#is number 6 on my Top 10 list of favorite movies
lerr-writes-fic · 2 years
Finally watching my favorite Christmas movie 🥹
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nicolereallyhot · 1 year
For this pride month I've made this list, I hope you guys enjoy it.
Disclaimers: It's just my opinion, and not in any particular order except for number one. I still have some classic movies to watch like Persona, Desert Hearts, Bound and Mulholland Drive. And no, Carol and Disobedience are not in my top 10.
8. You Can Live Forever
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Info: Canada, 2022. Directed by Sarah Watts and Mark Slutsky. Main cast Anwen O'Driscoll and June LaPorte.
7. Summerland
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Info: UK, 2020. Directed by Jessica Swale. Main cast Gemma Arterton and Gugu Mbatha-Raw.
6. The Favourite
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Info: UK/USA, 2018. Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos. Main cast Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz and Olivia Colman.
5. The Summer of Sangailė
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Info: Lithuania, 2015. Directed by Alante Kavaite. Main cast Aistė Diržiūtė and Julija Steponaitytė.
4. The Handmaiden
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Info: South Korea, 2016. Director by Chan-wook Park. Main cast Kim Min-hee and Kim Tae-ri.
3. Thelma
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Info: Norway, 2017. Directed by Joaquim Trier. Main cast Eili Harboe and Kaya Wilkins.
2. Saving face
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Info: USA/China, 2004. Directed by Alice Wu. Main cast Michelle Krusiec and Lynn Chen.
1. Portrait of a lady on fire
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Info: France, 2019. Directed by Céline Scimma. Main cast Adèle Haenel and Noémie Merlant.
Yes, POLOF is my favorite MOVIE of all time. And one day I'm gonna watch a movie who is worth of this list so I can complete number 9 and 10.
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roguestorm · 1 year
How To Start Reading Marvel Comics
Okay, so let's say you're a fan of the Marvel movies or games or you just saw Spider-Verse and you want to know how to start reading comics. Hi, welcome! This is one method of getting into comics; it is not the only one. We're going to be heavily relying on digital comics for this one, so if you prefer reading on paper, this might not be for you.
Step One: Pick a Character
This should be easy! Pick a character whose comics you want to read. It doesn't have to be your favorite character of all time; it just needs to be a character you're interested in getting to know a little better. A character is going to work better for this particular method than a team will, although there are plenty of team reading guides if you really want them.
Let's say, for the sake of example, that you just watched the Moon Knight Disney+ series and you want to read some stuff about Moon Knight.
Step Two: Find a Reading List
The very technically advanced way to do this is to Google "[Character] Reading List" or "[Character] Recommended Reading." For Moon Knight, Marvel has an official one that pops up right away.
The official ones are good places to start, but IMO, the best ones are usually from tumblr or Reddit. Comic fans can be very intense, but we also know more about the material than anyone, including Marvel. :) Here's one for Moon Knight.)
Step Three: Understanding the Reading List
Comic names are formatted one of two ways. You might see someone say Moon Knight (vol 7) or Moon Knight (2014). These refer to the same series of comics. They mean that the title of the series is Moon Knight, that it is the 7th series published under that title, and that it started publication in 2014. Moon Knight (vol 1) is Moon Knight (1980), because it's the first run of comics called Moon Knight and it started publication in 1980.
So, how do you know? That's where the wiki comes in. marvel.fandom.com is my best friend. So, when you type "Moon Knight vol 7" into the search bar, it brings up this page. See how it says (2014-2015) at the top? That's how you know that Moon Knight (vol 7) is Moon Knight (2014).
Step Four: Accessing Comics
Now we have to get the comics. We have a number of options:
For digital comics:
Buying digital comics. You can do this on Amazon or Marvel.com. However, this gets expensive real fast - for example, Moon Knight (1980) has 38 issues, and each of those costs $1.99. That's almost $80, just for volume 1.
Marvel Unlimited subscription. This is not a bad deal TBH. It's $10 a month, and they have quite an extensive catalogue. The only problem is that the site takes forever to load and is not easily searchable. Usually, I'll type into Google the name of the exact comic I want to access (e.g. "Moon Knight (1980) #1") and then click on the marvel.com link that comes up.
Piracy. This is the easiest and cheapest option, and thus the most popular. I'm not going to link any sites, but ask a friend or Google and you'll find one easily enough.
Physical comics are also an option, but they are more complicated. Groups of issues are collected in trade paperback collections, but finding which collections contain which issues can be a bit more of a hassle. And then buying those collections can get pricey very quickly.
If you like physical comics and have a public library card, I'd recommend checking out what they have on their shelves. On a Marvel comic, you want to look at the back cover, usually in the lower right-hand corner, and it will tell you which issues are in the comic (e.g. "Collects Moon Knight (2014) #1-6"). You might find some things that were on your reading list, or you might find some comics you'd never have read otherwise. A lot of public libraries (at least in the US) have a larger comic book collection than you'd expect.
Step Five: Have Fun and Be Yourself!
The most important thing to remember is that you are supposed to be having fun. There might be some frustration if you're not used to reading visual media (I know I wasn't), but it should overall be fun. If a comic feels like a slog, you don't have to read it! Maybe you and the person who made the reading list just have different taste. Try a different comic. Try a different character.
Also, remember that it's okay to be confused. You might be jumping around a little bit and so you might not know everything that's going on. This is kind of the perpetual state of reading comics. If you want to double-check the wiki or ask your friendly neighborhood comics blogger, that's totally fine.
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twicearoundthebend · 7 months
Just saw the marvels and it’s already one of my favorite mcu movies
So, so much better than expected, for so many reasons
(I will now list my top ten reasons)
1. Kamala Khan (no more needs to be said)
2. Carol Danvers and Valkyrie??? Kind of came out of left field ngl but love them. They should kiss.
3. Whole ass musical number in the middle
4. Communication about emotions and how situations were handled??? Good dialogue!!!
5. This movie is for the girls and the gays and it KNOWS IT
6. The CATS. Also, them playing a song from cats during shenanigans? Iconic.
7. Bringing even more to the x-men crossover they’ve been teasing for forever. Also! Maria Rambeau’s character was Carol in the comics, such a fun swap
8. Kamala Khan’s family and their bickering and love for one another
9. Literally so much fan culture. The fic references, the archetypes, everything
10. Literally everyone left the theater happy! Such a good vibe!
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rgr-pop · 6 months
My goal for the year was to watch & log 100 movies. Shorts count, didn't matter whether I had seen them before, but they can only count once for the year. I logged 117!
