#insert tidal here
instead of tagging stuff talking about platonic relationship with characters as “platonic[insert the actual ship name here]”(platonic prongsfoot for instance) i think we should do what the mcyt fandom does and use “duo”(for instance the shiny duo is for the platonic relationship between youtubers geminitay and pearlescent moon, because those are both shiny things obviously).
The platonic relationship between James and Sirius would be the “inseparable duo.”
The platonic relationship between Remus and Sirius would be the “canine duo.”
The platonic relationship between Lily and Sirius could be the “maroon duo.” (Less sure about that one? If you have better suggestion tell me please)
The platonic relationship between Remus and Regulus would be the “tidal duo”
The platonic relationship between Lily and Mary could be the “tear” duo
i can’t think of any other ones rn but you get the picture
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makeyoumine69 · 1 year
18. "aw, it hurts? too bad. you're gonna keep taking it until i’m satisfied." btw- can you add this prompt to the Patrick catching the reader fingering herself request, if you dont mind,
HAPPY 1K!!!!
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Hello, thank you so much for your positive vibes and your request, I hope you like it! 🖤🤞
— [MASTERLIST]; [1k Followers Celebration Masterlist]
Every morning you loved to watch your husband work out; the way his buff muscles flexed awakened something primal in your gut and you couldn't help but bite your lips from the strong excitement.
That morning, you subtly snuck into his living room and found him doing stomach crunches, watching small drops of sweat outlining his solid body. You gasped but didn't dare to move as you stood in the doorway to his bedroom, feeling the tight knot forming in your lower abdomen.
Damn it, there was no way you could resist the carnal desire this man evoking.
After a while you were sprawled on his big bed, your legs spread wide as you played with your suddenly oversensitive bud, while another hand worked on your engorged nipple, rolling it and pinching it slightly. Fuck, you only watched him for a few minutes and that was enough to get you so turned on. Panting, you threw your head back on the pillows — the faster the strokes became, the harder it was for you to keep quiet, not to mention when you pushed two fingers into your wet pussy.
You were sure that your heavy breathing would soon be heard in every room of his apartment, but you didn't care as your orgasm was about to wash over you like huge tidal waves.
"Why am I not surprised that a slut like you can't even wait until I've finished my workout?"
Patrick's raspy voice bounced off the walls of the room and as you leaned up on your elbows you saw him standing across the bed with his hands clasped over his chest.
Panting, he brushed away his sweaty curls and groaned: "Don't stop now, kitten."
"Patrick…" Was all you could manage to mutter, your fingers still buried deep inside your blushing slit.
You couldn't help but open your legs even wider so that he could see you fingering yourself with a slick, nasty sound. Closing your eyes, you didn't notice him climbing onto the bed beside you as you sank into the ocean of pleasure, but it still wasn't enough. And Bateman knew it, so he groped your tits through your short top, squeezing them one by one before grabbing your hand and making you pull your fingers out of your pussy.
"Mmm, w-what are you doing?" You whimpered from the feeling of emptiness.
"Let me show you how to do it right," he crooned into your ear, pulling you closer to his heated, huge frame. "If it were my fingers, you would have cum several times by now."
"That's very arrogant of you to say that and -"
Patrick didn't let you finish your statement as he shoved his thumb into your mouth while his skilful fingers worked their way down to your soaked cleft. All you could do was squeal pitifully as Bateman finally reached your dripping entrance; at first, he only inserted one digit, but then he added two at once, forcing you to squirm in the sheets as he found your spongy G-spot too damn quickly.
"See?" He chuckled mockingly as he began to curl and twist his fingers in perfect rhythm. "Already clenching."
You didn't even want to argue with him that you were already aroused before he got here, all you could think about now was his thin fingers stimulating your most sensitive spot so deliciously that you thought you were going to bite his thumb until the blood ran out.
"Ahh…mhm!" Your miserable attempts to moan through his thumb only amused him and encouraged him to finger fuck you even faster, rougher and deeper.
"Awww, it hurts? Too bad, you're going to take it until I'm done with you!" Patrick growled loudly into your ear and slid his thumb further into your mouth, almost scratching your throat.
This wild cocktail of pleasure and pain made your head spin as if you had drunk a bottle of whisky. With a smug grin, Bateman kept pumping your throbbing pussy until he felt your inner muscles encasing his fingers so tightly that he let out a cheeky chuckle, but he never stopped fingering you:
"Awww, I like those cute little sounds you make when you cum," he murmured, holding you possessively in his strong arms as you trembled too uncontrollably. "You should be grateful that I haven't punished you for touching yourself without my permission, my bratty girl."
Patrick was mostly speaking to himself, as you couldn't even form a word at that moment, your inner channel still spasming vigorously around his fingers, and you didn't even notice what a wet mess you made around you, because you simply were not there.
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I don’t have a taglist. You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and turn on notifications to know when I update!
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bigglywiggly · 10 days
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How had you ended up here? Nothing more than a microbe, a speck smaller than dust, standing atop the vast, mountainous flesh of your father's mistress? All around you, pale, pliant flesh as far as the eye could see, a veritable planet of flesh, housing an immeasurable ocean of thick, frothy sea. Rumblings surrounded you, rhythmic in its sound as the very "ground" beneath your feet shook with the force of an earthquake. The baying of a godlike being, of deep, bassy sound resonating from the very environment. You couldn't understand it, but you knew it was laughing.
Your father had met her not long after your mother's unfortunate passing. She clung to him like a parasite, speaking sweet nothing's to him under her breath every time you saw them together. Wherever your father went, there she was, stuck to him like glue, making him hang on every word that escaped her mouth.
He would shower her in niceties and gifts, whatever she wanted. Cars, jewelry, lavish trips, whatever she desired, and in return, he received arm candy. She was draining his bank account before my very eyes. I tried to tell him on multiple occasions she was manipulating him, that she didn't care about him and would leave once he had nothing left to offer, but he ignored me. Accusing me of not wanting him to find happiness, yelling that he deserved to be happy after Mom passed. She had poisoned his mind, and the only way I would ever convince him of it, was with proof.
When the 2 of them left the house on one of their extravagant nights out, I snuck into her room to find anything I could to incriminate her. Thinking I had all the time in the world and would never get caught, but it seemed she was always 2 steps ahead.
I heard the door click behind me, as I turned around, there she was. Standing before me, a malevolent look in her eyes, dangerous yet somehow...sexual? As she approached me, she slowly unbuttoned her blouse, sharpening her gaze as she closed the distance. With each button, a small tidal wave of creamy flesh poured out of her top, until she undid the final button and allowed the silken shirt to fall from her frame, flaccidly.
She spoke to me, putting a finger to my lips, she took the back of my head, and glared into my eyes. It was as if she was piercing my soul. The room started to haze around me and all I could see was her. Lost in her eyes, I lost all track of time and actions, lost control of myself as she slowly coaxed my head down, lowering me to my knees until I was face to face with her otherworldly bosom. She traced a finger around my mouth, opening it slightly with the tip before carefully inserting into my gaping maw. I suckled in supplication at her finger as I felt a great hunger within me arise.
She spoke again, removing her finger.
"You shouldn't be in here, sweetie. This is Mommy's room, and mommy doesn't like naughty little boys poking their noses where they don't belong. But mommy is understanding and knows when a little boy is just looking for comforting. Mommy understands and is gonna make it all better."
As the words left her most, she took her left breast in hand, feeling it's incredible mass and hefted it up, guiding a rigid pink nipple to my mouth. As it approached, I lapped at the air, begging for the nipple. This brought a crooked smirk to her face as she inserted the nub.
Like clockwork, I began to suck at it, drawing anything from the breast I could. A faint moan escaped her lips as I suckled and nibbled on the tip, hoping for something, anything to come out.
"There's a good boy. You're hungry? Well don't you worry, mommy has lots and lots for hungry little boys. Indulge to your hearts content."
In the instant she finishes that sentence, it was like the turning of a faucet. Sweet, warm milk gushed forth, filling my mouth in a second. Torrents of her sugary nectar filled my mouth over and over again, filling faster than I could gulp. At this rate, I thought the mighty breast would be empty in a matter of seconds, but something started to feel off. No matter how much I swallowed and sucked up, more and more kept coming. Filling my mouth even faster each time.
Something clicked and you finally opened your eyes. You collected your surroundings and that's when a horrifying sight came into view. Her breast. Her titanic breast was all you could see, filling your entire vision. Her nipple wasn't even in your mouth anymore, you were just sucking from one of the individual ducts. You tried to look up to meet her eyes, but you could no longer see her face past the hemisphere of her brobdingnagian tit.
In an attempt to struggle, I tried to pull back but I wouldn't budge. I felt like something was pushing my back preventing me from moving. Angling myself sideways, I could barely make out the tip of a gigantic finger, it's first knuckle looked to be 2 stories below me. Just how small had I become?! This realization made you panic, was the milk doing this? I tried to stop swallowing but the torrents were so strong they fired into the back of my throat and poured down my throat.
After a few more seconds of this, the force at my back had loosened and I felt myself being drawn from her breast. As she pried me away, I could still see the geyser of her teat blasting out milk like a broken dam. As she pried me away, I felt I was stuck, my limbs wouldn't move, and I could tell I was stuck tight to her finger. Being drawn further and further back, my surroundings slowly became more clear. Everything moved incredibly slowly as her celestial body of a breast got further and further away. Roughly 6 inches from her breast looked to be over a mile from my perspective. Then there was a bassy rumble all around, as if the heavens had opened and thunder came raining down from all around me. She was speaking to me. I had no idea what she was saying, but it was clearly her. She raised me up, above her breast towards her face and spoke again, the rumbling rattled my very bones as I felt like my ear drums were going to shatter, I couldn't understand a word she said. She shot me a snarky grin then proceeded to lower me back to her breast, pressing me into her heavy, pillowy flesh. It felt like her breast was consuming me, I was pushed so deep and so surrounded, I thought I was going to be splattered, but no, she had other plans for me, clearly.
I felt her finger leave my back and found myself stuck to her skin, miles of dark, bumpy flesh as far as the eye could see. I was nothing more than a speck of dust, hell, smaller than dust, clinging to her areola. I clung as hard as I could, in fear of falling, but I found myself standing vertically on her, as if my feet adhered to her. It was as if this planetoid of a woman had her own gravitational pull.
Rumbling again surrounded me as the world moved, but I couldn't feel the motions. I could just see the world around her, the world I was no longer part of, move in the distance, slowly. I saw her reach for her shirt, casually placed her arms through the sleeves, then slowly buttoned it back up. I watched my new world becoming dark, almost as if it was indicating nighttime. A last sliver of light filled my vision as she sealed the final button.
-Time passes-
You're not sure how long you've been here at this point, you've been surviving off of her skin cells and any moisture that appears around you. She has become your world, even when bathing, you don't seem to be at risk, almost as if some otherworldly force is keeping you safe from the pouring water or a washcloth. Nothing seems to be able to remove you from your new home.
You wonder how this truly all came to be. If your dad missed you or even cared at this point. You see them together and hear the other world you left, but it's all alien at this point. You just wish you had someone to talk to, someone to cut through the loneliness. As you pondered these things, you saw the sky above slowly begin to illuminate, she was undoing her shirt. Was it shower time?
As she removed her shirt, your sky was filled with another person. A familiar person, someone you'd been missing all this time: Dad. He looked ragged, dark rings under his eyes, the whites bloodshot, what had happened? You felt the rumblings around you as she spoke, and something in the terrain began to change. You heard what sounded like surging beneath you, almost as if the sound of an ocean lapping against a shore. Was she... producing? A pit began to form in your stomach, as you looked up at captors nipple starting to slowly leak.
You screamed as loud as your lungs allowed, yelling at your father, jumping and waving your arms, but it was no use. At your size, no naked eye could ever make you out.
You sat there, defeated and thought to yourself, "Maybe it won't be so bad. At least I won't be alone anymore."
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spillthebea · 6 months
okay, we need to discuss
i know that people see the lyrics: When does a man become a monster? from I'm Just a Man (Epic the Musical) and think of Remus but WRONG! IT'S PETER! PETAAAAAH
when does a comet become a meteor (lily) when does a candle become a blaze? (sirius) when does a man become a monster (peter) when does a ripple become a tidal wave? (james) when does the reason become the blame? (remus)
and see, it goes perfectly with the reprise!
when does a candle become a blaze? Forgive me
it's sirius asking for forgiveness for Halloween
when does a man become a monster? Forgive me. I am just a man
*insert here meme of an astronaut watching earth saying "wait, it's just Peter?" while on gunpoint by another one that says "Always has been"*
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[Headcannons] A Day At The Beach w/ The Ghouls & Ghoulettes
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Cutesy lil fluffy thoughts that came to me at 3 am about my favorite band.
