#is it gay to call your bro ‘my treasure’?
hiorintruther · 2 years
What do you reckon would happen if Nagi ever actually asked Reo “hey Reo, why did you take so much interest in someone like me? Why do you do so much for me? Why do you care so much about me?”
Would Reo’s brain just short-circuit because why does he go so far for Nagi? Like, sure, he sees Nagi’s potential. He wants Nagi to be the best in the world. He threw out all of his own personal character development just for Nagi. But, like, WHY? This has to go beyond a mere ‘investment’ or a ‘sunken cost fallacy’ by this point. Sure, that’s what it was in the beginning. Nagi was an easy way for Reo to excuse getting into football. Now though? No one in their right mind would ever do this much for someone who treated them so badly when they weren’t even friends for that long before Blue Lock (as in, they weren’t childhood friends or anything). Reo had gone through his whole arc and developed into an individual capable of pushing to the very top of Blue Lock. Then Nagi comes along, says one thing and suddenly Reo has reverted back to square one?!
If Reo ever tried to actually lay out his logic path after the MC match or smth, would he just come up utterly confused because even he isn’t fully aware of why exactly he’s so drawn to Nagi? He just is.
It’s because he’s in love and stupid but some people aren’t ready for that conversation.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
How about Benny in SAGAU? Like a continuation with Razor?? We do not talk about your growing found family 😤
Like, how would be his 'unluckiness'? Dya cancel it or you get pulled with his shenanigans? I feel like he might introduce you to his Dads no, we are still not going to talk about it 😤😤
A little scenario kept getting into my head when Benny applies Pyro and then Razor used his Electro and y'all got yer asses pounded on the ground 💀👌🏻and just taking care of each other's wounds 🥺🥺
You better be with him whenever he opens a chest so it wouldn't only spawn veggies, but decent weapon AND mora as well! You know, actual treasures, HOYO!!
This kid also arguably needs more parental supervision just bc of his sheer bad luck, poor kid
(i adore the headcanon that no matter the person's gender, he calls them dad lol)
Like,, hoyo cursed him and he's in a world with traps, monsters, fatui, MAGIC?? 💀 bro how is Benny still alive??!!
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Okay but the fact that Benny calls so many ppl dad just proves his desire for parental/sibling affection 💔
Aight since u phrased this as a continuation of this post <3 RAZOR MY BOYYYY
That is what we shall do :) ! ! !
So ur running with the wolves still lol
Also ur symbol as the Creator reader is 🦄 or 🌈, bc ur gay and special, jk its bc elements i promise lol
Or even 😑 / 😶 for language reader shenanigans
EDIT 4/11/24: HELLA forgot to say theres a sorta Part 3, its more focused on Razor living, rather than Benny tho fair warning!
Lupical for life bro
U r chillin with the pack now
Razor now has a sweet new digs, fits, and now a crazy amount of power
Bc ur just that great 💅
You have officially moved on to purchasing some leftover amenities/new furniture etc. for him and you :D
And while u could get some stuff in Springvale, like lanterns and soap and perfume and whatnot
Ur still not rlly getting furniture like a bedframe or some storage space, like a nightstand, from them
Which u dont need bc u still got an inventory
...but Razor definitely needs to store all his goodies somewhere that isnt up a tree or buried in a hole 😃
Yes, u did have to tell him to stop doing that.
So yall (u and Razor) are in Mondstadt a lot these days, and ur routine consists of grinding domains, hunting for food, hanging with cute Lupical puppies, playing giant tic-tac-toe w/ Andrius bc poor guy is pretty bored these days etc.
So you figured you run into ppl eventually, afterall you'd already re-met Lisa :)
(who at first was kind of taken aback to Razor having made a random adult friend in the woods, but after vibe checking her , and her vibe checking you, yall were cool, tho she did start reading these new lore books you didnt recognize called "Immortal They Return: A Series of Prophesies", she avoided ur questions abt it too..)
It was inevitable that after introducing you to Lisa, he'd gotten all excited at seeing two familiar figures hanging around Kathryne one day
Fischl and Bennett !! :D the cutest adventurers in all of Mondstadt ! (besides Klee)
The two take one look at you and Razor and coming running
....well mostly Fischl,
Bennett got his boot laces tangled together somehow? And is kinda hopping his way over
Immediately the electro vision royalty launches into their quintessential speech (they/them fischl SUPREMACY)
And as u get introduced,
U watch the pyro boy hop and trip over while trying to untie the laces
And just as he's about to go down, and ur debating reaching out and supporting the poor guy bc geez this looks sm worse in person-
Bennett has finally gotten his shoes untied!
Even he looks shocked 💀
And he like, apruptly stops falling over too?
And walks over with no issue??
Theres even a few out of place cobblestones in his path which he sees and moves to avoid
You dont know who looks more shocked and kinda scared you, him, or Fischl/Oz or Razor
Fischl and Razor have stopped talking bc it was more distracting Bennett didnt fall 😭
...yall all just kinda,, stand in a circle of silence (well fly in oz's case)
Staring at Bennett.
(Even Katheryne looks impressed😭)
After a couple of shook seconds, Fischl is nearly yelling about some kind of curse being lifted?? , Razor is like, sniffing Bennett's immediate area for sus scents, Bennett is kicking rocks to see if any of them hit him anymore, and poor Oz is trying to calm them down
(none of the rocks hit Bennett btw, or anything valuable around him)
So after that fiasco, u offer to take them around to the parts of Mondstadt they weren't allowed to go to w/o at least 1 adult :)
Theyre pumped and yall set off!
At first, Bennett hangs back, as Fischl and Razor throw themselves into monster battles yall encounter, as per what seems like a routine u assume bc of his bad luck
Eh, u figure while hes here, u might as well reveal u can make him stronger, u think he definitely needs the HP...
If there were any characters youd be worried about needing more power/HP in Mondstadt that u could level up besides Razor, itd be Bennett, hands down.
Between his adventuring, unnatural bad luck, and no parental supervision..
(even Klee seems better off than him, and shes like 7 💀)
Yeah, needless to say u were worried abt the guy
So he looks adorably fascinated <3, bc turns out they can see some of ur interface!
Mostly it looks like floating magical icons and that weird Teyvat language u saw in game, like that Abyss/ruins language u see all the time?
Bennett showed u his perspective in a sand drawing, hes actually pretty good at art wow
Razor couldnt rlly find the words to describe it before which is why u werent sure what they saw before now
And with that hes called into battle last by the others, mostly to apply pyro 🔥
and he fights at the edges to be further away from ppl u notice so he wont affect their luck..
aw Benny </3 :(
But as he draws his sword and ur getting ready trying to become a cheerleader for both Razor and Fischl but particularly Bennett,
He full on takes out 3 hilichurls at once 💀
...then with the dramatic down swing he does, he accidentally launches a rock right at the bigger hilichurl's foot..
...which trips him out of his axe swing...
...which makes it let go of the axe...
...which goes flying...
....breaks the last bit of the cryo abyss mage's shield bubble...
........and smacks it on the head too.
..fischl, oz, and razor halfway thru this insanity just like,, lower their weapons and stop to watch
Even the abyss mage is looking at Bennett surprised 😭😭
Bro, an achievement pops up-
"Lucky Day!!!"
Its little description says, "As Teyvat's God, you give the unluckiest person in Teyvat the luckiest day ever!"
Bennett just sits down on the ground.
(Same Benny because, this is where I lost it all, guys. All of that writing. Gone. Forever. I'm putting this here as both a gravestone for it, and a call out to tumblr. I'm not afraid of this website or its shitty admins, meet me in my dms for a real fight you fucks 🥊🥋🧍‍♂️you took what mattered to me, I'll take what matters to you, you god awful programmers. 🥲😐)
And it just keeps happening like that for the rest of the day you guys are together.
Every chest Benny opens are way higher quality than they should be
Especially for him.
(also u have gotten so comfy from before when u were playing Genshin that u r physically struggling not to call him Benny, so when u do accidentally call him that, u try to apologize politely, but he just talks about finally having a nickname so giddy that u just stick with Benny, what a cutie)
Common chests, Razor/Fischl gets what u expect, you personally maybe get a little extra materials and money,
But Benny?
He opens a common chest and suddenly it's a secret Precious chest
The pyro boy honestly looks a little afraid
You guys have a picnic later on for lunch together, partially bc Razor rlly wanted them to try ur food !! :D
Fischl and Benny were drooling over garlic salt, jesus- Teyvat's been deprived-
The blanket u used was a custom one u got made for Razor for his bday awhile back, all diff shades of purple and some silver wolf puppies and pawprints on it, 10/10 vv cute he loves it :)
(and also showed it off to his friends, Benny in particular looks smitten by it..)
Fischl eventually gets herded by Oz back to Mondstadt bc of their parents wanting them back by dinner,
So u Razor and Benny r left to wander around :]
As u guys explore and get chests and talk,
U all begin to gather ingredients for dinner (not that u dont have an inventory but the boys dont wanna cut into ur supplies, the sweethearts)
... Benny slowly starts to find and accumulate foodstuffs
Those Phileano? mushrooms (the white toasty looking ones that r always on roofs or windmills?)
He finds at eye level on nearly any building u come across.
Benny currently has his shirt turned into a basket trying to contain them, and more are flocking to him lol
Snap dragons? Calla lilies?? Even violetgrass, those purple horsetails, lotus heads, and a few qingqin from Liyue somehow make it into his bag 💀
The real question to ask at this point is, when wasn't Bennett lucky today??
(wow never thought youd hear that one)
So its a few weeks later, and Benny is like spending, every day with yall now lol
Ur getting dinner ready for u guys, and ur hopefully gonna make enough to leave leftovers for Lupical and Andrius,
So Razor has gone off to get some water to boil,
And Benny is climbing this huge tree to reach some eggs
And as he gets farther and farther up the tree away from you, he starts to slip more often 😬
Finally as he reaches the top, u realize after weeks without even a trip from him whenever hes around yall, why he wasnt unlucky-
...the closer he is to you, the luckier he is, and the farther Benny is-
He steps on a dead branch and it snaps :0 !!
Just as he falls, he screams and yells,
U push together some thick bushes and vines to catch him luckily
(lord knows u couldnt have caught him no matter how light he is, rip benny)
..Benny is okay, but he does go red in the face, and when u ask if he wants u to get one of his dads from the guild to check him over/make him feel better?
He says quickly "NO THANKS!"
Then Razor comes back like, "You call Lupical dad now?"
Benny: "What? No!"
You: "Do u see me as a, father figure, Bennett?"
Benny: "NO- more like I see u as a BOTHER figure bc ur always BOTHERING ME-"
Lol anyways jk
what a cutie tho,
(Ur Creator vibes made him feel vv at home in a way he hasnt felt before, so u got the honors early <3)
so ur a Dad™️ now (regardless of ur gender btw)
hope u like having a pack of puppies, a wolf spirit god, a wild wolf raised boy, and another wild but adventurer guild raised boy as ur family now 🤷‍♂️
You may or may not have also gotten onto Benny for charging straight into battle at other times, bc hes so used to bad luck happening anyway, apparently its canon he will just run in???
(to the point Grand Master VARKAS commented on it??!!)
U were pissed, bonked his head and everything-
He looked sufficiently chastised, but when u originally found out Fischl and Razor were nearby,
And u just hear snickering behind u as u bop him
(U bop them later too for that lol)
Benny is also very good at treating injuries bc of this too apparantly,
So one time when you Razor and him were engaging with a couple hilichurls again on the way to Windrise,
Benny applied pyro, and bc u were standing father away than usual (there was an archer earlier u were dodging)
His bad luck crept in and when Razor went to charge up his wolf spirit electro ult-
...everyone went flying back.
...Including Benny and Razor 💀
You heard a really sick pop!
From Benny's shoulder :(
You quickly start pullin out the healing foods lol shove a fishstick in his mouth screaming IT HEALS like a crazed grandparent lmao
But Benny has already sighed and sat up, popping his arm back into place
While u do praise his healing??? skills,
U have found out thru him that apparently ur food also gives some pain killer effects
So u scold him and bop him on the head with some dango 🍡
For not waiting on u to help him lol
Which btw-
Any healing food u give him, he treats like the bandages many others give him, like Barbara, Katheryne, his guild dads, etc.
And holds onto them, rarely eating them
(Ur stuff preserves until needed bc its magical Creator powers surprise, surprise)
Benny feels like its a tangible piece of your care he can keep with him <3 sobs
"Well, since you're by my side, I guess I'm not that unlucky after all!"
proud of you son :')
Ok so youve been getting Razor and u furnishings right
And youve been asking him what he wants to add to the caves digs ! :]
(U made a more fortified "front door" to the cave entrance, its also not that deep of a cave so there r only like 3 other "rooms" besides the main entrance area)
U improved both of u guys beds (tho razor will crash urs if he has a nightmare)
Along with some new outfits for him!
And so he has requested some stuff, but as time goes on,
Slowly, Razor goes from telling Benny about what new thing u added or telling his friend abt what he wants for the cave/himself,
To asking Benny what he wants bc he stays over so often 😭
(Youve gotten Benny factored into ur finances now lol, u gave him new clothes, new gear, amenities, etc. It also helps him bc he doesnt rlly have a main caretaker, so if he needs money he has to take commissions, which can be dangerous to him alone bc if u dont know, Benny's Adventuring Team only has him as the single member of it, plus thats not good if he is too sick or too injured to work, so a 2nd source of lowkey income is good for him <3 )
U now have a coffee table as the dinner table (razor was used to sitting on the ground to eat so a high table felt weird to him)
And it has a few pillow chair thingys?
For you, Razor, Benny, and a guest aw 💘
Benny also originally wanted to help make smth for u guys as a house warming gift
but bc he would try to work on it away from ur influence, it would break everytime :(
Eventually u just coninvced the poor kid to help u pick out some nice rugs and stuff lol
He also has surprisingly good interior design tastes, huh, who knew?
