#it feels like a crime to post this and I’m feeling extremely guilty
safebannie · 2 years
sincerely have never experienced attraction to an actual literal teacher bc I always thought it was weird, but my math teacher is genuinely so attractive??? like it’s not even a sexual or romantic thing I’m just in awe of how striking a person can be??? ngl sir got that drip like coming in to every class with a button up tucked in except half the front and the sleeves rolled to his elbows?? and the watch and the top three buttons popped?? after our very first class someone said “sheesh sir got style” and a few months after that my friend (a guy) burst and said “damn sir got cake” like 😭 he DO got cake but are we allowed to say that??? is that okay??? but I been thinking the whole time too that he got 🍰 and it turns out everyone else was too 😭😭😭 it’s not just his looks but the way he holds himself tall and with his chin up and how confidently he speaks when he’s teaching??? absolutely in awe of how powerful human beings can be both in presence and in mind
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usaigi · 1 year
Is Matt Murdock Homophobic?
Short answer: Doubt it.
Long answer: I seriously doubt, just because he’s Catholic/was raised in a highly Catholic environment (a Catholic orphanage) doesn’t mean he’s homophobic. Being Catholic does not automatically equal being homophobic. 
And if we’re being completely honest, I won’t consider Matt to be “extremely” Catholic in the way the fandom seems to think about him. Matt attending mass on Sunday, going to confession, and having a relationship with his priest just makes him a churchgoer. Which I guess makes him more devote than a lot of other Catholics but the way some of the fandom talk about him makes it seems like he’s having a crisis of faith every other Tuesday. 
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I've seen this topic come up in fanfiction and in fandom in general so I’d like to offer a liberal queer Catholic perspective on being queer. 
Is being gay a sin in Catholicism?
Having same-sex attraction is not a sin in Catholicism. However, having sex outside of marriage is a sin. And since the church only recognizes heterosexual marriages, it essentially does make being gay a sin. The whole “being gay isn’t a sin but if you act upon it is” which is... ugh.
We are all children of God, and God loves us as we are and for the strength that each of us fights for our dignity. Being homosexual is not a crime. It is not a crime. 'Yes, but it is a sin.' Fine, but first let us distinguish between a sin and a crime. It is not the first time that I speak of homosexuality and of homosexual persons. And I wanted to clarify that it is not a crime, in order to stress that criminalization is neither good nor just. When I said it is a sin, I was simply referring to Catholic moral teaching, which says that every sexual act outside of marriage is a sin. Of course, one must also consider the circumstances, which may decrease or eliminate fault. As you can see, I was repeating something in general. I should have said, 'It is a sin, as is any sexual act outside of marriage.' This is to speak of 'the matter' of sin, but we know well that Catholic morality not only takes into consideration the matter, but also evaluates freedom and intention; and this, for every kind of sin. And I would tell whoever wants to criminalize homosexuality that they are wrong. - Pope Francis 2023
HOWEVER: We have not seen Matt Murdock having religious objections/feel guilty for having premarital sex. Birth control is also not accepted in Catholicism but I seriously doubt Matt’s not wrapping it. I’m sure I don’t need to cite one of the million jokes about him being a manwhore, we all know it. Do we really think Matt would be such a hypocrite to think someone is a sinner for being LGBT when he himself has had how many girlfriends? Not to mention he was also born and raised in New York City and his need for justice is one of his primary character traits. Do you really think Matt learned about the Stonewall Riot(his own city’s history), the AIDs epidemic, the general mistreatment and discrimination of LGBT people and would really support it? BFFR.
Matt Murdock is a lot of things, mainly a self-loathing idiot in desperate need a therapy, but he’s not a bigot. 
I’m going to link this post by the lovely @ceterisparibus116 about Matt’s "religious guilt" and what I think is fandom’s general misunderstanding of Matt’s Catholic guilt. 
What about internalized homophobia?
In my own fics I’ve written Matt as bi/pan (hooking up with Moon Knight) (also that one Ziwe meme) and as a trans guy who pre-transition thought he was a lesbian/sapphic. (If you read it I’ll love you forever). Mattfoggy is the biggest ship in the fandom so it's only normal to have this discussion.
Sure, maybe Matt wouldn’t judge other people for being gay and having sex outside of Catholic-recognized marriage but would he judged himself? How can Matt still consider himself Catholic and queer? 
A misconception I think a lot of people have about Catholicism is that we must all follow the church’s teaching and that everything the Pope says is infallible. Which is silly and simply not true. Pope Benedict XVI once stated that: "The Pope is not an oracle; he is infallible in very rare situations, as we know." Pope John XXIII also once said: "I am only infallible if I speak infallibly but I shall never do that, so I am not infallible." 
First of all, the church is not a monolith institution. Second of all, not all Catholic teaching is infallible, “no church teaching is automatically free from error, because the church is composed of human beings. God alone is a priori free from error in detail and in every case.” (Infallible? An Inquiry by Hans Küng). Very few things are infallible statement. The Immaculate Conception of Mary and the Assumption of Mary are infallible statements. But as far as I know, “being gay is a sin” is not. 
Conscience, actually, takes priority over church teaching. Pope Francis said “that priests must inform Catholic consciences ‘but not replace them.’ And he stressed the distinction between one’s conscience—where God reveals himself—and one’s ego that thinks it can do as it pleases.” (x)
In extolling conscience the Catechism quotes from another Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes. It states: "Deep within his conscience man discovers a law which he has not laid upon himself but which he must obey. “For a man has in his heart a law inscribed by God . . . His conscience is man’s most secret core and his sanctuary,” the document goes on, “There he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths.” In summary, it is possible for a good Catholic in good faith to act contrary to the teachings of the church. - Patsy McGarry
If Matt prayed, asked for guidance and his conscience said that being (trans, gay, bi, however you headcanon him) is not sinful, he can, in good faith, oppose the church. And yes, he’d be welcomed to take the Eucharist. Eucharist is not a reward that only the most faithful free-on-sin living saints. It’s a source of healing and for those striving to live in the Gospel.  
In terms of the church, as I said, it’s not a monolith and people can and do disagree in current teaching. Here’s Cardinal McElroy calling for the ‘radical inclusion’ of LGBT, women and others in the Catholic Church. Here’s a letter by 6,000 nuns standing in solidarity with Trans community.
This is just my headcanon, but I don’t think Father Lantom is homophobic. I’d like to think he’s one of the priest calling for reform and acceptance of LGBT people. I also like to think Sister Maggie was one of the nuns that signed that letter. If Matt came to him asking for support, I honestly think Father Lantom would give him that.  
Would everyone in his community accept him? No, probably not and that’s unfortunate. But there are those in the community don’t accept the young single mom or the recovering alcoholic. Religious gatekeeping is a problem and I don’t want to pretend it isn’t, but it’s not the only truth. I dislike the idea that being queer and Catholic are mutually exclusive. Or that Matt would leave his religion for being queer. To be honest, as a queer Catholic I find it pretty disrespectful. I would love to read more fics where Matt realize he’s queer and struggles with it but it’s so incredibly annoying when the fic concludes with Matt leaving his faith. We’re Catholic for God not for a church. There are other queer Catholic Matt could hypothetically find community with. 
And I get it, a lot of people are coming from a place of religious trauma and are writing fanfic to express it. I'm sorry for anyone who was hurt by the church, religion or toxic family. The church has and continues to do a lot of harm, both on the individual and global level. If anyone wants a rant about colonization of Latin America, I’m your girl. I just dislike this black-and-white mindset that Matt is either Catholic or gay.  
If anyone has questions, I can try to answer. I’m not a theology expert, I’m just a virgo and a fanfic writer. 
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good-beans · 1 year
hiii ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ i've always loved your milgram posts and was hoping to hear you talk about them more. it's a bit of a vague question but i was hoping to hear your thoughts about the characters or songs? or really anything that's been on your mind! apart from that i hope you've been having a good day (or night!)
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!!!!! Omg thank you so much?? This made me so happy ;----; I’m sorry if this is more than you bargained for LMAO, I planned on jotting down a few ideas and then I just kept on writing..... I hope you’re having a lovely day/night as well!✨
So, I’m actually not that great with coming up with crime-logistic theories (timelines, cause of death, etc), but I’ve been really interested in the insights we get on characterization from the visuals – specifically looking at the image of the self each prisoner creates. The videos come directly from inside their minds, so these self-portrayals aren’t biased with any manipulation, or how they want Es to view them. I’ve been bouncing these around in my head for a while, so thank you for the reason to actually put them down somewhere! So here are details I’ve gathered on each of them: (And as with everything in Milgram, this is just how I understood the symbolism – if people have other interpretations, I’d love to hear them!)
