#it died along with my old computer
getvalentined · 8 months
Hey, did y'all know that stores selling large home appliances don't keep stock on-hand anymore? In order to get a new fridge, since mine died yesterday out of the fucking blue, it has to be paid for in-store in full, and then we have to wait for it to show up at some undetermined point between 7AM and 7PM on some undetermined day between February 7th thru 10th. It will arrive randomly, with "15 to 30 minutes' notice for convenience," and someone has to be present to receive it or it will be returned and we have to reschedule and pay for a second delivery.
I feel like if someone is buying a fridge it's because they need a fridge, which is a pretty time-sensitive thing, but sure! That sounds totally convenient! 10-12 days is a completely acceptable wait when food will spoil in a matter of hours! And monopolizing the entire day, multiple days in a row, with basically no notice as to actual arrival is a fucking inspired way of handling things!
We live in a fucking hell world.
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dansformations · 2 months
"Man of the future"
Alan was 20 years old gay guy that turned his passion for video games into a career as a streamer. Every night, he sat in front of his computer, illuminated by the lights of his setup, and connected to play with his thousands of followers enchanted by the fact of having a popular gay and handsome streamer. That night, however, something different happened.
While chatting with his audience and viewing the comments in the chat, he noticed a message that stood out among the others.
@ yourbroski: "Try this game, 'Man of the Future'," said a donation message with a link.
@ yourbroski: "Its my game, i create It"
- You Did!? No way - Alan replied
He clicked the link, opening the Game just for being nice, the title didnt sounded like something that the girly Alan would enjoy.
Within seconds after the click, Alan found himself downloading a game he had never heard of. The title, "Man of the Future," glowed on the screen.
The game was a complicated obstacle course and shooter that quickly engrossed Alan into the digital word.
- Hey, this is indeed fun
But the fun ended quickly. When he died in the game for the first time - Which was pretty fast -, a screen appeared with the saying, "C'mon Bro, you can do better" along with an strange music, almost hipnotazing music.
- Whoa, did you guys see that? - Alan said, leaning back in his chair. - This game is savage! 'C'mon Bro, you can do better'? Challenge accepted! - he answered.
However, the second attempt didn’t go any better. When Alan died again, the message changed to, "Don’t be a noob, Bro."
Alan face reddened with frustration. "Okay, Bro," he muttered under his breath.
- No way am I letting this game call me a noob. Let's do this! - He turned to the chat, determination blazing in his eyes. -You guys with me? This game’s going down, Bros!
Took a sip of His... beer? He didnt remenber being drinking beer, he didnt even remenber enjoying beer but he was so centred on beating that game that kinda ignored It.
- OOOOOUUURRRP - he belched - dang, sorry bros - he said a bit ashamed... Just a bit. He was too centred to being ashamed.
Meanwhile the coments were going crazy.
"Whats happening With all those 'Bro'? Thats off character"
"@ yourbroski: Nothing to be ashamed! Better out than inside my Bro!"
"Are we sure this Is Alan? Lol"
He keep playing moving his fingers as fast as he could, he was doing Better and when he almost reached the wining flag - a flag decorated only With White and black lines - he got killed by another player.
- Son of a bitch! - he yelled - that motherfucker killed me at the very last BRARRRRP - belched - moment!
"Dont be a pussy" The screen said this time, as knowing he was whining.
- No way this game just called me a "pussy"! - he said ofended - Im not, and in gonna show them all - he said while opening his legs in the chair in a more relaxed position, tooking a moment to scracht his balls in front everybody before starting the new round.
In that position everybody could apreciate some strong arms and legs that people didnt knew Alan had abd Alan didnt remenber to have worked on.
"Sexy" a guy comented.
He was gay, but for some reason reading that from a guy, maked him feel angry.
- Dont be a weirdo, dude - he said
He was gay, right..?
Then started playing again, not releasing every time his character died, a part of His persona did too.
Yelling, coursing, chugging beer and burping, acting with a cocky attitude more and more, every round, less nice, less gay, less him, until...
- BROS, I-OARRRRRP -He couldnt contain a burp - I DID IT!
His character was holding that black and White flag.
"Now youre a real alpha" the tv screen said With that strange music still.
"Now youre the Man of the future"
And with that, the remains of Alan were erased, he didnt remenber being a girly gay guy anymore, he always had been an alpha, a straight, gassy, jock that loved playing videogames and humillating the noobs and "queerdos" on the games.
Alan started doing a "celebration dance" that basically was doing hip moviments to show his bulge. Like he were fucking someone.
- This Is for you, @broski - Alan put His microphone close to his ass and ripped a big, loud, smelly fart on It - i beated you - he said proud. Between laughs he added - Nah, GG bro, youre talented, definetly gonna share It with the bros.
"Whats happening with Him?!' someone comented
"@ yourbroski: That flag send the fag away"
Alan didnt even read those coments, he was busy trying to fan away the fart with his hands.
That Night the strange transformartion of the gay gamer Alan was trending everywhere, but before His friend Group had read something, they receive link to a Game from Alan.
"Alan: Best game of the month broskis"
The group of friends made up of gay guys and nice straight guys thought Alan's writing was odd, but without knowing the situation they gave more atention to the link, opening it, ready to play a life-changing game, "The man of the future."
(This is just fetish writing)
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cozy-writes-things · 2 months
Reader x Edgar
Edgar is sick with a virus or something and reader has to take care of him.
Arg I’m so sorry this one is so darn short! I just really wanted to get a fic out today. I’m hoping i can get a better one out later this evening. Thanks for the request!! :>
In which Edgar gets a virus trying to suspiciously earn money for you on the internet… he’s not gonna tell you what he was doing. But it was probably a scam anyway. Poor fella 🥺
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“Edgar,” you sighed, already exasperated at the sight before you. “What did I tell you about going on those websites? The internet is not the same as it used to be,” you scolded him gently, running your hands along his hot plastic.
He seemed hotter than usual, almost flushed. His fans had long since kicked into overdrive to accommodate his overclocked components, and his screen fizzled in and out with burning pixels. If you were honest with yourself, you were quite worried for him. Modern-day computers can get bricked with viruses quite easily, so an old 80s computer seemed like quite the disadvantaged target to you. Luckily, at the very least, modern computers weren’t equipped with a sentience that could drive the virus away through any means necessary. He just needed time.
“I’m sorry,” his speakers croaked and glitched as he nearly whispered. “I just wanted to help.” His synthesized voice nearly died on his metaphorical tongue as it sputtered out. Your eyes softened.
He seemed so genuine in his words and actions that you couldn’t help but feel your heart swell with warmth for him. He sat, somehow looking disheveled despite his immobility, on your little desk, peering up at you with guilt and sick-ridden eyes.
“I know you did, Ed. But you already help me enough as is—”
“But you need money, and—and I need to provide for you, don’t I?”
A puff of air escaped your nostrils.
“Well, who told you that?”
He paused for a moment. It seemed his overworked internals were causing some lag, as his replies seemed to take a bit longer than usual.
“They provide for each other,” he muttered out. Perhaps the virus was affecting his mental state more than you realized. “We live together, we care for each other, and—dual income—”
A spike of anxiety traveled through your chest, tightening it, before releasing down your spine. This can’t be good; he’s speaking in gibberish. What the hell had he downloaded?
“We’re married.”
Oh, God.
“Okay, Edgar, I’m about to power you down to let you cool off because you’re freaking me out.”
“No! No. No—why would you do that to your husband?”
His words glitched and drawled on, almost sounding drunk or perhaps delirious. It seems he can’t really form a completely coherent thought due to whatever virus he’s got taking most of his processing power. Who knows what kind of havoc it could be wreaking on his files? You know for a fact he stores some quite personal information in that head of his. You can only hope he’s fighting it off well enough. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do, seeing as you’re absolutely terrified of potentially resetting him and… you can’t even bear to think of it. You aren’t sure just how permanent his sentience is; if one little thing happened that caused him to be gone forever, you’d never forgive yourself.
“Don’t—cry—my love? Love.”
It seems he noticed the tears brimming in your eyes before you did. Stop this, you have to be strong for him, dammit.
“Edgar, you’re really hot.” You placed a hand upon his casing once again, it nearly scalding you.
“I know… you are too.”
You steeled yourself to ignore him.
“Should—should I try and stick you in the fridge? I don’t know what to do, Edgar! I can’t lose you.” The hot, brimming tears finally fell from your eyes and landed on his keyboard. His speakers made a crackling sound.
“I’m—fine. Just—hug me? Please.”
You knit your brows together.
“Edgar, you’re clearly not fine, and I’m really worried.”
“Shhhh—I’m okay—the virus will be gone by tomorrow. Promise. I just—need—you. Close.”
You sighed. You had to trust him. That’s all you really could do. You wrapped your arms around his monitor and heaved him towards your couch. He had long since been unplugged; the virus had caused him to uncontrollably flicker the lights, start the microwave, and blare music through your speakers, and just about everything else.
You wrapped his cord around your fingers as you rested against his monitor. He hummed contentedly at your warmth. He sat, listening to your breathing, reeling himself in and becoming grounded next to you. You had some uncanny effect on him, it seemed. He’d get better. Just for you.
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separatist-apologist · 6 months
The Sweetest Con
Summary: Nesta Archeron has been trapped in witness protection for the past five years, hiding a secret no one can ever learn. All she has to do is wait out the criminals back home determined to punish her and her sisters for a lie they told years before.
She can handle anything- even the new agent sent to keep her safe.
Read on AO3
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Five years earlier:
She wasn’t used to Georgia’s humidity. 
Nesta never wanted to get used to it. Standing just outside the little white house that now belonged to her, Nesta wiped sweat from the back of her neck. The town was small—no more than a couple thousand people, if that. No big buildings, no major downtown, and worst of all, no Chinese food. Not unless she wanted to creep closer to Atlanta and given that Nesta’s car was a piece of rusting junk built a full decade before she was born, she doubted she’d make it.
So much for being a hot shot lawyer. 
Nesta dumped her bag just inside the white picket fence, ignoring the peeling paint and splintering wood. It was the kind of place Elain would have thrived in. With a sigh, Nesta turned her back entirely on the overgrown yard and began walking along the only road in the town to the center—aptly named Main Street. 
There was practically no one out. A few older woman walked with looped arms down the sidewalks while a harried mother pushing a stroller made her way toward the only grocery store. Nesta made her way toward the marble carved library, taking the steps one at a time despite the unrelenting sun overhead.
The air inside was ice cold and empty save of two women who were quietly talking to each other. One of them—the red head—clearly worked there given she was behind the desk. The other sat perched on the counter, a book in her lap. They had been clearly talking with some animation though now that Nesta had intruded, the pair stared with wary suspicion.
Nesta hadn’t come to make friends. Lifting her chin with all the haughtiness her mother had instilled in her, Nesta marched toward the shelves lined with fantasy and romance and began reading the jackets. 
She needed a distraction. All she could think about lately was what would happen if Rhysand ever found them. Surely he was irate…he’d be out for blood. They’d flat out lied, pointing the finger straight at the notorious mafioso and the feds, in their eagerness to put him away, had overlooked all the evidence suggesting otherwise.
But Rhysand would know.
And Nesta wanted to forget him. Mobsters lived short lives, besides—in a year, he might be dead and the whole thing over. She could keep herself busy for that long. So long as the library kept books on the shelves, Nesta could find something to do.
She brought them to the front desk where the red head and the dark haired woman waited. “Library card?” The woman’s name tag read Gwyn. 
“No,” Nesta said, fishing out her new drivers license. Agnes Smith. Sure. That sounded real. “Here.”
Gwyn eyed it for a moment. “You don’t look like an Agnes.”
“Tell that to my mom.”
Gwyn began typing on her computer, glancing at Nesta’s ID. “Emerie,” the dark skinned, dark haired woman said with a friendlier smile. “I think you look like an Agnes.” Gwyn rolled her eyes. 
“You should come by the general store,” Emerie added, glancing at the ID for Nesta’s address. “You moved into the old Brandon house.”
“Grizzly murder happened there,” Gwyn said seriously.
“Did not. He died of all old age,” Emerie said quickly. “It’s been run down for a while. I’d be happy to help you out.”
“Do you like women?” Gwyn asked suddenly and bluntly. 
Taken aback, Nesta said, “Um…not really—romantically, anyway.”
Emerie sighed. “It was worth a shot.”
Nesta almost blurted out that she’d still take friends before she thought better of it. No need to be defensive or obsessive. “Where is everyone today?”
“It’s ten am,” Gwyn said.
“They’re at church,” Emerie replied when it was clear Nesta didn’t understand. 
“But not you?” Nesta questioned.
Gwyn handed her ID back, along with a white library card bearing her pretend name. “We aren’t welcome.”
Emerie grimaced while Gwyn scanned Nesta’s book. “They think I’m a homewrecker…and Emerie likes women. Openly.” 
“Fuck them,” Nesta said without thinking. It was the first smile she’d seen from Gwyn—a small, half formed thing, but a smile all the same. “We should start our own religion.”
“That sounds like blasphemy,” Emerie teased.
“It sounds like witchcraft,” Gwyn added, pushing Nesta’s stack of books toward her. “I’m in.”
