#it is my mission to introduce this song to people
shounengirlart · 1 day
Random bits and pieces of info about Wi and Task Force 141 popped up in my head ~
Headcanon Task Force 141 - Price, Gaz, Soap, Ghost, Konig, Witch (and Kate, Nik, Farah etc.)
Their ages - Price - 42, Gaz - 29, Soap - 27, Ghost - 36, Konig - 34, Witch - 30
Her call sign 'Witch' came from Ghost's phrase when she was first introduced to the team. Kate was introducing her to the Task Force and Ghost said, "Well, now we've got a little tech witch..." 'Witch' cheekily slapped(!) Ghost on the arse (they've known each other for literally minutes, this woman doesn't know what fear is). Seeing that reaction, it was picked up by Soap and Konig, and from that moment on, everyone just calls her that.
Price and Witch - tired dad and noisy kid. Price often refers to Wi as 'kid', which initially freaks her out because she's not the youngest, but then she just starts calling Price an old man.
Watching dumb memes with Soap and Gaz.
With Soap singing pop songs to the whole base.
Gaz is interested in her work and they talk about it a lot.
When she has nothing to do, she hangs out with Nik in the helicopter hangar, they are besties.
Old friends with Kate. Worked together long before Task Force.
Adores Farah, she's like a sister to her.
Konig says that Witch and Ghost are very similar when it comes to missions and other work. They literally act the same and look at everyone with that fuck-off look.
Witch hates paperwork, like reports for Kate and stuff like that. But she loves getting, cracking and tweaking all the electronics the team has. Ghost and Konig wouldn't let her touch their equipment for a long time.
Witch has her own workshop on the base where she hides like a little gremlin. Yeah, she and Ghost and Konig fucked there. Yeah, more than they should have.
Witch is secretly trying to learn German so she can understand Konig better.
When she speaks emotionally, she often swears in Russian. Konig and Ghost laugh at her because she looks like a cute little mouse and sounds like Nick when he is angry.
Konig reads a lot of history books and often retells them to Wi and Ghost. They love listening to his stories, Konig is a good storyteller, but they both fall asleep quickly.
The three of them have a big house on the outskirts of London. They had to order the biggest bed they could find. They only want to sleep together, no other way.
Witch and Konig are very tactile (Konig is a bit shy about touching people because of his rough hands). They constantly exchange small touches, hugs and kisses between themselves and Ghost.
Even when they weren't in a relationship, both men were constantly touching the Witch. They both say it's because she looks like a marshmallow.
Konig likes to touch Wi's cheeks. He constantly touches, kisses and pinches them.
Ghost likes to ruffle her hair and kiss the top of her head.
They both LOVES when the Wi hugs them.
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aaand smol silly one
Ghost, Witch and Konig don't dress up for Halloween, well, because…. they're already ghost, witch and konig(king). (sorry, I'm laughing more than I should)
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Me, adding in what was originally supposed to be a small Christmas chapter to my dead boy detectives fic series not because I'm religious but because "In the Bleak Midwinter" wrecks me every time I listen to it AND it's a British hymn old enough for Edwin to know AND I can combine it with emotional moments for every one of the main characters ESPECIALLY for Charles? More likely than you think!
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i-yap · 4 months
Can I get your thoughts on a gn reader who’s dating Grayson and is like a parent figure or older sibling to Damien, so they have a soft spot for him ( so does Damien ) ?
Dick grayson x gn!y/n x platonic!Damian
this is my first time writing a gn reader so like I'm sorry if I write something stupid or offensive, just comment it and ill fix it.
if you are dating dick then damian will stalk you extensively at first. Dick is his favorite sibling ( in most comics) and if dick is serious about you, stalking is just how the batfam shows love.
He will be rude , he will be mean and sarcastic but dick warned you and you understand where dami's coming from. So you kindly and patiently deal with him and dick obviously doesn't let Dami cross the line when it comes to you.
One night dick had to rush out for a really scary mission and told you to stay at the manor because its the safest place to be.
Damian was the only other person that was left behind since the mission required everyone else on the team and bruce did not think damian was ready for such a high risk mission just yet.
so damian was really frustrated and also worried for the rest of the family. you walk past Dami's room to see him staring off in the distance while fidgeting or biting his nails. You ask alfred for a chess set ( or any other board/card game) and bring it to dami's room. While playing , he opens up about his frustrations and you patiently listen . Not a lot of people in his family are as warm and caring as you are ( maybe dick but even he is really busy)
After that night the roles are reversed. Now damian thinks dick is undeserving of you and his snarky comments are directed to him. You just find it funny while dick is left confused. "I thought he liked me more man, why the sudden switch?" " he got enlightened dickie boy muhahah" " you are mind controlling him arent you"
One-on-one time in the manor- haha dick wishes. So he tries only calling you when dami is at school or training or patrol. ofc you and dami catch on soon which means you and dami chasing him with katanas.
talking about katanas, dami loves showing you his art and his pets and if you share an interest in either of them he gets even more excited.
you and dick become dami's honorary parents. might as well adopt him since bruce and talia are obviously not doing a very good job ( in most comics) .
whenever dami is mad at bruce or simply upset or bored he comes to you and dick's apartment. You and dick are the fun warm loving couple that spend the night playing board games and watching stupid movies . you introduce him to all the major pop culture shows and movies and dick teaches him how to just dance randomly. your apartment is so different from the gloomy , filled with blood stains, fights and training manor. its filled with music and love and warm lights cooking together in funny pjs and dancing badly to pop songs.
it is watching you and dick that dami realizes what love is supposed to look like. and what a normal household looks like( sort of normal) and it affects the way he grows up. I wont be surprised if he comes to you for parents teacher meeting days or to sign his field trips or for advice on normal things
and the canon where dami is being bullied in school, while you go full on protective mode ,dick tries teaching him how to be better in social situations.
overall dami is just counting down days dick marries you and you'all unofficially adopt him.
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ileaveclawmarks · 2 years
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An interview with Leslie Feinberg appearing in the Oct/Nov 1998 issue of On Our Backs.
Please click on image to read or find the transcript below:
Feinberg and hir activist peers have transformed the landscape of current queer politics: they have introduced "trans" (even into the mission statement of the National Organization for Women) as an umbrella term for transgender and transsexual persons. "Transgender" refers to any person whose gender expression appears at odds with his or ber biological sex, including transvestites, drag queens and kings, intersexed persons, "passing" men and women, feminine men, and masculine women. "Transsexual" refers to men and women who challenge the sex they were assigned at birth, whether they choose sex-reassignment surgery or not. Feminism popularized the distinction between "sex" (as biological sex) and "gender" (as the social expression of masculinity, androgyny, and femininity); the trans movement took this distinction to the streets.
Feinberg and hir activist peers have transformed the landscape of current queer politics: they have introduced "trans" (even into the mission statement of the National Organization for Women) as an umbrella term for transgender and transsexual persons. "Transgender" refers to any person whose gender expression appears at odds with his or ber biological sex, including transvestites, drag queens and kings, intersexed persons, "passing" men and women, feminine men, and masculine women. "Transsexual" refers to men and women who challenge the sex they were assigned at birth, whether they choose sex-reassignment surgery or not. Feminism popularized the distinction between "sex" (as biological sex) and "gender" (as the social expression of masculinity, androgyny, and femininity); the trans movement took this distinction to the streets.
Feinberg discusses her struggle with the health care system in hir new book, Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue. Released in October, Trans Liberation chronicles Feinberg's career as a public speaker and collects the addresses s/he delivered to a variety of groups, from Gay Pride organizers to straight male transvestites. We spoke with Feinberg about why sexual freedom is impossible without freedom of gender expression.
On Our Backs: Trans Liberation was released this fall. Can you tell us about what you're working on now?
Feinberg: I'm deep into a novel titled Drag King Dreams. It's about a working-class, Jewish trans person who has a foot in both the diverse trans communities and also the lesbian, gay, and bi communities. It's a book about figuring out what "home" means and who your people are. I'm also trying to write a fable titled "Tale of Two Hearts." it's really a love song to Minnie Bruce Pratt-my wife, my lover, and my friend. It's just one chorus of the love song I write to Minnie Bruce every day of my life.
On Our Backs: Your relationship with poet Minnie Bruce Pratt, thanks in part to her book S/he, is well known. What is your advice to those of us seeking a long term relationship as loving as yours?
Feinberg: I just know that for me, this is a relationship unlike any other I've ever had. I wasn't looking for a lifetime commitment when I met Minnie Bruce. I°d been dating nonmonogamously for quite a while, nothing serious. Minnie Bruce and I both did a lot of work individually to grow up, get sober and work hard at developing our political consciousness and activism. We were ready for each other. Ready to be loving, to communicate, and to listen.
On Our Backs: Pat Califia once wrote that she wishes there would come a time when we don't pick a sexual partner by his or her gender, but by other criteria, such as whether the person is a top or a bottom. In your ideal world, what would attract people to one another?
Feinberg: It's hard for me to hypothesize. In the world we live in, individuals do organize their preferences around gender expression. But a spectrum of sexuality existed in ancient societies that predated state. sponsored repression of human love. That leads me to think that these preferences might continue to exist in future societies in which no form of sex or gender is outlawed or demeaned. I don't think the problem today is preferences so much as prejudices. For example, I read personal ads in which people say "no druggies or butches need apply." Wow! That's preiudice. If you say in an ad that you're looking for someone feminine or androgynous or some other form of preference. that's very different from saving "no butches." As more and more prejudices are defeated, and in a world freed from divide-and-rule bigotry, people will be freer to explore their preferences about gender and about individuals.
On Our Backs: Do transgendered persons have sexual representation-pornography, erotic fiction, videos made for and by themselves?
Feinberg: Right now, there are many people trying to write erotica that bends gender. And I think it's very important. For many of us, it's very hard, never being able to identify with the sexuality we see everywhere in the dominant culture. [So] it was very important for me to write about sexuality in Stone Butch Blues. In the novel I'm working on now, I've been thinking a lot about how to write about sexuality that's not necessarily masculine or feminine, or gay or straight.
On Our Backs: What do you mean by "sexuality that's not necessarily masculine or feminine"?
Feinberg: I see masculinity and femininity as forms of gender expression. But a person's gender expression doesn't necessarily determine their sexuality. It doesn't determine whether you'll be attracted to someone of a similar gender expression or a dissimilar one. It doesn't mean you'll be sexually aggressive or submissive or both. That's what makes me so angry when I hear people derisively refer to someone as "thinks she's so butch but she rolls over in bed." It's an assumption that masculinity translates into being a top sexually. It limits the range of sexual expression of masculine females. And it's a sexual attack on someone who is, by virtue of their social oppression, already sexually wounded.
On Our Backs: Both sex scenes from Stone Butch Blues were excerpted for collections of lesbian erotica. Did you intend the scenes to be sexually arousing for readers - to be erotica - when you wrote them?
Feinberg: That's such an interesting question. I have to say that when I set out to write the sex scenes, I began to be aware of internalized censorship: "Can I or should I write about this or that?" So I consciously blocked out any thought of readers with this odd mental trick: I told myself that whatever I wrote, I didn't have to publish it. First write it, then decide. By doing that, I discovered that I could write about the kind of sex that i thought was true to the emotional makeup of the characters. If it was erotic for readers, I think it was because I was true to the characters themselves, so the sex was "real," if you know what I mean.
On Our Backs: Can sexuality exist without gender? Or is gender an essential component of sexuality?
Feinberg: Certainly everyone is gendered - quite complexly. And we infuse much of who we are, as gendered people, into our sexuality. But sexuality is so complicated by oppression right now that it's really hard to study it removed from its social soil. Jesse Helms defeated funding for a study that would have backed up much of what Kinsey revealed decades ago: that human sexuality is not two opposite poles- one normal, one not. Sexuality is on a spectrum, and many individuals move along that continuum during their lives. But lesbian, gay, and bisexual love is outlawed in the majority of states in the United States. So how can a truly objective, intensive study of sexuality even be conducted? It's like doing a study on religious beliefs and affiliations during the Nazi regime in Germany. So much of what we will learn about the relationship of gender and desire, as well as unraveling other questions about the matrix of sexuality, will be tied to the victories of our liberation of humanity from oppression altogether.
On Our Backs: In Trans Liberation you wrote about how frustrating it is voting for a two-party system when both parties are backed by big business. Do you vote? Should poor, queer, and trans people even bother voting?
Feinberg: Well, politics is about more than voting. It's also about finding ways to move people to action. In a particular situation, voting on an issue in an election or a candidate could help advance the movement. In general, though, I don't think voting for Republicans or Democrats - both supported by wings of corporate America, as are their parties - advances our struggle. I believe we need to build an independent liberation movement that's not tied down by waiting to see what happens in the next election. Everything our movement has ever won, including progressive legislation, has been won based on the strength of our struggle.
On Our Backs: Lesbians who accept transgender liberation in theory often balk at making alliances with transsexuals. Why is this so?
Feinberg: First and foremost, transsexual men and women helped build the modern lesbian, gay, and bisexual communities and movement. I know of at least one transsexual sister who fought the cops at Stonewall. They haven't always been recognized for their valuable contributions. But I believe strongly that those in the lesbian communities who are opposed to building coalitions with the diverse trans communities are just one current, and very often a minority current. The question is: Which current of any movement will lead? Those who seek to narrow the movement, or those who seek to broaden and strengthen its collective power?
*In this interview, On Our Backs refers to Feinberg with the pronouns "hir" (pronounced "here") and "s/he." We choose to do so because Feinberg has stressed that if society is to accept transgendered people, our language must expand as well. S/he gives as an example Ms., a common term now, but unacceptable before the women's movement.
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Something notable about the Rise version of Leo is that Rise explores Leo’s identity outside the concepts of ‘the eldest brother’ & ‘the leader’ by making Leo a middle child & giving Raph the leadership role at the start of the series.
However I feel as though similar to other versions of Leonardo, Rise Leo also struggles to find an identity for himself outside of his family.
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Leo: There’s no team with just a face man! I need my brainy guy, and my smashing guy and my eats peanut butter with his fingers guy! I’m nothing without them!
In the episode Portal Jacked Leo admits that he thinks that he’s nothing without his family, showing that he defines himself by his place in his family & something else that is notable about the episode Portal Jacked is that it’s one of the first times that Leo refers to himself as ‘the face man’, which is how Leo defines his place on the team
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Leo: I’m the face man, people love me
The role of ‘the face man’ is how Leo defines himself on the Mad Dogs & it is a role that Leo came up with for himself, however in the very episode where the concept of ‘the face man’ is introduced Leo basically states that the role is useless without his brothers.
When Leo says ‘there’s no team with just the face man’ what Leo’s really saying is that even when he creates a role & identity for himself it’s useless without his family there. Even though Leo isn’t the leader for most of Rise without the leadership role given to him by his family it seems that Leo will create a role for himself to define his place in his family instead.
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Donnie: This is Purple Knight is everyone in position
Raph: Red King is set
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Raph: Yellow Submarine are we clear?
April: Affirmative Red Rover
Another example of Leo lacking a sense of identity outside his family is whenever the Turtles try to make codenames for themselves & each other their special interests shine through.
Donnie gives his family Chess themed code names & Raph gives his family code names based off of song titles, even Mikey is able to come up with various doctor personas for himself however when Leo attempts to come up with a codename he struggles to think of anything outside the colour blue
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Leo: I’m changing my code name too, uh... Blue Bluey! No... Blue... uh-
Unlike his brothers who are able to make codenames based off their own interests Leo gets stuck on the colours that were given to them by their father showing that when Leo is in a mission mindset his own interests are discarded in favour of revolving around his family
Even though Leo isn’t the ‘oldest’, Leo still seems to define his sense of self by his place in his family. If Leo can’t define himself by his position as ‘the oldest brother’ then it seems he will simply define himself by his position as ‘a brother’.
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edenalieth · 7 months
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Pairing: god of love!minho x Y/N
Genre: strangers to lovers, fluff with angst
Being a god of love wasn’t always easy. When you got assigned to Minho to be bonded to your soulmate, he thought his mission would be done in a blink of an eye. Little did he know that his biggest ally would be his greatest enemy: love.
Words: 6K 
A.N: first fic of 2024, we cheered! sorry, it took me more time than i thought it would,,, that photoshoot inspired me for this story, as well as the song "rewrite the stars". my bad for the possible mistakes, hope you enjoy :) any interactions are sincerely appreciated 🫶. — 240304
Being a god of love wasn’t always easy. Mortals thought it was all about fate and butt naked babies shooting their arrows at them. However, it wasn’t as perfect as they could imagine it and deities didn’t look like cherubs. 
