#intamacy prompts
scholastic-dragon · 2 years
Since the first time I saw him, I was enamored with Rocket ♡
Prompt- 'comparing hand sizes'
Details- Rocket (GOTG), human f. reader, fluff, and the thought of MC having "larger" hands than Rocket is just so adorbs to me. I can't help but to imagine him either complaining that it means nothing compared to intellegince/strength or just straight up getting a tad flustered that they're touching ო̤̫
(ps. the Collector request was divine..! ⁽⁽٩(๑˃ᗨ˂)۶⁾⁾ )
I love this
Hands, hands, hands
Rocket x Fem!reader
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Rocket being Rocket, Rocket with a crush, spelling mistakes, fluff
Summary: Rocket needs help fixing his new invention, you're more than happy to help
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Having small and nimble fingers were always a bonus when it came to Rockets inventions. He could make and arm small bombs that no one else could deactivate.
It was always a bonus.
Until today.
He had to rewire one of his aero rigs and while his hands could fit perfectly into the opening and grab the wires...he couldn't hold both wires, put them in the right spot AND weld them at the same time.
He sighed, tucking his welder under his chin and twisting the wires around his fingers.
He refused to ask for help if he didn't absolutely need it.
Holding the wires he took the welder and turned it on, moving to press it to the cords. Like before, the cords moved again and the welder almost made a hole in his palm.
He groaned, shoulders slummping as he sat back on his haunches on the Milano floor. Turning off the welder he tossed it to the floor, rubbing his temples.
He needed help.
Pushing down his pride he stood from his pile of machinery and wandered down the hall to your room.
It was late, they were calmly drifting through space, the ship silent save for a few fans and filters working.
He came to your door, swallowing his pride as his hand came up to knock on your door.
He heard shuffling on the other side and half hoped you'd tell him to piss off and leave you alone, but he knew you'd never do that.
The door opened, revealing you in your comfy clothes with your hair down...your very soft looking hair.
"Oh, hey, Rocket, what's up?" You leaned against the doorframe, crossing your arms with a small smile.
"I...well...I have an aero rig I'm trying to fix....and my hands....well, I can't hold the wires in the right spot to weld them together and...I need your help," He sighed, stuttering and rubbing the back of his neck, unable to meet your eyes.
"Yeah, sure, I'll try to help you,"
He led you down the hall to his "work station" which he had claimed about 3 months ago. He kneeled down at his previous spot in front of the small machine.
You copied him, sitting to his side, waiting for him to instruct you.
"Alright, see that green and blue wire? I need you to twist them and hold them to that small port right there, I'm going to take the welder and zap them into that spot," He explained carefully, it wasn't like him, normally he brashly stated what to do.
"I'll try not to burn your fingers, but if I do, there's a first aid kit on the wall behind you," He looked at you, nodding over your shoulder.
You nodded back, pulling up your loose sleeves and putting your hands forward.
"Got it,"
He picked up the welder, then glanced to you.
Carefully you put your right hand into the tight opening on the machine. You could only fit one hand, and your fingers were backwards to the wires and port.
You twisted the wires and pressed the ends against the port, your hand bending awkwardly back, but you could hold it.
Rocket leaned forward with the welder, with his right hand he had to adjust the wires slightly you were a centimeter off.
In the process, he moved his hand right into your palm. He paused, something about how your hand dwarfed his made his heart beat faster.
His entire hand fit perfectly into your palm, and your skin was so soft and warm.
"Rocket?" Your voice was a whisper as his head whipped up at you, mouth agape, eyes wide. "The wires?"
"Right, yeah yeah, sorry," He shook his head, thanking the stars he couldn't blush. He cleared his throat, leaning forward and welding the wires into the port.
The wires sparked, catching your finger tips, you flinched, hissing at the pain, but not moving your hand.
"Oh, shit sorry," He internally smacked himself, shutting off the welder and putting it by his side. Grabbing your elbow and helping you move your hand out of the machine.
Your fingertips were bright red, and Rocket stood, walking over to the wall and getting the first aid kit.
You turned to him, rolling your legs and sitting down crossed-legged on the metal floor.
He opened the kit and pulled out a burn ointment. He opened his hand and gestured for you to give him yours. You layed your hand over him, once again, your soft skin touched his small hand.
His heart skipped a beat and his throat went dry but he pushed down those feelings and started to apply the ointment.
You hiss occasionly when he got to a sensitive spot, but other than that he was so gently, like how he was with Groot.
His movements were slow and calculated, afraid to hurt you more.
"Is that better?" He whispered softly, looking up into your eyes.
"Yeah, it didn't hurt that bad, just an uncomfortable sting," You shrugged, as if it was nothing.
"Well, even if it didn't, I'm sorry," He mumbled it under his breath. Never in your few months of knowing him had Rocket ever apologized to you.
"It's alright, I'm not mad. It's nice to not have you yell at me for once for messing up a project," You spoke without thinking, looking back down at your hand, which was still laying on his.
"I don't yell that often," He countered, feeling guilty when you simply raised an unimpressed brow. "OK, maybe I do,"
He sighed, putting down the ointment and picking up se small bandaids, unwrapping them with his teeth and gently placing them over the pads of your fingers.
