#is it really legal to look this good?????
loudstan · 2 days
(67) Days of Whatever the Fuck that Was (PART 1.)
Summary: Chenle wasn't interested in committed relationships until he met the one. The problem is that now she is the one who doesn't want to commit to him.
Pairing: Werewolf! Chenle x Siren! Female reader
Warnings: OOff where do I start. Things get dubious, and even a bit non-conish sometimes so do not read if that's not something you're into. A lot of mind games, manipulation, gaslighting, and all the red flags you can think of. Y/N is MEAN. Also, this is super long so i had to make two separate posts. Read both if you want to know how it ends! SMUT.
Chenle didn’t understand why everyone said they had such a hard time trying to get their mates to accept them. All his pack brothers told horrendous stories about how hard it was to approach, confess, and get together with their destined person (except for Haechan, who found the whole ‘bugging her every day until she says yes´ approach normal). So far, all their mates had not been wolves like them, so it made sense that they didn’t immediately believe them, nor did they want to compromise to be with them for life. 
But Chenle? Chenle had his mate in his arms right now, not even five minutes after first laying eyes on her, kissing him and giggling playfully at his dumbfounded but eager state. 
He can barely remember how he got there. He remembers going to this bar that Jisung was ridiculously excited to check out. It was literally inside a ship that was (supposedly) safely anchored and that was accessible through a wooden bridge connected to the port. Rumor had it they served the most exquisite liquors from all around the world and they never stayed in the same town for more than a couple of months. Chenle found the concept of a wandering floating bar clever, especially because paying for a spot to park a ship wasn’t as expensive as renting a place on land and getting it ready for the business. He had some concerns regarding the legal permits to sell alcohol in different cities and countries, though.
 He was thinking about all the technical details that opening a business like this required while trying to decide what to order when he locked eyes with the bartender– the most beautiful creature he had ever seen– and he forgot how to speak, so he just looked at you dumbly as your lips moved delicately, asking him who knows what. 
You thought maybe he was new to drinking, so you leaned forward over the bar and pointed at some options on the menu, avoiding the ones that contained hard liquor. 
“Are you a beer-only type of person? This one is a little bitter but a lot of our regulars like it,” you tried to speak over the loud music. When he didn’t reply you tried again. “If you prefer something sweet there are a few cocktails that I could recommend but they are kinda strong–,” You looked up and saw that you had been talking to a wall the entire time; he wasn’t even looking at the menu. Instead, his eyes moved hesitantly from your lips to your neck and finally, your breasts, which were barely covered by your low-cut top, and had him salivating. 
He finally looked up when you scoffed. 
“That’s not really on the menu,” you teased him. You weren’t mad. You often got hit on during your shift, and you quite enjoyed the attention when it came from attractive young men. And this one was incredibly attractive. 
He cleared his throat. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to stare–”
“Do they look good?” you asked, tilting your head and crossing your arms under your chest, making your tits look even prettier. 
He swallowed a groan and forced his eyes to look back into yours after taking a quick look. So you were a tease, huh? He could deal with that. “Yes,” he said, suddenly sounding very confident. “But they would look prettier with my mouth on them.”
You were taken aback by the change of demeanor, but you couldn’t deny it sounded tempting. You had had your fair share of one-night stands, most of them fun, some of them not so much, but you had never wanted to kiss someone you had just met this badly. 
“Sangie,” you turned and called for your coworker who was cleaning some glasses. “Can I take a short toilet break?”
Yeosang smirked knowingly and nodded. There weren’t many customers right now, so he could handle them just fine. Plus, it was the first time he saw you taking the initiative to go with someone, which had to mean you really liked that lucky guy. 
“Thanks! Love ya!” you said, leaving your workstation and grabbing the stranger’s hand, who let you guide him without even thinking about his friend waiting for him at the table. 
And now he was pressed against the wall of a restroom as you assaulted his lips until he felt light-headed. The way the ocean waves rocked the ship didn’t help. He felt drunk already and he hadn’t tried a single drop of alcohol. 
“What’s your name?” he asked in between kisses.
“Y/N,” you replied, pecking his lips. “And you are…?”
“Chenle,” he said, chasing your mouth. “Zhong,” he added. He thought you had to know his family name as well since it would be yours one day. 
You giggled against his lips and his heart skipped a beat. 
And then he almost had a heart attack when you placed his hand on your breast. 
“I thought you were gonna make them look prettier, Chenle Zhong” you taunted. 
He let out a sound that was between a laugh and a scoff. He would fix your attitude later, right now he was feeling too good to be mad about it.
He squeezed your breasts while he trailed your neck with wet kisses.
You sighed and closed your eyes in delight, waiting for him to fulfill his promise, but he was taking his sweet time with your neck. 
“Hey,” you tried to get his attention to no avail. “I can’t be here all night, you know?” you informed him, laughing. 
Either he didn’t hear you or he decided to completely ignore you because he seemed fixated on nibbling the soft skin on the crook of your neck.  
You normally wouldn’t mind some of that for foreplay, but you had to get back to work at some point. Not only that, but the constant licking and sucking on the same spot was starting to get painful.
“Chenle,” you hissed, tapping at his shoulder insistently, but instead of stopping he opened his mouth wider and you felt sharp teeth scratching the surface his tongue had abused before. “Chenle, stop!” you demanded, grabbing a handful of his hair and finally pulling his head back. “What are you doing?!” you asked him, holding him in place and using your other hand to soothe the sensitive patch of skin. 
He groaned and stared at you defiantly. “Let me go.”
“ You’ve  been sucking on my neck for five minutes.”
“I found the right spot,” he argued, trying to dive in again, and grunting when you pulled his hair harder. 
“Right spot for what?” you asked, baffled. 
“To bite you,” he replied, rolling his eyes like you had asked the dumbest question ever.
“...Nice, but that won’t get me off,” you explained. “So can we move on?”
His reddened eyes (had they always been red?) squinted at you. “My mate has a sassy mouth, huh? Let me make it official and then I’ll get you off all you want,” he offered, aiming for your neck and letting out a frustrated sigh when you stopped him again.
“I’m no one’s mate. What the fuck are you on about?” you asked in disbelief.
“You asked for my ID before I could order a drink, right? What species did it say I was?” he tried to explain as kindly as he could, but he sounded like an exhausted elementary school teacher. He was losing his patience and it was getting really hard to be coherent. 
“A werewolf, but–,” you stopped mid-sentence and your eyes widened in realization. “Oh…”
“Yes, ‘Oh’,” he echoed. “So why do you think I need to bite your neck?”
“…You imprinted on me?” you whispered, gulping.
“Smart girl,” he cooed, pecking your lips and making you blush at the unexpected praise.
Once again he started kissing your neck, teeth grazing against the skin threateningly. When you tried to pull his hair again he growled, opting for pinning both your hands on the wall.
“This is what’s going to happen,” he whispered next to your ear. “After I mark you, we’re going somewhere more…hygienic and comfortable, where we can mate properly. Once my rut is over, if you can walk, we’re going on a date to discuss the details of our future together. Marriage is a must, but pretty much everything else is negotiable. Do you like diamonds?” he recited like he had been preparing this script for a long time.
“Absolutely no—”
“No diamonds?” He asked skeptically, thinking you were rejecting his gemstone choice instead of his whole plan. The way you squirmed didn’t seem to give him a clue of your thoughts either, because all he did was pin both your hands together on top of your head with one of his hands while the other grabbed your jaw firmly to keep you in place. “I guess there are other options, but diamonds are the most durable…” he mumbled.
“I have no intention of—”
“What type of house would you like? If you don’t like any of the properties on sale we can get one designed and built to suit your taste. Anything for you. You’ll get anything you want as long as you’re mine,” he continued like he couldn’t hear you. He wasn’t one to lose his mind easily, but you smelled of sea salt, coconut, and vanilla and he couldn’t think of anything else besides having you by his side and spoiling you.
Your heart sprinted. This stranger was about to make you his for the rest of your life. He was certainly handsome, but you had no intention of settling down. There was a reason you worked in a wandering bar! You couldn’t stay in just one place and belong to one person. 
You tried to reason with him, but your pleas fell on deaf ears. All he did was whisper reassuring words as he prepared to sink his fangs on you.
“C-can you at least look at me first?” you begged.
You don’t know if it was your desperate tone or the way your body was trembling but he miraculously decided to grant you something, lifting his head to look into your eyes.
And his eyes were so full of adoration.
It almost made you feel guilty for what you were about to do.
You had promised your captain not to lure anyone into doing something you wanted again, but this was an emergency. 
“Chenle Zhong,” you called his name sweetly, the sweetest he’s heard from you so far. “You don’t want to mark me,” you assured him.
His brows furrowed.
“I… I want–,” he tried to look at your neck again.
“Look at me,” you commanded, still using your luring voice. “You don’t want to be with me.”
He shook his head, opening his mouth dumbly without being able to formulate a word.  He seemed confused, like he couldn’t remember what he wanted to say but refused to let you go still. You were impressed. No one had been able to resist your hypnosis and you were sure he would give in soon, but he was putting up a fight. How sweet.
“Let me go,” you instructed softly.
He didn’t reply, but he reluctantly let go of your arms.
“I will get back to work and you will go home,” you informed him.
He nodded slowly, lost in your eyes. 
“What will you do?” you asked.
“I will go home,” he replied monotonously.
“Good boy,” you replied, caressing his cheek. He was so pretty… totally your type but you two didn’t want the same thing, so it was better to end things right now. Ideally, you would have been able to reason with him without bewitching him… but you doubted he would agree with you when his rut was clearly about to hit. “I’m leaving first,” you finally said before unlocking the restroom door and stepping out.
As soon as you walked out you bumped into the guy Chenle had arrived with. His panicked expression made him look like a mom who lost her child at a supermarket and you wondered if he was the reason Chenle’s phone kept vibrating in his pocket while you two made out. 
His widened eyes looked at your neck and his mouth fell open comically. 
“I think your friend had too many drinks,” you said casually, walking past him and pointing at the restroom. “You should take him home.”
The man looked at you suspiciously before rushing into the restroom.
“Had fun?” Yeosang asked casually once you got back to work.
“Not really,” you sighed.
“He wasn’t that good, huh?” he offered you a sympathetic smile after handing a customer a freshly prepared cocktail. 
“No–I mean…I don’t know,” you shrugged. “We just weren’t compatible.”
“Hm…it was certainly quick,” he replied as he saw the man he was talking about being dragged out of the restroom by another guy. “There he goes. Not a heavy drinker I guess–oh,” he stopped mid-sentence to let out a soft gasp and locked eyes with you. “You did not,” he said in disbelief. 
“I did not what?” you asked, feigning innocence and keeping yourself occupied cleaning the already clean bar top.
“Did you do the thing?” he whispered, looking around like he was afraid someone would hear. 
“No,” you lied.
“I don’t remember preparing a single drink for him. And he walked into that restroom with you just fine. Why does he look so lost and dazed?”
You sighed. Of course, Yeosang would be able to tell. He had been raised by merpeople before he was recruited by Hongjoong. Many would believe Yeosang was a siren himself because of his bewitching aura and appearance, but he was human alright. A human who grew up mirroring and understanding siren behavior. It was thanks to him that the captain accepted you as part of the crew when he caught you stealing from him some years ago. Hongjoong would have never been reckless enough to take a half-siren in, but Yeosang seemed so excited to meet you and spend time with someone who wasn’t a complete brute. He gave the crew the most devastating puppy eyes as he asked if they could ‘keep’ you … How could Hongjoong say no to him? 
You had tried to escape a couple of times but Yeosang’s sad face when you got caught always made you feel terrible. You ended up growing fond of him and it didn’t bother you when he asked you if you wanted to help him make a seashell necklace or if you would let him brush your hair. Soon you started feeling comfortable around the others too as you understood that you weren’t a prisoner and that no one had any ill intention toward you. They saw you as part of the team. All you had to do was work at the bar, help keep the ship clean, and follow the captain’s rules.
 Speaking of rules…
“Y/N! Captain said not to!” Yeosang reprimanded you, looking from you to the exit as Chenle and his friend left. 
“It was an emergency!” you hissed.
“Did he hurt you?” he asked, scanning you with alarmed eyes but besides the purple marks on your neck, you seemed fine. 
“No,” you rolled your eyes. “I just shouldn’t have tried anything with a werewolf in the first place.”
“...Oh, well…uh-,” he blinked twice, trying to understand the problem. “I didn’t take you for a human supremacist…”
“Wha– I’m not a human supremacist, Yeosang!” you exclaimed, frustrated. “I’m not even fully human myself!”
“Then what was the problem?”
“He imprinted on me,” you disclosed before heading towards a new customer to take their order.
Yeosang’s widened eyes followed your movements. He was still silent even after you prepared the requested drink.
“What?” you asked when you noticed a tiny smile forming on his lips.
“Do you feel the same for him?” he asked you, failing to hide his excitement with the way his eyes glimmered. “Is that why you wanted to be alone with him?”
“What? No! I just wanted to have some fun tonight,” you replied. “Humans don’t have mates.”
“But sirens do,” he said.
Your neck almost snapped as you turned to look at him. “They do?!” you asked in shock. You grew up on land and didn’t know as much as Yeosang about sirens so this was new information for you.
He nodded.  “And you are half siren,” he reminded you.
“I’m mostly human, though,” you shrugged, pretending to inspect the bottles on the shelf. “But just out of curiosity, what does imprinting feel like for sirens?”
Yeosang hummed. “Well, besides the expected attraction and hornyness, you may feel kinda weak if you’re not with your partner. Some sirens get sick.”
You nodded. It should be fine, since you felt perfectly fine, besides the obvious sexual frustration. If you were lucky enough, the effect of the hypnosis would last enough for Chenle to leave you alone until the boat sailed to its next destination.
Meanwhile, Jisung finally managed to get Chenle home. Chenle was cooperating, but his body was acting kind of clumsy and he was running a fever that kept getting worse. 
Thanks to his friend’s zombie-like curt answers, Jisung figured out that Chenle had imprinted on the woman who worked at the bar and that she ‘smelt really good’, but he ‘did not want to mark her at all’ which was very odd for any werewolf who just had his rut triggered due to a fated meeting with their real mate. When Jisung tried to get some clarification, Chenle would simply reply that he needed to get home.
 What scared Jisung the most was that Chenle’s eyes looked empty, like he was dead inside. They had turned red like they usually did when they experienced strong emotions, but they didn’t express anything. 
So as soon as the front door opened and the two youngest were met with the familiar faces of their pack, Jisung asked for help.
“I think we need an exorcist,” he blurted out, fighting tears of terror and holding onto his probably demon-possessed friend’s arm.
“Finally,” Haechan murmured as he sprinted to his room to get his exorcism kit. “My time has come!” he yelled from a distance.
“What would you need an exorcist for?” Jeno asked skeptically. 
“Chenle is not Chenle,” Jisung answered, pointing at Chenle who was standing like a statue next to him. 
“He looks like Chenle to me,” Jeno said. 
“No, no,” Jisung insisted. “There is something wrong with him!”
“Hey, man,” Mark greeted, walking up to Chenle. “You good?”
“Yes,” Chenle said in a monotonous voice.
“Uh…” Mark halted at the unfamiliar tone and exchanged a look with Jisung before continuing. “How was your night?”
“Good,” Chenle murmured, his eyes were on Mark but he wasn’t really looking at him. 
“Really? Uh, t-tell me more,” Mark insisted, trying to get some information. 
Chenle’s eyes squinted momentarily in confusion, not knowing how to answer.
“He doesn’t reply to open questions, ever since I found him in the restroom and dragged him out of the bar,” Jisung clarified. “You have to be specific. Watch this; Chenle, who is Y/N?”
“My mate,” Chenle replied without hesitation, his eyes lighting up for a second. 
“Woah! You found your mate?!” Mark almost screamed. “Congratulations!”
Haechan came back in that moment with a box full of enchanted objects ready to expel the devil from his friend’s body. “What?! Then he’s not possessed, Jisung! He’s probably just daydreaming!”
Jeno laughed and gave Chenle a friendly punch on the arm. “Congratulations!” he said before turning to Jisung and patting his head. “You got us worried for no reason, pup.”
“No, guys, you don’t understand,” Jisung insisted. “Listen to this: Chenle, did you mark Y/N?”
“I don’t want to mark her,” Chenle replied.”I don’t want to be with her.”
Jeno’s eyes widened, Mark’s eyebrows furrowed and Haechan, who was about to walk away with his exorcism kit, turned back, thinking that he may need to intervene after all.
“You don’t want to be with the person you imprinted on?” Haechan repeated.
“ I don’t want to be with her,” Chenle echoed.
“Those are the only full sentences he says,” Jisung whispered with urgency. “That, and that he wants to go home.”
“Well, you are home now,” Jeno informed, placing a gentle hand on Chenle’s shoulder.
Chenle let out a relieved exhale and collapsed on the floor with a loud thud like he had been waiting for that piece of information to shut down.
All four men looked at their passed-out friend in shock until Haechan broke the silence with urgent commands: “Jeno, Mark, hold him still!”
“What for?” Jeno asked, confused.
“I d-don’t think he’s going anywhere…” Mark said.
“Oh, you’re right, why don’t we just let Mr. Demon take their sweet time to consume Chenle’s soul? ” Haechan replied sarcastically. “JUST GRAB HIM!”
Mark and Jeno pinned Chenle’s arms and legs down hesitantly.
“Jisung, help me draw a pentagram around him,” Haechan instructed, handing Jisung a piece of chalk that he took with a trembling hand.
  Jaemin entered through the front door and stared blankly at the scene in front of him. “Is this another episode of ‘just boys being boys’?” he asked, still standing under the doorframe. 
Jeno, Mark, and Haechan exclaimed a bunch of incoherent answers, while Jisung continued sobbing and drawing a circle around Chenle, but somehow Jaemin got the idea and rushed toward Chenle.
“He fainted because he has a fever,” Jaemin sighed after taking his temperature and checking his pulse. “Very intense ruts can cause that. Didn’t you say he just imprinted on someone?”
“But he didn’t sound normal!” Jeno insisted. “He was speaking like he had no soul!”
“BECAUSE A DEMON TOOK IT!” Haechan yelled, making Jisung cry louder.
Jaemin rolled his eyes. “His brain was probably not working properly because of the fever. How many of you can have a normal conversation while in rut?”
The boys sat on the floor in silence, looking at Chenle and then at each other, embarrassed of the collective hysteria that took over them. Jisung was still hiccupping but he calmed down a little.
“He’s not possessed,” Jaemin declared, holding back a laugh. “Now put those candles away and go get him some suppressants and water.”
After that, Chenle’s rut was quite uneventful. Too uneventful.
Taeyong was the first to notice something was off, deciding to enter Chenle’s room after an entire day of not hearing any noise coming from the inside. 
Instead of being met with an incredibly horny and incoherent Chenle humping whatever he could find, he found him lying on the bed as he stared at the roof absentmindedly. 
He called the younger’s name twice. Then he grabbed his shoulders and shook him softly, but Chenle only let out a pathetic whine.
Typically, the best way to reduce the fever that comes with a rut is to get off, as a way to trick their wolf into thinking they were breeding. But Chenle wasn’t interested in getting relief, despite his visible erection. 
He was unresponsive, burning up, and not even trying to do something about it. 
“Chenle, this isn’t your first rut. You know what you gotta do to feel better,” Taeyong reminded him. 
Chenle turned around to lay on his side, looking away from his leader.
“I heard you met your mate. Y/N, wasn’t it?” Taeyong tried a different approach, smiling when Chenle tilted his head towards him slightly with interest. “What is she like?”
“S-she–,” Chenle’s voice was hoarse, so he cleared his throat before speaking again. “She’s perfect…”
Taeyong nodded. “Then what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Chenle replied curtly. 
“You don’t look like someone who just met the love of his life.”
“Why? Because I’m not behaving like a horndog?” Chenle spat angrily. “I have more class than that.”
“I see,” the leader replied, unimpressed. “Is that the reason you don’t want to mark her or even be with her? Not classy enough for you?”
Chenle groaned. “I just don’t want to! Why do I have to commit to someone I just met?!” he asked defensively. 
