#is a gentle reminder from said reaper
izayoichan · 1 year
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The Reaper and The Dragon. 🎶
41 notes · View notes
darkdemeter · 2 months
Tis I again! With more requests for darksiders!
Can you write the four horsemen with a human s/o that Is just really supportive and really Open with their love towards them
(Like they always make them tea when they come by their home, or when they go out into the realms together their s/o makes sure they have somewhere confortable to lay down on if they need rest or something to cover them if they get cold.
They also try to cheer them up with compliments and silly jokes [war May not understand any of them but hey A+ for the effort] and are also very cuddly and have those casual touches of like,holding their hand or patting their back, or playing with their hair and maybe say "hey,remember I love you okay?" A little too often as a way of reassurance and are always up to listen to them and their problems if they need It.
They'll of course stop if theyre told to do so,cuz respecting boundaries and all)
These four need some actual love,they deserve so much better!
As always take ur time and thanks in advance!
Have a great day! (And sorry for the huge wall of text)
◤✘DARKSIDERS COLUMN | Death/Strife/War/Fury x GN Reader
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NOTES: ↳ I thought I'd take a different approach in giving each of the riders their own little short story while mixing around the elements you listed. (That's why it's taken so long.) Thank you @screechinginthevoid for this one and for being so so patient! They do, our Horsemen deserve the world! 😭 WARNINGS! ↳ A lot of angsty hurt/comfort with fluff — depictions of established relationships
Who said that loving the reaper himself would be a walk in the park? It’s not, but the hardships don’t worry you. So trusting in him and understanding, yet you always have this overwhelming aura about you that Death remains unsure about. 
How can a human possibly have so much love and compassion for him? The very being that will take your life from this world when your time is done.
But you don’t allow that to phase you – to never stop you from reminding him each and every waking moment you share together, how much you love him and that you wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him. You cherish him to the point he fears it blinds your mortal eyes. 
Humans, he’s found, are so fundamentally flawed by the very thing that makes them integral to the balance: their love. A power so absolute, yet corruptible and easy to turn, and though you show no sign of that tainted mark he very much believes it has been poisoned by his presence.
You hand him his mug, the dark stew of tea ringing around in tidal circles until it calms under his steadiness and the tea’s stilling reveals his reflection.
A reflection he never took part in recoiling at before, now almost flinching at the dreaded sight before him that was him. Looking up to watch you at the sink, absently humming a song’s tune to yourself as you set to working away at the dishes, he wonders if this settlement is right for you. He’s grown far too attached now. He has to stop it… but he can’t. He doesn’t want to. 
Death wonders if the seven sins have infected him with these selfish desires that keep him from severing the cord that’s already pulled you both together. Before, he could have done it without any ties of remorse to haunt him afterwards. Your love is overwhelming. How you express it, how you say it, how you care for him. 
He can’t fathom it. Finishing up your chore at the sink, you dry your hands and toss the hand towel onto the counter and wander over, a gentle grin on your lips as you reach a hand to lay on his tense arm. 
Death flinches away at the action, alerted by the sudden press of warmth that your skin brings to his colder temperature. He wishes he could succumb to that feeling, bask in its entirety but something holds him back. 
Your hand lifts slightly, your smile turned and your brows furrowed to express your sincere, silent apology for alarming him. Throughout this relationship, you have always seen how Death keeps himself well beyond the comfort you try to give him, leaving him to reserve his emotions and affection. 
You remain patient that he may eventually open up. Even if it takes you to the very end of your life, so be it.
“Hey,” you greet softly, trying again as you rest your hand back on his arm. “I was thinking maybe we could venture out to the Maker’s Realm? I thought it’d be nice to have a picnic.”
He hasn’t visited that realm for quite some time and he recognises the way you’ve been feeling stuffy inside your humble abode. Itching to be let out of your cage like a little bird. His little bird that sings happily for his ears to hear, trapped inside a cage you don’t see as imprisoning and he’s far too selfish to let you be free.
Maybe this picnic would help him ease out of this habit of keeping you to himself, that finally he can set his little bird free.
The air is fresh with the aging scent of pine leaves and the sun bathes your skin with a comfortable warmth. Through Death’s actions, he hoisted you off of Despair’s back, his grip strong and firm with you before he set you down. Just like always, you scuttle off in that human nature, the basket held tight in your hands as you settle down on the hillside. 
Death takes a moment to himself to simply admire it all – perhaps for the last time. His hand runs over Despair’s neck with an uncomfortable sense of dread he has not felt in a long time, the pain that follows the loss of something he holds dear creeping over him that in turn unsettles his loyal undead steed. 
“You coming?” you ask, voice innocently inquiring in his absence, laying out a large canvas of a day blanket atop the pasture of grass. While you stare at Death, he feels his resolve waver. 
He can’t do it. How the sun sets a glow to halo around you, hair gently tousled in the wind makes you appear like a dream. 
He can’t remember the last time he had dreamt, when he had a moment of true peace that granted him an escape from his troubles. 
He wants to stay in this place with you always but he knows he cannot. There comes a time where he must wake up. There is a time he will have to let go and say his final goodbyes. Death stalks over to where you’ve set up, intending to sit beside the laid out blanket only to catch your gaze. 
You’ve the look as if he’s committed the most heinous of crimes before a large grin crosses your features. “Come on over, I've saved room just for you.” 
Indeed you had, the blanket large enough for two, even still he harbours his hesitance. In an instant, you give him that same, sympathetic smile you had in the kitchen. “Only if you want to, whatever makes you comfortable.” 
He moves cautiously and inches himself until his weight hovers at the chequered edge. You lean against his side and rest your head against his shoulder, still smiling up at him.
“What a beautiful day. Thanks for taking us out here, I really appreciate it.”
He only huffs in response, shoulders knocking your head off balance from shoving down slightly, but you only giggle. “I do! I really, really appreciate it. We get to spend the day together in the sun and enjoy a nice picnic. And you know what’s even better?” 
“What?” He asks, voice low in his gruff timbre. Your smile is radiant. Infectious to the point that it makes something inside his chest swell and pulsate. Dangerously so that he doesn’t know what to make of it, denying the possibility that it may very well be… love. 
You raise a finger to trace down the bridge of his masked nose, so lovestruck and in awe of the way his amber eyes flicker like nervous flames, silently watching and waiting. You answer softly, “That I’m with you.”
For a second you think you catch a rare and radiant glimpse of something in his eyes but he quickly diverts his attention ahead to watch the scenery. You know that he’s troubled but in true fashion, he doesn’t unload you with any of it. He’s hardened his shell to keep his secrets from you.
You reach a hand between you and find the cool define of his long, spindly hand, your fingers entwine with his own and give a reassuring squeeze.
“Death?” You ask, eyes shifting to look at him out of the corner of your vision. He doesn’t respond but you know he’s listening.
“I understand that you keep things to yourself but I want to help. I would like to be someone you can talk to.”
“You wouldn’t understand,” he sighs. It shatters you, yet you are aware that it is the truth. 
“Have I done something wrong?” 
He turns his head to face you, eyes glaring downward and you feel your breath hitch, lungs caught in the flames of his eyes. 
“I— I’m sorry, whatever I’ve done I am sorry, I just… I don’t know what I’ve done wrong.” 
“You haven’t done anything wrong…” his head bows and his shoulders deflate with a heavy sigh. “Not intentionally.” 
“Then what is it?” You move to sit on your knees, facing him. 
“Little bird, I fear that you don’t understand what it means to love me.”
His words are a wound stabbed deeply into your heart. Still he continues, scoffing with a shrug, “It all seems tedious to shower me with your affections, only to meet your end with me. Why bother?”
“You don’t get it…” you sigh, bottom lip trembling slightly as tears cover your eyes with a shiny gloss. “Humans are so difficult when it comes to love, yes. But sometimes, we don’t get a choice in who we fall in love with. We just do.” 
You’re overcome by the sudden high of your emotions. Before you know it, your arms pull around his shoulders and drag yourself in until you sit in his lap, his hands frozen to hover over your waist. You don’t care if he doesn’t reciprocate your actions, you just want him to know how much you care for him.
“You mean so much to me, Death. Without you, I would have given up trying to survive. Without you, Humanity would have ceased to be. You are the most noblest soul I have ever come to know.” 
You recall that time. What you thought would be his final goodbye. He left you in the care of the Makers until it was deemed safe to return to Earth. It wasn’t as much of an emotional farewell on his part, but you had caved right there, as he turned his back on you to walk away — to enter the well of souls and never likely to return. 
You cried, screamed and shouted, you begged him to hear your confession. That had been the night when you realised… “I made my peace the moment I knew I had fallen in love with you.” 
Your hold around him increases as sobs rack through you. Tears wet on your lashes, you sniffle. “I’m sorry if I’m always clingy, I promise I’ll try and not be, I just—I just can’t bear the— thought of losing you again!” 
His arms move slowly to circle around your waist, his presence a haunting comfort as he holds you to him. He can’t bear the thought of telling you to stop. He can’t let you go. His little bird in the cage wouldn’t last, not with wings too damaged to fly on your own again.
To be called the noblest of souls holds a light to the high regard you hold him to. He only did what was necessary for balance, for his brother. But that night, leaving you behind knowing it was for the last time, he was shaken to his core because he found that saying goodbye was so very hard when he realised he had fallen in love with you.
And so he holds you as you cry against him, perhaps not for the last time after all.
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With a heart of unbridled magnitude, you love hard and fiercely. It shows in the way you always throw yourself on the towering nephilim whenever he steps a foot on your front porch, face lit up in your excitement to see him shadow your doorway.
“Whoa there!” He laughs, hands taking hold of you yet resisting to use all his strength unless he crushes you like a toothpick, anxiously aware that the daggered irons of his gauntlets can so easily shred and puncture you if he isn’t careful. 
You invite him inside with a tug of his hand in yours. “Come on, come on!” You’re always so cheerful and buzzing with energy. He’s stumbling paces behind you as he’s dragged further inside where you begin to make his usual tea in his favourite mug. 
“I’ve missed you so much, it’s been so boring around here without you,” you begin to rave and rant on, hearing the creaking of one of the stools support his weight. 
You ask with a cheeky smirk, “So what have you been up to lately, handsome fella?”
He replies with a casual roll of his shoulder, “You know me, firefly. Just doing my thing as a Horseman.” 
“Sounds like you’ve been busy.” You turn, hotly made tea nestled in your hands that you set in front of him. With a thankful nod he takes it.
“You have no idea.” 
With him sitting on the opposite side of the counter, your body hunches forward, pressed to lean your weight on the surface with your palms supporting your chin as you stare with what Strife can assume to be heart eyes.
“What?” he asks, golden eyes blinking rapidly. “Did I ever tell you that I love you?” 
Your voice is sickly sweet, sung in a playful note while you tilt your head side to side, lost and aloof in some daydream. 
“Every time you see me,” he chuckles and you perk up, grinning like the cat who ate the cream. 
“Well, I love you, Strife!” You’re suddenly at his side within a flash, arms thrown around him until you’re stuck to him like sap on a branch. You hum, happy and content to have him back, head nestling against his neck. He smells strong of gunpowder and a musk of burning wood that reminds you of the winter snuggled close by the fireplace. 
“I missed you so, so much…” You sigh quietly this time. 
Strife had entered your life with a flash and a bang. Literally. He fell from the sky as a massive ball of flame that scorched and melted the world around him. Just when you needed a saviour’s hand, he had arrived. From that day forth, you were constantly stuck to his side, even the few times he tried to brush you off to someone far more capable than him to care for you, you insisted that you remain with him. He made you feel safe in a world that no longer did. 
Him? He had almost laughed. He made you feel safe? Even when Ulthane promised that no harm would befall you under his charge, you were still determined to ride with a Horseman.
Was that the point he realised he loved you? Well, you sure left that much an impression on him that he fancied something about you. For the handful of humans that managed to survive you were the only one willing to come near him, no less be with him. It only felt natural in some way when your relationship evolved into something more after a single kiss — but just as instinctual as it may have been, Strife found himself drawn into something forbidden — not intended for him. But you assured him that he was the only one you wanted, that you loved him. The complicated nature of humanity at play before his very eyes. A mortal so hopelessly in love with him of all lovers to choose from.
He strips himself of his mask, letting it sit on the counter as he enjoys his tea while you huddle yourself against him like a kitten snuggling into his lap. Strife’s siblings often remark how attached you were to him. Whenever he would spend the night, the following morning he would have to say his goodbyes until your next meeting.
It hurts him every time he has to see that sorrow flash within your eyes, before you dismiss it and assure him that you will be alright and that you will be waiting for him just like always. 
There are days where you will pace the floorplan of your home just waiting for him, to hear the familiar clobbering of hooves raging against the pavement and a snorted whiney from Mayham, who you may have a bad habit of coddling and feeding one too many carrots to from your kitchen window when Strife isn’t paying attention. Hey, he enjoys them and who are you to deny the rider of unrest itself, and it keeps Mayhem from riding your recently planted greenhouse. 
“Alright there, sweets?” Strife chuckles, his voice having grown lower with a tired drawl. You hum, happy to bask and bathe in the intoxicating warmth radiating off him that seeps deep into your bones. 
“Hard not to be when I’m with you,” you coo softly, eyes droopy and you fight hard to hide a yawn. 
“How long have you been waiting up for me?” His question takes a sudden shift as he turns you in his lap, your body small enough that maneuvering you was as easy for him as it is for you to move a feather. 
“Not… not that long, just a couple… couple ‘fhours…” Again you strain to keep yourself from yawning. But Strife sets aside his unfinished tea, already scooping you to rest you on your back in his arms and carries you towards your bedroom. You whine, hands tugging at the fabric of his scarf. 
“But Strife,” — a large yawn finally stretches your mouth open — “I don’t wanna sleep, I want to cuddle you and tell you how you’re the darndest handsome fella I could ever call my own—”
He shushes you then, hands careful to lay you down on your mattress and pull the covers over you despite the weakened struggle you put up. “How can you be so handsome, honestly? And funny, and strong and just everything I could ever want in a partner?”
The fog of sleep is close to taking you under, however, the last of your energy that wanes like a candle wick almost burnt out comes as an attempt to sit on your knees. Yourhands splay over the large front of his chest, his golden eyes bouncing in their softened gaze as he silently pleads with you to rest. Still, you remain adamant even as the heavy lead drags your lashes down together. 
“You know… I just want you to know that I love you, okay? I’m always here for you, ‘m not going anywhere that isn’t with you.”
The darkened lines of his brown brows flex up, furrowed in his contemplation over your words. It’s almost like his spiked hair became tenfold bristled under the weight of such a reminding confession. Often, you tell him these things and he still has a hard time accepting that they mean anything true. You’re a human, even love is so cruel in blinding you. 
He figures that you will eventually grow out of it. Someday, you will find another man who will take care of you. He dreads the day that you will no longer be his baby, his precious love; the bright star alight in the cosmos that guides him home every time. 
A chapped kiss lands on your forehead, almost ghosting over the contour of your skin and he leans in close with a whispered, “Sleep.”
Nestled under the covers and head draped onto your pillow you let yourself drift off into a much needed slumber. Strife sighs from his place beside you, crouched and yet still very much hovering over your sleeping form. His hand runs over his face, deeply engrossed in the endless branches of unfinished thoughts and dwelling fears.
Is it all true, what you say to him? You have this way of overwhelming him and giving him exactly what he wants deep down. You say the prettiest of things to him, whenever you kiss him he believes he’s found his heaven eternal with you in his arms. How you refuse to go about your daily life until you have expressed exactly ten times how much you love him, that when you wake up in the morning happy it's because he’s the first one that crosses your mind and because you had the sweetest of dreams about him. 
You look so at peace when you sleep. Rarely can he enjoy it, haunted by sin and haboured regrets, a place where his greatest of fears can become a manifested prophecy that warns him of what will become of him. Of you both.
So he goes without. Besides, unlike humans who require it in their health, that’s not so much the case for him. Still, your dreams must be so sweet. So innocent of him. Unknowing of the real him, the identity he can never allow you to love. 
You awaken first to the feeling of something enclosing your waist with a vice-like grip, squeezing you in and in until you're struggling for air. Secondly, the sound of choked cries and intensely curt breaths that come and go far too quickly.  Your eyes are wide, rubbing away the drowsiness in them as you immediately tend to Strife, armor stripped into clunky masses on the floor around the bed like a protective shield. 
His large shoulders heave, the warping trail of heat rising from his body as he drowns in his sleep, his arms hold around you tighter. 
“Strife, baby— it’s okay, I’m here, I’m here,” you croak, voice already trembling with tears brimming in your vision. 
He hisses out your name with such vigor that it makes something in your heart rip asunder. He sounds so angry. So guilty. 
You call to him in his dreams. His eyes open, the powerful glow of tear filled gold bright and blinding you with dark spots. His breath shifts so sharply that his body physically vibrates against you, his chin tucked and pushed into your sternum, he glances up at you and his arms weaken their grip on you. 
Your hands caress the scarred texture of his skin, fingers tracing each one with delicate intent when you feel him flinch and shudder under your touch that finds its way to comb one hand through his hair. 
He tries so hard to keep the tremble of his sobs silent yet you’re aware that his resolve has crumbled, that front he often puts up cracks under the pressure and you’re there ready to catch him. 
“I know it’s tiring to hear me say it, but remember that I love you. I’m here for you.”
His arms then curl around you, holding you so that you have no choice but to remain there with him. He doesn’t want to go back to the past, he’s unsure what awaits him in the future. All he wants is to be here in the moment with you.
With a low voice, he utters, “Too many times… but please remind me again.”
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Most honourable souls are not without their contrasting attributes. The red rider is known for his stoic personality and for being an unrivaled engine of chaos and pain, you are one of the very few who see him under the battle-worn hide. 
He’s endured much, been the discarded tool to a plot set to unravel the whole cosmos asunder and and let him take the fall for it. He’s been beaten down only to get back up when he saw you hidden away, eyes wide in your terror for the fate that awaited you should he fall. 
Never once did he fail you. 
All this time, he’s been nothing short of a protector, an honourable warrior who seeks only the fairest of retribution and the security of all that depend on him to make things right and at peace. You don’t see him as the monster others make him out to be. In your eyes, he is someone very special to you.
“So where exactly are we off to, hero?” you chuckle, feet kicking up slightly with Ruin’s incredible yet lackluster stride, hooves clobbering so hard it digs puddle sized gauges into the dirt. 
