#it is kinda gatekeepy of me so sorry but also
jewishcissiekj · 8 months
and now I find myself with the desire to gatekeep Asajj's Legends wookiepedia page
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rainbowtvz · 4 months
*grits teeth*
i do not want to discourse here or anywhere anymore but it does kind of affect me as a transmasc bi person when i see shit that indirectly misgenders me and implies that bisexuality is an icky no good word and identity and you have to be bi and gay and bi and lesbian and bi and straight at the same time or support them or you're an evil stinky stinky terf like... hello where am, i
#it makes me feel othered by an otherwise inclusive community bc how dare i think that men aren't involved in lesbianism#or how dare i think that bisexuality is a whole and valid sexuality#or how dare i think that any and all nonbinary genders are included in every single sexuality by default#or that trans women are women so no fuckin g duh theyre included in lesbianism and if your knee jerk reaction to seeing:#men cannot be lesbians is to think of trans women then you are the transphobe here#or how i dare think that trans man and transmasc aren't the exact same thing#that genderqueerdyke person is also a transadrophobia geek and theyre buddies with genderkoolaid#which like. do i HAVE to say it?#IF U IGNORE THE TRANSMISOGYNY (WHICH U SHOUDLNT) THEYRE ALSO A ZIONIST HELLOW?? WHATS NOT CLICKING WHATS NOT CLICKING#OK IM KINDA MAD ABT THAT LIKE... SORRY BUT HOW ABOUT WE DONT PLATFORM IDIOTS NO MATTER HOW GOOD THEIR RHETORIC MIGHT SOUND#BC U WANT TO BE TOTALLY INCLUSIVE AND NOT GATEKEEPY#ive BEEN around the fucking block ive BEEN on tumblr when the resident terfs here coined bi lesbian#if you scrolled back far enough in certain keywords you wouldve seen that shit in the early 2010s being discussed in their circles#to mean lesbians who are attracted to trans women#you cannot reclaim that or recoin it#yes ive done the research too#i looked at every single piece of evidence of that label existing in the past 50~ years#its just bisexual women back when lesbian spaces also included them#plus like may i also fucking ssay that bisexual also used to mean being of two sexes (transsexual/gender and/or intersex?)#this close to fully believing that the pushback against bisexual being it's own whole and valid sexuality is some kind of psy op#i sound schizophrenic well Maybe I Am#i feel like im going to end up deleting this post bc i dont want to argue with people who disagree with me because there is no getting#through to any of you#tbd.
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jetsteelyourheart · 2 months
My top 5 Crackships
Inspired by my top 5 8 characters thing going around, I want you all to vote on your favorite of my Top 5 Questionable Rare pairs
I will be providing excuses reasoning excuses below the poll, so if you feel like roasting me properly seeing my justifications, do that - or don't!
And remember, they're fictional characters, so it costs nothing to be normal about this and have fun
*Not all of these are controversial, but those that are? watch out!
If you follow me then you know I'm an OG Zutara fan, but on the rare occasions I'm feeling Cannon Compliant, Zuki is my go too ship. This has all to do with the comics, where basically Zuko's only confidant is Suki and you get wild panels of them looking at each other like this:
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I was devistated when Korra came out and it seemed like Sokka and Suki didn't last, but if the above is why, then I'll take it.
I am going to get so much flack for this one I think. BUT. Consider: The cannon ships in the show are generally not well written. I like Hopper/Joyce, I like Max/Lucas, but Nancy/Jonathan and especially Mike/Eleven do literally nothing for me, they are so bland. I do see the irony that one of the things that makes Stobin well written is because its one sided on Steve's part because Robin is gay. But their interactions are literally the reason to watch the show if you ask me. Pushing past these excuses though, I just kinda dig the ship. In my head its an open poly situation for certain, but sexuality is so wild and fluid and weird, and Gold Star status is gatekeepy at best anyway, so like, why the fuck not. I had a great aunt who had an open marriage with a gay man, (big beard behavior) and they had kids and did everything together. Its like... Platonic soulmates + if you will. And that's what I want for Stobin. Platonic soulmates + and a big ole polycule surrounding them. Or maybe its just my incoherent bisexual ass talking
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(If I could put fan-art with the polycule in it I would but I wouldn't repost someones art like that... so I'm stuck with cannon images)
No one has played this game. When people think Zack, they either ship Cloud or Aerith, and honestly I ship both those as well (though ClAerTi will always be my top for them). But I love Cissnei. She has big Sydney Sage energy for me, and all of Zack's emotional beats in the second half of the game surround her (...or cloud) not Aerith (just for the record). Also if you join all the fanclubs and work hard you get invited to your own fanclub and I'm pretty sure there's evidence that Cissnei is the president which is hilarious. I just love their interactions and was DEVASTATED at the end. Analytical Girl & PuppyDogHimbo is a beautiful ship dynamic. Also Rick Gomez will always be my Zack Fair VA. I hate the new guy so much (and its not his fault!! Sorry man!)
