here.” She held a rice ball out to him. “I made it myself.” He barely even acknowledged her. She tried not to look offended as she continued to hold the offering to him. “Can’t we be a little friendlier? Please?” “You make me wretch.” He didn’t even take the food she had offered when he stormed off. 
Kagome was hurt by his words, but she kept trying. She took to leaving him something to eat by his hut. The dishes were always returned to the same spot, clean. She figured he at least had consistent meals. Kagome also made it a point to speak a little more lovingly and louder when playing with the animals, just so he might overhear something nice. He seemed so off-put when she was nice to him, she figured he just wasn’t used to it. 
Kagome’s mother had also grown rather fond of the boy as time passed and had even convinced her husband to write the boy into his will. 
“He should get an acre of land.” Kagome’s mother would often declare. (The half-demon lived in a small shack by the animals he tended to, and according to Kagome’s little brother, he didn’t have much in there. Sota had told Kagome that all he ever saw in there was a sword.)
When asked by Kagome’s father why she cared for the boy, her mother would always respond, “He’s worked hard, and hard work along with loyalty should be rewarded.” Oftentimes to avoid starting a fight with his wife over the farmhand Kagome’s father would turn his attention to Kagome. 
“Lady Kaede said your mind was not on training today.” “It was, it was!” She argued. “Not well enough,” he continued, “You still can’t heal small wounds.” “No, but I can purify water once poisoned.” Kagome tried to explain to her father. “You’ve been able to do that for a while now Kagome,” Her mother would join in, “No daimyo will want a wife that can do so little.” 
“Daimyo this, daimyo that,” Kagome exploded, “I do not care for daimyos or what they want. Buyo loves me, and that is sufficient, thank you.” Kagome had given this speech many times at dinner to her parents. And it would continue to happen. But whether she liked it or not, things were beginning to change.
<First Chapter>  <Next Chapter>
This will follow the book closely in the beginning as the backstory is fleshed out. 
The idea stemmed from the thought of Sango confronting Naraku ala Inigo Montoya. I figured why not? I am sure this has been done a million times but what's one more? #amiright
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One Perfect Day
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Summary:  One perfect day leads to trouble when Sam and Dean have a run-in with the BMOL.
Word Count: 3,643
A/N: This one was written for @winchesterprincessbride challenge and the quote was “I want my father back you son of a bitch” and it is in bold.  I loved getting to combine something from one of my all-time favorite books/movie with my always favorite show.  Thank you!
 The day had started out so perfect….
You woke up and made breakfast for your family.  You could still hear their voices, mixed with occasional laughter, echoing through the bunker as they ate and got ready for the “boys day out” they had been planning for a week.
“Come on, Johnny.  We need to get going.”  Sam called down the hallway of the bunker, pulling you from your reminiscing. 
You giggled as you heard your son’s feet crashing down the hall towards the two of you.  He leaped into Sam’s huge arms, the force of his blow eliciting a grunt from his father. 
“You are getting so big, kid.”  Sam said through his own laughter.  He lifted Johnny up only his shoulders and you stepped up to brush some of Sam’s long locks away from his eyes.  He looked down lovingly at your face and leaned down a little to kiss you.  “Love you.”  He whispered.
“Me too.” Johnny called out and Sam held him as he leaned forward and kissed you.
“You two be careful.”  You said, and they marched off to the garage.  You watched them go, thinking how incredibly lucky you were to have them both in your life.  Johnny was like a carbon copy of his father, but Sam told you every day that all he saw was you when he looked at your son.
“Don’t worry.  I’ll keep an eye on them.”  Dean said from behind you as he followed, a bag slung over his shoulder.
“Oh, that makes me feel so much better.”  You sarcastically teased the older Winchester.  Dean smiled back at you over his shoulder, and with a quick wink, he was gone.  You stood and watched the door until you hear the rumble of the impala as she pulled out onto the open road.  With an airy laugh, you shook your head, a grin lingering on your face, before turning to begin cleaning up the bunker.
Several hours later, Dean came back in the bunker, holding your son in his arms.  You were only slightly concerned when you didn’t see Sam, but then you saw the look on Dean’s face and you felt the panic rise in your chest.  He held his finger to his lips as he walked to the bedroom to lay your sleeping child down on the bed.  He carefully laid a blanket over him and then came back into the library where you were waiting.