"When...when I ask you for help on a project and something goes wrong, I hope you don't blame yourself for it," He starts, flipping your hand over and gently placing his hand in your palm. "I'm mostly just upset with myself for having to ask for help and it's easier to blame someone else than take responsibility,"
It was strange, this easy open talk on the floor in the late hours of the night. Rocket never knew what it was about you that made him feel so different.
He'd touched the other Guardians hands before. Quill when he wanted to know how to shoot a different type of blaster. Gamora when she got an injury on her hand. Even Groot was known to take his hand from time to time in stressful moments.
Yet, the feeling of his hand in yours made his chest feel tight and his head feel warm.
It didn't help that you were always calm, and nice, always sticking up for him in front of the others, and you never judged him for his past.
You were his friend. Honest to goodness a good person and light in his life.
And you were also very pretty, with bug expressive eyes and a warm smile.
Rockets fingers gently ran over your palm, he looked up to meet your eyes. His heart raced faster noticing you were already looking at him.
Without saying anything, your fingers enclosed his hand in yours, enjoying the warmth and slight tremble from his hand.
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pookie-and-cereal · 1 year
Fluffy Dialogue Sentence Starters
Warning ⚠️ there’s some mild intamcy at the end
"Is that my shirt?"
"Your cheeks are so cute!"
"Could you hold my hand? It’s for research purposes"
"Your hand is so small/big"
"You smell nice"
"I love you" "You mean it?" "Of course darling, you mean the world to me"
"Can I brush your hair?"
"Could you maybe— help zip up my dress/shirt?"
"I hate the summer! I’m so hot!" "You are— er— it is hot…"
"Don’t forget your coat, it’s cold outside"
"I love the way your hand feels on mine"
"You know you love me~"
"I got this pre ordered just for you"
"You look lovely darling"
"Why are you upset?" "You didn’t give me a kiss" "oh? Then, how about I fulfil that request right now?"
"Why are you looking at me like that?" "You— You just look so amazing, and I look as if I’ve underdressed"
"If I knew you were an amazing kisser, I would’ve asked you out sooner"
"Like it?" "Like it? I love it!"
"Have you been taking my favorite shirts?!" "Uhm. Maybe?"
"Allow me"
"You are just so fine!"
"May I have this first dance?"
"Could you please let me make the first move! Just this once?"
"Oh! Uh— you like the way I kiss you?!"
Drunk Dialogue Sentence Starters
"Well, hello beautiful~"
"Could youuu hold myy duck?" "Do you mean glass—?" "Yes yes, of course, have another glass"
"Get off of me, you reek of alcohol"
"Was your voice alway this angelic?"
"Wanna hear a joke?" "No" "Who’s there?" "What?" "You’re supposed to sayyy knock knock!" "That’s not how it goes!"
"NoOoOoOo! Give me back my glass! I won fair and square!"
"I can handle my liquor" 2 minutes later "Why does my hand taste like chocolateee?"
"You look lonleyyyy~" "Mhm, and I prefer it that way"
"Pour me another glass, Sherman" "No, you’re too drunk! And for GODS SAKE MY NAME’S [ych]!"
I know there aren’t a lot for this prompt, but bare with me 🤡
Confession Dialogue Sentence Starters
"Why are you doing this?" "Because I love you"
"We can’t stay friends, because my feelings for you— they keep growing every single day"
"STOP BEING SO GODDMAN CUTE!" "You think I’m cute—?!" "Goddammit, me and my big mouth"
"Please kiss me," "what—?" "You heard me"
"Will you go out with me?"
"You’re gorgeous"
"Be mine?"
"I know we just did that to make my ex jealous, but uh, hehe, I’ve fallen for you. Literally"
"If you go out with me, I’ll do my best to make every wish of yours come true"
"Go out with me" "for a hundred bucks" *pulls out a hundred bucks*
"Let’s stop pretending we don’t have feelings for each other"
Nsfw Dialogue Sentence Prompts
"You know I like it when you’re on your knees"
"Either I join you, or I watch you"
"We shouldn’t be doing this! Especially since—" "Shh, we’re going to get caught, I suggest you keep those moans inside"
"Stop biting your lip, that’s my role"
"I’ll give you the best night ever, if you make me feel good"
"Were you— touching yourself just now?"
"Once I’m done with you, you won’t even be able to walk tomorrow"
"I’m going to make you forget [name]"
"You like that? Good, now put on a show"
"I can hear your moans from inside the bathroom"
"Awe, I guess you’re really cute when you’re senseless"
"Stop! Please," "Please, what? Please you, prince/princess/your highness?"
"If you keep making those fake moans, In just about a minute we’re going to hear some real ones"
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stlegendaryofc · 2 years
Non-Sexual Acts of Intimacy
Binge Watching TV/Movies Together
Going to Events Together (e.g. carnivals, festivals etc.)
Sharing Secrets
Sharing Drinks/Food
Late Night Phone Calls (BONUS: Falling Asleep on the Phone,FaceTime, Skype, etc.)