The truth was he did not understand why he kept repeating that. He could hear his wolf whimpering painfully in disagreement and his heart throbbing whenever he said he didn’t want to mark you, but for some reason, his brain kept telling him that’s what he wanted. The constant fight between his mind and his body made his head hurt, and his rut was making everything worse. Taeyong’s voice was fading away and his head hurt so much he felt like he would throw up. He couldn’t understand a word that was said to him and honestly, he didn’t want to understand right now. He just wanted to rest, but the room was so hot and it was getting hard to breathe.
He doesn’t know when he fell asleep, but when he woke up he felt less hot than before. As he opened his eyes slowly, he saw Doyoung hovering over him, gently rubbing his face and neck with a wet cloth.
“Hey,” the older one greeted. “How are you feeling?”
Chenle gulped and blinked a couple of times. He was still in pain but he could think a bit more clearly. He noticed he was wearing different clothes, so he assumed his previous clothes were probably drenched with sweat and his pack members had changed him into clean, dry ones.  “G-good.”
“We were going to take you to the hospital if your condition didn’t improve,” Doyoung said. “The entire pack is worried.”
“Sorry,” Chenle said. “I’m fine, it’s just my rut.”
Doyoung, always so perceptive, could tell that something was bothering Chenle, but when he opened his mouth to ask, an enthusiastic knock on the door interrupted him.
“It’s my turn to babysit the pup,” Yuta said energetically, entering the room.
“I don’t need–” Chenle sighed but was quickly cut off by Doyoung.
“Thanks, Yuta! I can’t miss this meeting so I really have to go. He needs to take some medicine at 4. Did you check the group chat? I texted–”
“Yeah, yeah,” Yuta replied, pushing Doyoung out the door. “Just go!” he exclaimed, closing the door and turning towards Chenle. 
Then Chenle heard him lock the door.
“What are you doing?” Chenle asked.
“Why aren’t you jerking off?” Yuta asked straight to the point, asking the question no one had dared to.
“I beg your pardon?” Chenle deadpanned, sitting up and glaring at the older. 
“Why aren’t you making it snow?” Yuta rephrased.
Chenle gave him a disgusted look. 
“You had no problem doing it during past ruts. So what was that about suddenly having too much class for that?” Yuta continued the interrogation.
Great. Taeyong had told everyone.
“I just don’t want to!” he insisted stubbornly. “I’m capable of making my own choices whether my wolf wants it or not.”
“If you won’t listen to your wolf, then at least listen to your body,” Yuta sighed. “The fever will keep coming back unless you take care of yourself.”
“A fever won’t kill me–”
“Doyoung didn’t sleep all night because of how worried he was.”
That shut Chenle up. He didn’t mean to cause trouble. He also wanted his rut to be over but for some reason, it felt wrong to touch himself to the thought of you. After all, you weren’t his. He didn’t want you to be his, right?
“You need to cum, Chenle,” Yuta said firmly.
“...I’m fine,” Chenle murmured, staring at his lap.
“I’ll get you off myself if you don’t.”
Chenle looked up, surprised and enraged. “Wha—,” he yelped, jumping off the bed when he saw Yuta walking towards him. “Hyung, what’s your fucking problem?!”
“You need to cum,” Yuta repeated.
Chenle gulped. “Y-you wouldn’t. You’re mated,” he reminded him.
Yuta nodded. “I already called my mate and asked her for permission. I explained that it was an emergency and I would only do it if you didn’t cooperate. She found it weird,  but in the end, she agreed as long as I only used my hand and never mentioned it again.”
Chenle’s eyes were wide with bewilderment. Yuta was not fucking around. He really was that guy who would help a bro out. “You’re crazy.”
“So I’ve heard,” Yuta conceded. “Now, get over here. The faster we do this, the faster your rut will be over,” he said while he rolled up his sleeves like he was about to perform some surgical procedure.
“NO!” Chenle exclaimed. “I’ll do it myself!”
Yuta raised his eyebrows expectantly. “Go on, then.”
They stared at each other in silence for a whole minute.
“Do you mind…,” Chenle asked vaguely, pointing at the door.
“Nah, I ain’t leaving until you do it.”
“Hyung,” Chenle spoke through gritted teeth. “I promise you I’ll do what I have to do, but please give me some privacy.”
Yuta seemed to think about it for a second and then he made his way to the door, unlocking it and opening it. As he was leaving he spoke again.“Just know that if I don’t hear any fapping sounds I’m coming back–”
“GET OUT!” Chenle yelled, throwing a pillow at the door which closed right in time.“He’s so weird,” he murmured to himself. 
“I heard that!” Yuta yelled from the other side of the door. “That’s not the sound I’m waiting for!”
Chenle groaned. He was incredibly embarrassed to have to touch himself while someone listened, but he knew Yuta wasn’t bluffing and that he wouldn’t leave until he did what he promised he would. 
He stood in the corner of the room that was the furthest from the door and hesitantly palmed himself over his pajama pants. Immediately his back arched and his eyes rolled back.
“F-fuck…” he whispered, pressing his palm against his erection harder. It felt so good to get some friction after holding out for so long.
Why was he avoiding this again?
No, what he was avoiding was not the pleasure itself, but thinking of you to feel said pleasure. He felt like he had no right.
‘No right?!’ huffed an incredulous voice in his head. ‘Who else would have that right if not me? She’s my mate–’
He shook his head and his hand stopped moving. You weren’t his. He didn’t want you to be his, right?
That’s what he had been telling everyone since he met you.
But why did he keep saying that? Why didn’t he want you?
He remembered the taste of your soft lips and his hand resumed its movement as he let out a shaky breath.
How could he not want those lips?
And the way you whimpered when his teeth grazed your neck? 
Oh, hell no. He definitely wanted you.
He pulled his pants down and thrust into his fist.
“Mm…Y/N–ah!” he moaned.
He remembered it now. You had told him that he didn’t want you…and he just went with it?
He let out a sound between a scoff and a laugh as he remembered the conversation. You had dared to tell him what he wanted?
Next time he saw you he would fuck that pretty mouth. That way you wouldn’t repeat such insolent words. 
He gasped, imagining you on your knees with those beautiful eyes glaring at him, full of defiance. 
 You were attracted to him. It was obvious. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have dragged him into the restroom and kissed him stupid. You only showed resistance when he straight-up told you he wanted to mark you.
Okay, maybe that wasn’t the right thing to say to someone he had just met, but Chenle never had been one to beat around the bush. He probably would have told you all that even if he hadn’t entered his rut. 
He wouldn’t let you go that easily next time.
You would be his.
“I want you…” he murmured like he was talking to you. “I want you,” he repeated, this time louder and more secure. “I want you, I want you, I want you—Oooh!” He gasped and his legs trembled as he reached his long-overdue orgasm and white liquid covered his hand. 
He continued stroking his cock lazily as he slid down the wall. 
That was the best orgasm he had ever had. And it had just been a quickie with his hand.
Oh God…he hoped Yuta had left already. He must have, because he couldn’t smell him anymore.
“Y/N,” he whispered. “I want you,” he declared, practicing what he would say next time he saw you. 
His head was clear now and he knew that he had to have you. Whatever possessed him to say he didn’t was gone. 
His hand sped up again, this time without a single ounce of guilt or hesitation, aiming to enjoy every sensation the thought of you was giving him and finishing his rut fast to go back to that damn bar.
And he did just that.
A couple of days later you were taking orders and preparing drinks as usual when a familiar ID card was slid toward you on the counter.
You tried not to show your nervousness. After all, you had hypnotized him, so he surely wasn’t back for you. He probably just wanted a drink.
You cleared your throat and tried your best to avoid eye contact. “What can I get you?” you asked curtly.
“I want your number,” the familiar voice said.
You looked up, surprised. 
There he was, glaring at you with such intensity you just knew he had managed to escape your spell. In just two days.
“No,” you replied, trying to hide your agitation. 
“No?” he echoed.
“I’m not interested,” you half-lied. Were you interested in him? Yes. Were you interested in a commitment to life with him? No.
“You were interested when I offered to suck on your tits,” he reminded you, making a few people turn their heads in shock.
You were mortified.
“Y/N, Can you get some whiskey from the storage room?” Yeosang’s voice called as he stood in front of you. “I’ll be taking your order, sir.”
You nodded, mentally thanking Yeosang and making your way to the storage room, just to see Chenle trying to follow you by walking around the counter. 
“Sir,” Yeosang spoke harshly this time, as he positioned himself in front of Chenle again. “I said I would be taking your order.”
“I’m not done talking to her,” Chenle said.
“I think you are,” Yeosang replied with a polite smile, crossing his arms and displaying perfectly sculpted muscles.
Chenle didn’t work out as hard as some of his pack members and he had no experience fighting so he knew this guy would probably knock him out with a single hit. But his wolf kept telling him to fight this bartender guy who dared to hide his mate from him. 
“I just want to talk to her,” Chenle spoke through gritted teeth, trying his best to calm himself down.
“Do you want to talk to him?” Yeosang asked you.
You looked at Chenle and then at Yeosang, before sighing and giving Yeosang a short nod. 
“Fine. But over there, where I can see you,” Yeosang warned him, pointing at an empty table in a corner.
“Thank you,” Chenle mumbled before walking to where he was told to go and taking a seat to wait for you. He was a nervous wreck, but he would never admit to it.
“Here,” you said, placing a glass of water in front of him before sitting on the chair next to him. 
“Thanks,” he replied curtly and took a sip of water, trying to remember what he had come to say. It was hard to concentrate when you were looking at him with those captivating eyes.
You also drank some water to calm your nerves as anxious thoughts invaded you. Had he figured out what you had done? If so, you should probably apologize now that he seems to be open to dialogue.
“Sorry,” you both said at the same time.
Both of you seemed surprised at what they heard from the other.
“Uh…,” you stuttered trying to figure out how to continue from there.
“Sorry, did you want to–...” Chenle vaguely gestured for you to speak first.
“No! You first,” you urged.
“Okay, uh…,” he cleared his throat. “I’m sorry if I scared you the other day.”
“...Scare me?” you echoed.
He nodded.
“That whole biting thing and the things I said…I won’t lie and say I didn’t mean them. I meant every single word. But I understand that’s not how normal conversations go when you just meet someone. I got carried away.”
You nodded too.
“I would like to start over if you’re okay with that,” he offered hopefully. “We don’t have to do anything like that night. We can just…talk and get to know each other.”
You took another sip of your drink while Chenle waited for your answer.
“I don’t think so,” you finally said, looking away when you saw Chenle’s eyes widen in distress. “I don’t date.”
“You d-don’t…,” Chenle repeated dumbly. “What?! Like at all?!”
You shrugged. “It’s not my thing.”
“Then what did you want from me that night?! A quick fuck?!”
“Yes. Exactly,” you admitted. “You thought you could find a wholesome relationship at a bar? How cute,” you teased him.
“It wouldn’t have mattered where I met you. I would have wanted you regardless,” he replied assertively.
“Mm, thanks,” you replied casually like your heart didn’t beat faster at his words. “But my answer’s still no.”
Chenle froze. What did you mean no? That was ridiculous! How would a wolf survive after being rejected by their mate?!
“We don’t have to call it dating,” he quickly said when he saw you standing up to leave.
You hesitated and looked at Chenle.
“What would you call it, then?” you asked him just out of curiosity, sitting down again. You wouldn’t change your mind regardless.
“Whatever you want,” he bargained, trying to look uninterested when he was actually desperate.
“Whatever I want,” you hummed. “So you’re okay with being fuckbuddies?” 
He was conflicted. He didn’t want that exactly, but if that was his only hope to win you over, he would take it. He would take anything as long as you didn’t cut him off completely. 
“Yes,” he spoke through gritted teeth.
“Hmm.. I don’t know,” you teased him a little more. He was just so cute when he was annoyed. “You’re not really my type.”
He poked his tongue on his cheek. “Why not?”
“You’re not very tall–”
“I’m not short either.”
“You're too impulsive.”
“Says the one who dragged me to the restroom.”
“And you’re younger than me.”
Chenle opened his mouth to speak and then he closed it again. He never told you his age–Oh, right, his ID! 
“So what?” he asked.
“You won’t even ask how old I am?” you taunted him.
“Doesn’t matter. I bet you’re barely a couple of years older. And I would want you even if you were 10 years older. I don’t care.”
“But I care,” you lied.
He leaned closer to you. “Bullshit,” he laughed. Sounding confident for the first time in the conversation. “You knew my age that night when you had me pressed against the restroom wall.”
Your smirk dropped. 
“You were moaning and humping my leg like you couldn’t get enough of me, but now I’m not your type?” he mocked. “I like that you’re playing hard to get. It’s cute,” he admitted. “Now can you drop the act and let me ruin you?”
You gulped.
“What makes you so sure that’s what I want?”
“Oh, please. Your pupils dilated when I said that,” he scoffed. “But what really gave you away was how wet you got as soon as you heard my voice. I can smell it, you know?”
You bit your lip and glared at him. “How do you know it wasn’t because of someone else?”
“Because the scent gets stronger whenever I speak,” he said hoarsely, making you shiver. “I have never met someone so…sensitive to sounds,” he purred, dangerously close to your ear.
 You had to fight the urge to roll your eyes back in bliss. Sirens were indeed sensitive to sound and just like they used their voice to tempt their prey, they felt attracted to melodic voices too.
“It’s not bad, I guess,” you admitted.
“I like your voice too,” Chenle said. “Would love to hear you screaming, though.”
You inhaled sharply.
Chenle smirked triumphantly. Admittedly, he had come to see you to ask you out romantically, not sexually. But this approach seemed to work better with you and he was getting turned on too. “Let’s get out of here,” his sultry voice suggested and by your scent, he knew he had won.
“You’ll have to wait until closing hours,” you said, trying to act coyly even though your legs visibly shook when you stood up. “If you wanna wait here then you have to order something.”
“I’ll get a glass of whichever your favorite liquor is.”
Smooth. He was quite confident now that he was sure you liked him back.
“I only drink luxurious brands,” you lied, trying to intimidate him. “Can you afford it?”
Chenle handed you a black card and chuckled when you gasped. 
“I think I’ll survive,” he said. “By the way, what did you want to apologize for?” He asked, remembering how the whole conversation had started.
“O-oh, just for…leaving you alone in the restroom that night,” you lied. “I’ll go get your drink,” you added and left before he had the chance to reply
“You okay?” Yeosang asked when you went back to the bar counter. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You guys looked close,” he commented teasingly. “Are you sure he’s not your mate?”
“I told you it’s not like that.”
Yeosang shrugged. “You looked tired and kind of pale these last two days but now you suddenly look like you slept 12 hours and had a four-course meal.”
“You’re seeing things, Sangie,” you laughed nervously. 
“Hm… and you haven’t been feeling a tingle on your fingertips right?” Yeosang asked casually.
You almost dropped the glass you were holding. Your fingertips had started tingling the day before for no apparent reason so you had assumed you had an allergic reaction to something.
“Why do you ask?” You inquired.
“It’s one of the signs of siren imprinting,” he replied distractedly as he handed a drink to a customer.
“Why didn’t you mention it when I asked you the other night?!” You asked him urgently.
“I forgot,” he said simply.
“Any other symptoms I should be aware of?” You asked in an irritated tone.
“You said you were sure you weren’t mates, so I don’t think so.”
“Okay, but what if we were mates? What else would I need to know?” You insisted. “Hypothetically,” you added when he gave you an inquisitive look.
“Well, I guess hypothetically, you should be aware that for sirens pleasure is very important and that orgasms strengthen the bond,” he commented. “Once your mate makes you orgasm then you’ll be tied to him forever,” he said.
You scoffed. “So I would belong to any man who makes me cum? That’s ridiculous! I’ve never felt that way after sex.”
“Because none of them was your mate. None of them made your fingers tingle in a funny way, or  feel energized as soon as you saw them, or made you feel like you would explode if you didn’t kiss them—“
“Chenle doesn’t make me feel like that either!” You lied, feeling called out.
“Then you have nothing to worry about, right?” he agreed. “This is all hypothetical.”
“But, hypothetically, if Chenle and I were mates and I wanted to…hang out with him…”
“Hang out as in…having sex?” Yeosang clarified.
“Uh,y-yes,” you replied. “Let’s say I want to have sex with him but I don’t want to consummate the bond. How should I do it?”
“Pleasure, especially orgasms, are what seal the bond between mates. If Chenle is your mate and you want to fool around with him but you don’t want to be tied to him, then all you gotta do is make sure he doesn’t make you cum,” he explained like he had a PhD in this stuff. 
You looked at him, dumbfounded. “I don’t get to feel good?”
“You can if you’re willing to accept him as your forever mate,” he shrugged. “Hypothetically,” he added mockingly. 
He always knew when you were lying, so he was sure you were crazy about Chenle even if you denied it. 
You sighed. “Fuck…”
“Y/N, would it really be that bad?” Yeosang sighed too, trying to understand why you were so against the idea of being in a romantic relationship. “You imprinted on him, and he imprinted on you too. Why not accept and enjoy it?”
“And being stuck in a boring town with a stupid mutt as a companion for the rest of my life?” you hissed. “Sangie, you know me! I can’t stay in one place or be with one person! I’m a free spirit!”
“Then don’t get involved with someone who clearly is serious about you?” Yeosang offered, confused at your dilemma. 
“But I want him so bad!” you whined.
“Then go get him?”
“But I don’t want him forever.”
Yeosang clicked his tongue, expressing disapproval. “You’re so selfish sometimes…”
“I’m literally just a girl,” you countered. “I’m allowed to have fun–Oh, that’s right! I can just stop before I cum, right?” you gasped, excited at the discovery of a loophole.
Yeosang didn’t reply. He shook his head in disbelief and went back to preparing drinks. 
You were too excited to worry about his criticism. Taking orders and stealing glances at Chenle who wouldn’t look away from you during your entire shift. He waited patiently for you to finish working but the anticipation was killing him, and when you finally approached him after cleaning your workstation, he grabbed your hand and took you out of the bar in a hurry, observed by a very conflicted Yeosang. 
Considering he had a black card, you weren’t surprised when you found yourself sitting in a luxurious car that screamed rich. You knew nothing about cars, yet you knew this one was expensive. This guy was a big deal.
“Are you even allowed to drive, pup?” you teased him when he sat in the driver’s seat. It was a dumb question, just aiming to make him feel smaller as a way to gain back your power.
“Put on your seat belt,” he commanded, ignoring your question.
“Ah, I guess you’re still a learner driver,” you said, chuckling. “It’s okay, don’t be embarrassed.”
Before you could blink he was hovering over you, looking into your eyes sternly. 
“Do you have any idea of how hard it is to focus on driving when you’re soaked sitting next to me?” he asked slowly, threateningly. “I’m suffocating on your scent, so sorry if I want to keep you safe while I speed to get us somewhere private.”
You couldn’t think of anything to say.
No smart comebacks. No teasing. 
You were sure all that would leave your mouth right now was a pathetic moan, so you opted to keep quiet. 
That seemed to please Chenle. 
“Good girl,” you heard him whisper before a clicking sound told you he had successfully fastened your seat belt. 
He accommodated himself and put on his seat belt before starting the car and driving in complete silence. He was gripping the steering wheel with so much strength that his knuckles were turning white. His jaw was tense and he kept his eyes strictly on the road because he knew if he looked at you he would stop the car and take you right there.
You didn’t say anything either. Aroused yet annoyed at the power he effortlessly held over you. You would find a way to gain control again soon.
When the car stopped, Chenle quickly got off and walked around the vehicle to open the door for you. 
“What a gentleman,” you cooed, back in the game, allowing him to help you out of the car.
“Not for long,” he spoke under his breath, once again taking your hand to drag you into the fanciest hotel you had ever seen. 
You tried not to let it show that you were impressed.
 “I guess your place wasn’t good enough to take me there…,” you taunted once you reached the elevator and he pressed the button with the highest number on it.
“My place is too crowded. But we can go there if you don’t mind the entire pack listening,” he commented, still holding your hand firmly. 
“Like you could make me moan,” you scoffed. 
Chenle huffed. He was so ready to fuck that attitude out of you. “We’re about to find out,” he said, guiding you out of the elevator and into the room he had booked.
You couldn’t help your gasp.
