#introspective hours
the-stove-is-divorced · 2 months
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
People see things differently, especially creators of stuff, so I'm wondering how you see your own writing? And if it was a metaphor what would it be? Or an object or something or anything that describe it?
Oh my goodness these are such interesting questions! You got me getting introspective! (o^ ^o)
I think my style generally exists as 2-3 general forms, two of them being incredibly similar, if not overlapping? I think in general it stays within these forms, because I actively seek to curate my style in these specific ways (tho if stop using one, it will get rusty). But for the whole curate thing, I look at other writing I like a lot to get into the mood of a certain style for specific fics! So in my eyes, I've got Comedic Style, Descriptive Anguish, and Voice Strong.
Comedic Style is exactly what it sounds like, it's when I want to try comedic fics with much sillier tones like with Metamorphosis which starts as a more horror-ish but quickly dissolves into silliness. I re-read authors whom comedic styles I adore, which is mostly cereal_whore on ao3! I adore their style! But I've diving so much into angst, I'm rusty with this style again. Ugh (ノ_<、). Still working on the next chapter tho.
Descriptive Style also what it sounds like, it's when I really try to dig deep into figuring out the best way to make physical sensations, more commonly pain 'cause I love angst, and really intense emotions feel almost palpable through descriptions alone. Like, comparing frustrations as a simmering pot that grew into a furious boil, something annoyingly unignorable like an unscratched, terrible itch!References I get for this style are a wide range of novels and fic alike. I even keep samples of styles I like to quickly skim through if that helps something flow better. Novels like "A Certain Hunger" by Chelsa G. Summers (a recent read of mine, I adore horror), or quotes from fics like "The sentence sits between them; decaying and astringent, Fushiguro unapologetically leaves it as such. Yuuji’s sure he’s been decomposing since he ate a corpse's finger."
Similar to this, and hopefully overlapping with the previous to make a fic feel good to me is Voice Strong, also sounds like what it is, haha! The character's mindset determines what their feelings get compared to, kinda like context, if that's the right word? I'm sure I'm over-explaining here, but I don't think I've described this before, since it's always been in my head? To me, it should always be a bit unreliable, a POV's always limited unless omniscient. I'm best at writing high intensity, like panic/stress because than character's actions are so much easier to understand and thus predict. If I can't guess their actions, I kinda can't continuing writing. And if I know their mindsets, I know what general arcs to keep in mind, so the plot can take any form while staying in general directions.
Like with it feels like we only go backwards , Steven 2.0 (human!steven) is pretty much on the verge of a very bad mental breakdown. Consequently, he is incredibly easy to predict and thus write for! It's easy to jump into his voice. It's kinda hard to describe, but he often repeats phrases like "you see?" and "he is kind" when he's really close to losing it because he's trying to cling to his denial as a (bad) coping mechanism. Chunks of him glorifying/romanticizing, for lack of better word, his own discomfort, distaste, or plain hostility, are split by the snippets of truth he can't ignore, like the fact he misses Pinko, or he's angry or he's tired. He repeats stuff alot, often trying to stick to the pedestal he's falling from, like "But perhaps, he hit a bit too hard, a bit too rough, because Steven Universe should be gentle, gentle, gentle, he knows, because he is nothing but gentle and kind, gentle and kind." He wants to be gentle, but in reality he's becoming more and more violent in this scene. Mf is just contradicting at all times. I love him so much. (´꒳`)♡
WOAH, this got really long. (」°ロ°)」 I hope I didn't chat your ear off, haha! But if I had to describe my writing, I'd say water? It can fit into any style if I really try, like water can take the shape of any container, but I try to keep it specific containers. Or, three specific directions to flow through, kinda like three diff rivers? If that makes sense! (・_・ )ゝI get incredibly frustrated when it doesn't move how I want it to (often), so it needs constant upkeep. Me writing is a million re-writes and edits plus scrapping entire chunks, like, constantly. It also has to feel right to be published. Like I have an entire draft of my body's in backwards sitting unpublished but that mf is not getting posted until it feels right. I may or may scrap it entirely. Again. (」><)」
I guess another comparable object is like some kind of hedge/bush/etc I keep trimming for the perfect shape, but never quite looks right until it totally does. Which could take so damn long.