Which was how Nesta found herself hosting brunch that Sunday with two strangers in a house that didn’t belong to her.
“Who is that?” Emerie asked, sitting on Nesta’s front porch holding a sweating glass of iced tea. 
“He’s not local at all,” Gwyn agreed, lowering her sunglasses to take a look at the tall, muscular man making his way toward Nesta’s gate. Wearing mirrored shades and a suit that was bursting at the seams, he looked like he was playing dress up as a cop.
His dark, wavy hair half pulled in a bun didn’t seem regulation, for one. But something about him seemed off somehow. 
“He one of yours?” Gwyn questioned. Nesta had long since betrayed the secrecy she’d been sworn to, telling her friends everything but the most critical piece of truth in order to protect Feyre. 
Nesta scratched her ear. No, this man was definitely not one of hers. 
“Want us to stay?” Gwyn asked, likely thinking about the shotgun mounted in the back of her pick-up truck.
“I can handle him,” Nesta assured them. Gwyn and Emerie stood, leaving behind their cups to slip from the yard. Gwyn nodded at the man once, lips pressed into a thin line of disapproval. That left Nesta standing at the top of her porch steps wearing a butter yellow sundress, arms crossed over her chest.
“Ma’am,” he the man began as he approached, his expression unreadable. She waited, watching as he took off his sunglasses only for recognition to slam into her. Oh. She knew this man from pictures.  “My name is Cassian.”
Rhysands right hand man. Nesta didn’t move, unwilling to betray she knew who he was. “What can I do for you, Cassian?”
Not even a fake name? Was he that confident she’d never done one google search? He had a mugshot, had appeared in the papers just enough times for Nesta to recognize him. They called him The Lord of Bloodshed thanks to his rumored job of handling the things Rhysand didn’t want staining his hands or his conscience. 
And that man was standing at the bottom of her steps, armed just beneath his suit jacket. 
“I’m here on behalf of your case,” he said like a pretty liar. 
“Oh? Has something happened?”
“An indictment is coming. I’m to escort you back home once Rhysand has been charged.”
Still, there was no reason to call him out on it. If Rhysand had found her, he must be still looking for her sisters. She didn’t believe for a minute he’d found Feyre—his bruiser would have pointed his gun at her by way of greeting had he. No, they were monitoring her.
And Nesta could watch them right back. 
So she smiled, hoping she seemed innocent and sweet. “What a relief,” she lied, stepping to the side so he could come up. “I was starting to think I’d be trapped here forever.”
“Can I come inside?” Cassian asked, looking around her immaculate yard with interest. “It’s hot out here.”
“Better get used to that,” Nesta said, pulling open the screen door so Cassian could get the lay of the land. “Are you staying here?”
“If you don’t mind. The hotel is…”
Roach filled, she knew. People still went, content to carry out their clandestine affairs in filth so long as no one ever found out. 
“I have a spare room,” Nesta told him. Cassian turned back for his own car—a brand new jeep  that was laughably out of place in her little neighborhood. He returned with two bags slung over his broad shoulders, eyes hidden behind his glasses. The sun hit the golden brown of his skin, making it seem as if he glowed and tragically, Nesta thought he was a good looking man.
He’d kill her if she wasn’t careful…but attractive, all the same. 
Nesta showed him to the smaller room she kept made up just in case Gwyn or Emerie wanted to stay the night, thinking the full sized bed didn’t seem big enough for this man. He had to duck beneath the doorway, putting him well over six foot three—maybe six six? He made Nesta, who stood tall at five nine, feel dainty by comparison.
“Should I call you Cassian, or…?”
“Cassian is fine,” he replied, sunglasses resting atop his head. “This is perfect, by the way. I promise you’ll barely know I exist.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Nesta said in a flirty voice as she eyed him. “I think it would be hard not to notice you.” He grinned, unaware that a real agent would have shut her down in seconds. “Well, Miss Agnes, I’ll do my best to keep out of your hair.”
Nesta offered him another smile, mind racing. If she survived tonight she assumed she’d survive as long as he wanted her to—and as long as she didn’t admit she knew what he was. That meant keeping it from Gwyn and Emerie, who wouldn’t be able to stop themselves from treating him like a criminal.
He thought she was prey, but Nesta Archeron was a survivor. A predator, just like this man. And she had lived in Georgia for five years—she had guns hidden all over the house. He didn’t need to know any of that, though. Nesta waited while he unpacked some of his things and peeked around her little house, mostly quiet as he cased her. Sitting on her sofa beneath a ceiling fan moving at top speed, Nesta heard him push open the back door and walk through the yard where she assumed he was testing the gate.
He messed with windows when he returned, pushing back curtains to peer out into the street. “You’re wide open out here,” he finally said with a frown on his pretty face. And he was pretty—sculpted and rough in a way that was hard to ignore. Nesta found herself noticing the green in his hazel eyes and the way stubble clung to his strong jaw. A slit cut through his eyebrow while faint scars littered his jaw and hands, betraying a man who knew his way around a fight. 
He was fooling no one but himself. 
“This is where you put me,” she reminded him, wondering if he understood what she was really saying. 
“Maybe we’ll keep the curtains closed,” Cassian said, as if Nesta didn’t do that anyway. The sun was unforgiving and the only way to survive swampy summers was to try and keep things shady and cool. 
“Do you want to take off your jacket?”
“I want to take everything off,” he admitted, shrugging out of what she had to assume was stolen. “Even my own skin.”
“That’s how I felt when I first got here,” she told him. He’d look back on all this and remember—he’d realize she knew the moment he stepped onto her lawn. “You get used to it.”
She was going to kill him, she realized. The knowledge slammed into Nesta’s chest violently, paralyzing her for a moment. She’d never killed anyone…but at some point she’d have to kill this man before he killed her. Cassian, for his part, was unaware of the slant of her thoughts. He must have already known when he came down that he planned to kill her just as soon as he was given the order. She doubted he intended to take her home…and if he did, it would be under duress. 
That was future Nesta’s problem, though. For now, all she had to do was stay one step ahead of him. And that meant pretending like she believed every word coming out of his mouth and ignored all the obvious signs that he was a liar. 
“Hungry?” she asked. 
“Starving,” Cassian agreed. He vanished into the room she’d given him, leaving Nesta enough time to try and steady her nervous hands. By the time Cassian returned, Nesta was slicing up meat for the grill outside. There was absolutely no way she was turning on her oven.
“Can I help you with that?”
Instinct demanded she say no. She didn’t want Cassian anywhere near lighter fluid, for one. He looked so earnest and she was pretending, so Nesta nodded. “I haven’t seasoned it yet.”
“Leave it to me,” Cassian said with an easy smile. And she did, watching him from the corner of her eye while he seasoned her meat and vegetables. He vanished out the back door and when he returned, sweat glistened over his face. Nesta found herself standing there for a moment, staring as he pulled the rest of his hair off his face, biceps straining against the cuff of his t-shirts. 
Cassian was heavily tattooed with black ink that crawled over his arms and up his neck, broken only by the sweaty shirt he wore. 
“Why do people live like this?” Cassian asked, wiping his brow on his sleeve. “It’s horrible.”
“I keep saying it,” she replied honestly. “I would have preferred a colder climate.”
“Next time,” Cassian grumbled. “What are you doing now?”
“Cutting up fruit. Want some?”
Cassian picked a blueberry out of the bowl and popped it into his mouth. “How do you spend your time, anyway?”
“I’m the town lawyer,” Nesta informed him. “I work in a little office down on Main Street.”
“And when you’re not working?”
She shrugged. “I have friends…but I mostly read.”
He glanced toward her shelves of books in the living room, visible from the hall connecting the two. “Anything interesting?”
“Take a look,” was all Nesta could think to respond. Cassian didn’t take her up on her offer, turning instead to go check on the grilling meat. Had she not known who he was, Nesta might have thought the awkward environment was just because a stranger had invaded her space.
It felt almost normal. 
Because Nesta couldn’t forget a killer was sitting across from her, his hands soaked in blood. She kept coming back to it as they ate in relative silence. Why had Rhysand sent him here? What did he want with her? Nesta needed to figure it out.
And figure it out fast.
Nesta Archeron was beautiful.
Cassian hadn’t expected it. He’d seen a picture of Feyre only once and had kind of imposed her face on all three Archerons. Walking up to her house had been a surreal experience. For one, all Cassian could see was her tits pressed against the neckline of that sundress she wore. Holy fucking Christ, but Nesta’s body was something out of his most depraved fantasies.
But her eyes were something else. Icy blue and calculated, it was no surprise Nesta had survived five years out mostly on her own. Did she even know her sisters were guarded by federal agents while she was left to fend for herself? 
It irked Cassian. Sure, he was grateful he’d been able to gain access to her life so easily, but surely someone was keeping their eyes on this woman? So the likes of him couldn’t just stroll into her home and do whatever he liked with her? 
But after two days living with Nesta, Cassian learned that no one seemed to care if she lived or died. Which was just as well—because he was starting to care. Just a little, he told himself that second night as he laid in bed staring up at the ceiling fan.
His only job was to get her back to Rhysand in one piece once he’d tracked down Feyre and married her. Nesta wouldn’t even know until it was all too late and the feds would lose their pathetic case.
And then Cassian could go back to his regular life in a place that wasn’t drenched in humidity. How did anyone sleep? Even with Nesta’s air conditioner going at full blast, Cassian found himself shucking off his shirt and kicking the sheets to the floor in a desperate attempt at sleep. 
Thinking the living room might be cooler, Cassian dragged his blanket with him to the couch where he found Nesta, half hidden in the dark with a piece of toast in her hand.
Her little night dress was enough to empty out his mind. Why was she so hot? Cassian could see every curve of her perfect body beneath the silken blue fabric and her hair was loose around her shoulders rather than braided in a crown atop her head.
He wanted to lick the salt off her skin.
He wanted to lick a lot of things, actually.
Cassian was fairly certain federal agents weren’t supposed to have sex with their charges—even if Rhysand was certain Vanserra had something going on with the middle Archeron. Cassian wasn’t anything close to a cop and fucking was his favorite thing to do. 
“I ah..” Cassian rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly hyper aware that all he wore was a pair of loose shorts. Nesta was looking only at his face with a grim determination—as if she found it very difficult to do so.
You can look at any part of me you like.
Having sex with her would certainly pass the time. 
“It’s hot,” Nesta said, flipping on a lamp on the side table. “I keep meaning to get someone out here to look at my AC, but…”
“I’ll look at it,” Cassian promised. “Before the sun comes up.”
“You’re handy?”
He was, actually. “I grew up with a single mom,” he said, flashing her a smile before making his way to the sofa. “We didn’t have a lot of money, so I learned how to do repairs.” Nesta tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Unwilling to give her a reason to banish him, Cassian made a show of fluffing the couch cushions before stretching himself out. 
“My shower doesn’t have hot water,” she finally told him.
Cassian grinned in the dark. “I can take a look at that, too.”
“I would appreciate it,” Nesta replied. 
“Why don’t you make me a list? I’ve got nothing else to do all day and I feel like a freeloader sitting on your couch.”
That was true. Cassian was used to staying busy and suddenly he had nothing but downtime. It was tempting to go to the library and find his own books to read and treat the entire thing like a vacation. This would help build trust between them, he rationalized.
And Cassian liked having something to do. He liked being useful to people. 
“I could do that,” Nesta said, still standing in his line of sight. Even in the dark, Cassian could see her nipples pointed through the fabric. He wanted to touch them.
“I’m here to help,” Cassian reminded her.
“Of course,” she said, her tone unreadable to him. 
He nearly asked if she wanted to join him. It was on the tip of his tongue, but Nesta beat him to speaking, adding, “Well. Sleep well, Cassian.”
“You too,” he said, disappointment ribboning through him. It was absurd to think a woman like Nesta Archeron was going to crawl in his dirtbag lap.
Still, Cassian could dream. And he did, waking with a throbbing erection he had to discreetly handle in the freezing cold shower. Cassian hadn’t noticed it wasn’t hot given the air was miserable and he didn’t want to take a boiling shower for once. He could hear Nesta in her room listening to music, up with dawn just like he was. 
He found tools out in her garden shed, unused and rusty. They’d likely belonged to the previous tenant, whoever they’d been. Still, they worked well enough for Cassian’s purposes. What she needed was an entirely new unit. Cassian guessed the old one was over a decade long and judging from the rattling, it was on its final legs.
He had money. A lot of money. Would she believe him if he told her the agency had decided to replace it? Nesta didn’t strike him as particularly stupid—if they’d never helped her before, she might not believe they’d help her now. He couldn’t live the way they had been, though, which was how Cassian found himself on the phone with the local repairman giving out his credit card details over the phone.
Nesta was gone by the time Cassian came back into the house, drenched in sweat and slightly sunburned on the tops of his arms. It was a relief to get into the basement and work on the water heater, and by the time Cassian finished, the service guys were there to replace Nesta’s air conditioner. It required them to turn the air off which was actual hell, though once it was back up, Cassian felt instant relief. 
Nesta returned with a scowl on her face, dressed in a pencil skirt that made Cassian’s mouth dry out. How had Archeron managed to create her? Cassian had met him—he was nothing special. An unremarkable man in every way imaginable, including his appearance.
