#investment blog
growbeansprout · 1 year
An investment blog is the best way to stay updated about the market and investment strategies. Investment blogs Singapore are the best resources that anyone can read and improve their financial knowledge and stay informed about market trends and strategies.
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oliviajacksblog · 1 year
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journalpur · 2 years
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Journalpur.com provides you daily India news blogs, yojana, biography, education, health, finance, investment blog, job, and vacancy update in easy and straightforward language. Also, we are providing updated high quality of content and data with a focus on reliable & readable articles.
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dollygirldiary · 10 months
— embrace your femininity 🎀♡
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୨୧ : all from pinterest <3 🌷
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demonstars · 7 months
so i've been hooking up with this guy since august and he not only looks SO MUCH like george but he also has an eerily similar personality to him. he's really sarcastic, cute, and charming. our personalities mash together pretty well and i like him very much. ANYWAYS we had sex for the first time three weeks ago and honestly, it wasn't that great. he had some problems with yknow... getting it UP but i don't really mind it since neither of us has a lot of sexual experience and we're comfortable with each other enough to talk about it. however, in the past three weeks, he has given me MULTIPLE hints about wanting ME to fuck HIM. he's been talking so much about gay sex, fingering, anal, etc., and one time i made a joke about pegging him and he suddenly got so flustered. it was kinda cute but like DO I REALLY WANT TO PEG HIM? i guess i do bc i've been thinking about it so much? idk it could be kinda hot
he's coming back from a trip on sunday AND i think i'm going to ask him if he wants to do it once we meet up????????????????? if he says yes i'll be pegging my own personalized canadian (also potentially bi) georgenotfound???????? i doubt we'll ever have a serious thing but i'm here for a good time. he's such a great guy btw i hope he'll find his dream one day. he genuinely deserves a good dick but until then i'm taking on the job which is... honestly kind of an honor 
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narcoticwriter · 2 months
Alright, I cooked up a little theory on all of this beef between Kendrick and Drake and I am likely reaching a lot, but I would like to pay attention to this lyric in particular:
"One, two, three, four, five, plus five, ayy"
This is referencing how many tracks Kendrick claims he has left, which is 10. Now, if we count this together, Kendrick will have 14 tracks dissing Drake specifically (yes, I'm counting the track with Metro and Future in it).
Why is this important? Because I was thinking about it as every song is like a bullet being unloaded into Drake at this point. And the comparison struck me as odd.
So I looked it up and there are gun magazines that can hold 14 bullets specifically, one of them being the Glock .40 caliber gun. Why is this gun relevant?
Because it's the same one that killed Tupac.
And why is that relevant?
Well, whose voice did Drake necromance in one of his diss tracks recently with AI? And who does Drake admire and so much so that one of his songs plays whenever he opens his toilet?
Like I said before, I might be reaching, but coming from the guy that won a Pulitzer prize? It wouldn't surprise me if it's real and he did that on purpose and if that happens to be the case...
Holy fuck, that's a lot of layers to pick through.
Edit: The count is 15 if you include the Metro and Future track, but the magazine is more commonly found with 15 bullets anyway. So the point still stands.
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arrapso · 1 year
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Irene Adler: Masquerade Outfit / Casual Outfit
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une-sanz-pluis · 4 months
Thinking about Henry V attending his first parliament as Prince of Wales at 13 years old and being bored out of his skull and imagining how much worse it would've been for Richard II, who attended his first parliament as Prince of Wales at 9 years old.
Thinking about Henry VI attending parliament as a literal infant too.
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send-me-a-puffalope · 7 months
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Elizabeth Lail needs to play more villains cause good fucking lord I just binged Dead of Summer and my KNEES ARE WEAK.
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ryonello · 6 months
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a shrimp fried this rice :3
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growbeansprout · 1 year
Scope to Get Benefits By Investing in Singapore ETFS Funds and Bonds
Start Singapore ETFS to purchase or sell for board lots of 100 units, which should be less expensive than Unit Trusts, on the Singapore Exchange. As a result, it enables new investors to get started with low-risk alternatives in Singapore like regular stocks. For more details on Singapore ETFs, read this sg investment blog.
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greenerteacups · 3 months
thoughts on Ginny and Harry as a couple?
There are a lot of people who find their romance in HBP forced. I don't think it's forced so much as underwritten, and the books don't get the chemistry quite right (though the movies certainly don't, either). There's potential, but they just don't get enough actual scenes of substance (besides Harry thinking she's pretty or feeling jealous of Dean) for a lot of readers to buy that they're not only in love, but deeply enough in love to break up, get back together, and wind up married.
That's not to say I don't see the appeal. There's a very cool scene in Book 5 where Harry's doing a woe-is-me-Chosen-One act, and Ginny effortlessly puts him in his place about it by reminding him that she was possessed by Voldemort at eleven, which is a rare glimpse into her character and also a great synecdoche for their relationship — Ginny is a grounding presence who, like Ron and Hermione, isn't going to be awed by his past adventures because she knew him before they happened. In that respect, Ginny's probably one of the few women Harry could feasibly wind up with, because he only ever seems comfortable around people (let alone girls) who can see past the Chosen-One schtick and treat him like a normo (see: Ron, Hermione, the Weasleys, Luna, Hagrid). True to type, he doesn't get interested in Ginny at all until she's ditched her celebrity crush and ceased to view him as an idol, because in his heart of hearts, Harry wants to be a normal boy, and it's stressed over and over that part of what he likes about his relationship with Ginny is how normal it feels. He kind of has a horribly supercharged version the celebrity dating problem: after the Battle of Hogwarts, anyone he meets is going to know him first as Harry Potter, Chosen One, Boy Who Lived, and Actually Fucking Resurrected Messiah of the Wizarding World, which is... I mean, it's possible that there are witches out there who could get over that, but Harry's not an extroverted guy, and I'm not sure how he'd go about finding them. Ginny's the one who's been there since the beginning, doesn't need anything about him or his past explained to her, and actually likes him for who he is.