“Where’s Sam?”  You asked, although the tone of your voice implied more of a demand than a question.
“The BMOL took him with them.”  Dean answered, running his hand through his hair.
“What for?”
“I don’t know.”  He said, and he began telling you everything that had transpired.
As they rounded the corner to head back to the car, they saw the two BMOL women standing in their path.  Sam lowered Johnny down from his shoulders unsure of what was about to happen.  The brothers exchanged a glance between them and continued toward their waiting opposition.
“Sorry to interrupt your day, but Sam, we need you to come with us.”  Toni said in her thick accent.
“What would I do that for?”  Sam asked, his eyebrows raised.
“Because your mother requested it.”  Toni replied stiffly.
“I’m afraid we have to insist.”  Her counterpart added when Sam hesitated.
“Johnny, go with your uncle Dean back to the bunker.”  Sam said, his eyes locked on the British women standing before him.
“Sam?”  Dean asked, his tone cautious.  He didn’t like the idea at all, but he didn’t want to scare his nephew either.  Sam just looked at him, his eyes pleading with him to take care of Johnny.  At that point, keeping his son safe was the only thing that mattered to Sam, and he knew he could trust Dean to do that.
“I want to stay with you.”  Johnny protested, sensing that something was not right.  Sam put his hand on his son’s back, as Johnny threw his little arms around Sam, barely reaching around his frame.
“Daddy’s got to work.”  Sam told him, planting a kiss on the top of his head.  Johnny knew what that meant and he pulled back, looking up at his dad.
“How will you get home?”  He asked innocently.  Sam glanced up at his brother’s face.
“We’ll figure it out.”  Sam said, his eyes on Dean.  Dean nodded, putting his arms around his nephew and holding him close.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.  I didn’t know what else to do.  I was afraid if we fought them, Johnny would end up getting hurt.”  Dean added, his guilt written all over his face.  You knew that leaving his brother had to have been extremely hard for Dean.  It went against everything that had been ingrained in him his whole life, and you understood.  You could never be angry with him for protecting your son.
“Did you talk to Mary?”  You asked.  Dean shook his head.
“I can’t get her or Mick to pick up the phone.  I even tried to get in touch with Ketch, but it’s like they all went MIA.”  Dean explained.
“I have a really bad feeling about this.”
“You and me both.”  Dean admitted.  You felt tears behind your eyes and for a moment, you allowed yourself to panic at his words.  You covered your face with your hands and fought to keep yourself from breaking down.  Dean reached out and put his hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, Sam will be fine.  We will get him back, I promise.”  He told you, the conviction in his words making breathing a little easier and you nodded.
“Your right.  I’m sorry.  What do we do?”  You said, taking a deep breath to focus.  Dean smirked, seeing the hunter in you coming to the foreground of your personality.
“I have some maps around here that Sam drew up of the compound.  He let mom talk him into going over there to see what she was up to.”
“I remember that.”  You said, getting up and going to the bedroom you shared with Sam.  “I think he has a copy of everything stored on the laptop.”  You told Dean, bringing it with you when you came back.
The two of you searched through the files on Sam’s computer for almost an hour, until you heard your son come into the room.
“Hey.  Did you have fun with your dad and Uncle Dean today?”  You asked, your tone suddenly cheerful. 
“It was a lot of fun.  I can’t wait until we can do it again.”  He said enthusiastically, followed by Dean’s laughter.
“Come on, let’s get you some supper.”  You said, leading him away to the kitchen while Dean pulled his cell phone back out and tried calling all the numbers he had again.
You made Johnny a sandwich and he told you all about the day he spent with the brothers while he ate.  Afterwards, you agreed to let him watch a movie in the living room so you could go back to Sam’s files.
“I still can’t get anyone to pick up the phone.  What the hell could they possibly be doing?  I shouldn’t have let him go.”  Dean said, throwing his phone down on the table in front of him.
“There wasn’t anything you could have done without putting Johnny in danger.  You can’t give up on me yet.”  You insisted.
“I’m not.”  He said, running his hand through his hair.  “I’m just worried about my brother.  Mom has gone days without answering us before, but Sam never has.” 
“I know.” Was all you could say.   You wanted so badly to just get in the impala and go find Sam, but neither of you had been to the BMOL compound before and, even with Sam’s maps, it was difficult to determine where they were located.
