#it just keeps happening though my days are just oops all socializing
jpegcompressor · 1 year
my schedule is packed and it's with eight billion social events
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dovesdreaming · 7 days
Deadpools guide to keeping you alive
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Summary: You have a habit of reminding everyone to take care of themselves, even though you often forget to do it for yourself. Wade, being Wade, notices, and in his own ridiculous yet sweet way, steps in to help you remember the little things.
You sat on the couch, curled up with your phone, scrolling aimlessly through social media while Wade, in full Deadpool attire, was standing on the coffee table, striking ridiculous superhero poses for no apparent reason. He’d started doing it about ten minutes ago, just because he could. One hand on his hip, the other flexed, he looked like a cross between a professional wrestler and an action figure from the 90s. "Looking good, Wade” you said absently, not even glancing up from your screen. "Have you had any water today?". “Hydration is for the weak!" he declared, though he immediately reached for the water bottle you’d left on the coffee table and took a big gulp, mask and all. You weren’t entirely sure how it worked, but you’d stopped asking those kinds of questions a long time ago. You smiled at his antics and shifted, feeling a little light-headed, but brushed it off. It happened sometimes. Not a big deal. Wade, however, noticed the slight wobble in your movement. He paused mid-pose, tilting his head toward you. "Hey, babe, you okay? You look like you’re about to pass out faster than I can regenerate a new spleen”.
You waved him off, though your stomach growled quietly. "Yeah, I’m fine. Just haven’t eaten yet, I guess. No big deal”. Wade’s eyes widened beneath his mask, and he jumped off the coffee table with a surprisingly graceful landing. "Uh, what? You guess? You haven’t eaten yet?" He checked the clock on the wall. "It’s 4 PM. That's not 'yet,' that’s 'barely survived on air alone!”. You frowned, genuinely surprised by the time. You’d gotten up early that morning, thrown yourself into work, and totally lost track of everything else. Again. “Oh…” You blinked. “Right. Oops?”.
Wade crossed his arms and gave you a look you knew well, the ‘I’m about to be ridiculous but also right’ look. “Let me get this straight: you’ve reminded me, multiple times, to drink water today-thank you for that, by the way-but you forgot to eat?” You shrugged, trying to play it off, though the light-headedness was starting to catch up to you. “I get distracted, okay? I’ve got a lot going on in my head sometimes”. Wade didn’t argue with that. Instead, he sighed and sat down next to you, pulling you into his side. “Alright, here's the deal. You’re gonna sit right here, not move a muscle- except to blink, breathe, and keep that heart pumping I guess, and I’m gonna make you some food”.
You started to protest. “Wade, you don’t have to-“ But he was already up, bounding toward the kitchen with surprising energy for a guy who’d been play posing on a coffee table moments before. “I do have to! Because apparently, you’d forget your head if it wasn’t attached, and I can’t have that, babe. You’d look weird without it”. You chuckled as you watched him dig through the fridge, though there was a part of you that felt a little guilty. This wasn’t the first time you’d forgotten something important. Wade had found you passed out on the couch before because you’d stayed up working for nearly two days straight. And then there was the time you forgot to drink for an entire day while binge watching a new show. Wade had quickly gotten you a glass of whatever was closest whilst gently scolding you.
Still, despite your forgetfulness, you always made sure to look out for your friends. You’d tell Wade, and anyone else, to “drink more water!” or “take breaks!” but when it came to yourself, you… just forgot. It wasn’t on purpose. It was like your brain got too full, and the little things just slipped through the cracks. You were pulled out of your thoughts by the clatter of pots and pans in the kitchen. Wade was muttering to himself, something about "smoking chimichangas" and “how do normal people make sandwiches without a sword?” But a few minutes later, he returned with a plate in hand, two sandwiches that looked like they’d survived a battle, but were clearly made with love. “Behold!” Wade declared, placing the plate on your lap with a flourish. “A culinary masterpiece. You won’t find this in any Michelin-star restaurant, because they can’t handle the truth”.
You couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks, Wade. You didn’t have to, really”. “Of course I did” he said, sitting back down beside you, much more gently this time. “Somebody’s gotta make sure you remember to do basic human things, like eating and sleeping and not turning into a raisin from dehydration”. You took a bite of the sandwich, feeling instantly better. “It’s good” you said through a mouthful of food. “Of course it is. I’m Deadpool. I don’t make bad sandwiches” he replied, leaning in to nudge you with his elbow. “But seriously, you gotta start taking care of yourself. I mean, I can regenerate my liver if it gives out, but you? You get one shot at this whole ‘being alive’ thing”.
You swallowed and nodded, feeling a little sheepish. “I know, I just… I get so caught up in things, I forget”. Wade looked at you, and even through the mask, you could feel the softness in his gaze. He reached over, pulling you into a side hug. “You know what, babe? That’s what I’m here for. To remind you to do all that boring, vital stuff. You remind me to drink water, I remind you to, you know, live. We balance each other out”.
You rested your head on his shoulder, sandwich still in hand. “Yeah, I guess we do”. “And from now on” Wade said, his voice full of determination, “I’m going to make sure you never forget again. I’ll be your personal reminder system. Forget to eat? I’ll hand-feed you if I have to. Forget to sleep? I’ll tuck you in with my very own beddy-bye song. And forget to shower? Well, I’ll.. okay, I’ll just throw you in the shower with a loofah grenade”.
You laughed, the sound muffled by another bite of your sandwich. “I don’t know if I should be scared or touched by that”. “Touched” Wade said, pulling you closer. “Definitely touched. In the heart, not the weird way. Unless you want it to be the weird way. I’m flexible”. You smiled, warmth filling your chest. “Thanks, Wade”. “Don’t mention it, babe” he said softly. Then he looked down at you, his voice dropping to a playful whisper. “Now, finish that sandwich and then we’re going to bed. Not for the fun stuff, mind you, unless you’re into that, but because you need to sleep. Doctor Deadpool’s orders”. You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t deny the yawn that followed. “Fine, but only because Doctor Deadpool said so”. “That’s the spirit!” Wade cheered, and with a surprisingly gentle tug, he pulled you up off the couch and toward the bedroom, all while mumbling something about setting hydration alarms and taping snack bars to the walls as reminders.
And as you curled up in bed that night, Wade snuggled up next to you, you couldn’t help but feel grateful. Because even when you forgot to take care of yourself, Wade was always there to remind you, whether it was about drinking water, getting enough sleep, or just eating a simple sandwich.
And really, that was all you needed.
Thank you for reading!!
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plutonianeris · 9 months
pick a pile: how does this new love feel like a fairytale? ⛓️💗
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this is a general reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Interpret & choose based on your inner guidance and gut feeling. messages can be either from you, them or both🍒
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𓆩♱𓆪Pile one
right off the bat this is someone whose been eyeing you for a while. they could be the type that stare in awe at the pictures you post on social media “so pretty” or when they met you that have that immediate attraction.. “who is that?” lol them asking their friends when you walk in. this honestly feels like a fairytale because theyve been wanting you for a while but theyve been super patient i heard “no hard feelings” theyre actually so sweet (im getting water sign suns: cancer, pisces, scorpio energy oop 🙈).
like they have no problem admiring you from afar at alllll. they are mesmerized by you. and honestly they could have been a little toxic before meeting you (not abusive, but someone unable to share their emotions in a healthy way). it seems like they dont want u to see them in the shades and shadows of their trauma, wounds, healing. for them you are the light at the end of that tunnel. i heard “my day was pretty shitty until you showed up” they are willing to work hard for you. they are also very attractive & in an unconventional way (unique hair, being really tall, tattoos, something like that makes them stand out especially in their friend group).
💌letter from their pov;
I know you dont need me. you dont really look like the type to depend on anyone. I can see it in the way you eye people, especially men, with suspicion. you question my motives and thats fair. when youre that beautiful and charming, theres bound to be people that just want to use you. that are dying to be in you energy just to get the chance to say they were in your presence. i dont wanna be like that. i dont wanna be another read message in your phone. i dont wanna be another face that disappears in the crowd for you. and i know you feel that way too. that the worst thing for you isnt to be talked about. its to be ignored. its to be underestimated. trust me when i say since the moment i laid eyes on you, i never once doubted you. i know you are capable of bringing men to their knees with your eyes. i know that your laugh makes my pulse speed up. i know that you make me feel special. and sometimes i get jealous, wondering if you make other people feel that way too. I want to give you the whole world if you just let me.
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𓆩♱𓆪Pile two
this new love feels like a fairytale because this happened in the moment when you’re least expecting it and also after you’re recovering from something. Whether it be a relationship break up with a partner or you just changing things in your life, like moving to a different neighborhood or no longer believing in certain things that were very important in your belief systems in the past. this is like a prince or princess, waiting to rescue you. At first, though it seems like you’re suspicious of this energy. You could find that they are way too good with their words. “too good to be true” “I bet you say that to all the girls/guys” energy. but honestly, it seems like you’re the only one that can keep up with them. You don’t give into them like other people do, and they constantly want to impress you by telling you random facts or teaching you about some thing they learned abroad or when traveling.
I am getting a sense that they are very flirty, but with other people it never goes past that it’s just something they do in the moment or theyre just really playful. But even as they’re talking to someone else, their eyes can’t seem to leave you even if you’re across the room. You like your routine and consistency so changing things about your own life is hard, much less accepting other people in. So when they flirt with you, you might not immediately flirt back. you might roll your eyes, but you can’t help but smile when they turn away. you could be someone with earth placements, especially capricorn or virgo. They give off a lot of mischievous energy. This other person could have a gemini placement, third house placements or ninth house placements (if ur into astro).
💌letter from their pov;
Relationships have never really been a priority for me. I mean, cmon I'm young. Isn't it the whole point to experience as much as I can? I know other people have things to say about me.. maybe I lead some people on. Maybe sometimes you feel that way too. But I promise it's not really like that. Well, with you, it isn't. I'm just inexperienced. And I guess that doesn't really stop me from flirting so much and being so cocky…But the truth is I crave your attention badly. You look like you really know what you want in life. And for me, that's all I ever wanted. Because when you know what you want, you get it. and thats when you really start living. After that, even our mistakes are our own and beautiful and intimate in their own way. I see the weariness in your eyes when you look at me. I know you're wondering if I am even worth your time. I promise I am. I promise I can be. And if I'm not, then you can just never speak to me right then and there, I swear. But I know there's more than weariness in your gaze as well. I know you are just as curious about me as I am about you.
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𓆩♱𓆪Pile three
This love feels like a dark romance. This pile is not as lighthearted as the previous two at all. It feels like a fairytale in that "magical" sense though because it will feel like love at first sight. You both will feel immediately physically attracted to the other but what makes it even more intense is that at first no one seems to be able to make the first move. It might seem too good to be true to the point where you don't even wanna disturb the "illusion." You dont wanna burst the bubble. Also, the magnetic attraction you feel/ that slow burn makes it even more desirable for both of you. In synastry, you both might have a lot of conjunctions (especially with pluto, moon, and mars). I also pulled north node synastry as well (and this synastry makes it feel like you're meant to be aka its destiny. but its also uncomfortable). "I have never felt like this before" energy.
Honestly, I see this pile as being able to go both ways and it can easily make you feel heartbroken. You might have venus-pluto placements yourself or 8th house placements or they do. When you are together though, you both hate when other people interrupt. You love your alone time. It feels really good. This pile is all about intense eye contact, glancing down at each others lips, meeting in secret, getting jealous when other people try to talk to the other, hands brushing as you walk but never fully touching. But then devouring each other when alone (if you both end up trusting each other when to get there because, again, one of you or both are hesitating). If you open your heart and learn to trust and communicate in a healthy manner, it could be a life changing connection.
💌letter from their pov;
It feels wrong to fantasize about you the way I do. But I can't really help it. I think about the way your back would feel arched under my palm. your lips on mine, tongues meeting, teeth clashing. I look at your hands and imagine them gripping the sheets at the same time I grip your thighs. It feels wrong that these are things that have crossed my mind since I first met you. sometimes I try to lie to myself. Tell myself that maybe im not really that into you. but its such bullshit. even then, theres the what if. what if. what if. it looks like every odds are against us. we are complete opposites. it might never work. but im willing to take that risk. im willing to bet on us. even if it falls apart. but judging from the way you freeze up when we make eye contact I know its far beyond that. I know you felt it too. the day we met, how you paused. i know that we would love hard. and fall harder. and if it doesnt work out, it would be devastating. and yet, i would still decide to do it all over again. and you would too. life is too short. I dont want us to be a what-if.
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vanilladove · 3 months
Helllooo, can i request Tecchou with someone hes known all his life, and that are kinda Childhood-friends to lovers? Just some fluff and maybe the Hunting dogs being like, „And how long have you been friends and together for?“ “Just 18 years, why?“ bc i think that would be so funny (also extra, can you make their dynamic kinda like black cat thats secretly a golden retriever(reader) x golden retriever(tecchou), if not, that okay [[: )
I hope you have a good day ♡
.ೃ。+˚❝ just 18 years ❞
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divider creds plum98
ೀ⋆。˚pairing: tecchou x fem!reader
ೀ⋆。˚genre: fluff, slightly suggestive oops
ೀ⋆。˚content warnings: none! other than tecchou's horrendous food combos .__.
