#it always takes a sec for the house of hope to load in.
joesheistyy · 2 years
Family Barbecue
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anon this was such a cute request, i love it and i hope y’all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! <3
It was your favorite time of year, the summer time. Time to spend with family and friends and especially some drinks. Every July, the Burrow family would host a family-wide barbecue. You had been attending for years, and Joe’s parents made sure that their planning always worked with your schedule and Joe’s schedule.
Ever since Joe brought you to the first family barbecue after being together for 5 months, his family knew that you were the one for him. You always offered to help cook, clean, entertain the kids, or do anything else they needed. They all saw how Joe looked at you too, with pride in his eyes.
This was year 5 of going to the family Barbecue, and Joe’s family kept poking fun at him about how he hasn’t popped the marriage question yet. They wanted it just as bad as you did.
“Joey, are you ready to go?” You yelled up the stairs from the kitchen. Joe took just as long as a girl getting ready some days.
“Yes baby, I’ll be down in a sec,” he responded back as you heard frantic footsteps up the stairs. You were a planner, and Joe was not. You had a timeline of what needed to be done when, and Joe just went with the flow until he got distracted and needed to be directed back to what needed to be done.
You headed out the garage door, loading your cooler of drinks into the backseat of Joe’s car. The snack bag you had packed followed the drinks. Your overnight bags were packed last. Since his parents lived an hour and a half away and there would be drinks consumed, his parents offered up their extra bedroom for the two of you.
After double checking your list that was stationed on the island, Joe finally came down the stairs, looking as handsome as ever. He was wearing just a basic pair of gym shorts, a bengals tshirt, and his white Nike athletic shoes. Of course, the dork had his shirt tucked in. That was something you always messed with him about.
“Cmon babe, we gotta go or we’re gonna be way late,” you said, leading the way to the garage to finally leave. An hour and a half drive still ahead of you.
Joe grabbed a bottle of water from the garage fridge and got in the car. You settled yourself in the passenger seat with your Nintendo Switch Lite with Animal Crossing ready to go. While you didn’t hardcore game, some Animal Crossing and Minecraft here and there were sometimes what you did to entertain yourself.
After hitting the road, Joe played his music and hummed along as you were focused on your game. His hand rested on your thigh as he drove along. Eventually, you got tired of playing your game, so you decided to take a short nap. You leaned your seat back a bit and propped up your pillow between your shoulder and the window.
"Can you let me know when we're like half an hour away?" you asked, Joe replied, "Of course babe, you gonna put on your makeup then?" he questioned, glancing over at you for a second. You replied with a hum and curled to a semi-comfortable place to nap.
pat pat pat
Joe patted you awake, you stirred and lifted the back of your seat up.
"We're half an hour away honey," he said, smiling in your direction as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.
"Thanks Joey, now don't brake check anyone," you joked with him, poking at his arm. You pulled your makeup bag out of your car bag, opting for just some eyebrow filling and mascara, and of course highlight. That was your favorite step of your makeup routine.
As you pulled into Joe's parent's neighborhood, you collected your things in your bag and freshened up your outfit. You chose to wear your favorite pair of jean shorts and a cute flowy tank top.
Pulling into the driveway, Joe's parents came to greet you. The 3pm air was hot but with a breeze. Hugs were given and passed, and as you approached the house, Joe's nephew Jordan came running up to you.
"Y/n!" he cheered with his little 3 year old voice. That alone melted your heart.
"Hi Jordan! How's my big guy doing?" you asked and picked him up, resting him on your hip.
"Good! Let's go play!" He squirmed, wanting to be put down to go run around. You could tell he was fresh from his nap that was taken earlier. If only naps for adults were that rejuvenating.
"We can play here in a minute, but could you use your big, strong muscles to help us?" you tickled his stomach. He pretended to flex. He ran out to the car where Joe and his parents were, clinging to Joe's leg. Joe picked him up and gave him a little fist bump.
"Y/n said I can use my big muscles to help!" Jordan said with a smile on his face. Joe set him down and handed him the smallest bag. You grabbed your overnight bag and the cooler and headed inside with Jordan leading the way.
After placing your things in the guest room, you followed Jordan outside to go say hi to Joe's siblings and their partners. You cracked open your first drink of the night while Jim worked on grilling up some hamburgers and hot dogs.
Jordan pulled you over to the swing set, you set him in the swing that looked like a little car, pulling him toward you to get the momentum going. You continued to push Jordan in the swing as he laughed the cutest little laugh.
Joe was admiring from afar with a beer in hand. He was standing with his dad while he grilled, watching you play with Jordan, a smile spread along his face. You two had talked about kids before, but a ring needed to come first.
The next thing that Jordan wanted to do was race you and Joe. Of course, Joe said yes, setting his beer down to race.
"Okay, Jordan count us down," you say, lining up to begin to run.
"Okay y/n, 3...2..." and Jordan was off before the count of 1. You and Joe giggled, but eventually ran and tried to catch up to him. Jordan had passed the established finish line before you and Joe could get there. He jumped in excitement.
"I'm not letting you beat me, y/n" Joe huffed out as he began to run up to you, tackling you to the ground.
"Burrow, you're a quarterback, not a defensive end, my god," you groaned after hitting the ground, allowing laughs to escape your mouth. Jordan came over and giggled, climbing on top of Joe who was still on top of you.
"Uncle Joe sandwich!" you cheered and grabbed for Jordan's hand. You all giggled and eventually, Joe wormed his way out of being between you and Jordan. He outstretched a hand to you, helping you up.
Eventually, dinner was served and everyone gathered in the screened in porch to eat. Jordan insisted on sitting between you and Joe. Jordan's mom plopped his booster seat down in the chair between you and Joe. Jordan dug into his food as soon as it was set in front of him, ketchup ending up all over his hands, face, and clothes. As you ate, you would use your napkin to dab off Jordan's face, causing your napkin to turn red from the mess he had made.
Joe looked at you admirably, adoring how good you were with kids. You secretly hoped that Joe would see how good you were with kids and want to hurry up and propose already.
After dinner, Jordan helped you clean up the dining space by taking the empty paper plates to the trashcan and leading you to the paper towels so he could help you wipe down. You lifted him up to grab the roll off the island inside, carrying him like Buzz Lightyear back out to the patio, giggles filling the air.
The rest of the family had gone to sit out by the fire pit, insisting that you not do any cleaning up. But you couldn't just not help, it wasn't like you. And you could maneuver Jordan into doing anything with you, which also gave his parents a break.
Out at the fire pit, you could see the rest of the family laughing and joking. You admired Joe from the screened in porch while you waited on Jordan to run in and take the dirty paper towels to the trash can. Jordan ran out, tugging at your arm to go join the rest of the family.
You and Jordan joined the rest of the family, sitting down on the outdoor blanket. You sat criss cross applesauce and Jordan sat in your lap and played with your fingers while letting out yawns.
After a few more drinks, Jordan was asleep in your lap. His parents seemed ready to go, so you offered to help Jordan into his car seat.
You headed out to their car, carrying Jordan with his head resting on your shoulder.
"Thanks for playing with him and taking care of him today, y/n. It was a really nice break for us, he's a wild one," Joe's brother said.
"It's really no problem, I had so much fun with this little ball of energy," you chuckled as you set Jordan in his car seat, buckling him in.
"One of these days, I want y'all to give him a cousin," Joe's brother laughed out. You hugged and went your separate ways.
Joe and his parents had transitioned to inside the house, working to clean up the kitchen.
"How can I help?" you asked as you walked in on them all doing different cleaning activities.
"Babe you helped plenty today, go take a shower or relax. We got this," Joe said as he brought you into his embrace. There really wasn't much left to clean up.
After things had been cleaned up, everyone moved to the couch to sit and relax a bit before bed. It was about 9:30 and the exhaustion from the day was hitting you. You let out a soft yawn as Joe pulled you to lean into his shoulder.
"I think we're gonna head to bed. It's been a long day," Joe announces to his parents as he stands up off the couch. You follow.
When getting to your room for the night, you headed straight for the shower. Playing with Jordan all day got you sweaty and stinky, not to mention the July heat.
"Babe I loved watching you play with Jordan today. I can't wait for us to have our own kids one day. A little Joe and y/n stumbling around," Joe said, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
"Me too Joey, me too," you sighed as you stepped into the warm shower.
After such a long day, a shower and some snuggles were great.
You and Joe were cuddled up into bed when he blurted out, "I love you, y/n and I want to marry you some day. I promise it'll be soon,"
"I love you too Joey, and I can't wait for that day. It'll be the best day of our lives," you smile as you close your eyes, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning, you woke up alone. That's not normally how things went when you and Joe stayed with his parents. He'd wait for you so you could leave the bedroom together.
You slid on your slippers and headed for the kitchen, following the smell of bacon. When you began to approach the entrance to the kitchen, you heard conversation. Sometimes, you loved to eavesdrop, but you also hated to butt in during conversation, so you stood by the doorway, out of sight of Joe and his parents.
"So when are you finally gonna pop the question?" his dad nudged at him.
"Soon, I swear. I've got the ring picked out and everything, I just need to send it to my jeweler," Joe said as he set out silverware.
"We love her and it's about time she became part of the family for real," his mom spoke out, walking up to Joe to lovingly rub his back. His family had been pestering him for a while to propose, but he wanted to do it on his own time, which you understood.
"It'll be soon, I promised that to her and I promise that to you all. Cause after seeing her with Jordan yesterday, I know she is who I'm meant to marry. Not that I didn't have those thoughts before, it just really proved to me that it's about time I asked her to marry me," Joe responded in a soft voice, trying not to allow his voice to carry.
You stood in the doorway for a minute more just to make sure the conversation was over. Soon, you approached Joe and pulled him into a side hug. He held onto you for a minute before leading you both to fill your plates with breakfast food.
You had a peaceful morning with Joe and his parents. You loved his family and couldn't wait to officially join it.
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imaginecolby · 8 months
Friends with Benefits || Part Eight - The First Few Months
"colby, honey, could you grab me another towel!" you called from the bathroom.
"yes, yes! just a sec." you heard him call back from the nursery. lucas unfortunately just had a huge blow out, and you immediately put him in the bath. colby quickly arrived in the bathroom, another towel in hand.
"thank you, sweet. someone decided he was going to pull his nice clean towel into the bath with him, so now it's soaked." you teased, shooting a look at lucas. he recognized your unserious expression and immediately started cackling. "don't you laugh at me, mister!" you jokingly scolded him, poking his belly. he started laughing louder, your heart swelling at the sound.
"i don't think i can ever punish him. he's too cute." you pouted at colby.
"he shit on your pants." colby said, pointing to your thigh and stifling a laugh.
"what else is new?" you shrugged. you finished lucas' bath, and colby took him to get dressed, allowing you to take a shower yourself. once you were done, and changed, you put a small load of laundry on before meeting the boys in the living room. colby was feeding him on the couch, and you sat down next to them, resting your head on colby's shoulder.
these last few months were a huge adjustment, but you and colby were making it happen. you fell into a quick routine that was comfortable for the both of you. it was lucky that you and colby were both able to take these first few months to focus on the baby and setting your routine, because you knew it was going to be much harder if either of you was having to go through it alone.
but lucas had been such a good baby. he ate and slept well, and he hadn't really kept you up all that much. he cried very infrequently, but when he did, he wailed. fortunately, you learned quickly that was only the case when he needed a clean diaper, and were alway quick to change him.
most of your nights were spent at home, with the exception of doctors appointments. you had friends coming over periodically, to see the baby and check on you and colby, which was always nice. the first night sam came over, it started out like any normal night, but ended up being quite emotional.
"god, i can't believe he's real. i had a hard time believing this when you first told me y/n was pregnant. but holding him here, he feels like a little doll." sam breathed out a laugh, lucas resting comfortably in his arms.
"yeah, we felt that when we first brought him home. but after about the zillionth diaper, the realness set in." colby laughed.
"this is definitely TMI, but i think the realness set in for me the first time he bit my nipple. that was unpleasant." you said, walking over to sam and handing him a bottle. sam began feeding him, and lucas quickly took the bottle into his mouth. "he's very attached."
"he gets that from me." colby teased, pulling you into the couch with him.
"okay, i know this is your house, but i'm right here." sam said, feigning nausea.
"sorry. our filters are broken, given the exhaustion." you laughed along with colby. sam just shook his head, turning his attention back to lucas in his arms. 
"i hope you show a bit more discretion than your parents." sam said to him. just then, you heard a small toot. "awe, c'mon dude." sam laughed. you all sat there silently as sam continued feeding lucas, and were suddenly overcome with emotion.
"i am so proud of you both. i know your relationship did not get off to the most normal start, and you had some shocking changes to it. but you stepped up and made it work. you've got such a great kid here and i know you're going to continue to raise him into a wonderful human."
"sam." you said with a pout, fighting tears.
"i mean it! especially with you." he said, turning his attention to colby. "we've grown up together, and getting to see my best friend grow into a father is amazing. i can't wait to watch you become the great dad you're destined to be. i konw you'ce always wanted a family, and i'm so glad that i get to be here with you while you're starting it."
"i love you, man." colby said to him. you got up to take lucas from sam, and stood back as he and colby shared a tight hug. you were so glad that sam was as supportive towards colby as he'd always been. and you were glad that he'd become such a great friend to you as well. you knew he was going to be a great uncle to your baby, and lucas was going to be so lucky to have sam by his side.
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amberjazmyn · 11 months
matthew gray gubler one-shot
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - ghost of you
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - really sad, loads of crying, like super depresso espresso, flashbacks, ofc lennon gubler, daughter of lennon's from a previous relationship when lennon was a young teenager, and some more crying
𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - based on 5sos's "ghost of you", instead of a break-up, it will be the suicide of lennon and matthew gray gubler's 25yo daughter, carmella rose and each verse will tell a story of how the gubler and criminal minds family deal with the loss of their daughter and niece.
𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - i remembered i had written this in a different book so i wanted to rewrite it for this one! so i'm sorry that it's another depressing one. as always, flashbacks are italics, lyrics is bold italics and everything else is normal font.
- - -
here i am waking up, still can't sleep on your side. there's your coffee cup, the lipstick stain fades with time. if i can dream long enough, you'd tell me i'd be just fine. i'll be just fine.
rhiannon gubler finally peeled open her eyes from her restless three-hour sleep, still not able to sleep on the side of the bed she used to share with her older adult sister, carmella, in their shared bedroom at their l.a house that they lived in with their criminal minds uncles and aunties. she couldn't even look at that side of the bed without getting flashbacks of that night that was coming up to four months ago now. a frown instantly came to her face, just like every other morning when her eyes met with her coffee cup, her bright red lipstick stain still there, unmoved, just even more faded than it was the day before. then, she tried to close her eyes again just to back into this dream where she was being told she'd be just fine.
"...rhi, you need to wake up sweetheart," matthew, rhiannon and carmella's dad whispered softly as he held florianne, the third daughter of matthew and lennon gubler as an annoyed groan came out of rhiannon's mouth as she reluctantly got up
"fine..." rhiannon mumbles and grumbles, staring down at the shirt that was laying in front of her, just hoping that telepathically the shirt would just come to her so she didn't have to move any more than she already had done
matthew however, somehow, got the hint from his newly turned teenage daughter and chucked it to her so rhiannon wouldn't have to move any further.
"...there ya go, rhirhi," matthew spoke soft, smiling sympathetically at his second daughter, knowing today was going to be a really hard day for her
"thanks daddy, i'll be down in a couple, just give me a sec," rhiannon spoke lowly after taking a huge gulp of water, matthew nodding his head and taking that as his cue to leave with florianne so rhiannon could have that second on her own before joining the rest of her family downstairs
just as rhiannon was about to walk downstairs to start her long but hard day with her family, she walked past a photo that was of her and her sister from years ago, when rhiannon was a toddler and when carmella was at least seventeen. it took the now sixteen-year-old a second to recognise that it was of the two of them but as soon as she caught eyes with it, she was brought right back to that day of the photo being taken. even if she was only five years old at the time, it was still a photo that had a memorable story attached to it.
flashback : nine years ago
"...RHIANNON STOP!" carmella, the eldest gubler daughter's contagious laughter and squeals filled out the lounge room as rhiannon, the second gubler daughter chased her throughout the room
carmella weaved through her uncle shemar, Uncle thomas, dad, mom and aunty aj as she tried to get away from her sister, who was still hot on her older sister's tail, both of the girls' laughter ringing through everyone's ears making everyone all laugh and smile
"NEVER!" rhiannon yells out before bursting out into laughter as she had accidentally run into grandpa joe who also started bursting out into laughter
"WHAT DID YOU...rhi, you silly little goose!" carmella abruptly stopped running to turn around to see what had happened, bursting out into even more laughter as she noticed the look on grandpa joe's face and rhi's as carmella placed her hands on her knees as she tried to calm herself down from her laughing fit
however, due to carmella's paused position, it gave little rhiannon the upper hand and she took that opportunity to ram her older sister onto the couch for some cuddles so she could attack her seventeen-year-old sister - the one thing five-year-old rhiannon has been trying to do all morning.
"---CARMELLA, WATCH OUT!" uncle shemar suddenly called out, carmella shooting her uncle the death stare as carmella looks at her four-year-old pocket rocket sister, fear in her teenage eyes as rhiannon jumps onto carmella, the both of them falling onto the couch behind them
"what the--holy crap, rhiannon grace!" carmella squealed as she was finally pinned to the couch as rhiannon started to attack her older sister with cuddles, squishing her cheeks, poking her face as the two sisters started to laugh at the sudden attack of little rhiannon
matthew, the father of the two girls suddenly called out for them to look at him. they do as their told only to see that a photo was being taken which made the two girls giggle after the photo had been taken.
"really, dad? you wanted a photo of rhi and me?" carmella chuckled sarcastically, like the teenager she was as matthew giggled as rhiannon had since fallen asleep on her sister
"i always do caramel, what's wrong with that?" matthew matches his eldest daughter's sass by using a very old nickname, caramel, which was used when people couldn't pronounce carmella's name right - which in turn got matthew an eye-roll reaction from his daughter
"nothing daddio just, why did you have to wait until after rhi attacked me, you could've stopped her!" carmella giggled as she didn't dare move as her rhirhi still remained sleeping on big sister's chest
"why would i want to stop the joyful laughter of my two daughters? doesn't that sound a bit silly to do when the both of you are having that much fun?" matthew crossed his arms, acting all sassy as carmella giggled and rolled her eyes again as she very lovingly watched the way her rhirhi slept so soundly on her chest
"i guess you're right, it's not very often it happens now that i'm seventeen and spending less and less time with you guys cause of school..." carmella trailed off as matthew nodded his head, taking the free spot that was next to his daughters as carmella smiled - matthew had shown her the photo of her and rhiannon
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present-day : rhiannon's pov
i didn't even notice i was even crying until i licked my lips when i lifted my hand up to my face to wipe the remaining tears off my cheeks. i placed the photo frame of me and carmella back down and walked past a mirror. and, sure enough, my entire face was red, puffy and it was obvious i had been crying. i quickly rushed off into the bathroom to wash my face to see if the red and puffiness would subside so mom, dad and florianne wouldn't be able to see that i had been crying. however, just like my tears, i didn't even notice mekhai, my cousin, coming into the bathroom to check up on me until i felt his comforting hand on my back and his small, soft words of comfort despite the fact he was two years younger than me, at thirteen.
"...hey, rhi, you okay cuz?"mehkai whispered softly as i turned around to face my little cousin
"does it look like it...i...i am so sorry mehkai, i shouldn't have--" 
"--it's fine cuz, come on, let's sit in the hallway for a bit?"mehkai questioned softly, holding his hand out for me to hold as i smiled, taking his hand in mine we then sat in the hallway floor that had recently been vacuumed 
mehkai and i sat in silence for a little while before we started to talk again. the silence, however, was comforting almost since it wasn't just me that had lost my sister. florianne, our younger sister and my criminal minds cousins, like mehkai, had also lost carmella as well, so when mehkai spoke up again, it was strange. 
"you ready to go back downstairs to see everyone?"mehkai was soft and careful with his choice of words and i was thankful for that 
the context of mehkai's question is that, since we lost carmella four months ago, every second day of every second week, a group of our family would come over to regularly check in on us and the extended criminal minds family since the whole lot of us lived together between a house in los angeles and one in las vegas every week. and this week, it was dad's family that was coming to visit us at our house in las vegas and i was not looking forward to it. the only people i like in dad's immediate family are obviously my grandparents, grandpa john, granny marilyn and my dad's siblings, aunty laura and uncle gray and their partners and kids but no one else. despite that fact though, even the people on dad's side that i didn't like were coming and i was not looking forward to it at all. 
"i mean...i guess but, no, not really. the last time we saw those other guys were when we were like, what, seven and six? why is it that we have to see them again now after carmella's died?" i trail off of my question, swallowing the lump resting in my throat as mehkai rubbed my back 
"i know rhi but, we'll be able to get through it, i promise, just ignore them as you've always done and just don't pay them any mind," mehkai shrugged with a hopeful look in his eyes as i nodded my head - ignoring my entire family and paying them no mind has been the thing i've been doing since carmella's death so, that should be easy enough 
so i drown it out like i always do
matthew, lennon and the rest of the family (gubler and extended criminal minds family) watched uneasily as rhiannon had finally come downstairs to see matthew's side of the family as she sat on the couch. completely disassociated from the conversations going on after she had given hugs to her parents, grandpa john and granny marilyn and her aunties and uncles. even though the conversations were asking about how rhiannon was holding up since it had been four months since carmella's passing, not once did the teenager respond. 
"---so, matthew, how is rhiannon doing in regard to the loss of carmella? i mean, it's obviously devastating but, how is she really?" one of matthew's mom's sisters judith, just called out as a pin drop could suddenly be heard from everyone as they all lifted their heads to look at the older lady who was littered with wrinkles and freckles -rhiannon even lifted her head to look at her aunty once removed 
thankfully, matthew was able to compose himself quickly enough and spoke up on behalf of his now eldest daughter. answering his aunty's deplorable and outright senseless question about his daughter. 
"she's doing the best she can judith, what in the right mind makes you say that out loud though? she's a fif...sixteen-year-old girl who has just gone through a devastating loss alongside the rest of her siblings, who is six and her cousins who are also around that age!" matthew refused to even believe that his aunt judith would ask such a question about his daughter 
"i...i'm sorry matthew, i...i was just curious and concerned about my niece, i...i don't understand--" 
"--she's barely even your niece, this is the first time you've seen her since she was a baby so shut up," laura, matthew's older sister then speaks up in defence of her younger brother which caused the lounge room to stifle their laughter at laura's ruthless yet nonchalant comment to her aunty 
"okay then..." judith trailed off as she then quietened down, lowering herself in her seat, bringing her glass of wine closer to her mouth so she'd know to stop talking and stay like that 
"...that's what i thought!" laura snarled as she gave her younger brother, sister-in-law and niece a comforting hug as rhiannon barely reacted which everyone noticed, including judith but didn't say anything about it 
"who really cares about how i feel anyway, no one even tries to care anymore..." for the first time in what felt like forever, rhiannon speaks up only to then get up off of the couch that she sat with mehkai, pheonix and florianne on before storming away 
this broke matthew's heart along with lennon's, and the rest of the criminal minds family's. maybe it truly wasn't the right time to be talking about rhiannon and bringing her up in these conversations if she still felt as though her feelings weren't cared about. which, of course, they were, but maybe not in the best way in an accidental way of just wanting to see rhiannon again and not have her stuck in her room all the time. 
florianne's pov
my heart sank and broke as i saw the way my older sister rhiannon refused to eat or drink anything anymore. i used to think it was her just feeling unwell as, when i don't feel well, i struggle to eat too but, because it's now constantly happening, it's no longer a joke or her being sick anymore. she doesn't even sit with me, mommy, daddy and the other cousins at dinner anymore. we were currently in our los angeles house again for the week and i knew that rhiannon wanted to go home. i did too in all honesty even though our los angeles house was also ours because we do come here every other week when we're not at our home in las vegas. 
"...florianne, why are you here princess? shouldn't you be with mommy, daddy and your cousins in the lounge room with the rest of the family?" rhiannon's hoarse voice spoke as she stared out into nothing and i shook my head 
"nah-uh, it was boring and aunty laura and uncle gray were trying to kick judith out for talking smack about you. besides, i don't like it when you're sad so i wanted to make you happy again," i spoke softly as rhiannon looked up at me and for a split second, she kind of looked happy before her eyes cast back down again  
"well, thanks for trying to check in on me florianne but, i'm fine, princess. you should head back into the lounge room though before mommy and daddy wonder where you are..." rhiannon trailed off as she played with her fingers making me sigh, shaking my head - yes, i'm six but that doesn't mean i'm stupid by any means 
"...rhiannon, we get you're upset, we all are but, you've got to do more than just not eat and ignore what happened. please, for your own good!" i beg just like any six-year-old begs as rhiannon sighs loudly and bites her lip 
"i'm trying florianne, princess, i really am. it's just easier to drown it out by not eating anything and pretending that nothing wrong happened, ya know?" rhiannon whimpers at the end, my eyes widen and with all the strength i had considering i'm smaller than rhi, i pull her in for a hug without hesitation as she starts to cry 
"ssh, it's okay rhi. we deal with things differently but not eating anything is not okay, it's not safe, okay?" i say softly, rhiannon nodding her head on my shoulder as i smile softly 
"i wanna go home, home," she whispered as my heart broke for my older sister and i nodded my head, agreeing despite how we both loved living in our house in los angeles as well, i also wanted to go home, home
matthew's pov
dancing through our house with the ghost of you and i chase it down, with a shot of truth. dancing through our house with the ghost of you. 
lennon, rhiannon, florianne and i were back at our home in las vegas after being in our los angeles house for a week like always with the rest of the criminal minds family. we were all now coddled up on the couch watching home videos of when we were a family from when it was just lennon, me and carmella, to when it was lennon, me, carmella and rhiannon, to when it was lennon, me, carmella, rhiannon and florianne to what it is now with the criminal minds cousins. the majority of the videos we were watching now were of when it was just lennon, me and carmella with a couple including a baby rhiannon which started to bring back a lot of so many old memories that should be making us upset but doing the complete opposite. for florianne, she was finally seeing videos and photos of her older sister carmella and some of rhiannon when they were her age and younger. 
"...this is so sweet daddy..." rhiannon mumbles as she saw a video of when she and carmella met for the first time after rhiannon had just been born, florianne also looks at the video of her two older sisters in awe 
"...isn't it, rhiannon?" i smiled at my sixteen-year-old as my six-year-old also seemed shocked at seeing their older sister carmella look so young while rhiannon looked even younger as she had just been born 
"do you have any more videos of me as a baby with carmella?" rhiannon then questions as she looks up at me as i smile and bit my lip, lennon rubs my back as i give her a small smile 
"uh...yea-yeah, there is more but, i think they are at the house in los angeles with uncle nathan and aunty aj because they wanted to show them to mehkai and pheonix but also because there are also videos on there of carmella with your cousins when they were all born as well, or they could be with aunty laura, or even uncle gray," i responded as rhiannon's eyes sparkled almost like they used to 
"well, i know we don't see uncle nathan and aunty aj and the boys until...next week or-or the week after that but, could we possibly drive over and watch those videos with them?" rhiannon then asks as florianne also seemed to like that idea and agreed with her older sister as i chuckled breathlessly 
"i don't know rhi, it is a personal moment for them but, i can still text uncle nathan, uncle gray and aunty laura and ask but if they say no, you gotta respect that okay you two?" i spoke sternly but still lovingly, the both of them nodding their heads as i smiled - my girls were perfection as i grabbed my phone from my pocket and texted the group chat i had with my siblings and the extended criminal minds family 
within seconds of texting the group chat as another video of carmella with her sisters and cousins played on our tv, i had gotten a response back. both gray and laura (sister) had said that they didn't have the videos and nathan responded by saying that he and aj did at their las vegas house just across the road, reminding me that the andersens had travelled up those two hours from los angeles to be in their vegas house for this week and that it was completely okay for the gubler girls to come over to see the rest of the home movies of their sister carmella. i smiled at the responses and thanked my brother and sister and then let nathan know that the girls would be three minutes. 
"well, daddy, have uncles responded yet?" florianne speaks up for the first time as i giggle at my youngest daughter 
"yes, they have florianne and, whilst uncle gray and aunty laura don't have them, thankfully, uncle nathan does have them and they are just down the road visiting vegas for the week so we are allowed to watch the rest of the home videos of carmella with them. i told them we'll be there in three so, we better be quick, rhiannon, you think you'd be able to get socks and shoes on florianne in a minute?" i challenged rhiannon as she nodded her head, rushing over to the foyer to grab them as i just laughed at how quick, like carmella, my little rhi was  
"did you seriously think i had stopped being fast all of a sudden?" rhiannon quips as she comes back from the foyer with florianne's socks and shoes, as well as a pair of everlast slides for herself as i giggle, kissing the top of her head as i run to grab mine 
"no, i didn't, cheeky bugger!" i giggle, shaking my head as lennon also laughs at our eldest daughter 
getting ready in a minute and a half, we were out the door and on our short walk over to nathan and aj's las vegas house where the cousins, mehkai and pheonix awaited rhiannon and florianne so they could all bunch up on the couch cuddling together. 
by the time aj had led us into the house, rhiannon and florianne were already rushing to the couch to cuddle with mehkai and pheonix as i laughed, hugging aj and then nathan who had gotten up from the couch. 
"aren't they just a little bit excited and we saw them a few days ago," nathan laughed as we pulled out of our hug and i nodded my head 
"i know right, besides, thank you so much for letting them see the rest of carmella's videos, nathan and aj. i completely forgot you were in vegas this week. even though the majority of these videos are of carmella with mehkai and pheonix, i know how badly they both, rhiannon especially, want to watch them. especially since rhi was so entranced by the video of her and carmella first meeting each other after she was born..." i trailed off as they both nodded their heads understandingly 
"...oh, don't even need to thank us matthew, it's their sister, they'll always be welcome to come over to watch them throughout the week whenever they feel the need to," aj spoke up this time, giving me a small wink and nudge, nathan then giving me the same look as i chuckled and nodded my head as the four of us, nathan, aj, me and lennon moved into the lounge room where the kids were already waiting to watch the videos as a video was already paused ready to be watched 
two hours later after watching videos of carmella, majority of them with the andersen boys, i could tell that my girls were starting to get tired, none more so than rhiannon. the last one was halfway through when i had picked up rhiannon, deciding that it was time to take them home to put them to bed. despite the fact that rhiannon was a teenager, i still picked her up as she was still relatively light whilst lennon grabbed florianne, nathan pausing the video to say goodbye.
nathan's pov
matthew and lennon were halfway home when as i watched them on the few-minute walk back to theirs that rhiannon was starting to stir in her dad's arms. that was when i decided i'd follow after them as aj, agreed to put our boys up to bed. it seemed as if whilst florianne was fast asleep, rhiannon was starting to wake up again on the walk back. the five of us had walked into the gubler household when lennon had placed florianne down as she then grabbed the three adults a drink of beer. that was until rhiannon was fully awake after matthew had placed her on the couch. 