Minho had not a single memory about his past life. One day, he had opened his eyes after wandering into darkness for a really long time and had been welcomed by an angel. This angel happened to be his new brother, Felix, who introduced him to more brothers and sisters. Felix was always cheerful, he exhaled warmth and passion, a ray of sunshine in a solid form. He taught him everything he had to know for his new function as a love god. The good sides and the bad ones. Among the great ones was the chase, as they called it with his siblings. An interesting part where they used their magic to get close to their assigned human. Using ancestral methods, they tricked their customer into thinking that they knew each other since forever. This way, it was easier for them to establish a bond with their chosen one and Minho was always sincerely curious about their lives, hopes and dreams. Once the spark of love was strong enough, came the second step. The aim. It was truly thrilling for Minho to shoot an arrow. The way the wood of his bow perfectly fitted on his hand, like an extension of his arm. Or when his fingers, hooking on the silver bowstring, had to keep the perfect balance before releasing his arrow, which never failed to ignite the passion between two human beings. It gave him goosebumps every time. Finally, came the evanescence. When the arrow had reached the heart and the two lovebirds were united, the god of love had to disappear from their lives. Despite how poetic all this appeared to be, not everyone had the chance to get their « happy ever after ». Divinities exclusively interfered to match a mortal to its soulmate and they had a glimpse of their future together. Unfortunately, they sometimes had to tie someone to a person who would break them in the most awful ways. No matter how bad it would be, they would remain in love with them to the point where they would forget about themselves. Minho had forced himself to become insensitive to such situations but, deep inside, he despised it. He felt nauseous and anger was running through his veins as he had to watch his customers becoming miserable in front of his eyes. Occasionally, he wished he could bribe the lord of death, Chan, into getting rid of those pests… Sadly, this deity wasn’t easy to negotiate with. They did their duty and nothing else. 
When you got assigned to Minho, he didn’t think much about it and started his chase. You were a university student, pretty cheerful and a bit grumpy when things didn’t go your way. You loved to meet new people and hang out with your friends. Reading was one of your favorite hobby and you had a chubby black cat named Churros. Funny, he thought with a small smile on his face. He liked animals because they weren’t fooled by his powers like humans were, especially cats. With their piercing gaze, they could see the magic surrounding the deities, energy flows swirling around them in tints of red, black and gold. Truly smart beings. 
Minho put his backpack correctly on his shoulders as he looked over his surroundings. Students were walking toward the entry door, chatting, laughing or shuffling sleepily — probably some hangover or all nighters for exams. Finally, he spotted you. Walking through the crowd, he reached you and put a hand on your shoulder. You turned around, visibly surprised and wondering about who the hell was touching you unprovoked. You frowned, met by a face you had never seen before, a beautiful face. It was a guy. He seemed to be the same age as you, his skin looked smooth, his pink lips stretched into a gentle smile and his hair were copper brown. Slowly, you attached your eyes to his. Warm and deep. 
The god of love knew it was the perfect time to use his powers, you were visibly confused. Coming closer to your face, he saw your eyes widening. « I’m going to help you. » he whispered to your ear. When he glanced at you again and noticed the light veil over your eyes. Magic was happening. Shaking your head, as if emerging from a dream, your face lit up. « Minho! Gosh, I really thought you were going to leave me alone again. You know that I hate that class… », you gritted your teeth saying that. 
Perfect, he thought. From now on, he would be your longtime friend who happened to go to the same university as you. « I know, I know » he replied, ruffling your hair. You looked offended as your fingers were quickly brushing your locks in an attempt to style them back properly. « You… Do you know how long it took me to do this ? » you grumbled, your eyes sending daggers to your friend. Minho smirked, playing his role to get to know you better. « Are you doing all of this for Thomas ? » he mused, teasing you. Naturally, you were his assigned human and he knew who he had to match you with and how to play with it to make you fall. Your cheeks turned into a bright red. You scoffed in disdain. « Me ? Doing this for a man ? Don’t be silly. » you rolled your eyes and grabbed his arm, changing the subject to the paper you had to write for today. Your crush was ridiculously obvious. He wondered if he would act this way if only he was able to love. However, your budding feelings for Thomas would help to get his job done faster. It took more time when he had to do all the job, create the meeting, put the right mood to some situation in attempt to make both parties fall in love. Yes, it would be easy. You sighed, « And here we go, for two hours of boredom… ». You sat down and prepared your papers, hurrying Minho to do the same. Obediently, he did as told and started his own class: learning about you. 
Days turned into weeks and he knew a lot about you by now. You frowned when you were highly focused on something, you hated romcom — at least it was what you said, except that Minho witnessed you tearing up in front of 13 going 30 —, you were the type of person to scream your lungs out to songs while driving, you chewed on your lips and then complained about it when they were getting chapped. To make it short, you were lively in the most beautiful ways and the love god didn’t seem to grow tired of it. « Pull yourself together » he thought, lightly splashing his face with water. He had to make things move on between you and Thomas. Your interest for him didn’t seem to fade, after all, you were meant to be. He looked at his reflection on the mirror and was surprised by his expression: he seemed annoyed. Straightening his back, he glanced one more time at his face, defying it, before exiting the bathroom. 
« Took you long enough » you stated, looking at the brown haired boy. He shrugged « Sorry ? ». You gestured him to come sit next to you. Churros was purring on your legs as you scratched it behind its ears and Minho looked at the scene fondly. Taking place by your side, he joined you to pet the black cat. You discreetly looked at your friend. You had been knowing him since you were kids — magic made you think that — and never had you realized how handsome he was. In your eyes, he was just your annoying lost twin. Kind of. At least, you thought… Or tried to convince yourself. Also, Thomas was there and you liked him, right ? Minho raised his head and caught you staring at him. He tilted his head before asking you, « What’s troubling you ? ». You shook your head, scratching your cat under its chin. « Hmm nothing… » your voice was low and not convincing at all, your friend wouldn’t fall for your masquerade. He came closer to you and nudge your shoulder. « Come on Y/N, what’s on your mind ? ». Seeing his eyes, you couldn’t resist them and gave up. You felt a bit embarrassed but gathered your courage up. « Have you ever been in love ? » you asked, your hands stopped moving and Churros half opened its eyes, its green pupils looking deep inside your soul. A brief silence filled the room. Minho was staring at the ceiling before clearing his throat. « Well, I’ve never experienced it myself but I believe it’s a precious and incredible feeling… » your friend seemed a bit gloomy and you were almost disappointed by his answer. « Have you ? » he kept going, curious to know if you were going to talk about your crush with him. The god of love was expectant. « Yes… » « How does it feel ? I can only imagine. » Minho smiled but his eyes weren’t. « It feels warm and exciting but complicated at times too… » you stated. « I mean, what do you do when you start having feelings for someone unexpected ? » The brown haired boy hummed. « Like falling for someone you never thought you would ? » You nodded, « Exactly. It's like... you have this image in your head of who you're supposed to be attracted to, and then someone comes along and totally flips that upside down. » The deity chuckled. « Hmm. I see what you mean. » a tint of bitterness lacing his voice. « But isn't that part of the magic of love? Discovering new feelings and connections you never imagined ? ». Why were you so hesitant about your feelings ? Never in his career he had witnessed that. Lighting the spark of love could took a bit longer to build but his customers never openly expressed their confusion. Was he lacking on some point ? As earlier when he was in the bathroom, he felt annoyance rushing through his veins and a strange tickling at the bottom of his nape...  Churros left your lap, feeling the agitation of yours and Minho’s hearts. « I suppose so. It's just… I know you’ve noticed, I've been crushing on Thomas for a while now, but lately, someone else came into the picture… » you were elusive on purpose. Minho got caught off guard on that one. What was going on ? Something was definitely wrong. Who were you talking about ? He would have to review every single people being close to you to find out if you decided not to speak. You bent towards him, your move making your fingers brush against his, sending electricity into your system. « It’s a secret. » you sticked your tongue out and stood up. Still on the floor, Minho looked at you in disbelief. « What ? You started this conversation and now you’ve decided to remain silent ? ». Towering him, you shrugged and turned on the music to distract him. 
This was an emergency. He needed to talk to Felix, right now. On his way home, he grabbed his phone on his pocket and looked for his brother’s number. He tapped on his name and waited to hear the ringtone. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. « Your contact isn’t available at the moment… » Minho swore as he was welcomed by the robotic voice. « Please leave a message after the ri… ». He hung up and dialed the number again and again and again. Finally, no automatic message but a deep upset voice, which was pretty rare. « For love sake, Minho. Why are you calling me ? I was preparing my aim. You better have a good reason to bother me and make me miss my shot. » he groaned. « My human. Y/N. She’s hesitant. » He heard his brother sighing. « And ? It happens all the time. Give her one more week and she will be ready. Now, if you may exc… » Loosing his temper, Minho cut him off. « It’s not like usual. And, for your knowledge, my clients never hesitate on their feelings. » he cockily added. Felix laughed. « Ok. Then, describe me how is it different ? ». Minho could hear the noises of the city coming from the end of the line. « I don’t feel that energy coming from her, it’s like… glowing a different way. And I have that constant itch bothering me... » he whispered, confused by the events. « Have you ever heard of someone changing their fate ? » « Minho. It’s written in the stars, it’s impossible to undo it. » the angel stated firmly. « Are you sure ? Wasn’t there any case of someone rewriting them ? » His voice felt desperate and he was. He was hundred percent sure that something odd was happening. A loud silence echoed his question. « Do you want my honest opinion ? » « Please. » he begged. « I think you’re the one with an unsteady heart. You’ve been around Y/N for too long. You’ve never spent much time with one of your assigned mortal and your magic is weakening. » Felix answered. Offended, the god of love received those words like a slap in the face. However, it would explain his discomfort. « This is nonsense. I’m telli… » but he hadn’t time to finish his sentence. « One week and not a single day more. » The ringtone resonated, announcing the final sentence. 
One week. He had to calculate all his next moves. If Felix was right, nobody knew what would happened if Minho was loosing his power. Yet, he wasn’t scared about it but was terrified at the idea of loosing you forever. Once his job done, it would be as if he had never existed. You would remember a presence but would not be able to put a name or a face on it. Usually, Minho considered his mission like a book. He had to get into it, enjoy it, untangle the plot and put it on a shelf once done. With you, he wanted the story to keep going. However, he was supposed to be a side character and not a main one. The love god felt stupid and bothered by that strange sensation squeezing his heart. What was it ? He could only identify anger and disappointment. His fists were clenched and he had to fight the urge to punch the nearest wall. This is when you decided to intervene. He felt his phone buzzing. The screen illuminated the room he was in. 
y/n: want to grab a coffee before class tomorrow ?
minho: sure!
y/n: perfect! see u :)
He sighed. He had to find a solution by the next morning and make you and Thomas fall in love, for once and for all. That night, the brown haired boy barely slept. 
You were waiting for your friend in front of the coffee shop. Minho appeared at the corner, disheveled and dark circles under his eyes. « Wow, you definitely need some coffee. » You teased him. He groaned and opened the door for you. « Barely slept. » he briefly explained. « Thanks, I had noticed. » you scoffed. Once your coffee taken, you strolled along the path toward university campus, backpacks slung over your shoulders. « So, any plans for the weekend ? »  the love god asked, trying his best to look cheerful. You shrugged, a playful grin tugging at the corners of your lips. « Not much, just the usual. Probably bury myself in textbooks and drown in a sea of caffeine. Exams are coming up. »
Minho rolled his eyes, nudging you with his elbow. « Come on, Y/N, you need to loosen up a bit. Life's not all about studying. Besides, I heard there's a party happening this Saturday. You have to come with me. » Your ears perked up at the mention of a party, your curiosity piqued. It has been a while since you wen to a party and going there with Minho sounded even greater.  « A party, huh? Sounds intriguing. Who's throwing it ? ». The brown haired boy flashed you a mischievous smile. « Oh, you know, just some friends from the other campus. But here's the juicy part – I heard that Thomas will be there. »
At the mention of Thomas’ name, your heart sunk a little. Maybe you would finally be able to put a word on your feelings for him, know if it was a small crush or something more serious. Maybe you would understand why you felt jelly and happier than ever around Minho too…
« Thomas? » you echoed, « Are you sure? ». The love god nodded enthusiastically. Going to a party was a simple strategy but it often worked. "Positive! This could be your chance to make a move. » He winked. You rolled your eyes. « Shush. I’m not even sure if I want to be with him anymore. » you whined. « Then it’s the perfect occasion, right ? » He was right. « Alright, you've convinced me, » you finally replied, a determined glint in your eyes. « I'll go to the party with you. ». Minho seemed relieved by your answer and closed the gap between the both of you to quickly kiss your cheeks. That sudden move of affection startled you as you brought a hand to your face. « Good! I will see you later then. » he waved you goodbye and disappeared in the corridor. As he rushed to his class, mixed feelings and a strong sensation of warmth filled his system. 
When he came back home on that day, the deity decided to face his own feelings. The kiss on your cheek ? It felt natural, yet really odd. Never he had done this with a mortal before but he wanted to try again. As he sat there, lost in the midst of his own thoughts, he couldn't shake the strange sensation that had been creeping up on him lately. It was like a whisper in the back of his mind, gentle yet persistent, nudging him to pay attention to something he hadn't noticed — or even felt — before.
At first, he brushed it off as nothing more than a weakness, a fleeting moment of curiosity. But the more he tried to ignore it, the louder it became, until it was impossible to ignore any longer. It was a feeling, unfamiliar yet strangely comforting, like sunbathing on fresh grass. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, couldn't find the words to describe it, but it was there, simmering beneath the surface, waiting to be acknowledged.
Suddenly it hit him, like a bolt of lightning. Could it be...? No, it couldn't. It was absurd, unthinkable, impossible. He was a god of love, he was here to help mortals not to fa… No, no, no. And yet, the more he tried to deny it, the more it seemed to make sense. He was definitely falling for you, for your laughter that echoed like music in his ears, for your smile that lit up even the darkest corners of his heart. It was a realization that sent his mind into a whirlwind of confusion and uncertainty.
What did it mean? What was he supposed to do with these newfound feelings ? What was going to happen to you, your fate, his powers ? He felt torn, caught between the familiarity of the past and the uncertainty of the future. Part of him wanted to hold onto what he knew, to the comfort of familiarity, while another part yearned to embrace this new, unknown territory with open arms. But one thing was clear amidst the chaos of his thoughts: he couldn't ignore this feeling any longer. It was a part of him now, a piece of the puzzle that had been missing all along or messing with the stars. And whether it led him down a path of heartache, he knew he had to face it head-on, for better or for worse. He was scared, obviously. However, he would enjoy his final days with you, shoot his arrow and disappear. He would get another mission and drown his feelings, trying to forget about you for the rest of his immortal life…
Days passed by, slipping from his hands, and weekend was already there. He dressed himself up and headed to the party. As he was getting closer of his friend’s house, he felt his heart sinking. When he entered the place, the thumping bass reverberated through the crowded living room as Minho scanned the sea of faces, his heart pounding in his chest with a mix of excitement and gloom. He had promised himself that tonight would be the night he finally bonded you and Thomas for eternity, but now that the moment was upon him, doubt gnawed at his resolve like a persistent itch.
Spotting you across the room, your radiant smile lighting up the dimly lit space, Minho's breath caught in his throat. You looked absolutely stunning, your eyes sparkling with laughter — you seemed a bit tipsy too — as you mingled effortlessly with the other partygoers.
Determined to seize the opportunity before it slipped through his fingers, Minho made his way through the crowd, weaving between bodies. But just as he reached out to tap your shoulder, a voice cut through the din like a knife slicing through butter.
« Hey, Minho! What are you doing over here all by yourself ? »
Minho turned to find Felix grinning at him, a beer in hand and mischief dancing in his eyes. « Felix… What are you doing here ? »
Felix arched an eyebrow, his grin widening into a knowing smirk, except that his eyes felt low-key frightening. Minho had never seen that look on his face before. « Let me guess – you're trying to find Y/N, aren't you ? I hope it’s to do your job. Tomorrow is your last chance if you can’t do it tonight, which would honestly be a shame.»
Minho felt the heat rise to his cheeks, cursing himself for being so transparent. « Yeah, actually. I was hoping to talk to her. »
Felix chuckled, clapping Minho on the back in a gesture of camaraderie. « Talk to her about what exactly ? » he aggressively whispered. « You were right, Minho. The ancient gods noticed your weird behavior and they’re now asking for results. That’s why they sent me here tonight. Also, I hate to break it to you, but it looks like she's already found her right match."
Minho's heart sank like a stone as he followed Felix's gaze across the room, where you were engaged in animated conversation with none other than Thomas. His stomach churned with jealousy and disappointment as he watched you laugh and joke together, your easy proximity like a dagger to his heart.
Desperate to salvage the situation before it spiraled out of control, Minho racked his brain for a way to interrupt. But before he could formulate a plan, fate intervened in the cruelest of ways, as Thomas locked eyes with yours and began to make his way toward you with the inevitability of two stars on a collision course.
With a unpleasant feeling in the pit of his stomach, Minho realized that his efforts to keep you for himself would be in vain. And as he watched you both draw closer, he couldn't help but wonder if perhaps he had been fighting a losing battle all along.
But even as the bitter sting of defeat washed over him like a wave crashing against the shore, Minho knew that he couldn't give up hope just yet. For in matters of the heart, anything was possible – even miracles. Adrenaline rushing through his veins, he nearly sprinted in your direction, pushing away the guests and ignoring his brother’s screams. 
With newfound determination burning bright within him, Minho felt prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. If there was one thing he knew for sure, it was that love was worth fighting for – even if it meant risking everything he held dear: his powers, his own life. Because what would happen if things weren’t turning the way they should ? He was going against destiny and it had messed up yours too. And, if he lost his powers, you would probably forgot about him since your friendship had, at first, been built on the illusions he had created.
