#inside job fics
floofle-universe · 2 years
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Read @eeriebarbie ‘s paper rings right now!
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reagans-malewife · 1 year
I know I mentioned this in shitpost-adjacent blog before, but I feel like I really have to give a better explanation here.
It is so very possible that Inside Job and Gravity Falls take place in the same universe, it's not even funny.
I've got little theories and essentially one of those conspiracy corkboards in my brain, but the one thing I really want to talk about is in Myc's Hiveschool Reunion.
In that episode, the gang all travels to Oregon (you know, where Gravity Falls takes place) to get down into the earth. And I'm like 90% sure it was just a throwaway line, but Reagan says, "if we go too deep, we'll hit [...] some wacky gravitational bullshit."
Well. You know what else is underground and makes some "wacky gravitational bullshit" in Oregon?
Ford's portal. Booyah.
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
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I couldn’t choose which hand position looked cutest so. have all of em I guess :o
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
Hi, would you be willing to write nsfw and sfw dating headcanons for Brett? Gender neutral is best but if you need it, can you make it for an afab reader? Thank you so much!
Brett Hand x GN!Reader: SFW dating headcanons
Warnings: canon-typical violence + shenanigans, SFW, talk of food, families, sickness and illness
Content: just canon typical shenanigans + behavior, domesticity, Brett Hand
- Brett’s literally the sweetest person ever, and when he’s in love? Infatuation and the most endearing type of affection possible.
- he’s a bit clingy, both with regular attention and affection and with sexual attention/affection. He doesn’t do too much PDA, keeping it mild like a hand on your hip or pecking a kiss, or kisses, on your forehead or cheek if not lips. If it’s more lax and around friends, he’ll have his hand drift a little lower if not nestle in one of your back pockets and won’t me afraid to kiss a little lower on your face at your jaw.
- if you don’t like PDA much if at all, he completely respects it! He doesn’t want to push your boundaries beyond the limits or make you uncomfortable. He’d be fine just holding your hand! He loves doing that if he’s being honest, running his thumb over your knuckles and just rambling absentmindedly with whatever is on his mind while he plays with your hands.
- Brett’s definitely the type to memorize tidbits and information about yourself. Hell, he’s probably got a google doc or a notes app full of stuff beyond just your birthday and favorite color. He’s got your food orders and favorite food places, your ick-foods, allergies, the exact shade of your eyes and how they look in the sun, what type of wedding rings he’d think you’d like, date ideas, jokes and inside jokes y’all have. He struggles to remember every single detail about you, but he’ll be damned if he didn’t try.
- he even notes down factoids and little things about you, like he's writing the bullet points of a Wikipedia article about you, trying to memorize just how you wear your hair, which color tone of jewelry you frequent, the story behind the scar on your knee. He jots it all down and it's a long list, that keeps getting longer. But it's so sweet it's practically cavity-inducing, craving to know all of you in every facet and aspect.
- he makes everything fun, whether your time shared and spent together are dates out mini golfing, bar hopping, clubbing, or just having dates in the comfort of home. He couldn’t care less where he was or what he was doing, as long as he was with you. He just likes being with you. You’re all he needs.
- his favorite type and choice of date?? Cooking at home with you, goofing around in the kitchen and eating dinner across from you in the comfort of home, only to clean up and dance with you barefoot in the kitchen to something softly playing over the speakers. Dancing in the refrigerator light is high key his favorite way to end a day, with you in his arms and swaying to the beat.
- he doesn’t fight often because he’s more resigned as a person. It can be difficult to have him open up truly and push back if his boundaries are neglected due to how he’s so much of a people pleaser and he’d hate to hurt your feelings, even if his own are hurting. It takes some time for him to heal internal wounds and be able to be open and fully share what he’s feeling.
- he is super spontaneous too like he enjoys the hell out of doing sudden dates. He would absolutely crush that date trend of going into target and getting things for your partner you think they'd like, like something in your favorite color, your favorite drink and snack, something for you two to do together. this man is spouse material good lord
- speaking of marriage material, please talk about future plans with this boy. Not too soon unless you wanna' get married like you're contestants on 90-day fiance but still if you've been together for a bit, already considering moving in, talk about how you eventually want to marry him and how you intend to spend the rest of your life with him. Brett will cry and hug you for a solid hour - that's not in jest I believe he will actually do it. Just sitting there cuddling and blubbering about how he's so happy and relieved and he wants to marry you too and then he's rambling about ring sizes and that he knows a guy who can get y'all's rings and hitched within the hour.
- he is so whiny when he's sick but I bet it's like once a year, if that, he takes such good care of himself but when someone in the gang sneezes in his face he takes it in stride and then gets laid up at home. Taking care of him is like taking care of a sick kindergartner but its fun, its Disney movies, cuddles all day, grilled cheese and tomato soup with that dollop of sour cream and pepper on the top, blanket forts, and setting him off to sleep at 8:30pm with a double dose of Delsum and sleepy time tea
- marry this man.
- Brett is so doting when sick too because he's got all the holistic remedies + the whole CVS over-the-counter pharmacy of cold medicines and sinus relief and tummy ache relievers. He's probably also got the industrial or commercial-size first-aid kit.
- If you ever skin your knee or sprain an ankle that man is hauling you up in his arms bridal carry and just making casual conversation while he takes you to the nearest doctor or nurse's office, no matter if you insist you're fine, and dotes on you and tells you how proud he is of you.
- he also excels in pep talks and affirmations, recording you tapes to play should he be away from you in case you want to hear his voice. He'll text you to not pick up his call so he can leave you voicemails sometimes, telling you about his day and asking about yours as if you're actually on the phone, and he ends the second half of the voicemail telling you how much he loves you, how happy he is to have you in his life, how thankful and grateful he is, etc etc
- Brett rushes to open the doors for you, and will even carry you over puddles that way your shoes and legs don't get wet. he'll have his arm around your waist and make sure he's on the side facing the road when walking on sidewalks, having you on his opposite side and safer in case something were to happen. You get his handkerchiefs and his umbrellas, the second half of his sandwich, the share of his fries, and control over the aux in his car when going places.
- he makes you mix CD's and playlists for certain moods, moments, memories, and loves to go to concerts with you. Brett'll stand behind you with his arms around your waist and head on your shoulder or on top of yours depending on height so you get a better view and he can still be close.