ೀ⋆。˚word count: 1.6k
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"A-Ah, Tecchou, don't dip your hamburger into your milkshake—!"
You pouted, stopping your boyfriend's hand from ruining his strawberry milkshake. The two of you had decided to go on a date at a vintage diner for his day off. Being a Hunting Dog was demanding, and he was often exhausted at the end of the day, so you tried to cherish every moment you could spend together. However, you could never truly relax with him.
The brunette frowned, his bangs shifting as he turned his head to peer up at you, "Why not? Sweet and salty go together, right? And it's good to combine foods that are the same colors. Ketchup and strawberry are bo—
You sighed, shoving a french fry dipped in your vanilla milkshake into Tecchou's mouth, cutting off his senseless rambling.
He looked surprised, but his eyes quickly lit up upon tasting the new, delicious food combination. "Oh, this is actually really good...Can I have another one?"
"Sure!" You nodded happily as you fed him another french fry, this time dipping it into his drink. At least it was more socially acceptable now. You watched as he ate the fries, quiet but focused on absorbing the flavor. Getting to treasure these sweet and wholesome moments with the strongest soldier in the Hunting Dogs was what made you fall for Tecchou in the first place, your love for him only growing stronger as you two grew up. "Seriously, though, Tecchou—sometimes I feel like your food taste is just pregnancy cravings..."
You continued to shovel dipped fries in his mouth as you recalled your past memories together, "Remember that one time that you tried to eat a slice of my birthday cake with dirt just because it was chocolate, and they were both brown?" You giggled as you pictured the scene again: you running over to find Tecchou after he'd gone off to your garden, him proudly showing you the "dirt sprinkles" and "moving gummy worms" he'd dug up from the ground to eat with his cake, your shock, and the equally shocked and amused looks on his parents' and the neighbors' faces when you told them the story. You titled your head, staring at your reflection on the bar table's metal countertop. "I don't even know how old we were when that happened. Just that it was when we were still neighbors."
Tecchou grinned, "It was your tenth birthday. I remember you were wearing that cream frilly dress with roses and got it dirty when you came to talk to me in the garden." He looked up and down your figure, noticing your cream and cherry-patterned halter midi dress, "'Kinda looks like what you have on right now. By the way, did I tell you how beautiful you look today?"
Rose dusted your cheeks as you pulled away, flustered and trying to keep your cool. "T-thanks." You looked back towards Tecchou and took in his outfit. Since it was his day off, he'd ditched the maroon uniform for an off-white, short-sleeve linen button-up and tan pants. His shirt was partially unbuttoned at the top, exposing his toned chest and arms and accentuating his layered, dark hair. "You look nice, too." You looked away, embarrassed for momentarily staring so hard, but you were sure the blush was still visible on your cheeks. You couldn't help it—even though you'd known Tecchou for so long and had already been dating for a few years, you felt like you'd never get over the butterflies and puppy love phase. It was probably due to his honest yet silly nature and the disastrous but endearing moments you always spent together. You still went on cute dates all the time—hiking (Tecchou would get you two lost in the woods sometimes...), picnics, and aquariums, so your relationship always felt wholesome and tender even through the hardships of Tecchou's work, just like a plum blossom.
Tecchou whined lowly, missing your touch by his face already. You were too lost in thought to notice the drops of milkshake flowing down your fingers, and Tecchou smiled cheekily. “Your hands are dripping.” He pointed at the one you were feeding him fries with.
You looked down, “Huh? Oh—“ you were about to grab a napkin from the dispenser until you felt your boyfriend firmly pull your hand back to his mouth and lick the sugary drink off your fingers. You yelped and tried to move back, startled by the sudden action. "T-Techhou, i-it's fine—"
"No," He said firmly, keeping his grip on you—there was no way you could break out of the toughest Hunting Dog's hold—"Just stay still." Complying, you blushed as he slowly ran his wet tongue over your sticky fingers, golden eyes intensely staring into your own.
"Mmm...you taste so sweet..." he grumbled into your skin—you secretly prayed he would stop before you started drawing attention as your heartbeat got faster.
"Tecchou—seriously, you're acting strange—!"
He pouted suddenly, lifting his head a bit, "You should be happy, y'know...When I get you pregnant, I'll eat all your weird pregnancy cravings with you."
You shivered at his words as he dipped back down to get the last bits of vanilla milkshake off your fingers, entire body now feeling hot. You were sure he didn't intend for it to come off so suggestive and probably thought it was a cute and innocent thing to say, but you were going crazy inside. Wait, doesn't that also mean he loves me enough to start a family togethe—
The door to the diner slammed open abruptly as three other customers came in, all in matching maroon attire.
"Hey! Tecchou's eating a human!" You recognized the high-pitched voice of Teruko, who was quickly followed by Jouno and Tachihara. The two ran in to see your questionable pose; Tachihara gaped in shock and Jouno looked disgusted, and the intrusion made you almost explode in embarrassment.
Tecchou, however, was completely unbothered, only muttering a "hello" as he looked at his unit who'd cut off his precious time with you.
You pulled your hand away, trying to introduce yourself "H-hi. You must be Tecchou's coworkers...I'm—"
Tachihara gasped, "Right, sorry, we must be interrupting your first date. Let's leave them in peace, guys!" He tried to leave before Teruko stopped him.
"No, Tachihara, we can't leave yet. This poor girl doesn't even know what she's gotten herself into...I mean, Tecchou's got some weird quirks and stuff, right?" Jouno sighed, already sick of the two and wanting to get away from the noisy diner. He could hear Tecchou's heartbeat get faster anxiously as the Hunting Dogs started to taunt you, suggesting that the brunette had strong feelings for you.
Tecchou's grip on you loosened like a sad puppy as Teruko's words hit him, making you notice, "N-no! You're both wrong!" You stammered, catching all four's attention. Tecchou's eyes were gazing into you again, curious as to what you'd say and how you felt about him since by nature you weren't a very expressive person. "This isn't our first date, and Tecchou's not weird!"
His eyes widened, and Teruko fell silent—slightly pissed off that you were challenging her but also shocked at how you were defending the same man who ate boiled eggs with the shells still on.
"He's kind and always makes me laugh, he's strong and protects me from danger, offers to carry and take care of me when I'm tired and sick, and he spends his free days with me even though he feels guilty about not being able to save others! I love him! I love him, and I always have ever since we were neighbors!" You pulled his arm close into your chest and tried to avert your eyes away from the patrons who had all started staring at you. Now, you and your boyfriend were both blushing. And he knew how you felt about him.
Teruko looked at you suspiciously; the Hunting Dogs were all close with each other and didn't disclose much about their pasts, so she wondered what your intentions were with Tecchou, since she didn't recall him ever mentioning you. "Neighbors, you say? And how long have you been friends together for?"
You and Tecchou looked at each other, both equally confused and dumbfounded by the fact that the Hunting Dogs didn't know you'd been dating. "Just 18 years, why?" You both said in unison, smiling and giggling at the coincidence.
Teruko recoiled in surprise, now feeling bad for being so intrusive. Trying to brush off her actions and be nonchalant, she turned her back to the two of you and grabbed the other two men, "Oh, sorry. Sorry for barging in then. We'll see you tomorrow, Tecchou." Jouno sighed again, unimpressed by his superior as Tachihara followed before turning around and smiling,
"Have fun, lovebirds!" You hugged Tecchou, feeling sheepish from the whole encounter and by your loud love confession, and he only hugged you back, strong arms enveloping you into his firm chest.
"Love you..." You mumbled weakly, feeling defeated but also relived to finally be alone together again. He laughed huskily as he planted a kiss on top of your head.
"I love you, too." You poked your head up from his chest to peck his soft lips, tasting a mixture of vanilla and strawberry. He closed his eyes, guiding the back of your head into the kiss more before pulling away and hugging you once more. "Hey, do you think you could feed me more fries? I'm hungry again."
You snickered cutely, nodding as you stayed in his arms a bit longer, thankful to have fallen in love with your childhood best friend.
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m1ssunderstanding · 9 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day One
So I know this has probably been overdone by lots of people on lots of years but I haven't done it yet and I want to so here goes: I'm going to rewatch get back with the days matched up and catalogue my thoughts as I watch.
We don't get to see George and John saying hi to each other, but I'm struck by how careful they are with Ringo when he comes in. "Hi Ringo, happy new year." From both of them, with full eye contact soft, sweet voices. I wonder if they're really wanting to be so gentle with him after what happened at the end of August. Not like walking on eggshells at all, but just very "we're working on doing better because we care about you."
While Paul's not there, John is giving George full attention, leaning in to him, facing him while they sing, and George seems to really love it
But then Paul shows up and you can tell before we even see him that he's arrived, because suddenly John's gaze is gone from George. His eyebrows shoot up, he chin-tilts, and (this sounds insane I know but it's what I just watched) his singing drastically improves. He's putting effort in, performing.
Paul sits down and the shy little grins and glances and inside jokes (at George's expense and hypocritical of John) ensue immediately.
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Ringo's jacket. The black with the maroon velvet collar. It's very cool and it's very unique to him. I don't see the other three pulling it off the way he does. He just has effortless swagger. If the other three wore something like that they'd look like try-hards.
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George's sassy little hair flip. "oh, you're recording our conversation?"
Meanwhile John and Paul are back at it like magnets I swear. Turned in to each other, talking gibberish, and strumming
George with the deadpan sass again. "Maybe we should just learn a few songs first." Lol he's so stone cold.
"Oh please believe me." "Yes I will." Come on. Do you ever stop? And then the silent communication when they screwed up. We don't see Paul's face but John makes such a cute "oops sorry" face and they keep going.
Paul's literally so bossy. I find it such a turn on, really, watching it. Just because it's him being a genius who has a vision and sucks at social skills. But if I were in that band and he wasn't letting me hit I'd literally hate him.
John's so delighted with Paul's "everybody's got a hard on... Except for me and my monkey." Because that's one of the ways he often expresses his love for Paul and Paul's giving it back to him here. So John's just "Oh he made a joke about my song. He's teasing me. He does like me."
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Paul literally diggs John's part of IGAF so fucking hard though. Like as soon as John's singing, Paul can not be still. Can not. He just thinks John's so so clever (and to be fair he is)
Crazy eye fucking continues
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Then Paul's off to talk big boy plans with the daddies for a minute. (would love to know who he waved at then sucked his finger) "Is this your place, Twickenham?" Okay. Feeling out a potential daddy's pockets. I see you.
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Obsessed with Yoko's emerald bag and how she got her little boyfriend to wear the exact color of Henley. Ken was literally made to be Barbies accessory and he's doing such a great job matching her purse. She's so pretty and cool.
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It cracks me up how extremely nonchalant Ringo is about Magic Christian. (I LOVE that movie. Ringo is so hot in it and it's anti-capitalist so it's a winner). Dennis O'Dell is all "the scripts are marvelous." And Ringo's just "yeah you told me." And then Dennis is like "I'll take up up and show you around these really great sets." Ringo: "yeah okay." It's almost like the other three have no chill so he has to have only chill to balance it out.
They really are so blunt with each other when they don't like something. "I don't dig that." "Scrap that." Which is good. If only they could've been blunt when they did like things too though. And I guess they were sometimes. Like John telling Paul to keep that lyric in Hey Jude. But I don't think they were half as open with their positive feelings about each other's work as they were the other way around and that's so sad to me.
Why does George single Paul out about the sandwiches? It's cute. I love it. But what is it? Is he particularly worried about Paul and food because Paul's picky? Is it just their relationship that they take care of each other in these simple ways because they can't take care of each other emotionally?
Fucking hell why does Paul literally flirt with everyone all the time? "No separation in there." "Rain or snow will do me." "Yeah, you're pretty right, Michael."
Pretty sure John was looking at the lyrics of TOU off that sheet that said "Another Quarrymen Original" at the bottom. I wonder what he thought of that. I wonder if it was there to signal him, and if so what was it signalling? "Hey this is about you."??
"Two of us Henry Cooper." Referencing a boxer in a song about him and John. Why? Because they're fighting?
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27 seconds
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pairing: Marcus Pike x reader
rating: just angst, hope you brought tissues
word count: 749
summary: Marcus never expected his world to fall apart with one phone call.
warnings: mention of drinking, kissing, nothing above PG though. reader has no physical descriptions other than wears a robe and some of Marcus's clothes. please lmk if i missed anything!!
a/n: my first submission for @beskarandblasters's Taylor Swift drabble challenge! i'm 100% a swiftie so i grabbed this with both hands and went running. this is based on the song Last Kiss sooooooo yeah it hurts 😅 oops. i do plan to write a second one so keep your eyes peeled for that if that's something your interested in?? this is only my second even piece for one of Pedro's characters and i have a particular soft spot for our Agent Pike so i hope y'all like it 🫣
Standing at the terminal, waiting for you to appear from the sliding glass doors, he checks his watch, then your flight information. It landed almost an hour ago, so where are you?
Just as the thought crosses his mind, his phone buzzes in his pocket, your name and picture lighting up his screen. He quickly answers.
“Hey, baby. I’m waiting outside your terminal, is everyth-”
“I never got on.”
He knew asking you to move to D.C. with him on such short notice was a stretch. You had your own life in L.A., how could he seriously expect you to just drop everything?
