#is it a bait? but if it isn't I'll take it just for the 1% of chance this isn't a bait
randomnameless · 2 years
I've been meaning to ask this for a while but tbh I was hoping it'd stop before it became a regular thing, but that didn't happen... so anyway, I'll just cut to the chase, why do you keep calling the nabateans lizard people? This just feels wildly inappropriate tbh, to give a *fictional* group a label that carries such heavily antisemetic qualities. You are full on calling a group of shapeshifting dragons, one of which is head of a continental institution of power, and who hide their ability to shapeshift, an antisemetic label, and you are missing how this is actually worse. It has been exactly 0 weeks since I've seen people calling the nabateans 'lizard people' and then turning around saying they're jewish coded, and then calling people who don't like rhea antisemetic. Bc theyre 'lizard people' and therefore 'jewish'. This is literally so fucking offensive. Can you please at least come up with a different thing to call them? Bc this shit is just blasted in the main tags literally every single day and tbf it's extremely draining to see people constantly throwing that term around like it's nothing
I was debating whether I should reply to this given how I received a similar ask a little over a month ago from a notorious troll, but for the 1% of chance that this ask isn't another troll, and because I feel like it's important to put words on things, I'll give a complete answer -
under the cut, because it's long!
First of all, unless I missed a post after checking on the archive, I do not think I ever used the words "lizard people", except when it is to talk about the varying degrees of "weird" and "yikes" some takes in the fandom smell like.
If I did, however, I apologise, it was obviously not meant to make an antisemitic statement or whatever it is you think it was, as you might now I am not an english native speaker, so some idioms or association of words don't immediately lit a red light, I made some blunders some time ago and immediately corrected it when someone pointed it out (like, the word "bamboula" refers to an african dance, but the second you say "bamboula" in France you're immediately suspected of being racist, because it was used as a common slur in the 1910s and is still used in some, uh, far right conventions, I guess). If you have a post in mind, then feel free to share, and I'll edit it accordingly!
The tag I use for general Nabatean content is "lizard family time?".
Now, as you can guess after, I supposed, reading this blog and especially, content tagged with this, well, tag, I use it to tag cute/warm/random/fluffy artwork, headcanons, shitposts and whatnot. As the name suggest, I use it to tag content I like about Nabateans acting like a family.
As for, I supposed, the "lizard" mention that might make people confused, Nabateans are a race of fictional people in a fictional game who can turn in giant beasts, all beasts we have seen so far have reptile-like qualities or are, generally speaking, from the reptile family (a dragon, a turtle, and a... bird/griffin thing). Now, calling them "reptilians" felt a bit too close to a slur, but there were harmless jokes around about Rhea, because of her draconic form, having cold blood thus liking to sit on warm rocks, and I found it cute, thus I adopted the "lizard fam" denomination, and ended up with the "lizard family time?" tag.
Short story, long story : this tag is obvioulsy not meant to convey anti-semitic theories and thoughts about real people in real life, but to tag content about a fantasy race of shapeshifters who sometimes shift in giant reptiles who act as a familial cell.
Which brings me to my second point -
(and one I already developed a bit in the previous post)
Fire Emblem is a series who always had fantasy "humans" interact with another fantasy race of people being able to turn in other creatures, mostly dragons.
Fire Emblem Fodlan's take on those creatures is :
People who were genocided,
People racially profiled by their enemies who had a hand in said genocide,
People who hide those traits,
People who are religious,
People who are depicted by someone as ruling over the world in secret,
People who are depicted by the same someone as "hoarding money" and deceiving everyone,
People whose blood, according to the same someone's rhetoric, corrupts humanity and is the reason why the World sucks,
People who are constantly othered by their enemies, who cannot see them as being able to live with them, nor having "human feelings" because of their race,
The someone mentionned above comes from a country that names its people with names and surnames (and evern particles!) kind of similar to a real world country.
I do not think the developers of this game wanted to make a "Godwin Points : the Game" version of Fire Emblem, but there are a lot of clues someone who knows even very little of the recent World's History might catch and compare to, well, some events that happened.
As such, I do not think me calling Nabateans "lizard family" is an antisemitic label or calling them "lizards" is the only reason why, to some people, Nabateans are "jewish coded", to borrow your own words. I just made a bullet list of other "reasons" who might lead some people to believe this.
Anyways, I always advocate against insulting people or giving them labels based on their opinions about a bunch of pixels from a fantasy universe, so you can dislike Nabateans and not be called anti-semitic, just like you can not vote for a female character in a harmless poll and not be called a misogynist, just like you can like a bisexual character and not be called a homophobe, etc, etc.
Racism, homophobia, sexism, ableism, antisemitism... are real-life legal concepts and notions that exist and encompass real situations, with real people, and real consequences.
Suggesting I might be anti-semitic because I quote Zephia call the Divine Dragon Alear a "lizard" is ridiculous, when we all know, even you, who sent this ask, what anti-semitism is and what it entails in real life for real people who are subjected to it.
Using real life notions and legal concepts to defend a bunch of pixels is puerile and ultimately says more about the one who is using those notions, thinking they can be easily distorted and used to talk about fantasy characters from a video game made by devs who forgot to hire a continuity guy, than whatever point he wanted to make.
As such, I do not think calling fantasy men and women who can transform in dragons/turtles/griffins-bird things "lizards" is offensive, but bringing up real-life discriminations and situations people are experiencing as we speak, to win an internet argument over fictional characters, is, imho, offensive.
If you do not agree, then you are free to block this blog and the contents I post (curate your Tumblr experience, the block button is here for that!), you can even report it to whoever is in charge of moderating this platform ; I do not think I breached any ToS and if I did, I would much prefer the Tumblr staff to tell me how and why, than someone who sends a message via anon asks who is, from what I can deduce from your ask, annoyed at seeing opinions - as smelly as they can be - about a video game.
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I believe Aang was right to end the war by sparing Ozai. But the only (imho) valid reason some people say he should have done it is because they wanted Aang to realize that pacifism is flawed.
I'm gonna disagree with you here, because a lot of the flaws fans talk about pacism and how ATLA in particular handles it as a concept are 99%:
1 - People being ignorant/racist and not knowing the difference between pacifist monks and "make love, not war" hippies.
2 - People being ignorant/racist and refusing to understand that there are different kinds of pacifism, even within the same cultures/people groups.
Aang is very clearly not the type of pacifist to go "You can NEVER react with ANY kind of violence towards someone else, even if it's to defend yourself/someone else" (which does exist, both IRL and in the show, just look at the owl spirit in "The Library").
We see him fight, and even be quite aggressive in said fights, in a lot of episodes. We also see he has no issues with invading the Fire Nation. More importantly, for the longest time the Avatar State was a result of him being pissed off enough at some kind of injustice that it makes him lose control, meaning he is very clearly affected by the horrors of war to the point of RAGE.
What makes him a pacifist is the way in which he doesn't WANT to lose control, doens't WANT go from aggressive to full on cruel, and, yes, wants to defeat his enemies, but not kill them.
And as I keep repeating, the show DOES make him question that last boundary he set for himself. He gets told by a past Avatar, who was also an air-nomad before anything, that, when there is such a large threat to everyone's life, including his own, he has to put aside his own spiritual needs and take a life - provided there isn't another option. But there was, so Aang took that, even after he decided that, yes, if there was no other way, he WOULD kill Ozai.
What people don't like is that Avatar, although questioning some types of pacifism, is far more interested in questioning the way people are WAY too eager to use violence to solve their issues, and, more importantly, expect someone else to get their hands bloody.
Fire Lord Sozin starts the war because he, according to himself at least, wants what's best for everyone and would like to share the Fire Nation's glory and great life with the other nations. He tries to do by invading foreign territories, killing his best friend, and commiting genocide. The fucker even has the dragons, an obvious Fire Nation symbol, to be hunted to extintion.
When Jet is angry at the Gaang for ruining his plan to free a village from the Fire Nation's control by blowing up a dam, Sokka asks "Who would be free? Everyone would be dead."
Zuko is banished because he spoke out against a Fire Nation higher-up's plan to use soldiers as fresh meat to bait the enemy into a more vulnerable position, thus assuring the nation's victory in that battle. He openly says "These men love and defend our nation, how can you betray them?"
When Zhao wants to kill the moon spirit, Iroh tries to stop him by pointing out that the Fire Nation needs the moon too (seriously, if it wasn't for Yue's sacrifice and Zhao's death, the Fire Nation would have had to create a word for "Big-ass wave that wrecks everything and kills people" like Japan did).
When Aang is deliberately trying to trigger the Avatar State because he doesn't want anyone else to die in the war, Katara, who had her life ruined by said war, is against it because while she opposes the Fire Nation, she cares about Aang and, in her own words, seeing him in so much pain and rage hurts her too. When Aang can't force himself to go nuclear, an Earth Kingdom ruler attacks Katara and makes both her and Aang, two very traumatized child soldiers, think he is going to kill her.
More importantly, when Ozai wants to burn down Earth Kingdom cities, he says "A new world will rise from the ashes, and I'll be supreme ruler of everything", to which Zuko concludes that, if they don't save the world before his dad takes over, there won't be a world to save.
And what does he say to Aang when he is about to kill him? "You're weak, just like your people. They didn't deserve to live in world, in my world."
Avatar does questions pacifism, and is critical of it on ocasion (again, watch "The Library"). But it's biggest theme is being critical of VIOLENCE, of resorting to it immediately without considering any other option and acting like it doesn't have long-lasting negative consequences, both to the person suffering it to the person inflicting it (see Azula's breakdown, Zuko's angry outburts only making him more miserable, Jeong Jeong growing to resent being a firebender, Zhao accidentally burning his own ships, etc)
The show is constantly highlighting that, yes, sacrifices need to be made for the greater good - but that CAN'T be normalized because it inevitably leads to a never-ending cicle of cruelty, as well as suffering to the one who has to do the dirty job (because lets not forget there's a big difference in how a soldier that is constantly in battle sees the war and how a king that just gives the orders but never goes into the actual combat sees the war).
The show embraces pacifism, despite knowing some versions of it are flawed, because the narratives themes are:
1 - EVERYONE is capable of great good and great evil
2 - No group has the right to impose it's own lifestyle onto others
3 - If everyone is either dead, mentally (and physically) scarred for life, or preparing to kill someone as revenge, then being killed by someone who wants to avenge that person, who will themselves be killed for revenge later, then the "greater good" you're sacrificing everything for doesn't actually exist because NO ONE will have a good life in a world that is stuck in the cicle of violence.
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shanastoryteller · 3 months
happy birthday Shana! I would like to read Zagreus the Prince or anything FMA. Or if those are already done, dealer's choice!
continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Thanks to Catherine, and several more shopping trips, and even more time spent at Catherine's home when Alex is sure to be gone, Eden is very confident in her ability to look like a girl. Not just a girl, but a girl from the city, dressing in fashions that are current and pretty and that make her feal beautiful and settled in her skin and like the past five years of lies hasn't taken anything that she couldn't get back.
It also means she's now able to be excellent bait for the serial killer running around Central.
"Sister, you can't be serious!" Al squawks, which she really doesn't understand. Ed had had told him the plan from the beginning. "He'll try and kill you!"
She stares. "Yeah, Al. That's kind of the point."
He mimes strangling her. If he had a body, his face would be so red right now. "That's stupid!"
She is older and mature and not going to take offense to that, because come on. "Al, please. He's not even an alchemist. What do you really think he's going to do to me?"
"He doesn't have to be an alchemist to slit your throat!" he shouts. He should really be more mindful of how thin the walls in the dorm are.
Ed rolls her eyes. The things she's fought, and one guy with a knife is going to get the drop on her? Yeah, right. She ignores that, since Al clearly isn't interested in being logical about this. "He won't though. Because he likes to torture them first, he kidnaps them and moves them and tortures them and then kills them and chops them up and drops them across the city. Because he's sick like that. So I let him take me and then with a clap of my hands I put that idiot behind bars and I call the police. Okay?"
"And when he starts talking about a blond girl who used alchemy without circles?" Al asks pointedly.
Hm. Okay, maybe she didn't think of everything. "So I'll wait until his back is turned. Or just knock him out and tie him up. I won't really need alchemy for this one. He's just a guy."
A terrible guy. Who's killed over a dozen women.
Frankly, Eden is going to enjoy this.
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reconnaissance (1/3)
Bucky Barnes x f!reader
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Reader goes on a recon mission with the White Wolf himself, formerly the Winter Soldier, which goes awry.