- He is a wreck when meeting your friends or family, knowing how important they are to you but you're just like ??? Sir, you are the perfect man how could they not like you ??? and then he's trying not to cry and begging for a hug meanwhile it's in the middle of a fast food restaurant and you two are about to order lunch. Idiot, marry him.
- Brett is the type to fawn over babies and pets in public and its even worse if its the both of you because then there's the conversational point of the two of you having a family and that man could not have bigger heart eyes, practically begging to have a baby or adopt one or have Reagan or the cloning department make y'all one
- it's tempting but like, perhaps move in or marriage first then extend bloodlines
- regardless, this man is ultimate dating material, marriage material, long haul ride or die. Brett is so choice, I'd highly recommend picking one up.
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anonnluvver · 2 years
brett with a very shy reader ? most x readers have a too bold personality for me to relate too lol, gender is unimportant and just headcannons pleaseee :) ty
HIII OMG YALL REQUESTED A WHOOOLLE LOT AND IM SO SORRY IVE TOOK SO LONG TO GET TO THEM BUT I PROMISE I WILL! I’ve just been so busy lately but I’ve finally got some free time on my hands so be ready for looots of posts. ANYWAYS let’s get to it, thanks so much for requesting! (Btw this one is a long one…and cheesy)
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Brett x shy reader fluff(gender neutral)
“Deep breathes, okay. You can do this.” You quietly whisper to yourself, nervously fiddling with the seams of your shirt. It’s the first day of your new job in the shadow government at Cognito inc. taking one last deep breath and push the doors open walking up to the front desk. “Hi, im Y/n. Im new here and someone named Reagan said to ask you for instructions.” The secretary just looks you up in down with the blankest expression you’ve ever seen and simply said “go to the 2nd floor, conference room.” You awkwardly look away and thank the lady. Geez so much for good first impressions. Following the mean ladys instructions you stand right in front of the conference doors and give it a quick knock. “Come in!” You hear a women shout. Opening the doors you see who you assume is your boss, Regan. “Hi, I’m Regan your boss . Since of now you are part of the task force.” That was super brief, you thought. You’re a little shocked at how quickly you had been assigned to a job. “Oh um okay, well when do I get to meet this team of mine?” You question her a little scared to meet the rest of your co-workers. “Ah sorry I called you in a bit earlier than everyone else just so you could adjust to your office a bit. I’ll show you the way there then you’ll come back here when your done settling down to meet everyone else.” Regan walks you out to your office and leaves soon after. Your body slumps and your bag falls onto your desk as you sit down. “Well this hasnt been too bad. Regan doesn’t talk too much, which is kind of awkward but I mean so am I.” You talk to yourself in your small office hearing your voice echo a little on the walls from the emptiness in the room. Well I guess I should start heading back I’ve been here a while, sighing you stand up and hesitantly go to the conference room once more. You open the doors to find more people sitting down at the large table in the conference room, all suddenly turning their heads to look at you. In embarrassment your face flushes a little and you look at the floor awkwardly. “Oh, sorry everyone um hi I’m Y/n.” You quietly introduce yourself. “Oh my gosh!” *SQUEEL* “You must be our new co worker!” *gasp* You sharply gasp, surprised by being pulled into a tight hug and squeezed up into the air. Your face grows even hotter and flustered not knowing who is touching you or what to do. You look down to see the person hugging you so tightly and see a tall and really attractive guy. And suddenly your even more flustered if that’s possible. “Brett how many times do we have to tell you, you don’t hug people who don’t know you.” Reagan sighs tiredly, clearly this isn’t the first time he’s done this. “Oh! Right sorry… I’m just so excited to have a new addition to our gang!” He quickly puts you done and apologizes. “Y/n you can come sit down with us now, everyone just introduce yourselves normally please.” Wow, Regan already seems done and the day just started. “Oh okay.” Shit, well where am I supposed to sit? You look to the right and see that weird guy who hugged you patting the seat next to him. You just quickly look away and sit next to Regan on the opposite side from him. You don’t mean to be harsh but you’re just nervous to be close to him. And strange enough he looks sad you didn’t sit next to him. “Alright well I’m Andre Lee, the tasks force one and only biochemist. I also got the good stuff-if you know what I mean wink wink.” He elbows your side while dramatically winking. “You are such a weirdo Andre.” The next girl rolls her eyes at Andre “whatever, I’m Gigi Thompson, best looking one here and PR of the media manipulation department. I’m sure you’ve seen my work because I am everywhere.” She laughs at her own flattery. “And I’m Glen Dolphman, Cognito Inc’s supersoilder and responsible for managing the company’s arsenal.” He says while firmly saluting to the American flag. “Oh and I’m Brett Hand! And uh I guess I just work here.” He laughs awkwardly at the last part as it seems he doesn’t even know why he’s here. “Okay now that everyone has introduced themselves let’s get to business.”
Regans voice just fades out slowly from your head as your distracted by a certain someone. You just stare at him in confusion and curiosity, Brett seems like such a strange yet normal guy. Though as your staring at him you can say he is really cute. Lost in your thoughts you don’t even notice when Brett catches you staring at him at first. He smiles at you and you quickly look away in embarrassment.
Eventually the hours pass you by and your first day on the job was over. You’re glad it was nothing crazy but planning things and paperwork. Reagan promised you’d be safely at the office, just for your first few days. You collect your things from your office and head to your car in the parking lot. Content enough with your first day you decide to get a quick pick me up at Starbucks. You sit at a table by yourself waiting for your vanilla with extra sweet cream foam cold brew, your regular. “Oh hey Y/n, it’s me Brett!” You look at up from your phone in surprise. Brett stood smiling right in front of you. Immediately filled with awkward nervousness you look away from him and down the the table. “Um hi…” you quietly respond to him, clearly not matching his energy. Brett immediately frowns with sadness. “Hey, I’m sorry that I hugged you without your permission. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I was just so excited to meet you! From now on I promise I’ll always ask before touching you.” Surprised at his apology you look up to see him smiling sweetly at you. You feel your cheeks warm up and little and you start to smile just a little. “Thanks, I really appreciate it Brett.” You finally spoke to him while making eye contact! Brett’s eyes light up with happiness, just glad you accepted his apology. Before either of you could say anything else the employee called out your order. “Oh that’s me, sorry Brett I have to go now but um it was really nice to see you.” You grab your bag and coffee and wave goodbye to Brett. Finally at home lying in your bed trying to sleep, you find yourself staring at the ceiling unable to stop thinking about something. Or more like someone. You couldn’t get Brett Hand out of your head and it was unbearable. What was so intriguing about him to you? I mean surely you cant like him you just met. I’m sure it’s just cause your excited about having a new friend. Yes of course, that’s the answer. All these thoughts rush through your head for the next few hours of you sleepless night.