Hope that answered ya question!!! TYSM FOR ASKING (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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kavaleyre · 2 months
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• The Hanged Man •
“Compared to what Falin went through? This is nothing.”
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bacchuschucklefuck · 1 month
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beautiful! majestic!
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prinsomnia · 2 years
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never thought i had it in me 🕯
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zinniapetals · 4 months
my fave chengxian reconciliation scenario is wei wuxian slowly realizing that the life of a wanderer isn’t actually what he wants and lotus pier is his home and more clearly, living in a world with jiang cheng but not actually being something to jiang cheng isn’t what he wants either
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artistictea · 8 months
ur blue skrunkly man fascinates me, please tell me about him (and has he managed to make Halsin worse)
HIII ANON THANK YOU FOR THE ASK <3 His name is Tavryn, he spent two entire arcs being the worst man alive who prioritized money over everything else. Karlach wants him dead. I really did think I was going to play a fully evil character but then Act 3 started and it came with all these heavy hitting questions about morality and.......against all odds, he somehow got fixed. More or less. So I guess Halsin was right.
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lendmyboyfriendahand · 2 months
More in the AU where Elrond and Elros are 16 years old rather than 6 when Sirion is sacked. Tag is "older kidnap fam fic" for previous installments
Elrond wakes up draped over the rump of a horse.
Not, to be clear, his own warhorse. His faithful stallion is being ridden by one of the few remaining warriors of the Gap, the great cavalry of the Noldor, who will be able to keep her seat regardless of what the horse tries.
Elrond isn't initially sure who is riding the horse that he's been set over like a sack of baggage. His arms are stretched out past his head, tied wrists dangling toward the ground, and his ankles are tied as well, tighter than the hobble that he had while walking. He can't see anything but horse flank.
Elrond wriggles around to try and get a better view, and someone notices.
"Lord Maedhros, it seems your guest is awake."
Maedhros pushes down the middle of Elrond's lower back to pin him more surely to the horse. "Lie still. If you fall off while riding in formation you're liable to get stepped on by the next horse, even if the rider wished to avoid you."
"I know how to ride properly."
"Yes, I saw that you were quite skilled when you killed my soldiers, which is why you're staying right there."
"Could I at least sit upright, even if I have to ride behind someone else like an infant?"
"Maybe tomorrow, if you give your word not to escape."
"I'm not stupid enough to try and bargain with you again, after you broke your word about setting us free from the cellar."
"I never said I'd set you free, I said I'd leave the city and wouldn't kill you. Sirion crumbled in the first assault, but I did no more damage after taking you and your brother into custody. If they're smart enough to repair the castle first, everyone should be able to keep warm this winter."
"And if they focus instead on burying their dead, or rebuilding their houses, or rescuing their kidnapped princes?"
"Who knows? But I'm not king of even the Noldor anymore, and the people of Sirion are not my responsibility."
"You would just let them die?" Elrond wanted to glare at the Feanorian, and nearly slipped backwards off the horse as he tried to sit up.
Maedhros caught Elrond deftly by the bound wrists and pulled him back into place. "Next time you do that, I'll let you fall"
"So you don't actually intend to even spare my life."
"I agreed to spare you, not to save you . None here will harm you, but I won't rescue you from consequences of childish stupidity, no more than I will rescue Sirion from winter. If you would rather bash your head open rather than remain my captive, I am not so cruel as to deny you that escape."
Elrond had nothing to say to that topic, as his first retort about more palatable escapes seemed likely just to enrage his captor, as did any question about cutting off hands. "Where's Elros? Was he at least left back in Sirion?" Elrond wanted his brother to be safe, and his people to have a leader with his mother drowned. But he, selfishly, also did to want to be alone with the kinslayers.
"He's here as well, don't worry. Nornmalo has him, and I trust him not to torture a prisoner, despite what it may sound like."
"The moans of pain might be a headache, he drank rather a lot of beer while we were trapped."
Maedhros laughed. "Well, a hungover child soldier. He will at least bother Nornmalo less with questions."
"Could I give him something to soothe the headache? I know a bit of healing."
"No. A headache won't kill him, and he'll get water when we stop same as you."
