#it is a small qualm but has stuck with me
valyrfia · 9 months
f1 tiktok has been slacking because where is my f1 edit to i know the end
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atlafan · 6 months
Yes yes plz!! What about a holiday blurb of doctorry and patient y/n during the holidays? He is her doctor on Xmas or NYE 🧐 thoughts?
I sort of missed answering prompts???? Thanks for sending this in, I hope you like it! I ended up going with NYE
Warnings: mentions of blood, clumsiness, and smut!
Y/N isn't normally one to complain. Any time she thinks to, "Kim, there are people that are dying", swarms through her head.
The night started off so promising. Y/N was headed to a friend's part for NYE. Her friend's apartment has a great view of the fireworks. She was also excited because her friend said a very cute guy that Y/N should definitely meet would be attending. Not that Y/N is shallow, but when her friend said the man in question was a doctor, well, Y/N got a little giddy.
She was all dressed up and ready to go. A sequin dress, dark tights, and heels accompanied with a bold red lipstick. She was feeling good. A few friends thought it would be fun to pregame before going to the party. Just a few shots with the girlies, nothing crazy. Y/N was nervous to meet the doctor, so she had no qualms with pregaming.
Except, on the way to the party, since she was a little tipsy, Y/N stripped and fell on the sidewalk. Why they didn't just take an Uber, she'll never know. Her friends laughed until they saw Y/N's face. Her lips busted open and it's bleeding, her tights ripped at her knees, and one of them was gushing blood. And on top of all that, one of her heels broke. Her friends scooped her up, ordered an Uber, and took her to the emergency room.
Her knees were stinging, her lip was throbbing, and she;s just noticing how scraped up her palms are. She's trying to keep cool in front of her friends. This is a huge delay in their plans, and she feels terrible that it's because of her. Not to mention, what if the cute doctor guy ends up talking to some other girl because Y/N is stuck at the hospital.
One of the nurses gave her a compress to keep against the knee that was heavily bleeding while one of her friends helped fill out some forms.
"Guys, go on ahead to the party," she told them, "I'll be fine."
"We're not leaving you, Y/N. It's not even 9PM, we have plenty of time to get to Francesca's." One of her friends said.
"Y/N Y/L/N?" A nurse says her name blandly, no urgency, just annoyance in her tone.
"That's me." Y/N says, and stands up. One of her friends is ready to go with her, but the nurse holds up her hand.
"Just the patient, unless you're family. We still have some COVID procedures here."
Y/N followed the nurse into a small room where she took her vitals. Y/N was still actively bleeding from her knee and lip, but the nurse didn't seem to care, or think it was that big of a deal.
"Alright, the doctor should be in shortly." The nurse and leaves the room before Y/N can ask any questions.
It takes ten minutes until she hears a knock on the door and the doctor comes in.
"Hi, sorry. I was halfway out the door when they asked me to stay, so I had to get back into my scrubs and..." The doctor looks at Y/N who is now sobbing. She's been silently crying for about five minutes, but now the floodgates are open. "You must be in a lot of pain." He sits on the stool and scoots over to her. "Let's take a look at that knee."
"I'm s-sorry." She cries. "I ruined my own night, my friends' night, and now yours." She hiccups, then hisses when the doctor takes the compress off her knee.
"You didn't ruin my night, don't worry." He gets up and puts some gloves on, then grabs the necessary items needed to clean the wound. "This'll sting a little. Feel free to grab my shoulder or something if you need something to hold onto."
"Do you think I'll need stitch-ow!" Out of instinct, she presses his chest with her foot and pushes him back. "What the hell?!"
"I told you it would sting." He looks down at his scrubs that now have a wet footprint on it. "Where are your shoes?"
"In the lobby with my friends. One of my heels broke, so I just walked without them. And that was more than a sting! That was, like, a bee sting, much worse than a regular sting."
"Your skin's probably just raw. What even happened, how did you get like this?"
"I tripped and fell. Ah!" This time she grabs onto his hair and tugs hard as he continues to clean up her knee.
The doctor takes a deep breath and removes Y/N's hand from his head. "I said you could grab my shoulder."
"It hurts!"
"I have to cut your stockings a bit so I can get a look at your entire knee." He scoots back, grabs scissors, then scoots back to her. "I hope you weren't attached to these."
"They're ruined anyways. Go on, cut away."
"So, what'd you trip on?"
"Myself." She groans. "We were leaving a pregame before heading to a party at my friend's apartment."
"Ah, been there." He stretches the material until it tares. He can see how swollen Y/N's knee is. "This swelled up like a cantaloupe, no wonder it hurts so much. Did you land right on the cap?"
"Yeah, and then I skidded." She wipes under her eyes and pouts. "I must look like a racoon."
"You don't." He looks up at her briefly. "You won't need stitches, but you need some skin glue and a bandage. I'll take care of this first, then we can take care of your lip. It looks like it's clotted, so you're not bleeding now."
"Okay." She sighs and slumps a little. "You never told me your name."
"Oh! Sorry." He squeezes the glue onto his gloved finger and puts it on the wound. "I'm Dr. Styles."
"Styles? Is...is your first name Harry?"
"Yeah." He's busy concentrating on closing her wound, so he doesn't see the horrified look on her face. He puts the bandage over it and presses it firmly.
"This wasn't how I was supposed to meet you." She slides her hands down her face.
"We were supposed to meet?" He looks up at her, confused.
"Yes, I'm Y/N Y/L/N...my friend, who's having the party I was going to, was supposed to set us up tonight."
"Your Francesca's friend Y/N?" He smiles. "That's crazy. I was on my way to the party when they told me to stay and help you. Guess it was fate, one way or another."
"I'm a mess..."
"You had an accident." He chuckles and stands up once her knee is secure. He grips her chin to get a better look at her lip. "Top lip's the one that's busted. You're swollen here too. I'll give you some ice in a bit."
"Does it need a stitch?"
"Nope, but I'll put some glue on it so it can heal a little faster. I'm gonna clean this up. It shouldn't hurt like your knee, but it'll still sting." He gets a cotton pad wet with some alcohol, "Now that I know we were technically supposed to be on a blind date tonight, feel free to tug at my hair all you want." He smirks, and Y/N's cheeks redden.
"Jesus!" She hisses as he cleans up her lip.
"You're kind of a baby." He dabs at her lip a few more times, then gets some glue onto his gloved finger. "What do you do for work?"
"I am a baby, I'll admit it. I have a very low tolerance for pain. I'm in IT, I work for that Norton company, the one that protects your computer from malware."
"Wow, that's a huge company. Good for you. Do you, like, code, or...?"
"Sort of. I basically figure out how hackers hack so I can build a stronger code that hackers can't hack."
"You know, while you were talking, I finished taking care of your lip. Guess you're someone that needs a distraction."
"Yeah, guess so. Um, thank you."
"You're welcome." He sits back down on the stool and just looks at her. "I have a sort of wild idea. You're pretty banged up and don't have shoes, and I'm honestly not a fan of huge parties. So, what if I take you home so you can change into something more comfortable, I'll order us some takeout, then we can go back to mine to watch the fireworks. I have a decent view, might even be better than Francesca's."
"I kicked you, screamed, and almost ripped your hair out, and you still want to spend the night together?"
"Y/N, I'm gonna be completely honest, if we weren't at my place of work, I'd lock the door and rip your tights open in a much more private area."
"Oh." Her heart starts racing. "Well, uh, considering that I won't be able to get on my knees tonight, I guess you'll have to."
Harry grins and stands up. "I'm gonna let the nurse know you're all set so you can check out. Wait for me out front in the lobby. I just need to change and grab my stuff. I'm parking in the hospital's garage."
Once Y/N is back with her friends, she tells them everything and lets them know they can leave and that she'll check in throughout the night.
Harry drives Y/N home in a comfortable silence. She was grateful Harry wasn't talking her ear off. She just wanted to focus on pressing the ice pack he gave her to her knee.
"I'd offer to go up with you, but I really want to make it to my place." He tells her.
"No worries. I won't be long. I'm just gonna grab a different pair of shoes and throw some sweats into a bag. I can just change when we get there."
"Works for me."
Y/N goes as quickly as she can to get up to her apartment, grab what she needs, and get back down to Harry's care. In reality, it was barely ten minutes.
Harry pulls up to his building about twenty minutes later, and hands his keys to the valet.
"Oh, so you're like, rich, rich." Y/N jokes.
"You live in a nice building too." Harry laughs. "I like knowing my car is safe in the building's garage, and it's so easy to hand the keys to the valet. "Our takeout will be brought up to my door. I got tons of different Chinese food. Does that work?"
"Chinese food is perfect."
They head into the elevator and ride up to Harry's floor. He leads her into his condo and gets her a glass of water.
"This is a great place." She tells him.
"Thanks, I like it a lot."
"And there's your view, your couch is in the perfect spot." Y/N goes over to it and sits down. Harry sits down next to her. He puts his arm around her shoulders.
"Is this okay?" He asks softly.
"Yeah." Her eyes flit to his lips. "How am I supposed to kiss you with my busted lip?"
"Your bottom lip isn't busted." He reaches with his free hand and presses his thumb into it. "Wanna give it a try?"
"Yes." She nods and lets her eyes flutter closed.
Harry's lips gently takes Y/N's bottom lip between them. The tip of his tongue swipes over it before giving it a little suck. He pulls back to look at her. "Okay?"
"Yeah, do it again." She slides her arms around his neck and pulls him close.
Y/N parts her lips and licks into Harry's mouth. He moans softly against her and grips her jaw. They both sink into it a little more, but Y/N whimpers and pulls back.
"This is so annoying." She frowns. "It hurts too much."
"How's your neck feel?"
"Fine, why?"
"Can I kiss you there?"
"Yes." She nods. "And I work from home, so you can leave marks."
"You get better by the second." He grinned and leaned forward to start kissing on her neck.
He licks up the side and nips at the spot just under her earlobe. Y/N slides her fingers into Harry's hair and moans as his teeth graze her skin.
"Can't handle an alcohol wipe to a wound, but you're panting like a dog from getting your neck bitten." He smirks. "Interesting."
"I'm a very complex person."
"I can see that." He looks down between them, then back up at her. "Can I go down on you?"
"What?!" She laughs. "Why, so you can do it for two seconds and pretend like you did me a huge favor just to get your dick wet?"
"Um, no, because I like it and I want to taste you and make you feel good."
"Be serious."
"I am." He puts his hand on her shoulder and lays her down. "Let me prove it."
"Be my guest." She opens her legs. "Rip them like you said you would have."
Harry rucks up the skirt of Y/N's dress and gets a grip on the crotch of her tights. He rips them easily and is delighted to see her bare cunt. He spits down onto it and puts his mouth on her, sucking his spit back in, then spitting it into her. He drags his tongue up her clit and swirls the tip of his tongue around it. He spreads her legs wider, pressing his large hands into her thighs. He moans as he sucks on her clit, and moans harder when he feels her fingers suddenly tugging at his roots.
He brings his tongue back down to her opening and licks inside, sucking on her entire pussy. Y/N moans and writhes under him, feeling squirmy and hot and good. His tongue curls up against her spongey front wall and he brings his thumb to her clit to rub on.
"Oh, shit." She gasps and arches her back. "Fuck, just like that, don't stop." Her head moves from side to side and her hips roll towards Harry's mouth. She tugs on his hair and pushes his face harder against her. He moans and chuckles lowly into her, eating her sloppily without a care in the world. "I'm getting close." She mewls. "Please, don't stop. Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, dddddohhhhhh my god!" She comes around his tongue in waves, grinding herself down against him.
Harry pulls back just a touch, licking and sucking over Y/N's folds, then brings himself to hover over her. He pecks her lips. His nose squishes to her and they both smile. The doorbell rings and they both sit up.
"That's the food." Harry says.
"Great. I bet it's piping hot."
"So, it'll need time to cool down." She stands up with him. "Maybe we could continue this in your bedroom to pass the time?"
And that's how Y/N ended up missing the fireworks at Francesca's party. She missed them at Harry's as well, but that was only because he was fucking into her so deeply that he was able to give her a vaginal orgasm. 2024 is going to be a great year, she can feel it.
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max-nico · 8 months
Sonic has been called an "overprotective big brother" over the years many times. Not his fault that Tails is small, impressionable, and reckless. He's known the kid since he was a toddler, if anyone else had been around that long they would understand too.
Or at least he thought they would, but it seems he was wrong because his own two best friends–Amy and Knuckles–are the ones who call him overprotective the most. This is a huge betrayal on their part, especially when they bring up valid points like Tails' intelligence and skill, because how could he disagree. Sonic has the coolest, most awesome and amazing, little brother ever. 
With that being said, Sonic is pretty sure he has the right to interrogate the little fox this time. He's like 90% sure his panic is warranted when he sees his little brother load and cock a very real and deadly gun. Because that kid is 9. He is 9, and he is putting on his watch and his plane gear to leave, and for some reason he needs a weapon wherever he's going. Sonic thinks he has a right to exercise at least a little big brother privilege here, honestly it would be negligent to not at least question him. 
"Hey bud. Whatcha up to?"
Tails' ear flicks toward him as he packs a few things into the Tornado. "You remember that hard drive that GUN thought they stole from me, but I actually knew they wanted it so I lowered a few of my defense systems so that they could grab it and leave me alone?"
The answer is no, Sonic has no recollection of that happening at all. Though he supposes it's his own fault for only half listening when Tails was talking. He's really gotta break that habit.
"Sure do." Sonic lies.
"Well, I actually have a little bit of data on there that I forgot to back up to another hard drive since I didn't think I needed it, so I'm going to go get it."
"And you need a weapon for that? Why don't you just ask Shadow?"
Tails finally turns to face Sonic, floating down off the Tornado and in front of Sonic. He stands with his hands on his hips, leaning just a little into his personal space. He takes the chance to absentmindedly scratch behind his little brother's ears, making him push his head into his hand.
"I did, actually. He's the one who told me to bring some weapons, he said he wants to help me improve my stealth techniques."
"Huh, and he didn't even bother to text me about it." Sonic huffs. It comes out playfully, but he won't deny being a little peeved that Shadow didn't message him. Tails is a genius and can make his own decisions, sure, but he's also not even in double digits. Sonic is literally his guardian, he feels like he should've been consulted about this. "I find that quite rude."
Tails smacks Sonic with one of his tails. The fur gets trapped in the small quills on his face, which makes his brother giggle.
"Then how do you find that, hm?"
"I find that the person who did it has another thing coming."