"daddy, get up!" rhiannon suddenly says enthusiastically as i am taken aback with confusion 
"why rhiannon? i thought you were tired, besides, uncle nathan's here to have a beer with mom and me!" i giggle as i watch matthew put his beer down anyway and walk over to his daughter, grabbing her hands as rhiannon then offers an explanation 
"i wanna dance daddy, please?" rhiannon mumbled out, her cute puppy eyes that either me or her dad taught her making butterflies flutter inside our tummies 
"why do you wanna dance rhi? it's getting late, theoretically, we should all be going to sleep right now," matthew spoke as i chuckled quietly as rhiannon's mood had seemingly crashed instantly before speaking again 
"the last four months, when everyone else or whoever else was here would go to sleep, i would stay awake, down here for however long and just dance alongside the videos we'd watch of carmella dancing as if it was normal and like she was still here. i-i would then, harm myself, clean it all up, patch myself up and then crawl back upstairs to my room to cry myself back to sleep. only to semi-repeat the routine over again the next day when it got really scary one day as some mornings i'd accidentally cut too deeply until mehkai or even sometimes florianne would shake me awake after finding me collapsed on the kitchen floor..." rhiannon's voice wavers at the end as we all notice her getting teary-eyed
i watched as matthew shuffled himself closer to his daughter as they swayed side to side as he pulled her in for a hug, holding her tightly so that she knew she was safe. 
"...oh, princess...baby, is this the first time you're telling this to anyone?" lennon and i gasp quietly as we hear rhiannon mutter a "yes" on matthew's shoulder as he rubbed her back 
"you need to tell your criminal minds uncles and aunties babe. i mean, when was the last time you cut yourself?" matthew asked worriedly, he had no clue that his daughter had even started self-harming let alone had the thought to go through with it
"i-i don't remember, last week maybe?" rhiannon trailed off as her voice got caught in her throat, she was about to cry again and my heart broke 
"can you show me the scars baby?" matthew whispered as rhiannon nodded, lifting up her hoodie which uncovered red patches of semi-infected scars as well as ones that had seemingly healed as matthew's breath got caught in his throat 
"babe, you need to stop with the self-harming, it's not going to fix anything, okay?" matthew pleaded as he let the hoodie cover rhiannon's lower body again as she nodded her head in agreement 
"i'll try my hardest," rhiannon muttered as matthew solemnly smiled as did i as matthew kissed her head 
we then all danced for five more minutes before we were so tired that we fell asleep on the couch. obviously not making it back home, i texted aj in advance, letting her know about the situation and she understood perfectly.
cleaning up today, found that old zeppelin shirt you wore when you ran away, and no one could feel your hurt.
due to rhiannon and the kids having to go back to school but rhiannon not really in the mood, we decided to bring her with us for some reshoots that the criminal minds cast was doing in los angeles whilst the other kids were all at matthew and lennon's house homeschooling them with a tutor, except for florianne who went into her school. however, i decided to stay back and help clean around the gubler household and in particular, rhiannon and carmella's shared room which had been untouched for way too long since i had no reason to be on the criminal minds set. knowing that they, as a family, had handled their grief differently than me and my family did and didn't clean up after themselves, i thought it would be a great way for me to also loosen up but in a productive way.  
it wasn't until i walked into carmella's part of the room (rhiannon and carmella slept in the same bed but had different sides of the bedroom) that i could really sense that rhiannon was still very much grieving four months on. carmella's side of the room was absolutely trashed, and last time i was here, it was as clean as clean could be considering a fifteen and twenty-four-year-old shared this room together. this then gave the thought that, this mess must have happened recently and that it couldn't have been florianne or my two boys as this mess was done in a way that wasn't made by a six-year-old or two boys. giving me the hint that it was rhiannon that had made the mess as she had calculated it perfectly. rhiannon was the closest to carmella, they were the two eldest despite the fact that carmella was thirteen when rhiannon was born and were sisters from different fathers, those two were like two peas in a pod, they got along so well. they barely ever fought which is why matthew and lennon made the collective decision alongside the two girls that they'd share a bedroom until they decided that they wanted their own rooms once carmella got into her late teen years and early adult years. 
however, it seemed as if they loved sharing a bedroom together so they never got their own separate rooms. so, when carmella died, it was the worst for rhiannon. of course, gia was devastated but, she's still a kid, being only six years old, it's harder for her to understand what was happening especially considering by the time she was born, carmella was in her early young adult years and should have been in the stage of her life where she wasn't always at home with her family even though she had major age gaps between both siblings but she was home and always with her sisters. everyone just knew that rhiannon had a harder time coming to terms with carmella's death than florianne did because one, she was old enough to really understand what was going on and two, she realistically spent the most time with their older sister since they shared a room together and no one, even florianne found it offensive. 
after about a good hour or so, everything on carmella's side of the room had been restored and cleaned by me to my satisfaction and what i hoped would be rhiannon's. everything except carmella's wardrobe. which seemed like it had been completely untouched due to her wardrobe door being closed. but, when i opened it, it absolutely shocked me that all the clothes came toppling out of her wardrobe onto the floor in front of me. the main item of clothing i noticed was the led zeppelin shirt that, she, carmella, was wearing the day she ran away and then later killed herself wearing. i had actually not been aware or told that the police had given back all of the clothes that carmella was wearing on the day but, i can't lie, it gave me some relief to say that they did return the clothes. as since i am carmella's uncle, i hadn't seen this shirt in what felt like ages and it brought tears to my eyes just looking at it and seeing it without all the blood that had previously been on it. it was pristine and clean yet it still smelt completely like my niece, as if she never left. 
"...uncle nathan...i'm...home..." rhiannon's voice rang through the upstairs level but stopped when she realised where i was 
"...you didn't tell me that the police had given you her clothes back...the shirt's clean..." i whisper as tears stream down my cheeks as i hand my niece the clean zeppelin shirt, knowing it meant a deal of a lot more to rhiannon as i watched her face change from confusion to an emotion i wasn't familiar with from her
"...that's because i-i washed it, uncle nathan, i washed it after the police returned it..." rhiannon's voice, which had changed to a small, broken voice struck with grief came out of her mouth, my head tilting in confusion as nicky had now come in after hearing the commotion 
"...oh, rhi, babe, you didn't need to do that!" i sniffled, wiping my tears away knowing that it would set rhiannon and her dad off, wrapping her tightly in my grip as matthew watched
"yes, i-i had to uncle nathan. the-the blood everywhere was awful and i-i just needed it to be clean! i couldn't let it rest in her wardrobe knowing that her blood was still all over it," rhiannon softly cries into my shoulder as i brush my fingers through her hair to help calm her down 
i had a feeling there was something she still hadn't told her dad and mom about that night four months ago because she was supposedly in her room with my two boys, mehkai and pheonix, her sister florianne and the other cousins but according to frankie, adam's daughter, rhiannon wasn't even anywhere near hers and carmella's room but somewhere else, outside of the house. 
"rhi, is there something you're still hiding from your mommy and daddy from the night carmella died?" i spoke carefully and softly, sniffling quietly as rhiannon took in a tearful shaky breath as she nodded her head which worried matthew and i 
"ye-yes..." rhiannon trailed off as she started to tell the story, lennon joining us as the three of us were incredibly worried 
flashback | four months ago: rhiannon's pov | trigger warning 
everyone thought i was playing with mehkai, pheonix, florianne and uncle gray's son, but, in reality, i wasn't. i was on a walk to clear my head when i realised that carmella had turned her life360 off, making me turn back around the path i was walking to run back home to ask uncle adam, who was home from a criminal minds filming session in los angeles with the cast, to ask if he had any idea where carmella was and why she had turned her life360 off. on the run back over, i called carmella, seven times but not once did she pick up, making me run back home even faster.
slamming the door closed as i rushed into the house in los angeles, uncle adam was right up my side in a panic, grabbing the tops of my arms as i breathed heavily 
"what's wrong rhi, you nearly woke up florianne and frankie, is everything okay?" uncle adam asked worriedly as i attempted to get my breath back as i held onto uncle adam to keep myself steady 
"where-where's carmella? have-have you seen her? she's turned her life360 off when she wasn't supposed to!" i was speaking at what felt like a news reporter who was running out of breath as uncle adam gave me a worried look of confusion 
"pardon babe? what did you say?" adam asked with a sorry smile on his face and i gulped and took in another deep breath before asking again
"i said, where's carmella? have you seen her? she turned her life360 off when she wasn't supposed to," i repeated as uncle adam's eyes instantly widened 
"umm, i did see her leave but, i reminded her to keep her life360 on and she said she had no plans in turning it off, have you tried calling her?" uncle adam was just as confused as i am as i groaned 
"yes, i have! i tried seven times uncle adam! all of them went straight to voicemail and i don't know why or where she is!" i squealed out as i was on the verge of crying, i just wanted to know where my older sister was 
"okay, crap, that isn't good babe. okay, rhi, calm down as best as you can, stay here with the kids just in case she comes home and i'll ring matthew and your uncles and the rest of the aunties to let them know. if she does come home, call or text the group chat and everything will be fine, okay?" uncle adam calmly plans as i nodded my head in agreement as i caught my breath 
"okay, see you soon uncle adam," i spoke breathlessly as uncle adam ran out of the house, closing the door behind him as i then just anxiously sat back on the couch
florianne, frankie, mehkai, pheonix and the rest of the cousins were all sleeping easy on the floor next to me - as i wished that whilst carmella was okay that i'd get to the level of calm that my sister and cousins were in. 
it had been twenty minutes later when the door creaked open. instantly, i calmed down knowing that it was carmella. however, instantly i noticed something wasn't okay, she was unusually quiet and withdrawn. 
"carmella, you okay?" i call out quietly but still loud enough that carmella heard me and quiet enough that i didn't wake up the kids 
"yeah-yeah, i'm fine, thanks rhi. i'll just be upstairs in the bathroom taking a shower," carmella mumbled as i nodded my head, seemed normal for carmella i guess, she was such a clean freak 
"okay. i'm just gonna call uncle adam to let him know you're home," i called back, carmella not responding, just running up the stairs which made me worry 
just as i went to call uncle adam, i was startled, just me though, by two loud bangs coming from upstairs. leaving the kids, i ran up the stairs, after making sure that those bangs didn't wake the kids up, as quickly as i could only to be faced with probably my biggest nightmare; carmella covered in her own blood. 
"carmella!" i screamed at the top of my lungs, running over to her, just hoping that what i was seeing was only imaginary and that it was like all those crime shows that dad and our uncles and aunties acted in
however, i unlocked my phone and instantly called uncle adam, just hoping he would pick up 
uncle adam 
"...nics? did you find carm--"
"--call 911 *rhiannon sobs* call 911! she tried to kill herself! please i beg uncle adam, just call 911 and get here as quickly as you can!" 
i sob through my phone as i then hear the car door open as uncle adam starts the car up so he could get back home quickly
"rhi-rhiannon, stay on the line rhi! put the phone on speaker and pressurize carmella's bleeding. okay, stay calm and listen to me, stay on the phone with me!" 
i struggle to calm down but i try my hardest as i hear uncle adam's voice. he calms his voice down so i can calm down as i gulp and listen to him. i turn my phone to speakerphone, throwing it down in front of me.
i go down onto the floor, grabbing carmella and laying her over my body as i rested my back against the furthest wall from the door. i then put pressure on her bleeding just like i was told to by uncle adam but there was just so much of it that i couldn't seem to figure out where it was coming from. 
"rhi, have you done that? are you doing that?" 
uncle adam's calm voice comes back as i verbally respond, wiping my tears with my shoulder as i was getting covered in the blood very quickly 
"yes, i-i have. uncle adam *sobs* there is so much blood, please-please hurry!"
i whimper, another rough sob leaving my mouth as i try to figure out where the blood was coming from but also trying to make sure that the younger kids weren't hearing this. 
"okay-okay, it's okay rhi, calm down babe! i know there's a lot of blood, just calm down. i'm less than a minute away so stay calm and keep on applying pressure. i have also speed-dialled the paramedics and they are less than two minutes away. breathe, stay calm and make sure carmella stays awake. okay, i'm nearly there!" 
how uncle adam was staying so calm as this is his niece, is way beyond my knowledge but it was so helpful as i sat on the cold tiled and bloody bathroom floor with my older sister as she bled out onto my lap as i panicked. sobbing in fear that she was probably already dead - hoping to god or jesus or just someone that mehkai, pheonix, florianne, frankie and the other cousins couldn't hear this.
"uncle adam, the-the kids are all downstairs, i-i don't know if they can hear this or not! i-i don't w want them to! what do i do about them?!" i panic, sobbing into my shoulder again as uncle adam breathes before responding 
"as bad as it sounds babe, don't worry about them, your main focus is keeping carmella awake and her eyes open. do not let your sister close her eyes. i'm getting out of the car now and i'll deal with the kids and frankie when i get there. just focus on your older sister sweetheart!" 
uncle adam spoke calmly again as i mumbled a "yes", completely forgetting about my sister and cousins and just focusing all my attention on carmella 
and, just like uncle adam promised, less than a minute later he had come running into the house, alongside uncle shemar, straight to the bathroom upstairs where carmella and i were. 
"rhiannon!" uncle adam calls out, i look up from caressing carmella's hair out of her face as i don't even take into consideration how bloody i looked from my lap upwards 
"what-what do i do uncle adam?" i whimper out, carmella's body trembling due to my own body trembling as i breathe shakily 
"you've done all you can do babe!" uncle adam whispers as he pulls me up, softly placing carmella down on the floor as he pulls me into his embrace, not caring that i was now getting blood all over him 
i then looked up to see that uncle shemar had turned the shower off as i connected the dots. that's why she turned the shower on, she wanted to distract me from hearing her kill herself by thinking she was having a shower...
"she wasn't taking a shower!" i cover my mouth as i loudly sob into uncle adam's embrace as he squeezes me even tighter, also feeling uncle shemar next to uncle adam and me 
"ssh, it's gonna be okay rhi, stay calm and breathe babe, breathe!" uncle adam whispers as i whimper 
i then notice that uncle shemar had also found what she had used. and out of anything, it was a gun. how did i not hear the gunshot? the shower wasn't even...wait, is that what the first bang was before she hit the floor? 
"the paramedics are here! adam, clean you and rhiannon up, while i take the kids into matthew and lennon's office while you then after getting changed, let in the paramedics. after that, keep the kids distracted and i'll stay in here with rhiannon as she was the one to find carmella, understand?" uncle shemar devised as both uncle adam and i just nodded our heads, the both of us getting changed so uncle adam could then distract the kids whilst i stayed here with uncle shemar 
i spoke up again, "what-what about mommy and daddy, and uncle nathan, what about the aunties and the other uncles? who's gonna tell them?" i ask breathlessly as uncle shemar looks at me softly 
"they've already been called the moment 911 was called, your parents and then nathan are carmella's emergency contacts, which then means that they already know and are on their way home already," uncle shemar explained as i gasped, they couldn't know that it was me that found carmella, that would devastate them even more 
"please-please don't tell daddy and mommy or uncle nathan or anyone that it was me that found carmella. even if it means you have to hide my bloodied clothes. they cannot know, it'll devastate them, and they'll think it was my fault!" i panicked as uncle shemar went down to his knees, bringing me down with him, holding my hands tight 
"i promise rhiannon, i won't tell dad, mom, uncle nathan or the others, they'll never find your bloodied clothes but they will absolutely not and ever think that it was your fault if you were to ever tell them or if they ever found out on their own, okay?" uncle shemar made me understand as i nodded my head as tears streamed down my cheeks, uncle shemar tried to wipe them away
uncle adam then returned with crispy clean clothes at the right moment as i got changed and then immediately, in my clothes hamper, hid away my bloodied clothes. 
then, ten minutes later i was asked to be evaluated by the paramedics and tell them exactly what happened and what i'd heard. absolutely hell on earth. i was in hysterics the entire time and i was just blanking on everything about myself for the patient assessment. 
"...rhi-rhiannon, are you okay babe?" daisy, the female paramedic quickly corrected herself as she asked kindly, looking up, a tear streamed down my cheek 
"i-i was too late... i could have stopped it from happening... it-it's all my fault," i breathe out, a couple more tears streaming down my cheek as my hands shake 
"it's not your fault rhiannon. you just thought that carmella was simply taking a shower. do not blame yourself for your sister's death. there was no way you could have predicted she was going to go through with her act of suicide. no one predicts it, no matter how well you know the person. especially when she's the eldest sibling with younger siblings and cousins in the house," daisy softly responds, giving me a hand to hold as i nod my head 
"i-i just wish i was more aware," i gulp as i feel uncle adam and uncle shemar hug me from behind, making me cry even more 
"we do too, rhiannon," my two uncles say at the same time as i dig my chin into their embrace across my chest, trying to stop my tears
"dai-daisy, have my parents and other uncles and aunties been called?" i shakily ask as daisy looks up, giving me a soft look 
"yes, they all have. obviously, they are a couple of hours away in vegas so it'll take them a few hours to get here but, everyone has been called. and your parents have also been called as uncle adam said earlier. everything is going to be okay, rhiannon, you'll see your parents, uncles and aunties soon. but for now, uncle adam and uncle shemar are gonna take care of you," daisy spoke with a sadned smile as she then left for she had to now take carmella's body and place her onto the stretcher 
trigger warning over
matthew, lennon and uncle nathan were shocked and taken aback by the new news that it was their own daughter and niece that had found carmella and was with her in those very last moments of her life those four months ago. it horrified matthew that his second eldest was a witness to what his eldest had done to herself. that it was his fifteen-year-old that was the one covered in his twenty-four year-old's blood. that it was his fifteen-year-old that held and rocked his twenty-four-year-old as she died. that his twenty-four-year-old died in the arms of his fifteen-year-old daughter. 
"...i-i'm sorry i didn't tell you, mommy, daddy and uncle nathan. uncle shemar promised me he'd never say anything and i-i just never could say anything and the blood-bloodied clothes are still in my clothes hamper...i-i just got so scared, mommy, daddy, i'm so sorry," rhiannon stuttered out as matthew shook his head as lennon and nathan bit their lips, swallowing down their tears 
"please...please don't apologise rhi. i-i am sorry that daddy, mommy and uncle nathan were so far away from you that uncle adam and uncle shemar had to be the ones you needed to call. whilst i am forever grateful to them that they were there to take care of you and help you, it should have been me and mammy. you don't need to apologise for anything baby girl. i am so proud of you and glad that you were the last person your older sister saw and that you also made sure that your siblings and cousins were taken care of and made unaware of everything going on. never apologise about this ever again!" matthew's voice wavered the entire time he spoke as he grabbed his fifteen-year-old daughter, pulling her in for a hug as they both cried, lennon and uncle nathan joining shortly after 
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liked by matthewgraygubler, lennongubler, nathanandersen, ajcooke and 9923 others
rhiannongracegubler we're too young, too dumb, to know things like love, but i know better now
carmella rose, you were my best friend, in the entire world. i say were and not "is" or "are" and it still confuses and bothers me that i have to use past tense when i speak about you otherwise my english teacher squeals fury and grammar police rules at me. because she says i now have to talk about you in the past because you're no longer with us. i won't lie, when she first told me that, i blew up right in her face in front of the rest of my class and i was sent to detention yet, i didn't get grounded by dad or mom (not even uncle shemar, uncle nathan or aunty aj). if anything, they were proud of me for standing up for our family and for you. i'll always stand up for your name, caramel, even if some people still can't pronounce it correctly and have to call you by that ridiculous nickname of caramel and not carmella. losing you felt almost like i was in that scene of criminal minds in which dr reid's girlfriend had just been killed by the unsub and dr reid was on his knees sobbing, most likely rocking her back and forth just muttering his girlfriend's name and for her to just wake up, and for everything to be okay again. because that's exactly what it was like except, you didn't get shot due to a murder-suicide by diana, the unsub but by the gun that you held in your own hands. if only we were in the world of criminal minds and i could, i would have done everything in my willpower to convince everyone that you just faked your death as emily prentiss did. but, that's not how life works, especially if you take it away from yourself that easily and unethically. whilst i'll never be able to understand why you decided to take a gun to your head whilst our sister and cousins was home along with me, i can't hate you for it. whilst i hate the idealisation of dying at the hands of a gun in your possession, i can't hate you specifically for doing it. because i love you carmella. i love you too much to hate you for killing yourself. there was obviously a reason as to why you did it. and it's valid, i just wish you had told me sooner or given me the letter earlier so even if i did try to convince you otherwise, i would have been better equipped and would have had more knowledge. yet, you still wouldn't have told me because you knew that i was the only person to convince you to stay alive. which isn't what you wanted. you didn't want to stay, you didn't want me to convince you to take that gun away from your head, hence why you made me think you were having a shower when you then shot yourself. you were my older sister carmella, you taught me everything i know. you taught me that the characters daddy and uncle shemar play on the tv and all the unsubs and injuries they get are all fake and that they're okay in real life. it was you that taught me to not be scared to watch daddy get hurt on the tv because he was always going to be sitting right next to me on the couch or over the phone on facetime. you taught me that no matter what, you were never going to leave me even if you were gone physically. i still see and hear you everywhere carmella, my fear has since changed from the monsters on criminal minds to forgetting what you look and sound like. if i ever forgot how you sounded or how beautiful you looked, i don't know if i'd be able to continue. i love you so much carmella, i hope you're looking after all those criminal minds characters and keeping them all in line. daddy, mommy, florianne and i love and miss you every day. love, rhiannon grace gubler 🤍
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matthewgraygubler rhiannon grace gubler, no matter what you say about your older sister, it always makes me cry! this was perfect rhirhi and i'm so proud of you for keeping your older sister alive every chance you can get 🤍
nathanandersen rhi, this killed me and it hasn't stopped killing me. exactly like your dad, any time you talk about carmella, it always makes me cry. you'll never forget how beautiful she was or what she sounded like, i promise, you'll always hear her voice and see her voice somewhere, i can guarantee you 🤍
ajcooke carmella loves you so much, rhi and she is so proud of you! the way you were able to articulate your sister's suicide is beyond anyone my age, let alone yours, you are such an intelligent girl 🤍
so i drown it out like i always do, dancing through our house with the ghost of you
it's now been around seven/eight months since carmella's suicide and i had since turned seventeen and it has started to feel like everything is starting to go back to normal again. the family's stop button has been pressed play again after being on stop for so long. i stopped cutting and self-harming which i'm glad i stopped doing. i stopped pretty much the night that dad, mom and uncle nathan found out but, i still occasionally, every other night, depending on whether we're in los angeles or vegas, go downstairs to watch the home videos of carmella on the tv when i struggle to sleep without her next to me. the way i "drown out" my grief is i no longer ignore it and i actually allow it. i embrace and acknowledge my grief, letting it be until it passes and then i get up, dust myself off and smile and laugh again without feeling guilty about it. even though florianne and my cousins but, florianne in particular, is still six, turning seven in a few months, she was now starting to finally understand carmella's death and why she had done it from the letter that had been written that we showed her. the cousins in the criminal minds family and my biological family were also now starting to finally understand as well. whilst it was hard to tell, especially at how much they all cried, it was healing in a way to explain it to them in the big kid/adult way that it had been explained to me even though i'm still a kid by techical means even at seventeen years old.
"...watching back these videos still shock me at how much of a talented dancer carmella was....i'm shocked she didn't pursue it professionally..." i trailed off as tonight, the family decided that we were going to do an all-nighter of watching the older home videos and some newer ones that had recently been uncovered but having a pass on the dancing ourselves
"...i know, rhi, your sister and cousin was really talented," dad smiled, bitting his lip as all the memories came rushing back, for all of us and different memories too
"do you think she's dancing up there in the sky mommy?" florianne questioned as she cuddled up to mehkai and pheonix who nodded their heads in agreement with their cousin
before mom could respond, i responded instead, "i'm sure she is florianne, mehkai and pheonix. and i think she's finally happy again, no longer needing to fake anything..." i trail off as dad pushes me into him and uncle nathan and i smiled as a group hug had been initiated
"...we love you carmella!" we all mutter and giggle as we continued to watch the videos just like we do every night
and i'll chase it down, with a shot of truth, that my feet don't dance like they did with you. 
sure, dancing with my sister florianne, my cousins and dad wasn't the same as dancing with carmella but, it was just as beautiful.
"...carmella would be so proud of how you've recovered in these last seven/eight months. we all are rhiannon, you already went through hell and back with the initial loss of carmella but also with the secret that you had been holding onto the whole time as you were the one that saw everything happen in front of you and was with carmella as she died. yet, you still managed to get back on track and find your happiness again. something you said three months ago, give or take, that you wouldn't even be able to do because you always said you were the happiest with carmella, yet, here we are, sevenish months later and look how happier you are," dad smiled emotionally, wiping a tear of his away as well as one from my own cheek as i can't help but smile at him and the rest of my family
"yeah but, that was only because you guys pointed me in the right direction and didn't give up on me as you promised. i love you so much," i say, a tearful giggle falling out of my mouth as uncle nathan, followed by my sister, cousins and everyone else as they all jump on me
now i understand why you were constantly dancing, carmella. you were dancing with the ghost of your soul that was already dead before you reunited it with the one that was still alive and now, the rest of the family can dance with the completed ghost of you.
- - - 
this was a mammoth to rewrite but i genuinely enjoyed writing it which says a lot about me i think considering i write so many depressing one-shots. but, i promise, the next one-shot will be less depressing and more happy and fluffy, i promise. 
ok ily bye xx
wc; 10987
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violetngrey · 3 years
Poly!Karlnapity Faceless!Streamer S/O 1
Too subborn to not face reveal
Part 1 / Part 2
Had this in the drafts since April so I decided to share
This stream felt so much more nerve wracking than all your others before, that reason was because you were streaming with the other three people that you currently lived with, Quackity, Karl and Sapnap. You had to be careful neither of you were too loud in case any of the others mics picked it up on the other side of the wall and to say the least those three were not ones to not be heard in the next room over in any stream they did, relaxed or not. You knew this and still agreed when they begged you the morning before to hop onto the dream smp and help them build kinoko kingdom uncannonically.
The only reason you'd agreed with the mountain of editing and university assignments in the back of your head was because Karl was quite literally hanging off of you and you wanted to eat your weetabix before it got too soggy. They compromised and said they'd all play some games with some of the others before messing around for an hour or two so you weren't completed outnumbered three to one on the decision.
By the time you'd managed to wake up just enough to start booting up your set up, Karl was already banging on the door to remind you that they were starting in around five minutes and Sapnap had already got his starting soon screen up. You ruffled your hair about to at least get it out of your face and switched out from a hoodie into a tank top, it was about to get super hot in your room with sheer amount of time your PC is going to be on. While you waited for it to load up all your programs for the lengthy stream you threw on some joggers and tidied your shared emperor bed, you'd have to wait to wash the covers since they were so big and you'd need Karl to help you take them off later.
Quickly filling up your water bottle and checking all your settings were right, you pressed the start streaming button and broastcasted your starting soon screen. Sapnap had been waiting for a rather long time already no wonder he'd gotten a bit of a record on leaving his starting screen up for so long. Karl had started a couple of minutes ago, all who was left in the mess of a house to start was Quackity. Which you heard Karl shout down the hall to him to hurry up with his food and then you'd all join the rest of the discord call with Wilbur,Tommy, Dream and George after an intro together.
You were planning on doing Jackbox for an hour or two before you guys did anything Minecraft related content so it could either be really stressful or be very fun, I guess you'd find out soon.
After Alex had finally got his ass to his room and started you guys quickly going over the intro with a lot of the chat consisting of 'oh my god they're all streaming together' and 'I can't keep up there's too many to watch' with some widepeepos you all joined the main call and started with Quiplash.
A couple of games had flown by and the topic had switched over drastially as one of the prompts read out 'Who would you never bring home to your mother?' The first anwser filpped over read in bold 'dream' as Sapnap started to laugh a little too suspiciously with Wilbur, the other flipping over reading,
'Faceless minecraft streamer'
"Oi, who said that you cocks" You said outloud as your chat also sped up.
"Oh shit, I forgot that Y/N was a faceless streamer for a sec" Alex manically giggled as everyone voted, It was Alexs quip against Nicks.
You could faintly hear a 'Pandering' and 'Why are you guys always trying to target me' in the background from Dream and a 'It's okay Dream I won't Pander' from George, You at least hoped Georges chat was okay.
"Yeah don't forget you have to live with this faceless streamer!" You hadn't realised until you said it as just an off-handed comment.
It fell silent as Wilbur and Tommy were still laughing at Quackity's comment.
You could see Karl and Alex pause for a second in their facecams in the discord screen and try to not read the hundreds of comments coming through their chats as you facepalmed for being so careless. Only when the round had completely moved on and Dream had started arguing with Sapnap did you tune back in completely.
Over the next twenty minutes or so nothing raised suspicion even if most if not all of your chats had been going wild, yours and Quackity's especially. It wasn't until Wilbur suggested we move on and play patently stupid for a little bit to finish up instead. You had awkwardly laughed and went along with it.
You realised you had gotten paired with Wilburs prompt as soon as you read it. You were very close friends with Will and he was one of the people that actually knew about your relationship with Alex,Nick and Karl apart from Clay and George. So of course being the little shit of a close friend he is decided to push it with the living arrangment thing, which you will admit was very out of character but you guessed it was rather late in Britian right now and he was probably on his second wine of the night and thought fuck it and actually incuded it in the presentation you need to present,
To over six hundred thousand people collectively across everyones streams.
As soon as the headline hit the screen you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, it didn't really matter chat knew you were living together but you bet it wouldn't go down well, especially since your were the one that didn't want the information out on the internet in the first place and Karl,Nick and Alex were the ones trying to convince you otherwise anyways.
"My problem is" you sighed "I can't seem to stay away from Karlnapity" Wilbur started to laugh as Tommy caught on.
The image came up off four stick figures and a house "The solution is, move in" You slammed your desk as you started to laugh at the faces Karl and Alex were making as you read the last slogan out.
"I don't think we need to read this one guys" You could hear Karl over Tommy and Wilburs wheezing and you knew he was only saying that for you.
You knew that the boys didn't ultimately care if the viewers found out that they lived together but they knew you didn't want to reveal it for a while longer. Not to mention getting serious with the chat about your relationship with all of them and the relationship they had with each other.
"Chat..." You started.