They stopped only once that day, to water the horses at a stream. Elros was pulled down from the saddle - feet first, luckily, though he still landed in a heap - and his hands untied. Maedhros tossed him a canteen, and said "if you need to piss, now's the best time. You won't get piss all over the horse or your clothes, and we're downstream of the rest of the company."
"My legs are still tied."
"The ropes low enough you should be able to unfasten your belt."
"Are you going to watch me the whole time?"
"Until I find another guard, yes."
Elrond drinks little enough water to avoid the issue, for the moment.
When it's time to ride again, Elrond puts up a fight about having his arms tied again. That just gets Maedhros pinning his face in the dirt while a soldier ties the rope.
Elrond is slung back on the horse like a parcel.
They stop again just before sunset to make camp.
Elrond's hands are untied again for dinner.
The food is simple, waybread and water, and Elrond wonders if he should mention that Men need to eat more than once a day.
Far more exciting than the food though is the figure dropped on the grass next to him, clutching his own canteen and waybread.
"Elrond! By Ulmo, you're alright!"
"I am, just a bit bruised from the horse. You?"
"Here's something for your healer's notes: do not put people with hangovers upside down for hours. I must have thrown up a dozen times."
"That's terrible! Maybe we can ask-"
At that point the guard tells them to hurry up, they'll be taken to where they're sleeping in ten minutes regardless of how much dinner they've had. Elrond and Elros focus on eating.
They are not, apparently, going to be sleeping near each other. "Too much chance to plot."
The Feanorian soldiers have tents. Some of them share, some of them have their own. A few soldiers have tents obviously designed for two or three that they go into alone.
The horses stolen from Sirion are tied to a picket line. It's loped through the reins, but one person untying the end would let all the horses scatter.
The horses the Feanorians rode into town on are not tied at all. They are loyal old warhorses, and will not flee from orcs in the distance. If wolves do sneak past the guards into the camp, better for the horses to run, and come back at their masters' call when the danger is passed.
Elrond, by contrast, is tied to a tree trunk. His hands are tied in front of him rather than behind, and his legs are unbound. Maedhros's brother - and Elrond learned from a careless remark that their is only the one left - even tossed a blanket over Elrond's legs, to guard against the chill of the night air.
It is the most freedom of movement Elrond has had all day, but that's saying little.
He is stuck sitting up, feeling every root and rock underneath him, unable to reach his hands back to where the rope is tied behind the tree.
Elrond sleeps poorly, stirring at every noise, whether it's a guard on their rounds or an owl hooting its warning.
In the morning, Elrond is given a breakfast of water and waybread again.
Maedhros says "You know it would be suicidal to flee, alone in the wilderness, yes?" and lets Elrond ride behind him sitting up.
Elrond's hands are still bound, and a rope leads passed Maedhros to the saddle horn. If he fell off, he better hope he can keep pace with a cantering horse, or else be dragged on the ground.
Elrond stays on the horse. He figures out his balance well enough to turn, and sees Elros riding similarly.
Thing continue like this for over a week, until they reach Amon Ereb.
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lucihens · 1 month
i'm gonna need tim to meet an elderly, terminally ill man in a bad place and have the guy tell him about how much regret he has in his old age for letting the woman of his dreams go and living the rest of his life on edge and in misery because he was adamant about not bettering himself and having his life end up being unfulfilling, lacking the kind of love he wanted all because he thought he didn't deserve it. and finally have them show tim's state of mind about everything and him finally admitting he wants to be better for both himself and lucy, go to an uncorrupt therapist and fight his ass off for his future. goodbye <3
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hi what.
so I looked at ao3 stats for Bad Buddy again - this time, I looked at the stats of the fics written in the week following the release of each ep.
My initial draft for this post began with a longer explanation of what I did and why - but I'm scrapping that [and pushed it below the cut, if anyone's interested] in favour of incredulously asking how the heckity dizzle was there a noticeable dip in the number of fics featuring Wai after ep 9:
Here is a graph showing the number of one-shots (i.e., fics with only one chapter - more on why I counted only one-shots under the cut) using the character tags for Pa, Ink, Korn, and Wai written after the release of each ep:
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For context, ep 9 is about the aftermath of the curtain drop + Pat gets shot + Wai helps get the footage from the bar and makes up with Pat and Pran. So I totally expected most fics from that week to focus on Wai tbh (more accurately, I expected at least light Wai-bashing lol. Listen, I adore Wai, but that is the ep in which it's revealed he dropped the curtain). I know there's a fair number of fics that explore Pran/Pat/Korn confronting Wai, Wai apologising, or other stuff like that, so I thought I'd see mostly those kinds of fics. But nope! Most authors decided Wai didn't need to be the focus at all.