First & last watched: Ken Russell's Women in Love (1969)--the reason I cared about movies so much this year, just an obvious life-changer for me--and Ken Russell's The Rainbow (1989)--Westlin's suggestion for the perfect round out. Surprised to be surprised by how good it was. Great films! Totally on the program! Questions to this day unanswered! Let's go!
Shorts (everything short of Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story) watched: 16
Favorite shorts: Nuit et Brouillard (Alain Resnais, 1956) (decided this year one of my all-time favorite films); Un Chant d'Amour (Jean Genet, 1950); Fireworks (Kenneth Anger, 1947)
Next year my shorts watching will be more programmatic
Films I watched twice in 2023: Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (Todd Haynes, 1987) (another film I realized this year obviously belongs in my top ten--more specifically I decided finally that this is my favorite non-Texas Chain Saw film); Beau is Afraid (Ari Aster, 2023); The Nightmare Before Christmas (Henry Selick, 1993)
By decade: Before 1900: 0 1900 - 1910: 1 1910 - 1919: 1 1920 - 1929: 1 bro come ON what the FUCK 1930 - 1939: 1 im literally evil 1940 - 1949: 7 1950 - 1959: 3 1960 - 1969: 24 1970 - 1979: 14 1980 - 1989: 16 1990 - 1999: 17 2000 - 2009: 13 2010 - 2019: 9 2020 - 2023: 10
By nation/language roughly: uk/english: 6 us/english: 66 canada/english: 6 france/french: 10 italy/italian: 4 italy/france/french: 1 italy/english: 1 czechoslovakia/czech: 5 palestine/arabic: 3 soviet/russian: 2 russia/russian: 1 austria/german: 1 austria/french: 1 spain/spanish: 1 japan/japanese: 1 poland/yiddish: 1 poland/polish: 1 senegal/wolof: 1 brazil/portuguese: 1 sweden/swedish: 1 eur/farsi: 1 south africa/afrikaans: 1
numbers not adding up there but w/e
By director: Not sure if this is surprising or totally unsurprising, but in spite of my auteurial talk (and all the thematic/completionist plans I like to make), I very rarely watched more than two movies by the same director. I can't decide how I feel about this, nor do I know how to proceed this year given that my goal is to discover who my top five directors might actually be. How do you go about investigating that?
Overwhelmingly the director I watched the most was Adrian Lyne, with five films. I have a few more things to work on but I'm close to done with my shakedown/theory. Neither my favorite director nor favorite guy, I would say I probably 'enjoy' and 'personally get more out of watching' his films more than most. In second place, I watched three Kenneth Anger films--all shorts of course. I watched two films each by the following directors: Ken Russell, David Cronenberg, Stanley Kubrick, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Paul Schrader, Bernardo Bertolucci, Ti West, Todd Haynes, Michael Haneke, Jan Švankmajer (both shorts), and Billy Wilder (one of which being a war department documentary short).
I have mixed feelings about this approach (let me watch man movies if i I want to!) but a quick skim suggests I watched about 15 films directed by women (12%)--lower than expected and probably low for me typically. I always have a romance habit on the backburner so it's never hard for me to watch a lot of movies by women, but obviously my focus on revered directors I never previously wanted to spend time on has had an impact here, meaning I should make an effort with Great women directors in 2024 to keep that in check. I will also say that I specifically recall having a hard time getting my hands on things I wanted to watch by women in a few different cases, including by Great women directors (Barbara Hammer and Akerman), and especially also soviet women directors. There's an overlap here with difficulty accessing short films!
I'm not an active or thoughtful starrer, but these are the films I watched in 2023 that I've given five stars to:
Women in Love (Ken Russell, 1969) (upgraded from four after the year of appreciating it) Mandabi (Ousmane Sembène, 1968) Crash (David Cronenberg, 1996) Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (Todd Haynes, 1987) The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (Tobe Hooper, 1974) Night and Fog (Alain Resnais, 1956) Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1975) (demoted Teorema [1968] to four stars to prevent Salo is A Perfect Film deflation) Un Chant d'Amour (Jean Genet, 1950)
Least favorite films watched in 2023: Jojo Rabbit (Taika Waititi, 2019), Barbie (Greta Gerwig, 2023), All My Good Countrymen (Vojtěch Jasný, 1968), Zahrada (Jan Švankmajer, 1968), the one streaming true crime doc I watched that I then had to log (will not repeat in 2024)
Loved/treats for me: Barry Lyndon, Crossing Delancey, Unfaithful, The Cremator, The Night Porter, Cabaret, talking to people about Funny Games and realizing I love it more than I think I do
Recommended for the romance girls as a thank you for the good romance you have recommended me: Habibi (Susan Youssef, 2011)
Most incredible movie experience of the year by miles and I can only hope 2024 has something this good to offer: House of 1000 Corpses (Rob Zombie, 2003) anniversary screening my birthweek
The otherwise defining film of 2023 for me: Hostel (Eli Roth, 2005)
Onward! Back to work! On the Terror and Violence line! The Family is out there, comfortable, in relative peace…
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Favorite soviet movies (and where to find them)
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The general opinion about the soviet union varies from person to person, but I think many can agree that the movies that came from this time period were phenomenal. Here are my top favorite movies that I recommend, which also have generally good english subtitles.
Hussar Ballad
A rare musical-comedy gem that I absolutely adore. Shura Azarova, a 17 year old girl joins the army to fight against Napoleon. Plot twist: She's pretending to be a guy and starts falling for a fellow soldier, who she actually engaged to but he has no idea that his new friend is actually a girl (she doesn't like him in the beginning and no wonder lmao). Has a lot of catchy numbers, especially давным давно/ a long time ago/ davnim davno. It may seem a little weird, but watch the first 10 minutes, I guarantee that it will not be a waste of your time.