"Chat, chat stop it with the- the Karlnapity spam. Stop it" Alex spoke in his british accent, You could tell he was getting very nervous and you also hadn't heard from Nick since the start of your turn.
"Sapnap, you still with us, buddy" You released a sigh as Karl spoke through stream muted discord almost like he was reading your mind.
A few moments went by as Tommy and Wilbur had finally calmed down and you could hear the faint noise of the unmute button.
"I've been shouting at you guys this whole time and I was on mute!" Dream started to laugh again as George chuckled. "Sapnap you idiot"
"Okay, sorry Dream I panicked, w-w-what do you expect me to say"
"Why were you panicking huh Sapnap, Why were you panicking so much you pushed your mute button" George was just plain giving in at this point.
You smiled to yourself as you thought of something that would take everyone by surprise.
"Guys, guys" You got a couple of replies "You know how I think this solution works" You grinnned.
"No we don't, whatever are you talking about Y/n" Wilbur chimed in, he really chose violence today.
"Oh wanna bet Wilbur" Whatever you were thinking. you so had to go for it now.
"Yes" That was all Wilbur had to say.
"I'll show you the success rate of this solution chat" You went on mute. A 'How?' from Tommy and a 'Oh no' from Karl as he started nervously giggling came after trying to keep a composed state for his stream.
You quickly unmuted to say one last thing "Wait here for a moment chat and while you're at it, why don't you open up Karls stream to watch something interesting while I'm gone" Karl swung his chair side to side with a panicked grin on his face, chewing on his nails, in disbelief as he knew exactly what you were doing.
"No, Y/n. C'mon you can't do this" He giggled again "You wouldn't" he started to click on his keyboard seemingly fidgeting.
"Oh but I would" You muted again and took off your headphones, putting on one of Sapnaps hoodies that he left in your room, a random pair of socks and some shorts trying to be as quick as possible.
Out the door you went.
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Pairing: The Bad Batch x Reader (Polyam)
Summary: It’s been a year or so since you left the Batch (caught up with the series timeline, some SPOILERS) Warning: Mentions of death, shooting, yelling, angst, fluff, mentions of slavery, minor TBB SPOILERS
Word Count: 2048
A/N: D-5 is supposed to be a rendition of D-O, which i know isn’t really canon haha
pt xii, pt xiv
You rushed through the forest quickly, speaking into your com device.
“I’m making my way to you! Be ready!” You instructed.
“Give me a sec.”
“You have 3 feet to be ready, I’m nearly there!”
You burst through the foliage of the forest and grabbed the blaster from your teammate’s waist before shooting the enemies chasing you. You huffed and glared back at them.
“You told me you were good at this!”
“Look, I don’t do short distances!” He tried to explain.
“You’re a damn sniper, snipers do any distance with a clear shot!” You turned to the ship to another teammate, “Everyone on board?”
“Locked and loaded. This might be our last batch for a while…”
“I know.” You sighed, “Get on, we’re leaving.”
“When the Empire said they were gonna make things better, I expected Caetum to be up and running smoothly.”
“The Empire is all the same as the others who tried to keep ‘order’.” You muttered while taking off your helmet, “Let’s just get out of here.”
“This really was your home planet?” A teammate queried.
You nodded, holding onto something as the ship took off. Once you were steady in open space, you moved to the storage part of the ship where there were multiple people huddled together.
“Is everyone alright?” You hung a small lantern to illuminate their faces more.
“Thank you…” An elderly woman said and you smiled, holding her hands in yours as you crouched down.
“I wish I could’ve saved more…”
“You have done so much for us… your name already lingers…”
“The Great Lodestar.” A man spoke up, “I heard from one of the troopers that other planets were talking about you…”
“I… have freed others, but it’s still not enough.”
“It takes time.” The woman assured, “Go and rest.”
You took a moment before leaving the storage room and making your way towards the cockpit.
“We’ve set a course for the Ocsalev System. Ready when you are, Lodestar.”
You nodded, “Make the jump.”
Hunter jumped slightly from a dream in one of the chairs in front of the computers. It was always a constant dream about you… his cyare. He was sure the other boys had such dreams too. It took nearly a month for Wrecker to stop screaming your name in his sleep…
“Hunter? You okay?” Omega’s voice caught his attention as she made her way towards him from the gunner’s mount.
He nodded with a gentle smile before sitting straight up. She furrowed her brows for a moment before humming and opening the cockpit door, which urged Hunter to enter also.
“We’re almost at the coordinates Cid gave us. Odd, she never sets us up on missions where we need help from other mercenaries.” Tech remarked.
“We’re not mercenaries.” Hunter muttered but Omega giggled.
“I think you have to face it, Hunter, we are.”
He sighed before sitting in his seat as Wrecker walked in.
“We almost there yet?”
“Just approaching, it’s best you sit. No need for another head injury.” Echo joked.
“We don’t have to worry about no inhibitor chip anymore!”
“But we do have to worry about how much bacta and ice packs we use on you.” Tech rolled his eyes while easing the ship into the planet’s atmosphere, “Gentlemen, and madam, welcome to the Ocsalev System.”
They landed the Havoc Marauder at a simple docking bay before making their way into the city.
“Stay close, kid.” Hunter ordered as he led the group through the busy streets.
It was fairly crowded with people going in and out of buildings or rushing through the streets. Omega admired the commotion and looked around, but the boys made sure to urge her through the crowds. To her, this city was very different from Ord Mantell, having a lack of technology and more of a natural kick to it. Houses were built around trees and into the side of the mountain, which made Omega want to explore more.
“The device says to go in here to find this so-called ‘Kapu’.”
The batch nodded before making their way into the small shop, seeing it crowded with many different weapons and droid parts. There was an alien at the head of the shop, which boggled Omega.
“What is he? He has so many arms.”
“A besalisk…” Echo explained quietly, “The female ones have up to eight arms.”
They approached the counter as the besalisk worked on a small device, using its multiple arms to hold parts and tools. Hunter cleared his throat.
“We’re looking for Kapu. We were sent by Cid.”
The besalisk nodded while looking up at them, “Clones? Huh, never thought Cid would give clones a chance!” He laughed, “Yeah, I’m Kapu. Come with me and we’ll meet the person who’ll be joining you on your mission.” He urged them with his multiple arms while walking through the back door of the shop. There was a small transport waiting with an Ewok driver. The ewok started yelling in its native language toward Kapu.
“I told you they’d get here when they get here! And here they are! Now come on! Let’s go!” Kapu got into the passenger's seat while the Batch piled up in the back, “Better hold on to something, he’s blind in one eye.”
The batch looked at each other nervously before the transport speeded off out of the city. They arrived at the base of the mountain and followed Kapu towards the small house built into it.
“She just came back from a mission, so let’s hope she’s in a good mood.” He knocked on the door, “I’m coming in, kid!”
He swung the door open, hitting a small droid.
“Aw gee, D-5, what were you doing there?!” Kapu groaned, picking the droid up.
The batch looked around the small house. It was hardly full with anything but basic living necessities. Omega immediately noticed the armor sitting on the table, admiring the visor of the helmet. She picked it up and looked at it closely.
“Wow, this helmet is really similar to yours, Echo! But it has some modifications similar to Tech’s, like the mouth guard, and a sniper’s glass like Crosshairs.”
Kapu placed the droid down and called out again, “Girl, where are you?!”
“I’m here, hold on!” You groaned, “I literally just got back, can’t I have some time?”
“No, boys from Cid are here.”
“Cid? Since when did you start taking jobs from Cid again?”
“Just get out here!” Kapu scolded, sitting down to look at D-5.
You walked through the back door and looked at him, “Did you break my droid again?!”
“He was in the way. These are Cid’s boys.”
You looked up and your breath caught in your throat from the sight in front of you. Hunter was there with Echo and Tech behind him, who were as shocked as you. Wrecker was busy looking at the helmet with Omega, but then Echo hit the side of his head.
“Ow! I thought you said you didn’t want any more head inj-” Wrecker got up and looked at you.
“Kapu, take the kid out back, she’ll help you fix D-5…”
Omega looked to Hunter, who nodded. She followed Kapu out and you closed the door gently behind them before turning back to the batch. You then moved closer to where Hunter was still standing with his brothers.
“I… I know this looks bad…” You stuttered, tears coming to your eyes, “I-I couldn’t let you-”
Hunter had engulfed you into a tight hug and sighed into your shoulder. You were rendered speechless, but returned the hug once you processed what was happening.
“Oh, cyare…” He whispered, pulling away slightly and placing his forehead against yours, “My love…”
After he let you go, Echo hugged you tight. Then Tech. Finally, Wrecker… who kneeled down in front of you and hugged you while digging his face into your stomach.
“We thought we lost you, ad’ika.”
“I’m so sorry…” You whispered, “I should’ve left something to explain, but I didn’t want the Kaminoans to do anything to any of you…”
“It was about the inhibitor chips… wasn’t it?” Echo asked.
You looked at him for a moment before nodding, “Yes…”
“Omega told us about them.” Hunter explained as you all settled down to talk, “Order 66… that’s what they were put in for…”
“To betray the Republic.”
“No. To kill the Jedi.” Echo explained.
“The Jedi?”
“Palpatine said the Jedi betrayed the Republic… tried to assassinate him.”
You shook your head, “No. No-”
“Rex explained it to us a bit further.”
“Rex? Rex is alright?”
“Yeah… we still had the chips in because they didn’t work for us during Order 66.”
“But Rex said we needed to take them out. They were still dangerous. We learned that through Wrecker and his multiple head injuries.” Tech stated.
You took a moment before looking back to them, “Cross… on Caetum, I heard the troopers talking about their new clone commander: Crosshair…”
“Yeah, his chip was working for him, then the Kaminoans improved it’s signal and now he’s with the Empire.”
“Wait, did you say Caetum?” Wrecker asked, “You went to stop the Separatists?”
You sighed, “I needed some time to get some credits and settle… but the Empire got there before I did and nothing really improved. I just got back from one of my last missions there, liberating people so they aren’t enslaved again… But there’s still so many that need help.”
“You’ve been busy, then?” Echo smiled which caused you to smile.
“I guess… but the last mission was a mess and I can’t go back anymore. The Empire is… more controlling than the Republic. They almost caught us last time.”
“‘Us’? You have a new team?”
“No, just some other mercenaries in it for money. Nothing exclusive.”
They all nodded and Wrecker spoke up, “Then maybe you could come back with us! Be a Batcher again!”
“Let’s not get too rash, Wrecker. We still need to get this job done.”
You nodded, “We’ll talk more after. Let’s go see what we’re in for.”
Wrecker cheered and you all walked out of the house. You saw Omega and Kapu sitting against your speeder while D-5 was rolling around.
“We fixed him up.” Kapu smiled.
“Thanks, his balance module was a bit out of place, maybe that was why he got hit by the door.”
“The kid did most of the work, actually.”
You nodded and looked at her, “Omega, right?”
“Yep. And… you’re ‘cyare’ according to Hunter.”
You laughed, “To him, Wrecker, Tech, and Echo… but you can call me Lodestar.”
“Good, ‘cause that would have been weird if I had to start calling you ‘darling’ or something like that.”
You shrugged, “I wouldn’t mind.”
You both laughed before turning to Kapu with the boys as he explained the job.
You fastened the last bit of your armor before picking up your helmet and heading back to your speeder. Omega was sitting in the back while helping Tech with something. Kapu lent two speeder bikes for Wrecker and Hunter to use so you all wouldn’t be packed in the speeder. You walked over to Hunter as he flipped his knife and grinned as he looked you over in slight shock.
“Weird seeing me in armor, huh?”
He smirked, “I think it’s about time, Lodestar.”
You shoved him playfully before he caught you and wrapped an arm around your waist.
“I’m surprised you all have warmed up to seeing me again. I was actually expecting to be yelled at by you or Echo.”
“We’ve been through a lot recently, yelling won’t make anything better...”
“If Crosshair were here, we’d go at it for sure.”
He nodded with a small hum, which made you cup his face, “Omega told me you had to leave him behind on Kamino… It’s okay, we’ll get him back.”
He nodded, leaning in to give you a kiss, but Kapu called.
“You better get going! Almost sundown!”
You turned to acknowledge him before turning back to Hunter, “We’ll have some time after the mission… I promise.”
You got into the speeder as Wrecker and Hunter started up their bikes.
“See you in the morning!” Kapu called, urging D-5 inside.
You put your helmet on before driving off.
Taglist: @darkangel4121 @lightning-wolffe @alucas528 @rintheemolion @shadowfoxey @butch-medusae @gabile18
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makeadealwithdean · 3 years
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Bleeding In Love
TW: Blood, Injury (wasn’t sure where to put this, just want everyone to be safe)
Hi, so this was supposed to be the first part of a two-part mini series, but my beta @downanddirtydean was quite insistent that I make this my very first series!! I’m very excited about this, so I’ll make you a deal: y’all give me some feedback and let me know if I should make it a full series or keep it as a mini series, and I’ll do whatever the consensus is. Thank you for reading!! xx
Divider: @firefly-graphics
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader x Dean Winchester; no wincest
Summary: Sam, Dean, and Reader are out on a hunt when the reader gets injured. It’s funny how life-threatening injuries make secrets spill out.
Word Count: 4032
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, blood (not that graphic, i think), injury, the boys take care of you, eventual smut (not in this part, sorry), i think that’s all :)
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Creak. Dean winced in front of you as the basement stairs underneath his feet sighed loudly. He looked back at you, almost as if waiting for confirmation to continue, not that Dean ever asked your permission for anything. Quite the opposite, actually. You, of course, nodded for him to keep moving, your hands wrapped tightly around the shotgun loaded with rock salt that you kept at the ready. The two of you crept down the rest of the stairs, you praying that the ancient house wasn’t as close to collapsing as it looked.
Once you reached the dirt floor, Dean spoke quietly next to you, “Okay, that sucker is definitely living off something from his old life, and I’m willing to bet it’s that hairbrush that we saw upstairs a few days ago. Something had to be moving it around, right?”
“Okay, I’ll take this side. You go that way,” you nodded, gesturing to the darkened area to your right. 
“Alright, but I won’t be far. Yell for me if you need help,” Dean was always fussing over you, despite the fact you’d been hunting since well before you met them. You’d had a contact in common, and Bobby, bless him, had introduced the three of you. So when your old hunting partner had died, they’d insisted you come stay with them at the Bunker “for as long as you want.” You weren’t about to turn down men as attractive as the Winchesters, and you might’ve harbored a little crush on-- well, both of them, so you agreed. You were sure you’d be able to get over your little crush(es) anyway, no big deal.
“As long as you want” had turned into almost two years, and now they considered the Bunker just as much your home as theirs. Good thing, too, because you didn’t exactly have anywhere else to go. It seemed like everyone you knew was dead. Such was the life of a hunter. The boys became your best friends, and the three of you grew closer than family. You hadn’t quite forgotten your feelings for the boys, but you were perfectly happy as things were. You got to spend every day with them anyway. No need to rock the boat.
“I’ll be back in a sec, De,” you laughed, rolling your eyes at Dean’s reminder. Every time he said that, and every time you were fine. 
You headed into the pitch black, fumbling until you got your flashlight on. You scanned the dusty room quickly, avoiding the support beams and hoping they’d stay supportive. After wandering around and finding nothing except shelves holding old jars that contained who knows what, you headed back towards the stairs and Dean’s side of the room.
Just as you were walking past the stairs to go and find Dean, the spirit flickered across the room. You lifted the shotgun, but it disappeared again, before you could take a shot. You started towards Dean again, almost calling out for him, but then something flew past your head, hitting the wall with a Clang! You turned towards the direction it had come from, just in time to duck, letting the glass jar that would’ve smacked you in the head shatter against the wall behind you.
“Dean!” you called. “Hey! Dean!” You fired back towards where the jar had come from, but you weren’t sure there was anything there to hit. You fired again anyway, as the ghost continued its assault on you, throwing whatever it could find laying around in the dingy basement.
It all happened so fast. You heard Dean call your name and his footsteps as he ran towards you. Above you, the basement door creaked open, and you really hoped it was Sam coming to help search the basement. Dean burst through a door, and finally, you saw his flashlight beam fall on you. Relieved, you lowered your gun for a split second and thud! something hard smacked your right temple, shattering and falling to the floor. You dropped instantly beside it, your head hitting the ground when you fell.
You heard Dean scream out “NO!” and the footsteps on the stairs grew much louder, pounding into your head. “Y/N!” Sam thundered down the remaining stairs and immediately knelt beside you, his hands pressing to your head, trying to see where you’d been hit. You heard Dean yell “Fuck!” and fire again. “Sammy, get her out of here! I’ll take care of this bastard--” 
Wordlessly, Sam gathered your crumpled body into his arms and headed back up to the main floor of the house, taking the stairs two at a time. You fought to stay awake in his arms. You probably had a concussion; if not from the glass hitting your head, then definitely from your head smacking the hard ground. Surely, if you just closed your eyes for a second, it wouldn’t hurt, right?
Sam spoke to you, saying something you couldn’t quite make out. When had he set you down? His hand tapped your cheek frantically, “Y/N, you gotta stay awake. C’mon, focus on me.” You peeled your eyes open and saw he’d put you down on the old couch in the living room. He knelt beside your head, shotgun gripped tightly and aimed at the door to the basement you’d just come out of. 
Sure enough, you saw the specter appear in front of you. At least it didn’t have anymore shit to throw. Sam fired, and the ghost flickered, disappearing only to reappear somewhere to your left. Sam fired again and again, fending off the spirit and effectively keeping it from coming anywhere close to you.
This time, the ghost appeared behind the couch you were laying on. Sam aimed over your head and fired, but nothing happened. He dropped the gun, and the ghost crept closer to you, smiling evilly down at you with its crooked and rotted teeth. You tried to cry out for Sam, but it came out as more of a groan. You heard a grunt, and something flashed above you, passing through the spirit and dissolving it. Sam huffed next to you, fire iron in hand. His chest rose and fell as he scanned the room frantically for the next place the spirit would pop up.
Which happened to be right in front of the basement door. The spirit hissed as Sam advanced on it, looking positively dangerous. Suddenly, the specter froze, looking down at its chest where it had burst into flames. It screeched as it burned, dissolving into a column of flame before vanishing. Sam dropped the fire iron, rushing back to your side, just as you hear more pounding footsteps on the stairs. 
Sam brushes your hair away from your face, speaking softly to you, “You’re gonna be just fine, Y/N. We’re gonna get Dean and go right back to the room to fix you up, good as new.” Dean appeared at the top of the stairs, hurrying to your side in a heartbeat. He took one look at your eyes, struggling not to close, and nudged his brother insistently.
“How’s she doing, Sam?” His eyes scanned nervously up and down your body, as if making sure you weren’t hiding any more injuries from them.
Sam’s fingers gently brushed against your temple. “The bleeding stopped here, so I think she’ll be okay,” he spoke, lifting you gingerly into his strong arms once again. “We should just get her back to the room, so I can make sure she hasn’t got any other injuries we need to worry about.”
“Okay good,” Dean sighed in relief. “Let’s go.” He hurried for the impala, Sam close behind him, still assuring you it would be alright. You leaned your head against his chest, not even having the energy to attempt to respond.
When they reached the car, Dean opened the backdoor for Sam to lay you down on the backseat. When you figured out what he was trying to do, your eyes flew open, fist closing around the front of Sam’s shirt, “No…” you whined. 
Sam looked surprised at your voice, “No? It’s okay, Y/N/N. I’m just gonna put you down in the back of the Impala, okay?”
You wondered if he thought you didn’t know where you were. “I know,” you said, trying to shake off at least a little of the daze you’d been in since the basement. “Just-- you stay with me. Please?”
Sam looked up at Dean, who’d already gone around to the driver’s side, as if asking permission. Dean nodded, getting into the car, and Sam murmured, “Okay, sweet girl. Let’s get you settled.”
You didn’t protest this time, and somehow he managed to maneuver his huge frame and your tiny one into the backseat without bumping anything. You sat more upward now on his lap, legs resting on the other side of him, and your head tucked under his chin leaning gently up against his shoulder. His strong arms held you tight against his body, one hand brushing your hair away from your forehead every so often. 
Sam’s hands ran up and down your arms, simultaneously trying to comfort you and keep you awake. He was worried about you. He couldn’t help it. He didn’t think your injury was too bad, but he hadn’t had a chance to really look at it to make sure. The fact that the bleeding had stopped and you were already starting to shake off the hazy look in your eyes was comforting to him, but he couldn’t be too careful. After all, he couldn’t risk losing you, and he knew Dean couldn’t either. 
Sam knew for a fact that his brother had quite the crush on you, and if he was honest, he did, too. But from what he could tell, Dean had been gone for you since the day Bobby had introduced the three of you. Sam himself had caught feelings not long after, but seeing as how you lived with them now, and they didn’t want to risk messing that up, neither of them had said a word, aside from Dean’s usual flirting that he did with everyone. Sam was almost content just being your best friend. Almost.
Dean’s eyes kept flicking back to check on you in the rearview mirror. He hoped Sam had been right when he said you’d be okay. He didn’t even want to think about what he’d do if you weren’t. As much as he hated to admit it to himself, he knew he was head over heels. He started praying mentally to Cas, thoughts swirling through his brain, making it hard for him to focus. ‘Uh, hey, Cas, so Y/N got hit in the head pretty hard. I-- I think she’ll be okay, just please, don’t let anything too bad happen to her.’ 
Dean knew there wasn’t much of a point to his prayer. Whatever the damage was, it had already happened, but at the least, he could give Cas a heads up in case there was something really wrong. At any rate, it made him feel better. He clenched his jaw and gripped the steering wheel tightly, gaze fixed on the two-lanes stretched out before him.
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The wheels of the impala squealed as Dean pealed into the parking lot of the motel. Sam rocked slightly with the movement of the car, still holding you tightly in his lap as he tried to keep still. The last thing you needed was to be flung across the back seat due to Dean’s frantic driving. Dean threw the car in park and flung the door to the backseat open. He took one look at you before his eyes found Sam’s. He hurriedly reached for you, gesturing for Sam to pass you to him, and asked, “how is she?”
Sam clambered out behind him, following with the motel key as Dean carried you to the door of their room, “I don’t know, Dean. I tried to keep her awake, and she looked like she was coming back to herself, but-- well, I don’t know, she’s still conscious, right?” He fumbled with the door until finally it swung open, and Sam ducked inside, holding the door for Dean to follow with you still cradled in his arms. 
Your head lolled against Dean’s chest as your eyes fluttered weakly. You blinked and winced as Sam turned on the light, hiding your face further in Dean’s chest. He looked down at your movement, “Yeah, Sam, she’s awake for right now, but come help me check her out.”
“Yeah, I’m on it, just let me grab a towel or something,” Sam ducked into the bathroom, and Dean heard the water running. 
Taking a few steps forward, he laid you gently down onto the bed, arranging the pillow so you could lie comfortably. He sat on the edge of the bed right next to you and tried to brush your tangled hair away from the cut that stretched from your temple to your forehead and to your hairline, but your hair was matted with mostly dried blood. His fingers ran softly down the side of your face. ‘I just can’t lose you. No way, maybe Cas could--’
“Dean?” you spoke, barely getting out a whisper, but jolting Dean from his thoughts all the same. You tried to sit up, or at least look around a bit, but Dean stopped you with a gentle grip on your shoulders.
“Shh, shh, shh, sweetheart. You hit your head pretty hard. You’re gonna be okay, Sammy and I are gonna make sure of it, but you gotta lay real still for me, okay?”
You nodded slightly, wincing at your movement. Just then, Sam came back from the bathroom with a soft towel and a warm washcloth. Dean moved out of the way and to the other side of the bed so he could stay next to you without being in Sam’s way. 
Sam knelt on the floor beside you, almost as tall as Dean had been sitting on the bed, and his fingers brushed gently where Dean’s had been a minute before. He started to gently clean the area around the cut, wiping off the blood so he could inspect your cut better. You whimpered at the tiny amount of pressure he placed in the cut, even as gentle as he was.
He murmured soft apologies and gestured for Dean to pass him the bottle of alcohol, which sat on the bedside table. Dean did, and Sam made eye contact with you, “Okay, this is gonna sting a little bit, but we can’t let it get infected, so be my brave girl for just a second, ‘kay?”
You murmured agreement as he set the washcloth just under your cut and carefully poured the whiskey over it. You whimpered and hissed as the alcohol burned the raw skin. It felt like it was sizzling, and your eyes screwed shut in a wince. Sam and Dean both hovered over you, hushing you gently.
“Good job, sweetheart,” Dean soothed, brushing your hair back from your face on the opposite side from your injury. “Mhm,” Sam nodded, grabbing some cotton balls from the little bag resting beside him and dabbing at the cut, making sure to clean it thoroughly. When he was done, he stood up and gestured for Dean to follow him.
Dean stood up and walked around the side of the bed, following Sam to where he stood next to the little table by the motel room door. “Yeah, what’s up?” Dean whispered, once he and Sam were face to face. His hand swept across his mouth and chin as it was prone to do when he got anxious.
“You need to call, Cas,” Sam whispered, nodding towards the bed where you lay. “I didn’t wanna say it in front of her. Didn’t wanna worry her, and the cut itself isn’t that bad, but I’m worried about her head. I mean, it could be fine, but the nearest hospital is hours away. You know how head injuries are… you don’t catch them in time, and suddenly…” He trailed off, rubbing the back of his head anxiously. 
“Yeah, alright, well, I’ve been calling Cas, but I guess he’s in the middle of something, cause he sure as hell ain’t here,” Dean huffed.
“You’ve got a better shot than me, getting him here, and you know it, so keep praying,” Sam’s eyes were now fixed over Dean’s shoulder to where you lay on the bed, watching them, barely keeping your eyes open, but wanting to know what they were whispering about all the same.
“Sammy?” you called, seeing him looking at you. Sam’s heart broke a little hearing the weakness in your voice. He stepped around Dean and was by your side in two of his massive strides. 
“Yeah, honey?” He wasn’t entirely sure where ‘honey’ had come from, but you didn’t seem at all upset about it. He sat down on the side of the bed next to you, hand immediately reaching to push your hair back from your forehead.
“How bad is it? It’s okay, right?” Ah, the question he’d been dreading. He didn’t want to lie to you, but he also didn’t want to worry you. His heart broke a little more at the sight of your trembling lip. He guessed his and Dean’s reactions weren’t helping you not to worry.
“Well, uh, you might be okay, but you got hit pretty hard, and uh-- well, I just, I don't know the most about head injuries, but if it’s serious then, you either need a hospital or Cas.”
“I’d much prefer Cas,” you winced. The second his name left your mouth, the angel appeared with a whoosh on the other side of the bed. Dean gestured, exasperated, and got up from the table by the door where he’d been sitting.
“I am sorry I couldn’t come sooner,” Cas began, hands already raised as Dean stalked towards him. Eyes narrowed, Dean opened his mouth, probably in preparation to chew Cas out, but Cas continued, “I was needed in Heaven. I’m sorry.”
He walked around the side of the bed to stand next to your head. “Hello, Y/N. I’m just gonna--” he rested his hand on top of your forehead, and a blinding light washed through you from it. You felt your body knitting itself back together, and the massive pressure in your head was relieved. Your eyes drooped, and the pain melted away, leaving you incredibly tired.
Cas sighed in relief, “She’s fine now. She’ll probably be exhausted though, so it’s best you don’t go anywhere for a day or so.”
Dean came forward and clapped his hand down on Cas’ shoulder, “Thanks, buddy. We appreciate it.”
“Of course, Dean. Anything I can do to help,” Cas was visibly drained, and you felt badly about that, but concentrating on anything was becoming increasingly difficult by the second. Your eyes fluttered shut again, and the last thing you heard before drifting off was the deep rumble of Sam’s voice thanking Cas again.
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“Y/N/N. Hey sweetheart, wake up for me, okay?” You opened your eyes slightly, squinting as they adjusted to the light. Dean’s wrinkled brow came into view, and you smiled up at him slightly. He was just so cute when he worried about you like that. 
“Hi De,” you murmured sleepily, rubbing your eyes. 
“Hi honey,” he smiled back. “Can you sit up a little bit and have some water? I bet you’re dehydrated.”
“I’m okay, Dean,” you said, accepting the glass he held to your lips anyway. You took several long sips to appease the man sitting in front of you before turning your head away. Dean let the glass rest on his knee as he brushed his hand over your forehead, as if checking for a temperature.
“Dean, I’m fine,” you insisted. “Really. Cas fixed me up good as new, I promise.”
“We were really worried about you there for a minute, Y/N,” he said. “I mean, you were kinda in and out a bit. Not sure if you noticed. Sammy thought you might’ve had some internal bleeding, and we didn’t know what we were gonna do if Cas didn’t show--” he sighed, rubbing his forehead with the palm of his hand.
Sam sighed from the other bed, “Yeah, it was bad for awhile. I don’t know how much you remember…” he trailed off. He wondered if you’d even remember the pet names he’d called you while you were injured. He hadn’t even meant to-- they’d just slipped out in his frenzy to try and help you. If you did remember though, he was pretty sure you’d know how he felt about you.
Hell, that would complicate things. He was almost 100% positive you knew how Dean felt about you. It was hard not to. Dean was so caring and gentle with you, yet so gruff with everyone else. He was pretty sure you liked Dean back, too, and he didn’t want to stand in the way of yours and his brother’s happiness.
“I remember you saving me. So thank you for that, both of you,” you took Dean’s hand and rested your joined hands on his knee. You turned your head, meeting Sam’s eyes and reached out your hand towards him, too, gesturing for him to sit beside you as well. He got up from the other bed and sat on the other side of you, leaving enough space between you to be respectful. 
You rolled your eyes and gestured him closer. With your permission, he came a bit closer and reached for your face, as if to cup your cheek in his big hand, before hesitating. You leaned your head closer to his hand, closing the gap between you. Sam caught his breath and nervously glanced at his brother, who had been watching you both since Sam had come from the other bed. 
Dean gave him a little nod as if granting him permission to touch you, and Sam directed his attention back to you.
“Oh, sweet girl,” he sighed, “we were so worried about you. ‘M so glad you’re okay.” He took your other hand in both of his, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand in the comforting way only Sam could.
You cleared your throat, mind racing. Were you really about to say this to them? Hopefully, you weren’t reading them wrong, and they really did feel the same way for you as you did for them. But how would they react to you wanting them both? You could only guess.
“I have to tell you both something.” They looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to continue. You could only hope it was already obvious. You’d hate to scare them both off. Then, what would you do? Where would you even go? Maybe this wasn’t the best idea. Maybe you should just shut up and pretend this never-- “I like you. Both.”
They blinked at you. Had they even heard you? A panicky feeling started to well up in your chest, but then Dean spoke.