“Where did Dad go?”  Johnny asked that night as you carried him off to his bed.
“He had a job to do.  He told you that.”  You replied, setting him down and pulling the covers up this his chin.
“That’s not what you and Uncle Dean said.”  He volunteered, his eyes looking away from you.
“What have I told you about eavesdropping?”  You scolded.  There were so many conversations that happened in the bunker that you knew Johnny didn’t need to know about.  You didn’t want the brothers to be afraid to talk in their own home, or to be concerned about what someone else who entered it might say, so you made a strict rule that Johnny was not allowed to sneak around and listen to conversations that the adults were having when they didn’t know he was there.
“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to.”  He told you.  “I was watching the movie and I heard Uncle Dean say that he thought dad might be in trouble and that he didn’t like that he couldn’t get anyone on the phone.”
“Okay.”  You began with a sigh.  “The truth is that some people took your dad with them and now we are having trouble getting in touch with any of them, but everything is going to be okay.  You dad is tough and he always makes it home, right?”
“Now, go to sleep.  I’ll see you in the morning.”  You kissed his forehead and turned out the light, easing the door closed behind you.  You leaned against the wall, your hands over your face and your eyes shut tight to hold back the tears.  You took a deep breath and pushed yourself away from the wall, willing yourself back down the hallways to the war room.  As you did, you heard the metal door open and boots hitting the stairway above.
“I understand you’ve been trying to reach us.”  You heard Ketch’s stoic voice.
“Where’s my brother, Ketch.”  Dean asked, his tone civil, but measured.
“Why, he is at the BMOL headquarters.  He is perfectly fine.”  Ketch replied.  You could see him hovering over the railing as you stepped into the room.
“Let me talk to him then.”  Dean demanded.
“Afraid I can’t do that.  It will spoil the experiment.”
“What experiment?”  You asked, stepping forward and attracting Ketch’s attention.
“Hello, Y/N.”  Ketch replied, completely ignoring your question.  He had that same smug grin he always had when he looked at you and you felt yourself shiver a little.
“Ketch, I’m really not in the mood for games.  What are you people doing to Sam?”  You glared up at him.
“I told you.  Sam is fine.  We just need to keep him for a little bit longer.”  Ketch’s voice was a little more forceful than you would have liked, but he still maintained his civility.
“Look you….”  Dean growled.
“Ah, ah, ah” Ketch interrupted.  ��There is no need to avoid niceties here.  I only came here because you wouldn’t stop that incessant calling.  Now, I’ve told you where you precious Sam is and that he is fine.  What more could you possibly want?”
“I want my father back, you son-of-a-bitch!”  You heard your son’s voice exclaim from the doorway and you turned to see him scowling up at Ketch.  Ketch turned his head, a smirk on his lips at the audacity of the small child before him.
“Oh look.  It’s the littlest Winchester.”  He said, stepping to the side to get a better look.  You stepped in his line of sight, shielding your son behind you as you did.  Your hand placed on his shoulder to keep him behind you.
“Don’t even think about it.”  Dean snapped at him.
“Fine. I can see that this was a pointless trip.”  Ketch said and turned to leave.  Dean made a move toward the stairs to try and stop him, but Ketch pulled out his gun and pointed it at you.  “I don’t want to hurt her, but I will if you take another step.”  He told Dean.
You could see Dean fuming, but he didn’t make a move.  He would have easily risked his own life without a second thought, but he couldn’t let anything happen to you or Johnny.  Ketch smirked smugly at him before turning and walking out of the door to the bunker.  As soon as he did, Dean raced to the door and you grabbed your son into your arms and took him back to his room.
Dean came back inside, cursing at the fact that Ketch was nowhere in sight.  He walked down the hall to make sure you were okay.  You were sitting on the edge of the bed, your son back under the covers and sitting up against the pillows.
“You sir, have been hanging out with your Uncle Dean too much.”  He heard you say as he walked in the door. 
“Sorry about that.”  Dean said.  You just shook your head to tell him not to worry about it as you tried to hide a smile.  “And you….that was dangerous.  What were you thinking?”  Dean added, turning his attention to Johnny.
“That I wanted to be brave like you and Daddy.”  Johnny told him, tears in his eyes.  “You guys do dangerous stuff all the time.”