“Is this the presidential suite–?” you turned to ask but were interrupted by Chenle kissing you hotly, pressing your back against the door you had just entered through.
The kiss was wet, unpractised,  desperate. He tasted like liquor and his skill wasn’t perfect, yet it was somehow the best kiss you’d ever had. The lack of air in your lungs and the way his hands held your waist with his hips pressed against yours firmly, made you feel deliciously dizzy and craving for more.
You let out a broken moan and Chenle chuckled. 
“You said I’m not your type and that I can’t make you moan, huh? ” he whispered, pressing his hips harder against yours and making you whine. “I haven’t even done anything, yet you’re enjoying yourself so much,” he cooed, licking your earlobe.
You shivered. “S-shut up–”
“Look at you, so precious,” he continued, moving his hips in a circular motion that had you closing your eyes and moaning louder. “Are you gonna cum just from this?”
Your eyes snapped open in realization and you pushed him away abruptly, almost making him fall on the floor. 
He looked at you with wide eyes, confused and worried. “What? Was I too rough?” he asked. 
You exhaled shakily and tried to regain some composure. If what Yeosang said was true, then you absolutely couldn’t cum. Not by Chenle’s doing. You were going to have some fun with him, make out, and maybe torment him a little bit, but you wouldn’t let him get you off. 
“Did you bring me here to hump me and cum in your pants? What was I expecting from a dumb pup,” you sighed, feigning disappointment. 
He squinted his eyes and clenched his fist.
“I’m feeling charitable today, so I’ll offer you a deal,” you said, smiling sweetly and walking towards the master bedroom, with Chenle tailing you. “I’ll get you off and then you’ll drive me home,” you declared, sitting on the huge bed.
“Get me off?” he repeated dumbly, standing in front of you. “What about you?”
“You think you can get me off?” you sneered. 
“I was about to before you pushed me away,” he growled.
“Please, that was not me about to cum,” you lied. “It’s just a little act us women put on to make guys feel good.”
“I’m sure you were about to–” he insisted.
“Yeah? Do you think you know my body better than me? Why would I have stopped you if I was feeling that good?”
Chenle blinked a couple of times, processing that maybe he had read your body language wrong and disappointed you. He wasn’t crazy experienced, but the few lovers he had had hadn’t complained. Surely he couldn’t be that bad…
Or could he?
Oh no…You had agreed to meet with him only for sex and he couldn’t even do that, right? Fuck, he couldn’t lose you now. He would do anything.
“Let me try again,” he proposed, climbing on the bed and trying to kiss you, but you turned away.
“If you’re not going to follow my rules, I’m leaving,” you threatened.
His eye twitched. He wanted to spank you until your ass turned red and pound you on the bed until you behaved. He wasn’t one to take orders. But he wanted to do things right with you. Now that he was thinking somewhat clearly, he wanted you to be with him willingly, instead of biting you and forcing you into a relationship. He wanted you to want him. And if that meant he had to lower his head for now and re-learn all he knew about sex, then so be it.
“What do you want me to do?” he finally asked. 
“Just be a good pup and take your pants off for me, will you?” you asked and giggled. That little giggle that drove Chenle crazy.
He cringed at the pet name but he did as he was told, standing up and unbuckling his belt. You loved your men obedient, but even if his actions were compliant, his eyes failed to hide his obstinate nature. Anyone could tell he wasn���t used to submitting to anyone.
You smirked, willing yourself to pester him with some other brazen comment when the sound of his belt and pants hitting the floor brought your attention toward his barely covered center. 
Shocking. Scandalous. Massive.
The pair of gray boxers could barely contain what was in there. 
You had seen big before, but not this big. 
“What now?” Chenle deadpanned. He wasn’t loving this situation.
“What now?” you laughed, swallowing back the saliva that pooled in your mouth when you were daydreaming about his cock. “There’s already a stain of precum on your underwear. I think you could cum without me doing anything at all.”
Chenle sighed, frustrated. “Look, if you don’t want to do this–”
“Come closer,” you commanded.
Chenle bit his lower lip. He wanted to say so many things, but he controlled himself and walked until he was mere centimeters away from you. 
Ignoring his blazing glare, you hooked your index fingers on the elastic of his boxers and lowered them lazily, hearing his breath stutter. 
There it was. Hard, thick, and huge right in front of your face. 
You hoped Chenle hadn’t noticed your thighs rubbing, or that he magically couldn’t smell your wetness, but when you looked up at him his eyes were glimmering with mischief. He had noticed alright.
Before he could say anything smart, you blew the reddened tip of his cock, making him groan. You gave him a sickeningly sweet smile. “You okay, pup?”
He glared at you, gulping audibly, and gave you a short nod.
“If it’s too much for you,” you purred, tracing the length softly with your fingernails and making him shiver. “We can stop, you know?”
He shook his head. “N-no.”
 You laughed, finally circling him with your fist and giving him a firm tug that made him groan. When you built up a steady rhythm, his knees buckled and his hands quickly landed on your shoulders to avoid completely collapsing. 
Noticing how difficult it was for him to stand while being so overwhelmed with pleasure you stopped your caress to make him an offering. “Climb here,” you instructed, patting at your lap. 
Chenle, who had gasped dramatically at the sudden lack of stimulation, looked at you like you were crazy. 
“You don’t wanna sit on mommy’s lap, pup?” you faked a pout, sitting further back on the bed to make more space for him.
“I’m not a fucking pup!” he snapped. He had tried to be good, but you were stepping over the line. “I’m not a fucking virgin either so stop treating me like one and I don’t care if you’re older than me I’m not calling you mommy.”
You glared at him, unamused. You could just threaten to leave, but seeing how annoyed he was, he would probably let you. And that wasn’t the plan. You still wanted to have some more fun. 
“What a shame,” you sighed, parting your legs just enough for him to catch a whiff of your arousal. “I was getting excited…”
Chenle forgot immediately about his anger, keeping his eyes on your hands that were slowly pulling your skirt up your thighs. 
“Thought that maybe you could make me feel good,” you pouted. “ But I guess I was wrong.”
Chenle shook his head and climbed on the bed. “No, no, I can,” he whispered, pecking your lips. “I’ll make you feel good, ” he promised.
You bit back a smirk, which soon turned into a yelp when Chenle pushed you so you lay flat on your back with him on top of you and slid his hand under your skirt and right into your panties. “C-chenle!”
“Yes,” he whispered against your lips, drunk on your scent. “Yes, I’m here. I’m here for you.” 
“O-oh!” you moaned when his index went straight for your clit and stroked it skillfully. “Oh my g-god–Chenle wait a min–Mmm!”
He hummed in delight. The sounds you made were so beautiful. 
“I’ll make it good this time, okay?” he panted, stroking you faster and making your back arch. “I’ll make you cum for sure,” he guaranteed.
“P-pup, slow down, m´kay? Aah… s-slow…I–fuck…I said I w-wanted to get y-you off, remember?”
“That’s because you think I can’t do the same for you,” he protested. “But I’ll show you I can.” 
Fuck, he was determined. If he was just a random hookup you would appreciate it, but right now that was the last thing you wanted.
“H-hey, Chenle–aah…” you called for him, grabbing the wrist of his hand that was working hard to make you see heaven. “I can’t come j-just like th-aah…” you spoke shakily, trying to discourage him. “Y-you can try a–haa– again n-next time–”
Chenle kissed your lips and hushed you. “You’re close,” he assured you, and he wasn’t wrong. You could feel your toes curling and your abdomen tensing.
It was about to snap.
Oh no. No, no.
You didn’t want to do this to him again, but…
“C-chenle, listen to me,” you caught his attention by grabbing his face with both your hands. “You don’t really want to g-get me off,” you told him, using that alluring voice that always got you what you wanted. 
His movements slowed down. “What are you talking about?” he whispered incredulously. 
“You just want me to m-make you cum and then you’ll be satisfied,” you said like you were reminding him of something he had forgotten, silly him. 
His fingers stilled on your pulsating clit and he seemed lost, like he had no idea what to do with himself now.
“You only want to sleep with me, no strings attached, remember?” you breathed out, relieved that the pleasure was fading away.
“Yes, I…I remember,” he muttered. 
“And we agreed that we would do things my way,” you informed him.
“We did,” he agreed.
“Good pup,” you sighed, pulling his hand out of your panties. “I’ll take care of you, okay?”
He looked at you with furrowed brows. He felt so weird. What you said made sense, but why did it feel wrong?
You bit your lip when you saw a dash of hesitation in his eyes. How come he was so resistant to your hypnosis?  You had to make him stop thinking.
“Relax,” you told him, caressing his still-clothed shoulders, arms, and stomach.
“Somethings’s wrong,” he admitted.
“Nothing’s wrong.” you purred, reaching his member and resuming your touch.
He moaned and almost collapsed on top of you. “Y-Y/N…”
“Relax,” you repeated.
“I…Ooh– I f-feel… like s-something’s missin–ah… ah, ah–Mmm…,” he spoke incoherently, thrusting into your fist.
“Mm? What could be missing?”
“Doesn’t it feel good?”
“ ‘S good– so fucking g–Ooooh…” he whined.
“Are you gonna cum for me?” you asked.
“Haa… gonna– y-yeah, ah…,” 
“Then cum,” you encouraged.
He hid his face in the crook of your neck and came with a choked moan, convulsing on top of you and spilling all over your hand. 
You had to use a massive amount of self-control to avoid cumming at the sight. He sounded and looked beautiful, and even the tiny aftershocks that made his body convulse were kind of cute.
You don’t know what took over you when one of your hands started playing with his hair like you would with a lover. He hummed contently nuzzling your neck.
“My mate,” he murmured sweetly, placing a gentle kiss on your collarbone. 
You froze. That wasn’t very ‘no strings attached’ of him.
“Alright, get dressed,” you instructed, pushing him off you and getting off the bed. “Time to drive me home.”
He looked so vulnerable, naked from the waist down, displaying his spent cock covered in clear liquid, and his face flushed red while he looked at you like a kicked puppy. He opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it again. The feeling that something was off came back but he had no idea what it was.
In the end, he sighed and did as he was told. For some reason, he didn’t feel satisfied at all and he kept overthinking even when he got home.
He didn’t know what to tell everyone when they cornered in the kitchen the next morning.
“You said you would keep me updated so I had my phone with me at all times,” whined Jisung, following Chenle to the table. “But you didn’t text me once! 
“Jisungie was about to go find you,” Renjun sighed. “I told him that if you didn’t text him it was because you were probably busy.”
“I text you guys even if I’m busy!” Jisung complained.
“Really? Do you text us even when you’re balls deep in your girlfriend?” Haechan asked nonchalantly, making Jisung gasp, Mark choke on his cereal and earning a glare from Renjun.
“Language!” Kun warned from the sofa, without looking up from his book. He had arrived from one of his trips a few days ago and he was not impressed by how much the pack’s manners had worsened. 
“Sorry,” Haechan said even though everyone knew he wasn’t sorry.
“Is t-that what you were…” Jisung tried to ask Chenle, blushing and stuttering.
“What?” Asked Chenle, munching on his sandwich.
“Were you… balls deep in Y/N?” Jisung asked shyly, waiting for Kun to reprimand him. But no nagging came. Kun was as silent as the rest of the guys, waiting for Chenle’s answer.
Chenle groaned. “Do you have to say it like that?”
“So you were!” Haechan accused, getting ready to celebrate another successful love story in the pack.
“No!” Chenle groaned. “I was with her, but we didn’t get that far.”
“How far did you get?” Haechan asked.
“You don’t have to answer that,” Renjun said.
But Chenle knew they would pester him until he spilled the tea.
“We talked and we made a deal,” He said, omitting that you had completely dominated him.
“What type of deal?” Mark asked.
He was hoping Renjun told him he didn’t have to answer this one either, but Renjun seemed curious too.
“We agreed to get to know each other physically, for now,” he grumbled.
Everyone’s smiles dropped.
“You mean like sex stuff?” Mark asked awkwardly.
“But not dating?” Renjun asked, exchanging worried looks with the others.
“…No, we uh—we don’t call it dating.”
“What do you call it, then?” Haechan asked. Even he had stopped eating.
“We’re fuckbuddies…”
Renjun, Mark, Haechand, and Jisung didn’t know if that was good or bad news. 
On the negative side, it could mean that Chenle’s mate didn’t take him seriously and didn’t want a relationship with him.
In a more positive light, she hadn’t completely rejected him.
“That’s great!” Haechan decided it was good news. “It means she’s attracted to you.”
“Yeah,” Mark agreed. “And it can grow into something more as time goes by.”
Renjun remained silent. He wasn’t that optimistic.
“So..” Jisung finally spoke. “You’re sleeping together but you’re not… together?”
Chenle shrugged. “Yeah, we don’t need labels. It’s whatever.”
“Are you sure that’s okay?” Jisung asked.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Chenle asked, feigning indifference. “I’ve never been a relationship person.”
“But she’s your mate,” Jisung insisted, while the others observed quietly.
“Doesn’t she make you want to be a relationship person?!” Jisung asked exasperatedly. 
“We’re fine,” Chenle sighed. “She doesn’t want to date anyone anyways,” he murmured.
Kun’s laugh startled everyone and annoyed the fuck out of Chenle. 
“What’s so funny, gege? He asked.
“You really know nothing about women,” Kun said, grabbing a chair and joining them on the table.
Chenle glared at him. He wanted to tell him that he knew what he needed to know… but he remembered the humiliation of not knowing how to make you feel good and you looking down on him as a sexual partner and he decided that maybe it wouldn’t hurt to hear Kun’s words. “What is it that I don’t know?”
“Have you never watched (500) Days of Summer?” Kun asked.
“OH! I know that one! There’s this girl with really big eyes, right?” Mark replied and Haechan and Jisung started guessing and mispronouncing the name of the actress.
“Does the girl end up  with the main guy?” Kun’s voice interrupted their animated conversation.
“No,” Renjun sighed. This was exactly what he was worried about and he was glad Kun thought the same.
“What’s that stupid movie have to do with me?” Chenle asked.
“Every woman wants a relationship eventually, but they don’t give themselves to just anyone,” Kun explained, not shying away from Chenle’s furious eyes. “If she doesn’t want a relationship it’s because she hasn’t met anyone worth being in a relationship with.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Chenle growled.
“She doesn’t see you as a potential partner, so she’ll have fun with you until the man of her dreams steals her away.”
Chenle stood up abruptly, not caring about his elder talking, his half-eaten sandwich, and his friends’ worried eyes. He walked out of the house and slammed the door behind him.
“I didn’t really understand the movie,” Jisung admitted. 
But even he knew that his best friend was in some deep shit.
 Hoping to calm down, Chenle went to the beach for a walk. He needed some fresh air and time to think. And the smell of the ocean reminded him of you, so it helped him lower his anxiety.
He wasn’t just annoyed at what Kun said, but at what he himself kept saying. 
Why did he say what you two had was whatever?
Why did he keep saying he didn’t want a relationship with you? Why didn’t he want it?!
What type of werewolf doesn’t want to commit to his mate?
Younger him would have loved the idea of a hot older woman getting him off without wanting anything in return. It was every teenager’s fantasy.
But he wasn’t a teenager anymore and you weren’t a fantasy. You were the real deal; the woman he was destined to spend the rest of his life with.
He sat on the sand, feeling defeated and tried to collect his thoughts to figure out where this whole ‘I don’t wanna date Y/N’ thing came from.
First,, he met you at the bar and he made it very clear he wanted to mark you and even marry you.
Then you told him that’s not what he actually wanted and he agreed.
During his rut, he came to his senses and decided to ask you out properly.
He did ask you out. You said no, but you were open to casual sex with him.
He didn’t want just sex with you, but he thought that was the only way to spend time with you so he agreed.
You made out and then you pushed him away and told him he couldn’t please you.
You told him he only wanted to get off and nothing else.
He agreed.
Why did he agree?! Why didn’t he make you cum too?!
“What the fuck’s wrong with me?” he groaned.
“What the fuck’s wrong with you?” You asked Yeosang.
“Nothing,” he replied calmly.
“You sound like you’re mad at me.”
“I’m not mad. I’m disappointed,” he clarified.
You groaned. “I told him I didn’t want a relationship and he agreed.”
“Did he?” He challenged. “Or did you use your siren voice to convince him?”
You looked away.
“That’s not fair Y/N,” he murmured.
“He agreed before I bewitched him,” you defended yourself.
“Then why did you even have to bewitch him?” He asked, knitting his brows.
“I uh… didn’twannacum,” you barely whispered.
You licked your lips in annoyance. “To make sure he didn’t make me cum,” you repeated, louder.
Yeosang’s jaw hung open. “Unbelievable.”
“He’s fine,” you rolled your eyes and finished whipping the counter. “I made sure he finished—“
“I’m done,” Yeosang interrupted you. “I don’t wanna talk to you until you understand what the problem is,” he spoke firmly and walked away from you to take a customer’s order.
Your heart broke. In the four years you had known each other Yeosang had never been mad at you. 
You knew he was right. You shouldn’t have done that to Chenle…but you had never liked someone this much. He drove you insane with a desire that was somewhere between sexual and domestic. And that terrified you.
You loved working and traveling on the ship and you didn’t want anything to change. But would it really be that bad to enjoy your time in this town? Once the bar moved to its next destination you wouldn’t see Chenle again and you and Yeosang would go back to normal.
Everything was fine.
After a few nights, you texted Chenle to ask him to meet up after your shift, which he immediately agreed to, picking you up and taking you to the same luxurious room he had booked last time. In a matter of seconds, you had him sitting on the bed half-naked, with you on your knees in front of him, taking as much of his cock as you could in your mouth.
Chenle was taken aback, but once again, he let you do what you wanted. He was hoping that this time he would make you feel good too, and if he was lucky you would stay the night and he would wake up to your sleepy face–
“Fuck,” he hissed when you circled the tip with your tongue, spreading his legs wider. 
You looked up at him and regretted it immediately because the view almost made you cum untouched. He was biting his lip to repress the moans and his eyes were half-lidded, and you thought no one could possibly look this hot.
You closed your eyes to avoid the arousing visual stimulation and focused on his taste only, which was weirdly addicting and made you salivate so much that the blowjob became even sloppier.
“Y/N…” he sighed. “I’m not g-gona last…”
You ignored him and bobbed your head faster. The plan was for him to not last. Not that you wanted this to end fast because you didn’t enjoy it, but because you wanted to get off soon, and for that, you had to go home while memories of Chenle were still fresh to pleasure yourself. 
“Ooh fu–,” Chenle moaned. “Okay, f-fine, I got it– We’ll do it your w-way but,” he gulped and paused to take a deep breath and regain some self-control. “I get to make you feel good too–aaah!” 
You chose that exact moment to deep-throat him.
“Haa…Y/N, fuck, fuck fuuuck,” he whined, daring to place his hands on your head and caress your hair. “Imma….Imma eat y-you out real good after this-Oh!” he lost his train of thought when you choked around him and he came in your mouth as you sucked him dry.
He let out one last broken moan when you released his member. He was panting and looking at you like you were a miracle.
“My turn,” he said darkly, pulling your arm until he had you sitting on his lap, kissing your face and neck all over while he unbuttoned your blouse. 
“I–,” you stuttered. “I’m actually k-kinda tired.”
“Tired?” Chenle stopped his kisses and touches and looked at you in surprise before quickly collecting himself. “That’s okay, you don’t have to do anything. I’ll take care of you,” he promised as he finished opening your blouse.
You pulled away, with your blouse completely open, and looked down at a very confused Chenle.
“I’m not really in the mood anymore,” you shrugged and his mouth fell open in shock.
“A-are you sure? Because your scent–”
“Pretty sure. I’ll call a taxi,” you said, grabbing your phone.
“N-no, I’ll…I’ll drive you,” a very defeated Chenle said, slowly getting up and getting dressed. 
Admittedly, you had made him feel very good. Hell, that was better than good, it was mind blowing. But he just couldn’t be satisfied if he was the only one who got to feel good. 
He could smell how aroused you were, and sometimes he felt like he could taste how close you were to cumming. Yet he never had the chance to make it happen. He was afraid that if he didn’t fulfill his duty as a fuckbuddy you would end things real fast.
So he kept showing up whenever you called and doing whatever you wanted for about a month, only to be dismissed whenever he felt like he had you. 