(a.k.a. you two idiots are clearly in love but don't do anything about it, until circumstances become so heightened that you are forced to)
masterlist ▪︎ word count: <1k
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"Come in, do you copy?"
You keep walking, ignoring Bucky's increasingly grating tone in your earpiece.
"Respond, do you hear me? Meet back at the rendezvous in 2 minutes." Bucky tries again, seemingly deciding that this recon stint is done and dusted. Without even consulting you.
"I know what I'm doing, Buck." You keep up your pace, tailing the man you're supposed to gather intel on. He rounds the corner and unlocks a room, presumably his own office on the base, and disappears inside. "I'll meet you as soon as I'm finished."
"You are finished." Bucky snaps right back. He's only a block away, but he's getting worried that if something were to happen to you, he wouldn't make it on time. "We're only meant to scout the area, assess their operation. Not tail them right inside their fuckin' HQ."
"Woah there, grandpa, watch your language." You smirk, and you can picture him grinding his teeth in frustration. Why is he so worried anyhow? From what you've gathered, this organization is made up of a bunch of blip fanatics who want to restore the world to how Thanos left it. Balanced, sure, as the old shriveled grape said. But also in chaos - with everyone sufferring loss and living listlessly.
These people are insane. And insane is easy to handle, as far as you're concerned. Not one of the big 3 - aliens, androids, and wizards - just pure idiotic nutters.
Bucky has resorted to pacing on the roof of the dilapidated apartment complex he uses as a viewpoint. "Something's not right here. The man you're tailing was never meant to head to their HQ today. I have a feeling they found us out."
"Did they also figure that I would not give a rat's ass about that and - "
"Take the bait?" Bucky interjects.
"No. That I would beat them at their own game. " You whisper irately. You pause when the man comes out of his office and walks away from where you hide. "Wait, I'm going in."
"Don't do anything stupid, doll." Bucky pleads. For a moment, you want to cave in. He no longer sounds bossy, or annoying, like he tends to be on missions where it's just the two of you. He usually tells you to stick to the plan, to stick with him. Like you're incapable of going off on your own. Sure, he has decades more experience, and the effects of a Super Soldier serum to boot, but you wish he would just trust you. But he sounds like he's either desperate to get back home and get this shit over with, or he actually cares that much about you. "Just come back to me. Now. "
"Bucky," you breathe, steadying yourself. "C'mon. This'll be just like that time in Gdansk."
He feels an ounce of relief creeping in. Maybe you're right. "Then I'll be waiting for you, doll. Like always."
Doll. That still sends shivers up your spine. But he doesn't have to know that, does he? You walk up to the office door, and try to make quick work of the lock. "I won't be long. And quit calling me doll."
"What then? Princess?"
"Sweetheart? Has a nice ring to it." He counters quickly. He must have been sitting on this one for a while.
"Bucky - "
"Yes, darlin'?"
"Alright, that's it. I'm done with this conversation." You warn him, but the colouring on your cheeks betray your tone. Good thing he's not around to call you out on it. The lock gives way, and the door creaks open. "I'm in."
"Damn it." You hear him mumble to himself, seconds later. "Why does she never listen? I think she's actually trying to kill me. Give me a damn heart attack."
"That's likely, isn't it?" You give an unsolicited response. "Considering that you're about 100 years old."
"106, actually." He quips back, pinching the bridge of his nose, tapping his foot, taking deep breaths. He tries everything to calm down and not agonize over you. But nothing works. Bucky doesn't know what he would do if anything were to happen to you.
No. That's not quite right. He doesn't know what he wouldn't do - because he would do anything, kill anyone, just to get you back.
And you just can't seem to grasp that. Though it might have something to do with how he constantly hovers over you like an overprotective older brother, with Sam once remarking how you've got yourself a personal bodyguard. You think that's all it is - Bucky being a nice guy. Bucky watching your back as you would do the same for him. Bucky wanting to keep you in line, so that the missions would go smoothly, especially since he is technically acting as your superior.
You don't see how Bucky's gaze lingers a bit too long on your lips when you relay your mission reports to him. How his hand often finds itself hovering over the small of your back when you walk side by side. You don't know that he observed (not stalked, according to him) how your date played out with that one fellow agent that asked you out. How he tried to find solace in the bottom of a bottle when you invited that agent back to your apartment.
And how he made arrangements to have that agent indefinitely reassigned to Eastern Europe the week after.
The office you enter is encased in shadow, the window shutters all lowered. You're careful not to turn on any switches, so as not to trigger alarms. With steady hands, you raise your Beretta 92FS before you, the accompanying flashlight illuminating the room.
Then you see it. A map of the city pinned to a board covering the east wall.
"Talk to me," Bucky barks in your ear. "What do you see?"
"Jackpot." You can't help but grin. Breaking Bucky's rules pays off after all. This'll show him. "It looks like some blueprint for how they plan to infiltrate the city. Red markings for the areas where they will release the poison in the water supply."
"And how the hell do you know that?"
"Well, boss," you roll your eyes. "probably because there's a note at the bottom of the damn map that says release poison in water supply."
Yeah. Oh.
"Don't take it with you," he starts, but you beat him to it.
"Course I won't. I've already got the whole thing memorized to a tee."
"Get out of there. Now." Bucky emphasizes, and you don't know whether to be touched by how worried he sounds.
"Alright, alright, keep your hair on." Taking one final look at the scene, you head back to the door. But the handle doesn't budge. "That's weird."
At that, Bucky knew something was definitely not right. As if he did not already warn you stay out of there. His blood runs cold, and he springs into action before you can say anything further. Sprinting down the street, he tries to get you to keep talking. "I told you not to do this, doll. I told you."
"I can handle it." But the door stays closed. It doesn't even respond to your exceptional lock-picking skills. You hear a whooshing sound to your right, like a mechanical panel opening. At once, you get into a defensive stance, gun at the ready.
You don't see anything, but you can smell it. It's some kind of gas. A strong sedative, you recall from your training.
"Oh, shit." You mutter. Holding your breath can only keep you safe for so long.
"Goddamnit," Bucky curses while running, not even out of breath, "it's gas, isn't it? I knew it, I just knew it, doll!"
"I'll try the windows." You offer, but quickly find out they're of no use. Sealed shut, like the door.
Bucky's rambling now, desperate. "Should've listened... you should've... stay with me, doll. Stay with me."
You still hear his voice as white spots flood your vision. Dread sinks in as you succumb to the sensation, but you steel yourself. You will get through this. You will.
Especially when you've got Bucky promising, "I'm coming for you, doll. No one is taking you from me."
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(a/n) yes, I've rewatched tfatws again. Which prompted this lil thing. Not that I was not absolutely besotted with our Bucky for a good long time back in the day (still am). Are y'all more for Steve or Bucky? Both would be better ofc, but I've never been able to choose. Let me know! 🤷🏻‍♀️💙
part 2 coming shortly!
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smartie-chan · 21 days
Long rambling incoming in 3,2,1...
I know that I'm not really any kind of big celebrity in the Stobotnik world. The only thing I've got going for myself is the fact that I've been there since the very beginning, with my one 'I'm so proud of this community' Meme getting a like or two every full moon or so. It's also been a hot second since I've written a Stobotnik Fic, and yet, I've never really left the fandom. Far from it.
So boooooy, when that trailer dropped, let's just say, I've been going wild! That being said, I have calmed down a tiny bit and woud like to share my two cents with you all.
Especially since, considering how gay the trailer was, I've noticed people kind of leaning into either of two camps.
Team 1: They might actually make it canon y'all. This is not a drill!!!!
Team 2: This is the most intense queerbaiting I've ever seen, but fuck it, take my money!
Now, I will tell you where I'm standing at the end of things, but let's talk facts before I do, shall we?
I know Jim & Lee were having fun on set during Movie 1, but I doubt either of them expected us all to get quite this feral over these two evil man. In fact, I'm not sure what their plans were for Agent Stone in general. I'd love to believe that they saw us freaking the fuck out and decided to make Stone a big part of the sequels because of that. But then I look at the Robotnik Mushroom Planet scene and think: They gave this man an actual stone to hold onto, going so far as to carve Stone's face into said stone, just so he could pretend he wasn't alone and Stone was still with him. Clearly, Robotinik was never willing to admit that he cared, admit that there could be someone who he had allowed to get close, given that there had never been anyone before who had cared enough about HIM, so why should HE make the mistake of caring about someone else either. Cause, you know, it's easier to pretend there's noone than admit that there could be, just to realise that you were wrong actually. And yet. Despite all that he held onto Stone the stone, like his life depended on it. I love that scene because it's hella gay, but I love it even more because it's amazing writing, giving us the payoff for the forshadwed "I won't miss you when you're gone" scene from way back when. They didn't have to do that. And yet they made that choice. Included that moment for a reason. So I'd love to think that even back then, they were very willing to play with the dynamic of them going forward.
Clearly things and plans changed After Movie 1 , after we saw these two and made Stobotnik as big as it is. I'll talk about movie 2 in a hot second, but let's return to the way they promoted 2 first. Cause THAT was CLEARLY queerbaiting ... or was it... ? For you see, they knew what they were doing, they knew how to get us all excited , posting this on Valentine, letting Sonic make a heart, drawing the whole thing in a romantic light, going so far as to include bi-lighting in the trailer. On top of the latte art that was designed to get us queers to show up. I saw that art, freaked out and showed it to all of my friends. One friend, let's call her Barbara, smiled at me, like you smile at somone who still believes in the Easter Bunny and told me she hoped I knew they were playing with me. In fact, she was kind of dissapointed I allowed them to get to me so much. And I KNEW. I knew they were trying to bait me. I'm not stupid. This isn't the first time I've been queerbaited after all. And it won't be the last time, that's for sure. And yet, I didn't care because I loved that they acknowledged us. Loved that they were willing to give us something, even if it wasn't actually real and they were clearly NEVER going to include actual ship latte art of Stone & Robotnik together. Cause that would be gay. Haha. And those two totally weren't gay. Ain't I right? :)) Queer rep has gotten more common and yet, so has queerbaiting. Cause nowadays the chance that something could be actually made canon is way more likely than it was, let's say, 15 years ago. So companies love to use that, love playing into that even more. Like, do I have to remind you all what they were doing for the Deadpool & Wolverine movie marketing ??? Just saying.
As much as I love Lee and as much as we're loosing our marbels every time he as much as winks in our direction, I'll not be using any of his posts as evidence for the points I'm about to make further down. Cause, you know, at the end of the day, he's just one of us as well. Another shipper. A hella supportive shipper who may or may not have had a hand in the way he portrayed Stone, but still. Love you Lee. Thank you for having our back!
So now. Movie 2. And the godforsaken Maid Dress Scene. I hope we are all proud of ourselves. Cause that scene was our doing. I promise you, promise you!!! they didn't have that planned before the fandom happend. They saw us and were like "You can have this. As a treat :3". Personally I didn't freak out as much as the rest of you all, but I'm glad you guys had fun. It was a gift to us after all, so I guess it's fine if we enjoyed it. Jokes aside though, let's get back to what movie 2 did, even though they may or may not have realised it at the time. As in: They made Stobotnik canon. What do you mean by canon, Smartie?????, you might ask. And I'll answer, cause it's simple: I mean canon, as in canon. Yes, that's right. Stobotnik has been canon for a while... or... at least 50% of it. Let's get back to the Latte, shall we? Back then I thought they were making fun of us. Queerbaiting at it's finest. And then the movie happend and Stone confessed his love right then and there for the world to see, basically drawing fanart into Robotnik's caffe for who knows how long and Robotnik? That stupid -3000 IQ genius knew. He fucking knew!! Has always known and was either unwilling to read between the lines or mistook the affection for simple loyalty. Not-Spoiler: It's the later by the way, because we have that deleted scene. That beautiful deleted scene. But let's get back to the art for a second. Because I was basically dying in my seat. And I didn't think people were talking about it enough, cause it was the proof, not that stupid maid outfit that was simply put in as a joke that audiences were supposed to laugh at. But this. This! The whole scene were Stone was lovesick and heartbroken, drawing art of his lost non-lover, the way the life returned to his eyes the second said man returned, on top of literally all of him for the rest of the movie prooved one thing to me: Agent Stone was in love with Dr. Robotnik. It's clear he's never said so out loud, and for a good reason, but he didn't have to. It was so obvious anyone with an IQ lower than 299 could have seen. Just a shame that that one 300 IQ guy couldn't. So now, deleted scene time. Woopwoop. :P Recall how they had planned to make Stone even more in love and heart-eyed - JESUS CHRIST MY GUY - but went for an alternative scene instead? In case you aren't familiar with the scene, it's basically Stone telling Robotnik how he's followed his guide-lines, making the Stone Comic Canon, how he's made sure noone touched his babies, how he's known he'd return, how he's waited for him all this time cause he knew KNEW he'd come back and for a second there Robotnik doesn't know what to say. He looks that man in the eyes and for a split second he wonders, questions, and then... then he's scared. Scared of what that could mean. Scared that he could actually mean something to someone and he panics and decides to use violence to laugh it off, to refelect, to pretend that in that moment, he didn't actually feel something. That Stone didn't make him feel ... vulnerable. Because at that point, he cares too. He's not ready to admit it, at least not without having to joke about it. But he does. He does!! And the thought of it being mutual scares him. Probably more than anything ever has. Because if he allows this, this feeling to settle and bloom, he's got to admit that this, whatever it is, has the power to destroy and hurt him. And he can't do that. Maybe not again. Maybe not ever. Not now. Not now that he's what... 40? and has found peace with the fact that he'll die alone.