You wave lazily at the front desk lady on your way into the office this morning, tired from you lack of sleep from last night. You drop a few things off at the office and report to the conference room shortly after as Reagan directed. You walk in and it’s just Reagan, seems like your a bit early. “G’mornin.” You mumble and take a sit next to her slumping tiredly in the chair. “Woah you look just like me, what’s wrong?” Reagan questions your tired face knowing it a little too well. You slowly lift your head off the table to look at her with half closed eyes. “Hm? Oh sorry, im just really tired. I couldnt sleep last night and I forgot to get coffee this morning too.” You slur and mumble all your words but it’s clear enough for Reagan to understand what your saying. “Ah I get that but my question is, why were you having trouble sleeping?” And before you could fumble over your words trying to make an excuse the answer bursts right through the doors. “Hey guys! How’s it going?” Brett’s energy is way too much for you this morning so you just put your head back down and doze off as Regan and Brett talk for a bit. Yet before you can fall asleep Brett calls out your name. “Y/n, look up.” “Hm?” You hum and left your head of the table once more to look up at whatever Brett wanted. He was holding out a coffee to you. You wake up a little from the shock and slowly sit up straight. “Is this for me?” You look at him confused. “Yes of course, I swinged by this morning to get you it. it’s a vanilla cold brew with extra sweet cream foam!” He gleefully beams at you. “But that’s what I always get?” You look at him stumped “how do you know my order?” Still confused you question Brett. “Oh well I I remember what order the employee called out yesterday when I saw you.” He smiles once more and you gently reach out your hands to grab the cup. And suddenly your sense of touch heightens when your fingers brush softly against Brett’s as you grab the cold cup. You share one last look with Brett before he quickly jolts up. “Oh! I just remembered I should go find the others. I know they’re here probably just running late.” He smiles and heads off to find the rest of your co workers. You just sit there starring off into space from where Brett last stood. “Hey Y/n” “hello?” “Y/N!” Regan yells at you to wake up from your day dream. “Oh regan, sorry I spaced out.” “Yea I could tell. Now let’s get ready for another stressful meeting.” You fully turn your attention to helping Regan prepare for the day.
Once again the work day is over and it’s time to leave as your walking out to the doors of your office you’re stopped by a certain someone. “Hey Y/n! Great work today.” It’s Brett. “Oh, thanks Brett…” fuck you’re internally screaming. Why does this guy make you so nervous? Hiding your face from Brett inevitable feeling the heat flush to your cheeks once more. “Um by the way, thanks for the coffee. It was really cool of you.” Cool? Gosh I sound like a dork. You internally beat your self up for your stupid choice of words. “No problem! Anything for a pal.” He giggles a little from his own statement and winks at you playfully. “Okay we’ll see you tomorrow Y/n!” And with that you both exchanges waves and goodbyes. Once finally out of eyesight you mentally face palm and groan into your hands. Gosh. That was embarrassing “Honey, I just saw that whole thing and whooh that was awkward.” You quickly turn around to see who saw your embarrassing display with Brett and it was Gigi. “Ugh I know but I just can’t figure out why I’m so awkward around him.” You cringe at just remembering your interaction. And yet you find yourself weirdly comfortable talking to Gigi. “Mmhm I think I know exactly why.” She just gives you an all knowing look up and down. “Really? Please tell me why.” You plead do her to enough you so you can just solve the issue already. “It’s because you like him.” “WHAT?” You accidentally yell out in shock covering your mouth quickly. “I mean, why do you say so?” This time whispering so no one near could hear. “Honey it’s written all over that little face of yours.” You groan loudly at her claim. Could that really be the reason your social skills suck more then usual when talking to Brett? “But I just met him, how could I already like him?” You ask Gigi since she seems to be much more knowledgeable in this aspect. “Well I couldn’t tell you. After all how am I supposed to know why YOU like him? All I know is lover boy seems to be developing a few feelings of his own.” And with that mind breaking statement she leaves you alone with just you and your thoughts. Brett like me?? No way. Not in a million years. These words echoing through your head the whole way home. Throwing yourself over your bed with exhaustion more over your conflicting emotions rather than your heavy work load and eventually passing out.
A few weeks pass and your now comfortable in your new work environment, strange but now familiar. Yet one thing has not changed, the awkwardness you feel when around Brett. And yes those feelings Gigi talked about have not left one bit, in fact you’d say they’ve grown over time. Brett’s nice gestures always make your stomach flutter with butterflies and your heart face like some 3rd grade crush. “Y/nnnn, Come on! He clearly likes you, why not just make a damn move already. Everyone in the office practically knows already! It’s so obvious.” Gigi shouts at you while your just trying to enjoy your sandwich. You asked to have lunch together not a therapy session… “Gigi shhh! Don’t say that so loud!” You sigh and put your sandwich down “look, I like him sure but we don’t know for sure if he does and-“ “OH PLEASE!” Gigi cuts you off abruptly shouting and throwing her arms in the air. “He’s always extra nice to you and trust me Brett’s already way too nice. Plus he’s always bring you little gifts all the time.” She huffs and rolls her eyes at you. “Whatever Gigi, I’m not making any moves so sorry to dissatisfy your office romance fantasies.” You roll you eyes back at her and clean up since your lunch break is over leaving back to your office and go finish up some paperwork for Reagan. “Oh I will get my office romance wether you want it or not.” Gigi talks to herself planning a ‘special’ surprise for you.