But you did. In a heartbeat.
Packing up your shared apartment was a blur. It mirrored the day you moved in: sitting on the bare kitchen floor surrounded by cardboard boxes, you wearing his t-shirt and a pair of his boxers, the waistband rolled so they sit higher on your thighs. You kept them when he flew out early to get your new place ready. Dropping him off at the airport, you held each other impossibly tight before sharing one last kiss and whispered “I love yous” against each other’s lips.
“Wait- baby, is everything okay? Did something happen?” Marcus tries to swallow his panic, fearing something had gone wrong with the airline or God forbid you’d been hurt.
“No. I just- I can’t. I’m so sorry, Marcus.”
“What d- what do you mean ‘can’t’? B-”
“It’s complicated. Just…I’m sorry.” His phone beeps as the call disconnects.
He stares blankly at the screen, 1:58 shining through the dark, taunting him.
What else can he do but just go home?
Marcus grabs a beer from the bare fridge and sinks to the floor, kicking off his shoes in the process. He stares out into the room. The space feels foreign now, hard and echoey. It’s mostly empty since you’d agreed to wait and do the bulk of the furniture shopping together. You’d loved the open floorplan, teasing him about having plenty of room for your impromptu dances. What should have been filled with warmth and laughter now just feels hollow.
He picks up his phone again, desperate to call you back and plead for answers. But you’d already given him one. You weren’t ready. When he asked you to go with him, he’d promised to honor whatever you felt. He just never planned on you changing your mind like this.
He throws himself into his work again. Some days, he’s okay. Others, he’ll come home enthusiastic after a big breakthrough and excited to tell you all about it until you cut him off with a kiss. He calls out to you, but your name dies on his lips.
Those nights, he’ll lie awake and scroll through your social media, careful not to accidentally like any of your photos. Dinners and drinks with friends. Fourth of July fireworks at the Santa Monica pier. But one picture stings worse than the others: a candid of you walking in the rain, your hands in your coat pockets, and a reflection in the window revealing a man behind the camera.
Marcus knows he shouldn’t have hoped that you just needed more time. That you’d wait for him until you were ready and then you’d come. He shakes the thought away before closing the app and turning off his phone, but he can’t fall asleep. His bed is too big, too cold. His own breathing in his ears is too loud, his heartbeat too heavy. He forces his eyes closed anyway, but they pop right back open. He snatches his phone off the bedside table and resumes his previous position, steeling himself for another restless night.
You’ve just stepped out of the shower when you hear your phone chime. Securing your robe, you perch on the edge of your bed and open the text.
I can’t forget you
Marcus’s name and contact picture at the top of the thread blurs as you blink back unannounced tears. You haven’t cried over this man in months, why now? Composing yourself, you look back down at the screen. You read those 4 little words over and over again, words stuck on the tip of your own tongue for so long but you forced yourself to never say. You finally notice the Read tag under the message, betraying your silence. He knows you’ve seen it.
Taking a deep breath, you type your response.
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charcadett · 2 years
Indirect Kiss Headcanons (Gender neutral reader)
Characters: Rika, Larry, Hassel, and a certain endgame spoiler character I’ll put under cut
If there’s one thing I love more than casual intimacy, it’s the most agonizing mutual pining you can imagine. I also enjoy hyperbole. This was supposed to be a simple headcanons post until I get a better grasp on the characters, but I got kind of carried away, oops-
Side note: Don’t put too much thought into the AI Turo one, because I sure didn’t put in a lot of thought into whatever AU that happened with his scenario. I just think robot man is cool and I’d like to hold his hand.
- Rika isn’t one to get flustered by an indirect kiss, though she would absolutely take the opportunity to tease you. It’s her love language.
- The two of you enjoy spending your breaks together. Even if you aren’t talking, wandering side by side through the streets of Mesagoza as you enjoy a comfortable silence, is a wonderful way to relax and stretch your legs. With the sprawling city in front of you, with its beautiful architecture and blue skies, it’s easier to keep yourself focused on your surroundings, and not your unfairly attractive coworker. If only by a small margin.
- After finishing your lunch, Rika insisted on buying dessert. Twirling two lollipops between her fingers, she smiled as she let you take your pick. One was strawberry-flavored, while the other was green apple. You plucked your favorite before Rika had a chance to snatch it herself.
- “Seriously? That one’s my favorite.” Her tone was light and her smile was lopsided. You tried not to think about how much it made your heart race.
- She popped hers in her mouth in tandem with you, humming contentedly as you enjoyed the rest of your break. Checking your watch, your heart sinks just a little. Five more minutes and your time with Rika is over. Sure, you'd only be a few feet from each other, and there was always tomorrow, but that’s beside the point. Sometimes, you wished you could tease her as much as she teased you.
- “Can I try yours?” You asked, mouth moving faster than your brain. Rika’s eyebrows shot up for only a second – you can’t help but feel a swell of pride, your confidence boosting more than you’d like to admit – before her lips twitched into her usual grin.
- “Sure, as long as I can try yours.”
- You traded, and you purposefully brushed your hand against hers as her finger slid across the back of your hand. Trying to keep your breath steady, you stared into her eyes as you sucked on the candy. It was embarrassing how much your hands shook as she met your gaze.
- “Taste good?”
- “I think this one’s better than mine.”
- Rika blushed at that. You win.
- Like Rika, Larry isn’t someone who’d get flustered over an indirect kiss. Unlike Rika, he just wouldn’t notice in the first place.
- Starting a new job had always been a bit nerve-wracking. It was new people, a new building, a new region, everything was brand new and scary. Except for the work. The work was always the same, and that was the one and only thing you appreciated about it.
- You still hadn’t gotten to know your coworkers, through no fault of theirs. Everyone had been incredibly welcoming to you. It was your own awkwardness that had been your downfall. Each time someone approached, you could feel your palms sweat and your breath catch in your throat. Sentences tangled together in your mouth until all you could respond with was one or two words.
- It definitely was not the best recipe for a successful social life.
- One fateful day, you’d forgotten your lunch at home and had resigned yourself to spending the rest of the day hungry. That was, until, your coworker overheard a particularly loud (and embarrassing) growl from your stomach and offered to buy you lunch.
- You recalled seeing him around, though, for the life of you, you couldn’t remember his name. He wasn’t remarkable, and he certainly didn’t stand out among his coworkers, with his simple suit and plain expression. Even his voice was flat. But you weren’t one to judge, and you were rather hungry, so you agreed.
- It was a quiet lunch. He didn’t talk much, which you were thankful for because that meant you didn’t have to stumble your way through a conversation for an hour. The food was good. Very good even. You managed to get an almost unnoticeable smile after you told him. When you got back to work, you parted ways with a simple nod.
- That night was spent sleepless, of course, as all nights following a social interaction were spent. Were you weird? Did he notice when you accidentally dribbled food onto the front of your shirt? These were totally normal things to worry about. It wasn’t until the next day when he offered to buy you lunch again did you stop agonizing over any made-up faux pas you could have committed.
- That was where you found yourself now. One month later, sitting next to him at the Treasure Eatery in Medali, desperately trying to figure out what his name was. He’d invited you to lunch every day, and paid for it every time without fail. Even when you offered. You couldn’t ask for his name at this point. It'd been too long.
- Even after a month of eating together, the conversation between the two of you never got more lively. Sometimes he would recommend a particular dish and light up a bit (or as much as he could) when you took his suggestion. Otherwise, it was silent. And comfortable. Probably the most comfortable you’ve ever found yourself with someone. When you did manage to talk, he listened, and when you wanted to be silent, he never pushed. It was nice.
- “What, uh, what kind of drink is that?” You fidgeted with the napkin in your lap. “It looks good.”
- “It’s raspberry tea.” He slid the glass over to you. “Do you want to try?”
- You nodded and tried not to sweat as he watched you, waiting for your reaction. The fruity tang of raspberry mixed well with the bitterness of the tea, and you found yourself grinning.
- “Woah, it’s good!”
- “You should get it next time.”
- The lady behind the counter laughed loudly as she grinned at you. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Larry share his food with anyone. You must be a very special friend, huh?”
- You clapped your hands together in a silent cheer. “Oh! Larry! That’s your name!”
- Too caught up in your humiliation, you didn’t catch any more of the Treasure Eatery’s chef’s teasing remarks, nor Larry’s blush. Despite this, you found yourself more embarrassed upon realizing that you shared an indirect kiss with Larry rather than how far you managed to shove your foot in your mouth. That embarrassment was stored away for tomorrow night.
- Hassel not only wears his heart on his sleeve but strikes me as a hopeless romantic. Of course, he’d get flustered over an indirect kiss.
- Working at Uva Academy was a gift you never wanted to give up. It wasn’t a job as respectable as a teacher or nurse, janitorial work was as gross as it was unforgiving. While at a few of your previous workplaces, you found your coworkers had a tendency to look down on you, things were very different at Uva Academy. Both teachers and students talked to you on level ground – even the director, Clavell, spoke to you personally a few times – and not just to ask you to clean up whatever horror show happened in the bathroom. It was a nice change
- Out of everyone, you found yourself drawn to Hassel the most. At first, you found him intimidating. Not only was he tall, with a deep voice that seemed to fill the room, but his eyes were a deep, piercing yellow. You hadn’t expected him to be an art teacher, nor did you expect how passionate he was, not just about art, but teaching in general.
- The way he choked back tears when a student showed him some of their artwork. How each piece, no matter the skill, was displayed equally and with lavish praise. You found yourself sitting in a few of his classes in between spills, to which he welcomed you readily, and you found yourself enraptured. Art had never been your forte, but maybe it would have been if you had a teacher like Hassel.
- Over time, you started to feel ridiculous for finding him intimidating in the first place. The man wore a mini-cape and his teaching assistant was the esteemed “Professor Gible.” How you could ever have been nervous around him in the first place was entirely lost on you.
- As time went on, you spoke to him more and more. You visited him between classes to see anything new the students had made, and he sought you out while you cleaned after hours to wax philosophical. Not that you minded. You enjoyed the company. Hassel was someone you admired. Not just for his passion, but his mind. He was someone who could talk for hours, and you’d find yourself listening intently every second.
- With the winter, came dry skin. You knew it was bad and didn't help at all, but you found yourself licking your lips every few seconds. Only for them to get more chapped. Great. The bell rang, and your smile widened as students poured into the hall. You knew exactly who would have chapstick and wouldn’t mind sharing.
- “Hey, Hassel!” You poked your head into his classroom with a wave. Hassel glanced up from his desk to hit you with a grin so bright, you almost had to squint.
- “Ah, [Name]! I was just about to find you.”
- Leaving your mop and bucket at the door, you jogged into his classroom. Hassel opened his mouth, likely to begin one of his rather endearing monologues, and you cut him off. You didn’t like to, but you’d be here for hours once he got started. “Before you tell me, do you have any chapstick I can borrow? I forgot mine at home.”
- Hassel froze, which you found odd. “Are you sure? You wouldn’t find it uncomfortable?”
- “Of course not. I mean, we’re friends, right,” You trailed off, and leaned against a nearby table to keep your feet from shuffling. “Does it bother you? I don’t want to overstep.”
- “No, no anything to help a friend.” You relaxed at his confirmation of your friendship. It was out of character to get insecure over something so small, what was wrong with you? Gratefully, you took the chapstick from him and relished in cool relief. Damn, winter and its tendency to dry you out like jerky.
- Hassel’s gaze jumped from your lips then to the ceiling, and then to the wall. He cleared his throat, adams's apple bobbing. “You should see this wonderful portrait one of the students did of Professor Gible while he was Terastillized today….”
- It took three months to discover the students had betting pool on how long it would take the two of you to date. Only two more days to discover the contributions of the other faculty members. Only Clavell wins.
AI Turo
- As much as the professor’s memories are a part of AI Turo, I feel like the more sentimental and emotional aspects were an afterthought. Would AI Turo know what an indirect kiss is? Probably. Would he be able to connect that that’s the cause of feeling flustered? Probably not.
- Professor Turo came out of the Great Crater, half Terastillized and oddly enough, glitching. Or at least that was what you knew. You suspected the real secret to his return would only be known to the quartet of kids that followed him out, Director Clavell, and himself. Even your knowledge was a bit greater than everyone else’s, no one else seemed to know about the Terastillized or glitchy part on the news. Being a night owl seemed to have perks in the most unexpected of places.
- You eventually found out one of the kids was his son, Arven, who seemed to make it his sole purpose to avoid Turo no matter the cost. Not that it was hard. Professor Turo kept mostly to himself despite the fascination and curiosity that surrounded him. When he wasn’t in the dorm he was provided, he was in Clavell’s office, and when he wasn’t there, you could find him looking miserably down at an aged violet book in his lap.
- Eventually, because one can’t mope forever, the Professor began doing guest lectures at the Academy. Though you suspected it was at Clavell’s request, as the days went on, he seemed to enjoy it. His steps were lighter, his expression easier, and he didn’t stare at that book as miserably as he used to. Although, there was a good bit of misery still there.
- You really thought you were being discreet while you watched him. He only caught you a few times, and being the assistant Battle Studies teacher with Dendra, you thought yourself pretty fast around corners. It wasn’t weird, you were only curious! Anyone would be. It wasn’t until Professor Turo showed up as a guest to one of the advanced classes that you were confronted by just how conspicuous you were.