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So the section is really short. But my god. Cinderella and Aqua have the most chemistry of any character in that game series bar none. I'm including Riku and Sora in this. I'm including Roxas and Axel. Ok, not really this is not the hill I want to die on. BUT. At least in Birth By Sleep, this is the emotional high-point. Aqua taking her hand like a gentleman at a ball? The way Aqua saves Cinderella from getting run over by her demonic carriage??? The way she lovingly protects Cindy's body with hers? Did you see Prince whats his face doing any of that ? NO. And then. If Aqua were a guy everyone would've seen it when this game came out (but I guess gay people weren't invented until 2015 or whatever.
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look how devastated Aqua is when Cinderella goes to Charming at the end. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THEM.
I really do like Raylum, but this is a poll on my hot take rare-pairs, not cannon compliance. Let me start off by saying, no, I haven't seen this season yet, it only came out twelve hours ago whats wrong with you? This pair grew on me starting in Season 4 after the time skip. I think it goes along side my preoccupation with tough smart girls and their dumbass golden retriever himbos. They have a nice trajectory, and with Callum going a lil dark and edgy on us recently, I like their banter a lot. Especially in Season 4 I was surprised by them and I crave more adventures with the two of them alone. I don't think it will ever happen, but I like it none the less. They bring a certain... Sokka & Suki vibe to the party that I'm here for.
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Anyway, I tag @ebbilayart @retiredficwriter & anyone who decides to do it!
And if no one feels like setting themselves up as a target, that's good too!
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violent-j · 1 year
Ever notice how older Juggalos are rude and gatekeepy as fuck? Like, I was browsing R/Juggalo and someone posted selfies of themself in their face paint asking to make some wicked clown friends and the comments were filled with "Elder Juggalos" calling them a Juggaho and an attention whore and telling them to go outside. Like, y'all were a kid trying to find a community once too and now that you have it this is what you're doing to someone who was exactly like you at one point? God y'all are fucking terrible. Makes me scared to interact with anyone above the age of 25 who's a Juggalo to be honest. I'm sorry for the unnecessary dump of information I just had to put it somewhere where someone would understand.
yeah i mean. outside of tumblr i don’t really go on the internet that much, so maybe i’m not the right one to ask. but i can see why you’d be put out by interactions like that.
the ‘older vs. younger/longtime vs. new fan’ friction is something that happens in kinda every fanbase ever, if you look around. gatekeeping is a bummer, but that’s sorta just what happens when any familiar landscape starts to change, it makes people uncomfortable en they start pushing back. in the case of ICP, there’s been such a huge wave of new (and reeeeally young) juggalos lately (i think cause of tiktok and homestuck getting more popular again & stuff?), so the landscape is changing like …….. a lot. & incredibly fast.
from what i’ve seen on this blog, it seems like a really high proportion of the newer and younger fans getting into ICP are also blogging about topics like dissociative identity disorder/systems/alters, being neurodivergent, neopronouns, xenogenders, OCs, furry stuff. i’m personally all for minding my own business and letting people talk about whatever they want (especially when they’re minors, like what the fuck? leave ‘em alone), but yknow. that ‘type’ of fan is understandable really, really different from the type of fan who grew up 30 years ago. yknow? i’m a young person, i’m intersex and queer, and even i don’t really ‘get’ what a xenogender is. if i was a cishet white guy born in 1980 who only uses reddit and facebook, i’d probably be confused as shit.
not defending anyone being a gatekeepy/bigoted/sexist asshole, but it’s something to consider when you’re wondering where all the hate is stemming from (i.e., discomfort). with a ton of new, wildly different fans starting to enter an established fan community, there’s some likelihood of people getting defensive and reacting immaturely about it.
ULTIMATELY THO …….. pls remember, people are basically always more shitty on the internet than in real life. if you show up to the Gathering or a local show, i think you’ll find people to be a lot more welcoming. any self-proclaimed ‘juggalo authority’ who wastes their days posting insults on reddit is a crusty piece of shit and not worth your time, if you ask me.
listen to the music if you want, wear facepaint if you want, go to a show if you want. being a juggalo is about not giving a fuck and watching out for your homies, & anyone who’s doing anything to the contrary has strayed from the path. focus on the clown love, don’t let shallow dumbasses posting on some website ruin shit for you.