And as the party raged on around him, Minho took a deep breath and stepped boldly between the two of you, stopping Thomas from achieving his move whether it was a hug or a kiss. The man seemed surprised and offended. « Yo… Do we know each other ? » he asked. « We don’t, but I'm here with her. » Minho held your hand in his, the warmth of his skin against your sending electricity into your veins. You looked at them, glaring at each other as a third guy — blond hair and an angelic face — approached you. Who was he and why it looked like he wanted to punch Minho in the face ? Focusing back on the brown haired boy and Thomas, you said « Minho, it’s fine we were just talking. » He turned his head, frowning, his grip on your hand strengthening. Yet, behind that visible annoyance, you could notice despair and softness in his eyes. « Well, I need to talk to you too. » Before you or Thomas could add a word, he made you follow him across the room. The blond guy was still following you but was struggling to slide between the students. You went upstairs, Minho was trying to find a place where people weren’t making out or throwing up. Eventually, a couple left one of the room, giving you the opportunity to get some privacy. 
The love god closed the door behind you, letting your hand go. « I don’t have much time and I honestly don’t know what’s going to happen after but… I have to try. » 
« What are you talking about ? » you chuckled nervously, your mouth getting dry. « Remember when I told you I’ve never loved anyone before ? » he asked. You nodded, anticipating. He walked closer to you, putting a strand of hair behind your ear in a tender gesture, looking at your face features as if trying to engrave them in his mind. « It took me long enough to admit it but I did… No, I do love someone. » « Oh… » you sounded disappointed, your heart starting to be torn into pieces until you felt your friend’s lips on yours. His hands cupped your face, your eyes widened as his were closing, a single tear threatening to fall anytime. Almost instantly, you drowned onto his touch, your lips moving in perfect sync as your fists were gripping his shirt. Your heart was beating so loudly that it echoed in your eardrum and you felt butterflies getting restless in the pit of your stomach. 
A deep muffled voice could be heard from behind the walls as Minho delicately stepped away from you. As soon as his lips detached from yours, you started to miss them like you would miss oxygen to breathe. « Minho you know about Tho… » « Don’t worry » a tear was rolling down his cheek and he quickly whipped it. « I know you like him… But, I had to try… ». However, you didn’t feel that way about your old crush. You had a little something for him, yes, but the feeling you had for Minho was stronger than anything you had felt before. You loved him. « Minho I lo… » you couldn’t confess fully when the same innocent looking guy you had seen earlier crashed into the room. 
« Minho. I hope you didn’t do anything stupid or… » however his face started to break down. Scared, you looked at Minho who was getting paler second after second. You rushed to support him as his knees felt weaker. He could feel it, his magic leaving his body. He felt so sleepy, the itch getting intense and your and Felix’s voices sounded faint. Felix cursed as he was walking toward you. « Don’t come closer ! » you warned him, not forgetting the way he looked at him before. Not listening to you, he put one of Minho’s arm around his shoulder and helped him laying down. « Wh-what are you doing ? We need to call an ambulance. » you stuttered. Felix bitterly laughed « Your mortals shit wouldn’t help him, now move aside. ». 
Everything was becoming blurry and dark for the brown haired boy. Laid down, he could see Felix’s lips moving hastily, trying to cast a spell, while your hands were holding his left one tightly. « Mor… What ? ». The blond hair guy didn’t answer, his hands moving above Minho. You couldn’t see anything but the deity did. Slowly, a golden arrow was appearing on his brother’s hands, shining brightly.
You were done with this strange guy. With trembling hands, you took your phone and dialed the emergency number. Immediately, someone answered you and asked for the reason of your call.
« My friend is… He is really pale and… he doesn’t speak anymore. I… Yes, he’s breathing. No… » 
Conversation kept going as you described his state, distracted and barely paying attention to Felix who was finally done casting his spell. The arrow weighted heavily on his hands, more than usual. He looked at his brother with uncertainty. The ancient gods gave him the mission to do the necessary to help Minho, no matter what, even if it had to cost him his life. His throat was burning and his hands were holding the arrow so firmly that his knuckles were turning white. With a gain of lucidity, Minho looked at Felix. Who would have thought that his biggest ally would turn out to be his greatest enemy, love itself. Minho knew what would happen if the angel was planting the arrow on his chest. He would die. It was created for mortals only and unique for each of them. Defying destiny was dangerous. Without his power he wouldn’t be able to live, he was doomed by a love curse. 
« Do it. » he whispered, his words so faint he could barely hear them himself. 
Felix looked at him, a frown on his face and teary eyes. The brown haired boy repeated his demand, more loudly this time. His brother closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, holding the arrow still, right above Minho’s heart. « Remember that you did this to yourself. » Felix’s deep voice broke. « I should have noticed your behavior… I’m sorry, brother. ». 
Distracted by the sudden agitation at the corner of your eyes. You noticed that the blond hair guy was holding both his hands above your friend. Confused, you looked at them, not answering on the phone anymore. Suddenly, Felix slammed his fists on his brother’s chest. 
The last things Minho could remember was your scream, you pushing Felix as his tears were falling on Minho’s face like a warm summer rain, his energy swirling in a thundery way around him, and the blinding light of the arrow painfully entering his rib cage. He wasn’t regretting his decision. He hoped his brother wouldn’t blame himself. As he said, Minho had did this to himself and, for as long as he could remember, he had never felt so alive. He was happy that he had been able to meet you, love you, share his feelings with you. It costed him his life, yet, he knew that it wouldn’t have been the same if you weren’t part of it. Fortunately, you would forget everything about this thanks to Felix. It would be like a blurry nightmare, nothing more, even if he secretly hoped a part of you would never forget about him. With some sort of contentment, he drowned into darkness. 
Darkness. Sounds scary at first but felt familiar to Minho. After all, he had been wandering in their meanders for a long time before becoming a god of love. It felt cosy, like a nest. He didn’t have to think about anything, just let himself sail around. However, that peace wouldn’t last eternally. Slowly, a reddish light appeared, troubling his comatose state, pulling him out of this world. 
Bip. Bip. Bip. His eyelids were trembling as he tried to come to his senses. Opening his eyes, he noticed where the sound was coming from. A cardiac monitor was near, perfusions were attached to his wrist. Was he at the hospital ? How was it possible ? And what was that muffled noise ? Scanning his surrounding, he saw him. Felix. His face lighting up as his brother was awaking. He could tell that he was definitely fighting the urge to hold him, scared to hurt him. 
« Minho! I… I can’t believe you did it… » he sputtered. 
The brown haired boy was confused. « W-why am I here ? » he asked with a hoarse voice. Surprised by it, he brought his hand to his throat. Felix’s face lost his brightness as he started to explain what happened. When the ancient gods sent his brother to bring him back to reason, they also knew that, once every thousand years, a love god could fall for someone. In the manuscripts, few were the ones who survived, most of them loosing their powers before they could do anything except one case. The love god realizing the situation they were in, they decided to shoot the arrow toward themselves, the weapon absorbing all the power but not their soul. 
« This is why they told me to do this. They didn’t explain why until I came back… The arrow saved you however… » Felix seemed to hesitate. 
« What ? » Minho breathed out. 
« You’re a mortal now. »
The blond haired man seemed sorry, it was some sort of punishment for going against fate. Minho wasn’t. He had a second chance to meet you. 
« Y/N. How is she ? Does she and Thomas…» he expectantly asked, hope lacing his voice as he tried to sit up properly, in vain, his muscles still weak. Felix softly smiled at his brother. « She’s doing great. And, no, they’re not bonded… ». A sigh of relief escaped Minho’s mouth. « She doesn’t remember me, right ? » he asked, sappy. The angel shook his head. Of course. He had erased her memories with the brown haired boy. Seeing the sadness creeping up Minho’s face, Felix started to rummage into the bag he had across his chest. Finding what he was looking for, he handed them to Minho. 
« Here. Welcome to your new life. » 
Papers. Lee Minho. Twenty five years old. Born in South Korea. He looked at the angel, baffled. Was it real ? 
« Oh! And you’re starting your final year of university this autumn. You better be ready. » Felix added. 
« Excuse me ? » Minho groaned. 
Several months later. 
The crisp morning air was filled with the buzz of anticipation as students hurriedly made their way to their respective classrooms. You rushed through the throng of students, not wanting to be late for your first day. You glanced at your schedule, confirming the room number for your first class of the semester.
As you approached the corridor where your class was to be held, you noticed a figure leaning casually against the wall, engrossed in a book. His rugged charm caught your eye, and you couldn't help but steal a few glances as you neared him. His deep concentration on the book intrigued you. You have never seen him taking this class before. Was he a new student ? 
With a hesitant smile, you cleared your throat softly, catching the attention of the young man. He looked up, his gaze meeting yours, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
"Hi, sorry to bother you," you began, your voice soft and friendly. « Do you know if this is where the Literature class is supposed to meet? »
The young man's eyes twinkled with amusement as he closed his book, revealing a cover adorned with intricate designs in a language you didn’t know. "Yes, it is. I'm actually headed there myself," he replied, his voice warm and inviting.
Relief washed over you as you returned his smile. "Great, thank you. I'm Y/N, by the way," you introduced yourself, extending your hand.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Minho," he replied, accepting your handshake with a gentle grip.
Your brief introduction was interrupted by the sound of the classroom door opening nearby, signaling the start of the class. You looked at your watch, realizing you were running out of time.
"Well, it looks like we better head in," you said with a nod towards the open door.
Minho agreed, falling into step beside you as you made your way into the classroom together. As you found seats near each other, you couldn't shake the feeling of serendipity that hung in the air. You didn’t know him, yet, you felt a deep connection and a sensation of deja-vu.
As the professor began the lesson, you stole another glance at Minho, captivated by his features and feeling grateful for the unexpected connection fate had brought you that morning.
© edenalieth
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nyrtopia · 7 months
Because there's SO LITTLE of my bf Teylan,
Could we pretty please have some dating headcanons with Teylan 💜🫶
Of course I can, Teylan is so underrated and one of my favorites. :]
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゚。 Dating Teylan ✉
Teylan x Gender Neutral Reader | Avatar Frontiers of Pandora | Fluff
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➛ His favorite place to kiss of yours, is your wrists. Not sure why, he enjoys paying attention to the weakest parts of your body.
➛ When you go on missions, Priya literally has to PULL him away from the communication device. Or else he'd be buzzing in every 5 seconds making sure you're okay.
➛ He is really self conscious, after everything with Mercer he has issues trusting that you truly love him.
➛ Thus coming to his love languages: Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch. If he could hold you forever, he would.
➛ Since he doesn't have an Ikran (yet) he often goes out looking for Berries to bring you. Or he'll trade something with one of the cooks so that when you come back you'll have something delicious to eat!
➛ He absolutely worships the ground you walk on, he truly feels like you're his saving grace. He always felt out of place with the Sarentu, but you made him feel as if he was the only Na'vi on Pandora.
➛ You two have matching warpaint, it's a mix of Sarentu & Your Clans colors!
➛ He is always talking about you around the resistance camp, whether it be to Ri'nela when she's teaching him how to craft arrows. Or Raj when he's looking at new gear.
➛ He is respectful of all your boundaries, he himself has some so he is easy to understand how you feel. All he wants is that you're comfortable within the relationship.
➛ Hand kisses!!!
➛ You taking him for rides on your Ikran, he's never flown before so he's nervous. But he's thankful that his first experience on an Ikran was with you.
➛ Always calling you “tanhì” or “ma’tanhì” which means star / my star. Because no matter what he will always follow you home.
➛ You always tease him by stealing his hat, although he thinks it looks way better on you than it does on him.
➛ You help him understand the Na'vi traditions by telling him stories, taking him to new places, introducing him to your clan (if you're not Sarentu.)
➛ If you're Sarentu you'll sing your people's songs to him when the two of you are alone. Before, he was scared he'd lose that part of him. But you're always there to remind him it's not going anywhere.
➛ When he goes for walks around Pandora, he always picks the most beautiful assortment of flowers for you. Your favorite too, he remembered after hearing you talk about it during dinner.
➛ You're his protector, mostly in the beginning when he's new to Pandora. But as he becomes more comfortable you two protect one another and things become balanced.
➛ He's less afraid when he's with you, he doesn't feel the need to be someone he isn't or to succumb to what others want him to be. He's just himself with you.
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➛ The courting process was so sweet, he was very intentional when it came to his tactics. If you needed something but wasn't sure how to acquire it, he'd search high and low to be able to gift you what you needed. His favorite gifts to you were handmade bracelets, he learned to weave from one of the Aranahe weavers. They taught him when he went to visit their hometree.
➛ Ri'nela is so supportive of your relationship, she saw how Teylan was alienated from her and the other Sarentu. She's glad he finally has someone who truly cares about him, and isn't just manipulating him like Mercer.
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the-trinket-witch · 26 days
Monster Lover AU Albert!
(AU Courtesy of Writing-Heiress)
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It all started with those new parishioners. A fishmonger and his two very tall employees. Albert couldn't find it in him to lie: they had an almost otherworldly attractiveness. One especially: a Mr Ashengrotto, he introduced himself as. The priest couldn't help freezing in the gaze of those brinicle blue eyes. Those twins, he learned they were, weren't much better scrutiny to be under. One held a gaze fierce enough to make man or magic flee; the other held all the comfort of a confessional. The town Albert presides as a Warrior Priest over sits brushing the shore. Fishing is of course the leading industry there. But Albert knows the people that go missing on occasion aren't merely lost at sea. Monsters swim through the streets. He's made it his mission to ensure his childhood does not befall anyone else; to ensure monsters cannot tear another family apart. But lately, those new parishioners are making it difficult for Albert to keep his head on straight.
"I must confess, as I have in the booth earlier: they're a difficult presence to ignore. As a priest of Our Lady of Benevolence, I understand that ties and temptations to others only leads to casualty. All the same I admit that in my weakest hours of the night, in my most feverish fits of rapturous peak, I think of them. I think of them in dreams, to the tune of a siren's song, one that only further seeks to drown me in madness. And I must be going mad. Because on those nights the song fills my head, I find myself waking not in my bed, but further down to the docks. Every time, I'm drawn just a bit closer. I've taken to staving off such conditions by picking up more patrol shifts. It allows me to also fine-tune my singular invention. 'Fulmangillium'." -Father Eastwind
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia @writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter @rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie @hoboyherewego
@achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble @oathofoaks @tunabesimpin
@hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki @valse-a-mille-temps @hallowed-delights
@kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory @comingyourlugubriousness
@ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin @scint1llat3 @tixdixl
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amomentsescape · 8 months
Bro, I love your writing so much and it’s so cool to see some new Gotham stuff pop up on my feed s🥹❤️❤️🥹❤️🥹 if it’s alright, could I please have some fluffy and slightly suggestive headcanons of some Gotham boys, including but not limited to the J squad, with a punk or alt s/o? If you don’t want to do anything suggestive, tho, I totally understand
Please and thank you in advance if you decide to do this ❤️
J Squad + Oswald, Victor, & Bruce with Punk! Reader
Includes: Jerome, Jonathan, Jervis, Oswald, Victor, Bruce
A/N: I hope you enjoy! I wasn't able to make every character suggestive, but I tried my best to make the HC's fit your request!
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Jerome Valeska
He loves your aesthetic
Has asked you time and time again to help him get dressed before a heist
Thinks your outfits would not only look badass while murdering people, but they would also help you blend in at night
"Practical and sexy, doll"
Loves when you place your tall, leather combat boot on his leg, asking him sweetly to help you lace it up
He likes to trace his fingers along your leg at this, sometimes going a little too high which earns him a swift smack to the hand
He just lets out a chuckle at this
"I'll get you back later..."
If you're out and about and he notices people looking at you, he immediately helps you embrace it
Will twirl you around in the middle of the street and place a big kiss to your lips
Whispers in your ear how gorgeous and sexy you are whenever he gets the chance
If he's out on a heist and he sees something he thinks you'll like, he'll take it
Even if it steers him off his current mission a bit
Starts having you paint his nails religiously as "good luck"
But in reality, he just likes how his pretty fingertips look wrapped around your neck
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Jonathan Crane
This sweet boy is in awe of you
Your edgy looks, your interests, everything
He's never been introduced into this genre before, but you've opened a whole new world for him
Absolutely falls in love with the music you listen to
He just connects to it so well
He also adores being a dress up doll for you
Want to try out a new makeup look on him? Go for it.
You want to see what he'd look like in an edgier outfit? He's ready.
You want to dye his hair a crazy, experimental color? Let's do it!
Seeing him dressed similar to you empowers him in a way
He's used to being hidden in the background, so you pulling him away from that insecurity is like a completely different life to him
Gets extra touchy when you have chokers on
Will softly give you little kisses just above and below the accessory
He's ashamed of it, but he lets his eyes wander for just a little too long when you get all dressed up
He tries to hide it but will turn into a huge blushing and stuttering mess if you catch him in the act
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Jervis Tetch
He's definitely intrigued by you
He's used to his world being full of chaotic color and fantasy
But you have this certain edge and uniqueness about you that he hasn't come across before
They say opposites attract for a reason
He feels like you balance him out
You actually help him feel his emotions and openly discuss the things floating around in his head
But of course, being opposites still come with a few disagreements
He finds your taste in music and makeup a little... much
His taste is a little softer and more elegant, but he's not one to judge what you enjoy
He's just tried listening to a couple of your favorite songs and found them scary
He's also not very knowledgeable in this particular genre
So if you bring up something, he'll simply look at you like you've grown a third head
But besides that, he's overall supportive on whatever you want to wear or do
Loves when you both get dressed up together for a night out
It gives him a deep sense of thrill when people look at you both while out
You two may have opposite styles, but your aesthetics are similar in the fact that they don't "fit in" with the public eye
And Jervis honestly loves that
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Oswald Cobblepot
You caught Oswald's eye almost immediately when he first encountered you
Something about the way you held yourself drew him in
And when he got to know you?