One night he had been particularly lucky; you had him completely naked, on his back, with you wearing only your bra, straddling him and letting him slide just the tip into the most delectable warmth known to him. 
“You’re s-so good,” he muttered, fixated on the way the tip of his cock disappeared inside of you. “So good…” he repeated.
“Yeah? You like it?” you asked, trying to keep your voice steady. You were more affected than you wanted to admit and you were playing a dangerous game because you had never been this close to cumming during your previous encounters with him. You should stop now and use your hand or mouth like you usually did, but he was stretching you so good.
“I love it,” he groaned, arching his back and licking his lips. “I love you,” he breathed out.
You moaned. For the first time in weeks you moaned.
He had just said he loved you. Three words you didn’t need in this type of relationship but that somehow brought a wave of pleasure to your body and made you lose strength and accidentally go lower, him sinking deeper in you.
Chenle watched in awe how you took more of him and he grasped your hips desperately. 
You looked at each other with wide eyes as you tried to catch your breath.
But this time Chenle reacted faster than you did, snapping his hips up and making your vision go blurry.
Before you had time to recover he did it again. And then again, and again until he had you bouncing on his lap.
“C–Chenle, let m-me…,” you moaned, placing your hands on his lower abdomen to stop him from thrusting up. “Let m-me do it, pup,” you offered, knowing that if he kept it up you would cum soon.
He stared back at you, disobediently, and since you weren’t letting him push his hips up freely, he brought you down, hitting a spot that had you gasping for air.
“Shh…I–I got it,” he spoke through gritted teeth, speeding up and trying to hold back his own orgasm to pleasure you.
Your body tensed in his firm grasp and the volume of your angelic moans escalated.
 A sense of pride filled his chest.
He was making his mate feel good.
He was finally going to make you cum.
“Yes, yes, come on, c-come on, come on,” he muttered urgently.
“NO!” you yelled. “STOP!”
He hesitated momentarily and it was enough for you to break free and run to the bathroom, leaving poor, flustered Chenle on the bed alone.
You entered the bathroom and locked the door behind you, leaning against the door and taking deep breaths to calm down, but the tingling feeling in your center was urgent. You normally waited until you got home to touch yourself after meeting up with Chenle, but your orgasm was right there. You just couldn’t wait.
So you didn’t.
You held your breath and inserted a finger inside of you, trying to get yourself off before Chenle came looking for you–
“Y/N, are you okay?” he asked from the other side of the door.
“Mmhm, a-all good,” you said quickly, working yourself faster.
“Can you open the door?” he asked worriedly.
“J-just give me a minute,” you spoke a little out of breath and bit your lip to catch any lewd sound that could give you away.
You didn’t hear him say anything else for  a few seconds, but then the door handle shook hastily. He was trying to enter.
“Just a m-minute!” you repeated, closing your eyes at the incoming climax.
“What are you doing?” He growled from the other side, struggling with the handle.
A few whimpers escaped you when your thumb grazed your clit and he banged on the door loudly.
“Open the door!” he commanded. “Y/N I swear to god if you’re doing what I think you’re doing—”
You came with a shaky moan. It wasn’t scandalously loud, but he heard it for sure.
The door you were leaning on opened abruptly and you fell in the same arms that had you shaking earlier. When you looked up you were met with his livid eyes.
He turned you around hastily and brought the hand you had used to pleasure yourself to his face, easily seeing the sticky liquid spread on your fingers. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” he yelled
You were petrified, trying to come up with an excuse for your behavior. Nothing you could possibly say would make sense.
“I was so close to making you come but you ran away just so you could finish yourself in the bathroom?!”
You sighed. “I’ll help you finish now–”
“You think that’s what’s bothering me?!”
“Then what’s bothering you?” you asked dismissively. “Can’t a woman make herself feel good?”
“Of course you can! When you have no one to take care of you–” he let out a frustrated groan. “What I mean is that I’m right here, and I’m dying to make you feel good, but whenever I think I’m doing a good job you run away and take it away from me!”
“Maybe you’re not doing as much of a good job as you think,” you lied.
“Then teach me!” he basically implored. “Tell me what you like for once instead of making me cum as fast as you can and leaving.”
“Chenle,” you spoke more gently, making him look at you, and once again using that voice. “Trust me, you’re getting so much better. Just a few more nights and you’ll have enough experience to be allowed to touch me,” you offered.
His expression became softer, but he still looked hesitant, as he always did whenever you used your powers on him. 
“I can’t let just anyone touch me,” you continued. “You have to earn it, don’t you think?”
“...Earn it?” he echoed, dismally.
“And you’re almost there, pup. But you have to keep doing as I say, okay?”
He nodded slowly and automatically. “Okay…”
“Good pup,” you praised him, caressing his hip. “Now, we can continue–”
“Actually,” he interrupted, gently pushing your hands away. “I’m kinda tired. Can we call it a night?”
You opened your mouth dumbly. “I…uh–Sure…”
“Thanks,” he murmured. “I’ll drive you home after I take a shower, okay?”
“Okay…,” you agreed, watching him go into the bathroom and close the door.
You tried not to think too much about it, but for the next couple of days, it killed you to think that maybe he was getting bored of you. But how could it be? Didn’t he say he imprinted on you?
You didn’t want to commit to him, but you also didn’t want him to move on from you. 
So when you received a message from Chenle asking if you had some time to hang out you typed your answer so fast anyone who saw you would know you were desperate.
Oh, how the tables had turned.
He picked you up and took you to the hotel as usual. Things seemed to be going the usual way, but when you opened the door you saw that the entire place was gracefully illuminated with candles and there was food on the table.
“What’s all this?” You asked.
“Dinner,” he replied, walking you to the table.
“What’s with the candles?”
“I like candles.”
“Don’t you think it’s too… intimate?” You asked, pointing at the decoration vaguely.
Chenle pulled a chair out and made you sit down by pushing your shoulders firmly. 
“I’ve been inside you. It doesn’t get more intimate than that,” he deadpanned before walking around the table and sitting in front of you.
“Chenle, this looks like a date,” you pointed out.
“I guess it kinda does,” he admitted.
“That’s not part of the deal.”
“Oh? The deal won’t allow us to eat?”
“Not like this,” you said for a lack of better words to explain yourself. “It’s like you’re tricking me into dating you.”
“It’s just food and some wine. Don’t be dramatic,” he said before he started eating.
Hesitantly, you followed. He was right, it didn’t have to be romantic. You could do what you normally do after dinner. And the food was delicious! You enjoyed it so much that you lowered your guard and didn’t mind Chenle’s trivial questions about your life and the things you liked.
He looked more relaxed too after having a normal conversation with you and it made the atmosphere more enjoyable and sensual by the time you reached the bedroom, giggling as you undressed each other.
Chenle was in a great mood; teasing and joking as he climbed on top of you and kissed your face. He was also more obedient than usual letting you do as you pleased and waiting for your permission to touch you.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he laughed breathlessly, one hand by each side of your head to keep himself from crushing you while you pressed a bullet vibrator on the base of his cock.
“Good?” You teased, moving it up slowly until it reached the tip and then back to the base, making him moan shamelessly.
“Y-yeah,” he whispered, pecking your lips. “Everything m-‘my princess does f-feels amazing.”
Maybe the wine had taken its toll on you because you low-key liked that petname.
“Your princess?” You giggled, moving the small toy up and down deliberately. 
Chenle’s eyes rolled back in pleasure. “Mhmm, you like that? Y-you wanna be my pretty princess?”
You nodded dumbly, drunk in desire, wine, and—even though you didn’t want to see it—adoration.
“You c—aah…You c-can be my princess anytime, you k-know that, yeah?” He half-moaned, blindly thrusting against the tiny toy you used on him.
“Y-yeah?” You croaked, licking your lips.
“Myeah, and I’ve…mmm fuck right there,” he hissed when you pressed the vibrator right under the head. “I’ve b-been a good p-pup for you, right?”
You nodded. “The best,” you said before giving him a kiss that was a little bit more affectionate than intended.
“Don’t I des— haa… deserve a reward?” He pouted.
You giggled, turning up the intensity of the vibrations and making him whine desperately. 
“Oohh—oh g-god, princess —,” he knitted his brows in concentration, making the biggest effort to say something coherent. “I—aah… I actually wanted—ah!”
“What is it?” You asked, putting the toy away momentarily to not overstimulate the poor wolf and give him the chance to speak.
He took a few deep breaths and looked into your eyes with determination. “Go out with me.”
 You suddenly sobered up and your dreamy smile faltered.  “Chenle, no—“
“Why not?” He croaked. “We have such great chemistry when we spend time together like two normal people. Or did you hate having dinner with me that much?”
“Dinner with you was great,” you assured him. “But that wasn’t our deal.”
“Let’s change the deal,” he pleaded. 
“You said no strings attached,” you reminded him.
“No. You said that,” he accused.
“And you agreed.”
“I don’t know why I agreed!” He admitted. “Y/N, I—I don’t know why I keep saying those things; it makes no sense! I imprinted on you. I crave to be with you in every possible way, not just sexually. Can’t we at least try?” 
“Chenle,” you sighed, feeling terrible. You didn’t mean for things to go this far. You thought any man would be happy with a shallow sexual agreement, but apparently it wasn’t Chenle’s case. You would have to use your voice again. “You don’t really want—Hhmp!“
Chenle’s hand covered your mouth before you could finish speaking. “Don’t,” he begged. “You always say weird stuff and I end up agreeing like an idiot.”
You let out muffled sounds and hit his arms but he didn’t budge. He was terrified of what you would convince him of if he let you speak.
So you quickly grabbed the vibrator that lay forgotten on the bed, turned it on on the highest setting, and pressed it harshly against the leaking tip of his cock.
He gasped and lost his balance and you managed to uncover your mouth and quickly finish your sentence:  “You don’t want me!”
Chenle shook his head, distressed and trying to cover your mouth again, but you kept slapping his hand away while overstimulating his member. That, combined with the wine made his movements clumsy and inefficient. “P-please, d-don’t say tha—aaaah…”
“You don’t want to be with me. You only want me for sex,” you insisted and your voice almost broke when you saw Chenle’s saddening expression.
His imploring eyes finally turned into void ones, as expected when under a siren’s spell.  At the same time, his body tensed and he came with a silent scream, staring into your soul.
You finally turned the toy off and the room was silent.
Then a hot, wet drop landed on your face. You looked up and saw abundant tears coming out of Chenle’s expressionless eyes.
“Yes?” He replied monotonously.
“Why are you crying?” 
He blinked slowly. “I don’t know.”
Your stomach dropped. He looked so calm in his own daze, unaware of how you kept dismissing his feelings. Ignorant of how you kept convincing him of things he didn’t want whenever he tried to connect with you.
Yet he was crying.
Oh no. You had broken him.
You couldn’t stop yourself from crying too.
“What’s wrong?” He asked you quietly.
“I’m so fucking sorry,” you sobbed. “I’m trash—no, I’m worse than trash.”
He hesitantly placed a hand on your back. “No. You’re perfect…,” he assured you, just like he had told his leader a long time ago. Even in his confused state, he couldn’t think of you being anything but perfect. 
You sobbed harder. He deserved better.
You cleaned him up and caressed his hair until he fell asleep. Then you sneaked out, feeling like you didn’t deserve to be around him.
Yeosang was right. You were selfish. 
So you knocked on his door to apologize.
When Yeosang opened the door, he looked very surprised to see you, but he was more concerned about why you were awake and crying at 4AM.
“Y/N?” He asked, grabbing your hand gently. “What’s wrong?”
“Selfish is putting it lightly,” you said.
“You said I’m selfish. But the truth is worse than that. I’m a bad person, Sangie. You’re right to be disappointed.”
He brought you into his room and closed the door, sitting you on his bed as he kneeled in front of you. “What happened?”
You told him everything. From the first encounter at the bar to what had just happened at the hotel. 
Yeosang listened patiently, calming you down when your voice broke and encouraging you to go on when you sounded ashamed.
“Do you understand the problem now?” he asked.
You nodded, sobbing.
“People are not toys, Y/N.”
“I’m so s-sorry,” you whispered.
“I know. Recognizing your mistake is the first step,” he said, whipping your tears away with his thumb. “Now you need to fix things.”
“By making a choice,” he confirmed what you were fearing. “Either you accept him–all of him, or you let him go.”
You nodded again. “That sucks.”
He chuckled. “It does,” he agreed, pulling you into a hug. 
“I missed you,” you admitted, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I missed you too,” he said, hugging you tighter. He licked his lips before speaking again. “Sorry for asking this, but… did he make you–”
“Sangie!” you groaned, knowing what he was referring to.
“I’m not being nosy,” he explained quickly. “I know it’s personal, but if I’m asking it’s because it’s important.”
“He d-didn’t make me cum…” you confessed, feeling your face heat up.
“Ever?” he pressed.
“It almost happened many times,” you explained shyly. “But I always managed to stop it.”
“That’s impressive. It’s been about two months,” he calculated.
“Yeah,” you groaned. “Impressive.”
“Remember what I told you about orgasms?” he asked you
“Yeah,” you sighed. “That’s why I kept stopping him before it happened.
“That’s good news. It means you’re not completely tied to him,” he hummed. “Look, I contacted an old friend of mine—a siren. She imprinted once but she and her mate…they just had very different lifestyles. Different goals. So they didn’t consummate the bond.”
“Consummate meaning…?”
“She didn’t reach climax with her potential partner,” he explained. “Both of them went separate ways and never saw each other again. And you know what? She found love again.”
You pulled away from the hug to give him a surprised look. “She imprinted again?”
“No, not exactly,” Yeosang shook his head softly. “Sirens only imprint once in a lifetime. But she met someone else who could make her happy. What I’m trying to say is that you will live a good life no matter what you decide. Even if the goddess Amphitrite chose this guy for you, you can choose to live without him. And you will be fine.”
You bit your lip, deep in thought. 
“Or if you want to stay with him–” Yeosang continued listing your options.
“No,” you whispered. “Not after the way I treated him. The most honorable thing to do is let him go so he can find a good partner.”
“Are you sure?” he asked hesitantly. “You could think it over–”
“No, Sangie…I’ve prolonged this long enough,” you gave him a sad smile. “The sooner I end this the better.”
Poor Chenle had no idea what transpired when he woke up alone in the same hotel room where he always met you, with a terrible hangover and missing you more than ever. He still hadn’t gotten used to the inexplicable emptiness in his chest that he felt every time he separated from you, but today it felt more haunting than usual. Not seeing you in the room made him question if you were ever there, or if you were just a product of Chenle’s imagination. Were you even real? Was he going crazy? 
Thankfully your message took him out of what could have become an anxiety attack. You wanted to meet.
You had never contacted him two days in a row before. But what he found even weirder was that you were asking him to meet during the day. You also told him he didn’t need to book the room, which he found funny, because he owned the hotel, but he omitted that detail.
He went to pick you up at around 5PM, like you had requested, and he was taken aback when you asked him to go on a walk with him instead. If he was in his shifted form, he would be wagging his tail contently at the mere suggestion of sharing such a wholesome moment with you, but human Chenle was good at pretending he didn’t care.
He was so over the moon that he didn’t find it weird when you engaged in small talk and asked trivial questions like how he had slept if he had eaten or what his plans for the weekend were. You never cared much for any interaction with him which wasn’t quick sex, so this was a pleasant surprise for him.
You stopped at the beach. The same deserted beach where Chenle often went when he needed some time alone.
“I love this view,” you commented absentmindedly. “The ocean is the only place that makes me feel at home.”
Chenle took mental note of that. He would make sure to buy a house with the most beautiful ocean view. 
He looked at you and stared in awe at how gorgeous you looked. He was sure it wasn’t the golden hour effect, because you always looked stunning to him.
You turned to look at him and caught him staring, so he cleared his throat and quickly looked away.
“Here,” he said, offering you a small shopping bag that he had been carrying.
“What’s this?” you asked curiously,  opening the bag and taking out a delicate velvet box.
“It’s…for you,” he said, barely audible.
You opened the box and gasped when you saw what was probably the most beautiful and elegant necklace in the whole world. “Why?” you breathed out.
“I just saw it and thought of you.” he shrugged, still speaking very softly, like he was exhausted. 
That was half true. He did choose it because he thought you would look ravishing.
The other reason was that he called Jaemin to ask him what that feeling of emptiness could mean, and he had theorized that it could be because he still hadn’t marked you. Since biting you was out of the question, Jaemin suggested he gave you a little token. It wouldn’t be as permanent as a mark, but his wolf surely would feel more at ease if he saw you carrying something of his. 
Only Chenle would see costly diamond jewelry  as tokens. 
He looked at you attentively, panicking at your sudden loss of words.
“If it doesn’t suit your taste–”
“Let’s end things,” you said.
Now it was Chenle’s turn to be speechless. 
“...W-what?” he asked weakly.
“I’ve been thinking about it and I think it’s for the best,” you explained, closing the box in your hand and putting it back in the bag, offering it back to him.
He glared at the bag offendedly. “No, it’s not!” he countered.
“Yes, it is,” you insisted, shaking the bag in your hand closer to him but he took a step back. “This isn’t working.”
“I’ll make it work,” he hissed. “You’re not fucking leaving me.”
“That’s not your choice–”
“Nothing has been my choice!” he yelled. “You’re always bossing me around and doing whatever you want but now it’s suddenly not working?! I didn’t put up with your shit for you to leave me like this–”
“See? You hate the way I treat you, so why do you want to keep this up?!” you asked, once again trying to make him grab the bag, but he grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him instead.
“Because I love you!” he growled. “And you know it, even if you play dumb. I know you see it in the way I look at you, I know you feel it in the way I touch you and I know you’ve heard me moan it when you have your way with me. Sometimes a weird voice in my head tells me that’s not true,and that what we have is just sex, but– that’s not my voice and—” he trailed off, trying to make sense of the opposing ideas he had in his head.  “Yeah, I hate how much of a bitch you are sometimes, but I won’t give up on us, you hear me?!”
You almost gave in. 
But you reminded yourself he deserved better. 
There was one way he may let you go without you having to use 
“I’m not happy with you, Chenle,” you said firmly.
His entire world came crashing down around him. He only reacted when he felt you trying to break free from his grasp. He tightened his hold on you. He was not going to let you go.
“Why not?” he breathed out.
“I’m just not,” you said, trying to keep the tears at bay. “I get nothing out of being with you.”
“I’ll change that. I’ll do anything you say–” he said, swallowing his pride.
“And then what?” you asked coldly. 
“Then we–,” Chenle looked around nervously, and licked his lips, looking for the right thing to say, anything that would make you stay. “We become w-whatever you want us to–”
“So you’re okay with me leaving with my crew when the time comes?” you rolled your eyes. “I’m not staying here, and you’re not coming with me–”
“I’ll go,” he said quickly, squeezing your arm so hard it hurt. “I’ll go wherever you want–”
“I don’t want you to come with me, Chenle, fuck!” you screamed. “I want you to leave me the fuck alone, okay?!”
He froze, finally relaxing his deadly grasp on your forearm. You pulled away carelessly, dropping the precious gift on the sand, and walked away.
Chenle stayed right there for who knows how long.
He doesn’t even remember dragging his feet to get back home while hugging the wrinkled paper bag close to his chest. All he knows is that at some point he was fully clothed under the bed covers, feeling that dreaded emptiness expand inside of him.