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angelthingy · 7 months
hiii so queer discourse post ahead!! im sorry if i say anything wrong please correct me if i do!! also pls read to the end if you would like to comment because its very much a "stream of thought" kinda post so i go through a few opinions before settling on anything-
saw an argument under a poll recently about how detransitioners who hadnt gone through any sort of medical transition shouldnt be allowed to call themselves trans if they had reverted to a gender that matches with their assigned sex and. honestly i feel like this is one of those admittedly rare moments where i dont really know what opinion to take? i mean i do believe that a detransitioners experience is unique so its entirely reasonable for them to identity more with a trans experience but- relating to what the argument was about- should someone born a woman be able to call themselves a trans woman if they had briefly thought they were trans then. changed their mind before having taken any steps to transition? i really really really!!! dont want to gatekeep identities, its just as people pointed out, being TOO accepting can just open up a loophope for ppl with umm. other intentions, such as chasers - which is, not that great? im just bringing this up because admittedly part of me is worried about both of these positions- one seems really gatekeepy but could also be helpful in allowing trans ppl to have a term to describe specifically themselves; while the other kind of means that the uniqueness of a trans experience is taken away if ppl can say they're trans without having ever transitioned or facing any of the experiences of trans people (dont wanna say issues because defining trans ppl by the issues they face isnt that helpful, though yes obviously those as well)
after having written this out i partially think i may have been influenced by conformity tbh (whoaa psychology reference) because like. the VAST!!! majority of the notes in that poll was that they shouldnt call themselves trans but while im here typing this out im finding myself disagreeing with that position more than not- like ultimately i feel like people should be able to use whatever labels they think fits for them as long as its genuine to their feelings at that moment, and in the cases where they're using them harmfully/disingenuously then thats like. the exception and not the rule- right?
anyway i just wanted to talk about this because talking about things helps me articulate my thoughts!! i guess i did actually end up coming to a conclusion with what i believe in the end so it worked, yippee! but if anyone wants to discuss this please feel free because i am interested in other opinions, especially those which come from experience :D
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saika077 · 1 year
The Dorm Leaders as Jojo fans
AN: this is just some silly goofy hc that caters to me specifically.
Riddle Rosehearts
Phantom Blood enjoyer
Started as a manga reader and is rightfully horrified at Dio's actions (if you know you know).
Giorno is his favorite Jojo.
Joseph's wittiness and Caesar's hotheaded personality reminds him a lot of Ace and Deuce.
Was devastated at S1 Ep 19 where they have that breakup arc and in the next episode where...yeah...
Trey can hear his cry of anguish from down the hall.
He does not tolerate part skipper in a "How can you just skip the basic fundamentals of the story?? Blah blah blah" type a way.
Jonathan defender. Doesn't take kindly to people who call Jonathan boring or "Phantom Blood mid".
I'd say that his favorite OP is probably Traitor's Requiem
Doesn't really have time to get caught up so he recently just finished Golden Wind.
Leona Kingscholar
A basic Stardust Crusaders fan
I'm sorry, but he looks like he'd be a part skipper 😭 (I'm still gonna give him the benefit of the doubt)
He's not gonna skip Stone Ocean tho, that's for sure.
Jotaro and Jolyne are his favorite Jojos
I feel like he'd be a Jolyne kinnie due to the fact that they both have parental issues
Doesn't take kindly to people who slander Jolyne
If he doesn't skip parts, I'd say that Kars is his favorite Jojo villain.
Doesn't admit it but he was pretty devastated at the "My name is Emporio" scene and cried silently.
I can see him having Sono Chi no Kioku as his favorite OP or maybe he's a rare Chase enjoyer (Chase is actually a great OP, people are just mean :(( )
Is currently halfway through Steel Ball Run
Y'know he actually shares the same VA as Weather Report in the anime.
Azul Ashengrotto
Heard about it from Idia in the Board Game club when he was making a funny quip about having the upper hand but he didn't get the joke and Idia's like "uh, it's a Jojo reference, dude" and everyone else in the club got the reference.
Rare Jojolion enjoyer
Jodio is actually his favorite Jojo
His favorite character is Kishibe Rohan (no, I will not elaborate).
His favorite villain is Yoshikage Kira
I can see him being a Fighting Gold enjoyer
Jojo poses in private and the twins caught him doing it one day.
Kalim Al-Asim
Makes Jamil sit down and watch with him.
His favorite part is either Battle Tendency or Diamond is Unbreakable
Josuke is his favorite Jojo
Likes Joseph too, but he cheated on Suzie Q so that takes away some of the points. But at the same time Joseph cheating gives us Josuke, and he really likes Josuke so...yeah
Cried like a bitch during S1 Ep 20 (same)
I don't see him actually liking any of the villains but if he had to pick a favorite I'd say he'd pick Diavolo
When the ED of Golden Wind came on, Jamil covered Kalim's ears so fast. Toniiiiight~ I need your boooody~
Likes Great Days
Bonus: Jamil is a Golden Wind fan, his favorite character is Pannacotta Fugo and he actually reads Purple Haze Feedback (and cried).
Vil Shoenheit
Stone Ocean enjoyer, both the part and the OP
He also really likes the aesthetics of Golden Wind
Jolyne defender #2
Doesn't trust people who don't like Jolyne and sees it as an immediate red flag (same).
Pucci is his favorite villain.
I'd say his favorite character is Lisa Lisa. I feel like he's either aspiring to be like her or "god she is so me fr"
Trish kinnie (idk, to me specifically he kinda reminds me of her)
He reads the manga but hasn't had the time to get caught up.
He needs to know why or how Araki never ages in any of the pictures of him.
Idia Shroud
Manga reader and is caught up to the recent chapters
His favorite part is Steel Ball Run
Johnny kinnie
Doesn't tolerate part skipper but in an elitist gatekeepy type of way
Sings Sono Chi no Sadame on top of his lungs in his room.