He was so interested
He wanted to learn more about your clothing choices, the music and art styles you liked, what made you interested in the aesthetic, etc.
He might not share the same exact passion for the things you do, but he will always be very respectful on supporting your interests
He also just finds your look to be super attractive
He doesn't mean to, but he finds himself becoming a little more submissive around you
He's used to throwing out orders and making decisions in his normal day-to-day life
But coming home to you immediately allows him let go of those reigns
You just tell him what to do, and he'll do it
You've accidentally gotten him to whimper a couple times just by complimenting him or giving him words of praise
When you kiss him, you can feel his whole body fall into you
He literally turns into Jello
But he's still an emotional man too, so give him lots of love and attention, and he'll be fully content
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Victor Zsasz
Well, obviously he adores how you look
I mean, he wouldn't consider his own look to be punk, but he's aware that he's taken inspiration from the genre in the past
Honestly thinks you two make a badass duo
Even the Zsaszettes admire you whenever you're around
He also likes how easy it is to spot you in a crowd
Not that he stalks you while he's out "working" or anything
He loves your normal outfits of course, but if you wear anything that shows a little skin?
Oh boy, does that dark gleam shine in his eye
He just about sinks his teeth into you (literally)
Victor is known to keep his cool no matter what, but you are able to tell when he really likes a particular outfit that day
A hand on your lower back, a lingering glance, and a teasing smile are all signs
But he also will not hesitate to pinch your butt at the most random times too, public or not
Makes you hold his weapons sometimes because he thinks they make you look even edgier
He also has a thing for any piercings you have too
He's not sure what it is, but he's fascinated with how the cool metal sinks into your skin
He'll play with them too if you let him
He's careful not to hurt you
Unless that's what you want, of course...
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Bruce Wayne
He honestly doesn't really think anything of it or notice it much
Which isn't a bad thing by any means
Bruce doesn't judge based on looks, so however you decide to present yourself is just who you are in his eyes
But he also cares a lot about your interests
He'll happily sit beside you and listen to your music, shop with you for new clothes, and come with you for your latest piercing or tattoo
You name it, he's there
If it means a lot to you, then it means a lot to him
But he does think it's pretty cool to have such a badass partner
Has helped you dye your hair a handful of times
He kind of gets a slight thrill from knowing that he's the only one that gets to see all sides to you
People may see you one way when you're out in public, but he also gets to see you when you're at home sleeping in his bed or cuddled up on his couch watching some crazy show he's never heard of
He just likes knowing that he gets all of you
He finds it pretty romantic
Really likes any leather pieces you own
You may have persuaded him to buy a couple jackets based on ones that you already had in your closet
But he especially loves the leather on you
Becomes a bit touchier when you have it on, tracing his hands along the material
He thinks it looks great on you and will definitely let his gaze linger a little longer than usual
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maxphilippa · 16 days
Lyric Analysis of "The Future Is So Yesterday".
so. i want to talk about cobs' song and how there's a lot of hints there in which they're basically telling you to not trust him. lyrics were provided by @tdutb.
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The first verse introduces you to a basic idea of what Cobs' character is as a whole. The opening with his catchphrase, and then the continuation in which he says "when everything is run your way/your influence is everywhere", it hints at the fact of how Meeple is a big monopoly of a company, showing that it is most likely the only place where people can get technology at. This can also be interpretated at how much control Cobs has over the show. "You tell me I'm too ambitious/I say I don't care!" is pretty much what happens with 3gs after the song is done. Cobs doesn't care about morale or about stopping, as 3gs says, he just wants the best of THE BEST, "anything that falls short of that doesn't matter".
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The way Cobs treats the audience is quite... strange. He doesn't get too much into the coorporate bussiness, since he knows that they don't care for that. A big thing about Cobs' character (alongside the whole Twitter Takeover as well) is that he KNOWS his clients will take anything they can get along as they understand what it does. However this verse can be interpretated in another way: it can also be talking to the us, the audience, itself. It can be about Cobs doing what the audience wants. It could be Cobs saying what the audience wants to believe. "When everything is run your way" can be taken as "When everything is in your way" too.
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"I'll never lose if you keep letting me win" is the part that sets off all alarms. This could be directed at Mephone4 and the contestants themselves, who are scared of Cobs, therefore giving him power, never allowing themselves to have a chance at winning.
"But with the good that I do, is that such a sin?" It is very clear that the only actions Cobs has taken in the whole show were meant to hurt Mephone4, and to hurt people by all means possible. However, he's convinced, or believes, that it is all for a greater good. For the greater good of innovating and producing, to keep his empire running forever and ever. I wouldn't be surprised if II ends with an immortal technological version of himself of some sorts.
"I created all that you believe! You gave me power you can't relieve!"
These lines are very very important to his character, and they also go back to 3GS and II as a show. Mephone4 has said that Cobs has had control of it the whole time despite the fact that it was a show Mephone4 made. The power that can't be relieved is The Shimmer Egg.
This shows how much power he has over everyone.
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This is Cobs being dismissive once again, because he doesn't think about what he has made lately, but about what he can do now at that moment. "Did I leave you in the past?" Could be a reference to perhaps 3GS or the other phones, who Cobs dismissed as quickly as 3GS didn't complete the mission accordingly.
It can also be him being private about MephoneX.
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Cobs is once again, dismissive about people wanting to know his intentions or goals. But we know already what he has in mind, he wants to take more and more.
"But if I've caused suspicion, hey! Take my apology!" Is a very insincere line that shows how quick he is to disregard people's views on him, this was also noticeable on his debut episode, when Microphone called him out for creating the mephones that tried to kill Mephone4. This is just pretty much telling you that you shouldn't trust him but, it gets worse.
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This is pretty much confirmation of Cobs having something much more sinistier going on. Of course he's not going to say anything about it. We know how secretive he is. It's almost him laughing at our faces.
"No doy!" means "I don't give!" on spanish, although I'm not sure if that's meant to have any deeper meaning as of now. However,
"I mean, you always think I've got something to hide, and this is no different, you've implied!" Is pretty telling on it's own. Cobs is a known liar.
Again. His debut episode is proof of this.
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and again, just another reminder of how much power cobs has now. how he's everywhere and how much damage he can cause.
and how he doesn't care.
the song was kind of brainwashy, wasn't it
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arlana-likes-to-write · 8 months
You're Such A by Hailee Steinfeld
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Summary: After years of being in an abusive relationship, you met Kate and Lucky and learned your worth. But when gifts start appearing at your work and apartment with no name, you start to wonder if you are truly safe.
Note: There are themes in this story that may be triggering please read all the warnings. There will be spoilers in the warnings. As always my inbox is open if you ever need someone to talk to!
Warning: stalking and stalking behavior, rape/non-con, gun violence, kidnapping, reader's ex is abusive, drinking, protective Kate Bishop and Avengers, nightmares, Gaslighting, injuries, ex family is rich but corrupt, implied sex
Word count: 4.7k
Strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you flush to her front. It was impossible not to melt against your girlfriend. Her face buried into the crook of your neck, warm breath tickling your skin. “Coffee is almost ready,” you spoke softly, not wanting to ruin the morning’s tranquility. “And I ordered your favorite; it should be here soon.”
“‘M sleepy,” she grumbled. You smiled and turned around in her arms. Kate returned late last night from a mission. Normally, she would spend the next day in bed or lodging around her apartment with you. However, today was Yelena’s birthday, which meant dinner at the tower and bar hopping tonight to celebrate the blonde.
“I know, baby,” you ran your hands through her hair and massaged her scalp. A smile graced your lips as Kate hummed happily. “Once you have breakfast, coffee, and a shower, you’ll feel better,” Kate smirked.
“Are you going to join me in the shower?” You couldn’t say no to that smile and her incredible blue eyes.
“Yes, sweetheart,” she kissed you quickly.
“Go sit on the couch. I’ll make your coffee and wait for the food,” you wanted to protest since Kate needed her rest, but you preferred how she made your coffee. Stealing another kiss, you walked over to the couch and sat down. Immediately, Lucky jumped next to you and rested his head on your lap. You had to thank this little guy for introducing Kate into your life. You were a veterinarian technician and walked the one-eyed golden retriever’s first check-up. It was a little embarrassing how quickly you fell for the archer; her energy matched Luck. The duo came into your life exactly when you needed them to. You found out your girlfriend of 4 years was cheating on you. Kate was everything Ryan wasn’t. Ryan was controlling, manipulative, and easy to anger.
Your phone buzzed, and you groaned, picking it up. You heard your girlfriend chuckling from the kitchen. Knowing it was Yelena’s birthday celebration, you took today and tomorrow off, but they could call you in if they were short-staffed. However, it didn’t work. It was a text from a number you still need to save. A simple hi with a smiley face. Odd. “Is it work?” Kate asked, managing to carry two mugs of coffee and the breakfast. Quickly, you stood up to help her and pushed Lucky off the couch. She gave you an amused smile at your pointed look when she knew you were annoyed she didn’t ask for help.
“No,” you sipped your coffee, moaning at the taste. You loved teasing your girlfriend that she could make an excellent barista if the whole Avenger gig didn’t work. “It’s a wrong number. I’m going to ignore it.”
You were a disgusting, sweaty mess. A mob of bodies surrounded you, and Kate’s arms were around your waist, holding you close as you danced against her. After a few rounds of shots, Kate pulled you to the club’s dance floor. This was the group’s third bar of the night, and you were feeling the effects of the drinks. There was a buzz flowing through your veins. It was a mixture of the alcohol and Kate’s lips on your neck. You moaned, her lips attacking a sensitive spot underneath your ear. “Fuck,” she groaned. “I’m so close to ditching everyone and taking you back to my apartment.” You were surprised you heard her over the song’s bass and the voices of the other people in the club. Giggling, you turned around to face her. Your arms moved behind her neck.
“I don’t think Yelena would be pleased,” you yelled over the music. “She may kill you.”
“Worth it,” she kissed your cheek. “You’ve been killing me all night in this outfit.” It was why you wore it. Teasing your girlfriend was your favorite pastime. You pulled her closer, placing your lips against hers, and she quickly depended on it. No one else mattered. She consumed all of your senses; the fruity drink she just finished was on her lips, and the faint scent of her perfume and the callouses on her fingers gripped the skin underneath your shirt. It was over too soon as a hand-pulled you away from Kate.
“I have to pee,” America whined, dragging you towards the bathroom. You laughed at the defeated look on Kate’s face. There was no one in the bathroom and no line. America stumbled into the stall and let out a sigh. “You and Kate look good out there,” she yelled as if she was still on the dance floor. You rolled your eyes and pulled out your phone. A few messages were in the group chat, and a picture was sent to you. It was you and Kate dancing together. The picture was a little blurry, but you could see your smile, and how Kate looked at you made your stomach flip. You quickly saved the photo and made it your lock screen. America left the stall, cleaned her hands, and dragged you back out. You had enough time to put your phone in your pocket.
“Someone is popular,” you entered the veterinary clinic with your bag over your shoulder and two iced coffees; one was for you, and the other was for Ashley, your best friend and the receptionist at the clinic. “You got some gifts over there.” You handed her the coffee and walked to the table with boxes, flowers, and stuffed animals. A majority had your name on it, while others had the names of your colleagues. It wasn’t rare that patients sent gifts in the form of gift cards and chocolates to show their appreciation. You preferred the chocolates over everything. Carefully, you picked up the stuffed animal resembling Lucky, even missing an eye.
“Can you divide it up between all of us?” You asked Ashley. “I don’t need all of this.” She nodded, wrapping her hands around the coffee mug, and took a sip.
“Are you keeping Lucky 2.0?” She teased. You nodded your head excitedly.
“It’s so cute!” You cooed, squishing its face against yours. “It has no name. I wonder who sent it. I don’t know who to thank.”
“Probably went with one of these gifts,” she shrugged. “Just ask the patients you see. Someone will take credit for it.”
“Honey, I’m home!” Kate’s sing-song voice rang throughout the apartment. It made you smile. Usually, it would put you in a good mood, but not today.
“I’m upstairs,” you called out to her. You heard her take the stairs two at a time to reach you quickly. When the door opened, you refused to move from the cocoon of blankets with Lucky at the foot of the bed. You found yourself spending more and more time at Kate’s apartment than your own: an extra bathroom toothbrush, clothes in her closet, and your shoes by the door. Her apartment was your safe space, so after a brutal day at work, you made your way to her bed and waited for her to come home. Her scent in the blankets tricked your mind into thinking her arms were around you. You were sure Ashley texted Kate to inform her of the day you had. A life-saving surgery went wrong, and you had to consult a grieving family that quickly turned to anger directed at you.
“Hi, baby,” you felt the bed dip under her weight. “What can I do?” You merely shrugged. She sighed, carefully putting her arm around your waist and pulling you into her chest. There was no energy in your body to fight her, and you allowed her to maneuver you until your face was pressed against her chest. Her hair was damp; she must have showered at the tower before rushing over here. “I got you, baby girl. Let go.” You weren’t used to this soft treatment. Kate was always there to pull you into her arms and allow you to fall apart. “I’m so proud of you. You did everything you could,” she praised. You shook your head. The praise felt bitter. You were undeserving of it. “None of that,” she kissed your head. “I know you, sweetheart, you did your best. We can’t save everyone no matter how hard we try.” The tears escaped your eyes, staining the fabric of Kate’s shirt. But she held you tight.
When you arrived at work the next day, a beautiful bouquet of flowers was at your desk with a note. ‘I’ll be thinking about you today.’ There was a heart at the end. You smiled, slipping the note into your wallet. You weren’t sure how Kate had enough time to set this up, but you were grateful. Texting your girlfriend to thank her for the flowers you got to work. It was during lunch that you learned Kate wasn’t the one to send you flowers. Who was it?
Something was happening. More gifts were being sent to the clinic and even your apartment. The notes that were attached had a tone of possessiveness to it. They wanted you; to them, no one else could have you. It was scary. At first, you kept it from your girlfriend, not wanting to worry her, but she found out when gifts were being sent to her apartment. All addressed to you. She arranged her Avenger duties to walk you to work and pick you up once your shift was done. During lunch, she delivered food to you, so you didn’t have to leave. It was a little suffocating and restricting, but you knew she was doing all this to keep you safe until the Avengers could figure out who was behind it.
Ashley was on her lunch, so you were asked to watch the front desk. It was a relatively slow day. Therefore, it was a no-brainier for you to help your friend get ahead on administrative tasks, reaching out to patients to confirm appointments, answering emails, and reminding them about billing issues. You were on the phone when the door opened. “I’ll be right with you.” You said, not taking your eyes away from the screen.
“Take your time,” your stomach dropped at the voice. Ryan. You glanced over the counter and saw your ex. She looked like she hadn’t slept in a few weeks, her clothes a little messy, and dark circles under her eyes. “Finish the call, sweet cheeks,” she smiled, leaning against the counter. Now you saw it, the pistol in her hand. “Go on.”
“Sorry, ma’am,” you went back to booking the appointment. “Yes, we have availability at 2 PM on Thursday.” Could they hear how your voice shook? Ryan was flipping through a calendar the clinic had set up on the counter. “Right, of course. We’ll see you then. Have a great day.” You hung up, saved the appointment on the computer, and wrote on a sticky note letting Ashley know about the call. You added Ryan’s name to it.
“What do you want?” You asked and faced her.
“I’m disappointed, sugar,” she closed the calendar and looked at you. Her smile once caused butterflies in your stomach, and now it scared you. “Everything I’ve given you and not a single thank you.”
“What-?” It hit you suddenly. The gifts. The random text messages. Was the photo her, too? You reassured Kate that it couldn’t have been Ryan. You changed your phone number, address, and even the place you worked when you ended it with her.
“You’ve always been so smart,” she smiled. “Come with me, or I’ll start lighting this place up.” You had no choice but to follow her out of the clinic. To the average eye, you and Ryan looked like a loving couple. Her arm wrapped around your shoulders, bringing you closer to her, but those who walked the streets couldn’t see the gun pushed into your side. Ryan opened the passenger door, helped you in, and kissed your hand before closing it. It took a lot of self-control to keep yourself seated. The fear of the unknown of that pistol she had. Would she use it on you? Soon, she got in the driver’s seat and let out a sigh. “Baby,” the pet names were making your stomach twist. It was sickening how much you graved them from her at one point. “Safety first,” she reached over you to buckle your seat belt. You felt paralyzed.
“Where are you taking me?” You finally found your voice to ask.
“I’m taking you home.”
Ashley was surprised to walk back into the clinic to find the waiting room filled with patients. Victoria, the other vet tech, was trying to soothe angry humans with equally emotional pets. “What happened?” Ashley asked, walking behind her desk. “Where is Y/n?” She dropped her bag to the floor instead of hanging it up.
“I don’t know,” Victoria said. “But it’s not like her to just leave without letting one of us know.” Ashley frowned but focused her attention on a woman with a very yappy Pomeranian. She smiled, apologized with her best customer service voice, and tried to put out fire after fire.
“Yes,” she said on the phone. “We can reschedule your appointment.” Ashley looked at her calendar and saw the sticky note with your handwriting. It explained that you added another appointment to her online schedule, but Ryan was written at the end of it. Why would you write her name? Unless. “Yes, sorry, I’m here.”