I know they were leaning into Stobotnik a lot, but they also... kind of didn't, following the natural consequences of the stuff they had set up in the prior movie, allowing Robotnik to go through an actual character arc. It's subtle, and he's still and asshole - always wil be - but that doesn't change the fact that his arc still exists and is actually very well done. Stone doesn't really have that obvious of an arc. Because it's not really much of an arc, we're just learning more about him, fleshing out his character. The only thing we know for certain is, that he adores and loves Robotnik and that he's willing to betray everyone and everything for him. Even if Robotnik never loves him back. He's accepted that, as long as he's alowed a place at his side.
And now, my fellow shippers, movie 3. Or rather, pre-movie 3. And the much discussed question: Are we getting queerbaited? Well, that depends how you define queerbaiting, doesn't it? Is it queerbaiting if it's unrequited love? Cause that's our current standpoint. Stone has found his doctor, nursed him back to health, lived with him, been by his side for months (years) and the only thing that is standing in their way now is: Robotnik's feelings. They have great build-up, put this man on a path, shown us how he's grown and now all that's left is to see, how they'll decide to finish his story. If I look at all that's happend up to this point, from a writing/writer stand-point, I'd say, that it would make sense for Robotnik to admit, that he cares. Cause that has been his arc, his journey. To admit that yes: He doesn't care about humanity, but he does care about Stone. Has for a very long while in fact. Be that platonic, or romantic. Doing literally anything else would not make sense at that point and would actually be an insult to their own work. And their writing has been pretty solid, so I'm confident we will get something. Especially since... I HAVE seen the leaks. Now, storyboards are just that. Something from early development, something that could change. Which is why I'd normally ignore them.... iiiiiiiif it weren't for that one line from the trailer. That one. fucking. line. That made me realise: Holy shit, those mad lads are doing it. They are finishing Robotnik's arc. That's when I understood why Team 1 was loosing their marbels. Because,
SPOILER!!!!! he is going to admi it. He is going to admit it to himself, and he's gonna do something so wild and crazy it scares me more than you understand. The only question is. Will he surive to tell the tale? And if he does, will he be brave enough to share that admission with Stone?
I don't have links to the storyboard. In retrospect, I should have saved them. But what's done is done. Not that I cod delete the knowledge of what I've seen even if I tried. People seem hesitant to tell people all they have seen, cause those of us who have, and know the Sonic 2 story seem to have a good understanding of what and when that spoiler is taking place. And especially what outcome it seems to be leading into. But, if anyone asks, I am willing to share what it was I saw. If you really wanna know. If you are truly sure.
That being said. How do I feel about Stobotnik? I don't think we're getting a kiss. But I think (and hope) we're gonna get a moment. A moment of Robotnik being open, of him sharing that Stone means somethig to him. They even have the potential to include a joke here, of Stone perhaps attempting to hug Robotnik, for him to allow it for 3 seconds or so, only for him to punch Stone and say something along the lines of: "Okay, that's enough." You know, something close to the High Five moment, just THIS TIME they actually do the high five (or hug). You can have the feels and the joke. It's still Robotnik after all. It's what I'm hoping for, actually, cause I don't think Robotnik is ready for THAT admission quite yet. A hug though? That I could see.
I know we still have to fight against being exploited and played with, but that being said, I don't think love confessions have to always be that huge thing, that clashing of tongues and body parts. They can also be soft and quite. A moment of vulnerability and trust. Of openness. In fact, if Robotnik were to allow Stone a hug, it would be even more impactful than a kiss could ever be. He's hugging Gerald in the trailer, so they have shown me that they are not afraid to make this man hug.
It gives me hope. And it - and the leaks - are the reason why I'm Team 1. I think we could actually get canon Stobotnik you all. And I'm so hyped you don't understand. Let's see what Stobotnik marketing they are going to feed us over the next few months. I, for one, am looking forward to it. ^-^
Live long and prosper 🥚🖤🪨
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jamiedc-they-them · 5 months
Good People Part III: As you would have them do unto you. (Platonic)
Note: A summary of episode 3-4-beginning of 5. CW/ Discussions of PTSD flashbacks, trauma - mild mention of what happened in Reader's past; needles
Summary: Capture, being used as bait, having internal spirals you can't control, losing a finger, and almost having your organs harvested; something about that really bonds two people together.
Part 1 Part 2
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"It's smart," you say, carrying the head, "his idea. His head, and whatever the hell is inside it, for your dad. It's a fair trade."
"It's horrible," Lucy objects.
"Most things are here."
"I hate it."
"Yeah, me too," you admit.
"How have you survived all on your own up here? I mean, no weapons or anything," she then realises how that sounds, "sorry."
You wave it off, accidentally waving the head in her direction, "you're good. And, I used to. I wasn't alone. Had some people."
"What happened with them?"
"Most of them took our stash and ran."
"'Our'?" She catches onto.
You pause at a water filled place. No way you'll get through that without something eating you.
You clench your jaw, "yeah...I was the only one left after a few days."
"I'm -" she goes to reach out, then remembers how you reacted before. She doesn't touch you, but her hand hovers near your shoulder, and she instead finishes her sentence, "sorry. I'm sorry for, whatever happened."
You shrug, "yeah, well. Guy pissing on my wound ain't the worst thing in the world, I'll say that," you leave the conversation there.
As you try and find a way through, a gulper jumps out of the water. It grabs Lucy on the leg, and knocks you away.
"Y/N!" Lucy calls out, being dragged, "Y/N, my gun!"
You put a hand to your head, it ringing. You blink to focus your vision, finding Lucy's drug gun in front of you. You crawl to it, the world moving in slow motion almost.
"Here!" Lucy says, throwing you a shot. You open the gun, and slot it in place.
You aim it up, as Lucy tries to kick the thing to get it to let go of her leg.
You fire. It hits the target. It works for a moment. Lucy gets scratched, but she isn't worried about that right now.
"Y/N! The head!" she calls out to you. You're already watching the Gulper run away with it and go into the water. You are already up and running. Lucy isn't far behind you.
"Dang it!" she says, before looking at her Pipboy, looking at the tracker for it.
She takes off her bag.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" You say, putting an arm out to stop her, "I'll go. I can swim better."
"You can't be serious!"
"Like you ain't just gonna jump in there yourself!"
A whistle breaks up your argument. There he is, the Ghoul from before. Lucy is on the ground the next moment, and a pistol is in your face.
"Don't move now, sunshine," he says to you, before asking Lucy about the head.
She doesn't know, she lies. Even saying "I lost it" instead of we.
So, you're both then tied up, and dragged.
To you, it's too similar to...to before.
You go silent, almost numb.
Lucy is dunked in the water. She keeps begging with the Ghoul, that doesn't help with your memories...
"Be like your friend," the Ghoul says, "and be more quiet, huh?"
You don't talk, not for a long time in your journey. You're just stuck in your head.
She's tried to talk to you time and time again, each time getting more concerned - even airing it to the Ghoul - but nothing comes of it. There's only one instance, when he talks to his Ghoul friend, you come back, sensing the atmosphere. You turn to Lucy, and look away from the scene. Lucy looks to you. It's enough to not let her see the man get shot at least. Even if the blood hits you both.
She can see that you've gone back to how you were when you first met, a mess on the edge it seemed. Desperate, and dying.
Now, more than ever, she understands what that's like.
"Y/N...drink, please," she begs. And, for a moment, you come out of your internal hell.
Slowly you approach it. And then human instinct takes over. You drink, as much as you can fit in your mouth, greedily. It isn't like when she met you. Here, you're a survivor. Not a friend.
You couldn't be that survivor right now. So, she would be in your place. She promises to.
It's why she runs, to try and buy you some time to fight back.
She gets lassoed, but rips off a finger. She loses her own.
"Now, as much as I respect you for it," the Ghoul admits, "try that again, and it's your friend who's next. And I'll give them something to stew over, ok?"
She nods, but he see's the threat in her eyes as well. A fire that's there. He looks back to you. someone who is so lost.
It reminds him of himself in the first few years of his search. He doesn't ask you, though. He tells himself he doesn't care - and, part of that is true, you're just cargo to get more of his meds - but, it's mainly because he's scared of what you'll say. And if it'll drag him back there as well. Grief, loss, pain, a hell of a motivator, but something you could also drown in as well. He drowned for a bit, for god knows how long - it's how his legend grew. But, he pulled himself together. Once you're gone, you can pull yourself together or not - that's not up to him.
So, he leaves you alone. Continues with Lucy, shooting the Vault-tech sign and all. He hated putting his thumb up for that dumb advert.
Lucy looks back to you. That gunshot has made you jump, but now your eyes are darting around. You're trying to find exits. You're, somewhat, back in the present.
You look to her, genuinley fearful - but she's just glad you're back with her. That she's not alone anymore. Selfish, she knows, but she's glad. Gets her hopes up somewhat.
You arrive at your destination, a supermarket. There, the trade goes by.
"Nice to have you back with us, sunshine," The Ghoul says to you, "shame it happened too late," he quips before shoving you forward.
You and Lucy enter the market. A Mr Handy robot greets you both.
"You will both be swell in no time," the bot says to you. Another, identical bot, approaches you, "my colleague here will have you in tip-top shape in no time."
You look to Lucy, 'fight' you say to her. She nods; 'be safe' is what she says to you.
You both go to different rooms.
"Now, my friend," the Handy says to you, "how may I help you today?"
"Uh, couple of cuts," you say, "some infection of some kind from urine."
"Oh, I do say, old chap, that does not sound sanitary at all!" you shrug, "well, not to worry. I have just the thing for you here."
You see the robot go past different cabinets. It even spins around at some point - maybe it was the urine that threw it off - but finally it finds something for you. Rad-away, and some antibiotics.
"Get those down you and let the Rad-away do its thing, and you should be good as new in no time at all!"
You inject the radaway into you, and take the antibiotic. You don't know if it's just you making it up in your own mind - fooling yourself - but you do feel stronger.
"How do you feel, old chum?"
"Better," you say, "thank you."
"Absolutely no worry, at all, my friend. Now, just sit still for this next part."
You do so, but soon regret it; as you are forced down onto the chair.
"What the fuck --"
"Now, now, no need for language like that! All will be ok soon. Just a small prick for your organs and then you're free!"
Well, when you put it like that --
A saw starts up. You struggle in the straps. Restrained, and having no choice but to wait for death, you've been here before. It was what made you be alone.
You manage to, just, loosen one of your arms, and turn just enough to make the saw hit the straps. You grab a tray, swinging it into the robot. Using the brief time you have, you undo your other strap and shove the bed into it. Adrenaline at a high. You can fight this time. You can stop it this time.
You grab a scalpel, and jam it into one of the eyes. You do it to another after dodging a swing or two. It falls to the floor, and you begin stamping on it. It won't get up, but you also can't let it live. This isn't a man pissing on you; this was something - programmed by someone - to harvest your organs. This is a threat. A raider like threat.
Still, this Mr Handy isn't to blame. It's been programmed to kill you. That, and it did heal you.
So, you crouch down, putting a hand on its head, say 'I'm sorry' to it, before driving your blade into it one more time.
It doesn't speak after that.