Nesta could have modeled. Could have had her face on billboards, her body in magazines. Had he met her back home, he knew he’d have dogged her steps hoping for just a look in his direction. 
“Any news?” Nesta asked, sliding her keys and purse onto a side table. Cassian watched her kick off her heels and turn her face upwards toward the vents blowing cold air.
“Nope,” he said. What would Rhys do if he kept her here for a year? Kick his ass, likely. “Rough day?”
Holding up a cloth shopping bag, Nesta nodded her head while Cassian rose to take it from her. Inside he found an assortment of peppers, onions, and a rather nice steak he assumed she wanted to grill. Cassian had never grilled before he met her and found that he rather liked it. In fact, he liked the whole little game he was playing. Pretending to be the sort of man who had a house and a wife and a barbeque suited him.
In another life, Cassian would have thrived.
“I’m working on another divorce and her soon to be ex stopped by to tell me what he thought about me.”
“I hope it was to tell you you’re beautiful,” Cassian replied without thinking as he peeled stickers from the vegetables.
“No it wasn’t,” Nesta replied, her tone uncertain. “It was to tell me what a bitch I am.”
Cassian arched a brow. “Did you tell him to get fucked?”
Nesta chuckled. “Not this time…but I wanted to. He thinks if he digs his heels in, he can avoid this divorce but it’s happening either way.”
“This is why I’m not married,” Cassian said, reaching for a knife.
“Oh?” Nesta asked, an amused smile on her perfect face. “Is that the only reason?”
Cassian couldn’t help his grin. “I’m off-putting to women, of course.”
“There it is,” she said with a pretty laugh. “Want any help?”
“Get out of my kitchen, Nes,” Cassian replied, swatting her away. “Water’s fixed, by the way.”
The whole thing was warm and domestic. Nesta thanked him before sauntering off, hips swaying with each step. The only thing to temper Cassian’s hot blood was the hotter grill outside and a reminder that Nesta was off limits to him.
He was merely a guard meant to get her back home before the feds scooped her and her sisters back up again. Collateral, he supposed, for the game Rhys was playing with Feyre. Cassian was grateful for that, at least—if Rhys called him and told him to kill her, he wasn’t certain he could do it. 
Cassian returned to find Nesta in a pair of tiny little shorts and a pink tank top. He wished she’d pull her hair down, still left in its braided crown, though in truth he could have stood at the backdoor and stared at her for an embarrassing length of time.
“What did I say about the kitchen?” he teased, setting his tray of meat and vegetables on the counter beside her.
“I wanted to make a little salad,” Nesta told him, showing him the bowl. “Do you even eat vegetables?”
“On occasion,” Cassian said with an easy grin. “I’ll eat whatever you put in front of me, though. I’m not picky.”
“Tell me about yourself, Cassian,” Nesta ordered once they were seated at her little wooden table. 
“There’s nothing interesting to tell,” he replied. “Why don’t you tell me about yourself? I’ll bet you’re a lot more interesting than I am.”
“Oh, I doubt that,” Nesta murmured.
“C’mon,” Cassian cajoled. Nesta sighed, eyes narrowed with that suspicious look he was growing so fond of. Was there such a thing as love at first sight, he wondered? Cassian was starting to suspect he was under its spell. Under hers, anyway. Nesta relented, telling him little stories he figured were probably half true. 
Cassian knew the right questions to ask, at any rate. Careful not to mention her family, Cassian asked her about everything else. Nesta spoke about going to law school and living in Georgia, mentioning two friends she’d made—Gwyn the librarian and Emerie the grocer. He’d seen them on his porch when he first arrived. 
He needed to do a little digging on them, but he figured they were likely fine. 
“What about you?” Nesta asked, their meal long concluded. Cassian began gathering up dishes.
“What about me?”
“Are you from Georgia?” she questioned.
Cassian chuckled. “No, I’m not from Georgia. Just got unlucky in my assignment, I guess.”
“Why did you want to do this work?”
Cassian considered that. “I’m good at it,” he replied, drumming his fingers along the edge of the sink. “I kind of fell into it, actually. I guess I succumb easily to peer pressure because when one of my friends suggested I apply, I did it without hesitation.”
That wasn’t entirely true. There had been no application process—he and Rhys had become friends as boys and Rhys’s mother had been like a second mother to Cassian. He’d always wanted to repay them for their kindness and when Rhys asked him to join him as his right hand man, the answer had been obvious.
He couldn’t tell Nesta that, though. She didn’t poke, either, seemingly satisfied with his answer. While Cassian cleaned up, Nesta made her way to the living room, picked up a book, and curled up on the couch. Cassian watched her pull a blanket from the back of the sofa and drape it over her tanned knees.
“Cold, huh?” he joked. 
“You fixed—”
A gunshot silenced both of them. Nesta jumped clean out of her skin, book falling from her trembling hands. Cassian frowned, his own heart racing with excitement. Finally, something interesting was happening.
His own gun was in his hand before Nesta ever stood. “Don’t move,” he whispered, motioning for her to get away from the window.
“Send the bitch outside!” a man’s voice yelled, filling Cassian with cold rage. He was at the door in a moment, flinging it open so it was his large body filling the space. On the lawn, a man stumbled forward, gun pointed at the sky. He pulled the trigger again, clearly trying to intimidate Cassian.
Cassian had been tied up before, a gun pressed against his lips while his cock was threatened with a knife. Some fucking rural drunk with a gun didn’t scare him. In truth, very little scared Cassian. He’d cheated death more times than he could count and he knew, as he stepped onto the lawn in the fading daylight, that he wasn’t going to die today.
This man, on the other hand…well. Cassian supposed it would depend on what he did next.
“Lower your weapon!” Cassian barked, his voice rough and menacing. The man jerked to look at him, eyes wide and watery. “Put your gun down or I’ll fucking kill you.”
“Send out your bitch—”
Cassian didn’t shoot him, but he did hit him in the face. Hard. Maybe too hard given the way the man crumpled at his feet as blood poured from his nose. Only the alcohol kept him from passing out which was lucky for Cassian.
Crouching in the grass, Cassian grabbed the man by his thinning hair and forced his head into an unnatural angle. “What did you say?”
“I called her a bitch,” the man spluttered through the blood. 
Cassian cocked his gun with his free hand and pressed it to the man's cheek. “Try again,” he whispered, fully intending on killing this man on the front lawn. Cassian’s finger pressed against the trigger just as Nesta barked, “Cassian!”
He twisted to look at her, arms crossed over her chest. She was fury incarnate right then, marching toward the pair of them without a care in the world. 
“Get out of her, Brent,” Nesta ordered, pointing her finger toward the gate. “This is embarrassing, even for you.”
“You ruined my life—”
“You ruined your own life by cheating on your wife!” Nesta spat without remorse. “And you’re ruining it by assaulting a federal officer.”
Cassian nearly choked. Did he look like a cop right then? 
“He assaulted me,” Brent protested, shoving out of Cassian’s grip.
“If I see you near her again, you’ll find yourself six feet under before you can utter one fucking word. Do we understand each other?” Cassian asked, rising to his full height. Brent glanced from the gun in Cassian’s hand to Cassian himself before offering a sullen nod. 
“Whatever,” he muttered, clearly trying to save face. Cassian watched him stumble off, forcing himself not to pull the trigger anyway at the man’s retreating back. Nesta came to stand beside Cassian, resting her soft, small hand on his forearm.
“That’s the guy getting the divorce,” she told him, as if Cassian cared who he was. Letting someone who threatened him walk away unscathed felt wrong and Cassian longed to rectify it. Where did he live, he wondered? 
“I can see why,” Cassian muttered, turning back for the house. “I’ll sleep on the couch tonight.”
“He’s not coming back—”
“He pointed a gun at you,” Cassian growled, the memory filling him with rage. 
Nesta only shrugged, proving that she was still part of the life whether she wanted to be or not. Did she know what a liar her younger sister was, he wondered? Did Nesta know it had been Feyre who killed her father? Looking at her in the warm light of the house, Cassian decided that a woman like Nesta wouldn’t allow herself to live this way if she hadn’t known. If she wasn’t protecting someone. 
Who was protecting her? 
“I’m fine,” Nesta reminded him. But Cassian knew all too well how differently things could have gone if he hadn’t been there. Cassian knew how quickly a bullet could end things. 
“I’ll feel better out here,” he said, setting his gun on the glass coffee table. “You won’t change my mind, Nes.”
She hesitated, eyes moving from him to the window. “Fine.”
Cassian had no intention of sleeping, though. He waited until he knew Nesta was asleep, slipping into her bedroom just to check. She was so lovely even in sleep and Cassian had to resist the urge to touch her face. Not tonight. Another night, perhaps—but not this night. 
The thing about small towns he found himself appreciating was how easy it was to find people. Slipping into a local bar, Cassian mentioned what had happened to the bartender, who helpfully told him where Brent lived. 
He didn’t bother to slip in quietly. If he wanted to be unnoticed, he would have called up Azriel. Cassian liked when his marks were scared, for whatever that said about him. Flexing his fingers, Cassian picked through the dirty, mostly empty house. He supposed Nesta was helping to clean him out.
Good for her.
Brent was waiting in a fraying brown chair, a bottle of Jack Daniels held loosely in one hand. “Knew you weren’t no cop,” he muttered. “You got the look of a felon.”
“Have you been talking to my third grade teacher?” Cassian asked, his tone light. “She used to say the same thing.”
“You ain’t foolin’ no one but that girl of yours,” Brent told him, eyeing the gun in Cassian’s hand. 
“She’s the only one I need to fool,” Cassain agreed, coming closer. “I swore an oath to protect her.”
“I didn’t hurt her.”
“But you scared her,” Cassian said in that same friendly tone. “You came to her house and threatened her and I can’t stand for that.”
“Well, I don’t really care if I scared her. Sometimes women ought to be a little afraid.”
Cassian clenched his fingers. “Is that so?”
“Make your threats and get the fuck out,” Brent ordered, taking another swig of whiskey. Cassian saw his gun on a chipped side table. 
“You don’t have much going for you, do you Brent? Wife left you, took all your money…is about to take your house. You’ve got no job, no friends…anyone would lose it.”
“Yeah,” Brent mumbled, eyes glassy. “You get it.”
“If I were you, I’d probably kill myself too,” Cassian added, holding Brent’s gun in his hand. Brent’s eyes found him, big and wide with shock. 
“What did you say?”
Cassian shrugged, making his way closer to the inebriated man. “I don’t think anyone will be surprised when they find you. I’ll bet it takes them days before someone comes checking.”
“Look, you don’t have to do this. I can…I can pay you—”
“No you can’t,” Cassian said with a chuckle. “And even if you could, I wouldn’t take your money. This is about honor, of which you have none because an honorable man wouldn’t try and threaten a woman for doing her job.”
“She fucked me over—”
“You fucked yourself,” Cassian interrupted, reaching for Brent’s hair a second time. “And you made a mistake coming after her.”
“I’m sorry—”
Cassian pressed the barrel of the gun beneath Brent’s jaw.
“I know you are,” he said, holding the man’s gaze. “It’s not enough.”
And then he pulled the trigger. The relief he felt was instantaneous, his blood lust slaked. It took another few seconds to arrange the gun in Brent’s hand, letting both his arm and the weapon fall lifelessly into his lap. The bottle of Jack hit the floor with a thud, spilling over stained wood floors.
The scene was practically a work of art. Textbook suicide—no one would look twice at him or Nesta. That didn’t stop him from wiping his prints on the way out, just in case. He found himself back on the couch, face washed of blood, before two am. 
Cassian had been right about one thing: it took them three days to find Brent.
“Suicide,” Nesta said crisply when she learned, eyes focused on Cassian’s face.
He only smiled. 
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hellbornsworld · 1 year
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"With all the pleasure. I will fuck you, only fuck you with everything I have."
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"i have died everyday waiting for you."
"i should be the one lying next to you at night."
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🫧 𝗥𝗲𝗱 | Mafia+Ceo!JK X Reader | 53 Chapters | Duration-8h 18m | Ongoing
"That dress-" he says, eyes raking down your body. "-is 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯 fucking distracting."
🫧 A Little Burden | Jungkook X Reader | 36 Chapters | Duration-3h 35m | Completed
I still remember that day clearly.....every night it comes back to me like a nightmare. The small fragile human getting pushed into my arms. Tears streaming down my face as I looked at her....Doctors storming in from everywhere trying everything they could to keep her alive. The look in her eyes she gave me made me break inside.
She knew she wasn't going to make it.
She smiled at me and took one last look at her child before speaking.
🫧 secret admirer | JK X OC | Angst | 101 Chapters | Duration-9m | Completed
" notice me senpai " - jjk
🫧 THE SACRIFICE | Yandere!Jungkook X Reader | Angst Abuse | 46 Chapters | Duration-6h 27m | Completed
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🫧 𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘 | clone!Jungkook x reader | Clone Au | 20 Chapters | Duration-2h 11m | Completed
When the doctor tells the Jeon's that their newborn Jungsoo could die due to his premature birth, Mr. Jeon decides to clone him as soon as possible.
To their surprise, Jungsoo is able to grow up happy and healthy along with his clone, Jungkook, who's the total opposite of him.