War sighs, his chest easily pushing you forward in the saddle easily to it’s both embarrassing and flustering. Your cheeks brighten with a blushing pink. “We are scouting ahead. The ruins should not be too far ahead now.”
“You said that eons ago!” you huff. Eyes rolling drastically they almost fall out of their sockets. 
“It’s not been that long.”
You pucker your tongue between your lips, popping an obnoxious raspberry. The ride wasn’t at all bad, just a tad boring and your thighs were beginning to ache just a little from being sat in the saddle for a while. War’s hand had a controlled grip on the bulky chains acting as the reins, leaving your hands to either grip the horn or fumble in resting them atop of War’s larger one. The latter of which you’d feel his chest lock up with a sudan hitch buried in his throat and a smile stretching far and wide across your face. 
Your effect on the Horsemen was really that obvious, wasn’t it? Anyone can see it.
Because of your arising boredom and your need to entertain yourself, you begin to mimic the action of looking out for the ruins War spoke of, hands curving into little circles to cup over your eyes. “What are you doing?” you hear his voice ask from above and your turn your gaze upwards, hands still formed into makeshift binoculars. War will only ever admit to himself, he almost chuckled. “I’m keeping an eye out for our destination.” 
“You are being playful,” he remarks, seeing you bounce your head in agreement as your hands fall to hold the scratched metal of his gauntlet. 
“You caught me. I’m just bored, ugh!” Pouting you add timidly, “And my butt hurts.”
You jerk forward to catch yourself against the horn with a gasp, Ruin’s weight shifting to a complete stop. Turning your chin, you catch a glance at War who’s looking elsewhere other than forward, his head moving slowly this way and that as you follow his gaze. He’s scanning the nearby cliffside to your side. One wrong slip of your footing and you’d be rolling down a steep incline of rocky foliage and winding branches before you even make it to the rushing stream far below. 
But the scenery is nice. A sunset smearing softly integrated pinks and darkish purples, reveling in the warming tan of orange nearest the silhouette horizon. 
You breath out, eyes transfixed, your stun an evident and final confirmation to War that taking a small break wouldn’t be so terrible. Who knows just how long his siblings would before meeting him at the ruins. 
With a firm nudge of his boot, War commands his steed to steer himself towards the sloping hillside, the horse chuffing loudly a cluster of embers that spark and frazzle with a crackling pop like flaming stars. 
The saddle is cradled to one side with War’s dismount, almost turning you over and out of the saddle completely before he aids you in getting you off Ruin’s back. 
Your back pops delightfully from stretching and you sigh in relief. The chance to stand and pace around allows the blood flow to seep back into your legs, standing at the cliff edge, you stare out at the picturesque scene with a deep inhale of the breeze. “It’s so pretty,” you say with a toothy grin that crinkles the corner of your eyes.
As you stare in admiration, War lets himself stand beside you, a regular force of habit that something may dare try to leap out and attack you, it’s ingrained into him as muscle memory to put himself between you and an enemy. 
But you haven’t encountered any enemies. Noo once since you arrived in this realm, its atmosphere almost entirely made of a peaceful ambience. For once, War can somewhat relax. 
“I kind of miss Earth being this way.” It’s hard sometimes to think of home, it’s once way of life slowly thriving, but it will still take some time to become an inhabitable biome. Until then, you mostly travel with War. On the off chance that you must stay behind, you stay with the Makers or the pocket haven with other humans until he returns to collect you. 
Meanwhile, War silently contemplates a darker memory. Back when the nephilim invaded countless realms much like this, carving out its natural beauty to leave behind a shattered husk. His hands clench into tight fists, weight crunching the dirt under his feet with a low rumble. He thinks about the terrible rage he becomes whenever he loses control of himself, slipping into this facade that feels all too real, fearing that it may very well be the real him; that his code of honour is the facade. 
By the time he snaps out of his thoughtful stupor, he sees you playing in the dirt. 
Stick in hand, your drawing something, focus entirely on your illustration and War cannot help but half-heartedly ask, “What is that?”
“Us!” you beam, “there’s you, there’s me and this is Ruin.”
The war steed bellows a proud whiney at the mention of his name, massive head shaking the heated curtain of his mane. His front hoof paws the ground in triumph. War kneels down, body closing in that his shadow very well hovers over you while he studies what you’ve drawn.
“And… what are you doing there?”
To answer his question, you lean into him and plant your lips to his cheek with a quick peck, chuckling at the Horsemen’s expression that is too stun to compute. His frozen eyes are wide and it takes a good long while before he even blinks. He turns his head with a frightful and sudden jerk, the fading sunlight letting you see that which the overcast of his hood fails to hide — a pink dusting of a blush in his cheeks. 
“What— was that for?”
“Because I love you, silly!”
You settle yourself down on the patch of grass and pat your hand encouragingly for War to do the same beside you. Once he does, albeit the awkward motion of adjusting himself to do so, you lean all your weight against him that he supports with no issue. To him, you weigh nothing more than a feather pillow.
Your head presses to the hardened bulk of his shoulder. You sigh in contentment.
“This is really nice, being out here with you.” Your hand falls over his, the comfort of it letting all your fears and worries wash away. Whenever you try to hold hands with War, you are the one to initiate it, feeling the hesitant way his hand tense before it releases and coaxes itself to grab yours in turn. However, you decide against trying to force it. 
He asks, “You truly mean that?”
You nod in reply, cheek rubbing against his arm. “I do.”
Then you feel it. His hand turns so that his palm flatley faces up and his large fingers curl around your hand, capturing it in his grip. “You know, if I had my sketchbook right now, I’d paint you like one of my french girls.” 
Your voice had dropped into an exaggerated accent, your other hand pursing your fingers together. 
Of course, another playful jest goes right over his head by the puzzling quirk of his snowy bow. That’s joke number 1,551 and counting. Many of your journeys consist of you trying to get one joke to land with the behemoth in red, but none have seemed to catch. Your face puckers inward like you sucked on a lemon and tried not to react.
By now the sky has grown darker, stars dotting the sky’s nightly canvas and the moon rising just as the sun’s last rays kissed the mountain terrain. 
“Hey, War, knock knock…”
His lips form into a sneer, tsking in a slight of annoyance. Not this again…
He sees you’re not going to back out of this one, far too stubborn to do so. Giving in for the first time ever to the infamous two lines he’s heard too many times to count, he grumbles, “Who’s there?”
His eyes narrow again. You’re up to something with this, he knows it. “Me… who?”
“It’s just me, and I want to tell you that I’m thankful to have you around. Whenever I wake up, I think of you and how you’re doing, and if that someday… you’ll finally recognise that you are my hero — and not the monster.”
This is the most peculiar of jokes. But wait, you’re not laughing. You’re not waiting for him to acknowledge the play on of the punch line. You’re being genuine. “And that whenever I’m not around you, I get so scared not only for myself but for you. I care about you so much that I stay up in hopes that I’ll see you again before I collapse from exhaustion. Whenever we’re riding together, I feel secure and warm because I know you have the reins and you have me.
When you’re around, you scare away the real monsters. And that is what a hero does, and that’s what makes you my hero. Because you’ve always been there when I needed you.”
War’s eyes fall away and you take his loss of eye contact as failure. Again, he doesn’t see how much you love him, how your heart pounds rapidly when you both stand close to one another and that your heart is his for eternity. That for you, there is nobody else to love. Only him. 
His hand that holds yours drags you into lap and his lips ghost over the crown of your head, causing your eyes to widen and your chest to cease its breath. “I’ll always be there for you, my love.”
Tears mist over your vision, wetting your lashes as your arms reach around him as far as they can, engulfing him in a hug. He really is your knight in armour of creepy faces. 
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Her determination remains just as strong, even now. She refuses to let you see at her weakest. All you want is to be a rock for her to lean on when things get tough. She cannot accept that, will not let you shoulder the burdens that are hers to carry.
She’s a fearsome sort of stoicism but therein lies her beauty in your eyes. Where she sees nothing but a misshapen and discarded weapon of war, you see the comings of a Phoenix rising from the ashes. A past that seeks to destroy her and yet she still fights on.  
She inspires you in ways she can hardly imagine. The days she comes to ride up to your house, elegantly sat in Rampage’s saddle with a sense of control on the reins that chink and chatter with a chainy rattle, you’re already launching yourself ten feet out of the door and making her pull hard to a stop. 
She bites your name harshly, face furrowed into a glare. You know her better than that, it shows in the coiled edges of your big and bright smile. 
“I missed you!” You cry out, bouncing on your feet like a hyped jackrabbit. 
You throw your arms around her without a second thought once she has dismounted. Despite the obvious of her much taller height, you hold nothing back in the way you hug her tightly.
She’ll feign annoyance as her dark lips turn into the faintest of smiles in the shadow of her features, a telltale sign that she appreciates these wonderful moments that she secretly misses.
However, there are times that your illustrious partner of a Horsemen will shut you out, more often than not as of late, she huffs and mutters to herself with an expression screwed into a sneer. She’s troubled by something and its mystery writhes a flare of determination within you to find a solution. A problem solver. That is what makes the bulk of your intimately struggling relationship with Fury. You try to solve all her problems, no matter the weight, big or small.
She walks with a swaying saunter towards you, Rampage pawing at the ground with a ruffled snort, shaking off the remnants of unease his rider held. “How’ve you been, Fury? Would you like some tea? I also thought we could finish reading that book together, or maybe have a late evening dinner in that realm—”
She flicks her wrist dismissively, bluntly saying under her breath, “Whatever is easiest. I don’t have the patience to decide.”
It stops you in your tracks for sure. The impact of her response weighs heavily on your heart and you bite aggressively into your lip to prevent yourself from shedding the springing flush of tears. She’s just mad, you try to reason with yourself. I have to find a way to cheer her up.
You follow her inside, watching how her body slumps forward slightly with a sigh as if she sheds the cumbersome shell of her burdens at the door and proceeds forth with a more sluggish pace. You frown at this. “I’ll make you a tea,” you say from behind and rush off to the kitchen, setting to making her drink before going off to fetch one of your comfort blankets. Whenever you find yourself in a pit of doubt, sadness and impending woe, you toss one of the soft blankets you’ve had for as long as you can remember,snuggling into its warmth as you settle in with a good book to read or a small puzzle to fix your mind on something. It always helps you, so why not try it on Fury?
You see her take a seat on the couch, posture slouched so far forward now it rivals Death. Hands clutch into the blanket, nails gnawing into it thoughtfully, praying that this works, then like a mouse you tip-toe out from your hiding place and throw the blanket over her shoulders, enveloping her in another yet shorter hug. 
“Ugh– what are you…” Her eyes shift to turn to you, lips revealing a nasty snarl on her part but she stops suddenly, seeing the flash of something cross your face. She doesn’t mean to project her anger onto you. It’s just that she can’t exactly explain why she keeps coming back to you when she is in this particular mood, feeling like she has nowhere else to go, no one else to turn to. Still, she pushes you away with every attempt you make to cheer her up. 
“A comfort blanket,” you answer with a kind smile. “They always make me feel better.” You round the couch and sit at her feet, hands taking a second guess before they find a tender placement on the armour of her leg. 
“Hey, remember I love you and I’m here for you.”
You see the gears turning like clockwork in her head, eyes torn between narrowing and relaxing and the contortion of her mouth leaves you to believe she’s fighting herself on this. She wants to say something but nothing is coming out. She’s trying to find a way to word it without hurting you to the point that it may break you. 
She cares for you, more than what she would like to admit to anyone. But it’s true. She has become ensnared by your attention, your love and the way your presence is uplifting to be around. Like a moth drawn to a flame she keeps coming back. 
“It’s hard.” It stings her to say it, but she just needs time. She needs to think this through. “I know you love me. But it’s just… it all feels too much for me.”
Your eyebrows move upward, sympathetic as she speaks her mind. It’s not common for her to be so vulnerable with you. So you take it in stride, taking in a deep inhale. 
“I’m sorry. I will do better in toning my extreme outpour of affection until you’re ready.”
Sometimes you wonder if you carry on a tad bit more than you should, giddy and over excited to see Fury even if it’s only been days between visits. 
If this is how Fury feels then it is your obligation to be supportive and respectful of her wish for space, granted it may prove to be a bit of a challenge but that is what relationships are about. Overcoming the many trials you face in one another and together. 
She nods thankfully and you hum, pressing a quick, light kiss to her forehead and then head to the kitchen, soon reappearing with her steaming cup of tea. 
By the time you get back you see she’s immersed herself in the comfort blanket, hands tugging it over herself that bit more until her focus lands on you, eyes moving between your genuine smile and the mug cupped in your offering hands. She takes the beverage with a softly muttered, “Thank you, dear.”
The two of you curl up together on the couch, and Fury lets you drown her mind with the last half of that novel you wanted to finish during her last visit, only to find that you had passed out, reading yourself into a slumber that left her tugging heartstrings no choice but to carry you to bed and lay you under the covers, bidding you a farewell. 
As you read the contents of the page, mesmerised in the storyline, Fury’s attention is only half engaged with it – the other just taking the time to admire you. 
How well you have taken her request when for sure she expected you to cry. She didn’t miss in catching the way a glossiness covered your eyes when she spoke with you, and perhaps she should feel shame for it. She’s pushing you away because she’s utterly terrified. She doesn’t register your voice saying her name, finally snapped out of it she looks to see one of her hands clenching into the couch arm, ripping and rendering its cushioned flesh. 
Before she can begin to make any form of apology, you raise a hand to pause her, understanding that her mind had been elsewhere. 
It isn’t… easy being a Horsemen. Hell, it’s not easy being a human sometimes, and the factors of this relationship should be difficult and impossible on any and all levels. You don’t let it stop either of you in the end. You do what you must to make it work, you fix her problems just as she fixes yours.
“Why are you so understanding?” she asks and your eyes widen a little, blinking a flutter of your lashes a few beating times. Your shoulders shove up and down with a steadied breath. 
“Because I—” you cut yourself off, aware that you’re it again. You clear your throat and tilt your head to the side, meeting her gaze. “Well, because that’s what you do in a relationship. You have made your concerns known and it is up to me to respect that. It’s… what humans do. We care.”
“Will you stop completely?” You know what she means. Somewhere deep inside she adores the shower of affection you show her, but delving outward is the hardened hide of a warrior. A fighter who has known nothing of love like your own. You shake your head, lightly chuckling. “Never. I adore you too much. My love is unconditional when it comes to you.”
A wider smile forms over her face then. It may not take so long as tomorrow to think this through and to be more accepting of your overbearing nature to coddle her with your love. Afterall, it was the way you expressed how you felt for her. A human so special to her, how could she deny your unconditional love?
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mossy123302 · 4 months
Ah yes ...more au thoughts..
Philza, the Angel of Death, who roamed the earth and knows many stories. He has watched Kingdoms fall, risen or watched communities band together and perish upon corruption in their system.
He used to join such a community, when he had his friend beside him, but ever since his friend had ascended. Philza was alone, once more, to roam this plane and simply ride the wave of this never ending changing of time. Soon, he found himself joining an arena, to simply fight. It paid him well, and it gave him something to do at least so Philza didn't mind...
Until they had grown bored of him. So they assigned Philza to keep guard at one of a nearby village that held criminals or elderly people. Philza didn't know why such a village was created to dispose of the elderly, he understood the criminal part but not the wise people. They could share knowledge and expand what the new generation could fix and change.
But... Phil was too tired. He just agreed, took his next pay and headed off. It would be peaceful, compared to the roars of cheering and adrenaline of fighting...but it'll give Philza time to reflect on what else he could do, maybe think of a new project? He could build something, it has been a while since he built something.
Philza was content at his new station, just having to watch over the people, help them when needed and just make sure the prisoners don't escape. It was peaceful and...not many bothered him, probably because they were too afraid to get close. Who would dare even approach the Angel of Death himself?
A certain gentle soul did.
"Hi!" A voice greeted, and Philza paused as he looked up from his journal, which he was writing in to jot down his project ideas. He was greeted by the sight of silver eyes that reminded Philza of the stars, and long black hair that gently smoothed out over the man's face. It was like Philza was staring at space itself...
"Hello" Philza greeted in return, as he eyed the man who beamed at Philza's greeting. "...Sorry, I didn't realize there was someone else assigned here"
"Oh! Oh no no, pues, si- No wait- I'm not.... Okay! I'm just more or less a caretaker! I'm helping my friend Roier take care of his abuelo!" The man said, obviously stammering through his words and mixing it with other phrases that Philza couldn't fully understand. He knew it was Spanish, a common language around here, but he never did have the chance to actually teach himself about it. He has heard of Roier...so at least the man wasn't lying, at least.
"My name is Missa!" Missa finally said, clearly embarrassed.
Philza tilted his head, his eyes lighting up slightly. "Oh, you're the new recent grim reaper sent by ...the other deity of Death" He said. Missa faintly smiled at Philza's words and nodded. "That's me!" He said.
"What brings you here then? Is Roier's...abu...uel..abuelo?" Philza slowly said, trying to pronounce "abuelo" correctly. "Is he ..."
"No! Nono! He's not dying, well, not yet at least. No, I'm just here to help a friend and to visit you!"
"Ahh...qué pena... Haha, I've... I've been watching you, or well, following you for a bit. I've... I've been seeing your fights in the...arena" Missa admitted, his voice slightly high pitch as he awkwardly looked around to hide his face that was turning purple. He didn't dare look at Philza in the eyes, in fact, Missa shuffled in his satchel that he had and pulled a skeleton mask on.
Philza slowly blinked, his eyes slightly widened in surprise at the sudden confession from Missa. "...Well, mate, I don't... Thank you?" He said, quietly chuckling as he watched Missa shuffle around awkwardly.
Missa let out a squeak, when he suddenly lost some balance due to a hole in the dirt trail, almost tripping over it. Philza faintly smiled, as he looked at his journal.
...Maybe having company wasn't so bad. Missa seemed blunt, found his...strength incredible and he was a grim reaper, someone who would not ascend nor die so easily.
"...So you find me strong?" Philza asked, and Missa paused. He glanced over at his shoulder to look at Philza and slowly nodded. "..Yes..?"
"Marry me then.."