*KNOCK* *KNOCK* you sigh getting up from your chair to open the door to your office. “Oh hi Gigi, Reagan, What do you need?” You see the two girls standing in front of your door. “Hey Y/n we were hoping you could help us find something in the chemical closet.” Gigi asks in a weirdly high pitch voice. “Sure,what is it?” You ask wondering what it was they couldn’t find. “Oh follow us then we’ll tell you”. So you follow Reagan and Gigi to the chemical closet and go inside. “It’s called fizzyflupflurp acid.” You can hear one of them trying to hold in a laugh behind you “Really? That sounds kind of stupid.” But before you can say anymore they quickly leave in a rush saying to just call them when you find it since they’re so “busy”. Huh, weird. But I mean this whole place is weird. You just think to yourself as you look through the various viles for ‘fizzyflupflurp’ acid. Suddenly you hear lots of giggling behind you and hear Brett stumble into the closet falling right on to you. He lets out a grunt from the impact of you two colliding and before either of you can get a word out you hear the lock click and Gigi and Reagan giggles burst out into laughter. You push brett aside and rush to the door trying to open the door but it’s locked, pounding your fist on the door in frustration when it doesn’t open. “Let us out!” You yell at the other two behind the door. “Yeah, What are we locked in here for?” Brett chimes in. “Oh I think you know why you’re in there. And we’re not letting you out till one of you spits it out.” You can just hear the smirk on Gigi’s face. You freeze in fear and feel your face turn completely hot and red. “Gosh no.” You breathlessly whisper to yourself not wanting to turn around and face Brett. “AH OKAY I ADMIT IT,” Brett suddenly yells out “I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE STALKED YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA TO LEARN YOUR FAVORITE THINGS.” Brett winces as if you might yell at him for what he’s done. “Brett what? No, this isn’t what this is about. And that’s not a horrible thing Brett im not mad at you for it but it is kinda weird…” you sigh preparing yourself to ruin your small friendship with Brett and make it awkward for the rest of your career. “Then what is it about?” Brett asks confused to what other secret needed sharing. “Well it’s… it’s- gosh um” SPIT IT OUT ALREADY internally yelling at yourself to get it over with. “I like you.” You say extremely quite almost enough for Brett to not hear. “Oh well I like you too Y/n! You’re a great friend, that’s no secret.” He laughs at you for your ‘silly’ secret that he just doesn’t seem to understand. “No, Brett. I like like you. As in romantically.” You muster out clarifying things for Brett. It’s silent. Way too silent that you look up to see his expression and he looks so, shocked? Panicked you start apologizing “look Brett I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable I jus-“. Oof is the noise you let out from being knocked back into the closet door. “Brett?” “I’m sorry, I know I said I’d ask next time before hugging you but I just really needed to this time.” He whispers softly and your heart just melts. You hug him back tighter than ever happy he isn’t upset. “I like like you too Y/n” he quietly says nuzzling into your neck and gently squeezes you reassuringly.
I AM SO SORRY I TOTALLY READ THIS REQUEST WRONG I DONT KNOW HOW 😭. well regardless I hope some of you like it but I am truly sorry anonymous hope you can forgive me🙏.
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happyandticklish · 2 years
Notes: Commission for @ssnicker-doodless. Holy hell is this ever late, and I am super appreciative of your understanding while I was working on it through mountains of homework ;-; But I had to pull through for the sake of lee Brett, which is a worthy cause that I think we can all get behind😤 I loosely incorporated some of your headcannons as well, as those were incredible and I needed to put them into use somehow. I hope you enjoy!!
Summary: Brett and Reagan experiment with their first real session. 
Brett Hand was used to feeling helpless.
It was a common occurrence in his life and as such, he had forced himself to become accustomed to it. There were some things in life that were out of his control, and while he hadn’t yet found a healthy way to cope with that information, he had turned to denial instead to try to block out the anxious storm brewing inside of him. When the whole team decided to secretly inject him with truth serum without telling him one day, he took a deep breath and powered through it after sharing many a detail of his first time that was quickly dragged out of him. When Reagan cancelled on their dinner plans he had spent hours arranging for them because there had been an accident in the lab, he had simply smiled and sent back a text telling her not to worry. When every exam left him gritting his teeth in frustration as he furiously rose his grade to an A for his family, he told himself that life wasn’t about just facts and memorization. 
Brett Hand was a helpless individual so often that it had become comfortable at this point.
Yet, as Reagan tugged the last remaining strap around his wrists, he felt that same sense of telltale helplessness. Only this time, he couldn’t shove it down as usual. It wrapped around his insides, making him squirm uncomfortably in his seat as he tried to breathe normally.
Unfortunately, he was dating possibly one of the smartest people he had ever met, so it didn’t take her long to notice his nervousness. “Are you okay? You’re looking a little pale there.”
He nodded, the motion jerky and tense. “Of course! Definitely okay! I did ask for this after all, so it would be weird if I wasn’t okay, right?” He was more convincing himself than anyone else. “I mean, I like this kind of thing, so why would any of this be a problem for me?”
Her face had fallen in understanding and guilt twinged in his gut. “Brett, if you’re not okay with this—”
“I am,” Brett insisted. Not technically a lie. He was okay with this. He should be okay with this. He had hardly been able to contain his excitement when Reagan had readily agreed to his request, and had spent hours fantasizing about it in the weeks leading up to the event. Now it was finally happening and his incompetent lump of a brain was ruining everything for him. “I’m fine, Reagan, really. Just some first-time jitters, that’s all. I’m sure it will go away once you get started.”
She raised an eyebrow, clearly still concerned, but consented, standing up to go back to her mysterious table of tools she hadn’t let him look at yet. They had decided to conduct the session in her lab, as that was one of the few places where a theoretical torture set-up wouldn’t look out of place. The bondage in place was rudimentary, more for Brett’s sake than anything. His hands were tied firmly behind the leather back chair, but other than that he was free to squirm as much as he wanted. The lighting in the room was dimmed to create atmosphere, and across from him was a table with a billowy sheet covering an array of different tools.
The setting all felt very dungeon-y, which had sent a thrill through Brett when he had first seen it. Now, it was making him realize how easy it would be to keep him down here forever if Reagan so pleased. He was pretty sure these walls were soundproof too. Again, a would-be benefit that, in the wrong hands, could end catastrophically for him.
Not that he was worried Reagan was going to kill him, per se. But there were other risks. A safeword is a difficult thing to comprehend in-between bouts of giggling laughter. And who knows what objects Reagan had picked out for him. He was fully clothed at the current moment but he knew that was bound to change later on. Being tied up, completely exposed, with no idea of how far things could go…
He squeezed his eyes shut as his thoughts spiraled. Calm down, Brett. It’s just tickling. You like tickling.
When he opened them, Reagan had turned back around with her hands held suspiciously behind her back.