(cough when benny stays over he usually stays in razors bed, but occasionally theyre both lonely had nightmares and ask to crash with u, i love these kids sm cough)
Recently youve been visiting Benny in town even w/o Razor sometimes (rare as it is lol)
Mostly bc it seems like he needs the attention too <3
U gotta make sure hes eating real food okay
U dont want him to end up like u in ur world where u ate snacks for dinner when u were his age...
And Benny gets super hype about it every time, hes grabbing u by the arm, hauling u around to talk to ppl etc.
(Did i mention ur one of the few or not at all ppl who he can freely hold onto no matter the weather/situation bc his bad luck doesnt happen to you?? Oh no??? Well there u go :)
Most notably, to talk to the other Guild Dads™️
They deadass lowkey postured at you for an hour at you before giving in bc u seemed to be the only good luck charm the kid's ever gotten in his entire life 😭
They also r rlly happy someone is able to bc of his rlly bad luck willing to look out for him when they cant :)
For his birthday, you guys all celebrated by doing a picnic again like when u first met them, and you made him a cake
Benny's face rlly said " :'D !! "
Later on, for presents, you got him a blanket matching Razor's !!
Shades of red, with some good luck symbols thruout to maybe make up for when ur not there, and puppies all over <3
And at the top, you yourself embroidered (attempted, so its kinda sloppy but still readable, its endearing you like to think)
"Benny's Adventure Team"
With your name, Razor, Fischl, and even Oz and Andrius lol, all embroidered (not by u bc u stabbed urself enough times making the title thx) as team members down below 👍
You also show him a copy of the book record Katheryne keeps of adventuring teams, telling him that you snuck into Mondstadt one day w/o him knowing and officially signed you guys together (the others agreed too ofc)
...Benny cried, straight up.
And just like held onto you for bascially the rest of the day ❤️
(you also may or may not have signed the corner with "love, dad" haha what)
I just want y'all to know.
I had like this whole thing ready to post.
Then tumblr decided it didn't like any of my writing, and deleted half of this post.
U probably saw the spot i marked where i lost it all :'/
I think it took an hour? Or at least 30 minutes to write.
Guess tumblr didn't like that I was adding so much in one go.
So now it's gone.
Doin smth ballsy bc in order to avoid that, ive just rewritten that lost half, and am just going to post it straight up rather than expecting it to save my draft 🥲
Those beautiful moments between Bennett and us, are gone forever. My memory isn't good enough to rewrite it all. ;-;
If you don't mind, I'll be crying somewhere over those lost Benny moments that I drafted on here and can no longer remember to add.
I guess that's tumblr's cruel way of telling me to go the extra mile and draft my bullshit on a literal Google Doc then come back here and deal with the formatting transition hell.
Thanks tumblr.
Appreciate the writing advice.
(Oz translation: hey its aquarius here! I hope you gods enjoyed my writing! Feel free to check out my Masterpost/Writing Rules List if you guys ever wanna request something, including non-Sagau/Isekai stuff! :] )
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
Hey not sure if yall will see this, but while this does have influences of Sagau/Isekai genshin, its still pretty just platonic genshin stuff, so let me know if thats not what u wanna be tagged for - just dm me!!)
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dingergum · 6 months
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(Characters are from @canisalbus)
Something very different from what i usually draw and from my last Vaschete fanart. I love those guys so i really wanted to make more fanart, but i didn't know what to draw exactly.
Here, i tried to paint Machete, Vasco and Smollchete in the style of the character portraits in Disco Elysium. I don't think i quite achieved that effect, but i still liked the end results.
Smollchete is further away from the usual character portraits in DE, but it was on purpose because i wanted to emphasize how he's just a little guy. And the little guy gets smaller and smaller...
In retrospective (because i finished this art a few days ago) Disco Elysium's style of painting doesn't really seem to mix the colors, which i did a lot here, specially on Machete. Also not a lot of gradients like i did on Vasco. They also shade with much more wild and different colors.
I'm going to put all the rest of my madman ramblings below. It's long and your mileage may vary if you played Disco Elysium or not (no spoilers tho.)
Okay, so... As i had the idea of making these disco elysium style portraits but with the gay catholic dogs, i had just beaten Disco Elysium. And so, as i was doing my things in my day to day life, waiting for the opportunity to actually draw them, i kept thinking about skill interactions with the boys, like if your main character talked to them and had enough points in the skill.
Things like Half-light identifying Machete as a brutal and hardened survivor just by looking at his eyes, but Physical Instrument doesn't believe that because Machete looks like just a spindly noodle. And Half-light would be like no bro, trust me, this guy is hardcore.
Shivers or Spirit-de-Corps would tell you how Machete is treated among his fellow bishops and how he's either vilified or seen as a tool. And at that Inland Empire would pipe in saying “He is treasured. But not here.” because yeah we love him. Despite almost everyone in his world hating his guts
Also yeah Reaction Speed clocking Machete as super paranoid. Specially considering maybe in this universe you'd be investigating one of his assassination attempts or maybe even something sinister that Machete had done.
Reaction Speed: “His eyes dart across the room, checking if you have any backup. Then, a twitch of the ear, followed by a sideways glance." Logic: "He is making sure he isn't being flanked.” Inland Empire: “But he's all alone...”
I also feel like Rhetoric would have a field day with Machete. Like, finally, a worthy opponent.
Empathy would get the feeling that despite his reputation, that there is someone else behind Machete's bug eyes, someone other than Machete, the pale eminence. If you have enough points in a skill, it would try to pipe in saying who they think it is, judging Machete (e.g: Authority: "A man superior to you."; Pain Threshold: "It's just sweet pain all the way to the bone."; Half-Light: "A survivor."; Encyclopedia: "The inside lining of the eye is covered by special light-sensing cells that are collectively called the retina. It converts light into electrical impulses. Behind the eye, your optic nerve carries these impulses to the brain. The macula is a small extra-sensitive area in the retina that gives you central vision.") concluding with Drama: "No one he'd want you to know, sire."
That would trigger a dialogue option for an Empathy white check to try and see who's actually behind Machete's eyes and see beyond his reputation and demeanor. I'd imagine you would get a +2 if you talked to Vasco before. And if you pass the check, the screen would go white and Machete's model and portrait would change to Smollchete and you'd be able talk to him for a moment, the little guy, and learn a little bit more about his backstory, stuff that he hides behind the Machete persona. That's why i painted Smollchete too. I don't think Empathy has this same kind of metaphysical effect like others skill in-game, but i thought it would be cool.
Talking to Vasco for the first time would just straight up heal you 1 morale. No skill check necessary. Here, have some free morale.
Your Encyclopedia would recognize his coat of arms and maybe deduce that Vasco is a diplomat or a politician. Then your Composure would tell you straighten your posture and put up your serious face, Suggestion would tell you to flatter him while adressing him strictly formally, but the two of them would be thrown off-kilter as Vasco starts acting very casual and down-to-earth. Maybe Authority would judge his attitude to be unfitting of someone in such position. Idk. This is all random ramblings that were bouncing in my head that i needed to let out.
Hope this isn't too weird, i just had a lot of time between having the idea to draw this and actually sitting down to draw it, so these ideas were just popping up in my head. I wish i could've just put those in the tags, but it waaaay exceeds the tag limit.
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bluelove24 · 3 years
Late night fun: Reggie Mantle (Charles Melton) x Male Reader.
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This work is complete fiction, it’s not meant to be taken seriously. I do not own the gif and every credit goes to owner.
Warnings: this work contains cheating, kinda strong language(?), it’s man on man action, description of genitalia, biting, rough sex.
Authors note: I struggled writing this one, it’s been chaotic so writing was very difficult but I managed to finished it. I’m not that satisfied with how it turned out, I feel like I didn’t do a good job. So please if you like it show some love. Another thing I was thinking about making a Riverdale series. Have Y/N Lodge “interact” with other characters. So if you like the idea let me know! Feedback is always welcomed. 💙
“Yes baby, you like this don't you, you little slut."
I turned on my bed.
“Tell me how much you want this you slut. Beg for my dick.”
Hot, it feels hot in the room.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard that you’ll be feeling the effects of my dick for a couple of days.”
I sit up quickly on my bed, sweating, and hard. I reach over to my nightstand where my phone is charging and check the time, “2:45”, great. Another night where no matter how much I jack off before bed I still dream of that night. The night I had sex with Archie Andrews, my crush for the longest time. It’s been 2 weeks since then, and he still hadn’t call or text me. Veronica has told me that she and Archie have hanged out since then so I know he’s still in Riverdale. I couldn’t stop thinking about him but I’m a Lodge, I can’t be weak, so I haven’t add the first move. I needed to find someone and fast. I lay down again on my bed trying to go back to sleep, trying my best to not think about Archie or his body or his beautiful dick or the way he fucked my- damn it. I couldn’t go back to bed in this condition. I get up and put my robe on, covering my underwear clad body. I didn’t want to run into my step father Hiram only wearing a jockstrap, so it’s better to cover up. I know, I know, if he’s my step father, why do I have his last name? Well the answer is simple, my mom had me before she got married to Hiram. I’m older than Veronica by one year.
I tied my robe and walk towards my door, I’ll go to the kitchen, I’ll drink a cup of water and head back to bed. I took a sit at the kitchen island with a water in hand, looking out the window. I hear footsteps walking towards the kitchen as well. “That’s weird, I didn’t think anyone was awake”.
“Woah! What are you doing here bro?” I turn around looking at the one and only Reggie Mantle, wearing only his tight underwear, in the entrance of my kitchen. Those briefs look almost painted on him. His muscles were out on display. His meaty chest with those perky brown nipples. His rippling abs, with a hairy treasure trail going from his bellybutton down to his great bulge. I look up at his face and I don’t know if he caught me checking him out or it’s because he’s scared of finding someone awake at this hour but he looks confused.
“I live here Mantle”. I turn to continue looking out the window, although I would love to keep looking at him. “What are you doing here?” I ask.
“Uhm…” he grabs a water bottle from the fridge. “Your sister and me were on a date”. He takes a few sips, his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. “We came back and I wanted to have sex but she didn’t want to pull out”. He scratches his bulge behind the kitchen island, which I can’t see thanks to the dreaded object. “Sorry of its to much information for you. You know how it is when your girl doesn’t pull out am I right”. He laughs a little at his little joke.
“No Reggie I wouldn’t know since I don’t have a girl, in fact I’ve never had a girl, since you know… I’m gay”. I smirk at the end. I can see his mind processing everything I just said and then the realization comes. Poor Reggie he’s always been a little slow but so handsome.
“Oh shit…” he says softly. “I didn’t know, I’m sorry dude”.
“Sorry for what?”
“Well I mean it must be hard to be gay especially with your father being the way that he is”. He whispers that last part, afraid that he could possibly be heard.
“First of all, Hiram isn’t my father. Second of all, it’s not that bad. Being a Lodge has its perks.” We stay quiet after that for a little bit, I can see he’s struggling with something that he wants to say but it’s having trouble saying it. “Regg, you good?”
“Yeah it’s just that… can I ask you something?” I can already feel where this is going.
“Sure! Go ahead.”
“Did… did it hurt?” He whispered softly.
“Hurt? As in sex? I mean the first time hurts a little bit, but after a while it felt good. I mean I like it rough so honestly… I didn’t mind the pain”.
“You like the pain?” Reggie tilted his head to the side like a puppy.
“Yeah I mean I like it rough so I honestly didn’t mind.” I could see that my words were having an effect on him.
“So you like it rough…” Reggie put his left hand on his bulge, still hiding behind the kitchen island.
If he’s getting excited by what I’m saying, then let’s push it a little bit more. “Oh yeah. I mean getting down on my knees to suck a dick, choke on it. Then having a guy bend me over and just fuck my brains out is the best ever.” I could see his hands moving behind the counter, most likely playing with his bulge. “What about you Regg, how do you like sex?” I got up and walked slowly around the counter so that I could catch a glimpse of his bulge.
“We have more in common than I thought, we like sex the same way.” He took a step back showing off his situation. His underwear was struggling to contain that dick inside.
“Why Reggie Mantle… it seems like you have a little situation over there”. I walked towards him, not that close but close enough that I could see his dick twitch.
He looked towards the entrance of the kitchen, most likely seeing if we were alone. Then he took a step closer. “Trust me babe, there’s nothing small about this.” He took another step to where he was close enough that I could feel his body heat.
“Is that so?” I placed my hand on his strong chest, moving my fingers down. He flexed his pecs making then bounce. My hand now touching his rock hard abs. Going lower I felt the beginning of his treasure trail guiding me down towards the promised land. As my hand reached the waistband of his underwear he stopped me.
“I don’t remember saying you could touch”. He grabbed my hand but didn’t let go.
I press my body against his, getting close to his ear I whisper. “If you didn’t want me to do this, we both know that you would have already punched me, so spare me the fake outrage and let me suck your dick”. After saying that I give a lick to his earlobe, kissing my way down his neck, down to his chest where I kiss and suck on those nipples, gently biting the right one eliciting a moan from Reggie. Jackpot. I suck on his nipples for a few minutes and with my hand I pinch and twist the other one. Reggie is moaning from the pleasure and slight pain from me pinching him. I release his nipple from my mouth and stand face to face with him. “If you don’t want my sister to catch us you better keep quiet, we still haven’t gotten to the main event.” I give a quick lick to his lips to see his reaction. After seeing that he didn’t complain about it, I take my chance and give him a quick kiss before kneeling in front of him. I look at his face before lowering my eyes to his bulging dick trapped behind his tight briefs. I get close to his bulge pressing my face on it smelling him. I can feel the heat trapped inside. He smells wonderful, the clean smell of a fresh pair of underwear, the remnants smell of his body wash, and his natural smell after a long night. His natural smell overpowering the others, pure man. I take a deep whiff, taking him in. I rub my face all over his bulge trying to coat my face with his smell. I found the head of his cock behind the briefs and could feel the wet spot from his precum. I started sucking the precum from the briefs. Making the wet spot bigger. I grabbed his briefs and pulled them down, his big bush started showing. I pulled lower and the base of his cock came into view, more and more, until with one big tug his dick was free. I take a look at it, it is beautiful dick. 6.7 inches and really thick with a little bit of an upwards curve. Lowering my eyes a little bit, holy shit, his balls! They’re the size of eggs, they are really big. I grabbed onto Reggie’s balls, they were heavy in my hand. Reggie's sack felt like silk as his nuts rolled between my fingers. The head of his dick was shiny with his precum. He made his dick bounce, making his precum drip onto the floor. I look at his face smiling.