“Well, we are older.  You’re just a kid.”  Dean said and Johnny crossed his arms and glared defiantly at Dean.
“I’m old enough.”  He argued.
“You know where he gets that from?”  Dean pointed at you.
“Not the time, Dean.”  You said, using the same ‘mom voice’ you used when you were trying to keep your patience with your son.  Dean relented and walked back out to the library.  You rubbed your eyes and pressed your fingers together at the top of your nose.
“I’m going to go out there and talk to Dean.  You stay right here in this room, no matter what.  I mean it.”  You told him.  Johnny looked down and nodded.
“Yes ma’am.”  He promised and you walked out, once again shutting the door behind you.
You saw Dean pouring a glass of whiskey when you stepped into the library.  With a deep breath, you sat down in one of the chairs and he placed a glass in front of you too.  You smiled and took a sip, the burning sensation running down your throat.
“You okay?”  Dean asked and you shrugged.  You felt exhausted and tense with worry, but you didn’t really have the words to tell him that.
“What are we going to do?”  You managed to ask.
“I just called Jody.  She’s on her way with Clare and Alex.  The girls can stay here and watch Johnny while the three of us go get him.  I figured you wouldn’t want to stay behind on this one.”
“You figured right.  Thanks, Dean.”
It wasn’t long before Jody stepped into the bunker, Claire and Alex closely behind her.
“Hi, honey.  How are you doing?”  Jody asked, wrapping her arms around your shoulders.  You felt yourself relax just a little as you held her tight.
“Hanging in there.  Thanks for coming.”  You responded.  Jody pulled back and smiled.
“That’s what family’s for.”  She said, simply and you reached out to greet the girls. 
It still amazed you that Sam and Dean had such an extended ‘family’ that had welcomed you with open arms.  You didn’t have much family growing up, and when Sam had met you after a Vetalla killed your father, you never expected to find so much love in the world they lived in.  After 7 years of being with Sam, you thought you would be immune to it, but it still surprised you every day.
“Is Johnny awake?”  Claire asked, excited to see him.  She and Alex loved when they got to babysit for you and Sam. 
“Not right now.  I’ll wake him before we go, but I don’t want him to hear any more than he already has.  I don’t want to worry him.”  You answered. 
You knew he would be thrilled to see his favorite sitters and it would take away some of the anxiety he would feel over you and Dean leaving, but you would never leave the bunker without saying good-bye.  It was a promise you and Sam made a long time ago, and neither of you had ever broken it.  You weren’t about to start now.
You and Dean showed Jody all of the maps and plans that you had gotten from Sam’s computer and the three of you determined a general location of where you believed the BMOL headquarters to be.  After loading a few things in the impala, you went to your son’s room to wake him up and tell him good-bye. 
He ran into the main room of the bunker at the thought of seeing Claire and Alex, his sadness and worry momentarily forgotten, much to your relief.  It made it easier to say good-bye to him, kissing him on the forehead and squeezing him tightly before he bounced back to the girls.
You spent most of the ride in the back seat, staring out of the window at the passing fields rush by.  You felt Dean glance back in the rear view mirror at you a couple of times, but he let you be.  The miles ticked by and before long the three of you were staring at the compound in the distance.
The three of you stashed the impala, and covered the remaining distance on foot.  The dark helped to cloak you and you were able to sneak into a tunnel that led to the main chamber without being detected by the guards outside of the building. 
Dean dropped down into the main chamber room, a little surprised that no one was there.  He waved to you and Jody to let you know the coast was clear and you followed.  Leaving the main chamber, you and Jody took a right down the shortest hallway, and Dean followed the longer one to the left.  You lost sight of Dean at the end of the hall, when you and Jody turned to follow the line of rooms at the end of the hallway.
The first couple of rooms were just set up with cots and a dresser for BMOL members, the third obviously belonging to Mary.  You nodded to Jody, who stood guard while you stepped inside.  You glanced around, but didn’t see any sign of her, or any information on what had happened with Sam.  The two of you continued further down the hall until you came to a locked door.
“This has to be something.”  Jody whispered.  You held your gun a little higher, aiming down the hallway to give Jody an opportunity to pick the lock.  You heard the lock snap open and she pushed on the door, revealing Sam sitting in a chair, tied down to prevent him from leaving.  As soon as the door opened, an alarm sounded throughout the bunker.  You and Jody exchanged a quick look of panic, and jumped in, shutting the door behind you.