“What’s that?” he asked, trying for casual as though he was not tied to a chair and was instead sitting comfortably on Reagan’s bed with zero stakes involved. He shifted in his bindings, trying to get a better look. “Nothing too intense, I hope?”
“Trust me, you’re gonna love it,” she said, kneeling beside him. She had that crazy scientist look on her face, the one that said she had just discovered a new idea she wanted to try out and someone was going to suffer for it. There was an uncertainty to it though, as though she were out of her element. “I have to admit, I did a bit of research to prep for this and found some common tools people use online. I just… we don’t normally do this in-depth of sessions and I wanted to make sure it was special.”
She was nervous. That made him feel a slight bit better about this whole thing. Her words and her demeanor conflicted though. He wanted to assure her that this was very sweet of her, but he couldn’t help the anxiety prickling inside of him at the thought of just what kind of ‘research’ she did. He had spent many nights delving into that side of the internet, and some of the devices they used looked intense. Really intense. Instinctively, he tugged on his bonds. They held. Obviously, as there was no way perfectionist Reagan was going to create shitty bondage. He tried again, just to make sure, his mind running rampant with scenarios. What if it really, really tickled, and he couldn’t get free, and he was forced to just sit there and take it? What if she didn’t understand how bad it was?
Brett yelped when she started to pull her hand out and she paused, face freezing in alarm. 
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. There was no playing that off.
“Brett,” Reagan asked slowly, dropping something on the ground. A quick glance down revealed it to be a toothbrush. Disappointment and relief tangled up inside of him at the thought that it probably wouldn’t be used on him now. “Look, if something is bothering you, you need to tell me. Because I’m not going to consent to do something to you that is so obviously making you uncomfortable. You can’t even look me in the eyes right now!”
“I can too,” he muttered, staring determinedly at the floor. “Besides, this is supposed to happen! I’ve watched all the videos for it, and the, uh, ‘victim’ always feels nervous beforehand. That’s supposed to be the fun of it!”
“Is this fun?”
No. The answer came to him instinctively before he could think about it, and he shoved it down as he had been doing the entire ride over here up till now. Because he had watched the videos. He had watched people scream and beg for release and be given none, and though he knew it was all part of some elaborate act, he could never shake the thought that one day that would be him. It was what had prevented him from telling past lovers about this interest of his, and it was what was preventing him from letting Reagan go through with this now.
“No! Yes! I don’t know!” Behind the chair, Brett fiddled with his fingers, keeping his panic at bay. He exhaled shakily, forcibly calming himself down. It’s just Reagan. “Look. I love you, Reagan. I know you would never do anything to hurt me or that I wouldn’t want. You made that very clear and I don’t want to make it seem like I’m doubting you, because I’m definitely, definitely not! I just… this is new to me, too. I think maybe it was too much too fast and I don’t think I can handle that right now. Not like this.”
He wiggled his shoulders to indicate the bondage. Embarrassed heat crawled up the back of his neck. Probably, he should have had this conversation earlier so he didn’t have to share such an intimate confession while tied up and vulnerable.
He felt a touch on his hand and flinched—regrettably as Reagan pulled back almost instantly. This is exactly what he had been trying to avoid. “I’m sorry, I—I rushed this,” she said, tone unbearably apologetic. “I only agreed to all of this because I thought you’d be into it, but you’re right, it’s too soon. We can try another time, or not at all, or… I don’t know, whatever you want. Here, let me untie that for you—”
They both paused. Brett coughed, the blush crawling down his neck unhelpfully. “Well… that is… I didn’t mean I’m not ready for all of it.”
Reagan sat back on her heels, frowning. Confusion was an odd emotion to see displayed on the usual know-it-all. “Oh. Okay.” She paused. “I’m sorry, what are you saying? You do want to be tickled?”
Tickled. The way the word sent giddy butterflies swooping through his stomach made Brett more and more sure of his decision. He inhaled shakily, needing to phrase this correctly so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings involved. “Well, I don’t not want to be tickled. But I don’t think I can handle all of… well. That.”
He nodded down towards the discarded electric toothbrush which sat in abandoned offense at his words.
“Maybe we could… I don’t know. Try something softer. Gentler. Just for now, anyway. I do still want to do all of that.” He paused, daring a glance at her. Not angry, so that was a plus. “Just not for today. If that’s alright with you, of course.”
It was a relief to get the confession off his chest. Terrifying, but a relief. He waited for the inevitable rejection he was used to or at the very least the derisive snort of judgement that Reagan was never shy about withholding. Instead, Reagan merely grabbed the toothbrush off of the floor and stood up to place it back over on the metal table—harmless, now. Then, she walked back over behind him, calmly gripping the back of the chair. Her knuckles brushed against his shoulder blades and he shivered at the sudden touch.
“Uh, Reagan?” he asked, a nervous smile slipping onto his face once more. He didn’t appreciate the silent game they were playing here. “Did you hear what I said? Are we good?”
“You know, the very first time I met you, I didn’t think you were very bright.”
Okay. Not where he’d thought this was going. “Well I mean, that’s not entirely—”
“And then I got to know you and realized that hey, this guy has some brains after all,” Reagan went on, ignoring his protests. “In fact, he may be one of the only halfway competent members on this team.”
Brett furrowed his brow. “Thank you? I think?”
“And as we grew even closer, I realized you were actually pretty smart, in your own weird Brett way that I could never accomplish no matter how hard I tried. Which is why I cannot for the life of me understand why you’d ever think that I would be annoyed by something like this.”
Oh. Oh. Brett’s shoulders slackened as he realized he was not, in fact, being scolded, at least not in a way that mattered. “I—I mean, I didn’t think you would be annoyed per se—”
She interrupted him, glaring down at him over the chair. “If I ever do anything to make you uncomfortable, especially when it comes to stuff as serious as this, you’ll tell me?”
He paused. “Y-Yeah, I mean, of course.”
“I promise, Reagan. Seriously.”
“Good.” Reagan exhaled in relief, stretching her hands in front of her as she cracked both her knuckles. “Now that that’s done with…”
Brett stiffened as he felt hands coming around to unbutton his jacket from behind, carefully undoing each button with an almost awkward precision. They had been together for several months now, but Reagan still approached him carefully at first like he was going to bite her if she made any sudden movements. Brett probably would have been hurt by it if he didn’t know by now that that was just how Reagan was. After a while, she would relax into the touch, into touching him, and everything would be fine.