I've been adding edits as the videos come out, it's through Double now 👍
Haruka: In T1 he definitely views himself as guilty and dangerous. Though it’s dulled with crayon/mixed media, he conjurs a version of himself that’s committing acts of violence even in his suffering. The fact that his younger self takes place as the victim is huge to me. I know it could mean a lot of different things, but my personal interpretation is that Haruka sees his younger self in his little sister. He’s been in her shoes, at a time his mother loved him best. He believes he is the reason she stopped loving him, so he hates this younger version of himself. And this leads him to hate her now that he’s seeing the similarities. I believe the crimes happened extremely recently, so it’s interesting that he portrays himself as a child in much of AKAA. He’s not trying to gain any sympathy with it, he still genuinely feels like a child because of how much he struggles with everything. I don’t know what it means yet, but I’m really interested that despite all the water imagery he creates, he visualizes himself sinking, but never actually drowning/short of breath.
Yuno: Between both her videos, we only ever see her, her, her. This is because her motivations start and end with herself. I know her situation relies heavily on her clients, but in her mind, the one who was in control the whole time was only her. She’s the only one she can trust to take care of her and show her real love. She got into her line of work to benefit herself, and she went through with the abortion to benefit herself. She's taking the ultimate responsibility for everything that happened to her and everything that she did. Though it makes me happy to see it framed as all self love, it’s also clear that she’s unhappy with her decision. And, when everything revolves around versions of herself, there’s only one person she has to hate... 
Fuuta: His self-imagery makes it really clear how his mindset changed between trials. In T1 he genuinely saw himself as the hero, the perfect knight-in-shining-armor. Once doubt started to creep into his mind, though, he suddenly portrays himself as a criminal hiding/running in dark areas. It also emphasizes what he was saying about he and Es being the same: the girl that he accused of being guilty turned to ash after being sprayed with his paint, and he starts turning to ash along with Es’ accusation and paint spray. I know people took that as his suicidal intent, (and while that’s still a thing he does express in Backdraft,) I actually think his burning is just his fear that he’ll die at the end of Milgram. Another little detail, but someone mentioned Fuuta only lowered his mask in BIO while he’s looking at his phone, showing that he was comfortable being his true self online. Meaning, he had to hide some part of him in the rest of his life. The original post said it was his sexuality, but I feel as though it’s just his general paranoia of living around warriors for justice who are constantly evaluating everyone’s behavior. 
Muu: Like I said, the mvs are unaffected by how the prisoners want Es to see them, soI was confused when people accused Muu of lying in T1 – that’s really how she took the situation! In her mind, that pain and mistreatment made up everything in her. Her being a bully didn’t matter then, because it was her being a victim that led to the murder. In T2, it becomes obvious that she does harbor guilt. No innocent person would imagine themselves as a monstrous, destructive creature like that. If she really saw herself as ‘queen bee,’ her self-image would be flawless and lovable. INMF also showed she wasn’t exaggerating when she said the murder was to free her: we see her self-image undergo a full metamorphosis and sprout beautiful wings to fly away after she committed her crime. Though she feels guilty, she still believes it was necessary to free her and is grateful for it. 
Shidou: I’m still working on something more solid for him, but it’s neat that T1 he’s expressing so much guilt, yet his self-image is engaged in very abstract activities (like gardening and eating). In T2 he’s chilled out a bit, but that’s the video that death is literally following everywhere he goes (flowers dying behind him, ghosts surrounding him). It’s also worth noting he has his doctor’s coat on for most of Throw Down, and then the only time he has it in Triage is at the very end when he’s vowing to help the other prisoners. I’ll get back with a more solid conclusion on his soon…
Mahiru: Like Yuno (and semi-Haruka), the fact that she’s the only one to appear in her T1 mv means all her turmoil at that point was focused inward. She saw herself as the center of her story, which isn’t necessarily a selfish thing. It means she didn’t blame her boyfriend for anything that happened, even though we know it was likely both of their behaviors that led to the crime. Still, she’s taking all the focus on herself, showing off all the things she did and failed to do for him. The fact that everything is styled like magazine pages hints that she genuinely sees their relationship as the picture perfect example of love. After all, she was just “being herself” when she got him killed. Even that deep in her heart, she’s convinced love makes everything glossy and perfect. T2 is an exaggeration on both if these concepts -- she still places all the blame/responsibility on herself, but with the doubt creeping into her mind, she now paints herself as a villain who's actively causing harm. She still believes love can make things seem perfect, but you get the sense she's become more aware that love wasn't transforming her, it was blinding her.
Kazui: So this is an interesting one. I know that the performance aspect in Half is obviously taken as him acting that he loves his wife when he’s fallen in love with someone else. However, the fact that he’s singing the song about how he doesn’t love her, while still on stage/in costume, gives me a different idea. His emotions are so incredibly repressed and fucked up that even in the privacy of his own heart, he feels like he has to act sad about her death when he actually has more complex emotions than that. Not that he’s happy about it per se, but the feelings are too complex for him to show even himself. (We’ve all been there, where even in our private thoughts it’s embarrassing to be excited about something terrible and we pretend we aren’t.) That’s why I think he sounds so different in Cat – he’s able to start processing that he may be relieved, or freed that she’s gone. Or maybe he’s just realizing the murder was indirect, and he’s allowed to mourn her without feeling personally guilty for her death. So I agree the costumes represent hiding his emotions, but I think it symbolizes him lying to himself rather than just lying to his wife. Now with Cat out, he also shows a shift of seeing himself more guilty. Rather than a passive character, his self appears as someone known for manipulation/deception/trickery -- someone in charge of the situation. He's coming to terms with his active role in Hinako's death. There's also a lot of his vices shown explicitly, like his smoking and drinking. He's painting himself in a much worse light as his guilt gets to him. (There's also something to be said about the whole thing appearing under a filter of advertisement/magazine style, but I have yet to form a conclusion I'm happy with on that)
Amane: The major thing I took away from Magic was the idea that Amane really felt isolated in her cult. She saw herself as a normal girl, but no one else is like her. The other children are all animals, and the adults in charge are animalistic or robotic. There’s such a divide between her and everyone else. She’s not living up to their religious standards the way that everyone else seems to be. With the adults, it could be the general feeling that they never listen to or understand her because of her age. In T2, she presents a new idea: she's struggling with how complex and contradictory the self is. The human psyche has so many parts and motivations, all represented by the marching band members. She wants to be good. She's flawed. She wants to help. She's hurting. She knows she's made mistakes. She thinks she deserves punishment. That punishment is killing her. The adults around her make behaving look/sound so easy, but at her age it's so difficult to be a good girl! She wants to show this to Es, since she believes her own misbehavior + following the rules is what led to her murder.
Mikoto: He’s got So much going on with identity and sense of self, but I don’t have a ton on him that hasn’t already been said lol. I’ve joked that the reason Meme got the most views is because it’s the mv that shows the most skin, but on a serious note I think it’s really telling that there are so many bathing/showering/teeth brushing shots. Those are the stereotypical times we’re completely alone with ourselves – cleaning off everything external so that it’s just us in our purest form left when we’re done. An interesting switch I've noticed in Double is that the two major alters never appear beside each other -- there's the reflection in the mirror at one point (and I think they're face to face in the last shot?) but we never see both onscreen at the same time. This is because each one wants to distance themselves from the other: Bokukoto wants to show he's far from a killer, and Orekoto wants to make it clear he's the one who was violent. Neither wants to be mistaken for the other, but it's much easier to do so since they look exactly the same in this video (no color-coded clothes or eyes or lighting.) A minor detail, but the fact that his own mind conjured up quotes around the word "savior" makes it clear that Orekoto is slowly realizing his actions may have gotten Bokukoto into more trouble than they saved him from...
Kotoko: I don’t have too much on her at the moment since a lot of her scenes seem to be memories of her actual life and are already in line with what she’s admitted about herself. Still, I think the running-alongside-wolves scenes reveal a lot. She very clearly works alone, but wolves are known for hunting in a pack. Does she have a pack we haven’t seen yet? Is there a reason she’s no longer with them? Does she just dream of running with one because she craves that belonging so deeply? @tokyogruel pointed out that wolves are known for caring for weaker pack members, and that there have been analyses of the Harrow wolves being Kotoko's family members. This is revealing a more prominent focus on family than she's made known so far. She doesn't see herself as an elevated hero -- she always views herself as part of a team, which can be seen in her 'deal' with Es and all her T2 commentary of their partnership (despite being their prisoner). She's always been working with and for others.