“Do you like it?” His voice is low and deep.
“Yes Reggie, it’s beautiful, I can’t wait to have it in my mouth”. I smiled up at him.
“Then hurry up, I haven’t cum in weeks”. He flexed his dick again. Reggie leaned against the counter and opened his legs.
I grabbed his dick and hold it up, I get closer to his balls and take a deep breath. Taking in his manly scent, they look shiny from sweat. I press my face into his balls, feeling their warmth. I start licking his balls, tasting them. They are salty from his sweat and the taste like pure man. I suck one of them into my mouth and apparently they were sensitive because he started shaking from pleasure. He grabbed my hair and pushed my face harder into his crotch. I started slobbering all over his huge nuts. As my head got pushed around, my own saliva left a shiny film on my face.
“Yes." he moaned, "Fuck yes.” I sucked and licked while Reggie directed my mouth from left to right, under his nuts and above them, into the crease between his legs and then back to his junk. “Oh fuck yeah”. Groaned Reggie. He looked down at me, I was staring right back at him. "You're doing good, baby. I could stand here forever."
“Fuck Reggie this is so fucking hot”. I said and continued licking his balls. Reggie grabbed his dick, giving it a few strokes. He started rubbing the head of his dick on my face, forehead, even my hair. Reggie was leaking precum like a faucet, I could feel a steady steam of precum spilled into my scalp. This is so dirty, I love it. I could feel his balls start to pull up towards his body, letting me know he was close to cumming. I pulled back, I want his cum but not right now, I want to enjoy this a little bit more. I sit back catching my breath, I can feel his precum soaking my hair and forehead. I scoop some up from my forehead and lick it up. Looking up at him I can see he’s also breathing heavily. I look at the clock is almost 3:30 am. I get closer to him and grab his dick and start sucking on the head. His precum floods my mouth instantly. His dick is going to be a problem, what is missing in length it makes up for it in girth. I can already feel my jaw starting to ache. I push more of him into my mouth, until I almost reach the base, my mouth is stretched to its limits. At the base it gets thicker, something I wouldn’t think possible. I started moving my head back and forth, his precum flowing into my throat. Reggie grabbed my head and started picking up speed, thrusting quickly into my mouth. My jaw is hurting stretched to its limit. Reggie was pounding my throat without mercy making me choke my eyes water started to water. I could feel drool spill from my open mouth. Even though it was a struggle I was hard in my underwear. I could feel my dick leaking precum, making my underwear wet. I needed to catch a break so I pull away, catching my breath. “Fuck Reggie, you’re thick.” I wiped my mouth from all the drool. He started jerking his cock, using the mix from my saliva and his precum as lube. Fuck if it wasn’t for the fact that my family is sleeping close by I would let him fuck me. I look at his face and get closer again. Taking over I start jerking him off. I get my mouth close to his dick but I stop. Let’s have some fun. “Hey Regg… have you ever been sucked like this?” I smirk at him, giving his dick a few strokes. “Am I… am I better than my sister?” I stop stroking him immediately. I need him to be needier for this, for me. He looks shocked, I can see the wheels turning in his mind. He opens his mouth to answer but I need to torture him a little bit more. So I place my mouth over the head of his dick and gently suck on the head, not breaking eye contact. I pull back again, “So am I better?” I place him back in my mouth and painfully slowly I start to take him deeper into my mouth. I push through the pain and take him completely, my nose in his pubes, my jaw at its limit. I start moaning, making vibrations with my throat.
“F-fuu-fuck!” Reggie almost yells. “Yes, a thousand times yes, you’re so much better than your sister”. He grabs my head and holds it in place. “Fuck no one has ever taken my dick that far, they always complain about how thick it is.” He’s whispering, his abs flexing, he’s trying to control himself from not cumming so soon. His body is shiny from the sweat, making his muscles that much more highlighted. He starts moving my head back and forth, fucking my throat. I start gagging from the pounding my throat is receiving. Drool leaking from the corner of my mouth making neck and chest wet. I can feel my robe absorbing the spit that’s running down my neck. I take a hold of his balls and start gently massaging them. With my other hand I grab his ass. Looking up I can see that Reggie has his head tilted back biting his lips. He continues relentlessly to pound my throat.
In the silence of the night the only sound is gurgling from my throat and Reggie’s low moans. I didn’t care if anyone came out and saw us, I wanted Reggie’s cum. He starts picking up speed, his balls pulling tight to his body, signaling that he was ready to cum. “I’m about to cum, you better swallow this big load that I’m about to give yo-aaaaaaahhhh!” With one final push from him, he pulls my face tightly into his crotch and starts cumming down throat. I can feel his hot load blasting into my stomach, there’s just so much that I feel myself getting full. I push him away but not completely I still have the head of his dick in my mouth. He continues to cum flooding my mouth with his cum. It tastes better than I imagined, slightly salty, but it’s sweet I can tell he eats pineapple, and it’s thick. I start swallowing the shots that he blasted in my mouth but his cum just keep coming. There’s so much that some leaks from my mouth. “Don’t swallow all of it, save some in your mouth!” With one final throb he stops cumming. I counted 8 blasts of his cum. I pull away from his dick, making sure not to spill any of the cum that’s in my mouth. He grabs my hand and pulls me up crashing his lips with mine. After our lips met, he started sucking the cum I didn’t swallow from my mouth, licking my mouth clean with his tongue. After making out with him for a few he pulls away, giving me a sexy smirk. “Don't flatter yourself. I do it when I got blowjobs from women too. Jizz contain protein, and I don't like wasting protein. I need it to get bigger." He said to me as he ruffled my hair. Fuck my dick was so ready to bust. He looked down at my crotch seeing my desperation. “You didn’t cum?”
“No… I focused on pleasing you first before I finished”. I looked at him. He looked at me then looked down the hall to make sure nobody was coming and grabbed me again, pulling me to him. He started kissing me again, pulling back he started licking the cum that ran down my neck. While he was in my neck he started to kiss, suck, and bite my neck marking me up. He opened my robe and grabbed my ass with one hand and the other moved to the pouch of my dick.
“Come on baby, cum for daddy.” He whispered in my ear. “You made daddy happy so now be a good boy and shoot for me. Show daddy how quickly he can make you cum”. He started jerking me off through my jockstrap. The hand in my ass started squeezing my cheeks. His lips sucking on my neck. I was close to cumming.
“Aah! Daddy I’m cumming!” I bite my lip trying not to moan loudly, from fear of waking someone up. Reggie wasn’t making it easy, after I finished talking he started sucking hard on my neck. My orgasm was really powerful that if it wasn’t for Reggie I probably would have fallen, my knees felt really weak. After cumming in my jockstrap, I fell on Reggie, letting him hold me while I catch my breath. After a few minutes I stand up again, stepping away from Reggie. He looked incredible, standing there naked, his briefs on the floor. The sweat making his hair stick to his forehead. His lips swollen and red from kissing. I took a step back until my hip was resting on the kitchen island, across from him. Both of us processing what just happened.
Reggie stood up and walked towards me, he got down in front of me and started taking my jockstrap off.
“Wha-what are you doing Reggie…?”
He didn’t answer he just continued taking my jockstrap off. After removing it from my body he grabbed his briefs and started putting them on me. His briefs felt a little loose on me. After putting his underwear on me he stood up again. He gave me a quick kiss and got close to my ear. “I’m taking these as a souvenir.” He stepped back showing me my cum covered jockstrap. I started walking towards my sister’s room. After making sure that there was no evidence of what we just did I walked back towards my room.
Walking pass my sister room I could see that Reggie didn’t close the door completely. I get close to the door and I can see he was putting my jockstrap in his the pocket of his coat. He looks at the door and winks at me. He gets in bed with my sister, still naked, and I’m pretty sure I could still see my saliva around his dick. I get to my room and get into bed, thinking about what Reggie and me just did. And the fact that I basically just slept with my sister’s boyfriend and said boyfriend is now naked in her bed. As I feel sleep start to take over me my phone vibrates. I grab it and see what it is. Shocked I sit on the bed. It’s a simple text accompanied by a picture. The text says:
“Miss me?” Attached to it it’s a picture of Archie Andrews’s dick wrapped around the underwear he took from me on Halloween. The three dots appear on the screen, he’s typing…
“I’m cumming for that ass again ;)”
The End…
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69misato69 · 2 years
Konda's Hero (Itto x Gorou) ✦ 3k, smut
AU where the Arataki Gang actively patrols Konda Village and therefore everyone wants to fuck Itto. Gorou being a sneaky little tease, sort of a plot twist at the end, Itto is vile and feral. I imagine Ittorou soft and sweet but this was requested by a friend.
Top Arataki Itto x Bottom Gorou
content warnings: anal sex, anal fingering, masturbation, overstimulation, verbal degradation, washing, tail grooming, buttplug, breeding kink, consensual but non-safe gay sex
writer's note: explicit +18 content, please view at your own risk. thank you, have fun !
“Alright ladies, single file please.” Shinobu gestured to the women from Konda Village with his hand to the center of the camp. Giggles and enthusiastic “whoo”s resonated among the crowd as the ladies fixed their hair and ruffled their elegant fans in front of their faces. 
Arataki Itto entered the campsite with his swag on, per usual, the gang greeting him with goofy salutes and pats on the back. Titles and the chain of command in the Arataki gang existed solely for practical reasons.
These were his friends, his chosen family. The people that accepted him as their own when no one would, and placed immense trust in him to call the shots. And the lack of this power struggle would always reflect in how joyous the site always remained. 
Itto revered in front of the line-up with a kind smile, making the women swoosh on spot. The gang had done many great deeds in the past to Konda Village, ridding them of Kobuchis and Treasure Hoarders, and to this day troops would patrol the village daily to make sure none were returning.
Consequently, the women of the village were always eager to meet and, to put it in in the nicest term possible, sexually advance the head of the gang, the mighty Crimson Oni, Mr. Arataki Itto. This semi-formal hike up the hill to the campsite monthly allowed them to offer themselves, hoping to be chosen by him. 
Contrary to popular belief, Itto rarely had sex with the women he chose from the crowds, and would mostly sit them down for a grand, delicious meal prepared by Shinobu to keep up the delightful conversation deep into the night. 
His guests wouldn’t ever leave unsatisfied though, since his loud laughs, goofy jokes and hilarious take on life would leave them stunned, even if it wasn’t what they originally came here for.
Though, it is worth mentioning that when they returned to Konda Village they would all tell an entirely different story, as expected. 
Itto chuckled at the sight, “Ladies, looking beautiful as always. You have no idea how much it means to me that you took the time to-” he stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed a tail of brown, full fur towards the end of the line. “Uh…My apologies, just a second. Shinobu, could you come in here for a second?”
Shinobu stepped up with a smirk, knowing damn well what Itto was about to say. “Hey bro. Is that…Um—a dog?” The gang couldn’t help but giggle. “Yeah no, we asked. It’s a human with…you know…human body parts. It’s just the tail and ears.” Itto scratched his head. “You sure he is here willingly? A guy?” 
“Yes boss, we made sure no one forced him or anything. He just said he wanted to come so we just let him.” Shinobu elaborated, then proceeded to whisper something in the oni’s ear.
Itto hummed and turned to the crowd. “Once again, I apologize for the interruption ladies, but it seems like I have an urgent matter to attend to. What do you say, would a feast tomorrow night make up for it?” 
The women giggled, positive replies to the invitation raised from the line-up as the gang members escorted them to the exit. Itto gestured to Akira, “Hey man. Keep the puppy and take him to the bath, will you? I’ll be there shortly.” Akira nodded and ran after the crowd to discreetly separate the boy from the rest. 
The bath was enormous, built for comfort with wooden seats and sealed marbles all along the walls and floors to trap in the heat. The pleasant smell of lavender soap mixed with the heavy water vapor in the air as Itto entered the bath in nothing but a tight pair of shorts, exposing his red and black markings along with his neatly sculpted abs. 
He curiously approached the individual sitting shyly at the center of the pool, soaked to his waist with a pair of similar shorts provided by the gang, Itto didn’t know they had a size as small for the tiny boy. 
“Hey there!” he greeted joyfully, dipping in the pool. A pair of beautiful turquoise eyes turned to Itto, “Good afternoon, sir.” Itto couldn’t help but chuckle at the formality, “And you are?”. 
“My name is Gorou, sir.” his gaze fixed on the ground again. “Gorou…A beautiful name indeed. I’m Arataki Itto.”, he couldn’t help but notice how the boy blushed instantly upon hearing his name spill from Itto’s lips.
“Yes sir, I know. It is an honor to meet you.” Gorou found the confidence to look up again, his mind going blank instantly with Itto’s gentle gaze. “The honor is all mine. Though, I find it hard to believe that you are here at your own accord.” Itto asked with a hint of concern. 
“No, I am. I apologize for appearing reserved…It’s just that I wanted to meet you for so long but, I never had the courage to join the group. I mean…I didn’t think you would ever pick me, the ladies that come are always so…enchanting after all.” Gorou struggled to find the words but he was gaining confidence. 
“So why did you come up, then?” Itto asked. Gorou took a deep breath, moving his legs under the water. “I finally decided that it’s okay not to be chosen. But coming here meant that I could at least see you with my own eyes.” Itto hummed, “I see. So you came to meet me.” 
“I…came to offer myself to you, sir.” Lust was beginning to hint at Gorou’s previously shy gaze. Itto was pleased with the answer. He studied the boy, paying attention to how he gripped onto the shorts to disguise the tremble. 
“May I touch you?” Gorou nodded, getting up without hesitation to sit on Itto’s wide thigh with his back turned to him. 
Itto suddenly noticed how small the boy truly was. His palm was enough to cover Gorou’s face and his feet didn’t even touch the ground on Itto’s lap. Gorou’s lean muscles were contrasted by his frail wrists and tiny waist, and the fluffy tail tickling the oni’s chest. 