Removing the scalpel, you collect yourself. You did it. You set it right. The ghosts in your head can leave you alone now.
You get up, finding what sharp objects you can, before you start to leave and --
"Oh! Oh, Y/N, thank god!" you run directly into Lucy.
You both give each other a once over, nodding when you don't find any wounds.
"You have colour to your cheeks!" Lucy celebrates, "did yours --?"
"Try and kill me? Yeah. Yours --" you pause, looking at Lucy's, "...didn't?"
She looks back at it, then to you, "Oh, no, it did. I just reprogrammed it."
You put out your bottom lip and nod, impressed, "atta girl."
Lucy chuckles, "alright, what do you say we bust this place?"
You nod, and smile a genuine one, "let's do it," you say.
So, together, you do. Making them release the Ghouls. The last one...however, isn't a good call.
"Move!" you say, dragging Lucy away right as she grabs a gun. It goes off, the Ghoul goes silent. It's just you both left.
Lucy looks at her hands.
You get up, and move in front of her, crouching down, "it - it's ok," you say, not used to being the comforting type after so long...the ghost in your head of your previous time being like this play on you. Lucy isn't like that, like them, she's alive. She's had your back. So far, anyway.
She looks to you again, eyes lost like your one's once were.
"Hey..." you say, putting your hand out, letting it hover near hers. She looks to it, to you.
"How -- I --"
"I know, I know," you say, "it's ok. You had to."
It takes a moment, before she gathers herself. Her eyes go a shade of colder, "the, uh, the man who took us?" she says, seemingly out of the blue, "he traded us for those," she nods her head to something to your side; looking, you see it's vials. Orange ones.
You look back to Lucy, "no one else?" you say, knowing her line of thinking.
She nods, "no one else. Not if we can avoid it."
So, you give the Ghoul some vials, and leave him be to whatever it is that's next for him. It's not up to you.
Now it's you both again, walking side by side with some weapons to your name.
"Can I ask you something personal?" Lucy asks. her voice isn't as chirpy or in awe of everything as before. It's rougher, more serious.
You nod.
"What were you thinking about as we were dragged along?"
"Some people I let down."
She nods, "your family."
"I thought they were."
She nods again, "I lost some of mine, too. I never really knew my mother. I lost some friends to Raiders."
You nod this time, "you know what they're like then."
"You know they made me watch?" Lucy stays silent, knowing that you need this, "they took all my stuff, killed all my friends who wouldn't join them? Left me for dead. A...reminder, or something."
"How long ago was that?"
"Lost my Pip," you say, "didn't really count the days. Just sort of wandered as best I could. Guess I hoped the circles or something would be best punishment."
"You don't deserve that."
"Yeah, well, you don't deserve to be hauled around like cargo," you say, coming to a stop, "you don't deserve to drink that piss water. Or get shot at, or anything. You deserve the vault, and family and not the fucked up place that is up here with fucked up people like me!"
You hate the tears building in your eyes. Lucy hates seeing them.
"I'm not a good person, Lucy. And, to be honest, I don't fully know why you came looking for me."
"Because you're my friend -"
"Am I?" you fire back with, "I mean, jesus, I got you to Filly, got shot, then came with you for my own survival. I didn't help with the Ghoul, or any of that."
"Am I angry at you?"
"I don't know why you aren't."
"Because, and it's why I came back for you; you're my friend, when things come down to it, I know you'll help me," that smile returns, one of a genuine belief in people and her mission. You shut your eyes, your mind and ghosts of past failures telling yourself you don't deserve that look - let alone being called a friend - but you open your eyes and look at them. Not hiding from them.
You hear something, a cry out, and both turn to an abandoned tunnel.
You both go forward. Roaches are climbing over a Brotherhood of Steel suit. You and Lucy shoot the roaches.
"Look, my friend and I here, everyone we've met so far - aside from each other - have tried to kill us," Lucy tells the man in the suit. He promises he won't.
Lucy goes to say more, but instead vomit comes out.
"I have rad-away!" the man says, "I can help. Please, just let me out!"
Lucy collapses. You don't even think, you catch her and lay her down. Trying to shake her back awake.
"She doesn't have long until she's unconscious," the suit says, "I have what she needs to -"
"I know what she needs! Come on Lucy, come on!" You say, shaking her again. More vomit leaves her. You put her on her side.
"Look, just let me out and I can help her! Please! Please!"
You don't have many options. Desperation is a hell of a motivator. You go to the suit, turning the wheel and letting the man out.
"Thank you. Thank you --" he says to you.
"Thank me by saving her," you say, pointing to Lucy.
He nods, grabbing the radaway like he said. You put Lucy's head in your lap.
"You're gonna be fine, ok. You're gonna be fine," you promise her. You move some hair from her face. She coughs.
The man looks to you, and you nod. He injects the needle into Lucy. You see the transfusion start.
It takes time, but slowly the colour starts to return to Lucy's skin.
"Can --" she whispers, quietly, "can I hold your hand?" she asks.
You put your hand in hers.
"I - I knew I was a good judge of character," she wheezes, eyes opening and blinking a few times as she recovers, "I knew you were a friend."
You chuckle, half between that and a sort of sob of joy, "yeah," you say, "yeah, guess you were right."
You look to the Knight you saved, and give a nod of gratitude. He nods back, and sits back onto his hands, trying to recover himself, He's covered in sweat, likely having been put in the suit for a while.
"Thank you," you say to him, gratitude pouring through and walls being fully down.
"Thank you," he parrots back.
You nod, looking back down at your friend. She looks at you, giving you a smile.
You smile back.
She's ok. You haven't failed this time.
You've saved a friend.
You've saved a friend.
Part 4
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starlight-bread-blog · 6 months
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"Katara Just Needed To Heal Zuko's Scar"
I understand why this argument is being made. After all, she offered to heal Zuko, and so she does. So why are the shippers trying to paint it as some romantic moment? It's a reasonable question. But I'm gonna try to answer it.
Zuko and Katara weren't in love in this scene for two reasons: Firstly, it's their first conversation, making any romantic development feel rushed and unnatural. Secondly, as fictional characters, they don't possess hidden feelings, unless the writers have confirmed otherwise.
So what argument is being made? The argument is that this moment is an example of ship baiting and could have served as romantic build up if the writers decided to go down that route, and I'll explain why.
1# Just because an action was necessary, doesn't mean it can't be seen as romantic
I know how this sounds, but hear me out. Let us take a look at another show, where you'd least expect to see a romantic connection, and the action was completely necessary. I want to discuss Rick and Morty's Beth x Beth.
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Beth is the last person who'd have tension with Beth, clearly it's disgusting. And she really did have to install that chip. But the thought did cross your mind, they did get together, and this scene was romantic build up, despite not being romantic in-universe.
Now that we've looked at the most extreme example ever, it's time to look at a classic: Aladdin. One of the most iconic moments in the movie is when Aladdin simply offers his hand to Jasmine so she'd get on the flying carpet, asking "Do you trust me"?
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Aladdin isn't asking if Jasmine trusts him because they're deeply bonded, he asks that because she's scared to get on the flying carpet. And he isn't reaching for her hand because he wants to hold her hand, he reaches because she'd needhelp getting on it. And yet, it's universally recognized as an incredibly romantic moment.
Very often writers use the mundane necessities like casual touch to set up romantic tension. This narrative approach allows for the gradual planting of the idea in the audience's mind, even in situations where intimacy may not be overtly present, adding nuance and depth to romantic storylines. And in fiction, it's everywhere.
2# The set up wasn't just necessity, it was an intimate moment
In this section I won't try to prove the gesture was romantic, I simply think it's crucial to understand the scene before analyzing it. Katara offering to heal Zuko's scar wasn't a necessity, the touch was the necessity after she already made the offer. This leaves us with a scene that begins with Katara thinking of Zuko as "the face of the enemy", and ends with Katara attempting to heal Zuko's scar.
The moment became intimate the second Katara brought up her mother, and Zuko, who doesn't normally share his emotions, make and effort to connect. Thus, they began to view the other differently, as someone similar to them.
Still, this is their first conversation. And Katara is under no obligation to be even somewhat nice to him. But she decides to use her spirit water on him, and if she had, Aang would have died. That's how important the spirit water is. Saying she "just needed to heal is scar" is quite reductant in my opinion. Choosing to heal him in and of itself is a radical and intimate decision.
Still, non of what I said so far is indicative of romantic build up. Nor is giving other examples from fiction of necessities being romantic indicative of this one being too. So, it's time to finally talk about the touch.
3# The action wasn't actually necessary, to the point where it makes very little sense
Let's remember how Katara did heal using the spirit water:
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She bends the water straight on Aang's back and starts bending it. I repeat: She bends the water straight on the injury.
So writers, please do tell me, if Katara wanted to heal Zuko's scar, where is the water?
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No water and no healing, becsuse it wouldn't look as intimate/shippy with water. Instead, what we got is two shots highlighting the pysical touch between them with soft violin sounds in the background.
In literature, what isn't in text isn't important and should be disregarded. Here, on paper Katara is healing Zuko's scar, but in practice there is no water and all of the focus is on the touching. Therefore, it's signaling the viewers that even though she just needs to cure him, it isn't important. With Katara's thumb on Zuko's lips, with a close up shot on the contact, the only thing that matters is, apparently, their pysical touch.
Additonally, they were interrupted before Katara could do actually anything anyway. In a universe where this scene wasn't ship teasing, Katara would take out the water, almost lay them on Zuko's scar, and then Aang and Iroh would break them out of the cave. Logically, Katara's hand shouldn't have gone anywhere near Zuko, and if it did, it should have looked incredibly unappealing.
But it didn't. In this already very intimate moment, the show puts all the focus on the pysicality of the healing, rather than the healing, and breaking its own logic to do so. Thus, they made it look a lot less like a simple necessity, but rather an act of pure intimacy, as often done in fiction when portraying romantic tension. And that's why this scene was ship baiting.
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lol-jackles · 3 months
Walker episode 11 review
For the last two episodes I theorized Cordell was setting himself up as bait in order for his team to catch the Jackal who eluded them for 5 years.  It's why he won't loop them in, especially Cassie, because of course they would never go along with the hairbrained plan.  But I'll have to wait for the next episode to see if I'm right as this episode takes an unique approach (for this show) by taking place mostly in the beautiful nightmare that Cordell is trapped in where Emily and Hoyt are alive, their two families intact and happy, yet also emotionally charged and distant.
The reunion between Cordell and Emily is done to the soundtrack of mournful melodic strings that made me think of Ireland against the ocean's cold wave. Disclaimer, I've never been to Ireland.
It's August's graduation day and Cordell and Emily arrive at the farmhouse where everybody is, including Stella and August who didn't travel with their parents.  A call back to the start of the season when Cordell's worried about "the quiet' with his kids were already out of house or on their way out.  
Cordell asks Liam, who arrived from New York City, if he knows why Stella isn't talking to him.  In the real world, Cordell went looking for his wayward daughter before he was abducted by the Jackal.  Liam brushes off Cordell's concern and gives him a disgusting-looking smoothie to drink, a concoction that the Jackal feeds his paralyzed victims.  The front door of the farmhouse opens on its own and Abbie complains that the unseen dogs will get out.  In the real world the Rangers find Cordell's motel room containing files of the Jackal's first victim. The ranger figure he must have been grabbed as he was leaving through the door.  Back in the dream world, Cordell walks through the door and spots a shirt on the ground (is it his?) and he's immediately grabbed from behind by Hoyt.  While it's a callback to season 1's reunion between them, the tone of the scene plays differently, telling us that the Jackal must have ambushed Cordell from behind.  Then Hoyt says Stella is Cordell because she's "not here".  
Que title card, which is done inverse of its usual color.
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We are treated to the first scene of Abbie, Emily, and Geri together cleaning mushrooms from Abbie's famous secret mushroom hunts.  Emily is sad and doesn't want to face with what comes after.  Cordell overhears from another room and is surprised by how emotional Emily is over August's impending graduation, which reflects Cordell's own quiet dread over his youngest child leaving home.
The scene switches to Cordell and Bonham playing a poker game using chips Emily gifted him before her death. But Cordell is distracted because he's forgotten something important.  Bonham tells him to retrace his step and Emily is frustrated that he doesn't look at his "what if" list and says she tired over doing everything herself.  Cordell asked if he had taken her for granted.  They're facets of Cordell's identities talking to him, perhaps Cordell is tired of trying to be there for what everyone needs.  The front door opens by itself and Emily complains that the still unseen dogs are going to get out.  