2. Ivan Vassilvveich changes profession/Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future.
A scientist successfully creates a time-machine but accidentally sends his building's manager and a thief all the way back in time to Ivan IV The Terrible's reign, whilst sending the actual Tsar to the modern decade. Chaos ensues for all.
3. Prisoner of the Caucasus/Shurik's New Adventures/Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (I had no idea this movie had this many translations lol) A kind but naive student named Shurik goes to the Caucasus on vacation where he meets a young woman named Nina, who he ends up accidentally kidnapping (yes, he's that much of a dumbass but he was told that bride kidnapping is a tradition that Nina follows and God forbid that anyone uses this thing called communication). It works out in the end just as chaotically as it started.
4. The Garage A cooperative is planning on buliding a garage for its members except for it now has to be reduced and there won't be enough space for everyone so someone's going to be left out. The comitee ignores said members objections, so someone locks them in for the night leading to them spending the night locked inside the museum which is also the meeting spot. It's actually quite funny, despite the odd description, but I am writing it whilst extremely caffeinated so bear with me here.
5. Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia (Невероятные приключения итальянцев в России). A fantastic comedy. An elderly lady of soviet origin reveals to her grandaughter that there's a treasure buried in Leningrad. However, the wrong people hear about it, so they try to outwit each other in their race to Russia. Pretty funny, especially when the actual treasure hunting commences.
6. The Bremen Town Musicians An animated movie, but nonetheless deserving a mention. The troubadour with his gang of friends made from a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster travel around singing, until he meets a princess but the king doesn't approve of them etc. Pretty standard story, but the singing is amazing, especially Troubadours song "Luch solntsa zolotovo/Луч солнца золотого/ Beam of the Golden Sun" with the translation here sung by Muslim Magomayev who honestly deserves a separate post dedicated because his voice is amazing. The english subtitles are a bit iffy here, but nonethless it's worth a watch as it's only 20 or so minutes long.
7. The Mystery of the Third Planet Also an sci-fi animated movie, but the staple of my childhood. Captain Zelyoniy and Professor Seleznyoviy with his daughter go around various planets collecting new species for the zoo. However, on one of the planets they end up discovering something odd and before they know it, they're right in the middle of a conspiracy and a famous missing captain. Fantastic soundtrack and great animation.
There are many more movies that I'd definitely recommend, so this list will be updated sometime in the future.
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #34: 1983
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: The Police, Michael Jackson, Irene Cara, Men at Work, Michael Jackson, Bonnie Tyler, Hall & Oates, Patti Austin and James Ingram, Michael Sembello, Eurythmics. End description]
More information about this blog here
Today's poll includes multiple songs off the soundtrack for the movie, Flashdance. We've seen songs from soundtracks featured on these polls, with You Light Up My Life and Evergreen coming to mind (plus songs from actual musicals). But instead of just diegetic ballads and showtunes, now we're seeing more songs marketing themselves around their connection to the films they were written for. As music videos are being shot more like movies and movies are being shot more like music videos, the meeting of these two worlds makes sense. Especially when music videos start to include actual clips from the movies, MTV was the place to get a wide audience for your music.
But not everyone could see the benefits right away. While MTV kicked off with a bang, their initial video rotation infamously featured no Black acts. The network's explanation was to insist that the exclusion wasn't based on race, but rather MTV's status as a "rock station".
1983 also marks the 25th anniversary of Motown Records and a television special (Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever) was broadcasted to mark the occasion. While the night is marked by more legends than I can list off, the notable performance for this blurb was Michael Jackson. After performing with the Jackson 5 for the first time since the 70's, Michael Jackson performed his new solo hit, Billie Jean. This number marks the public debut of the moonwalk, the musician's signature dance move that arguably cemented his status as a pop culture icon.
In hindsight, it feels ludicrous that an artist like Michael Jackson was initially unable to get on MTV. Fortunately, people at the time thought it was ludicrous as well. Both Rick James and David Bowie called out the network years before (with James being especially vocal in critiquing MTV for its exclusion of Black artists). But allegedly, Michael Jackson's record company found a way to get Billie Jean on the channel. To quote Walter Yetnikoff, the president of CBS Records at the time:
“I said to MTV, ‘I’m pulling everything we have off the air, all our product. I’m not going to give you any more videos. And I’m going to go public and fucking tell them about the fact you don’t want to play music by a black guy.’” (x)
Whether in response to Yetnikoff or not, Billie Jean aired on MTV March 10th, 1983, making it the first music video by a Black artist to be featured in heavy rotation on the channel. Later this year, the cinematic possibilities of the music video would be pushed further with the 13 minute video for Thriller. Michael was already a star without the push from MTV, and with how popular his videos were, it could be argued that MTV needed Michael as much if not more than he needed them. But while MTV's problems with race and representation were far from over, this moment helped pave the way for many other Black artists who will become iconic figures on the channel.
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coiled-dragon · 6 months
2023 Character Wrapped
Share your Top 10 Characters of this year! Tagged by @fandomsmeantheworldtome
I thought this would be hard and it was a *tiny* bit only because obviously, my brain has been swallowed whole for MOST of the year by ONE MOVIE but for everyones sake I wont take up half the list with that cast of characters dfgsfhdgf
Renfield (Renfield 2023)
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OBVIOUSLY pookie was gonna be the number one for this year. I have over 30 fics of this brainworm of a human being, this wet cat kicked puppy submissive-like-a-guard-dog-is-submissive looking ass. EATS HIM WHOLE
2. Dracula (All Iterations)
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The king of vampires comes in tandem with his subservient little worm, though he might be upset that he's second in my list. Between listening to the Audiobook of Dracula, listening to Re: Dracula, watching Renfield (2023), Dracula (1931), Count Dracula (1977), Van Helsing (2004), Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023).... I'm just so overwhelmingly in love with the character in all iterations, and have learned a lot about the man he was based on, too
3. Art the Clown (Terrifier)
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He was the end of 2022's obsession that carried into 2023, and I still love this stupid fucking clown SO so much still
4. Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
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The podcast that grabbed me by the throat and commanded all of my attention for a few good months, its hard not to have grown attached to the Archivist himself ♥
5. Daisy Tonner (The Magnus Archives)
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6. Chris Walker (Outlast)
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PEOPLE DONT LOVE THIS FUCKING BRICK HOUSE OF A MAN BUT I SURE FUCKING DO. I need him to destroy me in as many ways as physically possible...................