Itto scraped his claws lightly on Gorou’s shoulders and back, grabbing his waist with the other hand and occasionally squeezing his thighs firmly. The boy shuddered at the sensation, slowly becoming unable to keep his ears and tail from moving, which didn’t go unnoticed of course. 
The oni grabbed the tail gently, petting along the length and eyeing Gorou’s ears from the back as they twitched. “Are you okay with me washing you?” Itto asked. Gorou turned to him, cheeks flushed from heat and arousal. “Uh…I cleaned up thoroughly sir, you don’t have to worry.” he answered, still breathing shakily.
“Not that you’re dirty, but you must enjoy getting your tail groomed, no?” Itto smirked and pulled Gorou even closer to his chest, hugging his waist tightly, breathing down on his neck. 
The boy let out an involuntary high-pitched gasp. “I—you really don’t have to…do that for my enjoyment.” Itto left a kiss on Gorou’s shoulder, making his entire upper body twitch. “Who says I won’t enjoy it too?”
Gorou nodded, afraid that whatever he says will come out extremely needy. Itto hummed and reached back for a glass bottle of lavender shampoo. He poured some on the boy’s tail and brushed the golden brown fur.
The tail began to wag, moving harshly from left to right in excitement. Itto let out a loud laugh, Gorou was taking in short, fast-paced breaths, it was obvious he was fighting the urge to rock back and forth. He turned back to notice the shampoo smearing all over Itto’s chest while the oni began to scratch his lower back, driving him even crazier.
“Hngh—I am s—so sorry, I can’t…control-” Gorou made an unsuccessful attempt to  apologize for his excitement. Though, Itto was amused by it. He began to scrub the boy’s ears, delicately grooming the fur. “It’s okay, dear.”   
Itto rinsed Gorou’s body with warm water while he did his best to hold back the twitches and whimpers. As enjoyable and satisfying as it was, his patience was beginning to wane. The oni carried him to a seat nearby, reaching out for a towel to dry them both. 
Itto patted his thighs as Gorou settled back on his lap, this time facing him. “Do you feel better? I figured you must be tired.” he asked sweetly, running his claws up and down the boy’s thighs. 
“Yes sir, thank you.” he replied, gaze fixed on Itto’s abs, almost mesmerized. The oni chuckled, “You can call me Arataki.” Gorou pondered for a moment, still unable to take his eyes off of Itto’s upper body, “Arataki…” he spoke out softly. “May I…touch?” the boy asked, his hand lingered in the air touching Itto’s skin.
“Of course.” the oni replied, his hands still fondling Gorou’s thighs. The boy hesitantly reached out, his fingertips made contact with Itto’s glistening skin, tracing his markings all the way down to his groin. 
Gorou was stunned, he gained confidence with Itto’s encouraging touches, pressing his palms on the oni’s firm muscles and lightly scraping his fingernails on his sides. Itto still seemed very calm and collected, unlike Gorou. The young boy’s mind was spiraling, overwhelmed with the reality of finally touching the man he worshiped. 
Itto held Gorou’s chin gently and leaned in for a kiss. He waited for Gorou to get over the initial shock before beginning to suck on his bottom lip. The boy obediently opened his mouth, allowing Itto’s tongue to roam freely, pulling him in deeper and deeper. 
Gorou was fighting for his life trying to keep a steady breathing rhythm between the kisses. He could feel his erection almost ripping through the tight fabric, smushed between their bodies. Itto’s touch was sending shockwaves to his body, strong yet loving hands all over his back, ass and thighs. 
Itto could feel the boy’s leg and hip muscles contract shakily in an attempt to hold still. He pulled away, cupping Gorou’s cheek and connecting their foreheads. “Don’t hold back. Let me see how much you need me.” he hissed into the younger’s face. 
Gorou was on the verge of tears already, face burning up, desperate to touch Itto and be touched by him. He got down on his knees, rubbing his face on the oni’s groin and thighs and taking in the scent, carving it to his memory and getting engulfed in it fully.
He quickly rid Itto of his shorts, eyes widening at the mouth-watering sight. Itto was used to people getting surprised by his length, but what he saw in Gorou’s eyes was unmatched by anything he ever came across. 
It was far from worry and intimidation, but rather pure hunger. Absolutely feral, true greed. “You don’t seem very off-put.” Gorou looked up, peeling his eyes away from Itto’s groin. “Why would I be? I wanted this for so long.” he batted his eyelashes slowly, commencing to place his mouth over Itto’s dick without breaking eye contact. 
He licked around the tip sensually, then began to lick along the shaft, taking his time, breathing hot air onto the length and salivating all over it. Itto was shocked by the change of energy. 
The shy and held-back boy was completely gone, leaving his place to this absolute animal, licking every inch, ready to devour him. Itto couldn’t hold back his moans, gripping onto the fur on Gorou’s head as the younger went on enthusiastically, finally swallowing it whole up to his throat. 
“Fuck.” Itto hissed and threw his head back, sinking deeper into his seat while he scratched Gorou’s ears. His tail was wagging in all directions, hips rocking into the oni’s legs involuntarily. 
He eventually pulled back, physically unable to continue without taking a breath. Itto’s dick left his mouth with a loud popping sound while he pumped up and down gently with his hand. “You’re amazing.” Itto breathed out and leaned back to wipe the tears running down the young boy’s cheeks. 
Gorou rested his cheek on Itto’s palm and closed his eyes. He felt so euphoric, out of this world, even felt close to cumming moments before just from sucking Itto off. The oni’s strong hands petting his ears gently, his beautiful lips crying out his name, praising and teasing him, this was Gorou’s heaven. 
Itto gestured him to get up, Gorou stood between his legs, knees scraped from the harsh marble. The oni slowly pulled down the tiny shorts, placing kisses all over Gorou’s tummy, tickling him like tiny butterflies. 
His large hand wrapped around the boy’s rock hard cock, pumping up and down and massaging the tip gently. Gorou held onto Itto’s wide shoulders, forehead resting on top of the oni’s head. Itto’s other hand wandered around his ass, claws dragging along two plump cheeks. 
Gorou placed his hand on top of the oni’s, attempting to guide his fingers towards his hole but facing opposition instead. Itto looked up at the boy, standing with a confused look on his face and pulled him to his lap. 
“I want you to stretch yourself, these things are pretty sharp.” he gestured at the claws. “I don’t mind getting hurt.” Gorou wrapped his arms around the oni’s neck, back arched and eyes half-lidded, noticing that he was succeeding in hurrying Itto up. 
“Oh I’ll hurt you plenty, but not like this. I won’t repeat myself, Gorou.” he grabbed the back of his hair, tugging and making the boy gasp lightly. “As you wish.” Gorou sucked on his own fingers, circling around the digits with his tongue and feeling Itto study every move closely with his eyes.
Gorou’s hand reached back as he adjusted his legs even further apart and gently pushed one finger inside, not wasting any time before adding the second one and starting to wander around. He felt Itto’s hands frame his upper body from the back and melted into his arms.  
“Add another.” the oni ordered and Gorou obeyed without hesitation. His pupils rolled to the back of his head. “Faster.” He obeyed. Precum was coating Itto’s stomach. “Go deeper, stop avoiding it.” Gorou’s moans were echoing off the walls, body rocking back and forth with the impact. 
“D-do I have to?” he asked with slight confusion. “What was that?” Itto smirked. “I…nothing.” Gorou took a deep breath and reached back to brush against his prostate, stimulating it carefully to keep himself from orgasming.
His head fell on Itto’s shoulder as the oni soothingly pet his head, other hand still grabbing his waist to keep him in place. Gorou’s wet breath and incoherent moans were hitting Itto’s shoulder, legs trembling and eyes shut tightly to hold himself.
He turned his face to speak right into the boy’s ear. “Are you okay, dear?” Gorou snapped back to reality with the tickle from Itto’s breath. “I really…mmh…really need you to fuck me…please, I can’t—ngh—hold out anymore.” he breathed out. 
Itto smirked, “If you cum, I’ll make sure you regret it deeply.” Gorou looked up in tears, realizing this was a test of will. He regained composure, not hiding away anymore but instead facing the oni. He twisted his fingers far up inside, moaning into Itto’s mouth and grinding onto his dick.
Gorou stared into Itto’s eyes, challenging him in return. The oni was in fact adoring the view but struggling to keep himself from slamming into the boy with full force. He was a whimpering mess, so submissive yet demanding, sweet but cheeky. A breath of fresh air from the people who came to him as mindless turned-on slaves.  
“I know you want—ah—me too, Arataki.” Gorou whimpered as if he was reading Itto’s mind, his hand ran through the beautiful, long white locks of hair. “Don’t you wanna ruin me?” he scraped his teeth against his neck. “Fuck me?” he ran his tongue along the sensitive spot. “Breed me?” he bit down, nibbling at the skin. 
“Oh now you’ve fucking done it.” Itto grabbed Gorou by the throat, swiftly reversing their places to lay him down on the seat. He reached over to grab a bottle of body gel, sloppily smearing it over his dick and lining himself up with the young boy’s puffy hole.
A smug, devilish smirk extended to Gorou’s cheeks, content with the feeling of victory. “You’re full of shit, you know?” Itto pushed in harshly without a warning, making the boy screech. “All this shy virgin act? How you came all this way to please me ?” Gorou tried to adjust to the stretch as Itto kept mercilessly thrusting in and out. “You’re here to please yourself, am I wrong, General Gorou of the Resistance?” 
Gorou froze for a moment, eyes wide and his smirk ripped off of his face. “You…you knew?” Itto chuckled, “Of course I knew. Never heard of a puppy roaming around before.”
Gorou was trying to stop his moans to talk more about it, but Itto seemed like he had no intention of slowing down. He grabbed the general’s thighs, spreading them even further to hit his prostate with every thrust. “Why did you—hmph—why did you pla—ay along then?” Gorou asked. 
“Whatever gets you hot is fine by me, now bend over since you wanna be a filthy dog so badly.” Gorou was stunned, the fact that Itto seemed so naive about it all along, waited for him to feel like he had the upper hand and then stole the win from right under him. 
It was humiliating, embarrassing to be caught in a lie, and it was turning him on so badly. What if people found out? He never thought his personal reputation would spread outside of Watatsumi, the Resistance wasn’t even fully functional yet. 
The oni had pulled out but Gorou was too stunned to move or speak. Itto grabbed his torso to flip him over as the general finally caught up to stand on his hands and knees. 
“Tsk. Such a mess, you must think you’re a great liar.” Itto huffed and pushed inside again, slower and more sensual this time, carefully exploring and abusing Gorou’s insides while he whimpered and moaned uncontrollably. 
Itto held onto his narrow hips, guiding them with circular motions one way whilst moving his own the other to reach every nook and cranny. Gorou wasn’t so much standing on all fours anymore, his chest was melting onto the ground with his ass still high up.
Itto leaned forward to press his chest against Gorou’s back, hitting it from an angle that made the general’s toes curl and heart drop. He reached from under the general’s arms to play with his hardened nipples while leaving sloppy kisses along his back. 
The boy was writhing and moaning under the weight, cross-eyed and fazed out, unable to even notice or stop himself from cumming when he released suddenly on his own stomach. 
“Not so witty anymore huh?” Itto chuckled. Gorou tried to gather his thoughts, fireworks were going off in his brain from overstimulation. “Fuck…I’m sorry for lying. I’m all yours, Arataki. I—hnghh—I’ll be good, promise.”
Itto let out a satisfied hum, practically scraping Gorou off the floor and onto his lap. The fur on his ears blended into the chestnut hair, cheeks coated with tears, sweat and saliva, eyes hardly focusing on the oni.
Itto was admiring the view for a brief moment when the boy started grinding onto his dick, “More…please. I want more.” Itto’s eyes widened, Gorou looked hazy, almost completely spaced out, yet was asking for more. 
Itto lifted his hips to skilfully slip inside again, rocking the frail boy up and down while his other hand wandered on his lower back, waist, chest and neck, calming and reassuring. “I’m…getting close again.” he muttered. 
“Would you like me to cap you?” The general’s eyes lit up, “Yes! Oh my god, yes please.” Itto got up with Gorou wrapped around his waist and took out a blue buttplug, pushing the young boy’s back onto the wall.
The final thrusts, harsh and sloppy, sent lightning bolts to Gorou’s body as the oni’s breathing grew heavier. The general completely relaxed into the strong arms, releasing a second time between their bodies as Itto also reached his climax with a low grunt and tight grip on the boy’s delicious milky thighs.
“Take a deep breath for me.” Gorou’s compliance was followed by Itto pulling out and inserting the buttplug swiftly with only a few drops of semen fleeing to the floor. The oni patted him on the head lovingly as Gorou clinged onto him, sobbing and riding out the high.
 “You did great, pup.” Itto rubbed his shoulders with reassurance. He carried the general under the water again, cleaning his face and body with warm water while he slowly returned to his senses and shook off with a satisfied smirk.
“Too much? Itto chuckled. Gorou swiftly hopped onto his lap again. “Not quite enough, actually.”
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ggensblog · 2 years
things the marauders (probably) said;
the series in which out of context quotes said by my friends are turned into incorrect marauders quotes. part 4
- james: remus is a quirked up white kid with a little bit of swag
- marlene: my dick is a size 8.5 in womens
- peter: not only am i a virgin but i haven’t murdered anyone yet !
- remus: i hate you and you’re dumb
sirius: (in response to ^^) say it again.
- james: i get too many bitches to know who weezer is
- mary: your eyes are calling me a pussy
- sirius: maybe the real treasure is the bitches we made along the way
- james: so what if im mansplaining pride month to the gays, what are you going to do about it homo?
- remus: (to sirius) you’re talking mad crap for someone who’s so easy to hate crime (/j)
- james: did you just objectify me ??
remus: (^^) yes.
- remus: (as the chilis staff starts singing happy birthday for the fourth time in 20 minutes) guys i can’t do this anymore i want to go home
- peter: the bigger they are, the harder they fall and i am small.