Sonic is so gonna fill his pillows with quills and shaving cream again. The fox constantly complains about not being able to get his quills out of any furniture, but he also got his fur stuck on Sonic's face, he figures this is pretty good retribution.
"Sure I do."
This is what Sonic means. Where did his wholesome brother go? Ignoring the fact that he has been a little menace since they first met, this is obviously team Dark's fault. Their devious ways are corrupting his little brother, who has obviously only learned nice things from him, like dad jokes and spindashing.
Tails has been constantly hanging out with team Dark for a few months now. After spending time with Rouge on Amy's last birthday he seemed to acquire a sort of childish fascination with them. Honestly, Sonic didn't really see it as a bad thing at first. They got Tails to spend more time out of his lab, and they always seemed to take care of him so Sonic had no qualms as long as Tails was having fun.
Then the habits came. Habits that Sonic had managed to completely purge a couple years back. Sure, he's not building bombs willy nilly anymore (as far as he knows anyway), but a few weeks ago Tails showed him the Empire nuclear launch codes just because he could.
Just yesterday they were having a conversation about a grocery store in station square. Amy had apparently told him that the cashier was kind of rude, so he asked if she wanted him to "blow up the entire store". She laughed and said no thanks, but when Sonic just shook his head at him Tails had the audacity to say "he'll make sure there's no one in it", as if that was the problem with what he said.
Sonic will not claim to have clean hands. He will not say he's never killed anybody on purpose or on accident, but is it so much to want to spare his brother from the same fate? Sonic still has nightmares over things like that, and even if his little brother is joking, he just can't find it in himself to laugh.
It's obvious Sonic will have to talk to Shadow and Rouge soon, he would talk to Omega as well but the robot honestly just does whatever he wants. Sonic can respect it. He cannot, however, respect Shadow and Rouge teaching his kid brother bad stuff, like how to get away with murder and other things of the like.
"I'll be back before you know it, Sonic, I swear!"
It's obvious Sonic has just missed most of the one sided conversation Tails was just having with him, he zoned out again. Damn it.
"And I'll have my communicator on me so if anything goes wrong, you'll be the first to know! I'll stay safe, Shadow will be with me."
Tails says that as if it's any comfort to Sonic. He may trust Shadow with his life but he does not trust him with children. He's sure Tails will come out physically unscathed, but mentally? This is going to be a trainwreck.
Sonic sighs. He already knows he won't be able to convince him not to go, at least not in the small timeframe he has, so he just pulls the kid in for a hug instead. "Call me as soon as you're able, okay?"
"I will, promise!"
"And if you're not back and not answering in 24 hours, I'm coming to find you myself."
"Yes, Sonic." Tails says, pulling away.
"And I'll give Shadow a piece of my mind if I have to, you know I will."
"I'm leaving now."
"And so will Knuckles and Amy!"
"Remember what I said about calling!"
"I can't hear you anymore!"
Sonic smiles as Tails starts his plane, the kid will be fine, he knows it. After all, he's sure Shadow and Rouge know the consequences if he's not.
woe, the brothers be upon ye I wrote this in like two sittings and its barely been edited, I'll probably put this on ao3 later after I've looked at it again lol. you're welcome to hit me up in my dms or askbox, but if it's a request I would prefer my ask box lol. Remember you have to be nice to me forever and ever and ever if you decide to talk to me btw
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honeybeefae · 2 years
Perfection (Azriel x Reader)
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Summary// After a month of tormenting yourself about your body, you finally decide to confess to your mate what you are feeling. You expected him to roll his eyes or dismiss it as silly, but you should know the Spymaster will always surprise you. 
(A long time coming but I hope you guys enjoy this. It’s the comfort I need, and I hope you all know how beautiful you all are, no matter what that silly voice says to you.)
WARNINGS: 18+, smut, body worship, body insecurities, soft sex, dirty talk, pet names, multiple orgasms
It was early in the afternoon as you chatted with Feyre, leaning against the counter and mindlessly washing a cup. Both of you had just finished with training, and afterward, you had brought up a topic that had been giving you some grief, hoping your friend could give some insight into the situation.
“What are you talking about?! You are stunning, Y/N. I would kill to have the body you do!” Feyre said, looking at you as if you had grown two heads. “Has someone said something to you? Did Azriel?”
“No, no!” You almost shouted, shaking your head vehemently. “Azriel seems…happy. A little distant but he’s got stuff he’s been busy with. It’s just a me thing, ya know?”
She put down a towel and grabbed both of your hands, squeezing them while giving you a look of sympathy. “I understand, I do. We can all be insecure about things but what I find most hopeful is talking about it, especially with my mate.”
You looked away and sighed, chewing your lower lip. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to talk to him about your issues, but you were worried that if you brought it up, maybe he would see what you saw. Azriel had never given you any indication he didn’t love your body the way it was so you already felt like you were overreacting, but you couldn’t help it. You hated looking in the mirror nowadays.
“Y/N,” Feyre called softly, making you look back at her. “Talk to him about it later tonight, okay? Even if it’s just a small sentence, at least get the conversation going.”
Her words settle in your mind for a minute before you nod slowly and pull her into a hug. As the two of you got back to work, you went through a game plan for tonight. Azriel was sure to be tired after his mission, but hopefully, he would have enough time to listen to your qualms and ease your mind. If only a little.
You were in the bathroom, staring at yourself in the mirror when you heard the door to your bedroom unlock. It was late, most everyone already in bed, but you had stayed up to wait for your mate. He quietly walked into the room and began to strip off his clothes, noticing the light coming from the bathroom door.
“Y/N?” He whispered quietly, slowly pushing the door open to peek in. You turned and gave him a small smile, nodding for him to come in. “Why are you still awake? I thought you would have been asleep by now.”
“I had something I wanted to talk to you about.” You confessed, playing with the material of your thin nightgown. “It’s something that’s been bugging me for a while…”
Azriel’s face went from confused to concerned in an instant, not even bothering to remove the bottom half of his outfit as he stepped further inside. “What is it?” He asked, his voice lower than before. “Has something happened? Did someone hurt you?”
“Oh, no, nothing like that.” You assured, gazing up at him. He was always so protective of you, ready to defend your honor or cut down anyone who would even think to harm you. It was the kind of devotion most people could only dream of having. 
He waited for you to elaborate, but the words were stuck in your throat, refusing to budge. The courage you had been feeling was fizzling now that you had to articulate your worry and the longer you stood there, the shorter his patience grew.
“Y/N?” He prodded, eyebrows drawn together tightly.
You sighed and turned to face the mirror again, your eyes immediately picking out everything that you thought was wrong or ugly. It was causing that nasty voice in your head to grow louder, and you suddenly wanted to run and hide under your covers, to shield yourself from everyone.
Large, warm hands ran down both of your arms tenderly. He appeared behind you in the mirror, his wings slightly lowered, as he watched you tear yourself apart. Azriel knew exactly what the look meant in your eyes, could feel your pain through the bond as if it was his own. It reminded him of the way he saw himself and his scars.
“Oh angel,” He murmured, rubbing small patterns into your skin. “Is that why you’ve been hiding away?”
A nod was all you could muster as you attempted to hold back tears. You didn’t know how he figured it out so quickly. Perhaps you were right about what you saw, and he was just waiting for you to say something first. You felt the humiliation rising in your stomach from just how pitiful you were at the moment.
But your mate was having none of that. Azriel turned you around and tilted your head up to look at him, his thumb tracing the outline of your lips as the soft candlelight sparkled on the unshed tears in your eyes. He couldn’t understand how someone like you, who shone brighter than the stars above, could ever doubt such beauty. 
It pained him that you could even question it. 
“I know what it’s like to hate things about yourself, Y/N.” Azriel swallowed, glancing at the scars on his hands before going back to you. “More than most.”
Both of your hands immediately went up to cover his own, stroking them softly as you had done hundreds of other times in the past. The corner of his lips tugged into a small smile at the sweet gesture. 
“But trust me when I tell you that I have never seen someone as enchantingly beautiful as you.” He said earnestly, brushing away the tear that was falling. “The way your hair shines in both the sun and moon, the way your nose scrunches in your sleep, I fall more in love with you every day. My entire life…I have never known such happiness or yearning until you showed up.”
His words were wrapping around your heart like a comforting blanket, shielding you from the doubt that had been plaguing you. It made you want to weep from just the pure love that was flowing between the bond. 
“I can’t go into your mind and throw these thoughts away but, if you let me,” Azriel whispered while dipping his head down until your lips were a hairsbreadth away from each other. “I want to show you just how beautiful you are.”
You knew if you said no that he would understand, that he would cuddle you for the rest of the night and whisper sweet nothings in your ear until the sun rose. He would only do what you were comfortable with, but while a small part of you wanted to hide away again, you wanted to get past this. You were halfway there, and with the look in his eyes, you couldn’t resist him.
“Please.” You swallowed, squeezing his hands that were still holding your face. “Show me.”
He closed the distance between the two of you and kissed you gently, as if you would break underneath his fingers. Your eyes fluttered closed while you pressed closer into his body, moving your hands to wrap around his neck. 
The voices in your head were trying to dig into you, but it was like Azriel’s mere presence was shielding you from them, making you only able to focus on the taste and feel of him. 
“I love you so much.” He confessed against your lips, his hands running down your body slowly. You gasped when you were suddenly lifted into the air, wrapping your legs around his waist instinctively.  “You have no idea how long I waited for you, Y/N.”
Azriel pushed the door open with his foot as he led you to the bedroom. The large windows were still open, white curtains billowing in the wind as the stars and moon shone brighter than you had ever seen. He kissed you once more before gingerly laying you on the bed.
The air was growing thicker by the second as he crawled over top of you. You raised one of your hands to cup his face, but he stopped you, intertwining your fingers while pushing it back by your head. 
“Keep it there, angel.” He said before kissing you once more, his tongue sliding in easily to tangle with your own. You let out a pretty moan at the sensation, your thighs rubbing together in pleasure as he let go of your hand to start toying with the straps of your nightgown. 
“Azriel…” You whispered, turning your head to the side as he started to make his way down your neck while the straps fell easily down your arms. He smiled against your skin at the sound of your voice, the tingles it sent down his spine at how you were already pleading for him.
“I promise I will take care of you…” He mumbled against the valley of your breasts, pausing to listen to your fluttering heart. “But first I want to enjoy what utter perfection you are.”
You felt your stomach and heart flip at the sheer honesty of his words, looking down to see him staring at you with nothing but love. It made the moment reach a new high as he sat up straighter to cup your breasts in each hand, massaging them with his calloused fingers. Your nipples started to harden under his ministrations, your sex becoming even damper.
He bent back down to tease the tip of your right nipple, covering it in his spit and biting the nub until you let out a small cry of pain and pleasure. 
“Do you know how much I dream of these, Y/N?” Azriel growled as he switched sides, his fingers pressing harder into your skin in an effort to control himself. “I feel as if I can never take my eyes off of them, the way they make your outfits tighter or when your nipples harden from the cold air. It makes my mouth water every single time.”
“I-” You tried to respond but the longer he continued to tease you, the harder it became to speak.
Azriel was never this vocal during sex. Occasional grunts and teasing words were normal, but he had never lavished you with this much attention, this much praise, and you were drowning in it. 
By now your panties were soaked as were your thighs. The chill of the night was causing your entire body to be raked with shivers of anticipation, but your mate was nowhere near done with you yet. His body went lower as he abandoned your breasts in favor of your stomach and thighs, biting and nibbling his way until it felt as if he was trying to mark every inch of you as his. 
“Stars above, I cannot get enough of your body.” He groaned into the night, pulling your legs apart so that you were exposed to him in the most intimate way. You knew how wet you are, sure that you were already dripping onto the satin sheets, but for the first time in a long time you didn’t try to shy away from his gaze.
And he noticed, sending a smoldering look that was filled with both lust and praise as he ran two fingers down your folds. The featherlight touch had your hips raising slightly to try and get more friction. 
“Az…” You sighed while wiggling your hips. He licked his lips and withdrew his touch in favor of throwing your legs over his shoulders, shivering as the bare skin of your calves rubbed against his wings. 
“Shhh, I’ve got you mouse,” Azriel promised while nestling between your thighs. “I’ll make you feel good, don’t worry.”
You had barely risen up to see what he was doing before the feeling of his tongue against your cunt sent you falling right back into the covers. He explored every crevice of you, letting the unique taste of your excitement explode on his tastebuds as he took his time.
Both of your hands fell to grip the bed below you, already feeling like you were going to float away from the pleasure. Azriel’s fingers tightened around your thighs as he flicked the tip of his tongue over your clit swiftly, holding you in place as you cried out his name.
His eyes were dark, darker than you had ever seen, as he watched you over the top of your sex. Your eyebrows were furrowed, hair messy, and your mouth in a perfect O as he drank down every bit of wetness he could get. 
“Yes, yes, yes, please!” You moaned as the hot coil of pleasure started to coil in your lower abdomen. He moved away from your clit so that he could tease your hole, both of his hands moving from your thighs to grab under your ass so that you were practically suffocating his face.
“Let go, Y/N, let me taste this beautiful cunt.” Azriel grunted into you, going absolutely feral on your dripping pussy. He went back to your clit and started to alternate between sucking and flicking, his cock leaking through his leathers as your voice grew higher and louder. “Give me everything.”
It only took a few more moments of his unrelenting attention to make that coil snap, your orgasm ripping through your body like a hot star. Your voice cracked at the end of his name from how hard you screamed, juices gushing onto his face and the bed below as you ground against his face. 
Azriel was more than happy to let you use him, committing the visual of you right now to memory. He didn’t slow down until your body melted into the sheets, gingerly removing his hands from your cheeks and slithering back up your body.
Your eyes were hazy, as well as your mind, as you clumsily reached for your mate and kissed him passionately. The taste of your sex was still on him, but you could care less, teasing the hair on the back of his neck as you twirled your tongue lazily against his. 
He was so caught up in the kiss that he didn’t feel one of your hands move from his neck to the tops of his wings, his entire body jerking when your soft fingertips moved against the membranes of the skin. 
“Tonight is supposed to be about you…” Azriel whispered though he made no move to stop you. You gave him an innocent smile while trailing down, down, down, tracing tiny patterns as you went. 
“I just wanted to return the favor.” You teased, feeling his hardness pressing against your hip. “You know how much I love to touch them, to taste them.”
The visuals and touches were already pushing him close to the edge. And so, with the training of an Illyrian warrior, your mate snapped himself back into line and used his shadows to pull your wandering hands back above your head. You immediately pouted, but he shook his head, opening your thighs back up for him as he held you prisoner.