7. Swiss (The Band Ghost)
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BARK BARK BARK BARK I love Swiss so much hnngrngngrg
8. The Janitor (Willy's Wonderland)
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Still one of my most favorite Nic Cage characters, we stan a mute austistic man who beats the fuck out of some animatronics in this fantastic FNAF knockoff
9. Buggy (OPLA)
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10. Karlach (Baldurs Gate 3)
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Im so so so very gay for my on fire wife,,,
Tagging: @captainx-camino @sweetbreads @freakptarmigan @neophytepagan @robinsnest2111 and anyone else who wants to do this! Dont feel pressured if youre not up for it tho <3
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fics-not-tragedies · 6 months
January 2024 Music Prompts - Spotify Wrapped edition
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♪ Hello again! Yes, I'm finally back, at last. Let's start new year with something great: music prompts ♪🎵🎶
♪ Since getting your Spotify Wrapped is such a huge event every year (at least for me, who listens to the same 5 artists and even tho I still get surprised, lol), I decided to surprise you with a little prompt event.
♪ I've chosen 15 songs from my 2023 Wrapped playlist and a lyric (or few) for each one of them that just has THE vibe (y'know):
1. Own My Mind ♫ Måneskin I'm prayin' at your altar if you know what I mean.
2. Dinner & Diatribes ♫ Hozier I’d suffer hell if you'd tell me/What you'd do to me tonight.
3. Kiwi ♫ Harry Styles She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes/Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect.
4. Electricity ♫ Arctic Monkeys Tell me something I don’t already know/Like how'd you get your kisses to fill me with electricity?
5. Francesca ♫ Hozier Though I know my heart would break/I'd tell them, "Put me back in it".
6. Honey (Are You Coming?) ♫ Måneskin I'm gonna show you how this Italian amor/It's gonna love you harder than ever before/You will like it.
7. Don't Blame Me ♫ Taylor Swift I would fall from grace/Just to touch your face.
8. For Your Love ♫ Måneskin I wanna be the first man you look at tonight/I wanna be stuck in your head and make you go wild.
9. Stuck ♫ Thirty Seconds to Mars I've been lost in your eyes all afternoon/The more I drift, the closer I get to you.
10. Mammamia ♫ Måneskin They ask me why I'm so hot, 'cause I'm italiano.
11. Nobody ♫ Hozier I'd be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint/I wouldn't fall for someone I thought couldn't misbehave/But I want you to know that I've had no love like your love.
12. I Can See You ♫ Taylor Swift But what would you do if I went to touch you now?/What would you do if they never found us out?/What would you do if we never made a sound?
13. Baby Said ♫ Måneskin Baby said, "Let me taste your silhouette/You can talk between my legs"/Uh-uh, uh, uh, know you really want to.
14. Cuff It ♫ Beyonce I wanna go higher, can I sit on top of you?
15. I Wanna Be Your Dog ♫ John McCrea So messed up, I want you here/In my room, I want you here/Now we're gonna be face-to-face/And I'll lay right down in my favorite place.
♪ You can now start making request for the following list of characters:
1. Keanu Reeves along with his following characters/movies:
John Wick & the John Wick movies franchise,
Constantine & the movie,
Johnny Utah & Point Break,
Jonathan Harker & Bram Stoker’s Dracula,
Neo & The Matrix,
dr Julian Mercer,
Jack Traven & Speed;
2. Riccardo Scamarcio along with:
Santino D’Antonio;
3. Andrew Hozier Byrne;
4. Tom Hiddleston along with his following characters/movies:
Sir Thomas Sharpe & Crimson Peak,
Loki & Avengers/Thor,
Adam & Only Lovers Left Alive,
dr Robert Laing & High Rise,
Jonathan Pine & The Night Manager;
5. Henry Cavill along with his following characters/movies:
Geralt of Rivia & The Witcher,
Walter Marshall & Nomis,
Capt. Syverson & Sand Castle,
Napoleon Solo & The Man from U.N.C.L.E.,
August Walker & MI: Fallout,
6. Alexander Skarsgård along with his following characters/movies:
Eric Northman & True Blood,
Leo Beiler & Mute,
Gadi Becker & The Little Drummer Girl,
sergeant Brad “Iceman” Colbert & Generation Kill,
7. Peaky Blinders franchise along with the following characters:
Thomas ‘Tommy’ Shelby,
Alfie Solomons,
8. Supernatural franchise along with the following characters:
Dean Winchester,
Sam Winchester,
9. The X Files franchise along with the following characters:
Dana Scully,
Fox Mulder,
10. Kiefer Sutherland along with his following characters/movies:
Jack Bauer & 24,
president Tom Kirkman & Designated Survivor,
David & The Lost Boys.
Please send in a number with the song/lyric you fancy + a character from those listed above, first come - first serve, as always.
If there are any questions don’t be afraid to ask them, I’m always all ears for y’all!
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vegalores · 6 months
Tom Cruise Challenge
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1: First movie of his you remember seeing.
Interview With The Vampire 🧛🏻 it was around midnight or just before, in 1998 and I was seven years old. When my brother and I were younger, my Mum set up little pillow and blanket forts in the living room while she slept on the sofa. There was one night when I hadn’t gotten to sleep yet but I pretended I was so as to not alert her to the fact I ended up watching that movie with her while I lay there hiding my open eyes by facing the tv instead of where she sat on the sofa. My mum is a huge fan of Brad Pitt, so she was watching it for that reason. I recall being both equally terrified and infatuated with Lestat. I only informed her I had snuck a viewing of that movie about three years ago and she was highly entertained.
2: The last movie of his you watched.
Had a much needed rewatch of Rain Man about two hours ago because I was browsing our movie library and spotted it on the first page so just decided that would do just fine. I’ve not watched it for at least four years, but it’s a classic and a gorgeous story, if you’re in the right mood for it. I generally get pretty emotional and end up deep diving into my feels.