Which reminded him that she was touching him which meant that most likely this was going to lead to…
Anticipation kicked into high gear once more, panic bubbling gently at the back of his brain. This time, however, it didn’t feel suffocating. It felt exciting. He squirmed in his seat, unable to help it.
“Is this okay?” Her voice was right by his ear and his breath hitched in his throat. This was really happening. Weakly, he nodded, and he could practically feel her smile. “Good. Because I’d hate to have put all my notes to waste.”
“N-Notes?” he managed to croak out in confusion, scrunching back in the chair when she undid the last button. He could feel the cool breeze of the fans in the corner blowing against his bare skin and he shivered.
“You didn’t think I came into this unprepared, did you?” She cocked a brow, bringing her hands up to rest against his ribs. Just sitting there, not moving. A simple reminder of what she could do to him. “This might be our first real session, but it’s certainly not the first time I’ve had the pleasure of making you helpless under my fingers, and I’ve been keeping a mental record of those experiences, as any good scientist does. I’ve memorized your spots, Brett. I know which methods have you screaming and which have you begging for more, and which do both. And, most importantly, I know exactly which you like.”
Brett’s heart had stopped beating in his chest some time ago. It must have, anyways, because he couldn’t seem to feel its presence there anymore. All he could focus on was her fingers, two of her fingers to be precise, which had set subtly into motion while she talked. They touched down gently on his ribs, sliding up into slow, methodical circles under his arms. It was unfair how much that simple gesture tickled and he felt the first beginning giggles start to rise in his chest. He refused to break this early, however, so he thinned his lips together in resistance, his cheeks puffing out from the exertion of it.
“This is how it starts. Just two fingers, ever-so-slowly tracing, reminding you of just how ticklish you can be and how you can’t do a damn thing about it.” The circles climbed higher and Brett followed their path, arching back in his chair as he tried to move out of their line of fire. “For all you know, I’ll just stay like this forever. Endless teasing. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?”
This was new. Not the teasing, per se. She had done that before many times, usually at Brett’s insistence that it was fine, he didn’t mind it. But she hadn’t teased him like this. Not with confidence. Not with that sadistic edge in her voice.
He squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on his breathing so that it didn’t stutter when her fingertips finally landed under his arms. “R-Reagan…”
“Is teasing not okay?” She scratched under his arms lightly, one nail at each side that kept up a horrendously persistent pace. “Sorry, I’m just trying to figure out what is or isn’t allowed here.”
“T-Teasing’s fine.” The words came out in a rush as Brett held back the grin that threatened to take over his face if he didn’t do something about it.
“Mm. And this?”
Brett jerked at the addition of two more fingers, the chair squeaking out in protest as his movement scooched it. Okay, all good, just a tad more ticklish than he was expecting things to be right off the bat. Giggles were slipping out now, choked and muffled as he tried to hold them back. There was no real point to the farce, but he couldn’t help the way his body instinctively held onto the laughter each time as though letting it out would reveal some failure on his part.
He nodded quickly, deciding that complete sentences weren’t smart under the circumstances. He kept shifting in his seat, his shoulders rolling back and then forwards as he tried to dissuade her fingers from their tasks.
When all five fingers descended under his arms, he squeaked, a stupid noise that he wished he could grab back and shove down his throat but it was too late. Reagan chuckled, amusement underlying her words. "Tickle?"
Red tinged the ends of Brett’s ears. Obviously, he wanted to say, but he had a feeling that would be unwise considering his position. He tried to open his mouth to respond, but each time she would spider over the skin by his topmost rib and his words crumpled into a fit of panicked giggles. He jerked against the chair in frustration, trying to ignore how much it tickled already. 
This was how it always was. That endless conflict of desire vs need. He needed the tickling to end but everything in him wanted it to continue. He tried to force his body to understand that he liked this, but it refused to stay still under her gentle ministrations. His stomach was in knots as he tried to reconcile the nervous excitement that made him want to scream or break out of these bonds or something.
“This is one of your favorite spots,” Reagan noted, upkeeping her gentle pace. Her tone had that tinge of pride and excitement in it that she used when she was unveiling one of her latest discoveries. He wasn’t sure how to feel about being one. “At first I thought you hated it from how much you’d try to get away and insist that it was ‘too much’. However, after examining the data, I’ve realized that you expose this area both during tickling and outside of it far more than is necessary. So then, I tried shying away from the area when tickling you to see if you’d provoke me to move there. Do you want to know the results?”
Absolutely none of this was fair and he was loving it. Since when did she become so good at this? “Oh my god, Reagan, do we really have to go through thihihIHIS—shit!”
Reagan merely raised her voice to accommodate the shrieking laughter that accompanied the spidering fingers under what she could reach of his armpits. “Every time, without fail, you would direct my hands towards there, whether you realized it or not. I mean, really, Brett. Begging me not to tickle you there when I’m nowhere near it?”
Brett had not thought he could blush any harder than he was, but evidently, his body had other plans. He felt like his skin was on fire, the sensation blooming over the rest of his skin and creating an embarrassing vermillion tint. He felt like some kind of human tomato, which is a thought he would have found undignified if he wasn’t so focused on being embarrassed by other things.
I mean, what kind of person keeps notes on your tickling habits? He had always assumed he was being slick about this particular interest. To find out that Reagan had not only noticed his behavior but had been keeping tabs on it without his awareness was unbelievably mortifying—and a tad flattering, if he was being completely honest.
Due to this compromised state of mind, he was running short on comebacks so he merely shook his head, keeping his gaze directed firmly at the floor to hide even a modicum of the effect she was having on him.
“No?” The fake sympathy was practically palpable in the air between them, sending goosebumps up the back of Brett’s neck. “So you don’t want me to stay here for the next…. Hmm. Does ten minutes sound good to you?”
Ten minutes. Dread crept its icy fingers down his chest, kicking his heart rate into high gear. No way, absolutely not, not there.
And yet.
There was no way he’d be able to handle something like that, so why did he feel so damn giddy at the concept?
Reagan seemed to take his lack of response as agreement if the way her hands refused to leave their perch was any indication. The laughter that had started as mere giggles at first was growing more frantic as time went on, whines and shrieks entering into the mix as he struggled violently against his bonds. The safeword rested on the tip of his tongue, ready if he needed it, but they had barely been at this for more than five minutes. There was no way he was giving in now.