Would never admit it but he had the cringy "Ora Ora Muda Muda Kono Dio da!" Phase (it's a Canon event almost every Jojo fan has to go through).
The kind of Jojo fan I do not want to interact with. Ever. (Mf is canonically insufferable to talk to irl)
Idk he just gives me the annoying SBR fan vibes.
He actually shares the same VA as Baoh in Jojo ASBR
Malleus Draconia
Phantom Blood Enthusiast
Finishes Phantom Blood and was like that clip of Clone High Gandhi where he's just like "wow...I- I need a minute to think about this..." And doesn't touch the series for a while. I don't think he knows that there are more parts.
I feel like the only Jojo media he watched is the old Phantom Blood OVA that is now considered a lost media.
Lilia finds him sulking in his room and when he asks him what's wrong, he just replies "Jonathan and Erina deserves happiness" and doesn't say any more than that.
Number one JonaEri shipper. If JonaEri has a million fans, he is one of them. If JonaEri has one fan, he is the one. If JonaEri has zero fans, he's already dead.
Enjoys Dio as a villain.
Loves the old OVAs
Feel free to add more or if you'd like to disagree, I'm open for discussion.
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gothmothic · 2 months
not gonna lie im kinda done w living in boston, the main things keeping me here are my job and the clubs, but i really haven’t been going clubbing much these days. i kinda have been enjoying staying in and spending time getting to know myself! i always thought that if i didnt go out then id get super depressed but like. im feeling the best ive felt in a while?? maybe its also because i havent drank in months either lol
i really want to move up to salem, its closer to my parents and I could still get to work in basically the same amount of time. plus i really need to make new friends and thats too difficult here like everyone already has their groups and im just kinda in the middle and i think being in a smaller city would make me feel more comfortable going places and doing things alone like idk why but??? thats what im thinking
my lease still has another 10 months or so on it, but after that i think i really need to get out of boston
i do love this city but i just really dont like the punk/goth/etc scene here, its Really hard to make friends and i feel like everyone is really intense and gatekeepy and i just want to be in a place where people are more chill
i still want to be able to have big halloween celebrations tho, which is a big reason why salem is #1 on my list like living there during the fall would be??? kinda crazy but i need to be in a place where people dont second guess my spookiness year round
anyway rly long rant sorry but im just. having a Lot of thoughts these days
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firelightfoxes · 1 year
do you find mudi people to be gatekeepers? Before I started asking actual people I read up a lot on them on many diff breeders/ club websites and from all the info I found I thought they fit me well so I went on fb to ask… the amount of people I got telling me I do not want a mudi, that they are incredibly difficult dogs with XYZ bad traits and that I’m lying if I say I’m ok/ want that was insane. It honestly sounded like they hate their dogs?? I mentioned I wanted to dabble in sports but wouldn’t mind a dog who wouldn’t do them, and half of the comments were either jumping down my throat because ‘most mudis do not do well in sports and you shouldn’t get one solely for that’ and the other half were telling me to get serious because dabbling shows a lack of commitment and mudis need a job. I’m half thankful I’m not in the US and wouldn’t have to deal with that community if I end up with a mudi. Anyway, with all that, would you mind giving a rundown on mudis/ any resources(like sites) on their temperament? Sorry for the rant it’s just been very frustrating 😅.
hi!! this is a great ask. i'm really sorry you went through the gatekeeping bullshit, it seems to be pretty rampant. i actually made a small post on this a little while back but i'm too lazy to go find it.
so, i feel like that gatekeeping comes from one of two places, and sometimes both:
the person wants to feel really special about owning a rare breed, so they make it seem much more difficult than it really is to scare away potential new owners and keep the breed as unpopular as possible so that they can continue to be Special
the person wanted a unique sports dog that wasn't a border collie but didn't realize that not all mudis will excel in sports or even be able to tolerate a sporting environment, and they legitimately regret getting a mudi (i literally saw someone say this almost word for word).
so you kind of have two overlapping schools of thought there, and the second one is a bit more valid than the first. so, i wouldn't really advertise mudi as like, a competitive sport prospect breed. they certainly CAN excel at sports, they are quick, intelligent, and very biddable. but they also dislike repetition and can be quite sensitive, which can make it hard to nail down important foundations and also it can be hard for them to stay stable in a trial environment. ideally, a mudi would not be this unstable, but unfortunately it does happen. so like i kinda understand where a person with #2's idea would be coming from but it still is unpleasant and gatekeepy. and it's also not the breed's fault if you got one for uniqueness without taking their entire temperament into account.
either way, if you're reading about mudis and you think they might be a good fit, that's awesome! i think my number one recommendation would be to meet them before getting one if possible. they truly are unique little guys and it's hard to describe that without having met one. i think they're the perfect dog to dabble in sports with because they're most happy when they're with their person, whatever you might be doing.
as far as places to learn more about the mudi, i really like this article, and i would recommend reaching out to some breeders! Wodan Kennels and Graves Farm are two great kennels run by people who love the breed and would be happy to help you learn more about them (regardless of if you want to get a puppy from them or not).
also, i saw your other ask and no worries :) i really liked how in-depth your ask was so i intentionally wanted to answer it bc gatekeeping almost kept ME out of the breed and look at me now!! it's important to be realistic but still welcoming and some people just don't get that.
thanks for the ask and sorry that it's an essay!!