Thank you to my writing muse and fabulous goddess @sink-me-in-your-ocean for always proofreading my docs.
Bone apple teet (-‿◦☀)
bolts straight for the ocean, manically laughing - he very delulu but so stinking cute
wears fish themed swim trunks with matching fishy arm floaties
anyone who dares enter his domain is in for quite the surprise…
he pretends to be a shark
playfully gnaws on your ankles under the water before yanking on your leg and pulling you under
finds pretty seashells and gifts them to you with the most heart warming smile
“Rain! Its time to leave! Lets go!” you annoyingly yelled into the void of the blue ocean, knowing for damn sure he heard you.
In the distance you spot a gray blob emerging from the surface of the water, “NO!” the voice echoed back to shore before disappearing once again.
The car ride home, Rain was sitting in the back row curled up in a ball, tears silently flowing down his cheeks as he aimlessly stared out the window. *insert Summertime Sadness by Lana del Rey*
You roll your eyes as you catch a glimpse of him in the rear view mirror, shaking your head in disbelief, he is such a drama queen…
he’s here for the good vibes and shade
paints a thick coat of sunscreen from head to toe
lounges under the umbrella with a paperback book of Twilight
ends up falling asleep within 20 minutes
could honestly sleep for eternity
In a hushed whisper, “M-mountain?”, you gently nudge his shoulder, attempting to awake him so you can pack up the car and leave.
No response.
Anxiety slowly creeps in, i-is he dead?
His neck is exposed and you take two fingers to take his pulse, as soon as you make contact he jolts awake, both of you screaming. Him with a high-pitched shriek of fear and you in shock that he’s alive.
“I thought you were a vampire!” he hysterically gasped.
hates despises water with a fiery passion (don’t get me started when it's time for him to bathe)
he made it his mission to dig the largest hole possible beside Phantom and Swiss who were on their separate crusade to construct the most glorious sand castle
starts clawing at the sand like a deranged dog, kicking the small particles in Phantom and Swiss’s face
gets scolded and growls at them before repositioning himself the other way
happily zens out in his proudly accomplished hole
doesn’t realize the high tide was coming in as the day went on, causing the shoreline to sneak in closer and closer
A small stream of water trickled into his territory but he ignored it, not thinking much of it at all and resumed his rest, leaning up against the high wall with his arms crossed. Dozing off after a laborious work day.
SWOOSH! A huge tidal wave of water crashed in, submerging him in salty depths, ultimately scaring him. He yelped and frantically tried to climb out of the overflowing pit. You rushed over to rescue him, pulling him up, his body shivering from the frigid temperature.
Once he secured his bearings within your arms, he angrily turned back to see the catastrophic wreckage. Madness ensued - every hair in his small figure shooting straight up and his tail viscously whipping side to side, creating dents in the soft sand.
Oh, he big mad.
This wasn’t the first time he’s lost his cool and most certainly will not be the last. He aggressively launched himself towards the evil aqua, nothing but pure rage fueling his very fiber. You swiftly caught him by the waist, wrapping your arms around him and digging your heels into the ground for proper anchorage.
He violently hissed and swatted his arms about like a mad man, you held onto him for dear life, shouting, “Dewdrop! Stop it!” over the savage snarling and profanity spewing out of his tiny mouth.
(home boy really thought he could physically throw hands with water).
ℙ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕞 & 𝕊𝕨𝕚𝕤𝕤
true definition of bromance
begged and pleaded for you to buy them the “Super Duper Crazy Mega Plastic Sand Castle” building kit (as advertised on TV). Equipped with every tool in the shed to assemble the perfect castle of your dreams!
they damn well knew how to abuse their power of sad puppy dog eyes and pouting lips
so of course you caved into their ridiculous yet adorable request
They scouted the vast sandy land, personal privateers carrying out the Dark Lord’s decree. Dewdrop tagged along behind them as they paced back and forth in this vigorous expedition for the “perfect spot” to declare ownership.
Swiss grunted in annoyance, “That’s too far of a walk from the water, we need it to dampen the sand.”
Phantom sighed, pointing to the area Swiss had fallen in love with, “The rocks are going to get in the way, it's too close.”
The two continued to butt heads, both equally stubborn and childish.
Dewdrop stood in the middle of them, his head whipping between who was speaking. Bored with the endless bickering, he plopped down on the cushiony sand, tracing a phallic symbol in the pale dirt, “What about right here?”
They exchanged a mischievous look with one another, mirroring a brow raise at the fascinating offer. In unison they shouted, leaping in the air to tackle down poor little Dewdrop.
fashioning the cutest teeny, weeny, polka dot bikini
sprawled out her towel on the pillowy ground and laid facing down
basking in the sun's scorching hot rays
much like a cat, she loved to lounge in the sun any chance she got
its ultraviolet rays recharging her energy- utter bliss
She stretched her limbs far out as she could before turning over to roast the front of her body, exhaling a deep yawn and placing large rounded shades over her eyes.
Her face scrunched in frustration at the commotion coming from Phantom, Swiss and Dewdrop hooting and hollering - it was disturbing her well deserved me time and she will not have them ruin it!
She propped up on her elbows, lowering the shades to the tip of her nose to gander at what the fuck was going on, “Aye!”, she roared loud enough for everyone within a mile radius to hear, “Shut up over there! I’m trying to relax!”
All three immediately stopped to stare at her with wide, fearful expressions, knowing from past experience she would definitely give em a good bop on the head for pissing her off.
In a stink eye glaring standoff with the Ghouls, she slowly pushed up the frame of her sunglasses -not breaking contact- to re-cover her eyes and reclined backwards to lay.
“Idiots…” she muttered to herself.
ℂ𝕦𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕦𝕤 & ℂ𝕚𝕣𝕣𝕦𝕤
life of the party
verybody wants to be em or fuck em
baddest bitches
matching skull patterned bikinis and fancy floppy hats
love checking out the locale mom and pop shops lined up along the beach
buys trinkets/souvenirs for the other Ghouls
*insert shopping spree montage*
The ultra plush sand squished and practically swallowed their feet as they struggled to walk back to the group, hands full of bags from the shopping haul that they kindly charged to Papa’s credit card.
After settling in at basecamp, they began to unload the many items from chic clothing pieces to varying sizes of memorability that were neatly bound in gift wrap and topped with a colorful bow.
Cirrus used her thumb and pointer finger to whistle, calling the unruly herd to gather. The Ghouls' faces lit up in excitement as they sprinted to welcome the Ghoulettes. As Cirrus distributed the presents, Cumulus unboxed a package of ice cream sandwiches, letting each individual Ghoul pick out a flavor as they approached.
Today was a great day for the beach.
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
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Hello hello! So! For ages now whenever I deign to check this blog's following while I'm in the middle of hunting pornbot accounts with my internet shotgun, I'll see I hit a milestone and go, oh! Wow! What nice people! I should do something!
And then never do lol
But! THIS time, we're going for it. So thank you to all 4.3k of you for somehow finding my nonsense enjoyable enough not to block me outright. Happy to have you here.
Details Below!~
[Requests are now CLOSED! Thank you, everyone!]
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❖ Posts will go up starting Saturday the 16th of September and run through Sunday the 17th of September, but requests will open as of today so I can start working on them!
❖ Feel free to send in your request under your account or as an anon, however, I do recognize you all! Especially the people who interact regularly! So if you use your account there's a higher likelihood I'll pick one of your prompts to do
❖ I'm going to write as many as I can! However, I foresee a tidal wave of incoming prompts in my future. So prompts that I like best with characters I like best (y'all know which ones by now lol), will most likely get priority. But, as above, I will try to give my regulars first priority
➢ I'm going to be using @a-cure-for-writers-block's 100 Dialogue Prompts to Make a Reader Swoon for the requests! We're going heartwarming and gooey here, folks, because y'all deserve it
➢ Please make sure to include the prompt number or the prompt itself and the character you'd like. You can ask for any of my OCs as well (ex. Stefan and Rielle from the Heroes v Villains series, etc). Please only send in one prompt at a time!
➢ Requests are going to be for Reader-Inserts as per usual, but feel free to specify a few lil personal details if you'd like them (personality traits, backgrounds, etc.). Generally, I'm hoping to do mostly gender-neutral readers as per usual, just so everyone can partake. But if there's a prompt that only seems to work one way, I'm happy to write it.
➢ Some of the prompts can be a little spicy, and I'm happy to include them and their ensuing smoot. Please specify specifically if you would like such content, because otherwise I will default to no.
See you Saturday!~
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howlingday · 22 days
My idea for a potential DB! #11
2024 jun 26, 27, jul 4, aug 22, 24
Tenya Iida vs. A-Train
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Chaos VS Kyogre (Sonic the Hedgehog VS Pokémon) | DEATH BATTLE!
Their rains of destruction will flood and drown the world!
FIGHTER 1: Chaos, the mutated God of Destruction of alien descent from Sonic Adventure.
FIGHTER 2: Kyogre, Pokémon’s legendary sea expander of primordial origin.
Wiz: Water is the substance that fuels all life, the sea is where life originated, and rain brings crop growth and rejuvenation.
*insert clips of the sea, flooding, and torrential downpours*
Boomstick: But too much H2O will leave you drowning or flooded, especially when it comes to these two ancient gods of rain and sea. He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
PREFACE (What to know): 
For Chaos, I’ll primarily be looking at Sonic Adventure and Generations for references to power, and I’ll look at Sonic Battle for moveset. For Kyogre, the games are the primary source of Pokémon canon, so I won’t look for any anime or manga adaptation. The games I’ll be looking at for Kyogre are Pokémon Sapphire and Alpha Sapphire.
This MU also has some popularity. Brandon Yates gave us Primal Chaos (both an instrumental and vocal version), Sky / TehGM gave us Chaos Primal, and we even had a DEATH BATTLE cast episode related to this MU. You can find other MUs for these two (I noticed Chaos vs. Zygarde a few times), but this is perhaps the best MU for both due to their icons and surface-level similarities.
I will not be treating this as a Pokémon battle, so we don’t just get damage that correspond to “It’s not very effective…” attacks, and Kyogre will be using the moveset from when you encounter it during the climax of Alpha Sapphire as Primal Kyogre: Body Slam, Aqua Ring, Ice Beam, and Origin Pulse, as seen here, but I’ll still make reference to other moves because Kyogre’s thing is manipulation over rain and water.
I also looked at the VS. Battle Wiki pages for both characters, but I decided not to use their stats, only their abilities.
Connections (What do they have in common):
1. Both are ancient water beings who were reawakened by the main antagonist of their debut games (Dr. Eggman and Archie of Team Aqua) for their big plan to change the world (Dr. Eggman wanted to conquer the world by making Chaos subservient to him and Team Aqua wanted to expand the oceans to make more room for aquatic Pokémon)
2. Both have reputations for being destructive god-like creatures with potentially world-ending power. Chaos is known for wiping out the Echidna tribe, flooding Station Square, and being one of Infinite’s “4 Horsemen”. Kyogre is known to have expanded the oceans via torrential downpour and tidal waves. At their most powerful, Perfect Chaos and Primal Kyogre both had big potential to, again, destroy the world. Perfect Chaos handedly flooded Station Square and Primal Kyogre could have drowned not just the Hoenn Region, but the entire world via rain. Their final forms even look like giant Leviathans from the Bible.
3. Both draw power from ancient stones that allow them to transform into their strongest states. Chaos becomes Perfect Chaos with the Chaos Emeralds and Kyogre becomes Primal Kyogre with the Blue Orb. Said rocks were used by the aforementioned main antagonists, but our rain gods only ended up turning against the villains.
4. Both also have connections to ancient peoples, Chaos being the descendant of the extraterrestrial Ancients that brought the Chaos Emeralds with them and Kyogre is connected to the Draconid people that prayed for Raquaza to stop the fight between the Primordials. 
5. There is a possible thematic element of peace vs chaos. Ironically, Chaos could represent peace as Chaos is the first known guardian of the Chaos Emeralds and watched over a Chao colony in ancient times. However, 3,000 years before the events of Sonic Adventure, an attack from the Knuckles Clan led to Chaos being consumed by a fury that threatened to destroy the world, but was sealed in the Master Emerald. After the events of Sonic Adventure, Chaos has only re-emerged in times of great crisis. Kyogre would represent chaos and destruction to all of its lore regarding its legendary fight for dominance against Groudon. 
Personal reasons (Why I want this battle/like this MU):
We could use a good Sonic vs Pokémon MU. Mewtwo vs. Shadow deserves to be redone with love, so in the meantime, here’s my idea.
Kyogre is also one of my all-time favorite Pokémon ever since I first played Alpha Sapphire in 2014. Chaos, while not one of my favorite Sonic characters, is intriguing to me, mainly because of its reputation from Sonic Adventure and its lore from Frontiers. Also, I liked the idea of being able to play as Chaos in Sonic Battle and I liked how Chaos looks in the Sonic Smackdown videos.
