#it is my firmly held belief that alfred made him see one at that age but then he bit the therapist and was blacklisted for life
connanro · 5 months
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batman: the knight #1
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ragingbookdragon · 5 years
What Are The Chances?
Bruce Wayne x Reader Story!
A/N: This is still one of my favorite Bruce stories I’ve ever done. Also one of my favorite Backstreet Boys songs. BACKSTREET BOYS!!!! Enjoy! -Thorne <3
What if I never run into you? What if you never smiled at me? What if I hadn’t noticed you too? And you never showed up where I happened to be?
           He stood at the edge of the dance floor, surrounded by his sons and Alfred. He glanced down at his champagne then back to Dick who’d been telling them a story. “And Wally ran smack into the wall.” He had to pause he was laughing so hard. “He had that bruise for like two weeks.” His sons let out various reactions, Jason no more than a snort, where as Tim was rolling, telling about a similar incident with Bart; Alfred glanced at Bruce.
           “Master Bruce? Is everything alright?” His eyes met Alfred’s, and he nodded.
           “I’m fine. Just…bored.” The others chuckled and Jason elbowed him.
           “C’mon old man, you only turn forty-five once.” Bruce narrowed his eyes at him, listening as the others snorted.
           “Thank you, Jason, for making me remember how old I’m getting.” Jason smirked and quipped,
           “Anytime old man.” Bruce let the corners of his mouth curl upwards and he scanned the floor again; his eyes caught the sight of a waitress who was in a rather uncomfortable position. His jaw clenched and he handed his glass to Dick, who stared at him.
           “Where are you going Bruce?” He nodded at the older man whose hand was curling around her leg.
           “I’m about to go hand him his ass.” The others watched as Bruce stepped closer, and just as he reached them, a woman brushed by him, letting out a quiet, ‘excuse me’. She shifted quickly, one hand grabbing the mans, the other hand grabbing the back of his head; he let out a yelp of pain when she slammed him down on the bar and leaned into his ear.
           “Did you know that what you’re doing is a Class A misdemeanor?” She paused and twisted his arm. “The penalties for that can be up to five grand and a year in jail.” He squirmed and she twisted more until he stopped moving; she glanced at the waitress. “But I’m willing to let this young woman decide your fate.” She nodded to her. “Let him go…or call security?” The man started thrashing.
           “Do you have any idea who I am?” She scoffed.
           “I know you’re a sonovabitch who thinks its okay to put your hands up women’s skirts.”
           “You can’t prove I did anything!” She glanced at the waitress.
           “Did he touch you?” She nodded and he yelled,
           “She’s lying!”
           “No, she isn’t. I saw you touch her.” She eyed her. “What do you want me to do Hun?”
           “Security.” The man started screaming and two security guards walked over; she shoved him at them then flashed a badge.
           “Detective (Y/N) (L/N).” They nodded at her and she eyed the man. “I caught him assaulting this waitress. Escort him from the premises please.” They nodded again and walked off with the still-screaming man in tow. (Y/N) turned back to the waitress. “You alright?” She nodded and (Y/N) gave a firm nod in return. “I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner Miss…I would’ve helped had I.”
           “It’s fine…what matters is you did.” (Y/N) opened her mouth to respond when Bruce walked up.
           “Cynthia you can take the rest of the evening off.” She turned to him wide-eyed.
           “But sir-my paycheck?” Bruce smiled.
           “I’ll have it sent. And I’m so sorry for that. I was on my way over when,” He paused and turned to (Y/N). “This detective beat me to it.” (Y/N) smirked and the waitress smiled.
           “I’m just glad she got here in time.” She excused herself and left the two of them standing next to each other. (Y/N) held out her hand.
           “Detective (Y/N) (L/N).” Bruce took her hand and shook it firmly.
           “Bruce Wayne.”
What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this? On a quiet night, what are the odds? What’s a guy like me doing in a place like this? I could have just walked by, who would’ve thought.
           He let go of her hand and leaned against the bar; she did the same. “What’s a detective doing at a billionaire’s birthday party?” (Y/N) smiled and nodded at the bartender.
           “Brandy neat, please.” He nodded, a few seconds later, a glass slid in front of her; she sipped it, then turned back to Bruce. “Gordon was busy working a case and needed someone to watch over the party tonight.”