“Okay, sweetheart.” ‘Okay’? That’s all this man had to say? No shock, no disgust, no ‘that’s wrong. you have to pick one’?
Then, Sam spoke, “I like you, too, Y/N. And I know Dean does. We’re glad you feel the same way. And I just want you to know that it’s okay with me that you have feelings for the both of us.” He nodded at Dean. “Sometimes that’s just what happens, and it doesn’t make your feelings for either one of us less valid.”
“Yeah,” Dean cleared his throat. “Believe it or not, Sammy and I have had feelings for the same girl before. Now, she only had feelings for Sam, but we’d discussed what we’d have done if she’d liked us both.”
He and Sam exchanged a look, one of those brother looks that meant they were having an entire conversation without speaking aloud. They turned back towards you, looking you in the eyes, as Sam spoke.
“If having both of us is really what you want, we’re willing to share.”
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Thank you so much for reading!! If you think this should be a series, please let me know down below! xx
Tags: If you would like to be added to my tag list, send me an ask, or put it in the comments. If you don’t want to be tagged or you want to change which list you’re on, please send me an ask, and I’ll take care of that for you asap :)
Forevers: @downanddirtydean  @deanwanddamons @katelynw93 @zooaliaa @jensengirl83 @superfanficnatural @deangirl93 @that-one-gay-girl
Dean Winchester: @akshi8278​
Sam Winchester: @watermelonlipstick​  
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3pirouette · 3 years
Fic: Hello, Darling (1/1)
Title: Hello, Darling By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette Disclaimer: They're not mine. Distribution: AO3  Anyone else please ask first :)
Story Summary:  Instead, he reached for his phone. He hit the only button that seemed to matter at the moment.
Her voice was warm. “Hello, darling.”
“Peg,” he sighed, closing his eyes. “Oh, your voice is just what I needed.”
Angst. Satisfies the Fake Dating a square for the Steggy Bingo Bash. AU, obviously.
A/N: Timeline is as close to sort-of right as I can make it for an AU. 2017 is post Civil War, 2016 is during Civil War, 2014 is during AOU, other time stamps should be self-explanatory. I hope this makes as much sense for everyone else as it does to me- this concept was a little hard to get on paper. I wrote this in about... 2 hours? Couldn’t sleep until I got this out of my brain. Also, I’m sorry. Please get some tissues. More AN at the end.
~*~ 2017
Steve flopped on the bed, wiping his forehead. They’d been training, hard, and he was drained. He and Natasha were spending their days whipping the new iteration of the team into shape and spent their nights sweet talking whatever government officials would listen to them while still trying to stay off the grid.
Their position in multiple areas was shaky, to say the least.
When he couldn’t sleep, which was most of the time, he wrote letters to Bucky, who was still in stasis in Wakanda. The letter writing was a calming ritual, and made him feel closer to his friend when he was doing it, but when he saved the letter instead of sending it, it left him feeling a little more alone than when he started.
He didn’t want to move tonight. He felt empty and exhausted and so very, very much like the small man he used to be on the rickety old bed.
He looked at the second-hand laptop, closed and charging on his desk, and turned away. He couldn’t take that feeling tonight.
Instead, he reached for his phone. He hit the only button that seemed to matter at the moment.
Her voice was warm. “Hello, darling.”
“Peg,” he sighed, closing his eyes. “Oh, your voice is just what I needed.”
Her voice was warm, and there was a smile in it. “Well, I’m just a phone call away, as always.”
“Yeah,” he replied, just a hint of sadness seeping through. He took a deep breath and shifted up on the pillows, closing his eyes and holding the phone tighter to his ear. “We were training again today.”
“How are they pulling together?” She asked, bright and interested. “Has Wanda gained more control?”
“Every day,” he replied quickly, a smile quirking at his face. “She’s more powerful than I think any of us were prepared for, even her. She’s still doubting herself, though.”
Peggy chuckled through the phone. “After what she went through, I’d doubt myself if I were her, too.”
Steve rolled to the side, pulling a pillow tight into his arms. “True.”
“Give her time,” Peggy soothed him. “Think about how long it took you to get the hang of your new body.”
He laughed out loud at that. “What, all thirty seconds or so?”
“I seem to recall you crashing through a store’s front window display fairly immediately.” Her laugh was like bells, light and happy. “Though that was followed by months of tests, followed by months of kick lines.”
Steve groaned at the memories. “The tights… and those boots.”
“I rather liked the tights,” Peggy flirted. “Though, the point of my mentioning, is that it took you rather a few months in the field to figure out you could lift a tank, and that became one of your favorite tricks. Give the poor girl some slack.”
“Actually, fitting my entire body behind my shield was one of my favorites.”
“I still don’t know how you do that.” She sighed. “But it is quite a trick.”
“She is getting the hang of it,” Steve relented. “It’s just been… hard.”
“I can hear the weariness in your voice.” She was soft and gentle. Steve closed his eyes and pretended he was wrapping himself around her. “Have you been taking care of yourself?” She sighed when he didn’t answer. “Steve…”
“I don’t know how…” he drifted off, changing course mid-sentence. “I’m tired, Peg. I’m tired of fighting and running but that’s… that’s all that’s left.” He rolled to his back, throwing his free arm over his head, some of the plaster of the wall of the old boarding house falling on his forehead. He wiped it away with a heavy groan of frustration. “Back then, I had so many plans. After the war…”
“We shan’t be going there, darling.” Her voice left no room for argument.
He was quiet for a moment, the emotion boiling up in him. When he finally spoke, his words were soft. “I miss you. I miss you so, so much.”
The pause was almost too long, and it broke him just a little bit more. “I’m here, Steve. Only a phone call away.”
He sat up, frustrated. “For a little while I had it- I had everything. I had you, I had Buck, I had new friends, and I could… I was…”
“You were almost happy,” she whispered. “We’ve said these words too many times.”
“I don’t…” He took a deep breath and let his head fall to his hand. “I don’t know how to move past it. I can pretend I’m ok, but… but I’m not.” He laughed to himself. “I wouldn’t be calling you if I were ok.”
“I’m here for you, Steve,” she replied sharply. “You call me when you need to call me, when you want to call me. Good or bad. I just wish… I wish there was more good.”
“Me, too.” He cleared his throat, sitting up. “Tell me something good, Peg.”
He thought he could hear a smile in her voice. “Pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, eh, Rogers? Well, then, I can tell you that yesterday I came across a very silly video of a sneezing baby Panda and no matter what your mood, I promise you’ll feel better if you watch it.”
He pulled the phone away from his cheek when it vibrated in his hand, the video popping up on his screen. He laughed, despite himself.
“You always know exactly what I need,” he mumbled out loud.
Her chuckle was soft, just like he remembered. “Lucky, I guess.”
“I love you so, so much, Peg.” He turned serious. “I wish… I wish I could see you.”
“I love you, too, my darling.” She replied softly. “And I’m only ever just a phone call away.”
He could feel the familiar pangs of depression swirling, and knew talking longer would do him no good. Not tonight. “I should… I should go.”
“Good night then, my love.” Peggy’s words were so full of love he could scarcely believe it. “Don’t wait too long to call again.”
He didn’t answer her, just nodded to himself. “Good night, Peg.”
He pulled the phone away from his ear, looked at it, and tossed it across the bed. Like his letters to Bucky, sometimes he felt worse after talking with her. He laid back on the bed, the springs creaking under him.
He wasn’t going to sleep tonight, not with the way his gut was roiling and the loss so close to the surface. Her voice was always a double-edged sword. Some nights, it was enough to bring him back to life, to remind him of whatever little purpose he felt he had left.
Sometimes, it was only filled with loss and the could-have-beens and should-have-beens.
Sometimes, he wished Tony had never given her back to him.
~*~ 1988
“Anthony, get this blasted thing out of my face.”
“Come on, Aunt Peg, no one is better at telling me what to do than you are.”
Peggy looked up from where she sat at the table in what was supposed to be a dining room, but was often used as an extended work space when Peggy and Howard had to pull long nights. “Under no circumstances.”
Tony pulled a chair up next to her and held out the tape recorder towards her. “Under all circumstances.” He started ticking it off on his fingers. “When I almost blew up the garage when I was eight. First time I got caught with a girl in my room. First time I got caught with booze in my room. First time I tried to create a jet pack. Who yelled at me? You did.”
Peggy pursed her lips at him and turned in her chair. “Concerned correction.”
He smiled, shrugging. “See? Concern, correction… all things I’m going to need in the future.”
Peggy swiveled back and picked up a file, eyes firmly set on the writing though she wasn’t reading anything. “Things you need now.” She didn’t look up. “Can’t you go badger Jarvis? Edwin has far more practice at humoring you.”
He laughed and smiled sweetly, moving the tape recorder in front of her. “Indulge your Godson in an experiment?”
“I seem to indulge you Starks far more than I’d like.” She leaned back in the chair and tossed the file back on the table. “Tell me about it.”
“Well, you see, I actually need you to tell me…”
~*~ 2014
Tony hadn’t looked at these cartridges in years. He pulled FRIDAY up and loaded her, knowing the program would make do for now. He could make some upgrades, and mourn Jarvis, later.
He ran his fingers over the last few cartridges as FRIDAY was integrated into his systems and found one that he hadn’t thought about in decades. It had been so long that the ink was almost faded completely away.
He didn’t need the label to remind him what was on there. He remembered each story, each lesson, each crisp English word with a sharpness that he liked to pretend didn’t exist. It was the only AI that was as old as Jarvis.
Tony laughed out loud. There was no way Ultron would have come to be if this was the AI he’d chosen to run his life with instead of Jarvis. She never would have allowed it.
She never would have allowed half of his shenanigans. She had been right all those years ago: Jarvis had always indulged him more. Aunt Peggy had no qualms about telling him, and often stopping him, when he was about to do something stupid, whereas Jarvis would give him an exasperated sir and follow behind, helping to clean up the mess.
He could have used some of her guidance so, so many times since he built that armor. Before, too, to be honest. He should have revisited her AI years ago.
He should visit her in the nursing home.
He knew exactly why he didn’t.  
He flipped the cartridge onto his work desk and slid the rest back into their box to be stored. Save the world first, tongue lashing from his Godmother second.
~*~ 2015
The icon showed up on his phone one day without explanation. Two hours later the text from Tony was nearly as mysterious.
Click the icon and you’ll be routed to an update on an old project, kind of like a phone call. Totally sanctioned, of course. I think she’ll get a kick out of it.
When he told her one day in the nursing home, she laughed.
“That boy had me record hours and hours of tape,” Peggy smiled. “I wondered if he ever got around to making it. I would have rather liked to have another one of myself around while I was still running SHIELD.”
“So, you did know,” Steve asked, “that Tony made an AI of you?”
Peggy looked at him, her eyes sharp and disapproving. “Of course, I knew. And while I didn’t ever say it, I was quite insulted that he eventually chose Jarvis over me.” She sat up in her hospital bed, gray hair falling in waves around her face. “Dial it up, let’s see what he got right, shall we?”
~*~ 2016
He was still in his suit and tie, his cheeks puffy with the tears he only let himself shed in the privacy of his hotel room. The church had been hard, but letting the coffin settle into the cold dirt had been harder.
She was gone.
And he was alone.
He picked up his phone, intent on checking his flight for the morning when an icon he scrolled past daily caught his eye.
He rubbed his thumb over the edge of the screen, temped.
He checked his flight, but it was perfunctory and he couldn’t recall, by the time his thumb hit the other icon, if it was still on time or not.
Slowly he lifted the phone to his ear. He knew from the few times he’d called at the nursing home with her that there wouldn’t be a ring tone, and that he had to be the first one to talk. “Hello?”
Her voice through the line was young and vibrant, the way her remembered it from all those years back: red rimmed lips and bright eyes in just the vibration of sound.
He lost his breath.
“I’m so glad you called,” her voice was happy, bright.
He’d just left her in the ground, and yet…
“Peggy.” He barely got the word out, the emotion choking him.
“Are you alright, Steve?”
“No, I…” he couldn’t speak. He didn’t want to continue, but couldn’t tear himself away.
“I’m right here, Steve.” Her voice was warm and welcoming, like honey and home and everything he was missing. “Tell me when you’re ready.”
He was quiet for a moment. He contemplated hanging up and deleting the icon.
Instead, he spoke, his words broken and full of loss. “I miss you.”
Her voice wrapped around him through the phone, “And I miss you, darling. But I’m right here. I’m just a phone call away, any time you like.”
He nearly laughed the way her words warmed him. She was so real- had always been every time he talked to the AI.
But she wasn’t real- just an amalgamation of information Tony had stored for decades.
He held the phone away for a second, contemplating his choices. He wanted to walk away, but the loss was still so raw. He pulled the phone back to his ear.
Just for today.
He told himself he’d pretend just for today.
Over the phone, he could pretend she wasn’t dead. Could pretend she hadn’t aged and lived on without him.
Just for today, just until he could get past this pain, he could pretend.
“I guess,” he cleared his throat, trying to banish the thickness in it from the tears, “I guess I should call more often, then.”
“Absolutely. I will accept nothing less, Captain.”
He smiled and sat on the bed, tears falling from his eyes as he listened to her voice.
It was just for today.  
~*~ End Notes: Saved this to the end to avoid giving this away. Deeply inspired by Hayley Atwell’s episode of Black Mirror, “Be Right Back.” If you haven’t seen it, you should.
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furashuban · 3 years
As High As The Moon Above
The first work so far of a Hilda AU I’ve written centered around Kaisa and Johanna but as childhood friends (which I’ve titled the Spellbound AU)!  Hope ya’ll enjoy!
Pairing: Sketchbook Ship (Kaisanna)
Words: 5.5k
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33556615/chapters/83380660
Summary: Kaisa must practice casting a new spell before her next training session with her teacher, Tildy. In response, her best friend Johanna, unbeknownst that Kaisa is training to become a witch, offers to take her along on a camping trip outside the wall of Trolberg to help her concentrate.
A cart of books strolled and squeaked through the halls of the Trolberg library. The keeper of the books went about their business reshelving heaps upon heaps of returned literature, glimpsing every aisle they passed with most having little to no visitors browsing the shelves. They eventually spot a girl in a black cardigan and purple dress, complimented by her short black hair, muttering as she struggled to return a single book into a column two spaces above her head. The librarian lets go of the cart to approach the tiptoeing visitor.
 “I can help with that, Kaisa,” they offered warmly. “Please, allow me.”
 “No, that’s okay.” The girl spoke in a heavy Nordic accent. “Almost got it…” She grunted again before successfully sliding her book through the shelf. “There.”
 The librarian noticed a stack of other books carried around Kaisa’s arm as she walked away to the next aisle. Thinking that she would turn down her assistance if she offered again, the librarian simply grinned and nodded, returning to her cart to reshelve on their own.
 Kaisa was now at the second floor with her books. One might think she was merely volunteering to aid in the librarian’s duties, but in truth, she spent half the day at the library to read as many books as she possibly could. Some were finished cover-to-cover, others she only read half way through, but promised to come back for until she was absorbed enough to borrow and reread them home; only in the library could she bring herself to finish a book in its entirety.
She made it to the end of the second floor’s hall where a bookshelf had a column within reach, as well as space between other books, which luckily for Kaisa was meant for all the books on her pile alone, and slid every book into it at once before heaving a sigh of relief.
 Onto the next stack she could gather, thinking to herself. But out of nowhere, a feeling of suspicion coincided with her imagination and stood frozen before the bookshelf. Kaisa began pulling out books slightly and placing them back a second after. She hummed, now peering behind the gap between the walls and bookcase and ran her hand through the edges, all the while someone new was walking towards her direction.
 “…Oh, there you are!” another person’s voice spoke jubilantly behind her. “Almost thought you left already, been looking everywhere for you.”
 Kaisa turned around; the voice was all too familiar. In front of her was a girl the same age as she was, brown hair that tied into a ponytail and wearing a Sparrow Scout uniform. She smiled as she stood, bringing excitement to Kaisa’s heart.
 “You’re back from your badge work!” her whole face lit up.
 “Yep! Just earned my Geology Badge today, so that’s one more to my sash and for the ceremony.” The Sparrow Scout explained proudly.
 “Stolt över dig, Johanna.” Kaisa applauded. “And the badge ceremony is soon, right?”
 “Well, it’s only a month from now.” Johanna pointed out. “Actually, I was hoping you would be able to come and attend, if you won’t be busy, of course.”
 Kaisa reached for the brunette’s hand and held it up with both her palms. “I would not miss it for anything.” She guaranteed excitedly, making her best friend blush and glance away overjoyed.
 “…So, um, what have you been up to?” Johanna asked. “…apart from reading that is.”
 “I was looking for secret doors in the library.” Kaisa explained, turning back to the bookshelf. “There must be whole other rooms with more books hidden in the shelves somehow.”
 Johanna walked closer to the colossal shelf of literature and helped inspect with Kaisa. “Have you tried pulling every book like it was a lever?” she suggested, also wanting to be inquisitive of rooms behind the library walls.
 “Almost all of them, yes.” Kaisa nodded. “Do you think this might be the wrong shelf?”
 “Personally, the library is already kinda big on its own. It’ll take ages to find where the right one is.” Johanna admitted. “But hey, if we don’t find them, you can always add them when you become the future librarian.”
 “You know…” Kaisa turned back to Johanna. “That’s exactly what I’ll do…!”
 Johanna had known Kaisa’s dreams of being the keeper of books for as long as she could remember. She enjoyed visiting the Trolberg library just as much as anyone else, but she never met anybody who treated it like it was their own home the same way Kaisa did. One could write a fairytale of a girl who lived here, she thought at one point, and wanted to be the protagonist adventurer who would come to befriend her. That idea came back to her briefly as she faced an enthusiastic Kaisa, and for that reason, she giggled quietly; the fairytale might actually be true.
 Before the two girls could continue their conversation, a figure stood over and caught their attention. They looked up on a woman suiting a long, sophisticated gray dress and a decorative hat reminiscent to what witch’s wear.
 “Oh, hello Arch Sorcer…I MEAN Tildy…” Kaisa stammered. “What brings you here…?”
 The woman smiled warmly at the girl to reassure her tension. “Nothing much, my dear.” She spoke in a gentle tone. “Just came looking for a book to bring home and all.”
 She peeped over the closest bookshelf and quickly skimmed through it before pulling out a novel that read The Skeleton Whisperer on the cover. “Ah yes, this will do.” she said. “I suppose you’re here continuing extra work on your training.”
 “Yes, ma’am.” Kaisa gave a half smile. “I just finished, but I can continue if you insist that I do…”
 “No need to stress.” Tildy assured. “I know you’ve worked quite hard today. Catch your breath and continue your studies tomorrow.” She turned her attention to Johanna. “You and your friend deserve the time to respite.”
 The sorceress-in-secret kneeled down to Kaisa and whispered on her ear. “Also, I couldn’t help but overhear your suggestions on secret rooms,” she continued. “I think it’s a great idea. We’ll talk about it with the Committee next time we head down the tower.”
 And with her borrowed book, the mysterious woman walked onwards. “Adieu, children.” She said before making her way downstairs with her borrowed book.
 “See you soon madame Pilqu…Tildy, I mean.” Kaisa also bid farewell.
 “I thought you were just here waiting before we could hang out.” Johanna expressed.
 “I was.” retorted Kaisa. “But I tried catching up with some studies, too, for when I meet with Tildy again.”
 “Who was she anyway?” asked Johanna. “She seemed very…enigmatic, sort of, but sweet.”
 “She’s my teacher.” Kaisa answered. “I took up her apprenticeship long ago, but I’m not allowed to talk about it too much...”
 Johanna could fathom; never once had Kaisa talked about any apprenticeship before. She now looked distressed once she saw her teacher was here, stroking down her locks to the point her bangs nearly covered her eyes. The Sparrow Scout could feel her frown forming by seeing Kaisa’s own, now wishing to know much about this part of her friend’s life she had not known previously.
 “Do you not get along with her, Kaisa?” asked Johanna.
 “Oh, she’s actually really nice to me, kind of like my farmor.” she replied. “It’s just that…Well, I don’t know…” she paused, squirming from hesitation. She said it herself, she was not allowed to talk about her sessions with Tildy, whether it was what she was being taught or what she was even learning to become. But she knew Johanna will be left with loads of questions if she did not reveal much about her apprenticeship starting now.
 Kaisa sighed, maybe she did not have to reveal a lot of the truth to Johanna if she really wanted to explain her vexation. “So, look, there’s this sort of… “routine” we’ll call it, that Tildy is letting me practice until next week.” she continued. “As usual, I need to prepare by studying a lot first, but it’s hard to actually practice where I live. There’s not enough privacy to do the routine with my mum around, and if I don’t get it right when I meet Tildy, well, I’m afraid I’ll disappoint her…”
 Almost instantly, Johanna brainstormed the perfect solution to Kaisa’s ordeal. “Wait a sec, Kaisa, I know exactly how you can practice.” she beamed. “But the catch is, I might have to accompany you the whole time.”
 “What do you mean?” Kaisa asked.
 “I’ll be going camping this weekend!” clarified Johanna. “My parents allowed me to go so I can prepare for my camping badge, but what they don’t know is that I plan to settle outside the walls.” she extended her hand and swung it across. “I’m going as far away from the city as I can, remote into the wilderness, and maybe just close enough to my grandad’s old house if I’m lucky. And to top it off, you can come with me!”
 Kaisa’s face went white. “So you’re saying I should I join you…in going outside the walls?”
 “Yep, exactly!” Johanna expressed. “Think about it, there will still be time to prepare and see your teacher after you’re done practicing in the trip, and no one else can find you practicing in the wilderness. Besides, it’ll be fun with just you and me in the outdoors!”
 “Oh, I don’t know, Johanna…” Kaisa faltered. “I could…But it sounds a bit risky. And you would still be around when I start practicing, so that’s still a problem for me.”
 “Well, it’s no worries then,” the brunette reassured. “It was just worth the suggestion, but I understand.”
 A bit of quietness befell for the two girls. Kaisa glanced away and envisioned Johanna’s planned escapade outside the walls. Maybe letting her leave while being the only person to know about it was not such a good idea. Anything could happen in the wilderness, and Kaisa shuddered to think what harm would come to Johanna when she could have personally protected her the same way she would if they camped together.
 Kaisa returned to glancing at Johanna. “Promise me you will not tell anyone about my training…?” she said.
 Johanna gasped and smiled all at once. “Don’t worry, you can trust me.” she swore.  
 Kaisa grabbed hold of Johanna’s shoulders. “Johanna, no one can ever know about what I practice.” she continued with visible anxiety in her complexion. “I will get in trouble, and it will be worse for you, and something bad will happen to both of us somehow.” her voice became twice as strained and her grip slowly tightened. “Jag kan inte förlåta mig själv…!”
 “Kaisa, listen, it’s going to be okay…” Johanna’s tone was light and calm, guiding Kaisa’s hands to let go. “Look, I may not understand everything about your apprenticeship or your routine, but your teacher said no need to stress. Well, I’m saying it too.” She elevated her posture. “I promise as your best friend to not only help you, but to also never tell a single soul of our adventure, nor what I’ll see regarding your training during it.” She finalized with a Sparrow Scout’s salute.
 Kaisa grinned, feeling relief course through her mind. “Thank you.” She spoke softly.  “I’ll stop worrying now.”
 “Alright, let’s go then,” Johanna chuckled. “The park’s waiting for us. We’ll talk more about our trip there.”
  Every day went by slowly for Kaisa, but the weekend finally came for her and Johanna to head out into the wilderness. However, even the hours of the day went by just as slowly when she waited for the Sparrow Scout to come by her house. She was in her room filling her pack with her own essential needs that were instructed for her to bring in a camping trip. The only thing not packed in her luggage was her wand with an amethyst pommel, which she kept hidden under her cardigan.
 Whether it was going to be in the camping trip or when they were older, Kaisa knew that Johanna was going to discover she was a witch this whole time. The vague routine she said she hoped to practice was in fact a spell which of course involved her wand, an incantation and some magic. She trembled at the fact that there was no point of return in continuing to hide the truth from Johanna after the library visit. It was not just that there were punishments and compromises to a witch’s identity being revealed, but would her best friend still even want to be friends with someone who is capable of influencing the paranormal like her? Even if she had doubts of her own strength, would just being a witch-in-training be enough to scare her and split their friendship apart?
 It made Kaisa’s head spin and groan every time. If there was one thing she hoped to do as a witch, it was the power to predict other people’s choices and wishes, that way she would never have to endure the pain of overthinking about the company in her present or future ever again.
 Behind her, a knock on the window thudded twice. Kaisa quickly turned to see Johanna on the other side, no longer in her uniform but rather in a red and blue flannel above her overalls while her long, swaying hair spilled down her shoulders, waving her hand with the brightest smile on her face.
 “Ready for our camping trip, Kaisa?” she asked, her voice softened from the glass pane.
  Kaisa rushed to open the window. “Am I supposed to jump out through here?” she asked back, realizing Johanna did not stop by the front door.
 “Mhm.” The brunette nodded. “We’ll be much faster exiting the walls with this route.”
 “My mum’s not even home,” Kaisa pointed out. “It wouldn’t matter as much.”
 “Does she also know you’re heading out today?” Johanna diverted.
 “Yes, of course she does.” Kaisa answered.
 The brunette gestured to leave. “No time to waste, then.”
 Kaisa chuckled and shook her head in amusement. While hurrying to take her pack, Johanna made room for her to climb out and reclose the window, then rushing as fast as they could into the city’s portion of the forestland to avoid attention.
One of the exits out of the walls was just nearby, and the pair made it with nothing stopping their way. No traffic of vehicles driving into the city, no guards surveilling the entrance, just a mere traffic stop standing dormant on the gate to halt anyone from entering and exiting. Quickly, the two girls ran like the wind, hoping they were not spotted by Bellkeepers and citizens in general, finally ending up in the outside world to trek on their own.
 “We still have a long way to go,” Johanna said. “The perfect camping ground should be yonder…”
 Johanna continued walking a few paces, but Kaisa stopped to look back at the gate to Trolberg still nearby. She could feel her eyes welling up and her heart pounding out her chest as every second of her fear grew. Not often was she outside, but the wilderness was a whole new scenario that she wished she prepared more for. She did not want to leave for Johanna’s safety, but it was so easy for her to feel afraid in these surroundings. The Sparrow Scout herself looked back and noticed Kaisa frozen in uncertainty.
 “Hey, we’ll to be okay,” Johanna hurried to comfort her best friend. “I promise I’ll protect you. I won’t let anything hurt us in this trip.”
 Kaisa whimpered and stared back at Johanna. The anxiety etched on her face was contagious to the brunette and stung her heart, but she forced a smile and sneakily grabbed Kaisa’s hand.  
 “I’ll hold onto you the entire time we’re out here, that way we’ll both feel safe,” she entangled her fingers with Kaisa’s.
 Something sparkled in Kaisa’s eyes when she saw her hand grasping her best friend’s. She did not say a word, but a warm smile finally carved on her face and was enough for Johanna to know that she will be okay. The two pressed on, Johanna remained ahead while Kaisa was behind her, their hands still holding and keeping them close together.
 They hiked a chartless trail among the forestlands where the leaves changing color from summer to fall was ever so present, and the sunshine beamed infinite rays of its light through the trees trying to cover it. Kaisa was lost in thought, appreciating the view of the forest; she turned her head in all directions and felt a wave of reassurance with every view, made even more so with Johanna taking the lead as she hummed a tune. Seeing she was still holding Kaisa’s hand, the witch-in-secret recalled what Johanna had said earlier about protecting each other, something she could not stop thinking at all, but wanted to address as casually as she could.
 “Hey, Johanna…” Kaisa called.
 “Yes, Kaisa?”
 “Do you ever think humans could become familiars?”
 “You mean like the ones witches have?” Johanna asked back. “Well, I’m not sure… It would be pretty neat if they could, though.”
 “I agree,” Kaisa said. “It wouldn’t be common, but talking with a human familiar would sure feel like less work.”
 “Yep,” Johanna retorted. “Wait just a minute…” her tone grew wary.
 Kaisa gulped, feeling nervous of what Johanna intended to say. “Y-Yeah…?”
 “Imagine if one us became a witch’s familiar!” Johanna’s eyes lit up.
 The corner of Kaisa’s mouth quirked up and giggled, mostly out of relief. “You’d actually want to become one?”
 “Sure, why not?!” Johanna replied. “Think of all the cool spells you get to help a witch out on. If I was a familiar, I would never ever leave their side, constantly aiding them…kind of like I am with you!”
 The girl behind her blushed. “That’s good to know…” she whispered, hoping Johanna would not turn to see the glee on her reddened complexion.
  Miles and miles of trees and rivers were wandered through by the duo until they grew eventually tired. When both the sun and sky glowed a warm tinge of orange, the time came to build their camp, far away from the nearest residence of Trolberg.
 “Right, this should be good, I think,” said Johanna, letting go of her pack and rummaging through the compartment holding her tent. “Can you help build the tent with me, Kaisa?”
 “Can do.” Kaisa nodded.
 The land which Johanna and Kaisa settled in was a flat and grassy plane surrounded by the corners of the forest in a crescent shape. Beyond the breach of the crescent was more verdant terrain which stretched onto the large gray mountains ahead. It was the perfect camping ground to pick for those beginning to camp out on their own, and both Johanna and Kaisa wasted no time hoisting their tent cloth and holding it together with ropes, stakes and rods.
 Having practiced building a tent back home and during Sparrow Scout activities, along with having Kaisa’s assistance, Johanna finished constructing the tent for the two before the sun was even down.
 “Don’t worry, it will be more comfortable on the inside than it looks on the outside.” Johanna spoke, wiping away a drop sweat on her head.
 “I think it looks comfy already.” Kaisa said. “Well done!”
 “Couldn’t have done it without your help, though.” She pulled Kaisa closer to her, making her chuckle.
 Their belongings and sleeping bags were settled in their tent, and a bonfire was built by Johanna with foliage and twigs to give them warmth. It was as though her retreat needed for her camping badge had already happened if one could realize the adeptness of which she put together the camp, but her days as a Sparrow Scout had in fact prepared her for fun, spontaneous trips in the wilderness.
 Until the sky totally darkened, the two kept themselves busy with conversations of the week they had after seeing each other in the library, which new books they have read, and enjoyed cups of hot cocoa from a tin canister Johanna packed along. With all the goings-on being enjoyed since they left Trolberg, Kaisa almost forgot that she intended to continue her witch training while she was camping with the brunette. The scene in the tent surrounded by the orange light of the lantern, filling the air with laughter and merriment, was all Kaisa and Johanna could ever hope to cherish together, but it was best that the witch-in-secret began her training as soon as she could.
 “Okay, Johanna, I should probably start now.” Kaisa said, rising from her spot in the tent.