Nose Kisses (Kunik)
Philosophical Discussions
Holding Hands
Joking Around
Laying Your Head on Someone’s Shoulder
Linking Arms
Tickle Fights
Playing/Brushing Each Others Hair
Head/Back Scratches
Tracing Designs on Arms, Legs, or Back
Talking About the Future
Listening to Someones Heartbeat/Breathing
Dancing, Singing, or Playing Instruments Together
Drawing/Writing on one another
sitting knee to knee across from each other
Doing Beauty Treatments (e.g. Facials, Manicures, Hairdying, etc.)
Reading Books Together
Nusing Partner Back to Health when They're Sick
Wholesome Conversations (e.g. Feelings, Mental Health, etc.)
Cooking Together
Discussions About Yourselves (e.g. Flaws, Shortcomings, Passions, Victories, etc.)
Being Physically/Emotionally Vulnerable
Having Deep Conversations
Bathing/Showering Together
Butterfly Kisses
Telling "On-the-Fly" Stories
Meditating/Sharing Spirituality
Playing Games Together (e.g. Video Games, Board Games, D&D, Sports, etc.)
Sharing Hobbies
Sharing Personal Stories
Seeing Each Other w/o Make-up/Dressed Up
Moral Support for Major Events
Sharing Emotions/Comforting Each Other
Fur Babies
Going on Trips Together
Sharing Clothes/Jewelry/Personal Items
Sharing Social Media
Going to Appointments Together
Making Art/ Doing Projects (e.g. Drawing/Sculpt Each Other, Painting the House, etc.)
Kissing Different Parts of the Body
Making Out
Working Together (e.g. Volunteer Work, Same Job, etc.)
Discussing Wants and Desires
Trying New Things Together
Working Out Together
Long Walks (e.g. Nature Walks, Walks in the Park, etc.)
Being Respectful & Kind to One Another (helping them do things,open doors for them etc.)
Sharing Responsibilities (e.g. Chores, Babysitting etc.)
Giving Each Other Presents/Gifts
Respecting Each Others Boundaries
PDA (Public Displays of Affection)
Wrestling/Play Fighting
Late Night Texting/Phone Calls
Gazing into Each Other’s Eyes
Complimenting Each Other
Making Faces at Each Other
Cloud Watching/Stargazing
Inside Jokes
Getting to Know Each Other
Go for a Ride Together
Make a Playlist Together
Make Up Your Own Language (e.g. Words, Slang, etc.)
Eating Out
Listing Out Each Others Favorite Features/Qualities
Leaving Little Love Notes
Having Wholesome Conversations (BONUS: Make Funny Faces)
sit back to back and feel each other’s heartbeat
Learn Their Favorite Food and Make It
Look at Photos Together
Taking Pictures Together
Go People Watching (BONUS: Creating Make-Shift Stories About the People and Talking Mad Shit)
Have a Staring Contest
Learn Something New Together (e.g. Fun Facts, Skills, Classes, etc.)
Get to Know Each Others Family and Friends
Drawing On Each Other
Playing with Kids
Stealing Each Others Clothes
Being Comfortable with Each Other’s Bodily Functions
Messages (e.g. Shoulder Rubs, etc.)
Forehead/Cheek Kisses
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falling asleep on your partner's shoulder + bridal carries with Jake and Ronnie please. I could send in so many of these they all sound so cute
Congrats on 500 followers my beloved you deserve it and so much more
CHRISTEL MY LOVE!!!!! don't they all just sound so ding dang precious?? Thank you thank you 💞💞 I'm imagining this taking place during their first relationship...
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They were watching some stupid action movie Jake couldn't even remember the title of. There were lots of explosions and buff men and women scantily clad. He couldn't remember if this was his pick when he and Ronnie went to the Red Box earlier or hers. It must have been Ronnie's. She had a pension for picking the worst-looking thing on the newly added list just to laugh at it.
But she wasn't laughing now. Her weight was heavy and solid against his shoulder. And when he leaned around to get a look at her face, she was fast asleep. So much for his plans of ditching this god-awful movie and giving her all his attention instead.
She looked peaceful though. Her mouth popped open and just a little bit of drool wetted the sleeve of his t-shirt. He was going to hold that against her later, but for now, he moved the hair out of her face and grinned softly.
It was getting late. And he wasn't about to just leave her on the couch. His momma would fly up from Texas just to beat his ass if he did.
Ronnie grumbled as he moved out from under her. But with a little shush and the feel of his arms as they scooped her up from the couch, she was quiet again.
Her nose nuzzled into his chest as he carried her back to her bedroom. And Jake chuckled softly as he kissed the top of her head.
Send in a prompt for my 500 follower celebration!
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thejabberwokk · 4 months
I have not seen anything about a 2024 14 Days of Dragon Age Lovers, but I never finish the full lists so I still have some of the previous two years to do.
14 Days of Dragon Age Lovers
Prompt: Ravish (2022)
For @14daysdalovers writing prompts :D
Pairing:  (Bards Drabbles au) Warden Inquisitor Isabeaux x Zevran X Solas
Rating: Lemon (its.. getting their but this is just an intro..? eh heh... =>.>=)
Hands caught above her, she tugged against her bindings. The warm leather was softened by the plush velvet it was lined with. A long, slow breath passed her parted lips as she wiggled against the silk sheets beneath her.
Shivering in anticipation, she waited, wrapped in warm darkness.