But then I wondered how the total number of fics looked - if fewer fics were written overall that week, then it would make sense for the number mentioning Wai to fall too. So I made a graph of the percentage of fics written in a given week that used these character tags, and Wai falls slightly here too!
Notably, the percentage of fics focussing on Pat and Pran remained roughly the same here. So I'm assuming most authors focussed on PatPran's reaction to the curtain drop (and gunshot) rather than Wai after ep 9.
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I also like that Pa was present in fanfiction every week, right from the first ep :)
Also yes, the steep rise in Wai and Korn after ep 10 is definitely conspicuous - I'll get to that in a bit!
First I wanna clarify that while pulling these numbers, I noticed that there are many fics use the Pat/Pran relationship tag but don't use the character tags, even though obviously the characters are present. So that means these numbers aren't representative of the exact number of fics focussing on each character - they're just indicative of the trends. Though honestly that can be said about everything in this post, because there is always the possibility of tagging errors in fics.
Onto WaiKorn and InkPa! I made graphs of the fics using the relationship tags too, so here's InkPa and WaiKorn:
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These two and PatPran are the most popular, but I had to remove PatPran to make this graph easier to read, rather than squishing these two ships at the bottom of the graph under the far more active PatPran tag. xD
Initially I had also included the platonic pairings in this graph (like Pat&Pran, Pat&Korn, etc.) but I removed them after I realised a lot fics tend to mix up romantic and platonic pairings and use '&' pairs for romantic fics too, so the numbers were quite off. I was a bit disappointed about that tbh, because I really, really wanted to see how many fics focus on platonic relationships and also fics with Pat&Pran in non-romantic contexts. Ah well.
[Although if we do assume the platonic tags are accurately used, then some interesting takeaways are that there's a peak in Pat&Pran fics after ep 7 (the bet era) and also a smaller bump in Pat&Korn fics after ep 10 (unsure why).]
So yeah! With those disclaimers done, onto the sudden jump in Wai and Korn mentions after ep 10!
The number of fics focussing on Wai and Korn rose steeply after ep 10, as did the frequency of the Wai/Korn relationship tag. So naturally I checked the ep and yeppp, that's the ep with the WaiKorn drink product placement scene/the one in which Wai walks in with a crepe and Korn tries to make up with him. Suddenly that sudden jump in WaiKorn's frequency makes a lot of sense, heh.
Also shout-out to that single WaiKorn fic written immediately after ep 2 itself bfkhgkdhh that author was really ahead of their times (iirc when I checked, the author said that fic was inspired by a behind the scenes video that featured Drake giving Jimmy a quick kiss on the cheek at one point).
And heh, I love that Ink appears in ep 4 for the first time and there's immediately two fics with InkPa.
I can't say I'm sure why InkPa rose to their highest peak after ep 11 - I skimmed the ep while writing this post and I can't find any particular reason, so I'd love to hear if anyone remembers any InkPa moments in that ep that inspired so many fics focussing on them!
Also, I was curious about InkPa-centric fics (as opposed to fics where InkPa is a background ship), so I used ao3's otp: true filter. What this filter does is show fics in which InkPa is the only ship. So that means InkPa is definitely the primary ship in those fics, but unfortunately it also removes InkPa-centric fics with other background ships.
In any case, I made this graph that shows the most common ships and compares how many fics feature each ship (this graph is not limited to the fics when the series was airing; it's the total fics written as of 22/11/23):
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The blue sections are the fics that feature only that ship, and the total column height (blue+orange parts together) is how many fics include the ship overall (either as a main or side pairing). [OTP: False is the filter for fics that have multiple pairings.]
Unsurprisingly, PatPran dwarfs the other two. InkPa is more frequent than WaiKorn (there's a difference of about 100 fics overall). Notably, there are more fics where PatPran is the only ship than fics with multiple ships (i.e., there's more blue than orange for PatPran). However, that gets flipped for both InkPa and WaiKorn - there are fewer fics where they're the only ship compared to fics that feature multiple ships.