Imagine Chaos as a Pokémon. I imagine it starting as a Chaos Chao, but its first evolution would be a lot like iconic Chaos 0 and the Ancient Warrior. The limbs and body are now water and fluid. The cutesy features of the Chao start to disappear, with some scales and the brain starting to protrude from the body, but there is also a core in the chest of the beast. The eyes become a mix between the yellow of Chaos Chao and the emerald green of Perfect Chaos. The final stage would be a giant kaiju-based monster like Tyranitar, Archaludon, Groudon, etc. Scales, the monster-like eyes, the brain now exposed, and scary power with a busted ability that lets it set up beneficial weather and boost its own attacking power or speed, almost like a two-in-one Drizzle and Swift Swim. The line would have a pure Water typing until the final evolution, which would be either part Psychic or Dragon due to using the power of the Chaos Emeralds, which their abilities to affect space and time and even powerful god-like beings (Solaris, Dark Gaia, Time Eater, Nega Mother Wisp, THE END), are affected by the thoughts and emotions of the wielder, can be recharged by the planet, and are artifacts of alien origin. Either that, or Chaos would be tapping into its alien ancestry. The line would have poor speed, but its HP, Attack, and Defenses are great. Maybe it would have a stat total between 400 and 500. Maybe it could even be a pseudo legendary/member of the 600 club for a new region.
Maybe I’ll actually draw this Fakemon someday.
August 22, 2024
King Bowser VS Dr. Eggman is confirmed and is currently a work in progress. I want this to be a celebration of not only DB!’s return, but also of the eventual release of future Hard-Boiled Fury.
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Art and animation:
It’ll be in 2D sprites. Let’s count: Sonic has had 12 fights with 11 of them being done with sprites, and Pokémon has had 6 fights with 4 of them being done in sprites. Sonic’s only none-sprite fight was the show’s 100th episode, done with hand-drawn animation, and the none-sprite Pokémon fights were done in 3D, which were the season 2 finale and the “milestone episode” 125. The fight will most likely be in 2D unless it's a season finale or milestone episode like 250 and not a pseudo milestone episode like 125 or 175.
You can find Chaos sprites, though there may be some struggling with some Kyogre sprites, so it’s likely that some custom sprites will need to be made.
Or maybe it’ll be in 3D for ease of movement for Kyogre, but I don’t know where you can find the models for it. There already is a model for Chaos if Sonic Smackdown is any indication.
Possible setup:
Groudon and Kyogre have emerged from the Seafloor Cavern and Cave of Origin. They have once again engaged in their eternal endeavor. There may be rain, but the sun is still shining.
Groudon uses Precipice Blades, but before Groudon can fully execute the attack, the land on which it stood falls and Groudon is seemingly pulled down into the water by an invisible force. The rain clouds start to quickly block out the sun. Kyogre is also struggling to control the waves as they are going against its command, until a fist made of water deals an uppercut to Kyogre’s jaw, staggering Kyogre a bit. The fist of water lands meters in front of the Sea Basin Pokémon, and it morphs into Chaos 0.
It is a time of crisis, and so Chaos has re-emerged.
Kyogre lets out its battle cry as if it were a Pokémon battle.
1. Chaos enlarges a fist and strikes Kyogre and starts to unleash a combo, ending it with slamming both arms and fists into Kyogre, submerging it. Kyogre responds by spins around and strikes Chaos, like if it used Aqua Tail. Chaos retaliates by plunging his arm into the ground, causing a fountain to spring up and knock back his opponent (Upper Chaos).
2. A  Chaos Emerald quickly descends from the sky, and Chaos turns into Chaos 1. Before Kyogre could move, Chaos repeatedly starts lobbing water at Kyogre (Chaos Shot). Kyogre gets hit, but then uses a Body Slam, crashing into Chaos.Chaos then uses Chaos Strike, a ripple of Chaos Energy hitting and dazing Kyogre long enough for Chaos to dive into the water, shoot out of it like a crazed angel fish, and stretch his arms down and lands a powerful Air Chaos Strike. Kyogre, while hurt, simply launches water under immense pressure a la Hydro Pump and damages Chaos.
3. Yet another Chaos Emerald descends, and Chaos 1 becomes Chaos 2. Kyogre charges at Chaos like if it used Double Edge, but Chaos simply becomes a puddle, emerges by Kyogre’s tail, grabs it, and swings Kyogre away with a lot of effort. Kyogre enters the water again but with little trouble. Kyogre then cools the air around Chaos in a poor attempt at using Sheer Cold, momentarily freezing and greatly damaging Chaos, but then another Emerald descends. 
4. Chaos 2 becomes Chaos 3 when another Chaos Emerald descends and breaks free from the ice. Chaos jumps into the air and then strikes the Sea Basin Pokémon with a punch on the way down, inflicting a large shock that triggers an earthquake, damaging and dazing Kyogre (Chaos Impact). As Chaos then starts striking Kyogre up close again with powerful aquatic arms, Kyogre charges at Kyogre again, but as Chaos starts to hold Kyogre off, Kyogre uses Ice Beam and starts to freeze and break off Chaos’ limbs.
5. Chaos 3 becomes Chaos 4. With greater speed, Chaos starts to emerge out of the water in an arc and splash down around Kyogre, and before Kyogre could use Ice Beam again, water in the shape of tendrils suddenly forms upwards and starts bashing Kyogre. Chaos is using Chaos Splash, but Kyogre makes the water around it launch upward like if it used Water Spout, launching Chaos 4 skyward and Kygroe bounces Chaos once like a dolphin or sea lion bouncing a beach ball and then bounces Chaos away.
6. Chaos 4 absorbs two more Chaos Emeralds and turns into Chaos 6 who then turns into a giant puddle, escaping another Ice Beam and charges at Kyogre with a giant version of Chaos Dolphin, but Kyogre uses Aqua ring, and Chaos then merges with the Aqua Ring and is launched out towards whence he came, and Kyogre then launches origin pulse to launch Chaos 6 further away. Chaos then escapes back into the water and uses Chaos Heal. Kyogre continues healing with Aqua Ring.
7. The rain is pouring down, but neither beast is dead. They have their ancient stones in possession, and so draw power from them and from nature itself. With the final Chaos Emerald descending into the ocean, Chaos becomes Perfect Chaos, erupting out of the water, and with the Blue Orb, Kyogre becomes Primal Kyogre. We see the world now almost fully flooded. The rain is now pouring down furiously, and the two gods roared at each other.
8. P. Chaos launches an energy projectile, but P. Kyogre moves out of the way and strikes with an Ice Beam, severely damaging P. Chaos. As Kyogre moves around the battlefield, Chaos then lifts up water tornadoes, preventing Kyogre from moving. Chaos then bites down on Kyogre, and with one swift motion of the neck, throws Kyogre across from him.
9. Chaos wins by using power and terrain control. Perfect Chaos causes a whirlpool and then a water spout to launch Primal Kyogre skyward. As Kyogre reorients itself, it starts to use Origin Pulse. However, Perfect Chaos unleashes a faster Breath Attack and Tentacle Attack. Effectively juggling the Sea Basin Pokémon until Chaos can use Chaos Bind, freezing the air and Kyogre. Perfect Chaos then catches Kyogre in its open jaws and splits the legendary leviathan in two, the giant bloody body falling into the water. Victorious, Perfect Chaos releases a perfect roar of triumph as the rain clouds start dissipating, and rays of light start piercing down.
10. Kyogre wins by exploiting Chaos’ weaknesses. Primal Kyogre uses Ice Beam on Perfect Chaos, reducing its mobility. Chaos opens its mouth to launch a super charged laser, but Ice Beam has frozen it, and by using Ice Beam once more, but this time, on the exposed brain, Chaos is effectively done. Kyogre charges one more Origin Pulse and shatters the frozen leviathan. The clouds are now pouring waterfalls, and the sky is fully dark save for the lightning. Kyogre then gives a primal scream of victory.
11. The victor doesn’t celebrate for long because a giant green snake with ephemeral, golden, and glowing tendrils as long as its body protruding from its lower jaw descends from the sky and unleashes its own war cry. The aquatic adversary responds in kind, and another battle for the Hoenn region and the world begins. 
12. KO!
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Perfect Chaos is powered by all 7 Chaos Emeralds, which could move pieces of Sonic’s world and power planet-destroying weapons. Perfect Chaos is more powerful.
+ The better fighter up close.
+ Several Chaos forms have hydrokinesis. Perfect Chaos can even create and control water tornadoes and entire floods, thus having terrain control in the ocean, lakes or sea in which Chaos fights.
+ Chaos 0 can cause status effects. Chaos 0 can use Chaos Bind and freeze his opponent, and so has the faster freezing option and can also use Chaos Strike, which can disorient the opponent (basically casting confusion). 
+ Chaos, at least Perfect Chaos, can change his shape into liquid, “and if dissipated, can reconstitute himself again.”
= Comparable healing. Chaos needs to stand still when using Chaos Heal while Aqua Ring is passive, but Aqua Ring doesn’t heal as fast or as effectively as Chaos Heal and will eventually wear off.
= At their strongest, both have similar flooding power. Tikal said that Chaos could eventually destroy the world and Steven said that if Kyogre’s rain/reign doesn’t stop, then the whole world will drown, not just Hoenn. Chaos may have an advantage as Tikal said that Chaos has destroyed the world before.
- The brain on Perfect Chaos is a highly exposed weak point.
- Cannot take advantage of Kyogre’s weaknesses of electricity or sapping plants.
- Slower regardless of form
- Lacks a meaningfully powerful moveset
- It is told to us that Perfect Chaos is powered by the negative energy of the Chaos Emeralds, and it is implied that this negative energy is not as powerful as positive energy, which is what is used by the Super Forms. If this is true, then it’s a matter of how much more weaker negative chaos energy is compared to its positive form. If it’s a lot, then Chaos runs the risk of being weaker than Kyogre. If it’s minimal, then Chaos remains the stronger combatant.
+ Kyogre produces rain that powers up its own attacks.
+ Ironically the more agile combatant.
+ Origin Pulse and Ice Beam offer better ranged attacks.
+ Ice Beam can freeze Chaos, and Chaos has been damaged in lesser forms by being frozen.
+ If given access to moves like Thunder and Sheer Cold, then Kyogre has instant win attacks. Sheer Cold is stated to attack “with a blast of absolute-zero cold”. Thunder (which is more appropriately named as “かみなり / Lightning” in Japanese) never misses in the rain, and is described as “A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the target to inflict damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis.” Again, this is a conditional advantage that isn’t fully common.
+ Moves like Calm Mind increase Kyogre’s resistance to energy attacks and projectiles (Special Defense) while augmenting its own energy attacks/projectile attacks (Special Attack)
= Comparable healing. Chaos needs to stand still when using Chaos Heal while Aqua Ring is passive, but Aqua Ring doesn’t heal as fast or as effectively as Chaos Heal and will eventually wear off.
= At their strongest, both have similar flooding power. Tikal said that Chaos could eventually destroy the world and Steven said that if Kyogre’s rain/reign doesn’t stop, then the whole world will drown, not just Hoenn. Chaos may have an advantage as Tikal said that Chaos has destroyed the world before.
- Limited moveset that doesn’t always take advantage of Chaos’ weakness and can be exhausted. (Power Points, aka PP)
- Kyogre doesn’t learn Thunder naturally and doesn’t always have access to Sheer Cold.
- Ice Beam only has a chance to freeze, compared to Chaos Bind which always freezes.
Ending puns:
"Kyogre couldn’t handle all this destruction and Chaos."
"Kyogre truly did rain on Chaos' parade."
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Art by me. (:
Name: Raining Chaos
The name makes reference to Kyogre’s rain abilities and to Chaos directly by name. I wanted to include “Alpha” in the name to make reference to “Alpha Sapphire”, but I couldn’t think of anything. I also did not want to include “Primordial”, “Primal”, or “Origin” because most VS scores for this fight have titles referring to the ancient nature of both fighters. It will seem hypocritical considering what I’m going to do with the sound, though.
Art: The cover shows a Chaos Emerald with both the beautiful sapphire shade and alpha symbol of the Blue Orb. From it Perfect Chaos’ tentacles are emerging from under, and from above, there is a blast of Origin Pulse. If there is a background to the image like in Hearts of Light, Chaos Unraveled, and Thunder Shroud, then it will be the flooded Station Square or the flooded world
Sound: There’s really only two songs that need to be referenced: Open Your Heart and the Vs. Groudon and Kyogre music. Just use Open Your Heart’s guitars and the Kyogre and Groudon battle music’s bells and horns. I specifically think Yates should be the one to make the battle track since, as previously mentioned, gave us “Primal Chaos”.