 “Alright, good luck!” Johanna cheered. “If anything bad happens, shout as loud as you can to call me.”
 Kaisa stepped out of the tent. Immediately, another wave of fear coursed through her mind and made her quiver in place by the tent’s entrance. She was overthinking once more; what if a Troll was out and near to the camp? What if there was a Barghest on the run? Every monster from every folklore that she had ever read could be out to harm her and Johanna in this hour. She withdrew her wand from her cardigan and clenched it tightly with both hands. Kaisa reminded herself that even if danger was nearby, she would be first to protect Johanna like she hoped she would, and Johanna will do the same if she herself was threatened.
 She took small steps away from the tent, far enough that Johanna would not notice any magic ensuing. A full moon was rising, and Kaisa looked up. It captivated her, and her ability to use magic should be as strong as ever, she thought.
Taking a deep breath, it was time for the levitation spell.
 “Bara fokusera…” she spoke to herself softly. “Gå så högt som månen ovan….”
 Soon, she closed her eyes and opened her palm, holding it upwards by her chest. The tip of her wand glowed a purple spec of light and atop her palm, then twirled it in circles over and over. She whispered an incantation that Tildy taught her, being just one sentence of incomprehensible words to non-witches, and repeated it again until the whole spell was set in motion. As the wand circled more and more, sparkles exuded out from nowhere until a purple aura sheathed the outlines of her physique.
 “As high as the moon above…” she whispered.
 Suddenly, Johanna exited the tent to sit by the campfire. Kaisa was out of sight, but the brunette did not plan on finding her no matter how much she wanted to see this “routine” she was practicing. The concentration and privacy which her best friend said she lacked was all that mattered to Johanna. She spread her hands around the warmth of the blaze, but even before she could fully respite, she heard the leaves rustle in the forestland ahead. The brunette looked up and squinted at nothing but silhouettes and darkness.
 Leaning in a bit forward, she finally realized what was apparently coming forward. It was a large, bulky figure; its eye glowing in a nearly strong luminosity of white. Johanna’s heart was racing, there was no way it could be what she thought it was. But as the figure revealed more of itself among the forestland, it was indeed the worst possible thing for the camping trip: a large Troll rummaging through the wilderness.
 Johanna yelped, but quickly covered her mouth to avoid getting the Troll’s attention. She got up from her seat by the fire and hurried to find Kaisa’s training spot, panickily whispering her name. To her relief, she found her just standing still behind the tent, but immediately froze out of a whole different feeling of concern.
 Kaisa’s eyes remained shut and muttered to herself while a big spark of light glimmered above her hand, holding and swirling her wand evenly. She seemed to be in her own world now, completely detached from the surroundings around her. Johanna failed to approach or even say a word to the witch as she realized how apprehensive she felt towards what was happening. When she thought she had enough to be confused about, she looked over her limbs to realize that a purple aura glowed around her body. Her feet began to rise up slightly from the ground and glanced ahead to see that Kaisa, despite maintaining the same posture, was also levitating; terror now overtook Johanna’s face.
 Then, Kaisa stopped her wand from spinning, and her open hand stretched high into the sky. The two girls continued lifting up ever so slowly from the ground, their feet could reach the tip of their tent, and soon they were as high as the top of a tree. Johanna flailed her arms and legs sporadically when it seemed like they soared upward enough, still too afraid to ask Kaisa what was going on.
 The witch opened one eye to see how far up she was, then the other to realize Johanna in front of her. Her pupils shrank in a state of fright and her jaw went slack. Out of all the mistakes she had expected to make, picking up Johanna with her own spell was the last yet most severe one she could ever think to fall through.
 “Oh no, oh no no no no…!” Kaisa whimpered. “I…I did not mean to…!”
 Johanna shushed and pointed downwards to their campsite. As Kaisa gawked down, her pulse stopped to the sight of a Troll peeking into their tent. It drew back to find out no one was inside, then turned to the fire and stared at it for a while. It finally took a seat, emitting a large thud on the ground like a single-second quake upon resting.  
Kaisa looked back at her best friend in fear, letting her eyes ask what on earth they should do now. Johanna fathomed, nodding to reassure that they were probably safer up in the sky, and gestured both her hands lightly to signify holding them in place with whatever Kaisa was making them float with.
 The witch fought to keep it together. Her breath was instable and the palm holding her wand began to sweat. If she could focus long enough and ward off the wish to descend back on the ground, all the while halting to recite her incantation which helped her concentrate, she could try having her and Johanna stay hovering in the air for as long as she wanted.
 Kaisa’s expression hardened and pointed her wand towards Johanna. She swung her arm backwards in a single quick motion, causing Johanna to gasp as she floated over to the witch. Kaisa gave the brunette a tight embrace, one so warm and protective that it felt inescapable to be let go from.
 “Please, don’t be mad.” Kaisa could only bring herself to plead. “I did not focus that well. I could have done even worse to us had I---”
 The tension felt within Johanna was lost to Kaisa’s voice and embrace, and her eyes closed, hugging her best friend back. “It’s okay, Kaisa.” she interrupted. “Just that…this…is a lot to take in…” the conversations about witch familiars and training with privacy all made sense now.
 “’I’m sorry…” Kaisa nestled her face onto Johanna’s shoulder. She looked back down at the campsite and saw the Troll keeping warm with their fire, motionless like the rock that it was. “We are going to be up here all night…”
 Johanna let go from their embrace so she could face Kaisa, still holding onto her shoulders. “Do you think there is a way we could get the troll to move out?” she asked.
 “I’m not sure if I am able to…” Kaisa admitted. “Not unless we let it know where we are.”
 Johanna looked back down; the Troll did nothing, only seemingly entranced by the fire as it gazed on it. She thought about how she wanted to warm herself earlier, and her eyes dilated upon realizing what the Troll only seemed to want as well.
 “If it’s not the troll we can do something about directly, we’re just going to have to take out the fire.” Johanna said.
 Kaisa caught up with the plan. “I got it.” she nodded. “Leave it to me then.”
 With her wand still at hand, she pointed the tip towards the campfire and concentrated on hitting anything but the Troll or their tent accidentally. The easiest thing she could bring herself to do with magic was release a streak of energy from her wand, and she hoped that blasting the campfire with her specific sort of ammunition could take out the fire and bid the Troll farewell.
 Deep breath…Eyes locked…The light on the tip of Kaisa’s wand glowed purple once more until it grew as bright as a star, then it hurled down from the wand in high speed. Barely a second later, the energy from Kaisa’s magic crashed into the campfire, exploding into a gradient of purple, white and orange, and nothing but a gleaming mist blanketed a portion of the camp. The Troll got up in shock, fists tightly clenched and glaring in all directions to search for what threatened it; Johanna and Kaisa watched from above in hopes it would not look up.
 When the mist quickly dispersed, the Troll looked down on the rubble of wood which used to be the campfire keeping it warm. It hummed a deep, disappointed tone, and stomped the ground so stridently that the two girls in the air could almost feel the tremor. No one appeared to be around it for miles, hence the Troll finally made its way back to the forestlands to search for another source of warmth in the wilderness.
 “Yes, it worked…!” Johanna expressed.
 The witch breathed a sigh of relief. “Do you think it will come back?” she asked.
 “Let’s hope it doesn’t.” Johanna answered. “We’ll leave the campfire be, we still got the tent to keep us warm.”
 With all the exhilaration fully coursing through Kaisa’s mind, the purple aura around her and Johanna faded away. They only had a second to see the spell had worn off before being weighed down by gravity, screaming and falling from the height of a two-story building before Kaisa raised her wand to reactivate the levitation spell. The two of them gnashed their teeth and their eyes shut tightly, just before peeking around to see they were hovering only an inch above the ground.
 Kaisa allowed the spell to cast off, and the glow of her wand and from their physiques dissipated for the last time tonight. She and Johanna dipped onto the floor with their backs flatly lied down, groaning when they picked themselves back up.
 Johanna felt unsure if anything she had just experienced after leaving her tent was even real. She stared at Kaisa hiding her wand away, then at all the leftover mist and sparkles on what used to be their campfire.
 “Kaisa…this whole time…you were a…” Johanna’s eyes lit up.
 Kaisa sighed. “Surprise.” she giggled tiredly. “I’m sorry I kept this secret from you, Johanna. I really could not say anything.”
 Kaisa’s breathing was concise and hasty. All of a sudden, she collapsed on her knees and held the ground to keep her up. To Johanna’s shock, she hurried to carry her back up and wrap her hand over her shoulder. The energy used up to perform the levitation spell took a toll on the witch-in-training. It was unlike anything she had ever accomplished before.
As soon as they entered their tent, Johanna laid Kaisa down on her sleeping bag and pillow. The Sparrow Scout grabbed a canister of fresh water and filled the cap almost to the brim, bringing it over to the witch and allowed her to drink as much as she needed.
 “Thank you.” Kaisa whispered, closing her eyes and lying back down.
 Johanna kept staring upon Kaisa in a near unconscious state, hoping she could still listen to her before she inevitably fell asleep. “Look, Kaisa…” she spoke. “…I know your spell did not work the way you wanted when I showed up, but you did save us from the Troll in the end. I really should be thanking you…”
 A corner of Kaisa’s mouth lifted. However, the soft grin on her face was short-lived, “But now I will never get the spell right on time…” she lamented, feeling the exhaustion overtaking her slowly.
 Johanna had so many questions she was dying to have answered, if only she could ask them now. In any case, witch or no witch, Kaisa was still the same best friend Johanna had since forever, and while she knew she could never make her magic and identity known to others, she could not wait to be there for Kaisa the next time she trained to become a witch.
 “We don’t have to leave after tomorrow,” Johanna said softly. “We can stay out here for as long as we need until you perfect your spell, and I won’t ever leave your side.”
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
1. Siren Indruck NSFW, Duck is hauling supplies for the small town of Kepler on a tiny boat. Due to dangerous storms, Duck takes a longer but safer and less traversed route. He doesn’t know he’ll be passing through a Siren’s territory. A siren who is looking for a strong and sturdy mate
Here you go!
Duck never tells anyone what he finds on the beach that day. 
He’s fourteen, looking for useful flotsam and jetsam tossed onto the sand by an ongoing storm. What he finds is an empty boat and a merman, silvery tail impaled with a spear in a piece of driftwood. Each time he tries to free himself, he winces and is unable to pull the weapon from his body. When he sees Duck, his red eyes widen and he bares sharp teeth in a hiss. 
“It’s okay” the boy kneels in the bloody sand, “I ain’t gonna hurt you. Or, uh, this’ll hurt for a sec, but it’ll be better than tryin to ease it out bit by bit.” He grabs the end of the fishing spear and pulls. The merman shrieks, quickly clamping his hands across his mouth as Duck pulls his handkerchief from his pocket to bandage the wound. 
“There, you should be able to-”
The creature is gone with a whip of his tail, sliding down the sand and into the waves. As Duck stands, a strange song floats from the foam for the briefest instant. A seasoned sailor can tell a siren from a normal mer on sight; Duck has never been to sea. It’s weeks later that he wonders what events resulted in the wounded siren and an empty boat. 
Any other day, Duck would put off this run until the black clouds no longer hung over the horizon. But the supply run last week didn’t come, so the isolated, coastal town of Kepler is running low on, among other things, the medicine needed to treat an illness spreading from house to house. He could put this off until tomorrow, but he won’t sleep well tonight if he does.
The boat loaded, he starts out to sea under unfriendly skies. Today is a day to follow the coastline and then circle Greenbriar Island to reach Kepler, rather than trying for a straight shot.  It’ll double his travel time, but it’s far safer in a storm and no one but a few locals know how to navigate it. Duck takes this route once or twice most years. This summer alone he’s had to take it six times, with today making a seventh. The abnormal number of storms weighs on the minds of coastal residents. Duck tries not to obsess over it, given that it’s solidly out of his control and there’s no use fussing over wind and rain; there’s only getting through them. 
Halfway through his journey, a rogue swell catches the underside of the boat and drags it along a rock, springing a leak in the hull. He ties off on a thin spire of stone, clambering onto a rock to try and repair the damage. It’s not a big leak, but it’ll be trouble if he lets it go. 
As he’s laying awkwardly with water lapping up his legs, a human head rises from the water a few feet from him. Silver hair, red eyes and, when it smiles, very sharp teeth. Harmless mermaids have teeth much like his own, which means he’s alone in the ocean with a fucking siren.
Duck’s learned many things since that day on the beach; how a song can paralyze a man better than poison, how the bite marks on the skin of certain bodies that wash ashore are called siren kisses
The siren begins swimming closer. Duck sighs, “If you’re gonna drown and eat me, can you do it on the way back?”
Red eyes blink, confused, but the siren stays where he is. 
“If I don’t make it to Kepler, lotta folks’ll get sick, some will even die. And I don’t think you got much use for medicine and canned food.”
The siren shakes his head. 
“Glad you understand.” Duck finishes his repairs under watchful eyes. At one point, the siren swims all the way to the rock Duck is perched on, resting his chin on his hands, as if enjoying the view. 
Duck scrambles back into the boat the moment he’s done, but no cold fingers try for his ankles and no splash announces something lunging upwards after him. A cautious glance as he starts the engine finds the siren sitting on the rock, silver-blue tail still half in the water. When he notices Duck looking, he waves. 
The rest of the journey goes as planned, the relief on folks faces when Duck docks worth the peril. When he reaches the siren’s territory on his return, no song tempts him. A lithe shape keeps pace with the boat, fin breaking the surface now and then. When he hits open water, the siren turns back, disappearing from view. 
There are sex dreams, and then there’s whatever the fuck Duck is having right now. Fingers stroke his hair, cling to his shoulders. Kisses coat his face and a voice whispers his name as the speaker offers themself to him again and again. He sees himself tangled with a man, face always just out of focus, who spreads his legs and lips so Duck can sink himself into the heat of his body. The dream is endless and he doesn’t care, doesn’t ever want to wake up. 
Saltwater in his lungs renders that desire useless. He snaps back to consciousness as another wave hits him; he’s up to his neck  in the cove below his house. 
“The fuck?” It’s only his footprints visible in the moonlight in the sand, so no one dumped him here. 
“Oh dear.”
“Jesus!” Duck stumbles back as glowing eyes peer around a rock. It’s the siren from yesterday, swimming purposefully as Duck wades backwards. 
“Look, uh, when I said I wanted you to wait to eat me, I wasn’t bein serious. Or, uh, I was, but I meant I didn’t want to be eaten ever, not just then. It was a, uh, a joke.”
“I am aware.” The siren stops as Duck topples on his ass in the shallow water, “and I am sorry. I, ah, I did not mean to lure you from your bed. I was not aware my mindless singing was enough to wake you. In most futures, you slept until dawn.”
“Uh huh, sure, because sirens are known to just serenade folks without wanting to drown ‘em.” 
“We do it more often than you might think.” The siren sighs, “I came here to keep you safe, and succeeded only in making you afraid.”
Duck, having scooted inelegantly onto dry land, watches the tan upper body of the siren sag. It’s awkward, a word not associated with this kind of mer. That suggests he’s telling the truth. 
“You gonna tell me why you’re playin watchdog at my house?” 
The siren chirps, intrigued, “In all but one future you told me to go away.”
“That’d just leave me with more questions. And so far, you ain’t done anythin other’n watch me; if you say this was an accident, I’m willin to hear you out.”
“Wonderful!” The siren claps his hands together and the tip of his tail flips out of the water. Then he clears his throat and recites, “I am known as Indrid Cold. As you noticed, I am a siren. I am also a gifted seer, artist, and lifeguard when humans are unconscious and thus will not try to kill me for rescuing them. I am an excellent fisher, and well-liked and/or feared by the larger creatures of this coastline. This is why I think I would be an excellent mate.”
“O-kay. Did you call me out here to practice your personals ad?” Duck smirks, charmed by Indrids earnest tone.
“This is not practice. I did a great deal of that earlier today. This is my formal declaration that I would very much like you to be my mate.”
“Ma--hold on.” The images from his near-fatal dream return, “were you singin’ to hit on me?”
Indrid crosses his arms, “For the last time, that song was not for you. It was about you, because I was daydreaming and my formless melody unintentionally conveyed the contents of said daydream into your mind.”
“So everythin in it, all that wild fuckin stuff, that’s stuff you wanna do with me?”
A nod, accompanied by a flash of white light under the water. 
“Because you are strong, and handsome, and capable on the water. I watched your futures yesterday and today and saw you are kind as well, well-liked by other humans but a little lonely at night. You are very nice to that small land-otter that lives in your house.”
“You mean the cat?”
“That’s the word! Yes, you are nice to your cat. You are not brash or cruel, and you look so very nice without a shirt. I...I like you, Duck. You are everything I want in a mate.”
“Feel like I might be missin’ some gills and fins.” He jokes to cover the fact he’s scanning his mind and body for the same dreamy lull he felt during the song. What he finds in it’s place is his ego purring from praise and wondering exactly what a siren would do for his mate.
“There is no rule that says I must choose only my own kind for such activities. I, ah, I know it is strange, given how little we know of each other, but I thought that, ah, since humans will have casual sex with each other maybe we could, or, ah, that is…” He’s watching Duck with such unconcealed hope that the human almost joins him in the water.
“Indrid, I’m real flattered. But I’d be a damn fool if I didn’t point out this feels like a fuckin trap. Pretty easy for you to drag me to my death once we’re, uh, in the middle of things. Not that I’m sayin you would.” He adds when the sirens smile dims. 
“A sensible concern. May I join you on land for a moment? There is something I want to show you.”
Duck pats the sand beside him, eyes following the ripples of Indrid’s tail as he swims, slithers, and slides onto the beach. It reminds Duck of an oarfish, though when Indrid spies him looking the scales flash deep purple. 
“Look there” Indrid points toward the end of the silver ribbon of scales; a round, white scar stares up at Duck. The details of a day over two decades in the past return to him.
“You’re the siren I found when I was a kid.”
“Indeed. I remember you by your eyes, though your face has some echoes of that day in it’s curves. You saved my life, showed me mercy when I expected none. Sirens do not forget a favor, and we do not kill those who once spared us. I will never harm you, even if you turn me away tonight. You will be safe, whether that is in my arms or merely in my territory.”
Duck avoids the stranger sides of life by the sea, citing a lifelong incompatibility with the weird. Turns out all he needed to find his exception to that rule is a handsome siren looking at him like he set the tides in motion. 
The human runs a finger up the sirens tail, sparks of purple and pale blue light igniting in it’s wake. 
“Didn’t know y’all changed colors.” He pets Indrid’s hip and the whole tail lights up this time. 
“I am a deep-sea siren by birth, we use light to communicate emotions.”
“Mind, uh, loopin me in on the conversation?”
“Purple means desire. It’s a common color in mating displays.” Indrid watches Duck’s hand  glide along his scales, and a burst of pale blue reflects across their faces. 
“And that one?”
“Submission.” Indrid murmurs, “it is, ah, not the most desirable color to show. My kind value strength and power; enjoying the opposite is an invitation to mockery.” The siren’s eyes stay downcast, even when Duck smooths silver hair from his face.
“Now, I like to joke as much as the next fella, but that don’t seem like somethin to tease about.”
“No?” Indrid’s gaze flicks onto Duck the instant before the man straddles him. Duck doesn’t even have to push him onto his back; he goes instantly, hands flat on the sand and tail twitching excitedly in the shallows. 
“No. Seems to me a sweet thing like you oughta be takin care of.” 
Indrid snickers, “That is not usually an adjective one uses for meAHahnn” he arches as Duck tugs his hair.
“Let’s get one thing straight, sugar; I decide what you get called. I wanna call you the most perfect creature in the sea, I will. And if I wanna call you a needy little mer who’s good for nothin but gettin fucked into the sand, you’re gonna nod and say ‘yes.’ Understood?”
The blue light flashing up his tail brightens, “Y-yes but, but why do you call me sugar? That is a food.”
Duck giggles, leans down to brush their noses together, “It’s a nickname, call you it because you’re sweet and I can’t wait to get my fill of you.”
“Ohhhh, I see.” 
“You wanna see somethin else?”
“Very much soOH, oh goodness.” Indrid gasps as Duck forces his gaze towards his cock attempting to free itself from his boxers. He grinds on the supple muscle of his tail to take the pressure off, chuckles when the siren whines and tries to kiss his chest. 
“Since you’re the only siren I’d ever even consider fuckin-” Duck pauses as Indrid moans loudly, digging his fingers into the sand, “you gotta show me how to go about it.”
“If, if you just continue as you are a little higher upyes, yes right there” He rolls his hips, purrs with such a blissful expression that Duck is powerless to do anything but kiss him. His affection grows when he notices Indrid clearly restraining his kisses so as not to catch Duck’s mouth or tongue with his sharp teeth. The last guy he fucked shoved his tongue down his throat without any build-up or finesse, and now all he can think is if only Indrid had made his feelings know sooner, Duck could have done away with shitty human dates and had an obedient, eager mer instead. 
“Mmmmm” Indrid licks his lips, runs his fingers up Duck’s sides, “kissing is nice. It is not something sirens often indulge in, so my chances to do it are few and far between.”
“Ain’t that a shame” Duck kisses the corners of his mouth, “lips like these were made to be kissed sore.”
Indrid purrs, wiggling his tail, and Duck looks down to see a slit opening where his clothed cock has been rubbing. 
“Huh. Kinda figured you had-”
“-I have both this and an appendage below it much like your own.”
“Handy.” Duck, in no mood to climb off the purring, otherworldly man, eases the waistband of his damp boxers just under his balls. 
“This, uh, this ain’t gonna actually create a, I mean, I don’t wanna accidentally-”
“Nono, there is no chance of procreation”
“And you’ll be okay with so little of you in the water?”
“Yesyes I will be fine.” Indrid tugs at his hips, bucks his own into the air in frustration. 
“Just checkin’ oh, oh fuck” Indrid is tight and ridged around his dick as it slides in, “fuckin christ, no wonder sailors’ll crash into rocks at the offerin of fuckin a siren, wait, fuck, that was probably rude.”
“I will let it slide” Indrid teases, the end of his tail curling around Duck’s left ankle, “on account of your body is so lovely I would beach myself and die gasping on your doorstep for a chance to touch it.”
“No need for that. All you gotta do is wait here like a good little mer and I’ll fuck you as much as you want.” The slit pulses as Duck slowly fucks in and out, and he knows he’ll have to throw out all his fleshlights after this because nothing will ever compare to the deliciously alien feeling of Indrid around his dick. 
“Do, do not joke about such things.” Indrid whimpers, clinging to his shoulders.
“I ain’t. You wanted a mate, right?”
“Yes, you, so very badly.”
“Well, you got one, and you feel so goddamn good on my cock I ain’t inclined to let you swim off and be someone else’s.”
“I do not want to, I only want you, please, please let me stay.”
Duck stills his hims and the siren writhes as he leans down. The human cups his cheek, “I want you to stay, ‘Drid. I wanna get to know you. Long as you promise you ain’t gonna fuck me unless you want to, and not because you’re scared I’ll turn you loose.”
“I promise.” Indrid initiates the kiss this time, purring when Duck takes his time kissing back. 
“Good. Now that we got that cleared up” Duck sits up, “be a good mate and take what I give you.” He fucks in as hard as he dares, dives back down to kiss Indrid’s lips and throat as the mer’s cock emerges. Duck finds he can grind his ass along the twisting shaft at the same time he drives his own into Indrid’s body, resulting in a wail of pleasure and teeth sinking into his shoulder. 
“Sorry!” Indrid squeaks, hiding his face in Duck’s neck, “it, it is a reflex-”
Duck yanks his head back to his shoulder, near the first mark, and holds it down, “Do it again.”
Indrid trills and pain lights up Duck’s body, the perfect counterpoint to the pleasure coursing through him with each roll of their bodies. The siren chirps and moans, nips his arms and ears, slides his tail along his legs as his cock pumps frantically against his ass.
“That’s it sweet thing, cum for me while I fuck you. Show me just what my mate is for.” Duck bites Indrid’s neck and cum splatters the backs of his thighs as Indrid’s repetitions of his name drown out the noise of the waves.  Duck’s orgasm follows fast, sweeps through him like the crescendo of a song carried on the night air. 
Duck stays buried in him well after he’s finished, mind already conjuring images of tying Indrid down in shallow water and keeping his cock warm all day.
“Yeah, sugar?” 
“I, ah, I need to get back in the water.”
“Oh shit, yeah, sure.” He pulls out, tosses his sea-soaked boxers up the beach as Indrid slides into the sea. Duck wades in, stopping where it’s waist deep as the siren swims lazily circles around him. 
“Such a perfect mate.”
“Glad you still think so.”
Indrid curls up to him, rubbing their cheeks together, “Thank you for indulging me. Do...do you wish me to come back tomorrow? Or to stay tonight? There are no other mers between here and my territory, so there is no reason I cannot count this stretch as mine.”
Duck kisses one of the hickeys blooming on tan skin, “How’s about you stay the night. We got some things to talk about. And, if you’re real good, I might let you fuck me when we’re done.”
Indrid grins, “My dearest one, I believe we have a deal.”
Nowadays, if you ever go near Kepler and the surrounding islands, you may hear people talk about Duck Newton, beloved native son, skilled park ranger, and the only man receive siren kisses and live to tell the tale. 
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Ducktales: The Treasure of the Lost Lamp Movie Reviewcap! (Patreon Stretch Goal)
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Hello all you happy people! And we have a special review today for two reasons. The first is that this is my second patreon stretch goal review, having hit the 15 dollar goal back in march thanks to my wonderful friend Emma, the same patreon whose responsible for the Green Eggs and Ham Reviews,  who helped me hit the 15 dollar goal.  As a result you fine people are getting three movie reviews each based on a Disney Afternoon Movie with Treasure of the Lost Lamp today, a goofy movie at the end of the motnh for  a weeklong tribute to my favorite dogmandadguy.  Extremley was going to be part of it but the length of this review convinced me otherwise, but I will be doing it this summer so keep an ear out. If you want to help me hit my next stretch goals do yourselve a favor and zip on over to my patreon YOU CAN FIND MY PATREON HERE. My next stretch goal at “OH Look 20 Dollars” would give everyone patreon and not, a monthly review of Darkwing Duck as decided by my patrons, reviews of BOTH season 2 mini series from Ducktales 87, introducing Fenton to the world and blighting it with Bubba before the 2017 series fixed him, and as a brucey bonus added last month a review of Danny Phantom the Ultimate Enemy. And if that wasn’t enough if you help me get to the goal after that at 25 unlocks another trilogy of disney film reviews, this time for the proud family and recess movie and the best kim possible movie, and dcom period, so the drama as well as Bryan Lee O’ Malley’s two stand alone graphic novels, lost at sea and seconds for you Scottaholics in the audience.
The other reason now the shilling’s done. is that the plan WAS to review this back to back with Treasure of The Found Lamp, to the point the orginal review had a whole thing about that, why it was delayed etc... but now that review’s been scrapped all together as something sudden and wonderful happened. After just kinda giving up someone came through with a translation of Della’s first apperance so presumibly i’ll be doing that as part of the build up to mother’s day, and since I still want ot do maternal instincts too, and already had to let the Floyd Gottfredson birthday special slide away as well... it had to go as I want to leave the only open space on the schedule for the lovely person who found the story for me. But this review is still done, i’m very proud of it so join me under the cut won’t you?
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Behind The Scenes: Before I get into it i’d just like to note this article from SyFy Wire. It , along with articles I found via wikipedia citations, was an invaluable resource. 
The film was an experiment: It was an experiment to see if one of their tv properties could bring in theatrical money, to see if a movie made on a cheaper budget and still rake in decent money, to see if a film could be made being outsourced to several diffrent places, and to see what one of those places, their recently aquiried french stuido, could handle this kind of work. 
The film, if succesful would be the first of Disney’s MovieToons line, a series of films based on their shows. As you can tell by the fact only this movie and Goof Troop happened and the Movie Toons label wasn’t applied to that one it very much failed. While the film was warmly recevied by people who liked the show general audiences didn’t turn out for it. As a result the MovieToons label was scrapped, future projects with it were canceled.. but the stellar work put in by the french stuidio lead to it perserviering for several more decades and lead to them working on the Goofy Movie, which we’ll get to later this month but needless to say was a MUCH bigger hit with a much bigger budget. 
As for why the film failed... I have two theories. THe first is that parents were stupid back then and didn’t want to pay to see something on the big screen they could see on tv’s. This is a stupid mentality to me as generally a movie of a tv show puts in a ton of extra effort and usually goes bigger and dosen’t go home. It’s a likely theory given most liscened films of the era didn’t do quite well, with all three hasbro films tanking. And look I get Transformers the Movie is cheesy and killed a lot of people’s childhood toys, but damn if it ain’t aweosme.. and also something I need to cover at some point. Thankfully this died out by later in the 90′s with Rugrats getting a hugely succesful if flawed film, a better sequel and a third one that was also a crossover with the wild thornberries. 
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And even now in 2020 we’re getting the Loud House and Rise of the TMNT movies sometimes this summer, we were SUPPOSED to have gotten the bobs burgers movie this summer but arne’t because Disney is being a dick about it.
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And we got a phineas and ferb movie last year. With this trend hopefully thsi means we’ll get a Ducktales 2017 movie at some point since season 4 left a huge sequel hook laying right there to grab for a feature film.  One final note: The film was conceptually thought up as a 5 part serial like “Treasure of the Golden Suns”, “Catch as Cash Can”, “SuperDucktales” and “Time is Money, something that DOES show as the movie weirdly has act breaks. In a feature film. Yup. 
The Guest Cast:
I won’t go into the full cast since I’ve sung Alan Young and Russi Taylor’s praises PLENTY on this blog before, and I plan to go into Beakly and Launchpad’s actors when they show up in the pilot movie. But i’d be remiss if i didn’t talk about our three guest actors for our three new parts. 
First up is Merlock voiced by legend and if I had a hall of fame, hall of famer Christopher Lloyd.. I need to get me one of those. Lloyd is of course known for playing Doc Brown in back to the future but has done countless other films, voicework, and other good stuff. Among his MASSIVE filmography includes The Back to the Future Trilogy (Already mentioned it but it bears repeating), Star Trek III, Who Framed Roger Rabbit as the pants destroyingly terrifying Judge Doom, The Addams Family duology as fester, a role rip torn would ironcially play for the animated series made to captalize on said movie, Hey Arnold! The Movie, The Oogieloves in The Big Ballon Adventure (Look everybody needs money sometimes okay?), and Art of the Deal: The Movie, which was not, thankfully an ego filating nightmare made by trump himself but a film made by funny or die parodying his terrible book and having Llloyd return as Doc Brown. TV Wise he’s known for Taxi, Back to the Future the Animated Series, Cyberchase and he most recently popped up on Big City Greens. How I missed that ep I.. do know as I haven’t watched season 2. Gonna fix that later this month. Lloyd is utterly awesome, a great guy and thankfully still alive at the time of this writing, so I was happy to have him here. 