- sirius: everyone’s a whore here, i support equality bro
- lily: gotta keep you queers healthy so you can take down the patriarchy
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nagdabbit · 3 years
"my entire fitness goal is hook's shoulder-waist ratio, but with taz's extremely dense neck."
"the funniest thing about wrestling is that this fucking company is trying to make something called a stadium stampede sound both cool, AND serious."
gf: "if you cry listening to a crowd sing judas again, im divorcing you." me: "so that means youre gonna marry me." gf: "i've been bamboozled."
about brian cage: "this man is a huge dork. like, literally, i could fit me in him."
"i dunno what it is, but i would die to protect mr. hangman. he hunk, but he also baby."
thoughtfully, "i bet i could just catch you out of the air like that. i mean, i can squat you, i could probably even curl you like that, too."
because she is deeply in wrestling twitter now: "HOOK! babe, look, its hook! hook hive, rise up!"
"what i love about this feud is that all these men are fuckin' idiots. no brain cells, just shoes and fwiendship."
"what do you mean their tag team isn't just the wild boys, wtf? missed opportunity."
"those kicks are ugly, but i would steal them, too, honestly." *thirty seconds of silence layer* "for you, babe. i'd steal them for you, i mean."
"jon, no, the germs, jon, jesus christ, please dont drink that jon you dumbass."
"i love eddie, but i'm pretty sure we should never hang out. too much extremely new york energy, we would get arrested in like ten minutes. possibly less."
"diorsday device is the funniest shit ive ever fucking heard, how goddamn sad is that."
"max caster is gonna get murdered, but i love him."
"i wish bowens and his extremely attractive boyfriend the best in life."
"colt cabana and tay conti are tied for best smile in wrestling, but tay wins because i dont want colt to kick me in the face."
"penta is the only joker i formally recognize."
"today i found out that some people don't like stu and uno, and to them i say get entirely fucked."
after rush came out and i lost my entire shit: "i don't fully understand yet, but i support you." *one minute later* "oooooooooooohh. okay, yeah."
gf: "i enjoy that cody is pushing ogogo by being a dumb bitch with this america schtick." me: "you gonna say that when cody wins?" gf: "...fuck."
"ogogo got that guy ritchie movie ass music you love to see it."
"you were right about cody and i fuckin' hate it."
"aw yeah, its big boi season."
about miro: "i'm very gay, but the thing is, men with extremely jacked traps just do something to me."
"lance changed changed the color of his extensions and i appreciate that." *thirty seconds later* "are those... three crosses? tattooed on his back? jesus doesnt like murder, i don't think he likes murderhawks, either."
"britt baker is the only dentist i want in my mouth. no, wait, don't type that one!"
"oh, fuck, shidas getting teary i'm gonna fuckin cry, oh fuck, i get it now, i'm so sorry i made fun of you, i love her."
"oh fuck, shida knee me directly in the face."
"britt scares me. like the blood drip details on her gear are really cool, but i would legit believe its real blood from her."
"are you really crying about britt and the nice announcer man hugging?"
"hey, quick question, just real quick while ive got you here... why is the emo twink... like this?"
"darby's dad looks like my dad, and i'll never be okay with that."
"i like that darby just yeets himself around like that. he came in like a wrecking ball. a tiny, tiny wrecking ball."
"sting just tossing his son around the ring like that is very good, but, sir, that's bad parenting."
"the thing about sky and page is that these are the suburb guys i beat up at the beach on summer vacation. they have big "i robbed these guys at the pier" energy."
"damn, darby just feels his emotion with his entire face, doesnt he."
"okay explain the gambling thing and WHY it's a thing."
"orange rolling into the ring is so fucking good, that man is national treasure."
after me showing her the video of younger orange cassidy shitfaced and holding a fish for no reason: "i am shocked and appalled that you're only showing me this now."
after explaining the history of the jansport: "the range of this dumbass."
"i get that kenny is good and all, but his hair really fucks me up. it's upsettingly bad and i hope he knows that."
"pac is just. so much muscle. flippy beef man. a meateor." she did specify how to spell it for the joke because it was important.
"that man is a weeb, isnt he."
"something about a man breaking a hold by putting his hands in his pockets really gets me hype."
"fuck just murder omega and be done i hate this, put it on the beef man or the juicey boy already."
"babe, ill be right back i gotta murder this callis bitch."
after kenny won: "i fucking hate wrestling, this is bullshit."
"holy fuck, babe, i forgot mark henry was a wrestle boy! i know him from the olympics!"
"hey, is mark henry bigger than large paul?"
"mjf is a dumb bitch and i love him."
"hey, quick question, who thought repelling down the stadium would look cool, they're so far away."
"there's wardlow, my sweet boy. this is cool now."
she laughed for a solid two minutes at tony schiavone saying, "here comes the little guy."
"i fuckin hate hager. kill him wardlow, kill that crispy maga ass bitch."
"okay what's with the chairs." *after a brief explanation of the chairshot heard round the world* "and, like, he can't just pick a new gimmick? it's been two years, bro. move on, shes not coming back."
"okay, i admit that this is great and i love it, kill that old man on the dancefloor."
upon learning this is technically the main event: "you mean it's over after this? theyre ending the show on THIS? not the triple threat match, this?"
"i just noticed mjf's bedazzled jeans, i'm not angry anymore, this is perfect."
"no, more wardlow. gimme the beef."
"christ, sammy guevara is kinda incredible and i'm fuckin angry about it. why cant inner circle be just sammy and santana and ortiz, fuck the other two."
"no, shut up! i refuse to sing along to this! whats wrong with you?! this is a bad song!"
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mrstsung · 2 years
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Here's some shang x me self ship dynamics.
Technically i hc i initiated the whole relationship officially. But shang showed interest before i did. But again. I made the move,i took a risk.
But shang in the same vein would totally be the type to say we are dating/banging without me knowing. Or even brag about it to his enemies. Tho we really aren't quite an item yet. As he doesn't wanna screw it up with me. Gdi shang.
Also i totally hc shang falls for the "what's updog" and "deez nutz" every, damn, time. And he hates it. Lmao
We both want kids but.....the island?...the kombat?....yeah kinda makes that difficult.
We would totally die for each other. Tho we really don't want to.
We spoil the fuck outta each other and would definitely stand up for each other....viciously.
Im the first to apologize, not gonna sugarcoat that. Shang would after me. But sometimes I'd do it just to not argue with him. Even tho he knows he's wrong. Sometimes he's the type to push buttons. Not because he genuinely means it. But because he loves seeing me riled up,flustered,or throwing hands. Lmao. This binch right here, i swear to elder gods!
Shang tsung is a Wakes up earlier than me type. He drinks his tea,watches the sun rise. And makes me feels comfortable. He tries to let me sleep as much as i can. Again he's a bastard,but a sweet one.
He is definitely the type to approach me first. Meanwhile my anxious ass is dying inside
He is also definitely the one to purpose.
I say i love you first. But when i hear him say it for the first time. Possibly some time after i say it. I would cry. Because shang i see as the type that shows it,not says it very often. But when he says it. HE MEANS IT!
He is definitely prone to hiding his feels AT FIRST,he is so tsundere af about it. Im sorry. But over time. After the ice has broke,and we establish something. Oh he is so fucking clingy. He can and will show me off. He's the tsundere at first but afterwards he's the "i fucking love my wife!" Type guy. And also the "i will kill everyone in this room if you even breathe wrong around her!" Type of guy.
Depending on the situation,we both could be oblivious. More likely me because adhd go "brrrrr" oof.
Shang is a goth nerd. Binch legit has stated he is an inventor and a sorcerer. He's a damn nerd with a goth aesthetic ok?!
I am too but im less nerd then him.
For pda, it depends. He's definitely physical. As for me. Im cuddly. And i can go either eqy verbal or physical. Im game for both. But as long as your tounge isn't down my throat,and eyes dont stare for too long. I don't really care. I don't mind pda. But i definitely am more cool with it than shang. But shang is a show off so he'd be down for pda to spite people,show me off,show his enemies or even minions whos the big dragon boss so to speak,lol. Hell sometimes he's feeling extra lovey dovey or cheeky that day. Who knows with this man?
We both "be gay,do crime" but in different methods.
He's classy,so I'll here a "darling,dear,wife,beloved,maybe even a beautiful" but sometimes I'll hear a "butterfly,blossom,my treasure,maybe a honey(omfg shang tsung saying honey! 👀💖🥺. This is both wholesome but hot too because his low voice in mk11 is unf. Thnx cary hiroyuki tagawa for once again igniting my voice kink. Smfh)
As for me? I say everything and anything. I'd call him a bitch endearingly. But also bro/brah/bruh as well. Lol. Called him bao bao once,he blushed a hundred shades red. Thank the elder gods that nobody was around. He would have yelled at me. Lmfao. XD. (Look im a brat ok?....he loves this tho)
I trust more easier with him than he does me. Buuuuut he stil trusts me pretty high.
His jealousy meter and horni(tm) meter is off the fucking charts. The horni(tm) meter is more due to this binch probably hasn't gotten some in so long he's practically jumping at me the second i wash up on the beach. Lol.
But he wants to keep it cool. So he plays it off as being mysterious,dark,and badass like he usually does. But inside he's just eyeing my ass up n down like the touch starved silver fox/sneky stud he is.
His clingness is lesser than me but still pretty high. It depends on the situation and mood.
Hope this covers some of it. Tried explaining the chart a bit more.
May make more of these.
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nightlilly0110 · 3 years
Give me your headcanons on Fair Game-
Also what's your plans so far for FG Weekend?
Headcanons? Ooooooo boy. You asked for it. You’ll find a lot of this stuff in my fics.
Shameless self-promo? Where?
- I tend to think up a lot of scenarios where FG are either washing each other’s hair or sharing a bed. Ignore the fact I did this with Shigadabi too. It’s very clear what I was trying to do for Luck Be a Fickle Thing and shout out to the commenter that said “there’s only bed” because yeah. It’s that (and if you liked that you’re gonna enjoy “two bros chilling in a hot spring, five feet apart cause they’re not gay” when I get around to it). I just like them being soft and happy and I imagine that they like physical affection. They like to cuddle. They don’t want to let each other go.
- Going off of ^^ all that - Qrow is very touchy with people he likes. So family, mostly, and this stemmed from being friends with Summer, who is a hugger and would always hold his hand.
- Clover, being someone who is oriented around orders, is more comfortable with giving verbal affirmation. So Qrow is a doer, Clover is a talker. Good for Qrow, who has a praise kink.
- Qrow has never been in a serious, committed relationship before because he thinks his bad luck would’ve hurt them (or they would’ve hated him for his bad luck). Clover has never been in a long term relationship because a lot of partners try to use his good luck for themselves (that, and his job is a bit too demanding to make time). So they’re both dorks, but Clover is a little more well adjusted to having a partner at all.
- Qrow just gets nervous. Like really nervous. He thinks he’s gonna screw it up. Clover holds his hand? Panics. Clover kisses him? Panics. Clover tells him he’s pretty? Panics (Which is a mood. I think if I had a boyfriend I’d spontaneously combust Robyn if you read this don’t call me a Qrow kinnie I know I am just let me live). He also blushes hard. It’s just pink and red all the way down.
- Qrow likes gardening and finds it relaxing even though it’s a lot of work (as mentioned in Bound to You). Clover does know how to fish but he doesn’t consider it a hobby. He likes card games and learning especially complicated ones to ensure his luck won’t be able to effect the outcome. He prefers games of pure skill as well, but card games pass the time in the back of a truck. He likes those rigged games at carnivals because he knows if he loses then that’s him at his best without his luck (but he will not object to winning Qrow a plushie).
- Qrow has a few bird traits and he gifts random things to Clover (if you’ve read Birds of a Feather, you know what I’m talking about). Clover keeps each one and treasures them, even if it’s like a bottle cap or something.
- Clover knew Qrow’s name before they met. I like the headcanon that he’s like the Tony Hawk of Remnant. He geeked out a little when they were partnered (and it kinda lines up with Clover’s questions about STRQ on their first mission).
- Clover thought Qrow was handsome when they first met, but did nothing about it because he’s been fooled by pretty faces before. It took Qrow a while to see Clover as anything but a coworker or friend because he was still a little sore about the Ops arresting them, and then unsure what to do after finding out about Good Fortune.
- Clover’s grandfather, a fisherman, was an alcoholic, so he feels sympathetic to Qrow’s desire to get clean.
- Qrow is first to kiss Clover, but Clover is the first to say I love you.
- Qrow knows all the special dates in their relationship because he’s sentimental because he’s never has a relationship like this and wants to remember everything (this plays into Day One of Fair Game Weekend)
- They’re both absolutely disgusting with their affection. They don’t do PDA because it makes Qrow nervous but they are a bit mushy and once the excitement of them getting together wore off a lot of people start telling them to cut it out.
- So. Many. Luck. Puns. Tai would really like Clover.
- People think because Clover is wider that he’s the big spoon. Yes, but he also likes it when Qrow holds him. He sits in Qrow’s lap whenever possible.
- Qrow will sometimes turn into a bird and then tuck himself inside Clover’s shirt because Clover is a human heater (Why else would he be wearing a tank top in that weather?). One time he popped out of the neck hole during a meeting and Marrow started wheezing so hard he couldn’t breathe.
Okay. Fair Game Weekend.
So I chose the prompts Anniversary, Tattoos/Family, and Wishes.
I don’t want to give too much away, so I’ll start with titles. In order, they are-
All My Days
Bloom into You
Paper Stars
I’ve mentioned something as to what All My Days is, and one of my headcanons goes along with Bloom into You (and it’s not that hard to guess what it is). Paper Stars is a magic AU with fae Clover.
If you want anything specific, send another ask but my answers may vary depending on how spoiler-y they are. As of now, Bloom into You and Paper Stars are finished, but All My Days is still a WIP.
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letterboxd · 3 years
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Savage Cinema.
From anarchists and adultery to milk baths and massacres, Matthew Turner shares five of the weirdest and wildest highlights of Hollywood’s pre-Code era, as #PreCodeApril comes to a close.