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away-ward · 4 months
I am so sorry to bother you and I have no idea If you’ve answered this before, I tried looking but couldn’t find it, but whats like the run down on what actually happens during devils night in the book? Like what do the four horsemen do? I’ve yet to read the books as I’m already reading a different series but I can literally not find any info on what they do on the night. Feel free to ignore this lol
Yeah, no worries! You're not a bother at all. I've never done a complete run down of what happens. I can't tell if you're asking for like a general idea or a complete break down of the series. Message back if you're looking for something more detailed.
The general idea of Devil's Night, which is not something that originated with this series, is that on the night before Halloween, these kids go out and preform, for the most part, harmless but extreme pranks.
To give a full run down of the events in all four books, keeping in mind that the last one is 650+ pages, would be too much for any one person to do in a single post. I don't even remember all the major plot points or order of evens from Hideaway and Kill Switch.
If you have specific questions that would be considered spoilers, feel free to ask. I have no problem spoiling things.
All four books have the same basic tropes: second chance romance w/ enemies-to-lovers (depending on your definition of enemies), where the mml is seeking revenge for a perceived wrong.
The books:
should be read in series order, as each book builds on what happened in the previous book, with new characters introduced.
are dual povs, and told in a past and present format, with an the chapters from past and present timeline overlapping each other; All events in the books takes place in the month of October, with the climax of events taking place on Devil's Night or around then.
feature sharing/multiple partner scenes, but end with the main couple together (the HEA is up for debate in the fandom, but it's intended to be HEA).
The Horsemen are four friends from Thunder Bay, a small affluent town in the Northeastern part of the US. They attended Thunder Bay Prep, and where known for being the best players on the school's basketball team. Some time during their school years, they started the tradition of Devil's Night, where they and their schoolmates spend the night partying and playing pranks. In the series, the Horsemen take the lead in planning and arranging the pranks and events, usually by themselves, letting others join later for the party. They're generally supported by others in the community, barely chastised by law enforcement. Rule of thumb seems to be, as long as they don't kill someone, it's mostly just a fun night that ends in a revelry and sex for those who join in the festivities.
Summary: In Corrupt, the series starts when three of the four Horsemen are released after spending 2.5 years in prison. They were sentenced after pleading guilty when evidence of some of their "pranks" (read as: actual crimes) was released online. They first seek revenge from Rika, former schoolmate and family friend, who they believe to be the source of the leak. But as an intense attraction between the leader of the Horsemen, Michael, and Rika is reignited, new information comes to light that makes them question everything they've been told. From there a new enemy emerges.
In Hideaway, Kai, is he is trying to rebuild his life. At the same time, he is trying to track down their new enemy, who knows some disturbing secrets about him. His efforts reunite him with, Banks, a girl he knew for only one night in his senior year of high school, but with whom he had an extraordinary connection. Banks has a questionable connection to his enemy, and Kai finds it in his best interest to keep her close while looking for more information. During this time, their feelings for each other resurface and in the end they're faced with choosing who they'll prioritize.
In Kill Switch, Damon returns to the spotlight in Thunder Bay when he marries the corrupted former mayor's daughter - just not the one he was sent to prison for sexually assaulting and who has been the object of his obsession since he was eleven, Winter. Damon and Winter met each other as children, when an accident left her blind. She returns to Thunder Bay years later for high school, where Damon takes advantage of her blindness to insert himself into her life. He quickly becomes her confidant and rock. Despite not knowing the identity of her new friend, Winter falls in love. Until she's told the truth. Winter knows that everything that happened between them was consensual, and that the sexual assault charge was because she was underage when he recorded one of their times together. However, she couldn't bring herself to admit it then, and she'll be damned if she gives in him now. However, Damon is a threat, but he's a threat she's never been able to fully resist.
In the final installment, Nightfall, Emory Scott, former classmate of the horsemen and Will's crush, is abducted from her life in San Francisco, and wakes up in a secluded house with five men. Will has been missing from Thunder Bay for over a year. He's in a place few know; a place meant for rich young men who are embarrassments to their public families. While his friend's were growing up, becoming parents and business owners, Will lost himself in drugs, booze, and sex. Locked in a house with men she knows nothing about, except that they're criminals of some kind, Emory looks to Will to be an ally. Only Will wants nothing to do with her, and it's all because lies she told, and how he blames her for the years he spent in prison.
However, nothing with this series is as it seems. There are mysteries and surprise reveals, plot twists galore - some good, some. . . not so good. It's not a perfect series; most readers don't love all of the characters, but say that there was something addicting about the series nonetheless. It's interesting world, and a fun ride to turn your brain off while reading.
Hope this helped. Thank you.
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cayennesugar · 1 year
yo i know you didn't technically reblog my ask post butttt i figured since most people like getting asks i'd send one over! any headcanons on the rescue bots status as a team made entirely of triple changers? or in heatwave's case, a quadruple changer? also feel free to just talk about whatever, you can totally just shoot random headcanons off if u feel like it!! 💕
Hiii! You literally dragged me out of my den- Buckle up buckaroos, this is long-
HUZZAH, Optimus is letting all the bots stationed in the safe and developing areas on Earth (including Prof Baranova’s lab and Faxian) choose another vehicle mode, including Heatwave ‼️‼️‼️ this is gonna be a REALLY interesting and chaotic experience…
Heatwave: Heatwave is (probably not) satisfied with whatever he already has, but he would scan a tank whenever he gets the chance, Kade obviously encourages him no one ever took him to museums because of this, but knowing Optimus is letting the bots choose whatever they want, no one can refuse and reason with Heatwave and his deep interest with such vehicles.
Salvage + Boulder: Since Griffin Rock is constantly and rapidly advancing in technology, Boulder and Salvage want to help! Salvage is considering becoming a bulldozer like Boulder. Boulder wants to be a crane to help lift heavy things to higher altitudes. Graham is really happy and supportive about this.
Chase: Although it seems unlikely, Chase had always wanted to experience the thrill of chasing crime from the skies: A police helicopter! Blades had tried many times to talk Chase through it, as he is a helicopter himself, but gave up as Chase kept pulling several papers he typed and printed out himself explaining why he wants to add a helicopter to his list of his desired vehicle modes. (yes, he has a whole list of vehicle modes he wants) Chief Burns greatly questions Chase’s sanity along with everyone else’s.
Blades: The burning feeling of jealousy that rises whenever he sees Dani getting along with the sports cars on the team, including Bumblebee, and his fear of heights that never seems to go away, Blades desperately wants to have a sports car as his third alt mode and try to “fit in.” Yeah, I’m referencing to the episode ‘odd bot out’ Blades had a private talk with Dani and Chief Burns about this and they finally understand his point of view. They fully support his decision.
Blurr: Everyone is horrified of what Blurr will choose, especially Heatwave, though he is more annoyed than afraid. After the incident of Blurr almost blowing his cover by grandly interrupting a race, he did not let that hold him back despite still feeling extremely guilty about it.
Blurr chose to have the Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut as his third alt mode and professor Baranova just about fainted and heatwave exploded with complete frustration, Quickshadow questions her place in their little race matches they have every now and then now that Blurr has made his decision. Every time she and Blurr walk by each other or interact, he flashes her a snarky smirk, making Quickshadow want to beat the living frag out of him, the only thing stopping every bot from doing so physically is the law (and Chief Burns) Blurr is quite proud of himself for this, but Quickshadow warns him to stay close to her during earliween and anytime that any outsiders and tourists enter the island: Remembering Quickshadows experience during her first year on Griffin rock, Blurr obliges.
Servo: Nobody expected Servo out of everyone on the team to speak, or I should say, bark up about what he wants. To make this sweet and simple and just as horrifying as Blurr’s case, Servo wants to become a Tibetan Mastiff. High tide immediately lightens up at the thought of having a bigger, more intimidating dog on his ship deck, CeCe starts crying when she sees a picture of the said dog breed, Chief Burns instantly becomes even more concerned for the well-being of his family.
“I already got a giant ship that transforms into a Megabot, I’m personally already a submarine, do ah really need anything else??? OH, I KNOW HOW ‘BOUT AH BIGGER SHIP!?!?!?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHA-“ *maniacal laughter while Heatwave sobs and yells in the background and Optimus simply blank stares at his old comrade, deciding whether or not to question or support Hightide’s decision.*
Quickshadow (saving my fav pookie for last): for some reason, Quickshadow instantly becomes quiet when the opportunity of scanning a new alt mode is brought up to her. Optimus and Hightide, knowing her better than anyone else since she served alongside them on the front lines during the war on Cybertron, approaches Quickshadow in a way that won’t startle her. Once Quickshadows emotional state is revealed to the rest of the team, they immediately come to the conclusion that the reason for her sudden emotional instability was because of what happened during her first Earliween on Griffin Rock. Quickshadow is approached again about this;
“I have thought about it, I do not think I would like a new alt mode, the vehicle mode I already have is an all-terrain anyway…”
It is true, Quickshadow has powerful rocket engines that can aid her in both bot and vehicle mode, she can turn into a submersible and can drive up to incredible, staggering speeds on the road. Earliween wasalready approaching seeing it is almost November, so everyone decides to keep Quickshadow close to them and support her decision of not choosing another vehicle mode. Optimus promised to stay for Earliween too, as last by as the reconstruction of Cybertron does not bring up any sudden issues in his absence.