Hands caress her legs, one set rough, the other smooth, their fingertips calling forth gooseflesh and eager squirms. The mattress shifts beneath and to either side of her as her lovers settle themselves. As their hands continue to dance across her legs, her Crow trails a finger ever higher. Tiny circles upon her calf, then her thigh, his scared palm sliding slowly up her stomach. His other hand has found the side of her neck, tracing the frantic beating of her heart.
Her Dreamer hums in appreciation as she pulls at her bindings, bottom lip caught between her teeth. His soft palms glide against her skin, one stopping just about her heat, fingertips just barely there, his other hand trailing across her ribs, then finding their place as he cups her breast.
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drabbles-and-such · 2 years
“Will you dance with me?”
L looks up to see C standing there with his hand extended to her in invitation.
Her eyes grow wide, “You want to dance with me?”
C nods his head and a small smile lifts one side of his mouth, “I do.”
L bites her lip as her nerves appear. She asks worriedly, “Are you sure? Doesn’t that seem a bit…intimate?”
C’s eyebrows shoot up and he huffs a small laugh in response, “Intimate? It’s just a dance L.”
“Perhaps,” she concedes, “or perhaps it’s more than that. Tell me, what’s not intimate about having someone place their hand in yours? About feeling whether they have smooth or rough hands. A gentle or firm grip. About letting them place their other hand on your waist, a space that is soft and sensitive. Feeling their warmth through the fabric of your dress. Placing your hand on them and trusting them to lead you around?
And they do lead you around, by touch alone. They guide your body where they want. No words are spoken about foot placement or spinning. A little pressure here or slight tug there and you both move perfectly in sync. You don’t find dancing at all personal or close?” L looks up at C with searching eyes as she waits for him to respond.
C looks bemused and then his cheeks turn slightly pink as he admits, “Well, when you put it like that…I suppose it is. Intimate.”
L looks down at her drink to avoid eye contact, “It’s okay if you don’t want to dance with me any more.”
“Hey…” L looks back up at him, “You’ve only made me want to dance with you more.” C has a flirty smirk on that shows off his dimple. “What do you say?”
L lifts her hand and places it in his as the next song begins to play.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 9 months
Pomegranate Lips Ch 7: Healing Takes Time ~Sub!Larissa Weems xFem Fallen Angel!Reader
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Link to Ch 1, Ch 6
Mommy… Masterlist
Requests & Prompt-List
Warning: death, slow recovery after death, angst, poisoning, little fluff, anxiety, implied anxiety, love confessions, etc.
Enjoy (;
You then picked up the blonde and ran to the infirmary. You ran like your life depended on it. Her life depended on it. And you cared more about hers right now than about yours… As you dropped the headmistress on a cot, you finally felt her spirit return. You let out a chocked sob of relief.
You could sense her again. But she was still far from alright…
You stayed by Larissa’s side constantly. As she sat there unconscious.
The nurse had said it was a miracle that her pulse was still present with the amount of poison in her body. You and frantically asked if she would be alright, and the nurse had said she wasn’t sure, but that she would do everything in her power to heal her.
You slept at the side of the woman’s bed, or on the chair next to her bed. But all your sleep was restless and light… The only thing that calmed you was holding your hand in hers and feeling her heart beat, feeling her spirit.
Weeks past… But you wouldn’t leave her side. Luckily, it was summer, and the students and most of the staff had gone.
The nurse caring for Larissa tried to get you to eat and drink, but you were stubborn. Your focus laid on one thing: The blonde laying unconscious in front of you.
“I’m so sorry, Larissa…” you whispered, rubbing her hand lightly with your own.
“I’m sorry I left, I’m sorry I avoided you, I’m sorry I didn’t explain…” you choked out, “Truth is… I like you. I Really like you. But I’m a coward. I’m afraid. Afraid of being vulnerable… Afraid of commitment… I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you…” you whispered with tears in your eyes.
Suddenly you felt a light tightness against your hand. You looked up in awe and pure happiness towards Larissa’s face. Her head swiveled slowly to your side and she smiled lightly.
“I’m right here…” she croaked.
The tears flooded down your face. But they were happy. Pure happiness.
“I love you, Larissa” you breathed out, “I can’t wait to not tell you any longer…”
Larissa’s eyes welled up with tears as well, and she nodded.
“Love you… too…” she whispered in a hoarse voice.
Larissa winced in pain. Suddenly it hit you even harder.
She’s awake.
“Hello? Nurse…!” You cried out in a strangled voice, “Larissa’s awake!!”
Larissa’s nurse came running in and quickly took over. She moved you aside as she began asking the blonde questions and giving her some more pain meds. But Larissa never let go of your hand. No, she held on tightly.
As soon as Larissa was healthy enough to be released, she was up and at it again. And you were there, by her side, helping her along the way.
But the tall blonde had changed since her death experience. Most days were quiet. Silent. Only filled with hums and nods.
At first, you questioned if she wanted your help… But Larissa had taken your hand and led you to her quarters. She wasn’t ready for any intamacy, but she held onto you as much as she could. You helped her dress and undress. You helped her with her work, preparing for the new school year.
You waited until she was ready to talk.
The summer months went by, and day by day, Larissa got better.
You awoke in your lovers bed, only to find it was empty. You two still remained very limited on physical touch, as Larissa couldn’t handle much more than a hand hold.