- “You are the person who has been watching me.” He was blunt, and you wished your body’s instinctual reaction to being caught wasn’t to blush so red, it was almost like you glowed.
- “That wasn’t me,” You denied too fast, with your voice far too high to be believed.
- Before Turo could respond, Dendra started class with an exuberant ‘Osu!’ and his attention was pulled elsewhere. There was something strange about him, which you would usually chalk up to him being a professor or his time in the Great Crater. The science types always had a tendency to lean toward eccentricity. Turo, however, went a step beyond that. There was an almost robotic quality to the way he moved and talked. As soon as class began, he hyper-focused on the task at hand. He performed calculations of a move's power within seconds, which again, could simply be a ‘professor thing’ but all things considering you doubted it.
- After class, while Dendra was preoccupied answering some last-minute questions, Turo made his way over to you. Oh. That was why you found him so strange. He didn’t blink.
- “Now we can return to our previous conversation. I recognize you.”
- “I have no idea what you’re t-” You were cut off by a young student running in a full sprint from the schoolyard into the halls. Without thinking you grabbed the whistle around Turo’s neck, unintentionally yanking him closer to you, and blew out a loud warning trill. “No running in the hall! I saw that!”
- When you pulled away, he seemed a bit dazed. His eyes unfocused, blue light shining behind them. “That felt strange. What was that?”
- You steamrolled past his question into your own. “No clue. Are you a robot? You’re totally a robot.”
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obsoleteozymandias · 3 months
Hello! I’m here to request a matchup for Twisted Wonderland… Pronouns are he/him and I don’t know if I need to specify?? My sexuality when the entire cast is full of guys?? But still I’m bi!
I’m fairly short to most people (like 5’1 on a good day) and enjoy keeping my hair long… Usually I tie it up or something though!
Anyway onto personality, a lot of my friends say I’m pretty mellow with strangers? Like they notice that while I do act civil and keep a conversation going easily it’s mostly… shallow?? (Thanks guys LOL.) But with people I know and trust they say I have a mean streak and regularly tease them over subtle things. Honestly they’re not too wrong I just did not expect to be seen that way!
They also say that I am indirect with how I treat people and you know what they’re sort of right. Like instead of outright saying “I find you fun to hangout with!!” I follow people around like a lost puppy and go with their every whim. It’s like that dad thing where you mention you like a fruit offhandedly and suddenly you have two bags of it. Apparently I do that!
I also like to pretend I think I know what I’m doing and that I plan ahead but really most of the time I abandon any plans and jump straight ahead… oops. At least I’m told that this sometimes reckless nature of mine helps me snag any leadership position so go me, I think? Go me.
I really like visiting amusement parks (specifically going on the thrill rides) and may or may not have a mild obsession over sweet candies. I also really enjoy visiting parties and hosting them. Honestly I enjoy any social event I can visit LOL.
I have a very strong distaste for anything bitter, oops. And I really really do not enjoy being around people who can’t handle some lighthearted teasing. I also despise empty spaces and being bored in general. I would practically do anything to escape some boredom sjsjsjsj…
As for hobbies I usually just read, clean, or find something to cook. I’m not really an outdoors person but I do enjoy sitting on the beach or in the forest! I also have an awful habit of collecting magnets from places I’ve visited, so maybe that’s something? Really I think I just like collecting little trinkets in general…
That’s all! Sorry if this is a lot, I tried to keep it short but I fear I may have went on a ramble… Regardless thank you for your time and I hope you have a good day :]!
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Leona Kingscholar
Leona and you start out as enemies, as he does with most folk. He’s haughty and arrogant, but when you start to tease him and don’t take his attitude, he lets you in emotionally. 
He likes that you tease him and can make easy conversation with him, even if it means nothing at all. You two can sit together, you rambling on and making jokes at his expense, and him firing them back in between naps. 
He won’t admit it, but he does like that you follow him around asnd indulge his whims. It’s cute. 
He doesn’t fall for you at once like most fairytale princes. As you become closer friends, he realizes that he wouldn’t mind having you by his side, even back home. And then he decides that he would, in fact, prefer it. 
It happens during one of your usuall hangout sessions when you don’t even see it coming. He says it while looking at you with that guarded gaze, like the ones he wears after he tells you something vulnerable about himself. He’s nervous - why would anyone want to be the significant other of the second prince - the second best? 
So when you accept, he mentally loses it a bit. Just a bit. 
He’ll take you to as many amusement park dates as you’d like. He may not be the biggest fan of them, but he loves the way you scream with excitement on rides and smile at him with joy, even if he won’t admit it. 
He’s pretty affectionate with you, at least in private. He loves kissing and cuddling you when he naps, although you do have the habit of getting him out of bed to explore, even if he pretends to dislike it. 
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3, 6, 10, 12, and 25 from the writer asks please!
3 - how you feel about your current WIP
I'm going to be completely honest here and say that... I kind of hate it? I'm just at that stage where the flaws are obvious and the good parts are a bit obscured from view. Once I've got it all down then I can edit it and like it a bit more. At least, that's what'll hopefully happen.
6 - the word that appears most in your current draft
"Keith" is top, then "Keith's", but excluding names the top 3 are "druid", "eyes", and "guard". Make of that what you will hehe
10 - what is the longest amount of time you've let a draft rest before you finished it?
Not sure if this counts, but when I was younger and doing original stuff, there was a story I left for 2 or 3 years before coming back and giving it a shoddy ending lmao.
Fic-wise... hmm. *glances at Google Drive and looks away from all the abandoned works* Generally that doesn't happen. If a story gets left for much longer than a month I'll take it as read that I'm probably never going to finish it haha because I'll have moved on and lost the inspiration/motivation to write it. (That's the main reason I don't post until it's all written, because I know I can't necessarily be trusted to deliver) I also don't tend to have many wips that I care about going on at once, because I'm slightly obsessive about getting them finished :)
12 - a trope you're really into right now
Ooh, I've been reading some darkfics lately- absolutely consuming that whump. (Which has inevitably bled into my writing hehe) Hurt and angst (accompanying comfort and fluff optional) are still dear to my heart in terms of genre though!
In terms of specific tropes, I love found family- it's an enduring favourite and one of the things I love Voltron for. I also go for trauma, cold-blooded and sadistic torture, Stockholm syndrome, caretaking, self-sacrifice, self-harm, human experimentation, pleading for mercy (bonus points if no mercy is forthcoming!), and of course hugs in pretty much any context absolutely destroy me. I could list more, but oops, the question was only for only one trope and that's... like... thirteen.
I guess my favourite set-up (getting a little off topic here but anyway) would be someone asking to be hurt in someone they care about's place (I'm kind of imagining a Keith scenario here) but that request is rejected and the loved one gets hurt anyway. The helplessness there is delicious to read/write.
25 - besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
I have a few! Still kind of mastering keeping the idea that 'it's okay not to touch hobbies every day' in my head, because really between classes and trying to have a social life and writing and sleeping I really don't have enough free time to pursue every hobby all the time :')
Music was a huge obsession for me a while back, and for a while I thought I'd end up studying it, but no (going for chemistry instead). Still a big part of my life though, so playing piano is one of my go-to hobbies. (Messing around on bass is a little more chill, I do that too.) And I listen to music pretty much constantly, especially when writing or travelling haha
Reading, obviously, whether that's fics or physical books. I used to do it a ton but distressingly less so since my schedule's got tighter and writing (the current dominant hobby) has been using up more of what free time I have.
Those are the main ones! I also do little bits of sound engineering and cycling (although that's usually just for my commute) and I dabble in various arty/crafty things; there's probably more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.
Thanks for the ask! ♡
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:O :S Hi Owen!! At Judd's house :))
I mean he's home all day but I suppose he does need a break lol, it's probably good for him that she has daycare sometimes :)) plus socialization
AYY more Grace talk :D
:OO Ahhh near the (somewhere I don't remember) islands!! Fun :D
I mean not fun like they're a charity but yk xD I'm glad she's doing good and enjoying it :')) I wish they could talk more open though because it doesn't seem like they do :(( I'm sure time differences must be rough and Grace is busy (not to mention Judd, with Charlie) but still D: xd
Awww that picture of them :'))
OOP he thinks Owen's asking him back
And I wanna think he is but I bet he's gonna ask for advice on the whole Paul Marjan situation and Judd will feel unwanted 😭😭
NOO look at his faceee that's exactly what's gonna happen isn't it 😭💔🥺😤
Noooo Judd I promise they do want you 😭😭 those shoes can't be filled in the same way because it's not you!!!
Gosh :'(((
No not awkward for that reason just because he still wants back xd AND YOU WANT HIM BACK GOSHDANGIT!!
Uaugh 😭 xd
Oop o.o?
Ooh fair enough Judd :o
Yeahh :( I don't think one of them will QUIT necessarily 😳, but it would be a little tense for a while :( if not be a slight forever sort of thing
Fair point Judd 😬
Oof y'all :((( that's just rough all around 😭😭
Judddd why can't you just bring it up and you all can see through this and come back 😭😭😭🥺❤️💔 :((
Not okay y'all xd
Gosh this is gonna kill me isn't it lol
Throughout this whole season xD
Oope green? We changing it this season too lol?
Oh dang just right there, after the call xD I know they walk get out as soon as possible but wouldn't you wanna make the call after it gets broken lol
Anyway xD
Ooop 😬😬
Nahh I bet it's a decoy, they're inside there
Still though 😬
Also there's another car in between them, that might help- nope lol o.o, it's gone xD
Uh ohhh 😬
Oh no o.o
Nahhh it's totally them
Carlos Carlos Carlos :D
YEPPP there's the police sirens :D
Noooiicee 🥳🥳🥳😌
Got em 😌😌
And the other guy? YEP LOL!!
Nice 😌
LOL he's all banter
Carlos is a little more serious, he always has been xD
But he definitely has changed a bit after his dad's death :(( it's sad to see, but inevitable - no one is the same after anything <33.
Nice though y'all, you got him :DD!!!
Good job guys 🥰🥰🥰❤️
Aww hey guys :')
What does that mean lol?
Ahhh I see
But he's not :')
Yeah exactly <3
It's rough honey :'((
Just everything with Gabriel I mean, you can see it in his face every time
Ahhh so it means like being honest, shooting straight I think lol
Yeah :'))
I expected their conflict to last a little longer so I assume they'll continue getting paired up for a while, and start to work better and better together :)
Still, nice job getting through this one guys <3
I keep feeling like he's going to give his condolences or something xd people always do that and I feel like that's not what Carlos wants at this point but I feel like he will
Ahh talking about is dad in some way though :'o
He sat across from him
That's so sweet of a connection there
And Carlos didn't seem to know either :'o :') :(
Awww that's a special connection :'(( :')
It's gonna be good <3
Yeah :'D
And you got that from him x'D
LOL yep exactly xD :')) bro gets it <333
Aww :'))
Carlos is very broody so far <33 not bad, I understand, but I hope we can see him happier with more peace in this season :'))
Goodnight, Ranger Campbell :p
And just AAAHHHHH Ranger Reyes 🥰🥰❤️
Sounds so cool <333
Officer did as well but eh still lol
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
"Strangers Are Especially Strange Here"
Part 2
OCs x F!Reader
You are a young woman who also happens to be a witch- ending up with you in a college of mythical beings... {This story is gonna be silly chaos and will be aimed at my fellow bisexuals.}
Warnings: None- just silliness.
You unintentionally discovered you aren't entirely human a bit late in life, which resulted in where you're at now. Learning how to control your abilities should be fun though, right?
You've so far spent the whole day running around getting lectures on what you shouldn't do as a witch. Yes, it's very very important that you learn that stuff- blah blah.
But it's boringgggg... And you have every right to be complaining in your head, waddling down the hall books in hand like a depressed penguin.
At least the long corridors of the old building are beautiful, an intricate lacy gold pattern that imitates the look of vines lines the wallpaper, the floor beneath your feet a shiny black marble with gold streaks through it- feeling as though the place has a strong energy and power of it's own.
Though without warning you are harshly dragged from your thoughts to the sudden appearance of a young guy's head popping out of the wall...
You let out quite the shriek but miraculously don't fall or drop your books. The dude has thick fluffy medium length creamy blonde hair that is wavy in a very unruly way, his eyes are more rounded in shape and the picture perfect example of the color baby blue, his skin tone closest to that of pale ivory and you could describe his face shape as being more heart shaped. He quickly came fully out of the wall and stood in front of you, he's probably somewhere around 5'11 in height, from what you can tell his body type falls more into the category of 'inverted triangle'. He's wearing an extremely baggy but comfy looking ice blue sweater, a pair of simple jeans and some scuffed up white tennis shoes. Despite the fact the guy just scared you shitless- he still has a bright smile on his face.
"Oops. You must be new here."
Oops??? Not an apology??? Just- oops???
You do not have time to deal with this, you're already tired and bored and annoyed- so you just make your way around him and keep walking. The guy pauses for a second before calling out to you.
"Hey- wait! Sorry! I really didn't mean to scare you!"
Too little too late- you rounded the corner and kept on going.