The song starts with the iconic bells of the fight from Groudon and Kyogre with the sounds of distortion of the Primal Reversion like this mashup here. As the bells fade out, we get the starting guitars from Open Your Heart. While the sound is primarily Open Your Heart, every now and then, the guitar fades for a bit and the bells play again with Hoenn’s iconic horns in the GBA sound like Vs. Primal Kyogre & Groudon, foreshadowing the eventual primal reversion.
I like the idea of Chaos winning only to have to take Kyogre’s place in the fight against Groudon and Rayquaza. By embracing the wish to destroy, Chaos only perpetuates ancient conflict and becomes a monster. Rayquaza then becomes almost a reflection of who Chaos was: a figure considered divine with legendary power that reappears when there is great conflict that threatens the world, but will become aggressive when a threat comes near.
I had to do a lot of research into Chaos’ abilities, so I hope I did a good job of portraying them alongside Kyogre’s fearsome power. I wanted to give them both respect since both are more or less gods of water, rain, and sea.
August 22, 2024:
I wanted this to be my release for June and have the next episode be for July. Obviously, that didn’t happen. DB! has since announced their return with their next episode airing October of this year. During the summer, I was struggling with my life and career choice and then my classes resumed, which is why I haven’t continued with this for almost two months.
I also had an idea of drawing the cover art for the music. After I drew my “Raining Chaos”, I decided to resume writing this for a little bit, but then I started writing more, and I thought to myself that I can get this done before my next class. Maybe I’ll make a more well done version of my drawing, but it won’t be donde digitally like all DB! track art since I have neither the tools or knowledge to draw digitally.
When the two beasts fully transform into their Leviathan forms and roar, we get an epic Crush 40-style solo like what Yates did in Primal Chaos. It’s just pure glorious guitar from there on out. The song ends similarly to Open Your Heart but with the bells from the start of the song fading out.
1. Kyogre vs Chaos 0 - 6, Perfect Chaos vs Primal Kyogre.
2. We see the world drowning and being flooded. Maybe the Draconids pray for Rayquaza and Tikal is praying for Chaos to find peace
3. When reaching the final transformation, they let out a titanic roar.
4. Chaos trying to attack Kyogre with Aqua Ring active, causing Chaos to be molded into the Aqua Ring and launched away.
5. Include references to Noah’s Ark and the Leviathan of Biblical fame in the analysis.
6. Chaos hearing Tikal’s prayer, remembering the Chao, and winning by embracing positive chaos energy
After the A-Train/Ingenium fiasco, Vought has come under intense scrutiny and UA is losing popularity for endangering one of their students and for associating with a company that employed a Nazi like Stormfront and a questionable character in A-Train. Homelander has taken it upon himself to “fix” the problem, and while UA may have given a press conference to address the issue, Homelander, the charismatic devil that he is, started a slander campaign against the threat of “Quirkies”.
In UA, the students have left as the school day just ended. All Might is in his normal form, taking down anti-UA propaganda that people have stuck to the school protective wall as well as some anti-Vought propaganda after a long day of teaching and trying to calm down protestors outside the school making noise that were shouting that word spouted by that fellow hero, a blonde American whom All Might initially thought well of. His press conference called to action the… More unpleasant elements of society. All Might hasn’t even changed out of his costume. and as he enters his office to grade papers, he hears a voice coming from within it. 
“Ah, Toshinori. Just the man I’m looking for.” 
That voice… All Might was hoping not to have to face the man in front of him. Toshinor turns on the light and behind his desk with his legs on the table sits a middle-aged man wearing a navy blue suit, red boots, and an American flag for a cape. Homelander had snuck past UA’s defenses and gotten in. He must have been waiting for him. He was… Looking at a picture of young Midoriya and Class 1-A. 
“Homelander. Why are you here?” Toshinori was hoping that the other teachers, and especially the students, weren’t here.
After a chuckle, John replies: “That f*cking little UA goody two shoes and that moron A-Train ruined everything at Vought and are making Supes look bad, and then that red birdbrain Hawks tried to leak some confidential info. So, I decided to come here and fix the problem at its core. Step 1? Remove Quirkies, and that starts with UA and you.” Homelander puts down the picture.
“Young Ingenium is a great hero! He may have faltered, but he lifts those around him and encourages them to be their best selves! I’m sorry to hear about A-Train, but he murdered an innocent civilian, and then you decided to make Heroes with Quirks look like villains.”
“See, here’s the thing, Toshi.” Homelander sighs and he stands up, approaching the skeletal figure. “We’re heroes, right? We gotta look for the public. I. Gotta look good.”
“After that press conference you did, I can’t consider you a hero. Your words are putting my students and colleagues at risk.”
“To the people, I am a hero, the GREATEST hero. I’m saving them from this plague, your genetic diseases of superpowers that make the majority of you Japanese not even Supes. A-Train and Ingenium may have brought bad press, but it’s nothing uncontrollable, and Hawks wasn’t able to get anything. So don’t stand in my way, Toshinori. I’m a real hero, and I will save everyone from you Quirkies, and if you don’t…”
Homelander’s eyes start to glow red and he smiles evilly.
“Well, let’s just say that you’ll have a hard time being either a hero or a teacher.”
Toshinori’s cheeks then stretch downward with his lips, steam exiting his lean body that is now starting to fill in his costume. The lanky man who was more bone than skin now stood almost two feet above Homelander, with his costume now stretched by his amazingly dense muscles, and his two long strands of hair, droopy and miserable now stand proud and curved like rabbit ears. Where there was Toshinori Yagi now stands All Might, a sharp blue gleam in his eyes.
Class 1-A may be able to handle Homelander, they certainly could handle almost everything, but in front of All Might stood a villain masquerading as a hero, and it was his duty to stop villains. “As the Symbol of Hope and as their teacher, I’m warning you: Don’t you dare hurt my students.” 
All Might VS Homelander (My Hero Academia VS The Boys)
Whale, whale, whale,
Look what washed up on our shore. Another Death Battle idea? Holy mackerel! As fishy as it may seem, I smell blood in the water and we're gonna need a bigger post.
Anyway, great work on another awesome idea! I can't say I've played Sonic Adventure, though 2 was definitely the best Sonic game ever. I did watch Sonic X, which briefly touched on the story of Sonic Adventure, though. I've played A LOT of Pokémon Sapphire, too, so I am very aware of Kyogre and their legendary status.
To be honest, the Chaos Emeralds do feel a bit deus ex machina, but it's not like it'd be the first time Death Battle pulled this kind of thing. The battle also feels very strange, since it's a physical fighter VS what's basically a whale ocean wizard, and Kyogre's only response to being punch in the face is either "flipper whack" or water/ice beam. Still, it was a fun fight to read, especially with Primal Chaos playing (Non-Vocal, because the lyrics can be very distracting).
Overall, great work!
As for this next fight, I'm feeling a little bit antsy. See, based on the dialogue, this is post-injury All Might, which means Homelander is going to be fighting against someone not in his prime. Also, that line about him purging the world of "Quirkies" got my blood boiling, so awesome work on that! Then again, maybe using this All Might is giving Homelander the Handicap~?
If I were to give this next battle track a name, I'd say...
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bendy-and-buddies · 2 years
To celebrate the Dark Revival... we uncovered something sitting in the archives for quite some time.
This is a script. One for a special that was apparently slotted to be released in the month of April originally. That was all that could be discerned from the documents, what year in specific is still lost. There are even a select number of characters exclusive to this script who appear nowhere else across the Bendy IP prior to the 1990s.
((short version: Here's an "April Fools special" that's been a low effort WIP script for a long, long, LONG time. Enjoy the crack.))
[Bendy and Buddies and Etc. is filmed in front of a fictional studio audience.]
Angie; “Bendy! I was hoping that the both of us could visit the beach once more, mayhap we can bring the others as well?”
Bendy; “Ah, sure Anj! Sounds like it’d be fu-“
(Alice walk in and puts her arms around Bendy, very deliberately having his head near her breasts. Cue sitcom audience cheers as Alice enters.)
Alice; “Ohhh, but Bendy just promised to take me out for a date! So sorry, maybe he can play little games with you some other time, sweetums~?”
Bendy; “Alice, c’mon! she was inviting all of us! She wasn’t excluding you on purpose or something, right?”
Angie; “Um... yes, of course she may accompany us! I do not see why Alice canno-”
(Alice and Bendy make quick confused noises at Angie’s response before resuming.)
Alice; “Oh, of course! It is just like privileged little you to try and take Bendy all for yourself! Sorry airhead, but Bendy is far too grown up for a childish little girly-girl like you! A handsome devil like this deserves a real woman like me!”
(bouncy sound effects to imply her boobs are flopping around.)
Angie; “But, Lady Alice, I never intended-!”
Bendy; (anxiously, under his breath) “Anj, just grab my arm!”
(Angie tries to reason peacefully until Bendy gestures her to grab hold of one of his arms. Alice has his other arm in the usual love-triangle tug-of-war scenario/trope. Angie looks less “grumpy” and more uncomfortable)
Bendy; “Ladies, ladies! Please, there’s plenty of the Devil Darling to go around!”
Angie; “You are in samples??”
(Bendy’s surprised, laughs a bit and is about to correct her until Alice cuts in again)
Alice; “It’s an expression, nitwit! See Bendy? Why bother with this Dumb Dora, when you can have a Darlin Dame~?”
(Angie is saddened by the persistent bullying from Alice’s end)
Bendy; (angrily to Alice, under his breath again) “You’re not helpi-!”
(cut to Boris nearby with a banjo)
Boris; “Gee wiz Bendy, quite the heartbreaker lately aren’cha?”
Bendy; (dramatically) “it’s my devilish charms, I can’t help it!”
Boris; “One’a these days it’s gonna be yer downfall, attracting so many-“
(Sammy shows up the hell out of nowhere.)
Sammy; “Wonderful Lord Bendy! Let me sniff your holy panties!”
Boris: “Well, if it isn’t that super-wacky Sammy! The head of the Music Department who has no note-worthy character outside of blindly worshiping Bendy! He was never a toon like us, but… um, guess he’s here anyway! Hooray!”
Sammy; “insert anime joke here!”
Bendy; (in pure dread) “Oh no-“
(And now Wally shows up, also the hell out of nowhere.)
Wally; “Regardless of how Bendy’s lovelife goes, if it makes another damn tidal wave of a mess I gotta clean up: I’M OUTTA HERE!”
(stupid laughtracks playing)
Alice; “He said the catchphrase!”
Bendy; “Wally the Janitor is just hilarious in everything he pops up in, right everyone!?”
Boris; “Sponsored by the following companies listed.” (onscreen there’s several of the in-universe businesses in the canon-verse. Maybe throw in a reference to other fictitious companies? Acme is a definite one to add.)
Bendy; “Actually, Alice… I don’t think you really specified where you wanted to have that date anyway, where were you thinking?”
Alice; “Oh, I thought you’d never ask, my Widdle Debil! Infact, I want all of you to come with, please do follow your angel!”
Bendy and Boris; (failing to see how suspicious that was) “Sounds good to me!”
As Bendy, Boris and Sammy obediently follow Alice, Angie is called by someone else off-screen the opposite way.
Angie; “Wait, what was that?”
(murmured gibberish a’la Peanuts is heard)
Angie; “Oh um, alright then.”
(The ‘gang’, sans Angie, arrive at Joey Drew Studios. I’ll prolly just take a photo of whatever animation studio or old building from google and slap the JDS logo on top of it. Laziness!) 
Alice; “And here we are!”
Bendy; “Uhh… Alice??”
Boris; “Isn’t this the old studio?... Y’know, as in that place where all of us experienced terrible, traumatic pasts involving human experimentation and brutal ritualistic sacrifices that’ve left us all emotionally and mentally scared forever and other dark, gruesome things like that?”
(Bendy is a little taken aback by Boris’ detailed description.)
Bendy; “… Yeah… I thought we all vowed to never come back here…? Wasn’t finally getting out a highly triumphant moment for us or something?”
Sammy; “Lord Bendy, your buttocks is scrumptious like hamburgers!”
Alice; “Oh, I assure you! I have very good reasons for why I chose to take you all here! I have one… no, TWO very important things I’ve needed to show you all for a long time!”
Bendy; “Only now this has been brought up??”
Alice; “both are a lot to take in, but I need you to trust me… do you doubt your angel~?”
Bendy; “Ahh… fine then.”
Boris; “I’m ready for anything.”
(Alice looks up and calls to someone)
Alice; “Alright deary-pie, you can come out now!”
(stupid dramatic sound effects as the apparent newcomer is revealed)
Geno-Fur; “Hello, everyone!! It’s me, Geno-Fur!!”