You got up and got dressed, having moved some of your clothes to her quarters. You searched her quarters for Larissa, and you finally found her, sitting at her desk, working. You knocked lightly at the connecting door before entering.
“Good Morning” you hummed. Larissa smiled lightly at the sound of your voice and she nodded.
“Morning…” she whispered.
You walked over to her desk, placing your hands on the desk and looking up across at the tall blonde. You spotted a cup of half drunken coffee, which by the looks of the coffee lines, suggested it was her third or fourth cup.
“Couldn’t sleep…?” You softly suggested.Larissa nodded lightly, keeping her eyes on her laptop.
“What are you working on…?” You gently asked.
“Teacher Preparation Week. We only have this weekend, before Teacher Move In Day…” she mumbled, her eyes moving frantically on the screen.
You sighed lightly. You could tell something was bothering her. You reached forward and leaned the laptop closed two thirds of the way. Larissa’s eyes fluttered up to you.
“Wanna talk about it…?” The blonde bit her lip and sighed.
The question you’d been wanting to ask, the question she’d been wanting to share…
She closed her laptop and stood up, moving to gab your hand and guide you to the lovers couch near the fireplace. You sat next to her, holding her hands with yours in reassurance. Her eyes were still frantic and her breathing got shallower.
“I’ve… I have wanted to tell you… for so long…” Larissa confessed in a whisper.
Your head quirked to the side and you smiled, lovingly and comfortingly.
“It’s alright. I will always wait and be here for you.” You gently spoke.
“Thank you…” The woman breathed out.
A few minutes of silence went by. The only sound being shallow breaths.
“Deep breaths for me, ‘Rissa please” you asked.
‘Rissa. It had simply slipped out…
Larissa quirked a light smile and began practicing her deep breathing.
“I like ‘Rissa…” she whispered with a blush.
Now it was your turn to blush.
“I do too” you whispered back.
Larissa nodded and gulped. You looked at the blonde with care and anticipation, waiting until she was ready to talk.
“I saw”
“You saw…?” You asked, slightly confused.
“I saw you save me… I saw you…” Larissa anxiously breathed out.
Chapter 8 in the works ~What Larissa saw and more… 😉
Larissa Weems Masterlist
Pomegranate Lips Tag List: @bimad @gwensfreak @mysticaljauregui28 @gwendolinechristiesnumberonegirl @weemssapphic @ladyzmilf002 @larissalover333 @shyladyfan @milfstefani @dumbasslesbi @philip-15 @1-800-milfdilf @lvinhs @imreadyforgwen @wierdpersonononelikes @principal-weems09 @xx-state-of-mind-xx @sapphicobsesssion @constantanxiety @thoroughly--confused @walkethisway @gaydonutdino @justcallmelittleone @yourfavoriteweirdo19 @larissaweemsgf @enchantressb @magicalprofessorpastacash @ness029 @bxtrfly @keepcalmandlistentoit @dopenightmaretyphoon @a-queen-and-her-throne @wifeymaterialsstuff @simpformommy @willowshadenox @smutuniversesblog @thesamesweetie @sequoirius @fyrecatz @larissaweemsisqueenofw @theonefairygodmother
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xstrawmari · 3 years
for the intimacy prompts: #20 (+#24 maybe?) <3
Thank you!!! I hope you like it ❤
"First Ruby and then you, not liking my odds".
Beth laughed. "This isn't Hunger Games ".
"I'm just saying, dude, it's…. when did you get your furniture back?".
Read the rest on AO3
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fangsforhire · 5 years
“As the world turns, so does my boredom”
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‘Kinda a given, gorgeous.You should take up yet another hobby.’
{ Sympathising with his apparent APATHY; a soft shrugwas offered. Less and less piquing his own interest as oflate. Everything tedious. Even eliminating his targets startingto lose some of its fun. ( Though he went through thesephases monthly so wasn’t too concerned. ) Proneto boredom and having to seek outsuccessful distractions. }
‘Surely there’s something thatyou enjoy?’
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kinky-candyland · 2 years
Peter Parker (TH) - NSFW Alphabet
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I had the biggest crush on this guy when I was a kid. Btw, he’s a legal adult in this. Smut with minors is wrong. Also, small spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home.
A- Aftercare (How are they after sex?)
Even though you were in charge most of the time, he’s a saint at aftercare. He knows you get tired quicker than he does and he wants you to be taken care of before you rest.
B- Body Part (Their favorite body part of yours and theirs.)
Peter Parker is a tit man, respectfully. Doesn’t matter the size, he loves ‘em. There are times he has fallen asleep on you. (Will possibly be it’s own fic later.)
I am indecisive on this one, meaning Peter is indecisive.
C- Cum (Anything cum related. I’m a very dirty person.)
One difference that sets him apart from his older variants, he’ll release on you if you allow him to.
D- Dirty Secret (We all have one.)
This man lives for you pegging him. He loves the power dynamic that holds.
E- Experience (Are they a virgin or do they know what they’re doing?)
He and MJ were teenagers when they were together, so I’m guessing nothing really happened between them. You’re really his first everything, well besides first kiss considering he and MJ kissed at the end of both Far From Home and No Way Home.
F- Favorite Position (Title says all.)