You know- you failed to realize just how big this place is. The separate building that you get to stay in is huge, you have your own bedroom in it. Granted- there's set times for breakfast, lunch, dinner... Yeah, not like a normal college at all. You have decently cooked food and you just have to show up to eat it.
However of course- you still had to pay to be here. Well, more like your aunt paid for you to be here- you didn't even know you had an aunt for a long ass time... You know what- that's not important right now.
You open your laptop and start typing away, you do have normal assignments to get done on top of the extra classes to do with your powers.
Pros and cons...
You're also surrounded by so many different kinds of people, you swore you saw a guy with cat ears earlier.... However he didn't stick around very long and seemed to want nothing to do with any of the socializing happening around him.
Totally understandable.
This place is giving a whole new meaning to the word 'strangers' but hey- that isn't necessarily a bad thing, is it?
{Is this bad? I don't know. It's October and I had a silly idea for a series and decided- fuck it. You only live once.}
{@sofasoap @shadofireshinobi @scar-crossedlvrs sorry if you guys don't wanna be tagged. Just let me know.}
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
i sent in a long ass paragraph for the match-up event OOPS
1. id be probably a sibling of sin bc i think the nun fit is lowkey fire
2. HONESTLY i would probably work with copia bc hes my #1 pookie but also we both have social anxiety yet enjoy being on a stage so we both have that.
3. id say im an extrovert!! even though i have social anxiety i think being around people is super fun and i rlly like talking to new ppl.
4. i really like mopping! i for some reason like the smell of swiffer wipes and i like seeing the floor become all shiny as i go along.
5. depends how far. i dislike going basically anywhere more than an hour away from home, but also i live in a huge city so everything is close by me and keeps me entertained. but going on vacation n stuff STRESSES ME OUTT.
6. uhmm honestly i have not much more to share! i love metal and punk music, im a biomed sci student at uni, i love to read, im generally pretty go with the flow and a fuck it we ball type of person! srrey im not that interesting !!!
The role in ministry event ended on July 20th
Your role in the Ministry is...Bartender under Papa Emeritus IV
You work for the current pope, in this case Copia. You both bond over having social anxiety but enjoying being onstage... This happens after you end up singing karaoke with him.
He saw you as a fellow social anxious person and got swept up in the moment just calling you onstage with him, and you have been close ever since.
You get to meet lots of people everyday and you talk to both new people and old friends.
You get to choose the music played in the Ministry's bar so of course it's metal and punk!
At the end of each shift you clean up and then mop the floors, its amazing how good the floor looks after you are done.
You also have to deal with the Ghouls, some of them enjoy sitting behind the bar and giving you puppy dog eyes until you give them a free drink. They can be really helpful though, if you look after them well.
Although the day Swiss declared he could drink an entire keg of beer did test you. He lay under the tap with Sodo doing the honours... Swiss did drink the whole thing and then the chaos started...
Cumulus and Cirrus giggled at him while sat on the bar but then Cumulus felt bad for you and gave you a hug.
Copia came in and removed Swiss who was laughing hysterically. The Ghouls had to clear it all up... Copia was incredibly sweet about it, he spend the rest of the day with you.
Written by Nyx
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The Days After
A JSE Fanfic
SepticHeroes AU: Part 16
Previous Part
Originally this chapter was going to be my usual length, but some personal stuff happened this week so I had to cut it short. It’s still pretty long, tho! Because it is so hard for me to write short things haha. Jackie deals with the fallout of the Puppeteer’s attack at the ceremony, and transitions into his full Hero duties. Meanwhile, Schneep visits Jameson, who seems a bit... troubled. Aaaand yeah. Hope you have fun reading :)
Damage control for the ruined welcoming ceremony took a few days to sort out. Jackie got the rest of Halloween off to spend with Chase, as he promised, but after that he spent a lot of time rushing around as Windstorm. He had to hold a press conference! He’d never done that before! It was more than a little nerve-wracking, but he got through it by putting on a smile and pretending to be calm.
Naturally, the city was in an uproar about the Puppeteer. Most of them hadn’t heard of him before, and his way of announcing himself was frightening. A villain strong enough to mind control dozens of people at once, including notable Heroes? Such a thing hadn’t been seen in recent memory. The news was buzzing, social media was alight, and the League was scrambling to keep things under control, reassure people that this was a one-time thing that would never happen again. They told Jackie to go out on patrol more often, and to make sure he was seen. Nothing reassured people like seeing their Hero.
Jackie told himself that with all this patrolling, he was too busy to tell Chase the truth. But he knew that was a lie. He just didn’t want to tell Chase he was Windstorm.
But he didn’t dare voice that out loud. Schneep texted him the day after Halloween, asking, Did you tell Chase yet?
Jackie responded with, No its been one day and also im busy rn.
When will you be less busy?
Idk. Ill tell you when i tell him.
He then proceeded to not contact Schneep for a week straight. Completely ghosting the doctor made him feel a bit bad, but he wanted to avoid the awkwardness that was sure to come—especially in front of Chase or JJ, who might wonder what was going on. How do you just... spend time with someone, knowing they were a super villain?
He could treat Schneep the same way he treated Spitfire Cat: with reluctant trust. But the two situations were completely different. He knew Spitfire as a villain first, but Schneep was his friend before Jackie knew he was the Specter. Trust with Spitfire had slowly grown from nothing. Trust with Schneep was already there, but now it was shakier.
Oh yeah, Spitfire.
On the same day Schneep texted him, Spitfire emailed Jackie again. But he didn’t see it until the next morning when he finally checked the burner email. The subject line was simply Are you alive? 
The following body read You disappeared from the ceremony after the Puppeteer showed up. What happened? I heard you were injured. Is that true? Contact me ASAP. We need to talk about what to do next. Also I don’t want you to be dead.
Oops. Jackie sat down and wrote out his reply. I’m not dead. Surprised you cared enough to send an email, haha. But you’re right, I was injured. I fell through a glass panel and a big shard hit me. I’m alright now, though. I had to leave the ceremony to get treated. If we’re talking about what to do next, we can drop the search for the Specter. I’ve confirmed that he’s not involved with the Puppeteer. That DOES leave us with no leads, I know, but trust me on this. We can figure something else out. I can do my usual hero-ly duties, and you can do whatever you do. Sort of related, where were YOU in all that chaos at the ceremony? I didn’t see you. But I guess it would’ve been hard to pick one person out of there.
He checked the email again that evening and read Spitfire’s reply. I saved your life, you know. There was someone on the balcony with a gun. I pushed it off balance with my solid-heat energy. Anyway. You’re not dead and that’s good. I don’t know how you’re so sure the Specter isn’t involved. Did you talk to him or something? It doesn’t matter. There’s sure to be havoc in certain circles when any new villain announces themself, I’ll keep an ear out for anything. And remember, when the LoH gives you that Semi-Autonomous Machine, you promised to have my friend look at it.
Someone was on a balcony with a gun?! Wait, yes. That made sense. Jackie had forgotten about it in the wake of being stabbed with glass, but the whole chaos of the ceremony had started when some projectile grazed his arm. He still had that cut. And now that he was thinking about it, he did remember a thin red laser-line leading to the overlooking balcony. That could have been Spitfire’s solid-heat energy. But it also could have been a false memory.
Also, Jackie was pretty sure he’d never promised that. He had told Spitfire he would think about it, but he never made any promises. He still didn’t like the idea of giving a Semi-Autonomous Machine—a SAM—to Spitfire or any friends of his.
But...maybe. There was that reluctant trust, after all. He used to think it was a foolish decision to trust a super villain in any capacity. But that was before Schneep turned out to be the thief he was pursuing.
He drafted a reply to Spitfire’s email, but then got a call about a jewelry store robbery and had to fly out. After that, he forgot all about it.
Even though Jackie was an official Hero now, there was still so much to do. Leapfrog was no longer his go-to for League stuff. Instead, she introduced him to his new handler, who went by the codename Magnify. The three of them had a video conference via the Red Line. Magnify turned out to be an older man with thick dark hair streaked with gray. He introduced himself as a “big fan” of Windstorm. Seemed nice enough. But Jackie must’ve been used to Leapfrog, because he found himself not wanting to talk to Magnify as much as he had with her.
Jackie also officially quit his old job. He didn’t tell Chase, but Chase noticed anyway.
“Hey, did something change with your...like, schedule or something?” Chase asked one day while they were making breakfast (two separate ones: waffles for Jackie and toast for Chase, though he knew Chase would eventually ask if he could have some.)
“What d’you mean?” Jackie asked.
“I mean, I have your usual times written down here.” Chase pointed at a sticky note on the fridge, where Jackie’s old hours for his job had been written. “I think you said, like, your hours were weird and irregular, but these were consistent. So did something happen?”
“Uhhh yeah,” Jackie said, stubbornly not looking at Chase and instead staring at the timer he’d set for the waffles. “I quit my old job, actually.”
“Oh really? And you got a new one?”
Chase grinned. “Congrats, bro! I mean, I assume this is a good thing.”
Jackie couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, it’s a good thing. It’s... something I’d always wanted to do.”
“What is it?”
Jackie hesitated. “Uh, it’s with law enforcement.”
“Bro, you’re a cop now?!”
“No no no, but I do work with the police now. I...“ Jackie scrambled for an explanation that wasn’t ‘I’m a superhero.’ “I check out the crime scenes and stuff. So, uh, my schedule is gonna be even weirder than before. I can try to go in regularly, if you want to write it down.”
“You don’t have to, but, uh, it would help to know when you’re usually gone,” Chase admitted. “Well, uh, that’s great, Jackie!” He leaned over and gave Jackie a quick side hug. “I’m glad you’re doing something you want!”
“Ha. Yeah. It’s... pretty great.” Jackie smiled, and tried not to think about the guilt curling in his stomach.
He had to tell Chase eventually. He couldn’t keep this up forever.
A week passed. The media calmed down with all the “Ceremony Gone Wrong!” news, but they didn’t forget about the Puppeteer. Meanwhile, Magnify told Jackie that the scheduled delivery of SAMs to Heroes had been delayed by another week. “SepTech’s in chaos, since their system got hacked,” he explained. “They apologize for the trouble.”
“It’s no problem,” Jackie said, and gave a little laugh. “I wasn’t expecting to get one at all.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Magnify said, no humor in his voice. “Of course you are.”
Well... that conversation was... fun. Jackie was glad that Magnify wasn’t fond of long phone calls, because he wasn’t sure if he could handle the handler’s serious attitude. After it was done, Jackie sighed and flopped down onto his bed, putting the Red Line back on his dresser. He stared out the window at the darkening sky. It was only 5:45, but he was already exhausted. Another day spent constantly patrolling. He enjoyed flying around, but the concentration and physical activity really started to wear on him after a while. He should probably start toning it down again.
And then his phone started to ring, snapping him out of his tiredness. He sat up straight and grabbed it from the dresser. Caller ID lit up the screen; Schneep was calling.
Jackie hesitated. Then, just when the ringing was about to stop, he accepted the call. “Hello?” he said, audibly reluctant.
“Am I on speaker phone?” Schneep asked.
“What? Uh, no? Why?”
“I wanted to be sure,” Schneep said. “Jackie. Have you told Chase yet?”
“It’s only been a week, Schneep,” Jackie sighed. “I can’t... just suddenly tell him like that. I need time to prepare.”
“You have had seven days to prepare.”
“And I’ll need more!”
Schneep paused. “You can tell him whenever you want, of course,” he said gently. “But just know that I will be hounding you about it until you do.“ His voice shifted to something both teasing and matter-of-fact.
“Honestly I’m not surprised to hear that,” Jackie said tiredly.
“Jackie, if I am remembering correctly, you don’t want anything to change between you and Chase,” Schneep continued. “But the longer you keep a secret, the more risk there is of him finding out on his own. And it will be easiest to keep things the same if you can control how he learns your secret.”
“I know, okay?!” Jackie snapped. “I know this!” A gust of wind blew through the room, ruffling loose cloth and paper. Jackie took a moment to get control of it. “You’re bothering me about telling Chase, but you’re not telling JJ your secret,” he grumbled.
A long silence. “Jamie is... i-it is complicated.”
“How? How is it more complicated than what I got going on here? Because he’s your family?”
“There is that,” Schneep said slowly. “But also he... he does not need anything to... worry about.”
“Well, neither does Chase!”
“That is true, but...” Schneep let out a sound of frustration.
“If there’s something going on with Jameson, can you tell me?” Jackie prompted.
“...it is not my story to tell,” Schneep said quietly.
Jackie could hear a sad sort of...recollection in Schneep’s voice. As if he was remembering something heavy. He wondered what Schneep was thinking about...
The day after Halloween, Schneep checked in on Jameson.
He had visited the evening before, as well. He would have visited sooner in the day, but there was the morning heist (which had not been fruitful, god damn it). And then Jackie showed up bleeding and he had to treat that whole mess, and afterwards he waited by the phone for a couple hours, just in case Jackie suddenly called him shouting that the stitches had ripped open, or he’d collapsed while flying, or something just as bad. It wasn’t an unlikely scenario. Jackie had proven that he cared more about heroics than his health. But after a while, he trusted that Jackie was fine, and he got ready to stop by JJ’s shop for a quick visit.