Pre-Code April was directly inspired by Noirvember, a month-long celebration of noir cinema instigated by Marya Gates (Oldfilmsflicker). I did Noirvember for the first time in November 2019, really enjoyed it, and thought it would be great to do the same thing for pre-Code movies. Although I’ve watched most of the classic 1930s films, I realised there were a huge number of pre-Code films I’d never seen (of my Letterboxd list of over 900 Pre-Code films, I have only seen 200).
As a sucker for a bit of wordplay, no matter how tenuous, I picked April partly because it’s six months away from Noirvember and partly because of the shared “pr” sound in April and Pre-Code. I’ve been absolutely delighted by the response—the #PreCodeApril hashtag on Twitter is a daily treasure trove of pre-Code-related joy, but I was genuinely thrilled to see the response on Letterboxd (here is my watchlist for the month). It’s been a real pleasure to see pre-Code movies constantly popping up in my ‘new from friends’ feed. My hope is that it’ll be even bigger next year—and that maybe TCM will want to get involved, the way they do with Noirvember.
Produced between 1929 and 1934, pre-Code cinema refers to films made in a brief period between the silent era, and Hollywood beginning to enforce the Motion Picture Production Code censorship guidelines (mandatory enforcement came in from July 1934). The “Code” in question was popularly known as the Hays Code, after then MPPDA president Will H. Hays. As the depression set in and box office declined, theater owners needed fare that would drive cinema-goers to the movies. It was a wild time to be a scriptwriter; they threw everything at the page, designers added even more, and actors played out the kinds of scenes, from the suggestive to the overt, that would otherwise be banned for decades to come.
The following five films demonstrate some of Hollywood’s craziest pre-Code excesses. They’re still jaw-dropping, even by today’s standards, and notably give female characters an agency that would be later denied as the Christian morals of the Code overruled writers’ kinks.
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Madam Satan (1930) Directed by Cecil B. DeMille, written by Elsie Janis, Jeanie Macpherson and Gladys Unger
A critical and commercial flop in 1930, Cecil B. DeMille’s utterly insane musical comedy stars Kay Johnson as a straight-laced wife who plots to win back her unfaithful husband (Reginald Denny) by seducing him at a costume party, disguised as a mysterious devil woman. The location of this party? Oh, nothing too fancy, just on board a giant zeppelin. (“Madam Satan or: How the Film gets Fucking Crazy on the Blimp,” as Ryan reviewed it.)
Madam Satan is not by any stretch of the imagination a good movie (the editing alone is laughably bad), but as a piece of pre-Code craziness, it really has to be seen to be believed. Co-written by a trio of women and set in just three locations, it goes from racy bedroom farce to avant-garde musical to full-on disaster movie after a bolt of lightning hits the blimp.
The film is justly celebrated (in camp classic circles, at least) for the wildly over-the-top costumes paraded in the masquerade ball sequence, but there’s weird outfit joy everywhere you look. Keep an eye out for an enterprising extra who’s come dressed as a set of triplets.
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Call Her Savage (1932) Directed by John Francis Dillon, written by Tiffany Thayer and Edwin J. Burke
Adapted from a salacious novel by Tiffany Thayer, Call Her Savage was former silent star Clara Bow’s second-to-last film before her retirement at the age of 28. She plays Texas gal Nasa Springer, who’s always had a “savage” temper she can’t explain. In the space of 88 minutes she goes from wild teenager to jilted newlywed to young mother to prostitute to wealthy society girl to alcoholic before finally (it’s implied) settling down with her Native-American friend after discovering that she’s half-Native-American, something the audience has known all along.
Bow’s performance is frankly astonishing, to the point where you simply can’t believe what you’re seeing from one moment to the next. Sample scenes see her savagely whipping both a snake and her Indian friend, smashing a guitar over a musician’s head and violently wrestling her Great Dane… and that’s all in the first five minutes. She’s also frequently in a state of near undress throughout—one funny scene has her maids chasing her with a dressing gown because they’re afraid she’ll run down the street in her négligée.
The rest of the film includes alcohol, adultery, strong violence, attempted rape, murder, syphilis (not named, but heavily implied) and baby death. It’s a veritable smorgasbord of outrageous content and Bow is pure dynamite throughout. The film is also noted for being one of the first on-screen portrayals of homosexuality, when Nasa visits a gay bar in the Village frequented by “wild poets and anarchists”.
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Smarty (1934) Directed by Robert Florey, written by Carl Erickson and F. Hugh Herbert
This deeply problematic sex comedy features pre-Code stars Joan Blondell and Warren William (often nicknamed ‘The King of Pre-Code’) at their absolute filthiest. Blondell plays Vicki, a capricious, happily married wife who gets an obvious kick out of taunting her husband, Tony (William). When he cracks and slaps her at a party, she divorces him and marries her lawyer, Vernon (Edward Everett Horton), whom she also goads into slapping her in a deliberate ploy to win back Tony.
Essentially, Smarty hinges on Vicki liking rough sex and it’s completely blatant about it, ending with her sighing “Hit me again” (the film’s UK title!) as they sink into a clinch on a couch, a rapturous expression on her face. It’s a controversial film because on the surface it looks like it’s condoning domestic violence, but it’s very clearly about Vicki’s openly expressed sexual desires—she wants to be punished and dominated, she just has a rather dodgy way of getting what she wants.
It might be unsophisticated, but in some ways Smarty is remarkably ahead of its time and ripe for rediscovery. To that end, it would make a fascinating double bill with Stephen Shainberg’s Secretary (2002). Oh, and it’s also chock-full of lingerie scenes (like most pre-Code films), if you like that sort of thing.
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Massacre (1934) Directed by Alan Crosland, written by Sheridan Gibney, Ralph Block and Robert Gessner
Several pre-Code films (notably those made by Warner Bros) took a no-punches-pulled approach to their depiction of social issues, and star Richard Barthelmess actively sought out such projects. Here he plays Joe Thunderhorse, a Native American who’s become famous on the rodeo circuit. When he returns to his tribe to bury his father, he ends up fighting for their rights, taking on corrupt government officials and religious authorities.
Massacre is fascinating because on the one hand it’s wildly insensitive—Barthelmess and co-star Ann Dvorak are both cast as Native Americans—but on the other, it burns with a righteous fury and does more than any other Hollywood film (before or since) to champion the rights and highlight the injustices dealt out to Native Americans. That fury is encapsulated in a horrifying and rightly upsetting rape scene (it happens off-screen, but the cuts leave you in no doubt) that the film handles with surprising sensitivity.
In addition to being a passionate fight against racism and social injustice, the film also has some genuinely shocking sexual content. Most notably, Joe is seen making love to a rich white woman (Claire Dodd, who’s also in Smarty) who has an obvious sexual fetish, flaunting him in front of her friends and making a shrine in her room with Native-American paraphernalia.
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The Sign of the Cross (1932) Directed by Cecil B. DeMille, written by Waldemar Young and Sidney Buchman
Yes, this is Cecil B. DeMille again, but no list of weird and wild pre-Code films would be complete without the jaw-dropping ancient Rome epic, The Sign of the Cross. Adapted from an 1895 play by Wilson Barrett, it stars Frederic March as Marcus Superbus (stop sniggering at the back there), who’s torn between his loyalty to Emperor Nero (Charles Laughton) and his love for a Christian woman (Elissa Landi), while also fending off the advances of the Emperor’s wife, Poppaea (Claudette Colbert).
The film is racy enough in its sexual content alone: highlights include the famous scene of Claudette Colbert taking a nude milk bath and an erotic “lesbian” dance sequence, where Joyzelle Joyner’s “most wicked and talented woman in Rome” does ‘The Dance of the Naked Moon’ at Frederic March’s orgy, trying to tempt Landi’s virtuous Christian, to the obvious arousal of the gathered guests.
However, it’s the climactic gladiatorial-arena sequence that will leave your jaw on the floor. Lasting around twelve minutes, it includes: someone getting eaten by a tiger, a tied-up, naked women being approached by hungry crocodiles, pygmies getting chopped up by female barbarians, elephants stomping on heads, a gorilla approaching a naked woman tied to a stake, a man getting gored by a bull, and gladiators fighting to the death, complete with blood and gory injury detail.
The whole thing is genuinely horrifying, even for 2021. Best of all, DeMille pointedly critiques the audience (ourselves included), by showing a series of reaction shots ranging from intense enjoyment to abject seen-it-all-before boredom.
Matthew Turner (FilmFan1971) is a critic, author, podcaster and lifelong film fanatic. His favorite film is ‘Vertigo’. The films in this article are also listed here: Five of the Pre-Code Era’s Most Outrageous Films.
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Warning: Language, sexual content, nipple teasing, sucking biting, emotional drama
Short Story AU (Another/alternate Universe)
Katsuki x male reader
It was right after P.E, everyone went back to change out of their gym clothes, (Y/n) and Katsuki was the last two to arrived changing into their school uniforms again
"Hey Bakugo bro we're going on ahead!" Kirishima yelled leaving the boys locker room like the rest of the boys in class did
A silent atmosphere hanging in the air as the two teens getting dress, already in shoes and pants
(Y/n) attention turned to the ash blonde watching him slip on a shirt but luckily enough to catch a glimpse of that nice looking man buns and soft pink nipples it.
Katsuki's abs and muscles were no intrest to him in the slightest just those boobs!
"Hey. Bakugo?" Katsuki attention turned to you calling him out a little annoyed but also curious.
"What loser?"
"Your pretty ripped man." A sly smirked spread across your lips, walking closer to the blonde but still kept some distance
"Me too." You slipped your open shirt back showing off your upper body, abs, muscles, strong chest pink nipples but not as pink as Katsuki.
Bakugo couldn't help but be a little confused are you trying to compete against him or just something shitty Kaminari stood you up for.
Or could you be trying to...
Seduce Him?
"Not interested, (Rude n/n)." He turned back to his locker starting to button up his shirt from downward working his way up
"You know I never really noticed it before but your tits are huge." (Y/n) peaked his head over Bakugo shoulder his mouth near the blondes earlobe, (Y/n) hot breath hit Katsuki nape while he spoke sending shivers down his spine.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" He jolted stepping away from the other male rubbing his neck all defenses on high alert
"Can I touch them?"
"Can i-"
"WTF no!" Katsuki stopped him backing up until his back hit the cold stone wall, trying to put as much distance between him and the current Pervert
"Touch your own if you want to do that!"
"Mmmh that won't feel the same, I wanna feel your tits. You do have more meat on them." (Y/n) smirked again, stepping forward to Katsuki.
"Don't worry we're alone here. Besides everyone else already went home."
"That's not the fuck'n problem here!" He yelled trying to shoo away the perv, blushing bright red matching Kirishima's hair.
"Oh come on pls, it won't hurt. And I know your gay. it's a win win."
You touching his tits long forgotten once you revealed a secret he tried keeping for so long, how did you know there was no way you could've noticed he made sure not to look at men, always join in the conversation about girls, even renewed his attitude toward everyone.
"H-how you know?"
"How do you know I like men! I never told anyone!?" Tears ran down Katsuki face, believing you'll go and exspose him to the whole school, than he'll lose his reputation pride poeple will start looking down on him even worst they'll trash on him for not being normal it wasn't something he could control he was happy that he liked men.
"Oh no, its okay calm down, Katsuki calm down." (Y/n) whispered softly placing his palms on Katsuki's cheeks whipping away the tears, the skin beneath his crimson eyes a little stained his eyes couldn't lock away form (Y/n)'s.
"The beginning our first year in high school, you accidentally left you phone in class. I picked it up and the screen lit on I saw your lock screen, those words, lyrics were from the song Radio-Friendly Pop Song by Matt Fishel."
"Some girls like girls, some boys got a boyfriend, I like guys and they like me we hold hands, make out and do all the things that lovers do." You slowly sang the song remembering the words as they make sense but better yet you pick the part where that song as actual meaning. After you stop singing it was silent for a few seconds
"I was confused at first why a guy like you had that lyrics as background? It was only the first verse, it clicked when I listened to the song again."
"I was basically careless... it's been a year since then why didn't you call me out sooner?" Katsuki started relaxing under (Y/n) touch loving the circles (Y/n) was drawing with your dumbs on his cheeks, it felt good.
"I thought you wanted time, wait for the right time to come out?"
"Thanks." Katsuki smiled giving (Y/n) the most treasured once in a life time glaze, it literally struck the other you in the heart.
So precious!
"So can I touch?" (Y/n) grinned like an idiot after he finally recovered from seeing a true angel.
"Your still on that? No-"
"I'm gonna touch them okay."
Bakugo quite down when (Y/n) grope both the blonde under boobs feeling the soft squeezy flesh in his hands made (Y/n) happy and devilish.
"Its so smooth~" you purred with a smirk appeare on you lips yet again, squeezing the flesh a little more moving his chest a little up and down, loving it more when you press them together making it look like real small girl boobs.
"So soft~" you begin moving more to each of his nipples brushing a dumb over one, Katsuki let out a soft yet loud moan, getting something he never thought he would
A nipples tease, he enjoy every bit of it.
But it got better when you leand in tracing your tongue around his nipple a few times as the other one was being pinching which was both painful and pleasurable.
Your tongue slowly traveled over his harden nipple licking around and over, groping a hand full of his bun closing your lips around the sensitive flesh sucking slowly.
Katsuki couldn't help but bring his hands up to your hair holding your head in place while you continue your fun
Nibbling a little as you let out the bun watching your saliva drip from his wet bun down his abdomen, turning your attention to the other nipple giving it the same treatment while your hand grip his wet bun squeezing it hard possibly leaving hand mark. But the other nipple that you were busy with got something better than a hand mark, biting your teeth into the sensitive skin not hard enough to draw blood but definitely leave a bite mark
During it all Katsuki had to clinch his jaw shut so that his moaning doesn't reach the whole building and exspose you two, it did displeased you but it was necessary.
"Yummy~" you slowly licked your lips drool running down the side of your chin, proofs how much you liked it.
"So are we going to continue this at my place? Cause I really like to hear you moan all night and fuck you full of my cum till you pass out."