“Nice try, little mouse, but I want to focus on you.” He chided while using two fingers to probe your entrance. “As much as I love the look and taste of you, it’s the feeling of your tightness that drives me wild.”
Your eyes widened when he stuffed those two fingers into the hilt without warning, moaning and squirming at how sensitive you still were. Azriel watched your every reaction with rapt attention, moving in and out at different speeds and strengths to find what made you feel the best.
He used his other hand to untie the top of his pants, freeing his cock and immediately fisting it as he played you like his favorite song. You could hear just how slick he was with his own wetness, your face flushing when he hit that spongy spot deep inside you.
“Fuck,” Azriel snarled, his balls heavy with the need to release as you suddenly squeezed around his fingers. “You are driving me insane, Y/N. You’re going to be the death of me.”
His words were only making you hornier, your hands fighting against his restraints as he hit your button with every thrust of his fingers. Another orgasm was quickly growing, faster than you could vocalize, but he knew. He always knew.
Azriel made sure to clench the base of his cock to prevent him from cumming too early as he pushed you into another orgasm, biting the inside of his cheek as you clenched around his fingers needily. 
“Azriel, oh gods!” You moaned as your eyes rolled back into your head, your body going completely fuzzy from the euphoria of his actions. He barely waited until you were finished before he withdrew his fingers and lifted you into the air, his shadows disappearing.
“I want you to ride me.” He growled, sitting against the headboard, so his wings didn’t get crushed as he placed you on his lap. It took you a moment to understand him, your muscles feeling like jello, as he waited patiently. “I want to see every inch of your perfect body swallow my cock.”
You didn’t need to be told twice as you reached down to line himself up with your hole. It was going to be sensitive, but as you started to sink down and saw his face turn into one of pure rapture, all of your pains went away. He stretched you out wonderfully, your pussy taking him in until you bottomed out.
“Ahh-” Azriel moaned, gripping your hips to resist the urge to piston in and out. He was already close, and when you gave an experimental bounce, Azriel swore he would cum right then. “Ride me, Y/N. Take what’s yours.”
Each of your hands gripped onto his shoulders as you began to bounce and grind against his dick, your tits rocking with every descent as you threw your head back in pure pleasure. He watched you with hooded eyes, drinking in the sight, before attacking your neck and chest with kisses and bites.
“So beautiful,” He purred into your shoulder, helping you move with him. “Every inch of you is amazing.” 
One of his hands moved to your lower back as your moans grew louder, just the feeling of his cock throbbing deep inside you making a third orgasm grow. You raised your head back up and grasped his face, crushing your mouth against his as he started to top from the bottom.
His mouth was hot against your own, nipping your bottom lip as he pulled you chest to chest. Azriel moved his lips to your ear and started to whisper praises of all kinds to you, sucking your earlobe as he called you his “pretty little whore”.
And as your rhythm started to falter, he was quick to flip you around onto your back, one of his hands gripping the headboard behind you as he rutted into you with everything he had. It felt like he was going to split you in two, but that was the last push you needed, your entire soul shattering into a million pieces as you screamed his name.
“Azriel!” You yelled, back arching off of the bed at the same time his wings flared widely, his own deep voice joining yours as he emptied himself inside of you.
“Oh fuck, Y/N.” He sighed as his own orgasm took his breath away, his body tingling from his head to his toes. You could feel him leaking out of you from just how much he had cum, but it only turned you on more.
He waited for a moment before pulling out, watching his cum go down the crack of your ass and onto the bed with a tired smirk. You tried to regain control of your breathing as he fell beside you, watching you lovingly.
“I think you just set a new record for me.” You joked breathlessly, turning your head so that you could look at him. Azriel smirked while brushing his knuckles down your sweat-soaked face.
“I’m more concerned with how you’re feeling.” He said softly, making your heart melt. You turned fully towards him and gave a small kiss to his nose, gazing at him with utter adoration.
“I’m much better now…and that’s all thanks to you.” You cooed, your eyes growing tired. “Thank you for everything, Az. I love you so much.”
Azriel pulled you into his body and kissed the top of your head, mumbling into your hair, “I love you too.” As you started to fall asleep in the warmness of his embrace. After a few minutes, when he was sure you were asleep, Azriel looked to the sky and said another thank you to whoever had gifted you to him.
He would never be able to repay them for such a precious, beautiful mate like you. 
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“It's fine if you want to take me or whatever just let me grab my stuff.”  | Yandere Villain Deku
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The villain stood in shocked silence as you moved about the little apartment packing away your things. He had been frequenting your place since he had arrived in (y/c) just a way to mess with your mind before ultimately burning the entire apartment building. But even after seeing him and his minions lounging around your room you just shrugged before going on with your life. The only time you ever spoke up outright was when one of his compatriots ate the last of your ice cream. 
“You ate it all?”
You were more tired than normal not even giving the usual ‘I’m home’ before heading straight for the fridge. At that moment his minion walked out with an empty carton in hand with the remnants around his mouth. That was the first time you exhibited any ounce of violence before and while it certainly wasn’t anywhere near Deku’s methods, he still found it intriguing how easily you threatened him to get more ice cream or else you’d castrate him. 
Since then everything you did enamored him, accepting money he most definitely stole to pay for meals. Even cook bigger meals when he supplied the means or indulging in your hobbies more often. Passionately gushing to him when he asked a simple question. 
“Sorry about that, I usually don’t talk to a lot of people about the stuff I like…no one’s ever interested.”
The villain found himself fighting thoughts of you away as he demolished the top heroes of your country. ‘I wonder if they’d like a cake from this bakery, of course before I destroy it.’ And as the days dwindle closer to the date he planned to leave (y/c), he decided he would take you. He originally told his minions to let him go alone this time because he wanted this to be intimate. After all, it's the last time you two would ever be apart for so long! Armed with a single syringe of a sleeping dose, he expected you to refute, but of course you surprised him again and you willingly are packing your stuff. He’ll text his buddies to bring the airship (yes, he has one) even closer to move all your stuff. 
“But this armoire has been through a lot with me!”
“I know Dolly but it's just too big…same goes for that potrait.”
“No but he’s my favorite character from–”
“It’s awfully rude of you to hold onto a slither of your past flings especially in front of your new husband!”
“Uuuugh fine I’m taking these posters then.”
You come so willingly Deku is on cloud 9 for the rest of the week you just moved right in when he stuck you in his fancy lair
The only time he ever saw any hesitation from you is when he dances along the line of your autonomy.
“Hey uh Izu?”
“Yes, Dollface?”
“Do you know where the knives are? I’m trying to make something for lunch.”
Hearing the underlying tones of frustration in your voice the villain abandoned his paperwork to properly handle this. You weren’t a secret powerhouse but your typical lack of response gave such an impression. Deserving his full attention he came up behind you holding you by your waist as you dug through various drawers and cabinets. 
He was intent on handling this…fixation of yours. Call it a small experiment but he wanted to see how much he could have of you. How much he could get away with someone as agreeable as you. He wanted to own all of you and your will was something he would have had no qualms trampling but this was you. It was your will that intrigued him so much in the first place. So he decided he’d be lenient especially as your worried questioning dissolves into a scowl as he answers your question. 
“I’ve taken all the knives away. Wouldn’t want you hurting yourself on something so sharp.”
A tingle of excitement came as you took up that threatening stance, glaring at him as you made your case.
“Too sharp!? I’ve been using knives for this long. I don't need you to get in the way.”
“In the way of what baby doll?”
He tries to simply ask but it comes out as mocking. He just couldn’t help it, you were so agreeable he always wondered what cute faces you’d make if you rebelled against him. It was almost worth instigating your first fight with him. 
“Of my cooking. Of my food. I don’t really care about much else but this is mine.” 
His jealousy spiked, for an activity no less. It made him want to withhold it from you even longer but your unwillingness to back down would make things harder for him. So he sighed, summoning some tears as he clutched onto you. Tucking his head into your neck as he whined.
“Awww but Baby I only want you to be safe! That’s why I brought you here, won't you trust me?”
“I’ll trust you when you trust me!” 
“But I do trust you, Love. Won’t you indulge me a little.” 
He tried to sweeten the offer by planting kisses on all of your exposed skin. Holding him away with a single hand you glared at him down.
“I’ll indulge you if you cut up the stuff I want with your dagger you like so much.”
He had to calm the demonic smile that threatened to stretch across his face. So eager, so final. Perhaps in another world you would have been the hero. He would live through a constant game of cat and mouse. But this was reality and he knew that he’d rather drink in your domestic agreeability before picking this fight with you. Letting you reach into his vest jacket before guiding his hand along he relished in your presence. 
“Oh, (Y/n)-doll. Only you could do this to me! Just keep letting me in okay?! I doubt you’d like me if you didn’t.”
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noirs-pages · 8 months
Diavolo and Lucifer 1
Summary: You have a particular way of greeting Diavolo every time you see him, to the chagrin of Lucifer.
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Lucifer was… odd to you, to say the least, in terms of the lens you view him under. When not inflated with his pride, he’s someone you can generally tolerate and be able to have civil conversations with, but there’s a distance you want to keep with him.
It’s not out of fear, you can’t fear someone who’s pride gets so easily bruised that he flares up like a bird. No, you keep your distance because the longer you stay around him, the more Lucifer gets the idea that you’ll be happy to be subservient to him. To be his little assistant to bully as he pleases, like a dog hoping for a reward.
You can’t say you’re surprised. A demon of pride like him would value his own pride more than your own, and as such, would want for the taming of your pride with his presence.
You can’t even ask him for help. You just refuse to feed into his pride in any way.
You’re polite when you need to be, but that’s about the extent of it. It irritates you, how your status as a human being leads to Lucifer treating you like less than a capable adult and more an entertaining thing to press and prod.
It’s why you couldn’t help but smile when you saw Diavolo walk into the council room.
In an instant, Lucifer stopped with his teasing smile and lowered his head just a bit in a subtle but clear show of respect to a demon he deemed superior. It can easily be seen as him giving a friendly greeting, but you knew better.
“Ah, Lucifer!” And, of course, Diavolo presence and voice was as loud as ever.
You slipped out of your chair and past Lucifer. You felt a small flare of heat from him, probably for breaking one of his social taboos that he’s so stuck on, but he can’t full out show his anger.
Not when Diavolo was in the room, and certainly not when he’s focusing on you.
Alright, time to internally kill Lucifer.
“Hey there, Big Pup,” you reached your hands out, up into the air, and let your smile get softer when Diavolo instinctively lowered his head towards you, “how you doing?”
You sunk your fingers into his hair and ruffled it around, like you would with any good dog. You almost snorted when you heard Lucifer behind you choke on his own spit.
You didn’t start off with these kinds of friendly greetings with Diavolo, you’re not exactly a person that easily shows open affection. However, you are a pretty blunt person all things considered. You were zoning out and ended up focusing on Diavolo’s hair just because the color was so rich and told Diavolo as such when he asked you why you were staring.
And when Diavolo asked if you wanted to touch, the rest was history. Poor man, the first hair ruffling really left a number on him. His eyes went wide and you can just see the dopamine being shot into his veins. And for the rest of that meeting, his eyes kept drifting back to your hands.
It was silly as well as cute. And now you have the added bonus of it being endlessly entertaining because Diavolo has no qualms with getting your hands on his head with his friends watching.
“I’m doing quite fine, thank you,” Diavolo rumbled out after a delay, almost losing himself to your hands, “Barbatos has been working me to the bone. There’s so much to do.”
“How horrible, but there’s nothing to be done,” you sighed before backing away, pleased by the little sigh of disappointment that left Diavolo’s lips.
“Diavolo,” Lucifer finally recovered enough to speak up, “while it is only us here, it’s best for you to conduct yourself as someone befitting your position. What are you going to do if someone else witnessed you being pet like and called a ‘pup?’”
You just shrugged your shoulders, knowing full well Lucifer was not talking to you, “Hey, he’s the one that gave his stamp of approval. If he wants the pats, he gets the pats.”
His opinion doesn’t really matter and it’s nice to remind Lucifer of it.
“There’s no harm being done, Lucifer,” Diavolo laughed with some shame but you’re glad to see he didn’t give into it, “it’s just a cute human greeting. Perhaps you want to give it a try?”
You pulled your hands out of your pockets, shaping them into claws as though you’re ready to pounce on Lucifer’s head.
“Well?” You asked with a light tilt of your head, knowing he won’t say yes.
“I’ll have to pass,” the vein on Lucifer’s head thickened a bit, jaw tense, but ultimately let it go with a sigh. He’s fighting a losing battle.
Ah, no wonder you and Lucifer don’t quite get along. You both like having your prides fed.
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muffinsin · 5 months
Do you have any thoughts on how the sisters would comfort a plus sized insecure s/o? Maybe they’re looking in the mirror undressed when the sisters walk in on them. How would they make them feel better?
My, I do! :) let’s get into it!
Also an encouragement for everybody here to remind themselves they’re lovely no matter what body type, gender (or not gender), ethnicity, etc!🙌
also I’m hoping this is all coming across nicely because I’ll be fair I’m like Cassie, I have no idea how to comfort people in most situations but I shall try my best! XD
Let’s get into it! :))
Bela has had minor problems about her body once or twice, never something major
Teasing comments here and there about her thin appearance, some that stuck
You’ve never made such a comment, even as a joke, and she’s thankful for it
Things such as is entirely irrelevant to Bela, as such she is confused and a little shocked to see you one day, staring at yourself
She’s just returned from working on some papers when she finds you, undressed and staring at the lengthy full body mirror pushed against her wall
She blinks in confusion, once, twice
“What are you doing, little one?”, she asks, eyebrow raised just as you trace your skin
You jump at her sudden appearance
Bela grasps your hand as you reach for your clothing again
Her question is genuine. What have you been doing?
“Just looking”, you explain, although it only adds more questions
She raises an eyebrow at you
Clearly, this won’t cut it
Upon explaining your small dilemma, the stretches of your skin and the few rolls here and there, the thicker thighs and arms, she feels even more confused
You dislike your body? Because of its shape?
Although she has been there in the past, she can’t believe your words
How could her sweet little human go through this?
Experience such thoughts of insecurity?
How could she shield your pure soul from them?
She smiles widely when she gets an idea, then!