Philza suddenly took Missa's hands in his own hands, not giving the poor skeleton a chance to even pull away. He had an determined glint in his eyes. A glint that Missa was familiar with when he saw those arena fights, the way Philza fought and moved, moving like he was dancing and how he smiled when he won a battle.
"You find me strong, you know of me. I can provide whatever it is you need" Philza said, as Missa's face turned more alarmingly purple.
"esperate!! ESPERATE! We just started talking—!" Missa quickly said, trying to bust the whole situation down right now.
"I'll be your strength, but should you refuse me...I will still like to court you regardless" Philza casually replied.
"OKAY!" Missa shrieked, as he tried to pull his hands away and cover his face, he knew that his skeleton mask would do nothing now to hide his purple face. He jolted when he heard Roier's whistle behind him, and he whirled around to yell at his friend.
Philza blinked and softly smiled. He was going to enjoy learning about Missa...
It was no surprise, but Missa wanted Philza to relax. He wanted to be the one to provide everything for Philza, while Philza continued to do his own hobbies like sculpting, fighting or working on his projects. In fact, because of this, Philza was able to lighten up the village a bit more and figure out which soil was more suitable to start a farm on. It wasn't ideal how far the farm would be, but Missa didn't mind as long as Philza was resting.
In fact, Missa slowly started to bring materials for Philza to sculpt with. Materials that Philza knew what it stood for... to make a child.
Death related creatures couldn't create life so easily, it was a long process.
They needed materials. This varies on what's around them, in their environment. Things that Philza can sculpt, cut down or change to make sure that the materials fitted correctly together and slowly the materials started to mold and change that resembles an egg.
When that process is finished, Philza and Missa would need to stay together with the newly created egg to infuse their magic to the egg. It was simple, yet the process takes a while because it never guarantees that it'll work the first time. Philza and Missa have never done this before, so they didn't really expect this to work on their first try.
But when the egg started to move..
Philza and Missa knew that this little egg is a fighter, a strong willed one.
..Chayanne was his name.
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minzis · 10 months
Because It Was You
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Art Credits: Victoria by Fritz Schaper
•┈୨A Simon Riley One-Shot୧┈•
✦❘༻Summary: Stuck in a sense of saudade Simon finds himself unable to come to terms with the reality of you slowly falling out of love with him.
✦❘༻Tags: Pure angst <3 2.3k words.
✦❘༻Author’s Note: I listened to “Waiting Room” by Phoebe Bridgers while writing if you’d like to listen as well! I just aim to hurt people as much as possible because what is life without deliciously hurtful angst :3
Ghost knew he wasn’t that good of a man, he always felt like you were just to good for him. A pretty face and a pretty voice, everything about you was beauty in its purest form for him. How he managed to have you in the first place alone was astounding, a miracle in his eyes. You were everything he was not, a sweetness so sweet it was like a daily sugar rush. Him not deserving you was the only thing that ever plagued his mind. How could a woman like you love a man like him?
The type of woman they put on the cover of vogue, the type to have poems written about and for them. So for a beauty to haven falling for the beast he did everything he could to make you happy. No matter what you asked he’d have it done because if it made you happy then it made him happy.
You called him having a bad day at work? That’s okay he’ll just bring you a handwritten card and the food you talked about craving last week! Your sick he’ll bring every medicine there possibly is excluding the one you said you didn’t like cause it made your head hurt. Even if it was late at night he’d make the drive because it was you.
You felt lonely while he was away, that’s fine he got you two little puppies. You named one Grim after the first time you met joking he looked like a Grim Reaper. He laughed over the phone when you rambled about names he said he didn’t like it but truly he liked whatever you did. If you liked blue he loved blue and if you hated red then he despised red. His world moved just to circle around you every day and night felt like it was for you.
He never bought you flowers he always got you plants because you said they lasted a lifetime like the one you planned to spend with him. Apartment cluttered to the point you might as well call it a Garden House. His shelf littered with little things you had given him. “It reminded me of you,” you’d say with the cutest smile he’d swear he had ever seen, it was humbling.
Picking you up from work in the rain or snow since the day you said you were often scared to drive in it yourself, if he couldn’t pick you up himself he’d send a driver. There were many times where he couldn’t always be there so he tried what he could do to make it feel less empty. Outings with friends using his card insisting it was nothing compared to the millions of things he’d do for you. Gentle messages awkwardly formed but enough to show he still cared despite being thousands of miles away.
He liked to think he noticed fairly early at least subconsciously but maybe he ignored it cause it might hurt less then. The look in your eyes faltering ever so slightly as you looked at him. Maybe he knew before you did in many ways more then one. What could he do? What had he done that was so wrong? Should he have looked at you more? Hadn’t he loved you enough?
If you still came home every night to him it was enough, it should’ve been enough but he couldn’t help but want more, crave more. He knew how selfish it was but he didn’t care because it was you. It always was you and always would be you. It killed him, truly killed him in ways he didn’t even realize. How could he ever love if it wasn’t you? He didn’t know how, you taught him how beautiful love could be and how destroying it could be.
You’d come home with a bright smile hug at him the same as you always did but it never felt the same. Not once he knew but maybe it was some childish fairy-tail his love was enough for both of you. They always warn you not to trust strangers or watch for cars before crossing the road. But they don’t teach you about the pretty girls with soft voices from the heavens as if to answer the prayers he made. They don’t teach you how to let them go and to stop loving.
He felt stupid for beating at what would be considered a dead horse, he couldn’t help but try though couldn’t he? He knew you’d never cheat that just not who you are. But he also knew you cared too much for him even if it meant sticking around when you didn’t want too. He knew you were just too good of a person to break his heart like that and he took advantage of it even though it felt horrible it didn’t feel as horrible as losing you.
But seeing the sullen look on you face everyday pained him more then he thought it would. He felt foolish and stupid like the times Johnny would rant about love and how he knew Simon would eventually find someone. He told him he never would, because who could ever love someone like him? He didn’t tell him the other half though seemed deeper then he wanted to go with him.
He tried to do more no matter what it costed him, if he could give you everything he would’ve without hesitation or a single doubt. More calls, more gifts, more affection words he had to choke up because he knew it was only to tape up his tattered heart. He knew every stitch in the book but how was he supposed to stitch up a breaking heart?
He’d take you on dates the day after he’d return from deployment almost like insurance it’d make you stay longer, love him longer. But it never seemed to do what it did before, yeah you laughed and smiled but did you mean it? Did you mean it when you said you loved him? He wasn’t sure anymore, he had always been good at reading people from a glance but he lost that power at times when he had to look at you. Then again he probably chose to unsee what he seen every time he dared to stare long enough in your eyes to realize he was losing you.
It wasn’t a future he had foreseen coming one, one he hadn’t planned an outcome for. He never wanted kids before but with you he felt like he could try, it felt like a life he could have. A version of life in where he was happy with what he had. He never truly had a plan for the chance you would leave him one day, under the belief his love could be enough. You had been together for over a year or two now so he let his guard down, he let himself be vulnerable for the first time in a very long time. It was very apparent the life he planned with you wasn’t going to happen since the first day you leaned back from his kiss.
Restless nights he spent out on deployment in fear when he came home you weren’t going to be there. A feeling that resonated deep in his bones that you were going to up and leave. He hated it all every second he felt helpless like the same child who was still scared of ghosts. It all caught up fairly quickly with his work, he was either ferociously vicious or barely stumbling through the day. It almost got him killed on more then one occasion.
He couldn’t ever bring himself to tell you whenever he got injured cause deep down he knew you’d just feel even more guilty then you already did. Sure you hadn’t done anything but you had done more by doing nothing. He was either getting more injuries or racking up an inhumane amount of kills. Kills that were unnecessary and downright cruel but he hadn’t cared when it was the only outlet he could find. He felt sick with himself spending hours at the sink scrubbing his hands before he dared to ever touch you with hands like his. The blood never came off though.
He sighed shaky hands wrapped around the edges of some shitty sink in another safe house he couldn’t remember the name of. Fingers clung at the edges of his mask tugging it off. He stared in the mirror for what felt like hours at a face he couldn’t recognize anymore. He was almost glad you fell for this face and not the horrid mask. The thin layer between who Simon and Ghost was, he already knew Ghost was unlovable but he had hopes for Simon.
He tried to be a better man with substance one deserving of your time and love. But you didn’t do that, you had loved both parts of him he tried so hard to separate. He began to hold the belief that every part of him he wrote off could possible be loved. Parts of him you called imperfectly beautiful because even if he had come home deeply stained in blood he was still good. And you made him feel that way for a longtime so the thoughts of losing that were never going to go over well.
Reckless and dangerous was what he had become while away. It scared the team the little regard he had show on multiple occasions after endangering his life like it meant nothing. Simon had always been careful purposely with each step he took so for him to make a mistake at all seemed alien almost. Despite his protest Price decided to dismiss him for a few months in hopes it would clear whatever he had going on.
He started at the door what felt like hours but before he could open the door himself the door swung open. “You’re home early,” your tone was angry causing him to stiffen under your sharpened gaze. He expected more but you just turned back further into the house leaving the door open for him. “Price called,” you stated eyeing him as he inched his way into the kitchen. His eyes softened seeing you turning back to the stove stirring the pan, his favorite meal. Despite your anger you still made him his favorite damn meal.
He really wanted you to stay.
“He said you almost died Simon,” you spoke softly and he hated how disappointed you sounded. He couldn’t bring himself to speak unable to find the words that would carry enough apologies. A loud silence filled the room as he remained still staring at your back. This was fine it was going to be fine.
“Simon baby I can’t keep doing this,” you spoke breaking the silence.
“I know love, I’m sorry,” his breathing hitched in between his words.
“You can’t keep saying sorry and still going out there recklessly,” you rebutted curtly. “I don’t know what I was thinking, hell I don’t even know if I was,” he answered with a softness.
“I love you I really do but I can’t keep living out of fear everyday because of your stupid decisions,” he nodded his head understandably but for some reason it only seemed to upset you more. “I know-” you cut him off angrily. “No you don’t know cause if you did you wouldn’t keep doing this,” you motioned with your hands.
“For fuck sakes Simon how am I supposed to live worried everyday cause you run out there like you’re invincible, how am I supposed to live knowing that?” you called out desperately to him for some explanation in words but all you were met with was silence.
“Forget it let’s just eat,” you grabbed at the two plates placing them on the dinner table one in-front of the other before half-hazardously sitting down. His eyes followed your movements silently coming to terms. He wasn’t sure what to say or do when nothing was going to fix what was only going to further worsen things.
He didn’t know what to do when everything he knew about love was from what you taught him. You hadn’t taught him how to stop loving you though. He wondered if he could love anyone else like he did with you. Didn’t know if he had it in him to love that strongly again. He was grieving a loss that had long been coming. From the look on your face, fork dancing around the food, he could tell you no longer wanted to be here.
He prayed every night with tears in his eyes that this day wouldn’t come. He asked the gods for forgiveness in all the things he had done wrong. For them to just let him have you and he’d never ask for anything again. He’d live in a hellish purgatory for an eternity if he just got to be happy in this lifetime it would have been worth it.
Maybe in the next lifetime you’d choose to love him again.
He knew it was for the better, he couldn’t keep you chained like this when you can’t help your heart, just like how he couldn’t help his. It’s funny how cold the air had felt before but it managed to be so warm around you. His shaken hand gripped at the ring box in his pocket he long should’ve returned and like the calm before the storm he finally spoke,
“I want to break up.”
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aoikitsunee · 2 months
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Please listen to this song while reading it! For more enhanced experience. ;)
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange-pink glow across the summer beach, Rui found himself standing alone. His hand gripped two sparklers tightly, their faint glow illuminating his troubled expression. This moment, at dusk with sparklers in hand, always triggered a pang of something he couldn't quite grasp—a memory that slipped through his fingers like sand.
He closed his eyes, trying desperately to recall, but all he saw were fragmented images, flashes of laughter, and a warmth that seemed foreign yet achingly familiar. It was you—someone he couldn't quite place in his current life, yet someone who felt so integral to his being.
In his mind's eye, a vivid flashback surfaced— laughter echoing on the beach, the soft crunch of sand underfoot, and your voice, playful and gentle. "Ta-da! I've got sparklers! Fireworks are fun and all, but there's something special about holding a light that only sparkles for a moment," you had said, your eyes twinkling with joy as you handed him one.
But the memory slipped away again, leaving Rui clutching the sparklers, his heart heavy with a longing he could not explain. The curse that now defined him—a touch that brought death—had erased so much of his past. Yet, fragments of you persisted, haunting him like an elusive dream.
He had been different then, before the accident that changed everything. Before he became the vice-captain of Obscuary, before the curse of the reaper marked him as dangerous. Before he lost you.
Rui opened his eyes to the fading light of the sparklers, their brilliance dwindling as time marched on. Each spark, a fleeting reminder of the nature of happiness and love. He felt a tear slip down his cheek, unnoticed amidst the sea breeze.
"I'm sorry," he whispered into the gathering dusk, his voice carrying regret and sorrow into the fading light. "I wish I could remember you."
But the beach remained silent, save for the distant murmur of waves and the crackle of dying sparklers. Rui stood alone, trapped between a past he couldn't recall and a future shaped by a curse he couldn't escape. And in that moment of solitude, as darkness swallowed the last of the light, he clung to the sparklers—a flickering hope that somewhere in the abyss of forgotten memories, he might find you again.
"Ta-da! I've got sparklers! Fireworks are fun and all, but there's something special about holding a light that only sparkles for a hot moment." -taken from one of Rui's Summer Voicelines In AO3 as well!
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peachy-princess777 · 8 days
Im not sure if this mention thing works but if not this was requested by a really nice angel 😇 I hope you like this one,love
Jacob Black was a man of the wilderness, his muscles honed by years of roaming the dense forests of La Push. The evening air was crisp as him and you,his girlfriend, strolled along the beach, the waves lapping gently at your feet. His eyes danced with the light of the setting sun, reflecting the warm hues of the sky. You looked at him, your heart fluttering with a mix of love and excitement for the future you would build together.
As the last sliver of light disappeared, the conversation between the two of you grew more intimate. Jacob spoke of his pack, his brothers, and the responsibilities that came with being a werewolf. You listened attentively, feeling a surge of pride for the man you had chosen to stand by. His dedication to his family and his tribe was unwavering, a testament to his strength of character.
You shared your dreams, your hopes, and fears about the future. The stars began to emerge, sprinkling the night sky like a thousand shimmering diamonds. Jacob's hand tightened around yours, his thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of your hand. His touch sent warmth through your body, a comforting reminder of his presence.
"You know," he said, his voice low and rumbling, "being with you makes everything feel right. I've never felt this way before."
You looked into his eyes, feeling the same intensity, the same pull that had drawn you to him from the moment you first met. "I feel the same, Jacob. Being your girlfriend has been... extraordinary."
Jacob stopped walking, turning to face you. His gaze searched yours, his expression a mix of love and something else, something wild and primal. "You're the only one who truly understands me, who accepts me for what I am."
You nodded, a soft smile playing on your lips. "Emily used to say that love was about seeing the best in people, even when they couldn't see it themselves. She believed everyone had a beast within them, and it was our job to tame it."
Jacob's expression grew thoughtful, his eyes darkening with a memory. "Emily was always wise beyond her years. She knew how to handle the guys in the pack when we were out of control."
He stepped closer, his hands sliding around your waist. His touch was gentle yet firm, like the embrace of a lover and the grip of a protector. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, his scent becoming more potent as the night grew colder. You knew what was coming, the signs were unmistakable. His pupils dilated, his breath grew shallow, and his skin felt hotter than usual.
"Jacob," you whispered, "are you okay?"
He leaned in, his nose brushing against your neck, inhaling deeply. "I'm in..I need you,Y/N" he murmured, his voice strained. "I can't control it."
You stiffened in his embrace, understanding what he meant. This was the first time it had happened since you two had started dating, and while you were aware of the physical nature of his transformation, the reality of it was more intense than you had ever imagined. His breath was warm and moist, sending shivers down your spine. His scent grew stronger, a heady mix of earth and something else you couldn't identify, overwhelming your senses.
As the two of you made your way back to him and Billy's house(Billy was not home because he was watching the game with Charlie at his house), the tension grew palpable. Jacob's gaze grew intense, his movements more deliberate, as if he was holding back a storm brewing within him. He leaned in, brushing a lock of hair from your face, and whispered, "You look so beautiful tonight." His voice had desire, sending shivers down your spine.
Once inside, the energy between you was electric. He pulled you close, his hands roaming over your body as if he hadn't touched you in an eternity. You felt his warmth, his breath against your neck, and a primal need grew in your core. Without a word, he scooped you up and carried you to his room, the scent of the ocean still clinging to your clothes. He laid you down on the bed, his eyes never leaving yours, and you could see the hunger in them.
Jacob's actions grew more urgent as he removed his shirt, revealing his taut abs and broad chest. The sound of fabric tearing filled the room as he yanked it over his head. He was in heat, a phase that came upon him twice a year, and it was a night that both thrilled and slightly terrified you. The raw, animalistic need was a stark contrast to his usual gentle nature, but you knew it was a part of him you had to accept.
With trembling hands, he began to undo the buttons of your blouse, his eyes lingering on each inch of skin revealed. "Your skin is so soft," he murmured, his voice a low growl of appreciation. "It's like the finest silk under my fingertips." As he peeled away the layers of your clothing, he continued his verbal worship, his words both tender and degrading, a confusing mix that somehow only served to excite you more. You felt like a goddess and a prey all at once, a thrilling combination that made your heart race.
The moment your clothes were discarded, he claimed your mouth in a kiss that was as fierce as it was passionate. His teeth grazed your lower lip, a hint of the wolf within him. You could feel his muscles tense and his body quivering with restraint as he held himself above you. His eyes searched yours for consent, and finding it, he positioned himself between your legs, his gaze never wavering. He slid into you with a groan, filling you in a way that made you feel complete, yet stretched to the brink of what you could handle.
You gasped as he began to move, his thrusts deep and powerful. "You're mine," he murmured against your skin, his teeth nipping at your neck. "Mine to love, mine to claim." The words sent a jolt of pleasure through you, even as you felt a twinge of something else— the thrill of being utterly possessed. "Tell me you're mine," he demanded, his voice thick with need.
You nodded, your voice a breathy whisper. "I'm yours, Jacob. Yours."