Ryan’s hand rested on your thigh, nails digging into the scrubs. The radio was on, filling the empty silence, but you weren’t able to listen to whatever song was playing. Your skin was on fire, and all of your nerve endings were fixated on her hand on you. “Are you excited to go back?” She asked. “It’s been a while since you’ve been.” You were watching the mileage signs, and the exists she was taking. She was driving towards Cape May, New Jersey. It was a 2-hour drive from the city, and her family owned a few properties out there. During the warmer months, you would take the drive and stay at one of the vacation homes. “Come on, sweetheart, why are you so quiet? You love this drive.” You did. Ryan always drove, so it forced her to spend time with you. You cleared your throat.
“How - how have you been?” You asked. “How’s the business?” Ryan’s family was wealthy. Her family owned resorts in a few tropical islands built long before Ryan was born. High-profile guests and celebrities frequented the resorts due to their impeccable service, stunning locations, and commitment to creating unforgettable experiences. But when Ryan’s grandparents inherited Heritage Luxury Resorts, the business began to take a darker turn. They were too focused on maintaining their luxury lifestyle and took advantage of the indigenous population and the land the resorts were built on. Ryan sighed, tightening her hold on you, and winced from the pain.
“Complicated. Mother and father are being difficult.” Before you broke up with Ryan, you overheard a rumor from the staff working in her house that her parents would kick her out of the will. The business would go to her younger brother.
“I’m sorry,” you placed your hand on top of hers. “I know how hard it is to please them.” You had to keep her happy and please her whenever you could.
“See, I knew you would understand,” she picked up your hand and kissed the back of it. “I missed you so much.”
“Missed you too, Ry Ry,” you had to be strong and wait until Kate came to save you.
Kate’s blood was boiling. It had been since she received the call from Ashley, and Yelena drove her and America to your work. She watched the security footage of your ex threatening you with a pistol, and you left with her. Her anger was simmering in her stomach, and all she saw was red, but there was lingering guilt. She should have pressed harder for you to take time off, but you loved your job. America placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “She must want to know she is responsible,” Yelena said. “With her money and resources, she could have hired someone to do it for her.”
“I’ll have FRIDAY flag her and Y/n’s passport,” America added. “Keeping them in the states limits the number of properties Ryan could take her.” Kate nodded.
“We have to find her,” Kate said. “Ryan is deeply unhinged.” You spent one night explaining every awful thing she did to you. “I don’t know what she’ll do to her.”
Ryan opened the front door to the house for you to walk inside. You could hear the sound of the ocean and smell the salt. It was once senses that provided you comfort. “Go sit, and I’ll make you something to eat.” She kissed your forehead and laced her hand with yours. She led you to the kitchen island and helped you sit on the bar stool. Round the corner, she began to cook. The pistol was on her back. “I can make your favorite. Shrimp scampi.”
“Sounds great,” you forced a smile. It wasn’t your favorite, but it was the only meal she could cook halfway decently. You looked around the house. It has mostly stayed the same since the last time you were there. “Is this where you’ve been staying?” You asked. Ryan nodded.
“I left for here after you broke up with me,” she flashed you a smile. It scared you. “Which was partly my fault that we broke up, but you also allowed your emotions to get in the way.” Was that her half-ass attempt at an apology? Gaslighting you to believe you acted irrationally. Once upon a time, you would have compromised and taken the blame to keep the peace. But that was before you met Kate, the other Avengers, and learned your worth.
“You’re right,” set a bowl in front of you filled with pasta and shrimp that looked like heated-up leftovers. “I should have stayed and not run.”
“See, like I said, so smart. Now enjoy!” you are as you listen to Ryan droning on and on about the legal battles her family was facing. Never stopped to ask how you were doing. It wasn’t always like this - she showed a loving and caring side for the first year and a half. When you were robed in, trapped, she showed her true colors. She made it impossible for you to leave and broke you down, believing no one could ever love you except her. Once you were both done, you washed the dishes and put the leftover food in the fridge. “I have a surprise for you.” She put her arm around you and brought you upstairs to the master bedroom. She gestured at you to open the closed door, but you hesitated. “Open the door, sweetie.” You wanted to refuse, to be stronger than her, but you needed to keep her calm. You had to make her believe you were on her side. Opening the door, you felt sick. The food you ate turned in your stomach; bile moved up your throat. The windows were covered with blackout curtains; the light bulbs were replaced, so the room glowed red. But the walls were covered with pictures. Most were solo pictures of you going to work, walking Lucky, or shopping. The other photos were of you and Kate. However, Ryan photoshopped her face over Kate’s—the dates Kate took you on, Ryan or someone she hired was there. The worst photos were the ones she somehow got you and Kate in bed. You turned to face her. “Do you like it?”
“How? Why?”
“Oh, sweet girl,” she cupped your cheek. “I told you. You are mine. No one can take you from me. I love you, and I know deep down you love me.” No. No. No. At one point, you did. You loved her so much, but now you hated her. You resented everything she did to you that broke you down.
“No,” you mumbled. Ryan hummed in question. “I don’t love you.” You pushed on her chest and ran for the door. She was quick to react and grab your waist. You fought against her, but she was still stronger than you.
“Pretty girl, please, I don’t want to hurt you,” she threw you on the bed and covered your body with hers, pinning your hands above your head. “Stop struggling.” You kept fighting. You couldn’t give up when you had people waiting for you.
“Please let me go, Ryan, please,” you whimpered, tears forming in the corner of your eyes. “I wanna go home.”
“You are home,” Her voice was sickly sweet, and she kissed your cheek dangerously close to your mouth. “You are mine. Now and forever.”
“They cross into New Jersey by the Vincent R. Bridge, and that is where FRIDAY loses them,” Sam explained. Kate found it hard to believe anyone could avoid detection from Tony Stark’s AI. They had footage of you being forced into Ryan’s car and then driving to the bridge. After that, the trail goes dark.
“The Heritages have a few properties in New Jersey,” Maria said. “A few in Newark, Secaucus, and Cape May.”
“Why do you need that many properties in New Jersey?” America mumbled. It was a far point, but Kate was stuck on Cape May. She remembered you telling her stories about a vacation home they owned there. Ryan would take you there after a fight.
“Maria, can you pull up the properties they own in Cape May?” Kate asked.
“If we limit apartment buildings and restaurants,” Jesus, Kate thought, were they trying to create a monopoly? “That leads us to four rental properties.” The front of each house was pulled up on the screen. “Satellite imagining shows vehicles at all 4 of them,” Ryan was brilliant but dangerous, and if they chose the wrong house, she should get tipped off.
“What’s going through your mind, Kate?” Yelena asked.
“She told me that Ryan would bring her to one of these houses after a fight,” Kate explained and stood up. “I just have to think. Give me a second,” she stared at the images, racking her brain for any detail.
‘I know I should hate that place,’ you told her. Your head rested on Kate’s lap with your eyes closed as you told her about your time at Cape May. ‘It was a band-aide that was placed on a serious wound. But I loved being able to walk right on the beach.’
“Remove any of them that don’t have direct access to the beach,” one house was removed. Good. It was a start. Think. Think.
‘There was a pool too. I found myself there when she was off doing god knows what.’
“Do any of them have a pool?” All three pictures remained. “Shit,” she rubbed her hands across her face and crossed her fingers behind her head. It had to be something unique.
‘My favorite part was when we would stay in the master suite, there was a fireplace. I’d love to start a fire and read by it.’
“What house has a fireplace in the master bedroom?” She saw Maria smile, and only one house remained. “That’s where Ryan took her.”
“Are you sure?” Sam asked. Yes. No. Maybe.
“Yes, she’s there.” You had to be.
Your body ached as the door opened to Ryan with a glass of water and a wet cloth. She had your arms bonded above your head. Your legs were chained, but she undone them before she had her way with you. Ryan whipped the tears off your face and cleaned between your legs. With even more care, she put on a pair of sleep shorts. “Here,” she held the glass to your lips. “Drink,” you refused to even though you desperately wanted to soothe your throat. Your ex sighed and placed the glass on the nightstand where the pistol was. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Are you not enjoying our time together?” You closed your eyes, lips quivering. “Hey,” she slapped you on the cheek, and your eyes shut open. “I asked you a question, and I expect an answer.”
“No,” you answered honestly. “I want to leave.” She stood up and rolled her sleeves to her elbows.
“I gave you everything,” she said. “You are nothing without me. You left me,” she banged her fist against her chest. “For a wannabe Avenger. For a washed-up aristocratic.”
“Don’t talk to her like that,” you said. “She is everything you aren’t. You are a -” You let out a shaky breath. “You had your chance, and you blew it. You ripped it up, chewed it, and the more talk you prove it.” Ryan straddled your chest, hand gripping your throat.
“Keep talking. I fucking dare you.” Something snapped inside you. There was so much rage in your stomach.
“You’re such a.” She grabbed the pistol and put it to your temple. “Did you think I would let you crawl back into my life after everything we’ve been through? I’m finally doing better without you.” You spit in her face. A sheering pain rippled through your head. The face before you became unfocused, and it was getting harder to keep your eyes open—a ringing formed in your ears. You couldn’t tell if it was the concussion or if you heard the door was forced open. Suddenly, Ryan’s body was ripped off of you, and different hands grabbed onto you. You knew these hands. Warm, calloused hands. She was saying your name, and your arms were freed.
“Kate?” You whispered.
“Yeah, baby, it’s me,” you choked out a sob and put your arms around her neck, pulling her closer. “I know. I know.” Her voice shook. “You’re safe. Let’s get you home.”
For the first time in the Heritage family’s history, their money and power couldn’t protect them. Ryan was sentenced to prison, and you helped the prosecutors bring down the Heritage family and gave the land back to the ingenious people they stole it from.
Recovery was slow. The injury on your head from Ryan hitting you with the pistol healed, but you would flinch at every loud noise whenever someone touched you, and your nightmares made you believe Ryan was coming back for you. Work allowed you as much time off as needed, so you spent your days locked away in Kate’s apartment.
You were sitting on the window ledge, head resting on the glass. Your hand was running through Lucky’s fur. “Hi,” Kate said, sitting down in front of you. The archer put her Avenger duties on hold until you were better. You felt a little guilty for it.
“Hi,” you whispered, grabbing her hand and interlocking your fingers with hers.
“How’s today going?” She never asked how you were doing. You grew tired of everyone asking you, so she changed the wording but meant the same thing.
“Today is good,” you answered honestly. It was good. There was no nightmare last night that woke you up. You joined Kate on her walk with Lucky. “Katie,” you hummed in question. “You are,” you paused. Was there a singular word to describe her? “Everything. I don’t think I could get through this without you.” The archer smiled.
“Of course you would have,” she said. “You are so much stronger than you think you are. So much more than whatever lies she told you. You are my beautiful, wonderful, brilliant, and strong girlfriend.” You whipped away a few tears that escaped your eyes. “And I will remind you every single day.”
“Yeah?” You smiled. “Every single day?” She giggled, kissing the back of your hand.
“You are stuck with me, baby. I sincerely apologize,” her eyes widened slightly. “Unless you want to get rid of me, then I would understand, but I would be sad.” You giggled. With a roll of your eyes, you moved to sit between her legs. She rested her head on your shoulder.
“I love you,” you whispered. She squeaked but covered the surprise noise with kisses on your neck.
“I love you too,” she softly spoke. In your apartment or hers or at the Avenger tower, with Kate’s arms around you, you were home.
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rayassecretlife · 2 years
Far from home
Pairing: Jake Sully x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
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Summary: You and Jake have always been close since he got to pandora. You were Neytiri’s sister and so obviously in love with him (Jake is single). Jake and the rest of his hunting party are sent to a few day mission across the mountains, but he’d still communicate with you through his pager. Though one night, you find yourself slipping into your heat to his voice, and can’t help but tell him.
Warning(s): Mature language, slow burn smut, guided m*asterb*tion, bestfriend!jake, praise kink, “phone” s*x, slighttttt breeding kink if you squint. A lottttt of dirty talk.
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“Y/N!” Your mother’s voice so clearly calls from the ground and your smile slowly fades as you stare at the woodsprite laid in your hands, watching as it floated away. You knew what your mother was bound to ask but it was obvious you didn’t feel to do it. You had been feeling sick all day.
You climb down to the ground, feet rustling against the grass while you scanned the area for her. You could see your sister only a feet away with a boy you didn’t know, a large smile on her face while they talked. Your mothers figure became noticeable now and you made you way over, making sure to call her name once you got close.
“Y/N! My child, I have someone for you to meet” Your mother leads you into the caves, calling out an unfamiliar name as the two of you approach a group of people. “Y/N, meet Tamaki” One of the taller boys turn and almost instantly, his eyes fall on you. A smile appears on his face while mo’at introduces you, soon leaving you to do the rest. You knew what she was doing, she wanted to find you a mate.
“You are far more beautiful then I could’ve imagined” His words a nice to hear but your mind can’t help but run back to the man you really wanted to hear say that. You wished he was here, wished you were bold enough to admit your feelings for him. “A dance?” Your thoughts are interrupted by him, placing his hand out for you to take.
You hesitate to take his hand, some parts in your mind praying Jake would page you sooner or later, while as other parts in your mind knew the hard truth that he’d never say these sorts of things to you. Jake sully, would never whisper things in your ear like you’d imagine, or stroke your hair at night as you lay on his chest. He was too good for you, and you were just the forgotten chief’s daughter while Neytiri was the star of the show.
Jake Sully would never even look your direction in that way. He was your best friend but that was all he’d ever be. Sometimes you thought if you looked like your sister, maybe you’d have a shot, but of course you never would. You’d find yourself dreaming about him most nights, tossing and turning in your sleep like some maniac and waking up in the middle of the night with that forbidden stain against your loincloth.
Were you really that bad? Maybe you misread all the small signals.
For this reason, you smile at the boy and take his hand, allowing him to lead you to where the people had been dancing by the circle. The people looked at you like you had three heads while you dance with him, wondering what Jake would say if he found out you were doing this because while you thought he didn’t care, he very much did.
Jake could spend hours on end just talking about how special you are to him, how without you, he’d be a nobody without a purpose. It was so clear to everyone he loved you, even if the two of you tried to deny it. “You okay?” His voice once again snaps you out of your own trance and you nod quickly, brushing off the thought in the back of your head. You needed to let go of this, you needed to focus on the boy in front of you. “You look distracted”
“I’m okay” you lie, taking one of his braids between your fingers with a smile. He was cute, there was no doubt about that, but he definitely was not Jake. “It’s been a long day, that’s all” Tamaki nods and placed his hands on your hips, guiding you through the song against him. The two of you stared at each other for what felt like forever, you were hesitant to speak up.
“I know I’ve already said it, but you really are beautiful, Y/N” You take your bottom lip between your teeth and feel your cheeks heat up, laughing small as you shake your head. Your mouth opens to say something but it’s as if nothing could come out, that thought from the back of your head almost rushing toward the front.
“Y/N!” You hear Jake’s voice yell as you continue to stumble down the hill, hitting all sorts of trees and plants on the way down. It felt like years till you got to the bottom, barely being able to move your body from the shock it had sent you. The boy quickly made his way down to you, calling your name frantically even as he approached you. “Y/N, please get-“
With a smirk, you reach your arm up to pull the avatar boy down to you, making him crash against the pile of leaf’s you landed on before. His head popped up with a small gasp, his eyes straining on yours as you try to hold in your laugh.
“You think that’s funny?” He asks, clearly in a joking manner as he pulls your body to him, encasing your head to rub his knuckles against it as you laugh. “You coulda got hurt, peach” You giggle as he released your head, your body still well against his while the leaf’s under you adjusted to your bodies.
“Guess I’m not that good at balance, huh?” You look at him and he chuckles, sitting up with you against him which only made you do the same. “Thanks for coming to my rescue, Avatar boy”
He still continues to laugh even after you thank him, making your forehead crease in confusion. He shakes his head at your confused face and leans closer to you, almost like he had been studying your face.
“You’ve got so much leaf’s and dirt on you, girl” You gasp and reach up to rub your face but he quickly calms you, reaching his own hand up to your face to brush the dirt from your cheek and the leaf’s from your hair.
“Is it bad?” You ask and he chuckles once again making you roll your eyes, letting him continue to clean your imagine. “I probably look a mess”
“You do” You smack your teeth and hit his chest, about to say something but he quickly cut you off. “But like a good mess” another crease in your forehead makes him chuckle nervously, his thumb swiping the dirt. “A beautiful mess”
“Y/N? Y/N, are you listening?” You blink abruptly at the voice and look up toward the voice, letting out a small sigh once you came back to your sad reality. “You spaced out… is everything-“
The small muffled sound from your neck cut him off and you almost instantly let go of the boy, pressing your finger down on the button to see if you could get a better signal. “I will be right back, so sorry” You apologize to Tamaki before rushing away, slipping into your room to be unseen. You called Jake’s name a little too excitedly, cursing to yourself as you came to the realization he couldn’t get through to you.
“You there, peach?” You smile brightly as your ears perk, pressing onto the button to answer the voice on the other end. He called just like he promised, and now the pain in your body slightly soothed over.
“Jake! I thought you weren’t going to-“
“Come on, Y/N. When have I ever lied to you?” He questions and you sigh, walking over to your hammock to lay in it. You could hear the other guys in the background of his mic and how they all sounded super drunk. You could only imagine what they had been doing since they were away.
“How’s the mission? Sounds like everyone is having fun” He lets out a heavy sigh and you already know what he’s gonna say. Jake loved to party, sure. But what you didn’t know, was how hard it’s been for him to be away from you for so long. He couldn’t even think of drinks until he at least heard your voice. It was such a curse.