And once again, the rescue bots are in chaos.
I really enjoyed writing this. Hope you enjoyed reading! ❤️❤️❤️
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whimperandabang · 5 months
who’s your most favoritest oc right now. tell me about them <3
i wrote half a post talking about sandrine since i was brainrotting about her last night before all the [redacted] went down but tbh i’m really not in a good headspace to recount the crimes of the olivier family*
…then my next thought was alec but i’m really REALLY not in a good headspace to talk about him and his glorious revolution*
*i've calmed down significantly but i started this post this morning when both of those things were true. i'm always open to asks about my ocs though so feel free to keep them coming
so you guys are getting a post about raph.
raphael roger truman was born when my bestie @threecheer said “my oc whose entire personality is being from the state of texas deserves a boyfriend.” and i said “cool, i’m gonna make an oc whose entire personality is being from new york city.” but he’s grown so much from there.
here are some things about raph truman that he has no trouble telling you:
1. he’s from new york city.
2. he’s GOING to be a famous actor.
3. he’s the life of the party.
4. he’s incredibly sexy as far as he’s concerned.
5. he’s dating hunter chase, who makes up for being texan by being incredibly hot.
here are some things about raph truman he might tell you if you’re his friend:
1. he’s puerto rican on his mom’s side.
2. he doesn't like the idea of fate.
3. he has a soft spot for theater about the aids crisis in new york.
4. his boyfriend's grandpa made his fake ID.
5. he dabbles in drag.
here are some things about raph truman he’d rather die than tell you (unless you’re hunter chase and you’ve been dating him for at least a few months):
1. he’s dirt poor.
2. he’s a teenage alcoholic.
3. he has a little sister, olivia, who’s six years younger than him. he’s neglected her a lot since he’s started high school and he feels extremely guilty about this. also, he thinks she’s going to change the world one day.
4. he doesn't really know how to do normal family things.
5. he does, on occasion, believe in god. (the catholic one)
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coochiequeens · 8 months
Another abusive man who started his transition after committing sexual violence.
By Genevieve Gluck. February 6, 2024
A popular transgender TikToker in Australia who previously had gained thousands of followers as a “proud trans woman” has pleaded guilty to aggravated counts of producing and possessing child exploitation material, gross indecency and indecent assault. The South Australia District Court heard that Rachel Queen Burton repeatedly abused two children, and then stalked them and their family into homelessness, before he began claiming to be a “woman.”
Burton was first arrested in October of 2022 by the elite Joint Anti Child Exploitation Team and charged with child abuse and exploitation offenses. In December that year, Burton had denied the allegations, but he has now pleaded guilty. Though Burton is from Coolalinga in the Northern Territory, the crimes were committed in the Southern state.
During recent court proceedings, both the children and their mother strongly condemned Burton in their victim impact statements.
“You are a gross, phony, self-indulgent thing who has cheated my children out of so much, and took it away from them without care,” the victims’ mother said.
“In your online rants, you showed no remorse for your bad behavior, all while knowing what you had done … getting an audience for your false life was far more important. You can wear any mask you like, but the truth is out and everybody knows who you really are, finally.”
The victims’ mother described how, after she discovered Burton’s abuse, she fled the area with her children, only to be followed by the sexual predator. She told the court that at one point, she and her children were residing in a police-issued safe house until Burton “showed up at the window, peering in,” causing them to flee again.
“No food, scared children, too scared to go anywhere, never knowing if you could find us … when the children did sleep, nightmares haunted them,” she said. “Being homeless was extremely grueling, the worrying was relentless, but you were online having the time of your life… We were all betrayed, tricked and lied to. You are the monster, you make me feel sick to my stomach.”
The youngest victim, whose age has not been disclosed, told the court that Burton’s abused had made her feel “like a bird trapped in a cage.”
“I was happy before you broke the rules, I didn’t know what was going on at the time, I feel angry at you for doing the wrong thing to me,” she said. “I felt like a bird trapped in a cage, all I wanted was to be free … I still worry that you will find me.”
The second victim, a boy, said he was constantly “terrified” and that he had difficulty sleeping due to chronic nightmares. “I’m always worried you are going to turn up somewhere, and this makes me feel terrified,” he said.
Burton’s case was first reported by The Advertiser, which referred to Burton as a “woman” and utilized feminine pronouns for him.
Burton was best known for his popular TikTok account, which had over 36,000 followers and boasted 418,000 ‘likes.’ On his profile, he describes himself as a “proud trans woman” who is “living my best life with no regrets.”
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In January 2022, Burton posted a video announcing he had been on hormone replacement therapy for 1 month and providing his viewers an update on his physical health.
“I [thought] I was supposed to get moody. But I haven’t been moody since starting the testosterone blockers … I got a little bitchy — just a little bitchy, that was when I was straight on the estrogen,” Burton explains, “I still cry. I still cry heaps. I’m still an emotional wreck. But it’s a nice emotion.”
Burton, who is currently being held in a correctional facility for men, has been remanded in custody awaiting further sentencing submissions in April.
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 10 months
i’m new to Tumblr and i’m not sure if this is the place to ask but i’m a drdt fan and milgram looks really cool, however i’m not sure where to start or how to get into it, is there anything specific i should do or?
Ah, the DRDT -> Milgram pipeline strikes again I see. Welcome! And yeah, you can ask me anything! Milgram is really fun, even if it can feel a bit intimidating. Take your time! It's quite a bit.
Here is a playlist with some of the most important things in chronological order, and I'll also recommend this masterlink post by doctorbunny, but you can take things at your own pace and do whatever you want forever. However, I'll explain the main things, since there's a lot!
1- Jackalope's Announcements
The first thing you should probably watch is "Jackalope's "This is the MILGRAM"", which explains the premise of the series.
Inside a prison named the Panopticon reside 10 prisoners, all of which are, by some definition of the word, murderers. There is a Warden of this prison, named Es, who must observe their sins and decide whether they should be Forgiven* for their murder, or if they shouldn't be. This is done in a system of three trials. At the time of writing, the First Trial has been completed, the Second Trial is about to end, but we still have the entire Third Trial ahead of us!
Es learns of the prisoners' crimes mainly by watching music videos extracted directly from their minds, though they also interrogate them beforehand.
The twist? Es' decisions on Forgiveness are decided by the audience. Every Trial, after a prisoner's MV (music video) is released, for a period of time (three months), the audience votes whether the prisoner should be Forgiven or not for that Trial. This can be done in the Judge page of the official website or the app (link is for browser), and you can vote once per day. (Technically twice if you use both the official website and the app). You can also just not vote if you don't feel like it. Again you can consume media in any way you want.
[*The localization actually says "Innocent" and "Guilty" instead of "Forgiven" and "Unforgiven", but keep in mind when you vote you're not voting innocence or guilt, but forgiveness and unforgiveness.]
The next of Jackalope's announcements is the "Report on the End of the First Trial", which only really tells you about how each prisoner was voted T1 (Trial 1), something you'll learn about in other videos anyways, so it's not too important beyond some characterization for Jackalope if you care.
However, before you start watching the Second Trial MVs, I would recommend you watch "Second Trial Commencement Notice", which will give you insight into how the verdicts affected each prisoner. The consequences weren't made very clear during the first trial, but this video establishes them a bit more explicitly.
2- Music Videos
Welcome to the main event! The music videos are the main draw of Milgram, and through vague symbolism, extremely fun visuals, beautifully written lyrics, and banger songs, they tell you things about each prisoner. Don't worry if you don't quite get them at first, they're really complex and understanding them is a community effort! Feel free to come to your own conclusions or read analyses or anything else!
Now, the order you watch these MVs in... there's really no set order, beyond "you should probably watch the First Trial videos before the Second and Third Trial ones." You can watch them following the prisoner order listed in that playlist I linked, but if there's a character you're particularly interested in, you can also just watch theirs before anyone else's. In my personal experience, I actually watched Amane's and Kazui's before anyone else's because their Second Trial Voting was going on, then hopped around between Shidou, Muu, Kotoko... until a month later I realized "wait I never actually watched This is How to be in Love With You" I am so sorry Mahiru-
My point is: Do what you want, experience Milgram at your own pace.