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traumagician · 2 years
I just wanted to say thanks for being one of the few people actually be positive about alot of us returning to tumblr. I used to be ridiculously active on here back in like 2013-2019, and decided to make the return because twitter is just not a very artist friendly place for my work. I was kinda hoping it'd be a little more welcoming here but i was surprised to see how gatekeepy people were being here, so it was nice seeing someone be nice for once lol
I’m sorry to hear people have been rude! I am absolutely ecstatic to see other artists starting to return here.
The art scene has been rough here the last few years. There was the NSFW ban, of course, but a lot of people have also seemingly forgotten how to reblog and comment on what they enjoy, and that lack of positive interaction has made even more artists leave. For ages, almost every art post I’d see would be ancient, getting reblogged in circles from artists who hadn’t touched their blog in years. And what little new work there was received no attention compared to the old.
Don’t get me wrong; I LOVE that old ghost posts continue to circulate here. But it’s also been so, so nice to start seeing more new stuff again. Makes the place feel like less of a graveyard. I know Twitter was more active, but I just couldn’t handle the algorithmic pressure to post constantly—this site has become my home, and I’m glad to start having neighbors again.
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petite-pearlgirl · 1 year
TW: Vent post
I know I don't really talk about my personal life on this blog but I need to vent about stuff rn
I think I kinda hate my friends rn. Like I'm so sick of feeling like I'm not part of anything and that no one wants to talk about the stuff I wanna talk about. Like my best friend Ella used to be super into the stuff I'm into but now it's like I'm changing and she's not you know? Like mels new album right, I've been super into it as you can see on my blog. We both used to be super into her music but she doesn't like her new album! She said she liked her old aesthetic more which like i liked it too but like the new album really speaks to me. It literally captures feminine etherealness while also showing darkness and frairy grunge aesthetics. Anyway she just doesn't get it and it makes me so sad. Also my mom has been so getting on my a*s about being more active in dance class but like idk I don't even know if I wanna do dance anymore. Like my sister was the one who was really into it and like I think I only even started because I wanted to be like her. But now she's so freaking mean and I just can't with her. She's been getting really into witchy stuff and it's like I'd like to get into that stuff too but she's so gatekeepy.
Anyway sorry for the rant I just needed to get it all out. No ones gonna read this anyway.
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callsigndragon · 2 years
hey this is more a request than anything else but even then you don’t have to take it into consideration — but you’re just one of the most inclusive writers on here with your making athena kerner demi and everything so i thought i’d ask — would you mind making red a little bit more racially ambiguous? in that right now with the super blonde baby and her emojis’ colour (small detail, i know, not trying to nitpick, sorry!) she sometimes seems very white? which is completely okay!! just like i prefer x reader fics over ocs primarily because it doesn’t feel so gatekeepy w/ regards to race or body types or whatever, and as a woc it’s just nice to pretend you can live in others’ fictional worlds even if it isn’t like overt representation lol
so sorry if this comes off the wrong way, genuinely a huge fan of yours and your stories, can’t wait to see more xx
Oh, anon... I adressed this topic already on one of the posts. I apologized bc yeah, I realized that I made Red as a white character, but here's the thing: it's kinda difficult to include pictures and make it 'racially ambiguous'. If Red was a black woman, then Liam should have dark skin, if Red was asian, Liam should have asian features. If Red was a Latina, Liam’s skin would also be darker. So it's impossible to show you what kind of pics Jake takes, or the rest of the squad, to make it look a bit more real with all the lockscreens and stuff, without indirectly adressing Red's skin color.
I literally just open pinterest and use whatever pics I find. In my head, Liam was the tiny version of Jake, and I, unintentionally, allowed my work move in that direction.
I'm really, really sorry for that.
I explained that pics are just a reference, because my Pinterest is mainly white folks being aesthetic (good job, pinterest) and even though I tried to look for pics where Red isn't visible, Liam is gonna be everywhere, and in everyone else's mind, he's already a tiny white baby with blonde locks.
It's kinda hard to change that.
I, however, will keep that in mind for the rest of series, one-shots and blurbs I publish in the future. (But for example keep in mind that in Legends Never Die, a retelling with reader being Goose and Carole's daughter... she has to be white.)
I'm not white myself, Spanish people have tanned skin, we're included in the 'Hispanic' ethnicity (some people think it's a race but it isn't). So yeah, here I am, writing about a white woman when I'm not white. But again, let me emphasize that Red's pics are only for reference. I've seen interracial kids with blonde hair too (they're absolutely beautiful). There's cases of black women and white men marrying and surprise! Kid is white. It's rare, but it happens. Maybe Liam could be one of those rare cases in your mind.