“How did you get here?”  Sam asked, concerned as you removed the straps restricting his movement.
“I’ll explain everything later.  We have to find Dean and get out of here.”  You answered.  Sam stood up and before you could move to check the door again, he pulled you to him and kissed you hard.
“I’m glad you are here.”  He breathed and you smiled.  You almost forgot about everything going on around you in that moment.
“Okay, you too can continue this later.”  Jody encouraged forcefully.  You almost laughed at her, but you knew she was right.  After peaking around the door, all three of you ran down the hall back toward the main chamber.
As you rounded the last corner of the hallway, you saw Dean fighting with two men you didn’t recognize.  Sam immediately jumped in to help his brother, followed quickly by you and Jody.  With the four of you, it only took a moment to subdue them enough for you all to jump back into the tunnels.  You could hear the commotion behind you, but Dean set an explosive near the door to the tunnel and set it off, preventing anyone from following.
It felt like none of you breathed again until you were in the impala and speeding down the asphalt.
“What did they do to you?”  You heard Dean ask from the driver’s seat.  You glanced up at Sam’s face as he held you tightly to his side, his arm wrapped around you.
“They were testing this mind altering technique.  They kept saying that they wanted to know if it would be different on me since I had demon blood in me.  Man, I was just some kind of freaky lab rat.”  Sam told him. 
“What about your mom?”  You asked him.  Sam just shrugged.
“I never saw her.  Ketch told me that they were leaving on a hunt and that she had left ahead of him.  I don’t know how true that is.  I never saw him again.”  He answered.
“What are we going to do now?  What if they come back?”  You asked the question that was on everyone’s mind.
“We fight.”  Dean answered.  “We may not have any other choice.” 
“I don’t trust these people at all.”  Jody added.  “If you guys decide to fight, count me in.  All you got to do is call.  I can guarantee you that there are a lot of other hunters that would feel the same way.”  She promised.
“We may have to take you up on that.”  Sam told her.  “For now, I just want to hold my son, tuck him into bed, and curl up with my wife.”  He added, practically whispering the last part in your ear.
“Sounds like a perfect night to me.”  You told him, stealing a quick kiss before you heard groaning from the front seat.
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fic-rec-time · 7 years
Unemployed in Greenland by miss_pryss The Princess Bride/Complete/Chapters: 1 Words: 2,597 “Are you here to collect the giant?” the mermaid asked. // A short take on how Fezzik joined the crew.
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edisacornball · 3 years
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I posted 2,947 times in 2021
206 posts created (7%)
2741 posts reblogged (93%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 13.3 posts.
I added 537 tags in 2021
#fullmetal alchemist - 78 posts
#fanfiction - 72 posts
#fma - 71 posts
#real life - 61 posts
#fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood - 54 posts
#fanfic - 52 posts
#fma:b - 46 posts
#writing - 39 posts
#edward elric - 33 posts
#tswlu fma - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#im required to reblog this wave because i did it so many times as a baby nerd trying to be cool that its now carved into my brain
My Top Posts in 2021
It really bugs me when we say that Ed and Al are the last Xerxians left, period. As if every single Xerxian knew to be in the country when the homunculus activated the transmutation circle. How are we so absolutely positively sure that no one was traveling out of the country at the time and then went back to find the country completely destroyed? Which would make a whole lot more sense on how we got legends of a country that was destroyed in one night in the first place.
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[Image Description: picture of Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean. The subtitles read "No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?" End ID.]
I would love to see a story where Ed and Al let it slip publicly that they're descendants of the long-lost country of Xerxes, which then leads to other people seeking the brothers out and saying "Hey, we're Xerxian too, our ancestors fled generations ago and managed to avoid dying when the country was wiped out. We didn't manage to save everything, but let us teach you a few of the old traditions and recipes that they saved when they fled." That would just make my heart so warm.
I just. I refuse to believe they were completely wiped out. That's just not how it works. You can't just destroy a country in one night and not have any stragglers who managed to slip away. And generations of being left alone means that a couple survivors could have multiplied into fairly big families.
221 notes • Posted 2021-12-06 09:10:03 GMT
Sometimes I just look at the FMA fandom and think... "Y'know, for a fandom revolving around a disabled protagonist, we sure have a long way to go with accessibility in our own fandom spaces."