Katsuki was a little unsure about it, it all disappeared once you took his hand the desire in your eyes the lust and love he couldn't resist
If he said no he'd lose his only chance with a guy that actually showed interest in him but if he says yes he won't be walking for the next few days
He rolled his eyes giving you a girn
"Sure, dumb ass."
Katsuki Sex Gallery
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allvre · 4 years
just shut up ➢ john b x reader
request: can you do a john b imagine where you keep making vine references all day causing john b to get annoyed as shit and at the end of the day the reader makes another vine reference causing him to shut her up with a kiss. just pure fluff :p also i love u emmy
a/n: hehe i love u too
summary: you keep saying vine references to annoy your bf john b and it indeed works
warnings: fluff, swearing, underage smoking
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it was just a regular day, you were getting ready to hang out with the rest of the pogues and spend the whole day together. john b, your boyfriend was picking you up, speaking of you look outside to see his volkswagen van pulling in. you rush outside and open the door to see jj and kie in the back.
“ayee it’s ya boy, skinny penis” you quote getting into the passenger seat, everyone laughing. “quoting vines i see” john b chuckles “of course, it’s just one of those days” you chuckle in return. you look out your window taking in the view passing by as you all go to pick up pope.
pulling into his driveway he slides the door open and gets in, “ooo girl you’re thicker than a bowl of oatmeal” you laugh and slap your knee. “another one?” john b comments “yes, you can’t stop me, i’m on a roll!” you almost yell. “well y/n woke up on the good side of the bed” jj adds chuckling.
the plan was to go to the beach and swim for most of the day since no one was going to be out, then john b and you were going to go back to your house and possibly watch a movie.
you make it to the beach and you all grab the essentials and head towards the water. you and kie lied down your towels and set up your area whiles the boys were sliding their shirts of aggressively and throwing them down running towards the water, diving in. 
“it’s like they’ve never seen water before” kie laughs “that is very true” you laugh as well taking your shorts and shirt off revealing your red bikini and kie does the same. you both lay on your towels taking in the bright sunlight. you look up and see the boys standing in the water with a big gap between them, you knew this was the perfect moment for another iconic quote. “two bros chillin in the hot tub five feet apart because they’re not gay!!” you yell loud enough for them to hear. you see john b rolling his eyes and smiling.
kie and you are getting your tan on and the boys continue to swim and surf. moments you would look over at john b and treasure the boy who has given you everything and made you the absolute happiest.
 “what’s got you so smiley today sunshine?” kie asks with a smile on her face, you didn’t even notice you were smiling widely from being stuck in your thoughts. “i’m just lucky, you know? i have the person i love and adore most and my best friends. i’m really happy” you smile even wider not knowing that was possible and a flush of pink crept upon your cheeks “oh stop being so cheesy! come here” kie leans over and wraps her arm around your waist giving you a slight squeeze.
the boys start walking in your direction, after being done in the water. “stealing my girlfriend i see kie” john b says sarcastically and places a soft kiss on your forehead sitting next to you the others sitting down as well. jj pulls out a neatly rolled blunt placing it between his lips, you gasp “chris! is that a weed! i’m calling the police!” you quote another vine once again causing jj to almost spit the blunt out of his mouth. “i’m going to hit you kid” jj jokes with you “do it, you wont” you exclaim, jj then throws his fists up “come at me bro!” everyone laughs at his actions. you get up in defense and rush to flick him in the forehead which he does right back to you, you place your hand where he flicked you “mother trucker dude, that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick” you sit back down, receiving a glare from a slightly annoyed but amused john b.
the sun is starting to set and everyone decides it’s time to head home. you all pack your things into the van and everyone gets in. john b drops everyone off at their houses, jj at the chateau and then you head in the direction towards your house which wasn’t too far. 
he pulls in and you almost drag him to your room, you both change, you now wearing one of his shirts and a pair of shorts, him in just his shorts. “alright come to bed lovey” he says already spread out on top of your comforter “so no head?” you sing out throwing a pillow on the ground and plopping down next to him, rolling his eyes once again “ha! goteem!” you say in the moment “just shut up dork” he blurts out cupping your cheeks placing his soft, plump lips onto yours. “okay, if this is what i get i will gladly shut my mouth” you smile cutely and rest your head on his chest drifting to sleep after the long day of getting on his nerves with vine references.
a/n: okay i loved writing this? like so much.
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zombieratt · 4 years
Alright so forewarning this is LONG as FUCK specifically because i came up with this idea in early high school and was just today POSESSEd By the Spirit Of Musical Theatre to put it to paper— er Tumblr.
So without further ado:
the beginning is the same, canon diverges just after waving through a window.
*this ended up getting written is script format? i also just sorta ignore alana’s whole exsistance bc in this version of the play she’s unnecessary*
In the moments before he talks to Connor evan decides to omit Zoe from his letter, having resolved himself to move on from her. (instead of being a hella creep.)
Connor: “dear Evan Hansen,” what are you writing letters to yourself? *he laughs*
Evan: its, uh, its for my therapist. its just a stupid little assignment that she says is supposed to help me process my feelings or— uh or something
Connor: hm. here. * hands Evan the letter*
Connor: your cast. no one’s signed it.
Evan: uh no. no one has.
Connor: gotta sharpie?
Evan: huh?
Connor: gotta sharpie? im gonna sign it.
Evan: *handing the sharpie to Connor* w- whuh uh why?
Connor: *shrugs* feels right.
Evan: i wish i could do that
Connor: what?
Evan: UH, IMEAN—
Connor: no wait- dude.
Evan: i mean uh, i meant that i wish i could just be, y’know impulsive like that.
Connor: Why Cant you be?
Evan: i uh, my heads pretty messed up, and stuff like that just, makes it worse i guess.
Connor: well theres some thing we have in common— were both fucked up in the head.
*the bell rings*
Evan: oh shoot! i missed the bus—
Connor: i’ll give you a ride.
Evan: are you sure i mean i can walk its not far-
Connor: all the more reason, i probably have to pass it on my way home anyway, cmon.
they meet Zoe in the parking lot
Zoe: I have Late practice today
Connor: whatever, gotta passenger.
Zoe: who the fuck would be crazy enough to trust your ability to drive?
Evan *being Brave*: Me Apparently?
Zoe: Uh, Evan Right?
Evan: yeah, uh, yeah.
Zoe *holding her hand out to be shaken*: i’m Zoe, we’ve met though right?
Evan wipes his hand on his shirt and shakes it: yeah, uh, nice to formally meet you, Zoe.
Zoe: i’m off, don’t kill him stoner.
Connor: i wont Princess
Evan breathing heavy: that was,, an eventful ten minutes.
Connor: oh fuck— you cool? or—
Evan: Panic Attack.
Connor: Right, uh
Connor: can you get in the car?
Evan: yeah
*car nonsense*
Connor: Can i start driving or do you want me to wait
Evan: Distractions are good,, Can Uh, Can you Talk about Stuff?
Connor: What stuff!??
Evan: any Stuff!
Connor: Is Zoe okay??
Evan: Sure?!
Connor: Uhh we don’t get along as well as we used to?
we were really close as kids, shes a huge asshole now but *fully venting now*
i kind of miss it you know? having someone to talk to and care about— and i still care about her— but its scary and i always fuck it up! not to mention the fact that our parents hate me— make her see me as some alien and not just a fucked up kid who wants to talk and — (more ranting that i dont feel like writing, but its a whole monologue bro)
Evan: Connor
Connor snaps his mouf shut: yeah
Evan: thanks
Connor: oh that, uh actually helped?
Evan: yeah focusing on your voice and whats real and stuff— it makes a difference.
Neither of them noticed that Connor was just sort of Driving. they end up at the park where in canon Connor commits Sewer-slide.
Evan: i didn’t know there was a park here.
Connor: huh, oh, yeah i guess i just sorta auto piloted, i come here to think.
Evan: About stuff?
Connor: Yeah, Stuff.
*the convo lulls*
Connor: do you have a laptop?
Evan: no, i uh, i left it at home? why?
Connor: give me a second
Connor walks to the car and grabs his back pack out of the back seat
Evan watches Quizzically from the swing-set
Connor pulls out a Sketch Pad and Pen, flipping to a clean page.
Connor: So tell me how to write one of those letters of yours.
Evan: uh, well you start like any other letter- just addressing it to yourself
Connor writing: Dear Connor Murphy,
Evan: and uh, my first one was supposed to be about my ideal summer vacation? since i started in middle school- but you don’t have to—
Connor: thats perfect.
Connor starts to sing for forever,
eventually Evan joins in there is a minor gay moment where they’re holding hands face to face.
the song ends with Connor hugging Evan.
Evan: its- its pretty late.
Connor obviously crying: just— just a couple more minutes.
Evan lets go and grabs Connors sketch book of the ground, closing it and handing it off to him: then how about this, labor day weekend- we actually go.
Connor: what are you talking about?
Evan: being spontaneous?
Connor: o-okay.
and it cuts to black.
theres a small montage here, as the set changes to Connor and Evans bedrooms
sincerely, me is a lament in this context, Connor and Evan are duetting from their respective rooms, writing to themselves.
(the lyrics are completely different and i will not be writing them here because thats too much fucking effort.
but they’re duetting from their bedrooms about making a connection to another person, feeling seen, for the first time. what it felt like and how they really want to keep it up but are afraid of making a mistake and ruining it.
its got some themes of waving thru a window, and a little bit of for forever, but its still largely the same notes just in a different key.)
after wards, Zoe knocks on Connors door to tell him dinner is ready to find him peacefully asleep.
requiem is the same, Zoe sees Connor as Dead to Her instead of actually dead, so some of the wording changes, so and so about how a monster doesn’t deserve peaceful rest etcetera.
school day happens, Connor doesn’t die, but the hot goss is that everyone saw Connor and Evan go home together after school, jared makes a shitty homophobic joke to Evan and Evan kind of tells him off about it. they argue and it culminates in Evan saying “well god forbid I’m friends with someone who isn’t YOU!” or smth like tht and it hits jared right the fuck at home man.
Connor says from the side lines: damn that was pretty hard core dude.
Evan: you have, no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that.
Connor honest to god l a u g h s, theres a number of people who hear it and lose their shit, Zoe being one of them: i have a pretty good idea, wanna get some lunch?
Evan: yeah, sure.
this general routine continues until labor day weekend, when they plan to go on their little escape. theres a short scene of Connor leaving the house with his keys and a backpack.
Connors mom confronts Zoe about his oddly upbeat attitude and hows he’s seemed differently lately Zoe Shrugs but decides to investigate his room.
she finds the letters. the first one is for forever, the theme plays as she reads it frantically, and is signed “Sincerely me (connor murphy)” so she knows its him, i f i could tell her begins but its a real duet between Connor and Zoe and at the end she resolves to try harder to connect to him.
Evan sings disappear to Connor after breaking into a formerly public park, in this context its him confessing that he broke his arm attempting su!c!de. Connor records it, for personal reference.
jared hacks Connors phone and steals the video, posting it to yt, in an effort to ruin their friendship.
Evan and Connor get in a little fight about it, and in the meantime Evan is called to the school to give an assembly because hes a phenomenal speaker and Disappear got like 1000000 views over night.
Zoe and Connor bond a little bit in a short scene before the assembly
Zoe: wheres Evan what happened?
Connor: Kleinman Did!
Zoe: what?
Connor: Why Do you care?
Zoe: because! you look happy around him!
Connor: i, i do?
Zoe: yeah? he could tell the worst joke ever written and you’d crack up. i haven’t heard you laugh like that in years Connor, maybe ever.
Connor: oh.
Zoe: Come back inside?
Connor: y, Yeah.
they all perform You Will Be Found together.
end act 1.
(no more dialogue from here i got tired)
to break in a glove is Connor’s dad trying to reconnect with him, it goes mediocrely, but Connor feels like hes being seen by his dad for the first time in years. its said in metaphors, but this is Connors dads way of saying that if Connor is willing to put in the work, so is he. they hug at the end, things are looking up. some talk of therapy is sprinkiled in the dialogue as they walk of stage together.
Only Us is Evan and Connor saying that they saved each other. its loosely romantic, as its a love song, but they don’t out right say that they’re in love or anything, they don’t know if theyre ready for that. its a promise. the song ends with Connor finally apologizing for pushing Evan over at the beginning of the show.
good for you is sung by jared only, as a power ballad, about losing people you didn’t treasure. its his attempt at an apology, but it ultimately fails, since jared is unable to take responsibility for his own actions. this is where jared and Evan go their separate ways.
Evan’s mom comforts him, as he sings words fail, which is about specifically jared, and how their rocky friendship is ruined and Evan pegs himself as the cause, instead of parents or perfect girl he uses metaphors that apply to best friends— maybe more. and talks about how he didn’t try, he was happy so he ignored that jared was hurting, and how that was really shitty of him. but instead of it being a generally somber song the end is lighter, because Connor is there— waving through his front window.
Evans mom sings So Big/So Small as Evan steps out the front door to embrace Connor and they mime talking about jared, hug and take hands. the house moves off stage in preparation for the finale.
Connor and Evan open the finale saying each others names, and sing it together as the test of the cast (minus jared) joins in, Evans mom taking his hand and Zoe Taking Connors, Evans mom the Murphys and Zoe break off to the back where Evan and Connor finish the final “all i see is sky for forever” while looking into each others eyes, and finish the musical by embracing (maybe kissing if thats ur jam).
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fairytalequeer · 3 years
2 and 15 from the mlm/nblm ask game if ya want!!
aaa ty so much!!  Do you and your f/o have any pet names for each other? i actually am super uncomfortable with pet names unless they’re like really REALLY unique to the person! i just like calling him by his name, and affectionate friendly names like bro lmao. for him i think its almost the same, though he’s more prone to use those really unique names, something like “my dragon” or “treasure” or something equally as gay and embarrassing  Do you like taller boys or shorter boys? Does your f/o fit into your preference or are they an exception? WOW this one is calling me out,,,, yes i like shorter boys and YES he fits that preference- he’s very small. he is juste. perfect to carry. tinie. goode.,,,
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
I read your IzuOcha meta, and I loved it so much! It made so many good points! Now I’m wondering, since that meta was done a while back, have your opinions on the ship changed since then with the moments that came out afterwards, or are they more or less the same?