3: Which movie of his have you watched the most?
Probably a handful if not all of them, because I rewatch all of my favourites every now and then, so since my Tom adoration began, there’s been a shitload of rewatches. I’d estimate that the ones I lean more toward for repeated viewings are Mission Impossible II, Interview With The Vampire, War Of The Worlds, Top Gun, Cocktail, Jerry Maguire, Jack Reacher and Vanilla Sky. They tend to fall into the most loved and appreciated of his movies, but I do cycle through a whole bunch of them.
4: Favorite Movie
Interview With The Vampire, hands down. As far as horror is concerned, it’s that one. Second place is Mission Impossible II and that never changes to be fair.
5: Least Favorite Movie
There are a handful I don’t really care for, including Edge Of Tomorrow, Tropic Thunder, Collateral. I just don’t find myself enjoying them very much when I watch them.
6: Favorite Character
Lestat, of course. I’m so attached to this character because of that first viewing at the impressionable age of seven. It began my lifelong appreciation of Cruise and has held strong over all the years. The light has never dimmed with that one.
7: Least Favorite Character
Les Grossman, naturally. I don’t know.. just don’t enjoy that movie or that character at all. Another one would probably be Nick Morton, mainly cause I couldn’t get into those movies at all, though I did try a number of times.
8: Underrated Movie
Far And Away 👌 also Legend, The Colour Of Money, Days Of Thunder and American Made! I wanna see way more love for all of those movies because I absolutely love them to bits.
9: Most Overrated Movie
Interview is possibly overrated? and so is Top Gun? as far as that term goes anyway, but I do not list them with distaste lol cause I really love those movies. I’m just assuming what other people would consider the most overrated.
10: Favorite Haircut
I have always loved his shoulder length ( or just above ) hair so that will always be my favourite of his styles. Thinking along the lines of his Mission Impossible II haircut and also how it is in Rain Man; both very lovely hairstyles.
11: Least Favorite Haircut
Anything that’s like super short really, like Mission Impossible, the very first one, or Jack Reacher. I think he looks better with his hair at least a little longer than that.
12: Which Movie would you like to see a sequel to?
Most of his movies that don’t have sequels, which is a lot. I want sequels to all of them because I love his characters so much. I would have loved more Chronicles movies so we could get more of his Lestat. I also would have loved a sequel to Far And Away so we could see their lives together <3 Vanilla Sky is one that also desperately needs a sequel. I also really want a Rain Man sequel and maybe also Cocktail.
13: Favorite line from one of his movies
“ You complete me. ” Rain Man
“ Don’t call me son. I’m a lawyer and an officer in the United States Navy, and you’re under arrest, you son of a bitch. ” A Few Good Men
“ Everything ends badly, otherwise it wouldn’t end. ” Cocktail
“ Don’t be afraid. I’m going to give you the choice I never had. ” Interview With The Vampire
14: Favorite scene from one of his movies
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15: Favorite Mission Impossible movie
The second one! I know 99% of people hate that one the most, but it is and always has been my ansolute favourite out of the lot of them. Even as further movies for that franchise have been made, it has remained the best to me.
16: Favorite stunt
Most of his stunts for the Mission franchise! especially the one in which he is flinging himself around a rock face in number II and also his climb of the Burj Khalifa in Ghost Protocol.
17: Favorite run
All of them 🤣 they are all uniquely special. I like the run he did in Vanilla Sky a lot, though. That’s probably the best of them.
18: Which Character did you relate to the most?
Erm, probably either Jack from Legend or Joseph from Far & Away, cause I don’t think I relate to his others all that much.
19: Which Character (from books, comics etc. or a possible remake) would you love to see Tom play?
I just want to see him keep playing Lestat 😭 but I know that is not the question, lol. I’d like to see him as Heathcliff cause after Lestat, Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights is my second favourite character in literature, so definitely him.
20: If you could only watch one film of his for the rest of time, which would it be and why?
That would be a tie between my top two, so either Interview or the second Mission movie. Both for very different reasons. I’m probably gonna have to choose just one and pick Interview 😅 for the purpose of the question, but still.
21: A director you would like to see him work with.
James Cameron or Tim Burton! two of my favourites, but also would like to see him work with Spielberg again.
22: A scene where "he does that thing with his face that makes you die inside" the most
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23: A sleeper hit. A movie that on the first watch you only thought of as okay, but over time it's become a favorite.
Most likely, for me, that would be Days Of Thunder. I’d never been a car girly until the first Fast movie came out, so getting into Days Of Thunder back in the day was a hard one. The one thing that helped massively, beside Tom of course, was the fact that Zimmer did the score. I absolutely loveee Zimmer. I do now very much enjoy that movie and can appreciate things a lot more.
24: Out of the three films in which he was nominated for an Oscar (Born on the 4th of July, Jerry Maguire, and Magnolia), which one SHOULD have won him the trophy and why.
See now, each of those movies is fantastic in its own way, so that’s quite hard because the performances he gave in each cannot be compared to one another. My favourite out of those movies is Jerry Maguire, but in terms of Oscars, I would say he should have gotten it for Frank TJ Mackey. While that movie is not focused entirely on that character and explores the lives of many others, Mackey had the biggest impact.
25: What's the performance that you think should have been nominated for an Oscar and why?
I wanna say Lestat so badly here. I think his take was spot on and the man did so much research and spent so much time in the books that he just embodied that character as a whole. He is the very reason I love that vampire so much and it is ‘cause of him that I even have a fascination with vampires in the first place. I have to give him credit where credit is due. Lestat is a character I think he portrayed beautifully and he did deserve a nomination for that role. Also, probably Daniel Kaffee? A Few Good Men is another fantastic performance for him.
26: Favorite 80s era Movie? Like besides Top Gun because that's obvious.
Cocktail! that gets the number one spot for this because omg younger me was obsessed with this movie and Brian. I still am but I’ve calmed down over the years, lol. That character is just perfection, in every sense of the word. I’m also still going back and forth on whether or not I’m gonna splurge and get myself a Cocktails and Dreams sign, though I don’t have a bar ✌️
27: Favorite co-star?