Jacob's eyes flashed with a feral light at your words, and he pulled you closer, adjusting his grip so that your legs were above his and he was essentially squatting. The mating press position was a dominant move, a show of power and possession that was inherently wolf-like. It made your heart race even as it filled you with a strange sense of security. His other hand traced the curve of your body, his thumb brushing over your sensitive nipple, sending a shiver of pleasure through you "you are so beautiful,how did I get so lucky?". His movements grew more erratic, his breath coming in ragged pants.
The sensation of him inside you was overwhelming, a mix of pleasure and pain that made your toes curl. You could feel him swell with every thrust, his body tightening as he approached his peak. "I'm going to make you cum," he growled, his teeth grazing your ear. "Again and again,and you are going to take it"
The first orgasm hit you like a tidal wave, crashing over you without warning. You arched your back, your nails digging into his shoulders as you screamed out his name. He didn't stop, though, his movements becoming more erratic as he chased his own release. His eyes were on yours, watching as you came apart in his arms, a smug smile playing on his lips "you've got this,you are doing so good".
He leaned down, capturing your mouth in a bruising kiss, his tongue claiming yours as his hips continued to move in a steady, punishing rhythm. You could feel the pressure building again, your body responding to his touch even as the first waves of pleasure began to recede. His hand found its way between your legs, his thumb circling your clit with just the right amount of pressure to keep you on edge.
The second orgasm built slowly, like a crescendo in a symphony of passion. You felt every inch of him, every pulse and throb, until you couldn't hold back any longer. Your body tensed, and you called out into the night, your muscles clenching around him. Jacob groaned in satisfaction, his grip tightening as he claimed you completely.
As the second climax subsided, he pulled back to look at you, his eyes a mix of love and hunger. "Again,baby,be good for me" he whispered, and you nodded, lost in the haze of pleasure. His thumb didn't stop moving, the steady rhythm a siren's song to your oversensitive nerves. You watched as his eyes grew darker, his control slipping away
Jacob's movements grew more demanding, his hips driving into you with a force that sent shockwaves of pleasure through your body. You bucked against him, your breath coming in gasps as the tension coiled tighter and tighter.
The third orgasm hit like a bolt of lightning, stealing your breath and making your entire body spasm with ecstasy. Jacob's eye's snapped shut as he let out a groan that echoed through the quiet house. He slammed into you one final time, his release flooding through him, his body shaking with the intensity of his climax.
For a moment, you lay there, panting and trembling, as the aftershocks of pleasure rippled through your body. Jacob's weight pressed you into the mattress, his breathing as ragged as yours. You could feel his heart pounding against your chest, a testament to the intensity of the moment.
Slowly, his grip on you loosened, his body relaxing as the heat of his climax faded. He pulled out gently, his eyes flickering open to meet yours. "You okay?" he asked, his voice a tender rumble that belied the ferocity of his actions.
You nodded, still dizzy from the onslaught of pleasure. "More than okay," you managed to murmur, your voice hoarse.
Jacob's smile was filled with satisfaction, his eyes glowing with a soft light. He leaned down to kiss you again, this time with a tenderness that made your heart ache. His teeth grazed your lower lip gently, a stark contrast to the roughness of moments before. "I love you," he whispered, his breath warm against your skin.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "I love you too," you whispered back, your voice filled with emotion.
The rest of the night was a blur of passionate kisses and gentle caresses. Jacob had satisfied his arousal, leaving only the tender, loving man you knew behind. You lay tangled in the sheets, your bodies fitting together like two puzzle pieces that had been separated for far too long. The room was filled with the scent of fresh air thanks to the window that was open a crack and the faint sent of sex, a potent reminder of the intense moments you had just shared.
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itsparis-07 · 5 months
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( since this my first fic ever please go easy on me now, and as always stay fresh and reblog this fic for pt.2!!! - with love, Paris!)
In the year 202X, Earth-42 was a world much like any other. People lived their lives, went to work, raised families, and tried their best to ignore the rising tide of crime that threatened to engulf their world. But in one small corner of the universe, in the bustling city of New York, there was a company called Oscorp that had a secret plan to change everything. They had created human-avian hybrids, soldiers designed to stop gang crime once and for all. The project, code-named "XJR-10," was supposedly aimed at restoring order to the city, but the truth was far more sinister.
Oscorp's real goal was to use these hybrids, known as "Reapers," to wipe out every bi-poc area in New York City, starting with Brooklyn. The plan was to infiltrate the neighborhoods, gather intelligence then launch a coordinated attack that would leave no witnesses. It was a brutal and a genocidal scheme, but it was one that Oscorp felt was necessary to maintain control over New York City.
As the Reapers began their mission, they encountered resistance from the very people they were supposed to protect. In one of Oscorp's "Metro" facilities in Brooklyn, a riot broke out as the Reapers tried to round up innocent civilians. The facility was overrun, and one of the hybrids, Michiko, managed to escape. As she fled into the night, she found herself in the midst of chaos and confusion.
Little did she know that her escape would lead her straight into the path of Rio Morales, a nurse at the time saw something in Michiko that reminded her of her own past, of the innocence and hope that had once filled him. She decided to take her in.
As they walked along to park slope, Rio walked her inside, placed down her bags and walked toward the kitchen. She grabbed a small box of Mango tea and started the kettle on the stove.
"Are your wings feeling better? You were in the hospital with me for awhile" Rio said as she placed the mug of tea in front of Michiko. Miciko smiled softly and nodded, "Yes, thank you." She took a sip of the tea and let out a small sigh of relief. "You've been very kind to me Ms.Rio, I'm not sure what I would've done if you hadn't found me." Rio chuckled, "I couldn't just leave you there not even if it was my son, as a mother I can't stand to see kids like you going through thing like that."
As they continued to talk, Rio began to tell Michiko about her family and her life before becoming a nurse. She shared stories of her childhood, her teenage years, and even her early adult life. Michiko, in turn, shared some of her own experiences, though she was careful not to reveal too much about her past as a Reaper. The two women seemed to connect on a deep level, and Rio couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness over Michiko.
As the front sofly opened Miles walked in to greet his mother as usual, as he walked to the kitchen he stopped to face the two women. Michiko and Rio looked up at him, their eyes filled with curiosity and wonder. "Miles, this is Michiko. She was in the Metro facility when it was attacked and she managed to escape. I found her wandering around and decided to take her in." Rio explained, her voice gentle but firm. Miles nodded, taking in the sight of the young woman with wings. Michiko smiled shyly and took a sip from her cup as she brushed her sister locs out of her face. He stared at Michiko for a bit then sat down at the table along with his mother.
"I know it's job your to take care of others, but she's can't be here for long. I mean she's on the news and Oscorp has the cops searching all of New York for her." Miles said worriedly.
Rio looked at Miles and then back at Michiko."We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, Miles. For now, let's focus on making sure she's safe and comfortable. And if the police do come looking for her, we'll figure something out then." She reached out to pat Michiko's hand reassuringly.
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astrology-bf · 4 months
May DWC Day 4: Celebration
(CW: Death Mention, PTSD, Mild Spoilers for A Realm Reborn)
The success of Operation Archon was nothing short of miraculous. Still struggling to recover from the Calamity and barely united in the face of internal and international disputes, Eorzea nonetheless stood free in the face of both Garlean and Ascian machinations. There was every reason to celebrate.
And yet…
Y’shtola’s face was somewhat pensive as she made her way through the halls of the Waking Sands. Much like Eorzea herself, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn struggled to rebuild in the aftermath of tragedy; the demands on their organization were proving a bottleneck to replenishing the ranks, so their desert headquarters remained uncomfortably empty. Truth be told, Y’shtola herself had business elsewhere were there not a more pressing concern demanding her attention.
There was every reason to celebrate. And yet, the hero of the hour, the man who rode out of the burning ruins of the Praetorium on the back of a magitek reaper after having defeated van Baelsar, the Ultima Weapon, and Lahabrea himself… seemed not to care.
Ifan had wasted not a moment in celebration before immediately returning to work. He seemed disinclined to spare time for socializing, let alone revelry, and Y’shtola had begun to notice a distinct pattern of Ifan being conspicuously elsewhere whenever Thancred was around.
All of that bothered her. Ifan was a hard worker, yes, but this recent display of ascetic diligence would have put a Studium valedictorian to shame: it was unlike him to forgo his indulgences, Thancred included. But what bothered her the most was his incuriosity about the more arcane aspects of his encounter with the Ultima Weapon and Lahabrea. He was disinterested in discussing the subject outside of formal meetings, and even during those he largely stayed silent beyond answering direct questions. Not a single insight, nor even idle speculation. Very unlike him, indeed.
Her ears perked as she heard a door open and close from the corridor ahead of her. Sure enough, Ifan rounded the corner a moment later. He stiffened briefly as he caught sight of Y’shtola, then smiled and gave the sorceress a wave that was too casual by half. “Hey, ‘Shtola. Wasn’t expecting to see you here.” he greeted.
“I had heard you were due to stop by here. It is good to see you, Ifan.” Y’shtola replied with a graceful nod. ”Might we have a word, if you’ve the time to spare?” she asked.
“For you, always. What’s up?” Ifan answered brightly, crossing his arms. 
“That was my question, actually.” stated Y’shtola, watching Ifan carefully. “Is aught amiss?”
The magician failed to hide a momentary flag in his expression. “Amiss with…?” he asked, only for her gaze to provide all the clarification needed. “Ah. Do I give that impression?” Ifan hummed as his smile became sheepishly sedate.
“I feel I know you well enough by now to say that you are not the sort to spurn chance to celebrate a victory. And lately you have achieved a triumph beyond what any of us could dare hope.” she said. Her voice was gentle, and her expression softened as she stepped forward to close the distance between them. “Ifan. If my perspective on things is skewed, you needn’t feel like you can’t correct it.” 
Ifan’s smile cracked. He sucked on his lips and closed his eyes, expression twisting. “...I can’t get anything past you, can I?” he let out in a strangely tense tone, as if breathing pained him.
The sorceress’ expression grew more serious as the tips of her ears lowered slightly in concern. She reached forward and placed her fingers over Ifan’s, feeling his digits twitch at the contact. “Do you remember the Navel?” she asked as she peered up at him. “You confided in me about you being a black mage, and then bade me promise to check your ambition. I should think that includes reminding you that you have people willing to help shoulder your burdens.” 
There was a long and ugly silence. Then Ifan opened his eyes and let out a choked noise like he’d been struck in the chest, his other hand gripping his shirt. “Lahabrea, he k-... I died...” he forced out, tilting his head to hide his eyes behind his hair as if unable to close them of his own volition. The confession itself was almost inaudible.
Y’shtola’s ears twitched as if uncertain they’d heard him correctly. “You d-” She leaned back slightly, looking him up and down as her hand tightened around his. Then her lips pursed as she bit back all but the most relevant questions. “...You live now, yes?” she asked, leaning forward to peer at Ifan’s face again.
Ifan’s face was twisted up, teeth bared in a grimace and eyes fixed on a memory. “I don’t… I don’t know. Maybe? I…” he mumbled, hand trembling against hers. He took in a choked breath, fighting back tears. “T-thought it was Thancred, that he’d got control back, and I… I hesitated…” 
Y’shtola’s ears fell flat upon realizing what it was Ifan was implying: how Lahabrea had gotten the best of him. A faintly horrified gaze broke through her usual composure, and she reached up to cup his cheek with her free hand. “But you were returned to us? How c–" A breath escaped her.  "Ah. Hydaelyn. I see.” The sorceress lowered her eyes to Ifan’s chest where his other hand was wrenched into his shirt so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He was hunched over slightly, and he seemed to labor for breath: the very image of a man remembering being impaled through the chest. Y'shtola placed both her hands over the straining knuckles, her fingers gently coaxing him to release his death grip on the white fabric and take a breath. 
Ifan's fingers laxed, his eyes slowly closed, and he inhaled shakily. “...’Shtola, what if I’m a…” he whispered, then trailed off. He seemed unwilling to finish the sentence.
“Even assuming that is true, what are you afraid would change?” she asked.
Ifan took a while to answer. He tensed repeatedly, as if struggling physically with the question. Then, at last, he spoke. “I don’t want to have to fight my friends again. Every time Thancred laughs, or even just reaches for me, I’m back there. It’s not even his fault, it’s m…” His hand left his shirt, moving instead to cover his face as the tears began to fall. “I ca… I don’t want to do it again. Can’t. Sorry. Y’shtola, I’m sorry…”
He was still speaking as Y’shtola stepped forward and threaded her arms around his chest, a hand placing itself opposite where he’d clutched his chest and rubbing in soothing circles. “You needn’t apologize, Ifan.” she said quietly. “I merely grieve for you, having had to endure something so…” She grimaced and shook her head. “I cannot imagine."
Watery hisses escaped between Ifan’s teeth as he stifled his weeping in an effort not to attract the attention of passersby within the Waking Sands. His face remained hidden behind his hand as his other arm clung tightly to the sorceress embracing him. “Don’t tell the others. Please.” he managed, his jaw resting against Y’shtola’s temple. “Hurts too much right now, I can’t… When does it stop hurting?”
“I’m uncertain.” she answered quietly. Her voice remained even, but the sorceress was privately grateful that the fabric of Ifan’s shirt quickly wicked away the moisture from her eyes. “But you have my word that I will still be here for you even after it does.”
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hirazuki · 1 year
Something in the Darkness
Eöl/Aredhel | M | First Age | canon compliant | angst, suggestive, bits of fluff | one-shot [AO3]
Something in the darkness pulled me deeper Something in the madness eased my mind Was I awake or was I dreaming? - Blackmore's Night
•────────────────────⋅☾ ☽⋅────────────────────•
“I wove an enchantment to lead you here,” he confesses against her, lips moving lazily along the lines of her ribs. “On the day you first rode near these woods.”
He had not intended to tell her – not now; not ever, truly – but the haze of pleasure loosens tongues and this particular instance has left him exceptionally complacent, satisfaction spreading throughout him like molten metal running hot and thick and heavy through the grooves of a mold, and he lies boneless, senseless, in her arms. 
Her hand – that has been absently stroking his back, occasionally coming up to tug at the tangles they have created in his hair – stops.
With a start, Eöl realizes what he has said. 
He braces himself; for claws, for teeth, for temper. She may have come to him wrapped in royalty and fine raiment, but he is under no illusion that the creature he has taken to bed is anything other than as ill-suited for conventional society as he. It would never have taken root between them otherwise, this thing of hunger that they share. He may acknowledge it his for its planting, but she, too, has kept it well-fed; fervently so. It has bloomed shadows, as all things do in this dim land, and they two stand as though reflections across the water’s edge – dark and bright; maker and reaper; each, the other's predator; each, the other’s prey. 
Aredhel laughs. 
It startles him – unexpected, like a sudden storm or eyes in thickets or the sharpness of a twisted antler at one’s back – and he is reminded that wild and unpredictable does not always equate to violence. She is as the forest, and, like the forest, as inclined to play as to the hunt. 
He turns his head to look up at her in confusion, all the same, when he feels the sound under his cheek.
“I know,” she replies, amused, and runs her fingers through the still-damp strands that cling to his face. It is an unconscious act, to brush away any worry, presumably, for her manner is uncommonly gentle with him, more akin to the way he has seen her with the horses. “I have walked with gods in Valinor; did you think I would not recognize when a spell has been laid around me?”
He frowns, solid brows coming together to cast his already severe seeming into deeper relief. “Then why did you – ”
“Try as I might – and believe me, I did – I could not break out!” Another burst of laughter, and it falls like light upon rippling water or the wind dancing in glass chimes, and fades away just as fast, as her mirth settles. She places a careful finger on the bridge of his nose, slowly tracing it all the way down, and lightly taps it at its end. “And you roused my curiosity.”
Eöl chuckles. It is no more than an exhalation, and deep, from a secret place far inside his chest, but it is rare and she is ever the only one to see this side of him, and he is aware of how she delights in it and in the knowledge of it as well. He rises up on his forearms and pulls himself higher, closer to her, sliding his body over her legs and waist until their eyes are level. 
“You should not follow strange enchantments,” he whispers into her lips, and feels the reflection of their mingled breaths warm upon his own. “You never know what you might find.”
“And you should not cast them,” she whispers back, leaning forward until both her words and her mouth are pressed into him. “You never know what you might catch.”
He loves her. 
It is more than the falling shadow of her hair, whose soft weight is currently sweeping over his bareness as she shifts to rest against him, and her skin that is pale and shining as moonlight, and her lips, ripe for the taking like red berries in summer; though it had been desire for these things that had stirred eagerly in his blood at the first.
He loves her and he knows this, despite never having loved anything other than his craft and his woods before, just as he knows it is not the kind of love he has seen nest in others’ eyes. He has found dark things with her, urges that strangle and bruise and choke; they snake like the crawling vines of Nan Elmoth, wrapping around naked limbs and souls alike, in the deep shade where caress all too easily slides to crushing. She has shown no alarm at them, fearless as she is, and has terrible thirsts of her own that he knows she is slaking for the first time, for they have no place in the glistering palaces of her people, with their wide open skies and their fountains in the sun.
She does not do well in cages, and that is another thing he knows; neither does he, else he would have remained in Doriath. But cages are all that is left to them in this world, between the terror in the North and the tearing of the twilight and the arrival of those who have brought fire and fury to these lands, and he is determined that, at the least, it will be a cage of his own making. And so he has taken great care in crafting this one, with its bars of trees and ceiling of stars and winding paths that lead far under the moon. 
They are of a kind, he and she: restless spirits roaming the wilds, ill at ease among their own kin, ever searching for something that will soothe the nameless need that eats away at them; for a place they can abide. 
He thought he had found it, years ago, in these starlit woods. Wrongly; for he is certain he has it now and it casts what came before as immaterial as the mists that hover over the neighboring fields, for now he holds the sun in his sheets, and he is loath to do anything but coil himself around her. He wishes to keep her here, always, and fears what he will do to that end; he will swallow her, if he must. 
It is his fiercest hope – hidden well, behind every glance and within every deed, and it rears its head every time she seeks him – that this holds true for her as well; that it will prove to be enough and she will always stay. But a part of him – the one that reads stones and can taste the tidings in the air and sometimes dreams of sharp eyes and sharper rocks and a city burning in the night – knows that light slips through fingers more surely than water, and the echo of doom has thrummed low in his veins since he first sighted her, a gleam of white in the waning of the year.