           “I wasn’t aware GCPD had received any new detectives.” (Y/N) grinned.
           “I’m a transfer from Central. Also…Gordon’s a family friend, so when I mentioned moving, he had a spot opened for me.” Bruce raised an eyebrow.
           “Why on earth would someone as smart as you move to a place like Gotham City?” She let out a chuckle and nodded her head.
           “Yeah…Gordon asked me the same question.” She paused then shrugged. “Wanted a change of pace.”
           “Flash’s city too fast for you?” (Y/N) barked a laugh.
           “Contrary to popular belief, his brain cells don’t move as fast as his feet do.” She thought he was going to cry he was laughing so hard; when he calmed down, Bruce nodded to her.
           “So, what did you do over in Central?”
           “I was the head of the Anti-Meta-Human Task Force.” (Y/N) sipped her drink. “Honestly, it’s probably why Gordon wanted me over here in the first place.” Bruce raised an eyebrow.
           “Why’s that?” She eyed him.
           “He needed someone with major Meta-human/Supervillain expertise to run the Major Crimes Unit.”
           “I’d heard the MCU was getting a new captain. I wasn’t aware it was you.” (Y/N) winked at him.
           “I like to keep people in suspense.” Bruce matched her grin.
           “I’ve noticed.” He paused and motioned to the dance floor. “Would you care to dance?”
What are the chances that we’d end up dancing? Like two in a million, like once in a life That I could have found you, put my arms around you Like two in a million, like once in a life What are the chances?
           She slipped her hand into his and let him lead her to the dance floor; they moved together, and his hand rested at the small of her back. (Y/N) rested her free hand on his shoulder and began to move her feet. “You’re rather good at dancing Ms. (L/N).” She glanced up at him and smiled.
           “I took lessons when I was younger.”
           “But you stopped?” (Y/N) chuckled.
           “Dancing didn’t help me when I was getting into fist fights with the neighborhood boys. I took up martial arts instead.” Bruce snorted.
           “You used to get into fights?”
           “Oh yeah, all the time. I was the oldest of the kids and the bullies used to pick on the young ones who couldn’t protect themselves.” He studied her, then murmured,
           “So, you became their protector?” (Y/N) nodded.
           “No one else was going to do it…so I did.” They paused their conversation as he twirled her around, then she came back to him. “So, I have a question, if you’d like to answer it.” He grinned.
           “How’s a playboy billionaire end up the proud father of four sons?” Bruce had to stop moving he was laughing so hard; (Y/N) raised an amused eyebrow at him, letting out a chuckle herself. They began moving again, and Bruce thought for a few seconds.
           “Dick, Jason, and Tim all came to me by chance.”
           “And Damian?” He looked at her, surprised she’d known; she grinned at him. “Detective…remember?” He huffed a laugh and nodded.
           “Damian’s mother gave me custody of him.” The song ended, and they stared at one another for a few seconds. She removed her hands and tipped her head up murmuring,
           “Talia al Ghul doesn’t seem like the type of woman who just gives up her children.” She watched his eyes widen and she winked. “See you around Mr. Wayne.” (Y/N) turned and began walking off, leaving a stunned Bruce behind.
What if I hadn’t asked for your name? And time hadn’t stopped when you said it to me? Oh Of all of the plans that I could have made Of all of the nights that I couldn’t sleep, oh
           They stood along the rooftops, staring down at the city; Dick nudged him in the ribs. “Are you alright B? You seem like you’re on edge.” Bruce shook his head, grunting out,
           “I’m fine.” Someone scoffed behind him.
           “Yeah right…you’ve been unnerved since that woman danced with you tonight.” The others glanced at Jason, then back to him.
           “Father…did something happen?” He glanced at Damian, then back to the city.
           “She knew who your mother was.” Their eyes widened at his revelation.
           “That is impossible…no one knows Talia is my mother.” Bruce nodded.
           “She did. And I think she knows who we are too.”
           “How’d she find out?” He glanced at Tim and deadpanned,
           “She’s the new captain for the MCU.” Tim eyed his wrist before tapping on it, then nodded.
           “Yeah…she is.”