Like. At the very least. We should be as accessible as the characters would need if they were trying to participate. Because we should be able to understand what they've been through and why it's a struggle.
We should be putting ID tags on every post because we had a main character lose his eyesight and we understand how terrified he was when he suddenly didn't know what was going on.
We should be accepting and understanding when someone looks at themselves and goes "this body is not mine and I don't know how to live a truly happy life until I have my body, even if people say that's impossible."
There was this convention I was looking into a while ago, and I remember someone asking about wheelchair accessibility. And the event organizers just casually were saying that they were wheelchair accessible, just, uh, you can't use the front door, you have to go around the back and use the service elevator. The irony, the absolute irony of the idea that Edward Elric himself would have to go around and use a service elevator if he showed up and his automail wasn't working... The bitter irony of that will haunt me forever.
There should never be an FMA event in existence that isn't completely wheelchair accessible. We should know better than this.
240 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 00:02:46 GMT
Ed getting involved in a fight after he's lost his alchemy and has to rely on Al:
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[Image Description: Inigo Montoya frantically running into a door repeatedly. The much larger Fezzik comes, gestures at Inigo to stop, then bangs the door down with one fist. Fezzik then makes the "after you" gesture to Inigo and Inigo runs through the door, relieved. End ID.]
368 notes • Posted 2021-09-29 18:44:43 GMT
Me when I was first introduced to FMA: I've only had Alphonse for a day and a half. But if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Me now: I've only had Alphonse for 14 years, 3 months, and 14 and a half days. But if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
486 notes • Posted 2021-01-18 03:29:52 GMT
If you refuse to read anything other than finished fanfics, you’re missing out on a huge experience that can honestly be hard to get outside of fanfiction. 
How many times do you think you’ll have otherwise for an author to show you their work piece by piece as they finish it? How often can you read something and know that your comment, your insight, might actually change the course of the story? Trust me, readers have done this to my stories multiple times, and as the writer, I also love it. How cool is it for these stories to be a living, breathing thing that we experience together, that we can actually influence? 
I’ve been publishing for a few years now, and I still had to come back to fanfiction because there really isn’t much else like it. It’s an absolutely magical thing, to read a story as it’s written, to get to watch and experience this work of art being birthed and coming to life before your eyes. 
3622 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 18:32:21 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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hecallsmehischild · 3 years
Recent Media Consumed
The Princess Bride by William Goldman. I have mixed feelings about this book. I am torn between admiring the writing device the author employs and being annoyed by it every time it crops up. The idea is that the writer, Goldman, is actually presenting you with an abridged version of an antiquated Florinese novel while cutting out all the “boring political satire” bits and only keeping the action/adventure/romance portions just like his father did when reading the novel to him as a child. The author character continually interjects himself and this was distracting to me in a way that Lemony Snicket’s work was not (I cannot tell you why). Also there’s an awful lot of uncomfortable racial depictions in the original novel. Also I hated Buttercup’s guts, she truly comes across as someone who doesn’t deserve anyone, MUCH LESS WESTLEY. My end impression was that there are some parts of this novel that really elaborate on scenes in the movie and give an interesting depth to them (for example, we really get to know Inigo Montoya’s father and when he dies, it’s a character that we the reader can mourn as well) but in my estimation, the movie adapted the book marvelously and actually is one of the rare movies that I would say is overall better than the source material.
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. Second read, I bought my own copy this time. This is such a chick flick book but it’s soul food for me because goshdarnit a novel took fanfiction writing seriously and it’s so comforting to read. It also re-inspires me to keep pegging away at my fanfic.
The Dancing Realms series by Sharon Hinck. Hidden Current and Forsaken Island are written by one of my current favorite Christian fantasy writers. This is her second developed fantasy world, and while there are some things that I didn’t care for as much (I thought some bits of characterization didn’t work as well in this series as her previous one) the world she built is really cool and there are moments in the story where real glimpses of something deep and beautiful bleed through. My favorite set of themes from this work is the damage that can be done by elevating one sort of gift above all the rest OR by losing yourself entirely to your gifting and seeking only the pleasure derived from your gift without any grounding. I’m not synopsizing very well, but it’s worth a read and I look forward to the upcoming third book, Windward Shore.