There is one exception, of an MV you should probably watch before the others, and that's Undercover. This is a video connected to Es, which serves as an introduction to all the other characters. There is a lot to talk about in this video, from Es' characterization to a lot of symbolism for the prisoners, but it's a great starting point to theorize on what exactly each prisoner's murder was.
In any case, these videos are probably the most important pieces of information for the prisoners, to the point some Milgram fans just watch the videos and nothing else, but there's still a lot more if you want to dig deeper.
3- Voice Dramas
In-universe, before the songs are extracted, Es holds an interrogation with the prisoners, which are the Voice Dramas (VDs). The exception is Es' own Voice Drama, which in typical Es fashion is an introduction which also has some interesting information.
If you want to fully put yourself in Es' shoes, you can watch a subtitled version/read a transcript of the VD before watching the MV for that Trial, which is the way they're ordered in the playlist I linked. But again, do what you want.
The only reason I'm only mentioning them after the MVs is that not everyone feels like watching/reading them in full, which is fine, but be careful, you might be missing some critical information. The things stated in VDs are maybe not always as revealing as the MVs, but they're usually more direct and offer great characterization, so I'd recommend at least reading transcripts. Although the voice acting is always on point, so listening to them is always a fun experience!
4- Interrogation Questions
During the course of the Trials, there comes a point when the fans are asked to send the prisoners questions, and a selection of them will be answered by them. Since the creators hand-pick the questions they actually want the prisoners to answer, they range from very interesting to "why the hell are we asking this?" level questions. They're very fun and add a lot of information and characterization to the prisoners!
They're usually done in prisoner duos, so 01-02 (Haruka and Yuno) get the same questions, then 03-04 (Fuuta and Muu) get a different set, etc. The exception for now is T1 Mikoto and Kotoko, because Kotoko's T1 MV was delayed, and it may happen again since Kotoko's T2 MV was also delayed (not confirmed yet).
5- Timelines
In the Milgram app, there will occasionally be updates to the "Timelines" tab, generally during prisoners' birthdays. These feature conversations between the prisoners, which range from extremely funny, very interesting, extremely depressing, etc. They help build up the dynamics between prisoners and are the origin of certain fan-favorite platonic pairings. They sometimes give hints to the prisoners' backstories, but usually they're more for characterization purposes. You can find links to translations of these timelines in the masterlink post I linked to before (thanks doctorbunny you're very cool).
6- Cover Songs
Every Trial, apart from their original song for Milgram, each prisoner gets to cover one song from DECO*27's catalogue. There is no official confirmation these songs are chosen for any reason other than "they sound cool" (which they do!), but as someone who's looked at all of them pretty closely... listen, a lot of them fit extremely well. I personally think they are important, but that's up for interpretation. Also Es had one for T1, Hibana.
These are not to be confused with the Es prisoner song covers, which are done as celebration for when an MV reaches a million views. They are released in hiatus periods, which is why at the time of writing there are no T2 Es covers. These are mostly just for fun, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bit of characterization hidden here. I haven't actually heard them all yet oops.
7- And a lot more!
Milgram never really runs out of ways to reveal lore. From distorted lines in the Character Voice Trailers, fun visuals in the "Songs of Prisoners" teasers, fun symbolism in promotional art such as the birthday cakes, album covers, etc etc... There's no real way I can compile it all, just be patient and take your time! Most of it isn't too important, so don't worry too much.
Again, take things at your own pace! Milgram is a really unique experience, and given how the story is presented, you can engage with it in the way that feels the most comfortable for you! Just make sure you're always having fun! Take care!
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If you had to remake TTPD (featuring TA) which 16 tracks would you use to make a solid album?
This is so difficult! But I’m gonna try.
So, the og album already tells a pretty cohesive story on its own, but there are a few “missteps” (in my eyes, of course!) that can be fixed. These are the songs I’d remove from the og tracklist:
1. MBOBHFT: This is just a bad song, imo. Very flat and repetitive. “Rivulets descend my plastic smile” is also a perfect example of a lyric that uses a whole lot of words without saying anything. There are a couple of important lines here (like “pull the string and I’ll tell you that he runs because he loves me”), but the song is just really bland.
2. The Alchemy: Worst song on the og tracklist and perhaps worst song overall. Again, its biggest crime is just being flat (IMO!). I also think that we don’t need the Travis narrative to make a complete and cohesive album. He’s clearly extremely important in Taylor’s life! But I don’t think we need his piece of the story to make sense of TTPD. Every other album has a moment at the end when the tension of the album is released (the world is sad but let’s go to the lakes! The world is painful but the pain won’t be forevermore! This heartbreak was horrible but now I’m gonna begin again! This was the worst year of my life but on New Year’s Day everything changed!). But TTPD’s story is more compelling if we remove that part of the story, imo.
3. ICFH (NRIC): Again, not important to the story (it’s already evident that she couldn’t “fix” him) and I really dislike the song.
4. And then I’d remove TTPD, just because I don’t like it hahah. It has a few moments that are relevant to the whole story, but nothing we can’t do without for a song that’s below average, imo.
5. Finally I’d remove Clara Bow. I love the song but it’s better as a bonus track, imo! I don’t really see how it would fit the main narrative.
Now, by removing these ongs, the only big narrative gap we create is the marriage one (in relation to MH) but we still have loml that talks about it, so it’s okay.
This would me my new tracklist!
1. Fortnight. Of course, it’s an amazing opener. It sets the scene for the whole record and the “failed American dream” story is so mesmerizing.
2. COSOSOM: This is Fortnight sister, and it serves the purpose of bringing the album to a more “real” setting: first we see that the American dream has failed, and then we see why her specific story has failed.
3. I Hate It Here: “this place made me feel worthless” is a fundamental lyric to understand the entire album, imo
4. Florida!!!: again, with this song and the following one we have a “fantasy/real” scenery, just like in the first two tracks. She’s so bored and she feels so disconnected from her life that she dreams of doing the most crazy stuff (burying bodies in swamps…)
5. Guilty As Sin?: the “real” part of the consequences of her boredom: she won’t uproot her life and move to Florida, but she might reconnect with an old flame
6. So Long, London
7. Fresh Out The Slammer
9. Peter: I know this is technically about the past, but I like the idea of placing the song here, because it’s kind of like… you said you were gonna grow up and you were gonna come find me, and now you’re here, you’ve found me, but you’re still not grown up.
10. Down Bad: again, I like the idea of having a “fantasy/real” pairing. In this case, she’s so distraught about being left alone that the only way she can make sense of it all is by thinking “maybe you were an extraterrestrial creature that chose me temporarily, there’s no rational explanation here”
11. TSMWEL: she can’t make sense of the ending, but in this case it all boils down to “you’re a small man” (so this is the “real” part of the pairing)
This is just about examining the two relationships with a clear mind.
12. How Did It End?
13. loml
These are two songs about the two possible outcomes for the ending of a relationship, long term: you’re either wishing they’d look at you while happily celebrating Christmas, or you’re wishing they’re having a shitty night at The Black Dog
14. The Black Dog
15. I Look In People’s Windows
This is a section about examining the patterns in her life, very easily put: why the story keeps repeating itself and what can she do to prevent that from happening again
16. The Bolter
18. The Prophecy
19. The Manuscript
I’m sorry, they’re 19! And then I’d add Clara Bow and WAOLOM as bonus tracks about the different cascading effects of fame. And I wish I could add The Albatross because I ADORE it but the story can live without it, imo.
Also these don’t go in order musically but I just chose the story with a specific story in mind.
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brynalyn · 8 months
hi bryn! I hope youre having a lovely day and this news doesnt impact that, but glip had a huge tantrum about you on their glip cohost and all you gotta know about it is that it starts with "I didn't read what bryn said". I hope you have a lovely rest of the day!
Oh yeah I saw that loooll. I made some posts about my experience on cohost and also just ranted a bit after seeing that… I’m honestly not interested in reading it since they wouldn’t even read what I wrote, like what the fuck? And, I have some idea of the things they might have to say…. the majority of the time I was in the discord I was already made to feel extremely guilty about my many awful crimes of I guess, social ineptitude?, normal human emotional range? and, my awful crimes of talking to people while in severe emotional distress after my dox, and how I tried to push for Glip to kick my doxxer for my and others safety/ my mental well-being (you can imagine how that made me feel but I’ll go into that more later.). I got basically a guilt/shame complex from the continued barrage of guilt trips both public and private about past social faux pas(mainly coming from pengo but not exclusively). So yeah, I’m sure I have some idea what they’re ranting about.