I really love him alongside Elisabeth Shue. I think they worked really well together. He was fantastic starring alongside Dustin Hoffman as well! and I also really like him working with Simon Pegg. They both work really well together, too.
28: Favorite fight scene? Like in everything counting M:l!
Mission Impossible II, that fight scene with the bikes will hold a special place in my heart forever. I really like his fight scenes in both Reacher movies as well, but especially the first movie and the scene where he ends up taking a bat to the back of his head and falls into the bathtub. So much is happening in that scene, it’s all over the place and so funny.
29: Actor you'd like to see him work with. (We know he's already been with everyone else ;))
My other favourites! lol. Tom is my all time favourite actor, so I would like to see him work with Johnny Depp, Gary Oldman, Leonardo Dicaprio. For the ladies, my three queens! Goldie Hawn, Emmy Rossum and Bryce Dallas Howard 🤗
30: Favorite TOM era in General?
Early 90’s to early 00’s seems to be my favourite so I’m gonna go with that cause it’s a pretty good range. I do love him in the 80’s and the 2010’s and onward, but anything between 1990 and 2006 at least, holds my heart the most.
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droughtofapathy · 6 months
top ten sondheim songs in your opinion (can be in any order)
Anon, I hope you know that asking me this is the equivalent of asking a mother to pick her favorite kid. Yeah, sure okay, she has a favorite, but making her admit it is like pulling teeth. So. I've compiled two lists for you: one of my personal top ten, and one of the objective top ten I think should/could be considered the best. I'm also going to be indicating my preferred renditions of these songs, because that plays a major factor into things. Also, because I'm incapable of being concise, you're also getting a brief explanation on at least my top ten, so...enjoy. Or, my condolences, I guess. You had no idea the can of worms you were opening.
My Personal Top Ten: (in no particular order, and only at this specific point in my life right now this second)
1. The Ladies in Red segment of the Sondheim 80th Birthday Celebration concert (2010): "The Ladies Who Lunch," (Company) - Patti LuPone* "Losing My Mind," (Follies) - Marin Mazzie* "The Glamorous Life," (A Little Night Music) - Audra McDonald "Could I Leave You?" (Follies) - Donna Murphy* "Not a Day Goes By," (Merrily We Roll Along) - Bernadette Peters "I'm Still Here," (Follies) - Elaine Stritch* Right off the bat, I'm cheating. Four (*) of my top ten are just from this segment of the concert so I'm squeezing them all into one so I can include more songs. Quick rundown of why: self-explanatory, c'mon. Donna's "Could I Leave You?" is my number one Sondheim, hand's down.
2. "The Girls of Summer," (The Girls of Summer) - Gabrielle Stravelli Sondheim Unplugged is a monthly cabaret series at 54 Below, and I go to every show. It's really opened my eyes to some of these hidden gems. It's just a fun little number.
3. "What More Do I Need?" (Saturday Night) - Kelli O'Hara (90th Birthday Concert) The song that finally made me decide that I was in love with Kelli O'Hara and sopranos were actually breathtaking people who deserved my adoration. (Still an alto lover at heart though)
4. "We're Gonna Be All Right," (Do I Hear a Waltz?) - Marin Mazzie & Jason Danieley Naughtiest couple on Broadway sing a naughty duet. Truly, what more could I ask for? I love a bitingly antagonistic song.
5. "There's Always A Woman," (Anyone Can Whistle) - Jan Maxwell & Victoria Clark And speaking of bitingly antagonistic. This is a song where two Divas get to be catty bitches to an absurd degree, and I cannot get enough of it. I also deeply love and miss Jan Maxwell. And where else are you going to get Jan Maxwell calling Vicki Clark a whore? Incredible.
6. "The Madame Song," (The Seven Per-Cent Solution) - Bebe Neuwirth Clever wordplay, sexy brothel madame, wink-wink nudge-nudge raunchy. Sung by my beloved Bebe Neuwirth. Obviously a winner.
7. "The Story of Lucy and Jessie," (Follies) - Jan Maxwell Follies is my favorite Sondheim show, and Phyllis Rogers Stone is my favorite Sondheim character. And while Donna Murphy is my favorite Phyllis, I go to Jan Maxwell for this song. She was just so sublime. The song itself is clever, cutting, and choreographed wonderfully every time.
8. "Take Me to the World," (Evening Primrose) - Soara-Joye Ross The actual movie this is from is so fucking weird, and if it were Charmaine Carr's version, I wouldn't look twice at it. But I had the pleasure of hearing Soara-Joye Ross sing this song at the first Sondheim Unplugged show two days after his death. And it was just...wow.
9. "The Miller's Son," (A Little Night Music) - Elizabeth Stanley It has everything I love in a Sondheim. Clever lyrics, brutal pacing, and the danger of tripping up even the best cabaret performer. When you're cocky, that's when Sondheim gets you. Elizabeth Stanley has only ever been attractive to me in this specific video.
10. Being Alive," (Company) - hear me out. Hear me out. Marquee Five (ft. Sierra Rein) Okay, okay, I know, obscure choice here. However. Up until I heard this rendition, I did not really care about this song. Any male version went in one ear and out the other. If you couldn't tell by my list, I am almost exclusively dedicated to older broads. And yes, Patti has a fantastic rendition, and so do lots of other women. But this one with its harmonies and its alto lead singer does it for me like no one else.
Objective Top Ten Sondheim Songs: (order arbitrary, rendition my preference)
1. "A Weekend in the Country," (A Little Night Music) - the Rebecca Luker one 2. "Getting Married Today," (Company) - Madeline Kahn (alt. Katie Finneran) 3. "Could I Leave You?" (Follies) - Donna Murphy 4. "Being Alive," (Company) - Marquee Five 5. "Losing My Mind," (Follies) - Marin Mazzie 6. "Someone in a Tree," (Pacific Overtures) - 90th Birthday Concert 7. "A Little Priest," (Sweeney Todd) - 80th Birthday Concert, but most renditions are fantastic. 8. "Finishing the Hat," (Sunday in the Park with George) - Mandy Patinkin 9. "Sunday," (Sunday in the Park with George) - Marquee Five, but any version is transcendent. 10. "Loving You," (Passion) - Donna Murphy If you're somehow not sick of me yet, ask me to give a no-commentary top 100, ranked in order, then we'll really have fun.