Less familiar to me but still known is Rip Taylor, a comedian known for his flamboyant unique way of speech and his marvelous mustache. He showed up in things occasionally and always seemed like the nicest guy and his passing in late 2019 truly is sad. He does a terrific job here but more on that in a moment. 
Finally we have Richard Libertini, a comedian I never really saw in anything besides this who according to IMDB was most famous for his ablility to do a foreign accent. I REALLY hope all of them aren’t as horribly racist as this one. We’ll.. get to that in a sec as it’s time for the plot!
A Treasure Uncovered:
We open our film gorgeously. The animation is great in the film, having some rough edges I chalk up to the film’s hectic production, the studio being new at working at disney properties, and the film not being meant for HD. That being said a few rough spots here and there aside.. the film looks ungodly gorgeous. Like most theatrical films based on a cartoon it takes an already great style and makes it look great. It feels like a more fluid evolution of the cartoons look and it’s a shame we didn’t get more movies in this style for both this show and others, ESPECIALLY Darkwing Duck. Can you imagine a Darkwing Duck movie with this lush animation? Hopefully we’ll get one eventually. 
So our heroes are going to somewhere in the Middle East. That’s.. that’s all wikipedia gives me and all the film gives me. As usual Scrooge is after treasure in this case the Treasure of Collie Baba, the greatest thief there ever was based obviously off Ali Baba from 1001 nights and that one Beastie Boys song. 
It’s here we find the WORST thing about the film, the thing that makes this a hard one to watch depsite otherwise being pretty good, and that makes my skin crawl knowing i’m a white man and a BUNCH of white guys, Ducktales series creator who did the voice casting for this character, the writers who wrote him, the direector disney them fucking selves who thought this was okay. 
The film has some horrible steroytping. It starts with a bunch of backgorund guys surronding Scrooge, with crooked teeth and steotypical voices. This on it’s own is odious. 
It somehow gets worse. Then we meet one of our antagonists. We meet Dijon. 
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This Fucking Guy 
Djon is horribly offensive reminding me of other such luminaries in being ungodly offensive yet somehow getting put to film as Jar Jar Binks (With all respeect to his poor actor Ahmed Best, this is not his fault), Rob Schinder as a Sterotypically asian preist, Skids and Mudflap, Rob Schinder as a sterotypically mexican bandit, The Whitewashed cast of The Last Airbender, and Rob Schinder as a stereotypically asian preist. What i’m saying is Djon is an AWFUL, horribly offensive character.. and that Rob Schinder should be shot up into space, not to watch cheesy movies, he’s not funny enough for that, but instead to be sent to a satlitie that’s liveable, but also filled to the brim with spring loaded boxing gloves. Just tons of boxing gloves that feel like getting punched by a heavewight boxer all hidden... they could hit his legs, his face, his nuts, his face and his nuts, the point is he’s in constnat pain unless he moves carefully. 
And lest you think i’m exaggerating for starters this is his design. 
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It just screams “vaugely but sterotpyically middle eastern” along with cowardly. The fact he’s also a literal rat is just the icing on the cake made of broken glass, shrapnel and broken DVD’s of Transformers; Revenge of the Fallen. They say if you eat a reveng eof the fallen dvd John Tutoro appears at the foot of your bed and watches you while you sleep.. and by they I mean me. It was a bad bet. I got rid of him with some insese and a bribe of five dollars. 
Oh but that’s just design.. when he talks it’s MUCH worse. His voice is like if they took Apu from the simpsons and said “This but MORE offensive”, and his perosnality is WORSE. He’s a thief.. and not in the endearing loveable rogue way but he’s a pick pocket and a running “Gag’ is that he’ll often grab eveyrthing within reahc. As the deisgn shows he’s a coward running at every opportunity. Oh and to top it all off he’s the willing servant of the white coded, given all ducks in this series are white coded and voiced bby white actors, big bad. And the actor is naturally VERY white to make this cocktail of offensivness so complete that if Disney ever got rid of this film I GUARANTEE the republcian party would be running in with accusations of cancel culture gone amok and never shutting up about this like they did the muppets. Which for the record THEY DIDN’T CANCEL THEM, YOUR POINT IS ILLEGITMATE, THEY JUST WANTED TO BE SENSTIVE YOU GHOULS. 
I do have a reason for bringing up Disney’s content warnings... most damming of all given just how DEEPLY uncomfortbale this character is.. there isn’t one for this movie. I double checked: There isn’t even wanring notes on the website. It’s just.. on there. And given just how ghastly a sterotype Djon is.. that’s not right. Seriously they DID put them on certain episodes of the show, theyk now this sort of thing is wrong and they done wrong.. but for NO reason they haven’t done so for a film released 31 years ago. Around the same time as the series and just offensive as that show at it’s worst if not more so. This is flatly inexcusable.. par for the course for Disney’s incompetence but still horribly furstrating, disgusting and shameful.. which has been the theme of the last three days really. I expect better because when it comes to putting that warning label on this stuff, they usually are better. First the scheduling mixup and now this. You already do a handful of things wrong Disney why add this to the list?!
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It’s just draining not only to run into another Disney Fuckup after a weekend of dealing with one of their worst in recent memory, but just to watch Djon. To see this horrible caractrure saunter onto the screen and go on with his harmful schtick, to see that THIS is what Ducktales 87 reduced non white people to more often than not.  It’s remarkable just how throughly and awesomely Frank and Matt completely and totally reversed this. Instead of horrible sterotypes in the reboot, we got TONS of loveable people of color, an endearing latino hero, a smart african american buisness woman who takes no shit but is still a consumate professional, and an egyptian HERO with an intresting story and a strong moral code instead of this horrible reminder that racisim in media was such an afterthought not ONE person brought this up during the scyfy wire stuff or in any inteview i’ve seen. No one cared. Djon was POPULAR enough that he got three episode sin the series. THREE FUCKING EPISODES. This film could be GOOD.. but it’s just so bogged down EVERY FUCKING TIME this artists interpreitation of what Tucker Carlson sees when he looks at a middle eastern person I had to pause to compose myself and had to take a break writing this review to avoid tyiping this in all caps and using the phrase YOU RACIST MOTHERFUCKERS every other sentence. And again i’m white, I get this is second hand offensiveness.. I do... but it dosen’t mean I can’t be offended other white people were so callous about other cultures behaviors this happened.
And what makes me feel worse.. is that I just sorta... never thought about white people voicing non white characters. Things like this I noticed sure, I realize now part of the reason I didn’t like this movie the first time I saw it was this alex jones version of a looney tune, but I do feel shame for not noticing or caring long before this. Sure I loved it when a character of color got played by a person of color.. but I didn’t realize just how deep that problem was and how LONG it went on for before the outcry post george floyd and the call to action lead to most shows still going course correcting. It’s why stuff like this extra botehrs me: because THIS was just as okay at the time. No one blinked twice about this and odds are the creators involved still haven’t. And that.. that’s just terrible and it hurts to think about and  I still have most of the movie to go.  
The Pyramid of Peril:
So we do get a gorgeous unvewling scene of a box Scrooge found out about from Collie Baba’s horde that should lead them to the treasure. This scene reminds me of Indina Jones.. and I bring this up because the poster was specifically made to mimick an indinia jones poster, to the point of getting drew struzan to do it. THe creator of Ducktales objected..l but I do not get WHY. While I”m not sure if he had yet, Speilberg flat out admits the Carl Barks comics were an inspiration for Indina Jones, with the iconic bolder chase coming from a similar scene in one of Barks Stories. Gotta cover that too. So yeah I don’t get not wanting an indina jones style poster when both were inspiried by the same work and it’s just simple logic and it looks so neat. Thank you. 
Scrooge finds seemingly just clothes.. and a map. Jeff Dunham’s Most Racist Puppet reports to his master, Merlock. Merlock is a.. meh villian. Christopher Lloyd does try.. but Lock is your standard evil overlord wants to take over the world type. He dosen’t have much depth, or personality and only his style saves him from dragging the film down along with Dana Carvey’s most racist disguise in master of disguise. He does have a deent shape shifting gimick and being played by Christopher Lloyd means he’s acted TREMENDOUSLY. Alan Young was apparently in awe watching him work and that’s wonderful to hear. The guy did his best. Weirdly Merlock would show up in tons of other works, mostly video games.. but even weirder he NEVER showed up in ducktales 2017. Both Djon and Gene would, Djon thankfully renamed we’ll get to all of that tommorow thank god. I need it after this. But Frank has outright said they didn’t use Merlock because there simply wasn’t anything they could do with him they couldn’t dow ith magica. My likely guess is the might of found a way to revamp him EVENTUALLY, it’s not like radical revamps weren’t there thing come on, they just had way more stories with Magica and didnd’t get around to it before the show was canceled. Just make him some sort of evil god or something. it’s what I might do. There’s a lot of angles with him. Though I would’ve still gotten christopher lloyd back. I mean most of the recasting is good but he’s still alive and deserved a better shot at things. 
So Merlock sends Djonn to go with scrooge as his guide to find the treasure, as there’s something of imense power within it. And I gotta ask WHY does Merlock need a minon. No really. This isn’t a situation like reboot magica where he’s trapped in another realm. He can shapeshift into any animal. We only see him use falcon, rat, cockroach and bear but theoritically he can become anything and bear alone is still a LOT. Why does he need this sterotype even other sterytopes ar eashamed of? The film dosen’t NEED Djonn. Just let Christopher Lloyd monologue and leave this post 911 propogranda cartoon at home. 
So our heroes nad rejected jar jar prototype head into the desert, and seemingly find nothing before finding a small pyramid all while Merlock follows desecretley as a mighty hawk. 
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Scrooge makes the boys and Djon dig... because they clearly forgot the “work hard” part of his ethos. 
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Our heroes unveil the pyramid... and while Merlock SAYS he searched the desert and I get it’s hard to see thourgh all of that.. the dude is immortal, had decades to search and had Mickey Rooney there on standby to force him to go comb the desert. I have an artist rendering of that hang on
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So our heroes enter the pyramid and it goes.. really how you’d expect: there’s a bunch of traps our brave explorers have to pass, the boys minintpret a juinor woodchuck saying about loosing your marbles to mean using the ones they actually have which geninely comes in handy as they trip the traps and Rob SChinder as a carrot stumbles into one. Also launchpad is wearing a hawaiin shirt and shades. This has no baring on the plot, but it does bring the movie up a notch in my book and I question why the reboot never used this outfit. Then again they also never properly used Donald’s Quack Pack Outfit (Which bad show or not, is objectively awesome), or his Quack Shot Indiana Jones Riff Outfit, so  it’s not like there isn’t a presdecnt for not giving a character a cool costume change from a previous medium. I really should do a top 12 missed opportunities list for the 2017 cartoon.. the ideas for stuff are really piling up. 
OUr heroes eventually find the treasure which has insidiously clever security the more I think about it: at first I thought it had none, just a pit with some... scorpions? I mean their supposed to be but they look like they crawled out of the same stygian hole in the sky Doofus crawled out of. And if your asking me “wait which Doofus” the answer is both. Both these abominations crawled out of a stygian hole in the sky.
But the treasure is on a platform surrounded by scoprions with the only way out being the trap filled way they came in. Unless someone comes in with a full team and a bunch of lootin sacks, they aren’t getting out with EVERYTHING. They can steal SOME of the treasure but there’s no way to get any signifigant portion... and the team thing itself is an issue, something Collie defintely predicted being a thief himself: while some thieves can work well as a team, hence why we have four oceans movies 3/4 damn good, and for the record 12 is the bad one, 8 is how you do a soft reboot and a female led reboot right, a good chunk of professional crooks will turn on each other or try and swinldle... and tha’ts dangerous in a trap filled temple but hey some criminals ain’t so smart.  If they all were Rudy Gulliani wouldn’t have two razzies for preparing to pull his pants down, and have waved his phone around on tv like a dare for future adminstrations to arrest the shit out of him would he? 
But Scrooge has his family so they get loading. But not before Webby finds the lamp. Not knowing about it Scrooge has no intrest in it, but Webby does. We also get a really simple but hilarious gag where SCrooge dickers over the idea for a second.. before Webby picks up a Jeweled tiara to possibly take instead. The best gags to me are often the ones that just let the character’s perosnalities take the lead and bounce off each other. It’s why when I reviewed the four lilo and stitch crossovers recently I harped on character interaction as their biggest weakness: it’s what MAKES a good work for me. It’s why my faviorite comics and shows often follow a loveable group of disfunctional misfits. I like a group of big personalities who despite in theory should NOT be able to work making it work anyway. And it’s honeslty what’s made Scrooge last so long: Scrooge on his OWN is awesome.. but iwth the boys, donald, and in the case of this series and the reivival Webby and Launchpad, with people to bounce off of who he contrasts heavily with, from Launchapd’s buffonery to Webby’s inehrent sweetness in both versions, to the boys genuine honesty and sense of adventure.... it makes him truly stand out. He’s a great character on his own, don’t get me wrong.. but it’s the people around him that give him chances to show WHY. A good character on it’s own is fine and dandy.. a good character with other good characters around them is where it gets truly special. 
Merlock naturally bursts in and in a VERY Black Heron move needlesly outs what micheal bay sees when he closes his eyes as a bad guy... no really he grabs the guy with his talons as he captures the treasure and reveals he’s a bad guy. I don’t even get why keep Djonn alive. He’s done all Merlock possibly could’ve needed and Merlock is ruthless... this makes no sense and only happens because they need Djonn for later in the plot.
Our heroes barely escape, rafting out on the platform itself in a thrilling sequence.. but it’s the one right after that catches my attention. Scrooge utterly defeated, having searched for this treasure for forty years and unresponsive to everyone else. The anmation, coupled with the incomprable Alan young’s acting makes this the highlight of the film for me. Beneath the armor of wealth and skill.. is only a poor old man who just lost something he’s been chasing after most of his life. Scrooge tries his hardest not to be vunerable and both shows and the original comics all use that so when he truly is devistated like this, and i’ts belivible since this treasure is a personal goal of his and as someone who has had things that they seek out specifically, loosing them always hurts. It hurts to ALMOST reach a goal only to have it crumble out under you
But while this alone is good.. what’s next makes it great. Webby sweetly offers up the lamp. Scrooge turns it down, and her genuine gesture reinvgorates him and reminds us of who he is “I’ll find it if it takes another 40 years”> Scrooge may be bitter, mean and selfish a lot of the time.. but deep down, he’s a good man and one who will not give up, and a momentary setback can only stop him so long as long as he has his family to remind him of who he truly is.. and what’s truly important. It’s genuinely sweet and to me is also a reminder of why 87 Webby is a good character: Shes’ not perfect, her main personality trait is often Girl Sterotype”.. but she’s a genuinely sweet small child with a huge heart. It’s telling that while 17′ Webby is almost completely diffren,t and far better, that heart remains her biggest strength. Sure her reboot self could kill a man nad no one would ever find the body, but it’s her heart and empathy that makes that possible and makes her Webby.  That inherent loving nature is what makes Webby webby wether she’s a toddler having a tea party or a tween getting ready to intergoate a guy with a meat tenderizer while saying ‘Cute girl stuff”. 
Gene Genie Let’s Himself Go:
It’s a few days later and this is the point where it REALLY becomes obvious this was written as a bunch of episodes. Though to the film’s credit while it does ake this feel like a compliation movie as a result... it dosen’t hamper the film’s quality, condiment from Rush Limbaghs’ hot dog stand does that just fine, but once you notice it it’s impossible to unotice it. Weirdly though it seems chunked up into four episodes rather than the usual five, likely cutting down an episode, though I can’t see where they cut out material frankly if they did and i’ts just as likely they woudl’ve had to make one to fill in the space.
So Scrooge is in a mood, being grumpy with his secretary Mrs. Featherly, quackfaster in all but name, and having to be sent home. So while Duckworth goes to fetch him Webby polishes her treasure at long last readying for a tea party, something the boys roundly reject because their sexist little twits and swo were the writers or executies who assumed all little boys act the same. It’s easily my biggest pet peeve with the series as a whole: anytime this crops up with the boys it turns them into the worst dicks imaginable. It’s telling this, being mean about her wantin ga tea party with her surrogate brothersi s TAME. Normally they’ll say she can’t do things because she’s a girl or mock her hobies outright instead of just be mildly dickish. And while she dosen’t look much younger Webby is VERY CLEARLY, in this series anyway, supposed to be say 5 or 6 to the boys 8-10. 7 at most. SHe’s a small child and while it is realistic for older kids to bully younger ones, it’s not fun to watch. It’s why I get annoyed at all the big sibling bully characters.. some work, but most aren’t fun to watch because there’s nothing funny or intresting about it. It’s the same deal here. 
Thankfully that quickly goes away as the lamp moves when Webby rubs it and does so again to prove it did move. Huey finishes it and we’re introduced to Gene, the best part of the film.  Gene is a Genie and he takes a second to dart around before messing with the appliances in the kitchen, as he was last around during the time 1001 Nights Came About. Cleverly though, and so we thankfully don’t have 80 dozen fishout of water jokes that have already been done before. As you can probably guess i’m not a huge fan of time travel fish out of water stuff. Now from another dimensoin or planet, i’m on board with with Star Vs, Steven Universe and Sym-Bionic Titan being great examples of this, as is the comic resident alien. (Despite having the wonderous Alan Tuduk the show sounds way more mean spirited and misses the entire point of the comic as given by the author in the credits, i.e. that the alien is supposed to NOT be a threat and just be gently waiting for a ride) The inverse is also good with Amphbia and owl house, taking a human and plopping them into our world. But time travel stuff just usually runs the same beats of “look at the shiny thing” and what not. The only time i’ve sene something SIMILAR work is with thor where their society is SIMILAR to vikings time but still it’s own thing.. it also gave us a classic gag in..
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So yeah i’m glad they dropped this and instead had a clever way around it: Gene reads the encylopedia at the mansion. Granted it’s Scrooge so I don’t know how current it is and given this came out in 1990 thus HOW racist it is. It’s not a questoin of IF it was, but how much.
But having caught up the kids confront him with the fact he has to grant wishes. This lamp runs on what I now realize are Aladdin rules: Whoever currently holds the Lamp is the Genie’s master, they only get three wishes, and that dosen’t reset if it changes hands. The only big diffrence from the usual is Gene dosen’t have to TELL them about the wishes like Genie did, and Gene very begrudginly agrees to it. He also seem’s phsyically pained when doing so. 
So since all 12 know about him, each of the kids gets a wish though it seems unfair with HDL. Their one person, they shoudln’t get 9 wishes just because their brain is spread out over three bodies. 
This film continues the weird simliarties to Aladdin by attaching rules though they instead come up as a result of our heroes talking rather than the Genie just flat out tleling them: both share the “you can’t wish for more wishes” thing, a common rule in these stories and usually only broken nowadays as a clever twist as the rule is SO common place, not having it is a twist. But it is there for a reason: to limit the sheer power of a reality warping wish. The wishes can also only go so far. In a nice line, when Huey, Dewey or Louie suggests wishing for peace one earth, Gene says “No pipe dreams’ He can’t bend people or reality on THAT scale. He can bend reality as we find out, but it’s smaller scales like turning someone’s possesions over ot someone else, warping the bin into a castle, or bringing inanitamte objects to limited life. Still HUGE feats worth of a genie, so Gene’s power isn’t so nerfed it’s unusuable, but it does explain why his evil pervious ownder Merlock, more ont hat in a bit too, didn’t just wish to have eternal dominon over the earth or something. Gene can do just about anything but he can’t change the world on a fundemental level. 
And I do LIKE having rules in wished based stories like this, I chalk it up to growing up with Fairly Odd Parents... though they eventually went too far in the oppsoitie direction, pulling rules out of their ass to suit the episode, instead of simply having some very standard, very understandable rules that still pose challenges but don’t outright cheat so the episode can happen. 
So Webby does her first wish.. and wishes for a Baby Elephant, something Gene is against as he prefers they keep the wishes small: otherwise he gets found out, and the fight over him begins. So one of the boys wishes him away. Or Webby does. Point is it’s gone though not before Beakly sees it and Scrooge smells something is up. Our heroes try to hide gene, but gene thankfully simply dresses up like a modern kid and thus is able to pass as a friend of there staying for the night. 
So with the rules established and what not the kids find a clever solution: they simply go a ways away from the mansion into the woods, far enough from town to avoid any suspcion, and same iwth the mansion and just wish for all kinds of stuff: a giant bunch of ice cream toys, standard kid wish fufillment but it’s nice... in part because the kids treat Gene like one of them. Wihle they STARTED asking him about the wishes, this starts the bonding process. Soon he will be part of the hive mind.. SOON. 
Until then though after using another wish to make scrooge not mad at them for coming home late and missing dinner, that night we find out Gene’s backstory.... and it’s an utter tearjerker. As it turns out Merlock wants him back because he’s Gene’s former master and as you’d guess.. it was NOT a happy existnace, used contstnatly to do horrible things with no power to stop himself. Pompeii and Atlantis were both directly Merlock’s fault and it was only Collie Baba stealing the lamp that put an end to his hell. He also answers the two obvious questions botht he audeiince and the boys have: How the hell is Merlock still alive and shoudln’t he be out of wishes then? The first is simple. Unlike pretty much every DBZ Villian whose WANTED to do so, Merlock wished for immortality first chance he got, taking the Zamasu route instead and thus leaving him free. 
As for the wishes thing it turns out his amulet, in adition to shapeshifting, also gives him extra wishes becuase fuck it. 
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But the boys sweetly offer to protect him. 
The next day, Apu’s Cousin let’s Merlock know the maps in the mansion and Merlock has him help sneak in with Merlock taking rat form. This backfires as Mrs. Beakley notices the form and chases after him with a broom
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Meanwhile Webby has her tea party with Gene after he and the boys played cops and robbers earlier, and he’s bored.. though nicely not because it’s a girly thing, but because the stuffed animals aren’t alive and she naively has him fix that. This leads to 
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Which sadly is jsut scrooge vs a duck toy but admit it, you want that movie for Disney Plus yesterday. Call Charles Band Disney. CALL CHARLES BAND! 
Whelp Scrooge Still Sucks:
Scrooge takes for a turn for the obnoxious in the next part, but i’ts fine by me as it’s part of the plot. Naturally this reinactment of Cult of Chucky has lead to Scrooge finding out about the Genie. To his credit, Scrooge is tactical about his wishes. As said by the Duck himself “I could wish for a diamond, no the world’s biggest dimaond, no ten world’s biggest diamond, no a diamond mind, no the MINING INDUSTRY!”
The sheer power this gives him is TERRIFYING, both because of his status.. and because unlike the kids who all wished for simple kid stuff and used up their wishes quickly, he both gets how much he can do with this and could conquer the world economy if he truly wanted to. 
The obnoxious part comes in as he treats Gene as not a person, figuring he’s just there and forces him into the lamp despite the kids protests after Gene grants his first wish: Collie Baba’s treasure. It also dosen’t feel like the wishing nor him using the lamp to get the tresure back goes against his hard work ethos: for the former while he is getting all this magically, he’s still having ot use his wits to get the most out of it, and he did earn the lamp itself square. For the latter, he already earned the treasure square too and had it stolen. He’s onlyg etting back what’s by all rights HIS. Granted he plans on giving most of it up for a tax break but still it’s his by right. 
However the reason his assholery works is twofold: first it’s Scrooge. While he’s not a TERRIBLE person, in the comcis and this cartoon he isn’t a GOOD person either. He DOES have a good heart and will usually do the right thing, but his first instnct is always to get more money and to be a cantakerous old bastard to eveyrone and everything. While he’s subtly grew out of “I hate eveyrone and everyone hates me” as his guiding principal, it’s still his defualt reaction to most situations. But he first relents by letting Gene attend the party, part of why the Collie Baba thing stung so bad was that he’s told the historical society he’d get the treasure for years only to come back empty handed, if shrunken. But he still manages to have a good time while Asok and Merlock infiltrate.. well I’mRunningOutofINsultingNIcknamesCanYouTell steals the silverware. Yes... that.. that really happens. 
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Look we’re almost done, i’m almost free of this racist mummies curse. Let’s continue. Gene sees melock and freaks and drags SCrooge with him and while at First Scrooge is cranky...
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No but now I want a Donkey Kong Country crossover too dammmit. And to talk about those games. Another thing for the list. But Scrooge is righ tot be a bit surly...
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Okay now your just pushing it. As Gene whisked him away without telling him anything other than vauge worries... but then he gets a full idea of why Gene’s so terrified when Merlock shapeshifts into a bear and starts breaking the door down. Eh, could be worse. 
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Gene shrinks them to escape and Merlock leaves thinking they fled but leaves Skids Minus Mudflap to go look for them. Scrooge sneaks out but bumps into a cart running from the photo you see when you look up stereotype on google. I mean I assume.. let’s try it. 
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Huh you know I HOPED but I never expected... 
So Google Proving My Point plans to give his lamp to the master because of his weird Torgo-Esque obession with helping a man who clearly wants to murder him but takes his sweet time doing so because plot, and Gene figuring this COULDN’T POSSIBLY go as bad as Melock getting him urges the dummy to keep him and make his own wishes.
This goes about as well as you’d expect....
Wiped Out With A Wish:
Scrooge returns home to find Watto has wished to take his poessions, fortune, everything and Scrooge gets thrown in jail for breaking into his own house. We get two great moments back to back. The first is Scrooge lamenting loosing his fortune in jail, and realizing the sheer power and risk of the lamp, especially since he worked hard to earn it, every bit of it.. and Sam Wilson’s 70′s Backstory came in and took it all in an instant. 
The second is Scrooge’s family coming for him, including Launchpad , Beakly and Webby obviously and bailing him out. Though Beakly is UNGOLDLY annoying in this scene, sobbing hysterically and adding nothing and it’s not nearly as funny as the  film thinks. Turns out Goliath getting buried wrapped in chains threw them out. 
Scrooge takes a bit to rebound from all this.. but eventually realizes something: he knows the security of the bin inside and out. He had it put in after all. So it’d be easy enough to break in. So they gotta break in to break out the lamp, undo this nightmare, and END THIS MOVIE. Seriously this review has taken two days  as is I do NOT want to miss my invincible review. 
So they break into the bin, and it’s a tightly paced Scene, scrooge going in one way while the kids go the other and we even get a nice callback as the marbels come in handy to get past one of the traps. It’s just a good scene. it’s only real flaw is that Launchapd just sorta disappears as does Duckworth despite the fact their in a plane, and the bin later gets turned into a floating castle. Kinda a plot hole to not have Launchpad crash in to save htem just saying. 
Scrooge eventually does get to Djonn, whose been ignoring the imminent threat of Merlock while Gene sweats it out... and this backfires horribly as Merlock hitched a ride as a roach (Though there was a hilarious scene of him getting fried constnatly by lasers when Louie went through a laser hallway, as while Louie had the directions, it dind’t take into account passengers on your head. 
So Merlock remanifests in full gets the Lamp and unleashes his wrath on Tin Tin in the Congo and turns him into a wild pig. 
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Not you sweetie. He then forces Gene to turn the castle into a fortress and float it back to his home in parts unknown. It’s a DAMN cool scene with impressive and horrifiing animation as the bin melts and crumbles into thte castle and the kids barely make it up the stares as they shift and disolve. Really top notch stuff.
Scrooge stands up to Merlock... and this naturally goes poorlyw ith Gene begging Merlock not to respond.. and Merlock having him blow scrooge off the top of the forgtess storm eagle style, though scrooge understands. And this is the true reason why scrooge being a dick didn’t bother me so much. Because it helps create a great contrast between him and Merlock. Both thought of Gene as a tool rather than a person.. but Scrooge grew to realize he was wrong and what he was dealing with wasn’t some magical goodies creator.. but a child forced to constantly grant wishes, in sheer agony to do so no less, likely so sick of it because again and again and again people used him as a slave to get what they wanted and to hell with what Gene wanted. He realized he was terrible for making this poor boy into his slave simply because that’s his job. In contrast Merlock could give no shits and is a malevolent monster who glefully uses Gene despite the pain the wishes put him through and his protests. It’s why Gene is the best part.. he’s  athroughly likeable, throughly inncoent character with tons of personality and a truly tragic and horrifying backstory and Rip Taylor acts the hell out of every scene with the guy. 
Thankfully the marbles come in handy one last time and Huey, Dewey or Louie snipes the lamp away and a struggle for it insues between Scrooge and Merloc mid air. it’s fucking awesome.. and it get sbetter in how scroogewins. He simply gets rid of Merlock’s amulet, taking it then throwing it. Grante dhe COULD’EVE used it for unimited wishes.. but it was too risky to do that and as we’ll see in the ending , Scrooge realized the Lamp was too powerful to keep around for much longer and too much of a tempting target for his rogues.. not that we see them this movie as the crew wanted it to bea ccesaible and thus kept hte cast to the main cast from season 1 and just made new vilians and a new supporting character, but still. 
He does use his second wish though to undue the damage Merlock had done and the bin and clan mcduck are returned to duckburg in good condition.
Time for our ending, which is genuinely and wholly touching. With the lamp too dangerous to use Scrooge considers just sending it to the earth’s core, which horrifies the kids as it’d mean Gene would be trapped there forever... if the molten lava iddn’t just outright destory the lamp and probably kill him. But Scrooge.. isn’t the bastard he likes to potray himself as. Instead he makes Gene into a real boy. He gives the poor kid HIS wish, which designrates the lamp and undoes all the spells... so Merlock is PROBABLY dead but he does return for some games so maybe not? 
And so we end on two things: Gene happily playing cops and robbers with the boys finally free.. and Birth of A Nation grabbing all the loot he can in his patns and running off. Ha ha ha thank god i’m done with this prick. And no I will not be looking at his ducktales episodes unless I have to. 
Final Thoughts:
This movie is OKAY. It has a solid plot, gene is a wonderful chacter, the animatoin is pretty prettay pretty good, and the voice acting as usual is excellent, with Rip Taylor being the standout. 
But as my paragraphs of rage shoud’ve made Clear Djonn is just BAD. Easily the worst character i’ve encountered in my year of reviewing and some of the worst writing i’ve ran into. And that writing includes a goblin man voyerstically forcing two teenagers to make out, making jokes about santa renaming himself Clem the sceneafter he tearfully confessed to letting the elves and ms. claus die, accidental transphobia via the u-men, and Bryan Lee O malley thinking we needed more than one volume of Julie Powers being around.  This was disgusting, even by 1990 standards and especially by 2021 standards and it drags the film down considerably. Without it the film is okay.. with it the film is just VERY hard to watch any time he pops up.  He made getting through the movie a nightmare and while I pause a lot becaue it’s a bad habbit I did so more simply because as I said earlier in the review I could not stand him. 