Or at least, he assumed it would be quick, given how JJ insisted on being alone for his birthday. Things did not turn out that way.
Today, Schneep made the journey across the city to Jackson Legacy Crafts. The shop was closed and the door was locked, but JJ had given him a key a while ago, so he walked right in. He didn’t stop to look at the wares and instead went straight to the doorway behind the counter. This led to the stairwell, which led to the apartment above. The apartment where JJ had grown up, living with his family. He was the only one living there now.
The stairwell was dimly lit by an old yellow bulb, and Schneep hoped he didn’t trip on a step. He would hate to drop the bag he was carrying. Also it would suck if he fell down the stairs. But that was unlikely.
The sound of the television leaked through the wooden trapdoor at the top of the stairwell. Schneep gently pushed that door open and looked into the apartment. It was mostly dark, lit up only by the TV. “You really need overhead lights in here, my friend,” he muttered, and climbed into the room.
The Jackson apartment was small, but still managed to have two floors. The top level had two bedrooms, while the bottom was an open floor plan, a combination kitchen/dining room/living room. To the right was the television and some bookshelves. To the left was a spiral staircase leading up. To the back was the kitchen/dining room, pushed up against a row of windows. To the front was another row of windows, as well as the bathroom and a storage closet that was used to store work-in-progress crafts. Right in the middle of the room, next to the trapdoor that led to the stairwell, was the living area, composed of two armchairs and a sofa—a sofa where Jameson currently sat.
He didn’t respond to Schneep’s comment. He glanced over as Schneep came out of the trapdoor and started turning on lamps, then went back to staring at the TV. His eyes were wide, as if afraid he would miss anything. He was wearing the same outfit Schneep had seen him in yesterday: a simple white T-shirt, black sweatpants, and socks. Not Jameson’s usual spiffy style. He had a blanket draped over his shoulders. There were dark bags under his wide eyes, standing out against his pale skin.
“What are you watching?” Schneep glanced at the TV as he walked around. “The news? I didn’t know you had such an interest in current events.” The news was running another piece on the chaos of the welcoming ceremony, this time focused on this new villain, the Puppeteer. There had been no mentions of the Specter.
Jameson shrugged. He didn’t look away from the screen.
“What did you have for dinner?” Schneep asked, turning on another lamp to reveal the green patterned wallpaper.
Another shrug.
“Did you eat anything at all?”
Jameson slowly shook his head.
Schneep sighed. “Well, I brought a treat, but if you haven’t eaten anything either, I will make you something.” He walked over to the kitchen area. On the way, he passed the closet, and glanced inside. It had been used as a workshop by Jameson’s parents first—David and Klara had made many projects in there, sewing and carving and tinkering. Jameson said he used it the same way, but looking into the makeshift workspace now, he saw a thin layer of dust covering everything, from the half-carved wooden dolls to the clocks with their gears out. It hadn’t been used in months, at least.
Jameson finally turned to look at Schneep. You don’t have to do that, he signed.
“I think I do.” Schneep began looking through the cabinets. “I would not think I’d have to tell you that not eating for an entire day is bad.”
I haven’t been hungry, Jameson said slowly.
Neither of them mentioned what happened yesterday. But Schneep could feel it weighing heavily in the air between them. The memories hit him like they were solid things as he went about making food. 
He’d let himself in, just like he had today, but not seen Jameson anywhere in the apartment. How he went up to the bedrooms to see if Jameson was there, only to find his bedroom door locked. Obviously Jameson couldn’t answer his questions through the door, but after a while, Schneep started to get afraid, wondering if JJ wasn’t answering the door because something happened to him. He waited ten minutes, knocking and shouting and trying to listen for any sound inside, then the anxiety grew too much and he walked straight through the solid door, thinking that if this was how Jameson found out his cousin was a super, it was worth it.
But Jameson hadn’t been paying attention. He’d been turned away from the door, curled up on his bed, breathing fast with tear-stained eyes. Schneep knew how to recognize distress. A panic attack? Clothes were scattered about the floor—as if the attack had come on while he was in the middle of changing. Schneep had immediately rushed forward and done his best to help Jameson calm down. He wasn’t sure how good he’d been at it. You were supposed to “ground” someone having intense anxiety, and Schneep had never been good at that, not even for himself.
Eventually, though, Jameson calmed down. When asked, he admitted that he’d been in that state for “a few hours.” Schneep had spent the rest of the evening helping him out. Cleaning and making food, mostly—just like he was doing now.
He didn’t know what had caused that state. Jameson wouldn’t tell him, no matter what he said. But he didn’t want to press too much. That might just make things worse.
“Food is done,” Schneep announced. “Do you want to come over here to eat or should I take it there?”
Silently, Jameson stood up and walked over to the dinner table, sitting down. He still glanced frequently at the TV, paying close attention to the news broadcast.
“You do not have many groceries,” Schneep said, setting a plate down in front of Jameson. “I hope pasta and vegetables is fine. And water to drink. Your milk is expired.”
Thank you, Jameson said, his signs small. Do you want anything?
“It is no problem.” Schneep sat down across from him. “I ate earlier. Oh! Also, I brought this.” He reached into the bag he’d brought and pulled out a plastic container of store-bought cupcakes. “Both chocolate and vanilla in here.”
Jameson gave him a small smile. He stabbed some of the pasta with his fork, but didn’t eat. Just stared at it before his eyes drifted back towards the TV.
It was then that Schneep noticed the bracelets. “Where did you get those?” he asked, leaning closer. They were simple enough, just beads on a string. But... “They look rather tight around your wrists.”
The fork clattered back to the plate. Jameson folded his arms, tucking his hands and into his armpits. The movement was trying to be casual but he moved just too quickly to pull it off.
“Can you adjust them?” Schneep persisted. “Or did you tie them too tight? I can help if you want.” He hadn’t seen the knot or any spare dangling string, though, so unfortunately they might need to be cut—
No, it’s fine, JJ hurriedly signed. I can fix them later.
“Are you sure?”
It’s fine, Jameson repeated.
Schneep leaned back. “If you say so.” Now that he was thinking about it, Jameson was wearing them yesterday, too. He’d been too focused on calming him down to give them much thought. “I never thought of you as a jewelry person.”
A customer gave me a bracelet-making kit, JJ explained. I thought it would be fun to try. And I like them. They’re nice.
“If you say so.” Schneep still thought it was a little strange, but he didn’t want to push Jameson too much. It was his choice, anyway.
Can you... Jameson hesitated, then continued. Can you stay for a little? I don’t want to be alone in this place anymore.
“It has been rather empty,” Schneep muttered. He hadn’t been around to see it lived-in, but he could imagine it. Could feel it in the other bedroom where absence took up space. “I will stay, don’t worry, Jameson.”
JJ sighed. Thank you, he signed, relieved. Then began to eat, still occasionally looking towards the TV where the news segment on the Puppeteer still played.
“Jackie, are you going to say something?” Schneep asked.
“Are you going to say something?” Jackie rebutted. “You trailed off.”
“I was thinking.”
“About what?”
“Don’t change the subject,” Schneep said sternly. “We were talking about you.”
Jackie sighed. He got the feeling Schneep wasn’t telling him something, but whatever. It was probably some personal business or something. “I’ll tell Chase when I tell Chase, okay?” 
“Just do it sooner and not later,” Schneep said. “It will make everything easier.”
“I know it—hang on.” The Red Line had started ringing, the distinct bring bring! loud in Jackie’s small room. “I’ve got another call coming in.”
“Sure you do.” He could practically hear Schneep rolling his eyes.
“I actually do, I promise! It’s Hero stuff.”
“Tell me about it, then.”
“I don’t know what it is yet! And I’m not sure if I could anyway, I signed a million different things joining the League, some of them were probably NDAs. Just—talk to me later, okay?”
“Fine. I will see you around, then.” And Schneep hung up.
Jackie sighed, then quickly traded his phone for the Red Line before it stopped ringing. Surely Magnify didn’t need to talk to him again. Glancing at the screen, he saw an unfamiliar ID number on the screen: H-826-33-1691411. Everyone in the League got an ID number, even him. Leapfrog had explained the meanings to him a long time ago. 826 meant the person was located in Britain, 33 was the number for the local county, and H meant they were a Hero.
Confused, he accepted the call. “Hello?”
“Hi, Windstorm?” said a female voice. “It’s me, Pink Sunset!”
“Oh hey!”
Pink Sunset giggled. “You sound surprised.”
“I, uh...wasn’t expecting you to call. How’d you get my number?” Jackie himself only knew a few, one of which was his own (H-826-33-2391440).
“I asked my handler and she asked yours. You should probably add me to your contacts after this, I’ve already added you.”
“You have?”
“Of course!” Pink Sunset said cheerily. “Our cities are so close, we might need each other’s help someday.”
“Ahhh right.” Internally, Jackie cursed. That seemed so obvious! He wanted to join the League to meet Heroes, how was he supposed to do that if he didn’t know how to contact them? “So, were you calling to tell me to add you, then?”
“Well that, and something else,” Pink Sunset continued. “I know that I have to thank you for saving my life again.”
“Huh? You mean what happened at the ceremony?” Jackie gave a little laugh. “That wasn’t really—thank you, but I didn’t really do anything.”
“You stopped this Puppeteer guy, didn’t you?”
“Well, I distracted him long enough for him to drop the mind control on everyone. He got away afterwards.”
“You stopped the crisis he caused, then. Sucks that he slipped away, but damage control is most of being a Hero. I was fighting Crystalize when the mind control dropped, and I was seriously worried they would kill me, so like I said, you saved my life again by distracting the puppet guy.”
“Uh... you’re welcome, then,” Jackie said awkwardly.
Pink Sunset burst into laughter. “Oh, you’re great, Windstorm,” she sighed. “I want to show you something. Are you free on Saturday?”
Jackie narrowed his eyes. “For what? A date?”
“No—though I wouldn’t object if you wanted that.”
“No no, th-that’s not what I meant,” Jackie stammered. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind, but, uh, I’m not looking for, uh, dating right now.” Dating had felt weird ever since he started hero work. Romance, more than any other relationship, was all about trust, and hiding an entire secret identity from potential partners had made Jackie nervous. Not too different from how he was nervous telling Chase, his best friend... he quickly pushed that thought aside. Anyway, dating a Hero or other League member would probably be different. But he still felt weird about it.
“Well maybe some other time, then,” Pink Sunset said lightheartedly. “We can keep the possibility open. No, this Saturday I want to give you a proper welcome to the League. Something that doubles as a ‘thank you for preventing a crisis.’ There’s this place you just have to see.”
“What is it? Where?”
“Oh, I want it to be a surprise.” Pink Sunset sounded positively giddy at the idea. “But you should wear your supersuit. I can message you the coordinates! It’s outside of Daindover, should take a few hours to drive.”
“I can’t drive,” Jackie said. “I mostly fly or use public transport.”
“Ah. Well, you should be able to fly there. I don’t know your top speed, though, so that’s up to you to account for. So? Are you free?”
He thought about it. Nothing else was going on Saturday. And he was really curious about what she was talking about. “Alright, sure, I’ll come,” he said. “Thanks, Pink Sunset.”
“Oh please, call me Lorelai,” she said.
“Lorelai?” Jackie repeated. “That’s so cool! Sounds like a fantasy name. You can call me Jackie, then.”
“Thank you! Jackie’s very nice, too. I’ll see you on Saturday, Jackie. Does, hmmm, two o’clock work for you?”
“Probably. Depends on how far this place is.” He usually flew slower than a car could drive, but he didn’t have to stick to roads, so if it was “a few hours to drive” he would probably have to leave early...
“It’s not that far. You’ll be back by evening, I’m sure.” Pink Sunset—Lorelai cleared her throat. “Well, see you then!”
“See you.” Jackie waited for Lorelai to end the call first before he did.
He’d never expected something like that to happen. Hopefully whatever Lorelai wanted to show him was relaxing. He’d had enough stress recently.
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rozphorus · 1 year
There's something about finally graduating to me that feels so deeply surreal. (CW: Depression, Sh/Sui)
Like - my experience with college is very much not the 'typical' experience. I spent six years working on a bachelor's degree. I spent two years of that in a dissociative haze, one of which was also spent doing ROTC due to pressure from bio family. I got academically dismissed at the end of that for another semester.
Getting kicked out for grades managed to finally intermittently break that dissociation - right into suicidal depression, instead. I was like a zombie before that, mostly, with there being one, concrete, 'expected' goal for me, from all of that family and extended family - getting a degree. Nothing else mattered.
Be a doctor. Be a lawyer. Be an engineer. Implicitly, anything less was a failure. I have half-sisters, none of whom completed a degree. The gossip of that 'failure state' would always come whispering whenever extended family got involved.
Was this cultural? To some extent, yes. I'm mixed-race, Asian-American, and my father was an immigrant from the Philippines, and his father emigrated from China.
Did that make it have less of an impact on me? No, not really.
I've held jobs nearly the entire time. I still ran out of money, and found it more preferable to try to live out of my car over returning to that house.
I ended up having to, anyways. The atmosphere had somehow gotten worse.
I started to piece things back together when the pandemic hit. The change in the way school was taught made it so much easier for me to deal with - everything became asynchronous, I didn't have to face the immense social anxiety I had over just -going to class-, I didn't have to deal with the dysphoria I'd get when looking at myself in the mirror before leaving. I could just, take my time, and learn the way that I needed to learn.