“You know, before your time, people considered more weight as a sign of being well fed and even wealthy! People often portrayed themsel-…”,
Bela winces when she notices your expression. No, that info-dump of hers did not help at all…
Nonetheless, she smiles again, for another idea crosses her mind
With a push of her fingers, and a yelp falling from your lips, you’re sent backwards on her bed
You’re propped up on your elbows as she climbs over you, her thick thighs on either side of your hips
“I think you’re the most stunning piece of art in this castle”, she says, her fingertip trailing across your cheeks
“I like your body a lot. It’s soft, and warm”, she reasons
Your breath hitches when she leans down to place a kiss to your jaw, where too much of a double chin lays for you to enjoy
Bela has no such qualms at all
She presses another kiss down your neck
“You smell and taste warm and delicious. Believe me when I reassure you, little one, not everybody shares this”, she whispers against your throat
Her teeth do not dig in though, only her soft lips flutter against your skin, two, three times until she moves on to your shoulders
“I admire your body whenever I am granted this unique view”, she reveals
She finds your arm, and shushes you when you’re about to make a bad comment about yourself
“It’s my turn to speak, my perfect little human”, she whispers, golden eyes flashing adoringly at you
She looks small against you, despite being taller
Her thinner frame pressed against you, she holds your hand as she trails featherlight kisses down your arm
“I find your touch very comforting. You’re able to ground me, and you’re one of the only people that can get through to me”, she says genuinely
You tense when she kisses your stomach
“You look delicious, and set my loins aflame with your touch”, she reassures
This thought has you a little surprised- yes, Bela is attracted to you
You had almost forgotten that when you focused too much on the thoughts of insecurity
You know of her attraction, too
Her soft worship of your body even as she ruins you, her golden eyes following you everywhere, her hands eagerly touching and exploring whenever given the chance
She squeals in surprise when just when she goes to talk again, you pull her up for a kiss instead
She accidentally slips, giggling into the kiss as she’s sprawled out on top of you
“I’m sorry”, she whispers, the blood from her dress now clinging to your bare front
You smile at her. She’s always so sweet and considerate with you
You watch her silently, though confused when she leans back again with a small grin
“Now, where was I?”, she coos
You gasp when her tongue drags over the blood left on your chest
She’s gentle, and sweet, slow and beautiful with her movements
“Ah yes!, you’re breathtaking”, she says all too eagerly. You can’t help but smile happily up at her
You’re standing in front the mirror next to her desk when she swarms into the room
“You have no idea how annoying-“ “Oh~! Are we playing today?~”, she asks, a smirk on her face upon seeing you naked in her room
Cassandra giggles as she swarms to you, then frowns- no, it isn’t that
Still, you feel flattery at her attempt
Cassandra seems to like your body, you reason
She stares at you for a moment, as if trying to figure out whether something is up
“You’re acting strange”, she says boldly
She’s never been too good with her words, but you know that
Cassandra frowns in confusion when you move her in front of you, her frame easily towering over yours
“Hm?”, she asks, a little, nervous and flustered smile coming to her lips when she notices you undress her
“What are we doing, morsel?”, she asks, swarming out of her garments to save you some time
Again, you don’t answer
She shivers as you slide your hands along her body, over her smooth arms and muscular stomach, her slightly arched back
Her face heats up when her ass is cupped, and her thighs are felt up
“You’re perfect”, you sigh
Even Cassandra catches onto your strange tone. You sound- displeased?
With her? No, she’s fairly sure she’s been behaving, more or less
Next, she watches you trace your own hips, as well as hers
She doesn’t understand. You look nothing like her. Why are you comparing yourself?
“What are you doing?”, she asks, and watches curiously as you jump from her question and pull your hand from her
You know this won’t do. Not at all
“What are you doing?”, she gives you another chance
Even naked, Cassandra is more than just a little intimidating, with her hands on her hips and her eyebrow raised perfectly
You feel tears burn at your eyes. You can’t get over how you feel, the heaviness that clings to you
Cassandra grows even more confused as you cry, but pushes you against her nonetheless
She giggles when you make a comment about being smudged to death in her cleavage
“What’s going on, little lamb?”, she questions. You’ve never seen her look this sincere
Upon explaining your thoughts, Cassandra tries to understand
She really does. She just- can’t
“But you’re perfect?”, she questions- no, says
She says it like it’s a fact and it makes you whimper
“You’re perfect. You do know that, don’t you?”, she questions
Your breath hitches when she kneels down, apparently tired of standing
“What about my thighs?”, you ask, eying their thickness
Cassandra giggles at your silly question
“What about them? I love them! You should know”, she answers, a teasing grin on her ridiculously pretty face
You’re blushing as she smushes her cheek against your thighs, against the numerous bite marks she’s placed on them
“And my stomach?”, you ask
Again, she merely looks up at you in confusion
“What about it? That’s my favourite sleeping spot. You’re so soft and warm”, she answers
Again, she bumps her face against you and it leaves you speechless
You smile, thinking of the many times Cassandra has pushed you down for a little nap on top of you
The dangerous predator nothing but your purring, content girlfriend that will not fail to growl at anybody nearing you while she uses you for a pillow
“And my arms? They’re not as strong as yours”, you add
She crackles. “No one’s as strong as me”, she smirks. She flexes her arms, showing off the few visible muscles she has
“My stomach isn’t flat when I sit”, you at last say, sorrow in your words
Cassandra stares
You watch her plop down and poke her stomach
“Mine isn’t either”, she replies with a small smile shot your way
You can’t help but grin at her. She’s sat on the floor, her legs outstretched and poking her stomach for emphasis
She’s right. Hers isn’t completely flat either
“You’re so perfect, though”, you wonder out loud
Cassandra giggles. She’s never quite going to get used to being described as “perfect”
“As are you, though”, she insists with a smile wide and genuine enough for you to truly believe it
You know, Daniela loves you. Unconditionally
Sadly, the same can’t be said about your love for yourself
Daniela swarms into your shared room, babbling about this and that when she finds you in front of the mirror
Naked? Did you forget getting dressed as she sometimes does?
She watches mutedly as you trace your skin, stretching and posing a little
She sees pants on the floor, a part of the inner thigh ripped open. Did it tear?
She swarms out of her clothes, feeling the warm air of the room against her skin
Is this meditation? What are you doing?
At last, after watching you move about some more, Daniela can’t wait anymore
You jump upon suddenly feeling her hands set on your shoulders, having been too absorbed in your thoughts to notice her come in
“Whatcha doing, my sweet?”, she asks eagerly
Maybe you’re playing a new game?
You don’t immediately answer her
At the same time, you’re very aware of her bare body pressed against yours. The thought makes you smile
Daniela has no idea what you’re doing, and yet joins in, undressing as well and staring at the mirror
The thought brings a question out of you
“What do you see?”, you ask. You feel her arms sling around you happily
“Us!”, she answers, just as eagerly. Daniela wonders- is this your new game?
She’s easily entertained, so it might as well be!
“More Detail?”, you ask. Daniela presses a quick kiss to your cheek before she continues on
“Hmmmm, I see you and I! We’re not wearing anything”, she answers
You can’t help but laugh a she wiggles her ass a little and giggles along, displaying her nakedness
Daniela is so- carefree
“What about our bodies?”, you press on
Again, Daniela hums for a moment, considering your question
“Iiiiiiiiii- I see my scar! It’s looking kind of badass”, she answers, flexing her thigh to show off the scar that sits there
“And I see your moles! There’s so many of them! I don’t have as many”, she adds, a wide grin a she meets your eyes in the mirror
Daniela pouts. You look sad
“What’s going on? Did I say something bad? I like your moles”, she asks immediately
You can’t help but smile at your puppy of a girlfriend. Daniela is, you think sometimes, too precious for you
“No, you didn’t do anything Dani”, you reassure her
But you sound so sad! Daniela grins as she attempts to cheer you up
“Hey hey, the night is still young!”, she claims, giggling again. You know, there’s still plenty time for the bratty thing to misbehave, and it makes you smile too
Yet, only for a moment. Daniela frowns. Something serious is up
With a little bit of encouragement from your lover, you at last tell Daniela what is plaguing your mind
She hums, as if she understands
Surprisingly, she does
“It can’t be…easy…around so many people with different body types”, she tries. Daniela beams when you nod
This was right thing to say, good!
“Why don’t you like your body?”, she asks. She looks so genuinely sad by this
“It’s wide”, you answer her
Daniela hums. You gasp in surprise when she jumps into action, spreading her legs and reaching out with her arms, so that she stands in a somewhat starfish position
“I’m wide too”, she argues. “Do you still love me?”
You don’t hesitate. “Of course I do”
She beams at you. “I still love you too”, she reassures
“I still love myself too”, she adds. “Do you still love yourself?”, she questions
You realise, you aren’t too sure in this moment. There is nothing actively bad, nor good
“I don’t like my body”, you reveal
“I like it a lot”, she counters. Then, she grins. “We can change it though, if you want. Humans can do that, right?”
You giggle at her, and nod. You explain workouts and diets to her
“Well, there you go! We can change what you don’t like, if you want to. Or we can work on making you like it”
Your eyes widen when she concentrates, and suddenly there is a small hole missing from her body, right at her ribcage. Instead, flies swirl around her hips.
“I can’t change mine. I’ve learned to love it!”, she adds. “I think you should love yours.”, she says with a smile
She pouts when you smile sadly at her
“I’m afraid it’s not that easy, bug”, you whisper back. You watch in amazement as her flies return to their original position and can’t help but giggle when Daniela throws herself against you
I’ll help you!”, she promises, content that you at last genuinely smile at her
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skiesofrosie · 2 months
Little Sunshine Fires: Chapter 2
Pairing: Benny DeMarco x OC [Marnie Cleven]
ch. before //ch. after
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Synopsis: Marnie requests a transfer to the 100th Bomb Group to stay close to her boxed in, reserved pilot of a brother, Buck Cleven. It's the last thing she expects, when she starts to anticipate another man's return to safety from the skies, nearly just as much.
Warnings: historical inaccuracies + this is only based on the MOTA characters, and not the real life veterans!
Ps. the photos do not belong to me. :)
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To write a love story in the middle of rapid conflict has always been complicated.
That’s just how the world works–trying to seek small bouts of happiness through torrential rains means sinking your boots deep into wet soil. But Benny is persistent, and he’s willing to climb through the muck because the reign of dawn has always been more than worth it. Daylight, for him, is a soothing balm even through the most turbulent of storms. Although, waking up to thoughts of a certain nurse tends to feel like daylight before he even pulls the curtains open.
He supposes he understands Marnie's qualms with the sun. But still, when this is all over, he’s determined to take her for a swing in his plane, and show her how beautiful the world is when you’re looking at it from the clouds. Perhaps, it may be an agenda more for him, than for her though. To fly with someone as gorgeous a soul as Marnie is as close to heaven as he will probably get, alive. 
For now though, that’s thinking too far ahead. Benny realizes quite quickly that it’s near impossible to take a girl out on a date when you're dead stuck in a war.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
He ran into her once at the theater. It seems the rest of the men had the same idea, finding his co-pilot Thayer and Lieutenant Curtis Biddick there as well, no doubt in need of a reprieve after the hell of a mission they had returned from. Five forts lost, more than twenty returning men injured, their bombing scrapped, and efforts wasted. The hospital lights didn’t dim for nearly two days, and though Benny was dying to burst through the doors to see if Marnie was okay, Buck said she’d yell in his face to scamper off before he could even say hello.
“One for the dramatics?” He had asked her, falling into the empty seat by her side. She chuckled then, but it didn’t quite meet her eyes, and he could clearly see the bags that dragged them down. But by God, in the lights of the film, she still glowed like daylight against clear water. “You could say that, but Buck’s the bigger drama queen between us two.” She cracks a teasing smile. “He just knows how to hide it better, yknow?” He didn’t know if he believed her, but she swatted at his shoulder when he had expressed the thought, so he guessed he better have.
They settled comfortably into silence then. The dark room was chilly, only lit with Bette Davis dancing about in colors of gray. Sounds of the soldiers wolf whistling, and chattering, and shushing those who were too rowdy set the tension in their shoulders loose. Benny saw the way the fingers on her right hand fiddled with each other, restless against the arm rest, and he was about to do something reckless, slip his hand into the shape of hers.
But he was so rudely cut off, by the blaring red light signaling a new mission.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
He ran into her again a few days ago, while she searched for Buck in the mess hall at lunch. It was clear she was distressed, claiming she sought her brother to listen to her whine about Doc Stover’s never ending demands, and he decided there, and then, that to dissolve the weight of bricks on her back, he would whisk her away for a simple dinner (perhaps, a dinner date).
“With me? Make it a date?” She points to herself comically, and Benny lets a little smirk curve on his lips. “Yes, you. Dinner with me.” “With you?” “Yes, Christ. With me?” There was a tremble in his bones at that point, because maybe he was taking his chances too far. But, when she opened her mouth to speak–and he thought she'd throw a wrench into his resolve–she crumbled midway into laughter, eyes twinkling with mirth and a smile that made him warm.
“I’m just messin’,” she beamed, and relief fills his lungs, “I would love to have dinner with you, Benny. Tonight, at 5?” He nodded then, shrinking a little at the way Buck, who was seated a few tables away looked upon them in confusion, his utensils paused mid-air. Bucky turned around then, throwing Benny a smirk and a thumbs up before Buck smacked the back of his head. “At five. See ya, sweetheart.”
Come 1600, he was pleasantly surprised to find her knocking on his door an hour early. But as he took in her physical state, hair drooping from its messy bun, and blood stains on her white nurse uniform, he surmises that she was not there out of eagerness, and hides the wilt in his eyes when she informs him that she’ll have to cancel.
“One of the patients went into hysterics. Accidentally sliced one of my nurse’s hands in panic and left a pretty lookin’ gash. Doc Stover thinks it’d be best, that I stay for the night,” Marnie sighed, the guilt pooling in her sagged form. “I’m really sorry Benny.”
“Wait but,” he said, alarmed that she may be alone with in a hazardous situation, “will you be okay, alone? I could stay with you. That’s…it’s concerning, to say the least.”
“It’s all part of the job, I’ve been trained hard for shit like this,” she responded, letting a tired smile grace her lips. “Appreciate the thought though, but he’ll be a fine patient once he settles down.”
He nodded in understanding, but remained still at his door frame as if it’d keep her from turning away. Daylight, today, sent a trickle of sweat down his temples as if to mock the pinch of serenity he was declined of. But instead of turning away, she snatched the sun in her hands and sent heat straight through his blood and into his head when she stood on her tippy toes and planted a soft, sweet kiss on his cheeks. Her hands were gripping lightly at his shoulders, though if she were to let go, he might have been the one to topple over instead. “But I promise, I want that dinner with you.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
If they couldn’t meet in person, he would have to continue showing his affection through his actions.