When ever Cordell asks what is wrong, the front door opens.  Twice when Cordell goes through the door he finds Hoyt, who remenist when he was a lad he came to the ranch on Abbie insistence during a time when Cordell supposedly didn't know he was there, though Cordell must have known because this is his mind.  Abbie told Hoyt how Cordell holds on to the quiet, which Cordell insists he never told his mother.  Of course Abbie and Hoyt knew, he is Abbie and Hoyt in the dream world.  Abbie kept telling him that he "doesn't have to be here" while Bonham is being sassy, again facets of Cordell's personality as we never seen Bonham be sassy, just Cordell.
Hoyt says he will ask Geri to marry him because she deserves the best, which Cordell agrees that she deserves the best though not necessarily agreeing about the two of them marrying.  I don't think Cordell wants to marry Geri just yet, they barely moved in together before he freaked out over the missing shirt gift by the late Emily.
Liam joins Hoyt and Cordell, bringing drinks.  More food by the Jackal?  After Bonham, Liam is behaving very un-Liam like.  He's distant and also focused on the present.  Liam says, "it's time to go" and Hoyt claps his hands, and the scene switches to the Jackal clapping over an unconscious Cordell to test his awareness.  Immediately afterwards they arrive for August's graduation ceremony taking place at Ranger HQ.  Stella is in near tears, unsure she could be brave as her father, whom she misses so much.  Stella is the only one not wearing black and instead wears a bright red dress. The auditorium type room is flanked by rows of potted plants which represent the forest where he's being buried in the real world.  We see from Cordell's pov from the ground as Hoyt and Sadie studies him from overhead and complains about underestimating the length of the grave to accommodate Cordell's tall stature. Me: Ha I knew it, Jackal had a partner which was why 1) he/they were never caught and 2) of course it takes two of them to capture Cordell. 
Cordell sees August on stage and for a moment Cordell thought he missed his son's graduation. There's been an underlying fear of missing August's graduation through the episode like when he missed Stella's graduation because he was abducted by Grey Flags.  
Me: Oh that's right, bad guys are kidnapping Cordell right before his children's graduation. Once was bad enough but twice? Stella and August are going to feel like curses to their father.
August is trying to hold back tears as he gives an eulogy while Cordell, flanked by the late Hoyt and late Emily, watches with growing denial as the scene changes into his funeral.  August talks about his father's love for Shakespeare, a call back to season 1 and 2.  I'm convinced if Lindsay hadn't left, the show would have expanded on the Shakespear reference in Cordell and Linday's banter.  Emily passes out rosemary flowers to everyone for remembrance, earlier Emily asks Cordell to remember his "what if" list.
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All the characters in Cordell's dream have to act like their real-world counterparts, but also not like their real-world counterparts because they're actually facets of him.  Emily and Hoyt are most like their characters, likely because they're dead.  I debated if they are really Emily and Hoyt visiting Cordell from the afterlife because he's close to death.  They interacted with the rest of the Walker clan to give him strength through them: Stella "my love" is told she is brave, August finds strength in his emotion, Abbie and Geri told everything will be alright, that Geri deserves the best - because Cordell deserves the best and he needs to know everything will be alright when his kids fly the coop and sometimes he's tired of being the one who is supposed to be there for everyone but feeling he has failed them.
Cordell sees his black casket covered with blood-red roses, the same color as Stella's dress.  In the real world, the Rangers are searching the forest and Luna finds an empty shallow grave.  He calls Cassie to say Cordell must have been moved from the grave, so not only is he near but still alive.   Luna and Cassie celebrate too early and Luna gets attacked from behind.
Cordell and Emily are left alone together. He opens the casket only to find it empty.  Emily pleads for him to wake up, but he rather be with her.  Dirt begins to fall on him, which doesn't seem to bother him.  Emily says, "He's right there". James, Trey, and Cassie arrives at the now-filled grave and Luna no where to be found.  James and Trey dig Cordell up as Cassie follows a blood trail to look for Luna.  Trey, putting his military medic skill to use, gives an antidote to Cordell and his first words are "He's right there". 
James stays with Cordell while Trey runs, following Cassie's screams upon finding Luna on the ground, bleeding. She cradles Luna as he appears to die in her arms against the same mournful melodic strings music when Cordell was reunited with his late wife.
Score: 8.5 out of 10. I point deduction for Cordell not saving himself.  Half point deduction for giving Cassie the Sam Winchester treatment and killing off her boyfriends two seasons in the row.  If the next episode says Cordell set himself as bait, then I'll return a point.
ETA: speculation - Cordell set himself up as bait by using the first victim's profile, which acts as a kind of notification alert to the Jackals. My guess is the Jackals killed bunch of unconnected random people to hide their true target and hence why they can't be found. Back in 2002, John Allen Muhammad wanted to kill his ex wife so went on a sniper killing spree in DC, killing 17 people, with the intent to make his ex wife look like just one of many random victims and he will remain undiscovered. It was almost a fluke that he was discovered sleeping in a rest stop.
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vioartemis · 1 year
I'll die with you (part 6)
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: After your mom's death, you were ready to kill Ghostface. Whoever it was. At least that's what you thought, before realizing it might be one of your friends Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 Warnings: Ghostface stuff, death of a character (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
Tears were rolling down your cheeks as Gale's body fell to the ground.
You got up, shaking, and punched the button as hard as you could, letting out a cry of despair. The mechanism finally decided to work, and the glass wall started to go upwards.
But it was slow. Too slow to allow you to rush to your mom yet.
As the wall went up, Ghostface looked at you and whipped his blade before turning on his heels, removing what held the stairwell's door closed and running away. You couldn't wait any longer and crawled under the glass.
At the moment, chasing the killer was the last thing on your mind.
You knelt next to your mom and applied pressure on her wounds. But the cut on her throat was deep. Way too deep. Despite all your efforts, blood continued gushing out of the wound.
"I-it's okay... you're gonna-"
"Y/n..." the tone of her voice broke you, and her weak smile didn't help "I'll tell your dad you say hi..."
"Wh- no no no no...! You can't you- don't leave me too..."
Tara was worried about you. Since your mom died, you weren't the same. She could understand that, of course, but you didn't say a word to anyone, including her.
She tried to talk to you, only to be met by dead eyes staring into the void. You weren't responding, even when she kissed you. Sam ended up telling her to leave you alone for the moment, and they both exited the room you were sitting in.
Everything around you was blurred, nothing mattered anymore. Both your parents were attacked by Ghostface, and each time you couldn't save them.
Was continue trying even worth it? You were all going to die anyway. You, Mindy, Lexi, Sam, Tara... Tara...You couldn't stand seeing her suffer again. She was the only thing you had left. The only one.
You couldn't let him take her away from you. Not her too.
The grief you were experiencing since your mom's death was replaced by an overwhelming wrath.
He was not going to hurt her in any way. You would do everything in your power to prevent that from happening. Even if it meant killing him yourself.
Especially if it meant killing him yourself.
Loud voices in the hall made you snap out of your 'trance'.
"I told you it wasn't going to work! Her theory was bullshit, not everything revolves around her!" it was Lexi's voice
"At least she tried to find a plan! What did you do huh? N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Oh no, sorry, you couldn't stop complaining about how you didn't to be the bait! How useful." Tara defended you
"You know damn well that's not true! I tried to tell you all that was a shit plan, that we should- You know what? I don't care. I'm leaving. She can die alone, just like her father."
That sentence made your wounds burn and your rage build up.
Before you could realize it, you were storming out of your room and grabbing the blonde by the collar, pinning her against the wall with force.
"What the fuck did you just say?" you said, teeth clenched
"You heard me perfectly."
You would have punched her on the spot if it wasn't for Tara to put her hand on your arm gently.
"Y/n, she's not worth it..."
You looked at your girlfriend for a second, before releasing the other girl.
"Oof, thank you Tara. Your crazy girlfrie-"
She didn't get to finish her sentence, cut off by Tara's fist meeting her face. She looked offended but didn't try to fight back and simply turned to Mindy.
"You coming with me or...?"
The brunette started following her girlfriend but turned around and mouthed you 'I'll try to convince her', leaving you alone with Tara.
"I thought you said she wasn't worth it"
"Well, I was wrong. Who does she think she is to talk about you like that?" she mumbled
You grabbed her hand gently, thumb brushing over her red knuckles.
"Thank you for punching her, it was satisfying to watch" you said, lips curling up slightly
"Where are Mindy and Lexi?" Sam asked, arriving with coffee in her hands
"They left"
"Lexi wants to leave Woodsboro. Mindy said she would try to convince her that it's useless" Tara explained
"And you let them go? Splitting up is the worst thing to do right now!"
"I don't know." you started "Maybe staying only the three of us is the best option."
"What do you mean?"
"Our plan was good; it should have worked. He had no reason not to follow us."
"Are you trying to say that-"
"He knew."
The two girls looked at you with wide eyes.
"He knew...?"
"He knew what we wanted to do. He tampered with the mechanism. He even blocked the doors! That cannot be a coincidence!"
"But how?" Sam questioned
"Someone might have heard us. Or... or one of us is Ghostface"
"Maybe that's what he wants us to believe. He makes us doubt each other and then... He gets us one by one." Tara suggested, way too quickly to your taste
Why did she react this fast? She didn't have that kind of scruples when she accused Damian to be the killer. Why was she being so defensive now...?
You looked at her, eyebrows slightly furrowed. She wouldn't... she wouldn't be Ghostface, right? No, she was with you during every attack.
Which gave her a perfect alibi, said the little voice in your head, speaking for this tiny little part of yourself that thought it might be her.
You were on the verge of slapping yourself for thinking that it could be your girlfriend. It couldn't be her. You hoped it wasn't her.
And if it was her... you preferred not to think about it.
Your phone ringing in your pocket made you snap out of your thoughts. It was a text from Mindy: 'I have a plan. Meet us at the old house near the hospital at 6.'
At the agreed time, Sam, Tara and you were in front of the house, wondering what could possibly be her plan in such a place. The house was decrepit; no one had lived here for a long time.
"Are you sure we're at the right place?" Sam asked
"Yes, there's no other 'old house near the hospital'"
"Couldn't she find a better location...? This house's creepy"
You shrugged. There were rumors in school saying it was haunted by its former owner's ghost. You never believed it, but you had to admit the atmosphere wasn't pleasant.
Maybe five minutes after, Mindy and Lexi arrived, soon followed by... Damian?
"They let you out?" the blonde asked the boy
"I told you I was innocent..." he simply replied
"We still don't know that." Mindy intervened, eye siding him, before turning to you "Why did you brought us here?"
You gave her a confused look.
"What? You're the one who texted me to meet you here!"
"I did not? Tara messaged me half an hour ago telling me to come here at 6" the brunette said, confused
You turned to your girlfriend with a questioning look on your face.
"I didn't text you?"
"Yes you did"
Mindy took out her phone and showed the text. It was indeed from Tara.
"I got the same" Damian added, showing his phone too
You showed them what you received too, more confused than ever.
Just when you thought things couldn't get weirder, someone else arrived. Sidney Prescott, your 'aunt'. Why was she here? Wasn't she supposed to stay with Mark and their daughters?
"Sidney? What are you doing here?"
"Your mom texted me. She said you would need my help here and that without me it wouldn't work"
Your heart sank at her words.
"When did she text you...?"
"Maybe two hours ago. Why?"
Your eyes widened and your heart started beating faster.
"W-we need to get the fuck out of here..."
"What? Y/n what are you-"
"She can't have texted you"
"Because I killed her."
The voice made you all jump. You turned around, only to be met by a tall, black figure standing in front of you. Ghostface was here.
It was a trap. There was no way out, he was in front of the garden's exit. The only option you had was going in the house. Into his trap.
He had planned everything; lured you here and blocked the way out so you were forced to go inside. You couldn't escape.
When the killer took a step closer, knife out, you all ran in the house, except for Sidney who took out a gun and tried to shoot him. You didn't know if she got him of not, but she soon followed you inside.
You slammed the door shut as soon as Sidney got in, and Tara and Sam pushed a cupboard against it, keeping it close. Damian took out his phone and dialed 911.
"Shit, there's no network here..."
"What do we do then? We can't call the police nor go outside!" Lexi complained
"We try to stay alive" Sidney said calmly
"And we kill him." you added
"No more 'we arrest him'? Now you want to kill him? May I remind you that last time your plan failed miserably."