           “What’s her record Timmy?” He showed the screen to Jason who read it. “Previous captain of the AMHTF in Central…Holy shit-she’s got a tenth dan in judo, a tenth in Kenpo, a tenth in aikido, and she’s even trained in Shaolin Kung Fu.” He paused and looked at Bruce. “There’s no way someone her age is a grandmaster in those. It’s nuts.” Bruce raised an eyebrow.
           “And what are we then?” He opened his mouth, then closed it, pointing at him.
           “Point taken.” Dick glanced at Tim’s screen.
           “How’s someone this powerful and this skillful end up in Gotham city?”
           “Says here that Gordon put in a request to have her transferred.” They looked at Tim who continued with, “Doesn’t say why though.” Bruce opened his mouth to respond when the sound of a store alarm went off; he looked at the others.
           “Go.” They took off, and he watched until they disappeared, then turned to GCPD, determined to find out why she’d come to Gotham City.
           Many of the officers and detectives had either gone home or were out in the city. He slipped inside and moved silently to her door; she was turned around, stacking a set of books on her shelf. Bruce slid open the door and stepped inside; he went to speak when she beat him to it. “You know Batman…I can see why Gordon gets so unnerved about you coming in and out of GCPD.” She turned at looked at him. “It’s practically impossible for people to hear you.” To say he was shocked was an understatement, but he hid it well.
           “You knew I was coming?” She grinned and waved a buzzing device in her hand.
           “Electrical-circuit tape is connected to my door.” He paused and glanced back at it, sure enough seeing a strip of black tape with gold lining it. “When the door is breached-”
           “Your device alerts you.” She nodded as he finished her sentence; she walked passed him and shut the door, then sat in her seat behind her desk.
           “So, what can I do for you Batman?”
           “Why’d you come to Gotham City?” She tipped her head back.
           “Now that is the million-dollar question.” She paused. “Or should I say ‘billion’ dollar question.” His eyes narrowed and he rested his hands on her desk, leaning towards her.
           “Who are you? And why are you in Gotham City?”
           “I already told you my name.”
           “No, you didn’t.”
           “Yes, I did.” She leaned forward, her face right in front of his. “I stuck my hand out and said, ‘Detective (Y/N) (L/N).’ and you grabbed it and said, ‘Bruce Wayne.’.” Time stopped around him as (Y/N) repeated their conversation from earlier that night; when he could speak again, he did.
           “…How?” (Y/N) snorted.
           “I worked with Barry and Wally, Mr. Wayne. Your reputation extends far.” Bruce felt his eye twitch.
           “Barry told you?” She scoffed.
           “No. His brain cells move fast enough to keep a secret at least.” (Y/N) stopped. “Wally off-handedly mentioned Dick Grayson and Nightwing in the same sentence…I just had Barry confirm it.”
           “So, he told you?”
           “After I threatened to freeze his feet he did.” Bruce let out a long sigh and (Y/N) chuckled. “Don’t worry about the identities Mr. Wayne. I’m not here to cause you problems.”
           “Then why are you here?”
           “To run the MCU? I told you that too.” The sound of the precinct doors cut him off, and she winked at him. “See you around Mr. Wayne.”
What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this? In a crowded room, what are the odds? What’s a guy like me doing in a place like this? Getting close to you, but here we are?
           He knew better than to get close to her. A police officer? And the captain of the MCU at that. But here they were, sitting across from each other in the middle of a crowded restaurant-the eighth date they’d shared. He stared at her as she sipped her wine, her eyes focused on the pianist; she set her glass down and murmured, “You’re burning holes in me over there Bruce.” Instead of averting his gaze, he narrowed his eyes at her; she met them. “What’s got you so quiet?”
           “We shouldn’t be doing this.” (Y/N) let out a laugh.
           “What dinner?”
           “You know what I mean.” She leaned back a little and observed him, then tipped her head to the small dance floor in the center.
           “Dance with me?” He rose and she followed; they began swaying to the soft music and she hummed, “Are you worried that my feelings for you will come into confliction with other things?” Bruce glanced down at her, meeting her eyes.
           “I’m not worried.” (Y/N) grinned.
           “But you are conflicted about it.” She paused then surmised, “You’re worried that something is going to happen that will turn us against each other.”
           “We’re too different.”
           “Not really. We do the same thing…just I stand behind a shield and you behind a shadow.”
           “I’m not a good man for you.” (Y/N) huffed a laugh.