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wonton4rang · 2 days
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Love me, leave me ¡!
pairing: bnd legal line x reader.
warnings: +18, smut.
summary: bnd legal mtl to like/ have quickies.
note: another thought that i had to get out of my system.
sungho; he is one to make love instead of having sex so i don't really see him into quickies. but let me tell you!! when you guys went to the gym that day, doing your workout as always but today he was feeling you more so you guys weren't even five minutes in when he took you to the changing room and fucked you raw agaisnt a wall. and it would happen sometimes when he was stressed or just too horny to keep going about his day without burying his cock deep in your pussy </3
riwoo; i can see him stopping dance practice just to come up to you and lay down by your side, leaning more than usual on you, laughing softly at the things you said and you noticing how often he licked his lips. so you just asked "all good, hyeok-ah?" your hand landing on his thigh and poor thing would just crumble and let you know how hot he felt, asking you to please help him out. and he would fuck so good :(
jaehyun; myungjae is messy so quickies with him would be too, that's why i think it wouldn't happen very often, maybe when he was horny during a party or even at a meeting, going to the bathroom and making you ride him at a bathroom stool while he cutely moaned your name over and over, dropping his head back and cumming almost immediately. you would even have to cover his mouth to avoid the noise going out of the bathroom, feeling his cum inside of your pussy went you lifted up. he looks like a mess, so sweaty and still panting slowly while he sweetly repeats "thank you so much, baby" :')
taesan; i don't think that this one would be completely against it but it wouldn't be his first choice either. but i can definitely see him slowly indulging you and dragging you in to make you feel as horny as he was just so you could ask him to fuck instead of him telling you about it. with time you would notice how his eyelids were lower than usual, his hands sneakier than ever, and so you will finally understand and give in faster, laughing and telling him "if you were this horny, you could've told me" after y'all were laying on the couch, cuddling and sharing soft kisses and laughs :D
leehan; yes. that's it. he would take quickies way too serious. it wouldn't be his go-to option but he will definitely do it more often than the others, leaning in your ear and whispering "if we don't go in the next thirty seconds i'm bending you over and fucking you here and now", you obviously got up and he followed you closely when you got to a room in the second floor of the house you guys were at (it was a party this time), he fucked the shit out of you. and that would happen often, like every 3/5 times y'all went out or were just having a normal day together.
basically it goes:
leehan. self-explanatory, i believe. he likes them and he does them often.
jaehyun. i perceive him as a very needy boy so i believe it would happen often even though it wasn't y'alls favorite.
riwoo. normally he wouldn't think about it but when the time comes and he just can't hold back, he loves them. so he goes in the middle, because like jaehyun i believe he can be very needy.
sungho. as i mentioned before i every post that sungho is included, i see him as a very "stablished relationship, serious yet not boring" type of boyfriend, which means he likes to fuck you at home or directly on his bed. he doesn't hate quickies but they would almost never happen.
taesan. i'll say this for the nth time, for now, i don't see taesan as a very sex drived person so quickies don't go with him, i also believe he is rather organized so having sex randomly would make his stomach ache :') it would happen, yes, but don't get used to it because it won't happen often.
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motziedapul · 3 days
Gonna take some time to feel proud of this for a little bit because when Cyrus was talking about his project for years often his tweets would only get 5 to 15 likes and not as many people were talking about it.
When he said it wasn't getting many wishlists, I felt bad but I wasn't surprised because of how little engagement he was getting, even though ostensibly he has a much bigger Twitter audience than I do. It was almost impossible to get his original work in front of eyes because of the absolutely horrendous algorithm.
So since I knew he didn't have a tumblr, I decided to hype him up here. Ever since my post got shared by some massive accounts, they went from 5000 wishlists to 15,000.
Cyrus is someone I look up to, and I've always felt so proud that we became friends. Knowing I helped contribute to his project getting more eyes on it (obviously not alone; my account is only so big) feels really good.
We've come so far since I sent him those E rated Burgerking (Asterius/Theseus) fanfics on his request 😂
He's a great guy. He sincerely deserves this. Lots of devs do of course, but I'm happy to have contributed to this one.
If you haven't wishedlisted this game already, please do! 15000 is amazing but let's not stop there ♥️
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Another game I'd like to briefly shoutout from an indie dev is Nightmare Kart, which for legal reasons is definitely not Bloodborne x Mario Kart developed by the tall goth furry trans woman named Lilith who recreated all of Bloodborne in PSX style. If that's your speed go check that out too ♥️ though she doesn't need my help hyping it up given her massive audience~ I just think she's awesome 🙏🏾
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klttn · 3 days
hellooo i hope you’re having a nice time i have a request if you are interested in writing it ? :D i wanted to ask about thoughts on Vox with a bimbo reader ?? i highkey loved your Alastor one (thanks to whoever suggested 🙏) & i honestly just love the idea of a cute ditzy gf with her sophisticated older bf 💞😫
P.S we’re mutuals now omg thank you for that honor 🥹🥰 keep writing good stuff !!
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𐙚 ⋆˚ 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚛 ⋆ 。 ྀི
— 𝜗𝜚 vox x f!reader
ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 summary : sophisticated older bf vox with his cute ditzy bimbo gf. nsfw. smut. age gap. slight power play. dumbification. daddy kink. lots of praise. size difference.
age gaps. not something vox thought he’d ever be interested in. but, when a pretty young thing like you came stumbling at his feet begging for safety and promising him your mind, body and soul in return. how could he say no?
it was supposed to be an ownership of sorts, you were supposed to just be another bimbo he owned. someone he could use and abuse under his power, nothing but another pawn. however, all that changed the minute he asked you to put your pretty lips on his. he couldn’t deny the tug he felt in his heart and his cock when your lips met, it was like nothing he’d ever experienced before, which only made it all the more enticing — considering his age.
speaking of experience, he certainly showed you the lack of yours. bringing you new pleasures you could only dream of. he took delight in coercing you, molding you to be his perfect girl. neither of you could argue with how thrilling it was, the looks, the stares, famous overlord vox and his cute ditzy bimbo that he’d drape over his arm.
sure there’d be some that would disagree, silently of course, not to piss of the man. but it was hell, there was far worse than a couple with a legal age gap. hell, vox had done far worse than that. and happily so. he just adored being your older man.
vox’s cuff links clattered on his desk, groaning as he rolled his sleeves up his arms. “where’s my little girl?” he keened, loosening his tie and taking his blazer off. his voice was loud and slightly strained after constant online meetings but sure enough, you heard him.
a small head poked around the corner, peering through his office door in your shared home. “hiii.” a big smile on your face as he beckoned you over, sighing but smiling at his cute girl.
“daddy could really use you right now, baby.”
you frowned, following his call to go over to him. “you look, stressed,” his hands now guiding your hips into climbing atop his lap, “i hate seeing you like this.” your brows furrowed but he wasn’t paying attention, he was too focused on his hands on your hips and his shirt draping off your shoulders.
“so cute when you’re worried about me,” vox hummed, finally looking up at you, admiring the soft pouty expression on your face. “look at you, looking all tiny in my shirt, all sleepy and small.”
you blushed, kissing his screen where his nose should be, causing him to laugh. he let his hands wonder your body, slowly lifting your top up over your hips. “come on, voxy, come to bed with me, please.” that earned you a sigh.
“baby, you know i can’t, i’ve got work to do,” you rolled your eyes, “just wanted to see my little girl for a bit.” his hands were stroking your bare hips and waist, pausing for second to look, “naughty girl, no panties?” you shook your head, proud of yourself.
“please, just a little break,” you fluttered your eyelashes, cutely batting them in front of the older man, “for me?”
he shifted his hands, pulling up the fabric over your tits and resting it there, taking a handful. “oh fuck it,” he groaned, rolling his neck back. “you’re a nuisance, little girl,” a soft slap landed on your chest, tits bouncing at the abuse causing you to whimper. “knowing i couldn’t deny such a pretty young thing in my lap like this?”
another moan slipped past your lips, “vox..”
a soft hum left vox’s mouth, pushing his hips into you, letting you feel his hard on in his slacks against your bare pussy as he continued groping your soft body. “how would you feel about riding me, baby?” cocky smile forming on his screen, “daddy’s been working so hard, why don’t you show your old man what he’s taught you, show him how good you can ride his cock now.”
your lips parted, pushing your hips down onto vox, cheeks turning pink as you looked away, “can— can you put it in- please?”
vox cooed at the sight in front of him. such a dependant thing. he loved that. “silly, silly girl, i know you get dumb fast when daddy’s around but now you’re just being stupid. how can i fill you up when im still in these baby?” he moved his hands from gliding your skin to force you to palm his dick, pre cum staining his slacks.
you gripped your bottom lip with your teeth, shifting your hands to vox’s belt, unbuckling the leather agonisingly slowly, “stop teasing, little girl.” a sharp smack landed your thigh. when his belt was off, vox took it out your hands, leaving you to unbutton his slacks and zip them down, pulling his cock free from its confines and letting it spring free. “let’s get me inside that sweet pussy of yours.” he growled, lifting your hips and sliding you down onto his thick length “fuck, baby, no matter how many times i fuck your little cunt it’s still so fucking tight.”
your hands gravitated towards vox’s chest, bracing yourself on the white fabric there, clawing handfuls of his shirt, “so big..” you whispered in a muted whimper. “too big.”
“awh come on baby, what’s a matter? daddy’s got you that ditzy already? you’re so cute when you’re full to the brim with my cock.” with a soft thrust of his hips, he had you whining, “no going that dumb on me baby, show daddy how you can ride.”
you weakly started bouncing in vox’s lap, mewling as his cock pulsed in and out of you. a sigh of relief rushed through him, god your cunt felt amazing. his arms fell to your thighs, rubbing and squeezing them. “good girl, just like that, just like i taught you.”
rolling your hips, you started getting desperate, addicted to the feeling on him inside you, bouncing and grinding like you were made to, eyes closed and mouth gaped. vox’s eyes were glued to you, watching you do all the work, all the pleasure taking you over. he smirked grabbing his shirt that fell back down, pulling the hem up and resting it in your mouth. “hold this for me, babygirl, let me see that pretty little body of yours.”
your eyes fluttered open, glossed over with tears of pleasure, drool already beginning to soak the fabric in your mouth. he feels so good, big veiny dick pushing against your walls and spreading you til your seeing stars. muffled moans spewed from your lips as you got closer n closer to cumming. your nails now digging crescent moons into vox’s chest.
vox was grunting and groaning with every bounce, his hands tracing every inch of you, thriving off the way your tits bounce every time you buck up. revelled in knowing he taught you how to do this, just how he liked it. he was getting closer too, hard not to with such a view of your perfect body.
it wasn’t long til your libido started to falter, bounces getting sloppy and hips getting tired. “doing so good for daddy, little one, keep riding, that’s it, good girl.”
your whole body was flushed the prettiest shade of pink, jumping up and down in vox’s lap, it was so embarrassing how desperate you were, but you couldn’t keep going for long, needed vox to take the lead, finish you both off. the cotton slipped from your lips, panting and whining now evident. “please, please daddy, can’t anymore,” you breathed out inbetween moans, “need you to do it, make me cum.”
vox’s large hands came wrapping around you, picking you up and stilling you before you could continue any further, your legs instinctively wrapping around his slender waist, arms latching around his neck, “hold on tight, pretty girl, daddy’s gonna fuck you up against his desk real quick.”
your back felt the harsh coolness of the wood as he rest you there, your arms falling to splay over the scattered paperwork and screens. it didn’t matter if you broke any, he owned the company they were from after all.
“please, vox, please, i wanna feel it, wanna cum and be filled,” you begged, using your heals to push his hips further into yours, creating a new angle that was euphoric, his thrusts controlled and steady, focusing that pretty bundle of nerves. your glassy eyes slipped back as your tongue fell from your lips, out of it and reeling in the pleasure. “please i’m so close, please, please, i just wanna cum, please.”
“so cute, little girl, but that’s not my name is it?”
you could barely focus on anything but him, looming over you, covering your body with his own, large hands either side of your head. his forearms veiny, shirt threatening to rip at his bulging muscles. “say my name, babygirl.”
it came out as a moan, breathless and needy, “daddy-“ you sounded like porn, lewd and everything vox needed out of you.
“good girl.”
you were so close, so so close, the only thing stopping you was permission. “please daddy, can i cum? please i’ve been so good, please.”
a sadistic like chuckle left vox’s lips, he loved you begging for him, god the power was thrilling, sure he owned your soul and could force it out of you but seeing you like this, willing, by your own hand, fuck, that was hot. “cum for me, pretty girl and show me that pretty face you make when daddy ruins you.”
your back arched, leaving the desk as vox continued his assault, keeping you in place through your orgasm. “that’s my girl.” your moans turned to whimpers, overstimulation taking over fast and hard, mewling and writhing in his hold. “no no baby, stay there, thats it, that’s a good girl, fuck, daddy’s gonna cum too, just, shit, let me keep using you.” vox’s hips were stuttering, pace irratic and uneven. a band had snapped and now you had cum he didn’t give a fuck about anything but his own climax.
your pussy squeezed impossibly tight around him, milking him and drawing a loud groan and shout as he spilled inside you, “fuck, baby, fuck, so good, so good for me,” he was barely breathing, words but a pant as he caught back his air, leaning down to kiss you. “swear this little cunt was made for me.” you giggled at that, chest still rising unevenly, pulsing your pussy to prove a point.
“love you,” you whispered, nuzzling up into his shoulder, his dick now flaccid but still inside you, sweat bleeding over the both you.
“i love you too, babygirl,” vox sighed, “now let’s get you cleaned up, i suppose daddy’s coming to bed after all.”
now after hearing that it wasn’t your fault if a cocky grin made its way to you face. you got exactly what you wanted. what he wanted to… he just needed to realise that.
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sadhours · 3 days
stuck in the middle with you - chapter one
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billy hargrove x mayfield!oc
cw: 18+ minors dni, stepcest, pseudocest, smut, underage drinking, oral (f and m receiving), unprotected p in v
Family night. Pamela hates them just as much as Billy does. These weren’t a weekly occurrence before they moved to Hawkins but Neil and Susan are very determined to make this blended family feel like they’ve been together forever. Checking her manicured nails, Pamela isn’t exactly paying attention to the western flick on the TV but she is keenly aware of her step brother sitting next to her, smelling like he skipped showering after his workout. He’s still wearing the teeny basketball shorts and thin white muscle tee. Billy fidgets a lot, Pamela’s noticed. Like he truly can’t sit still for more than five minutes. He bounces his leg up and down and each time, his thigh brushes up against Pamela’s ankle which she’s partially sitting on. Max leans forward and glares at him but Billy’s lost in his head, eyes on the TV while he gnaws on his fingernail.
“Tell him to stop,” Max mumbles to Pamela and she heaves a small sigh, always playing middleman for these two. Billy argues with Max like he’s also thirteen and not seventeen.
Instead of verbally scolding Billy, Pamela moves her ankle and pokes her toes at his thigh. His eyes dart up to her face and she whispers, “Stop moving.”
Billy’s face screws up, lips in tight line before he opens his mouth to say something but it’s like he rethinks it. Instead clears his throat and then stretches his legs out, crosses his arms and brings his attention back to the Clint Eastwood movie. Pamela keeps looking at him for a beat but her stomach starts to twist in shame and she has to look at the TV, too. She hates Westerns but they’re Neil’s favorite so they’re usually what the family watches together. Except on the Family Nights that Neil and Susan go out but they insist the three kids still watch a movie together. Billy and Max are the majority vote, so it’s typically horror movies those nights. Pamela doesn’t really care, she’s used to watching them with Max but before Billy was around, Max would agree to the romance movies Pamela preferred. A lot has changed and Pamela knows that change is supposed to be good so she’s making a real tried and true effort to accept it.
The high school is fine, it’s much smaller so she was a shoo-in for the cheer team. She and Billy found it easy to fit in amongst the “popular” kids but Pamela isn’t too fond of the clique Billy hangs out with. They’re mean and rowdy, which is common for the popular crowd but these kids think they’re really cool but it’s easy to be cool in such a tiny town. There’s nothing to even do here besides climb the social ladder. So, really, the person she could find a special comradity in would be Billy but Pamela can barely look at him. Before Neil and Susan got married, Billy wasn’t shy about telling Pamela he had the hots for her. And now they’re legally related so the whole thing just has her feeling really uncomfortable. She’s in denial too, because she also finds him incredibly attractive.
The credits roll on the movie and Neil stretches, all exaggerated and loud. Slaps his hands on his knees before he stands from his recliner.
“Alright, kids,” Susan smiles at the three on the couch, “Time to get ready for bed.”
Everybody retreats into their rooms. The kids are absolutely silent while Susan blathers to Neil about the movie they just watched, fiending interest in something she would have complained about had it been Max and Pamela’s dad insisting they watch. Billy’s behind Pamela, stops outside his door and watches her descend down the hallway. Their eyes meet for a second but Pamela’s the one to break it, goes into her room and flicks the light on. Changes into her pajamas in front of her mirror, shamefully thinking about how she looks to Billy. Pulls her lacy pink nightgown on and smoothes her hands down her hips, turns slightly to look at the curve of her ass. He’s quiet most of the time, but she can’t help but recall a moment between them on the three day drive to Indiana. They were staying at a shitty motel in a truck stop of a town. Neil and Susan got their own room and the three teens shared another. While Max was in the shower, Billy said something to Pamela that stuck. Repeats in her head over and over.
“If my dad didn’t marry your mom, I’d have fucked you by now.”
She made sure Max slept in the middle of the bed that night. But it didn’t really matter because Billy stayed out on the balcony of the motel, chain smoking until she and Max passed out.
Pamela opens her bedroom door, steps into the hallway and hears another door close. She snaps her head to catch Billy standing just outside his door, in nothing but his underwear. Her eyes scan over his body, at least what she can see of it from the light coming from her bedroom. It’s not like this is the first time she’s seen him shirtless but before, she really wasn’t looking. Unable to keep her eyes on him for more than a second. But he’s caught her off guard and the whole long distance thing with her boyfriend has got her particularly wound up. Billy has abs. Defined yet soft. His hips stick out and his muscles curve down towards his…
She sighs and looks away, doesn’t even catch the way Billy’s looking back at her. He just chuckles, low and breathy. Motions his hand to the bathroom, “Ladies first.”
Pamela steps quickly into the bathroom, flicks the light on and shuts the door. Turns on the faucet as she grabs her toothbrush and closes her eyes, realizing she technically saw Billy’s pubes. Soft blonde curls above the waistband of his underwear, and god, they were kind of tight, weren’t they? Hugged his thighs, which were also covered in soft blonde hairs. Pamela bites her lip, sinks her hand into her underwear and presses a finger to her entrance, finding she’s pretty fucking wet. You are disgusting, she tells herself as she rips her hand away and grabs the toothpaste. Squeezes a dollop on her toothbrush and wets it, shoving it in her mouth and brushing furiously as she stares at her reflection. She can’t be attracted to Billy. He’s her step brother. Legal siblings. Their parents have sex, that should be enough to make him repulsive. Maybe she should call her boyfriend. It’s earlier in California. He’s probably finishing up dinner.
She spits into the sink, then moves on to washing her face. Uses cold water to calm the heat radiating all over her. But Billy’s still in the hallway when she opens the door, leaning against the wall. Eyes her up and down as she stands before him.
“You like that color a lot,” he mumbles, sure to be quiet so no one can hear them.
Pamela looks at him straight faced, blinks a few times before she looks into her bedroom. Decorated in the same color.
“Pink’s my favorite color,” she replies softly.
Billy smirks, glances down at his briefs and back to her, “Red’s mine.”
Her eyes follow his, sees that yeah, his briefs are red but also, there’s quite a lot going on in them. She rolls her eyes, pushes quickly past him and shuts her door. A little more forcefully than she meant. Hears Billy laugh and it frustrates her even more. She groans softly, reaching for her phone and dialing the familiar number. She’ll deal with Neil’s anger about long distance calls later.
“Sawyer?” she smiles once she hears him say hello.
“Pammy, hi,” his voice sounds all floaty. She knows he’s smiling.
“I miss you so much, it’s driving me crazy,” she complains.
“I miss you, too,” he says and then sighs, “Hey, listen, I got to go. The guys are here but I’ll call you tomorrow. Okay?”
He hangs up before Pamela gets a chance to respond.
Pamela smoothes her hands over her short red dress, eyeing her costume up and down to make sure she looks perfect before she steps outside. She adjusts the little devil horn headband on her head and then purses her lips, checking her bright red lipstick. There’s an abrupt knock on the door before it swings open. In the doorway stands a short Michael Myers. Pamela eyes her sister carefully, “What do you want, Max Myers?”
“Are you done yet? I’m gonna be late,” comes the muffled reply from the redhead.
“Yeah, let me just grab my purse,” Pam heaves a sigh and turns to grab the rest of her things. Ignores the judgmental eyes of her step father as she steps out into the living room.
“Billy!” Susan sings, “The girls are ready!”