“They are having fun, I just want to go home, that’s all” Your lips turn to a pout at his soft voice, you had never seen him sound so vulnerable before. “How is everything there? Hope your not having too much fun without me” Your eyes turn to look out the opening of your room, glancing down at the people on the ground. You could see Tamaki talking to someone else but you still felt horrible. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine. I’ve just been sick all day” you admit, feeling the small pain in your stomach start to rise once again. You try to speak again but the pain grows sharper, and your fingers almost instantly dig into your stomach to hold. “Glad to hear from you…”
“Are you sure your okay, Peach? You sound hurt” A shaky breath leaves your mouth as you spread out on your hammock, the pain starting to wash over your legs and chest as well. Your body was becoming very hot by the second, and you could feel your muscles tightening as your body fidgets against the soft loom under you. “Y/N-“
“Jake… can I—fuck, can you call me later?” Your nervous of the noises that threaten to leave your lips. You didn’t feel like yourself, your body was practically moving against itself without your control. “I think I’m sick… feel so hot, my body… I can’t… Jake, it hurts” your words make him stand to his feet with worry, moving to leave the area the other guys were in so he could listen to you more carefully. You sounded scared, like something had been tearing you apart.
“You feel hot? What hurts, Y/N? Your scaring me, Peach” At this point, he’s ready to get on his Ikran and go home, worried something had been terribly wrong with you. “Talk to me” Your eyes were clamped shut as your hands roam your body, pulling at your skin with the slightest whines.
“My body hurts so bad… my head is spinning, Jake. I… I can’t-“
“Where does it hurt, sweet girl? Let me help you” Jake asks desperately, but only received small whimpers for an answer which made his ears perk. He cursed himself for this because he knew he shouldn’t of been thinking the way he was but your sounds were sweet against his ear, and he couldn’t think of it any other way.
“Everywhere—Great mother, Jake” His bottom lip is caught between his teeth once his name left your mouth, a small gasp coming after. Only in this moment, is when he came to the small realization of your pain. You were frantic, body moving against the fabric under you just so you could get rid of this itching feeling all over your body. “It burns, Jake. My body is so itchy, I can feel it everywhere!” You could feel the sweet slick of your insides dripping over your skin, fingers threatening to pull your loincloth.
Jake was focused on you while he tried to head over to his banshee, but the obvious growing tent in his loincloth made him stop abruptly. Why was he thinking like this? You were his best friend and needed his help, but he knew exactly what was happening to you and cursed himself for not being there to help you through it.
He lets out a small breath before entering an excluded cave, leaning his body against the wall trying to shake off your sounds that flooded his mind. “Peach, listen to me” His eyes squeeze shut at your humming response, it’s clear your on the verge of crying. “I think your going through your first heat” His words make your mind fog and you open your eyes to look at your movements, a slight cry coming from your mouth as you realize.
“No… no you need a mate to go through heat! I’m not-“
“You are, Syulang” You cry at his stern words and push your thighs together, trying your hardest to rid this empty pain between your legs. Jake hated having to hear you struggle like this. You were so innocent, probably never even touched yourself and now if you didn’t do something, it would hurt you more. “Please don’t cry, pretty girl. I’m gonna help you, okay? I’m right here” He tries to sooth but you just cry harder, cursing at him in na’vi.
“Your not here! What am I supposed to do… I can’t… I don’t know how to-“
“You have to touch yourself” You shake your head at his words, refusing to do that to your body. These type of things were always forbidden to you. That area… anyone touching it frightened you, even if it was your own hand. “You’ll feel so much better, I promise” Jake knew this would only get rid of some of your pain, but he would be there before it arrived again.
“M-mother will give me medicine-“
“Y/N, baby” he pleads with you, thought you were far too caught up in your own mind to even realize the names he was calling you. “Medicine won’t help, you have to do it. A heat cycle is for mating, it can’t be relieved any other way”
“B-but that’s not mating” Your voice is much calmer now, only the slight hiccups during your cries were surfacing. Jake knew how afraid you were and that made him feel terrible. He didn’t want you to feel pressured, but there was no way you’d get through this without doing as he said. “I don’t want to mate with one of the warri-“
“You can’t leave that room, Y/N. The male na’vi will be able to smell you and some will try to mate with you on the spot” Jake is quick to inform you, more worried about someone trying to take advantage of your vulnerable state. Your eyes are still dripping with tears but you realize he was right, and the fact you couldn’t do anything to sooth yourself was heartbreaking. “You need to touch yourself. I’ll talk you through it, okay?”
You were nervous. Your best friend, who you so obviously had a huge crush on, was telling you he was going to help you touch yourself… Why? Why did he want to help you, especially in that forbidden spot of your body. “O-okay…” You finally give in and he sighs, back sliding down against the cave’s wall. “What…what do I-“
“Don’t be nervous, Peach. I can… I can do it with you, if you want…” He didn’t mean to suggest it, but the tighter his loincloth becomes, the harder it is to sit there without removing it. Your eyes grow big at his suggestion and you hesitate for a second, before moving on your hammock to a more comfortable position. At this point, you didn’t care what you had to do, you just needed this pain to be gone.
“Tell me what to do” He bites his lip and let’s out a heavy breath, his fingertips ghosting the tie that held up his loincloth.
“Remove everything your wearing, I can only imagine how badly your sweating” And he was right, you were sweating horribly. You wish he had been here with you, it was scary to be alone when this feeling was hitting you so hard. Your hands worked on removing your loincloth and chest piece slowly, dropping them onto the floor.
Meanwhile, Jake was already removing his own loincloth, practically palming himself at your voice. Eywa, you drove him crazy with that innocent look, you were so cute it became his weakness, and everytime he’d see you, he’d go completely feral.
“Now spread your legs and run your fingers across your skin” You whine, following his instructions but you can feel your swollen bud beating against you, aching for you to touch it in any way. “I know it hurts, Pretty girl. Imagine it’s someone else touching you, someone you want to touch you there” Your mind is filled with his name and you barely hold on, his name just barely leaving your mouth above a whisper.
“Jake… I want… I…” You try to speak but through your nervousness and pain, you can’t seem to admit it. Would he think you were weird? What if he doesn’t feel the same?
“What do you want, Sweet girl. Who are you imagining?” His voice is confident but his mind is nervous at the simple fact it probably wasn’t him. His fingertips were just barely ghosting over the side of his cock, hiding his shaking breath.
Your eyes squeeze shut and your lip is caught between your teeth once again, head pushing off the hammock with a shaky sigh. “You… I-I want you to touch me, Jake” You couldn’t believe you were admitting it but damn it, it’s what you both wanted. Jake hated how big he smiled once you said that, knowing that it was probably just your heat talking. He wanted nothing more then to take care of you, but he wasn’t there. “Please say something” he could tell you were nervous that he’d turn you away, but he quickly silenced you.
“Great mother… you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that, Peach” He sighs, thumb caressing the tip of his now painfully hard cock. “You feel my hands teasing your thighs? Inching closer and closer to your core… god, I wish I was there” your body almost instantly submits to his words, and you find yourself running your hands everywhere he instructed. You listened to his every breath and heard the movements he portrayed on his end, your mind running wild just at the thought of him between your legs.
“Jake… need to… I need something, it hurts” He shushes you calmly.
“Touch yourself, Y/N. You know what to do, I know you do” Of course your knew how to, Jake was growing impatient with the situation, imagining how good he would’ve treated you if he were there. Your fingers ghost over your beating clit for only a second, before you finally put pressure to it with a gasp. “That’s it, Good girl” A louder moan left your mouth at the words he uttered. Something about those words leaving his mouth… it was almost impossible not to let go.
“Are you… touching yourself?” You ask hesitantly and he lets out a small chuckle, clicking his tongue.
“How could I not touch myself to you? To your pretty sounds… you probably look so beautiful right now” His hand was clasp around his length now, stroking himself slowly to your noises. You were driving him crazy to say the least. “I’ve always wanted to hear you like this, Peach. Always wanted to be your first everything”
“Jake… d-don’t lie-“
“I’m not lying, Y/N. Ever since I got here I’ve had this huge crush on you like I was some little boy again. Hell, I’d curse myself every time another man spoke to you” Jake hated himself for exposing his feelings for you now, but he couldn’t hold them back hearing you on the other end. He wanted to help you through your heat now and forever, he wanted you to tell him you loved him too. “Your perfect, Y/N”
“I’m far from perfect…” The tips of your fingers are now pushing against your swollen bud, rubbing circles against it. You wanted to savor this moment because you knew as soon as it was over, you’d have to forget what he said during it. “I need you, Jake. I need you here with me, please come home”
Home, was a word Jake never knew that well. From his shitty life on earth, to when he arrived on pandora, he never knew home. But you? Wherever you were, that’s exactly where he wanted to be. “I know, Pretty girl. We have to do this first and then I’ll leave, okay?” Your ears perk at his answer and you quickly oblige, running your free hand over your breasts.
“Talk to me, Jake” a small whimper escapes his mouth as he strokes himself faster, making sure you heard his every move.
“Knead your breasts, make it hurt a little” A smirk plasters on your face as you do just that, knowing that is exactly what he would’ve done himself. “God, all I can think about is how good you’d feel around me. How amazing i’d make you feel if I was there” Okay, now he’s just teasing.
A gasp leaves you half breathless as the pain from your pinched nipples course your body. You wanted to do everything he said, like he was here with you doing it himself. Your hands slowly move down your naked body till they reached your legs, letting your fingertips ghost the insides of your thighs.
“What would you do if you were here?” You ask in the most seductive tone without even realizing and Jake could feel his body turn absolutely feral. It was like all those dreams he had of you were finally coming true and he was so angry at himself for not being there in that moment.
“Dirty girl, Peach” He chuckles and you bite your lip, back pushing off the loom under you once your fingers reached your dripping wet cunt. “I’d be between your legs… rubbing circles on that pretty clit of yours. God, your probably so sexy when you touch yourself, aren’t you?”
You hum in response as your fingers finger their way to your clit, rubbing small circles against it just to tease you. Your body wanted to come, but you wanted Jake to keep talking. “So wet for me. huh, pretty girl? Even without your heat, you love hearing my voice in your ear like this, don’t you?”
“Open your legs real wide for me, Peach. Want you to do something special just for me, okay?” He asks but your already agreeing while your hips rocked against your touch onto your own skin.
“Anything. Eywa, anything, Jake” He doesn’t miss the way you moan his name and his hand tightens around his painfully hard cock, watching as more and more pre leaked from his untouched tip. He treaded lightly with himself, knowing if he touched somewhere too much, or even sped up his movements, he’d let go without warning. Your voice was all he needed, but he needed to take care of you first.
“Push a finger inside, just one. Gonna make you feel so much better, I promise” Your heart skips a beat of course, you never even touched yourself and now he was asking you to do something like this? He knew you were nervous but also never underestimated you. “It’s okay, Pretty girl. We gotta get you ready for when I get there somehow” Your eyes are lit up at his words with a small smile pulling at your lips. You hated that you liked this, you felt so dirty.
But you loved feeling so dirty for Jake Sully.
So you up the score, your ring and middle fingers both tracing over your slick that covered your lips completely. “Talk to me, Jake. Please, tell me what your doing to yourself” Your desperate to hear what’s on his end, desperate to see what’s hidden under his loincloth. You wanted him so bad it almost hurt.
“Oh, Sweet girl. You sure you wanna know?” You hum at his low snicker, practically begging him at this point. “I tried so hard to contain myself but Jesus, I can’t help but stroke myself to your every noise. All those pretty sounds you make… my cock is so hard it hurts, practically begging me to let myself release”
“Oh, Jake” You sigh heavily as your fingers slowly push past your entrance, and you can feel your muscles clenching around them almost instantly. Your insides were adjusting to the small size of your digits, covering them in your arousal the deeper you pushed. Though, you didn’t feel whole. You were missing something much, much more. “I…”
“Good girl” Was all he could say while throwing his head back against the caves wall, squeezing his eyes shut at the tempting feeling between his legs. “Curl your fingers, pretty girl. Find that rhythm and don’t hide any of those pretty sounds from me” Like a command, you quickly obey his ever word, and it’s almost surprising to you how good you could make yourself feel. His voice guided you through your moans and his hand was clasp around his aching cock every time you’d say his name. How he wished he could watch you be this dirty for him.
“Jake… I… I think-“ Your voice is shaky with pleasure as you call out his name but he’s quick to sooth you, telling you to remove your fingers and focus on your clit. You could hear Jake’s soft grunts from his side, you couldn’t hold yourself back much longer.
“Come for me, Sweet girl. I’m right behind you” You let out a long moan just at his words and at that point, he could see more and more pre dripping from his tip. He knew he wasn’t gonna last any longer. “Come on, baby. Let it go with me”
“Jake…!” It was as if his voice was in control of your body, telling it what to do and you doing exactly that. Your release came crashing down to you in the harshest way you could ever imagine, and you find yourself moaning far too loud to the point you were sure someone heard.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck” Jake’s free hand covered his mouth as he pushes himself harder, throwing his head back against the cave’s cold wall as he released. Your legs were clamp around your hand and your chest was heaving so boldly, ears ringing with his moans. His body was practically mimicking your own with his breathing, trying his hardest to steady himself before the guys noticed he had been gone.
Your body on the other hand, was already starting to burn again. That arousal feeling hitting you once again even harder then before. Jake could hear Your distressed moans and he knew it was getting worse. You were in pain.
“I know, Baby. I’m coming” Jake reassured you but it didn’t make a difference. You just wanted this pain to stop. He worked quickly on cleaning himself up before alerting the guys he was leaving, playing at some dumb lie they’d believe so he could leave in a hurry.
“Jake, it hurts so bad” You cry and his fists tighten around his Ikran, calling it to move faster. He hated that you were in so much pain, even just the slightest was enough to make his heart shatter. “Please hurry”
“I’m coming, Pretty girl. Try to sleep it off until I get there, okay? I promise I’m coming” He’s so obviously worried for you and you can hear it in his words, but quickly turn off your pager, afraid he’d hear your pained groans. “Y/N?” Your lack of words makes him almost scream in anger. He was so worried you’d leave your room, worried that the other males would see you like that.
But that was far from true.
“Y/N? Are you-“ Neytiri quickly turned her back to you realizing the state you had been in, and it honestly made you want to cry of how embarrassed you were. “Sister, your first heat?” Your cries are enough to confirm her suspicions and she quickly calls to your mother, telling her the situation at hand.
You didn’t even know what happened after that, your body was so tired and fragile you could barely cry anymore. You felt their hands but your eyes were shut, and your ears were down with embarrassment. You just hoped Jake would be there soon.
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I hate this ending and idk how to feel about this but ummm yeah. First jake sully writing 🫠
Taglist: @jakescumdump @viajaeger @lu-the-ghost-reader @angelsamor @mashiromochi @luvagirlsworld @doggyteam2028
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
i have... ✨Danyal Al Ghul Headcanons✨ but specifically for my yaelokre danyal oneshot
There's also the tumblr post here but I recommend the link in the title because its the ao3 version, and that one is edited and has some stuff in it that's not in the tumblr post, and will be the version I'm using.
So for summary: this Danyal is also from a Demon Siblings Au where Danny is five years older than Damian. However, things turned out a bit differently, and Danny and Damian had a fantastic relationship with one another. Danny loved music and regularly came up with songs to sing to Damian with. Specifically the folk band Yaelokre's EP "Hayfields" (seriously go fucking listen to it its sooo good. Harpy Hare is the second song but its my favorite. Special shoutout to @gascansposts for introducing the band to me)
He falls off a train when he's twelve and Damian is seven while the two of them and Talia are on mission. He ends up with magically induced amnesia and wakes up in Arkansas while the Fentons are on their yearly Divorce-iversary visit to Aunt Alica, and since he can only remember his name, he ends up being taken into their care.
Yaelokre Danny has the same facial scar as Things in Threes Danyal, since he was initially another version of him where things turned out better. I'm debating on whether or not I should take it away however, and give him a different scar (maybe from when he fell off the train?), just because the scar is a pretty key identifier for Ti3 Danyal.
Danny frequently visits Aunt Alicia in Arkansas! Well, only after he gets settled in and stuff. He doesn't really like the city that much and prefers the countryside where Alicia lives. I know she lives in a cabin but I'm changing it to a farm, so she puts Danny to work and gets him to help her.
I don't want to confine his hobbies to only being star stuff, because people tend to have more than one hobby and I feel like it reduces him to one-dimensionality, so he likes to garden, and learns guitar. His room becomes filled with plants, and he turns their roof into a rooftop greenhouse right below to OPS Center.
He has a complex relationship with the weapons from his past, but he's not... like... appalled by it? When he finds his weapons in the Fenton attic all he thinks is that they're his weapons, and he starts carrying a knife on him afterwards. Essentially he becomes fascinated with weaponry because its one of the few physical ties he has to his past, and while he's not training like he is in the League, he allows his strong muscle memory to guide him through his katas.
Danny likes climbing things. This causes Problems For Everyone Else.
Danny was not the "kinder Al Ghul" in the League. His kindness extended to his brother and family, and that's it. To everyone else he had high expectations out of them, and the pride you'd expect from the grandson of Ra's Al Ghul and trained by its top members. While he wasn't like, unnecessarily cruel or anything, he wasn't merciful either.