Eöl closed his eyes to it then just as he drags his mind away from it now – away from fate, away from ruin, away from anything that is not two circles of blue-gray, almost wholly consumed by the black at their center, and the warmth under his hands. 
“I do hope your curiosity was sated to your satisfaction, my lady,” he offers, returning to her.
Aredhel laughs again and rolls them both over, pinning him down and burying her face into the side of his neck. He allows this of her, going still and docile under her touch; he knows she allows many things of him in turn.
“Nay, my lord,” she says, with teeth around his pulse, and, when she closes in, it is with the excitement of a hound at its quarry and it draws a litany of sounds that no other has ever heard issue from his throat. She relaxes her jaw and releases him, licking at the injury even as she moves to better sit astride him. “Nowhere near.”
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A woman catches the eye of Ichigo Kurosaki
░▒▓██▓▒░░▒▓██▓▒░░▒▓██▓▒░░▒▓█ In the bustling city of Karakura, where the living and the dead coexisted, there was a girl named Y/n, who was no ordinary human. Blessed with the power of the Quincy, she had spent her life honing her skills, preparing for the day she would come face to face with a Hollow, the malevolent spirits that preyed on the souls of the living. Her eyes, a piercing shade of blue, could see the supernatural beings that roamed the streets unnoticed by mere mortals. Her blonde hair fluttered in the wind as she patrolled the night, her spirit weapon, a gleaming bow and arrow, always at the ready.
One fateful evening, as she pursued a particularly nasty Hollow, she collided with a young man whose name would soon become etched in her heart. His name was Ichigo Kurosaki, a soul reaper with a heart as fiery as his hair. Their eyes met, and in that brief moment, sparks flew both literally and figuratively. Y/n felt a strange kinship with him, as if their destinies were intertwined.
"Who are you?" she demanded, her bow drawn.
"Just a soul reaper passing through," he replied, his crimson eyes assessing her. "Ichigo Kurosaki. And you?"
"Y/n," she said, not lowering her weapon. "I'm not one to be trifled with."
Their rivalry began that very night, not out of malice, but out of a mutual respect for each other's power and a stubbornness that neither would admit to. They often found themselves fighting the same battles, each trying to outdo the other. The air around them crackled with tension and energy as they clashed, their spiritual pressure lighting up the night sky. Yet, beneath the surface, something else grew a bond, a connection, and maybe even a hint of affection.
"You're pretty good for a human," Y/n conceded after a particularly intense battle.
Ichigo smirked. "You're not so bad yourself, for a Quincy."
Their banter grew more playful as the nights went by, and soon, they found themselves sharing stories and secrets, their rivalry morphing into a friendly rivalry that pushed them both to become stronger. They grew closer, and the line between ally and enemy grew increasingly blurred.
"Why do you fight?" Ichigo asked her one quiet night, as they sat on the rooftop of a deserted building, watching the stars.
Y/n’s eyes searched his. "For my family. For the world. And…for you."
Ichigo looked surprised. "For me?"
"Yes," she said softly. "Because every time I see you in danger, my heart races. I don't want you to get hurt."
He leaned closer, his eyes searching hers. "Y/n…I feel the same way."
Their first kiss was under the soft glow of the moon, a gentle whisper of affection amidst the chaos of their lives. It was a promise of something more, a hint of a future that neither of them knew if they could have.
As time went on, their bond grew stronger, and their rivalry evolved into a dance of power and passion. They pushed each other to new heights, their spirits intertwining as they faced challenges together. Y/n's quincy abilities grew in leaps and bounds, and she began to understand the weight of her legacy. Meanwhile, Ichigo's soul reaper powers grew more unpredictable, and the two found themselves drawn into a whirlwind of battles and revelations.
Through it all, their love remained constant, a beacon of hope in a world of despair. They fought side by side, their hearts beating in sync, their spirits entwined by the very fabric of fate.
"Ichigo," she whispered one night, her hand in his. "I don't know if we can be together like this."
He squeezed her hand. "We'll find a way."
Their relationship was a delicate balance of love and duty, a tapestry woven from threads of destiny and choice. They supported each other, learned from each other, and grew together. Yet, the shadow of their rivalry remained, a constant reminder of the paths they had chosen.
One day, a powerful Hollow threatened to destroy everything they held dear. Side by side, they faced the creature, their combined might a spectacle that would be talked about for centuries to come. As the battle raged on, their spirits melded, creating a fusion of power that neither had ever experienced before.
"We can do this," Y/n shouted over the din of battle.
Ichigo nodded, his eyes blazing. "Together."
And together, they defeated the Hollow, their love and trust in each other acting as the ultimate weapon.
Their love story was one of growth, of understanding, and of the strength found in unity. They were rivals, yes, but they were also so much more. They were partners, comrades, and ultimately, soulmates. The city of Karakura was a stage for their epic tale, a backdrop for the love that transcended the boundaries of their worlds.
As they stood, panting and victorious, their eyes locked, and they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. The night was theirs, and so was the future, as long as they had each other.
"Thank you," Y/n whispered.
"Don't thank me," Ichigo said, a smile tugging at his lips. "Thank us."
And with that, they turned to face the horizon, hand in hand, ready to tackle whatever the world threw at them. Their love was a beacon in the dark, a force to be reckoned with, as powerful as any Hollow or soul reaper. Together, they were unstoppable.
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thatonetvheadapple · 2 years
Early Mornings
[Grell x Gn! Reaper! Reader]
[first fic don't come at me if its bad ToT]
[reader uses they/them pronouns]
"Grell, Darling, we better get ready to head to work." Y/n leaned in close to the red reaper and gently kissed her on the forehead as they cooed sweetly into her hair. "Noooooo…" She whimpered into their chest and snuggled in deeper, holding you closer if it was even possible for her to do so.
It was the same song and dance every morning to just get out of bed, but if y/n was being completely honest, they wouldn't have it any other way. When someone loved you so much that they absolutely refused to let you go, it was a warm and fuzzy feeling that reminded you why you loved them so much. In this case, the person who loved y/n so much and absolutely refused to let them go was Grell.
"Please? I'm not sure if I can get away with being late once more after what happened last time. If we stay in bed for one more minute, Claude is going to have a good shot at taking my head off, and he's going to have a good shot at taking yours, too." They mentioned this in a tone that suggested y/n was half asleep while placing gentle kisses on Grell's forehead again and playing with her long red hair.
Grell suddenly shifted, using whatever strength she had been saving away from the previous night, and pulled herself on top of them. She then said, "It's too early to let you get away." She mumbled loudly while maintaining her position with her face pressed against your chest. When y/n felt how much it tickled, they simply had no choice but to laugh out loud. "Sweetness we can come back to bed later, come on, I'll help you with your makeup- hey!" Before Y/n could lean up fully, they were pushed back into the scarlet and (f/c) pillows with a soft grunt, they met the eyes of their lover, chartreuse eyes filled with love and tired thoughts, brows creased in plea. "Please, Y/n. Work has been so dreadful lately, let me be in this dream with you for a little bit longer?"
While she was pulling the cover back up, they wrapped their arms around hers. As As you both whispered your farewells to one another, you both began to lose consciousness and drift off into hope-filled dreams and fantastical realms, a shared whisper was shared. "I love you."
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from Lemongrass-
Seeing him now, it was clear he’d grown up watching his mother, and absorbed everything she had to teach.  That added new depth to her understanding of the damage BAaT did to his family.  It was easy to sense, lurking there even today, in every interaction between mother and son, but harder to interpret. When she was done, she returned to the kitchen, and found he’d added tofu, galangal (not ginger, she reminded herself, firmly), the aforementioned limes plus some kaffir lime leaves he’d obtained god-knew-how, and fish sauce to the waiting ingredients.  He smiled as he heard the door shut.  “Here you are.”  She dumped her handful of fresh produce beside his pile.  “These look great.  Take this.”  He handed her the spoon. Shepard held it like a dead mouse.  “Wait a minute—” He took the lemongrass to the sink.  “Nope. This time, you cook, and I help.  Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through it.” Everything about this read imminent disaster.  Kaidan noticed her frown, and pushed her arm towards the pot.  “Add the coconut milk.” It trickled in, aided by her tentative stirring.  She put the spoon down.  “Kaidan, look, cooking… My biggest accomplishment is getting a microwave burrito thawed the whole way through without drying it out.  I know you want to do this whole domestic thing—” He picked it up and put it back in her hand.  “I have never known you to admit defeat on anything.  What’s going on?  Talk to me.” She stared into the pot, expressionless face flickering in the burner’s flame.  Kaidan tried another tact.  “You’re not sleeping.  You barely eat.” “I…”  She let the spoon go, and slumped over the stove, tiredly.  “I didn’t expect winning to feel like this.” His face softened.  “That’s because we didn’t win.  We just beat the reapers.” She brushed some of the hair out of her eyes.  He rubbed her shoulders, left a kiss on her neck.  “Let’s just make soup, ok?  Lemongrass is next.  Smash it first.” The damp stalks left small puddles on the board as she ran the knife through them, and then upended it and brought the butt of the handle down on each piece, thump thump.  Then the same to the peppers.  The motion was almost comforting; Kaidan made this soup a lot. Kaidan slid sliced galangal into the pot.  “Your turn.” Picking up the lemongrass with the blade, Shepard watched it disappear into the white broth, only to bob back up again, filmed with coconut milk.  Already leeching all its intensity and leaving the herb softer, milder, spent; having sprouted and fought through the dirt to the sun, grown tall and proud, only to give up all it made to this.  Because she declared that this was its purpose and its end. A fistful of bright leaves fluttered down over the lemongrass pieces.  Shepard started.  Kaidan’s brow furrowed, and he touched her arm.  “You sure you’re ok?” “Yeah,” she said, distantly.  “I’m just tired.” He watched her a few moments too long for comfort.  “Even the squirrels know that.” It caught her off guard and she laughed, as he clearly hoped she would.  Just one chuckle.  But it helped.
i love this so much, it's so recognizable and so gentle but he's not coddling her or letting her get away with anything. i'd love the director's cut :D
<3333333 I love this fic, thank you for asking about it!
I think at some point, everyone has an experience that is both life-altering in some way, but just...ends. There's no closure, there's no lesson, there's no meaning. You're just left to pick up the pieces and try to make some sense of the new life and the new personhood it's dropped you into.
That's Nathaly when the war ends.
And on top of that fundamental unmooring, she's tired, and she's traumatized, and she has no idea how she could possibly fit into the world that remained in the aftermath of the reapers' defeat. It's not a world that spectres so much as, well, people who can fix shit up and make it work again. And she's always been better at breaking things.
Kaidan, of course, is worried. This has been going on for some time at this point. Long enough for them to settle in on this land, build the house, make the furniture, barter for the things they need. And she's still tired and still quiet.
So then we have this scene. In Lemongrass, Nathaly's incompetence in the kitchen is serving thematically as an analogy for her inability to fit into this post-war life, square peg/round hole style. She doesn't simply not know what to do in the kitchen; she feels helpless to learn, she doesn't even know where to begin figuring it out. It's glaringly obvious when she thinks about the lemongrass leeching into the coconut milk that she's wondering if that's her--if she's been all used up by the war, by the Alliance, by this huge necessary task that only she could accomplish, and so she had no choice but to complete. Wondering if there's anything left of her after that fit for anything other than the bin.
But she's Nathaly, so she can't just tell Kaidan that. And honestly probably can't put it into words as plainly as I just did. She doesn't understand her own emotions that well. But they show in her every action in this scene. And that's a language Kaidan can read. He's always understood her intuitively, sometimes better than she understands herself. That's been their dynamic in pretty much everything I've written about them.
So he knows coming at it directly isn't likely to work. But Kaidan's EQ is pretty damn high, and so he also knows instinctively that getting her to do small things, make small accomplishments, like cooking soup, is going to help her through it. So that's what he's doing; just coaxing her a little, making her work, making her talk, but in the low-key, low-stakes way she can handle.
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aerialsquid · 1 year
FFXIVWrite Day 27: Sole
Cid/Nero plus Drusilla, just a random notion I had.
Drusilla touched her forehead with long fingers spotted by age but not weakened by it, and slowly pulled away the circlet covering her pearlescent third eye. She eased herself into the highbacked chair behind her desk, rolling her shoulders back as she leaned into the worn leather's comforting embrace. Her scythe was propped against the side of the desk beside her, its presence a reminder that any gentility in this room was at her discretion alone.
"All right. Tell me from the beginning how this happened."
The relationship between the Lemures and Garlond Ironworks was strained at best, an uneasy partnership of necessity and mutual loathing. Drusilla felt that Cid was a traitor to his culture, disdaining centuries of heritage for the sake of a few decades of sins, and would cut out his own third eye if it would make the Eorzeans like him better. Cid felt that the collective of Garlean expatriates were really only upset about the part of the Empire's evils that had inconvenienced them personally and were only differentiated from Thanalan's other hordes of roaming bandits by the dents in their foreheads.
Both of these were sentiments they had expressed to each others' faces in the past, which was why arrangements between the two organizations usually went through people like Jesse who had an easier time keeping their tempers. The Lemures' connections within the Empire meant they had an easier time sneaking out defectors, and more than one of their 'passengers' had later picked up a job at the Garlond Ironworks.
Garlond Ironworks was also really the only place you could get any magitek you'd snuck out of the Empire with you repaired or replaced. If not for the Ironworks, the magitek orchestrion playing a gentle bal-musette in the corner right now would have been silenced long ago. It was for the sake of such necessities that Drusilla had even let the two men in the door to her headquarters.
Everything beyond that was purely for personal amusement.
Drusilla leaned forward to put her elbows on the desk, steepling her fingers and resting her chin upon them. The corner of her thin mouth quirked up in a half-smirk as she regarded the two flustered men standing before her.
"I believe you said Cid's exact words were, 'You owe me, Nero'?"
"Words I did not accept!"
"You reached out and grabbed his hand, a conventional symbol of striking a deal."
"What was I supposed to pull him out with, my teeth?!"
Drusilla smiled, sharp as a curved scythe. "It means everything. You've pulled him from the void and now you two have a contract."
Nero hissed through gritted teeth, his hands in tight and furious fists. "I'm not a bloody voidsent! I'm a human being!" he snarled, a claim that might have held more weight if not for the threads of purple that threaded through his skin like seams of ore through rock, flaring in tune with his temper.
He hadn't needed to show them off to prove what he'd become, Drusilla was familiar with that tiny pull that came from lower level voidsent fresh out of the darkness, their endless hunger constantly drawing surrounding lifeforce towards them.
"The voidsent claim they were also once human, before their realm fell to darkness. Mind, I've never heard of a human becoming voidsent in this era, but humans don't usually jaunt to the void. Queue's a lot longer going the other direction."
"I am quite sure that if I were a voidsent, I would know. This is just some minor infection of the aether, and given time I will be able to –"
"Look, stepping aside that issue, what's it mean if we have a contract?" Cid cut in, trying to ward off Nero's continuing insistence that he was too good for this nonsense. At Drusilla's request he'd taken off the goggles that normally covered his forehead, and his pale hair was now hanging haggard in his face. Despite the lack of purple, his eyes looked just as sunken and haggard as Nero's. "You mean, like a Reaper and its servant?"
"Aye. Think of yourself more like sponsor than master, before Nero gets his stones in any more of a twist - you're his tie to this world, keepin' the void from calling him back. A voidsent fights for his reaper but only if he gets paid for it, mind. The pay runs out, the voidsent goes elsewhere or it starves."
Cid tilted his head. "Pay…how?"
Drusilla slid a hand under her desk to find the knife she kept hidden there, and flicked the tip across the pad of her finger. A soft line of red was drawn across her skin as she jerked her hand back. When she held it up Nero's eyes fixated on it, like a hunk of meat before a starving coeurl, and his leg almost lifted to walk to her before he stopped himself.
"You should bandage that," he snapped defensively. Instead Drusilla got up and walked around her desk, the bleeding hand still held upward and still controlling the tracking of Nero's eyes.
She held the finger closer and his lips parted, just before he recoiled a few steps backwards.
"I'm not going to lick your hand. That's disgusting. Unsanitary."
"But you want to. You can already taste it the aether pouring forth from me. The heat of it. The light."
"There is nothing I want less," Nero insisted, devoting himself to a detailed inspection of the orchestrion instead. His fingers were twitching against it.
Drusilla chuckled. She tugged a hankerchief out and wrapped her finger in it, stuffing the hand back into her pocket. At least that would dull the scent. "The pay is aether, Garlond. The fresher the better, and the best comes right from the warm body of a living, breathing mortal. Nothing else will satiate that hunger. And if he's your partner, it's your responsibility to keep him fed."
Over the sound of Nero protesting that he wasn't going to be Cid's pet dog, Cid said, "I'm not going to just bring him people to eat, that's insane!"
"It doesn't have to be people. Voidsent can feed off anything living, even fruits or vegetables recently picked. It doesn't have to kill them either, if the voidsent's got a mind to be careful." Though when you were a Reaper, it was usually helpful if it did.
"But I can tell you've paid him a bit already, even if y'both think you're being real subtle about it."
"What are you talking–"
An abrupt silence came over the two men, as if both had reached a specific and unpleasant conclusion at the same moment. Drusilla drummed her fingers on the desk as she circled back around to reclaim her chair.
"Your man got a little less endurance in the bedroom, Nero? Falling asleep right after the first round, when you're feeling more awake than ever?"
Nero was fidgeting even more now, veins of amethyst pulsing across his cheekbones. "I haven't the–haven't the faintest–"
Cid, meanwhile, had his hand to a particular spot on his neck that was very decisively covered by his collar, and that Drusilla was quite sure hid a bite mark. "So that's why I kept falling asleep at the worktable! It was you, you bastard!"
"It wasn't as if it was on purpose!"
Drusilla smirked, drumming her fingers lightly along the shaft of her scythe. "Better start paying your employee more, is all I'm saying."
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iamgrape · 2 years
For Roze
Chapter One: Part Three
Gift/request: @rozestears
Kaname Toujou, HiMERU, Tatsumi Kazehaya
Beware! Under this line would be Mature content, please go away if it's not your cup of tea. Don't blame me for ruining your day if you hate it.
Content: 4P (but a dream), Boobs fondling, Handjob, Mind control ( Brought to you by an incubby) NOT EDITED OR PROOFREAD
꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚ ETERNITY꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚
You have a odd dream. In that dream. HiMERU is kissing you while tatsumi, gentle whisper of sweet nothing that cause you to shiver and whimper in delight.