Momo by Michael Ende. I wish this story were as well known as The Neverending Story, which Michael Ende also wrote. This novel wielded a surgeon’s knife on my fears of being meaningless and wasting my time and my life. It’s one of those novels that really has something important to say about life, I think. I want to add this into my queue of books to read on my Youtube channel, when I get an opening.
Given by Taylor Nandi. The cover looked amazing, and I was intrigued that Wattpad now has its own publishing press. However I was (I really am sorry) disappointed. I had to put it down within a few pages. There is very much a “tell, not show” feel to the writing and I can’t keep on with it.
Soul. PIXAR KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK AGAIN, REPEAT, PIXAR KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK AGAIN ON BASICALLY EVERY LEVEL. The visuals and character designs were fantastic, the messages beautiful, the characters believable, relatable, and fully embraceable. And every five or ten minutes, Sergey and I would pause and discuss implications and theorize about different parts of the movie and lore which turned a ninety minute watch into a three hour one which made it EVEN BETTER (for me). This is THAT kind of movie. Hats off to you, Pixar.
It’s A Wonderful Life. It must have been well over ten years since I’ve seen this movie. First, I was shocked to see it has been colorized. Second, the colorizing actually helps me catch a few fantastic details I would never have noticed (like Mr. Potter’s giant gold-framed painting of himself in his own office). Also there’s so much adult context I missed watching this as a kid, it’s fantastic to re-watch it and get so much more out of it this time around. I don’t think all “great classics” deserve their crowns, but this one does for sure.
Batman: Hush. Fun! Not much else to say. Just, fun to watch.
Collective films I binge re-watched for whimsy value: Klaus, The Little Prince (recent re-imagining), Mary Poppins Returns, The Lego Move 2.
24. So I finally finished all (the good) seasons, 1-8. Talk about an emotional meat grinder. This is possibly one of the most well written, well acted TV shows I’ve ever seen in my life, and it just. Never. Stops. Punching you in the gut. I had to take massive cartoon binge-watching breaks in between seasons. But it was worth it. This is an amazing show for many reasons. One of the things that stands out most to me is how it tackles the post 9/11 racial tensions from almost every angle. *announcer’s voice* Now featuring, that time a Muslim was the bad guy, and then that OTHER time when a Muslim was the valiant head of the Counter Terrorist Unit tracking all the terrorists down, and that OTHER time when you were certain someone was being wrongfully accused of terrorism by a dumb racist but it turns out the dumb racist was right and you hated him for being right because he was right but all his reasons were wrong, and that OTHER time the Big Bad was from China/Russia/Africa/our own dang government/our big corporations, and that OTHER time when we got a whole scene of an Imam guiding our protagonist in a deathbed prayer that was so moving I was choking up, etc etc etc. There is no black and white, it is all shades of gray, and every moral you ever held will be challenged in the course of watching this show.
Batman Beyond (3 seasons + Movie). Kinda cheesy, kinda campy, and I will punch the next person who says “Schway” out loud. But it was fun to watch. And some individual episodes were really excellent, I think. Also Re: Return of the Joker movie, HOLY CRAP.
DuckTales (reboot) 3rd season. It felt… like they ran out of ideas? Like they ran out of caring? The first couple seasons were spectacular, but it kind of petered out at the end, there. Still, the first couple seasons were fantastic.
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theexecutionerssong · 4 years
Okay, i gave these questions a lot of thought because i was trying to answer for myself and i got curious what your answers would be😂 whats your favorite first episode of the season? Favorite last episode of the season? Favorite episode overall? Favorite ___!dean/sam/cas? (Like demon!dean or Gadreel..) favorite male/female side character ? (Besides charlie bc that’s obviously a favorite) Favorite funny episode or moment? Favorite break of fourth wall? (i feel like fanfiction ep is an obvious one at least for me so let’s say besides that one) favorite “oh shit/wtf” moment? (for me that was demon!dean i remember my jaw dropping) you already mentioned Abaddon was your favorite villain which is understandable but lets say second favorite? Favorite Cas/dean/sam moment? (Doesnt matter if its a together moment or them separately) and the last one to this interrogatin is favorite case they worked on or i guess memorable one that was just one of their cases and not emd of the world related? anyway sorry for a shit ton of questions, you can ignorite it if you’d like i was just curious.
Alright let’s tackle this! 