She’s clutching the Polaroid camera in her hands, looking excitedly at the girls as they wait for Billy. His bedroom door opens, smoke and aquanet flooding out. A stench that makes Pamela a little nauseous. He should open a window, she thinks. Surprised he hasn’t burnt the house to the ground. He wears his jeans, boots and a black leather jacket— no shirt underneath.
“What are you supposed to be?” Pamela asks, a brow lifted. Upon seeing his son, Neil grumbles and retreats into the kitchen. Pamela catches it, but isn’t sure if anyone else did. Thinks she might’ve heard him mumble an insult, of the homophobic variety.
“Terminator,” Billy and Max recite in unison, like it was obvious. And maybe it should be. She just took Max to watch it two days ago. But really, it was boring and she fell asleep.
Susan motions her hand, “Alright, kids, get close.” She lifts the camera to her eye, smile peeking out underneath it, “Say cheese!”
Pamela’s the only one to say it, ignoring how Billy’s arm brushes against the small of her back. Susan takes another photo before letting them go. Max climbs into the backseat and Pamela into the front. Billy speeds off before any of them can get their seatbelts on. He drives so fast, ignoring the stop signs in their neighborhood.
“It’s Halloween, you need to slow down,” Pamela chastises him, “You're gonna run down some trick or treaters.”
Billy cackles, loud and manically. In the mirror, Pamela can see Max glaring at their step brother but she’s silent. Pamela doesn’t get an explanation. Billy just turns up the stereo and Pamela considers it a win when he actually follows most traffic laws. They drop Max off on a corner of a neighborhood none of them recognize.
“Be safe, okay? Make sure you’re home by ten like mom said,” Pamela tells her sister as she stands in the street, letting Max climb out of the back.
“Yeah, whatever, I will. Bye!” Max says, pulling her mask on before running down the sidewalk towards a group of boys dressed as The Ghostbusters.
“Good,” Pamela says when she gets back in the car, “She’s already made friends.”
“I don’t trust them,” Billy grumbles as he takes off towards Loch Nora.
Pamela makes a face, flips down the visor and checks her makeup in the mirror as she tells him, “You don’t trust anyone. Max has good judgment of character.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Billy rolls his eyes, lights up a cigarette and keeps his eyes on the road.
Once they get to Tina’s party, they separate… well kind of. They have somewhat of an overlapping friend group. Pamela hangs out with the cheerleaders and the cheerleaders hang out with the jocks. Therefore, Billy’s in close proximity the whole night.
Does this weird thing where whenever she’s talking to a member of the male species, he butts in and derails whatever conversation Pamela was in the middle of. Which he doesn’t need to do. Pamela isn’t interested in any of these boys, she’s in a committed relationship with Sawyer. And besides, it’s odd that Billy would suddenly care but once they got to Hawkins, he picked up this like protective older brother schtick. She crowds him after the tenth time of him doing it and confronts him.
“What are you doing?” She presses an accusatory finger against his bare chest, the alcohol coursing through her veins is to blame for the way his skin shoots heat throughout her and definitely not something else.
He smiles, cocky and heavy lidded. Billy’s fucking smashed, maybe drunker than she is. Perhaps she should drive home but she doesn’t feel like that’s a safe idea either. He slurs when he replies, “I don’t know. What am I doing?”
“You keep interrupting every time I’m talking to a man,” Pamela accuses, eyebrows raised.
“Well,” Billy hiccups, wavers a bit before he leans against the siding of Tina’s huge house, “you should hear what these fucks say about you. I’m doing you a favor.”
Pamela’s face screws up in anger, maybe a bit of confusion, “Okay and? It’s not like I’m trying to sleep with any of them. I have a boyfriend, remember?”
Billy blinks then looks smug as he replies, “Oh, that’s right, the one that’s thousands of miles away. How’s that going? You tell him you were going to a party tonight? Tell him how you’re dressed tonight?”
She gasps, face in utter shock, “What the fuck is your problem?”
“What?” he pulls a face, mock confusion. Pink lips parted with those glassy blue eyes wide, eyebrows raised. “You looked in the mirror before you left, why would you wear that if you didn’t want people looking?”
Pamela groans, “I hate you.”
She turns on her heel and stomps away, fuming at the way he thinks he can talk to her like that. She keeps walking, out onto the street. Looks both ways and realizes she has no idea where she is, or how to get home but she’s determined to walk the way there anyways. She picks a direction, wandering in the middle of the road with her arms wrapping around her torso. Ignores the cold air and the way her feet ache from these stupid heels. She doesn’t get very far before the Camaro is pulling up beside her. Billy’s got the window down and he’s laughing. Pamela turns her nose up and keeps walking, the blue car matching her pace.
“You’re walking the wrong way,” Billy says, all cheeky. “C’mon, I’m sorry. Get in the car, I’ll take you home.”
“No, you’re mean,” Pamela responds stiffly but stops walking. Turns around and faces the other way. This town is small but she still has no idea how to make it back home. All the houses in this neighborhood look the same.
Billy sighs, “I said I’m sorry. Just get in the fucking car, Pam.”
“Do not call me that!” she shouts, turning toward him and stomping her little high heel. Doesn’t miss the way Billy’s smiling at her. Like he’s entertained.
“Pamela, I’m sorry, Pamela. C’mon, it’s like thirty miles home, you can’t walk that,” he tells her.
Silently, she accepts defeat. Walks around the hood of the Camaro and gets in the front seat. Keeps her arms wrapped around herself as she sits and stares out the window. Billy whips the car around, driving slower than he usually does as he reaches for his pack of smokes and lights one up.
“You’re mean,” Pamela repeats again, wipes at her eyes and messes up her eyeliner. Smearing it all over her cheekbone.
“I said sorry. Guess I hit a nerve, though,” Billy muses, “Want a smoke?”
Shamefully, Pamela thinks that sounds really good so she nods her head. Takes the one he’d just lit and feels grossed out that it makes her lips tingle, thinking that his lips were just on the filter. Billy lights up another and glances at her.
“I didn’t mean to uh, hurt your feelings. You look really good tonight,” he mumbles. “That’s why I had to do what I did. Don’t want those guys taking advantage of you.”
“Such a good brother,” Pamela rolls her eyes, sucks on the filter and fills her lungs with smoke.
Billy winces at that— brother. She finds it curious but doesn’t push. Just keeps looking out the window as she smokes. Then she admits, “I mean, I guess thank you. I am pretty drunk. Could’ve made a bad decision.”
“Why are you even trying to make it work with that guy?” Billy asks, sounding genuinely curious.
“I love him,” she answers simply.
“Yeah but— long distance is like, not ever gonna work. What if one of you cheats?” Billy inquires, thumbs against the steering wheel.
He’s kind of swerving but it’s late. Pamela thinks maybe one or two in the morning. Hopefully the cops are all busy. There’s not many in this town, they probably aren’t hanging around in this rich neighborhood on Halloween.
“We won’t.”
“So why wear that?” Billy wonders, “I mean, it’s like a big invitation.”
“You’re so gross,” Pamela groans.
Billy laughs, “I’m a man. We’re all fucking gross. The things these fuckers say about you. Literally, the locker room is all these fucks talking about how they wanna screw you.”
“I can handle myself,” Pamela replies softly.
Billy shifts in his seat, hand moves down to adjust his jeans and he says under his breath, “I don’t know if I can.”
“What?” she asks, looking at him.
“Nothing,” he shrugs, “Not important.”
“No, I heard you,” she insists, “What do you mean by that?”
Billy sighs, a big heavy one and bites his lip. Gnaws on it before he finally answers, “I mean, you’re fucking hot as hell. Seeing you dressed like that makes it difficult to handle myself.”
“We’re related, Billy.”
“No—“ he laughs, “No the fuck we’re not.”
“Our parents are married,” she says, like she has to explain it.
Billy glances at her, “Yeah… and I really fucking wish they weren’t.”
“Me, too,” Pamela mumbles, but something tells her they have different reasons.
“I already told you… I would’ve—“ Billy stops, hands gripping the steering wheel tighter.
Pamela looks at him again, really looks. Can see his abs where his jacket is open. Lets her eyes go down further and sees his bulge in his jeans. Inviting for some reason, probably the alcohol. She licks her lips, “Fucked me by now.”
It has to be the alcohol, and the lack of attention from her boyfriend. But she tosses the cigarette out the window and drags her hand up her thigh, lifts her dress with it. Catches the way Billy’s eyes dance between her hand and the windshield. Smoothes her hands up and cups her breasts over the silky red dress. “Would’ve touched me like this?” she asks, teetering over the boundary.
“Fuck,” Billy huffs, tosses his cigarette out the window and then palms against his crotch, “Yeah.”
“You think I’d let you?” Pamela asks, teasingly as she pulls her dress down, exposes her breast and grazes her finger against her nipple.
He smirks, squeezes himself in his jeans and speeds up. Keeps glancing between Pamela and the windshield. “I think so.”
She grabs his wrist, peeling his hand from his crotch and brings it to her chest. The pair of them moan at the contact. Billy keeps his eyes trained on the road, pinches Pamela’s nipple and then grazes his thumb against the tip of it. She whines, spreads her legs because she can’t help herself. Completely acting on horny impulse and lack of inhibition. Mind too fuzzy to realize just how much she’ll regret this.
Billy pulls up to the house, lets go of her chest to park and then he’s turning toward her. Grabs her dress and lunges forward, crashing their lips together. It’s a battle of tongue and teeth. All too much and not enough. Pamela pushes him back. Fixes her dress and opens the car door. Stands up and looks at him expectantly, “You coming?”
He’s after her in seconds, hands on her hips and lips on her neck while Pamela tries to quietly unlock the front door. She kicks off her shoes while they’re outside. Leans down to pick them up and places them next to the pile inside. Billy kicks his boots off, closes the door quietly and locks it behind him. They trail to Billy’s bedroom, sharing haphazard and drunken kisses along the way. Once inside his bedroom, they don’t stay dressed for long. First is Billy’s jacket. Pamela’s hands feeling all over his muscular torso while Billy’s tug down the straps of her dress and move to cup her tits. Squeezes them in his hands, meeting his lips to hers. Licks into her mouth as she opens it in a silent moan. Backing her into his mattress, she falls easily and he peels the dress the rest of the way off. Then he hooks his fingers into the elastic of her thigh heels and begins peeling them off. Discards them with her dress and presses the heel of his palm against her core, over her panties. Pamela whimpers, brings her feet to the edge of his mattress. Arches her back and Billy looks down at her hungrily. All spread and exposed for him. He wraps his hand around her hips and pulls her down the bed, gets on his knees and noses against her thigh.
Pamela rolls her hips, hands groping her own chest as he mouths against her skin. Inching up and up until he gets his mouth on her pussy, underwear still playing as a barricade. He licks the thin fabric, makes out with it. Eyes up and on her. Pamela props herself up on her elbows and lets the arousal fuel her. Keeps playing with her tits while Billy eats her out over her underwear. His blue eyes look wild. Blown pupils. She whimpers as his tongue flicks against her stiff clit.
He pulls back and hooks his fingers in the elastic, peels them down and laughs.
“What?” Pamela looks at him panicked.
“Uh,” Billy laughs again, softer as he peers down at her cunt. “The hair… it’s red.”
Oh. Pamela rolls her eyes, “Yeah, I’m not a natural blonde. Why are you laughing?”
Billy shrugs, looks kind of sweet, “Just didn’t expect that.” He smooths his fingers against the tuft of hair and bites his lip, “I like it.”
She’s about to tell him to shut up but he beats her to it, his hot mouth on her pussy that makes her toes curl. Drags his tongue through her folds, circles at her entrance and meets back up at her clit. Pamela’s eyes flutter shut, rolling her nipples between her fingertips as she spreads her legs further to give Billy better access. He zeros in on her clit, flicking his tongue against it and sucking it between his lips. His fingers gripping her thighs tightly, flesh dipping in under his fingernails. Billy moves his head with the motions, moans into her heat like he really can’t himself. Like he’s starving and she’s the last meal he’ll ever have. Holds her still while he licks her out until she’s gripping the sheets beneath her. Biting her lip as to stay quiet.
“Billy,” she pants out, thighs shaking while the coil twists in her stomach. She’s not sure if it’s being so riled up, the dry spell she’s been under or Billy’s genuine skill but she’s reaching her climax quicker than she has before. Her body goes slack, freezing as he sucks particularly harshly on her clit. As her orgasm crashes through her she wails, unable to control herself and Billy basically folds her in half, mouth still on her cunt as he slaps his hand over her mouth to quiet her instantly. Her body seizes, aftershocks of her orgasm jolting through her as Billy continues licking at her. She has to push him off when it becomes too much.
He stands then, gloved hands unbuttoning his jeans and shoving them down his thighs. Pamela’s mind is even more clouded from the post orgasm bliss, sitting up and mouthing at his muscular stomach as she cups his bulge. Squeezes while she licks a line above the waistband of his briefs. She moans into it, fueled by the headiness of it all. Billy exhales shakily, hands snaking into Pamela’s messy hair and tugging at her roots. She glances up, catches his fucked expression and feels her ego inflate. Before she got with Sawyer, Pamela had a bit of a phase because she liked when men looked at her the way Billy is right now. And in this moment, she’s brought back to that person she used to be. Doesn’t care that it’s her fucking step brother that’s giving her the attention.
Pamela smiles against his skin, hooks her fingers in his underwear and tugs them to his thighs to meet his denim. Billy’s cock pops out, all proud and swollen. Pink head leaking precum, drooling down the veiny side and Pamela licks her lower lip. He’s big. Probably the biggest she’s seen. By far the prettiest. Proportional and not weirdly colored. Round head, not pointed like some she’s seen. It’s curved to the right but that’s par for the course and really, one this big, she can only expect is a chore to contain in tight Levi’s.
Her tongue meets the underside of his tip, circles around the sensitive skin and kitten licks at the little heart shaped part. Pamela’s manicured fingers wrap around the thick base of Billy’s cock and he grunts, body swaying forward from the pressure. Stirring a giggle from Pamela as she peers up at him. Billy meets her with a crooked smile, cockiness evaporating from him. She’s in total control here. Just how she likes it.
She drools down the side of his cock and uses her hand to smear it all around. Billy continues making these soft sounds of pleasure, hands still tangled in her bleached hair. Pamela wraps her lips around his tip, sucks softly while swiping her tongue along the edge as she works her hand up and down his shaft languidly. Has her back arched, sticking her ass up and puts on a total show for her step brother. Receding to a persona she’d thought she’d permanently forgotten. But this is too good, she feels incredibly attractive. Thinks for a second about how her boyfriend hasn’t looked at her like this since they first started dating. And maybe that should be enough to put an end to this but Pamela’s too drunk and her inhibitions are long gone. All that’s important to her is getting that validation.
“So good,” Billy breathes out, gathering her hair up in his hand and holding it like a ponytail. “You can take more, can’t you?”
She’s drunk on it, would pretty much agree to anything Billy asks. So she sinks his cock deeper into her mouth, until her knuckles meet her lips and blinks up at him. As if to ask, like this?
“Mmm,” Billy hums, “That’s a good girl.”
He then uses his grip on her hair to guide her, tugging her up and pushing her back down on his cock. Pamela has to blow air out of her nose so she doesn’t gag, eyes glazing over as Billy sets the pace. The praise does something to her. Completely sends her into a different headspace. Lets her know she is good.
She swallows around him, holds eye contact while Billy bobs her head up and down on his cock. Then he holds her still, hisses and closes his eyes.
“Fuck— I…”
“Don’t cum yet,” Pamela pulls off, eyes narrowing into angry slits. “I’m not done yet.”
Billy laughs, but it sounds whiny. He lets go of her hair and rubs his face with his hands, “I’m trying.”
“I need you inside me, Billy,” she tells him, eyebrows knit together in frustration.
“Saying shit like that isn’t helping your case,” Billy says, eyes screwed shut.
Pamela sighs, lets go of his cock and shuffles up on his bed. Billy’s eyes open from the lack of touch, watching as she lays back on his bed, eyes following her hands as they run up and down her exposed body. A hand landing on her tit while the other rubs through her folds, legs spread for him.
“You’re such a little bitch,” he grumbles and kicks his jeans and briefs completely off before crawling up on his bed, between her thighs. Grabs her hands and pins them above her head, crashing their lips together. “S’your fault for being so fucking hot,” he mumbles against her mouth.
Pamela giggles, hooks her ankle around his back and rolls up against him, “Yeah? Think your sisters just so fucking hot sucking your cock?”
Billy thrusts roughly against her, moaning into her mouth and grabbing onto her face, “Fuck, yeah. Look so sexy sucking my cock. Such a good little sister.”
She gasps, knitting her fingers in Billy’s hair and writhing against him, “Fuck me, please. Need it. Need you to stretch me out so bad.”
“Such a filthy little mouth,” Billy chastises her, pins her thigh back and then grabs hold of his cock. Presses the tip to her entrance, “Gonna beg for your big brother's cock?”
Billy’s a whole two months older than her and really, he’s her step brother. Emphasis on the step. But this is play. They’re horny beyond means and giving in to this stupid sexual tension that’s been building since he hit on her in the grocery store all those months ago.
“Please,” she babbles, “Pretty please. Fill me up, Billy. Please, please, please.”
Billy sinks inside her, holding her hip as he sheathes his way inside. Pamela gasps, clutching onto his back. Fuck, it feels so good. Stretch is beautiful, has her head spinning. She whimpers, “Oh, fuck….”
He snaps his hips forward, penetrating her to the hilt, balls snug against her ass. Her legs wrap around his waist, gaining him unobstructed access to her hole. Billy takes advantage, thrusting against her relentlessly. It’s animalistic, almost. Sweaty, slapping sounds filling the room, shifting the smell into filthy sex fumes instead of stale cigarettes and cheap hairspray. Pamela’s holding onto Billy’s hair, pair of them panting into open mouths as he drills into her. His hands are firm on her hips, pushing her deeper into the mattress while he fucks her so hard the bed begins to squeak. And they’re both way too far gone to care. The only attempt to cover sounds is their lips muffling each other's moans.
Suddenly, Billy is pulling out. Pamela elicits a sound of protest— a whine but Billy’s flipping her onto her stomach. Pulls her hips up, displaying her ass for him as she presses her cheek to the mattress and props her knees up. He sinks back inside and this position gives Pamela a whole new wave of euphoria. Her eyes roll back as Billy pummels her pussy from behind. The slapping sounds getting louder. His hand skates up her back and into the roots at the nape of her neck, uses the grip to pull her up. Her back and his chest flush while he continues thrusting into her at breakneck speed. Licks up her neck and then presses his lips against her ear.
“Taking my cock so fucking well,” he grunts out between moans. “Filthy little whore.”
“Fuck me…” she babbles, almost incoherent with the pleasure flooding her senses. From this angle, Billy’s cock is repeatedly pumping against her g-spot. He maneuvers his hand to her pussy, rubs her clit in messy, quick circles and in quick time, Pamela’s falling apart. Orgasm rushing though her. Another too loud moan falling from her lips and Billy pushes her down, mouth into his pillow as he thrusts his cock harder and faster. Pillow masking her shrill moans.
Billy pulls out, flips Pamela over and gets his hand back on his cock, jerks it quick and hard until he spills hot white spunk all over her stomach. He leans over and uses something— she thinks it might be a dirty shirt— to clean her up. Then everything kind of goes black.
Pamela awakens from the sound of a door slamming shut. Her eyes blink slowly and she’s met with… Billy’s room. She turns over, sees her step brother snoring peacefully beside her. Then she looks down, pulls the covers up and observes her worst fears have come true. She and Billy are both naked under the blankets.
“Fuck,” she curses, a sharp pain hitting the back of her head. She got way too drunk. This is not good. Not good at all. She jumps out of the bed, slips her red dress over her body and opens his bedroom door. Peeks out and sees no one. Looks towards the front door and sees that Neil’s shoes are gone. He’d just left for work. Pamela’s stomach curls something wicked so she rushes to the bathroom. Barely makes it to the toilet, lifting up the seat and hurling into it. Contents of last night's bad decisions filling the porcelain.
Pamela skips school that day, relieved that Billy doesn’t.
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tgmsunmontue · 1 day
From the top 1/? (WIP)
IceMav, (eventual) Explicit, (background Hangster who are already established). Set post-TGM. (No dead Ice obviously).