The person in front of you back away and seat on the love bed.
"It's HiMERU turn..." Tatsumi whisper to you and your eyes widen as you look at HiMERU who now, wear no cloths.
His beautiful wings are nowhere in sight but his halos on top of his head seems to glow as he invited you with open arms as Tatsumi gentle press you to HiMERU arms.
HiMERU kiss you once more but part away as he look at your with adoringly with golden orbs.
"Kiss~" someone pulled your face in the side and your lips meet with another.
Kaname who's right beside his brother continue to kiss you as felt your body no longer felt yours as Tatsumi gentle guide you toward on top of HiMERU you felt your core against HiMERU's.
"Haa...???" You felf your head on cloud nine as HiMERU circle his arms around your waist and Tatsumi nibble in your ears.
"One ... Two... Three ..." He count down with his beautiful gentle voice thrilled off, his voice made you doze off. Before he hold your hips and ram your core down to swallow HiMERU's --
"ah!" The next moment you wake up sweating bucket and totally bothered by that dream.
"What's wrong ?" You heard HiMERU -- kana ask you as he look at you worriedly.
His laying beside you and saw how you wake up with a fright... After a take a peek of a kiss when his brother is out to drink cola from vending machine outside in the hallway.
"....i-its nothing.." you refuse to think or describe your fucking dream. You might speak it out loud and ruined you.
"Dream? Did you get a bad dream?" Kaname ask in worry.
You swear under your breath as you realize you speak out loud again.
"No.... Idk... Can we not talk about it..." You start to fidget.
"Ah... This makes me curious...~ what did you dream about? Mother always said it's good to share, so it won't happen~" he lied. He just want to know what your dream about. Curiosity is killing him.
"I-is that a thing?" You don't read superstition as your more of a supernatural reader since it's the main topic of your work.
" Yup. Yup! Also brother is out. So free to tell me~" he felt excited as he lied with close eyes.
If he look at you and he might chuckle and blow his lie up.
He cannot lie in a straight face. His brother says he suck at lying. But his brother is too strick maybe he could fool you!
"...are you sure no one is watching us?" You look around. You heard angel can turn invisible. Maybe there's demon around too.
"Oh... Tatsumi went with big brother if your worried." Your eyes widen when you hear about tatsumi name.
"I don't get tatsumi connection. Don't he leave..." Like hours ago?
"....his a fallen or demon. His watching you all the time~ cause his always worried about you~ " without his brother around. Kaname would spill the beans.
"Ah~ it's remind me of the time hundred or so years ago~ we three use to travel around the demon realm, the world in-between and the human world~ fun times." Truly, his an idiot. He don't even notice how your looking at him in bewailed and understatement shock.
"What..." You already forgotten the original topic.
"Oh! Oh! Remember brother said about a link?" He points out. "In this world. There is many link to ones soul. One is a mate-- One's pair. The second is a guardian-- One's angel, the third is a guide. One's soul reaper to after life~ that's me ~ I'm your guide~ I wanna be a guardian, one day too. Sadly that might be a pipe dream." He felt sad. He cannot be an angel his mother dearly loves.
"088... [Zero to eternity and beyond undefined infinity... Or eternity] That's what we thought about your name as a spirit/soul. Because we're friends as I'm your guide and your the only human assign to me." He smiled at fond memories where he first become your guide. You always held his hand as the two of you walk to afterlife. Your a soul that is made to be an example to living beings that some tragedy would always befall them.
Or that person that would be the punching bag of hate, so humans won't hate themselves or many reason where others would fall to a same situation of blaming you but they will never wrongly blame you as your task to make the accusations to be a reality. That was the reason why you existed. Well that was what the system give you.
But system still fair and told you what hardship is fated to your in your next life, so you won't face them without knowing and your not always sad as there still happy memories along the tragedy.
One of them is meeting kaname in afterlife. Who you become friends with as he share your pain, your memories as well your happiness. You dare isn't open for any good possibility in those lives, but your fine with how your life goes because it is a task for greater good.
But in your last life tatsumi-- your guardian angel. appeared and erase your so called role that is bound by system. Your no longer someone who is to suffer. Your free.
Free to be who you want to be. Free to roam the world and find happiness. Not bound by the law of human, you three travel the three worlds. Yet happy memories have to end.
"....kaname..." You felt tears build up as he told you what you forgotten.
He smiled at you as you call his name.
" Yes?" He ask.
"Your an idiot...." You cried hopelessly as you remember now why happy memories comes to an end.
Kaname cannot maintain his job as a soul reaper and his real identity is found out by the world. His existence is hated and is attack by both human and angel.
Tatsumi is not free from punishment as his chained and dragged up to the heaven to receive his own set of punishment. And your taken by another soul reaper with red hair and blue eyes to afterlife.
You three all shutter and part ways in the most horrible way.
"... I'm not...˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ I'm very s-smart and a genius! " kaname can't help but tear up being called idiot by you too even through he try to boost his own self esteem with narcissist self proclaim words.
Giggling, you hug him. Happy to meet him again. With knowledge who he is to you before.
In this world there's soul mates. It's suffocating to think that you cannot bound with people without the help of the so called fate.
Maybe that's why you come in terms of having no pair in this life easily because previously you live lives without one yet you form bound beyond pair but family with people who been with you.
"*Hic... D-dont mumble that I'm rejected already before I even confess..." Of course the usual thing happened. Kaname can't help but cry harder as he been family zone.
Everyone have been family zone or friend zone by you. At least they aren't idcay/who you zone.
You chuckle as you continue to hug him. "h-huh... ? So kana likes me?" You tease
"h-hmm... My brother confession is supposed to be relaying what I felt. Why do he have to say [we] ...his liar. Why would he tag himself. Hateful Third party...." He grumble as he tear up but a smile is pasted on his face.
"Ahaha..." You laugh not to make fun of him but because your so happy.
He part away from the hug and look at your at his glassy golden orbs.
He seems to debating if he should say something or not but with red tint in his face he ask you.
"C-can I kiss you? I swear I won't push it, if you don't want." He mumble nervous what would you react.
But you softly kiss his right cheek. He froze and held the cheek you kiss. A stupid smile appear in his face as he can't help but felt happy.
"C-can I get another one... I don't feel it enough. Replay! Replay!" He shyly look at you. You giggle as you kiss his other cheeks.
Kissing in the cheeks is fine since friends kiss cheeks.
"...*sob. " He start to tear up again when you thought his finally ok.
"Wuwuw.... Why can't I be a love interest..." He wails. You clearly felt your ears bleeding by how loud he is. Yet you cannot get mad or felt annoyed by it.
"P-please don't cry..." You try to comfort him but he only cry harder.
"I wanna be love interest... Why can't HiMERU be a love interest, HiMERU is good love interest!" He look at you tearing up. His golden orbs look at you hurtful and pleading.
"I...." Looking at his pitiful face and remember he will not stop crying if your not his older brother. Not even tatsumi can stop him if not for him to getting tired from crying.
"Fine. You can be a love interest." You give up. You cannot handle him. Your too weak. Your aren't strong as Meru.
"Yey~" he hugs you as he stop crying. He smile so brightly. "Then I'll kiss you like how brother and Tatsumi did." He look at you with sparkling eyes.
"Ok--- wait what---" your eyes widen as you finally process his last words. But kaname held your face as he give your a kiss in the lips.
The very moment he kiss you, his transparent form slowly become more solid and visible to anyone for a second, then few more seconds.
Yet that wasn't the main concern as kiss you, he felt drown and hunger. He held the back of your neck as he deepen the kiss.
His eyes blank out as his primal instinct is to have a taste of your soul.
No. His not eating it. He Simple felt recharge as your soul call out for his. So your now an outlet that he don't dare break away before his fully full.
Red lights beaming in your head as your in a deep shit right now. Yet it's muted as your head is on cloud nine. Your reasoning is gone.
"H-how... Do you kiss like those in..." He was so new to this. But he felt if kiss you in that lewd kiss he would get more recharge.
"H-huh..." You felt slightly dizzy. But you still hear him out.
"You see..." He explained to you who still out of it.
"Oh... Come here then ..."you circle your arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss him again but you open your mouth and instructed him. Nervously he follow along.
His right hand on your lower back and the other on the back of your neck. Slowly he open his lips and when he did that. He felt that this kind of kiss help him more!
"Hmm..." You hummed as you try to assist him. You thought it's more of a help than kissing now.
"M-more..." Kaname growls as he start to suck your tongue. He felt so drown to you, even when you both need air. He can't stop. Not when he almost felt full
"Hmm.. ka....naa...hmm" you felt so dizzy and light headed but kaname kisses made you felt drunk and unalarmed by your surroundings.
Everything is muted and only your heartbeat and the sound Kaname made is able to be heard by you.
"Li...like... Hmmnn...you" Kaname breath heavily as he part away for a bit before he drown you to a kiss again.
"Ahh..." You whimper as felt softly tingling of pleasure building up on you. Through kaname is a haftling. He is still an angel. As long he felt fully recharge he could be mistaken as one.
"Ah..." You whimper as kaname slowly part away from you. He is beaming with energy as he is now fully recharge and hugs you who felt effected of his angel bloodline and shudder in delight. "Your so beautiful..." He look at you again who is in a bashful state.
"...hmm." you hummed as you lean your head against him. He happily lend a shoulder for you. As he secure you close as he still felt the connection of your souls giving tingling touch to him.
The connection you and him both have is not like of a soul mate. Since your the only soul under his care as a guide. He only felt revive or heal from the punishment he is under for so long as he can held your soul close by.
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-⫘⫘⫘The Protector and the fallen one⫘⫘
"...ah. HiMERU just left for 30 minutes and you already..." The door open revealing HiMERU who experience door jam just now and unable to enter the place after he went to get cola with an awful choice of companion--tatsumi.
"What's wrong HiMERU --"
"No." Before tatsumi can view what happened inside. HiMERU quickly shove his face away so the fallen angel will not see his younger brother --who is clearly visible for others to see now-- who shamelessly hugs you in a very envious worthy distance without you complaining about it.
Even how the scene taste sour at his mouth, he still priority his stupid (affectionately) brother safety.
"Ehh....but I wanna come inside...." Tatsumi don't understand what's up with his friends and tried to peak in but HiMERU is 1cm taller yet still able to black his view.
"HiMERU clearly says No." HiMERU repeated.
"Ahahaha. Is this a game?" Tatsumi use to play with aira and hiiro silly games when they are hidding something or surprised.
He quickly find a way to come in using his ability and saw you sleeping softly on kaname's arms--who finally after a long period of time finally able to experience sleep again.
But both of you are seating up and Kaname can't stabilize his position as he keep swing back and forth in his sleep.
"....I seems to be seeing double." Tatsumi gaze at the glaring HiMERU at the doorway and the HiMERU who's holding you.
HiMERU believes he have fuck up. Yet seeing his brother being out of state he once in.
He cannot be mad at his brother. He look at the questioning purple eyes that's waiting for his reply.
"Why would HiMERU tell you anything?" He cross his arms after he close the door. He walk inside.
He went to your bed and made you two lie back to the bed and tackle you both in. He kiss his brother forehead and yours.
"sleep well..." He whisper to the two of you.
He did know what might occur and what it might cost. So both of you need sleep.
He turn to Tatsumi who don't have dangerous look at his face that he should be alarm about, it's what made him even more worried.
"...your not planning on harming him right?" He question him. "HiMERU will not let you, if you did."
"...ah. I won't." Tatsumi laugh.
"Through I would like to ask. Your feelings for her... Are they false... Since I felt the real HiMERU is the one holding her..." He can put one and two together a bit.
He can guess this person is not HiMERU but he still become a friend and he cares for his friend.
Yet he still that HiMERU who he meet in the human world this time period. He too become a friend of both you and him.
Yet there's only one thing that would change his mind from attacking this pretender.
As long he answer right, he will let him be.
"..." MERU thought about it and realize he still care about you even so his sharing what his brother is feeling.
Maybe his brother and his emotion become one... Yet he cannot fully answer the question. What he felt for you on his own.
" ' We ' love her." He simple said. He don't know which form of love he describe how he felt. There's many form of love.
".... Hmm your not truly sure... But I will believe you." Tatsumi look deep at Meru's golden orbs. He smiled.
"How beautiful.... You love her without connection/link like me and Kaname have with her. ... Truly not everything can be dictate by the system..." He can't help but smile genuinely.
He never see such sight. Almost everything is tied by link of souls.
Through his obsession is far from what the link of the souls offer. But it is indeed the root, that grow twisted.
"...hmm. that's good." Tatsumi decided he look at HiMERU after a long thought. HiMERU don't like that look but he don't show it.
"Another member... " His purple gaze seems to show twisted adoration and happiness not all pointed to HiMERU but the situation.
"..." He can't even say anything as he watch tatsumi went to the other side of th bed and look at you and Kaname with side smile.
He don't seat in the bed but rather in the floor beside it and held your right hand and kiss it.
"I'm glad I don't choice a pair... You are worth more than a single companion for eternity." He look at your sleeping form in worshipping and loyal follower.
HiMERU froze when he realize what this fallen mean by [ family ]. He internally want to curse and want to make question the higher up if they should continue on the plan.
This fallen is more than fine you being with more than one person. He even dragged his younger brother at the mess....
꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚ ETERNITY꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚
"...." This is awkward.' you thought as you all seat around the table. Kaname is hugging you from the side while chatting with tatsumi ( who you now saw have a feature of a fallen, but then again with memories you remember base on kana story your not shock at least ) who's seating on your left side, about stuff.
You saw Meru in your right side, holding that metal cup that been binding by the force his holding it. But his face show no such feelings. He knows better than do so.
"--and then those people run away when rinne-san fake out being a dead asylum patient dragging a chain and metal ball in one leg." Kaname doesn't understand the atmosphere even if he did, his busy explaining a familiar sequence of event to Tatsumi.
"Ahaha. I think I know who this rinne-san you speak. He might be the older brother of my friend, hiiro."
"Oh? I heard of that name being mention before by him.
He keep mumbling how his younger brother is the most precious and he would go far as causing a war if someone did something bad to him. What a cool big brother~"
Kaname can't help but be envious.
You look at Meru who now holding a destroyed metal cup.
"... Kaname, come here for a sec." HiMERU give a sweet poisonous close eyes smile as he wave his brother over.
"..........B-big brother.... Why you looking at me like that...." Kaname been with his brother for a while but he knows his brother is very piss.
"You won't come here? Too bad I have brought some sweets earlier. I guess it's all mine. After all I can't be as good as brother as Amagi is." He show a box of confectioners and Kaname can't help but stare at it.
".... BIG BROTHER!!" Kaname is already by his brother side looking up to his brother with pleading look.
"I want some....." He cried.
"But don't you like to have brother like Amagi? Go ask him some." Meru takes a bite of the sweets as he dodge the attempt of the grabby hand of Kaname who is reaching for it.
"Sorry! Big brother is the best! So-so...Please give HiMERU some..." Kaname pleaded as he tag his older brother sleeve. "Do you want some?" Meru don't ask this to his brother but at you.
He is ignoring his younger brother plea. Kaname eyes zoom at you pleadingly as if asking for the sweets afterwards.
"..." You wonder if you should take some and give them to kaname afterwards.
"If you try to do that. HiMERU would greatly be betrayed."
"....sorry kana." You apologize as your plan slip out already. But you did take some confectioners to sample. When you taken a bite the taste flow in and thought what kind of recipes it is.
"Wuwuw....." Kaname cried hopelessly at the table. As his brother continue to ignore him while eating shamelessly in front of the pitiful kaname. Tatsumi can't help but chuckle at the sight but said nothing.
"Oh. Kana can come with me in cooking class later. I'll make you some instead." Your not strong as meru. Your hopeless against kaname. "So please don't cry anymore..." You added as you pat his head.
The haftling stop crying and now looking at you with sparkling eyes.
"R-really? *Hic...." he look up to you and you nodded. He happily leech at you again. "Your going to bake sweets for me????" He felt so happy hearing you say that.
"Hm." You nodded again.
"Only for me right? You won't share to bullies like big brother?" He look at you with even more sparkle and happy glee as he will take revenge on his big brother for not sharing!
"...." you look at Meru who giving you a look and you look back at kana. You nodded.
"I'm so excited then! Let's go to your cooking class now~" he stood up and pulled you up from your seat.
"W-what... Ok." You look at your watch and realized it's almost time for class anyway.
" ....you two can have fun here or something. " You look at the other two who is silent the whole time.
"Let me just get my stuff. " You said as you went to get your bag and some set of cloths to change in the bathroom. When you go out of your bathroom you saw the other two were gone and kana waiting for you patiently.
"Ok let's go." You said as you hold out your hand to him. He happily held it. You look at the empty table.
"If you guys gonna plan on following on invisible mode just join us. dont be a creep." You says as you rolled your eyes. You watch as Tatsumi who appear in change attire as well Himeru to booth.
"....ok. " you mumble as you four left the place. Kana holding your right arms happily as you walk to your class, through along the way you caught many attention with hotties walking along side you. Giving you envious and hateful gaze.
"Senior. Who's those three with you?" Your junior in cooking class as you. You look at her and look at that two watching from the corner.
Tatsumi is wearing a apron as unlike the two brothers his very good on the kitchen and would assist you if you need help.
"Go ask them. Idk" your not sure your relationship with them. You remember your fucking dream again and can't help but stab the knife to embed in the chopping board.
"....oh gott. I'm surrounded with wolves " you realize finally.
"I see! You wanna be secretive? I'll go discover it then!" Your junior and then went to the three and like a gossip girl, she ask the team you out ear pods as you busy yourself on cooking but you still hear a bit mumble from the side where they are.
As far your hearing the two ( tatsumi and Meru) aren't answering with juicy details and would answer with uncertain answer that would leave the hopeless gossip girl left empty but it all change when she question the happy go lucky one-- kaname.
"Oho?your curious? Then I will gladly tell you! Im the love interest! " His answer blinded and made the two deaf and stare at him dumbfounded expression.
"Our bound is better than soul mates! If the world hates her. I would not! I would stay if people turn their back and always held her hand to guide her to a new life!" As a guide of course but still. No one needs to know that' he thought with a smug look.