If Sidney and Damian hadn't held you back, you would have punched her way harder than what Tara did earlier.
"Y/n calm down, now isn't the time to-"
Sidney got cut off by Ghostface, bursting through the door on the other side of the room and throwing a chair at her. The three of you bent down to dodge the flying object.
From your position, you saw Tara and Mindy running away through the right door. Sam and Lexi tried to follow them, but Ghostface stood in their way, forcing them to go somewhere else.
Damian grabbed your hand and pulled you with him, away from the killer. You tried to pull Sidney with you, but she didn't move, gun in hand.
You followed the brunet across the house, trying to sow your pursuer. You stopped after a minute, out of breath.
"I- I think he's not after us..." the boy said
You nodded, hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath.
You hoped none of your friends was getting killed. At least they were in groups of two... Which could be deadly if one of them happened to be the killer.
What weird groups now that you thought of it. Tara didn't try to get to you like she did before. Mindy and Lexi didn't try to be together either.
Sam and Lexi didn't have the time to get to them, but Tara and Mindy were the first ones to run. They had the time to go with whoever they wanted. Why didn't they try to go with their girlfriends?
Here it was again. The little voice in your head telling you that Tara might be Ghostface. And again, you tried not to think about it.
Damian got cut off by the second door opening itself, revealing Ghostface. Maybe he was after you. As he rushed to you, you grabbed the nearest object, a lamp, and threw it to him.
It was your turn to grab Damian's wrist this time, pulling him out of the room and running away. You had no idea where you were in the house. Everything looked the same.
At one point, you end up at a crossroads. You could hear Ghostface running behind you, you had to think fast.
"Go left" you said
"Go left, I'll go right. He should come after me"
You didn't let him time to think and pushed the boy to the left, preventing him from getting cut by Ghostface's knife. You sprinted to the right, hoping the killer would follow you.
And he did. He followed you to the end of the corridor. A dead end.
Shit, you thought.
You didn't even get the chance to get to the wall. You felt the blade sink in your back. He was already on you.
You thought he would kill you right away, but instead, he grabbed your hair harshly, knife still in your back.
"Now stop running, will you?"
"What do you want?" you asked, teeth clenched
"You'll see in a minute. Be patient. And stop struggling, I wouldn't want to kill you before the big reveal."
With that, Ghostface guided you to the living room. Six persons were already there. Five of your friends, and one Ghostface.
Someone was missing.
So I was right... There was a mole among us the whole time.
a/n: I'd love to have your thoughts about who you think is Ghostface after reading this chapter, I'm really curious 👀
[Previous part] || [Next part]
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autisticrosewilson · 4 months
Todd Family Tree pt. 1
I know you guys have been waiting with baited breath for this (Read: no one but me and a handful of select mutuals care), but fret not because it's finally here.
Let's start with the side of Jason's family we know the most about, Willis's. A lot of things I'll have to say about Willis himself will be things I've said before with maybe some new additions, but a lot of the focus will be on his relationships with his family anyway so hopefully it won't get too repetitive.
Someone on my last Todd Family post commented that the Ma Gunn aspect may have been retconned, however I already integrated it into my personal canon so let's just keep going shall we?
Also shout-out to @perseus-jackass who let me ramble to them about all of this and helped me iron out some of the finer details!
The Todd/Gunn Family; Canon:
- Willis reportedly named Jason after his father, Jason Todd Sr.
- Faye Gunn II is the niece of Willis which implies Willis has at least one sibling that is never mentioned, although Faye was either raised by or very close to Ma
- Faye was named after Ma implying that whichever sibling she was raised by was close to Ma
- Assuming Gunn is her maiden name, or perhaps an alias, she didn't keep her husband's last name and Jason Sr. Is never mentioned, which could mean that they split or that he's dead
- Obviously from a meta textual stand point the reason Ma Gunn was never mentioned as Jason's grandmother is because it was a later retcon, but in universe this and Willis's choice to keep his father's last name implies he wasn't fond of his mother/was closer to his father
Sub note: The candidates for Jason's mother included Lady Shiva (I'll get into my thoughts on her in Part 3) and an Israeli woman. Edit: @ammomancer informed me that Jason was Spanish (Basque specifically) in the Bombshells continuity as well!
- Ma was implied to be from Australia, and likely taught there for a time.
- Ma implied that she had sons, and possibly that they're dead. (I have obviously disregarded this, but I'm not against the interpretation that one or both of the girls are trans.)
So my version of Jason is black/Asian/Latino! I think he's Japanese/Indian from his mom and black/Latino from Willis so keep that in mind.
Fleshing Them Out; My Expansion:
I'll start with Ma Gunn, since we see the most of her in the comics and she has the most groundwork laid for her already. Mostly I'd like to make her a little more complex.
She's proven to be a ruthlessly pragmatic character, but I don't see her being someone who does what she does for fun. She's someone who values control, someone who doesn't take perceived slights lightly. I imagine growing up a woman on Gotham's streets with so many relations to organized crime builds grit, spawns bitterness and hate. She seems like the type to value tradition - in the Gotham crime family way- this is how she was raised and the way she raised her own children. There is no changing the world they live in, only surviving it. I think she really wanted to teach her kids, both the ones she birthed and the ones she fosters, how to survive.
That's not to say she really cares though, I don't think she's close enough to anyone to really care, even if maybe in the early days of motherhood she wanted to be. She's a stone cold bitch and she's proud of it, she made her kids strong and look at the reputation it's given her. Ma Gunn's school for wayward boys isn't just for strays anymore, there are some big names dropping their brats off for training these days. Crime lord daycare. Truly, only in Gotham.
Jason Todd Sr. Is a non-character. We know basically nothing but his name and that his marriage failed, and he's probably very dead. Which may or may not be related to said failed marriage.
Do I think Ma hired a hit on her husband? I wouldn't put it past her. I think she'd get rid of anyone if they were dragging her or the family down.
We can assume he was close to Willis, and I like to think that Mr. Todd was the homemaker because I can't really imagine Ma staying home to tend the kids. It's more likely her version of family bonding was a bank heist. Willis may have very well learned to drive from high speed car chases.
I think it would be very funny if Mr. Todd is from some third or fourth rate crime family that's using a mechanic shop as a front but Mr. Todd was actually really interested in it so he got an engineering degree and had little to nothing to do with the actual crime side of things. Maybe his family married him off to make him someone else's problem and while the Gunn's aren't a notable crime family they have a lot of resources and a lot of contacts, not to mention the small army of feral children.
Ma thought she was getting a seasoned criminal to help fund her illicit activities but instead he's a stay at home dad who has turned their home into a board game because he insists on fixing it all himself (if you use the microwave the doorbell might ring and you need a screw driver to use the shower ect.)
A lot of the experiences I associate Jason having with Willis I imagine Willis had with Mr. Todd, doing homework together, working on cars in the garage, Willis definitely learned how to cook from Mr. Todd because I just don't think Ma can do better than hamburger helper and public school lunch.
For the sibling situation, and I have no real evidence canon has completely left the building with this one, but I think he has sisters. Middle child Willis and also boy who grew up with all sisters Willis is real to me for reasons I couldn't say.
Completely made both of them up, but this is my house I can do what I want.
I'll start with the oldest sister, who I've decided to call Celia. I think she's the closest to her mother, the one who took over after her. Probably a serious, studious kind of person, she grew up with more opportunities than Ma did so she probably had more schooling. I can definitely see Celia as someone who worked her ass off to bring home good grades to make her mom proud and always falling short because Ma didn't really value traditional education.
Her and Willis definitely clashed growing up, Willis never liked Ma but Celia idolized her. Where Ma's crude demeanor and distance drove Willis to acts of rebellion it made Celia even more desperate to please.
Although I'm sure Willis would deny it, I think it's still a sore spot to him that Celia's way kind of worked. Once she got old enough to really learn about the business Celia was great at it, Ma started coming around to the benefits of having someone better with the numbers and paperwork.
I think that even after Willis leaves he genuinely tries to keep in touch with everyone, I don't think he ever stops trying to reach out to Celia. I don't think he agrees with who she became even if he saw it coming, regardless of how much he doesn't like their mother (he'd never say he hates her) Celia is still the girl who put bandaids on his scraped knees and let him crawl into her bed when he had nightmares and he can't bring himself to cut contact with her.
Celia is nicer than Ma, more adept at caring for the kids and because of this she earns their trust more which ultimately makes them more loyal to the Gunn's. This is a purposeful tactic because although she does see the kids as her own she doesn't see anything wrong with manipulating them for her gain. They're family, and family always want to help each other.
Jason was not allowed to visit his auntie, and didn't even know his grandmother was still alive.
I don't think she'd have a husband or boyfriend, a romantic relationship would take too much attention away from her business and if there's one thing she learned from her mother it's that a man would only drag her down or try to control her.
Willis is, to the surprise of no one, is who I have the most to say about but I'll try to keep it brief. For all he gets a bad rep I think he's a family man at heart, I'm positive he always planned on kids even if he wasn't sure about settling down with anyone at first.
Mostly because his mom kept trying to arrange marriages which is how he ended up dating Sheila for a time...which obviously didn't work out. One could say he wasn't keen on a repeat performance after that fell apart.
Man whore I fear, Gotham's fourth most bisexual man. Where's that one post about the goon who causes a distraction for his boss by making out with the bank teller and his wife. That's literally him Willis Todd ghost wrote that post. I'll get more into his various relationships in Part 3.
This man was born to tell dad jokes and wear funky ties but he's forced to live a life of violence and crime. Because of poverty and generational trauma.
I think the most tragic part of Willis Todd is that he tried. He loved his wife and he loved Jason and he gave everything he had to providing for them so Jason wouldn't have to grow up like he did but it ended the same anyway. And he'd never be disappointed in Jason, although Jason thinks he would, because home knows his son and he knows Jason wouldn't do it unless he really thought he was helping people.
I know everyone holds the opinion that Catherine was the most serious about Jason's school but I argue it's Willis, Cathy taught Jason to love learning but Willis taught him the importance of it. I think Willis always got good grades but he never went to college because part of ditching his family was ditching their money and most of what he made went towards supporting himself.
I've named the youngest sister Joan, and I think it's important to define her relationships more than her personality for reasons I'll get into in a bit.
For continuity's and sake I'll say she was a pre-teen when Willis moved out at 18-19, which would give her a large gap between both Willis and Celia - who I imagine are maybe two or three years apart - age wise. So while Willis likely tried to take care of her, to influence her away from their mom and sister, I don't think he was super fond of being at home to begin with so I don't think he was around much and I think Mr. Todd died not long after she was born so she didn't really have the gentle hand that Wills did growing up.
This left her with little to rely on but Ma and Celia, it was a real rock and hard place. Ma is honest in her ruthlessness at least, but Celia uses her love as a tool for manipulation. I'm sure she grew up right beside the other kids at Ma's school.
So I think it's no wonder that when she found herself with a baby she had no clue how to take care of, it was very easy for her mom and sister to convince her to give the baby over. Easy for Joan to decide that her daughter was in better hands with Celia as her mother.
And then Joan...vanished. No note, no phone call, no body. Most suspect it was Ma who did it, even though the woman had her kids - former and present - rip the city apart looking for her. No one knows the full story, and no one knows Joan Gunn's whereabouts.
Well, no one except Willis Todd, not that anyone else knows that.
Faye Gunn II has a lot of potential. I think there's a chance for her to parallel Jason. They both grew up on the streets and both have affiliations with organized crime, but where Faye is comfortable perpetuating the cycle of violence expected of the Gunn women Jason spends every night busting his ass to make sure another kid never has to go through what he did.
I also think it would be fun if maybe Faye wasn't entirely human, y'know give her a little bit of meta gene as a treat. Beast Boy isn't using the name Changeling anymore and I've long subscribed to Gotham operating by faerie rules so maybe she can borrow it for a few issues.
I don't have many thoughts on her as is but I'd like to do more with her in the future!
This got really long and I'm certain it will only get longer with the next additions. The next part will focus on the Clemens/Johnson family! Catherine Todd lovers stay tuned for part 2. Remember that all of this is just how I view them based on the cookie crumbs we get about them in canon.
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cryptovalid · 5 months
The politics of Operation Zero Tolerance
If you've followed X-men '97, you know that's it's more than competently executed nostalgia-bait. It's a deconstruction of the original ideological framework of the X-men. I'll be riffing off of the way that Operation Zero Tolerance mirrors real world alt-right ideology and where the show might lead this theme. Spoilers ahead up to episode 8. It's a long one.