It's too late to change that now, and about the emoji, never thought about it cause I have friends from different races who just use the white ones, never gave it a thought. I'll also keep that in mind for the future.
Again, I'm really sorry, but I believe this fic will have to remain as it is, because there's a lot of convos and pictures in said convos that I can't rewrite.
Thank you for adressing the topic ❤️
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viina-art · 5 months
I'm always sooo curious what other people think what kind of music each bg3 companion would be into??
Mainly wondering because my own taste in music is so specific, mostly limited to a few metal subgenres these days, and I feel like I don't have enough knowledge on anything beyond that to properly judge what some of these characters would listen to...
...that didn't stop me from spending way too much time thinking about it anyways tho, so:
Shadowheart: gothic rock/metal, (funeral) doom, darkwave. definitely a goth imo (also besides the point, but she has the vibe of someone who'd be kinda gatekeepy/elitist about her favorite music. said with love, even though I do not love when people do that in real life)
Karlach: mostly punk, also noise rock, heavy metal, power metal, techno. generally likes high energy and kinda aggressive stuff
Lae'zel: math rock, prog, djent, technical death metal, probably jazz (I just think she'd enjoy polyrhythms and polymetres and such)
Minthara: extreme metal in general, especially (melodic) death metal, some symphonic metal, also Red Velvet specifically because I think that's funny
Jaheira: stoner doom, folk rock/punk, blues rock
<- now this is all adjacent to the stuff I listen to or at least know about, but I genuinely think it's all pretty fitting for their characters. For some reason I had much more trouble with the men:
Gale: maybe some of that really really soft prog / symphonic metal (don't know how else to call it lmao), mainly probably classical music and maybe like. indie pop??
Wyll: the one person who can say he "listens to everything" and actually mean it. probably most similar to Karlach, but also likes jazz and pop and classical music and rock and hip hop and both midwestern emo and the mcr emo and I can't think of any more genres (sorry Wyll, you're my favorite and I wish I could say something more specific about you, but I can't think of anything fitting T-T)
Halsin: probably most similar to Jaheira, but more just straight up folk leaning. has that dad rock vibe, even though I'm pretty sure dad rock doesn't actually mean anything specific
Astarion: I genuinely have no fucking idea what this man would listen to
Minsc: Minsc
Everyone in camp is united by their shared love for Rage Against the Machine tho (except, again, probably Astarion if we're being real)
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main blog intro :3
hai im johnny and this is my main blog.. 💀
im autistic + possible bpd and did. my sp/in are car seat headrest and young sheldon ^_^ my reg interests are history, mlp, tkk, girl interrupted, and the backrooms / schizoposting !! im not that into the outsiders despite my username but its too iconic so i will NOT be changing it. we have like.. 4 ? other sideblogs that are very silly and i might make another post that’ll list them :3
additional info - PLEASEPLEASE use tonetags but also dont overuse them ? idk how to explain 😭 I AM A MINOR !!! please dont be weird or you will be blocked.
please infodump to me !! i love learning new things and hearing about others interests :3
AND LASTLYY i am the certified n1 daniel larusso / will toledo lover ^_^ i can be kinda gatekeepy over my sp/in im sorry if i come off as mean 😞 erm idk what else to say OH ALSO I HAVE A BF AND HES SO SILLY SCRUNKLY BABY :333
okay bye bye and erm live laugh car seat headrest !!!
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trickkombowerskru · 3 years
How The Bowers Gang Flirt
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Request: Anonymous: How would the guys go about hitting on someone they are interested in?
A/N:  While not a year old yet this request is pretty close to turning that old and I am so sorry for the long loooong wait anon. Thank you for waiting this damn long and being patient with me
Warnings: Patrick being kinda Patricky
Henry banks on you knowing his reputation tbh
Like it doesn’t matter if you’ve only been at school for a week
You’ve had to have heard of the gang
It’s just a the mask of cockiness
If you’re not into that and he actually has to try...
Then things should be interesting
You will find him at your locker at least once a day
And having dozens and dozens of what he thinks are smooth pick up lines
Just brace yourself
Because he’s persistent
His affections would basically get you immunity from ever being made fun like ever
Like if word hits him he’ll make sure that the bitches or assholes know not to do it ever again
Dear lord
If this boy takes interest in you
Let me just say I wish you luck
Will subtly study you at first
And then make it coincidental that he’ll run into you
That’s of course is after you find something slightly creepy and off-putting in your locker
With some note that can be taken in more ways than one
But once he makes contact with you is when things really go south
He’ll most likely try to subtly grope you
Inly in ways that you can’t tell it’s him 💀
If you know all the shit he does that gets talked about
He’ll do his damndest to convince you that they’re all crazy rumors
Overall goes in with the mindset that you’re his
And you just have to realize that
Would tell the school this as well
So if you actually had interest in anyone
Yeah that ship would be sailed off
Vic is the type to get shy if he likes someone
Surprising since he’s the one in the gang known for his smart mouth
He’d do subtle things to flirt with you
I mean so subtle you might not even be able to tell he’s flirting
But then he gets to when he knows he has to step up his game
And will just give you genuine compliments
Or help you with something you need
If Vic likes you it’s the second easiest to tell out of the gang
Well second easiest if we don’t count the obnoxious factor
Then that goes to Henry or Patrick
Now Reggie would be the easiest to tell
Again on the non obnoxious factor
He just would get so smiley around you
Not to mention blushy
Would like Vic give you genuine compliments
Offering you rides in Amy like all the time
Even making Henry give up shotgun for you if the guys are riding in the car
And protect you from any dirty comments from the guys really meaning Patrick
Also rather than be gatekeepy to you
He would simply suggest you get deeper into any of the bands you two have in common
If any
If there were none he’d give you great recommendations on where to start in their discography
Just super sweet
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bradenthompson · 2 years
Writing down my thoughts on Disney’s Sneakerella as they come to me
Too hot, cannot sleep. Forgot this movie was coming out, and shame on me bc I was excited for it. But I also get the feeling Disney+ kinda wanted people forgetting it was coming out, I don’t remember a single peep on the film after that trailer dropped. 