🫧 petals  | BF!Jungkook X GF!Reader | Childhood Sweethearts | Fluff | 28 Chapters | Duration-39m | Completed
❝ -How much is your daughter? ❞
Jungkook loves food and computer games, but compare to those two you are his favorite thing in this world.
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🫧 Once More | Ex!Jungkook X OC | Angst | 33 Chapters | Duration-4h 22m | Completed
❝Your son, he looks very similar to Jungkook...❞
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🫧 ROSES | Jungkook X OC | Angst | 54 Chapters | Duration-3h | Completed
❝ she slipped away the same way the velvet box slipped in my hand ❞ she was oddly peculiar and pure mystery yet, he still finds the refuge of feeling at "home" to the mute girl whom he met at the seaside.
🫧 The Prince & The Servant Girl | BFF+Prince!Jungkook X Servant!Reader | Childhood Au | 64 Chapters | Duration-7h 48m | Completed
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🫧 Angel Beside Him | Jungkook X Reader | Angst | 48 Chapters | Duration-6h 24m | Completed
"Jeon Jungkook, I like you." You said, your eyes wide and cheeks on fire. You finally had the guts to tell your long time crush what you feel about him. Jungkook smiled, giving you a spark of hope and a wash of relief. Or maybe it was a false hope or just him being kind as he says, "I'm sorry but I'm already in a relationship."
🫧 Monstrously Sinful Love | Younger!Jungkook X Older!OC | AgeGap | 71 Chapters | Duration-9h 49m | Completed
"...Kookie" she calls that's when Kookie's small little hands tugged onto his mother's sleeve's pulling her to look at him.
"what's wrong Kookie?"
❝I want to buy her❞
🫧 That Awkward Magic | Werewolf!JK X Witch!Reader | Crack AU | 42 Chapters | Duration-4h 1m | Completed
"You smell very nice."
"Are you...trying to flirt or something?"
A socially awkard witch has to struggle with being the sudden love (?) interest of a wolf shifter
🫧 "IDC, BABY" | Jungkook X Reader | GangRivals | 21 Chapters | Duration-1h 16m | Ongoing
"If they catch us, they will kill us."
"I don't give a fuck right now, baby."
🫧 On.line | Staker!Jungkook X Camgirl!Reader | Dark | 38 Chapters | Duration-5h 36m | Republishing
"I don't call myself a pornstar, but I'm pretty famous on Live Babes (LB). I make money doing what people ask from me and they are mainly men, married man. Some even gave a wife or kids. But I don't care about that at all. The only thing I want is to continue earn their money. Oh! It's already 9PM! Don't forget to watch the show!"
"I can't wait, princess." -J.JK
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tallteenturtle · 6 months
Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor
I fell down a bit of a heraldry rabbit hole recently and decided to spend several hours compiling info about the Penvellyn family off the wiki and then used online heraldry resources to analyze their individual coat of arms. Did the game devs intend the shields to be interpreted this way? Probably not. But if I dont over-analyze 20 year old childrens computer games what else am I going to do with my life??
Here are all the people whose portraits hang in the great hall along with info we learn about them from Jane (and occasionally Nigel), their coat of arms, and my amateur interpretation of the symbolism.
Randulf ( - 1401)
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“Randulf the Red, so named for his bright red hair, was considered a hero at the Battle of Poitiers. For his heroism, King Edward III awarded him with the lands in the region called "Penvellyn". That's how we got our name.”
Randulf's coat of arms says "IN HOC SIGNO" which translates to "in this sign (you will conquer)"
Comet; unknown in heraldry but refers to the family treasure
Red; Military might, warrior.
(putting the rest under the cut to save you much scrolling)
Odo (1354 – 1404)
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“Yeah, he isn't very exciting, really. Liked farming and cows. His son Milo is much more interesting.”
“Those Manuscripts are very old and brittle. They date back to the 14th century. Odo Penvellyn collected most of them. His father Randulf and son Milo were rather more interested in military victories than in book collecting.”
Odo's coat of arms says "PROSPERITAS" which translates to "success".
Milo (1376 – 1423)
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
Deer/hart; One who will not fight unless provoked, peace and harmony
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“Milo inherited not only his grandfather's red hair but his military prowess. Milo was instrumental in the Siege of Caen and was awarded even more lands by Henry V.”
Milo's coat of arms says "VICTUM INVIDEO SILENTE" which translates to "the conquered shall envy the dead".
Hugo (1401 – 1466)
Comet; unknown in heraldry
Red; Military might, warrior
Teardrop; “One who has endured torrents”
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“Um, he had a lot of kids, and his dates were 1401 to 1466.”
Hugo's coat of arms says "CITO FIT QUOD DEI VOLUNT" which translates to "what the gods want happens soon".
Albert (1427 – 1508)
Bee; Industrious, diligent
Acorn; Antiquity, strength
Red; Military might, warrior
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
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“He was very mysterious and the people of Blackmoor were afraid of him because he knew all these scientific things. No one knows much about him, though.”
Albert's coat of arms says "TIMENDI CAUSA EST NESCIRE" which translates to "ignorance is the cause of fear".
Edmund (1447 – 1499)
Book (open); Manifestation, knowledge
Blue; Truth, loyalty
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
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“He was into cows. He did a lot of breeding of cows and sheep and got some kind of award from the King.”
Edmund's coat of arms says "UT SEMENTUM FECERIS ITA METES" which translates to "As you sow, so shall you reap".
Charles (1478 – 1553)
Hawk (Falcon): One who does not rest until objective achieved, purpose, goal-oriented
Red; Military might, warrior
Blue; Truth, loyalty
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"Ooh, ooh - Charles was a very famous judge and wrote very important books on law. But his boy, Garrett, drowned when he was really young.”
Charles's coat of arms says "MINIMA MAXIMA SUNT" which translates to "The smallest things are the most important".
Thomas (1526 – 1584)
Rainbow; Good times after bad
Moon; Serene power over the mundane
Sun; Creativity and enlightenment
Blue; Truth, loyalty
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“He was Charles's grandson and wrote a lot of poetry. He also had 3 wives: Catherine, Anne, and Mary. But not like at the same time. They died and he just remarried.”
Thomas's coat of arms says "AGE PRO VIRIBUS" which translates to "in all that you do, do your best".
James (1560 – 1650)
Eagle (2 heads); Joining 2 strong forces
Purple; Nobility and justice
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
T is presumably for Thomas, no heraldic meaning
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“He never married but one day, when he was very old, a baby was found on the doorstep to the manor. He took her in and raised her as his own. That was Elinor.”
James's coat of arms says "ARS LONGA" which translates to "art lives long" (from the phrase, ars longa vita brevis - art is long, life is short).
Elinor (1626 – 1650)
Maltese cross; Blessings, protection
Red; Military might, warrior
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
Blue; Truth, loyalty
Purple; Nobility and justice
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“Just that she was burned as a witch but it wasn't true and her father, James, died when he saw her die and then the family fled to France. I don't want to talk about this.”
Elinor's coat of arms says "AUDACES FORTUNA IUVAT" which translates to "fortune favors the bold".
Corbin (1670 – 1741)
Lion rampant; Courage, integrity, strength
Red; Military might, warrior
Purple; Nobility and justice
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“Uh…I dunno. He doesn't have a coat of arms in the Great Hall because he didn't live here; wasn't even a British subject. That's all I know.”
Corbin's coat of arms says "NUNQUAM DEDISCEO" which translates to "never forget".
This shield is notably absent from the great hall, and also is the only one to feature decoration on the outside of the shield.
Sun; Fountain of life, intelligence, innovation, creativity, enlightenment
Wheat; Faithful
Vines/Ivy; Strong and lasting friendship, academia
Philippe (1689 – 1777)
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“He made a fortune in the New World and bought back most of the lands that were confiscated by Cromwell.”
Philippe's coat of arms says "NOVUS MUNDUS" which translates to "a new world".
Penelope (1714 – 1783)
Fleur de Lis; Symbol of France
Purple; Nobility and justice
Blue; Truth, loyalty
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“I don't know very much about her, except that she was very loved by practically everyone in England, and there were a million poems written about her.”
“Those are mainly Penelope Penvellyn's collections of French novels. She was a patron to a raft of artists, and her salon was quite popular. She was quite the libertine, even kept her maiden name after her marriage.”
Penelope's coat of arms says "PULCHRITUDO IN OMNIA" which translates to "there is beauty in all things".
Martha (1739 – 1791)
Pegasus; Poetic genius and inspiration
Fleur de lis; Symbol of France
Lion rampant; Courage and integrity
Wheel; fortune, cycle of life
Purple; Nobility and justice
Red; Military might, warrior
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“She was completely daft - she'd wear really bizarre outfits and she was one of the first women to ride on a steam train.” (This is particularly impressive as the steam train did not exist until 10 years after her death. Oops!)
Martha's coat of arms says "SINE SCIENTIA ARS NIHIL EST" which translates to "without understanding, art is nothing".
Brigitte (1759 – 1833)
Unicorn; Extreme courage, virtue, strength.
Teardrop symbolism; “One who has endured torrents” gold means generosity or elevation of the mind.
The gear and atom are not traditional heraldic symbols but can represent progress and science.
Red; Military might, warrior
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
Blue; Truth, loyalty
Purple; Nobility and justice
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“She never married and was bonkers for astronomy; she adopted her sister's son, Richard, who later got killed at Waterloo."
Brigitte's coat of arms says "LUDI SINE GAUDIO LUDI NON SUNT" which translates to "sport without fun is not sport."
"Brigitte with her eyes so bright, looks toward heaven at midnight on the longest night of year, that's the one she holds most dear. 'Starry friends,' she's often heard to say, 'how I wish that I could make you stay.' She knows though they can't remain, time will bring them 'round again."
Only shield to have white decorations on the colored background
Star; Divine quality from above
Dove; Loving constancy and peace
Compass; Direction
Purple; Nobility and justice
Richard (1787 – 1815)
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“He died in Waterloo fighting against Napoleon.”
Richard's coat of arms says "SI SIC OMNES" which translates to "if only this could last forever".
Edward (1809 – 1904)
Banner down center shield (the Pale); Military or defensive strength
Star; Divine quality from above. The specific star (nautical star) is not traditional heraldry but symbolizes finding way home.
Red; Military might, warrior
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
Purple; Nobility and justice
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“He was a big explorer and went all over the world. He wasn't very close with his son, who was also an explorer. They'd only see each other by chance in weird remote places like Samarkand or Walla Walla.”
Edward's coat of arms says "BIS VIVAT QUI BON VIVAT" which translates to "Whoever lives well lives twice".
Knight (especially on horseback); The soul guiding the body; man’s journey through life
Lightning Bolt: Swiftness and power; spiritual enlightenment.
Unicorn; Extreme courage, virtue, strength.
I dont know what the warrior with the spear and sword means
Scepter; Emblem of Justice
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
Blue; Truth, loyalty
William (1833 – 1901)
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“He was an explorer, just like his father. He was kind of a whiner, so I heard.”
William's coat of arms says "DIES PERDIDI" which translates to "another day wasted".
John (1873 – 1954)
Bend Sinister (the band across the shield); Sometimes used to indicate illegitimacy. If that is the meaning here that would be very interesting and explain why he wasnt close with his father
Red; Military might, warrior
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
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“He was this huge naturalist and did a lot of exploration in the Amazon. I think there's a plant named after him. Or maybe a monkey; I forget.”
John's coat of arms says "PER AURES AD ANIMUM" which translates to "through the ears to the spirit".
Malachi (1894 – 1972)
Parrot and mouth not traditional symbols but probably represent interest in wildlife and linguistics.
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
Blue; Truth, loyalty
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“He was a doctor of medicine and did a lot of research on icky skin diseases.”
Malachi's coat of arms says "NUMEN LUMEN" which translates to "divine light is my guide".
Alan (1923 – 1993)
Sun; Fountain of life, intelligence, innovation, creativity, enlightenment
Purple; Nobility and justice
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“He was my grandfather but I didn't know him because he died when I was little. I guess he was nice.”
Alan's coat of arms says "PURGAMENTUM EXIT" which translates to "garbage out" (referencing part of a programmers' saying "garbage in, garbage out").
Serpent; Wisdom
Red; Military might, warrior
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kitkats-and-kittens · 4 months
I know stan culture is a huge part of fandom and while yes, sometimes I find it annoying it doesn’t really hurt anyone, so I find it okay.
That said I need words with Percy Jackson and Tim Drake stans, because I am sick and tired 😭😭.
I was scrolling through the Will Solace tag because he is my baby and I will defend him for life and obviously as consequence I see a lot of artwork about the battle of Manhattan and all the angst that comes along with it.
I don’t usually see people blaming Percy for Michael’s death which is fine cause it absolutely wasn’t Percy’s fault, even if I personally don’t believe a 12 year old would be mature enough to see it that way.
Still, I saw a post talking about how sad it was that Will got dragged away to heal Annabeth and couldn’t help the Apollo Cabin search for his bother. It was mostly going into detail about how he might feel responsible for not being there when most of his siblings died.
And I thought wow, that’s really angsty and then I went to the comments and the first thing I saw was a Percy Jackson fan saying it’s not Percy’s fault and Will should get over it because it’s war and shit happens.