But fr I really don’t want to give any more of my time to someone who won’t even do the bare minimum like read my actual written experience. If I need to address something else, or anything, I am more than happy to address it! I can take full accountability for anything, or explain how I took accountability and changed in the past. I’m not afraid to own that part of me. But im sure it’s all putting me in this awful light at a point in my life where I was suffering intense emotional distress and it was made worse bc of glips non moderation. Directly after my dox I had some major emotional mental spirals, intense paranoia and delusions, and also strong desire to fawn/gain scceptance. I was a mess. It’s embarrassing, but also, I haven’t acted like that before or after getting doxed and having to share a server with my doxxer while no one else but Glip and pengo (and maybe a coup,e more people?) knew they had doxxed me, so I can truly say it was the result of the situation I was in. And the guilt trips about my mental spiralling did not help it just made me feel like they were just kicking me when I was down. I am still ashamed of that part of my life bc I felt so completely helpless and lost. The situation made me feel alone and literally insane and I was actually getting delusions that there were, like, multiple people stalking me in the server bc of the mental stress of seeing someone I felt scared, terrified of, getting a warm welcome and no one knowing what they did to me it felt fucking awful. So yeah! That’s my story. I’m happy to answer any questions.
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purple-and-mint · 2 years
That was the worst time to be stuck on the border for 8 hours and therefore trying to kill time on Twitter.
I feel so shitty right now, mostly because I don’t know what to think. For me, Build is a wonderful actor, but I won’t be able to just turn a blind eye if he’s proven guilty. Tbh I really don’t want him to be guilty and I’ll admit, that’s also because I truly believe he and Bible have some indescribable chemistry and I want to see them in other projects together. But of course, that doesn’t matter at all when we’re talking about accusations this serious.
But if he’s not guilty, then it means:
Another woman discrediting the statement “ALWAYS trust the victim”
How long did it take for our society to take abuse towards women seriously, to create an environment where a woman is able to come out and tell the truth? Because this is EXTREMELY scary and painful and horrible — she has to relive everything again, she has to be ready to be blamed by public (which still happens so often in many countries), there’s also a chance her abuser will still be able to walk free and have an opportunity to abuse her further.
I’m sick to my stomach when I see women who are breaking this trust. And I’m not talking about the writer, because nothing has been proven yet, but about the women like Casey Anthony. Ugh, a woman who didn’t report her child missing, moreover, she lied to everybody, claiming that her daughter is well and with her. That woman is a compulsive liar and I do believe she was found not guilty just because the jury felt uncomfortable sending a young, tiny, good-looking woman to death row.
And that woman has the audacity to appear in public again and speak in a shitty documentary about “her truth”, that it was all her father’s fault because he abused her during her childhood when there is no evidence of that (but there is evidence Casey was the bossy one when it came to relations between her and her parents).
And now those young people, who are new to the true crime community and haven’t heard of her case, who want to be progressive, believe her because you should ALWAYS trust the victim.
I’m so, so sick. And I don’t want this case to be just another proof we can’t actually always trust women on this matter.
I understand people who chose to support Build because they really believe he’s a good man (because at least they see how the whole cast treats him). I don’t understand those who think so just because he’s “so pretty, cute and babygirly”.
I understand people who chose to stand against him because they believe the writer, or because they are biased against Build due to his previous scandal. I don’t understand people who stand against him because it turned out he was dating… GIRLS. Come on, shipping is fun, but let’s at least acknowledge there is a reality.
At the end of this post — which is a mess of my unclear opinion on this issue and VERY clear opinion on Casey Anthony — I still can’t tell what I think. One thing I’m sure of: I’ll stay away from Twitter and follow any developments in this case only in the legal field.
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earlywintermourning · 2 years
i’m a fuuta innocent truther, and here’s my essay on it! by me
Hi hello I love Fuuta Kajiyama very much and I have many thoughts about him, particularly on his innocence/forgiveness. TWs: basic Milgram stuff (murder, doxxing, etc) along with mentions of past abuse. Also, I hope this is obvious, but I’m not supporting any Milgram character’s actions or crimes (except for Yuno, abortion is a human right), this is just my perspective!
I have a few points I’d like to make, but first, I’d like to lay out my perception of Fuuta, along with a few theories I have about him that seriously influence how I vote on him. It’s important to remember that Fuuta is a college student, and it’s implied that he’s had his online platform for at least a few years. That’s... a lot of pressure for somebody who’s twenty years old, and has presumably had a large following since their late teens. The quick escalation of Fuuta’s actions, from simple insults to outright doxxing and death threats, seems to me like Fuuta was worried about losing the following that he probably relied on both financially and emotionally, and his actions became more and more drastic as he tried to keep their attention (a little like Haruka).
Another thing that I think important to mention about Fuuta is that it’s implied that he faced some sort of abuse from his father. It’s unclear whether this was verbal, physical, or both, but he calls his father a “pathetic fogey” in one of his interrogations, and doesn’t expand past that, which reads as an abusive situation. None of this is confirmed, so I don’t let it influence my vote for Fuuta too much, but I personally believe that many of his actions stem from the need to prove that he isn’t a coward because his father planted that idea in his head.
Next, I’d like to look at Fuuta’s reaction to both his crime and his 1st trial verdict, because I think that this is what truly makes him one of the most redeemable characters in Milgram. Some characters know that they committed murder but feel no remorse (Kotoko, Amane), and it’s easy to say that others feel guilt, but that guilt is often directed more towards who was affected by the crime than the actual act of killing. For example, Haruka is easily one of the most guilt-stricken characters in Milgram, but when you look closer, Haruka is actually guilty because he feels that his crime didn’t get him attention and care. Fuuta, on the other hand, feels genuine remorse for his victim, despite his reluctance to admit it. Just look at his face in his 1st trial music video: Fuuta is scared. As a character, it’s pretty easy to see who Fuuta is: a young adult who puts on a tough front because he is terrified of being perceived as a coward. While it seems like Fuuta isn’t truly remorseful because of this tough act, it’s easy to see that he feels extremely guilty about what he did, in a more genuine way than other characters.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly: Fuuta’s is the only crime that isn’t, like, a major felony in Japan. Admittedly, I don’t know the intricacies of the Japanese legal system, and while online insults can get you up to a year of jail time, it’s nowhere near the consequences that literally every other character would face. Seeing how Fuuta is also the only character to not actually make the conscious decision to kill someone (he made posts, yes, but arguably didn’t know the direction it would take), Fuuta is the only character who, in the eyes of the law, isn’t facing capital punishment.
To sum it up, Fuuta is different from other Milgram characters in many ways. He does see his crime in a bad light, and, while scared to admit it, Fuuta feels a true guilt for what he did - from a metavoting perspective, it’s highly unlikely that he would ever do something even close to doxxing again. Fuuta’s just a scared kid who made a very, very bad mistake, but who deserves the opportunity to make amends. TLDR: vote Fuuta Kajiyama innocent 2k22
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Honestly it’s not surprising that Zutar@ manages to fuck up and be annoying to ships that commit the crime of ‘getting in their way’. But it also treats the ships they claim to like along with their own as garbage as well.
I’m talking of course about Taang and Sukka.
I genuinely like Taang myself. A lot actually. At points it’s even my favourite Atla ship.
But you can really really tell when someone doesn’t ship it because they like both Toph and Aang as characters and find their dynamics and backgrounds and even potential spiritual links interesting: but are instead using it as an excuse to get Aang out of the way.
Their barely hidden contempt for Aang especially when they spout tripe like ‘Toph wouldn’t take any crap from him’ . All while posting a fic scenario which has Aang, someone who genuinely tries to understand people most of the time and even has a genuine religious philosophy: instead seem to have an understanding about friendship or forgiveness more akin to a three year old. Or like has shit like momtara and dadko scenarios (excuse me while I throw up) where he sneaks off to date Toph as if he had to ask these KIDS his PEERS his FRIENDS for permission in their deranged nuclear family take on the gaang. Yeah it was a ‘joke’ but they actually think of the gaang as working that way. Fucking straightest fandom imaginable frankly. Can’t think of dynamics in any other way without making some kids into the mother and father.
Because to them Katara and Zuko are 40 to Aang’s 12 I guess. Sure. 👌 Zuko who is ultimately and obviously the least mature member of the gaang. Katara who enjoys having fun and needs to be reconnected to being a kid again and gets that from Aang in the first episode. Sure. Sure. They can’t even fucking have Katara and Aang be the equals and friends they are.
Overall it really makes them show their ass when they attempt to spew out how much better it would be for Aang to be with Toph and this happens. It’s extremely frustrating trying to find Taang content sometimes because for every genuinely good piece you find there’s like five or more of this utter garbage. It leaves me cold honestly. I’m not sure how a genuine Taang shipper could not have at least some contempt for the louder parts of the Zk fandom.