It was routine for Benny, either on a Saturday or a Sunday, whichever he wasn’t bogged down on a mission with, to head out to the local florist. Ever since he knew of Marnie's gravitation towards peonies, he’s made a point to leave a new bundle on her desk as a way to say that he’s thinking of her. It’s gotten to the point where he has made friends with Grandma Daisy who runs the shops, a cheery old lady. He kisses the back of her hand in greeting each time he comes. After Benny’s first two visits, when the bell rings of his presence, she’d dash to the back room and return immediately with a bouquet of peonies (sometimes she’ll sneak in a couple extra than what he paid for).
And he starts leaving messages for Marnie on the pink-heart shaped card Grandma Daisy slips in for free. Sometimes it’d be something romantic, like “the morning sun is my favorite time of day, but the golden glow has got nothing on the way you shine.” Other times, he’d leave questions for her to ponder, even though he never expects an answer. Just yesterday, he had snuck in another bouquet on her desk in the hospital, before the night shift nurses clocked out before the sunrise, with a question written on the card. “When I take you for dinner, what would be your choice of food?”
He’s pleasantly surprised to return to his cot, worn out on a dreary Monday after a practice mission, to find a box with his name written widely across, sitting by the door. A box of lemon-drizzled vanilla cupcakes, and a small floral card with no name, but a little note. “Honestly, corn fritters and corn dogs, but perhaps that is not classy of me at all.”
He pays no mind to the gloomy clouds, because he feels like he’s got the wonders of the world sitting right here in his hands.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Crumple all fate in his grip; he will build a destiny for himself.
They are living on borrowed time, the numbers of the 100th Bomb Group dwindling with each mission they set off to in the day. And perhaps, this should have deterred him. Bucky would say, what is the point of growing seeds when you fly, knowing that the wheels of your plane may never touch the grass again. But that is not how Benny sees it. If anything, the fickleness of it all is the reason he should not hesitate.
So despite entering the pub with Buck, and Bucky, and Kidd and whoever else–he was barely paying attention, ever since Buck mentioned Marnie would be there–he beelines straight for her, seated on a wooden chair by the speckles of the lit fireplace. It seems she’s clocked him beforehand, greeting him as he approaches without even turning her head to meet his eyes, staring aimlessly into the fire. He wonders what constantly plagues her thoughts. Each time he runs into her, it seems he yanks her wandering mind back into her orbs.
“Thought you didn’t like the fire,” he states, and she finally turns to him. With a cute, confused frown, she replies, “when did I say I didn’t like fire?” 
He chuckles, pointing to the fireplace, then up. “That big ball in the sky, if you haven’t noticed, is the fire that keeps this earth from turning into a shithole of poop.”
“It’s different,” she remarks as she scrunches her face. He reaches to pinch her nose, but she slaps his hand away, a growing smile betraying one of mock annoyance. “Seeking warmth on a cold, rainy night, then stepping out into glaring daylight.”
Mulling it over in his head, it’s impressive to Benny, the way her simple words are always doused in complex meaning, even when she’s not trying. He quite likes her mind, because it’s as beautiful as the outside. A little thought snaps into his near daze, and he scans the small pub, trying to see if there were other women around. Swiveling his head back to her, he notices the only chair in her periphery has been left unused.
“You’re alone?” He asks, moving to sit down, scuffing the chair forward against the wooden tiles to be closer to her side. “Didn’t come here with your friends?”
She nods, “I did, Shonda and Betsy. But they’re busy with some officers, right about there.”
He pans to where she points her finger, a blonde with short, tamed curls (Betsy, she tells him) and a long-haired brunette (Shonda, that’ll be), the girls talking chipperly to a couple officers by the bar that, to Benny’s dismay, were donning navy blue. A grimace pulls on his lips, and she laughs gingerly, knowing exactly why. The RAF officers never bode well with the Americans flooding in to fight on their behalf.
“Can’t complain though,” Marnie says, “they’re quite charming if you let them try, and they polish up real nice.” It may have been steam, rushing from his ears then, and all he wants to do is smack the smugness off her face, a delightful snicker bubbling from her throat in her easy dig to rile him up. He slips a cigarette out of his pocket, and in seeing him do so, she pulls a lighter from her own. Moving closer to Benny, she flickers a small flame against its bud as it sits between his mouth, and he nods his thanks. “Can I have one?”
“Nope,” he deadpans, sour towards her eye for navy-clad men. She pulls her head back slightly, a tiny pout on her lips. “Ah, ah, ah,” he mocks, pulling his hand back as she throws herself forward, trying to snatch precious cargo from the cardboard box. An idea springs into his mind, drawing a smirk of mischief to his lips. Benny holds the cigarette box further back, out of her reach, and Marnie, ever so the lioness prances even farther against his chair, eager for a puff of nicotine. “Benny–”
But her words die in her throat, eyes flickering up and down between Benny’s eyes and his lips, because oh my, she didn’t realize at all how close their faces were. And Benny, ever so the plotter, raises his brows in mock question, his own eyes trailing down to Marnie’s lips like he had his answer found. 
“British men don’t knock into ya with their bike, and use repayment as an excuse to try and see your pretty face everyday, do they?” He teases, the smirk falling off his lips as heat sends her pupils dilating.
“It was my fault though, wasn’t it? If you’re asking for favors, I’d be happy to comply,” she says, and he can feel the flames burn through his lungs, and fume into his hands with the way they yearn to grab her waist. But he flares restraint against his muscles, because one, noisy Curtis Biddick stalks up to them with no shame. Benny can’t judge him though, considering how he was about to kiss his major’s little sister senseless in the middle of a very public pub.
“Damn Benny,” Curt gleams with a teasing lilt to his voice, and slides in between them like a wall to keep them separate, Bucky and Buck trailing closely behind. The latter stared intensely at his little sister, like a quiet reprimand, but she merely shrugs with a clandestine smile. “You stuck a hole in the wheel of your bike so you could trap her through your miserable fall in your big, cozy arms?”
Now that, sends a flush of embarrassment down his neck. He leans back in his chair flustered when his partner in crime simply cackles at his discomfort. The men start gathering around a long, wooden table a few meters away from their spot by the fireplace, but Marnie makes no point to move, so he doesn’t either. Besides, he sees these people everyday, toeing life and death, ‘til their head hits the pillow, should they be lucky. He doesn’t need their company day in, day out. Marnie waves at Betsy and Shonda, her friends (that Benny will forever remember were fraternizing with the enemy) sitting down to join the wolf pack of rowdy men.
“You babble at us for ditching our friends, Mar, and now you’re doing the same,” Betsy says, shaking her head in a joking manner, her voice traversing across the room. “Disappointed at your lack of loyalty.”
“And for a pilot no less,” Shonda adds, “didn’t you say they had their heads too far up their ass, and you weren’t about to be the one to pull ‘em out?” The boys, Bucky and Curt and Veal, play into Betsy and Shonda’s jabs, clawing at their hearts and groaning at her shots. Benny watches as Marnie simply rolls her eyes, clearly used to their form of teasing.
The chatter in the room resembles a fish market as everyone keeps yapping at their highest volume, causing Benny to flinch ever so slightly. It’s not that he can’t throw himself into a bustling bunch, but that is no delight in comparison to the quiet bliss between him and Marnie. Recalling Shonda’s words, he lets out a scoff, beckoning her attention (not that it ever diverted from his healthy, tan skin and cheeky, boyish smile).
“You don’t like the daylight, you don’t like flying, you’re afraid of heights, you don’t like pilots,” he lists, but his words are light, just teasing at her choices. “You think the RAF shits are charming, the next thing you’re gonna tell me is ya don’t know how to ride a bike.”
Her eyes flee to the ceiling, and she nods at nothing in particular. “Would you be adverse to knowing that I don’t know how to bike?”
“It’s not a bad thing,” he’s quick to clear up. “It’s just always been my favorite thing to do outside and…” He cuts himself off as realization strikes, and he watches her shrink meekly into her seat. “You actually don’t know how to ride a bike.”
“No,” she mumbles, feeling slightly embarrassed, like a child being graded by her teacher. 
Confusion hits her mind as he immediately stands up, and for a second she thinks he’s going to stomp away, and for a fucking bike of all things, but he surprises her with an offer of his hand, and kiddish excitement in his deep, chocolate eyes. “I’ll teach you.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Apparently the Clevens are not so capable of doing just anything under the sun, or in this case the moonlight. It’s ridiculously amusing to watch Marnie struggle to keep balance on his bicycle, having to catch herself from falling flat on her side by hastily kicking out her feet. Benny just snickers at her lack of cycling abilities, joking that she’s basically destitute. Of course, that earns a kick to his side that has him hunching over in mild pain. “Jesus woman, I was only kidding!”
“I’ve got two left feet but Benny,” she grumbled, clambering off the bike and shoving it into his hands, “I promise you I’m gonna master this thing so well, I’ll bet that I can beat you in a race.” 
“Woah, woah, let unrealistic dreams be dreams” he says, pulling the bike by its handles as they stroll through the townhouses, and he swerves to dodge yet another hard punch to his arm. It is quiet in the village, a few families flicking their lights off to retreat to their beds. “So, I know a lot of things you don’t like, so what do you actually like? What brings a smile to Marianne Cleven’s face?”
A thought immediately springs in her mind, evidently, with the way her face blossoms into a wide grin. “Baking.” “Baking?” “Yes, cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies, pudding, you’d name it.”
“Huh,” he questions, recalling all the times the cooks would send looks of spite her way, and the box of cupcakes mysteriously left on his doorstep. “Is that why they’d catch you sometimes at fuckin’ 0300, like a ghost in the mess kitchen? ‘Cause you were baking?” She rejoices with a nod. Benny shakes his head in disbelief, but a fondness tugs at his lips. “Thank you, by the way, for the cupcakes. Your hands are gifted.”
“It’s the only thing that I can do, over and over again and never get tired of. My Ma…she was the best baker in town, and it was one thing we could do together where we didn’t even have to talk to bond and spend quality time,” she reminisces, “when I get outta this place and go back home, I’m gonna open my bakery and Buck’s pretty face is gonna be on the posters so I get all the customers, and it’s gonna be called Pearl’s Bakery–that’s my Ma’s name.”
He remembers Buck briefly mentioning their mother dying when they were only kids, so he tries not to poke too far, at least not right now.
It’s an endearing sight, the way her hand gestures flail wildly when she chatters about something that ignites a passion. In the silence that falls over them as they stroll through the homely countryside, Benny wonders if there’s anything other than flying that lights a flame in his soul.  When she asks the question, he finds himself short of a proper answer.
“What do you wanna do when the war is over?” She asks him.
“To be honest, I have no idea,” he murmurs, brows furrowing as he contemplates his purpose. “I’ve always been a jack of all trades, master of none kinda guy. I could play sports like soccer and football well enough, but was never the best to be a captain. I got good grades in Math and English, but I’m not talented enough to be a mathematician or a writer. I can’t draw for shit, and I can’t sing. So, I don’t know.” 
He wonders what he’s been doing with his 25 years of life. Besides flying, it feels like he has nothing to show for himself and the thought sours his mood. Before he enlisted, he had graduated with a business degree and started working at his father’s tailoring business. But if he’s being honest, trying to sell suits and dresses is most certainly not his main calling in life, though his father might have some choice words about that.
“You don’t have to know,” she empathized. “The war has taken away everything we’ve ever known, and we will not return as the same people to our homes. We will have to relearn what it means to live a fulfilling life, and in doing so, we will find out what we are made for.”
His steps progressively come to a halt as she speaks, and he revels in the comfort of her words, like the throw of a warm fuzzy blanket against his skin. Though she may not know how to ride a bike, each word that leaves her thoughts has always been indicative of a woman who has lived, someone who has survived through hardship. He thinks he could be happy, following the direction of her voice for the rest of his life. And just maybe, he could finish off his day by catching wafts of vanilla cupcakes when he picks her up from the bakery every evening. But once again, he’s reaching too far. Perhaps, a dinner first would do, but there’s no denying what already lies embedded in his thoughts, and solely from what he feels.
Stretching a leg to sit himself towards the back of the bicycle seat, balancing it to the right with his foot, he gestures at Marnie to settle right in front of him. “Um,” she hesitates, “will that be safe?”
“I don’t know,” he replies, an easy grin spreading on his lips, “but it’ll be fun.” She rolls her eyes but does not hide her smile, agreeing after a few seconds to take the front half of the seat.
“Here,” he whispers in her ear, moving against her figure to offer some steadiness. “I got you.” 
When she sits down, both her legs resting on the left of the bike, he kicks his feet up to the pedals, biting back a laugh as he hears her squeak. It’s really fucking hard to cycle when he's got the weight of two people–and Marnie’s back leaning against his chest, her hair brushing against his lips, and her soft fingers slipping over his on the handle–but he’s taking in the way she lets out chesty fits of laughter through the breeze, and he doesn’t think he’s felt anything more glorious than this.
He cycles them away from the townhouses, and into narrow roads masked by thick trees and hearty bushes. They are mostly shortcuts winding back from the pub to the base. Determination keeps him pedaling despite the way he begins to wheeze through his chest after five minutes. They stop short of the gates, about a hundred meters away, when she begins caressing the back of his hands with her thumb, turning her lips to his ears to tell him to slow down if he’s tired. And he does, because he’s not about to fall into another crash and send both him, and Marnie flat on the ground.
When he stops to catch himself, his lungs are knocked out of his chest completely when she turns her body to face him, instead of hopping off. “That was good,” she says in a hushed tone, as if the swaying trees are listening in on this moment. “That really was fun,” she mutters, even quieter than before, the sound of their combined breathing overwhelming the softness in her tone.
At a loss of what to say, feeling the nerves take over his working mind, he decides to just not think. Benny inches his face closer to Marnie as she does the same, and stops just before her lips, feeling the residue of lipgloss against his own. He looks at her fervently, silently asking for confirmation. At her slight nod, he lets his eyes close and presses his lips against hers, moving slowly and languidly, feeling the way she morphs into him as her hands slide up his neck and to his jaw. He moves one of his hands off the handles, and tangles it in her loose hair, trying to get closer, kissing her like a drowned man clutching at straws to seek air.
But that’s not even the best part. Nothing, to Benny, competes with the astounded look on her face as she lets go for a brief moment. She leans her forehead against his and lightly giggles as he breaks out into his own, goofy grin, with matching dusts of red spreading across their cheeks.