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Sudden Narrator; “Thaaaat’s right! It’s Geno-Fur the DemonAngel, the most powerful cartoon character in all of Toon Town! The perky, talented daughter of Bendy the Demon and Alice Angel with the help of the Ink Machine, this cute toon angel demon girl has an inner inky darkness unlike any other! She’s oh-so deep, mysterious and meaningful everyone!”
Bendy; (more and more like he’s reading it off a script) “Oh my Satan! Alice, we have a long-lost daughter who is beautiful and an objectively perfect and wonderful blend of who we both are! And will probably easily surpass us in popularity! If I had known we had such a blessing who totally didn’t just fall out of the sky, I would have dropped everything, married you and center my entire life around you both!
Sammy; “Praise be unto the blessed firstborn!”
(Boris is bug-eyed, genuinely dumbfounded by what is happening before him)
Boris; “UM…??”
Geno-Fur; “OMG! Mommy, Daddy, thank you so much! You even brought my husband here to see me!
(Geno-Fur hugs Boris hard enough to pop his spine, he’s in pain. “CAN’T… B-BREATHE-!!” his poor banjo has snapped in two. To Boris’ luck, Geno-Fur releases him.)
Bendy; (zero effort on his part) “Don’t go breakin’ my princess’s heart, Boris…”
Alice; “I love beautiful reunions!”
Sammy; “I shall always be a loyal, faithful Side-Hoe willing to pleasure you, your Queen, and your glorious child, my Lord!”
Boris; “Guys, none of this is in my copy of the script, what’s going on?!?”
Alice; “I’ll gladly answer that! What’s going on is my second reason…”
(Alice wipes the side of her face to reveal the same gross Scarface thing going on with Susie-Alice. Shock Horror, she’s also Susie-Alice.)
Alice: “As it turns out, I’m still not near as perfect as I’d like to be!! AH-HAHAHA!”
(Alice cackles evilly as she grabs Boris and drags him into the building. Yes, exactly like the end of Chapter 3.)
Boris; (As he’s spirited away) “WHAAAAAT THEEEEE HAYSTAAACK!?....”
Bendy; “What!? Oh god, Boris!! Hang on buddy, I’m coming!”
(a panicking Bendy runs in to rescue Boris, Sammy and Geno-Fur follow)
Sammy; “M’Lawd! I will follow you to the ends of the earth!”
Geno-Fur; “Mommy!! Daddy!! Why can’t we settle this like normal people!?”
(Bendy is desperately trudging into the studio, unknowingly he is very slowly melting into his monster-form we are all familiar with as he becomes exhausted)
Bendy; “Boris, please hang on!! I’m coming...!! .. Augh… Maybe… Maybe I should hit the gym? NO!! No, I’m fine!! Goddamned fine!! I just gotta… Gotta keep going… Wait, wait… why is my sweat this… thick and… dark?”
(Bendy’s then surprised upon overhearing something, looking to the side to find Henry somewhere in the distance and humming to himself- probably doing one of the Chapter 3 tasks)
Henry; “Joey Drew he likes big fingers in his ass, Joey Drew he likes big fingers in his ass, fingers in his ass, he likes in his-” (yes. It’s that meme. I have zero shame.)
(Bendy slowly becomes angered)
Bendy; “Henry… Henry!!”
(this gets Henry’s startled attention. As Bendy rants he slowly completes his transformation into Monster-Bendy.)
Bendy; “My old, actual for-real creator, Henry… You left everyone… You left ME! Why didn’t you stay!? Was I just a mistake to you, blaming me for everything Joey did!? Why didn’t you love me, Henry!? Was I never good enough for you!? You LIED to us!! You never stopped Joey from all of the atrocities he committed!! You never came back!! You never played catch with me and called me ‘Sport’!! You never threw me a Birthday!! YOU NEVER BOUGHT ME A HAPPY MEAL!!!”
Henry; “Oh gosh!”
(Henry zooms away as fast as he can, his warped and enraged cartoon-demon son giving chase. Suddenly Geno-Fur to the oh-so convenient rescue.)
Geno-Fur; “Oh my god, daddy!! Izzat you?? Ohmygaww I can see why mommy thot u wer hawt!!”
(Bendy is understandably confused by her appearance and comment.)
Bendy; “huh…what??”
(he looks back to where Henry was initially, however Henry’s already in a miracle station also conveniently nearby)
Bendy; “HE’S GONE!! Where did he-!?”
Geno-Fur; “Ummm like… you know that weird up-and-down door and room thingy with buttons??”
Bendy; (surprised at how goddamn stupid she is) “The… you mean the elevator?”
Geno-Fur; “Yeah!! The escalator! I think Henry’s using it to go down to liiiiike… Level 1000!”
Bendy; “…There is no Level 1000. The building doesn’t tunnel down THAT deep.”
Geno-Fur; “Exactly!! Like, he’s going so deep down he’s trying to get to a level that doesn’t exist! I’m sure that if you go all the way down to the last floor, you’ll find Henry! Good luck daddykins!”
Bendy; (half-assing at this point) “Well, I totally trust my perfect hybrid daughter to never lie to me ever and that alibi is highly convincing. I will go.”
(Bendy exists the scene in his usual spooky way, to which Henry hops back out of the station.)
Geno-Fur; “Hurry Henry!! We gotta save mah Woof Hubby and get out of here!! And bring mommy and daddy back with the power of family love!!”
(Geno-Fur tearfully exists, Henry following her.)
Henry; “This is what I got out of retirement for…”
(Cut to Alice’s super-duper evil lab room with Boris strapped to the operating table Frankenstein style. Alice is still acting in-character, in contrast Boris is basically left to ad-lib and isn’t entirely certain on the mood of the scene. Boris scratches at his neck, but quickly puts his arm back in as soon as he realizes they’re rolling.)
Alice; (some obligatory evil chuckling) “… And after I’ve done away with you, Henry AND Bendy, I can continue my makeover with no trouble or interruptions at all! Then I will have the popularity I was always destined for! Now, any last words before you fulfil your purpose, little wolfie~?”
Boris; “is it too early to make a ‘stole my heart’ joke, even though you got the REAL side-splitters, or...?”
(some muffled laughter off-stage is heard, implied to be Rodney behind the camera. Alice is unamused and gestures at Boris threateningly.)
Alice; “Be quiet or I’ll cut you open faster.”
Boris; “Alright, alright, I’ll shush…” 
The “mysterious” voice who may or may not be Rodney; “Bitter hag-”
(because of budgetary, technical, and time-related issues… we already skip over to chapter 4 events because we’re basically haphazardly trying to scrunch in the entire canon-game story, not caring if it makes any sense at all like always)
Henry; “Okay, so it’s only now occurred to me to ask; earlier, we were in the show… but as we kept going, all of a sudden we’re in the-?”
Geno-Fur; “YAWN! You’re boring old-man dinosaur talk is super boring, we’re not gonna rescue Boris fast enough if you don’t let me do all of the mouth-stuff! No wonder mommy and daddy wanna murder-fy you, LOL!”
Henry; “I… I don’t even- what the heck is a ‘LOL’, anyway!? Why are you helping me if you’re their daughter or something!?”
Geno-Fur; “Because I’m sooo nice!! :3”
Henry; “How… how do you even work??”
(The Butcher Gang mooks appear right the hell out of nowhere without Henry even opening any of the doors)
Charley; (in a grunty, zombie-ish way) “Now’s are time to shine, boys… Lets take all of our pent-up frustrations out on Henry!”
(she hugs all three up to her tumour-tits, immediately all their necks snap.)
Henry: (not even caring anymore) “I thought you said Boris was your husband.”
Geno-Fur; “Ummm, DUH? Of course, he is! You’ve clearly not been listening to me with your senile old-ness! Seriously, I thought the guy who drew ME would be super-hot and NOT some old BOOMER! Isn’t that right, husbands!?”
(she only now realises the 3 are dead and lets out a big Darth Vader “NOOOO!!!”, Henry is unfazed.)
(Meanwhile, back at Bendy’s Ink Machine throne room - Bendy was able to hear Geno-Fur’s annoying whine from several of those miles upwards)
Bendy; “the hell…? Ugh… probably my cue… A guy just can’t watch his own show on loop in peace anymore…”
(as Bendy speaks he’s existing his “castle” to return to the higher levels. Sammy abruptly appears again in one of the hallways Bendy passes.)
Sammy; “My Lord! I will always be gleeful and willing to perform any request you-!”
(Bendy, not even making eye-contact, clocks Sammy in the head with his “good toon hand” hard enough to put the walking notice-me-senpai-joke out cold, the sound effect a wet and loud POW. Mr Lawrence is unconscious. And maybe missing some teeth.)
Bendy; “Fuckin’ punchline…”
(Cut back to Henry and Geno-Fur at the carnival prototype area. The poor old man is being ranted at by the annoying Mary Sue disaster for killing her 3 other “husbands”. Even though that was her own fault.)
Geno-Fur; “Those valiant gentle-mans meant the world to me and now they’re all gross inky poopy-goop!! This is all YOUR fault, you ugly old murderer-guy, you!! Feel guilty for your evil sins!!”
Henry; “I never even touched them; YOU did that! Please tell me, are you some kinda alien who is trying to mimic what a toon looks and acts like? Because you’re failing miserably.”
Geno-Fur; “I’m young and pretty and you’re a wrinkly old fart!! That means I’m right and you’re wrong!!”
(Henry groans in annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose)
Henry; “Alright then… Seeing as I’m clearly a hindrance to your ‘noble quest’ or… whatever, how’s about this: you go ahead and complete all of the puzzles needed to unlock the doors, while I search for any clues or another alternate route that could maybe get us into that haunted house faster? I mean, clearly, it’d be my only good contribution to your ‘mission’.”
Geno-Fur; “Pfff, I have a better idea! I’ll go ahead and complete all the puzzles needed to unlock the doors, while YOU search for any clues or another alternate route that could maybe get us into that haunted house faster! I mean, clearly, it’d be your only good contribution to my mission!”
(As Geno-Fur sneers she walks to the puzzle-room that has Norman in it, Henry has an expression that all but states he wants to see this obnoxious girl get hit by a truck.)
Henry; “You…go do that.”
Geno-Fur; “YAS! And I’ma doit like a sexy QUEEN~!!”
(As she enters the door shuts behind her, trapping her there until the task would be completed.)
Henry; “Okay then… Better think of something before she gets back. I can only put up with that rotten attitude for so long…”
(Before Henry knew it, he now hears several sounds indicative of clutter and a chase as he sadly must hear Geno-Fur’s voice once more, although muffled through the walls and corridors… There are gradually more muffled sounds of disaster around him, almost impossibly so as Geno-Fur’s whining can be heard amongst it. Sounds range from explosions, to car horns and all the way to an elephant. Henry is utterly lost.)
Henry; “What the devil is that brat doing!?”
(as soon as the noise dies down finally, all the doors and puzzles have spontaneously been completed. Whatever Geno-Fur caused in there, it finished everything for him.)
Henry; “Wait, already?... Huh, that screechy rat-girl helped with progress for once…”
(Not wasting any time, Henry hops into the attraction and heads towards one of the carts on the track. Extra sound-effects/in-game audio to indicate the ride starts, as Henry is slowly carted through the tunnel-portion the intercom is switched on, it’s Boris and Susie-Alice mid-conversation. Alice sounds angered with a reasonable Boris.)
Boris; “-I’m just saying, you weren’t part of Henry’s initial vision when making this show, and that isn’t a bad thing! I mean, Lola got popular after Space Jam-“
Susie-Alice; “And popular with who, exactly!? A bunch of perverts who don’t care about character! But as soon as I make it to the big top, the world will know I’m appealing in mind AND sexuality! So, what if I was Joey’s add-on!? I was the best thing to happen to you and Bendy’s sad little circus!”
Boris; “Alice, look, there’s no need to get hostile. I’ve been trying to help you and turn it around into something positive. You’re the one choosing to see it as something wrong. You’re not one of Henry’s characters like Bendy and I. That isn’t an insult, it’s what happened!”
Susie-Alice; “Well! You!... You’re just a sad, stupid mongrel who digs up bones! And your friend is a fat, gremlin slob who’ll never have anything near as wonderful as me!! How do you like that, huh!? What do have to say to that!?”
Boris; “I’d say now you’re just yelling like an angry school-kid ‘cuz you don’t have a point.”
(Henry pays no heed to the Halloween-themed pop-ups as he listens in awkwardly)
Henry; “I might’ve jumped in too soon...”
(Susie-Alice and Boris both let out surprised a “huh?”)
Henry; “Oh! Did… did you two hear me? Didn’t think it worked that way.”