Featuring not-mistaken identities (where they (Ice and Mav) pretend to be in the dark for REASONS), Ice is Jake's Uncle Tom, Mav is Bradley's Dad, everyone knows everyone, (un)requited love, coming out as an older person, and a little bit of a circus-vibe where Ice has a horrible realization that this is indeed his circus and these are also his monkeys.
An AU where Mav married Carole and adopted Bradley to make things easier legally. A USNA Bradley who has been very careful to separate Dad/Pete from godfather/Maverick. They had an argument prior to TGM, but it was around Maverick being careless with his life (RE: Darkstar because Bradley got the call that Maverick was missing, presumed dead). So it was about risk taking and thinking while flying, so that was happening and Bradley admits to the Dagger Squadron that Maverick is his godfather and they have a ‘complicated relationship’ which isn’t a lie per se, however it’s… complicated.
                He and Bradley haven’t reached the stage yet where they’ve met any of each other’s family. They haven’t even introduced each other to their friends as boyfriends yet, and their circle of friends overlap. And he’s okay with that. More than okay actually. Doesn’t quite know how he’d broach the whole by the way I’m sort of related to the COMPACFLT through my mom conversation. He’s close with Tom now, closer than he is to any of his mom’s other cousins that’s for sure. Idolized him when he was young, and now also holds a deep-rooted respect and affection for the man. It had also helped knowing he had someone to look to as a role model, someone who was gay in the Navy and got so high up no-one could do anything to him now. Jake wanted that. Badly.
                But he also kind of wants his Uncle Tom to be happy. Although, hell, for all he knew he could have had a secret lover all these years. If anyone could keep it hidden it’s Uncle Tom, face quiet and impassive, unmoving and unflinching. He’d really hoped for a callsign half as cool as Iceman, and even if Uncle Tom jokes that he does have a literal half with man, he wishes he didn’t have the connotations of Hangman, even if it’s because of fucking song lyrics he was forever quoting and now twisted into something that make people assume things before they even know him.
                Not that he really has that problem now, with the Dagger Squadron being made a permanent detachment and with them all knowing each other so well now. They know he’s got their backs when it actually comes down to it. And he likes being based where his Uncle Tom is, because while he’s meant to be based in Hawaii they’ve made some concessions due to his cancer treatment. He knows their entire family is grateful, not least his Aunty Sarah. God, he knows it’s the high of surviving a literal suicide mission but life feels so good right now. He’s expecting Bradley to turn up any minute, they’ve got plans for dinner and a movie and then sex, not necessarily in that order.
                When he opens his door and Rooster is there, he can’t help the little happy swoop his insides do and he lets Bradley kiss him hello.
                “Hi. How are you?”
                “Good. Little annoyed… my dad is talking about getting back together with an ex…”
                “Is this the ex you like, or don’t like?”
                “You can safely bet money that it’s nearly always an ex I don’t like. I don’t think he’s ever had a relationship with anyone I’ve actually liked… shit that’s depressing.”
                “Maybe you just have really high standards for him?”
                “You mean unlike for myself, where my standards are really low?”
                They end up play-wrestling which quickly morphs into not-play making-out and yeah, the sex comes before dinner but he was sort of banking on that, making food that would be perfectly fine just staying warm in the oven. They end up curled around each other on the sofa, queuing up a movie and Jake asks about his day. Listens as Bradley talks about going out to Maverick’s hangar to work on the plane, having lunch with his dad and he wonders if Maverick has met Bradley’s step-dad. Obviously he must have, he’s been around even longer, although it must be weird to have two people called Pete wandering around, he guesses that’s why Bradley calls Maverick Maverick, and his step-dad dad. Stops the confusion.
                He knows Maverick and Bradley had a falling out of some sort, they’d been very angry with each other. He figured out that Maverick flew with Bradley’s dad, was the pilot when his dad died, and he’d thought it had been that. But then Bradley had dropped the bombshell that Maverick was his godfather and they’d had a fight over something he can’t talk about, but they would be fine. So Jake hasn’t pushed wanting to also hang out with Maverick, because when Bradley talks about the P-51 and the hangar his fingers itch but he gets Bradley wanting to mend bridges with his godfather.
                More than that though he wants to meet Bradley’s step-dad, doesn’t understand Bradley’s reticence about introducing them. It’s not like he’s going to care. But they’ve only been doing this, whatever it is, for a couple of weeks, which he guesses is early days, but with everything they’ve gone through in the last couple of months it also feels like several lifetimes. Then again, he’s in no rush to introduce Bradley to Uncle Tom, so maybe it’s for the best they wait a few weeks. Or months.
                “You still thinking about your dad?”
                “Yeah. I just need to get him seeing someone else. Anyone to take his mind off getting back with Georgia. Or any of his exes for that matter. Georgia especially is… well. I have no idea what she gets out of sleeping with Dad. She’s anti military for a start.”
                “The fact that she gets to sleep with him?”
                “Ew, gross…”
                “Maybe she thinks she can convert him to a non-military life one blowjob at a time…”
                “You could try that on me you know, see if you can convince me to do something with a blowjob…”
                “Don’t think I need the promise of a bj to convince you to do anything,” Jake says with a grin. “You know, my uncle Tom is gay, maybe we could set them up? Well, assuming your dad swings both ways?”
                “Huh. Yeah… He does. Keeps that pretty much on the down-low, very much on a need to know basis. Pretty sure I only know because I saw him trying to sneak a guy out when I was seventeen. Did make me feel safer about coming out to him myself though.”
…            …            …
                “Jake, I am not installing Grindr on my phone, work, personal or otherwise.”
                “Thought you might say that, so I bought you a burner. Well, please don’t actually burn it, but you know what I mean.”
                “Jake…” Tom lets out an exasperated sigh. “I wouldn’t burn it. I know what a burner is. I’m not an idiot. I just don’t want to go on a date…”
                “Okay, so you don’t actually have to go on a date. All my cards on the table. I’m using the app to introduce you to the step-dad of my… uh, a friend.”
                “A friend huh? Is this the same friend you won’t introduce to the family?”
                “Yes. The exact one. Anyway, I just want you to send him a couple of messages. Let’s say ten messages. After that you can go back to ignoring it, remove the battery from the phone and pretend it never happened. Okay?”
                “Will you let it go if I do this?”
                “I mean… yeah. I hope you make a friend or something, but he’s military as well, so you guys have something in common at least…”
                “Fine. But I want the name of your friend.”
                “No! You’ll just look him up.”
                “He’s Navy?”
                “He is! Good job.”
…            …            …
                “Bradley! Why is Grindr amongst my recently installed apps!”
                “I’m setting you up!” Bradley calls out, grabbing two beers to go with their takeout Chinese.
                “I don’t need setting up. I can find my own dates. I don’t need an app!”
                “Yes, you do. You can’t get back with Georgia just because you’re lonely. Look, I’m not going to make you swipe through dick-pics…”
                “Maybe I want to swipe through dick-pics!”
                “Mav, be serious! You just said you didn’t want the app!”
                “Seriously? You’re the one that installed Grindr on my phone.”
                “God, maybe this was an awful idea.”
                “Yeah, you think?”
                “Okay, give me a second,” Bradley mutters, rolling his eyes and pulling his own from his pocket and thumbing into his contacts.
                “Hi… how’s it going?” Jake asks, voice quiet, and he must still be at his Uncle’s house.
                “Not well. You think we can maybe just set them up with an app that blocks their numbers and then just let them talk that way?”
                “Can’t hurt to try… your dad resisting the Grindr approach too huh?”
                “So much. And I get it, HE’S REALLY OLD,” Bradley says, raising his voice while looking Mav dead in the eye.
                “Hey! I heard that!”
                “You were meant to!”
                He ignores the glare Mav shoots him and pokes his tongue out at the back of his head as he walks away.
                “Okay, let’s see what we can find. I’ll message you and let you know.”
                “Sure thing.”
                Fifteen minutes later Jake has sent him the information, an end-to-end encrypted messaging app, one which hides the number of the phone sending the message. It’s silent and has to be manually opened to check for notifications, which is very old-school but means there’s no potential odd sounding pings. The icon is a mundane looking tower symbol and he guesses that could mean anything.
                “Okay Mav – you need to give this guy a chance okay? Please?”
                “What’s in it for me?”
                “I will stop bothering you about… uh… your love life for six months?”
                “No deal. I want to meet the guy you just rang. Who’s he in all this?”
                “Uh… I guess he’s my boyfriend.”
                “Ooohhh… it’s new huh? You’re in that new loved-up stage where you want everyone around you to be in the same stage.”
                “Uh, I mean we’ve known each other for years, but we’ve recently… come to an arrangement.”
                “Is it boyfriends or friends with benefits?”
                “Well, we weren’t exactly friends before, so definitely closer to boyfriends I guess,” Bradley says, carefully skirting the fact that Mav actually already knows Jake quite well.
                “Great. I’ll send what, ten messages to this guy and then I get to meet your guy in two weeks.”
                “No! Three months. And twenty messages.”
                “You realize you can’t force me to do anything right? You have no bargaining power here?”
                “I know, but… for me?”
    ��           “Ugh… sad cow eyes. Fine fine, put them away. I’ll message the guy. But I do want to meet your guy when you feel the timing is right.”
                “Yeah, of course.”
                God he hopes this works because he has no idea if Mav will like the fact he’s with Jake or not.
…            …            …
                They meet up every week when they’re both in the same place, and it’s been a treat these last few months, but also a trial. Usually the distance has been a unintended blessing, making his unfortunate case of unrequited love easier to ignore. When he was younger he’d thought it was just a crush, that it would just… fade away. Instead the opposite has happened, time and distance have hardened and solidified similar to how pressure and temperature turn limestone into marble his love for Maverick is a solid and unmoving object that is ever present. Every time Mav walks through his front door he has to fight the urge to enfold him in his arms and just hold him. Every time.
                “Did you ever want kids of your own?” Pete asks and Tom startles, looks across at him.
                “No. I have nieces and nephews and cousin’s kids coming out my ears. They’re enough trouble to be getting on with, without adding my own genes to the mix. Wasn’t ever going to happen anyway,” he tacks on, and he wonders if this, today, this moment, will be the time it twigs and Mav will ask what he means.
                “Too much trouble by half. Do you know what Bradley did the other day? Installed a dating app on my phone.”
                “What? Why would he do that?”
                “He thought I was considering getting back with Georgia for some reason.”
                “And you’re not?”
                “No. Anyway, he’s trying to set me up with someone. At least you don’t have to worry about that.”
                “You’d be surprised. My cousins kid bought me a phone, a burner phone, with a dating app installed on it.”
                “Oh yeah? Which one?”
                Tom swallows.
                No more subtle hints.
                It’s now or never.
                He didn’t purposely wait for Mav to have a sip of his drink, but he still sprays it out across the coffee table, eyes bugging out and he can’t seem to look Tom in the eye and he feels his stomach start to sink.
                “You… ah… you know that app is for gay guys right?”
                “I’m aware.”
                Pete just stares at him and he wonders if this is it. The moment his best friend just gets up and walks out of his life.
                “You never told me.”
                “You never asked.”
                “Yeah well, there was a whole thing about not asking and not telling until about ten years ago so… sorry if I thought you’d have maybe mentioned it. Or at least… alluded to it.”
                “I did Pete. With something called subtlety. I know it’s not your strong suit, but I tried to leave it there in the open for you to pick up on. I’m only just… getting to the grips with the idea of being more out.”
                “Okay. Uh. Does anyone else know?”
                Tom snorts.
                “Yeah, my whole family for a start. Had to get them to stop trying to marry me off. Slider of course.”
                “Why of course? Why Slider?”
                “He’s known me for a very long time.”
                “I’ve known you for a long time.”
                He doesn’t want to mention that Slider figured it out, because he’s had to learn to be subtle, and his weak point has and will always be the man in front of him. And he can never let him know. Still, Mav sounds annoyed.
                “Slider figured it out. He’s too perceptive for his own good,” Tom mutters, because he’s also the one person who knows about his lifelong torch bearing.
                “Huh. Okay.”
…            …            …
                Tom locks the house up, Mav having left to go home after Tom had soundly beaten him at chess. He knows it isn’t one of Mav’s favorite games, that he really only plays to humor Tom and give them something to do while they talk… his brain is catching on something and it’s going to bother him until he figures it out. Pete. Playing chess simply to spend more time with him...
                He stops.
                Pete had said Bradley had installed a dating app on his phone.
                Within a day of Jake giving him a phone with Grindr installed, which quickly morphed to a simple encrypted messaging service.
                He’s learnt to not ignore his gut and this is deeply suspicious with the coincidence.
                He wonders if Jake and Bradley are dating. The idea of that makes him smile, even if it’ll cause an administrative nightmare. He knows they know each other, they’re part of the same squadron and there are rules, however it wouldn’t surprise him at all if both Bradley and Jake decided that that particular rule was for other people.
                He suddenly needs to know which app it is exactly that Bradley installed and he has his phone in his hand ringing him before he even considers the time of night, or where Bradley might be right now.
                “Hey Uncle Ice… Everything okay?”
                “Hey Bradley. Sorry for the late call, Just, uh, Mav mentioned you installed a dating app on his phone. You mind telling me which one it was?”
                “Uh… Grindr. Why?”
                “Oh. No reason. Just curious Thanks. Have a good night.”
                Why would Bradley install Grindr.
                Maverick’s not gay.
                To his knowledge Maverick isn’t even bisexual. Or anything else that might imply he’s anything other than overwhelmingly heterosexual.
                Maverick didn’t say anything tonight when he learnt about Tom’s own sexuality.
                Maybe Bradley knows something Tom doesn’t.
                Scratch that.
                Bradley definitely knows something Tom doesn’t.
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rosellacwrites · 22 hours
I wanna be someone who believes
summary: Dieter knows it when he sees it.
pairings: Dieter Bravo x Reader
rating: teen maybe? I never know what to call this shit if it isn’t smutty 🤣
warnings: reader is a real estate agent and uses she/her pronouns but is otherwise undescribed; gratuitous use of double negatives; Dieter being Dieter
word count: 1650 (oops)
author’s note: posting late but written for the @dieterbravobrainrotclub May Drabble Challenge — the prompt was a meet-cute with “Do you believe in aliens?” Please be kind, I’ve never written for any of the Pedro boys before 🫣
Happy reading! ❤️
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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“Please,” she coaxes you over the phone. “I’ll owe you big time.”
This is not the first time you’ve heard this from her, and you sigh. “What?”
“I need you to cover a big buyer for me this weekend. Dave got some kind of crazy deal through work, and he wants to take me to Cabo for the weekend, and my in-laws actually agreed to take the kids for once, but this is the only weekend he’s gonna be in LA between projects and I swear to God I’ll make it up to you, I’ll take your biggest pain in the ass buyer off your hands — “
“Danielle.” You take a sip of your coffee and rub the spot between your eyebrows. “Who is it?”
She takes a deep breath on the other end. “Okay — hear me out — he’s not quite as wild and crazy as you hear, more like… sexy eccentric? And the budget is good, all cash, I’ll send you his proof of funds — “
“Danielle,” you growl. “Who. Is. It.”
There’s a beat of silence, before she speaks. “… it’s Dieter. Dieter Bravo.”
“Are you fucking with me right now?” She’s your best friend in the industry, and you’ve watched her build her business, a solid roster of low-key celebrity clients who can trust her discretion, but this — this is the big time. “You really want to take a referral on this one?”
“It’ll be a healthy referral,” she points out. “He’s looking at five to seven, but he’s willing and able to go to eight for the right property. He won’t buy sight unseen, though — he’s gotta visit them all. The vibes, you know.”
You’re mentally calculating two and a half percent of eight million, minus referral, and you like what you’re coming up with, maybe even enough to genuinely enjoy this. “God save me from the vibes. Okay. Fine,” you say, exhaling. “I’ll do it — does he have a short list already?”
It’s her turn to sigh. “Vibes.”
“Vibes,” you echo, shaking your head. “Got it. Have fun in Cabo, you lucky bitch.”
“Have fun with Dieter,” she sing-songs. “You lucky bitch.”
As soon as you set eyes on him for the first time, you know you will. Everything about Dieter Bravo proclaims the fun kind of trouble, like sunshine that didn’t mean to burn you.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he greets you, looking like he just rolled out of bed and wants nothing more than to get back in it, preferably with you. “Do you come with the house?”
“Only when the earth moves,” you retort sweetly.
He looks stunned for a moment, and then the grin breaks over his face like sunrise and he laughs, long and loud. “I like you,” he proclaims. “Danielle said I would.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” His laughter is contagious, and you can’t help liking him too. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Bravo.”
“Babe,” he says, looking pained, and you belatedly remember what Danielle had told you.
“Dieter,” you correct yourself, and he beams.
“That’s more like it,” he says cheerfully.
His assistant materializes from somewhere behind him, handing you a stack of papers. “Standard NDA,” they say. “I’m sure you understand.”
Dieter groans. “Do we have to do this?”
“I’m not offended, I promise.” You smile at him, and start to skim over the contract. It’s all fairly standard stuff, really, apart from the alien invasion bit inserted neatly into the force majeure clause. But it’s not the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen turn up in a legal document — this is Hollywood, after all — and you shrug, and sign.
“Amazing!” Dieter claps his hands like a child. “Let’s go buy a fucking house!”
Six showings later, you’re exhausted, your feet are killing you, and Dieter’s assistant looks as fried as you feel.
“Food?” Dieter asks hopefully. “Or weed? Or both?”
“I’m not feeling great,” his assistant says, rubbing their forehead. “I’m starting a migraine. Dieter, do you think you can manage without me for the afternoon?”
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll be fine.” Dieter waves a hand dismissively. “Go sleep it off.” He turns to you, and before he can say anything else, you nod and lead him away.
Fifteen minutes later, you’re seated at a tucked-away patio table at your favorite cafe, and Dieter’s looking much more relaxed, sunglasses pushed haphazardly up into his hair. “How’d you meet Danielle, anyway?” you ask him over the rim of your matcha latte.
“Hit on her in a club in West Hollywood,” he admits. “She was like ‘haha I totally would if I weren’t married, but hey, do you want to buy a house instead?’”
You can’t help laughing. “Yeah. That’s on brand.”
“It was fate,” he says. “Because I did want to buy a house, I just didn’t know it until she said it.”
“All that Cliff Beasts money burning a hole in your pocket?”
“I’m sick of hotels.” He shrugs, looking almost serious for once. “I travel all the fucking time, but — I want someplace I can come home to, you know?”
“Yeah. I do.” You look down at your drink and smile, toying with the already-disintegrating paper straw. “It’s such a stressful job sometimes, and the money’s not as great as everyone thinks it is, but when I can make that perfect match for someone, and I see their face light up when they walk in because they’re finally home — there’s nothing like it.”
“Yeah?” When you glance back up, he’s giving you the softest look you’ve ever seen, and it makes you wonder what his agent could possibly be thinking. The genuine sweetness he radiates is made for rom-coms, not half-assed action flicks. “Well, I’m glad you’re the one matchmaking for me.”
“Me too,” you say softly, your eyes locked with his, and you realize as you say it that it’s true.
It’s hard to remember that you’re working; you’re having more fun with Dieter than you have on any of the actual dates you’ve had recently. You linger at the table far longer than you should, talking about everything and nothing.
Finally, you crack, leaning forward and resting your elbows on the table. “I gotta ask,” you begin, and you see him tense, just slightly. “Do you believe in aliens?” He looks at you quizzically, clearly not expecting the conversation to take that particular turn. “It’s in your NDA. Alien invasion is one of the situations that gets me out of the contract.”
“Oh, I never read that shit.” He yawns and stretches, and you get an eyeful of his tummy when his shirt rides up. You try not to look — you’re sure there’s something in the realtor’s code of ethics about not ogling your clients, even if they are celebrities — but it’s impossible to look away from all that freckled golden skin. “But… I don’t not believe in aliens, you know? Who knows what the fuck’s out there? My lawyers know better than to leave my ass in the wind.”
“Fair enough, and I appreciate the loophole.” You shrug. “If aliens landed on the roof during one of our showings, you bet your ass I’d be calling TMZ real fast.”