He may be lying about the bike ride–this may be the most glorious thing he’s ever felt instead.
a/n: we will delve more into marnie and buck's upbringing and relationship, soon. :) as always, eternally grateful if you have made it this far.
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mandrakebrew · 5 months
JanAUary 5: Monster/human
Words: 1,423 Rating: Teen Content Warning: oc x canon, talk of blood, alcohol
From this prompt list, I will be exploring this au more later on, it's too much fun not to
Transylvania has a bit of a vampire problem. If not for that fact, Skull Face might have perished with the rest of his family when his village was attacked during WWII. He was a child, and in far too much pain to truly understand what he'd been offered at that hospital days later. Now he's stuck somewhere between here and hell. A parasite feeding off others to survive.
However, there are a few things that make him feel alive again. His favorite human, for example.
Who's now currently sipping on a glass of wine, waiting for their commander to arrive. They'd offered him a key, and told him he's welcome anytime. He explained that it wouldn't work like that. Skull Face had to be invited in every time.
One of the annoying drawbacks to being a vampire.
When Palmer finally hears a knock on the door, they go and open it. The crisp winter air blowing inside as they do. The XO is standing on their doorstep. His pale face illuminated by the apartment's light a stark contrast against the night and his dark clothes.
”Evening,“ Palmer smiles at him. They start to lean their body outside, as if going in for a kiss.
As Palmer predicted, Skull Face attempts to wrap his arms around them and drag them outside. However, they jerk back inside, leaving him empty handed.
They laugh at him, his face quickly turning from surprise to annoyance.
“Something the matter?”
He sighs, “You know what it is.”
”Alright come in then, you're letting in the cold anyway.“
”And here I thought you liked the cold,“ He enters, shutting the door before removing his hat and jacket. Skull Face, lacking body heat, was nice to hold during the summer months. Something Palmer took advantage of often. Apparently he had made a note of that.
”I do, but not that much. My electric bill doesn’t like it either.“
”So, how was work?“ Palmer asked as they walked over to collect their glass of wine they left on their coffee table.
”It was fine,“ He answered following behind them. He sat down on their couch, expecting them to join him.
Instead, they sat in their armchair, outside his reach. They know why he's here. It's been exactly eight weeks since the last time he fed on them. He's a very punctual man, especially when it comes to this.
”What are you doing?“ He is not a patient man, however.
”We have plenty of time, you know. The sun doesn't rise for a few more hours.“ Palmer responds, taking another sip from their glass. Even if that wasn't the case, it wouldn't be the first time he'd slept through the day in their bedroom.
Also the doctor would be lying if they said they weren't testing their own patience right now. Though unlike the commander, they enjoy the building anticipation.
”You don't think it's been long enough?“ It's not their blood that he's after, not entirely. Palmer alone would not be enough to keep him going. Between his position at the CIA and Palmer being a surgeon, getting blood bags wasn't difficult. He also catches the occasional enemy soldier while out on long missions in foreign countries.
No, he's after something a bit more... Tactile.
”Let me finish my wine at least,“ It was the last glass of the bottle.
They had learned if Palmer drinks beforehand, it gets in his system when he feeds on them. The only way he can actually get drunk.
They'd asked him the day before, and he had no qualms about it. Though it had been less his desire to get drunk and more him not wanting to stop Palmer from doing so.
Skull Face huffs, and resigns to waiting.
A small laugh escapes through their nose. They then down the rest of the glass in one go. Their commander's been patient enough, they decide.
Palmer sets the glass down, before going over and straddling their commander's legs. Their shirt comes off before they pull his head forward to kiss him.
Their tongues meet, and Palmer pushes theirs inside his mouth in order to nick it on one of his fangs.
An action that causes him let out a small moan, before gripping their hips and pulling them closer.
After a few moments of this, Skull Face lifts them up and maneuvers them so he's on top of them, supported by his elbows and knees across the couch. His mouth trails down from their mouth to their neck. The faded smell of antiseptic still clinging to them. Underneath it, and more importantly to him, he could smell his reward.
He pulled back a bit, looking at the collection of faded scars from previous feedings. That was another thing about this he craved. Evidence that this had happened. Evidence the doctor was all his.
Palmer felt the same. They were a nice reminder of him on nights they had to be apart. Though it was a slight pain in the ass to cover them in foundation. A small price in their eyes.
Skull Face runs his still gloved hand over their hair before pulling gently to get them to tilt their head. His other hand resting on Palmer's bicep.
Palmer gasps when he begins to kiss their neck again, left arm wrapping around his torso. Their neck was always sensitive, something their commander took advantage of.
The only warning they get is a swipe of his tongue along their neck before they feel two points of white hot pain. But that quickly fades and is replaced with spreading warmth. It's something in the saliva, the commander had once explained to them. The glycoprotein Draculin, or some variant of it that vampires had. Palmer can't really recall at the moment. Not with his body slowly relaxing onto them more, or the small sounds of pleasure he's letting out right next to their ear. His thumb absentmindedly rubbing their arm and his other hand slowly running through their hair.
Idly letting the blood run out of their neck before swallowing, he's in no rush now. Palmer's long since shut their eyes, hand moved to the back his head. A mix of affection and his position as their commander quells what fears they should have. The first time Palmer saw him feed, he was very much not taking his time. In some jungle, Palmer walked in on Skull Face with a soldier's limp body pinned to the wall. It had been days since he last ran out of blood bags and he was desperate. That's how Palmer even learned what he is, his status as a vampire being on a very need-to-know basis.
The XO's head was beginning to buzz from the hot alcohol-laced blood, and the warmth of the doctor's body underneath him made an addicting combination. He feels his body relaxing even more on top of them.
Some time passes, Palmer isn't sure how much, and eventually their commander pulls away a bit before licking the wound with his tongue to clean it. He fully moves off of them to retrieve the first aid kit already sitting out on the coffee table.
Palmer sits up, and feels their blood trickling down their chest.
Before dressing the wound, he moves and cleans the spot again, before placing a square bandage over it. Before he can get to the blood on their chest, Palmer wipes it up with their fingers, before offering it to their commander.
Still high on his bloodlust, and possibly the alcohol too, he has no issues taking their fingers into his mouth. His tongue running over them to clean what little blood is left before he pulls his mouth away. There's a look of hunger in his eyes that makes Palmer shudder. He lunges forward to capture their lips again.
Palmer tastes their own blood on his lips, which only intensifies when their tongues meet. The doctor pulls at him until they're lying back down again, his body weight pleasantly on top of them.
Eventually they both come down from their respective euphorias, save for the alcohol, though that pales in comparison. Skull Face settles his head in the crook of their neck. Maybe it just started, or maybe Palmer missed it before but there's a deep rumbling in the commander's chest. If they dare bring it up, he'll stop.
Before drifting off, they make a mental note to suggest doing this in one of their beds next time, having no desire to move their vampire now.
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
Bug Jail
(So context, I found a brown stink bug in my bathroom today. I failed to flush him the first time and he disappeared. Found him again,(he taunted me by sitting on the toilet seat) and failed to flush him again I watched him come back up with the water. So I then grabbed a small plastic cup, scooped that bitch up, charged him guilty of disrupting my bathroom peace, and stuck him in cup jail. So while I wait for his watery demise I shall write random ass headcanons about various MHA chars finding a bug jail in the bathroom because I can.)
(Some bugs I try to release, others I do not.)
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Ochako Uraraka, Shouta Aizawa, Dabi, Tomura Shigaraki
Genre: Crack, Headcanons
Summary: You find a bug in your bathroom one day, and your partner finds your response on the counter.
Izuku Midoriya
“But it’s just—”
“A fiend who has committed crimes, Izuku!”
He sighed, smiling in a bit of a “what am I going to do with you” sort of manner as he watched you trap the poor long legs spider under a cup
“It’s just a spider…”
“A fiend!”
He felt bad for the bug, but ultimately let you do your thing, indulging in the intense expression on your face as you tried to find just the right object to hold the cup down with
Ochako Uraraka
Was, in fact, the one who found the bug first
Asked you to get rid of it
Wondered why you hadn’t just squished or released the bug as she watched you expertly trap the bug in a watery jail cup
“The bug disturbed the peace, so it has to pay for its crimes.”
Is now regretting not just getting rid of the bug herself, and ends up releasing the bug from the water once you leave the bathroom and takes it outside
Shouta Aizawa
He actually missed it the first few times he’d gone in the bathroom
It wasn’t until he was taking a fresh load of towels in to set under the sink did he finally spot it
The spider you apparently had caught earlier that day was trapped under a plastic cup, clearly left to wither away
Shouta could only shake his head, chuckling quietly to himself before retrieving a piece of paper and moving the spider outside
If you asked, he’d simply tell you he let the spider outside, no sense in letting it suffer for being itself
Had a good laugh when he saw your trap on the bathroom counter, complete with a note of “DO NOT RELEASE” taped above it
He’d admit, the beetle you’d managed to capture was pretty gnarly looking for such a small bug
Still, he had no qualms about disposing of the bug for you, after all, you took such good care of him on his bad days
He lifted the cup without an ounce of fear or hesitation, picking up the beetle with his free hand
With a mere flick of his quirk, the beetle was nothing but a few pieces of ash
Now where were you? He figured he deserved a cuddle for such hard work
Tomura Shigaraki
What the fuck
No, what the actual fuck is he looking at right now
He’d woken up from a late afternoon nap, needing to use the bathroom only to stop in his tracks at the new contraption on the bathroom counter
At first, he thought it was just a mini cup of water you had used while brushing your teeth that day, but upon closer inspection it was clear you had covered the cup with purpose, if the tube of toothpaste you’d used as a small weight was anything to go by
This was… abnormal. You did some weird things but even this was new…
He bent down, peering into the water filled cup, finding the source of why you’d gone out of your way to set this up
A stink bug was perched on the bottom of the cover, doing its best to cling to the ceiling of its prison to avoid the water below
And like the sick mad man Tomura was, he reached out to dislodge the bug, plunging it into its watery prison sooner than it wished
After all, if you wanted the bug to drown, then drown it shall
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gabriel-xander · 2 months
Don't Forget
[Sans x Female!Reader]
5: It Has Begun...
You want to say that you and Napstablook became friends fast, but the unfortunate truth is that you haven’t seen him in the last six days since you’ve been in the Ruins. Toriel mentioned that she rarely sees that monster in the Ruins, so it’s likely he lives somewhere else in the Underground.
Fucking bummer, man.
So, unfortunately, you couldn’t have a cool bond with the shy ghost. But! There was a certain monster type that you unironically vibed with pretty well.
Yeah, that’s right.
It is THE unlikely friendship of the century. You can’t describe how fucking wacky this shit is, all he be doing is just DANCING his little butt off! You ran into him by accident a few days ago when going on a grocery trip with Toriel (you always forget the Ruins/ Underground is a LOT bigger than what’s accessible in the game), and Toriel was ready to throw hands in your honor.
But Migosp?
He just danced it off.
As a joke, you hit that yoinky sploinky to join him as a show of good faith. But what you didn’t know was that it was practically an invitation for Migosp to declare you as the best dance partner in the history of Forever. He practically followed you and Toriel to the store, just dancing without a care in the world and pointing at you to take your turn at hitting the gritty.
Is the Author using enough Gen Z words yet? Probably not.
While Migosp wasn’t the greatest companion (“What? I don’t feel like talking. I just wanna dance!”), he liked you enough that he stuck around whenever you saw him. You doubt he’d protect you if there was a threat, but he was there for sure.
Froggit was another monster type that you love so much. They just wanted pets and compliments for most of the time. Some of them would even solve the puzzles for you and Toriel whenever they see you come by to save you time. You remember that they are pretty intimidated by Toriel, so it is possible that they’re only nice to you because of her. But you want to think that you’re likable enough for them to want to befriend you naturally.
Now the Loox monsters…
They were just… kind of there. You try not to stare at them, but they are a lot scarier in person than in-game (go figure).
All of the monsters are bigger in person than you thought. You suppose it’s because they are monsters that they will naturally be bigger than a human such as yourself. A monster like Loox, for example, is 4’5 (137cm) tall.
Still, the Loox monsters are on good enough terms with you. They avoid you in fear of being picked on, but then get happy to talk to you when they realize that you won’t bully them. Vegatoids fell into the same category if you’re honest. As long as you ate your greens, they had no qualms about leaving you alone.
Moldsmal encourages you to let out your inner hoe-bag, no surprise there. There is that very fine line though since you’re supposed to be a “kid,” but hey! Maybe all sexy wiggles don’t have to be inherently sexual! Slowly but surely, you can revamp the sexy wiggle to be a sexy wiggle rated E for Everyone.
As for the Whimsun…
They avoided you like the fucking plague. You guessed it was to be expected; they could barely handle Frisk and they were just a little fella.
All in all, your first week in the Ruins? Pretty swell! It’s… It’s boring at times, sure, but it's better than possibly dying.
Today marks the second week (You think…?), and as you’re making your way to the kitchen to get some breakfast, you notice a note on the table left by Toriel, as well as an old phone.
“My dear child,
I will be gone for a couple of hours. In the meantime, please stay within the house, will you not? I cannot bear the thought of you being hurt and me not being there in time to protect you.
Just in case, I will leave you with this cellphone. If you need me for anything, don’t be afraid to give me a call.
Be good, alright?”
A small squeeze in your chest makes you furrow your brows. You don’t really know what that is about, so you just ignore it. You suppose there’s nothing else to do about it; you need to stay in for today until the goat mom gets back. You pick up the phone and turn it in your hand to inspect it. It looks like an old Blackberry phone, but there isn’t a symbol to indicate its brand.
Turing it on, there isn’t much on here other than a calling and texting feature, and the only contact available is Toriel’s.
You sigh quietly and set it back down on the table.
You glance over to the bookshelf Toriel keeps neat and tidy by the fireplace. You guess you can start reading to pass the time. If you get bored, you can just read the other books in Toriel’s room, too.
Toriel closes the door behind herself, carrying a few paper bags in her arms. She had been gone longer than she anticipated, it was already lunchtime, and lost track of time. She first went to visit her mysterious friend from the other side of the Ruins. She had forgotten to visit him a few days prior since she had been so caught up in your arrival.
She didn’t feel right to reveal your identity just yet. Not because Toriel doesn’t trust this mystery man, but more out of respect for your privacy. You’re still human, and you might not appreciate her going to tell anyone that information unless you’re comfortable with it.
After all, from what you’ve been telling her, you will be staying in the Underground for a while. You expressed a few times that you don’t desire to go home, nor are you in a rush to leave the Ruins. As it stands right now, you seem content with living with Toriel for as long as she’ll allow it.