Any position that involves you thrusting a strap on in his ass, ngl.
G- Goofy (Do they crack jokes/laugh?)
He lives for puns whenever. Fucking or not. If there’s a pun, he’ll say it. Is is conventional? No. Does he care? No.
H- Hair (Do the carpets match the drapes?)
He hasn’t grown hair down there. Lucky you.
I- Intamacy (How romantic are they?)
This man lives for affirmations, giving and receiving.
J- Jack Off/Masturbation (Do they and how frequently?)
He has done it several times before and during your relationship. Life gets lonely.
K- Kinky (BDSM? What surprising kinks are they hiding?)
Peter is a very subby bottom. He knows it, MJ knows it, I know it, and you know it. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Men can let their women take control in the bed, and he agrees with me on that.
L- Location (Where do they prefer to do it? Public or private?)
He prefers the privacy of a bedroom, but he’ll do it anywhere else if you want to.
M- Motivation (What turns them on?)
Circling back to B-Body Part, he loves when you wear shirts that show off your cleavage. Just to soft skin of your breasts popping out of that shirt is enough masturbation material for weeks.
N- No (Turn offs?)
Just like his older variants, he doesn’t want to do anything that causes you harm. It’s just a Peter Parker thing.
O- Oral (Giving or receiving?)
This man loves eating you out and that’s all I’m at liberty to say.
P- Pace (Fast and hard? Slow and Sweet?)
Unless he’s riding you, he doesn’t really set the pace. Even when he’s riding you, you prompt his speed.
Q- Quicky (When you don’t have time to fully get into it.)
Quickies don’t really happen.
R- Risk (What risks are they willing to take?)
No risks. Circling back to N- No, he doesn’t risk anything with you because he doesn’t want you to get hurt. Unlike the others, he doesn’t know his own strength and he doesn’t want to take any chances with you.
S- Stamina (How long can they last?)
He’s in his sexual prime and a superhuman. He can go a good few rounds but will stop when you’re out of it.
T- Toys (Do they have any? Do they use them on you?)
Circling back to D- Dirty Secret and F- Favorite Position, the two of you have a strap that he loves you using on him.
U- Unfair (Do they like to tease?)
He teases you a lot, only because it sometimes leads to you taking him then and there, which we all know he loves.
V- Volume (How loud can they get?)
Peter is very vocal when you’re taking him. He can’t help how good you make him feel.
W- Wildcard (Any dirty story I could come up with.)
We all know that the venom symbiot is on it’s way, so we gotta talk about what happens when it finds Peter.
The symbiot travels between the two of you a lot, but it’s mostly with you when you and Peter are fucking, taking over your body and making you stronger. It’s all more pleasurable for Peter and you both enjoy it.
X- X-Ray (What are they hiding in their pants?)
Peter doesn’t have that impressive of a size (6 inches), but he certainly knows how to use it whenever he’s the one fucking you.
Y- Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Being a young adult in his sexual prime, he has an impressively high sex drive.
Z- Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep after everything?)
Being a super powered individual, he doesn’t really get tired. It takes more for him. He holds onto you as you sleep while listening to your light breathing. Your breathing calms him down enough to get some sleep.
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farfromharry · 2 years
. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ . 3k blurb week ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ .
in honour of hitting 3k and it being my birthday next week, i wanted to do my first blurb thingy in a while!!
what i’m writing:
send in mainly fluff but i’m okay with angst and comfort requests but please read through my guidelines before sending anything in!
you can use any of my own prompts, dialogue or dad prompts. or any of these other prompts lists: kisses, hugs, physical intamacy
who i’m writing for:
tom holland (dad!au, college!au/uni!au, mob!au, ceo!au, professor!au, prince!au, roommate!au, boxer!au, lifeguard!au, bartender!au, koh!au)
peter parker (dad!au, college!au, villain!au)
arvin russell (dad!au)
harry holland (dad!au, college!au/uni!au, prince!au, roommate!au)
harrison osterfield (dad!au, college!au/uni!au, mob!au, ceo!au, prince!au)
michelle jones (mom!au, college!au)
bucky barnes (dad!au)
dylan o’brien (dad!au, roommate!au, college!au)
stiles stilinski (dad!au, college!au, roommate!au)
druig (dad!au)
send in requests!!
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
falling asleep in your lover's arms for hellboy? I'd love to snuggle up with him~
Listen, this man gives good snuggles
Warnings: none, pure fluff 😍
Word count: 503
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Your headache pounded against your skull, feeling the days mission finally taking its toll on your body.
It'd been 5 days since you were sent on a recon mission across the country, but now you were home.
Stray agents nodded and congratulated you on your successful mission, you simply nodded and shuffled along the cold stone hallways until you reach his door.
Most of the lights had already been turned off, everything was quiet, peaceful, something that was very uncommon for the B.P.R.D.  
Pressing in the key code, the metal door whirs and clicks before sliding open. You barely get one foot through the doorway before you're lifted into big warm arms.
"Oh, baby, thank gods you're back," Hellboy mumbled into your hairline, presses several kisses to your forehead. "I missed you so much,"
"I missed you too, Hb, you have no idea how glad I am to be home," You mumble into his chest, letting his warmth surround you. Wrapping your arms around his thick waist, you sigh, feeling the past weeks stress melting away.