Even if Reagan was driving him insane. Even if this tickled more than anything should have a right to tickle. Even if he was spending every second tied up planning out revenge scenarios because this wasn’t fair.
Though he was pretty sure Reagan had been joking at first, the digital clock resting on the desk across from them displayed the passing of five, six, eight—twelve minutes. Brett, breathless from struggling and laughter, was on the verge of giving in when her hands finally stilled. He exhaled a sigh that was half-relief, half-disappointment at the break.
“How was that?”
He glared at her, though the gesture lacked any real venom. “Horrible.”
“Liar.” She poked him in the side and he yelped, twisting away from her finger. “How was that, really?”
“Ticklish,” Brett admitted after a minute, and then with a bit of hesitance, “and fun. Just a little. Possibly.”
Reagan came out from behind him with a self-satisfied hum, coming to kneel by his lap. He forced his legs not to curl up off instinct. “That’s what I thought. You’re unbelievably obvious—it’s endearing, I’ll admit. Like dating a puppy.”
He frowned. “I can’t tell if you’re trying to be nice or if you’re making fun of me.”
“Ah, c’mon, it can be both.” She placed her hands on either of his knees carefully and he barely restrained a flinch. Don’t give yourself away, Brett. “Now, that was a perfect example of a strategy that has you begging, even if you enjoyed it thoroughly—”
“But—” she continued, squeezing his knee lightly and choking off any further reply from him. “There is another spot that you love far more, even if it is not as ticklish as the other. Now, places like your sides or stomach work well for results, but nothing beats out this from what I’ve seen. This is the one area that, unbelievably, never makes you beg no matter how much it tickles.”
Anticipation was crowding out panic at this point in his mind, and Brett forced any show of enjoyment off of his face. Being tickled was one thing, but there was no need to let Reagan know how eager he was for this kind of treatment.
“You are being unnecessarily sadistic about this,” he huffed, averting his gaze when that prompted a snort from her. 
“Yeah well, you did assign a mad scientist to tickle you.” Both hands were on his knees now. His heart leaped into his threat when she squeezed once more. “Not a very well-calculated decision on your part.”
“Well, that depends on your goal.”
“Mm. And just what is your goal here, Brett Hand?”
He couldn’t say it. Not now, not with her fingers crawling around the sides of his knees, nails slipping underneath. Not when she was looking at him like that. But he couldn’t explain any of that to her, so instead, he allowed himself to be swept up in sensation as her fingers slowly untangled his nervous system, and laughed. 
Which is what he continued to do for the next hour that they spent down in her lab until the laughter slowly transformed into an exhausted wheeze of delight.
Maybe it wasn’t the “proper” session he had imagined for their first time, but in a way, it was so much better than his expectations could have ever hyped up.
They could always make use of the ��dungeon’s” full potential later, after all. 
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novafloofeatsbirds · 21 days
ok i have no basis for this whatsoever bc they never interacted at all but like. What if Tegiri and Lynera were friends
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swordsmans · 1 year
ahhh i really try to keep things Flirty and Fun here, but i just wanted to lower the capitalization to flirty and fun for a moment, because. this is the second day in a row that i have full-on weepy cried irl over comments on my newest fic, and i really, really, really cannot thank you guys enough for the response to it from the absolute bottom of my heart.
fic writing brings me a lot of joy. it's both a creative outlet and a form of escapism. it's also a very intentional challenge i give my brain. yes, fundamentally i'm writing about two anime guys wanting to kiss sooo bad (because they should)—but inevitably i've put little bits of myself into my stories, as well. my little vulnerable insides that i sometimes struggle to look at directly. you know, regular artist stuff. it's hard not to, because all stories come from the heart (even fanfic).
i stopped writing for myself for many years, and i have only just returned to it this year for various reasons. the response from everyone has been absolutely overwhelming, even from day one. i'm not always the best at responding to messages or comments fast (or even at all, depending on the day) but i read everything. tags, bookmarks, ao3 comments, dms, inbox messages—all of it. i have screenshots saved in case anyone deletes anything. i go back and revisit things over and over again. every single kudos or like brings me joy.
i cannot overstress how much i love and cherish every single person who reads the stuff i've written. i'm a writer but there are literally no words big enough in the english language to express how you guys make me feel. all i can do is say thank you and keysmash and send lots of heart emoji memes... and hope i am getting the message across. but really, really thank you. from the bottom of my heart thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you.
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ugh I guess I don't know how to properly post this so I'm gonna do it separate and hope it works
sooo uhhhh I wrote a mini Breagan fic last night thar kept me up til 3AM so enjoy :)
and lmk if I should continue it bc honestly I could
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dionte-goethe · 1 year
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Inktober 2023 Day 13: Rise. One of my first HisoIllu fics was a Carnival AU. I remember the first meeting scene I wrote for them in it was teen Hisoka levitating Illumi. So when that popped into my head I had to do it for rise. Good times.
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80 or so years of life really ain't enough can I have an elf lifespan instead please? Or at least a dwarf's... I need at least a couple hundred years... Oh and a new spine every 5 or so years, if that's not too much to ask. 3. 3 years actually. Yeah, a new spine every 2 years, and a lifespan of 350-750 years, that's all I want really.
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bug-decal-kissing · 11 months
Hey friends!
Alone Inside by ackletze was updated today, with 2/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with the additional tags "Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Grief/Mourning, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Roommates"
You can read it here:
I AM SCARED I AM SCARED I AM SCARED. MY BOYS. MY POOR BOYS. THE ANGST IS DEFINITELY THERE. PRISMO I AM SO SORRY SCARAB I AM SO SORRY. THEY NEED THERAPY. THE ARGUMENT HURT OW OW OW/pos. This was such a good chapter, everything felt so real and now I am very scared as to what is going to happen next vbhnjmkl please let the comfort of hurt/comfort come soon/hj
And They Were Roomates by Finn565 was updated today, with 2/2 Chapters released! It has a rating of General Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with the additional tags "Fluff and Angst, Scarab has self esteem issues, They wont leave my head I can not stop thinking about them, Fluff, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Prismo is actually the best for real, Developing Relationship, Scarab is manic at one point, Touch-Starvedthey both are, Kissing, Wonder what kissing a wall is like fr"
You can read it here:
Prismo you simp/j. I love Scarab using it to tease him, like yes king you are attractive now weaponize it <3. And then they start talking about Jake and that always makes me go🥹 oh my poor boys my poor, poor boys. Scarab is finally being nice for once in his lonely life/j. He can't comprehend that Prismo just wants to be nice to him my poor stupid boy/lh.