Aaaand giving the relationships a rest, onto the friend groups! I wanted to see which of the friends are the go-to when an author needs someone from the architecture and engineering gangs to turn up, so here's the (cumulative) graph of fics using each character in the week after each ep came out:
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If anyone wanted to see the frequency with which each gang (including Wai and Korn) collectively appears after each ep:
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Admittedly, this isn't the best graph because a fic that features both Wai and Safe, for instance, gets counted twice. So the length of each bar does not reflect the number of fics written that week. But this graph kinda helps compare which characters were popular when.
Also, I think Wai and Korn should be treated as a separate category since they appear on their own a lot and likely skew these results. So here's the same graph sans Wai and Korn:
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Turns out Louis was the most frequent when the series was airing! There were 18 fics with Louis, 16 with Chang, 14 with Safe, and 13 with Mo. That changed afterwards though, because if I look at all fics written as of 22/11/23, the numbers are still close to each other but Chang is the most popular with 168 fics, followed by Mo with 166 - making the engg gang more popular overall? Louis is in 154 fics and Safe in 150.
Also, I was a lil surprised by the fact that many weeks feature only two or three of them rather than the whole gang(s). Like why would only Chang and Louis appear in fics after ep 12, while after ep 11 only Mo and Safe appear? And all four of them only appear together following ep 6! Also, often it's one person from engg and one from architecture that appear - I have no idea why that is the case but I'm intrigued.
okay I'm going to draw this post to abrupt end and stop talking about numbers now because this is getting quite long and dense, but yeah! Here's what the characters and relationships looked like in the fanfiction after each ep. :]
Oh, and as to why I started this whole thing: Back when I made this post, I looked at what kind of fics each ep of Bad Buddy inspired using the freeform tags (and I made it a chart race, which is always fun, heh). It led to a bunch of fun discoveries - though my fav is still canon divergent fics rising noticeably after ep 5 (in which Pran walks away from the rooftop) and ep 11 (in which PatPran head to the beach and the preview implied they'd break up in ep 12) - unsurprising that the fandom collectively decided to throw canon out the window for a bit there. xD
[Under the cut is a lil more context about what I did and why I made the choices I did.]
Last time, I couldn't settle on how to handle the multi-chaptered fics. I was working off the assumption that fics written in the week after an ep were likely mostly inspired by that ep (I don't expect that to hold true for every fic, but I wanted to see the overall trends after each ep and this was the best way imo), and multi-chaptered fics kinda mess with those numbers because they span multiple weeks and because of the way ao3's filters work.
But then the other day I stumbled across destinationtoast's stats re: the Ted Lasso fandom's response to season 3. First off, it was very validating to see someone else also do a similar analysis to what I did. :D (My approach, that I figured out on the fly, wasn't total bullshit, whoop whoop!) But I also liked how Toast dealt with the multi-chaptered fics problem: simply ignore them skfhskhg. Ao3 allows looking for single-chaptered fics only, so Toast looked only at one-shots written in the week following an episode's release. It worked since apparently the majority of the works in the fandom were one-shots, so the results were reasonably accurate.
I decided to try something similar and give the week-wise stats of Bad Buddy another go, because the issues I identified in my old posts on the fics written when the main series and OS2 were airing are still niggling me. Initially I expected that ignoring multi-chaptered fics wouldn't give me accurate results, since a sizable chunk of Bad Buddy fics have multiple chapters - when I checked, 694 fics out of a total of 2565 fics (as of writing this post) have multiple chapters - that's nearly 30%.
But then I compared the number of single vs muti-chaptered fics written in the week immediately after each ep, and yeah no, it holds up alright in those weeks. Turns out, most of the fics written while the series was airing were one-shots - the largest difference I found was in the week after ep 10, when 15 out of 64 fics had multiple chapters. In every other week, the number of multi-chaptered fics updated was in the single digits, so I feel fairly confident about my numbers now. The numbers in this post should be a fairly accurate representation of what was being written each week.
I think the majority of the fics written while the series was airing being one-shots is interesting. Based on the fics I tend to read, I kinda assumed that multiple chapters were far more common, but I stand corrected! In hindsight, that kinda makes sense I guess. Also, considering that this is true for both Ted Lasso and Bad Buddy, I'm wondering if that's true for all fandoms - someday I'd like to see how this varies across fandoms/media/genres.