"You must be tired," He pulls away just enough to glance down at you, his hand tracing your jaw. "Let's go to bed, yeah?"
You eagerly nod, wanting to sleep on an actual mattress again and not a flimsy cot in the back of a pickup truck.
Putting his hand on the small of your back he gestures for you to go towards the bed. You sigh happily, dropping your bag on the couch and flopping face first onto the comforter.
"Baby," Hellboy laughs softly, hand gently massaging the back of your calf. "You gotta take your gear off,"
"I'll do it tomorrow," You mumbled, eyes closed, face pressed into the bed. You truly couldn’t be bothered to take any of it off, just wanting to sleep away your headache. 
You groan feeling his hands gently grab your hips and roll you onto your stomach. He laughs again before undoing your utility belt and placing it on your nightstand.
He unzips your jacket and eases it off your shoulders, hanging it off the edge of the bed. Then he runs his hands down the side of your legs, massaging the tight muscles before removing your boots.
His hands leave you and you peek one eye open to watch him. He's gripping the back of his shirt and pulling it over his head, smiling softly at you.
Getting on his knees, he crawls towards you, laying down behind you and moving you to lay on top of him. You head laying against his broad chest and your legs straddling his hips. 
His body was warm and comforting, he presses another kiss to your hairline, running his large hand up and down your back.
Your eyes became too heavy to keep open, your breathing became heavy as he gently lulled you to sleep.
Just before you fell to the darkness of sleep, his voice, low and soft, rumbled through your body.
"Goodnight, baby, I love you,"
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speirstookmysoul · 3 years
For intamacy prompt..5,17,27 for Speirs? And anything more all up to you!! Just wish I could choose it all!! Lol😂
5. holding hands, kissing the back of it // 17. laying your head on someone’s shoulder // 27. hugs from behind
Speirs with a baby? Speirs with a baby.
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Ron had held many lives in his hands over the course of his own. 
Some as they had laid wounded and crying for their mothers. But the life he held his arms right now, what he held in his hands; all red faced and tiny, screaming it’s demand to be fed out for the world to hear, was the second most precious thing he had held.
“Like a little drill sergeant.” He said, handing the baby over to you with every fiber of his being reluctant to do so. Ron sat down next to you once the baby was secure in your arms and rooting at your breast in demand to be fed. 
You laughed as the baby start nursing, tracing your fingers over the downy dark hair that covered their head. The baby had been born squalling it’s indignity to the world with a head full of dark hair. Ron took your hand and held it in his. He pressed a kiss to the back of it as he wrapped an arm around you. 
He enjoyed the quietness of the moment; listening to your breathing and the soft sounds of suckling. You laid your head against his shoulder, still tired from the effort of bringing this precious little thing into the world. It had taken nine years to get this to point. Ron hadn’t felt that the time had been right when he’d come home from Europe to add to the little life he had been building with you; he knew he hadn’t acted like it those first few days after he’d come home when he hardly let you out of the bed to eat, but it hadn’t been the right time. 
He was constantly being stationed at different places across the States, staying only for months at a time and you’d uproot everything to follow him every time of your own volition. The only time you hadn’t been able to follow him was when he had jumped into Korea. It wasn’t an environment conducive to raising babies when every few months, Mom and Dad were packing things up to move again.  
But then, after he’d come home from Korea and he again hardly let you out of bed, you’d given him the news. You handed him the baby after it was asleep with a belly full of milk and Ron stood up, keeping the warm little bundle secure against his chest until he could place it into the safety of the hospital provided cradle. Ron wasn’t afraid to admit he was proud as he stood there looking down at that little wonder. He looked over his shoulder when he felt you wrap your arms around him from behind in a hug.
“Hey there, Papa.” 
Ron smiled. That title was a great accomplishment. 
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majorshiraharu · 4 years
Intamacy prompts: 55, 7 (because the reader has faught alongside Rex in battles and been shot a few times) and then near the end 25, with Rex please. The reader's back is causing them discomfort from having a long day of hardwork, so Rex gives them a soothing and caring massage to help ease their pain. Just fluff please. Thank you 💙
------------------- 55 - shoulder rubs 7 - kissing scars 25 - falling asleep in their arms ------------------- Rex x Gender Neutral Reader Massaging Reader Fluff -------------------
Moving box after box of supplies to each room they were needed in, probably one of your least favorite tasks aboard the Resolute, at the moment there was no battle since you were currently on standby to possibly assist a nearby fleet. General Skywalker dismissed his Captain for the day telling him to get some rest as they awaited orders.   Rex headed down to where you were currently working, hoping to catch you before your shift ended, little did he know he'd actually have to catch you. You tripped over a small box near the door bracing to hit the floor, instead, landing into someone's arms, as you looked up you see Rex looking down at you, the sound of his helmet hitting the floor snaps you out of his gaze. Getting to your feet you bend down to pick up his helmet, returning it to him, "I'm sorry, being clumsy like usual," you say with a laugh rubbing at your neck and shoulder which were aching more after that fall. "It's okay dear. Are you alright?" He asked taking his helmet from you, tucking it under his arm.
"I'm fine, just exhausted and everything is sore from all this work."