00:07 I hate those fucking pencil towers in Manhattan they bug meeeee
00:30 “Once upon a pair of sneakers” oh this is gonna rock
06:18 movie has a way of focusing on shoes that are objectively not special. Doesn’t mean they aren’t cool. Just not interesting enough to get a motion track. Will reserve that the movie might make a point about this later, like “yeah but aren’t all shoes special? Aren’t they all worth rocking?”
07:35 always a bummer when you notice the Cinderella movie is 2 hours long, because the og story cannot fill that time on its own so there’s gonna be 2313356 side characters that do not matter at all
09:08 Disney’s first* openly Gay character :))))))
09:43 protagonist has a mind palace so deeply wired into sneaker history that he can correctly identify that the Vans logo is old. lmao.
10:17 sorry of this sounds gatekeepy but I just do not believe sk8 hi’s qualify for the sneaker moniker
12:00 characters in movies categorized as “artists” always have this same artstyle I’m just gonna call “doodlecore.” ooh strange monster thing, UFO, fire, etc. People who do custom jobs on blank sneakers do exist and make cool shit but they also have unique artstyles unto themselves. Idk wtf this guy is going for when it comes to his own stuff. Maybe a little Jeremy Scott? I only say this bc I’m already detecting some Adidas bias in and around this movie.
13:01 main kid is plugged in enough to say things like “sneaker drop” but is still stunned to see the line is long.
14:44 the writer is struggling to communicate that the main kid is knowledgeable on sneakers because they themselves do not know what that means. So they just give him things to do that nobody does, like pulling the Myers Briggs on strangers based on the shoes they’re wearing. He unpacks why a man is wearing 1s as if that unravels his whole personality and never once considers it’s because that is still the most popular Jordan by a wide margin.
16:02 don’t wanna dump on this kid’s custom shoes too much, but I’ve been to sneaker releases just like this and am decently confident he would get bullied
21:53 editing is really doing something here. A charcacter will be sanding still and, between shots, 1/24th of a second, they will be in a full sprint.
22:12 New Yorkians really think they invented living in a city. “Ey you never been to da corner store? It’s da corner store! You buy things! Bada Bing.”
22:54 CGI spray paint CGI spray paint
22:54(cont) “hey girl, lil Manhattan belle, let me pull you away to a new world; type of living you never thought possible: Queens” hahahahahahaha
25:17 compelling protagonist 101: person is already a fully realized person who impresses everyone and always has the cool thing to say and their only weakness is not living in Manhattan.
28:32 this soundtrack is telling me 97% of viewers aren’t subscribed so be sure to uppercut that button and hit the bell
32:00 doing a Cinderella story has gotta be one of the tougher prompts to make work for 2 hours. Even though they definitely went “what if instead of a glass slipper it was a SNEAKER huehuehue” and figured out the rest from that. Just inevitably a very boring story because you’re beholden to the handful of things that absolutely have to happen but need to space them all out over 2 hours. Have I mentioned enough times this movie is 2 hours (I’m rounding up and accounting for blogging time).
35:16 going to assume right now the writers think they made up a Sneaker Con and do not know there is a real Sneaker Con, only because I don’t think Disney would want to directly associate with whatever the fuck Sneaker Con has mutated into this past year.
37:10 this girlfriend character’s sister is not doing a good job here, lol, I’m sorry
37:10(cont) girlfriend character has been tasked with finding a new designer for her family’s signature shoe. Time limit is 2 weeks. Shoes take just slightly longer than that, conception to execution, just like a day or two longer I think
39:31 *holding a beaker of science juice* finally. Straight male character with Lesbian Best Friend
42:48 always interesting when you can notice the exact moment in a scene where dialogue was cut. Character just jumps from slightly distressed to wildly upset on a reverse shot.
43:41 does the stepfather character deserve a redemption arc? It’s Sneakerella on Disney+, man, drop the sword sometimes.
44:47 sometimes I feel bad in these scenes where young actors are trying really hard. Not because I think I’m being harsh on them, I feel bad because they’re doing it in the name of a concept one degree removed from an SNL skit.