"Hehe, she confess to me and I too. So we're pairs!" The moment is getting on his head, he start saying things without a stop.
"...." Suddenly you watch tatsumi broke the glass on his sides.
"....oh sorry. I don't mean too." He can't help but felt little jealous as he realize you always let kaname do what he want, even so long ago.
Such bond you two have is something he can't seems to have with you at least not as close you and Kaname have.
"...kaname." HiMERU voice broke kaname endless rumbling and boasting. "Y-yes older brother?" Fearful as he realize that kind of tone his brother is using is nothing good to hear at all.
"Seat down and be silent." And so like a good younger brother who fear the older sibling. Kaname return to his seat and takes his silent.
Days comes to an end, you give kaname a handful share of the sweet. Through you still offer the part you sorted in different container to Tatsumi and HiMERU who look surprised at you.
You just shrugged your shoulder as you hold the remaining confectioners to bring to your neighbor and left some to the office. You always made too many food. You give them away since you can eat them all.
When your at your neighbor place your neighbor look at three people with you and whistles.
"Your life is so dramatic." They said in a sing a song tone.
"...oh." they left to get something and later come back with their phone. They ask for email and you fidget as you answer it honestly.
Then send you something but you need to go a site but your not connected to wifi to view it.
You later then discovered THEY FUCKING SEND YOU A GANGBANG/4P PORN.
You felt gaze on you as you have kaname over your shoulder watching what your doing on your phone. You only have 0.05 volume on cause you can hear it perfectly fine.
"...." You quietly pretend you did not see the porn just now nor the fact you watch the whole 19:34 minutes of it and went back playing your rhyme game.
Suddenly the person who's arms around your shoulder start to pants and whimpers--
'holy crap. I forget about him.' you thought as you froze
"I....f-felt....odd..." His heaved breathing and almost inaudible voice comes like a seductive whimper to your ears as his head is resting on your shoulder. Which means he saw the whole thing.
"Hmmnn..." He nodded as he rub his warm cheeks against yours. "D-do.... you L-like those...." He trailed off.
"...." With all those stuff and revolution. You wonder the world view and values that was thought to you by your parents matter now as you know what comes next.
".... Do you wanna be 'bless' first?" He seems to understand what you mean. "Long ago. You said once that human don't need to wed as long the person they are with is their fated. . . " He mumble.
"Our connections isn't like others... But, I like you. Like how my mom say love is when she fall for someone.... She said love is when she wanna be with that person even if fates says otherwise..." you felt something drenching your shoulder and hear him whimpering tearfully.
"I like you... I'm so happy I can finally stay with you longer than the time we always have... My brother probably confuse what he felt but he and Tatsumi are rivals ... Rivals I have to share you with... But it's ok. Tatsu been too a lot too. Can't we, angels have happy ending too?"
'angels... That person once said I was abandoned by my own. But in the end it's really is my fault. Yet he never abandoned me. An angel, a fallen angel and nephilim. Surrounding me....' you thought as you pat kaname head.
"*Hic.... So u-uncomfortable....." He whimper as he hugs you tighter. He shamelessly rub something hard against your back. Since your are seating and his behind you with his legs on both your side. You can feel his hardness on your back as he press himself on your back.
"..." You suddenly realize something." A-arent you like part angel?" Like don't that mean ya wont--
"W-what..ahaha... " He laugh but groan when you accidentally press your back on him as you jolt by his voice and laughter's again.
"Kaname won't be born if that's the case you know....~" He whisper to your ears causing you to shudder.
"I'm haft human... My mother is human." He felt shamelessly as he nibble your ears as he use his seductive voice that almost made you think it's Meru instead.
"My brother copies my voice, what I look, everything except all my personality as his humanoid form.... Angels true form are after all flying eyes and wings... But once they take a humanoid form that's that.... Hmmnn....." He says in a tone Meru would always use.
He hold your right hand where a bracelet and a marble from that day stay in place since that night.
He look at it dearly and back to you as he interwoven both your hands together with his own.
"Once angel takes humanoid form... They are more easily influenced by mortal desire..." His hand slowly left your shoulder and let go of your hand as it slip into your tshirt yet you don't do anything.
He chuckle against your skin as he give kisses trail from your neck to your shoulder blade.
"...what." you suddenly remember something just now. You remember how you shamelessly walk around only with towel with tatsumi around.
You don't know when it happen but somehow his words made you remember that.
"Poor tatsu... Your very lucky tatsu is very much more of an angel than a demon... At that time." He chuckle as his hand scoop your boobs and grope it. Jiggling it.
"Uwahh. So soft." He break his character as he become very amuse at his new discovery.
"Ahaha.... Ahh..
" You chuckle at his reaction and change of mood, through you were hopeless to hide your moan by what's his doing the next moment.
"Your laughing even so it's supposed to be lovey-dovey moment." He pout as he pinch your nipple through your bra.
"Hmmmnn..." You bite your lower lips to hide your voice because you don't know when those two would come back from buying groceries.
"Don't worry even if brother and tatsu come back. With your consent we can do what we just watch earlier." He chuckle as he rubs his cheeks against you whole still amusing himself with your boobs.
"Oh....ah... Consent hah.... To what might you think you have consent on what your doing right now?" You turn to look at him.
"Brother said silent means yes and you would long made a fuss if you hate or dislike of what I'm doing... After all your not influence by my bloodline of an angel to feel overwhelmed by me, to not move at all." He kiss your cheeks as he flash you with a victorious smile.
"Agh.... "He suddenly groan and rest his head on your shoulder.
"Kana?" You ask worriedly but he give you a kiss in the lips, you saw how he start to turn to being transparent but as he kiss you, his current situation stopped.
But his eyes is blank and a small smile pasted in his face.
"Yes or no?" He ask.
"Yes or n--ahh.....?!" You almost scream as he snap your bra off you from the front Breaking the hook along with it.
You quickly is alarm and push him off and back away from a bit.
"What are you doing?" You ask in confusion but he only give you a close eyes smile.
"Can't HiMERU and you indulge in wonderful feeling of love?" He ask you in an odd tone, almost robot like.
"Why are you talking like that aaahhh--" you cut off short with a moan as your wrist with a bracelet from before start to let out weird vibration that cause your body to somewhat sensitive.
"HiMERU is quite sad and happy in the same time. Tatsumi really did well on his job." He let out a disappointment soft smile. He held your hand with a bracelet and your eyeing him in alarm.
"aw-what..." You tried to shake out the feeling of tingling.
"HiMERU is conflicted. HiMERU's big brother and friend would not want HiMERU to tell you about the whole ordeal at all. Neither would HiMERU want... So be in the dark till you discovered it ok? HiMERU smile at how good words he just said right now."
"Ahaha....huh...." You held your stomach as it start to feel very uncomfortable. You grumble and push him off again but the moment you touch him your mind went blank for a moment.
" Are you ok? HiMERU ask even so he knows what happened--" his voice trailed off in the dark.
(*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿ The Guide
When kaname regain his own set of mind after something snap and taken over his mind just now. He saw you looking at him with an odd expression.
"Sorry was there-" he tried to explain but you grab hold of the back of his neck and kiss him so lovingly he felt drown.
"Hmmnn... Ah...." He groan as you trail kisses down his neck.
"I love you." You mumble as lay a mark on him.
"R-really?" He can't believe what his hearing. He felt his heart beat going to be so loud and would jump out of his chest.
"I love you too~ " he hugs you so happily but you push him off to lay his back on the floor.
At that very moment he saw someone in the far corner, a lust demon who winked at him before leaving.
"E-eh isn't that --hmmm... Ah..." He whimper as you start to hump against his forgotten hardness.
"Ahhh...." He can't help but moan when you suddenly pull out his harden member out of his pants.
"N-nyooo... T-that l-lust demon--" made you to be like this! You won't act like this!' he grumble tearfully as he is both of conflicted about being happy and disappointed.
Even how much he wanted for you to act like this to him. Your not in your right set of mind.
"--?!" He start to squirm and moan as you pump your hand up and down around his hardness.
"Ahhh...haaaa....g-good." He felt so amazing. He lost his previous reasoning with a blink.
The tingling on his stomach seems to give him feeling of being in the edge. He felt his mind going up in the cloud each moment.
"Kana is so cute..." He heard you chuckle as you pat him in the head with your free hand.
"Hmmnn......" He nodded feeling cherish with your gesture but the building up feeling in his stomach made him to move his hips with what your doing but you stop.
"Nyooo....." He look at you tearfully, he felt so terrible. He was in the edge of something yet you stop!' he pout as he whine.
꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚ ETERNITY ꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚
The next moment you regain consciousness,
your on top of him. He was crying and your holding something on your right hand.
"C-continuee..... Ahhh..." He whimper as something hard on your hand went up and down.
" W-wuahmmm. Why you so mean.... It felt good but you stop!" He said tearfully.
"What...." You look at your hand and realized what's up. Red tint appear in your face and he pout
"Y-you b-better not r-run... Takes R-responsibilities!" He demanded as he stop your hand from letting go of him.
He quickly seat up as he put his right hand around your waist as the other is on top of your left hand.
"Hmmnn... S-so good..." He moaned as he rest his head against your shoulder.
"L-love you too..." He kiss your cheeks. Your ears turn red when he said that right next to it. He seems to remember something.
"Please... Can't you continue." He whisper seductively at you. You felt yourself shudder and accidentally grip on him tightly.
...." He whimper, liking what you just did.
"L-love you. I love you very much...." He run out what works he could say but could only say what he really felt.
"K-kana..." You felt defeated as kana felt so hopeless against you. You throw away what left of what holding you back and just help him find relief.
"Hmmnnnahhhhhh......" His moaning beside your ears almost cause cause eargasms as he start to throb against your hand and something warm is released.
"Kiss...?" He look at you tearfully from the moment of climax still over his head and you close your eyes as he happily kiss you.
His hand let go yours but it lock hold with the other on your waist.
Silent cover you two. Then you remember something.
"You act weird earlier. What did you say about what Tatsumi did?" You now asking what's up with him earlier. He froze at your question.
"S-something is controlling me Earlier. S-so I don't k-know." He don't dare try to meet your eyes.
'this person is telling the first sentence but lie at the second one.' you thought as you eyed him like a hawk. You remember something and grip hold at his semi limp member.
He squirm and whined. "Agh....ahhh... D-dont ...." He plead. He try to remove your hand that seem to want to pull out his dick off cause you can't get answer you wanted.
"W-wuwuwu... B-big brother said I can't tell... Wuwuwu." He tearfully says with full honestly.
"I get disowned if I did!" He added.
You stop what your doing and he sigh in relief. You two fix yourselves but when you saw your destroyed bra in the sideline you look at the culprit.
"Kana. That was my favorite one." You says and he fidget.
"I-i can try fixing it?" He mumble not even sure if he can. "It's fine. " You sigh as you went to your drawer but realized all your bras are in the laundry.
"..." You walk back to the table defeated and went to look at your discarded phone in the side.
"So what was controlling you earlier?" you ask and kana look at you. "An infamous i-incubus....." He mumble.
"..." You don't if his lying or not.
"Oh.... My neighbor have an incubby soul mate " you remember from a unknown timeline in your memories of confrontation with a incubus.
"Woah... Soul Mate huh....Maybe that's why that incubus act very odd. " He look very interested in the topic.
"???" You look at him confuse.
"My brother talks about him as well my fellow reaper is a friend with the incubus. He always help soul mates to be together than he does his incubus job." He tells you.
"But then why would he be at your place to do that--" he pause.
"... Tatsu and big brother haven't been home for an hour already...." He seems to realize something.
He stood up and run out of the door.
BIG BROTHER, TATSU WHAT DO YOU GUYS MEAN BY THIS...!?" You can hear him yell across the hallway toward the door of your neighbor.
"Ahahaha. I guess we were found out." You heard tatsumi chuckle down the hall.
You suddenly realize what kaname discovered. You want to slam your head to a wall for being stupid.
"HiMERU really think your plan is so stupid."
"Fuck.... You guys are very suffocating to be around with. I cannot stand it. Get out of my house."
"I-im sorry tatsumi. But your friend here sighing is bad for ordinary folks..."
"Ahaha. Then we will be off then. "
You already down the building when you heard that. Your not going to stay in the same room with people who plan something like that to happen even so They know your rule on this life.
"Umu. Running without those are so annoying." You grumble as you take a turn to the alley way.
Your not going to your work place, they know that place but rather to a place you never shared to people. At least you think so.
When the three go back to the room they meet with a close door. Kana realize that there's no you inside and your somewhere far.
"Hmmp!!" But he was tape (mouth and hands) and being carried like a sock by his older brother.
"Hmmhnwmmm." he tried to say something again but failed. then realized why your gone away. He become silent.
'oh no. 088 don't like what big brother and tatsu decided.... She would hate it more if she knows the WHOLE thing.' he thought as he no longer made attempt for those two to know. As far he knows. The only one with secure link with you is him. Tatsu would need to do stuff before he knows your location.'
if you need time off from them. He would detour the two as long as he can.
"Do you guys have the key?" Tatsumi seems to forget to bring one. "Why would I tell you?" Meru glare at tatsumi.
He dislike the so called plan by this fallen Saint. He really drag his beloved brother to do something like that.
"Hmmppn..." kaname look at his brother. "Ahaha.... Your really hash meru-san." Tatsumi chuckle as he knock at the door.
"By all means your not much of a difference with your own plan." Tatsumi smile as he says this, but his eyes are close to see what he really felt.
"Hm? There isn't anyone here." Tatsumi finally realized something as he found a letter from the top of the door frame.
[ Traitors aren't allowed around me. LEAVE!
Ps. Also leave the groceries in the front door. THOSE ARE MY (and kaname's) FOOD.]
"Ahaha. How cute." Tatsumi can't help but thought your note is quite cute. But he did wonder where you would run this time around.
꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚ ETERNITY ꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚
Your in your secret hidding spot. Listening to anyone coming or walking around it. You are still mad about the whole thing.
"Hello there." You heard familiar gentle voice spoke out from one of the entrance. You pull a middle finger and don't dare look at the direction where the voice is coming from. "Don't talk to me." You grumble. You heard him chuckle which made your ears turn red.
"Go away." You inch to the corner even through the whole place is cramped. "I'll be joining you..." You heard him say before you realize it. His already suffocating you with his large figure in this tight space.
"H-hey!" You hiss as his hand nudge your ticklish sides as it don't know where to put it. "Ahaha. Sorry. Do excuse me." He mumble as he seat in the free space and pulled you on top of him to make more space.
You hated the fact he have to really bare the tight space of a crate with you. He could just leave you be!
"I cant do that. I still have to explain my side don't I?" He pats your head as his voice is right beside your ears.
"..." You just turn your face away and don't dare meet his gaze. Yet your still laying your head against his chest.
"I guess there's nothing good in my plan. " He sigh hopelessly. He don't even began what he mean by asking his incubus friend a help earlier.
"is your memories back?" He trailed your cheek bones. You don't know which one he means.
" When you first meet my friend. I lost control. Your still not use to being around angel, or fallen angel. I was overwhelmed by emotions when I'm telling you my story. Hiiro have been alerted that your soul is leaving your body like your going to die even so it's not your due yet." He mumble. "Why cant I be free to express what I want.... " He felt defeated. "But it's ok. I made sure you'll be always safe around us. So I can stay longer." He hugs you like your the most important treasure he would protect.
"You are... Your my most important... the second one are my friends." He answer. "If you dislike me for what I did... through, I only thought of it as I want to help you out. Since you like kaname so much... I could always leave..." He starts.
"As long your happy, as long I could stay by your side. I don't mind being that I am not the main one, even so I love to be in kaname's place...... Being beside you, makes the devil's whisper calm down." If you look at him. You would notice his tears is at the point of falling yet he have to held back what he felt. Or else it be like that day again.
You suddenly don't feel good. You felt guilty.
"I... I'm still mad at you! But I see your point... At least I think so... "
You look up to him. You saw him looking at you with adoring gaze. "Your weird." You mumble. " Aren't you use to be an angel? Why would..." You look at me like that.' You want to ask even so you know how he always confess to you each day.
"Do you wanna know why it start?" A soft smile pasted in his face. "All those years... I watch over you, I saw your pain, your happiness, your weakness and your straight as you live a life without uncertainty. I can't help but admire you dedication to be able to stay strong through those time... Over and over again, the world failed you, yet you still start a new with same optimistic mindset while looking into the dark path... I wish I could be strong as you, to be brave like you..." He kiss your forehead.
"Maybe it was destiny work. I was task to live in mortal realm. I'm so glad I could spend time with you. Yet I don't want each moment to stop. I don't want to watch you face the same end... Maybe I'm been around mortals too much and I become too smitten for you... I love you." He look at you with eyes that would only reflect you.
"Can I... Kiss you?" His voice almost inaudible as red tint appear in his face. You felt your cheeks warm up by his request but you nodded. His eyes sparkle before he close it.
The distance between you two are almost non existent but as he cross off the distance with his soft lips against yours you felt your heart beat so loud for your ears.
"I..." He felt drowsy as if everything happening right now is like a dream. A dream he don't want to end so fast.
"Hmm?" You felt like melting, maybe you like him.
"...I'm glad..." He heard what you say out loud, his joy is too much to handle. he want to spin you around but the space is too cramped. But at least in this kind of position, he could hug you and be this close to you.
"I love you." He kiss both your eyelids. He repeated his sweet words as he kiss each part of your face and then finally back to your lips. "I love you very much."
'ahhh. I felt like melting and high with drugs...' you thought as let him cherish you and give you kisses.
"Your bashful face is so beautiful." He complimented and you turn even more red. "T-thank you... Your more good looking than I am through..." You mumble. "Ahaha. Everyone is beautiful but your more beautiful."
"Ok--- your compliments are going to kill me!" You don't feel so good. He only kiss your cheeks before you two decided to go out of the crate. When you two are out he held your hand.
"Tatsumi... Can you be honest to me. You and Meru are very much hidding something from me." You mumble as the two of you start to walk back home. "Honest you say..." He mumble. He look at you. "ok I'll be honest..."
You look at him.
"When I was in that abyss. My thought is full of devil's whispers... It made me want to corrupt you... I also want to take care of everything for you, so you only need to relay on me and would need me in everything in life. " His voice is so gentle and passionate. He stop and stood in front of you. " I want to make everything in your life, be me. Like how your my everything." He cherishing held your face with both his hand.