           “And that’s not your call to make Bruce.” She stopped and stared at him; her eyes as solemn as her voice. “I know what I want…Maybe you should listen to what you really want instead of focusing on mine.” (Y/N) turned and began walking off; she’d stepped outside when an arm curled around her waist, pulling her against them. The familiar scent of cologne wafted up her nose and she tipped her head to the side. “Figure it out that quickly?” His chest pressed against her back and his voice was low.
           “I want you.” (Y/N) twisted her head to look into his eyes; she raised an eyebrow.
           “You want me…or you want me?” The corner of his mouth raised, and his fingers splayed across her stomach.
           “Both.” She huffed a laugh and spun around in his arms, lacing hers around his neck.
           “You’re a handful of work Mr. Wayne.”
           “But?” (Y/N) flashed a smirk.
           “But I love having my hands full.”
What are the chances that we’d end up dancing? Like two in a million, like once in a life That I could have found you, put my arms around you Like two in a million, like once in a life What are the chances?
           He admired her features as she slept; his eyes traveled over her eyes and her nose, to her lips and her cheeks. She was beautiful, and he found himself wondering if he was truly falling for her. Bruce thought about the night they met, the first time he’d seen her. He remembered the way she’d brushed by him, her eyes focused on the task in front of her. Then, they way she danced, like it was so effortless for her. She’d come to Gotham City wielding knowledge he’d never expected her to know; but here she was, and she was a tempest. The MCU had solved more cases under her command than when Gordon had been running it, and they’d been doing it without his and his family’s help. She’d been in command of the precinct for almost two years, and they’d been together almost a full year. (Y/N) wasn’t bothered by the fame and press, only being angered when they stepped foot inside GCPD. She’d adopted the role of girlfriend rather well, taking it in stride; even the boys thought she was great. (Y/N) had also adopted the role of surrogate mother for his boys, and Bruce could tell it was making a difference within his sons, to have a mother figure around them.
Dick and she sat for hours talking about the police precincts and their times in the force; he’d even accidently called her mom a few times, but she just grinned at his flustered apologies.
Jason was rather aloof with her, but he was like that with everyone; he and (Y/N) had bonded over a discussion about literature, and Bruce was happy to see his second son visiting more often and staying over more.
Tim and (Y/N) were practically the easiest bonded together; (Y/N) mentioned Tim’s favorite TV show when they’d hit a dead end in a case and he’d turned to Bruce going, ‘Marry her or I’ll tell the world you’re Batman.’. She didn’t stop laughing for fifteen minutes.
Bruce was worried about his last son though; Damian wasn’t one to welcome new people, especially Bruce’s girlfriends. But surprisingly, the two of them got along quite well; he’d yet to figure out why they’d gotten along so well, but Bruce wondered if the fact that she showed them love, made them want to be around her. Whatever the case, Bruce thanked the stars above that their once-in-a-life meeting had occurred.
Is it love? Is it fate? Who am I? Who’s to say? Don’t know exactly what it means (ooh, oh, yeah) Is it love? Is it fate? Where it leads, who can say? Maybe you and I were meant to be
           The morning in the manor was quiet, and the family sat at the table eating breakfast, talking quietly. (Y/N) sipped on her coffee and turned the newspaper over to Bruce. She’d pretty much moved into the manor after Bruce had begged her to, saying, ‘We’ve been dating for almost five years (Y/N)…I think it’s time you make this your residence.’. She’d made the off-handed joke that it sounded like a proposal, and ever since then, the image of her in a wedding dress wouldn’t leave his mind. The longer he thought about it, the more he wanted to see it; he wanted to marry her. The words came out before he could stop them. “Do you want to get married (Y/N)?” The table went dead silent as the boys and (Y/N) stared at him in shock; she pushed past it and questioned,
           “Are…are you…being serious right now?” Bruce nodded.
           “I’ve been thinking about that comment you made about proposing, and I want to.” She shook her head and replied incredulously,
           “I was making a joke! I wasn’t being serious!” He leaned close to her, taking her hand.
           “But what if you were?” (Y/N) watched him pull a small black box from his pocket; she heard Alfred gasp.
           “Master Bruce! That’s Mrs. Wayne’s-” Bruce cut him off, flipping open the box.