Like hello? That is a 12 year old??? No one’s saying it was Percy’s fault, but how the hell do you expect a literal 12 year old to get over his brothers death seconds after it happened?!?!
And again in Dc comics.
This happens way too often, but specially in that one scene where Damian finds out Tim has him on like this hit list-contingency plan thing and obviously he gets upset, because he sees it as Tim still punishing him over something he is trying really hard to redeem himself for.
And then I look at the comments and someone’s going.
Well Damian shouldn’t be upset, his actions have consequences and he was the one that broke into Tim’s computer. He shouldn’t get mad.
He’s 10???? Have you met children? Have you met a 10 year old?? They call you names and bully you but the moment you turn it back on them they start crying. Why? Cause they’re 10!
I don’t understand the disconnect some people have when trying to understand children. Like hasn’t everybody been a child? They aren’t mature enough to handle big emotions and nuanced situations cause they don’t have a frontal lobe yet.
I really don’t understand how anyone can get mad at the child character for not being ‘mature enough’ to handle a situation and it drives me insane.
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lyrakanefanatic · 4 months
3: knox landry (tw, sexual assault)
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• closest to in the game: brady daniels
• love interest: im not too sure but im just gonna hc that he gets a boyfriend/girlfriend outside of the game
• person they dislike the most in the game: lyra kane
• personality traits: hardworking, reliable, selfless, trustworthy, creative, strong, intelligent, and independent
• negative personality traits: cruel, destructive at times, irritable, petty, hesitant to trusting people, good at keeping others away, and is mean as a coping mechanism (💔)
• he’s bisexual
• does boxing as a hobby, as well as art
• his father died when he was just a few months old and he has a step dad and mom
• was sexually assaulted when he was 12 by his uncle 3 separate times. even now, he can still feel the ghosts of his uncles hands on him. 💔
• has trouble sleeping most nights because he wakes up from the memory of being touched
• he pushes others away because of it too. he’s never really had a lot of friends since the incident or could never keep a lot because he kept pushing them away and being mean as a coping mechanism
• he’s 5’10 and 23 years old with hair that looks black but is actually really dark brown, and hazel eyes
• is very harsh on himself with his art but can draw literally anyone or anything at any given time. he’s defo one of those people who can, in fact, draw zendaya (iykyk)
• tells everyone that his favourite artist is arctic monkeys, when in reality it’s laufey 💀
• he has a twin sister who is older by like 2 minutes but he’s always acted like the older brother
• very attractive and has a crazy good jawline (and an eyebrow slitttt)
• he has an irish accent that’s not too strong, but when he’s anxious or pissed out of his mind you can’t understand a word that’s coming out of his mouth
• the reason why his accent is more watered down is because he moved from ireland to texas with his mom, sister, and stepdad after the incident to avoid his family who gaslit him into believing that his uncle didn’t sa him
• although it’s been hard, his family has always been supportive, and immediately fought for him once they found out about his uncle touching him
• lyra kane: lyra and knox are both people who can be cold and stubborn, so because of that they didn’t mix well when they first met. knox immediately saw her as an enemy and lyra was returning the favour. it wasn’t until hawthorne chutes and ladders where they really started seeing each other as people instead of just contestants that they were supposed to beat in the game. once they do get over their rivalry though, they end up being best friends and knox sees lyra as a little sister. he teaches her more efficient ways to fight and punch, and she helps the old grandpa with tech and computers. 💀 they’re very close and when grayson and her started dating, knox immediately went out of his way to piss him off just to be petty. 😪
• odette morales: knox honestly sees odette and lyra as a package deal, so whenever he hangs out with odette he has to bring along lyra too. at first odette was kind of unsure of knox because of how lyra felt towards him, but once they started warming up to each other knox and her became better friends. he loves how kind and soft spoken she is, and wishes that he was like that instead of being so “cold hearted” and “destructive” 💔 he defo taught her how to box too, (as she had no idea how to) and now she’s pretty good at it.
• brady daniels: brady and him became close immediately, and although knox would never and will never tell him, he had the teensiest crush on him when he came to the island. but once that crush dissolved into friendship and he got over it, they have the best banter and are constantly getting into dumb arguments over dumb things. although bradys way taller, knox can fight way better and has kicked his ass before.
• rohan: rohans british, so naturally, knox doesn’t like him. JKJK, but fr they get into so many arguments about the whole “british vs irish” thing, and their banter is a lot like michelle and james’ banter from derry girls. (if you’ve watched it, you know) knox sees him as a dumb cocky little brother, and finds his crush on savannah so cute. also, they definitely box together ALL. THE. TIME. like you CAN’T convince me otherwise.
• savannnah grayson: he was definitely cold to her once he found out about the whole “game master being her brother” thing, and held it against her. but he never tried to outright accuse her because he knew she was young and he was not about to start beefing with an 18 year old girl when he’s 5 years older 💀💀 they do warm up to each other eventually though, and although they don’t hang out a lot, when they do they have a lot of meaningful talks. also, like everybody else, he taught her how to box because “she should know how to defend herself in a situation where she’d need to”. (now savannah threatens grayson with the fact that she can fight whenever he pisses her off)
• gigi grayson: even though knox didn’t really trust her at first because of the same reason he didn’t like savannah (*cough cough* because she’s a nepo baby *cough cough* who said that?) he never tried to show it because he loves how bubbly and cheerful she is and doesn’t want to do anything to turn her sour. (because he knows what that’s like and wants to protect her) he definitely doesn’t like mattias and thinks he’s not good enough for her though 💀 gigi loves to paint with him even though her paintings are… not that great, and his are van gogh level good because they have a really good time. <3
i just KNOW knox is gonna be one of my favs <3
i didnt get to see any of the contestants tho because they hadn’t arrived yet 😓 (i think??? i actually don’t know why they weren’t there)
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Can’t get over how much deleting Kinito was not the right call.
Not only because I think he’s redeemable and a good little creature deep down who’s been through enough already and is motivated only by a desperate desire for companionship and please he’s just a little guy don’t kill him.
but also because… deleting Kinito doesn’t just delete the malware axolotl himself. It deletes everything stored on his server.
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Which includes sealing the fate of every person he’s trapped before. When he says “inside my code, you’ll always be” he means it literally.
The player is not the first person Kinito has done this whole thing to. And every previous “friend” of Kinito is trapped on his server, each with their own personalized world. He makes each of them a part of himself. They go down with him.
Sonny, Kinito’s creator and the one sending you the instructions to delete Kinito, knows this
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(The gibberish apparently is a cipher that solves as: “including us”)
But we don’t know anything about the others trapped with Kinito, besides their names that scroll by in the command prompt, we don’t know if they’re aware of what Sonny’s planning or how it will affect them. We don’t know if the people trapped in Kinito’s server even have contact with each other. We just know that they’re deleted along with Kinito.
and since the Web World is also part of Kinito’s server, the some of the weird stuff that happens there might be the influence those trapped in said server.
anyway basically when you delete Kinito you are not only deleting him, but also a little under 50 other people.
I’m not sure if Kinito’s pull people into computer powers are one-way or if he just doesn’t want to let anyone go. So it’s unclear if these people ever could get out. But even if they couldn’t, again, Kinito’s not a total monster. He wants to make the comfiest prisons possible because he’s built to be a people pleaser like that. Even if they couldn’t get their old lives back, his collection of “friends” could’ve been given a much kinder fate.
but instead they all died with him.
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months
It would be so sad and funny if Sun will be the one who puts the end for Nexus.
You know how All Moon's variants and Eclipse have a habit of mockery and taunting Sun when it comes to murder? Like Old Moon, Like Eclipse v1, v2, like Bloodmoon v1, v2, Computer...
It usually doesn't end well for them. Sun had killed BM v1 in anger, Eclipse v1 in self defense, Eclipse v2 to protect his family and truly he was tired of Eclipse's crap, Bloodmoon v2 nearly got blasted to death,...
So what if, Nexus, after being a "Bad guy" aka "IT NOT A PHASE SUN, IT IS WHO I AM."
Decide to continue the tradition of classic good old dumb characteristics of Moon, taunting Sun.
Maybe it will be along these lines like: "You can't hurt me Sun." Or "Do you really want to prove to yourself that you just like Eclipse?" "Sorry I guess I was wrong. You are worse than Eclipse."
And then maybe Sun will snap in anger and hit him unconscious or dead. Or maybe, just maybe Sun decides enough and enough and the plan Nexus and Dark Sun gonna do would hurt his family and he is just so tired.
He will be like, Nexus turns out that way is my responsibility, and I need to fix that. -Good old Sun move, and then do something very dangerous.
I don't know how they would interact or how the outcome will turn out, but it definitely will break Sun.
When Sun says when you kill a member of the family, there won't be any routes to come back.
I want to see how Sun, will kill 2 members of the family, again and again. Because, when we look at the fact who has the highest body count when it comes to killing their siblings, it surprisingly is Sun.
Sun indirectly killed the Old Moon, indirectly making Lunar runaway and ended his life in the hand of Eclipse. If we talk about how Eclipse supposedly is Moon, and then... Hoo boy... Directly and directly death in Sun's hand. And because Ruin chose Sun to live, Solar died. Seemingly Sun is the centre of a lot of the murder of family themes.
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jaeclerc · 10 months
just 3.1K of my maxiel demon au for the lovely @powerful-owl ! happy birthday <3 i knew i needed to gift you a little something because you are literally one of the reasons I started to publish any of my f1 works!
cw: mentions of death, blasphemy, and tail fucking
“Maximus,” Daniel greeted him, making Max look up from where he was fucking around on his computer instead of sorting some of the files that he was supposed to be sorting “Tell Torger I have a date so the SEED meeting is a no from me but a huge yes from Charles. And you.”
Max rolled his eyes, staring Daniel down. He was still floating from probably showing off to whoever this date was, trying to impress them with the fact that he was The Devil. Max had seen him try and pick up when they went to the occasional Earth-side bar and he always pulled out the floating and tail as if most people weren’t scared of such a figure like The Devil. He was always baffled when it worked and Daniel ditched them to go off and do whatever he did on these trysts.
(Max tried to never think about it, lest he has to address the deep jealousy that crops up)
“I do not want to go, Daniel.” Max sighed, his fingers going back to pecking out the email he had already pulled up to draft to George, Toto’s assistant. He did not want to go but he still would, because he knew that these small pleasures came rarely to Daniel.
He’s spent over 40 years with Daniel and Charles, he knew them better than he would wish to admit. He knew that Charles was riddled with guilt for disparaging his mother and then dying and he still visited her salon when he could, disguised as a random teen.
He knew that Daniel felt so heavy with the burden of what put him in the position to be The Devil that he rarely gave himself any sort of actual happiness. Underneath the cherry red eyes and poker tail, he was scared of what he had to do daily to maintain his existence. He was secretly devastated that he and his fellow soldiers had died in a war that was supposed to end them all, just for another one to pop up 20 years later. He held his responsibility heavy around his neck like a collared dog.
“I know, Maxi-Pad, but: I’m your boss and I want you to attend. It’ll be good to help you get promoted.” Daniel simpered, a sly smile on his lips at his own joke.
“Promoted to what?” Charles chimed in as he walked in, angel dust still on his cheekbones from his angel boyfriend. Max didn’t understand why he always had to be Daniel’s assistant when there were two of them and Charles was perfectly capable of file organizing and emailing.
“To my two favorite demons!” He wrapped his arms around the both of them, dimples showing as he hugged them close. Letting out a pleased hum as he saw the email that Max was drafting
“We are, of course, the only demons you have.” Max snorted, signing his email off and sending it, even with Daniel squeezing him close. The Devil smelt like La Labo and Old Spice deodorant, as well as the Downey softener that he made all of Hell use.
All of Hell was just the three of them plus Charles’ boyfriend, but he still insisted that they all used it.
“Exactly! But, you’ll be my favorite demons out of alllll the demons and angels there are and that’s pretty sweet.” Daniel let go of them as George replied, confirming that it was alright for them to attend rather than Daniel.
“Great, now that we have that sorted: Charles I need your help picking out an outfit.” Daniel pulled Charles along and Max glared at him as Charles mouthed “Sorry!” over his shoulder.
Max went back to fucking around on reddit forums about being in love with your boss and the implications of it. Just for research. Humanity had become so informational since Max had died.
Max stewed about as he waited for Charles to finish helping Daniel, waiting to pounce on the other demon and quiz him on everything he knew. Daniel and Charles were each other’s gossip partners, but Max was Daniel’s movie and grocery shopping partner so it evened out in time given. But, Charles still always had the information that Max felt like he was missing.
When Charles finally walked out with a faint grin that bloomed into an intense smile when he saw Max, giggling to himself as Max glowered at him.
“Max, you are so silly.” Was all he said when he finally stopped in front of him, hands crossed as he looked quite smug.
“What do you mean?” Max said, huffy and indignant even if he was admittedly acting super silly and like a teenager with a crush. Which was: accurate but embarrassing. He was only a teenager in body, but in his 50s in spirit and yet he was acting pouty and jealous.
“Just tell Daniel that you like him! He adores you, you guys are always going on little trips together, no?” Charles was always so cryptic with him, it was frustrating.