Boris; “Howdy Henry! Real quick, was all’a that ruckus earlier from that Jenny-chick? Sounded like a twister full of cats was let loose in here!”
Susie-Alice; “How much did you hear!? Wait, wait!! How do you shut this off!? Can we do this over!? Make the cart stop right now! I was supposed to give a profound and depressing speech--!!”
(the intercom is abruptly cut as Alice panics, likely because she was scrambling on the buttons. Henry’s already at the “house” part of the ride with paintings and such.)
Henry; “… I’ll just tell her I only heard something about bones and gremlins.”
(As Henry is carted across the room, he comments on the environment casually)
Henry; “Wonder who did the paintings in here? I need to ask around when I can. I don’t think the poor fella ever got credit, knowing Joey’s ‘forgetfulness’… Bertrum prolly has the answer, if he’s still nearby.”
(Henry’s about to head into the dark tunnel where Boris *would* be there as a Frankenstein monster to make it stop… but no, he isn’t there. Not to any degree.)
Henry: “Uhh… ‘Oh no! what has she done to you!?’ …”
(He clears his throat, then adds more base to his voice)
Henry: “…’OH NO! what has she done to you!?’ …”
(Although Henry’s deeper into the darker portion of the ride than what was normal, his tired prayer is answered as a pair of hands latch onto the cart and force it to stop. They, however, are not Boris’ mega-hands… But Norman’s, as is indicative by what Henry can see as well as the grunts. He has removed the camera-head mask)
Henry: “… ‘Boris! What has she do-!?’ wait… wait, Nor-?”
(Norman, shrouded in shadows, cuts Henry off with a panicked “SHH!!”, then whispers...)
Norman: “Look, Hen, I’m having as hard a time to follow what’s going on as you are. I’m going to push you back and adjust the cart, so it doesn’t keep moving. This did not happen, and you never saw me!”
Henry: “Of course… Highly terrifying Ink-monster who I did not see here…”
Norman: “There we go.”
(As the not-Projectionist(?) stated, he shoved the cart back and made quick work to turn it in such a way that it wouldn’t continue onward on the track. Henry is awkwardly left alone waiting for the warped-Boris cue.)
Rodney, undoubtedly the cameraman now and in a snarky mood; “… Isn’t something supposed to happen in this clearly suspenseful climax we’ve been building up to?”
(There is a loud “BONK” sound effect as Rod is clocked on the noggin by somebody else, resulting in an annoyed “OW!! Son of a…!!” from him.)
(Susie-Alice enters the room without warning, very blatantly stalling for time with improvisations. Henry hardly reacts.)
Susie-Alice; “We meet again, Henry! You’re trapped in my web, and a little fly like you will have no chance of escape!”
Henry; “Didn’t you already use that spider-web analogy a while ago...?”
Susie-Alice; “Soon! Your face will be an analogy for all the pain and ruin you’ve done unto me which is very clearly your fault as much as Joeys’! But! Unlike your ruined face mine will be fixed and I’ll be the heavenly starlet idol I’ve always deserved to be!”
Henry; “You lost me.”
Susie-Alice; “And I’ll make you lose your head too! Literally, not figuratively!”
(she charges to him dramatically, brandishing a vase prop from the table. Henry leisurely hops out of the cart finally.)
Henry; “a cue to fight and defend myself, alrighty then...”
(Before Henry could spring into this on-the-spot “Boss Battle”, a sudden gent pipe whizzes through the air at a beeline to Susie-Alice’s head. It’s only hard enough to make her stop in her tracks with a surprised shriek and grunt to herself for a little in pain. Standing on top of the cart Henry had exited is “Allison Alice”. She’s posed dramatically and without Tom.)
“Allison”; “Please, don’t give up Henry! You’re our only hope!... Don’t know why I said that here and now, but I did…”
Henry; (fake gasp, he’s clearly getting tired) “Oh My Goodness, another Amy the Angel?”
“Allison”; “Um, it’s ‘Alice’-”
Henry; “-Dearie me, given that there have been dozens of Boris copies, does that mean there are just as many of you?”
“Allison”; “Honestly, you’ll love what I still remember about what happened to Lacie.”
(Susie moans about her brow hurting, “Allison” remembers her other lines.)
“Allison”; “OH! Uhh by the way Henry do not be deceived by this awful, evil witch! Even though I look even less like her, I’m absolutely the real and goody-good Alice Angel!”
(This accusation catches Susie-Alice’s attention, and she angrily glares daggers at her like a snobby teenaged girl who got upstaged at prom.)
Susie-Alice; “You attention-whore hussy! I’m the REAL Alice Angel!”
“Allison”; “No, I’M Alice!”
Susie-Alice; “I’m Alice Angel!”
“Allison”; “I’m Alice Angel!”
Susie-Alice; “I’m Alice Angel!”
“Allison”; “I’m Alice Angel!”
Susie-Alice; “I’m Dirty Dan!”
“Allison”; “I’m Dirty Dan!”
(they both pause)
Susie-Alice; “…Did that really just come out of our mouths-?”        
(explosion and clutter noises, everyone is surprised. It’s Geno-Fur having burst into the haunted house room through the wall.)
Geno-Fur; “Shit! I was so lucky daddy saved me from that creepy camera-head guy! He could’ve grabbed my sexy butt and make it all gross with the weird ink corruption!!”
Henry; (under his breath) “Why did neither of them strangle her…”
Geno-Fur; “Mommy! Stop it! I know you’re like so much more than all this darkness and suffering! I totes forgive you for turning my woof hubby all ugly, because I know we can all fix and love him together! You don’t have to stab anything! You nurtured me and made me the proud, talented, and strong woman I am today!”
“Allison”; “… are you talking to her or me??”
Geno-Fur; “Yes!!”
(Monster-Bendy’s signature Ink Aura seeps into the room as he suddenly approaches. Oh, the suspense!)
Henry, actually surprised by this; “Wait a minute, already?? How did he know to come right here!?”
Henry, now grumpily; “... It was that pea-brained banshee, wasn’t it. All of that obnoxious wailing lured him to us!”
Geno-Fur; “Shuttup! I’m legit the reason anything good happened here!!”
Henry, rolling his eyes; “Oh yeah. Sure…”
(Boris… Oh Sorry I mean Franken-Boris, finally enters the scene… however everyone is still talking, and he just stands there in the back awkwardly now that any room for his cue to start the monster act is completely null with the current cast ensemble. Once more, none of what is now transpiring was in his copy of the script. He’d be whistling and twiddling his “thumbs” if they weren’t so massive and heavy now.)
Monster-Bendy, finally; “Well, I for one can’t wait to make... Whatever her name is stay quiet ONCE AND FOR ALL! But first things first, my bloody and graphic vengeance on HENRY!”
Susie-Alice; “HEY! Wait your turn, fatty! I’m having vengeance on him FIRST!”
“Allison”; “I was supposed to get Hen out of here by now??”
Monster-Bendy; “WHAT!?”
Geno-Fur; “Plz, DADDY!
Monster-Bendy; “I heard you the first time-”
Geno-Fur; “If you’re not able to look within your heart and see that this isn’t what you want…
Monster-Bendy; “Sweet Solomon, what am I in for.”
Geno-Fur; “I wrote a song, which was 100% not originally by Christina Aguilera, JUST for you about how killing the people you love is wrong, and that I’m your best daughter ever AND LOVE YOU no matter what! It’s really dope and super cooler than what happened in Goofy Movie and I practiced all of the Fortnight dances and Minecraft stuff for it that I put it to and EVERYTHING! Duncha remember you n mommys wedding?? It was super bomb and I was the best gothic flowergirl in fishnets, leather skirt, midnight black corset and red firey boots EVER! Jus remember all de times we were like the best sexiest fam in da WORLD! And after it’s all done, I can play fnaf games with you! And then later, we’ll have another episode where I’m in highschool and Boris-sempai meets me under the cherry-blossom trees and I made him been-toes n’ stuff, and we’re the best OTP ever and Romeo and Juliet could never hope to compare to how deep we got it! And then in the final season it’ll be revealed yer in love with Uncle Cuphead and mommy is all like-!”
Bendy is slack jawed at this stupidity. He finally snaps.
Bendy; “F-… Fortnight and..? Did I hear that? Stop the cameras. Hit the brakes. Back up the bus. STOP THE GODDAMN MUSIC! Listen, I’ve put up with a LOT of braindead pandering malarkey this episode, but shit like FORTNITE REFERENCES and other media where they don’t belong are where I’m drawing the damn line. That tears it! I’m leaving! I don’t give a shit about getting a check anymore! I have a cat to feed and play with back at home, and I’m not wasting anymore time or energy on this! I’VE HAD IT WITH THIS TRIPE!!”
As Bendy rants, he’s removing his huge monster-self costume. Boris struggles out of the fat-suit and discards the gigantic gloves, whipping one of the X’s off his eyelids. They were makeup.
Boris; “I’m right there with you, Bend. I didn’t spend three years religiously studying musical theatre and drama to be in this piece of cow dung!”
“Allison” removes her wig to reveal it’s been Maria the whole time, because the real Allison wanted no part in this.
Maria; “Personally I’d of taken so many fat ones to stay OUT of the camera.”
Boris; “...’Many fat’ what??”
Maria; “I’ll… say when we’re older!”
Boris; “Mari, all of us are presumed 20-somethings-“
Rodney, finally visible as he’s approaching the set: “Rufford could fart on paper, and that’d be better material than this slop.”
Boris; “Who’s to say he isn’t one of the prime suspects? I mean, if it wasn’t Mr. Drew, or Raph-”
Bendy; “I just remembered, where the Blue Hell’s Angie!? She straight-up VANISHED in the middle of act 1!”
Angie, muffled; “Um, I am in here!”
They all look to a wooden box nearby. Boris pries it open to reveal Angie squeezed within.
Angie; “Hello, my friends!”
Bendy; “Anj!”
Angie; “I was informed that this would be my best contribution to the project...”
Boris; “… Wait, why put Angie into one of the crates I was s’posed to SMASH to bits, according to my script copy?”
(Geno-Fur interrupts like always)
Geno-Fur; “NnnnnOOOO!!! You can’t leave now! It was getting soooo gooooood!! I WANT TO SPREAD THE FEELS OF MY FEELS SPEECH!!”
Bendy; “SHADDAP, you obnoxious personification of preteen fanfiction and anime-base art!! C’mon outta there Angie, Henry promised to take us out for donuts after this.”
Angie, freed from the crate; “Oh, lovely!”
Boris; “I call dibs on the first bear claw.”
Maria; “Oh, I can absolutely go for a cream-filling!”
Bendy; “Maria, just.. don’t..”
Alice, trying to get Maria’s attention but ultimately ignored; “Why did the pipe you throw at me SMELL ‘funny’!?”
Dolly enters, just as frustrated about this dumb performance as everybody else.
Dolly; “Ages and ages on EVERYONE’S makeup, and do I get any mention on the end-credits? When I looked them over, NO.”
Rodney, chiming in; “Damn good for a first shot at horror-film sorta faceups, if ya ask me.”
Dolly; “Aw, you!”
Bendy; “Yeah, you got an artists’ hand Dolly! I remember Boris and I having a double-take at how well you captured Alice’s inner evil.”
Dolly; “Spoiling me, every single one of you”
(distant sound of Alice grunting grumpily and walking away from the group.)
Norman, somewhere in the distance: “Let’s just wrap this up and go home everybody, Joey can get his ears hollered off later!”
(Various voices are heard as the entire crew dissipates. Improv whatever.)
Henry returns to the remaining “toon crew”, holding a set of car keys
Henry; “Ima’s offered to tag along and pitch in, donuts are our treat fellas!”
Bendy, Angie, Boris, and company (not counting Alice or Geno-Fur) cheer in delight as they follow Henry out to grab some good old Shipley’s. Although still close by, the metaphorical camera is on the lady-trio. They momentarily face the audience.
Dolly; “Just to clarify, none of that hogwash we trudged through is canon.”
Angie; “We still hope you were entertained, thank you dearly for coming!”
Maria, after blowing a kiss; “Goodnight, everybody!”
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seven-circlllxs · 7 months
Hell's Hottest Hearts
💕 Barbie 💕
This was not the first time that Barbie had stumbled ass-backward into a job, and given her fucking luck, it sure as shit wouldn't be the last. She had been given the very glamorous task (insert eye roll) of taking the coats from the check and arranging them by last initial on the coat rack in one of the biggest fucking closet spaces she had ever seen.
Which meant she was alphabetizing the coats of rich bitches by herself in a room where nobody could see her.
Her tail twitched impatiently as she heard her father's disembodied croaking rattle around her skull, a little sliver of advice(?) he'd shared with her as an impling.
A little off the top won't hurt 'em, Barbie-Girl..