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alexanderwales · 9 days
hy Mr. Welles love your work there an inspration here are some questions I have been meaning to ask sorry if these are too many btw
1.what ar your favorites superman stories if that's okay to ask.
2. uh have you read the Gothamite fic which is a para/internal to your fanfic here it is in case you haven't read it https://the Gothamite.net .
3. How has life been going for you in general.
4. what is your favorite piece of media.
5.what is your favorite marvel character and did you ever plan on making a rational fic for a marvel superhero.
6. speaking of fics what is your favorite Superman fic since you have made one yourself mine Gettine Eating Alive by tandrelmairon and Dc the Golden Age of heroes by Komradekgbeast.
9. what has been your favorite story to write.
10. what are your thought on the Jewish aspect of superman do you thinks it under utilized or dont care about it or what.
11. what are stories you want to write some day.
and that's it love your work Alexander wells just keep on writing your stories are beutifual and amazing have a nice day.
On a plane right now, so you've caught me at a good moment:
I'm a huge fan of Superman: Red Son and Superman: Secret Identity. Generally I like stories that examine Superman as a powerful entity who needs to figure things out, and especially those that have some kind of Superman/Clark tension. I also like Lois Lane a lot, and the brash reporter archetype generally.
I have not read it, no. I generally don't enjoy reading fanfic of my stuff, though I'm happy that it exists, because it means people are getting something from the work.
Life has been fine. Just getting back from a convention where there was a ton of social stuff, and I am very drained, but also missing my wife. I also have piles of work to do right now.
Uh ... that's too broad. Favorite game is The Witness, favorite movie is Primer, favorite book is The Time Traveler's Wife, favorite painting is Birth of Venus (Bouguereau, not Boticelli), favorite comic is Calvin and Hobbes, favorite TV show is The Good Place (minus the ending), favorite song changes a lot, but is currently Father of Mine. All answers subject to change on the basis of mood, but none of those are going to drop out of the top ten.
Favorite Marvel character is difficult, but I guess I would say The Hulk because he seems really thematically rich. I am planning to write a movie script for Multiple Man this year, it's one of my New Year's Resolutions. No fanfic writing planned at the moment, unless someone from Marvel or DC gets in touch with me, in which case it's not technically fanfic.
It's been years since I've read any Superman fanfic, so I have to punt on this one, sorry.
Favorite story to write is probably one of the shorts, since they're usually finished in a single frantic sitting. Eager Readers in Your Area or Instruments of Destruction.
So far as I understand it, most of the Jewish stuff comes from the Kryptonian religion stuff, which is just ... not that interesting to me? Superman was canonically raised either Lutheran or Methodist or something. I think if you wanted to examine it, having it be a parallel to someone who comes to their chosen religion late in life might be ... interesting? But I was raised Mennonite, not Jewish, so maybe I'm uninterested because I know there would be a ton of research to do if I wanted to write it, and if I was reading it, there's a lot that would go over my head. I think "Superman as immigrant" is much more fertile ground.
I've got a very long list of things that I want to write. The next one is Doomsday Pivot, a system apocalypse type thing that I'm editing up right now. But there are more ideas than I have time to write.
Sorry if the numbering got messed up.
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rikkitikkitaavi · 13 days
ask game tagged by @radiojamming
1. do you make your bed
nope. it's more of a cozy nest than a bed these days
2. favorite number
3. what’s your job
freelance graphic designer
4. if you could go back to school, would you?
in a heartbeat
5. can you parallel park
nnnot really. i have no idea how i passed that part of the exam
6. do you think aliens are real
i think so! with how big the universe is, there's no way we're the only ones
7. can you drive a manual car
8. guilty pleasure
perfumes and body sprays! i Love To Smell Good
9. tattoos
none rn :( i have a List of ones i plan on getting though
10. favorite color
#861108! aka red
11. favorite type of music
i listen to a lot of different genres, but i think my top three are murder country, video game fan music, and mental illness pop
12. do you like puzzles
some of them! i like solving things, but i don't like being frustrated
13. any phobias
falling :( i used to have a really, really severe phobia of zombies tho
14. favorite childhood sport
volleyball! played in girl scouts, back when i was a girl
15. do you talk to yourself
not really. i freak out a little at the idea of making noise.
16. tea or coffee
17. first thing you wanted to be when you grew up
veterinarian i think?
18. what movies do you adore
The Labyrinth, Captain America: Winter Solider, X-Men (all of them), the DND movie
tagging @aliwonderland @zeb-z @vitaminyoo @esteemedbastard @darthsuki only if you want!!
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twistedtummies2 · 9 months
Fifteen Days of Disney Magic - Number 7
Welcome to Fifteen Days of Disney Magic! In honor of the company’s 100th Anniversary, I am counting down my Top 15 Favorite Movies from Walt Disney Animation Studios! Today’s entry might be called an Underrated Mouse-terpiece. Ha Ha. Number 7 is…The Great Mouse Detective.
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This is one of at least two films on my list where, if you don’t know me well, the movie being in my Top 15 – let alone my Top 10 – will probably be a surprise. However, if you DO know me well, then you probably won’t be surprised at all. “The Great Mouse Detective” is one of those hidden gems in the Disney canon: it’s not exactly a hated movie – I don’t know anybody who dislikes it outright – but it’s a film that frequently seems to get overlooked. It’s the very definition of a cult classic: a movie with a small but devoted fanbase, and a lot of other people just sort of go, “Oh, yeah. That movie exists.” There are a few reasons for this, I think; one is that the film, in its own time, wasn’t necessarily a smash hit. Oh, it was a successful film, don't get me wrong, and a much-needed one, at that. The previous movie, “The Black Cauldron,” performed so poorly at the box office it lost to the bloody Care Bears Movie (yes, seriously), and didn't exactly get a lot of critical praise. This film was a modest commercial hit, and critics seemed to like it both then and now, but it wasn’t something that revolutionized the company or made people suddenly become die-hard Disney fans again.