Day Jobs and Daydreams by RainSparks29 was updated today, with 5/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with the additional tags "Slow Burn, Exes, Enemies to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Office, except the office is not present much, it exists in spirit, Narcolepsy, prismo has narcolepsy, Scarab's POV, I like these guys, Hurt/Comfort, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Grief/Mourning, implied prisjake, No beta we die like Jake"
You can read it here:
I was HYPED for this one, I love this work so much, it's just written so well !!! I feel bad for Cosmic now that he has to sit between these two doing whatever the heck they're doing/j. And now Scarab knows that Prismo is at least a little attracted to him, and he has to be normal about that; I could never. I love the way everyone is written in this work, the characters just work so well !
Golden Eyes by Kurei16 was updated today, with 3/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, with the additional tags "Alternate Universe - Pirate, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, no proofread, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Torture, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Panic Attacks"
You can read it here:
MY BOOOOOOOOY NOT MY BOOOOOOOOY-- PRISMO YOU PIRATE B IT C H/hj. I'm so excited about this fic, I love the pirate AU, even if it makes me want to be violent against my favourite pink sticker man/pos. Scarab is going to need some therapy after this; too bad it's too early for therapists/j. I am HYPED to see nightmo soon too !! I don't know if he'll be worse than Prismo, but the bar is set pretty high right now/lh.
A new work, Like Looking In A Mirror, by phoenixash234flames, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of General Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with the additional tags "Multiverse, Sort Of, part of wedding wishes but also not really, AU-ception?"
You can read it here:
I love this series so much, they get to be SOFT and MARRIED <3. I'm glad Orbo is at least a little bit nice, letting them go to Fionnaworld. Also, very in-character of Prismo having no actual plan when they got there. Empty-headed king/j. I always like it when they get to see Fionna and Cake again, it's funny when they realise what's going on between Scarab and Prismo fvgbh They are so silly and it's so nice :].
Seraphyllic-⭑-Prohibited Wish by DrakianDH was updated today, with 4/15 Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and Graphic Depictions Of Violence along with Major Character Death and the additional tags "scarab the god auditor - Freeform, prismo the wishmaster - Freeform, Priscrab, ProhibitedWish, Scrabby, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, no beta we get turned to legos like the lich, Adventure & Romance, Story within a Story, Eventual Happy Ending, Maybe - Freeform, Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Nothing, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, You gotta work for the comfort, begining poem important, each chapter a word, prepare"
You can read it here:
Cosmic Owl once more has to sit and watch these two do whatever the heck they're doing/pos. Scarab may be acting like a little baby who wants to sit in his room and brood for the rest of eternity, but at least Prismo is being nice about it wbhdencrf They finally get a chance to be soft and it's so good :,]. I'm now extra scared about the upcoming chapters/lh.
Silly Bug by TJade was updated today, with 2/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with the additional tags "Genderbending, Domestic Fluff, Teasing, Humor, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change, Suggestive Themes, Awkwardness"
You can read it here:
More of the girls YES PLEASE !!! And we get a little bit of Fionna time too :] ! It's so funny that she sees Carrie and is immediately like 'oh glob not SCARAB,' at least Carrie is nice to her <3. Cake has no filter but that's okay because she's a little kitty. I love seeing them interact with Fionna, she is reeling dcvfgbhj
That Won't Fly With The Boss by just_a_somebody has been updated today, with 5/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with the additional tags "Prismo x scarab, ProhibitedWish, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Headcanon, might've given him trauma, please just hear me out - Freeform, what if scarab had wings like scarab beetles are supposed to?, key word had, it makes sense with canon(to me at least), My first fic, Be nice to me, Post-Canon, and they were ROOMMATES, this can probably be considered as scarab having ptsd, PTSD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Lovers, Developing Relationship"
You can read it here:
HYPED for this work too !! Poor Prismo has to deal with Scarab's little guys form, he's lucky they're so cute/j. I love the way Prismo treats them and just how he treats Scarab in general, king is trying his best <3. They get to be soft and it's GOOD !! More people need to write about Scarab's little guy form(/nf), the possibilities of him getting up to no good are endless.
NSFW works are below the cut :].
A new work, got you in my mind, by rizzy_luke, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and No Archive Warnings Apply, with the additional tags "Masturbation, prismo is whipped, i blacked out and end up with this, ig theres some plot elements here??, theyre texting now"
You can read it here:
Prismo is so down bad it isn't even funny anymore/j. I love the soft office AU, and getting a work from Prismo's PoV is always a treat :]. The ending made me cackle; Scarab you have no idea what you are doing to him <3/lh.
A new work, Touch, by kiripiry, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and No Archive Warnings Apply, with the additional tags "Fluff and Smut, Fluff, Anal Sex, Biting, First Time, Blow Jobs, Touch-Starved, Prismo wants to touch things, and scarab is helping him, confession kinda?? cause they are idiots, written from a shutdown nest, My First Fanfic, very self indulgent"
You can read it here:
These GOOBS are so GOOBERLY !!/pos. I love how they get to be intimate without having actual sex at the beginning. They are relishing in their human bodies and it is so nice :]. Absolutely smitten for each other too. I love it <3
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aneldritchmoth · 3 months
I know this comes out of no where since I haven't been posting about Inside Job for a while now but this AU lives rent free in my brain, it's been running through my head since The Brettfast Club episode came out.
I'm releasing the fanfic I kept in my notes app for almost two years into the wild place that is AO3.
Brett Hand you will always be famous to me.
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eeriebarbie · 2 years
paper rings chapter 10 is finally out. tw: super emotional author notes
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quodo-gaysex · 1 year
amptp: we cant pay writers waah waahh! business! *sniffles*
ao3 writers: can you beta read this 3 chapter fic for $70??
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roboticsuccubus83 · 18 days
It’s not done whatsoever but since my gay panic for Vlam isn’t going away, I present to you a sneek peek:
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It’s still a work in progress and I need to finish my self-insert OC’S design but I’m really excited for this one-shot and to share it with you all.
Yes an Inside Job reference is gonna be in it and yes, those are girl in red and Porter Robinson song mentions as titles. I just love them okay-
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