Most of the fuckers coming in had more money than they knew what to do with, losing a twenty or two would be chump change. Plus she still was doing the job given to her.
All that changed was how long her hands stayed near the coat pockets, and even then, it would be damn hard to really catch her.
And she hadn't been caught before..
Once the tidal wave of coats had finally calmed down to a trickle of stray garments here and there, she began step two of her plan.
She borrowed three sheer scarves off of the coat racks, two in complimenting shades of purples, and a sort of night-sky looking one with little sparkles in the fabric. Barbie made quick work tying the purple ones together as a braided belt which she tied loosely around her waist, accenting the skinny black dress she'd slept in for two days with a bit of billow. She draped the navy-sky scarf over her shoulders and, with a satisfied little twirl in the coat hall mirror, she strutted out into the main club, grabbed up a tray of passable hors d'oeuvres, tail swishing to and fro as she started to inspect who all had come to the swankiest fuck-club in town to bid on hotties..
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kisari-v · 1 year
Current Projects
Like, Even though I'm not really consistent on any of them yet I might as well have them down, they're beginning to get to a lot lol
"Insert Name Here"
(Whatever I decide to Finally Call the Project Between Kylie and Chase lol)
Tidal Waves
(the mermaid one that was originally a crack spinoff mermaid au base on a weid dream I had with Kylie and Chase as the parents that accidentally turned into it's own thing whoops. I still need to steady the canon of this story tho)
The Manic Pixie Dream Deal
(the one that was also originally a crack idea of a manic pixie dream girl and the emo fairy prince from tfota meeting and becoming friends from aesthetic mistaken identities)
The Ice Cream Social
(The Idea I'll sell if I ever get the chance where all the characters are based off of Ice cream flavors like strawberry shortcake but the story line is actually about a depressed girl trying to explain the situation with her friends by using ice cream pseudonyms as their names since they all meet up together at the local ice cream parlor)
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ghoulsister1 · 1 year
Safe Space
My F/Os x Self Insert Reader.
[I've had a really rough day and my entire mood has took a full nose dive as my anxiety and depression is overtaking me. I'm thankful that my beloved F/Os are here, I need the warmth and comfort they bring🥺]
The sky opened up above the heads of the people out and about, rain lashing down upon anyone who was brave enough or if you love the rain to stay out in this weather. Those who wore their best hardy raincoat and carried a sturdy umbrella were not deterred by the downpour. Those who forgot theirs could be seen dashing about the streets, pulling up their hoodies or best business jackets in an attempt to stay dry while some used newspapers or magazines.
I, on the other hand carried no umbrella nor newspaper. I had a good coat on me, but I didn't bother to pull up the hood to shield my already soaked hair from the rain, I just walked on through the streets of London, my mind far away and yet I was still coherent enough to dodge passers-by who were seeking shelter from the weather. I passed through crowds of people by the bus stop with unnatural ease, as if I was a wayward spirit just passing through people, no one saw me and if they did happen to look at me they paid me no heed and looked the other way.
Was I one of those rain loving few, braving the downpour? To be truthfully honest, I don't mind the rain but I would still dress appropriately and take care not to get wet. So why was I walking around in torrential rain without the hood of the coat pulled up?
Today I had some family relatives visiting me from my home country, just across the pond. They were staying at a local hotel and wanted to meet me. I happily obliged, even took my beloveds along to get acquainted. Everything was going very well honestly, hell we even took them to see some museums and even to see Buckingham Palace. Everything was going so well. Until today.
I went alone to have breakfast with them at one of the diners. Alfie and Thomas were away attending to business while Danny was called away to help in the planning of the next big score with Mickey and the gang. I didn't mind, seeing as my family got familiar with my sweethearts for the last 5 days and would understand why they weren't with me today. So I went alone to have breakfast with the family. Things started off smoothly, until I said I couldn't come visit them back at home next weekend because I would be away in Scotland with my beloveds for a little holiday of sorts.
The table had fallen very silent, until my Aunt spoke. "What about after your holiday?" Asked my Aunt. I informed them that I couldn't either because I would back working and I already had a few times off because of a wedding and a friend's birthday party, I couldn't dare ask my boss for another off day. He'd been generous enough already, me and him are on very good terms. Besides, I had a friend's wedding coming up and there was girls getaway to Wales too coming up. I couldn't make it, I'd be too exhausted.
After telling them this, my Aunt started and soon the whole table erupted into chaos. It sounded like a room full of politicians, one side calling me out as "too busy for family" "shouldn't have moved to another country" "selfish" and "loves her men more than time with the family" and the other side defending me, saying "it's her life" "she'll visit when she has time" "her boys have been kind to us for showing us around London" and "you always start this Aunt!". I tried to get them to quieten down as we were in public and people who were already trying to have a peaceful breakfast were staring at the table, a mix of curiosity, disgust and sympathy.
I was so overwhelmed and so mortified by the behaviour, I just got up, said my goodbyes and left. Some of the family members called after me, some shouted insults and jeers. My anxiety was on overdrive, followed by the tidal wave of depression already washing over as I made my way back to the flat that I shared with my beloved Brits.
I eventually reached the street where our flat was. The sky had darkened so much some houses and flats had lights on inside. I saw the soft, orange glow of light inside the flat as I walked up to the door. My zombie walk home in the cold rain had numbed my legs that moving made it feel uncomfortable, especially in my knees. My fingers were ice cold as I opened the door and walked inside, a blast of warmth welcoming me as I closed the door and called out to one of my boys. One of them had to be home because the lights were on inside and so was the heat.
"I'm upstairs love! Hang on I'm coming down!" Cried the voice of Danny Blue. I began hanging up my coat as Danny came downstairs, followed by the dogs. I gave him a soft smile though it felt like I was forcing it. Danny took in the sight of me, drenched to the bone except for my shirt which was dry as it was covered by my coat, except for my legs, hands, face and hair.
"Don't tell me you walked home through that flood out there! Were the taxis busy or something?" Asked Danny. I shook my head.
"No. I just....I just didn't feel like calling a taxi. So yeah, I walked home" I Said softly, desperately wishing the crack in my voice away. I could feel the tears welling up as fought against the urge to cry. Danny's face was full of concern as he moved closer to me, he placed a hand on my shoulder and I slowly turned to him, face hidden by some of my hair.
"Sweetheart, are you alright?" Asked Danny as he brushed away the hair from my face, taking in my watery eyes. "Oh love, what happened?" Asked Danny, concern in his voice. I sniffled, trying to will my voice to be strong, instead it came out meek and teary.
"Some of my relatives they....they weren't happy with me not going to visit them...I told them I was busy...so much stuff coming up I thought.....I thought they'd understand.....but....but" I Whimpered tearfully before letting out a choked sob as Danny pulled me into a hug. I buried my face into his chest and cried. Danny held on to me, holding me close and tight.
In between the sobs I told the story and how nasty they got. I told him that some family members did stand up for me but the vile words and insults thrown at me as I left was what hurt me most of all. Danny listened intently, he could feel his anger bubbling.
"How dare they turn around and say those things?! After we took them out to museums, a nice day in the park for lunch and even treated them a nice dinner and then turn around and say those things behind our backs! And insulting our little dove? One things for sure, Alfie and Tommy are not going be happy about this" Thought Danny as he rubbed soothing circles on my back, calming me and bringing me back.
"Let's get you out of those wet clothes and into something warm love. I'll put the kettle on, have a nice cup of tea and then it's on to some pampering for you" Said Danny, placing a kiss on my forehead. The gesture made me smile a little. As I went upstairs, Danny said something that made me giggle a little.
"Alfie and Tommy will definitely blow their top about this though! Please help me hold them back!" Said Danny, grinning. I giggled and promised I will try.
I dressed into some cute, fluffy Cinnamonroll pjs and got my Pusheen slippers on. The feeling of the soft fleece around me made me feel just that little more better while also easing away the icy thorns of hurt on my heart that little bit.
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I made my way downstairs to the living room where our dogs Scooter, Moonbeam and Cyril were curled up next to the fire. My cat Princess sat upon her cat perch Thomas got her last Christmas, taking one of her usual cat naps, somewhat thankful for the bad weather as it meant I couldn't take her for a walk. I sat down on the sofa, Danny was in the kitchen making the tea.
"Tommy called five minutes ago. He said he's on his way home with Alfie. Two sugars love?" Asked Danny.
"Yes Danny thank you" I Replied smiling softly. I curled myself up, wondering how Thomas and Alfie will react. But I wouldn't blame them if they got angry with my family relatives. Thomas was a gentleman with them, offering to pay for meals and even booked the tours of the museums. Alfie was very welcoming and acted like a tour guide, showing them the best spots to eat and the sights. And Danny was a loveable and always cracking jokes, making my uncles laugh and even playing billiards or darts with them at the pub. My boys were perfect gentlemen.
The sadness crept up on me as the door to our flat opened and in walked Alfie and Thomas. I didn't hear their car come up outside, I was so lost in my own racing mind. The two walked in and already Thomas felt something was off, especially when he saw the sadness in my eyes.
"What's happened?" Asked Thomas concerned. When Danny served our tea the boys sat down and I told them everything. Thomas was quiet along with Alfie but you could tell he was getting angry. Alfie just listened intently, though you couldn't tell he was angry but you could imagine the cogs moving in his head. Danny sat, glancing between Thomas quietly fuming with anger and Alfie silently thinking of some harsh words for some of the toxic members of my family.
I explained to them that some of my family members stood up for me but my uncles, two cousins and aunt were the ones that started and were the toxic ones. After I told my story, I awaited their thoughts on the matter.
"How dare they, fucking say those things to you. How dare they! I have a mind to go to the hotel and call them out on their shit" Said Thomas gritting his teeth.
"Maybe it's my fault. Maybe I'm prioritising my work too much. And I've been out a lot with friends, I mean there's a wedding coming up along with a girls getaway trip to Wales. Maybe I should just cancel, hopefully I can get my boss to give me some time off" I Said softly, tears welling up again as I heard my inner critic yelling at me, echoing the words my aunt called me as I left the diner.
"You're a real selfish bitch!"
Alfie cleared his throat and spoke. "No 'ove. You are not at fault. You are a hard worker. You are diligent and very reliable, always ready to lend a hand and your boss knows this. That's why you and him are on good terms" Said Alfie.
"Yeah we even got invited to dinner with his family" Said Danny grinning. Alfie nodded and continued.
"And don't listen to the critic you got inside your head, right? Don't go cancelling plans just so you can please those brain dead fuckers that don't appreciate you. They are jealous of how far you've come and how well you're doing" Said Alfie. I smiled and nodded. Alfie's words were true. Thomas came over and pressed a kiss to my hand.
"You are better than them love" Said Thomas softly. I sniffled and nodded.
"I am. Thank you boys. Thank you so much" I Said smiling tearfully as my three Brits embraced me in a big, loving hug that I melted into. Feeling safe and loved.
That evening Thomas ordered some takeout for us. A large pepperoni pizza, 3 burgers, a bag of chicken tenders, chips, a pot of curry sauce and garlic sauce and a large coke. We curled up together on the couch, Alfie had got me down a few of my Squishmallows to hold since it was comforting to me. We were binge watching some "Faulty Towers" and episodes of "Murder Maps".
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Here I was, held and cuddled by my three lovely Brits, snuggled with Ronnie the cow Squishmallow, good food and tv surrounded by our furry pets in our warm, cosy little London flat on a rainy night. No more bad thoughts, no worries. Just the feeling loved and protected, a safe place.
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Hope you enjoyed the story and I was glad to write it as it made me feel better❤️ I do apologise for it being long though😅 Anyway I hope you enjoyed it. Have a lovely day❤️👍
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encyclopika · 2 years
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #234
Brought to you by a marine biologist who hopes you're not sick of sea stars yet...
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp sure does feature a lot of sea stars, and I guess I can't blame them. It seems that with each iteration, they are simply recoloring an old one. But here at AC Fish Explained, we're not about to count them all as just one species - oh no! Each one is a great opportunity to talk about these weird little monsters. So, today's star is the Purple Starfish:
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The purple star, along with two others (Gold & Nebula), appeared during Fishing Tourney 43, Star Signs, in October of 2021. It was a related Halloween event that featured the pumpkin-headed Jack. Maybe someday it will make a comeback...maybe it won't.
By now you are all sea star experts, right? We call them "sea stars" and not "starfish" because they aren't actually fish, but are part of a group of animals called the Echinoderms, which include all the sea - stars, urchins, cucumbers, lilies, sand dollars, and brittle stars. Animal Crossing's diving activity and certainly Pocket Camp do a pretty great job representing this group (except I'd love to see a Brittle Star or Sea Lily in the game someday, just so I can really tell you more about them!). Today's star is quite the interesting little guy, with even more super powers than stars already have. It is actually called the Purple Sea Star, but also the Ochre Sea Star (Pisaster ochraceus).