46:32 unclear whether main kid has a) given up sneaker designing because his mom died, b) given up sneaker designing because of self confidence issues, c) given up sneaker designing at all because he’s already done it like three times now
50:40 “pretty weird fit for stocking shelves” is a good line
53:17 at a point this movie stopped trying to convince me this kid designed cool shoes and is now asking me to just take their word for it. Odd quality for a visual medium to have.
54:30 the magic carriage in this version is just a pretty nice car. Getting the feeling Disney didn’t spend much on this.
56:47 they either explicitly referenced the Disney splash logo or reused animation assets. Don’t know enough about animation to call it but one of these possibilities is funnier than the other.
57:43 a gay character being in this movie constitutes homophobia
1:00:00 this script works in sneakerhead nomenclature about as well as an undercover cop trying to smoke some reefer with you cool kids
1:03:19 okay hold on: girlfriend character was tasked with finding a talented new designer for her families shoe brand and just didn’t ask the one sneaker designer she knows? Did I miss something. Why the fuck didn’t she call him. She remembers who he is, remembers his name. Am I just stupid.
1:03:19(cont) hey, set designer, come over here. *CDG converse behind a glass case? Are we serious? Are you being for real? That’s what you think a grail is? Did you get that from tiktok?*
1:04:55 okay so she just didn’t know he designed shoes, just thought he was big into them. 
1:08:00 their stand in for cinderella being a fake princess is main kid being a fake... famous shoe designer? People at this gala think he’s like this super secret yet already accomplished sneaker designer. I ask, who cares. If you all like the shoe so much what does it matter.
1:09:05 “How will I find you again???” YOU WENT TO HIS HOUSE
1:14:41 they couldn’t get one person actually involved in the sneaker business to cameo in this? Jeff Staple could not have been busy.
1:16:31 the choreography in these songs needs to be seen to be believed.
1:17:00 in this version, it is not a matter of who fits the shoe, because the girlfriend knows exactly what he looks like. Literally just a matter of her glancing at someone and being like “no not you.”
1:19:50 the third act of every Cinderella story movie is such a chore. Its a trial and error thing by this point but no we 34% more shit going on
1:21:47 step brother characters are the best in the movie, no contest. Every face these guys make I’m weak
1:23:23 okay I think I like this villain song. It’s not good but also it’s very good. Also bizarre to have the villain song be the last song but do you, movie.
1:25:26 main kid is so reluctant to participate in his own movie they invented a friend character to drag him everywhere. Just noticed how frustrating this is. Whole movie he’s just “oh, i dunno, what if they laugh at me :(((”
1:26:10 “you lied to me!” “no, it’s a misunderstandng” there are twenty minutes left plz we dont have time for this i wanna go to bed
1:30:12 nearly ninety minutes later and the narrator is back for one line. Editing marvel, this.
1:32:32 the only “hrm unrealistic much” thing I subscribe to is characters waking up with makeup on, shit’s so stupid
1:35:36 once you notice there’s only two exterior sets you can’t go back
1:38:28 in the universe of this film, Sneaker Con takes place in the lobby of an apartment building
1:38:28 “they’re 1:1...just like you :))))))))))))))))))))” I’m very tired
1:41:20 the best musicals have you forgetting its a musical until the next song happens
1:43:44 this writer is a Hamilton fan, I can sniff out these things
1:47:10 jury’s out on whether this writer knows what a Yeezy is. Couldve done with some deep cuts like, idk, British Knights. Or Rick Owens, those are in right now. But I also buy they had literally only heard of Air Jordans before committing to make this movie.
1:49:31 counting returning writers, this was written by nine people.
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vanityloves · 3 years
Im a little confused still ('dif anon) i just wanted to ask- do you mean dont reblog Any imagines u reblog or only ones of shared f/os? Like. I dont sharw any f/os but as solely an example i wouldnt rb a mur/doc thing from u if i f/od him, i get that. But what abt f/os we dont share? If its the same deal that's fine i just wanna be clear!!
Sorry this is so late, I just got off work - and no worries, thank you for reading the other post n asking to clarify, i rly appreciate it /gen!!! it mostly applies w/ shared romantic f/os (im almost always ok with ppl who rb stuff with my platonic f/os! so if my platonic f/o happens to be your romantic f/o, you're more than welcome to rb it! it also helps me know who you're interested in bc sometimes i like to ask ab your ships/send prompts/etc when i can!)
if my romantic f/o is your platonic/familial, i also prefer fanart and such not be rb from me (im ok w/ ppl following me just the rb part is iffy bc sometimes the tags kinda throw me off and my brain cant read the intent even thought I Know What It Is, i just convince myself otherwise;;)
I know this seems silly/intricate/whiny/etc and i apologize and i dont exprct anyone to listen to my requests bc i totally understand that its kinda off and almost gatekeepy sounding - im trying to be better w/ sharing so hopefully this changes over time; esp now that im busy, maybe i wony notice as much? anyways thank you for reading thie far :'0
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