It makes it a hard film to recommend. If you can stomach the racisim, then it might be worth it, but be aware of what your putting up with going in. But if you can’t.. there’s no shame in that, it’s carbombya levels of bad. Which yes was a real fictoinal country. It was so bad Casey Casem quit transformers over it. True story. So yeah, it’s an okay film, on par with the series at it’s best for the most part.. but Djonn just spoils it for me. 
If you liked this review, like it, share it around that sort of thing and if you want MORE disney movie reviews, in addiiton to the goofy movie one later this month, if you help me hit my 25 dollar stretch goal on patroen.com/popculturebuffet, i’ll do reviews of the Recess, Proud Family and Kim Possible MOvies (Well so the drama anyway), so help me out would you and i’ll see you at the next rainbow.
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outrebanx · 4 years
JJ Maybank x female reader
Part 2 
Summary: You spot your ex at a boneyard party and to avoid any unwanted conversations you find the nearest person to pretend to be with - JJ maybank
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: swearing (feel like this is a given for me at this point), fighting, shit writing
A/N: i have loads of ideas for imagines atm but no motivation to do them and this isnt my best work but enjoy ✌️feedback (like always) is appreciated 
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“Come on Y/N, hurry your ass up!” Your best friend Lily shouted from her car parked outside your house.
“I’m coming just gimme a sec!” You yelled back, quickly spraying yourself with perfume and grabbing your purse, before shutting the door behind you.
“Hey, you look stunning by the way,” you say as you get into her car, admiring her white lacy top and skirt.
“Thanks I almost didn’t wear it because if someone spills beer on me there might be a murder, but I’m more focused on getting with a hot touron tonight so priorities really.”
You laugh as she continues speaking, “And you look incredible as well bitch, are you trying to get with anyone or are you still not ready?’
“No I think I’m over Rafe now, I’m just stressed I’ll run into him or something and he’ll say something.”
She hummed her understanding and looked back at the road, focusing on driving towards the boneyard as you became lost in your thoughts. It’d had been over a month since you had broken up with Rafe, you’d been with him for over a year, but he’d refused any help you had offered with his drug problems and it was destroying you as well as him, so you’d called it off, even if it broke your heart.
There was already a large crowd by the time you got to the beach, the pogues already giving out drinks and the tourons apparently drunk already, there weren’t many kooks yet, you and Lily possibly being some of the first there but they’d show up at some point to cause problems.
You and Lily headed over to where the keg was, saying a quick thanks to the guy, John B was his name you think? And then headed over to sit on a log and chat until you were slightly more tipsy.
You drank the bitter liquid and did your best to hide your laughter at Lily who was trying her best to talk up a cute touron, but somehow with all her beauty, she was making it an incredibly awkward interaction. The touron gave her a weak smile before walking away, Lily turning back, a pout on her face at her small failure.
“It’s fine you’ve still got the whole night,” you smiled at her as she sat back down next to you, “and if he didn’t want you then good riddance.”
She put her head on your shoulder, “True, I don’t want to be successful and leave you on your own though.”
“Don’t worry about that, I might try and chat someone up if you’re successful then it’s even.”
You two fell into an easy silence, listening to the music and the laughter from the other people on the beach whilst still looking for guys to chat to.
“Shit, shit, shit.” You say, seeing Rafe pull up with his friends, a girl you hadn’t seen before getting out of his car and kissing him quickly before they began walking onto the beach.
“Who’s that with him?” Lily asks, now looking over at them as well.
“No fucking clue, but if he’s with her I need to find someone too, you alright if I disappear for a bit?”
“I’m sure I’ll survive.” She grinned, quickly hugging you and then pushing you in the other direction, away from Rafe.
You walked through the crowd quickly, looking for someone who wouldn’t mind talking to you - unfortunately, everyone already seemed to be paired up, this never happened, the universe must hate you, you thought.
Then, as you neared the fire, you saw the back of a tall, blond guy, and without thinking or caring you jogged over to him, grabbing his hand and dragged him towards where people were dancing, saying as you moved, “Let’s dance.”
You heard a huff of annoyance from him, but didn’t turn to look at him until you got to where people were dancing. You were taken aback by how attractive he was, you knew it was JJ Maybank as he was notorious on this island but you’d never been close enough to really see his intense blue eyes, or his incredibly muscular body. Not a bad choice on your part, especially when you saw how his eyes roam over your body, he raised his eyebrows at what he saw.
“It’s not everyday a kook drags me to dance with her.” He said as you stood in front of him, not even moving.
“Sorry, but my ex is here with a new girl and if he sees me I’d rather be with a guy, and he hates you so it’s like a win-win.” You laugh.
“Well, Y/N,” you raised your eyebrows, surprised he knew your name, “I would do anything to piss Rafe off and you’re definitely hot enough for me to pretend to date.”
You rolled your eyes, hoping he didn’t see the blush creeping over your cheeks, “Just dance with me blondie.”
He grabbed your hips as you put your arms over his shoulder, swaying to the music, slightly out of time but still enjoying it thoroughly.
It didn’t take long for the moment to be ruined though as you felt a large hand grab your shoulder and pull you away from JJ’s grip.
“Wow, Y/N I didn’t expect you to be whoring it up yet.” Rafe sneered at you.
JJ went to move to defend you but you put your hand on his chest, “It’s fine, I’ve got this.”
You turned to face Rafe, “Fuck off Rafe, you got to this party with a girl, why can’t I spend time with someone, or do the rules not apply to you?”
“That girl means nothing,” he went to grab your hand, which you quickly pulled away from him, “why don’t we try dating again?”
You scoffed, “No. Why would I ever get back with you? You treated me like shit and I never want to experience that again so just fuck off.”
You turned away hoping that would be the end of the conversation, not that you got what you wanted though as in his growing anger, he grabbed your arm tightly.
“Let go of me Rafe - you’re hurting me.”
His grip tightened, making you wince, “Listen here you bitch-“
“That’s enough man she doesn’t want to talk to you, so let go of her.” JJ’s hand was on Rafe’s chest, ready to push him away.
“Don’t tell me what to do Pogue scum.”
And just like that JJ’s fist connected with Rafe’s face, you pulled your arm away and tried to intervene between the boys before one of them beat the shit out of the other. Not that it worked.
JJ was now on the floor, Rafe on top of him punching his face repeatedly, ignoring your shouts for him to stop. JJ’s friends pulled Rafe off of him, and as they dealt with him you quickly ran to his side, helping him off the floor.
“Are you alright?” You ask, stroking his already bruised cheek.
He leant into your touch slightly, “I’m fine princess no need to worry,” he looked down at your arm, “are you though?”
You smiled, “Yes, thanks for sticking up for me, I pretty much had it handled but the help was nice.”
“Well he’s a prick so glad to be of assistance.” He laughed, staring into your eyes.
You got tired of the eye contact and closed the space between you, he quickly responded to your movement, his hands moving to your hips to pull you closer, his lips matching your pace as you deepened the kiss.
You pulled away from him, breaking the kiss.
“Fuck.” He breathed out, looking at you in a way you couldn’t decipher.
You lightly tapped his cheek, “Maybe another time blondie.”
You left him there speechless, smiling to yourself at the night you’d had as you went to find Lily to go home.
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thetravelerwrites · 4 years
OkCryptid: Pevik Pikecarver (Goblin) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationship: Male Goblin/Female Human Additional Tags: Exophilia, OkCryptid, Dating App, Goblin Content Warning: Adoption, Sex Words: 3159
A sweet commission for @mxnsterbabe​! A woman uses the "Blind Date" function on the OkCryptid app, and is surprised by who she's matched up with. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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OkCryptid was becoming the most popular dating app on the market. It was free, easy to use, and had rave reviews from it’s users. There were no end to the happy couples, or poly relationships, that sang it’s praises. You’d never used an app to date before, but your recent disastrous attempts at dating had caused you to consider it.
You weren’t even sure what you wanted, honestly. You scrolled through the profiles with no real interest. You must have swiped through a hundred profiles before a graphic popped that said: “Can decide? Try the Blind Date Option! Click Here to Try!”
Why not, you thought? You clicked it, and it took you to a form page to put in days and times you’d be available for a date. After filling it out and clicking “Next”, it took you to another page that asked which locations you were willing to go to for this date. You picked out a couple of cafes and restaurants you liked, and clicked “Match Me.”
There was a loading wheel, then a message that said, “At the moment, there are no matches that have selected any of the times and locations you provided. We will send you a message with a date and time as soon as a match is available!”
Well, that figured. You closed the app and put your phone in your pocket, turning your attentions to other things.
It wasn’t until three days later that you got a notification, which you ignored at first since you were at work. It wasn’t until you got into your car and took a moment to check your email that you saw it.
“A date has been made for the 23rd, 6 PM, at the Rosemary Gardens restaurant. To accept, click ‘Date’. To decline, click ‘Pass’.”
There was no other information. After a moment of deliberating, you clicked “Date.” It was followed by a message that said, “Congratulations! Pevik will meet you at the Rosemary Gardens Restaurant on the 23rd at 6 PM!”
Pevik? That was an unusual name. You had no idea what to expect. You had to resist an overwhelming urge to Google the name and see what came up, or at least search OkCryptid for people with that name. The whole point of a blind date was to go in blind. Peeking was against the rules.
The 23rd was only four days away. You could wait. Maybe.
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The day of your date with Pevik arrived and you had to admit you were a bit nervous. The not-knowing aspect of a blind date was always a little nerve-wracking. Should you be casual? Dressy? What if they were allergic to your cat and they had a reaction to the fur on your clothes? What if they went into anaphylaxis and died? Could you forgive yourself or your cat for killing someone?!
Okay, that probably wouldn’t happen…
But it could…Where was your epipen…?
Rosemary Gardens was a trendy place that required more presentation than jeans and a t-shirt, so you wore a simple sundress and cardigan, easy and cute. Light makeup, a bobby-pin or two, just to keep fly-aways out of your eyes. Nothing flashy or fancy, since you’d gone on disastrous dates before dressed to the nines and it had been a mistake, to the say the least. Red wine is virtually impossible to get out of silk chiffon.
You got there a little early, but when you told the hostess that you were going to be waiting for someone, she said, “Oh, are you here for Pevik?”
“Yes,” You said, surprised.
“He’s already here,” She said brightly. “Right this way.”
You followed the woman to a table across from the bar, and sitting there was a goblin. He had short black hair and long ears. His eyes were the typical yellow with slotted pupils and he had a cute little button nose. He had on black slacks and a blue button-up shirt on with shiny black shoes.
You managed to hide the fact that you were a little disappointed. You typically preferred men who were taller than you, and this guy was only slightly taller than your waist, at your best guess.
He was clasping and unclasping his hands over and over, but stopped and perked up as you approached, a smile spreading across his face. You could see small bottom and top tusks just poking out from his lips.
“Are you my date today?” He asked.
“I am,” You said, sticking your hand out and introducing yourself.
“Pevik,” He said. “Pevik Pikecarver.”
“That’s a unique last name,” You said as you sat.
“It’s Orcish, actually,” He said shyly. “I was adopted as a baby by orc dads.”
“Oh!” You said. “Wow, that’s amazing.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I get that a lot.” He looked up at you through his surprisingly long lashes. “I’m not exactly what you were expecting, huh?”
You shrugged a little guiltily. “I guess not.”
“I know. You were expecting me to have blue eyes, right?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. Poor guy. You imagined he got a lot of rejection but still had a good sense of humor.
“I get it if you’d like to end this early--” He started, but you interrupted him.
“No, no! I’ll admit, I had different… expectations, but you seem really cool. Let’s keep it going, if that’s okay?”
His smile widened and he nodded.
He was a social worker who insured elder care workers were qualified to do their jobs, in both retirement facilities and home care. He enjoyed his job because it reminded him of his dads, who had adopted him very late in their lives. You were sad to learn they had both died recently, making him feel very lonely. Usually he spent most of his time at work and with his two cats, Jenga and Fifi, who he inherited from his dads.
He asked you about yourself, eager to learn about your life and hobbies. The two of you had a lot of things in common, including tastes in music and movies, although he thought the depictions of goblins in fantasy films was super racist. You had to agree.
By the end of the date, the two of you had been talking for hours and the restaurant was about to close.
“I didn’t realize how much time had passed,” He said, staring at his watch. “I should go, I’ve got a lot of paperwork at home that needs doing, but I had a great time.” He seemed to want to say more, but was hesitant.
“Me too,” You said. “Do you want to do this again sometime?”
“Yeah, absolutely!” He said, brightening. “Anytime you want! Just let me know when you’re free.”
You laughed again. “”Don’t sound so eager! Let me give you my number.” You held out your hand and he handed you his phone. You put your number in it and texted yourself. “There. I’ll text you soon, okay?”
“I look forward to it,” He said, walking you to your car. “Take care, okay?”
“I will,” You said, wishing him a goodnight.
You texted him when you got home, letting him know you’d made it safe. You weren’t sure why you felt the need to do so, but it felt nice. He responded he had gotten home as well and wished you a good night’s sleep. You went to bed feeling a little giddy.
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You woke up to a good morning text from him the next day and smiled all through your morning routine for work. You didn’t expect this…reaction…from one date. Pevik was admittedly not your usual type, but there was just something about him that made you… feel good. There wasn’t an initial spark, sure, but after spending all that time talking with him had completely changed your perception. Maybe it was his unwavering attention or his sweet disposition or sense of humor. Whatever it was, you were looking forward to seeing him again.
Your next day off was Tuesday, and even though he was working ten hour days for the whole week, he still wanted to have dinner with you.
>Won’t you be tired? You asked him through text.
>Not if I’m with you, He texted back. >How could I be tired when I have you there to invigorate me?
>You’re so silly, You said, grinning at your phone.
>Hopefully in a good way, He replied. >My lunch break is over. I’ll see you tonight at seven. I can’t wait!
>Neither can I. Have a good day at work!
>I will.
He met you at a cafe that Tuesday still wearing his work badge on his button-up shirt.
“Sorry,” He said, taking it off and stuffing it in his pocket. “I came straight from work.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” You said. “We could have made the date a little later.”
“Nah, if I sat still, I’d have fallen asleep. Besides, I was excited to see you again and I didn’t want to wait.”
You could feel yourself blushing and tried to keep the smile off your face.
“I must seem like a weirdo,” He said, kicking his feet a little in embarrassment. “Being so happy to see you all the time, I mean. I know I should be kind of aloof and cool, but I can’t help it. I just feel like a puppy left alone for too long.”
“No, it’s really sweet,” You assured him. “Honestly, no one has ever showered me with so much attention before. It’s kind of nice. I expect guys to act aloof and disinterested at first, so it’s refreshing.”
He laughed self-consciously. “I’m glad. I’m always concerned that my enthusiasm is grating on people.” The two of you sat and ordered your coffee and treat from the waitress.
“I was thinking, actually,” You said slowly. “I hope this doesn’t seem forward, but I have the weekend off and was thinking of cooking for the first time in a while. Like, a full spread. I don’t often cook because it’s just me, but I’m pretty good at it. Would you like to have dinner at my house?”
He gulped but nodded. “Yes, that sounds lovely, thank you.”
“Well, don’t thank me yet. My cooking is either incredible or horrifying nightmares, and there is no in-between. No guarantees which one you’ll get.”
He laughed again. “Well, no one’s perfect.”
After coffee, he was walking you back to your car when you saw a bench.
“Hey, can you stand up on here for a sec?” You asked.
He hopped up effortlessly. “Sure, what for?”
You pinched his chin in your fingers and kissed him. He took your face in his hands and pulled you in closer, and you could feel his small tusks between his teeth. It was exciting.
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That Friday, you were in your kitchen, stirring red sauce in a saucepan, when there was a knock on your apartment door. Your heart rose up in your chest and you went to open the door. Pevik stood there with a really beautiful bouquet flowers.
“Not to be cliche, but,” He said, grinning. “For you.”
“Thanks,” You said, taking them and sniffing. “Let me see if I have a vase.”
You did not have a vase, but you did find a liquor bottle with a wide neck and used that to decent effect.
“I was praying you weren’t allergic to any of those. I couldn’t ask without being obvious, so I also got this,” He pulled a bottle of Benadryl out of his pocket. You laughed out loud.
“Very thoughtful,” You said, taking it. “It reminds me of just before our first date and my wondering if you’d have an allergic reaction to my cat’s fur and if I should bring my epipen.”
He laughed with you. “So, what’s on the menu tonight?” He hopped up on one of the stools at the bar in your kitchen.
“Stuffed bell peppers with a spring greens salad,” You said.
“That sounds amazing,” He said. “I eat way too much take out, but I never have time to cook.”
“Well, maybe I can cook for you more often. We could even cook together.”
He smiled. “I love that idea.”
You pointed to a stepstool you bought recently. “Want to help me stuff my pepper?”
He snorted and struggled to keep a straight face. “Sure.” He grabbed the stool and stood up next to you, taking one of the knives from the block and cleaning out the peppers. On the stool he was only slightly shorter than you, perfect height to lean in for a sneaky kiss on the cheek, so you did.
He jumped but gave you a startled smile, returning the kiss. The two of you worked together to finish dinner, stealing kisses as you did. When his hands weren’t occupied, he lay one of them on the small of your back, stroking up and down your spine a little. It made you bite your lip and squeeze your legs together.
The tension between the two of you was getting thicker by the minute, and by the time you both had sat down to eat, you were throbbing between your legs and shooting him sultry looks. You ate in relative silence because you didn’t trust yourself to talk, but your unshod foot found it’s way up his leg and between his thighs.
Halfway through dinner, he couldn’t take it anymore and threw down his silverware, standing and coming around the table to kiss you roughly. You pulled him into your lap and began unbuttoning his shirt as his lips made their way to your neck and collarbone, palming your breasts through the fabric of your blouse.
“Bedroom?” You asked breathlessly.
“Oh, gods, please,” He wheezed back, and you lifted him, carrying him to your room. He was heavier than he looked, but he was still light enough to carry a short distance. The both of you fell heavily on the bed with you on top of him. He pulled your blouse off just as you unbuttoned the last button and tugged the hem of his shirt out of his pants. He rolled you, straddling your legs as he undid your pants and helped you get them off.
Undressing each other took no time at all, and you lay back on your pillow as he kissed his way down your stomach. The pressure of his tusks pressed against your skin was like small charges, electrifying your body. His hands massaged your thighs and opened you up as he got lower, his long nails poking you slightly as he went.
“You’re okay with this, right?” He asked softly, his thumbs rubbing circles so very close to your swollen entrance. “I’m not moving to fast, am I?”
“If you’re moving too fast, I am, too,” You said. “It’s okay. Trust me, I’m perfectly happy with how things are going right now.”
He chuckled. “Just checking,” He replied before lowering himself down. His tongue licked one long strip from bottom to top before the pointed tip of it circled your clit, flicking it once or twice to make you whimper. Then he licked his thumb and used it to rub your bud up and down while he pushed his tongue inside you, moaning against the skin, contracting it against that sweet spot. You cried out and gripped his hair, rocking your hips back and forth.
Your breasts shuddered with every quivering breath that escaped your lips as he took his time pleasuring you. He was a little rusty, but he was more than happy to take direction, and your mind blanked as a rush of ecstasy washed through your body. You were completely unable to control the sounds that came out of you.
You lay on your pillow looking down at him as he got up on his knees, pushed your legs back, and lined himself up with your body, slowly pushing his cock inside, groaning and shutting his eyes.
“Oh, gods,” He whispered. “That’s so good. You feel incredible.”
“I could say the same to you,” You replied breathlessly. He wasn’t long, but definitely girthy and stretched you open pretty wide without being uncomfortable.
He opened his eyes and looked right at you, as if confirming that you wanted this. You bit your lip and fluttered your lashes a bit in a way you hoped looked appealing. He smiled and began to thrust, bending to kiss your belly and breasts. He gripped your hips hard and slapped his body against yours pretty hard with each thrust. It was exhilarating and you pressed your ankles into his buttocks to drive him faster.
He definitely took the hint, and your bedframe was smacking the wall with the intensity of his movements. Time completely blurred and it was as if the two of you were in a bubble in which nothing could enter in or leave until you both were sated. You couldn’t remember if any words were said from that moment on, whether by you or him, and fell into the fog of the best sex of your entire life.
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You weren’t sure if you fell asleep or passed out, but there was definitely a moment were you simply weren’t conscious anymore. When you came back to the living world, a soft morning light was filtering in through the curtains of your windows. Pevik was asleep against you, his head on your shoulder and an arm around your waist. He looked adorable sleeping. You had thought to extricate yourself to start breakfast, but you woke him.
“Good morning,” You said as he began to blink blearily.
“It is a most excellent morning,” He said, smiling his toothy smile. “Last night was… beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. I think you’ve spoiled me for any other woman.”
“Well, hopefully, you won’t be needing another one,” You said. “In fact…” You grabbed your phone from your bedside table and clicked open the app.
“What are you doing?”
“Uninstalling it,” You said. “I’ve got you now. I don’t need it anymore.”
His grin widened. “You know what? You’re right.” He retrieved his phone from his pants pocket and uninstalled the app as well. “It served it’s purpose. No point in wasting the memory space.”
You lay back down on the bed with him propped up on one arm, looking down at you.
“I’m glad you decided to give me a chance,” He said to you, kissing your shoulder.
“I’m glad I tried that blind date thing,” You replied. “It’s hard to believe that if I had clicked a different button, we may never have met.”
“Life is funny that way,” He said.
You smiled softly at him and gave him a sweet kiss. “Right now, life is telling me we need waffles.”
“It’s important to listen to messages when we receive them,” He said magnanimously, then chased you into the kitchen, tickling you as you went.
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Since my work is no longer searchable, please do me a favor and reblog this story if you enjoyed it. Help me reach a wider audience! To help me continue creating, please consider buying me a Kofi, becoming a Patron, or donating directly to my PayPal!
Thanks for reading!
My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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choicest · 3 years
We'll Be Fine
Summary: It's graduation day. Harrises meet Prices and Noah gives MC a gift.
A/N: Sorry this one took a while. I was replaying MTFL and realized that if you choose Noah, there won't be an option for you to give him a graduation gift. And since I miss him dearly, I decided to just write a fic about it. This is the first part of this two-part fic. Thank you for reading! It really means the world to me. Let me know if you like it!
Tags: @lalizah @shows-simp-card @aylamwrites
Her room is almost bare. Most of the pictures that used to take most of the space are all safely packed in her suitcase. The only thing that remains untouched is the corkboard that holds the rest of the things she needed to do before moving to New York.
For the hundredth time, she skims through her suitcase, making sure that everything she will ever need is loaded. In there, she saw the softest scarf in the world. As if finding the last piece that will complete a puzzle, she quickly roams the room to find her camera. It is resting on the bed; she smiles loving its new look. It looks just like her. Even at first glance, you would know that that camera belongs to MC Price. She smiles remembering the memory.
~two weeks ago~
"Mack, what do I do? The graduation is tomorrow and my gift for Noah is still not here! I should've listened to Dad. I should've let him drive me there to get the package myself." MC worries as she walks mindlessly around the living room.
"MC, honey, relax. It will be fine. I'm pretty sure Noah will understand." Her dad calmly says as he finishes preparing the dinner.
"Also, look on the brighter side, sis, since the gift is arriving later than expected..." Mackenzie doesn't get to finish as MC interrupted her.
"Very later."
"... very later than expected, you'll have more time to plan on how you are going to give it to him. I'm thinking a date, a very romantic date."
"You guys are right. Yeah. It'll still be worth it."
Right after the graduation ceremony, Noah, together with her mom and Hazel make their way towards the Price family. As Dr. Price sees Noah, he swiftly offers his hand for him to shake.
"Congratulations, Noah." He says looking directly into him. Despite the shortness of his words, Noah gets the message.
"Thank you, Dr. Price."
"I told you, call me Dave."
The two of them share a laugh as MC and Noah introduce both families to one another.
As their families exchange pleasantries, Noah and MC catch each other’s gazes, smiling quietly, grateful for the opportunity. People their age surely think that introducing both families is such a big step in a relationship but Noah and MC honestly don't care about those stages in a relationship.
Right after Noah told his mother about the whole incident, how Dr. Price saved Elijah, she insists to meet him to properly say thank you. And that's how the Harris family found themselves sharing dinner with MC's family the night of the graduation.
The image in front of him makes Noah smile, not his usual smirk, but a genuine one. Both of their family get along surprisingly well. He reminds himself to thank MC for that later.
MC telling Noah her dad likes gift baskets because that's usually what patients give to him when they're well is definitely the charmer. It's not like Mrs. Harris has to win Dr. Price's approval but it's really the least she could do after what happened with Elijah. So when Noah learns this information, he quickly told her Ma who practically runs into the nearest store to get the most lavish, overflowing gift basket.
MC goes out into the porch to catch fresh air after dinner. As exciting as the day has been, she can't shake the sadness that's looming inside her. She's going to miss everything her eyes can reach: the place, the neighborhood, Mrs. Bartha, their widowed neighbor who always extends her most delicious pie with her family, the tree she fell off when she was a kid earning her a one whole hour of pain as her dad stitch her up in the clinic, and all of the other memories she quietly keeps to herself. She's ecstatic to move into New York, who is she kidding? She's literally going into her dream school. In her head, she lists all the things she should be thankful for so she could ignore the bitter-sweet feeling that has been sitting inside her since she realized these major changes.
Her reverie was cut short when she feels strong hands enveloping her waist. The person's smell immediately fills her nostrils, and she leans her head back into his chest.
"Hi." Noah softly whispers in her ear.
"Hey, Jeff Goldblum." MC responds wrapping her hands around Noah's neck as she turns around.
"Careful, I might start thinking you only want me for fulfilling your fantasy."
Both of them chuckle as MC hugs him tighter.
"What's on your mind, Cheer Squad?"
"Today's high on the charts. Look, Mack playing with Hazel, our families warming up to each other..." She says as she gestures inside the room where Hazel whoops in victory as she defeats Mack in UNO.
"I say, that's definitely more than just warming up."
"I know." MC groans pressing her head into his shoulders.
"So, what's the matter then?"
"I just... I'm so happy I can finally go to art school. What I have in my hands, Noah, is everything I ever wanted. But I don't know. I also feel sad."
Noah rubs the lower of her back as she avoided his gaze.
"We're all gonna be fine." Noah reassures her as she locks him in her arms.
"Hey, look at me, baby. We're gonna be fine. Your dad, Mack, us."
At the mention of their relationship, MC looks up and finds Noah already staring at her. Smiling warmly, holding her safely in his arms.
"Sadness is a common feeling when everything around you seems to be changing. But hear me out, Cheer Squad, everything you built and share with the people here, everything inside this house, all of it will still remain, and will always, always be here, for you, especially me. And you know what's the best thing is?"
"That my father can clearly see us through the window right now but not doing anything?"
"That and also..." Noah laughs as he slowly moves his hands to hold her face.
"You will have me, you will have us, always. You won't even have to turn around because I will be in your side, supporting you, cheering for you while you chase after your dreams."
"I love you. God, I'm so lucky to have you." MC gently smiles, tears forming in her eyes."
"Please, don't cry on me now, babe, or else your father might actually do something." Laughing, Noah wipes her tear with the pad of his thumb.
"I have something for you." Noah starts, realizing it's the perfect moment to give her his gift.
"You do?"
"Don't sound as if you didn't catch me asking Mackenzie for suggestions. Just a sec." Noah dash into the room to get his gift. He shoots Dr. Price a shy smile as if asking for a few more minutes before he calls it a day.
MC excitedly accepts the crinkled box as Noah looks to the ground.
"I... I wrapped it myself." Noah admits rubbing the back of his head.
"Then I love it even more."
MC opens the box and reveals a camera strap and a scarf.
"I know how insane New York could get when it's winter so I got you a scarf to keep you warm. A black one so it'll be easy for you to style it. Mack says if I'm planning to get any fabric, choose black because it goes with everything..." Noah doesn't get the chance to complete his sentence as MC once again wraps her arms around him and kisses him.
"Did you do that to shut me up?"
"Yes but mainly because I just wanted to kiss you. I love it, Noah. Thank you. And the strap, it's... it's me."
"I know. When I saw it, I knew I had to get it for you. Happy graduation, MC." Noah proudly smiles as he saw how happy his girlfriend is.
"Happy graduation, Noah. But my gift for you, it's not here yet. There's a delay with the delivery. I don't have anything for you now." MC speaks continuously, worry lines appearing on her forehead.
"Don't worry about it, it's fine. Thank you, whatever that may be."
Not being able to contain the happiness, MC hugs Noah while softly kissing his face.
Noah is just about to kiss MC on the lips when they heard a very loud, and obvious cough behind them. Noah laughs, slowly letting her go.
Mrs. Harris smiles as she once again congratulates MC. Hazel hugs her side as Noah shakes Dave's hand before fist-bumping Mackenzie. Despite the late-night hour, Hazel shouts sweet goodnights to the Prices as Noah starts the car. Glancing one more to MC's direction, he sees that she's already wearing the scarf. Smiling to himself, he mouths an "I love you" to her before driving away.
That night as MC prepares for bed, her phones chimes with texts.
Noah: We'll be fine.
Noah: I love you, Cheer Squad.
The doorbell rang bringing MC back into the present. The list in the corkboard is almost complete, there's only one thing left to do: "Give Noah's present, and enjoy the rest of the time together." Hundreds of ideas are already forming in her mind as she runs downstairs to get the package.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate you guys. I'm already working on the next and last part of this fic, let me know if you want to be tagged. Thank you again for reading and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Stay safe always! -pilar
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voidstilesplease · 4 years
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Demigod AU Ficlet [3]
Stiles turns around to the source of the call. He finds himself facing the new Ares camper. The boy gives him a tentative but wide, slanted smile, stepping closer. Stiles is not going to lie; the excessive gushing he hears from the Aphrodite cabin about the guy are well-founded. But he's not going to say that out loud. He replies, "Hey,"
"Chiron said to look for you," the boy tells him, looking far brighter and good-natured than what Stiles anticipates from an Ares kid speaking to a child of Athena.
"Give me a sec, will you?" At the boy's nod, Stiles rushes inside the cabin to retrieve the materials he prepared for their brief session today. He assigns one of his half-siblings to take over the cabin clean-up while he's out. When he returns outside, the Ares boy is standing patiently, hands in his pockets, watching the flurry of activities inside.
"Your cabin looks like a library," the boy comments when Stiles is near enough to hear. He doesn't sound mocking and what he said isn't in particular insulting, but Stiles gets defensive all the same. From his time at camp, he gets this automatic response to the Ares bunch.