So the reflections of the January 6th insurrection, Great Replacement conspiracy and stochastic terrorism are pretty spot on. But what do the Prime candidates actually believe?
Mutants are constantly referred to as 'the next step in human evolution'. This frightens some non-mutants, who see themselves being replaced. Their solution is to subjugate mutants.
I want to focus on some of the ways this doesn't make sense first.
1. Evolution doesn't have well defined 'next steps': every new generation is slightly different from the previous, so that over time new traits will emerge and become common, and others will become less widespread. In the comics, this is not why mutants exist: the are the result of alien tampering with human dna: the Celestials implanted the X-gene in some humans. So 'mutants' are demonstrably just a strain of humanity, and the main reason humans have mutant babies is that their own genes are getting expressed in a new way.
2. No amount of control or violence can stop this. The rate at which mutants appear isn't even dependent on their own reproductive success since most mutants have human parents.
We don't know why more and more mutants are being born now, but OZT will not stop this. It's not even their goal. When they say human being are being 'replaced', they actually mean replaced as the ruling class of the planet. Bastion's 'utopia' doesn't have less mutants being born, just used as slave labor.
This really puts the anxiety of OZT into focus: they want to maintain privilege. They aren't really being 'replaced', any more than older generations are always 'replaced' by younger generations. They are primarily afraid that mutants will render them obsolete in the labor market. But if mutants can be forced to do unpaid labor for their benefit, that doesn't threaten them.
The way this parallels the rhetoric of the alt right is striking. Obviously, the reasons why jobs are moving overseas are different: colonized populations are more exploitable by capital. But the fears are the same: my children are different from me, and if I'm not valued for my labor, I will become poor. Like OZT, the alt right also chooses to enact violence even though it won't solve either of these issues. the MAGA-crowd threatens non-conformity and asserts its dominance to maintain its relative privilege over other groups. This is why it's all culture war stuff. The alt right isn't interested in striking to improve conditions for workers, it will attack immigrants and minorities they perceive as competition. Never the bosses that make the hiring decisions. It's scapegoating.
Even child and slave labor are on the table. Because again, this 'economic anxiety' isn't triggered by other people doing the work, just by other people getting money, care and respect that they feel they are owed.
It's not the solution that matters to OZT or the alt right: it's the catharsis of violence and control. It's interesting that OZT actually has a better point: mutants are inherently better at some jobs, some mutants ARE inherently dangerous. Their anxiety is way more warranted.
And I think that is what makes OZT hit so hard as an allegory: it is a steel man version of every bigot's rhetoric, and it is horrifying.
Where might the show take this theme? I don't think the show will end with the X-men fighting Magneto, as that would undermine the show's thematic support for his ideals. Magneto might be defeated, but that will not be the finale. I think the institutional support for OZT will be the closing statement.
The events of episode 8 will be blamed on the X-men. There's just too many ways that a sleeper that Wolverine cut to ribbons can be spun and Bastion has stated multiple times that he understands the optics of martyring mutants. In my opinion this explains how the primes failed to kill a single X-man, even though Trask could take down the whole team.
This twist will (I think) be used to set up the Avengers as the final threat: the X-men try to reason with Magneto, the Avengers attack him, and maybe Xavier erases Magneto's memory as a prelude to Onslaught.
Onslaught can then lead into Heroes Reborn; when Onslaught threatens to kill the Avengers and Fantastic Four, Franklin Richards creates a parallel universe, where they live out their lives in blissfull ignorance of mutants. I believe this could explain why the MCU does not have mutants: it's the Heroes Reborn Universe (The FF could live in a separate universe).
So how to put a button on OZT? I don't think that they will end as a political force (these ideas will remain relevant in the fiction as in the real world). I think the show will obviously set up a fight with Bastion, but the ideological refutation will have to come from Mrs. Da Costa. She is the poster child of an apathetic liberal, who will only support mutants in fashionable ways. If she ends the series giving up her social status to save her son, perhaps even dying, it will thematically reinforce the need for allies to be traitors of their own privilege.
This ties in with my final speculation. This is a weird one and a reach. We have not seen Roberto Da Costa's father. We also don't know where Bastion's father is (who is essentially Nimrod). Is it possible that they are half-brothers? Emmanuel Da Costa is a prominent anti-mutant member of the Hellfire Club, and it's strange he hasn't shown up yet. Honestly, this could possibly explain why Roberto is so light-skinned. Which I do not want to make excuses for otherwise.
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mrnicekisser · 2 months
[Street Gacha] Chapter 1
Written by 木野誠太郎
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Ruka Tsukinaga: Ah~, sweet and delicious!☆
This crepe has a lot of nice ingredients and is baked just fine. It's a great treat that you can't find for this price often ~ ♪
Suzu Kuromori: Ah. This shop is quite popular. I'm not really interested in snobs like that. All my classmates were praising it's unique taste. I was curious so I bought one.
Ruka: But Suzu-senpai. Did you like it?
Light music club activities are quite expensive, and since we don't have enough money for the club, we make it through the part-time jobs for our seniors, right?
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Suzu: Hey. No need to be shy. We are fallen angels (Lucifers) with broken wings, but sometimes even we need a break, right?
I am thankful to you for working hard in club activities... I would be happy if you could enjoy it as an offering for my dear comrade, Ruka.
Ruka: Wah, as expected of Suzu-senpai! I admire her so much for her dedication...
Suzu: Fufu... While i was suspended from school I caused a lot of trouble for you and Shizu, so this is just a piece of cake.
And yet. When I got to Shizu, she said she couldn't come today because she had something to do with her family.
If you're running away from my invitation, doesn't that mean that we fallen angels aren't monolithic after all..?
Ruka: It can't be helped. Shizuku-chan's family seems to be going through a lot of trouble...
That's why I admire Suzu-senpai! ♪
I’m going to hug Suzu-senpai’s gorgeous body~! Gyuuuu~♪
Suzu: Can you please stop?.. It's getting hard to breathe.
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Ruka: Gah~!
Oh, also if you don't mind, Suzu-senpai can also try this crepe!
I think Suzu-senpai bought only one for me because she didn't have enough money... But I think it would be happier if we shared it together rather than having it all to myself.
Suzu: Thank you. Ruka is so kind... She's younger than me, so I don't have to be shy.
Well, then I'll be grateful! ♪
Ruka: R-Ruka can feed you! Say a~h!
Suzu: *takes a bite.*
Yeah, it's not that bad after all. Although it was sweet, it was just the perfect amount of cream that didn't take away from the original taste of the ingredients. No wonder the whole Kimisaki Academy were talking about it.
Ruka: That's right! ♪ You can eat more~ ♪ There's not so much left, so please take it all. ♪
Suzu: Hm. Well, I'll take the advantage of Ruka's kindness and take this crepe.
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Ruka: It feels like I'm baiting Suzu-senpai... It feels a bit immoral... ♪
Suzu: So. After finishing with the crepe, let's go to the music store. Ruka wanted an instrument for practice, am I right?
Ruka: Oh, yes. Right now I'm allowed to play the instruments in the club room, so I'm practicing little by little.
It isn't too expensive if it's for practice, so I thought I'd buy my own instrument and play at home...
Suzu: That's a great idea, and that's why you're perfect for the light music club.
But what instrument do you play? I believe you have tried a lot of different ones, but was there one that struck a chord with you?
Ruka: Let me see... I haven't decided what instrument I want to play yet, I'm sorry...
Suzu: Hmm. Let's go to a music store and think about that. The instrument and the performer may be attached to each other.
I'm sure that practicing with an instrument that I'm attached to will help me feel more motivated, and the "Evil Genocide Dragon" that I borrowed from Seira fit in my hand as if it were my own guitar.
Ruka: "Evil Genocide Dragon"... That's the guitar that Suzu-senpai has been entrusted with by the club president. That's nice, I'd love to have that same fateful encounter...♪
What should I name it? I'm thinking about things like "The Divine Spear Sleipnir'' and "Dark Ragnarok'' are cool.
However, I think it would be best to decide on the name after seeing the actual instrument. I think the impression changes depending on the color and shape.
Suzu: You're full of ambition. It's like that day when I went to buy an instrument for the first time.
Seira came with me to help that time. Today it's my turn to play Seira's role.
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As with anything, the beginning is the most important part. I definitely want Ruka to have a perfect fateful encounter...☆
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zvtara-was-never-canon · 11 months
with the new Azula comic that showed her as a traumatized abuse victim like Zuko out I have seen so much victim blaming sh*t from a bunch of zuko stans
I f***ing hate this fandom and I want to hear your opinion about it
Nothing new under the sun and to be expected, especially since Azula actually rejected redemption this time (unlike all the other times people claimed she "rejected second chances" she was never actually given).
The fact that Zuko ALSO rejected redemption in Ba Sing Se, and that even with that no one was saying "He is a villain therefore what his father did to him doesn't count as abuse because he isn't an 'innocent' victim" doesn't matter to them for four reasons, that often overlap:
1 - Zuko was never described as being mentally ill, while Azula was, so she has to deal with a ton of ableism Zuko got to avoid.
2 - Zuko is a boy, so he avoids falling victim to the sexism of some parts of the fandom.
3 - Zuko is a victim of physical abuse. The proof of his suffering is literally burned into his face. Azula's scars are all emotional, so it's easier for people to dismiss them without being called out. Nobody is gonna have the balls to say being disfigured by one's own parent doesn't count as abuse.
4 - The writers never intended for Azula to be a victim at all, hence some EXTREMELY tone-deaf things like Iroh saying "She's crazy and needs to go down" or the script literally describing Azula like she's an animal during her breakdown. She was meant to be the crazy, evil villain that is evil because she's crazy, and crazy because she's evil. It was only when other writers on the team started giving her a bit more depth and people really thought of all the implications of things like hering being raised by Ozai, considering herself "imperfect" for things like one hair out of place, having a breakdown due to feeling like an unwanted monster, acting as bait for the enemies while her father was hiding away safely during the invasion, or the fact that Ozai is canonically the only person to ever manipulate her (which shocking ease) that people realized "Holy shit, this is abuse too."
5 - This fandom, for all their praise of Zuko's redemption/healing arc, doesn't actually understand or like said arc, hence them taking away all of Zuko's flaws and pretending his bad choices were not truly his - after all, if he isn't an "innocent" victim, then he is no victim at all and thus deserved all that happened to him like his evil sister does.
(I'll say it again: this fandom does not actually understand why Ozai was an awful parent, they just think he was too harsh on the wrong child. They think Azula is the "good-for-nothing" child that deserves to be abused, while Zuko is the "golden boy" that needs to be perfect - or else)
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whatevertheweather · 6 months
an ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIP(s)
Thank you for the tags @bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @youarenevertooold I've been in search of ways to procrastinate <3
1. 🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s):
I'll go with one that isn't being posted yet: Callous.
2. 🍄Describe your WIP/one of your WIP(s) in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
Touch starvation + poor communication = Baz's No Good Very Bad Night
3. 🌍What tags or warnings will one of your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
PTSD, disassociation, and, uh, emotional hurt/comfort?
4. 🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
Bold of anyone to assume I'm good enough at coming up with titles that I have multiple to choose from. Oh! But actually I do for Bait and Switch, thanks to Dre brainstorming fishing idioms with me. There were 4 alternatives, but my favorite is All is Fish, because it makes no fucking sense.
5. ⚠️Which WIP your most likely to finish or update next?
It had better be Musical Chairs.
6. 💾What is your document of your WIP/ a WIP called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
In an uncommon turn of events, I only have one (active) WIP right now that's not already named as it will be posted, and that's "yeah sure let's just write some shit that's way later and not finish the other that's fine"
7. 🖍Post Any sentence(s) from your WIP.
It’s just…there’s also some deer in the headlights energy to him, which, mixed with the general aura of barely tamed violence, is throwing Shepard off. Truly, it’s been a good long while since he’s done this kind of pinballing over what he’s seeing when he looks at someone.
He does know what he’s seeing when he looks back at Simon. It’s the sort of face that has him politely averting his eyes to examine the bland thread of Simon’s shirt instead. He thinks walking in on the two of them tangled up without a stitch of clothing wouldn’t feel half as intrusive as looking at that expression did.
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP.