Fav first episode of a season: either Lazarus Rising or I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here.
Favorite last episode of the season: Sacrifice. That’s for sure, no hesitation.
Favorite ___!dean/sam/cas? (Like demon!dean or Gadreel..) : Purgatory!Dean, hands down. I could write essays about the line “it felt pure”. I propably have.  Honestly every version of Cas always all the time except for Casifer and endverse!Cas. Early seasons Cas, human!Cas, hell, even Godstiel, I loved. And don’t get me wrong, I obviously love endverse!Cas but it hurts too much. Same with endverse!Dean. And for Sam... I like regular Sam just fine but if I had to pick another version then soulless!Sam. It made for very funny moments.
Favorite male/female side character ? (Besides charlie bc that’s obviously a favorite): well, first of all, rude that I can’t pick Charlie, but then... Jo or Donna. Or Claire. Ugh this is hard.
Favorite funny episode or moment?: First one that comes to mind is in Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie when Dean can’t stop laughing at Sam covered in glitter after killing the clowns. And Sam’s face in the French Mistake when Genevieve shows up. Gold. Pure GOLD. The bitchface in Tall Tales when Sam says “Dean, WHAT do you think you are doING?” lmao I lose it every time sdfghjkl and Jensen’s delivery as demon!Dean in Reichenbach when he says “What did you think was going to happen, huh? You just stroll up here and say, 'My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.' And I'd just roll over?” with the accent and the smirk and everything....... peak comedy.
Favorite break of fourth wall? (i feel like fanfiction ep is an obvious one at least for me so let’s say besides that one): Fanfiction and The French Mistake and Meta Fiction and the entire Season 15 obviously come to mind but honestly my favorite is when they reference Bugs. I even made a gifset here. I think it’s hilarious.
Favorite “oh shit/wtf” moment? (for me that was demon!dean i remember my jaw dropping): I had seen that one coming for a long time but, yeah, it was very well done. My favorite is the angels falling in Sacrifice because we all thought that Cas was going to fall but I don’t remember anybody back then thinking that all angels were gonna fall. I also didn’t think Dean was really going to go to Hell at the end of s3 so that was a BIG oh shit moment. The 4 months that followed until Lazarus rising were STRESSFUL. Oh and Dean making up a complete set of memories of what really happened in Purgatory. I remember losing it when we found out that Cas chose to stay, I mean do you understand how LOUD that is???
you already mentioned Abaddon was your favorite villain which is understandable but lets say second favorite?: if not Abaddon then Alastair, especially the second actor. He was terrifying, so so good, no wonder Jensen got scared. And obviously, the first Death but I don’t consider him really a villain. 
Favorite Cas/dean/sam moment? (Doesnt matter if its a together moment or them separately): as Team Free Will you mean? Honestly 9x22 when Cas asks “do you really think we three will be enough?” and Dean replies “always have been”. I mean... that’s why the finale sucked so bad, isn’t it? They obliterad that fact to millions of pieces.
and the last one to this interrogatin is favorite case they worked on or i guess memorable one that was just one of their cases and not end of the world related?: oh la. that is soooo hard... But for very obvious reasons, Heaven Can’t Wait with the angel killing people in pain, I mean it had Cas holding a baby, Dean to the rescue, the whole “kicking and screaming” speech, the mere concept of a monster being drawned to pain. Yeah, I enjoyed that. Bad Boys was also an excellent monster of the week episode and throwback to early Supernatural. And I love Dean with kids. Which makes me think of Dead in the Water, so so good and scary. And I’m also a sucker for Djinn episodes, especially the first one What Is and What Should Never Be. It’s such a great concept.
That is clearly more than just one favorite but when you have 230+ hours of television... it gets tricky so you’ll excuse me ^^ and thanks for asking!!! no i wanna know yours!
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vore-scientist · 4 years
Idea (don’t want to add any stressors so get to this whenever): Someone comes to Yonah’s tower on a revenge quest. Not against Yonah, just going on their quest and stumbling across his tower. Though they could mistake Yonah for the person they actually want revenge for...I am know realizing that I just want a Mystic Woods story with Inigo Montoya.
While I love it! I dont think that will get written anytime soon. just dont have the time. 
I’ll still add it to the list bc who knows! And fanfiction is allowed if you get an itch to write it yourself
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