(Two years later, I'd learn that I have ADHD. Oops.)
This didn't fix the depression, though. I still wanted to die. There was still a churning void where a -me- should be. I was still very much an empty thing, with a singular goal of - well, getting a degree.
Eventually, this came to a head. Eventually, I nearly acted on that. When things started to open back up and I had to go back to classes in-person, every day that I walked through campus, I'd glance longingly at the top of buildings and parking garages. My mind would fill itself with idle daydreams of how to get through the fence that was installed at the top of the latter, what tools I'd need, how much it'd cost, how quickly I could get up and over so I could do what comes next.
Daily, for years by that point, I would be incapacitated by these feelings. I'd curl up in bed, thoughts filled with self-hatred, with what felt like something sharp and spiked stuck in my chest. It burned, like a flame, for maybe an hour, maybe two, maybe the rest of the night. Eventually, it'd pass, I'd get up, pretend that it didn't happen, and get back to work. After all -- I still had a goal, right? All I had to do was keep going, no matter how empty I was.
One day, that stopped working. By this point, the daily feelings were worsening. It had gone from this burning hot spike to a vacant cold. My mind no longer raced with all of the reasons I was worthless - instead, there was only the thought of not wanting to be here anymore. I would bite and scratch at myself - mind wandering towards blades, only stopped by some part of me feeling like that, once I used one, it would be the only time I used one.
I was getting ready to head into an electronics lab. I was already being consumed by those feelings, again - but I couldn't afford to miss the lab. I had run out of absences. I couldn't just -lose points-. I kept trying to get out of the apartment but would freeze every time I touched the doorknob.
I then caught a glance of the bathroom mirror. I didn't know what the thing looking back at me was. It wasn't me. It wanted me dead. I curled up on the floor. I remember sitting in the bathroom with a razor. I remember using it. I remember wanting to climb into the tub and use it more. I almost did. A friend (now partner) was messaging me by that point, and I ended up in a clinic for a while.
(When I woke up the next day, the first thought in my brain was that I had schoolwork to do. There was a midterm that day. I couldn't miss my midterm, obviously.)
Things got better. Quickly, then slowly; recovery is nonlinear, and did I ever experience that. I can confidently say that it was an inflection point, though.
Over the two years since, I've lived more than I ever had before. I found out who I am more and more. I found out who -we- were. I experienced emotions that I thought were permanently lost to me. I've found love several times over.
And, now - here I am. I have that degree.
I don't know what to feel about it. It had stopped being the sole focus of my life a while ago, for the most part, but I haven't had much time to think about what comes next - because of everything before, I had packed a lot of stressful classes into these last few semesters, and they were all-consuming in terms of energy and focus.
But, no matter where things go, I do have things to be here for. I want to change things around me. I want to make things better. I want to grow and be with those I love and help those around me.
For so many years, this was an endpoint for me. But, really - I think I'm just getting started.
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seungkw1 · 28 days
one last chance — bsk
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♡ pairing: boo seungkwan x afab!reader ♡ theme: college au, smut [18+ MDNI] ♡ wc: 4.3k ♡ warnings: drinking, size kink, masturbation (m.), oral (m. & f. receiving), head pushing, face sitting (f. receiving), unprotected piv sex (don’t do this), reader is down bad, sk is also down bad, quite a bit of whimpering from both parties oop ♡ a/n: back from my hiatus!! hope u guys enjoy this one <3
You’ve accepted that you’re never going to see your college crush again after graduation - but an unexpected invitation to a pool party might just change everything.
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Boo Seungkwan is many things: charming, witty, intelligent, athletic, and incredibly good-looking. There’s not one particular thing that stands out when you think about how in love you are with him - he is simply the most attractive person you’ve ever met.
You first met him freshman year of college, at a house party just before the school year started, when you drunkenly kissed him. To be fair, you kissed a few people that night, but you don't remember the others - only the cute guy on the volleyball team made a lasting impression. Maybe it was the alcohol, but you distinctly remember him being a very good kisser. 
You had a few classes together over the years. You quickly developed a habit of sitting at the very front of the classroom - if you sat anywhere you could see him, you would simply get lost in a daydream. And you really didn't want to fail your classes over some silly fantasies. 
But at a certain point, you accepted that the fantasies were, in fact, quite serious. You wouldn't consider Boo Seungkwan to be a friend, per se - but your social circles overlapped just enough to keep him on the perimeter of acquaintanceship. Though seemingly one-sided, you came to know him well, as if he was a longtime companion rather than a friend of a friend at best. You tried telling yourself that he just had that effect on people, being so gregarious and outgoing that everyone loved him by default. Which was true to a degree. But something about him - rather, everything about him simply captivated you
And that was enough for you to fall in love. 
You always felt a little insane about it. How could you be so in love with someone without having talked to them more than a handful of times in your life? You dated around here and there, a couple relationships serious, most not. But Boo Seungkwan was always in the back of your mind. Try as you might, you simply could not get over him.
Four years came and went. The ups and downs of college life are nearly behind you now. Everyone is about to get a big adult job, perhaps move cities, enter the real world. Aside from your closest friends, you probably will never see most of these people ever again outside of social media. They’ll walk the stage, and then walk out of your life for good. 
And so, disheartened, you accept that your chances with Boo Seungkwan will once and for all become zero. But purely by luck, the next day on your coffee run you bump into a friend of a friend who invites you to a pool party on the weekend. It’s a graduation party out in the suburbs, at a huge house owned by the parents of a well-known, popular student who happens to be in the same fraternity as Seungkwan. Normally, you would've declined - you've always found pool parties a bit awkward, especially when you likely wouldn't know many people there. But there was a pretty damn good chance that Seungkwan would be there - and you would be remiss if you didn't take one last chance to at least talk to him. So with cautious optimism, you agreed to go. 
You spend the next couple days before the party massively overthinking what you're going to wear. After much deliberation you land on a bright blue swimsuit with an oversized sheer coverup on top. Good enough, anyway. 
You intentionally arrive to the party fashionably late - no need to get there too early and get roped into small talk with people you hardly know. Fortunately, you spot your roommate from sophomore year - you're not close, but you still consider them a good friend. They wave you over and you join the group; the conversation is fine, but eventually a few of them get deep into a discussion on some indie film you've never seen. You zone out, eyes wandering around the party scene. Not many people are in the pool - still too early, apparently; one frat guy you vaguely recognize is busy at the grill making slightly-burnt hot dogs, but the rest haven't seemed to arrive yet. As if summoned by your thoughts, a group of guys enters the backyard, hooting and hollering with several giant cases of beer in tow. The party attendees cheer at the sight of alcohol. 
Then, a few moments after the arriving party has entered, you see him. 
Like a goddamn scene from a movie, Seungkwan walks through the gate - his warm brown hair flowing gently in the breeze, his skin shining in the golden hour sun. He’s wearing a plain black t-shirt and simple navy swim shorts, but somehow still looks ethereal. 
Someone in the group you've been chatting with waves him over. 
“Heyyyyy, now the party’s here!” the guy shouts at him. Seungkwan waves back to him, his eyes scanning the group, when he makes eye contact with you. After a few seconds you realize you've been holding your breath. You exhale. 
Relax, you tell yourself. He probably doesn't even remember you. 
Seungkwan joins your group. The frat bro who waved him over hands him a beer. He opens it and chugs a bit, the can looking particularly small in his large hands. You try to be normal and not just stare at him hopelessly, but it's easier said than done. 
A few minutes pass. Some of his fellow volleyball players were amidst the group, so they started talking about the sport. You’ve only been to a few volleyball games in your life (all of them being college games that you attended with the idea of watching Seungkwan in shorts in mind), so you do your best to follow along with the conversation, but it's not going too well for you. So you mostly just remain silent. 
After a while, you start thinking of excuses to get you out of this conversation. Not that you don't want to be around him anymore - but you're feeling too awkward for your liking at this point. You decide that you can probably just slip away without anyone noticing, so you turn to leave. 
“Hey y/n! Want a beer?”
You freeze in your tracks. Turning back around, you see Seungkwan in front of you, extending a Bud Light to you. 
“Oh, sure,” you say, smiling to conceal your nerves. “Thanks!”
“Of course,” he says with a soft grin. “So,” he continues, “I heard you were-”
He doesn't get to finish his sentence. 
Three of his fellow frat bros emerged out of thin air, cheering and shouting, grabbing Seungkwan and hauling him away. With a big SPLASH they throw him into the pool. 
As he surfaces he begins yelling at his friends. 
“What the hell!!!”
They all laugh at him - he pretends to be mad, but he can't help but laugh along with them. 
“Help me out, dipshit,” he says to the nearest friend. The guy reaches down to help him out of the pool, but Seungkwan pulls him into the water instead. The rest of them let out a loud OOOOOOOOH before jumping into the pool after them. 
You scoff at their stupidity, but you can't help but laugh too. 
“Wanna go inside, y/n?” your old roommate asks you. “I heard there's an air hockey table in there.”
“I’m terrible at air hockey,” you inform them, but you agree. As you step through the door to the house, you take one look back. Seungkwan and his buddies are now playing chicken in the pool. You swear you see him looking at you from atop his buddy’s shoulders, but moments later he gets whacked with a pool noodle and falls into the water. You roll your eyes as you go in the house. Idiots. 
But you secretly still hope you can talk to him again later. 
Your wish comes true - sort of. 
The sun is long set, and pretty much everybody is in the hot tub. You were chilling with a few others, but more and more people started joining in. It’s getting a bit crowded, but Seungkwan happens to be two people over from you. You’ve ended up between two different conversations, participating in neither, but listening along as he talks about the new music he’s been listening to lately. 
Suddenly, a massive uproar arises from indoors. 
In an instant nearly everybody leaps out of the hot tub, whooping and cheering as they follow the drunken chanting into the house. 
Everybody but Seungkwan. 
He fixes his eyes on you - his eyelids slightly heavy from numerous beers, his red-tinted cheeks illuminated in the dim glow of the backyard string lights, his lips seemingly extra plush, soft, kissable… 
He has never looked more stunning than he does right now. 
A lazy smile spreads across his face. “No shots for you, then?”
You shake your head. “Nah, I'm okay.”
“Me too.”
A few moments of silence pass. He gazes at you as if he has something he wants to say, but he hesitates. Despite the lack of conversation, it feels… comfortable. Like you could sit in silence all night with him and not get bored - his presence is more than enough. 
“Can I ask you a dumb question?” he finally asks, the look on his face slightly sheepish. 
“Sure,” you respond, working overtime to maintain your calm exterior despite your heart rate rising. “Though - I'm sure it's not dumb,” you add affirmatively.  
He reclines, lifting his elbows and placing his arms casually along the edge of the hot tub. He looks up at the moonlit night sky, as if reminiscing. 
“Do you remember when we kissed that one time?”
You feel as if you've suddenly been electrocuted. You don't know what you expected him to ask, but it certainly wasn't that. 
He continues. “It was at the very beginning of college - before classes had even started. At a house party. We were both drunk, you probably don't even remember-”
“No I remember,” you blurt out. He turns his head to you again, a look of genuine surprise upon his face. 
“You do?” he responds, momentarily forgetting to contain his elation. 
“Of course,” you reply with a nod. 
“You must have a really good memory, then,” he says nonchalantly - but you can tell he hopes there's something more to it. 
“Not really,” you admit. His eyes remain locked on yours. He turns slightly, facing you. 
“I've thought about it often over the years. Thought about you.” 
Your stomach drops. 
He drifts a bit closer through the softly bubbling water, his eyes locked on you. “Sometimes I wonder what things would be like if I’d ever had the courage to ask you out.”
You stare back at him, too stunned to respond. His lips curl into a smile. 
“What's that look for?” he asks. His big brown eyes are practically sparkling.
“I…” you start, but your mind goes blank. You're still trying to process his words. 
“I had no idea you felt that way,” you eventually manage to say. “Honestly, I didn't even know if you remembered who I was.”
“You're kinda hard to forget.”
“Oh,” is what manages to come out of your mouth. You feel dizzy.
“What do you mean, courage?” you ask him. 
“Hm? Oh, I mean you’re just so… out of my league.”
You let out a sharp, incredulous laugh. It’s Seungkwan’s turn to look confused. 
“It's true!” he proclaims. 
You gawk back at him. He laughs. 
“You look flabbergasted.”
“I am flabbergasted,” you concur. “You're the one who's way out of my league!”
He shakes his head. “You're crazy. But that's why I like you.” He drifts toward you even further, fully sitting beside you now. His shoulder brushes against yours. A rush of adrenaline pulses through your body. 
“That,” he continues, “and the fact that you're one of the smartest people I know. And kind. And funny. And…”
Gently, he takes your chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting your face up toward his. 
“So beautiful.”
Without a further thought, you kiss him. 