And Toriel is VERY happy to have you stay with her.
It’s been so long since someone had visited her and wanted to stay with her, that your presence is warming and healing a very lonely part of her. Every person who has fallen down into the Underground was always so eager to go back to the surface. But you? You seem to understand better than the other humans that if you leave, you’ll die. Perhaps that’s the main reason why you are staying in the Ruins, but whatever the reason is, you’re choosing to spend this time with Toriel.
Of course, she also appreciates her mysterious friend and his company. But there’s only so much a voice and funny jokes can do to keep her company, especially when she gets that underlying feeling that… He only stays around because maybe he feels like he has to at this point.
Before you, Toriel was content with accepting that. That her loneliness had gotten too much to bear, that she would accept any companionship even if it felt like “it has to happen.”
But you’re here now. You don’t make her feel that way. Yes, you’re only staying in the Ruins because you don’t want to die, but you’re not only hanging out with her because you have to, or because you’re obligated to. The small city that lies further into the Ruins has a few inns that you could easily reside in with the help of Toriel.
But no.
Every day, you greet her happily with a good morning. Every day, you ask her if she has any plans for the day. Even on the days when Toriel wants to do nothing at all, you’re happy to sit in silence with her, reading a book or just babbling about your life adventures as the monster happily listens.
Toriel loves your company. Yes, you might be an adult woman, but she will still answer you fondly as: “My child.”
Just like now.
“Ah, I am deeply sorry that I am running later than usual. I had gotten a bit–preoccupied,” Toriel calls out into the home, “But if it makes up for it, I bought a few kits so we can pick up new hobbies. Doesn’t that sound like fun, my child?”
But nobody answered.
Toriel carefully drops the bags and speedwalks to the lounge first, anxiety building in her chest–
It dissipates immediately as she smiles in relief. Your punk-ass is asleep at the dining table, hunched over with your face mushed onto an open book. It looks like you got halfway before passing out. There is a plate of pancakes on the table as well, set where Toriel usually takes her own seat whenever you two have meals together.
Seems like you were waiting for her to have breakfast together.
Her soul clenches in both fondness and slight sadness.
As much as Toriel adores your company, even she is not blind to the other, untouched issue. You are still human. You cannot withstand long periods of time doing nothing and be completely content with it. You are clearly the type who needs something new to do if the stories of your life on the surface were anything to go by.
Toriel carefully pulls your chair back and pulls you out to carry you (perks of being one of the stronger monsters in the Underground, it wouldn’t matter how much you weighed, she could still carry you) to the room you’re staying in. The bed is a little too small for you, as it was made for a child. But the other room under renovation is more of a storage room at this point, so it would be much of a hassle to clean it out at this point.
Maybe you will appreciate the new activities Toriel had bought for you two to share.
Six months.
It’s been six months since the last Reset.
Six months since Frisk had Reset the timeline from the very beginning and just… left. There hasn’t been any sign that they’ll return, no sign that this is all just some sick joke. Frisk had done a full Reset to the “beginning” and left all the monsters in the Underground for the past six months.
There had never been a gap this long in between Resets, and it was giving Sans the strongest paranoia. He’s slowly coming to terms that maybe Frisk had finally gotten bored of them, or maybe they’re showing him some Mercy and this is their weird way of doing it.
But why set them all back Underground? Why couldn’t Frisk just leave them on the surface? They didn’t even make it to the Judgement Hall last time when the Reset had been so abrupt. Was the anomaly becoming unsatisfied from experiencing the same thing over and over? Sans isn’t sure what the anomaly is, but it stopped after Frisk had left.
He had almost been worried that Frisk was back again when Toriel didn’t show up a few days ago to one of their regular meet-ups. It threw him off that Toriel seemed a little… eager to cut the conversation short to go somewhere else today. He jokingly asked if there was someone else she was looking forward to talking to, but she didn’t give any leeway if that were the case.
Maybe… Maybe it’s just been too long since he’s been able to… live. After all these years of constant timeline Resetting left and right. Strong friendships become less worth investing in, and certain types of affection fade into platonic feelings when the magic of those feelings dies off. As much as it annoys him, the Resets have done a lot of damage to him that would make any angsty teen cringe.
Maybe now, he’s in the clear. Maybe now, Sans can be bothered to try and enjoy things once again.
You grin widely at the boss monster, “You sure you wanna spend New Year’s Eve here, Toriel? I didn’t think this kinda place was your scene!”
“This kinda place” is a small, reclusive bar in the small city in the Ruins. It’s only been nine days since you fell into the Ruins, and while Christmas wasn’t exactly a great day to celebrate for you guys (neither of you knew each other enough to even want to celebrate it), you and Toriel bonded with each other enough at this point to spend New Year's Eve together. Thankful that you’re of legal age, Toriel suggested that you two go out drinking to get shit-faced (your words, not hers).
“I don’t ever… I haven’t been able to celebrate with anyone in a long time. I know there isn’t much to do at home, so I figured it’d be more fun for the both of us to have fun here,” Toriel looks up at the large timer counting down that had been put up specifically for this day. “Are you not enjoying this?”
“Oh, are you kidding me? I haven’t been able to get shit-faced since I started my last semester!” You grin, leaning against her, “Let’s drink so much, that we immensely regret it tomorrow!”
Toriel laughs and holds up her drink, “To our health!”
You do the same, clinking your glass against hers: “To my favorite liver!!”
“What’s a liver!!”
“Don’t worry about it, let’s just drink!! WOO!!”
A/N: I know that the Anomaly is "the player in canon, but not 'round here, partner. Not 'round here
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Time to think about Molly because all of the characters in this game drive me insane with the little tidbits we get to know about them.
Ok so it’s pretty clearly hinted at that her husband was a terrible man that she didn’t want to marry (“I could have been something!”, really the whole conversation about his death), and directly stated that she very intentionally left him to die.
There are two things about her, though, that I really find fascinating. They’re more theory than outright, but I think I can back them up. Those are:
1) Molly tried to get out of the relationship as best she could with what she was given, long before the events of the game.
2) Molly knows that her murder spree is morally questionable, but has decided that even if it’s wrong, if she saves someone else from being hurt by a bad man, then it’s worth it.
Let’s start with the first one.
I firmly believe she talked to Father Thomas at some point about her relationship. He’s a religious leader, and, based on the fact that he was the one to gather people into the community centre, is probably a community leader as well. The type of person you go to when you need help. Molly says Father Thomas won’t help Astrid (indirectly but she has been roaming Pleasant Valley for a week post-first flare at time of our first entrance, so she must know he’s the only one there when she says “nobody there will help you”), and it tracks that he likely would not have helped her out of that relationship. Most Christian sects, to my knowledge, are against divorce to some degree, and we’ve seen that Father Thomas has no qualms with pushing his religious views onto others (making Astrid take the rosary). All of this together means it’s highly likely Molly tried to get out the “right” way first. She did everything she was supposed to, and still found herself stuck. Given that scenario, it’s obvious why, when the wolves gave her an out, she took it.
As for her knowing what she’s doing is wrong, I’d like to point to her asking if Mackenzie is one of the good ones. I absolutely love this line, because it says so much about who she is. It’s her offering Astrid something she was never given; a chance to get out. It’s her acknowledging that there are good men, and that she doesn’t want to kill them. That she only wants to kill the ones that will hurt people like she was hurt. Then following that up with “then I hope I never meet him”? This is probably my favorite exchange in Wintermute because it’s so short and direct yet says volumes. She wants Astrid to be happy and find her good one again. She would rather a risk a good man dying than a bad man going free. This isn’t just a revenge quest against any man she thinks is bad; it’s her trying, in her own way, to keep people safe and make the world better. This shows too, in her choice to leave Father Thomas alive. He’s a sitting duck, with no way of protecting himself. She could have killed him. She clearly holds contempt for him, and if you subscribe to the first theory I posited, he’s a large factor in why she had to stay in that horrible marriage. But she chose to leave Father Thomas alive, and I think that’s in no small part because she knows that those plane crash victims need him. That even if he screwed her over, he’s making the world better right now.
Anyways I love her and I think more women should kill people
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xxxjarchiexxx · 6 months
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top 9 reads of the final quarter!! Tagged by @librarycards
I've had a weird as hell reading year and would not have guessed a light novel, a romcom, and notes app poetry would end up being so important to me but. Here we are! this year has been dedicated to me realizing how much i love genres i used to think i hated.
Starling House by Alix E Harrow - gothic fantasy with a strong romance subplot about belonging and small town life and trauma, it did everything i wanted and more and made me care so much that i got mad at special edition art being inaccurate. He would not fucking wear that....
Pretty Boys are Poisonous by Megan Fox - she treated notes app poetry as a genre and it resonated with me idk man i get her!
Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan - i will read anything rick writes and most of the time i love it, this is the first time we've gotten to see low stakes questing and i LOVED it
The Poppy War trilogy - i read all 3 of the books in the same month and love them all so bad, i just downloaded the burning god to represent the series. brilliant historical fantasy
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green - very voicey scifi but it landed so well for me, especially the main characters arc around self image and how she treats others
The Glow by Jessie Gaynor - one of those very very very slightly weird contemporary litfic about the wellness industry books which is one of my favorite subgenres, reads like a loving satire of the victims of That Girl mentality
Chainsaw Man Buddy Stories - does the cast of chainsaw man know how i love them. the last story made me cry like a little baby
Delilah Green Doesn't Care by Ashley Herring Parker - i mean it's a sapphic romcom, with believable characters and chemistry and character arcs i really enjoyed. the other two books aren't really good at all i had to dnf the third but this first one!
The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia - smg always hits right and this was no exception, the world building of the weird sort of scifi was amazing, and i loved the way indigenous liberation and colonization weave in seamlessly to the plot, i have some minor qualms but overall it stuck with me and i really loved the writing and characters
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May I please request “You’re perfect just the way you are” for Peter please? Istg, our short king deserves so much love.
uuuugh you're so right!! give him kisses ;w;
105 Comfort Prompts
28. “You’re perfect just the way you are.”
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Most of the time, you can’t blame PETER for being angry and bitter.
He’s a man who the rest of the world look at as if he’s a child. If someone doesn’t disbelieve him that he’s an adult, they’re making fun of him because he looks different than other men. It’s not even only him; the rest of his family have been outcast, mocked, jeered at, derided, just for existing in a way that isn’t the way many people exist.
It’s wrong and horrible, and you can’t fault him for being furious about the way he and his loved ones have been treated.
… But he never acts like this. He never just lies in bed, curled up, huffily scooting away from you every time you try to touch him. For all his insecurity, he’d rather let it burn brightly and deny to the world that anything is ‘wrong’ with him, instead of letting himself get lost in it and isolate himself in sadness.
You’re not sure exactly what happened. You could wager a guess, of course. The only words he’s spoken to you are to tell you that you should get out, you should leave him, you should go find a real man instead of half a man.
Like hell that’s happening. Whether he likes it or not, he’s a real man. So you’re not going anywhere, no matter how much he tries to push you away.
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s going on,” you sigh as you stretch out next to him. If he actually doesn’t want you here, he has no qualms at all about kicking you out of the bed or out of his tent. (He’s done it before when he needs time to himself, so there’s nothing stopping him from doing it again.) As long as he doesn’t do that, even if he’s upset, there must be some part of him which wants you here. “And I hate to be the one to tell you, since you don’t already know, but you’re stuck with me.”
He scoffs, although it sounds significantly less frustrated than usual. He just sounds… defeated. “Wot are y’ stickin’ round f’r, anyway, ‘uh? Wot y’ think’s gonna ‘appen? Y’re gonna get sick’a me. Ain’t gonna marry me ‘r nothin’. I wouldn’t marry me. Y’re gonna get tired’a ‘avin’ t’ bend down t’ kiss me, ‘r y’re gonna get irrita’ed with me not bein’ able t’ reach stuff without climbin’ on somethin’… ‘ow many more times can y’ take people askin’ if I’m y’r son before y’ get fed up with it?”
The way he curls in on himself makes him look so, so small and vulnerable. As if he really, truly thinks there’s something so fundamentally wrong with him that you’re going to just stop loving him one day. “Y’ can’t promise y’re gonna stick round,” he mumbles. “Y’re gonna find somethin’ y’ can’t deal with. Somethin’ about me that jus’ ain’t worth it. Always ‘appens. ‘Cause God was prob’ly fuckin’ drunk when ‘E made me. Jus’ a joke. Jus’ stupid. Go on, then, get movin’.”
You’re certain he expects you to just leave after all that. Surely, he’s said similar things to other people who’ve left him. The only thing you know about that part of his past is that he’s told you that very few people have ever stayed longer than a month or two with him, if that.
You don’t want to be like everyone else. You want to stay.
“I don’t believe God was drunk when He made you, Peter. I think He just… knew the same thing that I do.” You gently wrap your arms around your lover’s middle, pulling him closer to you. Despite the fact that he fusses a little, (making these little sounds that mean he just doesn’t know what to do with your kindness), he settles into it quickly. “You’re perfect just the way you are.”
When you get a snort of disbelief for your trouble, you simply draw him in against your chest, pressing a kiss into his hair. “If I don’t think you’re perfect, then why do I smile when I get to cuddle with you in bed? Why do I always start the applause after you and Wendy do your performance? Why do I wish you had a surname so I could imagine it following my first name?”
You only know that he’s starting to cry because of his breathing. Because he always does those short, quick, copious breaths when he’s trying not to lose control and start sobbing.
Has he ever noticed any of these things before, excepting the last one? Did he not realize just how wonderful you think he is and how happy you are that he’s alive so you get to share your life with him?
“I love you, so much.” You nestle your face into his neck, and you let your hands slip up under his shirt. “If you want me to show you just how perfect you are, I can.”
Of course… you don’t want him to think that’s all he’s good for. “Or I can just lie here and tell you every single little thing I love about you,” you whisper into his ear, before ducking back into his neck to kiss the tender skin there. “Your call, sweetheart.”
His breathing goes funny, in a different way. You wonder if he’s conflicted about which he should choose; sex or compliments. As it happens, you’re capable and willing of giving both. You’re just not about to take advantage of him in a bad moment.
At last, he shifts around to reach down, curling his fingers around yours under his shirt.
“Keep talkin’,” he murmurs. “… But keep y’r ‘and right there while y’ do.”
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haywire-cebus · 2 years
We Could Have Been Anywhere
A fic centered around the entire chain, detailing different worlds and different pov. Other chapters and AO3 link are in the reblog (I still don’t know how much tumblr eats posts with outside links)
Nine moments of peace and rest in a journey that appears to be endless. Moments separated by weeks, even months, as strangers become friends, friends become brothers. 