           “This was my mother’s wedding ring.” Another ring was next to it and he pointed to it. “That’s my father’s. They’re some of the only true mementos I have of them.” Bruce gazed at her, his thumb brushing the back of her hand. “I wouldn’t offer you this if I wasn’t serious about it (Y/N)…I want to marry you.”
           “But…the boys…” His eyes drifted to them then back to hers.
           “I think I can speak for my sons when I say that you’ve only added love to this family.” He sighed and looked down. “I wasn’t prepared to be a father…and when they came into my life…I really didn’t know how to raise them. And now they’re almost all grown, and I keep looking back on the mistakes I made and the chances I missed.” Bruce squeezed her hand. “Ever since you came, I’ve seen the changes you’ve made in our lives…in Dick’s, in Jason’s, in Tim’s, and even Damian’s.” (Y/N) glanced at the boys who gave her agreed smiles, then she looked back to Bruce; he met her eyes and his tone was solemn. “I’ve made enough mistakes and passed up too many chances in my life (Y/N) …I don’t want to pass this up.” He squeezed her hand again. “…Marry me (Y/N).”
What, what What are the chances that we’d end up dancing? Two in a million, once in a life That I could have found you, put my arms around you (my arms around you) Two in a million (it’s like two in a million) Like once in a life, yeah (woah) What are the chances? (What are the chances?)
           They twirled on the floor, both of their faces in real, unrepentant joy. His arm curled around her waist as he lifted her and spun her around; she let out a surprised laugh, then he lowered her and pulled her close. He rested his forehead against hers and breathed, “I love you.” She grinned and replied,
           “I love you too.”
Two in a million, once in a life What are the chances? (What are the chances?) Two in a million, once in a life
           The waves crawled gently up and down the shore as they walked. Her heels were in her unoccupied hand, and her feet sunk into the wet sand with every step they took. She rubbed her thumb along the curve of his. “This is nice.” He nodded.
           “When you mentioned the beach, I thought about Bora Bora.” She grinned.
           “I’m glad you did.” She stopped and looked out at the water. “Hell, even in the dark it’s gorgeous.”
           “Not as gorgeous as you are.” She rolled her eyes.
           “Watch it Mr. Wayne…I’m not one for open flattery.” He snorted and stepped behind her, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her back to his chest; his chin rested on her shoulder and he turned to her.
           “What if it’s really good flattery…Mrs. Wayne?” (Y/N) tipped her head to the side, catching his eyes; she couldn’t fight the grin that crossed her lips and she murmured,
           “…I still can’t believe we’re married.” Bruce chuckled and took her left hand in his, gently raising it.
           “The ring right here will make you believe it.”
           “I hope you have a lot more than a ring to make me believe.” He tipped his head.
           “I have a marriage license and a group of boys,” He paused and raised his voice. “Who think they’re so well hidden that would make it real.” (Y/N) let out a laugh as the boys walked down the beach to them; Bruce turned to them. “The whole point of a honeymoon is for the husband and wife to get away without anyone around them.” Jason scoffed.
           “You can’t hog Ma. It’s not fair.” The others agreed, and Damian ran up and curled his arms around (Y/N)’s waist.
           “Umi is ours too.” The others moved up and shoved Bruce off, curling their arms around her; (Y/N) giggled and looked at Bruce, who’s eyes were narrowed at them.
           “Guess it’s going to be a fight for my attention then, eh Mr. Wayne?” He grunted.
           “That’s a fight I’ll gladly win.”
           “Give your best shot B. We’re her sons.” (Y/N) looked at Dick and smiled as the others nodded.
           “You’re going to regret that challenge Dick. She may be your mom, but I’m,” He pointed to himself. “Her husband.” Tim leaned up and whispered something in Jason’s ear who in turn did the same to Damian and Dick; they nodded and immediately let go of her, moving to Bruce. Jason picked (Y/N) up and began moving towards the walkways.
           “I’ve got Ma! Keep him busy!” (Y/N) let out a laugh as she looked over Jason’s shoulder, seeing Bruce slowly trudging towards them, with Dick hanging around his neck and Tim and Damian hanging on his arms; she called out to him.
           “Don’t worry Mr. Wayne! Family vacations are fun too!” They were farther from him, but she heard him yell,
           “But this is a honeymoon Mrs. Wayne! Not a family vacation!”
What if I never run into you? And what if you never smiled at me?
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