I had to abandon about a page of the above misnamed WIP (now to be succinctly abbreviated as YSLJWSSTWLANFTOTF) because it no longer fits the tone of the rest of the fic at all, which is sad because it made me laugh. It's too long to put here in its entirety, but here's part of one line, which shall function as the dead darling's eulogy: "I know you have a dick, Baz, I’ve fucking well been thinking about it!”
9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Okay there's one I don't want to say much about because, selfishly, I want to be the one to write it, but it's related to truth spells. (Technically I've started it because there's a document with 10 scattered lines of dialogue, but I haven't started it started it.)
10. 🤡How many WIPS are you actively working on?
I'm trying to focus on 3, but I might have to say 4 here.
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
I have rewritten the same 4 pages of Musical Chairs about 5 times. It's absurd. I know what's going to happen, I have the ending written, I have almost everything that gets us there written, and yet this section is u n d o i n g me.
12. ❤️Not a question, just a second Kudos to send.
I'm gonna take that as me sending kudos to all these lovely people: @cutestkilla @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @artsyunderstudy @fatalfangirl @whogaveyoupermission @iamamythologicalcreature @thewholelemon @facewithoutheart @martsonmars @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @larkral
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andreal831 · 18 days
What do you think of Kol/Davina?
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Y'all already know you aren't going to like this one.
But Kolvina is probably my least favorite of the Mikaelson canon ships. And yes some of that is due to the fact that Kol is my least favorite Mikaelson. But a lot of it is just based on how young Davina is and how young the show continues to remind us she is. Also, how little effort was put into this ship.
In season 1, Davina is 16 years old, only a year younger than Elena was in season 1 of TVD. Davina, I believe is the same age as Jeremy. However, with everything being aged up in TO (the characters, the love interests, the maturity/violence), Davina comes across as even younger. And this is done purposefully. Davina in season 1 is put into these white, babydoll dresses for most of the season, despite it being unnecessary as she's living in an attic. Her hair is typically very simple and her makeup minimal to give her a youthful look. The show is trying to remind us how young she truly is.
This is not only done with her clothes, makeup, hair, etc. But also with how the characters talk about her. I made an edit one time of how differently Rebekah treated Elena and her friends versus Davina. She treats Davina like a child, like a daughter, when Davina is only a year or two younger than the teenagers Rebekah and her siblings had just spent a couple of years harassing/killing. You also have Vincent, Cami, and Marcel treating her like a child (cause she is one) and worrying about the responsibility that has been put on her. Even her relationship with Josh keeps reminding us of how young and even naïve she is when she isn't aware of things he talks about because she's been so sheltered and is a literal teenager.
The show is reminding us how young and innocent she is so she appears much younger than the characters in the show we just watched (TVD). This is because we need to be angry at the ancestors and the witches for what they've done to her. But mostly because we need to separate it from Klaus sacrificing a 17 year old just a couple of seasons before. Elena was made to seem older so that we could set aside the fact that these 100+ year old men were not only sleeping with her, but continually putting her life in danger. But the opposite is true for Davina.
So then when, in season 2, Kol is brought back as a witch sent to charm Davina, she is still a child to the audience. Yes, she's gained more agency, but you can't just erase all of the footwork the show did to make her appear so much younger than everyone else. And yes, I know the argument that Kol was turned at 17 so they are basically the same age. But I've already discussed how that argument doesn't hold weight with me here.
I'll move on from the age thing though. Another one of my issues with the ship is the bait-and-switch Kol essentially does to Davina. Davina was the biggest Mikaelson-anti. Some of it I think was exaggerated to create conflict in season 1, but no matter what the reason was, she wanted them dead. Kol enters, lying to her about who he is and she is swept away by his charm. Kol spends the better part of a month manipulating a teenager who feels abandoned by everyone. Only to learn the truth and feel betrayed by him. He winds up winning her over because he wants her help to take down Klaus. Only to then betray her once again as soon as Klaus gives him any attention. Where is the Davina we know and love from season 1 who had Marcel, Elijah, and Klaus literally on their knees for lying and betraying her??
I've talked about Kol's development falling flat to me before, so I won't go into too much depth here. But Kol was the stereotypical younger brother. He pretends he is too good for his family, but as soon as Klaus gives Kol any type of attention, even negative, Kol is buddy-buddy with him again. The scene where Davina is watching Kol hug Klaus after Klaus nearly attacked her will always stand out to me. The look of betrayal in her face.
We never really see Kol work to gain Davina's trust or love. He just has it. It doesn't help that a lot of their relationship happens off screen, but what we do see just makes me sad for Davina. Also just the fact that Kol is Marcel's least favorite of the Mikaelsons since, you know, he actively tried to kill Marcel as a child, would make it even harder for Davina. She is constantly being pulled in different directions and at no point do we see Kol trying to make it easier on her. He doesn't work to rebuild his relationship with Marcel or the witches or even Josh. He just pops in and out (yes, I know it was partly due to them both dying constantly) of her life and her feelings are just expected to be there.
This idea that Davina sees Kol as "the best of the Mikaelsons" also just highlights how little she actually knows about him. At least with Cami and Klaus, Klaus has told Cami nearly every awful thing he's done. She is going in with eyes wide open. Even Elijah and Hayley, Hayley knows who he is and even goes into his mind and sees it first hand. Whether they would have ever gotten back together after that is up for debate (they would have, there's no debate), but again, she is making an informed decision. Davina sees Kol in isolated instances where their goals align. And when they don't Davina is just expected to put hers aside and go along with Kol, which the audience is okay with since it's supporting the fan fav family.
The version of Kol we get in season 4 and 5, the small glimpses we see, are don't have anything in common with the Kol we knew throughout TVDU. Like I said in my post about Kol's development, he essentially becomes whatever character the show wants him to be. There is zero reason given for his development other than him falling for Davina. I'm sorry, but men do not just change who they fundamentally are because they fall in love and that is a dangerous message to put out there.
To me Kol and Davina were a plot device to make Davina more hesitant to go after the Mikaelsons and to also cause conflict within the family. They have some cute moments, but I never truly believed their love for each other was anything more than infatuation.
Thanks for the ask! Sorry if it wasn't what you wanted
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*Marcel when he finds out Kol is the witch Davina's been seeing*
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stardust-falling · 8 months
Hello.... Can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from SVSSS? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Thanks if you want to answer....
Top 5 favorite characters:
1 - Shen Jiu 2/3 - Yue Qingyuan, Shen Yuan 4/5 - Luo Binghe, Gongyi Xiao
Honestly, it's super hard to decide my favorites, hence the 2/3, 4/5 here lmao. Depending on the meaning of "like" I really don't dislike any SV characters (obviously OPM, QJL, WYZ can go get fucked if we're talking about emotional affection/blorbofication, but I do still enjoy them in a meta sense for their roles in the story). But because SJ is both my favorite in terms of "I feel affection for this character and he is my little scrungly blorbo" as well as "I want to study him under a microscope like a bug" he gets the top spot easily.
Top five favorite moments is pretty hard too, since things are my favorite for different reasons... So I'll pick my favorite scenes for analysis, not necessarily for emotional reaction or attachment, in no particular order. Going under a cut because I rambled, as usual:
I really, really like the entire Holy Mausoleum arc, but I specifically like the part where SQQ and LBH are confronted by OPM and QHT. I feel like it's here that we can really see beneath the unreliable narrator and actually see that SQQ truly does love LBH back. Holy Mausoleum in general just says a lot about Bingqiu without saying it directly, and I do encourage everyone who thinks that SQQ doesn't actually love LBH back please reread that part while looking for it because damn, SQQ's narration tries to hide how much he actually cares for this boy.
Qijiu extras, the scene in the Lingxi caves. Between SJ's paranoid and irrational internal monologue that shows that despite everything, he really doesn't actually see himself as he is or as a legitimate peak lord, Yue Qingyuan's appearance at a critical moment to keep SJ from spiralling past the point of no return (contrasting this to his inability to return to Qiu Manor in time), the fact that even though they are not on good terms, YQY is still able to calm SJ down from qi deviation, and that SJ tolerates both his presence and his touch, it shows a lot that despite his paranoia and his hurt, a part of Shen Jiu still trusts Yue Qingyuan. The fact that it's revealed that they're in the very cave that YQY was trapped in with Xuan Su is just the icing on the cake... the truth is laid out before them, just a step from being revealed, but still isn't... I just think this scene really is so important to show how 79's relationship stands on a deep level, both the trust that is still there as well as the barriers.
Skinner demon confrontation, after they're captured. The irony of the first mission being to take down a demon that's literally wearing someone else's identity as their own is great. There's also Luo Binghe's sexual awakening upon seeing SQQ shirtless, which is honestly quite funny to me as an ace person. But my favorite thing, I think, is the way that SQQ sets up Die'er's defeat by using LBH as bait which, while it is successful due to the genre's conventions, also makes Luo Binghe's trust waver... it sort of sets the tone for the entire emotional conflict of the novel. Despite SQQ knowing that LBH will be fine, since it has all been decreed by plot, he underestimates how much it will hurt him-- and he's thinking about hurting LBH in terms of how it will affect SQQ himself later on, rather than LBH's own pain. Then, afterwards, SQQ leaves LBH behind to go into seclusion, he gives LBH the new manual but doesn't move him out of the woodshed, and there's no indication that Ming Fan's bullying stopped during that time either. When SQQ returns, he ends up sacrificing himself and taking the poisoned hit for LBH... in a way this all just parallels the actual plot of the novel in short-form and I think that's very, very neat.
The water prison arc-- everything from LBH's visit where he stops LPM from attacking SQQ, where SQQ refuses to answer LBH's question because of his inaccurate perception of the situation, LBH's volatile emotions in this sequence, Gongyi Xiao's assumptions that LBH had assaulted SQQ and SQQ's complete obliviousness to that possibility, plus just GYX being the best boy ever tbh, he doesn't deserve to live in this messed up book and certainly doesn't deserve to die. This sequence has so much about how inaccurate perceptions of situations can lead to wildly off-base interpretations and how a lack of proper communication can escalate a conflict where it really didn't need to escalate. The "perceptions and interpretations vs. reality" idea is another major theme in SV, and this sequence really showcases a lot of that in a clear way.
Maigu Ridge. This one's controversial. A lot of people have a lot of opinions about it and let me just make a disclaimer that I'm not including this one because I enjoyed reading it on an emotional level. Maigu Ridge is FUCKED UP!! It's a massively fucked up situation for all parties! It's uncomfortable, and definitely something that warrants a trigger warning before reading the book-- and yet, it's so interesting to analyze from a hypothetical standpoint because the situation is just so, so messy in terms of who gives consent and who doesn't-- and does anyone really have the option to consent here, since both parties are under the complete control of the narrative-- in terms of who hurts who, etc. There are a lot of little details to debate, and of course there's the instant, knee-jerk surface reaction that people get, which I can totally understand especially if you didn't go in expecting this sort of scene and ended up getting triggered by it, but once you start to peel back the layers you can actually find that this scene is way more complicated than 'one party as the aggressor/one party as the victim.' It's a deconstruction and subversion of tropes, but also a really interesting place to analyze themes of consent as a whole, and the effects on the individuals involved. For this, honestly, people just need to remember that these are fictional characters. It's not saying anything about IRL survivors, and I'm a major proponent of considering massively fucked up situations through a fictional lens in order to understand the shades of gray that may exist in similar but less-extreme situations in real life, without the possibility of your deliberations causing harm to any party since in the fictional scenario, since none of the characters are real (I can't even begin to tell you how much of my own trauma I've processed based on extreme fictional scenarios). But on the flip side, if the scene upsets you or triggers you, it's perfectly valid to dislike it! It's also perfectly valid for you to dislike the Bingqiu relationship because of it! It's not for everyone and I completely get that, but also, keep in mind that people analyzing the scene in different ways doesn't have anything to do with how they'd react to real-life situations. It's all about what works best for each person.
Anyway that last one got really long, just because I've seen so much knee-jerk reaction in fandom with it and tbh, I feel like I have to cover my bases these days.
A lot of people say that SVSSS is less well-written than MXTX's other books, and while it does have issues, I wouldn't say that the book isn't well-written. I have no idea how much of what I talked about in those scenes above is deliberately intentional storytelling and how much just sort of happened, but those are just some of the reasons that I really do think it's actually a very good book, genuinely, and not the only scenes at that, I just limited to five here.
I hope you enjoyed reading all my ramblings-- SVSSS brainrot is real and the hyperfixation is going strong haha.
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