"Your shift is over, so you can go relax now," he said showing you the time.  "Oh gosh, it's already that late! Let me just finish this and then we can go," you replied moving some more boxes.
"I'm helping," Rex said placing his helmet down grabbing some boxes.  "Rex you don't have too --" before you can finish, he cuts you off with a stare, "I want to help." After just a few minutes most of the boxes have been moved to their proper locations in the room, Rex picks up his helmet before walking over to you, grabbing your hand. "Ready to go get some rest?"  "Yeah," you reply gently kissing his cheek after making sure no one was around. He takes you to the messhall, it was completely empty, most of the troopers were probably off sleeping, both of you grab some food and sit down in one of the corners of the room, talking about your day and bringing smiles to each other's faces. - After finishing your food you follow him to his quarters, sitting down on the small bed to relax some as he filled out something for the general. When he finishes his walks over to you, noticing how exhausted you looked. He takes off his part of his armor before sitting next to you, pulling you against him as your head lazily hits his shoulder. He places his hands on your shoulders gently rubbing circles into the muscles, making you relax more into his body. "That feels good," you mumble with a smile on your face, "Man my back is killing me, I wish we could just get some droids to move those boxes." "They don't get back pain so that would probably be better than killing your own back," he whispered, massaging deeper into the muscles.  "Yeah," you giggle. Pulling down parts of your uniform so he could massage your upper back better, his hands were warm and comforting running up and down your body as they slightly pushed into your skin releasing the tension built up in your muscles. He runs his fingers over some of the scars on your back, leaning in to kiss at them, his lips tenderly gliding across each scar making you shutter slightly "Rex," you whispered.
"You really need to not get shot so often," he jokes as his lips touched another scar.
"Well then you need to stop getting yourself into danger so I don't have to save you," you joked back, looking over your shoulder to see his face as the corner of his mouth ticked up into a smile.
Shifting his position he wraps his arms around you, leaning back against the wall, you laying on his chest, “Thanks Rex,” you say nestling your head into the crook of his neck, closing your eyes as his warmth of his body and the feeling of his hands cradling you lull you to sleep. 
“Sleep well,” he whispers kissing your head as he also relaxes, leaning into the wall, - listening to the sound of your breathing to help him fall asleep.
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springmagpies · 4 years
Oooooh I love your intamacy prompt list! Washing each other’s hair with FitzSimmons should you happen to feel inspired ☺️
Here you are lovely anon! 💕
The new house was coming along quite nicely. They had gotten the new windows in the day before and had finally finished painting the walls in the kitchen. They had refurbished the original hardwood in the living room and as the stain needed to dry and the room needed to be aired out, Fitz and Jemma had started work on the front garden.
It was more work than either of them had anticipated, but they had rather a good time of it. They had started by ripping out the brambles and the weeds that covered the garden path. They had bought the cottage for the charm and the location, not necessarily the overgrown plant life. The roots of the weeds were deep and required a good deal of force to pry from the ground. At one point, Jemma had grabbed a hold of a rather tricky little weed. It didn’t seem to have much to it above ground, but the roots sure packed a punch. Pulling with all her might, she managed to get the thing out of the earth, sending a clod of dirt up into the air and right onto Fitz’s bent head. 
As soon as she knew he was okay and simply now covered in dirt, Jemma bubbled with laughter. The giggles were quickly joined by playful screams as Fitz wrapped his arms around her middle and picked her up off the ground. He twirled her around before falling with her onto the leaf strewn lawn, tickling her mercilessly as bits of grass got caught in her hair. 
By the time the sun began to set and the couple called it a day, they were covered in dirt and grass and smelled of dew coated leaves. Jemma’s overalls were filthy and Fitz’s poor white shirt probably wouldn’t recover even after a trip through the wash, but the fun was worth it. 
Deciding it was best if they both had a shower, together they hopped under the stream of steaming water. With gentle hands they took turns lathering the other with soap. As he washed her hair, Fitz moved Jemma’s dark locks from off her shoulder, planting kisses wherever bubbles had been. His fingers were soft but dexterous, running through knots without pulling. He lingered around her ears, brushing the pads of his fingers along the outer ridge. Once he had rinsed the conditioner from her hair with the handheld showerhead, his lips retraced the path of his fingers. 
When it was her turn to wash out the dirt from his curls, she savored the feeling of running her hands through the short wet strands. His nose scrunched when she told him to close his eyes and she didn’t even try to fight off her giggle at the expression. She smoothed the wrinkle on his brow with her pinky before returning to scrub his scalp. His eyes remained closed as she placed the stream of water over his head. Even after rinsing the suds from his hair, she told him to keep his eyes shut. She brushed drops of water off his lashes, trailing down his nose and touching his lips with her thumb. She kissed him, but he broke it with a smile. 
“What are you grinning about?” she asked.
His eyes opened slowly, blinking away some of the water. “I just love you.”
That made her start smiling as well. 
“I love you too.”
Intimacy Prompts
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INTAMACY PROMPTS / ARCHIE – @beautykillertaskforce​ ❛ i want you ❜
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     MAYBE IT’S THE WHISKEY or her penchant for making the worst choices ( likely a combination of both ), but she only glances at him a few seconds to process what he’s saying before she closes the distance between them and backs him against the motel room door with lips covering his.
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