“That doesn’t mean-you know, the world wide web says that it’s unethical for a boss to sleep with an employee.” Charles snorted, flopping next to Max on the living room couch, sprawling out and putting his feet under Max’s legs, which Max just accepted. It was 15 years too late to shove Charles away, anyway.
“We’re not his employees, we are his friends. Seb told me that Daniel was so lonely before we were chosen and that’s why he picked us out. He needed someone like us. Someone like him.” Charles said.
“Insane?” Max asked
“Gay and lonely.” Charles amended, pausing before adding “And insane.”
Max huffed a laugh, hugging his arms around himself, before preparing himself to ask. But, he didn’t have to, Charles already coming out with it.
“The guy’s name is Emiliano.” He said, a small smile playing on his lips “And Daniel really seems to like him. He couldn’t stop talking about how beautiful his, ah, turquoise eyes were.”
Max openly stared at Charles. What a best friend he was, saying all of this to him when he knew how Max felt!
“Come on, let’s get ready for the meeting. We can go out afterwards.” Charles had that look in his eyes that he had whenever he was planning something. Probably going to try and set Max up at the club they frequent, just so he wasn’t stewing so much about what Daniel could possibly be doing with his tail.
Charles had him dressed in his best white button up, the ripped black jeans that hugged his ass and thighs but weren’t too tight, and even let him borrow a pair of Jordan’s that were pristine and baby blue.
He made him wear his best cologne and style his hair in the nice tussled style that Charles said he looked best in, a sly grin on his face the entire time.
Unusually, Charles wasn’t dressed up with him, he was just in a faded t-shirt and some sweats. But, Charles had a face that distracted from anyone paying attention to anything else and he was taken, so he didn’t need to look good like Max did when they went out.
When Max walked through their transporting door (not to get confused with the door that dropped into the fiery pits), he was surprised to find himself without Charles and in a low lit restaurant, not the pristine marble halls of Angel Court.
He was also surprised to see Daniel smiling at him, horns and his tail out. Just like Max liked him, unashamed and glowing in his pseudo-godhood.
“Wha-We are missing the meeting.” Max was confused. Someone had to show up at the meeting, it was important and they had already pushed it back twice. It was to review their efficiency and what they needed to fix, which was a lot in Max’s opinion.
“No, Charles is at the meeting, Maxy. We are here.” Max frowned as Daniel stood up, walking towards him. He didn’t understand. Daniel was supposed to be on a date with Emiliano with the blue eyes while Max stewed and tried to convince Toto to give them another demon just so Max could do less desk work and more in the field work with Daniel.
“What about your date?” Max asked, voice softening as Daniel pulled out the chair for him and lightly pushed him down into it.
“You are my date, Max Emilian.” Daniel smiled at him, head tilting as he looked Max up and down, making him feel like there were a bunch of ants crawling up and down his spine with the way he shivered.
Daniel sighed, amused as he continued to just look at Max with his red fire filled eyes, tail flicking behind him absentmindedly as he reached out, hesitant. His thumb brushed Max’s clenched fist, rubbing softly over his knuckles.
“You like me, Max.” It was a fact, a statement that Daniel seemingly knew to be true with the way it came out of his mouth. Max flinched, feeling suddenly exposed,
“I like you too. Have since ‘97 when you rescued that cat from one of the sinners we had to confront.” Max was still silent, which seemingly amused Daniel.
“You also leave those forums that you browse open on the computer.” He added, which Max flushed at. He still felt a little out of depth.
“I was only on Earth for less than 20 years.” Max defended, unclenching his fist as Daniel’s hand wrapped loosely around his. “I don’t know these things. I lost my virginity and then died.” He flushed again at that admission. He had only told Charles about that little fact.
“I know all of that already. I also know that you would’ve never told me you liked me because you’re afraid that it’s against company policy.” Daniel’s thumb rubbed absentminded circles on Max’s knuckle, making his brain only able to focus on how wonderful it felt to have Daniel touching him.
“Turns out: I make the policy and I’ve decided it’s perfectly fine that you like me and I like you. It’s actually encouraged.” He continued, pausing his thumb to get Max to actually look at him.
Max felt deranged with how the suppressed want flowed through him, with the hope and adoration in Daniel’s eyes. Those eyes were looking at him, staring him down and Max wanted to lunge across the table and seal Daniel’s mouth shut with his own. He wanted to strip both of them down until all they had on was their matching horns (red for Daniel and gold for Max). He wanted to cry and yell that they’ve could’ve been together since 1997.
Instead he just replied, quite even and simple if he were to say so himself, “Well if it’s not against company policy and my boss is encouraging it, then, of course, as the star employee, I have to do it.”
Daniel beamed at him, lacing their fingers together.
Dinner was a quiet, tension filled affair. By the time that Max had his polite three bites of dessert, he was ready to go back home and present himself to Daniel like a cat in heat.
Instead, they walked out the door of the cute Italian restaurant and started walking, Daniel swinging their hands between them as he chatted with Max about small things. Max just wanted to get home, back to Hell and the comfort of their shared house so he could kiss Daniel, too nervous to kiss him in public, unsure how people would react around them.
“Are you good?” Daniel asked as he noticed Max start to slow down, dragging his arm out.
“Can we go home?” Max asked instead of answering. Daniel tilted his head before nodding, his face looking a little less excited than he was before. He snapped his fingers and guided Max through the next available door, right into their living room.
“What’s-“ Max didn’t let Daniel finish, gripping his shoulders and pulling him in for a frankly messy kiss, all nerves and inexperience. Daniel relaxed, hands coming up to cup Max’s jaw, tail wrapping around Max’s waist as they fell into each other.
Daniel was a lot more smooth than Max, coaxing him out of his frantic kissing and into something a little more slow and exploratory, gently tasting each other’s mouths.
Max wanted more and more. He secretly knew that if he ever had Daniel, he would actually lose his mind. He would never be able to have his fill, the endless void of want opening itself up to consume everything Daniel could ever give him and that scared him. The enormous feelings that encompassed him whenever Daniel was around. It was a million times worse already, now that he knew Daniel wanted him back.
He was canting his hips into Daniel’s without even realizing, seeking his warmth to soothe the burn of his own need.
“Max.” Daniel chuckled as Max let out a soft gasp, his own eyes flying open as he felt flooded with embarrassment. He had also feared that his desperation would be so easy to see the moment that he was ever in this position. It wasn’t easing his mind that he was right: Daniel was going to make him absolutely sick with love and want.
He pulled away, wanting to curl up and hide from his own arousal, his body pulsing like he had a heartbeat still.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay.” Daniel soothed, his tail still wrapped around his waist, drawing him in. He pressed a kiss to the space under Max’s ear, pulling him close. Max could feel Daniel’s dick against his hip, half hard and pressing against him as Daniel trailed small kisses against Max’s neck, making his head tilt to the side.
“Daniel-“ He cut himself off before he continued, trying to find the words “Let me.”
He pulled away just a little so he could make Daniel feel good but paused when Daniel’s hands covered his, stopping him.
“Don’t worry about that, baby.” Daniel assured him, his hands guiding Max’s hands to his waist. “We have plenty of time for me. I’ve been tortured into watching you wear these jeans for years without being able to appreciate your thighs.” His hands dropped from Max’s to grab at Max’s ass, palming it before sliding down and gripping Max’s thighs.
Max let out a soft sound, his hips twitching into thin air as Daniel gripped him before letting go and unhooking his button and unzipping his jeans with quick efficiency that had to come from practice. Max would ruminate over that later when he didn’t have Daniel’s hands down his pants, cupping him gently through his boxers.
Max had always been secretly ashamed of what he was (or wasn’t, rather) packing. Even the guy he fucked in the confession box had seemed a little shut down when he realized that Max didn’t exactly have the length to fuck him and so he’d have to top.
But Daniel looked down at what his hand was cupping and audibly moaned when he saw Max’s cock jutting out, barely the length of his middle finger and flushed an angry red from his want.
“I’m so-“ Max started and Daniel cut him off with a shake of his head, palming Max and wrapping his thumb and forefinger around him, stroking him as he used his other hand to press his thumb against the mole on Max’s lip, effectively shutting him up.
“You drive me insane with how perfect you are, don’t you dare apologize.” Daniel’s eyes flared with more fire as he spoke. Max’s lips parted, not to disagree but to take Daniel’s thumb into his mouth, sucking in long draws when he couldn’t think of anything else. He needed something to ground himself before he came all over Daniel’s hand from some heavy petting and praise.
Daniel’s tail crept down the back of Max’s boxers, which were now sagging down his thighs, the poker end gently pressing against him as if Daniel was trying to breach him. Max’s hand flew up to grip Daniel’s hair but caught on his horn, grabbing the first thing felt for purchase as the end gently probed against him, his toes curling in his borrowed shoes.
This was going to end embarrassingly quickly if Daniel didn’t stop using everything he had against Max.
Max hissed, sounding muffled against Daniel’s thumb as he continued to use his tail on him, not pushing far, just enough to make Max feel set on fire from his greatest fantasy coming to life.
“You want my tail?” Daniel asked, seemingly blown away by Max’s reaction to some light exploring. Max felt feverish at the suggestion, just nodding as his eyes fluttered open and then shut, the whole image too much for him.
Daniel took his thumb from Max’s mouth, even as Max tried to chase it, worrying that he would spill just how much he wanted every part of Daniel inside of him at once and how much he had fantasized it.
He heard a snap before he felt something cold drip down his crack and over hole, slick and viscous. He realized, probably a couple seconds too late, that Daniel had conjured lube so he could give Max just that.
The first press of Daniel’s tail inside of him had him feeling light headed as Daniel slowly stroked him, thumb pressing the under side of his cock deliciously, seemingly deeply aware of what made Max tick already.
Max gasped as it breached him fully, curled up inside of him and just tad too hot to be fully human, making him swear as he attempted to rock back against it, his fingers curling around Daniel’s horns even more, yanking him down as Daniel gasped as well, mouth instinctively sealing against Max’s collarbone.
Max’s horns were very sensitive and they were only a third of the size of Daniel’s, so he can’t imagine just how sensitive Daniel’s were with how Max was holding onto them.
Daniel’s tail curled inside of Max again and he felt himself hurdling down the cliff into pure bliss as he moaned, spilling onto Daniel’s hand embarrassingly quick, clenching around Daniel’s tail as he came down.
Daniel as breathing heavily, his hand that caught Max’s cum furiously stroking himself off, his mouth still sucking on Max’s neck as he hurdled down after Max, spurred on by the way that Max was stroking his horns, watching with his mouth dropped open in awe.
“Fuck.” Daniel half laughed once they were both breathing normally, his tail still in Max. “We need to see just how much of my tail you can take.”
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S E 7 E N : B E E Z L E B U B P A R T 1 N E
Yay! Chapter 2! "B E E Z L E B U B" is here! so excited to hear what you guys think of the series so far. I feel bad because i didnt get to proofread this since i typed majority of it on my phone while i was away from my computer, eventually i'lll go in to read through it and correct any mistakes, but for now, please ignore them.
Warnings: just one main one...fingering. of course there's kissing, issuing of pet names, and references of the bible, Heaven and Hell terminologies, death, cults, angels and demons. So please be confident as you continue to read, if religion is a touchy subject for you, prooooooobably not a good read for you.....but it is a good read. it really is (at least i think so)
You decided to walk back towards the map and see if you can make out which trail would be closest to your home.
‘I have to go back….I’ll need to settle some things before I die…I only have seven days.’
The tears immediately started to build back up. You suddenly felt lonely, much more than you had since Lily died.
‘What’s going to happen? How are they going to….’
Dying is never a pleasant thing to look forward to, however, to die wasn’t what feared you, it was the manner of how the angels were going to carry out the deed. After witnessing such horrible methods of death issued by their hands, your body trembles at the thought of either being burned alive, your body disintegrating, there was even one where a man was chopped up to bits, almost like he went through a meat grinder, your eyes widened as your heart felt punctured at witnessing the events on the news, watching as multiple angels mutated their arms into sharp blades of cutlery that operated as machines, all of them going at the man simultaneously.
Pausing in your steps, you cupped your cheek as you sobbed for a minute or two, yet it was uncontrollable and vigorous in nature as you dropped your shoes from your side and commence to crying into your hands.
Recollecting yourself, for the thousandth time, you’d think that this on and off crying business would get old and tiresome, yet the moment you think about the terrible event that will come in seven days, you started back up all over again. It got to the point where your chest became sore each time you breathed, all due to the trembling gasps and sniffles you issued out.
Finally, you were reaching the large wooden display board of the map…along with the blood-stained message that had your name gruesomely spelled out.
‘I don’t know if I should look at it….my God….I’m so scared.’
You stared at the ground as you continued walking, unable to look up to view the message…not yet. You needed a minute to take deep breaths and build some fortitude in order to read it once more as you look at the map in the background.
Using your peripherals, you could see that you were nearby the board, and yet, there was something else by the board…or someone rather.
Looking up, your saddened and tearful gaze views the man dressed all in black. Like the man from before, this one was also very handsome, though he didn’t wear a mask like the other one…Helel, this one had his face fully exposed. With his back leaning against the board in the farther side, he had a relaxed stance as his arms remained firmly crossed. In his mouth, he had pinched between his teeth, a guitar pick as he flipped it around using a combination of his lips and tongue. He had on a black vest that remained open, bearing his bare chest with a series of silver chains that rested against it. Reaching to his knees, the vest had flared in a trail as he moved, much like an overcoat did.