This transfers post-train fall as him coming off as no-nonsense and unforgiving. He's not fond of the idea of giving people second chances, and is skeptical of the idea. He's disgusted by incompetency and views it as an unforgivable offense, especially if he thinks that the person should know better, although he's not sure why. Some egocentrism for the soul.
He doesn't like being touched by anyone who isn't family, and gets irritated when anyone grabs him or holds onto him for extended amounts of time. Dash has gotten hit so many times. With Jack Fenton's tendency for abrupt physical affection, it doesn't make it any better. I'd argue it'd make it worse because Danny doesn't want to be touched more often than not.
Danyal had a red scarf in the League that he wore on his last mission, it came off before he fell off and caught itself on the roof. Damian still has it and took it with him to Wayne Manor. He's got it locked in his room and takes it out when he's alone and missing Danny the most. One time he forgot to put it away before leaving his room, and Dick was visiting the manor for something and found it. Damian found him holding it and freaked out.
Dick could only say "I've never seen you wear this, Damian, this is really pretty--" before Damian shoved him to the floor and stole it out of his hands, before screaming at him; "Don't touch this! You don't ever touch this! This is mine! You hear me!?"
It caused such a commotion that the rest of the family present came to see what the fuss was about, and Damian kicked them all out of his room. Dick is the one brother Damian's the closest with, so the fact he reacted so strongly shocked them all.
This is likely what leads to the "Danyal" conversation.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#danyal al ghul au#yaelokre danny#yaelokre danyal al ghul#the yaelokre danny post didn't really go into him interacting with other people but i'm trying to figure out his personality post amnesia#just know this: he's not canon danny. im spitefully refusing to make him a Cookie Cutter of canon danny because the idea pisses me off lmao#he's complex and confused and morally gray even with the amnesia bc memories aren't stored in one part of the brain they're stored#in different parts depending on the memory and muscle memory exists and danny might not actively remember the things that shaped him but hi#body does. and somewhere deep in his mind so does his brain. his memories weren't destroyed theyre locked away in a place where his active#conscious can't reach. plus its magic amnesia and i have comic AND cartoon realism on my side.#danny's personality from the league doesn't get challenged that much by the fentons because danny's learning this about himself just as muc#as they are. Jazz can't “Fix” what's wrong with him when neither of them know it and Danny is always the first to figure it out and then#keeps it to himself. Also. Jazz has a fucking life? she's not the family therapist she has friends and hobbies even if we the viewers don't#see it. But also i just really deeply despise the idea that Jazz “fixes” danny's league issues just by existing and being the therapist#because it waters her down into a one-dimensional character who only exists in the context of providing emotional support and life advice t#danny. also therapy only works on someone that's actively trying to change. otherwise its just psychoanalyzing and people tend to hate#being psychoanalyzed without consent. which as a result may have them refuse help. anyways point is: i believe that growth is slow and#complex and danny would hide a lot of the stuff he discovers about himself because if there's one thing he still retains from being an#assassin. it's how to hide. he likes jazz but there are some things you just hide from people.#damian also told dick to “keep his filthy hands off his things”. which was also a shock because it sounded something he'd say more to tim#damian was distraught the entire time.#okay thats all i have for now.
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middlingmay · 5 months
Soldier!Bucky AU
This idea has been floating around in my head for a while, but:
Bucky was never a pilot before the war. He wanted to join the airforce when the war started, but it stressed Mama Egan TF out so he "settled" for the Army.
He climbs the ranks quickly, still becomes a Major quite young, and is aces at quelling disputes because he can turn anything into a joke (usually with himself as the butt of it, but people aren't arguing when they're laughing together, right? May as well be at him.)
The Brass are well aware of the less than stellar relationship the Army boys have, and as well as "cultural lessons" before they ship out to Britain and the rest of Europe, Bucky finds himself informally appointed as his squad's babysitter.
Which he doesn't like. Because the higher ups have mistaken his charisma for responsibility. Which Bucky hates more than those drab army coats.
Speaking of which, he still has the sheepskin! He won it off an airman at a card game, and refuses to wear anything else. He's gotten in trouble for this many times, but his superior officer more or less gave up after he used it to get his guys out of some trouble.
With the RAF. Who, yep, he still hates. Because he admires the fuck out of the US Airforce.
So the RAF are insulting some US soldiers in a pub, but pretending they're not. But Bucky notices the worst culprit is a lieutenant. And a fight is brewing because his guys are bored, and spats have been breaking out for weeks now, and his CO genuinely might shoot them all if there's another issue.
So he swaggers up to the RAF lieutenant, introduces himself as Major Egan (which tips his boys off to the fact he's up to something, because Bucky never pulls rank unless some shit is going down).
But he's still an American, so the RAF Lieutenant isn't entirely swayed, until he turns around to face Bucky (because of course he just walked on up behind the boy and he knows he's "a big lad" as that farmer's wife called him, and he enjoys taking people by surprise). RAF Lieutenant is face-to-neck with Bucky who's grinning down at him, and his fellow Brits mutter "No worries, Sir," and that's that.
Towards the end of the war, he's in Europe. Has been there for some time. Got separated from his men and captured by the Germans and still ran through the forest starving and afraid, and almost killed a kid, and faced down a blood thirsty mob and escaped from a pile of dead bodies with brain on his cheek - but he still considers himself lucky. Because he got away and rejoined his men.
And they're looking for POWs - their own and allied men. They've heard about the stalags and the camps and the death marches, and they're doing their bit not to lose a single man. And Bucky, who knows what it's like to be afraid and alone and close to death out here, is zealous about that mission.
They're about a day away from the Danube, when two men stumble upon their unit at night, frozen, shaking, barely able to keep to their feet.
American Airmen.
Bucky barks out orders and opens his canteen and holds it up to the man nearest him. Hair that might have been blonde. Blue eyes - like the song. And he had no idea then and there that he'd just met Gale Cleven, who was going to talk Bucky into doing something very risky and very stupid to save a column full of allied airmen - just because he looked him in the eyes and said softly, "Please, Major. I just left them alone - help me save my men."
It was the first of many, many dumbass things he would do in the name of Gale Cleven.
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tgmsunmontue · 4 months
From the top 1/? (WIP)
IceMav, (eventual) Explicit, (background Hangster who are already established). Set post-TGM. (No dead Ice obviously).
Featuring not-mistaken identities (where they (Ice and Mav) pretend to be in the dark for REASONS), Ice is Jake's Uncle Tom, Mav is Bradley's Dad, everyone knows everyone, (un)requited love, coming out as an older person, and a little bit of a circus-vibe where Ice has a horrible realization that this is indeed his circus and these are also his monkeys.
An AU where Mav married Carole and adopted Bradley to make things easier legally. A USNA Bradley who has been very careful to separate Dad/Pete from godfather/Maverick. They had an argument prior to TGM, but it was around Maverick being careless with his life (RE: Darkstar because Bradley got the call that Maverick was missing, presumed dead). So it was about risk taking and thinking while flying, so that was happening and Bradley admits to the Dagger Squadron that Maverick is his godfather and they have a ‘complicated relationship’ which isn’t a lie per se, however it’s… complicated.
                He and Bradley haven’t reached the stage yet where they’ve met any of each other’s family. They haven’t even introduced each other to their friends as boyfriends yet, and their circle of friends overlap. And he’s okay with that. More than okay actually. Doesn’t quite know how he’d broach the whole by the way I’m sort of related to the COMPACFLT through my mom conversation. He’s close with Tom now, closer than he is to any of his mom’s other cousins that’s for sure. Idolized him when he was young, and now also holds a deep-rooted respect and affection for the man. It had also helped knowing he had someone to look to as a role model, someone who was gay in the Navy and got so high up no-one could do anything to him now. Jake wanted that. Badly.
                But he also kind of wants his Uncle Tom to be happy. Although, hell, for all he knew he could have had a secret lover all these years. If anyone could keep it hidden it’s Uncle Tom, face quiet and impassive, unmoving and unflinching. He’d really hoped for a callsign half as cool as Iceman, and even if Uncle Tom jokes that he does have a literal half with man, he wishes he didn’t have the connotations of Hangman, even if it’s because of fucking song lyrics he was forever quoting and now twisted into something that make people assume things before they even know him.
                Not that he really has that problem now, with the Dagger Squadron being made a permanent detachment and with them all knowing each other so well now. They know he’s got their backs when it actually comes down to it. And he likes being based where his Uncle Tom is, because while he’s meant to be based in Hawaii they’ve made some concessions due to his cancer treatment. He knows their entire family is grateful, not least his Aunty Sarah. God, he knows it’s the high of surviving a literal suicide mission but life feels so good right now. He’s expecting Bradley to turn up any minute, they’ve got plans for dinner and a movie and then sex, not necessarily in that order.
                When he opens his door and Rooster is there, he can’t help the little happy swoop his insides do and he lets Bradley kiss him hello.
                “Hi. How are you?”
                “Good. Little annoyed… my dad is talking about getting back together with an ex…”
                “Is this the ex you like, or don’t like?”
                “You can safely bet money that it’s nearly always an ex I don’t like. I don’t think he’s ever had a relationship with anyone I’ve actually liked… shit that’s depressing.”
                “Maybe you just have really high standards for him?”
                “You mean unlike for myself, where my standards are really low?”
                They end up play-wrestling which quickly morphs into not-play making-out and yeah, the sex comes before dinner but he was sort of banking on that, making food that would be perfectly fine just staying warm in the oven. They end up curled around each other on the sofa, queuing up a movie and Jake asks about his day. Listens as Bradley talks about going out to Maverick’s hangar to work on the plane, having lunch with his dad and he wonders if Maverick has met Bradley’s step-dad. Obviously he must have, he’s been around even longer, although it must be weird to have two people called Pete wandering around, he guesses that’s why Bradley calls Maverick Maverick, and his step-dad dad. Stops the confusion.
                He knows Maverick and Bradley had a falling out of some sort, they’d been very angry with each other. He figured out that Maverick flew with Bradley’s dad, was the pilot when his dad died, and he’d thought it had been that. But then Bradley had dropped the bombshell that Maverick was his godfather and they’d had a fight over something he can’t talk about, but they would be fine. So Jake hasn’t pushed wanting to also hang out with Maverick, because when Bradley talks about the P-51 and the hangar his fingers itch but he gets Bradley wanting to mend bridges with his godfather.
                More than that though he wants to meet Bradley’s step-dad, doesn’t understand Bradley’s reticence about introducing them. It’s not like he’s going to care. But they’ve only been doing this, whatever it is, for a couple of weeks, which he guesses is early days, but with everything they’ve gone through in the last couple of months it also feels like several lifetimes. Then again, he’s in no rush to introduce Bradley to Uncle Tom, so maybe it’s for the best they wait a few weeks. Or months.
                “You still thinking about your dad?”
                “Yeah. I just need to get him seeing someone else. Anyone to take his mind off getting back with Georgia. Or any of his exes for that matter. Georgia especially is… well. I have no idea what she gets out of sleeping with Dad. She’s anti military for a start.”
                “The fact that she gets to sleep with him?”
                “Ew, gross…”
                “Maybe she thinks she can convert him to a non-military life one blowjob at a time…”
                “You could try that on me you know, see if you can convince me to do something with a blowjob…”
                “Don’t think I need the promise of a bj to convince you to do anything,” Jake says with a grin. “You know, my uncle Tom is gay, maybe we could set them up? Well, assuming your dad swings both ways?”
                “Huh. Yeah… He does. Keeps that pretty much on the down-low, very much on a need to know basis. Pretty sure I only know because I saw him trying to sneak a guy out when I was seventeen. Did make me feel safer about coming out to him myself though.”
…            …            …
                “Jake, I am not installing Grindr on my phone, work, personal or otherwise.”
                “Thought you might say that, so I bought you a burner. Well, please don’t actually burn it, but you know what I mean.”
                “Jake…” Tom lets out an exasperated sigh. “I wouldn’t burn it. I know what a burner is. I’m not an idiot. I just don’t want to go on a date…”
                “Okay, so you don’t actually have to go on a date. All my cards on the table. I’m using the app to introduce you to the step-dad of my… uh, a friend.”
                “A friend huh? Is this the same friend you won’t introduce to the family?”
                “Yes. The exact one. Anyway, I just want you to send him a couple of messages. Let’s say ten messages. After that you can go back to ignoring it, remove the battery from the phone and pretend it never happened. Okay?”
                “Will you let it go if I do this?”
                “I mean… yeah. I hope you make a friend or something, but he’s military as well, so you guys have something in common at least…”
                “Fine. But I want the name of your friend.”
                “No! You’ll just look him up.”
                “He’s Navy?”
                “He is! Good job.”
…            …            …
                “Bradley! Why is Grindr amongst my recently installed apps!”
                “I’m setting you up!” Bradley calls out, grabbing two beers to go with their takeout Chinese.
                “I don’t need setting up. I can find my own dates. I don’t need an app!”
                “Yes, you do. You can’t get back with Georgia just because you’re lonely. Look, I’m not going to make you swipe through dick-pics…”
                “Maybe I want to swipe through dick-pics!”
                “Mav, be serious! You just said you didn’t want the app!”
                “Seriously? You’re the one that installed Grindr on my phone.”
                “God, maybe this was an awful idea.”
                “Yeah, you think?”
                “Okay, give me a second,” Bradley mutters, rolling his eyes and pulling his own from his pocket and thumbing into his contacts.
                “Hi… how’s it going?” Jake asks, voice quiet, and he must still be at his Uncle’s house.
                “Not well. You think we can maybe just set them up with an app that blocks their numbers and then just let them talk that way?”
                “Can’t hurt to try… your dad resisting the Grindr approach too huh?”
                “So much. And I get it, HE’S REALLY OLD,” Bradley says, raising his voice while looking Mav dead in the eye.
                “Hey! I heard that!”
                “You were meant to!”
                He ignores the glare Mav shoots him and pokes his tongue out at the back of his head as he walks away.
                “Okay, let’s see what we can find. I’ll message you and let you know.”
                “Sure thing.”
                Fifteen minutes later Jake has sent him the information, an end-to-end encrypted messaging app, one which hides the number of the phone sending the message. It’s silent and has to be manually opened to check for notifications, which is very old-school but means there’s no potential odd sounding pings. The icon is a mundane looking tower symbol and he guesses that could mean anything.
                “Okay Mav – you need to give this guy a chance okay? Please?”
                “What’s in it for me?”
                “I will stop bothering you about… uh… your love life for six months?”
                “No deal. I want to meet the guy you just rang. Who’s he in all this?”
                “Uh… I guess he’s my boyfriend.”
                “Ooohhh… it’s new huh? You’re in that new loved-up stage where you want everyone around you to be in the same stage.”
                “Uh, I mean we’ve known each other for years, but we’ve recently… come to an arrangement.”
                “Is it boyfriends or friends with benefits?”
                “Well, we weren’t exactly friends before, so definitely closer to boyfriends I guess,” Bradley says, carefully skirting the fact that Mav actually already knows Jake quite well.
                “Great. I’ll send what, ten messages to this guy and then I get to meet your guy in two weeks.”
                “No! Three months. And twenty messages.”
                “You realize you can’t force me to do anything right? You have no bargaining power here?”
                “I know, but… for me?”
                “Ugh… sad cow eyes. Fine fine, put them away. I’ll message the guy. But I do want to meet your guy when you feel the timing is right.”
                “Yeah, of course.”
                God he hopes this works because he has no idea if Mav will like the fact he’s with Jake or not.
…            …            …
                They meet up every week when they’re both in the same place, and it’s been a treat these last few months, but also a trial. Usually the distance has been a unintended blessing, making his unfortunate case of unrequited love easier to ignore. When he was younger he’d thought it was just a crush, that it would just… fade away. Instead the opposite has happened, time and distance have hardened and solidified similar to how pressure and temperature turn limestone into marble his love for Maverick is a solid and unmoving object that is ever present. Every time Mav walks through his front door he has to fight the urge to enfold him in his arms and just hold him. Every time.
                “Did you ever want kids of your own?” Pete asks and Tom startles, looks across at him.
                “No. I have nieces and nephews and cousin’s kids coming out my ears. They’re enough trouble to be getting on with, without adding my own genes to the mix. Wasn’t ever going to happen anyway,” he tacks on, and he wonders if this, today, this moment, will be the time it twigs and Mav will ask what he means.
                “Too much trouble by half. Do you know what Bradley did the other day? Installed a dating app on my phone.”
                “What? Why would he do that?”
                “He thought I was considering getting back with Georgia for some reason.”
                “And you’re not?”
                “No. Anyway, he’s trying to set me up with someone. At least you don’t have to worry about that.”
                “You’d be surprised. My cousins kid bought me a phone, a burner phone, with a dating app installed on it.”
                “Oh yeah? Which one?”
                Tom swallows.
                No more subtle hints.
                It’s now or never.
                He didn’t purposely wait for Mav to have a sip of his drink, but he still sprays it out across the coffee table, eyes bugging out and he can’t seem to look Tom in the eye and he feels his stomach start to sink.
                “You… ah… you know that app is for gay guys right?”
                “I’m aware.”
                Pete just stares at him and he wonders if this is it. The moment his best friend just gets up and walks out of his life.
                “You never told me.”
                “You never asked.”
                “Yeah well, there was a whole thing about not asking and not telling until about ten years ago so… sorry if I thought you’d have maybe mentioned it. Or at least… alluded to it.”
                “I did Pete. With something called subtlety. I know it’s not your strong suit, but I tried to leave it there in the open for you to pick up on. I’m only just… getting to the grips with the idea of being more out.”