Also, I should note that there was a break of two weeks between the release of eps 9 and 10. In this post, I only counted the fics written in the first week after ep 9 and ignored the fics during the second week of the break. I didn't do this last time when I looked at freeform tags (I counted fics from both weeks in that post). I'm still not sure which is a better reflection of the impact of ep 9. (I'd love to hear any opinions on this! Actually I'd love to hear anything about this whole exercise, be it what I could do differently or theories on what can explain these stats).
also, this is completely unrelated but shout-out to @dimplesandfierceeyes who kept turning up in so many of the tags I was looking at! Like, the most recent explicit InkPa-only fic was by seekingmoonscapes, as was the last Louis/Safe fic, and even one of the (only five!) fics in the sparsely populated Coffee Shops & Cafés AU tag.
It could've been just a coincidence but it was very amusing and a delight to see the same name pop up frequently in many of the less-common tags :)
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hermitshell · 6 months
There's something so deeply despondent about a server that was once populated but grows inactive overtime, like instead of the world feeling fuller for how much people have given to it, it instead feels more empty because people Were here and they Did leave their mark. So where are they now? In universe it's just a tragic kind of horror, seeing a world left abandoned. Knowing it is not empty because it's supposed to be or because it's finished but where it's still just clinging on with one or two people left yet deserted. Like walking the streets of an apocalyptic city.
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kuja-kujaku · 3 months
lmao I’m not even 32 yet and someone asked me when I’m going to start coloring my grey hair. never, actually, it’s a condition. it’s called Pretty Boy Disease and it’s terminal. it just gets worse as I get older, I just keep getting more and more grey hairs until I’m so hot people can’t stand to look at me. make sure it’s an open-casket funeral, don’t put me in the ground without getting a good eyeful bc I worked hard for these sultry little grey binches.
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
do u have any akutagawa whump fic refs i need to see him broken
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I actually haven't been able to read a lot of sskk fics recently (← cries in severe mental illness derived from sskk fics serotonin withdrawal). On top of my mind:
You make me feel bad by iwanttea7 someone to share the silence by UnicornFlowers my body is a cage by getintrouble a touch of reticence by infernalmelancholy Vulnerability by CineJu Armour of glass by hinataboke9
But you also might want to check out this ask
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starheirxero · 1 month
Like okok the tagline is literally "mankind is dead. blood is fuel. hell and full." AND WITH WHAT IS CURRENTLY OUT OF THREE GAME? THAT'S A PRETTY SOLID WAY TO PUT IT LMAO. You play as V1, one of many robots built for a great war, that is one of few machines that can absorb blood via direct contact with it. It's all basically a mad dash through hell to stay alive as long as possible through killing demons, husks, and other machines.
And eventually, angels :)!
Gabriel is, fun fact, the only character that you can encounter in the main levels that actually speaks!!! So when you get to the area he does his first monologue to you, it is a TOTAL jumpscare!! And he is SO SASSY. All like "Machine, turn back now, for the walls of this palace are NOT for your kind 🙄" like okay gayboy. and literally the way u heal during his fight is that he stops his attacks to taunt you and THEN you can stop to beat his ass LMAO
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thebiggestfuckgiven · 10 days
-a little announcement-
for those still interested in the dpxdc fic I’ve been working on (How I DIDN’T Become a Villain) despite my silence these past few months, I PROMISE once more that i have not forgotten! It’s been a busy four months and I suck at time management im sorryyy
However! I am finally working on the third chapter ! (yes i do work at a snail’s pace, i know.) And even though it’s not complete yet, keep a look out for any big updates that will be uploaded sometime this week :)
ps, all updates will be added to the fic’s masterpost which i will reblog once i add this one. make sure to subscribe to it if you want to stay tuned in!
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eternalduos · 1 month
And if i irrationally hoped that all of the ratgrinders will be brought back after the finale and its all going to work out? 🙏🙏 What then
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lycheelovescomics · 2 months
overall my main comment to other viewers/surface level fans of the xmen coming into tags and things of xmen97 is, like...
pick up the comic these were based on! they're fun and even more rewarding!!
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