When you look at it that way, it's not surprising he married his high school girlfriend. She's one of the few people still alive who doesn't see him as a demigod.
#in general I was never one to ship harry with anybody#what I wanted for him was a long quiet life and plenty of therapy#maybe some dogs. i think harry needs dogs and deserves them#The other obvious solution ftr — though not one I think Harry would take — is for him to marry a muggle#though again. you'd run into the problem of how you explain All That#which harry doesn't like to talk about and probably would want to talk about even less as an adult#plus also: harry loves magic. like he loves it loves it#the muggle world for harry is permanently connected with the dursleys and it would take years to break that association#which I just don't think he's going to invest#Harry post-BOH is moving to Hogsmeade or wizarding London or some other magical neighborhood and staying there forever#by the way this post is not anti Harry and Ginny! no hate on the ship I've seen versions of it that are very cute#but I just think their love story needed Sauce#there are also some really interesting posts I've found in Deep Fandom crackship blogs about h/g as Harry's sublimated desire for Ron#now I don't necessarily buy that reading. I don't think Harry is in love with Ron in the original text#I do think he LOVES ron and projects that love onto the Weasleys very quickly ginny included#and I think Ron is his soulmate platonic or otherwise in every universe#so marrying Ginny has like. Implications. vis-a-vis Harry's status as a Weasley and adoptive brother[in law] of Ron#like it's a full-circle moment where he becomes officially legally a member of Ron's family#which I do believe JKR had in mind. even though that basically means ginny's wedding becomes kinda... actually... about her brother...#it's weird basically. my final verdict is I wish H/G had been written by an author who was more interested in Ginny for Ginny's sake.#greenteacup asks
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ganondoodle · 11 months
im actually pretty glad there are at leat a few people that agree with me that totks wordlbuilding/story is disappointing to insulting really
its such a let down and will never stop being a thorn in my side how much build up and potential they wasted with disregarding pretty much everything of botw just to introduce not just less compelling stuff but also kinda undercut what was already there
like im sorry but being able to glue a few sticks together isnt worth sacrificing the buildup from the previous title and quality of the story for
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brownsugar-dreams · 5 months
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How are you investing 🍬 or extra money? I started trying to learn about stock investments during the panorama. I lost just under $5k playing around with crypto 😭 but I learned (and still learning) a lot about financial management. I recently moved $10k from my HY savings account to a CD. I was dating a finance guy and he told me to open up a CD because it’s a higher interest rate and he matched my initial deposit 🥰 There’s so much to learn but it’s much better than letting money sit & collect dust! I’ve been wanting to hop on live & share my experiences with sugar investments 🤔
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angelthemanspanker · 4 months
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If Buffy found out Angel kicked out Connor she would also be told why and, I think, maybe cut Angel some slack. I don't believe Angel throwing out Connor was, in fact, the same as Joyce throwing out Buffy. There is a quick, easy-to-miss scene towards the end of Angel season 3 that supports this viewpoint, one where Connor throws Angel in the ocean in a box with the intention of leaving him there forever to shrivel up in eternal agony and insanity
Now Buffy might have done that to Joyce at some point tbf it's been a while since I watched the high school seasons but I feel like maybe there's a difference between removing your extremely strong and dangerous son, who tried to put you in the Torture Nexus last time you saw him/the surface world, from your home (AND with an important "You can't be here yet" attached), and telling your daughter that if she leaves she can never come back because you demanded an explanation and then refused to accept the truthful one she gave you even though she's saying she slays vampires and thirty seconds ago you saw her slay a vampire.
Just because two scenes would look real symmetrical if you put a few lines out of context next to each other in a gifset does not the same thing make
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i'll do my best @necromycologist
i also included a made-up school called amanita - basically between foxfire and exillium, it's a non noble school for those who are still fit for society. Turns out a lot more of the elvin population is talentless and/or bad match! but you never get to see any of them. and the nobility makes it sound like the worst thing in the world
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💙 blue-unicorns Follow
wdym "math isn't important for nobility"
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#foxfire #foxfire memes
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☹️ sad3lfposts Follow
did. did foxfire blow up
#IDK I'VE JUST HEARD THINGS #was it. sophie foster. again #foxfire #sophie foster
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🏙️ forbidden-cities-enthusiast Follow
Dame Alina: *fairly good prinipal, tries to treat students fairly* Alina: *becomes a councillor* Councillor Alina: Let's force a child to put an ability restrictor on his best friend :))
#dame alina #councillor alina #from what i've seen she used to favor sophie a little right #welp. #foxfire #memes #nobility memes #foxfire memes
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🍁 maple-leaf-laurier Follow
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although amanita has more students than both foxfire and exillium, we always get forgotten? remember that whole thing between those schools and the skill training stuff
#amanita #exilllium #foxfire #meme
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🕶️ personal-exile-deactivated2010630
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i'm actually going to cry. just my luck. fml
#guess that means 2 less years of foxfire. woo. #foxfire #meme #talentless
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🦢 moonlark-foster-2000 Follow
Okay, so. TIL that there is not one, but TWO elvin schools named after a fungus. First Foxfire, and I am just now learning about amanita- you guys do know that's a fungus, too, right??
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#my posts #foxfire #amanita #foxfire memes #<- can't believe that's a popular tag. I'll have to check it out lol #fitz don't come after me for saying fungus plsss
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