“And I’d support that. Get your bag, babe.” He grins at you. “Do you want to have sex with me?”
You consider your next words very carefully. “I don’t not want to have sex with you,” you admit, and his face lights up. “But I have to do my job, first.”
“Okay, so let’s go do your job and get it out of the way.” He stands up, all business for the first time all day, and extends a hand to you. His hands are warm, slightly calloused, and big, and you find yourself praying that he gets good vibes from this last one.
“I’ve saved the best for last,” you tell him. “I think you’re gonna love this one. It’s been on for a while, and they just knocked the price down to seven-four. I think if you offered a little low, they’d take it.”
“What’s the vibe?” he asks.
“Think Zen, but casual about it. It was built ten years ago, but it feels a little seventies in a good way — lots of stone, warm wood, skylights. Indoor-outdoor living. There’s a koi pond that goes under the house.”
“Funky,” he says, raising his eyebrows. “Go on.”
“Separate guest wing with kitchen, ideal for live-in staff — yoga room with adjoining massage area — detached guest house with art studio potential — “ you recite. He’s weakening by the minute, you can see it. “Pool and hot tub, of course — there’s like a waterfall thing, it’s pretty cool — “ His eyes go all dreamy and you know, you just know, he’s thinking about having sex there.
Almost there, you think; it’s time for the clincher. “Six minutes to the Whole Foods on Sepulveda.”
He whistles, reluctantly impressed. “That’s the good one.”
“It is indeed.” You nod sagely.
“Fuuuuuuck,” he groans, tugging you by the hand he’s still holding. “Let’s go.”
A few weeks later, you surface to the sound of your phone ringing.
“Can you look and tell me who’s calling?” you call out, hooking your elbows over the side of the pool. “I’m all wet.”
Dieter wiggles his eyebrows at you and answers the call. “Hey, babe,” he says. “How was Cabo? Did you get pregnant?” He laughs. “Yeah, yeah — she knows I have her phone. She’s in the pool.”
“Tell Danielle I’ll call her back,” you shout.
“Yeah, she found me the perfect house,” Dieter says, ignoring you. “It’s fucking awesome. Moved in last week — you should come over and hang. Bring the kids. There’s this koi pond — ” He pauses for a moment to listen to her, and you shake your head fondly.
“Dee,” you warn. “Get off my phone.”
“You were right, you know,” he tells Danielle, grinning and blowing a kiss at you. “I liked her.”
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Thanks to @freelancearsonist and @reallyrallyauthor for convincing me this was worth posting 😂
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eternal-echoes · 2 days
The poll
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I don't think it's just that; I think more and more people are realizing that every child deserves a mother and a father and legalizing gay marriage deliberately deprives a kid of one of them. Orphans and children of single parents always long for their missing parents.
While there are unfortunate circumstances like death of a parent or divorcing an abusive spouse that makes it inevitable, ultimately since children are made through the biological union of a man and woman, their spiritual relationship with them should be preserved.
Since we're not just a material being, we're also of both body and soul. Not Cartesian dualism but Hylomorphism where the union of body and soul makes one nature.
The only two ways a gay couple can have a baby is either through surrogacy and/or adoption. Along with its ethical concerns with buying a baby, a gay couple taking a newly born baby from his/her mother is depriving that child with the much needed bonding time with the mother (i.e. breastfeeding, cuddling, etc). It's illegal to sell a puppy within 8 weeks of birth because it would be too cruel to separate it from its mother,* then how much more devastating would it be when it comes to a human child? And a child's need for a mother doesn't stop when he/she no longer needs to be breastfed, the mother is essential for the child's emotional maturity as well.
Here is a video of Ryan T. Anderson back in 2014. I'll highlight some important points but the whole video is really good.
Marriage exists to unite a man and a woman as husband and wife to then be equipped to be mother and father to any children that that union produces. It's based on the biological fact that men and women are distinct and complementary, it's based on the anthropological truth that reproduction requires a man and a woman, it's based on the social reality that children deserve a mother and a father. ... Marriage is the institution that different cultures and societies, across time and place, developed to maximize the likelihood that that man commits to that woman, and then the two of them take responsibility to raise that child. Part of this is based on the reality: there's no such thing as parenting in the abstract; there's mothering and there's fathering. Men and women bring different gifts to the parenting enterprise. Rutgers sociologist professor David Popenoe writes, "The burden of social science evidence supports the idea that gender differentiating parenting is important for human development and the contribution of fathers to childrearing is unique and irreplaceable." He then concludes, "we should disavow the notion that mommies can make good daddies, just as we should disavow the popular notion that daddies can make good mommies. The two sexes are different to the core and each is necessary, culturally and biologically for the optimal development of a human being." ... The impact of marriage. So why does marriage matter for public policy? Perhaps there's no better way to analyze this than looking to our own president, President Barrack Obama: "We know the statistics that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of schools, and 20 times more likely to end up in prison. They're more likely to have behavioral problems or run away from home, or become teenage parents themselves. And the foundation of our community are weaker because of it." ... President Obama sums it up very well: what we've seen in the past 50 years since the War on Poverty began, is that the family has collapsed. At one point in America virtually every child was given the gift of a married mother and father, those numbers right now: it's more than 50% of Hispanics children are born outside of wedlock, more than 70% of African Americans are born outside of wedlock. And the consequences for those children are really serious. The State's interest in marriage is not that it cares about my love life, or your love life, or anyone's love life just for the sake of romance. The State's interest in marriage is ensuring that those kids have fathers who are involved in their lives. ... If the biggest social problem we face right now in the United States is absentee dads, how will we insist that fathers are essential when the law redefines marriage to make fathers optional? ... Think about the social consequences if that's the direction the slippery slope in which marriage redefinition would go. For every additional sexual partner I have, and for the shorter lived those relationships are, the greater the chances that I create children with multiple women, without commitment with either to those mothers or to those kids. It increases the likelihood of creating fragmented families and then big government will step in to pick up the pieces with a host of welfare programs that truly drain the economic prospects of all of our states. ... So for all those reasons this is why the State and all states have an interest in preserving the definition of marriage as a union, permanent and exclusive of a man and a woman.
Also an article supporting some of Ryan T. Anderson's points:
It’s worse to be raised by a single mother, even if you’re not poor.
The reason for this is that fathers tend to be the disciplinarian in the family. They provide the moral framework in his children's lives.
Reminder that even though the Catholic Church does not support gay marriage, it doesn't mean that she hates gay people. There is a ministry called Courage International where people with same-sex attractions are encourage to live chaste and holy lives.
*Original wording taken from here.
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httpiastri · 4 months
did i really just write a full smut about oscar based on the hilton video, even though i’m supposed to get up for work in about 4 hours?….
yes but it’s not my fault he looks this good :/
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deoidesign · 7 months
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I've been... Busy 👀
Trying to get all 4 arcs from season 1 into books!
(not available for sale, these are print proofs. I'm planning a Kickstarter early next year!)
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seagull-scribbles · 10 months
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'Best man' can’t even tie a bow tie 💒
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wonton4rang · 2 days
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The drug in me is you ¡!
pairing: bnd legal line x reader.
warnings: +18, smut, drugs, mentions of additions and people being high, sex being under drug effects, and i think i didn't miss anything idk.
summary: bnd legal line as dealers/ consumers and what type of drug i think they'll use or sell + you as a client/ significant other and sex under the influence.
he would sell pills, idk why i have that vibe for him, every kind of pills, you name it and he has it. he would be the "i do it for the money" type of dealer, even feeling sorry with some sells because he knows it's not good. so when you come to him for the second consecutive time in the week he gets worried.
"whatchu have for me today?" you said entering his apartment, being the only one that he accepted there and that actually knew where he lived.
"you were here yesterday, y/n, you're out already?" a shrug was all sungho got while you dropped on his couch and looked around to avoid his gaze. "you know what i think about you taking those, you should drop it, it's not good for your health"
"since when do you even care? you are the one selling me this shit, you know it's not good and yet-"
"i am asking you to leave them but i am not your father, i can't make you"
"then shut the fuck up and get me something good. i'm stressed" he didn't move an inch so you looked at him with confusion "did you hear me?"
"i can help you with the stress in a different way" he would suggest and now he was walking slowly to you, dropping on the couch by your side and softly placing his hand on your undressed thigh due to the shorts you had on "if you allow me, of course"
"you are going to fuck me out of the addiction? are you being for real?" was all you said back, sounding almost offended but gulping and not pulling away from his touch. "do you even know how hard it is to stop this?"
"i am really good, though" this time he smiled and even laughed a little when he felt your thigh tense under his touch. "let me show you and then you can choose which one will be your addition. i promise you'll be able to feel as high as you like"
and well, long story short, he did fuck the addiction out of you after a while of bickering, fucking around and a few arguments. you were doing great thanks to your dealer, funny? very.
honestly i feel like amphetamines + riwoo is a good match. they get you going on , accelerating your system and making you focus better so it sounds about right to me. he would be the "local dealer", but so local only you and two more people knows about him because he still lives with his parents (he's 20 c'mon) and gets the amphetamines as a prescription for his "attention-deficit" issue at college where, btw, he met you.
"are they going to be out until dinner time you said?" riwoo nodded, closing his windows and lowering his curtains. "i can't believe you finally let me do this at your place, you're so nice to me, riwoo"
"i always wanted to invite you over but you know, with my parents here it's... difficult to do stuff"
"you mean get stoned" you said and he chuckled, walking to you after securing his windows and making sure the door was closed.
"i mean everything we do" his eyes met yours when you looked up from his bed, sitting there while he caressed your hair. "getting high on pills and then on each other"
his cheeks would blush after he says that and you would just smile, taking one of your hands to his pocket, reaching for the pills while he finally sat next to you. it was his first time actually getting drugged but the fact that he got to do it with you was enough for him to not be scared.
you would take four pills into your palm, two for each, signalling him to open his mouth and slowly putting two on his tongue, feeling the wet muscle with your thumb before taking it into your own mouth and swallowing your own pills.
"let's give it a few minutes for it to become effective" you informed after giving him the bottle of water you brought so he could properly swallow.
and it honestly was your best high ever. he got so imperative and sensitive it was actually a surprise how you could barely keep his pace. he fucked you in every position and angle you could imagine and it didn't even feel like all that work.
it wasn't going to be riwoo's last time getting high on amphetamines and that's for sure.
idc idc but myungjae belongs to ecstasy. you gon look me in the eye and say that myungjae ain't the most "i get high and wanna fuck until i'm crying" mf ever? nah, be so fucking for real. because ecstasy is for the horny bitches, specially the ones like jaehyun so he himself is a customer of his own product, selling it at a club in the city next to his home. he would be known as the "pretty sex locker" because his stuff got something that made you get laid yes or yes.
so on his day off he would be just minding his own business, not really remembering all the people he sells to since most of them were one-time customers but your face was recognisable even from afar, even through the high he had going on. he got close to you, scanning your body through the crowd and licking his lips when he finally reached you.
"hey" jaehyun mumbled and you just looked back at him, facing the boy in skinny black jeans and a grey hoodie. "what's your name?"
"y/n, what about you?" you could barely hear him because of the music and he didn't help either because he talked very low. "what did you say?" you didn't understand a thing. "i can't hear you"
"can we go somewhere where the music ain't that loud?"
and you just nodded. following him and looking at your hand being pulled through the crowd to what seemed to be the bathroom of the place. you looked around when you got there, seeing the dark haired boy check the stools before locking the door.
he didn't look like a menace but you would lie if you said you didn't get a little bit nervous.
"my name is jaehyun, nice to meet you, y/n" he softly smiled at you and then added "i am going to be honest with you if you don't mind"
"be my guest, jaehyun" and you just know he loved the way his name sounded on your voice.
"i think you are really cute and, if you feel the same, i would like to kiss you and maybe do some more"
by some more he meant how y'all were half an hour later, the ecstasy up in your system when it finally kicked in and your legs being held apart while you sat at the bathroom sink and jaehyun fucked you deep and nicely, his lips in your neck, open mouthed and warm kisses being left all around your collarbone area and you just know you will have marks to remind you of this tomorrow.
now you knew wednesdays were also jaehyun's days off and you took advantage of it to get laid and some good stuff without having to money wise pay for it. it was a win win.
definitely weed. he's just so normally chill and into old/ rock/ indie/ love/ heartbroken type of music that i see him just selling some of it a college because people would ask for it for parties and then he is smoking the rest on his basement, not wanting to leave his room with the smell.
he would have an old couch in actually great conditions, a tv, a fridge, his speakers and overall some records, cassettes and stuff that let you know it was his place, not much into decoration because at the end of the day it should all be discardable due to the smell. he really hated that smell but he loved the way he felt so light, like a feather, when he smoke. his mind was so quiet yet his speakers had that loud ass rock songs you almost hated to hear when you got to his place for a visit because it meant he was high.
"taesan?" you would call for his name while walking down the stairs, closing the door behind you after the smell hit you so it didn't go out. "babe, you called?"
"get over here" his voice was deeper than usual, sounding a little bit raspy due to the way he was laying back on the couch, his limps practically dead on each of his sides.
"i thought you sold most of it last night and just kept a little" it's the first thing that comes out of your mouth when you actually see him, he looked so gone, his eyes watery and red, his mouth slightly open and his chest slowly going up and down. you looked at the table in front of him next and saw the weed there with the paper where he rolled it. "this doesn't looks like a little, taesan"
"it's okay, it's just for today" at least he was conscient enough to lie, you thought. "come here, y/n, sit down on my lap"
and you decided to not blow it for him, you will have enough time to tell him what you think about this later on. you moved until you were in front of him, feeling his hands reach for your hips and pull you closer, finally landing straddled on his lap.
"you really are wearing a skirt" you were about to say that he told you to but he kept talking "you're such a good girl with me, aren't you?"
but when you felt his boner press against your panties you didn't say anything, just nodding and holding to his shoulders when he leaned forward with you still on top of him and grabbed his rolled on. "take one, babe, please join me"
and it's not like it's the first time you would do it so, again, you just did, you were already here and pleasing your boyfriend was one of your favourite things. so you took the rolled on and after that it was history.
he pushed your panties aside and fucked you like a rag doll, holding your hips down and being impressively sharp and rough to be that high. but honestly? high sex with taesan was your second favourite. your first one was when he wasn't so high he ended up crying in your neck after cumming over how much he likes you and how sorry he is for being such an useless boyfriend who is not enough for you. you could say that he really got in his feelings when he smoked.
probably an unpopular opinion but heroine it's definitely his thing (at least for me) it's so toxic and so harmful that it just fits his flirty ass so much idk. he would sell it to you initially because it was the most expensive one he had and then because he knew you would get addicted and you would keep coming back for more. so he kept you like that, wrapped around his finger even if it meant that he was slowly turning you into a seriously addicted person.
"i feel funny, hannie" you would mumble, that warm yet tickling feeling being all over your body, your face feeling hot and your eyes being open but you are not seeing a thing. "hannie?"
"i know, babe" was all he said against the skin of your neck, pulling out of there so you could, or try to, see his face "can you feel me now?"
"i can see you" your voice was so weak, slowly coming back to your senses when you felt a shift between your thighs, looking down there to find your body naked against leehan's. it was so hot "i love it when you fuck me like that, you know?"
"you like it?" he would try to reassure, kissing your cheeks and making you smile and laugh a bit, yes, you were high, but you were not as bad that you couldn't tell what was happening. "tell me how much you like it, y/n, c'mon, baby"
"i wish this moment never ended, you feel s-so good between my legs, fucking me so g-good" his pace started to get faster, your arms hugging his shoulders and his face going to hide again on your neck, leaving kisses there that just made you moan louder "oh my fucking god, this is- oh god"
"let me know if i go too harsh, you know how i like it"
but you didn't even gave a response anymore, just coming below him and clenching your pussy so much that he let out a groan and came into the condom, pushing so hard inside of your cunt that you could feel him in your womb.
"thank you so much" you would say and he will kiss your lips while you slowly fell asleep, coming down from your high while he pulled out and got you covered.
"i just wished you were sober"
because even if it started with some heroine and him being the one who got you the injections, he was growing tired of only having you near when you needed drugs or you were already high.
if he could do it all again he would definitely not even think about selling you shit.
@soobinskii you told me to tag you so here it is!! <33
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crowbird · 11 months
I'm so tired of age gap fics please if i can suspend my disbelief about mushroom zombies I can suspend my disbelief about the reader's age not being equivalent to my own, please just give me two 50(+) year old bastards falling in love no more of this 15+ year age gap I swear to god someone is gonna make me start writing last of us fanfiction at this rate.
Anyways, I would like to request some aid from the last of us fandom in terms of fic recs if anyone knows any good reader insert or x reader fics wherein they and joel are around the same age? Pre or post outbreak, au, I don't care I'm starving please if anyone has any let me know.
EDIT: I did not think this was going to get any traction which in hindsight was kinda stupid of me but I really want to clarify something since I originally left it in the tags which I probably shouldn't have. THIS ISNT A HIT PEICE. I've been a fanfic writer for years now even if this blog isn't exactly a great example of my supposed stellar writing consistency. I mean no hate towards the people who like age gap or write it it just isn't my thing personally and I would like to read fics that explore other topics besides that when it comes to this fandom. Yes I understand the easy solution is to write my own and i would be a liar to say I wasn't but I'm new to this fandom and still consuming the actual content and I know my drafts aren't exactly great right now in part because of that. What I wanted to accomplish here wasn't just to complain a little but to reach out and ask if anyone could point me in the direction of non age gap fics in the mean time and they did so thank you very much!! I genuinely appreciate it. Write what you like but understand that I also reserve the right to read what I like and to ask for help in finding it because let's be honest tumblrs search and filter system is non existent and asking for help was my next best bet so uh yeah I'm gonna stop rambling now and refine this maybe when I'm more awake and can word things better probably.
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mistergreatbones · 7 months
between willis and catherine being retconned into being abusive/neglectful, that fucking shoehorned talia romance, bruce having the character consistency of cottage cheese, and shelia's girlboss betrayal, what's really impressive is not jason coming back to life but how he seems to be holding the world reserve of shitty parents
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alleycatchitchat · 6 months
The new live-action ATLA looks amazing, incredible, already such an improvement over the movie. But I really hope they don't neglect the lighthearted atmosphere and comedic elements of the original show. I'm okay with a grittier, slightly darker tone because that's just natural for a live action adaptation, but LET ZUKO BE A DUMBASS and LET TOPH BE PETTY and LET AANG BE FUN-LOVING and LET SOKKA BE THE COMEDIC RELIEF
Like it's okay to aim for a different mood, just not to the point where everyone's grim and depressed and ooc
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saltwatersweets · 4 months
i like to imagine that sometime in between ep7 and ep8, charlie takes vaggie to cannibal town to help train some of the residents who will fight in the upcoming extermination, and while visiting vaggie sees the kid she spared and maybe gets to have a proper conversation with him and/or his family
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#i know that vaggie probably looks rather different than she did three+ years ago when she fell#but i definitely feel as though if you were a sinner who was about to be brutally stabbed by an angel#and then she Didnt Stab You#i think you’d be able to recognize her even if you’re fairly young#(also i know some people think that all the cannibals are hellborn but i believe that some are sinners and some are hellborn)#(this child being hellborn would make no sense because that means vaggie was kicked out for sparing a hellborn child)#(aka doing what she is legally supposed to do)#(so being a cannibal will probably get you into hell regardless of age)#also i really like the idea of vaggie and charlie getting to see the good that came out of her actions#assuming lute and adam didnt just go immediately kill the child she spared (it can be applied the extermination ended almost immediately#after vaggie fell given that you can see charlie walking around looking for injured sinners just a few minutes later so hopefully the#child survived)#then i like to believe the child ran home and got to tell the people who care for him that story#and maybe someone will even thank vaggie for her mercy#in a very strange way givennthat they are cannibals and all#think of a cat who kills mice and gives them to you. that’s probably how cannibals show love except with human limbs#anyways i want to write a one shot about this tbh#my post#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel vaggie#hazbin vaggie#hazbin hotel cannibal town#cannibalism#should probably tag that just in case lmfao#does this cannibal child have a name#im calling him#spared cannibal child#very very original and thoughtful name i know i know#hazbin hotel charlie#charlie morningstar
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