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By D. Gordon E. Robertson - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6434467
This species is native to the west coast of North America where it lives in the inter-tidal zone munching on bivalves, like the California Mussel. Just like other stars, they use their tube feet, controlled by their water-vascular system, to pull the shells apart and insert their stomach to digest their prey. Sounds weird, right? Well, that's just a Tuesday for sea stars. The Purple Star has a few other tricks up its sleeve to become perfectly at home to the inter-tidal zone, where a vibrant, underwater community finds itself above-water everyday when the tide goes out.
This star is an apex predator of the inter-tidal zone, possessing the amazing ability to survive being out of the water for an extended period of time. Even under conditions where the Purple Star has lost 30% of its bodily fluid (which is critical for an animal that relies on water to get around), it can tough it out.
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By D. Gordon E. Robertson - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6434470
Ocean acidification also doesn't bother this guy, despite the fact that, like other echinoderms, its skeleton is made of calcium carbonate, a substance that is dissolved pretty readily in acid. This super power is thanks to a skeleton formed from nodules and the reliance of soft tissue, allowing it to adapt.
All of these super powers allow it to be the apex predator it is in the inter-tidal zone. Despite what that sounds like, the Purple Star's rule over the rocks is very important to the ecosystem. It's considered a Keystone Species, meaning its presence has a disproportional effect on its own habitat. Removing the Purple Star from a swath of shoreline for an experiment showed a marked decrease in biodiversity of the shore, which became inundated by California Mussels. When Purple Stars are present, the shoreline's biodiversity increases, as the star's appetite for mussels leaves open space for other organisms, like barnacles, to attach. Lots of sea stars that call inter-tidal zones home end up becoming a keystone species there, and can be used to gauge the health of the habitat. Who knew being a little voracious monster could reap so many benefits!
And there you have it! Fascinating stuff, no?
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1ore · 2 years
Hi. I found this sitting in my drafts and decided to finish it so that I don't get mega anxiety while I wait to give a talk. vvv
dragoon @silverspleen made this look very fun and funny, so you know what. i want to do something like it too :)
saw trap where my computer explodes if my oc playlists include mother mother or lemon demon saw trap where my oc playlists are stripped down to Only mother mother and lemon demon songs* and i just have to deal with that
*here's the full metric by which persons of the internet have decreed 'ach nae ye are but a basic wench, begone with ye.' im just doing whoever has a publicly accessible and ~well-developed playlist.
so, sinuk and brun, huh
Reaper Man by Mother Mother Mouth of the Devil by Mother Mother Told You So by Paramore
how many times do I have to teach you this lesson reaper man
This is Gospel by Panic! At The Disco Pompeii by Bastille Everything is Happening by Mother Mother The Oracle by Forgive Durden
verdict: almost coherent. pompeii is doing the heavy lifting here because that was the very first dren song
the incoherent dump playlist i made for when i do chief and reyes and co. stuff
We All Become by Darren Korb literally just the mechanicus OST A Mask of My Own Face by Lemon Demon Birth of Serpents by The Mountain Goats Up the Wolves by The Mountain Goats
verdict: this is an abridged version of the mark playlist.
.... Basedt time
Tallahassee by The Mountain Goats Sax Rohmer #1 by The Mountain Goats The Water Song by The Mountain Goats Tidal Wave by The Mountain Goats <insert the Assassin's Creed 2 OST here> Vagrant Song by Darren Korb Setting Sail, Coming Home by Darren Korb <insert the Tooth and Tail OST by Austin Wintory here>
verdict: yeah this is 50/50 morgan going through it and me wilding out in the ash tundra. thanks snoodles for introducing me to the mountain goats. created a monster
parting reflections: a solid 13 on the pH scale. IMO their first mistake was banning The Mountain Goats but not They Might Be Giants (together which you could use to compose a playlist for conceivably any concept.)
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this-user-is-sus · 2 years
Where to start?
The biggest problem I've been having with sustainability and doing something about the mess we're in is .... where to start? How to start? So I'm going to give the Cliff Notes for my thinking and learning so far.
Decreasing use of fossil fuels (as fuels) is #1. Duh. Does this even need to be said? Half by 2030. None by 2050. That means our cars, our water heaters, our cook stoves, our ovens, our heat, etc etc etc. If you own it and it burns gas, petrol, diesel, natural gas, methane, propane, or whatever you call it, think about how you're going to phase it out.
By extension, increasing your renewable energy usage instead of electricity generated from fossil fuels is #2, and a subset of #1. Wind. Solar. Tidal. Geothermal. Hydroelectric. Etc. They are safe. They are proven. They don't put more carbon (and other pollutants) into the atmosphere.
Advocacy is #3, and the best way to achieve #1 and #2. Start at the top. It's powerful if you, a person, puts solar on their house (assuming you can afford a house or live where there's a lot of sunshine), but it's more powerful if your town pressures your local electric utility to install a solar project to power 1,000 homes. It's powerful if you install a heat pump but it's more powerful if your government passes a bill to pay for heat pumps for low-income homeowners. Etc etc etc. Attend a city council meeting. Write a letter. Yell at your congressperson.
Transportation is #4. Drive your goddamn cars less. Go electric. Take the bus. Take the train. Vacation closer to home.
#5 if a subset of #4, and is to to take fewer long flights. Seriously. You don't have to visit a foreign country every year for fun. Or more often than twice a year. (I'm more understanding about visiting family.) That business trip could be a Zoom call. Every time I get a message from someone that they're in Hawaii because they're getting away from <insert climate-change-caused-unpleasant-weather-here> I want to strangle them.
If you can, go vegetarian or vegan. If you can't, at least reduce your meat intake. Especially eat less beef. Eat less dairy if you can. (I'm totally a hypocrite on this one. I love dairy. But at least I don't eat beef and eat minimal meat, period, so I feel like I'm trying my best.)
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recurringwriter · 2 years
new nickled back curry rating:
standout songs: Those Days (rodrigue vibes), High Time (it's country? but it's cool when nicklback does it), Does Heaven Even Know You're Missing? (why are they like this), Horizon (insert :rodcry: emoji here), Standing in the Dark (rodriguela vibe. romantic. excuse me...), Just One More (this flows very nice)
i Will Listen to These While Writing Fight Scenes: San Quentin (this has been stuck in my head since it was released as a single), Skinny Little Missy (how can you have this song as well as sappy romance stuff?? and not be a gemini??)
uninteresting to me: Vegas Bomb (idk just not my vibe), Tidal Wave (i can't remember what this sounds like), Steel Still Rusts (not sure what the intent is, not interesting enough to read the lyrics again)
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melomindsseo · 4 months
How to Get the Best Sound Quality from Your Earbuds
Earbuds have become a staple in our daily lives, providing us with a personal soundtrack whether we're commuting, working out, or just relaxing. However, many people don't realize that getting the best sound quality from their earbuds involves more than just plugging them in. Here are some tips and tricks to help you maximize your earbud experience.
1. Choose the Right Earbuds
The journey to excellent sound quality begins with selecting the right earbuds. Not all earbuds are created equal, and the market is flooded with options ranging from budget-friendly to high-end models. Here are a few factors to consider:
Sound Profile
Different earbuds offer different sound profiles. Some emphasize bass, while others provide a more balanced or treble-heavy sound. Your choice should align with your music preferences. For instance, if you enjoy bass-heavy genres like hip-hop or EDM, look for earbuds known for their bass response.
Fit and Comfort
The fit of your earbuds can significantly impact sound quality. Poorly fitting earbuds can result in sound leakage and reduced bass. Opt for earbuds that come with multiple ear tip sizes to ensure a snug fit.
Wireless vs. Wired
While wireless earbuds offer convenience, wired earbuds often provide better sound quality due to a more stable connection and higher fidelity audio transmission. Consider your priorities when making a choice.
2. Ensure a Proper Fit
A proper fit is crucial for both comfort and sound quality. Earbuds that fit well create a seal in your ear canal, which helps to block out external noise and enhance bass response. Here’s how to achieve the best fit:
Experiment with Ear Tips
Most earbuds come with a variety of ear tips. Don’t settle for the default ones if they don’t fit well. Try different sizes and materials (silicone, foam) to find the perfect match for your ears.
Insert Properly
The way you insert your earbuds can affect the sound quality. Insert them gently into your ears and twist slightly to ensure a secure fit. Some earbuds are designed to be worn at a particular angle, so consult the user manual for guidance.
Use Ear Hooks or Wings
For an even more secure fit, especially during physical activities, consider using ear hooks or wings. These accessories can help keep the earbuds in place and maintain a consistent sound quality.
3. Optimize Your Audio Source
Even the best earbuds can't compensate for poor audio quality from the source. Here’s how to ensure your audio files and settings are up to par:
High-Quality Audio Files
Use high-quality audio files for the best sound. MP3s with a bitrate of 320 kbps or lossless formats like FLAC or ALAC provide better sound quality than lower bitrate files. Streaming services like Tidal and Spotify offer high-quality streaming options as well.
Adjust EQ Settings
Most smartphones and music apps come with built-in equalizers (EQ). Experiment with these settings to tailor the sound to your preference. Boost the bass, mids, or treble to enhance the overall listening experience.
Use a Dedicated Music Player
If you’re serious about sound quality, consider using a dedicated music player. These devices are designed to provide high-fidelity audio and often support various high-resolution audio formats.
4. Maintain Your Earbuds
Proper maintenance can significantly impact the longevity and performance of your earbuds. Here are some tips to keep them in top shape:
Regular Cleaning
Earwax and debris can accumulate on your earbuds, affecting sound quality. Clean your earbuds regularly with a soft, dry cloth or a slightly dampened cloth with mild soap. For stubborn dirt, use a soft-bristled brush or a cotton swab.
Avoid Moisture
Exposure to moisture can damage the internal components of your earbuds. Avoid using them in the rain or while sweating excessively. If your earbuds are water-resistant, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on exposure to water.
Store Properly
When not in use, store your earbuds in a case to protect them from dust and physical damage. Avoid wrapping the cable tightly, as this can cause internal wire damage over time.
5. Upgrade Your Gear
Sometimes, enhancing sound quality involves upgrading not just the earbuds but also the supporting equipment:
External DACs and Amplifiers
For audiophiles, using an external Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) and amplifier can make a significant difference. These devices bypass the built-in DACs in smartphones and computers, providing cleaner and more detailed sound.
Quality Cables
If you’re using wired earbuds, the quality of the cable can affect sound transmission. Look for cables made from high-quality materials and with good shielding to minimize signal loss and interference.
Earbud Mods
There are aftermarket modifications available for certain high-end earbuds. These mods can include custom ear tips, upgraded cables, and even internal component replacements that can enhance sound quality.
6. Use Noise-Cancellation Features
Noise-canceling earbuds can dramatically improve your listening experience by reducing background noise. There are two main types of noise cancellation:
Passive Noise Isolation
This is achieved through a good seal and fit of the earbuds. By physically blocking out external sounds, passive noise isolation helps you focus on the music.
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)
ANC uses built-in microphones to detect ambient noise and produce inverse sound waves to cancel it out. This feature is particularly useful in noisy environments like airplanes or public transport.
7. Be Mindful of Volume Levels
Listening at high volumes can damage your hearing over time and degrade sound quality. Here’s how to manage volume levels effectively:
Find a Safe Volume Level
Aim to keep the volume at 60-70% of the maximum. This range is usually sufficient for clear audio without risking hearing damage.
Use Volume Limiting Features
Many devices offer volume limiting features that prevent you from accidentally increasing the volume too high. Use these settings to protect your hearing.
Take Breaks
Give your ears regular breaks to prevent fatigue. Prolonged listening at high volumes can lead to temporary hearing loss and reduce your ability to enjoy your music.
8. Personalize Your Listening Experience
Everyone's ears are different, and what sounds good to one person might not to another. Personalizing your setup can make a big difference:
Custom Ear Tips
Consider investing in custom-molded ear tips. These tips are made from molds of your ears and provide an excellent fit, improving both comfort and sound quality.
Custom EQ Profiles
Take the time to create custom EQ profiles for different types of music. Some music apps allow you to save multiple EQ settings, so you can switch between them based on what you’re listening to.
Sound Personalization Apps
Some earbuds come with companion apps that allow you to create a personalized sound profile based on your hearing. These apps conduct hearing tests and adjust the sound output to match your hearing capabilities.
Achieving the best sound quality from your earbuds requires a combination of the right equipment, proper maintenance, and personalized settings. By choosing the best earbud, ensuring a proper fit, optimizing your audio source, maintaining your gear, upgrading when necessary, using noise-cancellation features, managing volume levels, and personalizing your listening experience, you can enjoy your music to its fullest potential. Happy listening!
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