"...I failed to realize you could be a beautiful flower surrounded by bees." He mumble. "But it's fine. I realize, It was right choice to not make your fate tied with just one person. When your worth more than one." His eyes is sick and twisted.
"I would be so happy to see you be loved by more than one people. To see you cared for by people who would not forget you in each reincarnation. And that this time, I am one of those. I am no longer a hopeless admirer who can only watch and suffer..." He smile at you. "I love you so much. I would make sure you would be so happy and loved by many." He once again lean in to kiss you in the lips.
'the tone he use to speak those makes those words are some messiah words and not devilish words.' you thought as you two continue to walk back home. When you two arrive home. Kaname went and hugs you and Meru is eyeing you in the corner but he seems to have a face of relief when you come back home safe. But of course it have to be look closely as his a tsundere.
Many days to weeks, to a few month have pass in peace. Those three always at your place and treated it as if it's their home. Kaname would always kiss you when his about to be transparent again or when he felt very touchy, his just being affectionate to you and you can't get mad at him. Your one of the reason his willing to survive another day, so he would shamelessly cling to you, no matter what.
Tatsumi handle cleaning the house as well cooking, which made your neighbor call him a housewife and tease the incubus soul mate he should act like one too. Which earn a cry and dejected demon and laughing fallen one.
He would always sing you to sleep with the other two. And give you sweet forehead kisses and would want to held your hand when you two are out.
And Meru in the other hand is very much makes sure tatsumi don't get any handsy and intervine In each moment the atmosphere become even a bit steamy.
He don't really say anything and just there to make tatsumi be tormented by him cuckblocking each turn.
You wonder if his just dealing with you since it's probably some sort of mission (kaname cannot help but say secret again) and only because his brother likes you.
"Oh... Where's tatsumi and kana?" You ask as you arrive home with only HiMERU at your sofa.
"..." He don't answer you as you walk to your mini kitchen and went to get some snacks for give him since he don't seems to gotten any since you just brought restocks for your pantry.
"You...." You know his walking toward you but you don't know his going to corner you in your counter when you turn to look back. "Meru?" You ask confuse.
"That fallen is going to taint your soul. Why would you let him do such thing?" He ask you in a solemn and angry tone.
'his probably talking about how tatsumi would sometimes mentioned how be would like to see my soul tainted one day and dragged to demon realm with him to accompany with a chuckle and gentle voice at that too.' you thought.
"Idk why your making deal with him being like that." You mumble. You don't understand why he look worried about it when his just dealing with you cause of Kaname.
"...if your going to allow him to do that, kaname would happily follow you two..." He says which made your eyes roll.
"Ahaha. So your worried about kana. What a good big brother." You giggle as you pat his head. He froze."What a good brother. Kaname is very bless to have you." You said as you pat his head, through his quite tall, and you have to stand with your toe.
"..." He seems very surprised what you just did but you pick the box of slice of cakes and give him one of the slice since the other are for kaname and Tatsumi.
"Here you go." You says as you place the plate to his hand, he look at you and the cake with odd silent.
"Hmm.." you hummed as you duck and went to your bed to sleep when you heard Meru marching at your direction after placing the plate at the counter.
And your were push to your bed and soon his on top of you, locking all your way of your escape.
"...???" You look at him confuse. "You... If your going to let that fallen taint you... I will not make it happen. I won't make my brother be handsy with someone tainted by a fallen." He says. "I will cleans you... And make sure his wishes will never happen!" He really look so mad.
"Ahm what...." Your so confuse right now.
'is he really that mad at tatsumi about something?' you thought.
"I heard about your rule." You raise a brow as reach on top of his head, he is seating up, on his knee.
You watch with wide eyes as he held one of his halo and it turn to a small golden ring.
" W-wha...." He reach out for your right hand where the bracelet and marble is. He held the marble and it unlock.
Holding the marble and the Halo ring it mix together to become a beautiful ring embed with crystal in a form of a two wings.
'idk that could happen.' you thought as you watch in amazement.
"...what's the ring for?" You finally ask the question. "Hm.. HiMERU would ask you a question. If you agree. You will say "I do" and you'll get this pretty ring as a reward."
"...I don't think I'm that dumb and gullible..." You mumble as you somehow sure what his planning.
"Listen here. It is HiMERU who is asking you. " He repeated smiling innocently like kaname would make.
"...fine. " you sigh.
"Would you want to spend eternity with HiMERU?"
"Ahm is HiMERU you or kaname or both." You ask, he give you a nasty look.
"Would you want to spend eternity with HiMERU?" He repeated.
"Sure--- I do." You like the two company anyway. But isn't eternity a long time...
"Then I'll ask the same then. Would you like to spend those time stuck with me? " You ask him back. He was taken back. You wonder why your entertaining this situation with Mr angel.
"You really shouldn't ask me such question of your not even sure about the answer." You sigh and was about to leave but your still stuck under him.
"HiMERU..." he began.
"Idk even know your name. Idk anything about you. I do like kaname's company. But his not the one asking me such question. Can you please get off...?" You grumble. Annoyed about something. You don't understand why your mad at him. Maybe because your confuse how he act around you or something.
"..." He look at you. "What?" You ask as you try to escape but failed to do so. "Can I please leave. I'm hungry." You reasoned. "..." His golden gaze looking at you intensely. You wonder what's running in his mind but sadly you won't know even how curious you are.
" [ You ] are a good older brother. " Since you cannot move away, you look at him and spoke in a serious tone.
" I can sort of see why you dislike tatsumi and how worried you are for kaname... Maybe you hated tatsumi because of what tatsumi ask for him many years ago... But shouldn't you hate me instead? The root of the problem..." You remember kaname situation began when he agree to Tatsumi request and the three of you travel the land for a long time.
" tatsumi is innocent to be hated by you, so hate me instead--"
Before you can continue, Your mouth is cover by his left hand. "Stop saying that bastard name." He hiss. His golden orbs glaring at your (color) one.
"...." You look at him and glare at him. "somhmmm (so what?)" You tried to remove his palm from covering your mouth.
But his too strong than you. So it leave you no choice.
"!!!" He quickly let go of you when you lick his palm, you can see him shiver when you did that.
"W-why would you do that?!" His face is either disgusted, angry or embarrassed or all of the above. You smirk and take a deep breath.
Somehow it's so refreshing to tease this big brother.
As you keep on going, his face can't even be painted by how angry he is.
Luckily tatsumi made sure you won't get drawback on teasing or pissing off an angel.
You saw him grip on the ring tighten.
"Did you lose yet? TATSUMI TATSUMI --hmmmmmmmm...!!?"you were shut up this time around when he squish your cheeks in one hand but he soon cover your lips with his own before you can react.
You heard him snap his hand and both your left hand soon chained up by something to the head post.
'kinky' you thought. 'fuck I been hanging around too much with my neighbor.' you grumble on your own thoughts as your right hand is gasp by him through you wish to use to smack him across the face.
He then inserted something in your ring finger and you stop budging and trashing around, you were left motionless and can only watch in the back of your mind as he finally part away with a smirk on his face.
"..." 'fucking angel did something to me.' you hiss internally.
He held your right hand with a sly smirk on his face, he remains eye contact as he kiss the back of your palm and then the ring.
Somehow it made the vine connected to your body to felt jolt and the ring finger have an important vine connected to the heart.
You almost choke by sudden heart attack just now. It's like something tugs you and it's so painful.
"..." 'what the hell.' you thought as you try to move but cannot. You can't even scream!
"Would you accept us to be your eternity?" He ask you and you just look at him like a stupid fuvk. You can't even say anything. "Say I do." He instructed.
"I do...." You hear yourself speak.
'oh wow.... Damn.... Speechless 100% he should have made me do this from the start. Damn. But he dont . Maybe I really piss him off' you were amaze by the magic he just did. 'wait who is [ us ] ?????'
"You were right. You should ask me the same question back to me." He smile.
"Would you want me to be your eternity?" You watch and hear yourself say such embarrassing thing.
'is this prenup or something... ' you thought as you wanted to eat something so bad while watching this one man show.
"I do." He says with a close eyes smile.
'one hell of a faker.' you thought. 'never understand how can an angel act like a demon, and a demon act like an angel.' you mumble.
Before he kiss your knuckle again. The ring glow and you saw a ring appear in his ring finger.
'i really don't understand this guy. Why would he force himself to me if kaname is the only one who is attach to me.... This is why fictional males are better.' you thought.
"Huh..." He look confuse at his hand. "Oh... I should have said kaname name instead."
'... LMAO HE MADE A MISTAKE LOL AHAHAHAHA. Is he gonna ask for annulment after a second of this lol AHAHAHA.' Your enjoying the show and can't help but internally laughing your ass out. 'that would be the fasted union in history LOL AHAHAHA'
(Why did I say [ us ] ) you heard someone mumble, your eyes widen as you look at him but saw him not speaking.
(To make such mistake... Whatever. As long it's not that bastard fallen. It's fine ) he thought.
( Time to free her from the binding... Why does she have to push my patience like that bastard does. ) He snap his hand and you can finally control your own body.
You cover your mouth. To make sure you won't speak out loud your thoughts.
( Ah, she most be really mad I force her to so such thing. ) He look at you. You glare at him. ( Hmm... Just to make sure kaname would say " I do " when he come back with that bastard) he get off on top of you and went to eat the cake you give him. (I'm going to eat this before she change her mind) he particularly inhaled the cake.
'i will get revenge...' you thought as you wait for tatsumi and Kaname to arrive while eating your own slice of cake.
"We're back--"
"TATSUMI! KANAME!" you particularly race and block Meru and tripped him. As you speed to the two.
"SAY I DO IN THE SAME TIME!" you said as where pulled by Meru before you can reach the two who watch you play tag. You hiss as Meru was about to stop tatsumi from saying it when you body slam him and headlock him. SOMEHOW after Earlier, you felt really free to do what you want.
"Huh?" They all look confuse.
"No questions! Just say it!" You say as you were poke in your sides by this bee beneath you.
"Uwahhm you guys playing without me?!" Kaname thought that you guys are having fun when you two are fighting like both your life is on line-- through, In a sense it is.
"Ah..I don't understand anything but sure." Tatsumi seems confuse as he watch you fight Meru. Your losing but refuse to follow what he wanted.
"I do." They both said in the same time. Since they are holding something on both hand, they don't notice rings appearing in their ring finger in the same time.
"AHAHAHAA. YOU LOSE!" you get off Meru back but made a very loud smack on his ass.
"..." - Meru who get his booties smacked.
"..." - kaname and Tatsumi.
"Anyway I got cakes on the refrigerator." You says now embarrassed what you just did and turn around and run under your cover. ' SO EMBARRASSING, WHY DID I DO THAT?!' you internally scream.
"088~~" kaname went and hugs your hidding form. "Kana~" you called back. 'he really should stop calling my soul number.' you thought as you uncovered you head and hugged him back.
"Kiss?" He look at you and you kiss his cheeks.
"Chuu chuu." You giggle as you watch him turn red. He then pout. ( I want kiss in the lips through, hmmp. Ah but I probably would be think as too touchy again by big brother (TTદTT) ) he thought dejected.
Your eyes widen before you give him a peek in the lips. His eyes widen before he hugged you tighter.
As you two have fun together, tatsumi look at the unmoving angel on the floor. "Meru-san please stand up."
( Fuck off, bastard ) "No." Meru Plainly says.
"Ahaha... If you say so..." ( Meru-san most be really shock on what she did. Ah she's really cute earlier, never seen her be so free in this life.) Tatsumi drop the item at the counter and proceed to wear the apron. (What should we cook today...) He thought.
You eyes went to the two before closing it as you listen to kaname heart beats.
"Hey." You whisper to kaname ears.
"Yes?" "Four of us are really fun batch, hopefully we can stay this way for a long time." You mumble. 'even through that big brother of yours is weird sometimes.' you thought.
"Me too. I want the four of us to be together forever..." He nodded his head as he hugs you and rest his head against yours. ( I love you, your my most precious soul. Being around makes me happy... I'm so happy I can be by your side this time around and don't have to wait for time to go by in the oblivion.) You heard his honest thoughts
'love... I felt it's wrong to love to more than one person. But I just thought being with them makes my day. Even how much Meru sometimes act very salty. His still a good company. I don't understand love but I love everyone to stay with me. It makes all the things in the past that won't stay be just a part of the past.
They make me think I finally have people that would not be taken away from me by fate.' you thought deeply. Thinking to much and all those event made you drowsy. You yawn softly and mumble: I love you... ( You all important to me. Please never leave me...)
Your voice is barely audible yet the three set of ears all heard it. But your already knock out to dream land.
If only your more conscious enough to learn what their thoughts at that very moment.
Maybe you could know how you dragged yourself in a pit with no way out.
As you said before. Angels are more dangerous than demons.
꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚ End of Chapter One ꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚
G/N: in this chapter, there some point of view and events that don't match up with another--more like, it don't match up with what the Assumption the other person thought of them or what really happened. As we can never fully understand people perception of things or how they view us. Unless they say it to our face.
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Running Ragged
for Angstpril, Day 18: Exhausted
cw: talk of death/killing, alcohol mention
previous ///// masterlist ///// next
His target—Mr. Niles Clancy, stockbroker and former Titanium employee—was incredibly predictable. He'd arrive at work at 0800, stopping for coffee on the way, same shop every time. Leave work at 1700, take the subway, arrive at his high-rise apartment at approximately 1725. Order takeout, finish dinner by 1900. Lights out at 2230.
Clancy didn't seem like someone who needed to die, but that wasn't up to Lex. If Uriah said his time had come, it was his job to play the reaper.
Mr. Clancy's rigid schedule made tracking him easy. Arranging his demise should be simple, but the problem with simple was the lack of mental stimulation. Lex had already caught himself falling asleep several times this week.
Not entirely his fault. It had been far too long since he'd gotten a good night's sleep; even when he wasn't running a mission, more often than not he found himself laying awake with the lights on, staring up at the ceiling. Like closing his eyes for even a moment would doom him back to the shadows.
But there was a benefit to pushing himself to exhaustion; when he finally fell asleep, he was too tired to dream.
He tried to shake off his fatigue, focusing on Clancy's suit-clad silhouette as it stepped onto the subway for what would be the last time. En route home, where Lex would find him and finish the job before Uriah grew too impatient.
Grab a few drinks to make sleep come easier.
Lex took the next train. Packed full, but no one even glanced at him. It was kind of nice; being able to walk the streets, surrounded by other humans, and remain unbothered. The scarf, gloves, and facemask lent to that, of course, and now that fall was underway, no one looked twice.
He didn't mind crowds as much as he'd used to. What had once been a nuisance at best was now a reminder of where he wasn't, a gentle sea of voices to keep the silence at bay.
Didn't do much to help his headache, but that had been present for a week, and he could almost completely ignore it by now. The white lights in the passenger car were bright enough that he had to close his eyes, trying to ease the dull throbbing in his skull, but before long he was nodding off again, and he forced them back open.
Not yet. He'd sleep when the mission was done. If he dragged this on one more day, especially on account of carelessness, Uriah wouldn't be happy. And if he lost focus and fucked it up, his employer had made it abundantly clear no one would be coming to bail him out. 
The car came to a stop, and Lex followed the crowd off, up the stairs, and into the fading light. Even after four months of pseudo-freedom, there was still something calming about climbing up from underground, into the outside air. Another thing he'd never take for granted again.
He checked his watch. Clancy would be getting home now. Climbing the stairs, ordering his food. Lex would wait until 1900 to terminate. Let the man have his final meal.
Getting into the fancy building proved no issue. His metal fingers weren't as dextrous as his flesh had been, but he'd learned to adapt by now, and could still pick a lock far quicker than the average thief. One of the first skills he'd learned, and not one that would ever let itself be forgotten.
He made his silent way up the stairs, ignoring the growing headache. 
Just another life. Another death. Finish the job, and I can sleep.
@whumpacabra @enteredin2eternity @kixngiggles @whumpsday @kiichu @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @shywhumpauthor @distinctlywhumpthing
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deathfavor · 9 months
@requiemofrebellion said: ‘Help…’ (kisaki to hanma)
send 'Help...' for my muse's reaction to finding yours injured
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Hanma's tall frame is silhouetted between the walls of the alleyway and backdrop of neon signs in the street. It makes him look like something that's crawled out of a nightmare, the only source of light being the glowing embers of his cigarette reflecting in amber eyes. In a situation like this, it isn't hard to understand why he's gained the name of The Reaper of Kabukicho. A few brave souls try to peek from the entrance of the alley, but they scatter like roaches when Hanma glances their way. Then he languidly approaches the figure on the ground, his steps slow and unhurried.
" Kisakiiiii ~ " He sings, dragging out the last vowel with a giggle. He crouches down in front of Kisaki, Punishment stretching out to catch Kisaki's jaw in his hand and hold him still. It doesn't take any of his strength. The scenario is a reminder , even unintended, that Hanma follows by choice. He's no one's obedient dog, but a beast the chooses to follow what interests and entertains him. Hanma's grip is firm, but gentle, careful to not leave bruises lest Kisaki decide the rant his ear off later.
" The fuck happened to you? Say something and piss off the wrong person? " He arches an eyebrow, taking in the bruises and pressing a thumb over Kisaki's swollen lip before tilting his head each direction and then looking over the rest of him. Looks like he's been roughed up a bit, but nothing particularly bad. Maybe said something snippy to the wrong drunk person.
He drops his hand from Kisaki's face and stands up, pulling Kisaki up to his feet again. There were several questions to be asked, and he's certain Kisaki would be ready to lecture his ear off for one thing or another even if Hanma wouldn't actually listen to it, but there were things to do. Like get Kisaki out of this area.
" Feelin' adventurous? This district isn't like your little cozy one you know ~ " Of course Kisaki knows, but it doesn't mean that Hanma won't tease him for it. Here it was all bars and clubs and neon signs. Entertainment for base desires. Which makes it especially odd that -
" Oh. I forgot my phone died. " No one really messaged him besides Kisaki these days anyways. He blinks at the realization. That's probably why Kisaki was here. Then he shrugs it off with a careless smile. " Aw, came to find me? I'm flattered. Well, at least you got an adventure in. It's good for the soul or whatever shit people say about it. " Hanma offhandedly remarks, looming close to Kisaki and easily keeping anyone from trying to approach either one of them.
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