"And yours look like," he pauses, and they both turn to look at cabin five right across from Athena. Its blood-red paint job is giving Stiles goosebumps. Not to mention the stuffed boar's head on the doorway with soulless eyes that seem to be following everyone's movements, and the ugly barbed wires on the roof. It's an angry-looking cabin that's very fitting to its aggressive and violent occupants. "-a nightmare."
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Stiles expects the boy to sneer, but he gets a different reaction. The new Ares kid laughs. "You think it looks bad outside? It's absolute chaos inside." The boy turns to him, smiling cheekily. "You should come and visit sometimes."
Stiles stops short and takes a moment to consider the boy. He's never made an Ares kid laugh before, at least not that isn't derisive. They all think Stiles is stuck up even when he was only new to the camp. Only Fred, the head counselor, tolerates him, and he only does so because Stiles handed his ass to him in capture-the-flag last summer. His grudging respect is because he got beat by a rookie. Typical. This boy, though, doesn't seem to be corrupted - yet. It's only been a few days. Stiles replies with a serious, "I will," the boy's face lights up in return, probably mistaking it as Stiles flirting back. So he adds, "When it's my turn for cabin inspection. I give decent scores."
The quick shooting up of his eyebrows means he doesn't quite believe that.
But Stiles does. Last summer, he gave them 1/5. It would have been zero, but Fred had made an effort to upturn the bunk beds back in their upright position and shove all strewn underwear inside a box. He only hopes those were burned after and not distributed back to their owners. Stiles is a saint, considering.
He moves them forward, tracing the steps to the Big House. They walk side-by-side in surprisingly companionable silence for a moment, then Stiles begins introduction. "So, as your official welcome wagon, albeit a few days late," Stiles spreads his arms in an all-encompassing gesture. "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood!"
The boy laughs a little and regards him with amusement. He looks pleasant, but it's disconcerting and just a tad suspicious. An Ares kid is not supposed to be a charmer, newcomer, or otherwise.
"My name is Stiles," he says, pausing in his tracks to politely offer his hand to the boy. "I'm Athena cabin's junior counselor."
The boy smiles and takes Stiles's hand in a firm grip. He mentally registers that the boy's hand is mildly calloused and only slightly bigger than his. And the boy's eyes are blue, like the sky and ocean on a fine day. 
"I'm Theo."
Theo is a nice name, too, his brain whispers kindly. Probably short for Theodore. Stiles knows another Theodore from his previous school. That Theodore is bland; this one is far from it. But he's not going to admit that out loud, either. 
Stiles clears his throat, breaking their contact. His mind runs on him sometimes (all the time); he hates when that happens. The last time it did, Stiles got humiliated by his crush in front of the others during combat training. What a fun memory. He really shouldn't be thinking about that right now. So he picks up his steps, and Theo follows dutifully, not losing the open expression.
"I'm supposed to give you a starter kit today: the camp's map, our camp brochure, and your study guide for our next sessions." Stiles holds up the book and papers on his other hand. "As much as I'd like to tour you around, we don't have that much time."
Stiles waves a hand to one of the Hermes kids, who's carrying a trunk-load of garbage for disposal. The boy smiles back brightly despite the strain on his face from the weight of the junk. Ever since day one, everyone from cabin eleven has been friendly to Stiles, most especially the head counselor, Kira. So, Stiles always makes a way to return their kindness.
He shifts back to Theo to find him observing the interaction with attention. It's not malicious, though, which still baffles Stiles. He didn't know there could be nice ones from his cabin. 
He continues as they near the Big House. "There's a meeting with Chiron and the cabins' head counselors in an hour. Haley, our head, went with Demeter and Dionysus' cabin leaders to Manhattan to deliver strawberries. You know, the camp's source of funds? You'll see that in the brochure," he says, raising the object in question. "I'll have to attend as a proxy."
They arrive at the porch, and Stiles motions for Theo to sit on a bench. He passes the materials to him, "I'll let you check these, and if you have questions, you can ask me."
Theo shuffles the papers absently before lifting his head, "I do."
Stiles is pretty sure he hasn't read a thing yet, but he gestures for him to proceed.
"How did you manage it?" He asks, a genuinely curious look on his face. "You're here for one summer, but you're already second-in-command."
Stiles searches his face and tone for ridicule. He doesn't find it, still suspects it, so he schools his expression to its neutral - not friendly, but also not dismissive. It's a sensible question, anyway. It's not every day that he gets one from an Ares child. "It's not all about tenure here at camp," he starts, gauging.
Theo leans forward to indicate he's listening.
Stiles takes a seat adjacent to his position. If this kid is civil to him, there's no reason not to act the same - even if Stiles still thinks their cabin is the worst. "The eldest or the longest camper automatically gets the head counselor post, and they assign their seconds. Usually, they pick from the next eldest campers, but they can also base on achievements disregarding age or length of stay."
Theo inclines his head, eyes level on Stiles. "Achievements?"
"Yes. Like winning in the camp's games, or successfully returning from a quest."
His eyes flash in thought, and it is with revere when he says, "And you did both."
Stiles blushes embarrassingly. He tries to mask it by ducking his head and rubbing at his cheeks. Stiles is suddenly self-conscious when he is usually gloating. Stiles never passes up an opportunity to rub it in an Ares kid's face how he's defeated them in capture-the-flag like he's born for it.
When Stiles looks up again, the boy is smirking at him, blue eyes darting around his face in a thorough examination. Stiles's guard kicks in again, feeling measured. 
He straightens in his perch, lifting his chin haughtily. "Yes," he makes sure that his tone is sharp. "I led my team to victory against yours. If you have any doubt to the legitimacy of that claim, you can remind Fred how he uselessly hung upside-down like a wet market chicken while I plucked the flag from his hands."
Stiles waits for the offended snarl and stream of profanities, but once again, he's knocked off his careful balance. Theo's face splits in a wide grin, and he laughs. "So, that's why he doesn't share details, the loser."
Stiles goggles, starting to feel annoyed by the unusual behavior. "Aren't you going to mock me and defend his honor?"
Theo snorts, "What honor?" He snickers for a few more and then puts his attention to the reading materials when he recovers.
Stiles finds the situation peculiar, so he stays quiet and allows Theo to read, answering when he has more questions and volunteering information that isn't in print.
Later, when they adjourn, he prepares to leave when Theo leans to tell him, "I'm not like my siblings. I don't hate clever people." He pauses, and with an easy grin, adds: "Fred might even be right. I think I'm attracted to one of them."
He doesn't wait for Stiles's reply - not that Stiles has one to that statement. He only stands there, taken aback, and red as a startled tomato.
Theo, finally displaying the familiar audacity comparable to his kins, winks. "I'll see you later, Stiles."
And well, it's impossible not to notice him everywhere now.
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 6 "Seven Minutes in Hell" (Note: Offensive content, use at own discretion)
Everyone would immediately assume the killer is me.
Are you one of those idiot savants who's heavy on the idiot, light on the savant?
I am simply a victim of my times.
Are you aware your pants are on backwards?
Then whose fault is it?
I am never talking about anything ever again!
Yeah, super sorry about what happened down there.
Why are you laughing?
What about that fit you threw down there?
You're not mad at me?
Oh, I meant everything I said about you.
I still think you're useless. I'm just not sad about it.
You never, ever want to be the boss in a time of extreme crisis.
As soon as you become the boss, you get a target on your back, from the feds, the other families, ambitious underlings.
Sure, seems like you have all the power, but you also take on the most risk.
Oh, don't judge me for trying to stay alive.
Do not give an inch.
What's your game here?
I trust you about as far as I can throw you.
I know we don't know who the killer is, but we know it traces back to this house.
There are two things that always happen at a slumber party; someone experiments with lesbianism and secrets are revealed.
We can create situations and scenarios to really prime the pump.
We'll lock everybody up overnight, and we're bound to find out something.
A slumber party sounds fun.
Let's play spin the bottle.
Someone always goes lesbian.
We're playing spin the damn bottle.
Why spin the bottle?
That is not a nasty rumor. That is a true rumor.
So I propose a panty raid.
You taste like wax.
I guess we have to kiss.
You're a great kisser.
Was I interrupting you?
I was just practicing looking disinterested.
I'm pretty sure I was born without that part of the brain that actually feels stuff.
We have so much in common.
I'm starting to think we have something very important and specific in common.
My sex life up until this point is what you'd call unusual.
I think the only way to be sure of your feelings is if you let me gently rub your uterus right now.
When I love someone, it drives them insane.
Believe me when I say that if it was possible for me to feel anything I would totally be crying right now.
That doesn't seem healthy.
All the doors are locked solid. Windows, too. Upstairs and down.
I decided to have the whole house turned into a panic room.
But wait, doesn't that mean that there's some sort of switch somewhere to deactivate it?
I hate being trapped in small places.
There's only one reason why the killer would do something like this-- to pick us off one by one.
Guess it's just a matter of time before one of us or all of us ends up dead.
You have to help us.
Look, I'm prepared to say I'm sorry I did that.
What I'm not prepared to do is say the sex was bad.
Yeah. I'm not gonna apologize for that one.
I'm about to get murdered, so can you please just hang up and get over here?
How on earth are we supposed to get in if all the doors and windows are locked?
Dude, we climb up the ladder, break the windows upstairs, save all the girls, climb back down, then it's vagina city for all of us.
Why would you bomb-proof upstairs windows? For what, like, a flying bomb?
Don't be an idiot.
It's hero time.
Save me and I'm yours forever.
I'm not really sure I'm ready for that level of commitment.
Break the glass!
Stand back, fair maiden.
Give him the dignity of watching him die.
Someone in this house definitely knows who the killer is.
It's truth or dare time.
Whatever it takes to stop the douche that's trying to kill everybody.
I mean, do you ever just stop and ask yourself if we can actually pull this off?
Maybe we all just need to get out of here.
The best way to avoid a shark attack is to not go in the water.
We all have a crisis of faith sometimes.
Maybe you're hiding something.
I'd pick truth and then just lie.
If you want to lie, you can just pick dare.
That's the whole point of truth or dare. You can't lie.
Does your vagina have teeth?
I'm not lying.
My vagina doesn't have teeth.
Does your vagina still have teeth?
So it used to have teeth, but you got them removed?
So your vagina still has teeth.
Sounds like you're trapped in a web of lies.
You're forfeiting your turn, bitch.
Okay, I guess it's my turn, then.
You promised you wouldn't tell.
Sorry. I had to tell the truth.
Of course you're the killer.
I propose we take a little break, You know, take a whiz, get a refill.
You know what? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ever trusted you.
I wanted to talk about the other thing you said, about how you thought you had feelings for me.
The only feelings I have for you now are rage and pissed offedness.
Now go sit in that bathtub and think about what you've done. And try not to rub one out, okay?
Come on! I said I was sorry!
If anybody's down here, please don't jump out at me.
Is that blood?
Wait. If you're gonna kill me, at least show me who you are first.
I knew it. I knew it was you.
Please. You don't have to do this. I could help you.
There's never any food in there. Just laxatives.
I got the impression that you and I are on the verge of being the next "it" couple.
See, this is the problem with texting, you know? You can't hear the context.
Even though I decided to not wear a bra, you haven't been staring at my shirt raisins once.
Okay, look, I was waiting to talk to you about this 'cause secretly I was hoping you'd be killed and I wouldn't have to hurt your feelings.
I just don't think it would work out with us.
You're nuts, and not like a typical crazy-eyes co-ed, but wake-up-with-my penis-in-a-jar lunatic.
I love space mountain. Best ride at Disneyland. But I love my penis more.
Number one-- I never take second place. And number two-- I don't stop till I get what I want.
Was that salad spinner hitting on you?
I am super turned on from her, and I need some sweet release.
Is there any, like, Crisco or cooking oil here? Just, like, dry handies bum me out.
I propose we treat ourselves to a little heaven. Seven minutes in heaven.
Whatever your plan was, it isn't working.
Would you like to pat the little man in the canoe?
I want to take our relationship to the next level.
I want us to be together, but I want it to mean something.
I love boning girls all over this great land. But really, at the end of the day, I just kind of want to bone one girl. Like, that one special girl.
I just didn't think that girl was you. Because, obviously, there's so much wrong with you.
Will you get back together with me?
I would consider taking you back under one condition.
You have to pinky-pledge that you will be monogamous to me.
You will not have sex with anyone else. Do you understand me?
Dude, she looks like prepackaged meat from the supermarket.
Oh, god, has someone checked on the kids?
Pretty convenient that you're the one who found the body.
You're the darkest bitch of them all.
Those are some serious accusations, and they make no sense.
I would be opening myself up to a lot of trouble if I were to turn you in to the authorities.
It doesn't do any of us any good to start accusing each other with no evidence.
I suggest that we just have someone stand guard and watch me for the rest of the night, or until someone else dies, therefore proving that I am not the killer.
This feels so good.
I tried to scream, but nothing came out!
Interesting. That's all I'm gonna say. Interesting.
There is a trapdoor with, like, a tunnel system.
But wait, there are secret tunnels in this house perfect for a killer to use, and you neglected to tell us?
That's a little suspicious.
We are losing sight of the big picture here.
I'm not going down there. I do not dig on cobwebs, and I'm guessing there are loads of cobwebs down there.
If you get murdered in those tunnels, I promise I will never bang anyone harder than I banged you.
You're so rich and hot.
These are the nicest secret tunnels I've ever seen.
Wow. What amazing legacies they all have. What do you think ours will be?
If we can get through this year without everyone getting killed, I think we'll go down as the greatest of them all.
You came back for me.
Purely selfish.
You are probably the worst cop ever.
Wait, where are we going?
I won't go!
In three seconds, I'm gonna pick you up and carry you out of here.
I just kind of came over here because I farted over there and it smelled bad.
Wait, you're a lesbian?
Basically, I'm in love with love.
The next time I feel love for someone, I'm going to tell them. Right away. Just in case they're murdered before I can.
I just feel like I'm never gonna find a guy who likes me.
I'm a freak.
Nobody actually likes me.
You are totally gonna find another guy.
They're custom-made pink nunchaku.
Thank you for making that announcement that no one cared about.
No slumber party is finished without a kickass dance party.
This is so wonderfully random.
What a great way to pretend all these people we know weren't brutally murdered.
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softlass27 · 4 years
Flufftober Day 6 – Quicksilver
This is a canon divergence on the 16th May 2016 episode, after Aaron breaks things off with Robert after overhearing him talking to Charity about the money Gordon left.
Some credit for this idea must go to @saras-almanac! Ever since we chatted about her canon-divergent fic letting go recently, I’ve really want to have a go at doing one of my own for that era. This is the result :)
AO3 link here
Get out of my house, and get out of my life.
Aaron’s mood changes like quicksilver these days, so fast that Robert can barely keep up. He’s always been fiery, had no trouble showing his emotions through his words or his actions – it’s part of what had drawn Robert to him in the first place. And with everything he’d been through in the last few months, Gordon, the trial… God, Robert doesn’t blame him for being all over the place.
But it’s been weeks now and… things aren’t getting better between them. If anything, they're getting worse. The quiet spark of hope that had Robert practically brimming with excitement not so long ago dims with each passing day, with each time Aaron lashes out at him or pushes him away.
Get out of my house, and get out of my life.
Robert trudges back to the Keeper’s, head down and hands in his pockets. He can’t seem to go more than a day without facing Aaron’s wrath, without being reminded of exactly what Aaron and his family really think of him, of where he really stands. He didn’t think getting the thing he wanted – the person he wanted – would be this hard, hurt this much.
As he reaches the cottage, he takes out his keys and unlocks the door on autopilot.
“Hiya,” Victoria calls from the kitchen, before poking her head out with a smile that dims as soon as she sees him. “Hey, you alright?”
Get out of my house, and get out of my life.
Fuck it.
“You fancy coming to see Gran with me?”
She blinks. “To Barcelona? When?”
“Tonight? Tomorrow? I still have those tickets.”
“But I thought you wanted to take Aaron to… ” Vic trails off, probably because of the look on his face. She stares at him for a long moment, considering, before nodding her head.
“Go on, then.”
It’s the next morning, crack of dawn, and they’re in the departures lounge. Well, Robert’s in the departures lounge, Victoria’s nipped to WHSmith to find a cheap paperback to read (although knowing her she’ll just come back with a load of magazines) while he watches their bags.
He’s on the verge of dozing off, when his phone rings. Aaron’s name flashes up on the screen and Robert’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He’d tried calling him last night, just to let him know he wouldn’t be around in case… God, he doesn’t even know. There’d been no answer.
Robert hesitates for a few seconds, lets it ring a couple of times while he considers letting it go to voicemail, before steeling himself and answering the call.
“I’m outside,” Aaron says down the line. He sounds… blunt as always, but not particularly angry, not in the way he’d been yesterday.
“I’m outside yours. Vic’s. Come down, will you?”
“Er… ” Robert hadn’t planned for this, didn’t expect Aaron to come anywhere near him after yesterday. He gulps and tries to remind himself that he’s not done anything wrong. “I’m not there, actually. I’m not in the village right now.”
“Alright,” Aaron says, light and casual. There’s a faint scuffing sound in the background, and Robert can picture him rubbing the sleeve of his hoodie against his stubbled jaw. “Will you be back soon?”
“In a few days. Sunday night.”
“What?” The casual tone is swapped for confusion. “Where the hell are you?”
“At the airport.”
“Where’re you going?”
There’s a long silence, and Robert’s stomach twists unpleasantly. He wishes he hadn't picked up. “Oh. I thought we were – you went without me?”
Why do you care? He wants to snap back, as the old him definitely would have done. You didn’t want me there and you were never going to come with me, either. There was never gonna be a good time for you, not in the middle of all this. I wanted you to meet my Gran, my only other family, but now you say you don’t want anything to do with me, so why should I bother waiting? What's the point?
But he doesn’t say any of that. He’s trying to be better.
“I tried ringing you but – look, we can still go another time if you like, I don’t mind booking more tickets. But I only had so long to postpone these ones and I’d already made… ” He can’t bring himself to tell Aaron about Annie, not over the phone. “Anyway, you said you wanted me gone so… ”
“So you’re going to another country?”
“Rob!” Robert looks up to see Victoria coming over with an armful of magazines.
“I – hang on a sec,” Robert said into the phone, before cover the speaker with his hand. “What, Vic?”
“Oh soz, didn’t mean to interrupt. Just got you this.” She drops a car magazine he likes into his lap and takes the seat next to him.
Robert shakes his head and speaks to Aaron again. “Sorry, back now.”
“Is there someone else there?” The words are sharp, accusatory.
“Well I weren’t about to go alone, I’m not that sad.” He’s about to say he’s with Victoria, maybe try lightening the mood by making a joke about how much luggage she’s brought, but Aaron’s talking again before he has the chance.
“Right, I see how it is.” The rage that Robert is all-too familiar with is back in his voice. “You get bored of having to wait longer than five minutes for me so you just bugger off with some random?”
“What?” Shit, no. “Aaron no, it’s not like that. I’m just with – ”
“You know what, save it.”
“Aaron wait, I – Aaron?” Nothing. He’s gone.
“Fuck.” Robert jabs at the screen, quickly calling Aaron back and praying he’ll pick up so he can tell him he’s got this wrong, all wrong. But it’s fruitless; Aaron doesn’t answer and if Robert knows him at all, he won’t be answering for some time.
“Was that Aaron?” Victoria asks with the same tentative concern she’d shown last night.
“Yep.” He sighs and tosses the phone on top of the magazine in his lap.
“Are you okay?”
“Want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
“Okay.” Victoria lays a gentle hand on his arm. “Maybe later? While we’re in Spain?”
They do talk, in the end. On their second night in the city, they go out for dinner and drinks, relishing the chance to unwind after a day spent answering question after question from Annie and all her ancient mates at the care home. Old people are exhausting, honestly.
“So… ” Victoria says around a mouthful of fish, with a casual air that Robert knows is entirely put-on. “D’you feel like talking about Aaron now? About what happened? Because as much as I’m enjoying the surprise trip in the sun, I know I’m not the one who’s supposed to be sitting here right now.”
“Can’t I just take my baby sister on holiday?”
“You can, but you never have before. Come on, I know you booked these tickets for you and Aaron for your birthday, but for some reason it never happened. And I know you haven’t spoken to him since that phone call in the airport. Whatever’s going on… you know you can talk to me, right?”
Robert sighs, contemplates doing what comes naturally and lying to her, plastering a smile on his face and insisting that everything’s fine. But after weeks on end of giving everyone that smile until his jaw ached, he doesn’t have it in him anymore.
“It’s just… ” He hesitates, not really knowing where to start. Victoria leans forward encouragingly. “I’m not sure he actually want to be with me.”
“Rubbish,” she fires back instantly. “He’s as gone on you as you are on him.”
“I don’t think so, Vic.”
“Okay, what makes you say that?”
“The fact that he can’t seem to go more than a day or two without biting my head off or saying he wants nothin’ to do with me, for starters.”
“Is that what happened yesterday?”
“Pretty much. Said he wanted me out of his life.”
“Why, what did you do?”
“Nothing – for once,” he shoots her a rueful smile. “Just… I said something to Charity, he overheard and took it the wrong way, kicked me out before I had a chance to explain properly.”
“Well there you go, then,” Vic smiles. “A misunderstanding, that’s easily fixed. Once you explain, he’ll calm down and you’ll be fine.”
“Until the next time,” Robert mutters, stabbing at his food with his fork.
“What d’you mean?”
“That’s the point, Vic. I always have to explain, because he always thinks the worst of me and pushes me away, says I'll never change. Before that, it was the burnt letter fiasco, then it was him actually believing I’d paid someone to have Gordon killed in prison. And now this. Even on the phone the other day, he instantly assumed I’d gone off with someone else. He probably thinks I’m shagging some random right now, when I’ve told him how I feel about him. When he's the one who keeps shutting me out and cancelling every plan I try to make with him.”
Robert drops his cutlery down on the table as the words spill out of his mouth, increasing in speed before he can stop them.
“And before you say it, I know I was awful last year, alright? I get it, I’d understand if he didn’t trust me, if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. But… he’s said that he does trust me, and he’s said he still wants me. Then he goes and treats like he thinks I’m scum, like I’m still that selfish person he used to hate, and then I think maybe he doesn’t really want this, not the way I do. I’ve been trying, I’ve been trying so hard, but I can’t seem to get anything right and I’m just – I’m just sick of it, okay?”
To his absolute horror, the backs of his eyes begin to sting with tears, and he blinks them away rapidly as Victoria stares at him open-mouthed, eyes wide with shock. He can’t say he blames her, he’s surprised himself. His gaze remains fixed on the dark red tablecloth, already feeling awkward about his sudden outburst.
“And he forgot your birthday,” she eventually says, offering him a small smile. A surprised chuckle bubbles out of him and he looks up.
“And he forgot my birthday. Which I know makes me sound like I’m about six but…”
“But it was your first one with him.” He nods. “And you wanted to get to spend it together in Barcelona and take him to meet Gran.” Another, smaller, nod, and he buries his face in his hands as his cheeks flush with embarrassment.
“Oh, Rob.” She pushes her plate aside and yanks on his arms until he drops his hands and meets her eyes. “You’re allowed to be upset, silly. I’d be gutted if I were in your position.”
“Doesn’t feel like I am, not with everything that’s happened… ”
“You and Aaron… it’s a big deal for you. He’s your first boyfriend.”
He rolls his eyes. “We’re not teenagers, Vic.”
“Robert,” she frowns at his deflection, not having it. “After everything you've been through this past year, coming out, how much you’ve changed, being with Aaron properly… this is a big deal. I’m proud of you, you muppet.”
He doesn’t really trust himself to speak, so instead he settles for squeezing their fingers together, hoping she understands. She does, if the warm look on her face is any indication.
“Adam actually told me he stuck up for you with Aaron a couple of weeks ago, y’know?”
“What?” Well, that definitely didn’t sound right. “When?”
“After you burnt that letter. Which, by the way, was a bit stupid, but I get that your heart was in the right place. I can’t blame you for not wanting to give it to him, and neither can Adam. He kept it from Aaron too, remember?”
Robert fiddles with his napkin, carefully folding the corners. “What’d he say, then?”
“Just told Aaron that you were only trying to protect him, trying to make sure he never had to hear from Gordon again, like he said he wanted.”
“Wow… who would’ve thought your husband would be on my side?”
“I know, I think Adam was as shocked as anyone. So you see?” Victoria raises her eyebrows. “You’re not a monster, Robert. You’ve changed, and people can see that. If Adam’s started coming around to you, Aaron definitely will have.”
“Don’t think has family ever will.”
“Well, there’s only so much you can do about that; you can’t kill yourself over trying getting people to like you. But last time I checked, Aaron’s an adult, he can make his own decisions. He usually does, too.”
Robert sighs and nods, mulling over her words. They resume eating their meals quietly for a few minutes.
“So… what d’you think I should do?”
“I’ll tell you what you’re not gonna do,” Vic points at him with her fork, waving around the potato on the end of it. “You’re not going to give up on this.”
“I don’t want to. But I don’t know how to… ” He shrugs helplessly.
“I think you just need to have a conversation with him. Tell him what you’ve told me.”
She tuts when Robert pulls a face.
“I know you don’t like talking about feelings – I swear, you’re both as bad as each other – but you have a right to know where you stand, Rob. Look, I know Aaron’s been through hell and there’s a lot going on right now with his sister an’ all… but you can’t stay stuck in this weird limbo. He’s either in this or he isn’t, he wants you or he doesn’t.”
“And… ” Robert chews his bottom lip, stomach churning unpleasantly. “If he says he doesn’t?”
“I mean, I very much doubt that. But if that does turn out to be the case then… ” Vic hesitates, before grinning. “We’ll just have to head into town and find you a nice new bloke, won’t we?”
Robert snorts, already recoiling at the very idea. “Like I’d ever let you take me out on the pull.”
“What, I’d make an excellent wing-woman!”
“God no, please stop.” They both giggle into their wine glasses, until Robert’s smile eventually dims. “I don’t want a nice new bloke. I want Aaron.”
“I know you do,” Victoria says softly. “That’s why you have to try. Just talk to him.”
“Yeah… you’re right.”
“What’s that, now?” The glee in her voice makes him groan. “Can I get that in writing, please?”
“Alright, calm down.”
Typically, their return flight is delayed, so they don’t arrive back in Emmerdale until the early hours of Monday morning. Robert’s so knackered, it’s all he can do to bid a brief goodnight to Victoria and collapse face-down on his bed.
After what feels like only seconds after he puts his head on the pillow, he’s jolted awake by the sound of loud banging. Cracking one eye open, he takes in the faint light coming from the window and realises that despite his exhaustion, he must’ve had a few hours of rest. The banging starts up again, and Robert’s sleep-addled brain manages to work out it's someone at the front door. He waits for the sound of Adam or Vic heading down the stairs, but there’s only silence.
Groaning, he rolls to his feet and throws on his dressing gown before stumbling to the front door and cracking it open, ready to tell whoever it is to kindly bugger off and let him go back to bed, only to be met with the sight of the last person he’d expected to see at this hour.
He stands before Robert, hands shoved in his pockets and gel-free hair blowing in the wind. He looks as amazing as ever, and Robert’s missed him so much it makes his breath catch for a second. He stands frozen, hand dropping from the door to hang at his side.
Aaron clears his throat. “Hiya.”
“You’re back, then.” His voice is gruff and slightly hoarse, like he hasn’t had enough sleep.
“Er, yeah. Late last night.”
Aaron nods and there’s a long pause.
“You gonna invite me in or…?”
Robert steps aside to let him pass and follows him into the living room. They stand there awkwardly and Robert stays silent, waiting for Aaron to make the first move.
“Pub’s been quiet without you,” Aaron eventually offers. “Got used to you hangin' around every day.”
“Bet your mum’s not been complaining. Or Liv, for that matter.”
Aaron gives a small smile that looks more like a grimace, and Robert’s heart sinks slightly at the silent confirmation that he's right.
“I missed you, though.” He says it so quietly, Robert almost doesn’t catch it.
“I missed you, too."
Aaron’s mouth curls into another smile, a more genuine one this time, and he shuffles his feet.
“Adam told me that you were with Vic. That you were seein’ your gran, too.”
“Oh.” Robert’s mind flashes back to the last time they’d spoken, to Aaron’s furious words, and judging by the look on Aaron’s face now, his is too. “Right.”
“Sorry for havin’ a go at you on the phone. I should've – I’m an idiot.”
“I didn’t mean to – I just thought – ”
“Thought the worst of me, I know.”
Aaron looks stricken at that, and Robert instantly wants to take the words back. He doesn't, though, he can't bring himself to. Aaron's eyes fall away from his face, wandering uncomfortably around the living room. Just like that, Robert suddenly feels almost as distant from him now as he had in another country, and he hates it. Victoria’s insistent words from the other night echo in his ears.
Just talk to him.
“Aaron, I… ” Robert can hear footsteps above them, the telltale sounds of Adam and Victoria getting up to start their day. He really doesn’t fancy an audience for this. “D’you fancy goin’ for a walk?”
Aaron’s gaze snaps back to him, and he frowns. “A walk?”
“Yeah. Could do with some fresh air after my flight and… maybe we can have a chat?”
“A chat… ”
“You gonna repeat everythin’ I say?” Robert can’t resist giving him a teasing smile, and Aaron huffs a small laugh and shakes his head.
“A chat about what?”
“Just… stuff. You and me?”
Aaron hesitates, before nodding. “Yeah, okay. Might wanna get changed first, though?”
Robert suddenly remembers what he’s wearing, and he wraps his dressing gown around himself self-consciously as Aaron’s eyes crinkle in amusement.
“Uh, give me five minutes.”
Robert gets ready in record time, rapidly brushing his teeth while he pulls out a clean pair of jeans and a jumper. As he shoves his feet into a pair of shoes on the landing, Victoria opens her bedroom door and almost trips over him.
“Oh, mornin’,” she says around a wide yawn. “Did I hear Aaron downstairs?”
“Yeah, he’s waiting for me,” Robert answers, his voice hushed so he’s not overheard. “We’re going for a walk.”
“And… I’ve asked if we can talk.”
Vic’s face brightens. “That’s great, Rob.”
“Unless he doesn’t like what I say and dumps me on the spot, of course.”
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous.” Vic waves a dismissive hand.
“Rob?” Aaron calls from downstairs. “We goin’ on this walk or not?”
Victoria grins at him, smug in the way that only his annoying little sister can be. “I told you – smitten kittens, the pair of you.”
Robert chooses to ignore her in favour of jogging back down the stairs, meeting Aaron by the front door.
“Been waitin’ for you, mate,” Aaron scoffs. “Let’s go.”
They leave the cottage and set off in the direction of the footbridge.
“So... ” Aaron glances at him tentatively. “What's up?”
Robert takes a deep breath, and starts talking.
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