His body looked toned and firm, and his long legs were elegantly matched with a pair of black trousers and boots. He was nowhere near as formally dressed as the man from earlier, and while this one was tall, the one that dawned red and black was taller, much taller.
He had jet black hair that was primarily combed yet the front was spiked up, he resembled a punk rocker or one of those heavy metal goth singers. Surely if any of the members of Voia Domnului saw him, he’d be labeled as someone who worships the Devil, and executed on the spot.
Responding back, you hesitated for a moment, yet issued one out as he stared at you.
Shifting his gaze over to his side, he eyeballs the message that he had his back leaned on.
“This you?” he nudges his head slightly towards the board.
You looked at him somewhat confused, until you shifted your gaze at the message, right where your name was written.
“Hmph….well that sucks. It’s a shitty time to be human.” He speaks out so carelessly as he locks his fingers together and extends them forward, performing a back stretch as you hear minor cracks and his groans.
“So….y/n is your name.” he re-crosses his arms as he looks at you, tilting his head as he admires you and performs a half smile.
“You know…when Heeseung told me he was obsessed with some mortal girl…I couldn’t figure out why. I thought he had been going dry and lonely for far too long…six thousand years is a long time to go without getting your dick wet. Ya know?” still looking your way, you frowned your brows as you looked down at the ground.
‘Another idiot talking nonsense…what’s with these guys? Why am I have this stroke of rotten luck in getting hit up by handsome guys dressed abnormally? Is this a trap? Did the senator send them here? Do they work for Voia Domnului?’
Snapping you out of your thoughts, the man continued.
“But now that I get to see you for myself, well….fucking aye….guess I was wrong. You must be a reincarnation of one of the angels or an Ekron Goddess…..you’re too pretty to just be a mere mortal.”
Upon finishing his words, he walks over to you, you hear the dangling of chains as he takes each step.
Gently placing his fingers on your chin, he raises your face just slightly, turning it left, to right, and then back to center.
“I guess the wait was worth the while…he must have foresaw that someone like you was going to be in his future…maybe that’s why he displayed such self-restraint….hehehe. Fucking Heeseung…good one bro.”
You raised a brow as the man mentioned the name for the second time.
“Heeseung?....who-….you mean Helel?” you responded confusingly.
‘Who is Heeseung?’
“Oho! So…he lets you call him by his real name huh?....Well…makes sense, I mean…I’d let you call me by my real name…I’d let you call me whatever you want….angel face.”
Your brow tweaked upon hearing the pet name he called you by.
“So….Heeseung is Helel then?” you remarked, trying to gain closure.
“Yup. But only a select few can call him by his real name, and aside from you, no mortal has ever gained permission to call him by that. Just us, his brothers, and him.” Pointing his index finger up to the sky, his fingers still cradling your chin, you look up before shifting your view to him with confusion.
“…you mean….God?” you asked.
He laughs.
“Yeah…yeah angel. God.”
Releasing your chin, he continues to admire your face.
His attitude was a lot spunkier and outgoing it seemed like, though you could tell by the stern look in his eye, the man eluded a vibe that he had a temper. Maybe it was the way he spoke or just the way his brows were fixed, something told you that it wouldn’t take much for him to resort to anger.  
“Something the matter?” he tilts his head as he softens his tone to you.
“N….no…..i just…I need to get home….and take care of some things before I…” there it goes again. Your breath hitches out of nowhere as the tears started to build back up.
‘God…why? Why do I keep crying? Just accept it already, y/n.’
Watching you, the man places both hands on your arms.
“Hey…..why are you crying?”
As soon as he asked, you heard the voice of Helel echoing in your head as you recount the same question he asked of you, with the same vibe of softness and sincerity in his tone.
‘Why are you crying?’
For some odd reason, it had only been a split second, but the thought of the masked man from earlier this morning flashed through your mind, and you found yourself longing to see him again….though you don’t know why.
‘I’ll come get you and take you home, does that sound good? Pretty?’
You really had thought everything was a dream, yet with the other mysterious man in front of you, displaying similar traits as the man from before, you realized quickly that you indeed, had an option…or rather, you had an escape route, since you had seceded to the man and told him that you’d be his, that you’d take his death over the one you were selected for…and be his for all eternity. In exchange, the world would be saved.
Upon recounting of the deal, you made, and realizing that this was a for sure thing, you felt the urge to gain more closure.
“…..what….is your name?” you asked the man, your eyes clearing up at the prospect of escaping the angel’s death sentence.
“Well, just like the rest of my brothers, I’ve got two. Well….Heeseung technically has three, but that’s bedside’s the point. I’ll tell you my real name within due time, don’t want to scare you. For now, you can call me Jay.”
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“So tell me….why are you crying? You’re not doing it because of that…” he points to the board with the bloody message on it. “are you?”
You merely looked at him with a sense of hopelessness in your expression.
“Didn’t you tell Heeseung that you’d be his?”
Looking up at him, he gives you a half smile as he strokes your arms. “He’s not going to let a thing happen to you, promise….and neither am I.”  Leaning in, he pecks your forehead, leaving you wide eyed and somewhat shocked.
‘Am I turning into some rock band’s whore? What’s going on? What kind of deal did I get myself into?’
“Yeah angel?”
You slightly winced at the petname. ‘First pretty and now angel?...’
“what….i mean…who are you? and who exactly is Helel?”
Jay smirks as he cups your cheek.
“I promise we’ll tell you. Just…you had already gone through a lot…” glaring over at the message on the board, you could have sworn you saw a faint snarl of his upper lip as he viewed the message with your name written in blood.
“I don’t want you to get overwhelmed…neither does Heeseung. I promise we’ll tell you when the time is right, okay? Angel?” leaning in, his sharp nose grazes against yours.
“But I-“
“Hey-no, shhhh…..be a good girl and listen.”
“Aww…it’s all good angel. You’re so well behaved….you’re a keeper, so happy for my brother.”
They’re definitely brothers, alright. They displayed numerous similarities, yet the biggest attribute was their dominance as Jay hushed you, which made you think back to Helel’s stern tone when he issued those words in a snappy manner.
“I said….to keep moving….pretty. Or do I need to teach you how to listen?”
“So….lets take you home then.” Jay says in smirky manner as he takes you by the hand.
Maintaining his hold on you, he sticks both your hands in his pocket as you both walked the path.
“….Is it alright to ask where you’re from?” you asked, trying not to push any buttons since he hushed you when you asked who he was, yet the momentum of his affection displayed made you feel comfortable and somewhat bold, as if you had a privilege that no one else did.
“Well….that’s another thing I’ll elaborate within due time…for now, I’m from a place that’s faaaaar, far away. Really far.”
“what else?” you look up as he issued out his encouragement of giving you favor to ask more.
“What other questions do you have?”
‘Six thousand years is a long time to go without getting your dick wet. Ya know?’
“….how old are you?”
“really old. What else?”
‘he couldn’t have seriously meant six thousand like he stated earlier…..but somehow…I get this feeling…’
“what do you like to do for…fun?”
“aaaah…that’s an excellent question. Actually, I’m very fond of observing how you people study dipterology.”
“….’you people’?”
Laughing, he scoffs. “yeah…you people.”
Maintaining the pace of the walk, he continues.
“Sometimes I get entertained or fascinated by how wrong…or right you guys are when it comes to the scientific study of flies.”
You nod as you shift your gaze to his pocket. His hand was warm as it fully envelopes your own, his fingers interlocking with yours as he occasionally squeezed it from time to time.
“What else?”
The entire walk was spent with you asking random questions as Jay answered each one. Amused by your curiosity and finding you adorable, he continued to flatter you with compliments.
‘You know, your face is truly immaculate. The women where I'm from, don't even look like you…or up there.’
‘You got really pretty eyes. I should make a new species named after you.’
‘You like the color black? I feel like black is your color….or red.’
‘I can speak all languages, here….’  mu-ti-in aj2-ze2-ze2-ba du5-mu-u8-ak’ you know what that is? It’s Sumerian, it means ‘you are man’s precious sweet.’
A lot of his showering words confused you, it didn’t make sense, and when it did, you wondered how in the world he knew of such things such as an ancient language, or references verbatim of the bible….all 1500 pages of them.
Reaching the suburbs of the city, your heart started to rush in a beating tempo as you grew nervous. The time had gone by so fast, and it was already past 5pm, the walk was taken slowly as Jay relished your company, often pausing and taking breaks just so he could sit and admire you.
‘Lets take another break, I like looking at your face.’
‘Why aren’t you wearing your shoes? Ah…they have heels. Poor thing, let me warm your feet up.’
He was so kind to you. The way he would touch your feet and feel them instantly become warm and soften as the soreness disappears, he’d always look at you and ask ‘better?’ which you nodded silently at his unusual talent.
Noticing your hand shaking, he looks over to you with just a slight bit of concern…and amusement.
“Angel…whats wrong? You’re shaking. What is it?”
“n…nothing….i just….we only have four hours left until curfew but….the regulators come out two hours prior to start ushering people back inside their homes….and they might recognize me and try to take me away…to….to the senator.”
Raising an eyebrow, his expression grew stark and somewhat aggressive, though fortunately, it wasn’t directed at you.
“Yes…he’s the leader of Voia Domnuluiand…last night….last night he��he um…”
Grabbing onto your waist, he turns your body, flushing against his as he cradles your chin once more with his gentle fingers.
“What did he do?....did he put his filthy hands on you?”
You nodded with a glaze of tears coating your eyes.
“Yes…but I was able to get away before he….he could um…” you felt uncomfortable as you recalled the events that occurred between you and Forras. The feeling of his hands groping you as his mouth was plastered on your neck made you shake with disgust. Watching as you dipped your head slightly and covered your eyes as you gasped from the traumatic experience at the hands of that man, Jay pulls you in and embraces you.
“Does Heeseung know?” he gently asks.
“mm…no…I didn’t even tell him anything about it….i just…I found the message right after it happened and ….i just…” you started to sob, and for a moment, you needed comfort like no other. Lily had you, yet since seeing your name after what had transpired with Forras, you reach up and grabbed onto Jay’s vest, crunching in into your palms as you bury your face into his bare chest and wept.
“Oh God……I didn’t do anything….he was trying..he was trying to-….to……”
Watching as you wept, he pulls his head slightly back as he noticed the partially torn buttons on your blouse and the black scuff marks on your shoes, which indicated a man with fine leather footwear had stepped on them.
Hugging you back closely, clenching his jaw, he comforts you…just as you needed it.
“Shhh…it’s okay. When you have the chance, you really should tell Heeseung….” Grinning, he continues with a dark tone. “I’m sure he’ll have a good idea on just what to do with that man…trust me.” He plants a kiss on to the side of your head.
“You wanna see something?”
Peeling your face away, drenched in tears, he lifts his hand and uses his index finger to clean the streams off your cheeks.
Observing, he snaps his fingers in the air, and coming forth out of nowhere, a beautiful, bright green butterfly appears. It fluttered around his fingers in delicate notion, resting atop of his hand. Presenting it to you, he softly issues out his words.
“Here, you can pick it up.”
Looking at him, you saw the gentleness of his face as he looks at you from above with his height towering over you.
Picking the beautiful creature from his hand with your own, you watched as the butterfly rested atop your delicate fingers, fluttering its vibrant emerald-colored wings.
For the first time in a while, you genuinely smiled as the tears kept streaming down. You were touched, the moment the butterfly danced atop your index finger, you were felt your heart warm up.
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It was clear that there was something about Jay and Helel, and your gut feeling told you that it may have been sinful to take to them, but you couldn’t help it. They made you feel special, loved, and made you feel good. There was a sinful pleasure in their manner of romanticism, and you couldn’t help but start to yearn for more.
“What do you want to call it? You can name it anything you like. I personally like your name the best.” He issues as he smiles against your hair.
You chuckled at the thought.
“My name?.....if that’s what you like….we can call it that.”
“Well, sounds like a new species is established then.” He smirks.
Just as you felt his gentle grip tighten around your waist, a loud voice from behind shatters the moment.
“Everyone! Everyone it’s almost time! The sun is going to set in half an hour! The angels will come to kill the sinner!”
P A R T 2 W O
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry
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haunteddeertimetravel · 11 months
Okay so this is going to be just a few characters to start with, but I will definitely make a part two which has more characters!!