A Few Months
Time has his opinions on the goddess Hylia. Their relationship is rocky at best; and thankfully the devout Sky seems to respect it (though he doesn’t always understand). Even before his journey, he never prayed to her. No need, not when he had the Great Deku Tree there as an ever-present guide. 
Until he wasn’t there. 
And until he was seven years in the future, trapped in a body that was his but wasn’t. 
And until he was a child again, in body only but mind partially, stuck in a hopeless cycle of repeating days. 
Even then, he never prayed. He cursed, cried out, and spoke calmly at whatever statue he assumed would get his message to the Goddess, but never prayed.
Time is close to praying now. Now that everyone is exhausted. Mentally and physically. 
He could never say he hated, or even disliked, another Link’s Hyrule. They rarely had any kind of a say in what their world looked like, mostly only able to not make it worse. But he had no qualms saying that Sky’s Eldin Volcano could be a huge pain in the ass. (He had some qualms saying it out loud, he's not a hypocrite. But he's certainly thinking it.)
An unending, oppressive heat (only to be matched by the inside of his own Death Mountain, or the all-encompassing swelter of Wild’s entire Eldin mountain range) had been bearing down on them for days. He’s never liked the heat; preferring even the coldest mountaintops to the way sweat clings to his body, a constant no potion or clothing could fully hide him from. A product of growing up with the sun shaded by leaves and trickling streams bitterly refreshing just a step away.
Time is ready to say he would kill for a portal somewhere cool. A respite of some kind. 
He almost chuckles at the thought of Hylia giving them some vacation time, but decides to send the thought upwards anyways. Couldn’t hurt anymore than what she has already done to them all. 
The rest of the chain appear to be at their limit as well, probably making their own pleas, if their endless stream of cursing and complaints were anything.
“Sky, I get that your Hyrule is the basis for my entire existence and stuff, but I fucking hate it here.” Legends voice drawls out, repeating the same sentiment he’d been griping about almost as soon as they were teleported there. “Why are there so many hot fucking mountains everywhere. They’re everywhere- not just in Hyrule-” He continues on, muttering to Warriors, who is currently bearing the weight of Legend’s complaints. 
Sky lets out a heavy sigh. His sailcloth is no longer draped across his shoulders, instead tied around his waist to get a layer of heat off his shoulders. Time is debating removing his armor; the heat is causing it to burn when it brushes against his bare skin, but the distant chittering of Pyrups and other volcanic monsters convinces him to keep it on. It’s not unbearable, or even damaging. Just very, very annoying. 
“If we have to fight something like Ghoma here I’m quitting. That thing gave me nightmares for weeks. Did you have to fight a Ghoma, Time?” Wind asks, trudging along beside him. For a second, he envies the kid’s youthful energy until the feeling of being too big and too small and too not-right in his own skin makes him shudder, so he answers instead.
“Yes, it was a giant spider that-” It’s been years since the Deku Tree passed but thinking about it still makes the guilt run through him. No matter how often Malon talks him through it, he still wishes he could have done more, done better. The idea that Wind had to fight something like that made something bitter curl up in his stomach. “It was in my first temple.”
“Oh, weird. Mine wasn’t a spider, it was like a centipede or something.”
Hyrule, who moved closer to the front of the marching order as the path got a bit narrower, entered their conversation. “I fought something called Ghoma, too. Mine was a spider.”
Wind turns to look at him, and Time has to hold himself back from putting a hand on his shoulder. The kid can take care of himself, even if his shouting could attract monsters that none of them really have the energy to deal with in the heat. 
“What! That’s not right at all!”
“To be fair, mine was much more monster than spider.”
Wind turns to Hyrule, trying to grill him for more details of what exactly his Ghoma looked like, before making his way through their group to ask everyone if they had a Ghoma and what theirs looked like. Time makes no move to stop him in this, because he knows as soon as he reaches where Warrior’s is near the back the captain will keep an eye on him.
Hyrule speaks up once Wind’s focus is off of them, “I think the heat is starting to drag everyone down, Sky was walking slower than normal when I passed him. I think he was starting to wheeze too.”
Time nods but doesn’t answer vocally. He scans the surroundings and is about to ask Sky if he knows of a safe area to set up camp--it’s barely past midday, but with heat like this and no clear goal it’s safer to rest up while they can and continue on at night--when the familiar thrum of a portal fills the air. 
If he’s allowed to be thankful for anything, it’s that it didn’t form right underneath them. His body isn’t old by any means, but he isn’t sure if his heart could take the resulting panic of thinking the ground fell out beneath them all on a volcano mountain range.
Black and purple spirals swirl in the light of the portal, ominous as always despite how the heat makes the mystery of where they end up preferable. 
At the front of the team, Time steps forwards, calling back a quick “is everyone ready?” and stepping into it as soon as he hears the affirmative from the others.
Instead of solid ground, gravity catches up to him once he’s fully through. He barely braces enough to catch himself on hands and knees, immediately spluttering in the water he was dropped into. It’s only instincts born of age that tell him to move out of the way as the others come tumbling through behind him, with varying states of successful landings. 
Fully soaked after rolling away from the others and the ensuing splashing, he takes a moment to check his companions, but is quickly distracted by the wave of familiar magic that washes over him. 
Catching sight of the enclosed cave and copious leaves scaling the walls around them, Time allows himself to relax fully. He breathes in the smell; nature and fairy magic wrapped together into something that feels too much like childhood. The feeling settles heavy on his tongue. A cloyingly sweet taste just on the side of pleasant to not be nausea inducing. They will be safe here, for as long as the fairies in this fountain allow them to stay. 
He notices Hyrule remove his hat, wringing it out as he glances around. The young hero’s face pinches, “we’re in my Hyrule, but we’ll be safe in here.”
“Are you sure?” Warriors speaks up as he gets out of the water, wringing his scarf out as he looks around. Time takes special note of the pinched look on his face.
Hyrule makes his own way out of the fountain, lending a hand to Wind over the high edge. “Don’t worry about offending a Great Fairy, this one is normally just filled with the smaller ones, as a little resting place for them when they travel between the larger fountains. I’ve rested for a few days before.”
“If you’re positive.” Looking only halfway convinced, Warriors gives a tense nod.
“You know,” Wind says as the rest of the team steps out of the fountain. Their loud entrance probably scared the fairies away for the moment, but they'll return soon enough. Wind continues, “this is the exact type of place Ghoma would show up-”
Warriors pushes Wind back into the fountain. He comes up spluttering, and with only a warning glare he leaps onto Warriors, yanking him down with him.
“Be respectful, this is a place of healing.” Time’s voice cuts through the noise that erupted from the others, stopping Wild and Four from where they were about to join in. 
Twilight sets his things down next to Time and sits, patting the damp ground with a smile. Time obliges, hoping that the others would follow their example. Twilight grins, “it’s been a good while since I’ve been in a fairy fountain. It’ll be nice to refresh our stock.”
“So these are the fairy fountains you all have been mentioning?” Sky joins them, without his sailcloth. Time glances around to see it draped out on a rock, where Warriors is adding his scarf to the pile. It sounds like he’s trying to ask Legend to use his fire rod to speed up the drying process. He dutifully ignored them. That problem will sort itself out. 
Time turns pointedly back to Sky, “I thought you’ve caught fairies before?”
He shrugs at him, face pinching into what Time is beginning to recognize as embarrassment for his adventure being so different from the others (as if Time’s adventures were in any way “normal” or desirable). “I’ve never seen more than one in a place. I’m a little excited.”
Wind joins them, tailing behind Wild as he begins handing out some food from his slate. It seems they will be resting here a while, especially if Legend and Warriors setting up their bedrolls has anything to say about it. 
He’s barely able to hide a fond smile as Wind sits right next to him, “my Great Fairies were a little creepy.” His eyes go wide after he says this, turning towards the water and calling out, “not in a bad way! They were awesome and very helpful and-”
Wild laughs and covers Wind’s mouth. “They aren’t that easily offended. I think Cortera would actually be delighted- she seemed happy enough to scare the pants off me when I first stumbled upon her.” 
As Hyrule approaches, the group easily makes room for him to join them, though he keeps himself angled towards the water. “Mine are very kind. I’m worried no one has shown up, though.”
Time unlatches his pauldron, rolling his shoulder as the weight is lifted. “Nine people just came falling through the ceiling, I’m sure anyone would be a little wary to investigate, even if those nine people have familiar souls to them.”
“I suppose.” He still looks concerned, his fingers worrying a tear in his tunic. They’ll need to find a town soon to stock up on more basic supplies. Being in the Eldin mountain range was awful on their clothes. Malon would have a fit if she knew Time was letting everyone walk around with scorch marks all over. 
Time, however, knows he will be no match for when Legend gets a second away from his bickering with Warriors to fully take stock of everyone's appearance. 
The conversation is easy for the next few minutes. Time lets it wash over him, gazing over his team as he waits for the fairies to return. 
Hyrule feels their return first. Time has been watching him, so he knows the moment they return by the way he perks up. Legend is the next to notice, pulling a few bottles out of his bag. Time also reaches for his bag, but instead of bottles, he grabs a flask and small glass jar. 
Ignoring the questioning look Twilight sends him as he stands, he approaches the water’s edge, where Hyrule is speaking softly to the fairies.
The group had learned the man could speak to fairies pretty quickly, when he first saw Four pull a bottle out to heal someone after a fight. It wasn’t until everyone realized he was talking to the fairies themselves that things made sense; Hyrule had never bottled fairies, but was okay with the others doing so because apparently, in their times, it was like a game to the magical creatures. If you could catch them, they owe you a favor. The bottles never hurt them, though everyone was a little hesitant to catch the fairies the next few times they came across one after that conversation, to be safe. 
Everyone except Time, of course. He couldn’t speak to every fairy, just the few that had accompanied him on his journey, but growing up around them meant he could read their body language quite well. 
He also knew how to say thank you in a way they would really appreciate. 
As such, he sets out a small curved plate at the water’s edge. He pours the flask’s contents on it, before opening the jar and dolloping a bit of the honey inside along the edge. 
“What are you doing?” Hyrule asks. He’s quite the sight; one fairy in his cupped hands while a few others play with his hair and tug on his dirty clothes.
“Sugar water and honey,” Time sits back, away from the plate. “Fairies adore the stuff. I’m surprised they haven’t asked you for any, considering you can talk to them.” He wishes he had a spare bell to tie up on one of the branches. They adore flying through them so they clink around.
“Oh. Well, sugar is really expensive and honey is really rare, they’re probably not used to it.” He grows silent as the fairies float away from him and swarm the dish. “I wish I could do more to help them, considering how much they’ve helped me.”
Time barely holds back a sigh. It was so hard to know what to say, especially when he saw so much of his own attitudes in the others. Malon was so much better at this. She wasn’t here, though, thank Hylia for that at the least, so he had to be the one to help the others with things like this.
At the very least, seeing how easily Hyrule is speaking around them all shows that their whole group isn’t messing things up too badly. When he first joined, Hyrule only signed occasionally, speaking only when necessary. Wild gets like that as well, when he comes out of what are apparently memories of his past. Their time spent non-verbal shrinks more and more each time it comes up, something Time recognizes as similar to hisearly  time around Malon on Lon Lon Ranch. That, in itself, prods him to open up a little. “I grew up around fairies,” and, okay, it was a little funny to see how Hyrule’s head (and the others, who were so clearly trying to look like they weren’t snooping now) perked up at the chance for him to finally talk about his past in some regard. “They like helping, and letting them do so is probably the best way to thank them. If anything, me doing this for them,” he gestures at the offering, “is just going to make them beg you for it any time you see them. I suppose I should be apologizing to you.” 
The soft laugh Hyrule lets out is more than enough to let him know he must have said something right. The younger man is saved from figuring out a response as Wind rushes over (barely startling the fairies, who were too engrossed by the offering to care) and gapes at Time, “you grew up around what.”
That’s the end of his chance for peace and quiet for the day. Perhaps the next week, even. 
As he begins to tune out Wind’s pestering for more information he glances over his team. 
Relaxed, small wounds being quickly healed by the fairies around them, laughing, and sharing some of the bread Wild handed out before joining the group by the water. The hero mindlessly hands Time and Hyrule their own share of bread, and Time passes Hyrule the honey to put on his bread (he isn’t oblivious, of course, but he will let the hero keep his secrets a while longer). 
They could stand to stay here longer than a night, as long as the fairies are okay with it.
Or, at least, so long as he doesn’t run out of sugar water.
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perksofbeingodd · 9 months
Some quotes from my re-read of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, originally first read the series in 2009/2010, all from book one The Lightning Theif;
“A god. You. - He turned to look at me straight on, and I saw a kind of purplish fire in his eyes, a hint that this whiny, plump little man was only showing me the tiniest bit of his true nature. I saw visions of grape vines choking unbelievers to death, drunken warriors insane with battle lust, sailors screaming as their hands turned to flippers, their faces elongating into dolphin snouts. I knew that if I pushed, Mr.D would show me worse things.”
“No, it’s (Western Civilization) a living force. A collective consciousness that has burned bright for thousands of years”
“Zeus and Poseidon had an argument. The usual nonsense: ‘…Air disasters are more spectacular than sea disasters,’ et cetera.”
“The rest of the day I spent alternately pacing the length of the train,…or looking out the windows. Once, I spotted a family of centaurs galloping across a wheat field, bows at the ready, as they hunted lunch. The little boy centaur, who was the size of a second-grader on a pony, caught my eye and waved.” ((This particular quote has stuck with me for years and whenever I’m a passenger in a car staring out the window a small part of me hopes I’ll see the same))
“I looked at the garbage floating by and snatched an old cigarette lighter. No way, I thought. I flicked the lighter. It sparked. A tiny flame appeared, right there at the bottom of the Mississippi.”
“ I uncapped Riptide. “A few simple adjustments…” I had no qualms with what I was about to do.” ((How is this a middle-school book lol))
“Id always imagined Cerberus as a big black mastiff. But he was obviously a purebred Rottweiler, except of course that he was twice the size of a wooly mammoth, mostly invisible, and had three heads.” ((Hades play ball with Cerberus!!))
“The other winged shoe tugged itself off, circled around us angrily and kicked out heads in protest before flying off into the chasm to join its twin.”
The last thing I saw as the door swung closed was my mother staring at Gabe, as if she were contemplating what he would look like as a garden statue.”
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