Ooh boy, Izuocha. I’m still conflicted over them TBH. They have some seriously sweet moments, but one of the overall problems I have with them is how one-sided their dynamic feels Post-Hero Killer arc. Before that, it felt like Ochako really was at least the third most important person in Deku’s life (after All Might and Kacchan, of course) but since then, their relationship has just stopped being important to Midoriya. 
Just to run it down:
1. Hero Killer Arc: Once Izuku goes off to his internship, he doesn’t think about Ochako directly until she calls to ask about Iida.
2. Final Exams: In the Manga, Deku doesn’t talk to Ochako directly for this entire arc. He doesn’t react to her match at all - we hear his thoughts on MIneta’s match and not Ochako’s - and when they are about to hang out together at the mall, she leaves and he spares her no extra thoughts.
3. Training Camp: One scene where he worries about her injured arm and she’s one of the people he thinks of, but only in a crowd, and both feel flacidly unimpressive next to his “KACCHAAAAANNN” freakout feels.
4. Hideout Raid: Ochako says nothing to help him make the choice of whether or not to save Kacchan, or anything at all (in the manga) and he doesn’t think about her opinion except as it pertains to Bakugou. She clearly disagreed with him, but doesn’t voice it, so the two don’t talk about this potential conflict. There’s no one-on-one with them, Ochako just smooths over things with the crew and no resolution happens.
5. PLE arc: Deku ignores Ochako the whole time, excepting the one moment where he recognizes Toga is a fake. He could do that for anyone. He works with her, but he also works with Sero in the same scene. And he finds plenty of time to be inspired by Iida and Kacchan, worry about Todoroki and have his Big Life Altering fight with Kacchan in the same arc, so it’s not that he’s too busy with other shit.
6. Internship arc: Ochako is the only person Deku could actually talk to about his Eri angst, but he doesn’t. In the same scene where Tamaki and Nejire reach out to Mirio, and Kirishima and Aizawa help Deku deal with his angst, Ochako can only say his name. It’s Iida and Todoroki who help him deal with that emotional trauma, and they don’t even know what the problem is. Throughout the whole thing, they fight on seperate levels and Deku never thinks about or notices her.
7. Remedial arc: Ochako and Deku both have PTSD about the same thing (Nighteye’s death) which they blame themselves for. But they never confide in each other about it. Ochako confides in Aizawa and Tsu, Deku in Mirio, and Deku gets some consolation from Aoyama. But from Ochako, nothing.
8. School Festival: Deku is fighting his Villainous Counterpart, Gentle, who is inspired by his Love Interest, La Brava. A perfect opportunity for Deku to reflect on how his love interest, Uraraka, inspires him. Who does he think of? Mei, Jirou and Mina. He and Ochako only talk briefly in this arc when she lends him some tea.
9. Joint training Arc: Supposedly the big Izuocha arc. Two juicy opportunities for Deku’s relationship with her to be built up. First, Monoma could trash Deku’s friend/love interest to piss him off - classic shippy technique, make the hero  lose control of his/her powers when the s/o is insulted, and this is the Izuocha arc, Ochako’s on Deku’s team. So who does Monoma insult? Kacchan. Second: Classy Avatar shippy situation where the LI plays on the connection she has with the hero to calm down his Out of control powers. And sure, Ochako hugs Deku. But this does nothing. It’s the emotional connection with Shinsou that helps break it for Deku (I know, the brainwashing. It still feels like the chapter sets you up for Izuocha and gives you Shindeku instead. And in the aftermath, it’s Shoto who asks about Deku’s powers, and Kacchan who he confides in.
10. Winter Intern arc: Ochako keeps Deku’s Christmas gift. He doesn’t keep and treasure hers. He mentions her briefly alongside Shinso to his mom then traipses off to OT3 shippy shenanigans with Kacchan and Shoto, confiding in, learning and growing along side them in ways Ochako has yet to approach. Whether it’s Shoto, the guy he destroyed his body to emotionally rescue, or Kacchan, the near soulmate level rival who knows him better than anyone, doesn’t matter. Deku feels more for them than he does for Ochako now.
11. Current Arc; Deku apologizes to Ochako and they fistbump, which is nice, but not remarkable. No more than went down between Deku and Iida in the Hero Killer Arc. Honestly, it’s a platonic gesture. A bro gesture. And despite being together during the raid for about two chapters, Deku and Kacchan immediately ditch her at the first sign of trouble to go chase down the plot.
So yeah, that was longer then I meant it to be. On Deku’s side, there’s been virtually nothing special to his feelings towards Ochako, especially compared to his interactions with the other members of the Wonder Trio and his various friends, since about Chapter 45. We’re on 280. That’s too long to wait to give the protagonist any real development in his feelings for his love interest for me to really be all that invested on Deku’s end anymore. In theory, I like the idea of Ochako’s cheerful, nice girl attitude helping Deku get through his stressful life, but that hasn’t happened. They honestly also seem too much like siblings to me now (doesn’t help that she has his same facial proportions and looks like his mom) to read as romantic. My remaining interest in them is mainly as a potential OT3 option with Kacchan, if the series ever gets around to developing Kacchan/Ochako’s relationship again, and as a fairly typical “boring Shonen main romantic subplot” against which more compelling dynamics can be contrasted. 
I guess this is all a fancy way of saying that I’ve cooled on it now and find it fairly boring, and wish they could just be platonic friends again instead of constantly being put in our faces as they “don’t worry Deku’s not gay he’s got a girlfriend” dynamic they’ve basically turned into. 
Thanks for the ask - I hope no Izuocha shippers take offense to this, it’s just my opinion and analysis so far. Things could change. The series could properly develop them again. If so I’ll revise my opinion. Adieu
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"He was my first love... And only one."
Old photos, one old love and two not that old twins. A bit of talking after Weirmaggedon. Stan listening to his bro-bro memories about college lover.
Please be kind to me, it's my first fanfic in English and also my first fanfic i have ever posted.
Ford was nostalgically sorting old photoes. Wrinkled paper gently rustled in his weary hands. All those memories, forgotten things with distand feeling of lost love, whole past in his worn out hands. "Ya look sad, bro," Stan's voice broke the silence of Ford's room. His twin was looking at him with curious brown eyes covered with thick glasses. He leaned on the doorframe.
Older twin  smiled sligtly, running his polydactyl hands thru grey hairs. Fingers touched silver stripe that cut thru dark grey hairs. He felt suddenly old and exhausted. "Just... Overthinking past, i guess." He patted spot on the sofa next to himself, showing that companion is welcome.
"Pics?" asked carefully Stanley. His mind was still a bit wobbly, but he remembered nearly everything. Definitely good sign. Stan sheepishly sat next to Ford on the sofa. Old matress swayed under his weight and caused, that Ford leaned a bit agaist Stan's shoulder. "What? Oh, yeah... Pictures. Old ones." said author of the journals with sigh while his hands gently folded photos on the lap. "Hehe, 'm probably not in your colection,...  Hey that one... that guy looks cute," chuckled his brother. He pointed at picture of tall smiling boy, maybe a bit older than twenty-one. Long sand blond hair, big blue eyes brightly shining with happines were hinding partly behind small round glasses. That noodle nerd had two daysies tucked behind his ear, big smile on his face. He looked like hippie college student. "Yeah... Fantastic old friend of mine. Wait! It...He is a man. Why do you think he is cute?" suddenly asked Ford. Stan was ladies man. Why he would think something like that?! Stanley blushed. His eyes wondered over room. Now seemed every piece of furniture like super interesting. "Ehh...No comment?" "No Stanley. We should be more honest with each other. We spend enought of our time pushing each other away. I just want to know why do you think that. No judgement, only curiosity." Old man mumbled something. Then he scooted away from Ford. Scietinst seemed a bit concerned. His brother was always the one who wanted to feel the others presence, but this was different. He was suddenly so shy. Ford like physical contact too but only from persons he loved and liked. Stanley was different- he loved patting peoples shoulder, hugging them even thou they were strangers. His attention was like contact sport. And sometimes it could change into one when that person made him angry. Ford's attention thou. It was more about reading between lines. "Pardon, Lee? I didn't understand." "I said... That i dated men too," sighed Stanley. His fingers were twiching. Eyes were trying to burned thru the floor into the heart of the Earth. He made himself look tiny. Whole body curled into himself. Ford's mouth formed into small silent "oh". "'m sorry... Gonna vanish, don't worry." "Are you crazy, Lee?! No vanishing, no going away." "But..." it was strange. Stanley could brake a montain with bare hands and now... He looked so vulnurable. Like scared teen he once was- standing outside in the middle of warm spring night hoping that Ford could forgive him. "But 'm nothing just familly disapointment. Stupid big idiot and even gay..." "If you say it one more time, i will punch you. Without warning! You are not disapointment! You are my best friend i have ever had and best twin brother i could wish for!" "Poindexer, i am weird old fag!" "Probably not. And that is absolutely horrible word, do not use it, please! You did loved Carla, hm." "And some other girls..." admited Stanley with blush of embarassment. "So you are bisexual. You like both." "'m not picky type," shrugged younger brother with hint of smile. He seemed more comfortable now. Hands put on his knees, eyes still sticked to the ground but he didn't look like persone who wanted to crawl under the rock and stay there for next few milleniums. "I am fag... At least that would Pa called me... If he had knew about it..." "That explains lots of things... And highschool," mumbled Stan scooting back so they shoulders touched again. "Pardon me?!" shrieked Ford. "You were curious only about science. And why girls didn't talk to you! Nothing was about girls, only why they kept ignoring you," explained Stan. Ford blinked few times, his face making pretty good impression of confuesed owl. Stanley was smugly smiling: "I've knew the whole time that you are not straight. 'm glad that Pa never knew about it thou. He would kick ya out too, maybe beat ya...Ya would never make it out unharm, on the streets..." "You were the one that ended up there... I can not forgive myself," two big tears started to roll down. Ford tried to dry them with his sleeve. "Poindexter, let it be. We are here, we are good..." "And gay," added Ford with tiny smile. Roaring of Stan's laught filled the room: "YEAH, we are gay! SO ... Who was that cutie? First crush?" His eyebrows wiggled in devilish way. "First crush, first love and only one. He took my heart without asking and never gave it back..." His brother wrapped arm around his shoulders. "You are old sappy man, Ford." "I know. I... Everything could be so different." "What happened?" asked younger twin. He hated seeing Ford depressed. "First time he went back to his family, after a while he had one too. And later when we found each other... Portal happened." "Sixer! I ... I caused...! Did I....?" Stanford grabbed old photos. He hold them on his chest, close to his fast-beating heart. "It was my fault, we had huge arguement and split up. I should have listened to him, but i was the biggest idiot on this Earth!" Stanley suddenly gasped. "You were dating McGucket?! Old man MCGUCKET?! Oh holy hot Belgian waffles!" "Kids aren't home," snarkyly pointed out Ford still carressing his pictures. "In that case- FUCK!" Small smile crept on scientist's face. "May i tell you a story, Lee?" asked Ford. He looked way younger now. Shy blush on his cheeks, still a bit teary eyes behind glasses. But they were light up with memories. "Yep, ya nerd. I haven't heard romantic novel for a long time! Ok i saw one last night. But i want to hear yar romance," beamed happily Stan and made himsleft comfortable. He was now sprawled on sofa, legs streched infront of him, hands folded on his soft belly. "So...Tell me yar fairytale, bro-bro." "Lee you are so silly," nudged Stan's elbow Ford playfully. "Fine. Long time ago... Ok, i am really getting old and silly. We were college roomates. I liked him first time i saw him. He was true opposite of me. Emotinal, empathic, wonderfully talented. His genius was amazing. After a while we got closer and closer. Fidds was so carring, nearly motherly. You should saw him when i was ill. I phoned dad, that i needed some money... to see a doctor, cause i felt really awful. He... shouted at me- to be a man and sleep it off. So i tried it. And fainthed during one of our classes we had together. Fidds did knew what to do, he took care about me. Got me to our room, helped in bed where i stayed for next week barely knowing about world. I don't remember much, my fever was too high. All seemed like a dream. After i got better i found him sitting on the window frame. His eyes were looking into starry night, silently crying. He was aftraid about me whole week and...He finally snapped... We started dating few days later." Ford had tears on his cheeks while he hold old pictures like precious treasure. His hands were clutching them, only gems he had from his past. Someone knock on the door frame. Fiddleford Hadron Mcgucket stood there. He was dressed in jeans, silly shirt with watermelons and drinks on it. He had crazy bowler hat with daisy that kept danggling. Still with beard that could belong to the oldest wizzard in the Dungeons, Dungeons and more Dungeons, but under it was hidden smile. "I swear Stanferd, ma biggest mistake was leaving ya. And i fool made it twice!" Stanley looked at them with squint eyes trying to seem like he fall asleep. "Stop foolin' us, ya'r great conman, but that's horrible try," laugh Fidds hopping on the sofa from Ford's free side. He covered one six-fingered hand with his small one. They fitted perfectly, like two pieces of puzzles. Maybe their hands were a bit cold, but hearts were still aflame with passion and love. "I guess now i've to keep an eye on two nerds," sighed Stanley. "Have fun ya two, i am gonna go to... Don't know. Want a coffee?" "Yeah we will join you," smiled Ford when Fiddleford hugged his waist. "Yej, coffee is great idea pals!" "Gentlemen, we will have gayffee party!" clasped his big hands Stanley and went to the kitchen, chuckling because he liked that new horrible pun. Ford froze a bit and then shouted: "Do not tell this term in front of Mable! Or we all end up covered in rainbow glitters! I don't mind them but i certainly don't like to drink them with my coffee!" "WHO SAID SOMETHING ABOUT RAINBOW GLITTEEEEEERS???????!" "Mabel, calm down! Honey, put that bottle of rainbow disaster down!"
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