Sukka doesn’t get it much better, though at least they don’t seem to hate one or more of its members. I have to admit I’m not really a fan of Sukka myself. I don’t hate it. The opposite actually. I don’t generally have any strong feelings one way or the other. It’s perfectly inoffensive but I’m not really into it.
But it’s kind of amazing that Zk fans try to say it’s ‘the only good canon ship’ when they make basically next to no art or fics of it apart from being heavily heavily in the background or in group shots.
It’s not the only ‘group ship’ fandom guilty of this mind you. Not even just in this fandom. Hell, arguably and oddly not even the only group that does this with Sukka.
But it’s fucking hilarious how full of shit they are. They don’t make any actual content of it! They don’t actually care for it any more than I do! It just doesn’t get in the way so they leave it alone except to use it to make posts to shit on the (lbr more interesting) Kataang and Maiko. Wild. I mean I don’t care for Tokka much either which sometimes gets thrown in as Maiko and Kataangs group: but at least people seem to actually and genuinely like that ship and have made content for it.
I just sometimes think about when Sokka says ‘You talk too much’ before kissing Suki: which in context isn’t anything to be mad at, clearly. But we all know it would have gotten Aang eviscerated by them if he’d said it to Katara in the exact same context.
Also ZKs would be crowing with glee that ‘See!!! Zuko can’t stand anything coming out of her rancid mouth!!! She’s so abusive!!! He kisses her to shut her up!!!!’ If Zuko had said it to Mai. You’re not slick. You’re not clever. Everyone can see the truth. Sukka is a prop to you and nothing more.
Leave Taang and Sukka out of your ship posts when it’s clear to everyone with a brain cell that you don’t care anything about them. They deserve better. Or at least Taang does. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a single person for whom Sukka is the ultimate ride or die OTP. But they probably exist you know? It’s a decently sized fandom after all. They’re unfortunately probably buried by all your garbage hot takes. And even if I don’t care for it, you’re probably fucking up what could be a fun experience for them.
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shipcestuous · 1 year
I’m long overdue to post this. It has been in my drafts for years. 
Slasher is a Canadian anthology horror series. There have been four seasons of eight episodes each so far, with a fifth airing right now. Each season has its own story and cast, centered around a slasher serial killer in a whodunnit style. 
The first season came up on the blog for an interesting father/daughter relationship. Totally non-canon, but a unique dynamic with very interesting development. Spoilers: Katie McGrath's character, Sarah, the main character of season one, finds out that the man who killed her parents when she was still in utero was actually her biological father, Tom. They start to develop an odd sort of relationship, with her relying on him for insight about the new killings that are happening. They have a few sweet moments before he eventually sacrifices himself to save her, which, by the time it happens, is extremely upsetting for her. Tom's killings, while certainly a disproportionate response, were provoked and somewhat sympathetic. Sarah also finds a bunch of video tapes her parents did of her mother having sex with various men, including Tom. So she's seen a video of her mother and father having sex.
The third season, and this is a HUGE spoiler, features a pair of teenage siblings on a killing rampage together to avenge their mother. I didn't find their killings sympathetic at all but they went through a devastating trauma together that no doubt totally warped them. Naturally we couldn't see very many scenes of them alone together because you're not supposed to know until the end what they're up to, but you can see the incredible bond they had.
Ironically, in the fourth season almost all of the characters belong to one family but there wasn’t anything worth talking about that I can remember.
What I really want to talk about is the second season, subtitled "Guilty Party", which was actually my favorite, and not only because it had canon incest (sort of). Five friends who were summer camp counselors together return five years later to the camp - now a commune - to make sure that the mysterious death of a sixth friend remains a mystery. The two groups - the five friends and the members of the commune - begin being picked off one by one by an unknown killer that has to be one of them.
Spoilers for the rest: At the end, when almost everyone is dead, we find out that Judith, a woman in her 40s, seemingly the most sane and composed of the lot, is actually the killer. All along we've seen her pursued romantically by Wren, a much younger man, and their relationship builds until they have sex. He makes very romantic overtures and writes her love letters and she seems unsure but intrigued until she finally gives in. It seems then like Wren is the killer, and Judith finds out and is willing to let him get away with it because she loves him. But then we find that Wren isn't even actually there, it's all in her head, and that he's actually her son, who committed suicide after being convicted for the death of the girl, the sixth friend, who died five years ago. (He didn't do it.) The motive for killing the members of the commune is paper thin - "they were in the way" - but I still think it's the most engaging season. Were Judith and her son incestuous during his life? Maybe, maybe not. He was very into the dead girl, we hear about him asking her out several times and not getting the hint that she wasn't interested, but the five friends likely made him look more obsessed than he was so that he went down for the crime. Before he kills himself, he writes to his mother asking her for justice against the people that he somehow knows must be responsible, and she delivers.
Whether any incest actually physically occurred, it's clear she had incestuous feelings of some kind that manifest themselves in very strange ways.
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screenmaven · 11 months
Films I’ve Loved This Year
I have already written reviews on some of them (not seen in this post), that you can already read here. So make sure to also do that.
I’m completely laid out in bed extremely sick, I thought between the delusional fevers, bomb exploding headaches, and literally feeling like I’m dying, I’d share the other films I’ve absolutely enjoyed watching this year.
I started up a separate account via Instagram to just post film, but having multiples is beginning to be too much, so from now on any other film content aside from the blog here will be on @ starrymayx.
So to start off the list here we go…
These 90s “Noir” films started my whole new movie Escapades, and I’m so glad they did -
Bad Influence, Guilty As Sin, Pacific Heights, Whispers in The Dark, Dream Lover, Untamed Heart, White Palace
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Here are the others…
Thrashin - 1986
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Starring: Josh Brolin, Pamela Gidley
Brooke McCarter (RIP homie), Sherilyn Fenn, Robert Rusler, & Josh Richman
Anthony Kiedis + RHCP
Tony Hawk, Kevin Staab, Mike McGill, Jimmy Star
What I liked: There was so much awesomeness in this film and a feel good story of triumph. Basically it’s about two skateboarding gangs, having beef, mix in lots of skating, graffiti, punk rock aesthetics, and a love story, and you have yourself a pretty badass film. Plus they overcome their rivalry in the LA Massacre challenge, and there’s even several rat tails. 🤣 Definitely worth a watch!
I really wish I could skateboard. I would have been so rad. To all my skater friends and Bo’s over the years, mad respect. 🤘🏻
The House on Sorority Row - 1983
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Director: Mark Rosman
I swear Scream Queens was influenced by this film.
I really liked it. Loved the lighting, still had a seventies type feel, storyline was really good. Definitely a film to check out if you like really good horror, without all the super special effects.
*For any strobe light sensitive people* like myself out there, there is a scene where it’s wild,
Pump Up The Volume ✊🏻 1990
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Director Allan Moyle
This movie is 🔥 Definitely a pioneer for all things talk radio but from a non-narrative perspective. Films like this and indie radio programs paved the way for our now podcasts. I loved the way it was written, the development of the characters personal selves, and breaking the rules.
I love me some Christian Slater 💓
The soundtrack is also amazing!
From Richard Hell, Leonard Cohen, Beastie Boys, Ice T, & more! I’ll link the soundtrack in my stories.
*trigger warning: there is a scene that deals with suicide and those scenes always get me. So I wanted to mention that.
Out of Bounds - 1986
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Director- Richard Tuggle
Cinematography - Bruce Surtees
Starring: Anthony Michael Hall
Siouxsie and the Banshees 🤘🏻💓
& Meatloaf (in like 3 scenes)
What I liked: The cinematography of downtown LA & Venice Beach California, (actually the whole film is beautifully done). The 80’s colors, Dizz’s home, her style. The fact that Anthony Michael Hall was a badass hero, taking down a heroin drug man with his knife throwing skills. Really good film.
2 Days in The Valley - 1996
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Written and Directed by: John Herzfeld.
Starring: James Spader, Eric Stolz & Charlize Theron
Synopsis: 48 hours of intersecting lives and crimes in The Valley of Los Angeles.
Why I liked it: Artsy Cinematography, James Spader obviously, and the correlation of numerous parties all being connected, going through individual stuff but being thrown into the mix of chaos. Plus sunglasses just seem to add viable cred to it. Why are sunglasses so cool yet mysterious?
Shampoo - 1975
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Director: Hal Ashby
Starting Julie Christie, Goldie Hawn, & Warren Beatty
I throughly enjoyed this film mainly due to the Jim Morrison/Sharon Tate style vibes it gave off throughout, and all the stylish decor/fashion. The Morrison looking guy played by (Warren Beatty) is basically a lover to many of his women hair clients (he does hair).