                “Okay. Uh. Does anyone else know?”
                Tom snorts.
                “Yeah, my whole family for a start. Had to get them to stop trying to marry me off. Slider of course.”
                “Why of course? Why Slider?”
                “He’s known me for a very long time.”
                “I’ve known you for a long time.”
                He doesn’t want to mention that Slider figured it out, because he’s had to learn to be subtle, and his weak point has and will always be the man in front of him. And he can never let him know. Still, Mav sounds annoyed.
                “Slider figured it out. He’s too perceptive for his own good,” Tom mutters, because he’s also the one person who knows about his lifelong torch bearing.
                “Huh. Okay.”
…            …            …
                Tom locks the house up, Mav having left to go home after Tom had soundly beaten him at chess. He knows it isn’t one of Mav’s favorite games, that he really only plays to humor Tom and give them something to do while they talk… his brain is catching on something and it’s going to bother him until he figures it out. Pete. Playing chess simply to spend more time with him...
                He stops.
                Pete had said Bradley had installed a dating app on his phone.
                Within a day of Jake giving him a phone with Grindr installed, which quickly morphed to a simple encrypted messaging service.
                He’s learnt to not ignore his gut and this is deeply suspicious with the coincidence.
                He wonders if Jake and Bradley are dating. The idea of that makes him smile, even if it’ll cause an administrative nightmare. He knows they know each other, they’re part of the same squadron and there are rules, however it wouldn’t surprise him at all if both Bradley and Jake decided that that particular rule was for other people.
                He suddenly needs to know which app it is exactly that Bradley installed and he has his phone in his hand ringing him before he even considers the time of night, or where Bradley might be right now.
                “Hey Uncle Ice… Everything okay?”
                “Hey Bradley. Sorry for the late call, Just, uh, Mav mentioned you installed a dating app on his phone. You mind telling me which one it was?”
                “Uh… Grindr. Why?”
                “Oh. No reason. Just curious Thanks. Have a good night.”
                Why would Bradley install Grindr.
                Maverick’s not gay.
                To his knowledge Maverick isn’t even bisexual. Or anything else that might imply he’s anything other than overwhelmingly heterosexual.
                Maverick didn’t say anything tonight when he learnt about Tom’s own sexuality.
                Maybe Bradley knows something Tom doesn’t.
                Scratch that.
                Bradley definitely knows something Tom doesn’t.
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bartxnhood · 2 years
teardrops on my guitar | l.h
Tumblr media
luke hemmings x songwriter!fem!reader
summary: your feelings for your friend go unnoticed, but one night you finally told the world how you felt through your music.
warnings: unrequited love :’(, luke is one oblivious mf !, crying, angst.
a/n: 5sos stans and luke people this one is for you !!! everyone say thank you to the slaysos gc for this beautiful idea. AND YES THIS IS INSPIRED BY TAYLORS SONG. i hope i executed it to your desires. enjoy all my loves !! lyrics will be italicized. feedback is appreciated.
a/n pt2 ALSO this is in no way to hate on sierra, i just couldn’t think of anyone else SO PLS DONT THINK I HATE HER I LOVE HER SM.
read part two here !!
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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(this feels kinda rushed but i still hope u guys like it.)
you and luke had been close since grade school, always attached at the hip. wherever he went, you were right there with him. so, when he introduced you to the members of his new band they were forming you made it your mission to be friends with all of them.
whoever luke is friends with, you had to be friends with. it was your law of nature. and by luck, you had to find out you were one hell of a songwriter so of course luke kept you close even as the band took off. often you’d help them with songs. and you grew even closer with the boys, especially calum, creating a very close bond with the boy. only to realize, you had some feelings growing up for your blond best friend.
you don’t know what made you realize that you were indeed falling in love with luke hemmings. maybe it was when he’d lean in too closely and your breath would hitch, taking in all of his beauty, or, it was all of the times he made you laugh without effort.
whatever it was, you were slowly falling for him.
and as you did, 5 seconds of summer took off and were now on tour. it was unreal to you how they gained success but you couldn’t be more proud of the people they were becoming.
while they were out chasing their dreams, you decided to dip your toes into the industry and started to write the songs for your debut album. most of the songs were ways to express your feelings, and once released you did pretty well. a couple of your songs even charged for a few weeks.
time was flying by, you were growing to success following behind your friends.
soon, it was time for their tour and they approached you with the idea that you could open for them. when you first heard of the idea, you declined it. but, calum eventually talked some sense into you
your friendship with calum was a bit unexpected, luke said you’d probably get along with ashton the best, but he was wrong. calum became your right-hand man (behind luke of course). so, after you declined the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity calum talked to you.
“you should reconsider” he started, and you just shook your head. “calum” “no, listen to me” he pointed at you, “you’re good at what you do, you’re talented so please just consider opening for us. they guys want you on your, i want you on tour, y/n.” you stood with your hands on your hips. “okay. fine, i’ll do it. but just for you.” calum grinned.
tour started. it was magical, you were going to places you had never imagined you’d be. it was wonderful, and you continued to thank calum for talking to you and reconsidering. you were able to spend months with your best friends and the boy you were head over heels with.
during soundcheck, the boys would always come to mess around while you sang, oftentimes acting out your songs or ashton would casually drum.
it was memories you’d never forget, from interviews across the world to sleeping in hotels you’d sworn you wouldn’t stay in again. but most importantly, it was fun. you and luke had been closer than ever, thick as thieves. and then, it was coming to an end.
the last stop of the tour, you prepared for your set. your outfit was extravagant compared to previous stops, you wanted to change it up and make it more special. you were about to go on, but luke stopped you. “y/n?” you turned around, and he smiled “you look beautiful. knock ‘em dead, gorgeous.” you felt your cheeks warm up, “thanks, lu. i’ll see you after”
after the show, you met with him and he grabbed you into his arms so quickly. “you did amazing! that was the best show i’ve ever seen!” he spun you around, and you laughed. “thank you so much! that was amazing. that crowd is wonderful. you guys will have an amazing show.”
then a week away become a month, a month into a few, and eventually it had been well over a year since all of you actually had time to be together.
it was hard, because not only did you miss you friends but you missed your best friend, the one you loved most.
later, all of you found yourselves living in los angeles and so naturally you all became close again. hanging out every other weekend, and going back to your regular antics. everything was going well for 5 seconds of summer and yourself. you had made a name for yourself in the industry, especially after opening for their tour. you always thanked calum for talking some sense into your thick skull.
but, the more you were around luke, the harder it was to hide your feelings for him.
“y/n?” you jumped, eyes wandering up, and found luke who was standing over you. “guys want coffee, wanna go with me?” you closed your journal, nodding “sure” you smiled.
so, you sat in the car with him in the usual traffic of los angeles, on your phone with light music playing from the radio. “i’ve missed you” he said, you looked up, raising your eyebrow “you saw me last week, lu” “no, like in all the time we were away. i missed you, a lot. it wasn’t the same without you” you smiled, “i missed you too. but hey, we’re together now and i don’t plan on leaving anytime soon”
the car fell silent after, you returned to your phone and luke focused his attention back on the road for some time. “how’s writing going?” he asked, you turned off your phone and let it rest in your lap. “good, i have about half of my songs written. just kinda going through a phase, no inspiration, yknow?” he hummed, “oh, yeah i do” he laughed, looking at you. you smiled back.
there it was, that beautiful smile.
“you’ll get there, it’ll come one day and you’ll be writing for hours. i know how you are” you laughed, luke raised an eyebrow. “you’d know, i learned from the best” luke laughed, shaking his head. “you are something, y/n/n” he teased, “whatever, you love it” you retorted.
“oh, i do love it, and you” luke replied.
for the rest of the day, it was all you could think about. it was such a small thing but you just couldn’t help but get butterflies whenever you thought about it. but then you noticed all the times he was slowly coming around more and how close he would be towards you.
at first, it was subtle. maybe his state would linger just a bit too long, or he’d sit unusually close to you when there was the whole rest of the couch open. then, he began to see you on days you weren’t working together or hanging out with your typical friend group.
then, he’d start to hold your lower back if the two of you were in a public place. you had a little too much to drink that night? he was the first to take you home and stayed with you until you were okay on your own. luke was always glued to your hip, always holding your hand while rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, or his hand resting on your back. it was such a 180 from his usual behavior
everyone around you was talking about how good of a couple you two would be. saying, ‘oh, my god, you guys are like perfect for each other!’
could he possibly like you back?
youngblood was charting number one, so what does one do when one reaches such an achievement? party. ashton decided to hold a party at his place and everyone he knew was invited, including you. luke was your ‘date’ so, he was by your side most of the night like any other get-together. but this night changed things, for the worse.
ashton approached you, luke, and calum with someone following him. “guys!” the man yelled over the loud music. “this is sierra, a new friend of mine. wanted to introduce her” calum shook her hand, saying hello, then she got to you.
she shook your hand smiling, “hi! i’m such a fan, your music is amazing. you’re also so pretty in person!” you smiled, returning her kindness. “thank you so much!” but, when she got to luke you saw his eyes light up.
sierra was a nice girl, very welcoming and sincere. plus, she was probably the prettiest woman you had ever seen. so, who wouldn’t want to know her better?
since that night, luke and sierra hit it off. she was at every gathering with the boys, eventually taking your place in luke’s heart. at first, it didn’t bother you. luke would still hang out with you on his own, he’d still check on you if you got too drunk. but it all started to disappear. luke got distant. but maybe it was you who was pushing him away, knowing you were no match for sierra.
then, it happened.
luke announced that he and sierra had made it official, they were dating now. the guys cheered and all congratulated him, you just stood there in silence. “y/n?” you blinked, coming back to reality. you flashed a smile, “congrats luke!” the blond grinned and hugged you but you didn’t return it.
it was only a matter of time before it just got worse. anytime you’d hang out with them luke was always bringing up sierra. “oh sierra this!” or “oh sierra does that too!” in the beginning, it didn’t bother you, you tried to suppress those feelings because he was now with someone else but it hurt. you couldn’t lie about that.
you wanted him to say that about you, you wanted luke to tell everyone how proud he was that you were his. you just wanted him to see you.
one day, luke asked if he could hang out with you just like the old days. you said yes, of course. so, the two of you sat on the sofa for hours talking about anything and everything.
“i’m proud of you, lu” he shook his head, “you should be proud of yourself too, you help us write it” you shrugged. “just happy to be apart of something as wonderful as that” you smiled.
“you seem happy” luke nodded, “happiest i’ve ever been, y/n/n” you were happy to hear that, his happiness was everything you wanted for him. “sierra..she’s just so amazing, y’know? like i finally got it right. i’m so in love with her.”
gathering at parties was even worse, he was always holding onto her like she was his most prized possession. so, you found yourself distancing yourself from the group.
calum was the first to notice this, and it worried his heart. you were his closest friend, what was going on in your mind to cause your sudden drift?
you huffed, throwing your pencil down and stood up from your seat, and headed to the door. the constant knocking was getting on your nerves. when you opened the door you saw calum. “cal? what are you doing here?” you asked. “we need to talk”
calum sat across from you on the sofa, his heart heavy with guilt. he said, “where have you been?” you shrugged, “well, calum, i have an album i need to finish so i’m sorry if i’ve been busy trying to wri-“ he cut you off, “no, it isn’t that. because if it was, you would want our help we always wrote as a team” he knew you were lying, calum knew you too well. maybe even better than luke knew you.
you knew it wouldn’t do any good to lie to him, you hesitated, picking at your fingernails. “it’s just..” you didn’t know how to word it properly and you didn���t want to sound crazy. “i love luke..” you finally said, calum laughed “we all love luke.” “no, calum i’m in love with luke” calum froze, his eyes going wide even though he probably knew it himself. “oh..” he whispered. it was all connecting now.
“so, i’m sorry if i’m a little distant now it just really fucking hurts to see someone i love with my entire heart with someone else, and yes i know i should’ve said something. but id rather have him in my life as a friend instead of losing him and never hearing from him.” you were getting a bit emotional now, so calum came closer and hugged you. “it’s okay” he said, rubbing your back. calum wasn’t the best at comforting people but he cared about you and he had hoped it was enough.
“it’ll be okay, just don’t shut me out, okay?” he pulled away to look at you. “you’re strong and you’ll figure this out, and i’ll be by your side for all of it” you nodded, wiping your eyes. “thank you, calum.” you smiled, he nodded. “of course”
after he leaves you sat there for a while, you were left with your emotions. you weren’t sure how long you were there just staring at the wall. you decided that the only way you could deal with your feelings was to write a song to help the feelings go away.
days passed, you went back and forth removing and adding lyrics to the song and eventually took out luke’s name, and inserted a mysterious ’drew’. you kept your songwriting journal close, especially when you were around calum. no one needed to see it, it was for your eyes only. it was just for you to cope with the pain.
eventually, you had finished the song but if you were going to add it to your album, you didn’t know. maybe it’s too personal, or maybe it just wasn’t good enough to be released. it was just for you.
you sat across from calum, tapping your finger against the leather couch of the recording studio and staring down at the book in your lap. “what’s on your mind?” calum proposed, you hummed looking up at him. “i finished a song, i think i’m gonna go to that open mic night and perform it. i haven’t been on stage in a while” you suggested. calum agreed, “i think that’ll be nice. i’ll be there” he grinned, which earned a laugh from you.
you entered the building with your guitar and looked around before finally spotting calum, he grinned walking to you and wrapping his arms around you. “you look great” you chuckled, “thanks, cal. and thank you for showin up” he nodded. “anything for you, i’m excited to see you perform again. it’s been a while” you hummed, “yeah, it has” you agreed, calum patted your back. “break a leg!”
you laughed, walking past him, and headed up the few steps to the small stage, opening the case and getting your guitar out.
“hi everyone” you smiled, sitting against the stool and looking at the small crowd in front of the stage and you saw calum smiling. “so, most of you guys know me, if not i’m y/n. i’ve been writing and performing music for some time now.” you lightly strummed some cords. “some of you may know i have an album coming out soon, but tonight i thought i’d share an unreleased song that i’ve just finished.” you smiled, meeting eyes of a couple of people. “so, yeah. i hope y’all enjoy”
drew looks at me i fake a smile, so he won't see that I want and I'm needing
everything that we should be.
i'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about and she's got everything that I have to live without
drew talks to me i laugh 'cause it's just so funny that i can't even see anyone when he's with me
he says he’s so in love, he’s finally got it right
i wonder if he knows he’s all i think about at night.
you take a breath, about to enter the chorus and then you spot him entering the room, with her. luke spots you, throwing a smile your way but you looked back at calum and continued singing even though you began to get choked up.
he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
the only thing that keeps me wishin' on a wishing star
he's the song in the car i keep singing, don't know why i do.
drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
and there he goes, so perfectly
the kind of flawless I wish I could be
she'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky 'cause
your eyes find luke in the crowd again, his arm wrapped around sierras shoulder, who, was also enjoying your performance.
(pretend y/n sang the whole song lol i didn’t feel like writing it all sorry)
so, I'll drive home alone as I turn off the light
i'll put his picture down and maybe get some sleep tonight
'cause he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar the only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
he's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do he's the time taken up, but there's never enough
and he's all that I need to fall into
drew looks at me I fake a smile, so he won't see
everyone can tell what you’re singing about is coming from the heart and they’re giving you sympathetic looks. after you finish you quickly excuse yourself outside to take a breather “thank y’all” you smiled, standing up from the stool and leaving the stage as the crowed continued to applaud for you.
luke, for the first time in a while, notices something is wrong so he follows you out. not before cal intercepts, he could see that calum was kinda frustrated. luke asks “what’s going on? is y/n okay? she’s never done that” calum nods. luke sighed and asks “we’ll tell me! what happened?” calum says “think about the song she just sang and then ask her yourself.”
you were behind the building, pacing back and forth trying to stop the overflow of tears pouring from your eyes. “y/n?” you stopped in your tracks hearing the voice, you turned around and met with luke.
upon seeing your disheveled face, his eyes softened. luke asked, “are you alright?” you sighed, chewing on your lip. should you answer him honestly? or continue to lie, which you had gotten pretty damn good at for some time now.
“not really.” you answered. luke took a few steps closer to you and asks, “is that song about someone?” you nodded, but luke still couldn’t figure out why you never told him. he was your best friend since the two of you were just little kids. “why haven’t you told me? who is drew?”
you take a deep breath contemplating telling him, this would be the moment that changed everything. luke sees the hesitation and touches your arm “you can tell me anything you know that, y/n/n” he looks so earnest so you answer “it is about someone and i couldnt tell you because, well, it’s about you.”
luke falls silent, a wave of emotions coursing through his body. he starts to speak a couple times but stops before he can get an actual word out. “i wish you would’ve told me sooner.” luke had always been in love with you way before sierra came into the picture, maybe he just didn’t know how to show it properly. plus, he thought for sure you just saw him as a friend.
at this point, you were crying. tears falling rapidly as he was talking. he says,“do you know how many songs i’ve written about you? hell, you’ve even helped me write some of them.” he took a few steps closer towards you. do you remember when we wrote meet you there? i thought for sure you’d see right through it and know the truth. but you didn’t, and now..now i’m with sierra..” now he was beginning to tear up. “and i—i don’t know. i just wish i’d known sooner”
“luke..i..” you wiped your eyes, it was so hard for you to hear that when you had spent all your life with him only to lose him in the end. “i’m sorry.”
luke shook his head, “no, i’m sorry.”
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