The other reason is merchandising: this film just hasn’t had the level of ATTENTION a lot of other films, both before and since, have gotten, or so it feels to me. Disney doesn’t exactly make a lot of toys, coffee cups, t-shirts, and so on based on this movie today, and I’m not sure if they ever did. Even the characters seem to be quite forgotten in the annals of Disney moviemaking; I think Bongo and Lumpjaw from “Fun and Fancy Free” have made more subsequent appearances in comics and cartoons than any of the characters in this film. Heck, outside of a cameo in an episode of “House of Mouse,” and a few obscure children’s books, I actually can’t think of ANY real subsequent appearances for these characters, off the top of my head. Whatever the cause for all this, it’s fair to say that “The Great Mouse Detective” isn’t a movie with the same level of enthusiasm, from fans, critics, and the company itself alike, as something like “The Little Mermaid” or “Big Hero 6.” Which is a shame because, very obviously, I think it’s a great film! Admittedly, a big part of my love for this film stems from the story itself, and what it's inspired by. The film is a pastiche of Sherlock Holmes. The movie was based on a series of books called “Basil of Baker Street,” which I’ve admittedly never read; from what I understand, however, the film has almost nothing to DO with those books, and instead treats itself as a more or less straightforward Sherlock Holmes movie. It just so happens that the names are different, and all the characters are now mice, rats, dogs, cats, and so on. As a kid, this was my introduction to the concept of Sherlock Holmes, and anyone who knows me well knows how much I love the Conan Doyle classics and their titular detective. So you can absolutely blame this movie for that obsession: I wouldn’t care about things like “Sherlock” or “Moriarty the Patriot” if I didn’t first see “The Great Mouse Detective” many times while growing up. In fact, as an adult, my love for this movie has only grown, because I now love it for both different and similar reasons to when I was a child. The main thing that I marvel at with this movie, now that I’m older and have so much more experience with the source material, is just how much this film pays homage to the stories. Some elements are quite transparent, like the characters: Basil is very obviously Holmes, Dawson is very obviously Watson, and Professor Ratigan is very obviously Professor Moriarty. They are the three key examples. Another is the battle atop Big Ben, which is a transparent riff on the climactic duel atop Reichenbach Falls from the books.
However, some details are surprisingly subtle. For example, the whole sequence with Basil and Dawson disguised as sailors is based on a specific episode of the probably-just-as-obscure-then-as-it-is-now 1950s Sherlock Holmes TV show. Unless you happen to have seen that show, you won’t pick up on that detail. Another example is the use of Toby the Bloodhound: he actually does appear in the Holmes story “The Sign of Four,” where Sherlock uses him to track down a peg-legged villain. While I knew of Toby’s origins, it wasn’t until earlier this very year that I realized that’s EXACTLY what Basil does with the pooch in the film: use him to track down a peg-legged villain, albeit one unrelated to the tale. A direct reference to one of the books I somehow never picked up on before! When even a die-hard Holmes fan like myself can be surprised by the film all these years later, it’s clearly doing its job well! Even if you AREN’T a major Sherlock Holmes fan, however, the movie is definitely worth looking into. It has wonderful characters, with a superb voice cast behind them (VINCENT PRICE IS THE VILLAIN, PEOPLE), an atmospheric setting, a couple of good songs, and a lot of fun, adventurous shenanigans from start to finish. While at first it may seem like just a typical “cute little mouse movie,” it’s actually got some real nail-biting moments, including one of the best and most action-packed climaxes of any Disney motion picture ever made. If you haven’t seen it before, find time to do so. And if you have seen it already, watch it again: I can promise you there’s always something new to uncover with this wonderful little crime story. The countdown continues tomorrow with my 6th Favorite Disney Movie! HINT: “Most Everyone’s Mad Around Here.”
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pupperish · 4 months
Hi......If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
I actually haven't before so thank you :D
gonna go from lowest to highest so 7-1. Also this is based off of a mix of how much I enjoy/enjoyed the media and how good it actually is.
Number 7: Dsmp. The thing is a hot mess but it changed me enough as a person for me to put it up here. I literally got my main name that I use from c!Tommy. Wilbur's storyline in the early stages of the server is really good and I think everyone can agree that the Exile arc is a horrifically real depiction of abuse for a Minecraft server that wasn't supposed to be roleplay originally.
Number 6: Bungou Stray Dogs. Some of the most likeable characters. Like genuinely there's maybe two characters I hate in the show. I'm not particularly a big fan of the plot or the mystery stuff but I enjoy the characters enough to put it here.
Number 5: Generation Loss. Good ass horror project. Extremely creative and I am proud to have been a fan since it was just a concept Ranboo was talking about on a late night stream. I usually dislike live action stuff but this is an exception.
Number 4: Omori. One of my favorite videos games I've played. The art is perfect. I literally have a screenshot from the game as my desktop. Black space is one of my favorites sections from any video game. Also the story is great.
Number 3: Jujutsu kaisen. What I'm currently obsessed with. It has problems and I wish there were more important female characters but I enjoy the world building and damn near every character. Mahito has to be one of my favorite villain characters. I hate him but I can't help from love him from a writing perspective.
Number 2: Mob Psycho 100. Great story, stunning animation, good characters. One of the few pieces of media that have successfully made me cry (actually thinking about it a good percent of the things on this list have made me cry lmao)
Number 1.... drumroll please :3
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Chainsaw Man. If you can handle all the heavy topics it handles you should read it. If you aren't fully on board and are okay with spoilers watch the Super Eyepatch Wolf video about Chainsaw Man cause he makes all my points of why i love the show.
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #29: 1978
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Andy Gibb (x2), Bee Gees (x3), Debby Boone, Exile, Player, A Taste of Honey, Commodores. End description]
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Late 1977, a little film called Saturday Night Fever hit American theaters. The movie not only cemented disco's place in mainstream music, but it also helped to contribute to the increased popularity of Bee Gees. On this poll alone, the brothers occupy half of the options, whether as a group or Andy Gibb's with solo work.
This poll also includes one of the biggest hit songs of all time: Debby Boone's You Light Up My Life. As of me writing this, Billboard has it listed as the 12th biggest song in the entire history of the charts. Previous songs to be included on this list include The Twist (number 2) and Mack the Knife (number 4).
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