(This post includes Jeff the Killer, Ben Drowned, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Ticci Toby, Homicidal Liu)
(Also don't get mad at me for this post. ITS MY OPINION and you do NOT have to agree with it)
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Jeff the Killer
• Okay so Jeff fans are WILD so please don't kill me if I say something you don't agree with☠️
• He is really proud of his new face. (I always see people say he is insecure of it but it's stated in his story that he thinks it's beautiful)
• He re cuts his face everytime it TRIES to re-heal
• His face cuts are VERY infected
• He isn't exactly close with anyone in the mansion but he gets along with Toby the most
• May act like he doesn't but he really does regret what he did to Liu
• Has attachment issues after what happened with Liu (he lost him and he was so close with him
• Definitely listens to old good Charlotte, all time low, and maybe even some never shout never
• Has bad trust issues
• Gets mad very easily
Ben Drowned
• Is pretty childish since he was 12 when he died and never really got the chance to mature
• Is close with sally (even though it took her a while to get used to any male presence and she still hates it) and they prank people together
• He loves Apple juice (idk why I think this😭)
• He does stuff to purposely annoy people such as poking them over and over again
• when he gets mad he side eyes people and tells them to shut up
• You will hear him raging at random times at night because he lost in a video game
• I think he gets more annoyed than he does mad like he will roll his eyes if someone is irritating him
• Sassy 12 year old
• Is OBSESSED with Halloween because he loves the way people in the mansion celebrate (some of them go outside in their normal outfits and trick or treat just to bring home candy for the younger ones of the house. Since they all look like they are in a costume)
• I know this is super stereotypical but he definitely listens to hyperpop since it replicates computer-typeish music and tones
Eyeless Jack
• He doesn't have eyes, but HE CAN SEE
• Sometimes when he is out of kidneys and is hungry but doesn't feel like hunting, he will teleport to hospitals and use his invisibility skills to take kidneys from transplant sections (if that's what they are called)
• He still feels human emotions but just has a hard time expressing them since he wants to forget his past
• Has SEVERE trust issues and it would be shocking if he EVER trusted a human again
• Feels sympathy for Ben (if we are talking about the Benjamin Lawman sacrifice story) since he was also killed/sacrificed by a cult
• Don't get me wrong he loves killing/torturing humans, but sometimes he only wants a kidney and when they wake up he dreads it
• Is VERY quiet and polite (when around other creepypastas obviously) and doesn't really say much
• I feel like he definitely listens to 2014 music that you would hear on road trips (example: Safe and sound - capital cities, am I wrong - Nico and Vinz etc.)
Laughing Jack
• I weirdly feel like he sounds like tiny tim and pennywise combined
• Definitely thinks everything is funny since he used to be an actual clown and still hasn't forgotten those ways fully
• Listens to old classical music and 1920s-40s music such as tonight you belong to me - patience and prudence, and livin in the sunlight lovin in the moonlight - Tiny Tim
• Ben always try to prank him and he gets mad because he feels like he should be the one pranking
• Extremely scary and quiet most of the time, but he has very frequent mood swings that could have him jumping off the walls (literally) to just sitting on the floor staring
• Doesn't get along with anyone in the mansion except for Candy Pop and Jason the Toymaker
• Doesn't sleep and only eats the organs he pulls out of his victims
• Hates Issac because he basically turned him into this monster
• Has abandonment issues severely
• Is definitely claustrophobic ever since he had to be in that box for that long period of time
• Has a wind up thing on his back and he will play music (since he is a jack in the box and also a stuffed doll)
Ticci Toby
• Does NOT like waffles
• Is NOT an "UwU smol bean"
• hates being treated like he is less just because he is a proxy
• Likes to be alone because it can be a struggle for him to communicate due to his tourettes (not saying they can't communicate just saying it can come as a struggle when talking to someone new because of stress and anxiety which is a trigger for most people)
• Has bad abandonment issues
•Will absolutely REFUSE to kill anyone who resembles his sister in the slightest unless slenderman tells him to (proxies can not refuse slender)
• He loves fall and nature and loves to see the leaves turn green to gold
• Wears a lot of sweaters (this is kind of canon)
• Doesn't really get along with anyone in the mansion except for Jeff since they both like to complain about stuff
• It's harder for him to feel human emotions since proxies kind of have all of that erased
• Is quiet and when people talk to him he kind of just nods and shakes his head in response to what they say instead of talking back
• Listens to old Owl City and All Time Low
• NOT emo😭 (I always see people say he is...)
• Everytime he sees a car he thinks of Lyra and has a mental breakdown. Anything he sees that remind him of her he can't deal with
• Definitely got bitten by a stray raccoon because he tried to pet it
Homicidal Liu
• He forgives Jeff even though he basically ruined his life
• Is very peaceful and kind of came to terms with all that happened
• Very quiet and laid back
• Doesn't like loud people/places
• Hates conflict since it reminds him of that day the fighting happened
• Has EXTREME trust issues since him and Jeff were so close and he just decided to attempt to murder him while he was sleeping on the couch
• I have a feeling him and bloody painter get along since they share a couple of traits that are needed
• But all of this changes when he turns into Sully it's a WHOLE different story then
• Loves Christmas and winter
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Hello guys!! That's all I have today but I will definitely make more parts with more characters! I apologize for how long it took me to make this I have had school and SO much more boring daily life shit☠️ I hope you all have a good day!!! <33
I'm also 100% willing to do marble hornets and every man hybrid head cannons but I WILL include them in the creepypasta section!! I do know that they are not creepypastas I just like the headcannon that they all live in the mansion together 😭
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samkat10423 · 4 months
A bakery and elixir shop
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Since I have gardens all over town where sims can steal produce, I deleted that Azalea Garden lot EA created and placed my elixir store there. This lot came from Mod the Sims - Shadow something (I downloaded it ages ago for something else) - and was originally just a regular consignment store. But with a name with Shadow in it, I figured it would make the perfect elixir store. The original was also on a smaller lot, so I added parking in the back.
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This is the ground floor of the shop. I got rid of all the regular consignment stuff and added some Supernatural stuff that I have.
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And this is the 2nd floor. I left a few of the original things - like the fish tank, since I figured that's where they store all those newts for eye-of-newts. Or whatever.
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Then right next door, I placed another lot that my good friend Manu created for her Bourgeneuf world. Thank you, @yourpicasso25! Anyway, this is where the town laundromat is located - along with a bakery. Again, her build was on a much, much smaller lot, so I added some stuff. I also redecorated the inside, mostly because this is an old build and a lot of new things have come out since she built it. BTW, that dome came from SimsKey and after my last computer died, I had a devil of a time re-finding it.
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And here's the inside. Only the ground level is used in this build, since the upper floors all have that 'skip level' marker. Anyway, as you can see, the one end is a bakery, while the other is my laundromat. I used Sandy's Laundry set and some store items for it.
And that was all I got done today, because my whiney dog won't stop with her "You're ignoring me and I'm starving!!!!!" Liar.
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crushedsweets · 1 year
Do you have and hcs of how Toby and Ben would act together? - Hoodie
YES SORT OF . u know the drill this is my au and bens story is one that i changed a lot so here we go :9
ok toby younger brother family trauma issues lonely grew up isolated etc. ben only child got killed by neighbor for absurd vr theory now inhabits a virus-ghost-form that he partially shares with several other dead kids.
toby and ben wouldnt have gotten along before ben died. only because ben was just. a 13 yr old boy addicted to video games ... those kids r mean, and toby was heavily bullied in his childhood. the ONLY reason bens not a huge dick anymore is bc his 'form' itself is fucked up (he glitches, he has an electronic vocal fry and occasional stutter from glitches, he has a weird glow to him, sickly drowned boy skin, veins look like those green code lines, red/black eyes, HE'S LITERALLY DRESSED LIKE LINK). bens not exactly insecure about any of this, but he knows damn well he cannot make fun of a tic without toby shooting back 10x harder.
which ok yeah kinda sad that ben has to look weird for him to not be mean but .. . like . . yeah. it is what it is.
they met mmm... maybe when toby was around 21? jeff would be 16, and ben wouldve been 14. SOOO toby doesnt really TRY to befriend ben. he's too old for him and has no interest in being besties w some kid. but he has a job to stop ben from tormenting people online and drawing attention to weird ghost sites and whatnot, so he started talking to all sorts of ai- cleverbot being the main, of course.
of all the proxies, tobys the only one ben likes. tobys a dick, but he has his moments where he's funny and gets distracted during a mission, so he's sat and rambled and bickered with the ai on slow nights. ben immediately knew everything about toby, because he has access to every single file on tobys computer, phone, etc.
ben SCARED THE SHIT out of toby upon their first meeting. he crawled out of tobys janky ass computer one day and toby nearly threw up from being so freaked out. yeah, he's killed people and whatever, BUT GHOSTS R FUCKING SCARY (and he has .trauma with ghosts and hallucinations of them (lyra)). ben already knew exactly who toby worked for, what toby was doing, and thought it was beyond funny. ben was the first being who already knew all the slenderman lore because he spends literally. every. second. on the internet. he is basically the internet. and he watches them, listens through their phones, watches, etc. he doesnt know the details perfectly tho cuz technology gets weird around slednerman/the operator. so toby thought that was helpful, in a sense.
so pretty quickly ben was fond of toby. thought he was like, that cool older brother of your friend. the main issue was the proxies at this time were trying to find and kill jeff because he was infected by the operator and slenderman deemed him 'too far gone.'
ben was actually the one who proposed the whole 'okay. so you want me to stop terrorizing kids online. fair. now ive noticed you keep trying to kill my friend(jeff). stop that and we can be cool :3'.
eventually they all came to some weird agreement where. ben will stop haunting people, the proxies will stop trying to kill jeff, jeff has to stop doing his 'full course' murders, and eventually, ben just likes them enough to start helping them with cctv, police files, etc. it was a complicated agreement that eventually ended in friendship, sort of?
they play video games together. eventually toby does see him as a little brother. it's kinda unsettling because the proxies realize just how much power ben has when it comes to just...... leaking everything. toby thinks that 'ok well, if ben leaks stuff about us, we leak stuff about jeff, and now he has no friends and is lonely, so he can't.' but tim and brian are legitimately freaked out at the thought of their lives being ruined anymore than they already are, so theyre pretty courteous to ben
ben will really just hang around. toby can just be eating breakfast and ben will pop up and ask whats up. he's annoying and clingy, and he can tell toby is biting his tongue half the time. . but toby is grateful sometimes. bens laid back and funny, and toby could use some laughs, so its a decent time for them both
again, overall, toby is just kinda too old for ben(although ben wouldve been a year older than toby if he was alive), but ben is really funny, he's nice to toby, he plays video games with him, he comes and checks in on him randomly. so toby appreciates having a freaky ghost little brother thing hanging around. bens one of his fave people (which is only saying so much when the other people he talks to are like . . jeff)
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fractiflos · 5 months
I've decided to do the thing where I put a poll up of my wips and write however many sentences that wip gets. BUT! These wips aren't even published yet. I like to put something up then come back to it later so I can at least take the pressure off myself. Because the pressure of getting a first chapter out makes it difficult to write.
Jult - Inspired by a conversation me and my sister had in a shoe store. We were wondering if Best Jeanist ever put a J at the front of words (ex: Jhe Jaghetti jas jood) and if he owned jean themed items like a Jable and Jhair. Then I learned there was a jult around him and thought "hey, what if he had a Jult in canon universe?" which is what happened. Although, this one is a one-shot.
Snippet: The parents would leave the hospital as confident and reassured as new parents could be, doing their best to make sure their child grew up happy and healthy. His blond hair grew out and took on a shine along with his oddly long lashes, and his green eyes always sparkling, much like his mother’s. Yet, despite his healthy look and appetite, there was something worrying about him. 
He only liked denim. 
Shigaraki - Frankenstein AU! Where AFO brings Yoichi back to life, Frankenstein style. And what luck, Yoichi appears to have lost his memories, leaving him with the opportunity to create the perfect little brother. When Second and Third find out, they try and get his memories back. But there's something that all four of them don't know. That's. Not. Yoichi.
Snippet: It was not a dark day when Yoichi died. It was sunny and there was not a cloud in the sky, though they couldn’t tell as they ran through the sewers like frightened rats. Hearts pounding in their ears, terror palpable in the air. 
Ice King AU - The AU where everyone was born earlier into the Age of the Dawn of Quirks. Second and Third are brainwashed and work for AFO while Yoichi has become unrecognizable to everyone ever since putting on the quirked crown that gave him the ice powers. Meanwhile, Izuku and Katsuki are unaware of his tragic backstory and beat him up everytime he kidnaps a hero.
Snippet: At twelve years old, Izuku Midoriya should have been in middle school cutting open a dead frog. Instead, he was battling against a very large, very alive frog with acid spit. 
Pokemon AU - Instead of quirks, they get pokemon. Izuku is still bullied for having an eevee that can't evolve. AFO and Garaki do all sorts of unethical experiments on pokemon. And it's really annoying how I can't type an accented "e" on my computer for some reason.
Snippet: Izuku Midoriya was 9 years old when he learned that not all Pokémon were treated equally. 
Death Tree - Are you in the market for a fic with lesbian duoholders? Another Victorian era AU, but this time Yoichi and Second are both girls. I thought about how easily AFO's possessiveness over Yoichi would translate over to the attitudes toward women. He'd still have to disguise how deep it goes, but even if he slips up every once in a while, no one would suspect anything. The actual plot is Yone falls in love with the daughter of the stable manager, and they eventually start a secret relationship. She also makes some friends in the small town that she lives near and is pretty happy. Then her friends start dying. Looks like they're going to regret not paying more attention to AFOs behavior.
Snippet: Yone was thirteen years old the first time she met the girl. Her wild hair was a flame in the summer sun, freckles scattered across her cheeks in a way that was reminiscent of the stars in the sky and calculating ruby eyes. She couldn’t help her staring, not used to seeing someone display such blemishes so freely. 
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