He kisses you back, with such passion that can only be achieved by a prolonged period of yearning. He cradles your face in his hand, the other reaching for your waist under the water. You grasp his shirt in your fist, melting into the kiss you've been dreaming of for years. You slide your other hand underneath the drenched fabric of his tee, wrapping around to the small of his back, drawing him in even closer. He wraps both arms around you, pulling you onto his lap, squeezing your body tightly against his as his lips hungrily lock into yours. Your mind is completely devoid of any thoughts unrelated to Seungkwan - you only think of him, of his words to you, of the sensations of his figure touching yours, of the hardening form beneath his trousers pressing against your core. 
After what feels like a blissful eternity, your lips delicately part, your mouths lingering next to one another. You’re fully sat upon him now, straddling his thighs as he holds you tight in his arms. You slide your arms over his shoulders, shifting yourself upwards - ostensibly to position yourself more comfortably, but also conveniently grinding against the bulge in his swim trunks. He groans at the sensation.  
He looks up at you, longingly. You're both still somewhat inebriated, but sobered up enough from the adrenaline rush of physical touch. 
“What if we…,” you start, pausing to plant several kisses onto his soft cheeks. 
“...got out of here?”
His eyes light up with excitement. 
“We could head to my place-”
“Nuh-uh,” he interjects. “That'll take too long,” he  mumbles as he presses his mouth against your neck. You let out an involuntary noise. 
“I've waited long enough. I want you now.”
His voice grumbling in your ear makes your pussy ache. 
“I happen to be staying the night in the guest bedroom,” he tells you as he runs his fingers gently up and down your back. “Upstairs - third door on the left at the end of the halfway.”
You draw your face back, pressing your forehead against his. 
“Well that's convenient.”
He grins. “You go first. I’ll join you in a couple minutes.”
You quickly dry off, don your coverup, and enter the buzzing house. You worry that someone is going to see you heading upstairs and ask you what you're doing - but nobody even seems to realize you're there. They're all too drunk to notice or give a shit. 
Acting as if you belong there, you head up the large staircase. Upstairs you find a ridiculously long hallway - you approach the third door on the left, giving a soft knock in case anyone else has decided to use the room for similar purposes. Hearing nothing from the other side, you enter. The guest room is fairly large, equipped with the usual furnishings, with Seungkwan’s bag and things tidily placed in their appropriate spots. A king size bed with expensive-looking sheets and a plethora of pillows awaits. 
Before you can even start to overthink everything, the room is flooded with light from the door opening abruptly. Startled, you turn around to see the light extinguished as quickly as it appeared as Seungkwan shuts the door behind him and turns the lock. He arrived shirtless - which makes sense considering that his t-shirt would've been sopping wet due to him wearing it in the pool, but his unexpected half-nakedness certainly makes your insides jolt. Even in the dimness of the room, even with damp strands of hastily towel-dried hair laying disheveled across his forehead, he is strikingly hot. 
“That was fas-”
“Couldn't wait,” he says as he grabs your face, pulling you in for a sloppy kiss. You grasp onto the bulge in his shorts, squeezing lightly. He moans into your mouth as he kisses you still. You grab ahold of your coverup, starting to remove it, but his hands snap up to your wrists, stopping you. 
“Hold on,” he mutters, his lips barely separated from yours. 
His fingers delicately trace the swimsuit’s thin straps though the sheer outer fabric. He lifts his hand and cups your face in his palm, stroking your cheek softly with his thumb. 
“I wanna watch.”
He pulls the desk chair out and sits down, his supple thighs spreading apart to accommodate what appears to be a thick fucking cock, still growing in size. 
You raise an eyebrow at him. “I mean, I’m only wearing a swimsuit, it's not gonna take long.”
“Take your time, baby.”
And so you make a show out of it. 
You caress your breasts through the sheer top, squeezing them gently. You run your fingertips over your nipples, causing them to harden and visibly poke through the swimsuit. Seungkwan moans at the sight of them, reaching his hand down to his cock and stroking it slowly through his shorts. 
You peel your outer garment off your body in slow motion, discarding it to the floor. You run your hands back down your body, hugging every curve; one hand returns to your breast, pinching your nipple, while the other keeps sliding down, finding your clit and massaging it lightly over the fabric. 
“God that's fucking hot.”
He reaches his hand into his shorts, letting out a pathetic whine as he touches himself. You feel your cunt throb beneath your fingers. 
“Take those off,” you plead.  
He gives a few more slow pumps before sliding his trousers off, tossing them aside. Your eyes widen as his length springs free, brushing against his stomach. He’s even bigger than you expected, not only long but fat. Genuinely, you're not sure how he could even possibly fit inside you - but that makes you crave it even more. 
Slowly you slide your swim top to the side, your erect nipple growing even harder in the cool air of the room. You run your hand over your bare tit, reaching across to expose the other. Seungkwan’s hand falls into a steady rhythm as he strokes his cock. He leans his head back, sinking into the chair, his eyes glazed over as they pore over your body. You continue, sliding the reminder of your swimsuit off and discarding it on the floor. He groans as his grip tightens, his pace increasing. 
You step forward. 
“Can I…”
You drop to your knees, sliding your hands onto his thighs, positioning your face in front of his cock. 
“Oh god, please,” he begs, nodding his head fervorously. 
You grab onto his cock, running your tongue from his balls to his tip. He moans, the sounds turning whinier as you begin to swirl your tongue around the head. By the time you take his entire length into your throat, he is full on whimpering. 
He places his hand upon your head, pushing down lightly. You slide your mouth up and down his cock, swallowing him so deep it makes you gag - but that only makes you wetter. He pushes your head down harder, pressure increasing more and more as his body writhes beneath you. 
“Oh my god baby,” he moans. “Fuckkkk y/n, ‘m gonna cum.”
His thighs begin to shake as he thrusts into your mouth, holding your head in place as he releases. Your eyes flood with tears as you choke on his size, hot spurts of cum deliciously hitting the back of your throat. His moans taper off as he comes down, his hand gently stroking your hair. You pull your mouth off his cock, looking up at him as you swallow all of his cum. 
“Jesus christ, you're so hot,” he praises as he catches his breath. After several silent moments of deep breathing, he rises, pulling you to your feet with him. His hands grasp your hips, pushing you toward the bed as he kisses you, his tongue slipping into your mouth to taste himself on you. You reach the side of the bed, the back of your legs bumping against the mattress; he swings you around, swapping places with you as he sits down. He plants a series of kisses on your stomach before gazing up at you, still high off his orgasm as revealed by his warm, glowing pink cheeks. 
“Will you sit on my face?”
You hesitate. You run your hands through his hair as you ask, “Are you sur-”
“Yes. Please.”
He lays down, resting upon the bed's many pillows. 
“You don't even know how many times I’ve dreamed of this.”
He pulls you onto the bed, on top of him. You crawl up toward his face, your pussy lingering in front of his lips. He grabs your hips again, pulling you onto his mouth. You cry out as he buries his face in your cunt, his lips and tongue traversing your soaked folds. 
“Fuck you're so wet,” he mumbles, refusing to remove his mouth from you any further. He begins to fuck you with his tongue, his nose pressing against your clit in a way that drives you fucking crazy. You grind your hips, the friction against your sensitive spot sending waves of pleasure through your body. You ride his face, hips bucking lightly as he eats you out like there’s no tomorrow. 
He drags his tongue up your slit, locking his lips around your clit, making you let out ungodly noises as he sucks on the throbbing bud. His arms wrap around your thighs, squeezing tightly as he holds you firmly against his face. He alternates between flattening his tongue against your clit, swirling his tongue around it, sucking on it - the combination of sensations driving you over the edge. 
You grip onto the headboard, white-knuckled, as your legs begin to shake. 
“I’m gonna cum,” you cry, looking down at the man whose face is buried in your cunt. He gazes at you, his eyes drunk with lust, taking in the sight of you moaning and losing your mind to his touch. “Seungkwan…”
Your orgasm takes over, riding out your climax upon his tongue. You clutch onto your breast, whimpering shamelessly, seeing stars as you cum all over his face. Time seems to stop as pleasure explodes through your whole being. 
His tongue slows as you come down, licking you softly as you brush your fingers through his tousled locks. With heavy breaths you climb off of his face, clinging to him as you lay next to him. Seungkwan quickly rolls over on top of you, his huge cock fully erect again - clearly extremely turned on by making you cum. 
You open your legs, aligning your soaked cunt with its head. 
“Fuck me,” you plead breathily. 
He slowly pushes his cock into you. As wet and ready as you are, nothing could have prepared you for his size. The stretch is instant, your walls forming around his thickness. You've never felt more full in your life. 
You let out a groan as he bottoms out, filling up your whole cunt. He begins fucking you, rhythmically pounding into you as his breath heaves with each thrust. You shift your hips, allowing him to go even deeper. He kisses you, pressing his lips against yours desperately, your moans unceasing but muffled against his mouth. Soon, he's fucking you hard - and it feels heavenly. 
“Harder,” you beg. 
His eyes devour you, his reddened cheeks glistening with sweat as he gives you every inch of his cock. His eyes close, his face scrunching up as his breathing grows heavy. 
“Gonna make me cum again, oh fuck…” he barely manages to get out before his moaning rises in pitch. He gets only a few more thrusts in before he pulls out; he grabs his cock and gives it several powerful strokes before he cums a second time, white ropes painting your dripping pussy and your stomach. 
With a deep exhale, he plops onto the bed right beside you, tucking his head into the crook of your neck. His fingers graze over your body as he reaches for your breasts, squeezing them softly as he recovers, his chest rising and falling against you with heavy but slowing breaths. 
“That was…” he says as he strokes his hands softly against your cheek, turning your head to face him. 
You let out a giggle, your head still spinning from getting dicked the fuck down. 
“Soooo…” he starts, shifting his body to lay comfortably on his side. “I promise I wasn't stalking you or anything, but I did hear that you got a job in the same city as me.”
You stare back at him, confused. 
“But I thought you were moving back to your hometown?” 
He smiles. “I was planning to, but at the last minute I decided to take this offer. I wanted to be closer to most of my friends. But - I happened to hear you'd be moving there too. And I’d be lying if I said that wasn't at least a little bit of a factor in my decision.”
Your eyes light up as you process his words. 
“Honestly, I only came to this party because I thought I’d never see you again,” you admit. 
He gives you a cheeky grin. “So you came here intending on hooking up with me.”
“No!!” you balk at him, but a smile spreads across your face too. “Well… maybe a little. I figured I had only one more chance to shoot my shot. And I knew I'd regret it if I didn't at least try.” 
He beams at you softly. “Well, I sure am glad you did.”
“Me too,” you beam back. 
“Though,” you add, “Now that you've rearranged my guts I think you should at least take me out to dinner.”
Seungkwan bursts out laughing. 
“You’re ridiculous,” he tells you, but he leans in for another kiss. 
“But I’d absolutely love to.”
taglist: @juyeonshour @bath1lda @miniseokminnies @myhimbomingi
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anitabyars · 1 year
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Playing to Win by Monica Murphy is now live!
Ready to fall for the ultimate player? Check out the latest sports romance by New York Times bestselling author Monica Murphy...
Ace Townsend is the biggest player on campus.
The sexy new quarterback on the football team.
I should probably mention he’s also a complete flirt. The life of the party wherever he goes.
Someone I should avoid at all costs.
It’s difficult though, when I’m on the social media crew for the football team and we’re out on the field during practice almost every day, filming them. On the sidelines at games. Hanging out with them at bars. The more I spend time with Ace, the more I’m drawn to him. The attraction is there, but it’s more than that. I actually like him. We have a connection, and he definitely feels it too. The problem?
I signed a contract when I started on the social media team with a ‘no dating athletes’ clause. They’re strictly off limits. If we get caught together? It’s cause for my immediate termination. I love my new job and don’t want to risk it, but I’m falling for Ace.
We’re all for sneaking around and keeping our growing relationship secret, but it’s starting to wear on us. Ace is determined to win me at all costs, though he doesn’t want to be the reason I lose my job, but…
Maybe the two of us being together is worth the risk.
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Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited
Amazon: https://bit.ly/3pvDdlq
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My Review
5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Wow! I couldn’t get enough of these two. Their story was simply irresistible! If you love College Sport romance stories this is one you don’t want to miss. My favorite of the series!
The chemistry between Ace and Ruby is off-the-charts HOT! Monica Murphy has a true gift for building palpable tension and creating a romance that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Every stolen glance, every secret touch, every witty exchange, and every tender moment adds fuel to the fire of their attraction, making it impossible to resist the pull of their love story.
Ace Townsend is the biggest flirt and player on campus. The new starting quarterback for Colorado University football team. When he is introduced to Ruby Maguire at a New Years Eve party he is smitten, but before he knows it, she has gotten the wrong impression and is gone, but definitely not forgotten.
Ruby Maguire has just transferred to Colorado University and is offered a position on the social media team for the football team, she knows it could be difficult to work around Ace after what happened on New Years Eve. But soon filming the team every day, hanging with them after games, becomes more and with every glance, every secret touch, their connection is hard to deny. But then she finds out there is another problem she didn’t even realize. Ruby signed a contract when she started her position that states she can’t get involved with any players. Oops!
“What are you hoping to win?” she asks, her tone cautious. I go with my gut and answer her. “ I’ve already told you this before, Ruby. I’m in it to win you.”
These two are simply irresistible. But what will happen if their secret relationship is revealed? You will need to read to get all the “Hot & Steamy” details!!!
I received an early copy and this is my honest review.
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