I really appreciate the 70’s swank and aesthetic appeal in this film. I’m also obsessed with Julie Christie’s glam Tate starlet look and I wish I could pull off bangs! Goldie Hawn is also in here and a younger Carrie Fisher.
From the 70s eye shadow, purple outfit I want, the main girls style, glamorous hair, river grotto, la house party with body paint and strobe lights (which that part I had to turn away - sensitive), it still rocked.
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Based in the LA canyon/hills it’s definitely worth a watch to see the web of desire and aesthetic unfold. Keep your eye out for the creepy art in one of the scenes that just didn’t quite belong. 😳
Additionally there was some dialogue between two parties in the kitchen about questioning the lead male’s (hairstylist) orientation, and the f word was used a couple times. Didn’t like that part.
Really glad we’ve evolved on how we should identify people and what’s right to say and not to. A person can be gay or even not, but using derogatory terminology to hurt them is very low par. If you still do that. Stop.
Chopping Mall - 1986
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Director: Jim Wynorski
Mall Location: Sherman Oaks Galleria
I loved this film. For reals.
Nothing better than a mall unleashing new technology security robots, only to go horribly wrong. Which I already knew where it was going as soon as it started 😂
Anyways a group of mall employee friends and two others throw a party in a bedding home store and get freaky - typical 80s horror, which I love. Then basically the robots go crazy and savage, hunting down all of them in a terminator/stranger things vibe kind of way. The aesthetic, 80s style, and scenery are very appealing, all the way down to even the playboy underwear from Miss Virgina Slims herself. Camel ciggs just won’t cut it. 😂
Lots of greats here, and I hope you check them out if you haven’t seen them.
Happy Filming 😘
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kass-storycorner · 3 years
Rainbow Anon~
Hhhhuuuu, those sleeping asks where so cute!? Do you think you could another part with Diluc, Zhongli and Albedo having come home late, but their s/o has a nightmare later on the night due to stress? (hurt/comfort plz lol)
//I said that I needed to stop simping for all of the characters but, I literally cannot physically do that. Everybody is so beautiful;;;!!
Aaaah, hello Rainbow anon! Thank you, I'm glad you liked them!!! Also never stop simping, they really are all beautiful. Genshin is at this point a "character I simp for"-collector haha And now on to the request, thanks for sending this in, I've been struggling with every other piece I've been working on the last days so idk writing these small drabble / bullet point fics is a nice change. Though I have to apologise that the Albedo s/o hc is the only one that actually doesn’t really fulfils the request…
And I didn’t add Zhongli, I had this request for a while now in my drafts, Albedo and Diluc finished but idk I couldn’t come up with something for Zhongli and it frustrated me so now I’m posting it like this 😩
Nighttime headcanon part II. - Nightmare headcanon
Genre: Angst with comfort
Rating: SFW
Content Warnings: none I guess
Characters: Albedo, Diluc,
Format: Bullet points / HC
Ah, he did it again. Albedo didn't intend to stay so long at the laboratory inside of the headquarters of the knights again. To be honest he had planned to come home earlier that night, but alas - he didn’t notice the passing of time again until Sucrose knocked on the door, pulling him out of the trance he gets into when he works and reminding him of the time.
When Albedo opened the door to the shared apartment it was already filled with darkness again. A deep sigh left him as he took of his coat and shoes, making his way towards the shared bedroom. He really missed going to bed with you. It was so different than joining in bed, there were no sweet good night kisses nor wishes.
Though when he walked into the bedroom he didn’t expect to see this. Normally you would sleep peacefully, the only noises coming from you would be your snores. But when Albedo saw your sleeping body in bed tonight there seemed nothing peaceful about you.
It looked like you have been tossing and turning in bed for a while, the blanket didn’t cover your body, it was already halfway on the floor. But your face was the give away - you looked so scared.
Slowly Albedo made his way to the bed, sitting down next to you, still in his clothes, not sure what he should do. It would be best to wake you up, wouldn’t it?
“No… don’t”, he heard you whimper. He really should wake you up. But something, maybe it was is damned curiosity, in him wanted to hear more. Albedo wanted to know what scared you so much in your sleep.
“Albedo, please- albedo-“ ah, a sharp pain made it’s way through Albedos heart. What were you having a nightmare about that involved him?
Albedo wanted to know more, wanted to hear more. But he couldn’t stomach how scared you sounded, scared of him, so he gently put his hand on your hair, stroking it in the hopes it might sooth your dream.
However at the touch you woke up, looking directly in Albedos eyes. Before he could say anything tears already made their way down your face, hands and arms wrapping around Albedos waist and hiding your face in his stomach.
“Hey, hey it’s fine. I’m here. It was just a nightmare”, he said in a quite and gentle voice.
But that’s it - it didn’t feel like a nightmare at all to you. The moment you woke up the dream already was forgotten, except for the last thing you saw in it. You remembered the bitter feeling of betrayal, heartbreak and you were so scared. So horribly scared. The last imagine that burned itself into your head was Albedos face, looking at you with an blank expression, his eyes empty from all of the love he had for you. It felt more like a horrible future and not a nightmare.
This was nothing you felt like you could tell Albedo… it sounded quite silly, didn’t it? And the way Albedo looks at you right now, eyes filled with worry but so much love for you. There was no way those eyes would grow cold one day, would there?
The last few weeks have been extremely stressful, for you and Diluc. With festivities right around the corner and many new visitors in Mondstadt because of them, Diluc and you had your hands filled.
Diluc for once more as the owner of Dawn Winery than the ‘Dark Knight Hero’ ah how much he despises that name
While yes, the crime rates and suspicious behaviour just grew with the amount of new people that visited Mond - but so did the demand for his alcohol. And after some incidents with slimes and some inefficient knights - Diluc had his hands full, day and night.
And you? You were busy yourself with your work, the festivities tripled your workload too and the worst about it was: there was no time to see Diluc for more than a few minutes awake.
When you went to bed he wasn’t there and when you woke up - rarely the past weeks was he asleep next to you (only once to be honest). Most of the time he was already awake again (or maybe still awake, you couldn’t tell at how short your encounters have become).
Diluc felt horribly guilty about how he didn’t spend any time with you. Yes you both were quite busy the last weeks, but even he could feel how the stress and the lack of your sight slowly tore him down.
So tonight he decided to skip his duties as Mondstadts protector - just for this one night, wanting to spend it with you. But even then, when he arrived home, entering the shared bedroom he saw you already asleep. It wasn’t too late in the evening, but he figured that you were just exhausted. And honestly? He was too.
So Diluc decided to lay down beside you, maybe you both couldn’t spend some time awake again but for now this must be enough. Though Diluc promises to himself that once all of this madness is over again to give you the attention you deserved.
The moment Diluc took his place beside you in bed, he noticed a small shift in your behaviour. Your breathing wasn’t calm like normally and how did Diluc just notice the way your brows furrowed. It looked like you had a nightmare.
Carefully he took you in his arms, hoping to give you the comfort you need for the nightmare to end. But it did not. It seemed like it was just getting worse and when you started to cry in your sleep was when Diluc had enough.
Softly he wiped away the tears, whispering “hey (y/n), it’s fine. Wake up, it’s just a dream, it’s okay”.
His soft touch and quite words woke you up, finding yourself in his arms. What? How and when?
You pressed your face into his chest, taking in his smell. Ah. How much you missed him, all of it. You felt how Diluc planted a kiss on your head.
“Are you alright Darling?”, he asks and you sigh at the sound of his voice, at with how much love and concern in it he asks. You shift a bit, now being able to see in his eyes in the dark. “It’s fine I’m- I’m just stressed.” His thumb trailed the dark circles under your eyes. “To me it seems like you are more than stressed.”
“I just couldn’t sleep because of it that well the last days, it’s fine”, at your words Diluc shot you a look of concern. “It’s not okay, since when do you have these nightmares?”. You hid your face again in his chest before mumbling out your answer. “It’s only when I sleep alone.”
Diluc felt a wave of guilt go through him. Only having those nightmares when you slept alone? Now to come to think of it, Diluc hasn’t slept next to you in the past few days (that idiot hasn’t slept much at all)
Squeezing you in his arms he lays his chin down on your head, promising you that you won’t have to fall asleep alone anymore. And he’s here now. It’s okay.
After a while you fall asleep, Diluc listening to your calm and soft breathing until he falls asleep himself.
Both of you had to wake up early that morning, but when Adeleine walked into the bedroom to wake you - ah, you two looked so peaceful in bed together and she just hadn’t the heart to disturb that peace.
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